#so I’m walking away and taking a breather or else we’re going to get into a bad argument
melonnade · 5 months
absolutely disgusting the way that the violence on my campus this morning is being talked about on the news. reading articles rn and they keep talking about violence on both sides & fighting breaking out ‘between’ the two groups. call it what it fucking was. it’s not two sides being violent, it’s one being attacked by the other. rhetoric matters.
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fandomwritingbit · 11 months
Make Me Alright
Henry Emily x fem reader
a/n: wrote this on a whim so apologies for any mistakes.
Warnings: family trauma/dysfunctional family, drug/alcohol addiction, smut, unprotected sex, boss/employee dynamic.
It was manic almost from the second the doors opened. The diner was absolutely full, children shrieking, parents doing all they could not to watch them and waiters getting more stressed by the minute. The restaurant needed all the hands they could get and so, people were going for their shorter than normal breaks staggered out to try and reduce pressure. 
You got your break at two o’clock and all was well… until you didn’t come back. 
“Mr Afton?” A waitress called, so eager to get her boss’s attention that her voice was like nails on a chalkboard. 
“What?” He snapped back, a wad of cash in his hands as he tried to finalise a table who’d just up and left, abandoning their tab under a glass for anyone to take. It was lucky that he got to it as quickly as he did and the stress of it made his gaze daggers.
“I-I need to go home. I finished 20 minutes ago.” She stuttered on the words, scared of how he was going to react. 
He scowled as an instant reflex, but forced himself to breathe it off as he shoved the notes in the till. Stretching his fingers out on the bar in front of him, it’s not her fault. It’s not her fault- it’s not her fault. The internal chanting calmed him enough to face the lass waiting hesitantly for him. “Fine. It’s fine, go. Y/n can take over your tables.” 
The young lady nodded and tried to walk away, wanting out as soon as possible. Stopping when he spoke again, “Wait, where is she?” His tone was touching angry again. 
“I’m not sure, she’s still on break… I think.” He waved her away, and relief spread across her face. If that was true and you’re just sitting round the back, you’re in for a serious bollocking.
He found someone else to take over what he was doing and tore through the staff door to look for you, he checked the canteen, the walk-ins and the storage room, you were nowhere to be found. By this point he’s fuming and shaking with need for a smoke so he does the unthinkable and knocks on Henry’s door. 
Well, ‘knocks’ is generous, he bangs on it and shoves it open without waiting for permission. After all they’d been business partners for years, if Henry was yanking it, it'd be nothing he hasn’t seen before. 
“William- you scared the shit out of me. What’s wrong?” Henry was startled and laughed  slightly, regretting his reaction when William’s frown intensified. 
“What’s wrong?” He approaches his friend with his palms raised in the most condescending way. “We’re run ragged out there and I can’t find Y/n fucking anywhere.” Henry sighed, pushing out his chair and going over to his co-worker. 
He’s very used to calming William down and instantly adopts the sensible diplomatic tone that made him an infuriatingly good businessman. “Right, go and take a breather. There’s no point getting pissed off, I’ll go and find her.”
He took more convincing but after around five minutes persuading Will to take himself outside, Henry left his office to look for you. It wasn’t like you at all to play hooky, you’re one of the most professional staff here, so he wasn’t angry with you, just worried if anything.
“I can’t do this right now, Lily. I’m at work.” You speak as quietly as you can into the phone, beg your sister to leave you be, she’s been calling you all day. Leaving voicemail after voicemail, each one spiralling into insanity. She’s shouting, crying, pleading. You had no choice but to call her back, you were worried about her, so on your break you slipped into a broom closet and prayed no one would overhear you. Boy, did you regret that now.
You can tell your sister is scowling on the other end of this phone as her words are venomous and dripping with accusation. “I never ask you for anything! Not a fucking thing! And you won’t help me when I need it.” 
“You know I won’t give you money for drink-”
“It’s not for booze, I told you!” She practically screams, she’s a liar, you can hear alcohol in her voice, she’s hardly able to get a sentence out without slurring it. You feel bad for her, of course, but you can’t do this again. Pissing your money up the wall all the time just so she and her drunk of a boyfriend can front more booze and drugs, you’re tired of it and it keeps happening, over and over. Hell, you block her and she gets a new number or uses a phonebox just to reach you. “Why are you so selfish- You- you’d see me hungry, not paying my rent because you won’t support your sister.” 
“Lily, you’re drunk. I can’t keep doing this…” Your voice cracks, emotions at an all time high, it’s futility, anger, frustration, sadness all rolled up into one wave of tears that has you sobbing in this cupboard. 
Rustling on the other end of the line makes your heart clench, the sound of a low voice hissing answered by your sister. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you? Huh?” It’s a man’s voice, her bastard boyfriend. “You think you’re so much better than us. Acting like you don’t have the money to help out, you’re fucking disgusting-” The way he shouts these insults at you leaves you no choice but to hang up. You just can’t take it anymore. Struggling to see through your tears you end the call and block her number, knowing now you’ll have to change yours. You just wish she could pull through her addiction but it just gets worse and worse. 
It’s as your lip is trembling and tears are cutting down your cheeks that someone knocks on the cupboard door, it almost makes you jump, but with the amount of noise you’re making you’re not surprised someone found you. 
“Who is it?” You ask thickly, voice sounding nothing like yourself. You sound so emotional, it prompts Henry to open the door quickly, scared that maybe you’ve hurt yourself or that something terrible has happened. 
The sight of you dishevelled, an outraged look on your face as you stare at him makes him panic. For such a beautiful and bright girl like you to be this upset scares him beyond belief. “God, Y/n. Are you al-” He tries to ask but doesn't get a chance before you reach out and grab him by the shirt, pulling him inside this closet and shoving him up against the wall. You slam your lips on his, motivated purely by the urge to forget about your troubles in the arms of your handsome boss. It’s so stupid but you don’t care. 
You pull away slightly, reddened eyes looking up at him. “No, I’m not. Make me feel alright, Mr Emily.” You flash him a twisted smile before kissing him again and this time he kisses you back, he hasn’t a clue why you’re doing this, why you’re upset, any of it. But who is he to refuse the desperate way you’re clinging to him, your hands tight fists in his shirt. The kiss is rushed, no finesse in it, just hungry, your tongue eager in his mouth as you push up against him. 
Fuck, you’re so gorgeous and that perfume of yours is driving him crazy, this feels like a dream, but your quick fingers grabbing his now prominent erection is achingly real. He can’t help but moan at the feeling, breaking the kiss to rest his head on the door behind him. 
You just want to be so lost in the magnetic pull of the sex that you can’t string a thought together, and the equally desperate way he reciprocates your touch is just right. It takes him a moment to be truly comfortable enough to touch you properly, his hands taking a handful of your breasts and sliding down to the curve of your arse. You take that as your greenlight to start unbuckling his belt, struggling for a second but managing. It’s graceless the way you pull his trousers down, his boxers soon following, him somehow fumbling more than you to do the same. 
His fingers slide over your clothed pussy, stroking a rhythm over your bundle of nerves, your growing warm slick sticking the fabric to you and sending another wave of eagerness over you. You interrupt the circling of your clit to pull your panties down, just wanting to feel him inside you. You take hold of him and drag his tip over your pussy before lining it up with your entrance and he doesn’t need any more signalling than that. 
Emotions must’ve made you overlook the thickness of his cock because as he presses into you with a grunt, you moan at the way he stretches you. You’re so tight and hot around him that he can’t help but thrust into you instantly, not fast but deep, and you’re practically drooling. If someone walked past this cupboard right now, they’d no doubt hear the sounds from the two of you, which only got louder when he pulled out to turn you around and press you against the door. Shoving back inside and resuming a universally selfish pace of fucking in and out of you. You roll your hips against him near furiously, spurred on by an amounting tightness in your core begging to snap. 
“Don’t stop, I’m so fucking close.” You hiss against his ear and the filthiness of the words threatens him to burst inside you. And he obeys, doubling down on the pace and trying to forget about the greedy grip of your pussy, tightening around him as you get closer to your peak. You need this so bad and it’s evident in your nails digging into his shoulders, your hips bucking against him without shame.  
It hits you hard, forcing a desperate whine from your lips, your cunt squeezing down around him in fluttering waves. He pulls himself from you in a daze, unable to cope with your delicious walls. You have enough sense about you to grab his cock and stroke him through his climax whilst yours flickers away, his cum trailing down the back of your hand and a deep groan echoing through his chest. 
Later in the evening, after you’ve bought and inserted a new SD card into your phone and told your mum that you’re cutting contact with your sister, you’re sitting trying to relax away the emotional numbness that today has brought on. But pretty soon a knock at your door has you getting up from the sofa. You open it put out because you’re not expecting anyone. And for the second time that day, behind the door was your boss Mr Emily. 
“Mr Emily, what are you doing here?” You speak whilst stepping out of the door and closing it behind you, joining him on the front step. 
He smiles sheepishly, “Henry, please.” After today there’s no need for such formality, the least he can offer you is his Christian name. “I thought maybe I could come in… and we could…” The words die on his tongue when he sees your brows furrow, a look of guilt spreading over you before settling in a hard expression.
“That’s not a good idea.” You speak firmly, you don’t exactly regret what happened earlier but it’s not something you want to continue. “You can’t just turn up at people’s houses- where did you get my address? Employee records?” The way his eyes widen tells you the answer. You shake your head and step back to close the door, leaving him standing there embarrassed and confused.
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ryusuisloveinterest · 10 months
That’s illogical! Senku Ishigami x Reader
Hello girlypops! I wanted to write again so this is what I came up with. It’s a little long but I hope you enjoy. This is technically in Dr Stone 4d science but it doesn’t really have anything to do with the story. Anyway I hope you like it! Also, friendly reminder that requests are open!
Thats’s illogical! Senku x reader
It’s late at night when Senku finally leaves the lab. He’s exhausted, and he doesn’t think he has the energy to drive home. As he’s walking towards his car, he notices the coffee shop across from the lab. They can’t still be open, right? Despite for some caffeine, he walks over to the café.
You finish sweeping the lobby of the coffee shop. Sighing you look at the time. “One minute left until closing.” You stretch as you go to the back to put up the broom. As you take a quick breather you hear the bell to the door. Are you serious? You go back to the front and put on a fake smile. “Welcome in! Is there anything I can help you with tonight?” As you look at the customer, you immediately know who it is. There’s no way…it can’t really be… “Oh thanks. You’re not about to close right? I can leave if you need-“ “I’m Senku Ishigami…” Senku’s eyebrow raises. “What?” You fast instantly turns red. “No! I mean y-you’re Senku Ishigami… im just, it doesn’t matter….h-how can I help you??” Senku stares at you awkwardly, but tells you his order anyway. He tries to hand you some cash but you tell him it’s on the house. “I-I already counted the till for tonight anyway…” He simply shrugs and sits in a booth, waiting for his drink. Your mind blanks as you try to remember how to make the drink. You’re so scared about your idol being right behind you that you mess up once or twice. “H-here you go…” Senku gets up and grabs it from you, telling you his thanks. He heads towards the door when you call out to him. “Y-you can stay! I-if you want!” He turns back. “But aren’t you closed?” You blush a little more, “yeah but…it’s ok if you wanna stay a little longer…” This causes Senku to blush. He doesn’t know why, but your shyness makes his heartbeat a little faster. “Sure, why not? I still have a few papers I can work on.” He takes a seat back in the booth and pulls out some work. You softly smile and begin cleaning the blenders, happy you he can be here longer.
“So, are you a scientist too?” Senku questions after 20 minutes of silence. You weren’t expecting him to strike a conversation, but you nod anyway. “I guess you could say that, but I don’t focus on chemistry and things along those lines. I’m more into biology, especially in marine life.” Senku smiles at your statement. “Interesting. I havent met a lot of marine biologist.” You blush a little more, happy that he acknowledged you as a real biologist. “Y’know we’re doing something with marine life in the lab.” You chuckle. “I read your paper about it. Using squid ink and turning it to fuel.” “So, you really are a fan?” He teases. Embarrassed, you turn away and finish putting away the remaining food. “C-can I show you something..?” Senku finishes the remainder of his drink and nods. “Sure, why not?” You go to the back and bring back a chunky sketchbook. You sit next to him and show him all the notes and pictures of marine animals and ecosystems. Each little page was full of color and writing. Senku smiles and giggles. “This looks really good! You know your stuff huh?” You smile. “Can I tell you my opinion on your paper?” He nods. “It’s all I wanna hear.” You talk with him for what feels like forever, first it was about the paper, then about each others day, then about anything else that came to each of your minds. After a while, you hear you phone ring. “Crap! I didn’t realize it was this late!” Quickly picking up everything you and Senku walk out together. “Well, that was fun. You’re nice to hang out with. What’s your name by the way?” “(Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n)!” “Well, I hope to see you around Dr. (Y/n).” As he walks, you call him one last time. “I-if you want, you can borrow this.” You hand him your sketchbook. He smiles even wider. “Thanks (y/n). I’ll be sure to bring it back!”
The next day, Senku sits in his lab chair, flipping through the sketchbook you lent him. He smiles at the little comments and doodles you made, laughing slightly at the random, goofy facts here and there. “Senku, did you get my email about- what’re you reading?” Xeno pops in, looking at the sketchbook. “Oh, they’re notes about marine life.” Xeno looks through the sketchbook, noticing the handwriting and drawings. “This looks like (y/n)’s book.” Xeno points out. Senku shoots him a confused look. “You know (y/n)??” Xeno laughs. “Yeah, I met her at a science competition, she was the winner with her study on stingrays.” Senku doesn’t know how to respond, he just scoffs and continues flipping through the book. This makes xeno laugh again. “What? You’re mad because I know her? Or are you being possessive?” Senku chuckles. “That’s illogical! Why would I care who she talks to?  Besides it’s not like I’m her boyfriend or anything!” This peaks Xeno’s interest. “But do you want to be?” Senku’s face reddens. “T-that’s even more illogical! I just met her yesterday! It doesn’t make any sense, being in a relationship doesn’t make any sense!” He looks down at the book again, trying to hide his red face. This makes Xeno laugh even more as he walks out. “If it matters Senku, she loves to go to the aquarium, and I heard there’s gonna be an exhibit on octopi this weekend, if you’re interested.” Xeno leaves, leaving senku alone. “Tch, like I care…” He goes to his latest experiment trying to focus. But, he can’t shake your smile out of his head. “Ugh! If she wants to see the exhibit then why not? It’s not like I’m doing it cause I wanna spend time with her, it’s just so I can learn more! It’ll help my research too!” Senku claims to himself. Xeno watches Senku walk out flustered, hearing everything he just said. “Heh, whatever you say Senku…”
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infiniteimaginings · 6 months
We’ll Be Alright (Benny Weir x GN!Reader)
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Summary: You and your boyfriend, Benny, take a breather on the hill watching your town. Benny's just wondering, is everything going to be okay after all this? What can you say to that? Pronouns: You/Yours Warnings: None Word Count: 1.4k A/N: I am so in love with Benny Weir. This is kinda short I’m sorry
It was a beautiful night in Whitechapel. The stars were twinkling, the lights from porches lit the town, and it was quiet. There were no cars bustling around the streets, no loud booming music from a party some high schooler definitely shouldn’t be having, for once the town was completely at peace.
There were a few people walking around late at night, getting home, going somewhere else. That was in the town though. Behind the last group of houses on some forgettable street name there was a hill that overlooked the entire town. That is where you were, settled in the grass, hands moving around to pick a few blades of them from the ground.
A hand covered yours, wiping the nature you pulled from it. The pale and slightly freckled hand laced your fingers together, bringing them up to the person's face. That hand belonged to your boyfriend, Benny Weir. He kissed your hand gently, moving himself so your shoulder would touch his. Benny took one look at you, flushed, and immediately looked away. That boy was so in love with you, he told you everyday, he showed you everyday. He adored you and that was the reason he brought you to the hill tonight, at least that’s what you thought.
He slowly moved his body back to lay down, staring up at the sky. Your hands were still locked with his, a sight that made your eyes shine over and your lips curl upwards. You laid next to him, looking at the stars as well.
You began to speak, telling him some facts about the constellations, the stories behind them. You told him how beautiful it was, how gorgeous the sky was tonight and he responded with a breathy, “Yeah, so beautiful.” You looked over to him and found his eyes were already on you.
Benny looked at you with such softness, such light. He cherished you and that one look said it all. His cheeks were dusted pink, his green eyes dilated at the sight of you, his lips were in a gentle smile. His fingers were messing with yours and his chest stuttered with his breaths when you met his gaze, snapping him out of his thoughts to which you giggled about.
You adjusted yourself to face him completely, propping yourself up on your elbow. You tilted your head, “You seem to be deep in thought there.” You teased, scrunching your nose a bit.
Benny adjusted himself in a similar position, but he didn’t say anything. He just turned his head to your dark town, lit up by only a few lights. When he didn’t speak your smile fell slightly, he always had something to say, but he was just quiet.
You sat up, eyes looking at him, frown on your face, “Benny?” You whispered his name, tugging on his fingers a bit. His eyes didn’t move from the town, but he sat up, crossing his legs.
Benny sighed, running his free hands through his hair, “Do you…” He began, chewing the inside of his cheek. You waited patiently, only looking at him. Even if he wasn’t looking back at you, you didn’t break your gaze. Benny nodded as he thought for a moment, “Do you think we’re going to be okay?” He asked you, head turning to look you in your eyes.
The question took you off guard so you smiled awkwardly, “What do you mean?” You knew what he meant, but as much as you didn’t want to think about it, he was. Both of you were thinking about it.
Benny saw in your eyes that you knew what he meant and that you were just as scared as him, but he just asked again. “Do you think that we’ll be okay?”
You sighed heavily, puffing air through your cheeks as you broke eye contact, “I think we don’t know a lot of things.” You mumbled, pulling your knees up to your chest. You were quiet for a moment so Benny looked back at the view as well, a small frown on his lips, he was willing to sit in silence. It didn’t last for long when he heard you take a quiet breath, “But, that’s alright.” You nodded along with your own words, placing your head on your knees, head turned to your boyfriend.
“Is it?” He asked you, looking over once again. His brows were knitted together, his bottom lip was a little torn from him nervously biting at it.
You lifted your head, taking your other hand to hold both of his hands in yours. You nodded with a gentle smile, “Well, yeah.” You began, “There’s plenty of things everyone doesn’t know.” You assured him, continuing to speak.
Benny looked at you deeply, listening to your every word.
“We just have to try our best with what we do know, and hold the people we love a little closer.” You spoke, giving him a weak smile, glancing back to the town sadly. Benny noticed the look in your eyes and unraveled your hands, wrapping his arm around your shoulders instead, holding you. Your eyes crinkled as you smiled, putting your head on his shoulder, “It’s okay for us to not know everything, we aren’t some sort of magical cosmic beings.” You chuckled out and he huffed out a small laugh.
Benny shook his head at your words, “Yeah, we’re…high schoolers.” He laughed more when you bumped him in the side a bit playfully. You nodded, barking out a louder laugh as you responded, “We are indeed high schoolers!” You confirmed, wiping a tear from your eye.
Your boyfriend's laughs got quieter, looking at the town as if something was about to happen. “High Schoolers who are vampires, witches, seers…” He spoke with a tone you couldn’t figure out, but what you knew was that Benny was scared, he was terrified.
So much happened over the past few weeks, there’s so much danger out in the world but you two didn’t know if your town would last even another day. After Benny kept looking out to your homes, you knew that was the real reason he brought you up there. He brought you to the hill because he didn’t know if he would ever be able to do it again.
You wrapped your arms around his torso, still leaning into him. He didn’t speak, he didn’t look at you, he just laid his head on yours and hugged you back. You stared forward, “We’re high schoolers that have stuck together through every weird and dangerous thing we all faced.” You mumbled to him, rubbing small circles into his back. “And we’re somehow still passing.” You joked and that got another laugh out of him.
When you looked back to his eyes, the light in them had slightly returned. It wasn’t from the stars or the reflections of the lights from the bottom of the hill, it was Benny. The shine when he speaks about something he loves, when he reminds you and all of your friends why you all hang out with him. It was Bennys light in his eyes that gave hope to everyone around him.
He held you tightly, “We’re all pretty smart.” He muttered, rubbing up and down on your shoulder.
“Even if we don’t know what we’re doing.”
“We wing it a lot.” He seemed to have realized through the conversation, smiling awkwardly at the thoughts.
You nodded, looking at how small the town looked from up on the hill. “I think it’s best that way, not thinking too hard. I mean, just enough.” You told him, “Going straight into it.” You finished your thought, a breath leaving your parted lips.
“We also do that a lot.”
You hummed in response, moving back to look him in his eyes again. He was looking at you nervously, but he didn’t seem as upset as before. “We’re always okay after it.” You told him honestly, nodding with love in your eyes.
Benny nodded along with you, “Yeah…” He whispered quietly, searching your eyes a bit. “We’ll be alright.” He spoke, almost out of breath.
You smiled at the response and leaned in, pressing your lips to his. He pulled you in, deepening the kiss, his other hand that wasn’t on your shoulder was on the side of your face, cupping it. He didn’t want to lose you, he wanted this moment to be forever.
As much as he wanted this to never end, he knew that even if it did he would be alright. He’s always alright when he's with you.
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awhitehead17 · 10 months
Perfectly Imperfect
TimKon, Sports AU, Skater Boi Tim, Hockey Player Kon, Injuries, Hurt, Comfort, Soft Boyfriends, Established Relationship.
Summary: The whole situation is ridiculous. If getting a tooth knocked out this early in their relationship is the start, then Tim has no idea what is instore for his future as he continues to date a professional hockey player. Undoubtedly it’ll include a lot of TLC, it’s a good thing he’s willing to provide that particular service for his boyfriend then isn’t it.
A/N: This is for my 'Tooth Knocked Out' square on my Bad Things Happen Bingo Card. This is also a sort of sequel to Hey Gorgeous. You don't need to read that to understand this!
Enjoy! :D
Tim wasn’t there when it happened. Which is probably for the best however that doesn’t mean finding out over a phone call hours later is any better.
His phone rings as he’s taking a breather. He’s currently at practice, surrounded by his team and coaches, working on new routines and new tricks in preparation for the next competition. Going to answer the call Tim frowns at the caller and ID and worry hits him like a truck. This person only ever calls if it’s bad.
“What’s happened?” Tim demands immediately. He walks away from his coach with his skateboard in his free hand and stands to the side for the idea of privacy.
A nervous laugh sounds through the speaker and Tim grits his teeth. “Hey Tim, how’s it going dude?”
He isn’t amused. “Sparks, you better tell me right now what’s happened or else-” he doesn’t get to finish his threat as Sparks wisely interrupts him.
“Okay! Okay, so don’t panic.” Tim sighs, nothing good ever follows those words. “He’s fine – well as fine as can be, but on the most part he’s okay.”
“That tells me fuck all Sparks. What’s happened to Kon?”
There's a pause and Tim blinks when a scuffling noise comes over the speaker followed by a new voice. “Tim, I swear he’s fine, although he may have lost a tooth. There was a lot blood. But he’s genuinely fine.”
Tim’s brain short circuits. He didn’t hear that right did he? Did Pads just tell him his boyfriend has lost a tooth during the game that night?
“Come again?” He speaks into the phone.
“Yeah Kent’s lost a tooth and has a wicked bruise all along his jaw but he’s awake and conscious, we’re on our way to his apartment now. Are you there?”
Tim has to take a moment to breathe. Then he takes another to stop himself from freaking out. His heart is going wild in his chest and he can only imagine what Kon has gone through and what he currently looks like.
Shaking his head Tim puts his attention back on the phone his hand. “Yeah, I’ll head there now. I’m at practice so I’m not far.”
“Alright see you soon then.”
The call disconnects and Tim just stares at it. Of all of the things….
He knew what he was getting into when he started dating Kon. Injuries and other mishaps were just part of the sport Kon plays, hell even his own sport comes with similar risks, however he was not prepared enough for what really could happen to his boyfriend when playing hockey.
This is on a completely different level. Kon’s lost a tooth. Oh, now he’s mourning Kon’s perfect teeth, he should have guessed it wasn't going to be a thing that’ll last. He does appreciate the heads up though, while Sparks failed terribly at telling him what happened at least Pads took over and actually told him what occurred.
Realising he needs to get moving he pockets his phone, collects his stuff and has a quick word with his coach before making his way to Kon’s apartment. It’s several blocks away but on the skateboard Tim reaches it in no time.
Using his own key, Tim rushes into the apartment and finds his boyfriend and teammates already there. Kon is settled on the couch with his head tilted back and an ice pack resting on his face. Sparks and Pads are sat on the couch and the arm chair next to him and Tim finds a third team member, Totzy, preparing something in the kitchen.
Tim ignores them and goes straight to Kon’s side. “Oh Kon… what’s happened now huh?” Tim runs a gentle hand through his hair as he takes in the damage. His boyfriend blinks at him, he clearly goes to smile and before he could he’s instantly grimacing and staring at Tim with a defeated look.
Slowly Tim peels off the ice pack to get a look at the damage and immediately hisses upon seeing the black and blue across the lower half of his face, his jawline is swollen which makes him lose any of the usual sharpness he has there. There’s dry blood dotted over his skin from where it hasn’t been cleaned off and there’s even fresh blood on Kon’s lips. Thankfully the rest of his face seems to be okay, even with the dazed faraway look Kon is currently supporting. Tim turns over the ice pack and lays it across Kon’s jaw once again.
He sighs and sits back, reaching for Kon’s hand and runs a thumb across his knuckles. Turning to Kon’s teammates Tim raises an eyebrow at them. “What’s the damage? How long will he be out for? What can I do to help him recover?”
While Tim is used to dealing with bruises or even broken bones, and on occasion concussions, a knocked out tooth and swollen jaw is unknown territory.
Pads, a man in his late twenties with short dark hair and stubble, rolls his eyes at Tim’s barrage of questions. “Tim. Relax. Kent will be out for about two weeks, three at most. The swelling needs to go down and he needs to be able to move his jaw without pain before he plays competitively again, there’s nothing broken so it shouldn’t take too long. He’s dazed now because of the shock. A liquid diet is highly advised until he can move his jaw without flinching any time he opens his mouth. Like any other time, make sure he takes his meds, ice and treat the injury.”
Tim narrows his eyes at the man. He gets this is probably common for the guy to deal with and he's probably chill about the situation now Kon has been confirmed okay by their medical staff, but his indifference of the situation doesn’t stop Tim from worrying.
Not helping his nerves is Sparks on the other side of the couch. The other man who is the same age as him snorts and looks at them with amusement.
“Kent will be fine, as Pads said, although unfortunately for you it does mean no blow jobs in the near future.”
Tim sends him a dry look and Kon makes a noise of protest. Before Tim could come up with a retort Totzy comes strolling into the living room carrying a water bottle in his hands. He places the bottle down on the coffee table in front of the couch and follows it up by removing the lid and puts a large straw inside of it.
“Bon appetite,” he says before moving to sit on the arm of the love seat. “Relax Tim, our boy here is made of strong stuff. He’ll bounce back in no time.”
Tim eyes the man before glancing at the bottle on the table. “None of you are helping,” he mutters forlornly.
He picks up the bottle and examines the contents, a sweet and sharp smell hits him and recognises it as one of Kon’s strawberry smoothies. He turns to his boyfriend and finds Kon glaring at him, and without saying anything Tim knows what he’s thinking. Rolling his eyes he places the smoothie back on the table and stops himself from huffing, undoubtably Kon wants to wait for his teammates to disappear before trying to drink anything. Heaven forbid he gets help with something so basic in front of the other men. Tim gets it, but this isn’t the time to have that particular discussion.
After that it wasn't long until the men leave Kon's apartment with their wishes for his speedy recovery. It was only then Kon allowed Tim to help him with the drink, not that he needed much help as it’s only his jaw causing the pain and not anywhere else thankfully.
Later on when Tim entered the kitchen for the first time since arriving in the apartment he blinks in surprise at what had been left on the island. He picks it up and examines it closely before pulling a face in disgust and goes back to the living room to confront Kon with it.
He holds up the little see through bag and shakes it. “Seriously? How the fuck did you loose a tooth? Don’t you wear a mouth guard to avoid this exact thing from happening?”
In the bag was a single, white, and bloody tooth. Kon’s tooth. The one which should be in his mouth but isn’t. It would be funny if it wasn't concerning.
On the couch Kon raises his eyebrows in the fashion of ‘are you done?’ before reaching over and grabbing the notepad they found so Kon can write on it as it currently hurts to speak.
‘It broke before the game.’ Kon wrote looking unimpressed.
Tim’s still perplexed. “How?”
‘Dropped it, then accidently stood on it. Thought one game without it would be okay – clearly not. Fucking typical.’
Tim sighs and runs a hand over his face. “Of all the things Kon.” He looks at the bag still in his hand and shakes his head. “Right well, you’re a rich hockey, you can afford a replacement – if you want one – so once your mouth is healed we’re getting you to a dentist asap.”
