#aka man bun and tie
www-pinkhearse · 1 year
Tomorrow I’m going to a Christian confirmation but I’m gonna be so gnc abt it
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liaromancewriter · 1 year
Meet The Parents
Premise: Sienna is nervous about meeting Max’s parents, aka, her soon-to-be future in-laws.
Book: Open Heart (post series) Pairing: Sienna Trinh x Max Valentine (M!OC) Rating/Category: Teen. Fluff. Words: 1,340
A/N: I've been missing Maxenna lately and got inspired by Meghan Trainor's Made You Look. I'm using @choicesflashfics week 44, prompt 1 (in bold). Submitting to @choicesmonthlychallenge August, National Couple's Day.
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The walk-in closet in the swanky Georgetown apartment was littered with discarded outfits, a kaleidoscope of colors and fabrics. Time was running out, and the lone occupant in the room was ready to scream from frustration.
Wearing only a black lace bra and matching panties under her robe, Sienna Trinh riffled through the clothes hanging on the rack for a suitable dress. She should have gone shopping earlier; now, it was too late to do anything.
Too short. Too frumpy. Too slutty. Sienna ran through the litany of everything wrong with her clothes.
She’d spent the last eight years in and out of hospital scrubs and clothes designed for comfort during twelve-fourteen-hour shifts. Her limited wardrobe was not intended for fancy dinner parties with billionaires.
Sienna had moved to DC and in with Max Valentine a month ago. They’d been traveling ever since, first to visit her family in New Orleans, then vacations in St. Thomas and Paris. Now that she and Max were back in town, his parents had invited them for dinner.
Maybe she should fake a headache and end the misery now. Except, they would see right through that excuse, and she’d have forever damaged her relationship with her boyfriend’s parents.
Sienna glimpsed at the floor-to-ceiling mirror, and her face fell at the sight of her reflection. Her make-up-free face was haggard from worry, and strands of brown hair escaped whichever way from a messy bun atop her head.
“Whoa. What happened in here?” Max asked from behind her.
Sienna spun on her heels to see him standing in the doorway. His suit jacket was folded neatly on his arm, and a dark gray tie hung loose around his neck. His shirt sleeves were rolled up to his forearms, revealing an expensive watch wrapped around his left wrist.
Seeing him looking like that after a full day at work, Sienna felt even shabbier.
Max was staring at the mess on the floor, eyes wide in astonishment. He was a neat freak, and it was probably driving him crazy. Great. One more thing she couldn’t get right, she thought in despair.
“I can’t do this,” Sienna said, her voice hitching on unshed tears. “Please apologize to your parents for me. Tell them I came down with a cold, a stomach bug, or something contagious. Just make it up.”
Max slowly walked towards her, his green eyes wary.
“I can do that,” he said, gently touching her shoulders. “But if I’m going to lie for you to my parents, you’ll have to explain why first. And make it good.”
“I have nothing to wear!” Sienna exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air.
“Okay,” he nodded. “I have a sister, so I know that’s Girl Code for ‘I’m nervous, and everything I own is ugly.’ Did I get that right?”
Sienna deflated when she realized he was serious rather than dismissive as she’d been expecting. She should have known better. After all, he’d never trivialized her feelings when they were friends. Why should now be any different?
“Here,” he said, folding her into his embrace.
Sienna nuzzled into him, the fabric of his dress shirt soft against her cheeks, and inhaled his scent. Her earlier panic dissipated the longer he held her.
“Want to tell me what’s wrong?” he said softly against her ear. “You’ve met my parents before, remember? You even had dinner at their house last year.”
Sienna leaned back in his arms, her hands resting on his upper arms, and smiled ruefully.
“Yes, but I was always Cassie’s friend before. Now I’m living with their son and heir, a man I barely went on a handful of dates with before moving in with him a month later. I’d be suspicious of me too.”
“First of all, Cassie and I are both their heirs,” Max said, leading her to the padded bench in the middle of the room. “Second, you and I have been circling each other for years, even if we didn’t make it official until recently.”
He placed two fingers on her chin and tilted her face up. “Third, my mother loves you. Probably more than she does me.”
“I see you didn’t mention your father in that sentence,” Sienna said, pursing her lips.
Max shrugged. “My dad will, too, once he gets to know you. He hasn’t had the same opportunities as my mom to spend time with you.”
“I’m so afraid I’ll mess up, use the wrong fork or dip my fingers in the soup instead of the water bowl,” she confessed anxiously.
Max laughed, tears of mirth leaking from his eyes.
“If I was dining with the Crawleys at Downton Abbey, I’d probably worry about that too,” he said, still chuckling. “Luckily, we’re dining with the Valentines at Country Club Hills, and there’s no water bowl or snobby butler in sight.”
“I’m being ridiculous, aren’t I?” Sienna said, more annoyed with herself.
“No, you’re not,” Max said. “I was terrified of your family, especially because your sister kept giving me the beady eye. So, I get it. But I survived meeting the parents of the woman I love, and you will too.”
Sienna covered her face with her hands and groaned in frustration before turning to face him.
“Tell me something about them. Your parents,” she clarified when he looked askance. “Doesn’t have to be major, just anything, even if it’s small, about Olivia and Robert, not Mr. and Mrs. Valentine.”
Max drummed his fingers on his thighs as he thought about the request.
“Okay. I don’t know if this counts, but,” he began slowly, “my parents have never spent more than a handful of nights apart since they got married.”
Sienna felt her heart melt at the sentiment, and her eyes softened as he continued his tale.
“Whenever my dad travels overnight for work, my mother accompanies him. Neither is happy unless the other is close. I remember once my mom was admitted to the hospital for a mild concussion after a skiing accident.”
Sienna smiled, watching the amused exasperation cross his face at the memory.
“My dad pulled strings with the board so they’d let him spend the night in her room on a rollaway bed. The damn thing was way too small, and he was uncomfortable, feet hanging off the end. But you couldn’t pay him to leave until she was discharged.”
“That is so incredibly romantic,” Sienna said, tears dripping down her cheeks.
“And incredibly embarrassing if you’re their kid,” Max grumbled with an exaggerated eye-roll and head shake. “They’re always touching, a hand pat here, a kiss on the side of the head there.”
“I love that!” Sienna gushed, recalling how she’d seen them do just that at Cassie’s wedding.
Sobering up, Max sighed and took her hand. “If you can’t do this tonight, I’ll call them to reschedule. Tell them I double-booked or something came up at work. They’ll understand.”
Sienna’s lips twisted in a wry grin at Max’s offer, and she shook her head.
“No, it’s okay. We should go.“ She glanced at the clothes lying on the floor and sighed morosely. “But I still don’t know what to wear.”
“Will you trust me to help you with that?”
“I trust you with parts of myself I’m afraid to show anyone else,” she said softly, giggling at the strange comparison. “So, yes. I can trust you to dress me appropriately for the occasion.”
He pulled out his phone and unlocked the screen.
“What’re you doing?” she asked curiously when he clicked on the FaceTime app.
“Calling the expert,” he replied just as Cassie appeared on the screen.
Telling his sister to hold on, he paused the call and peered intently at Sienna. “I’ll hold up the phone; you try outfit options with your bestie. Sound good?”
Sienna beamed in pleasure at his solution. Deciding her best friend could wait a few more seconds, she leaned in and slowly kissed his breath away with the promise of more to come later.
All Fics & Edits: @annfg8 @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @doriopenheart @genevievemd @headoverheelsforramsey @lucy-268 @jamespotterthefirst @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @socalwriterbee @takemyopenheart @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Max & Sienna only: @aallotarenunelma @storyofmychoices @kyra75
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dobiemart · 2 years
say yes, please?
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pairing, edward “eddie” munson x reader
summary, finally, eddie gets down on one knee. and it’s not to tie dustin bun’s shoe.
eddster proposing to his beautiful partner (aka you sexy bitch)
word count, 1.9k
byr, i read a fic abt billy loomis proposing and i audibly sobbed at it cause MAN WHYY IS THAT NOT ME IRL RN
“oh yeah ill totally write a story abt kurt tmr!” - my lying ass. it’s literally been a week. istg yall cannot hold me to anything but heres my apology for that fat ass fib
i asked my guy friend what he’d do if he ever proposed to a girl and he was like “id make it somewhat sweet or funny over like rose petals everywhere typa shit” and i said OKKAAYY SIR GET YOU SOME BITCHES OR SMTH
i wrote this while i was half asleep. its pretty messy but it had to get out of my mind asap
bolded italics should be read as thoughts
warnings, fluff, swearing, crying (y’know i gotta add the waterworks), mentions marriage ofc, eddie being a nervous ass baby (maybe ooc? listen, i was sleepy.), nd projection of my need to marry this man immediately in my own quirky way.
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eddie munson was a simple, outcast of a man. the proclaimed ‘freak of hawkins,’ reigned  supreme on his throne and took his title as a ritualistic, satanic, demon worshiper with as much pride as people gave him. he was never one to openly care about what people thought of him, unless it was you.
no matter what he did, what bullshit rambles spewed out of his mouth, what atrocious crime he committed, you were there with him. you’d seen him at his worst, best, and in between, yet you didn’t ever leave. and eddie loved you for that.
he could go on and on about how much he loved everything you’ve ever done for him, no matter what it was. his heart swelled whether you brought him a glass of water, kissed his calloused fingertips after his band practice, or gave him a simple, ‘hey, eds!’ when he groggily dragged himself through your shared home.
the lists of reasons to love you could go on forever, and this was the day he’d admit that to you. if everything went according to plan, of cour-
“did you hear me, ed? i asked if you wanted some eggs with your toast,” you asked, clearly oblivious to his thought process. him spacing out wasn’t anything new, but he usually came around sooner. 
he seemingly thought out his answer, dragging his bottom lip through his teeth in the process. he eventually replied with a mumbled, ‘yeah, sure babe.’ before scrambling off to your shared bathroom in a hurry. 
you shook off his jittery attitude as a result of just waking up, and started your venture downstairs to the kitchen without a second thought over the interaction. 
the sounds of him hopping down the stairs were familiar, since he’d been doing it since you moved into a home together. he slid into the kitchen quietly, gripping your waist and thanking you for breakfast with a kiss to the nape of your neck. he gave a small huff as he lifted the fragile plate over your head and shuffled his way to the couch, a.k.a. his dining table. 
this was yet another thing he loved. being able to sit with you wordlessly and do anything he wanted comfortably. he’d lost count of the amount of times you’d laid together in comforting silence and basked in the presence of one another. 
“we should go to that arcade later, babe. ‘s totally abandoned now. i know you’ve been wanting to go,” he started with a mouthful of bread and juice, gesturing with his hands as he commonly did. “plus, it’s free this time. gareth found a way in.” 
he somehow made the offer of breaking into the arcade for a date a bit less illegal sounding, so you agreed. though, you communicated your answer with a simple nod and a smile instead of a full mouth of mauled food. 
only a snippet of a smile was visible on his face before he was off yet again, skipping up two steps in his frenzied state. eddie rushing to go somewhere was a rare occurrence, which fueled your curiosity even more. he was less talkative and was in a hurry, but it’s just your eddie being eddie.
after throwing on a band tee and ruffling his fizzy curls, eddie made sure to rush your beautification process. he shot you a whiney “c’mon babe! it doesn’t take that long,” every couple of seconds, somehow trying to speed up your already scrambling form. 
yet another thing he loves. watching you battle with your hair, debate with yourself on a clothing combo, and see if your samina would allow you to slap some beauty products on. without fail, you’d continue this routine every morning and it would put a smile on his face every single time. 
“alright eddie, just lemme finis-“ “yeah, uh huh, babe. you’re beautiful without it. we gotta go!” he cut you off while grabbing your hand, deciding your half-glossed lips would do. you obviously protested against this, but he was practically dragging you out the door.
he pushed you into the passenger seat with an apologetic kiss on the forehead, and made a mad dash to the driver’s seat. his leg was rapidly bouncing as he started up the van, almost matching the beat of the random metal song he had recently been playing.
though, you still didn’t ask questions. his jittery mannerisms weren’t a rare occurrence, so it wasn't a huge concern. just in case, you placed a gentle hand on his bouncing thigh and enjoyed the ride ahead of you.
after an ass-achingly bumpy car ride, you arrived at the beat up arcade on the lower class side of hawkins. it was the one you and eddie would frequent when both attended highschool, which made the nostalgia run through your veins.
grabbing your hand gently, he placed a kiss onto your hand before leading you to an open back entrance. you were glad he’d saved you the hassle of climbing through a window, but the nerves were still there.
“we’ll be fine babe,” he read you like a book, squeezing your hand for comfort. “i can see the gears turning in your head. don’t stress, okay? i got us covered.” 
“alright, eds. i trust you. but i'm telling’ you right now, if there are any spiders in this place—“ he cut off your pending arachnophobic rant with a slight tug, dragging you into the somehow already lit arcade. 
the only word you could use to describe the scene in front of you was woah. the playplace childhood shined its brightly coloured lights with a special fluorescent glow you’d grown to miss seeing. the older video games stayed with their solid black screens, but the claw machines shined amongst anything else.
you looked around in awe, sprouting a small smile before letting go of eddie's hand to roam and get a closer look at everything. his tattooed arm fell by his side with a small ‘thunk,’ yet he didn’t notice.
in his hopefully final moments of just being considered as your ‘boyfriend,’ he finally realized the most important thing about these moments. he wasn’t just loving things about you, he was truly loving you. every moment, every conversation, every look shared, it was all with you. no way would the hell-raising spitfire of hawkins ever get married, but for you, things could be different.
he stared at you from the doorway, reveling in the way simply seeing your childhood building made you this happy. he could stare at you all day, studying each feature of your face as if he’d just met you. though, he did make gareth fix the lighting in this place for a hefty price and a good reason. 
he slid over to an old claw machine when you were occupied, one of those plastic ball containers you’d get a sticky slappy hand out of if you were lucky. he fiddled with the prize slot before sliding a spare quarter into the machine.
the sounds of another machine filled your ears as you turned to see eddie bending over to move the joystick around. he looked giant compared to the tiny toy grabbing game, still towering over it while he was hunched over. the concentration in his doe eyes made your heart swell before the familiar dinging of the machine rang around the building.
“babe, c’mere!” he ushered you over, pushing you in front of the framed metal box and ghosting his hand over your lower back. ”i won you something, dunno what it is though.” 
“oh really? mr. munson finally wins at a game?” you lightly hinted at the fact that he’d never win when you were younger. either that, or he let you win. 
a light pink dusted over his pale, freckled face as you said his last name. hopefully it would be mrs. munson in a second. he coughed his flushed expression off, gesturing to the prize slot of the machine.
“yeah, yeah. check what your prize is already,” he was obviously rushing you, but you still didn’t know why. nobody could really be that eager to see what coloured bouncy ball would reside in the bigger container, so something must’ve been up.
you gave him a slight side eye in confusion before bending down to the metal opening, taking the transparent ball into your palm without peeking at the toy inside first. you shook it around, raising your eyebrow even higher at the unfamiliar rattling sound it gave. 
“huh, i’ve never gotten anything but those cheap sticky hands from these. but i do remember those limited edition lego figures they had at one point,” you babbled to yourself as well as eddie, questioning what could’ve made the noise. his leg bounces as he stood behind you, seemingly impatient about something. 
you eventually ruled down your lengthy guessing process, repeating your childhood rituals for luck. the plastic lid popped open with a quick snap, revealing a delicate, silver ring with your favourite crystal planted straight in the middle of the band. 
it took you a minute to process what you were seeing wasn’t a sick trick your mind was playing on you, slightly faulturing before spinning on your heels to face the only man that could’ve pulled of this wacky declaration of love.
there he was. edward munson, the devious cult leader of hawkins, down on one knee. he was still slightly trembling, with an even shakier smile growing on his face.
“well,” he started, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “y’know i'm not exactly great with speeches, but uh– say yes, please?”
as much as you tried, you couldn’t respond to him. you damn near fell to your knees and latched onto him, still gripping onto the container for dear life. no way this shit was actually happening.
he almost fell over from the force you threw yourself onto him with. his contagious laugh rang around the arcade, matching the joyful energy of the lighting. he wrapped an arm around your waist and slid back, sitting down comfortably with you hanging onto him like a koala. 
it felt like you were sitting there for an eternity with him, clinging onto him like it was the last time you’d be able to touch him. he slightly pushed you back a couple times, just to make sure you didn’t choke him out. your sniffles drowned out into his neck as you both still sat. 
“if you aren’t gonna say anything, i’m gonna take that as a yes.” he chortled as you finally pulled away, getting a full glimpse at your post ugly crying face.  
“of fucking course, eddie!” you semi-yelled at the man in front of you, giving him a soft slap on the chest. “is that what you were wigging out about all day?” 
“was it that noticeable? there’s no way. i’m literally a master at acting normal, babe.” he replied, still giving you small laughs between words. he slid his large palm into yours, stealing the small container and its contents. he carefully removed the ring he’d hand picked for you and put it on your left ring finger, placing a quick kiss over the crystal. 
you wobbly stood up, resembling bambi when he slid across the ice. you sniffled a bit more before slightly wiping under your nose and eyes, oblivious to the amount of tears and snot you released during the hug.
“y’know, you didn’t ask me properly, eddie.” you lightly joked while looking down at your now ringed hand, the love of your life’s hand adorning yours. “that’s very unprofessional of you, mr. munson.”
his smile grew impossibly wider, pushing back on one knee almost effortlessly. he dramatically sighed and placed a hand on his heart, before starting his true eddie monologue.
“would you, y/n l/n, make me the happiness dungeon master in the world and marry me?”
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pov youre me waltzing back in after missing annotherr week of not writing buttfuck nothing.. naw cause HOW HAS IT BEEN A WEEK ALREADY-
anyways this might not be great but i thought it was cute and yeah
ur likes and reblogs are always appreciated my loves (i really need friends n shit so like talk to me rn please and thanks)
- a still sleep deprived coraline
© dobiemart 2022
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kiridarling · 3 years
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— 3.0k words
eijirou kirishima | hard dom + dubcon jic + f!reader + exhibitonism + face-fucking + dumbification + car sex + more! minors dni.
"Made me come all this way...it’d be a pity if I didn't get somethin' out of it."
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"No, no, no, no, no—c'mon," you cry as your car engine spits and sputters to a stop in the road, coughing like an old man with asthma before it's dead for good. Jamming your heel on the gas pedal, you twist your key in the ignition, but there's no use. You're fucking stuck.
You sigh, before slamming your forehead against the steering wheel. It's hard enough to sting, and the blaring horn startles all unsuspecting birds in a five-mile radius, but you could care less. Stuck in the middle of the woods at one in the morning, AAA membership-less with nothing but the clothes on your back and the vehicle you came with. Short cuts are a fucking myth.
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Mina's the only person you can think of calling—because frankly, she's the only one who'd know a mechanic who could help at this time of night if one exists. Which you doubt. Severely.
"[Y/N]?" Mina answers, semi-urgently. You wonder if you startled her out of a good sleep, but knowing the night owl, her evening is just beginning. "What's up?"
"I'm fucking stuck in the middle of nowhere," you groan, banging your head against the back of the seat though you know she can't see you. "Car's not working."
"Oh no," she coos, and her pity is useless. "Do you have AAA?"
"No. Do you have a mechanic?"
"A mechanic...at one am? I don—wait," she interrupts before you hear something akin to rustling sheets. "I might have a friend who could help! But don't get your hopes up girlie, he's a heavy sleeper."
