#so Milo takes this slot
hotchner-edu · 2 months
Hi, love!! I think your writing is fantastic and just wanted to pop in with a request. No pressure if you don’t end up writing it! I love a good miscommunication trope and had an idea of Hotch over hearing his wife on FaceTime one day and she’s talking very cutesy to someone on the other side. When she hangs up she’s kinda weird and acts like she’s hiding something from him. He thinks she’s found someone else and starts spiraling. After a couple days he finally confronts her all heartbroken but the reader is like “Honey, I was talking to the new puppy Penelope got.”
Clueless | Aaron Hotchner
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"Is something wrong, sweetheart?" Aaron's voice cuts through your train of thoughts as he looks up from his phone.
Your pout turns into a confused head tilt as you glance over to him. "No, why do you ask?"
"You keep turning your phone on and off." He says softly, frowning in concern while bookmarking the page he's on.
A sheepish smile tugs at your lips as you wave him off. "Oh, it's nothing. I'm just expecting a facetime is all." Your eyes drop down to your phone with a small pout. "Plus, there's nothing to do to pass time, but I'm sorry for distracting you from your reading."
"It's okay, my eyes were getting a bit tired anyway." He closes the book and looks back up at you with a reassuring smile. "Do you want to go for a drive? We can grab some takeout after."
"Oh? Not feeling homemade tonight?" You tease him, standing up and stretching.
With a small shrug, he slots his book back into the bookshelf by the sofa and walks over to you. "Not particularly. Besides, I know you've been craving the place we got last time. We still have a few good hours of sun left too."
Humming softly in agreement, you smile as he wraps his arms around your waist and hugs you from behind. "Sounds very tempting."
He kisses down the side of your neck lovingly, one hand splayed across your stomach. "Anything for my beautiful wife." He mumbles softly, nose nuzzling into your hair.
Smiling widely, you lean back against him. As you're about to reply with the same sentiment, the familiar chime of your facetime ringtone cuts through the intimate moment. "Oh!" You gasp happily and wiggle out of Aaron's arms, snatching up your phone.
"I'll be back down soon, and then we can go pick up some dinner." Your words pour out in a rush as you lean up to kiss him. "I love you, be right back!"
"I love you, too." His words and an accompanying chuckle are called out after you as you hurry up the stairs and toward your bedroom.
Once you get situated on your bed, you answer the call with a wide grin. "Pen! I thought you'd never call. Are the goods secured?"
Penelope's face pops up on your phone and she smiles mischievously. "They're secured!" She cries out ecstatically as she steps back from the camera and holds up a tiny black labrador pup.
"Oh my goodness! So bite-sized!" You coo and giggle, taking multiple screenshots of the confused puppy.
"His name is Milo and he's probably the sweetest little baby in the world!" Penelope exclaims, kissing the puppy's head.
"So handsome!" You smile and coo softly. "Just the absolute cutest. How does he look even better than the photos?"
"I know right! Honestly, I was so close to just adopting the entire shelter."
Penelope rambles on about the adoption process and the cute toys she's already bought for him for another ten minutes before she suddenly gasps. "Milo!" Her head snaps down to look to her feet before she looks back up and cries out, "He just did his business under my desk! I'll have to call you back later, honey!"
Snorting in amusement you wave to your phone camera before letting your friend hang up to deal with the sensory nightmare by her feet.
Stretching your legs with a relieved groan, you start heading back downstairs. "Aaron?" You call out.
He responds almost right away, voice muffled by the walls. "In the kitchen, sweetheart!"
"Let's go on that drive now!"
Later that night, you're laying in bed with Aaron after polishing off some Japanese takeout. Aaron's tinkering with the new tv you both bought, trying to get to the streaming service that offered clips from the latest golf tournament.
Your feet are pushed against his legs under the covers, and you're scrolling through some of the new photos Penelope sent you of Milo. An adoring grin lights up your face as you stare at a photo of the puppy hiding under her sofa.
"What's got you all smiley, honey?" Aaron's voice breaks you out of your little bubble.
Turning your phone off, you shake your head and scoot closer to his side. "Nothing, just something Penelope sent me. Any luck with tracking down the golf tourney?"
"Not yet..." he trails off, a small frown on his face. You miss the way he glances down to your phone in confusion and contemplation, continuing to mindlessly scroll through the tv as he sinks deeper into his thoughts.
"Honey." You say softly, watching as he scrolls straight past what he was looking for. Aaron doesn't answer, lips set in a frown with a faraway look in his eyes. "Honey?"
Your eyebrows furrow in concern and you poke his side. "Aaron."
He jolts a little at your prod and blinks a few times. "Sorry, what was that, honey?"
"You scrolled past it already." You point to the tv screen. "Are you okay, Aar?"
Your husband quickly nods and gives you a reassuring smile. "I think I'm just really tired tonight."
"Okay..." Unable to mask your disbelief, you rub his arm a little but opt to wait and let him open up to you whenever he feels ready. It was how you always approached occasions where Aaron was having a difficult time processing or accepting brutal cases.
It takes Aaron about three days to finally put everything out in the open. You're typing away on your laptop when he gently knocks on the living room entryway, a small frown on his face. "Hey, honey. Can we talk for a moment?"
Looking up from the screen, your eyes are stinging unpleasantly and your neck aches from your craning posture. Despite your aches, you manage a steady and warm smile. "Of course."
Aaron takes a deep breath, looking tense as he approaches where you're sitting. "I know that I'm not home nearly enough, and that I let my work bleed into every facet of our life... but I want to know when it started."
"When what started, honey?" You mirror his frown, making a mental note to circle back to his previous points.
"When I caused you to start pulling away from the relationship. I know that it's probably too late, but you're one of the best things to ever happen to me, and I just need to know what I can do better." His eyes are glassy now, brimming with tears of suppressed frustration and heartbreak.
Pushing your laptop off of your lap, you shake your head and blink in disbelief. "I really don't know what you mean, honey. I promise that I'm not upset with you or your work life. You're the perfect husband to me, you know that right?" Your hands move to clutch his, gaze imploring him to elaborate.
"I..." he looks down at your hands. "I'm not nearly a good enough husband for you. That's why I wouldn't blame you if you found someone who could give you more than I can."
His words are like a slap in the face for you, completely throwing your head for a spin as you give him an affronted gape. "What are you talking about, Aaron? You know I would never ever do that, right?"
He looks back up at you and draws his eyebrows together. "Of course not, I just... I wouldn't blame you for thinking about better opportunities."
"What's bringing this on all of a sudden? We've been good these past few years..." You try to think back to anything that would plant seeds of doubts into his head.
"The other day... when you had that facetime call." He begins softly. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but when I walked by the room to grab a towel from the closet, I heard you calling someone handsome on the phone. I didn't think much of it, but..."
Your eyes widen when you catch on to what he's been suspicious about. "But then I started acting shifty later that night too..." You groan and slap your forehead, silently chastising yourself. "Aaron, I promise that it's not what you've been thinking. I was calling Penelope that day and we were chatting about her new puppy, Milo."
Aaron clears his throat and looks at you with knitted brows. "A puppy?"
Nodding, you nearly laugh incredulously at how mixed up the entire situation got. "Yes. I'm so sorry, honey. I was acting weird that night because Pen sent me more photos of Milo. I didn't want to bring it up with you because I didn't want you to think I was subtly hinting for us to get a pet too."
You reach for your phone and quickly open up your message thread with Penelope, showing him all the photos you were smiling at. "I know it's dumb to hide that from you, but I promise that it's because I didn't want you to think I was lonely or needy or something."
Aaron's entire body sags in relief and he lets out a watery chuckle, tugging you into his arms. "I don't mind if you're needy." He whispers softly and kisses your forehead. "I'm sorry for assuming the worst, sweetheart. I trust you more than I trust myself, and I don't want you to think that I think so lowly of you."
"It's okay, Aar. I can overthink a lot too. Let's just promise to be more open with each other because you nearly gave me a heart attack." Your smile seems to soothe him as he nods and kisses you sweetly, clutching you close like you'd disappear at any moment.
