#so enjoy or dont i actually might hate this when i wake up
brewstersbru · 7 months
Im back for a bit I'm getting writers block on my wrimo; have some really bad galehalstarion (?) bloodbearweave (?)
“Goodnight darling.” Astarion purrs, pressing a gentle kiss to Gale’s forehead as he pulls away for the night. Of course, he had been chivalrous enough to clean everything up, Gale included, but not chivalrous enough to stay the night, it seems.
For the past few nights he’s been making his rounds, first to Halsin, now, Gale. Gale suspects it has something to do with their most recent encounter with the drow woman with the vampire fetish where they had both refused to order him to do anything, and instead reinforced his personhood, which, evidently, he hadn’t been anticipating.
Leaving early also likely has something to do with the fact that no one else in camp has any idea that the three of them are in any way… involved. To be fair, they’ve each got quite a bit else going on, outside of petty camp matters. Wyll has his whole complicated thing with Mizora, Karlach’s got her engine to worry about, Shadowheart with her budding religious crisis and Lae’zel with her ongoing religious crisis, after what happened at the monastery.
Which, Gale had thought that would be all the more reason to not have to be as careful as they usually were- preoccupied minds are less perceptive and all- but evidently Astarion is not of the same mind.
He leaves with a roguish grin and cheeky fingers dragging across Gale’s ankle before the tent flap closes behind him. Gale has to take another moment to himself in order to prevent any further blood circulation to unwanted areas before he can fully process what has just happened.
Falling into bed with Astarion is nothing new, really. He, Astarion, and more recently, Halsin have been tangling in the sheets for a good while. Gale can say with certainty that he knows which spots to kiss around to make Astarion flush, to make Halsin groan in contentment, and that the other two know just as much about what makes him tick.
It’s just, usually, he gets a chance to reciprocate. To funnel the pleasure that has been given to him back into his partner(s), often in excess. He enjoys the feeling, having done something- or in this case, someone- so well and thoroughly that there is no room for discontent or unease. Astarion, especially, usually revels in it. Writhes and gasps, grinning still, as he takes what he is given. Halsin always enjoys a good show.
Today, though, the vampire had entered his tent with a mission. His movements were purposeful, his voice practiced and purring as he brought Gale to the edge and over time and time again. He was not to be contented until the wizard had spent himself thrice at least. And Gale is in no way ungrateful for this gift, in fact it’s the most well fucked he thinks he’s been in a good long while. It just hadn’t really seemed like it was Astarion, that he was fucking. Rather someone with his face, attempting to act out what he thought Gale’s greatest fantasies were, in order to elicit the best reaction. To be exactly what he thought Gale needed. When all Gale has ever really needed or wanted these past few weeks was to see his lover(s) happy and sated.
He was robbed of that tonight. And Astarion had seemed pleased with himself when he looked down upon Gale and saw the pleasure he had wrought, but he had also seemed a thousand miles away. Gale doesn’t like to speculate on what might have caused that, but the thought is as horrible and inevitable as the man who caused it. Cazador.
Even just an inkling that lying with him had been, in any way, close to what Astarion had experienced with his old, cruel master, was enough to make Gale sick to his stomach. He wonders if Halsin had had a similar experience. He resolves to talk to him tomorrow, without Astarion present, just in case his theory is correct, and they need to stage an intervention.
Halsin is expecting him, when he ducks through the flap of the other man’s tent early the next morning. The sun has not even risen yet, but Halsin is fiddling with a knife and a small piece of wood, a pensive tilt to his eyebrows as he works. He sets his tools aside as soon as Gale makes himself known and pats the ground beside him.
“Good morning, my heart. Please, have a seat.” Gale complies, dropping a fond peck to his temple as he does so. Halsin, in turn, wraps an oak-thick arm around his waist and pulls him into his side. Gale cannot help the startled chuckle that this elicits, and smacks his arm, halfheartedly.
“Good morning, love. Stop trying to be mushy I have serious business with you this morning!” At this, Halsin pauses his tender ministrations, then shakes his head.
“First Astarion, and now you. My heart, can we not have a moment solely for the sake of joy and pleasure?”
Gale perks up at the sound of their other lover’s name. “Astarion was here?” He asks, then, realizing that this is a stupid question, amends, “I mean, he did that thing where he came in and set himself to servicing you with a- frankly, quite intense- single-minded focus? Without allowing you breath or movement enough to reciprocate?” Halsin’s head jerks in his direction and Gale knows he’s hit the nail right on the head.
“Yes…” Halsin admits, “Although it was significantly more difficult to restrain me, I would surmise.” Gale allows a short chuckle at this, nodding. Halsin smiles indulgently down at him.
“He’s quite strong, when he is fed. And I am quite weak, after being fed upon.” Halsin seems to find this rather amusing but Gale’s stomach churns a little at the thought of their lover using his nature against them like that, in order to deprive himself of their love, yes, but also Halsin of his autonomy. They definitely need to have a chat.
“We should talk to him about this, right? I disliked not being able to reciprocate.” Gale asks, tentative. Halsin has always been the more level-headed of the three of them, almost to a fault. He allows much that Gale himself wouldn’t stand for. Thankfully he nods his agreement. They decide it best to attempt to corner him the next time Tav leaves them in camp together. It’s their best shot at being anywhere close to alone anytime soon, and he won’t be able to use adventuring as an excuse to not address the problem.
In the relatively short amount of time they’ve all spent in a relationship, that’s one thing Gale’s noticed. Astarion is especially flighty when it comes to talking about his thoughts and/or feelings. They have strategies for that, thankfully. It just takes a tactful hand.
It’s not too long after his and Halsin’s conversation that they have the opportunity to act upon their plan.  This was to be expected, of course, given that they- save Halsin- are not incredibly physically strong, and are, in fact, quite easy to hit and maim, if cornered. That, and Halsin is a walking signal of betrayal, if Tav had taken him to Moonrise with them, their cover would be immediately blown. Of course, Gale had accounted for all of this when he’d put forth the plan.
Karlach, Wyll, Shadowheart and Tav leave together, towards Moonrise. Lae’zel takes one look at the three of them, makes a face as if she’s just smelt something rotten, and fucks off to sharpen the stash of weapons Tav has been slowly but surely building next to her tent. Everything works out perfectly; with the rest of the camp gone, and Lae’zel otherwise occupied, Halsin and Gale make a beeline toward Astarion’s tent.
The vampire is flipping leisurely through a thick tome just in front of it, settled luxuriously on top of a mess of ornate pillows as he bathes in the sunlight. As they approach, he glances up, and pastes a devilish grin over whatever expression he had been sporting previously. Gale frowns.
“Good morning, my heart! How fortuitous that we are all, as you say, ‘off the hook’ for today.” Halsin decides to greet him first, crouching down and scooping him into his arms as he speaks. Gale reaches a hand to card through his hair.
“Yes, love, we thought it only natural to pay you a visit. We’d also like to talk to you about something, if that’s alright. Could we step into your tent?” Gale is usually the one to beat around the bush, to weave his words in such a complex and convoluted way so as to confuse and disorient everyone not intimately aware of the way he usually speaks. Something about this situation unsettles him, though, puts him on edge. He feels a compulsion to get this conversation over with as soon as possible.
Halsin does not pull away from Astarion for another few seconds but he nods when they do finally separate. There’s something iron and unreadable in Astarion’s expression.
“Of course, darlings. Please.” He steps into his tent and gestures for them to follow after him. It’s just as immaculately well-kept and organized as Gale remembers it being. Now that he thinks about it, though, it’s been a while since they’ve all been in his tent. Usually they gather in Halsin’s tent, with all of the warm pelts and useful oils he has stocked. Astarion has added quite a few new books to his collection- likely from all of the abandoned houses and towers they keep rummaging through- his shelves are beginning to rival gale’s own. Gale cannot help but grin as he casts a look around.
Astarion’s sharp voice snaps him from his reverie. “So? Out with it, you’re breaking up with me. The throuple stuff was fun while it lasted but you’ve found that it’s just so much better when it’s just the two of you, right?”
His words drip like venom from his lips, biting and cold in ways he hasn’t been with the two of them for quite some time. Gale finds himself wrong-footed for a minute or so, of all the things he’d been expecting walking into Astarion’s tent, that hadn’t been one of them. Still, he can’t say it’s unfounded, he probably should have been more careful with the way he worded his invitation to talk. Thinking back on it, it had kind of sounded like a preface to a breakup. He cringes at himself and looks to Halsin for support.
The other man seems similarly taken aback, but recovers himself more quickly than Gale can. He steps forward, hand outstretched to grasp at Astarion’s shoulder, but he jerks- flinches, really, and oh doesn’t that sting- away. Halsin slowly retracts his hand, expression attempting to hide how crestfallen he truly is and failing, quite miserably. He’s always been a rather straightforward fellow.
“Astarion,” His voice is low, soft, “of course not. We love you. We wanted to talk about the other night with us.” He gestures between the two of them, “And then the night you shared with Gale, recently.” Gale nods, finally finding his voice.
“Love, no. No, he’s right, we love you so much. I- we- were just worried about how… Distant you seemed the last few times we were intimate.” Gale steps forward but keeps his distance, hoping that his eyes can convey the swirl of love and concern he feels.
