#so far i only tag ship stuff so people can blacklist it
I really need to stop being lazy go back through my blog and properly tag everything...
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lover-of-mine · 3 months
How are you doing? I noticed that you make a lot of anti bucktommy posts now and I was wondering if everything is alright?
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I used to follow you but I couldn't handle the hate and the negativity anymore. But still think you have a great blog.
Do you think you'll be able to go back to the way things were before if Tommy isn't in season 8?
Okay, look, I add that tag to everything I make that mentions the relationship because I'm not talking about it as someone who likes it and I want to give people the chance to not see that if they enjoy bt and still want to follow me. I tag things for people to block the tag just as much as I do so that people can find them. Most of those posts are me responding to asks. According to jet black code only 10 of those aren't asks. You think I'm posting too much hate and negativity? You have no idea how much negativity I filter. I have over 300 asks in my inbox right now. Some days I wake up to people calling me a bitch, telling me I'm delusional, that I'm just an entitled white woman who's just mad I don't get to fetishize Buck and Eddie, that I should just stop being here at all with much more colorful language, that I'm homophobic, that I could never possibly begin to understand the complexities of the bt with my tiny woman brain. Then I will admit I go a bit overboard the negative comments about them. Because I don't believe the relationship is anything groundbreaking but I keep getting hate about it and I am petty. But I answer to a fraction of to the shit I get and I have blocked people because they take things too far while hating on Tommy. A lot of those lately are reporting on the chaos that's been created in the fandom. It's an aspect of the show and I tag as anti because I am not a shipper. And I like getting those because I'm being attacked for not shipping them since April and I'm not gonna lie, I was feeling like I was losing my mind, I like talking to the side of the fandom who are not impressed with him. If, when he goes away from the show, people stop calling me names I will happily never talk about him again. I still make my sets, I write my fics, I make my videos, I write my metas. But I am also someone people like to talk about the relationship because I don't ship it and I won't take that away because we have nice discussions. Will things ever go back to the way they were before this mess? Probably not. But it will cool off on both sides eventually once Tommy isn't around. You can blacklist the anti bucktommy tag. You can blacklist "i really need a tag for asks" that's my ask tags. You can just search on tumblr as whole "otp: you don't need to pretend with me" if you just want to see my buddie stuff and don't want to follow me anymore because apparently I'm the only blog on that tag. You can just follow the 911edit tag, I pop up around there a lot. Who knows what will happen once he's gone, but I have a tagging system and I'm staying on my lane, that's the best I can offer you right now.
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raayllum · 4 months
im new to the fandom, so I miss a lot of the discourse (helped ofc by the fact you're kinda the only dp blog I follow), so everytime you mention the s4 backlash I'm like....how in the world could people hate that season or rayllum in it? It doesn't compute for me!
The last ship I was particularly engaged with, has a lot of similarities with rayllum. They were best friends, life partners before they were ever /romantic/ life partners. And they went through a /lot/ of trauma, miscommunication, and being on opposite sides of the same fight, etc etc.
the difference to rayllum was that they never rlly gave each other the grace they need. They also never talked on screen, but unlike rayllum it wasn't because it was the best option for them, it's just that the writers didn't want to include it ever - to the point that when they finally did an episode addressing it, it landed...very flat? Because it was about six seasons in, addressing things as far back as the second season, that they'd apparently never spoken to each other about before (they were tragically engaged when this happened).
Rayllum GENERALLY but especially in s4 have a really special place in my heart, because they feel very realistically messy - but it doesn't feel like it's there so there's some drama to keep audiences hooked. It feels authentic, and is one of those rare cases where it strengthens their relationship. I definitely could buy that rayllum would survive anything that hit their relationship by the end of s3, but getting to actually SEE that and see how much they're willing to work through out of love and respect for each other? Fantastic.
(also like it's such good character development....i am with u in the s4 defense squad. is there a squad? If there is I'm in it)
First off welcome to the fandom and I hope you're having a good time!!
The fact that my blog is mostly discourse free cause while I tag accordingly (fandom nonsense and dragons gets salty for potential blacklisting purposes) I always worry I can dip too far into that on occasion (I do my best not to unless being called out by name, and even then mostly do my best to ignore stuff), but there's not too much discourse within TDP in general — at least not in the Rayllum corner, luckily.
I think that's why the S4 backlash really surprised and threw me for a loop, because my partner and I finished the season at like 7AM on release day and while different than expected, we loved it and thought it was great from the start. Then we went online and people in the fandom who I'd largely always agreed with were having a really hard time with the season and it was disheartening at least to not have many people to talk to about why 1) S4 is TDP's thematically strongest season thus far and that's still true, 2) it's Ezran's best season imo, and 3) it does a lot of things really really well in really interesting ways.
I always try to never come down Too Hard on the s4 backlash just because people are of course entitled to their feelings/opinions then as well as now (even if some people's tunes have definitely changed), but a lot of it did feel sometimes short sighted if not immature.
Like soo many people are still mad that Rayla and Callum broke up in an offscreen graphic novel, when S4 would still be S4 regardless of whether TTM existed and like... if Rayla worrying that she failed (again) and went off on her own (again) to protect Callum was a big logical leap, then that person honestly just wasn't paying attention; there's not much else to say there. I also think it's just a strange choice to assume that Nothing Major would change the second you find out about a timeskip; like, almost everything else is status quo, Rayla being gone is the One Major Change and people couldn't handle that being a Surprise?
Like you said, conflict between a couple is not inherently a bad thing; it can be good and interesting, and this was always a relationship hurdle I think a lot of Rayllums (myself included) expected Rayla and Callum to have to tackle. Not liking how extreme or 'dramatic' it was (ie. season long arc > just a few episodes, or Rayla leaving > just trying to leave) is fair enough, but given that it's rooted in so much of Rayla's character, I'd much rather take a long way around approach that's in depth. I'm also just Glad and Grateful that the show is tackling it and treating it like the issue it is rather than sweeping things under the rug.
The fact that Callum's version of anger wasn't the one people wanted is another issue, but again — his anger went the way I'd always thought it might if he just went through enough trauma, and even if he had yelled at her, I don't think the season would've necessarily gone any different than it did other than them crying more early on. Which I've written and wouldn't have minded, but I also don't dislike the alternative route canon took — of course they were never going to get all variations out there, but Callum is cold as hell and being a bit of a jerk while also being valid and tempering himself because he doesn't want to hurt her anymore than she wants to hurt him (and Callum has always been very very bad at being/staying mad with Rayla or Ezran anyway).
I saw a lot of pushback against Rayllum being 'platonic' (which was annoying as an aromantic person lemme tell you, as though platonic is lesser), being "broken up for no reason" (Rayla being hyper-independent was not a secret and always going to be what threatened to rip them apart; they are also still Visibly and Repeatedly In Love with each other how is that broken up), or that they didn't get to have a Big Feelings Time in S4.
With that in mind, there's a lot that also matters in a relationship beyond just Open Communication, tbh. There's going to be times in life where you're not able to or unwilling to talk about certain things (given that S4 is maybe a week, I think that's reasonable; especially when Rayllum still haven't talked to each other about it as of s5 and no one I saw have an issue in S4 about it has complained about it there) and like... how do you treat each other when you're still mad or confused and haven't talked everything out? Do you still take care of each other, are you still doing your best to be considerate of each other (even if you're also not going to be perfect)? That shit matters just as much if not more as people able to sit down and hash things out.
I think the truth is a lot of the things that pissed people off about S4 would've been true even if the opposite things had happened:
N'than is flat and under developed unlike Ellis → N'than is more developed → why is N'than taking away from screentime for other characters?
The Sunfire plotline feels disconnected from the rest of the story (nvm that Viren's arc from 1x06 onwards doesn't affect any main character again until 3x04) → the Sunfire plot line has more connections to the main cast crammed in → more complaints about pacing and things feeling overly stuffed, as scenes already change from one to the next quite clearly
Callum and Rayla have a big talk sometime between 4x03-4x07 → this doesn't give Callum enough time to be angry / makes him seem unreasonable because he's admitted he was mostly worried but is still not fully letting her in despite her spilling her guts to him (and in what world would Rayla give excuses, again, when she knows he's the one hurting and taking priority in her mind)
S4's humor was bad because there were fart jokes (in one episode) → the crowlord's joke is so much worse than the fart jokes imo and is on par with the walnut joke in 1x06. also 1-2 scenes with jokes that didn't work for you out of 9 whole ass episodes is like. you're just a wuss i'm sorry
The Sunfire plot line is boring → will never not feel like "I just can't connect or be interested in politics and religious disagreements when it's mostly about Black people for Some Reason (racism)" to me tbh
There was no way to please everyone especially after a three year hiatus (because people think, For Some Reason, that how much time it takes for a story to come out should change how that story is written and it really, really doesn't) but yeah. The internet showed their asses and I was Not Impressed lmao
TLDR; a lot of the S4 backlash was "I'm mad this isn't happening now and I'm stressed out/worried that it won't be" as opposed to "this is only a problem if it never happens at all, but I have faith that it will," and I will love S4 forever. The Callum-Viren parallels being ramped up, the theme of duality and moving "doing terrible things for love" to the forefront with multiple characters (Rayla, Terry, Viren, Claudia), seeing Ezran step into his role as king, Callum's arc being shown > told, the set up for the possession plot line, Janaya's engagement and relationship development + Amaya and Janai's independent arcs? Chef's kiss. S4 is my best friend and its Rayllum dynamic is on par with S3 for me, and I am very grateful the fandom's attitude towards s4 and s4 Rayllum is a lot warmer / more reasonable now
When Callum says "unconditionally" in 5x01 and all their stuff in S5 we know and believe it because we've seen them fight and work so hard to come back from some pretty terrible brinks in imperfect ways, and I'll always love s4 for that. The most aspec Rayllum season by far
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itsclydebitches · 2 years
By all means, go off about The Blacklist. What's it about? 👀
Bless you, anon, for indulging my current obsessions :D
OKAY so the premise is great imo. Elizabeth “Liz” Keen’s life is basically perfect. She’s married to a handsome, adoring, successful teacher. They’re very near to finishing the process of adopting their first child. Best of all, Liz is beginning her career as an FBI profiler. Today’s her first day on the job and, other than being a little late rolling out of bed, it’s going to be great!
Except for one teeny, tiny snag. An hour or so before she’s due in the office, Raymond “Red” Reddington, #1 on the FBI’s Most Wanted list, turns himself in. He offers himself up as the FBI’s informant, specifically feeding them info on what he refers to as the blacklist: a list of criminals so heinous, secretive, and downright dangerous that the FBI doesn’t even know they exist, let alone how to catch them. Red will serve up his fellow fugitives on a silver platter. The catch?
