#I just wanted to do some soft late romance stuff for them tbh
thecryptidenthusiast · 10 months
I'd love to know more about Dinners, Dates, and Something in Between pls 👀
It started as just a little idea of Abby and Nate trying to plan dates, just for life and work to interrupt their attempts. So Nate decides to do a sort of impromptu dinner at Abby’s apartment to make up for it.
Started as a small idea that ended up with a much larger word count then I’d been planning, and it kind of kept growing the more I worked on it lol!
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kittykittyanon · 2 months
if i knew you irl (please just delete this if it makes you uncomfy 😣)
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We would go to cat cafes
I like cats, you like cats. It makes sense
But also the cat cafe is a bookstore bc I go to this bookstore cafe with this cute lil cat named Cedric but that's all the way in NC (not where I live)
So we would pick out a book to read together, something silly that would make us laugh
And we would have lots of sweet treats and hot chocolates while we read the book out loud in silly voices
We would also be snuggling with the cute cats, two teenage girls giggling in the corner if a cafe over a cheesy romance book
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imagining we both live in a city, we would go on walks all the time tbh
Holding hands/p (if ur cool with that) to make sure we don't get lost and giggling about stuff that's happened to us recently
also looking around at the pretty landscapes all the trees and buildings and just being in awe of the world around us
Bonus points if we are looking at christmas decorations
BONUS BONUS points if we play this game; we take turns spotting people and giving then life stories. Like we just come up with what they are doing, how they are feeling.
Also we have some sort if hot chocolate or lemonade or some sort of drink that matches rhe vibes of our walks
I imagine these walks are sort of weekly. We don't walk far just a little bit to catch up with each other
UAJAVSJAVKAVSBDJOSVSOSVSIOSVDODVIDBDODVDIDVEIE OMIGOSHHHH OMIGOSH OMIGOSH!!! (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) (≧▽≦) AMORIA AMI AMIMI!! HAVE I EVER TOLD YOU HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU /P OMIGOSH AMORIA OMIGOSH. 💥💥💥💥💥💥 ((side note: i love it when you ambush me with silly asks like this,, i like the reminder you think of me :3 and i think of you too!!!))
more hcs under the cut!! <33
first of all, Yes. to everything on this list.
i walk like an absolute DRUNKARD,, and i mean when i get comfortable i never walk straight and i'm always walking in a sort of zigzag pattern,,, i feel like you'd laugh at how silly i walk and then i'd start laughing cause you're laughing and in the end we'd both be cackling and stumbling down the pavement together (≧▽≦)
OMIGOSH I LOVE HANDHOLDING!!! or just any sort of physical affection (as long as you're comfortable with it) !!! when i get comfy with someone,, it's very common for me to sort of. drape myself over them (*ノ∀`*)
if you're comfy with it and you want to,, i feel like we'd scoot our chairs as close as possible and be having our shoulders touching with a cat chilling across our laps,, us holding a book and trying to laugh as quietly as possible in the back of the cafe.
we'd share earphones/earbuds!! 100% we'd do the little thingy where i put one in my ear and you put one in yours and we'd have a mix of both our favorite playlists on low volume while we walk,, kinda like background music!! low enough for us to hear eachother but high enough to be audible.
i'm actually a rollerblader!! ...not a very good one, but a rollerblader nonetheless!! i'd definitely take you skating in our free time when we have energy for it, and i'd throw protective gear at you 'cause i'm scared of us falling LMAO
... yeah, no — we'd end up falling anyway LSNOABSOSVSISKECSHSJSHHSHSH
but we'd be laughing the whole time anyway so it's okay (*ノ∀`*)
during sleepovers, i'd bring a big stash of snacks and candy carefully picked out to your taste and mine, we'd watch coraline or any other movies!!
and then late at night, when it's time to sleep,, i'd give you my plushies so we could go to bed holding soft objects :3
if you stayed up i'd randomly wake up at like 3:45 am to spout the randomest shit only to fall right back asleep a few minutes later.
"did... *hiccup, giggle* did you know that whale sharks are filter feeders... an'... an' they eat plankton..." "... 😰"
i have curly hair so i sleep in bonnets and spend a lot of time in the mirror scrunching in gel and fixing my hair, i feel like you'd sit on the bed on your phone or something as i do it and we'd talk about whatever, breaking into snickers and giggles several times cause we're sprinkling in jokes to make eachother laugh.
assuming we don't go to the same school cause of the weekly walks to catch up with eachother,, i'd probably surprise you in the morning by knocking on your door with a big grin and your favorite snack, ready to walk you to school if i had a day off when you didn't. (if you're chill with it of course!!)
overall, you'd be a friend i cherish dearly. (and you are!!) (๑˘︶˘๑)
i'm a very big gift-giver but a very big broke dummy so you'd get attempted intricate paper flowers and handwritten letters, handfuls of stickers and little trinkets that made me think of you!!
i'd draw a chibi version of you and me doing silly activities together and put them with the rest of my gifts to you,, i'd also maybe draw a leo or two with a chad face and hide it somewhere in one of them HEHEHEE
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chadwickswidowspeak · 2 years
Death on the Nile...a very biased review
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First off.. you already know why I went to see it (just take a look around my blog lol).
Somethings to get off my chest that really don’t have anything to do with the film--
- I understand (for reasons) why there was barely any promo, but I really would’ve loved to hear Tish talk about why she wanted this part, doing an American accent(!), her insights on the character,  and her thoughts on the fashions dahhling.
- Overall, it was really nice to see Tish on the big screen again!! It has been too long! She looked so good, plus it was nice to see her give us something new, something different. I like that she is switching it up.
My Thoughts on Her Character
The Lewks
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- She looked really beautiful in the film. Cheekbones, jawline, and lipgloss was poppin.’
- The finger waves were really cute and soft. This was a totally different look for her and I thought she fit in well with the time period. They obviously took some creative liberties in revamping certain characters. This takes place in 1937.
- The melanin popped as much as it was able... One of my gripes was the lighting!! Sometimes ( in the gif above) you could really see the great job the make up team did (flash on obv lol), but other times it was dark af, but you could see the white people perfectly. (For another day, another rant we’ll discuss in general how the film industry refuses to light black people darker than a paper bag properly)
- Now, her character was the niece and manager of her aunt, the singer, Salome Otterbourne. So, understandably, her looks were more understated and conservative than say, some of the other women. I mean, she was gonna stand out regardless ( they were the only two black people in the main cast), but I still would’ve liked some more pops of color and different styles. The black and white dress a-line dress was my favorite. I’m also interested to know how old she was supposed to be---I’m guessing late 20s, early 30s? She didn’t give me some young girl. Plus, to be a manager of a blues singer? You need to have been in the mix for a bit.
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The Character
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- I liked Rosalie as a character---she was smart as a whip, observant (which you need to make it out of a murder mystery), and tenacious. In a sea of characters, she definitely stood out.
- Beyond just being her aunt’s manager, she also had a secret romance with this yt man. They didn’t really build up to that, kinda just told us they were in love with each other and *I* didn’t see any chemistry there but...
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- However, this gives her character an emotional hook as the mystery and murder unfolds.
- Tish had some great moments i.e confronting Poirot for being a hypocrite, (like I love it when she gets angry and calls him out on his shit--he deserves it), she has a pretty big introduction sequence, where you kind of get a feeling that Rosalie doesn’t take any shit and knows what she wants and how to make it happen. ( the gif below is from that intro scene), also she stayed calling these yt folks out. lol
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- Another thing on the romance storyline, it was hard to see it for them because we barely got to see them interact as a couple, romantically. I’m not sure if it’s like that in the book, or if some stuff was cut because off time, or what, but it would’ve been nice to see that explored more. It also would’ve made me feel more for them as a couple  when shit got real.
- The accent! Tish’s character had an American accent, with like a hint of southern belle? I don’t know for sure. Sometimes it worked for me ( like when she got pissed), and other times not as much.  I realize this movie was made several years ago, so I would love to see her revisit that accent now or at some point in the future. 
Final Thoughts
- Although, I only saw this to support Tish, I actually enjoyed the movie as a whole.  I really got into it once the murder happened. It was weird, I went into it convinced of who did it, but literally *everyone* was looking funny in the light tbh.
- The media has been really dramatic about this movie coming out and it is really not that deep. LOL. I hate them, for real.
- And I wouldn’t look at this role as indicative of where she stands now as an actress (go watch her in Small Axe if you haven’t, she kills it.) She definitely did what she needed to do at the end of the day (and wasn’t nobody giving Viola Davis/ Denzel Washington level performances on de Nile ok)
-Tish would be fun to watch in a horror movie. She has a really good scared/shook face LOL
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- And if anyone else has seen/hasn’t seen the movie and have comments/questions, hit up my ask box! I’d love to hear your thoughts.
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quirklessidiot · 3 years
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title : cigarettes and parfaits [2] pairing : older!nanami kento x younger!reader [13 year age gap, ft toji fushiguro] Genre: romance, fluff, josei, mild angst, comedy, strangers to lovers au
Summary: you’re pretty sure you’d remember marrying a man 13 years older than you, right?
Warnings: alcohol, smoking, mild smut, y/n making stupid decisions, everyones a human-au so yeh non-canon stuff and everyone’s happy (periODT) Notes: tbh idk how marriage works in japan, all i know is that once you have both your signatures in the marriage registration certificate with one witness then you guys r married skdjssks anyways onto the story- also might i add this is happy story?? i promise yall, all youll see is cute stuff in this story bcos fuck angst (ok maybe lil angst since you know plot development) but i stand by that nanami kento deserves that trip to malaysia under the sun with his lover! before i forget to add, the age dynamics is that y/n is around 25 and nanami is 38. no power play and all that, just two healthy consenting adults! sorry for the early delete had some minor corrections :( 
Izakaya-informal japanese bar
Masterlist || taglist || [prev ; next]  [updates; every friday yay!]
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*13 hours earlier; a night before at some random Izakaya in Tokyo*
You sat in front of your phone and three bottles of saki, despite your friends advising you countless of times to lay off drinking too much, all sense and warnings are thrown off the window tonight.
You’re clearly far from sobriety as you recall the video chat with your otosan not looking too good and bright, “Why don’t you move back home? It’s not like the teaching job at tokyo is all that great! You’re alone there and your obachan and I don’t like that a lot…” your father’s words haunt you again and again.
Just what was wrong with living alone? And excuse your otosan but you definitely had a very good job at Tokyo High (It was a prestigious academy that paid well, best job out there that you still didn’t know how you landed). You mumbled a few curses underneath your breath, Oh, how much you love that oaf of a father and worrywart of a grandmother but could they lay off the idea of settling down? You were a responsible and good child who never had stepped a toe out of line. Wasn’t that enough already? You immediately downed the drink and let the saki burn your throat down.
“Oh ho, slow down there.” You hear someone say, “You’re all alone and it seems like you have no one to help you back home.”
It seemed like the men on the opposite side of the bar had noticed you.
“I can take myself home, thank you very much.” You mumbled, loud enough for them to hear. Unlike older men who liked to prey on you for your innocent stature. The men who sat across you in the Izakaya didn’t really exude that sort of energy (what can you say, you had a knack of experiencing that, unfortunately).
“Are you sure? We can ask the owner to call a cab for you. She’s a woman and she’s a friend of ours.” the other one in robes pipes in, wait, was that a Buddhist monk?
“No, I’m good. It’s just…” You paused before letting out a long sigh, “A bad time so I need to stick around for a bit.”
The white-haired stranger tilts his head just a bit, “Seems like you and a friend of mine are both going through some rough patches.” he replied, pointing towards his blonde company who you didn’t notice until now.
You wordlessly shifted your gaze towards the office worker next to the Buddhist monk, you hadn’t noticed the blonde man until now. It seemed like he was going through a rough time too since the pair was loud and boisterous enough to conceal his silent presence.
You notice how out of place he looks with his crisp and clean suit, hard gaze, and silence. It made you wonder what sort of man hangs out with two contrasting personalities, “You’re wondering if he’s our friend or our boss, aren’t ya?” the white-haired man asks.
You immediately turn red in embarrassment, were you that easy to read? You try to stutter out an apology but the monk waves it off, “It’s alright, we get it all the time. Contrary to popular belief, Kento is two years younger than us and is our junior from high school.” He smiles.
“Ah,” you nodded mutely, “Sorry. It definitely wouldn’t make sense to see a boss and his subordinates at an Izakaya.”
“Oh, Kento-chan doesn’t usually go out drinking but he couldn’t resist. After all, he’s a father with two very emotional teenage boys.” The white-haired man teased in a sing-song voice. It seemed like the three were close, with the way they were carelessly lounging around the stoic and kind-of scary man.
“I’m starting to wonder if he gets that teasing attitude from you.” The blonde man, seemingly out of his trance, called out his friend. Contrasting to his aloof features, he didn’t mask the annoyance in his tone.
“Oh, uh, do you need help?” you quietly asked, tilting your head to the side in wonder. The blonde man’s head snapped to your direction and quirked a brow.
“And you are?” he seemed to be calculating and observing you from head to toe. It suddenly made you a bit self-conscious because this older gentleman had no business being this good looking and scary at the same time.
“Oh, I’m Y/N by the way. I’m actually a high school teacher.” You introduced yourself sheepishly, “I’m always surrounded by angsty teenagers.”
His gaze narrowed just a bit, it seemed like he’ll be giving you the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he was a bit desperate since he was getting advice from a drunk stranger in an Izakaya out of all places, “So what seems to be the problem, Ojisan?”
He’s still quite hesitant so it’s his white haired friend who speaks out for him, “You see, Kento-chan here just moved last week because of a promotion from Kyoto.” he grins, telling the story for his friend, “His kids aren’t very keen with the moving, well one of them is outright showing it and the other one is well keeping it in since he’s just the sweeter one.”
The white-haired stranger keeps babbling on about how his friend had regretted taking the work promotion because it feels like he shouldn’t have done that. You peerlessly observe the older man’s reaction while his friend talks about his problems to you. He remains stoic.
It didn’t look like it but it seemed like this man had such a soft spot for his kids.
How nice, his wife must be proud of him.
“... and before I forget to add, Kento-chan is very much single.”
You almost choke on your saliva, this friend of his sure knew how to run his mouth. It suddenly dawns upon you why this man had been very worried, he was a single parent who only wanted what was best for his boys but he didn’t even know how he should proceed now.
“Um, ojisan?” You quietly call out, ��I think you’re doing great.”
Silence lingered in the air for a bit, you cringed at your rather awkward and forward approach, “Excuse me?” the older blonde man asked, clearly dismayed by your response.
“It’s just…” you ears turn red, not from the alcohol but from embarrassment, “You wouldn’t have moved in the first place if the pay wasn’t better than your old job, right? Plus you’re alone and raising two kids. It definitely isn’t easy to provide for everything alone but I can see that you did some careful reevaluation on the whole thing. Obviously you can’t avoid the fact that they feel bad but you can sit them down and talk to them about how the whole thing was beneficial not just for you but for them too.”
You spoke way too quickly that you wondered if the man could understand you.
The blonde man holds his breath for a moment, “I know…” he mumbles, “I just don’t really know how to talk to them.”
“Well, maybe you could take them out?” You advised, “Spend a whole day with them for a while and just move around with them. Help them get acquainted around their new school or something!”
You watch him silently look at his glass and think it over. Man, if this guy wasn’t older, your obaasan would outright agree and tell you to go out with him since she was never fond of how men weren’t as calm or laid back as he was.
“That sounds plausible. Thank you, Y/N-san.” his voice turned a bit softer and you feel your stomach turn just a little queasy by his tone. God, was the alcohol this bad?
“Well, would ya look at that.” the white-haired man grins, placing his drink up as if he was signaling everyone to cheers with him, “I told you drinking at an Izakaya would solve all your problems. For that, we should drink here again next week!”
The man glared at him yet again, “No. I should be heading home now. I can’t be anymore away from S-”
“Ah, ah. You promised that you’d stay until 2 am.” The white-haired man hushed, “Or I’ll be pestering you for a whole month.”
You could definitely tell that a vein popped on his forehead and his blood pressure was shooting up. Man, you were really starting to doubt that white-haired man was older than everyone in this room. He sure had the mental age of an elementary student.
“You also said I could leave after five drinks.”
“That’s only your second.”
“Satoru…” the Buddhist monk dangerously hovers over his white-haired friend. Wow, middle-age men sure were amusing, “You don’t even drink that well and he has to drive home…”
“Tit for tat, I’ll hire one of my personnel to drive you home after five drinks and I’ll leave you alone for a wee-”
“Please just leave me alone for my whole life.” the blonde man deadpanned.
Unlike you, he wasn't such a bad drinker. Four bottles for him and one more drink for you later, you're both kind of woozy and you had gotten on even friendlier terms with the three men who you now know as Geto-ojisan, Gojo-ojisan, and finally, Nanami-ojisan. Nanami was well into his late thirties while Geto and Gojo were in their forties.
If you were sober, you wouldn’t be making friends with older men. With stories of how easily young people are taken advantage of in the big city, you’d swerve away from them. Luckily, it seemed like they were a good trio and not once did they invite you to sit on their table so you had some good distance between you four and so far, they hadn’t tried anything funny or uncomfortable.
Geto is currently a lawyer, Gojo’s apparently some swanky businessman of god knows what        you heard jewelry or something      and Nanami was an accountant. A job that he described was ‘dead-end’ and ‘fucking boring’.
“...What happened to your wife, Nanami-ojisan?” you ask, the alcohol slowly shedding your shyness away.
“I told ya, Y/N-chan. He never was married. The way he got the kids was just complicated!” Gojo Satoru frowns, splaying his long limbs in the air, for a man so enthusiastic with drinking, he sure got drunk pretty quickly.
“Really? Didn’t you have a hard time? Wow…” you whistled, “I have such high…” you raised your hand as high as you could, “...respects for like, single parents!”
“See? See? But he can’t get a partner because of that Y/N-chan.” Gojo pouts, “...We’ve been setting him up on dates and such but he keeps bailing on them!”
“I have kids.” Nanami deadpans, narrowing his eyes.
“What my friends are trying to say, Kento has a number of opportunities to bring a partner into his life but he likes to use the boys and his work as an excuse.” Geto surmised, it seemed like the lawyer was also starting to feel the effects of the alcohol since he had become more talkative.
