#so I’ve been holding on to this ask for a little bit cause WTF HOW CUTE
rosicheeks · 2 years
if I met you irl I'd call you princess in your ear to see you melt & giggle and then I'd take you out and show you the best places around me and kick your ass at mini golf 👀 then we'd go get some food together and I'd kiss you a lot & then we'd go home and make the hottest content together before you fall asleep on my chest with cuddles and kissies 😌💖
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officialcharactersimp · 6 months
(Graduation Gift Part 6)
Summary: (can be found on my masterlist under series) Natasha invites Wanda over to see you. When you’re left alone with Wanda, she makes good on a deal she made with Nat. >:)
A/N: So like. Listen. I know. I know. It’s been 2 years. I wrote this piece like a year ago. And this is NOT DONE. It’s NOT GREAT. Y’all voted for the rough edges version. Maybe I’ll edit or polish it later on. Also. I was getting a little gratuitous with Wanda using too many petnames and so I’ve used A SINGULAR PRONOUN for the first time in this series’ history. If I find a way to change it later to remove it I will. It’s they, by the way.
WC: 2.9k (wtf??)
CW: 18+ only, minors dni; series is dark but this is only mildly dark; reader is being kept in Nat's basement but they're like. fine with it??; smut; mommy milkers make mommy milk; cgl themes; sharing partners; dubcon; Wanda uses her powers to manipulate reader; mean Wanda (but only a little, as a treat); Wanda calls reader mutt, pup, etc; threesome; oral (R receiving); Wanda uses magic sexually on reader; no proper ending, sorry
“Baby, mommy needs to talk to you,” Natasha says, muting the TV. You turn to look at her expectantly, face as angelic as ever. She smiles. “Good baby. Now, mommy wants to have a friend of hers over,” she says.
“Upstairs?” you ask, confused. She’s had people over to the house for meetings before—why is she asking you?
“No baby, downstairs, in here,” she says, opening her arms for you to come sit on her lap. You do so, searching for comfort as the idea causes unease. “Oh, baby, it’s okay, don’t worry. She’s very nice.”
“But…” you fiddle with the hem of her shirt for a moment before bringing your thumb to your mouth and looking down.
“She already knows about you, baby,” she practically reads your mind. “She’s the one that helped mommy start making milk for you,” she hums.
“Someone knows?” you’re surprised and… something else you can’t quite put your finger on.
“Yes, baby. My best friend Wanda. We work together and she helps make it so I can stay home with you,” she taps the end of your nose, earning a small smile. “You know mommy doesn’t want to keep you down here all alone and locked up forever, don’t you?” she asks. It’s only half-true, but you nod anyways. “This is how we start, okay?” you nod again.
“Baby, I’m here with Wanda!” you hear Natasha’s voice as the lock clicks and the door opens. You get up on your knees at the end of the bed and wait for her with your arms up.
“Mommy!” you greet her with a happy exclamation. She chuckles and goes to help you out of the bed, but you cling to her instead, hiding your face from the brunette standing near.
“Aww, feeling a bit shy, are we?” Wanda’s voice is kind enough as she reaches out, patting your back gently. You flinch a little and Natasha instantly hushes you, rubbing your back where Wanda had touched you to soothe you.
“We’re just a little nervous,” Natasha says for you. “It’s been a long time since you’ve seen anybody but mommy, huh?” she asks. You nod against her.
She carries you over to the couch and sits with you on her lap, Wanda sitting on the other end. Natasha turns your head to face her and you examine your guest with your eyes, deep in thought. You notice she’s holding a stuffed animal in your favorite color. She sees your eyes land on it and smiles warmly.
“Hi there,” she says. “Your mommy said this was your favorite color,” you nod to confirm. “I thought it might be nice for you to hold,” she holds it out to you and you look to Natasha, who nods, before taking it. You pull it close, finally unwrapping yourself a little from Natasha.
“That’s so precious!” Natasha says, looking at the toy in your hands. “What do we say, baby?”
“Thank you,” you say shyly, unable to meet her eye. She smiles anyways.
“I’m glad you like it,” she says. “You gonna give it a name?”
“He’s gonna be called Dots,” you say, running your hand over the bumpy dotted texture of the toy’s fur.
“Dots. That’s a good name,” she says. You smile a little. “I know you’ve been down here for awhile with just you and mommy, right?” she asks. You nod. “What do you like to do together?”
“Um… I like it when we watch cartoons or play with my toys together,” you say slowly. “Mommy makes the best voices for my toys,” you smile. “And I like bath time, too, or when mommy lets me do her makeup. We do all sorts of stuff,” you tell her, smiling at Natasha, who brushes some hair out of your face.
“That sounds awesome, little one,” Wanda says. The petname sounds nice from her lips, making you smile bashfully.
The conversation drifts slowly to the two of them talking about work, occasionally making jokes to include you. You eventually grow comfortable enough to uncurl from your tiny ball on Natasha’s lap to sitting on her normally, playing with Dots and half-listening.
“You okay, Natty?” Wanda asks, and you look to your mommy to see her shifting a little.
“Yeah, don’t worry. Looks like we’re just a little late for milkies time,” she looks at you. “Feeling hungry, little baby?” she asks. You nod; you’ve been ignoring it in the hopes that Wanda would leave before it got unbearable. “Come on then,” she unbuttons her shirt some and unclips her bra on one side.
“But mommy—“ you glance at Wanda.
“It’s okay, baby. Don’t you trust mommy?” she asks. You nod slowly and let her guide you into position, your legs ending up on Wanda’s lap, who gently rubs her thumb on your shin. You squirm a little.
“Behave, baby. Don’t you want mommy’s milkies?” she asks. You nod, cheeks flushed. “Then be good,” she says firmly, guiding your head to her chest. You latch on a little less eagerly than usual, trying to ignore Wanda’s presence and touch. It’s easier with Natasha running her fingers through your hair, humming softly, but not so much as you feel Wanda’s eyes on the two of you like a hawk.
You’re inevitably slipping down into your uninhibited littlespace by the time you switch to her other side, grunting gently when the milk doesn’t flow at first and grabbing onto Natasha. She chuckles and hushes you, adjusting herself to help you in your efforts.
“Easy now,” she soothes.
“How precious,” Wanda coos gently, reaching over to brush your hair out of the way so she can see you better. You can’t flinch without letting go of Natasha’s chest, so you let it happen. She takes the liberty and strokes the back of her finger down your cheek softly.
“Isn’t my baby just the sweetest thing?” Natasha brags, “Come closer, Wans, it’s alright. A lot tamer with your mommy’s milk in you, hm?” Natasha speaks the last part to you as she pats the cushion next to her for Wanda to sit. They both move you as needed for her to get closer, your butt now in the virtual stranger’s lap and her arm resting on your stomach. You whine and look up at Natasha, about to pull away to protest.
“It’s okay, baby, you’re doing a good job,” Natasha holds you fast against her with a gentle hand and even gentler praises. “You trust me, and I trust Wanda. You’re okay. Just drink your milkies,” she placates you easily. You settle back into an edgy comfort and let yourself be held, trying to stay in your big headspace and failing miserably.
“That’s a good baby,” Natasha says as she both sees and feels the resistance leave you. When you finally pull off, she smiles at the little dribble on your chin and wipes it with her thumb before pressing it into your mouth. “Mommy’s got you,” she assures you as your eyes half-close, sucking on her thumb automatically. She coos softly at you.
“Such a good baby,” Wanda muses as she looks on.
“That’s right,” Natasha says proudly, making you blush a little. “See little one, Wanda’s not so scary, is she?” she asks you sweetly. You nod a little bit, earning a satisfied hum. “That’s my baby.”
“My mommy,” you say around her thumb, reaching up to touch her face. Her heart melts at the gesture and she leans down to kiss your forehead.
The tender moment is interrupted as Natasha’s phone rings. She pulls it out of her pocket, looks at it a moment, and then sighs deeply.
“I have to take this,” she says with reluctance. “Go to Wanda, baby,” Natasha pushes you fully into her friend’s lap despite your whimpering protests. Wanda’s arms wrap around you easily and hold you to her as you wiggle, reaching for your mommy to no avail.
“I’ll be as quick as I can, baby,” Natasha assures you, tilting your chin up and kissing you before going upstairs. You look at Wanda with wide eyes in silence for a moment.
“It’s alright, don’t worry,” Wanda speaks first. “Your mommy will be back soon, and she’s only upstairs at any rate.”
You keep staring at her mutely.
“This must be pretty new and scary, huh? And I can tell you’re feeling pretty little, too. But don’t worry, I’ve got you,” she says, voice warm and soothing. “Do you want to watch some cartoons? I know you like that,” she suggests. You nod. “Okay, cartoons it is,” she reaches for the remote and turns on the TV.
You ease considerably with the cartoons on, sucking on your thumb and cuddling Dots close. Wanda holds you and watches passively, wondering what’s taken Nat away so suddenly. She’s so excited to finally be meeting you, too, but trying not to scare you off with her eagerness.
“Want mommy,” you mumble after awhile. It’s rare for Natasha to leave you when you’re in your littlespace, and you are very much disliking it.
“I know, little one. I’m sure she’ll be back just as quick as she can. It won’t be long now,” Wanda assures you once again. She pulls out her own phone to shoot Natasha a text. It has been awhile…
Only about a bit more now. How’s my little baby? she responds.
Missing you, but mostly okay. We’re watching cartoons. I don’t know how long it’ll last though… Wanda informs her
What we talked about before is still on the table. Wanda glances up at you, oblivious, then looks down again.
Are you sure it won’t mess everything up? I haven’t made much headway in the trust department…
It’ll be fine, Wans. My dumb little baby can’t resist feeling good. Natasha’s words make Wanda go red and she shoots another glance at you. Luckily, you’ve still yet to notice.
Alright then. See you soon.
Wanda puts her phone away and turns her attention back to you. You’re babbling to Dots and pointing to the TV, as if trying to explain it to him. It’s absolutely adorable. Wanda watches sneakily, not wanting to interrupt and ruin the moment of pure innocence and cuteness.
“Right mommy—“ when you turn and remember it’s Wanda, not your mommy, who’s holding you, your bottom lip begins to tremble.
“Oh, no no no, baby, it’s okay, don’t cry little one,” Wanda rushes to soothe you, holding you closer and rocking you a little bit. “It’s okay, she’ll be back in just a few minutes, she told me so,” she tells you. You calm a tiny bit at that. “She even told me what to do while we wait for her.”
“R-really?” you sniff.
“Mhm,” Wanda hums, one hand coming down to rest on your tummy.
“What’d she say?” you ask, squirming on her lap a little. You’re feeling tingly, like how Natasha often makes you feel.
“Well, she said she worried your pretty parts might need some attention, and she said I can help you, since you’re just a little baby who doesn’t know how,” Wanda tells you soothingly.
“M-mommy said that?” you ask, trying to ignore the growing sensations in your lower half.
“Yup. She cares about you being comfortable and happy so much that she said I can help you instead of her,” Wanda says with a smile. “Isn’t that nice of her? You’re lucky, little one.”
“Mhm, mommy’s nice,” you say, struggling to put together the logical thoughts in your head that would can tell you what’s going on here.
“Aw, don’t think too much, little one,” Wanda coos, her other hand coming o to the side of your head and stroking your temple. As she smooths the hair there, it feels like she’s smoothing your thoughts, too. Little do you know she really is, but she figures what you don’t know won’t hurt you, right?
“When’s mommy coming back? I need her,” you say, a little dazed.
“Why’s that, precious?” she asks sweetly.
“I’m at all tingly. I don’t like it,” you squirm.
“I can help with that, little one,” her voice is like honey. “Just relax for me, okay? Wanda’s se gonna take care of you,” shepulls down your shorts and underwear, exposing your sensitive area to the air. You whine a little.like
“‘s cold,” you complain.
“I’ve got you,” soon Wanda’s warm hand has moved from your tummy down to cup your mound, quieting you. She reaches down further and starts slowly encircling your most sensitive bundle of nerves, making you sigh softly in relief. Something starts to poke at your entrance but you don’t know what.
“What’s that?” you ask, looking down. You see the hand between your legs encircled with glowing red tendrils.
“It’s alright, little one. It’s just magic, like I used on your mommy before. It’s perfectly safe. And it’ll feel really good,” she says, slowly filling your hole. You whimper softly at the stretch as her fingers continue to work your clit. “How’s that?”
“Good,” you breathe, opening your legs more. She smiles.
“That’s a good little baby, spread those legs nice and wide for me,” you heed her suggestion, letting them fall open to give her more access. “Perfect.”
She gracefully works up to a rhythm that has you whimpering softly with each thrust, clutching tightly to Dots. The hand at your temple moves down, allowing her thumb to play at your lower lip. You open your mouth eagerly, wanting to take it into your mouth, but she doesn’t let you. She simply teases your lip while your mouth hangs open, panting heavily.
“So damn precious,” she says, her voice husky. She leans over to see your hole clenching around red-tinted nothingness and bites her lip. “Feeling good, little one?”
“S-so good, Wanda,” you stutter, twisting and panting.
“Look at you, panting like a little doggie. Is that what you are? Are you a dumb little pup for me?”
“I-I-“ you don’t know how to react. Her words are nothing like Natasha’s, but they’re making your body feel the same way. You give a small whimper of confusion.
“Aw, too dumb to even know what you are,” she says with mock sympathy. “It’s okay, good puppies like you don’t need to think, just let me do it for you for now,” her voice is soft again.
“I-I can’t-“ you gasp, somehow feeling overstimulated before you’ve even had a single orgasm.
“You can. Be a good pup for me,” she encourages sweetly.
The door opens and you both look over to see Natasha at the door, who grins at the sight before her. She quickly comes to your side, smiling at Wanda and exchanging a few looks before looking down at you. She smooths some hair out of your face.
“Mommy!” you whine loudly, one hand leaving Dots to clutch at hers. You hold it to your sweaty face, her touch cooling, and whimper as you lean into it.
“Aww, looks like you and Wanda are getting along just fine,” she says. “You’re being such a good baby for Mommy’s friend. Do you feel good?”
“Yes mommy, feels so good, so good—can’t th-th-“ you whine desperately.
“Dumb little mutt can’t handle what I’ve got to give,” Wanda chides. “But they’re trying nonetheless,” she shifts you around on her lap so Natasha has an unobstructed view of your cunt as she uses her powers to press into your every crevice.
“Isn’t that a sight,” she breaths softly, getting her face in close. “Move your finger. I wanna taste my baby,” she instructs. Wanda obliges, focusing fully on her magic while Natasha begins licking and sucking at your clit harshly.
“Mommy!” you cry out. “Mommy, Wanda, I can’t, I can’t—“
“You’ll take what’s given to you like the good little slut you are,” Wanda cuts you off firmly, a particularly hard thrust punctuating it. “If you come nice and pretty for us, maybe we’ll be nice and give you a rest,” she says. You glance down to Natasha between your legs.
“Yes, baby, you can come. Come for us, all over me,” she pauses to say before diving back in.
It feels like her and Wanda have just increased their efforts by tenfold, making you cry out even louder than before, tongue hanging out as you pant heavily. It’s all too much—you can’t last much longer like this.
“Please!” you whine.
“Come on, you can do it baby,” Wanda says softly, encouraging you over the edge. “Be good and make a mess for us.”
The coil in your body snaps at that and your back arches as you scream, lifting your torso up off of Wanda’s lap as your hips buck.
“That’s it, that’s it baby, so good for us, for mommy and Wanda,” Natasha is your beside you in seconds, kissing your face and rubbing your tummy soothingly. You whimper softly at her kisses and your body calms down enough to return to Wanda’s lap. She too is praising you, petting your head in reassurance. Tears brim in your eyes and threaten to fall, but Natasha catches them.
“It’s okay baby, mommy’s got you now, we both do,” Natasha soothes. “You’re alright now, you did so good.”
“Did good?” you repeat hazily.
“So good,” Wanda confirms.
to be continued…
And that’s it, I’m sorry. If I don’t post it right now as it is I’m just not going to do it again.
read the rest of grad gift here
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we’ll it’s been a bit since i’ve posted here. but i have another crush and idk if i want to write this all in my journal cause then it feels…too real. but yeah. she’s one of my best friends. we’ve gotten really close the past few months/during senior year. i’m pretty sure she’s straight but that’s just the heteronormativity speaking. we talked about past relationships a little yesterday and she said she’s never been in a serious relationship. and there’s a guy here at school that she thinks is cute but he sends mixed signals.
but recently i’ve been thinking of her like 24/7. missing her the second we part. i think she’s hot but i’m not even that horny. like i want to kiss her and hold her hand but that’s really all. i’d be happy with more don’t get me wrong but yaknow?
but this has kind of come up suddenly. like we’ve known each other for 3 years and been decent friends for most of that but all of a sudden..idk. and we spend a lot of time together between practice and studying so i can’t tell if i feel like this just because of that? because i spend so much of my time with her? or like.
and part of me is worried that i’m not as good as a friend to her as she is to me cause i have shit memory even though i really do care. and even if somehow i asked her out and she said yes could i be a good partner? and how would we navigate living across the atlantic come graduation in may? i already get jealous seeing her talk to other people, like just literally talking, or doing fun things with other friends. which i hate cause wtf right do i have to feel like that regardless of our relationship? fuck me bro
but it’s kinda killing me and i feel like i need to get it off my chest and just admit it to her and just expect a no. but i realllyy don’t want to make our friendship weird or worse. it’ll change, sure but i want to remain friends and i don’t want her to hold/pull back because she feels a certain way about how i feel or whatever.
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crimsun-n-clover · 3 months
the dalia chronicles continue
this is gonna kill me. this is gonna fucking kill me.
there are these random private personal accounts following me now that are followed by her. by the looks of it, they’re her friends. like i said, they’re private and i’m not risking that shit no matter how much the curiosity is eating me alive.
seeing as i’ve had to hold mickey by the scruff of her neck about all of this, i’m adding this to the evidence pile. if i’ve got feral meddling friends trying to find her, maybe she’s got feral meddling friends trying to find me. not that it’s for sure or even totally likely, but that’s just the impression i’m getting.
dalia is so interesting to me. i’ve just been staring at her posts and the things she says, studying her for my own amusement, and i feel like she’s doing it back. this has never happened before.
is she fucking with me? i feel like she’s fucking with me. i’m fucking with her a little ngl but what do you expect from me yk. i’m used to fucking with people and waiting for a reaction, but she’s not reacting. she’s pushing back. i feel like a bug in a jar what the FUCK DUDE
but at least there’s sticks and leaves n shit in the jar. so i can like. stalk her spotify and pinterest and all that.
i’m so CONFUSED. if i knew her irl this would be so much easier but i would also be fucking insane yk? i’m glad there’s not another weird freak pretty girl in my vicinity because that doesn’t end well for me, but i wish i could interact with her in more ways. why can’t i just stand around looking hot? that’s what i usually do. and it seems like what she does too. and it’s working but we’re not fuckin getting anywhere.
i’m trying to drop hints and push her into saying something. i don’t know what i’m waiting for but i’ll know when it happens. i keep posting on my note stuff about her without saying it’s about her. currently it’s “wtf is wrong with her (i need her so bad)” bc she posted this morning that she bought a blowtorch. i stand by that statement. i’ve posted songs too. it was mechanix by megadeth a couple days back and i can always write that off as a bangin song about sex and cars but i posted the later verse. so. hopefully that fucked with her significantly.
i called my nana for her birthday a couple weeks back and she was on me about not having a girlfriend. 68 year old country baptist woman. up my ass about getting bitches. posted about it and dalia liked it immediately. two hit KO right fuckin there man.
she keeps posting photo sets of herself to songs i like and it’s driving me insane. most gorgeous woman in the world regularly posts these little spreads of artfully done photos. like. amazing lighting and composition. to songs I LIKE. and i have to reply “omg i love this song” or “the contrast on these is so cool” instead of asking her if she wants me on one knee or both because i’m down for whatever she wants
i think she’s mainly into me physically so i’m leaning toward both knees. not that i mind. we don’t know each other well enough for me to be offended by her probable lack of attraction to my personality. plus, i have friends with great personalities i would hook up with and i still don’t want to be anything more than friends. but doesn’t that make this even more confusing??
look. she maybe said that she wanted to make out with me. i’m happy to just be a mouth to her honestly. fine by me. i’d like to think she’s a bit more than that to me, but i know it’s just fascination causing the infatuation. we’re not even friends really. she’s someone my friend put in a group chat because of a shared interest and i had to go off and act like this over it. it could’ve been anyone. i’m just fucking bored and this is the most amusement i’ve gotten in ages and it’s messing with my head.
in fact, im so fuckin bored that when those batshit crazy tarot readings pop up i watch them and sigh dreamily.
bro. if this keeps going im begging that someone sends me to the glue factory
“STOP IT THIS ISNT YOU” —me looking in the mirror after thinking thee most pathetic gay thought imaginable
0 notes
snappleapple · 3 years
their favorite types of kisses
people in this - dream, georgenotfound, sapnap, wilbur, punz, jschlatt, awesamdude, quackity
the most disgusting fluff i’ve ever written
warning - cursing, i think that’s all but if there is more please do not hesitate to tell me :)
word count - 2k
a/n: okay okay, i might’ve lied earlier about that being my last post but this was short and easy to make which is why i would like to feed my readers this early haha. anyways, enjoy and please disregard the errors in this post, i hate proof reading anything lol. also, i’ve been very indecisive on the title and i might change it later and ooh, my masterlist will be made soon. i’ve just been feeling very unproductive these days. also, please put in requests, i am so bored and dumb therefore there are no ideas in this brain. and if you’d like a part 2, i might add more people for the part 2!anyways, peace!
