#okay so take measures to prevent that situation
mitchmarner · 2 years
i’d honestly rather people shamelessly steal my gifs than do the half-assed “all credit goes to the owners 💓” bullshit. it just shows that you’re aware it’s shitty to steal other peoples work but still can’t be bothered with the 2 seconds it takes to type out their url.
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the-music-maniac · 9 months
Not that I read mpreg all that often (not really my thing generally speaking) but I came across some "Sanji is pregnant" fics in the sanzo/zosan tag, and not nearly the same amount for Zoro. It got me thinking about the trope. I think the lack of Zoro fics here is a tragic oversight. I think we as a fandom are absolutely and tragically ignoring the potential comedy gold of Zoro being the one to be pregnant instead.
Because when people write Sanji, the general trend I'm seeing (upon scanning through some of the fics quickly) is that he's cautious about it. Conscientious, careful to make sure things are okay. Which - arguably I could see, Sanji is probably the more practical of the two (not by a whole lot but still)and he didn't have a good childhood. Sanji being pregnant is usually a fic about his heaps of parental issues, childhood trauma and angst - which is fun to read. It's good. It's amazing, even.
Zoro being pregnant is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT gonna be a COMEDY. We're talking about a man who once tried to fight Kuina holding like 20 bokkens. We're talking about a man who got stuck in wax and thought the reasonable solution was to cut off his legs.
The entire crew spends the next 9 months tearing their hair out, preventing Zoro from doing stupid shit (exhibit A: cutting off his own limbs). They spend the same amount of time trying to stop Luffy from gum-gum-grabbing Zoro and yeeting him anytime he needs to get them out of a sticky situation.
The crew (mostly Sanji) is on 24/7 prevent-zoro-from-drinking-alcohol duty (impossible). Chopper is constantly stressed in the later months cause no one puts it past Zoro to get lost somewhere, give birth out in the woods and come strolling back with a baby tucked under his arm. They have to start hiding Zoro's dumbbells.
Franky and Usopp design and build a nursery and spends the entire time suspiciously teary eyed. Sanji tries to pretend he's unaffected but spends an entire night creating a 9 month meal plan of all the nutrients Zoro and the baby are gonna need. Not even a day later, one of the crew finds him up at 2 am making a mountain of food because Zoro made the mistake of offhandedly mentioning he had particular pregnancy craving within earshot of Sanji. In the end Zoro has to sit on him to stop Sanji from running himself ragged.
Robin keeps spouting morbid childbirth facts and quotes from parental advice books in equal measure. Nami keeps going on shopping sprees for cute baby clothes and adding the cost of them to Zoro's debt. Brook keeps writing lullabies and trying to sing them to Zoro's stomach. Zoro 100% uses his pregnancy belly as an excuse to walk around without a shirt 24/7 without getting nagged.
Somehow word gets out that the famous pirate hunter Zoro is pregnant, and at the next big fight with the Marines, half the soldiers refuse to fight him and instead start telling him to sit down, take it easy, shouting advice at him etc. Etc. Zoro loses his shit a little bit and cuts their boat in half.
Mihawk, upon finding out, tells Zoro in no uncertain terms that that is his grandchild and he's expecting them to visit so he can meet the baby when they're born. Zoro vehemently denies that Mihawk is his father (he is). Zeff upon finding out, is almost as bad as Sanji when it comes to being a mother hen. Perona buys even more baby clothes for the baby. She buys one singular shirt for Zoro as a joke, and it coincidentally happens to be the exact same brand of "mama" crop top he was forced to wear in that one filler episode. Zoro tries to chuck it into the ocean (he fails).
I'm essentially saying it would be absolute chaos, and it would be the funniest thing I've ever read. 9 months of Marimo wrangling. Can you imagine the look on Zoro's face if one of the opponents he was fighting were to tell him that he's "glowing"?
PLEASE, I would actually wheeze myself to death. The best part is you can still have plenty of Sanji angst. He still has parental issues except now they're flavoured with "I'm not ready to be a father" and "I'm terrified I'm gonna become my biological sperm donor" and "please don't die because of childbirth complications, that happened to my mother(sort of, I know she died after but it kinda counts), and I can't handle that happening again to you". Lots of cute/tender moments of Zoro comforting and reassuring Sanji. We can even have Zoro angst. He probably views protecting his crew as the one and only job he's good for (not true but that's probably what he thinks). Not being able to fulfill that is probably not helping his self esteem, and that sense of uselessness warring with his need to protect the baby - but the contradictory thing here is that to protect the baby he HAS to sit back and let other people do that FOR him. That plus all the other restrictions, people treating him differently, but him at the same time refusing to view his own child as a weakness. Imagine the havoc that would wreak. Oh my god.
Y'all don't understand, I don't even read mpreg that often and yet this is literally my ideal fic HAHAAAAA
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lucettapanchetta · 7 months
Moon's Requiem, Subversion AU 1#
Text Version + Textless Version of Moon overclocking herself to solve the Great Problem.
Also... free broadcast!
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[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Seven Red Suns, No Significant Harassment [ Her communications have been offline for quite some time... I hope she's okay. ] [ Likewise, I'm more concerned about the extreme heat fluctuations coming from her superstructure though. She must be overclocking herself to an unhealthy degree. ] [ ...are you sure we can't find another method into getting more info about her whereabouts? ]
[ At the moment, no. Moon's 'security measures' to prevent any overseers from entering her superstructure are currently, very intricate to say the least. ] [ How so? ]
[ Chasing Wind -- about several cycles ago attempted to take some photographs of her exterior, and well... they melted in about fifteen minutes. ] [ Are you serious?! Overseers are supposed to be able to tolerate high temperature environments. If an overseer couldn't be able to process a single photograph on her superstructure, then what are we supposed to do? ] [ Even more importantly, Five Pebbles is 'extremely' close to Moon. ] [ Both figuratively and literally. ] [ ... ] [ Could you please refrain from making jokes out of a potentially dangerous situation? ] [ Sorry, just trying to lighten the mood is all. ] [ On a more important note, we should talk to Five Pebbles about this. If I'm correct, he might be able to give us a proper explanation of her status. ] [ ...well, if that is the case, could I ask something of you? ] [ Sure! What did you have in mind? ] [ Try to arrange some sort of message relay over to Pebbles when we both have the time. When we begin, I will attempt to transcribe as much as possible and signal the broadcast over to Moon. ] [ ...and how will that get through her impregnable fortress? ] [ It won't, ...but hopefully her transmission arrays are still in good shape. ] [ Right. ] [ Guess I will start scheduling that soon. ]
[ Thank you. ] [ No need to thank me. I care about Moon as much as you care about Pebbles, and you know how much we would do for both of them. ] [ Yes, very much. ]
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Can I have a interaction separately with Crewel daughter who graduated and accepted to be the bride of the guys ( Maulles, Leona, Vil, Idia, Silver, and Jamil ) saying liked
" Even if the world will or might hate you, I will not as you are my love, so please let me carry your burdens as well as you carry mine we are equal in this marriage "
Giving a soft smile at them and holding their hand softly in her much smaller ones, as here eyes she truly loved them, even more she even carrying their child in her large belly
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Okay one milestone at a time 
Crewel’s daughter isn’t doing anything with anyone without preventative measures
“Because dogs who aren’t neutered don’t deserve to play in the pen!”
^^^Crewels words not mine
But let's say after graduation
Everyone’s going their separate ways and for whatever reason you’ve decided you can’t stand to let them leave
And those words kind of sound like the declaration of someone proposing after a heap load of an event 
More specifically a reputation shattering one:
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Malleus Draconia
Imagine his overblot just being that bad or just someone outwardly announcing how much of a monster they think he is for simply existing Rollo 
He’s feeling disheartened and wondering if he even deserves you since he’s such a monster
And when you finally climb up on his perch on top of the school you keep your balance
“Hey, how are you feeling?”
“...I cannot help but worry I truly am as they say…a monster…perhaps that is all I am.”
You sigh tapping on his shoulder and beckoning him to stand
And like your good dragon he does 
“I wanted to do this when we planned to go to the Briar Valley Ball but here goes.” 
You try to kneel down but he stops you simply because he’s just worried you’re falling
But you shake him off to continue your kneel
 popping the question with a large obsidian and emerald encrusted ring
He’s blushing, his eyes are glowing, his tails out and waving in excitement, and his wings are fluttering about as well
He’s happily accepting you’re official engagement
He might have not really understood why you started kneeling but he knew what rings meant and the words “Marry me” meant
He’s scooping you up and your not going to be able to go home without a claiming mark or two
Your father was probably well-aware this was something you had been preparing for
And really really reluctantly encouraging you as you detailed your custom ring for Malleus
“At least if I’m giving my sweet pup away it’ll be to the most powerful magic caster in Twisted Wonderland.”
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Leona Kingscholar
Either the media has gotten a hold of his overblot situation or a really public squabble with Falena
He’s retreated from the castle or hiding away in a nearby abandoned building
He really just wanted to be alone
He was so angry because it was always like this 
And at this rate some other obstacle was going to come in between you and him 
How was he supposed to mow that down when everyone’s so busy whispering about every little thing about him
So you’re cautious making plenty of identifying noise that its you coming by so that he isn’t startled
He doesn’t bother holding back his frustration maybe even telling you about his worries that even he is unworthy of you
“And I bet you just want to leave now, right?”
“Don’t even try to lie, you might as well think I’m the level of dirt aren’t I!?”
“And even worse he’s just going to pretend–”
“Leona shut up and let me propose!”
It takes him a while to register when you shove the box into his toned chest
But he wouldn’t have it any other way
Declaring your love for him he’s so pleased
He might even cry
But he was happy that for certain you’d be his 
Now it probably be pretty counter productive if he tried to stage an assassination plot, right?
Crewel’s probably chugging away at some pixie rum as he wonders where he went wrong
“Of all the motley curs it had to be him…maybe its the muscles…what in the Great Seven’s does she see in him of all people?!”
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Vil Schoenheit
Any major smear campaign really that might have turned a good chunk of fans away or really rooted out the people he decided to keep close
Either hits hard and it hurts
In an established relationship he has no doubt you won’t leave him
You’ll most definitely stay by his side while he gets through this rough patch
He isn’t too much right?
Too much to deal with right?
He needs you to tell him how much you love him more than anytime ever
He’ll need you to keep repeating it to him as he falls asleep when he wakes up
Heck, send him a recording not that he doesn’t already have a library full
He’ll smile and confidently defend his name to the end but he needs you more than ever
He’s not above locking you up if your unwilling
Its that bad
“Vil come to the gazebo, I have something to tell you.”
He fears the worst 
Are you really trying to leave him now of all times
He has the potion in his pocket as he steels himself not to start begging you right now
But he’s even more caught off guard when your grabbing his hand and holding it to your lips as you look into his eyes
“Marry me Vil Schoenheit.”