You shrug, shaking your head. "At this point, I'm desperate."
"Alrighty!" Mina confirms, and now all you can do is fucking hope her friend pulls through. "I'll give him a quick buzz and then send his number over, sound good?"
"Sounds perfect," you breathe, relaxing (somewhat) with your chin against the steering wheel. "Thanks, girl."
"Of course!" she cheers, and you wonder how someone could have so much energy at this time of night. "Good luck!"
"Thanks," you snort. "I might need it."
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Riiiing! Riiiing!
Eijirou's had a long day.
A pipe busted at the auto shop today, resulting in an immediate flood—meaning they had to get everything that could possibly rust out as quickly as possible, aka everything in the goddamn shop.
So, yeah. He's had a long day, and when he's finally able to get under the covers and go the fuck to sleep, Mina calls him with this.
"Hey...Eijirou, buddy, best friend—"
"Mina, I love you, but what do you want?" Eijirou grunts into the phone, voice worn and ragged from limited sleep and his terribly long day. One am is never an appropriate time to call anybody, but he figures something has to be up—Mina's not the type to call in the middle of the night.
"Um, well. My homegirl’s kinda stuck in the woods with car troubles—"
"The woods."
It takes Mina a second but she hums in confirmation, and Eijirou can see her head nodding from where he lays. He sighs, rolling on his back to blink up at the ceiling. "Yep!"
"What is she doing in the woods at midnight?"
"I don't know!" Mina exclaims. Eijirou runs a hand over his face. "I just—please, Ei? She doesn't have AAA or anything and it's really, really late. All you have to do is hotwire her car or something, right? It's not like she totaled it or anything."
And dammit. Eijirou hates being a nice person.
"Just give me ten."
Mina practically gasps out a thank you, "You're a lifesaver Ei! Really! I—"
She's interrupted by the buzz of his phone—this time, from an unknown number. Eijirou raises an eyebrow, "That her?"
"Should be!" The pinkette says. Eijirou's feet finally touch the floor and it's painfully cold. His bed has never looked more appealing, and that's counting all those instances in high school. "Thanks again, Ei!"
"Yep," Eijirou says, popping the 'p,' before clearing his voice and switching the line. Customer Service at one am, here he comes.
"Red Riot Auto Repair and Services, how may I help you?"
All he receives is a grunt on the other end of the phone: "My car won't turn on."
Eijirou waits for you to give him a little more to work with, but it's clear that's all you have to say when you ask hello to ensure he's still on the other end of the line. Runs his hands through his hair, he silently prays he won't have to leave the house to get your car to work.
"Did you try jiggling the key?"
"Yes, I'm not stupid," you huff, and Eijirou's eyebrows fold in exasperation. He insists you do it again though, and hears the weak splutter of your engine through the phone with a heavy heart. "'S fucking useless."
"Did you try tapping the battery terminals?"
"The battery whatsitals?" You say, too loud and smart-mouthed for the very thin amount of patience Eijirou harbors. He reaches for his hair tie, satisfied enough with the messy bun he makes on the first try.
"Just send me your location," Eijirou sighs, moving for a jacket before snatching the keys to the shed. He'd rather just get this over with than beat around the bush.
Luckily, you're not far. 
"You drive that thing?" is your first comment, and Eijirou can't even appreciate your beauty before your first words shatter your image completely, and he's slamming the door to his truck with rolling eyes, rusted toolbox heavy in his hand. "It looks like Mater from Lightning McQueen."
Eijirou just stares at you for a second, just to see if you're really serious, and resists the urge to scoff when it seems like you are.
"It's a truck," is all he says, before marching around you and to the task at hand—your car. "Pop the hood."
You huff, but you listen, and Eijirou wastes no time in getting to work. You watch with your elbows balanced on the rim, curious but quiet, and that allows him to get in the zone enough to realize there are countless problems with your car.
"When was the last time you took this thing into the shop?" He probes. You click your tongue, eyes tracing the outlines of the trees as you search for an answer. That's never a good sign.
"And how long have you had it?"
"A few years," you nod, and Eijirou drops his head.
"It's a miracle you made it this far in the first place," he chuckles bitterly, shaking his head. What the hell is he going to do now? There's no way your car is moving anywhere tonight. You frown, jamming your hands on your hips.
"Well? Are you going to fix it or what?"
"I can fix it," Eijirou says with a shrug, closing your hood. "But not tonight."
"What do you mean not tonight?" You badger, breathing down his neck as he hikes back to his truck to set the toolbox down. There's no reason to carry it if he's not going to need it.
"I mean, your car's going to need a solid six months before it can run again, Sweetheart."
When Eijirou turns, you're much too in his face for his liking. He can practically feel your breath against his chest, and it has him rolling his eyes, leaning against his truck with arms crossed.
"Yeah, okay, but I need it to run tonight," you explain, gesticulating so wildly Eijirou fears his own chest may fall in the cross-fire. "Like, I need to get home tonight."
"I can't—" the redhead sighs, running his hand over his face. You're terribly difficult, and if Mina had given him a proper warning he probably wouldn't be here in the fucking first place. "Listen. My shop is out of commission for the next few days 'cause of a flood. I can work on your car or whatever, but it'll take a sec, so the most I can do is drop you at a hotel down the road or somethin'. Sound like a plan?"
"No," you growl, claws and all, and Eijirou wishes for nothing but death. "That doesn't sound like a plan! I don't know you, what makes you think I'll get in a car with you?"
Oh. My. God.
"Then you can spend the night in your car and have Mina come get you in the morning," he huffs, stomping over to the driver's side of his truck. "So it's either you're gettin' in, or I'm leaving ya."
With that, he slams the car door shut, shoves his key in the ignition, and counts to fucking ten, and on nine and a half you're flinging open the passenger door and bouncing in the seat, arms crossed over your chest in indignance. You don't even look him in the eye.
"Seatbelt," he warns. You tut.
"I don't need a fucki—"
"Put on the goddamn seatbelt."
You don't say anything, but he's satisfied by the click that follows. Eijirou shifts into drive and you two take off.
"The seat's so uncomfortable."
Not even twenty feet.
"Suck it up," is all the pity Eijirou has to offer. He's preoccupied with trying to get from this side road to a main road with, you know, actual civilization. The road is unsteady—unsteady enough that a bump sends the both of you flying towards the roof of his car, and naturally, you have something to say about it.
"Y'know, for a mechanic, you're not a very good driver," you say, and it has Eijirou's fists tightening around his steering wheel. His patience wears down until it has the height of a penny, and Eijirou worries for when it shatters because he has no clue what he'll do if it does.
"And it smells a little funky," you continue anyway, eyes wandering around the cabin aimlessly."Kinda like cheese. No offense."
Eijirou pulls over at that, teeth grinding. Is he really going to snap over cheese comment?
“Is this a condom?”
Yes. Yes, the fuck he is.
"Get out."
"Um—excuse me?" You blink, eyebrows raising in offense. "You're kicking me out. Because I found a fucking rubber?”
Eijirou glares your way and he's sure you can feel him radiating fury, and that's enough to convince you to hop out of the car without another word. He follows, slamming the door behind him.
"Okay? Now what?" You growl, and Eijirou loves it—the false display of confidence. Because he knows it won't take much to break you once he gets you under his thumb, and you'll look so pretty once he does. Cocking his head to his side, he tells you to come here without having to open his mouth. You follow.
"Now, on your knees."
You splutter at his request, rolling your eyes as if he wasn't being serious. Though you shut up once you hear the clink of his belt, lips widening in revelation, and Eijirou thinks you'd look much prettier with your mouth full.
"You made me come all this way—it'd be a pity if I didn't get somethin' out of it," Eijirou says, and the way you shiver implies that you like this more than you let on. He coos when you say nothing, "And for the first time today she's got nothin' to say. See? You're improving already."
He gives you a second to move. When you don't, he lifts an eyebrow. "Knees, Princess."
You do and Eijirou groans at the view, palming his hardening cock at the sight of your bambi eyes blinking up at him—and it's a pretty one, at that. Leaning against the door of his truck, he grunts, "Take it out."
Your fingers hook under the waistband of his boxers and Eijirou shivers upon contact with the cool air, but the warmth of your palm makes up for it. You spit on his cock with a curled lip and it's nothing short of crude, before you're swirling your tongue around the head and taking him as far as you can possibly go.
"Uh-uh," Eijirou tuts, grabbing you by the hair to pull your mouth off his cock. "We got at my pace, Sweetheart."
"Why?" You pout with a curled lip. Eijirou scowls.
"Because," he says, before stuffing half of his cock down your throat, "I'm gonna put that big fuckin' mouth to use at my pace."
With that, Eijirou thrusts into your mouth, using the grip he has around your hair as leverage. Your throat is impossibly warm and the way you choke has him keening, and that's enough for his hips to start picking up mindlessly.
"Shit—what a dirty fuckin' girl," he says, smirking when you moan around his cock. "You like this? You like sucking off a guy you just met?"
Your eyes flutter at that, nails digging into his thighs, and it nearly has him cooing. When you swallow around him Eijirou's hips stutter and he grunts, "In public, no less. Anyone could drive by and see you taking my dick down your throat...but you'd like that, wouldn't you? You want the world to know how much of a slut you are."
Your hand falls between your thighs and Eijirou grins like the devil as he watches you touch yourself on the dirty road, desperate just because knows how to push the right buttons. That's enough to have him caving, demanding you rise to your feet and get in the backseat of his car.
"Hands and knees," Eijirou urges, his body towering over yours from behind. It's not long before he's pinning your wrists to the windshield with one hand and using the other to land a harsh slap on your ass; harsh enough to make you jolt forwards from the force.
"Such a pretty ass," he coos before slapping it again, and your teeth dig into your bottom lip to muffle the sound. "And it's all for me, ain't it, Princess?"
You nod, but Eijirou spanks you again—he's looking for an answer.
"Y-Yeah, yes, all yours just—" your hips wiggle in search of his cock. Eijirou chuckles, leveling his lips with your ear.
"Want me to fill you up, Princess?"
You gasp out a yes, nodding vehemently. The redhead finds he likes you like this much better, chest rumbling with arousal. "Yeah? How bad?"
"B-Bad, please, I need t—fuck!"
Eijirou stuffs you full with one thrust, and even he needs a moment, freehand searching to hold onto your hip while his grip tightens around your wrists. You quiver under him, and he swears he can feel your gut contract around his cock, eyelids fluttering when you grind against him.
"Holy shit," Eijirou finds himself wheezing, not expecting you to be so tight. You drop your head against the cool windshield, whimpering like the pretty little thing you are, shuddering as he pulls out before ramming himself in again until he's balls deep. You scream, back arching from the angle.
And fuck. It's impossible for him to stop after that.
"Fuckin' look at you," Eijirou chuckles, body practically caging you against the seat, "Drooling all over my window like a slut. Fuck, you really know how to get a guy goin' huh?"
“Pull—pull my hair,” you request, words from his pistoning hips. Eijirou tuts and rips your hands off the window in favor of pushing your head into the seat, not making a move to yank on your hair once.
“I don’t think you’re in the right place to be making demands, Princess," he growls before his hot palm cracks against your ass, hissing from the way you tighten around him when he does.
You whine at that, pushing into him the best you can. It only spurs his hips on faster, and Eijirou lets go of your hands in favor of grabbing your face instead, groaning at the sight of the tears shining silver from the moonlight. He likes the fact that you can't do much but gasp and rock against him, your hands falling to clit to finally push yourself off the edge.
He looks at you and all he sees is his dumb little thing, who can't do anything, let alone get her car to work, and that's when Eijirou realizes he doesn't want this to be as much of a one-time thing as he initially thought.
"Gonna...gonna cum," you slur, cheek mashed flat against his window. Eijirou fucks you into the door of his truck, pace quick and bruising, as his mind thinks of all the fun you two could have together—all the fun he wants to have with you.
"Cum, Sweetheart. Make a mess of my cock and my leather seats, yeah? Show me how good I make you feel."
You tighten around his cock, tight, and that's enough to send him spiraling into an orgasm of his own, hips stuttering to a stop as he fills you up. Though his hips never stop, not until you're coming around his cock with a broken moan, curled toes digging into his car floor. He watches you catch your breath, splayed across the seat, with a sudden realization that he feels much lighter, but doubts it was the sex that did the trick.
"You fucked your anger out now?" You wheeze, breaking the silence, and Eijirou snorts.
"I—yes," he says before his eyes trail to the scratch marks around your hips and thighs. "Are you...okay?"
"Never been better," you toss your arms in the air like you're on a rollercoaster but lack the energy to scream. It's cute and it had the redhead re-evaluating everything, wondering how the day could start so shitty and yet, end so well. "Are you okay?"
His eyebrows furrow, "Why wouldn't I be?"
"I dunno," you shrug, and Eijirou finds it hard to stay focused when you look like that. "You asked me, so. Everyone needs a post-sex check-in, ya know?"
Fuck, yeah he's definitely keeping you.
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illumilu · 4 years
there’s only one bed” - illumi zoldyck x reader
a/n: a very stereotypical cliche for fanfics, but, yk what? cringe makes the world go round. so here, have my drabbling of what would happen if you were to spend an unwanted night in the same hotel bed as the adultrio. i feel like i may have made this way too long again, but who cares?? this time it’s with illumi! aka loml ...
summary: after a lengthy car trip, you arrive at the hotel with illumi, but to your horror (wink wink), there’s only one bed. including: you dreaming abt him when he’s literally right in front of you (embarrassing). this is part two of a three-part series, with the adultrio. hisoka is already written and chrollo will be coming soon!
warnings: no particular trigger warnings, lowercase intended, a lot of fluff! and cuddling! only on your part though, since illumi is basically awkwardness personified... no nsfw <3
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illumi zoldyck:
- the trip to the hotel had taken 6 hours. 6 hours in which you had fallen asleep multiple times, cramped your legs, somehow made every sleeping position dangerously uncomfortable, cracked your neck and twisted your back, possibly to the point of no return.
- for mr zoldyck, or rather, “illumi”, as he had instructed you to call him, the trip was no problem. his upbringing, which consisted of mainly torture, included staying awake for as long as a fortnight at a time. 6 hours may as well have been a few minutes. 
- “the silent son of the zoldycks” was his reputational nickname, or, rather, “lifeless koi fish”, as your friend, hisoka, enjoyed calling him. either way, illumi was not going to let a car ride tire him.
- when you had first met him, he had scared you. a lot. the entire “trained dangerous traumatised assassin” storyline was one that felt like a threat. you were undoubtedly taking a risk by working with him, but it was one you were willing to; it may have been twisted, but murder was your forte, and you were searching for a partner.
- over time, you had grown to be less intimidated by him.
- you were now colleagues with him, working on a new assassination.
- shockingly, planning murder took time, and who better to plan it with than the assassin himself? you had spent the past day on a “business trip”, paid for by illumi’s grandfather, where you sized up the area and familiarised yourself with yorknew.
- all for the big night.
- tonight was the day before the murder of the ten dons.
- illumi and kalluto would carry out the murder, while you made sure everything went smoothly, via a small mic attached to his clothes. the entire operation was based on trust, and would therefore be executed like clockwork.
- you had taken the necessary mental images and kept the targets in mind; all that was left was a night at a pre-booked hotel and then it would be go-time.
- you had assumed that the hotel would be high-class, with doormen, perhaps some marble flooring and pillars - it was the zoldycks who were paying, after all, and you knew they had money to spare. 
- “we’re here.” illumi stated blankly, face reflecting in the window. admittedly, he did look a little bit like a koi fish.
- you nudged past him to look out of the window, leaning over to get a good view.
- oh.
- it seemed you had made quite the overestimation. it was a simple, plain building with a few stories. no doormen or extravagance could be sighted.
- you supposed keeping a low profile was important, but the depressing accommodation was somehow making you wearier.
- the two of you didn’t exchange any conversation on the way up to your room, but you were used to that. 
- you and illumi had met around 5 months ago, and most of it had been comfortable silence. you hadn’t expected it to be like that - in all honesty, you had expected him to kill you - but illumi seemed... calm around you. 
- it was probably because you shared such an odd passion with him; the logistics of murder. you assumed it gave him a chance to loosen his harsh demeanour and enjoy himself. the both of you had worked on multiple murders together, focusing on theory and planning, but this was a huge assassination. nevertheless, you knew he could pull it off; illumi was smart, you had to give him that.
- finally, you arrived at your hotel room, sighing from the lengthy stairway winding up to your unnecessarily high room. you assumed it was for safety purposes, but for god’s sake; why did safety have to be so enervating?
- illumi pushed the door open, and you walked in with him. finally, you could catch some rest.
- except, you couldn’t. 
- a singular bed placed in the middle of the room.
- “why.” you thought to yourself tiredly. 
- you stood there silently, waiting for him to say something. 
- then, you remembered that he was illumi. he obviously wouldn’t see anything wrong with the situation. 
- the bastard.
- it didn’t help that he gave you no visible reaction when you stared at him with your face scrunched up expectantly, as if to ask what his plan was.
- “is there a problem, y/n?” illumi asked, his tone flat as usual.
- you took a deep, worn out breath, clearing your throat.
- after a bit, you shook your head. this was strictly professional. illumi wouldn’t do anything, because he was illumi. nothing would happen.this was an important night, where rest and a clear mind were essential. blame it on the fatigue, and nothing else. you were just exhausted. there was nothing else to it. nothing.
- “no. i’m just a little tired.” you dismissed.
- a silence skimmed past.
- “my grandfather... he often tends to be absentminded. occasionally, he forgets to do certain things, or plan them correctly, i suppose. you could say this is a prime example of such.”
- “zeno forgot another goddamn bed, hm?” you laughed nervously.
- illumi stared at you once again, blinking a few times, in a methodical manner, face neutral and robotic. you smiled awkwardly and remembered that he was not one to laugh at jokes. or anything, for that matter. 
- you wondered if he laughed at bloodshed. or maybe hisoka.
- “i’m going to... go to set up my stuff now.” 
- turning your back to illumi, you winced at the uncomfortable air. even after all your time with him, you never learnt to stop trying to lighten the mood. the mood was literally just always unnatural, in some way. that was another one of illumi’s specialties.
- after some time, in which you had finalized tomorrow's plan and each changed into comfortable clothes, you watched illumi tie his hair up from across the room. 
- his hair had always fascinated you. 
- you had always wanted to touch it. honestly, even when you had first met him, apart from his magnetic eyes, you had been drawn to his hair. you imagined it felt like silk sheets, caressing over one’s hands as smoothly as honey. you were glad he grew it out; in fact, upon seeing his teenage photos, you had laughed so hard you ended up getting a nosebleed from hitting your face. illumi had been left in confusion for a while.
- you realized how random you sounded. why were you reminiscing so much? 
- shaking yourself back to your senses, you admired as he artfully twisted his hair into a loose bun, strands of hair cupping his elegant, pale face.
- what a beautiful koi fish.
- most people couldn’t compute that illumi had true, human feelings. after all, it would be hard to believe a man like him felt anything. but, of course, he did, unhealthily so. he channeled all his trauma and hurt into his villainy, and received happiness from his villainy, anger from his villainy and occasionally fear from his villainy.  however, there was one emotion he could never grasp. he hated himself for it, but soon realised he could manipulate his hatred into villainy, too.
- illumi was a man who could manipulate anyone or anything he wished. 
- except himself.
