#so a tailer will have to do
www-pinkhearse · 1 year
Tomorrow I’m going to a Christian confirmation but I’m gonna be so gnc abt it
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leasstories · 5 months
My nerd
Eddie Munson x gn!reader
No trigger warning
WC:  1.1K
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You just returned to Hawkins from college and cannot wait to show your boyfriend Eddie your new discovery. A new fantasy game saw the light of the day last August, August 1993. This game is called Magic the Gathering. You cannot wait to tell your boyfriend all about this new card game. You even brought the cards you bought to Hawkins to show Eddie along with a surprise for him. You don’t know if he will like the game, you will describe it to him as a card game version of D&D. It is not the complete truth, but it will do. You started playing with some fellow nerds at university and you fell in love with the game. You really hope Eddie will too so you can have a game partner in Hawkins, you even bought him his own boosters.
You rush to Eddie’s tailer and excitedly knock on his door. You can hear him groan on the other side of the door but when he opens it, he breaks into the biggest smile ever.
“Baby!” he exclaims, hugging you. “You are back!”
“I’m back!” you confirm.
“For how long?” he smiles excitedly.
“A week!” you answer, all but excited. “And I have a gift for you.” You tell him, smiling big.
“A gift?” Eddie asks, confused.
You fish ten Magic The Gathering boosters out of your pockets and hands them out to Eddie.
Eddie takes the boosters in his hands, turns them around and looks at you confused.
“What is that?” Eddie asks.
“It’s a new game I discovered at uni, as you can see it is called Magic The Gathering. It is a collectible cards game. It is like a card version of D&D.” you tell him, excited.
Eddie’s ears perk up at the end of your sentence. “When are we playing?” Eddie asks.
“Woah! Woah! Slow down there, we need to make you a deck first.” You tell him, chuckling.
Eddie takes you by the hand, closes the trailer’s door and leads you to his bedroom.
You both plop down on the bed and Eddie excitedly opens his boosters. He looks like a kid on Christmas day. He lays out the cards on his bed.
“Those cards are pretty metal!” he says all excited.
You grin widely. “They are!” you say, matching his excitement.
You look at the cards Eddie opened and gasps when you see a Black Lotus card.
“What?” he asks, worried.
“You got one of the most powerful cards of the game!” you say, pointing at the Black Lotus.
Eddie takes the card and examines it before handing it out to you. “Then you should take it.” Eddie casually says.
You look at him, blushing at the gesture. “No! it’s yours!” you protest.
“I want you to have it.” Eddie says, putting the Black Lotus in your hand.
“My Magic party are going to shit in their pants!” you say, laughing. You then take out a pile of cards and lay them out on Eddie’s bed.
“What are you doing?” Eddie asks curiously.
“You can choose from those cards to make your deck.” You tell him.
“Baby,” Eddie coos. “You already bought me ten boosters!”
“Eddie, I didn’t use those cards for my own decks. You can choose from them as well to make yours. So you have more cards to choose from. You say excitedly.
“Baby…” Eddie starts to protest but you interrupt him with a soft kiss to his lips.
“How do I make a deck?” Eddie asks.
You smile before explaining the mechanics of the game, the strength and weaknesses of each colors to him. You tell him your main deck is Zombie themed and that it is a mono-black. You keep rambling about the different cards type and Eddie intently listen to you. He basically falls in love with you all over again, drinking your words.
Around four hours after you and Eddie started your Magic The Gathering frenzy, Wayne comes back home. When he arrives, you and Eddie are still trying to build him a powerful deck.
“Hi kid!” Wayne tells you, ruffling your hair. “When d’ya get there?” he asks.
You sweetly smile at him. “About five hours ago. Went to see Eds straight away.” You tell him.
Wayne hums in response.
“I’m going to sleep. Don’t stay up too late.” He warns before going back to the living room.
You and Eddie finish Eddie’s deck about twenty minutes after Wayne left the room. You then go to sleep, cuddling with the promise of playing Magic after Eddie’s work day.
Eddie is going back to his trailer all excited. Playing Magic with you tonight is the only thing he has been thinking about. It is what motivated him to finish his work day.
Eddie excitedly comes into his bedroom and finds you at his desk, setting everything up. Two D-20 are on the table to count your life points. You put Eddie’s deck on one side of the desk and yours on the other. Eddie kisses your forehead before sitting across from you.
“I shuffled the decks.” You tell Eddie to cut your deck and cut his. You then draw each seven cards.
“Damn it” you curse.
“Didn’t draw the right cards?” Eddie smirks, indicating that he indeed drew good cards.
The whole game is tight, Eddie is really good for a first-time player, but you end up beating him.
“Yes!” you scream in victory while Eddie dejectedly looks at your dice with 5 life points left.
You put the cards that are in the battlefield and cemetery back into the deck and shuffle them. You then get up and kiss Eddie’s cheek. “If it makes you feel better you played really well for a first time. It took me playing at least five time before really grasping the game, but you, you are a natural.”
Eddie smiles and you kiss his lips softly.
“I love you,” he says into the kiss.
“I love you too.” You tell him. “Did you enjoy the game?” you ask.
“I had so much fun! I can’t wait to play again to kick your ass!” Eddie says smirking.
You tackle him onto the bed and tickle his side.
“Stop it!” he says laughing.
“You won’t kick my ass!” you say as you keep tickling your boyfriend.
“As soon as I understand the mechanics better I’ll definitely kick your ass!” he says as he laugh.
“So you are going to keep playing Goblins?” you ask, teasing him.
“Maybe? Is that a problem?” he asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Nope. I’m almost exclusively playing Zombie so no judgment there.” You answer.
“My nerd.” Eddie says smiling before laying on top of you and sealing your lips in a loving kiss.
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Taglist: @abellmunsonmovie
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emkayewrites · 2 months
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Another behind-the-scenes-on-Bridgerton-Season-3 moment from my Lukola fanfic....
(Excerpt taken from my fanfiction 'Curtain Fall')
Before she could respond, there was a frantic knocking at her door.
“Duty calls?” Ezra asked.
“Something like that.” Nicola replied. “I’ll speak to you later.” 
She hung up and pocketed her phone into her jeans, moving to open the door. 
She knew with some certainty that Luke would be the one stood outside.  If he had not come to visit her, she would likely be making the trip across the field to him.
In the last few weeks, they had become somewhat inseparable. If they were not due to film a scene together, they still found a way to see each other for a meal, a walk or just to decompress in one of their trailers.  This routine had started initially to manage their nerves about their scenes.  It was a relief to be able to talk every day just to practice and build trust.  As time had passed, they were both realizing they were getting a lot more from each other than just rehearsal time.  Nicola found herself looking forward to seeing him and being at the receiving end of his dry wit.  In her experience, there were few people in life that you could have such effortless banter with.  Meanwhile, Luke was open with her about being introverted and needing to sit in a semi-dark room with no human contact after a long day on set.  The running joke was that Nicola no longer counted as human, not after the many nights they had sat in his darkened trailer, eating dinner out of takeaway boxes in relative silence.  All in all, there was a comfortable rhythm to their relationship – so much so that even on a day off like today when most cast members were catching up with family and friends, Nicola had been hoping Luke would want to while away some of the hours together.  She had resisted reaching out to him though, feeling conscious he might be taking the opportunity to catch up with his parents or Jade.
Sure enough, it was Luke stood at her trailer door, dancing impatiently on the muddy grass as sheets of rain washed over the bright red umbrella he was holding up. 
“You can come in, that stays outside.”  Nicola pointed at the umbrella.
He immediately bolted inside, keeping the arm with the umbrella extended outside the tailer door.
“How do we bring it in?” He looked at her expectantly.  Nicola let out a snort of laughter in response.
“We don’t.”
“I’m not abandoning it out here, it won’t survive and it’s not mine to destroy.  I borrowed it from Kraft services.  Haven’t you got a tea towel or something?” He urged.
“Nothing big enough to absorb that.” Nicola shrugged, returning to her place on the couch.  “I’ve had enough lectures about these vinyl floors to know better.  Besides, the umbrella won’t get damaged.”
A crack of thunder erupted around them. 
“So is the rest of you planning on coming in or…” She asked, ignoring the sound of the escalating storm; pulling the blanket up over her shoulders again.
“Do you want a response to that, or can I just glare at you?” He shot her a look.
“Well, you can either stand there holding an electricity conductor and glare at me, or you could come in here where it’s safe.” Nicola quipped; one eyebrow raised.
“Oh, fuck. Good point.” He immediately dropped the umbrella with a clatter and pulled his arm inside, slamming the door behind him as he did.
Nicola did her best to hide her amusement.
“You’re the worst.” He said with the twinges of a smile around the corners of his mouth.
He unzipped his raincoat, revealing a thick script pressed against his stomach, protected from the rain. “Bought over today’s pages, thought it might be a good opportunity to go over the scenes.”
He pulled his coat off and took a seat beside her.  As he rifled through the script, she found herself absentmindedly sharing her blanket with him, pulling it across his back. 
“I keep thinking about when Penelope and the audience see him at the garden party, the cameras on him and he’s meant to just look handsome and interesting.”  Luke laughed disbelievingly, looking down at the page.  “Talk about a tall order.”
Nicola leaned over, looking at the notes with a frown.  “You’re overthinking it now.  A lot of that is going to be the hair, the make-up, the lighting, camera angles – it’s not all on you to convey that.”
“Yeah, maybe.” He looked unconvinced.  “It’s delivering the sexy smoulder in the close-up that I’m really overthinking.”
The show was famous for the way it framed its romantic heroes in a way that exuded romance, sexiness and intrigue usually all in one tight close-up shot of the face.  Nicola had to admit that the amount of face acting they had to do on Bridgerton was on par with stage plays and pantomime with the exception being that here, the shot was redone over, and over, and over.  It was no easy feat.
“I had a nightmare last night.  I’m doing the shot and Tricia keeps telling me my sexy face attempt looks constipated.  I keep messing it up and I give myself constipation from the stress.  They have to shut down production for the day and it’s on immortalized forever in the notes for the dailies: Luke Newton fit of constipation shuts down set and costs production ten million pounds.” 
“Ten million pounds? Think a lot of yourself, don’t you?” Nicola remarked with a smirk.  He gives in and laughs.
“But hey, your brains’ ability to do that – it’s a talent.  I wish I had dreams that vivid and hilarious.” She continued.
“It’s a curse.” He disagreed.
“Alright, look at me, look at me.” She insisted, tugging at the blanket to pull his shoulders closer to her.  He faced her and she realised just how close to each other they were.  They had become gradually desensitized to the level of intimacy required between them but every so often, in a moment off-set like this one, it still caught her off-guard.  They were practically nose-to-nose.  His eyes levelled with hers.
“Smoulder.” She invited.
A change came across his face.  The strain of stress around his eyes and mouth vanished, his features softened as he embodied Colin Bridgerton.  His eyes seem to bore into hers.
“Pen, it is good to see you.” His spoke with an affected tone.
“Is it?” Nicola responded with an English accent, looking down at her hands, playing the closed body language of Penelope Featherington.
“Truly. It has felt like I have been absent years instead of months.”
“Much has certainly changed in that time.” She was stoic.
“A good deal, I know.” Luke patted at his shirt with some boastful pride, a smile spreading across his lips. “But it was all the rage in Paris.”
Nicola could not help but to laugh.  “Sorry, I’m breaking character. He’s such an arse.”
“It’s alright, I was about to break anyway.” He sighed, rubbing a forefinger against his temple. “So, smoulder rating?”
