#so happy this was put on my dash by a good lad
octuscle · 1 year
Hey bro, whats up? My frat is pretty well known for some of the stuff we put our pledges through. This year we were thinking of using the chronivac to liven things up a bit. Got four eager pledges and we wanted to see if you had any presets or ideas for each of em. Was thinkin' of turning each of em into a different frat bro stereotype, but wanted to get your thoughts on it. Thanks man!
This year you guys need to recruit some of the smart lads. Your academic performance has been so poor the last few semesters that many of your alumni have threatened to cut your allowances. The nerds who applied all have IQs beyond 140, but if they moved into the frat house, they'd have to wear a paper bag on their head all day, they're that ugly. Let's see what we can do with Chronivac.
Richard is the first. The questionnaire is filled out in handwriting, as if a little girl had applied. He has entered a dash for daily hours in the gym. You take over in the Chronivac times "two". The favorite place is the library. You change that to "Halfpipe". And he has entered a visit to the Vatican Library as his dream vacation. You change this to Nazaré.
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Quite a good start… Entrance exam passed. Ryder high-fives you and gets in the car to get his stuff. You are especially looking forward to his supply of first class weed.
Michael comes next. Fuck, he knits his own sweaters. And the dungarees look like they came from a department store. He also entered a dash at the gym classes. You take one. Favorite place is the big oak tree on campus. What a nerd! You'll change that to the men's department at Saks Fifth Avenue. And favorite vacation spot is no longer the Oregon woods. It's Florence for men's fashion week.
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You welcome Miles to your home. And give him the room in the frat house with the biggest closet.
After all, Frederick actually put down "one" in the daily gym classes. But the results of that one hour are well hidden under thick layers of fat. He needs at least two hours so you don't have to be ashamed of him. His favorite place until a few seconds ago was the pastry shop on the main street. How pathetic! You make it the swimming pool on campus in your file. And you turn a chocolatier class in Bruges as a favorite vacation into participation in the World Aquatics Open Water Swimming World Cup.
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Finn is not the emotional type. But you're sure he was happy to be accepted into the frat. Even if the movement of the corner of his mouth was barely visible.
Christian is by far the most intelligent of your pledges. Normally, you would chase him off the fraternity house grounds with water pistols. He tells you that he only applied because his father wanted him to. He thinks you are a miserable bunch of losers. He seriously filled in the questionnaire with hieroglyphics. The devil knows what he wanted to tell you. He sits across from you with his arms crossed in his stuffy clothes and doesn't say a word. Well, then, you just nurse Chronivac for the last new addition to the fraternity. Four hours in the gym, favorite place is his parents' hunting lodge on July 04, and his favorite vacation is Spring Break in South Beach.
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Chase is a hot candidate for fraternity newcomer speaker. A real smart cookie. But most importantly, a fraternity brother with a passion!
Bruhs, I hope you are happy with the new guys. I think they will all be an asset to your fraternity.
The pictures of the improved pledges I found at @stargazerguy, @richmuscly, @swimgod81-blog and @maxx-magnum
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
As Ruixiong argues with Phoebus and Giovanni at the docks by La Demonia Roja…
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By this point, Rashid has given two glasses of arak–no more, no less. “Will that do, lad?”
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Guy hiccups. “It’ll do for now. I would like more eventually.”
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“Don’t become like me, Guy. Or Lady Lyna.”
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“I’m not going to add a third alcoholic problem to this Crew, don’t worry.”
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“.........Don’t drink yourself to death on purpose, Guy. 
“I ought to let you know that as much as I intended for you and Ruixiong to be so drunk you couldn’t aid me during the Valentine holiday, the intention was just that: to get you drunk. Death by alcoholic poisoning was not at all my intention. I had no idea that amount of arak could kill you.
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“You especially had a nasty death. Don’t put that scene in my head again. Please.”
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Guy grumbles as he downs his second glass of arak. “Immortal.”
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“It does not matter! My lad! You may be the only one in the Crew to take full advantage of our inability to stay dead, but death is still a highly horrible experience for the lot of us! I am not talking about waking up as a corpse or the possibility of enduring pain until it’s over.
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“It’s a reminder of finality. A finality that we are denied as long as we are in service of the Devil. And therefore unable to reunite with those whom we lost years ago.”
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“You dearly miss your mother, sister, and beloved. I dearly miss my wife, and son. As much as, unlike them, we cannot stay dead… the experience of death—or just witnessing it–reminds us-.... reminds me of how we are denied a spiritual reunion with those we so very cherish and treasure. But above all else… It also reminds us… and me… of how fast that love can be taken away. Especially if the last words spoken to them were unhappy.
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“You have no idea how much you turning into salt scared us, Guy Duchamp. The very thought of one of our own losing their mortality to harsh words would have been a sorrow too great to bear for the rest of our eternal lives. Especially one so dearly beloved.”
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“Did… I scare you all that badly when I ran away?”
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“Terribly, my boy. Ruixiong couldn’t stop crying. Giovanni couldn’t prepare anything and not break down when there was an empty chair at the table. Abena kept rocking back and forth while holding Arcelia’s doll close to her chest–because you were Arcelia’s favorite uncle. Even Josep was deeply affected, pacing around the top deck in deep worry over you and watching out the horizon hoping… and praying you’d return.”
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“And Phoebus? W-What did Phoebus do when I ran away?”
Rashid hesitates to answer. He is unsure of how to answer this. It’s not like Phoebus was proud of what he did or happy that he said words so harsh it prompted Guy to run away. But he wasn’t sure of how to tell Guy that Phoebus didn’t just suffer, but he even lashed out at the rest of the Crew. That would just upset Guy more. But then again…
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“Phoebus was the first to search for you.”
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“...He was??”
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“Hopped on Mercure like a horse and dashed off like mad. It took him a while to have the courage to see you again after wallowing in guilt for what he said.”
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“He… took initiative?”
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“Got up his butt on his accord. No one held his hand or yelled at him to do so. All his own.”
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That’s all Guy ever wanted. All he sold his soul for: for Phoebus to be okay. “He took initiative! Phoebus did something on his own! Without having to be pushed!”
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“I wouldn’t say he wasn’t pushed. He was. For his love for you and your safety.
“Not to mention the many gifts that are awaiting for you. Ruixiong has them all. Throughout the holiday, assorted friends have come by to drop off Christmas gifts and many were specifically tailored to your likes. One was even a perpetual motion machine and a dragon tooth sword. Good for your fencing!”
There is quiet sobbing behind the door.
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“See, Guy? You are loved. You are remembered. You are not always seen as something to be ashamed of. You’re one of us. One of Seven. We cannot be complete without you. We want to be there for you for every time your heart aches. We want to help you lift your burdens. We do not want to be cut off like we had to be with our friends and families of the past.
“We are a family, my boy. All Seven of us. Let us be there for you. As you have for us.”
“We will not abandon each other. We will not abandon you. So please... don’t abandon us.”
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aliulo · 2 years
(SPOILERS) Starlight Celebration 2022 Notes
SPOILERS FOR Starlight Celebration 2022 (I guess)
- marks a new thought. ! marks what I felt was important. + marks new section
+"Reindeer Fame" -Oh boy! It's (not) Christmas! -Amh Garanjy; Mih Khetto's Amphitheatre, New Gridania -Shorthanded for the TRULY extraordinary festivities -By the Twelve, a RABBIT PERSON; Amh is a Celebrant? Wow, I didn't think I was working with the Zerg -Associate Professor Laurenssen of the Studium of Sharlayan, Faculty of Folklore; ha, NERD -I'm gonna help this guy !What creature symbolizes the Starlight Celebration?; Reindeer, obviously, but I really want to shout yah-YEEET -Everything to do with Starlight has a reindeer -When did Starlight start to use the reindeer?; Reindeer aren't present in the original tale -Book from Ishgard, a magic reindeer that entertained children -Blitzen; WOW a celebrity; That's a straight up reindeer -"Reindeer magicks" Do you think reindeer is an elemental aspect? !This dude can cast fireballs. Or at least illusions; Laurenssen thinks Blitzen is a descendant of the original magic reindeer, and wants him to do magic but he will nae -I guess we're getting a reindeer to cast magic missle into the candy store, HERE WE GO; I'm on child collection duty, obviously to feed to the deer to power his Christmas Spirit, and then go to Apkallu Falls -Off to the markets -Bright-eyed Boy; Has to put up decorations -Cautious Child; Has to "buy a cake"; I don't think anyone wants to watch a magic reindeer -Lively Lad; Woah, he actually wantsta go -I acquired a single child -This is embarrassing !The deer won't magic -Gods, this Laurenssen dude is such a NERD; He's off to sulk in the Greatloam Growery !Beefy legs -Why you sulk so? -"The children of Gridania are insufficient" OH MY GOD YOU ARE INSUFFERABLE YOU'RE TRYING TO FORCE CHEER YOU DINGUS -Ah, of course, going to Ishgard will solve everything !So whatsabout Blitzen? He's gone -I can't believe Blitzen's heckin' dead, dude
+"The Ghost of Starlight Present" -He's freakin' out, gotta give him a foot massage -Off to find supper. I mean our friend. Off to the amphitheatre! -Happy Holidaymaker; Deer was dashing through the snow -Charmed Citizen; He kept going -Frost Fanatic; This dude loves him some snow, didn't see Blitzen, but may have heard him going by -Found him, all the way at the aetheryte plaza -Whatsa matter, Blitzen? -"Gwoooaaahhh!" Truer words have never been spoken !Ho ho ho!; Ah shit it's Godbert. Or, "Saint of Nymeia", here to teach us how to Christmas -Yeah, because he's not here to spread joy, just to do nerd stuff !The Starlight Celebration is held for the benefit of the children; Blitzen refused to act because it was all about the nerd stuff, not the kids -You got this, nerdbunny -Later, Godbert; Celebration time! -Tearful Tot; Sounds like we got a missing child -"How do we figure out what ails her?" I mean, she's alone and crying for her mother, it's pretty obvious !REINDEER MAGIC -Got separated from her mother on the way to the markets -Holy heck, you suck at this Laurenssen; It worked, I guess -You deed eet, Laurenssen; Back to Amh Garanjy -Job dern -Eh, Godbert would've snapped you out of it even if I weren't here, I trust that guy -"Blitzen's ancestors conjured magic in response to feelings of love and kindness" -Reindeer used to be plentiful, and even used as domesticated animals, but are now declining in number; That's not, uh... good -The final mission: Spread joy
Mewwy Chwissmass :3
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
The Nice One-Fred Weasley x Muggle!Dursley!Reader
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(GIF credit to @avocadosalad2​)
Prompt List
Tag List: @obsessedwithrandomthings​
Requested by anonymous: 'I have this idea about Fred Weasley falling in love with Harry’s muggle cousin. a dursley. Maybe y/n and Harry were always really close and she obviously knows all about magic. She’s the only person, Harry actually loved and trusted as a child and that didn’t change when he found out he was wizard so there really close, he sees her as a sister. Maybe he wants to introduce her to ginny because Harry wants her approval. And reader ends up liking Fred, and Fred likes her back.'
Characters: Fred Weasley x Muggle!Dursley!Reader, Harry Potter x Muggle!Dursley!Reader (cousin), Weasley Family x Muggle!Dursley!Reader (platonic), Hermione Granger x Muggle!Dursley!Reader (Platonic)
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Mention of neglect/child abuse, lots of fluff
Sitting back in a plastic chair, I looked out of the huge window of the coffee shop, sighing as I realised it had started to rain. I never minded the rain really, but it had been like this since May, with no sign of a proper English summer in sight. Harry returning to the table with two mugs of tea distracted me, and I smiled as he set them on the table, sitting opposite to me.
“It feels like ages since we did this.” I said, blowing over the top of the tea.
“Yeah, I’m sorry I’ve not called or contacted you in any way recently.” he apologised, casting his eyes down.
“Harry, you don’t have to be sorry for anything.” I reassured him.“You’ve been making your life in...well, your world. We’ve all grown up, had to get used to becoming adults and such. Though it is a shame we haven’t seen each other for over a year.”
“Year and a half actually.”
“I wasn’t surprised when you invited me here though. Of course, this is under better circumstances. I’m not having to drag you out of the house to avoid my parents.”
“No, this is much nicer.”  he chuckled.“How are they by the way? I was able to see Dudley last month.”
“They’re fine, same as always. I don’t see them as much as I should, though I do call them often. Sometimes it’s hard you know, especially after all that’s happened in the last few years.” I took a sip of tea, finally able to start drinking it.
Harry seemed hesitant to speak again.“Actually, I was wanting to ask you something.”
“Do you remember me talking to you about a girl called Ginny?”
“Ooh, has my little cousin fallen in love?” I was teasing until I saw the genuine smile on his face.“Wait, Harry, do you really like this girl?”
“W-well...I h-have for a while, we actually told each other our feelings when, when other things turned serious. And it’s been going good between us, really good, which leads me to my question.”
I was confused as to where this was going, but waited for him to carry on.
“I was wondering if you would come meet her?”
“You want me to meet her?” I excitedly repeated. 
“Yeah,” he smiled back,“there’s going to be a birthday party for me at her family home. She’s a Weasley.”
“Wait, isn’t that the last name of your friend Ron?”
“It is.”
“You’re dating your best friend’s sister?”
“I’ve already talked about it with him! Do you remember I stayed with him over that summer, and I wrote to you from there?”
“The Burrow!”
He nodded.“They’re more than happy to have you there.”
“Of course I’ll come Harry! For now, you have to tell me everything about this Ginny girl.”
The party was two weeks away, and I could not contain my excitement as it got closer and closer. Although Harry had told me much about the wizarding world, he was the only wizard I had ever met (unless I counted that giant man that had tracked us down when Harry first found out he possessed magic, though there weren’t any introductions), and I was extremely excited to meet more of them. Would they constantly be using magic? Would they just conjure up food and drink? And would they be comfortable with me there? I knew that Harry wouldn’t leave me alone unless I was one hundred percent comfortable with everyone.
It was surprising that Harry hadn’t become irritated with me on the day of his party. He was coming to pick me up, and I had greeted him with an over excited tone, setting off a party popper which made strings of confetti land on his head. I had never been able to celebrate Harry’s birthdays publicly, always sneaking into his room or under the cupboard to give him a small present and a hug to wish him happy birthday (once I was earning my own pocket money, or sweetly asking dad for a few pounds, I would buy him cupcakes as a birthday cake, stashing away sweets for him after he saw how much we were given). Dragging him into my flat, I demanded he close his eyes, dashing in and out of the kitchen with a stupid grin on my face. Counting down from three, I giggled as Harry opened his eyes, smiling when he saw me holding a cupcake with a candle in my hands.
"You didn't forget."
"Of course I didn't. Is it...is it alright?" I became worried, wondering if I had brought up bad memories.
"No, no, I actually missed this. It was one of the things I looked forward to each year."
He blew out the candle, sighing when I urged him to close his eyes and make a wish. Harry then pushed me to get a move on, his eyes widening when he saw me pick up two presents with wrapping paper, as well as a smaller one on top. I walked past him before he could say anything about them, handing him the keys to lock up.
As we turned up at the infamous Burrow, I couldn't help but stand back in awe. It was like nothing I had ever seen, and although shabby looking, very put together, it had some sort of charm to it, it was so different to other houses. Harry had already taken a few steps forward, stopping when he noticed me not move.
My eyes snapped back down to him."Oh, sorry."
"It's going to be fine." he said, coming to stand beside me.
I just nodded, walking next to him and standing back when he knocked on the door. A short woman opened it, squealing with excitement when she saw Harry, and as she dragged him in for a hug, she playfully scolded him for knocking, claiming that he could waltz in whenever. Staying outside, I poked my head in, still holding the presents in my arms. I watched as Harry was engulfed in numerous hugs, everyone wishing him happy birthday as well as joking and laughing with him. It shocked me. The only time I saw him this happy was when I was able to cheer him up as kids (and that was extremely hard to do when he lived in the hell hole I called home), but a sudden wave of emotion attacked me, I was so happy to see him being treated right.
"Everyone, this is my cousin, (Y/N)." Harry interrupted my thoughts once again, gesturing for me to step inside.
Sheepishly walking in, I held onto the presents a little tighter, smiling through the awkwardness. There were so many of them standing there.
"Here, let me take those from you love." a man who seemed to be the dad offered, placing the presents on a nearby table. Now I was out in the open.
"So this is the decent one?" one of the younger lads said to break the silence.
"Ronald Weasley, you mind your manners!" the woman scolded him."Don't mind him dear, it's lovely to meet you. Harry has never stopped talking about you."
"He's right though," Harry said,"this is the nice one."
"It's nice to see that Harry stayed in such a lovely place, and with lovely people."
Really (Y/N)? That's the first thing you come out with?
"Oh what a sweetheart." the woman gushed."Believe me, they look like angels, but they don't act like one."
Harry soon broke us into a general conversation, attempting to introduce me to everyone. This family was so different to mine. It felt more loving, as if they didn't hate to be around each other all the time. They included each other in every conversation, they laughed together, joked around with each other. And they also included me.
We were sat around a long table, squeezed amongst one another with food and drink laid out. I had Harry one side of me, and his old friend Hermione on my other. I believed that she and Ron had romantic connections, but I was hoping she would shed some light on Harry's love life, as Ginny was sat beside him.
"They've only recently become public. Everyone knew that they were together, it was bound to happen. But we all acted surprised anyway." Hermione and I giggled, drowned out by the sound of everyone talking.
"Oh bless him, he seemed very happy when he mentioned her. That's why he invited me actually, he was wondering what I would think about her. They don't seem to be able to keep their eyes off each other."
"Someone else seems to have their eyes on someone." she smirked.
I followed her eye line, seeing one of the twins looking in our direction before averting their gaze. I had remembered that they were each wearing the same jumper but with different colours, thankfully making it easier to tell them apart. It had been Fred looking my way, and I hated that I was blushing already; no one had looked at me like that for a long time.
