#’thirteen could definitely do this. you can totally do it too’
greghatecrimes · 1 year
i am having (very minor, outpatient) surgery in the morning and i’m Nervous about it but yknow what? at least it means i get the next three days off work and i can lay on my sofa, play Zelda, and watch a crap ton of House.
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eggyrocks · 4 months
35mm: k. akaashi
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after partnering up with a familiar film student for his senior thesis, akaashi starts to feel something he thinks might be better off suppressed….
main masterlist
status: complete
pairing: akaashi x f!reader
tags/warnings: brothers best friend trope, university au, smau, very slight angst, guilt/shame, alcohol, grammatical mistakes probably, everyone probably will be out of character, please note warnings may change as story progresses, and to check each chapter for individual warnings
minors dni & other rules
bonus content: akaashi’s playlist | akaashi style guide | yn style guide
introductions: kenma + sugar babies | welcome 2 the omegaverse
chapter one: friendship rankings
chapter two: keg stand
chapter three: dostokovestky
chapter four: boys brunch
chapter five: auditions
chapter six: "little giggle"
chapter seven: code for [redacted]
chapter eight: weird and also hurtful [✐]
chapter nine: “making my film major roommate watch bad movies”
chapter ten: spreading false information
chapter eleven: haed
chapter twelve: drive home [✐]
chapter thirteen: too many wednesdays
chapter fourteen: changing the locks [✐]
chapter fifteen: sleeper cell
chapter sixteen: he admit it
chapter seventeen: the astro
chapter eighteen: as she sees it [✐]
chapter nineteen: slowly and rationally
chapter twenty: pizza time! [✐]
chapter twenty-one: just us
moodboard/description for 35mm by @causenessus
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"FREDERICK BHAER AND JO ALL THE WAY I KNOW LAURIE IS IN HERE BUT ONLY BC THE SCENE IS LITERALLY JO LOOKING SO HAPPY OVER WATCHING A PERFORMANCE AND LAURIE IS GIVING HER THE LOOK OF LOVE. WHICH IS ANOTHER AESTHETIC KIND OF POINT THAT NEEDS TO BE MADE. the kind of both people are independent but lean on each other dynamic. like they could be by themselves (at least akaashi could) but wants to be with the other and the other person only. the kind of"i can do it" "i know you can but let me" dynamic. going to the gas station together at 3 am because one of them wants ice cream kind of aesthetic (totally not based off of when they were eating takeout together at his place). late nights and domesticity. yn and akaashi are the epitome of the quiet life people dream of, living in an apartment with their significant other. just them. that's their world. definitely dark academia like someone else said. definitely library dates. the couple that's helping the other study for their assignments or go to cafes together to work on homework (and one of them might end up pushing their homework aside just to look at the other person) i'm feeling fade into you and like real people do"
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robinsegghead · 3 months
Danny's Daycare Part 4
 [Master List]
Mrs. Bianchi hadn’t been lying when she’d said he would see an influx in children. Within a week of visiting her, he had seven more kids, a total of thirteen. He definitely needed to hire some help- he couldn’t keep duplicating without exhausting his powers and despite Ember’s help, they wouldn’t be able to handle thirteen kids on their own. He could afford to hire help with all the money the Ghost King apparently had.
            “Danny!” A happy little shriek sounded from across the room, quickly growing closer. A small body crashed into his leg and a little ‘oomph’ came from the child who fell to the floor. “Danny! Look! Look, look!” Maru, an unusually energetic four-year-old, shoved a picture she’d drawn towards his face.
            The picture was of two stick figures, the smaller one was crying, and the bigger one was… comforting her? “Wow, Maru! It’s really creative!” He nodded sincerely. “Who’s that?” He pointed to the bigger stick person, assuming the smaller one was her.
            She sighed dramatically. “That’s you silly! Cause I was sad being left home alone all day but now I don’t have to cause mommy said you’re good!”
            He masked the frown that threatened to overtake his face when she mentioned being left alone all day. She didn’t want him to be sad, she wanted him to appreciate her art and reassure her that he’d be around for a while, so she didn’t have to be alone. So that’s what he did. “I like having you around too, Maru!” Her story was just like Marco’s. How many other parents left their children home alone all day just so they could afford to put food on the table?
            A little bell rang alerting him to someone standing in the entrance. He glanced at his watch (which he’d connected to the very thorough security system) and saw a couple of parents waiting to pick their kids up.
            “Allegra! Tommy! Your parents are here!” The two kids groaned, both totally immersed in their activities and not wanting to be dragged away. “Five minutes okay?” He smiled, opening the door for Mrs. Reik and Mia. “They’re finishing up what they’re doing, I’ll grab their bags.”
            They’d fallen into a routine, he, and the parents. They would show up, give their children a few minutes to finish what they were doing, and he’d grab their bags (which he often slipped a book, toy, or snack into without their knowing). Tommy’s bag was a little worn down and he made a mental note of the brand and color so he could replace it.
            When he made his way back to the two women they were each holding a child. “Danny are you still looking for help?” Mia asked, shifting Allegra on her hip.
            He nodded brightly. “Yeah, I haven’t had much time to look, and I don’t know many people yet, so it’s been difficult. If you’re interested or know someone who is, let me know!”
            Mrs. Reik thanked him, grabbed her son’s bag, and was on her way, but Mia lingered.
            “Do you have applications or…?” She trailed off, embarrassment clinging to her frame.
            He nodded, considering the tired look on her face. “I do. It’s mostly a formality,” he moved towards his filing cabinet and pulled out some papers. “and so I can run a background check and such. Do you have experience with kids?”
            She shifted Allegra pointedly. “Mama and- and papa were always working. I raised this one and Georgie too. Now that papa is… anyway, mama needs a little help with money and my schooling’s all online, so I was going to start working anyway.”
            “Well, fill this out, I’ll run the check, and we should be able to get you working real soon.” The bell rang alerting him to another parent. “You have my number if you have any questions.”
            After Mia left most of the parents arrived with the exception of only a few who worked much later. Danny’s daycare was open from seven thirty to six -which was, admittedly, a very long time. But he wanted to be as available as he could for families in need. With Mia’s help he wouldn’t feel so worn down at the end of his eleven-hour day. 
            And worn down he was. When he got back to his apartment he didn’t even realize it had been infiltrated. Usually he would notice something like that immediately, but Ancients he was tired. So tired he didn’t even react when his eyes finally landed on the vigilantes in his living room. He added two more to his list of people who’d managed to sneak up on him and also a mental note to brush up on his observational skills.
            “Oh. Hey.” He nodded slightly, dropping his bag on the ground and crouching to pet the cats, noting Curiosity’s energy. Good, the medicine was working. “Give me a second,” The vigilantes squinted, looking between each other in confusion. “I need coffee.” One of them nodded in understanding, the other sighed dramatically. “You guys want anything?”
            “Coffee sounds great.” The red one responded. Red Robin, his subconscious provided.
            “Agent A banned you from coffee, Red. “The purple one -Spoiler- groaned.
            Red shrugged. “What he doesn’t know won’t kill him- or me. Besides, he offered, it’d be rude to turn him down!”
            Deciding this argument had nothing to do with him, Danny began brewing a fresh pot, poured two mugs, and grabbed a water bottle. Returning to the living room he found Red examining his pictures of him and his Fraid, and Purple collapsed into his couch. “You didn’t ask for anything, so I got you water. It’s still sealed.”
            She looked touched, grabbing the bottle, unsealing it, and taking a tentative sip. Red didn’t hesitate when grabbing the coffee and taking a large gulp, not even wincing at how hot it was.
            “So. What can I do for you guys?” He collapsed into the armchair across from Purple and began sipping on the coffee. Gross, he should have added sugar.
            Red squinted. “You don’t seem terribly shocked about our presence.”
            Danny shrugged, tiredly. “Hey man, it’s Gotham. I would have been annoyed that you guys broke my four-month streak of not running into any vigilantes or rogues except Nightwing ruined that streak a few nights ago so…”
            “You ran into Nightwing?” Red asked.
            Before Danny could answer, Spoiler spoke up. “What the hell’s going on with your pants?”
            He glanced down, considering the right leg of his jeans which, he now noticed, was covered in doodles, and sighing. “I should know better than to wear my nicer jeans to work, huh? Allegra probably did that while I wasn’t paying attention. Anyway, as fun as this is, I’m sure you didn’t come here for refreshments and conversation?”
            “Actually, that’s exactly why we’re here.” Red Robin placed his now empty mug on the coffee table (seriously, how did he drink it that fast? It’s literally a thousand degrees!) and sat beside Spoiler. “Just wanted to get to know the new guy in the Bowery.”
            Danny snorted, taking another sip before closing his eyes and tilting his face towards the ceiling. “More like, you wanted to get to know the guy who is doing a good thing for seemingly nothing in return and wondering if it’s a front or if he’s a rogue in the making. Am I right?” He slid one eye open and took in their surprised faces. “I’m not an idiot, I know what I’m doing is going to raise some questions. It took forever to get anyone in the community to trust me.”
            “Who’s your mystery donor?” Spoiler asked, cutting Red Robin off.
            He smirked. “You’re looking at him.”
            Tucker had added an egregiously wealthy relative to Danny’s backstory when recreating him. He’d forged a death certificate, a will, bank transfer’s, a charge for cremation and an urn, everything one could need to convince the world that his money was earned in a normal way and not through combat for a ghost throne. He even displayed the urn on a bookshelf in his living room.
            The two vigilantes stared, glancing at the run-down apartment, and back to him. “No really, who is it?” Red asked.
            Danny rolled his eyes. “I have a pretty big inheritance, just using it for something good. No one would trust me if I told them it was me though, definitely makes me seem like a rogue out to traffic their kids or something. Which,” He looked at them pointedly. “is not the case. I’m just doing what I can as a favor for a friend.”
            “Pretty big favor.” Purple whistled.
            “Yeah, and I wouldn’t have done it if I didn’t have free time. But after finishing my bachelor’s and not needing to work, I was getting bored.” Technically, that was only partially true. Danny still spent more than his fair share of time working in the Infinite Realms as their king. But they didn’t need to know that.
            The vigilantes looked at each other skeptically before Red spoke again. “You decided to open up an entirely free daycare, paying for everything out of pocket, as a favor to someone because you were bored?”
            He shrugged.
            “No matter how much money you have that’s not sustainable!” Red threw his hands up in the air.
Danny considered this for a moment, taking another drink. “You know Bruce Wayne?” The two froze only for a moment, so short that it would be hard to catch unless you had experience reading people’s micro expressions. Which he did. “The amount of money I have makes Bruce Wayne look impoverished by comparison. That’s not a brag, it’s disgusting, and I’m trying to get rid of it. So. There. I can keep this daycare running for the rest of my life without putting a dent in my inheritance.”
            “How the hell do you have that much money!?” Purple shouted.
            “Listen, Purple, can I call you purple? I’ve been calling you Purple in my head this whole time, you didn’t exactly introduce yourselves.” Sure, he knew her name was Spoiler, but she didn’t need to know that. “Anyway, Purple, I inherited the money, don’t ask me how I have so much, ask the guy who gave it to me- well, you can’t, I guess, cause he’s dead, but that’s not the point.” He paused, realizing he’d been going several sentences without breathing which was definitely suspicious. “I have a shit ton of money; my friend raised me better than to be a rich capitalist scumbag so I’m doing my best to make her not hate me for my wealth.”
            Maybe that would be enough breadcrumbs to keep them busy for a while and off his back. He was rich, he inherited it from someone who was dead, he had a friend who hated the rich, he might as well give them his social security number and childhood home address while he was at it! Tucker could find someone more mysterious with less.
            He heard the distinct voice of a woman coming from their ears (probably a comm?). “You two done with RR’s weird obsession? We have actual crime to deal with.” It was an amused but stern voice, and it reminded him of Jazz the few times she’d joined Tucker on his comms.
            Red was grumbling something, but Purple seemed amused. “Well… I’m Spoiler, but Purple is fine too I suppose. Aaaaaand while this has been -fun- and all, we should probably get going. Thank you for answering our questions and for the drinks. Sorry for breaking into your apartment.”
            He grunted in response, the exhaustion of the day seeping into his weary bones. The sound of his window sliding open and shut signaled their departure and while he had intended to take a shower and eat dinner, he just couldn’t bring himself to do it. This daycare thing was a lot more exhausting than he’d thought it would be.
            The thought he’d been having on and off since opening the place up reappeared. How long was he planning to keep this up? He’d done it all on a whim and by the time he realized what he was doing, it was done. He was now the (maybe proud?) owner of a free daycare in the middle of the Bowery and also the king of the infinite realms and how long was he going to be able to do both?
            Hiring Mia would help (would he be able to explain Lunch Lady and Ember?) but he had had so many ideas on how to help Gotham, he wanted to do it all. While he wasn’t a true Gothamite, hadn’t grown up here, had barely been here a few months, he’d grown to like the rough city, this wasn’t simply a favor to Lady Gotham anymore. It was something he really wanted to do. The people here needed help; he could provide it.
            Teaching some classes at Gotham U could be interesting but he hadn’t decided if he wanted to or not. He already had so much on his plate, could he really add something as big as teaching college level classes? And if he did want to teach, would his teaching be better off at Gotham U or maybe a younger level? If he could hire enough trustworthy people to watch over the daycare and run it themselves, he could work on some of this other plans for Gotham.
            Their education was extremely lacking anywhere that wasn’t Gotham Academy (for rich snobs) and he’d double majored in Engineering and Biochemistry, surely his knowledge would be useful to teenagers?
            Great. If he followed his usual pattern of following through on whatever whims he had, he was likely to build a whole Ancients damned school in the Narrows next. Although…. It would help with the exorbitant wealth thing….
            Danny had definitely prepared for messes. He’d stocked his cabinets with different cleaning supplies and tools for all kinds of spills. He’d expected food, drinks, and bodily fluids, but he didn’t have a cleaning product to get melted crayon out of carpets- he didn’t even know how Allegra had managed to melt the crayon!
            It hadn’t been that big of a deal, honestly, but the carpets were new, and Danny liked when the place looked organized (the same could not be said for his apartment or bedroom) and the large dark red stain on the light blue path of the carpet looked suspiciously like blood which was not a good look for the daycare.
            That was how Danny found himself searching the convenience store down the street for some kind of cleaning product for melted crayons. It was only after he’d gone to three convenience/grocery stores in the area that he decided he would make the trip across the river to the Upper East Side and search one of the ‘nicer’ stores.