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dream -
i get the feeling that dream’s favorite type of kisses would be cheek kisses
he just likes to watch as you struggle to reach his height
“aw look at those little legs do their thing.”
ends up with you not giving him his kiss
and mans becomes SO pouty
“y/n…come on. don’t be this way.” :(
if you don’t kiss him on the cheek, will also become SO clingy and whiny
“why won’t you KISS ME!”
clenches his fists and stomps away like a teenage girl during puberty
slamming the door to your room
so then you have to go and give him all the kisses he wants
his face is slammed into your pillow
you sit on the side of the bed and pet his hair
leading him to stare up at you with puppy dog eyes
“i will give you all the kisses you want. so stop being so pouty, you big baby.”
will literally leave zero feet of space between you and him
taps his cheek to tell you he wants kisses
when you go on dates, will literally make you stand on your tippy toes to get his kisses
does not bend down at all and actually lifts his head higher to tease you
in other words, clingy but rude hoe
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george -
george is a classic romantic
he loves just lip kisses
pecks or lingering ones
he doesn’t care
mans don’t need too many kisses
nor does he need to be too clingy
total opposite of dream and sapnap *ahem clingy ahem*
if he wants a kiss,
he will come over to you and get it
doesn’t get pouty if you’re busy
just waits patiently
doesn’t enjoy it when you interrupt him when he’s streaming so you do your own thing
when you’re watching a movie with him,
he will literally only stare at you with his cute smile
and listen to your every criticism of the movie
he likes to just peck your lips whenever he feels like it
and you’re just not surprised anymore
just likes to stare at your lips whenever you talk
overall, is very sweet but not to an extent with showing affection
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sapnap -
sapnap just vibes with neck kisses
it tickles his neck and he loves them
giggles when you pepper kisses along his neck and flushes a deep red
“y/n. stop.” giggles between each word
but when you do, becomes the saddest person in the whole world
“i was joking.” :(
when he’s streaming and he begins to miss you
would leave his room and find you just to get a kiss
just like dream, would get angry if you give him no kisses
very amusing for you
and you love to tease him
“i don’t want to give you kissies.”
continues to stare at you with a large frown until you give in and give him kissies
lsg supremacy but i’ll get into this later hehe
you better give him kisses or you’ll be dealing with a very sad sapnap
sadnap :(
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wilbur -
wilbur, wilbur, wilbur
what can i even say
total nose kiss guy
i bet he’ll boop your nose twenty four seven
asks stupid questions just to get your attention
“yes wilbur?”
“is a hotdog a sandwich?”
“did you just say boop while you booped my nose?”
if he’s streaming and you bring him a snack
he will hold your face still and leave kisses on your nose
not too clingy but not too distant
likes to be just right with you
if its snowy outside and your noses get red
makes dumb jokes about he is rudolph and you’re mrs. rudolph
just a lot of smooches from wilby
takes you to a lot of hidden cafes in the city
and while you read, he balances his head on his palm, staring at you in admiration
if you’re insecure about your nose, you legit can’t be around wilbur because he will go on a tangent about how beautiful it is
substantially, soft boy hours all day bro, besides when he gets mad then you leave the hormonal man tf alone
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punz -
i don’t see a lot of punz on tumblr so here we go
punz loves hand kisses
not to an extent where he has a hand fetish
god no but just like
when your holding hands, he’ll occasionally pull your hand up to his lips and leave a kiss
lots of hand holding
and i mean lots
constantly gets mad fun of for being a simp but ignores those comments because he genuinely loves you so much
likes it when you play with his hair and messing it up
also likes to compare hand sizes with you
always has a hand on your thigh or your hand in his whenever he is driving somewhere with you
even when you go on dates, always holding hands
no matter how sweaty your hand gets, he will hold on
sometimes if he holds on for too long, you have to tell him to let go
“punz, my hand is super sweaty. lets take a break from the hand holding.”
would flat out decline so you would have to pry your hand out of his
he would also love it when you would kiss his hand
makes him feel all polite and precious LOL
would also wrap his pinky along yours when you walk together
he once came with you to a family gathering for christmas and was so SHY
shy boy held your hand for security while your younger siblings made fun of you
afterwards, when you were under a mistletoe, he kisses you on the lips before kissing you on his favorite part of your body,
your hand
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c!jschlatt -
jschlatt is a whole mess
the first time you met, he confessed that he would hate you for as long as you lived because you made fun of his boots
now he says he still strongly dislikes you but you’re more tolerable
doesn’t like it when you make him soft and HATES it when he blushes
“why must you do this to me, mother nature?”
also “hates” it when you even touch him because he “hates” you
when he actually confessed to you that he liked you with his grumpy usual grandpa voice,
you kissed him on his forehead, after he bent down of course
he is an actual giant and threatens to squash you like an ant if he feels the need to
is an absolute monster to you but loves it when you kiss his forehead because it makes him feel secure and loved
likes to watch the wind blow through your hair and mess it up but gives you his hat because he like you being “all pretty and shit”
gets SUPER jealous when you hug children
like for example, when you went over to a family gathering at his house, his cousins came up to hug you
and when you let go of the child, the man child comes and lugs you over his shoulder
gets yelled at by his mom and gives her a sheepish smile before rolling his eyes and throwing you down on the sofa set next to him
his mom doesn’t approve of the way he treats you but you tell her its fine because he’s cute
when you are far from any type of civilization or in the safety and solitude of your own home, he wants kisses on the forehead
pointing up to it and bending down so you could reach it
“y/n, i only love you because of your forehead kisses.”
“you only love me for my kisses?” :(
actually feels slightly bad
“and because of your personality.”
“thank you-“
“shut up. we don’t talk about this.”
in conclusion, give him his forehead kisses or perish
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awesamdude -
sam just adores it when you give him jawline kisses
not because it’s basically the only place you could reach but because it’s a sweet gesture
sam is all about sweetness
i mean have you even seen this man on his stream
he likes to watch you while you have conversations with your friends
not in a creepy way but more like an adoring way
cause man does he love you
i mean not only does he love you but his whole family does
and when you’re alone with sam, you love to bury him underneath all of your love
“i love you sam!”
“no i love you more y/n!”
“NO i LOVE you more!”
“NO i LOVE you MORE!”
“okay thank you sweet pea.”
leaving you a bit confused but happy that he accepts your love
when you cuddle, omg
he never stops peppering kisses all over your face and vice versa because your relationship is disgustingly fluffy
when he lends you one of his sweatshirts, you sure as hell better wear that shit out or else (i am leaving a blank threat here)
sam loves technology but you guys sort of have a system
a system that involves mailing each other love letters rather than texting them
you guys also go on a ton of walks just about anywhere
hand holding is mandatory even though you probably look like a child compared to him
just give sam lots of love and in return, you’ll receive lots of love
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quackity -
mans cannot leave you tf alone
likes to do ANYTHING freaky around you
“i will follow you to the ends of the earth, mi amor.” or
“ayy, back off.” if anyone gets too close to you
messes with you twenty four seven and makes it his job to drive you insane
plays horror games at two in the morning for fun
and when he gets scared, hides in the safety of your arms
“mi amor. i’m scared.”
“shut the fuck up and sleep, alex.”
“okay.” shuts up quickly and snuggles deeper into the crook of your neck
loves you so deeply but HATES your cat
“look at that little dumb thing stare at me. you got a problem bro?”
your cat also HATES alex
scratches him all the time and hisses at him
if you think sapnap is babie, wait till you meet alex
“y/n he bit me!”
when you glance down, you don’t even see a scratch
“kiss my boo boo.”
“what boo boo? there’s nothing there.”
gasps as if you offended him
“this boo boo that your el demonio did to me.”
this man will do anything to get boo boo kisses
istg, you once found him provoking your cat to get some scratches
in alex’s mind, ouchies = kisses from y/n
always has ouchies from god knows where and shows it to you
even though you find it annoying at first, you grow used to it and it sorta becomes your thing with alex
alex is babie and you need to take good care of him :)
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zukump3 · 3 years
first time showing your legs || hcs
anon asked: I like to wear giant robes (like Harry Potter giant robes situation) because i'm very sensitive to the cold, and today i didn't wore it and my best friend was like "wtf u got legs... And they fine" (i have thick thigs) so, how would Tamaki, Deku, Kirishima and Denki to a s/o who does the same??
warnings: fluff & suggestive content, reader has thick thighs here lol, fem!reader
a/n: i can relate to this cause i also have thick thighs n never show my legs lmao
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izuku never questioned how you never showed your legs
you were always in jeans and sweats
and even with the skirt ua girls wore, you always wore tights underneath
he never noticed until mineta ew pointed it out one day
“i’ve yet to see y/n’s beautiful legs, i wonder why.” he would say, his tiny fingers stroking his chin. “we’ve got to see them!”
“maybe she’s got a lot of marks on them or something?” kaminari would suggest. “or! maybe they’re really hairy. like, so hairy you can’t see her skin!”
“or she just doesn’t show her legs, dipshits.” kacchan would spit out at them. “how about you think about how you’re passing the math quiz tomorrow and not some dumb girls legs, yeah?”
ever since that day, which was about two weeks ago now
he’s been more curious than ever to see your legs
he was an over thinker, so his mind went to many possibilities of how your legs looked
maybe they were skinny and slim? maybe your knees had faces in them? maybe they really were as hairy as kaminari said...
but nothing could prepare him for the chill saturday class 1-A was having in the common area
and suddenly seeing you come out of the elevator in some black shorts, your legs exposed
and... wow.
his eyes instantly shot to your thighs
were they always that full? and... jiggly?
he can’t even look away when you sit next to him, thighs pressed right next to his
“h-hi, y/n!” he would tell you in a constricted tone, his cheeks flushed
“are you okay?” you would giggle at him and he would just nod, holding up an “ok” sign with his fingers
“perfectly fine.”
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denki would probably be one that would always press to see your legs
“oh cmon, y/n! jeans again today?”
“ahhh, you’re really wearing ripped jeans? quit teasing me babe!~”
he knows you’re a bit more sensitive to cold weather than everyone else in the class and your entire body is covered whenever it’s cold
but he still just wanted to see
even when you guys studied together your legs were covered
he would literally walk around in his underwear to hopefully shed a piece of clothing from you
but you never budged.
like the kind of boy he is, he would eventually forget all about it
and get used to the sight of your legs being covered like everyone else in class 1-A
on sunday, the day right before your math test
it was particularly hot in the dorm
denki expected nothing different from you
but when you came to his dorm in nothing but one of his shirts and matching yellow shorts...
he’s never moved across the room and grabbed you that fast.
“denki?! what the fuck-“
“holy shit, you’ve been hiding that?!” he would shout at you, which would obviously fluster you
he would be playing with your thighs for the entirety of the study session
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another one that wouldn’t notice at first
when the weather was cold, he expected you to be all dressed up
he would compliment you whenever you wore pants, even if u wore the most basic of sweats
“loving the grey today y/n! wait, i might have a pair that looks just like that!! wanna match?”
yes. he’s definitely gifted you crimson riot sweatpants that he bought for the both of you because he just loves you sm
when the weather starts getting warmer though and your clothing choice doesn’t change, he’d be a little worried
“y/n... do you really wanna be wearing black jeans today? the sun is out,, and beaming!”
the fact that your boyfriend cared so much and worried so much about you really warmed your heart
you appreciated his concerns too
“aww, don’t worry about me kiri. i’m fine!”
from then on he concluded that you must’ve been insecure about your legs
all the girls would be wearing shorts in the warm weather, even jiro
and you’d be the only one in pants
even if you wore baggy jeans with rips in the thighs, he still really worried for you
it wasn’t until he cornered you in your room did he actually ask
“y/n...” he would frown.
“do you feel bad about the way your legs look?”
“it’s just... you never show them. and it’s getting pretty hot in japan. i don’t think it’s healthy to walk around in pants all the time...” he would say sheepishly, then widen his eyes. “it’s your choice though! i’m just—saying. not trying to police what you wear or anything! that’s definitely not manly.”
and you couldn’t help but just laugh at how endearing he was 😭
“i’m just comfortable with pants, kiri. if you wanna see my legs so bad, you could’ve asked.”
his mouth probably dropped open when you slid your sweatpants down and showed your legs
his eyes instantly shot to those thighs
and he decided that would be his favorite part of you from now on
he napped between your thighs after that <3
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our quiet little baby
would always notice that you wore pants and covered your legs on a day to day basis
would he say anything about it though?
no. no he would not.
1). he didn’t feel like it was place to point it out and 2). you wore what you wanted to. who was he to question it?
but he couldn’t help the curiosity that always lingered in the back of his brain whenever you wore tights to school under your skirt
the more time he went on, the more he wanted to see what was underneath all those pants you wore.
it was a subconscious want though, so he would show it in hidden ways
resting a hand on your knee when you two would sit together
playing with the rips in your jeans whenever you wore them
or scanning your body from head to toe when you walked towards him—his eyes focusing extra long on your legs
stuff that he didn’t notice he was doing but you definitely noticed
tamaki was fun to tease, so of course
that’s exactly what you did.
you invited him over to a study session one day and he accepted
when you opened the door to your dorm, he nearly fainted
you weren’t wearing any pants.
none. at all.
he couldn’t even concentrate on what you were saying as you led him into the room
drinking up the sight of your backside, and your plush thighs...
but then you both sat in the bed and you
you covered them.
with a blanket.
he wanted to scream
the entire session he was fidgety, barely paying attention to what you wear saying
he asked you to repeat something about fifteen times
you were having entirely too much fun
but when it got the point where he could barely function you just huffed, sliding your body into his lap
“if you wanted to see my legs so bad, all you could’ve done was asked, tama.”
commence a heated make out session with his hands cupping your thighs the entire time xp
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anne-i-write · 3 years
moriarty the patriot headcannons pt. 1
| requested by anon: Can you write about all male characters in moriarty has a same look of their  children and hpw many children they want? |
william x reader; louis x reader; albert x reader; sebastian x reader; fred x reader
word count: 2397
pt. 2: 221b boys
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william: 487 words
with his whole plan to clean the world of the filthy nobles, william never really stopped to think about having children
well, until he met you
you both were in town one day and he saw you fondly watching a child speak with her mother
“i think two children would be nice”
“i didn’t even ask”
“i know, but the look you gave that mother was telling enough”
n e ways he is a simp and he did eventually give you what you wanted
fast forward a few years, you have two children: a boy and a girl
and they look exactly like their father
like,, it lowkey pains you how much they physically take after their father
you wanted to be like “oh they have your personality, but they look just like me!”
granted, your son took after you in an emotional sense but your daughter was a daddy’s girl through and through
like she looks like him, she acts like him, speaks like him, she even EATS like him
ok but the men w your children
fred is a freaking sweetheart ok
like he’ll watch over the kids when no one has the time and they love him too so they’ll help out in the garden which you are SO thankful for
tbh they only like uncle albert bc he brings them lil trinkets from when he gets back from london LMAO
louis doesn’t show it, but he absolutely adores your children and makes extra snacks for them at tea time
you caught onto this at one point bc for some REASON your kids would not stop bouncing off of the walls before bed and they told you uncle louis gave them chocolate
and sebastian loves messing w your kids bc,,, sebastian
but he accidentally made your son cry ONCE and he was at the mercy of every adult in the moriarty estate including the boy’s younger sister
needless to say, he watched his actions and words around your children after that
now, william
i’m just gonna say this straight out: most of the men never really thought about having kids (save john and albert)
but when you finally had kids, william had a different outlook on life
like fr,, this man works overtime now trying to get rid of the filth that is called nobles
he doesn’t want his kids to be raised in a world where just because you have more money than another means you get to look down on them
you still instill in them those good morals ofc
he also tries to be very present in their lives since he and his brother were raised as orphans
when he was younger, he didn’t mind it all much
but now that he had this small family and a brighter future, he did everything in his power to make sure they’re happy and grow up in a cleaner and kinder world
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louis: 320 words
it took you a week to get him to at LEAST humor you
“if you could, how many kids do you want?”
like, this guy is so dedicated to his brother and his cause it is a WONDER you somehow wormed your way into his heart
but you did and honestly, the brothers are actually very happy that you’re with them
william especially
louis rarely emotes but when you came into their lives, you got louis pissed at one point and everyone was like,,,, wtf?? he has emotions???
anyways, his answer is one kid LMAO
and when you get that one kid, he looks just like louis
yall already KNOW that he’s ready to die for that child as soon as louis holds him in his arms
the only kid sebastian wouldnt even try to mess with
he can deal with william’s albert’s or fred’s kids but louis lowkey intimidates him so he’s as nice as he can be
that being said, louis teaches his kid how to properly handle stuff around the house
you want to cry bc ur son is just so??? the little kid just loves helping out no matter how small the task and he’s just so cute it hurts
even sebastian’s kinda like,, “aight he’s the only kid i will tolerate”
louis grew up with only his brothers so he also wants to give his son a shot at a normal family
is actually aware at how he thinks he’s indispensable for william’s cause and he doesn’t want his son to end up like him
he also teaches his son some badass fighting moves
oh and louis smiles a lot more too
cried bc his son saw the scar he got on his cheek, rubbed some dirt on his lil face and said “i have daddy’s cool scar now”
all in all his son is the best thing to happen to all of you
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albert: 505 words
same as louis in the fact that it takes him a week to answer
“you know you haven’t even answered my question”
“i’m sorry, what did you say?”
“how many kids do you want?”
genuinely takes time to ponder that question
he hadn’t thought of that since his family adopted william and louis
but with you?
“i think two darling girls who take after their mother is enough for me”
pls he’d be so sweet 🥺🥺🥺
you two end up having a girl and a boy, who look just like their father
and tbh, you’re not even mad
you love them so much so when albert comes back north, the three of you are ecstatic
the happiness was short lived for albert tho
he found his son spending time with william and there’s nothing bad right????
“where’s your sister?”
“she’s with mr. moran”
his heart DROPPED
out of all the people in the manor
he sees the two running around the garden
it all happened as soon as albert’s daughter went up to sebastian and said “you’re very pretty! you’re my knight now!”
he decided to “adopt” the little girl and now he’s lowkey whipped
you found albert staring at sebastian playing with his daughter and updated him about everything going on
“but him??”
“he’s just a big softie for her let it go”
isn’t really surprised when he finds out they can fight a little
actually glad that they can hold their own, God forbid anything happens to them
otherwise mi6 has to deal w family matters lmao
“albert, she only tripped”
“you shouldve seen the fear in her eyes as she fell”
would raise hell if anyone even THOUGHT ill of his kids
william and louis are the doting uncles
william more so than louis bc your kids have never seen louis smile
now they’re on a mission to make uncle louis smile
louis was on child duty one day and they managed to slip away
omyGOD he was stressed but also,, extremely worried
so when he found them he had the most genuine smile on his face
your daughter was like (・∀・)
she loves uncle louis
ofc your son adores his dad like,,, who else wouldn't feel awesome at the age of 10 if you found out your dad was a high ranking general
feels superior to sebastian bc of his dad
lmao this 4’5 kid thinks he can rule sebastian for some odd reason
the house is always dirty bc him and sebastian always prank each other
your daughter is trying to catch a butterfly but she can’t so fred helps
instantly loves fred
“is that what heartbreak is”
“i guess that’s what happens when you try to get close to my kids colonel”
albert is kind of afraid of turning into his dad but he has you and everyone else to remind him that: no you are not your father, you are so much better than him
loves your family with his entire being
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sebastian: 844 words
“i see you looking at those kids and the answer is none”
lmao you’ll get so pouty around him bc you want kids dammit
that and he spoils you to no end so that's why you’re pouty lol
“fine we’ll only do one kid and bc one kid is all i can tolerate”
this man gives you three in four years LMFAO
two boys a year apart and a girl in the fourth year
you wanted to smack sebastian
when the two boys grew up, it was obvious they were already taking after their father in the physical sense
it was terrifying
they genuinely look like mini sebastians and you know everyone in the manor is afraid that you two birthed satan
and the satan was your eldest one
he’s just a feral sebastian moran in a tiny body
your second son, god bless him, looked just like his father but with fred’s temperament
and see, you were fine with your sons looking like their father
it was FINE right
you prayed to God that your third child would have at least some physical resemblance to you
your daughter was birthed, she grew up
and you cried
“i’ve got some strong genetics, baby”
you sulk for a lil bit
but you accept it anyway because you love your goddamn kids
thankfully, your second and youngest child are both soft spoken and it's only your husband and his tiny clone bringing hell to earth
smacking sebastian bc all of your children suddenly started swearing up a storm at each other
finally sitting down and trying to convince them to stop swearing
“father does it!”