Kon shrugs at his demands and Tim can’t tell whether he agrees with what he’s saying or doesn’t care either way. Tim glares at him, he’s not letting Kon ruin his perfect smile because of this! He’ll probably look fine with a tooth gap, there’s never a time when Kon doesn't look attractive, but his perfect smile is one of the things that drew Tim from the beginning. Of course if Kon isn’t really bothered about it he’s not going to force him to have a new tooth but Tim can be pretty persuasive when he puts his mind to it.
A moment later Kon blinks at him and writes something down on the pad when he turns it for Tim to read, Tim's heart skips a beat.
‘Love you, thank you for caring.’
Tim sighs, feeling both exasperated and like he’s about to combust from the overwhelming feeling of emotions he just got struck by. While it’s not the first time they’ve shared those words, they don’t  mean anything less now than what they did the first time. Tim moves to the couch and cups Kon’s cheeks gently in order to not hurt him and presses a tender kiss to his forehead before leaning forward and pressing their foreheads together.
“I love you too. And all the questionable injuries you receive.”
Kon huffs and pulls away from him in order to write something down. Tim reads his words once he’s finished and snickers.
‘Are you forgetting how we met? I’m not the only one who gets questionable injuries.’
Tim couldn’t really argue against that. He’s just as injury prone as Kon. After all, they met in hospital when Tim had been there due to a concussion he gave himself when trying a new trick on his skateboard, Kon had been there because his brother had broken his arm.
“Touché.” Tim laughs. He sits down next to Kon and leans his head on his boyfriends shoulder and grasps his hand in his. “Fancy watching something? We have a couple hours before you can take your meds, we can watch a film, shower then go to bed?”
Kon nods and Tim gets up to get the TV remote before resuming his place next to Kon. He grabs the blanket from the back of the couch and together they snuggle up and get comfortable. Tim even lets Kon choose the film they watch because he feels marginally bad for what’s happened to his boyfriend.
It takes nearly two weeks for the injury to fully heal. Kon is talking normally and able to eat solid foods without an issue and regarding hockey, he’ll be cleared to play on the roster at the weekend. As soon as Tim found this out, he immediately took Kon to go and get a new mouth guard made for him, the tooth replacement is currently being made, but Tim isn’t letting his boyfriend play a game of hockey without some form of protection in his mouth.
“You’re being over dramatic, I hope you know that.” Kon huffs as they leave the appointment for the guard. It’ll be ready for the next day, one day before Kon’s first game back.
“Maybe, maybe not. I don’t care.”
Kon comes up beside him and throws an arm over his shoulder, tugging him in close. Tim rolls with it he always likes having Kon close, even when he’s being dismissive about his own health.
“Kon you complained for an hour the other day about having food stuck in the gap between your teeth, having a new guard will stop any other teeth from falling out and having a new tooth will close said gap.”
Kon chooses to not respond to that and together in silence they reach the car and begin the journey back to Kon’s apartment. Tim couldn’t help but laugh to himself at the ridiculousness of the situation, this is just the start, god knows what else he’ll have to deal with in the future when it comes to Kon and his injuries while playing professional hockey. Then again Tim could easily give Kon a run for his money in the injury department, it looks like they’ll just have to look after each other when it’s necessary.
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jewwyfeesh · 10 months
Recollections And Heartfelt Wishes 4
Writer: Mitsuki
Character(s): Oogami Koga, Kiryu Kuro, Nito Nazuna, Otogari Adonis, Mashiro Tomoya
Translated by: stcrfeesh
CN/EN Proof by: jewwyfeesh
Nazuna: You don’t wanna scare the kids away, right? Why don’t you try dressing up as a mascot?
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Season: Summer Location: Amusement Park Stage
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Koga: Whew… Playin’ the entire mornin’s pretty tiring too, huh. I mean, I’m not hungry, since I bought snacks while I was at it. I just need to look for a place to rest, that’s all.
Adonis: Hm. This place sells quality meat, I could already smell the fragrance from a mile away. I couldn’t help but want to try them all…
All the rides here are pretty interesting too. Whether it’s an adult or a child, anyone would enjoy it.
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Oogami, thanks for inviting me here today.
Koga: Man, what are you even thankin’ me for~ ‘Sides, Kiryu-senpai gave me these tickets, and I don’t wanna be ungrateful, so let’s have some fun today, a’ight?
Lemme take a look at the map… right now, we’re probably near the stage area. There clearly ain’t any performances goin’ on up there, but a bunch of people are all gathered ‘round.
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Adonis: Really…? But there’s nothing on the brochure about any performances being held at this time either. Could there be a different event?
Nazuna: …… ♪
Adonis: Huh? That guy below the stage distributing flyers to people, isn’t that Nito-senpai?
There’s a group of kids playing with the mascot next to him too. They seem like they’re having fun.
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Koga: Well, no shit… We should probably go there and greet senpai, but it looks like that guy’s busy. He might not have the time to entertain us.…?
Why’s that mascot walking towards us? Could it be that someone else from Ra*bits is wearin’ that mascot?
Adonis: Based on the height of that thing, I wouldn’t say it could be…
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Kuro: Phew… I could finally take a breather… this thing’s pretty hot to be in if you wear it for too long.
Oh, Oogami, Otogari, are the both of you havin’ fun?
Adonis: Kiryu-senpai…?
Koga: Huh… I already guessed that you’d probably show up today, but I didn’t think you’d show up like this, in a mascot… I think it’s a fresh look on you.
Kuro: Haha, ya think so? To be honest, I never thought that I’d be dressin’ up as a mascot at an amusement park either.
[An hour ago.]
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Nazuna: Kuro-chin! Thanks for watching us perform today! I immediately spotted you from the crowd earlier, you know~
Kuro: Haha, you guys did great today, Nito. Who knew it would suit Ra*bits to perform at an amusement park? The atmosphere instantly became lively, even.
Nazuna: Well, we did practise for hours so we could do well on this gig. Just being able to see everyone with the biggest smiles on their faces, is already the best reward we could receive ♪
Tomoya: Nii~chan! Uhm, uh… could I talk to you about something for a sec?
So, you see, when I went to meet with the amusement park’s staff earlier, they asked us for an extension with promoting the special event they’ll be hosting this Summer since our performance earlier garnered a good response from the audience, and all.
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The thing is, Hajime and Mitsuru won’t be able to stay any longer since they still have work scheduled for later. I was sceptical about accepting the job, cause what if it would be too much for just you and me to handle…
Nazuna: Hm… This side of the park is much more crowded compared to anywhere else, so it might not be doable if it’s just us both…
Though, this could also be a great opportunity to promote Ra*bits… We also attracted a bunch of people that could be potential fans during our performance earlier. If this is the case, then it would be better to go with the flow of things.
It might be difficult, yeah, but if we give it our all—
Kuro: Ah, I more or less understand your predicament. Your issue here is that you lack manpower. Let me help you out, then.
Nazuna: Huh? No way! How could I possibly make you do that? I invited you here to have fun, not get you to work with me!
Kuro: You don’t have to worry about that. I could visit the amusement park anytime if I wanted to. What isn’t acceptable is turnin’ a blind eye to a friend who’s clearly in need.
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Nazuna: Well, if you say so… thanks, Kuro-chin! Uhuu, I really don’t know how else to properly thank you…!
Kuro: Haha, ‘sno problem. Anyways, why don’t ya tell me what needs to be done?
Tomoya: I already talked things through with the staff, would you mind if we did things like this?
Kiryu-senpai, you and I would be stationed at the opposite ends of the plaza distributing balloons, and then Nii~chan who’s got more experience with this will handle the distribution of flyers and answer any follow-up questions the people might have about the event.
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Kuro: A’ight, roger that. Don’t worry, I’ve got this.
Nazuna: Everything’s settled, then! Let’s do our best, everyone ♪
Kuro: (Usin’ balloons for promotion… that does make sense. After all, kids would probably prefer cute things like these over a flyer.)
(If that’s the case, then it shouldn’t be a problem to strike up a conversation first, would it?)
Hey there, bud. This blue balloon’s for ya, I hope you have lots of fun today.
…Oi, don’t run backwards! You might… fall…
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Nazuna: Kuro-chin, you don’t seem to be into this… Don’t force yourself, okay?
Kuro: …Sorry, Nito. I don’t think ‘m suitable for this type of job after all…
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I really tried my best to put on the kindest smile I could muster, but in the end, no one wanted a balloon from me… Hell, I even scared a kid to tears.
His parents assured me and said t’was all good, but I still couldn’t help but feel awful.
Nazuna: No, no, you don’t have to feel bad, you did nothing wrong. It’s actually my fault for not thinking things through…
(No, I won’t have it! I can’t let Kuro-chin leave here with a bad memory! He’s the kindest, most gentle guy I know… how can I make everyone else see that…?)
…I’ve got it! We could try that!
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You don’t wanna scare the kids away, right? Why don’t you try dressing up as a mascot?
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Kuro: So that’s how I ended up lookin’ like this.
A’ight, I should probably go back to help ‘em out. It’s still quite early, you guys should go around and enjoy the park.
Adonis: Are you really going to be alright, Kiryu-senpai? You’ve barely even rested.
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Kuro: Haha, don’t underestimate my strength, buddy. This thing’s got nothin’ on the intense trainin’ I always do.
Though, I dunno what’s goin’ on Mashiro’s end, he seems to have more balloons left to give away. I’ll try to check up on him and help him out in a bit.
Koga: Oi! If it’s manpower you need, then you already should’ve just said so! I literally have nothin’ else to do!
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Promotin’ shit’s a piece of cake to me! Either way, me just acceptin’ those tickets from ya, ain’t sittin’ right with me.
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Adonis: Oogami’s right. Many hands do make light work, after all. Besides, I want to help senpai out too, so please leave this to me.
Kuro: Haha, you guys are pretty insistent, huh. Well, if you guys really insist, follow me.
← Chapter 3 | ES x LC Masterlist | Chapter 5 →
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Beyond the Blood Tie - Chapter Twenty Two.
Who wants more vampire smut? Ahhh, look at that. You got it. :D 
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Previous Chapters - One  Two, Part One Part Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Seven  Eight  Nine  Ten  Eleven  Twelve  Thirteen  Fourteen  Fifteen  Sixteen  Seventeen  Eighteen  Nineteen  Twenty  Twenty One
Words - 5,783
Tag list - In the comments. Please DM to be added/removed
Warnings - 18+ content throughout. Minors DNI!
Edie's POV
"Thanks for bringing me in here. I think I, ahhhh… I… mmmm, needed to cool off," I tell Angel, as cool water runs over us both from the shower we're having sex under, about four hours after we first started. It's 7am and technically my vampire lover should be sleeping now, but with the blinds over the windows blocking out the sunlight and his strength bolstered by the fact he's fed on me again, he's still going strong.
"Even though we're kind of contradicting that somewhat." He chuckles, before kissing me passionately. It's true, I had him carry me in here (I can't walk, my legs are too shaky) so I could cool down and take a breather for five minutes, and wash away the trails of blood running all over me from where he’s fed twice, as well as the sweat that's been beading my body like I just stepped out of a sauna. After he put me down, he just walked in after me and well… things happen. I can't get enough of this, of him. I really can't.  
“God, that cock,” I groan on a shuddered breath as it breeches me again, a slow drag that lights up my insides, Angel reaching to turn the shower to a warmer temperature, the heat soothing. “Feels so good.” I continue, kissing him, my fingers trailing through his soaking hair.
His tongue swirls with mine, his groan all raspy smoke as he shunts against me a little deeper, feeling my walls flexing around him. “Yeah, I’ve been told that a few times over the decades. It’s all yours now, though.”
“Mmm.” Trailing my mouth to his neck, I lay soft, hungry bites along the column of his throat. “I don’t plan on being off it much, either.”
The look he gives me is of complete burning lust. “Good.”  
I don’t either, but fuck, having sex with a vampire does come with a smidgen of detriment, having a creature with that much stamina, power and prowess throw you around for hours. I hurt, my whole body feels sore, even though I drank a little blood from his wrist a couple of hours back since I was in so much internal pain. That's the thing with a highly aroused vampire; he'll try and fuck a new hole right through you. Blood being applied directly to the area that's sore or oversensitive works just as well, but my body aches so much from being thrown roughly around the bed that I needed a little more than that.  
As a result, I feel a little lightheaded, and that only adds to the overall erotic scintillation I'm experiencing, which shows no signs of stopping soon. This kind of thing just doesn't happen to me, I feel like I'm in the middle of somebody else's fantasy, because it's just too perfect. It's like if I was to sit and write you out my ideal sexual scenario, hours upon hours of never-ending pleasure. It plays out word for word how I'd write it.
I think he's ruined it for any other human as well. If we were to break up some time in the future, I'm unsure I'd be able to go back to mere mortals like myself. I now understand why Sasha hasn't really been interested in dating human guys since her first taste of a vampire, I understand it perfectly. There's no comparison. Vampires fuck like machines, for infinite periods of time.  
Even when we get out of the shower, our bodies still burning from orgasmic rush, we barely get dry before we're on each other again, with him throwing me down on my front on the bed, starting to softly kiss my back while his fingertips run up the back of my thighs. I then feel those hands begin to glide down my sides, kissing me from one shoulder blade to the other, and then slowly, teamed with swirls from his tongue, down my spine. His hands slide lower to knead my ass cheeks, arousal burning strongly inside me when I feel his mouth meet my lower back.
His hands then lift my hips off the bed and push my legs apart, and I take my weight onto my knees while keeping my upper body pressed down onto the bed. Groaning softly, making a light exclamation of pleasure when I feel his lips kissing the back of my thigh, that little sigh turns into a long, low moan when the next kiss bestowed on me is to my area most burningly warm, his tongue pushing inside me, circling my opening slowly but firmly before his fingers slip in and I'm treated again to the most skilled touch I’ve ever known.
“You tired yet?” he asks, moving to lie beneath me, elbows pushing my legs further apart, my spread apex lowered, being caught in the suck of his mouth. My hips twitch and shake, a long, breathless moan escaping my lips.  
“I am a little, but it’s worth it. There’s no way I’m telling you to stop.”  
He hums a chuckle, tongue flicking over my clit. “Good, because I really don’t want to.”  
I can’t help myself. “So, what do you want to do?”
He moans happily around a mouthful of my folds. “Keep sucking on this beautiful little cunt until it gushes all over my tongue, then I’m gonna bend you over the end of this bed and rail you so damned hard, you’ll scream your voice away.”  
And he will, too. “Like the sound of that, baby girl?”
“Mmm, yeah. I love being split around your cock.”
“Good, because you look hot as fuck when you are.” His hand spanks me, the blow delivered hard, but nowhere near as forcefully as when I’m exactly where he said I would be, bent over the end of the bed, screaming in absolute ecstasy.
“God damnit, you look so good when you’re bent over. You like it, querida? Like taking this big fucking cock so hard, you cry?”  
“Yes! Oh fuck, yes!” And I am fucking crying right now. No one has ever fucked me so thoroughly that I’ve had tears running down my face. Every nerve ending on my body is screaming in blazing bliss, chased by the cool fire of what he inflicts so barbarically upon me, hand fisting my hair, yanking me until I’m almost upright, fangs piercing the back of my neck. He doesn’t feed from me, biting me merely because he’s aroused out of his mind, sealing the wound again before turning me around, lifting me and dropping me down on his cock.  
“Shit, Angel I don’t think I can take any more!” I gasp, my thighs locking around him as my body shatters again, like a crack ripping over a frozen lake, still being bounced on him, his hand spanking me hard.  
“Yeah, you can, baby. Fuck, I love you so much.” He slows then, cock dragging sparks through my tender core languidly, while I feel him push a finger against my ass, sliding it within. I nearly cum on the sport, just from that. “You into anal, beautiful?”
“I am if you have lube, because I can’t take that monster without it,” I chuckle, Angel making a nose of displeasure.  
“Fuck. Nah, I ain’t. I guess you’ll just have to enjoy me stretching you out with my fingers until I do.” Mmmm, yeah. I’m good with that.  
For another three hours it's much the same, my body being twisted and turned into more positions than I knew existed, and given more orgasms than I ever thought I could withstand, until I'm so sore all over, outside and in, that I'm surprised I can actually can keep going. Keep going we do, until we both finally give up at midday.
"I'm kinda numb but on fire from the waist down," I tell him, catching my breath when we finally make it under the covers, resting my head in his chest and watching it slowing in its rises and falls to total stillness once more.
“Well, I had to give you the full experience of vampire sex.” I stare at him with mild incredulity, Angel snorting a soft laugh. “Like you didn’t love every second of it.”
I kiss his chest, stroking the ridged rise of his pecs with my fingertips. “I did, this is true.”
“Good, because I plan on doing that a lot more, once we’ve both rested a little.” I like the sound of that.  
“Does it feel different to you, sex as a vampire, opposed to when you were a human?” I ask. It’s something I’ve come to wonder, over the last few hours.
“Yes, very much so. Merely existing as a vampire, with such heightened senses is an experience in itself, so sex is infinitely more intense for us than it is your humans,” he explains, fingers stroking a circle upon my shoulder. “Imagine if your orgasm was amplified by a few thousand. That’s how it feels.” I give him a curious look, grinning, Angel laughing quietly.  
“That’s good going for someone who’s dead.” I quip, my boyfriend tightening his embrace. He turns to kiss me one last time, and that slow, sensual kiss is the last thing I remember before I’m out like a light.  
When I wake up eight hours later, I don't feel better for the rest, though. In fact, the exhaustion and soreness I feel mean that it takes me a few minutes to actually sit up properly, looking to my side to see my boyfriend asleep. I wish I could sleep on, but I have to leave for work. I try waking him until I realise, he won't respond at all, of course. Hmmmm, I wonder when he'll come round again?
I know they naturally fall asleep at dawn and wake just as naturally as dusk, but he's forced himself to stay awake for many hours past his usual sleeping time. I should think he'll wake when he's recuperated, but I won't be here when he does. I know he isn't in work until 10pm tonight, but still I hope he wakes in time for his first appointment. Mind you, what is his client going to say if he’s late? How'd you argue with a vampire?  
I've already made plans to meet him later tonight at the tattoo shop when I get off, he's booked a late sitting until 4am now the nights are darker for longer. Looking at myself, seeing blood trails and knowing a smell of a mixture of cum, my own sexual secretions and sweat, I quickly shower and dry off at speed before dressing and hoping to find my vampire awake when I come back out. He's still sleeping though, and after kissing him goodbye I leave, closing the bedroom door softly, turning to find myself face to face with EZ.
"Ahhh, still alive then, I see. I won't need this any longer I suppose, to measure you up for a coffin," he says, taking a tape measure from his pocket and then looking down at me like he's gauging my reaction. He's never spoken to me before, but then again I wasn't properly introduced to him until last night, and he didn't really seem interested then. He had two girls on his lap at the time. The reaction I give I think surprises him, since I just laugh loudly as I point at his hand.
"I'd hang onto that, he might still fuck me to death yet, just in a slightly different way.” He looks entertained by that.
“He’d better be blowing your damned back out. I would, given half the chance.” He then winks, his smile growing. “I know that probably wasn’t all that appropriate, but you are pretty hot, Edie.”
“And you’re a shameless hoe.” He looks at me at a way that makes my heart skip a nervous beat, before suddenly, his face cracks, laughing richly.  
“Guilty,” he nods. “Look, I’m glad he’s found you. He’s insufferable when he’s pissed off, and he’s my brother, I love him. So, yeah. See you around, I guess.” Angel has mentioned that EZ isn’t very human friendly, so I’ll take that as a win, smiling and heading down the stairs, hearing the large vampire laughing softly in my wake. At the bottom, I then encounter Ursula, with a massive smile upon her face. She then does something I don't expect, opening her arms and hugging me when I get to her.
"I'm very glad all has been overcome. I felt it through his emotions, I couldn't help but pick up on the fact he was enjoying himself free of pain. And, well, the noise. Good bloody lord.” Ahhh, shit. Of course, the whole family likely heard me at some point before they fell asleep at dawn. “Don’t cringe! It’s alright, sex is to be enjoyed, and you were both enjoying one another very much. Such vocal exclamations are to be expected,” she then reassures me, rubbing my shoulder softly.  
“Yeah, but I’m still embarrassed!” She laughs sweetly, pulling me back into another hug, her hand stroking a circle at my back. Oh, she’s so lovely!
“Don’t be, sweet child. Did you leave him in one piece? I'm just on my way up to see him," she asks, letting me go again but still smiling.
"He's still asleep.” Her immaculate eyebrows gain much height at my revelation.
"He is? Well, didn't you just wear him out," she teases, reaching forward and pinching my arm in a playful way.
"Yeah, I suppose I did. If you'll excuse me, Ursula but I have to get going, I need to be at work in forty minutes. See you soon, though," I say, watching her turn back from the stairs to come and walk me to the door.
"Goodbye, Edie. I shall be glad to see you soon again, too." She has the good grace not to laugh at the fact that because of her offspring, I’m walking a little bow legged, exiting through the gate and walking up to the crossroads to hail a cab. I wish Angel had of been awake when I woke, I could have done with a mouthful of blood or the application of it to a few areas. Quite simply, I feel like I've been sandblasted between my legs. Everything hurts. Even my nipples touching the cups of my bra are painful. I don't think I'd have been able to move at all if I hadn’t taken some of his blood during the course of our nine-hour sexual marathon, give or take a little resting time here and there. Nine hours, damn. I didn't think that was possible, but with a vampire, it seems almost anything is within your grasp where sex is concerned.
I manage to get into a cab after a slightly uncomfortable ten-minute walk, and honestly feel like I could go to sleep right here on the back seat. I'm exhausted, and now I have to go and give someone a beating and use up energy I don't have. This calls for action. Asking the driver to pull over at a convenience store en route to the CD, I jump out and quickly fetch some supplies. I head to the microwave food section, but stop when I see some boxes of ready washed and prepared salad and then some cooked turkey breast strips further up the aisle and decide on a healthier option. I then quickly pick up a few cans of energy drink, a large handful of pixie sticks and some cigarettes at the counter before running back out to my cab, hoping the meter hasn't ticked over too much.  
One twenty-eight-dollar cab ride later and I'm at work, sitting in the control room with a bemused looking Aileen, emptying the pixie sticks into the cans of energy drink after downing a few mouthfuls of both. I need lots of sugar and caffeine, and I need them now. I already poured myself a cup of coffee from the pot as well. I can feel the eyes of Aileen, and also Max on me as I pour each stick in, both looking like they're trying not to laugh.
"Rough night huh, Edie?" Max asks, trying to bite back a grin, looking to Aileen, who is doing the exact same thing.
"Don't even ask," I groan, wincing as I sit down, hearing the pair of them snort laugh.
"We don't need to. Ahmed told us you near got dragged out caveman style by your hair last night, and that before then you and your boyfriend had been all over each other all night. We guessed the rest when we saw you walking in like well-rode cowboy with the bow legs you got there!" Aileen nods, both of them bursting into the hysterics they can’t hold onto any longer, while I put my head down on the table and sigh. Damn you, Khamir! Damn you and your big mouth.
"So, how did it feel for you to be the one being beaten into submission this time? Sore I can imagine, since you can't sit down properly. Do you want me to go get you one of those inflatable rings the kids use to learn to swim with?" Max then continues. “Easy with the violence!” he then laughs as I reach to slap his big arm with a couple of hard wallops.  
"Don't make me use up my precious energy on beating you! I'm too tired! I don't even know how I'm going to go down there and do my damn job properly without falling over or falling asleep! I don't need you two and your shit talking banter, thank you!" I cry, before picking up a can of pixie stick laced energy drink and downing it. I'm subjected to more deliberately humorous questions and little digs as I start on my second can, eat my food and finish my coffee, but at least I feel a little more alive by the time I'm walking down to my chamber. Just as I'm about to go in I suddenly feel something jolt through me brightly, something that feels tingly. I'm not sure what it is until my cell begins to vibrate in my pocket.
"Hi beautiful, sorry I was still asleep when you left. How are you?" Angel asks me when I answer. That feeling I had was me sensing him waking up, something I've never had before. Of course, the more of each other's blood we ingest, the stronger our blood tie.
"I'm tired and sore, how are you?" I ask, knowing he'll be just fine.
"Hungry, and looking forward to having you back in my arms. Don't worry, you won't be sore forever, I'll make you better when I see you and then put you through it all over again all weekend," he assures, sounding amused.
"I can't say I won't look forward to that. Look, I have to go, I'm about to start my shift. See you in a few hours.”
"You will, I love you." He hangs up, leaving me to go and do the most painful shift I've ever had to do. Really, don't have sex with a vampire if you have plans or commitments to attend to in the immediate twelve hours that follow. It fucking hurts, pun intended.
Angel's POV
"So was that honestly pleasant chit chat I saw you engaging in with the fairy last night?" I ask Sal as soon as I walk into the shop at 9.30pm. My first appointment isn't until ten, but I wanted to get here early because there's a tonne of stuff we need to order. Ink, more gloves, more paper, vending machine stock etc…
"Miley speaks my language beautifully, and she's remarkably well read.” I wait for it, the little nugget Edie told me about, Miley’s sometimes odd ways of thinking. “The girl has some strange ways of thinking, though. She wondered last night if plants thought in accents.”  
I can’t help but snort with laughter. That sounds like strange brilliance to me. “She still wouldn't fuck me, though, so I went home with Latoria Jackson instead.” He continues.
"He got his vampire ass fucking handed to him! Hah!" Eric shouts with mirth from across the shop, while laughing like a maniac.
"He's right, I did. I think she broke my back a couple of times. Seriously, I pity the humans she takes home after what she did to me. Damn. You ever been there?" he asks, while tattooing speedily. He's doing a piece consisting of a large black dragon spanning across the shoulders of a young guy in his early twenties, who looks like he's trying not to look as interested as he is by our conversation.
"No, I haven't. I ain’t interested in doing so either. She's too full of herself. Even for our kind, man,” I reply, my lip curling a little bit. And she ain’t all that to look at, either.  
"So, is Edie still with us then? You two were about halfway to banging one another at the club, so I take it you finally got some when you got her home?” Eric then asks, while I walk away from Sal to go and see the piece he's working on. He's doing cherry blossoms all the way down the ribcage of a girl we all know, since she comes in quite often to be tattooed by him.
"Hi Lisa, and yes she is still with us, dude," I reply, with Lisa looking up and waving at me.
"Ouch, so you had an S&M kind of night then?" he winces, in obvious reference to the silver, wiping away ink before continuing the construction of the pink petals. He's done absolutely no outline to it at all, so it's going to have the effect of looking almost like it's been painted onto her skin. He's free handed it too, since he only has a few marked-on guidelines in pen to follow. If I could still get tattooed, it’d be Eric I’d choose every time. His skills are unreal.
"Nope, I only needed it one time and after that I realised I wasn't going to suffer my problem with her," I reply, laughing at what Eric does next.
"My boy! Get the fuck here!!" he yells, putting the tattoo machine down to stand and hug me, making Lisa laugh too at his reaction, even though she doesn't understand why Eric is pleased for me.
"Yeah, alright, calm down.”
“No! I’m happy for you!” he yells, taking my face in his hands and kissing my forehead. “Welcome to the warm snatch club, man! It’s good to finally have you as a member!”
I can’t help but completely crack up at that, Lisa looking perplexed. “Private joke, babe.” I mutter, still laughing. Heading to the back of the shop, I pull the back door open, ready to collect our mail from the storage locker we have residing out there. Anything that gets delivered that isn’t small enough to be pushed through the letterbox (ink and the like) all gets stored in here by the humans who run the sandwich shop next door. To be honest, though, most of our stuff turns up at night, delivered to us by vampire couriers.  
There's a fairly big box and some letters, and I take them out before locking up and heading back inside. Once I'm in my office, I can't help but be somewhere between confused and amused when I open up the box.
"Lisa, are you more of a length or girth kind of girl?" I ask the lady herself as I walk back across the shop, pulling a long dildo, then a thick one from inside the box I'm carrying.
"Where in the hell did you get those, and why do you have them?" she exclaims as she laughs, Eric ceasing tattooing to do the same.
"Some sex toy company sent us a box of free samples and the invite to take a five percent cut of the sales if we display their product range here. My answer is a big, flat out no, but help yourself if you see anything you like," I reply, while Eric takes off his gloves and starts mooching through.
"What the fuck?" he exclaims, picking up something long and pink with a big ball on the end of it.
"I dunno, I think batteries go in the other end," I reply with a shrug. We're not very knowledgeable on sex toys, us vampires. Why should we be? We don't need plastic enhancements to help the people we're having sex with enjoy it even more. Our vampirism is the enhancement.
"I'll take this, and this, oh and this too,” Lisa begins.
“Easy, girl!” Eric laughs, receiving a little nudge. “You’ll wear yourself down to bare tread!”
“Eric, I’m not a tyre!” Even Sal snorts with laughter at that one. I'll give Edie first refusal on the rest of the box, picking up a butt plug that has two teardrop shapes to it, grinning.
“Oh, man. That’s going straight up my baby,” I chuckle, entertained at just the thought.  