"I love you, honey." He mumbles and rubs your back, eyes closing as he allows himself to be swept into the comfort of your presence.
Brushing your thumb against his cheek fondly, you give him another kiss. "I love you, too."
"Let me make it up to you?" He asks, a boyish grin rising on his face as his eyes twinkle a bit.
"I don't know, let me think about it." You tease and playfully pretend to be in thought.
His hands slide down your sides slowly and slip under your shirt, lips surging forward to nip at your neck. "I can be pretty convincing. Let me show you just how much I like your neediness."
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vivwritesfics · 3 months
High On Believing
Chapter One - The Anniversary
Meet Daniel Ricciardo and his wife. Two single parents meeting because of their kids. This is their story after marriage, of raising their kids, of their loving family.
(Note: yes, this is the second series of HOAF. But I'm trying to write this in a way that you don't have to read the first series to read this one)
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"Happy anniversary, Mrs Ricciardo."
"Happy anniversary, Mr Ricciardo." He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her across the bed, pulling her closer. He pressed a tender kiss to her lips that soon turned not so tender.
After almost five years together, three of those years being married, she was used to it. But she wasn't tired of it. She'd never be tired of it. She leaned into it, body slotting beneath his.
Daniel pressed his chest against her own, hands cradling her head. The way he kissed her was so damn loving. She moved her fingers through his curls, pulling a damn sweet moan from his lips.
Morning sex, it had become a tradition on their anniversary. Of course, it wasn't only on their anniversary that they enjoyed a slow, sensual morning fuck as the sun crested over the trees surrounding their home.
But, they had children. Three of them, in fact.
Olivia, Daniel's daughter and her stepdaughter, came barging into the room. "Happy anniversary!" She shouted at the top of her lungs as her parents rolled away from each other, holding the blanket protectively to their bodies.
"Badger," Daniel began, tone suggesting that he was scolding her. "What're you... can we have five minutes of peace before we get up?"
But Olivia wasn't alone. Soon Milo, her son and Daniel's stepson, was running into the room behind her, with two and a half year old Beau Ricciardo on his hip.
Beau was the son they biologically shared. He was her spitting image, with Daniel's eyes and nose. When Daniel saw Beau's nose, he almost cried. But he realised just how gorgeous their little boy was, with his nose and his eyes. Their little family of five (well six, including the cat) was complete.
She tapped her phone in quick succession, checking the time. "Kids, why are you up so early?" She asked as Milo placed Beau on the floor.
Beau toddled towards his dad and made grabby hands towards him. Keeping himself covered up, Daniel picked Beau up and kissed his chubby little cheeks.
"I need to get to the track," Olivia answered.
"Crap," Daniel hissed. In his excitement for their three year anniversary, he'd completely forgotten that Olivia had a race that day. "Right, kids, take Beau and get yourselves some breakfast while your mum and I get dressed, okay?"
Even after all these years, Daniel referring to her as Olivia's mum as well as Milo's warmed her heart. Immediately, Olivia had taken to it. She didn't call her mum, just as Milo didn't call Daniel dad, but she didn't protest when Daniel referred to her as 'Olivia's mum'.
Olivia nodded. She grabbed her baby brother from the bed and carried him out of the room, leading Milo. As soon as they were outside and the door was shut, Daniel was back on top of her, giving her one final kiss.
"As soon as we're done at the track, I'm gonna put another baby in you," he whispered against her lips.
She gently pushed at his chest, pushing him up and out of the bed. "You concentrate on our girl, okay? You can concentrate on putting a baby in me later."
"That a promise, Mrs Ricciardo?" Daniel asked as he pulled a shirt over his head.
She grinned as she began getting herself dressed. "Of course, Mr Ricciardo."
Mrs Ricciardo. It had been three years and she still wasn't over it. It still had that bubbly feeling beginning in her chest. She wrapped her arms around his neck, unable to stop herself from kissing him one last time.
Daniel dipped her. He had his arms around her midsection and dipped her. It was what he wanted to do at their wedding, but she was pregnant with their Beau and he couldn't. So Daniel was making up for it, dipping her, hooking her leg around his hips.
They broke away from each other. Daniel hurried downstairs as she continued getting ready for the day.
Their days were set to be wildly different. It may have been their anniversary, the day they wanted to spend together, but their kids came first. Olivia had to be at the track, and Milo needed some new art supplies.
Daniel drank his coffee and held up Beau's orange juice, trying to get him to take it on his down. Beau took it, but immediately pushed it onto the floor. The lid of his cup opened easily (a testament of how many times it had been dropped before) and Daniel set about clearing it up as Olivia finished her breakfast.
"Dad, we gotta go," she said as she collected her stuff.
"Give me a minute, Badger," he replied as he used the paper towel to wipe up the juice from the floor. He placed the cup on the counter, threw away the soiled paper towels, and grabbed his keys. He threw them to Olivia. "Get in, I'll be there soon," he said and headed towards the stairs.
Daniel had just meant to shout up, to say goodbye to his wife and let her know that Beau hadn't had his juice (he threw it around, sure, but god help you if you cross Beau who hasn't had his morning juice). But there she stood, at the stop of the stairs, looking gorgeous. "Holy fuck," he hissed as she descended the stairs.
"Danny." She rolled her eyes, but he offered her his hand. Ever the romantic, he held her as he walked down the bottom two steps and pulled her into his chest.
Damn, he loved this woman. His hands squeezed her hips as he kissed her again. She ran her hands through his hair, trying to tame his curls. But there was no use, and that was just how she loved him.
Reluctantly, he pulled away from her. "Beau hasn't had his juice yet," he said as he gently rocked her from side to side.
"I can't believe you're leaving me with the monster."
The gasp Daniel let out was so dramatic, and he couldn't hide his smile. "I can't believe you just called our son a monster," he said and kissed her forehead. "He's just spirited, and that's gonna make him a future world champion, after Olivia, of course."
He leaned in, capturing his wife's lips one last time. Well, he would have kept going. Except...
He pulled away for real this time. "Bye, boys," he said to his sons as he walked past, placing a kiss on both of their foreheads. As they all wished Olivia good luck, she and Daniel were running out of the door.
Y/N Ricciardo let out a content sigh as she walked into the kitchen. Her life really was perfect.
"What're we doing today, Milo?" She asked as she got another cup of juice for Beau. This time holding it so he couldn't throw it everywhere.
Milo finished his breakfast. "I just need art stuff, momma," he said as he began to clear away his cereal bowl. He placed it in the dishwasher and walked out of the kitchen.
His mother turned to Beau, a frown on her face. "Should we take Milo to get some ice cream?" She asked as she brushed his curls back from his forehead.
"Ice cream! Beau cheered as she took his empty bottle away.
Picking Beau up from his chair, she carried him upstairs. "Heading out soon, Miley!" She called as she gently knocked on the door. He called something back and she took Beau into his bedroom.
Beau seemed to take joy in her parent's suffering. As his mother tried to get his little legs into a cute little pair of shorts, he was kicking his feet. Some days it was a two parent job, one of them holding him still while the other slipped his shorts over his legs.
(There had been times, where Daniel was out of Australia, racing on the other side of the world, that she cried. It was stupid, but Beau wasn't letting her get him dressed and it had all gotten to be too much.)
"Not today, little man," she said and rushed to get him dressed, moving so fast that he couldn't kick off his clothes.
One she was dressed, she grabbed his bag, swung it over her shoulder, and placed Beau on her hip. She held him as she marched out of the room and walked down the hall to knock on Milo's door.
After a moment she pushed it open. There Milo was, looking through his desk, making a list of what he needed. The list was so long, things he and his mother never would have been able to afford before Daniel came into their lives.
Grabbing a backpack, Milo followed his mother out of the house. She shut the door behind them and took the boys over to the car. Her car, the car she'd had since before she'd met Daniel. He would have bought her a new car, she knew that, but she'd grown attached to the shitty little car that had gotten her and Milo around for so long.
Milo climbed into the front as she buckled Beau into the back of the car. "Momma," Milo began as she started the ignition and pulled out of the driveway. "Can we go and watch Olivia at the track next time?"