- internally, he had always felt at a loss whenever he confronted his emotions. but, after he had met you, something had changed. as he caught you staring at his hair through the hotel mirror, he couldn’t help but feel something small stir inside of his stomach. not evil, not happiness, not hatred, not anger. perhaps, friendship?
- this tinge of new emotion inside of him initially made him feel uneasy, but that worry morphed into giddiness, a childish high buzzing somewhere in his core.
- eventually, he stood up to face you and suggested going to sleep. you checked the time on the wall clock. 8 in the evening. well, illumi had always been particular. you agreed that rest was essential for tomorrow.
- you hesitantly took the left side, and, upon seeing your choice, illumi followed to lie on the right.
- after a few minutes, you looked back at him, noticing illumi fell asleep abnormally quickly. you furrowed your brow quizzically at the rock-like manner he was in. frankly, he looked like a plank when he slept. you almost laughed, but held it in for his sake. 
- he had a very specific sleep schedule, as did the other zoldycks. he could go to sleep immediately at his own command, and stayed perfectly still as he did so. he woke up at 5 in the morning every single day, without fail, almost like he had some sort of alarm clock planted in his body. 
- looking at him lying there like a block, you smiled softly. illumi was quite the conundrum to you. you often speculated whether he ever got what he deserved; love, affection, anything really. you knew about his past from when he had told you nonchalantly, within a few weeks of your acquaintance. you always hoped he’d find someone to love him, but doubted whether people would bother looking beyond his bleak surface, and into his excellent mind. lost in thought, you found yourself getting drowsier. you also fell asleep generally quickly, limbs aching from the stupid car ride.
- the night passed.
- illumi was the first to wake up at 5am, stoic and in the same place he had fallen asleep in. no surprise there.
- but you. 
- that was the first thing he saw when his eyes opened.
- he did not expect you to be lying on him lazily, snuggling into his body, arm and leg comfortably wrapped around his side. you were breathing lightly, face burrowing onto the ridge of his chest.
- i suppose you didn’t expect to be there either, which he realized, but the point still remained.
- why were on you his chest.
- “y/n.”
- no answer.
- illumi could have pushed you away; in fact, he could have blown you 983 metres away (his personal record). 
- but he didn’t.
- it wasn’t the thought of disturbing your comfort that stopped illumi from hurling you into oblivion. it wasn’t the fact that he explicitly enjoyed it, either. he remembered that the mission was today; if he were to wake you, and you hadn’t slept enough, you wouldn’t be at your upmost performance.
- the murder of the ten dons was his priority, right? yes. it was. there was no doubt about it. that was the only and final reason he wouldn’t wake you. end of discussion. 
- so, illumi stayed there, waiting for you to wake up and get off of him. 30 minutes passed, and he watched you for every single one.
- hard as it was to admit, watching you rise and fall in sync with his chest made the spark of emotion in his core grow fervently. what had that foreign feeling been? yesterday, he had settled at friendship, but now he wasn’t so sure.
- you looked so peaceful while you slept. less confusing. he remembered the time you had accidentally complimented his hair when the two of you had first met. he had found that amusing. he remembered the time you got a nosebleed from hitting your face too hard - it was after laughing at his teenage pictures, which perplexed him greatly. he remembered the times you two had sat together, working and theorizing on missions, accidentally meeting eyes or brushing hands. one time, you had dipped one of his pins in ink and scratched his name on some paper “for fun”. you had handed it to him and, for some unknown reason, the scrap was still tucked safely in his wallet. your unrivaled intelligence, your idiotic sense of humour, your smile, your lack of common sense, your twinkling eyes that so ironically contrasted his, everything. everything crossed his mind while he lay there.
- illumi found it strange how people remembered the oddest things at the oddest times. 
- why did he think of that now, as you were sleeping? even worse, on the day of a meticulously planned assassination. why couldn’t he manipulate his emotions to stop fluctuating around you so much?
- it all frustrated him.
- why had he let you call him by “illumi” so quickly? mr zoldyck would have been fine. and why had he been so lenient with your antics? no one else got to touch his pins. why did he feel like keeping you on his chest forever, and keeping you safe? most importantly, why was he thinking about you so much?
- his contemplation came to a halt when he heard you stir a little in your sleep.
-  finally, you’d wake up and he could forget about this entire problem.
- he watched you, expecting you to get up soon.
- you began shuffling around, brushing against his chest, and soon your eyes fluttered open, hazy and glazed over. it almost seemed like you were still in a dream, in some sort of half-sleep.
- “huh?” you whispered quietly, still lying on illumi. you looked up lazily, meeting eyes with him.
- “oh... i get it...” you hummed quietly, falling back onto his chest.
- he furrowed his brows.
- “why are you here?” you hugged him from the side, softly laughing at your ridiculous dream. he tensed up at you embracing him, but soon relaxed after realizing what was going on.
- illumi looked at you, one eyebrow raised. did you... think you were dreaming?
- to be honest, he found it kind of entertaining, the way you were fawning over him. if he let you stay there, he could figure out a lot of things about his newly found emotion. it could be worth it. just not today.
- illumi came back to his senses fairly quickly; you were obviously awake now, so why couldn’t you get off of him already?
- “y/n.”
- “mmm? what? so serious all the damn timeee, illum-” 
- “you aren’t dreaming. get off.”
- you jolted off him immediately, staring down at illumi zoldyck. 
- the real illumi zoldyck.
- oh my god what. what. what. what.
- every nerve in your body began to panic, and, in the stress of trying to find the correct words to say, you just ended up making some sort of incomputable “aaaahhh” noise and jumping off the bed.
-  illumi had finally gotten up and was now staring concernedly at you.
- an awkward pause.
- “let me just start by saying i did not-”
- “y/n. we have more pressing priorities for today. i don’t care.”
- illumi zoldyck had lied. even to himself. he did care. and so what if he ignored it until it festered so intensely inside of him he couldn’t do anything but tell you? he cared about you. and he knew it.
- “ok. you’re right. you’re right! illumi. one question. was i like that the whole night?”
- “i don’t know. i woke up at 5 and you were there.”
- you looked at the clock. it was 6am? what had he been doing for an hour? you opened your mouth to ask but closed it soon after. you recalled your thoughts about illumi growing up void of affection, or love, or appreciation. 
- some questions were best left unanswered.
- “how long was i... mumbling like that?”
- “a few minutes.”
- you gulped. there were a few things you had to come to terms with. shutting your eyes firmly, you apologised profusely, annoyed at yourself.
- “y/n. i don’t care.” he lied once again.
- “you’re right!” you rambled - “the ten dons are today! it doesn’t matter what i said... none of it matters, we can both just forget it!”
- you sounded like you were trying to convince yourself more than anyone.
- “so all we need to do is go over the plan one last time, get kalluto, and then we’ll carry it out, and soon enou-”
- “stop it. you’re wasting time. just go and get ready.”
- you sighed and smiled weakly. on the inside, you were sure your soul had died a little.
- while you left to change, overcome by embarrassment, illumi lingered by the bed for a few seconds. he tried to push down whatever he was currently feeling, but it was no use. the feeling in his core had risen up to his throat, a burst of something waiting to leave his lips. 
- for the first time in a while, illumi zoldyck smiled. not at murder, or at power, or fulfillment, or achievement, or even villainy.
- illumi zoldyck had smiled at the thought of you.
- let’s just say illumi had trouble focusing on his mission. 
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i am honestly so fucking sorry you had to read that whole thing. the way i am literally in love with illumi zoldyck and ended up writing 2857 words bye bye bye i’m so sorry!!! PLZ what?? anyways,, i feel like i heavily underwrote hisoka now, since i did such a prologue thing for this! honestly i feel like this one came out a little boring, im sorry again AAAAA just agh; chrollo should b coming when i have time but i have exams rn so idkkkk hh
either way, likes or reblogs or whatever are super appreciated, but don’t feel forced to or anything! either way, i feel like no one’s gonna see this with my reach LMAOO but anyways thank you for reading, if you made it here! feedback and tips for writing on here are always helpful :)
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doctor-plagueis · 3 years
RWBY Booty Tier List
Hi I said it would happen so now it's gonna happen, time to rate asses and explain why I gave them that rating...
(also they are in order from flattest to phattest)
[This took way too long (T-T) ]
Starting with D TIER Aka Flat as fuck
Raven: Ya go to the lowest tier in D tier ya all-tits-no-ass having ass, you deadbeat fucko (I really don't like parents who leave their children, how'd you guess?).
Weiss : Sorry girl but even with all your dance training, your Sperm donor's DNA is in you, if it was just your mom's DNA you'd rocket up to A TIER, still more ass than Raven tho, which says a lot about Raven since Weiss is as flat as a wooden plank (sorry @naughtyweiss your girl has no ass).
All of team NDGO: these bitches show up once or twice, and, in the novels they do something bad? I didn't read it, but they like sacrifice some people to the Grimm or something? Anyways they have almost no ass too little to actually matter.
C TIER Aka Too much muscle
Pyrrha : Sorry unbeatable girl your life style is just too healthy, with all her exercises and no fat foods she has no cushioning, I'm sorry Pyrrha you just have too much muscle.
Reese : With all her skating she must have some muscle in the back, like literally, her muscles are trained to keep her on the board during combat so her ass is super firm, but that's a bit of a downside since it's too firm, kinda hard actually like really hard.
Also she gives me party animal girl vibes, that doesn't affect anything just thought I'd mention it.
Elm: Have you seen how tall and beefy that girl is? Now does this affect her backside...mmm...kind of? Her ass is just and, I mean just muscle which is bad because no cushioning.
But her thighs tho mm~mm delicious.
Yang : Yang is all about her upper body, she's proud of her tits and her arms, she is Miss "punch first ask later" after all, so i can actually see her skipping some leg days, like Reese her booty is alot of muscle but not so much cushion, sorry Yang.
Arslan : Like Yang, Arslan is all about working out and honing her body to peak physical fighting ability, however, this girl has genetics on her side, her tits aren't as big as Yang’s however, she make up for having a tentsy little bit of cushion for the pushin' not really enough to be B TIER though.
B TIER Aka Now were gettin' good
Penny Ver.2 : Penny Version 1 was pure metal (at least in my headcanon) so she was all legs no butt, however, Penny Version 2 (again in my headcanon) had synthetic skin, now I'm not saying Pietro is some weird pervert giving his child a fat ass, but he was "generous" which was inaccurate as...
Penny (human) : Penny as a human never had the chance to exercise [fuck you RT (T-T)], so her booty was a little lacking but it was still bigger and rounder than her robot body.
Ruby: Now you and I both know that with all the sweets Ruby eats she isn't exactly thin, good thing though is all the fat goes to her ass, Ruby has that fatty y'all!
Neo : I'm sure people will question this one but, Neo's height is a detrement on her ass, since she's so short her ass has to be proportional to her actual height, so for women her height she has so much ass but compared to the others in this list it isn't as much.
Coco: Coco takes care of her fashion and her body. She does squats often and keeps a balance between fat and firmness. Unfortunately genetics gave her a cute face but not a phat ass, sorry queen.
Summer: Same as Ruby except she has that MILFY boost to her hips and booty (she also has bigger tits but, oh well this isn't the Titty Tier list so...).
Winter : Training for the military helped null the taint of Jacques DNA in her, so she took a bit more of her mother’s blessed genes, her ass isn't exactly impressive like the girls in A TIER but it's nothing to scoff at either, unlike her sister (sorry Weissey).
Miltiades "Miltia" : both sisters wear heels, however, Miltia has bigger boobs than her twin while Mel has a bigger booty, still wearing heels and being as acrobatic as they both are requires a lot of lower body training, and also since they work at a club as security they do know how to seduce people, and that did affected their rating.
A TIER Aka Nearly perfectly fuckable
Harriet : Now to be one hundred percent honest Harriet has more thighs than ass, however, with her focus on speed and the training she does, she must have a nice fuckable ass, not the biggest or roundest but really, really nice.
Melanie: Both sisters are guards for Junior's club, but, I like to think that Mel also works as a Stripper or Lap dancer (Hooker if you got enough to buy her services and have a dick big enough, she's a bit of a size queen), so she worked on making her already fat ass even better and also took the time to hone her sex appeal, those being her twerking and lapdancing.
Velvet : Bunny gal has some phat Bunny Buns if ya catch my meaning, like go back to volume 3 and get a good look at her costume, girl's got hips and ass like she was bred for it!
Willow: Have you seen her in the newest volumes?? She has a chance (admittedly small) against the legendary bellabooties Gahtdayum!
Too bad she wasted it with a nearly sterile fucking shit pile of a human like Jacques, ugh... (How he managed to have 3 children baffles me, must've taken half the world’s supply of Viagra)
[Side note our favorite Schnee femboy took after his mom, if he was on the list he'd be just below Harriet hehe].
A+ TIER Candidates for the Bubble Booty Brigade (BBB)
Glynda : Glynda is a professional huntress, she is a teacher and she's decked out in dominatrix gear, can I make it any clearer?
Salem : Salem is the original MILF, the thiccest witch of remnant , and also, she has magic and is technically a monster girl sooo... that gives her extra points (who would've guessed I like monster girls hehe).
The next entry might be blasphemous for some and for that I apologize but...
Blake and Kali : I'm sorry kitties, even though the belabooties are know world wide they are not yet in the BBB. Blake has the firmer booty because of her time in the Fang but Kali has the MILF bonus.
Because of their similarities and their diferences they tie for top of A+ tier.
The three heavenly asses of remnant, only three girl stand a top the mountain of the perfect Bubble Booty and they are in order...
May Zedong : May has been depicted by the fandom as being really curvy, especially the cow udders she calls breasts, however she hides her curves under her clothes. The same applies to the fucking badonk she hides in her baggy pants, so much so in fact, that May should be number two of the BBB but because she's so shy about her body she's demoted to number three, still, being a member of the Brigade is a blesing of itself.
Emerald Sustrai : As stated in the previous entry Em should be number three, but because May is so shy and Emerald isn't they swaped places. Em is number two because of one singular thing, she knows her ass is her best atribute, and she fucking flaunts it, she knows she can make men and futas pitch tents, and make women stare like horndogs just by walking past them. Not only that, but she wear clothes that accentuate her ass from short shorts to miniskirts, she knows how to make anyone undeserving cream themselves just by swaying her hips a little and winking. Her seduction skills boosted her above everyone else except one.
Every single step a jiggle, every single jump or tiny hop and the world stops to stare, every time she passes by jaws hit the floor, every man woman and futa either wants Nora or wants to be Nora.
Nora's voluptuous cheeks are legendary and the worst part of it all is: She does know the effect she has on people, and she gives zero shits about it.
Because no one is worthy of her divine ass cheeks, except for two men: Jaune Arc and Lie Ren.
She's found her studs the ones who care for her, love her, give her the world AND the ones who have huge bitch breaking cocks to fuck her into the sheets like rutting animals.Every.Single.Night.
Every day of her life is one big teasing session for her studs, she purposefully wear skirts just short enough to see the glorious bounce, she always finds excuses to bend over, she sits on their laps as often as possible.
Just so she can have the mind blowing three ways she has every night.
All hail Booty Queen Nora Valkyrie.
Now everyone thank you for being patient this was something i spent a few days writing (like 3-4 days) and I only wrote this for that time so I hope y'all like it.
Some chacters are missing I know, but I really am comfortable with how it is now.
This was a thought experiment of mine, and like I always say in this sort of thing WRITE HOW YOU WANT TO WRITE I hope this was clear.
Thanks for reading and please if you so desire share it with friends.
But for now see ya!
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cryptidofthekeys · 2 years
Wow here he is, the lad, i literally made a killer sona for this shit huh, gjfkdljfdfk- i swear to g o d- i see O N E character, I grow attached to said character very much, they go on the l i s t... And then I start bustin’ out the sonas so anyways i started blasting- fghjdkdfjs but uh this one’s dark sooo...
TWs: Death, Cannibalism, Murder
| Real Name: Chase Dudley Blackwell
| Nicknames: C, Dudz, or Cryptid
| Title: The Arnston Forest Huntsman sometimes called The Rabid Huntsman (considering my name, Chase means hunt/huntsman I figured that’d be a good basis)
| Gender: He/Him
| Age: N/A but it’s clear he’s an adult
| Height: 7’0”
| Species/Race: Human. . .? If he’s human he’s got like an INHUMAN amount of strength (I wanna clarify, he’s not indestructible or invincible by any means)
| Occupation: …Not really an occupation LMAO- but he’s a Murderer essentially, a cannibal for more specifics!
| Eye Color: Baby Blue
| Hair Color: Black (his hair is long and stringy, hangs down in his face mostly unless Markus insists he puts his hair up, which he’ll do either into a ponytail or a man bun)
| Weapon of Choice: His favorite weapon is his large ax, sometimes he’ll use a butcher’s knife or a baseball bat
| Skin Color/Body Type: He’s extremely pale and kinda chubby (big large and w i d e frame man)
| Appearance: Dudley’s main outfit is a black apron that’s torn up and dirty in many places, and then he has a dark purple shirt (he keeps his sleeves rolled up to his elbows) has a little black bow tie on as well, wears some dark purple leather gloves as well- Has black ripped up jeans on that has chains hanging down, then he has black combat boots that have purple laces in them. He wears a black bull mask over his face as well, he doesn’t wear any sorta jewelry except for black and purple gauges in his ears, he has no tail or pointed ears but he does have black and purple claws and then his teeth are razor sharp, he also has a circle beard- if I don’t say that now I’ll forget it later.
And he has TONS of scars like ALL over his body, there’s too many to count or name he’s got so many, most of them look like they were from past struggles essentially (aka victims fighting back and some of them got pretty fuckin n a s t y with him), and those scars were caused by all sortsa things, like some were bullets, some were stab wounds, some were burn marks, etc- That’s actually one of the reasons he wears the mask over his face, he made it himself out of a bull skull that he painted black in the end, if I had to say I guess that would be the most prominent scarring would be his face got burned and so he wants to cover that up.
| I legit do not want to do a personality tbh gfldmkfgkdls I just want a simple description  of what he looks like and some side facts- bc I mean it’s PRETTY OBVIOUS he’s a bad person, he’s a murderer and a cannibal! He’s cruel and sadistic as hell- so Imma move onto the side facts
| Side Facts: Dudz works with Markus Crowe (that’s what I’m calling the murder mans from iswm) how those two met was fairly simple… Markus was chasing after someone who tried cutting into the Arnston Forest in hopes they’d lose the other, but little did that person know that they would run into yet another… Problem… They had run through the woods only to fall right into a bear trap set out by another infamous killer, who had unfortunately just been rounding the corner right as they got caught. He heard the scream and slowly walked toward the victim who was struggling and crying, like they always do… Screaming even louder when he approached and looked down at them.
First thing C noticed was that they had already been pretty roughed up, in fact he saw a knife wound on one of their arms which was… Odd… However, Dudley was hungry and this would do for supper tonight, so he quickly grabbed released them from the bear trap and before they could fully get away he grabbed them by the leg and began to drag them, ignoring their screams, cries and pleading for help, they were like everyone else who came into his forest… Ugh, another screamer… Dudz HATED those, as much fun as it was to cause suffering he h a t e d loud noises…
Unbeknownst to him however, there was someone following him… And well it’s obviously Markus, he was going to be upset for a moment- Figuring someone was going to help them but it seemed this dude was just dragging them through the dirt, literally ignoring their pleas and crying, this intrigued Markus so he decided to follow along… He wasn’t even angry at someone potentially stealing h i s kill, there was far too much curiosity to be angry right now… ANYWAYS- skipping ahead, so Cryptid drags the person back to his run down looking lil cabin in the woods with Markus secretly following behind and then peering in one of the window’s, meanwhile Dudley threw them harshly against the wall which knocked them unconscious.