“Rubber ring for Edie Bailey!” Eric shouts, making me cackle with laughter.  
“She damned probably needs one of those, anyway,” I smirk. Eric resuming tattooing after Lisa gets comfortable once more.  
He grins widely. “That’s my dude!” He then pauses, looking back at me. “You should let her fuck you with it some, too. It’s good, man.”
“Nah,” I shudder. “I ain’t into anything going up my ass.” If that’s what others like, they can have at it. I tried it, and I don't like it. Nobody is putting anything up there, nope.  
“Yeah,” Eric hums, “figures really, since you ain’t a greedy bisexual like yours truly here.” I'm a little different to most, since a lot of vampires swing both ways (even if they didn’t as humans) but I happen to know quite a few who don't, too. As well as myself I know Sal and EZ both solely like women, but my creator, her husband, Eric and Sissy are all partial to either gender in their beds. No, Charles and Ursula are not monogamous. They were for the first three hundred years of their marriage until they got bored, as they both say. It doesn't mean they love each other any less. I've never seen such a strong love before as theirs.
After all sex toy pilfering has been done, I take the box back into my office before coming back out to the front desk to wait for my client, who actually arrives ten minutes early. I needed her to as well, I was getting far too involved in my thoughts about Edie's ass, and everything I'm going to do to it later. There was lube in that box, too. Score. I hope she's getting through work alright, because I really, really, really put her though it last night. I'm glad she didn't tell me to stop, because I didn't want to and probably couldn't if I'd have tried. I've missed sex with humans, and Edie is so, so good at it. I can't wait to see her.
Getting to work on the tattoo which will only take three parts of an hour, a sugar skull surrounded by roses in the centre of my clients back, I do try to stop thinking about everything I was doing with Edie earlier, but I can't help it when I feel through her emotions that she's tired and sore. When she arrives at 3.15am she looks exhausted, so the first thing I do is wrap her up in a hug when I'm finished working on my very last appointment. She's been sitting over in the waiting area yawning while reading her book and drinking lots of energy drinks.
"I hurt, and it's all your fault," she complains, burying her face against my chest.
"I seem to remember you had a not so small part in it too.” She hums in agreement. "So, do you just want to go to sleep tonight?" I then ask, stroking her back and basking in her scent. I miss her when she isn't near me.
"I'll see how I feel a little later, but I'll probably be fine though. I have to say no amount of pain and tired can deter me from wanting you all over again.” The kiss I’m then given definitely backs up her statement.  
"Speaking of all things sexual, come with me. There's a box of stuff that might interest you in my office,” I say, before taking her back there.
Gesturing to the box when we arrive, she takes a peek inside, one of her eyebrows arching significantly. "Why would they want you to display these? You're a tattoo shop, not a sex shop.” Her statement is gently perplexed, but still, she picks up the butt plug with an interested look on her face. "I like the look of this."  
I can’t help but laugh softly. "I like the fact I guessed so well it'd interest you.” She blows me a kiss for that, taking the plug, the bottle of lube too, mouthing ‘definitely need this!’ before looking back at the box and then pulling a disinterested face.
"I don't need any of that, not when I have this at my disposal," she chirps, turning and grabbing my dick through my jeans before kissing me.
"Then we'll go home, you can take a little of my blood to feel less uncomfortable, and then we'll see how you feel, and if you're up for it, you can have it for as long as you like," I vow, before sinking into another kiss.
"I need food first, wanna come to my place tonight?" I tell her I will, and she then heads out to get something to eat from the takeout place a block away, while I lock up and then go and meet her up there, getting back to hers in a couple of minutes. You gotta love vampire speed.
"Okay, I'm definitely going to go eat this outside, your poor face!" Edie exclaims, kissing my cheek and looking at me with affection before she heads into the lounge towards her back doors.
"No, no you don't have to do that. It's something I have to get used to," I tell her, moving fast to stand in her way in front of the doors.
"Look, it's still nice and warm out, the breeze coming in off the desert is minimal, I don't mind. Come sit with me, tell me about your evening," she offers, pushing my shoulder gently while I reluctantly turn and allow her to pass by. Before I follow her out, I race to her kitchen and back to fetch a glass and then bite my wrist and bleed into it, giving it to her when there's enough in there to take away her discomfort.
"It's a little less messy than taking it straight from me," I state, hand it to her, my wrist instantly healing over as I take a seat, watching her doing the same, but taking her time to. I can't help but laugh a little.
"You should come with some kind of health warning label," she winces when finally making contact with the chair, sinking the blood before putting the glass down and picking up the bottle of water she bought along with the food and drinking half of it.
"And you should realise how irresistibly sexy you are, and how just sitting here having to keep my hands to myself for now proves difficult," I tell her, watching her shake her head and look away for a moment.
"Just calm down and tell me about your evening.” Just before I'm about to speak I suddenly feel something run through me, a feeling of anger that I pick up directly from Ursula. I wait and see how long it lasts, remaining on alert. I’m glad to feel it subsiding a little after a few moments. If she needs me, she'll call for me and I'll be by her side without question. All the same, I still excuse myself to Edie and rush to the end of her back yard to call Ursula on my cell.
"Angel, I'm fine. I can't talk at present, and I shan't be home before the dawn, but all is well. Do not worry, I'm okay. Are you with Edie?" she asks me. She sounds like she’s trying to supress her annoyance, but not like she’s in danger. I’d be there without question if she was.  
"Yeah, we’re at her place tonight,” I confirm, fighting the urge to ask anything. She said she can't talk, for whatever the reason.
"Stay there until I contact you. Do not go home until I do. I should be back by next dark." Of course, that’s an order I have to obey, not that staying here with my girlfriend is particularly a hardship. She hangs up, and while I trust her word, I still of course wonder why she won’t be home, and why that very place is somewhere I cannot return to either, until I hear from her again.
"What's wrong? I can feel your worry," Edie asks, putting down her food and getting up to put her arms around me when I walk back over.
I feel better for that, for Edie’s calming presence. "I don't know, but Ursula is being kept away and she can't tell me why. She sounds fine, but still, I don't like it.”
She nods with understanding, her fingers moving to brush my hair from my forehead. "Well, you'd know if she wasn't, and you'd be able to find your way right to her as well. She'll be fine, she's over a thousand years old. I think you understand better than I do just how strong she is.” This is true, I reason to myself, kissing her head before we sit down again.
"You're right, querida. If I suddenly zoom off without word, though, you’ll know that's just where I've gone, to find her. She feels alright for now, although I know that whatever the situation, she's not happy in it." Edie is quick to pacify me and the large frown denting my head, changing the subject and keeping me talking, trying to occupy my thoughts with things other than the present whereabouts of my creator, with us eventually heading back inside to go to bed at 4.30am. When we're there, she finds even more creative ways to take my mind of Ursula.  
None of them involve much talking.  
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It shouldn’t have ended like this.
It was unfair, cruel.
Going into the war they honestly didn’t think we would end up apart but, not everything works out, now does it?
She had been running around the castle all morning and afternoon, helping kids get into safe places, helping get potions, supplies and weapons ready. Doing the things she needed to do. He stands off to the side, taking a breather for one second, trying to refrain himself from going up to her to beg for her to take a second to herself. She had always been like this. A people pleaser, wanting to help everyone and everything thing she could before she would even think about worrying about herself.
“She’s truly incredible, isn’t she?” Remus looks over to his left quickly and sees Mcgonagall watching Lucy alongside him. He nods “ye- yeah. She really is. Always has been.” he smiles sadly and goes back to watching his best friend run around helping people.
Mcgonagall nods “I know she has, I did teach her for a whole 7 years you know.” She smirks slightly.
Remus laughs lightly and nods “That’s true Minnie, how could I forget. She needs someone to tell her to slow down, take a breathe. To help her realize she’s fighting in this war too. That her life is just as fragile as everyone else’s, even more so.” he rants.
Mcgonagall smiles softly as she watches him speak about the girl he’s been in love with since he was 11. “Well Remus why don’t you tell her?”
Remus shakes his head “She won’t listen to me.” He scoffs with a small smile “That stubborn girl will tell me she’s listening but will still do what she wants. She’s known me for too long to know that I have a soft spot to her, she knows I can’t get mad at her.” he smiles a little and shakes his head.
Mcgonagall shrugs “Well maybe if you tell her that you’re in love her, maybe then she’ll listen”
Remus looks back at Mcgonagall quickly “W-what? I-“ he huffs “I am not in love with Lucy.” he shakes his head in denial.
Mcgonagall smiles knowingly “Aw, ok well, maybe just let her know your there for her. Tell her how you feel without actually telling her you feel. Does that make sense?”
Remus shakes his head “Not at all-“ And then it happens. The whole castle shakes.
She looks up quickly, making direct eye contact with Remus from where she was across the room.
His eyes widen as he looks at her, begging her to get back to him before the battle begins.
And as if she can read his mind she quickly tells Neville to believe in himself and runs over to Remus quickly and engulfs him in a tight hug.
He wraps his arms around her tightly and pulls her in and looks to his left at Mcgonagall. She smiles softly and nods at him, then walks away quickly to meet Molly at the front doors.
Remus looks back down at Lucy and squeezes tighter “It’s alright darling.”
She pulls away slightly to look at him “I know, I know. You know I just worry.”
Remus smiles a little “I know you do dove.”
Lucy smiles “Right well, we should probably spread out. We’ll stick together when we see each other, ok Rem?”
Remus nods “Ok dove. I’m gonna find you, we’re gonna end all of this together. For them.”
She nods “For them.” Her eyes water slightly as she looks into his eyes. The ones she fell in love with the first time she saw him on the train first year. The eyes she fell in love with the moment she looked into them. The eyes that she has studied and memorized for the past 25 years. The eyes that she swore had flecks of gold in them. The eyes of the man she has loved since she was 11.
He smiled down at her. His eyes watering slightly. He was looking down at the girl that he’s loved for what it seemed like was his entire lifetime. The girl that walked into their train compartment first year, just welcoming herself into theirs lives. The girl that found out he was a werewolf and convinced him that he wasn’t a monster. The girl that would help pull pranks on Snape with him and the boys. The girl that stood up for him when Lucius would say nasty words to him. The girl that had tried to save every single life that she could just because she wanted to. The girl that he had wanted to marry since he was 15.
She kissed him on the cheek with a soft smile. “I’ll see you Moony. But if I don’t-“
He shakes his head “Don’t say that dove.” he says sternly.
Lucy smiles softly “But if I don’t see you again Remus, just know that you’re my best friend. And that I love you more than the moon and stars. I love you more than I love anything else, ever. You are my best friend, my soulmate, my rock. You’re my Moony, rem. I’m doing this for you Remus. And I’m doing it for the boys and Lily and Marlene and Dorcas. I’m doing it for all of you. Ok, so just know, if I don’t see you again-“ she takes a deep breathe, “please just know that I’m in love with you, I always have been” she laughs lightly with tears brimming her eyes. “I am madly and deeply in love with you Remus Lupin and I have been since I was sixteen. Hell even before that, I just didn’t realize. That’s besides the point but- just know that I’m marrying you after this. After we make everything better. We are going to finally get our happily ever after Rem, I promise you. I’m all for you moony.” she smiles as a tear rolls down her cheek.
Remus’s mouth opens and closes as he tries to find the words to respond.
She kisses him on the lips. And for the first time, everything feels right. Everything seems to fall in place. He thinks this is what heaven feels like and if it isn’t then he wants to be wherever he’ll feel like this again.
She pulls away and smiles at him “I love you moony.”
“Monroe!” she looks behind her as someone calls her name. She looks back at him “I’ll see you soon love.” she smiles at him and runs off to the student that was calling her name. Remus just stood there, dumbfounded. She loved him, she really loved him.
And he didn’t even say it back. He fights himself in his mind and doesn’t even realize the time that has passed since he’s been in his head. All the damage that has been done since Lucy told him that she loved him.
He is fighting off death eaters when he sees her in his peripheral, he lets the other wizards fighting them take control and watches her fight 4 death eaters alone as he runs over. And you can just tell she’s in her element, she’s meant to be doing this. Fighting off the bad guys to help protect everyone else. She’s being the hero she was born to be.
“Lucy!” she looks over at him quickly and smiles as she stops a curse that was coming to her effortlessly.
She smiles big “Moony!“ she looks back at the death eaters as he now helps her fight them off.
Remus stops for a second as he looks at her, he keeps actively fighting them off. “Dove I need to tell you something!” he yells as he throws a curse.
“Is this really the best time Rem?!” she yells as she dodged a spell.
“No time better than the present I guess! Anyways- I just want to say, I love you too!”
Lucy’s eyes widen as she kills off the last death eater they were fighting. She takes a big breathe of relief and looks at him “What did you say?”, knowing damn well she head exactly what he said.
Remus breathes heavily, “I love you Monroe. So so much. And I want to marry you when this is all over. Lucy, I’ve been in love with you since I was fifteen and I’m so sorry I never told you that, and I’m sorry I didn’t say anything earlier. I was just surprised that my best friend could love me the same way I love her. I-“
Lucy’s eyes widen in horror as she looks behind Remus. And it’s almost as if it happens in slow motion. Lucy moves quickly and pushes Remus out of the way and as he turns around he sees Lucius, out of all people, heading towards them with his wand up. And before he can even act he throws the most unforgivable curse and watches as the dreaded streak of green light soars to the love of his life and hits her right in the chest.
He watches as the love of his life falls to the ground, the life leaving her eyes as she goes down. He looks up at Lucius and gets his wand up, but he was too late. Lucius threw another unforgivable curse and he lets it fly towards him. He watches it fly towards his chest and hit him. He still feels as he falls alongside Lucy. He doesn’t feel as his body hits the ground. But he knows he’s dead. That it’s over.
That he didn’t win the war for his mates. For his future wife. His future kids. For harry. For James and Sirius, for the girls. For his family and friends he has made along the way.
He didn’t survive it. He didn’t survive to marry his best friend. He didn’t survive to watch his best mate’s son finally defeat Voldemort.
But she didn’t either. Lucy died before him and she watched it happen. He watched her die.
And he thinks to himself that that must be the thing he fears the most. The thing that would come out of the chest if he were still teaching Harry about Boggarts. His future wife dead on the ground.
Harry walks into the great hall after everything seems to calm a bit. And looks around at all the people that didn’t survive. But he stops in his tracks when he sees Lucy. The woman that was like his aunt. Tears spring to his eyes when he sees Remus laying on the ground right next to her. The man that had been a father figure to him. The man that he would ask to be the godfather to his children. Harry falls to his knees at Lucy’s side and takes her hand into his, his head falls to her chest as he slowly begins to sob. The reality of the war being over finally falling upon his shoulders.
Mcgonagall walks over to Harry and bends down to put her arm around Harrys shoulders gently. She pulls him away from Lucy slowly and takes him into her arms. She holds him as he cries. But he doesn’t feel the tears that hit his head as they fall from her eyes as she looks down at them.
She’s thankful to know that they’re all together and that they will love each other more now than ever. She’s thankful that she now knows they can peacefully pull pranks and be the kids that they deserved to be.
“Goodbye, almost lovers.” she whispers as she cries for them. For James and Lily, for Sirius. Thankful that they’re all finally together. But she wonders if Remus knew she found the wedding ring he has been keeping in his pocket since he was 18?
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mrsbsmooth · 10 months
Scripts - S7 - Episode 31 (Part 1 of 2)
Final Date Part 1
Thank you @longbobmckenzie
NARRATOR: Roses are red, violets are blue.
NARRATOR: No couples are safe when {0}’s into you…
NARRATOR: That’s right! {0} declared his feelings for {1} after being dumped and surprisingly, she said yes!
NARRATOR: {0} walked out of the villa in a tizz. It sounded less dramatic in rhyme…
NARRATOR: Anyway, let’s see if she picked the right one.
NARRATOR: Roses are red, violets are blue.
NARRATOR: There’s nothing like someone trying to steal your girl from you!
NARRATOR: I’m talking about {0}’s declaration of course.
NARRATOR: Lucky for {0}, {1} told {2} to take a hike!
NARRATOR: And he did. Straight to the airport… Let’s find out what happens next!
There’s silence around the firepit, the shock around {0}’s exit and {1}’s return sinking in.
{0} squeezes your hand as you stand before him.
{0} squeezes your hand as you stand before her.
UMA_SURPRISED: That did not just happen.
VICKY_SURPRISED: Pretty sure it did.
{0}_SURPRISED: Pretty sure it did.
{0}_SURPRISED: Is this real? I can’t believe what just happened.
VICKY_SURPRISED: I’m so confused.
{0}_SURPRISED: I’m so confused.
UMA_SAD: Has {0} really left?
PLAYER_SURPRISED: Looks like it.
{0}_SERIOUS: What are you playing at, {1}?
{0}_IDLE: I didn’t know that was going to happen and neither did {1}!
{0}_FLIRTY: I’m making sure I’m with the person I want to be with. I’ve waited long enough.
{0}_SERIOUS: That’s what the final recoupling was for!
{0}_FLIRTY: I didn’t get a choice in the final recoupling…
{0}_SERIOUS: Well still, I can’t believe you dropped {1} so quickly.
{0}_IDLE: Such a suss move.
{0}_SERIOUS: What are you trying to say?
{0}_SAD: If you didn’t want {1} you could have let me be with him…
{0}_SAD: I don’t get why you picked him for your final couple if you wanted {1}?
PLAYER_IDLE: Actually, {0} had already chosen {1}.
{0}_SERIOUS: Either way, I don’t think it’s fair.
{0}_SERIOUS: That was super snakey of you guys. You were supposed to be {1}’s friend.
{0}_SERIOUS: And you just let him walk out of here when you’re the one who was dumped.
{0}_SERIOUS: And you just let her walk out of here when you’re the one who was dumped.
No one told {0} to leave
PLAYER_SERIOUS: No one told {0} to leave. That’s on him.
{0}_SERIOUS: Didn’t exactly give him a reason to stay did you?
PLAYER_SERIOUS: No one told {0} to leave. That’s on her.
{0}_SERIOUS: Didn’t exactly give her a reason to stay did you?
{0}_SERIOUS: Mate, it’s all part of the journey. I had to take a chance.
I would’ve left in embarrassment
PLAYER_IDLE: I don’t blame {0} for leaving. I would have too.
PLAYER_SAD: It would’ve been kinda awkward if he stayed.
PLAYER_SAD: It would’ve been kinda awkward if she stayed.
{0}_SERIOUS: Yeah, awkward because of {1} going after someone else's girl.
I don’t feel good about it
PLAYER_SAD: I don’t feel good about it, ok!
PLAYER_IDLE: I did what I felt I had to do, go with my heart.
PLAYER_IDLE: I hope you can understand that.
UMA_SAD: I guess so…
UMA_SAD: You do you, guys.
UMA_IDLE: You’ve gotta go for what you want.
{0}_SURPRISED: Uma?! You can’t agree with this, right?
UMA_SAD: We’ve all had our dramas. Maybe we should all chill out.
UMA_IDLE: Let’s go over to the loungers and take a breather.
UMA_IDLE: It would be good to all get some space.
Uma stands and takes {0}’s hand as they walk away.
{0}_SERIOUS: Have fun.
The others leave you and {0} alone at the firepit.
{0}_HAPPY: That could have gone worse.
PLAYER_HAPPY: You think?
{0}_HAPPY: You know what, I don't care how it goes down with the others.
{0}_HAPPY: I’m just so glad we’re finally a couple. That’s all I could ever want.
{0}_FLIRTY: By the way I didn’t just ask because I was being dumped.
{0}_FLIRTY: I honestly thought we would be walking out of here together.
{0}_FLIRTY: But those feelings had been waiting to burst out of me for so long.
{0}_FLIRTY: I had to get them out before I walked out the door.
{0}_FLIRTY: Otherwise I would never forgive myself. I knew I had to…
{0}_FLIRTY: Go big or go home, right?
PLAYER_HAPPY: Literally, in your case.
{0} laughs and scooches a little closer to you. Looking deep into your eyes.
{0}_HAPPY: I’ve wanted this to happen for so long.
{0}_FLIRTY: We actually get to spend the night as a couple.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: That’s right…
He looks longingly at your lips, leaning towards you slowly.
Uma wanders over.
UMA_HAPPY: Erm, {0}, the girls are gonna go get ready for bed. Coming?
{0}_HAPPY: Perfect timing, Uma!
UMA_EMBARRASSED: Sorry! Was I interrupting?
{0}_FLIRTY: It’s fine, you go, {1}. I’ll wait for you in the bedroom.
You head up to the dressing room with the girls.
There’s silence around the firepit as the shock of {0}’s dramatic departure sinks in.
UMA_SURPRISED: Did that just happen?
VICKY_SURPRISED: Pretty sure it did.
{0}_SURPRISED: Pretty sure it did.
UMA_SURPRISED: I didn’t see that coming.
{0}_HAPPY: I did. We knew he was into you, {1}.
{0}_IDLE: Yeah, but to say it in front of everyone when you've just been dumped?!
UMA_EMBARRASSED: What was he thinking?! Surely he knew you’d never say yes to him.
He obviously wasn’t thinking
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: He wasn’t thinking, that's the problem.
PLAYER_IDLE: How could he ever think I’d choose him over {0}?!
{0}_IDLE: I mean, I get it. You’re amazing, but he had no chance.
{0}_HAPPY: And I’m glad you’re happy with me.
You gotta respect the confidence
PLAYER_HAPPY: I mean you’ve gotta respect his confidence.
PLAYER_HAPPY: He knew what he wanted. But he knew the risk of me not wanting him.
{0}_HAPPY: I couldn’t be happier that you don’t want him.
{0}_HAPPY: But yeah, got to give it to him for shooting his shot.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Well, he’s gone now.
UMA_HAPPY: And we’re the proper final couples!
{0}_HAPPY: We’ve got one day left. We’re definitely the final couples.
UMA_HAPPY: Not much time left to spend with each other though.
Uma leans into {0} and nuzzles into his chest.
{0}_FLIRTY: Then we better make the most of it.
{0}_FLIRTY: You read my mind.
The girls lead all their partners to different places in the villa leaving you and {0} alone.
{0}_FLIRTY: Finally.
{0}_FLIRTY: To be here with you? Couldn't be happier.
{0}_HAPPY: I want you to know that I think you made the right choice.
{0}_HAPPY: Sticking with me. And I’m going to make sure I prove that to you everyday.
{0}_FLIRTY: We’re so right for each other. Not being dumped shows how compatible we are.
Of course we’re right for each other
PLAYER_FLIRTY: It’s obvious how right we are for each other.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: No doubt in my mind.
{0}_HAPPY: See, we even agree on this. Super compatible.
Nah, it doesn’t prove anything
PLAYER_IDLE: Meh, does it really prove anything though?
PLAYER_IDLE: We could have just been having a good day.
{0}_SURPRISED: Yeah, I guess that’s one way to think of it.
{0}_HAPPY: Maybe I’m romanticising it, but I think we’re spot on.
{0}_FLIRTY: You just proved that to me anyway.
It’s still too early
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: It’s still too early to say we are perfectly compatible.
PLAYER_IDLE: It’s right for right now though.
{0}_IDLE: Yeah, you’re right. Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself.
{0}_HAPPY: But either way, what you did meant a lot to me. Thank you.
{0}_HAPPY: I think what we have is amazing.
{0}_FLIRTY: So good that I might even have a little surprise for you tomorrow...
{0} winks at you.
{0}_FLIRTY: Do you really want to ruin the surprise?
{0}_FLIRTY: Sure you don’t want to wait?
His eyes drift to your lips.
Her eyes drift to your lips.
UMA_HAPPY: Erm, {0}, the girls are gonna go get ready for bed. Coming?
{0}_HAPPY: Perfect timing, Uma!
UMA_EMBARRASSED: Sorry! Am I interrupting?
{0}_HAPPY: It’s ok, go have your girl time, {1}.
{0}_FLIRTY: See you later…
{0}_HAPPY: It’s ok, let’s go have a debrief.
You follow Uma as {0} smiles at you.
You head into the dressing room where Uma, {0} and Vicky are getting ready for bed.
{0}_SAD: Yeah, just so sad {1} is gone.
VICKY_SAD: I’m gonna miss getting ready with her.
UMA_SAD: Yeah. She was such a laugh!
UMA_SAD: She always put a smile on my face.
{0}_SAD: I know, she lit up the room.
UMA_SAD: It won’t be the same without her.
UMA_SAD: Are you going to miss her, {0}?
So much!
PLAYER_SAD: Of course! She was one of us!
PLAYER_SAD: Feels like there is a part missing now.
PLAYER_SAD: I’m gonna miss her so much.
UMA_SAD: Me too.
Not really
PLAYER_IDLE: Not really. It wasn’t that deep with me and her.
UMA_SAD: Oh right… well I’m gonna miss her.
UMA_SAD: Though I guess there isn’t long left of the summer anyway!
UMA_SAD: Tonight has been such a shock.
Uma turns to you with wide eyes.
UMA_HAPPY: But not as much of a shock as what {0} did!
{0}_SERIOUS: So glad I had nothing to do with that drama.
VICKY_SERIOUS: Still can’t believe it happened.
UMA_HAPPY: Were you shocked, {0}?
I had no idea!
PLAYER_SURPRISED: Erm, yeah! I had no clue he was going to do that.
UMA_HAPPY: I saw the look on your face. Pure shock.
UMA_HAPPY: But nice to know how much of an effect you have on people.
UMA_HAPPY: He really poured his heart out.
I wasn’t shocked at all
PLAYER_IDLE: No, I wasn’t shocked at all.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I knew he had a big crush on me. It was about time he said something.
UMA_HAPPY: Bet my face was a picture. I didn’t get what was happening for a few seconds.
UMA_HAPPY: He really poured his heart out.
{0}_IDLE: You didn’t have long to make that choice...
{0}_IDLE: My heart was pounding waiting for you to answer.
UMA_HAPPY: Same! It was straight out of a movie!
PLAYER_HAPPY: There was a lot going on.
UMA_FLIRTY: As much drama as it was, I like the idea of going after what you want.
UMA_FLIRTY: Even though it didn’t work out for {0}.
{0}_SERIOUS: Let’s hope you made the right choice…
UMA_EMBARRASSED: Of course she did!
UMA_IDLE: You’re happy with your choice, right, {0}?
Couldn’t be happier
PLAYER_HAPPY: So so happy, girls. I defo made the right choice.
UMA_HAPPY: Yes, {0}! Knew you would be.
UMA_FLIRTY: Bet you’re looking forward to tonight!
I might regret it
PLAYER_SAD: I might regret it, but not much I can do about it now.
UMA_SAD: Don’t think like that now. Have fun with {0} and see how it goes.
UMA_HAPPY: No pressure!
I’m not sure yet
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m not too sure right now.
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: We’ll find out I guess.
UMA_IDLE: We defo will. But no pressure right now.
UMA_HAPPY: Have fun with {0} and just see how it goes.
{0} pokes his head around the corner of the dressing room.
{0}_HAPPY: Sorry to interrupt.
{0}_HAPPY: {1}, could you meet me on the terrace when you’re ready?
PLAYER_HAPPY: Erm, ok! Why?
{0}_FLIRTY: Well that’s top secret but I think you’re gonna love it.
{0}_FLIRTY: See you out there in a minute. I’m going to freshen up.
{0}_FLIRTY: See you out there in a minute. I’ll finish getting ready outside.
{0} winks at you and dashes off, leaving you to get changed.
The girls bounce up and down with excitement.
UMA_HAPPY: Erm, that’s hot!
{0}_IDLE: So we’re really going to pretend the whole swap thing didn’t happen now?
UMA_IDLE: It’s not any of our business!
UMA_IDLE: What’s done is done and I for one am just happy for {0}.
UMA_HAPPY: And you should be too!
{0}_SERIOUS: I just think it was out of line…
Stay out of it!
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Maybe you should keep your opinions to yourself?
PLAYER_SERIOUS: No one asked you what you thought about it.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: It was my choice. And it’s done.
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Ok, fine!
You’re welcome to your opinion
PLAYER_IDLE: Fine, that’s your opinion.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Everyone’s got one…
{0}_IDLE: Exactly. Then we agree to disagree.
{0}_IDLE: So what, {1} is going to pretend that whole dumping drama didn’t happen?
UMA_IDLE: It’s not our business!
UMA_HAPPY: Anyway, {0} totally rejected {1}!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Damn right I did!
UMA_HAPPY: If I was {0} I would be on cloud nine right now!
{0}_IDLE: Fair enough.
UMA_HAPPY: It’s the last day and {0} made her decision. That’s the end of it.
UMA_HAPPY: By the sounds of it, you also have a great night ahead of you, {0}.
UMA_FLIRTY: I bet {0} has planned something super romantic!
PLAYER_HAPPY: You think?
UMA_FLIRTY: For sure! I bet he’s gone all out.
UMA_FLIRTY: For sure! I bet she’s gone all out.
UMA_FLIRTY: Which means you better go all out too!
{0}_HAPPY: Speaking of which we better get ready!