“If 0 is vomit-inducing Hugh Heffner and 10 is Jason Mamoa as Aquaman, you’re a solid 9 as Season 3 Colin Bridgerton.”  She assured.
“Alright, well that’s… I would have believed you if you’d played it cool and given me a 4 but that’s – it’s outrageous.” He shook his head at her, smiling.
“Deal with it.  Hand on my granny Nelly’s bible, it’s a 9.”
“Don’t blaspheme, I’m not worth it.” He rolled his eyes at her, turning his concentration back to the script.
Just then, another roll of thunder cracked overhead.
Luke leaned back on the sofa, holding the script up in front of his face. “Alright, well you better order some food, I’m not leaving until either that outside stops or I feel sexy.”
“Oh, so I guess we’re dying here then.” Nicola stated matter-of-factly.
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honey-riley · 2 months
Love You To Death || S.R. || 3 || Hello My Old Heart
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WARNINGS: PTSD, jealousy, the team getting drunk, hints to DV.
wc: 2.5k
2 || 3 || 4
A/N: Sorry this one took so long to get out. As I said, I had something really traumatic happen, so I took a bit of time away, but I'm doing better now!
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The next few days for Simon were a blur — the days felt more comfortable, the nights allowed him to rest peacefully. Simon spent most of his time busying himself, trying to get his mind off of work, and off of her. 
That night she came over, she looked so pretty. The way her hair fell around her shoulders, her cute little freckles that dotted her cheeks like stars in the sky, her green eyes that reminded him of a forest on a sunny day with the sun gleaming through the leaves, the subtle dusting of gold spikes in her irises. Her roman nose was strong like her, her oval face shape that framed her features. She didn't really have a slender face, her cheeks were chubby — not overly chubby, but they were cute. She was still just as tiny as she was when he met her of course, standing at four feet, eleven inches — only making it up to his lower shoulder when she stood next to him. 
But he couldn't fall for her. It was inappropriate. He was her Lieutenant, and she had a boyfriend. 
"Tank. What should I do?" He sighed, rubbing his forehead as he sat in his recliner. Tank blinked up at him, letting out a chirp in response. Simon glanced at his watch, taking in the time. He had to get to work soon. 
He got in the shower, letting the hot water cascade from behind, down his shoulders, and down his muscular body. He scolded himself mentally as Honey weaseled her way back into his mind, making his cock twitch. 
"Goddammit." He growled under his breath, closing his eyes and leaning his head back, letting the water roll down his forehead. He kept his hands away, not wanting to associate his subordinate with that. She had a boyfriend, and it wasn't him. He didn't want to be hers, he didn't want to be anyones'. He just wanted to be him — not tied down. 
He turned so that he was facing the water, rubbing his face, and especially around his eyes, which was a habit that he had gained from rubbing the eye black off of his face. 
He washed his hair, face, and body before getting out of the shower, and getting ready for work. He got dressed, got his gear on, put his eye black on, put his mask on, and left. 
When he got on base, Honey was still asleep in their shared room. The room was pitch black, and not wanting to bother her, Ghost shut the door behind himself as he came in. He fumbled around in the dark for a moment, trying to find the lamp that sat in the corner of the room. He eventually found it, turning it onto its lowest setting. He glanced over at her, watching as she stirred a little due to the sudden light in the room. 
He didn’t bother, turning back to his paperwork that sat on his desk — the paperwork that he still had yet to finish. He let out a long sigh, starting to read through it. 
After about twenty minutes of reading, filling out the forms, and signing things, Honey started to wake up. She sat up slowly, rubbing her weary eyes. 
“The other day,” Ghost started, keeping his eyes on the paper which he was writing on. 
“Pretend like it never happened. You never saw me at the shops, you never came over, none of it, Tailer.” He added, using her last name. 
Honey was taken aback a little — she thought that they were on better terms now, but apparently they weren’t. She sat there, watching the back of his head, taking in every detail. 
She wanted to ask questions. 
She wanted to ask why? 
Or what she had done. 
But she didn’t. She kept her silence, and though he couldn’t see, she nodded. She got out of her bed and started getting ready for the day. She put her hair in a bun, got her uniform on, and put her socks and boots on. 
Meeting with the rest of the team, Honey stood outside, the fresh morning breeze surrounding her. The sky was still and gray — which was average for a British morning, something she had gotten used to. The hums of truck engines and the distant sound of NCO’s barking orders at newer recruits filled the otherwise stagnant air. 
“Good ta see ya, lassie. ‘Ow’re ya doin’?” Soap grinned, clapping her on the back. 
“Well.” Honey nodded politely with a small smile drawing on her own lips. She glanced back at Soap, her eyes landing on his sapphire blue eyes. 
He nodded, taking his hand off of her back. He stood next to her, his chest puffed out slightly, his hands on his hips as he watched the base run like it always did. 
“What’s it like in Germany? A’ve been a few times, but never enough to really take in my surroundin’s, yanno?” Soap asked. 
“It’s nice. Where I’m from, the architecture is beautiful. It’s um..”
“I don’t know the word in english,” She giggled softly, trying to think. “Rote Ziegelsteingotik (Red brick Gothic)." She added. Soap nodded along, pretending to understand what she said. He didn’t speak a lick of German, but he was starting to pick up on it now that Honey was there. 
“Sounds beautiful, Lassie.” Soap smiled. “Jus’ like ya.” He added. Ghost’s neck nearly snapped with how quickly he looked over at Soap, shooting him daggers. 
Soap, on the other hand, was blissfully unaware of Ghost’s stare. Honey stood there, noticing the both of them. She cringed inwardly, but nodded with a smile, shoving down the awkwardness that was creeping.
“Thank you.” She said softly, glancing away. Her eyes wandered, watching a few trucks pass by. 
“Alright, lets get this show on the road, ‘ey?” Price smiled as he approached the team. Gaz took his spot next to Honey, staying quiet. He offered her a friendly smile, which she returned. 
After running five and a half miles with the team, they got breakfast, and Honey was sitting at the end of the table with Soap next to her, Price across from her, Gaz next to Price, and Ghost next to Gaz. 
Ghost wanted to be as far away from Honey as possible. He didn’t want anything to do with her, now that he had seen her as a civvy — especially because she had seen him that way too. Simon had been kind to her, repaying her for her own kindness, while Ghost didn’t want anything to do with her. 
It was like a switch had been flipped, as soon as he put on his mask, he was Ghost. He was different. He was a war machine, he was intimidating, mean. And he wanted it that way, but he also never wanted anyone to see Simon ever again. 
When he was Simon, he felt vulnerable, and he was kind and caring, like a little boy again. The boy that was beaten and treated as less than valuable his entire life — less than a person, less than alive, so he became a Ghost. Separating the two, and shunning Simon away. Simon never wanted anyone to go through what he did, but Ghost wanted everyone to go through it. 
Later that night, the team went out for drinks to celebrate their last win against Makarov. It was definitely one for the books, and now that they had time to do it, that’s what they were going to do. Get absolutely hammered. 
Honey could drink— and she was keeping drinks down well. She sat at the bar with Soap, drinking her third glass of Jägermeister on the rocks. 
“Lass, that’s fuckin’ disgustin’.” Soap chuckled, shaking his head. 
“I’m German.” She shrugged with a giggle. He shook his head for a second time, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. Ghost sat at the end of the bar, as far away as possible. He was nursing a glass of Jack Daniels, neat. 
‘Nothing forces a man to face his feelings for a woman more than the interest of another man.’
His eyes lingered on the two, maybe he was protective, but he didn’t want to care. She had a boyfriend —who was a piece of shit— and she seemed comfortable with Soap. He lifted his mask a little, taking a sip off of his drink before putting his mask down. 
Honey caught sight of the lower half of his face, mentally trying to piece together what he looked like under there.
He had a sharp nose, sharp eyes, sharp jawline, soft lips that were slightly pouted, and glasgow smile scars. They arched up from the corners of his mouth and all the way to just under his cheekbone. Honey couldn’t see the end of it, but she knew they had to be pretty long. 
Glasgow smiles were acquired from being tortured— the assailant would slice the edges of your mouth and make you scream, either by kicking, stabbing, whatever it be, they would make you scream, which would in turn rip the wound open. And to know that he went through it and survived sent a chill down her spine. 
She looked back down at her drink, taking a long sip. “I’m gonna need a few more of these.” She giggled. “Maybe tequila.” She added, nudging Soap, who chuckled in return. He ordered her drink, and she traded her old glass for the tequila, which she nearly chugged. She stuck her tongue out, shaking her head, trying to get the flavor off of her tongue. “Christ.” She giggled, her eyes narrowed in disgust. Price chuckled next to her, patting her back. 
A few hours later, Honey was hammered, and stumbling around everywhere. She had been drinking all night, and she wasn’t drinking lightly. Ghost went out to have a cigarette, and Honey stumbled out of the pub a minute later, unaware that he was there. She plopped down on the concrete, digging in her pocket for her cigarettes. She pulled one out, putting it to her lips and drunkenly lighting it, nearly missing her cigarette. 
She took a long hit, letting the smoke fill her lungs. Ghost glanced over at her, his arms crossed with his own cigarette between his fingers. She glanced up at him, her eyes lighting up. 
“Hiii!” She smiled, happy to see him. He gave her a curt nod, glancing away, watching the road. She scrambled to her feet, coming over to him. He looked back down at her, his brow arching as he tried to decipher why she was there. 
“Sooooo, howave you been?” She slurred, looking up at him with a big grin. He couldn’t tell if her cheeks were flushed because of the alcohol or him. He gave a grunt in response, looking away. 
“You need to go home. You’re drunk.” Ghost replied. “Don’t have a rideeee.” She whined, taking another drag off of her cigarette, letting the smoke out after a second. 
“I’ll give you one.” He replied, looking back down at her. He wasn’t drunk, he had only nursed his Jack Daniels all night, but that was it. She nodded, leaning back against the brick wall. He unlocked his car, pointing to it as the headlights flashed for a second. “Go sit in there. I’ll be back in a minute.” He grumbled, putting out his cigarette and going back in the bar. 
Honey went over to his car, getting into the passenger seat. She sat there, glancing around his car, taking it in. It smelled like him — the smell that she remembered from his house. Cigarettes, whiskey, vanilla, sandalwood, and a hint of cinnamon. She leaned back in her seat, buckling up and resting her head back against the headrest, closing her eyes as the world spun around her. 
It was a 2023 Aston Martin DBS 770 Ultimate Volante in Ultramarine Black, a luxury car. She opened her eyes and glanced around, taking in the size of it. There was no way that that man could fit in here.
He was 6’4”, muscular, and over all, big. She watched as he came back out, walking back to the car. He opened the driver’s side door, sinking down into his seat. His knees nearly touched the steering wheel, making Honey giggle. 
“Du bist zu groß (You’re too big).” She giggled, letting her head lazily lull to the side. 
“Huh?” Ghost grunted, his brow furrowing. He didn’t speak German, and apparently nobody on the team did, except for her.
“I said, you’re too big for this car.” She smiled, her grin lopsided from the alcohol. 
“You’d be surprised to see how hard it is to find a car that can fit me.” He murmured, starting the engine. 
The rest of the drive to Honey’s house was silent, and when they got there, Ben was sitting on the porch, waiting for her to come home like some kind of predator. He sat there, watching as the car pulled up, his eyes narrowing. He leaned back in his chair, sinking back into the shadows. 