He sighed in almost relief it seemed at the screaming stopping, Markus watched through the window, watching as the other then grabbed the victim and got to work, I don’t wanna be here ALL day so basically uh Cryptid does what he does and prepares the victim essentially, like cutting them up, ripping things off, etc- Gathering his ingredients and throwing them together all while covered in blood, this made Markus grin in delight, now… Usually he wouldn’t take too kindly to someone stealing his kill, but this… This could be the start of an interesting situation… He heard Dudz huff before setting the plates down, and that’s what made Markus blink, why… Why did he prepare two plates, was there someone else? And then Dudz grabbed his ax and turned toward the window, staring DIRECTLY at Markus and gesturing for him to step inside.
Markus was surprised by this, cautiously he kept his knife out as he slowly approached, head peeking around and in the doorway, he still had a sly grin on his face meanwhile Dudz expression was more neutral “Well well well… Hello there big guy…~ I gotta say, I’m impressed… Ya mighta stole my kill but ah, no hard feelin’s there… I ain’t here to start no trouble, so relax… Let’s put our weapons away, see?” Markus stepped into the doorway, slowly lowering his knife back to his pocket and to his surprise, the other lowered his ax and tilted his head, seemingly curious before glancing down at the plate, pointing at it then toward Markus… The other nodded “Yeah, I’m sure ya saw their wounds, dat was all me~ But like I said, ain’t no hard feelin’s… I was merely… Observing, after all, I noticed you weren’t helping ‘em out… Instead dragging them back, ignorin’ their desperate pleas and cries for help so I gots a lil bit curious ya know?”
Dudz nodded and gestured for Markus to come on in, to which he casually did, the tension was somewhat dying down but still… Could never be too careful… Dudz sat down at the table as did Markus, and- okay to speed things along more, Markus chatted with Dudz, he was doing the talking entirely in fact (Dudz is selectively mute, he CAN talk but strangers…? …Eugh…) After a bit of listening to the other, bc Dudley was actually genuinely curious, and some of the murders the other talked about got a grin or a deep raspy chuckle from him… But then… C noticed something… Crowe didn’t seem to be eating the food which made Cryptid tilt his head again, the killer shrugged “I uh, as much I appreciate the effort, uh, I’m just a killer… Ain’t uh, ever tried eatin’ any of my victims, ya know…” Dudz shook his head and pointed at the plate, and then his brows furrowed, he seemed to be getting upset but it seemed more directed at himself as he cleared his throat…
“...Tttt… T…Tr… Trr… Trrryy…” Markus was shocked by this, shocked by the other speaking so suddenly and quickly like that, he seemed very adamant about Markus trying the food and to not risk ruining this before it could begin he nodded “O-Okay… Yeah, alright…” And with that he picked up a piece, he actually seemed nervous for once… But Cryptid was looking at him expectantly and so Markus closed his eyes and tried some, surprisingly enough after a bit of chewing and then finally swallowing it down, Crowe sighed and looked over at C who was looking expectantly, the killer clicked his tongue and smirked “...Not bad… Definitely uh, not as bad as I thought, figured it’d wind up making me sick…” Dudz made a delighted sound, in fact he looked overjoyed as he watched Markus enjoy his cooking “Yoouuu… Rrrreally… Liiike…?” Hm, this had delighted Dudz so much he was actually trying to talk now… Markus nodded “Yes, I really like~”
After eating Markus stood up and cautiously approached Dudz who didn’t seem as tense as earlier, if anything he was delighted… In fact Cryptid opened his arm and scooped Markus up in a big hug, an almost spine crushing hug which at first worried Markus but he awkwardly hugged back, patting the other’s back gently “U-Uh yeah yeah… Y-You’re uh, welcome buddy… Yo…You a r e kinda crushing my spine though…” Dudz blinked and carefully released the other, apologizing to which Markus held a hand up “It’s fine… Listen, I gots a proposition for ya… Figured since we uh, ain’t tryna kill each other, and hold no ill will or nothin’ like dat against each other… How’s about you an’ me… We form a lil… Alliance, of sorts?”
Dudley blinks and tilts his head, not fully understanding what Markus means to which the other sighs “Look, I needs me a new place to crash… My uh, old place ain’t safe no more… And I figure, you an’ me, since we uh, we’re friends now how’s about I crash here? We could be an unstoppable duo! And plus, I can bring in some cash for ya if you uh, need it~ So whaddya say big guy? We gots a deal~?” Markus held out a hand and this made C think for a moment, if he had money he could technically do more… After all, the methods of cooking he had were kinda… Primitive, he’d love to have more ways to cook and maybe even… Bake, and having someone who DIDN’T scream, cry, or beg to be let go, who just said the same old rhetoric over and over again …Genuinely? It would be nice.
So Dudz shook Markus’s hand and the that’s how the two got p much stuck together gfkldjfghdk just being in the right place at the right time …Well not for the victim cause goddamn they were in the w o r s t place BUT ahem- That’s how Dudz and Markus began to work together, Markus could get him income and plus he said he was his friend! And that’s all Cryptid needs! And Crowe needed a good place to hunker down and this was p e r f e c t so it benefited them both! This was the start of a beautiful yet deadly partnership… Sometimes Dudz does find Markus insufferable because he drags things out so PAINFULLY long like u g h, it’s painful for H I M- and many other reasons but if it came down to it, C would put his life on the line for Markus for sure, someone trying to hurt him? Dudley will legit slam them INTO the ground.
That’s p much it on how they met though, that’s all I needed to cover, but anyways- Aside from that- Dudz literally doesn’t know about a n y of the other egos, has no idea any of those exist- No idea about the multiverse, or anything like that-
And this ISN’T canon but I had a funny thought of just Stan being his dad, being this HUGE murderous bastard’s dad, who Dudley is soft and gentle with- like Stan is oblivious, has n o fucking clue what Blackwell does but he just sees this big dirty and bloodied dude and like yep, that’s my boy! Dudley is a monster, cruel and sadistic but then with Stan, his dad he just smiles sweetly and seems so happy as he waves and talks with like normal, essentially just “Hello dad…!” no stuttering, trying to figure out words, his voice is still deep n raspy sounding BUT he talks perfectly fine with Stan bc I mean, that’s his dad!
Would always make sure Dudz had water on him, makes sure Dudz drinks enough water, just a normal father and a murderous cannibalistic son (but dad doesn’t know bout that bit, shh don’t tell dad!) Dudz would never tell his dad about any of that, never get him involved like EVER in that sorta business, makes sure he stays oblivious and unknowing of the truth bc if Stan ever found out, it would crush Cryptid to the point where he’d probs never show his face around dad e v e r again, he’d be too shameful and guilty, and he knows if that happened… J-Just, bad… bad things, things he doesn’t nor would e v e r want to do… :)
BUT ANYWAYS- Sometimes C picks on Markus’s height, he finds it amusing to be so much taller and it’s also funny how a n g y Crowe gets over it, it's all in good fun of course- another reason it’s funny is that Markus is usually as cool as a cucumber, even says so himself that he doesn’t get mad so easily gkfldjfgkdls, but now there’s a polar opposite situation!
Markus stays as cool as a cucumber, he is sly and doesn’t get upset or angry at situations as easily as C does, C can lose his temper VERY fast, he can get extremely angry in a matter of seconds and then the destruction starts, not AS cunning as Markus or as sly by any means- which ya know Crowe mentioned that bull mask he has on fits him very well because of that hot fiery temper, how angry he can get quickly but Markus tries to keep that at bay. After all, getting blindly angry like that could lead to Dudz getting hurt or w o r s e… And Crowe can’t have that- They are honestly opposites in a few regards but that one mainly.
Markus is mostly the brains meanwhile Dudley is definitely the brawns, not to say Dudz ISN’T intelligent bc he definitely can be! Dudz has a collection of masks actually, the bull one is just very special to him since 1: it was the FIRST one he crafted and 2: Because of what Crowe said about it, that made it more special- TONS of masks, a lot of them are animal themed but then he just has regular kinds of masks that aren’t based on animals, also has MANY traps, some are regular bear traps and then some are special traps he’s invented himself, he’s invented a few with Markus as well over the time they’ve spent together.
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The Bae’st of all
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Character: Kyubae the bae’st bae of all aka Kyubei
Prompt: Seeing how Kyubei is named after an alias that the real Mitsuhide Akechi used (Juubei) the chances of fans getting a Kyubei route from Cybird are slim. However, it is simply impossible not to fall for this man. He is too good. So here have my attempt at writing a route.
The key of the previous chapter was (Romantic/Dramatic):
A/N: So, everyone except from one voted Dramatic so far. You guys have until 10.2 to vote which route comes out first. Gogogo!
1.1| 1.2 | 2.1 | 2.2 | 3.1 | 3.2 | 4.1 | 4.2 | 5.1 | 5.2 | 6.1 | 6.2 | 7.1 | 7.2 | 8.1 | 8.2 | 9.1 | 9.2 | 
Avatar Challenge 1 | 3.1 Gacha POV | 1st Letter | 5.2 Gacha | Avatar Challenge 2 | 2nd Letter | Avatar Challenge 3
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(To Motonari I'm bait. For Kennyo a tool to force their hand. To the Oda I'm just a chatelaine, and to Kyubei I'm…)
Hidden away in the temple I’m contemplating what my possible roles to play are. However, I still my thoughts just before the last part, unable to finish the last sentence even in silence.
(I will have to. Kyubei's very person is on the line and I need to focus.)
Taking in a deep sigh I say the words out loud:
"His dilemma."
"His weakness.”
“His light.”
It makes me uncomfortable, but it is a good realisation to make if I want to help Kyubei. I don’t know his plans yet, but I shall do whatever is needed to keep myself from becoming an obstacle that ruins his mission.
(Motonari supplies weapons to Kennyo and the Ikko-Ikki. Mitsuhide is working together with Motonari, using Kyubei as a middleman. Neither Motonari and Kennyo trust Mitsuhide or Kyubei, but they see a use in me, who is both from the Oda who Mitsuhide just betrayed and can possibly tie down Kyubei…)
(Kyubei wouldn’t, right? He is loyal to Mitsuhide and Mitsuhide alone. He wouldn’t choose me over him, right?)
For some reason thinking that breaks my heart a little, but I don’t want Kyubei to throw away who he is and his cause because of me. The plot makes my brain swim, unable to comprehend what is truly going on as I continue to fret.
(Focus! Focus, me! I have to make sure that Kyubei doesn’t have to make that choice in the first place!)
But nothing comes to me as I eye around the room. Not even a slightly creepy, but convenient, ceiling-ninja.
(What use were all these lessons anyway if I can’t put them into practice!)
Frustrated, I ball my fists as I fling myself on the floor, wrapping Kyubei’s haori tightly around me while I listen to the rain falling outside.
(He doesn’t have his coat with him and it is raining again. I wonder if he is cold, or if he found shelter.)
A knock on my door encourages me to push myself up into a sitting position as I watch a masked warrior monk in black slide open the door.
The figure, just as solemn and quiet as their abbott, only says that single word before retreating, leaving a plate of what is a hearty meal on the table.
(Ah, the famous shojin-ryori menu!)
I can’t help myself but take a peek at the food that they have dished out for me, a curiosity to see the simple diet that the monks of Japan are so famous for.
(When will I have the chance to try some authentic shojin-ryori again? In the modern era you have to call in advance to make sure it is the real deal and here it is just served!)
(But wait…)
In my excitement I take a closer look at the plate. It existed out of a simple clear broth with tofu and vegetables and a side dish of pancakes made of soybean remainders mixed with vegetables for colour and topped with scallions.
(Isn’t that also banned? I remember something about it exciting the senses…)
Lifting the plate with the pancakes I examine it carefully, turning it into all angles as I eye the densely packed cake, a piece of paper and leave underneath it to draw out the grease from the pan fried dish.
(But the paper is below the leaf.)
Drawing out the paper I realise that it is a note rather than that it was meant for grease, the neat and small script of the note familiar.
‘Bar the doors tonight, open the window when the crow calls.’
My heart thumps when I realise that the note comes from Kyubei and what the words mean. It elates me as well as that there is a rising dread as I realise the implications of the note and the decision he might have made.
(Please don’t let that be true…)
“My men reported that you didn’t finish your meal today.”
That night Kennyo comes to visit me, his face as stern as ever, but there is a worry in his eyes as he sits near my door, keeping close to the exit but blocking it as well.
“Our cuisine is simple and might be a bit too bland to your taste, but it is important that you don’t starve yourself.”
Involuntarily I feel like a scolded kid, despite the gentle words that are meant to coax me rather than to guilt me.
In the time that I have spent here I have come to notice that Kennyo is a caring man with fatherly tendencies. Though he keeps his distance from me and tries to treat me coldly I can’t help but notice the small bursts of warmth he shows to me.
“I wasn’t too hungry. The food is fine.”
Gulping I try to answer as naturally as possible, but my words feel awkward and halted as Kennyo’s dark eyes eye me with slight suspicion, a sigh escaping him before he produces a sweet smelling bun for me.
“Here, just in case you get hungry.”
And with that Kennyo means to leave me again, his back solemn and his air mournful, the sweet bun he left for me contrasting to the bitter sadness and regret he always carries with him. Before I know it I have called out to him:
“Kennyo? Thank you, for everything.”
The words have left me before I even realise them myself, but I mean them wholeheartedly all the same. Kennyo freezes in his steps, turning around with surprise clear on his face. His eyes narrow in reminiscence of a painful memory as he flashes me a wry smile.
“You’re my hostage. Why are you thanking me, have you no common sense?”
His words are chiding, but I grimace back all the same in genuine delight. For all the bad he tries to do and pretends to be Kennyo truly is no different from the rest of the warlords. Fighting for his ideals and what he believes will bring peace to his people.
Pocketing the sweet bun Kennyo left me I set out to work as soon as the door closed behind the man, leaving me alone for the night until the next morning.
(I don’t know when Kyubei plans to come, but I won’t allow anything to jeopardise the mission.)
I don’t have many things in the room, nor is there any heavy furniture. The temple keeps a simple interior reflecting their lifestyle, but I manage to stack up a fort to block the door nonetheless.
(Phew, I’m glad I managed to do this.)
Finished, I’m admiring my handiwork when a bell sounds through the small temple, the sound of rushed footsteps and orders breaking through the silence of the otherwise so peaceful temple.
(It has started!)
Holding my breath I slowly back away from the door as I turn to the window, my hands feeling clammy as I strain my ears. The beat of my speeding heart threatens to overtake my senses as I try to keep my breath under control, counting the seconds for the conditions to be fulfilled for the second part of the instructions.
“[Name], [Name]!”
A scratchy voice calls for me from beyond the window followed by the flapping of wings and a large shadow at the other side of the screen. Sucking in my breath I pull the frame open as I’m faced by the shadow that I have missed, slightly damp from the rain outside and clad in a single kimono, his haori still with me.
“It has been a while, my lady.”
Long dark hair that rivals the night sky in the back, and skin that resembles the reflection of the moon. Kyubei towers over me as he holds his hand out to me, his eyes crinkled into crescent moons as he smiles upon me. On his shoulder sits Kage, his beak parted as he flaps his wings.
“[Name], [Name]!”
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incorrect-mha-bnha · 5 years
Headcannon/Au Drabble
Kirishima is standing too close to a villain when Bakugou detonates a viscous blast, not taking into consideration that he couldn’t harden everything immediately without fair warning. Kirishima ends up going deaf because of the close proximity.
Nitroglycerin is addtictive, therefore? Midoriya has been around Bakugou the longest (excluding his parents which would have been warned by a doctor awhile ago) and is probably addicted to it despite Bakugou’s many attempts to keep their distance. Midoriya is just a crackhead.
Shigaraki was never able to play patty cake as a kid and that’s depressing in itself.
Ship hc: Person A plays video games with friends and wears a headset. Person B doesn’t play but likes wearing a pair and sitting in their S/O’s lap while talking with everyone.
The Joker/Harley Q trope for a couple dynamic is really valid in many BNHA ships. Person A and B are very capable heroes/people that know how to defend themselves but like to call their S/O in times of trouble. Person A is stopped by a bad guy and calls out for Person B with pure enjoyment for what is about to go down. All the villain hears is loud banging as B gets closer.
Bakugou is actually really amazing at doing makeup and hairstyles, along with doing nails. I’m going to say he learned most of that from self taught occasions, his mom, maybe some aunts and Best Jeanist. ANYWAY, all the class girls love to ask Bakugou for some pampering whenever they can. They always win him over after the fifth or sixth time they beg or give some sort of puppy eyes but Bakugou would never admit to actually liking doing those things.
Kirishima is the type of guy friend to carry pads/tampons in his bag at all times just incase any of the girls may need emergency supplies. He may go as far as bringing Tylenol or even an extra hoodie.
Bakugou owns a lot of house plants, and for many reasons. He’s the best and pretty smart which means he’s eco friendly. What does eco friendly entail? Going green! I hc that he probably refused to show his room because it’s completely jungled out (or full of cute plants and fancy pots). Based on his personality and my own projection, he’d like a plant that isn’t too demanding on care but I doubt he’d mind a challenge. Maybe a handful of succulents and a good amount of cacti- throwing in some Devil’s Ivy and a cute palm tree. Bakugou could spend hours tending to them, watering and building a nice ledge to rest them on just before his window. Indulging in new pots and fancy equipment for the sake of being extra. It’s all about the principle really. Plants produce oxygen, not to mention that some are really good for health as well.
BAKUGOU IS TRANS (but I would never press that on anyone)
Deaf Bakugou?? At a young age when Bakugou was first starting to learn about his quirk, he unleashed a very large, uncontrolled explosion way too close to his ears. That resulted in him becoming completely deaf in one ear and partially in the other.
Shouto is partially blind/visually impaired/completely blind in his right (left??) eye thanks to the BOILING HOT WATER being poured on his EYE. You can’t tell me homeboy didn’t get some sort of damage done from that besides some gnarly burns.
Kaminari has ADHD
Kirishima is extremely roudy and wild, also gay. Very gay.
Kirishima is trans (there are many things that point to this conclusion). Such as: If a transmasc got top surgery, he wouldn’t wear a fucking shirt again either. Talking manly and wanting to be manly is like the basis of what trans guy are working on. And the whole thing about him being gay? Is he really attracted to them or does he want to be them????
They aren’t allowed to have animals in the dorms despite a lot of begging done by all. However, Bakugou decided to say fuck you to the rule and has a bunch of animals in his room. Now. He gets away with it for a few reasons. 1) He isn’t loud about it, doesn’t go around showing them off or boasting like usual. Won’t bring them out of the dorm or let anyone see when he brings supplies back. 2) No one would suspect Bakugou to be such an animal lover or one to break that rule. Sad to say, he does. Many times over the course of high school, in fact. What animals could he possibly have? HMmMm let’s think, shall we? No doubt a hamster, a real grumpy one though. It has to have personality. A Bearded Dragon, Ball Python, a few Corn snakes. Maybe a gecko. But you have to believe he has a cat too. There is no way he wouldn’t. A furry brat that keeps him company while he studies and works out? Jumping on his back as he does yoga and sleeps on his face at night. There is no way. The best part is that the cat is deaf, which is why he adopted it. He went in looking for another lizard and came out with a sassy feline with no hearing. So what? He went soft.