            Despite his desire to get rid of his wealth, he didn’t like shopping at the fancier stores in the area, for the same reason he didn’t live in a penthouse in the Diamond District. He couldn’t help Gotham without putting himself in the shoes of her people. And while he wasn’t truly in their shoes (being an incredibly wealthy king meant he’d never truly understand their suffering) he also refused to live lavishly.
            But he really wanted to get the red crayon out of his carpets. There were… so many cleaning products. Staring at the shelves, Danny began mentally crossing out each one he knew wouldn’t work before picking up individual bottles and checking what they were meant for. It took a long time. He was only halfway through the search when he felt someone approaching.
            An older man in a suit of some sort (who goes grocery shopping in a suit?) stopped a few steps away, picking up a couple of cleaning products and placing them in his cart. He began to move away before stopping once more.
           “I noticed you seem unsure about the cleaning products. Perhaps I could be of assistance?” His tone was polite, but Danny felt a blush spread across his cheeks anyways. He was supposed to be a responsible adult, but he couldn’t even find a cleaning product correctly.
           Nodding appreciatively, Danny faced the man. “I need to get melted crayon out of a carpet and apparently my closet of cleaning supplies wasn’t prepared for that.”
          The man nodded. “That sounds like quite the mess.” He plucked a bottle from the shelf that Danny had yet to look at. “This will do the trick. Pour a generous amount onto the affected area, let it sit for fifteen minutes, then scrub it out, repeat, and rinse.”
          Danny grinned. “Thanks, I really appreciate it. I’m Danny.” He offered the man a hand.
          “Alfred Pennyworth, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
          They shook hands before Danny stepped away. “Well this is all I needed and I’ve gotta get back to take care of this as soon as possible. I really appreciate your help Mr. Pennyworth.”
          “I’m glad I could help you. Have an enjoyable evening, Mr. Danny.”
          And an enjoyable evening he had. Once he’d gotten back to the daycare, Danny managed to scrub out the stain (Thank you Mr. Pennyworth) until the carpet looked almost good as new and definitely not like blood had been spilled on it. Afterwards he made his way home with a bit more energy in his step than he was used to.
           Jazz had insisted on Danny having one of those large family calendars due to his crazy schedule and tonight being a Thursday night meant it was time to plan out the following weekend and week after. Things were generally the same every week- Daycare from seven thirty to six, Monday through Friday, the evenings were spent recharging, Saturdays he slept in and went to the Infinite Realms from eleven to eleven, Sunday mornings he got brunch with Jazz, Sunday nights was the group call with Tucker, Sam, Val, and Jazz, and then it repeated.
           But he hadn’t made it to the soup kitchen in a while and he had really enjoyed volunteering there while the daycare was under construction so tomorrow he was going to get up early, go to the Realms from six to six and make it back in time to help with the dinner crowd. He hadn’t seen the two brothers in a few weeks but there were few days he didn’t think about them.
            Mia was an incredibly helpful addition to the daycare and Danny thanked the Ancients she was so reliable. Although he didn’t feel comfortable leaving her entirely alone at any point throughout the day, he did get to take a few hours in the afternoon to get paperwork done in his office while she watched over the kids. On busier days he wouldn’t even do that. They had eight kids every day, guaranteed, but there were many families with less regular schedules that would drop their kids off once or twice a week and on those days, Danny wouldn’t leave Mia alone for even a moment.
            The best part about her was that she didn’t ask questions. She’d taken one look at Lunch Lady, paused, looked at the menu, nodded, and didn’t say a word. When Ember introduced herself Mia acted as though it were a completely normal situation, completely ignoring the green/gray skin and getting to work.
            She didn’t work the entire day, he couldn’t (and wouldn’t) ask her to stay for an almost twelve-hour shift. She came in around nine in the morning and left around three, taking Allegra with her. When he told her how much he’d be paying her she nearly had a heart attack, but working with children was a difficult and demanding job and he refused to underpay her for her work.
            “Hey boss, you looking for more help around here?” She asked in the middle of cleaning up for naptime on an unusually busy Friday afternoon.
            He dumped his armful of toys into the bin and pushed his hair out of his face. He really needed a haircut. “Yeah. Your help has been great, but I’m hoping to eventually have enough people here that I don’t have to actually be here all day every day anymore, you know?” She nodded thoughtfully. “You have someone in mind?”
            She wiped down the tables still covered in crumbs from snack time and took a moment before responding. “I have a friend who mentioned an interest. He doesn’t live around here but he’s a friend. I’ve known him a long time, he’s good people.”
            He shrugged. “Give him an application and I’ll look it over. And if you’ve got more friends like that, feel free to give them applications too. Like I said, I’m looking to hire quite a few people. Although, I’d like to hire people slowly, make sure everyone gets trained well and gets along before hiring another person.”
            She hummed in agreement and at the end of her shift took three application packets, stuffing them into Allegra’s backpack before picking the girl up and toting her away. Mrs. Reik was the last person to pick her son up that day and she ended up staying a bit to chat.
            “I can’t tell you how helpful your daycare has been for our family.” She started, a sentiment that many of the parents had conveyed to him many times. “I was wondering if you’d like to come by for dinner sometime, so we can properly thank you?” Her offer was shy, slightly guarded, but definitely genuine.
            He smiled, hoping to put her at ease. He’d been told that his smiles could be unnerving (too many teeth) so he channeled all the appreciation he could into this one while still keeping it small. “I would love to, Mrs. Reik.”
            “Oh please, call me Diane. Would next Friday work? My husband will be home all day with Tommy, and he makes a mean lasagna.”
            As long as his food didn’t come back to life, he wasn’t too picky about it. “That sounds great. The daycare is open until six, is seven all right?”
            “That’s perfect. Thank you again, Mr. Nightingale.”
            “Please, if I’m going to call you Diane, you can call me Danny.”
            Apparently, Jazz was right, making friends wasn’t so difficult. The formula was as easy as opening a free daycare, putting yourself out there, befriending every person you meet so they spread the word about you and your business, and working twelve hours a day five days a week chasing after energetic demons. Easy.
            The good part about being able to open portals to the Infinite Realms was that he didn’t need to wake up extra early to get to work. He rolled out of bed (which he’d actually made it to before taking one of his power naps, thank Ancients) at 6:02 in the morning, ripped open a portal, transformed, and BAM! He was at work.
            Stepping directly into his office (seriously he needed to get rid of a few offices how did he have so many?), he settled in for a few hours of paperwork before taking a break. He had quite a few requests to schedule a time to spar which he scheduled first- putting those off only meant his rogues would come find him and he didn’t want to explain to Gotham why he was fighting ghosts- before moving onto other matters.
            The Observants knew not to bother Danny in his office after an incident where Danny had refused to do work for a day for every disturbance he received. It was a three weeklong strike that finally ended in them leaving him alone and Danny eventually catching up on his paperwork.
            Three hours later he experienced a moment he thought he’d never see. There wasn’t any paperwork on his desk. He was free! Free! Standing up in the hopes to leave the Infinite Realms early, a pile of paperwork materialized in front of him.
            “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
            Collapsing back into his chair, Danny regretted every moment of his miserable life. He just had to stop Pariah from destroying the world, didn’t he? But guess what, Danny? No world, no paperwork! He could be nonexistent right now, oblivion, dead, but instead, he was half dead and one hundred percent responsible for copious amounts of paperwork.
            There would be no rest for the dead it seemed.
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vienssunshine · 7 months
GUAAA you’re the best maki writer on this app istg /&;&;@/@/@-“&/ could you please write smth nsfw where the fem reader like gets jealous of yuuta cause she thinks something is going on between them?
She likes a boy but I'm not a boy
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pairing: Maki Zenin x fem!reader sfw: love confession word count: 1.5k author's note: thanks for the ask! not smut but def jealousy! enjoy! description: it's hard to find out maki and yuta have a thing, maybe a conversation with her could clear some things up
“Last lap!” Yuji calls out, his breath labored despite being far ahead of anyone else circling the track. It’s been twenty minutes of this drill—sprinting until you can’t feel your legs anymore—and with the sun beating down on you, it’s utterly grueling.
You were psyched to have the earlier training sessions this week along with Nobara, Panda, and Yuji, because, though getting up before sunrise is a challenge in itself, it tends to be cooler in the morning. With summer approaching quickly, having the afternoon sessions like Maki, Yuta, Inumaki, and Megumi do is a near death sentence.
However, this morning is uncharacteristically hot. The sun has only been up for the past hour, but its rays are blinding and oppressive. With no shade offered by Jujutsu High’s training facilities, all one can do is suffer until practice is over.
You cross the line and stumble off the field, making your way to the bleachers to lean back on the metal that’s too warm to cool your overheating body.
“I thought that would never end,” Yuji sighs, draping the shirt he had taken off over his forehead and pouring water onto it.
You reach for your water bottle, taking in the cool liquid in clumsy swallows before saying, “I don’t think I’ll be able to get back up.”
“Same here,” Nobara says, lying like a starfish on the grass in front of you. She glances at her watch and groans, “Only thirteen more minutes ‘til we go again.”
Panda sits up, somehow full of energy—you suspect he’s been using gorilla mode to make the drill easier—and says, “That should be enough for some of my favorite kind of break-time talk!”
Yuuji pulls his t-shirt off of his face, “Is it–”
“Sexy talk!” Panda exclaims.
“Gross,” Nobara says, throwing her empty water bottle at him.
“Not gross,” Panda counters, deflecting the bottle. “A necessary bonding experience for those on a team. Haven’t you ever heard of locker room talk?”
“I think that’s different,” you say.
“Yeah,” Nobara agrees, glowering.
“I’ll start,” Panda says, “Yuji, who do you think would make the best couple in Jujutsu High?”
Yuji crosses his legs and strokes his chin. “Umm…I don’t know…”
Nobara eyes him. “Spit it out.”
“Thought you didn’t like this kind of talk?” you say.
Nobara folds her arms, “Doesn’t mean he should take forever to answer.”
“Come on, Yuji!” Panda says, clapping his paws together.
Yuji sits back on his hands, “Maybe…Yuta and Maki?”
You furrow your brow. That’s a strange pairing.
“Great choice!” Panda says, looking smug, “I would agree.”
“What? Totally wrong!” Nobara objects, offended by the idea, “Maki isn’t interested in anyone, she doesn’t have time to be in a relationship.”
This isn’t making any sense. You sit up so you can face them. “Are you guys being serious?”
“Uh, yeah,” Yuji says, puzzled, “I thought they were kind of a thing?”
“Definitely,” Panda says, “I’ve always known.”
You pull your legs into your chest and rest your chin on your knee. This is not what you expected, or understood to be what was going on.
You’ve known Maki for a while, and she’s always been very friendly to you, well, as friendly as Maki can be. But still, she pays you extra attention, noticing the little differences in your appearance—like if you changed your hair or wore a new outfit—and following it up with a compliment that feels strangely intimate. She tends to touch you a lot as well, opting to brush by you rather than go around, or have her hand graze your forearm as she laughs at one of your not-funny jokes. So you’ve been thinking that maybe, after all this time, she might see you how you see her. But this conversation is making you wonder if it’s all in your head.
“Well, I guess if it had to be someone,” Nobara concedes.
“Just admit it, they’re made for each other,” Panda says dreamily.
You huff. Yuta and Maki are definitely close, but made for each other? What makes him so great? Just because he’s a special grade doesn’t mean he’s equipped to handle someone like Maki—he always looks like he’s two seconds away from crying. If what they’re saying is true, if they’re actually together…you’re not sure what you’ll do, but just thinking about it is heating your blood.
The conversation devolves into discussing what everyone’s type is, but you tune it out, instead searching your memory for the signs of Yuta and Maki’s special connection. You're not sure how you could've missed it if it was so obvious to everyone else.
The rest of training is easier now that you’re pissed off. Your form is sloppier as you run around the track, feet hitting the ground in hard, careless pounds, but you’re going much faster than you were; there’s less of a gap between you and Yuji.
You’re still angry when you shower, change your clothes, put on shoes, and go to class for the rest of the day. It’s good that Yuta and Maki are in the afternoon sessions of training, you’re not sure you’d be able to stay composed with how you’re feeling right now.
The day cools as the sun goes down and, after trying and failing to talk your feelings out to one of your stuffed animals, you resort to finding a late night snack in hopes of soothing your inner turmoil.
Only, when you get to the communal kitchen, there’s a light on, and under it, sitting at the table, is Maki watching something on her phone.
She looks up when you walk in. “Hey,” she says, an interesting smirk on her face.
“Hey,” you respond, passing by and heading to the cabinet to grab some chips. You debate going back to your room—you’re not sure if hanging out with her tonight is a good idea—but the urge to stay wins, so you sit down in the chair next to her and open the bag.
Maki puts her phone down and rests her elbows on the table, clasping her fingers together and tilting her head as she says, “I heard you were talking about me today.”
Looking straight ahead, you say, “Did you?”, and put a chip in your mouth and chew. “Maybe you should tell Yuta about it.”
There’s that attitude you were worried about slipping out. You don’t want to give her a hard time, you’re just frustrated, because Yuta? Over you? Really? But then she laughs, and despite everything, it’s immensely gratifying.
“Yeah, you guys were saying we’re a thing or something,” Maki says, expression calming into a soft yet devious smile.
She’s baiting you, though you don’t know why. Her golden gaze is as heavy and intense as the sun this morning as she searches your face for any reaction. It’s peculiar behavior if she likes someone else—unless you’re misinterpreting again.
You’re as casual as can be when you ask, “Aren’t you guys a thing?”
Maki responds matter-of-factually, “Yeah, we are.”
You cough, nearly choking on your chip. That confirms it, confirms everything you were worried about. Maki likes someone else. A boy. Your mind spins, trying to make sense of the situation. Panda and Yuji had a better read on the situation than you? You had just imagined the tension with Maki? The one thing you can conclude is that you were totally wrong.
Maki hands you her glass of water, “You okay?”
“Yeah,” you force out, taking a sip. “That’s great,” you say, “For you and Yuta.”
She laughs again. “Don’t ever become an actress.”
You break out into a stupid smile, “I’m serious.” Putting the chips down, you try to recover. Obviously this is terrible news, but you still have to be a good friend. “Really, that’s great. I’m happy for you.”
“Stop,” she says, waving her hand, “We aren’t really.”
“We aren’t really a thing,” she says, her hand landing on your forearm like it always does. Only, this time, it stays there. “I just wanted to see how you’d react.”
She moves her thumb along your skin, and though her strokes are gentle, the sensation is electric. No doubt she’s noticed how your arm has lit up in goosebumps.