He’s going to cry as he says yes and you put that giant diamond and amethyst ring on his finger
“You know we’ll have to wait until this scandal dies down?”
“Why should we? This doesn’t concern them, your married to me aren’t you?”
He’s probably fallen ten times harder now
Crewel is resigned, he kind of thought this would happen 
“What can I say? She has her father’s eye for talent and theatrics.” 
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Idia Shroud
He’s revealed to have overblotted or outed as the major gamer behind some of the top rankings 
He feels betrayed most of all
Gaming was his out and thanks to some vengeful fans of another gamer they almost ruined to for him
Or bringing more shame to the STYX corporation then he meant
First Ortho, then his overblot, now this
Let him be the little spoon 
And kiss him all over
And don’t leave the bed without him
This is a hard one, his hair makes it hard for him to go anywhere without someone recognizing him
“I’ll just never go outside again! Yup that's it!”
“Don’t be so dramatic! How am I supposed to marry you if you do that!?”
You’ll do something officially for him of course but the ‘m’ word in general has him spiraling alone
so maybe prefacing your declaration with this will ease the blow
Go through a life altering crisis just to get the equivalent of a goddess to marry him?!
It was totally worth it
Now Ortho’s happy he just don’t know what you did to give his brother this sudden motivation to clean up his act
Crewel’s also getting the Pixie Rum for this one
“Maybe she’s fond of the lacking breeds of the bunch? I don’t understand it in the slightest.”
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Silver Vanrouge
Fae community looking down on him probably
‘Why is a human even trying to protect our king? That’s quite the insult in and of itself’
He hates this
He hates it most of all 
Despite what many might think he knows they think he’s weak 
Same goes for other humans except that they know he’s…just out of touch
“Why…is it like this…?”
Lilia is there for him and Malleus comforts him but it doesn’t help
Where can he truly be someone that fits 
Someone worthy of you in the first place 
He’s not one to bottle his feelings but he doesn’t want everyone to hear
He’s also debating if he should finally take his father up on his advice to lock up who you love dearly
Anyway in blades of grass as your cushion he rests his head in your lap
“Am I truly worthy of you? Can I even prove that I am with all that I’m lacking? I went through Night Raven and have still found I’m so much lesser than you should have…”
He turns lying face flat into your thighs as he bows down to you
“Do you even still want me?!”
You lift his head declaring your love
“I’m going to marry you, Silver. ‘Want’ is an understatement.”
Crewel is holding the bridge of his nose as tightly as possible as he listens to your future father-in-law go on and on
“Ain’t that nice? We’re going to legally be a family!”
“Whatever. Don’t talk to me until the day of.”
“Don’t be like that Papa-in-law!”
“AGH Of all the picks of the litter it had to be him!?”
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Jamil Viper
Al Asim family and his family finding out about his overblot and casting him out
He’s prepared for this 
He knew it would happen and it isn’t surprising
Not to mention he’s free now
What was he going to do now
He couldn’t demand to keep you and not know what he was doing with his life
He really dropped the ball on this one
He didn’t expect them to find out so soon
Or for his entire family to cut him off without a second word
He couldn’t believe he was saying it but he was almost happy Kalim was retaliating at them on his behalf
Relying on Kalim in his own debt felt even worse now
This would most certainly dent his plans to use snake charmer to travel with him 
You’re going to have to pull him out of his work
Which he most certainly has buried himself into 
Cook him some curry and take him on a date on the magic carpet under the moonlight
“I understand you might be trying to send me off with a nice date and my favorite food but—”
He has no intentions of letting you leave him 
“You think I’m trying to break this off? And I thought we established that you were smarter than Kalim?”
He’s stunned as you declare your love for him giving him a deep kiss right after for good measure
Crewel is actually pleased with this matchup on the surface but even the most loyal pups have their flaws
“Why must you pick the pups from Night Raven, darling daughter? They aren’t the worst of the litter…but they have their own…kinks.”
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aettuddae · 1 month
business matter — chapter 108.
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↳ synopsis: two of the most important kpop companies covet a partnership with a huge global brand, only to be surprised when the deal is extended to both labels. fearing potential sabotage and cynical strategies to secure exclusivity for just one of them, both CEOs resort to desperate measures. in a bid to maintain trust and prevent betrayal before the signing, they come up with a pact: forcing a fake relationship between the leaders of their star girlgroups. if one side attempted to fail the other, they threaten to expose it all to the conservative south korea.
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[written chapter]
"i'll be back later, okay?" notified sejeong as she pulled the doorknob. "if you need anything just call me." she offered.
"don't worry, you will only be gone for a few hours." calmed serim from the living room couch. "ning is here." she pointed her index finger at the girl who paced around the place looking for pillows to pile up and then lay on top of.
"i'm here." affirmed the younger girl, pointing her thumbs at herself and smiling graciously.
"okay." kim gave them a tender look back. "see you later." she bid goodbye and then left the apartment as she would be going to dinner with her friends.
"there are no more pillows, you've grabbed them all already." joked the owner of the department who, turning her attention back to the other, noticed that she was still on her mission to assemble a bed on the floor.
"it's not finished yet." laughed ningning, focused on continuing her search.
"why don't you just lie on the couch with me?" she proposed, her voice soft, welcoming.
"because you're so restless." she confessed in amusement.
"that was once." she reminisced about one of the many movie nights they'd had where ningning had decided to snuggle up to serim, but the older girl, not being interested in the movie, had been unable to stay in place. "you know i'm not always like that."
"semmie, i'm sorry i have to be the one to tell you." she closed her eyes and put her hand on her chest dramatically. "but you're, indeed, always like that." she sentenced, innocently teasing the older girl.
serim let out a laugh, she couldn't contradict her, yes it was hard for her to keep still and she knew ningning was perfectly aware of that, as no one had as much patience for her as she did. but it was a movie date and it didn't make any sense for them to sit in different places during the night.
other than that, serim would do anything to have a pretty woman in her arms.
jang stood up, walked over to the makeshift bed the girl was setting up to grab one of the cushions and threw it back on the couch, repeating the action with the rest.
"hey!" ningning knew the reasons why the whimsical serim was doing it so she couldn't help but find it funny. "leave my bed." she ran over to where the objects were being shot to try to return them to the place she had put them before, but it only became an endless loop.
"i'm your date!" she remembered. "you have to cuddle with me!" she said with obviousness.
"it's not my fault you have hyperactivity!" the youngest attacked.
ningning realized that trying to reassemble the mattress was pointless if serim didn't stop actively ruining it, so she opted to stop the woman, taking steps towards her, even walking over the pillows, and resting her open palms on the older one's abdomen to exert force, thus pushing her away from her creation. the taller one resisted, using her legs to hold herself in place, she brought her hands to those of the blackhaired one to grab them and pull them away from her body, managing to lift them into the air with some effort, but now facing the struggle of yizhuo who would not give up so easily. they both pushed against each other, slightly trying to see who would lose balance first, while laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation.
serim was now determined not only to get the girl to lie down next to her and watch television, but, because of her competitive nature, also to win this battle of strength and equilibration. since there were no rules, nor was it an officially determined game, she had the idea of bringing her hold on ningning down and to the sides of their bodies. doing so, all the force the chinese was exerting was no longer supported, so her body lost its grip, and she suddenly went forward, crashing into serim's. jang, still holding her, hugged her around the waist, thus keeping both pairs of hands against the younger's back.
the reality is that serim was only doing her best to rest advantages from ning and prevent her from knocking her down, but when she lowered her gaze and met her face directly because of the closeness she had caused, she figured that the next thing to do was to kiss her.
she suddenly leaned towards the girl and joined her lips with hers, ningning still deprived of mobility in her arms could only reciprocate, although she had no objection, she had been waiting weeks for some moment that felt right to do exactly that, and she never thought it would be serim who initiated it. it was a deep kiss, intense, but without any rush, the kind that all first kisses should be, where you get to know the other person and give them a place in you.
serim let go of the shorter and this one almost instinctively slid her hands around her waist, while jang held ningning's face between her fingers subtly keeping it in place so that their mouths could not pull away. silence reigned in the apartment, only the sound of heavy breathing could be heard as they caressed each other with affection and patience, as ningning had always had for serim.
eventually the contact was broken, but they both kept such a short distance that they could have connected again if only they opened their lips, taking in the opposing presence and adjusting to it, enjoying it, their breaths colliding on each other's skin.
everything was fine, so why did it feel wrong?
they were both enveloped in that feeling that nothing made sense. the awareness of knowing that they had done nothing wrong, that they should be satisfied with the display of affection, and the subconscious leave that the natural order of things was being altered.
"was that because you genuinely wanted to do it or because you are desperate to somehow fill jimin's absence?" it was yizhuo who filled that existential void with words, almost without processing what she was saying, she could only find it in herself to be honest.
"ning," serim gave a sigh to then arrange the girl's hair, looking at her tenderly, but also somewhat wearily. "i wanted to do it." she confirmed, and she wasn't lying,
but wanting to do it didn't discount her desperation to get yu jimin out of her head.
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cowboyfromh3ll · 11 months
Touch starved/virgin kieran ends up cumming in his pants when making out with fem! Reader outside of camp. She's very femme, shy, and wears dresses not pants. 🥴
They went outside of camp together because kieran was afraid of what dutch or arthur would think if they saw him fraternizing with one of the gang's girls.
He's pretty embarassed about it, but she assures him that its okay, and they eventually part ways.
Another day, Kieran wants to make it up to her.
(Kieran Duffy x Fem!Reader Smut)
sorry if the ending is weird, I sprinkled in some of my horror weirdness
Warnings: Smut, mentions of animal death
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It was a situation in camp no one would have foreseen. Especially not from someone like you. Being so shy and bashful, all your actions thus came with demure. People’s assumptions that you were almost juvenile or passive in nature was nothing more than chargaining for you. Some of their more crude remarks deduced that you were too “pure” or “innocent” to have ever fooled around with anyone, much less slept with someone.
Yet here you were, nearly prancing hand in hand with Kieran as you ventured deeper into the woods surrounding the camp. You were well aware of any possible presences of someone keeping watch around camp, presences that might’ve interfered and ruined the moment. So you and Kieran made sure to stay well hidden besides a particularly thick tree; the tree seemed almost too conveniently placed, mother nature’s gift towards you and Kieran for having been such good gang members for the past few months. 
As you led Kieran past woods you lifted your long skirt in hand to make sure it did not snag on a crooked branch and tear, preventing anyone from asking where you had been and what you had been doing; which would inevitably devolve into a frenzied list of questions interrogating you. Kieran kept looking around frantically. Kieran seemed almost divorced from the act, too caught up in his own nerves to be able to focus his attention on you. As you settled behind the tree, there seemed to be a slightly tortured air to his expression, a cause of concern and mild irritation. 