“He’s good-looking, right Y/N-chan? If he probably didn’t act like some fossil from the Triassic period, he wouldn’t have a problem sometimes about the boys having a mother figure!” Gojo rants, making Nanami flick his forehead.
“Idiot, must you tell this stranger all my problems?” Nanami harshly interjected.
“Well, you do know that to actually get a partner, you must get out there, right ojisan?” you try to calm him down, you didn’t want a bar fight to erupt.
“I know.” he rolls his eyes, “But the kids-”
“I know.” You try to smile, “You aren’t very interested in bringing just anyone in your life, right? The boys need a permanent figure and you think dating around is going to help.”
“Holy shit, Y/N-chan.” Gojo exclaims, “I thought you were a teacher? How come you know all this shit?”
“It’s basic, Gojo-san.” you smile, ready to take another swig of your saki, “You should take into consideration that Nanami-san isn’t just anyone who’d settle for less. He needs stability since he’s technically a parent.”
“That makes you a perfect pair, don’t you think?” Geto nonchalantly replies, “I mean, you need a stable man in your life who has all of it figured out and wouldn’t hold you back at all while Kento here needs a person who could not only be a good parent but also be as understanding.”
“That’s…” you chuckle, he technically was right, “That’s definitely odd how all our problems will be solved if we both just went out together.”
“... looks young enough to be my child.” Nanami rejoined, “why would Y/N-san like-”
“I mean, you’re good looking.” you shrug, rather shamelessly, “I wouldn’t mind going out with you. Heck, I wouldn’t mind if I married you.”
Gojo spits out the saki he was drinking all over the table and that makes you cringe in disgust, “As long as he doesn’t get invited to the wedding. I’d marry you. If you’d like we could even get married right here, right now.” you proudly proclaim.
The blonde man is thrown off by your statement yet he’s too drunk to even sip in the seriousness of your words, “Well as much as I agree on not inviting Gojo to my wedding, I don’t know-” he tries to explain.
“You know what, isn’t Geto-san a lawyer? He could have it notarized and all that right now then we could get married. I’ll be a great mom and help you out then you could help me get my family off my back. You scratch my back, I scratch yours!”
Geto is definitely in shock, how odd was it that he even had a marriage registration certificate in his briefcase back in the car too?
You both could just sign it and Satoru could sign it as your witness and he could have it officially notarized since he had his seal back there too.
“So, Nanami-san, what do you say? Wanna marry me?”
Oh god, were you shameless.
Who in the right mind would marry a stranger, one who was thirteen years older and a father?
One thing was for sure, your friends were right. You definitely needed to stay away from alcohol.
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taglist [if crossed out, i can’t tag u ; - ;]
; @coldbookworm  ; @frankenstein852  ;  @neavil  ; @shephard17895  @kristineyoshaii ; @airybnb ; @okachansenpai ; @amortentiaxo ; @rinvtaro ; @franko-pop ; @kozutenshi ; @kaldoesthings ; @moonlitdabi ; @chococroissant​ ; @bleepop​ ; ​
@Kurok1717 ;  @hcn421 ;  @shinhiromi ;  @airybnb ; @katshuya  ; ​
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cocogukkie · 3 years
2020 in review: kdramas (the heart fluttering, the disappointing, the saviors of 2020)
it’s december 31st! the new year is quite literally upon us (some of y’all are already in 2021) and my procrastinating self has chosen to upload this today. i’ve always loved these rec lists and I wanted to do one for 2020! this year was a rollercoaster for kdramas with some excellent ones and some not so excellent ones. i watched all of these in 2020 but not all of them were released in 2020.
if you want to use my questions to make your own list please do!! or give your favs in the tags, i’d love to read them. (fair warning, some of these have multiple answers bc i just can’t choose one!!)
drama that made me laugh
When The Camellia Blooms (2019)
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i finally got around to watching when the camellia blooms this year and it. was. so. funny. oh my goodness, the comedic timing in so many scenes was pure excellency and im kinda mad at myself that i didn’t watch this last year. this isn’t just a comedy for those who are interested, its a thriller/romance but its also so fucking funny. definitely watch this if you want to laugh (and be touched bc the emotional scenes in this one are beautiful)
drama that made me cry
Sweet Home (2020)
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hahah….. um this one is gonna go to sweet home friends. i went into this one with zero expectations and the first couple episodes didn’t really wow me? but i kept watching and holy shit fam. this show really picks up story-wise around ep 4 and makes the viewer love a lot of these initially unlikable characters. all i can say is that the end was devastating for me and i cried quite a bit. (warning, there are a lot of mature themes in this one so make sure you look for trigger warnings or send me an ask and i’ll list them all out for you) 
best OST
Itaewon Class (2020) 
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i loved the ost for itaewon class!! the music is just so inspirational and pump up music, its so good. my favorites are ‘you make me back’ by woosung and ‘start’ by gaho.
drama with chemistry royalty (aka the best couple) 
i have three for this one because i just cannot choose one. 
It’s Okay To Not Be Okay (2020)
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we recognize this one as one of the best things to come out of 2020. go moon young and moon kang tae have some of the best chemistry i have ever seen in a drama couple. i waited on the edge of my seat every single week for the next couple of episode just so i could fawn over these two. they work so well together, lift each other up, and so fucking funny together and support one another. while they’re not the chillest couple (lmao) they’re most certainly one with the most personality. they’re so cute and bicker and they just get each other. who could ask for more.
Flower of Evil (2020)
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our badass mom and dad 😭😭. this was another peak drama that came out this year and our married partners-in-crime-but-not-really had amazing chemistry. baek hee sung and cha ji won were so cute as a married couple but they were even more precious later on in the drama after certain things unfolded (no spoilers). they both just get each other and protected one another as well as on the most precious kdrama children this year, their daughter eunha. they were so wholesome, flower of evil is so very worth a watch.
Into The Ring (2020)
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this was one of the more underappreciated kdramas of the year but hoo buddy was the main couples chemistry top notch. they were so friggin cute and i just couldn’t. goo se ra is highkey one of the best female characters i’ve ever seen, she’s absolute chaos, lawful chaos, but chaos nonetheless. her other half, seo gong myung is opposite from her as lawful neutral. he’s just along for the ride that is se ra and loves her. they’re both so very fond and protective of each other and back each other up!! very very cute and you’ll definitely replay more than a couple of their scenes together.
most disappointing
Record of Youth (2020)
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it’s sad but true… i went into this one with so much hope and excitement (i was riding off that ‘psycho but its okay’ high) and i was vastly disappointed. the plot mostly focused on the male lead, and there wasn’t much characterization for the female lead which i didn’t like. honestly, i only cared about maybe 3-4? characters in the whole drama. the rest were absolutely terrible or plain boring and i ended up skipping eps 14 and 15 and just watched the finale. i would not recommend tbh.
drama you can’t really get through
Crash Landing on You (2019)
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this one is absolutely on me, i want so badly to love this one. but i just… can’t seem to get past ep 2? i’ve tried!! i swear, but i just cannot get through it. maybe in 2021, i can try again and i’ll enjoy it more.
drama everyone else liked but was meh
Kairos (2020)
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i though kairos was a bit predictable tbh. i know those of us who did end up watching it really liked it but maybe its because i watch so many crime/mystery shows that this one didn’t really do it for me. the writing is quite solid and everything connects well, i would recommend that those who don’t really watch thrillers, to watch this one. (also the friendship between the female lead and her two friends is suuuper cute and worth it alone to watch kairos)
favorite romance
It’s Okay To Not Be Okay (2020)
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yeah… this one wins again lol. what can i say, i just loved it so much and the main theme of the show is romance (its also a comedy and a mental health/healing drama) all i can say is watch this if you haven’t yet, its definitely worth it!! 
favorite mystery
Memorist (2020)  & Watcher (2019)
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i really enjoyed these two mystery dramas. both were super fun to watch and very kinda unique in their own ways. i liked memorist because it was lowkey funny and i liked the relationships between the characters, but most importantly i couldn’t guess the main antagonist by the end! i really thought i knew who it was and then i was completely wrong lmao. watcher was also very good, the main trio had really good chemistry and i really cared about all the characters. (also i’ll never say no to watching seo kang joon) plus the plot twists threw me a bit at the end which is always a feeling i welcome, i love being surprised and wrong (as long as it makes sense)
favorite slice of life
Hospital Playlist (2020)
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oh my goodness, i was late to the hospital playlist party and i regret it because this show is so. so. good. its just a slice of life following 5 friends who are doctors and work at the same hospital together but its so much more than that. this is honestly one of the first shows i’ve seen that are optimistic? in the show, every time i thought a plot was going to play out a certain way (usually negatively, as tends to be life unfortunately) it surprised me by taking the more optimistic wholesome route. characters in subplots changed for the better, became more understanding, chose to do the right thing, etc. if you want a feel good drama where the main characters have wonderful platonic chemistry and just care about each other but is also super funny, watch hospital playlist!! (season 2 is coming out early 2021 and im so pumped)
favorite fantasy
The Untamed (2019)
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this one is a cdrama but i watched it in 2020, mostly because of how many people on the internet were adamant that the rest of us watch this and ngl they were v right. the untamed was very very good and im really glad i gave it a chance and watched it, its also my first cdrama ever. the chemistry between the male leads is honestly what makes this show and its worth the 50? i think? episodes. to be completely honest the fanfiction for the show are peak and if you do watch this, go straight to ao3 and you will not be disappointed.
dramas that saved 2020
The Uncanny Counter (2020) & Run On (2020)
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these two dramas are among those that started airing at the end of the year and will go into the beginning of 2021 and absolutely saved the end of 2020 for me. while neither of these are finished, both have been excellent so far and worth starting. uncanny counter has the best use of the found family trope i have ever seen. i fucking love the four counters and their relationship with each other, how protective they are of one another. they all have amazing chemistry and the actors have amazing chemistry in the making films.
run on has one of the cutest couples that will definitely make my best chemistry list for next year. i didn’t put them on this list bc they actually haven’t gotten together yet but once they do, they’re gonna be freaking adorable, i can already tell. there’s no specific grand events propelling the plot forward, but just following the lives of these unique, interesting and relatable people who have casual yet entertaining conversations with each other. the show is super soft and the main couple are so straightforward and honest (plus theres mutual pining!!)
best dramas of the year
here are my best dramas (and one movie) watched this year, no further explanation given lolol. just watch them and enjoy because these are fucking excellent in the feels department. trust me 💞
It’s Okay To Not Be Okay (2020)
Flower of Evil (2020)
Itaewon Class (2020)
Hospital Playlist (2020)
One Spring Night (2019)
Midnight Runners (2017)
Hot Stove League (2019) 
I hope this gives you some fun stuff to watch!! or convince you to start that drama in your watchlists! 
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mintymiknow · 4 years
Equilibrium | Lee Minho
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Summary: Equilibrium (n.) a state of rest or balance due to the equal action of opposing forces. || He liked the adrenaline rush speed gave him, and you liked taking things slow. Perhaps you both found a state of equilibrium in each other.
[Street Racer!Minho x Fem!Reader] [WC: approx. 6.3k words]
Genre: Romance, fluff
Warnings: There isn’t any street racing in this tbh it’s just mentioned for context lol sorry Idk anything about racing
A/N: I’m sorry everything I’m posting right now is Minho. I really don’t have much motivation to write much except for Minho stuff when I’m really inspired or something. But anyway, this is kind of messy since I’m busy with classes, but I hope you like it! I’m just not over the fact that Minho wasn’t a racer in the MV lol.
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You hated speed.
Well, you didn’t exactly hate speed. You just didn’t like the recklessness such a motion brought about. You preferred to live your life slowly, enjoying the tranquil currents life brought to you. You thought everything took place in their own time, so there was no point in speeding or slowing things down.
Lee Minho, on the other hand, hated slowness. He lived for speed.
Well, if you were addicted to street racing, it wouldn’t really be that big of a surprise.
Except, you weren’t the biggest fan of street racing; it was dangerous, burdensome, and reckless. You didn’t want anything to do with it, even if your younger brother, Felix, was involved in it. Sure, it made him happy, so you let him do as he wanted, but it didn’t change the fact that you were 24/7 worrying over his well-being.
“I’ll make sure he’s always safe.” Bang Chan had once said when you met Felix’s racing crew; the older male was the “leader” of sorts.
He seemed decent, this Chan guy, so you hesitantly trusted him to keep your brother safe every time he hung out with them.
Then you met the others - Seo Changbin, Hwang Hyunjin, Han Jisung, Kim Seungmin, and Yang Jeongin. Those boys were fairly decent, though they had some episodes of being chaotic, boisterous and dramatic.
Felix pretty much disappointed your parents when he expressed his decision on not working for the family business because he wanted to race. In the end, they let them do as he pleased. You, on the other hand, wanted to work in the business. Your parents owned several chains of restaurants, so when you graduated, you were assigned to manage one of these.
And that was when you met Lee Minho.
You can still clearly recall your encounter with that mischievous and somewhat flirty individual; the memory replays in your mind, and you can’t even begin to comprehend why.
It was late at night when you were sitting by one of the tables in Levanter, one of the many restaurants your parents owned. You managed this particular one after you graduated college because it was your favorite.
You usually closed the place after open hours were over, so here you were, just about ready to go home when you heard the sound of car engines outside. Your brother knew exactly when the restaurant opened and closed, so why was he here at this hour?
And why was he with his crew?
Several cars were parked outside, and a few men got out while smiling and laughing with each other, You recognized most of them, having already met the bunch. Felix pushed the frosted glass doors open, giving you a wide smile, “Hey y/n!”
You raised an eyebrow, “Hey Lix. I was just about to go home…why are you guys here?”
Jisung - one of Felix’s closest friends - slung an arm around your brother’s shoulder before responding, “We finished a bunch of races and won, so Lix here said we should celebrate here.”
You looked at your brother with a “really now?” expression, but he just laughed it off and gave you a hug. “Please?” he pleaded cutely, clinging to your arm.
You loved your younger brother more than anyone, so obviously, you couldn’t say no to such a request. “Fine, but don’t get used to it.” you poked his nose, “Mom and Dad are going to kill me.”
“You’re the best, y/n!” Chan cheered from the back.
You gave the older male a smile in acknowledgement, “I knew you’d say that, Chan.”
You were thankful for the fact that you knew how to cook even if you just managed the restaurant. You prepared a simple meal - or snack, rather - for the racing boys waiting outside. You could hear them laughing and cracking jokes, though Changbin and Hyunjin laughed the loudest.
When you came out of the kitchen, another individual had entered the restaurant. His hair was as dark as the night, tints of brown adding color to it. He had sharp features, but the smile he was sending to the group of racers was very much warm and…cute.
You’ve met six of Felix’s friends, but this man was never introduced to you. Was he a new recruit to their crew? He took a seat next to Chan, the older male slinging an arm around his shoulder as they continued to chatter. You finally walked over to them with a tray of simple snacks before offering them some soda or juice to drink.
“Thanks, sis.” Felix smiled before gesturing to the newcomer you were curious about - you didn’t admit that, though. “By the way, you haven’t met him, but this is Minho!”
“Minho.” you nodded your head, offering a small smile at the strikingly handsome individual.
Oh. So this was the Minho that Felix would always mention when he was talking about one of the best racers in the crew. You wondered why you never saw him when you’d see the other boys though.
He looked towards your direction, lips quirked into a smooth smile with only the corner of his lips lifting, “I finally get to meet the sister Felix keeps talking about.”
“I’m sure he does.” you nodded, ruffling your younger brother’s hair.
For a few more minutes, the boys thanked you for your generosity before sharing stories on how their street races went. You weren’t exactly too fond of hearing stories of cars zooming past empty streets as if the drivers had no care in the world, but for the sake of Felix, you listened and engaged yourself in conversation.
Besides, despite your initial distaste for racing, you couldn’t deny that these boys were good friends not only to Felix, but to you as well; you were particularly close to Changbin who was around the same age as you. Now that everyone helped in cleaning up, you noticed Minho heading for the stairs that led to the rooftop bar of the restaurant. You leaned over to Chan who was next to you by the shelves of drinks, “Does your guy know that this place is closed and he isn’t supposed to be wandering around, especially at the rooftop?”
Chan laughed, “Minho’s…a free-spirit, please forgive him. Just tell him to come back down.”
You nodded, telling Chan to make sure the boys don’t break any plates or steal any food while you dealt with the other male.
When you got up to the rooftop, the first thing you did was to check if Minho went directly to the bar to sneak in a drink or something. To your surprise, he wasn’t. Instead, the male was sitting on one of the stools, elbows rested on the bar counter as he leaned back. His eyes were seemingly glued to the night sky, stars reflecting in his pretty eyes.
You were almost sorry - almost - for breaking whatever mood he was in, but you had to do it.
“You know, this place is strictly off-limits when the restaurants closed. Even Felix doesn’t come up here.”
Minho closed his eyes, a soft chuckle escaping his lips, “Oops, you caught me.”
You tilted your head, sighing, “Come on, Minho. Go back down. Chan and the rest are waiting, I think.”
“They can go home by themselves. We all live separately anyway.” Minho grinned, his gaze now on you.
“Ok, but I’m serious. This place is off-limits.” you mumbled the last bit, “Technically, you guys shouldn’t even be here.”
Minho laughed, and the sound made your heart do a double-take. Your temporary distraction of replaying his laugh allowed the male enough time to get off the stool and make his way behind the bar counter where he found two glasses.
You only snapped from getting lost in replaying his laugh when his voice brought you back to reality. “I’ll go back down, but not after we have a drink. What do you say?” he wiggled his eyebrows playfully.
You let out an exasperated sigh; none of the other boys were this…bold. You didn’t respond to the male, making quick steps so that you were next to him behind the counter. You immediately grabbed the two glasses from him and set them back on the rack on which they were placed in. You raised your hand to hold your index finger up at him, “When I say this place is off-limits, it’s off-limits, Minho. And you are definitely not getting a drink.”
“You’re fiery.” Minho joked, his lips curling into that smooth smile once again, “That’s cute.”
You knew your cheeks were probably redder than the towel lying on the counter, but you chose to ignore that, narrowing your eyes to glare at the male, “You’re unbelievable.”