UMA_HAPPY: We look hot!
{0}_HAPPY: As always!
UMA_FLIRTY: Right, I’m gonna love ya and leave ya. There’s a special man in my bed I have to see.
UMA_FLIRTY: Have fun on the terrace, {0}. Can’t say I’m not jealous.
{0} and the others head into the bedroom as you wonder whether to make any touch ups to your look.
You make your way out to the terrace.
You find {0} waiting for you in a specially made pillow fort for two.
{0}’s eyes light up seeing you.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Wow, you did all this?
{0}_FLIRTY: Oh, this? It was nothing.
{0}_FLIRTY: I just wanted to surprise you with a little something.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Happy to see me then?
{0}_FLIRTY: More than you could possibly know.
{0}_FLIRTY: I thought we could spend the night out here?
{0}_FLIRTY: I wanted to recreate the magic…
{0}_FLIRTY: All those nights ago out on the Casa Amor terrace.
{0}_FLIRTY: And now we are here, in the main villa.
{0}_FLIRTY: I wanted our first night as a final couple to be special.
{0}_FLIRTY: To show you how much your choice means to me.
{0}_FLIRTY: And how lucky I am to be here with you.
{0}_FLIRTY: Because I wouldn’t want to be here with anyone else.
{0}_FLIRTY: So tonight it’s just you, me and the stars.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Thanks, {0}.
You join {0} in the fort. He scooches closer to you.
You join {0} in the fort. She scooches closer to you.
{0}_SURPRISED: Can you believe this is the final night?
{0}_HAPPY: Feels like Casa Amor was just yesterday.
{0}_HAPPY: Feels like I only just arrived!
PLAYER_IDLE: Yeah, I guess it has kinda flown by?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: But we’ve made it to the last night of Love Island.
{0}_IDLE: Are you ready to head back to reality?
I'm so ready
PLAYER_HAPPY: I'm so ready!
PLAYER_HAPPY: This has been fun, but I miss my regular life!
PLAYER_HAPPY: And now I get to go back and see what the future holds.
I'm going to be sad to leave
PLAYER_SAD: Actually, I'm already feeling a bit sad.
PLAYER_IDLE: Despite the drama, I've loved my time here.
PLAYER_IDLE: I don’t think I’m ready to leave just yet.
PLAYER_SAD: Especially as we have only just gotten the chance to be together.
{0}_SAD: I know, that’s my biggest regret.
PLAYER_IDLE: I guess we will see what the future holds…
I’m not sure yet
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m not sure yet.
PLAYER_IDLE: On the one hand I have loved my summer here.
PLAYER_IDLE: On the other hand, I can’t wait for what the future holds.
PLAYER_IDLE: I’ve got mixed emotions.
{0}_IDLE: I know what you mean, me too.
{0}_FLIRTY: Well, I hope I’m in that future with you…
{0}_EMBARRASSED: I know this… thing… between us is new.
{0}_IDLE: We don’t know where it’s going yet.
{0}_HAPPY: But I'm excited to see where it could go.
{0}_HAPPY: I know we’ve spoken about the future between us.
{0}_FLIRTY: I just can’t wait to get started.
{0}_IDLE: How are you feeling about the final?
{0}_HAPPY: Think we could win this thing?
It's in the bag
PLAYER_HAPPY: Of course! We’ve got this in the bag!
PLAYER_HAPPY: We’re so right for each other! Anyone can see that!
{0}_FLIRTY: Well, I know I do! I just hope the public does too.
I really don't know
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: I really don't know.
PLAYER_IDLE: I think we're a strong couple, but who knows what the viewers think.
PLAYER_IDLE: It’s all to play for right now.
PLAYER_IDLE: Even if we have been through this whole thing together.
PLAYER_IDLE: We’re not guaranteed the win.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Who knows what people will make of this big switch up!
{0}_IDLE: I guess we will wait and see.
{0}_IDLE: But, it doesn't matter. Win or lose, we got to spend an amazing summer together.
{0} shifts even closer, spreading a blanket over you both.
{0}_FLIRTY: Honestly, I don’t think this night could get any better.
{0}_FLIRTY: Well, I do. Do you want to stay up a bit later with me?
{0}_FLIRTY: Maybe get a little closer…
{0}_FLIRTY: Celebrate being together and heading into the final.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Celebrate how?
{0}_FLIRTY: I can think of a few ways. If you know what I mean?
{0}_FLIRTY: What do you say? Wanna stay up for a night under the stars?
*Let's stay up!
Let's just go to sleep
PLAYER_IDLE: Let's just go to sleep.
{0}_SURPRISED: Really?
{0}_HAPPY: I thought you'd want to make the most of our alone time.
{0}_FLIRTY: This is our last night in the villa after all.
{0}_FLIRTY: We’ll never get a chance like this again.
{0}_FLIRTY: This is a once in a lifetime night. Don’t you wanna make the most of it?
{0}_FLIRTY: Plus we have complete privacy, a perfect chance to spice things up?
*Let’s make the most of this!
I wanna go to bed
PLAYER_IDLE: Sorry, {0}, but it's getting late and I'm tired.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I'd really like to get some sleep before tomorrow.
{0}_IDLE: I understand. No problem!
You and {0} settle down for the night in your fort.
Your eyes grow heavy as you drift off to sleep under the stars.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Ok, let's stay up!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I don't want to waste a perfectly good pillow fort!
{0}_FLIRTY: Well, I am a pro after all.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Oh, really?
{0}_FLIRTY: Yep, best pillow fort maker in the business.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Wow, what an honour to be in your fort.
{0}_FLIRTY: Yes, it’s a very high honour.
{0} cracks up.
{0}_FLIRTY: You know, I’ve been thinking about this night a lot.
PLAYER_IDLE: You have?
{0}_FLIRTY: I mean, never in my wildest dreams did I think I would get to the final.
{0}_FLIRTY: And I very nearly didn’t!
{0}_IDLE: Today would have been the end of the road for me…
{0}_IDLE: Me and {1} would be heading home right now.
{0}_FLIRTY: But instead, here we are.
{0}_IDLE: I still can’t believe that I’m here.
{0}_IDLE: I didn’t think I had a hope.
{0}_FLIRTY: But then I met you. And you gave me hope.
{0}_FLIRTY: In fact, if it wasn’t for you, {1}. I wouldn’t be here right now.
{0}_FLIRTY: Meeting you changed everything.
{0}_FLIRTY: I honestly think I would have been dumped or walked off ages ago.
{0}_FLIRTY: If I hadn’t met you here.
{0}_HAPPY: You saved me, {1}.
Yeah, I did!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Yeah, I saved you! And don’t you forget it.
{0}_HAPPY: Oh don’t worry, I won’t. I’ll never forget it.
{0}_HAPPY: And I want you to know how grateful I am.
Don’t be silly
PLAYER_HAPPY: Now you’re just being silly.
{0}_FLIRTY: I wish I was, but it’s true.
{0}_FLIRTY: I’m so grateful I met you, {1}.
We saved each other
PLAYER_IDLE: I think we saved each other.
{0}_HAPPY: What do you mean?
PLAYER_HAPPY: Well, the only reason we are here together is because we found each other.
PLAYER_HAPPY: So in a way we both saved each other.
{0}_FLIRTY: I guess so…
{0}_FLIRTY: I wouldn’t want to be here if I wasn’t by your side.
{0}_FLIRTY: And if that’s not something to celebrate, then I don’t know what is!
{0} pours you both a glass.
{0}_HAPPY: A cheers? To…
Winning Love Island!
PLAYER_HAPPY: To the final! And winning Love Island!
{0}_FLIRTY: I’m loving that confidence! Let’s hope we do.
{0}_FLIRTY: To winning Love Island!
PLAYER_IDLE: To {0}! Gonna miss her!
{0}_HAPPY: Yeah, me too.
{0}_HAPPY: She was great fun.
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Oh right yeah. I will miss her too.
{0}_IDLE: Never wanted it to end badly.
{0}_HAPPY: She was a great laugh.
{0}_HAPPY: To {1}!
{0}_HAPPY: Nice, simple and everything that matters.
{0}_FLIRTY: To us!
You clink your glasses.
As you each sip your drink, {0}’s gaze drifts to your lips.
{0}_FLIRTY: I'm glad we're on the same page.
You lick your lips, then you lean closer to {0} as you close your eyes.
{0}_FLIRTY: What do you want to do now, {1}?
Go all the way
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I definitely don't want to hold back. Not tonight.
{0}_FLIRTY: Good, because I don't want to hold back either.
{0} leans in, then your lips meet in a heated kiss.
You melt into each other's embrace, kissing as you move your hands sensually over {0}’s body.
As the kiss intensifies, you pull {0} closer, your bodies tangled together amongst the pillows.
She starts to trail her kisses down your neck as you remove each other’s clothes.
Your hands caress her perfect skin, as she moves even lower.
She kisses your collarbone, then your chest. Her fingers lightly brush against your inner thighs as she finds the perfect spot.
Caressing you gently, her kisses trail further down, past your waist following the path of her touch to the apex of your thighs.
She gently caresses your side as you push your hands through her hair. Her lips send a shiver of pleasure shooting through you.
Your heart rate quickens as you reach a blissful crescendo of pleasure.
As the kiss intensifies, you pull him closer, your bodies tangled together amongst the pillows.
{0} starts to trail his kisses down your neck as you remove each other’s clothes piece by piece.
You run your hands over his hard abs.
{0}_FLIRTY: {1}...
He murmurs against your lips, the vibration causing your entire body to tingle.
You tangle your fingers in his hair and pull him back in for a kiss as you feel his body pressing against yours.
Caressing you gently, his kisses trail further down, past your waist to the apex of your thighs.
He gently caresses your side as you push your hands through his hair. His lips send a shiver of pleasure shooting through you.
He moves back up your body as you begin to move together as one, he slowly runs his fingers over your sides, holding you tight.
You roll on top of him, his hands sensually stroking your back as you run your hands down his pecs.
Your heart rate quickens, then together you both reach a blissful crescendo of pleasure.
You collapse beside each other in bliss and put your clothes back on.
{0}_FLIRTY: That was incredible.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: It really was…
Wrapped up in {0}'s arms, you quickly drift off to sleep.
Do bits
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Let’s have some fun.
{0}_FLIRTY: Your wish is my command.
{0} leans in, then your lips meet in a heated kiss.
You melt into the embrace as you kiss passionately, your hands moving sensually over each other’s bodies.
As the kiss intensifies, you pull {0} closer, your bodies tangled together amongst the pillows.
She starts to trail her kisses down your neck, you caress her perfect skin, as she moves her hands lower.
She kisses your collarbone, then your chest. Her fingers lightly brush against your inner thighs as she finds the perfect spot.
Caressing you gently, you feel your heart rate quicken. You move your hand down her body to mirror her movements.
You move together as one, your breath quickening. Her touch sends shivers of pleasure shooting through you.
The intensity builds and builds until you can’t hold on any longer and both reach a blissful crescendo of pleasure.
As the kiss intensifies, you pull him closer, your bodies tangled together amongst the pillows.
{0} starts to trail his kisses down your neck as you run your hands over his hard abs.
{0}_FLIRTY: {1}...
He murmurs against your lips, the vibration causing your entire body to tingle.
You tangle your fingers in his hair and pull him back in for a kiss as you feel his body pressing against yours.
Caressing you gently, his kisses trail further down, past your waist to the apex of your thighs.
He gently caresses your side as you push your hands through his hair. His lips send a shiver of pleasure shooting through you.
Your heart rate quickens, the intensity builds and builds.
Until you can’t hold on any longer and you reach a blissful crescendo of pleasure.
You collapse beside each other, grinning from ear to ear.
{0}_FLIRTY: That was incredible.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: It really was…
Wrapped up in {0}'s arms, you both drift off to sleep.
Kiss and cuddle
You pull {0} into you and kiss deeply.
Your arms wrap around each other in a tight and comforting embrace.
{0} kisses you deeper, caressing your neck and hair.
You melt together, completely lost in the magic of the moment.
The kiss is sweet yet sensual. Neither of you want it to end. Until you both eventually pull away.
{0}_FLIRTY: That was some kiss.
{0} pulls you into his arms as you both drift off to sleep.
{0} pulls you into her arms as you both drift off to sleep.
Get some sleep
PLAYER_IDLE: Maybe we should get some rest?
PLAYER_IDLE: Final day tomorrow, wanna be on top form.
{0}_HAPPY: You’re right, I need my beauty sleep!
{0}_IDLE: Goodnight, {1}.
You both settle down under the fort and drift peacefully off to sleep.
You hear the birds softly chirping as you wake up beside {0}.
{0}_HAPPY: Good morning, beautiful.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Good morning!
{0} smiles softly at you.
{0}_HAPPY: Last night was pretty special.
{0}_HAPPY: It was the perfect way to spend our first official night as a couple.
Last night was perfect
PLAYER_HAPPY: Last night was perfect.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Alone with you in a pillow fort? What else could I ask for?
{0}_HAPPY: I’m glad you liked it.
I had too much on my mind to sleep
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: I had too much on my mind to sleep.
PLAYER_HAPPY: But I liked being out here alone with you.
{0}_SAD: I’m sorry you didn't sleep well.
{0}_HAPPY: You should have woken me up! I would have stayed awake with you.
PLAYER_HAPPY: You would?
{0}_HAPPY: Of course, more time with {1} is always a win.
An actual bed would have been better
PLAYER_HAPPY: An actual bed would have been better.
PLAYER_HAPPY: But at least we got complete privacy!
{0}_SAD: Sorry if it wasn’t comfy.
{0}_HAPPY: I’ll make sure to add more pillows next time.
{0} lets out a yawn and stretches.
PLAYER_IDLE: We should probably get up soon.
PLAYER_HAPPY: See what's in store for the final day.
Your phone pings!
{0}_HAPPY: Looks like we’re about to find out! Read it!
LITEXT: Islanders, get ready to look fabulous as today you will be going on your final dates. {0}FinalDay {1}FinalDates
PLAYER_HAPPY: Final dates!
{0}_IDLE: Wow, it’s really happening! Are you ready for it?
Definitely ready
PLAYER_HAPPY: I'm definitely ready!
PLAYER_HAPPY: I can't wait to see what’s planned for today.
{0}_HAPPY: Me neither. I can already tell it’s going to be perfect.
I've been ready since day one
PLAYER_HAPPY: I've been ready since day one!
{0}_HAPPY: Someone was confident!
PLAYER_HAPPY: I had a good feeling about us right from the beginning.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I just had a feeling that things would work out.
{0}_HAPPY: Seems like your gut feeling was right.
I'm a little nervous
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: I'm a little nervous.
PLAYER_IDLE: I just don't know what to expect.
{0}_HAPPY: Don't stress, {1}.
{0}_HAPPY: It’s best to just live in the moment and enjoy it while it lasts.
{0}_HAPPY: And I’ll be here beside you every step of the way.
You start to get up, when {0} reaches out, offering his hand.
You start to get up, when {0} reaches out, offering her hand.
{0}_FLIRTY: We still have a little time. Why don't we make the most of this pillow fort?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: What did you have in mind?
{0}_FLIRTY: How about a good morning kiss?
{0}_FLIRTY: Or a bit of a cuddle?
Share a sweet kiss
PLAYER_HAPPY: A good morning kiss sounds perfect.
You grin back at {0}, then you lean in and lightly brush your lips against his.
He cups your cheeks and draws you closer as the kiss deepens. It’s firm but sensual and you feel goosebumps tingle across your skin.
You grin back at {0}, then you lean in and lightly brush your lips against hers.
She cups your cheeks and draws you closer as the kiss deepens. It’s firm but sensual and you feel goosebumps tingle across your skin.
You both pull away as your heart beats faster in your chest.
{0}_HAPPY: I could stay here forever.
PLAYER_HAPPY: We'd better get up though. It's time to get ready.
Cuddle with {0}
PLAYER_HAPPY: A good morning cuddle sounds perfect.
You shift closer as {0} wraps his arms around you, holding you in a warm, comforting embrace.
You shift closer as {0} wraps her arms around you, holding you in a warm, comforting embrace.
{0}_IDLE: I wish we didn't have to get up.
{0}_HAPPY: I could stay like this for hours.
You let out a soft laugh as you snuggle closer.
The heat from {0}’s body wraps around you and you breathe in his familiar scent.
The heat from {0}’s body wraps around you and you breathe in her familiar scent.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I could too, but we really do need to get up!
Get up and get ready
PLAYER_HAPPY: Sorry, {0}, but I want to make the most of the final day.
PLAYER_HAPPY: We should probably go and get ready.
{0}_IDLE: Yeah, I guess you’re right. Come on then.
{0} helps you to your feet.
{0}_HAPPY: You go get ready with the girls.
{0}_HAPPY: I'll see you on our date!
{0}_HAPPY: Let's go get ready with the girls!
You head off to find the others in the dressing room.
You and the girls get into the dressing room and straight to your wardrobes.
Uma rummages through her options as {0} starts her make-up.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Final dates, ladies!
UMA_HAPPY: We saw! Cannot wait!
VICKY_HAPPY: Let’s get it!
{0}_HAPPY: I don’t want these to be our last dates.
UMA_HAPPY: Well hopefully they won't be.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Yeah, more dates to be had back home.
{0}_SAD: But this is the last one in the villa.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: If it is in the villa… who knows where we will be going?
{0}_HAPPY: Well, mine better be amazing then.
{0}_HAPPY: If {1} doesn’t make it the most magical date ever, I won’t be happy.
UMA_SURPRISED: No pressure for him then.
UMA_HAPPY: Anywhere with {0} will be an amazing date. We have the best time.
{0}_FLIRTY: I’m thinking dinner and a show.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: Is {0} going to be in the show too?
{0}_HAPPY: He is the show! No, I just want a simple quartet playing as he pops open a bottle.
UMA_HAPPY: Love that! I just want something cosy and intimate.
UMA_FLIRTY: Just me and him. Under the stars.
VICKY_FLIRTY: I’m hoping for some wine tasting.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Oh, really?
VICKY_HAPPY: Well, I love anything romantic and educational.
VICKY_FLIRTY: Which of our dates would you pick, {0}?
Cultural dates are it
PLAYER_HAPPY: Out of those I have to go for a cultural date.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: A bit of flirting while learning something new? Yes, please.
VICKY_FLIRTY: Knew you would. But I’d be happy to go anywhere with you today.
VICKY_FLIRTY: Knew you’d love it.
UMA_HAPPY: No way, girls! Lessons and dates don’t mix.
I want a date under the stars
PLAYER_HAPPY: Have to agree with Uma.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Out of those dates I’d go for under the stars.
UMA_HAPPY: Knew you’d get it!
UMA_FLIRTY: Give me some snacks, a blanket, flirty chat and I’m all good.
Give me the dinner and a show
PLAYER_HAPPY: Out of those dates I’d defo go for dinner and a show.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Love that high energy type of date.
{0}_HAPPY: Yes! It’s all about high energy.
{0}_FLIRTY: Start as you mean to go on, if you know what I mean…
{0}_IDLE: I mean the bedroom.
VICKY_HAPPY: We know what you mean.
{0}_HAPPY: But in all seriousness, I’d be happy anywhere with {1}.
PLAYER_HAPPY: You two finding your feet then?
{0}_FLIRTY: Yeah, things feel pretty good right now.
{0}_FLIRTY: I don’t think either of us thought we’d be together at this point.
{0}_HAPPY: But, I’m glad he’s my final date for the summer.
UMA_HAPPY: Final dates mean epic outfits! Time to go all out.
{0}_FLIRTY: Well, I don’t know about you girls but I love a bit of mystery.
{0}_FLIRTY: Seeing {1}’s outfits is the best part of my day.
{0}_FLIRTY: So, I’m gonna go and get changed somewhere else.
She approaches you with a flirty wink.
{0}_FLIRTY: See you on our date.
UMA_FLIRTY: Ok, girls. Let’s see what you’ve got for us.
BONNIE_HAPPY: I know just the thing.
Uma gives you all a spin of her outfit.
UMA_HAPPY: What do we think?
{0}_IDLE: {1}’s jaw is gonna be on the floor!
UMA_HAPPY: How about you, {0}. What are you thinking?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Now this is a final date look.
UMA_HAPPY: Yes, yes, yes. Smashed it.
{0}_HAPPY: I’m actually in love with it.
VICKY_FLIRTY: All I have to add to that is <i>yum</i>!
BONNIE_FLIRTY: You sure know how to go out with a bang!
PLAYER_IDLE: This will do.
UMA_IDLE: It’s the final dates though!
VICKY_IDLE: Yeah we need to go all out, no?
{0}_IDLE: Go big or go home. This is the time to go big!
{0}_IDLE: You sure you don’t want to try another outfit?
Let’s have another look
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Fair enough. I’ll try another.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: How’s this, girls?
UMA_HAPPY: Damn, {0}. Smashed it.
{0}_HAPPY: I’m in love with it.
VICKY_FLIRTY: All I have to add to that is <i>yum</i>!
BONNIE_FLIRTY: You sure know how to go out with a bang!
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m happy with this.
UMA_IDLE: Sure, whatever you’re happy with.
I’m good wearing this
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m happy with this.
UMA_HAPPY: I wish I could date us. We look hot as!
PLAYER_HAPPY: You can say that again.
UMA_HAPPY: Today is going to be so fun. I can’t wait to see who wins.
{0}_HAPPY: Imagine if someone takes the money!
UMA_SAD: That wouldn’t be romantic at all.
{0}_HAPPY: But it would be saucy and I’d love the drama.
UMA_HAPPY: But obvs I’ll be choosing love everytime.
VICKY_HAPPY: Anyway, we’ve got hot dates to enjoy.
{0}_HAPPY: Oooh, I wonder where we’re going?
PLAYER_HAPPY: We’re about to find out. Let’s go!
You and the girls cheer as you rush off for your final dates.
You and {0} arrive at a luxury yacht, bobbing peacefully in the ocean breeze.
He takes your hand as he helps you walk on board.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Wow, this is incredible!
{0}_HAPPY: There’s clearly been no expense spared on these final dates!
{0} leads you over to a seating area at the front with bubbles and nibbles laid out.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Thank you.
The sea breeze blows gently through your hair as you sit down and look out over the ocean.
The yacht sets sail, heading a little way off the coast.
{0}_FLIRTY: By the way, you look absolutely stunning!
PLAYER_HAPPY: I had to pull out all the stops for our final date.
{0}_HAPPY: Well, it's definitely paid off.
{0}_HAPPY: I won’t be able to keep my eyes off you.
{0} pops open a bottle of fizz and pours you both a drink. He raises a glass.
{0}_FLIRTY: To a perfect final date. With a perfect person!
You and {0} clink glasses and sip on your bubbly.
{0}_HAPPY: I’m so glad it’s you sitting opposite me today.
I feel the same way
PLAYER_HAPPY: I feel the same way.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I feel like our connection has gone from strength to strength.
{0}_HAPPY: I'm glad you feel the same way. It's nice to know we're on the same page.
{0}_IDLE: I know that twisting with you caused some issues with {1}.
I hope I made the right choice
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: I'm glad you feel that way. I just hope I made the right choice.
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Having some doubts?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I mean, I think we have a real connection.
PLAYER_IDLE: But it's hard to know if it's real...
PLAYER_IDLE: Or if it's all just…
{0}_IDLE: Part of the Love Island experience?
{0}_FLIRTY: Well, I hope I can convince you that you made the right choice.
{0}_IDLE: Even if choosing you caused some drama between you and {1}.
I'm not sure you really mean that
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: I’m not certain I believe that right now.
{0}_SURPRISED: Really?
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: With everything between you and {0}...
{0}_IDLE: I really mean it, {1}.
{0}_FLIRTY: There may have been a spark with {1} at the beginning.
{0}_FLIRTY: But it's nothing like the connection I feel with you.
{0}_IDLE: Speaking of {1}, I know there's still some drama between you.
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: She’s not my biggest fan.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I knew that coming into the villa as a bombshell meant I’d ruffle some feathers.
{0} takes a sip and leans closer to you, his eyes full of sincerity.
{0}_HAPPY: Despite the drama, I like to think we've had some great times together.
{0}_FLIRTY: I'll definitely never forget our night together on the Casa terrace!
PLAYER_HAPPY: That was special.
{0}_HAPPY: I’m glad it left a good impression.
{0}_FLIRTY: We’ve been lucky to spend so many special nights together.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: You mean like in the hideaway?
{0}_FLIRTY: Well now you mention it yes, that has been on my mind.
{0}_FLIRTY: That was pretty naughty…
{0}_FLIRTY: That has to be up there with one of the best nights ever.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Which time?
{0}_FLIRTY: I couldn’t possibly choose.
{0}_FLIRTY: Maybe the second time though.
{0}_FLIRTY: Because every night with you gets better than the last.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Look at you turning on the charm.
{0}_FLIRTY: I can turn it on when I want to…
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I’m intrigued…
PLAYER_HAPPY: But I still haven't completely forgiven you for saying my kiss wasn't great!
{0}_FLIRTY: Then I guess I'll just need to make up for it.
{0}_FLIRTY: Next time we kiss, I definitely won't hold back.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: You better!
{0}_HAPPY: Wow, it’s only when you look back that you realise how wild it’s all been.
{0}_HAPPY: Part of me can't believe that we've made it this far together!
PLAYER_IDLE: Did you ever have your doubts?
{0}_HAPPY: At times…
{0}_EMBARRASSED: There's a lot of competition here. I was worried your head would turn!
{0}_EMBARRASSED: I definitely got nervous when Travis stole you away from me.
{0}_EMBARRASSED: I definitely got nervous when Vicky stole you away from me.
{0}_IDLE: Were you never worried about that?
I knew we'd get back together
PLAYER_HAPPY: Being coupled with someone else was just part of the journey.
PLAYER_HAPPY: We are all here to be tested. And we passed the test!
PLAYER_HAPPY: I always knew I’d make it back to you.
{0}_HAPPY: You sound confident!
PLAYER_HAPPY: I was. After all, you twisted with me for a reason!
I'm still upset about that!
PLAYER_SAD: I would have much rather spent that time with you!
{0}_HAPPY: We still found ways to spend time together.
{0}_FLIRTY: Like the night you were coupled with Travis.
{0}_FLIRTY: We still managed to spend the night together!
{0}_FLIRTY: Sneaking out with you to the daybeds really got my blood pumping.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I guess I just couldn't stay away from you.
{0}_SAD: But it did suck seeing you share a bed with someone else.
{0}_SAD: I just wanted it to be us tucked up in that bed.
PLAYER_HAPPY: It wasn't easy for me either, but I'm glad we found our way back together eventually.
{0}_HAPPY: Some things are just meant to be, I guess.
I think it was for the best
PLAYER_IDLE: It gave us both a chance to see where our heads were at.
PLAYER_IDLE: And know for certain where we wanted to be.
{0}_HAPPY: Well it worked for sure.
{0}_HAPPY: I couldn’t get you out of my head the whole time.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Being coupled up with someone else just reassured me that it was you I wanted to be with.
{0}_HAPPY: And now we have so much to look forward to!
{0}_HAPPY: I can’t wait for the prom tonight.
{0}_HAPPY: I’ve got the perfect outfit picked out.
{0}_HAPPY: Of course! You always show everyone up with your looks!
{0}_HAPPY: I can’t imagine what you’re going to pull out for the prom!
{0}_HAPPY: I couldn’t risk letting you down.
{0}_HAPPY: Not that I could ever match you either, but I’ve tried.
{0}_HAPPY: I think it will be the perfect way to end this journey.
{0}_FLIRTY: But do you know what I’m really looking forward to?
{0}_FLIRTY: Our declarations of love.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Ooh, do you know what you’re going to say?
{0}_FLIRTY: Maybe…
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Can you give me a sneak peek?
{0}_HAPPY: Nope! You'll have to wait.
{0}_HAPPY: I don't want to ruin the surprise!
At least give me a hint!
PLAYER_HAPPY: At least give me a hint? Even if it's just a tiny one!
{0}_HAPPY: Ok, ok! One tiny line.
{0}_IDLE: I was going to say that I came here to find a spark.
{0}_HAPPY: And I did, but that spark lit a fuse.
{0}_HAPPY: And what I found was nothing short of fireworks.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: You think what we have is like fireworks?
{0}_HAPPY: Morning, noon and night.
Ok, I want it to be a secret
PLAYER_HAPPY: Ok, keep it a secret.
{0}_FLIRTY: It’ll be better this way.
{0}_FLIRTY: I want it to be a grand surprise.
{0} smiles at you and places his hand on top of yours.
The two of you look out at the lapping waves, seabirds soaring overhead.
{0}_HAPPY: This really is a beautiful final date.
{0} leans towards you, he gently rubs his thumb across your cheekbone as he looks into your eyes.
{0}_FLIRTY: With the most beautiful girl.
Kiss him
You lean in and lightly brush your lips against {0}.
{0} cups the back of your head as he pulls you closer, deepening the kiss.
The kiss starts off soft and sweet, then it slowly heats up as you melt into {0}’s embrace.