“Kieran!” You hissed, snapping his attention back towards you. Your expression melted from one of dissatisfaction to comfort. “It’s okay.” You cupped his cheek, turning him to face you and to keep him facing you. “No one will see us!” You looked around the tree for extra measure, seeing nothing but trees in your line of sight. You looked back at him, offering a reassuring smile. As he focused his attention on you and not his surroundings, he seemed to relax. 
“Okay…Okay!” He squared his shoulders, feigning confidence that he hoped might translate to actuality. You were frisky, so you waited no longer before connecting your lips with his. 
You kissed him far more aggressively than you had meant to. You continued cupping his face as he snaked his trembling arms around you; scared that you, for some reason, would slap his arms away if he so much as dared to hold you. Kieran’s inexperience spoke for him through the kiss, sloppily reciprocating your osculation. Your teeth clashed together repeatedly, and he used far more tongue than necessary. It was like he was trying to devour your face. But your own lust fogged any judgment you might’ve had, and you hungrily accepted his tongue, sucking on it ravenously. 
Consequently, Kieran began to grind into you, and you pressed your pubis into him lifting your leg for direct contact. As if on cue, he gripped the back of your knee and held it against his hip bone as the two of you moved against each other. You looked down and saw his penis had begun to swell beneath his pants with a near embarrassing immediacy, as if he’d just pulled a cord to initiate inflation. You pressed even harder into him, kissing him so hard it was near violent, barely giving him the chance to catch a breath. You couldn’t help yourself, he was simply there for the taking. 
You felt Kieran stiffen and groan, a strange warmth spearing against his pelvis that you nascently felt through your own layers of clothing. You pulled away with an expression of confusion, his own face flushed and teary eyed. You both looked down and immediately took notice of the wet spot on his pants. 
“Oh!” You exclaimed, feeling a prideful sense of exultation at making him cum from minimal contact. 
“I am SO sorry—” Kieran began, covering his face with his hands. You covered your mouth as you giggled, waving your hand dismissively. 
“Oh don’t worry Kieran! It’s fine, I kinda like it.” You grinned, linking your hands behind you and fidgeting bashfully. Though it didn’t seem to reassure him too much. 
“You like it?” He asked, bewildered. 
“Yeah, I mean, I know you’re a virgin and all—” Kieran groaned at your reminder, making you giggle— “But making a guy cum so quickly, and from so little contact, is kinda like, an ego boost y’know?” 
Kieran began in a series of consecutive apologies, which you had to calm him down from before returning to camp. You insisted the two of you gather herbs and mushrooms together to make it appear as though you had done something else on your venture outside of camp to not draw suspicion upon your absence by returning empty handed—and with wet pants. 
Kieran held his handful of herbs unusually low as the two of you returned to camp. You greeted Javier casually, receiving a welcome smile from him; Kieran receiving a glare and a threat that if he tried anything, especially against you, he’d be getting it. You saw Kieran off his a chaste kiss that nobody saw before retreating deeper into camp with both your days worth of herbs in your arms, involving yourself with an ongoing conversation taking place by Pearson. 
The following days, Kieran thought of the embarrassing memory each night before bed, rolling around in his cot before trying to fall asleep. He wrung up the courage to approach you once again with lascivious intent, stuttering out that he wanted to repay you in any way he could. You squealed from just how cute he was being, feeling a non sexual tenderness for Kieran. Though that tenderness came before your accepting of his invitation, where you immediately adopted a sensual air. You led him far from camp once again, finding a thicker portion of woods to better hide your actions. 
You had ordered Kieran onto his knees, claiming you were about to teach him how to better put his mouth to use; a proclamation that made him swallow comically loud. He felt himself instantly begin to harden as you gave him a bounteous view of your legs, raising your skirt high enough to reveal your bloomers beneath. 
“Pull 'em down Kieran!” You exclaimed, tilting your pelvis towards him as you leaned your weight on the tree behind you. “What, you've never seen a lady’s bits before?” You teased, breaking into laughter, to which he became visibly embarrassed. You eased his humiliation by cupping his cheeks, tilting his head to look up towards you as you nodded reassuringly. He hooked shaky hands into the cotton of your bloomers, slowly pulling them down your legs. He revealed, inch by inch, more and more of your lower half. His breath hitched as he began to see the darkened trail of your pubes, gulping when he pulled them down your thighs and saw a glimpse of flesh past the hair. He hesitantly let the fabric go to pool at your boots, which you kicked off to the side enthusiastically. He looked up at you with questioning. 
“Alright, you’re gonna use your mouth but,” You lifted one leg over his shoulder, allowing him a better view of your genitals. “You can use your hands to spread me open, to help you get better access y’know?” You nodded your head enthusiastically, seeing his shoulders inflate with a sense of confidence. He settled his hands on either side of your pubis, peeling your folds apart and exposing you to the open air. You nudged the back of his head forward, then pointed at your bud. 
“That’s my clit, if you touch or lick it, it feels real good to a lady.” You informed him. In response, he leaned forward, the pink tip of his tongue emerging past his lips and poking at it. He looked almost scared when your body jostled, a tinge of pleasure just barely shooting up your loins. You nodded encouragingly, nudging his head once again. 
“You can kiss it, or suck on it.” You suggested, hoping he’d do either one. Initially, he lapped at you like a dog, but it provided you with enough stimulation to keep you somewhat satisfied. You suggested he enclose his lips around it to suck, to which you squealed loudly when he did. 
With each of your reactions, Kieran learned more and more. He even involved some of his fingers, rubbing you alongside his licking. Your body became rigid with pleasure, legs shaking uncontrollably. You were nearing orgasm as he continued, but it wasn’t quite enough to allow you to finish. 
Kieran’s rubbing was rather inconsistent, his force with sucking faltering then regaining as he struggled to deal with the alternating focus of using his fingers and tongue. Though it was pleasurable, you deemed it a work in progress. You stopped Kieran’s ministrations, deciding that if he couldn’t make you finish on his own, you could at least allow him to watch you cum. You knew you weren’t capable of going back to camp without remaining hot and bothered, so you were just dealing with what you would inevitably do anyways. 
You dipped your fingers past your folds toward your hole, gathering some of your slick and lathing it over your clit. Kieran watched with mesmerization, making mental notes as to what he should do next time as you rubbed yourself expertly. Within minutes, your pleasure reached its peak as your moans came to a crescendo, indicating you had finished. You came as Kieran watched, somehow finding it much more pleasurable with having him watching with such fascination. 
Without warning, you stuck your fingers in Kieran’s mouth. He seemed to be a fast learner, because he sucked and licked them clean without question. You praised Kieran for his ministrations, giving him a much longer and affectionate kiss to repay him. You allowed Kieran to hold onto your bloomers, and watched in amusement as he stuffed the fabric hurriedly into his pocket, watching the fabric bulge. 
The two of you walked back to camp, this time with a dead rabbit you had expertly killed, fueled by your sexual adrenaline. That night you laid in your tent, drawing the flaps closed so you could masturbate in peace. You reimagined the events of your day, urging your orgasm on by imagining Kieran losing his virginity to you, just moments before the rabbit appeared next to your copulating bodies, to which he’d deal a fatal blow to; succumbing to its wounds and dying.
Bounce - System Of A Down
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foodsies4me · 8 months
AWG but Alec has a warlock mark
Tagging @ariella9melody and @buglersholiday because you both asked for this prompt that ended up in Cat's POV because the majority of Alec's POV would have been a mixture of "don't speak to Magnus Bane", "don't speak of Magnus Bane" and "don't tell Catarina about Magnus Bane"
Catarina stares at the young teenager, barely more than a child, in front of her. She takes in the nervous way he’s clenching and unclenching his fingers, his eyes darting every so often to a smiling Magnus, who is discussing some last-minute details with Elder Musa.
The boy is clearly uncomfortable with Magnus being there and Catarina is still trying to figure out if that’s due to his parents or something else. She doesn't think it's the usual shadowhunter bigotry, though, which is a relief because she wouldn’t want him to fight to overcome self-hatred on top of everything he already has on his plate.
“So, Alec,” she says, “- are you fine with me calling you that? Or do you prefer something else?”
“Alec is fine,” he nods, eyes darting over to a slowly approaching Ragnor. “But - uh, I thought you were sending me back to the institute, so,” another look sent Magnus’ way and a sigh of relief when he leaves, “Why am I here?”
“I’ll make a portal for you,” Catarina reassures, trying not to scare the young teenager away or make him think they’re keeping him captive, “But you’re here so we can schedule a training regimen for you that wouldn’t interrupt your shadowhunter duties.”
Catarina tries to keep her voice even as she says this, trying to ignore the same impulse that had pushed several of the Elders to mention the word ‘kidnapping’ in more than a joking manner. Because it wasn’t enough for Alec to be in an immense amount of danger just by existing. No, the Lightwoods also had the fantastic idea of letting a thirteen-year-old patrol.
Alec furrows his eyebrows together, “Why?”
“To teach you how to control your magic,” Catarina says, confused by Alec’s sudden confusion. He had been the one to seek her out, after all, panic and fear were visible in every line of his body when he asked her for help because his glamour runes refused to work any longer.
Catarina had been confused at first, wariness and compassion in equal measure had put her on high alert, her magic scouring her surroundings for any other angelic signatures, which led to her only catching half of Alec’s explanation.
That confusion had faded the moment Alec had raised his shirt and twisted around to reveal white, opalescent scales that gathered into small diamond-like shapes along his spine. A warlock mark.
Catarina had been quick to contact Magnus and the other Elders despite the panicked request she keeps this between them. Something like a shadowhunter-born warlock, one that could bear runes unlike Tessa, was not something she would have been able to keep to herself. Not when that very fact put Alec into a world of danger.
Still, it had taken her nearly an hour to get Alec’s okay. The promise of blood oaths that would prevent her and the Elders from sharing the information with anyone else enough to finally convince him.
That's how they ended up in their current situation, though, Catarina is starting to realize there was some miscommunication somewhere down the line if Alec is asking her why she would help him train his magic.
“But you glamoured the…my back,” Alec says, eyebrows still furrowed in confusion. “That’s all I needed.”
Catarina gentles her voice, “Untrained magic is dangerous magic,” she says, repeating the sentence her own teacher had installed into her at a young age.
Alec somehow looks even more confused.“But I don’t have magic,” he corrects, breaking his parade’s rest to scratch at a spot over his chest. “I’m pretty sure I would have noticed if I had.”
“Maybe it’s weaker because of your angelic blood,” Catarina muses, walking over to her couch and inviting him over. “But I can assure you, you do.”
Alec presses his lips together, “I don’t want to be a bother,” he says, sounding old and painfully young all at once. “You mentioned you’re a nurse and I don’t want to take up your free time to accommodate my schedule.”
There’s something infuriatingly adult in the way he speaks, a maturity that comes from being forced to grow up past your age. Then again, she thinks sardonically, being used like the Nephilim equivalent of canon fodder will do that to you.