"I'm sure that was nothing." I mumbled.
"If you say so." I heard Ginny say, making me whip my head round to her. She was leaning forward to look at me, and I saw Harry holding back a laugh.
"Come on, I haven't even spoken to him."
"Maybe you should. Perhaps this was meant to happen."
Molly stopped all chatter across the table, standing up to announce that it was present time. Heaps of presents were pushed down to our end of the table, Harry was shocked by how many there were, but stuck right in. After thanking all of the Weasley’s for their sweet presents, especially Ginny. With my presents left, I felt all eyes on me, nervous as to what they would think of my gifts.
One was a collection of books he read when he was younger (until my brother got angry at him and ripped out the pages), the other was two shirts I knew would look nice on him. The last present was a photo book, which I had had personalised; on the front it said ‘Harry’s Memories’, in a beautiful swirling style of writing. The toothy grin on his face fell slightly, and I began to panic again. Everyone waited for him to open the book, a slight tension in the air. Harry slowly opened the book, reading the message I had left for him in his head. It entailed fond memories we had, and how proud I was of him for setting out to school by himself, and how many times he was brave enough to put himself on the line for his friends and family. Turning the next page, a breathless laugh left his lips when he saw the photos I chose. Unfortunately there weren’t many of us together, or of him in general, but I had raided our old cameras back home to find any photos I had taken of him without my parent’s knowledge. After flipping over another page that turned out to be blank, he looked up at me, as did everyone else.
“It’s blank so that you can fill it. I knew you wouldn’t want memories of home, just...just me I suppose. But I’m sure you’ve got better memories to put in there now.” I shyly explained.
“This is amazing, thank you (Y/N).” Harry said, hugging me tightly.
“The pictures aren’t moving?” Ginny questioned.
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.“Your pictures move?”
Once dinner was done with, along with a round of singing as the birthday cake came out, we all broke off into smaller groups. This would have given me an opportunity to speak to Ginny, I had a strong feeling that she was absolutely perfect for him, they seemed well matched, but I still wanted a chat at least. However, Harry had stolen her away, and it wasn’t the right time to intervene. As I thought about who to talk to, Fred walked up to me, leaning against the kitchen counter top as I was.
“Thought you looked a little lonely over here.” he said, but it wasn’t in a cocky way, he was being genuinely kind. 
“Thanks.” I laughed.
He smiled.“I-I didn’t mean it like that.”
I looked up at him.“No I know what you meant. I was actually thanking you.”
There was a moment of silence as neither of us were sure what to say next. Suddenly, something popped into my mind,“You know, I’ve seen you before.”
“When you came to rescue Harry, in your flying car. I was in my room, but my room was next to Harry’s, so I could just about see you and your brothers.”
“That was so many years ago.”
I nodded.“I just remember how shocked I was when I saw the car, but also how relieved I felt when I saw Harry get in there. I was in trouble for not going to my parents straight away though.”
“You don’t sound like a typical Dursley at all.”
“I suppose I’m not. I was never the favourite, for some reason Dudley was. But I was so focused on keeping Harry somewhat happy that it didn’t matter. I just got good results at school, made friends and kept the biggest secret in the world.”
“It is slightly strange having a Muggle about.”
“How do you think I feel? The dishes are doing themselves over there!” I gestured to the sink where there was a floating plate and sponge. He laughed at that."That would be so useful to have at home, especially after a long day."
"So," he crossed his arms over his chest, leaning towards me,"what do you think about our families combining?"
I took a sip of my drink, following his eye line to Harry and Ginny."I can't express how happy I am for him."
"Yeah. And I'm not just saying nice things because Ginny is your sister. Harry had a long talk about what happened in the past, he's mentioned her, well, all of you, a lot. You've all been able to give him much more than I have."
"That's not true. Harry has expressed multiple times how he didn't know what he would have done if you weren't there for him."
"Seems like everything has worked out perfectly in the end. It even feels right me being here."
"I can agree on that."
"Even if I'm a Muggle?"
"Can't say that's the first thing I noticed about you."
My eyes widened slightly, slowly looking down into the content of my cup."Fred, if I didn't know any better, I would say you were flirting with me."
"Thank god you noticed, thought I might have to start using pick up lines."
"You still can if you want to."
"Nah, think I'll save that for a first date."
"If you're asking, then the answer would be a yes."
"Well, glad that's been sorted."
I giggled quietly, trying not to show how much I was enjoying this."Do I get to find out where you're taking me?"
"If I'm honest, I wasn't sure if I would get this far."
We laughed together, catching the attention of his parents who were with Hermione and Ron. We quietened down, finding it hard to hold back on giggling. Before we could even continue speaking, Harry was approaching me, and I knew he wanted to find out what had happened since he left me alone.
"So, uh, what are you two talking about?" Harry failed to play dumb.
I rolled my eyes, placing a hand on his shoulder."OK, whilst you interrogate my date, I'll go talk to your girlfriend. Sound like a deal?"
"Don't act like you weren't listening. Relax Harry, this is your party after all."
I heard him sigh to Fred as I walked away."You two are going to be trouble, I just know it."
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stephspurs · 3 years
A Family Affair | Euro 2020 Football Fanfiction
BESTIES!! PART 10 IS A HOT ONE!! Enjoy reading it as much as I did while writing it (and re-reading it because its probs one of my fav parts of the whole series) Love Always, Steph xx
Part 10 | parte dieci
warnings; heavy-petting, almost-smut, and a hot jack grealish - read at your own risk ;) word count; 2469. writing tools; third person until dashed line, first person thereafter. next update; Monday 16/08 5pm AEST. Updates are three times/week (Monday, Wednesday & Friday)! tags (as requested by users); @footballffbarbiex @obsesseds-world @abysshaven link to fic masterlist here
Longing glances and shy smiles. That  was how Amelia and Ben both spent the next morning at Cobham together, prior to travelling to Stamford Bridge for the fourth match of the season against Aston Villa. The two had spent the rest of the evening relaxing on the couch; no additional kisses were shared between them as they had both agreed to keep things friendly, and no matter how hard Ben tried, Amelia had no intentions of going any further just yet. She had admitted to him something that she had never uttered out loud before: she still needed to work out how to exist without Fede.
While their situationship had been as unconventional as it was, it was still something that Amelia had grown to live with and love. Fede’s personality was unlike no other she had come across, perhaps closest to that of Jack Grealish. Friendly, flirtatious, charming, to the point where she found herself blushing sometimes - not many people had been able to make her shy enough to blush, but Fede had, and now Jack was too.
hot boy grealish
mornin mils, can’t wait to see ya today.
I’ll be the hot one with the good hair and even better ass.
hot gal mils
morning my dear jacky, looking forward to seeing you too.
Is Tyrone not playing?
His bum has always been my fav bum to stare at.
hot boy grealish
cut it out, you.
Banter-filled texts had been a constant stream of entertainment throughout the days leading up to the match. Jack has been preparing Amelia for the possibility of her losing, constantly picking on the girl for being an overachiever and saying that she needs to be brought down a few pegs, having been quite some time since her team had lost a match. Amelia however, with enough self-confidence to rival that of the villa boy, wouldn’t even let him finish his sentences. Far too superstitious for that to happen.
The girl believed in superstitions, and she was not about to tempt her fate. She even went so far as to have her family name and a small Italian flag embroidered onto the inside of her collar of every polo shirt she would wear for match days. She did it at Juventus and organised for it to be done to her new Chelsea uniform. It was a personal choice, something that happened to run in her family also, her father and brother also having the White family name stitched to the inside of their kit. It was a way of keeping them all tied together, no matter what side of the pitch they were on. The Italian flag was there to remind her of all that the country had given her: her grandparents and a chance to be brilliant at what she loves most.
Arriving at Stamford Bridge off of the team bus, Jorgi had insisted she sitwith him and they spoke exclusively in Italian for the 30-odd minute drive from Cobham. Despite Amelia purchasing a new car a few days prior, Jorgi insisted they continue to carpool. It worked out well because now Amelia wouldn’t have to catch the team bus back to the training ground after the match. She had spent the better part of an hour out on the pitch with some of the boys, running through the plays she had in mind before she ushered them back into the changeroom, allowing the Aston Villa men to have their time out on the grass.
“I would know that bum anywhere.”
“Hello Jack, nice to see you too. I’ve been well thanks, so has my bum. I’ll let my face know you said hello, too,” I spoke as I stood up from my crouched position, where I had been tying my laces.
“Just kiddin love, actually no I'm not - I love your bum. But I am happy to see your beautiful face too!” Jack spoke, as he pulled me into a hug - wrapping both of his arms around my head, effectively pushing me further into his chest.
“You saw my face a couple days ago when we were on FaceTime!”
“I saw your bum a few days ago on FaceTimetoo, doesn’t mean I'm not happy to see it!”
“So that's why you like helping me do my laundry, so you can see my backside as I reach into the machine!”
“Now I’m not a religious man, but I have prayed to God a few times that you drop a sock or two riiiiiiight in front of the camera.” He laughed back at my shocked expression.
“Jack! You are ridiculous! Stop being such a perv! No wonder you don’t have a girlfriend” I play-shouted at him as I smacked him with my rolled up matchday program.
“I’m holding out for you, my love.”
“Always the joker, Jack. Get out there and prepare for the worst match of your season.”
“Dream on Mils, we’ve got this in the bag.”
“Sure thing Jacky, sure thing.”
I walked further up the tunnel towards the changeroom, getting ready to deliver my strategy talk to the boys.
“Stop looking at my ass, Grealish!” I shouted without turning around. The boisterous laugh that followed my exclamation was enough to know that I was correct. I didn’t need to turn around to be able to predict what the laddish lad was already doing.
60 minutes of football later.
Amelia was correct in saying that Chelsea were going to win the match, her quiet confidence only getting louder and louder as each premier league match went on. She was apprehensive at first to see if her tactics were going to work in the Prem, or if there was to be some compromise on skill due to the fast-paced nature of the game. So far, however, the Chelsea men were quick learners and even quicker to execute.
One thing she wasn’t prepared for, however, was the absolute worldie that Jack had scored just before half-time at the Bridge. There was an element of familiarity in his goal, recognising the play as one of her own. A small smile crossed  her face after he scored, running to celebrate with the away fans before jogging down past the bench and mouthing a quick “all you baby” at her as he moved back into position. She must have told him about it back when she was in Italy, knowing that there was no chance she would have exchanged her trade secrets to an enemy in the same league. It warmed her to know he paid enough attention to her to be able to practice that on his own with his team and execute it flawlessly in a live game.
What Amelia also wasn’t prepared for was for anyone else to recognise the play. Behind her on the bench sat an oddly-inquisitive Ben. He saw the tactic as it was playing out, recognising the run that Jack had to make to put himself in the box at the exact moment that John McGinn crossed the ball. Better yet, he saw Jack run down the sideline, nowhere near where he should have been, and mouth those words to Amelia. He wanted to know what was going on, was that why she wasn’t ready to commit to him?
Later that same evening.
After a hot shower, Amelia was curled up on the couch, ready to continue the docuseries she was watching the night before when she had an unexpected visitor pop round and confess his feelings to her. Thinking back on the night prior, she was happy that things ended up working out the way they did. Of course she wasn’t exactly thrilled with just how they happened but she could forgive the sweet boy. His intentions were pure and that's not something she was used to. It made her giddy to think about him, and about where things may go in the future.
A ring of her doorbell, almost to the exact hour that it had the night prior, made her get off her couch and walk down the small hall to the front door with a smirk on her face. Expecting to see the same brown-haired, blue-eyed boy that seemed to enjoy ringing her bell after hours. What she saw on the other side, however, was not what she was expecting.
“Jack, what on bloody God’s earth are you doing here?! You should be halfway back to Birmingham by now!”
“Are you gonna let me in love, it’s bloody cold out ‘ere tonight. Come on, shove over,” The slightly-less-than-6-foot-tall footballer commandeered her hallway, shutting the door behind him and locking it. This,  coupled with his overnight duffle bag hanging off his shoulder let Amelia know that he had no other plans but to stay with her.
“Sure, Jack, I suppose you can come in and spend the night crashing in my spare room.”
“Now now, don’t pretend that you’re not happy to see me, love. And a spare room? I believe you promised me a cuddle.”
Rolling her eyes, she couldn’t help but smile at the charming young man. Feeling the blush start to spread from her chest up her neck and across her cheeks, she quickly turned and walked into her kitchen, calling out over her shoulder to ask if he wanted a cup of tea. Feeling a sense of deja vu from the night before, she shook her head and reminded herself that this is nothing like the night before. How could it have been - there was no kissing involved.
“Was that a blush I saw? Do I make you nervous, Amelia?” Somehow, Jack had moved to be right behind the girl at her kitchen counter. Hands on her hips, chest to her back, lips to her ear. Amelia felt herself freeze, and then relax into his hands.
“Jack, please, I don’t think we should do this.”
“Why not, Mils? You can feel it, too. The tension through the screen’s enough to force me into a cold shower most nights.”
And just like the night before, the whistle of the kettle was the only piercing sound resonating around the townhouse. Whilst all she saw was truth behind Ben’s eyes, Jack's eyes were clouded with lust and affection. Just once, she could give in, right?
Leaning her head back to rest on his right shoulder, he attached his lips to the left side of her neck. Hands rolling from the side of her hips, to underneath her shirt, feeling the small navel piercing between his fingers and smirking.
“Didn’t take you for being the kind of girl to have a piercing, Mils,” He spoke into her collarbone, a small nip to the sensitive skin as the girl continued to focus on her breathing.
“Piercings, Jack. I have more than one” She breathlessly spoke, knowing exactly what she was doing now. The admission of having more than one piercing that he could not see was all of the consent Jack needed to continue his exploration of her body.
“Are you going to let me see them, darling?”
“If you’re lucky.”
“I’d say I'm the luckiest guy in the world right now, especially in this position.”
She was unsure how it had happened, but Jack had pressed her further into the countertop. With her back still to his chest, his waist was at the perfect height to press into the small of her back. His leg had settled between both of her own and his hands had found the bottom of her bralette and were gently caressing her rib cage, desperate to get closer to where he presumed her other piercing was.
“We shouldn’t be doing this Jack,” she breathed out into the air, hot air escaping her lungs to resemble what she felt brewing in the pit of her stomach. Desire.
“Why the bloody hell not?” he mumbled into her sweet spot, where her jaw met her neck.
“Because I've been here before. This is bad.” With her eyes shut, he continued his way down her neck. The fabric of her top shifted so he could slide one of her straps down her arm.
“If it's bad, why does it feel so good? '' Whilst his lips got to work on her collarbone, and his hand was busy toying with the elastic line of her bralette, his other hand began to fiddle with her fingers. Entwining them with his own, the kind of strength she needed to feel to make her next decisions.
Pushing back off of the counter, meaning her ass had pushed right into the part of his body where he wanted her most, Amelia turned around and faced Jack. The two stood there, slightly panting, staring at each other. Amelia being the kind of girl that she is, decided that she wanted to have a little slice of the dominance pie. Maintaining eye contact, she lifted the bottom of her t-shirt over her head and dropped in on the floor, that second piercing now very clearly visible through the sheer fabric of her bralette.
“Come on Jack, aren’t you an athlete? What’s got you so out of breath? I thought you’d be able to last a little longer than some heavy petting.” She taunted at the smirking man, wanting nothing more than to mess up his hair as he nestled himself between her thighs. That's exactly the position that they found themselves in not more than 5 minutes later, this time upstairs in her bedroom.
Throughout the multiple rounds of passion that the two so-called friends shared that night, not once had their lips touched. Of course, her lips had touched parts of him and he had definitely been all over a completely different set of lips a few times (and from a few different positions), but face to face, eye to eye, nose to nose - their lips had never met. That told Amelia enough to set her anxiety on fire. Had she just gotten involved with a carbon-copy of the man she left behind in Italy?
The regret seeped through her bones and settled into her heart by the time that the Villa boy had fallen asleep next to her. What had she done? This was not the girl Amelia wanted to be anymore. She was done being the girl that was loved only when the lights went out. She wanted love under the sun, she wanted breakfast by the river, double dates, family parties. She wanted the kind of love that you could never try and hide even if you wanted to. She knew that this wasn’t what Jack was able to offer her. She was grateful for their friendship, she truly was, he made her laugh more than most people but for the first time in a very long time, she was certain that that's all she wanted from him.
Part 11. | parte undicesima
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harrysweasleys · 3 years
save me a dance // n.l.
summary: Hi!! Could I please request a Neville x Slytherin! Reader? She has a kind soul and became friends with Hermione (who’s the only person that knows about her crush on Neville), but she kept her distance because she knew about what happened to his parents. She goes to the Yule ball with another Slytherin that eventually ditched her, so she sneaks into the kitchens and hangs out with house elves until Neville comes by (knowing that she always hung out with them when she felt sad) and he confesses ^^
warnings: very brief mention of unwanted sexual advances if you squint, mentions of food
word count: 5k
a/n: my first neville fic!!! i’m so excited for you all to read it, i had so much fun writing it :)
[i do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other platform]
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For what felt like the hundredth time, you woke up to the same view; your Yule Ball dress hanging loosely over the four poster bed, the sunlight streaming through the fabric and onto your chunky bed sheets.
The dress was quite stunning, but Godric, did you dread wearing it. You didn’t exactly feel like dancing the night away alongside some Slytherin bloke while you looked around at all the happy couples, wishing ever so desperately that that could have been you. That you could be the one dancing the night away with the person who had captured your heart effortlessly.
Unfortunately, that plan hadn’t exactly fallen into place. Hermione had done her best to help you out in getting him to ask you, but you ended up being put on the spot when a Slytherin boy named Jasper had asked you during Transfigurations. So, you had said yes, but deep down, that regret was starting to multiply by the second.