He'll only work with Liz.
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So the FBI is like, “Why the fuck is the ‘concierge of crime’ interested in a newbie profiler who hasn’t even made it into work yet?” and Liz is also like, “Wtf, I don’t know him, why would Reddington be interested in me?” It’s the mystery at the heart of the whole show, interspersed among the stand-alone episodes where they go after blacklisters: who is Liz to Red? Because he is very protective of her. Accommodating. Downright adoring—or perhaps obsessive. But really, Spader is fantastic in the role and keeps things on the side of charmingly sweet (in a ‘I’ll kill huge swaths of people for you :)’ kinda way) as opposed to creepy, which I really like. Honestly, a good 75% of the show's appeal for me is in Red's characterization and Spader's performance.
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The point though is that everyone wants to know why such a powerful, immoral man would go out of his way to not just work with Liz, but bend/break every rule he’s ever made—tear apart years of self-serving contingency plans—just to keep her safe. I mean, the whole thing starts with Red turning himself in, risking disappearing into some dark FBI hole, just for the chance to see her.
So is he in love with her? (Lizzington is a popular ship, despite—or perhaps in part because of—the May/December dynamic and frankly the show does a lot to feed that possibility. It's never going to be canon, but fans aren't just pulling this ship out of thin air either. Trust me. I went in expecting it to just be fans being fans and... it's not. It's really not.) Is he her father? (And now we see why lizzington is controversial lol.) Is he manipulating Liz? Are the two of them in on something together? Theories abound, with each season providing new clues and revelations, nine seasons so far in total… so you can see where I’m going with this. Frankly, it doesn’t add up. I knew as soon as I understood the premise and caught wind of the show’s length that there would be no satisfying resolution. You don’t pose a singular question like that and dole out supposed answers each season without eventually retconning the hell out of previous episodes, or dropping previously important reveals, or just plain making stuff up for the sake of drama rather than logic. It’s inevitable in a form with so many fingers in the writing pie and, having been spoiled for the later seasons, I know that this isn’t magically fixed along the way.
So that’s a definite flaw in the show, though one I fully expected and thus am pretty indifferent to. The far bigger issue I have is that, as said in my tag rant, poor Liz is barely allowed to be a character anymore. She’s treated as a plot device, with her emotions serving whatever the current conflict is, rather than occurring as a result of her experiences. As you can imagine, Liz has some complicated feelings about Red, but they’re far from logical or consistent. I’m not joking when I say that she’ll despise him at the start of one episode, be hugging him by the end, and then be back to wanting him cut from her life at the start of the next episode with no explanation as to why this change occurred. Much like RWBY, the viewer is forced to decide for themselves why Liz is constantly on an emotional roller coaster that defies gravity and though yes, there are PLENTY of potential explanations in the show—I think this woman has been through enough to have earned a blanket ‘You think she’s emotionally stable??’ justification—but from a writing perspective it’s less than satisfying to continually do the writer’s work for them. In some episodes things won't stay consistent between scenes and I want to kick down the responsible party's door to ask what the actual hell they were thinking.
It's the kind of show with a few key, GLARING problems and if you’re hoping for something tightly written that will neatly wrap up all your questions and presumed inconsistencies with a pretty bow… keep waiting. But I’m used to shows like that—it happens with most long-form action stories, frankly, especially if they’ve got a core mystery like Blacklist—so I’ve learned to prioritize other aspects. Like the cast of characters? Top notch. Liz and Red’s dynamic is obviously the heart of the show and as much as I prefer them getting along, Liz’s cyclical anger is compelling too, in large part because Red remains completely devoted to her, no matter what she throws at him or how badly she treats him. Not to overshare on main, but I cannot possibly emphasize enough what a sucker I am for a sophisticated bad guy who would burn the world for his loved one even when she hates him. Actually, especially when she hates him because oh no, no one can hate him more than he already hates himself.
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We’ve got Dembe, Red’s right-hand man and all around badass with a marshmallow center. Ressler who I’m usually pretty meh about because he’s the boring by-the-book cop, but every once in a while he pulls some chaotic move out of left field that makes me cheer. Samar who is even more of a badass than Dembe and that’s REALLY saying something. Aram, easily one of my favorite quirky tech characters of all time: literal ball of sunshine who will nevertheless cut you if you threaten his found family. Their boss, Cooper, who seems like a hardass but ultimately treats his team like his kids (letting them get away with shit included). Tom, Liz’s husband, who is… complicated. Mr. Kaplan who you just need to watch to fully appreciate. The cast is A+
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Which means I’m watching the stupidest plot-line man ever devised, or a character suddenly did a 180 with no explanation, and yeah that makes the meta-writing part of my brain seethe and bite her imaginary pillow to muffle screams of rage… but then the characters have A Moment™, or there’s an actually well done twist, or we get an action sequence that yeah, is pretty silly when all is said and done, but it’s fun and I remember why I want to watch this show through to the end. Not because I think the big mystery will have a satisfying conclusion and not even because I like a lot of the major plot-lines coming up (I don’t) but because I still like the characters and so long as they’re interacting together in interesting ways, I’ll keep tuning in.
Particularly when it comes to Liz and Red. For however badly their relationship is written at times, the underlying dynamic itself remains stellar: successful FBI agent vs. renowned criminal. Poetic charmer vs. down-to-earth realist. Answers vs. questions. Is she making him better? Is he making her worse? What are they to each other and, even if the show did define that clearly on some level, can it really be answered so easily? I don’t think so. The fact that some days my brain goes, “God they have such a good father-daughter-esque relationship” and other days it’s going, “I ship it 👀” and other days it’s just, “You two need to stay FAR AWAY from each other. I mean, I’m digging the dysfunction, but if you were real people holy shit” just speaks to the complexity here. As frustrating as it can be, the messiness is kinda fun too? They’re compelling and they make my brain go brrrr with possibilities and sometimes that’s all you need in a show!
At least for the first three seasons. Lets see how I feel after 3 times that lol
Thus ends my 1k+, mostly non-spoilery Blacklist ramble ✌️
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I see u sometimes reblog stranger things stuff, was wondering if you can share some opinions on it? Any strong opinions on the mileven vs byler war
Lol I knew somehow when I put on my Stranger Things sweatshirt today that I would get this ask lol. Super fun question, thanks for asking! I love talking about any of my other fandoms. I've been pretty involved in the Stranger Things fandom from the jump, I liveblog every new season which you guys do not have to worry about for a while but you can totally backread my ST tags (melissa liveblogs st and melissa on stranger things) for my content or feel free to blacklist if you don't want to see it. I was also active in a few discords for Stranger Things and It, so if you were in any of those you might've seen me around. Met some great people, a few of which are still active on here @sorenserotonin and @milfnightshade loyal mutuals 🫡 who I always appreciate. I'll tag them in case they feel like returning to discussing Stranger Things with me like old times lol.
As for byler and mileven, I don't have super strong opinions. The two mutuals I tagged are both byler shippers (actually I forget if Deidre is, I'm pretty sure). EDIT: DEIDRE IS NOT! I personally have always been into mileven, they were the heart of the first season to me in a way that's really unmatched. The following seasons they have had their really moving moments, particularly for me the third season, but never the same spark as that first season. I do think they are endgame though, because that's just the path the show is on. I don't think the narrative makes sense without them, and wether that is effective writing is a whole separate post. That being said, I will always always never have beef with an lgbtq ship in any fandom, unless it's with a very unhealthy character and I think the ship is straight up abusive. Fandom is a largely queer space because we create the content we lack. That's important and should be respected regardless of ship wars (and I'm a person that gets into those lol). I have a dear friend who will ship anything as long as it's two women, even if they never interacted. I've never understood this. I want the writing to be strong and the relationship to be healthy. But I understand why she feels the way she feels and I'd never judge her, that's what fandom is for.
Some other Stranger Things opinions; I think the writing really has suffered since the first season. It is still a great show, but they struggle with consistency in their characters which is a huge issue for me. They also cave to fandom, which is another huge pet peeve of mine.
I also think Billy Hargrove is one of the most damaging popular characters in a long time, in terms of fandom and the impact on culture. I might just be biased however, I'm on some Billy fans blocklists.
This season was the best one by far since the first. I know that's a hot take, but I think it's true.
Max and Lucas were the only characters who were effectively developed and utilized this past season, which was a breath of fresh air for them to not waste Caleb McLaughlin again.
I do not like Jonathan Byers, but that being said the time for stancy has long come and gone and returning to it is insane.
Oh, final take, we've been giving the Duffers far too much credit for Robin as a character when a lot of it should go to fav nepotism baby Maya Hawke.
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theirmadness · 1 month
Basics. //When did you first start writing? //On what platform did you start to write? Canon Muses. //Are you happy with how your favorite canon muse was portrayed in canon? //How far do go with divergencies when it comes to your canon muse? Fandoms. //In what fandom did you start? //Is there any fandom you regret exploring ? Ships. //Do you tend to focus on shipping or do you not care at all? //What are rare-pairs that you’re passionate about? Tumblr. //What are things you wish people would tag so you can block it? //What new addition would make your Tumblr experience so much better?
meme status: accepting. meme source: questions for the mun.
when did you first start writing?
i think i was 12 when i first started PROPER writing. before then i did some kinda silly stuff here and there, but yeah, i was definitely around 12 yrs old. that was when i got access to a laptop of my own and between playing sims i started exploring roleplaying.
on what platform did you start to write?
it was this american website that got taken over by brazilians called orkut LOL. but i would say most of my writing back then was either done on msn messenger or when i started rping on twitter.
do you tend to focus on shipping or you do not care at all?
yeah i definitely focus heavily on shipping. not that i won't write things that aren't shippy, obviously, but i just like to explore shipping dynamics the most. particularly the toxic and really fucked up ones. like the darker the dynamic the more i'll be into it. i'm very easy to ship. i ship SO many crossover ships. and like idk sometimes all it takes is for me to like two characters to be able to see them together lmao. but obviously the most important thing for me is chemistry with the writer. sometimes it just isn't there. fortunately though that doesn't really happen all that often! but i also don't enjoy shipping with people who aren't flexible. for example, ppl who will only write submissive characters, or people who only write straight characters. it just isn't really appealing or interesting for me and i lose interest very quickly.
what are rare-pairs that you're passionate about?
dude. i can't even get into that LOL. i have way too many to start off. most of the ships i'm REALLY into are rarepairs that no one cares about lol. it just kinda varies on what the flavour of the week is. i'll have a list of those at some point but you're better off asking me in private lmao.
what are things you wish people would tag so you can block it?