Minho winked. He winked before breaking into a larger grin, one of his arms now snaked around your waist, “Want me to show you what’s unbelievable, baby?”
You nearly choked, and though you didn’t want to show it, you were much too flustered to make a coherent and solid response. Minho found your stuttering state quite adorable as proven by the amused giggle he let out.
“Hyunjin did say you were cute,” the male smiled, this time less mischievously and more friendly, “but I wasn’t expecting you to be this cute.”
“Minho.” you said through gritted teeth, prying his hand off the curve of your waist, “Felix did mention several times that you were a skilled racer, but he didn’t say you were a big flirt.”
“Flirt?” Minho laughed, shaking his head, “No, no, no, baby. I don’t flirt.”
“Then what is this?” you deadpanned.
Minho winked again, his fingers delicately tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, “Getting to know a new friend perhaps?”
He doesn’t give you the chance to respond as he began to walk towards the stairs leading below. “Still, you’re pretty cute, y/n!” he called out as he descended the steps.
You stood there, dumbfounded, the subtle warmth of his touch still lingering where his fingers brushed against your ear.
Minho was like a gust of wind, passing by quickly to render you speechless with his actions. But it also meant he was fast, leaving you to ponder and figure out what exactly just happened.
It was too quick to comprehend.
You sort of hated speed anyway.
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Ever since that encounter, you saw Minho much more often. Well, it’s not like you did it intentionally. Whenever Felix wanted you to hang out with him and the boys after races, Minho would also be there.
You didn’t know if the male was just naturally…charming, but he certainly made some pretty bold advances, flirting even. Changbin said that Minho’s just really playful and does what he wants, so you believed him and reacted with passiveness every time Minho made such moves.
He’d call you pretty almost every chance he got, teasing you about how he wanted to kiss your flushed cheeks, or how your lips looked soft enough to kiss. He’d touch you in subtle ways, either by slinging an arm around your shoulder or snaking it around your waist.
His favorite, however, was when he cupped your face to look directly at your quivering eyes, smirking as he knew the effect he had on you, only to chuckle and let go as if he had no intention of doing anything else.
Things remained like that for a while, until at some point, his “advances” died down, and he started treating you like a normal friend - like how the other boys treated you. He’d flirt from time to time, but you noticed that he was only like that when the other boys were out of sight.
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“You’re really easy to read, you know that?” Minho says in amusement, leaning forward on the table as he sat across you.
You glare, rolling your eyes and scoffing at his statement, “I am not.”
Minho just hums, lips curling up into a bigger smile as he reaches a hand up to pinch your cheek, “Y/n, you’re cute, but you’re a horrible liar.”
You swat his hand away, pouting your lips as you pretended to be more focused on the milkshake you were sipping. You didn’t notice that Minho had tilted his head, resting his chin on his palm as he studied your features.
You snap your eyes to look at him, confused as to why he was smiling like that - like he was so amused and entertained at the fact that you were sipping a strawberry milkshake so intently. You didn’t know that he was smiling like that because he found you to be the most fascinating, striking, and charming person he’s ever met.
“What?” you raise an eyebrow skeptically.
Minho was about to open his mouth when Felix and Hyunjin came back to the table with the trays of your orders. “Y/n, compare these to the food you make at Levanter!” Hyunjin teases, taking a seat next to Minho.
You chuckle, “We know the answer to that.”
Felix sits next to you, nodding vigorously before digging into his burger. Hyunjin began to interview him like it was a variety show, causing both you and Felix to laugh. For some reason, you decided to spare a glance at Minho to see if the man actually found such simple things amusing.
Turns out he did as he laughed at Hyunjin’s mock interview with a bright smile. His eyes crinkled at the corners, something you never noticed before.
But before you could even stare at him longer, Minho snapped his gaze to your direction, instantly locking with your eyes. You felt your heart stop as the male’s lips curled into charming smile; as opposed to his cheeky smirks, this one was a gentler, warmer one that had your nerves feeling things.
You smiled back, before shyly looking down at your food to eat.
You learned that Minho could slow down from time to time.
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It also came to the point that you started thinking that maybe Minho was actually interested in you because he visited the restaurant while you were working in the afternoon. He never did that, and neither did the boys.
Well, they did, but it was usually as a group to eat lunch or celebrate another street race victory. But Minho would drop by by himself for who knows what reasons. He’d buy coffee and probably a sandwich or cake, and you’d find yourself sitting with him. You’d both talk as friends, but Minho would undoubtedly look at you like you were something much more. You ignored that, thinking that Minho just naturally had stars in his eyes.
Sometimes he’d ask If you wanted to take a breather and go out for a ride with him, but you made excuses like “I need to work” or “you’re not fond of their race cars”, or even admitting that you thought he was moving too fast for “a friend”. You told Felix and Chan about it, and they said that maybe Minho was just bored.
Were you just someone to kill time and boredom for him?
Or did he actually want to see you?
The thought made you laugh and snort in disbelief. Lee Minho was basically your opposite. Someone who liked to live his life with the adrenaline rush of going around freely and quickly wouldn’t like someone who was slower and more careful like you. That would surely bore him.
You hated speed, Minho thrived off of it.
Minho wasn’t keen on living life in a slow pace, but you didn’t mind.
Obviously, Minho wasn’t interested in you that way.
And surely, you weren’t into him as well.
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Everything was going fine in the restaurant, so you decided to take a break for the day. Felix was happy to hear that, so he asked if you wanted to tag along with him and the boys while they bonded together at the arcade. You agreed since you wanted to take a breather from working non-stop the past weeks.
You got into Felix’s car, making sure to remind him to drive slowly and safely, much to his amusement and laughter. You and your brother then arrived at the arcade where the other boys met you two. They gave Felix high-fives while they greeted you with bright smiles and happy comments of “getting to hang out with you” again. Minho winked, but that was all he did before Chan instigated that everyone starts going crazy and play some games.
You all played variety of arcade games, a few boys - Changbin and Seungmin - getting a bit to competitive every now and then. The laughter you all shared while having fun was a very nice refresher to your tired state as if it was very much needed.
You often spent your free time doing things by yourself; reading, staying at home, baking, whatever. You usually just spent a lot of time by yourself while your parents constantly traveled and worked, and Felix with the racer boys. You had other friends, but they were just as busy with their careers.
You realized that spending time with the seven racer boys and your brother was a nice change of pace. They lived life at a faster pace compared to your slower tempo, but it was a nice change.
After the arcade shenanigans, the whole group drove to one of their favorite diners for some dinner. Of course, more laughter and conversations took place as you all enjoyed your meal. You asked if they had races scheduled tonight, and they responded that Seungmin didn’t schedule or plan any because they wanted to rest.
An hour or so later, Seungmin, Jeongin, and Hyunjin excused themselves to head home. Chan said he was going to visit his siblings, while Changbin were going to get their cars checked. With the rest making their leave, Felix turns to you and smiles, “Do you want to go home already, sis?”
“Let me guess.” you chuckle, “You still have plans?”
Felix and Jisung, who was still here as well, look at each other before breaking into cheeky grins. “We do…” Jisung trails off, scratching the back of his neck.
“But if you want to go home, I’ll drop you home first!” Felix says with a grin.
You shake your head and ruffle his hair, “I can take the bus…or a taxi.”
Felix looks unsure, considering the time. He knows you do this on a daily basis, but it doesn’t change the fact that he worries over your safety. Well, if you worry for his safety every time he races, he worries about yours every time you go home late at night.
Sensing the younger male’s uneasiness, Minho speaks up with a smile, “I can take y/n home.”
All three of you look at Minho with quizzical looks. The male drapes an arm around your shoulder and chuckles airily, “I’ll drop her off at your place since I was just about to go home as well.” Minho then turns to you, “You can let Felix and Jisung have their fun…whatever plans they have.”
“But I really can go home by myself.” you insist, “I’ve been doing that since forever.”
“Felix worries for your safety, and so do we.” Minho says a bit too smoothly.
Your younger brother nods, “Just for tonight, y/n.”
You contemplate on the idea for a second or two. Eventually, you give in and agree, prompting Felix to grin brightly. He says goodbye and goodnight, giving you one more hug before he and Jisung make their leave.
Minho then gestures for you to follow, leading you to his car. The walk is quiet, but you somehow feel at ease with the male next you. He then opens the door for you, and you get inside. The male goes around to the driver’s side, opening the door to sit on the driver’s seat. With the doors closed and locked, and with the two of you buckled up, Minho starts the engine. But he doesn’t drive just yet.
Instead, he keeps one hand on the steering wheel, the other one on the handbrake, as he turns his head to your direction. “Y/n.” he says.
You hum in response, tilting your head when you face him. Minho has a subtle smirk on, his eyes glimmering even in the darkness his car has due to the tinted windows. “I know I said I would drop you off at home,” he starts, “bit do you mind if we…drive around for a while?”
You look at him with curiosity. Minho always asked if you wanted to go on little drives with him, but you’d always turn him down because you were 1) nervous of being alone in a car with him, and 2) you didn’t know if you’d make an embarrassment of yourself.
But this time, you thought it would be nice to agree for once. You then nod your head, offering a gentle smile, “Let’s go then.”
Minho’s smirk morphs into a brighter smile that shows his bunny teeth, and you end up letting out a little giggle at his reaction. With that, he drives off with an excited twinkle in his eyes.
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Unlike Felix, Minho drives significantly faster; it makes him feel alive and free when he does so. He doesn’t mind because he knows he’s still careful even if the car’s speed is swifter than normal. You, on the other hand, grip your seatbelt in fear. It amuses Minho to a point, but he makes sure to give your knee a reassuring pat to let you know that he’s a safe and careful driver.
While Minho continues to speed through an empty stretch of the highway, you take in the sights from the window on your side. You can see the city skyline, its lights reflecting on the surface of the river nearby. It looks like a painting, and you can’t help but make an “o” with your lips as you admire the view.
The lights begin to look like pretty streaks as Minho speeds up, the city become smaller and smaller in the background. It’s a bit hazy, but there was a beauty in the way the scenery turned into a blur of lights.
After a few more minutes, Minho parks his car at a nearby field, gesturing for you to get out as well. Both of you get out of the car and walk around the field as the night breeze caresses your skin. He offers to hold your hand as the terrain becomes a bit uneven, so you allow him to lace his fingers with yours.
You both reach an area where the field is mostly grass, so you let go of Minho’s hand. Perhaps that was one moment where Minho hated moving quickly. He doesn’t say anything, however, and instead gently places the same hand on the small of your back. “The stars look the most amazing from this place.” he whispers.
You look up and instantly agree with a nod of your head. “You’re right.” you smile, scanning the inky sky as the white, glittery stars peppered it like a canvas.
Minho’s lips curl into a small smile as he looks up as well, “Seungmin was the one who found this spot. It’s like our little rest place when we’re not racing.”
“Felix never told me.” you hum.
“Maybe ‘cause you’re a loser, and this place is for winners.” Minho teases playfully.
You scoff before lunging at Minho in retaliation. Your reaction catches him by surprise, but he reacts quick enough to evade your attempt to tackle him. He lets out a little laugh as you both begin to chase each other around the field. “Lee Minho!” you shout.
Minho giggles, stopping in his tracks to stick his tongue out at you. This allows you to catch up to him. While your original intention was to lightly shove him, your momentum caused you to accidentally push harder than you meant, and Minho trips over his feet. He loses his balance, grabbing onto your wrist as he falls on his butt with you in between his legs.
You’re both now staring at each other, frozen in your spot. The embarrassment on your face is evident, and though Minho is smirking, you can make out the faint shade of pink on his cheeks. “I…” you trail off, at a loss for words.
Minho’s lips curl into a smile before he lets out an airy chuckle. He then lays down on his back, eyes glued to the sky above. You stare at him in confusion - and maybe a little amusement - before the male pats the spot next to him. It takes you a few seconds to respond, but when you finally lie down next to him, side-by-side, Minho lets out a contented sigh.
You can feel his arm against yours, but you don’t dwell on how close you are to each other right now. With the initial embarrassment and shyness now fading away, you and Minho begin to point at the stars, making random names for constellations you made on the spot. There was the “The Hyunjin Dipper”, “Changbin’s Belt”, “Chan Major”, and “Jeongin Minor” among others, and before you knew it, you were both cracking up in laughter.
Minutes passed, and with the gentle kiss of the wind and glow of the moon, you fell asleep right then and there. You didn’t expect that, and neither did Minho, but there you were, curled up against his side as soft snores left your lips. The male looked at you fondly, using the back of his knuckles to stroke your cheek. You looked so peaceful like that, so he understood why you liked a slower pace when living your life.
As much as he wanted to slow down time compared to his usually fast-paced lifestyle, he did promise Felix that he’d get you home safely. Minho quietly carried you in his arms, careful not to wake you. He walked back to his car where he gently placed you on the passenger seat. He drove off, heading for yours and Felix’s house.
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Upon arriving, Minho piggybacked you, but the door was locked. Felix’s car wasn’t there, so he wasn’t home yet. Your parents weren’t home either - on another business trip - so Minho had to wake you up from your sleep. You mumbled the password for the door’s lock before falling into slumber again. Chuckling to himself, Minho entered the password and entered the house.
He went upstairs, peeking into various rooms until he saw one that seemed very much suitable to be your own room. Pushing the door open fully, he walked over to your bed where he set you down gently. He removed your sneakers and even unhooked some of your dangly earrings for you.
Seeing your sleeping form made Minho feel all warm and fluffy inside. Minho was always told that he lived much too freely and quickly. It’s not like he was The Flash and did everything with two-times the speed, but he just preferred to go along like nothing was holding him down; he liked to live without slowing down because he believed time was always ticking, and he did not like wasting time.
But right now, he felt like it was only right to slow down for a second, allowing him to properly admire your soft and serene features. Time stopped for him, and he carefully combed his fingers through your hair. You let out a soft hum, pursing your lips at the sudden sensation. You slowly peel your eyes open, only to be met by Minho’s gentle gaze.
You break out into a sleepy smile when the male winks at you. “Are we in my room?” you ask.
Minho nods, “Yup. You fell asleep.”
“Hmm.” you sigh, adjusting your position on the bed.
Minho lightly chuckles at your sleepy form rubbing at your eyes. Everything falls silent, and there’s an indescribable tension surrounding the room. You and Minho are staring at each other; the warm haze of your lampshade illuminates Minho’s features in a much softer way, and it makes you want to slowly trace your fingers over every inch of his face.
He doesn’t know what comes over him, but Minho finds himself leaning down until he is mere breaths away from your lips. You can feel his own breath tickling your skin, and if Minho opened his mouth to speak, you were certain you’d feel his lips brush against yours.
But you don’t let him, not yet.
You let out a soft giggle as you plant your hand on his chest, gently pushing him away. “You’re too quick, Minho.” you say with a sleepy voice, “Slow down, ok?”
Minho looks at you with wide eyes and flushed cheeks. It takes him a second to compose himself, eventually breaking out into a playful smirk, “I’ll slow down for you tonight, y/n. But next time, you might want to speed up.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” you laugh before shutting your eyes.
Sleep has taken over your body, and little puffs of air escape your lips as you fall into a peaceful slumber. Minho shakes his head, the amusement too much for him.
He settles for a chaste kiss on your forehead and whispers against your skin, “Speed up, baby. I’ll be waiting.”
You didn’t get to see Minho the next day and a few days after that because you were both busy with your own businesses. Things became busier for you in the restaurant as it was nearly peak season, and Minho had more races with the boys during this time as well.
You kept in touch through the phone, but it was…different to physically be with him. You didn’t know if you could call it love, but there was certainly something there. Minho felt and knew it too, but he took your advice and wanted to “slow down” to make sure he wasn’t mistaking things.
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It was late in the afternoon, between the time the sun began to set and when the moon would rise. As usual, after a busy day, you were closing up the restaurant earlier than usual, just about ready to sleep once you got home. You locked the doors just when you heard the familiar sound of an engine behind you. You didn’t turn around just in case this wasn’t one of the racer boys. You heard a car door being opened and shut, and boots scratching against the pavement.
“Hope I’m not too late.”
The familiarity of the voice causes you to smile and chuckle to yourself before turning around. You’re met with Minho leaning against his car, arms crossed as he gives you a playful salute. You shake your head with a giggle, “I’m afraid you’re too slow, Minho. You can’t get any more coffee.”
Minho laughs, pushing himself off his car, “Too bad. Well, if that’s the case, want to go on a ride instead?”
You pretend to think about it, prompting Minho to playfully pout. You respond with a giggle before nodding your head, “Alright, just for a while.”
Minho asks about your day, and you tell him about how busy you were. In return, you ask about their recent race, and Minho recalls the events with so much liveliness, gushing on about his car and the rest of the boys. His enthusiasm and passion reminds you of Felix’s, and it’s honestly such an endearing sight.
You eventually arrive at the same field as the last time Minho took you our for a ride. You both get out of the car, and this time, since the sun was still slightly up and giving you enough light, you both wandered around longer, randomly admiring the flowers that were there. You’d also name some of the clouds and imagined them in various shapes, once again erupting into hearty laughter.
After a while, you both walk back towards the car where Minho lets out a sigh as he sits on the hood. You sit next to him, admiring the way the sky is painted with hues of purple, orange and pink with a subtle blue crawling in. You take note of how Minho’s eyes are closed as he lets the breeze kiss his skin and ruffle his hair which was now a beautiful shade of red-orange. How nice it was that it matched the sky.
You give him a gentle smile and ask, “The boys used to mention that you rarely hung out with them after races, which is why I didn’t meet you when I met everyone else before.”
The male offers you an amused smile before turning his gaze back to the sky, “It’s not that I don’t hang out with them. I do, especially when they’re celebrating. But most of the time, when our races are finished, I choose to still drive around. Like…with no particular destination. I just like the feeling and satisfaction driving freely gives me. It makes me feel free.”
You nod in understanding, humming and chuckling softly, “We really are opposites. It’s cute, I guess.”
Minho smirks, turning back to you, “Cute? I guess.”
“If you’re so fond of living like you’re rushing into everything,” you start, staring at him with genuine warmth, “why do you like spending so much time with me?”