You let out a groan, tossed your head back against the pillow, and lifted the warm comforter off of your body. The fireplace in the centre of the room was still crackling away, but within the stone walls of the castle, the cold seemed to never fully fade.
So you threw on your house sweater, your scarf, robe, and a pair of trousers, before heading down to start the day. The snow was accumulating rather quickly outside as Christmas drew nearer, rendering you quite glad that you brought your scarf.
“At least you’re prepared,” Hermione mumbled as the two of you made your way to Divinations, “It’s always freezing in Professor Trewlaney’s room! Oh, how I wish I could have brought mine. Rather silly of me.”
You chuckled, keeping your eyes on the long winding staircase as you responded to her, “Not to worry, I’m sure Ron has a sweater you can borrow.”
Though you weren’t facing her, you could practically feel her eye roll as she scoffed, “Very funny. Such a clever idea. You really are filled with those.”
“I’m just saying,” you turned back to face her quickly before pulling down the ladder to the Divination classroom, “I’m sure he’d think you look amazing in it. Isn’t that what guys like? When their girlfriends wear their clothing?”
“I’m not his girlfriend,” she shushed you as you climbed up, “Be quiet!”
You apologized with a laugh as you climbed into the classroom and made your way to your usual seat at the front by the window, Hermione coming over to join you. Harry and Ron were seated not too far away, but that didn’t really matter to you. From across the class, you spotted Neville.
He was accompanied by Seamus — who seemed quite interested in the tablecloth at the moment — but you so wished that you could be the one sitting across from him.
His vest hung loosely against his body and his dark hair was littering his forehead, eyes scrunched shut as he let out a yawn. As he opened them, you noticed they darted in your direction before snapping away.
You felt a frown form on your lips. Why did he look away so fast? Instinctively, you raised a hand to the top of your head to check if there was anything in your hair.
“What are you doing?” Hermione asked as she dug through her bag, placing the heavy Divinations book on top of the circular table. The book, with its golden lettering, seemed to twinkle under the pink hues of the morning sky.
You shrugged, “Nothing.”
Her eyes followed to where you had previously been looking, and she let out a sigh, “Relax. You look wonderful. There’s nothing to fix.”
You sulked back into your chair, “Hermione, he asked Ginny to the ball. Don’t try to continue your matchmaking.”
She leaned forward on the table, pushing her thick hair behind her shoulder, “Doesn’t mean you don’t stand a chance. Look, I like Ginny, but maybe they’re going as friends. Like you and Jasper.”
“I think Jasper has more than friendship on his mind,” you muttered under your breath, thinking back to the way his hands lingered on your lower back a little too long after you agreed to be his date.
She gave you a sympathetic glance, opening her mouth to speak again, but was interrupted by Trewlaney announcing her presence. The class began shortly after, and you spent the time reading Hermione’s palm and deciphering what your own dreams meant.
According to the textbook, you were going to stumble upon a lot of money as well as possibly fall down a sewer within the next week. Nothing new, really. It was better than Harry’s, who once again, was told he was doomed for death in the coming months.
As the class ended, you stuffed the books and parchment into your backpack and thanked Trelawney for the lesson, following Hermione out of the room. As you made your way to the ladder, you spotted a little red ball on the ground.
You crouched to pick it up, immediately recognizing it as Neville’s remembrall. How oddly convenient that it land right at your feet.
“Oh, thanks,” he muttered as you turned to hand it to him, fingers brushing against his as you placed it in his palm, “This thing likes to try and escape.”
You grinned at him, “You should keep it safe in your dorm.” You tried your best to keep your voice steady as you spoke to him, which was odd, really. Why did you always become so nervous around Neville, who was one of the shyest, kindest people you’d ever met? Crushes were quite strange.
He gave you a small smile and a shrug, “I like to carry it on me. It’s from my nan. I don’t want to leave it behind.”
Your chest felt like it was going to swell at his words, “That’s really sweet. I’m sure she appreciates that you care for it so much.”
As you turned back to face the ladder, Hermione gave you a quick wink and a thumbs up before darting away with Harry and Ron, clearly insinuating that you should walk with Neville. You mentally scolded her before making your way to it, Neville not far behind.
“She does,” he said, fondness clear in his voice, “It’s not like I get anything from my parents, so I cherish anything I get from my family in general.”
Your heart sunk in your chest. Neville had always been very closed off when talking about his family — especially his parents — so the way he mentioned them so casually had you doubting what to say next. You didn’t want to make him uncomfortable by continuing the topic, nor did you want to brush it off like it was nothing.
“I’m sorry,” you said, facing him once the two of you began going down the spiral staircase, “I can imagine it’s difficult. But your nan clearly cares a lot, and she’s lucky to have you.”
His ears turned slightly pink at your words and you had to fight a grin.
The next few minutes were silent until Neville once again turned to face you. There was something about him that always seemed optimistic, despite the fact that he had just spoken a bit about the difficult situation with his parents. Whether it be the smile on his face or the sparkle in his eye, you couldn’t be sure what it was. But Merlin, did you ever adore it.
“She sent me my suit for the Yule Ball, actually,” he said, a bit of a hop in his step as he said the words, “It doesn’t fit perfectly but I’m sure it’ll last the night.”
You let out a small laugh, “That’s awfully sweet of her. I’m sure you’ll look dashing.”
As you said the words, you regretted them instantly. Well, not so much regretted — you meant every syllable — but more so, you wished you could currently fall into the sewer that Trelawney had predicted you’d stumble into.
Throwing out a compliment like that was quite possibly the last thing you wanted to do. Would he react badly? Would he think you were coming onto him? Would this change things?
Were you overthinking?
The corners of his lips curled up into a shy smile and he gave you a nod and cut you short of your internal rambling, “Are you excited?”
Yeah, definitely overthinking.
You let out a sigh, trying to move past your embarrassment and continue your walk to your next class, dodging a few passing students, “Kind of. I’m excited for the music. Not so much the dancing. I’m not very good at that.”
He chuckled, “I wasn’t either. I taught myself, actually. In my room. The lads loved to make fun of that.”
The image of Neville dancing away in the cramped boys’ dorm brought a smile to your face.
“You’ve already got a step up on me, then,” you faced him, “Get ready to watch me humiliate myself on the dance floor.”
You stepped a little closer to him as a group of Ravenclaw pushed past in a rush, and Neville’s hand reached for your arm to help steady you.
“Sorry,” he muttered, pulling away and avoiding your gaze, “But anyways, I’m sure you’re not as bad as you think. Ginny has never danced either, so you won’t be the only one.”
You tried your best to push past the surge of jealousy that washed over you. You already knew he was going with Ginny — hell, you’d know for a while now — but it did not make it any easier to hear. Especially coming from him.
“I didn’t expect you’d ask her,” you admitted, “but I’m sure you’ll both have a wonderful time. She’ll have a good leader to help her maneuver the moves.”
You gave his shoulder a small nudge, trying to act like you weren’t drowning in your own feelings. The thought of Neville holding Ginny close to his body as they swayed to the romantic music nearly made you sick. You liked Ginny a great deal, she was such a sweet girl with a fierce attitude that you admired, but you really wished Neville had asked you instead.
“We’re just going as friends,��� he said, “I was going to ask someone else but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. And I’m pretty sure Ginny was also interested in another person in the first place.”
You tried your best to hold back a sigh of relief. They were going as friends. That didn’t mean it would make it easier to see them together, but maybe you could push past the jealousy you felt about seeing them as a couple.
But then the next thing he said hit you; he wanted to ask someone else. Someone he was interested in romantically? Perhaps he actually did like someone, even if that someone wasn’t Ginny. Who could it be? And why were you so irritated? You didn’t even know them.
“Well,” you said, unsure of how to change the topic, “I’ll be looking out for you two on the dance floor.” You wanted so desperately to no longer speak of the Yule Ball. The thought of the night was now dizzying and had you feeling a little faint, to be completely honest.
It was going to be a long day.
— —
You were honestly quite surprised by the appearance of the Great Hall. Usually filled with long tables, chairs, and candles, it was now glistening like a winter wonderland. There was fake snow falling from the ceiling, but it never touched the ground. The room smelled faintly of pine trees and sweets, and you figured that there had to be at least seven Christmas trees littering the room.
To put it simply, the space was beautiful.
Music played softly from the dance floor ahead, and to your right, there was a small table with a few snacks and drinks. There were also quite a few seats around, already occupied by couples and friends.
“What do you want to do?”
You turned to face Jasper, who was waving over at a group of Slytherins further on the left.
“We can go dance,” you suggested, praying he wasn’t going to drag you over to his housemates. Jasper seemed alright enough, but you weren’t a fan of his obnoxious friends. You could very well go the night without hanging around them, thank you very much.
He shrugged, “Sure.”
He linked his hand in yours and tugged you along behind him, bringing you over to the dance floor. Once you got there, you noticed a few familiar faces.
Hermione and Viktor were not far away, and she gave you an excited grin before pointing at her date, who was obviously making love heart eyes in her direction. You couldn’t blame him, honestly. Further along you spotted Fred and Angelina, dancing away as if they were the only two in the room. It caused you to chuckle.
“So do you want to dance, or…?” Jasper asked, placing one of his hands on your waist.
You shivered under his touch. It wasn’t a good shiver, it was discomfort. You wanted more than anything to be dancing with Neville — who you currently spotted over with Ginny, his hands on her waist and hers on his shoulders.
“Yeah,” you squeaked, awkwardly stepping closer to him before putting your arms around his neck. Your throat began to sting as you watched the two of them glide across the floor, laughing as they spoke to each other. It felt quite juxtaposed to the uncomfortable, weird situation that you found yourself currently in.
You began to sway to the music, trying your best not to dart your eyes to Neville every couple of seconds. Jasper was clearly not enjoying this, but you honestly couldn’t bring yourself to care what he wanted. He wasn’t going to get what he came here for and you weren’t going to be guilted into it either.
You honestly couldn’t be thankful enough as the slow song ended. You quickly pulled your arms away from him and you crossed them over your chest.
“I’m going to go get a drink,” you said, not waiting for his response before taking off to the table by the entrance. You heard him call your name as you pushed your way through students, holding the skirt of your dress in your hands to avoid being stepped on, but you didn’t look back.
There was a clearing near the table and you took a deep breath, dropping your skirt and letting out a sigh. Your shoulders slouched as you walked over and grabbed a small glass, not even sure if you were thirsty. The excuse was simply to get away from Jasper. You were regretting your decision to come here more than ever.
“I recommend the punch.”
You spun on your heel, nearly coming in contact with Neville. He was standing behind you, taking a step back after realizing how close he really was.
“Oh—,” you nodded, “Thanks.”
The punch bowl sat in front of you, glistening red under the shimmering lights. You grabbed the spoon and poured yourself a little bit, enjoying the scent of the fruity drink.
You turned back around, giving Neville a forced smile, “I’m sure it’s delicious.”
His eyebrows furrowed and he fiddled with his waistcoat, “Are you alright? I don’t mean to prod or anything.”
Your heart fluttered at his words, “Yeah, I guess I’m alright, really. Just not having a great time.”
Neville’s eyes scanned the dance floor where he spotted Jasper’s familiar blond head scanning the crowd, “I’m guessing it has something to do with your date.”
His eyes found yours again and you nodded, placing the glass down on the table behind you, “My situation is kind of like yours, I guess. You wanted to ask someone else. Well, I wanted someone else to ask me.”
You could see his shoulders sag before he frowned, “I’m sorry it didn’t work out. I’d say anyone would be lucky to have you as their partner, but something about him tells me he’s not enjoying himself the way he should be, being by your side and all.”
You had to fight a grin at his words. How Neville could be so awkward, yet so effortless in his words, you’d never understand. It was one of the reasons you knew you wouldn’t be getting over your crush anytime soon.
“Thanks,” you gave him a smile, looking down to the ground before meeting his eyes again, “You should go back. I don’t want to keep you from dancing.”
You could see the hesitation in his eyes as he scanned your face, but he gave a slight nod, “If ever you want to get away from him, I’ll be there to help you.”
“Thanks, Neville,” you smiled genuinely, maintaining eye contact. He stood there for a moment, looking into your eyes, and you could practically feel how reluctant he was to walk away.
As cliché and typical as it sounds, it almost felt like you were alone in the room, completely lost in his gaze. His eyes brought you comfort that nothing else could provide, and you only wished you could look into them more often. Like dancing, for example. How easily you’d find yourself lost in his eyes if you were dancing.
“No worries,” he gave you a small smile, scanned your face once more, and took off into the crowd. As you watched his head of dark hair vanish, you let out a deep breath. If life could go your way, he’d have his hand linked with yours as he led you back to the dance floor.
But life wasn’t fair like that, was it?
You completely disregarded the punch behind you, stomach feeling like it was in knots, and made your way back to where you left Jasper. Only, you couldn’t find the familiar mop of blond hair anywhere. He was rather tall, so it wouldn’t be difficult to spot him. And yet, somehow, he was nowhere to be seen.
Until you looked to the entrance door and saw him hand in hand with a ginger Slytherin girl, both of them stumbling over their feet as they made their way out.
“Well, that was fast,” you mumbled, a frown on your face.
You stood alone on the floor, couples swaying to the music around you. It kind of felt like a movie — the kind of movie where the girl gets her heart crushed by a guy, and then is ditched by another guy, and then is left alone in the end. A crappy movie, you thought, but one that seemed to fit really well right now.
The music was practically taunting you, so instead of staying put or going to finish your drink, you once again gathered your dress in your hands, and made your way out of the room.
The hallway felt a lot fresher compared to the Great Hall, but that was understandable. Hundreds of bodies in one room compared to the corridor with an open doorway to the winter air.
Though, that wasn’t where you were going. You decided you’d go down to your usual escape spot, and now that all the teachers were chaperoning the ball, you would make it there with minimal interruption.
You spotted the familiar painting by the kitchen entrance, the bowl of fruits, and raised your hand to tickle the pear. The painting swung open and you crawled through the little stone passage, making sure your dress wasn’t going to get caught, before landing on both feet on the tile floor.
“Oh! Miss Y/N!”
Dobby, donned in a little scarf and hat, waved at you from a tabletop.
“Hey, Dobby,” you grinned, “Sorry to interrupt your quiet evening in here. I didn’t know where else to go.”
He patted the table next to him, “Why did you leave so early? Dobby heard the ball was lasting all night.”
You gave him a little smile, sitting down on the stool in front of him, “Wasn’t as fun as I expected. I’d rather spend my evening here. Where is everyone else?” The stool was rather small for a human being, considering it was most likely made for an elf, but if you leaned forwards against the table and kept your feet plastered to the ground, you managed to balance just fine.
He gave a little smile and looked at you with those big eyes, “They are all tired! We have been putting the ball together for days now! They all went to bed.”
The corner of your lips curved up, “Well, now you have company, Dobby.”
He clapped his hands together and let out a little laugh, “Let me show you what Dobby found today. It was in the Gryffindor common room!”
You nodded, knowing that it was most likely a knitted hat. Hermione had been leaving those scattered around the room for a little while now. Little did she know Dobby was the one collecting them all.
As you watched his little body disappear through a small doorway on the far wall, you took a look around the kitchen. Despite the fact that you were certain they had been working non-stop in here for days on end, it was nearly spotless. Pots and pans shimmered under the candlelight, tabletops were clear, apart from a few fruit bowls and snacks. The counters were clean, as well as the floors.
If this place had windows, or maybe a little more light, you felt it would be quite nice.
You sat there silently for a little while, already beginning to feel the sadness of the evening creep in. It was quite a bummer, really. You didn’t know if you wanted to go back to your own dorm tonight or stay out wandering the halls, mind running through all the scenarios on how tonight could have gone differently, how it could have been better.
The only sound you could hear was a light creak, which you eventually realized was the painting swinging open to let someone in.
Panic began to settle in and you stood off your chair, moving to the other side of the table. You would still be very much visible if you ducked, so there was no point in doing it, but you did it anyways.
The last thing you wanted was for Snape or Moody to catch you where you shouldn’t be.
Except, the person that crawled through and landed sturdily on their feet wasn’t Snape or Moody.
It was Neville.
You popped your head back up, eyes locking with his. He looked a little disheveled in terms of his hair, and his bow tie was slightly off centre, but the smile on his face showed relief.
“Neville?” you asked, already feeling a little less panicked. You only hoped Neville was alone. The last thing you wanted was for a girl to crawl in behind him. He wasn’t that kind of guy, you knew that, but your mind went there anyways.
Thankfully, he was alone. The painting swung closed behind him and he gave you a small smile.
“What are you doing here?” you asked, walking back around to the front of the table, this time deciding not to sit on the stool.
His cheeks turned a little pink but he brushed it off and shrugged, “I saw you rush out of the room. I wanted to see if you were okay. I remember you once told me you come here when you’re upset, so I gave it a shot.”
Your mouth felt like it fell open so you shut it quickly, blinking rapidly, “I’m surprised you remembered. Only you and Hermione know about my little escape spot.”
He gave a small chuckle, stepping a little closer, “Are you alright, though? I saw you leave and I didn’t see your date anywhere.”
You gave a shrug, averting your eyes, “He left. With another girl. I wasn’t interested in him that way, but it still sucks.”
He furrowed his eyebrows and gave a shake of his head, “You’re better off without him,” he stepped a little closer, catching your attention once more, “But I get why you’re upset. Funny story, the same thing happened to me. But not in the same sense. Ginny managed to get a dance with Harry.”
You were close enough to put a hand on his shoulder, “I’m sorry.”
Realization caught up to you and you noticed how stupid this gesture probably was, so you snatched your arm back and held it against you. Neville noticed your quick reaction and you could see his gaze fall down to the ground before meeting yours again.
Just like at the punch table, it felt as if time stood still while you looked into his eyes. You could see he looked like he wanted to say something, his stare darting back and forth between your lips and your eyes, but he didn’t say anything for a good moment.