Seriously, a thirteen-year-old patrolling. Most warlocks wouldn’t let their children or apprentices brew a harmless beginner's potion by themselves at that age.
“I’m sure we can figure out something that would work out for the both of us,” she says, conjuring a pen and a notepad that she holds out to him. “Now, what about you write down your schedule and I write mine down.”
Alec does as ordered and starts writing down his weekly schedule to her growing horror. Starting at half past five in the morning, Alec's days seem to stretch well until midnight on the nights that he isn't patrolling and that will just not stand.
"As a nurse, I'm obliged to tell you that the recommended amount of sleep for a child your age is eight to ten hours a day."
"I'm a shadowhunter, not a child," Alec says with an assertiveness that doesn't come from defensiveness, but from being told the same words over and over again. "And I think I'm finished."
Alec hands her the schedule and Catarina tries to read the different categories Alec has written down: training, trainees, paperwork, Max and Leo, archery practice, patrol, sparring with Jace, sword practice, studying, rune practice, and story time.
"Training and trainees?" she asks, wondering what the difference is between both categories.
"Training is for Jace, my parabatai, Izzy, my sister, and I. The trainees are what we call my little brother and his best friend, they just turned three and are learning their basic forms. I'm helping them."
Catarina nods to show she understands. She supposes she can't fault Alec for wanting to be a good brother and help his little brother with his training, even if the thought of a three-year-old needing to learn how to fight is horrifying to even think of.
"And Max and Leo?"
"The New York Institute isn't a kid institute, so Max and Leo don't really have anyone to play with or keep them busy."
Catarina nods again to avoid asking about the amount of 'Max' as well as 'Max and Leo' time as well as 'Trainee' time that has been penciled in. Instead, she summons a cup of hot chocolate for Alec to have something to distract herself and him with. Then, after he's taken a few sips, eyes brightening in delight - and oh, she wouldn't have taken him for a sweet tooth - she asks about the strangest entry.
"What about paperwork? Is that similar to the studying and rune practice?"
Alec shakes his head, slowly lowering his cup on the coffee table, "No, it's just - when mom and dad are away to other institutes or in Idriss, I have to do the paperwork," he says with a careless shrug.
Catarina looks down at the schedule, looks back at the young teenager on her couch, and back at the schedule. Then, she bites down the question that is burning on her tongue.
After all, the answer is staring at her in the shape of a frankly ridiculous schedule that Alec wrote down without a second thought.
This means the story time entry, the entry that takes place twice a day at the same time every single day, right around what would be the usual bedtime for a three-year-old, is exactly what the word entails.
Catarina didn't think her personal opinion on Maryse and Robert Lightwood could sink any lower.
"Your studies are they with a teacher?" She asks, looking at the few spots those take. She wouldn't be able to ask him to do the paperwork he shouldn't be doing over at her apartment, but maybe she can convince him to take his studying sessions here.
"Not anymore," Alec says, "I just get the study material and the homework I need to finish. Why?"
"Well, then I suggest we broaden your studies during those hours," she says, circling the study hours on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday the days she usually has off. "That okay with you?"
Alec is still looking at her with a confused expression as if unsure of what to expect from her. "If that's easiest for you," he says, hand coming to scratch that spot on his chest again, "But I can adapt. I just have to be there for Max when he wakes up and when he goes to sleep, but the rest I can switch around."
Catarina had an inkling he would say something like this.
"Don't worry, this would work out the best for both of us," she reassures, hiding the anger behind a kind smile and another cup of hot chocolate. Then, she gives Alec his promised portal with a promise to see him on Thursday and dials a number she knows as well as her own.
Magnus picks up on the first ring. "Chocolate or alcohol?"
"Both. As well as a plan on how to murder the Lightwoods if you'd please."
"That bad?"
Catarina thinks of patrolling at thirteen years old, thinks of the hellish schedule and the fact that Alec is apparently single-handedly raising his little brother, is semi-raising his two other siblings as well, and all that on top of not quite running the institute in his parents' absence. .
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greeeengoblin · 2 months
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The nurses stood up after gathering their equipment. "They'll come to get you for your chemotherapy treatment at 2 PM. Since it's your first session, it may take about 6-7 hours... The patient might want to rest a bit beforehand." the nurse explained. Dick nodded. Despite Jason's age, the thought of him being hooked up to needles and IVs for such a long time was unsettling. Dick could already imagine Jason attempting to escape—most likely losing his patience within the first couple of minutes, his eyes turning green, the Lazarus energy exploding, and Jason going on a rampage in the hospital... Okay, that was a joke; he didn't really think that would happen, but something similar wasn't entirely out of the question.
Jason shot up from the bed. "6-7 hours??? I can't survive that long!" he exclaimed, clearly in disbelief, furrowing his brow and biting his lip. He looked at Dick, expecting him to say something. Dick had said he'd protect him. "Hey!... Are you listening to me?"
Dick averted his gaze and turned to the nurse. "Alright, is there anything else we need to do?" he asked politely. Jason narrowed his eyes, annoyed that Dick wasn't listening to him. He was the one who would have to endure up to seven hours of pain, and the thought was chilling. The blonde nurse Dick had been speaking with took a few medications from the other nurse and handed them to Dick.
"These medications should help prevent nausea, vomiting, and allergic reactions before the chemotherapy. Dr. Leslie informed me that various tests, including MRIs and CT scans, have been conducted. We'll provide further information about the chemotherapy based on the necessary evaluations."the nurse explained. Dick placed the medications on the dresser, keeping them in mind for later. Jason's anger surged—double, even triple, or quadruple. After the nurses left the room, Dick sat back down next to Jason.
"You said you'd protect me." Jason said.
"I'm protecting you from yourself."
Jason put his hand on his forehead, looking away and groaning in discomfort. He clenched his fingers together, feeling aggravated by the argument. The fact that it was true made it ten times more frustrating. "Ugh... This is my fault. I shouldn't have trusted you. I should have just run away from this hospital from the start."
Dick frowned. "You know you can't do that, and besides, you're sick. Your body isn't as strong as it used to be, and Bruce has put a lot of security measures in place to keep you safe."
"So, I'm back in Arkham?" Jason sneered, but there was no humor in his voice, only anger and frustration. He spoke with a slight sarcasm, expressing how much he despised the situation. Dick grumbled uncomfortably but didn't respond. Jason rolled his eyes and grabbed Dick's arm. "Come on... I'm begging you, help me one last time. I'd rather die than go through with this treatment..."
Dick's eyes shifted at his words. His little brother's request didn't surprise him. Dick sighed softly and stood up. He moved closer to Jason, taking his hand in his own and looking him in the eye with a serious expression. "You might feel that way now, but after the treatment, you'll feel better. You might even thank me. Everything will get so much better; you're just making things harder for yourself."
Jason quickly pulled his hand away. "I'm scared, damn it!..." He realized what he had said and withdrew. Dick was also quite surprised. He had never heard Jason admit to being scared, not even during his time as Robin.
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TTD - True Evil 1/4
part1 part2 part3 part 4
Something was wrong, though!
Hero knew this. Of course they did. It was just that- that it was easy to forget. Maybe because ironically, since Villain was living with them, everything was fine. When the agency had questioned them about this, all they could complain about was that they couldn't use the shower and bathroom mirror three hours on a row anymore (on the evenings, at least). There was something eerie about how naturally Villain had come crashing into their life. Having them as a roommate was as evident as eating breakfast on lazy mornings when Hero had a day off. They were even hugging now.
For the moment though, Hero's butt was getting kicked. The sad truth was that Villain was much better at video games than them. The two roommates were affronting each other in a fighting match that neither of them enjoyed, but that was the only competitive game Hero had. Villain refused to cooperate, under the brilliant pretext that “they refused to ally with their fated foe”. Given that not five minutes before, their head was resting against the shoulder of said fated foe, there were a lot of possible refutations. Hero hadn’t bothered. After coming back from a long, exhausting day, the easier thing to do was rolling with it. They didn’t even shrug when the shadow next to them, leaning on their game-pad, gloated:
“This is your end, little Hero!”
“Don’t call me little. I’m 5’10.”
“I am 5’10 and a half,” was the smug answer.
Hero glanced sideways at the silhouette next to them, surrounded by a dark mist as always:
“I can’t be sure of that.”
“Then despair while that nagging doubt eats your mind for the rest of your life.”
“I’m good. I’ll rest assured that I have, like, 30 pounds of muscles on you.”
“How have you acquired that knowledge, may I ask?”
“Well, when we hug-”
“Stop calling it like that. And I’ll concede gladly that perk to you. Muscles, bah! Who would need that?”
“Most people, actually.”
“I have a brain. It’s enough. It’s getting rarer and rarer these days.”
They both stared at the Game Over screen.
“Once again, you are finished. Once again, I stomp on your pixellized body and your ego in an unending demonstration of my superior skills and-
Hero cut across them:
“You need to sign the form.”
Villain groaned. Not to be deterred, Hero presented the paper and a pen to them:
“Ah, paperwork. Truly the greatest evil. Even I, with all the darkness in my heart, cannot compare.”
Hero sighed:
“It’s just a signature. And be grateful for the form. It’s the only thing that can prevent Superhero from coming here and ripping you to shreds – possibly us both.”
“I don’t see why.”
“There are laws. If you confirm every day you’re here and reforming, measures can’t be taken against you.”
“Very well. I shall adorn my mark on this pitiful piece of paper.”
Villain moodily signed and Hero took a picture of it, sending it to the secretary and hoping they wouldn’t lose it again. Doing it every day was annoying, sure, but it was all they could find to protect their roommate from the agency – or rather, Superhero. They felt a little relieved every time they sent the text. Villain, though, didn’t seem to care one way or the other. It was irritating and a little worrying.
“Yeah, okay.”
Hero stood up and heated their meals on the microwave. Apart from smoothies, Villain was not that interested in food, and Hero was too tired to cook after work most of the time. Villain didn’t seem bothered with this. Actually, once you got used to their constant melodrama, Villain was a rather laid-back roommate. Too laid-back. Hero’s instinct was sending them warning signals. Their guest was taking their situation a little too well. The person they shared their place with and hugged was a complete stranger. All questions about their past were avoided. Hero knew there was an elephant in the room, but they had no idea of what it was made, and that was frustrating to say the least.
The microwave made a ding sound. After a while, Villain reluctantly got out of the couch to find Hero looking at the wall, their arms crossed.
“Are your sudden meditative moment deep enough to forget down-to-earth obligations ?”
Hero clucked their tongue. Villain jumped when their roommate suddenly leaned over the table:
“What happened to you?”
“My plate is getting cold?”
