#so by the time i take like 4 steps my socks are wet.
tired-needs-sleep · 2 years
it's raining. the forcast never said it was gonna rain today and i wore the one pair of shoes that are a sensory nightmare to walk in the rain with
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waughymommy · 2 months
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            Sunday dawned and Rebecca stirred. She looked over at her baby and smiled, “Good morning cutie pie.” She tickled his belly. “How did my baby sleep?”
            “I swept otay,” Brian lisped around the pacifier in his mouth. He was getting a little more comfortable with her seeing him acting a little more childish. But in the back of his mind, he was still waiting for this to all bite him in the ass. Was she really serious about me using my diapers? What if his friends or family found out, or worse his coworkers? He spit out his pacifier and sat and jumped out of bed.
            “Where are you going Brian?” Rebecca asked.
            “I have to go take a piss, sweetheart….” he quickly realized his mistake. “Mommy, I’m sorry mommy. Please don’t spank me.”
            “I’ll let it slide this time mister. But call for me when you are done going pee-pee and mommy will help you get dressed for the day.”
            This was going to take a lot of getting used to, “Ok.” He flushed and made his way back into the bedroom.
            “I didn’t hear you wash your hands. You aren’t a total baby yet. Turn around and wash your hands now,” Rebecca said in a tone suggesting he had better do as she said.
            “Sorry mommy.” He washed up and returned, but this time he came back to her holding up a pull up. He stopped dead in his tracks. He didn’t see anyway in getting out of this.
            “I know we talked about diapers last night, but I’m still working on getting all the things my baby needs. So for now, I want you to wear this pull up. It’s very important that if you need to go potty you tell me and mommy will take you, ok?” Rebecca knew all too well that his embarrassment and frankly, his stubbornness, would make it difficult for him to ask. Would he be so childish and wet his pull up just so he didn’t have to ask? The thought of him losing control and helplessly wetting like a baby sent a chill down her body. “Ok, step in and then we will get you dressed.”
            Brian complied, stepping into the pull and she quickly pulled them up to his waist. She selected a pair of jeans and a blue t-shirt and got him dressed for the day. He felt so small having her do this for him. As embarrassing as it was, it felt so good too. After putting on his socks and shoes, she clipped his pacifier to his shirt. “You better not remove this. Now move that butt to the living room. Mommy will let you watch tv while I get myself dressed. And then after that we will be going out. Mommy wants to go shopping.”
Brian plopped himself down on the couch, “Can I watch the news?”
            “Absolutely not. That is not for babies,” she flipped through the channels. “Oh look, Bubble Guppies. Let’s watch that. And Brian, you need to sit on the floor. I would hate for my baby to fall off the couch and get hurt.”
            This felt absolutely ridiculous. For a moment, he considered protesting, but remembered the spanking he had the day before. He slid down from the couch onto the floor. He could feel the padding of the pull up. Although he had always wanted to be a baby, it had always been so hard to shut off his adult thoughts. He loved the idea of watching these childish shows, but his adult brain prevented him from really enjoying. He heard his wife doing something in the kitchen. She returned a moment later with a sippy cup in hand.
            She extended the cup to her husband, “Now I want baby to drink his apple juice. It better be all gone by the time I finish getting dressed. I think you know what will happen if you don’t.” Brian accepted the sip with both hands and brought it to his mouth. He started sucking and soon he tasted the sweet juice. He turned his attention back to the television. Maybe it was the bright colors or the rhythmic sucking on the sippy cup, but Brian felt a wave a childish pleasure sweep over him. He found himself enthralled with the show and lost all track of time.
            Rebecca finished getting ready and walked out to check on Brian. She paused when she saw him in his trance, so sweetly watching tv. She walked over and placed her hand on his shoulder. Her touch startled him and he broke out of his trance. “I’m so proud of my baby,” she cooed. “Is my baby ready to go?” She took the sippy cup from him and put his pacifier in. The pleasurable feeling coursed through him again and he let her guide him out the door and into the car. He started to open the door to the front seat. “Silly baby, you are far too little to sit up in the front seat.” She ushered him into the back seat and buckled him in. She made a mental note to research car seats. She produced another sippy cup and instructed him to finish this one. What Brian failed to notice was the diaper bag Rebecca placed in the passenger seat. She adjusted her mirror, “Is my baby hungry?”
Thank you all for reading from chapter 1 and if you haven't read chapter 1, please go to my page and read for Fantasy and enjoy all...
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its-in-the-woods · 2 months
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Coyote Head - Part 6 - Postcard Perfect
master list
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Pairing: Cooper Howard x Lucy Maclean 
Includes many other characters from Fallout
Synopsis: So much can happen in one morning. A picture perfect moment, and meeting with a ex.
MINOR GET OUT. Rating/Warning:  Animal/people death,, Alternative Universe, Slow Burn, Death, Aging, Family Feuding, Older Man/Younger Woman
Note: that I will not be spoiling any of the reading. So you have been warned. I will keep my tags relevant without spoiling what is happening in the story.
*Actually pretty fluffy... for now.. enjoy
The next three days go by fast, cow checks happen every four hours, every day, like clockwork. Morning, afternoon, dinner, and then two overnight. Cooper handles the ones during daylight hours, his brother Mark handles the night ones. Lucy was grateful for that, not that she slept much, between nightmares and random knocks on the house. She’d kept most of that to herself, but Cooper had noticed, he noticed a lot of things. He'd even offered to do the first shift so she could sleep in, but she, of course, refused. The routine meant she got a moment out of the house, it also meant she got to hang out with the kids. 
Matthias still wasn’t her biggest friend, but his guard was lowering slowly. On Friday, when Cooper brought the kids over after school, he had handed Lucy a drawing. For being twelve he was pretty talented. He’d taken the time to draw a field, cows, and calves with the sun setting in the background. Lucy had thanked him and promptly put it up on the fridge which granted her, her first real smile from him. She’d do anything to hug him, but for now, she’d take the picture. She knew what it felt like to be young and not understand why a parent was gone. To not understand why things had changed suddenly. Lucy was just grateful that he had Cooper, what she would have done to have had at least one parent with her. Even though she loved her Grandparents, it was never the same without either of her parents. 
Janey was a whole different story, she loved to tell stories, and read stories. When she had discovered that she could read from Lucy’s bookshelves she was over the moon. Lucy doing her best to persuade her from anything too adult-themed. Settling on a classic, Hobbit. Cooper had shrugged in agreement, mentioning that she had always loved to read as soon as she learned. So Lucy let the copy go, the little girl was immediately taken by it. 
Lucy woke up Saturday morning having finally slept, she actually felt somewhat refreshed. Her mind was always wandering to Cooper. The more time she spent with him, the more she wanted to spend time with him. Even though they were nearly living out of each other's pockets, she couldn't help herself. Mind wandering to what kissing him would feel like, how his hands would hold her. Lucy flushed and finished getting herself dressed in comfortable clothes and made her way to make a pot of coffee. Feeling her feet get wet as she walked into the water.
“What the-” Lucy cussed, as she lifts her foot to inspect a large pool of water. “Dang-nabbit.” 
She runs back to her room digging out a handful of towels and toeing off her socks before running back to the kitchen. Lucy lays out the towels on the floor, scrambling to open up the under-sink cupboards. The various detergents and cleaners are thrown out as she tries to see what’s leaking. The space emptied, so she could see that the pipes had been split. 
“My goodness, why!” Lucy grumbles, realizing that the pipes had split just on the other side of the shut-off valves. 
She gets up too quickly and bangs her head on the underside of the sink. More words fall out of her mouth as she rubs the bump. Moving swiftly to the door she unlocks it and walks out, stepping around the rocks and stones as she goes to the side of the house. Swinging open the crawl space door she ducks in, happy that the water shut-off valve was inside. Lucy turns it off, her feet covered in the black mud as she stomps back into her house. Lucy closes her eyes for a moment to collect herself, before she starts to mop up the water that’s left on the floor. 
“Lucy?” Cooper’s voice comes in from the doorway.  
“Just in the kitchen,” Lucy replies, happy that help has finally arrived. 
“What’s goin’ on?” Cooper says, placing his hat on a nob by the front door. Walking into the room to observe the mess that was spread out onto the floor. 
Lucy sighs, as she drops the last towel into the sink. “The pipes under the sink burst, split just on the wrong side of the shut-off too.”
Cooper crouches right beside her, the smell of cigarettes and coffee wafting off of him. Lucy shuffled over so that he could see what they were working on.
“Well that’s weird,” Cooper squints, leaning forward to kneel on a rolled-up towel. “Never seen that happen before. Unless it froze, which would be odd for the beginnin’ of April.”
Lucy sighs, rubbing at her head, “Everything is insulated, and the heat tape is still on it. Plus it would have burst other pipes too.”
“Move’er, sweetheart,” Cooper murmurs, Lucy shifts over, as Cooper crawls into the cupboard pulling a pocket knife out of his pants. 
Lucy swallowed as his shirt rode up a sliver of tanned skin being exposed. Lucy feeling like she was fourteen seeing a boy shirtless for the first time, averting her eyes she chooses to stand up. Looking around trying to figure out how to hide the flush that was now staining her cheeks as the man fiddled around under the sink.
“Do you want coffee?” Lucy asked moving over to the cupboard to dig out cups. “I got a spare to-go mug.”
“Yeah, s’good.” Cooper said, voice echoing from below her. “Do ya’know if you got some spare PEX pipe hanging around?”
A knock on the door, had Lucy spilling coffee on her hand, Cooper banged his head under the sink. A whole slew of curse words spilling out of both of them, Lucy moves to the door. Completely forgetting with the mess that Dane was coming over to work on the tractors. 
“Lucy,” Dane says, a smile fading from their face as she takes in Lucy. “Oh, shit. Are you okay?”
Lucy tries to smile which turns into more of a frown, “Pipe burst. My kitchen is a mess, but I have coffee?”
Dane chuckles, looking into the kitchen Cooper standing with a pieces of Pex in his hand, his other hand rubbing at his head. The two of them give awkward smiles at each other. 
“Oh! This is Cooper.” Lucy said, wandering back into the kitchen to pour three cups of coffee. “Cooper, this is Dane, they have come over to work on Tim’s old tractors.”
Cooper nodded, reaching a hand out to shake Dane’s, “Nice to meet you Dane, please excuse the mess, pipes seem t'have burst.”
“Not a problem, at least there is always coffee.” Dane nods, happily accepting the coffee Lucy hands over. 
“There is sugar in the gnome on the counter, cream is in the fridge.” Lucy says, handing Copper his mug of coffee. 
Cooper took a few sips, before helping Lucy place things in somewhat order on the counter. Lucy takes all the sopping wet towels into the laundry room hucking them into the washing machine. 
“We do have calf check, but I can show you where the tractors are. There is pretty much any tool you could need, along with an arrangement of parts.” Lucy chatters, as the trio make their way to the door.
Across the yard the three go to the big green and grey barn, Cooper helps slide the heavy wood doors open, Lucy had worked hard to get the place functional. It hadn’t had many animals in it, Tim had turned it into a workshop, engine hoist, and a large tool bench. The two tractors are slotted side by side. 
“This is perfect!” Dane beams, coming over to inspect the two beasts. “They look brand new! I bet I'll have them running by end of the day.”
“Thank you so much, Dane.” Lucy smiles, “I'll leave the house open, help yourself to whatever you need. We'll be about an hour or so barring any problems. You can always text me.”
Cooper was digging around on some shelving, grabbing some PEX pipe, fitting, and a few tools. “These should fix'd problem, I will drop’em off inside before we head out.”
Dane and Lucy stand there watching Cooper walk away. Lucy’s cheeks flush as she admires the man. Dane looks at Lucy, rubbing at the side of their face. 