Until one of his hands reached across and held yours. His skin was warm, and you could feel his pulse against his wrist. His heart was beating fast, and if he could feel your own pulse, he’d say the same about you.
“You look—,” he took a deep breath, “You look beautiful tonight. Well, not just tonight. You look beautiful most of the time. I’m just saying, it’s — never mind.”
Your heart seemed to stutter in your chest, goosebumps rising on your skin at his words. They had caught you so off guard that you couldn’t find a way to respond. No words seemed to find their way into your mind. All you could do was smile. A bright, genuine grin that hurt your cheeks.
“Thanks,” you let out a small laugh, linking your fingers with his, “Also, you look pretty dapper yourself. I told you you would, and I was right.”
He stepped closer, his other hand locking with your free one. It wasn’t an overtly intimate gesture — people held hands all the time — but Merlin, did you ever melt into his touch.
“Do you — Can we have a dance?”
You bit your lip to hold back your smile. How you went from standing alone on the dance floor, starring in the most depressing teen flick you’d ever heard of, to standing alone in the kitchen, your hands locked with Neville’s as the candles flickered around the two of you, you’d never know. But you were so, so grateful. And happier than you can ever remember being.
“I’d love that,” you nodded, stepping closer and resting your head against his shoulder. His hands let go of yours and went to your waist, and it felt so right. So right that you completely forgot about how it felt when Jasper was holding you instead.
Your hands went up to his neck, draping them around him and leaning into his touch. There was no music, but it almost didn’t feel necessary. The two of you began to sway slowly back and forth, the only sound being the click of your shoes as you took your steps. You couldn’t even bring yourself to care about whether Dobby would walk back in any second now.
He rested his head against yours as he led the way. It wasn’t much of a dance, but it was quite possibly the most romantic thing that’s ever happened to you. You wished more than anything that you could freeze this moment and live like this forever.
“A hat! Dobby was left a hat — Oh! Hello!”
Neville pulled away instinctively and grinned awkwardly, taking a second to process what had happened before nodding his head in the direction of the house elf, “Hello, Dobby.”
You fought a grin, turning your head back to face Dobby, who was awkwardly looking between the two of you, a large knitted beanie in his hand.
“Dobby can sense he is intruding,” he muttered, giving a little bow before backing up through the door he left through before, “Good night!”
The moment had sort of been interrupted, but you didn’t move away from Neville’s touch, resting your head against his shoulder once more as your laughter died down. Of course, the curious little elf would walk in at the worst moment.
“I knew that would happen,” you laughed, tightening your grip around him a little more. He chuckled, head falling against yours. You could feel his hair tickling the side of your face, the strands unruly and curly as they brushed against your skin.
The night ended up being way better than you expected.
This one you would never forget.
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A Crown Of Fake Roses
Where The Roses Bloom Epilogue
Story Pairing: Stable Lad! Calum Hood x Princess Reader
Summary: The King has some business to attend
Warnings: Language and Violence
Word Count: 1K
Author’s Note: The secrets are revealed, but not all of them so, read carefully 👀 Remember that Reblogs, Feedback, Comments and Likes are super important! You have no idea how much they help me 💕 Hope you like it and Happy Reading 🦋🌻✨
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Series Materialist || prologue || chapter one || chapter two || chapter three || chapter four || chapter five || chapter six || chapter seven
It was late at night and the King still sat in his throne room, tapping his fingers on the armchair as the frown he wore left permanent wrinkles that would remind him of his age once he woke up in the morning.
The plan of having his daughter married failed as the Young King of The Vail left this afternoon in a ship destined to his own kingdom, having fulfilled his promise and making Richard look like a fool. All because of her.
Still, the Old King was relentless and very stubborn, he would not let himself be the fool once again. Not when his head was already planning something else, something better.
The throne room was in complete silence as he pondered in his thoughts, yet he knew he wasn’t alone.
“You know I don’t like to be watched” He called to the seemingly empty room. But soon after his statement, he saw movements come from the shadows.
They always liked the shadows.
“And I don’t like to have to watch you, Your Majesty, but I guess we can’t always be winners”
A young man appeared from the corner of the room, he wore a dashing smile that could distract anyone from the ugly scar that ran across his left eye. The man was tall, too tall, and dressed in a black suit with a black cape that matched his black hair. He was older than the Prince, but still a youngster at heart with how much he liked to annoy the hell out of the monarch.
“Watch it, crow” The King warned “You are lucky I’m not sending you back to the dungeons where you belong”
The crow chuckled, “You and I both know you need me, Your Majesty, and besides, this time I was not at fault here. You were the one who sent me spying on King Hemmings while the Princess decided to run off. Guess we both underestimated her, huh?”
King Richard banged his fist against the throne, letting the sound silence the crow’s laughter.
“Don’t put the blame on me, Barakat” The King barked, pointing his finger to Jack “You were in the dungeons for much less than this. Or don’t you remember the fiasco you caused when you decided to kill The King and Queen of The Vail all those years back?!”
The young crow rolled his eyes.
“They knew too much, it was that or let the whole plan go to shit. They died before they could even tell anyone it was you who sent me there. So I believe a thank you is in order”
“The fact that you are still standing here shows I’m merciful enough. Killing them was a careless mistake if you left their heir alive! You knew the plan and you messed it up! Now their son is blocking me from ever getting my hands on that army…”
“And did you really think that would’ve worked?” Barakat asked, pacing the room without making a sound “Getting that preppy King to marry your daughter after you sent him the letters of threat thinking they wouldn’t notice? They are people from The Vail! They are smarter than you think, that Clifford guy knew I was there watching him within the 30-second mark, that motherfucker was always a pain in the ass. And what were you going to do after? Kill the King and take control of their troops because your daughter would be Queen? Or would you have killed her as well?”
Jack looked at the King and gasped at how angry he looked. He always hated being outsmarted.
“Oh my god, that was your plan wasn’t it?” He laughed “And I uncovered it in what? Two minutes? You have to step up, Your Majesty. That’s just embarrassing”
Suddenly, the King got up from his throne and walked over to the crow, caging his neck with his hand and pushing his skinny body against the wall.
“You shut up, you worthless bastard” The King spat, tightening his grip on the young man’s neck whose face started to drain from color “What I should be hearing from that sorry little mouth of yours is a “thank you” and a “sorry” Because I was the one who pulled you out the dungeon to give you another simple job and you couldn’t do that right!”
The King let go of the crow’s throat, letting Jack fall to the floor as he gasped for air.
“One thing, I asked for one thing: Spy on my daughter so she wouldn’t cause trouble before the wedding, and now look at where we are!”
“In my defense,” Barakat coughed out “The fact that you weren’t aware of your own daughter’s doings was not my fault. And the moment I found out about her little relationship I came straight at you now, didn’t I? Imagine just how worse this could all be if I hadn’t been there to slow down their search and their plans? All while you paraded yourself with a victory stance”
Richard turned to him, his eyes boiling in anger as he grabbed the crow by the collar “Give me one good reason of why I shouldn’t send you to the gallows right in this instant”
“Then you wouldn’t know where your daughter is heading right now with her dear stable boy and what a shame that would be”
The King’s eyes widened “You know where she is?”
Barakat grinned.
“Word says they are headed to the Northern Islands, the ones further from the continents. A place with no crows nor political alliances. A place where you, my dear King, have no power… yet”
“What are you saying?” The Old King asked, but Jack only shrugged.
“Let me live and I’ll tell you. You want a war, Your Majesty? Then start acting like you’re in one”
King Richard let go of the crow, walking away from him as he sat back on his throne with an unreadable expression. Not wanting to waste his time any longer.
“You need me,” Barakat stated.
“I doubt it” The King answered “But I’ll consider your proposal. Let’s see if you can actually redeem yourself this time”
The young crow huffed and rolled his eyes at the King, knowing damn well they will have this same conversation in the morning, maybe then he could convince the old man to give him more power as a commander.
If the King wants a war, then he’ll get a war.
“Oh and, Sir Barakat?” The King called before he returned to the shadows “Call the guards up here. I need to have a conversation with my son”
End of book one
Tags: @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @mystic-232 @talksoprettyjjx @theshyspy @hoodhoran @flaneurcth @matchacal @bubblegum18 @irwin-fletcher-ash @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @1980holland @wiiildflowerrr @hoplessromantic727 @fivesecondsofonedirection @another-lonely-heart @aabc5sauce @dudethisiswhyyoudonthavefriends @major5sosstan @myloverboyash @nicebasscalum @calumspupils @secretsicanthideanymore @the-ghost-of-ash @alltimesos @girlwhosimps @wontlastimokwiththat @ttinahood @yeah-and69 @fckingpernico @multistann @averageantichrist @a-darneddarling @tpwkcth @f-mu @kindahumanbutalsoinsane @floweronyourskin @ihavenoideawhattodowithyou @cncoangelss
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abluescarfonwaston · 4 years
The wolves all go out of there way to bring home a few books every winter. Just whatever they can find and fit in their bags. They won't ever be able to replace the library they lost during the sacking but the slowly growing collection does give then something else to do during the long winter nights.
It also becomes a bit of a competition- as it always does between them - to bring the best book, the book with the most interesting story of how they acquired it, and the most Valuable book (the definition of which changes every year).
Lambert makes it his goal every year to bring the most indecent romance novels he can. I'm talking novels labeled Erotic. I'm talking Porn with just enough plot to get published. Sometimes the others will try to one up him by bringing something even steamier. No one has ever beaten Lambert though.
Much to Vesemir horror the new library is a majority erotic novels (which they do try to hide from Ciri when she arrives).
One year Lambert brings home a story about a wandering knight and his faithful squire. He likes to read excepts to the wolves to get back at them for insulting his cooking, ripping the fancy blanket he won last year, beating him at qwent. Any opportunity really.
And the first few chapters are them going to brothels and wooing ladies. the standard stuff.
But then. Then they start sharing beds and brothels and the other partners just. fall away and they're Only with each other.
Lambert LOVES reading this to Geralt especially cause it can Actually make Geralt blush and run from the room. He's NEVER managed that with Geralt. Fuck YEAH.
And Geralts Dying. Because he recognized the prose during the First Chapter. and the pen name the writer used.
Jaskier had written a gay romance novel about the two of them. Chocked full of the squires effusive praise for the ‘knight’.
And then one day Lambert stops reading it. Seems even shorter than normal with everyone.
"Lambert you wanna stop being a prick and read your dumb gay romance novel to us? Promise to only throw food at you this time." Eskel said.
"No. that was a shitty Fucking book and I hate it."
"Oh did the gays die again? Lambert you know they won't get published if they have a happy ending. Just rip the last pages out like always."
"No! The knight went and rode off into he Fucking sunset with that damn princess! Left the squire behind without a Fucking word!!!! I hate that Fucking knight and wanna rip his Fucking dick off!"
"Oh. Huh. Well they didn't die for once. happy ending."
"It's not a happy ending Eskel how -
"The knight and the princess were Fated to be together Lambert! all the foreshadowing was there!"
"The princess treated him like a moron! The squire Actually knew him and cared about him!"
"The squire caused him nothing but problems Lambert! Of Course he went with the princess who loved him and could give him the peaceful life he craved! Not every damn bi man has to end up with the guy Lambert!"
Eskel and Lambert continued their Screaming match. Vesemir appear to be regretting his every life decision. Ciri popped in the earplugs and continued reading her book. Geralt stared into his ale, frozen.
"What happens to the squire Lambert?" Geralt asked his drink quietly.
"This is why we told you not to bring gay novels Lambert. You always get upset with how they end."
"It's not Fucking fair."
Geralt’s chair screeches against the stone as he stands up - an oddity since they all Hate that noise and actively avoid making it.
"Where are you going?" Eskel questioned as he stroad to the door.
"I need to talk to Jaskier."   
"And how do you intend to do that? Gonna ride down the mountain in a Fucking blizzard Geralt?"
"I." The door slammed closed behind him.
"Should." Ciri started. "One of us check on him?"
"No." They all said in unison.
(They did all at some point check on him)
Ciri was first. with a timid and then assertive knock on his door before she entered. Crawling into his arms and burrowing into his chest.
"We can go find him as soon as the snow melts. Okay?"
"I don't think he'd be very excited to see me." He mourned tucking her closer and burying his nose in her hair.
"It's Jaskier." She said simply about a man she only knew from their stories. "He's always excited to see you."
"You going to Brood all winter or do you actually want to figure out how to apologize wolf?" Eskel asked dragging him to the courtyard for a spar.
"There's nothing I can do. He'll never forgive me."
"Oh like he'd Never forgive you for the Djinn? Or for ripping his favorite doublet? Or telling him his singing sucked?" Eskel landed a hard jab. "And what happened every one of those times he'd Never forgive you?"
"That's different." He said returning the blow.
"Uh huh. Guess we'd better make sure you've got a damn good apology ready then?" Eskel smiled easily like he knew the punchline to a very funny joke. "Tell me what happened."
So he did.
Vesemir eased into the spring water across from him with a groan. He wondered how long he had before Vesemir started making fun of how long he spent in the bath again. Longer than if it was Eskel or Lambert at least.
They sat there and a question curdled in his belly until it forced its way out.
"How are we supposed to not get attached?"
"I think we're well past that point lad."
"But How? I can't. All these years and I still can't." He buried his head in his hands so he couldn't see how he'd failed Vesemir yet again.
"If I knew I'd tell you Geralt." Vesemir said, exhausted.
He glanced up and was Viscerally reminded how much Vesemir had lost over the long centuries of his life.
How he'd seen the school founded and fall. How he'd known every child who'd walked these halls and died in them.
How he knew exactly how many had died in the raid.
He remembered how Vesemir had fallen to pieces when the last Witcher he'd ever teach, Leo, had died.
And he remembered how Vesemir put himself back together for them.
"I can't. I can't Vesemir." If Ciri or Eksel or Lambert or Vesemir or Jaskier died. "I'm not as strong as you. I Can't."
"You will. You are." Vesemir squeezed his shoulder as he stood. "Make it worth the loss Geralt."
He sunk into the hot water and wondered how it could be.
He was half asleep when the door Slammed open and only had half a second before Lambert was cannon-balling into his chest.
He breathed through the pain. "Fix my ribs ass."
"You're fine whiny old man." Lambert shoved a book under his nose. the scent of barely dried ink filling his nostrils. "Read it!"
"Just tell me what happened. I'm not reading your handwriting in the dark." He said shoving it back.
"It's better than yours!" It wasn't. "The knight gets his head out of his ass and tells the squire he loves him and they go on countless more adventures." he puffed up proudly.
"And the princess? what happens to her?"
Lambert scowled at him. "Who gives a fuck about the princess?"
‘I do.’ He thought. "The knight does." He said.
"Ugh. uh. she meets another princess and they go ride off into there own sunset. okay? Happy you ungrateful prick?"
He smiled in a way that made Lambert gag. "I think that's a much better ending Lambert."
"Of course it is!" He preened from atop Geralt. Toes digging into his abdomen painfully.
"Now get out of my room or I'll throw you into the snow bank Lambert."
Lambert tried to call him on the threat so he made to make good on it. Lambert dashed from the room with a crass gesture.
That did sound like a better ending. He gripped his medallion and hoped that in the spring they'd get that ending.
An ending that lead into a very very happy beginning of something new.
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HiJack AU - Rise of the Guardians Plotbunnies
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(Context: Before Hiccup returns to HQ when the Guardian signal came up, he was spending time with Jack, as per usual. When the signal came up, he had to go. Jack looked disappointed, because Hiccup had just arrived a bare ten minutes ago. It was the quickest the Aide of Hope had to leave. Hiccup was in a rush to leave, since it was the first time in a long time that the urgent signal was put up to assemble all guardians at the same time, the last time was to report about what had happened to Kozmotis. In his rush, he wasn't thinking, and accidentally kissed Jack on the cheek in a parting kiss.
They were both shock.
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Before Jack could collect himself to make a respond, Hiccup dashed off, all the while thinking "Shit shit shit shit shit what did I just DO?!)
More details added to the Answer (an ask from @hamish-fanfic-fangirl )already mentioned here
The Guardians love children, as they are the Guardians of Childhood. They can't, however, have children. With the exception of Kozmotis and Anastasia's relationship, as they were created together at the same time by Manny.
Manny formed Pitch to safeguard chaos energy that would strike fears in children and leave them traumatize, impeding a healthy and happy development of growing up. Anastasia was formed at the same time, because children, and to an extent people, need to live in a harmonize environment, right?
The Guardians do consider themselves, as what humans coined nowadays, as 'Found family.' Addition to that, they think if they could have kids, they would be like and be treated like their aides.
They joke about it sometimes; North fits the role of a dad, as leader of the Guardians, Thiana being like the mother, with Aster, Sandy, and Kozmotis like uncles. Sandy's the "cool" uncle with a lot of stories to tell (or show). Kozmotis is the "chill" uncle who leaves you be but offers sage wisdom whether or not you ask for them. Aster is the one who nags a lot, sometimes more than the parents but is exciting to spend time with because of all his cool tricks.
Jamie and Astrid found it awkward, but Thiana was being playful and pretending to be like a parent and giving Jamie 'the shovel talk', when Astrid and Jamie got together, as she heard a story told to her by North, from Jim.
She was sweet about it though, going on about how they should be caring of each other and how lovely it all was so Jim made a remark later that he didn't think the guardian of memories got the point of a 'Shovel talk'
Even to the aides that aren't their own, the Guardians do feel rather paternal/maternal towards them.
North: Sandy, thank you for coming.
Sandy descends from the plane and floats to the ground. He joins North, Bunny and Tooth as they walk through the Globe Room. Sand glyphs appear above Sandy's head communicating
Jamie: He says that he is busy and has a lot of work to do.
North: I understand, you work ‘round the clock, da, But I obviously wouldn't have called you all here unless it was serious.
North, Bunny, Tooth and Sandy reach the center of the room. Tooth does her best to shush her mini-fairies.