“Why?” you ask, your voice quieter than it was, anticipatory. You don't want to be wrong again.
She speaks slowly, her gaze holding steady. “Because, I don’t want to be a thing with Yuta”—her fingers give your arm a squeeze—“I want something with you.”
It doesn’t register at first, the words not sinking in, rather just sitting there, utterly impactful. Her amber eyes watch yours as you tell it to yourself again: Maki doesn’t want Yuta, she wants you.
Your friend, who for months you’ve longed for, dreamed of, desired, Maki, she likes you back.
There’s no room for air in your body, not with the surge of excitement pushing up through your chest. Everyone else—Panda, Yuji, Nobara—they didn't know what they were talking about. Maki wants you.
Your hand lands on hers without consulting your head first. Then you’re leaning forward, leaning closer to her, and you echo the sentiment, whispering you’ve much you’ve wanted this. She smiles before your lips meet; the kiss was mutually long-awaited.
And so, in the dimly lit kitchen, a secret romance was born. Would the others get it right this time?
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Hey! Do you think you could write some NSFW headcanons for Widow, Mercy, Kiriko, Lifeweaver and Genji (gender neutral afab reader) please? Feel free to ignore if that's too many characters or if you just don't want to do it. Have a great day, and don't forget to drink water dear author!
Sure! I did my best, sorry they’re all so short. I just didn’t want a super long post 😅
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Widowmaker NSFW
She can quite literally take you out in ‘one shot’— you’re not certain how exactly she does it, but she touches you in all the right places in quick succession and finds exactly where you need her most in just an instant. You’ve lasted about thirteen seconds at most with this technique of hers, and it was quickly banned from the bedroom unless you asked for it
She’s a very hard biter, like she doesn’t realize she needs to be a bit more gentle. You often wonder if she thinks she’s actually going to inject venom into your bloodstream this way
Eerily quiet responses toward any pleasure, even if you’re doing everything right she makes it hard to tell if you’re doing anything at all. So she tends to be the one in charge, that way you don’t end up questioning your capabilities or doubting her reactions
A slowed heartbeat seems to increase her stamina, though. It’s only somewhat annoying, especially in addition to her lack of emotion toward intimate times. But you refuse to believe she’s not feeling anything at all, either— otherwise she wouldn’t be stepping on you ‘for fun’ unprompted, or initiating half of these encounters
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Mercy NSFW
An unpredictable switch— everything that happens in the bedroom is a flip on a coin based on what she’s feeling and when. You never know if you’re about to give or receive, but either way it’s extremely rewarding and it’s hard to discern any complaints out of a night with Angela
She is pretty vocal, makes the nicest noises and lewd sounds you’ve probably ever heard. She definitely sounds like an angel, and it’s worth every touch to hear her sound off while completely red in the face
Maybe a bit too in love with pegging you. As a doctor and being very knowledgeable about the body, she’s rather enthusiastic toward loosening you up and talking about safety before giving you the ramming of a lifetime. Certain recommended positions even relieved your back pains somewhat, to your astonishment
She highly prefers to schedule these exchanges, rather than doing them on a whim. She refuses the ideas of quickies or anything with risk— especially in communal/public areas. You’d need to absolutely guarantee no one will be walking in or she might not ever forgive you for the embarrassment
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Kiriko NSFW
Absolutely a brat, and we all know this. You’re not getting anything done without force or a trade, and she clearly relishes in those methods— always a “no” or a “why”, and then the “what will I get in return?”
Hugely into degrading and she’ll meet you halfway, criticizing your every move as if it doesn’t have her writhing in euphoria. She’s mostly in control of the sounds she makes, but when you get enough of a rise out of her the high-pitched noises are totally worth the struggle to get them in the first place. But she tries really hard to pretend like you don’t have an effect on her
She totally abuses her abilities to make you both finish faster, and especially against your will if you intended to take your time. Everything she does in bed is completely in spite of you— you’re fighting to earn the outcome you want, so hopefully you’re up for that kind of challenge
Her attitude is to make up for her low libido, and especially in her inability to last very long. She’s super sensitive, but she’ll never admit it. You’ll figure this out sooner than later though, and she’ll put up even more of a fight with a smirk on her face before you get anywhere near the brink of relief
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Lifeweaver NSFW
Undoubtedly has a preference for being on bottom, but absolutely more than capable of being a top if he’s in the mood for it.
He’s sort of a pillow princess, likes having all the work be done for him. Much more of a receiver than he is a giver, but only in intimate moments— he’s much more giving outside of private moments that heavily lack clothing
But he is extraordinarily talented with his mouth, and he knows this. Yet he won’t offer such services without being asked politely, which must include a ‘please’ or he may remind you of your manners. It’s all in good fun though, he likely wouldn’t have refused either way (please ride his face)
He makes a lot of sounds, though they’re always muffled by his hand or pillow— or you. He also super loves using rope for things, like being restrained, and shibari. He gets more excited when he’s trapped and vulnerable in front of someone he likes
And while he’s a gentle top, he makes sure to return every favor you’ve given him on the occasions he does take over. These sessions last significantly longer than when he’s on the receiving end— edging turns out to be a specialty of his. And along the way, he’s more than happy to remind you of your previously indulgent behaviors
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More Genji NSFW
Genji is still Genji, and even under all that metal he’s still pretty full of himself. So he totally, secretly, has a mask kink, and goes a bit feral when you wear his helm along with a lingerie or something else enticing (maybe even his hoodie lol). There’s just something about seeing his own visor on you that makes him want to pounce
I don’t imagine he’s super into wireplay/anything that has to do with his mechanics, but he’s not against it. He’s fine with it enough and appreciates you’d find these parts of him just as attractive, it just doesn’t get him going as much as other things do. He will happily indulge you though.
He’s dangerously easy to arouse. Drop one hint, playful or not (but only after the first few intimate exchanges) and he will find someplace to make it quick. Of course, he’s fluent in consent, so he’ll back off if you really were only joking. But otherwise you may often find yourself getting that super-enhanced-ninja special in the strangest secluded areas
And he makes it his job to make sure you cum before he does. On occasion he slips up, and if you’re competitive like that then it can be pretty 50/50. But he praises himself as a gentleman who treats his lover with the utmost care, and will deliver to you everything he has before taking you for his own pleasure
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raz-writes-the-thing · 3 months
hey raz💘
i'm having a terrible headache and i've been having it since i woke up (it was like 6 hours ago), so i thought maybe i could get some quick sketch about how some of the doctors hEaL me... just thinking...
- 🛐
I really hope you feel better soon. I’ve been on the receiving end of some lasting headaches myself. They’re very nasty. Hopefully these help comfort you a little
Okay, so Ten definitely just pulls some gummy worm that tastes like… a nebula star or something out of his never ending pockets and hands it to you like- “Headache? Oh no, no, no. Can’t have that. Here, eat this.” And when you do your headache just disappears. If you notice the purple swirls for a minute, don’t worry- that’s totally and completely normal. He thinks.
Eleven would force you to sit down in a chair and drink a big, tall glass of water. He’s also going to keep refilling it and arguing with the TARDIS every time you turn away. He makes an effort to do this quietly but it doesn’t really work.
Twelve tells you to suck it up and stop complaining. He had a headache the size of Jupiter once. But then he also brings you a cup of tea like it’s something he does all the time. He also turns his amps way down so it’s not too loud for you. If you notice the TARDIS lights dimming its just because he wanted mood lighting okay, that’s all. Nothing to do with you and your very human, very annoying headache.
Thirteen babies you almost to the point of you having to tell her to go away and do something useful. She brings you blankets, several teas from several planets, jugs of water and a cold compress. She coos and frets and checks your temperature with a concerned frown on her face. It’s very cute, but can also feel a little overstimulating at times. Especially because she’s such a talker, too.
Fourteen tuts and takes you by the hand, telling you he knows just the place. He also tells you how he knows he’s incapable of shutting his mouth and so will leave you alone for a few hours to get some peace. Then he leads you into this dark room in the TARDIS that just has a soft lounge and a dimmable window so you can watch the stars in the dark. The TARDIS puts on a low frequency hum that helps ease your headache away. He kisses your forehead, rubs your cheek and tells you to feel better soon and he’ll be back to check on you in a bit before he closes the door behind him.
Fifteen gives you a lopsided play-mocking expression and tells you that you need to be taking better care of yourself if you want to stick around to see all he has to show you. But he also turns the music way down in the console room and ushers you towards your bedroom. “Uh, uh, babes- no arguing. You, my dear, are going to lay down and not come out until your pesky little headache is gone. I’ll bring you some water, eh? Uh-uh, down. That’s it. Doctor’s orders.”
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phoenixyfriend · 5 months
Entry of the Gladiators
Remember my Fake Sith AU? Yeah, so I got around to writing it.
I started writing this around a year ago, planning to finish and post for an event. I never finished. So. Here's what I have so far, and let's hope I can get around to finishing it at some point lmao.
The year is 7939 CRC, and Obi-Wan is one-hundred percent not moonlighting as a Sith Lord with a drawling accent and a linen suit. And Anakin surely isn't pretending to be his unhinged Sith second. And Ahsoka definitely isn't actually a vigilante. And Cody absolutely isn't enjoying the chance to manage an entire set of organized crime rings. And Rex certainly isn't seducing the half-mad head priestess of an evil cult. Totally.
Chapter 1: Wake Me Up (Before You Go-Go)
Fun fact: I went to upload the first chapter of this fic, which I started writing a year ago, and I forgot I had a title for the chapter, so I just slapped something together to put into the chapter title slot.
Then I went back to my planning document and it's the same damn chapter title.
I am very predictable.
Anakin wakes up with a pounding headache. This is, against all wishes, a very familiar feeling for him. Unfortunately, it has almost never been a result of something fun, like alcohol. He’s much more likely to wake up drugged and chained by his enemies or recovering from grievous injuries than, say, boozing up.
Hondo incident notwithstanding, of course.
(Besides, Obi-Wan got drunk too. That makes it his fault.)
As he catalogues his remaining fingers and extremities past the pain in his skull, he hears others shuffling nearby. The Force isn’t warning him at all, so they’re probably friendlies.
There’s a quiet groan a few feet away, high-pitched, that is almost definitely Ahsoka.
When he sits up, it’s to more pain and the ugly little realization that Ahsoka must also be in pain.
Obi-Wan’s voice cuts in. “What did you do, Anakin?”
“Nothing!” Anakin protests, his own voice loud enough to set his headache off. He runs through his most recent memories in hopes of uncovering actual wrongdoing. He doesn’t seem to actually have any memories past entering the possibly-Sith-in-origin temple, though. That’s… a bad sign, in part because they are now outdoors and looking at a completely different sky. “You went into the sketchy temple, too. I don’t remember doing anything that could have knocked us all out, especially not knocked us out and transported us to what’s probably a different planet.”
“Sky’s orange,” Ahsoka notes, getting unsteadily to her feet. There’s a moment where it looks like she’s about to fall, but Rex is closer than Anakin, and reacts fast enough to steady her.
Anakin finally gets a full look around. His master, his padawan, his captain, and Commander Cody, who isn’t Anakin’s in any way, except as a friend, but that’s not an exclusive group, because ‘his friend’ could mean a lot of—
He’s getting distracted.
“If we’re lucky…” Obi-Wan says, stretching his back with an awful cracking noise. He eyes the sky with distaste. “If we’re lucky, the cloud cover will dissipate and let us see the constellations when night falls. We can figure out where we are then.”
“Anticipating hostility from locals, sir?” Cody prompts
Obi-Wan shrugs. “Don’t want to hedge our bets on there being locals. We aren’t where we were, and we aren’t in another temple, either. Most planets in the galaxy aren’t actually inhabited by sapient species…”
“But that’s mostly because most of them don’t have breathable air, isn’t it?” Ahsoka asks. Anakin pats her between the montrals, almost like Obi-Wan used to ruffle his hair when he was this small. Well, smaller. Ahsoka at fifteen tolerates this much better than Anakin at the same age.
Ahsoka at fifteen is, however, the same height as Anakin at thirteen, when Obi-Wan was still ruffling his hair.
“You’re right, Ahsoka. Since this planet does have breathable air and some vegetation, the chances of sapient habitation are relatively high,” Obi-Wan agrees. “So, we’ll see how it goes. If we can find civilization that isn’t hostile to us, we might get off by nightfall.”
Anakin has a feeling that’s a bit too optimistic.
(Continue on AO3)
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devildom-moss · 10 months
I came running when I saw requests open. I know that this is a total long shot, so ignore it if it’s too much or too long of an ask:
Can I request HCs for the brothers and extras (maybe separate posts?) for celebrating the holidays with their s/o? Can be all x reader or each individual x reader, whatever you’d like. No limits on imagination or creativity. Bonus points for holiday party gifts giving and receiving for them, too! Love your content!
Okay, so I was going to try to knock them all out in one post but then things occurred, and +4k words (and a lot of time) later, I realized nope I better not. But since some of the holidays have already started, I thought I should try to get something up soon. So I'm starting with a few general headcanons and the demon brothers. I'll try to get the others up soon, though.
Celebrating the holidays/New Year headcanons (general + the demon brothers)
Word Count: +4,800
General headcanons
They would all agree to throw a party together – in part because most of them love their little friends and family parties, especially during holidays. They’re also too stubborn and affectionate to give you up for a holiday, so a big party is a decent compromise. (Because if Solomon steals you for the holidays, the brothers will throw a fit and sulk, Luke will be sad, and Lucifer, Simeon, and Diavolo will – separately – find ways to interrupt. If the brothers keep you to themselves, the others will find a way to intrude. Diavolo would have better luck convincing Barbatos to bake him a rat-shaped cake than prying you from Lucifer’s grasp on a holiday. Thirteen could hide you in her cave for a while, but Solomon and Barbatos could probably find you before the day was over.)
Thirteen and Mephisto are the most likely to either not get invited (rude) or just not show up to a big party. Then again, Thirteen is so smitten by you that she’d probably invite herself just to see you. I’ll put a bit more on that in their respective sections.
If you celebrate a particular holiday, they’ll try to celebrate that with you. If not, they might celebrate a secular Christmas or just throw a New Year / New Year’s Eve party.
A lot of effort goes into the big party, especially if you have specific customs that you celebrated in the human world. They will probably ask about it a month in advance (right after October, usually) so they can start scheming planning.
Satan, Belphie, and Solomon are usually in charge of research on customs and traditions – not that Solomon needs to do much research.
By the time they get you involved, they would already have some ideas in mind. Unless you seem to love planning parties, they want to do most of the work. You deal with their shit all year; they want to put in most of the effort as the year comes to an end and give you the chance to rest.