“your father’s stupid”
speaking of your daughter
she’s his little princess and no he will not take criticism
spoils her more than he spoils you
did she glance at a toy at a passing store?
he buys more toys than he should from said store
you have to physically hide some of his money bc there is only so much you can buy
and her older brothers are so caring you want to sob
if a person accidentally shoved her over bc she was tiny and they couldn’t see her
oh boy
get ready to restrain them like chihuahuas
“little sister will be protected at all costs”
since his second son is so different from him, sebastian actively makes time to talk about what the little boy is doing and what he’s getting from it
doesn’t want to be pushy and suffocating like his dad was so when his younger kid does want to be left alone to his devices, sebastian does so
but honestly loves that your second son is so literate
lddhsajdsfk what yall dont know is that they’re all in cahoots
kinda funny to see them all together bc they all take after their father so much it's like having three tiny sebastians go around town
anyways,,,, yall know the promised neverland right
you got ray, norman, and emma
granted one of them wasn’t as smart as ray but he definitely knew what stealth was
regular sibling rivalry was still a thing but if they could smell the pudding from the kitchen, they know they have to work together
sebastian caught his eldest smuggling biscuits into a small bag
he had half a mind to scold him
but then he ended up giving tips TO ALL HIS CHILDREN on how not to get caught next time—
bc of this they beg him to tell them some stories from afghanistan bc “there’s no way a man as old as dad knows this many stealth tactics”
louis is so fed up lmao
albert is in london most of the time so he just thanks the lord that he doesn’t have to deal w the propaganda that sebastian feeds his children about how “mr. albert is a bad man”
william is fine w it as long as they don’t trash the library
your younger ones love the library so they would cry at the thought of one of the books losing any of the pages
your second and your daughter are definitely the moriartys’ favorites
they don’t show it, but you just KNOW
your eldest could care less about that though
as long as you and his father still love him
and of course you both do
and fred is definitely your youngers favorite
they like to hang out in the garden
ok they still fight all the time though
just because your second child is soft spoken doesn't mean he’s afraid to throw hands
their sister likes to join in for the hell of it
but if someone wrongs any of the children
just because the younger ones are the moriartys’ favorite, doesn’t mean that they’re not gonna hunt someone down if they even think about trying to hurt the eldest too
yeah,,, good luck to them and their families
they got the entire moriarty estate coming after them
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fred: 241 words
cmon yall are like,, young
but you did ask him bc you were curious if he thought about it
he wants one
and when yall do have the kid, you guys actually do have one kid and its a girl
since you both are young, you can immediately see a resemblance between her and her father
everyone who meets her would die for her
especially when she walks around the garden w her hand in her dad’s and he’s showing her all the plants and telling her how to take care of them
needless to say she grows up loving plants
any type of plant
the boys love giving her flowers or anything from bc she has the biggest smile every single time
no matter if it’s just a single rose or a rock
this was found out one time when sebastian gave her a rock bc everyone else had given her like,, two roses each
was afraid she was gonna cry
“thank you so much mr. moran! i will treasure this until i get old!”
she was like 4 at the time
and had the widest smile you’ve ever seen on her
guys u don’t understand she smiles a lot but this was like,, genuine happiness
but everyone was just,, i will destroy the world and myself if anything happens to her
fr it’s just sunshines and rainbows every single time she’s around
everyone just loves her ok
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moriarty the patriot general taglist: @zoehanji
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smutsonian · 4 years
Baby if you're taking requests can you do a slight darkish! Step daddy Ransom x naive!reader with daddy kink and innocence kink? The marriage was kinda a deal for money and like reader's mother died after marrying him due to some disease or accident and that has left her alone in Ransom's custody. Feel free to use any other kinks or things you like,also if you don't feel comfortable with any of the above mentioned kinks then you don't have to use them.❤️ I love you and your writings!!!😘
getting his little angel
ransom drysdale x reader
warnings: soft!dark!ransom drysdale, innocent!reader, dub-con/non-con, smut, stepdaddy!ransom, loss of virginity (i cringe), fingering, daddy kink, innocence kink, guided handjob, like one slap in the p, manipulation?, obsession, size kink?, creampie, corruption, ransom’s fucked up mind, age gap(reader is of age), death, the amount of the word angel and daddy used in this fic is annoying and cringe for me, this is dark and twisted so proceed with caution if you choose to proceed, don’t read if you aint fvcking with this type of sh*t
word count: 4105
an: THANK YOU NONNIE AND I LOVEYOU!!///i keep begging my friend to read the stories i write for validation and we are both getting tired of me writing the word daddy and me showing how obsessed i am with ddlg wtf anywayy... have fun with this one 😩 alsoo, gif aint mine
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Ransom married the woman for the sake of her money but he never thought of her daughter to be the treasure he’ll truly get from the woman. The daughter isn’t like every other young adult he’s ever met or bedded with. The daughter of the woman he married is different. Not a vicious little bitch like his cousin, Meg. No… The girl is different. An innocent pure little soul just living with him, there for the taking. A little angel that will give him joy and luck in his life. 
 And just his luck, and as evil as it sounds, he got blessed when his wife started to become sick just after a few months into their marriage. His wife becoming ill became the reason for him to bond with his little angel so he can comfort her and he became the man she found solace in. She started trusting him.
 And then the wife died, leaving Ransom with all her treasure. Including Y/N Y/L/N. The greatest treasure that he will ever have. He had to thank his wife for leaving you to him. For leaving you broken-hearted because he had no problem with taking care of you and helping you stand right back up on your feet. He wanted to do all that. He wanted you to believe that he’s the only person that you will ever need in your life. 
His little angel.
 It took a few months for you to stop sobbing every single night in Ransom’s chest as he cuddled you to sleep and another few months until the bundle of joy you were before started showing itself again. 
 The moment you laughed at Ransom’s jokes for the first time had him frozen in place as he watched your teeth shining as the corners of your lips curled up into a toothy grin. Ransom was captivated. He was captivated at the sight of you laughing genuinely for the first time after your mother’s death and he wanted to take a photo and frame it so he can look at it every single night before he falls asleep and every single morning when he wakes up. He wants to see your smiling face every time he wakes and before he falls asleep, knowing that he’s the reason for that enchanting smile.
 “Is something wrong?” Your small voice brings Ransom back to reality and he realized that you have stopped laughing, the beautiful smile on your face replaced by a frowning confused one instead.
 Ransom ignored your question, walking towards you and trapping you against the kitchen counter. He wears a smirk before using his big hands to brush your hair smoothly, the coldness of the ring on his pinky finger brushing against your cheek gently. Ransom bites his bottom lip as he looks at your innocent eyes staring right back at him, your head tilted up so you can see his face clearly.
 One hand moves to your chin and his thumb brushes your bottom lip, softly rubbing on it while Ransom’s mind went somewhere else where your mouth is wrapped around his cock as you sport your usual innocent look, asking him for help on how to pleasure him. Daddy’s little angel.
 Ransom pulled his hand away from your face before silently groaning at how his slacks became tighter as his crotch started getting hard at the thought of your mouth around his cock.
 “You know you look so pretty when you laugh.” He sighs out before patting you on the head and walking towards the door before stopping and turning back to look at you palming your own cheeks as you wear a small smile. His heart skips a beat for a second before he nods at you.
 “I like seeing you smile, angel. I wish you would do it more often. It’ll make this old man happier.” He wiggles an eyebrow at you before chuckling at the sight of you laughing once more.
 “There it iss” He smiles at your shaking form, wondering what you would look like if you were shaking for other reasons…
 “You’re not that old, Ransom!” You say in between your laughs and Ransom couldn’t remove the grin on his face as he watches you laugh at him.
 “Oh you’re laughing at me, are you?” Ransom quirks an eyebrow and watches you as you stop laughing, looking at him with a faux frightened look before he started running after you, eyes ringing in delight when you squeaked against his hold when he caught you, his fingers poking on your sides with no mercy.
 “No! No more!” You gasp for air as you continue to laugh.
 “R-Ransom!” You whined and just like the few other times, Ransom’s mind went into a gutter. Would this be how you sound when you’re moaning his name while he pleasures you? 
 Ransom pulls his hand away from you before letting out a breathy laugh. “Alright, angel… See that smile is so adorable on you!” He pinches both of your cheeks before laughing at the way you glared at him.
 “No more tickles, Ransom. That hurts my sides.” You groaned before walking away from him only to be stopped by him pulling you back against his chest. His chin was on the top of your head before he mumbled an apology. “I’m sorry, angel. I wouldn’t do it again. Don’t be mad at your daddy now.” You pull away from him, watching him pout at you. You curiously raise an eyebrow before shaking your head with a laugh. “It’s okay.” You grin before grumbling when he messes the top of your head with his huge hand.
 Ransom didn’t miss the way your face contorted into a confused look when he tried to get you to call him daddy. He’s been there for you a long time now. It’s time for you to be there for him as well. And Ransom is a really needy man with a lot of need when it comes to you.
No worries.
 He’ll make sure to teach you everything you have to know to be his perfect little angel.
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 Ransom was sat on one of the lavish chairs that your mother used to obsess about when she was still alive while he’s munching on some biscuits that he got from the pantry. He silently thanks the old lady who still does the groceries for the both of you. He stares back at the screen that’s currently playing one of those rom-coms that he always found ridiculous but entertaining.
Lost in his own thoughts, Ransom absentmindedly looks at the hallway that leads towards the kitchen only to see you skipping into the kitchen in a pair of leggings and a sweater that he gave you as a gift. He smiled at the thought of you wearing his sweater instead. Preferably after he’s done giving you an intense orgasm.
Feeling a bit hotter, Ransom removes his coat, leaving him in his soft white sweater. He lets out a grunt, fixing himself on the sofa and turning back towards the flat-screen tv. His hand wanders down to his pants, palming himself through his slacks while his other hand reaches for another biscuit.
Ransom’s heart jumped when you suddenly plopped yourself down on the sofa, legs on top of his thighs while the hand that was palming himself flies towards the air before landing on your legs.
“HEY, those are my favorite!” You point towards the biscuit that he was currently munching on. Ransom’s jaw clenches at the discomfort in his pants while your legs brush against his raging hard on. There’s no doubt that you have no idea what you’re doing to him or what your legs are currently brushing up against.
“Can I have some?” You give him a pleading look that only made his cock harder. He bites his lip as he squeezes your legs. “You gotta ask nicely, angel…”
“Can I please have some?” You repeat, voice as sweet as honey and the cause of the precum that slowly slicks the slit of Ransom’s thick girth.
Ransom lets out a groan before snatching a piece of biscuit and moving it towards your mouth, snatching it back when you went to take it from him.
“Ah-ah-ah. We’ve been together for a long time now… Is that right, my little angel?” Ransom laughs at your frown before you’re nodding at him curiously.
“I think it’s time that you call me daddy, right? I mean… I’ve been taking care of you, right? I’ve been treating you with so much love, is that right?” Ransom lets out a moan shamelessly at the sight of your innocent face nodding at him unknowingly. “You’ve been treating me very well…” You mumble under your breath but Ransom still heard you.
“Yeah… I’ve been treating you like my best girl. Like the best girl you are.” He brushes his pinky across your cheeks before pressing the piece of biscuit onto your bottom lip. He gave you a stern look before shaking his head when you went to open your mouth.
“You gotta ask nicely, angel… Who are you asking and what are you asking for hmm?” He leaned down towards the side of your face to sniff on your hair, chest grumbling in delight at your scent.
“Can I please have a biscuit, daddy?”
Ransom inhaled obnoxiously loud before smirking while nodding his head at you. “Such a polite little angel, aren’t you? Of course you can… Here, open that precious mouth.” He taps the biscuit on your bottom lip, shoving it gently inside your mouth, purposely grazing his fingers down your tongue. He watches you chew on the biscuit as you stared right back at him with those innocent eyes. His fingers massaged your chin as you chew, shoving them right back inside your mouth when he sees you swallow the biscuit.
 “Is it good?” He asks you, fingers assaulting the inside of your mouth. You nod your head, hands grasping the wrist that’s connected to the fingers in your mouth. Ransom felt you tugging his hand away but he only shoved his fingers further down your mouth, slightly pulling away when you started gagging on his fingers.
He lets out a chuckle before pulling his fingers completely out of your mouth, admiring the string of saliva that connected from your lips to his fingers. “Daddy has a lot of things to teach you…” He leans back before manipulating your body until your back was against his chest and your legs were spread apart by his own legs.
He takes another biscuit before shoving it into your mouth, fingers gripping your jaw as you chewed on the food, crumbs staining the sides of your mouth. “Just like that” He grumbles against your hair before skillfully tugging your leggings and underwear down until they were all the way down to your ankles. He didn’t give you enough to complain because his fingers were back inside your mouth, playing with your tongue and playfully teasing the back of your throat.
“Breathe through your nose, angel. Relax for daddy.” He whispers in your ear while his free hand caresses your face. “There ya go… Such a fast learner, aren’t ya?” He lets out a laugh before kissing your cheek and removing his fingers from your mouth. “You get a reward for being such a good girl”
Ransom’s wet fingers goes straight to your crotch while his other arm wraps itself around your torso to pull you closer to his body. His legs kept your thighs open so it was easy for him to tease the nub on your crotch.
You let out a loud squeak when he slaps your pussy, legs shaking against his legs while he clicked his tongue disapprovingly.
“What’d I tell you to call me hmm? Come on, I know you’re a smart little angel.” He resumes playing with your clit, enjoying how responsive your body is to his touch.
“Nggghh” You squirm against his hold, chest heaving as she struggled to control her breathing. Ransom is willing to bet your mother’s fortune that you never experienced this type of feeling before. “Tell me what you’re feeling, angel”, he starts flicking his fingers faster until your crying desperately and hiding your face against his arm. He stops assaulting your clit, hands finding its way to your face to comfort you with smooth caresses. Ransom admires the sweat that started to form on your forehead and decides to remove the sweater you’re wearing.
Too out of it, you let him fully undress you, too tired and dazed to acknowledge the fact that you’re lying naked on your guardian’s chest. “That feel good?” Ransom asks, urging you to speak to him but loving the way that you laid limp against his chest. Oh it’s so easy to please his little angel. He hasn’t even made you cum yet.
“F-feels good…” Ransom watches you bite your bottom lip, his hold against you getting tighter as his cock gets harder at the sight of you.
“I can make you feel better than that, angel… You just gotta ask nicely. Just like how you asked for the biscuits. Do you want daddy to make you feel good?” His hand find itself back to your pussy, fingers starting its attack on your sensitive clit once more. He wasted no time in trying to get you off because in no time, he feels your body shaking against his and he knows that you’re close.
“You gotta ask for it nicely, angel… Tell daddy what you want” Ransom demands, the arm that was wrapped around your torso finds its way towards your breasts, massaging one and pinching the hard nipple. You whine out loud before gasping for air as you tried to speak coherent words.
“Daddy can y-you p-please…”
Ransom chuckles at your lack of words. Of course his little angel wouldn’t know what to ask for.
“You want daddy to make you cum?” He suggests, knowing that his smart angel would get what he wants her to do.
“D-daddy, can you please m-make me cum?” You repeat, words hoarse but understandable by a proud Ransom who starts rubbing your wet clit faster as he bends his head down to suck on the tit his massaging.
 “HHNNNNGGG!” You whine loudly, going stiff against Ransom’s hold before shaking tremendously as you reach your very first orgasm. Ransom’s hips thrust against your back as he gets needy from the sounds you’re making and the sight of your body trembling against his. He starts running his hands all over your body, whispering praises against your ears to comfort you.
“Such an angel…” He kisses the side of your face before guiding your body gently back to the sofa so you’re sitting beside him. “That feel good?” He asks, licking and sucking on the fingers he used to make you cum.
“Mhhmm…” You nod as you mumbled your answer, too embarrassed in front of him. “Don’t be shy, angel… You’re just being a good girl. Wanna know why I made you feel good?” Ransom waits for you to nod before continuing with a smile.
“Because you were such a good girl!” He nudges your chin with his fingers before placing his large palms on your shoulders. “And good girls always get rewards from their daddies. What do you say huh? Wanna be a good girl and help daddy with his problem?” He palms his covered crotch before smirking at your wondering eyes that’s looking down at his bulge. His jaw clenches at the sight of your curious face.
“H-how can I h-help?” Ransom chuckles at your nervousness before taking hold of your hand and guiding it towards his bulge. He watches your face as he makes you palm his hard on, thrusting against your touch in neediness and groaning at your tongue wetting your own lips.
Ransom releases your hand before tugging his slacks down and taking them off before sitting back on the sofa and taking your hand once more, wrapping your fingers around his thick shaft and moaning loudly at the pleasure you’re currently giving him. “That’s it angel… Ahh fuck!” He guides your hand into a faster stroke, wrapping your fingers around his cock tighter as he thrusts his hips against your hand, groaning loudly and shouting praises towards you. “Such a fucking good girl!” His eyes shut tightly as he feels himself getting closer.
“Fuck!” He hisses, abruptly pulling your hand away from his cock, chest heaving as he tries to slow down his breathing. “You almost made me cum” He mutters, laughing silently when you started to mumble out apologies.
“No, my little angel. That’s not a bad thing… I just want to cum somewhere else…” Ransom bites his lip before removing his white sweater and tossing it on the floor. In a heartbeat, he’s on top of you, fingers running all over your body in a comforting manner.
“You want your reward, sweetie?” Ransom asks with a teasing tone. “You’ve been such a good girl. I think it’s time for another reward.”
Your eyes widen in shock when you feel his lips against yours, gasping when his tongue started to poke its way through your lips before assaulting the inside of your mouth like his fingers did earlier.
Ransom’s mind started ringing when you started moaning and whimpering against his lips. Oh he’ll make his little angel feel so good. He’ll make you feel so full.
He managed to situate himself in between your legs while continuing the sloppy and needy kiss you two were having. He strokes his already painfully hard cock with one hand before sliding it against your folds to lube himself up with your juices.
He pulls away from the kiss as he lines his cock against your slit, smiling at the way that your legs shake when he bumps your sensitive clit with the hard head of his cock.
Ransom’s smile falters slightly when your hands start to push on his chest. “I-I’m scared”, your voice trembles as you try to push him which is really useless because his huge frame doesn’t move an inch.
Ransom takes both of your hands with one of his huge ones before trapping them above your head and diving down to capture your lips into another hungry kiss. “Don’t be scared. I promise to make you feel so good”, he says through the kisses, licking your tears away before resuming his wet kisses on your mouth. “You want me to make you feel so good, right angel?” Ransom smiles through the kiss as he feels your hesitant nod.
Ransom holds your hands tightly with one hand while the other hold caresses the side of your face in a comforting manner as he shoves his hard and thick cock into your tight hole, swallowing your cries with his hungry kisses. The hand that was caressing your face wipes your tears away as he shushes you. “It’s going to feel so good in a bit angel. I promise.” He stays inside your cunt for a while, making you feel weird at the fullness that his cock is giving your untouched pussy.
When Ransom feels your hips bucking up against his, he smiles and looks down at you with bright eyes. “You okay now? Want me to move?” Ransom gets an eager nod as a response and he only let out a short laugh before starting to pull out and shoving back into your tight cunt with a loud grunt. “So. Fucking. Tight.”, he hisses with each thrust.
“Mmmf. Mmm. Oomph.” Your moans and whines start to get louder as Ransom’s thrusts get sloppier because of the wetness that your cunt continues to produce. “Oh fuck you’re so wet for me angel”, Ransom watches his cock pound into you and he almost cums at the sight but he’s determined to make his little angel cum again before he could spill himself inside of her pretty pussy.
Ransom lets out a grunt before easily manipulating both of your bodies so you were straddling him, his cock still deep inside your cunt.
He places your hands on his shoulders for support before moving his hands on your hips, guiding you up and down his cock. “I’ll teach you how to ride daddy like a good girl soon but--”, he lifts you up and makes you stay in that position before moving one hand closer to your cunt so his thumb can start playing with your clit again. “—but for now, I’ll just ram into this tight pretty pussy”. Your eyes slams shut and your head falls on his shoulder when he thrusts his hips up in strong stroke, hands gripping you tightly as he guides your body against his, skin slapping each other as he pounds your pussy from under you.
He uses his other hand to push your shoulder away from him so he can see you clearly. “NGHH AH s-soo good!” Ransom watches you bounce on his cock while your eyes opened to look at him with those innocent eyes. How can you still look so innocent while he’s under you, making you take his cock as a fucking whore would.