Astarion bristles and holds the tension within himself for a moment before crumbling. He sighs, shakes his head and sits heavily on the nest of pillows he’s built on the floor. Halsin and Gale give him a moment, hovering, until he waves his hand for them to sit. At the signal, they rush to his side and- with another slight hesitation before laying any hands on him- nestle themselves into all of his favorite spots.
This seems to make him feel marginally better- his head is still in his hands, but his shoulders relax slightly- and that knowledge alone is enough of a comfort to relax Gale’s own shoulders.
There are another few minutes of tense, suspended silence before Astarion decides to speak again, voice quieter and less stable than ever before.
“I’m sorry… I just-“ He laughs, a little, broken thing, “hells you probably already know- but I just… You were so kind to me, about me, with the drow. I wanted to thank you properly. I wanted to show you that treating me that way would be fruitful, so that you would keep doing it.” He cringes at himself, “Now that I’m saying it out loud, it sounds so manipulative. I’m sorry. I just- I wanted to make it worth it.”
Another near minute of silence. Halsin glances over Astarion’s head over at Gale who has furrowed his brows.
“My heart… We would have done that either way. Anyone here would have. We don’t have to be sleeping with you to care about you.” Astarion shakes his head at this.
“But I liked it! I think. I didn’t need to go away from myself like I did. It felt good, and I was having fun, and, more importantly, you were having fun-“ Gale scoffs and cuts him off.
“Not more importantly, love. Never ‘more importantly’. Come now. And I don’t think it matters if it felt good, if you were so focused on making it good for us. Making sure we enjoyed it so much that you couldn’t let yourself be in the moment.” It seems impossible, but Gale presses himself closer to his lover, skating a comforting hand under his shirt and up his chest.
“Is this okay?” Astarion nods. “Words, please, love.”
He chokes out a wet, “Yes, darling.”
“Good boy. Thank you.” A long shudder works its way through Astarion at the words, but Gale knew that would happen. He’s too keyed up right now, too stressed and worried; Gale couldn’t stand it. Halsin smiles and thumbs at the juncture between his neck and jaw. Astarion hums, content, and blinks sluggishly as he leans into their hands.
“I’m sorry.” He says again, more slurred, and sluggish this time.
Halsin hushes him, moving one of his hands to his lips to dip a gentle finger in and tug at one of his fangs. Astarion’s eyes flutter.
“And we’re sorry, my heart. We should have seen the signs of this much earlier than we did. Next time, let’s just talk to each other, hm?” Both Gale and Astarion hum affirmatives at this.
Gale has climbed more fully into Astarion’s lap, setting himself to work unbuttoning his shirt as Halsin continues to thumb at his sensitive fangs. The vampire pants and drools onto his collarbone, and Gale coos at him.
“Oh, sweetheart. Halsin, let up, would you? Look at him, already half-ruined just from that.” Halsin complies, but not before a final short tug on the fang and a kiss pressed to the area right underneath Astarion’s ear. “Gorgeous.”
He whispers, as he pulls away, eliciting another heavy shudder. Gale, finally having successfully removed Astarion’s shirt, hums to himself.
“Look at you. So beautiful, and to think, you tried to deprive us of this breathtaking sight.” The words are punctuated by a short press of the wizard’s fingernail into the soft flesh of his nipple. Astarion whines high in his throat. Halsin noses at his neck.
“I-ggh- I’m sorry.” He hiccups. Gale hushes him, hand trailing through the soft white hair on his navel. “Hey, it’s okay, sweetheart. We can see you now. Isn’t that right?” Gale, himself, isn’t quite sure who he’s talking to, but both of his lovers nod fervently at the question.
“That’s right, baby. Can I get your pants? Or do you want them on this time?” This is something that happens sometimes, where Astarion will want to partake in sexual activities, without having to bare himself to them completely. Gale actually often prefers these times, because it means he gets to be creative with how he attempts to get him off. Also, being able to focus on the gorgeous look on his face as he comes… Nothing compares. Halsin, of course, prefers it all-natural, but is extremely accommodating when Astarion finds himself at a mental block. As long as his lovers are happy, he’s happy.
It seems today is one of those days, as Astarion slowly and hesitantly shakes his head, then opens his mouth around what Gale is almost certain is another apology.
“Hey.” He kisses him before he can get the chance, “That’s alright, that’s perfect. You’re perfect. You want my hand?” Astarion nods, closing his eyes and throwing his head back onto Halsin’s shoulder.
Halsin rumbles against his back and brings his own hands to his hips, guiding him in his grind against the firm pressure Gale is applying from above. Trapped from both sides, completely out of control and loving it, Astarion lets out a long and wrung out moan. Halsin grins against his neck.
“That’s it, little star. Let it wash over you. Feel our love.”
It’s coming in waves, little shocks of pleasure washing over and over themselves into a slowly building tide as he remembers that it’s Gale’s hand against him, and Halsin who is guiding his hips.
“I-hng- I love you. Ngh!” Astarion gasps, he needs them to know that he feels the same. Needs them to know he’s not just taking from them. Gale is smiling down at him, palm slowly circling the bulge in his trousers.
“We know, my love. Now, I remember how gorgeous you are when you come. Do you think you can show us, again?” It’s a question without a real answer, they all know that he can, and will. So help him, if Gale asked for the very sun in this moment, he would find a way to bottle it for him.
Astarion nods, frantic and eager to please, “I can, I can. Gale- Halsin-“ He pauses, brows knit together in concentration, evidently stuck at the crest of his orgasm. It takes Halsin mouthing against his ear and whispering, “Now, gorgeous boy.” To fully push him over.
He shakes through it, jerking in his lovers’ hold and shaking his head as wave after wave of pure ecstasy rolls through him. Gale does not stop moving his hand until he begins to shy away from overstimulation.
“Good boy.” He says, and pulls Astarion into a cuddle pile when he attempts to return the favor. “Not today, love. This was about you.”
Halsin rumbles his agreement, always slightly nonverbal after a good round in the sack, and wraps himself safely around the two of them. He presses a kiss to each of their heads before falling almost immediately asleep. He really is a bear that one; Gale can’t really blame him, though. It is getting rather cold and dark outside.
Gale makes a few gestures with his hand, imbuing magic into a few words so that Astarion’s pants dry and clean themselves. Astarion hums what sounds like a thank you against his neck and cuddles closer. Gale smiles to himself, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
That was quite a bit easier than he’d thought it’d be.
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the-s1lly-corner · 5 months
Waking them up w/ a morning kiss! (TADC edition)
slowly but surely i am approaching the end of my tycoon... and yet despite the exhaustion creeping and making a home in my bones, i do not feel the desire to go to bed. perhaps its self destruction or carelessness, i'll be damned that this is the most productive ive been writing wise in a hot minute anyways requests are open
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well this is assuming he sleeps... which personally, while i think the others CAN sleep (although they dont need to), i dont think.. caine can.. i think when he falls asleep its akin to how computers to. but one little tap is enough to snap him right back... so you may get startled when he snaps his jaws open the second your lips make contact with his teeth... but dont be alarmed...! hes not upset.. actually i think if anything he might be a little shocked at the gesture... oh he should have done it to you, damn it! definitely going to try to one up you that day, no one gets the jump on # 1 reader simp, Caine!!! 8/10 hes still very giddy and happy about it and hes in a good mood for the entire day
i think she might be a little too groggy to realize youve kissed her, but will flutter her eyes open if you give her another kiss. gets really red in the face before pushing herself deeper under the covers... i think shes generally like that with random gestures of affection and love, so please dont take this as her not enjoying the act! i promise she does like it, its just between this being standard reaction for her and just waking up shes a little... more bashful than she normally would be.. i think she would try to do the same to you the following day.. or maybe do a surprise gesture for you in return to even out the score! 7/10 very cute
as time passes i find myself making ragatha more and more of a sap, and honestly i dont hate the direction im going in. i think if you woke her up with a kiss, she would be smiling throughout the day and like caine, be in a more upbeat mood! its such a small thing to wake up to, but it means the world to her, you know? know these are starting to sound samesy with the 'returning the favor' thing but i think ragatha would at least double what you did for her.. you better incorporate the morning kisses into your routine because small stuff like that goes a long way for ragatha! 8/10
i think he might just look at you before flipping over to face the other way and try to go back to sleep. its not totally to be mean to you and him being 'eeeewww affection' but mostly because hes not really.... a morning person. he never will be. kiss him all you want, hes not going to wake up... if he doesnt turn over, hes probably going to tug you to his chest and hold you still. probably grumbles at you to stop because he wants to sleep in that morning... but hey, look at it this way, you got some cuddling now! so hey at least theres some side of trade 5/10
i think he might nuzzle into your cheek and try to give you a 'kiss' back when he realizes what youre doing. pulls you to his chest, but he has full intent (unlike jax who mostly just wanted to keep you put and to make you stop moving around)... he may not have arms, but hes going to try his damndest to use his hands to keep you close... tries to push off the beginning of the day for a while longer... despite kinger actually being a morning person. leads to the two of you having a mumbled conversation about your dreams... very nice very sweet 8/10
oh zooble is very much NOT a morning person, but i dont think they would be as mean as jax... they might mumble and tell you to hold back, but once theyre fully awake theyre going to set down some boundaries and apologize if they had upset you. they just dont like being woken up, no matter how sweetly... unless theres an emergency, they dont want to be woken up... though even then they might still be a little irritated... i think in this case swapping out morning kisses for something else that works better for both of you is the best course of action here 6/10
i think she would lean right into it... maybe she wraps herself around you, if she hadnt already done that in her sleep... her mask is a little cold, so it might shock you a little and wake you up a lot more than you were expecting... oh i think gangle would feel bad about that... she didnt mean to make you uncomfortable (even though ultimately, youre not)...i think throughout the day she might be more happy and bubbly, perhaps even putting herself out more than she normally would. definitely a confidence boost for her! she even doesnt seem as sad or upset when her comedy mask breaks... i mean shes still... upset.. but not as much as she normally would be 7/10 very cute
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drifloonz · 2 months
I also wanna see hcs of Steven with an autistic reader (dating hcs ig, I'm also a Strangled Red simp and I'm autistic)
remember me. im alive . Im here to heal the drought . i am too tired mentally to do the whole format shebang maybe ill dress it up when i wake up ( it is currently 6:21 am for me and im not tired yet )
Actually i dont think i do anything that extra or fancy with my formatting other than the title which i added right now. so . Enjoy
steven x autistic reader!