Simon got out of the driver’s seat, coming around to the passenger side. He opened the door for her, letting her out. He gently took her tiny hand in his, carefully pulling her to her feet. Simon glanced around, checking their surroundings before leading her up to the front gate. Ben stood up, making Simon’s eyes shoot up. He gently let go of Honey, not wanting to piss Ben off — but it was too late for that. 
Ben stormed up to the gate, grabbing Honey by the arm. She looked up at him, her eyes wide. 
“Get in here, now.” Ben growled, opening the gate and nearly throwing Honey through it. 
“Ben!” She gasped, clinging to him for some sort of balance. She was hammered, couldn’t walk straight if her life depended on it, and Ben was throwing her around like she was nothing. Simon stood there, the look in his eyes changing for a moment, but he didn’t know what to do. He stood there, his eyes distant as he remembered what it was like to be ripped around like that. What it was like to feel like you weighed nothing, and not in a good way.
He took her inside before Simon even realized, and he stood there. Remembering. 
His father’s handprints burned into his skin, like an old wound bubbling up again. The thought of it made his stomach churn. He couldn’t let this happen to Honey, but it was too late. She was already inside, the door was already locked, and he was standing there like an idiot. Knowing that she was drunk and possibly defenseless made him feel so sick. 
He glanced back at his car, debating on whether he should leave or stay. What could he do if he stayed? He couldn’t just barge in and say ‘oh, hey, that’s not right’, but he couldn’t leave her like that either. She could be hurt, or worse. He didn’t want to think about it, but the thought wouldn’t leave his mind. 
They were part of a family now, tight knit. And though Ghost didn’t like her, he was still a decent human being. He wouldn’t let her suffer, right? 
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wolven91 · 5 months
Drifting - Part 6
There were *always* reminders that Casper was not amongst humans. 
If a human child annoyed a parent, did something mildly wrong or endangered themselves, it was common for their offending hand to receive a slight swat. It was never meant to be enough to hurt the child or even sting. It was meant to be a sudden negative sensation that caught the child's attention and instilled an understanding not to do something. 
However, when Casper reached up, wormed his fingers underneath his hairline to scratch at the itch that was burning his scalp, the geckin hairdresser merely poked the human's offending hand with her short, but still sharp claw as she would a geckin child. It felt like being pricked with a needle and had the young man whip his hand away as an instinct. 
"Stop touching it." She ordered. 
To be fair to her, she had spent ample time already ensuring that the wig was correctly set and Casper, worrying it, was threatening to undo her efforts. 
"It's itchy." Casper complained, looking down at his fingers where a jewel of bright red blood had appeared on the side of his finger. Human flesh was not as protective as geckin scales. Already, he had picked up a myriad of small scratches, scabs and even scars; just from interacting with the other aliens amongst the stars and their sharp claws. He put the finger to his lips and ensured that the bright red liquid wouldn't stain anything. 
"It's not itchy, now hold still." The black geckin ordered again, focused on her work as she applied make up to the young man's face. He watched in the mirror as the darkened patches around his eyes were brought back to a lighter shade, something resembling what he looked like when the human had first arrived.
"Why is it blonde? I had brown hair..." Casper asked, frowning at the mirror and the lightning yellow hair that topped his scalp.
"Just be glad there was even a wig of this type on the planet, we didn't have options *human*." Snapped the artist. She glanced back to the mirror, then back to his face, squinting. Appraising him.
A picture of his face as it was, was attached to the mirror that the stylist referred to often. It was supplied by the planet's administration so the geckin knew what she was aiming for with the wig and makeup. Casper merely sat in silence as his pale skin was returned to a healthier pinker shade. He'd changed a lot.
He had mildly expected her to overdo it, or make him look silly, but since it was the government demanding a stylist, apparently, she was very skilled at her craft, and it was evident in her work. Before long, Casper looked like a healthy human again. The young man remembered briefly, that this was what he was supposed to look like.
"Right! Is he ready?" Demanded a voice from the doorway, as it opened the same moment the voice spoke.
"As he can be..." The geckin mumbled, glancing from his face to his reflection. "He's so pale..."
"Ah he's fine! Fighting fit! Aren't you?" Demanded the voice.
Casper whispered a 'thanks' to the stylist who only shrugged and began packing her plethora of equipment away. The young man stood and found a government official in the doorway, stood atop a bipedal platform that was adorned with the government seal on the very front. The young man had no idea who this guy was, but the geckin was looking to him expectantly.
"Of course. Fit as a fiddle." Casper retorted, wiping his hands down the front of his outfit. It was of fine make, the materials felt expensive, but the fit was off. Made by alien hands who worked around the strange dimensions of the clothes they were making. It was obvious the tailer, albeit skilled, had biases. It was tight across the shoulders, a tailhole in the trousers had been hastily stitched up after being left in. It felt like the legs were overly tight on his thighs, but then drowned his calves in loose material.
Still, he wasn't expected to wear this getup for long. Long enough to fool someone. Just enough to get the GC off both his back and the geckin administration's. As Casper approached, the newcomer backed out of the room and began walking, gesturing for the far taller human to follow.
"Okay, so I know we've gone over this already, but one last time from the top." The diminutive alien demanded. Casper caught up and mentally went through the checklist. He all but physically ticked off his fingers as he spoke.
"The GC are checking up on me. Making sure I'm healthy and happy. I don't know this. I am to act 'mildly surprised' that they're calling. If they mention the fact the other humans are missing, I'm to be shocked and ask if they are okay. If they offer one of these new guardians or their program, I 'naturally' suggest assigning Qik, as she and I have become good friends and she's been looking after me." Casper summarised succinctly. "Happy, healthy, not using giant mechs."
"Excellent, don't forget to do that tooth thing. Lots of that tooth showing thing." The geckin continued, not looking back to Casper as they approached another door. Smiling, the geckins, nor the lopeljacks smiled. They weren't apes, teeth were a threat display to them, but they knew and understood that Casper smiling was a 'good' thing, at least his handlers did. The young man blinked, thinking back to when he had last smiled.
Three weeks ago? Qik had told him about a joke in the mess hall. He didn't go to the mess hall now.
The door they approached opened and the room beyond was revealed to contain a whole geckin media team, sat at various chairs, all with consoles that connected via wires to a lone console that sat in front of a backdrop and an empty chair, both sized for a human. The image of the backdrop was one of an ample living room with a 'lived in' feel. Tasteful mess spoke of a comfortable occupant. The layout looked somewhat like Casper's own living quarters, but his were still almost unused. Most nights he got home, fell into bed, then woke and left in the morning. The only 'used' part of his room was the bed and maybe the bathroom.
Blinking, he corrected; his kitchen counter had several empty nutrient slurry bowls, stacked several high.
Qik was sulking in an unused corner, her own personal thunder cloud keeping everyone away from her. The significant frown on her face broke briefly when she gave Casper as a smirk lifted her features before her face dropped again. It wasn't hard to guess why she was angry; she was dressed ridiculously, at least for her. He resisted the urge to itch under the stupid wig as he crossed the room.
In the few weeks that Casper had known Qik, she had never been one for wearing anything other than her Nerve-Suit, a leather jacket with merc patches stitched into the arms and back or a mechanic's jumpsuit to protect her brown fur from oil whilst she worked on her own rig. The bright white material that currently clung to her arms and legs, was out of the ordinary, not to mention that the fabric leotard that covered her body left little to the imagination. It gave her a very 'feminine' appearance, despite Qik being far from the stereotype. This was all covered, by strips of see-through silk that hung down off her body from around her neck, the material rippled in unseen air currents. It gave her a very clean, bright look, despite her face looking like she'd eaten a bee recently.
Casper joined her in the corner while the official went over to speak with one of the media team in hushed and hurried tones.
"You okay?" The young man asked the brooding figure.
"I hate wearing this shit." Qik snapped, glowering at the geckins who obviously had a hand in her current state. Casper glanced up at her and noticed a red dot had appeared around jewellery that had not been in her ears the day before. He touched his own ear and cleared his throat.
"You're bleeding. Haven't seen you with jewellery before." He said, adding his observation casually. She looked good.
"Course you haven't! I'm not taken." She snorted, pulling a tissue with red dots already on it and reached up to dab at her ear.
"Taken?" Casper asked, his brow furrowing. He knew so little of her, despite spending weeks under her tutelage.
"If you see a lopel with jewellery in the ear, it means they're not available. They.." she said, nodding to the geckins. "Say it makes me more appealing to the GC. Hurts like a bitch."
"Huh, you never had a piercing?" The human asked, mildly shocked this was new for her. She seemed so world travelled, he would have expected something like a piercing as a minimum.
"Obviously I have. If a contract needed me to sneak in somewhere, I'd use jewellery to pretend I'm one of the 'safe' ones. You know? Keep my ears up, act like I have a single braincell?" She explained, tilting her hand as if it was a normal conversation to talk about what amounted to espionage.
Casper couldn't resist grinning and adopted her stance, leaning against a wall, arms cross, one foot up for balance.
"You're going to need to explain all this before I join your merry band." Casper pointed out, the lopel to his left rolled her eyes and Qik sighed dramatically before speaking. Her tone was of a teacher, she wasn't being harsh with him, she was just on edge.
"Lopels with tall straight ears are non-combatants, they're the ones that have never had a hard day in their life. It's hard for someone like me, to re-straighten their ears once they droop. Without ear braces, I mean. Guards and security will look closer at lopels with dropped ears, like mine." Qik explained, briefly lifting one of her ears between two fingers. It appeared as if the ears had no cartilage in them and hung loose and low, completely floppy.
"Stress is the factor. It can be any kind of stress but get shot at enough times and your ears just fall one day. That's when most mercs switch from social covert contracts to overt contracts." She finished, waving a hand as if dismissing the subject. Casper had spent enough time with Qik now to have learnt he would only receive insults if he pressed the subject and merely filed the information away for later.
"Remember what we talked about." Qik whispered suddenly, straightening, and uncrossing her arms. Casper nearly asked her why she'd remind me now, when the geckin high commander walked in and room went still.
AS the same for all geckins of status, she too had a bipedal platform, but it made nary a whisper as it turned the corner into the room. How Qik had heard her, even with her oversized ears, was lost to Casper.
"Right. The call is due any minute. We ready?" The high commander demanded in a cold tone, looking over the room once before peering at the human and lopel together. She looked like any other geckin, only with black and purple stripes across her scales.
"We are." Qik replied, stepping away from Casper. She was distancing herself from him. He had to do this on his own. Casper mentally disconnected himself from his nerves, from his fear, just how Qik had shown him how to do it in combat.
"I need a quick word." The young man started with a firm tone, holding his stare with the commander. The black and purple geckin narrowed her eyes and bared her teeth. Not a smile by any stretch. The entire room went silent as all eyes were on him and everyone held their breath.
"I wish to talk about a contract." He explained curtly.
"Is now the-" The commander attempted to dodge, but the budding new pilot had been coached about how they would attempt to avoid dealing with him when he was holding all the cards.
"Now is perfect. I am striking when I have the most control. Any time after this and the geckin government has the upper hand. The GC are about to ask if I'm happy. I'll be happy if I have a duplicate of Qik's contract. Your next mission is mine as well as Qik's, afterwards I am free to leave or write up a new one." Casper summarised immediately, covering all his bases, and ensuring no time was lost. He had to get this deal *before* the wellness check, not during or after.
"This is-" The geckin commander attempted again, trying to manoeuvre away. With the lopel's guidance, the geckins were, as Qik had warned; predictable.