“Easy.” Minho responds, reaching his hand to yours so he can lace his fingers with yours, “It’s because you let me slow down to appreciate things better. You’re the only one who can make me stop and take slower steps, even when I want to just do what I want, when I want to.”
You feel your cheeks burning up at his words, and your speechless state allows Minho to pull on your arm, tugging you stand between his legs. Both his hands are now clasped around yours as he stares up at you with adoration; there’s no other way to describe the way he’s looking at you except for adoration.
“You’re the one who showed me the beauty of taking things slow every now and then.” Minho whispers lowly, his lips curling into a very Minho-like smile, “With you, I don’t want time to go by so quickly. I want to slow everything down so that I can be with you for as long as I can.”
“Why?” you ask, your voice smaller than you intended.
“Because I like you.” Minho giggles, squeezing your hands tighter, “I understand that you might think I’m moving too fast for you, but I just really - ”
Minho never gets to finish because your lips are now on his. Again, you catch him by surprise as he was not expecting you of all people to do that. Still, he regains his senses and kisses back instantly. He savors the feeling of your lips on his at last, and yes, they are soft just like he thought. You pull away much too quickly for his liking, but he doesn’t mind because you let go of his hands to coil them around his neck.
“I like you too, Minho.” you lean your forehead against his, smiling giddily, “I wasn’t sure you’d feel the same because…we aren’t exactly on the same tempo here, but I guess I was wrong.”
“I can slow down and you can speed up?” Minho teases.
You laugh, nodding your head as you press a kiss to his nose, “You say you learned to take things slow because of me. Well, I learned that it’s alright to be quick from time to time. I still don’t believe in rushing things, but there’s nothing wrong with living with a fast pace from time to time.”
Minho hums in satisfaction, lips curled into another smile. His hands are now on your waist as he directs you to sit on his lap. You follow his guidance, settling on his lap as his arms wrap around you. “You and I make a perfect balance, you know?” Minho whispers against your lips.
You nod, smiling in response, “That’s true.”
Neither of you say anything else, letting your lips do all the talking. As Minho stated, you were both a perfect balance; even the kiss you shared was a perfect balance, not too rushed, but not too slow either. It was a beautiful mix of both your favored tempos, allowing your lips to delightfully melt together as if they were puzzle pieces meant for each other.
The sun is now on its last moments before saying goodbye, the sky’s warm hues now greeted by the cooler tones of the early evening. The mixture of both hues makes everything much more beautiful, painting both you and Minho in an ethereal light.
You both pull away to giggle giddily, prompting you to wrap your arms around Minho’s neck tighter. Minho laughs as he hugs you, burying his face by the crook of your neck. You play with the little hairs on his nape, listening to the gentle beating of his heart.
Ironically, your heart was beating quickly while his was much calmer.
But those opposing forces made a beautiful rhythm that both you and Minho could find rest and enjoyment in.
A beautiful state of equilibrium.
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eemamminy-art · 3 years
ask thing!!!! mayhap some ship meme asks for fordola/lyse? and/or 4 headcanons for aymeric or y'shtola?
Oh boy!!!!!! Thank you for indulging my brainrot with these lmao! Absolutely massive post under the cut:
Who is the little spoon?
You would think it's Lyse but I feel like Fordola is the unwitting little spoon?? Lyse just bear hugs her at night and she begrudgingly enjoys the attention
Who sings in the shower?
Definitely Lyse! She strikes me as the type to sing to herself all the time
Who plays pranks on the other?
I don't think it would be either, I think Fordola is too serious and Lyse is a little too dense and gullible herself to be the prankster. Maybe after Fordola gets more comfortable she can do that stuff, but it also might go over Lyse's head gjsdjgdsjh
Who is the one who listens to pop music?
Assuming they even have pop music in Eorzea.. Again the obvious answer is Lyse but I'd love if it was the other way?? Lyse beats the shit out of a striking dummy to heavy metal while Fordola jogs to soft pop hits
Who brings the other a random cup of joe?
Lyse would, she is one of those overly thoughtful types but doesn't really know how to properly mother so she's like "here's your fourth cup of coffee, I don't know what else to do so I'm gonna make another pot!"
Who picks the cheesy movies for date night?
If it's cheesy comedy or romance, then Lyse. If it's cheesy horror, then Fordola :D
Who is more likely to feed the other in public?
I don't think either of them would be the type, but more the types to pass a straw back and forth on a smoothie or milkshake or something :D
Who gives the other random little compliments?
Lyse definitely!! Ever since her "you look great btw" comment toward Yugiri, I can only see her giving inappropriately timed little compliments
Who is always stealing food from the other’s plate?
I think Fordola would? She does it like a little act of rebellion, grabbing things from Lyse's plate even though Lyse is more than willing to share? She takes a forkful and Lyse is like "Oh, help yourself! It's really good!!" and makes her mad
Who is more likely to let the other borrow their car?
I don't think either of them should be trusted with a car tbh ghsdjgsd
Who makes the list before they go grocery shopping?
Fordola probably, but Lyse forgets it at home and they just wing it
Who makes sure the other takes their meds when sick?
Fordola would, I think Lyse is probably too scatterbrained to remember even if she was healthy, but Fordola is the type to be very responsible!
Who watches sports and has to teach the other the rules?
Lyse! I see her as such a jock, she probably gets way too into it too
Who pulls the other to their feet for a dance in the living room?
Lyse, definitely! She seems like the type to enjoy dancing, and she's very spontaneous :3
Who has to keep reminding the other to hurry or they’ll be late?
Fordola, she's again, the more responsible half!
Who is the one most likely to get a tattoo with the other’s name?
Oh cringe... I don't think Lyse would want to get any tattoos after having to wear the fake archon brands for 5 years, but if she did want them she would be the type to do that. But realistically neither of them would.
--- Four headcanons: Aymeric
Headcanon A:  realistic
In addition to his canonical hobbies of dancing and cooking, I'd like to think he's musically apt as well! Playing the piano, maybe singing? I love to imagine him singing in the choir as a boy, and his fondness for music transcending beyond Halonic hymns as he gets older.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
Aymeric has an entire house full of cats, he started collecting them after his parents passed on because that big manor was so empty and his stewards had nothing to do while he was working like 16 hours per day.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
This one is more my wife's headcanon than my own because I'm too much of a shipper to go through with it, but Aymeric's faith making him want to wait until marriage for sex while Ishgard also frowns upon same sex marriage so there is little chance he ever would be able to marry 😭
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Zephirin is another bastard of Thordan, and therefore Aymeric's half-brother, and taunts Aymeric with it while he's being tortured in the vault 🙃
Four headcanons: Y'shtola
Headcanon A:  realistic
Y'shtola cares more about her fellow scions and the WoL than she lets on, hiding it with her dry wit most of the time. When things get really dire, she shows worry on a deep level that none of her colleagues ever could have imagined from her.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
There's some line about Y'shtola "saying she's been 23 for a long time" or something to that effect, so I'd like to believe she's close to twice that but looks flawless due to magic
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Due to her using forbidden magic and also using her magic in order to see, the ominous warning Matoya gives about her shortening her lifespan comes true. Y'shtola hides it well but becomes very weak, falling into an unending sleep in her last attempt to cheat death.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
As aloof as she is, I'd like to imagine Y'shtola taking on a number of lovers throughout Eorzea. Never anything too serious, more like a fwb situation, but she'd intimately know a girl in just about every settlement. It's one of those closely guarded secrets though, unlike in the case of say, Thancred's exploits.
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nc7dr3am · 3 years
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HI this is a long post. the idea for this was inspired by my favorite @delicatejisung who also has an nct dream oc that you MUST follow. also i know the edit sucks. also also i write very light nsfw stuff in this. like mentions but no smut cuz i don’t do that. HOWEVER there are no nsfw mentions w jisung. ik teens do whatever and lily is only a year older than him but 1.) i will not do that because he is still a minor and 2.) they just aren’t like that together. they don’t need it
THIS IS ALL HYPOTHETICAL NONE OF IT IS OFFICIALLY CANON. lmk which ones sound cute cuz even tho it’s not gonna happen .. lilno and chenlil might have stolen my heart
you can bet they’d be so completely in love with each other
very sweet, very romantic
“baby” “babe”
in front of the camera they’re normal, the same amount of affection as usual, oftentimes less
lily, when mark is talking or being unintentionally attractive: *bites bottom lip, looks up a little, seems like she’s trying not to smile*
he does his rap in mfal to her randomly and it’s cringey and funny but he does it to make her smile because he knows it’s her fav title track
when she sings he smiles so wide because in his opinion. there is no sound more beautiful than her voice
they talk to each other so well. like. they can sit for HOURS just talking and it never gets old to them
writes genuine love letters to her but will cringe and hate himself if he gives them to her until she gets teary and smiles
her basically giving him book reports about the books she reads and he literally falls more in love with her when she’s screaming about the novels because she is so PASSIONATE
her falling asleep in the practice rooms or studio late at night because she INSISTS on staying with him
and when he kisses her he likes to tilt her chin up with his hand of holds both sides of her face
hyuck taking credit for the whole relationship
she has a collage of polaroids of them, of him (including some of the ones from qtah) that are separate from her other photos of friends (she has a lot)
mark has a few polaroids of her that he keeps by his bed and he always smiles when he sees them
she never calls him oppa (even a bit before they start dating tbh)
when she has to do sexy performances or just acts sexy you will 100% find mark at his most awkward
they will have fun doing ANYTHING they’ll be happy through anything if they’re together
they could go through five watermelons in a day
konglish all the time. and getting excited/thinking something is funny and jumping and screaming
“can i have your netflix password, lils?” “mark you’re literally richer than me and still use all of my accounts”
her getting embarrassed by him and giggling
she will continue her campaign to get mark to play spiderman
lazy days making music, him watching her cook, binge watching american reality shows she likes, and literally just days where theyfe in bed and make out and talk and make out
shopping trips all the time
they love to do activities together. like, they’ll go places and try new things
she’s desperate to visit his home and his family
and they have their ideal life planned. like. if they weren’t idols they’d get an apartment together. they wanna have some pets together. they have trips they’d like to go on together
they grew up together, they’ve loved each other for years, they’ve been pillars of support
but as much as they’ve loved each other they grew to be IN love with each other
but teased by every unit especially 127. wbk.
they’re more.. private than the others. they’re alone together a lot and don’t overdo it in front of the others
SLIGHT nsfw below. no smut but. and then some fluff near the end <3
ummm so like. vanilla for the most part even tho lily is a bit more ✨wild✨
oh um. ass grabs. when they’re alone but. constantly
when they get comfy with each other (read: when mark finds confidence and is comfy) he will always have his hands on her ass
even just resting there
mirror selfies with his hand on her ass
if he can’t touch her ass, it’s always a hand on her thigh
very affection when alone together, moderate when they’re with others
he likes to lay on her stomach and she loves when he lays on her shirtless
so many days where they just lay in bed together, tangled in lily’s blankets, music playing in the background, lazy makeout sessions... need i go on? CUTE SHIT
mark isn’t great at expressing his emotions publicly, and they hold so much of their relationship just between them. they both always know how much they love each other
so they’re SOFT
song covers together
she tries to learn mandarin but. she ends up getting frustrated that she can’t get it and renjun kisses it better
he tells her the wrong words in mandarin a lot and it has fucked her over a lot, especially in lives
“oppa, how do you say ‘i bought that shirt for renjun?’”
*in mandarin* “i am in love with renjun”
they’d be a bit more obvious about their feelings, a bit more touchy
when they confess, they’re together right away, no questions asked. they literally need each other
sleepovers every night and they’re generally really cozy
lily reading, renjun drawing, a movie playing on her laptop that they aren’t paying too much attention to
renjun has specific articles of clothing he puts aside in his closet because he KNOWS she’s gonna take those specific ones
he is very into giving her flowers and little gifts
shes asked him to give her mf art lessons LMAO
ended with them covering each other in paint and making a MESS
they’re silly together, they’re the couple who knows how to cook but starts playing with the ingredients and makes a mess
they leave sticky notes for each other everywhere
lily jumping into his arms
constant pecks on the lips. the dreamies are sick of it. so sick of it.
deep talks late at night
lily being funny and having a box of his stuff in her room even though they live in the same place
nomin threatening renjun
but then lily fourth wheeling with them all
somehow they become even more of a savage duo
when they make eye contact while performing they’ll make faces at each other
he turns the koala joke into her pet name
so he calls her koala and she calls him a pain in her ass
SOFT KISSES he always cups one side of her face
he braids her hair a lot or does cute little styles
lots of cafe dates
will KILL any of the others if they wake her up when she’s sleeping
the type of romance that’s sappy but also they can most definitely roast each other
she likes to wrestle him LMAOO
the way they’re basically chenji’s babysitters is SO FUNNY it started to happen a lot right after they got together
they want to adopt a puppy and name him moomin
SLIGHT nsfw below. no smut but. and then some fluff near the end <3
okay so it’s kinda.. more hesitant and sometimes she takes the lead more than he does
their make out sessions are more heated but don’t always lead to something
like the way it’s going youd THINK it’d be something, but then they just decide to watch a movie and go to bed
he really likes her neck and collarbones but can’t do much to her neck because yknow they’re idols
there’s almost no insecurity in their relationship
it’s very relaxed and loving, and everyone around them can see and feel the love
a bit unexpected
a ✨whirlwind romance✨
lilno? more like lilmino because jaemin is always there
a part of her was genuinely sad that she broke up nomin and everyone looks at her like she’s crazy
torn between her love for him and letting him go if jaemin confessed
they can be a bit more obvious in front of fans than the others, because for some reason there isn’t much suspicion there
in front of czennies he lowkey flexes and picks her up over his shoulder a lot, has his arm around her a lot, and they wink at each other from across the set
he holds her waist a lot, and he’s super protective
but also the !! softness !!
have literally been walked in on several times of them just peppering each other with kisses and laughing and its literally lowkey a movie romance
working out together
practicing dances together
the type of guy to literally ignore everything she’s saying because her beauty distracted him
she hits him on the arm for that
passionate kisses
there have been too many times where the others walk in the kitchen and lily is sitting on the kitchen counter with her arms around jeno’s neck as they’re just making out
they’re the couple that’s yelled at by the dreamies the most because sometimes they need to chill out
and like they love each other deeply and fully, it’s not high school in that regard
but they giggle too much and are kinda all over each other sometimes
they use pet names just a BIT too much
the older guys are a bit more protective of her with him than they would be with any of her other options
cuz while they’re softies
they escalate their relationship super quick
and it’s RIGHT for them
but the hyungs are protective
jeno surprisingly isn’t that jealous because if he could actually get lily
he knows neither of them are going anywhere
him constantly telling her how beautiful she is
her encouraging him and telling him he’s so talented and more than he thinks he is
when they ride the tandem bikes (i think that’s what they’re called? the bikes with two people?) it’s just jeno pedaling
OH and when they make eye contact during stages it only enhances their stage presence because they both wanna look sexy for their boo
jeno is rooting for lily solo because he knows she deserves it
super sweet and wholesome and they make each other smile so WIDE
she pops his zits for him LMAO
cuddles for DAYS and jeno’s fav thing is when she falls asleep in his arms
touches his muscles all the time
SLIGHT nsfw below. no smut but. and then some fluff near the end <3
they make out so much OMG
a bit wilder than she would be with others
she loves to run her hand down his abs
when she does that or touches his biceps it lowkey turns him on
jeno is a bit more reserved than the others at times, but with lily he feels utterly HIMSELF
he doesn’t feel like the jeno who is just a hot rapper. he feels more than that with her
they bring the light out in each other
another unexpected pair but a lot more expected than jeno/lily would be
they’re both literal sunshine and they would be such a beautiful couple
lily aka the only human alive to fluster hyuck
and even THAT doesn’t happen very often
hyuck’s lap = lily’s seat
SO touchy and affectionate but not in the way lily/jeno would be
it’s like constant hand holding, hugging, sitting on each other, leaning on each other, stars in there mf EYES
while they still tease each other and mess around
i have a very specific image in mind of them waking up together, hyuck leaning over her, the biggest smiles on their faces, and then kissing each other
and lily’s just like “hi” with the cutest smile, and then he says it back with the same smile
it might surprise you but hyuck POSSESSIVE
will gatekeep her and not let anyone hug her
always calls her his girlfriend in front of the members
he stands behind her with an arm around the middle of her torso a lot and she’s just absentmindedly playing with his fingers
only a tiny, lil bit obvious in front of czennies because they’re both so affectionate?? and before they dated lily would call him the love of her life?? and keep her face close to his?? this is NORMAL for them
but one of the biggest clues is hyuck being physically unable to not stare at her lips sometimes
they read each other’s tarot nearly every day HAHAH
very romantic as well
she sings him “you are my sunshine” all the time, just stroking his face and staring at him with all of the love in the world
like i said, they still tease the fuck outta each other and roast each other and are at each other’s throats but then they can flip INSTANTLY
he kisses her knuckles and traces her face
he games and she’s falling asleep on his lap
127 squad doesn’t like when they’re being forward because haechannie is the maknae
she loves life cuz more hyuck = more taeil
he will move mountains to make her laugh or see her smile
he’s begging sm for a sexy dance break with the two of them
she’s obsessed with how gorgeous his skin is
the type of boyfriend that notices the tiny little things
he’ll do things/get things for her just because he thought of her or remembered something she said
SLIGHT nsfw below. no smut but. and then some fluff near the end <3
another one that’s a bit wilder
theyre not shy LMAO
steamy intense makeouts like
how is he so good? lily is very satisfied
overall they’re such a fun beautiful HAPPY couple
theyre both so loving and wonderful and there is not one single doubt in anyone’s mind that they love each other fully
literally impossible in any universe
lily and chenle have always been two sides of the same coin and he had been waiting for so long
the most beautiful happy smiles at each other ALWAYS because how did they get so lucky?