♡ he's autistic as well ... like that "I hate people" type'a autism. at least nowadays! i think he used to have trouble with volume and tone before the incident and just generally get easily overwhelmed... and either freeze or start to go on a walk to take his mind off of things. stuff like that.
♡ He's also insanely autistic about battle strategies and its his special interest of sorts . like... not that much, he did ( in my interpretation and what is kind of implied? ) sweep everything with miki because she's a special charizard who just kind of. Is stronger in all ways.
♡ BUT! i think i mean this in the more pokeani style of battles - he's crafty and very observant of his surroundings and how to "Cheat" battles with it. wink
♡ anyways yeah autistic reader . hi . You came for dating hcs right .
♡ he tends to just live in his house, lurking, stalking, barely moving out of bed to eat - so you might have to help him with that. ... buuuut, if you're similar, then you two will simply just sit in bed staring at the ceiling all day . napstablook core
♡ he hasn't had much stimulation outside of taking care of his basic needs and like. i'unno. being alive in general. so if you have an interest he isn't too aware of, he's always very happy to listen.
♡ he's an extremely good listener- he'll be nodding and mostly silent, but he may ask questions once he's more comfortable with you. he is actively trying to engage with your interests, although his own autism makes his tone a little stagnant- if he sounds uninterested, it's not intentional. his voice just comes off like that.
♡ he particularly likes games and music although the interests and energy for them have wavered a lot for him personally - so if your interests align with those sorts of things, he'll definitely be on board. you being into something in a genre he used to like definitely gives him enough energy to try again.
♡ this eventually does end up with him having more energy to engage with things that used to give him joy in a similar way . mostly playing games... like, a pokemon stadium or battle revolution game if those existed in-universe? because he can't exactly uh. Battle for real anymore without hurting those around him. of course, he always has charizard on his teams front and center. it's not Her. but, it'll suffice as long as he distracts himself.
♡ truly, it's just like this. introduce things to him and he'll be eager to try or listen or talk to you about them.
♡ if you get overwhelmed anywhere, he is quick to move you out of the area and also maybe take away the overwhelming Element. if it's a person, well. he'll just basically glare at them. a silent 'Fuck Off'
♡ also he will personally appreciate it if you get him more clothes. having just a few sets is fine for his depression, but the more he realizes it, the fabric feels awful sometimes. mainly, his trainer outfit he usually goes outside with - it's very worn and torn and the material was always a little cheap... if you get him a replacement, he'll be all the happier for it.
♡ he'd also give the old one to you if you cared about that sort of thing, but he'd be tentative because. well. it's worn and torn...?
♡ unless you fix it up and sew it somehow. that'd be nice. Im getting offtrack
♡ if you draw, write, or do creative things - he's always happy to see them. he likes to simply wrap his arms around your waist, resting his head on your shoulder as he looks at what you're doing now and again... it's, calming? like, really calming. to be honest, he could do that forever and ever.
♡ until you two get hungry of course. but, until then.
♡ he does also of course engage and ask about things like your OCs ( if you have them ), worlds, writing, dynamics, headcanons - anything, everything.
♡ generally things like this are what he's happiest with . watching something with you or watching you do something as he lays back and relaxes. seeing you enjoy the things you like makes him feel a lot better even though its something so simple .
♡ ... S!3v3n is also similar, he's just much more quiet- basically nonverbal - about how he goes about it. those red eyes will always be watching intently though .
sorry if these were barebones i didnt rlly know what to Go off of but yeah . he is autistic too !!!! the Tismry
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ayoharuko · 2 years
Genshin Impact Bf Headcanons
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 Hi everyone I'm back yay!😊
I'm feeling a bit better so i decided to just make a part 2 instead of snoozing around....
I hope u guys enjoy this part and I'm sorry for the wrong spelling or bad Grammer.
I also apologize if the headcanons are a bit occ or not canon at all these are headcanons after all. i wrote this on my laptop
Also one more thing I'll apologize for is sometimes the writing style will change like last time it might look nice and now its....just a bit not nice?? Does that make sense? sorry sorry I'm getting side tracked....
I just had my adhd moment−
oh even if i wanted to copy the same style as i did last time I'm too lazy to check the last post probably cause I'm derived of sleep and surviving with coffee ok fr imma stop-
REMINDER: All these characters belong to hoyoverse and does not belong to me (•ˋ _ ˊ•)
Anywaysss hope u enjoy this!
(Liyue Boys)
~Ajax my boi~ (Childe, Tartagila)
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~Possessive Boyfriend~
• I had a debate between possessive or overprotective since he's technically both, a cunning fox and a blood thirsty wolf, but possessive takes the cake for me hahaha
• He doesn't like people's eyes on you. makes him jealous but he also likes peoples eyes on you. makes him prideful to show off that your he's
• Definitely leaves marks on you like obvious places too!
• If you fight or have a vision and can fight expect him to train with you, help you with your tasks and spar aka fight with you just to see who's stronger lmao
• Buys you expensive gifts when he's away(That fatui money yuh~✨)
• PLEASE BE CAREFUL NOT TO MAKE HIM JEALOUS. i feel like if he gets like really jealous your walking card....gone bish✨ and that person ✨G O N E✨
• Like when you met traveler he full on THOUGHT that were flirting with you and actually kind off threatened them-
• He siblings/family already adore you even if they haven't met you yet, they just know your a very nice person because of what teucer tells them!
• Speaking of teucer.....he probably loves you more then he's big brother....lol jk..or maybe...? But teucer loves you a lot since he sees you make he's big brother really happy all the time and also because your very nice and play with him a lot! This makes childe very happy since he knows he doesn't have to worry about he's siblings hating you.
• If you can't cook expect him to cook breakfast or dinner and also if he's free and yall live together he could also clean the house if you want~
• He always has hearts in he's eyes whenever you guys are together and for once the people around him and see a Slight sparkle in he's eyes
•  He's your overprotective but possessive wolf and he would go crazy if something happens to you...
• You guys go on dinner dates especially if your both are in Snezhnaya
• He kinda keeps you a secret from the fatui but sometimes he can't help but brag about you still being careful with he's word of course 
• He loves you...a lot...but sometimes it can be... a little....crazy
Nicknames: Mine, Babe and baby
Voice line about you: Heyyy there comrade! I see your getting quite comfy with y/n over there....what nono..I'm not assuming you of anything I'm jjust gonna let you know their mine....alright? Good! dont want you sealing them now haha!
When he talks to you: Hiya babe~ what? You didn't like the way i talked to traveler? oh come on the were sealing all your attention from me tho~!
~Old Man Morax~ (Zhongli)
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~Gentleman boyfriend~
• I don't imagine him as a jealous or possessive person since he's lived through so many years he probably has high patience. However doesn't mean he's not  overprotective since he's basically lost a lot of things in he's life he always make sure your safe, your eating well, water etc always cares about your health.
• Hu tao at one point has told you both that you remind her of an old married couple....and i think she's right-
• He wakes up before you and prepares you both tea not before admiring your sleepy face of course❣
• Cooks breakfast(Imagine him in an apron😫)for you both and cleans you guys house when your at work just him being a malewife🥺
• Would always open doors for you, buy you flowers(When he has mora) and buys you thinks when he's out in liyue(Again if he has mora otherwise its childes-)
• When you first made him lunch as a surprise at work he had the most heart warming smile ever like smiling while eating the food you cooked and just praising you constantly as well. Hu tao was jealous you didn't make her lunch lol
• At one point of you guys relationship he told the whole truth about him being an ex-god and even showed he's dragon form just so you would believe him.... and thank the archons you still accepted him for who he was and loved him...
• Sometimes when you guys are at the comfort of your house he lets out he's horns and tail so you can pet or touch them which he likes very much and you end up with a big dragon on you-
• Xiao has definitely been watching over you and zhongli knows it...he's grateful that even if he's not present xiao will be the one to watch over you🥺😭
• You guys would be outside at the sunset enjoying your tea and just overall chilling...those are he's favorite moments with you❤
• You guys can be found strolling around liyue just looking at the beautiful city
• He appreciates how you try and listen to he's tales even if he knows that some of them are boring and makes you fall asleep but he still appreciates in you trying to listen.
• Arguments would almost never happen in your relationship of course excluding you guys disagreements but zhongli tries to avoid arguing with you since he hates yelling and overall just hates seeing you mad.