North: Kozmotis as the Boogeyman was here at the Pole. *points to the globe. The everyone turns to look.*
Astrid: *shocked* Sir Kozmotis? Here? After all this time...
Jamie: Jim, did you really see...
Jim: Well, I didn't but sir North had. I think, I... Wait. *frowning as he looked around in concern* Where's Dimitri?
Tooth: But... Pitch Black? Was it really him?
North: Yes! There was black sand covering the globe.
Aster: What, what...what do you mean black sand?
North: And then a shadow!                                                
Aster: Hold on, hold on, I thought you said you saw Pitch.
North: Well, ah, not exactly...
Aster: Not exactly? Can you believe this guy?
Bunny turns to Sandy, who shrugs while forming a Dreamsand question mark above his head....
Aster: Yeah, you said it, Sandy.
Bunny goes back to painting one of his Easter eggs.
North: Look, he is up to something very bad. *gropes his gut* I feel it, in my belly.
Aster: *eyes narrow* Hang on, hang on, you mean to say, you summoned me here THREE DAYS BEFORE EASTER - because of your? Mate, if I did this to you three days before Christmas-
Tooth (to her fairies): Argentina. Priority alert! A batch of bicuspids in Buenos Aires.  Weather advisory, Astrid?
Astrid: *Pauses* Fair, all of them. Snowstorm warning in Moscow.
Jamie: Maybe that's where Jack is now.
Jim: And maybe Hic too; would explain why he's running late... Now Dimitri...           
North grabs Bunny's painted egg, casually juggling it in his          hand as he walks off. Meanwhile Sandy, who is being served          eggnog by a yeti, suddenly notices something high above.         
North: Please. Bunny. Easter is not Christmas.
Aster: *sarcastic laugh* Here we go... North, I, I don't have time for           this. I've still got two million eggs to finish up.
The moon rises into view, high up in the ceiling; its rays of light begin to shine brightly through as they cascade down the walls of the globe room.
North: No matter how much you paint, is still egg!
Sandy points to the moon unsuccessfully to get the others' attention. Even Jamie is distracted with Jim and Astrid, talking about whether one of them (Jim) should go and get Dimitri. Their guardians are distracted and they didn't want to interrupt them...
Aster: Look, mate, I'm dealing with perishables. Right. You've got all year to prepare.                                                
Tooth (to her fairies): Pittsburg, boy eight, two molars. Saltwater taffy.
Sandy puts his fingers in his mouth to whistle, a silent musical note forming above his head.                                                
North (to Aster): Why are rabbits always so nervous.
Aster: And why are you always such a blowhard!                                  
Tooth (to her fairies): Ontario, sector nine: five canines, two molars, and fourteen incisors. Is that all in one house?
Sandy waves a sand flag above his head, pointing and jumping and down as the moonlight continues to fill the room.
North: Tooth! Can't you see we're trying to argue.
Tooth: *Good naturedly* Sorry, not all of us get to work one night a year. Am I right, Sandy?
Sandy tries to signal with a golden arrow, pointing toward the ceiling, but to no avail as the others continue their bickering. Sandy thinks Tooth has noticed for a split second, but then-    
Tooth (to her fairies): San Diego, sector two! Five incisors, a bicuspid and a really loose molar on stand-by.
North: I know it was him. We have serious situation!
Aster: Well, I've got a serious situation with some eggs.
Tooth: Hey, I hate to interrupt the, "We work so hard once a year club" but could we concentrate on the matter-
A silhouette comes out from a black spot of a shadow in the middle of the room, and Dimitri comes up and stumbles out from it. The aide of the former Guardian of Chaos seemed recovering from injuries. Even with his quick healing, it's taking some time...
Jim: Dimitri!
Jim rushes to help support him...
Tooth: Oh dear!
Astrid: Is he okay?
Dimitri: Sorry... The darkness is more restless than ever for some reasons. I had to defeat about a dozen minions before securing and leaving the base.
Jim: Wha- so if Pitch is really back, why hadn't he showed up here yet?
North: He did lad!
Jim: All due respect sir, you said it was a shadow.
North: Shadows are his thing!
Dimitri: I don't think that was Pitch yet, but a harbinger, maybe? If he had awoken, I think I would be the first to know.
Aster: Hah!
Sandy can't take it anymore, grabs an elf by his hat, and vigorously shakes it's bell. The other Guardians are finally silenced and all turn to look at Sandy, who points up, a sand crescent moon forming above his head. The dizzy elf staggers away. Finally the others turn to see the shaft of moonlight as it concentrates on the circle between them as Manny starts beaming down into the room...
North: Aah! Man in Moon! Sandy, why didn't you say something?
Sandy gives him a deadpan stare, Dream sand smoke shoots out his ears.                                                
North (to Man in Moon as he finally appears, with Anastasia by his side) : It's been a long time old friend! Madam Mother Nature *bows curtly*
Manny: Likewise.
Anastasia: A pleasure as always, North.
North: So... What is big news?
Manny: Before I get that, there is one thing I need to address first...
Everyone looks to the center of the room where Manny manipulates moonlight to shine down intensely, the light ebbs away, leaving a dark spot ---- which resolves into the shadowed silhouette of Pitch. The Guardians look on, stunned.                                                
Aster: It is Pitch.                                  
North pats his belly and gives Bunny a look...
North: Manny... what must we do?
Manny: The matter I mentioned needing to be addressed...
The shadow of Pitch disappears and the circle of moonlight intensifies and shrinks, concentrating further luminating an ornate symbol on the floor, at the center of their circle. The symbol rises out of the ground revealing a large gem at the head of a pillar.                                                
Tooth: Ah, guys, you know what this means?
The moons light suddenly refracts through the gem casting          light all over the chamber.                                                
North: He's choosing an aide for himself.
Aster: What?! You never needed one before, why now?
North: Must be big deal! Manny thinks we all need help!
Aster: We have our help. *Gestures to all aides present* Now if my own would show up too...                                               
Tooth: I wonder who it's gonna be?
Then a bright flash, a rush of wind- and a FIGURE resolves over the central pillar: slight, hooded, bearing a familiar  hooked staff.                                                
North: Jack Frost.
The Mini-Teeth all sigh and swoon as the Guardians stand there, stunned.                                                
Jim: Well then, at least Hiccup's going to be happy
Astrid: *Shrugs, and idly shifts her axe from one hand to another* Well, as long as he does his part in caring for the children…
Tooth: And Hiccup’s going to be motivated more than ever now too.
Aster: Jack Frost!? He doesn't care about children! All he does is freeze water pipes and mess with my egg hunts. Right? He's an irresponsible, selfish...                                                
Manny: Aide.                            
Aster: I can tell you that Jack Frost is a lot of things, but he's--
Hiccup finally flies in with Toothless
Hiccup: I'm sorry I'm late! *He jumps down from Toothless* Snow storm in Moscow delayed me... Er, among other things...
Everyone looks at him
North: Perfect timing Hiccup! We need you to find Jack and bring him here.
Hiccup, remembering his final moments with Jack before leaving, looked mortified...
Hiccup: Do you guys hate me or something?
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Kiro’s Winter Tour Date
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 冬游之约, which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
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[ Released on 24 January 2021 ]
Despite the cold and harsh wind, the strands of Kiro’s hair are drenched with sweat as he rides a motocross in a dashing manner from within the camera lens. 
With a “cut!” from the director, today’s shoot once again ends early and smoothly. While all the staff are still present, I clear my throat.
MC: It’s not easy filming a variety show outdoors during winter. Everyone has worked hard this month!
This time round, the shoot is taking place in a faraway city in the northwest. Even though the scenery is magnificent, the filming conditions are rather trying. 
I pause for a moment, continuing with a grin.
MC: Now, I’m going to announce a piece of good news. Because we’re ahead of schedule for the filming, the production team has decided that there’ll be a two day vacation. Have a good rest, everyone!
The crowd immediately bursts into cheers, but my gaze has already landed on the figure who is currently walking towards me. 
Kiro casually wipes his sweat drenched hair, looking at me with bright eyes. 
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Kiro: How was the scene earlier? 
MC: You could ride it in such a dashing manner despite being a beginner. Very incredible!
Kiro: Hearing this from you, I can rest easy. The company put in a lot of effort for this plan, and everyone has worked hard. I must definitely showcase my most perfect self, and not disappoint everyone. 
As the light gradually dims in this cold winter, I can clearly see the seriousness and resoluteness in his eyes.
MC: Don’t worry, you're always more amazing than you think.
I deliberately give his fatigued cheeks a rub, shooting him a mischievous smile. 
MC: Since work has already ended, let’s not dwell on it. Come to think of it, how do you want to spend the vacation tomorrow?
Thinking about the continuous filming he has done this month, I hurriedly search for the best way to relax.
MC: Mm... how about a spa?
Kiro: Even though this idea isn’t bad, it’s rare for us to come to such a faraway place. It’d be such a waste if we don’t walk around.
Blinking his sparking eyes, Kiro offers me his hand. 
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Kiro: Miss Chips, are you interested in accompanying me on an exploration trip?
Kiro: Oh no... did I really remember it wrongly?
Kiro scratches his head, a perplexed look on his face, lowering his head in dismay.
Watching as the ends of his golden coloured hair curl upwards with his action, I can’t help but laugh aloud. 
MC: It’s okay. Anyway, it isn’t the first time...
Kiro places his hands behind his back, pretending to look incredibly angry.
Kiro: It’s just that the road recognition system in my mind has temporarily short-circuited. Wait for it to reboot. I’ll definitely find the correct direction!
While speaking, he makes a huge show of scanning his surroundings, rubbing his chin as though he’s in deep contemplation.
[ flashback starts ]
Very quickly, we’ve come to the last day of break. Kiro and I start a day of vacation without a goal in mind.
Walking and pausing aimlessly, we munch on food and take photographs, spending this “Idle Winter Strolling Day” in a leisurely manner.
When evening arrives, Kiro suggests returning to the plum blossom park where we had taken pictures at before, but...
Kiro: I think this should be the street. There’s a convenience store, a newspaper box, but where’s the park...
With Kiro leading us confidently, we head in the direction of the setting sun. However, the surroundings look increasingly dilapidated.
He furrows his brows, pursing his lips tightly.
After making another turn, he gives up struggling and starts searching for the destination on the map of his phone. However, it becomes clear that... the situation is a little complicated.
[ flashback ends ]
MC: How is it? Has the “road recognition system” rebooted?
Kiro pouts. 
Kiro: It doesn’t happen that quickly. Rebooting always requires some time...
With a “pfft”, I chuckle and take his hand in mine.
MC: Let’s not waste “battery” then. Let’s just “continue in our mistakes”! We might even have an unexpected encounter!
I pause, mimicking his tone as I speak.
MC: Mr Kiro, would you be interested in going on another exploration trip?
Kiro blinks, the expression in his eyes relaxing considerably. 
Kiro: In that case, looks like MC will be the one pointing the direction. Should we head to the left or right for our “unexpected encounter”?
MC: How about forward?
Pointing at a pile of solid iron bars and the dirt road ahead, my eyes flit to Kiro with interest.
Kiro leans his head closer to me, gazing towards the direction I’m pointing at.
Kiro: Crossing the pile of iron bars? Looks like it’s truly an unknown adventure.
He turns his head to look at me, his eyes crinkled into a smile, the corners of his lips curled into a handsome arc.
Kiro: Since it’s an invitation from Miss Chips, of course it isn’t a problem!
Kiro tugs me along, and we very quickly climb over the pile of iron bars and reach a layer of flat ground.
At the side of the somewhat empty and spacious road, there’s a colourful building. Drawing closer to it, we realise that it’s actually an amusement arcade.
Stepping in excitedly, we find that it’s completely empty. There’s only a middle-aged man, who appears to the boss, packing some items.
Noticing us from the corner of his eye, he greets us immediately.
Boss: Welcome. I’m really sorry, but our arcade will only be officially open for business tomorrow.
Hearing the apologetic explanation from the boss, Kiro’s initially excited gaze dims in an instant.
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Kiro: Ah... what a pity. 
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Kiro: We won’t bother you then. Wishing you a happy opening tomorrow!
A smile reminiscent of sunlight once again surfaces on Kiro’s lips, but his line of sight sweeps across the amusement arcade longingly.
In the next second, his eyes light up. Excited, he points at a spot nearby and leans close to my ear, lowering his voice.
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Kiro: Look, that’s the shooting game I mentioned before. This place even has Taiko no Tatsujin and Whac-A-Mole... this place is basically a treasure trove!
Perhaps meeting a customer who “knows all about the goods”, the boss’ interest is piqued. He suddenly calls out to us. 
Boss: Lad, so you’re an connoisseur! Since we share an affinity, you’re welcome to try the games for free if you’re interested! Just treat it as a large bargain sale before the business starts.
MC: ...huh?!
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Kiro: !!!
Faced with such an unexpected surprise, I subconsciously turn to Kiro, and see disbelief flowing in his large eyes. 
Seeing that we’re bursting with anticipation, the boss smiles even more widely.
Boss: Anyway, I need to make a trip to the warehouse. The two of you can just help yourselves.
After the boss leaves, Kiro is unable to contain himself, and he steps in front of the game consoles, an excited expression dancing on his face. Meanwhile, I also become increasingly elated.
Kiro walks over to my side, his azure eyes sparkling.
Kiro: As expected of a miraculous MC... Seems like we’ve really triggered an “unexpected encounter”! Are you ready to begin this “unexpected gaming encounter”?
Meeting his expectant gaze, I release a large grin, nodding furiously.
Kiro: Let’s start from...
MC: There’s a capsule machine selling bear cubs! I remember that you’ve been collecting this set.
Kiro: That’s right. Other than the red one, I’ve already collected the other nine!
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Kiro tilts his chin upwards, revealing a proud yet satisfied smile.
Kiro: I’ll tell you a secret - I’m a mini expert at capsule machines.
He leans closer to me, his warm breath filling my nose.
Kiro: Which baby bear does MC want? If you make a wish now, I might even fulfil it immediately for you.
MC: In that case... the red one!
Hearing my response, Kiro blinks his crystal clear eyes, an amused smile on his lips. 
Kiro: It’s definitely not a problem! 
He lifts up a game coin, clasping it in both of his hands. After pretending to recite some words, he inserts the coin into the slot of the capsule machine smoothly.
Along with the sound of the hand-crank turning, I soon hear a clear “thud”.
Kiro retrieves the fallen capsule, shaking it gently at his ear.  He lowers his voice, deliberately mysterious.
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Kiro: Make a guess - do you think we’ll succeed with one try?
Seeing how animated Kiro looks, I suddenly feel like teasing him with the opposite. 
MC: I don’t think so. We probably need at least five or six tries!
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Hearing this, Kiro’s mouth turns into the shape of an “O” from shock, just as I expected.
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Kiro: MC, I’m trying to fulfil your wish!
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Watching me laugh gleefully, Kiro puffs up his cheeks. With a soft “hmph”, he turns his head, then pumps himself up light-heartedly.
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Kiro: With the mini capsule expert Kiro personally turning the hand-crank, it’d definitely be a success on the first try!
After saying this, he cups the capsule with both hands, pretentiously blowing a puff of air onto his palms. Then, he’s filled with confidence as he turns the capsule--
But in the next second, his shoulders sag in disappointment - what’s inside is a small yellow bear.
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Kiro: ...it was just an accident. 
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Kiro: I vow on the bear cub that the next one will definitely be red!
Carrying this lofty aspiration, Kiro tries five more times.
He didn’t expect that with each determined turn, his face would morph into a crestfallen expression the moment he opens the capsule. 
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With these repeated coincidences, Kiro lowers his eyes dejectedly, curling his finger and tapping against the glass of the capsule machine.
Kiro: Capsule Machine, tell me secretly - did you discuss this beforehand with MC behind my back?
Hearing Kiro’s mutters, I mimic him and speak softly.
MC: Capsule Machine, you can’t disclose our secret.
Kiro’s eyes grow wide, and he raises his hands in mock anger.
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Kiro: I hereby announce that the mini expert has gone on strike because of unfair treatment! MC will have to do the next try.
He purses his lips, adding another soft, indignant grumble.
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Kiro: [softly] I want to see if the capsule machine is truly that biased.
The corners of my lips involuntarily curl upwards. With light-hearted movements, I insert the coin into the slot. Very soon, a capsule falls out.
Mimicking his earlier posture, I bring the capsule to my ear and give it a shake. Then, I grin as I hold it out to Kiro.
MC: The capsule told me that there’s probably a red one inside! Since there’s such a lucky opportunity, give it one more try!
Kiro takes it from me doubtfully, raising it to his left eye. Squinting with his right eye, he attempts to peer into the capsule.
With a forceful twist -- there’s really a red coloured bear cub!
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The light of dusk streams in through the glass window, casting the disobedient strand of hair beneath Kiro’s cap with a glittering glow.
He very carefully retrieves the small red bear from the capsule, eyes filled will disbelief. Even I’m left flabbergasted for a long while, mouth hanging open.
Kiro: ...Miss Chips, I really believe the whispering between you and the capsule machine now.
After the initial shock passes, Kiro straightens his back, confidence slowly returning to him.
Kiro: [clears throat] In that case, I’ll have to ask MC to greet it on my behalf. So that it’d also give me a red bear cub soon!
Taking the small bear, I lift my head to see a flashing anticipation in those blue eyes. I immediately furl my fingers.
MC: Whispering too many times will lose its effectiveness. But giving this small bear to you... I could consider it.
Kiro watches me eagerly. I pretend to keep the bear, but he swiftly takes my hand in the next second. 
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Kiro: “Consider”? What’s there to consider? If you can’t think of an idea, I have one.
Standing next to the capsule machine, the corners of Kiro’s lips lift into a large arc, and his smile is full of confidence. 
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Kiro: Let’s have a competition! There are so many games here. Let’s pick one and have a competition to decide who's the winner and loser. If I win, you’ll give the bear to me. How’s that?