“So are you two,” Dane makes a gesture between Cooper and Lucy, “A thing? Or?”
Lucy feels her face go even more red, she looks away for a moment, before looking back at her friend. “Umm, no. We are friends, neighbors. Helping each other out and whatnot.”
Dane chuckles as they go over to the closer tractor, “I am not one to judge,” Lucy watches them opening up one of the tractor’s bonnet. “Has he told you what happened to his wife?” 
Tilting her head to the side Lucy raises her eyebrows. “I know he is a widower. But I haven’t pushed any further than that.”
Dane nods, already starting to fiddle with different parts, “I’d ask him about it. Especially if you’re -ah- interested.”
A pool of anxiety fills Lucy’s stomach at the words, “Yeah, I will ask him.”
“We ready to go?” Cooper asks, Lucy nearly jumping at his voice having not heard him come up behind her. 
Lucy puts on a smile, reminding Dane again to call if there is any issue before leaving with Cooper. The man moving at a good clip to the already running truck. He opens the door for Lucy, she smiles and slides into the seat. It was hard not to let her mind run over Dane’s words. She needed to ask him, or she was going to explode. She wasn't good with secrets, or not asking questions she wanted answers to.
“Umm,” Lucy fiddles with the gloves in her pocket as they roll down the gravel road. “Can I ask you a question?”
Cooper’s brows are raised as he turns to her, “Yeah, I am an open book Luc.”
Lucy licks her lips, staring at the newly leafing trees, “Can I ask what happened to your wife?” 
Oh good Lucy, just straight to the point. No tack, for this poor guy who lost his wife, whose kids are still emotionally wrecked from it, Lucy thought to herself. Wishing she'd learn more tack as an adult.
Cooper shifts, sliding in his chair a little as he looks out the window. Lucy half expected him not to answer, or tell her that it was something he didn’t want to talk about. He gripped the steering wheel tight, knuckles white against the black leather.  Eyes focus on the gravel road ahead of them as he searches for the words.
“I was outta town, helpin’ my brother-in-inlaw move cows to summer pasture. I got a call around four from Barb’s parents, sayin’ she hadn’t come to pick up the kids. They’d gone to the house and she wasn’t t’either. Barb was a champion rider, Thunder, was’er ride. Big beautiful deep black stallion, she rode’im three times a day. Mornin' after droppin’ the kids off, afternoon before the kids came home, and evenin’ after dinner.” Cooper rolled his shoulders as they drove into the field. Lucy jumping out to open the gate, climbing back in once he was through and the gate was closed.
“I went’ome, drove way faster than I shoulda. But Barb. Barb was never late, the woman was punctual to a fault. So we searched, and searched, called the police. More searchin’. We had about forty acres mostly forest’d that Barb rode. That entire area scavenged, the house turn’d upside down, the barn gone through. They picked apart everythin’.” Cooper’s voice was shaking as they drove towards the herd. His eyes are glassy, as he rubs the back of his hand over his nose. 
“They tried-” His voice shook as his eyes continued to scan the horizon. “They tried’t blame her disappearance on me.”
Lucy felt her heart clench in her chest at the words, the thought that he’d been accused of his wife’s disappearance made her stomach turn.  
“But I was in another county, my brother-in-law, thankfully, vouchin for me.” Cooper points at a fresh calf, the two working with practice ease to tag the little thing.  
Cooper sat in the truck for a moment, eyes flickering, “Then we found Thunder.” Cooper works his lip into his mouth for a moment. “He’s on the side of the highway, inna ditch. Over a hour drive away from t’farm. Looked like he had been dumped. It made no sense, wasn't any sign of how the animal had pasted either, just restarted’eir investigation into me.” 
“Cooper,” Lucy said quietly, her hand finding his hand on the bench seat and squeezing it. 
Cooper nods his head but continues, squeezing her hand back. “They wouldn’t lay off, I did everythin’ to cooperate. Then after the third time of them tossin’ my house I blew up. I gotta lawyer, I told’em not to come back t’my property.” Another tag, and Lucy feels dizzy by the foggy emotions flooding the truck as she sits back down. 
“They’d everythin’ to turn everyone against me.” Cooper blinks a few times, “My in-laws stood beside me, pushin for the police to look anywhere. But nothin’ came of it. Just no answers, nothin', just gone.” 
Lucy brushed her own tears out of her eyes, so many questions bubbling under the surface. His hands gripping the steering wheel as he parked the truck on top of the hill looking out towards the valley. 
“T’was too hard to stay, the whole town won’t look at me.” Cooper swallows, “It won’t hav’been so bad if it has just been me, but they came after the kids too. Mathias was gettin’ picked on. That was the final straw, sold everything and left. They never figured out what happen’d to Barb. I think about her every day. Wondering what I could've done different.”
The silence in the vehicle was deafening, the two of them watching the cattle move along the lower field. Lucy’s heartbreaking hearing how Cooper had lost so much with no answers. 
“Thank you for telling me,” Lucy said quietly, her hand finding his again. “I can’t imagine how hard this must have been for you. To have to leave everything the two of you built.”
Cooper nods, his fingers lacing with Lucy’s, “t’was hard, I keep waitin’ for it to get easier. For there to be answers.”  Cooper turns looking at Lucy, hazel eyes looking over her face. “I am goin’ to be forward here.” Lucy nods her head, willing to hear whatever he had to say to her. “You’ve been a bright spot for me, I look forward to this.”
He gestures at the pasture, the sun hanging in the sky, clouds drifting in. Cows mooing for their calves, as the calves chased each other through the freshly growing green grass. It was so serene, postcard-worthy her Granddad would have said. 
“I look forward to spending time with you, Lucy,” Cooper states, eyes watching her closely, as the sunrises into the truck cab.
Lucy took her shot and slid across the bench seat, Cooper looking at her eyes wide as she leans in. Her hand gently touches the side of his face, the beard stubble rubbing under her fingertips as she presses her lips against his. Lucy going to lean away, when Cooper doesn't respond, Cooper immediately moves after her. Something has snapped in the truck, Cooper easily pulling Lucy onto his lap. She pushes his hat up so she can kiss him deeper, her hands moving up into his hair as he pulls Lucy against his chest. Lucy sucking his tongue into her mouth, the taste of coffee and cigarettes flooding in. His large hands come to rest against her hips, fingers running along the top of her jeans. 
Cooper breaks the kiss, Lucy wanting to chase after it, scared that if they stop it won’t continue. The smile crossing his face has her pausing, Lucy worrying her lip into her mouth. Copper’s fingers pushing under her shirt to feel her skin. A shiver running over Lucy’s skin at the feel of his calloused warm hands. 
“This isn’t how I imagined it,” Cooper hushes, his tongue running over his bottom lip as he looks at her. 
Lucy raises her eyebrows, “Oh? What did you imagine? Would it be weird if I said I was thinking about you too?”
Cooper’s smile gets bigger, “Was going to invite ya to the spring dance. Felt a little, ahh, school crush, but I want’d a reason for-” Cooper swallows, “A reason for us t’go somewhere nice.”
She can feel her cheeks red at the statement, “I’d go with you. If you still want to go.”
Cooper leans in and kisses her gently, “I’d like that Lucy.” 
Dane is covered in grease, a smile on their face as the larger of the two tractors starts up. Black smoke pumps out as the machine stutters to life, Dane doing a fist pump and jig as it roars. Lucy grins as Dane hops up and takes it for a spin around the yard, before parking it just outside the barn.
“Well, that one is running well. Have to get the attachments dug out, make sure the PTO is working the way it should be.” Dane beams, walking over to Lucy who has a sandwich on a plate for them. 
“I cannot thank you enough for getting it running again Dane,” Lucy replies, “I think the smaller shed has some attachments if you’re up for taking them out.”
“Yeah, I am gonna let this one run for a bit, I think I am going to need to source a few parts for the second one,” Dane says walking into the barn, holding up the pieces of what was supposed to be a part. “I’d normally make something, but this has to be calibrated properly.”
Lucy nodded, “Get what you need, I am not too surprised there are parts that need to be replaced. Whatever is needed, got to get’em running properly.”
Dane nodded, washing her hands with the hose before grabbing the sandwich, “I will keep at it, thank you for the food by the way.”
“Of course, and make sure you invoice me for everything, k?” Lucy states, Dane nodding as they continue to eat the food. 
Lucy walks back towards the house, head-turning up when she hears a car coming down the drive. A small blue Nissan rolling down the gravel, Lucy stopping in the middle of her drive to see who the hell it was. The car stops door opening up as Max steps out; average height, with tight black hair, dark skin, and equally dark eyes.
“Max?” Lucy asks as if she isn’t looking right at the man. He stands there awkwardly, not really smiling but not frowning either. He straightens himself up and closes the door walking towards her. 
“Hey Lucy,” Max grimaces awkwardly, rubbing a hand over the tight black curls on his head, “Sorry, it’s taking so long to get here.”
Crossing her arms, Lucy narrows her eyes at him. “What are you talking about?”
Max stops a few feet away from her, arms resting against his slides, “I wanted to come see you, it’s been a few months since we spoke.”
Lucy walks forward, anger pooling in the pit of her stomach, jaw clenching as she stares down her ex. “Yeah, 'cause we broke up. You didn’t want me moving back up here. Actually, I am pretty sure you said if I left not to bother contacting you. Seemed pretty cut and dry to me.”
Max opens his mouth several times before closing it, gritting his teeth and looking away. “I didn’t think you’d actually stop contacting me. We’d been together for almost a year.”
“You’re kidding, right?” Lucy huffs, her voice shaking, their relationship hadn’t been great. They’d met at the imaging clinic, Max was shy and a little awkward but charming. They’d hit it off over lunch one day, which led to him inviting her out to go with him for dinner. He was the opposite of what she had grown up around, it had been appealing at the time. Over time the charm had faded, and the sicker her Granddad got the worse their relationship got. It ended up with Max telling her that if she moved away they were done.
“Lucy, sweety,” Max goes to move to touch her and Lucy backs away. Max’s face falling, his mouth set in a thin line.
Throat clearing has both of them turning, Cooper stood on the front porch shirtless staring down Max like he was going to blow his head off with a glare. Lucy’s mouth opening slightly at the tan skin exposed before her, trying to get herself to focus on what was happening. 
“Not sure the lady here,” Cooper states walking down the steps towards them, “Is interested in your company.”
Max looks equally as flustered as Cooper steps beside Lucy, eyes downcast as his cheeks flush.
“I just wanted some closure.” Max swallows, looking away from the two of them. “Maybe change Lucy’s mind.”
Lucy let out a sigh, moving towards Max, carefully putting a hand on his shoulder. “Max, you’re a good guy, but we both know this wasn’t going to work out. You hate the outdoors and bugs, and you’re allergic to hay.”
Cooper had taken a few steps back, well-muscled arms crossed his chest as he watched the two of them. Dane had made their way down the hill, brows furrowing at the clear standoff happening. Max’s shoulders were tight as he listened to Lucy’s words.
“Is this what you want?” Max said finally turning back to her, his eyes glazing at the words. “Like to be here? On the farm.”
A tight-lipped smile graces Lucy’s face. “Yes Max, I think you knew that though. Knew it won’t work out between us.”
Max looks at the company in front of him, his hands fiddling with the pockets of his pants. Head ducked down like he was trying to make himself smaller. He nods his head several times. 
“Well, I guess that settles that,” He twitches his nose, looking out towards the forest. “I am staying in town for a few days, just visiting family. You got my number still?”
Lucy nods her head, desperately wanting to make things right, but knowing that it wasn’t worth it. Things needed to end between them, and if he needed to drive three hours to figure that out then so be it. 