"Ma'am. This is not a bluff. You know I'm good, that's why you've let me train as I have, but I'm not *yours*. I never was, that was an error on your phycologist's part." The man repeated the lopel's words, whispered as they were whilst they had suited up for the mechs in the last few days.
"The lopel will betray you the second the price is right." The commander pointed out. Exactly as Qik had foreseen.
"Then I'll deal with it then and you can say 'told you so', but right now I need that contract." He pressed, tilting his head down a fraction. The geckin hissed again, but her eyes never left the human's. Casper may have blinked, if he was the same person he was when he had first arrived on the planet. But the young man that had arrived wasn't there anymore.
He felt his emotions were far away, sat inside a metal machine, just waiting for him to reattach. Any nervousness was lost to the grey fog that his mind had. The only reason he was so awake and aware was because of the stimulant Qik had slipped him weeks ago. He took a hit any day he wasn't planned to be inside his rig. He was at his weakest in this moment, yet could no show that to anyone in the room.
Seconds inched by before the geckin sneered and blinked, nodding to the human.
"Very well. You have my word. When this backfires, you might remember the geckin government was here at your beginning and allowed you to leave when asked. We could arrange recovery and a new contract. One you may find favourable." The small creature that could order his execution stated flatly.
"This was just business Ma'am. I know I had you over a barrel with this, but I'm not so dumb as to think you'd give me up that easily otherwise." Casper grinned a cold grin. One that 'showed teeth' but was devoid of warmth and happiness. It was a smile that the high commander understood and returned. Qik had said the geckin military would ultimately respect someone who can push their advantage in overwhelming odds. Any geckin understood that, especially after the ssypno hegemony had tried and failed to vassalize them as a species.
At least they hadn’t succeeded yet.
"You're going to be vicious." The high commander complimented, "With that aside, are you ready?" She asked curtly, all 'niceness' gone from her tone. Casper carefully let out a pent-up breath and mentally shook himself.
He was not a vicious person, not really...
But he did fine it...
In recent times to be disconnected. Still, that could have all backfired and blown up in his face if they had called his bluff. Even if Casper had called out for help to the GC on the wellness check, it would still take time for their closest craft to come and get him. Ample time for problems to appear and accidents to happen.
Before he could respond to her though, one of the media team piped up.
"Calls coming in, it's marked for his attention."
The high commander tilted her head and appraised the human.
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Sonic the Hedgehog and Digital Circus lovers, feast your eyes on THIS!
What is this AU?
Eggman's Incredible Egg Circus (can also be called E.I.E.C. for short or just Egg Circus), to put it simply, is a crossover AU which is basically The Amazing Digital Circus with characters from Sonic the Hedgehog! Every character is based off the TADC cast in some form or another, possessing their visual traits and a mixed personality except for Caineman (he retains Caine's personality). This AU pretty much sparked from me being a fan of both STH and TADC.
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In order, left to right:
Pomnic (Pomni + Sonic)
Tailer (Kinger + Tails)
Ragathamy (Ragatha + Amy Rose)
Gangream (Gangle + Cream)
Zoockles (Zooble + Knuckles)
Jaxnic (Jax + Sonic)
Caineman (Caine + Eggman)
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Bubble isn't here... I mean, it's not like we really need him, anyway.
Q: Can I make an OC for the AU?
A: Go ahead! Use the template for your OC's bio if need be. And make sure to include the tag #eggman's incredible egg circus au in your post or tag this blog!
Q: Can I make fanart?
A: Absolutely! Just don't lean too much into the weird side (well, you CAN do NSFW, but remember to use the appropriate CW/TW and be safe!). You can either use the submissions box or post the fanart yourself (tag this blog or my main blog (@/joshth647) OR include the tag #eggman's incredible egg circus au in your post for the latter, or you can just do both!).
Q: Are there any specific boundaries?
A: None that I can think of, really...
Q: Can I make fanfics?
A: S L A Y! I'm excited to see what you can cook up!
Q: Can I do character ships and/or ship what characters we want?
A: For official ships, there's three: Pomnic x Ragathamy (Sonamy/Buttonblossom), Tailer x Gangream (Taiream) and Jaxnic x Ragathamy (Sonamy [again]/Bunnydoll). You can also do whatever ship you like! Since I consider this a TADC AU, every TADC fanship (Buttonblossom, Bunnydoll, Ribbun, etc.) applies!
In case of any questions, the ask box is always open! I'm excited to answer any and every questions you guys have in mind!
Noteworthy Content:
Gangream Expressions
Jaxnic Expressions
Pomnic Expressions
Pomnic in TADFC (The Amazing Digital Fight Club/Boxer AU by @/burrotello
Pomnic and his Siblings (The Siblings Episode AU by @/sm-baby)
Pomnic and Jaxnic's Carnival Designs (Carnival AU by @/sm-baby)
Pomnic's First Design (used Advance Sonic as base)
Jaxnic's First Design
Ref Sheets:
Tailer and Zoockles
Lore Section:
[Reblogging is optional, but doing so would be much appreciated as I've put so much effort into making this AU! It also helps it get a bit of a signal boost.]
[ JoshTH ]
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ultrone · 1 year
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─ ౨ৎ ‧˚ oldersister!van who felt really happy when she found out that she was going to have a little sibling to play with when her parents weren’t home; but also felt bad for you because your home situation is kinda fucked—fucked as in you live in a trailer park and your dad was barely present.
it didn't really matter to you, though. it was fucked up, of course, and you often wished you had a stable household and a normal family. however, having such a supportive and caring sister made you forget about your situation most of the time.
─ ౨ৎ ‧˚ sum random hcs
very very chill person, allowing you the freedom to have fun and explore as much as you want without judgment; and thanks to this, y’all have a very trusting relationship, you never hide things from her cuz you know you don’t have to.
but even though she’s quite permissive, she’s protective as well. so yeah, you can have fun and experiment all you want, but she’s very strict in terms of making sure you’re safe.
so, one of the “rules” she set is that whenever you’re trying out something new, related to alcohol or drugs, you have to let her know what it is that you’re doing first, who you’re doing it with and where, so that she can come pick you up. and hard drugs are off-limits. you’re basically only allowed to drink or consume weed, maybe shrooms as well, if you manage to convince her.
she drives a gay ass pick up truck 🛻 and sometimes when she picks you up from school, she rolls down the windows and turns the volume up to 100% to embarrass you as you walk towards the car 😭
y’all live in the same trailer park as nat, so it’s not uncommon for the three of you to hang out late in the afternoon. after you’re done with your homework, you’ll often come out and see them chilling in some beach chairs at the top of your tailer, with beers in hand and looking at the sunset. you’ll come up and sit down in between them, joining in their conversation.
it’s very important for her that tai and you have a good relationship, so she often invites her over when you’re home so that the three of you can hang out—and luckily, tai and you got along very well and formed a great friendship.
she makes an effort to take you out for dinner at least once a month.
she’s a great storyteller; when you two were kids, you were very scared of thunder. however, whenever there was a storm, she'd get in bed with you and tell you stories while pointing at the ceiling with a lantern and making shadow figures with her hands. she’d also do this whenever your parents were fighting, entirely distracting you and getting you immersed in her stories.
she loves the smiths, their music always blasting out of her truck speakers. you literally lost count of the number of times you’ve heard her scream, "AND IF A DOUBLE DECKER BUS CRASHES INTO USSSS, TO DIE BY YOUR SIDE IS SUCH A HEAVENLY WAY TO DIE 😭😭," to taissa while holding her hand and shaking it dramatically as she drives.
sometimes she plays soccer with the other kids at the trailer park, you’ve joined them before but they always beat your ass 😭 getting humbled by 12 years olds ☠️ last time that happened nat and van made fun of you for DAYS, so you just stopped showing up LMAOO
she knows a lot about cars for some reason. once, you pranked her by saying that you got charged $200 for an oil change. she was literally about to beat the mechanic up until you told her you were filming her and that it was just a prank 😭
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soulsnatcher0xx · 1 year
Yandere Bully X Reader
Tittle: Prince Charming
It all started when you started going to your new school at 12grade just when your school is about to end but you have no choice but to switch schools because of your living situation. Your dad dies when you were a young age and ever since then your mother was a new person who started to whore herself out and soon enough, she hooks into drugs. Now you are working at a car shop to pay for your trailer home while you also go to school because of this you never bring friends over, not that you have friends anyway. You love learning, its the only things that keeps your mind off of thing but your smartness never go unnoticed by one person, and he was your school bully. Ever since you transfer school his green eyes was set on you. He was known as the troublemaker, drugs dealer of the school but smart when needed to be. He didn't understand why at first why he like you so much but he understands why when he saw you helping pick up books someone drop and you give them a warm smile. It make his pants tight and he cant wait to have fun with you and slowly watch you break because of him. He want to be the reason why you are crying every night. 
You sit alone at lunch every day, a table to yourself because it seems like no one wants to be friend with you and hated you. Until a boy with brown hair and deep forest green eyes came your way and sit right in front of you. your cheeks turn a shade of red because of this but not because you have a crush on him but no one care to be your friends and that makes your heart warm. You didn't say no words and continue looking down on your hand in your lap and you think the reason noone want to be your friends is because you are weird and not good on the eyes but to Shawn you were more then what meet the eyes. The past few days you got to know him and his family life and you notice he always seem to have friends unlike you but unknowing to you he have been following you and stalking you home. Weeks later his attitude toward you seem to change and he become more aggressive and mean to you and that kind of hurt because you have grown found of him. One day he lock you into the boys locker room and no one came to help you. He left you there though out the whole night and when he finally come back for you. He saw your eyes filling with tears and your cheeks red from all that crying. You push pass him and you swear on your dead father you never want to see him ever again. 
Since that day you stop going to school to give yourself time to think and in those times Shawn really started to miss you deeply. He kind of regret bullying you into tear. 
He went to your tailer home that day and for the first time he finally saw how you were living, and he felt guilt in his heart for all the time he push you around like some lost dog. He swear to himself that he would treat you better form now on. 
You were in your room, trying to take a nap, tired form all the work you been doing to pay the bills. you lay there with your hair spread out on your pillow, your eyes closed. When suddenly something grabs your ankle and before you can scream the tip of the blade was pressed against your windpipe and a hand cover your eyes. The person behind you press his chest closer to your back before speaking, “ shut up” was all he said before letting his hand fall and you blink your eyes to adjust to the light. “Shawn?” you ask him all confuse while he dig though your closet before you can question him anymore he came back with a piece of cloth in his hand and tied it around your eyes. He told you to turn around but when you didn't turn around he pushed you onto your bed and flip you over and man handling you. Forcing your arms painfully behind your back and then tying them up. You trash around but all that ever help was raise your skirt up and he can now see your black lace underwear. For a monument he just stood behind you before he speaks again, he inhale a deep breath and said 
“I want to take you far away from the world.” 
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angstintensifer · 6 months
My Ashlynn Ella headcanons
making this bc shes been my fav character in eah since like 2013 tehe
Ashlynn is autistic and one of her special interests are shoes and nature, as she has such strong feelings about caring for it and the environment in general.
I can also vouch for this as sometimes her dialogue consists of nature and her love for shoes, as an autistic person I know that we like to talk about our special interests a lot.
Ashlynn's love of shoes also comes from learning the story of Cinderella from her mother.
Ashlynn and her mother would bond over fashion and shoes when she was young, Ashlynn would also steal her mother high heels and always get them dirty by going out into the woods.
Ashlynn and her father aren't that close, he has a kingdom to run and doesn't care for animals or chores or shoes or anything Ashlynn finds interesting. He can often treat Ashlynn like a push over and tries to buy her love with money rather than spend time with her.