they were each other’s first proper kiss (canonically, as well)
it’s perfect because they’re best friends and always have been
nothing much changes except the affection and little things because they’re both still best friends
jisung being on all of their dates
he always buys her expensive shit and she hates it so much
she puts on lipstick JUST to kiss his cheek
jisung has walked in on them vibing, on them making out, and yeah he’s sick of it and so happy he only saw them kissing
always sleeping in the same room (usually at his place 👀) but theyre a huge mess when they sleep at night and someone ends up hitting the other because chenle moves too much for her liking
they’re still competitive and of course they still have their alliance
because dating or not, they would fight to the death on that rooftop
chenle literally will kiss every inch of her face because he likes hearing her giggles and he can’t believe he finally got his lily
CUDDLING ALL THE TIME and they’ve fallen asleep on the couch in the dorms and when they’re sleeping HARD the others like to see how many things they can balance on their heads
but then say summ like “her face is weird tho” after and unless they’re in front of fans he ends up kissing her after she hits him
when she has to be sexy on stage, he is HERE FOR IT even if the stage is with another person because!! YES his girlfriend is hot, he’s LUCKY
she loves going to his house!! mostly because his family but also
they get to have privacy and be a couple
they’ll hold hands on camera cuz they don’t give a single fuck
they’re definitely outed and have to go public
which just makes their competitive streak and constant roasts WORSE
she loves the sound of his laugh but will yell at him if it hurts her ears
threatens to get one of his predebut photos tattooed on her
a big part of them loving each other is annoying each other and being soft behind the scenes
always together
SLIGHT nsfw below. no smut but. and then some fluff near the end <3
the more intimate aspects of the relationship were really weird at first
but they’re very compatible so it was just fun to them
he WILL honk her boob. has done it in front of the others by accident and jaemin forbid her to see him for a few days
they kinda taught each other how to kiss way before they dated so it was funny when they did it as a couple
peak friends-to-lovers and even czennies can’t help but love then
god their shyness is kinda annoying
really confident in private- they talk a lot, they’re very good at just chilling
but lily has to be the one to hold his hand because he’ll get nervous even when he’s so comfy in the relationship
i mean not that the dreamies have time to be in a relationship, but jisung was so SCARED to kiss her and have his first kiss
she thought it was funny
clumsy duo and they tease tf outta each other for it
chenle always being around
they can’t tell who the members are more protective over in the relationship
hugs!!! she loves to backhug him and he thinks it’s cute cuz she’s so tiny
they watch harry potter too much
she has almost convinced him to ride a rollercoaster but ended up failing
he makes fun of her height a lot and then she’ll trip him or something
he’s kinda protective and gets insecure that he’s younger than her sometimes but she just kisses his cheek and tells him to stop worrying
tbh they’re the most innocent, wholesome couple
they wanna go out on dates and they do but catch another member tagging along to babysit them
she gets wine drunk next to him and he can’t drink so he just has this drunk woman on his hands and doesn’t know what to do but honestly she just wants him to cuddle her to sleep
his voice is her favorite sound and she wants him to sing more
whenever anyone says something weird about jisung they both hold up the handcuffs cuz
they’re super weird they can be so confident and then one of them gets flustered and will be a shy baby
trading lines in concerts
lily making cute faces at him, staring at him blankly, winking at him, acting cute to him in front of fans
they share one braincell together and probably accidentally outed themselves by using pet names and like. holding hands on live
and then the OH SHIT face happens
they’ve given the older members heart attacks because he’ll give her a piggyback ride, they’ll hug really tight, or WORSE... they’ll give each other a lil kiss
they’re more innocent by nature but they love kissing and he loves holding her face because her skin is pretty and soft
he wears her perfume on his wrist so he can smell her and smile
the type of boyfriend who is CLUELESS about girl stuff
he wants her to try a different hair color. like a weird one
she refuses
taeyong actually loves them together so much
them dating and being IN LOVE and jisung still gives her cash for her birthday
the “i love you’s” are so. cute. and full. of. LOVE
she is merciless when theyre playing something against each other. she’ll TRY to get him out
usually lily is clingier but when she’s standing and jisung is sitting with his arms around her waist and his head squished to her side it’s so cute
he gets randomly really clingy at times and won’t let go of her
emotional bub will get teary because he loves her so much
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belphegorbillickin · 3 years
Tell me about it, Medi!!(Medi, was it?) I really like the thought of an antagonist, one that actually makes the storyline juicy by adding conflict. And can't we have a female character as a friend or something?.. Imagine mc having friends OTHER than the mains, I like that thought. Adds more detail and depth into the story.
But you're right about the personalities. It irritates me how they're literally just simping for mc now? Everyone has their own thoughts, but I'd prefer if they STILL had those demon instincts. They're WAY too soft for my liking. At least make them A BIT more demonic? Like Asmodeus. He doesn't only specialize in lust. The actual Asmodeus was responsible for breaking relationships, making people have selfish desires that led to their doom and those who succumbed to their lust became his prey. This actually happened with that one painting in obey me? The witch, Helene? And how asmo didn't even show A BIT of shame. But now he's back to "uwu I love myself and mc". Don't demons corrupt others though? My thoughts.
Maybe I'm thinking way too dark, but like, what if the demons actually kept a facade of loving you? Believe me I didn't trust Lucifer until lesson 18, or any of the brothers till 16, and I liked the feeling of dread when I used to be like, "Oh wait is he gonna do something to me now?" BECAUSE THEY ARE LITERAL DEMONS I DON'T TRUST DEMONS. It's disappointing. I guess now I gotta turn to fics that portray them as ACTUALLY being selfish like how a demon should be.
Yeah, don’t get me wrong I’d love to have a female character as a new datable option or friend, I just don’t have much faith in how they’ll write a female character into what’s pretty much an established romance. And yup, Medi is right.
Same, I loved the tension and hating Lucifer was so much fun. It's a shame I’m not really into Lucifer that way because he has the most character development out of all of them and stayed a bit more intact. Like even when he loves MC he’s still prideful. 
Meanwhile Satan is just a crazy cat lady with an occasional love of books/pranks and a rare reference to being “tamed.” He could’ve been so much more interesting, I loved their take on wrath and wanted to see more about demons vs fallen angels. It doesn’t help that I hate when they make “I can change you with my love” a reality, like at least get him to a therapist or something.
This might be controversial, but I think part of it is also due to Mammon’s success. From how things played out it seems like they expected Lucifer to be the most popular by far, but eventually they realized Mammon was pretty close and started focusing on him as well.
One thing that always bugged me about Mammon is that we never really face any consequences from it. Like Lucifer’s pride gets in the way or causes him to lash out, all of the brothers do, but Mammon’s sin never actually harms the player. I know half the people saying no one should ever be mad at him for stealing would be pissed if he regularly stole sentimental/rare/expensive belongings and never apologized or at gave them the money he made.
He never steals from them or screws them over, and even his early behavior gets ignored or brushed off as him being stupid. Because personally I have a hard time believing Mammon’s resentment from being forced into a pact and humiliated disappeared just like that. Sure occasionally MC gets punished, but the player doesn’t take any part of it and usually people that like Mammon want to do stuff like that anyway so it isn’t really his fault.
Anyway TLDR I think the fact that the softest and least dangerous demon with no real drawbacks or serious accidents being the most popular set the tone for the devs too. All of it started way before the attic arc too, he was a fan favorite from the beginning and I think he still would be even if he did attempt to get rid of MC tbh.
I could definitely see an argument for them pretending, especially since they fell “in love” so quickly and yet reacted to MC dying like they do to losing an object. I highly doubt they’d do that in a romance game though tbh, but tbh I always kinda pictured it as them being temporarily infatuated with MC instead of intending to be with them for the rest of MC’s life, at least until the whole attic arc and Lilith reveal.
I can see the appeal though, and imo Asmo already kind of does that. A lot of his “compliments” in the beginning have double meanings or hidden insults and his whole inspection thing after the labyrinth was looking for the source of power stronger than Solomon's in what’s supposed to be a pathetically weak mundane.
 He also indirectly tries to get you killed because you’re annoying him and actively threatens you if you say you don’t like him at all. If it weren’t that late in the game or it had routes I’m sure he actually would’ve tried.
The game would’ve been a million times better if they were routes tbh, actual routes and not the moneygrubbing keys mechanic, even if it was a common route until after the attic arc. Dark characters really shine when you can actually mess up and see their nasty side or what they’re like when truly and completely rejected. 
As it is now Mammon and Lucifer get all the attention even when you actively avoid them. Meanwhile Asmo stans get nothing even on his birthday. They could do a harem route too for all the people that want it, but it’s not like you can’t replay the game and go through all of them in a true otome. The wide as an ocean, but deep as a puddle thing isn’t working out imo. As much as I love them the side characters becoming datable didn’t help either.
They could’ve done some really interesting things with Diavolo and Barbatos too, having them as sinister and untrustworthy like they were in the beginning if not more while still having them be romancable. I love the hints of cultural/moral differences they give us and the many hints that Diavolo isn’t quite as “wholesome” as he acts even in the more recent things, but I doubt we’ll ever see that because it’ll alienate everyone who hates darker things and people who like darker things but not Diavolo.
I think that’s a small part of why it’s harder for me to write as well, because they’re all so much different now it’s harder to imagine them like I did before. There’s only so many times you can go back and read the beginning, although it’s always a bit of a shock how different they are. 
Even for fan content it’s hard to find the sweet spot between identical to the average sugary sweet human and super dark ooc t0rturep0rn imo. Like don’t get me wrong there’s still a lot of good stuff from way better authors than me, but there’s only so much and a lot them quit ages ago or are starting to now.
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atopearth · 3 years
Ikemen Sengoku Part 11 - Kennyo Route
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Honestly, Kennyo isn't my cup of tea but I am interested in how their romance will develop since it seems like such an unlikely match hahhaha. Anyway, it's pretty unfair of the heroine to feel distaste and dread against Nobunaga when he told Ranmaru that if he ever turned on him, he would kill him. Like um, I'm sure that's pretty normal, not to mention that Ranmaru literally ditched his master to save himself which is pretty ridiculous as one of the closest people to him. He's pretty lucky Nobunaga forgave him. Anyway, it's funny for the heroine to think Nobunaga as awful but not blink an eye at how "awful" Kennyo is for killing random retainers or whatever of Nobunaga. But I guess she has to think of Nobunaga as awful to pique Kennyo's interest lol. Anyway, imagining a bunch of warlords cleaning a storage room together is hilarious. But it was nice of them all to participate, and kind of Ranmaru to plan it to cheer her up after encountering Kennyo. Anyway, I wanted to mention that Kicho is hot and probably second to Kenshin for me, I need his route now😭 It was honestly saddening to see Kennyo pray for forgiveness for his future actions and stuff, his story has always been a sad one that hurts my heart to think about since he's someone that can never move on from the past and can only seek out revenge as his reason for living. He hurts and kills others but feels immense pain over it, and I feel like if he got his revenge, he'd probably kill himself in atonement for it all, but anyway, it's nice of the heroine to want to know more about him (even though she doesn't show any of that leniency towards Nobunaga lol).
Although it's kinda funny how much the heroine and Kennyo coincidentally bump into each other, I do like how every time they do, the heroine shows more and more of her kindness and humanity to remind him of the "better" part of people. I think it really helps Kennyo to put into perspective that she is a sort of light to illuminate his darkness that he can't let go of, although technically a nuisance to remind him of his old self and everything haha. Anyway, it's kinda funny how it was "funny" that Hideyoshi was so worried about the heroine delivering stuff herself and he even told her to bring a weapon with her just in case, and it turns out that maybe she really should have listened to him lol! I think it's actually quite sweet that ringing Kennyo's bell led to his pet weasel stealing it from her and essentially leading her to him lol. It's sweet to see them bond, especially when they saved a little kitten stuck up on a tree together, it just felt like Kennyo really was as normal as he should be and as kind as he still is. It would be nice if the heroine can bring out more and more of his true kindness. Aww young Kennyo looks pretty hot! Although the current mature one is much better I guess. However, Kennyo probably would disagree considering everything he has experienced since then lol. It's nice to see a bit of background for Ranmaru as well as Kennyo though, it can't be helped that Ranmaru would be so attached to Kennyo if he's been by his side since he was saved by Kennyo as a child. It's so sweet to know how happy Ranmaru is over Kennyo and the heroine liking each other and Kennyo becoming more soft and compassionate like he once was because of her, but also sad to see that Ranmaru also really likes her. You'll have your route one day!!
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I guess it's nice to see how Shingen wants to try his best to convince Kennyo to give up on his revenge on Nobunaga before it's too late. It’s always nice to have a “friend” like that. Alike the heroine, I wanted to cry for Kennyo too when he told her the story behind the bell. I think it's really painful to have to constantly remember how he and his reinforcements were too late to save his comrades, and because there were traps, they had to flee before they could even get to bury their bodies, having only the bell as remembrance of that day. It's sad though, the bell is kinda like a shackle for Kennyo, a shackle constantly reminding him of revenge and all his comrades' pain. Young Nobunaga is cute lol. Anyway, Kennyo being hurt over the heroine's "betrayal" was actually painful enough that I felt like I could feel it, I felt so bad for him. But I'm glad Ranmaru and her both decided that they couldn't let Kennyo dwell in such darkness again and want to save him, it was pretty heartbreaking but the heroine is filled with such hope and desire to save Kennyo, it makes me feel so touched.
I wanna call the heroine stupid for telling Hideyoshi she really did go out to meet Kennyo when he already established it was a misreport, but really it's never stupid to be truthful about your feelings and to be honest with your heart. I guess this really is the romantic ending huh! I think what I love the most is that everyone knows what kind of person Kennyo is, and that's why they believe they can resolve this war peacefully without bloodshed, and the heroine appearing is like the best gift in hopes of making that truly happen. Anyway, I liked how Kennyo felt like he really could at least put things behind for now, and that it was allowed, and that what most people cared about was him rather than revenge itself. It's sad that Ranmaru won't be with them along their journey to all the temples and see how his people are doing, but I think it's his chance to live for himself rather than following Kennyo so I think the parting is important. I liked the ending. Reading Kennyo's PoV and seeing that in the beginning of the route, he moved those dead bodies so that the heroine wouldn't have to feel scared and see them again when she woke up was really thoughtful of him. I think what I enjoy seeing a lot from Kennyo's perspective is how much his people love and revere him. You can really see more of how much they follow him because they love and respect him more than anything else.
It was obvious that either Kennyo or the heroine were going to get hurt and force them to go to the future (in the dramatic route), which is honestly why I don't really like the dramatic ending sometimes, it's just so..dramatic lmao, it is what it is at least hahaha. Anyway, what I'm really enjoying about the dramatic route is the exploration of Kicho as this "evil" guy that has actually actively killed people and tries to stir up trouble for revenge on Nobunaga apparently. He's hot so it's good, but I think what I like about his character is the potential exploration of how being transported to the future and back to the past doesn't always mean you could survive happily like Sasuke, and you're not necessarily fortunate enough like the heroine to save someone like Nobunaga and gain the adoration of all the warlords. Lmao, the idea of Kennyo watching dramas with the heroine in the modern world sounded so cute. It was nice that the heroine got to meet her family and spend three months there before going back though. It was also nice that Kennyo was able to see Hongan-ji and it's teachings still alive to that day, I think that would be very heartwarming and motivational. I also thought it was really nice to see Kennyo and everyone rebuilding their temples and stuff, having Ranmaru there really made it feel like family. Honestly, I think I liked both the dramatic route and the romantic route. For the dramatic route, I liked how...more things happened I guess, so we got to see stuff like Kennyo enjoying dramas with the heroine in the modern world, but on the other hand, I personally preferred the bittersweet ending in the romantic route where Kennyo and the heroine go on a journey visiting the temples and helping the people who believe in him etc. I also liked how Ranmaru decided to find something for himself in that route. Tbh, I don't have a preference for what Ranmaru chooses because I feel like he's someone who would benefit from both? Like, him staying with Kennyo is truly what he desires, so being able to share his everyday life with the kind Kennyo is what he would love to do, but at the same time I also like the idea of him going out on his own to kinda explore this world now that he's stronger and can take care of himself, especially since I think it would benefit him to learn more things that he wouldn't be able to if he stayed so yeah I really liked both perspectives of how Ranmaru's life could change too.
Overall, I really liked Kennyo's route. He's probably one of my favourites actually, because I just love how they portrayed his pain over the loss of his companions and how much he cherished them? I've always liked that part of him so it was nice to see that expanded on, and I think it was really cute how the heroine and him got to bond over just little chats and spending time getting to know each other. Seeing Kennyo so soft towards the heroine and his people made me really like him. Ranmaru was also such a highlight in this route because seeing him respect Kennyo and want to help him made you understand how worth it Kennyo was haha. I guess I just really liked how gentle Kennyo was balanced with how he was burdened with so much responsibility over so many deaths, it just made his story really heartbreaking, but all the more satisfying when he finally got to share in some happiness with the heroine. Both endings were also pretty great. I think if you like the mature, responsible grieving guy that's really kind, you would probably like Kennyo🤣 Looking back at what I first said when I started this route...not my cup of tea my ass LOL, he’s totally my type hahahaha! Definitely a good surprise I guess haha!
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writingwife-83 · 4 years
My 2020 Sherlolly Self Interview
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Thanks for organizing this fun activity @sherlollyappreciationweek! 🎉 I’ll start out with a very brief “about me” section-
I live in the northeast area of the USA, I’ve been married for seventeen years, have one teenage son, and I’m in my *gulp* late thirties now. I do volunteer ministry work and also work part time from home. Among other leisure activities, obviously I love writing! I started writing original fiction when I was a preteen, but I’ve been writing fanfic under the pen name “writingwife83” for over six years now. I discovered fanfic and the world of online fandom after becoming obsessed with BBC Sherlock in 2014 after s3 aired. I read The Full House, fell in love with the whole concept of fanfic, specifically for sherlolly, and couldn’t help but give it a go myself. And as they say, the rest is history!
Below the cut I’ll talk about some of the topics and fics suggested by followers/readers. Buckle up cuz it’s a lot lol...
Ok, first up to be kind enough to give me some feedback is @readstoomuch. You said- “what inspires you. Any story (I love them all!). Who do you love writing? Who is hardest for you? And which is that one story that you had fun doing?”