“D-daddy s-so good”, your face is in a daze as Ransom doubled his efforts seeing you so close and feeling himself getting close as well. “Daddy making you feel good hmm?” He slams and slams his cock into you with vigor that it would probably leave you with a sore pussy for a few days.
Your shoulder starts quivering and Ransom feels you trying to stop him from bouncing you on his cock but he ignored it and continued to control your body. He slams his cock into your cunt a few more times, thumb rubbing your clit faster until you’re crying out loud as another orgasm hits you.
Ransom watches your eyes rolling back and your mouth opening as loud moans escape your mouth. He leans forwards to capture your lips once more before giving you a few more thrusts until he feels his balls tightening and snapping as spurts of cum come out of him and into your wet hole.
He lets your body fall on him as he wraps his arms around you, rubbing your back comfortingly and rocking you slightly that earns a whimper from you when he accidentally moves his cock that’s still inside of you.
He waits for the both of you to catch your breath before gently pulling his cock out of you and bending down to snatch his sweater off the floor.
He looks back at your face, your eyes fluttering as tiredness starts to envelop your body. He puts his sweater on you, smiling at how you look in his sweater. You look so much better in his sweater. And you look so beautiful with his cum dripping out of your cunt and face glowing at how he fucked you so good.
He leans down to press a kiss on your forehead then your lips. “You okay angel?” He laughs at you when you only nod sleepily at him. He picks his slacks up from the ground before putting it on and then he picks up your old sweater and uses it to clean you up, gently wiping his cum off your thighs.
He stands back up to admire you, so beautifully fucked. He’ll forever remember the way your pussy pulsed around his cock as he cums inside of you.
He lets out a dreamy sigh before picking your sleepy body up and walking towards the hallway, passing by your old room and into his room. Your room.
He lays you down on the bed as gently as he could before smiling when your face contorts into a frown when you groggily look at him. “How are you feeling angel?”
“G-good but tired.” Your quiet voice touches Ransom’s heart and he could only take a blanket before laying down beside you and tucking the both of you in. He presses a kiss on the side of your head before whispering a “sleep tight, my little angel.”
Ransom was about to close his eyes when he hears your voice again, making his heart leap out of his chest.
“I like being daddy’s good girl.”
Oh Ransom loves that too and he has a feeling that his little angel will continue to become his pretty little good girl so she’ll get all the rewards she can get.
And Ransom is willing to give you all the rewards he can give because you’re his one and only good little angel.
an: no eating out or gobbling on the d cuz come onn... they were just eating those damn biscuits 🤧
General: @readermia @unlikelygalaxygiver @xoxabs88xox @anncutamarica @chaoticfiretaconerd @i-love-superhero @caffiend-queen @coconutqueen21 @jtargaryen18 @jennmurawski13 @mushyjellybeans @ninjabucky @evnscvll @buckstaybucky @donutloverxo @rebloggingeverything @adriannajackson Anything Chris: @patzammit @princess-evans-addict @shadowcatsworld @notyourtypicalrose @onetwo3000
this fic: @kyrarose16 @tokoyamisstuff
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txdoroki · 3 years
cuddling with bakugou, todoroki, and kirishima hcs!
dedicated to: @frxggie ily <3
genre: tooth-rotting fluff
gn reader | warnings: none
a/n: i could’ve sworn i’ve already written this, but i somehow haven’t so .. here is it <3 tbh the todoroki one is lowkey angsty asf wtf happened
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-actual traditional, what you’d think of when thinking about cuddles cuddling aren’t very often
-he prefers to just have a lazy arm slouched around your shoulder, likes his space and wouldn’t want someone to see him cuddled up against you anyways
-even tho y’all have literally been dating for over a year ok bakugou ?..
-the only time he truly truly cuddles fr is whenever one of you are sad
-or if he woke up in the middle of the night and you somehow convinced him to cuddle .?
-i know that sounds weird but it’s happened a few times
-anyways, whenever one of those two exceptions are happening, he’s way more affectionate than usual
-lets you lay against his side as you both cuddle under his super fluffy allmight blanket that he tells everyone he doesn’t have, or he lets you sleep in his lap if he’s working on homework late
-sometimes acts like he’s subconsciously cuddling into you further, or gripping your hand in his tighter, but it never is
-mans is just scared of being seen as soft and for what
-everyone already knows he is for you 🙄🙄 so why hide it sheesh
-sometimes whenever you fall asleep during cuddles at his dorm, he wakes you up by flicking you in the head just to piss you off
-but if he’s sleepy he kisses your forehead and is like “dumbass, gotta wake up”
-only lets you sleep in his dorm if he ABSOLUTELY has to. or if he really wants to
-i mean he always wants to fall asleep with you next to him, but he isn’t about to get his ass whooped by aizawa just for some cuddles he gets while fuckin asleep
-which is why he never falls asleep when you’re over. he doesn’t wanna miss a moment of your mindless sleep talking, or your short moments of stirring awake that you don’t remember later when you wake up for good
-likes to rub and massage your back, knows that sometimes you undergo a lot of stress, and he always loves when you rub his back, so he returns the favor
-if he’s 100% sure you’re asleep, he’ll whisper that he loves you or that he’s so proud of you in your ear
-loves getting to cuddle with you, but only does when you say you do first cuz he doesn’t want to ask for things from you
-at first he was a bit awkward and stiff cause he had never cuddled with anyone before
-poor guy he just doesn’t know how to handle affection :(((
-you taught him tho, and also made him work on initiating contact and such
-kind of have a system where if one of you do a certain face you just nod and you cuddle lmao
-prefers being big spoon because he likes knowing you’re safe in his arms and that he can protect you if something happens
-would def be happy with being little spoon too tho because whenever you run your hands through his hair he gets goosebumps and his heart just.
-you make him feel so loved it’s so sweet
-whenever you yawn in his arms and your grip on his finger tightens he’s like wnshshwisnd <3
-yup. you hold his finger instead of his whole hand because he’s always been scared that he’d accidentally burn/freeze your hand if he had a nightmare or something :[
-you insisted he wouldn’t, but he said he’d be more comfy if you just held his finger instesd of hand so ye
-honestly it feels natural nowadays tho so, both of yall are comfy it works out
-doesn’t usually fall asleep when you’re cuddling, unless he’s super duper comfy
-prefers to feel your body get heavier as you sleep, it kind of just ensures to him that he’s keeping you safe yk.
-sometimes he likes to hum different love songs that remind him of you whenever you’re fast asleep in his arms and he’s just like ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
-mans is so pure i’m sobbing
-let’s be real here .. he is practically a cuddle machine
-likes cuddles whenever possible
-dating him got you used to pda in a snap. he loves to cuddle with you anywhere.
-the common room, lunch, your dorm, his dorm, bakugou’s dorm, denki’s dorm, anywhere he can
-his cuddles >>>>
-he’s always so warm and cuddly. it’s like he was a cuddling prodigy as a kid or sum. knows the best ways to get you all comfy and content
-prioritizes your comfort more than his own. making you happy makes him happiest, so of course he lets you lay/sit however you want.
-big spoon a lot of the time
-but will also melt in your arms if you hold him. it makes him feel so loved. do it.
-loves it when you run your hands through his hair when it’s down. esp when you do kinda back and forth and make it ruffley
-likes kissing all over your face whenever you’re smiling at him
-digs his face into your neck a lot. really likes how safe it makes him feel, and your giggles when he accidentally tickles you
-doesn’t really give a shit about the teachers, you spend like two thirds of your nights in his room tbh
-likes when you sit facing him on his lap and have your legs around his waist and your face on his neck.
-watches movies like that a lot, you usually nap while he watches them though
-sometimes if you fall asleep while cuddling and he wants kisses, he’ll kiss all over your face for minutes straight just so you’ll be like
-“kiriii what do you need, i’m sleepy,”
-then he’ll just point to his lips and you’re like
-ofc he gets a kiss or two tho, but then you fall asleep cradled in his arms once more
-all cuddles with him get a 10/10 in my book
taglist: @todoroki-shoto-is-life
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simplee-dreaming · 3 years
The Runner (Part 2)
(Part 1 here)
A/N: THIS IS MY 50TH FIC WTF!! Ngl I'm not so confident about this one but that's just my anxiety being a demon. I hope you all like it.
Word count: 3823
Summary: With Darren being on the warpath, Chris takes great care of the reader...along with some friends.
The next day you walked into work with a big smile on your face. Last night you shared food with Chris Evans, watched a film with Chris Evans, got into a tickle fight with Chris Evans and ended up being cuddled by Chris Evans. You were certainly on cloud nine right now.
“Black coffee for Mr Evans please! Black coffee!” a call came over the radio. You strode into the kitchen to make it but found another runner already on the case.
“Nevermind,” you thought to yourself. There’s no way you were gonna go the whole of today without seeing him anyway.
You turned on your heel to leave but walked straight into Darren.
“Oh, um, sorry, I-I didn’t see you there,” you stuttered.
“Watch where you’re going,” he said, sternly.
“Sorry,” you repeated.
“There’s a mess on the set, you need to clean it up before the next scene begins shooting,” he demanded. You looked at him.
“But, I’m not a cleaner?” You said, puzzled.
“You were perfectly happy to clean the set a few weeks back,” he said.
“Well yeah but-”
“No excuses, clean up that mess now,” he interrupted, marching out of the kitchen. You sighed but decided not to argue.
You went onto the set and helped the cleaners with the mess.
A few hours had passed and you were sitting on set filling out an accident form. Apparently, Sebastian Stan had slipped on set whilst filming and managed to cut his hand. Only a tiny cut, but any accident has to be filed. Unfortunately, you didn’t get to sit with Seb and fill it out but was given the details by his assistant, Jane.
You got up and walked into the set office, where all the paperwork was kept, and filed away the accident form. When you walked back onto the set, Darren was standing there staring at you. He lifted up his hand and ordered you to go over to him. You slowly walked over and stood in front of him.
“So what exactly did you do to clean the set earlier today?” He asked.
“I...I swept up the debris. I just cleared the mess,” you replied.
“You cleaned the floor, didn’t you?”
“I cleared it yeah but I-”
“You cleaned the floor and left it in a slippery state. No wonder Mr Stan slipped over,”
“No, but, I..I just cleared it! I never-”
“He could have broken a bone,”
“I didn’t clean it, I only swept!” You protested. Darren grunted at you and walked off, leaving you feeling deflated.
The rest of the day you were silent. You didn’t dare speak to anyone in case they thought the same as Darren. When your lunch break finally came around, you walked outside to the back of the studios and sat in a quiet corner where all you could hear was the wind sweeping through the trees and the birds singing. You finished your lunch in silence, a single tear escaping from your eye.
“There you are! I’ve been looking for you all day!” said a familiar voice. You looked up to see Chris walking towards you. A smile involuntarily grew on your lips.
“Oh, hey!” You said, quickly wiping away the tear.
“What’s wrong? Have you been crying?” He asked, sitting on the bench next to you.
“No. No, I’m fine,” you replied.
“You have been crying. What’s the matter?”
“I’m fine,”
“No you’re not,”
“Yes I am, I promise. I’m fine,” you said, a little too quickly. Chris gently put his hand on top of yours.
“What’s happened?” He asked, softly. You looked at him, then looked down and burst into tears. He pulled you in for a tight cuddle.
“It’s all my fault,” you sobbed into his chest.
“What is?” he asked.
“Seb. I made Seb slip. He’s hurt because of me,” you cried.
“Wait, what are you talking about?” Chris asked, rubbing your arm.
“I cleaned the set earlier, I must’ve put something down because Seb slipped and cut himself and it’s my fault,”
“Seb didn’t slip?” Chris said, confused.
“Seb didn’t slip, he tripped and fell over. That’s how he cut his hand, he grabbed onto a bit of the set for support and caught a sharp edge. He never slipped,” Chris said. You looked up at him.
“So...so it wasn’t me?” You asked.
“Of course not, he’s just a clumsy idiot. The floor wasn’t slippery at all. Plus, he’s fine. Just got a big boy plaster on,” he chuckled.
“But...but Darren said-”
“What did Darren say?” Chris asked, more seriously.
“Darren said Seb slipped. And that it was my fault because I cleaned the set earlier but I didn’t remember actually putting any product down to clean and I thought I only swept the set which it seems is all I did and-”
“Whoa whoa whoa, breathe. Darren told you this was your fault?” Chris asked. You nodded.
“Right, I’m going to talk to him,” Chris said, standing up.
“No no please, he already hates me. If you say something then he’ll know I told on him and he’ll be even worse,” you begged.
“Y/N, he cannot treat you like this,”
“It’s fine, I can handle it,” you lied.
“He made you cry, Y/N. That is not okay. I’m going to speak to him,” Chris said. He walked off and you ran after him. When you turned the corner, you both ran straight into Seb.
“Whoa Speedy Gonzales, slow down!” Seb said, catching you as you tripped over Chris’ foot.
“S-sorry,” you said. You looked up and suddenly registered who was in front of you.
“Oh god. Oh I’m so sorry, Mr Stan, I didn’t mean to-”
“Y/N, calm down, it’s okay,” Chris said, placing a hand on your shoulder. You looked up at him and took a few deep breaths.
“Ohh so you’re Y/N. Chris has been telling me all about you, it’s nice to put a face to a name,” Seb said, smiling at you. You gave a shaky smile back. He looked at Chris.
“Where are you off to?”
“Going to see my assistant,” Chris said, sternly.
“Ah yes, ‘Divine Darren’,” Seb said, sarcastically. “More like Distasteful Darren.”
“Well, quite. He’s been so unpleasant to Y/N, so I’m going to talk to him,” Chris said, he sounded very angry.
“Chris please, it will only make things worse,” you begged. Seb looked at your worried face and looked back at Chris.
“I think she’s right, Chris. At least wait a little bit until you’re calmer. Then I’ll come and back you up,” Seb said. Chris let out a sigh then looked at you. His face softened.
“Okay. But he’s not going to get away with this,” Chris said. You breathed a sigh of relief.
“Good lad,” Seb said, patting Chris’ shoulder. He then turned to you.
“So, you’re the reason our Chris was so chirpy this morning, eh?” He said. You blushed.
“W-well...I...um…” you stammered. What had Chris told Seb?
“Seb…” Chris warned.
“What? I’ve gotta be polite to your new tickle attacker!” Seb said.
“SEB!” Chris cried.
“Chris told me you used his weakness against him last night. Nice to have you on board Y/N,” Seb winked at you. You let out a nervous giggle, praying that Chris didn’t tell Seb that you shared the same weakness.
“Although, it seems you may struggle more. We can’t have someone who is equally as ticklish on the front line until he’s not strong enough to retaliate,” Seb said. He winked at you again and smirked.
Fuck. He knew.
“Anyway, gotta get ready for my next scene. Catch you both later,” Seb waved goodbye and walked off.
You turned to Chris and punched him in the arm.
“Ow! What was that for?!” He exclaimed.
“You told him?” You asked.
“Ohh...yeah...yeah I did,” he said, giggling. You punched him again.
“Ow! Okay, okay, I’m sorry! I just had a great night last night and couldn’t keep my mouth shut,” he said. You couldn’t help but smile.
“So did I,” you replied. He chuckled and pulled you in for a hug. You relaxed in his arms until he squeezed your side.
“Hey!” You yelped.
“That was for punching me,” he said.
You sighed and walked back into the studios with him, ready to get back to work.
The day finally came to a close. Scenes were wrapping up shooting and members of the crew were packing up to go home. You had purposefully been avoiding Darren all day, terrified of what he may try and do next.
Chris has invited you to his caravan again for another movie night, so you decided to quickly clean up the kitchen area before you clocked out. You took the half-filled jug of coffee out of its hold and turned to pour it down the sink. But, as you turned, someone knocked into the back of you and you dropped the jug which smashed all over the floor.
“What the hell are you playing at?!” Yelled Darren from behind you. You swiftly turned around.
No words came out of your mouth, just incoherent babbling.
“Look at what you’ve done! You’ve smashed the bloody jug you blundering idiot!” He yelled. You took a step backwards and slipped slightly on the spilt coffee, you held the kitchen side for support as tears leaked down your face.
“I-I didn’t mean….I never meant to...it was an accident!” You cried.
“You did that on purpose. You’ve been messing about ever since you started here. Have you any idea the damage you’ve caused?!”
You burst into tears, frightened of the man standing before you.
“Hey hey, back off!” A voice said behind Darren. He turned around slightly and there stood Scarlett and Lizzie, both with their arms folded.
“Did you see what she did? She broke the coffee jug!” Darren exclaimed, gesturing at you.
“Then buy another one,” Scarlett said, shrugging.
“Better yet, buy another one secretly and we won’t tell anyone that you purposely fell into her,” Lizzie said.
“What? I never fell into her! Stupid girl tripped over,” he said, a wobble in his voice. Both women titled their heads and raised their eyebrows at the same time.
“She dropped it all by herself! She’s caused nothing but havoc since she started,” he tried to explain but the girls were having none of it.
“Grrr. Out of my way,” Darren huffed. He pushed past Scarlett and Lizzie and marched off.
“Hey, are you okay?” Lizzie asked, approaching you. You shook your head and burst into tears. Lizzie drew you in for a hug.
“What’s your name, sweetheart?” Scarlett asked.
“Y/N,” you responded, quietly.
“Oh goodness, you’re Y/N! Chris has mentioned you a few times today. He’s waiting for you, we'll take you to him,” said Lizzie.
“B-but the mess…” you stammered.
“Leave it, we’ll clean it up,” Scarlett said.
She and Lizzie each put an arm around you and guided you away from the kitchen. Chris was standing at the back of the studios, near the caravan park. His posture straightened up when he saw you, but his face grew more concerned as you approached.
“Oh my god, are you okay Y/N? What happened?” He asked. Scarlett looked at him and raised one eyebrow.
“No. No no. This wasn’t Darren again was it?!” He said, his voice getting louder. “Where is he? I’ll kill him!”
“Chris, he’s probably gone home by now,” Lizzie said. He put his hands on his hips and shook his head.
“That little….he has no right treating you like his,” he said. You tilted your head down. He drew in a deep breath and took you from Scar and Lizzie, wrapping you in a hug.
“It’s okay, you’re safe now,” he said, stroking your hair. You cried into his shoulders and hugged him tightly.
“Tell you what, Seb’s using the green room to relax in for a bit this evening. Shall we go and join him?” He asked.
“Will he mind?” You replied, lifting your head slightly.
“Not at all! We could have a group film night if you’re both up for it too?” Chris asked. Scarlett and Lizzie nodded. Chris put his arm around you and all four of you walked to the green room.
“Knock knock,” said Chris, entering the room. Seb was sat on the sofa, scrolling through Netflix.
“Hey man, how’s it going?” Seb asked, turning to greet you all. “Ooh more guests, this is exciting. What’s the occasion?”
“Another incident happened. We thought we could join you and watch a movie together?” Chris said.
“Why of course! The more the merrier!” Seb said. He shuffled up a bit on the sofa and Chris placed you between himself and Seb.
“I’m gonna go grab some food. Do you two mind helping me?” Chris said, gesturing at Lizzie and Scarlett. They both followed him out and into the kitchen area. Coffee and bits of jug were still splattered on the floor so Lizzie bent down to start cleaning it up.
“What happened?” Chris asked.
“Y/N was cleaning this area. She went to wash out the coffee jug and Darren purposely bumped into her so she dropped the jug and he had a proper go at her. She was terrified,” Scar informed him. He hung his head.
“I can’t let him get away with treating her like that,” he responded.
“Well, what are you gonna do?” Lizzie asked, sweeping the floor.
“I don’t know yet. But he’s not getting away lightly,” Chris said. “Do you think she’s okay?”
“I don’t know. I think she’s just putting on a brave face,” Scarlett said.
Chris, Scarlett and Lizzie finished cleaning the kitchen and grabbed some bags of popcorn to take back to the room. When they returned, they found you leaning forwards with your head in your hands and Seb rubbing your back.
“What’s happened??” Chris asked. He put down the popcorn and sat next to you, putting his arm around you.
“She keeps saying everything that happened today is her fault. I’ve told her it isn’t but she’s pretty shook up,” Seb whispered softly.
“Oh Y/N. Nothing that has happened is your fault! We’ve been through this my lovely,” Chris said, gently.
“I shouldn’t be here,” you mumbled.
“What? Chris said.
“I shouldn’t be here,” you said, standing up from the sofa and heading for the door. Chris grabbed your arm.
“Whoa whoa whoa, steady on. Where are you going?”
“Darren was right. I have no right being here. I’m just a runner.”
Another tear fell down your face and Chris’ heart broke.
“Y/N, listen to me. Yes, you are a runner but that doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to be here. Runners are an important asset to the studios, how else would I get my coffee?! Besides, you’re not just a runner. You’re incredible. You’re the first non-celebrity that hasn’t treated me like royalty and it’s a breath of fresh air,” Chris said. You looked up at him.
“Yes really! Don’t want you bowing down to kiss my feet, they’re not that great,” he said. You gave a shy giggle.