One of the reasons Ashlynn didn't want to marry a prince because of how they acted, entitled and royal, that is because of her father and how he treats the things Ashlynn and her mother care about. Instead Ashlynn wanted someone who shared her values and interests.
Ashlynn can communicate with animals and sometimes finds it easier to talk to them about her struggles instead of her friends, this would be more prominent in s1 when Ashlynn and Hunter's relationship was a secret. She would explain a date in detail to her pet Phoenix because she couldn’t tell anyone else.
She feels like she can be completely herself around animals, they don't hold judgement or resentment the way humans do.
Ashlynn always supported Briar's decision to not sign the storybook of legends as Ashlynn always hated the idea of losing Briar to her destiny.
Ashlynn has boundary issues and is a major push over, she has a hard time saying no to people and will put others needs before her own whether she likes it or not. This also ties into her Cinderella destiny as the step family in it constantly give Cindy orders that she complies too.
Certain people can see this clearly and will either help her through them (Briar, Apple, Crystel, Farrah, Hunter, basically anyone close to her)
or use them against her (Her future step sisters)
Ashlynn always makes sure any shoes sold at her shop are made from materials that did not come from animals. And sometimes the money she earns at the shop she gives to charity.
Her dream destiny is become an environmentalist and help the environment instead of becoming a princess, but she doesn’t like to admit it out loud because she’s afraid to pursue it as she feels she’ll be letting down everyone, her mother, Farrah and whoever her destined prince is.
She feels guilt very deeply, she felt guilty about lying to her friends about her relationship, she felt guilty for not wanting the amazing destiny she was determined to have.
Ashlynn is also a Tailer Quick fan and her favourite album is fearless.
The enchanted forest is her favourite place in ever after.
She adores ice skating and dancing with headphones because it lets her imagination run free and it exercises her energy.
She stims a lot but fidgeting with her hands, she needs something to do with her hands in order to focus. (Hunter once noticed this and asked her to make a flower crown for Pesky)
She’s terrible at making decisions under pressure and over thinks a lot. She gets her fashion design inspiration from the nature around her.
Ashlynn and Duchess aren't exactly friends but Ashlynn does feel bad for her, Duchess made her realise that she was taking her own destiny for granted when hers has a happily ever after and Duchess's story doesn't.
Ashlynn knows that if Duchess were to apologize for trying to expose her and Hunter. Ashlynn would forgive her.
Apple, Briar and her have been best friends since they were children, they are all very loyal to each other.
Ashlynn is a very private person so she doesn't like to be open about a lot of things about herself unless she's comfortable with someone. (most of the time its usually with animals)
Ashlynn is a light sleeper so when Briar snores sometimes, Ashlynn has ear plugs to help her sleep.
Ashlynn always gets early, she's a huge morning person and loves a walk in the sunrise.
Ashlynn and Raven became very good friends after legacy day, Ashlynn will never forget the hope she got after Raven didn't sign the book.
They definitely bond over being Tailer Quick fans.
Ashlynn and Cerise become friends after her and Hunters relationship is out. Ashlynn greatly respects Cerise and wanted to get to know her as she’s one of Hunters close friends.
After Cedar found out about Ashlynn and Hunter. Cedar became Ashlynn’s go to person to talk about the relationship (as we see in true hearts day)
Ashlynn dreads the day her mother will die and that she’ll only be left with her father.
While away at Ever After High, Ashlynn calls her mom very frequently, more so in legacy year because it felt all more real for Ashlynn that her mothers death was coming soon.
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shelby-fangirl00 · 1 year
Lie To Me-part two-(Irene (OC) x John Shelby x Tommy Shelby)
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Summary: Irene has been seeing John Shelby for a year now on and off. In John's absence, Irene begins to feel a pull towards Tommy.
Warnings: (MINORS DNI, 18+) smuuuut, swearing, drinking, MMF (slightly))
The next few days, all I could think about was my night spent with Tommy. It was refreshing to not be constantly thinking about what John was up to. I was getting ready to close up shop at work with one of the tailors I worked alongside with. It wasn’t hard to find work near Small Heath a year ago, with my background in dressmaking. This small fitting shop on the outskirts of Small Heath was owned by an older man, Rory. He was the closest tailer to town. I offered him my services a year ago and we have been working together to help both men and women now. I love the work I do, even though it was a bit of a walk to get there every day. 
I was sitting in the back work station alone, putting some finishing touches on an evening gown I had been working on for months now. It was a long and fitted forest green with golden lining. I held the dress up, marveling at the work I had done. Pulling my bottom lip in, I worried it wasn’t fancy enough for the socialite woman I was making it for. I decided to find Rory to ask him. 
‘Roryyyyyy….’ I sang casually as I made my way to the front of the building, dress in hands. I waltzed into the main area, to find a much younger and dashing man instead. I gasped a bit in surprise, not expecting to see Tommy standing alone, hands placed casually in the pockets of his perfectly tailored gray suit. Rory must’ve left for the day it was getting dark soon. 
‘Evening Thomas...’ I managed to squeak out as he smiled lightly a me. 
‘What’s that you have?’ he asked gesturing to the long gown. I looked down and back at him. ‘Oh…a dress I’ve been working on forever. Supposed to be picked up in the morning…’ My voice trailed off as my eyes fell back down on the dress. I studied it a few seconds longer before looking back at him. 
‘Want a second opinion?’ He asked, seemingly sensing that I was unsure of my work. I smiled walking closer to him. I laid the dress down on a longer table for him to examine. I watched as his eyes scrunched up and studied the dress. He let his fingers brush over the shimmery green fabric, looking back up at me with those sparkling eyes. 
‘I hope whoever is wearing it paid you well enough. It’s very beautiful, Irene. Then again, I’m no dressmaker so my opinion might not mean much to you.’ 
My face bloomed with color at his approval and a wide smile crept up my face. 
‘No, no it means a lot coming from you! Thank god, I’ve been in my head about it all,’ I giggled, grabbing the dress and placing it behind the front counter.
‘What’re you doing here anyways? I know you don’t come here for your fancy suites.’ I questioned, grabbing my jacket from behind the front door. 
‘No, I don’t. I was coming to see you, actually.’ My heart was fluttering at this point. His eyes never wavered from mine as he spoke. I stood there at a loss for words.
 ‘Arthur is throwing Polly a birthday party as the Garrison tonight. I wanted to extend the invitation. Polly has always liked having you around.’ I nearly fainted. John would most definitely be there too. My mouth went dry but I tried to conceal my nerves. 
‘I’d love to, thank you for thinking of me, Tommy.’ 
Walking up the cobbled sidewalks towards the Garrison, I clutched the small giftbox in my sweaty palms. It didn’t take long for me to hear the vibrato of instruments playing from inside. Muffled sounds of people yelling and laughing were nearly pouring out of the wide double doors. I didn’t know what the hell I was supposed to be wearing, so I just wore a simple black dress that hugged my frame nicely and hung off my shoulders, exposing my neck and chest. A simple pearl necklace hung from my neck, accentuating my cleavage nicely. I chose to leave my hair down in its natural wavy state. My lips were covered in a light shade of red that matched my blushed cheeks. 
‘Irene!’ A familiar feminine but strong voice yelled immediately after I entered the bright and lively bar. 
I smiled wide as I drew her into a hug. “Happy Birthday! God, you look gorgeous in that dress!’ 
Her beautifully crooked smile made my heart swell. Her presence was always breathtaking. Her fire-red dress glimmered off of the twinkling chandeliers in the room. 
‘Thank you, love! You look stunning, as always. I was so happy to hear from Tommy that you were coming!’ 
I smiled, handing her the small box I had been carrying. A red bow rested on top. 
‘Oh, dear that was not necessary!’ Her laugh was cut off by a gasp when she opened the box. Resting inside was a sparkling hair comb that was studded in white rhinestones. I had stayed a little later at the shop after Tommy had invited me tonight. I decided to quickly make something small and elegant for Polly, something I knew she’d appreciate. 
‘Did you make this?!’ I giggled and shook my head yes. 
‘I’ll definitely have to keep this hidden from Ada, its beautiful! I hope it didn’t take up too much time?’ She asked me, concerned. 
‘It was no trouble at all, Polly! Happy birthday again! I need to grab a drink, I’ll see you soon, yeh?’
‘You surely will, dear!’ She sang as she drunkenly but confidently pushed through the tall crowd of eyeing men. 
I made my way past the lumps of people, finally making it to the end of the bar. I took my glass in hand and rounded back through the bar just to be shoved face first into John’s chest. His eyes were surprisingly bright with interest, not glazed over from drinking. 
Instinctively, I smiled up at his dazzling features. His hair was slicked back, unmoving and a toothpick hung from the end of his splitting smile. There were so many people around that we were practically squished together. I was suddenly very aware of the height difference between us. I was nearly 5’2’’. He was looking down at me in a hungry way.
‘You look very handsome tonight, Mr. Shelby.’ I giggled as his greedy hands swiveled around my wide hips, squeezing all of me between his fingers in a way that might have been inappropriate in this crowded bar. I couldn’t care less. We rarely saw each other outside of my dark flat. I was practically melting in his strong arms, I loved that he was being affectionate in front of his friends and colleagues. It made me feel special, stupidly. 
‘And you look good enough to taste, love.’ He whispered in my ear before planting a soft and quick kiss to the exposed skin on my neck. I was so responsive to him, it was embarrassing. I couldn’t help how my back arched towards him slightly; he was intoxicating to be around. 
I attempted to laugh in order to play off how tightly wound up I was. 
‘You’ll have to work for that from now on.’ I shot him a wicked grin before turning on my heels back to the bar. John was on my heels, though, which is what I wanted. Somehow, through the crowd of people, he jumped in front of me, stopping me in my path.
‘Listen, I tried to stop by. But I got stuck at the bloody fights with Arthur. He was so fucking drunk. I couldn’t leave him there alone. I would’ve stopped by if I could’ve.’ He said all this while holding his hands gently in mine. His eyes were waiting for an answer, to forgive him, like I always do so easily. 
‘You could’ve told me that days ago.’ I sighed out.
‘Yes, I should’ve, but I’m an arse and didn’t. Forgive me?’ He pleaded, pouting his bottom lip out. 
I took a sip of my drink before placing it back onto the bar, getting a good look at him now. I didn’t want to think about my complicated feelings for John or how he blew me off. The only thing I could think about was how badly I needed him to touch me. “Let’s have this conversation another time, yeh? I want to have fun tonight.’ You said before shoving a drink at him. 
He studied me for a few seconds, before letting go of the protest in his mind. ‘Fine by me, love.’ He laughed before downing his drink. 
An hour had passed and John couldn’t keep his hands off of me, which I didn’t mind. We sat at the bar and the conversation and jokes came naturally, like they always do. On the other side of the bar though, I could feel Tommy’s eyes watching me. Every time I looked up at him from the opposite end of the bar, his eyes were already on me. Shyly, I always looked away. But I was now several shots in. I didn’t want to admit that I liked his eyes on me. God what is wrong with me? I finally get John’s attention and now I can’t stop thinking about him and his brother?
John was shouting at the bartender about more shots and joking around with the other men sitting near us. I took the moment to lift my eyes up to meet Tommy’s, and I almost floated over to him before stopping myself. His intense stare never broke. He chuckled from across the bar as I instinctively nibbled my bottom lip at my wandering thoughts. God, what I would let that man do to me.