Before she pulled out of the driveway, she grinned at her son. "Of course we can, Miley. You wanna have a go?"
At that, he shook his head. He didn't want to start karting, didn't want to move on to single seaters and become a Formula One driver. That was Olivia's dream, not his. But he liked watching. Liked sitting there with his sketchbook open.
They went to the art store, getting Milo everything he needed and more. Beau made grabby hands at everything they passed, but his mother held him still.
As soon as they were done in the art store and Milo's new supplies were in the back of the car, the three of them got ice cream. Milo sat there with a Cherry Berry cone while his mother shared a cup of dairy free, vanilla ice cream with Beau. Between licks of his ice cream, Milo spoke. He spoke about anything and everything that came to mind.
And, as the three of them climbed into the car, art supplies in the boot and bellies full of ice cream, Daniel drove Olivia home from the track.
He held one hand towards Olivia, hand in a fist as he drove. "Pound it," he said and she let go of her little trophy just long enough to fist bump her dad. "I'm gonna have to put up a trophy shelf for you, aren't I?"
Olivia thought about it for a second. "I think a shelf might be a bit small, Dad," he said with a toothy grin.
"That's my girl!" He cheered and turned up the radio. The two of them sung along to whatever was playing from his phone as he drove her back to the house.
As they turned into the driveway, Olivia turned down the radio. "Dad, can we go with you to the next Grand Prix?" She asked as they pulled up in front of the garage.
"What about school, Badger?"
She pouted as she climbed out of the car. "C'mon, dad! I wanna see uncle Max and everyone," she said as she grabbed her bag from the back of the car.
Daniel gave her a look, one Olivia gave right back. The puppy dog eyes. Why had he taught her that? "I'll talk to Y/N," he said and locked the car.
Grinning, Oliva skipped back towards the house. "We're back!" She shouted the moment she walked inside. All sweaty and disgusting, she strode towards the kitchen and placed her trophy on the table, placing it on top of Milo's new sketchbook.
"So," asked Y/N as she turned away from the sink. "How did it go, Liv?"
Before Olivia could open her mouth, her father placed his hand on her shoulder. "Shower first, Badger. And then you can tell them all about how brilliant you were."
Olivia let out a groan, but she headed upstairs, headed towards the bathroom.
Daniel strode towards his wife, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close. "She was great," he said with a smile before he kissed her. "We've got a future world champion on our hands.
Her arms were around his neck as she kissed him again. "We'll go with you next time," she said, fingers playing with the hair at the back of his neck.
Daniel grinned. He kissed her cheeks and her neck, keeping his arms around her as he turned towards his boys. "What're you drawing?" He asked as he looked over Milo's shoulder.
Milo pushed his sketchbook to the middle of the notebook, letting Daniel see what he was working on. It was incredibly cool, a comic strip that took inspiration from Jurassic park. His son was talented, but Daniel knew that already. "Say, Mi, d'you think you'd wanna design my next helmet?"
Mr and Mrs Ricciardo didn't need some big, fancy anniversary dinner. Not when they had their kids with them.
Milo sat on the floor in front of the coffee table, putting his new pencils to good use. Every few minutes he was turning back towards Daniel, before turning to the piece of paper in front of him.
The television was playing as the rest of the family sat on the couch behind him. Beau sat on his father's lap and Olivia was against the arm of the chair, tucking into her dinner.
It was a special one, the five of them tucking into the Chinese. The food was crap and they all knew it, but they were happy.
Daniel picked Beau up as he stood. He sat Beau down in his mother's lap and leaned down to kiss her. "Happy anniversary, Mrs Ricciardo," he whispered.
"Happy anniversary, Mr Ricciardo."
But then Daniel was covering Beau's ears as he leaned closer to his wife. "Think we can make another?" He whispered in her ear.
She reached out and smacked his shoulder. Daniel just laughed and kissed her head. "I'm not saying yes, but that's not a definite no," she said as he picked up their plates and took them back to the kitchen.
Suddenly, Milo and Olivia were staring at her. "What's not a definite no, mum?" Milo asked. He looked at Olivia and back at his mother.
The embarrassment was written on her face as she shook her head. "Nothing, kids. Let's just watch the movie, yeah?" She said and ran her fingers through Beau's curls.
Mrs Ricciardo loved her little family.
Permanent Taglist (CLOSED): @biancathecool
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sereh624 · 2 months
shaw pack w/ a partner who bites their nails/skin around their fingers! ( gender neutral ) unfortunately long . i have never been one to write short and concise summary paragraphs . also these are all based on personal headcanons and visuals for the characters keep in mind!!
( req by anon ;3 )
david :
at first when he notices you doing it, he chides you, prying your hand away from your mouth and entangling your fingers with his own, forcing you to stop as he mutters something about being an idiot. this happens the next few times he catches you; you get scolded, hands locked together and lovingly insulted about you and your poor choice of habit.
if he notices that it's a nervous behavior, he approaches the confrontation more sympathetically, opting to silently tug your hand away from your face in favor for putting it on his or your thigh, cupped beneath his warm palm before he presses a firm kiss to the temple.
when / if you express feelings to david about wanting to break the habit, he'll drive to the nearest drugstore during his break and buy those horrendous nail-biting prevention polishes (and if you sweet talk him enough, he'll even apply it onto your nails for you, which he's surprisingly good at. what a begruding gentleman).
asher :
asher does it too. the habit started in high school for no particular reason, and he hasn't been able to stop since. when he was younger, he used to be really insecure about his hands, his jagged nails, bony fingers and knuckles but since meeting you, he's grown to love aspects of himself that he'd never taken the time to appreciate in the past.
when he sees you biting your nails for the first time he doesn't seem too bothered by it, not caring for all that "nail biting is gross!" "people who bite their nails are disgusting!!" bullshit. sure, it wasn't hygenic, but you were in the comfort of your own home, in the company of your dear husband who frankly, couldn't care less.
if asher suspects that the habit is hurting you ( e.g you bite too deep into the nail everytime, you're damaging your nail permanently, etc ), he'll start to try and coax you out of it which can come in the form of smoothly slotting his hand into yours, pushing your hand out of the way with his cheek in favor for a kiss, or even just flicking the back of your hand in a silent gesture. otherwise, if you aren't causing yourself any harm, it doesn't really bother him and he probably wouldn't interfere.
milo :
milo keeps himself relatively well-groomed, so his nails are strangely perfect in shape and condition. while he wouldn't ever judge you for biting your nails, he would encourage you to take care of yourself (god forbid you get pinworms LMAOO), and to stop if it was ever hurting you.
the first time he caught you biting your nails he wasn't all that bothered about it. he knew you, he knew your anxiety, so this, to him, wasn't really a big surprise. milo didn't make it his business the first couple of times he saw you doing it; you're a grown adult, weither you want to bite your nails or not is your choice to make, but if it's the case where your biting starts to cause long-term damage to your nail itself, he'd start to intervene, much like asher.
he goes about this in a few ways; if the biting is only minor, he'll gently push your hand away from your mouth with the back of his, but doesn't say anything or even acknowledge that it's happening aside from moving your hand. however, if he catches you more deeply biting at your nail, he'll flick your hand and chide you with a soft "ah-ah. jesus, doesn't that hurt, sweetheart?" it's not said unkindly, more so like a parent would to a toddler, but still gets the message across.
i didn't inclue sam sue me
@skunkox @definetelynuwonhere @huxleaf
if you'd like to be added to the taglist lmk :3
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redactahoe · 1 year
In celebration of the new guy audio here’s some honey and guy specific headcannons(tank is mentioned abunch though)
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Tw:again hella unorganized, cussing, maybe some angst, mention of of abuse and neglect, fluff so fluffy it’ll rot your brain, i can’t spell or edit for shit
Srry for formatting issues, I’m writing this on mobile
Honey grew up in a shit home with tank as their older sibling and only care taker, their mother was incredibly sickly and wasn’t given proper medical care until honey, tank, and their dying mother ran away from Washington to daliha after somehow getting Gabe’s number and leaving a mysterious ass message to look out for a 14y/o(tank) and 9y/o with their half dead mom on sled in the middle of winter
Honey and tank grew up in a cult like environment with a small ‘settlement’ of people in the middle of bum fuck nowhere Washington, with honey and tank living the farthest in the woods. To far for them to talk to anyone other than each other and their parents
Honeys father was neglectful and possessive of their mother, so he would often hurt honey and tank(tank mostly) for taking their mothers attention away from their father
After they moved to daliha, instead of spending the holidays with the pack, they spent it in the hospital with their mama until she finally was able to leave when honey was 16 and tank was 19, but anyways this is how honey first met guy
Guys family (including himself)was and still is incredibly accident prone and got himself a trip the to the hospital cause his dad fell of the roof trying to put up Christmas lights, guy was bored in the waiting room while honey was two chairs away from him waiting for tank to fill out hospitals papers(idk wtf I’m talkin about) and guy decided there and then that they were the love of his life….. I’m kidding, they’re like 15 kinda
Guy struck a conversation with a reluctant honey but they end up hitting it off really well. Though all good things come to an end and honey had to go visit mama and thought that was the last time they would see that cute(tanker teases them endlessly for this one) guy….