“No, we’re not avoiding the subject anymore. What happened? You have a physical body, but you never stop hiding behind your powers. I’ve checked, you’re listed among the most dangerous villains on the agency’s list. It says you’re a killer, but frankly, I do not believe that one second. You never say anything about your past, you never speak about yourself. When I tell you Superhero wants you dead, your answer is “yeah, okay” and you don’t bring the subject ever again. You get more emotional when I bring you the wrong screwdriver. What is wrong with you?”
“Plenty of things. I am a Villain, how can you hope to comprehend how my twisted spirit w-”
Hero’s fist banged on the table:
“Stop that!”
Villain stepped back. Hero sighed and lifted their hands in surrender:
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry, okay? But you are not helping me. My boss wants to kill you and I don’t know why. I can’t get us out of this if I have no idea what’s going on!”
“It seems simple to me. He’s a superhero, I’m a fearful villain. We’re destined to destroy each other.”
“I’ve never seen him so – so motivated. It goes deeper than that. You can’t keep me in the dark.”
“This is my nature. I don’t see why this is any concern of yours.”
They got their plate out of the microwave without adding a word. Hero dragged their hand over their face:
“Tell me one thing. Just one thing. Have you ever killed anyone?”
The shadow froze. The plate made a loud bang when it was dropped on the table.
“I’m not hungry,” said Villain.
Hero watched them going back to their room. Soon after, they heard the lock of the door.
“That went well,” they mumbled.
Next part here
Check the These Two Dorks Masterlist or Tag for more snippets with this Hero and Villain. This is how they met and now they’re roommates.
Or back to Hero x Villain Masterlist.
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wildpeachfarm · 6 months
thank you so much for rec Brittany! She is an experienced adult who gets things but can also empathize with these creators bc she was in that position once. Her whole thing about being a “grown up” but she wasn’t “grown grown” like her parents had me nodding along, like this is someone who gets life, who isn’t chronically online. Humans gonna human and bubbles YESYES
This fandom is so young that watching a video like Brittany’s can bring an POV that they might not be privy to for another decade. And thts the point, it’s okay to make mistakes but if my listening to someone with more life experience (and boy does Brittany have life experience! She knows what she’s talking about with this) you can Not make some of these mistakes, be cognizant of what to do and how to stand up for yourself…shouldn’t that be what everyone wants? People here in their late teens early 20s need to listen to what she says. It is so so important especially about different bubbles and having to interact with people who have different bubbles. This is an adult skill you need to have and look at people and situations from multiple angles. Brittany does a very good job using this last stream as an educational tool as well and point out what went wrong and how to avoid certain things in the future. Like she said, taking and pointing out preventative measure is no victim blaming. Preventative measures should be taken (DD, not drinking underage, speaking up for yourself, removing yourself from uncomfortable situations, not drinking with people you don’t know, having friends you can trust if you are drunk). But acknowledging you can do everything right and bad things can still happen.
Acknowledging your friends faults but not blindly defending them…dude side eyeing some of theses streamers. You should know your friends characters. Some friends are messy and hard to deal with, it’s okay to acknowledge that!! Never protect a friend breaking the law etc, but like she said, “I’d turn my friend into the police but I would visit them in jail”. Help your friends get better but if it becomes too toxic, it’s okay to reevaluate that friendship.
It’s a long stream, long videos, but I think a young fandom like mcyt would lean a lot from watching.
I haven’t watched her other videos but I plan to. If people didn’t watch, her background is Iranian/Syrian, raised conservative, moved to Seattle did a 180 being in the gay, party, and bdsm scene identifying as lesbian but now identifies as pan sexual and is settled down with focus on YouTube as her career. This lady knows what she is talking about, not because she has lived it, but she has put in the work to heal and learn. She has seen therapists and done the introspective part. And has acknowledged nothing is black and white. She takes the time to see it from every perspective. Her thing with the color blue and everyone could be talking about the color blue but not the same shade of blue.
Sorry millennial here connecting with a fellow millennial.
yay glad to hear you're enjoying her stuff! and yeah you said it perfectly she's incredibly experienced in so many things and has so much advice to younger people and really provides good perspectives to people who might not have seen it that way before
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melishade · 18 days
How's the Dino Optimus timeline going? We left off on a pretty serious note with Eren in Marley's hands and Zeke teaming up with the island to save him. There were a few other plotlines, but the Eren situation is the most anticipated. How are they going to pull off a rescue mission?
Unexpected Part 2
Part 3: Eren's capture
TW Suicide Implication/Ideation
So Megatron does run Zeke's proposal by everyone else first, him asking for immunity in exchange for him helping out with the island. Initially there is some pushback, but there is also the reminder that Eren and Historia have been captured and they need to get them back ASAP. So they do decide to align with Zeke. However Megatron makes a quick recommendation to Hanji to keep Zeke in line and long story short: Zeke gets a shock collar with a tracker in it. They use the materials from the neutral ship after clearing out the titans on Paradis and running a full sweep of the island.
Zeke: What the fuck?!
Megatron: Precautionary measure.
Zeke: Precautionary measure my-! Gets shocked by Levi pressing a button.
Levi:...okay, we might actually get along.
So a few of Zeke's recommendations are considered, the main one being they would need to get to the mainland and go to the Restorationists' secret hideout. He explains he had full intentions of overthrowing Marley and freeing Eldia, so he managed to convince a few people affected by Marley to come to his side. Once they get to them, they will be able to provide them with supplies and information to infiltrate Marley's Military to get Eren back. But because they don't have a ship, Megatron would have to transport a selected group of people to the mainland so they could investigate on foot. Megatron tries to refuse, but everyone is shouting at him, reminding him of the stakes and he reluctantly complies.
So Megatron and the main Survey Corps members, including Ymir, head to the mainland with Zeke while Optimus has to remain behind on the island to defend it, in case Marley uses the opportunity to launch a full scale invasion. It takes a while to find this hideout, what with their lack of supplies and hiding Zeke from the public eye to prevent them from being discovered. But when they do find it, Yelena is absolutely relieved to see him alive, and automatically despises the Survey Corps for putting a shock collar on him.
Hanji: Well I'm sorry, dear old beardy here turned our people into titans, so we're not exactly trusting of him!
Yelena: This is inhumane!
Megatron: Well, I'm not a human so I'm well within my rights to inflict force.
Levi: holds in a smirk
Yelena does give an update on the situation because Eren's capture is all over the papers. Marley stole the Founding Titan successfully, meaning that the war between them and the Middle Eastern Alliance has officially been stopped in its tracks. Not to mention, they announced that they have someone of royal blood. Marley managed to stave off allegations that they standing as the world's superpower was waning. It was only a matter of time before Marley launched a final invasion, and they would be hailed as permanent saviors of humanity who wiped Paradis off the map and ended the Eldian Empire permanently.
It's a thought that scares everyone. Their home would soon be targeted and annihilated if they didn't figure out something and fast. Megatron noticed that they've neglected to mention Optimus or himself in the paper, meaning that Paradis still has the element of surprise. Marley wouldn't expect Paradis to be so bold as to launch an invasion themselves.
Yelena offers to provide a full layout of the main Marleyan compound and to gather information on where Eren and Historia are located, on the sole condition that the collar gets removed. The Survey Corps states that Zeke still needs to have the tracker, and Yelena compromises.
So Yelena investigates the Marleyan compound and discovers Reiner, Bertholdt, Pieck, and Annie are lauded as heroes. They get praise and recognition for their hard work while Porco is sulking at the fact that Reiner somehow managed to pull the mission off. He's also still angry at the fact that his brother died in the process, but he can't voice his concerns or grievances because Reiner managed to get the Founder. Yelena also learns that Pieck had taken the energon serum and she and Annie were being experimented on to replicate the product.
And Reiner, Reiner should be happy. He was able to bring the Founding Titan back. He was respected for saving the world. There was still the matter of losing Zeke to the enemy, but the mission was completed. But Marley was stating that they didn't really need Zeke or his special gift now that they had Historia. They can just use her to make more Warriors of royal and train them to be loyal to Marley. Their titan forces would be unstoppable. Reiner tries to talk to the both of them for interrogation, but Historia is screaming at Reiner and telling him that she hates him. The Marleyans chalk it up to her acting like a devil and that they would break her in time, which scares Reiner because of the implications.
Although, Eren is completely broken right now. Not only did he learn that the titans were humans, that his father stole power that wasn't his and could have ended the power of the titans, and the fact that humanity isn't extinct at all and everything he and his comrades fought for was a lie, he just wants to die. There's no boost. No comrades to give him hope. Optimus isn't here, and he's far away from home in a place where people just want him dead. Eren just begs Reiner to put him out of his misery which does give the Marleyans some ideas. His will was already broken, maybe they could try brainwashing Eren to serve them until his term was up.
Historia's anger and Eren's depression make Reiner extremely guilty. He got what he wanted at the expense of them and the island, and they weren't even devils, they were just people. Reiner is also noticing Bertholdt feeling a similar guilt as well.
(That's all I have for now. The actual rescue attempt will be later because I had to establish a few things first.)
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naryrising · 1 year
Hi Nary! First off, thank you for your positive and impactful presence in fandom and on AO3. Both are better because you’re here with us.
Quick question: I’ve seen a lot of posts urging AO3 authors to lock their accounts for members-only to prevent AI scraping for things like sudowrite. But isn’t that like closing the barn door after the horse is already out? From your knowledge, does locking down an account starting today provide any benefit from AI issues?
Thank you for everything you do!
Ok, well, I wrote the AO3 news post that went out about that topic, and in it I did suggest that locking works is a way to potentially help avoid scraping. But I can expand on that somewhat, because it's really quite a bit more complicated. (And as always, I'm not speaking in an official capacity here, just my own personal outlook).
Will locking your work stop AO3's data from being used in things like ChatGPT, Sudowrite, etc? No. Those tools are all based on the CommonCrawl dataset, which was collected years ago - it began collecting in 2011 and continues to this day. Specifically, as far as I understand, Sudowrite and ChatGPT and others were trained on a version of the dataset, GPT-3, which was released in 2020 (and therefore, based on data collected earlier than 2020). Therefore, if that is your primary concern, yes, the horse is very much out of the barn - this data was collected many years ago at this point, and any prospect of removing it is going to probably involve legal challenges about how such data can be used. This is very much uncharted territory as far as the law is concerned, so it may take years for courts to sort out what rights authors have in this situation. (For instance, can you request the removal of your copyrighted texts? Who knows!)
What about scraping in the future, though? When AO3 became aware that this data was being used to train AI text generators, it blocked the CommonCrawl bot. Therefore, assuming CommonCrawl behaves ethically, it will respect that block and not scrape further data from the site. Therefore, locking your works today will makes no difference if what you're trying to avoid is being scraped by CommonCrawl, as AO3 already took measures to prevent that going forward.