PORN. mostly, fucking porn. like oh my god. obviously i don't mind smut or some stuff that's more... soft porn. but there's shit that is like overly graphic and sexual in nature that like... just makes me uncomfortable. i'm fine reading about it and writing it, but seeing the visual without any kinda of warning REALLY makes me just have the massive fucking icks. i just don't like it. never did it. lol i really really pray everyone who likes to reblog those kinda stuff has an unique porn tag that i can blacklist because yeah. it's an issue.
what new addition would make your tumblr experience so much better?
for me it's more about bringing old ones back tbh. tumblr has fucked up so much of their good features by trying to twitterfy the website that i just wish they would bring some shit back lol. this site used to be SO easy to navigate and so user friendly. nowadays i can't handle it without a thousand extensions.
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The fact that chadwickswidowspeak is on their blog calling me a clown and an "alleged black girl" because I said I like Namor x Shuri is really sick, like, leave me alone! I've had this blog for years. I started this blog so I wouldn't annoy people on my main blog, which was really aesthetic at the time and focused on fashion/style and had no place for my nerdy stanning. I've never been accused of not being black on here, omg. This is too much. I've been reblogging from their blog this whole press tour, long before the movie was out, which is why I even recognize their username.
Why is my blackness in question because I casually like a ship you don't like? Seriously, this is way too far. I'm really only tagging my stuff so that people who don't want to see spoilers can just blacklist the keywords, not to "fill shuri's tag with posts about namor".
Honestly, my blog is like probably 8 years old, you can look wayyyyyyyyyyy back in my posts and see how much I have been involved in loving Shuri and Black Panther. This is defamation of character.
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princemick-archive · 2 years
Hellooo! I escaped the hellside (twitter) and am new here on Tumblr. How are the vibes here? So far it looks cosy and funny and no hate and drama, which I like. Can you give me a short introduction I am a Tumblr f1 fandom virgin xx
oh god, alright nonnie, first of welcome, I'm glad you got out of there and welcome to f1blr
there are a few basic rules for tumblr and a few for f1blr specifically so I'll seperate them for you and
heres a post I made a few weeks back of my favorite f1 blogs and basic rules that will help you get started!!
general tumblr rules:
- dont use the like feature you're going to reblog it after, likes genuinely dont do anything. this especially counts for edits/gifs/art etc. people worked a lot of them and the only way to give them the attention they deserve is reblogs!
- use the tags!! they're there and it's fun to see as a creator what people think of stuff by using the tags! its a really good way to casually communicate with people.
- make ur blog look like an actual person is there. there are a lot of bots on here so a lot of people insta block when your blog seems like a bot (its tumblr porn bot cleanse trauma)
- blocking is no big deal, you have to curate your own online experience so just block or dont follow if you dont wanna see someones stuff
now for f1blr rules:
- tag your hate! dont use full names just a first for example 'anti max' instead of 'anti verstappen' or 'anti max verstappen' this way the hate won't show up in the drivers main tag but people who follow you or go on any other tags can blacklist it!
- you're allowed to dislike RPF/shipping ofcourse but it happens very casually and a lot on this side of Tumblr so please try and not get to bothered by small mentions especially shipping names
- tag mentions or any kind of video with a crash in it with 'tw crash' they happen but they're scary so let poeple blacklist them
- its sports, people are going to dislike your favorite driver/team, be okay with that otherwise theres genuinly no enjoy ment in it
thats all I can think of right now but please feel free to add more if anyone can think of other stuff new tumblerina's should know!
hope this helps and have fun!!
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About this blog:
Hello, and welcome to Type 1 Diabetes in Fandom!
There’s only one mod, so t1dif runs mostly on a queue.
I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus in the mid-2000s. Omnipod and Dexcom. Joined online fandom in the early-mid 2010s. Been here ever since. Expert lurker. I’m on AO3, where I’ve so far written about diabetic Clark Kent and diabetic Sokka (Avatar), and also run @yourfavisdiabetic
I’m shy engaging with people but passionate about t1d awareness and my favorite fandoms (of which there are many). I started the AO3 collection and subsequent blog here to find and keep track of fanworks with decent portrayals of t1d. I hoped knew that if I was looking for these stories, someone else was too.
Feel free to send asks or chat about fandoms, diabetes stuff, or writing. Also cats. I avoid discourse and I’m heavy on the block button, so please be polite. I’m limited on time and attention span but will do my best to answer in a reasonable time frame!
Currently challenging myself in 2022 to comment on every fic I enjoy this year 😮 😁
Any fandom, ship, trope, rating, genre, etc is welcome here EXCEPT for RPF and stories where a main character’s t1d is their cause of death. I don’t mind at all if you write/read RPF but it’s not my thing, so it’s not on my blog.
When going through fanfics or fic recs, make sure you pay attention to ALL tags and warnings, especially ones within the story itself. Don’t like, don’t read, don’t complain.
Things shared here include:
fanfics with a t1d character
original fiction
book reviews
fan art with visible t1d rep
original art
head canons for diabetic characters
rec lists
writing tips and resources for t1d representation
misc fan stuff
t1d stuff
diabetes awareness posts
Occasionally tag with #Not Fandom or #Not Diabetes Related. Pretty much all posts are tagged with #Type 1 Diabetes in Fandom. Blacklist appropriately.
If there’s something specific you would like to see, whether it’s a certain type of post or a particular fandom, let me know! I’ll see what I can do.
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Rules- updated 12/27/2023
These have had more than one big update. Please read. Keep in mind these are written to be as thorough and blunt as possible to avoid miscommunication. They are not written to come off bitchy, and I am far more lax when I get to know someone. I just want us both to be comfortable writing together!
following- i don’t always follow back. i try to keep my dash to things that spark joy. i reserve the right to not follow back or unfollow at all times, without need for explanation. if we are established partners, i’ll always try to be courteous and message you to explain why we aren’t going to work out.
i don’t follow back until i’ve received my rules passcode. you will not help your case by: constantly liking my posts even though we aren’t mutuals yet, sending ic asks before said passcode, tagging me in ic posts, etc. i’m not pressed for interaction, i have plenty. i’m well established and if i know you can’t read rules there’s really no need for me to be following you or writing together.
blog is 21+, 25+ to ship due to multiple facets of adult content (if you’re between 21 and 24 and we have a good relationship, i make exceptions case to case). if i find out you’re under 18, you will be immediately blocked. no exceptions.
blog hoppers and one liners- if i see chronic muse addition or blog creation without an actual interest in muse development and thread continuation- i will not follow/unfollow. i have written my longest standing muses for nearly 13 years now, I didn't drop them. i'm here for extended muse development and real storylines that can and have lasted for years. i’m not here for instaship (mun chemistry can change this, sometimes the homies just come at you with a ship and you make it work...but you already know that person), not asks only interaction, definitely not one-liners. not everyone is in it for the long haul, that's fine. but constantly starting story-lines you came to me to plot out, only to have them dropped for the next muse or the next blog a week later just makes me resentful and disklike rp. if you cannot commit to a muse and a storyline I’m sorry but we won’t mesh and that’s okay.
triggers- i do not tag all the possible triggers that exist. my content is pretty trigger happy- drug use, violence, gore, language, sex, mental illness, death, pregnancy and miscarriage, etc. if you truly have a trigger, hit me up and i can tag it for you, most especially for visuals. but when it comes to my novella replies with a partner that’s already cool with the content, i’m not tagging every little possible thing. things I always try to tag unless adhd brain attacks: pregnancy, miscarriage, babies (#baby tag), vomit mention, self harm, suidice, suicidal ideation, addiction, current events, politics, reptile and spider visuals. Tagging format is consistent with what is best picked up by various blacklists: __ tw, __ cw and all spicy content will be tagged #nsfw ish.
if on the rare occasion i see something pressing for politics or current events i feel needs sharing, i will tag with politics, current events, not rp. i try to keep the current event stuff to my personal blog and I don’t follow a whole lot of that stuff to have some escapism on at least one socmed. i will also tag all of my work blogging stuff so that you can avoid that as i do kind of keep a tab on what i’m doing so people can know whether to expect replies that day.
drama begone- if i see you with dnis or callout posts, i’m not following. i don’t have time for drama, and i don’t have any interest in people that are going to dictate who can follow what other people. blacklist exists for a reason. if i have a problem with people it will be handled privately in their dms, not making a callout post and not making my moots take sides.
if you are incapable of communicating when there is a problem, please don’t follow me. we are all adults here, act like it?
this is a purity police free zone and is going to stay that way. blacklist, don’t follow, etc but don’t dictate to people what they can and cannot write in FICTION. mun ≠ muse or that they endorse what they write. evaluate someone from their ooc posts. you don’t get to tell other people how they work through their trauma, and they do not owe you that breakdown for your approval. something squicking you out just means you need to customize YOUR space and stay out of theirs. i respect the hell out of people tagging the shit out of their dark content. purity police? no. not so much.
muse variants don’t bother me. they’re not the same muse, you have your own interpretations of them. don’t be afraid to follow me just because we write the same canon muse, i promise our interpretations are different. only way i’ll have a problem is if you’re copying my headcanons a little too verbatim for this to just be a case of common fanon or coincidence.
i don’t follow blogs that use E.lizabeth O.lsen or C.aity L.otz as FCs. fully your right to do so, i’m not going to give you shit for it, but they make me personally uncomfortable with their out of character conduct, so i distance myself (this is why i recast Sara’s fc, don’t like, don’t follow).
replies & reblogs- i am slower than a snail going uphill through molasses in january some days. other days i reply at lightspeed. some days I’m responding to everyone, other days I can respond to just the one or two people my muses want to play with. NONE OF THIS REFLECTS ON YOU. i have chronic pain and fatigue, on top of ADHD. Some days I struggle to even maintain waking. the best way to ensure i have a better turn around is give me feedback about our threads and actually plot. if you never message and never send asks, i’m going to assume you find our threads an annoyance even if that’s not actually the case.
mutuals are absolutely welcome to reblog memes, aesthetics, musings from me whether or not the source is available idgaf, but if we are not mutuals, i am not here to only be your meme/aesthetic source. using me as such when we never interact will result in a block. if you became a mutual just to pull from my aesthetics queue...don’t. it’s very obvious when there’s crickets from you for months except for when you reblog a pile of aesthetics.
do not reblog an rp thread unless you are directly involved. if you enjoy reading it, liking is perfectly fine, but only involved partners may reblog.
headcanon posts are only for mutuals mentioned in them to be reblogging.
ooc communication- i NEVER mind being asked if i didn’t get a message or notification, especially on dumblr. seriously, i really don’t want to miss your stuff, i appreciate being linked if you think i didn’t see it. i do, however, very much mind receiving “small talk” messages every few hours while i am working because you saw me on the dash reblogging a thing or two and decided that meant i need to respond to you immediately. i can see through that game and it isn’t cool. don’t do it.