“Goodbye, Max,” Lucy said quietly, Max nodding as he got back into his car to drive out. Her stomach turning, the thought that this wouldn’t be the last time she saw him gnawing at her mind.   
Part Seven
Tag list: @toogaytofunctiondangit
*I can't believe we are 6 chapters in, this one is slow, but hold onto your hats for chapter 7!
**As always likes, comments, shares are soooo appreciated, you can find me Ao3 as well
** Want to be on the tag list let me know
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myfriendsstinkyfeet · 2 years
2022 was an extremely fragrant year, Tom's feet left my nose no respite. I didn't expect 2023 to start with a kind of "ceremony of allegiance at his feet" for this new year which, apparently, still has a lot of surprises in store for me!
"I took care to wear the same socks for several months just to test your resistance to my feet and their stench!" 😏
The smell was indeed very strong, I could feel the heat emanating from his feet through his dirty socks!
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The color of his socks testifies to the intensity of the smell they contained!
"You didn't expect this! I've been wearing these socks non-stop for months! Every day, no matter what shoes I'm wearing! When I work all day in my work shoes? I have them on my feet! In my Airmax? I have them on my feet! In the evening under the duvet? I have them on my feet!" 😈
The smell is so strong that I can't resist sticking my nose in it!
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I barely have time to make up my mind when Tom sticks his two hot, smelly feet on my face!
"Come on, smell that! I know you've been dying to stick your nose in! That's good huh?! I know what makes you hard!" 😈
I end up lying on the floor, his two stinky, wet and hot feet abusing my face, forcing me to inhale this smell that caused my undoing... 🤤
"Stay with me! You ain't seen nothing yet honey! Take my socks off..."😏
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Wow!🤯 One sock can hide another!
"Two pairs of socks, twice the smell honey!😈" Barely time to realize what was happening that both feet were glued to my face! The smell was even stronger and more intense! I could feel how dirty his socks were. They have never been washed and that turns me on even more!
His socks had lost their original gray as they had been worn.
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"Come on, don't be shy! Worship my feet like they deserve! My two dirty smelly feet are going to enjoy your sweet face! This will be even better than the last one!" 😈
This bewitching smell completely hypnotizes me.
"He is taking the most important step in this allegiance!" Tom started to take off his socks.
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"This part is important because it will show whether or not you are ready to worship my feet properly in this New Year! To close this allegiance, you will have to give of yourself, make an offering! "
What offering could I give him?
Tom rubbed his foot on my face and then slowly descended to the bump in my pants...
“Your precious nectar!”😈
"Drop your pants! I want to see if your peacock likes my feet that much!" 😏
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Faced with his two soles, I could hardly resist. My boxers were full of wet. By lowering my pants and my boxers, my peacock released a net of wet which landed on the sole of Tom's foot 😅 "It's already a good start! 😏 My feet will have no difficulty emptying it to the last drop!"
Tom stuck a sole of his foot on my pubis to hold my peacock, and the other foot could take care of my glans which wet even more when Tom's sole crashed and rubbed on him 🤤 I was so wet that the sole of the foot was flooded! His foot slid perfectly along my peacock and especially on my glans as his sole was lubricated!
I couldn't contain my moans as the feeling was incredible! I let his feet enjoy my helpless peacock!
"Now it's high time to make your offering to thank my feet for all they do for you and for all they will do this year! Feed them your nectar! That's all they ask for! "😈
The touch of his soles against my slobbery glans was so good that I couldn't last very long... "5...4...3...2...1...0...Spit your nectar on my feet now!!!!"
My glans made its offering and spat out all its juice, flooding the soles of its feet! "That's good Chéri! This year promises to be very abundant! Your nose and your peacock won't be able to rest!" 😈
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melanieph321 · 6 months
Fermin Lopez x Reader - You or Me Part 3/4
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
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Request - my request is something like you are best friends with fermin (or gavi) and he’s madly in love with you but you don’t know about it so when you start seeing someone (possibly another footballer) he gets jealous and does something outrageous like posts a story with a photo of yours which is odd considering he’s never done it before and the person you’re seeing gets mad and you also get mad because it’s obvious he’s doing it for another reason and have an argument with him when he confesses his true feelings in a moment of weakness which causes you to take a step back but you soon realize you’re actually more into him than you knew and go to him late at night and make out
You made it back to the hotel smelling like wet socks. There was no one in your room so you suspected that Camilla got tired of waiting for you and headed downstairs for dinner. It was unusual for you to stay behind for as long as you did but the evening's training session had involved a penalty shootout which you severely needed to work extra on.
"Hey, what's for dinner?" You asked, finally joining the others downstairs after having taken a well deserved shower.
"Chicken casserole." Camilla said, pulling you a chair.
"What's everybody on about?" You wondered, as there was a cluster of boys and girls surrounding one of the dining tables.
"What do you think?" Camilla said. "The superstars are here."
You perked up and got a glance at who was sitting at the table. It was Fermin Lopez and Pablo Gavi, your eyes widening at the sight of Fermin.
"He's hot no?" Camilla leaned in and whispered.
You got pulled back to reality, frowning at your friend.
She smiled. "Don't lie, I saw you checking him out just now."
"I wasn't...." You looked back towards the table, curiously tilting your head. "He looks different. That I'll admit."
"Yeah, different as in hot. didn't I tell you that he had matured."
He had indeed, you thought. Last time you saw Fermin he had buck teeth and pimples all over his face. Whatever skincare he was using was definitely working.
"I heard he is coming to the party after the seminar."
"He is?" You said dreamily. "I mean..." You cleared your throat. "There is a party after the seminar?"
"Yes. Everyone is going and you should come too."
"I should?" You were feeling awfully shy all of a sudden. Just then, catching your eyes, was Fermin. His eyes widened at the sight of you. However you smiled and raised your hand to wave at him. He looked to do the same, however, his eyes shifted somewhere to the left of you. 
Confused, you turned your head, but there was only Camilla. Her eyebrows were furrowed but relaxed as you turned to look at her. "You okay?"
She perked up. "Yeah I'm fine, and you?"
Your attention was drawn back to Fermin, however he was no longer looking your way, matter of fact, he and Gavi had left their table, heading towards the dining hall exit.
"I think they're preparing for the seminar." Camilla said.
"Right, the seminar." You muttered, ignoring the way that your heart was pounding in your chest.
"Let's go." Camilla stood. "We should grab good seats before they run out."
It was strange. All of a sudden all you cared about was grabbing a good seat ahead of Fermin and Gavi's seminar. Ignoring the fact that you were leaving the dining hall on an empty stomach. It was all very strange.
The seminar went well, Fermin thought. However, he returned to his hotel room with only one thing on his mind.
"Are you planning on drinking tonight?" Gavi asked. The two were not obligated to chair rooms, however neither of them mind doing so.
"Yeah, aren't you?" Fermin was getting drunk for the sake of getting Y/N out of his mind. Imagine how he would've humiliated himself today by asking her to be his girlfriend.
"I'm just saying." Gavi said. "I don't think we're setting the best example by partying with the academy kids."
"Kids." Fermin snorted. "They're technically the same age as us."
"I'm just saying." Gavi repeated. "Aren't we trying to set a good example?"
Fermin sighed. His friend chose the wrong day to be reasonable. Nevertheless, Fermin was getting Y/N off his mind one way or another and just as he was thinking of ideas on how, her friend Camilla's name popped up on his display.
It was embarrassing. However after spending an hour pacing back and forth in your hotel room, you threw on your best outfit and decided to go to the party. 
It was held not too far from the hotel, a night club where most academy players blended in well with the local youth looking to have a good time. You however felt so out of place, pushing past the crowd in search of a familiar face.
"Have any of you guys seen Camilla?" You asked a couple of guys and girls whom you recognized from the academy. 
"Um she's over there." They said, looking a bit guilty as they pointed over to a corner somewhere. Either way you thanked them and moved on, only to have your heart ripped out of your chest as you stumbled upon a bizarre sight. Camilla in the arms of Fermin, the two sat on a couch shamelessly making out with each other.
It was Fermin who turned his head to notice you standing frozen in front of them. He had lipstick smeared across his lips in the shade of red, Camilla's favorite color.
"Holy shit, Y/N." Camilla chuckled, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. "I didn't think you'd show up." She said.
You were confused. Why would she invite you if she didn't think you'd come in the first place?
"Y/N" Fermin made an effort to stand, however, his legs deceived him, making him fall back onto the couch and into Camilla's arms. 
"Sit down baby, you're drunk." She said, caressing the side of his face.
"I didn't..." You squealed, making an effort to speak, although right now there was a really big lump stuck in your throat. "I didn't know that you two were...a thing." You said, the words barely audible over the loud music.
"We aren't!" Fermin jumped, again making an effort to stand. 
"What he means is..." Camilla said, tugging his shoulder to make him sit back down. "What's it to you?" She said, giving you the nastiest of glares. "Like why would you even care?" 
"I...I don't." You stammered.
"Good, because aren't you awaiting a call from your boyfriend back in England?"
You frowned. "What are you talking about Camilla?"
"Alejandro Garnacho." Fermin mumbled, looking quite defeated.
"That's right." Camilla nodded. "Alejandro Garnacho, isn't he your boyfriend now that the two of you have gotten to know each other so well over the summer?"
"He's not my boyfriend Camilla and you know that."
"Could have fooled me." She shrugged.
"Camilla why are you doing this?" You said, watching her as she clinged on to Fermin. He was barely sober enough to talk.
"Not everything is about you." She mumbled.
"Pardon?" You said, demanding her to speak up.
"Not everything is about you Y/N! We can't all be perfect little football prodigies who have teams from England scouting you, begging you to play for them."
"Is that what this is about?" You frowned. "You're jealous of me for training with Manchester United last summer?" You laughed at the thought, however it was so like Camilla. You thought that this type of behavior from her had stopped after your first years at the academy, but apparently they hadn't.
"You're not better than me." She said, clearly very intoxicated herself.
"Tonight I am." You said and made the effort to pull Fermin to his feet. You then grabbed his phone from his pocket, searching through his contacts until you found Gavi's number.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
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chirpchangeling · 3 months
4, 12, 21 for Larry? :3c
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
Psychonauts. He'd be too intrigued by the novelty of psychonaut mental infiltration to realize he's been tricked into getting therapy /silly
No but fr a larry psychonauts level would go pretty hard, 'beachside resort casino hospital' is literally already the theming basis of a level in the second game and you could do some fun stuff with home and fl man as archetypes or maybe even some 'the mind is a plaything of the body and the body a plaything of the mind' type stuff akin to the feast for the senses. For that matter larry may only be like 30 but i think he'd get along like a house on fire with most of the psychic six those old timers know how to party
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Big big big fan of water. loves aquariums and swimming both at the beach in the ocean and in pools and takes WAY too goddamn long in the shower and doesnt bother with umbrellas when it rains if he doesnt have a Reason he can't or shouldn't get wet. he wears socks and sandals out in the rain and doesnt care much if he steps in puddles and the socks get a little wet and dani thinks hes sick in the head for this. she also thinks hes sick in the head for willingly cavediving but that one she can respect more
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
What's fun about writing Larry is that down to his bones he is a Lover of People and an Insatiable Curiosity and even when he's being a dick its usually motivated on some level by his commitment to one or both of those two things, so patience and compassion and openmindedness come very naturally in his character voice, despite any trappings of his persona that might lead you to expect otherwise.