Considers it his job to make sure no matter what happens, the holidays aren’t too stressful for you (yelling at everyone and reigning in their stupidity to the best of his abilities). If he so much as senses your stress levels increase, someone is getting strung up, and you’re getting a few hours of spoiling until you feel better.
He wants alone time with you, so if he can manage it, he’ll sneak in a date with you before and after the holidays. It might be something small like eating a meal alone or taking a walk and admiring the way the Devildom settles into winter.
Lucifer wants to be the last person you go on a date with this year and the first person you date next year. He knows it’s selfish, but if you get a bit of Demonus in him, he’ll admit to his selfish desire, face flushed pink and eyes soft with adoration the whole time.
Definitely tries to get you alone during the party for a few minutes. There’s about a 40% chance he ends up drunk before the party is over. If he’s sober and conscious after everyone but Diavolo and Barbatos falls asleep, he’ll try to put the moves on you. (Those two can watch or join or try to compete; he doesn’t care. Although, if he’s tipsy enough, he’ll flirt with you and kiss you in front of Solomon and Mephisto, too.)
If it’s a New Year’s Eve party, he will drag you somewhere secluded before midnight to steal your kiss. Similar to the date thing, he wants to be your first and last kiss of the year.
Gifts – giving: Lucifer always gets you alone before giving you gifts. He likes to give practical gifts for holidays that make you think of him often, but they’re usually high-end and tailored to your interests. If you like studying or journaling or drawing, he’d give you an extravagant hand-bound notebook or enchanted pens or pencils. He might also give you some kind of jewelry – usually something that could be worn on your wrists (not at all because he feels like he’s binding you to him by doing that. No. Never.). But he’s so extra about it. He’d insist upon putting it on for you right then and there. He’d kiss your wrist before he did. And his annoying ass would definitely get you a watch and then look up at you flirtatiously to say, “Now you have no excuse to keep me waiting, my dear.”
Gifts – receiving: He’s such a pain to shop for because if you ask him what he wants, he’ll just tell you, “I want you – all to myself.” Sir, shut the fuck up. However, he loves anything you give him, so it works out. If you can get him a rare cursed record or bottle of Demonus, he’ll be overjoyed, especially if you enjoy them with him. He also appreciates special coffee beans/grounds, clothing/accessories (especially matching ones so he can show off), and anything you made by hand. As long as he can tell that you thought about him, he’ll be pleased (probably so pleased that he’ll have to resist the temptation to pounce on you right then and there).
He will be glued to your side whenever possible. Mammon gets so excited about the holidays and the party that he’s all smiles – or maybe that’s just because he’s next to you. He considers it his job to keep you happy and bring you cheer.
Ropes you into decorating the House of Lamentation with him. Definitely helps you reach the higher locations by changing into his demon form and holding you while you decorate. “Couldn’t you just fly up here and do this yourself?” “Shuddup. I don’t wanna do it. You’re better at puttin’ this stuff up. And maybe I just wanna hold ya, so there. Now keep goin’ or the Great Mammon’s gonna drop ya.” “You wouldn’t dare!” “Yeah, yeah. I know. Just shuddup and stop teasin’ me.”
He tells you that he needs your help doing some holiday shopping, and that the deals at the end of the year are too good to miss. It’s an excuse to take you on a date, but it’s also a good way for him to keep an eye on you and see if anything sparks your interest while you’re out shopping together. He’ll go back and buy it for you later when you’re not paying attention.
Gets drunk at the party – mostly because Diavolo and Mephisto brought the good Demonus, so he can’t possibly pass it up. He’ll keep a close eye on you during the whole party (for as long as he’s sober enough).
Definitely tries to make out with you in some quiet room where no one will find you for a few minutes. You’ll probably get caught, and Mammon will get yelled at and called scum.
Stays up pretty late because he just wants to be around you, but between the Demonus and all the dancing he ropes you into, he’ll be exhausted and sleep until noon.
Gifts – giving: Gives you something stylish you can wear (that just so happens to match with something he bought for himself). He’s especially fond of giving you necklaces, jackets, or glasses – something that isn’t as easy to hide. He wants you to wear it with pride. If he gets you any kind of jewelry, he’ll get it engraved with something sickeningly sweet. “my most precious treasure” / “you shine brighter than gold” / “your smile is priceless.” Mammon also makes it a point to give you gifts alone because he’s embarrassed – and because he wants a kiss as a thank you.
Gifts – receiving: He makes a big fuss about wanting the newest products from high-end fashion brands or just cold, hard Grimm, and that’s true, he does want those things, but he’s also incredibly soft for you. As long as you give him something thoughtful, he’ll be fine if it isn’t expensive. He loves getting accessories that he can wear around his neck or wrists (yes, for the reason you’re thinking. It makes him feel like he belongs to you – which obviously means you belong to him, too.) Additionally, as long as you give him his gift in private, Mammon will be extremely pleased if you give him kinky items (collars, cuffs, and any sex toys that you promise to use on him). He likes being reminded that you think about him in that way.
He tries to get you to binge watch holiday specials for his favorite anime with him more than once. He’ll even try to entice you with a sleepover including all your favorite snacks and seasonal drinks. Spending time with you makes him feel better about being an otaku during the holiday season. When he isn’t around you or the others during the party prep stages, he feels anxious and mopey.
If you ask him out on a date around the holidays, he will freak out and turn a bright shade of pink, fanning his cheeks with his hands (dual purpose stimming). Take him somewhere nice and romantic, hold his hand, maybe even kiss his cheek in public, and he will melt quicker than snow next to a fire.
He probably drinks the most if no one regulates him because he’s anxious about having to be social all day and whether or not you’re having fun or if you’re going to like the gift he got for you. He still enjoys himself, though. He’ll rope a few people (at least Luke and Diavolo) into singing karaoke with him, and he’ll get a few more to play games with him.
Retires relatively early because all the socializing drained him. There’s a good chance he calls it a night and forgets to exchange gifts with you. He freaks out when he wakes up and apologizes profusely after he hunts you down finds you and finally hands you your gift.
Gifts – giving: He finds it so much easier to get gifts for someone who loves anime and manga. Nonetheless, he’ll probably try to track down something related to a show, book, game, or idol you like (any media interests, basically). He’ll get you a signed first edition print of a book you love, a commissioned art piece from one of your favorite artists (possibly of you and him), a high-quality, custom-made figure of your fav character wearing that outfit you love, or VIP tickets to a concert for that musician you like – usually one of a kind or hard to obtain items.
Gifts – receiving: He’d be delighted with the same types of gifts that he would try to get for you – but for his favorites. If you have any artistic/musical talents, he’d also be overjoyed with fan art made by you or covers sung by you. If you can voice act and you record an audio as one of his favorites, he will emotionally implode (especially if it’s suggestive or NSFW). Levi would also be happy with fabric he can use to make cosplay or outfit pieces he can use in cosplay. Like Mammon, he’d also be delighted to get kinky stuff from you (but he’d prefer stuff like lingerie, collars, and harnesses). He’ll turn bright red if you do that, but the embarrassment is kind of a turn on for him.
He will ask you out on a (cat) café date at some point near the end of the year. He understands it’s a busy time for you, so he’ll only ask you to spare one day where he can enjoy a few seasonal menu items (like peppermint hot chocolate with cute peppermint mocha whipped cream in the shape of a cat), take a stroll in the brisk winter air while holding hands, and curl up in his room reading a good book with you (and yes, that includes cuddling and maybe a little make out session). As long as he gets his one date, he’ll be content.
He finds holidays stressful, and decorating with all of his brothers gets incredibly annoying (loud, overstimulating), so if he can do something where he only has to deal with one or two people (or even better, just you), he’ll try to help that way instead. Satan is pretty good at delegating, organizing the tasks, and tracking the budget, though.
Satan looks forward to the party in part because he, Belphie, and Mephisto have a bunch of tricks planned for Lucifer. Will any of them be successful and effectively annoying? Probably not. But there’s a chance that Lucifer might slip up and get embarrassed by one of them, and that’s good enough. Satan will get annoyed if Lucifer doesn’t fall for any of them, so Lucifer might just let it happen. If not, you’ll have to bring him a drink and cheer him up.
He cherishes the chance to dance with you during the party, but he’s even more pleased when he inevitably sneaks off somewhere quiet with you. He makes sure you don’t get caught, though, and he returns you to the party within a half an hour in almost the same state you left in.
Absolutely wants to be your first kiss of the new year and has the common sense to ask you to save your first kiss for him beforehand.
Gifts – giving: Satan is the type to have most of his gifts ready in advance. He cannot deal with the stress of trying to find multiple last-minute gifts without demolishing a wall. Moreover, he thinks about others (especially you) more than he wants to admit, so if he sees something you’ll like he just gets it. He could hide 3 dead bodies in his mess of books if not for the smell; he’d have no trouble hiding presents. Besides, no one is going to try to snoop around in his room. He likes to give you books that suit your interests because he feels like he’s also sharing part of himself with you when he does. They’re usually rare editions or custom hand-bound versions. He can find you an amazing book on anything you have an interest in. Satan might also pull some strings and get you something more exclusive – products that haven’t hit the market yet that you seemed interested in or two tickets/vouchers for a novel experience. The vouchers would probably be for something that could serve as a date later like a traveling exhibit or a movie screening. Whatever it is, though, he’d make sure it’s something he thinks you’d enjoy. If it’s a book or product, he’ll have no problem giving your gift to you in front of others, but if it’s tickets/vouchers, he’ll give it to you in secret. He doesn’t want anyone trying to tag along or make a fuss over it.
Gifts – receiving: You can never have too many books. Giving him obscure or rare books (especially human world books that he never would have known about) is a great idea. He’ll be so thrilled that he’ll offer to read the book to you. Cat-themed gifts are also an option: matching cat-shaped accessories, a photo album of all the cats he’s spotted in the Devildom, reservations to a cat café, etc. He’s really easy to please. Honestly, you could put on cat ears/a cat onesie or use magic to turn yourself into a cat for a day and let him cuddle you, and he’d be the happiest demon in the Devildom.
As much as he hates how much the winter air dries out his skin, he’s a bundle of cheer during the holidays. The decorations, the snow, seasonal food and drinks, adorable cozy outfits – it’s so Devilgramable. He feels like it’s his job to make you happy as the year comes to an end.
Asmo will be attached to you almost as much as Mammon. For everyone’s sake, please don’t let him find out about the mistletoe tradition. He’ll be carrying one around in a bag all month so he can steal kisses from everyone (no one will be safe) – especially you. Even if you manage to hide that information from him, Asmo will use the cold winter air as an excuse to hold your hand, hug you, and cuddle with you whenever he wants. He’ll probably get yelled at a few times for not keeping his hands to himself (mostly by his brothers, but Simeon and Solomon might suggest he needs to respect your personal space, too).
His desire for attention is about the same, so he doesn’t ask you out any more often than he usually does. Unfortunately (or fortunately), that’s still a lot. Every few days, he’ll ask you to go out with him to try some kind of seasonal drink or food or to shop. “Aw, hun. If you can’t go out, you can at least spare a few minutes to make out and warm me up a little, right? You know you want to kiss me~”
Asmo will happily help decorate – as long as he can avoid more physical tasks. He would definitely have holiday-themed nails, and he’s not about to ruin those. Luckily, he can get away with making design decisions or doing floral arrangements. He’ll pawn the heavy labor off on Beel.
If you let him, he’ll get you all dolled up and do your makeup for the party. “You’ll look so gorgeous, no one will be able to take their eyes off you.”
He’ll be lively during the party, dancing and playing games with you and the others. He might get a bit tipsy, but he’s pretty lucid all night. He’ll still be sober when he’s fawning over Solomon, Barbatos, Thirteen, and Diavolo – mostly the former two. You’re still his number one, but he wants to see if he can convince any of those four to dance with him or give him a kiss for the sake of the holidays.
At a New Year party, if he could find you, he would absolutely kiss you when the clock strikes midnight. He wouldn’t even bother to get you alone.
Gifts – giving: He’ll most likely give you high quality clothes or accessories. They’ll probably be items that he worked on himself or that he modeled. Asmo would take care to ensure that they fit you perfectly and that you’ll be comfortable in whatever he gets you. More likely than not, he would give it to you while he helps you get ready. It would probably be something you could wear to the party. If it’s clothes, he would insist that you model it for him first. “I need to take in your beauty before anyone else can see how amazing you look.” (He would definitely use that as an excuse to praise you and would probably try to get you off before the party started and someone came looking for you). If it’s jewelry, he would insist upon putting it on for you. Asmo would leave kisses on your skin between whispered words of praise. “This suits you perfectly. You’re lovely. I can’t take my eyes off you.” As a half-joke, he might give you kinky gifts and/or sex toys. With a giggle, he would tell you how excited he was to try it out with you. Also as a half-joke (in addition to a tangible present), Asmo would offer himself up to you. He wouldn’t be immediately prepared if you agreed, though. In fact, he’d probably be pleasantly surprised by your boldness.
Gifts – receiving: Asmo gets a lot of gifts from so many fans, so the most important things when considering gifts for him are time, effort, and thought. Handmade or custom gifts are ideal. He just wants to know that you were thinking of him – and only him – the entire time. I feel like he would adore a handmade or custom ordered collar or harness, but he would also love something like a handmade bouquet of paper/fabric flowers if it’s done well or a custom perfume. The other gift that would melt his heart would be your time. Get him spa vouchers and have a spa day with him, plan an entire date and spoil him, or offer to be his maid/butler for a full day (extra points if you dress up for him). More than anything, he wants you.
Beel gets so excited to try all the limited-time and seasonal foods near the end of the year, and, of course, he’s even more excited to eat them with you. So, surprisingly, he manages to squeeze a lot of dates in around the holidays. He’ll invite you to some café or restaurant – anywhere that sells food and drinks – almost every other day. However, Beel isn’t as selfish with your time, so he doesn’t mind if the others tag along – especially Belphie and Luke. If he really wants you to himself, he’ll invite you when no one else is around and tell you to keep it a secret.
He makes a long list of food and drinks that he wants Luke, Simeon, and Barbatos to make for the party – not that they need it, but they’ll take a look, nonetheless. They use him to taste test all their food. Other than that, he helps decorate, bring in ingredients, and carry things while the others shop. If it involves manual labor, Beel is happy to help. He wants the party to go well so it will make you and his brothers (and the others) happy.
Spends most of the party snacking and playing games. He’ll drink the one glass of Demonus that gets served to him to toast with. Otherwise, he’ll only consume alcohol if it’s put in a particularly delicious looking drink.