“Come here,” he said, pulling you in for a cuddle. You happily accepted and relaxed slightly in his arms.
“Now then you, we’re gonna have a great movie night, yes?” He asked, you nodded. “Good, but I want you to be happy before we start. Where’s that smile?”
He had a hint of playfulness in his voice. You knew what was coming but didn’t want to fight it, so you buried your head further into his chest.
“Come on...where is it?” He teased. He started poking up and down your sides and you squirmed.
You murmured a giggle into his chest as he continued to poke you.
“Where’s that smile?” He teased. You giggled louder as the pokes turned into squeezes.
“Chrihihihis!” You squealed, trying to twist out of his grip.
“Where are you going?” He asked, bending his head slightly to look at you. His hands squeezed your sides and tickled your ribs, making you squeal. You put your hands on Chris’ stomach to push him away but decided to tickle his tummy instead.
“Hehey!” He yelped, stepping backwards and releasing you from his grip. He tilted his head and raised an eyebrow.
“So that’s how you wanna play…” he said. The playful tone in his voice made you giggle but also kicked in the instinct to turn on your heel and run.
Bad move.
Chris lunged at you, as you turned, and picked you up - spinning you in the air before lying you flat on the sofa. You shrieked.
“No Chris!” You pleaded as he sat next to you, trapping you between him and the back of the sofa. He cackled evilly and started squeezing your sides again. You shrieked and kicked your legs out.
Seb, Lizzie and Scar all shared a smile as they watched Chris tease you.
“Show me that smile,” he teased once more. You were going bright red in the face and tried to bat his hands away, but you couldn’t stop giggling.
“Hey Chris, I think it may be in here,” Seb said. Before you realised what was about to happen, Seb had placed his fingers in the crook of your neck and started wiggling them.
“WAIHIHIHIT! You cried, not expecting Sebastian Stan to join in. You scrunched up your shoulders, trapping his hands in your neck, and shrieked.
“Wow, Chris, you’re right. She’s super ticklish!” He teased. Your face turned ruby red as you twisted and turned on the sofa.
“NOHO I’M NOHOHOT!” You cried.
“Oh yes you are,” Seb said. His hands trailed down to underneath you and started tickling your shoulder blades. The noise you made was different to any other you had ever made before.
“Whoa, I think you found a bad spot,” Chris laughed. He started squeezing and spider tickling your tummy and you let out a scream. You kicked your legs frantically as your arms waved around trying to stop the attacks.
“Girls, we need your help!” Seb said. Scarlett and Lizzie looked at each other and laughed. Scarlett got up and approached you.
She positioned herself next to Chris and gently fluttered her fingers over your kicking feet. No one had you pinned so you were free to twist and kick as much as you liked, but as soon as you twisted from one pair of hands you fell right into another.
“Does this tickle Y/N? Does it? Tickle tickle tickle!” Chris teased, now spider tickling your waistline.
“Oh but you’re so fun to tease!” Chris said, laughing evilly.
Lizzie looked over at Chris and narrowed her eyes. Then, a thought hit her. She slowly crept up behind Chris before lunging at him, sitting on top of him so he was pinned to the floor. She wasted no time in shoving her hands under his armpits and wiggling her fingers.
“WHAHAHAT THE HEHEHELL?! AHAHAHAHA!” Chris yelled, taken aback by the sudden attack.
Seb and Scarlett instantly stopped tickling you so you could all watch the action unfold.
“Does this tickle Chris? Does it? Tickle tickle tickle!” She cooed, repeating his own teases. He thrashed below her and boomed out a laugh. You started giggling too.
“I’ve got him, Y/N. Come and get your own back,” she said, turning her head to wink at you. You jumped off the sofa and basically slid over to him.
“Do any of you know his worst spot?” You asked.
“His ears. Get the spot just behind the right one and flutter your fingers over the top of his left one and you’ll have him a babbling mess below you,” Seb said...a little too quickly.
You grinned at him. Lizzie stopped tickling but kept her hands positioned under his arms. You followed Seb’s instructions and, before you knew it, Chris was a babbling mess on the floor. A mix of squeals, giggles and high pitched laughs came out of him as he twisted his head from side to side. Every time he tried to lift his arms to stop you, Lizzie would tickle his armpits and he’d slam them back down again.
“Cootchie cootchie coo, Chris…” you teased. Your heart did somersaults at the sound of his precious laugh.
All of a sudden, Chris let out a booming laugh and jolted his body. You looked up and found Seb trapping one of Chris’ feet with one hand and using the other to scrape up and down his sole. Seb looked at you.
“His feet are his second worst,” he informed you.
You and Lizzie were too distracted by Seb tickling Chris’ foot that neither of you noticed him lifting up his arms. Because you were sitting right next to him, he managed to grab you and pull you over his torso. He held you close to him as his hand trailed up and down your back and sides. You shrieked loudly and bucked your body.
Seb stopped tickling Chris and instead made a lunge for your foot, trapping it in the same way and raking his fingers up and down it. You burst into a loud laughter.
“Oh dear, we really are trapped now aren’t we?” Scarlett teased. She shoved her hands between you and Chris and started tickling both your tummies at the same time. You both shrieked loudly. Lizzie giggled and decided to join Chris in tickling your sides and back. Chris was giggling below you but you were screaming and shrieking before falling into a silent laughter. You hid your face in Chris’ torso and jolted your whole body. They all took this as the sign to stop.
You lay on top of Chris, getting your breath back. He was still giggling which made you giggle more.
“You okay?” He asked, now stroking your hair. You nodded and placed your head on his chest.
“You passed the initiation,” Seb said. You lifted your head and looked at him, brows furrowed.
“What?” You asked.
“You passed the initiation. You got through our torture without murdering us,” he laughed. You got off of Chris and sat on the floor, still giggling. Chris sat up too.
“You’re officially one of us now. That will never change,” he said, pulling you in for a cuddle. “And tomorrow, I promise, I will sort out this mess. Darren will never treat you so badly again, I promise.”
“Just don’t ever clean the set again,” Seb teased. You scoffed and playfully punched him, making him laugh.
Seb, Scarlett and Lizzie shuffled forward and all four cast members engulfed you in a massive hug. You felt so safe and secure, all of your worries left you for that evening.
Tomorrow is a new day.
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lavenderwhore444 · 3 years
I’ve been thinking about this all day, so imagine this with me shigaraki is dressed in a long sleeve short wearing some lacy panties ( it can be any color u want) holding one of his stuffed animals u got him while ur fucking his cute ass ( btw i mean pegging him lmaooo) while he’s whining and moaning telling his mommy to slow down
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk ✋😃
I'm so obsessed with this. Fluffy tooth-rotting sub shigaraki smut is my weakness. It's my favorite thing.
If you want to use interactive fics, it's easy and makes reading fics SO much better. First, you download the Google Chrome extension. You'll see it in the top right corner of your screen. Next, you enter your name in the first box. If you want to change something other than y/n, please click on the text that says “want to change something other than y/n?” here, you can change any word you want to a different word. When I talk about your quirk I will use y/q
Master List
Warnings: overstimulation kind of? Like overstimulation without the orgasm? Praise kink, slight degradation, reading this will give you a cavity. It's so fucking sweet. Call your dentist before you read this.
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Earlier that day, you had found Shigaraki jerking off with your baby blue lacy panties, and as punishment, he had to wear the panties he’d made a mess in all day. In an act of rebellion, he had decided to put on one of your oversized hoodies and forget pants altogether. The sight of him playing his game in a big sweater with his soft cock in your panties made you go wild. When he begged, “mommy, come cuddle with me. I'm cold, ” you lost it and practically pounced on him.
You gave him wet, sloppy kisses and tangled your fingers in his hair, spit smearing all over your faces. Eventually, he ended up lying on his back on the bed. You drooled over the sight of him. His hair was messy from making out, and his lips were wet and puffy. His cheeks were pink to match the head of his semi-hard cock peeking out of the top of your panties. He had his hands covered by your sweater and put them in front of his face, hiding his blush.
“Mommy, am I in trouble?” he whispered, looking up at you, “was I a bad boy?”
“No, sweetie, you're not in trouble. Mommy just thinks you look so pretty in her panties that I couldn't resist having my way with you. And you look so cute in my sweater, Tomu, ” you praised him.
He smiled and hid his face in his hands once again.
“So am I a good boy?” He asked, wanting you to praise him.
“Yes, you are, ” you said, “you're such a good boy Shiggy. Mommy loves you so much, ”
“I love you too, mommy, ” he said, pulling you down into an eager hug.
You chuckled and kissed his cheek.
“Tomu, can mommy use her toy on you? Can I make my special boy feel good?” You asked.
He nodded, “want mommy to make me feel good with her toy. Pretty please?”
You grabbed the lube and toy off the bedside table. Tomura bit his lip in excitement, but it seems he forgot that this was still a punishment. You didn't want to remind him verbally, not when he was smiling up at you like that. You'd have to show him.
“Do you remember your safe word, Tomura?” you asked
He pouted when you didn't use a nickname or pet name, but he knew it’s because this was serious. That mommy needed to make him feel safe.
He nodded, “it's evergreen, right, mommy?”
“Good job, ” you praised, “and you promise that if something is wrong, you’ll use it?”
“I promise, ” he said, squirming in anticipation.
“Is there anything new you want to set as a hard limit?” You asked.
“No, ” he said, shaking his head, “I told mommy everything, I promise, ”
“Ok baby, are you ready?” You asked, pressing a lube-covered finger against his asshole.
“Yes, mommy!” He said happily.
You pressed a finger into his well-trained asshole, and he immediately started begging for another.
“More please, mommy. Another finger, pretty please?” he begged.
“Ok, sweetie, ” you cooed, letting him make the most of his time pre-punishment.
He was grinding while you curled your fingers.
“Mommy, ” he said, interrupted by a soft moan, “right there, please, mommy, ”
“Ok, sweetie, ” you said, kissing his forehead.
“Mommy, ‘m ready for your cock, ” he said, “please lemme have your cock, ”
He looked up at you with adoring half-lidded eyes.
“Alright, sweetie, ass up for me, ” you said.
Tomura blushed and assumed the lewd position, wiggling his butt in the air. You giggled and pressed a kiss to his hole.
“That's my good boy, ” you whispered.
You lined yourself up and pushed in slowly, lulling him into a false sense of security. Did he really believe he deserved a reward like this after you caught him a). Touching himself, and b). Making a mess? Surely he was smarter than that. You started at a slow pace, letting him mewl and grind against you. He loved when you were gentle with him. He loved when mommy took good care of her special boy. He was your special boy, and knowing that made both his heart and cock throb.
He was a little upset when you sped up, longing for those slow sweet thrusts. You watched him open his mouth to beg and increased your speed tenfold.
“Mommy!” He cried.
“Shhh honey, I know, ” you said, rubbing his back while you pounded into him.
“M-mommy no too much, ” he whimpered, “please be gentle, mommy, ”
“Nuh-uh, you were naughty today Tomu, naughty boys deserve punishments, ” you scolded.
“Mommy, I'm sorry, ” he cried, “I'm not a naughty boy, I promise Mommy, I promise, ”
“You're a good boy?” You asked.
He nodded, “I'm a good boy. I'm mommy’s good boy, remember? I'm your good boy, ” he managed to choke out.
“Good boys take mommy’s cock, ” you said, “good boys, let mommy fuck their ass however she pleases, ”
He moaned, starting to cry from how fast and rough you were being.
“Mommy, please, ” he whispered.
You reached over and handed him his stuffed bunny.
“Hug your stuffie, baby, ” you said, “hug bunny and take my cock, ok?”
He cuddled the bunny close. Hands closed into fists despite his artist's gloves. He didn't want to take any chances with his sweet bunny. You had got bunny for Tomura’s birthday, and if he ever lost her, he’d be miserable. She was one of his most prized possessions, you always sprayed her with your perfume, and she comforted him when you were gone.
“Mommy, slow down, ” he begged, still holding bunny close, “please, I'm a good boy, mommy, b-but I can't take it!”
“No?” you teased, “you can't take mommy’s cock?”
“Cant take mommy’s cock, ” he said, “can’t take mommy’s cock, ”
You pulled his hair and spanked him, causing him to cry out.
“No more, mommy, please, ” he begged as tears streamed down his now red face.
“Cum for me, and I’ll stop, Tomu, ” you promised.
“H-help please, mommy?” He whispered.
“You want mommy to help you cum? I know just what you want. You want mommy to talk dirty to you, don't you? You want mommy to whisper filth in your ear so your dirty little mind can imagine it?” you teased.
“Yes, ” he croaked, “n-need, ”
“You're clenching so hard around mommy’s toy, sweetheart. I think you like it when mommy’s a little rough with you. I think you're a good little cock slut. Mommy’s good cock slut. When you cum on mommy’s panties, you're gonna have to keep wearing them, Tomu. You're gonna wear mommy’s panties all sticky with your cum, ” you said, leaning in close to his ear.
He groaned. It was incredible what just this could do to him. He was right on the edge. You could tell by the way he was panting with his mouth wide open, eyes rolling back, and how he was humping your panties.
“Cum, mommy, ” he whispered, “I'm gonna cum, mommy, ”
“Good boy, ” you said, rubbing his back.
It was impressive that you were able to keep up this brutal pace, but hard work and determination pay off. Tomura tensed and let out a strangled moan before falling face-first onto the pillow. Hot cum soaked your panties and made them sticky. You were excited to have him wear them for the next day or so. You turned his head so he wouldn't suffocate and brushed some hair out of his face.
You pulled out of him and turned him on his back. He was utterly fucked out and barely conscious, but he still managed to give you a weak smile.
“I almost forgot, sweetie,” you said, riffling through a bag, “I got you a present, ”
He smiled wider, “mommy got me a present?”
You nodded, “my baby took me so well today. You deserve it, ”
You handed him a box, and he opened it. When he first looked at it, he was confused. Why did you give him a tiny sweater? Eventually, he put two and two together and gave you an adoring look.
“You got a sweater for bunny, ” he said, words slurring a little.
“Mhm, ” you said, putting it on her.
He nuzzled his face into her and smiled. You laid down next to him, turning him, so he and bunny were curled into your chest.
“Thank you, mommy, ” he whispered.
You kissed the top of his head, “you're very welcome, ”
232 notes · View notes
cazimagines · 3 years
Request from anon: Hi, I really enjoy your writing, particularly your Zemo fics! I had an idea for one that basically follows the while y/n joining Sam, Bucky, and Zemo through Madirpoor and Riga. Only despite Zemo’s flirting, y/n doesn’t really do anything about it or even notice until y/n along with Sam and Bucky witness Walker (New Captian America) murder a flag smasher in the street. They all go back to the safe house and y/n is like, in shock. “Captian America just killed someone” is all y/n can really say. And Zemo is able to calm them down. Maybe the romance can start then?
Word count: 3.4k
Author’s note: This one-shot can be multiple parts, if you would like to see a sequel please say! If I do decide to write a sequel though it will take me a while as I’ve had a lot of requests, please check out my master list to see what I have coming up next and if requests are currently open or not
(Please check out my master list to see what I will be writing next and if requests are open or closed)
Cross-posted to ao3 under the same username
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Heels clicked along the pavement as you sashayed along the road, approaching the men before you, two of which you know fondly. The other one, however... not so much.
They all stood close together in a circle, obviously discussing something important but at hearing your voice call out their heads turn towards you, a smile appearing on Sam and Bucky’s faces as they see you. “Long time no see boys,” you say, stopping a few feet away from them to lean on a wall.
They both walk over to you, Bucky pulling you into and hug then followed by Sam hugging you tightly. “Thank you for agreeing to help us out y/n. I know things haven’t been easy for you,”
You fake a smile at Bucky, one you hoped he wouldn’t see past resting your arm around his shoulder. “Anything for my friends,”
He was right, though. These times haven’t been easy for you, especially after Steve Rodgers left. Captain America had always been your idol, ever since you were a little kid you aspired to be just like him. You collected all the Captain America merchandise along with your brother Phil, always arguing with him who owned which toy of his. Meeting Steve had been a dream come true for you. He was the person you were closest to. He helped you come to terms with your brother’s death and whenever you needed help; he was there. You two stuck together through the thick and thin. That’s was how you got to become good friends with Sam and Bucky. You and Steve have always had a complicated relationship, though. You two liked each other and tried to see if you could be something more, but it never seemed to work out. Then Thanos happened. You, along with half the universe, were dusted. For you it was as if you had simply blinked however for Steve it was five years without you. You barely got to see each other again before he went away for good. You couldn’t hate him for it, you understood why he did what he did. He was always telling you about the ’40s, about his childhood, about her. You just wished you weren’t so connected with him. Seeing him there, old, dying. It broke your heart. But times move on. You can’t live in the past as he did.
Your eyes focus on the man behind Sam and Bucky and you frown, pulling your arm away from Bucky. A man you never thought you would see again was staring right back at you.
He stood a few feet back, knowing he wasn’t welcomed in the warm reunion of friendship. He clasped his hands, unsure what exactly he should do right now, feeling awkward, but as he looked over at you his eyes twinkled with recognition. Now you had been interesting to him. You weren’t a super soldier like Steve and James. Yet you certainly could hold your own against them. He had seen when he had first activated James. No, your strength and fighting abilities were down to your own human powers and he admired that. You were one of the few avengers he might have had an inkling to like if the Sokovia attack never happened. Still, it wasn’t as if you were to blame for it. The people who were to blame had suffered for it. You were merely the pawn in the giant game of chess. Perhaps he could grow to like you, after all, he could admit you were certainly tempting to him, the way your body was shaped excited him, the way your neck was shaped made him want to brush his fingers along it and your piercing eyes felt like they could look into the darkest corners of his soul.
“Why is he out of prison?” you snap, bringing Zemo out of his trance
Sam turns to scowl at Bucky as you all turn to Zemo, who awkwardly smiles. “Bucky thinks we need him,” Sam mutters
“Why would we need him!” you exclaim, crossing your arms and shooting Bucky a glare.
“I am invaluable,” Zemo explains with his hands, his eyes unwavering from you as he answers for Bucky.
“He hates super-soldiers, therefore he will help us in getting to Karli,” Bucky says, stepping in front of your eyesight trying to explain himself.
“That also means he hates you, Buck,”
All of them freeze as you address the elephant in the room. Bucky grits his teeth and steps back, averting your gaze as you and Sam stare expectedly at him but he doesn’t respond so Zemo takes his opportunity to step closer to you, now only a few feet apart.
“I can assure you, getting rid of Karli and her super soldier friends is my priority. Not James,”
You clench your jaw in anger as you look at Zemo. He tilts his head, the side of his lip curling up slightly, hoping you’d take a chance on him. Sighing, you turn to shoot one more look at Bucky.
“Steve wouldn’t have liked this,”
Later you sat across from Zemo on his private jet. All of you sat in uncomfortable silence as you flew to Madripoor. Sam and Bucky did not seem as close as you were to both of them. They both just sat on their respective sides and looked out the window. Zemo had a book on him which he seemed very preoccupied reading, yet there were moments where you could feel his eyes settle upon you. Ignoring his inquisitive gaze, you choose to follow in Bucky and Sam’s lead of looking out the window and daydream the rest of the trip away.
Your mind trails back to Steve. You wondered just what Steve would have thought about you teaming up with Zemo. He would have understood, wouldn’t he? It was the best option you had. Ah, but he had always been such a stickler about the rules. Breaking a criminal out and helping him avoid the law wasn’t very patriotic of you. Yep, he would not have gone through with this plan, he would have found another way that worked. But none of the people here were him. He choose not to be here. You knew you had to let him go.
You pull your eyes away from the window, coming back to reality as you see a bottle of champagne in Zemo’s hand and an empty glass in his other hand. He already had another glass full beside him as he looked at you expectantly.
“What part of no do you not understand,” you snap harshly glaring at him then back out to the window
“My apologies,” he says, pursing his lips together as he looks down at the empty glass. He glances over to Sam and Bucky but they both shake their heads as well so he hands the glass and drinks back to his butler and sighs as he opens his book again.
The tension between all of you sticks around as you arrive at Madripoor. Zemo had provided you a tight-fitting dress to ‘appear the part’ of your allice, and it showed off a bit too much of your chest than you liked. It was too bright for you, golden and sparky, cutting off at your upper tight, and had a very low v cut. You try your best to pull it down to cover you some more but to no avail. Begrudgingly, you leave the plane to meet up with the rest of them.
“My my y/n, the dress suits you,” Zemo says, smirking as his eyes trail up and down your body as you walk past him taking a straight beeline towards Sam and Bucky.
“How long will this mission take?” you ask, already feeling the cold air nip at your skin.
“Few hours at the least. I’m sorry that you have to do this, y/n”
“Hey, I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to help you two,” you mutter as you hear a car pulling up behind you
“Not exactly this though,” Bucky grumbles, glowering over at Zemo who motions to the car that had arrived. Zemo opens the door and waits for you to get in however you walk to the other side of the car and get in. Bucky chuckles at Zemo’s annoyed expression as he instead gets into the side, which Zemo held open.