Whats not fun about writing Larry is that. i have a very hard time writing spontaneity that feels authentic because my brain Does Not Work Like That, lmao
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vthetease · 1 year
my favorite things
it's me birthday
so just incase anyone wanted to know some stuff about V
heres some random info about my life as well as some of my favorite things
i am a libra sun, aquarius moon, capricorn rising
i like dark chocolate more than any other; i have since i first got my period. i like gummy candy and starbursts but my favorite are the little cola bottle candies. i like tea and coffee sweet, but flavorful. i like energy drinks and slushees and wanted my first tattoo to be a cola-mtn dew slushee but it wasnt. i like waffles more than pancakes but would prefer a toaster strudel or muffin. i like apples and lemons and cinnamon and garlic and truffle and black cherries but not maraschino. i dont like onions or cilantro or swiss cheese. i dont like chili because something about the consistency of wet, tomato-ee hamburger makes me ill. i also can't drink hard liquor.
i like smells like thick cologne that lingers and juniper and spearmint and old houses and honeysuckle and the smells of the earth when it stops raining in the summer. i like the smell of other peoples laundry soap and coffee more than my own. i like eucalyptus and aloe and teakwood and dragons blood incense.
i like classic rock from my dad and 80s pop ballads from my mom and afi and lincoln park from my older sibling and 4*TOWN for my younger sibling. one of my earliest loves in music was Paramore, and hayley is an inspiration of mine. i like pop punk and the band ive seen the most is sleeping with sirens, 4 times now. i like hip hop and rnb and acapella and piano. i like music that makes me feel alive. anything from violin to screaming, i just like passion. i'm a very passionate person and always have been despite myself.
i sing and like singing in the car, while i shower, and cook. i am very loud but sometimes can do cool things. i like how singing makes me happy and helps me relate to other people and also my predecessors. i like how i feel connected to those before me through my voice. my first time singing in public was my 4th grade talent show. I sang The Only Exception by Paramore because my parents thought Almost Lover was too dramatic and adult for a 12 year old
i like old movies and i used to fall asleep to them at my grandparents and wake up to them at weekends at my dads apartment. i like musicals like ride the cyclone and drama like the fault in our stars and action like john wick and will always be down for a horror movie. i like get out and candyman and hereditary and black swan and blair witch and creep. i like the twilight zone and rod serling has a special place in my heart. i also like alex trebek from jeopardy, matthew grey gubler, penn badgely, andrew scott, evan peters, and my biggest current celeb crush is matt rife.
i like being alone in busy places. i like to talk to people but i also like to disappear to the other room during the party. im the girl you find sitting outside sometimes smoking, or on the balcony. i enjoy walking back into a concert midsong and seeing all the happy little people being happy. i like stepping away from chaos to appreciate it. i like driving on highways at night when its empty and im high. i like watching airplanes land. i like sleep and i sleep in a tank top and underwear but never socks. my dreams always take me back to this very similiar place every single night doing different tasks with different people. i might start calling it the twilight zone. i like to paint my emotions in my makeup and artwork. i have always felt very deeply and openly.
i like the moon and the stars and it is so fascinating to learn about the same beautiful big rock my ancestors saw. i feel drawn to white butterflies and birds and bumblebees and skinks ( they r tiny lizards). i like history and culture, but im really bad at math.
thats all i can come up with for now. if you have any questions let me know
thanks for reading about me, lmk if youre in love yet
valentine, 22 today <3
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demonic-play · 2 years
It was just another Sunday, but this time I wasn't sitting at home. I decided I would take a walk in town for a while, hoping I could find myself a little action! The streets were pretty dead and so I walked on over to Wally World to grab a snack. While I was looking around, an employee came up to me and asked if I needed any help. I turned to look at him and my jaw hit the floor! This guy was Hispanic, about 6'6, and maybe 22. He had tattoos up and down his arms, a lip ring and I could tell he was really packing, if ya know what I mean. His ears were pierced and he wore a golden cross around his neck. His eyes were green, his jet black hair was messed up and kinda slicked back, and he was wearing shorts and black Converse. He had a heavy dusting of hair on his legs and arms and he wasn't wearing any socks. I couldn't help but stare at his package, not hiding my attraction. I told him I might need some help later if the offer was open once he got off. He quickly told me he was busy when he got off, and looked at me like I was awfully bold to inquire about his off duty intentions. He quickly walked away, and I could smell the armpit sweat from his work all day, which instantly got my dick coming to attention.
I wasn't going to let this moment go by without something to remind me off his smell and stepped into the men's room to rub one out.
I was about 5 minutes into groping my crotch when I heard someone else enter the bathroom. I didn't stop what I was doing, in fact I started pumping harder. To my surprise, my stall door opened and in came Ricardo, the employee I was just talking to. He closed and lifted up the door to lock it, which I obviously had not, and fumbled to get his hard cock free from his shorts. "You like this faggot?" He snapped, shoving his 9 inch meat in my face.
I couldn't even answer I was so nervous and opened my mouth to take his beef.
He didn't waste no time shoving his cock down my throat, making me gag on the last 4 inches. He smelled musty and ripe, and kept shoving it down my throat.
This was such a total turn on for me, but I wanted to see those size 15s and feel them om my face. I took his dick out of my mouth and got down on the floor and started untying his laces. Wow, these Chuck's smelled like they had been worn for days with no socks. I pulled the first one off and held it up to breathe in his essence. Wow, I would have loved to take those shoes home. He stopped me wanting to know what the fuck I was doing and I slipped his big toe into my mouth. I could see the kid was enjoying this, as was I. My dick was so hard I could have broke glass. I ran my tongue in and around his toes making him moan in ecstasy.
"Fuck!" He moaned, "fuck homie, keep that shit up!" He kicked off his other shoe and replaced his wet foot with the dry one. This foot was much more odorous than the other one, and I couldn't get enough of his stench. He sat down on the toilet and pushed his foot further into my mouth, while rubbing my throbbing cock with the other one. He started playing with my ass with his big toe, while pulling his other foot out of my hungry mouth and pushing it back in. He managed to shove his toe up into my ass as far as he could get it and I kept pushing myself further on it. I had never had a foot up my ass but I was willing to take his. I bucked and rode the top half of his foot after managing to get half of it inside me. The swirling of my tongue on his toes was driving him crazy. He thrust his foot into me a couple more time and ribbons of hot sticky cum came shooting out of my cock, landing on his chest. It must have pushed him over the edge, because he shoved as much of his foot as he could in my wanting hole and forced his dick into my mouth, fitting it all snugly in my throat as he started to shoot his warm load down my throat. Gagging, I managed to swallow every drop of his Latin leche before needing to cum up for air. He looked at me, pulled up his shorts, put back on his shoes, and spoke,
"Be here tomorrow at 9pm. I got something I want to try on you, and don't be late, my break is only 30 minutes." I assured him I would be there, and th÷n he bent over as if he was going to kiss me, instead however he just spit in my mouth and grabbed me by the back of my head.
"YOU ARE MY BITCH NOW FAGGOT, DONT FORGET IT. YOU WILL CALL ME MASTER JACOB.!" and he walked out of the bathroom, taking my dignity with him.
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mel-0n-earth · 8 months
BG3 February Writing Challenge: Day 4
Day Four (SFW): Camp chores
Original prompt list
[This is a standalone, but features my nonbinary OC, Kai, who has a street urchin background. Do I have a soft spot for overly eloquent wizards? Definitely. Did I get a little emotional over this one? Maybe. Anyways, enjoy.]
“Kai? I must request your assistance with a task that is most important, I assure you.”
Kai looked up from the map they’d been studying, mind tired from the effort of deciphering the tiny scrawl and sounding out its letters in their mind. They’d been taught how to read, once, though they were hardly as well-read as someone like Gale. Whatever he needed help with, they hoped it wouldn’t involve any reading.
They stepped carefully around the mud puddles that had formed around camp after the recent rain, taking care not to let their shoes grow any soggier. “What is it?”
Gale turned from the riverbank and made a sweeping gesture towards a tub of soapy water arranged near a pile of clothes, most of which were stained with blood, dirt, and the vast array of ichors and viscera the party had encountered in their recent escapades.
“If you would oblige me, friend, it seems our dinner needs tending, lest we go hungry for waiting too long to begin the process. There are meats to marinate, herbs to cut, and a broth in want of bubbling. While I tend to such gastronomical tasks, would you be so kind as to take over the washing?” He cast a glance towards the main camp, then added in a lowered voice, “I’d ask the others, but I sense they would not be so well-suited to the task. I’m afraid dear Karlach would bring the water to a boil, leaving all our colors to run together. Can’t have that now, can we?”
Kai blinked, looking down to the pile of clothes, then back to Gale. “Um…yeah, sure.”
He flashed them a delighted grin. “Most excellent! That should leave me with plenty of time to focus on devising a meal most nourishing. I’ve even acquired a few pinches of saffron, of all things, to toss in with the fish. A mite luxurious for our current living standards, but well worth the cost, considering our recent accomplishments. But never mind that. Thank you for your help.”
He rewarded them with a charming bow of gratitude, then sauntered off towards the campfire, presumably to season it with saffron, whatever that was. Kai remained, staring down at the strange implements Gale had left for them—a slatted plank of sorts, a large stick, and a ball of twine.
Kai managed to get as far as dumping all the clothes into the tub, and using the ball of twine to create a clothesline like the ones they’d seen hanging over the streets of the Lower City. After that, however, they were stumped. They studied the plank and stick, puzzling over their possible purposes. At some point, they wondered whether the angled slats were there to squeeze water out of the clothes, but they found even a sock would not fit through such a small opening.
After a while, the delicious aroma of fish stew began to emanate from the campfire, and Kai heard the sound of wet footsteps slopping through the mud.
“By Oghma, what in the nine hells are you doing with that washboard?”
Kai looked up to find Gale staring baffled at the singular sock hanging limply from the slats. They turned their attention quickly away. Gods, they must look like a fool.
“I, umm…I thought maybe it would squeeze the water out, so they wouldn’t weigh down the line.”
Gale pulled back, as if offended by the very notion. “That’s perhaps the most preposterous thing I’ve ever heard. I mean, it’s a washboard, for crying out—haven’t you ever done your own laundry before?”
Ashamed, Kai shook their head, motioning down to their current ensemble. “Not really. This is all I have.”
That was how it was, living on the streets. Clothes cost money, and they’d never had anywhere to store them. One outfit was plenty. If it got dirty, one jumped in the river, easy as that. Proper laundry, apparently, was much more complicated.
Several emotions passed over Gale’s face just then. First confusion, then understanding, then worst of all, pity. Kai nearly shrank at the sight. It wasn’t the first time they’d received such a look, though they’d grown considerably rarer since they reached adulthood. Apparently, children were more deserving of pity than adults. Still, it always left them feeling dirty, like some used wrapper to be tossed in the fire.
Gale scrubbed a hand over his face, breathed in deeply, then placed his hands on his hips with a heavy sigh. “That thing you’re holding is a washboard,” he explained. “You use it to agitate the clothes. It helps get the dirt off.”
Kai’s brows pulled together. “Agitate?”
Gale regarded them a moment longer, then allowed his face to warm to a smile. “You know what,” he said, rolling his sleeves to the elbow, “Why don’t I show you?”
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62% for battery ask! 💛
62%. What is your character's first memory?
She doesn't have a lot, most of her memories start at around age 4 but are kind of muddled. This is a clearer memory from when Sydari was about 6 ish.
Under the cut coz it's like 1000 words, sorry :/
She was hungry, cold and tired, the blizzard that raged outside of the city walls bit hard even this far inside the slums. Sydari had been kicked out of the house again, her "incessant moaning and whining" her father complained. "Edras wasn’t well, Edras needed quiet, Edras was trying to sleep", and she was in the way. She accidentally dropped the soup-filled bowl, which had shattered onto the floor, sending her father into a rage. He had yanked her by the arm and thrown her out onto the street, the door was locked behind her. She sat against it and shivered, he didn’t even give her an overcoat, let alone shoes, the blizzard made the ground frigid, making her shiver even more. She knocked on the door, but it wouldn’t open, he wouldn’t let her back in, and no one came for her when she screamed.