That is until when school is back in session and they find out they have like 3 classes with him
Guy doesn’t find out why honey was at the hospital until years later and their pretty deep in their relationship that honey tells him
On less angsty note honey is a very large wolf shifter(slot like tank, it runs in the family apparently) with an affinity to healing magic
When guy is told/finds out about the whole magic thing he is elated at the idea that honey can get even cuddlier and give him magic boo boo kisses(they vehemently deny the notion)
When guy met the pack David,Milo,asher, and tank gave him the some shovel talk put in their own ways. Guy was scared shitless but honey ended up defending their lovable idiot
At said pack meeting guy and angel have a spider man meme moment and david and angel shared the same “oh god there’s two of them now”. Lovingly though
Guy know how to cook two things and two things exclusively, and that’s pizza (obviously) and box Mac n cheese but honey is the chef in the relationship.
Honey is mixed Romanian and spanish and use to spend a lot time in kitchen with mama and tank so honey knows how to cook
Honey works out a lot as an outlet for all the trauma and anger issues so their pretty beefy and guy fuckin loves it
Guy is almost always the little spoon but whenever honey is having a bad day or feels like it they’ll let him be the big spoon
Honey is secretly super cuddly but only with the people they trust
Guy is scrawny af
Guy can’t take much seriously but the first time honey had a bad day while they were just roommates, it was the first time guy got seriously with honey, he was so gentle though.
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mr-laveau · 1 year
Cu-wip-osity tag game >:D
@cash-n-prizes really told me to get my ass in gear and WELL, here I am so here we go!
rules: reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents. let others ask questions about the ones that interest them, and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
Tagging: there are too many people to tag and i don’t talk to that many people sooooo whoever wants can tag in. Trust me, I cannot tag that many people for this.
And Then there were three - SH, Angel & Baaabe
Roses n’ Thorns - Darlin/Quinn (past) - Darren(Darlin) used to be in a band with Quinn called Rose n’ Thorns. Yes, I did in fact write Darr being in a band with Quinn into his actual backstory, fuck timelines and canon, I do what I want.
Spell slot - Lovely(electro)/Vincent
Gotcha bitch! - Darlin/pack - poly Shaw pack - Darren (Darlin) has a breakdown when the pack throws him a surprise birthday party
In the face of eternity - Lovely(Vampire)
Who’s ya daddy? - SH/Milo (ft. Colm) - Sadhil (SH) realizes that he and Milo have daddy issues, except SH used to work for Milo’s daddy.
Pretty Girl(gn) Walk - Angel/Darlin/David(minor)
Self-portrait - Gavin/FL - Gavin has too many hobbies but this new one is fun.
Stellar Collapse - Starlight
Fed to the Wolves - David/Darlin
The importance of Couch sharing - Poly Shaw Pack - David/Darlin/Asher/Milo
Backup Generator - DAMN Polycule & Lovely(Vampire)/Vincent
Extra Lessons - Sam/FL/Darlin
Come Back to Haunt - David & SH
Do you have an appointment? - Sam/FL - R18
Hate to see em leave, Love to watch em go - Poly Shaw pack - Asher/Milo/David/Darlin - Asher and Milo talk about David & Darren (Darlin) behind their backs but they’re specifically talking about their behinds - R18
Sweet Dreams (are made of this) - Sunshine/Elliott
Dahlia Empowered Records & Profiles Department - audio project - Magnus Archives parody but make it Redacted
Honestly…no - David/Darlin
A Pack of Idiots - Poly Shaw Pack:
"I'm in love with Asher." David said. The room went quiet after that as Sadhil and Milo's eyes locked onto their alpha in disbelief–more specifically disbelief in the fact that David actually said the very thing that everyone in the pack would joke about when they saw him and his beta together in any capacity. The key word there being 'joked' because no one actually expected it to be true. Sadhil had the mind to question the statement further but got beat to the opportunity to speak. "Well no shit, Sherlock." Darren replied. "Took you that long to figure out?" Now eyes were going back and forth between Tank and David, the bigger wolf looking at the usually quiet shifter in bewilderment as they met his gaze with nonchalance. The investigator could already feel the tensions rising and if they knew both of their fellow pack members well enough then there'd be more to this. "What do you mean, long enough?" "–Darr means," Milo is the one to speak up this time, cutting off Tank from making anymore frank remarks and riling the other man up, "that we can all tell." "What?”
Running Memories - Darlin focused
Can You Roll a Charisma Check? - Lasko/Listener (pre-canon listener) - Lasko finds out that someone new has joined his DnD group and he’s definitely gonna have to roll high if he wants to impress them
Out for Blood - Sam/Darlin - R18
What if we all dated each other? - DAMN Polycule
In-Spectre - Yes I know that’s name of an anime, I’m being funny - SH/Milo:
"Why don't I take you dancin' some time?"  "You got two feet shorter than myself there, toots. You think you can keep up?" Sadhil smirks.
Bad Dog - (Dom) Darlin/ Sam - R18:
"Course not." The vampire huffs. "I know you better than that Darlin." "Do you really, doc?" Darren smiles as crosses his arms and slowly strides over to Sam from across the bar with a sly grin. "Because I know for a fact that there's a side to me you haven't met yet and he wants to make you beg like a hungry mutt." Sam Collins has never in his life wanted anything more than just to let his mate have their way with him right now. He doesn't have time to question why when the one thing racing in his mind is to let Darren use and abuse him like a bone for his wolf to chew on, and he'll be damned if he doesn't let tonight be the night for that to happen. "Where?" "As much as I would like to fuck you in one of the stalls here, I want your ass on a bed where I can have it to myself tonight."
Broke Back Mountain - Sam/Huxley
Ghostly Touches - Lasko/SH/Milo - R18
Don’t Hold Your Breath - DAMN Polycule
Two Birds - David/Darlin
Worth of Chance - SH & Colm
Sway - Vincent/Lovely 
Heart Strings - Asher/Baaabe/Darlin
Keeping Track of Things 1 & 2 - Darlin/Sam (feat. BE & Fred) 
Reset Button - Lovely(Vampire) & Sam
Ghosted - SH/Sam/Darlin
Parks & Recreation - Darlin/David
Anyways, have fun~
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masterqwertster · 1 year
H/c spells- Modify Memory with the soulblooms au? (Characters up to you, but I would love Orym, Ashton, and/or Milo to be in it :) )
Prompt The thing about the Soul Bloom AU is that it's supposed to be canon compliant for anything not directly impacted by the blooms being present. And Modify Memory hasn't been (explicitly) used in this campaign (yet). So instead of the actual spell, I've gone with the second mind dive on Ashton, where they were kind of trying to figure out if his memories had been magically messed with. (Which, honestly I feel like there's a chance his memories after setting off the trap but before falling got blanked. Like a brief conversation/deal made before someone shoves them out the window off the balcony)
27 Modify Memory
You attempt to reshape another creature’s memories. One creature that you can see must make a Wisdom saving throw. If you are fighting the creature, it has advantage on the saving throw. On a failed save, the target becomes charmed by you for the duration. The charmed target is incapacitated and unaware of its surroundings, though it can still hear you. If it takes any damage or is targeted by another spell, this spell ends, and none of the target’s memories are modified.