What about other types of data scraping? Great question, and that is the murky area. There are many other people and companies out there who are not CommonCrawl and may have other goals and motives. Some of that could range from a dedicated fan wanting to scrape a copy of their entire fandom's contents on a certain date to keep as a private backup, to academic researchers working on entirely above-board projects in linguistics or literature or media studies, to companies wanting to build their own dataset for training some other future kind of AI, or something none of us are currently able to guess. If that's your concern, then locking your work might provide some degree of protection. It will, for instance, probably protect against fairly crude large-scale mass scraping. (AO3's coding team has also stated that it will block these type of mass scrapers if and when they become aware of them, and has already for some time taken measures such as rate limiting to make the scraping process harder.) But - people, including people who want to scrape data, can make accounts on AO3. It's free, anyone can join, it typically takes about a week to get an invite. They can log in, see the works that are only visible to logged-in users, and scrape them, just with a bit more effort. Now, these are currently, I suspect, more likely to be the kind of scraping projects like "I just want a personal copy of every work in my fandom" or "I'm an academic doing research on fanfiction and I'm collecting data about how fic writers use tags", which some people might be okay with. But it could also be someone with less ethical motives. It's hard to stop one without also stopping the other, from AO3's side. From users' side, locking your works is probably protective against large-scale data scraping, but less so against this type of smaller scale data scraping. But also, I can't predict the future, and maybe there's some project happening right now to figure out a way around this! I don't know!
In short, if you don't want your data scraped, never put anything online anywhere ever, or support legal changes that will allow for stronger data protection. Right now, nothing is completely safe. Locking your works might make them slightly safer, but is not a total guarantee of protection.
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
Why I hate the Police
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I am saying it very loud and clear: There is never going to be a just world as long as police exist. The system of policing is always going to be unjust and not compatible with any anarchist or solarpunk ideals.
Let me explain: Even in a world where police do not self-select to mostly employ conservatives with far-right leanings, the police is always going to hold an unjustified power over the people in a community. Because the entire thing about the police is that they get to employ violence. So even without a majority racist, ableist and queermisic policeforce, their existence says: "In certain scenarios violence is actually okay."
From an anarchist perspective, too, there is the aspect that police will also always hold hierarchical power over people. Which is something that anarchists obviously disagree with.
And the fact is just, that we do not live in an ideal world. We live in a world where the police self-selects to be more right leaning than the average. Which has several reasons.
For once, there is just the fact that the people who want to join the police are more likely to believe in hierarchies. They usually will also believe somewhat in the status quo - which in our world enshrines suppression of the marginalized groups and the lower classes in general. This alone makes sure that they will somewhat participate within the suppression of these lower classes, even if they are not explicitly racist or the like.
Furthermore we do know that within the police force an atmosphere is created where you are either with them or against them. We know that a lot of the people in power are in favor of certain abuses of the power the police holds. Which makes them select for police officers with similar ideas. If you say something against racism within the police, you gonna get bullied. If you actually take measures to get a fellow officer arrested after he abused his power... chances are you will get harassed. In some cases you might even get killed.
And then there is the problem that around the world (but most notably in the US) the police just are trained in violent escalation of situation - not in peaceful resolutions. And if you have a hammer, everything starts looking like a nail.
When people like me say: "Abolish the police!" others will answer: "But who will keep us safe?" To which I said: The police isn't keeping us safe. Rather it creates an additional danger to those people most likely to be the victims of crime either way. Even without all the corruption and what not... The police usually only get active in the aftermath of a crime. They do not prevent it.
And other than what some folks might tell you: No, it is not human nature to commit crimes and be violent. We would be a lot safer if we abolished the police and spend the police budget on things that actually prevent crime, like help for the pour, making sure everyone has clean water and food, and access to psychotherapy and such.
So, yeah... ACAB.
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missfrieden · 5 months
Tech as a father Chapter 43
Again me with my weird upload rhythm. Who else is anxious or the last 3 episodes? So many questions and not enough time.
Chapter 43: Projection
Tech rushed toward the chaotic scene, his heart pounding as he took in the unsettling sight. Wrecker was struggling to restrain Amanda, who was livid and shouting at one of the regular troopers. Her voice echoed with anger, her blue eyes blazing with fury. Tech could see the signs of her recent use of the Force, the faint wisps of energy still surrounding her hands.
His eyes darted to Alma, who was injured and being tended to by Echo. The young Padawan had a gash on her head, blood matted in her pink Mon Calamari skin. Tech could feel his pulse quicken as he assessed the situation. This was not what they had signed up for when they agreed to help rebuild the temple. Amanda's voice was loud and accusatory. "She's a Padawan! She's still learning!" she shouted at the trooper, her frustration palpable. She was fiercely protective of her young apprentice, and Tech and everyone else had witnessed their bond first hand.
Tech stepped forward, trying to diffuse the tension. "Ama- Master Pacem, what happened?" he asked, his voice calm and steady. He knew that Amanda valued his logical thinking, and in this heated moment, he hoped to bridge the gap between her anger and the trooper's misunderstanding. Amanda turned her gaze toward Tech, and for a moment, her anger softened as she met his eyes. "Tech, they need to secure the area properly," she explained, her voice still tense. "Alma's injury could have been much worse. I had to use my abilities to stabilize her." Tech nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I'll take care of it," he assured her. "We'll ensure this doesn't happen again." With that, he turned toward the trooper who had caused the incident and began discussing the importance of safety measures and proper communication. In the midst of the chaos, Tech couldn't help but feel a surge of protectiveness toward Amanda, Alma, and the rest of the team. They were facing unexpected challenges, but as always, he was determined to use his intelligence and skills to keep them safe.
Tech watched as Amanda demanded Wrecker release her, and the big clone hesitated for a moment before reluctantly letting her go. Amanda's first instinct was to reach Alma, who was injured and vulnerable. She cradled the young Padawan in her arms, her hands already glowing with the tell-tale signs of her Force healing. As Amanda walked away with Alma, Tech couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. He understood that Amanda was fiercely protective of Alma, just as she was of Orion. In this moment, he realized that she might have projected some of the maternal instincts she had developed for Orion onto the young Padawan. It was a complex situation, with emotions running high, and Tech couldn't fault her for it. Tech turned his attention back to the trooper, making sure the incident was properly addressed. He emphasized the importance of safety protocols and ensured that everyone understood their role in preventing such accidents in the future. While he couldn't be with Amanda and Alma at this moment, he knew they would be okay. Amanda's skills as a healer were exceptional, and she would do everything in her power to help Alma recover.
Deep down, Tech couldn't shake the worry that their secret was becoming increasingly fragile. With Amanda's protective instincts on full display, he understood that they needed to be even more cautious. As he continued to handle the situation with the trooper, he couldn't help but glance in the direction Amanda had gone, silently hoping that Alma would recover quickly. His fingers moving over the small part of Orion’s back which is accessible.
The regular trooper's comment about Alma's ability to sense danger stung, and Amanda's emotional reaction had clearly unsettled him. He questioned aloud, "Even a Padawan should have sensed it." Hunter, always the voice of reason, stepped in, defending Alma and trying to ease the escalating tension. "Alma is young and still learning," he pointed out calmly. "And you can't deny that situations like this can take a toll on anyone, especially a young kid. Having to fight in a war is no easy toll." However, the regular trooper seemed undeterred by Hunter's attempt to defuse the situation. He responded with a pointed remark, "I've heard rumours about Master Pacem's unusual approach to following orders, but seeing a Jedi lash out like that... Maybe it's something that needs to be addressed by the Council. We can't afford to have Jedi falling to the dark side."
Tech felt his blood run cold at the trooper's words. He knew that their unique situation had drawn attention, but he never anticipated it could lead to such dire accusations. The thought of the Jedi Council becoming involved in their affairs sent shivers down his spine. Hunter remained composed, though his expression grew more serious. "We all know that emotions can run high in situations like this. Let's not jump to conclusions. We have a mission to complete, and everyone's safety is paramount. We'll investigate the incident thoroughly and report it accordingly." Tech knew that Hunter was doing his best to handle the situation diplomatically, but the tension in the air lingered. As they continued to address the matter, Tech couldn't help but worry about the potential consequences this incident might have for their already precarious situation on Callo.
Hunter's decision to send Tech and Crosshair to check on Amanda and Alma provided a welcome opportunity for Tech to step away from the escalating tension. As they made their way towards where Amanda and Alma had gone, Tech couldn't help but glance down at Orion, who was now wide-eyed and clearly sensing the unease in the air. Crosshair, always one to voice his displeasure, grumbled about the regular troopers. "Stupid regs. Can't even handle a bit of stress without accusing Jedi of falling to the dark side." And he flicks his toothpick to the ground. Tech nodded in agreement, though he remained preoccupied with their current situation. He couldn't shake the concern for Amanda and Alma and wondered how they were faring amidst the commotion. He also hoped that Orion wouldn't be too affected by the recent outburst. Tech knew that even at his young age, children could pick up on tension and anxiety in their surroundings.
As they approached the area where Amanda had taken Alma, Tech couldn't help but hope that things were settling down and that Amanda had been able to use her healing abilities to tend to Alma's injuries. But the unease of the incident still hung in the air, making Tech's steps heavy with worry. Tech and Crosshair arrived just in time to witness Amanda in the process of cleaning and tending to Alma's once injured wound. Alma lays on Amanda's bed, still unconscious but now in a much better state. Amanda, her hands aglow with the healing Force, was fully focused on her Padawan's well-being.
Amanda's apology caught Tech slightly off guard. She didn't even look up as she spoke, her attention solely on Alma. "I apologize for my strong reaction," she said, her voice filled with a mixture of concern and guilt. Tech stepped closer, his worry for both Amanda and Alma evident in his eyes. "Amanda, you don't need to apologize," he assured her gently. "You were right to be upset. It's understandable given the circumstances." Crosshair, standing nearby, simply nodded in agreement. They both understood the pressure that came with being a Jedi, especially in these trying times. Tech knew that sometimes emotions ran high, and Amanda's reaction had been a natural response to protect her Padawan.
Amanda continued her work, her hands now moving with more precision as Alma's injuries steadily improved. Her focus remained on her Padawan, but Tech could sense a weight had been lifted from her shoulders now that Alma was safe and healing. After tending to Alma's injuries and making sure she was as comfortable as possible, Amanda carefully draped her own cloak over the unconscious Padawan, providing her with a bit of warmth. She then rose to her feet and turned to Tech and Crosshair, her expression softer now. Again with her usual warmth and kindness.
Taking a few deep breaths, Amanda admitted, "I just don't like seeing others injured. It's hard for me, especially when it's someone I care about." She glanced back at Alma, her concern still evident in her eyes. "But I know it is part of our duty as Jedi, to protect and heal when we can."  Tech nodded in understanding, his respect for Amanda's dedication to her role as a healer and protector growing with each passing moment. "You're doing a great job, Amanda," he reassured her. "Alma is lucky to have you as her mentor."