Eventually, she resigned herself to yet another night of sleeping outside. She knew enough about the cold to know she needed to find some sort of enclosed space. Ambarys didn’t kick her off the porch last time. Last time she had shoes. The benefit of sitting by the door to Ambarys’ place was that sometimes the door would open, and all the warmth would flood out, sometimes the wobbly people dropped some bread, and sometimes they’d fall down the stairs. One time one of them fell in a smelly puddle and his coin purse fell out of his pocket. The problem was, no one was willing to sell her any food, the coin purse was under her cot, and her father would take it away if he knew. He probably already found it; he was scary sometimes.
She pulled her tunic over her feet to cover her now-wet socks, a futile attempt to warm her toes, she shivered. The door to Ambarys’ place opened and she could feel the warm air flood out into the frigid night. Several wobbling people stumbled out, each wandering off to their own homes. Each one ignored her, she was one of many urchins that littered the Gray Quarter, she wished someone would stop.
She’d been laying by the door for what felt like hours, chasing sleep that wouldn’t come when the door opened again. A man clad from head to toe in some sort of odd leather armour stepped out, stopped and leaned back halfway inside, he yelled something that she couldn’t quite understand.
“I don’t know there’s several that sleep there!”
“You just let them do that?”
“No, they just don’t leave.”
“The kid’s lips are blue Ambarys, you really want to clean that up in the morning?”
“Fine, what’s the kid look like?”
“Small, red hair-“
“Don’t get involved, Aralen’s gonna come in here and start something if you do, that’s gonna be worse for all of us.”
“So, you’d rather the kid freeze in a blizzard because of one asshole? That’s low man.”
“You haven’t met his particular brand of asshole-“
“You haven’t met my particular brand of-“
“I don’t know what you want me to do about it?”
The door closed again and Sydari closed her eyes, she was cold, but it didn’t matter, at least she wasn’t shivering anymore.
The room was made of wood, and a slither of sunlight streamed in through the single window that sat high on the wall. She sat up, the bed was huge, or it felt huge, it was at least twice the size of her cot at home.  She wasn’t cold but she was hungry, and she could smell something delicious. She slipped off the bed and wandered over to the table in the corner, there was a wooden bowl resting on top, she could see steam rising from it. She climbed onto the chair and saw the bowl was filled with some sort of soup, she took the crust of bread that was resting next to it and dipped it into the soup. She felt nervous, whoever this belonged to would probably beat her for taking some, but she was so hungry. She looked around the room, making sure no one was there before taking a bite. It was amazing, bread wasn’t something she often had, half the time Edras would come home with a little bit of saltrice that they would make into a semi-warm slurry, but Edras hadn’t been well, and father never bought food home for them to share. She stole an ash yam once, but she didn’t know how to cook it, and she didn’t remember what happened to it, only that father had caught her trying to stick it into the coals and threw her out after hitting her. This is what she imagined that yam tasted like, she wanted more of whatever was in the bowl, but everything told her not to touch it again. She had to get back, she shouldn’t be in this room. She jumped down from the table and set off towards the door. It was closed and she couldn't reach the handle. She walked back towards the table to retrieve the chair; she could climb up onto that and open the door. Hopefully, she could get back before father noticed, he’d be mad, she wanted him to be less mad.
A shine caught her eye as she grabbed the chair leg, she climbed back onto the chair. Sydari hadn’t noticed before but a small, hessian pouch was sitting next to the bowl. It had a hole in it, she could see what looked like gold. Opening the pouch confirmed her suspicions, it was full of little gold coins. A piece of paper sat folded next to it, she opened it and saw a collection of letters, some she recognized from the odd lesson at the temple, many just looked like swirls and angles. None of these looked like the ones she had been learning. There was a small drawing of a strange, six-legged creature with a crude smiley face, it made her laugh. She liked the picture; she wouldn’t get in trouble for taking that? And they wouldn’t mind if she took one coin, right? She thought better of taking the coins, but she stole the note, pushed the chair to the door, pulled it open just enough for her to fit through and rushed out of the building.
It was early morning by the time she got home, the door was wide open. The house was a mess, everything was cleared out except for the corner that held her and Edras’ cots. Edras was still there, sleeping. She held her hand to his mouth, he was still breathing and he seemed far less pale than yesterday. Father wasn’t there, and for that, she felt thankful.
He never returned. She still can't read the note, no one taught her Dunmeris.
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xbeezchaos · 1 year
My <Harsh> thoughts/headcanons of your faves
Yes I'm serious so take a seat and get ready. I firmly belive a lot of these are Canon in my heart and cannot be persuaded otherwise.
This will be multi Fandom but I'm starting with genshin because I have a lot to say about certain characters. Also, this may be multi parts and some of this won't be explained.
Kamisato Ayato
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Look I know he's some dude everyone loves but like. I can't wrap my head around it. If you think you can help. Please entertain me with it.This man has the most cocky attitude and that isn't even the part that makes me mad.
He has a piss kink.
Would let the right man/woman piss on him and would give EXTRA MONEY if it's stinky
He doesn't shower or bathe often
I wouldn't ever put it past him to not only wear shoes in bed, but to wear dirty white socks on freshly cleaned bedsheets
His bed is dirty. Like. Crunchy dirty.
He gives off high school guy using way too much axe Apollo body spray in the middle of the Hallways to poorly cover up his man must after gym class
Take petty and smart and dial it to to the thousands. He's a smart stink bag
He uses a cringey baby voice with his partner. Don't even fucking try telling me otherwise.
Probably calls himself daddy towards his partner too.
Smells like a wet beach towel
He would eat expired food. <this one pains my soul>
Raiden Shogun
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Honestly I do not give a flying fuck how hot she is or what her past is. I'm aware of most of it but still don't get it tbh. Game wise she's cool but in the lore she makes me mad and confused
She quite literally fits the definition of "stick up your ass"
Unjustified and over the top rage. It's calling sister issues. Not even mommy issues
Immature and old as hell
She can't read.
She showers, but she takes 4 fucking hours and takes them twice a day without telling anyone so she'll be gone during important times and kill anyone who tells her that
A bad mother. I know you can't read but bro. Get somebody to write your son a damn letter before sending him out next time like??? Going back to the scatterbrained piece lol
Anyone and everyone is on her shit list. No fetus or dust bunny is safe.
Has the same energy of the try hard super competitive kid in gym class that takes all the fun out of the games.
Would purposely step on your phone if it fell on the floor (especially if she's in heels)
She eats uncooked rice as a snack.
Smells like metal 24/7
She really doesn’t understand affection so she bully flirts at best.
Tartaglia <Childe>
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I love him and plan on pulling for him in his next rerun but bro the shit I have going on in my head either makes me laugh or mad.
Has freckles
Like to fight pretty women when he's bored so he can get choked out by thighs
Has arthritis/ something like that
Can and will eat anything for the right price <or if you say "i dare you" "you wont">
He's the "where's my hug at"guy but not creepy.
He’s literally just a hyper pit bull, and he does need a leash.
He was and still is a leash kid.
All his shoes wither and fall apart at the soles up. Shoe stores and repair men love him
Would get into bar fights
Cuts his own hair at 3AM with no back mirror
Has gotten into an argument about why the flame in a match doesn't have a shadow with the entire universe
Despite his vision. He doesn't like to drink water. Anything but that.
The closest he’ll get to regular water is flavored water
Can't ride a bike. At all.
Cries at sad scenes of shows or movies like someone shot his dog
Impulsively twerks on people he considers close.
Can and will torment his siblings. Had probably thrown one into a river before
Looks like a twink. But probably eats ass too. Don't question me.
Super easy to rile up. Try gaslighting him. It's funny.
Can't read Roman numerals.
Breaks shit at fatui headquarters a lot and finds people to fix them for cheap
If he has any close friends. He breaks into their homes often to take naps, eat or leave shit there.
Gojo Saturou
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I know nothing about this man so it’s purely the vibe I get from him and some of. May be off due to the fact that I’ve only seen fan stuff of him- ANYWAYS TO THE FUN PART BELOW
Personally think he’s a perv. But like. Hell only make perverted jokes to friends or complete strangers
Has a vast knowledge of the human body and fixated on the nervous system for like 3 years
Makes dick jokes.
I feel like this man has ADD/ADHD he just reeks of it. Look at him!!!
Has a raging secret foot fetish. Like. You wouldn’t guess it about him. But he has it.
Sleep talker
He’s very clean. But dear gods he smells either really good like. Has that amazing jaw dropping cologne or he smells like 10 cans of bounce that ass fucked a dumpster fire on a hot summer day and no there isn’t an in between
Despite using the eye cover a lot he falls a lot.
He can’t swim. But if it’s canon he can. You’re lying
Eats raw pasta. For fun.
Chews on plastic. And has accidentally swallowed pieces of it multiple times too
Asks questions with obvious ass answers. Most times it’s genuine, but others it’s to be an ass
Would use “🥺” emoji un ironically
An instigator. Til death may he never stop.
Uses that baby talk shit. He’d baby talk his partner. Sorry I don’t make the rules
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voidswithinvoids · 3 months
Part I: An Immediate Sadness
Vic’s breathing always got bad when he cried. He’d known his father to be a man of few tears. His brothers had the occasion mist, but nothing like him. His crying seemed at times irrational and had disturbed people when he lost his wits in public. I think that made him cry even more when people watched. The embarrassment would set in and the hot tears would wash down his red cheeks. It was always a whirlwind of emotions that he could never properly name. He had with him a post-it note, crumpled and tattered, his therapist had gotten him to write out during one of his sessions.
Instructions were outlined as:
1. Close your eyes
2. Take a deep breath
3. Hold
4. Exhale
5. Repeat
He laughed mockingly at the old man as he scribbled the redundant words on the small yellow square. The darkness of his eye lids hardly gave any comfort. As for steps two through five, those best intended directions were utterly meaningless when it had descended into uncontrollability.
There were a lot of moments where Vic would cry and was immediately rebuked by his fiancé Fiona. Even when she didn’t see the physical tears, often times she would return home from work and find Vic clenching a tear stained pillow as he stared at an odd water stain the portable air conditioner had made months ago.
It was from that time the two of them had woken up on that humid summer day filled with all the normal dread one feels when waking up. The dog was whining as it always did when the sun peaked its golden talons through the blinds. Vic cursed the sun. He cursed the dog. He cursed God. And then he pushed himself up and cursed himself as his bare feet dipped into a floor covered in a layer of water that cover his big toe.
A pit of dread and regret filled his stomach. “It’s your fault. You fucked up. You’re an idiot!” His taunting inner voice growled.
It was his fault. There was no denying that. The portable air conditioning unit he had struggled for days to install properly was set up to collect moisture and expel it into an ice cream pail throughout the day. He had told her that he would set a timer on the unit so an overflow would never occur. How forgetful he could be, especially when he got tired.
Only days ago he was scolded for leaving his dirty laundry on the floor and not putting it in the laundry basket as “grown ass men” should. He had promised to do better. To pull his shit together. But there were his floating boxer briefs, and his jeans and by the door his socks did a swirling dance with each other. He had thought it was poetic how the socks had each other. He was grateful for his fiancée. He felt he had nothing worth while in his life but her. She gave him purpose and all he ever gave her was apologizes and extensive water damage that he didn’t have the first clue how to fix.
The hardwood had warped and you could feel the way it had buckled. Vic would sit with his finger smoothing over those strange distortions and remember his short comings. He envied his friends who took good care of their partners. Often their wives would post photos of them single handedly renovating some major house project or perhaps with an apron preparing steaks with sautéed mushrooms by the barbecue.