Lets you sit on his lap while playing games – even if the others complain about it. As long as you want to, he doesn’t mind. In fact, he’d be delighted if you chose to sit on him when given a multitude of other options (including an actual chair). How adorable would he be just wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder?
At some point in the party, when he’s temporarily satiated his hunger, he’ll try to get you alone for a bit. He’ll ask you to take a short walk or just get some air with him. He wants to be somewhere quieter with you. Besides, if you’re outside and it’s cold, that’s a perfect excuse for him to hold your hand or pull you in close. If he’s feeling bold, he might try to kiss you.
Gifts – giving: He (almost) always has food on his mind, so his first instinct is to give you food as a present. Things like seasonal candies and drink mixes are the most likely contenders. Beel would buy multiples of whatever he bought you for himself. That way he won’t be as tempted to eat your present. Additionally, that means he can try the food or drinks with you. He loves the experience of eating with you and seeing your face light up when you try something delicious. Therefore, another present he might offer would be tickets for a restaurant tour or food-based fair. You could go with him and sample amazing food until you’re too full to move – if you want.
Gifts – receiving: Obviously, getting him food is the easiest option, but you should make sure you put some more effort and thought into it. Seasonal and limited-time options are great, but he would appreciate a more personal touch. Instead, if you can cook, you could do something like schedule a date to prepare a homemade full-course meal just for Beel, making whatever food he requested. You could also make him a huge box of assorted sweets – chocolates, cookies, pastries, etc. He’d appreciate how much time you spent. If you tell him that you thought of him the whole time, he would melt on the spot. Beel would also be happy to get tickets for food tours or fairs – as long as you, and maybe Belphie, can go with him. Outside of food-related gifts, Beel isn’t opposed to getting clothes from you, especially if you buy something that matches with an item you own. You could get him jewelry, so long as it’ll be okay coming in contact with heat and sweat. Since you gave it to him, he’s going to want to wear it often – including during his workouts. He’d prefer necklaces; it feels like he’s keeping you close to his heart that way.
Other than looking into human world traditions, he’s pretty useless in the party planning stages. He tends to fall asleep when he’s instructed to clean or decorate, so he doesn’t get much done. Although, I guess if you count setting up pranks on Lucifer as “helping out,” he’s a bit more useful.
He takes advantage of the cold weather as an excuse to cuddle and nap with you. “It’s too cold to sleep alone. You have to sleep with me, or I won’t rest as well.” He makes it a habit of trying to sleep with you as often as possible. Aside: he strikes me as one of those people with cold hands, and as winter approaches, he’ll use that to tease you. Belphie will slip his hands under your clothes or between your thighs to warm them up, and when you look at him, he’ll feign innocence. What a little shit.
If the planetarium or botanical gardens have a special exhibit, he’d ask you to go on a date there, but he’s not picky about whether it happens before or after the holidays – just promise to spend time alone with him.
He’s not that enthusiastic about the party, but if you seem excited, he’ll take some interest in it. He’ll stay awake long enough to dance with you, play a few games, and see if any of the pranks they set up for Lucifer succeed.
Drags you somewhere secluded during the party, claiming that he wants to take a nap and that you should help him fall asleep, but he’d much rather make out with you until he’s a blushing, panting mess. He can always take a nap after that. It’s a pretty obvious ruse since he will probably fall asleep a few times in the middle of the party with no assistance.
Regardless of when the party is, Belphie insists on sleeping with you the night before the holiday (if it’s a multi-day holiday, then at least the first day of it) and the night before the New Year. If the party is on the night before the holiday/New Year’s Eve, he either tells you to come find him when you’re tired or he’ll stay by your side the entire night. He wants to start the holiday/New Year perfectly, and that means waking up next to you – preferably in your arms. Especially for the New Year, he wants to be the last person you see at the end of the year and the first person you see at the beginning. If he can also be your last and first kiss of the year, he’d be pleased. (Also, if he has the energy, he wants to be the first person you fuck that year too).
Gifts – giving: Himself. Canonically, he’s already done this, but he just likes the idea of offering himself up to you and that you would want him more than anything else, so I could see him doing it again. If he feels compelled to give you an actual present, he’d probably get you matching pajamas. How jealous would the others be if they saw that he had not only crawled into your bed again, but he was also wearing the same pajamas as you? He would feel such a wicked joy from it. Belphie might also give you star-themed accessories, so you’ll always think of him whenever you put it on. For the same possessive reasons as some of his older brothers, Belphie would probably give you a necklace or bracelet.
Gifts – receiving: An alarm clock that actually works on him. Belphie is pretty easy to please as long as you show that you were thinking about him. He’ll gladly take comfortable bedding, pillows, or pajamas. You could also offer to give yourself to him. The only problem is that as much as he loves the idea of having you all to himself for a full day or two, he’ll complain about wanting to keep you as his for longer. “Aww, MC. I don’t want to give you up. Can’t you stay my servant for a few more days. I’ll treat you so well. Don’t you want to keep spoiling me?” He’s grateful, but he likes you doting on him too much. Additionally, he’s another one you could give kinky stuff to. Give him toys and promise to use them on him. Similarly, I feel like he would be delighted if you tied him up, wrapped a soft bow around him (wherever you please), and told him that his gift was going to be that you were going to “take care of him” for a full day. sorry
(the others version)
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like i will never forget that dream made a joke about vikkstar raping tubbos sister and then had the gall to deny it bc like. i have seen that vod! he's fucking lying about it being out of context- the whole context is that lani mentioned she was in vikkstars bed. there’s no reason to question that in gameplay and vikkstar wasn’t even on the server when she played so it’d make no sense to ask about something gameplay related, and outside of gameplay… what else could you be implying? a thirteen year old says they’re sleeping in someone’s bed and you joke about having to talk to them. it’s a paedophilic rape joke he's too cowardly to admit to but he made the SAME EXACT JOKE a few years later except he was joking about raping kids and I don’t believe his shallow apology for five fucking seconds because he has a PATTERN of sexual jokes towards minors. HE GOT A MINOR TO TELL HIM HE LOVED HIM IN PRIVATE DMS. no amount of arguing it’s platonic makes it okay if your sixteen year old told you a grown ass man said that they had to say they loved him in DMs to keep their friend's minecraft farms YOU WOULD CALL THE FUCKING COPS BECAUSE THAT IS LITERALLY COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE FOR AN ADULT TO DO IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES WITH A MINOR. plus his “i can totally know what a complete stranger wants without asking her (and I’m definitely not going to always assume she wants it bc i feel entitled to her body)” and his fucking hasty backtracking about it being with an ex like bro you were talking about hookups it’s such a pathetic save. every time i think about how much of a pathetic misogynist he is and how much he thinks children being raped is prime comedy I get so mad like legit i always try to take things in good faith and the best I can come up with is that he's a misogynistic creep bc THAT IS THE BEST FAITH INTERPRETATION OF MULTIPLE TIMES MAKING JOKES OUT OF CHILD RAPE INCLUDING HIMSELF BEING A PAEDOPHILIC GROOMER. he's at best a piece of shit and at worst a fucking paedophile and like don’t come at me with the allegations bro if you think raping kids is funny and edgy youre at best a creep and at worst a nonce. he's genuinely such a piece of shit. and this isn’t even getting into the constant racism, ableism, scamming, throwing random people under the bus for kicks, bullying, ect. he's an utterly awful person but he’s decent enough at hiding it that it’s not obvious until you have a full timeline of events. bc it makes it clear he NEVER stopped thinking rape was funny and that women are inherently lesser than him and that he can do whatever he wants to people as long as he adds a just kidding disclaimer and pretends to be a feminist when he obviously despises women. he’s a sick man and a manipulative scumbag and this is the BEST reading of him possible if you actually know what he’s fucking done and dig through the burying of it and outright lies he’s told.
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loveywon · 2 years
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pairing: jeongin x (gn) reader
wc: 1.9k
synopsis: you can't hurt your soulmate physically, so what happens when you accidentally hurt jeongin?
warnings: soulmate au, uni au, friends 2 lovers, cursing, reader gets slapped LMAO, beomgyu, isa, heeseung, and ningning mentioned, not proofread, umm I think that's it
a/n: pulled this outta my ass... n i have an 8am final tmr… SOMEONE PREPARE MY DEATH BED!!!!!
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You’ve only met Jeongin recently, you’d say for about two weeks, thanks to mutual friends. He was sweet, and had the most adorable smile you’ve ever seen in your entire life.  You think you’re lucky to have met him, he does not wrong in your eyes.
Though, he’s quite clumsy. He’s spilled pepsi and fanta on your friends multiple times (total times of five - not that you’re keeping count), dropped a whole pizza box, and slipped and tripped in front of everyone in the dining halls. He’s never spilled anything on you, which is quite surprising considering he’s been next to you every time he has spilled something.
He would always turn to you, giving a slight awkward chuckle before helping his friend grab some napkins and wiping them off (which does literally nothing, their clothes are stained for life now). 
As to why he somehow never spills his drink on you? He thinks he knows the answer. 
“Jeongin, you do know that in this world, you can never hurt your soulmate, physically, and they also can not hurt you,” His mother explained to him one night in bed when he was thirteen, just about to graduate middle school. He’s half asleep, but he still listens to what his mom says as she kisses him on the forehead goodnight. 
“Mom! I’m too old for you to tuck me in every night still,” He pouts, though his eyes are closed and his lips soon curve into a slight smile. His mother only laughs softly at his antics before leaving his room. 
Jeongin never considered himself to be a hopeless romantic. He never really paid much mind to love. Of course he found people pretty, but he’s never thought about dating, or actually finding his real soulmate. He doesn’t think it’s weird, but his friends always make comments and ask him if he’s lonely and if they want their help to find his soulmate. 
He’s patient, and he’ll wait for his soulmate to find him.
“Y/n, this is my friend, Jeongin,” Heeseung gestures towards a boy with wavy, soft brown hair. You look meticulously at him, and Jeongin thought he had an eye booger or something that caused you to look at him so weirdly. He panics, reaching for his face to find whatever you’re judging him for. That’s when you crack a toothy smile, grinning at him.
“Hi! Nice to meet you. Heeseung told me you’re a bioengineering major. I’m a neuroscience major.” You greet excitedly, and the difference between how you stared at him and the way you spoke almost gave him whiplash.
You’re happy that Heeseung introduced you to Jeongin. You know about the soulmate thing, it’s all your friends have bugged you about. They’ve all found their soulmate in freshman year of college or some time during high school, yet you’re still lagging behind.
But still, you doubt that Jeongin could actually be your soulmate. It seemed too good to be true, really. He was cute, had personality like a saint, funny, and had sharp features that always made you stare for longer than you should be, and you think there’s no way he hasn’t found his soulmate yet. 
It’s as if it’s unspoken between the two of you. You don’t bring up soulmates, and neither does he. Whenever you two hang out in a group, it always gets brought up but both you and Jeongin stay quiet until the subject is changed, just smiling and nodding along. 
It’s not like it was bothering, of course not! It was just that, you knew you wanted Jeongin to be your soulmate. You liked him! Maybe a little too much, and now you’re afraid to act upon anything because the romanticized idea of Jeongin that you curated in your head leads you to believe that he definitely has a significant other. 
A little part of you still likes to be a little delusional as you don’t even bother to wait for a bit to answer his texts. You always answer immediately, despite knowing (assuming) that he has another soulmate waiting for him.
You and a group of friends, including Jeongin, are out bowling because Jeongin suggested it, and even though he did get bullied in the groupchat for even suggesting such a lame sport, you all met up at the bowling alley. 
The ever so competitive Jeongin that he is, he decides to start a competition. “Heeseung, you think you can score more points than me?” He wiggled his brows tauntingly, and of course, Heeseung would never back down from a challenge proposed by his best friend. 
“Me, Gyu, and Isa will be on one team, and you, Y/n, and Ningning will be on the other team, okay?” Heeseung proposed to Jeongin, as he simply agreed. As if you and your other friends weren’t sitting there, unable to choose what team you wanted to be on.
“What the hell? I wanna be on Hee’s team,” you frown, obviously joking as you cross your arms over your chest. Jeongin fakes offense, palm pressed against his heart, “What?? What’s wrong with being on my team?? We can win, Y/n, I believe in you and Ningning!” He cheered encouragingly, giving you and Ningning a thumbs up and a wide dimpled smile.You roll your eyes, looking away from him to hide the smile that’s fighting to appear on your face. 
If only you knew how bowling works.
When it’s your turn, you hesitatingly get up from your seat and walk to grab a bowling bowl. You stand awkwardly in front of your lane, and despite seeing everyone else go before you, you haven’t caught on a single thing on what to do. 
Jeongin senses your hesitation (more like he was getting impatient because he desperately wanted to win against Heeseung) and gets up from his seat to assist you. He walks up behind you, and you’re too confused to even hear him get up from his seat, so when his hand lands on your shoulder, you drop the heavy, 14 pound bowling ball (you didn’t check the weight beforehand) onto Jeongin’s foot.
Obviously, his first reaction is to be dramatic and yell an “OW!”, but he realizes there is no actual pain running through his body. You’re too busy panicking, because holy shit, that probably hurts like balls (haha)! You’re onto your knees in an instant, trying to help ease the pain but you don’t know what to do because his shoe is in the way to check for any injuries. 
“Are you okay? Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry, really!” You say repeatedly, looking up at him from your position. He panics seeing you down on your knees for him and he instantly holds your shoulders up to make you stand up. 
His throat is dry, and he doesn’t really know what to say. Did he really feel no pain? He just had to test it again.
He grabs the bowling bowl that’s left forgotten on the ground after your panic, and he hands it to you. “Can you drop it on my foot again?” He asks you, and your eyes bulge out of your head. 
“What?! Are you a masochist or something? No!” You refuse, you’re confused as to why he’s asking for you to drop it on him again. Your panic hasn’t settled yet to put the pieces together yet. 
“Please! Just do it,” he almost begs, pushing the ball towards your chest as you stare at him bewildered. You hesitate to grab the ball, but he looks like he’s about to get on his knees like you did previously just for you to drop a ball on him again. 
You sigh, biting your bottom lip as you drop the ball. You visibly wince when the bowling ball drops on his foot once more, and this time Jeongin is more prepared to await a reaction.
Nothing. No pain. 
A bright smile cracks onto his face. He’s the happiest man on earth right now, he’s so happy he thinks he could cry. He remembers telling Heeseung to finally introduce you to him when he first spots you and Heeseung walking together to class one time on campus. Jeongin was going to go up to him to say hi, but he stopped in his tracks after seeing you. He’s never seen you before, and he thinks that you may be the person that Heeseung has been talking to him about for a few weeks now. 