• Even in a million years he would never stop being over in heels inlove with you💕
Nicknames: My gem, dear and my beloved
Voice line about you: “Hm...traveler..would you perhaps think that this would look nice on y/n? You think it would? Alright then I'll be taking this then. What? Oh...m-mora i..uhm..forgot my wallet again it seems...apologies..I'll pay you back traveler”
When he talks to you: “Dear i must thank you for this....it tastes marvelous”
~Baby Xiao~ (Alatus)
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~Shy But Overprotective Boyfriend~
• He's both shy but very overprotective of you. Like he thinks your made of glass so he always watches you. minus when he has to go fight demons at night of course, but he always wants you to stay at the hotel when its night time since he knows how dangerous it is when its night time at liyue. if you have errand to do however...except him to come with you even if he hates large crowds.
• He'll only come and see you when you bring him food or call out he's name. and that was at like at least a few months into your relationship with him. The reason for this is because he doesn't want he's karma to affect you since your the only light he has.
• He only eats whatever you cook as he thinks their exceptional to he's taste. girl he actually thinks your cooking is delicious thats why lol
• He LOVES headpats and LOVES kisses on the forehead. FIGHT ME I DARE YOU🙂
• When you hug him he turns red in an instant and then relaxes but sometimes(Sadly) pushes you off of him...since he's too scare of he's karma going to you😭, meaning he's always running away from you....
• But there are sometimes when you convince him to stay...and when he does stay...he lets you do whatever you please with him. Thats including kisses, reassurance, comfort and cuddles for the baby💕
• If you get hurt he instantly blames himself. So you have to reassure him that it isn't he's fault whatsoever.
• He brings you Qingxin flowers he's favorite flowers and leaves it at your nightstand if you live in the hotel its a reminder from him to you that he loves you and that he always watches over you.
• At every affection you give him it doesn't matter if big or small he always turns red since that how much he had fallen for you. 
• Ya know you'll feel like you have a guard dog always watching you....in a good way
• Always dreads the day you'll have to leave him...he knows your a mortal...he knows their fragile and weak...but he just doesn't wanna let you go...your he's only weakness and the only one who shows he's love for.
Nicknames: My light(Rarely)
Voice line about you: “What? I'm not looking at y/n...your simply imagining....”
When he talks to you: “You called? H-huh? Cuddles? I suppose it won't hurt...just this once...I'll humor you..you mortal”
~Bookworm Boi~ (Xingqiu)
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~Prince Boyfriend~ 
• He might act like a prince but he is still a bookworm...but we love he's nerdy side so thats fine!
• Since xingqiu’s basically rich he definitely knows how to act like a gentleman...although before he fall inlove with you i like to think he had ignored every person who he's family set him up with..so they were surprised to find out that he suddenly took an interest in you.
• There are sometimes where he pays more attention to he's books more then you but please dont worry he loves you😊
• Buys books that he thinks makes you think of him. i mean he does have the money-
• He thought of a love story that was about you both and wrote it down...but writing it down poor Chongyun had to since our water boi’s hand-writing sucks, but it was worth it since it was very romantic and cute⁓
• He also writes poems about you and then read them to you in the afternoon under a tree while your napping either on he's shoulder or lap.
• Compliments everyday baby💕
• HE'S A MF TEASE. like you see the pranks or things he does to poor Chongyun?? I feel bad for you both😔
• When he's not occupy with a book you both are walking around liyue either buying things at stalls, books or food really anything he's down.
• Yelan watches over you both. like sometimes she'll treat you both to a restaurant and she'll sit in another table while you both have your meal(She pays for it too)Basically she observers how you both interact with each other and finds you both cute🥺
• Overall he's a real prince to you minus being a bookworm
Nicknames: My liege and love
Voice line about you: “This book reminds me of them....lets buy it”
When he talks to you: “Hm? You would like my attention? Hehe...alright then my liege..I'll give you what you want~”
~Precious Exorcist~ (Chongyun)
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~Shy Boyfriend~
• Now him...he's 100% baby
• Whenever you touch him he short circuits. My boi knows nothing about girls-. Xinyan or yun jin obviously don't count, When we're talking about periods...its a different story....
• But he's very sweet and cares for you!, always senses when your upset/sad and immediately tries to cheer you up.
• Your he's meat shied if xingqiu comes looking for him...he tries to avoid he's friend quite a lot.
• Xingqui teases you both well mainly chongyung about how much he's a simp for you hehe...
• He always stutters when he talks to you. with the blush too!
• He's always on a look out for evil spirits or demons since he wants to protect you. When you have a nightmare he blames it on demons and he's dislike towards them increases.
• Like how yelan would watch over you and xingqiu. Shenhe watches over the both of you as a protector since she knows that chongyung still has a lot to learn and even if doesn't wanna admit it...she worries for you both.
• Shares he's popsicles with you💘
Nicknames:(Sadly no nickname he's too shy yall)
Voice line about you: “I-i get it now xingqui! g-geez...i..love them..a lot..”
When he talks to you: “H-how are you? O-oh fine? thats good...uhm..would you like to go to xinyan’s concert tomorrow?”
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And that concludes our liyue boys!
tysm for reading this far everyone and again I'm sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ
I hope u guys enjoyed this one my brain kinda hurtled from thinking this much headcanons lol
But it was worth it I'm proud to have finish part 2!. Now part 3 will be maybe after a few days and its the inazuma boys this time yay💕
But yea tysm for reading this far everyone mua mua~!💕✨
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tobesolonely · 2 years
i dont know if u are still doing those requests but the nature in a hammock one 👀
Harry’s bored.
Y/N’s been napping all day and while he’s usually quite good at being left to his own devices and entertaining himself, he figured it was time to wake her up now. 
He remembers her saying she was going out to the backyard to enjoy the sun and maybe take a couple of laps in the pool earlier. He hasn’t heard her come inside calling for him yet, so he assumed she was still outside.
Harry walks to the glass door that leads out to the yard and slides it open, peeking his head outside to see if he could spot Y/N. His eye catches her a few short moments later, curled up comfortably on the hammock that she convinced him that they needed (Harry still had yet to try it out, but as long as Y/N was enjoying it that’s all he really cared about).
He lets out a quiet chuckle to himself as he steps fully into the backyard, gently closing the door so as not to startle her awake. She looked so sexy in her bikini; it was the perfect color and contrasted beautifully with her skin. It was starting to make his mouth water. A quick glance at his watch tells him that yes, he should 100% wake her up now. After all, there was nothing she hated more than napping for too long lest she have trouble falling asleep later in the day when it was actually time for bed.
Harry softly walks over to where she’s laid in the shade inbetween two trees, lips parted slightly as gentle snores leave her. Harry decides he could go about this one of two ways–he could either gently rouse her and suggest they take a lap in the pool to wake her up…or he could try a different approach.
Once within her vicinity, Harry crouches down so he’s near her cunt and inhales deeply. He could smell her arousal from his position crouched down beside her and she smelled heavenly. Harry places his hands on her thighs and gently parts them, hooking his fingers into the waistband of her bottoms. 
This is something they’ve talked about before–waking each other up in this way was okay. Harry couldn’t wait to get his fingers inside of her tight cunt. He knew that would wake her up rather quickly, at least he suspected it would, and then he could have Y/N allllll to himself.
Yeah, Harry could be pretty selfish at times.
Harry leans down to peck Y/N’s thigh as a quick apology before parting her folds and running his index finger along her slit. He pauses momentarily to see if she’ll react and when she doesn’t, he keeps going. Harry places his now wet-with-you digit into his his mouth and sucks loudly, no longer caring if it startles Y/N awake. Like he said, he’s selfish.
He slowly eases his finger inside and curls it up slowly, feeling around for that sweet, spongy spot that always made the prettiest gasps slip from Y/N’s mouth…
Harry looks up at her face and gives her a devious grin. There it was…
“Hi, darling. Have a good nap?”
Harry doesn’t stop his movements at all, still working Y/N toward her release while he holds a conversation with her. She begins gnawing on her bottom lip, nodding in response because that was the best she could do at the moment when Harry was making her feel so good. He pulls his finger out of Y/N’s tight cunt and replaces it in his mouth once again, now adding his middle to the mix to stretch her out for him even more. 
Once he determines both fingers wet enough for her already soaking pussy, Harry easily slides them in with no resistance. Of course, she was taking his fingers so easily-she was always so pliant and reactive for him.
“Feels nice, H,” Y/N reaches for Harry’s wrist, almost in a trance as she watches him work his digits in and out of her. “God, don’t stop.”
Harry brings his thumb up to rub at her clit and she clenches down on his fingers so hard Harry thinks she might break them. “Oh, did that feel good?” Y/N simply nods in response, causing him to let out a quiet chuckle.