Pulling her attention away from her phone only to say, “why are you so incapable of doing that for me? It’s not that hard. Like really, every single one of my friends asks me ‘why doesn’t Vic do that for you?’ It’s all they talk about most of the time.”
And Vic’s heart pushes its way up his chest, through his throat, out his mouth, and falls on the white tiled floor with a small wet smoosh sound. It’s there where four tiles meet he stares off into. He imagines the crevasses between the tiles to be roads in which maybe the small ants that steal crumbs from the kitchen use as trading routes. He wondered at their admirable work ethic and their deep service to their queen. He thought about how ants could hold things double their weight. Or perhaps was it more? He often forgot things quickly. It was something that Fiona despised about him. More often than not, his forgetfulness was the cause of most of their fights. A forgotten item at the grocery store. A missed date on the calendar. A gift he had forgotten to order. Relentlessly, he was reminded of his utter failure at being, what Fiona often hissed, “a real man”.
The imaginary ants were shaking hands now. It seemed like a fair trade they had made. Breadcrumb for Cheerio. Although he thought that one was probably sweeter than the other. Perhaps the queen would favour the Cheerio ants more than the breadcrumb ants. He picked at his chapped lips as he pondered the worth of one ant over another.
“God, see! This is what you always do! One small piece of conflict and you shut down. You trail off into space and no can reach you. No one knows what you’re thinking ever! You’re just quiet and apologize all of the time. Fucking do something you lazy ass.”
Fiona said this and the phrase ‘stormed out’ comes to mind. That crackling storm had become part of her persona. The thunderous voice paired with the striking sting of her words. It was the perfect combination to bring anyone to their knees. It was the ultimate lunge towards power when she felt powerless. And Vic had endless sympathy for her. He had convinced himself he was engaged to a powerful woman. He was told that men were disgusting and have never done anything good, except listen to their wives. He was told he should be sorry for being a man, for his sexual organ made him an oppressor.
Perhaps the ultimate paradox of Vic’s life was his masculinity. He was dumbfounded and the incessant demand by everyone around him to become a ‘real man’. It seemed to him that people also hated ‘real men’. They were the sort who drank too much, shot deer, and used the word pussy a lot. But Vic was different. He wasn’t masculine. He was feminine. Not that he would have said that about himself. Nor would I truly characterize him as feminine, for that might be a dated concept. I only take time to note this because this was the sort of conversation that surrounded Vic daily. And more often than not, people saw his unfortunate dilemma as another pathetic excuse for him to cry about.
And Vic did cry. He cried as he masterbated in the bathroom after Fiona had gone to bed. He cried when she pushed him away at night and refused to hold or be held. She would then pull the covers away from him and he would lie there in the deep darkness and let those warm tears stream down. He knew the night to be a safe time to cry. Fiona kept the room pitch black. He knew at least part of the reason was because she did not want to see his body, but he also wondered if it was also because she did not want him to see her body.
The black void was safe for tears but voids are often filled quickly. The tears marked the edges of the void and then he poured out his self loathing. His inadequacy. The protruding belly that only expanded daily. The hardness of his penis that was a constant reminder of the pervert he believed himself to be. The forgetfulness, the confusion, the stammering. The awkward greetings he made, the unfunny jokes. The dinner he made that was burnt and yet raw. The lack of motivation, the lack of creativity, the complacency that made up his universe. The dog poop that need to be picked up. The dirty dishes that would bring stress to Fiona in the morning. The friends he had nearly abandoned at this point in order to spend more time with his fiancée. These were the mammoth thoughts that never left him.
It was here at night when Vic stopped breathing again. His heart had found its way back into his chest and took its revenge on him for his carelessness from earlier. It beat like devilish drums and he bit down on the pillow to extinguish some of the pain. His breaths gasped with ten seconds in between. His body was tingling with coldness and his face was hot with pressure.
“Please. Please. Please..” he whispered into the void.
He spoke as if he was Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane asking God to find another way. That perhaps he didn’t need to be crucified and tortured the next morning. But there was no great reply. There was nothing but emptiness. And so he partook in that emptiness and swallowed it whole, as if it were a holy sacrament. Vic fell asleep on a wet pillow and hoped for things to change in the morning.
0 notes
eldrich-i-guess · 11 months
guess who has another start of a story
this one is longer and I'm more attached so be nice
The sky is blue here. a beautiful blue. different from the normal sky blue. the color is shifting, sometimes more purple, sometimes more green, sometimes like the ocean. you can see the stars even though it's day. twinkling magenta and lime and peach. 
“Erix Savil, Get your head off of that window before you give yourself a headache.”  I fixed my posture wordlessly. lady Kielaph’s Frown deepens 
“ I don't know why you insist on such a gloomy trip. whether you live or die is completely out of your hands. at this point you were just wasting your own time.” I can't help but shrink in my seat. she's a strange lady and I know it's her way of trying to come from me but… even her toad familiar sitting on the bench next to her is laughing at the sorry attempt. 
“ well how would you have me do it?” the lady snaps “ want me to lie to her? tell her she's going to live happily ever after?”  I turn to the window again as the carriage descends.
 leaves to Green to be real and creatures with eyes like cold fire and too many joints. wrong and warped in a way that is Distantly familiar.  the carriage rests next to a creek. Kielaph Gets out and gestures for me to give her my hand. and she helps  me down I hear footsteps across the creek. looking up I wish I hadn't. 
the thing is pretending to be a woman. tall with blonde ringlets of hair down to her elbows and a light gray sweater. her knees bend the wrong way though,  she has too many teeth and I can't shake the feeling that she just isn't breathing.  she's standing too still to be breathing.  Kielaph Hasn't noticed. I don't know how. the not a woman sees me staring and her Cheshire Cat smile grows unnaturally big. she really does have too many teeth. they shouldn't be able to fit in her mouth like that. She walks forward moving just her legs like a cat stalking prey. movement silky smooth and lightning quick. she's at the edge of the creek now and, God how hasn't she noticed? the not a woman keeps hold of my eyes she Winks at me and 
I know.
 I know why the lady hasn't noticed. she can't see the fairy. It clears its throat without moving its face. Kielaph turns startled and shaky.  it's a chilling change from her attitude in the carriage. “as the coven promised, we delivered the claimed child.”  the fairie’s face is doll-like and unmoving as it says “We appreciate your compliance.”  Kielaph nudges me forward through the creek. it's strange at a time like this to be mad at her for getting my socks wet Stranger still that I'm not afraid. Not Afraid as the fairy offers me a hand with too many joints in the fingers. not as I'm pulled from the creek. not as I stare into the pupil-less eyes of a thing that would peel the skin from my face on a good day. not as it's Cheshire smile falls for the first time 
“ it does not sleep enough.” the tone is frigid. 
Kielaph  let's loosen anxious squeak “ she's a high schooler” 
“ it does not eat enough cake or drink enough spiced wine” 
“ but-” 
“ you will fix that.”  I've never heard someone talk to a lady of the coven like that. she takes a step back as if burned. She likely hasn't heard anyone talk to her like that since she became a lady of the coven either. 
I can see another fairy over her shoulder. this one is younger I know with a dreamlike sense. she's my Age. strange and segmented like an insect. long smooth black hair down to her waist. 
I realize I'm not looking at the blonde one anymore. fear courses back through my bloodstream I practically leap over the creek to Kielaph. When I look back at the blonde one its Cheshire smile has returned.
 “ Ammonia will go with you to ensure. we are fond of the child and its face. you will have less time with it though. I question your ability to raise a child. 
4 years return here
 the child need not fear.
 hand in hand towards Homeland
 it will find itself go.”  
Then once again with lightning-quick motion it manages to jump across the creek and passes us on the left disappearing amongst the trees behind the carriage. the insect girl is still there. I don't think I mind her nearly as much. She doesn't look like she eats human skin, so that's nice. I can't wait to come back in 4 years And find out what ‘we like your face’ means.
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zephiesjournal · 2 years
tuesday, november 1st, 2022
got less than four hours of sleep and somehow managed to make it the whole day without giving into a bottle of caffeine pills. some computer parts arrived, one driver made zero effort to even approach my building and my DPD profile now simply says “CALL [NUMBER]” in the instructions, safe place and residency photo sections. live chat said they’d attempt another delivery later on in the day but they never did. part of me was glad i didn’t have to step outside so early because my shoes were still soaked and dirty, i used the last of my detergent on cleaning them then couldn’t buy more to clean anymore clothes because i now have negative money. that is until hours later when i realized there is cash in my wallet, and the whole time i was thinking mmm i really need to go into town to deposit this money so i can spend it. i might be stupid.
i’ve decided i’m gonna go physical with this journal soon. i looked into some ways to get my whole tumblr printed as a book but none of them seemed to be working. i want to start caring more about writing but the way i go about it now just makes it feel way too laborious. i want a little physical book i can take out and just relax while writing in whenever i’m thinking about something, instead of putting it all off till the next day and struggling to remember any fleeting thoughts. i don’t want to ever feel “done” for the day, that there’s journaling time that i have to do quickly and then move on and live my next day. then i started thinking about how it could potentially make my ocd worse by feeling like i have to write everything down every thought instead of just the bigger things that happened throughout the day. i want to practice differentiating what’s worth writing about and what isn’t, and focus on writing about things i could maybe kind of learn from instead of “today i went shopping but my shoes were kinda wet so i wore two pairs of socks”. ok dude glad i can remember that happened.
i need to tackle my ocd with journaling too, i didn’t want to start on a random day and i wanted to specifically have “a 2023 book” and “a 2024 book”, but then what if i want to change the format in some way and i run out of pages. i looked into “refillable” journals but mm they look goofy. the only way i could be sure i wouldn’t run out of space is if i bought one with way too many pages and was not viable to carry around with me, or one with a specific amount of pages but i had to very strictly only use one page a day plus one a week for something or else, or something like that. looking online even among the communities who are super into journaling they’ll be like “journaled every day for three years straight!” and it’s a photo of like 9 different books all completely different in size. could find hardly any talk about wanting to be all uniform with it like i do so maybe i’m just stupid. i don’t know having several different journals that are marked as “7 nov 2022 - 23 feb 2023”, “24 feb 2023 - 15 may 2023” etc feels super bothersome to me. but i gotta learn to be okay with these kinds of imperfections that aren’t even really imperfections, like it’s all there it’s correct there’s nothing “wrong” about it. whatever, i’ll probably change how i like to journal a lot over time anyway, and all that means is it’ll accurately reflect my attitude towards it at each point in time which is the whole point of a journal!!! that’s also part of the reason i want to go physical instead, i can be so much more personal with how i do it instead of being confined to a tumblr blog.
i don’t think i did much today besides obsess over my obsessions and obsess over journaling and journal about my obsessions and journal about journaling. i downloaded sims 4 because i was feeling nostalgic over the first one and 4 is apparently free now so why not, then i got into character customization and was immediately overwhelmed, like oh that’s right i don’t actually care enough to go through this right now. i remembered thinking when i write about this there’s a learnable thought i should talk about since that’s the kind of journaling i want to focus on from now on, and i can’t remember what i came up with. uhh i don’t like super in-depth character creators because i get overwhelmed easily, because of my uhhh trauma or whatever, i will learn from this for 2023.
0 notes
purple-babygirl · 3 years
you got me reading all your works from 4 AM till 6 AM today, and I have zero regrets. And I’d do it all again. I truly love all of your works, especially those that has anything to do with Bucky.
Now all I can think about is Bucky’s reaction and care to finding out that his Little got an injury—one that she been hiding from him. Omg the fluff.
Anyway, have a great day!
Pairing: Poly!SamBucky x little!f!reader
Word count: 3,381 (i know i know...)
Warnings: polyamory, ddlg dynamics, excessive, probably unnecessary, fluff no one asked for.