“I saw them, the person you’re talking to, on campus today!” Jeongin says excitedly as he meets up with Heeseung at the dining hall.
Heeseung gives him a confused look with an eyebrow raised, “What? I didn’t see them all day…are you talking about Y/n? That’s just my friend, we share religious class together.” Jeongin stifles a shocked face. He’s happy, you were incredibly attractive, so he was a bit relieved to hear that you were just a friend to Heeseung.
“In that case, can you introduce me then?”
When Jeongin doesn’t react to the ball dropping on his foot, you stare at him weirdly. Maybe he is a freak and a masochist and liked being hurt, because you swear that bowling ball said fourteen whole pounds. 
“Slap me, right now, seriously!” He says, a bright smile painting his face. You only give him a blank stare.
“Jeongin, I’m not gonna feed into your fantasies, you’re being a little weird, not gonna lie…” You trail off, but you swear you’ve never seen him smile that brightly before. All your other friends are just staring at the two of you oddly, some deciding to go onto their phones because it’s not the first time you and Jeongin have been in your own world whenever you all hang out. They never minded, they were secretly all rooting for you two to get together.
“Y/n, do you trust me?” Jeongin asks you suddenly, ignoring what you just said. You raise a brow at him. Of course you trust him, you think he broke the world record for gaining your trust in such a short amount of time. 
“...Yeah,” you reply a bit stand-offish, because he really is being a little weird, but at the same time, it’s Jeongin. You know him, or at least, you like to think that you know him and that he would never do anything to hurt you (not like he can, anyway).
Jeongin’s hand reaches out to your face, and for a moment, you panic. What is exactly going on, and what is doing? Is he going to touch your face? Is the moment you’ve been dreaming about finally coming?
He slapped you. He literally, physically, slapped you across the face. 
Your jaw drops to the floor. Your head is turned to the side because of the slap, but there is no after-sting and your cheek isn’t red from the slap. And that’s when it clicked.
“Okay, I get that we’re like, soulmates and everything, but you’re never slapping me again. You didn’t even have to slap me! You could have just told me like a normal fucking person??” You want to yell at his face, but you can’t help the excited grin that graces your features because Jeongin is your freaking soulmate. 
“Um…sorry. Got excited I guess. You can slap me in return if you want!” 
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PERM. TAGLIST @hafsa-hoofsa-heefs !
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noirvette · 1 year
[band smau]
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Having the whole fiasco of figuring out the venue and then helping Kyle with his weird texter person problem, (of which he still hasn't bothered telling Stan about), and then a few surprisingly calm days, it's finally the day of the concert.
Nichole was loving the open venue, and was quickly styling herself away with simple tables and chairs a bit further out, having those separated by simple fences from the GA area. Currently, her theme for the night was orange and dark blue, the dark blue having some sort of shine when lights hit on them. It was absolutely gorgeous as you watched the test runs of the stage lights against them.
Kyle was doing a bit better, having gotten some sleep you could assume, and he's been busying himself all day by corresponding with another local yet small band that would be opening for you guys tonight. They had just shown up about 20 minutes ago and was going ahead with their sound check, which Kyle was graciously observing.
Clyde was..late again, however he did say he was going to stop and bring back food for everyone so you really couldn't stay mad at him, nor with him bringing back Kyle's favorite fast food, you're sure Kyle wouldn't object much either.
Stan was talking to the venue's owner and he definitely has never been more awkward in his life. At this rate, you're sure Kyle's gonna step over there and free Stan from the shackles of his poor social skills.
Craig, for once, has shown up to take pictures again, you can see him snapping away at some candid shots, those of which he'll probably use for his portfolio, beside him you're shocked to see Tweek, he doesn't tend to follow Craig that often to these rehearsal things, in fact Tweek doesn't come to the concerts much anyways, he attends a few, mainly to be with Craig. Tweek spots you and waves, you return the gesture and you can see Craig snap a photo of Tweek as you do so.
Giggling and turning your head away from them and staring back onto the open space, you let your mind wander again. You've been excited to perform, especially here in South Park, it's always been fun to perform here, the town surprisingly having been your guys' biggest supporters.
Bebe and Wendy should be showing up soon, in fact you wouldn't be surprised if Wendy was already here and you just haven't spotted her yet. Bebe was trying to get Red to come along, it had been a while since you've last seen her, quite literally it was about 3 months ago when you and the other girls managed to squeeze a sleepover day in all of your busy schedules.
Annie said she was coming when Nichole shot her a text, and if Annie is coming usually that means Red would be too.
Your phone dings, bringing you away from your thoughts.
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Groaning you call out to Kyle, "Hey, Kyle?" He turns his head, "Heidi isn't showing anymore we can thank Cartman's stupid ass."
He frowns, "Again, is it the podcast?" Seeing you nod he continues, "He made her miss our last show in New York City because of that god awful podcast. Remind me, why is she in that again?"
"Because she feels bad for him or something, also something about how it was technically her podcast first and she'd rather die than let him get away with the rebranding...?" You scratch the back of your neck, tone overall sheepish for not really knowing why.
"Didn't he.. technically get away with the rebranding though? I mean he calls himself the 'creator' of it?" Kyle pointedly asks.
"Yeah I'm not too sure about the whole reasoning either, Kyle. Oh! Hey so Clyde also should be coming back in about an hour? Maybe now like 30 minutes, I'm not sure he texted me a while ago now."
"Well he better, his sound check is at 3:30.. and if he's not here, I'm telling you now, I am NOT stepping in for him."
"You're gonna totally step in for him don't lie to me."
Kyle gives you a deadpan stare before turning back around to helping the locals, leaving you giggling to yourself quietly for a bit.
"Hey, Y/n," Stan says, sitting next to you on the edge of the stage, "You ready for tonight?"
You look up at him, "Oh, yeah, I'm just bummed that Heidi can't make it because of Cartman."
"Yeah.. Wendy mentioned that like 3 minutes ago.. all because of a podcast episode. Christ.." Stan trails off, "Why is he even doing a podcast episode today? Most of the entire town is attending tonight, who's gonna be listening to his podcast?"
"Well..." You check your phone again, "Heidi says he's going live during the set change between the opener and us, and you know how long those take, people are gonna be on their phones and they're bound to tune in for a bit."
Stan runs a hand down his face, "He's always gotta do something shady, aside from that, how are you doing?"
"I've.. been good actually Stan thanks."
"No problem, I've been worried about you since.." He trails off, you never realized how often Stan trails off before in conversations.
You let out an airy laugh, "No worries, Stan, really and I appreciate you checking up on me. However, you should check up on Kyle, have you noticed how tired he's been looking recently?"
Stan throws his hands up in the air, "YOU'VE NOTICED!" He freezes and suddenly realizes how loud that was, coughing into his fist, face red with embarrassment, "Sorry just.. I've tried, Kyle hasn't been the most... comfortable with talking his thoughts and feelings out, you know that. He just... would rather throw himself into his work than let me in.. you know?"
You both watch as Kyle runs back and forth from the stage to the backstage, "Yeah I get what you mean."
"And I've tried! Really I have but he just waves me off and says nothing important is really affecting him and that he'll 'figure it out' God knows how.. he's never figured anything out, well, whenever it comes to his emotions at least."
You shrug in return, "You've let him know you're there for him.. I guess you're gonna have to wait until he comes to you."
Stan nods at that and the two of you sit in a comfortable silence.
Your phone buzzes and you open the notification without checking what the exact notification was for.
Groaning as you realize who tweeted you're about to swipe and close the app before realizing you were tagged in the tweet, over your shoulder Stan takes a peek, "Cartman? What does he want?"
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Turning your phone off you shake your head in annoyance and Stan snorts, "What have you done to make Cartman tag you on twitter?"
"He's so delusional I probably pissed him off in a dream or something." You and Stan laugh.
"Y/N! Your guitars are here, can you make sure they're tuned and good to go? If you want you could start early on your preliminary soundcheck." Kyle breaks the laugh attack you and Stan are having.
You give him a thumbs up and he does one back, going back to whatever he was doing just now.
"Well, gotta get this done," You stand up and stretch, "See ya around, Stan."
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TAGLIST: @captivq @kimiesstuff @bwljules @the-cooler-kira @1one1person1 @kenny-the-ken @neenieweenie @n0tangeliccc @frogindisguise @revzxn @mirophobic @gonefiishiing @musiclovebot @bootsieboo @bonez4brainz @s0l4riss @1996kj @sweetadonisbutbetter @scinclaitnoir
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 8 months
Stuck Between a Jock and a Metalhead
Summary: Nancy, on a whim, decides to visit Steve at Scoops Ahoy, which leads to her overhearing confessions from Steve that leads her to think about the decisions she's made. A few days later, she decides to come back. She finds him being hit on by the town freak. What's a girl to do? Oh, get stuck in a freezer with the both of them.
18+ MINORS DNI Smut because sometimes you need to fuck it out.
Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four - Chapter Five - Chapter Six - Chapter Seven - Chapter Eight - Chapter Nine - Chapter Ten - Chapter Eleven - Chapter Twelve - Chapter Thirteen - Chapter Fourteen - Chapter Fifteen - Chapter Sixteen - Chapter Seventeen - Chapter Eighteen - Chapter Nineteen - Chapter Twenty - Chapter Twenty-One - Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Susan was crying as she whispered apologies into Max's ear, but Max clearly didn't want to deal with her mom's guilt right now. She huffed, pulled away from her mother's arms, and stormed out of the room. Lucas moved to follow her but Nancy stopped him.
"Give her a minute, she's seems very overwhelmed," Nancy said. "Let her cry it out in the bathroom and then let her come to you. She needs a breather."
"And if she gets cursed when she's all alone?" Lucas snapped.
"Flickering lights," Nancy said suddenly. "They flickered with Chrissy, and they probably flickered with Fred and Patrick. We were all too busy to notice when it happened to Patrick. Stand outside the bathroom, and if it starts to flicker, then yell for help. That's the first sign. Go."
Lucas didn't waste a moment before following Max out the door. She turned to find that Holly was in her father's arms now and that Robin was once again wedged between her parents. Karen and Sue were on either side of Susan as they held her tightly.
"Should we tell Wayne and Claudia?" Steve whispered to Eddie.
"I don't know, I don't want to put any more undo stress on Claudia and the baby. I certainly don't want to keep Uncle Wayne out of the loop," Eddie said.
Nancy's head snapped to look at him and Eddie quickly slapped a hand over his mouth.
"Baby?" She whispered.
"You're right, Steve," Eddie said, lowering his voice the best he could. "I do whisper loudly. Do you think they heard?"
"No, they didn't," Nancy whispered. "Claudia's pregnant?"
"She was just as surprised as you are. The doctors didn't think that Claudia could get pregnant again after Dustin was born, especially now," Eddie said. "She wants to keep it quiet until she's further along."
"I think I can do that. So, there's another little Munson on the way?" Nancy asked with a grin.
"Shit, Robin totally called it back in December," Steve said.
"You're right," Eddie said with wide eyes. "I thought I was the psychic one."
As happy as she was for Claudia, the news came at a troubling time. Nancy frowned as she thought about what they were going to do about Max. They didn't even know where to start looking. Maybe in Hawkins' lab. No, she figured that's probably where Lily and Agent Stinson looked as well. Would they even tell them if they did find something, though? They did reveal the information about Max. Nancy sighed. She couldn't help the familiar paranoia that was starting to build up. She definitely didn't trust them.
"El would be thrilled," she heard Eddie whisper.
She looked at his face, and the frown that was etched upon it. Suddenly, she remembered that she wasn't the only one missing a sibling. She was just about to open her mouth to say something when Wayne entered the room.
"Just saw Lucas in the hallway. He updated me," Wayne sighed.
"Well, that takes care of that," Eddie muttered.
"You don't think this has anything to do with Victor Creel?" Wayne asked Lily.
"Victor Creel?" Lily and Nancy asked.
"He killed his whole family in the 50s. Took their eyes, too. Last I heard, he was still up at Pennhurst," Wayne said.
"We should check that out," Agent Stinson said.
"And what are we supposed to do in the meantime?" Nancy asked.
"Sit tight, get some real food in you," Lily said.
"I thought you were also supposed to be protecting us. How are you supposed to be protecting us if you're never around?" Nancy asked.
"I'll stay with them," Lily said to Agent Stinson. "You go check out Victor Creel."
She nodded at Lily and quickly left. Nancy sighed and rolled her eyes. She was itching to do some sleuthing, to put her skills to good use, but she also knew she needed to be here for the rest of her family. Nancy sighed and leaned her forehead against Steve’s shoulder. He kissed the top of her head and wrapped his arms around Nancy.
"Well, I think we should head over to our house until we get more information," Karen said. "We can get some food in our stomachs, and Holly can get some sleep in her own bed."
"That sounds good, Karen," Sue said.
"Max, I need to get Max," Susan said weakly.
Just as she said that, Max walked into the room with a notebook in her arm and Lucas's hand in hers. Her eyes were red from crying.
"I'm ready to go," Max said. "We stopped by the giftshop for the notebook."
"I'm going to stay here with Claudia," Wayne said.
"Of course," Karen said and squeezed his arm. "We'll look after the kids."
"Thanks, Karen," Wayne said gratefully.
He pulled Eddie into a tight hug before doing the same with Steve and Nancy. They soon parted ways, the three of them walking behind Lucas and Max as they left.
"I'm sorry I pushed you away," Max said softly.
"It's okay. I understand why you did," Lucas said. "I know how hard it was to watch him die, to survive when he didn't, and I know that if he was still here, he would do everything in his power to make you feel guilty. You don't have to keep giving him that power anymore, Max, and you don't have to keep feeling guilty because you wanted it to stop. You didn't cause his death, Max. It wasn't your fault."
"I know, I just. . . " Max trailed off.
"Sometimes you can't help how you feel," Lucas said.
"I miss El," Max said.
"Me too. . . We've been hanging out a lot since you've been, you know, pushy," Lucas said.
"Yeah?" Max asked.
"That's awesome," Max mumbled. "Maybe when she gets back we can all hang out together."
"That would be nice," Lucas said.
Nancy's eyebrows rose, and she shared a look with her boyfriends.
"I think we started something," Eddie grinned wickedly.