Holding each other tight, the sound of the sea washes over you and you feel like the only people in the world.
Eventually you both pull apart, your heart still pounding in your chest.
{0}_FLIRTY: That was some kiss.
Flirt back
PLAYER_FLIRTY: And with the most handsome guy.
{0}_FLIRTY: Most beautiful and most handsome? We make quite the duo.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Just think what we could do together… On a private yacht.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Out here without having to worry about being interrupted.
{0}_FLIRTY: Oh? Like what?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I'm sure you can use your imagination.
{0}_FLIRTY: I definitely have a few ideas.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Well, it is the final date. You definitely shouldn't hold back.
{0} holds your gaze, then he leans in and gently caresses your neck.
{0}_FLIRTY: I definitely won't.
Give him a hug
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Do you think so?
{0}_FLIRTY: Of course!
You wrap your arms around {0}. Resting your head on his chest
1 note · View note
domi-scu · 2 years
It’s the climb
I can’t believe we’re still struggling with waking up at decent time and need an alarm (which we ignore for an hour before actually getting up).
Either way, we tried to get ready as quickly as possible so that we can head out to Railay and check out the climb to the Lagoon. We still didn’t get there until just before lunch but there was an attempt! We took our usual water taxi, walked through the long street of shops to East Railay, which is really just a port for longtail boats with some fancy hotels, and started following the signs to the Lagoon.
We figured we could use a little caffeine boost and had a coffee near where the path started under the mountain. We watched some monkeys, while also watching our belongings from being stolen, and were lucky enough to see a monitor lizard lazily strolling amongst the tourists. I was really hoping that since the route to the Lagoon is a little more difficult, we wouldn’t have to deal with crowds but that was just wishful thinking. Tourists everywhere!
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I’m not sure what I expected but the start of the path to the Lagoon was not it. It started to the side off a walkway between the mountain and some trees and you indeed do need to start climbing right away. And I don’t mean a steep hill, actual climb with only some ropes hanging along for a better grip if needed.
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I very quickly realised that people are idiots who don’t care for their own safety and much less for others so this would be a much slower experience because we’d not only have to watch our own steps but also everyone else’s around us. Everyone seemed to be in such a rush that they didn’t care about almost literally climbing on top of each other, not letting others through. Ropes were also useless because others would grab it at the same time which meant that if they unexpectedly swing or pull the other way, you’ll go flying down. So we took a very chill approach to the whole thing and let people pass us every chance we got just to avoid unnecessary injuries.
The first wall we had to climb felt a little unexpected but there were quite a few places to hold on to and stand on so it was very much doable. We also made it up fairly quickly and walked over to the Viewpoint to take some pictures and see both of the Railay beaches. We ran into some actual climbers (unlike all the other people in flip flops) who gave us a heads up that the path down to the Lagoon gets a lot steeper and more difficult. I figured it’s probably okay because it’s not like it can get that much steeper than what we just climbed up, right? Wrong.
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We start heading down the first wall (there was about 5 in total?) and I’m still wondering what the hell were the guys on about because yes, it’s a bit more rough but still very much doable. If you don’t count the idiot tourists that is. Some asshole decided to try and ‘outrun’ everyone on the wall by climbing next to them and so I essentially ended up holding his whole weight on the rope with my forearm because I guess he didn’t see me standing right in front of him? We very quickly decided to let him get as much ahead of us as he wanted to.
Under the first wall, there was about 100m long path through the mountain opening which, with a bit of sun something through the trees, looked almost magical. We had a bit of a breather and went to check out the wall number two. Now this is where I started to understand the warning about it getting a lot more difficult. The ‘steps’ in the wall were not as clear anymore (and in some parts non existent) and it was also really hard to find places to hold on to and you really had to rely on the rope. This was then made more tricky by the fact that halfway down the wall you have to move over to the other side and grab another rope, all without having anything steady under your feet so you’re really just leaning against the wall. It wasn’t impossible but definitely harder.
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But then I had a moment (when switching ropes of course), when I simply couldn’t get enough grip with my feet and slid down a little. Nothing catastrophic, didn’t even get a scratch but it was enough to fuck with my confidence and I was really hoping that the hard bit was over. Spoiler alert- it wasn’t. Of course it wasn’t.
At this point, we’re both dripping sweat, have dirt everywhere and I need to pee. I have a quick look down at wall number three and I’m slowly regretting my life choices. As previously, Alex goes down first and I’m starting to realise I might not make it. But at the same time, I can already see the Lagoon and it’s really not that much further so I keep going. But about two steps down, I can’t find a place for my foot and there isn’t really anything to hold on to. I quickly consider my options and decide I’m done. The little break in confidence earlier did it for me and I’m not going any further without imagining myself splattered on the rocks with no one around to get me out.
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Although we were so close, Alex decided to come back up with me and not finish the climb. He said that the couple more walls that we had left got even more complicated and even if I managed to scale down this one, I would possibly give up after. Oh well, I guess we won’t be using our travel insurance, which I’m quite okay with.
While I was waiting for him to come back up, I listened to the Czech couple next to me who were waiting for their friends. Now this will be important later but I generally don’t like to admit that I understand any Czech/ Slovakian people unless I absolutely have to or unless there is an opportunity I just can’t pass up. We took a little break while they started climbing back up and I guess they stopped to see the Viewpoint on their way.
By the time they were climbing down the wall that lead to the main path, we were about halfway through. There were quite a few people so we didn’t really rush and started talking to a girl who was climbing down alone. Which is about when the Czech people caught up and pretty much went straight through us. We got out of the way, slightly annoyed but whatever, at least we can get rid of them right?
One woman from the group was a lot slower than the rest but we were letting her go through as well as the rest was shouting for her to hurry up. She just informed them she doesn’t want to step on/ over us and that she’s on her way. That’s when the ‘faster’ (and much more rude) woman from the group says ‘oh, just ignore them and go through. They don’t know how to climb’. I know an opportunity when I see (hear) one so I replied (in Slovakian) that we indeed do know how to climb, we’re just not fans of falling down a rocky hill on our holiday. The faster woman got even faster and the slower one seemed quite grateful that she finally shut up.
The rest of the mountain after that was pretty uneventful and we were rewarded by a mama and baby monkey at the end of it. But man, it was definitely time for some cold beer and lunch.
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Once we took a shower back at the hotel and got all the dirt off, it turned out I actually did manage to get quite a few scrapes and bruises on my legs but it’s nothing major and it was definitely worth the fun day.
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Alex has been going on about needing a haircut since we got here (because apparently he has too much hair and it’s so very hot… I wouldn’t know what long hair feels like in the heat), he found himself a barber and went there for a quick cut. Except it wasn’t all that quick so I ended up walking around a lot more than I originally intended. But at least a found a shop with elephant trousers for 100 baht so I’ll be going on a big shopping spree soon. Can’t wait to buy that extra suitcase!
0 notes
Rio & Buster Pt.1
Rio: [Okay, so, depending when your birthday falls and when this getaway has been booked for, telling you when we’re told, which is assumedly when you’re like oh I might have a party and he’s like nope, you can’t]
Rio: I’m going on a minibreak for my birthday, thought I better let you know
Buster: Yeah, flights are non-refundable so
Rio: I had to ‘ruin my own surprise’ to find out, sorry
Buster: Of course you did, don’t worry about it
Buster: like I said, I hadn’t booked anything yet
Rio: Good stuff
Buster: As long as you have a good birthday
Rio: Cheers
Rio: sure I will
Buster: See you at Christmas then
Rio: Can’t wait
Buster: Me either
Rio: It’s always good, whatever family drama is happening any given year, no one cares for at least one day
Buster: That’s the spirit, babe
Rio: You know me
Rio: any excuse to be merry
Buster: Right
Rio: [let him go girl, shh]
Buster: [that wasn’t awks at all and his OTT gift isn’t gonna feel so out of the blue or anything after how you left that, oh lads]
Rio: [the way we’re gonna have whiplash about this like what, you don’t hate me again]
Buster: [a very confusing vibe to have to walk into christmas with]
Rio: [I’m like do you say something or wait because lowkey it’s such a massive thing you’d be better to wait in person but also hello, what do I say, oh lads lol]
Buster: [thank god that there are gonna be so many people there so you can avoid each other for a bit without it being obvious until you collect yourselves/have some dutch courage]
Rio: [and people do start their merriment in the AM like savages on Christmas so by the time lunch is there and been consumed, we’re all a little cray, even the children with the sheer excitement lol]
Buster: [He is defs one of those savages because clearly dreading having to see her and also Liam knowing she’s done absolutely fuck all about this and Edam are having an adorable fam christmas moment right in front of y’all’s eyes]
Rio: [Mhmm, there isn’t weird energy at all, totally not simultaneously avoiding and staring at Liam like why and why, not to mention doing the same with Buster for different reasons, what a day, don’t really blame you for getting drunker than you normally would]
Buster: [but if he’s a dick to Liam in some way, she’ll have to say something/take him aside before everyone else is like ??! cos can you not please]
Rio: [a good place to start, at least there’s plenty of places within a pub so areas are quieter than others without it being like why are you chilling here ‘cos sometimes we all need a breather from family fun times lol, not wanting to just push you away so lowkey pulling you to the bar like let’s make you a drink rn haha it’s all fun and games, nothing to see here people]
Buster: [looking at her like excuse you when they get there because he’s the one who pulls her around places usually lol ‘What’ll it be?’ like y’all really are here for drinks but we know that’s not the case because if it was he’d have just got her one she likes without asking]
Rio: [‘please don’t’ quietly but firmly, because the last thing we need is you and Liam having any kind of fight, not even answering about the drink because not the point but we’re not going to stop you making your own]
Buster: [‘I swore I wouldn’t hit him’ like I haven’t and therefore I’ve done nothing wrong]
Rio: [‘you said you’d stay away from him, it’s not hard’ because we know they’re in their own bubble, better and worse]
Buster: [‘for you’ because we’ve noticed you hardcore avoiding that man and also us, obvs]
Rio: [shrug like yes? Like you’re really owning that decision and it doesn’t just feel necessary to the point the opposite is impossible ‘there’s so many people here’ gesturing off to the main function room where basically everyone is, as if we can just pick anyone else and have a gay old time]
Buster: [‘not enough’ because the tea is that there could never be enough people around anywhere at any time to make it easy for him to ignore her or Liam rn but soz hun you’re less important as we’re blurting this out]
Rio: [we can never just outright lie, even if it would make the concept of y’all ignoring/getting over each other so much easier, we just can’t, soz ‘I know’ looking over at said room of fam now, thinking ‘may as well have a [some festive twist on a cocktail ‘cos the only one I can think of is a snowball and that’s a lot to commit to so I won’t be specific lol]’]
Buster: [making that drink for her like the gentleman he is as though he isn’t heartbroken she didn’t spend her birthday with him]
Rio: [aren’t we all boy, aren’t we all, it was clearly a terrible trip before the being outshone fiasco ‘that must’ve been so much money…’ literally as you’re thinking about all this because you have no clue how to bring this up so may as well be accidentally]
Buster: [‘that isn’t what matters’ soz but he doesn’t care about money that’s his level of privilege]
Rio: [‘but it does mean something’ like you wouldn’t just spend a load of money on a literal holiday for anyone, boy, we’re not convinced]
Buster: [‘I meant what I said’ because he did about wanting her bday to be memorable, not making that clear but we know you’ll remember]
Rio: [‘it was me who didn’t stick to what I said’ the I’M SORRY thankfully not being shouted but you know it’s there in how we sound about it ‘I don’t know how to say thank you, though’ ‘cos the word is not enough]
Buster: [‘your birthday should be special’ calling her special and making it blatant she deserves it specifically with the amount of emphasis on the your and there’s also the unspoken no matter what/if I’m there or not and you don’t need to say sorry or thanks being all in his tone and mannerisms rn]
Rio: [‘it’s not like it’s your job to make sure it happens, shouldn’t be’ because we know it really was you doing the most there, despite this]
Buster: [‘I wasn’t going to let [whatever her bf is called whether he’s got his name right or it’s just close enough because not even trying to be shady or funny here with it you’re simply that irrelevant to us hun]’ as if her flop bf could frankly but you’re too !! about it to be cocky ‘it definitely shouldn’t be his’]
Rio: [‘it isn’t, wasn’t’ too fast but we don’t have to be nice about your trip now because you’ve shown your true colours since with all the fallout so ‘I’d have rather stayed home’ like legitimately would have rather have been with our family than what that turned out to be, and that’s not shade by comparison it’s like, at least my mum would’ve given a shit and got me nice things etc]
Buster: [‘You could’ve-’ stopping himself because he’s not so drunk he actually believes she could’ve just told him what a flop this bf was being and dropped it all and gone off with him]
Rio: [‘I’m not good at ending things’ as a fact because yeah, we should’ve but we would’ve felt too bad and this felt easier but it’s not like that did her any favours in the long run]
Buster: [‘I don’t have a problem with it’ because he is that cold bitch or so he projects, we can drop our flop sister like a stone and be unfazed, ignore the whole Chlo/James/Jay situation etc etc, saying this as if he could’ve dumped her bf for her, I lol]
Rio: [‘what’s that like?’ as a genuine question and not a slam]
Buster: [‘necessary’ it sounds like he’s dissing her and calling her a soft touch or something but that’s just how he feels with the life he’s been living]
Rio: [do a breath out like yeah, probably]
Buster: [doing his own like a little sigh ‘go and enjoy yourself, yeah?’ meaning on this ski trip because I doubt very much you have yet with all that bf drama going on]
Rio: [thinking he means right now like oh, okay ‘to the point’ like lol, I got it]
Buster: [doing a wrist grab to stop her from going as if she was gonna leave rn immediately before he can stop himself, excuse us everyone because it’s so soft but so !! ‘No, go skiing’ in such an oh you manner]
Rio: [do a little soft lol because truly not what we thought you were saying ‘right now? Can I have time to pack?’]
Buster: [shaking his head like nope leave get out, but he’s clearly as amused ‘I’ll send you [however many outfits she would need for however long this trip is, just being listed cos you know he’s thought hard about every aspect of this trip and imagined her there in every possible scenario not at all casually and we’ve gotta spell that out to her]’ as if that’s nbd and not the most daddy vibe]
Rio: [sitting down as he’s speaking and not taking your eyes off him like you are literally entranced by this story he’s telling you right now because it’s too everything you’re about ‘you’ve already sent me outfits’ as if any of those date night lewks will serve you well for a ski hol but you have to remind him so he doesn’t think you’ve forgot either]
Buster: [‘you’ve already worn them’ which sounds like outfit repeating is a crime and that’s the only reason they won’t do but likewise gotta remind her that he’s seen the pics of when she has for the absolute mood that is]
Rio: [‘I wore [one of our faves] on my birthday’ really blurting that out but we have to because the point is we were thinking about you, not whatever we were doing]
Buster: [giving her a compliment really specific to that particular outfit whether the colour brings out her eyes or it’s flattering in some other way, the point is, he’s letting her know he remembers said outfit vividly because he does every outfit she tried on and he bought that day + leaning in to say this basically in her ear so nobody else hears it so that’s an added mood]
Rio: [closing your eyes because if you look at him right now you know it’s going to be THE most ‘I’ve missed you’ because something you could say, not technically a cause for concern]
Buster: [how innocent that is not would make him die though, saying her name with so much feeling in response but quiet enough it’s just for her thankfully]
Rio: [reaching out to hold his hand because there’s a bar y’all are basically hid behind so it’s not gonna be noticed and maybe you’re just trying to move him so you can squeeze past on the off chance it was ‘will you forgive me about my birthday?’ seriously because we do feel bad about it]
Buster: [looking down at their hands and back up at her as if she only did it to be forgiven but he can’t help but play with her fingers the exact same way he did when they were on their dinner date because he knows she’s being serious actually ‘Will you spend the next one with me?’ since we all remember when he said he’d spend his 19th with her, so promise to do the same, thank you]
Rio: [a face like who, me? So innocent it is now the opposite, nodding SO enthusiastically ‘if I have a new boyfriend, I’ll dump him’ so casual, not like this paired with us resting our other hand on your leg is giving the most loved up vibes ever ‘I swear’]
Buster: [‘Don’t get a new boyfriend’ as if that’s so casual and not the most possessive thing you’ve ever said, boy, and paired with him doing the kind of move where he’s acting like he has to get past/go behind her to reach something on this bar purely so he can brush up and press against her]
Rio: [we’re pushing back against you because there’s no world in which we’re capable of doing anything but ‘I don’t want one’ on the gasp you also HAVE to do; like boyfriends just happen to you, kinda, but the what we actually want is blatant and there’s no point denying that]
Buster: [meanwhile we can’t deny the noise that’s escaping from him when he tries to answer her by saying good or whatever he was gonna say, thank god this pub is noisy and full of peeps always when y’all are around each other, it wouldn’t be loud but there’s no styling it out if anyone else heard it]
Rio: [looking back at him like you didn’t realise how in his way you were like oh no, flipping round to face him to do the dance of moving him one way and yourself another like there we go, lemme help you but really you’re just pressing against him in another way ft eye contact]
Buster: [I love this for you both, dangerous and ridiculous though it is and we’ve gotta add to it him lifting her up so she can reach something because she is smol and that’s believable, not at all just seeing how many positions y’all can be in and how it feels, nope]
Rio: [acting like the noise you’re making is you struggling to reach something as you stretch and not what we all know that it is, pass whatever random thing you’ve now picked up to him ‘teamwork’ like you’re just getting on exceptionally well and this is very platonic and you’re not holding the thing between your chest and his so you’re that close]
Buster: [also sitting her on the bar at one point like she’s so in your way you’ve gotta for a sec but we all know the real reason and if you wanted her out of your way sir you wouldn’t be standing as close as you are still]
Rio: [never wearing a long enough dress/skirt for all this so we know that you can see a lot right now and we’re absolutely fine with that and our face is only red because it’s warm with all these people around, grab a bag of crisps and share them with him by popping them in his mouth at random intervals]
Buster: [I’m so relieved that those crisps are shutting him up somewhat though it won’t stop him asking her ‘Do you need me to take you outside for some air?’ like that’s not TOO dangerous and I forbid it lol, just being a concerned cousin btw, if anyone’s listening in haha]
Rio: [putting his hand on your forehead like am I hot, do I feel hot? When you know you do because you casually feel like you’re on fire ‘it’s the wine’ like wine is a code now because of your dinner date shenanigans, wrapping your own arms around his neck to help yourself down off this bar because any way you can touch him and get him to touch you without it being ‘too far’ is what we must do in this moment]
Buster: [managing to stop himself from going too far with touching her entire face and neck despite how much he wants to because he does have that opportunity to help her down from the bar that he’s ofc making the most of and he’s also shamelessly gonna put an ice cube in her mouth because again can’t get away with rubbing it all over her body but it could just be another crisp or a moment like it, so we are kidding ourselves here]
Rio: [having to hold his fingers between your lips, even for a split second, because yeah, you could be fakeout biting him for bants, but we’re barely even thinking about the excuses at this point]
Buster: [y’all are spiralling and I can’t even blame you with how insane the levels of tension between you have been for the longest time, but thank god there are loads of family members around to cockblock y’all from going outside anywhere together without even realising that’s what they’re doing because we simply wouldn’t be able to stop you from hooking up rn otherwise]
Rio: [mhmm, too much family, not enough randoms and distraction, like some child is gonna come over and want crisps themselves in a minute or an adult is gonna want another drink, so you have to stop, because we’re literally tugging at the hem of whatever he’s wearing on his top half, like are we trying to get you to take a layer off because you’re hot too or are we simply pulling you into us]
Buster: [I’m too here for this I’m like yes do it, Junie no, we cannot, I’m not rewriting st paddy’s it was great, get away from each other for a bit, thank you]
Rio: [as long as you don’t fully hookup, and lbr, we know you’re both into the idea of getting away with as much as you can in front of the fam so, go take your moments to calm down before it’s not undetectable and we know it won’t be long before you gravitate back together]
Buster: [mhmm we all know you would have been getting up to shit at the christmas dinner table if you weren’t trying to ignore each other at that point, we’re gonna have to say some of the fam get together to play cards or something so you can have a moment like that cos I love a cliche, not soz]
Rio: [that’s a very real vibe, for now, to separate you for long enough, gonna have to say Grace has found and thus cornered you to paint nails or something because that’s not something you can do together without raising eyebrows]
Buster: [me immediately like stay away from Nancy please Grace, knowing what’s coming for y’all]
Rio: [knowing that that kicks off the upcoming Summer, ew, literally like 12, grow up, yes we would throw your nails under the bus right now but we aren’t to know how strange you’re gonna get lmao]
Buster: [do anything but fight Liam to the death, meanwhile, Buster, I know you lowkey don’t wanna spend time with anyone else ever but find something]
Rio: [it’s the way that once we allow ourselves to start, we literally can’t stop checking for him, like he’s not going anywhere and yet 👀]
Buster: [it’s so mutual though, to the point that someone really should’ve clocked it, so many of y’all like Tess and Ali are out here calling themselves observant and knowing but here we are again]
Rio: [the lies we tell ourselves like this hasn’t happened before lmao, oh lads]
Buster: [they gotta be on the same team for whatever game this fam are playing so they can sit really close together with bent heads and all that jazz as well as being on opposite ends of the table for something else, hitting all those poss cliches]
Rio: [absolutely, how you’re going to concentrate in any of these games is another thing entirely but you have to try]
Buster: [this boy is so competitive he’ll find a way to still win somehow lol, god bless]
Rio: [love that for you, as does this girl because we’re not here to downplay any of your achievements just because people think you’re too cocky for their taste]
Buster: [not soz he is actually smart and hardworking and good at things and not just cocky because he’s hot and rich or for no reason whatsoever]
Rio: [we’re here for him for so many reasons and not just because he’s hot and rich, soz haters, and we will have a glorious time despite the still palpable tension]
Buster: [there’s nothing you both love more than doing the most in front of this fam, like we said, and every chance to push every possible moment as far as they can is being taken during every game that’s being played, for sure]
Rio: [sorry it’s basically their kink, we wouldn’t have got this far otherwise]
Buster: [exactly and soz but she’s also had a shit bday and all round shit time lately so she deserves this, imo]
Rio: [my boo says let her have her incest lmao but seriously, the way we’re no longer freaking out about Liam or our breakup, wasn’t going to happen any other way huns]
Buster: [nobody talk to me btw about how he’s putting protective distance between her and Liam at all times in such a deliberately subtle way so that nobody else will be able to say anything but he knows she is and feels safe because that’s so adorable and important]
Rio: [it’s so fine, not at all killing us because of course we can feel it]
Buster: [like, if there was any doubt about how deeply he actually cares, we can’t act like it’s purely a lust thing when he’s doing all this thoughtful chivalry] 
Rio: [oh we know y’all are in love, even if you’re now on the, we just wanna fuck, train of thought to rationalise it]
Buster: [the question is, can we think of any more xmas traditions and activities y’all can use to flirt indecently lmao] 
Rio: [hmm, what else do we do on xmas, it is mostly drinking and games and telly, there could be a movie put on and y’all can either watch and be cosy or use it as a chance to piss off for a minute whilst most are distracted?]
Buster: [I was thinking that because pubs have tvs, also karaoke is always an option that you could use to piss off for a bit because he’s not gonna wanna be involved in that haha] 
Rio: [a good shout, even if it’s gotta be all xmas songs for those of y’all wanting to belt ‘em out]
Buster: [so let’s do the best of both worlds and say you watch the film but piss off during karaoke though you might not be able to be as cosy and couply as you want during said film depending what babies and young kids exist because we all know they gravitate towards Rio because she’s that maternal gal] 
Rio: [that works, I don’t think there’s a huge amount of kids here because it’s the Bibi part of Gen 4 which is mostly non-fam peeps, Libi is nearly 1, Ro is preggo and Toni and Archie exist, that’s about it? Because the younger part of Gen 3 are still tweens, basically so yeah]
Buster: [how awks she’d feel around Libi rn makes me sad] 
Rio: [it is sad because you’re so the bitch to be after cuddles normally so it’s noticeable but literally Toni is the only one old enough to be toddling about and I’m sure you’re kinda clingy to your mother for obvious reasons so]
Buster: [you’re welcome for the lack of fam cockblock for once though lads] 
Rio: [it’s a relatively good time for y’all to be sneaking, unintentional but very helpful lmao, like to think you have a spot by the fire for that christmassy cliche]
Buster: [yes, I love that, also a good reason for y’all to wanna leave that spot when karaoke starts because it’s just too hot by a fire] 
Rio: [it’s a very good excuse that is more legitimate than just pissing off because he doesn’t smoke and we don’t smoke weed to the level we need to do it Xmas day thank you; but whilst the movie is on no one is gonna raise an eyebrow at blankets and being closer to share said blanket because that’s the point]
Buster: [you’d honestly look weirder if you weren’t snuggling is the excuse, tis the vibe] 
Rio: [not sorry we’re taking this and running with it because when else are we having the excuse to be lying our head on his chest]
Buster: [enjoy how wild his heartbeat is because there’s no controlling that however calm and collected he acts all the time] 
Rio: [we really would be because if you needed any confirmation he was also in this and not just playing, there you are, squeeze his hand for that hard same]
Buster: [so glad that a blanket means he can put his arms around her so tight without anyone knowing about it because that’s what’s going happen] 
Rio: [making a happy little squished noise like when you are bear hugged, but literally not louder than the volume of this TV so only he’s gonna hear that]
Buster: [moving like we’re just settling and getting comfy but really he just wants her to keep making happy noises only he can hear because we know he’s so about it] 
Rio: [we definitely are, it is who we are, wrapping our arms around your middle in this snuggle, looking up at him]
Buster: [can’t really get away with her being fully on his lap but getting as close to that as we can, she’s on his leg definitely, very unintentional santa vibes of me there lol] 
Rio: [soz we can’t sit still because you know exactly how we feel about that festive vibe]
Buster: [doing the playing with her necklace move again from their date but this time moving the clasp back round to the back of her neck and really doing the most to touch it and her hair + breath on it which isn’t even deliberate at this point] 
Rio: [thank god for the cosy vibe because we are red as fuck right now, crossing our legs so we’re even more sitting on you without it being super apparent we’ve really got comfortable]
Buster: [gotta touch her leg and just leave his hand there when she’s drawn all that attention to them, can’t not] 
Rio: [little sounds from the effort of not moving excessively to move his hand further]
Buster: [don’t want her to shh ever but doing one in her ear purely because of how hot it is] 
Rio: [pushing your head into his chest like you’re headbutting him for shhing you but again it’s the effort of having any chill]
Buster: [gotta make his own sound about it, we’ll pretend it’s like she’s winded him with that headbutt but it’s so not] 
Rio: [tap his lips literally as fast as that to shh him so it looks purely like bants and not because you wanna feel his breath again]
Buster: [shamelessly pulling at her dress under this blanket the way she did his top before as if it’s not short af and barely there already because of how she’s sitting] 
Rio: [the intake of breath we do as we instinctively push against you, cannot let it out casually]
Buster: [this boy just throwing what caution there was to the wind and bringing her the rest of the way into his lap because duh] 
Rio: [having to cover your mouth like you’re stifling a yawn so the ‘fuck’ doesn’t fully escape because we are dying now]
Buster: [as per it’s beyond mutual and he’s just trying to fully bury his head into her neck and hair, regardless of how not at all casual that is rn, saying his own ‘Jesus Christ’ so quietly but so !!! and on that baby’s bday as well, sir, putting that necklace clasp in his mouth for a sec, blink and you’d miss it but she obvs will not] 
Rio: [gripping onto his legs so hard under this blanket because we can’t handle how this feels and how you’re acting rn AT ALL ‘Buster’ like you’re just whispering for him to stop hogging the blanket or something and not that your brain has malfunctioned at this contact]
Buster: [he can’t even say her name back rn because he’s too !! we’re all just trying to cum and simultaneously not cum in front of our entire extended fam and by all I mean you pair of utter feral savages, the way he has so dramatically manoeuvred her so that they can make the most intense eye contact for a sec because he can’t speak, if any of y’all see that, no you don’t] 
Rio: [it is only sheer dumb luck you do not kiss him because this proximity and intensity demands it but luckily you remember in time and your head lands by his ear instead ‘I want this’]
Buster: [literally, it’s a miracle you both can still keep some awareness of where you are and the things you absolutely can’t get away with, almost proud of you tbh ‘I know what you want’ because he do and he wants it just as much, please whisper that, thanks so much, even though you are moving slightly to make the point and that’s not very subtle] 
Rio: [‘please’ like it’s feasible and you can when you’re already both too close to losing control here]
Buster: [‘we can’t’ as he’s continuing to behave in a way that totally contradicts what he just said]
Rio: [‘you can’ moving further back on him like see]
Buster: [when you were gonna do another shh in her ear like no no don’t be silly but then she moves and he’s dying and trying not to MOAN so he ends up just grazing her earlobe with his teeth for a sec, very much like the quick bite of the necklace clasp, thank god for all her hair so it just looks like you’re trying to whisper very quietly and be considerate]
Rio: [biting the inside of your cheeks so hard because it’s like you passed on the MOAN with that earlobe attention, shamelessly letting his body entirely support yours at this point as a must]
Buster: [he knows what she’s doing because of course he does and even though he isn’t allowed to hear her MOAN fully right here or right now he cannot help desperately wanting to because this is the feral point they’ve reached, so obviously moving in a basically involuntary way like please do it]
Rio: [soz we have to touch ourself because there’s just no way to stop it, its not like you can see from your POV because the point is no one should be able to, moving his hand to his lap like go on]
Buster: [you’ve got this far, boy, there’s likewise no way you’re gonna stop now and be like um no that’s my limit]
Rio: [making your little whimpering noises every time you make accidental contact here]
Buster: [he can’t even shh her any more soz everyone but he’s as close to losing it himself]
Rio: [excuse us everyone nothing to see here, just doing our best to silently masturbate]
Buster: [mhmm, not like the way he’s breathing on her skin again is indecent af because he really wants to kiss her and can’t, no no, and it’s not as if you’ve set yourself an impossible task here]
Rio: [not like it’s entirely too close and would be so easy to take this even further but you cannot]
Buster: [you’re trying to hold onto that last fleeting piece of self control and we respect it]
Rio: [if this film ends before y’all, you’re gonna be fuming]
Buster: [realistically I doubt that even with how careful and near silent you’ve gotta be with all your touching you’re both so ridiculously turned on rn it’s only a matter of time]
Rio: [being able to feel everything you’re doing is all it would take, never mind the situation of where you are and how you’ve been all day ‘you-’]
Buster: [Exactly, I’m honestly surprised it didn’t happen as soon as y’all started touching yourselves, lowkey impressive of you both tbf ‘no, you’ the childishness of that response isn’t lost on me and isn’t reminding me of y’all’s truth or dare moment, it’s fine]
Rio: [just saying ‘you’ over and over, not doing more than mouthing it but with increasing desperation in our expression]
Buster: [whispering her name back the way he could not when he was too overwhelmed as such a definitive no, you because !!!]