Breaking me out of my thoughts, I felt John’s warm hand slide up my thigh, eating me up with his eyes. My skin broke out in goosebumps and my breath hitched. I could still feel him watching us from across the room. 
John’s eyebrows creased in question, until he found where my line of vision kept wandering off to. He shot a devilish look back at me. 
‘Tommy told me about his little visit with you the other night.’ Shit. My heart fucking sank. 
I sat there in silence, not knowing what to say in order to keep John from completely freaking out and causing a scene. I wondered why he hadn’t already if he had known Tommy came over,
To my surprise, he started to giggle, sensing the rigidness in my body. To my surprise, he lifted my chin up and planted a sweet but passionate kiss to my lips, knowing that his brother was looking. I couldn’t help the satisfied whimper coming from the back of my throat that only John could’ve heard. I was melting in his hands. He pulled back and smiled. ‘Stop worrying, Irene. You’re a free woman, you can do as you please…whether that’s me or my brother…or both of us.’ 
My hand clamped down on his thigh, squeezing it in comfort. ‘John…nothing happened with me and Tommy.’ He smiled down at me cheekily, already sensing the hesitation in my voice. He already knew exactly how I felt about Tommy. 
‘That doesn’t mean you didn’t want something to happen. Doesn’t even mean it won’t happen eventually’ he leaned in to whisper, ‘Is that what you want, love? You want the both of us? It’s written all over you. You’re such a greedy girl.’ He giggled in a haunting way as his fingers brushed the exposed skin on my arm. The room seemed to spin and I couldn’t believe the words coming out of John’s mouth. I never would’ve expected John, the most possessive man alive right next to his brothers, would be ok with sharing. 
‘What’re you two love birds whispering about?’ Tommy’s low voice boomed from behind us. My eyes shot up to meet his beautiful blue eyes. 
‘Tommy! Perfect timing, brother. We were just talking about you.’ Tommy’s eyebrows curved in curiousity. 
‘Yeh? What about me?’ He sat on the stool next to me, placing me right between the two of them. 
‘I think Irene’s got a little crush on you!’ He yell-whispered to Tommy sarcastically across from me. I shoved his arm harshly to hide the glow on my cheeks. 
‘Jesus John!’ I scolded, making the both of them chuckle in an eerily calm and collected way. Had they already talked about this together? 
‘Is that true, Irene?’ Tommy laughed.
I shoved my face into my hands in embarrassment. “I’m not drunk enough for this.’ I sighed.
A strong hand found its way to the small of my back, making me straighten out. Only, the hand that was rubbing small circles into my back was Tommy’s, not Johns. 
My eyes shot between the both of them in shock. 
‘How about John and I walk you back home, hm? Is that ok with ya?’ Both of their eyes were planted on me, not bothering to notice the entire mob of people around us. My hands grew clammy and my red cheeks bled down my chest.
‘I’d like that.’ 
The walk back to my place was short. Full of constant laughter and chatter. John annoyed Tommy the whole way there and I couldn’t help but admire the way they bickered back and forth. I never got to see the two of them together like this, so playful. Tommy always had a layer of seriousness, but some of those walls seemed to crash down in John’s company. It was hard to be in a bad mood with him around. 
As we approached the front door of my flat, I turned to face them, they both stood shoulder to shoulder, waiting for me to speak. I had a feeling on how this night was going to play out and I couldn’t miss the opportunity. I didn’t want the night to end. I’d love to live in this tipsy and light state forever. 
‘You’re coming inside, aren’t you? Or is it past your bedtimes?’ I giggled as I fiddled with the keys and doorknob. 
John threw his head back and clutched the front of his coat dramatically. ‘Christ, I thought you’d never ask!’ He laughed before pushing past Tommy and through the front door. 
All three of us sat around my kitchen table playing cards and drinking for a while. The tension would’ve been air tight if it wasn’t for John breaking the ice by making jokes all night. I couldn’t ignore all of the small touches both Tommy and John were giving me. Tommy’s hand would brush across my back occasionally, but nothing more. John was less subtle, sneaking kisses and sitting inches away from me.  
‘I missed you this week, Irene.’ He sighed, leaning forward and pulling my chair forcefully in front of his. As soon as we were practically nose-to-nose, he enveloped me in a searing kiss. His lips moved slowly but no less passionate. His hands slid down my back slowly, stopping at my ass and squeezing lightly. I playfully pushed him off, laughing. Tommy was still seated beside me and John, watching. 
‘John, don’t manhandle me in front of your brother, you’ll make him uncomfortable.’ I half-joked. 
John threw his head back in laughter. ‘Tommy doesn’t get uncomfortable. I’m sure that’s the last thing he’s feeling right now.’ 
I looked back to Tommy who seemed even more angelic up-close. He had shed his jacket and was only in a white button down, his gun holster strapped around his shoulders and chest, showing how large this man actually was. I looked at him in question, never knowing what he was thinking.
‘Come here.’ He said in such a deadly tone that I could never disobey. I looked back at John for a reaction or some sort of protest, but there was none. In fact, he was silent. His eyes seemed to almost turn black as he watched me in anticipation.
I slowly stood up, walking a few steps to stand right above him. His dangerous star made me shiver. I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to be doing, just standing here in front of him. Sensing my nervousness, Tommy was level to my stomach. His eyes never left mine when he reached up to caress the skin under my dress. As his hand squeezed softly around me, he took note of the way my body relaxed. 
Still sitting lazily in the chair from under me, he used his foot to kick my leg open. All in one motion, he grabbed my hips tightly, and led me to cradle his lap. I yelped slightly, not expecting this all to move so quickly, but I wasn’t upset about it. I was full of excitement which weighed out my nervousness. 
I could hear John moving back and forth in his seat, but all I could focus on right now was how close my face was to Tommy’s. All of my senses were filled with him. I rested my hands on his shoulders as his hands slid up to cup my face before reaching up to kiss me. My body pressed into his chest, instantly feeling addicted to the taste of him and the feeling of his mouth on mine. Sparks shot through my body at every touch and every movement he made. His lips were soft and plump, fighting for dominance. Quickly, his tongue snuck its way into my mouth, teasing me slightly. A loud moan crept up my throat and I could feel Tommy smirk into the kiss, satisfied with the effect he had on me. His hands slid up my back to unzip the back of my dress. 
All too quickly, Tommy pulled away, leaving us both breathless. His eyes were wild and full of desire. I smiled down at him before he spoke. ‘How about we make John watch us play as a punishment for neglecting this needy body.’ 
I heard John chuckle eerily from behind us. I turned my head around and raised a questioning eyebrow at him.
‘No fair! I don’t get to play?’ He whined childishly. 
‘I told you that you’d have to work a little harder from now on.’ I teased at him. 
He slouched back in his chair, spreading his legs a bit farther apart, giving me a challenging look. Finally, he nodded to me in a sort of agreement. 
‘Irene.’ My name coming off Tommy’s lips like this almost put me in a trance. I would do anything he wanted when he said my name like that. 
I stood up, leading Tommy to my bed which was only a few steps from where John was in my tiny flat. As I plopped down, John scooted his chair in the direction of us. 
‘Are you sure you want this?’ He sat beside me on the bed, squeezing my hand lightly. 
I shook my head a bit too eagerly. ‘I trust you.’ His lips crashed back into mine. I was still aware of John’s eyes watching us and the small sounds he was making from his chair. 
Tommy’s hands brushed down my skin as he pushed the rest of my unzipped dress down. Tommy eyed every inch of exposed skin. 
He pushed his holsters off his shoulders swiftly, tossing them the floor. My hands greedily unbuttoned his shirt to expose his tight chest that was sprinkled in small scars and a couple tattoos I didn’t know about. 
My hands fell into his soft hair as he inched down my body, not hesitating when pushing past the fabric covering my pussy. Completely naked now, he pushed my thighs apart, letting both himself and John get a view of my pussy. I felt so vulnerable and so exposed to both of them, but the nerves quickly left as Tommy’s head lowered between my legs, letting his fingers graze down my slit. He dipped his finger into my tight hole, collecting the slick wetness into his finger. He watched my face methodically as he sucked the finger into his mouth. 
‘She tastes so sweet, doesn’t she?’ John said huskily as he began to fidget with his zipper, struggling to not stroke himself off. 
Tommy’s eyes were focused on me when he spoke next. “Sweeter than I ever imagined.’ 
Tommy leaned over my body, pushing his lips onto mine, letting me taste myself on his tongue. I inhaled sharply at the contact. My hands shot to his pants, quickly fumbling with the zipper. I wrapped my hand around his throbbing cock, pulling it free. He grunted loudly, giving me a boost of confidence. 
‘Are you ready for me?’ He whispered in my ear, setting me on fire again. I needed him inside of me now. 
‘Please, I need to feel you, Thomas.’ His face softened instantly for a few quick seconds at the use of his real name. He lined himself up with my entrance, staring into my eyes with such passion that I’d never seen before. Pushing his way inside me slowly, he hissed, but his gaze never wavered. He pushed deeper and deeper until bottoming out with a small whimper that made me tighten around him. I felt so full, but in the best way possible. His lips hovered over mine as his forehead fell onto mine. He adjusted to the tightness of me before moving again. 
‘Christ, you feel incredible.’ He said, finally pulling all the way out and pounding back inside of me over and over again, make me gasp for air. Lost in the sensations, I wrapped my legs around his waist, clawing lightly at his muscular back. Finding my center, I peeked over at John, who was now standing to get a better look at me. He was stroking his cock in time with Tommy’s thrust, chest heaving up and down frantically.
Reality suddenly set in as I watched John, thinking he might hate this. Would he be upset with me for this later? Am I betraying him like this?
Tommy must’ve noticed my body’s rigidness and the nervous look on my face. He pushed my face back under him, holding my head in place with both his strong hands as he fucked me so gently now. Each gentle thrust helped me fall farther into the moment with him. I relaxed around him finally, allowing him to move a bit faster. 
‘You’re doing such a good job, love. Focus on me, yeh? Make him pay for not worshipping this beautiful pussy.’ God, I couldn’t deny how sexy this was.
His thrust were slow and deep now, drawing every moan out of me for Tommy to devour. My hips started to meet his in a steady rhythm, fucking myself up into him. My hands were everywhere, falling down his chest and caressing back up to his pretty face panting over me. His breath held a strong scent of whiskey, sending my head spiraling. 
‘Does my cock feel better than his? I know it does. Tell me how good I feel inside you.’ He said in a slightly submissive and approval seeking way, whispering so that I was the only one to hear him. I couldn’t deny that this felt so much different than with John. This was all so unfamiliar and exciting. Tommy had a way about himself that I couldn’t explain. 
‘God, you feel amazing in me Tommy. I feel so full of you.’ I panted into him, only for his ears to hear. A small chuckle escaped him and he pressed his lips onto my neck again. I turned to face John who was about to come undone.
Before I could think, Tommy pulled me up to his chest before flipping me over, so that I was on-top of him. He looked stunning laying underneath me like this. His eyelids were heavy and his chest was heaving up and down. It started to feel like it was just Tommy and I here alone in my room. 
I pressed my hands firmly into his chest as I fucked myself down on his dick. I threw my head back and focused on my movements. I was bouncing up and down so harshly, each time I moved down, a loud grunt left Tommy, edging me on. His hands grabbed firmly onto my hips and he fucked up into me so much more harshly. I gasped, mouth hanging open and unable to move. Each time his cock shot up into me, I came closer and closer to the edge of my building orgasm. 