i love having conversation when i have the energy. please, please, please come gush at me about our muses and threads and show me you’re also enjoying this. what i cannot stand is someone trying to use convo to be passive aggressive or just shallow. my spoons are limited, don’t make me bring out the knives. if you are looking for a reply, please just say so.
if you are opposed to occasionally checking my threadtracker so that i can know we're on the same page with threads, please don't follow. i am not sure why it's seen as such a negative to keep track of them, but if that's what it is for you, this isn't going to work already. i put a lot of effort into trying to keep track of multiple people and more than three times the threads than muns. please help me do that, they're your threads too.
shipping- no NSFW will be written with muns below the age of 21, preferably 25+, otherwise case by case basis for younger than 25 due to previous bad experiences with grown children.
i will not take smut to discord just because you don’t want to write it in the open. if you are uncomfortable writing a ship’s natural progression, this is not the blog for you, shame free smut zone. i don’t use readmores, as it’s excessively redundant if you already tag. I do not use the maturity filter though because it can get your blog shadowbanned or make it so that you cannot cut the thread. 
i do NOT smut unless we thread regularly AND regularly interact OOC. NSFW threads are a means to getting to know my muse, and our muses’ relationship better. Hook-up situations during meeting are case by case and should be messaged beforehand if we don’t talk ooc yet.
ships are unique to themselves, don’t expect identical interactions ever, and i do multiship. every ship is its own verse, there is no cheating going on. I generally limit any canon/canon ships of the same ship to 2. i’m not collecting the same muse like pokemon.
unless you’ve cleared it with me, please do not make our rp thread interactions into your muse’s general canon outside of our ship verse. i did not sign up for that and it makes me really uncomfortable to think anything i write is being inserted into your muse’s canon and subject to critique in that manner. on that same note, i will not write with canon-inserts (oc child, parent, sibling, best friend, etc) unless i have a means to not have it affect my own muse’s canon if i’m not comfy with your canon.
my triggers - i do not have many triggers but i have a hardstop at m!preg, magical/spedup/ovi/otherwise not realistic pregnancy, A/B/O, breeder, DD/l, eating disorder/weight talk. i will not roleplay them, and if i see them on my dash without being tagged i will immediately unfollow. y'all are welcome to do as you want, but i’m not making myself uncomfy in my antistress zone.
i will not use pregnancy/children as plot points but for a select few muse relationships where it is part of the natural flow of the ship and has been plotted as such, or our ooc relationship is good enough for you to know my stance on sending a pregnancy meme. i am not a source for fetish content fishing (not kink-shaming just telling it like it is).
i don’t enjoy cheating storylines or love triangles and won’t write them. yes cheating exists, but it severely bothers me. i have no interest. as a polyam person, love triangles are just not my thing, and i don’t get them. i’ll happily write a polycule situation (between two muns, more tends to get messy), but love triangles won’t be found here.
if we have barely interacted, please refrain from nicknames that imply we’re close. i don’t mind you asking if something is okay to use, but if I haven’t even known you a week and i’m being called “baby”, “honey”, “brosif”, etc…yeah no, highly uncomfortable. please don’t.
do not tag me in stolen art, or send it to me in my dms. stolen art is any art you or the reposter did not get express permission from the artist to be reposting, credit or not!!! just because you physically are capable of saving that image doesn't mean you have the right to. that means if the post is not by the artist, and they don't have "reposted with permission from xyz" in the caption I DO NOT WANT TO SEE IT. reverse search that shit and do it the right way, and if they don't have a tumblr...link to the original site it was posted on, but don't save the image. and for the love of all things unholy, definitely do not send me a.i. atrocities as something to appreciate. i have suffered enough as an artist.
thank you for reading  
if you have gotten this far, bless your soul. have a chocolate chip cookie. please send “room full of rocking chairs” to my dms or askbox so I know I’m not chucking my words into the ether, and don’t forget to fill out my interest tracker so i can more easily throw muses at you and get the party started.
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elriell · 4 years
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Thank you very much! I find it hard to cut them back and be less detailed to be honest. So let’s dive in to it, two quick points before we start;
There will be no hate here as every ship is valid, I simply going to explain why I believe Elriel is more likely to happen than Elucien. (IMO)
Secondly, if there’s one thing for certain with SJM it is that nothing is certain with her.
Of course like any reader I am nervous for what might happen but looking at it textually speaking I do not think we have much to worry about... Not to mention that if we look at SJM past behaviour we can extrapolate several things.
When Sarah falls in love with a character she is very willing to shift all plans to accommodate them, we have a good example of this with Rowan, once she began writing him she fell in love with him and Chaol was quickly pushed aside. I am sure she has done plenty of interviews saying as much from memory.
SJM Live
- Azriel has a lot of shit going on that we’re going to be able to see in this book.
- Azriel’s song is Mr. Brightside for the vibes. Not necessarily the lyrics. SJM is kinda obsessed with him and telling his story in the future.
- We’re getting to see more of Azriel’s cheeky humor in this one.
 - SJM can’t wait to see theories after everyone reads Azriel’s pov. There’s a lot of crumbs that have been scattered around for his journey.      [ref]
It is safe to say that in her own words Sarah is obsessed with Azriel, which gives us a good idea about who she wants to write about next. This is the same vibe we got off her when she was introducing Rowan to the TOG universe and I think it is a pretty easy assumption to believe the next book is Elain’s too.
Not to mention SJM is not afraid to shake it up and swap out the LI you think it will be, Chaol/Rowan & Tamlin/Rhysand. It is not far fetched to think she would do the same with Elain and Lucien. Not to mention the idea of such a repetitive story ARC like Mates (after Feysand and Nessian) could easily be avoided by doing something like a rejected-bond or second bond.  
I really could not tell you what I think Azriel’s ARC/what he is dealing with is because we have so little information on him all I know is I cannot wait to read it all. He is easily one of my favourite characters, he is so mysterious to us. 
I think Elain’s ARC is going to be all about choice. And we know from SJM that you can have more than one mate.
Elain said, her voice breaking. “It means nothing. I don’t care who decided it or why they did—”“You belong to him.”“I belong to no one. But my heart belongs to you.”
“to my sister and the shadowsinger in the garden—“that is what she needs? Is there no free will? What if Lucien wishes the union but she doesn’t?”
As far as I am concerned if you look at all SJM couples from all her books there is always that initial Spark™ and I think that impartially if you look at Elain and Lucien they have not had it at all (bar maybe the moment he scents the bond), Elain is completely disinterested in him. In the bond as a whole.
“if it wasn’t for Vassa.” A twitch of the lips, a spark in that russet eye. “She’s doing well enough. Savoring every second of her temporary freedom.”
Azriel mastered himself enough to say, “Thank you.” I’d never seen his hazel eyes so bright, the hues of green amid the brown and gray like veins of emerald.
See? SPARK, literally and figuratively.
You could even argue that she was you know, really struggling at the time the bond snapped in to place so it wasn’t the time for them but then we are given Azriel as a mirror to the situation and we see despite her troubles she is capable of interacting with someone without disinterest. Can and has been attracted too, can smile and laugh with someone despite being upset over Graysen.
“You’re welcome to stay for the night,” I said, since Elain certainly wasn’t going to. Lucien lowered his hands into his lap and leaned back in the armchair. “Thank you, but I have other plans.” I prayed he didn’t catch the slightly relieved glimmer on Elain’s face.”
“Azriel smiled faintly. “Would you like me to show you the garden?” But Elain did not balk from him, did not shy away as she nodded—just once. Azriel, graceful as any courtier, offered her an arm.
“And do what?” “Spend time with her.” “I don’t think she’ll tolerate two minutes alone with me, so forget about two weeks.” His jaw worked as he studied the fire.”
Elain sat silently at one of the wrought-iron tables, a cup of tea before her. Azriel was sprawled on the chaise longue across the gray stones, sunning his wings and reading what looked to be a stack of reports—likely information on the Autumn Court that he planned to present to Rhys once he’d sorted through it all. Already dressed for the Hewn City—the brutal, beautiful armor so at odds with the lovely garden. And my sister sitting within it.
“You as well.” A sidelong glance toward Elain, swift and fleeting. “Both of you.” Elain said nothing, but at least she bowed her head in thanks.”
Azriel and Elain remained in the sitting room, my sister showing him the plans she’d sketched to expand the garden in the back of the town house, using the seeds and tools my family had given her tonight. Whether he cared about such things, I had no idea, but I sent him a silent prayer of thanks for his kindness before Rhys and I slipped upstairs.
“There were only a few presents left—Lucien’s. [...] I handed Elain the small box with her name on it. Her smile faded as she opened it. “Enchanted gloves,” she read from the card. “That won’t tear or become too sweaty while gardening.” She set aside the box without looking at it for longer than a moment. And I wondered if she preferred to have torn and sweaty hands, if the dirt and cuts were proof of her labor. Her joy.”
“He cares for you.” “He doesn’t know me.”
“You don’t give him the chance to even try to do so.” Her mouth tightened, the only sign of anger in her graceful countenance. “I don’t want a mate. I don’t want a male.” 
“You are his mate. Do you even know what that means?” “It means nothing,” Elain said, her voice breaking. “It means nothing. I don’t care who decided it or why they did—”“You belong to him.”“I belong to no one. But my heart belongs to you.”
Again like I said, textually when we look at it all together Sarah is not exactly planting the seeds for them at all, now of course there is still time for that to change, and of course we only have a limited perspective but as a reader it doesn’t come across positively. Even if you consider Nessian who have been against each other from the start have had the seeds planted, even as they argued they had tension and emotion.
Sarah has given Elucien so little of anything positive or negative comparitively, it is like the are barely registered. 
Not to mention she puts across Azriel as a candidate time and time again, and as a writer you would not do that for nothing.
“She doesn’t need anything,” Azriel answered without so much as looking at Lucien.
“You know them better than I do. But I will say that Lucien is loyal—fiercely so.” “So is Azriel.”
“Why not make them mates?” I mused. “Why Lucien?” “I’d keep that question from Lucien.” “I’m serious.” I turned toward him and crossed my arms. “What decides it? Who decides it?”
“What if”—I jerked my chin toward the window, to my sister and the shadowsinger in the garden—“that is what she needs? Is there no free will? What if Lucien wishes the union but she doesn’t?”
SJM is sowing doubt at every turn. Then to top it off we are introduced to Vassa through Lucien, and now we finally see him have a spark, blush, and speak of her with almost worship as Feyre points out.