MC: That’s not a bad idea... but what if I win?
Kiro: You’re free to decide on the condition!
Since the game would determine the winner, Kiro and I walk around the amusement arcade, carefully selecting a game.
Just when I plan to ask if the simulation game before us would work, Kiro’s eyes suddenly widen when he looks at a corner behind us.
Kiro: Eh? Hold on--
He jogs over to the machine, eyes brimming with a surprised light.
Kiro: It’s really this music game...
MC: Have you played it before?
Kiro lifts his head sharply, pulling on my hand with excitement.
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Kiro: I didn’t just play it! This music game is a classic. Last time, I often sneaked out to the amusement arcades to play this...
Kiro subconsciously pinches my fingers, a tinge of nostalgia flashing across his eyes.
Kiro: When I first went overseas, I didn’t have many friends, so I could only go to amusement arcades on my own to pass the time. It’s been so many years, and I wonder if my skills have deteriorated.
Even though he only mentioned it casually, the thought of a young Kiro being alone abroad causes the tip of my heart to clench tightly.
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Kiro: Hm? What kind of an expression is that?
Kiro leans his head over abruptly, his azure eyes in front of mine, a smile hidden in their depths. 
Kiro: Those things happened a very long time ago.
All of a sudden, Kiro is struck with an idea.
Kiro: MC... do you want to experience the charm of this music game?
Even without realising it, I nod lightly.
Kiro immediately reveals a smile reminiscent of someone who has gotten his way.
Kiro: [laughs] Let’s use it for the competition then! It’s been a long time since I played it, and I miss it a little.
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Before I come to my senses, Kiro has already pulled me over to the PK area in front of the music game. 
Unfurling his long and slender fingers, he places them gently on the round ‘start’ button. 
Turning his head, he shoots me a beautiful wink. At this moment, a beam of slyness appears in his eyes, which are as pure as the sky.
Kiro: Ready? The time to witness Kiro’s incredibly high skills begins now!
Cheery and lively music sounds. The screen of the game lights up with all sorts of colours and icons. Taken by surprise, I quickly and clumsily tap on them.
Even though the tune doesn’t have a fast rhythm, I just can’t tap on them in time. 
Watching the messy “BAD” and “MISS” filling the screen, I get increasingly frantic, and my movements become even less synchronised.
Sweeping a glance at Kiro beside me, he’s already completely in the zone, nodding and tapping leisurely along with the melody, humming softly.
MC: ...! Why did I miss it again!!
While Kiro plays the game skilfully and with ease, he can’t help but laugh aloud at my embarrassing display. 
MC: ...Kiro, how dare you laugh! Hurry up and help me. Why can’t I tap them in time?
Quickly forgetting that this is a PK determining who the winner is, I instinctively ask him for help. 
Kiro looks at my screen from behind, then stops his actions without realising it.
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Kiro: ...right now! No no, that’s too early...
Seeing that teaching verbally isn’t effective, Kiro, who is fully engrossed in teaching, stretches out his long arms and cages me from behind.
In the next second, the familiar body temperature leans even closer -- he reaches out from behind me, latching onto my fingers tightly.
With his chest pressed against me, I can’t help but pause. However, Kiro doesn’t seem to notice, and he continues bobbing his head as he hums along with the melody.
Warm breaths gently brush the back of my head, causing me to move along with his rhythm.
What moves with my body is also my thrumming heartbeat. 
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Kiro: An easy feat... How is it? Isn’t it pretty easy? Look, just like this -- Perfect!
Kiro seems to have his head bowed, sticking against my ear. Hearing him call my name, I instinctively lift my head--
In that moment, his lips gently brush against my ear.
What surrounds me is his nice-smelling scent. My heart thumps continuously, and my mind is completely filled with him and nothing else.
Kiro also freezes for a second. Soon after, those azure eyes, reminiscent of the sea, seem to become ignited.
His face grows larger in my vision. Moist and tender lips plant a gentle kiss on the tip of my nose. 
“Game over!”
Along with the loud and clear electronic beep, the game coincidentally reaches its end. The multiplayer music game quickly rolls out the scores. 
My face is slightly red, stunned by his action. Suddenly, I hear a loud voice at my ear.
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Kiro: What?! 
Following Kiro’s stupefied line of sight, I turn my head--
I actually obtained the highest score?!
I can’t believe my eyes. Behind me, Kiro pouts and jokes around.
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Kiro: Terrible... I fell for Miss Chips’ trap so easily.
MC: No, I didn’t--
Kiro: But it’s fine, I’m willing to admit defeat.
Kiro nuzzles his head on the crook of my neck. Tightening his grip on our laced fingers, he takes me into his arms gently.
Kiro: Tell me, what’s your request?
His muffled voice drifts from the side of my neck, his warm breaths tickling my ear, causing my heart to stir.
MC: My request is actually very simple. Kiro, when you go back tonight, don’t look at your script. Sleep early, okay?
When Kiro hears this, he straightens up. His arms deftly turn me around to face him. Then, he pretends to give me a salute.
Kiro: Miss Producer, don’t worry. I’m a very professional artiste. Even without rest, I can finish filming the variety show in perfect condition.
Even though I know he’s just joking, I give Kiro a glare, then rub his cheeks.
MC: Work is just one part of life. Even if you want to do your best for this variety show, you have to take care of your body first, right?
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Kiro nods, his crystal clear eyes looking at me, a brilliant smile on his face.
Kiro: Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.
He tilts his head sideways, giving me a drawn out and focused gaze. Lifting his hand, he tousles my hair. 
Kiro: You’ve been following me around this month and didn’t much rest either. I’m the one who feels a little worried...
MC: It’s not the same! Whether it’s working with you or walking around aimlessly, as long as as I’m with you... it makes me feel very happy and at peace.
Kiro: To me, MC is also my only happy medicine.
He blurts out. 
The remaining light from the setting sun dances on Kiro’s smiling face, leaving me unable to avert my gaze.
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Kiro: For example, even though the conditions and timelines for this shoot are really tough, it’s a combination of both mine and MC’s effort. 
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Kiro: Once I think about how you’re keeping me company from behind the camera, and think about the incredible results from our twin efforts, I don’t feel tired at all. Because I know we share the same feelings.
Kiro embraces me tightly, resting his chin on my shoulder. Although I can’t see his expression, his voice enters my ears clearly.
Kiro: The strength you give me is of far greater importance than you can imagine.
Kiro: Which is why even without additional promises, we can be each other’s strength. 
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Kiro: That’s how I’ve always been thinking.
In the empty amusement arcade, the lights are akin to twinkling stars, illuminating the area brightly.
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searchingwardrobes · 4 years
It’s Been . . . a DAY 1/3
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Yeah, I've got WIPs, but yeah, this came to me. My oldest, years ago, had to pee really bad and NO ONE would let me use their bathroom. An insurance office, of all places, took pity on me, and my kid proceeded to pee on their bathroom floor. I burst into tears, and the woman there hugged me and told me how her kids peed in all kinds of places when they were potty training. The people were so nice, they refused to let me clean it up. I've never forgotten that act of kindness, and I likely never will. So that's the inspiration for this story which will have three parts.
Summary: Emma Swan bursts into Killian's life in spectacular fashion - when her three year old pees on his office floor. Nevertheless, Killian is mesmerized by this tenacious woman. Perhaps fate will let them cross paths again . . .
Rated: G
Words: Just shy of 2k
Also on Ao3
Tagging the usuals: @kmomof4  @snowbellewells @whimsicallyenchantedrose @xhookswenchx @teamhook @let-it-raines @winterbythesea @spartanguard @shireness-says @superchocovian @thesschesthair @resident-of-storybrooke @vvbooklady1256 @hookedonapirate @ultraluckycatnd @hollyethecurious @welllpthisishappening @wellhellotragic @bethacaciakay @optomisticgirl @lfh1226-linda @ilovemesomekillianjones @ekr032-blog-blog @itsfabianadocarmo @profdanglaisstuff @thisonesatellite​ (sorry if I forgot anyone - I am really tired right now!)
Chapter One: 
“Can we use your bathroom, please?”
Jones & Jones Accounting Firm isn’t your stereotypical lifeless, silent establishment, just as the Jones brothers don’t look like your stereotypical accountants. Nevertheless, the frazzled blonde bursts in upon a moment of intense concentration. It’s tax season, after all. Killian takes in said blonde, her hair a wild disarray and tension in her shoulders. She’s clearly not having the best day. A squirming three year old grips her hand, doing what Liam and Elsa always call “the potty dance.”
All four employees of Jones & Jones (it technically should be Jones, Jones, & Jones, but Elsa said that was far too pretentious) hurriedly assure the woman, “yes, yes, of course,” leaping to their feet, hovering, oozing politeness, and pointing to the end of the hall to the facilities. The woman practically weeps in relief.
“Pee pee now, Mama!” the child cries, and his mother scoops him up, holding him out in front of her as she races for the toilet. It’s another maneuver Killian is familiar with thanks to Liam and Elsa - or his nephew, to be more specific.
The blonde - he really wants to know her name - sets the boy down in front of the toilet. In her haste she doesn’t even bother to shut the door.
It’s too late.
Before she can even get the child’s pants down, a yellow puddle is spreading at his feet.
“I’m so sorry,” she gasps to the adults still unhelpfully hovering.
Then she starts ugly crying. Somehow, Killian knows this is out of character for her.
The boy begins to cry in earnest too. Liam and Elsa race off, most likely to take care of this, as the only two adults at Jones & Jones with kids. Ariel, who knows nothing about personal space and has never met a stranger, puts a comforting arm around the blonde.
“It’s okay, lass,” Killian assures, “really.”
“How can it be okay? We burst in here and peed on your floor!”
Killian bites the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling or pointing out that only the lad did the actual peeing.
Liam appears with a roll of paper towels and a mop. “Accidents happen,” he tells the young mother cheerfully. “Potty training?”
“Yes!” the woman practically wails. “He’s three, so I know we should be done -“
“Ours is three too,” Elsa interrupts as she pushes a stack of clothes into her arms, “and he still has accidents. Which is why I have a spare set of clothes in my desk drawer.”
“Oh, spare clothes,” the woman mutters, shuffling through the massive bag slung over one shoulder. “Shit, he peed on those yesterday.”
He continues to sob as Liam lifts him out of his yellow puddle.
“So take these,” Elsa insists once again. “My name is Elsa, by the way.”
“Emma,” the blonde answers with a trembling chin as she takes the clothes, “and I never fall apart like this with strangers.” She chuckles sardonically. “Hell, I don’t do it with people I do know, but we’ve just had the worst time. Henry said he had to go, but every shop on this street said no when I begged for a bathroom. I was trying to buy him a pair of shoes. I mean, who the hell opens a kids’ thrift store and doesn’t put in a public bathroom?”
Killian once again bites his lip at the heat in her voice. He believes her when she insists that she rarely falls apart. She’s feisty and tough as nails - no question.
“Well,” Liam says, stuffing the wastebasket with sodden paper towels, “I’ve gotten most of it so you can change your lad out of his wet things. I’ll mop up when you’re done.”
Emma looks at each of them in turn, her eyes wide and glistening with unshed tears. “Why are you all being so nice?”
It’s clear from the way she says it that kindness has been rare in her life. It makes Killian wonder about the boy’s father. She isn’t wearing a ring, but that doesn’t mean the man isn’t around. Whoever he is, he’s done nothing to ease that look of mistrust in her eyes.
“Because it’s clear you’re having a rough day,” Killian tells her gently, “and we’ve all been there.”
“Some of us literally,” quips Liam, and Elsa laughs.
“Your office was the sixth place I tried,” Emma whispers. “I never would have asked to use a bathroom in a business office if I wasn’t desperate.”
The boy - Henry - is still sniffling. “Was I a bad boy, Mama?”
“Oh baby, no,” Emma croons, falling to her knees before her son. “Even a big person might have had an accident holding it as long as you had to.”
Her soft voice melts the little boy, and he collapses wearily into his mother’s arms for comfort. Emma obliges, heedless of the child’s smelly dampness. She’s a good mother, that’s clear. The businesses on this street however? Killian clenches his jaw as he mentally ticks them off: the thrift store Emma had mentioned, a sporting goods store, a ladies boutique, a children’s book store, a jewelry store, and then Jones & Jones. Every single one had no reason to deny the desperate mother and child an exception to their “employees only” restrooms.
“Next time, love,” Killian says to the resilient mother before him, “you just stride right back to the bathroom no matter what they say.”
“Yeah,” Ariel agrees, anger flashing in her eyes, “I understand why they might not want a public bathroom, but surely they could see it was an emergency.”
“You just tell them it’s either let you use their bathroom or your kid’s gonna pee right on their floor,” Elsa grumbles. She’s clearly pissed - pun completely intended - or she wouldn’t have spoken with such poor diction.
Emma laughs, her face more at ease than it has been since she arrived. “I’ll remember that next time. Desperate times call for desperate measures.”
“And potty training is definitely a desperate time,” Liam commiserates.
They leave Emma and Henry alone then so she can change his clothes. When mother and son exit the bathroom, they both look much calmer.
“I can’t say thank you enough,” Emma tells them. “I’ll come back by tomorrow to return the clothes.”
Elsa waves away her offer. “No worries. Those are pretty worse for wear. Ian won’t miss them, I promise.”
“Ian Jones, I’m guessing?” Emma asks. “That’s a nice name.”
“It’s a nickname, actually,” Liam tells her from where he’s mopping the bathroom. “He’s named after this git of a brother, over here.”
“Oi, but you did name him after me, didn’t you?” Killian shoots back.
“Nickname, huh?” Emma asks with a tilt of her head and a teasing smile. “Short for . . . ?”
“Killian.” Is it just his imagination, or is she flirting with him? “Killian Jones.”
He extends his hand, and she takes it.
“Emma Swan.”
A last name! His heart soars. “It suits you.”
Emma’s smile brightens even as she rolls her eyes. No, it isn’t his imagination - she is flirting. “I bet you say that to all the girls.”
“Only the ones with kids who pee in my office.”
She tilts her head back and lets out a full-throated laugh. It does something to his heart - makes it expand or something equally cheesy. Her cheeks are pink as she looks at him while tugging at the ends of her hair.
“So . . . um, I still feel kind of bad about that.” Her nose wrinkles, and he notices the light dusting of freckles there.
“Well, you could make it up to us by staying and having dinner. It will be here any minute: sub sandwiches and practically a whole salad bar. Ariel always orders way too much.”
“It’s better than running low!” the redhead snaps indignantly.
His smile wavers as he watches a shadow pass over Emma’s face, dimming her eyes. It’s as if he’s watched a wall fall back into place. She shuffles her feet, and ducks her head. Henry meets her gaze, popping a thumb into his mouth.
“I . . . um, think this is a Happy Meal kinda night - right kid?”
“Yay!” Henry cheers, bounding up and down in that jerky way toddlers always have. “Ticken nuggets!”
“Chicken nuggets,” Emma corrects.
“Dat’s what I say,” Henry retorts with a frown.
Killian catches the boys gaze and winks at him. The boy giggles before popping his thumb back in his mouth. Then Killian regards Emma again, weighing the risk of his next question, but he has to know.
“His father is expecting dinner too, perhaps?”
Emma’s eyes narrow, and it’s clear he’s made a serious tactical error. “He certainly isn’t expecting it from me, wherever the hell he is.”
Killian ducks his head. “Apologies, lass.”
Emma sucks in a breath, then lets it out slowly. When she speaks again, it’s with measured calm.
“I thank all of you again, but we really need to go.”
They all talk over one another assuring Emma that it was no trouble at all, but she practically dashes out the door. When it closes, sadness sweeps over Killian at the thought that he’ll probably never see her again.
“Well, you sure mucked that up, little brother.”
Killian glowers at Liam. “Shut it.”
“Leave him alone, babe,” Elsa admonishes gently. “He had to find some way to make sure he wasn’t flirting with a woman who was already taken.”
“You think she was flirting?” Killian asks.
Ariel snorts. “Please. For a minute there, she was practically melting at your feet.”
Killian groans as he runs a hand over his face. “You’re right Liam. I mucked it up.”
“I don’t think so,” Elsa muses, her gaze drifting to the door Emma Swan had just exited. “I think her walls flew back up before you probed about Henry’s dad.”
Killian sinks dejectedly into his desk chair. “And now I’ll probably never see her again.”
“So what?” Liam shoves the mop back into the broom closet before heading back to his own desk. “You only talked to her for like ten minutes.”
“There was an instant connection, though.” Ariel clasps her hands together and practically swoons.
“And you never know,” adds Elsa, “the two of you may cross paths again.”
Killian frowns as he stares at the spreadsheets on his computer screen. He hasn’t been immediately affected by a woman in this manner since Milah. Liam’s right - it’s foolish to read much into their brief meeting.
Yet he can’t help hoping that he’ll see Emma Swan again.
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dragons-bones · 4 years
FFXIV: A Rising Chorus
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A/N: \o/ It’s done! Been working on this off and on since Balmung finished its Firmament, and I’m so happy I finally get to share it.
RATING: G WORD COUNT: 3032 WARNINGS: Spoilers for the final Ishgard Restoration quest line that begins with “Not By Bread Alone;” tooth-rotting fluff. Crossposted to AO3!
After months of hard work by Ishgardians and outsiders alike, the Firmament lies finished: the last of its homes ready to welcome the indigent of the Brume; its new businesses awaiting eager customers; and the warmth of Snowsoak prepared to soothe the aches and pains of its residents.
They’ve already had one impromptu party...time for an encore!