While this charm lasts, you can affect the target’s memory of an event that it experienced within the last 24 hours and that lasted no more than 10 minutes. You can permanently eliminate all memory of the event, allow the target to recall the event with perfect clarity and exacting detail, change its memory of the details of the event, or create a memory of some other event.
You must speak to the target to describe how its memories are affected, and it must be able to understand your language for the modified memories to take root. Its mind fills in any gaps in the details of your description. If the spell ends before you have finished describing the modified memories, the creature’s memory isn’t altered. Otherwise, the modified memories take hold when the spell ends.
A modified memory doesn’t necessarily affect how a creature behaves, particularly if the memory contradicts the creature’s natural inclinations, alignment, or beliefs. An illogical modified memory, such as implanting a memory of how much the creature enjoyed dousing itself in acid, is dismissed, perhaps as a bad dream. The DM might deem a modified memory too nonsensical to affect a creature in a significant manner.
A Remove Curse or Greater Restoration spell cast on the target restores the creature’s true memory.
At Higher Levels: If you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you can alter the target’s memories of an event that took place up to 7 days ago (6th level), 30 days ago (7th level), 1 year ago (8th level), or any time in the creature’s past (9th level).
Orym is rather glad in this moment that nosebleeds don't cause soul blooms. Otherwise whatever Imogen and Fresh Cut Grass are doing in Ashton's head would be giving them all a nose full of thistles, which sounds deeply unpleasant.
Hopefully they won't have a knuckleduster of thistles to deal with when Imogen and FCG are done this time. But that really depends on what the duo digs up and how Ashton feels about it, Orym supposes. At least if it does come to that, Ashton's target before was a wall, not friends. And they seem to be consistent in things like that.
In time (and after the weirdness of the people-like specks in the glass), Imogen, FCG, and Ashton awaken from the trance of the mind dive.
All three are shaken.
Imogen's hands tremble as she cradles Ashton's face to speak with them. The genasi heaves unsteady breaths. Letters jitters in place just the slightest bit.
The sorceress and aeormaton weave a story of the profound strangeness they encountered within Ashton's mind. To have a universe in his head sounds entirely inhumanoid to Orym. Another point in which Orym is Just A Guy while his friends are... simply more.
But even Just A Guy can help. Especially when it comes to his soulmates.
Orym has always found that a nice scent helps one breathe more calmly, and Ashton's breath is still hitching every now and then. Normally, he would turn to lavender as a simple soothing scent, but given that's what blooms upon his soulmates for him, Orym has a sneaking suspicion that none of the other members of Bells Hells finds it particularly soothing. So he turns to another fragrant plant: mint. A quick squeeze of the leaves between his fingers releases the bright scent before Orym tucks the sprig into Ashton's lappel.
"Oh, that's sharp," they mumble, not quite in complaint.
"Just breathe," Orym gently instructs them, taking in the crisp smell for himself.
And they do.
They all breathe and find their way forward.
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Which redacted character do you think would be the softest to a character who is shy / anxious and deals with self loathing? Asking for a friend 👀
A friend you say? Hmmm
Arguably, every listener deals with self-loathing in some kind of way. And their respective partners (or friend group in Freelancer's case) comfort them.
On the opposite side, you have Lasko and his listener in the wonder of reverse comfort. But your friend (👀) is searching for soft comfort specifically.
Gavin is gonna take the crown. He's pretty versatile and tends to be a personality chameleon. Plus if you look at the DAMN group, he tends to comfort Lasko in his own way by pulling Lasko out of bad spiraling thoughts by flirting. Freelancer tends to be more reserved when it comes to opening up about things they're dealing with and wants to constantly take on other's burdens. Just the fact that he tends to be surrounded with people on a spectrum of shy/anxious and self loathing individuals points towards understanding how to best comfort them. He has a lot of social awareness to understand that what might work for one person, won't work for another. (I love Gavin.)
(Caelum would work too, but he's the obvious choice since his entire existence basically revolves around comforting people and loosening knots. Only problem would be that no one but other d(a)emons and FL can see/hear him O.O So depending on the usage of this information that may or may not be important.)
Below the cut are my reasons for ruling out the other characters if you're interested.
I'm gonna have to eliminate Asher, David, and Milo (purely because their listeners seem outgoing.) Sweetheart could be shy, but that's just because I have a headcanon that since they're a stealth, they're so used to hiding as much as they can even when they're not thinking about it. But that's not canon (*yet*) All we got is that when they're in flight or fight mode, they tend to cloak without trying.
Sam could be a good contender since he's so gentle and comforts Darlin when they start trashing on themselves. Honestly he's probably a runner up to Gavin. But I can't label him the softest because of Gavin's existence. But for whatever reason your friend (I'm not buying it sorry lol) needs this and Gavin just doesn't quite fit the slot, I would go for Sam.
Vincent is slutty. Nah, I'm kidding. Vincent seems more easy at comforting after something happens. Through no fault of his own. The comfort audios we get are always after an event happens that Lovely is struggling to cope afterwards, versus in the middle of something. He does have that awareness that apologizing for it doesn't always help, so kudos to him.
Aaron is also really socially aware, but he relies so heavily on communication to understand a situation (which is good. Communication is healthy) that it might be difficult for him to comfort someone who is shy. We all know that Smartass isn't shy around him, so we haven't really seen him comforting them because of something. *that I know of. I need to relisten to his playlist soon. I miss him.* He did a good job comforting Elliot, but Elliot also seems kind of outgoing. I wouldn't call him shy.
Ollie is a sweetheart. But in all honesty I've only listened to his first two audios so I don't really know much about him O.O
Vega... It's Vega. He'd manipulate you into feeling better, but only on his terms and when it benefits him. I love him.
Regulus... No. Obvs.
Blake could be good at it since he's a yandere so he's pretty into knowing all your details. He would know how best to comfort you because he knows you so well. But he wouldn't be the softest to anyone who isnt his darling, so if that's who this shy/anxious self loathing person is then Blake is off the table. He's pretty single minded.
Guy would be amazing at cheering someone up. But we're looking for soft. Not energetic cheering up. Vulnerable soft Guy in his confession audio holds a special place in my heart though. But his "sleep aid" proved that the best thing when you're trying to calm down is have him go to a far away restaurant to retrieve food.
Avior is a tricky one. So many of his audios were him putting up a front to keep Starlight at arms length. Then afterwards it was most reverse comfort from how I saw it. So Idk how he would be. There's not a lot of evidence in my perspective to make a clear decision.
Ivan - Same deal as with Avior. Not enough objective evidence. First he's a scary kidnapper and then he's begging to try his old relationship again. No comfort stuff really.
Morgan would be great with a reclusive person. (Since I think that's what his listener is? His voice always puts me to sleep. But I'm not sure entirely since I always fall asleep hehe)
Lasko did pretty well at comforting FL after the Kody incident, but his panic in wanting to make people feel better wouldn't make him a good contender. Sorry Lasky.
Kody is a wet noodle.
Huxley would be good at it, but I can see him struggling to find the words he wants to use. Hugs are great and he seems like he is soft with people in a more touchy manner. Depending on the person that can be good. But if you're like me and get uncomfortable when people touch you and you just like the idea of physical contact, then he wouldn't be the top choice.
Damien would kind of be like Guy in the way he could cheer you up, but it wouldn't be soft. As much as he hates it, the first reaction he has is to protect which can get him heated. Not the most calming presence. Plus he's not the most socially aware.
Geordi... it depends if they're in his head. He tries to choose his words very carefully, but he's naturally a very anxious person as well. Their anxiety could feed off of his and then we have another Lasko situation.
Brachium is another pretty good choice. Only problem is he's difficult to reach so he would be difficult to give comfort. But his voice and aura are very calming if a bit somber. He is pretty good at being soft with Sunshine with his "little one"s and such. I love him, he's such a dad.