“I …” Lucien fumbled for the words. Not out of some lie or excuse, I realized a moment later. Realized when he said, “I’ve been at the Spring Court every now and then. But if I’m not here in Velaris, I’ve mostly been staying with Jurian. And Vassa.”
“Not for long—not if Vassa has anything to do with it.” “You sound like an acolyte.”
Lucien blushed, glancing at Elain. “She’s got a foul temper and a fouler mouth.” 
Now, I can understand the belief that Elucien could be endgame but you simply cannot deny that before that Elriel & LucienxVassa is going to have to be explored to a degree. 
“Az ran a hand through his dark hair. “Are we …”Unusual for him to stumble with words. “Are we supposed to get the sisters presents?”
“I …” Lucien fumbled for the words. Not out of some lie or excuse, I realized a moment later. Realized when he said, “I’ve been at the Spring Court every now and then. But if I’m not here in Velaris, I’ve mostly been staying with Jurian. And Vassa.”
We also see both couples paralleled. I mean in all honesty I could go on and on and on, there is so many qoutes that I could add but this will just get longer and longer. I am going to link my full Elriel Analysis, and some other stuff about them and rejecting the bond below.
As for our fox boy Lucien!
I really like him, and I do feel like he has a very interesting journey ahead, between his true paternity, Vassa and the mating bond he has a lot coming up for him. I am excited to see where the band of exhiles might take us, despite Feyre’s mockery I am excited that after so long of not belonging anywhere he may have found people to call his own.
Look if Elucien happens after a genuine build up, I will be happy to read their journey, of course I will be very disappointed for Elriel because I truly believe they are the best fit but I am not against Elucien if anything I think Sarah is, more than anyone else.
Like I said I could go on for years, and honestly in 9 days hopefully we have a better idea of the future to base our opinions on. 
I am tagging this Anti-Elucien, not that I feel it is but I don’t want Elucien shippers to have to see it, so if they blacklist the tag the can avoid the negativity ❤︎
[Elriel Meta] [Elriel Kindred Spirits] [Elriel Choice 1 & 2] [Garden] [Thoughts]
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The information below the keep reading is during the first incarnation of this blog.
Updated rules are here
New masterlist is here
Old rules and old masterlist are in the text below.
I write headcannons for Danganronpa ships which include character x character and character x reader
• Character x Character ships require at least a scenario or au (example: First date, non despair au)
• Character x Readers require either a scenario or a trait for the reader. Genders that aren’t specified will be left gender neutral. (Example: Ultimate Dancer! Reader x Nagito, Clumsy reader x Himiko)
• I CAN write angst and fluff but smut is off limits
• I can write up to 2 character per question. If you want more just send multiple asks
• I’ll write suggestive at most not because I dislike the topic I just suck at writing them
• If you want someone with a medical condition or mental illness please try to explain it to me. Just writing “not sane” is too vague but don’t go to scientific as I don’t want a lecture.
• Asthma, allergic rhinitis and dermatitis and medical stuff I do know though as I suffer from them so if anyone wants to use them come at me. (Note: for medical conditions, please no ones related to the heart as those are usually more complicated and I don’t know anyone for the heart so yeah.)
• Yanderes are open just go to the “Yandere Danganronpa” tag and you’ll find the rules at the bottom
• Panic talk action or Argument Armament scenarios!
My favorite game and cast is the second so you might notice more effort in those ones
Idk how mods work so it’s a one woman operation
I guess mods are the ones running the blog so I’m Mod Hajime??? Idk man...
Blacklist/ Characters I can’t write
- Hifumi Yamaha
- Miu Iruma
- Chiaki Nanami.
- Gundham Tanaka
- Kokichi Ouma
Hifumi I just dislike and Miu I really tried but I don’t get it and no I don’t hate Chiaki but I’m tired as hell with her character with the waifu wars and determined Chiaki fans there are to invalidate your opinions.
Gundham did nothing wrong I’m just sick of writing him.
Kokichi’s asks are 99% pranks and lies which hurt my head to write due to me having no experience really in both fields.
- Screaming. They just make me uncomfortable due to memories of people yelling at me.
Screaming in joy is okay but screaming for negative reasons hurt for me to write and not in the same sense angst does. No hard feelings to the one who asked I should’ve listed here 👍🏻
- Pregame au
Very salty at being spoiled by everyone as early as the beginning of DR2 so I honestly can’t write this au also there’s loads of different interpretations which just confuse me so.... oop
(I’m Mod Monaca now)
@lonely-lgbt-writer purely because idk I look to them for support qwq
Main blog is @idiotwhotalkstoomuch
Extra blog is @ask-izuru-and-ai-hajime
Credit for profile pic: @mikankinnieedits (I am so sorry for giving credit this late it slipped my mind)
Credit for previous header: @sakusastan  
Credit for current header: @capricities  
Yandere Danganronpa rules:
Hey guys so I have been having a weird fixation on Yandere Danganronpa so I could write but only the following characters with limitations
Character list:
•Byakuya Togami
•Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
•Peko Pekoyama
•Mikan Tsumiki
•Nagito Komaeda
•Izuru Kamukura (not Hajime just Izuru)
•Maki Harukawa
Rules to Yandere:
•No NSFW especially r*pe I can’t imagine any of them being pushed to that. I can write suggestive but not too far
• Mindbreak is…. okay it’s a guilty pleasure (not actually describing it but aftermath)
• I might do a character outside of my list if it’s interesting but otherwise no
• Don’t get disappointed if I refuse cause it went too far
Old Masterlist:
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Makoto Naegi
- Naegiri headcannons
- Naehinahara first date
- Insomniac s/o who does not take care of themself
Sayaka Maizono
- None
Leon Kuwata
- Ultimate Daydreamer that zones out a lot
Chihiro Fujisaki
- None
Mondo Owada
- s/o suffering from depression
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
- Male Ultimate Gamer s/o that forgets to take care of themselves
- Best friend finally got her date
- Stealing a 75 cent gum
- s/o that’s scared of loud noises
Hifumi Yamada (BLACKLISTED)
- None
Celestia Ludenberg
- None
Sakura Ogami 
- None
Mukuro Ikusaba
- None
Junko Enoshima
- Yandere Junko x a Blackened! s/o
- Yandere Junko with a reciprocating s/o 
Byakuya Togami
- non-binary s/o gets a panic attack
- Yandere Byakuya with a clingy s/o
- Yandere Byakuya with an s/o who’s being harrassed
- Yandere Byakuya trying to comfort his skittish darling
- s/o suffering from depression
Yasuhiro Hagakure
- None
Toko Fukawa
- None
Kyoko Kirigiri
- Naegiri headcannons
- With Mikan and a trans male reader
Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
Hajime Hinata
- Naehinahara first date
- Ultimate Animator s/o
- Ultimate Tatoo artist s/o
- Ultimate Strategist s/o
Izuru Kamukura
- Yandere Izuru with a touch starved male s/o
- Yandere Izuru with a fem!reader
- Yandere Izuru when a friend tries to save touch starved s/o
- short s/o that’s affectionate
- general relationship headcanons
- Yandere Izuru who’s darling approached him to play with his hair
- jealous headcanons
Teruteru Hanamura
- s/o loving cheesy pick up lines
- Ultimate Seducer s/o
- Falling in love with s/o in killing game
Ultimate Imposter
- None
Mahiru Koizumi
- None
Peko Pekoyama 
- s/o who is anxious in killing game
- with Fuyuhiko and a fem! reader
- Yandere Peko with an s/o who knows she’s stalking them
- with Fuyuhiko and one of Byakuya’s siblings
- general yandere headcanons
Ibuki Mioda
- Hyperactive s/o who is the Ultimate Drummer
Hiyoko Saionji 
- None
Mikan Tsumiki
- s/o nearly dying in killing game
- s/o who is supportive
- paramedic s/o
- Yandere Mikan with her kidnapped darling
- Yandere Mikan with an s/o who accidentally gets themselves harmed a lot
- With Kyoko and a trans male reader
Nekomaru Nidai
- None
Gundham Tanaka (BLACKLISTED)
- s/o who loves the occult and has a fluffy black cat
- s/o that is scared of bugs
- s/o who is easily flustered
- male s/o that loves animals but it’s not reciprocated 
Chiaki Nanami (BLACKLISTED)
- Ultimate Speedrunner s/o
Nagito Komaeda
- learning his s/o is safe from his luck
- Ultimate bad luck s/o
- affectionate s/o
- SHSL Chaos
- Defending falsely accused s/o
- Yandere Nagito with his recently kidnapped darling
- s/o with severe arrythmia
- short s/o
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
- with Peko and a fem!reader
- Ultimate Seducer s/o
- Ultimate Mafioso s/o
- with Peko and one of Byakuya’s siblings
- s/o that feels no pain
Kazuichi Souda
- None
Akane Owari
- None
Sonia Nevermind
- Yandere Sonia with a poor reader
- Small Ultimate Bodyguard s/o
- little sister headcanons
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
Kaede Akamatsu
- Yandere Shuichi x Kaede
- Kaemaki haircut
Shuichi Saihara
- otaku s/o
- Naehinahara first date
- Yandere Shuichi x Kaede
- Ultimate Scammer s/o
Rantaro Amami
- clumsy s/o
- non-binary s/o gets a panic attack
- crow like s/o
Ryoma Hoshi
- Falling in love with s/o in killing game
- Cuddling headcannons
Kirumi Tojo
- None
Angie Yonaga
- None
Tenko Chabashira
- None
Korekiyo Shinguji
- general relationship headcanons
- kabedoning a small s/o
- None
Gonta Gokuhara
- s/o that is scared of bugs
Kokichi Ouma (BLACKLISTED)
- Ultimate chaos s/o
- s/o who is easily flustered
- Ultimate Scammer s/o
Kaito Momota
- cuddling headcanons
- general relationship headcanons
- None
Tsumugi Shirogane
- None
Maki Harukawa
- Harumota headcannons
- Yandere Maki with an s/o who knows she’s stalking them
- Kaemaki haircut
Himiko Yumeno
- None
Ultra Despair Girls (Warriors of Hope will be strictly platonic)
Komaru Naegi
- None
Masaru Daimon
- None
Jataro Kemuri 
- None
Kotoko Tsumiki
- None
Nagisa Shingetsu 
- None
Monaca Towa 
- None
No other characters exist Haiji Towa is not a character, he’s a cancer
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fedonciadale · 3 years
It's quite hypocritical that you ship problematic couples like Dramione and Darklina yet classify every Sansa ship save your incest one as problematic and how people who ship those have no reading comprehension . Don't come up with fanon vs canon bullshit . You could say you don't enjoy the other Sansa ships but painting those pairings as problematic and accusing real people of some sort of moral failing just because they have a different interpretation of a text when you yourself ship many problematic couples is laughable . Nothing wrong in shipping Jonsa and you do tag stuff correctly but things move and it's not that you disagree with other pairings as everybody has their right to interpretation of a fictional series but the vile judgement that you pass on to real people who ship Sansa with other characters is quite rankling . Just don't list people as disgusting or pedophiles or abuse apologists when you are criticising a pairing because you don't know what stuff they are going through in real life . Also nobody in the other side of the fandom accuses Jonsa of being incest lovers , it's that they only disagree with your interpretation and sometimes condescendingly but assuming some personal stuff about people behind those screens isn't something they do but your side of the fandom does it repeatedly and you are one of the primary participants in it even if you do it unknowingly ( That's why the ask in your inbox ) . Go and mock or even criticise their interpretation and no one is stopping you from that and honestly nobody should but all this assumption about their personal lives is really not meant in good faith and sheds very negative light on you as a human being. You are an educated person but it still needs to be told to you that ASOIAF is just fiction and people no matter how they interpret the characters or even pairings is in no way reflective of what values they hold in real life . Your harsh judgements about those people in general could in one day make them feel disgusting or hollow or make them think they are what you accuse them of even when they ardently separate fiction and reality . Happy shipping .