Hoarfrost Hall cast a long shadow over the Firmament as the sun set, the welkin overhead shading from gold to rose to inky blue with the first of the stars beginning to twinkle into existence far to the east. The image of the Hall’s belltower crept down the Abacus, ever closer to the crowd gathering at the far end of Saint Roelle’s Dais, but the growing gloom was offset by the work of the lamplighters, steadily making their way from Featherfall to the New Nest and Eastern Risensong, and the warm glow of candles and hearthfires spilling from the windows of newly-occupied homes. A low susurrus of noise echoed from the Dais as the assembly talked amongst themselves, the sound broken by the occasional bright peal of laughter or the strident twang of a violin being forced back into tune.
Synnove leaned on the railing overlooking the Dais, chin propped in her hand as she watched the Risensong Players warm up for their encore concert. The piano wasn’t Rereha’s usual choice of instrument—she was fonder of violin and lute and harp—but she had cracked her knuckles and thrown herself into that first practice before the first concert with relish, pulling a swirling song from the instrument even as she had complained about being horrifically rusty, the show-off. And better Rere than herself.
She shuddered. Just because she could hear aether as music did not mean that she had any talent or inclination for the art. And wouldn’t that have been the omen, a Warrior of Light and participating skybuilder mucking up the Firmament’s celebratory concert?
At least Rere could say she had participated during the Restoration; her creative talents lay strictly with music and storytelling, but she could plane wood into lumber.
She caught the sound of footsteps coming up behind her, and Synnove turned around in curiosity—and smiled. “Fancy meeting you here,” she drawled.
Aymeric, dressed down in simple leathers, laughed softly as he came to stand beside her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. Synnove pushed herself to her tiptoes to kiss his cheek—he beamed at her, as pleased as any knight when their love bestowed their favor—while he said, “I hope this time I’m not too late!”
“Just in time, my love,” she said fondly, leaning into him. “They’re finishing warm ups, by the sound of it.”
Her knight pressed a kiss into her hair, causing her to beam in turn, and they settled into comfortable silence, looking out to the Dais as a similar hush fell on the crowd. Synnove could vaguely see familiar forms in the press of people, even at this distance: Uncle Edmont with Artoirel (no doubt still wearing that expression of bewildered delight at having his own composition as the showcase of these concerts) and Honoroit; the Haillenarte siblings clustered close to where Francel sat at his piano, radiating pride so fiercely they nearly flavored the aether of the Firmament with it; Heron, off to the side so she wouldn’t block anyone’s view, Amandina and Roksana perched on either shoulder and Arvide with his jaunty beret beside her. Alakhai lurked among a group of Forgotten Knight staff and regulars and Tailfeather hunters at the back of the crowd, and not far from there, Lucia successfully snuck up on Hilda and her Hounds.
(Nobles, commoners, outsiders, even a few of the dragonets who perched on streetlamps and statues. The sight of so many disparate peoples coming together set a warmth in her chest.)
Even this far from the Risensong Players, anticipation made the air nearly hum, no less potent than it had been for the noon show, and Synnove drew in an expectant breath along with Aymeric beside her as the Players raised their instruments or bows to the ready. And then—
—the first notes from Rereha and Francel’s pianos rang out, and their fellows—Handeloup and Emmanellain still on flute, Elaisse and Lizbeth still on violin, and Potkin and Augebert still on cello—joined the symphony.
For all that she didn’t consider herself musical, Synnove found herself humming along, and both felt and heard Aymeric do so, too. She recognized some of the melody Artoirel had used as part of a popular Halonic hymn, but rather than the martial or dirge-like tones of the versions she had heard when she had first come to Ishgard, it had been transformed into something happy and brilliant and celebratory and hopeful. The Firmament was practically giddy with the music, its ambient aether overwhelmed…or perhaps it was harmonizing instead.
Aymeric drew away from her, and she twisted around to look at him in surprise that quickly morphed into delight when he bowed and held out his hand to her, smiling fit to burst all the while. “May I have this dance, my lady?”
Synnove took his hand with a grin and replied, “My lord, it would be my honor.”
He pulled her close, his other arm going around her waist as she brought her other hand to his shoulder, and he dropped a kiss on her nose. As she giggled, he twirled them around, turning her giggles into breathless laughter. They made up the steps as they went along, an awful mix of a minuet and a rigaudon, nearly tripping over their own feet, Synnove’s laughter becoming inelegant snorting cackles and Aymeric snickering into her hair. Over the sounds of their mirth, Synnove could hear the crowd clapping along with the music, and out of the corner of her eye she spotted the movement of other spontaneous dancers.
Aymeric and Synnove collided to a halt as the song ended with a final flourish and the crowd cheered, pressing their foreheads together as they tried to catch their breath between residual giggles. The air between was white from their panting, and she was about to suggest they go to try one of the new food and drink stalls in Featherfall for something hot when the cheery twang of a fiddle rang out across the Dais.
They turned their heads, and even from here they could both see Rereha had abandoned the white piano in favor of her beloved violin, and her bow whipped across the strings to begin a popular reel that was quickly picked up by the other Players, flutes and cellos and piano. Another raucous cheer went up from the crowd, and without prompting, they began to clear a large, open area where lines of dancers quickly formed of both Ishgardians and skybuilders; couples like Lucia and Hilda were hand-in-hand, and friends and family dragged loved ones into the merry scrum. The hulking form of Marcelloix, shaking his head and hunching his shoulders, was easy to pick out, and though the person leading him determinedly through the crowd to the lines couldn’t be seen, there was no doubt in Synnove’s mind that it was Audaine. Those that weren’t lining up to dance instead clapped in time, and in a few more beats, the dancers had begun to dip and spin and whirl about one another in a fast-paced cotillion.
“Turning it into a proper party, this time,” Synnove laughed softly. “Shall we join them?”
Aymeric kissed her temple. “In a little while,” he said. “I’d like to have you to myself for a bit; I’ve barely seen hide nor hair of you in the past sennights.”
“That likely could have been mitigated if a certain someone hadn’t been holed up in parliamentary meetings for whole days at a time…”
“Now that, my love,” he said as they began to dance again in a proper waltz, turning up his nose in faux affront, “is unkind and unjust.”
“But not untrue!”
Their teasing continued as they danced, stepping lightly as the laughter of the crowd and the joy of the music echoed from the Dais. They were coming to the end of the song and slowly twirling towards the Abacus to head to the Dais proper, when—
[Oh! Oh! Is that dancing?!]
The pair glanced up in surprise at the voice that rang out, just in time to see Ehll Tou swoop out of the lamp-studded gloom to gracefully backwing and land a few fulms away. Hautdilong, in a boy-sized fleece-lined leather jacket popular with airship pilots, slid off her back and pushed his flying goggles up to the top of his head, blinking rapidly against the light. His dragon friend, meanwhile, dashed over to the railing, placing her dexterous front hands on the stone and leaning forward with an excited, gravelly trill.
“Oh, goodness,” Hautdilong said, looking out at Saint Roelle’s Dais with wide eyes. “What did we miss? Ehll Tou and I were visiting Gullinbursti and the moogles at Bahrr Lehs the past few days.”
“We finished the Skybuilders’ Monument,” Synnove said, grinning down at the boy when he looked up at her, mouth dropping open. She fought the urge to burst out laughing when Hautdilong’s gaze slid from her to the man next to her and he registered just with whom she had been dancing, and saw Aymeric give a brief half-bow to the lad in acknowledgement. “To make a long story short, a few of the residents wanted to put together a thank you for Francel for his work in overseeing the restoration, and put together a music troupe that performed for the first time earlier today. This,” she gestured at the reforming lines of dancers and the swelling crowd as the Risensong Players began a new song, “is the encore!”
“That explains why I saw Lord Tarresson begin to pack for a trip just as we left this morning!” Hautdilong said. “Someone must have sent him word; he had been speaking to us of how excited he was to see the Firmament finished.”
Ehll Tou suddenly barreled over in the manner of a dragon who sometimes forgot she was much bigger than she used to be, skidding to a halt before she could topple into her two-legged friends. [I want to learn to dance like a child of man!] she said, hopping from foot to foot and wearing her wide, excited smile. [Will you teach me? Please?]
Synnove blinked, momentarily stunned, but it was Aymeric who recovered first. “It would be our honor, Sky Lady,” he said warmly. “Perhaps one of the circle dances to start?”
[I have no idea what that is,] Ehll Tou said, her smile still in place. [But it sounds like fun, so yes!]
“You’ll have to teach me, too, lover-boy,” Synnove teased good-naturedly, poking him in the arm. “You, Hersande, and Baptistaux taught me quadrilles and other court dances, but none of the properly fun ones.”
“Then we will correct that deficiency posthaste,” he said cheerfully. “In fact... Master Hautdilong?”
The boy whipped his head around to Aymeric. “Ah, yes, Lord Speak—er, Ser—” The poor thing had the look of the suddenly nervous and overwhelmed.
“Just ‘Aymeric,’ is fine, especially among friends,” her knight said with a broad wink. Hautdilong slowly smiled back, while Aymeric continued: “Would you happen to be familiar at all with Coerthan circle dances? Particularly the ones from Eastern Coerthas like the branle?”
“I am!” Hautdilong said. “My mother is from the Eastern Lowlands and I was fortunate to travel with her to her home village for the spring planting festivals before the Calamity.”
“My own mama was from the Eastern Highlands,” Aymeric said. “And there’s just enough similarity in some of the town traditions that I believe we’ll manage to teach the ladies well enough. And perhaps some of our other friends, too?”
At that last, he raised his voice, calling out in the shadows, and a with a whoop, a gaggle of children came pelting up the Abacus and rounded the corner to their overlook. Synnove recognized Maelie, Noalle, and some of the Rolanberry Fields children—Lycelle, Peyraquile, and Julchiezain at the forefront—among the group, and following them were a handful of the shier dragonets whose names she had yet to learn. She had been so intent on Aymeric and the music and their mutual joy that she had completely missed the audience they had acquired.
Hautdilong was beaming and, without prompting, began organizing the group of Ishgardian and Dravanian children into a proper circle, with Ehll Tou and her cousins obediently tucking their wings close to avoid knocking other dancers off balance at his suggestion. Synnove dutifully allowed herself to herded elsewhere, exchanging a grin with Aymeric as she was shuffled into the circle between a blue dragonet on her left, who stood on tippy toe to ensure she could properly reach, and Julchiezain on her right. Synnove took a moment to ruffle Julchiezain’s hair—the boy tried to duck around Maelie on his own right to get away from it, but Maelie deftly dodged in turn and shoved him back into his spot and Synnove’s reach with a giggle—before her attention was drawn to the little dragonet tugging at the bottom hem of her vest.
“Hello, little one,” Synnove said, bending down so her face was at level with the dragonet’s. “What can I do for you?”
[My name is Ahm Sorn,] she said shyly, and Synnove melted only a little bit at the sweet, fluting notes of her mental voice. [May we teach this dance to the moogles and our other friends when we return home?]
“You absolutely may!” Synnove said with a smile. “Dances like this are the kind to be shared.”
Little Ahm Sorn made a small, purring little burble in the back of her throat. Synnove’s heart skipped a beat, but she absolutely did not gurgle and try to yank the dragonet into a cuddle. Aymeric shot Synnove a warning look anyway, which she ignored with only a slight pout as she stood up straight once more. She wasn’t actually going to forcibly adopt every sweet little dragonet that crossed her path!
(…She would ask Ehll Tou later who Ahm Sorn’s dam was, and if her dam would like an occasional minder for her daughter.)
Finally, once everyone was settled and hands and paws firmly linked, they all turned to Aymeric expectantly. He smiled at them all and said, “All right, the first set of movements goes like so…”
The next handful of bells were spent stumbling, tripping, and laughing their way through multiple circle dances, most of them Coerthan, until Aymeric made a sly, off-hand comment about Gyr Abanian dances that had the group of children clamoring for Synnove to teach them what she knew. Then Ehll Tou took lead to show them a grounded version of the fluttering, hopping dances that the moogles and dragons of Bahrr Lehs performed, and finally, as children always did, they took turns in making up new dances from what they had learned, until their laughter nearly drowned out the music soaring out from the edge of the Dais.
But all good things came to an end, and eventually the children began to droop with exhaustion and the party wound down. They fit in one last circle dance—a bit too slow for the song the Players were performing to end the encore show, but easier on tired feet wanting to shuffle rather than skip—and finished to the applause of parents and guardians come to take their charges home. They dispersed to all corners of the Firmaments, though most headed south into the New Nest; Noalle passed out almost as soon as her father picked her up, her cheek pillowed on his scaly green shoulder, and Marcelloix and Audaine fell into easy conversation with Rasequin, Gontrandoix, and Pehainel for the trek home while Lycelle, Julchiezain, and Peyraquile helped herd their fellow orphans along, with the older children each carrying one of the smaller ones piggyback. Ehll Tou crouched down to help Hautdilong onto her back, and they—and Ahm Sorn and the other dragonets—waved goodbye before winging off into the night for the sanctuary of Ehll Tou’s workshop roost.
Synnove and Aymeric collected the twins from Heron, off to the Forgotten Knight with Alakhai, and they meandered arm-in-arm up Quill’s Trace while Roksana and Amandina dozed in the crook of Synnove’s opposite arm. When they reached Bright Ballad’s Passage, without saying anything, they simultaneously turned to look out over the Firmament.
The district glowed with golden light, a mirror to the river of stars spangling the black velvet of the sky above. The soft blue glimmer of the new aetheryte system provided spots of color among the shadows, and the faint shapes of people passing in front of windows could be spotted in the houses closest to the Passage. And even with midnight nearing, the Mendicant’s Court still bustled with the night owls of the skybuilder corps, hard at work crafting goods for the residents of the Firmament or lifting off in manacutters from the Skysteel Workshop for the Diadem.
Sighing quietly, a sense of pride and satisfaction settling in her chest, Synnove leaned her head against Aymeric’s shoulder. Her knight kissed the top of her head before resting his cheek on her hair, moving his arm to wrap around her waist and squeeze tightly.
“Even seeing it,” Aymeric said, voice hushed and reverent, “it’s difficult to believe the work is finished. The repairs to the Brume and Foundation are still ongoing, of course, but knowing so many of my countrymen no longer need to worry about where to sleep at night…”
“It’s difficult to fathom the hopes for one’s home coming to fruition within your own lifetime,” Synnove replied, leaning into him. “I never thought I’d see Ala Mhigo free. I never thought a cure for tempering would be found. But here we are: griffon flags fly in Ala Mhigo; capture by a primal is no longer a death sentence; and Ishgard stands at peace and ready to do whatever is necessary to take care of her people.”
Her knight sighed, as satisfied sounding as she felt. “Our star is far from perfect, and its people less so,” he said. “But by Halone, it’s wonderful to see them try, and succeed.”
Synnove hummed her agreement and together, they turned, the Firmament at their backs, and wandered home.
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ifyougoillfollow · 3 years
i am HERE - to hype my own WIP in the hopes of getting it done before Pride is over. :P
the WIP in question: the long-awaited (it's me. i'm the one awaiting) sequel to my midjoke meet-cute fic right face, wrong time (i don't wanna fall in love).
(pssst go ahead and click that link if you haven't read that fic and wanna avoid some spoilers)
the as of yet Unnamed Sequel shall feature:
nemuri and emi's 100% for realsies not-a-date (wink wonk) at Musutafu Pride
our girl nemuri continuing to have a Crisis over how gosh darn cute emi is (and really, who among us can blame her?)
emi being both intimidated by and horny for nemuri (can’t blame her either tbh)
a heaping helping of micnight friendship content because i know what i'm about
a dash of eraserjoke friendship content for extra flavor
a no-good sleazebag reporter being a no-good sleazebag
emi saving the day like the absolute hero she is
special appearance by:
erasermic, who are also definitely 100% not on a date. though completely unironically, in their case. the boys have yet (!) to fall in love in this one, lads. although! there is a minor subplot involving aisawa being Displeased about mic's new boyfriend. why is he displeased, you ask? read to find out. ;)
i'm hype about this fic and i really, really wanna get it done soon so.
this is me putting it out there in the universe that i WILL have this fic done in... let's say two weeks? yeah. that should do.
give me two (2) weeks, y'all. ✌
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milktoaster · 3 years
How I find lost Sims content  through the Wayback Machine
This post is absotively-posilutely massive due to all of the very chunky images, so viewer be warned.  NOTE: I only tested this on Dropbox links, I have not tested if this method works for SimFileShare, Mediafire, etc. I will update if possible.
▸▾◂▴▸▾◂▴▸▾◂▴▸▾◂▴▸▾◂▴▸▾◂▴▸▾◂▴▸▾◂▴▸▾◂ I know it might sound quite silly, but I realize that something that is instinctual for me, well it might be difficult to a stranger, someone who’s never done it before. The Sims 4 modding community is very elusive, it’s hard to keep a grip on it. Content creators come and go, dropping like flies. And for whatever their reasons might be, they have a tendency to PURGE ABOSOLUTELY EVERYTHING when they turn tail and run. So we, the consumers, are left to pick up the pieces and put their catalogue back together like a digital puzzle. When Mr. Average comes along, desperately eyeing up a pretty pixelated dress to put his Sim in, only to find that there’s seemingly no trace left of it’s existence save for a single image and a Pinterest post from four years ago, he is left mildly disappointed, and that artwork could potentially be forever lost to the sands of time. That, my good lad, is where I come in.
Let’s say you’re browsing the Google image results for a specific piece of content in mind- for the example I’m using Hayny’s Spiked Headband. You click on it, and you are brought to a Pinterest post.
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Within this Pinterest post, is a link to Hayny’s Tumblr, to where the Custom Content supposedly is, so you click it, and...
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There’s fucking nothing. You have been trolled.  HOWEVER! DO NOT GO GENTLE INTO THAT GOODNIGHT! Click that bastard link, click him where it hurts. And by that I mean, snag the link before Tumblr boots you back to the front page.
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Take this link, and input it into the Wayback Machine.
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For this particular link, anything beyond 2018 appears to be a dud. I suggest picking a date with the largest amount of captures, though most of the time you’ll be lucky to have a single working capture at all. From what I have expierenced, Simblrs tend to have a 50/50 chance of being documented properly, if at all.