Cam is kind of like Caelum in the way he would be very good at it. Plus he's obvious. But he's overworked. Let him sleep TT-TT
James is too analytical and focused on saving the world and getting back home. Soft isn't the word I would use for him.
Anton... same vibes as Brachium. He's soft but somber.
Marcus is whiny.
Brian is grumpy. Plus there's no evidence for him.
Quinn would be shit at it obvs.
Echo would just snap his fingers and make you more anxious. He finds that shit funny.
Did I miss anyone? O.O
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justsomeone76 · 7 months
theory-- SPOLIERS
Something that bears examination in my opinion is the traltionshop between the quintessence array (the siphon used suck powers) and the Raven Queen.
• we know that the RQ somehow managed to replace the previous god of death (essentially taking the power of another and making it her own) • Ludinus (and now Bells Hells) uses the quintessence array to take the power of another and make it their own • Bells hells' version seems to lose power in the transference, ex: they got 1 spell from the Willmaster, not all of her slots • Bells Hells version is a prototype, so obvious Ludinus's current is more powerful; hes put thought into making better and better versions (Related?: Extracting the power from the beacon into the dunamancy juice that Milo put in Ashton and Otohan uses in her backpack) • Ludinus is obsessed with the RQ as proved by using Vaxildan and the "what's her name...what's her name" notes found in Molaesymyr
So, perhaps, Ludinus is trying to recreate the siphon used by the RQ to replace the original death god so he can, a la RQ, replace Predathos or MAYBE also the Luxon???
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45 songs have been submitted so far for Best Milo Murphy's Law Song!
19 slots remain. Submit here!
The songs submitted so far (in alphabetical order) are under the cut
A Bumpy Ride Tonight
All Tied Up
Cake ‘Splosion
Chop, Chop, Chop Away at My Heart
Chop, Chop, Chop Away at My Heart (by Baljeet)
Don’t Break Me
Dr. Zone
Everybody is Here (aka: It’s Not Just a Time of Year)
Game Night
How Do I Do It?
I Can’t Find You
I Chase You, You Chase Me
I Fall Down
It’s My World (And We’re All Living in It)
It’s Not One Thing, It’s Another
I Want a Girl with a Suit of Armor
I’m Taking a Stroll
I’ve Got No Excuses
Just Getting Started
Just Messing Around
Just Roll With It
Looking High and Low for Milo
Lot of Pressure
Murphy Family Vacation
No Day Like a Snow Day
Recurring Racoon
Rooting for the Enemy
Safety Car
Safety Czar
Sphere and Loathing in Outer Space
Substitute Science Teacher in Space
The Last Halloween
The Show Must Go On
Toboggan of Love
Turnabout is Fair Play
Welcome to Lard World
We’re Going to the Zoo
We’re Gonna Do it Again
When You Tip a Domino
Windowless Van
World Without Milo
Zippy, the World’s Fastest Koala
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10 11 12 for the bookish photo asks?
Sorry this took like a week. Last week was incredibly busy and I’ve been trying to figure out what books to use tbh. I went with what I have in my house which severely limits my options because half my books are in tubs in my basement and also the last time I bought novels regularly was circa 2015.
10. Two books you love from the opposite end of the spectrum (however you want to interpret that)
This one I probably spent the most time mulling over. What even is opposite ends of the spectrum? Is that fiction v nonfiction? Poetry vs prose? Kids vs adult? A lot of the stuff on my bookshelf right now is stuff that it would break my heart to get rid of but it’s not stuff I’ve read regularly. I almost went with a childhood fav vs the most recent book I read (System Collapse by Martha Wells - do recommend) but instead I went with this:
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[img id: two books side by side. The left book has a light yellow cover. The book is LOVE THAT DOG by Sharon Creech. There is a line drawing of a dog underneath the title. The right book has a dark blue cover with a drawing of a young boy and a large dog with a pocket watch in the dogs side. The boy looks startled and is looking into the eyes of the dog which is as tall as he is. The book is The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster, Illustrated by Jules Feiffer.]
These are both books that I hold close to my heart. Love That Dog is poetry strung together into the shape of a story and The Phantom Tollbooth is prose fiction that is as close to poetry and metaphor as a story can get while taking itself absolutely literally. Love that dog is a book told in poems that take the form of a young boy’s english journal and his struggle to understand and write poetry for his class. The title is a homage to a poem by Walter Dean Myers. The Phantom Tollbooth is a portal fantasy story about a young boy, Milo, and his adventures in the lands beyond the tollbooth, the people that he meets there, and the lessons that he learns. Love that dog is realistic fiction despite its format. The metaphor is in the format. The lands beyond the Tollbooth are full of metaphor that is, at all times, true; the doldrums - where Milo ends up without thinking, the city of dictionopolis - where you literally eat your own words for dinner, the island of conclusions (you get there by jumping).
11. Book you’ve read the most times
Okay so the actual answer to this is almost certainly The Phantom Tollbooth. It would own this slot if it wasn’t in the previous category. I love that book. I try to reread it every couple of years. It’s got a piece of my heart in it. I’ve shown it already, so instead you get this:
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[img id: A beat up book on a black background. The cover art is an illustration of a dragon reaching around a pillar while two kids hide on the other side. In the foreground is a young girl with red hair clutching a book, Nita. Behind her is a boy with a shocked expression on his face as he gazes at the dragon. Across the center of the cover is the title, So You Want To Be A Wizard. Near the bottom is the author’s name, Diane Duane. Beneath that are the words, “Young Wizards • Book One.”]
Clocking in right behind The Phantom Tollbooth on books I reread regularly is the Young Wizards series, book 1 featured here. I own all the books twice (thrice?) over but I haven’t actually read the physical copies in years since the ebooks are just better. DD went back and updated the timeline (every book was set in its publication year - book 1 was published in 1983, book 9 in 2010 - but the in-universe timeline was 5 to 6 years max) and fixed a couple characters who hadn’t aged well (book 6 introduces an autistic main character and understanding of autism is so much better than what was medically accurate in the early 00s).
The book, since I’ve been pitching the ebooks but not the series itself, is a science fiction/science fantasy series in which Nita and Kit both find a wizard’s manual, take the oath, and become wizards. Wizardy is a gift from the Powers that Be that takes the form of the Speech - the language that all things know and was spoken at the creation of the universe. Wizards use words and math and power to slow down entropy and fight the Lone Power, the Power that introduced death into the universe.
Book 1 is a portal fantasy that takes our two brand new wizards into an alternate New York City looking for the Book of Night with Moon, the book that was written to remind creation how it is supposed to be. Book 2 takes our wizards down to the bottom of the ocean trying to avert what could end up being an (un)natural disaster. Book 3 we stretch the science part of it and see how far into space and the wider galaxy our heroes can go. Book 4 features old Irish legends from DD’s literal backyard. Book 5 is a story about illness and fighting against the clock and being forced to grow up. Book 6 is about grief and loneliness and a reminder that we aren’t truly alone. Book 7 is a vacation story, except in a world where everything happens for a reason can you truly go on vacation without it turning into work? Book 8 is a direct follow up to 7, but I don’t know how to tease a book called Wizards at War without spoiling something. It’s the highest stakes and the culmination of a lot of stuff and the end of it makes me sob every time. Book 9 the gang goes to Mars (and if that feels like a step down in stakes, it is and it isn’t). Book 10 I really need to reread but it’s like 600 pages of our main characters mentoring kids for a wizard science fair and it fucking slaps.