Sorry, not sorry, you really had me laughing out loud at this:
"Also nobody in the other side of the fandom accuses Jonsa of being incest lovers"
I have been accused quite often of exactly that! People telling me that I must have a weird relationship with my brother and all that. Yes, people in my inbox, so don't tell me that doesn't happen.
And as for "vile" judgement. You obviously haven't read my blog. I don't use the words you put into my mouth.
You can read my take on Sans@n and all the fanon vs canon stuff here x, x and x and x. Not so long ago I got a string of asks.
My take on the Sans@n is that I don't like the ship, I have the tag blacklisted and usually I don't clash with the shippers. I cannot leave their canon characters so far behind that I could ever, ever ship them.
I think that the people who think that they will end up together in canon and think this is a good ending for Sansa must not like Sansa very much because they want her with a man who is a killer and who assaulted Sansa. This is about the only assumption I make about Sans@n shippers. And this has to do with how the characters in canon are. This has nothing to do with what Sans@n shippers do with the pairing in their fanon interpretation. It's about the interpretation of the books.
And sry, not sry, you claim that the fanon - canon differentiation is not important. But it is.
Because as you can see with the example of Dark Dany we learn about manipulation, propaganda, politics, via texts, and not only non-fictional text, but also fictional texts. If I say that I think it is disturbing that D stans still cannot understand that they fell for the propaganda of a tyrant albeit a fictional tyrant does have an impact on how they might react to real life propaganda. People who claim that there was no sexual assault on Sansa (by several people btw) might not believe a woman in real life telling about her awful experience (or a man for that matter). So interpretation of texts, interpretation of what people say has an impact on real life. Take Lolita. It's still a good book. But I side-eye anyone who would not agree on the following interpretation: A pretty disturbing book from the PoV of a pedophile.
How people twist scenes from the books in their head to reach a fanon that is completely different is not my business. In this I am all for ship and let ship. So, I really don't know what you are doing in my inbox. I don't do these things you accuse me off. As for fanon shipping said ship my only assumption is that it is not my taste.
Fffs, blacklist the anti tag, block people, block Sans@n - which is the most common censured url if you are tempted to jump on posts look at how they are tagged.
I honestly do not know what you want of me. Do you want validation for your ship? Look for that in your own fandom.
Do you want my blessing for you shipping Sans@n? Why would you need that?
Do you want my agreement on how you interpret the books? Sry, not sry, that's not going to happen.
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hellroots · 3 years
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— here you will find my rules or can also find them on my gdocs as well once i’m done with it. please like this if you read it, but otherwise don’t interact with this post, thank you. rest assured that i always read my moots rules before following and that i fully expect the same courtesy. i tried not to let them get too long but feel free to ask me anything you wanna know about them if it’s not clear ok?
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shy but friendly ! i don't follow for follow, if i follow you that means i've read your rules and want to write with you. i have no triggers nor squicks of my own except drama in the dash, for that reason i do not engage in callouts/witch hunts and if you do it on a constant basis i might have to hard block you for my own peace of mind. although i may come off too strong/harsh, i am always up to talking things out privately. as long as you are civil, so am i. any form of hate will be deleted and blocked -  sometimes mocked, if i’m feeling cocky…
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primarily run on a low activity \ effort and with a slow speed.. my muselist changes a lot, depends a lot on what i’m watching lately so bear with me please. this is a drama free zone, therefore do realise that mun ≠ muses and (obviously) writing ≠ condoning !! as a quick note, do keep in mind that my blog is my safe space, just as your blog is yours - you are responsible for your own internet experience just as i am responsible for mine. should anything in my blog annoy/trigger/squick you, i strongly encourage you to block me & not write with me - your mental health is far more important ( for me, and hopefully for you as well ) than rp. on that note, please do not softblock me - that’s annoying, just hardblock please.
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i  usually  tend to write for trigger heavy fandoms (such as asoiaf, kingdom and others) and may incorporate some of it into my writing, muses' backgrounds and overall characterization. if you're bothered \ squicked \ triggered by that, i kindly encourage you to reconsider and not follow me. no amount of rp fun is worth your mental health.  i try to tag everything accordingly and i fully expect the same courtesy for our followers' sakes. be aware that there may be mentions of death, gore, violence, consanguinamory \ endogamy (especially when it comes to the lannisters and kekkei genkai clans), rape ( kingdom, though it will only be mentioned on the character’s backstory ) and cannibalism ( hannibal and kingdom ) , as well as unhealthy relationships and dynamics alongside with powerplay, and otherwise bad behaviours.  for all that is sacred, please, do note that i, the mun, do not approve, support or condone any of these actions or behaviours !!  i simply am capable of separating fiction from reality. as long as everything is properly tagged, with mutual consent and there are no minors involved (muse and especially not muns), . i support the right of a consenting adult to explore these awful dark topics in a safe fictional environment with other like minded consenting adults, people shouldn’t have to share their traumas to strangers on the internet to explain why they write what they write, be considerate. if that notion bothers you perhaps you might not want to interact with me, for both of ours sakes. fair warning, most of my graphics and aesthetics might trigger those who have xylophobia/hylophobia (phobia of trees or wooded areas), and considering it is a main theme here i will not be tagging it, i'm sorry. but its too many. however, if you want me to create a special tag for you, there's no issue! it will be either "[your mun name] don't look!" or "[your url] don't look!", whichever you prefer. QUICK EDIT/ADDITION: i do not believe that aging up fictional characters is inherently a bad thing - from what i understand, the whole appeal of aging up a character is that while you like their personality but you do not want them to be kids (for whatever reason) but insteasd adults. if you are one of those who think that aging up a character is automatically something bad (without even knowing why it was done in the first place) don’t bother following me because i do think that opinion is quite silly.
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my tagging system is simple, i tag triggers as "tw; x" and . images that may be sensitive or triggering as "cw; x". you can further see how my tags work by taking a look at my tag dump post, just search ‘tag dump’ on my blog and you will find the most recent one i’m using.    i shitpost and talk oocly on the dash constantly but you can easily blacklist my tag if it bothers you.  here's something you should know about me:  when i'm doing drafts i usually don't feel like chatting much, so please do not spam me because i won't be able to reply, i love to talk with my moots but sometimes it overwhelms me.  on that note, please don't pester me for replies ic or ooc, i am slow and chances are that if you try to guilt trip me or just nag me about it i'll leave as the ones i'll get to in the later end on purpose, just out of spite. yes, i be like that.   please be patient - i’ll never pressure you and expect the same in return.  plotting wise: i prefer to just wing it with just a faint idea of where to take the thread but honestly i'm cool with anything. please be considerate when formatting your replies, i have a bad eyesight & if i can't read it, i won't bother with it.   my own formatting is simple and clean.   on a smaller note, please bear with me and my muses as my muses ramble a lot but you don't have to match the length, just give me something to work with. if we write together, the chances of me making edits/tagging you in stuff are really big, just lmk if you don’t like that though !
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i love shipping but i like my ships to be devices to move the plot/dynamics/muses forward, every once in a while though i partake in some much loved self indulgent shipping. just because i ship a certain pairing don't presume that my characters are approaching yours with second intentions, please.   most of the time i like to reblog those relationship memes, so if you’re interested in a ship the best way (other than  sending me a message ofc) to let me know is by sending ones. there will be some triggering ships here ( like the lannisters, both cersei x jaime and joanna x tywin are my otps, and potential inter clan ships, like with the hyugas - i mean how the hell you think they keep the byakugan in their family?? ) that may either be played with trusted friends or be mentioned/reblogged sometimes, all properly tagged so you can easily blocklist/avoid it.  most of my muses are either bi or pan, those who are not will be specified. don't be afraid to reach out to me for shipping right off the bat - i'd rather have you to be open and honest with me about the interactions you want than lying to me, just know that there will be needed some plotting and threading first to see if your muses match. as an adult, my blog is smut friendly, i partake in sexual sunday a lot because some of my muses are very lewd in nature, you can blacklist my tag if that bothers you as well.
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lastly but not least, general rp etiquette applies on my blog: no godmodding, forced ships, etc. there’s only ONE thing that truly makes me go apeshit crazy, and it’s when people don’t read my rules. i ALWAYS find out and it’s not pretty; i block it like it’s hot, ♪ ♫ ♬ block it like it’s hot ♪ ♫ ♬.   i strongly assure you that i always read your rules before both following you and also before sending memes, just in case. on a much smaller note, i’m not so hot on single shipping and i really feel weirded out about people forcing me to pic who i’m going to interact with due to theirs DNI’s. while i get DNI’s when it comes to actual predators, when it’s something seemingly random chances are that i’ll softblock you because it weirds me out how volatile some can be when it comes to a hobby. i have some trigger heavy hcs ( for example, the one about jiraiya’s hypersexuality being rooted in trauma that he suffered at a young age ) that i share with only a few muns that are closer with me, so i’ll be mentioning them every once in a while but won’t share them, please don’t insist.  i don’t really like most of the main characters of the franchises i write for, and when it comes to certain characters  i reserve the right to decline an rp for my own comfort. for further info on what i use to make my graphics please check my “CREDITS.” tag.  most of my stuff is made by me, i’ve got a lowkey rph in case you wanna check it out it’s @brazucahelps, however if you want a custom content i can see if i get a free time to come up with something :D
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bnha-butterfly · 4 years
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So you’ve officially created your Tumblr blog. What now? In this post I’ll cover graphics and setting up your navigation! I’ll also mention what you should do before you start posting your own content or before you have content to post at the end!