“Not stopping until you cum around my fingers at least twice. Come on, give it to me then, babe.”
location based smut prompts
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Charmm hey!! I have some questions regarding the void state
So I want to tap in the void and its a little urgent
Maybe I know whats stopping me but I dont know what to do about it
So I am scared of void uk the black space and not being able to feel or hear the 3d. Altho I feel ok about it now I feel it could be a reason its sometimes difficult to enter
Another query I have may soundfunny 😭 dont laugh at me 😅🤦🏻‍♀️ I have even cried at this stuff but Ill yell yahh it is that I am 17 now which is pretty young but I have a "certain" life for myself in the future that I want to live when I grow up. Tbh thinking about this way of living gives me so much happiness. Actually I wanna live in a pretty little (but beautiful and luxurious) house between nature doing a specific job I love and being with me dream man(old school types but perfectly modern). But if I tap in the void I will have access to millions of various options on my fingertips. The thing is sometimes I am scared I might stop desiring this as I grow older and would go for a lifestyle that I despise right now like living in some big cities and going to pubs or bars and stuff like that (nothing wrong with it but I just hate the idea of licng like that for myself) . Then as I grow up I wouldnt be able to enjoy the beauty of the life I have imagined for myself right now. And I fear that being able to tap in the void might take me away from it. Idk if I was able to explain myself but tldr if I am able to tap in the void I might start going away fromy desires as of now and if I start desiring to live a specific way that I hate right now then with the void I would easily be able to attain it and maybe to protect me from this my subconscious is not letting me going in the void.
I ironically I think even to acheive my desired "lifestyle" I have to go to the void 🤦🏻‍♀️ and I am due to SEVERAL 3d circumstances right now in urgent need to get into the void
How do I get rid of this fear ?
The thing that got rid of the fear of “nothing” for me was researching and realizing we wake up in the void or a state very similar to it everyday, we’re just not as aware.
As for the second part, I mean you could manifest your desires don’t change. But what’s wrong with them changing? We’re humans and evolve and even without manifesting you’re not going to want the same thing at 30 as you did at 17. I don’t see anything wrong with that but if it’s something you take seriously just also affirm your desires won’t change 🫶
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I almost hate how much i switched teams from 2718 to abacus, but its just bc he's new and shiny and pretty and pushy. He stifles autonomy so i know 2817 is better in the long run bc u can reason w him and he puts mcs best interests first. Abacus gives me the kind of vibe that he'd let mc get hurt so long as shes his, and tbh i feel like he might enjoy it? Like he'd like to fix her up and *accidentally* press a lil too hard into her wounds wheras 2718 would just use his abilities so that she wont feel the pain to begin w. That's just my assumption tho given what we've seen. Abacus seem the type to only use his powers thingy to subdue reader.
We know that 2718 has met readers past forms/reincarnation w.e u call it and i originally thought abacus did too. Maybe he was her affair or lover in a previous reincarnation methinks? I just felt like he knows her before. This changed a bit towards the end when they were walkin thru the streets while he was giving her the endoscopy (😮‍💨💦) and we learned just how badly mc is seen. Now im starting to wonder if aba is just greedy n wanted her as his lil disabled spouse genuinely, no past relation. Idk. I still feel like they know each other previously. Or maybe he sensed something abt her back when 2817 brought her in to that place all the way back then. Mc is key to the universe type thing. Doubt that tho.
Neyways i think aba is gnna take her home where he reveals that he not only has four arms, but also two dicks n he's gnna try to fawk her but some event will inconveniently stop him. I also think he lives in an oasis like place, their version of natural wood everywhere, running waterfalls from the cieling, tons of glass that he can mentally control and shatter at will to threaten reader while having a saccharine smile on his face, the works really.
I wnna believe translator(TA) is gnna get 2718 and theyll find mc but now im thinking maybe they might not meet up like that. 2718 might find TA n ditch her to find mc and TA has to scramble to keep up, might even meet her on the way back after 2718 saves the day. Also wondering whts gnna happen to TA bc i dont think anything criminally bad happened to her even tho we heard her screaming. Be real interesting if she were screaming bc 2817 found her and juuuust missed mc and aba. I think when 2718 finds mc and aba they're gnna be familiar w eachother but not fight bc aba is one slippery bastard. Or maybe itll be convenient where aba leaves mc unattended for a bit and someone tries to harm her and then 2718 makes him big appearance, like when mc was first dropped into the world and 2718 saved her. I have more thoughts on that but ive already wrote an essay here and in my other ask 😭
Anywhooo ty fr the chapter, hope your healing well 💕💕💕 -🐰
Damn this sure is a well written essay 😳 its either ur a really good analyst or im just a predictable writer cause it almost seems like u have access to my drafts
Cuase that... Kinda exactly whats gonna happen ngl, its still pretty rough around the edges part 15 is just still in its embryo stage with a 50 word list of whars going to hapoen, but yea it pretty similar to what you just described , havent been writing cause i regained my leg freedom finally and i spent literally every waking hour outside, driving and shit
There is going to be a fawking scene in p15 ill tell u and whoevers reading that. Similar to what you descibe with their anatomy but a little different in sequence of events
Thanks for sending in this ask bunny anon this is so cool and i had a great read ❤️❤️ lovely motivation youve given me and i really appreciatte the essay asks -- like, i appreciate if A LOT actually, thanks for reading language barrier too
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amazinglyegg · 2 years
Porter Gage headcanons!! Trash man appreciation time! (They can also be bad, he is a trash man)
Random Porter Gage headcanons!!!
okay honestly i dont know him that well but i love him so lets just hope i dont accidentally go against the canon
I feel like young/teen Gage gives off Jesse Pinkman vibes
Like "guy acting tough when deep down he's just a dumb kid who dug himself a hole trying to fit in and be cool"
While he hated how his parents raised him to be such a softie, he really had no idea how to be mean
He'd put on a show of killing people and such to fit in but he was always too gullible and got attached to overbosses while trying to gain their respect
Now he has fully accepted (and genuinely enjoys) the raider lifestyle, especially living in such a luxurious place like Nuka World
Wouldn't want to settle down or become domestic even if he could
He has a hard time putting himself in other people's shoes and doesn't really realize that being in a well-off gang probably the size of Diamond City or bigger is mostly pure luck
Knows logically that most raiders struggle and die young, but he can't wrap his head around it because he did fine so why is everyone else struggling?
Part of the reason why he assumes raider life was always for him is because he's dyslexic
He actually really likes reading and such, but he never bothers to because it's too tough
Most raiders don't like or don't know how to read so even though he can and enjoys it, he acts like he doesn't so he can fit in
I want to say he's in his late thirties or maybe early fourties?
Every time he sleeps weird and wakes up with a sore back or sees the amount of energy some raiders have he starts to realize he's getting old
He never expected to live past his 20's, then 30's, now 40's...
He's starting to settle a bit with age
Less reckless behavior, less partying, more exasperated sighs and going to sleep early...
Sometimes he feels like a parent to the other raiders in both the sense that he has to stop them from doing dumb things AND they resent him like he's an overprotective mom
He hates it, but he figures it's just part of his job now
Doesn't really get along with anyone, finds most people insufferable
He might have misophonia or sensory processing disorder that makes him struggle to be around people/crowded places for too long
... and/or he's just very introverted
That's not to say he doesn't like Sole or any of his other friends, he just really appreciates his alone time
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woohoo!! part two time!! not sure if this will be as long or good as the first one but i hope you still enjoy! ^^
CW: delusional thoughts, mentions of gaslighting, a bit of suicidal thoughts and implications of drugging at the end.
🌻 yandere online stalker x suicidal!gn reader part two
part one!
- they finally have you all to themselves.. they cant help but be nervous, i mean- you’re right there! sleeping peacefully like this was always your home all along! they couldn’t help but take more pictures. they might have a slight problem of having photos of you everywhere. on their bedroom walls, on their phone, the more the merrier, they say!
- your stalker does their best to calm you down when you wake up. aww.. you poor thing! you had a tough time but now you’re safe! why are you panicking? you’ll be safe now, away from all those mean and nasty thoughts so theres no need to panic! its not like you could break through those ropes anyway,. don’t waste your time on that, just focus on them and only them!
- they really did start acting like the two of you were are a married couple. they called all sorts of pet names, they cuddled next to you, they fed you, the list goes on! ..aren’t you so happy to be loved? so why are you looking at them like that? they’re just giving you everything you wanted.
- they do their best to be patient but they aren’t gonna hold back on their gaslighting guilt tripping.. its for your own good! come on, dear! you have to eat, they spent so much time making it! do you really hate them so badly? their patience only lasts for so long though, they will force you to eat if they have to.
- of course, you’ll have to bathe eventually, but even then. they aren’t just gonna let you go in unsupervised! they’ll give you some time to wash yourself but you better hurry or they’ll barge in to finish drying you off. they wanna trust you but what if you do something bad? you’ve been refusing to cooperate so this is really your fault.. can’t you be a good partner, please? they’ve done so much for you already!
- they really get worried about you, you’ve already said so much about how you feel and they feel like this is all necessary for them to make sure you won’t hurt yourself, but they’ll ease up a little once you finally start obeying them! you might even get to leave your shared bedroom! but you’ll probably end up having them cling onto your arm, they wanna enjoy their time with you, so why cant you try to enjoy it as well?
- it really isn’t so bad once you’ve gained their trust. you’ll get to free roam a little and they’ll buy you plenty of things to pass the time! but try to escape and you’re basically asking for them to double down on how overbearing they are. especially if you try to get out of this by trying to hurt yourself. it’ll take a lot of time to rebuild their trust, you could have just talked to them about your feelings! the two of you are partners now! they refuse to believe that you actually want to leave them, even when you take extreme measures to escape,
- but dont worry, they’ll be there to look after you after your little tantrum! you’re too weak to care for yourself now anyways, especially now that they know you’ll try to leave when they give you even a little freedom, they wont let you do anything alone again. try to watch what they feed you too, especially if it tastes odd.
see? you’re too weak to be left alone! you should have just been listened to them from the beginning. they only wanted to protect you from yourself!