Crosshair, typically a man of few words, simply nodded in agreement. He understood the emotional toll that being a Jedi could take, even on someone as strong as Amanda. Amanda offered a faint smile, appreciating their support. "Thank you, both. Let's give Alma some time to rest. She'll recover more quickly if she gets some sleep." She then walked over to Orion, checking on him briefly to make sure he was comfortable. Tech and Crosshair exchanged a glance, silently acknowledging the unique challenges that came with their situation. They were a family, bound by something stronger than the ordinary bonds of brotherhood, and they would always be there to support one another.
Amanda, determined to address the situation with the trooper who had provoked her earlier, made her way back to the area where the commotion had occurred. She could sense the trooper's presence not far away. As she approached, she noticed the trooper was still there, talking with Hunter. Crosshair, who walks behind her with Tech and Orion, watched Amanda's stride with a mixture of concern and frustration. He couldn't understand why she felt the need to apologize to the trooper when he believed the trooper was clearly in the wrong.
Once Amanda reached the trooper and Hunter, she cleared her throat to get their attention. "Excuse me," she began calmly, "I wanted to apologize for my reaction earlier. It was unbecoming of a Jedi, and I should have handled the situation better." The trooper looked somewhat surprised by Amanda's apology but nodded in acknowledgment. "Thank you, Master Jedi. I appreciate your understanding." Hunter, sensing the tension, decided to intervene. "Let's put this behind us," he suggested, looking at both Amanda and the trooper. "We have work to do, and we're here to help with the temple's reconstruction." Amanda agreed with a nod, relieved to have cleared the air. She knew that maintaining a sense of unity and cooperation was essential, especially during this somewhat unusual mission on Callo.
Chapter 44
Reblogs are very welcome and I am open for feedback, as english is not my first language, so maybe my sentences may be weird sometimes, or I write a word wrong even with google, or I use a wrong word for an item.
Tag: @spectacular-skywalker @aalizazareth @neyswxrld @clonethirstingisreal @sleepycreativewriter @moonwreckd
Oh the last episode made me somehow angry? Like more questions than answeres? How adorable Crosshair's vulnerable side is? Characters I despise and want to punch?
And best of all my younger brother who said: "Who? Oh Rampart, totally forgot he existed." Made me burst out laughing so hard we had to rewind a bit.
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unholy-screeching9 · 2 years
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“Doctor’s Orders” (Impatient!King Dice x AFAB!Reader)
Another request from a follower of mine who messaged me! I actually got another request in my ask box for pregnancy headcanons, so those will be next. Y’know, to go with the whole theme. To my lovely follower who requested this, I sincerely hope you enjoy 💋
(This will be for both game and show. In this scenario, neither you nor Dice want kids.)
It’s been years since you and your husband got hitched. And those years have been filled with sweet date nights, cozy days in, wonderful laughs, and many tears. However, there’s one thing that’s very important to you and your husband. Something that you both cherish dearly.
Your time in the bedroom.
You both can’t ever wait to get some privacy, where you can get intimate with each other. Sometimes, it doesn’t even have to be in the bedroom. It can be in the closet at work. A quick pegging session during breaks. Perhaps in the back of the limo returning from a night on the town. In the bath. The kitchen counter. Neither of you ever care. All you care about is being inside one another. Having that special connection.
Having sex is pretty routine for you both. It’s rare that you skip out on it, unless one of you is exhausted or there’s just not enough time. Because of this, you use contraceptive measures to prevent pregnancy. There’s just no room for children in your lives, and you both agree that with Dice’s work status, it probably wouldn’t be the best option.
You stick with the pill and a monthly shot from your doctor. It’s been foolproof to keep you from getting pregnant without using a condom, preventing any situation that neither you nor your husband wanted to be in.
You both are happy with each other, and you’re glad you can continue your nightly activities without worry of a child popping up out of nowhere. Your life is perfect. Blissful.
Until the next visit to your doctor’s office comes along…
“I suggest laying off the medicine for a while, to give your body a rest. You’ve been taking these supplements for quite some time now, and your checkup results are slowly getting into an abnormal range. It’s nothing to panic over, but perhaps taking a break from the contraceptives will bring your vitals back to normal.”
Hm. Alright, that’s doable. Taking a month or two off of the medicine and shots shouldn’t be a big deal. In fact, it’s probably for the best anyway. You’ll be able to live your life as normal, and your body will thank you in the long run. It’s just…
“Of course, since you’re sexually active but don’t want children, this will mean you may want to take a break, or use a non-hormonal birth control method, such as condoms.”
Okay, well shit. There’s no way you would want Dice to use a condom, and there’s no way he’d want to use one either. You both hate the way it feels, and it ruins the whole experience for you.
But without one, you surely risk getting pregnant. Dice’s pull out game… isn’t necessarily the best. Not that it’s a problem. But it will mean it’s probably in your best interest to just take a break from sex for a while.
You talk it over with your husband, explaining the situation. The test results. The doctor’s suggestion. The… predicament. Of course, he’s nothing but understanding.
“It’s quite alright, sugar. As much as we enjoy being intimate, sex isn’t everything in this relationship. We’ll make this work until you decide you want to start taking the medicine again, I promise.”
What a gem of a man you had found. God, the way he’s willing to sacrifice something so important to you both for your sake… he’s wonderful.
You kissed him, wrapping your arms around him, murmuring soft and passionate “I love you”s with every breath. Dice chuckled and kissed you back, holding you against him and murmuring teasingly:
“You know, if you keep this up, you’re only going to make this new routine harder for the both of us~”
You shudder slightly. Fuck, this was going to be hard.
And it is.
The first few days, there’s no trouble. You both are content with wholesome dinners together, followed by cozy nights of cuddles and kisses before you drift to sleep. Secretly clinging to each other a bit more than usual.
A week passes, and things get challenging. Kisses no longer deliver enough pleasure. Cuddles and touches can only satisfy you both so much. Dice resorts to carrying you around the house, refusing to let you go even for a moment. Your legs wrap around his waist, your body desperate to get closer to him. You’re both struggling to move forward.
A week and a half, and you both are needy. Very needy. Nothing was enough to curb the feeling anymore. You two could barely make eye contact without wanting to fuck each other into oblivion. At that point, even the slightest touch would send you both over the edge, and completely ruin the whole operation. Fuck.
Dice needs to stay at work much later than normal. It’s too much for him. All he can think about when he sees you anymore is ripping the clothes off your skin and making his mark. Sucking on those beautiful nipples of yours. Biting at your thighs. Squeezing your ass with his hands as his tongue makes its way inside of your clit…
No no, he’s getting ahead of himself. It’s not even close to the deadline yet. He needs to be patient. Patience…
Dice was never a patient man. It’s not in his nature. There’s not a single virtue in his heart. He’s the embodiment of pride, greed, and lust. Oh, lust. What a fickle thing.
It’s very late once the King returns home, the door quietly clicking shut behind him. He is exhausted. For the first time in a long while, he figures he can sleep in the same bed as you and not have any naughty thoughts. He probably wouldn’t be able to do anything even if you tried.
…Oh, how wrong he was.
Normally, you’d be asleep by this time. It’s 11:30 pm at this point. You stayed up a little later than normal to finish up some last minute papers, and you were just in the middle of changing when your husband stepped into the bedroom.
Well, now you’re in a pickle.
Here’s the thing: your husband catching you in the middle of changing when you both are supposed to be taking a break from having sex? That’s bad enough. What makes this whole situation ten times worse?
You wear lingerie under your clothes.
Dice walked in on you. In only lingerie. When you haven’t had sex in over a week, and you both are horny as hell.
“What… are you wearing?” Dice hissed as he made his way over to you, his arms wrapping around you from behind and hugging you against him. Fuck. Fuckfuckfuck. FUCK.
You could feel his breath against the back of your neck as he pressed kisses between your bare shoulder blades. It’s hot. He’s hot. Both figuratively and literally. You could see the sweat droplets forming on his forehead. It’s getting warmer and warmer in the room by the second.
“I’m wearing what I always-”
“Is this on purpose? Are you trying to get a rise out of me?”
You trembled slightly from excitement in his hold. The atmosphere is way too perfect for intimacy. The only light coming from the reddish orange lamp on your nightstand, and the full moon peeking in from the large bedroom windows. Your little outfit. Dice’s strong arms hugging you against him. Your soaking clit. His hardening cock tightening the fabric of his pants.
“Darling, I miss you so much. Do you know how awful it is, being at work for this long? Not being able to come home and kiss your beautiful face? And then to come home, seeing you in this ravishing getup, knowing that I can’t have you yet? It’s torturous, my love.”
You slowly turned around, smiling at him in infatuation as you wrapped your arms around him, hugging him tightly. He even smelled perfect. And yet you’re supposed to keep your hands to yourself.
He’s right. It is torturous.
His hands feel exquisite, running over your sides. Your hips. Your thighs. His lips are so soft against your shoulders, sending a tingling sensation right to your pussy.
Wait. No. Not now. You can’t.
“Dice, baby, we can’t…” you murmur sweetly as you rub your hand over his chest, trying to calm him. “It’s too risky right now.”
Oh, Satan. Dice whines to you.
“Ohhhh, baby… please, I can’t take it anymore. I can’t keep this up any longer. I need you. I need to be inside of you, now. Please doll, you’re everything to me… I promise you, if you just give me the chance, I’ll make it worth your while.”
Dammit. God dammit. Damn him for being so handsome. Damn your doctor for putting you in this position. Damn your body for taking a rest.
Damn it all.
You moaned slightly and rested your head on his chest as his hands run over your skin. They’re so warm. And the way he pulled you closer to him, fondling over your figure. Whispering desperate pleas into your ears for a taste. Something.
“Darlin’, you’re so perfect… I need you so much, sweetheart. I’d give anything just to have one round with you right now. Say the word, and I’ll do it, sugar. Anything.”
His husky voice. His hot breath hitting your ear, sending shivers down your spine. Your body heat mingling with his. The fact that you’ve barely touched each other for the last several days…
Oh, fuck it.
“Ooh… A-Alright, King. Okay. Let’s do this. But we have to be so careful, okay? I really don’t want to deal with a pregnancy situation.” You tug at his waistcoat, your fingers messing with the sleek fabric.
“YES, doll! Oh my WORD, thank you. Thank you so much, sweetheart. We’ll be as careful as can be, I promise you. That’s a guarantee.”
He didn’t need to thank you. You were just as needy as he was. You were desperate. The fight of abstinence wouldn’t have lasted much longer anyway.
Neither of you even bother taking clothes off. It would take too much time. You shove your husband onto the bed and hungrily undo his belt, zipping his fly down.
You yank his boxers down, licking your lips as his cock greets you happily. God, he’s so big. And he’s throbbing. He looks so needy, so desperate, so beautiful.
So delicious.
Your body moved on its own. Before Dice could blink, your mouth took over his shaft, tongue gliding over his tip. You giggle as his hand finds his way to the back of your head, and he lets out desperate, high pitched whines.