As for what inspires me, first and foremost it’s the show and characters itself. Watching those two on screen, it’s not hard to be inspired! But beyond that, I find a lot of inspiration in music and art, and just generally in other creative works and people. I think for a while I had my own internal inspiration and no lack of it, but as months dragged into years lol, I have found that the rest of the shippers are invaluable in filling the gaps when I lack inspiration and motivation. Some prompts I’ve gotten from others have taken on a life I never would have expected, and that’s pretty great. I honestly don’t think writing works best as a purely solitary activity. I know myself and although there is an aspect of my writing that will always be “for me,” that’s absolutely not all it is. It’s the fun of creating with others and it’s the fun of sharing with others.
As for who I love writing and who’s hardest, I think I’ve always felt pretty comfortable writing the main characters in Sherlock. I probably especially love writing Sherlock himself because he’s fun to break down and really dig deep into his emotions and thought processes. There have definitely been times some of the side characters have overwhelmed me and made me nervous about conveying their voices accurately. For instance, Mycroft can be tough if it involves pulling him out of his shell in a way that still feels believable and true to character.
That one story I had fun doing? Well there’s no way I can say just one. 😆 As far as reader response, there’s no other fic that can compare to the fun of I Told You So, that’s for sure. But as far as the actual plotting and creating, I think the fics I’ve had the most fun with are the multi-chapters I’ve done since becoming good friends with @thisisartbylexie. Having her as a sounding board, plotting buddy, and editor has absolutely increased my creating fun and has definitely also made me a better writer.
Thanks so much for asking @readstoomuch 🥰
Alrighty, @thisisartbylexie, you asked- if there's a fic that you ever wanted to go back to change in some way, which one would it be and why? Which one do you feel "oh wow, did I write that?" in a super positive way?
Idk how to choose just one fic. There are plenty that could use some changing lol! One I’d like to fix though, would be Pleased to Meet You. I know (because I’ve been told) that there’s inaccuracies in that one seeing as I’m not personally familiar with university settings in the UK. I did actually attempt research and I thought I got the idea, but apparently it didn’t work out terribly well. But the plotting and progression of that fic is one I’ve always been happy with, so I guess I feel like it’s a shame if it came off messy in some general ways and distracted from the rest of it. I like how I was able to weave that one into the canon of the show up to that point. And tbh it actually still fits as a uni backstory for them without any conflicts to the canon. As much as I enjoy canon divergence and AU, I also have a big soft spot for fics that simply connect seamlessly to what we’ve already been given.
As for “oh wow, did I write that?” I think one of my proudest accomplishments has been Zephyr. That fic kinda has it all lol. The tropes, the pining, the romance, the Victorian setting...ugh I love it. And there’s a climactic kiss moment in that fic that’s one of my faves I’ve written. I’m so glad I wrote it because of the Sherlolly Remix Challenge in ‘16, and at your suggestion, Lexie. But I will also be forever sad that I had to release that fic all at once on AO3 once completed. That fic would have been great fun to be writing and posting as I went along! And on top of being happy with the fic itself and how it came out, I’m awfully proud of the fact that you were excited enough about the fic to illustrate it, and that @goodshipsherlolly enjoyed it enough to record it as an audio fic. Honestly, what more could a writer ask for? 🥺
@mizjoely, you said you’d like to hear anything about The Queen’s Man. Okey doke, you got it lol!
I actually went back and read through most of that fic when I got this because it had been a long time since I’d looked at it. I gotta be honest that in hindsight...I’m a little surprised it did as well as it did.😂🙈 As some may remember, it started because I saw a magnificent manip and wanted to write something to go with it, and then because that was well received, somehow it just kept going. I did very little world building and development of characters in that fic. It was largely just one shippy, romantic, pining scene after another lol. At the end I did kinda tie it all in and wrapped the story up ok, but it was definitely one of those self indulgent fics where I didn’t feel like doing the hard parts and really just wanted to write the fun stuff. Don’t get me wrong, I loved writing it, and I’m so glad it got the positive reception that it did! But it just kinda makes me laugh because it goes to show sometimes you don’t know what’s going to do really well. You could agonize over clever plotting and world building and character development etc, and be so super proud of the finished product and all your hard work, but then you share and the response is like “meh.” And then other times you legit just throw something together with barely any careful thought, and the crowd goes wild! But aside from all that, the visuals in my head of that AU are just too drool worthy to me. Molly in Medieval royal attire? Sherlock in dark armor with a Purple Tunic of Sex™️ underneath? The two of them lingering in the dimly lit hallways and rooms of a castle and gazing endlessly in mutual pining? Yes to all.
Thanks for asking @mizjoely 😘
Ok wow, see what I mean? That was long! 🤣 If you read all the way through this whole thing, *Moriarty voice* thank you...bless you. Honestly, this ship is amazing and I don’t think I’ll ever have a writing experience anywhere else like I’ve had here. I’ve seen the other side of things in another fandom now, so I can all the more so confirm that there’s no ship quite like sherlolly. The warmth, reception, and longevity is mind blowing and I’m just awfully happy to have played a part in creating for the beauty that is Sherlock Holmes and Molly Hooper. 💕
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fekst-fucker · 4 years
Not me sending a bunch a asks for the girls cuz no one really does them. But. Headcannons for them? Can be about anything!
I hope you don’t mind that I saved Judge Angel and Nurse Ann for this post, I’ve never written for them so I wanted to flesh out their characters :)
Jane the Killer
- Mom friend of the group
- In like, a detached, cool biker mom way
- She likes coffee and tea equally! She’s just not a huge fan of anything super sweet, she’d prefer to have a piece of cake instead of a sugary drink
- She speaks a little French, I think. She probably learned it in high school and is still studying it casually
- She and Nina don’t get along too well but she’s still very protective and watchful over her regardless
- I know I’ve mentioned this before but she ALWAYS has shit-talking sessions with Tim and sometimes EJ. They have a lot of steam to blow off
- Her Vespa is orange :)
- She hates supernatural horror, but is a big fan of suspense or murder films, if they’re done tactfully and not too gory. She sees enough blood in her line of work
- The one exception is the movie The Autopsy of Jane Doe. She really sympathizes with the girl in it
- Does this woman every brush her hair
- Yes but it sticks out in every possible angle, she cuts it herself and tried to give it “layers” but it literally looks like choppy anime hair
- She does wear an eyepatch when she goes out, and she doesn’t just discretely shy away from people staring at it, she’s ready to pick a fucking fight
- Drinks black coffee with a ton of simple syrup. Iced. She’s gay
- She dreams of having a steampunk aesthetic but it’s way too impractical. She tries to brush it off as “nah that was just a stupid middle school dream”
- She doesn’t speak any other languages, though she has picked up some ASL from Brian. EJ kinda scares her so she doesn’t interact with him much but since she started trying to sign to him their friendship has really blossomed
- Her shoes cycle between beat up tennis shoes and clunky Wolverine work boots. There’s no inbetween
Judge Angel
- Never talks to anybody. Keeps her head down and lips sealed. It’s not a huge loss, no one’s exactly itching to talk to her, either
- And the hood she wears is always covering her eyes, nobody has ever seen them. They’re kind of afraid of what would happen if they did
- She doesn’t really live at Slender mansion. She has a very secluded cabin a couple miles off, and the interior is very well decorated and surprisingly warm. Lots of those white tiny minimalist deer statues
- She always carries her sword in a hilt on her hip, it’s mostly for show. She’s powerful enough to not need to use it against any of the other creeps
- A nasty habit of hers is scaring the demons at the mansion. It’s 100% intentional and it’s a very bitchy thing to do
- EJ, Dark, Kageko, and even Zalgo hate her
- She doesn’t really have any hobbies besides fighting and tearing shit up. Maybe reading criminal justice novels in her little cabin
- She respects three people at the mansion. Slender, Tim, and, for some reason, Ben
- She’s a little bit of a pick me girl tbh
Nurse Ann
- I know she’s supposed to be cruel and demented and sadistic but that’s tired. What’s wired is that was a temporary state that demons and the undead get sent into, for a couple months max, and now she’s back to her pretty calm, timid self
- Maybe a little less timid now that she kills people, but she’s still very reserved, soft-spoken, and sweet
- She’s best friends with EJ. Quiet? Medical students? Undead? Oh babey
- Don’t get me wrong, she was a couple years older than he was when they both died, so she thinks of him more as a student or peer
- She loves to read. Anything and everything. Romance and typical textbooks are her favorites, she loves to learn
- Prefers just a cup of tea. She has a nice collection of teacups and saucers in her room
- She does speak a little bit of Spanish, she learned it to better communicate with her patients. She’s still kicking herself for never learning Mandarin or Punjabi, but it’s never too late to start!
Nina the Killer
- Idk why but I’ve always thought of Nina as Hispanic
- So she can speak Spanish, and I think she probably speaks a Dominican or another very quick dialect when she does
- She’s not very good at cooking, and it really upsets her, because she does miss her traditional meals from home
- So, even though she pisses Tim off, they team up and she tells him how to make stuff like tamales, tacos, sopa, maybe empanadas, plantains, stuff like that
- She’s an incredibly picky eater, actually. Tim is secretly honored that she eats his food
- Queen of scene! She has NEVER given up her scene aesthetic, being bullied never even phased her
- When she puts lipstick or anything on, she puts it all the way up the slits in her cheeks lmfao
- She’s tried the e-girl aesthetic a couple times, it doesn’t go nearly as hard as scene so she kinda gave it up
- She’s awful at gaming but still loves it, she plays with Ben and Jeff and even though they obliterate her she has a great time
- She’s the one that gets the snacks and refreshments, during gaming and during movie night
- She goes out into public without any like disguise on. People assume the silts are just SFX or a hardcore part of her aesthetic
- She is NOT as obsessed with Jeff now! She’s a little more grown, plus there’s wayyyy hotter people at the mansion
Honorable mention for Sally:
- Likes choccy milk :)
- Will ONLY be babysat by EJ or Slender. Everyone else is very upset about this
- She watches Sesame Street in the living room and everyone just kinda… watches with her
- She’s very glad everybody is participating with her, she may be a ghost child but she still needs enrichment!!
- Loves to help bread stuff whenever Tim deep fries food, he nearly has a heart attack letting such a small child near boiling oil but he’s responsible
- She doesn’t like soda because it hurts to drink
- Doesn’t need to be tucked into bed or be read a bedtime story but she does need a lil nightlight
- Usually ends up scampering off to spend the night in someone else’s bed if the power is off
- She and Nina are buddies :)
- She and Ben are also buddies, he lets her play video games with him with the controller plugged in cause he’s not a meanie like Jeff
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keiscait · 3 years
Hi! I just wanted to say from the match-ups I have seen that you are such a great writer! If it’s not too much I was wondering if I could get a living room and bedroom matchup for a male character. If both are too much, feel free to do one whichever one you feel like you can write better. I wanna do this anon so the emoji you can use for me is: <33
Pronouns: She/Hers
Personality: I am a very goal orientated person and I can become very hard on myself sometimes if I don’t achieve things as well as I wanted to. I tend to be quiet but not shy per say. I do not have trouble talking to people and making friends and I can become very outgoing but in the friend group itself I usually keep to myself. If I am comfortable with you I will make witty remarks and make fun of you in a playful friend banter kinda way but I would like to say I am a good listener so I can get serious real quick. I am really big on trust and I used to trust too easily and now I am a bit more closed off where it is a bit harder for me to trust others.
Relationships: When it comes to relationships, I believe in communication and I haven’t had a big problem with it in the past. I wouldn’t mind a small pda such as hand holding or a small kiss here and there but nothing over the top because you gotta keep the important stuff private ya know. My love language is quality time because I tend to be really busy once school starts and so making effort to see each other even through our busy schedules is really important to keep the relationship healthy.
Hobbies: I believe that you need a good balance between work and play though so some other hobbies I have are painting (acrylic and watercolor), baking, and skateboarding. I also listen to music everyday and watch like an episode before I go to sleep if I have school but binge watch on break. I also try to game a bit too like league, minecraft, and my switch. I also like hiking and runs in the mornings before class because it really clears my head and I used to be on the swim team but I don’t competitively do it anymore.
Bedroom: I believe I would be a switch that leans more submissive. However, I am really cautious to do anything because I need to trust them to be submissive. I would consider myself very open to different kinks and what not and aftercare is a must. I’m not super into degrading because I’m sensitive af. I just would want someone who is observant with me and my body as well as someone who helps me with my insecurities. Once I’m comfortable though I definitely become a brat. Just want someone who would manhandle but still tell me i’m the prettiest girl they’ve ever met hahaha.
Zodiac: Pisces (sun), Cancer (rising), and Leo (moon)
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw
Future Plans/ Dreams: I am working to become a biomedical engineer one day to help make medical devices to help people. Right now I am leaning towards possibly doing physical therapy and making prosthetics.
Looks: I’m 5’6/5’7 and have a medium build. I am tan kinda like a honey color with black wavy/slightly curly hair that is about at my breast length. My eyes are hazel but mainly light brown and I have pretty big doe like eyes.
Sorry if it’s too much or too little but thank you so much! and I have such respect for writers so keep being you :) HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND STAY SAFE
Hello and welcome, my darling! So sorry for the long wait, and thank you SO MUCH for your kind words! (⌒‿⌒)❤️ Let’s get right to it then! ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
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I was reading your description, and I think the person I had in mind for you also fits your bedroom matchup!
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Our lovely guest keeping us company in both rooms is...
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(Runner up: Ushijima Wakatoshi)
Kageyama is a very complex character. He’s one of the few characters ever who we actually see slips back into his old bad habits every now and then, but is immediately remorseful and shows signs of him knowing better. He’s always striving for progress, and he understands more than others what it’s like to dislike your past self.
- Tobio here is somehow both incredibly observant yet so fricking DENSE
- I imagine that however it is that you two meet, he’ll be super formal at first. It’ll take a little while for a romance to build because he’s not used to opening up, and he’ll need to really trust the person for him to let his walls down
- however, as soon as you guys establish a friendship, he’d be drawn to you and how goal-oriented you are, especially since he is, too
- He’d take interest in you, notice all your little quirks, and would even find himself blushing whenever you playfully tease him
- Problem is, he has no fucking clue why HAHAH
- I love him sm but boy doesn’t know what it is to like someone
- Hinata would try to explain it to him and he’d just be like cr- cru--... c-CRUSH?? ...what is that?
- Man is in desperate need of wingman someone help him
- Anyway, once his friends get Operation: Get Tobio A Girlfriend in motion, he just turns into his pouty blushy self whenever he sees you
- The other boys will probably go overboard that he’ll be forced to take matters into his own hands
- The confession would be a damn mess but in an adorable way
- He’d 100% yell his feelings at you while pouting/blushing
- You’d have to shush him TBH 
- shush him with a kiss maybe? that’s a great way to shut him up (  ・ิω・ิ)
- Kageyama_Tobio.exe stopped responding
- anyway I think he’d just be such a soft, protective boyfriend, especially since you’re kind of quiet
- You two would understand each other so well. He’d protect you and your quiet side, while you would help him be more relatable in order to make friends. It’s also perfect that you two are both goal-oriented, because then you’d be on the same page when it comes to co-dependence/independence. One would understand the other when it comes to pressure, deadlines, and hard work, and you’d just be super supportive of each other all the time
- I think you’re better at communicating than he is, so you may have to inform him a bit on how it should work between the two of you. He’d pick up on this really fast tho so no need to worry! Kags has got you ;)
- Dates would be really productive ones. Study dates, work dates, workout dates; anything that would be beneficial to your improvement
- Early morning hikes with Kags :’( beautiful
- He really appreciates that you’re not big on PDA because that puts a lot less pressure on himself to be someone he’s not. PLUS I imagine he’s the same as you, who really treasures the private moments between the two of you because you’re both so busy
- Once you guys have some private time, he’d take it as an opportunity to release all his pent up energy and emotions. He’d be so needy and clingy when he knows others can’t see
- (  ・ิω・ิ) (  ・ิω・ิ) (  ・ิω・ิ) also u kno whassup when you guys finally get some private time (  ・ิω・ิ) (  ・ิω・ิ)(  ・ิω・ิ)
- I don’t think Kags is the very kinky type. He’d be a dom, but I don’t think the freaky stuff would really appeal to him, especially if it’s degradation, since the man worships you?? He’s just like... why tho 
- He may get into some stuff that emphasizes his strength, mostly how he grabs you and handles your body
- Picks up on your sweet spots really quick, and I imagine he can even deduce which parts are sensitive without you having to tell him
- Apologizes if he ever makes you uncomfortable :’( he’d just be SO tender and protective
- I don’t think he knows what aftercare is, or like the specifics of it, but I think despite that, he’d just naturally want to take care of you and check in on you afterwards. He’d ask if you’re okay, if you need anything, if you’re feeling any kind of pain, if there’s anything he can improve on. And he’d definitely scan your body for any bruises.
You were walking home from an exhausting day at work. 
There were more than a few setbacks today - an annoying coworker took credit for your hard work, your precisely detailed schedule wasn’t honored by others, and because of this, you weren’t able to have lunch. It was now 6:30PM. The rain poured as you waited at the bus stop. You were famished, soaked, and, quite frankly, so done with this day. 
You sighed for what felt like the hundredth time. You were so out of it today that you haven’t had the chance to check on your unread messages. Your boyfriend, Tobio, had left a few missed calls over the past hour, causing some worry. He didn’t usually call, given how busy he was all the time. You texted him first to check in.
You: Everything okay, bub?
K: Yes. Sorry about all the missed calls. Where are you right now?
Y: At the bus stop near my building. Why?
K: Which one?
K: Never mind. I see you
What? You whipped your head left and right, then saw your boyfriend’s figure standing a few meters away, umbrella in hand. He was truly a sight for sore eyes right now - he wasn’t wearing anything special, juts his usual tracksuit, but he was wrapped in a scarf and held a soft expression on his face. It was just the warmth you needed right now. He jogged over to you, closing the umbrella as he made it under the roof. 
“Hi love,” you started, “what on earth are you doing here?” A huge weight seems to have been lifted off of you.
He didn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around you, rubbing your body to give extra warmth. Pulling back, he took off his scarf so that he could wrap it around your neck. 
“It’s been raining all day but I noticed you left your umbrella at home. I was hoping to catch you before you left work so that you don’t have to walk in the rain.” You couldn’t help the smile that was erupting through the exhaustion. This felt like an all new Tobio. “I guess I was a little too late, I’m sorry.”