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hella1975 · 2 years
Bestie im starting college soon and you seem like a person with friends so like how do you do that
very flattered by this <3333 very much going to be talking from my own experiences here and as always when i give advice my word is NOT gospel so if you'd rather do something else than what i say then that's totally fine if anything i ENCOURAGE that. as lame as it is 'be yourself' is the worst best advice you'll ever get, otherwise you'll get stuck with people who aren't like-minded at all and it can be really suffocating (this is always what i have the biggest issue with bc i have a habit of just catering my personality to whoever im with, so none of my friends ever feel like they get me if that makes sense. so yes i objectively have a good number of friends and several functioning friendship groups that i enjoy, but at no point do i ever feel like ive taken the mask off, yk?)
so yes, unfortunately all of what i have to tell you is going to have the underlying assumption that you're taking 'be yourself' to heart. i mean it. one friend that knows you as some cringe online loser that likes anime is so so much better than twenty friends that think you're hot shit.
specifically for a college environment:
push yourself! ive said this kind of thing before, but i dont mean 'wake up an extrovert one day'. i understand it's hard and scary and social anxiety/neurodivergence is a thing, but teenagers arent actually stupid! they want to see you trying more than anything else. if you act a hermit who doesn't leave their room ever or go to any social functions and then gets upset when no one magically befriends them, then that was always going to happen. but if you try and reach out, try and make small talk whenever you're in shared spaces, try and be in group chats, try and put the effort in, then even if you dont succeed or you think you did a bad job, other people will still recognise the effort. genuinely it goes such a long way. of course the more things you do actively partake in, the easier it'll all get for you, but i dont want you to make yourself uncomfortable or wind up hating college altogether. push yourself, but dont beat yourself up if you need a time out every now and then
join societies! i actually didn't do this (unless you count women in finance which... i do not count) but i always kept this option in the back of my mind for if i couldnt make any friends on my course OR any friends in my accommodation. it's a sure-fire way of meeting people AND you can cater it to ensure they're similar to you by following your interests. also idk about other places but in the uk, societies arrange social nights amongst their club, so you go out to events and bars and move nights and shit together and you can create an entire social scene just through your society
don't give up. this is cringe but also true. i have two main friendship groups at university: my coursemates and the [insert their accom's name here] lot. you might notice i didnt say my flatmates and that's because my second friendship group, the one im in the most and am now living with next year btw!!, met me in a really random way. it started out with me sticking with 'the flatmate i dont like' as she's come to be named, who befriended our neighbour in the accom over from ours, who met these other two girls (flatmates with each other) at a social night I DIDNT GO TO, and now me, my neighbour and those two girls are super close and i practically lived at their accom all through first year. but i wasn't friends with those two girls until MONTHS into university, and as you can see, it was really random when it did happen. friendships are like that! if my mate hadn't gone to tequila night just for the tequila to run out and them all to go to the same afters by PURE CHANCE, then i wouldn't know two of my closest uni friends! how mental is that!
remember that everyone is in the same boat. idc how confident or hot some of these people are, i am telling you as a FACT of life that they are pure shitting themselves thinking they aren't going to make friends at uni. this is why it's key to be brave in the first few weeks before people start finding their feet. take advantage of their insecurity! the girl ive just spent three nights with in my uni city literally adopted me after an induction lecture we both had for economics because she came up to me and TO MY FACE went 'hey you seem really nice and i dont know anyone, can i stay with you?' and she's now one of my favourite people. not once did i go 'hey that's kind of a ballsy/weird thing to say' because i was too busy being RELIEVED that someone had come up to me, bc sure enough i was in my own mental spiral of 'shit shit shit i dont know anyone fuck what the fuck'. like genuinely just reach out to people OR latch onto the people that reach out to you. i remember one time i went to a freshers fair ON MY OWN and i was really embarrassed by that fact bc most people go with their flatmates or SOMEONE and i was on my own, so i literally just started talking to the girl next to me on the bus because she was on her own too. we did the entire freshers fair together and i never spoke to her again, but we totally used each other in that moment and there's literally nothing saying we couldn't have clicked and become the best of friends. you're all as pathetic as each other in those first few weeks, remember that.
all in all, good luck. it's a great time and i guarantee you you'll do great. im rooting for you anonstie, keep me posted!
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Hello my darling! I was wondering if I could get a BoB ship if it’s not too much trouble?
Appearance: I am 5’6, black hair just past my shoulders, brown eyes that I’m learning to love (People say I have lovely big brown eyes and It’s something I’ve resented but learning to love). I have light olive skin in the summertime that pales a bit during winter due to lack of sunny weather. Again, it’s something I used to get highly complimented on and just made me resent it. So…learning to love it. It’s a process. I wear minimal makeup, keep it more natural. My hair either in a ponytail or bun for practicality. Only letting it down during the evening. About me: I grew up too fast due to childhood trauma that made me distrust men; to put it politely as I can without triggering anyone who reads this. So sex is, well, patience is required ^^”. For the longest time I went through dark depression, and recent years, I’ve managed to overcome the ‘S’-word and not looked back. I’m kinda proud about that, to be honest. PTSD still grips me in the form of nightmares, trust issues and anxiety. Thinking about having kids is a BIG issue. I'm leaning more towards 'no' buuuuutttt for the right BoB character, I might just say yes -wink- I think I formed a hardened shell around myself because I’ve become this hard-ass stranger trying to protect this sweet little girl trapped inside and it hurts that I have to protect her from the world. So only a select few get to see the real me. Trusting people is a major issue. It causes heartbreak when you put your trust in someone, utterly loyal and they break with a lie or something worse. I wish I was braver than I come across. So many fields of occupations I could have chosen but anxiety prevented me in doing so. But then, if I chose to become a Nurse or followed through Boot Camp, I wouldn’t be here asking for a ship XD I hate the cold. I hate loud noise (loud music blaring, overlapping of TV, Music, Chatter all at once). My biggest flaw is I shut down when there’s a problem. I either sit there and take the yelling, or I don’t seek out help with a ‘Can I talk to you about something?’. I cry by myself. I hate crying and I hate doing it in front of others. Because if they give me a hug, or show me gentleness, I break further. It’s embarrassing.  Hobbies: I love to read. I used to be an avid bookworm but that slowed down in recent years but I’m starting to find a routine and pick that back up again. I love photography; particularly photographing sunsets. It makes me soft. I love listening to music. Remember when I said I grew up too fast? Well… I think I’m an old soul stuck in a young person’s body because I adore listening to 40s music on the Record Player. Also have a tendency to bake to music too. I’ve actually also discovered I love sitting outside in the evening and eating dinner or having a drink. Just enjoy the weather. Other: I love the idea of slow-dancing. I never get to. But it’d be nice? To walk, arm around the crook of my lovers elbow as he take a walk along the path before sundown. Soft vibes would melt me. I didn't add my astrology or anything because I dont believe in all that. I wake up, do what I set my mind to and don't allow the stars positions to dictate my life XD I don’t know. I hope this helps and isn’t too overwhelming. I hope it’s okay if I copy and paste this because it's so hard to write about me’s.
Hello! :) I would love to ship you. And I ship you with… Shifty Powers!
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You know what’s magical about Shifty? He’s a soft boy but not a simp.
He doesn’t need external validation about who he is— he knows who he is. He won’t take it personally when you need to just check out sometimes.
He has put in the time and effort to understand who you are and continues to want to get to know who you’re becoming.
Shifty is sweet like that and endlessly patient.
The toughest moments for him are when he knows you’re upset. But he knows not to push it and to give you the right amount of space.
(Again, he’s secure. He knows your shit is beyond him, he’s only there to support you & not be your savior). 
Who knows if children will come to you guys. I have a feeling it will happen in the most serendipitous way, and possibly in a non-traditional way that isn’t over thought but just feels right.
I see a lot of soft, simple moments between you two; spontaneous walks through the forest, cooking and washing up after dinner in your home while music plays on the record player, etc.
Sometimes you guys are energetic and playful and sometimes you’re mellow. Call it domestic bliss ;) 
P.S. I hope you’re not just kinda proud but SUPER proud of yourself. I’m sure there are days that aren’t easy but you’re a superhero to keep showing up and trying for yourself. 
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icharchivist · 2 years
No but speaking of “i don’t like getting into things that are popular because if i genuinely like it i end up disliking everyone involved in liking it and it’s really annoying”, little storytime that somehow illustrated exactly what i mean.
The game i’m currently playing is mad popular. Like, one of the most popular game that exist. (if you guess what it is/know from seeing me on discord, do not share it there please, for reasons that i’ll explain, it’d get me mad. If i end up rambling about it one day you might)
And ever since this game came out i heard two things about it: it’s a good game, and “the writing is absolutely garbage and all the characters end up being made dirty and actually this is such a horrible game but you gotta play it anyway”
and i can’t stress enough: in what way do you think anyone would like to play a game while the only thing you hear about it is how bad it is?
for years i genuinely didn’t want to touch this game because all the negativity i saw about it got to me. I was seeing essays over essays over what this game had failed to do, and i genuinely spited the game thinking there was nothing salvageable about it and ended up mad seeing it online.
Until my best friend started to play the game, got really into it, and streamed a bit of it to me, and i genuinely started to love it. 