During the mission, Zemo kept getting uncomfortably close to you. Occasionally his hand brushed against your back as he moved past you, or his hand would bump into yours slightly, lingering against yours longer than normal.
You knew why he was doing this. Because of Steve. He knew how close you and Steve were, everyone did. During the fight between Steve and Tony which Zemo had helped cause you stuck by Steve every second. Now that Steve was gone, Zemo was trying to rub that in. Trying to irritate you on purpose. You would not let him get to you.
During the meeting with Selby you stood off to the side with Sam and you were feeling pretty good about yourself that the mission was going well until Sam’s phone rang. You tried to keep cool while also giving Sam the wtf look as to why he didn’t put his phone on silent. You hung out hoping things would go okay, but today wasn’t your day.
Shelby got gunned down in front of you, and the mission was ruined. Running in heels wasn’t ideal, but you had to make do. You followed Sam and Bucky as Zemo split up from you, running off somewhere else. Eventually, you kicked off your heels, believing running barefoot would be better than dealing with the agony of heels.
Finally, meeting back up with Zemo, you were ready to have to fight your way out of this mess, but then someone you didn’t think you would ever see again appeared. Sharon Carter. You two weren’t exactly buddy buddies. You got along for Steve’s sake, but it always felt like a sort of rivalry between you two for his attention.
“Y/n,” she says, finally addressing you
“Sharon,” you say back, feeling the awkwardness seep back in. Sharon didn’t seem bothered however, she even kindly let you have some new clothes and shoes which were much more comfortable than the ones Zemo lent you and more your style.
Walking back into the main room you see Zemo sitting down, once again drinking, Bucky sitting down as far away from Zemo as he could get and Sam standing at the side. You choose to stand by Sam.
“Hey, y/n, you doing okay?” Sam asks as you walk over.
“Better than other days. What are we waiting around for?”
“For Sharon to lead us to a party where she can get the information we need,” Zemo answers for Sam, peeking over at you. You ignore him.
Sharon comes back in and tells all of you not to get in trouble while you are out at the party.
“Trouble,” Zemo jokes, and he once again glances over to you, raising a glass and winking at you as he downs it.
Following Sharon, you head into the party. It was to show off the art pieces she had got a hold of so you thought you might as well look at them as you were unlikely to see any of these genuine pieces again. You could see however Zemo following you. He tried to be sly by checking out the other artworks near you, never exactly where you were, but you could tell because every time you moved to a new place soon enough Zemo would suddenly appear there as well. He leaned into one of the artworks, pretending to study it closely, but the corner of his eyes would flick over to you.
Groaning in frustration at your new stalker, you decide you had to lose him in the crowds. Swaying your body, you enter the dancing crowd and jump along to the music, letting yourself go. You could feel your excitement growing with the crowd as you danced, but with one quick turn around there, you saw him.
Zemo had now entered the crowd and was dancing along to the music as well, pumping his hands in time to it. As you stared at him in disbelief, he notices and takes that as an innovation to dance over to you.
“Dancing is fun, right?” he asks as he claps his hand to the music
“Why are you doing this!” you exclaim glaring at him.
His eyebrows furrow as he looks at you, “I don’t understand what you mean?”
You huff in annoyance and storm away, going to find Sam and Bucky leaving Zemo alone on the dance floor. He watches you go and sighs, moving away from the dance floor. It had been a long time since he last got to socialize with anyone and he was trying with you; he wanted to know you more, but he didn’t want to push you too far either if you were uncomfortable with it.
The next few hours felt like a blur to everyone. Sharon found out where the doctor was and you found out a bit of information before Zemo choose to shoot him. Then the whole place exploded, and you had to fight for your life while Zemo hijacked and car to pick you up. Now you were standing outside the safe house.
Zemo opened up the doors, and with his arm motioned for you to go in first. You roll your eyes at his extravagance and storm in, looking around the place. It was simple, but you could still tell that it was all designer, expensive to Zemo’s tastes. You sit down on the sofa while Zemo instantly gravitates towards the liquor cupboard.
“If you drink so much you won’t have long left to live” you mutter as you watch him pour some whiskey. His head shoots up as he turns sidewards to look at you, raising an eyebrow.
“Concerned about my health now?”
“I’d rather have you not pass out during a mission, at least till you are no longer of use to us then you can drink yourself to death for all I care,”
“Ah concern for the mission, yes you avengers folks are all the same. The mission takes precedence before anything else,” Zemo says, grabbing his glass and walking over to take a seat on the sofa opposite you.
You give him a cold hard stare crossing your arms. “What do you mean by that” you hiss
He tilts his head, smirking as he sees how riled up you were getting. “I’m simply observing that you have to put your mission before human lives. I know from how much I studied Steve-”
“Don’t bring Steve into this!” you exclaim, leaning forward, baring your teeth at him.
Zemo pauses for a moment shocked, he pulls his head back to observe, his mouth slightly ajar as his eyebrows cast down but realization dawns across his face.
“Ah, you and Steve, you two were an item,”
“It wasn’t like that” you murmur, jumping up from the sofa and pacing around the room to try to alleviate the agitation you felt, your nails digging into your arms as you wrapped them around your body in comfort.
“But there was something,” Zemo replies, watching you pace around the room then looking into the glass bitterly, his grip on it tightening.
You turn your back to Zemo to stare at your reflection in the mirror, seeing the tears swell up in your eyes.
“Why are you bringing this up? Why do you keep trying to annoy me Zemo, what purpose are you getting from this apart from some sick sadistic pleasure?”
It was Zemo’s turn to jump up from the sofa, hurt you could ever think so lowly of him, his eyebrows furrowed as he speeds over to you. He stands beside you, getting a lot closer to you than you would like. You turned your head away so he couldn’t see the tears threatening to fall.
“Do you think that bad of me? Y/n we may not have had the best first impression but know that it is never my intention to irritate or upset you,” Zemo says, trying to move even closer to you, but he moves a step too far and you back away.
“Just leave me alone, Zemo” you whisper, then run out of the room to find a bathroom to let everything out.
Zemo watches your form leave, angrily clenching his jaw, knowing he pushed it too far. The vein in his neck twitches as he grabs an ornament by the side of the mirror. Holding it in his hand, he observes the glass figure, a dove, then chucks it into the ground in rage, feeling an inkling of satisfaction at seeing it smash into a thousand pieces. He grabs more ornaments, at that moment not caring how much they each cost, just enjoy the release of anger he felt every time he smashed one.
You could hear the blood in your brain roar through your ears, the feeling of your heart hitting your chest in shock as you stared down at Lemar’s dead body.
Your eyes flicker to John’s who knelt beside him, trying desperately to wake him up, but you knew it was hopeless. Lemar was gone. Your eyes flickered around the rest of the room, Karli and her friend realising how bad they have messed up were already running away from the room. Bucky and Sam looked at each other as if knowing what was to happen. Your eyes finally land on Zemo’s. John had tried to arrest him, but you were able to stop him. Zemo was still useful though you hated to admit it, it wasn’t long however till the Dora Milaje would find him.
You feel a hand brush against your shoulder and snap back into reality, “We need to leave, now,” Zemo whispered in your ear, pulling your arm to make you move.
Gathering your senses, you let Zemo lead you out of the building as you hear a crash from above. Running out into the road, you and Zemo catch up beside Sam and Bucky and watch the disaster unfold.
There was John, in Cap’s uniform, holding Cap’s shield above that man.
Steve’s shield.
You feel a scream tear from your lips as you watch John Walker bring the shield down, penetrating the man’s chest, staining it in blood. Tears leak from your eyes as you attempt to rush forward, to try and stop it, but arms grasp onto you, pulling you back.
“NO” you repeatedly cried, trying to worm your way out of the grasp, but they gripped you, refusing to let go. Your knees gave out and you sink to the floor, collapsing in the arms of the person who held you, your head buried in the fur part of their coat as they held you to their chest.
You kept sobbing, shaking as the image replayed over and over in your mind.
“Captain America just killed someone,” you whispered, unable to say anything else. The arms which held you picked you up, quietly shushing you, and carried you down a road, back into the safe house.
They tried to put you on the sofa but you clung to their body, not believing you could survive without their support, so they settle on lying down beside you on the sofa.
They turned you to face their body as their arms draped around you, gently rubbing circles into your back. Burying your head into their chest again, you let the sobs wail out as your chest ached from breathing.
“Captain America just killed someone,” you whisper again to him.
“That wasn’t Steve, y/n, Steve would never do something like that,” he murmured, his accent soothing your nerves.
“But it was his shield Zemo. The very thing I had idolized for so long,”
“A shield which by now no longer belongs to him. He was never Captain America y/n, what we just saw proved that. They will give the shield to someone better,”
You sniff, trying to prevent the snot from coming out of your nose as your bloodshot eyes look up into his, “Really?”
He gently smiles at you, taking his hand off your back to push a strand of hair that was hanging over your eye away.
“Yes, they won’t make the same mistake twice,”
Zemo’s words brought more comfort than you could have ever imagined. His embrace brought you warmth and you could feel yourself slowly stop shaking as he held you. Looking away from Zemo in embarrassment, you instead choose to snuggle your head back into his chest, hearing the rapid beating of his heart which lulled you to sleep.
Tags: @sinister-sleep @cable-kenobi @faustlyaccused @chipster-21 @icarusinstatic @yallgotkik @montypythonsholysnail @bunniwritesx @checkurwindow @huntheimpossible @jayxkelsi @avgravy @prestigious-tea @aloyssiac @hannahbal-the-fannibal @alainabooks143 @jokerprettyprincess @plumsandkiwis @latenightartist-author @e-barba @flutterskies @wonderwoman292 @there-goes-thefighter @multiyfandomgirl40 @freyjasamael @ineffablebean
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nctsjiho · 3 years
NCT Can’t Take JiHo Anywhere (JiHo Clumsy and Funny Moments/Accidents)
Fan Video by “what you gon’ do with it?” on YouTube
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(indented text = comments added by the maker of the video) Hi hi o/
While watching back old NCT video’s I realised how clumsy JiHo can be some times or how she just spaces out and the boys have to bring her back to earth. So I made a little compilation of moments where the boys are genuinely worried about JiHo or just look like “wtf is she doing?” XD
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[ NCT 127 - LONDON CONCERT JiHo Gets Hurt On Stage ]
Okay so quick warning: even though you can’t really see it in this fancam, this is the concert where JiHo dislocated her shoulder. If you don’t want to see it/hear JiHo talk about it, please feel free to skip this part. She also swears in this. I’ve warned you ^^
NCT 127 is currently performing one of their songs as the members, who were on all corners of the stage, begin moving to the centre stage. While almost all the boys are gathered in the middle, JiHo is still making her way from the far side of the stage.
The girl decides to run towards the boys, but suddenly a loud thud resonates through the venue; the sound of JiHo’s fall had been picked up by her mic followed by a rushed “fuck-”.
The camera had picked up how JiHo mis-stepped off the platform causing her feet to get swooped from beneath her and making her land straight on her left shoulder.
Startled by the sound, the boys all turn around to see JiHo already pushing herself up. Before they can even go check up on her, she waddles of the stage with her right hand supporting her left shoulder.
It’s no surprise the boys don’t continue the song, continuously stealing glances in the direction JiHo walked off stage. By the time the song ends JiHo sheepishly returns to the stage, accompanied by a staff member until Johnny reached her and took her from the helpful man.
Once back in front of the audience she holds up one hand to ease everyone’s worries. “Don’t worry I’m all good, just took a little tumble.” She tells the fans - as well as the boys - in English.
Her French accent was a bit stronger back in 2019 :’( so cute~
“Did you get hurt?” Mark asks clearly still worried, but also seemingly confused. “Yeah~” She trails off, holding her left shoulder and the fans immediately responded with worried words. “Don’t worry though! It was only dislocated so I popped that sucker right back in!” A big grin spread across her face while Johnny, Jaehyun and Mark’s eyes all widen in shock.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Johnny asks. “Yes. I’m really okay guys. I couldn’t really feel any pain because of the adrenaline, but I’ll take it easy and will be careful with my shoulder. But I’ll definitely be fine and no need for me to sit this one out!” She beams and the concert continues, but not with the boys being extra careful with JiHo and keeping an eye on her as to make sure she doesn’t overwork herself.
I’m pretty sure Taeyong had a heart attack after Mark translated to him that JiHo dislocated and then went on to relocate her own shoulder. And yes! It was confirmed in a VLIVE she did it herself because she was “too impatient to let the staff and doctors check it out first” and “just wanted to continue to perform”. <3
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[ NCT 127 BKLYN BOYS #1 ]
“What’s that?” Mark asks once he sees Johnny’s confused face as he stares at his phone. “JiHo…” Johnny mumbles causing Taeyong to perk up and look around. “JiHo? Where is she?” Without answering the question - he obviously doesn’t know the answer to - Johnny picks up his phone. He brings it up to his ear but remains silent, the confusion on his face only intensifying. 
“Hello? JiHo?” It looks like he gets a response since his head unconsciously bobs along with whatever the girl is saying. “Where are you though?” It’s silent for a few seconds. “Okay just stay there, I’ll come and get you.” A small smirk plays on Johnny’s lips as he tells the boys to stay put and that he was going to retrieve the lost girl with one of the staff.
 The camera then cuts to when Johnny comes back with a dazed JiHo tucked underneath his arm. Taeyong quickly pulls her by the shoulders and inspects her asking her if she was okay.
“You guys just forgot about me.” She squints, making sure to make eye contact with every member of her, so called, team. Jungwoo slightly chuckles yet apologises. “Well you’re so small, you’re easy to loose.” “You didn’t even realise I wasn’t with you guys!” She counters and Mark throws his laughing body at the girl, quickly hugging her and apologises as well.
The group then continues their adventure in the supermarket to get all their ingredients for their dish(es), but only after JiHo turns to Jungwoo and lightly elbows him in the side. “Also I’m not that small.”
Alternate name for this video: Johnny and Taeyong babying JiHo
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[ ⏱NCT 24hr RELAY CAM | 시간 정하기 ]
“I honestly think JiHo should play once.” Doyoung says once he finishes writing down another name from a member who just switched their timeslot. JiHo perks up from where she sat all the way in the back, next to Jaemin. “Ah, why~” She asks in almost a whine. “Yes! Let’s go.” Taeyong already pulled her up and brought the girl to the middle of the room. JiHo slightly protests in his hold and the boys all grin at the sight.
“Why are you doing this? I like my time slot.” She throws her hands up looking a bit dejected, while she motions at the screen projecting the filled time table. “This is content for the fans JiHo! Go along with it a bit.” Doyoung explains mimicking her whiney tone. She squints her eyes at her friend to which he only chuckled. “What are you going to do? Let me arm wrestle Lucas?”
At her “suggestion” the boys start to cheer and push Lucas on his feet as well. He stumbles to stand next to her with a sheepish grin and scratches the back of his neck.
JiHo audibly gasps and turns to the staff as if she’s looking for someone to back her up or tell her it’s all a joke.
It takes about a minute for the room to halt their laughter - for the most part at least - in which Ten notices how JiHo hadn’t moved at all. “Sweetheart, close your mouth. You’re going to catch flies.” He says in English earning laughs from those who understand. JiHo however doesn’t move, completely zone out in her own world. “I think she’s gone again.” Haechan laughs in the background.
Lucas then places a hand on JiHo’s shoulder and ask her if she was alright. Only then does she close her mouth and start to blink. The sight visibly seemed to melt Lucas’ heart as he pushes out his bottom lip while cooing at the girl. He pulls her into a back hug lifting her feet a good few inches off the ground. “Ah~ So cute~”
I don’t usually ship people, but LuHo is just so precious. The way JiHo also perfectly fits in his arms and he makes her look so tiny :’((( And the way she also just lets him do that :’(((((
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[ New Year But You’re Still Stuck With Us!]
Credits to JiHo and Yangyang for this extremely iconic VLIVE title
It’s the end of the VLIVE where the members decided to all thank the fans for the wonderful year that just ended. “JiHo, it’s your turn now.” Ten pushes the girl by her shoulder and she sits up a bit straighter.
 “Okay!” She claps her hands together and takes a deep breath. “Thank you so much Czennie, for making 2021 such a great year-” “2021? You mean 2020.” Yangyang snickers at the little mistake and it seems to take JiHo a few seconds to comprehend what she just said. “Right! I meant 2020.”
She, again, takes another breath to restart her little speech. “I want to take the fans for making last year so amazing. All of your support meant so much and it made it so that we could end 2021 on a high note. So-” JiHo turns around as she hears the rest of the English speaking members stifle their laughter. “What?” She asked confused. “You did it again.” Mark laughed. Noticing JiHo’s raised brow Yangyang elaborated. “You said 2021 instead of 2020.”
A deep sigh left from deep inside of JiHo’s chest and she tried once again. “Thank you guys for making 2021- I mean 2020... Damnit! I’m not doing it!” She groaned standing up and walking out off frame. The five men on the couch behind where JiHo previously sat were holding their stomachs laughing loudly.
A silent thump can be heard and Jaehyun quickly grabs the camera turning it to where the sound came from. He then goes on to reveal JiHo laying down flat on the floor, her limbs sprawled out next to her as she stares up to the ceiling. “I said what I had to say, I’m done talking for tonight.” She said her last words and the boys then went on to finish their own speeches with JiHo supposedly still laying on the floor next to them
Poor girl, but honestly seeing her struggle with her words without her realising was so funny
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[ Jeno’s Bubble Update ]
When we stayed over at JiHo’s new apartment, the dreamies moved all her furniture a few centimetres to one side O.O
I swear she fell, tripped and stubbed her toes at least 10 times since then (-_-;;)
The guys told me not to tell her, but they never said I couldn’t tell you guys right? You can let JiHo know why she’s suddenly hurting herself on her furniture...
I feel so sorry ㅠㅠ So please let her know ^^
Thanks Cziennie!
Once again, it’s confirmed that Dream can be absolutely cruel hahaha but Jeno is such a sweetheart for trying to help JiHo out. I’m sure that the members yelled at him for ratting them out tho.
I wonder who’s idea it was... Most likely Haechan or Chenle (maybe even Jaemin?)
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Okayyyy that was the end of the video, I hoped you liked it and let me know what kind of video’s you want to see in the future with JiHo <3 Salut~~
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youareinlovees · 3 years
hiii i just send you the creative writing so uh only reply to this ask if you didn't get the other one by some chance and i'll send it again :D
Thank you for your service bestie 😁 I think it might be easier if I put it under a cut but omfg I'm obsessed with it and the dynamic is so spot onnn wtf
Hiiiii I bring you a gift!! I hope it's good, I don't really post my ~creative writing~ and this is my first time writing these two so hopefully, it'll suffice. Also ironically I think they may be one off the longest things I've written. Anyways ////
As he approaches the Belfast rental that served as his temporary home for the next few months, he can't help but smile. For the first time since they started filming he not coming home to a vacant house. Instead, this time, he's going to be coming home to his beautiful, wonderful girlfriend.
He's been looking forward to this all day, barely able to focus on blocking and script reading with the thought of her just blocks away weighing so heavily on his mind. It certainly didn't help that he had spent so much time the night before looking through her photos at the Brits. She had looked absolutely radiant, her beautiful features perfectly accentuated by her lovely outfit.
Gosh, he's so obsessed with her. She easily occupies much of his thoughts on a near-daily basis and whenever they were together he can barely get enough of her. They've been apart a few days now and even that was slowly killing him. He needs her. Need to be near her, to touch her, embrace her, kiss her soundly. And the fact that he's about to be able to do so makes his heart swell with joy.
Opening the front door, his heart beats loudly as anticipation grows in his stomach. "Honey, I'm home." He quips.
Immediately he's greeted by a white and brown fluff ball scampering around his feet. Chuckling to himself, he bends down, scooping the excitable cat into his arms.
"Hello there Benjamin."
"Well someone missed his daddy." A warm voice floats across the room and he looks up, a grin forming at the sight of his lovely girlfriend.
Benjamin squirms in his arms and he releases the fluffy cat before striding across the room. His hands land on her arms, covered by gray fabric that's soft to his touch. "I hope he wasn't the only one."
With a cheeky grin, she presses up on her toes, lips meeting his as her arms loop around his shoulders. Her lips are warm and soft and feel like home and he revels in her touch.
"He wasn't." She breathes after pulling back slightly. Her blue eyes flutter open, looking up at him through her dark eyelashes and he's fairly certain he falls even deeper in love right then and there.
Their next kiss is far shorter, though the passion is still there. Finally, he glances around the room and then back to her, eyebrow cocked. "Bring enough boxes?"
She follows his gaze and then laughs. "It's five months, babe, I have to be prepared."
He chuckles and goes to reply when her eyes light up. "Oh! And I set up my recording gear in the guest room. How does 'Kitty Committee Studio," She cups her hands, as if miming parenthesis, "(Belfast, Ireland)' sound?"