Rio: [‘holy fuck’ under your breath because you will never not react the hardest to him saying your name]
Buster: [just like he will never not be so into the way she reacts to it or over getting to say it in this context]
Rio: [‘give it to me’ because a thing you could say if he’d taken your phone or snacks or anything because we need to make you cum and we know how loud in comparison we could say that will get you because it does us]
Buster: [it really would, she knows him so well, you’re gonna have to like fake a sneeze or something sir idk because of how you’re gonna move when you do and there’s no stilling that with sheer force of will]
Rio: [a casual ‘coughing fit’ so we can smack you on the back, by which I mean hold you SO tight whilst we ride this out with you]
Buster: [I was literally like aww as if that was the most romantic thing ever, calm down Junie, a great idea though my boo]
Rio: [calm down is right lmao, I don’t even know how you’re gonna]
Buster: [mhmm, take the rest of this film to try and recover from how intense all that was, physically if not emotionally, because yeah idk how you’re gonna even begin to process any of that]
Rio: [like really, we cannot just sit here and finish this film with y’all like that didn’t just happen so get up, even if you have no real aim of where you are going, just take a sec]
Buster: [soz that you can’t also immediately get up because that’d be weird so you actually are gonna have to sit there and pretend that didn’t happen and hope the fam are engrossed in this film enough that nobody catches your eye or anything because idk how you wouldn’t simply pass away if they did, you’ll have to wait for a while before you go to the bathroom and clean yourself up, but please eventually do, hoping you don’t cross paths with Rio because that’d be awks]
Rio: [soz only one of you can piss off at a time and we moved first because we needed to, nobody come talk to us, thank you]
Buster: [Especially not Edie or Libi or Nancy thanks so much]
Rio: [At least Nancy is the only real candidate for that, even though we’re gonna wanna literally die for that, she’s oblivious]
Buster: [too real and he can’t even come and save you this time because can’t be in the proximity to you rn soz gal]
Rio: [let her brag about her presents probably like she’s a child, you don’t need to really listen, be in your own head about what just happened there and what’s happening now]
Buster: [the other girl from the posh school who I ended up friends with after my german work experience but did not like did that to me once and we were also literally 18, girl no, I hope you gals aren’t propping the bar up because when he’s cleaned himself up he’s gonna drink some more, bad idea though that is and if y’all are he’s gonna have to go direct to the cellar and we all know what’s happening down there on st paddys so that will send me if that’s where you end up hiding for a bit, boy]
Rio: [y’all can be outside ‘cos I’m sure you smoke, all posh girls do and you have a complex about trying to be skinny so you’re welcome boy]
Buster: [again, someone should really question why he’s drinking like a savage again but in this fam that isn’t gonna happen, we all know who your dad is]
Rio: [we all know y’all got your blindspots and this is deffo one of them lmao]
Buster: [I’m sure you and Nancy are still beefing so you can’t steal her stash this time, unlucky hun]
Rio: [when you simultaneous want to talk to him but also never have to see him again so you gotta say something, good idea or nah
Rio: Don’t be weird, yeah
Buster: I’m not, I’m being merry
Rio: I didn’t mean you were
Rio: just that there’s no need to
Buster: You either think I already am or I’m about to be, neither are nice of you
Rio: No, I don’t, don’t question my niceness
Rio: ‘cos I meant weird specifically around me, not in general
Rio: not that anyone here would notice anyway…
Buster: specifically around you is what makes it not nice
Rio: It’d be rude of you to ignore me, yes
Buster: No, it’s rude of you to imply I’m going to ignore you now
Rio: Okay, rude of you but understandable
Rio: I just asked you not to, really
Buster: Understandable because you’re assuming I got what I want and that means I’ll just dismiss you
Rio: Nah, that’s not what I’m saying
Rio: it’s fine, you’re fine, I’m fine
Buster: You’ve called me out on my bullshit for using the word you just used 3 times in a row
Rio: I’m trying not to be awkward, because we don’t need to, that’s all
Rio: but I’d get it if you were, how’s that for better wording?
Buster: You don’t have to try so hard to be or not be anything
Rio: Oh, great
Buster: You know what I mean
Rio: that in trying not to be weird, I’ve been massively weird, yep, thank you
Buster: Well, you are talking to my sister, of all people
Rio: You think that was my idea?
Rio: I was cornered
Buster: You’re allowed to tell her to fuck off
Buster: What else is Christmas for?
Rio: you could, sure
Rio: I can’t
Buster: Fine, I’ll do it for you
Buster: hold on
Rio: Not what I meant, no
Buster: Still, you’d be lying if you said you don’t want me to
Rio: In the fantasy where your sister isn’t also my cousin and someone I’m gonna have to see and talk to, as well as the rest of them
Buster: No, in our real lives where she’s a fucked up person
Rio: I’m not in the best place to judge her now
Buster: Don’t, it’s not even close to a similar situation
Rio: It’s not but it’s still not good
Buster: It’s not a crime, there’s no need to punish yourself as if you’ve committed one
Rio: I’m not, I can’t avoid her any more than I could before though, it’s unrelated but true
Buster: Yes you can
Rio: If I acted like you, people would notice
Rio: it might seem like everyone’s completely oblivious but
Buster: You care more about making a scene, when it suits you, than you do holding people accountable
Rio: When ‘holding people accountable’ achieves nothing, sure
Buster: Playing fake nice achieves nothing
Rio: I’m fake now
Buster: Yeah, sometimes
Rio: I don’t have time to not get along with people just because
Buster: It isn’t just because, it’s distancing yourself from someone for a valid reason
Rio: You have to live with her, for the time being, I see her occasionally, of course it’s different for you
Buster: Jesus, at least counter what I said with your own valid excuse
Rio: This isn’t about Nancy
Buster: Not exclusively
Rio: I’m not dumb, I know you’re talking about the Liam thing
Buster: It isn’t just about that either
Buster: it’s about you, putting yourself, and how you actually feel, last all the time
Rio: How can you even say that when I just did exactly what I wanted, despite how much of a problem it would be for everyone else if they ever found out
Buster: You did the opposite of what you wanted on your birthday, to keep the peace
Rio: It doesn’t matter now, he’s dumping me anyway
Buster: Of course it matters, it’s your whole mindset
Rio: You are too drunk to be trying to fix my life
Buster: Tell me to shut up like you mean it, at least
Rio: I dunno why you’re being so mean to me
Buster: I’m trying to help you
Rio: I don’t need help, but it’s always nice to know how shit you think I am
Buster: You don’t think you do because you don’t see it as a problem
Rio: I’m not sitting here telling you your whole personality is a problem
Buster: Mine is only a problem for other people, it doesn’t cause any for me
Rio: That’s really nice
Buster: I told you, I’m not, and it wouldn’t get either of us anywhere right now if I was
Rio: We aren’t going anywhere
Buster: You wishing I would stop doesn’t mean I’ve hit a wall
Rio: Shh, go drink some more
Buster: Have a drink with me instead of being passive aggressive as if I’m one of your least favourite relatives that have cornered you
Rio: Are you sure?
Buster: About how much you still like me? Very sure
Rio: You’re such an idiot
Buster: I know your mouth is hurting from having to stay so quiet
Rio: you got that one right, okay
Buster: if I was an idiot I wouldn’t have come up with a fun solution that’ll numb and clean it simultaneously
Rio: 🙄😏
Rio: that’s the excuse, huh
Buster: I don’t deal in excuses, I deal in opportunities and this one is perfect for getting to see you
Rio: and if anyone asks why I was biting the inside of my cheek…?
Buster: Why would they?
Rio: I mean, don’t ask if you don’t wanna know, pretty obvious
Rio: so I’ll have a drink with you but I don’t know about you looking at me
Buster: Are you daring me to make [her fave drink] with my eyes closed?
Rio: That would be pretty impressive
Buster: It’s too late though, I’ve already made it and it’s waiting for you here, like I am
Rio: so let me distract your sister quickly or she’ll be asking you to make her her own drink when she follows me
Buster: She can ask but she won’t get
Rio: just me
Buster: There’s different rules for you, our own rules
Rio: I like that
Buster: But it’s a shame they have limits or I’d have another solution for how sore your mouth is
Rio: It’s rude to tease me with what I can’t have
Buster: It’s not my fault if you aren’t using the mistletoe to your advantage
Rio: it’s a bit late to go ‘round the party and make that look like it’s not personal, you could’ve set out the ground rules earlier
Buster: You could be taller and then I wouldn’t have to be the one reaching up to steal it
Rio: Are you being serious
Buster: No, I don’t really want you to grow [however many inches lol]
Rio: 😅 Not the part I was referring to
Buster: Well, I seriously want to kiss you, I thought that was obvious
Rio: If anything was going to change your mind, it would’ve been what we just did, that’s what I thought
Buster: Did it change your mind?
Rio: not at all
Rio: and I would have to die if you felt the opposite
Buster: Please don’t, it would definitely ruin Christmas for me
Rio: And everyone else’s, not to big myself up or anything
Rio: I want to kiss you so badly
Buster: Everyone knows I only care about myself, babe
Rio: That’s not true
Buster: How else do you explain the fact that I got you something but decided against bringing it after you didn’t shower me with thanks for your birthday present?
Rio: I didn’t want to just send a message, it didn’t feel like enough
Rio: then everything blew up with [flop boyf]
Buster: Fuck him and your lack of communication, I’m gonna go home and get it
Rio: And leave me? I just convinced Nance she NEEDED to do karaoke
Buster: We’ll have our drink together first
Rio: [Come join him at this bar like oh hey, as if there’s anything casual about how !! you are to be this close to him again]
Buster: [passing her this drink that was not at all casually waiting for her with such a lingering touch because if Nancy is doing karaoke there’s no way everyone isn’t watching how hilarious that is]
Rio: [I dread to think like oh honey you humiliating yourself but you pop off hun because we’re too busy being distracted and having a moment, cheers with eye contact as you sip always]
Buster: [normally he’d love nothing more than to witness Nancy’s humiliation but that has not even registered to him as happening and he could not care less, soz our only priority is LOOKING at her] 
Rio: [‘you know how much I love my birthday present, don’t you?’ putting a hand on his shoulder ‘cos that could be casual enough but it is not right now]
Buster: [‘As much as you’ll love your christmas present’ cocky but true, whatever you’ve bought her, I’m trying to think of something that could be a reminder of y’all’s date but like I don’t wanna just hand her a bottle of wine]
Rio: [‘you don’t have to go get it’ but not in a I DON’T WANT IT way just like, I don’t need it if you don’t wanna go, btw, leaning ourself against your side, so casual, sipping, not LOOKING at you every chance we get]
Buster: [‘of course I do, I should’ve given it to you as soon as we got here’ because kicking himself that he didn’t bring it, we know why you didn’t but it’s bought and wrapped and everything]
Rio: [‘maybe not that soon’ like we had to sit through the meal and socialising with other people, because we know your gifting slaps and we’ll be in no mood for any of that nonsense after ‘give it to me in private, somehow’ looking around like I know there’s people everywhere but]
Buster: [leaning against her like a lil nudge because we know exactly what you mean but he’s also impatient af ‘You should come with me, you can open it there’ that’s how you know he’s drunk just suggesting a casual trip the baze gaff as if she has any business going with him when he says to them he’s going back for a sec for something he forgot/needs]
Rio: [when everything in you wants to grab his hand and run basically but you also know what would happen and are thinking over every possible thing it could mean for you both, biting the side of your mouth unthinkingly then being like ow lol ‘you wouldn’t want to come back’ after a while because true, neither would we]
Buster: [when he just knows, drunk or not, that she’s biting her mouth even before the ow reaction so doing the softest don’t gesture in the form of how he’s touching her wrist before he grabs some ice off the bar and puts it in her mouth the way he did earlier except not because it’s so lovingly, and all this is the lull of time before she speaks again ‘we don’t have to’ you very much do have to come back though, soz hun]
Rio: [as if you weren’t thinking about kissing him before, now it is ALL you can think about as you’re letting him take care of you with the biggest hearteyes ‘you only leave early when you have somewhere else to be’ because neither of you is a, I now wish to snuggle at home with a hot chocolate and a TV special type, so yeah, it’s not being bought]
Buster: [‘I’ll lie’ sir you cannot Nancy will know even if nobody else does that you don’t actually have plans]
Rio: [‘What if your parents or sisters come back?’]
Buster: [‘Ava wants to be here and my parents have to lie that they do too for slightly longer’ not mentioning Nancy because she can clearly be heard doing this karaoke and we know the messy flop isn’t going home early ever]
Rio: [the cinematic vibe of her just wailing in the background is tres amusing, thus we have to do a little giggle because wow, just looking at him like can we, I don’t think we can but maybe ‘you’re hard to say no to, you know’]
Buster: [it’s giving that gal singing when her little brother is absolutely losing it and I’m so amused, like, they couldn’t be more in love here, he’s giving hearteyes and a half at how adorable her giggle is while that performance is going on ‘give in to me then’ didn’t have to say that in such an intense way either did you sir]
Rio: [😳 ‘I want to’ the tone underlying how much of an understatement those three words feels to us ‘I want what you want’]
Buster: [I’m sorry that I simply refuse to let this happen, lads, she’s gonna have to have some kind of sibling crisis or something that starts occurring right that very sec so they don’t run, lord knows there’s enough of you and it makes his point of her putting everyone else first even more valid]
Rio: [it’s easily done and plausible, you can be snatched away by anyone literally right now, we don’t need to specify or have it be any sort of actual drama, just family nonsense]
Buster: [the point is, it’s a dose of reality before she gets chance to get carried away and plot device to send him on his own and separate y’all even though he’ll be lowkey fuming and more in the mood to throw it at her now lol, sulk on your way there and back hun, you have time]
Rio: [hence I better not even message you when this inevitably gets resolved before you’re back because we know what you’re going to think to that happening lol]
Buster: [mhmm we all know it’s not that deep and you should’ve just said fuck it and gone but it just isn’t who you are, at least him needing to go back to the baze gaff is more believable now he’s lowkey angry af because it’s like oh you really are annoyed you don’t have such and such and absolutely should go and get it yeah you big grump]
Rio: [everyone like you go calm down sir and we’re just stuck here now like thanks guys, definitely knocking back more drinks ourself]
Buster: [she’s gonna have time to get drunker herself and level the playing field here because he isn’t rushing back the way he would’ve when he first said about going to grab it, he’s probably gonna take twice as long as he should and I’m definitely gonna say that he has a massive row with his flop twin when he does return because no he has not calmed down enough, though he did try, and I’m sure you’ll say something bitchy or whatever gal if you’re outside smoking again but because you’re also a diva you’ll carry it on when he tries to walk away and just go inside]
Rio: [big yikes, when you know this mood is your fault but also if you intervene, it’d have to be you taking Nance away to bitch and that’s also going to piss him off so you’re just watching like I hope an adult tells you to shh Nance because I’m not able to put myself in the middle of this one]
Buster: [I’m so sorry baze you don’t need your children going at it to the level they are when you already don’t wanna be here, at least they can threaten Nancy with being taken home like a child if she doesn’t stop acting like one because how nasty this would and could be getting is a BIG yikes, but I do like to think that Ava could take him aside and calm him down since Rio cannot]
Rio: [this is true, save the day girl, baze tell that bitch off, casual family domestic, everyone else look away and pretend you do not see]
Buster: [Poor Ava should not have to but the reality is baze are busy and nobody else is gonna get through to him, so soz gal, thank GOD that preggo Ro would have already left because the last thing anyone needs is her getting involved/sitting there holier than thou like a judgy bitch]
Rio: [you wouldn’t handle it if they turned it on you hun so pipe down]
Buster: [gonna have to say whatever his gift for Rio is, it’s small enough to fit in his pocket because he can’t be doing all this whilst swinging a gift bag around because that is TOO MUCH visually for me to handle and also everyone would be like UM who is that for]
Rio: [imagine, no, we can’t be having that, Nancy would have literally snatched it, it’s too much for now hun]
Buster: [I’m cackling at the thought, lord knows when or how he’s gonna give it to her though because this is AWKS]
Rio: [when Ava has left you we can take that as our cue that you’re at least calmed from the Nancy of it all and come over with a drink as a peace offering]
Buster: [taking it and downing it so he can immediately walk away from her to make the point to her that he’s still annoyed at her specifically as if that was not obvious, without actually making it really obvious to everybody else]
Rio: [sit down wherever he was sat like well, that went well, didn’t it]
Buster: What have you got to say that isn’t a bullshit peace offering?
Rio: Why does it have to be bullshit?
Buster: Because you’re not sorry and you don’t want what I want
Rio: because you get to decide all that for me
Buster: It was your decision and you’d make exactly the same one again, you always fucking do
Rio: If I didn’t, then [whichever sib/sibs came over and ruined this] would’ve seen us go together, could’ve followed, any number of fucking things you don’t want to happen either
Buster: If you didn’t they would’ve had to solve their own problem and god forbid they do anything without involving you
Rio: If Ava needed anything, you’d do it without hesitating
Rio: it happens more because I have more brothers and sisters, I can’t help that
Buster: I’d die for Ava, the difference is she doesn’t need me to because she’s allowed to be capable and can sort her own shit unless it literally was life or death
Rio: Don’t talk about my siblings like you know anything about them
Buster: I know you
Rio: I missed the part where I fucking asked them to come over and distract me
Buster: I didn’t realise you’d also missed the glaringly obvious established pattern
Rio: You know what, fuck this
Rio: you blame me for everything
Buster: Christ, take some responsibility, you shoulder enough of theirs
Rio: Maybe you’d get it if your sister had a baby when she was 16
Buster: My sister wouldn’t, so I guess I’ll never get it
Rio: [walk away from wherever you are to the bathroom for your storm off]
Buster: [I know you’re in a mood but OUCH that was uncalled for and v rude actually, sir]
Rio: [not in the mood for our fam to be slut-shamed, thanking you lol]
Buster: [that went well, oh lads]
Rio: [when you do just wanna piss off home now but instead you have to come out and go sit with your fam to make a point]
Buster: [when you knew you’d gone too far and regretted saying it like the second you said it but you don’t wanna just come at her with a drink peace offering after calling hers bullshit so you’re just looking over at her like !]
Rio: [obviously we notice because even though we’re doing our best living my best life with my family act, we’re also sneaking peeks at you because duh]
Buster: [Eventually coming over when he can stand it no longer and being like ‘Can I talk to you for a minute?’ because he do know her and she’s not gonna make a big scene in front of the fam, gotta chance it]
Rio: [thank the lord, not unhinged like your sister because imagine if we just started brawling you here and now; but no, get up and go like okay]
Buster: [find some privacy please, nobody needs to be overhearing this convo, the awks silence as you have to walk to wherever you’re going RIP]
Rio: [lmao the awkwardness just die]
Buster: [when you get there ‘I shouldn’t have said that’ because no you shouldn’t]
Rio: [‘say what you like’ with folded arms because we’re not impressed ‘it’s what you meant’]
Buster: [‘It’s her life, she can live it how she likes, I didn’t mean to bring her into it, none of this is about her, not really’]
Rio: [‘well, all my family are beneath you in various ways but I know I’m the biggest problem, you mentioned it’]
Buster: [‘No they’re not, they were just in my way’ blurting out that truth because not that much of a snob actually, underneath it all]
Rio: [looking at him to see if he’s being truthful and not just trying to cover himself, even though he’s not really that bitch and you know it, so just nodding like alright ‘they exist, the whole family does’ shrugging like it’s in any way casual ‘there’s nothing either of us can do about that’] 
Buster: [‘I know’ lowkey so frustrated and sad that there’s nothing they can do to make this alright with the fam and be a normal couple because he hates being that bitch, he’s always had options before]
Rio: [do a sigh because it is both of those things ‘It’ll never be different, there’s no point pretending’]
Buster: [‘So what is there a point to?’ like okay if that’s the case what do we do, like should I just walk away now or what]
Rio: [a lowkey look of disbelief ‘why do I have to work it out?’ because we’re both headfucked here, boy]
Buster: [‘Because it’s always me’ blurted out in the manner of Effy’s why don’t I get to be upset moment but slightly less dramatically, because we’re having a full identity crisis here as he’s always the bitch who knows what to do and suddenly he isn’t and it’s really !!! ‘and I can’t-’ we’re having so many emotions today]
Rio: [immediately softening because we don’t like being mad and especially not at you ‘hey, it’s okay’ squeezing his hand like listen to and believe me there ‘no one is ever going to find out about what happened, there’s no pressure to work it out from anyone but us, there’s no time limit, like’]
Buster: [‘I’m sorry’ when does he ever say that but likewise when does he ever almost have a breakdown like he just did a sec ago so]
Rio: [rubbing his arm gently like I know ‘me too’ because we are in terms of it being a headfuck of a situation but we also know not everything you said about us is untrue we just didn’t want to hear it right now ‘look, if it isn’t worth it, then don’t but-’ making eye contact because obviously we want to and we aren’t going to say otherwise or you’d never go there lads ‘all we’d have to do is some planning before seeing each other, it’d be so much easier’]
Buster: [giving that eye contact back in a way that means YOU’RE WORTH IT without actually saying it because you cannot rn or you’ll end up ruining all our excellent cockblocking and I won’t allow that mr + handing her over this beautifully wrapped gift because whatever it is will defs prove how true that is because of the date reminder and how feelsy it is]
Rio: [I vibe that you pull him somewhere even more private just to be doubly sure to open this gift and not be interrupted by anyone, because we are going to have EMOTIONS and y’all don’t need to see and we need the time and space to fully appreciate, tah, gonna have to hug you because what else and how else can we convey how !! we are ‘thank you’]
Buster: [this hug being everything though because you both have EMOTIONS and nowhere else to put them]
Rio: [we are SQUEEZING you and burying our head into your chest]
Buster: [really giving this his ALL for someone who isn’t a hugger and god knows when he last did hug somebody, probably one of baze when he was a little child, proud of you, hun]
Rio: [well done boy, we love to see it, literally, looking up at you]
Buster: [resting his chin on the top of her head adorably while she does that because simply must]
Rio: [doing a happy sigh instead of a sad and frustrated one, although yeah we’re still frustrated but in a different way than a sec ago]
Buster: [let her go before there’s a kiss which isn’t allowed lol, instead fix her hair that you just messed up as a shameless excuse to just play with it and be soft]
Rio: [close your eyes and enjoy that sensation ‘I should’ve gone with you’ quietly, after a while of just chilling]
Buster: [‘I forgive you for not going if you forgive me for being a cunt when you didn’t’ because so many shoulda woulda couldas already and there’s gonna be so many more at different points cos this is a headfuck]
Rio: [just nod because of course we do ‘but I might not forgive myself for it’ like I’m mad, fyi]
Buster: [‘if you don’t, I’ll have to make you’ oh the daddy energy is back okay then]
Rio: [‘yeah?’ in the most please tell me more tone ever]
Buster: [‘I’ll have to guarantee all your regrets are distant memories and the only vivid ones from today are [and obviously recounting all your extra antics, not just during that film but before too which obvs I don’t need to because we can re-read it if we need to remember]’]
Rio: [the way this has your breathing noticeably getting faster and shallow ‘it’s been a really good christmas’ after having to swallow dramatically to calm down enough to speak]
Buster: [touching her throat after she swallows, as dramatically, there’s no need ever ‘the best so far’ because always gonna top it and y’all can enjoy thinking about what next year could be like and all the ones after, why not]
Rio: [melting into your touch like he can keep his hand there forever ‘it’s nice being friends again, so we can stick together’ because need to have no excuse to be seen with you all day]
Buster: [‘I’ve never had a friend like you’ because true in every sense, saucy and actual]
Rio: [‘I’ll be your best friend, if you want’ likewise all the ways we could mean that]
Buster: [‘I do want us to be that for each other’ so sincerely because it’s lonely at the top sis]
Rio: [smile so big because you care about him and he cares about you and it’s everything to get that confirmation]
Buster: [the actual intake of breath because her smile is so beautiful and he can’t deal before he’s then trying to get a not at all subtle look at the bitten inside of her mouth because he’s a drunken nerd and he cares that much bye]
Rio: [laughing and playfully pushing his face away like what are you doing ‘so weird’]
Buster: [‘I’m not, I’m being friendly’ the way that’s said though and then a he's putting his finger in her mouth and really softly feel where she’s bitten the inside of her cheek to shit, obvs checking the other side too and the inside her lip because gotta be v slow and indecent and thorough about this]
Rio: [the moans you can’t hold back literally with how you are in this moment ‘it hurts’ however distorted that is by his literal fingers in your mouth because we must]
Buster: [dying about it because you’ve been able to make so little noise ever, be it on your date or on this day so it’s really new and !! and of course feels like she’s being louder than she is and like y’all are closer to being caught than you are which we know you’re both into, so the way he not at all casually pushes her against a wall or whatever surface wherever they are rn like gotta hide even more is a response to all those things as much as it’s also just him being overwhelmed]
Rio: [‘OW’ ing like that also hurt way more than it did so you don’t make more indecent sounds about it but the way we’re LOOKING at you, you’re going to know how we’re actually feeling]
Buster: [the LOOK he’s giving making it known that he’s not at all sorry despite how soft he’s being holding her atm as if to make up for lowkey slamming her into something]
Rio: [‘you’re so determined to show how nice you aren’t’ standing on your tiptoes so you can ‘fix’ his hair aka run your hands through it]
Buster: [‘I want you to know so badly’ because when she said she wanted to kiss him so badly, the exact same energy, picking her up slightly so she can reach easier the way he helped her at the bar before]
Rio: [‘I want what you want’ saying each word deliberately because we do and you said we didn’t when you were pissed off so hear it, tugging his hair just slightly because we’re serious ‘You’re so-’]
Buster: [‘I shouldn’t have said that either’ likewise saying each word as deliberately because he’s as serious, at the same time as using the same fingers he put in her mouth in the same manner but running them along her flaps, for lack of a better word lol, as if we gotta know how wet her underwear is from the outside never mind the inside and that isn’t already a well known fact by this point] 
Rio: [When this contact is the realest and furthest you’ve gone so far because there’s absolutely no flimsy excuse for it, should you be caught, and this has you stunned into silence, even if you cannot help moving towards his touch]
Buster: [you’re gonna wish that you were stunned into silence sir because that same thought would have the opposite effect on him cos he’s extra, we know, and it’s your turn to make a SOUND that is too loud for where you are and soz but this isn’t the feral free for all of st paddy’s so you’ve simply gotta either hear somebody go past/talking or something and therefore be like !! about if they heard you, because this cannot be a hookup moment and it will if y’all don’t get scared straight] 
Rio: [it’d be a total amateur move to jump away from him like you’re on fire, so you just about manage that but as close as we just pushed ourself against you is how far we’re getting away, trying your best to look casual and not like you’re on the highest alert for two reasons now]
Buster: [both of you not breathing just here like 👀 but he’s always the boy with a plan who can get himself under control so ‘I did say a minute’ because he did to your fam you were sat with like maybe you should go because it has been longer than that and you can’t keep pushing your luck like this, lads, not tonight at least] 
Rio: [nod, in a daze at first but as you’re pulling your clothes back into place, nod more confidently like yeah, you’re right ‘why did you wanna talk to me?’ like what’s the story because it’s not what it actually was]
Buster: [the cogs in his head visibly turning like oh yes we need a cover story because truly you do, obvs it’s easiest to blame Nancy because everyone saw that fight with her and things have been rocky between y’all since your bday and she do be a huge bitch so it’s not inconceivable that you act like something she said/did was Rio related because she’s a mess she won’t remember and nobody would be on her side if she said she didn’t, just thinking all these things out loud, putting together the pieces in a conspiratorial whisper vibe] 
Rio: [that all tracks ‘I can make up the rest’ putting your present in your bag carefully ‘make you look bad but not quite as bad as her, like’ with a lil smirk like sounds about right, yeah?]