I got super invested in the characters, and everything else about the game that no one talked about genuinely got to me. I love the gameplay, i love the music, i love the experience. 
After two streaming sessions, we gave up the idea of streaming, i bought the game, and while originally i didn’t want to talk about it because i didn’t know how much i’d end up enjoying it, i’m currently about 50 hours into the game and i’ve been playing almost everyday for at least 8 hours.
There’s flaws in the writing already that i’m noticing, linked also to flaws i saw brought up before, but as it is, it’s nothing that i’m genuinely finding myself to completely hate yet. So it is a bit unnerving to know a flaw i am willing to let it flow me by as an audience was blown up of proportion so much that i didn’t even want to touch this game.
But the most aggravating to me was when i was playing peacefully, geeking to my bestie about it, that i got a message on discord from a long time friend (who is not on tumblr, it’s a twitter friend) i haven’t talked with in a long while, who saw i was playing it and immediately went
“omg i love this game! please tell me all of your thoughts about it! also watch out for my fav omg the writing is SO BAD around him he was made SO DIRTY i hATE that the game did that to him” I was a bit baffled and i just told them “hey i’m just starting the game, i don’t want to hear this type of stuff yet, i can get my own opinion of it” and they went “NO BUT YOU DONT GET IT THE WRITING IS GENUINELY SHIT” and i had to be even more firm about how, hey, don’t fucking do that, and my friend eventually apologized and left me alone.
But i’ve been genuinely in full unrest ever since. Like. The whole reason i didn’t want to play this game was this type of behavior. How do you end up believing anyone would want to play a game when you talk about it to them like that?
I was playing it and i was being so excited about it. Genuinely happy.
I’m so depressed, that the fact i have something that makes me want to wake up early in the morning, vibrating, just to play it, that also helps me not look at socmed most of the day, that i end up vibing with and being able to share with my best friend, is honestly so great. It’s so rare. I genuinely feel so dead inside and am desperately trying to revive a bit of the feelings i used to feel with nostalgia, and when a good game manage to come its way and motivate me to at least live a little, i take it! i don’t care if it sucks, i take it! 
Only to have people seeing me play and being? Like THAT? in my DMs?
Like ngl but this sort of “i love something but DISCLAIMER: it sucks” pseudo self awareness from online circle is a plague. You can discuss the flaws without centering your whole opinion on something about how much the thing sucks for it. 
There is so much to love in flawed things, because generally when it takes a bad swing, the sudden gap to a good thing feels like a rush. I tend to value flawed media much more than anything people consider flawless.
But the more a media is popular the more people have Takes that they force on me, and this takes the fucking cake.
This whole incident makes me want to never, ever talk about this game on main. I’ll talk about it to my bestie, and a few other friends i trust and love who has been much better about it (N* if you see this post since you often see my rambles, you’re a delight anytime and you count into the friends i trust and love here, just in case) but that’s it.
Will the flaws prove themselves to get worse toward the end in a way that will stain my enjoyment? probably! but i want to discover it by myself. 
But i’m genuinely not recovering from it, liking popular thing is a nightmare because like, when something is mainstream there’s so many people who will talk about it; Someone will have a problem with this aspect of the story while loving the rest, someone else will have a problem with another aspect and loving the rest.... but as current socmed’s circles are built over people having to PROVE they’re aware that the thing they like is bad, each people are going to talk about the flaw more. And for each people who only have say, one flaw about it, they’ll only talk about it until only the flaws remain. You’ll get locked in an echo chamber of misery that is stripping away your own ability to make judgement based on your own gut feelings and appreciation. 
And people will just shun you and the thing you like. 
That’s fucking depressing. 
and ofc disclaimer there are important flaws to discuss like, especially when something’s problem is rooted in bigotry and the likes.  But this is not what i’m talking about so please don’t derail <3
Genuinely i’m still feeling insane about all of this i’m never talking about anything popular i like ever again. You only get the niche stuff because it’s the only place people behave because they’re not constantly performing about how “i’m the one who intellectually interreact with this media by only pointing out the flaws”, when it’s too niche it’s just “listen no one knows about it let me just talk about how it’s unfair this thing that makes me happy is unknown”. And that’s the way i want to live. A bit of positivity in this damn world damnit if i wanted to hear negativity i’d turn on the news. or read twitter. Even worse.
So yeah, i’ve been avoiding getting into anything too popular and if you need a reason why, this whole incident somehow managed to bring to light why i’m feeling so strongly about it.  Not getting into anything popular and if i do, it’s stealthly because i don’t trust anyone.  A shame really.
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marsgod · 2 years
the fact that we actually became friend because of ur first matchup event and now u have another one is just >>>>>
so to honour (a previously nonexistent but shhh) tradition imma request again, but this time for genshin instead of twst.
i'd sure hope u know me by now but still (ill help jog ur memory if needed and try describe myself in a diferent way than i usually do too). my mbti is intp im a cat person and i hate getting up early in the morning w every bone of my body. my green flags are that im a good listener, loyal, selfless (when it come to ppl i care abt) and i value honesty. my biggest red flags would be the fact that my top kin is (unfortunately enough) dazai osamu from bsd (idk if u know who that is but hes not someone u wanna relate to even after reading real dazai's books) and the fact that i use humour as a coping mechanism (it does make me extremely funny but still)
im still look the same, except my hair is shorter cuz i had to cut it at the beggining of the school year since my school doesnt allow dyed hair. so no more blue tips :(
my hobbies are literally anything creative from painting to writing (ofc) and my dream date is still smth like stargazing on top of this very specific abandoned building near my house w a picnic if junkfood or visiting all the hole in the wall type places in a city of all dif types (from restaurants to smoll libraries to unknown thrift shops) and holding hand in the public transport to get there.
still u get the ideea.
(also u dont have to do this if u dint want to i wont take it personally or anything)
and again congrats on ur milestone ily dont forget to drink water and eat something! (its 1 am as im writing this i had a history essay to finish lol, but i know its like midday for u so enjoy the rest of ur day im going to sleep now byee)
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╰┈➤ I’d match you with… Thoma!
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Thoma is like.. The ultimate animals person in general, imma be honest, and he’s def gonna take you on cat island dates for lunch and stuff
Maybe camp there if you two get the chance!
He’s slightly concerned at the humor as a coping mechanism, but if it helps you then you’ll receive a slight nod with and small smile
He might snort due to being caught of guard
Thoma writes these little entries just to keep track of when was what, but writing overall isn’t his thing, but lean/lay on top of you while you write and mess with your hair<33
since Thoma generally makes it a point to get to know local residents of wherever he’s at, he learns about any “secret” and hole-in-the-wall places fairly quickly, specifically for food!
Abandoned buildings specifically make Thoma sorta jumpy, but he loves you so he’ll go for you
Thoma will just be incredibly nervous and sweating
Not super into PDA but still likes to hold your hand and. all that<333
Thoma, unfortunately, gets up with the sun, and manages to run into every possible thing while still drowsy
Don’t be surprised if you wake up scared shitless because Thoma just ran straight into a door frame.. Or your desk, or literally anything
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“- And the tabby over there is Mei, she’s an old lady.. Be careful, she’ll scratch you!”
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diffuserlover · 2 years
hii! i hope ships are open, if not just ignore this. i would like a ship with enhypen and txt
im 17 (born in 04) and i have blue/gray eyes and brown hair (shoulder-length atm, i keep cutting it and letting it grow over and over lol) and im 5'6. my sun sign is libra, moon and rising are both scorpio and im an entp. speaking of which i really enjoy researching about typology. i also love music and i can play guitar and a bit of piano. i am shy at first but i actually really enjoy being around people. i dont really have an ideal type, however i do prefer people who are fun to be around but can also be serious when needed. maybe someone with longer hair? my ideal date would be picnic date! my love language is either words of affirmation or quality time. i am also a very big procrastinator which i very much dislike and i hate getting up early. i tend to say things before i think them through lol. i prefer going out rather than staying indoors unless its cold/raining outside. i am a cat person but i also like dogs. when i have a lot of free time i like to try new cooking recipes or style outfits.
i hope i didnt write too much, i hope you have a wonderful day/night <3
Hii! I am so so sorry this took so long!! Thank you so much for requesting!! I really hope you like your ships!!
I ship you with…
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I feel like you and Jungwon would take care of each other very well
I feel like he would constantly want to take you to the studio just to hear you play the guitar and so you guys can sing together
Jungwon is the leader, and as the leader he is seen as unfun but he knows when it’s time to play around and when it’s time to be serious
I see Jungwon as a simp if he really loves you, he might keep his hair longer than usual since you say you like long hair and he loves the way you play with his hair
Jungwon loves picnics and long walks, most of your dates are very relaxed
He gets up earlier than you, he tries not to wake you up, if he has to leave before you wake up he will leave a note even though he has a phone to just text you
Overall you guys are so sweet and cute together<3
I ship you with…
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Beomgyu just loves to be around you
He seems like just a jokester and that he’s not serious but when it comes to you he is seriously in love
He will make you a love song on his guitar and then teach it to you after he plays it for you
Constantly he wants to do duets with you playing the piano
You want a picnic date? Beomgyu will make it happen
As much of a simp he is, he loves to tease the hell out of you
He definitely purposely wakes you up before he leave for an early schedule, he would wake you up pretending that something bad happened but he would really just say I love you and leave
He loves to come home from a long day to see you tried a new recipe, he will usually love it as he loves everything you do
Overall, you guys are so cheesy and absolutely adorable:)
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clownboy808 · 2 months
1:09 AM
Hanging out with lanie again on Friday. Not sure if she like me or not. Actually I think she does. I like her. Don’t over think this. I tried to masterbate earlier but was unable to. Think I will now.