His eyebrows shoot up. "It sounds like you've been busy."
Her shoulders bounce up as she gives a little shrug. "A bit. I'm really excited for this chapter of our lives and I don't mind having a few crazy days if it means getting to spend more time with you."
A smile breaks across his face, his heart swelling with joy. She always says the most romantic things, things he couldn't even dream of saying on his best days-- though she's quick to disagree with him, citing his stint as "William Bowery" as evidence-- the writer in her popping out in all facets of life. He loves that part of her, seeing her mind at work as she pours her heart out, representing her inner feelings with the most beautiful sounds. It means a great deal to him that she loves him enough to express it so wondrously through her music. He's not sure if he can ever repay her for those amazing sonic gifts, his platform far less diaristic than hers, but he certainly tries his best to show her just how much he appreciates and loves her each and every day.
"What's that face for?" She asks and he realizes he's been gazing lovingly at her far longer than what would ordinarily be considered comfortable.
"I love you." The words slide off his tongue easily, an outcome of saying them for the better part of almost five years now but they hold the same weight, the same truth, every time he says them.
She beams, her eyes twinkling. "I love you too."
He kisses her soundly and then squeezes her hand. "Also congrats on being a Global Icon winner, love. We should celebrate."
"Oh yes! I'll get the wine." She nods and begins to head into the kitchen when he grabs her hand. It's a gentle yet firm grip and there's an amused look on her face as he pulls her into his arms.
His voice is low, a suggestive tone to it as he raises an eyebrow. "That's not the type of celebrating I had in mind."
"It's not?" She questions, tilting her head but he can see amusement dancing in her eyes.
"You're a Global Icon now, I think I need to pay my respects." He tilts his head, moving ever closer to her until their noses bump together, lips barely touching. He can feel her breath on his skin, smell her woody perfume. She's so close yet not nearly close enough. "Can I do that?"
She nods, skin brushing against him. Desire for her courses through his veins and with that simple gesture he finally gives in to it.
Their lips crash together, caressing and pressing against each other. His hands are in her hair, long blonde strands tangling between his fingers. She sighs breathily into the kiss and then he's met with her tongue swiping against his lips, a silent question of permission which he is quick to grant.
He can feel her hands on his biceps, fingers squeezing around his muscles before loosening and running up over his shoulders and to his neck. In turn, his hands slide down her back, slipping under the loose bottom of her shirt, his fingertips gliding over her hips.
Their kisses get a little bolder, a little more desperate, and soon he's pulling away from her mouth and kissing down her neck, nipping gently at the skin there. Her soft, breathy moans serve to spur him on and he sucks roughly on her neck, causing her to groan loudly.
He spends a few more minutes kissing across her neck, down to her collarbone, trying to cover every inch of exposed skin. Her fingers tighten in his hair, gently pulling him away from where he was kissing dangerously close to her pulse point. "Babe... No more teasing."
He gives her a devilish grin and then his lips are back on hers, frantic passionate kisses until they're both absolutely breathless.
Taking a small step back, his eyes scan up and down her body. "Get undressed." He tries to command but she merely smirks and gives him a wink.
"Make me."
A devilish grin crosses his face seconds before he surges forward, kissing her once more as his fingers pull on the hem of her shirt. The second it's off of her, he can feel his heart rate spike at the sight of her lacy black bra. No matter how many times he sees her like this, it will always send a bolt of energy racing through his core.
"Gorgeous," He breathes, bending down to trail kisses right above the fabric.
She utters a soft "ding" which causes both of them to chuckle. Her laughter soon dissolves into a moan as he expertly unlatches her bra and pulls a nipple into his mouth, his hand going to cover the other one.
He massages her breast softly, hand moving in sync with his mouth as he sucks long and hard. Her fingers glide through his hair, nails occasionally scratching across his neck, causing a shiver to run up his spine. After a moment, he switches up his tactic, his teeth grazing against her nipple as he rolls her other one between his thumb and forefinger.
Her moans grow louder and louder and the next thing he knows, she’s pulling at his shirt, trying to take it off him. He obliges, his fingers going to hook into her waistband in turn.
She's completely naked a second later and he can feel his pants growing tighter at the sight. His hands wrap around her biceps, gently guiding her to the couch as her hands stroke across his now bare chest.
"Sit." He urges her and she obliges, sitting down with her legs pressed together and a playful smirk dancing across her lips.
Chuckling to himself, he kneels down, placing his hands on her knees and his chin on top of his hands. Gazing up at her, he takes in everything. Her blonde hair falling across her shoulders, the amused cock to her eyebrow, the freckles splashed across her skin. Everything about her fills him with an indescribable joy.
"I'm really proud of you." He says after a long quiet moment.
Her playful smirk morphs into an adorable, breathtaking smile as she tenderly strokes his cheek. He returns the look before turning his head and placing a kiss against her palm.
"I love you," Comes her quiet voice, laced with adoration.
"I love you too." He ducks his head, placing a kiss on each of her knees. "Now... let me show you just how much."
Sliding his hands down between her legs, he gently pushes them apart. He weaves his way between her thighs, one kiss at a time, drawing nearer and nearer to where he knew she wanted him most. And then he pauses, mere inches away, and begins to kiss back up her leg. She lets out an annoyed groan, cupping his face in her hands and not so gently guiding him back.
Chuckling, he slips his hands beneath her legs, hooking them up over his shoulders. He pauses again, looking up at her. Their eyes lock and he gives a little smile before leaning in and placing small kisses around her clit. There's a gasp, followed by a soft whimper and he can't help but grin, his kisses becoming deeper in turn.
His tongue flicks between his lips as he travels down between her folds, giving an experimental taste. He can feel himself grow harder as he realizes just how wet she is.
And it's all for him.
With that final thought, he focuses all his energy on making her feel good. His tongue continues to slide in and out of her, tasting her with fervor. Her fingers tangle in his hair, her whimpers turning to low moans as he moves.
And then he pulls away slightly, glancing up at her. Her chest is heaving, eyes half-lidded, and her lips hang open ever so slightly.
"You're beautiful," He finds himself breathing and she squirms a little as the air from his mouth brushes against her core.
If she's going to respond, he certainly doesn't give her a chance, pulling her clit into his mouth and sucking roughly.
Taylor shouts his name, her fingers clenching in his hair. He barely notes the pain, however, hand flattening on her stomach to hold her in place as he concentrates solely on her uninhibited cries of pleasure and the contracting muscles beneath his mouth.
A second later, he slides two fingers inside of her, moving slowly at a pace he knew would torture her. His fingers reach as far as they can-- which in his case are very far-- and he gives them an experimental few pumps. Her walls flutter around him and he smiles-- mouth still on her clit-- and begins to stroke her walls, still sucking on that little bundle of nerves.
Her ankles lock around his back, thighs squeezing his head, keeping him in place. He can tell she's getting close, her moans increasing with frequency so he doesn't let up. Rather, he doubles his efforts, sucking and stroking, harder and faster.
It's sexy, so sexy and he looks up, maintaining eye contact with her even though her eyes are barely open. He can hardly see the blue peeping from below her eyelashes. The whole image is enough to make him come undone and he groans, the sound vibrating from his chest.
Her heels dig into his back, a long moan that morphs into his name tearing from her lips as she comes undone. He doesn't stop, still moving in order to draw her orgasm out as she twitches and writhes above him. Eyes never moving from her face, the whole sight imprinted in his brain, memories forming to torture him in the dead of night or on long trips away from her. But he doesn't mind, the occasional distance only serving to make the reunion that much sweeter.
Finally, her body sags and he moves away, trailing soft kisses up and down her thighs and over her hips. Her fingers brush through his hair, pushing it away from his face and then trail down to stroke across his beard. He's sure he has her coated all around his mouth so he licks his lips, glancing up at her to see that she's smiling.
"I love you," are the first words out of her mouth, causing him to drop another kiss on her hipbone.
He rests his chin against her stomach, a small smile on his lips. "I love you too. I guess it was good then?"
She laughs and then beckons him upwards with one finger. Obeying, he pushes himself up, crawling along her body to hover over her.
Cupping his cheeks, she laughs again. "It was amazing. Thank you."
Now it's his turn to laugh, turning to nuzzle her hand. "Anything for a Global Icon."
She tilts her head, cocking an eyebrow. "So you'd do the same for Elton John or Robbie Williams?"
With a chuckle, he shakes his head, "No, I like boobs too much."
"Oh is that all?"
"Yep." He ducks his head, peppering kisses over her chest as if to prove his point.
She cups his cheeks again, guiding his face back up to hers. Her face is twisted in an exaggerated pout, pink lip jutting out and he half-heartedly resists the temptation to pull on it with his teeth.
"Really?" Her tone is innocent but he can see the cocky look on her face and he loves it.
They're silent for a long moment, each party daring the other, a silent dance of who is more stubborn. But the strain in his pants is almost too much to bear, her smug looks not doing him any favors, so he relents. "No," He places a quick kiss against her lips. "I like you far too much to consider doing anything with anyone else ever."
"Good," Her hands slide up from his cheeks to hook around his neck, "Because you're all mine."
"Indeed I am."
Their lips meet again, this kiss far more passionate than the last. Tongues dancing together as their hands glide across each other's skin, exploring and scratching.
Pretty soon he feels her hands on his waistband and then the button on his pants being popped. Pulling back slightly, he gives her room to pull down his jeans and then boxers, sighing with relief as he's finally released from their confines.
Kicking his pants from his feet, he returns to kissing her, hands sliding up and down her sides. He groans loudly into her mouth as he feels her hand wrap around his cock, giving him a few slow strokes just how he likes it. He has to stop kissing her to grit his teeth. God, if she keeps doing that he's going to cum any second now.
His hand wraps around her wrist, stilling her movements. "Couch or bed?"
"Couch," She says without hesitation. "I want you inside of me now."
She lies down longways and he climbs on top, hovering over her. Grabbing her thigh, he guides her leg to hook around his waist, her other one following in suit.
His dick slides across her clit, the action causing both of them to moan and a moment later he pushes inside of her. Her mouth forms an open "o" as he moves in slowly, eyes never leaving her face. She's wet and warm around him, a perfect fit. It's like they were made for each other.
He moves slowly at first allowing both of them to find their rhythm. It gives him time to suck on her neck or her chest, little ways that will add to her pleasure. But pretty soon she's urging him to move faster, thrust harder and he's all too happy to follow her commands.
They move together, him building up speed as her ankles lock behind him, pushing him in even closer. Their moans echo together, unintelligible aside from the occasionally uttering of each other's name. Her nails claw down his back, too short to leave a mark but the action still arouses him even more.
He's close-- so close he can barely think straight-- but he's determined to get her there first. Hand slipping between them, he begins to rub slow circles on her clit, the action causing her nails to dig in further.
As his hand speeds up in time with his thrusts, she yanks his head down to kiss him only to tear away seconds later as her body convulses and she cries out.
Her walls clamp down around him, so tight he nearly collapses in surprise. A few thrusts later and he's a goner, body twitching as he cums.
When he can finally see straight, she pulls him down next to her, snuggling into his chest as they lie on the couch, hot and sweaty from their actions.
"Welcome home, darling." He mutters into her hair, pressing a kiss against the top of her head.
She hums in response, tilting her head to kiss him.
He has a great feeling that these next few months in Belfast are going to be quite fun.
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xpeachesncream · 3 years
acquainted | six
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> series masterlist | series playlist <
summary: the biggest goal of a grad student is to get through school in one piece - no petty drama involved, no sweating over the little things. however, that plan almost always never follows through. sometimes, you can’t help but fall into the most unthinkable, unexpected traps and learn the hard way. like, exhibit a: being unable to resist your engaged, substitute teacher, kim seokjin.
pairing: jungkook x reader x engaged!teacher!seokjin
genre: grad school au, student life au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 4.7k
warnings: unprotected sex, begging, rough sex, doggy style, hair pulling, very slight dirty talk, slight hints of jealousy, very brief moment of spit play, oral (f. receiving), breast play, cum eating, fingering, multiple orgasms, marking/hickeys, cussing/mature language, angst, cuddling/after care, mentions of car accident/death, insecurities, unanswered questions, dont really know wtf this is or where it’s going, love triangle mess
tags: @laurynne5 @yiyi4657 @miinoongi @teamtardis-notdead @bluesharksandfish @photographic-girl @yonkoghan @moonchild1​ (pls msg me if you would like to be added to the taglist!)
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The Uber ride is silent, and part of you started to question whether or not you should continue. But, before you could really talk some sense into yourself, you had arrived at Jin's house.
You remember him dropping his address into your text thread after Chance's death anniversary, in case you ever needed anything. For which specific reasons, you had no idea what. Maybe for times like these? You were beginning to think this is what he planned all along.
As you slowly walked up to the front of his perfect family sized home up in Orinda, you felt a little weird seeing his car and what you assume is Grace's car. You also remember him briefly saying Grace would be in New York, but you double check your receipts just to make sure [on some serious hoe shit]. If anything, you could just make up some weird, bullshit excuse and run away, right? Pull the drunk student card. Hopefully, you wouldn't have to.
You ring the doorbell once and stand there awkwardly. You didn't hear any movement in the house, although the lights were on, so you hit the doorbell once more, the cold settling into your skin as the minutes go by. This was the moment you started to really question your decision. Like what the fuck, Y/N? What are we—
Lo and behold, Jin answers the door. He looks like he had just hopped out the shower since he showed up in sweats, a white longsleeve and damp hair.
"Sorry, I just hopped out the shower." He steps aside to let you in, almost like he already expected you to show up.
"It's alright." You fiddle with your fingers.
"It's freezing, are you cold? Do you want a sweater?" You look down at your leggings and the thin sweater you grabbed.
"I'm good, thanks." You say softly as you follow him deeper into the house. It's quiet for the most part, and you feel incredibly awkward walking behind him like a lost child. He stops in his kitchen, pouring himself a glass of water.
"Water? Or anything to drink? Eat, even? I might have something I could whip up for you really quickly." You chuckle.
"No, don't worry."
"Soooo, wanna tell me what you're doing here Y/N?" He chuckles at you.
"Don't flatter yourself, Jin."
"Can't help it since Jungkook doesn't seem to live here." He smirks, his hands now dug deep into the pockets of his sweats. You can't help but marvel at the sight of his long, veiny arms and the way his collarbone is poking out from his longsleeve. Oh, the thought of his hands wrapping around your neck.
"Ha-ha, very funny." You say sarcastically, crossing your arms.
"Just going along with your game." He's now closer and towering over you, subtly biting his bottom lip as he looks down at you. "You have fun with my stepbrother tonight?"
"And if I did?" At this point, your knees are buckling and you're about ready to pounce on this man with the way he's been acting.
"So then let me ask again - what are you doing here, Y/N?" His voice slightly deepened as his finger rose your chin for you to look him in the eye.
"Why ask when you know?"
"Cause I wanna hear it."
"You really wanna hear why?" You say, almost at a whisper.
"Yeah, I do." He edges his face closer to yours, the lust very apparent and strong as hell between the both of you. "Or you can show me." You suddenly can no longer hold yourself off, forgetting the events that played out until this moment. You instantly throw your bag aside and jump onto him, kissing him as he wraps his arms tightly around you to hold you up. He doesn't break the kiss as he's making his way up to the bedroom.
He gently lays you on the bed, taking off his shirt before aiding you with yours. You bite your bottom lip as you gush at the sight of his upper body, your panties feeling more soaked by the minute. You wanted every bit of him, and you were ready to get filthy, fulfilling every need Grace couldn't. He snatches your leggings off, tossing them across the room. His large hands are feeling down your entire body as he deeply kisses you. His lips move down to your jaw, then down to your neck, his tongue swiping across your skin before nipping and sucking on the surface to leave his mark. You let out a moan while your hands are in his hair.
"Fuck me, Jin. Pleeeease." You mewl as he's sucking on each breast, his tongue toying with your nipples before gently sucking and nibbling on them. He makes his way down your stomach and to your inner thighs, his long fingers hooking onto your panties and shoving them aside.
"God, Y/N. You have no idea how bad I've been wanting to fuck you." He says lowly before he lowers his mouth onto your wet pussy. He instantly swipes his tongue down your folds, sucking all the wetness that leaks out. You let out a breathy moan when the sensation hits you, sending chills and goosebumps down your body. He inserts two digits, biting his lip at the sound your pussy makes every time he curves upwards and picks up the pace.
"Ohhhhh my god." You moan as you slightly arch your back and palm your breasts, toying with your own nipples as he continues to finger you and suck on your clit like no tomorrow. "Mmmmmm, fuck!" You almost yell as one hand is gripping the sheets, trying your hardest to hold on for as long as you could, but this man was really about to make you cum right at this moment.
And so he does. He makes you cum so fucking hard your body needs to be held down from how bad you're trembling. All you want is more, and he knows you want more. He pulls you to the edge of the bed, ready to line himself up with your entrance but you take his cock in your hand and jerk him off for a bit. His cock is long, and the perfect thickness. His tip red and angry, pooling with pre-cum that your thumb is swirling around and playing with. Your free hand is grabbing his other hand and inserting the two digits he used to finger you into your mouth, sucking each digit slowly. He can't even fucking bear this sight right now, or else he'll probably blow his load right onto you. His eyes are rolling to the back of the head and all he can think about is fucking you so hard that the headboard almost breaks the wall.
He wanted you so fucking badly, and you were being the biggest, dirtiest tease.
You finally insert the tip into your entrance, gasping and smirking at how good it'll feel when he completely fills you up. He wastes no time pushing himself into you, completely bottoming out until he's thrusting into you harder than you imagined. Your body is moving upwards, titties shaking and bouncing from how hard he's going. One hand is gripping your thigh tightly as you wrap your legs around his torso, the other is around your neck.
"Jin! Fuck, you're gonna make me cum again." He groans, closing his eyes as he continues to thrust hard, going deep every time he pulls back, hitting your core with the sudden movement.
"You think my brother can make you feel this way?" He lets out breathily.
"N-no." You whine, tears streaming down your face at the overwhelming sensation.
"Seemed like you thought so earlier." He has this look in his eyes, the same look he had when he was hungry for you at the club. Except this time, it was ten fold more being he was in between your thighs, fucking you until he couldn't anymore. And honestly, this shit was boosting his ego because Jungkook had you wrapped around his finger all night and he hated it. Jungkook was a really good looking dude, who was good at a lot of things, and Jin couldn't help but feel a little competitive against his own sibling.
But here he was, getting you all to himself.
"N-no!" You beg. "Only you. Only you can make me feel this way. Please make me cum." He groans, his thumb now working circular motions onto your clit until you're letting your climax take over your entire body once again. You're so out of breath at this point, but Jin doesn't stop and instantly gets you on your fours. He swipes his hand down your pussy, making you suddenly jolt at the sensitivity. You feel his spit dribble down your folds, causing your breathing to hitch. It was obvious Jin was letting out this pent up sexual tension or whatever the hell it was, but you honestly couldn't care less. He could use you all he wanted, especially if he made you cum the way you did just these past two times.
At first, he was gripping your hips, holding onto you as he hammered into your pussy from the back. You started following his movements with his, making him pause just to feel you move along his cock. He gives your ass cheek a good smack, causing you to yelp at the heat pooling at the spot. He grips your ass, spreading it just enough to continue burying himself deeper into your core.
"Just like that." You moan. "Hohhhhhgod, just like that!" You're almost crying. He grabs a hold of your hair, tugging it back so that he can see your face.
"Let me see you play with yourself." He spits out. You reach down for your clit, your hands rubbing in circles as he continues to fuck you and tug on your hair. You let out a loud moan, the headboard really damn near about to create a dent into the wall. "Yeah, that's it. You're fucking naughty." He says in your ear. You feel yourself spiraling for the third time tonight, and this third time has you weak, causing you to collapse down onto the bed as he continues to thrust into you and fill you up with his seed, his hand pressing your face down against the bed ever so slightly.
"Ohhhhggfuck!" You groan, twitching at the last minute aftershocks running through your body.  The only sounds filling the room are you and Jin catching your breaths. He slowly slips out of you, grabbing a tissue on the nightstand to clean you up before cleaning himself up and throwing on his sweats and shirt.
"You okay?" He slightly chuckles, handing you one of his shirts to slip into. You weakly get into it, running your hands through your hair and fixing yourself up. Your panties and bra are still off to the side, along with the clothes you came in.
"You wanted to know why I was here, right?" He smiles, his cheeks tinted a rosy color.
"I'll get you some water, but is there anything else I can get you?" He asks, holding onto the door frame, fine as fuck doing the bare minimum. You shake your head and he disappears out of the room.
You can't believe this happened. So much for keeping distance. But did you regret it? Honestly -absolutely not.
Jin comes back with two glasses of water and sets yours on the nightstand next to you, which also has a picture of him and Grace. Ironic. He sits right next to you on the edge of the bed, watching as you yawn before sipping some water.