Buster: [his own confident nod like yes exactly because he knows she knows what she’s doing and he can trust her obvs or none of this would be happening]
Rio: [wave at him as you get out of this hiding place like okay then ‘see you later?’]
Buster: [when you really wanna pull her back in and just stay here and even start to do that before you can stop yourself + all the moves to lean in to kiss her but then you remember that you absolutely cannot start down that road again so you’re like ‘yeah, see you later’ whilst your lips are close enough to brush against hers, nbd but at least it feels like a to be continued/promise that way so that’s nice]
Rio: [‘why-’ when you likewise can’t stop yourself from starting to ask a question you already know the answer to, not that you mind the continued sensation of brushing your lips against each others, tortuous though it is]
Buster: [‘You know why’ didn’t need to say that remotely but we’re prolonging that sensation and this moment shamelessly]
Rio: [‘I forget’ because that’s the truest thing you could possibly say]
Buster: [‘It’s really fucking easy to’ because same]
Rio: [‘If we got caught now, we’d be the only ones who knew we didn’t kiss’ because you basically are]
Buster: [‘If we do, we won’t stop at a kiss’ too true ‘and we’ll still get caught before we want it to be over’ again true, you have no chill and mid hook up would be so frustrating you’d actually die]
Rio: [when you know so you don’t need to say anything ‘you didn’t let me go’ as if you made big attempts to leave]
Buster: [‘I tried’ because it would really feel like he made such a big effort to because that’s how hard it is rn and how much they don’t wanna leave each other]
Rio: [‘Third times meant to be a charm, so-’ walking away like you can bring me back this time and you better lol]
Buster: [Doing it with such a !!! move, if she thought she was getting thrown around before it’s nothing compared to this moment here ‘It should’ve been me making you cum’ pinning her hands above her head as he says this like he’s so offended at them for doing it during the film instead and it goes without saying that he’s also dry humping her to within an inch of her life in the way they could not then because they were barely able to move and this time he’s doing the absolute most]
Rio: [‘It was’ blurted out as you’re shifting all your weight onto him, pulling him closer by his belt ‘it’s been you for ages now’]
Buster: [‘on your birthday’ not a question because we know it, she wore an outfit for you despite the fact you weren’t there so]
Rio: [‘how could I think about anyone else?’ soz not soz flop boyfriend but we know he won and it wasn’t even a close competition]
Buster: [sucks to suck flop and he’s SO into it as evidenced by his v enthusiastic responses rn, telling her about his absolutely savage behaviour when she left to go to the airport and he was left to his own devices because whatever you did to deal with how turned on you were, we know it was beyond extra]
Rio: [we’re moving ferally fast because 1. We don’t have time to waste and 2. This is how hearing this makes us feel ‘did it feel as good as this?’]
Buster: [‘nothing feels as good as this’ really emphasised by how difficult it would be to get that sentence out and how it sounds when he does]
Rio: [having to bite his top because you can’t bite him yet but you also genuinely hurt your mouth before and you also want him to know how hard holding back is for you too ‘no one has done it like you’ almost mad at how true that is]
Buster: [idk how her dress isn’t getting ripped in response to all of that, sheer luck and luck only because love everything she’s doing and saying so much ‘no one does anything like you do’ the truest thing, everything she does however mundane or not is next level compared to anyone else]
Rio: [‘you don’t even know yet’ because we have done nothing in the grand scheme of things even though it feels like everything ‘I wanna be in your head as much as you’re in mine’ pressing our forehead against his, continuing to grind against you as we use the movement for leverage]
Buster: [‘You’ve been in there for years, you never leave my thoughts’ because aware that she is gonna have to go fr in person in a sec as much as we don’t wanna be thinking about it]
Rio: [hiding your face in his neck, doing frustrated little whines because yes, we do not want to leave, thanks family and universe ‘it’s so stupid’]
Buster: [doing everything he possibly can rn so they don’t have to think about it and frustrated isn’t how she feels, he’s a man on a mission, including another hot shh of course but in a there, there, I’m gonna make it okay and you feel better way not like shut it please]
Rio: [grip onto the back of his shirt like your life depends on it because you’re dying ‘I can say your name, not just think it’ and proceeding to do so, in his ear so you aren’t being as loud as it would seem to y’all in this moment]
Buster: [biting his lip so hard but the moan escapes nevertheless because that’s how into it he is and always will be, excuse us everyone]
Rio: [looking at him the most 🥺 ‘you’re the most attractive boy I have ever known’]
Buster: [saying her name back with all the feeling in the world because 🥺 likewise always kills him]
Rio: [‘we should’ve done this last year, and the year before…’ just going on and on, matching the time of your thrusts, forever and always is the vibe]
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cjsinkythoughts · 3 years
In Need of a Breath
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader
Word Count: 4007
Warnings: !FATWS SPOILERS!, Cursing, Zemo, Feelings, Another PTSD Flashback
A/N: So…Part 4 is going to have a couple parts to it. Maybe even three. I didn’t even make it half way through the episode on this one, mainly because I really wanted to fit in the Reader’s backstory and I wanted her and Sam to have a heart-to-heart again. I’m suuuuper tired, so I probably won’t be posting the next part for another few hours (it’s 5 am right now and I haven’t slept), BUT it’s my day off work and I won’t be doing anything I planned because my grandmother had a stroke a couple days ago so plans have changed and I’m staying in to help her, meaning I’ll mostly be writing all day. 
This Part is kind of a mix between off-screen and shot-by-shots, but it’s mostly off screen/what’s going on inside Reader’s head.
I’m really excited about future parts and the characters that are being introduced! I will say that after these parts, I will be doing one shots of previous MCU movies with the Reader, due to the information that is being given about the Reader now. You kind of see more of how she was affected/how she affected the previous MCU movies and what she was doing during that time.
Like always, this hasn’t been beta’d, again it’s SUPER early in the morning, and I’m really tired, so please excuse any mistakes! I hope you guys enjoy this part! Stay tuned for more to come later today!
cjsinkythoughts MASTERLIST
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“You know…I’m really starting to regret saying yes to this.” You huffed out, craning your neck and squinting your eyes against the sun as you stare at the facility in front of you, hating the skin-crawling feeling of being back.
“Would you relax? Whenever you’re nervous, I get nervous, and I don’t wanna be nervous about this.” Sam shifted his weight from one foot to the other.
“Do either of you have a better plan?” Bucky grumbled, crossing his arms.
Gnawing on your lips, you finally take the lead and breathe out, “alright. Let’s go then.” You could feel the hesitance from your - what were they? Partners? Coworkers? Teammates? - the fellas before they started after you.
There was a sick twist in your gut as you entered the building, going through the lobby and security.
You had been there.
You had been there when Zemo impersonated Bucky. You had been there when Zemo unleashed the Winter Soldier at the Joint Counter Terrorist Centre Building in Berlin. You had been there during the battle at the airport. You had been there when Zemo turned Tony and Steve against each other in Siberia. You had been there when Zemo tore the Avengers from the inside out. Your family. The only family you’d ever known.
But you’d always been good about pushing your personal feelings aside for the sake of the mission. It’s what you’d been born to do. All you ever knew.
“Hey. Doll. You hear me?”
“Hmm. What?” You looked up from the ground to look into those enchanting blue oceans Bucky had for eyes, staring worriedly down at you, eyebrows pinched and forehead creased.
“I’m going in alone.” You frowned, opening your mouth to argue, but he shook his head. “Sam already agreed-”
“I didn’t necessarily agree-”
“You’re an Avenger, sweetheart.” Bucky tilted his head, speaking softly, those eyes of his worried. Worried for you. It made your stomach flip. “And you were there in Siberia, and that almost makes it worse. Especially considering you went after him. Just…just let me do this, okay?”
You cracked your knuckles nervously as you thought. It was a terrible idea. But it was an idea. And it was all they had. “Okay.” You finally relented, shrugging as your hands hit your thighs and slid up to your hips. “But don’t do anything stupid.”
“Steve took all that with him.”
Knowing about their little inside joke, you scoffed. “Sure he did. Go before I change my mind.”
You watched him walk down the hallway, hands fidgeting with excess nerves. “I think you’re the only one he actually seeks approval from.”
“Good thing I’m so lenient then, huh?” You joked, turning to Sam with a strained smile. Your smile slipped at the curious expression on Sam’s face, his eyes darting to each of your features. “What?”
“Are you doing okay?”
You groaned, throwing your head back. You thought you got out of talking about your feelings back in Baltimore. “Oh my God, Sam-”
“I’m serious. You…you just don’t seem like yourself.”
You shook your head, looking down the hall to where Bucky disappeared before turning back to him. It was weird to have a self that people recognized. Your whole life you’d been searching for it and when you finally found it…everything went to shit. “Honestly, Sammy, the only time I’ve ever felt like myself was with the team. Zemo took that away from me and now we’re here, practically begging him for help.”
Sam hummed, leaning against the wall. “Have you thought of taking a break?”
“A break.” At your bewildered look, he rolled his eyes. “Cher, this time last year most of us were dead. This time a few months ago you found out about Wanda. This time last week you were out looking for her. Maybe you should just stop and take a breather.”
Shoving your hands in your pocket and looking at the floor, you couldn’t help but snort at his advice. “I haven’t taken a breather since I was eighteen.”
He clicked his tongue. “That’s my point. FBI academy as soon as you graduated. SHIELD recruit by 21, undercover operations leader by 24? Slow down. You’re in your thirties. Next thing you know, you’re gonna be ninety something, lying on your deathbed, wishing you had stopped to smell the roses.”
“If I live to be ninety, shoot me.” He chuckled in amusement. “I’m so fucking serious, Sam. I will not be put in an old folks home to play Bingo and be pushed around in a wheelchair. It ain’t happening.”
“I’ll see what I can do.” There was that infectious smile, which you unconsciously grinned back at. “Y/N…I’m serious. You’ve been in and out of missions since you were a teenager. What’s the shortest undercover operation you’ve done?”
“I dunno.”
He gave you an unimpressed look. “Yeah you do.”
Licking your lips, you turned away and shrugged. “A couple months. Seven weeks and three days, to be precise. September to October in 2012.”
“And the longest?”
“August 2007 to May 2009. Twenty one months.” 
Letting out a puff of air through his nose, Sam pushed himself off the wall and caught your chin between his fingers to make you look at him. “That’s nearly two years under cover. And I’m sure you went right back under after-”
“I was sitting at a desk for four months doing paperwork on it.” You defended yourself.
He shook his head, brows knitting together, lips drawn down. “You say that as if four months is enough time.”
“It doesn’t matter anymore, Sammy. I’m out. I’ve been out since Ultron and Sokovia. I haven’t been under in almost a decade-”
“A decade half the world was dead for half of-”
“I wasn’t!”
“I never said you were.” Sam sighed, closing his eyes for a moment. You were always amazed at his ability to keep his emotions in check. To stay cool under pressure. Sometimes you forgot how experienced he was with dealing with other people’s trauma. It was no wonder why Steve thought he’d be good for Bucky. “Listen. All I’m saying is once this is done…don’t go diving back into searching for Wanda. Don’t go running to the kid every time he calls - and I know you’ve been doing that-”
“It’s just been homework and stuff-”
“Y/N.” You stopped, biting your lip at the stern look he gave you. “Go home. Order take out. Binge watch TV. Go for a jog through the park. Actually meet your neighbors. Go grocery shopping. Just…live. If only for a couple weeks. Don’t worry about anyone else. Don’t pick up the phone, don’t drop everything because someone needs you. You need you.”
“I-I…” You shook your head, looking at him, sincerely apologetic. “I can’t. I wish I could. But I can’t. I’ve never had one normal day in my life. I’ve never had someone to care for, never had someone to care for me. I can’t let people I’ve come to…I can’t let them think I don’t care. I don’t even know where I’d go.”
“Whaddya mean?”
You winced, not thrilled for his reaction to your next statement. “I, uh, I sold my apartment in D.C.”
He gaped at you in complete disbelief. “You got it in December!”
“I know, I know. I liked it. I really did, but…I dunno. Nomadic life has always suited me better. It’s what I grew up with.”
He took a breath, making you cringe again. You don’t think you’ve ever legitimately gotten on his nerves like this before. “Have you ever thought that, instead of going with the flow and jumping place to place, putting down roots might actually help?” He cut you off before you could say anything, holding up a finger to stop you from talking. “I can’t imagine going from foster home to foster home like you did. I can’t imagine not having a home for as long as you can remember. Louisiana’s my home. Always has, always will be. But I understand your life has been anything but stable. And maybe, just maybe, that’s why you need some stability.”
You clenched your jaw, crossing your arms. “The Avengers were my stability. Steve was my stability.”
“Because you loved him.”
“I’m not doing this with you again.” You turned to walk down to the lobby to wait for Bucky there, but Sam caught your arm.
“You were in love with him! It’s okay! You two were super close! No one would blame you! Why won’t you just admit it? I’m trying to understand! Why won’t you-”
You tugged your arm away, finally snapping at him. “Because he could never be mine, Wilson! Is that what you wanna hear?!” Sam took a step back at your exclamation. You closed your eyes, swallowing the lump in your throat and pushing down the tears. “He could preach all he wanted about moving forwards, Sammy, but we all knew he was stuck in the past. He visited the museum every Thursday because her interview showed in his exhibit on Thursdays. He carried around that broken compass because her picture was in it.” You looked back up at him sadly, shrugging. “And I get it; it’s hard to move past your first love. I get it because…that’s what he was to me.”
There was a silence that blanketed the hallway, before he spoke up hesitantly. “What about Bucky?”
“I thought - I thought I was projecting my feelings for Steve onto him because I knew Steve couldn’t ever…”
Sam raised an eyebrow. “You thought? What do you think now?”
You cleared your throat. “I’m still figuring that one out.”
“If you ever need to talk, I’ll be here.”
You chuckled, nodding slightly towards him. “Back atcha. Don’t think I haven’t noticed you not being yourself lately, either.”
“It’s…a tough topic.”
You nodded in understanding. “Just know that I’ll support every decision you make as long as you think it’s the right one. Because I trust you. Steve trusted you. It’s all we can do to try to do what’s right. That’s what makes you a good man, Sammy. He gave you that shield for a reason, and if you think what you did was right…I’ll stand by it.”
The two of you stared at each other for a moment, calming down in each other’s presences and taking comfort knowing you’d be there for each other through thick and thin. “Thank you, cher.”
“Of course, Sammy. Now let’s go see what’s taking the old grump so long.”
He laughed at that, nodding in agreement, taking your offered hand and squeezing it as you made your way down the hall.
Bucky eyed you as you spluttered, coughing on the water you were drinking. “Please don’t choke, doll.”
“Break him out of jail?!” You repeated his words and blinked at him, absolutely baffled by his plan. “Oh my God.” You groaned as Bucky and Sam started arguing, moving your flashlight around the room. “Where the hell are we?” There was no response as they kept going back and forth.
“Zemo’s gonna mess with our minds! Especially yours! No offense.”
“Heelllloooo!” You tried again. “Where the hell are we?!”
Bucky turned on the lights, giving Sam a look. “Offense.” Glancing at you he quirked an eyebrow. “Stop worrying your pretty lil’ head, sweetheart. You trust me, dontcha?” Your breath hitched at his words. You quickly recovered, huffing and pouting - although you’d deny ever pouting - and crossing your arms. You stood between the guys like that, eyes darting to whoever was speaking, waiting for them to stop so you could actually think.
“Look. Let me just walk you through a hypothetical. Can I walk you through a hypothetical?”
You and Sam exchanged glances. “What did you do?”
“I…didn’t do…anything.” Bucky shrugged.
“How is it that you, one of the most deadliest assassins basically ever, are one of the worst liars I know.” You tilted your head at him, an eyebrow quirking up in confusion.
“Shush it you. Just, okay. The weakest point in any system isn’t the software, the hardware, it’s the meatware. The human element.”
The more you listened to Bucky’s “hypothetical”, the stronger the gut feeling telling you this was a terrible terrible idea got. You brought your hands up to your head, eyes wide as he spoke.
“I don’t like how casual you’re bein��� about this. This is unnatural.”
You couldn’t help but agree with Sam’s words, your head falling back and your eyes closing. “Sweet Jesus. Listen, God, I know we don’t talk much these days, but please, please don’t let this not be a hypothetical. I’m fucking begging you.”
A noise to your right made your head snap over. “Oh hell to the fucking no!” You shook your head as Zemo himself walked in, wearing a prison guards uniform. “Uh-uh! No way! Bucky, this was not part of the plan!”
“What did you do?!”
“We need him!”
“You’re going back to prison.”
“If I may-”
All three of you faced him, simultaneously shouting, “no!”
You held your face in your hands as your head dropped, shaking back and forth, your eyes squeezing shut, tuning them out for just a minute to think. Bucky had a point. The enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that, and the Avengers were technically disbanded, which was Zemo’s whole objective in the first place, but…God. You were good at compartmentalizing, but not that much. You were willing to put your feelings aside for the mission so Bucky could talk to him. Not for you to work with him. But he had connections, you knew he did, and he had information…
“Doll?” You looked up, Bucky anxiously licking his lips as he met your gaze. “I need you to say something.”
You looked to Sam, who shrugged, gesturing to Zemo. “What do you think?”
What did you think? What did you think?! You thought that it was the worst idea in the history of ideas and you should turn back and find another way! But…you knew this was the fastest, probably most reliable way to get information that you needed.
Dammit, since when were you the deciding factor?
You sucked in a breath, looking over Sam’s shoulder at Zemo, who lifted his hand in greeting. You raised your eyes to the ceiling, pointing your finger accusingly. “This is why we stopped talking.” Gaze dropping to the still waiting fellas, you gnawed on your lip, before hissing out, “ffffine…” Running a hand through your hair, you threw your hands up as you shrugged. “Fine. Okay. Fine.”
“Okay.” Sam nodded, taking charge again.
You couldn’t believe this was happening. Except, that was a lie. You could. You’d seen weirder. You’d experienced the impossible. Lived through the unbelievable. This…this was completely imaginable.
Which is why, with a lot of hesitation and very little confidence in this plan, you followed Zemo through the auto shop you were in until you reached a large room with a ton of different old cars.
Bucky’s hand found yours as Zemo explained what the plan was, rather vaguely, in your opinion, but at least he was explaining. Point for him. Not that it would make up for the level of distrust you held for him, but it was something.
You looked up at him, giving him a puzzling frown. He usually only grabbed your hand in front of other people when he was feeling anxious. Which, yeah, he had a right to be anxious right now, but it wasn’t the right kind. The type of anxiety caused by large crowds and loud noises, ones that startled him and threw him into a defensive mode.
But the look on his face made you squeeze his hand in reassurance. He was pouting, staring at you although he did something wrong - a puppy that tore up a pillow - and all you wanted to do was give him a hug.
“You’re mad at me.” He mumbled as the four of you headed out with Zemo in the lead.
“No I’m not.”
“Yeah you are. 
“Bucky, I’m not mad.”
“Listen, if I had a better idea I wouldn’t-”
You brought your linked hands up to your lips, pressing a gentle kiss to his gloved knuckles. “I’m not mad.” You repeated more firmly. “It’s just…a lot for me, right now.”
“Why? What’s going on?”
“Nothing’s going on, Buck, I-I just…” You thought about your and Sam’s earlier conversation and suddenly understood what he meant. “I need to breathe for a second.”
His features twisted into ones of uncertainty, eyes squinting as you stepped outside. “Do you…do you wanna leave?”
You shook your head, tugging his arm to stop him and grabbing the sunglasses on his collar, slipping them over his eyes. “No. I just need some time to think. Hopefully the plane ride to wherever the hell we’re going will give me that.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, James. I’m sure.”
He lowered the glasses on his nose to scan you over the frames, before nodding and sliding them back up. “Okay. You ready for this, then?”
“No.” You breathed, turning back to where Zemo and Sam were still walking. “Let’s do this.”
Climbing onto the private jet, you raised an eyebrow at Sam, who shrugged, giving you a bemused expression. A Baron…huh…who knew? You feel like you should’ve, yet there you were.
You sat besides Bucky, across from Zemo, crossing your legs and leaning back while staring at him through narrowed eyes.
His butler seemed nice, which made you even more suspicious. You obviously didn’t know as much about Zemo as you wanted to. It was a habit you picked up after years of undercover work; once the mission was complete, that was that. There was no looking back on it. No sitting on it. It was over and you moved onto the next one. It was a bad habit in cases like this.
The moment you spotted the notebook over Zemo’s book you knew something was going to happen, yet you still flinched when Bucky lunged at him, grabbing his throat. You leaned back in your seat again, steadying your now racing heartbeat. You decided you were too tense, trying to relax your muscles as Bucky sat back down in his seat.
“I’ve seen that book. It was Steve’s when he came out of the ice. I told him about Trouble Man. He wrote it in that book.” Sam seemed so proud of himself that something he recommended was written in Steve’s little book and it made you smile.
You remembered that; Steve and you were supposed to meet up for coffee after his run, but Fury called him in so you rescheduled it for when he got back. He asked you about Marvin Gaye. For your opinion. You told him to check it out and make his own.
You remembered asking him about that little notebook of his, and he just shrugged you off telling you about his list. He would read items off to you, but he never let you read the book yourself. You never found out why, and you supposed you never would now. The thought made an ache behind your ribs that you’d come to familiarize yourself with appear.
You smiled a little more as Zemo and Sam told Bucky how awesome Marvin Gaye was. “C’mon, baby. Back me up.”
Chuckling, you looked at Bucky. “They’re not wrong. But,” you quickly added before Bucky could whine at you, facing Sam again. “Neither is Buck. I mean, c’mon. You can’t find music like the 40’s anymore. Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, Benny Goodman, Fred Astaire. Ol’ Blue Eyes himself.”
“Thank you.” Bucky grinned at Sam, who rolled his eyes.
“Okay, okay. But, I mean, c’mon! Everybody loves Marvin Gaye.”
“I like Marvin Gaye.”
“Steve adored Marvin Gaye.”
Your face fell as Zemo started talking about Steve and icons and Red Skull, your mind once again slipping away from reality.
“Kids love you.” You giggled as you finally made it out of his exhibit. You’d wanted to show it to him since he moved to D.C., and you’d finally got an opportunity after coming back from being undercover for ten weeks. “You’re their hero, you know.”
“Yeah, well, I’m just trying to do what’s right.”
You nudged him, scoffing at his answer. “You’re too humble. You’re a national icon, you know.”
Steve shrugged, looking around the museum at the planes surrounding them. “I never wanted to be.”
“Why not? Everyone loves you.”
“I’m sure not everyone loves me.” He rolled his eyes. “And…I just wanted to help. To fight. Protect my country and the people I cared about. I-I didn’t ask for…all that.” He waved behind his shoulder where his exhibit was getting smaller with each step they took away. “People were dying. Bullies were winning.”
You shook your head, spinning and walking backwards besides him to face him. “Sure, but you did that. And you became someone people could look up to in the process.”
He narrowed his eyes at you before asking, “why do you do what you do?”
“...because I’m good at it?”
“Honey.” He gave you a look. “Answer the question.”
You hummed in thought. “Because I couldn’t stand by, knowing there would be orphaned kids if I didn’t help any way I could.”
“Alright. Why do you do it in the dark?”
“Whaddya mean?”
He shrugged. “Why don’t you come out and take credit for all the lives you’ve saved?”
“Because that’s not why I do it. I don’t want that attention. I just want to know I’ve helped people. I’ve kept them safe.”
He gave you a soft smile. “I just wanted to beat the bully. I never wanted to be a dancing monkey, too.” You looked at him in a new light then, understanding where he was coming from. “Watch out, honey!” He grabbed you and pulled you aside before you could crash into a wall, arms wrapped firmly around your waist. He gave you that charming smile of his. “Wouldn’t want you hurting that pretty lil’ head of yours, now would we?”
You snapped back into the conversation, moving your eyes from the window to Bucky, who tilted his head, eyebrows pinched and eyes narrowed. “Sorry. So, Madripoor. That’s a fun place.”
You ignored the side eyed glances Bucky and Sam exchanged, Sam turning to you curiously. “You’ve been?”
“Once. Back in 2010 for a few months”
Zemo raised his eyebrows. “You’re lucky to have gotten out.”
You shrugged nonchalantly. “Lucky, maybe. Skills were a part of it, too, though.”
“Good.” Zemo nodded. “Because we’re going undercover…and if we blow it. We’re dead.”
You breathed out, shaking your memory away and getting your head back into the game. Because like the man you were severely wary of in front of you said, if you blew this, you were dead. And, sure, you didn’t want to live until ninety, but you weren’t even half way there yet. So dammit if you were going to die soon.
“Hey.” You looked over at Bucky’s murmur, his head tilting as he grabbed your hand and pulled you from your seat closer to him. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I’m fine. Are you okay? You know you’re going to have to be-”
“I know.” He nodded. You watched his Adam’s Apple bob as he swallowed thickly. “I’ll be fine. Just…tell me right now if you need to step out for this one.”
You gave him a smile that you knew he didn’t buy, just by the slight narrowing of his eye, his lips pressing together. “No. No, I’m good for this. If you think I’m gonna let you two idiots go into Madripoor with him - alone - oil that cyborg brain of yours, because there’s no way.”
He squeezed your hand, eyes still filled with uncertainty. “Are you sure?”
“If there’s even a slight possibility that I can protect you, then yeah. I’m sure, Buckaroo.”
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athyathye · 3 years
Pulling them by their belt
(Draken, Mitsuya and Koko)
Author’s note : Yes this is inspired from tiktok lol
Warnings : Curse words, and it gets pretty suggestive in Koko's part.
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Draken :
You must have a lot of nerves to do this to Toman’s very own vice president.
To say that Draken is loyal to Toman is an understatement. He would not put Toman second to anything else.
Though he had some exceptions which were, you and others.
But sometimes, you just had enough of him giving the gang more of his attention than you.
You understood him yes, but to rather spend an entire day just with work, not even giving you an ounce of attention was bull.
You had managed to drag him to go with you outside once just to make him take a breather and do some stuff with you.
“This better be quick” He said with a look. Though you could tell he was slowly getting less and less tense.
“Yeah, we’re just gonna buy some snacks. After that you better cuddle and eat them with me.” You spoke with a gentle smile as you hugged his right hand.
“Yeah yeah you big baby” He teased as he walked alongside your almost skipping steps.
Once you both had arrived at a nearby convenience store, he offered to pay. So of course you had to take advantage of that.
Getting numerous kinds of snacks and drinks that you began feeling sad for his wallet, until you remembered how he ignored you to deal with Mikey’s sh*t that he never even liked doing in the first place.
Though, what you didn't expect to see was Chifuyu and Mitsuya entering the store.
Apparently Mikey gave them a task, more like an errand to buy him some snacks.
You were nearing them when you heard their hushed whispers and Chifuyu constantly turning back to look at you.
Fed up, you walked towards them, only to get kinda kicked out By draken as he just gave you his wallet and lightly pushed you to the cashier for you to pay.
Ok now you were mad, and because you were petty you grabbed a few more unnecessary items just to expend his leftover money.
Seeing as though you weren’t welcomed in their talk, you waited for them outside of the store.
After 5 minutes they slowly exited, but still talked to each other, this time more audibly.
A tick mark formed on the side of your head as you walked closer to them
They all stopped talking but you didn’t care anymore as you grabbed Draken by the belt, pulling at his collar so he could be face to face with you.
You took that chance and smashed your lips to his.
You pulled away only to see the flabbergasted faces of Chifuyu and Mitsuya.
“Sorry boys, But I’m taking him for the rest of the day.” You grinned cutely as you once again pulled Draken, but by his shirt now, Almost dragging him back to your place.
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Mitsuya :
Now I'm not saying you were shameless...but that’s exactly what I’m saying.
Who knew the calm and rational Mitsuya would have a type that was the exact opposite of him.
You weren’t really the definition of wild, but you couldn’t sit still for at least a few seconds.
To them, you were like another person for Mitsuya to take care of, much like his younger sisters.
And they seemed to treat you like one too with the constant head pats they give you.
You were never one to shy away from the spotlight or the attention, in fact you liked it.
But what you really liked was your and emma’s girl talk’.
You guys were best friends no doubt.