2:39 AM
Watching clips from norm finkelstein and destiny debate. Who is Noam Chanski ? I thought norm was him but apparently not. Scrolling through live blogs not going to sift through them yet until I have more. Wiki - ped - ia.
Talking about how Hamas mudered and raped civilians while drinking Figi water is funny to me for some reason. Destiny Drinkinh Starbucks is pretty out of pocket as well but ballsy. I don’t like him but he’s entertaining. Not in like an enjoyable way. I guess I enjoy he talks about niche shit. Hating on Hasan being a dumbass. Hasan is good for the most part but sometimes he’s fucking dumb as hell. And that’s coming from me. So who knows. Ian Finance on Are Garbage podcast is now playing. Maybe I should finish that string song. I don’t know it was kind of too scant. I changed what I wanted the project to be . I suppose I could build off of it. I can’t finish anything I just keep coming up with shit. Shit I won’t finish.
“ The Casio thing “.
“ Father dirt bags “ haha
Wearing pajamas without underwear recently. My ass looks kind of fat in them. Don’t know if I like that. No one’s looking so whatever. Haven’t seen Emma in a while . Dumb ass bitch. I really can’t stand her.
2:53 AM
I guess I have to call pepper’s tomorrow, I want to fucking do anything but that. I need my W2 apparently. Fucking shit. Goddammit. looking at the bad reviews they’ve gotten.
3:00 AM
I hate that place with a passion they treated me like shit. I was so not in a good place though. I hated working there. Maybe they were just struggling as well . But I don’t know fuck them. I wonder how many people I knew are still working there.
I hope I age well. I already want to kill myself I don’t need to become less attractive. Or age badly. Lose my hair or something. I hope god just grants me that one solid.
3:09 Am
Kanye going out sad.
Looking at anything long enough makes me mad. Shut uuuup. Didn’t shower today. Chest kind of hurts. Most likely from eating too many mike and Ike’s. I don’t want to call pepper’s tomorrow , fuuuuuck me. Perhaps email?
3:16 Am
Email sent , might if seemed bitchy but what ever , fuck them. Just send me the W2! I guess they really had no way of doing it. Hopefully they email it . I guess it would be Josh , he was a dick. Although strangely polite when I went into to grab my last check. I think bringing Emma with me was a smart call, they couldn’t fuck with me with someone else there. They also thought she was my girlfriend so I looked cooler then I am so that’s a win. Being alone is not very fun or cool.
3:29 Am
I hope the ban tik tok , free me from this eternal prison. I hate it I hate it. I hate it I hate it. It’s no good. It’s shit. Caca. Joey caca diez.
The birds are chirping there’s a fresh morning dew!
11:25 am
Imagined if Shane Gillis was talking about how his dad high fives people and is somehow bad it. My brain is just a bunch of non sense. A bunch noises and sounds.like believer by imagine dragons
Heyy wake up a wakeb me up belivier! Believer!
I think that’s what he says
He’s fucking jacked - the singer
I don’t understand what I’m looking at, such a disgusting band. It’s like if retarded meat heads made a band.
My mom is texting me that she wants to see Sydney Sweeney’s new horror movie. Didn’t know she was in one. Checked IMDb and she’s in that noun one I saw an ad for yesterday. Oh No this isn’t it.
Need to start school work. Kind of need to per . Dont want to get up.
I already got tickets Spotify leave me alone!
This @ songs sounds like another song
“And never be alone “
Is it a weyes blood song ?
I hate that I know this crystal castles song from tik tok.
Going a head and making advising appointment. Being ahead of things
I shouldn’t sit - lay like this.
11:56 am
I hate Spanish. Having to Make a sentence not knowing what any of these words mean is a struggle- a struggle I’ve caused myself but it is what it is. It was the only way to get these dumbass language credits.
1:58 pm
Can’t think of any more lyrics for song. Guess I should leave alone for a bit.
2:01 Pm
Don’t know what to do. Put head in my hands and shoved dirty hair in my face. Back to bed. Will take a shower in a few. Emma supposed to be here tonight so have that to look forward to. If someone was reading this it would be confusing because you would think Im talking about other Emma , thus that last statement would be read as sarcastic. But there are two Emmas!
A mysterious scraping sound is coming from outside.
Popping sound from bathroom is happening again how am I supposed to focus???
Feeling bleak and unmotivated. Could be I ate two Reese bars. But they will go waste. I wish ma wouldn’t give me all this junk food. I wish I had the self control to not eat it like an animal. My therapist is gonna wanna see these live blogs. I will have to bring it up to her. Otherwise what’s the point of doing therapy? I’d just be paying 175$ for her to say I’m doing so well. That would be funny. I don’t know if I’m Caple of lying to that degree. Would be an interesting challenge. Try to seem convincingly okay. The last two sessions all she would have to do is just look at me and see I’m unwell. I’m not great at hiding that. My mom can always tell instantly. When we’re on FaceTime she Always can tell.
I just want to go back to sleep
10:08 Pm
Precious memories are the ones that suck.
I feel so sad and just dead inside .
Can’t quite describe it in a way that gives it justice.
I don’t have to lie about my birth year to create accounts anymore
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kidkintsugi · 1 year
another epic transmasculinity moment in combination with everything that went to shit recently.
tw for below cut: dysphoria, slight n/s/f/t topics
aye so this week was absolute bullcrap?
i started hating my flatmate with a burning passion. i tried to excuse his laziness multiple times but ive given up on him. hes just an ass and a useless one at that.
i usually dont talk about other people like this because it makes ME feel bad because im being "mean" or whatever but with him? holy COW hes crossed multiple lines. very little to no remorse on this one.
he does not clean his shit and makes me buy things that are shared, like soap for example. i bought a new container of soap once i noticed that were running low, not ONCE did he make the effort to get some soap himself. its like this with other things as well.
his only humour is making a fool out of me (which i can handle. its just annoying) or sexual shit (also mostly involving me) and since im running a 2 person household on my own essentially i had some type of meltdown/breakdown this last weekend. developed a nervous tic because of it too which gets worse the more tired/frustrated i am. i also seem to have some stomach problems whenever im out of it nowadays and its gotten to the point that people asked me if im hungry because its just. that loud. REALLY uncomfortable especially in class.
today he overslept, which happens multiple times, but today was also the first day he actually had some consequences due to it which i like! but THEN he has the audacity to ask if i "tried to wake him up" which, to me, implies that he thinks im obligated to. almost yelled at him right then and there i had to leave the fucking room.
its also kind of my fault i guess? i could just communicate my problems with him more openly, directly order him to clean/buy/whatever but then i remember.
this guy is as old as i am.
i am NOT his fucking dad or something he should be doing these things UNPROMPTED when living together with someone he barely knows!!
on another note, the guy that realized that im trans is spending more time with me recently and i genuinely enjoy spending time with him as well, hes one of the very few people that doesnt get on my nerves. he plays my favorite videogames with me which are my special interest :)
this comes with a problem however: were both mlm and openly mlm at that, so people began "shipping" us (eugh. hate to use this word in this context).
usually i would find it funny, he finds it funny too because we both know that its not gonna happen but this comes with a certain problem.
people begin putting you in boxes, whether conciously or unconciously. especially with gay relationships, a lot of people seem to be fascinated by the idea that same sex couples still somehow have to fit into heteronormative "standards" (stuff like "who wears the pants" "whos the woman" "who takes it up the ass")
obviously im in a bad position. next to my friend, i am smaller. have wider hips, the face of a twelve year old and when i get nervous my voice goes higher in pitch.
if we WERE in a relationship, i would be percieved as "the woman".
that is so, so painful. no matter how hard i try, unless i end up with a super feminine twink bf (lol purposefully exaggerated im sorry), im gonna be the more feminine one and that is extremely shitty when it comes to passing in public.
had it happen today: i go out to grab boba with my friend.
this might just be my paranoia, but i have a feeling that for mlm couples, due to the way that society is, we dont really look like couples to the average heterosexual because unless we were to make out right in front of them homosexuality just isnt a possibility that comes to mind.
so we go up to the counter to place our order and the guy asks if "my friend is paying for me". nothing unusual BUT my language uses the same word for friend platonic and boyfriend/girlfriend romantic in some cases, meaning that it was very, very ambiguous, but to us it sounded like he meant it romantically.
my friend of course just laughs it off and i would like to be able to laugh too, but the truth is that HE was the one referred to as my "boyfriend". what does that make me in the eyes of a heteronormative society? with wide hips, a high voice and a babyface?
exactly. the girlfriend. checkmate.
dysphoria has been bad in general this week and in combination with all the other shitty feelings i couldnt shower. lower body dysphoria reached its peak too.
people joke about me being the bottom, stereotypically the more feminine one in the relationship and its beginning to hurt because they dont even KNOW. i just kinda wish i could talk about it, say that it makes me uncomfortable but that would make me suspicious and everyone in my class is already suspicious enough.
theres nothing i can do. i will have to live like this forever probably. i think i need to readjust my personality again just so i dont come across as androgynous or whatever. i also really need to get rid of my customer service voice, as i like to call it.
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