12. Weirdest book you own
Look I’m not really sure what the standard of weird is. I’ve got the journal from Gravity Falls which isn’t that weird because somewhere in my basement is Dragonology and 3 or 4 other ology books on other topics. Dragonology was an intrinsic part of my childhood. They’re not that weird (right?). I thought about grabbing one of my ttrpg books but like how to choose. Is Wanderhome weirder than Thirsty Sword Lesbians or Gun&Slinger or If I Were A Lich Man? Also those are games as much as their books imo. So instead I went with this:
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[img id: a hardcover book with a red spine. The cover image is drawing of a 19th century river with a steel cable bridge (the Brooklyn Bridge) crossing it. Reaching out of the water, wrapping around the bridge and interfering with the boats in the river is two tentacles. The title of the book is Alternate Histories of the World by Matthew Buchholz]
This book is mostly an art book with some writing. The artist recreates old-fashioned photos and maps and includes creatures, robots, monsters, aliens, and zombies in them. This book is a collection of prints loosely done in the style of a history book, chronicling altered histories where there were zombies at the court of Versailles in 1731, the great chicago fire was started by a Martian ufo, a robot ran for president in 1960, monsters live in the river Thames, Boston harbor, and basically everywhere else, or - my favorite - nothing weird or giant monster related has ever happened to Tokyo. It’s a fun book and I enjoy the artist a lot. I have another book by him which is in the style of a visit all 50 states tourist book called Flee America. The last couple of years he’s put out a calendar via kickstarter that I back.
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mcw-rp · 3 months
tׁׅhׁׅ֮ꫀׁׅܻ ᥎꫶ׁׅꪱׁׅꭈׁׅtׁׅυׁׅᨵׁׅ꯱ׁׅ֒ɑׁׅ֮ ꯱ׁׅ֒℘ꫀׁׅܻɑׁׅ֮ƙׁׅ֑꯱ׁׅ֒
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Mystic Championship Wrestling, I find it quite preposterous the championship hasn’t simply been bestowed at my feet. There’s clearly no one on my level and no one who possesses my technical prowess. I’m the greatest wrestler this company has ever seen and I shouldn’t have to waste my time facing those below me. When I face those below me, it’s very equivalent to charity work, because they get the benefit of getting notoriety for being my opponent, I’ll give them the best match they’ve ever had, but me? Nothing changes. The Intercontinental Princess Championship should already be mine. Whoever wins that title will automatically establish themselves as a history maker and will etch their name in the history of this company forever. I deserve to be that name, look at my body of work I’ve earned it and none of these other women can compare to that. In my very first match in this company, you all got a small taste of my technical prowess and unrivaled excellence. I was put in a match against two of the best this company has, Dakota Kai and Kris Statlander. Kris is one of the strongest and most physically imposing women here. She offers a challenge to anyone including myself. As strong as she is, Kris lacks the technical prowess and pure excellence I do. A methodical approach always prevails, the one who can stay in their element and keep at their pace often prevails.
Dakota Kai, someone who’s been viewed as “underrated” for a very long time, Dakota is certainly good, but she’s not great and she’s far below my level. One of the major differences between myself and the other women, one thing that slots me above the rest is my word means something, when I make a claim or a statement, I back those words up and I put my money where my mouth is. Now I’ve got that monkey off my back, my first victory is in the books, my attention turns towards Ash Blake and Mystic Dream. The only thing separating myself and the Intercontinental Princess championship is Ash Blake. I’m puzzled at what Ash did to earn this opportunity against me. When you step into the ring with the virtuosa the greatest technical wrestler in the world you should have earned that. Not a lot of people know a whole lot about Ash, but me? I’m a student of the game and I’m always prepared. I never walk into a match without doing my homework and knowing what I’m getting into. I’m very methodical and precise, every action I make is simply surgical. Ash, I know you come from a more hardcore background and do you think that’s supposed to scare me?
I’ve faced so many like you, I’ve seen it all, in fact it’s you who should be scared. Stepping into the ring with me will be a step out of your comfort zone and you’ll be out of your element. When you’re out of your element, you tend to make yourself vulnerable. When you’re vulnerable, your most glaring weaknesses tend to be exposed and I won’t hesitate to exploit them. As the greatest technical wrestler in the world I thrive off of exploiting my opponents weaknesses and that’s exactly what I’m going to do against Ash. I’m fully aware of what I’m getting into and I know what Ash wants this to be. She wants this to be a full fledged fight. She wants blood to be shed and pain to be felt. I can take that, but do you know what you’re getting into, Ash? I question your mindset and your preparation heading into this match. I’m going to force you out of your element I’m not going to allow this match to play out how you want it to, I’m going to slow the pace down and I’m going to control the tempo. You may be tough Ash, but my prowess overcomes your seething rage. In the end Ash I’ll do what I always do and that’s win when I trap you in the Venus De Milo and make you quit. You’ll tap out and I’ll prove you were never on my level to begin with and you had no chance. I’m simply in a league of my own and a cut above the rest! You can boo me all you want, but the fact is I’ll put Ash Blake down and make her fall before me. I really shouldn’t have had to waste my time facing someone so inferior to me, but Ash will be outclassed, outdone and simply outperformed when I beat her. I’ll etch my name in history as the first ever intercontinental princess champion and my name will be enshrined in glory for eternity. This is just the beginning, when I win this title no one is going to take it from me, I’ll sit on the throne of gold for a very long time as I gaze down upon those who exist beneath me. No one has what it takes to unseat me. You may try, but you will fail! At Mystic Dream when I become your champion and dispose of Ash, the clock will turn and a new era will officially begin, the era of the Virtuosa, the era of Deonna Purrazzo will officially begin!
0 notes
dankusner · 4 months
Milo departs Yeezy
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Conversation George Santos @MrSantosNY 🚨Breaking🚨
Following the abrupt resignation of Fire Brand Milo Yiannopoulos from the Kanye camp A source inside the Kanye operation tells me that Kanye is allegedly having a mental breakdown and abusing prescriptions…
Also Kanye has lost his entire team top down and is left with no staff and support…
“The company is going belly up”
“Kanye is a Danger to himself at this point”
“Making death threats towards his staff”
“He’s spending time with Nick Fuentes after not interacting with him in over a year.”
“All executives quit and there’s not much left to say.”
“It’s sad and I hope he gets help.”
The conversation goes on and on… This is an ongoing development and I’ll bring more soon…
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Adidas plots to swerve sales
Looking to bounce back after ending relationship with rapper Kanye West
As Adidas aims to build on hot demand for its threestriped white and black Samba and multicolored Gazelle sneakers, it’s also taking steps to prevent the shoes from becoming victims of their own success.
The German sportswear giant ramped up production of the sneakers, known as “terrace shoes” and inspired by soccer fans’ footwear in the 1970s and ’80s.
Sales subsequently jumped from a couple of hundred thousand pairs a month at the start of last year to millions of pairs a month, according to CEO Bjorn Gulden, with Adidas now looking to further increase its popularity.
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The company said terrace shoe sales helped drive its strong performance in the first quarter, without giving detailed figures for the Samba, Gazelle and Spezial.
The shoes are priced at around $90 and up, with limited edition collaborations costing up to $350.
Investors and analysts are watching closely for signs of Adidas becoming overly reliant on the shoes, with the abrupt ending of the highly profitable Yeezy business still fresh in their memories.
Adidas suffered a loss last year for the first time in 30 years after its break-up with U.S. rapper and producer Kanye West brought that trendy sneaker line to an end.
The Adidas Samba won Footwear News’ 2023 “Shoe of the Year” award, the first win for the brand since the Yeezy Boost 350 in 2015.
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Bernstein analyst Aneesha Sherman estimates the terrace shoes will drive $1.61 billion of sales this year, around 7% of Adidas’ overall revenue and close to the $1.83 billion Yeezy brought in at its peak.
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She predicts terrace shoe sales will likely peak in all regions this year.
“Obviously and clearly, this trend will not last forever,” said Thomas Joekel, portfolio manager at Frankfurt-based asset manager Union Investment, which holds Adidas shares.
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“At the end of the day, the consumer decides, and companies like Nike or Adidas have to be agile to jump on these trends.”
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When British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak was seen sporting Sambas in a clip posted on Instagram earlier this month, some Britons felt he had dealt a blow to the shoe’s street cred.
Sunak later jokingly apologized to “the Samba community,” but CEO Gulden said Sunak’s penchant for the shoe had had no impact on sales.
Broader trend cycles can be bruising for the big sportswear makers.