When they got to their house, Nancy immediately made her way up to her room. She frowned as she tried to think about the last time she had slept here. She sighed. She still couldn't believe that she had moved in with her boyfriends without noticing. Nancy looked around the room. Some of her stuff was still here. She went into the hallway and immediately pulled out a couple of boxes from the hall closet. She immediately began to throw the rest of the things in the boxes. She jumped when she felt a pair of hands wrap around her stomach, and she smiled at the rings on his hands.
"I didn't hear you come in," Nancy said.
"You get like that when you're focused, dear," Eddie said.
"Where's Steve?" Nancy asked.
"He went to check on Mayhem," Eddie said. "And I came here to check on you. What are you doing?"
"Packing the rest of my things. I needed something to do," Nancy said. "But I think I found something else."
She pulled herself away from Eddie's arms and walked to her door. She closed the door and locked it. Nancy turned on the radio on her dresser and took the boxes off her bed. She moved back in front of Eddie and slid off his jacket.
"Are you sure you want to do that here?" Eddie asked.
"I need you," Nancy said softly. "Is that okay?"
"I'm here, baby, use me however you need to," Eddie said and leaned his forehead against hers.
"I love you, I love Steve, and I love our life together," Nancy whispered. "I don't want it to end."
"Who says it's going to end, sweetheart? We're life partners, we're for life," Eddie said.
Before that dream of Eddie's could pop into her head again, she kissed Eddie. She grasped him by the back of the neck and pulled him in deeper while his fingers dug into her back. . .struggling to hang on. She tried to ignore the feeling in the back of her mind that this might be the last time she got to be with Eddie. The feeling clawed its way in and settled in her brain. Nancy broke the kiss. She pulled off his shirt and quickly began undoing his pants. Once he was completely free of his clothing, she pushed him onto the bed. He laughed, and for a moment, she paused to admire how beautiful he was. . . So breathtakingly beautiful. She peeled away her own clothing like she was tearing away pieces of an onion. She grabbed his hanky off the floor and shoved it in his mouth. He looked at her in amusement as he bit down on it.
"You've always been the loudest," Nancy said.
She moved up his body and began to kiss his tattoos like she always did. Honestly, they were hot, and she'd never been the tattoo kind of gal before but looking at them on Eddie Munson. . .wow. Nancy placed her knees on either side of him and started sinking down onto him. She loved being in the bedroom with them. They were never afraid of letting her be in control, especially when she needed it. In fact, they loved it when she took the reins. When she was fully seated, she enjoyed the way Eddie's eyes rolled back into his head for a moment before she began to move. His hands roamed every inch of her body as she rocked her hips until finally they cupped her breasts, holding them in place. Her head tilted back as ecstasy filled her body, and she bit her lip to stop moaning. She never felt so alive, and she couldn't stop the tears from coming as Eddie filled her up. She looked at Eddie, his eyes full of love, lust, and a little bit of concern. Their eyes stayed locked as they both came. When they finished, Nancy pulled the hanky out of his mouth before kissing him deeply and rolling off of him.
"What a way to send off your room," Eddie said with a grin.
"Bon voyage and all that," Nancy laughed. "I was just thinking that the Nancy Wheeler who lived in this bedroom a couple of years ago would be appalled by what just happened."
Eddie turned on his side and faced her. She did the same.
"Do you like who you are now?" Eddie asked.
"Oh, definitely. I'm glad I can let things go a little bit now. I mean, don't get me wrong, I still want to try and control things most of the time, but I like to think that I'm more accepting of the fact that I can't all the time," Nancy said and laughed again.
"I'm just picturing the look on her face if she ever found out I slept with a guy with tattoos. The horror," Nancy said. "I'm glad that changed because they're hot."
"Yeah?" Eddie asked.
"She wouldn't have been appalled at you sleeping with Steve?" Eddie asked.
"Well, yes and no. Sleeping with Steve was something she chose to do. In a way, it was her doing something that people didn't expect of her. It was her first little act of rebellion, but at the same time, it was something that she just really wanted to do, and she went for it," Nancy said.
"That sounds so very Nancy Wheeler," Eddie said.
He grabbed her naked hip and pulled her in for a kiss.
"You would look so hot with a tattoo. Maybe something in a pastel."
"Shut up."
When Steve finally came back, they were getting dressed. Nancy opened the door, and Mayhem immediately spilled out of his arms.
"Really?" Nancy asked.
"She refused to take no for an answer," Steve shrugged, and then he grinned. "It smells like sex in here. What did you guys do?"
No one ever got mad when someone was left out of the equation. Sometimes, it just happened.
"Gave Nancy's room a proper goodbye," Eddie said with a grin.
Steve smiled when he saw the boxes beside her bed.
"Ah. So, you did that," he said, pointing to the boxes and then to Eddie. "And then you did that."
Eddie wiggled his fingers at Steve, looking very proud of himself from where he sat on the bed. Steve smiled and moved between his legs to give him a hard kiss. He yelped a little when he was pulled into his lap. Nancy smiled and moved to put the boxes only to find Mayhem curled up in one of the boxes with all of her stuff in it. She smiled and pulled the cat out of the box. She put the boxes on the bed only for Mayhem to jump onto the bed and into the very same box. Steve and Eddie giggled.
"Mayhem! You don't need to be packed. You live with us," Nancy scolded.
"Aw, she just wants to smell like her meowmy," Eddie said.
"Stop it," Nancy said with a smile.
"She totally likes it," Steve said.
"Hmm, she wouldn't be smiling if she didn't," Eddie said.
"It's so ridiculous," Nancy said, biting her lip.
"Sometimes, you got to be a little ridiculous, babe," Eddie said.
He grabbed her and pulled her into Steve’s lap. Mayhem took that opportunity to jump into Nancy's lap. Mayhem closed her eyes and started purring.
"How's your legs, champ?" Steve asked.
Eddie closed his eyes his eyes and purred before opening his eyes again. Mayhem opened his own eyes and gave him a look.
"Perfectly happy," Eddie said. "I could stay right here forever."
Of course, they didn't because their little bubble was soon burst by the outside world coming in. Karen knocked and popped her head in.
"There's food downstairs. You're probably hungry," Karen said, giving her a knowing look before leaving.
Nancy blushed and hid her face in Eddie's neck while he chuckled.
"She knows," Eddie snickered.
"She always knows," Nancy groaned.
"I am hungry though," Eddie winked. "Come on."
Mayhem jumped up onto his shoulder and meowed as if to say, "Lead the way!" When they got downstairs, lunch/dinner was a somber affair, and the happiness they had experienced upstairs was sucked out of them. Everyone still looked shell-shocked.
"Where's Max and Lucas?" Nancy asked.
"Oh, she's still writing, and Lucas is with her," Dustin said.
"What is she writing?" Eddie asked.
"Don't know, too afraid to ask," Dustin said as Mayhem joined Tews on the floor. "Oh. Thank you, Mrs. Wheeler, for looking after Tews for my mom and letting me stay here."
"It's not a problem," Karen said.
They all ate in silence even with Erica. It was all so quiet. What was there to talk about? What was there to do but eat and wait for news? Eventually, Max and Lucas wandered in and joined them. It was still just as quiet. After everyone helped clean up, they moved to the living room. Max pulled her mother off into the hallway to talk privately. A moment later, Max came back into the room and began handing out letters. They could hear Susan crying in the hallway.
"I get a letter?" Erica asked.
"Of course, you're my favorite Sinclair," Max said.
Erica sighed and hugged Max tightly before sitting back down between her parents.
"What are the letters for, Max?" Sue asked.
"Just in case," Max said.
"Nothing's going to happen to you, sweetheart, we won't let it," Sue said, taking her hand.
"How can you fight someone you can't see?" Max asked. "I just want to be prepared. I also need to stop by the cemetery. My mom and I need a ride. Steve, do you mind?"
"Isn't it a little dangerous?" Steve asked.
"This asshole can get me from anywhere, so it doesn't really matter where I go," Max replied.
"That's true," Steve sighed.
"I'm going too," Nancy said.
"Me too," Lucas said.
"And me," Dustin said.
"Yeah, I don't think I can fit any more people into my car, man," Steve said.
"I'll stay here with the shrimp," Eddie said, placing a hand on his head. "And Mayhem. It's probably a good idea. Who knows how many people's got it out for me?"
"And I'll stay here to protect everyone," Robin said. "Who knows? There might be some ears that need biting."
Steve kissed Eddie before letting Nancy kiss him as well. The sight of the three of them wasn't so much a shock to anyone in the room anymore, not since Eddie let the cat out of the bag at the New Years Eve party. It was in this very room, in fact. Nancy smiled at the memory and kissed Eddie deeply.
"And don't worry, we still have my shot gun and Steve's nailbat in the car," Nancy said.
"Steve’s what? Your what?" Ted asked.
"She also has a gun she looted from a dead Russian my sister killed," Eddie said proudly.
"I think we're all going to need a vacation after this," Ted sighed.
"You stay here and protect everyone," Nancy said to Lily and glared at her when she opened her mouth. "You can't be in two places at once."
Lily sighed and closed her mouth. There was no use arguing with her. Besides, she knew that the last time that she left the house, it had all gone to hell. Karen approached Nancy.
"Are you sure leaving is a good idea, Nancy?" Karen asked.
One kid was missing in California, and another one was about to leave the house after witnessing a boy her own age get so brutally killed. Nancy could understand her mother's worry.
"I'll be fine, mom," Nancy swore. "I will be back."
"I don't think we're going to win this one, Karen. She's been doing whatever she set her mind to since the womb. She refused to come out when the doctors told her to and only came out when she was ready. Of course, you remember that. You were there," Ted said, and Eddie snorted. "Stay safe."
Nancy smiled as Ted kissed her forehead. She walked out with the others and let Susan sit in the back with her daughter, Lucas, on Max's other side. Dustin came out to make sure that they had a radio and to keep in contact. Nancy watched in the mirror as Dustin stood there watching them drive away, a worried look etched on his face. She looked at Steve when he squeezed her leg. Nancy interlaced their fingers together. They both knew why Max wanted to go to the cemetery, which is why Steve hadn't fought her so hard on it.
Steve pulled up to the cemetery, and they all got out of the car. Nancy made sure to grab the walkie and her shotgun while Steve grabbed his bat before they walked with Max to the spot where Billy was buried. Max sighed and rolled her eyes.
"Can you guys at least stand back a little bit?" Max asked, and they all looked at her doubtfully. "Please?"
Steve and Lucas had to pull Susan away, but they gave Max the space that she needed. Susan paced back and forth, muttering as she watched her daughter sit in front of Billy's grave. Nancy clutched her shotgun and the walkie tightly in her grip as she also kept an on Max. Meanwhile, Steve was scanning the area, and Lucas pulled his gaze away from Max for a moment to do the same. Everyone was alert but also on edge.
"She's taking too long," Susan said and started to walk towards her daughter.
"Mrs. Mayfield, Max - ," Lucas started to say.
"I don't care what she said," Susan said.
They all quickly followed Susan. They watched as she knelt in front of Max and touched her shoulder. She didn't respond.
"Max? Max?! Baby?! MAX?!"
They moved rather quickly and moved beside Susan. Max's eyes were a strange shade of blue.
"Eddie said that Chrissy's eyes were like this," Nancy whispered to Steve.
"Max? Baby, it's Mommy," Susan sobbed as she cupped her face. "I'm so sorry, this is all my fault. I should have been a better mother. I put you through all of this, and after everything, I spent so much time feeling sorry for myself when I should have been taking care of you. I will do better, but you have to wake up."
The walkie crackled to life, and Agent Stinson's voice came through, but it was like something or someone was interfering. They didn't get all of what she said.
". . . Music. . . Helps . . . Can . . . hear . . . Me?"
"Music?" Nancy asked in confusion.
"Are we supposed to play her music?" Steve asked.
"Lucas, what's her favorite song?" Nancy asked.
"Running up that hill by Kate Bush," Lucas said immediately.
"Look for it in her bag and her Walkman," Nancy said quickly. "Now!"
Lucas dumped out the contents of her bag and found her Walkman before searching for the tape. He found it, popped it in, and started playing, stuffing the headphones over her ears. She had already started to rise. Susan shrieked, and everyone started to call out Max's name.
"Max! Please, don't take her! I'll do anything! Take me instead, you son of a bitch! TAKE ME BUT DON'T YOU TAKE HER! HIT ME, HIT ME! DON'T LAY A FINGER ON HER! MAX! MAX, WAKE UP! YOU HAVE TO WAKE UP!" Susan screamed.
Just as Max had risen in the air, she was falling into her mother's arms. . .alive. Susan gasped with sobs as she collapsed on the ground, holding her daughter against her chest. Max clung tightly to her mother, gripping her arms. Nancy didn't realize she had been trembling until Steve wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly. They all reached out and took hold of her leg, letting her know they had her too.
Chapter Twenty-Four
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misc-obeyme · 7 months
I loveloveLOVE the idea of a FarmSim! AU! Like yourself, I assume a lot of us weren’t raised as farmer’s children, and more or less grew up on Story of Seasons/Harvest Moon. (Altho I do know a bit about living in Indiana, land of the Corn and home of the Indy500, if that counts towards anything lmao). In any case, I hope you like mytake on the Sides!
In terms of Farm Sim tropes, I’d be willing to say that The Royals (Dia, Barb, and ‘Phisto) are a part of some sort of local govt. bc I cannot see them as knees-in-the-mud farmer types lol. Maybe the farm is the “ROYAL FARM OF DIAVOLO” or something to try and convince Dia’s (not-in-a-self-induced-slumber) Mega-Corp father that farms are important, and corpo factories are bad. Diavolo has no idea how farming works but he likes to watch and play with the baby animals. Barb does not appreciate the farm visits bc Dia gets super excited and cannot be told “NO” if he wants to walk across a muddy field and up to a bull like “You are a fine specimen! A complete winner!” Luckily he is blessed with “Animals Love Me” kind of luck. Barb makes sure to get the Young Master dressed appropriately for next time. You need to talk to Barbatos about ordering tools, supplies, and contractors to build/repair things like stables, wells, and greenhouses. Mephistopheles takes care of the buying and selling of animals, and you gotta “prove to him” that you can be responsible enough to handle a horse (he does inspections of the farm and makes EVERYONE take riding/horse care tests).
The angels run the local cafe/store where you can get food and seeds, among other things. They buy your products and sometimes make presents (like sweaters made from your sheep's wool). Simeon and Luke run the Cafe side of things, while Raphael runs the store. Since Luke is a bit young to be running a business, he’s more like an assistant baker and he runs the morning collection at your farm. When he has time, he’ll sing to some of the animals.