‘You’re close?’ He panted out, redirecting my attention on his angelic features. I shook my head yes, unable to form words right now. His hand moved down in-between us, rubbing fast and tight circles into my clit. I clamped my eyes shut, trying to contain the building pressure. I was a total goner now.
I felt his soft hands gently brush across my face, making my lids flutter open.
‘I am too. Come for me, love. Can you do that?’ He said, still fucking my core relentlessly.  
‘Yes, Tommy…I’m gonna come…’ I moaned out loudly before the flood gates broke open. My mouth hung in a silent cry and my hands clawed down his chest. I came so hard around him black spots clouded my vision. My entire body slowly lit on fire, every inch of my body shaking with pleasure. I came harder than I ever have in that moment. Tommy lifted my ass up with his hands and fucked me through the extreme pleasure. His thrusts became sloppy as his orgasm followed close behind mine. With a few final thrusts, I watched his face contort and then finally relax completely as his hot cum filled me up completely, spilling out the sides of me. I might become obsessed with this expression. After what felt like minutes of whimper and moans of bure bliss, I laid my head on his chest, still buried onto his cock. I felt him twitch inside of me as I tried to catch my breath. His hands rubbed up and down my back lightly, reminding me that we had company here still. It was so silent, the only sounds that filled the room were the panting coming from me and Tommy. He stared up at me in awe, giving me the softest smile that made me melt. I never wanted him to leave my bed. 
Finally, I moved off of him, falling to his side and turning to look at John who was fully clothed again, looking a bit pissed off. I hadn’t even known he had came and recomposed himself all while we were fucking. Did I not hear him at all?
‘If I didn’t know any better, I would’ve guessed you two were in love. The fuck was all that about?’
Taglist: @lyarr24
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
can i req jax x reader angst? o-(-( been brainrotting on this idea for so long now; jax goes a little overboard with his joke or prank and reader gets upset by it.. but he doesnt really approach reader to say sorry for a while because he doesnt really know how to? so it worsens the situation? thank uuu!!!!
Severed ties (jax x reader)
There will be NO!!!! Comfort here!!! I want pain!!
Written this as platonic !!
Not proof read and written on mobile!! Yahoo!!
Honestly I love writing angstier stuff, like
Idk I like exploring the topic and the feelings
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Jac in general does not seem like the type of person to apologize. It hurts his pride and ego, and really in his eyes everything he does is "all in good fun", or as a means to entertain... himself, mostly
What, is he supposed to apologize because his little joke made someone upset? That's his thought process, I think. Like unless there are huge consequences or he is actively trying to better himself I really don't think he would give a sincere apology, you know?
Like imma be so real here, I know I usually portray jax as a prankster but so far he's worse than that. He has pushed gangle at least twice (in the pilot, and in her tailer), he stepped on her mask and knowing him I wouldnt be surprised if it was on purpose. He just. Ripped zoobles arm off (like yeah sure it doesnt look like it hurts and it can be reattached, but its the idea that he just disrespects them like that), throwing a bowling ball at kinger, ect ect ect
Like I think I down play how mean jax can be
I think a lot of this is caused by the digital world; given that hes probably gotten way too comfortable with the fact you cant get severely injured in the digital world or hahe any long lasting physical damage, you know?
Anyways onto the actual request
I think it's less likely to happen if this is a romantic relationship because I think at that point in time you guys respect each other enough to not be goofy and communicate stuff. As well as this, this prompts jax to try to tone it down.. can also see this happening if you guys are close friends
So really this can only happen if you guys are only like. Normal level friends, because otherwise jax at least learns remorse and tries to be less. Uehdjcf.. you know?
Like I love jax as a character and I enjoy writing him but I'm realizing just how assholish he is based on the pilot
Honestly to be friends with jax you're going to have to be able to have some kind of tolerance to his more tame everyday stuff... imma be nice and assuming the stuff he does above isnt in his usual league of asshole-ness... or maybe it is? I dunno
But some prank he pulls goes too far, and he laughs at you. Probably takes to down play it if you're actually upset, trying to dismiss it as a good ol fashion joke
If he gives an apology it's a half assed one
This leads to you not talking to him as much anymore, if at all
In fact, you may even go as far as to avoiding him during IHAs
And you know what
At first he thinks you're just being sour over his little practical joke
But overtime as you continue to bold your ground he starts to... actually feel bad
And if he does ever sincerely apologize, its likely two late
That's also assuming you dont abstract before then
God can you imagine that, I mean what's worse? Never being able to apologize because the person is effectively dead, or apologizing and not being forgiven?
I think this would push jax to try to tone down his antics
Like he wont totally stop, but it will definitely go back to the light hearted fun I like to headcannon it being when he first joined the circus.. before it got all.. meaner..
Boredom does terrible things to someone and given that the consequences of losing your mind in this place are huge.. I can't help but understand jax a little, assuming my headcannon is correct
Though again he might just be an asshole
While your friendship may be dead and buried now, at least jax learned a lesson that actions do in fact have consequences
And hopefully it sticks
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sachiko1309 · 1 year
Tell me, my little starlight
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Just imagine this man staring you down with that determination... I couldn't. He would have me folded on the ground in seconds. (sorry for my babbling)
Summary: Haldir comes home to his wife wearing something to get him riled up.
This post was made in favor for @justpostsyeet
They also had the idea of Haldir coming home to see his wife in this certain dress. (they because I didn't ask for their pronouns, because I am stupid. I opted for writing a female reader since I am a woman and the request didnt specify the gender. Also I am not good at doing M/M, forgive me. I might some day be able to do it, but now my style is somewhat limited to F/M.)
Word count: 2549
Warnings: Pure smut, not much plot, praising kink, riled up and rough Haldir, aftercare, minors DNI
It was a warm day. The evening just rolling around, sun starting to set in beautiful orange and red colors, when I decided to wear the dress, I had a tailor make. Keeping it a secret from my ever so observant husband was difficult, not to say nearly impossible. But I managed. I had the tailer hold on to it for a while, waiting for my husband to go on patrol again.
Now it was time to bring it out. It was made out of emerald green satin, Haldirs favorite color, since it reminded him of the rich color of the Lórien forest. The dress was floor length, without any straps, accentuating my breasts. A high cut reached to the top third of my left thigh. I knew the moment I made the sketch, that I would never be able to wear it in public, since it was nothing within the range of elven fashion, but it reminded me of a dress I once was gifted by an old friend of my past.
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Walking around the Talan, Haldir and I shared, tidying up some books, preparing something to eat. I knew he would come home hungry, even though he always insisted it wasn’t that bad and that he could wait for the official dinner. Shaking my head, I let out a light giggle.
“What is amusing you, meleth?” Haldirs voice ripped me out of my thought. He was home. Finally.
I swirled around running towards him and jumping in his arms. “Herven!” I squealed, when he twirled us around, neck cuddled in my hair. He started to cover me in kisses, smothering my face, my neck, my half covered chest, before he stopped and held me at arm’s length to take a proper look at me. His eyes turning darker, the longer he looked. “Tell me you haven’t worn that the whole day for everyone to see!” I tilted my head. “And what if I did?” I teased. Of course, I didn’t, but making him think otherwise was just to pleasing to not do it. He let out a low growl. “You are mine! No one gets to see you like that!” His possessiveness was radiating off of him in thick, strong waves, washing a hot desire through my body. Pulling me back into his arms, he picked me up walking towards the bedroom.
“Haldir stop!” I exclaimed. “You are sweaty, dirty, and somehow stink of swamp. Get a bath before you get all of that filth into the bed!” Without a second thought he turned around heading towards the bathroom. I already set out a bath for him, knowing he would come home looking like a stray. “The only filthy thing in here is you.” He growled, setting me down on the chair next to the tub. “Making me take a bath, while looking like that.”
Laughing I leaned back in the chair, spreading my legs for him to see, I wasn’t wearing anything underneath. “What a shame, isn’t it?” I moaned, watching him fighting his desire to fuck me right then and there. In no time he was riding himself from his clothes, carelessly throwing them on to the ground. He sank into the tub, facing me. The moment he was fully submerged he let out a low groan, visibly relaxing in the hot water.
When he opened his eyes, they were nearly black, from lust. “Touch yourself!” He demanded; voice hoarse.
“What?” I asked, unsure if I heard correct.
“Touch. Your. Self.” He repeated, heavily pronouncing every syllable. “If you decided to look that fucking tempting, you might as well give me a show.” Smirking he leaned back, waiting for me to start.
“I…” My voice broke under his look. Fuck. I planned to rile him up, to at least get some sort of control, but there he was, sitting in the tub, like nothing happened. The amount of power this man held, was unthinkable. “Don’t you dare get all shy on me now.” He purred. “I know you touch yourself, when I am not home. Show me how you do it. Show me how you cum, just by the thought of me.”
I blushed at his words. Slowly letting my trembling fingers wander down my body. “Good girl.” He coed. “Spread those legs.”
Uncertain of what to expect and do, I started to gently sink a finger into my hole, collecting my wetness and spreading it all over my pearl. “Tell me, my little starlight. How often do you touch yourself, when I am gone?” His low voice sending shivers down my spine and I could feel myself getting wetter by the second. His eyes trapping me in.
“Everyday.” I answered truthfully, starting to rub circles around my clit.
“And what are you thinking about, when you do?” He pressed on.
“You.” I whispered, feeling the tension rising in my body.
“Uh… uh… Describe it. I want you to tell me every little detail. And then when you are finished, I will act out everything you just said.” He murmured, voice low, eyes trained on my body. Then he snapped out of his hazy state, starting to clean himself, smirking at me biting my lip.
The whole situation was so new, so filthy I felt like I was sinning. But it felt way to good, to stop now. I wanted to cum for him, show him, how good he could make me feel without laying one single finger on me. “I think about the way you fuck me. How you are pressing me down into the sheet, taking me like I belong to you.” I bit my lip to suppress a moan.
“How am I taking you? Details, meleth.” He corrected me.
“From behind. Pressing my face in the cushions, one leg hiked up. You are going hard, kissing me, biting me.” I cried out, slowly falling for the fire in my body. Letting it spread. He hummed at my words. “What are you feeling, when I do that to you?”
“I…” A moan interrupted my speech and I had to hang my legs over the armrests to keep them from closing. “I feel good. Owned, desired, wanted.”
“Hmmm… What a good little girl you are for me.” He had his eyes closed, listening to the soft whimpers, slipping over my lips, the filthy wet sounds from my pussy. I was getting close, clenching around nothing, hissing in desperation.
“Stop!” He commanded and I froze.
“Please, Haldir. I am close. I need to cum, please!” I begged, twitching on my chair.
“No.” He smirked. “I am the only one making you cum. And since you wanted to torture me with that dress, you don’t get to cum, unless I allow you to. Show me what a good, obedient girl you can be and wait.”
He interrupted me: “No buts. You listen to me, understood?” He ordered. Eyes squinted and waiting for my answer. Everything in me screamed to obey him, but today wasn’t that day to please him. Today was my day. “And what if I don’t?” I asked, innocently. Putting the hand back, on my core, playing with my folds. Showing off how wet I was for him.
“I warn you, bereth. There will be consequences, if you don’t.” He growled, but not making any attempt to physically stop me. I kept on pleasuring myself, while simultaneously opening my dress and bunching it around my middle. Now I was completely bare in front of him. Pussy dripping, nipples perky and wanting to be touched. “What consequences?” I breathed, letting my free hand roam around my breast, squeezing them like he did.
“Ten hits. Each side.” He whispered; his voice strained.