A/N: Nonnie, I'm honored💜. Thank you so much for sending me this, you've warmed my heart to no extent💜💜. It is everything when you tell me you like what I share with you. You're so amazing and I hope I'll always deliver and never disappoint you ily:"💜 I know you only said Bucky but I couldn't help but get Papa!Sam in there too, hope you're not mad at me?:" Please enjoy xx.
don't hide
"Oh, we forgot the toilet paper!" Sam groaned, "I'll go get it. Wait here, sugar, okay? Eyes on the bags and don't move. Papa will be right back," he said before marching back to the big store's entrance, leaving her by the car with all the grocery bags.
Papa said to wait there. Papa warned her that the ground was snowy and slippery and dangerous. Papa told her not to move, she reminded herself but she just couldn't help it. She had to grab that orange.
A bag had fallen on its side out of nowhere and an orange had fallen out and rolled away. She needed to get it before Papa came back or else he'd know she wasn't watching the bags and was zoned out instead. She'd be careful and she'd take the fruit and come back to where Papa left her and he wouldn't even know it. She'd take small steps and she'd be quick. Plus, she was a big girl; she'd never slip, right?
Before she could catch herself, her foot was slipping, her arms were flailing and she was on her back on the cold, hard icy ground. She squeaked, pain shooting through her spine like an electric shock. Through panic and pain, she got hold of the stray fruit, managing to get herself up and back to where she was supposed to be standing the whole time before Sam made his way back to her.
"There we go," Sam sighed, setting the bag with the toilet paper beside the others and opening the car.
She was silent, biting down on her lip to stifle the pained whimpers ready to leave her mouth.
"You ready to go, sugar?" He asked her as he stacked the last bag in the car, slamming the back shut.
"Yes, papa." She nodded, the bones supporting her neck hurting as she tried her best not to cry when she slightly bent to get in the backseat.
She didn't say anything. She couldn't. Daddy and Papa were taking her sledding in the park the next day and she couldn't even be good and obey one single thing she was told. They'd definitely cancel the whole day and make her stay home if they knew what she did. And not only that but she'd surely be punished for not listening and not being careful enough. She could take it. She could play, sled and smile through the pain. Plus, she was a big girl; she could handle a little fall, right?
Her back was killing her. She tried not to hiss when Papa put her seat belt on for her. She had no idea how she'd make it through the day.
"Show daddy what you got him, sugar!" Sam encouraged after leaving the bag of goods on the table for her, walking to the kitchen to drop a bunch of grocery bags
She carefully pulled a chair out and slowly climbed on top, rummaging through the bag until she found a packet of Bucky's favourite cookies. She'd pointed at them as soon as she saw them at the store and didn't stop until Papa got them down the high shelf and into the cart.
Bucky's appreciative smile lit up the room, "oh, for me?"
"Yes, daddy. Got 'em for you." She nodded timidly, playing with her sleeve.
He accepted the cookies with a giddy grin and went to store them in place in the kitchen. She giggled, proud she was the reason Daddy was smiling.
"Thank you, love." Before she could stop him, Bucky was hugging her tight, metal arm pressing on her back to pull her body to his.
The chocked whimper she let out didn't go unnoticed by the super soldier.
"You okay, doll?" Bucky raised a worried brow, flesh hand rubbing circles on her back as a sort of habit.
"Yes, daddy. I'm fine," she lied, held-in tears burning the back of her eyes. She just needed him to stop touching her spine.
"You sure?"
"Sugar, go wash your hands we just got back from outside," Sam reminded, saving her from repeating the lie to Bucky.
"Yes, papa." Her socked feet padded on the floor as she left for the bathroom.
Bucky shrugged it off for now, walking outside to help Sam with the bags. She probably wanted more candy than she was allowed and Sam refused or something of that sort.
When she was done washing her hands, she tiptoed to her bedroom and did her best to redress herself fast. Her discoloured skin looked awful in the mirror. She couldn't let her daddies see the huge bruise that was forming on her back, innocently praying it'd disappear over night so they could still go sledding the next morning.
"You changed by yourself?" Sam furrowed his eyebrows upon seeing her in a comfier outfit. He knew for a fact Bucky didn't help her because he was washing strawberries in the sink behind him.
"Yes, papa," she muttered hesitantly, fearing his reaction.
"Why didn't you call me or daddy, baby? We could've helped."
"Papa and daddy are busy, didn' wanna bother you," she lied again.
"Doll, we'll never be too busy to look after our favourite girl. You can always ask for daddy and papa's help, okay?" Bucky assured her gently.
"Yes, dada."
"Good girl, here," Bucky grinned, offering her a strawberry.
"Tank you." She took it with a smile and hummed after the first bite, making Sam chuckle.
"You did a good job dressing yourself, sugar. We're proud of you." Sam let his hand cradle the small of her back so he could kiss her forehead.
She whimpered again, biting her lip hard and closing her eyes.
"Everything alright, baby?"
"Yes, papa. Strawberry tastes so good."
"Okay, baby. Go play in your room till me and daddy get lunch ready."
"Yes, papa." She pecked Sam's cheek before leaving the kitchen.
"She's lying," Bucky told his husband as soon as she got inside her playroom.
"I know."
She spent the rest of the morning suffering in silence. Her back hurt whenever it came in contact with anything. She couldn't lean forward, or backward. She couldn't even lay down for nap time, crying into her pillow as soon as her daddies left the room.
She'd try not to whine when Daddy's palm touched her upper back. She couldn't enjoy watching her favourite show on TV because she was too busy trying not to pull away when Papa hugged her to his chest while she was on his lap.
As the hours passed, she was in so much pain it was showing all over her face. Sam and Bucky were worried that she wasn't saying anything. They knew something was wrong they just didn't know what. They failed to notice her features scrunching up in pain whenever they touched her because, in their defense, they were always touching her. So they couldn't really pinpoint the problem.
"There you go, sugar." Sam handed her a plastic cup, half full of strawberry milk he'd just whipped in the blender for her.
"Thank you, papa." She smiled gratefully, stretching her neck to kiss his cheek, her face twisting in pain as a result.
"Doll, are you sure you're okay? Do you have a tummy ache? Do you feel sick?" Bucky questioned softly, all while rubbing circles on her upper back.
"No, dada. I'm okay," she continued to lie, sipping from her straw quickly so maybe Bucky would stop and let her drink in peace.
Bucky looked to Sam in defeat and the latter just shrugged at him helplessly.
"Love, me and papa are worried there's something you're not telling us." Bucky's hand caressed further down to the small of her back and she couldn't help but wince, dropping her cup.
Strawberry milk covered her chest and lap and she couldn't hold it in anymore. She started crying and apologizing, thinking there was no way out of punishment for her now. They were going to find out.
"Hey, hey, it's okay, sugar. It was an accident. It's okay." Sam tried to soothe her but her cries only grew louder as she let all the tears out.
Her body hurt so bad and it didn't help that Bucky was patting her back to calm her coughs and sobs.
"Come with me, doll. Let's get you cleaned up." She cried harder at Bucky's statement, knowing they were going to see her back now.
"No, daddy, please. Don't wanna." She shook her head, choking on her tears. She made no effort to go to his open arms like she would.
It broke Bucky's heart a tiny bit. He started to think he'd done something; that she was like that all day because of him for some reason.
"But baby, you're soaked in milk. You can't stay like that!" Sam didn't wait for her refusal, slipping his arms under her legs and carrying her body off the couch.
"No, no, papa, please." Her tears wet Sam's sweater, her thrashing hurting her muscles even more.
"Stop crying, sugar. Tell me what's wrong," Sam said, sitting down on the closed toilet lid with her on his lap.
She remained silent, her fist rubbing at her teary eye and her lips trembling.
"Is there anything you wanna tell me and daddy, baby?" Sam tried again, making brief eye contact with a worried Bucky preparing a bath.
"Wanna shower by myself," she muttered when her sobs died out, tears still leaving her red eyes.
"You know we can't let you do that, doll," Bucky sighed.
"B-But I dressed by myself," she cried more, leaning on Sam's chest.
"This is different, baby." He kissed her forehead.
"Why don't you want our help, doll? What is it?"
She was quiet again, making both men sigh.
"Alright, love, hands up," Bucky instructed but she shook her head.
"Come on now, be good. We gotta get you cleaned up, baby, or you're gonna be all sticky," Sam told her, fingers tugging at the hem of her sweater.
She gave up fighting; her back was sore and she knew her daddies were going to get her in that bath no matter what. She closed her eyes when the sweater was pulled over her head, preparing herself for Daddy's reaction.
"My goodness, doll! What happened?!" Bucky exclaimed in worry and she started sobbing again.
"What is it?"
"Look at her back, it's messed up!" Bucky gestured to the huge purple and blue bruise, whispering the last part of his sentence.
"Oh my god! How did you get this?!" Sam's eyes widened as he questioned her and she only cried more.
It broke their heart. She was in so much pain all morning and they had no idea. How could they be so inattentive?
"Hey, baby, no, it's alright. We just wanna know how you got hurt, sugar. You're not in trouble," Sam reassured, pushing her hair out of her face while Bucky ever so tenderly examined her bruises.
"I'm sorry, papa. I'm so sorry," she cried in his chest, "I- I didn' listen when you- told me to stay I- the orange fell out an- and I wanted to get it and I fell d-down an' hurt m-myself." She tried to explain between hiccups as Sam bit down in realization and regret.
"Aw, sugar," Sam sighed, feeling guilt gnaw at him for leaving her alone by the car. What was he thinking? How could he leave her all by herself like that? She was just a little baby!
"Papa's sorry, baby. Papa's so sorry he left you standing alone and went back inside." Sam apologized, kissing away the tears soaking her cheeks while she sniffled and hiccuped.
"Don't cry, doll. We're not sad with you. You didn't do anything wrong," Bucky cooed, his thumb wiping the tears down her chin and neck.
"B-But I was bad." She looked at Bucky with teary eyes.
"No, doll, you weren't bad. You were just tryna help Papa because you're a good girl." Bucky kissed her temple, holding her forehead to his cheek while he looked at Sam.
The man was zoned out, probably beating himself up somewhere in his mind.
"Let's just get you in the tub for now and then we can let the doctor take a look at your back, okay?"
"What if he gives me shots?"
"He's not gonna give you shots, doll. Only something to apply to your bruise, nothing painful or scary." Bucky promised, easing her off Sam's lap to get the rest of her clothes off.
Sam scratched his head before abruptly standing from the toilet seat, "I'll go start dinner."
Bucky sighed when his husband left the bathroom. He knew Sam was feeling guilty for their baby getting hurt and while he wanted to assure him it wasn't his fault, he had to tend to her for the time being.
"There you go, doll." Bucky carefully lowered her in the tub, letting the warm, soaped water soothe the ache in her muscles.
"Dada, can you come too?" She asked quietly, noiseless tears still leaving her eyes.
Bucky stripped himself at once, cautiously getting behind her in the tub before pressing her back to his chest. She sighed as he held her to him, Bucky's chest being much comfier than the solid ceramic of the tub.
"Is papa mad at me?" She asked Bucky, her voice trembling and breaking as she continued to cry.
"No, no, doll. Papa's not mad at you one bit, he's just worried about you," Bucky said, his hands rubbing softly on her tummy as he kissed her shoulder.
"Then why'd he leave?" Her voice was squishing Bucky's heart and he just wanted both his babies to feel better.
"He's preparing dinner for you, baby. Papa loves you; he could never be mad at you." Bucky turned her head so she could face him and wiped her tears away.
"We love you, doll. No one is mad at you. Daddy and Papa only want you to be okay. We just wanna keep you safe," Bucky told her warmly and she nodded, wrapping her arms around Bucky's neck and burrowing her face in the crook of it.