The boys would sometimes hear you both squealing about something almost every single day.
They loved you, they really did. But the squealing was just too much sometimes, you knew and you both still did it just because.
There was one time Mikey  invaded your talk and told you to shut up. You know what happened? That was the first time Mikey had ever felt desperate eagerness to take it back. Looks like the invincible Mikey wasn’t so invincible after all.
The boys agreed to just let you do your thing after that, they had never seen Mikey so roughed up and close to tears, and they all collectively agreed to not get involved, even if the cost was their eardrums intact.
Ahem anyways, Emma was thankful for you, you were like the sister she needed in a house full of testosterone.
You were a breath of fresh air for her and she learned new stuff from you.
Speaking of new stuff, You had a lot of tips on how to make someone fall, that was kinda your specialty after all, you had single handedly bagged Mitsuya even if you were a constant headache for him.
You were in the middle of explaining to her how to possibly lure Draken out with her when you guys stumbled on them, they were obviously out doing gang related things but you didn’t mind.
Instead, you told Emma to observe you, a grin on your face which always made Mitsuya wary.
As you were walking towards them, Mitsuya had been fixing his Toman uniform when he felt someone tug his belt.
He turned around, feeling the force of the tug increase, only to be met by soft lips.
You could hear Emma behind you letting out a squeal like gasp.
You pulled away once you were out of breath, still holding in Mitsuya who was redder than any tomato they ever saw.
“That’s how you do that belt thingy” You said to her with a grin as you practically bounced over.
You looked behind you to give them a wink as you went on your merry way with Emma.
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Let’s get things straight, Koko sees the world as a series of calculations.
There is no lie in that. He’s the type to cling onto power, not afraid of licking someone’s boot, only to end up betraying them if ever somebody who could give more benefits gave him a reason too.
Though I guess you were different? Even if he got you through the same method, observing the benefits then acting on it.
But you were the best thing he could ask for, you understood his greed, even sharing it sometimes.
You were definitely fit to be called a power couple by others. The type of people who could swindle another person to buy a bottle of air for a hefty amount.
You both were crafty and repressed in your ways, that made you both desired by many gangs who tried to get you onto their side, only to leave after getting incredibly emptied in the money department.
You lived the Bonnie and Clyde lifestyle, and you’d be damned if you were to ever give that up, ‘a fun life is better than a long one’ were the thoughts that corrupted your mind every night after you felt the growing guilt you’d naturally harness after your crimes.
Though, to say you were possessive was an underplay.
You hated the times when Kokonoi would deliberately pull other people in his antics to make you feel jealous.
To you it was not amusing at all, but to him...well he enjoyed it. The way your eyes turn into slits, the eye rolls you direct at him and the scoffs you would make when the person he had been so obviously using spoke up.
You hated how he’d be so laid-back, smooth talking his victim until they don’t have any money left to offer to him.
“I don’t really mind.” He grinned as he spoke to the girl on his lap, hanging in his shoulders as he subtly gave her shoulder a squeeze.
“Oh? Really?” She asked, flashing him her pearly white teeth and seducing laugh.
“Yeah, as long as you give me a portion of at least 25%” “15%” “20%” “deal.”
Both of them smiled as they downed their expensive champagne.
He could feel the burning stare in his back but paid no attention to it.
“So, what’s the deal with your plaything?” She leaned over, showing him a clear view of her cleavage as her hand found its way to his chest.
“Plaything? Unfortunately for you sweetheart,” He spoke as he heard the sound of heels clacking, he didn’t need to turn around and look, he knew it was you.
Koko gently pushed the girl down towards the expensive leather couch he was sitting on.
“My girl is no plaything.” He spoke before he felt someone push his chest as another hand pulled on his belt.
You said nothing as you crashed on top of him, locking your lips with his, claiming what was yours.
You could hear the other girl scoff and stand up, purposely leaving with loud stomps.
“And unfortunately for you, your girl is mad.” You spoke as you stood up and left him by himself.
While he watched as the dress you wore cling perfectly to your body, your hips swaying with every step you took, it hypnotized him. But he liked the jealous expression you had better.
"Damn" he smirked to himself.
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watchmegetobsessed · 3 years
The Hottest Avenger - Bucky Barnes
a/n: im warning you, i will probably not stop for a while with the bucky fics so... brace yourselves lol! also i wrote this before ep 5 came out so its placed in that time
pairing: Bucky X Reader
warnings: TFATWS spoiler, some violence? nothing extreme
word count: 1.8k
summary: Being locked together with Sam and Bucky brings the worst out of you, picking on each other constantly. Following an arguement Bucky accidentally calls you his girlfriend in front of Sam when your relationship was supposed to be a secret.
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“Did you fucking eat the last dumpling?” you accuse Sam, holding up the empty takeout box where you thought were one more dumpling, one you’ve saved for yourself, but now it’s gone as Sam is eyeing you with his mouth full.
“Thought it was mine,” he mumbles, his words barely understandable from all the food in his mouth.
Taking a deep breath you’re trying not to jump at his throat right then and there. You’ve been locked up together all damn day in the trashy apartment across the street from the building where’s Zemo supposed to be hiding. Sharon had a tip about a possible place where he might be found, but you’ve been waiting to no avail for now. You’ve been growing stressed and impatient. You lost track of Karli and her people and now you can’t seem to find Zemo either. If it wasn’t for the Dora Milaje, you wouldn’t bother to be so after the asshole, but Bucky said if Ayo finds him first, he is dead and every useful information he holds goes to the grave with him so now you are forced to look for him. One failed mission has been following the other these days, that incompetent dickhead John is on the loose too after murdering that man in front of civilians and you feel like control has slipped out of your grip a long time ago. Now you’re stuck with Sam and Bucky in this crappy place, waiting by the window, watching out for Zemo and on top of everything… Sam ate your last dumpling.
Just when you’re about to snap at him, you feel a strong grip on your shoulder. You don’t have to look up to know it’s Bucky right behind you, but not just because he is the only other person in the room beside you and Sam, but also because you know his touch probably more than anyone. Only that most of the times it’s not your shoulder he is gripping…
It’s been going on for a long time between the two of you. Started with just some innocent flirting and you never thought it would grow into something more significant, but it did. And now you are officially in a relationship with none other than the Winter Soldier, only that no one else knows about it and you plan to keep it that way. You don’t need the teasing and jokes and the Avengers are known to be dicks sometimes, especially Sam.
Glancing up your eyes meet Bucky’s blue irises and he sends you a look that says “just let it go”, and though every fiber in you wants to whoop Sam’s ass, you let it slip.
“Don’t tell me you’re gonna get mad about a dumpling,” Sam chuckles as he chews on the food that you should be enjoying right now.
“I can get mad about whatever I want to,” you growl back, growing quite irritated of him at this point.
“Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed,” he huffs under his breath, clearly not as bothered as he should be. Before you could do any harm in him, you leave your spot by the window, needing a breather from… well, from him.
“Hey, it’s still your turn!” he calls after you.
“I need a break,” you growl back.
“Get your ass back here, we agreed to switch every two hours!”
“Sam! I’m walking out because I’m way too tempted to punch you in the face right now!” you snap at him, losing your patience. He rises from his seat with a hard expression, not quite a fan of the way you just talked to him, but you couldn’t care less.
“You think you could actually throw one? Because last time we fought you couldn’t really get a hold of me,” he narrows his eyes at you, coming to stand tall in front of you, trying to intimidate you with how much taller and stronger he might be, but you both know you’re a better fighter.
“It’s easy to talk with your fancy tech stuff. Why don’t we see who wins in a simple battle?” you challenge him with faked boredom.
“Guys, stop. We should be looking out for Zemo, not tearing each other apart,” Bucky tries to end the staring contest, sticking his metal arm between the two of you in case any of you decides to launch at the other one.
“Then tell her to stop bitching!” Sam nods in your way.
“I’m not bitching, I’m just fed up with your bullshit!” you spat back at him, leaning closer, your chest coming in contact with Bucky’s extended arm.
“Don’t talk to her like that, Sam,” Bucky warns him, but Sam snorts dryly.
“Don’t tell me you are taking her side, she is throwing a fit for a fucking dumpling!”
“I’m not taking sides, just trying to settle this stupid disagreement here,” he defends himself and you roll your eyes.
“You can’t tell me she is not overreacting it, Buck!” Sam laughs in disbelief, taking a step back, dropping the act that he wants to fight you. He probably knows he would come out as a ridiculous loser. “This is fucking insane, I’m not in the mood to deal with your shit, Y/N,” he shakes his head.
“Hey!” Bucky snaps at him. “Don’t talk to my girlfriend like that, okay?!”
“I’m just—wait, what?!” Sam’s eyes widen and you freeze too.
Your dumbass boyfriend didn’t just out the two of you, did he? What else is about to come?! Sam’s shock turns into a cocky grin as his eyes shift between you and Bucky.
“You guys… you guys are fucking?” he asks with a delightful laugh and you close your eyes sighing, already tired of his shit.
“That’s not—We’re not fucking, I mean… It’s not like that,” Bucky stutters, but it’s just making it worse. He looks at you with terror in his eyes, but you are way too drained to deal with it the right way.
“Yes, we are fucking! And we are in a mature adult relationship! Get yourself over it!” you bark at Sam before turning around and walking out.
You faintly hear the two men talk inside, but you don’t make out the words. You don’t go too far, sitting on the steps leading up to the third floor. Soon enough you hear the door of the apartment open with a creak and a moment later Bucky shows up in your sight. He sits beside you, remaining silent for a little before speaking up.
“Sorry for running my mouth,” he mumbles, his head hanging low.
“It’s… fine,” you breathe out. Bucky fidgets with his fingers and you know he wants to touch you in any kind of way as a reassurance that it really is fine. You don’t want to hold a grudge, it was an accident, you’re just a little bummed it’s not gonna be just the two of you anymore. Reaching out you take his hand, the real one that’s flesh and meat and you lace your fingers together as he peeks at you, still reserved and hesitant.
“Is it really fine or are you just bottling it up?”
“It really is fine,” you chuckle softly and leaning closer you kiss his scruffy cheek. “The only reason I wanted to keep it a secret is because you know how vickery the guys can get. I just didn’t want them to pick on us.”
“They do it because they are just jealous,” he smirks playfully, his shoulder bumping against yours.
“Yeah? Of what?” A soft chuckle slips through your lips.
“That I scored the hottest Avenger,” he replies smugly and you can’t help but laugh with your head snapping back.
“I didn’t know you were fucking Thor!” you retort and immediately see his smirk vanish from his lips as he stares back at you, not enjoying your joke as much as you are.
“Thor? Really? Not this shit again, Y/N,” he narrows his eyes at you. Back when you were just skirting around each other, you loved pulling his leg, joking about how much you are into the hottest Avenger, aka Thor. He never appreciated it, usually earned you a tight-lipped smile before he mumbled “Tarzan’s got nothing on me” before walking away, leaving you laughing like a hyena.
“Come on, you know I’m more into super soldiers,” you grin, leaning closer as he pepper his sharp jawline with more small kisses.
“You know, it’s not the best thing to say to your boyfriend when there are now about eight more super soldiers running around,” he huffs.
“But none of them has a metal arm,” you point out, finally making him laugh.
“So that’s your kink? A vibranium arm?” he asks with faked shock and you curl your arms around his bicep, resting your chin on his shoulder.
“How haven’t you realized yet?” you chuckle. Bucky turns his head until his lips can capture yours in a sweet, lighthearted kiss that makes you forget about everything that’s been clouding over your mind these past days. All the failures, the mistakes and chaos fades into nothing, because you have him and he has you.
Walking back into the apartment Sam stares back at you, neither of you entirely sure how to act after what just happened. He then grabs his phone from the dusty table before holding it up.
“I could order some extra dumplings,” he offers and you crack a smile shaking your head. This was his peace offering, both of you knows he won’t straight up apologize for the way he talked, but this is already more than what you were expecting from him. Bucky must have had a few words with him before joining you outside.
“It’s all good.”
The three of you get back to work, taking your previous spots, returning to the task on hand as silence falls on the room once again. You catch Sam glancing at you and the Bucky and you can tell he is about to make a snarky comment on your relationship. And just as he is about to open his big mouth, Bucky moves to silence him, but you’re faster. With a simple move you throw Sam to the ground, keeping him down with your hand wrapped around his neck.
“Don’t even think about teasing, understood?” you hiss at him as he gasps for air, his hands wrapping around your wrist as he tries to fight you off, but you hold him a second longer to emphasize the importance of your words. Then you finally let go of him and he coughs for air, fixing him up from the floor as you simply walk back to your spot by the window.
“Hottest Avenger, huh?” he breathes out, revealing that he heard what you talked about out on the stairs. “More like the Avenger with the most anger issues…”
You just grin, glancing over at your boyfriend who is now standing with his arms crossed over his chest, not even bothered by his friend’s struggles on the floor as he smirks back at you, nodding proudly as if he was saying: “That’s my girl.”
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed it!
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piracytheorist · 2 years
Yo but like Yamato going like "I'm useless and it wouldn't matter if I didn't exist" and Gabumon going like "Have you considered... that we love you?" and that being such a new concept to him. That he doesn't need to be of practical use to others in order to matter - even though throughout the show he did do things that proved he cared for others (his devotion to Takeru, his insistence to take a breath instead of walking straight into unknown territory, staying to help Jou when the restaurant owner all but threatened Jou's life) not because he felt that gave purpose to his life, but because he was genuinely selfless. When he felt that Taichi's way was "better", he saw himself as useless and hopeless because he was not Taichi, and Gabumon was like "Yeah you two are different, SO WHAT? You're both worthy" and it all struck him as something completely new. That even though he made mistakes based on his own judgment people still cared for him.
And like, this would be hilariously edgy if it wasn’t terrifyingly relatable. How we’re raised to think that we’re worthless if we don’t serve a practical purpose to someone or something - which is different than self-actualization and goal-setting - so much that we kinda forget that our loved ones love us because... well, they just do. Not because we are useful to them in a practical way, but because we matter to them.
And with Yamato, it even ties to his relationship with Takeru. He saw himself as worthy by being a good, protective big brother, hoping that Takeru would see his worth that way and not drift away from him. But the moment he realized Takeru was growing able to defend himself, it hit him that Takeru may leave because he’d “realize” that Yamato was worthless to him now. He couldn’t fathom the idea that Takeru just loved him unconditionally - and it hits you how messed up that is when you think that Takeru was an innocent and exceedingly optimistic 8yo at the time. That if Yamato couldn’t even imagine a person like Takeru would love him unconditionally, what hopes did he have for anyone who’s even the least bit more critical and cautious caring for him?
And again, he was always insistent on taking a breath and allowing the group to rest and get a bearing on their emotions (even though he didn’t allow himself the same luxury) and argued with Taichi (who was insistent of moving on and finding a safer place with provisions despite the emotional state of the group, like now I wonder whether the writers had read The Fellowship of the Ring before creating that dynamic or if it’s a more common trope than I realize, the dynamic of “give me a freaking moment” and “we’re in immediate danger we have to move on”) because this is how he found his worth; by providing the group with a solution to their problems (emotional breather), and once Taichi offered an alternative that would cater to other problems they had (shelter and provisions) to Yamato that felt like an attack to his own self-worth. And when he looked for a way to be something more, to grow into a bigger person, and he resorted to provoking Taichi into a fight, and then realized how wrong of him that was... that the action he took to better himself and find worth in himself independent of others was extremely selfish and reckless - something he always opposed as a character... how would he find in himself the hope that he could make up for it? The potential to understand why someone would really care for him? Because if he couldn’t be “useful” as a big brother - with Takeru growing some independence - and if he couldn’t grow into something else because when he tried that, he turned selfish and competitive, just why would anyone care for him?
Like the fact that unconditional love even from his young, innocent, and - most of all - hopeful and optimistic little brother didn’t even cross his mind shreds my heart into ribbons.
(I originally ended the post there and wrote the rest in the tags but you know what they are a good addition so I’m putting them here instead)
Because this is both brilliant and heartbreaking - the way his entire character and relationship with his brother is set up and develops. And if we're honest it's nothing extreme. It only goes that far because of the emotional strain the adventure had in them, and that’s something the show ACTUALLY COVERS?? Like they don't shy away from the fact that that adventure was emotionally taxing on all of them because they were KIDS, some of whom already had unresolved issues and the stress from their quest just pushed them further. So you get Yamato who thinks he doesn't matter if he's not practically useful and when pushed he resorts to desperate measures in order to find worth in himself.
I take back EVERYTHING I've ever implied about Digimon being unwatchable as an adult it has so much going on I can't even start
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leviiattacks · 4 years
ceo levi falling in love?
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author note :: THIS WAS SM FUN TO WRITE?? levi in the modern world is just always enjoyable for me. anyways it’s just lots of shy ceo levi and secretary reader :-) as always requests are open feel free to stop by !! :D word count :: some how i got to 2.4k,,,, i promise it was an accident it doesn’t feel that long 
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levi falls in love slowly. he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it until he looks at you one day during a company meeting and is unable to understand why he can’t take his eyes off you
usually he’s able to shift his focus away but he’s stuck in place despite his efforts to look away
the entire meeting is him occasionally humming his approval at all the proposals and prospective business plans being presented to him
when, truly he is NOT listening at all. he’s trying to figure out when the hell and why the hell he began to feel this way for you.
it gets to a point where he’s so distracted over it he ends the team meeting early
everyone in the room exchanges worried glances between each other.
mr ackerman, letting them leave early? that’s a first but HEY!! they’ll take it!!
as everyone disperses out of the room he’s sitting with his back hunched in his plush office chair when he then comes to the realization that he has no idea when he did fall for you,,,,, it just sorta happened????
well, you are basically around him 24/7 and help him with everything but, his newfound feelings still catch him by surprise
at first he’s scared. the feeling is odd and the way his chest tightens as he speaks to you doesn’t feel right at all.
“any specific type of tea for today?” you ask waiting for his response
the rope squeezes at his heart and he squirms around a little.
“u-um, the usual is just fine”
but AGAIN he ignores it, he knows it’s for the best if he doesn’t get emotionally involved with you.
for the record, levi’s definition of emotionally involved is dating you, he doesn’t know that despite not dating you he is very much still emotionally involved with you
he’s pretty good at hiding his feelings though and the fact he likes you goes unnoticed by literally everyone
well, it does stay that way for a little while
that is until someone else expresses interest in you.
it’s a normal friday evening but for some unknown reason he can’t stop himself from clenching his jaw when he walks past you and overhears jean the new head of marketing ask if you’re single
levi is stood behind you and turns to hand his chilling stare to jean who slowly notices. he looks like his knees are about to buckle. “?,&:£:& sorry for asking,,, i’ll...... get going......”
levi just grunts in annoyance glaring at him even as he scurries out the hallway.
you turn to look at him and happily smile “ahhh thank you, i didn’t know how to turn him down he just joined the team so you know, it was weird he asked that”
levi just nods and tells you to get back to work and he hears you squeak out a “yepyepyep!!!”
levi is also very in denial about the way he feels
one day it’ll be “yeah i like y/n” the next it’s “no i do not...that is literally SO stupid. me??? in love?? never.”
also, when you accidentally brush past his skin he can’t help but tense up slightly and look anywhere but where you’re touching him
one time you place a hand on his forehead to check on his temperature because you do not trust him to be honest about having a fever
the scent of your vanilla perfume it’s sweet and simple but it makes him feel incredibly shy for no reason at all
he feels like a stupid flustered school boy
the man can’t even handle looking you in the eye. he’s reading his paperwork acting as nonchalant as possible when he’s really just freaking out
is my forehead sweaty?
fuck, fuck, fuck how do i look up close?
his thoughts are so jumbled up he doesn’t know how to respond to you when you ask if he’s really doing okay
“your cheeks are bright red, maybe you do have a fever?” you’re frowning and rummaging through your bag hoping to find something to help his pounding headache
but all he’s doing as he sits at his desk is nervously opening and closing his pen by the lid
he can’t tell if his face is red because he’s ill or because he likes you
and it’s driving him CRAZY??
wait a second.
does he like you? or does he like-like you?? or does he lo- no he does not love you that is absurd
what really cements his feelings for you is the day he’s unable to reel his mouth back in.
he just starts rambling about everything that has been stressing him out recently
the new company merger, developing new product designs, reviewing humongous stacks of paperwork, attending all these long meetings
he is being driven to his breaking point and you stand there taking it all in
“hey, take the day off.” your soft voice cuts him off mid sentence and he looks at you like you just told him to curl up into a ball and die
take a day off???? he does not have the time to take a day off??
he assumes you’re frustrated by his behaviour and begins to apologize. “i’m sorry that was unprofessional i shouldn’t have don-”
“i’ll finish the paperwork. your next meeting is scheduled for tomorrow. it’s okay to take a breather.” you pick up the stack of documents and move to transfer them over to your desk
but levi is persistent.
he stands in your way and you look at him expecting him to step out
“there is no need for that.” his tone is firm but you’re still defiant
“it’s my job as your secretary to alleviate your workload.” you don’t even spare him a glance and he feels like he’s burdening you now
sure, you are his secretary but allowing you to complete all that work on your own is ludicrous
waltzing around him you beeline towards your desk but again he steps in your way interjecting your path
your face morphs into a mortified expression and you panic, you did not just call him by his first name AT WORK
“i mean,” [insert an anxious yet deliberate cough] “mr ackerman.”
“listen, i understand you’re very stressed sir but i’ll finish the work off so please rest up. you need to be refreshed for tomorrow’s company dinner with the investors.”
you’re pleading he takes your advice but all he can do is blink in confusion
you would do that for him???
are you really just diligent and caring or,,, does he maybe have a chance at asking you out?
but again as quick as the idea enters his head it leaves.
asking you out sounds absurd to him, you deserve way better than someone like him
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levi is having another one of his jealous moments
you’ve latched yourself onto reiner braun’s arm at the company dinner and he turns away frustrated
you look really pretty
like,,, sUPER pretty
like,,, drop dead gorgeous
he clears his throat when you both make eye contact
you perk up a little and your hand raises to wave at him but levi is so horrible at interacting with you he ends up ignoring you completely...
the pit of fire in his stomach flares up when he hears reiner compliment you, he’s surprised you even accept it and thank him
now, levi is not annoyed because you don’t deserve the compliment.
no, no, no you deserve all the compliments under the sun as far as he’s concerned but what the hell does “you look way better than normal.” even mean??
he thinks you look pretty every day so he’s just a tad bit offended by it
and he only begins to realize he’s in too deep when he sees the way reiner is getting a little too handsy for his liking
he doesn’t interrupt by saying anything even though he really wants to, you seem to not mind reiner’s touch
so he won’t step in between that, it’s not even any of his business
but it certainly doesn’t stop his displeasure from being blatantly obvious and displayed on his face
“ahhh mr ackerman, if it isn’t a pleasure to see you?”
levi hears an investor greet him but his eyes are glued on you.
you’re laughing so hard at one of braun’s jokes and he feels the same flame in his stomach.
it’s rising and reaches his chest igniting once again and he narrows his eyes finally looking away
he’s not going to spare you another glance this entire evening instead he’ll occupy himself with business talk
“mr acker-”
spinning on his heel he twists around and is face to face to with one of his close sponsors erwin smith
he smiles and the two shake hands discussing new company developments and shared work stress before some how shifting to each other's personal lives
“seeing anyone?” erwin’s question makes levi stiffen and his eyes flick towards where you were just standing a while ago
you’re no longer there but he spots you a little further away now sitting alone
you look a little lost and he feels a sudden and strong magnetism
he wants to approach you to talk so badly, and as his eyes scan around the room he sees reiner occupying himself in a suggestive conversation with a lady from HR
she’s definitely trying to flirt and he’s reciprocating easily
oh, so you’ve been ditched...?
is reiner OK???
first the backhanded compliment
now he’s ditching YOU???
it makes levi feel a little angry and frustrated
he doesn’t even notice at first because he’s so deep in thought but erwin leans in to whisper in his ear. “i know that look, go talk to your crush.”
“we’re much too old for you to be using the term crush. it makes it sound childish.” levi grumbles before taking a sip from his wine glass
“i’ll go keep my secretary company. i’ve spoke to most of the other investors it should be okay.” the statement is more of a question but smith nods in response
“it’ll be more than okay, go get em’ tiger!” erwin lands a light punch onto levi’s shoulder and he grins before walking away
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to levi’s disappointment he’s unable to speak to you
you end up getting dragged into conversation with some of the other employees and he doesn’t see you again
so much for talking to you, he couldn’t even get within a meters radius
he’s now out on the balcony for a breathe of fresh air, the past few hours have consisted of tedious and forced small talk with an investor’s daughter
her father has been BEGGING levi, even bribing him to consider marrying her but levi rejects every single time
there’s nothing wrong with the girl really
she’s well educated and quite pretty but... that’s all he knows about her?
AND no one beats you, even though he’s still kinda in denial about liking you
hell, not like that part matters he doesn’t even know the girl’s name what does her dad expect from him?
was it sharron? shana? he forgot her name as soon as it was said 
much to levi’s dismay he hears an unexpected giggle behind him and then an arm slinks over his shoulder, the investor’s daughter has followed him out and is now pressing her chest against him awaiting a reaction
frankly, he wants to push her off BUT he’ll be in big trouble and lose a key sponsor if he handles this incorrectly
“could you please distance yourself?” he tries to intimidate the younger girl away with the bitter tone of his voice but it only seems to motivate her
“feisty one aren’t you?” she’s looking up at him through her lashes and her poor attempt at looking appealing only makes levi internally face palm
her index finger is drawing circles into his tie and he feels his breath hitch due to how uncomfortable she’s making him
“please move.” he requests for her to listen once again and he’s now taken a step back but she only follows and keeps her firm grip on his tie
she doesn’t seem to be letting up and there’s nothing he can really do about it.
he guesses he’ll just wait till she gets bored but the time passes at an excruciatingly slow rate
in this fifteen minute duration she’s played around with his hair which has SERIOUSLY annoyed him because he took time to style it
and he thought it looked pretty cool
now she’s only pushed and pushed further and further into his chest and he can feel her hot icky breath hit his neck
the veins in his forehead are twitching in expanding irritation and he doesn’t know how much more of this he can tolerate
“you’re making him uncomfortable.” levi’s head snaps to the right and there you are still as beautiful as the last time he saw you
your arms crossed over your chest and you’re looking the girl up and down
“and who might you be?” the way she scoffs seems to be enough to piss you off because your face morphs into a scowl.
big Yikes...you’re mad
“leave him alone.”
“you must be of no importance, we have no time for-”
“step away before i make a report on the grounds of sexual harassment.”
you flip your phone out smirk plastered across your face
“it’s all been recorded. know your place.” you’re unyielding and even levi is thinking??? wow??? you know how to not be nice??? because well, he’s never seen you this mad 
just as you expect she barges out in a fury (not before flicking you off), you’ve left her brimming with rage and you feel rather proud of yourself
you release a content sigh
“do i get a raise for saving you or what?” you dryly jab 
he’s always loved your straightforward jokes, they align perfectly with his blunt humour
he murmurs his appreciative thanks
“are you enjoying yourself?” he asks the question eager to know what your answer is
it’s another way he knows he’s falling way too deep for his liking
he never asks anyone else these trivial questions
“enjoyable. although reiner is a little.” you pause to find the correct words
“he just made me a little uncomfy, he’s very extroverted so i felt out of place. thankfully he’s preoccupied himself elsewhere.” the same lonely look from before returns to your face 
yeah, it is kinda sucky to have your date ditch you
“you don’t have to tolerate-” levi starts then stops.
you’ve leant in to hear him after saying you can’t hear much over the hustle and bustle from inside
“the- i mean- what i’m trying to say is” he looks at you completely stunned trying to piece together what he wants to say
wOWIE!!!! you literally look so stunning up close he can not formulate a sentence, he has officially LOST IT
the words he say next fly out of his mouth after a lengthy internal struggle “fuck. what i’m saying is, what i mean is, you could always come as my date next time.”
now you’re the one looking at him stupefied.
again, he’s looking anywhere but at you
the closest he gets to it is taking a glimpse of your dress,
it’s black and suits you well with the little ruffles and all.
“i’d love that.”
the tips of his ears grow red in embarrassment but... YOU ACCEPTED???
NOW. levi is giddy on the inside but makes no move to make it obvious instead he opts to scratch his neck and give you an awkward thumbs up
you take note of his body language and the possible realization dawns on you
but you can’t really tell if it’s the doing of alcohol
either way you grab onto his suit and begin to lead the way back into the main hall
“may as well start being my date now? not like reiner’s coming back any time soon” he can’t see your face but he can tell you’re smiling as you speak
levi’s cheeks are bright red but he thanks the chilly night air and darkness for hiding the way he’s reacting
he won’t confess just yet, it’s too early and again he’s in major denial but when staring at the hand that holds onto his suit jacket his heart tingles a little
more like a LOT...
but really whatever it is the two of you have got going on right now it weirdly makes the both of you feel weak at the knees
to be honest, levi enjoys it
and so do you :-)
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