“Oh yes please!” I moaned, circling my clit faster, to push me over the edge of my orgasm. My breathing went rigid, legs trembling and my core convulsing around nothing. I felt my arousal run down my hole, making a mess over my fingers and on the dress. But I didn’t care. Chasing my orgasm like an alcoholic chased for the next bar.
“Meleth!” Haldir growled, but it was already to late. I came fast and hard. Head lulling back in satisfaction, legs shaking and my whole body trembling.
“Okay. That’s it.” With strong movements he got out of the tub, pulling me into a stand. Then he ripped the dress from my body, nearly ruining it. He took a seat in the chair I came in seconds ago, bending me over his lap. His erection was pressing hard and hot against my side and I let a hand wander towards it. He yanked my arms forward. “You don’t get to touch me.” He was angry. I could hear it, but it was making me squirm in anticipation. Pressing me down with one arm he said: “Count!”
A sharp pain shot through my body. “One.”
The next hit made me jolt forward. “Two.”
By the seventh hit, I felt the tears stream down my face. My ass was burning, my core aching for his touch. The tenth hit had me squirming underneath him. Soothingly he rubbed my ass cheeks. “You are doing so good for me. Why is it, that I always need to put up a harsher tone for you to listen?” I whimpered, when his fingers ran through my folds, smearing the slick over my behind. “So wet for me.” He murmured, more to himself than to me. “Sometimes I wonder, what I did, in order to deserve such a beautiful yet filthy wife. Always eager to please me, are you not?”
“Yes, Commander.” I whined, pushing my body backwards to get more of his fingers, but he pulled back. “No, no, no. I am not finished with you yet, remember? I said ten on each side. We are only half way through.”
The next slap, had me cry out in pain. “Eleven!” He had no mercy with me. Of course, he was not using his full elven strength on me, but it was surely enough to bruise my skin. I wouldn’t be able to walk or sit properly for the next few days, but who cares? It felt way to good, to call in my safe word now.
When he was finished, he let his hand rest on my backside. The heat from his fingers burning on the tortured skin. Suddenly he yanked me from his lap, throwing me over his shoulder. Without any care in the world, he tossed me on the bed, quickly following behind. Manhandling me onto my stomach. “Hands over your head!” He ordered and I followed blindly. His big hand taking both of my wrists in his, the other hand hiking up my right leg. Teasingly he let his cock run through my wetness, spreading it more. Only sinking in with the tip, before he pulled out again, leaving me wanting for more.
“Please, Haldir. I need more.” I whimpered, raising my hips to get more of him. “Beg!” He growled.
“Please. I need you, herven. Please let me have you. Fill me up. I want you to take me, please.” I begged, eliciting low moans from him. And then he thrusted into me, with one hard push, bottoming out. It had me screaming in surprise and satisfaction. I wasn’t used to his size anymore, but he didn’t give me any time to adjust, pounding into me. My cries of pain, were soon suffocated by moans of pleasure. I felt whole again, having him, towering over my smaller frame, using me to his will, while groaning at me twitching pussy.
“Fuck, meleth.” He hissed. “I missed that tight little pussy of yours. The way you take me, clenching around my cock like a sweet vixen.”
“I missed you too.” Was what I wanted to say, but all I got out where some incomprehensible moans. But somehow Haldir seemed to pick on to what I was saying, because I felt his lips kissing my neck. “I know, little starlight. I know.” His voice was strained, barely sounding human, making me twitch. He grinned at my skin. “You are perfect for me. My perfect, little wife. Mine to please. Mine to protect. All mine.”
The words he said, made my body call out for him. The knot in my stomach tightening. My release was rushing towards me like a hawk dropped for its prey. “Haldir!” I whined. “I am close. Let me cum. Please.”
“You want to cum around my cock? Make a mess on me?” He asked, lips directly next to my ear, sending shivers down my spine.
“Yes!” I mewled.
“Have you been a good girl?” He inquired. “Do you think you deserve to cum, after all you did to me today?”
“Please, I am sorry.” I apologized.
“Yeah, you should be. What do you think you, wearing that beautiful dress of yours, when I come home from patrol, did to me? The way you tried to take away control, like a brat? Do you believe that’s what good girls do?” He murmured. Teasing me, but never slowing down. I shook my head, biting back the orgasm approaching me.
“No, it is not. It is something bad girls do.” He agreed. My orgasm was so close, that I could help myself but, scream his name. “Haldir, please. I need…” But I wasn’t able to finish. “Cum!” He ordered, pressing my face in the cushions, to cease my cry. My body was violently shaking, trembling under him. He never once slowed down, thrusting into me in search for his own release. The brutal way he set, way my sore pussy twitching around him and my desperate attempt to wriggle out of his hold, made him cum.
I could feel the thick ropes of cum, oozing into me. He slowed his movements, once again kissing my skin. “You did so well, so, so good for me. Thank you, meleth.” He whispered, letting go of my arms and pulling out. Then he turned us around, tucking me under his chin. His long fingers stroking my skin, easing the soreness away, that started to spread. “I love you. So much, you hear me?”
I nodded, not in a position to say anything. “You are safe with me. I will always protect you.” He went on whispering sweet nothings into my ear. I could feel his seeds starting to drip out of my core, involuntary moving to get the sticky feeling to stop. He picked on to my unease, rolling me onto my back. “Lets get you cleaned up, shall we?” With that he got up from the bed, trotting towards the bathroom, returning minutes later with a wet cloth.
I hissed at the cold feeling, but I let him clean the slick and cum from my legs, my butt and finally my core. His touches were careful and loving, sending me into a sleepy state. Then he was gone again. I felt the bed dip under his weight moments later, instinctively cuddling to his side. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a warm embrace, covering us with the blanket. “Sleep, my starlight. I will wake you when its time for dinner.” Was the last thing I could make out, before I drifted in a deep slumber.
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How I imagine Haldir would look at his loved one. No big facial expression, just this mans eyes... :)
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finnglas · 5 months
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TW: Pet illness
So, Miss Evie got some not-great news from the vet. She has a lesion on the underside of her tongue that got biopsied and came back as being a squamous cell malignancy. We are just now getting started getting her set up and consulting with a vet oncologist to see what her best route forward is, so I don't have a specific amount of money that I know we're going to need for her treatment yet, but I'm sure it's not going to be a small one.
I've reopened my line editing services in anticipation, so if you know anyone who needs editing, send 'em here: [Link to tumblr post]
I also of course have books for sale at payhip.com/juleskelleybooks and as Jules Kelley on most e-tailers, including Amazon. If you have an indie book shop you love and want to support, my paperbacks can be ordered through them as well -- and if you have a library that takes requests, I do also get paid for library orders that won't cost you anything. :)
And if you can't afford a full edit, or don't need one, but still want to toss a coin or two into Miss Evie's medical fund, I have the typical ko-fi, paypal, and venmo avenues available. Please only donate if you can afford to. I know times are tough and money is tight for a lot of people, and K and I both have full time salaried jobs and a good safety net. This is going to hit us pretty hard and it won't be pretty, but we're not going to be on the street because of it, so please don't put yourself or your safety at risk. Just send us good vibes, light a candle, pray to whomever you typically would pray to, that sort of thing.
ko-fi.com/A076AW9 paypal.me/JulesKelley venmo.com/u/finnglas
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jayrockin · 2 years
Do humans and/or GMH still get periods, or has the future gotten rid of that without outside modifications?
Sorry to say it but the human menstrual cycle is still around, and it's still the default. Even for unisex GMH, like tailers. Birth control methods have gotten more sophisticated with less side effects, though, so if you want to turn off the monthly organ lining exodus it's a lot easier.
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myers-meadow · 1 year
Gaunter O'Dimm x reader headcanons
Warnings: mention of sex. Sfw. Enjoy!!
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he finds swearing/cursing rude and doesnt use cursewords lightly
if you're struggling with something, like opening a jar, he just stands and watches you. He only helps when you specifically ask for it.
I dont hc him as toxic in a relationship, but if he is, it's bc he keeps score too much. He won't let things go and doesn't forgive easily (or at all).
sometimes he'll be floating around in tailer's sit, just hanging out with you <3
there will be times when you miss him, as there isn't really a way to contact him.
you wake up with sweet little notes on your nightstand or on the kitchen table though! It feels as if he can tell when you miss him.
he knows no shame about sex at all, and wouldn't really understand if you get embarrassed. He's seen all of humanity's desires, and to him, there's nothing strange about any of it.
he judges people by their own cultural norms, most of the time. For example Marlene, who refused Gaunter disguised as a beggar food, while it was custom to give a beggar food when they came to your door. This is part of why he considers himself 'fair'.
his deep curiosity for humans and their inner workings, translate over to you too, at times growing from innocent fascination to obsession.
if you come home to him, he's always interested to hear about your day, even when you're tired, complaining or cynical. Once you got the day you had out of your system, he cheers you up in a way that's uniquely him: card games, an adventure or he spoils you in the bedroom.
there are rarely any arguments between the two of you, as he knows your intentions and communication is one of his strong suits.
he encourages you to tell him anything you desire or wish for - but says you shouldn't tell anyone else.
even within your relationship, he thinks nothing comes for free. The wishes he grants for you - if you even want him to grant you any - come for a price that isn't your soul.
what he doesn't tell you, though, is that you do so much for him already by just being you and being his sweetheart, that he gladly helps you out in subtle, barely perceptable ways. Just had a lucky day? Found some coin on the ground? You could've sworn you were out of apples, but there are two in the basket? That may be his doing, but he won't tell you.
all in all, you two make each other happy, even if the relationship is somewhat unconventional at times. The joy it is to have him in your life more than makes up for it <3.
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glow-wine · 4 months
OK, I watched the Rings of Power Season 2 trailer, so my Youtube recs are probably going to be full of ragebait culture warriors for a time.
Anyway, tailers are always inherently silly but I really like that this one opens with the line "An evil, ancient and powerful, has returned!" but instead of being spoken in an ominous and dark tone, it's said by Durin and sounds mostly annoyed, like his next line is going to be "... and I took that personally."
What else? Elrond had such a cozy storyline in Season 1, and now here he is with a sword, poor thing.
I'm actually shit at recognizing voices sometimes, so I don't know who says all the other stuff. I never care all that much about trailer dialogue, to be honest, like yeah, yeah, Sauron evil, he's tricked us! That sneaky son of a bitch! How dare he! Infiltrating Elf City!
There he is, disguised as an elf but actually with the same general face we know and love, just added some pointy ears and blonde long hair and I bet this actually works on most elves who probably don't pay enough attention to humans to remember their faces. This arrogance will be your downfall!! (Sorry if this is offensive to Tolkien elf aficionados, my brain is currently tuned to Dungeon Meshi elves. They'd totally fall for this.)
"Every soul in Middle-Earth is in peril" spoken over a few shots of characters in peril or at least not having a good time.
There's Arondir, still functioning as a one-man army, and it looks like he's coming to Isildur's rescue, just doing his thing helping people. That guy deserves a vacation, dammit.
I want a big eagle, too.
Theo not having a good time, Isildur not having a good time. Brief look at new Adar, aw, I am rooting for Adar, but he's made the strategic error of antagonizing EVERYONE. And where's Waldreg? :(
I forgot about Maybe-Gandalf but there he is! Where is his little friend? Too small to see.
Celebrimbor looks so done with the whole rings thing. CELEBRIMBOR CALLED THE COPS ON SAURON!! Well, I'm sure this will end with Sauron getting arrested and everyone lived happily ever after. Yaaay.
Looks fun.
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