“Ohh, MYY!! Holy shit, holy shit, holy shIT-! PLEASE, DOLL!”
Well, since he said please.
You slowly take in his length, lowering your head all the way onto him until his tip pushes against the back of your throat. You groan loudly in pleasure, having missed this feeling. It had been too long. Way too long.
And Dice is a mess. His head is thrown back, he’s breathing heavily, barely able to make coherent sentences as you suck him off. All he could really do is keep his hand on the back of your head, guiding you on and off his erection.
He tasted exquisite. You missed this. You missed him.
After several minutes, you heard Dice’s moans shift into desperate shouting.
He shot his spent right into your mouth. You take it all. Not a single drop of his seed is left behind, and you even had the courtesy of cleaning his dick off. Your tongue slurped up any remaining fluid, teeth grazing the skin of his cock as you slowly took your mouth off with a satisfying ‘pop!’
Dice slowly lifts his head up to look at you, panting heavily as he rides out his first orgasm. Key word: first.
You look into his eyes as he examines you. He trails over your face, and then your shoulders. Your chest. Your stomach. Your thighs, and legs.
Your clit.
“That felt amazing, sweetheart… how about I give you a reward for your troubles?~”
“Oh, really? What kind of- oof!” Before you could even finish your sentence, Dice is over top of you, pinning you down on the end of the bed.
He lifted your legs up and secured them on his shoulders, grinning down at you and tugging at the fabric of your lingerie.
“These look so lovely on you, pip. But I’m gonna have to pull this part down a little~”
You squeaked slightly, blushing madly as he pulled down your underwear and exposed your soaking pussy, leaking in precum.
God, did you look beautiful.
“I promise I’ll be quick, darlin’. We’ll get to the real fun in a little bit.”
He dives in, putting his tongue to work. And boy does he know how to use it. He glides across your folds, lapping you up as much as he can. You’re a symphony of giggles and moans as he works, his mustache occasionally tickling you.
Dice reveled in your laughter. In your voice. Your sighs of pleasure as he rewarded you. The way your hands gripped the sides of his head, nails gently scratching against them. The way your fluids tasted. How easy it was to coax out more seed from your clit with just a flick of the tongue.
Your insides started to tingle after a while, and you felt yourself reach the edge. Oh, shit.
“That’s quite alright, sugar. I can take it.”
And god, he does. You cry out in ecstasy as you reach your peak, fluids bursting into his mouth and a little onto his face. Dice only smiled at the gesture, humming in satisfaction as he cleaned you up.
Just as you did with him, he left absolutely nothing behind. Consider it a return of the favor. The way he used his mouth to clean you off was almost enough to get you off a second time, but you managed to keep it together. Not yet. You’ll have your release soon.
You slowly sat up and wrapped your arms around Dice’s neck area, crashing your lips against his. The taste of your own fluid on his tongue drove you insane.
Your husband embraces you and holds you against him, caressing your cheek as he deepens the kiss. With every breath you both take, he’s murmuring sweet, loving praises to you. Reminding you how good you are. How much you mean to him. How much he loves you.
But you both aren’t done yet. Oh, no. You’re just getting started.
“It’s been such a long time since we’ve had sex, babydoll. I don’t know if your body is ready right now. How about I prep you before we start?~”
You knew better than to say no. And god, was that the right choice.
The King laid back down, guiding you so you’re straddling his lap. He held you steady with one hand, taking the glove off his free one with his teeth.
“I’m afraid I won’t be able to use my own spent as lubricant for you this time around, so I’ll need to prepare you another way. But I promise, it’ll feel just as nice~”
You squealed in pleasure as Dice’s bare fingers fumbled with your folds, teasing you slightly before he shoved them into your pussy one by one.
The way he pumped his fingers in and out of you felt glorious. Dice was always good with his hands. You’re so happy that you’re the only one who will ever understand the King on a level this personal. And man, you missed him.
You missed him so much.
Eager for more, your hands rest on Dice’s thighs. They were so toned underneath the fabric, and it was fun to squish the flesh. But that’s not what you were after.
No, your hands had other plans…
While Dice was working on lubing you up with your own precum, you decided to give his dick a head start. You wrapped your hand around the base of his cock, giving it a firm squeeze.
Your husband groaned loudly in response, gritting his teeth as he pumped your clit faster. God, you were already getting close again.
Your hand started pumping without a second thought, earning a series of low, desperate whines and growls from the man beneath you. His dick felt so lovely in your palm. Infatuated, your thumb ran over his tip, coaxing out a bit of precum.
You decided to have another taste, switching hands and sucking Dice’s seed off your thumb. Delicious. This tasted better than any Michelin Star meal he could spoil you with.
Just the sight of you sucking your thumb like that was enough to drive Dice mad. He suddenly spreaded his fingers out while they were still inserted in you, expanding your walls. The sheer power and unexpected sensation of the move ripped a pleasured cry from your throat, and before you knew it, you were over your edge once more.
Dice grinned mischievously as he felt your juices spill right into the palm of his hand. He held you steady as you rode out the high of your second orgasm, and he coated your folds with your own cum, preparing you for the final phase.
“Alright sweetheart, I think I’m ready. Are you?”
“YES, King! Please, just get on with it!”
Your husband laughed lustfully, shifting your hips so the tip of his cock was pushed right up against your entrance.
“It has been a long time, dear. And remember, we have to be so careful this time. Are you sure you can handle it?”
“Dice, PLEASE!”
The magic words.
You’d never felt Dice shove himself inside you so hard in your entire marriage. How desperate was he? Just as much as you, you suppose. God, he hurt so good. It felt like he almost tore your insides up with that first push. The pain was so pleasurable it was distracting you from moving.
You gazed down at your husband, falling in love with him all over again when you locked eyes with him. They’re so full of adoration. Bright green and glowing with passion.
Neither of you could fathom just how much you needed each other. It had been way too long.
“I promise sweetheart, I’ll be so careful with you. I swear on my life. Please, please start moving, and I will make it worth your troubles. I’ll give you the time of your life~”
You obey.
You started to bounce your hips on and off of him, riding him slowly as you leaned forward and locked your lips with his. Good god. You couldn’t believe what you’d been missing. You both could have been doing this since the beginning, but your nerves held you back.
You’ll never make that mistake again.
He fit your walls perfectly. You two were made for each other. Like a lock to a key. Every time you lowered yourself onto Dice’s throbbing cock, you moved faster. Harder.
He helped you out, starting to grind his hips to your movements. You both are moving in perfect rhythm with one another. The sounds of skin slapping against skin, Dice’s panting, your moans, and your tongues fighting for dominance create a beautiful song.
It’s like you both are dancing to music. Beautiful music that could never be replicated. Music that was specifically tailored to your ears, and his. No one else’s. No one would understand how wonderful you both sounded together. No one else deserves to understand.
It’s just you, and your husband. And it’s perfect. If you could freeze time, you’d never leave that bedroom.
Time. How interesting it can be.
It felt as though it was zooming by, but yet, you both moved in slow motion. What a beautiful phenomenon. You’re ramming your hips into each other as hard as you can, and you’re relishing each and every movement.
Oh, how you wish you could stay this way forever.
You moan loudly as Dice bites down on your lip, practically whimpering into your mouth as you both desperately chase each other’s release. You’re getting close. Each time your bodies collide, your clit aches just a bit more.
You could tell that your husband was getting there as well. He was throbbing inside of you. The slight twitches of his erection every time he pounded into you were very telling.
Wait. Fuck.
Reality hit you like a bus. You remembered why you haven’t had sex in so long in the first place. You scanned your husband’s expression for any sign of control. You couldn’t find any.
Oh, god. This was happening so fast. You could hear your heart beating out of your chest.
“K-King! KING! I think I—”
All your doubt is washed away when you feel a hand cup your face, a gentle gesture through the desperate movements of your bodies. Warm. Kind. Assuring.
“I know, babydoll-! I promise you, you’ll be alright!~”
Oh, FUCK, that was it.
You scream in pleasure as your walls tighten, and you hit your third climax that night. Your hands find Dice’s shoulders and squeeze desperately as you pant through your orgasm, breaths shaky as your legs twitch slightly.
“Oh, fuck! FuckfuckfUCKFUCK-!!” Dice growls loudly. Shit. SHIT.
“King-! Please be-!!”
Before you can finish your sentence, you yelp in surprise as Dice quickly pulls himself out of you, shooting his seed right onto your stomach. He throws his head back and cries out in euphoria as he savors his release, hands tightly gripping your sides.
You watch him in awe. Holy shit. He may not have been able to fill you up as you usually enjoy, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t love how his sticky fluids felt on your tummy. Strangely enough, it gave you a pleasantly warm sensation before helping you cool down from the overwhelmingly hot atmosphere.
And what he did next almost got you off a fourth time.
With utmost care, your husband laid you on your back, and licked you clean. His tongue glided across your skin, slurping up every single drop of seed it found. You’ll never comprehend how skilled he is with his tongue. His mouth. He’s a mystery. A wonderful, sexy mystery. And you love it.
He finished, making sure nothing was left behind, before slipping his boxers back up, redoing his fly, and snuggling on top of you. He’s so, so warm. It felt amazing against your cool, damp skin.
You were covered in sweat, practically glistening in the dim lights. You made a move to apologize for possibly soaking his clothes, but Dice brought a finger to your lips as soon as the word ‘sorry’ left your mouth.
“Don’t you dare apologize for anything, pumpkin. I don’t give a damn what it is. Tonight was perfect. Everything I needed. I should be thanking you. Worshiping you. You’re a true wonder, babydoll. I am so incredibly lucky to have you.”
Lucky? He’s lucky? You love him so much. Even if he has only one brain cell inside that cubed head of his.
How stupid is that? If anyone here is lucky, it’s you. Your husband is the most caring, concerned, calming, generous person you’ve ever met. Well, to you at least. But that’s enough, to know that such a powerful man would choose you of all people. Would treat you like the sun to his world, while everyone else is nothing but dirt and grime.
You needed him tonight. And god, did he need you.
“Dice… I love you. So much. Thank you.”
“Ohh, little heart of mine, I love you too. More than words could ever describe. Thank you, for letting me treat you tonight. I hope it was worth your while.”
“It was, honey. It was so much more than that.”
Your fingers interlocked, your wedding rings clinking together. A small testimony of the promise you made to each other all those years ago.
Just you, and him. That’s all you both would ever need.
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juniper-bunch · 19 days
goddamnit it, it’s suicide prevention month, my plans are foiled
okay but really, if you are struggling, please try to get help in any way you can. We encourage to ask or see about a therapist too if possible. Take measures to step away from harmful objects and situations and put yourself before others. I promise it’s not selfish. You’ll feel better in the long run. And though we may not be doing our best, our friends are always welcome to come to talk us too. We love all of you and we’re so proud of everyone for trying and being here <3
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