Midoriya would be the first to go to jail between him and Bakugou. Hands down. Think about it... He broke numerous laws just to get a friend back and had no guilt for it. He was just all ‘Ehh, what you gonna do about it?’ when the fuzz pulled up to press charges. Bakugou is just crass and volatile, he threatens to kill people... but has he ever been seen killing someone? In conclusion, Midoriya is a delinquent covered up by his positive cinnamon bun nature.
Alright, personal projection time!! Kirishima bites and chews ice cream. Denki eats soup with a straw. Shouto eats cereal with a fork, “What? I don’t like too much milk. It strains out this way.”. Bakugou is just as bad, he’s a teenager and will do shit just because. Aka, he will go down to the kitchen in the middle of the night for some milk n cookies. When he realizes there is no more milk, he will throw a silent fit because he wanted those damn cookies. Begrudgingly though, he will pour a glass of water and dunk his Oreos in then eat em like that. I don’t make the rules, it’s just what happens.
Bakugou needs constant love and constant positive reinforcement along with help on his anxiety. Give that boy a service dog. A big fluffy golden service dog. A really large, extremely fluffy service down he can hug and hide his face in whenever something is bothering him. A real big puppy that makes him feel secure and makes him laugh. Damn it! Give him a dog now!
Kirishima is rowdy and wild. Baby boy is a teenager. Not to mention is invisible and hyped up on manly shit. THERE IS NO BOUNDS FOR WHAT HE WOULD DO. Think about it. He’d literally card Todoroki into setting him on fire just to see how long he can hold his hardening for. He would have Inasa drop him from the FUCKING SKY just for the hell of it. Hello? Is this thing even on? Kirishima is wild.
Dabi is afraid of spiders. Don’t ask me to elaborate. He just seems like a man with that primal fear.
Bakugou and Midoriya don’t know how to tie a tie. Midoriya learned that weird funky napkin trick shit from just giving the fuck up and saying “Oh, hey! That looks sorts similar!” And went with it. Bakugou just can’t. He can’t. The only reason his ID shows him with a tie is because Mitsuki tied it for him before hand, and he never let it happen since. They are hopeless. That is all.
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mythgirlimagines · 3 years
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Reaching the stars and coming back none for the worse is this Tuesday’s Talentswap, Myth Anon, the Former Ultimate Astronaut! (Fusion’s Interpretation)
Having grown up in a rich and affluent family known for their contributions to scientific research, Myth had a whole bevy of scientific knowledge forced into her at a young age, ranging from physics to medical studies, and her hunger for knowledge meant that she just ate the knowledge up. But deep down, the sheltered yet studious heiress wants to explore the world beyond her lavish estate. Fortunately, Myth’s intellect made her a prime volunteer for NASA’s research, despite her age. She passed the high-difficulty astronomy and astrophysics exams with flying colors, and is slated to go on the research shuttle when she becomes a legal adult. But she is willing to postpone her studies if it means chaperoning the Ultimates and Jr. Ultimates, as well as meeting up with some fellow Former Ultimates. 
Wyre Anon, Former Ultimate Tennis Pro
With Wyre’s parents being business partners with Myth’s parents, they were practically inseparable, ever since they first met during a charity gala. Wyre regularly helps to physically train Myth for her astronaut exams, and Myth regularly helps Wyre study up for academic tests. Wyre regularly tries to get Myth to loosen up and have some fun for once, and they just live for one of Myth’s rare smiles. Despite Wyre’s rough, tough, and rebellious attitude regularly getting on Myth’s nerves, Myth knows that Wyre is a loyal and kindhearted companion to have. 
Outfit: A red visor with a black checkmark on the front, a red tennis jersey, a white undershirt and shorts, red and white knee-high socks, white sneakers with red laces, intact glasses.
Anon Scar, Ultimate Artist
Spending most of her elementary and middle school years as a wallflower, Anon Scar has taken to sketchbooks as her prime mode of entertainment. Although Scar mainly specializes in pencil sketches, Scar eventually mastered a whole museum of art forms. Now that she is in high school, she decided to forge herself a new identity, as the “Overlord of the Monochrome Realm”. But she doesn’t do a particularly good job of keeping up the charade, and turns out to be a bit of a concerned mother hen. Myth is regularly confused by Scar’s vocabulary and rich inner world.
Outfit: Shaggy hair in double buns held up by art supplies, elaborate black and white make-up, black overalls splattered with paint, a black and white striped sweater, black and white striped stockings, black rain boots with paint on the bottom, a black and white striped scarf.
Fusion Anon, Ultimate Magician
Having started out performing magic on the streets to help his struggling family, Fusion is a master at both quiet sleight of hand and loud bombastic performances. Fusion’s specialization is pulling disproportionately large items out of his long sleeves and large afro. Despite Fusion’s unnatural talent, Myth couldn’t help but admire his optimistic and paternal personality. Somehow, Fusion always knows whenever Myth needs something and pulls whatever she needs out of his hair/sleeves, and he always weirds the lady of science ever time. However, Fusion couldn’t help but envy Myth’s upbringing.
Outfit: A blue cloak with oversized and floppy sleeves and yellow details over a red t-shirt with a big yellow star on the front, blue pants with a red pattern on the end held up by a brown belt with a yellow star-shaped buckle, blue curly-toes shoes with yellow jingle bells on the end, glasses from original design.
Fusion Anon II, Ultimate Pianist
As the only child and rebellious heiress of a wealthy family, Fusion II has dominated piano competitions after piano competitions with her fast-paced and finger-flying compositions. But with the pressure by her parents to inherit the family business, Fusion II adopted a flippant and aloof personality that is dominated by piano-covered meme songs. Both Fusion II and Myth bonded over the troubles of being born into wealthy families and having to shoulder various burdens. Myth also regularly has memes taught to her by Fusion, and in exchange, Fusion II gets to play a soothing piano piece for Myth.
Outfit: Smoothed down hair, music note pin in the center of her red bow, light blue off-the-shoulder sweater with a piano key design on the ends over a white tank top, floor-length white skirt with a black music note design near the bottom, black heels.
Just Anon, Ultimate Inventor
A lazy yet strategically and mechanically intelligent young man, Janon would much rather lie in bed all day then actually lift up a tool to complete an invention. Despite being a chronic procrastinator, the few inventions that he manages to finish managed to revolutionize the scientific world as a whole. When meeting the Ultimate Inventor, Myth was internally excited to meet a fellow genius. But when Janon’s foul mouth and poor work ethic was revealed, Myth instantly took all of that back. Even today, Myth and Janon regularly feud about each other’s work ethic and general attitudes. 
Outfit: A grey gas mask that hides his face, an oversized pink overcoat with grease stains all over over a white button-up shirt, brown gloves, pants, and boots.
Sparkle Anon, Former Ultimate Child Caregiver
Having started a successful babysitting business from a young age, Sparkle’s eccentric, dramatic and rather childish attitude just attracts kids like metal to a magnet, particularly when it comes to her magical girl persona, “SPARKLE THE SPECTACULAR SPELLCASTER”. Eventually, Sparkle decided to just keep up the persona full-time, and that just attracted even more children and parents to her babysitting agency. While confused by Sparkle’s magical girl persona and general attitude, Myth knows that Sparkle means no harm, and just yearns to entertain and care for people.
Outfit: A pink frilly dress with white and gold details, an elaborate and long pink wig, white gloves with red flower bracelets, red knee-high boots with white details and laces, light blue contacts. 
3-GG (aka. Egg Anon), Former Ultimate Robot, and Wet Sock Anon, Former Ultimate Entomologist
Just like Myth, Wet Sock is the heirexx to a prestigious scientific family, with Egg being specially-crafted by the family to be a sibling figure to Wet Sock. But ever since one of Wet Sock’s pet moths flew into one of Egg’s circuit boards, Egg’s mindset hasn’t been the same, causing their parents to boot them both out of their estate to never be seen again. Myth couldn’t help but take pity on the two, and looking past the cursed comments that both of them made, Myth found two broken and lonely individuals. Myth yearns to get closer to the two and learn more about them. 
Egg’s Outfit: Pale armor-like skin, an ahoge that functions like a satellite dish.
Wet Sock’s Outfit: Glasses from original design, a black jacket with a blue butterfly design near the bottom over a blue sweater vest, a matching tie and a white button-up shirt, black pants and matching shoes.
Curious Anon, Jr. Ultimate Cosplayer
Growing up with an unremarkable presence and a trouble with expressing emotions, Curious has taken to cosplaying and pretending to be different fictional characters. No matter the gender or personality, Curious manages to accurately portray the character, both in appearance and personality, with hand-crafted costumes. Because of Myth‘s sheltered upbringing, she hasn’t been exposed to anime until Curious came along to educate her. Myth is currently interested in magical girl and science fiction anime. However, Myth couldn’t help but want to craft Curious a proper identity. 
Outfit: A white-button up shirt, a red tie, dark green pants, black slip-on shoes, fake glasses.
Anon Nerd, Former Ultimate Adventurer
Having been abandoned in the wild at a young age, Anon Nerd had to do his best to survive in a dog-eat-dog world, as well as find a permanent home. Nerd’s socially isolated backstory made him rude and irritable, regularly mauling and pummeling people he doesn’t like (read: everybody) with his fists. Myth understandably steers well away from Nerd, fearing what would happen if she got on Nerd’s bad side. Which is a shame on Nerd‘s part, considering that he finds Myth cute. Unfortunately, Myth is far too dense to pick up on those feelings, and Nerd responds to unknown emotions with violence. 
Outfit: Mid-back length hair, a red headband, a black sleeveless parka over a tight white shirt that shows off his muscles, blue jeans, nothing on his feet. 
Eldritch Anon, Ultimate Anthropologist
Eldritch is well-known in the anthropology circuit for his cynical and misanthropic philosophies, and his elusive shut-in behavior. Eldritch seems to have the idea that Myth is either a malicious robotic overlord or a hostile alien queen, considering her fascination with space and her limited emotional range, and yearns to stay as far away from her as possible. Myth wonders what could have went on in Eldritch’s past to make him despise and distrust humanity this much, and why he doesn‘t seem to view Myth as a human. Myth just wants Eldritch to trust her, and gain his friendship. 
Outfit: Shoulder-length hair in a ponytail, a black face mask that covers his mouth and nose, a lavender and black poncho over a matching sweater and pants, bandaged hands, white shoes.
Dream Anon, Ultimate Supreme Leader
Despite Dream’s impulsive and childish behavior, Dream‘s followers renown her as sunshine in human form, and a beacon of hope, joy and optimism. At first, Myth was skeptical about the validity of Dream’s talent. She thought that a teenage girl, let alone someone as childish as Dream, couldn’t possibly be the leader of such a large organization. But upon witnessing Dream’s optimistic and rousing speeches, Myth was beginning to see why her followers named her the leader. Dream gifted her a sports jersey with her name on it, as a sign of friendship and acceptance. 
Outfit: Same outfit from her original design, only with her sidebag being replaced by a cardboard crown and a black cape. 
Iris Anon, Jr. Ultimate Detective/Assassin
While Astronomer!Iris has her interest in true crime, Detective/Assassin!Iris has this interest taken to an entirely new level. While Iris is known on the lawful side for her clumsy, yet intelligent and optimistic personality, Iris has an entirely different reputation on the opposite side of the law, as a devious little assassination master, who uses her clumsy and dorky personality as a facade to draw suspicion away from herself. Having a positive outlook to just about anybody, Iris took a liking to Myth already, loving how intelligent and well-put-together she is. However, Myth can’t help but feel as though there’s something off about Iris.
Outfit: A dark blue overcoat with a star badge pinned on the front over a black button-up shirt and a yellow tie, a light blue plaid skirt, black knee-high socks with a noticeable sliver taken out of the right one, red Mary Janes, glasses from original design. 
Purple Anon, Ultimate Aikido Master
Having been raised in a traditional family skilled in both martial arts and traditional dance, Purple’s aikido manages to mesh both of these traditional art forms together into one picturesque martial art. Purple, despite her combat-based talent, is timid and cowardly, regularly hiding behind her good friend Fusion. Purple’s vocabulary, if you managed to get it out of her, is very old-fashioned and loquacious. Luckily, Myth is intelligent enough to understand Purple. Just like with Wyre, Purple and Myth regularly like to meet up together and do physical training together. 
Outfit: A black headband, black hakama top, bandaged arms, purple hakama pants, white socks, brown sandals.
This series centers around the intelligent yet awkward and isolated astronaut learning about friendship from the colorful personalities surrounding her. 
Because of her upbringing, Astronaut!Myth is cultured, highly-educated, mild-mannered and polite, never raising her voice or speaking before she’s spoken to, and when she speaks, her words come out clearly and precisely. Also because of her upbringing, Astronaut!Myth is also solitary, socially inept, not very good with emotions, and has a tendency to come off as cold. Despite her cold tendencies, Astronaut!Myth is actually really kind-hearted and tends to get excited and cheery when talking about her interests, about the only times when she ever actually smiles.  In her off-time, Astronaut!Myth can sometimes be seen practicing her smile in the mirror, in order to come off as more friendly.
Astronaut!Myth wears her undyed hair in a moon-shaped ponytail. Astronaut!Myth’s upbringing is shown very clearly through her clothes, which consists of a navy blue vest with golden buttons and her family’s logo on the right lapel, a white dress shirt with a light blue tie and sleeve ruffs, a black belt with a gold star in the center, a navy blue skirt with a constellation design, black leggings, and black boots with light blue buckles and soles and white fluff on the insides of them. 
Well, I’m finished with this week’s design. Let me know what you think of this talentswap! And don’t forget to tune in later for more of Fusion Anon’s creations, both in written form and visual form!
-Fusion Anon
Very nice!
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ah-kasuna · 4 years
Puppetry in a Nutshell // ♥ I ♥
Pairing: SasoDei
AU: Art School
THIS IS THE 1ST PART AND MY VERY 1ST TRANSLATION ;_; I ain’t native speaker, so there will be mistakes I think, so please let me know about them, so I could fix em! Tbh it feels like doin it with the blindfold on, so XD Yeah, forgive me anyway. 
I hope you’ll like it!♥ Let me know what you think please! Love ya!
AND I DEDICATE IT TO @deidaraakasuna, U KNOW WHY♥♥♥
The world-famous Fine Arts Academy, located in one of the most charming corners of Tokyo. 
A place that growing artists dream about, perceiving it as a mystical land of inspiration and creativity (until they see sculpture students playing with their own Pony ponies). 
The university to get to is a high-class feat, usually drenched in liters of alcohol and liters of tears in a later hangover. After all, who wouldn't get drunk on this occasion? 
I smiled at the vague memories as I unpacked my breakfast and shook my head fondly. Basically, this sentimental feeling of being an old woman with a bunch of grandchildren has accompanied me since the beginning of my sophomore year, when I watched the freshmen roaming the corridors in sweet ignorance of their fate. Fortunately or not, this intoxicating state faded into non-existent at the end of the first semester as the session approached. And it just so happened that it was just approaching, breaking the will to fight along the way and magically depriving the students of creative inspiration, the one necessary - as you can easily guess - to pass half a year at a group of charming leaders.
My gloomy eyes followed the classroom. Outside the corridor window, visible through the open door, a bird chirped merrily. The weather was beautiful - a typical Japanese spring. The cherries were blooming, scattering fragrant white-pink petals around, and I was rotting at the epicenter of All Evil, like a condemned man aware of what was about to happen. And which happened cyclically twice a week, because my goddamn ambition pushed me to apply for this equally damned university. And so I redeemed my sins before I died, regretting abandoning the idea of ​​self-improvement in the privacy of my modest (but equipped with a kettle and toaster!) Apartment. What more could you want?
I shoved a huge piece of bread in my mouth, which I chewed for five minutes before he graciously wanted to squeeze through my esophagus. A dry mouth like this meant only one thing: my brain finally picked up the information that puppetry classes were about to begin. For my despairing amusement, everyone was rushing to their seats, with shaking hands shoving paints, chisels, and the rest of the necessary utensils out of their bags, as if someone's life depended on the speed of their perfect arrangement on the table. I felt a sudden urge to laugh out loud.
If asked about the reason why the very thought of puppetry gave the vast majority of students sudden symptoms of delirium and depression, the answer would be simple, concise, and more eloquent than the potency pill ads: Hell Cerberus aka Sasori Akasuna. Officially - a lecturer in a terribly heavy and hated subject; in fact - the walking essence of the deepest pits of hell. What was it about him that wherever he went - everyone immediately cut off discussions and silly games? Well, the puppetry professor not only carefully nurtured the art of being laconic, cynical and ruthless. He was devilishly intelligent, even more talented and vindictive and possesive a tons of sophisticated sarcasm, which he liked to apply with the greatest pleasure to me. 
The bell rang. Everyone but me jumped up immediately and Akasuna entered the classroom. As always: in a perfectly matched shirt, elegant pants, a perfectly knotted tie and an equally perfect boredom on the face.
I reluctantly swallowed the rest of my bun, limiting myself to lazily lifting my ass off the chair and making a painful expression. Anyway, I was a loser at the outset, so I saw no point in putting on a similar play as the others, which only maked him sastisfied more. I clenched my fists automatically. Not this time, man!
The professor walked slowly towards the cathedral by stairs, giving the impression of a man who  scrupulously and deeply don't care for this worldly place and time. And perhaps I would even fall for his 'dun-give-a-shit' play, if I had not been marked by his hatred from the very first class. And yet, it's not like I did something to him, oh no. I was simply not susceptible to his mental puppet strings, so I stubbornly disagreed with him on the essence of the art. For him, the highest dimension of beauty were - horror of horrors - goofy make-uped puppets; for me, the art was much less crude carving in plastic materials, where every little movement could fix or spoil everything. And the wood? It was too patient, too tough, hard to work with, unresponsive to the tender touch of trained hands, and it had splinters ...
Everything happened according to the established order. Akasuna checked the attendance, gave an excruciatingly boring spiel about our laziness and talentlessness (noting that exams were coming up), and then had everyone make an individual puppet design. I groaned woefully like the rest of them, reluctantly reaching into my bag for a sketchbook and a set of pencils.
I loved nothing so much as wasting my time gouging dolls. To my left, a class idiot Tobi, wrapped in an orange and black scarf almost under his nose, looked at me as if I was a revelation of heavens.
"Don't even try," I said, feeling what was happening." We'll be kicked out both."
The guy made cat eyes, but said nothing more, and I went to work. I was drawing the lines in concentration, letting my mind wander along the definitely nice tracks, and in the end I turned off mind for good. And I would have been drawing in peace so I'd probably have finished this stupid task if that black-haired moron at the desk next to mine had not disturbed me with his grunts accompanying his neck stretching towards my work. 
It was the end of my composure. I lifted my head from the project and cursed him to the next five generation, supporting my words with a discreet but well-hit kick. There was a muffled groan.
"Kawamoto, shall you explain me what are you doing?" I immediately heard the distinctive, bored tone of his voice and stiffened on my chair. 
The professor was standing a few steps away from me, eyebrows raised and hands folded across his chest.
"Should I take you to the playground?"
"I'm trying to work, professor," I grunted, holding back the appropriate retort and wondering how the heck did he materialized at my desk.
"Good choice of words, indeed." The corner of his mouth curled up in a cynical smile. "Then be that kind and continue your trials in peace, unless you prefer to try at another university."
I felt my blood flooding. Tobi inhaled loudly, knowing what awaited him at the break, and Akasuna leisurely returned to the cathedral, occasionally glancing at me with hideous satisfaction.