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Your icon is how most people will recognize your blog on their dashboard. An easy way to do icons is to use a manga cap or an anime screenshot! Alternatively there are people who make icons that you can find it by searching Tumblr, but please check whether or not these people require you to re-blog the icons you use or give them credit in your description! If you’re using art, make sure that the artist either gives you explicit permission to use it or has stated publicly that it’s OK to use their art. (please note that if the artist is OK with repost of their art they are generally OK with you using their art in icons but make sure you credit them!) PicCrew is also another popular source to make icons but make sure you credit the artist/link the picCrew!
As far as using an artists work the same rules that apply for icons apply here! Either get the explicit permission from the artist or make sure they’re OK with their work being used for these things/being re-posted. Generally I don’t use work from the artist and I just use manga caps (which you can find just by googling or searching on Pinterest for [insert character here] manga caps)
You can search Tumblr for headers because there are people who make headers and other graphics. Just make sure you pay attention to peoples rules!
If you want to try your hand at making your own banners or headers. You can use Canva to make gifs and plain banners/headers. I personally use PicsArt to make my post banners. Mainly just because I can do it on my phone and can work on it really easily. Generally any photo editing app should work. PicsArt just has a lot of stickers and effects that can really pull together a banner.
Once again there are people who make dividers on Tumblr! But you can also use PicsArt again to do your own personal dividers so they’re more custom to your blogs theme. Although it’s important to note that you won’t be able to do those super thin line dividers on PicsArt because there is a minimum pixel width!
(If you’re iffy on the size of things I’d actually advise you to download somebody else’s banner/divider and use that as a template for sizing!)
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Setting up navigation!
Your navigation will be the place where the theme or aesthetic or color palette for your blog should really shine through!
(Edit: I forgot to mention this when I originally wrote this. But when I personally created my navigation I drafted everything in one very large Google Docs file. I recommend that you have everything with its links set up in a Google Docs file. Just because Tumblr has a habit of deleting posts and if you have it in a Google Docs file at the very least that auto saves and you have a back up.)
Your navigation should be broken into at least four parts! You’re about me, rules, master list, and tags (tags are optional technically but is a nice added touch). Remember this is not a Bible for what your navigation is supposed to look like, you can add and subtract to this general structure as you feel necessary!
About me!
Give as much information or as little information as you’re comfortable with. Generally you want to have your name or pen name, The pronouns you use and your time zone if you’re comfortable with it. Most people also have fun facts about them in there about me section. If you are a Black or Neurodiverse writer it’s good to have that also in your about me! A lot of people put their astrology stuff in there about me section, also the results of personality tests and things like that! This is also where you should put your BYF (before you follow) and DNI (Do not interact)
What do you put in your rules it’s really up to you. I’d advise you to look at a lot of other people’s rules to get a general idea of what you might wanna put in yours. The only thing you want to include in your rules is that you reserve your right to reject asks/request! Be sure to also include what characters you right for. Here are some things to consider in making your rules!
What demographics do you write for?
What demographics do you not write for?
Are you comfortable writing touchy subjects (things like eating disorders or self harm)?
Do you write NSFW content? Or do you cap it at mildly suggestive content?
How many characters will you limit per request?
Do you write Angst?
Do you write for ships or do you only write reader inserts?
Another portion of your navigation I would recommend you look at other peoples to get an idea for. There are tons of ways to organize a masterlist. The way you organize your master list will depend on the series you write for and the content you make. So look at the way people who run similar blogs to yours organize their masterlist.
So you do not need a tags portion for your navigation! The main reason people have a tags section in their masterlist is so people can blacklist tags related to anything they don’t want to see on the dashboard!
If you run both a NSFW and SFW blog (that you allow minors to follow you on) you need to tag your NSFW things so minors can block that tag. Your tags can be themed, but they don’t have to. The best way to create tags is to create things that you’re going to remember!
I stress that you create a writing tag that you put on every single piece you publish. You can also create character tags or series tags outside of the standard tags used in that fandom. (for example your character tags might be a nickname you have for a character instead of their actual name)
You can make tags for the asks you get sent and for your mutuals or named Anons! (if you get emoji anons it’s best to write out the name of the emoji instead of putting the actual emoji. Just so it’s easier to search because Tumblr does not recognize emoji‘s in it search!) you might also want to create a tag that you put on everything you re-blog for the people who only want to see your content, A tag you put on all your posts that aren’t writing (for example my “Morpho talks” tag), and a tag for the fics that you would recommend to your followers!
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What if I don’t have any of my own content to post?
So this is a pretty easy one. Re-blog stuff, I didn’t start posting my own content until a month after I started this blog and at that point I already had a few followers. Bye setting yourself up as a fandom blog you’re letting people who are interested in that fandom know what you’re going to post. Don’t be afraid to shitpost and don’t be afraid to do things that show your personality! This is also a good way to practice getting into the habit of using your tags!
Don’t only re-blog art but also re-blog fics with comments in the tags! i’ve literally made a handful of mutuals just by re-blogging their stuff and the things they write with comments in the tags! Writers do not get a lot of comments on this platform but comments really encourage writers to keep on writing!
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So this is a really long post. Please tell me if there’s anything else specifically you’d like me to talk about in this series!
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kittyprincessofcats · 3 years
RWBY Volume 8, Episodes 8-12
All caught up with RWBY now! (Except for the premium only episode.)
So, two things first: 1. From now on, my blog will no longer be spoiler free for RWBY! I don’t have premium access, so no spoilers for that, but beyond that, I might now reblog spoilers for everything that’s been released to the public. Blacklist “#RWBY spoilers” if you don’t want to see them.
2. I was going to ask what the spoiler policy in this fandom in general is when it comes to premium access. From what I’ve seen, Youtubers usually wait a week before uploading their reaction videos, which I appreciate – but here on tumblr almost no one seems to hold back. I saw a spoiler for “Creation” before it was released publicly. The day episode 13 was released for premium access, I had to unfollow people for posting untagged spoilers for it. And when I went into a RWBY-related tag for one second, I saw a really big spoiler that put me in a very sour mood because it also happened to be very aggressively worded against fans of a certain character (basically, along the lines of “I’m glad X bad thing happened to Y character because I hate them and their fans”). So, that scared the shit out of me and I ended up looking up more specific spoilers about what exactly happened because I wouldn’t have been able to sleep otherwise. So, from what I’ve seen, this fandom’s spoiler policy is just “fuck anyone who doesn’t have premium access” 😒. Always nice to see people being so considerate.
With that said, let’s get into my thoughts on episodes 8-12. Under the cut, because unlike some people, I try to be considerate of others who might want to avoid spoilers.
- So, the Hound really was a person. Specifically, a person with silver eyes and that’s probably what happened to Summer. THANKS, I HATE IT. This is exactly what I feared it would be and what I didn’t want it to be. (I don’t want Ruby and Yang to have to fight and kill their grimm-ified mom, that’s too sad, okay?)
- I love that Whitley really came through and came up with a plan for evacuating everyone! He’s a good bean after all! And that he managed to press that button on the computer before running from the Hound? Amazing.
- Willow Schnee being one hell of a mama bear and summoning a thing to protect Whitley was epic. She was so close to breaking down before that, but then her child was in danger and she just jumped into action right away. Protective mom instincts ftw!
- Blake’s talk about how she looks up to Ruby and how she herself lost the youthful optimism Ruby still has was SO sweet! (Also, Ladybug is an underrated ship/friendship and I really don’t get why people say they never interact? Have you all just forgotten volume 1 and how Bumbleby’s first meeting happened because Yang was trying to wingman Ruby who was trying to befriend Blake??)
- Penny fighting the virus from the inside was amazing, she did so well! I also loved seeing Nora encourage her (and echo Blake’s earlier words back to her).
- Unrelated to these episodes specifically, but I tried to think about who my favourite RWBY charactes even are right now, and I find it super hard to narrow down because I love so many of them, but if I tried to somewhat narrow it down, then (in no specific order because don’t ask me to also come up with an order): all of Team RWBY (though Blake is a personal favourite), Ilia, Penny, Salem, Cinder. (But then again, I also love Winter and Qrow and Robyn and... you get it, it’s hard to narrow down. Oh, and of course Pyrrha, but... you know.)
- “Witch” was honestly my favourite episode of the bunch. That one was just so full of epic stuff. (And now I’m wondering if Salem being one of my favourite characters has anything to do with my love for witches. I used to be obsessed with witches as a kid. In every story I read that had a witch, the witch was always my favourite character.)
- Yang and her team sure found a way inside that whale fast! Also, really handy that Ren’s semblance evolved just in time for when they needed it. But hey, I don’t want to complain about convenient plot stuff too much. Sometimes the heroes are allowed to have a little bit of good luck.
- Hazel listening to Oscar and deciding to get both him AND Emerald out of there was amazing! He really does have a soft spot for kids and wasn’t kidding about not wanting more kids to die – we love to see it! I also think it makes for an interesting parallel that Hazel decided to do this right as Ironwood was sending students to fight on the front lines and Marrow was calling it out.
- I really liked Ren telling Yang she doesn’t have to hide her fear behind jokes. Ren being able to see emotions is going to bring about so many more good moments, I just know it!
- Emerald and “Hazel’s” talk with Salem gets so much better when you know “Hazel” is actually Oscar – Emerald has gotten so much better at illusions and fooled Salem herself! That’s impressive!
- It’s really practical that Ren could sense Emerald’s fear. But also, the group really didn’t have the time to discuss if Emerald was trustworthy – they needed to get out of there asap.
- The way Salem spits out the word “semblance” when she talks to Emerald shows again that she not only underestimates these “new humans” and their powers, but also considers them inferior. It’s a nice little detail how just her tone when she says that word says so much about her worldview.
- Yang straight-up running up to Salem and blowing her up was epic. It didn’t last of course, but it was still a super bold and epic move. I’ve talked before about how cool Yang is and she just keeps getting cooler.
- Yang calling Salem out was amazing and epic, too! And when she referred to Summer Rose as “my mom” that made me tear up just a bit 😢. (I really don’t like Salem’s smile when she says “her again”, though. I don’t want grimm-ified Summer, I really don’t want it, okay? keep it far away from me where I won’t have to see it.)
- I’m a bit sad about Hazel’s death, but it was a really fitting end for his character and a really cool way to go out. The way he looked at all of those kids in danger (proving again that that’s what it’s about for him), whispered “No more Gretchens” to Oscar, punched Salem in the face as she was about to hurt Emerald, injected all of those crystals into his skin (which looked epic, by the way), told Emerald to go, fought an epic fight against Salem and then grabbed her and set himself and her on fire, burning her like a witch – it was epic stuff! RIP Hazel, you died as a hero and went out in an incredibly epic way!