You shook your head. “No, don’t worry about it. Thank you for thinking of me, bub.” You allowed yourself to slump onto him, wrapping your arms around his waist. You felt him loosen up, strong arms making their way around your form. You looked up at him without pulling away. Your big doe eyes stared into his blue ones, totally sinking into each other’s gaze. He planted a small kiss onto your nose. It wasn’t normal for you to be so affectionate outdoors, but right now, it seemed apt. You scrunched up your nose in response.
Had it not been for the honking of the bus, the two of you could’ve cuddled in the rain for much longer, ridding each other of the lousiness of the day.
I hope that was alright with you, darling! Thank you so much for trusting me with your matchup. Hope you’re having a wonderful new year so far!! Please don’t hesitate to sit and have a chat with me anytime ❤️
Thanks for stopping by! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
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ichoriism · 3 years
@temporalobjects challenged: ♡ + jinwai and pinklei and samin... kyungcha?? lmao
Who is the most affectionate? Jin, no contest. He is the one who puts his hands on Iwai frequently like placing them on his shoulders to get them somewhere, caress his hair, let fingertips tap Iwai’s cheeks now and then. The worst part is that his touching can be subtle and so soft because he’s not aware of the effect he can have on poor Iwai so— that’s their life in the future!
Who initiates the handholding? I was going to say Jin but no, this one goes to Iwai. Because handholding is a subtle display of intimacy, I can see Iwai being a bit shy/trying hard-to-be-casual as fingers skitter Jin’s way so he can hold his hand and it is so precious ;_;
Who worries more for the other? Both worry for each other but display it in different ways. Jin is transparent in his concerns so anything he wonders about he will be upfront with Iwai. Iwai may also ask but will probably try to find out more first—
Who is more likely to ask for help? Jin. He can be stubborn but he makes a point to ask for advice if the first attempt at something doesn’t go the way he wants it.
Who is the one always losing the keys? Jin— he can be a bit oblivious sometimes, specially when busy *sweats*
Who leaves little love notes for the other? Jin. He’s going to be the one to put cute little notes in Iwai’s lunch, coffee cup, you name it. But I think Iwai may write him things now and then too bc sometimes he has a hard time expressing himself publicly—
Who can’t sleep unless the other is there? Iwai. Once they get together, he’s gonna get so used to the warm piece of sunshine that the song "you are my sunshine” will resound in his head along with the part of “please don’t take my sunshine away” for the nights when Jin gets up to get stuff ready around the busy seasons. Iwai will probs get up since he can’t sleep and will make coffee for two uwu
Who is more likely to propose to the other? Jin. Though Iwai could also give us the big surprise if Jin decides to wait a bit to be a hundred percent sure Iwai feels entirely comfortable with him.
Who introduced the other to their family first? This is tricky because they met as children and Iwai’s parents know about Jin but! Not in the way Jin’s brothers know about Iwai so uwu Jin takes this one.
Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair? Jin. He is so affectionate he will constantly serve as a body pillow so Iwai can rest properly and will caress his hair until he falls asleep. All because Jin likes to see how pouty his lips become when he sleeps *heart eyes emoji on a different level my dude*
Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated? Jin. Iwai will probably get a few extra kilos haha— it’s that curvature that develops when you get together with someone who expresses their love not only in the physical way but also with acts of service so— no escaping this!
Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other? I think both do after reaching the commitment level. Right now, Iwai doesn’t have a reason to stand up for Jin so he may do it or not, I guess it would depend on how bad the thing would be? But yeah, once committed, it’s a it’s-always-two kind of deal c:
Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other? Jin. He adores surprising Iwai so he'd be in charge of the small or big surprises c:
Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things? Jin. It starts as a game of remember when we did this— and it becomes an adorable habit uwu
Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch? I think both do. In the rare nights Jin is the one who falls asleep first, Iwai does it uwu and when it’s Iwai, Jin makes his way in the couch and cuddles him.
Who is the most affectionate? Pinky. I have no idea how she puts up with such a boring, clueless guy! She is the one who has all the humor and sunshine in this relationship tbh Lei is less than a moon– he’d be Pluto probably!
Who initiates the handholding? Pinky. Again, why does she put up with him, he is oblivious to the basics of romance come oooon! 
Who worries more for the other? Lei wins this one finally! He knows Pink is a capable woman and respects her too much to ever think she is dumb, but he also knows that sometimes she forgets important things like having an extra jacket, so he looks out for her in that sense, also providing the food/water, things human bodies need to function. He may be a social klutz but! He at least knows how to take care of Pinky’s health.
Who is more likely to ask for help? Pinky. Lei is too proud and stubborn in spite of his quiet demeanor so he would never admit out loud he needs help with something.  
Who is the one always losing the keys? Pinky. Being so energetic, it’s not that she forgets things but with all her moving around, she probably drops them often so Lei has the spare that becomes the unofficial only set of keys and he’s always accompanying her home.
Who leaves little love notes for the other? I think Pinky does this one. Lei doesn’t use a lot of words so his way to express love is even more scarce in the writing— 
Who can’t sleep unless the other is there? Lei, probably. Once he gets used to having someone around and holding her through the night, he will need that from there on to finally get some sleep.
Who is more likely to propose to the other? Lei. He sees this as his natural obligation? So it'd be him the one to bend the knee and propose. Half the hospital if not all of it will know about it because he’s going to ask how to make a proposal and what girls want from a proposal and yeah!
Who introduced the other to their family first? I’m not sure about this one but Lei may be the one. He hates his family because they represent that traditionalism and classism he despises but because he was brought up there, he can’t shake off these steps of honor and good manners ingrained into his brain.
Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair? I'm divided. Pinky is affectionate and Lei likes things that are soft and smell nice so I can picture him being happy playing with Pinky’s hair so! Both.
Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated? Both do, but Lei may be more proactive about it by bringing fruit and water with him so when they are on their way to Pinky’s home, she has a snack to replenish her energy without messing her appetite for dinner uwu
Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other? I think both are but Lei may be a bit slower on reacting than Pinky!
Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other? Pinky— he has no sense of surprise, the only one he’ll give her will be the proposal night xD
Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things? Pinkyyyyy. Because she is cute and Lei needs to be explained things like a child sometimes so, it works uwu
Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch? Lei. During long shifts and all, he makes a point of checking on Pinky so when she is resting, he will always put a soft blanket over her before leaving quietly c:
kyungcha xD
Who is the most affectionate? Sacha, Kyungmin doesn’t stand a chance XD
Who initiates the handholding? I think it would also be Sacha. Kyungmin is too self-conscious to battle past that and be upfront about his affections physically. Inside the room, he’s passionate and stuff but outside from their nest? Yeah, not so much of an affectionate sweet thing ^^: 
Who worries more for the other? Kyungmin does. It’s not that Sacha doesn’t worry it’s more that Kyungmin is constantly worrying so that’s why!
Who is more likely to ask for help? Sacha, because Kyungmin is a dumbass too stubborn to admit when he needs help. Unless it’s about something manual-related like fixing things at home xD
Who is the one always losing the keys? Sacha probably, Kyungmin may be annoyed about this quite a lot so he keeps an eye on where Sacha placed his keys to remind him about it until he learns his habits and is all like, keys? yeah, behind your jacket. 
Who leaves little love notes for the other? I think Sacha would be the one but occasionally, Kyungmin will slip a few notes like “Fighting!” in his lunch box and stuff c:
Who can’t sleep unless the other is there? Kyungmin probably complains that Sacha is too big and warm but he really loves that, the hypocrite xD
Who is more likely to propose to the other? I think it'd be Sacha. Kyungmin is too afraid of disrupting something that’s already good even when he wants more so he wouldn’t want to push it. *like I said, dumbass*
Who introduced the other to their family first? Kyungmin did and it’s a total accident. Probably the whole family accompanied him to the orphanage when they realized he looked like he was in love xD
Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair? Kyungmin would do and not notice he's doing it until it’s too late. It becomes a habit uwu
Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated? Kyungmin. He has the service-kind-of-love, so he makes sure to get Sacha good meals and there’s always either nice tea waiting for him on rainy days or fresh water in the fridge.
Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other? Kyungmin would be quick to snap and defend Sacha but Sacha wouldn’t be too far behind if it’s a reverse situation, he just wouldn’t be vicious and violent like Kyungmin—
Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other? I think Sacha would be the one after he notices that Kyungmin likes that kind of thing c:
Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things? Sacha because he is a total sweetheart and Kyungmin can bitch all he wants about how this is ridiculous but he will take these promises to heart!
Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch? Kyungmin. Again, little acts of service c:
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alirhi · 3 years
chapter 9
Title: Winter's Frost Chapter: 9/? Fandom: MCU Rating: R to be on the safe side Pairing: Loki/Bucky Summary: Loki never told anyone the real reason he became so obsessed with Midgard. Much better to let them think he wanted to hurt his brother than draw their attention to the one thing in the universe that makes the God of Mischief truly vulnerable.
WARNINGS: not much, tbh. Notes: I know I'm glazing over a lot of the arguably more interesting stuff, but like... this is supposed to be a romance fic, not action XD I'm not really interested in torturing Loki; he's been through enough in MCU canon.
It turned out that, outside of Sakaar, Loki had only been gone for a matter of weeks. Three years of peace and domestic bliss hiding beside a trash heap amounted to only weeks of anyone even knowing he was gone. No one on Asgard even cared; he was shown the way Thor and his people celebrated his demise, and he didn't even bother to question if the images were real. He knew those people well enough to know that they didn't give a damn about him one way or another, without Thanos and his little show.
For a while, Thanos truly had the perfect leverage. For as long as Eira was trapped there with him, Loki played the part of the obedient, if snarky, servant. As arrogant fools always did, their guards grew complacent over time. He put up the occasional fight for show, to keep them from seeing through his ruse, but he was only biding his time until he could get his innocent child out of harm's way.
With no other option to keep her safe, Loki sent his daughter to the only one he knew he could trust to protect her, whether she wanted to or not: The woman on Midgard, Darcy. They'd never met, never interacted; Darcy had no powers and no tangible connection to him. No one would think to look at her while hunting for Eira. She was the perfect guardian, and better, she'd care. She'd be flustered and confused, but if a child appeared on her doorstep with no warning and only a brief note for explanation, she wouldn't hesitate to do whatever needed to be done.
She's in danger, he wrote simply in the note he instructed his little girl to pass on. Tell no one. I'll collect her when I can.
He paused, staring at the page, and then added, Don't screw this up, Darcy.
There. That should do it. If she had any questions, well... That was just too bad. It wasn't as if he'd be there to answer them, and Eira was sharp for her age, but she was still just a toddler.
He had exactly one shot at this. The minions were idiots, but Thanos would surely feel the power surge and know what he'd done. He just hoped the little girl would be too little to be traced. Shoving his pain and fear down as far as he could, Loki forced a brave smile for the light of his life, kissed her chubby little cheek, and when their captors weren't looking, stole the scepter and used it to send her away.
"Aegir," he whispered, "Freyja... You've been no friends of mine, but she's innocent. Watch over her. Protect her. Please."
He wished he could see the look on Darcy's face when it hit her that she'd just become foster mother to a demi-goddess.
"That was a very stupid thing to do."
"Really?" Loki smirked as he handed the scepter back without a fight. It was no good to him at the moment. "It seemed like a good idea at the time."
Thanos snorted, rolling his eyes. "That little girl was the only thing sparing you immeasurable pain."
"If you think seeing fear and uncertainty in my daughter's eyes wasn't the worst thing I have ever suffered, you clearly don't love your daughters." Lifting his chin, he did his best to stare down his nose at the giant, smirk still firmly in place. Eira was safe; if they could trace where he'd sent her, they'd have gone already. He had nothing left to fear from these barbarians. "A child isn't a bargaining chip. Nor is she leverage. Now... Where were we?"
Thanos studied the cocky Trickster for a moment, and then chuckled. "You think I can't find her." Shaking his head, he strode forward and grabbed Loki's jaw, gripping just tight enough to hurt. "I don't want to find her, Loki. I don't care. She was a means to guarantee your cooperation, but there are other, bloodier ways. I always get what I want. I am inevitable."
With a grimace, Loki wrenched free of his grip and made a show of casually straightening his clothes. "I might've pegged you for a spoiled brat. You truly don't understand how to take 'no' for an answer. You should really speak with Thor; perhaps one of you could beat some humility into the other."
"Your stubbornness is tiresome."
He grinned. "I've been told that a time or two."
Unimpressed, his captor growled, "There's no reason for you to resist. Bring me the Tesseract and Earth is yours to do with as you please. It's a very simple trade."
"I know better than to trust simplicity," Loki pointed out with a sneer. "Especially from someone who's after that much power, who abducts people and uses their young children as leverage. Whatever you're truly after, I'm not interested in helping you to get it."
Thanos sighed, turning to walk away. "I've had enough of his chatter. Break him, then. Don't call on me until it's done."
As the henchmen eagerly moved in on him, Loki grinned and braced himself for a fight. "This won't be like last time," he warned them. "I've no need now to hold back and spare my daughter the sight of your violent, gruesome deaths. So... Who's first?"
He was rusty, and had gone soft, but he wasn't completely helpless. Two of his attackers were down before they knew what hit them, expiring in pools of their own blood. He had a third by the throat and was gleefully choking the life from him – this one, he recognized as the insolent cur who'd dared to grab his daughter on Sakaar – when it dawned on him, too late, that he should probably have spared some attention for Thanos' other hand when he'd had Loki in a similar grip.
Burning pain radiated out from his shoulder, and he watched tiny bolts of electricity shoot down his arm and into his opponent, shocking and incapacitating them both. Well, if he had to be taken down in such an undignified fashion, at least the laws of physics were on his side and he'd taken Eira's abductor down with him.
The last thing Loki saw before he lost consciousness was one of the aliens callously kicking his half-dead ally aside and stooping to lift the prone, twitching God. The electric current had stopped running from the device stuck to his shoulder, but it was still frying his nerves and leaving him helpless.
He'd grown quite tired of that feeling.
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komatsunana · 4 years
My Reincarnation Isekai Villainess Rec List
So.  I’ve gone and found myself in Isekai/Reincarnation/Villainess hell.  For those who don’t know Isekai is a genre in which character(s) are transported to a different world.  Initially you might be thinking “oh, she’s gonna share a both a series like Sword Art Online.”  Oh no.  You have underestimated the amount of taste I have.  By which I mean I have none but that SOA is a taste I’m not here for.
Now a very specific sub-genre of that is the reincarnation one, particularly in which a character is reborn as a character from one of their favorite books or games from their previous, modern life.  An even more specific sub-genre of that one is in which the MC is reborn as a villainess from that book or game, thus creating a bit of a challenge as villainesses usually are destined to die in the source material. 
So! Here are my favorites, many of which are all 3 but some combine one or two of the above tropes.  It’s my list so I do what I want.  And most of my faves have a shojo genre tag, or at least a romance tag, because that’s where all the good stuff is: 
Survive as the Hero’s Wife by Nokki
Canaria is reincarnated as the villainess of a popular cliche novel. Based on the novel, she is destined to be executed but can she prevent this from happening before it’s too late? 
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Why *I* like it:  So this one was the one that really got me into the villainess reincarnation isekai genre!  And it remains the top of my list. The huge draw for me in this one is that I actually really like the main couple!  Like not even just lukewarm, I really like it!  I’d read fic for it, if that existed.  A lot of the villainess genre tend to portray the original heroine as vapid, unworthy of their status of heroine, or the actual villainess but in this case Gracie just turns out to be just an amazing strong woman who doesn’t actually need a man.  (In fact I ship the three together full stop tbh lol).  In fact, it’s a subplot that Gracie realizes (because of MC’s words) that if she wants to inherit her father’s title even though the law says a woman cannot... That she just should strive to change the law rather than be a tool with no use outside of marriage.   And not to spoil anything, but she will definitely do just that.
And since I’m mainly finishing the rough draft of this list out of absolute RAGE at being made fun of for being into this genre.... A compilation of the main love interest, Cesar, because he’s absolutely beautiful.  Look at those eyes!  He’s such a great example of the sullen, dark love interest because he’s not those things when he’s with his wife, the MC!!!  He’s so soft for her.  And the whole point is that the love interest shows a different side to their lover right??
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And like the great thing is Canaria, the MC, totally doesn’t notice for the longest time.  She read the novel in her previous life so she’s *convinced* that one day Cesar will fall for the novel’s original leading woman, and she makes plans accordingly throughout their early days of their marriage.  She completely hadn’t thought about the fact that since she’s not being a villainess this time around and not abusing him and everyone around her, and makes friends with Cesar... Like of course the course of events change.  It utterly baffles Cesar when his wife keeps bringing up divorce because he’s so completely in love with her and you just gotta eat that shit up with a spoon because it’s so good and perfect drama but also funny.
There’s even a Halloween chapter where everyone wears costumes and basically I believe I was pandered to specifically.
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Tbh, the arc going atm is sorta losing my interest but that’s because there’s political intrigue and I’m like just here for the romance lmao.  So someone looking for substance and not just fluff might be more pleased than I. But it’s still on-going so.  It’s just all in all a fun and great introduction to the genre imo.
I Reincarnated into an Otome Game as a Villainess With Only Destruction Flags by Hidaka Nami (Art) and Yamaguchi Satoru (Story)
Eight-year-old Katarina Claes is the only daughter of a duke, living her life peacefully and without incident until she hits her head on a rock... and then remembers that she is not actually the duke's daughter. She used to be an otaku who died on her way to school after spending the entire previous night playing Fortune Lover, her favorite otome game. After noticing that her current surroundings seem oddly familiar, she is shocked to discover that she has been reincarnated into the world of Fortune Lover as the villainess.
The villainess in the game usually winds up dead or exiled, so Katarina decides to use her knowledge of the game and its routes to avoid any bad situations. But is it even possible for the villainess to reach a good ending?
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Why *I* like it:  Ok ok ok, lol. So this one is probably one of the most well-known of the villainess reincarnation isekai genre atm!  Particularly because of the anime currently running.  And for good reason... the MC is so brilliantly stupid in the best of ways.  While she plots on how to escape her fate of being killed or exiled by learning to sword fight and how to garden, she’s more or less seduced every capture target in this dating game... AND all the female rivals to boot AND heroine.  The thing is that she is completely unaware and continues training for the day she is inevitably killed or exiled, as per the game’s original ending.