I hated him. I hated him most sincerely and most earnestly, with particular emphasis on his physicality, which, despite the sadistic nature, made most of the female students' knees soften and their tongues tangled. Because exactly! He wasn't just a psychopath. He was a disgustingly handsome psychopath who was well aware of this fact and was not embarrassed to make use of it.
Unfortunately, it happened that he accidentaly found out about my moderate interest in the opposite sex, and from that moment he enjoyed torturing me with himself, perfectly guessing my preferences and weaknesses.
"May you rot in these shavings," I drawled under my breath, sticking a pencil on a blank sheet of paper and tracing a busty doll in a ballerina costume on it, with revenge paints 'Miss Sasori' on her exposed ass. And I would probably enjoy this piece of finest art until the end of the class, if I hadn't realized what my "blank sheet" was and why I just sentenced myself to death. I scribbled a porn image of the puppetry professor on the outline.
The bell rang.
"I would like to remind you that today we have the deadline for submitting the presentation plans to pass," his voice occurred to me as if through a fog.
Did I really hoped it would end well? With my heart pounding in the chest, I tore the rubber band out of my pocket, trying to erase the traces of my crime, as I caught above me the distinctive smell of his perfume.
"It was especially to you, Kawamoto," he announced icily, slipping the battered paper out from under my hands with a nimble movement. 
He attached it to the stack of papers he held, without even glaring at it, and left me sitting at the desk with a silent scream of terror on my face.
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nikadoesthings · 4 years
A beautiful rear can also endear
Hello people, I am new on here and shirtless Jake Gyllenhaal was roaming my mind and I had to get it out of my system by writing a fic. So here is a blurb (is it called blurb? idk). It’s around 1000 words and the reader finds him doing this challenge and is taken by surprise and then some teasing happens. Anything else you need to know beforehand? Let me know if I’m doing something wrong. And English is not my mother-tongue, so sorry for weird things in the text.
You’ve been standing in the door frame for you don’t know how long. He’s known for being just a tad - or more - weird. But yet here you are, astonished and enamored at the same time. You should have become suspicious when you heard him giggling in the living room and visiting you in the kitchen demanding love from you and showing you different T-Shirts to choose from. You were in self-isolation after all, why did he want to be perfectly dressed? After exchanging some cuddles, sweet kisses and loving words he just explained, he had a special workout planned. While planting a last kiss on your forehead, he snitched the hair tie from your ponytail to use it himself for his man-bun, leaving you with your hair loosely evolving a life of its own. Anyways you got back to preparing food. But you weren’t prepared for what was you would see when entering the living room.
How long can a human be head over heels? Uhm I mean… upside down. You are the one head over heels probably. While being in an upright position. Like on a plane during take-off and landing. Staring at Jake Gyllenhaal putting on a shirt while he performs a handstand is definitely more adventurous than flying. This is a work of art. Effortlessly completing his task aka accepting the challenge he just smiled at before with no intention of doing it. At least that’s what you thought. And those toned muscles… You felt half of your brain cells clock off in the exact moment you laid eyes on this scenario. And what makes standing weirdly in the door frame even better? - Right, holding a random food item in your hand.
Losing track of time and space is notoriously inevitable for quarantine and looking at Jake - this you have learnt so far while spending time with him. It has been just a few seconds you stared at him in awe. And with a sandwich in hands. Motionless. The thirst kinda took over the wish to eat anyways. While he returns to a more normal position after he accomplished successfully you slowly get a hang of reality again. He starts goofing around, striking a pose and sighing with relief. His eyes were focused on his phone recording his heroic deed but then he notices you and he gives you and the future audience behind their phone an adorable smile. Partly proud of himself, partly amused by seeing you being dopey.
He decides he can leave you in trance a few seconds more to record his nominations and the appeal to support local businesses. That being done he puts his phone away and approaches you still smiling, now with a hint of slyness creeping in. He positions himself standing right in front of you, looking at you for a few seconds and then biting in the sandwich. It has come to a good use, finally. The brain cells left run at full speed while you look puzzled between a muffled laughing Jake and a bitten into sandwich trying to figure out the correlation between those two things. He grabs your wrist, lowering your hand with the sandwich to the closest furniture. “Surprise! I did the challenge!”, he smiles widely and adds explaining “And ate some of this sandwich… I’m not laughing about you, I am laughing because sandwiches are hilarious, you know.” “I think I witnessed that.” “I know you did. But you looked like your soul left your body for a second. So I wanted to double-check that you know for sure.”, he chuckles while running his thumb over your cheek. “I guess I have to breathe a bit of life back into you.”, he ponders before kissing you and smiling at your lips. “Welcome back in this world.” “Very funny, Mister. I still have to adjust to you being… you, I guess. You’re unlike anyone I ever met. But I like it. A lot.”, you blush while he rests his head against yours and plays with your hair he freed from being stuck in a ponytail previously. “Same goes to you, special girl. And I like it especially when this smart cookie…”, he taps your forehead while his blue eyes lock on yours. “…does something dumb because she likes me so much.” He snakes his arms around you, teasingly raising his eyebrow. But he stops dead in his movement when your recovered brain cells come up with a comeback. “Did you just call yourself something dumb?”, you ask playfully sheepishly, but that facade quickly crumbles and your devilish grin shows. Now he stares at you in disbelieve, his kissable lips slightly parted, but yes you just said that. Surprise! Now you returned the favor. But still you are under his spell, thinking about his lips on yours. He uses your moment of abstraction to pick you up, which causes you to squeal in surprise but was cut short by his lips crashing on yours. And you reacted to him immediately. “Oh… someone’s naughty today… talking back, checking me out literally behind my back…”, he whispers in your ear with a snarl and nibbles your ear. Dammit those actors really can change their demeanor perfectly in just a heartbeat.
Your heart now beating fast, fluttering as if by command since day one. He quickly figured out how to push your buttons and noticing every ever so subtle or instinctive signal sent from you. He knew you were checking him out earlier all the way. “A lot of backs here… But what can I say… a beautiful rear can also endear…”, you couldn’t hold back from babbling. And you immediately regret it when you see his facial expression. You will have a lot of teasing coming for you. Whoops! “Let’s get you back to bed and get this stupid shirt off me again.”, he bores his eyes into yours and grins evil. “You’re in trouble, Miss.” You know.  And you look forward to another show of his skills and physique - now just for you.
So here it was, my first fic here. Want me to write more? You want to know something else? Chat? Please feel free to message me or whatever. I heard finding friends online is nice. ;)
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dandelionpath · 5 years
thinking about what an interesting person I am... like if my whole fam (including extended family) knew my true and whole self, i’d be both the “cool cousin” and the one that is a curse upon god’s good earth lmao!! because i’m nonbinary, pagan, have rad music taste, routinely converse with old gods (aka loki, hades, Hestia, and something unnamed and too ancient for words), have raised a bear cub spirit, am in a relationship with a spirit or two, and practice tarot??? also not to mention that I have a radical haircut that I can tie into a man-bun but it doesn’t look that bad (more artsy than anything sdgdsjfkl) and am proud of my queer self. so like. people are missing out when they don’t get to know my true and whole self!!! my family is missing out!! I am the true cool cousin here lmao!!
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buttofgrayson · 6 years
[NSFW] It’s a celebration
Dick Grayson x Zatanna Zatara
Summary: Zatanna officially joins the league and holds an admission party however things takes a different turn when Dick Grayson entered the scene.
Warnings: smutty af
Word Count: 3,322
Note: A little kinky story I wrote with the help of my cuteness @batsyfamhq a while ago. It was so fun to write. Send me requests if you ever have ideas for more stories. 
Many emotions were spinning around in her head. It was an important day. Perhaps the most important in her life. Zatanna was surrounded by her idols and role models as they excepted her as one of their own. Today was the day she had been excepted into the Justice league and it was kicked off by a gathering of heroes. Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince were discussing politics, Arthur Curry and John Stewart played a game of dominoes, Cyborg (Victor Stone) was absolutely slaying it as a DJ while Hal Jordan, Barry Allan and Oliver Queen danced the night away together as they were already pretty drunk. Dinah Lance, Iris West and Helena Bertinelli cheered the drunkin trio on. Seeing everyone out of their costumes and in such a great mood brought a smile to Zatanna’s face but she was still overrun with doubt. It was reasonable of course. Considering it was a huge moment in her life and large responsibility to take on. Plus the fact that her long time close friend, Dick Grayson wasn’t there. Of course many heroes weren’t able to make it considering the schedules that would go along with people who saved the world but it was still disappointing.
Zatanna sat in her ravishing black silk dress. It was form fitting and clung to her strong fit body like a glove. Her curves looked magnificent in it. It had a slit that came up from her leg up to her thick outer thigh and the top was a v cut that descended down into her soft ample cleavage. Her body was curvaceous voluptuous but still slim and fit standing on a pair of dark red three inch heels. The beautiful minx of a woman was missing her top hat but instead wore a high messy bun that admittedly took forever to get perfect but was definitely worth it. She looked like a goddess but didn’t feel like one. Zatanna snapped her head around when she heard a familiar voice. “Hey Z!” A cheerful voice was identified with a familiar face. It was Helena Bertinelli, one of Zatanna’s best friends aka the Huntress. “Hey” Zatanna forced a smile across her lips as she faced her dark-haired friend. “um,” Helena read her expression and she knew something was up “is something wrong?” Her voice soft and full with concern. Zatanna sighed, her eyes looked away as she searched the room for a specific person. “I was actually expecting someone.” she replied with a disheartened voice. “maybe they were busy. Don’t worry about it.” Helena gave a pat on the shoulder. Zatanna brushed her hand off and shook her head in frustration “no Helena! I was seriously expecting this person to be here. He has been a big part of my life and this is the greatest moment yet and he still can’t show up?” Zatanna exclaimed with frustration.
She felt a gentle touch on her hand and she was ready to defend herself as it was part of her reflexes however as she was spun around to face the person, her expression soften. She looked up at Dick Grayson aka Nightwing. The only person who could put her mind at ease. Zatanna was so caught off guard as her attention was fully captured by the handsome man. His jawline sharp as a knife, his perfect cheekbones and those damned beautiful eyes. He had the looks of a supermodel. He wore a black suit with an opened jacket showing his black vest, white dress shirt and dark blue tie. His broad shoulders filled the suit out well but the thing that really made her heart stop was the look he gave her. His ocean blue eyes were piercing and almost intimidating contrasted with his signature charming smirk. “Hello gorgeous” he says. His voice is husky and smooth. You can tell he’s just so damn full of himself. Zatanna rolls her dark blue eyes at him and coldly says “Where the the hell have you been?” She wishes she could shout at him but she wouldn’t want to cause a scene. “C’mon Z I’m sure you know how hectic Blüdhaven is.” He tried to recover but damage was already done. She looked at him with a death stare but it was no use to him. Dick came closer to her, his hands wrapping around her waist bringing her closer. He looked her deep in her eyes and said “I’m sorry.” How could she ever stay mad at him? She deeply and truly wished that she could. “Okay then. At least you came.” Said Zatanna.
“Come have a drink with me.” He said softly while his hand smoothly captured hers. “You sure about that?” Replied Zatanna. She knew Dick didn’t commonly drink alcohol and she wanted to ask if he’d hit his head too hard. “It’s a special night and I’m feeling this deep urge to give you something special. That something is going to be a good time.” He said with a bright smile while he pulled her by the hand to the bar and away from Helena who wore a little smirk on her face. Perhaps she knew there was something between them. Something that’s been left unsaid. Dick orders two vodka sodas for the two of them while Zatanna got comfortable on the seats at the bar. Before they toasted their glasses, Dick held back and gave her an excited smile “what are you smiling about?” She gave a small giggle. “I have been working on a little something for the occasion.” The corner of his lips curled into a small smirk. “Okay..” Zatanna blinked and looked at him with anticipation “so what is it?” She bursted out with excitement. Dick chuckled “sonialutargnoc” he said proudly. The pair laughed. “You know, it’s actually wrong but A on the effort.” She gave a pat of encouragement on his arm “it’s actually sonitalutargnoc, sweetie” she shrugged like it was the easiest thing to say. Dick gave a smile “guess that’s why you’re the magician.” He raised his glass and the both had a toast before sipping on their drinks.
Few drinks later.
“Wow, I think I’m drunk.” Zatanna giggled as she rest her head against Dick’s shoulder. “Me too actually.” Dick chuckled softly. Zatanna glanced around and realized that the league was present then started to freak out “oh my gosh, Dick! I can’t be drunk in front of the league. What would they think of me?“ She panicked. This was her admission party and she wanted to give a first good impression. "Hey, hey calm down” Richard rest his hands on her shoulders “we can go somewhere else and just sober up for a while.” He takes her hand and leads her out of the party to the lounge room.
Dick held her hand as they walked into the lounge room. The lounge room had dim lights, a large circular table, finished off with a few chairs and beanbags. Dick lets out a soft sigh as he admires her beauty. She felt her cheeks heat up and a tint of pink shaded her cheeks “what are you looking at?” She giggled. “Nothing. I just didn’t really get to tell that you look so beautiful. I feel bad because I wasn’t completely honest. I wanted to tell you that you look so gorgeous. So absolutely amazing. You’re amazing” He said as he walks towards her slowly. He gently tugs a piece of hair behind her ear as his eyes analyse her every soft feature. He leans in close to her ear like he was about to reveal a secret but instead he gave soft, delicate kisses down her earlobe. “Well finally.” Zatanna chuckled softly and runs her hand through his hair as she pulled him closer. Zatanna chuckled softly and runs her hand through his hair as she pulled him closer. “You said you wanted to give me something special.” Zatanna says while she lets herself melt into his touch. “I want to pleasure you babygirl.” He says in his deep smooth voice while his kisses trail down her neck to her shoulder.
“Just take me.” Zatanna shivers as Dicks hands slip the dress off of her shoulders revealing her red laced lingerie. Her soft milky skin pours out of the lingerie only to be met by his lips as he kisses her down her breasts while his hands bring the dress down with him. The man gets down on his knees now kissing down her stomach while the dress finally falls down to her feet. He looks up at her perfect body. She was truly magnificent her thighs breasts and booty were thick and ample while she had a slim waist. He’s descending down into her core, kissing her below her navel. His soft lips embracing and appreciating her every curve. A fire is ignited inside the stunning woman. His every touch is met with tingles that almost make her weak in the knees. She feels a deep need to be touched. Touched where her oceans are beginning to flow. His hands grab her hard and aggressively gripping onto her perfect body tightly as he picks her off her feet. His hands squeeze her round firm booty as he carries her to the table and softy lays his little princess upon it.
Zatanna looks up at him as that is all she could do at this point. He smirks back at her before kissing her up between her thighs. He knows what he’s doing. It’s his favourite thing to ever do. Tease. Teasing her until she’s under his submission. Until she can’t take anymore. Until she begs. He slowly slides her panties down her smooth legs and her perfect little wet pussy is revealed to him. Soft and pink. Practically gushing with anticipation. His eyes widen. “Oh god babygirl” he said in almost a moan. He comes closer. His lips just an inch from her paradise. He looks up at her. His eyes piercing and intimidating as always. He resists his urge to devour her like an animal to give her the look. The look that tells her exactly what he wants from her. “P-please.” She whimpers. His response is a cocky smile and the delivery of his promise. Pleasure. His eyes close as his tongue is engulfed in her softness, her wetness. He moans at the taste of it. She’s absolutely delicious to him. “O-oh oh Dick!!!!” Is tongue prodding and invading her like she’s never felt before. He licks up her slit and around her soft lips. He wouldn’t want to miss even a bit of her sweet gushing juices. “A-ahh!” small whimpers and squeals are struggling themselves out of her mouth as she fights the urge to shout and moan loudly. “O-oooh my god! Dick!.” His hands grip around her thighs pulling her closer to him making sure she couldn’t wiggle herself away from her pleasure no matter how intense it got.
He was going to make her cum, he was going her make her shake, he was going to give her all that she could take and she was going to take it. She can barely breathe her hands claw at the table below her as she struggles controlling herself but her moans grow louder “yes… oh god YES DICK” his tongue variates from licking her up and around her slit and diving it into her entrance. He knows exactly what to do. The young hero doesn’t need a single direction. He knows exactly what to do in order to make her little pussy quake. It feels so, raw so sensitive. Zatanna finally gives out and begins hollering to her hearts content. There was no use trying to hold it back any longer. It was too intense. “OH FUCK YDDAD!!!!” She yellls out. Dick puts his mouth in an o and begins sucking on her clit and clitoral hood while his tongue licks under the hood at her little diamond of a clit. Zatannas back arches and her core begins to quake. He’s turning up the intensity, giving her more than she could even handle. She begins squirming away from him but he won’t let her budge as his grip on her is so tight. Damn he knew how to use that tongue of his. “AAAH! D-Dick!!!! I’m gonna-” her speech is cut off by the feelings rushing through her body hard and fast. Her midsection jerks and her arms scramble at the table beneath her as she feels herself orgasm hard. “A-A-AAAAAAAGHHHH!!!!” She lets out a scream in her shaky voice as her waist buckles against his hot mouth still going to work on her. She has multiple orgasms all together. She wishes she could count how many but her head was too wrapped up in the feeling.
Dick gets on his feet looking down at the young woman glistening with sweat and shaking on the table and removes his silk handkerchief from his suit pocket and wipes his mouth while giving her that cocky look he does. Zatanna is speechless. She wishes she could say something, anything but it seems like the girl who can speak backwards has found herself tongue tied. Dick begins removing his suit. One by one his articles of clothing disappear and in no time he is standing in front of her with his bare shirtless body revealed to her. His chest and abs seemed to be crafted by the gods themselves just like his jawline. His arms are powerful and built. She looks at his body like one who was stranded in the desert would look at a tall glass of water. Dick smiles “Why so quiet?” He asks. “It’s just a lot to take in” she says with a bit of a laugh. “Hmmmm” Dick responds with his smirk before undoing his belt. Speaking of a lot to take in. She looks down at the sizeable bulge in his pants and almost feels out of breath again. He drops his pants showing his tightened black boxers. What was in it was just dying to come out. Finally Dick pulls down the boxers to reveal his strong hardened manhood.
Zatanna’s eyes widen as she looks down his length. It’s bigger than she’d even expected. His large cock pulsates standing tall in its freedom. His cockhead shines as it slowly drips sweet precum. She is finally shown his full body. “Wow it’s- it’s big” says Zatanna who can barely hold herself from blushing.He gave a cocky smile and walked towards the needy girl. She already knew what was about to go down, she was finally going to get the special prize which she had been eyeing moments ago. His hand gripped on her hips and pulled her closer, her back sliding across the table. She gasps lightly at his strength and looked up at him, desperately. “Aw, princess.” He teased her with his charming smirk that would make the angels sin. Zatanna couldn’t help it anymore, she needed him to fuck her and the only way out was for her to beg “Please Grayson, I need you” she whispered helplessly, like a needy little slut. Dick shook his head lightly and wrapped his hand around her neck, leaning in closer. His hot breath lingered along her neck “excuse me? What’s my name?” He said in a low husky voice. His voice was more than enough to make her feel another wave of wetness. She whimpers softly “I want your cock, daddy. Please I need you to fuck me” she begged. Oh how this was music to Dick’s ears, exact words he needed to hear. A smirk formed and he released his grip from her neck, pulling back to see how undone he had made her “Mmm, that’s a good princess” he held her hips as he teased his tip around her wet entrance before sliding his length into her.