After her bath, Bucky got out first, telling her to wait while he got towels. But instead his legs took him to Sam.
"I feel like shit for not noticing too," Bucky muttered behind his spouse.
"It's not only that- what are you doing strolling around the house in just a towel after a warm bath?! Bucky, you'll catch a cold-" Sam scolded when he turned around and saw Bucky undressed.
Bucky put his mouth on Sam's in an attempt to calm his anxiety.
"I'm gonna be fine and so is she," Bucky promised against Sam's lips, cupping his cheek.
"I left her alone, Buck. She got hurt because of me."
"No, love, no. It was an accident. It could've happened anywhere any time."
"I still shouldn't have left her."
"Then we know not to do it again. Don't beat yourself up over it and distance yourself like that."
"I'm not distancing myself."
"Sam, she thinks you're sad with her. Please, love," Bucky begged, his thumb swiping over Sam's skin until the latter nodded with a sigh.
"Now go put on something."
"I thought you liked me naked," Bucky teased.
"Go." Sam lightly slapped his rear.
"I'm going." Bucky laughed, kissing Sam's lips one last time before retreating to the bathroom.
Bucky dressed her in something warm and told her to wait a minute while he got ready so he could take her to the doctor's. She peaked out of her room, hearing onions sizzling in the kitchen. She walked over to Sam as he poured tomato juice and the pot hissed.
"Papa? Are you mad?" She tugged at Sam's sleeve, red-rimmed eyes staring up at the man.
Sam sighed, turning off the stove. He took her hand in his and walked out of the kitchen with her, sitting down on the couch and motioning for her to sit on his lap.
"Why didn't you say anything, sugar?" Sam asked, putting her hair behind her ear.
"I'm sorry, papa," shs teared up, "I thought you'd be mad at me and think I'm bad and not wanna take me sledding no more."
"Baby, I'd never get mad at you for getting hurt. Ever." Sam reassured her, not letting his eyes get glossy with the tears he held in.
"If you get hurt me and papa will take care of you no matter what, doll. That's the only consequence. Do you understand me, love?" Bucky added, walking out of the bedroom with a jacket in hand.
"Yes, daddy." She nodded, throwing herself in Bucky's arms, "I'm sorry. I love you."
"We love you too, doll." Bucky kissed her head, careful not to hug or squeeze her too tight.
"Papa, will you come to the doctor wimme and daddy?" She asked Sam sweetly, leaning on his chest after leaving Bucky's hold.
"Of course, sugar." Sam's thumb stroked her cheek softly.
"And we can still go sledding in the park tomorrow?"
"Oh no, baby, we can't go tomorrow."
"But you said you weren't mad." Her lip jutted out in a pout.
"I'm not mad, baby, I promise, but you're hurt."
"But the doctor is gonna fix it," she whined
"He's a doctor, sugar, not a wizard!" Sam chuckled
"Because wizards don't exist."
"They do exist, but that's not the point," Sam argued and Bucky playfully rolled his eyes behind her back.
"But papa-"
"No buts, doll. We'll go as soon as you get better and we'll stay as long as you want, yeah?"
"Yes, daddy." She complied, knowing they were right; her back was achy and stinging.
As promised the doctor gave her no needles, only a prescription of a cream for her back and a painkiller.
"Daddy, I don't wanna," she whimpered as Bucky lifted her PJs up. She was afraid of the pain she would feel once Bucky started massaging the substance onto her skin.
"I'm gonna be gentle, doll. I promise."
"It's gonna hurt," she complained more.
"Here, sugar, hold papa's hands and daddy will be done before you know it." Sam opened his palms and she immediately put her smaller hands on top.
"There you go, all set. We're ready, daddy," Sam told Bucky, squeezing her hands and smiling comfortingly at her.
She gave half a smile back, blushing as she felt Bucky ever so softly lay kisses down her hurt back.
Sam chuckled, kissing the back of her hand. She slightly hissed when Bucky touched her skin with the cold cream, his pointer and middle spreading it around on the bruises.
"Anywhere else hurts, love?"
"Right here, daddy." She pointed to the back of her neck.
Before Bucky could, Sam tilted himself forward and kissed from the ends of her hair down to where her neck met her back. She giggled, Sam's lips tickling her. The man chuckled again, pecking her cheek.
"Papa?" She held his hands in hers.
"Yes, baby?"
"I love you." She wasn't unaware of how he blamed himself for her little accident and she wanted to let him know it was alright; she was alright.
"I love you more, sugar." Sam smiled, relieved, pressing his lips to her forehead.
"Starting to feel seriously left out over here," Bucky said, wiping his fingers on a tissue.
Sam rolled his eyes at his needy-for-attention husband before cupping his cheek and kissing his forehead as well, sending blood to his cheeks.
"I love you, daddy," she whispered, squeezing Bucky's right hand.
"I love you more, doll." Bucky echoed his partner, kissing her hand.
For the whole week, Papa and Daddy let her sleep on top of their chests, seeing as cuddling and spooning weren't options and they still wanted to be close. She'd alternate between the men as the nights passed.
Eventually, they did go sledding in the park when she healed, three days in a row. She loved it and she laughed so much till her cheeks hurt. She could handle a little fall after all; she could handle anything as long as Sam and Bucky were there to take care of her through it.
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jeehye · 3 years
BNHA villain boyfriends when you’re depressed
— Shigaraki and Overhaul
— Gender Neutral!Reader
Warnings: Depression / Mental Disorders, Implied Nudity, Probably OOC Shigaraki and Overhaul. Harsh-ish Overhaul(?)
Genre: angsty fluff
A/N: This is a little more personal. Sometimes we go through the motions and that is okay. I am proud of you for even simply browsing through Tumblr. I promise you, someday it’ll get better, so hold your head high, these waves will pass. If you ever need to talk, I am always here for you. You’re doing amazing, never forget that. 
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You didn’t know how it got so bad.
Clothes littered the floor, shoes and stuffed animals thrown all over. Plates of half eaten food and water cups stacked up; all creating a chaotic mess.
You wore a baggy shirt and undergarments, mix matched socks that were slightly coming off your feet, but you did not care.
You hadn’t cared for days now.
Everything in life was like a seemingly tedious task. Even combing your hair was almost excruciating to do, and not because you had to yank knots out of your hair, but because it consumed every fiber of your being to get out of your bed and do so.
You had no energy. No enthusiasm.
You were so tired of it; so, so tired of it all. You felt desperate as you sunk deeper and deeper into this dark abyss. It was like you were trying to reach up for air but the weight of everything was continuously dragging you down. You desperately wanted to cry out for help, but you didn’t have the energy or strength, or even humility to ask for help. And so, you just laid there, time continuously ticking by, as the world continued to move forward, and you stayed stagnant in one place.
And as the sun rose on the fifth day, you heard a creak at your door and footsteps shuffling inside your room.
Shigaraki Tomura
Shigaraki came in quietly, like he always does when visiting your room. He didn’t know what was going on with you, but he knew deep down you did not want to be alone. So, he sat on the ground of your messy bedroom, switch in hand, playing Animal Crossing.
You could hear the background music of the game and the sounds of Shigaraki fishing. Sometimes he would grunt in frustration when he failed to catch a fish, which placed a tickle of a smile on your face.
After about 30 minutes of listening to his gameplay it went dead silent. You could hear him get up from his spot and shift his body weight onto your bed, causing it to creak.
“That damn Nook is a fraud”, Shigaraki grumbled, “This stingy bastard wants me to pay 548,000 bells for an expansion! This game is literally what I hate about society and those fucking ugly villagers do not deserve homes”, he continued to rant, scratching his neck in frustration.
You could practically feel him sulking.
“Maybe…” You murmured quietly “…maybe we could play together?” You lifted your head to look at him, your face still puffy from the crying session you had.
Shigaraki hated when you cried. He hated when you got the way you did too. When he first started dating you, he had made it a promise that he would protect you from everything, and make sure you were treated with the upmost care and respect. In some ways he can’t help but feel like he failed you, but he knows blaming himself would only make you feel worse.
Shigaraki gave you a soft smile and reached for the s/c switch that was sitting on your nightstand with 4 fingers.
He handed you the switch and you booted up Animal Crossing: New Horizons. As you were getting through Isabel’s mantra, you felt Shigaraki shift in bed.
“Y/N…” He said quietly, slipping his arms around your waist and nuzzled his head into your neck.
You hummed in response, all of your attention focused on running to open your island’s gate for Shigaraki to join.
“I know you are dealing with a lot,” He continued, “but do not have to take all of the weight of world on your shoulders, you can give some of the weight to me…”. He hugged you closer and kissed the side of your jaw.
You felt tears prick your eyes, “Thank you…I honestly do not know what I would do without you”, you said meekly, wiping your face.
“Mhm…I love you Y/N”.
“Your room is so filthy; don’t you ever think about cleaning it up?”
You shuddered in your bed as you heard the monotone man step foot into your room. You could feel the man’s judgement in his voice and it made your eyes prick with tears.
“I am sorry boss”, you muttered, ashamed and disgusted with yourself. “I’ll do bett-“
“No.” He firmly said, cutting you off.
You could hear him breathe deeply, as if he was trying to muster up courage, before his gloved hand yank your body out of your bed and into his chest. Your eyes widening in disbelief.
“Sir?” You looked at him in bewilderment, knowing damn well you’re not up-to-date on his cleanliness protocol.
Suddenly, dread washed over you as you thought he was going to reconstruct you right here, or just kill you because of how you were, but he didn’t do either of those things. Instead, Kai dragged you into your bathroom.
“I told you to stop with the formality”, he grumbled underneath his mask, “now put your hands up”.
You did as you were told, and he slipped your shirt off, as well as your undergarments and socks. You felt the cold air surround you and as you were about to shiver and cover your body self-consciously, strong arms picked you up and gently placed you into the warm bath water.
Kai turned away to take off his mask and gloves off and set them neatly on the marbled vanity table before turning back to tend to you.
“Aren’t I dirty?” You muttered your eyebrows furrowing together.
His golden eyes looked at you, his face expressionless, “why else do you think I’m washing you?”, he asked in a more matter-of-fact tone, as he lathered your h/c hair with f/s shampoo.
You could feel your shoulder loosen up as he massaged your scalp, your body slowly sinking into the tub in bliss.
Kai’s eyes softened at the sight of your pure, fragile state. He saw you as someone worthy of so much and he hated when you got into your depressed states. He tried his best to build you up as much as he could, though some could argue that his methods were more-or-less tough love, but regardless the man adored you. Even if you rolled in mud and were covered head-to-toe in dog shit, he would still never view you as dirty. Kai held cleanliness next to godliness and you were a god(dess) to him.
“Don’t fall asleep on me angel”, he hummed, rinsing your hair off with the shower head.
You hummed in response, the warm water lulling you to sleep. “Too late…” you mumbled, and as soon as you said that you felt the shower head looming over you turn off and the sound of the bath tub being drained.
You were about to whine in protest when the same strong arms picked you back up and wrapped you into a warmed, soft towel.
“It is not good to fall asleep in the bath”, Kai scolded, wiping your body down and putting a new pair of clothes on you.
Once he was finished, you tried walking back to your bedroom, but he stopped you. “I am having your bedsheets changed currently so you cannot head back to bed yet. You can go once they are done.”
“Okay…thank you”, you said shyly.
Kai looked at you intensely for a moment before he wrapped his arms around you. “Y/N, I do not mind taking time out of my day to take care of you”, he said slowly, pressing his lips against your wet hair. “You’re my everything angel, I want to make sure you are always okay”.
You nodded in response, “Thank you Kai…for everything”.
“I love you angel".
Requests are Open!
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