In 2018, Adidas sales in Europe, its biggest market, fell when its minimalist white Stan Smith shoes started to go out of fashion. And Nike is currently scaling back supply of its classic Air Jordan 1 shoes due to weaker demand.
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So Adidas is trying to spread its bets.
Its chunkier, skater-style Campus shoes are becoming more popular and outselling the Samba in some markets, Gulden said.
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Adidas also plans to ramp up marketing of its classic Superstar shoe to drive a renewed trend for it next year.
It recently launched a $200 version of the shoe with designer Edison Chen, featuring a rippled sole.
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Gulden said Adidas has been working to clear the market of seasonal colors of the Superstar, focusing only on the classic black and white, so as to make sure the market is “fresh” for new launches later this year and next.
“We will maintain the current franchises, and then time the activation of Superstar as we and the retailers need it,” Gulden said.
“We will not push it globally in huge volumes. We will hold it back and let the consumer decide when he or she wants the Superstar.”
Bringing out more expensive limitededition versions in collaboration with designers, like the $350 Y-3 Gazelle with Japanese fashion designer Yohji Yamamoto, is one way to keep a product in fashion.
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“What Adidas and Nike are doing with some of their product is trying to follow the luxury playbook – premiumization, exclusivity, restricting supply, making it all more desirable so you can have bigger margins and create a halo effect for the brand,” said Matt Clark, retail expert at consultancy AlixPartners in London.
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For retailer JD Sports, new variations on the Samba shoe in different colors and materials are helping maintain shoppers’ engagement, CEO Regis Schultz said in its recent results.
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Retailer Foot Locker also flagged “strong demand” for Adidas terrace styles.
“Gulden is very much aware of the fact that you should not overstretch what you are doing to keep the model – to keep the brand and the model hot,” said Cedric Lecasble, analyst at Stifel.
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“If they distributed tens of millions of Samba in the same year, they would sell them, probably, but they would probably also put an end to the Samba dynamic,” he said.
“What Adidas and Nike are doing with some of their product is trying to follow the luxury playbook – premiumization, exclusivity, restricting supply, making it all more desirable so you can have bigger margins and create a halo effect for the brand.”
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Adolf "Adi" Dassler (3 November 1900 – 6 September 1978) was a German cobbler, inventor, member of the Nazi party, and businessman who founded the German sportswear company Adidas.
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atropaanimus · 2 years
Milo is often working the entire day for Halloween given how many death related holidays occur and need a watchful guiding hand. All the veils become thin enough to walk through and spirits wish to see their loved ones again for other holidays a few days after. This also goes for the more malicious spirits and some reapers are put on protection duty for the realms as a result. Luckily, you have to be a real S-Rank dickhead to try that shit. Unfortunately Milo doesn’t get too much time to spend with their friends because the day is all hands on deck. All reapers work in shifts so that no one is overworked, everyone is slotted into clear roles to what they’re doing for the day. Milo often watches over mortals so they don’t get involved too dangerously in the fearful events.
The only one who is overworked is Asier. She takes a personal work day and collects all the young souls who passed on too early, not ready to transcend into the next step of death out into the realms they are familiar with. They all then go out and enjoy the typical activities a young one would do on the holiday. This can be literally thousands of souls at one time. Asier has to literally split herself up into multiple copies, which is draining on her powers to the point of exhaustion. She finds it worth the effort seeing happy young spirits spooking the wicked, possessing objects to scare others, even going door to door to collect treats from other monsters who can see them.
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Which OC is the flirtiest?
I mean... here I am trying my HARDEST not to mention Milo Marsette, but here I am, talking about Milo Marsette because he’s possibly the only one who knows how to flirt?
It is a truth universally acknowledged that Milo shamelessly flirted his way through an anesthesia-induced haze upon first meeting his husband, who was the nurse who helped stitch him back together after spontaneously combusting at a raucous 21st birthday party...
Yes, I wrote those words.
Ask me which of my OCs is the ____est
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b4kuch1n · 3 years
I associate you with Milo from Sword & Shield because he's sweet & friend-shaped, and strangely enough, the pokemon Eternatus because your comics are so good and get super trippy in the best way.
hey that’s good! I didn’t really expect either of these choices haha but honestly that’s a banger combination, I really enjoy that 
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m0chaminx · 3 years
Camilo Madrigal | You Deserve The World
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Request : No
Prompt : None
𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 : angst, sad Camilo, fluff ending, I would warn that Camilo might be slightly out of character but my boy has six minutes of screen time, not much to go off really
Paring : Camilo Madrigal x GN!reader
𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 : Camilo needs reminding he is special
481 words
I do not know any Spanish so I did use a lot of google translate, so if there's any mistake I apologize, just let me know ill fix it asap
Camilo groaned shifting in his bed. It was well past midnight, he had been asleep for at least four hours, flopping into his bed at nine not even bothering to take his shoes or ruana off. Camilo felt sore, heavy, completely broken. He had been shapeshifting all day, entertaining people, watching over kids, doing chores, catching up on work, doing runs across town, and it was when a bunch of seven-year-olds rushed to him basically begging him to shapeshift for them. And then it felt like Luisa hit him like a tone of bricks, no one wanted to be entertained by Camilo they just wanted his gifts. He didn't even realize he was crying until a sob left his throat making his chest ache. Camilo shoved his face in his pillow trying not to cry, just teetering on a panic attack.
That morning, everyone noticed Camilo was off. Bags dragging his eyes down, a quiet rasped voice, refusing seconds and even taking smaller portions anyway. Pepa and Felix tried questioning him but he softly declined. And the whole house almost yelled when Camilo shifted, letting out a painful groan before pushing himself out of the house, limping out the door.
Camilo walked to the outskirts of town, to the forest the sat on the other side of the river, shifting back to himself noticing you sitting under the tree, waiting for him. Your gaze shifted over to him waving at him with a large smile. Camilo dragged himself to you plopping down in the grass, sighing in content that he didn't have to move anymore. "Hola, Mi Vida," You giggled seeing him sprawled out on the floor. "Camilo are you okay?" You asked running your hands through his curls, noticing he wasn't as happy-go-lucky. Camilo moved to sit on his knees his heartbreaking noticing your face drop. You moved to hold his face running your thumb under his eyes feeling the dark purples circles. "Milo, what happened?" Camilo snapped, falling against your shoulder his body shaking as he sobbed. You wrapped your arms around him, holding him, letting him let go of his emotions. "It's okay Amor, let it out."
Camilo cried, sobbed, for nearly ten minutes, you let him cry, knowing Abuela didn't let Pepa show her emotions, you guessed Camilo bottled it up just the same. "I'm sorry Y/N, I just-"
"Don't apologize Cami," You spoke, stopping him. "You're allowed to cry." Camilo nodded moving to rest more comfortably against you, head on shoulder, hands intertwined as he rested against your chest. "Do you wanna talk?" You asked running your fingers across his knuckles.
Camilo nodded stretching his legs out. "I don't think- I don't think anyone really wants me," Camilo confessed, his voice cracking, lip quivering. "They just want my gift, no one wants me to entertain them, they want just to me shapeshift. And I did it so much yesterday I'm so sore, I could barley walk on the way over here." Now it was your turn for your heart to shatter, hearing Camilo talk so lowly about himself made you ache. The way he said it, so emotionlessly, like it was drilled into him.
You turned Camilo around to face you, slotting him between your legs. You took his face in your palms pulling him close to rest your forehead on his. Camilo moved his arms around and you cringed hearing him wince. "Camilo Madrigal," You said sternly, "your gift is amazing and yes it entertains people, but you are so much more than that. You make people smile no matter how you choose to entertain them. You are talented, funny-no powers needed. My Camilo is adorable, I mean have you seen your cute little face. You're are so sweet to everyone you meet, you treat your family amazingly, especially Pepa. You are a beautiful soul, a stubborn soul who needs to look after himself better, but beautiful no less. Camilo, you are special, a gift to this world, powers or not."
Camilo looked into your eyes, stray tears falling down his cheeks. Camilo smiled knocking his nose against yours, "I don't deserve you."
"You deserve the world," you whispered.
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Request : Masterlist
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