This earned a low groan from him “fuck baby, you’re so tight” he licked his lips. A moan fell from her lips as she felt his length filling her tight pussy up. Finally, what she wanted, his cock in her wet pussy. He started to thrust slowly into her so that she could get used to his size. He started to pick up the pace as his grip around her hips tighten. She moaned out loudly, gosh his cock felt so good in her. It was just the beginning but she felt like she was already losing her mind. “Daddy your cock feels so good. Don’t stop” she moaned out. Dick places his hand back around her neck, gripping it but not too tightly “who said I will, princess?” He chuckled softly. Zatanna liked the way he choked her and his dominance, it was a turn on for her. She didn’t even realize she had a daddy kink until now. He had his way with words and his thrusts were driving her over the edge. He lowered himself onto her and wrapped his arms around her body, pulling her closer to him as he picked her up from the table. She struggled to grip onto him but managed to wrap her legs around his waist. She gasped as she felt his cock deeper in her.
Her back was slammed against the wall “damnit, Dick!” She groans softly. “Oops” he chuckled softly and held her leg over his shoulder. She used her right leg to balance herself up as he slide his cock back into her, this time he was deeper than before “holy shit, you’re soooooooooo deep” she managed to speak up, her hands clenched onto Dick’s shoulders. He held her close to his body and started to pound into her with his hard yet fast strokes. Zatanna moaned out his name loudly as her fingernails dig into his shoulders. The pleasure overcome the pain and she never felt this much of pleasure before. She never knew Dick could make her feel like this and she loved it. She felt her walls clenching around his cock, ready for her release. “D-daddy I’m gonna cum..” She whimpers. He held her closer, sliding his cock deeper into her as his chest pressed against hers “mm, princess. Cum for daddy.” He whispered in his husky voice.
His voice was the finishing touch to make her lose herself. She came all over his cock, her body shaking from the high and she closed her eyes tightly as she took in the pleasure. He sped up. “Princess I’m gonna cum too.” Dick moaned out while he kept his pace. “Cum inside of me” she moaned while her hands ran through his jet back hair. “Really?” He replied. “I’m a magician. I can handle it.” She gave a naughty confident smirk. It brought a smile to his face and he sped up even faster. Dick gave his last few thrust before he released his warm cum into her pussy. “Fuck, baby.” He groaned through his teeth. “Ah!” She gasps lightly as she was surprised by the feeling of his warm cum filling her up. “Gosh..” Dick breathe heavily as he pulled out. Both their juices slipped down her legs as she trembled. The pair naturally found there way to the floor. They held onto each other while still breathing heavily. Dick smiled. “Feeling sober?” Zatanna lets out a laugh “oh shut up!” She says as she gives his arm a punch.
Zatanna and Dick walk hand in hand back into the party. They’re dressed up again but both look dishevelled. Zatannas hair isn’t even in a bun anymore but instead is down and noticeably messy. They shyly walk back into the party, crossing their fingers that no one would notice how they look. Luckily the justice league was preoccupied with Oliver Queen who is currently standing on a table waling the lyrics to “Happy” by Pherell. They both smirk at each other. No one suspected a thing.
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thorscock-y · 6 years
The Office Incident (Part 2) Stucky x reader
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Author’s Note: Sorry about not updating this after two weeks after writing it, it was just time for exams and I had to work my ass off to get good results so yeah but now that I’m free and home with my family I’ll have more time to update. Love you guys, Merry Christmas!
Summary: The reader just got a new job as the Tower’s new nurse; taking care of the team when they get hurt and whatnot. She’s a outgoing but shy with guys type of girl so when she gets caught doing some risque in her office by the two best friends, Steve and Bucky, she finds herself in a dilemma.
Warnings: None really. 
The Office Incident: Part 1
Quickly, I discovered that my new nursing job wasn’t much of a job at all. The first day of work, I sat and patiently waited for someone to come, needing my aid. But no one came. Like an idiot I stood in my office, getting excited anytime someone walked by and stopped for a brief second by the nurse door. Though they never came in. They were either stopping to tie their shoes or throwing a piece of gum in the trashcan that was beside the door. 
I hoped that the next day would be better. It wasn’t. The day carried on just like yesterday. Me being lonely in my huge office. Not a single person coming by. I thought maybe Pepper wold come but not even she could keep me company. 
What was the point in hiring a nurse if they didn’t even need her? I’m sitting here getting paid for no reason. I would quit if I didn’t need the money, badly. However this isn’t what I went to college for four years for and then three additional years of nursing school to just sit and do nothing. It was unfair. Late nights staying in my dorm, studying like crazy while everyone else was partying at the kappa houses. Me working my ass off was all for something. 
Here I sat in my office chair, legs propped up on the desk while I searched in the newspaper for another job. It was grand and all; the pay here, but my dream was to actually work. Become a real nurse, preform surgeries, delivering babies, and whatnot. 
The phone went off suddenly, causing me to look up from the newspaper. It was the telephone that came with the office room, not my cellphone. It sat next to the computer, all shiny and black. Should I answer? Who would be calling this telephone though? 
Clearing my thoughts, I reached over and picked up the phone, then put it up to my ear. 
“Hello?” I spoke. 
“Hey, what’s up, Tony here. This is the new.........” I heard shuffling of paper as if he was looking for something. “The new nurse correct?” 
Oh my gosh, it’s Tony. Tony Stark. I sat up in my chair abruptly, taking my legs off the top of the desk. I’m on the phone with Tony Stark. He’s practically famous. 
“Oh um, yes that is correct.” I said, clearing my throat. 
Don’t stutter, don’t stutter.
“Why don’t you come on up? Pepper’s told me a lot about you and how I should meet ya.” 
“What? Now?” I asked. 
“No, tomorrow.” There was a ten second pause and it left me wondering if I should say something. “Yes, now. You know you’re way to the top floor?” 
“Great, see ya in a few.” He hung up on me so now all I heard was the long beep sound. I hung up the phone. 
It can’t be too difficult to find my way to the top floor, I should just click the highest floor. How hard could it be? So I went to my bathroom really quick to make sure I looked nice and professional for him to see me. I had on my nurse coat with a black work dress that hopefully didn’t scream “fuck me” .
My makeup was light and my hair was thrown back into a french twist bun. I think I looked fine. I’m going to be optimistic for once and not worry that anything would go wrong while talking to him. 
I walked out of the bathroom and into the hallway that lead to the elevator. It was pretty empty on this floor, only a few people were here and they were either printing papers at the printer or talking casually with a friend. 
I pushed the up button and once it opened I gasped at the sight before me. Was I seeing things or was Steve Rogers, aka, Captain America standing there in the flesh. Should I slap myself to prove that this was real?
“Going up?” He asked holding the elevator doors open for me. His voice. His voice gave me waterfalls. He gave me waterfalls just by looking at him. 
“Yes.” I said, realizing that I had been standing here for a while. I entered and stood right next to him, trying not to stare. I wanted to but I didn’t want to seem like a creep. 
“What floor?” He asked. Oh, so he’s a gentlemen. I shouldn’t expect anything less, I mean the man represents America. He looks at me, kindly with those beautiful blue eyes. 
“The top.” 
“So the tenth?” He didn’t give me a chance to answer as he pressed the tenth button floor. 
“Thank you.” I said, quietly. My shy side was coming through. This usually happened around men. 
“No problem,” He seemed like a warm sweet guy and certainly had the looks for it. The whole cute boy next door thing was going on. At the same time I was thinking about him fucking my brains out. Oh my goodness. Did I really just think that? I haven’t had thoughts like that since...........no. Let me not think of my worthless ex. I promised myself I wouldn’t. Asshole. 
To distract myself from my thoughts I examined Captain America. He was very tall, way taller than my 5′02 self. Dirty blonde hair, broad nice shoulders and well......a very nice man ass. His physique was every woman’s dream. Those arms. I bit my lip while admiring the back of him. 
I was bewildered when he turned to look at me but me with my quick eye skills, looked to the ground before he could catch me checking him out. 
“Have I seen you around before......” His eyes averted to my chest. I thought he was looking at my breasts. He was actually trying to read my name tag which was on top of my left boob. “Y/N?” 
I was stunned he was speaking to me, asking me if he had seen me before. I gulped and looked into those sparkling blue eyes. 
“I don’t believe so.” I paused, assuming he was going to speak but he didn’t. “I just got a new job here yesterday so.......” 
He eyed me up and down for a couple of seconds and I wished to know what he was thinking. 
“What job?” He asked. 
“Oh,” I can tell he’s trying to hide his shock that there is a nurse in the building. That action alone only makes me feel like I am not useful at all here. More the reason to look for a better job. Then again this one pays so much. “Well, I’ll make sure to stop by sometime. Who know’s, maybe I’ll need some stitches.” 
He then laughed at his own little joke. By God, his smile, the way the corners of his mouth curled into a picturesque moment. He. Was. Gorgeous. Completely. I was almost scared that if I looked away for a moment I would miss something. 
His smile slowly dispersed and he coughed awkwardly. It was probably because I didn’t laugh at what he said. I was too lost in a woman trance. Like how Cher felt in Clueless the first time she saw Christian. Just in a trance. That’s what he did to me. And I didn’t like it. 
To make things less awkward I spoke. “I’ll be there if you need me. With my stitches in hand.” My attempt to be funny failed in my mind. Luckily he laughed. This time, I did too. 
Just then the elevator doors opened. I stood there waiting for him to exit but he didn’t. He simply turned and held his hand out for me; a gesture that meant “ladies first”. It was kind of old fashioned yet I was the kind of girl who’s heart warmed at that kind of stuff. 
I felt the warmth running to my cheeks and I hurried out before he could see me blushing. “Thank you.” I murmured, all of a sudden shy once again. 
“See you around, Y/N.” He said and turned the opposite side I was going, down the hall. I watched the back of him walk away. Even the way he walked was drop dead fucking sexy. I felt like a perv watching him so I turned and walked forward as if I knew where I was going. 
That whole conversation was running through my mind while I found my way to Tony’s office. Honestly it was more easier to find than I thought because the hallway practically led me to two big doors at the end of it. 
The encounter with the captain strayed me from the real issue here. I was about to meet my boss. The good thing is I wasn’t as nervous as I was before. My mind was still elsewhere, thinking of him. Everything of him. And I had only just met him. I should stop. He probably has women dropping for him left and right. He wouldn’t want me. 
I needed to focus on the main goal here, which is far from a man. So I straightened up and fell out of my teenage girl trance. I knocked twice on his door. Wait......should I have just walked in? He knew I was coming. No that would have been weird. Knocking was good. 
“Come in.” I heard. I breathed in and breathed out to calm myself down from anxiety. I then walked in. 
“You said you wanted to see me, sir.” I closed the door behind me. He seemed to be working on something metal, some small circle thing. I honestly wasn’t sure. I was kind of far away from him so I couldn’t see clearly. 
His office was larger than mine in every way. Behind him was a large view of New York, and in the center of it was his desk. 
“Hey, come on, don’t call me sir. What am I? Sixty?” Looking at him in person, he looked shorter and a little.......older. But as soon as he spoke, the personality was all the same. I wasn’t sure if it was rude or playful. 
“Oh sorry,” I apologized. 
“Here, take a seat.” He nodded his head towards the chair in front of his desk. There were two of them. I walked over and noticed on the seat cover it said “just chill” in big red letters. I chuckled a little at that and then sat down. “Like it?” He asked, not looking at me. 
“Yeah it’s pretty funny.” 
“I got them for my fiance, Pepper. I put them in her office and what does she do? Sends them right back to me.” He shakes his head while he goes back to concentrating on his metal circle thing or whatever. 
And oh! So they weren’t just together, they were engaged. How sweet. 
“So how’s your day? Come on, talk to me. Don’t be a silent puppy.” 
“It’s been pretty casual, I guess. Nothing really special.” 
“Mhm, yeah, yeah, hey come over and hold this together for me for a second.” Okay, was this how he was gonna get to know me? I got up and walked over to the other side of the desk. He put my hands on two digital plates that were holding this metal circle together. “Okay so what made it casual and all huh?” 
“Well, nothing has been really going on,” I watched as he walked over to a box of tools under his desk. He searched through it, looking for something. “I just kind of have been sitting around-”
“What am I paying you for? Not to just sit around.” 
Oh gosh, please don’t fire me.
“It’s just that, no one ever comes to me or needs a nurse.” I replied anxiously. For a fraction of a second my grip loosened on the plates. It made a sound an he whipped his head to look over at me.
“Keep your fingers on those plates!” He hissed, pointing his fingers at me. 
Quickly, my fingers were back to the position he originally had put them in. 
“If you don’t mind me asking, what is this contraption?”
“Have you ever seen pictures of me on the news or on the internet?” He goes back to shuffling through the box of tools. 
“There is something in my chest, there’s not really a name for it, it’s just a chest piece that is essential to my body. Why you ask, well honey because it keeps the shrapnel from killing me by entering my heart.” He walks over to me with a screwdriver now in his hand. “Alright, you keep holding the metal plates together while I screw this in the middle to keep it together, got it, uhh what’s your name again?”
“Y/N, Mr. Stark.” 
“Hey, what did I say about the formalities? It’’s Tony.” 
“Oh, right, Tony.” I croaked. He never told me to call him Tony but I disregarded that fact. 
“Anyway, you got what you need to do?”
“Yep, got it.” He moved closer to me so now our bodies were semi touching, and then he began to screw in the piece. It was quiet while he did this. 
“Okay, now you can let go.” 
I let go and stood back from the desk a little. He picked it up, examined it for a little bit, even flicked it a couple of times then set it back down. 
“Thanks, sweetheart, you’re a real help and you know what? For your help, I’ll even make sure someone goes down and gets at least a bandaid from you.” I giggle at that. 
“Well that will for sure make my day.”
After talking a little with Tony I learned that I became good friends with him as well. This was different than I thought. Being here in a new job I would’ve assumed that I wouldn’t make any friends at all though it was quite the opposite. I would’ve never guessed that I, Y/N Y/L/N would be chatting casually with Tony Stark. 
The mans Dad has been very well known for his work since I was sixteen. If I went back to my high school and told people where I was right now, they wouldn’t believe me. 
The sky outside my window turned gray and then pale pink while I waited for the boring day to end. Like I had assumed it was uneventful, the only thing that had been the least bit interesting was meeting Tony and Steve. 
I slipped on my coat and turned off the lamp before grabbing my purse. As I was about to walk out of my office I heard a voice and turned to see someone who I would least expect to see here. Well today was just full of surprises. 
“Hello, I’m sorry, did I catch you at a bad time?” Bucky or James or I don’t even know his real name. We’re going with Bucky. 
I could feel my heart trying to find a way out of my chest, my breath was becoming uneven. His presence alone just scared me yet somehow made me feel some other type of way. I’ve been trying to ignore this feeling ever since I bumped into him in the hall and now I’m failing, face to face with him. 
“No, you’re fine, I just was packing things up and getting ready to go.” I hope my voice wasn’t shaking. Honestly it probably is. Shit. I’m standing in front of the worlds best assassin, how the fuck am I supposed to feel?
“I just wanted to say sorry about........”He paused and rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, the other day. I just-that was me being a dick.” 
The words sounded genuine, soft and sweet. For a minute, I forgot about all the news reporting’s of him hurting people and all the horrible images I thought of him. All of it left when he spoke those words. I could see he was nervous to say that, as well. 
My composure changed as I became less defensive. 
‘‘It’s okay, don’t even worry about it.” I assured him. 
“Yeah......no. It’s really not okay. That day was not the best day.”
“Why? I mean if you don’t mind me asking.” My curiosity was getting the best of me. With how intimidating he looked, I’m not even shocked I was asking these questions. 
“It’s a long story.”
“I don’t mind long stories.” 
He looked up into my eyes, and they twinkled with hope or....happiness? Whatever it was, he surely looked more uplifting. As if he was happy that I cared. 
“Well let’s talk it over dinner or something. Kind of want to get out of this building and eat. Don’t you?” He asked, with a smirk. 
Was he asking me out? Wait, no, I don’t think so. There’s no way when we had literally just met. Then again my experience with men is horrible, considering I’ve only had one my whole life.
“Sure,” I said deciding to clear my head and just go with the flow. 
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oshyoideum · 5 years
EDIT/NOTE/WHATEVER: it’s actually repost of post from 2018 but it never showed in the searches so why the fuck not try again (literally copy-pasted it so)
Okay, so my first real work here on Tumblr, of course it had to be fanfic xD Upon inspiration from @actuallydeglace and her wonderful fanfic “Marrow” I wrote KimiSaku ‘cause who can stop me!? Welp.
I used one of @theradiointukyshead ‘s AUs.
Enjoy, I hope xD
It’s fucking long (4992 words)… could be longer but still long
AU: i come to get my laundry in the basement at like 3 a.m. and WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU WEARING ALL WHITE TO PRACTICE YOUR VIOLIN IN THAT DARK CORNER??
    Sakura was sitting alone in her dorm room munching (quite loudly) on her very tasty and very unhealthy chips while trying to focus on her notes. She was studying the material for the next test for few hours now and… what was the time? Shit, it’s almost three in the morning… I want to sleep… Sakura sniffed quietly after checking the time on her phone.
   The biggest test from anatomy was around the corner and the girl’s poor nerves were not helping her to prepare at all. In the past few days she was angry almost all the time, she wasn’t sleeping enough (three or four hours of precious sleep definitely were not doing her good) and due to lack of time her meals contained only of junk food and occasional fruit (bless Ino). On the contrary though she was very well prepared now studying only a few last topics so her misery hopefully won’t go to waste (It definitely won’t go to waste!  Sakura said to herself as one more negative thought crept into her mind. She was working so hard, she will definitely not only pass but will get a very good grade as well, there is no other way, is there? No.)
   After stuffing another fist of chips into her mouth, Sakura got up from her rather uncomfortable chair (but it had backrest so she wasn’t slouching! She promised herself to find at least one positive with everything she was hating in this tiring time) and did some stretching so she would be able to feel all of her limbs again. She glanced for a second on her small collection of empty cans of energy drinks and three empty as well mugs of coffee. Wow… I’m so lucky Ino went somewhere tonight ‘cause she’d definitely start lecturing me and that’s the last thing I need right now. She quickly started to get rid of the proof of her crime: crushed all cans and put them in the trash can, rest of the chips shoved in the little gap between wall and her bed where she put all of her ‘shape murderers’ as Ino liked to call junk food, she did nothing with the mugs yet but she will later wash them.
   Okay, so she almost cleaned the crime scene (aka her desk), that’s good. But she got this feeling that she forgot about something. She looked around the room searching for some sign and after a few minutes of staring at nothing in particular (losing focus again, are we?) she saw at the corner of her eye laundry basket that should be full of her dirty clothes but actually wasn’t. So that was the thing! Few hours ago she went to laundry room to do her laundry and she went back to her room so she wouldn’t waste any more of her precious time needed to study. And she forgot about it. Wow.
   She put on one of her baggy hoodies and some convers and sighing loudly took her basket in one hand and keys to the room in the other and dragged herself out of it. Like a responsible girl she is, she locked her dorm (why would she take keys if she wasn’t going to lock the door? Maybe self-defense but she has fists so kind of no). After few seconds of listening to some distant music probably from upstairs she finally started to walk. She felt her muscles ache from all the sitting in the recent times but she couldn’t even go to do some exercises at the gym because of lack of any free time. Eh, what a drag.