"Yeah, it's been a really long night."
"Tell me about it, Miss 'I'm trying to keep my distance from you.'" You shake your head.
"Yeah yeah, keep it up. It's exactly what I want." You sarcastically joked.
"I'm kidding." He places a hand on your covered leg and gently gives it a squeeze. "For the record, I'm happy you swung by."
"I am too, but I should probably make my way home soon."
"What? No, stay. It's late. Plus, you're tired."
"A-are you sure? I-I mean, I don't wanna--" He shakes his head to cut you off.
"I honestly would really like you to. Besides, I don't know why you expected me to let you go back home this late." It was weird. You honestly thought he'd fuck you then send your ass home, but here you were, cuddling into his sheets and getting warm. But this was Jin - the same guy who didn't go home until you had a chance to spill out your feelings and made sure you were okay. The exhaustion hits you, being that it's 3-4am or something like that, you don't even care to know.
"Okay." Is all you say, sinking deeper into the sheets that smelled like lavender Downy detergent.
"I just need to clean up a few things, alright? Go to sleep. I'll be back in a minute." You quietly nod as you lie on your side, examining the photo on the nightstand. Fantastic job keeping up with your end of the deal, Y/N. Although your friends would probably make jokes about it at first, they'd be so disappointed beneath the surface.
You shake your head and turn the other way to erase your thoughts. You start to feel comfortable, enough to the point where you find yourself falling asleep pretty quickly.
Meanwhile, Jin is cleaning up his kitchen and living room before shutting off the lights and heading back upstairs. By the time he's back in the room and shutting off the bedroom lights, he sees you fully asleep. He smiles to himself and slips into the bed, careful to not wake you, but he's unsuccessful as he feels you stirring and getting closer to his body. Jin welcomes it, throwing his arm around you and allowing you to snuggle up onto his chest, gently running his fingers down your sides. Your skin felt like butter.
"Are you not sleeping yet?" You mumble into his chest.
"I'll sleep soon." He says softly, flipping through the channels on the TV in front of him.
"It's late, though."
"It's a Sunday morning. I'll be okay." He smiles at how cute you were being. "Go back to sleep, cutie."
"Hmph, suit yourself." You say, making him silently laugh to himself. Attitude still on na-na even half asleep. He places a gentle kiss on the top of your head and brings the covers up to make sure your entire body is covered completely.
This felt right for him, no matter how fucking bad or wrong this all went down. No matter how he tried to look at it, or anybody else. He felt deeply for you after tonight and there was really no way of hiding it. Why shit came about this way, he won't ever truly understand, but he always looked at you as some sort of sign. Some kind of blessing in disguise. He knew what he wanted for himself. He had to do what was right for him, whatever that meant. He was the only one who could truly understand.
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You shot up from the bed, grabbing your chest as you tried to regulate your breathing. You had just experienced the worst nightmare you had ever experienced, the only part of it you remembered was seeing Chance behind the wheel as soon as the truck came head on first.
"Y/N? Are you okay?" Jin asks in a deep, sleepy voice, slightly raising his head and eyes barely open. You feel his hand against your back, gently caressing it.
"Yeah, sorry."
"Bad dream?" He's now yawning and sitting up against the headboard, his fingers still lightly caressing your hips.
"Wanna talk about it?" You shook your head.
"I just saw Chance behind the wheel before the oncoming car came on head first."
"I'm sorry." He says softly as he pulls you in.
"It's no big deal."
"Wanna make sure you're okay, though." Is all he says. He doesn't press you for details, or anything along the matter and simply sits there in silence, caressing you and holding you close. He knew you and Chance had a strong relationship, just based off of the way you talked highly about him, and that it was taken away from you unexpectedly. He wouldn't expect you to be completely over it. He would never understand the pain or how it feels, but he could do his best to be here for you. "You know I'm here if you need me."
"I know. Thank you." He smiles.
"Would you like some breakfast?"
"I'll cook something." He places a small kiss on your temple before getting up to get this Sunday started. You took a couple of deep breaths, still a little shaken up from the dream you had. But, you brush it off and get up to meet Jin downstairs. You slip on your panties, still walking around in Jin's shirt, and pass by his walk-in closet only to see Grace's clothes against one wall. You suddenly start to feel weird, so you hurry on by and get downstairs before you could start falling into a rabbit hole about your feelings. Jin was already at the stove, whipping up some eggs and getting some waffles into the toaster. He looked good doing so, his shirt doing a damn good job of outlining his back muscles and broad shoulders. You honestly wouldn't mind another round of last night.
You sit on the stool in front of the kitchen island and fiddle with your bag to grab your phone. It was still pretty early, so it wasn't surprising to see no texts from either of the three. You were sure you were going to hear from Ryujin soon, and you were going to make sure you would be home by the time she called. Hopefully, at least. However, there was a text from an unknown number, and your heart slightly sank when you realized who it was.
[unknown number] 3:02am: had a lot of fun tonight. probably the best birthday yet. thanks cutie :) hope you got home safely.
"Friends blowing up your phone?" He raises his eyebrow as he watches you stare at your phone. You slightly chuckle and tuck it aside, making a mental note to respond when you got home. Yup. This shit is messy already.
"Not exactly, thank God." You rest your chin on the palm of your hand. "Sorry about earlier, by the way."
"Sorry about having a bad dream? Y/N, don't worry about it."
"And thank you for letting me borrow your shirt and for cooking breakfast." Jin smiled as he began to plate your food. It was the little things that he appreciated, the little things like the way you said thank you for everything.
"Of course." He walks over to your side and puts the plate down in front of you. You raise yourself up a bit in order to kiss him on the lips, knowing you weren't gonna stop that kiss right away. "Your. food." He spits out in between kisses, making you laugh.
"Okay, okay." He chuckles as he sits next to you, digging into his own plate. The both of you start talking about plans for the day and week, with no mention of Grace even though you knew your alone time with Jin would come to an end. No discussion about what this was, or what you both intended for this to be, especially in the long run.
"Why don't you come and stay the night again?"
"I got some work to do." You pouted.
"Then bring it over."
"Bring it over and then what, get distracted by you all night?"
"Maybe." He smirked.
"Mmmm, we'll see." He pouts.
"Fine, I'll let you do your own thing." You chuckle.
"You're a baby."
"I just got you to myself." You shake your head and quietly poke at your food. Suddenly, you felt the need to ask the question. You were just dying to. Like.. what now? What happens when Grace comes back? Nothing? You didn't know what to expect, you should've known this couldn't be much with Grace being back soon.
"So." You poked at your eggs.
"Hm?" He continued to eat, his cute, bug eyes occasionally glancing at you.
"God, I really don't know how to ask this."
"Just ask, Y/N. It won't hurt." He gave you a small, reassuring toothless smile.
"So, what happens when Grace gets back?" He shrugged. Really? Just a shrug?
"Honestly, I don't know."
"Look, I know I can't ask for much right now but are we just going to continue living our own lives after all this? Are you just going to keep me here with Grace around too?"
"I know I can't promise anything but it's not my plan to keep both of you around like that. I'm going to talk to Grace because I just don't think this is working between us anymore."
"How are you so sure? What if Grace comes back and you realize how much you truly do love her?" You felt stupid for asking but you were also dying to know. Your thoughts were everywhere and right now, it felt like your mind was your biggest enemy. You really didn't know what to do, and part of you [majority of you, really] felt like this was completely and painfully temporary and that he was never going to leave her. He had no plans to. You were just filling this void.
You couldn't be mad at it though.
"Y/N, please don't worry about this, okay? I'll take care of it." You simply nodded, knowing you couldn't settle on this too quickly because you didn't even know what that meant. Maybe, this is what it was. Just this. You couldn't expect more. Besides, you still had Jungkook around. You didn't even know what you were trying to do with that either, cause he was fine as hell. A sweet soul too, with the way he handled you at the club, careful to not overstep boundaries and disrespect you in anyway.
Too bad you were too wrapped up in his stepbrother.
Obviously, these things were never easy.
"Okay." is all you say before you continue to finish up your food. Once finished, you do what you can to help clean up the dishes and the kitchen before changing back into your clothes so Jin can drop you at home.
On the way home, Jin has his hand on your thigh while you looked out the passenger's window. Last night replayed over and over in your head and you had to bite you bottom lip to prevent yourself from smiling too big.
"Oop." You say as you jump from the vibration of your phone. "Oh shoot."
"Everything okay?"
"It's just Ryujin, hang on." He nods silently. "Hello?"
"Girl, I'm hungover as fuck. Let's get coffee or walk around somewhere. I need fresh air."
"Sure, I'll be home in a minute, I can meet you up in the next hour or so."
"Where the hell did you go this early?"
"Run errands, workout." You lied. But did you really? You kind of did get a workout in early this morning.
"Run errands and workout after a late night at the club?" She snorted. "Okay. I guess we clearly handle the morning after way differently."
"Yeah, just wanted to avoid the crowd." You glance over at Jin, who's smiling and silently chuckling go himself.
"Mmmkay." She yawns. "Hey, did you ever get that guy's number? I forgot his name." You subtly roll your eyes because you know damn well she wasn't gonna try and make you say Jungkook's name right now. She was drunk as fuck and flirting with Jin's friends when you had given him your number. Of course she couldn't remember for the life of her.
"Yeah, he asked."
"What's his name though? It's bothering me, cause I feel like I knew it all night but now it's not coming to me."
"Does it matter?"
"Of course it does, especially if you're planning to continue seeing him and throwing your pussy at him." You deeply sigh.
"Jungkook." You take another glance at Jin, but this time his smile had slightly faded. "Look, I'm about to get home, okay? Just text me where to meet you."
"Alrighty, we're continuing this conversation though. See you soon." And with that, the call ended. It was silent for a minute and you were unsure if you should apologize, or bring up the whole thing about Jungkook.
"Ryujin doing okay?" He asks, giving you a small smile. You simply nod and look back out the window without saying anything else. Maybe you both just didn't know how to approach the Jungkook thing. You sure as hell didn't, not around Jin.
You finally get to your apartment building, with Jin sending you off with a quick peck on the lips. You take a long, hot shower before hopping into some warmer and more decent clothes for your walk with Ryujin. You also had just remembered to text Jungkook back now that you were alone.
[y/n] 9:47am: sorry, had such a long night and knocked out. but yes, got home safely. i'm glad you had a great birthday. :)
[jungkook] 9:53am: she's up! goodmorning beautiful. hope you're still down for our date.
[jungkook] 9:54am: (sends picture of him laying down in a hoodie and glasses which makes you smile to yourself cause he's cute as fuck)
[y/n] 9:56am: of course i am. just let me know time and place.
[jungkook] 9:58am: time? yes. place? no. i'll keep it a surprise. :-) is it okay if i call you later?
[y/n] 10:02am: sure!
[jungkook] 10:03am: k, i'll talk to you later then. gotta run errands and stop by my brother's spot really quickly. have a good day today!
Whew, just imagine if you had run into him at Jin's house. What would you do then? Lie and tell him you came over for some homework help? Bitch, please.
The heavenly being above was on your team right now, but you knew that wouldn't last long with all this sinning.
After getting a good, quick shower in, you hurriedly got into your car and drove off to your destination, making it just on time to catch Ryujin stepping out of her car. She already has coffee for you, so you both start walking around Lake Merritt, revisiting last night's festivities and the fun you both had. The cold air was still nipping at your skin, cause you to rub your hand on your neck to try and provide some warmth. Suddenly, Ryujin grips your wrist and furrows her eyebrows at your neck.
"Y/N, what is that?" She points. Then it suddenly hits you - the hickeys Seokjin left on your neck. "Are those hickeys?!" She gasped.
Well, fuck.
"Keep your voice down." You say as you zip your jacket all the way up.
"Did you and Jungkook fuck last night? Is that where you actually were? You didn't run errands or go to the gym early this morning, did you? You actually just ended up going back home from his spot early this morning?" She threw questions left and right, her eyes wide and very suggestive.
"No, no! I didn't go home with Jungkook."
"So, did you guys do shit in the club or something? I'm confused, but also impressed if that's the case cause it's bold. I didn't know you got down like that, but I kind of like it." She pinched your side.
"No." She raises an eyebrow.
"Then why the fuck do you have hickeys on your neck? Who else could you have—" She stops in her tracks, hand over her mouth as she slowly approaches you again. "Y/N, who gave you those hickeys?" You simply look at her, your eyes already giving off the answer. "D-did you hook up with Seokjin?" She pulls out his first name, knowing 'Mr.Kim' was not appropriate for this matter.
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slasherwife · 4 years
🐻Oh, I stopped to think, how the Slashers would react to their S / O being a witch who reincarnated (doesn’t remember the past life, except how she died.), She does rituals (using some potions, animal bones and blood itself). to raise and control plants and a power related to his death (possibly fire) and have nightmares about his death that usually have phantom pain and vision (in the midst of flames and smoke for example.) kisses from Brazil 🐻
Slashers react to a witch s/o
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How do the slashers react with you doing tarot, moon rituals, playing with energies, making potions and doing spells?
🌹🌛🌕🌜🌹how do they react to you controlling the elements and getting forewarning of his death?
Thomas Hewitt
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Thomas is lowkey intrigued?
Doesn’t even know what this stuff is??
He’s pretty much clueless, but that doesn’t mean you can’t teach him
If you tell him you’re a witch I have a feeling he’ll be taken aback
“B-but the Bible says—“
“No no, the Bible was originally Aramaic, Tommy— and ‘witch’ in Aramaic meant poisoner, my love. I never poison anyone.” 💖💕💖💕
That should do it 😊
Anyway he will still be bewildered a lil bit, just peepin around the corner watching you doing a tarot reading like Ow0 wot
Will catch animals for you to use for rituals
Do you need human bones too? Cuz he’s got you covered 😊💕
But hearing of your past life death? Seeing you play with fire and plant energies? How the universe practically bows to you? He sees you completely different.
He was standing on the back porch, watching you walk towards him as the grass waved to you and the trees bent in your favor, and he never wanted to be apart from you 🌹😊
You are a starlit goddess, sent to him by mistake— and he thinks you belong to the stars above or in the clouds~~ anywhere but his dark, sad home 😓💖
If you have nightmares about his death, he will go under your wing —begrudgingly— under your constant protection
He doesn’t believe too much of your visions, but he hates seeing you upset and his dark goddess doesn’t deserve paranoia 🥀😓
Jason Vorhees
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Whatever Jason thinks, he at least acknowledges at his zombie phase that he isn’t exactly considered natural either.
Tbh you guys would be a total power couple 🤗🥺💖
He would be probably more understanding of your occupation than Tommy, and would embrace you fully 😊
Like “I knew my y/n was special. I knew it!” 😊💕
He doesn’t like that you use animal bones though. “Why the poor animals y/n?? Use human bones instead— here.”
He thinks you have superpowers hah
He loves when you raise the plants to be alive again— it’s like you keep it spring all year and he loves it 🥺💖💕💖🌷
Will be happy that you have them so you can protect yourself if need be 😊
Once you tell him about your past life death and how you can manipulate elements and that you’re getting forewarnings dreams of his death... he won’t be too worried.
First off, any thought of you dying in general is caused him literal physical pain. So he didn’t like you talking about that 🥺💕
You controlling the elements, Fire? He will follow you anywhere hon’. 7’1 immortal zombie legend murderer and powerful sorcerer/ess/witch? Biggest power couple 💕🙌🙌
And then lastly, the only thing Jason will worry about from your dreams is how you will manage with out him. That’s literally it 😂🥺💕💖
He knows he will come back eventually, you can’t kill Jason forever— he physically can’t stay dead lol
He will sheepishly miss all the crazy sex you guys have been having, but you stop your worrying! Jason’s like “my poor bab don’t be so scared— I’ll always come back!” 💕💕💖💕
Michael Myers
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Will 1000% pretend your powers don’t interest him.
But just know that he’s peeking around the corner when you absent mindedly play with the candle’s flame while mixing a clarity potion, literally on his toes 😂💕
He loves to be around you when you’re doing candle work, making a potion, practicing controlling the elements— because you exert this powerful and foreign energy aura that’s comforting to him 😊💖💕🥺
Another slasher that will go on a midnight trip of catching animals for you because “ANYTHING FOR YOU, MY GODDESS— 😫💖💕💖💕”
But you wouldn’t even ask for it, he would see you making spell charms or bags with animal bones in it—
And then next thing you know he drops a sack of birds and a goat next to you and walks away???🤭
Do I know where he got the goat?? No I fucking do not xD but it kinda stank so you had to drag it out the back door and get to work 😣
And then obviously he’ll give you human bones as well lel 💕
He likes hearing of your past life death, he thinks it’s cool lol 😊💖
Getting forewarnings of Michael’s death? K.
He wouldn’t be bothered really, but he obviously doesn’t want to die— he’s too stubborn for that 💕💖
This is the only time he will ever listen to you xD barely
Basically like “too bad—I’m going out tonight. But I’ll ‘be careful’ or whatever the fuck you said.”
Another huge power couple btw 🙌💖💕
Bubba Sawyer
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He thinks you’re so cool 🥺
He’ll think your tarot readings are a game and he’ll pick up random ones and look at them
(He likes the pictures) 😖💖
He’ll be so curious, like snooping around when you’re doing a ritual, snuggling up against you when you’re saying an incantation—
He’s like a cat💖💕
Oh you like animal bones? What a surprise! His house is literally full of them. 😶🌷
Ya you have an endless supply of animal bones— you won’t ever run out 😂💖💕
You died in your past life? WHAT? Why? *crying*
He will snuggle you all night when you tell him that 🥺
Also thinks you’re a goddess that was sent to him and can NOT wrap his head around the fact that you two met by chance 🥺💖
Cherishes you every single day and will probably be super clingy because you’re just his strong woman who deserves everything for the queen she is— *INHALE* yeah. 😖😖💕💕💖💖
Wait. What? You dreamt of me dying? What abt you will you be okay my little blueberry muffin??
He won’t careeee but at the same time he wants to stay with youuuuu😖💖💕
Just so he can stay alive to be with you, he’ll do everything you say to stay safe and will follow every protocol much to Chop Tops annoyment. 🤷‍♀️😊💕
“No, sorry—Y/n says I can’t do that.”
I love you two together, it gives me the feels 🥺💕💖
Bo Sinclair
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Ooooh niceeee
Lowkey interested but probably won’t show it 😆
Like u do u— don’t know don’t care as long as you keep making me pbjs
Prepare for bewildererd looks when he walks in on your using blood/bones for a particular ritual 😳
Like you’ll just be sitting on your bed with your eyes closed, holding a black candle trying to banish negative energy and he’ll walk in—
“Want me to leave...?”
He’ll probably come home one day with an animal skull or something like, “babe I found this owl beak... you want it?” 😂💖💕
He’ll probably tell Lester to catch something while he’s out and about, and then take it and tell you that he got it for you all by himself😂💕
Lowkey scared of you sometimes
He’s not scared of blood, but like y are u using it..??
Tried not to piss you off too much so you hex him or something xD 💖💕
You: *manipulating fire and wind out back*
Bo, walking in on it: bitch what the fu—
If you tell him you’re getting visions of his death, he’ll probably be super skeptical and give you it a smartass remark— probably ask if you’ve been smoking the mugwort too 😳😶
But if you persist on it— he’ll get frustrated but will listen to you because he doesn’t like seeing u upset 🥺🌷
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Bitch wtf u doin?
So confused— explain now
This little shit will go through all of your stuff and take what he thinks is cool and will probably piss off your deities (if u have deities) 😂
You’ll have to make him apologize and have him give it back~~which I wish you the best of luck w 😂💖💕
You’ll just be minding your own business when Brahmsie is looking at your things—
The he legit looks at you dead in the eyes and takes your dragon figurine and disappears into the walls, much to your panic 😓😶😶
But since you can do all this stuff, now 3x more scared of you even tho you’re a small bean in comparison to him— 😳💕🌷
You threatened to hex him if he didn’t start actin right and he started being nice real quick 😂🙌💕💕
Where did u get that blood? 😶😳
Using animal bones? Use the dead rats y/n! Duh!
Bonus for him if he manages to sack the grocery boy and take his bones too 😶💘
If he finds you controlling the elements and sees u controlling fire.... he leaves immediately dont you know he’s terrified of fire??
Yeah uh he demands in a shaky voice that you stop doing that or else ☹️😶he doesn’t like fire at all
But that’s okay cuz you’re still the fuckin coolest person hes ever been w! 😆💘
Wait wut...? You’re saying I’m gonna die? UWU SAVE ME Y/N I DONT WANNA DIEEE
He will literally get so scared when you tell him you’re getting forewarnings of his death, and will go under your wing definitely the most willingly 😅💓💓
Whatever, more cuddles for him! And some other things 😏
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I hope u liked ittt! Sorry I’ve not the time to post ANYTHING lately— it took me 5 days to finish this one because of how busy w school I am— but I hope you like it!! 💖💖
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