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It’s just a silly, fun series and all the women’s feelings for her are taken about as seriously as all the guys’... Which isn’t much because absolutely no one really has a chance of getting this woman to understand they are all madly in love with her.  Not a series to take seriously which is part of it’s charm, but it retains a lot of heart especially when it comes to the MC Katarina (affectionally called Bakarina by fandom) remembering her friend and family from her past life.  
This series also has a manga spin-off about what if she’d been reincarnated while already in high school and bullying the heroine instead of a child... So basically she’s in hard mode, and yet she still succeeds in getting even more people into her little harem she has for herself.  
Whether you chose to watch the anime or the manga (or the LN, which I haven’t got to) you can’t go wrong.
It Seems Like I Got Reincarnated Into The World of a Yandere Otome Game by  Hanaki, Momiji (Story) and Setsuri (Art)
As a precocious child, Lycoris suffers from a strange sense of deja vu. On the day her father told her about her fiancé, she realizes that her fiancé was a character from an otome game she once played in a previous life.
“I am the heroine’s rival from the game?
And in the bad ending, I get stabbed to death?
What a joke.”
A story in which the protagonist is determined to avoid a yandere situation.
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Why *I* like it: Hear me out! I know what you’re thinking... Yanderes??? But here’s the thing...  Just by the MC being kind and getting 2 of the “yandere” characters out of abusive environments, they no longer end up as yanderes as they grow up.   They aren’t those tropes any more!  While the characters remain protective, they aren’t possessive and are happy to see MC branch out, if a little lonely.  And the yandere that remain aren’t treated as hot, but annoying.   So like sorry to disappoint if you think yanderes are hot but this isn’t the series for you.
Additionally, unlike other series of this trope, the MC is pretty quick to realize she just needs to trust her lover, that he will not turn on her and kill her as he did in the game nor will he fall for the heroine instead of her.  It’s somewhat refreshing, as a huge part of the trope is the MC typically doesn’t realize until it’s spelled out that by not acting as a villain.... the rest of the characters don’t want to harm them... And might even have fallen in love with them.
Another fun aspect is how MC doesn’t remember things immediately, but only remembers things from her past life (and of how the game went) until it comes up.  Additionally, she wonders some interesting things that aren’t even mentioned in other series like... What if she’s destined to be exactly like the game character? Will she be forced to be exactly like her? It’s a fun exploration of some common reincarnation isekai villainess tropes if you have experience with the genre!
Ascendance of a Bookworm by Shiina You (Art) and Kazuki Miya (Story)
A book-loving student and soon to be librarian ends up crushed to death by the pile of books during an earthquakes and wakes up as a five year old girl named Main in another world where books are scarce only available to the elite.  Main, retaining her memories of her past life, decides to create and print her own books so she can read again.
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Why *I* like it:  So here is we depart from solely the villainess sub-genre (but only briefly!)  Because there is another sub-genre of reincarnation isekai and that’s in which the MC uses the things they learned on our planet earth to re-invent things like shampoo and the printing press.  And no other isekai does it better than Ascendance of a Bookworm imo. Main’s love for books leads her to recreating things she took for granted on Earth and starts selling them from a young age... Which might just end up saving her life as she ends up having a terminal disease that ordinarily she’d only be able to survive by being a slave to a noble... But by selling her products she has a chance to save herself!!!  And the products she creates are available to commoners, not just the nobles who of course make it impossible for the poor to have nice things.
Additionally, a majority of this trope centers around nobles and royalty (and all the best ones are historical settings)... The fun thing about this one is that it actually centers around a povert stricken family.  It’s a good break from the noble hierarchy within most isekai.
Finally, this series is the one that hits most closely to my feelings if I were to be reincarnated in another world... Which is to cry at the realization that I will never finish any of the on-going books and manga I had going on.  That’s absolute hell, I don’t know how any of these MCs deal!! ;_;
btw there is an anime and manga both. Also LN but tbh almost all of these have LN.
Isekai Omotenashi Gohan by  Shinobumaru (Story) and Medamayaki (Art) 
Akane, an ordinary office lady, gets summoned to a different world along with her younger sister and pet dog. There, she ends up treating rare guests one after another with hospitality through meals!! Can she satisfy the citizens of a different world with home cooking...?! 
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Why *I* like it:   Continuing our brief deviation from the villainess trope, Isekai Omotenashi Gohan is my favorite example of another subgenre of isekai - one without reincarnation - but one in which a “hero” is transmigrated to another world to save it... The problem? Oppsie, 2 people were taken.  Sometimes in this sub-genre there is a question who the true savior is but in Isekai Omotenashi Gohan’s case they figure that out pretty quickly.  They quickly figure out the MC’s younger sister is the savior.  At first the older sister (Akane) is set aside as unimportant... But her sister only wants to eat the food her sister makes and it quickly becomes obvious that Akane’s role is important.
Akane makes lots of allies and friends by sharing the food from Japan and of course has a very subtle romance going on with her guard.  But honestly I just enjoy this series as a person that likes food manga, like that’s it lmao, so much so that don’t be surprised when I make a best food manga list and yeah sorry Food Wars won’t be on it.
But fr, even if you don’t love the food manga genre try it!! It’s a sweet series and mixes domestic with fantasy in a great way.  Plus only a few series are complete, with the rest being on-going, so if you want a complete and finished series try this one!
The Duke's Fiancee, Why She Had to Go to the Duke by Milcha (Story) and Golae (Art)
When Park Eunha dies in modern-day Korea, she awakens in the body of Raeliana McMillan, the eldest daughter of a nouveaux riche baron. However, this is no ordinary world; it's the exact same one as a novel she once read. Beloved by her family, it would seem as though she is in a fairy tale. But Raeliana is far from the main character—she is a mere plot device, whose murder at the hands of her fiancé instigates the entire story.
Raeliana has no intention to accept her fate quietly. She sets her eyes on someone in a position of great power—the vieux riche male protagonist Duke Noah Volstaire Wynknight—aiming to completely change the original story. Using her knowledge of future events, Raeliana offers information to Noah on the condition that he acts as her fake fiancé, but the Duke's two-faced nature throws a wrench in her plans! 
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Why *I* like it:  This one is a fun one!! It really plays with different concepts that don’t often get explored in reincarnation isekai like where did the original consciousness of the character the MC became go??? Because MC only remembers her life on earth and is otherwise treated as though she has amnesia.... But is it amnesia?  Is she another person entirely?
Also the humor is... great.  Listen I refuse to give the best joke in the series just to make you read it but... the series is worth it just for this running joke.
Of course the romance is good too. The dude is kinda an asshole but she gives as good as he dishes out and it quickly becomes flirting anyway.  I don’t want to say too much and give any thing away... but s’good!
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Who Made Me a Princess? by Plutus (Story) and Spoon (Art)
The beautiful Athanasia was killed at the hands of her own biological father, Claude de Alger Obelia, the cold-blooded emperor! It’s just a silly bedtime story… until one woman wakes up to suddenly find she’s become that unfortunate princess! She needs a plan to survive her doomed fate, and time is running out. Will she go with Plan A, live as quietly as possible without being noticed by the infamous emperor? Plan B, collect enough money to escape the palace? Or will she be stuck with Plan C, sweet-talking her way into her father’s good graces?!
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Why *I* like it:  Ok, big sigh.  How do I explain the pull ‘Who Made Me A Princess?’ has on me?  Now a lot of the pull for many people is how cute the budding father daughter relationship the MC (Athy) has with her dad.  But like, her dad is the worst and I want to fight him.  On the other hand, most of the fandom hates Jeanette, the MC’s sister who has done literally nothing wrong except make everyone around her miserable but it’s not her fault ok, and I’ll fight the entire fandom in her honor.  So it pains me to rec this series knowing that more than likely anyone who picks up this series because of me might have Wrong Opinions and I invite you to tell me just so I can shake my head about another wrong person existing in this world.
Never the less, this series is very cute!  All the other series I have recced had the MC remember their past life at early childhood at the earliest, if not as a teenager.  Athy? She has the misfortune to remember as a *baby* and it’s exactly as hellish as it sounds for an adult to be stuck growing up as a baby and suffer through the absolute embarrassment of having people feed and wipe her ass. 
The MC was an orphan in her previous life and the book that she wakes up in is a shitty book even by her standards but then she really only skimmed it it sounds like that’s what interests me.  As Athy makes changes to the original events of the novel and depth is added to the world, I start to wonder if the added depth was in the original novel or if the world had to add its own depth to stand as an actual lived in world?
Additionally, since I made the cover image Athy and her dad you might as well see her with her 2 love interests (and Jeanette!).  People need to know who to ship, I get it.
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Also I need a moment to appreciate, up close, the beauty of Athy’s eyes. So gorgeous. 
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Living as the Tyrant’s Older Sister by Aperta (Story) and Chyobab (Art)
When I opened my eyes, I was inside a fantasy novel world! The beauty I see in front of the mirror is the future tyrant’s older sister, Alicia! She’s not even a protagonist or an antagonist, but a character that doesn’t appear much and gets beheaded by the (upcoming) tyrant little brother. My life is all about escaping that fate from the novel. In the end, I seduced the male lead’s merchant friend who also doesn’t appear much and was about to leave the country with him. How-e-ver. The face of the man who spent the night with me was extraordinary, and was the male lead himself!
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Why *I* like it:   ……………...keke. Ok so this one is one I like just for the laughs.  The love interest is an arrogant asshole, but see… The important detail the summary leaves out is that the MC’s… cousin (?) wrote the book that she woke up in!  Moreover she’s the one that told her cousin to change the MC of her novel and make him good at everything and also make him a freak in the sack.  Like who is really at fault here??? Lmao.  Especially when she goes out intending to seduce a character she remembers being rich from the novel and accidentally bags the MC from the novel, aka the dude who kills her and her brother in the original novel.
In seriousness though, it really is funny.  The facial expressions of the MC is just… chefs kiss.  She’s got a pretty face but then she makes all these goof ass faces and I love it.  If you need any more reason to at least give it a go, just know that at one point the male lead comes to check on her, expecting to find her crying and instead…. Walks in just as she screams FUCK at the top of her lungs and then begins a tirade of very creative curses including "Bitch oompa loompa ass bitch" which how can you not love her?  Anyway the face the male lead makes after that has me maintaining that’s the moment he fell in love with her lmao.. but this is not Confirmed so it’s not a spoiler!!
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EDIT: as of August 2020, I’ve since dropped this series. It remains on the list since I’d still rec it to people looking for a laugh.
Seduce the Villain’s Father by bia and dalseul
Upon opening my eyes after a bus accident, I found myself in the fantasy world of a webnovel I enjoyed reading... the only catch is, I reincarnated 20 years before the novel begins! Reborn as Princess Yerenica of the small Lebovny kingdom, I'm determined to change the future in order to prevent the series of unfortunate events that will soon occur!
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Why *I* like it:   How many times have you yourself had a suuuuuper side character be your favorite in a series and be depressed to see them done dirty?  Well MC has a chance to fix that, to save a character that basically one appeared in prologue and basically prevent the birth of the villain character that later kills his own father… by seducing his dad, before he can marry the villainess!!
Yerenica is just adorable in her attempts to thwart the original novel.  And like, I have to give her lots of respect for seeing the villainess character and having herself a good moment where she had to consider seducing her instead lmao.  She knows when to let well enough alone though so she immediately boards back on the dad train, much to his chagrin because she keeps calling him father……………….. Even though he’s like…. Not a dad yet.
The characters are still relatively early on in their romance, but I have high hopes for it yet!
Edit: As of August 2020, I’ve dropped this series.  It remains on this list because I think it’s a cute series and I think anyone who feels really strongly about the main couple will enjoy it.
Death Is the Only Ending For The Villainess by Gwon Gyeoeul and SUOL
Penelope Eckart reincarnated as the adopted daughter of Duke Eckart and the villainess of a reverse harem dating sim. The problem is, she entered the game at its hardest difficulty, and no matter what she does, death awaits her at every ending! Before the "real daughter" of Duke Eckart appears, she must choose one of the male leads and reach a happy ending in order to survive. But the two brothers always pick a fight with her over every little thing, as well as a crazy crown prince, whose routes all lead to death. There's even a magician who's enamoured with the female lead, and a loyal slave knight! But somehow, the favourability meters of the male leads increase the more she crosses the line with them!
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Why *I* like it:   So this one is another relatively new one added to my list, but it’s shot high up rather quickly!!  The other otome game isekai’s that I have on my list are just like the real world, but the interesting thing about this one, is that it also retains otome game mechanics such as she can see the love interests love meter and also she can chose to use the video game script choices to reply to the characters, in the hopes of raising their love meter.  This adds challenge, since she knows that if she gets any of the dudes to -10 she’ll be killed even as she sort of wonders if she truly would die or wake back up in reality.
What’s interesting also is that while she is the villainess character in the game… It ends up that the character was actually abused for years and that her title as a villain is unfair and that the game can be played as the villainess as even a player as a ‘hard’ mode compared to the heroine character.  It’s up to her to turn things around and it’s actually a fun take on the villainess genre.  I’m really looking forward to how things proceed even as my fears about which dude she’ll end up with continue to increase.
Finally, another layer I enjoy is that the MC lead a similar life in her previous life.  She’d only just escape her own abusive family before she’d ended up here and MC just desperately wants to escape once again… using any means necessary.
The Villainess Reverses the Hourglass by SanSobe (story) and Ant Studio (art)
With the marriage of her prostitute mother to the Count, Aria’s status in society skyrocketed immediately. After leading a life of luxury, Aria unfairly meets death because of her sister Mielle’s schemes. And right before she dies, she sees an hourglass fall as if it were a fantasy. And just like that, she was miraculously brought back to the past.
“I want to become a very elegant person, just like my sister, Mielle.”
In order to face the villainess, she must become an even more wicked villainess. This was the new path Aria chose to take revenge on Mielle who murdered both her and her mother.
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Why *I* like it:   If you thought that this list might be in descending order, guess again!  This one is one of my favorites.  Now this one lacks isekai, but is a reincarnation of a villainess!! Rather the MC was an absolute horrible person in her past life, but finds out at the last minute that her ~pure~ sister had been leading her by nose into acting like a brat just seconds before she is executed.  Now that she has a second chance, she’ll be a proper villainess and turn the tables on her sister.
In her last life, Aria never bothered educating herself so now that she’s a teenager again she actually has to learn things again (it’s not just like she gets to act like she’s a genius and good at everything) but she works hard at maintaining a sweet image and making everyone love her, even as she snickers behind their backs, all the while subtly setting her sister up for failure.
This is a proper revenge story, I’m promised by those who read the LN!! Revenge stories about women are rare to come back, especially one that doesn’t make revenge look like a total evil thing lol.  What can I say, I have my interests.  Anyway, it’s super cathartic to watch Aria slowly unfold her masterplan to foil her sister’s plans and take everything that her sister had cherished in her previous life. And all that not to mention the certain powers that Aria later discovers she has at her disposal... :3c
Beware of the Villainess by Bbongdda Mask (story) and Pureunkanna (art)
I became the villainess of a novel! Do I hate it? No! I find it rather nice. A duke’s daughter equals a jobless rich person. How can I miss out on a chance like this?! This is the best chance to just enjoy life. I should throw out the main plot and just live life how I want to! Not long after waking up as the villainess, I witnessed my fiancé, the crown prince and the novel’s male lead, cheating. I saw him embrace a lady other than I and he was smiling so bright. I was brought to tears… Just kidding, I didn’t cry! My tears are worth too much to be wasted on that garbage. Instead of tears, I yelled out, “Your highness, are you trash?”
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Why *I* like it:   Listen there are 2 ways to react to waking up as a villain of a series you once read… Either you turn the tables and become a good guy OR you can embrace it!  The world the novel is based on has the basic premise of the pure and good heroine winning the affection of 4 bratty, horrible men.  MC is the fiance of one of them and says fuck that.  She also has some thoughts that none of these dudes deserve the heroine of the novel but this one is still pretty early on so the jury still out on if she’s going to save this poor girl from her fate of ending up with any of these absolute assholes.
This one is along the veins of the previously mentioned Living As the Tyrant’s Older Sister, in that the pull for this series is even less of the romance and more about the comedy aspect… Also MC’s facial expressions are…. Choice.  Just so good. Enough with pretty girls making pretty faces!!  We need more girls being ugly.  It’s what we deserve.  Yell at cheaters!!!!!! Tell them to fuck off!! Yes please.
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Accomplishments of the Duke’s Daughter by Reia (Story), Umemiya Suki (Art)
Although she had reincarnated as the daughter of a Duke's house, by the time she regained her memories, the Ending was already here.
"After he cancels my engagement, the story would have me confined to a church. Where can I find my happy ending?"
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Why *I* like it:  I never read or watched Wolf and Spice but I imagine this is isekai Wolf and Spice… Well it’s got a lot about the economy at least lmao.   That’s literally the only thing I know about Wolf and Spice.  Anyway!!  The twist in this one is that the MC remembers her past life just as she’s about to be exiled, the end of the original game.  What the series focuses on is her life afterwards, as she scrambles to grab at any semblance of a good life… And she does so pretty quickly!
Her past life comes in handy as she sets to work managing a dukedom and fixes the economy!!  Moreover, even though it pains my heart whenever two women are pitted against each other… It does a great job of putting into question the original heroine’s pure shtick as she spends extravagantly on dresses and would rather just donate to the poor one day, instead of Iris the MC who sets to work on fixing the economy and creating jobs for the poor and putting money into bettering their lives in the long run, rather than throwing money at them and running.  Also, she’s grabbed the attraction of a mysterious man who takes a job helping her even though he is a prince aka the brother of her ex-fiance who he is fighting for the crown for.
And that’s it!! My list for now!! Tbh by next month there’ll likely be even more faves as I continue to add more and more series to my read list lol.  Because this isn’t even a fraction of all the reincarnation isekai series I’m into, just the best for certain reasons.
BTW, if you’re like... wow this list sure is straight then true unfortunately. I’m waiting for the day “I Favor The Villainess” gets adapted somehow.  Also there are several isekai in which a straight girl reincarnates into a yaoi novel but I haven’t found a true gem among them yet.
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