   When she reached the bottom floor she stopped in front of stairs which led to the basement where her destined point - laundry room - was. Who thought it would be a good idea to put laundry room in the basement!? Students don’t want to go to the basement at three in the morning! (Well, no one who actually does their laundry at normal time of day.) What if there are some monsters or even worse - what if there are some drunk people who will throw up on her fresh clean clothes!? Disaster!
   At some point of her internal complaining Sakura thought she heard something from the dark corridor below. But she must have misheard, right? There was literally no reason for anyone beside her to be down there. She knew she was the only one who did laundry in the evening that day and she was one hundred percent sure that none of her fellow students would go down there to get broom or something to clean at night. So she must have misheard. There was no other rational explanation. And she was a little high on the caffeine that was still in her body and overly tired after her passionate date with anatomy textbook.
 Yup, misheard.
   But, as she started to take steps to get down the mysterious sound occurred once again. There was very little possibility that maybe her ears finally started playing tricks on her after all the excited screams Naruto was producing every day or loud music Ino liked to turn on when she was dressing herself or really anything else.
   When the sound didn’t stop this time Sakura started to get nervous. Her heart rate increased and her hands started to get sweaty. After watching so many horror films with her friends her mind was able to create some pretty impressive scenarios of what might have been down there. She probably should just turn around and run to her very safe dorm to her very safe bed. But she was too exhausted to listen to her rational side and she needed those clothes! What would she wear to tomorrow lectures? She put almost everything she had in the washing machine so beside her actual attire consisting of sports shorts, old top and hoodie her only other piece of clothing was little black dress (very short and very backless). So she REALLY needed to get her ass down there, scare whatever there was, collect her things and run for her life! Okay, should work she decided.
   As she was taking more steps towards this cursed basement she realized that the sound was actually pretty nice. Was it violin? She listened closely and indeed, the mysterious sound was violin. Very nice violin actually, slow peaceful music was filling the staircase. It was very relaxing theme and Sakura decided she could listen to this beautiful notes all eternity if she have had the chance. It made her loose up a little and she even smiled at the thought of someone playing such masterpiece at three in the basement.
    Right, if there was sound there has to be a musician too! That realization made Sakura open her eyes widely and stare into the darkness. What if there was a ghost? She didn’t know how to deal with ghosts!
   I need clothes, there is nothing in there, that’s just hallucination Sakura started to repeat it like a mantra in her mind.
Okay, so I’m going down slowly. Nothing to worry about, I’m sure…
I bet there is a ghost!
Shut up! There isn’t a ghost! I’m just very tired!
Yeah, so tired that you just started talking to yourself.
And you know what that means? Psychosis!
   Sakura growled low under her breath and pulled herself together. She just went quickly two steps at a time and jumped from a few which lasted. And then:
   Sakura screamed at the top her lungs upon seeing a ghost. A GHOST! She stumbled backwards and fell on the stairs bruising her hip and elbow and everything! She just wanted to get up and get the hell out of there. In the brief second of courage she looked up and saw someone who looked equally as scared as she was (but this ‘someone’ wasn’t laying on the floor). This person was wearing a white shirt and also white pants and… didn’t have shoes. The only light that was illuminating was from open doors to the laundry room and it was very dim creepily white light.
   Between her sharp fast breathes Sakura looked at the pale face of ‘the ghost’ and found herself shocked. She knew this person! White, quite long hair were gathered into well-maintained man bun with a red hair tie. Under person’s eyes were dark a little reddish circles (does no one in this college sleep? Probably.) and these eyes, these beautiful eyes in bottle green color she could not describe enough to give them justice (where is all this poetry she read sometime when she needs it!?).
   The man didn’t looked so startled after realizing that screaming being was Sakura, small med student who sometimes talked with him about music and a lot of different things. And whom he actually really liked and always enjoyed her company.
    He put his violin down and walked over to the girl still lying half on the flat floor half on the stairs and offered her a hand she gladly accepted. He gently pulled her up and gave her her dropped laundry basket and keys.
 “Hello, Sakura.” Said Kimimaro with small polite nod.
 “What are you even doing here!? And with… with a violin!?” Sakura was still recovering from traumatizing event and was shaking a little while frantically gesticulating with her free hand.
   Knowing how to calm her (sometimes she’d came to him really angry and he learned a few little tricks) he took her small hand into his bigger one and started to gently draw small circles with his thumb. With his other hand he took a loose strand of her pink hair and brushed it behind her ear. For a moment he was stroking her cheek with his knuckles and kept doing so until her breathing started to normalize. That was it, his language of choice - touching and feeling and she seemed to like it too.
 “So, did you calm a little?”
   Sakura closed her eyes for a few second and then opened them with a sigh.
 “Yes, thank you.” She looked into his eyes only to see worry and uncertainty. Why was he worried? “What are you doing here hiding in the shadows like that?”
 “Well,” He let go of her hand and suddenly she felt very cold in this particular place even though she also felt nice tingle around her fingers and at the back of her hand and on the cheek. It was this kind of feeling that made her a little bit more happy. “Kabuto is studying in our dorm…”
 “Did he kick you out!? If he did I will kick his ass!” Sakura interrupted him before he had a chance to end his sentence.
 “No, no need to worry” He looked into her eyes with such gentleness and delicacy that she almost could feel her heart breaking but with the happiness. He touched her shoulder and then forehead. Under his soft long fingers she relaxed her furrowed brows. It was strange to her that this man, Kimimaro, was able to calm her down and put at ease better that her lifetime friend. “I just wanted to practice a little and did not want to disturb him.”
 “Okay… but why in the basement? Why at night?” she took a quick glimpse of his bare feet “And where are your shoes?”
   Suddenly Kimimaro looked kind of sheepish when he avoided Sakura’s eyes and rubbed the back of his neck.
 “Well, I couldn’t sleep and… I’ll show you.” He said while turning his back to the girl and walked towards the case of his violin. He took out a piece of paper and asked her to come closer where there was a little more light.
   She took the paper and started reading.
 “Dear Mr. Kaguya. We are looking for new talents, blah blah blah, you’re fine work may result in becoming one of the most renowned composers. Ha! Told you so.“ She looked up with the happy grin before continuing. “ Blah blah blah, and we are honored to inform that you have been chosen to play as one of the few young prodigies at our autumn concert at the opera! Oh my god, that’s wonderful!”
   Sakura let go of her basket and practically jumped on the completely unsuspecting man. She hugged him tightly around his neck trying not to crease the letter too much. After the first wave of shock Kimimaro reciprocated her hug almost as tight. His embrace was warm like the first sun in the spring after months of cold or like a cup of hot chocolate during said cold months of winter. He smelled like wood of which his violin has been made of and soap but what soap exactly she couldn’t tell.
   After a while she backed out a little and put her free hand on his cheek and moved it slowly to the side of his neck and finally shoulder.
 “I’m genuinely so proud of you. Even though I’m not in a position to be but you just… worked so hard and you love it and put so much of yourself in it… I’m really happy for you.”
 “Thank you.” He said with little content smile and released her from his embrace. “It… means a lot actually.” (Did he blushed a little or shadows and light were playing with her? She couldn’t tell.)
 “No problem. That’s what friends are for.” She flashed him her happy grin and collected her things from the floor. “So that’s why you couldn’t sleep. You must be very excited.”
 “Pretty much, yes.”
 “Wow, this is really awesome. I wish you the best, you know.” She stated with a soft smile and smirked. “But you still haven’t told me why you’re not wearing shoes and why exactly are you practicing in the basement.”
  She stared deeply straight into his eyes. Now he was definitely blushing and his embarrassment was so adorable it put Sakura into even better mood. (How was it possible when half an hour ago she was miserable? Maybe he was some kind of mystical creature who was bringing happiness, who knows.)
   She pointed on her basket. “You can tell me while I take my clothes, okay?”
   And not really waiting for him she entered quite big place with a lot of washing machines. (Good washing machines with dryers.) She placed basket on one on them and opened two machines she used and started taking her clothes out of one. Kimimaro placed his violin down next to Sakura’s container and stood next to her to help her. He was standing really close to her, she could feel heat of his body on her bare legs.
 “So…?” She nudged hum slightly.
 “I was playing here because this corridor has decent acoustics.”
 “Okay, so this is understandable even though I’m pretty sure there are some better places with good acoustics than basement.” She gave him a side look. “But nevermind… Shoes. Why you don’t wear shoes?
 “Ach…” He scratched his head while giving her a few shirts. “They are here” he pointed next to the door “but I took them off.”
 “I can see that. I’m not stupid, you know.”
 “I would never suggest such a thing”
 “I know… ugh, I’m just do tireeed.” She whined stuffing the last piece of clothing to her definitely too small basket. (How did she bring here all this in this stupid thing?). “I’ll drop the shoes topic, maybe you just felt like being barefoot, I don’t know.”
 “Maybe.” He let out a small chuckle. What a pretty sound she decided. She wanted to take her full basket but was stopped by pale warm palm on her hand.
 “Please, let me help.” She considered the offer for a second. She definitely could carry it back to her room but who was she to deny such a nice offer. She nodded only and waited until he put on his damned shoes and took the basket. She took her keys and his violin and they both exited laundry place. His shoulder brushed lightly against her as they were going up the stairs.
 “So… you going back to Kabuto? ‘Cause you know, you can sleep with me.”
   She processed words that came out of her mouth only when she saw surprised expression on Kimimaro’s face.
 “Oh fuck! That’s not what I meant!” Even though I can’t deny I would want to… I’D TAP THAT! “Sleep with me as in with me in my dorm! Ino went somewhere and she probably won’t come back until a lot later so there is one bed empty.”
 “Oh” My god, was he disappointed!? “It would be nice actually, Kabuto can be a little grumpybefore exams.” The understatement of the year.
 “Tell no more. I was studying with him twice and please no more! They say ‘three times a charm’ but not in this case, there won’t be a third time. No way ever! Nu-uh!”
  Oh, he chuckled again. Sakura could swear this was one of the best sounds she ever heard in her life and she heard a lot. She smiled at him and they walked to her room in pleasant silence disturbed only by distant music.
   Once inside the dorm Kimimaro set the basket on the floor while Sakura gently put his violin on a windowsill. She kicked her shoes of and made a gesture with her arm presenting the whole, not so big, place.
 “Welcome to my little kingdom where nerves get shattered.” She bowed theatrically “Make yourself at home.”
 “Thanks.” He said smiling. He walked over to her desk and looked and her textbook and dirty mugs. “I see you’ve been studying as well. That is why you were doing laundry so late?”
 “Yeah, big test soon. Anatomy, dreadful. I normally like it but in the last week I slept only twenty hours out of hundred sixty eight that are in the whole week. I know, I counted.”
 “It is not good for your health.” Oh, he was worried again. It was nice.
 “Yup. But what can I do? Gotta be a doctor so gotta study hard.” She said with a fake chirpiness in her voice as her arms slumped. Kimimaro put his hand reassuringly on Sakura’s back and rubbed for a while. He didn’t know what to say but he knew that she’d understand his little gesture.
   Sakura focused on warm spot on her back when his hand rested. She started to feel a little tingle in her insides which was… pleasant to her surprise. She wasn’t surprised of her obvious attraction but rather of feeling of connection if she could name it like that.
   She straightened her back and moved a little away from the man. She took off her hoodie and threw it on the chair.
 “I’m gonna take a shower. You can go sleep or read some book… or wait if you want to shower too. I’ll be back in a while.”
   She went to the bathroom and took her clothes off. She looked at her reflection in the mirror while having an internal battle with her shame, morals and want.
Do it.
It’s stupid. Stupid! I can’t.
Do. It. Make
Stop! Don’t you dare end this sentence.
Make your dreams come true…
But I’m not sure if it’s appropriate…
It isn’t. Just. Fucking. DO. IT!
ALL RIGHT! Stop talking!
I’m you so you’re the one talking.
   She took a towel, wrapped herself in it and without much thought went out.
   Kimimaro sat on her bed with some book. Upon hearing the door open he looked up to see practically naked girl looking at him with fire in her eyes. It was unexpected even though he wanted her to look at him like that for some time now. He couldn’t help himself not to eye her toned legs a little but he quickly looked back at her face.
   Sakura was overall very confident but suddenly she felt uncertain. “Well…” Oh, to hell with that. “Would you maybe like to take a shower together? You know… to… to save the water!” To save the water!? It’s the worst excuse you could come up with. Yeah? Then tell me a better one! …fair enough.
   Okay, so this definitely wasn’t one of her proudest moments. She wasn’t as good in seducing as Ino! (If it even can count as seducing.) But she stood strong trying to look confident and at least a little sultry.
   Kimimaro stared at her blankly for a few seconds processing the situation. He knew Sakura could be straightforward but he’d never thought such a bold move was in her repertoire. So he just smirked (Sakura was sure that if her self-control would have been any less her knees would just give up by now upon seeing this beautiful sexy face with such an expression. Hot damn.) and played along.
 “Since saving the Earth is the most important I do not see why not to take up on your offer.”
   Sakura backed down to the bathroom and threw at him the same towel she was wrapped in. She went into the shower and turned the water on. Warm, transparent liquid started to flow with a pleasant hum. Pink hair stuck to her bare shoulders, neck and high on her back. She moved them away from her face.
   Short after she saw her shower curtain move and felt the presence of another body behind her. He stood back to back with her. She turned around and moved her left hand to touch his shoulder. She felt his slight shiver under fingertips. Her hand moved a little down to his shoulder blade and under his arm to rest where his heart should be. She hugged him from the back feeling his rapid heartbeat. Did it beat so fast for her? She certainly hoped so because her heart beat so fast for him too.
   He moved her hands away to turn and face her. He looked into her glistening green eyes, so similar to his but so different. Full of emotion, of passion and happiness and desire. He leaned down a little and at the same time she stood on her tiptoes resting her hands on his shoulders for better balance. Their noses were now touching, They could feel each other’s breathes.
   She was the first to break the eye contact between them. She looked for a brief second on his lips and covered the little distance to finally touch them. She kissed him gently first, it felt almost like touch of a feather or butterfly’s wing. His lips were very soft and oh so perfect. Like made just for her.
   When she broke it, he pushed her lightly so she’d lean against tiles.
 “Kimimaro…” she let out with a satisfied sigh when he kissed her again. But this kiss wasn’t gentle and careful. It was very strong, full of passion and hunger. It was dangerous like fire during drought and sweet as fairy floss.
   He gripped her thighs and lifted her up. She put her legs around his waist. They were so close that even a sheet of paper wouldn’t fit between them.
   Between their heated kisses she was able to blindly find the tap and turn the water off. Then she hooked her arms around his neck with her hands in his white hair.
   He secured her with one hand on her bottom and kept caressing her back with the other. He walked out of  the shower and into the room.
   Without tripping on anything he walked to her bed. As they fell on the mattress he secured himself with one hand to not collapse on her.
   He gazed upon female body beneath him. He took in all of her smooth skin with scars here and there. All of her little beauty mark. He took in all of her.
 “I thought you were tired.” He said with quirked eyebrow.
   She knew why he said that. He wanted to give her exit if she wasn’t ready. Even though she should be the one to do so as she was the one who lured him.
 “I’m not anymore.” She propped slightly on her elbows. “Do you want to…?
  Kimimaro leaned forward until his lips reached her ear close enough to touch and whispered:
 “Why would I not?”
   He then licked the spot on her neck where the pulse was and blew on it. It resulted in shiver down her spine.
   He began moving down slowly, leaving feather like kisses on her neck, collarbone, chest. When he came to her breast, he left a few more around her nipples. He drew the tip of his around one of the nips and blew. Her breather hitched in her throat due to that sensation. He did the same with the other one. He sucked and bit on skin next to it. She arched her back with soft moan.
   He moved to her stomach where some of the scars where and he kisses every single one of them looking not to miss any.
   When he got to the legs he started with ankles and kept going higher and higher. He was trailing the path with his fingers on which his lips appeared after.
   All of this was like worshipping. He chose his own Goddess and he worshipped her body like he worshipped her mind any other day.
   When he came to her thighs she pulled him back to her lips and mumbled between her heavy breaths: “Stop teasing…”
    She reached out to her nightstand, opened the drawer and took out a small plastic package. Then she sat on her knees and gently pushed Kimimaro so he would sit down leaning against the wall. She put the package between her lips and moved closer to him on all fours. She slowly moved up sitting between his legs.
 “You look so… tasty I could devour you.” She whispered into his ear.
   His breath quickened as his hand roamed across her body.
   She moved down to be on eye level with his hard standing member. He twitched in reaction to her gentle touch. When the shaft from the bottom to the tip one of Kimimaro’s hand found its place in her hair and a few not-so-silent groans left his throat. She kissed the tip licking off the precum and moved back only to be met with disappointed sound from the man.
   She chuckled and opened the little package. She took condom out and looking straight into her lover’s eyes she ducked down again and slowly put in on his member licking not yet wrapped parts.
   Without much of a warning she positioned herself above him and quickly lowered herself on him so he was all inside. It resulted in loud moan from her at the feeling of complete fullness and stretching and groan from him at the feeling of her tightness.
   She rested her head in the crook of his neck breathing heavily just like him. He put his strong arms around her hugging her tightly.
   After a while she slowly started to move up and down, up and down. Their breather hitched. Loud moans and groans filled the whole of the room. They were moaning into each other’s ears while moving in a perfect sync.
   They were one now. One body and one soul. This was their moment.
   Sakura started to move faster. Her thighs were starting to ache but she didn’t think about it. She was focused only on her and his release. Her mind was clouded full only of the sounds of them making love.
   He put one of his hands lower on Sakura’s ass to keep her steady. He kept whispering to her ear how beautiful she was.
   She kissed him passionately feeling orgasm building in her stomach. They were both moving frantically until Sakura moaned and screamed loudly into his lips.
 “Ahh, Kimi… Kimimaro!” Her whole body was shaking when he helped her to ride out her orgasm. Not long after he himself felt his sweet release grunting.
   They both panted heavily and he pressed his forehead to hers. They looked each other in the eyes and listened to their quickened heartbeats in the silence.
   She got off him and laid down waiting for him to come back. He laid down next to her and took one of her hands in his and trailed little patterns on her skin.
   Sakura turned to lay on her belly putting her crossed arm on his chest and resting her chin on them. She was half laying on him but he didn’t seem to mind.
 “So…” she started not really knowing what to say.
 “Would you like to go on a date with me?”
  She laughed at the odd, considering the situation, question.
 “We messed up the order, didn’t we?”
 “I suppose we did.”
 “I’d love to go on a date with you.” She responded with a grin.
 “Good.” God, his smile will be the death of her.
   Not so later on they both fell asleep.
   Ino opened the door to her dorm without knocking.
 “Sakura! You won’t believe what…” The blonde girl stopped shocked.
   Well, Sakura was where she ought to be but she was naked and with this boy she kept talking on for some time.
   Well, well, well… what have we here. Ino took out her phone and with one of her most sinister grins snapped a few (around twenty) pictures of sleeping couple. So the material for blackmailing has been collected, now she had to make sure the lovebirds would have peace.
   She took Sakura’s phone from her nightstand and turned off all of the alarms. Haruno will be so mad but one lecture won’t make her any less smart, will it?
   Ino took one last glance on her best friend’s bed, took some clothes to change and as silently as she could went out of the room.
That was it. My first ever facfic written in English and my first ever smut (I’m like 99% sure if this was more ‘porn like’ smut I would do better).
I think it’s decent xD
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