Thirteen would probably the the Farm Sim Mine Spelunking Monster Trapper or smth like that? She’ll toss some coin your way if you bring her monster parts or rare ore, and maybe she’ll give you some “recipes” to make mining tools/weapons/traps.
And like... How funny would it be if Solomon just... didn’t change? Like at all? He already fits the “supernatural element” of other farming sims. An interesting and mysterious figure that lives just on the edge of the village. If you come to him with the monster parts/ore instead of Thirteen, he could help artifice some of your farming equipment with special traits, or craft potions that help you talk to animals or w/e.
IDK what do you think?
Okay okay so I totally agree about Diavolo, everything about that is spot on. He's fascinated by farm life, but knows nothing about it just like he is with humans in the game. Totally gets himself dirty because he just wants to experience things! Come on, Barbatos it'll be fun!!
And the corporation dad, that is perfection, too. Of course Dia's trying to convince his dad that farms are good!
Barb is forever suffering lol. While he does have a garden, I can't see Barbatos doing any kind of hard farm work either. He's definitely more suited to getting permits and such, but I could see him frequenting the angels' bakery because he likes to cook. They swap recipes a lot. Maybe he hosts the cooking competition, mostly because I think that'd be so funny.
Mephisto as the animal guy is perfect, you better believe he's gonna make sure your horse area is up to par before he'll even consider letting you have one.
Love the angels running a cafe and store, that's something I could easily see them doing. And oh my heart Luke singing to the animals!! My precious baby son. I kinda see him also being partial to flowers in general, since that's the only thing he's grown in the actual game lol. Maybe he starts making bouquets or perfumes...
Oh man Thirteen as the miner/monster hunter type! She's got a forge and spends untold amounts of time wandering the woods.
Solomon is such a menace and honestly I can't see him doing anything other than being the supernatural being. I keep thinking of Witchie from Story of Seasons/Harvest Moon. Like it'd be funny if he was more like Dessie and lived in a pond, but let's be real, he's definitely the one making weird potions and magic tools and such.
And of course all the characters are also marriage candidates, so if you marry Solomon, he's gonna come live with you on your farm. Spends all day in his wizard tower on the edge of town, but at night he comes home to his lil farmer spouse lsadlkjdfjkfdkjl.
Wow my worlds are colliding so hard right now I can't even deal with it. What I wouldn't give to have all these characters in a game where I could deliberately pursue and marry one of them!
Anyway, I totally love this and your ideas! I'm pretty sure I would do some unspeakable acts to have an Obey Me farm sim game like this.
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garndiddlious · 9 months
made a big compilation of Evil Morty and Morty Prime SORTA being friends (along with foreshadowed friendship). im not too keen on how tumblr works so i have no idea if any of this is gonna make sense, but just bare with me. also, for the sake of not typing the same names a billion times, EM = evil morty and MP = morty prime.
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first off, just to start, this is a little frame that always stuck with me. EM is the first morty MP has actually met, so of course he’s curious about another version of himself.
and next is the BIGGG video. im not going to force you to watch it, so ill state my thoughts on it first and you can watch if you want to analyze more.
PART ONE aka when EM lead MP to the morty room
- to start, MP is obviously trying to make conversation
- EM is keeping that together cold, calm character probably to both not be forced to elaborate and to control evil rick
- MP states his ideas of rick, showing rebellion unlike other mortys. EM obviously took this to heart, even if he didn’t let MP leave.
- that strange stare EM gives MP
PART TWO aka when EM talks about “sellout mortys” (didn’t add the whole montage)
- EM refers to MP as a “sellout” morty, which is obviously an insult
- however he states he can’t hate him for it due to most mortys being “bred for it”
- gives MP the chance to see his issues with rick more clearly
PART THREE aka when both call rick a liar
- not much to say, just that they’re both in agreement and they jinxed eachother which is like totally a friend thing (im coping)
PART FOUR aka when EM states how MP probably relates to him
- it’s true, MP has been “evil” countless times
- EM puts enough ideas in his head where MP’s relationship with rick truly starts to get more shakey
PART FIVE aka when EM offers MP to come with
- do i even need to explain? he offers to MP that he’ll let him come, completely unmalicious
- even though EM says that second seat was a toilet, he still offered to let him come nonetheless
- MP literally calls EM cool
PART SIX aka when MP “tees up” EM
- once again not much to say, other than EM making snide remarks to rick and MP being curious as always
PART SEVEN aka MP and EM going into the same “fighting room”
- i know it’s realistically what would happen since the two mortys count as one rick in the machine, however they were still paired up so
PART EIGHT aka when EM kills nice rick
- EM could’ve literally killed MP so easily but he didnt
- kills nice rick once he admits he was just going to use the two, once again not a lot to say but EM protecting MP and himself in a way
PART NINE aka “the worst turd is a pizza”
- MP as always attempting to engage in casual conversation with EM
PART TEN aka when MP steps into EM’s portal
- there’s not a whole lot in the beginning, just EM explaining to MP stuff
- EM saying how he “doesn’t care” if MP comes or not
- the portal closing on MP, causing EM to immediately open the portal back up to once again offer to let him join
- morty explaining his dork ass reason, EM letting him come with
- although there’s probably a reason, EM acting like he doesn’t gaf and then opening up the portal 5 seconds later just to let morty enter. istg.
PART ELEVEN aka EM and MP regrouping with rick
- once again EM acting like he doesn’t really care, definitely not letting rick know he gave MP a second chance to come with
PART TWELVE aka “rick’s cheering section”
- EM stating “WE brought ourselves”
- really giving MP those free will points, defending both him and MP
PART THIRTEEN aka MP using a rick prime bot to save evil morty
- i don’t think i need to elaborate much, MP literally saves EM
- does the two fingers salute to EM, probably saying “you can trust me”
PART FOURTEEN aka EM doing a body swap thing
- we really don’t know enough about what EM actually did to figure this out
- it could be that they completely bodyswapped and EM was just in MP’s body now, but then he wouldn’t have his wires
- either way, they swapped shirts, see that in whatever way you want, friendship love, sibling love, bromantic, romantic, whatever way you view their relationship
- EM thanks MP, it’s hard to tell if it’s sarcastic or not because EM is always flat toned
PART FIFTEEN aka EM blows up the omega device
- MP, as usual, trying to engage in casual conversation
- lets EM know about the pretty visual, really trying to connect with him
- EM states “THIS didn’t make us friends”, maybe implying something like “THAT could make us friends” in a future season?
im full of cope, im practically losing it, but im so certain they’re trying to handle EM’s and MP’s relationship in a way where they aren’t purely acquaintances. and although MP makes him attempts at friendship more obvious, and EM refuses to act like they’re friends, he has almost as many “friendship” like moments on his own. i really hope we don’t have to wait for another season to pass for EM to appear again, he’s become alot more vital, especially since the main threat that we know of (prime rick) has been eliminated. i know the writers are probably gonna be kinda silly and just make EM the main villain, however these last few episodes have been purely to develop the characters rather than the plot, and EM’s and MP’s relationship has so much potential for something fun. i don’t think something like the freaky mortys theory will happen, however there is a lot of room to wiggle around in and develop their relationship, because it will ultimately develop both MP and EM which is definitely what the writers are wanting to do. anyways feel free to use this video, feel free to reblog with your own thoughts and ideas, these are just mine!!
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thebluestbluewords · 7 months
hi it’s itsalwaysforyou!!! for the valentines prompts i would loveeee a jal + ‘spending their night walking through the city together’ if you’re up for it!!! <3
❤️ @itsalwaysforyou youuuuu get my initial unedited Jalentine’s thoughts!! They’re meant to be about thirteen here. It’s more bantering through their city than walking, but they’re together and it’s written and that’s the important thing!
February 14, fifteen years since imprisonment. 
"You're being stupid." Jay insists, swinging around a chimney. "We can totally take on a bunch of pirates for the after-whatever candy spoils. We don't need to wait for them to grab it all and re-hawk it or whatever." 
"Melt it down into mush," Mal says, around a tongue that feels a little mushy already. "Stew it into pink slop. Cover their potato shit with it." 
"Candied potatoes," Jay echoes back. "That's what we'll do with it. Steal their stuff and make potato bombs with it. Candy outside, wet potato inside." 
"You've been hanging out around that kid too much. That. The one. With the stuff." 
Jay hops over the gap between the roof of the slop shop and the used broom store. "The one with the stuff? Very descriptive, killer."
Mal eyes the gap carefully. If they weren't trapped on the isle, if she had the magic she can feel boiling in her brain sometimes, she'd fly over the gap like a proper dragon. She'd have wings, and horns, and everything she could ever want, if she had magic. 
As it is, stuck on the isle of leftovers, she hops over the gap without magic. If she wasn't on the isle of the lost, she'd probably be trapped in some stuffy castle in the moorlands wirh her mother, learning the ways of evil, instead of out on her streets. So really, who cares if she doesn't have magic. She's got more freedom than any of the Auradon girls they catch on TV sometimes, and she's got Jay. Her partner in crime. 
And they've got a candy heist to plan. 
"Whatever. You know the kid I'm talking about. The one with the--" Mal makes a motion towards her own purple hair, trying to wrack the name of the kid Jay's been obsessed with out of her sluggish brain. "The hair. The. DeVil!" 
Jay lifts an evil eyebrow at her. "It took you that long to come up with DeVil?"
"Shut up, I'm not the one who's been following him around," Mal snaps. "It's not like it's an inconvenience to me or anything, when you're off following him all the time." 
Jay's smile gets bigger. "I'm recruiting. Potato bombs, seriously. He's got the biggest explosions out of anyone in weird science."
"Like you'd know." Mal scoffs. "You haven't been to school in a month." 
"School's for sidekicks." 
Sidekicks, and villains, and any kid without somewhere better to be. It's not like they have options, on an island the size of Mal's pinky finger. "Yeah, and that's what I'll demote you to if we don't get this candy before the pirates get their hands on it. We move in early," Mal suggests. "Jump to the barge from the bridge, before they're docked. We can pretend we're with the pirates." 
Jay laughs around the mouth of his bottle. "Argh, me hearties," he says, with enthusiasm. "Avast. Belay." 
Mal laughs too, because they're alone right now, and it's not like Jay's going to mock her for being weak enough to find humor in something. "Perfect. We'll blend right in, they'll never suspect a thing." 
"Except for how you humiliated the leader of their gang, and they hate our guts, so they'll definitely catch on to us right away." 
"Except for that," Mal agrees, taking a drink from her own bottle of warm, sweet cider. "Fuck the pirates." 
Jay laughs again. It's a low sound, one that makes Mal want to do terrible things to him. "Fuck 'em," Jay says, laughing around the words, like he's not hurting just as much as she is, like they're not just two broken chips off their parent's shoulders. "We could do better." 
The memory of their pirates is too raw for Mal to stop herself. "I'm better. Than them. You're better." 
There's a half-smile slipping onto Jay's face. He looks strange and handsome in the light of the moon, which is the best light they get, up on the rooftops of their city. "You're drunk." 
"Not that drunk." Mal admits. She's had half a bottle, and it's not the cheap stuff that'll fuck you up in a shot. They're drinking tonight because it's fun, and because they're maybe, possibly a little bit lonely together, and because not even the isle of the lost can escape the messaging of the stupid, silly Auradon holidays about love. "I could fuck you. If you want." 
"You mean it?" 
They're closer together than they're supposed to be. Villains don't care about each other, and they don't have relationships, and they don't break up with pirates and rebound with their remaining gang members, and-- 
Jay's mouth is hot and wet, and if this is what she's not supposed to have, than Mal might not be a very wicked villain at all.
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kitkatt0430 · 6 months
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Haven't done this in a while, but HOPPY EASTER everyone, here have an Easter gift of villains being villainous in a villains win story.
The obvious solution to save Dante seemed to be to make sure he was sent somewhere far, far away. Which Savitar cheerfully agreed to. “I know a few realities we could drop him off on where he’d be relatively safe. Live out a normal human life, only have to worry about the normal human problems. Cars are dangerous and so is walking down the stairs if you trip. Hell, bad run in with a vacuum cleaner and next thing you know you’re going in for MRIs and knee surgery.” “Do you ever shut up?” Reverb muttered in irritation. If he’d asked Zoom something like that? Vibrating hand through the chest, immediately. Savitar just laughed.
Savitar is a bit of a talkative and sarcastic little shit in this one, but once Reverb gets more comfortable around him the banter will be much more two-sided. (This is totally villain flirting, right?)
But it's not just villains being villainous around here. From the Eobard-is-the-shitty-ex fic for Barry/Cisco/Hartley...
“I let Eobard convince me you were a lying brat and by the time I realized he’d been playing me…” Cisco hesitated. “I’m sorry, Hartley. I should have listened to you.” “And maybe if I hadn’t been an easily flattered idiot, I would have realized what he was really up to and turned him in with proof before things got too far.” Hartley heaved a sigh. “Maybe I could have stopped him before he ever had the chance to hurt either of you.” “Him using you… using all of us… that’s not any of our faults,” Barry said. And, for the first time, he might even believe it.
The only reason Barry can pull out of his own guilt complex? He feels the need to help Cisco and Hartley pull out of theirs. Right now they're sitting outside the building where a long hearing over Eobard's actions just took place and old grievances are being aired and reviewed. So it's been a long, hard day for all three of them, having to give testimony on their relationships with Eobard at some point during the process. But the hearing was entirely off screen, because I didn't want to have to research the actual process of investigating these kinds of allegations. Just move on to these three bonding, shall we?
Tommy is having to deal with a lot of obnoxious Queen family nonsense in the Ep3 rewrite for my Arrow Redux series. Including Oliver teasing him a little over wearing some of his mom's things as a kid. Though, to be fair, there's definitely the impression afterwards that Oliver liked getting to see Tommy in those things...
“We were, what… twelve? Thirteen.” “Ollie, do not.” “And we found your mom’s old stuff in the attic…” Tommy sighed. “I looked good in the tiara and heels, shut up.” Dig chuckled softly. “You must have missed her a lot,” he offered, looking amused by their antics. “I did. I still do. I have most of her things squirreled away in storage, actually,” he said with an amused smile. “And I do still look good in the tiara and heels,” he added with a smirk, just to see how that would get taken.
I've still got about... a third of the episode left to go? And then I can run cleanup on the fic. I'm also using this scene to set up an event taking place between episodes 6 & 7 as I'm trying to use the airdates of episodes as guidelines for approximately when the events within them occur and Tommy is going to be participating in an annual charity auction for an LGBT+ cause. A date auction, of course. ;)
Instead of trying to fit that into an episode rewrite, I'll probably just include it as it's own separate fic between those two rewrites.
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