- Hazel’s sacrifice must have been super tough on Emerald. He died protecting her (and JOYR) and it worked. She got away from Salem, but only because someone else, a friend, died for her. Not only must it be awful for her to lose Hazel, she probably also blames herself. (And, as I’ve seen others point out, it was probably the first time in her life an adult did something to protect her. Wow. Someone get this girl therapy, please.)
- The whale getting blown up was an absolutely epic moment. From the music to the cinematography, I loved everything about it. (That said, I will miss the whale. RIP coolest villain lair ever.)
- I loved Watts’ speech to Cinder – and I’m saying this as someone who became a huge fan of Cinder this volume. I love her, but I also love roasting her, and a lot of what Watts said was stuff she desperately needed to hear. I honestly didn’t even like Watts before that moment, but that speech might have made me like him just a tiny bit. The way he just laughed when she dangled him from a building, the way he spelled it out for her that her methods haven’t been working and threw her failures in her face, the ending with calling her “a bloody migraine” – Like I said, I’m a fan of Cinder, but that was glorious and cathartic and beautiful to witness. But what makes it really perfect is Cinder’s reaction: The fact that you’d expect her to kill him or at least scream at him, but instead she spares him and just sits down and cries. I really love what they’ve been doing with Cinder this volume and that they’re finally showing her as someone way deeper than just a power-hungry villain.
- In general, let me quickly talk about Cinder, because even without having seen the last two episodes I can already tell you that she’s my standout character / favourite character of the season. (It was Ilia for Volume 5, Salem for Volume 6, Penny for Volume 7 – and now it’s Cinder.) I said back in my post about Volume 5 that I wish they’d do more with her because after becoming rather interesting in Volume 4 they just went back to making her a pretty flat villain – and I officially have to eat my words and apologize to RoosterTeeth right now! This volume proved to me that they know what they’re doing with Cinder and explained so much about her. I’m sorry for ever doubting the writing. I now want to go back and rewatch the whole show while paying more attention to Cinder and I can’t wait to see where her arc goes from here (yes, I want an eventual redemption, and what about it?). This volume is obviously setting up something big for her – I just have no idea what it is. And at the end of the day, she’s still the Maiden of Choice. She’s the key to the Beacon relic, and that’s going to become important eventually.
- Oh, and can I mention, just by the way, that I think Cinder looks amazing? I don’t understand all the people who say they miss her red outfits when this is clearly her best look yet. The black eyepatch, the cape, the earrings, the short hair, the high boots, the shorts instead of a dress, all the black – this is her absolute best look, period.
- I’ve also noticed that the scene between her and Watts is the first time Cinder has referred to Penny by name. She’s always referred to her with phrases like “some toy” or “Polendina’s creation” before, but this time she just called her “Penny Polendina”, then “Penny” again, and asked Watts how she’s supposed to take Penny’s power “if she’s dead” (not “destroyed”, which is what Watts said, but “dead” – something you say about a person, not a machine). I think somewhere down the line, Cinder has started to see Penny as a person and respect her as the Winter Maiden. Maybe it’s because of how Penny won the fight at Amity, or maybe (though this might be wishful thinking on my part) it’s because Penny questioned why Cinder serves Salem and showed her and Emerald mercy.
- Also, side-note: While I loved Watts’ speech, it sure is bold of him to call Cinder entitled when his own villain origin story is getting overlooked for a science project.
- Neo is an amazing little troll and I love her. From stealing the lamp and skipping along the ruins of the whale happily to those texts to Cinder, all of her moments were brilliant and hilarious.
- Some characters not just forgiving Emerald is totally fair and realistic. But, as I said before (and as Oscar also points out), they don’t have to. People think a “redemption” – or let’s just call it switching sides instead of using such a loaded term – has to include everyone’s forgiveness, but it doesn’t. If Yang and Jaune never want to personally forgive Emerald, that’s okay. They don’t need to forgive her to recognize that she’s changed and work with her. And, as Oscar and Ren point out, Emerald’s abilities would be very useful to have on their side. So, personal feelings are fine and all, but right now they don’t have the luxury to dismiss a potentially very useful ally. (And same for Oz, by the way. It’s fine if they’re still mad at him, but they also need his help.)
- Also, have I already said that I’m very happy for Emerald? Because I’m very happy for Emerald for getting out of there! (Mercury’s and then Cinder’s redemption next, please!)
- F*ck Harriet for trying to get Winter in trouble for letting JYR go. I’m hating her more every second. And then she seriously said “Who cares?” about Ironwood’s plan to nuke Mantle? She’s the most unlikable of them all.
- Everyone’s reunions were so sweet! I loved Ruby and Yang hugging 😭. And Yang cupping Blake’s cheek and their forehead touch had me all 🥰 🥰 🥰.
- After he threatened to nuke Mantle, I hope we can all agree that Ironwood is a straight-up villain now. The most infuriating part is that he didn’t even have to do anything! Whitley and Weiss had figured out a way to save everyone in Mantle and the SDC ships to evacuate people were already there. All Ironwood had to do was let them evacuate everyone to Atlas, and then Penny would have opened the vault willingly and Ironwood could have used the staff to raise Atlas as planned. Problem solved! He should have just sat there and ate his food – but he was so pissed about things not going his way (or maybe he just genuinely hates Mantle that much) that he thought sabotaging the rescue plan and threatening genocide was a better option.
- I loved Marrow’s arc in these episodes and how you could tell more and more that his conscience was making him turn against Ironwood. First he questioned Winter when she was going to nuke the whale before JOYR were back, then he seemed shocked when he thought they were dead, then he tried to talk sense into the other Ace Ops after Ironwood’s ultimatum, and then he straight-up called out Ironwood himself. That last one was dangerous though, and he was lucky Winter was quick enough to jump in and pretend to arrest him, because Ironwood was going to just shoot him in the back.
- Speaking of, I wonder how long Winter has been planning to double-cross Ironwood. How long was she already disagreeing with him, but waiting for the right moment to make a move? Either way, I’m glad she was there to save Marrow.
- The Renora confession scene was so sweet and got me a little choked up 😢. I’m glad they sorted out their issues and told each other how they feel. But like I said before, I think Nora’s arc of trying to find out who she is without Ren is really good and important and Ren respecting that was really good and important as well. It was just a very wholesome scene. Also, I like that we got a little bit more backstory for Nora (her mom abandoned her? that’s awful), and Jaune awkwardly leaving the room was hilarious.
- Robyn telling Qrow he’s a better Huntsman than Clover because he chose to do the right thing was a really important moment for Qrow, imo. (And just a side-note: I’m sure most Fair Game shippers are pretty chill – and I’m a strong believer in ‘ship and let ship’ – but a certain subset of them is starting to get on my nerves with how they ignore Clover’s canon character and story (acting like he would have rebelled against Ironwood if he were alive as if the whole reason he’s dead wasn’t precisely because he cared more about Ironwood’s orders than doing the right thing) and how they make every new plot point about their ship somehow (Oscar’s semblance? Better be a time-travel thing so Clover can come back. Staff of Creation? Better be able to bring people back from the dead so Clover can come back.) It’s so annoying.)
- Yang and Ruby’s talk about their mom was really intense. Ruby’s been holding all of these feelings in for so long, so seeing her say out loud what we’re all fearing (that Summer was turned into a Grimm) and seeing both her and Yang break down over it – that was a lot. I loved seeing Yang comfort Ruby and tell her that her plan for Amity wasn’t useless. Their sisterly bond is so sweet.
- Penny asking Ruby to kill her was another really intense moment. The look on Ruby’s face in that moment really said it all. Ruby has been through so much, has lost Penny before, so hearing that request – even though they fortunately didn’t have to go through with it – must have still been a lot for her.
- I really loved Emerald’s cute “newly reformed villain” moments. (“You guys have been getting your asses kicked… some of that my fault” & “I’m just going to be super pissed if you all finally decide to give up the moment I switch sides.”) I’ve said before (in my She-Ra posts) that my favourite part of any redemption arc is the “former enemies, now awkward around each other” stuff, so this was right up my alley!
- “The girl who fell through the world” was referenced twice now. Between that, the image of everyone falling in the opening, and the lyrics “sometimes it’s worth it all to risk the fall”, I’m going to predict that someone – most likely all of Team RWBY – will fall into that void and potentially end up in a different world.
- The group’s plan to defeat Ironwood, stop the bomb, and get to the vault was amazing all-around. I love the parts Emerald and Winter got to play in it, I love how we saw the plan’s execution before seeing how they came up with it and I love how everyone got to help, even the Schnees and Klein. I also love that the hole Oscar blasted through the ground of Atlas became relevant again.
- The design of the vault and the door are really nice and now I wonder what the other two are going to look like.
- Saving Penny like that was super risky, but they really were out of options. Just the fact that Ruby had to be quick enough to use her semblance and get to the staff before the virus kills Penny… jeesh, that was close.
- Ambrosius is a super fun character! I love that he looked at Penny and said “I’d love to meet whoever did this.” Also, the staff seems more useful than the lamp. The lamp only lets you ask three questions per century, while the staff can be used as often as you want – as long as you’re okay with whatever it previously created disappearing.
- I honestly still don’t completely understand what Penny is now. Is she meant to be human now? Or is she just a being made up of pure aura? How does this work? Ambrosius only created the copy that destroyed herself, so what’s left is Penny’s aura – but she somehow also has a body now? I guess we’ll find out more about what exactly this means later.
- Also, while I wasn’t sure how I feel about this decision re:Penny at first, now that I’ve thought about it for a bit, I think it works. It fits with the Pinocchio story, and I like that they didn’t phrase it as “she’s a real girl now”, but as “this is the girl who’s been in there all along”. Also, Penny saying “wow” after hugging Ruby and then going on a hugging spree was adorable.
- Watching “herself” self-terminate must have been really traumatic, though. Even if that copy was just a robot, it was still a disturbing scene.
- Who shut down communications in the middle of Jaune’s broadcast? I’m assuming it was Cinder, Watts and Neo.
- The whole dimension with the doorways that Ambrosius created looks amazing. (A while before watching this episode, I wondered if Raven could theoretically save Atlas by getting everyone to safety with her portals. It might not have been Raven, but I’m glad I was at least onto something.)
- “Do not fall.” So, about that… they’re all falling in the opening, (and we referenced “the girl who fell through the world” twice now), so I don’t have a good feeling about that. Also, Watts has been dangled from somewhere high twice now, so the third time has to be when he actually falls down.
- And Cinder is there to ruin the plan because of course she is.
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