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Now that we’re surfing the sands of time, it’s time to get that content we’ve been lusting after. Most people who create Custom Content for the sims will use websites like Dropbox, Mediafire, SimFileShare, and even their Google Drive to store their files.
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Once clicking on the link in the Wayback Machine, you’ll be met with this. Do not fret! Select every character, including the dashes, that comes before the ‘www.’ in the URL, and remove them. Paste the edited link into a fresh tab, and open the gates.
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It should lead you to a page like this ⤵
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And here is the fruit of our labour, modeled by a lovely(?) pre-made Sim. It’s a cute hairband, though it leaves a noticeable gap between the hair and the band, so I would only really use it on large hair that’ll be clipping into it.
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And then there’s... this. I can tolerate a small gap if it’s a normally unnoticeable spot, but the headband is just straight unfinished.
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But, here she is at last! A once lost item has been raised from the dead, and it only took me like two hours to figure out! I’m running off the assumption that this will work for most things, I have been able to recover more than one item this way. If anyone else tests out the method and finds what works/what doesn’t, please message me privately so I can edit my post with the new information. Happy Simming! Stay safe, and for the love of all that is holy, never click an AdF.ly link if you value your computer. ▸▾◂▴▸▾◂▴▸▾◂▴▸▾◂▴▸▾◂▴▸▾◂▴▸▾◂▴▸▾◂▴▸▾◂
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ellgrimm · 3 years
Sweets (OHSHC bakery AU)
He lightly dusted the rectangle of dough with fine, white flour and ran it through the sheeter one last time. Mori peeled the slightly bouncy dough off the machine bed and placed it on a tray lined with a piece of plastic film. Wrapping the film snuggly around the croissant dough, he smoothed out the indents impressed by his fingertips. He scooped the tray off the maple wood table and spun around gracefully, with habitual movement, to slip it into the fridge along with the other identical trays of dough.
With that done, he slid out of the floury work apron and traded it for a fresh one he kept tidy for sales at the front register. He washed his hands and checked for any errant streaks of flour on his face. Satisfied, Mori walked out from the fairly austere kitchen and into the world of rich woods and shining glass cases that was the customer-service side of the French patisserie shop and cafe.
Haruhi was in the middle of preparing a cup of drip coffee for a patron. Another customer just arrived at the pastry counter and stood politely, waiting to place his order. “Why don’t you see to our guest, Mori?” she asked cheerfully, as she held a gooseneck kettle and slowly circled hot water over the fresh coffee grounds, keeping an eye on the weight of water being poured. A rich, gold-black coffee dripped out the bottom of the cone filter into a ribbed glass pitcher.
Mori turned to face the pastry case and reflexively picked up a set of tongs. He performed a test click: *click*. Then he looked out over the top of the case and said in a deep and calm voice a phrase he had said at least 500 times before: “Good afternoon, what would you like today?”
But there wasn’t anyone there?
He scanned left and right.
Then he directed his gaze down and his heart skipped. A pair of enormous, caramel eyes were looking up at him from underneath a glorious mop of flaxen hair. The boy spoke, blushing a bit, in a voice that rang out clear and light, “Good afternoon! I would like one tartelettes aux fraises, please.” His French was pretty good, or at least it sounded good, Mori thought. “For here,” the boy added.
“Of course,” Mori replied, as he carefully lifted the mini tart off the ceramic tray. A glazed strawberry, sliced and fanned out over piped pastry cream, sat like a glistening red jewel. He placed it on a round plate and brought it over to the register counter. “Anything else today?” Mori asked.
“Can I… get a caffe mocha?” the charming and petite lad said reluctantly after reading through the coffee menu.
Mori caught the hesitation. “Yes, sir. How many shots of espresso?” he asked attentively.
The caramel eyes wibbled a little, damply, and he burst out suddenly “um? No shots? Please?”
Mori was relieved. Now he understood what the problem was: the menu did not list “hot chocolate.” He made a mental note that he should suggest a menu update to the manager. Making cute boys cry was already not his preference; and this boy in particular deserved the world, he immediately and definitively decided.
Mori nodded and completed the cash part of the transaction. “I will bring your strawberry mini tart and no-shots ‘caffe mocha’ to you in a minute, sir. There is a table with a nice view by that window, if you like.” He gestured to a small, round table that offered a glimpse across the street of a park with a duck pond. A coveted sight in urban Tokyo.
The boy smiled and practically floated over to the promised seat. He caught sight of a mama with her raft of ducklings zooming past and gasped with delight. Mori had to work incredibly hard to suppress a grin. It was everything he had hoped for.
Haruhi noticed. She noticed a lot of things, to be clear. Here, she was shocked and intrigued that Mori had said the longest continuous string of words than she had heard at any point over the past two years since he had started working here.
To be honest, she had been surprised when Kyoya had hired him on, considering how much talking is often involved in customer service. Kyoya, in an uncommonly forthcoming reveal into the inner workings of his mind, succinctly told Haruhi once that “diversity is a strength.”And that meant, in stark contrast to longtime coworker Tamaki’s effervescent and somewhat scattered personality, a staunchly grounded giant who is almost religious in keeping up on the daily labors of a bakery is certainly an asset.
Haruhi grabbed a silver dessert spoon and placed it and a napkin on the wooden serving tray, next to the strawberry mini tart. She winked at Mori as he finished making what was honestly a hot chocolate. He grunted softly, as if to say “hush, you.”
He came in every day that week. And every day he tried a different sweet pastry. As far as Mori could tell, he loved them all equally.
And Kyoya saw no objection to adding Hot Chocolate to the official cafe menu. “It’s not seasonally appropriate, but there has been an anti-caffiene health trend picking up lately,” he said decisively.
On the last day of his work week, Mori once again watched the boy leave the shop for the day. This time, the boy, busy looking at his phone, bumped into a trio of well-built, strong young men. He started to apologize for running into them, and Mori panicked a little, instinctively leaping over the counter and dashing past the other customers sitting at their tables. A blur of hyperactivity in an otherwise amazingly calm and inviting space.
And then Mori stopped, his heart beating hard.
“Haninozuka-sensei! We are so very sorry for getting in your way!” the trio barked, stiffly and respectfully bowing. Honey smiled kindly and waved them off.
“Oh, no, it was my fault entirely! I must have been busy with my own thoughts,” Haninozuka offered brightly. And after a quick exchange of pleasantries, he turned and walked up the street.
The trio lingered and talked amongst themselves. Mori tried not to listen, sort of. But he desperately needed to know more about this Haninozuka person. Their… sensei?
“Sensei was so...” Said the first one.
“I know! He’s been such a goddamn hardass at the dojo lately. I wasn’t expecting it.” The second offered.
“I was ready for him to beat us up right here on the sidewalk.” The third expressed, now relieved.
Mori was dumbfounded. This bubbly slip of a lad who giggled at baby ducks and was afraid to ask for a coffee without coffee... was apparently also a brutal martial arts teacher? He couldn’t possibly... and the name was familiar, but he couldn’t finish the thought.
Mori swam in his thoughts for a minute, completely adrift in the dissonance, before Tamaki finally caught his attention and brought him back to earth. “Mori-senpai!” he practically sang, “you left this winsome young lady before giving back her change~”
Mori’s eyes flashed and he looked back, embarrassed. “Very sorry, miss.”
“Um, well, I don’t mind!” she chirped. And she honestly hadn’t minded. He had been athletic and lithe --like an action hero-- when he vaulted himself over the counter, and it had made her think spicy thoughts she would never say aloud. Not something she had expected to experience during her trip to the nicest pastry shop in the ward, but it was a surprise she would treasure for years.
It was an agonizing week before Haninozuka came back into the patisserie.
Mori spent every shift that week dutifully doing his work, to the best of his ability. But his ability had degraded because a solid half of his brain was fixated on this mystery. Cute? Cruel? Sweets? Sensei? It consumed him, and he was beginning to hate himself for it. It had been much easier to do this job before he had someone he so looked forward to being around.
Then Mori caught himself. Sure, the work was easier before, when he had been habitually focused entirely on the tasks. Separating eggs. Measuring flour. Shaping butter into thick slabs. Pouring coffee and picking croissants out of the case. Even washing dishes. It had become a somewhat mindless rhythm.
But Haninozuka had made him want to come to work. It made the work feel more purposeful, somehow. It was like Mori had a specific audience in mind when he wiped tables. An audience he wanted to feel safe and comfortable and happy in his domain.
But what if Haninozuka was a bad person? Those three guys had been so sure that this was an unusual side to him. He wasn’t sure if he was ready for their comments to color his idea of this boy. But he also was afraid it would be foolish to not heed their words. Surely they knew their sensei better than Mori could possibly have gotten to in a handful of hours over a few days?
But eventually, he did come back.
This time, he was escorted by the trio from before, as well as a new face. The fourth person, who had similar facial features to Haninozuka, but was a bit taller than him, also had a permanent scowl topped with a grown out bowl cut and glasses, and he was nervously eyeing Haninozuka, watching to see what he would order.
Mori was ready to push the register icon for in the hot chocolate part of the order, and jumped ahead to asking “What pastry would you like today, sir?”
Haninozuka, looking resolute, jaw clenched and without the usual gleam in his warm eyes, stated plainly “I’ll take a plain croissant and black coffee today. Thank you.” The bowl cut kid visibly relaxed a little.
Mori felt the pain in his unusually flat voice, but only nodded. “Excellent choice. Is this together or separate?”
Once he finished taking the group order, they paid and left to go sit down at a pair of tables outside on the sidewalk, well away from the previously frequented pond-viewing seat.
Mori turned to the task at hand. He brought out a set of wooden half-trays, one for each order, and selected pastries for each guest while Haruhi got to work on the drinks. Mori used the tongs to pick up the plain croissant and paused. He couldn’t bring himself to do it. It felt so wrong.
He put it back and selected a hazelnut and chocolate ganache filled croissant instead. It looked nearly identical on the outside, especially if you weren’t paying close attention. Only a small seam with chocolate peeking through could be noticed, and even then, that was on the bottom side of the pastry.
He then turned to Haruhi and said, without room for question, “make the black coffee a hot chocolate. And put all the drinks in to-go cups.”
Haruhi smiled, and used a marker to write “black” on the paper cup that would be destined to not, in fact, have any coffee in it whatsoever. She was already thinking similarly, but had been waiting for Mori to declare it officially.
Haruhi helped Mori carry the trays of drinks and pastries out to the sidewalk tables. He carefully placed the correct one in front of Haninozuka and gave a half smile. Haninozuka barely noticed, staring dead ahead, bracing himself for what would be an absolute trial of bitter drink and plain food. She distributed napkins and utensils appropriately. They both chimed “Thank you, please enjoy,” and turned to head back inside.
“Why don’t you wipe down table 3?” prompted Haruhi, who magically produced a clean damp rag and offered it to Mori. Table 3 was inside the shop, but aside from the large pane of clear glass, was right next to the sidewalk tables. The audio was barely muffled. Mori took the cloth and singlemindedly started wiping at a table that was cerftifiably already clean.
Haninozuka tremulously started with the pastry. He nibbled cautiously at one corner. He sighed.
Mori cursed silently. “You have to take a bigger bite to get to the filling!” he thought.
Haninozuka couldn’t bring himself to try a sip of black coffee yet. He went back to the croissant. This time a luscious double whammy of chocolate and hazelnut hit his tongue. His eyes widened, but he didn’t say anything.
Haninozuka Yasuchika, his brother, was taking a bite of his own pastry and found the kouign-amann satisfactorily salty as well as only lightly sweet. He grabbed his latte and brought it to his lips, then paused. He couldn’t help himself. Squinting suspiciously through his glasses, which light glinted off of even though they were all fully sitting in the shade, he prodded verbally “what about your black coffee, Mitsukuni-san?”
Mori kept pushing the cleaning rag over a now polished strip of an already spotless table and watched intently. “Mitsukuni” he thought to himself. “A nice name. And… I feel like I know it?”
Mitsukuni tried to not lament the inevitable ruination of his surprisingly edible, nay delicious, croissant. He reached for his cup and brought it closer. Holding his breath, so as not to overpower his sense of taste, he sipped delicately. Yasuchika grinned.
“Why it is perfectly tasty, brother! As usual, I mean.” Mitsukuni smiled, practically florid.
Yasuchika was caught between doubt and relief. His alien brother had so obviously hated giving up sweet things this past month. How could anyone go from entire cakes to once piece of (albeit very nice) plain bread? And from the most syrupy, whipped cream-bedecked drinks to black coffee? It was an unprecendented transformation. But on the other hand, Yasuchika felt accomplished. He had singlehandedly pressured his older brother to reform his ways. It was for the best, obviously. What sort of dojo is led by someone who would do anything for a chocolate bar? The lack of self control was shameful.
The other three guys were completely oblivious to the intimate details of sugary drama. They had simply thought it would be a good idea to bring their sensei to the only place they had seen him happy in recent memory, as part of a quiet campaign to improve the captain’s mood. Practice had gotten shockingly intense this past week, and, if they were to survive next week they needed their sensei to ease off a touch. Not that they could EVER say so to his face.
Mori checked that Mitsukuni was happily enjoying his hot chocolate and pastry, and that Yasuchika remained none the wiser. Satisfied, he decided the table’s newly worn hole was deep enough and turned back to his work behind the service counter. Haruhi winked and said nothing.
It was almost another week before Mitsukuni came back to the patisserie. Mori had been more patient this time. He felt firmly confident that Mitsukuni would find his way back when he was ready.
And his patience was rewarded, in a way.
Mitsukuni staggered in, after dark and only twenty minutes before closing. His eyes were bleary and his countenance groggy and listless. Mitsukuni, usually so sprightly and upright, dragged his bookbag on the ground and pulled up to the duck-watching table. Mori wasn’t sure what to do. Hand the man a hot chocolate as usual? Or… ask how he was doing???
Mori decided to walk over and offer some direct, compassionate human interaction. “Good evening,” he said, simply.
Mitsukuni looked up, with dark circles under his eyes.
He slammed his hand on the table, which startled Mori for but a moment, and said “I wanna shot!”
“...” said Mori.
“Of chocolate syrup, I mean. Like, a couple pumps in an espresso glass.”
Mori left and came back in an inhumanly fast turnaround with exactly that, and offered the teeny glass full of viscous sugary syrup to Mitsukuni, who promptly sucked it down and smacked the glass upside down on the table. “Another!” he garbled.
Mori didn’t remember grabbing the entire syrup bottle, but it was in his hand already. He decided not to think too hard about that and just left the entire thing on the table and walked away, back to cleaning up behind the counter for the night.
Well after the shop closed, with most of the lights off, save for the one over the register, Mori was done closing with one exception. Mitsukuni was finishing the last of the chocolate syrup. He had perked up considerably, and was now waving his arms animatedly, talking fast about his troubles.
“And Chika-chan comes up to me, and says, you know what he says?” Mori did not know. “He says that real men don’t like sweet things! He tells me I won’t be able to get any respect from my men if I keep eating midnight cakes and carrying candies in my pockets!”
Mori assumed Chika-chan must be the grumpy boy in glasses from the other day. He couldn’t say he liked him, particularly. Or, to be more precise, he didn’t like anyone who dared tell Mitsukuni that his respectability was dependent on having “appropriate” and “masculine” interests.
Mitsukuni blurted out a final exclamation of “Chika doesn’t have the balls to talk shit about Usa-chan, though!” and he… passed out.
Mori didn’t know who this Usa-chan was, but he did know that the shop was closed and that Mitsukuni needed to go home. But where was home?
He decided to try something. He looked up the name “Mitsukuni” along with the words “Bunkyo ward” and “dojo.” The search results were conveniently helpful, offering a website that encouraged serious karate students to sign up under the tutelage of Haninozuka Mitskuni.
“Oh. He is really that Haninozuka,” Mori thought to himself. Ages ago, there had been a falling out between their families. Once a close bond through fealty and eventually marriage and bloodline between the Haninozuka and the Morinozuka families, had been broken a couple generations back. The stories we still told, the wounds still fresh. Mori hadn’t even thought about them as “real” since they had become more of a background radiation to his life than a pressing influence. Until today, that is.
He grabbed the leather book bag and slung it over his shoulder, and then picked Mitsukuni up gingerly. Mitsukuni remained unconscious, a few smears of chocolate around his mouth. A legendary sugar crash.
Mori locked up the shop, without even having to put the boy down. He walked towards the Haninozuka family dojo, which was close by.
The lights were on. It was fairly quiet on the grounds. Only once voice was shouting from inside the dojo training hall as they practiced the forms.
Mori called out. “Excuse me. I have your sensei.”
A surprised face poked out. It was Yasuchika. “My… sensei? Oh, you mean my brother, Mitsukuni.” He looked suspiciously at Mori. “Who are you? What did you do to him?”
“I work at the French pastry shop up the street. I didn’t do anything, he was just very very tired.”
Mori purposefully “forgot” to mention his name. And he didn’t want to stick around to find out what Yasuchika really thought of him, especially with their families at odds.
Instead, he gently deposited Mitsukuni’s slumbering form on a training mat and put the book bag down next to him. Mori looked into his calm, round face and committed it to memory. Then he issued a quick departing bow and turned away, leaving the compound. He didn’t look back with his eyes, but a small part of him looked forward with his heart, in a complicated way.
He couldn’t shake that, despite it all, he still wanted to see this Haninozuka back at his patisserie and cafe. He walked home, tired.
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Mod Lenny, I keep re-reading part 4 of The High Road and the Low Road hopeful for part 5. Is it coming soon? Thanks for writing!
The High Road and the Low Road - Part Five
After learning the truth from Claire, a furious Brianna runs to Craig na Dun to prove her mother’s crazy only to fall through the stones herself.
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four
Young Ian looked smug about something. Jamie knew that was rarely a good sign. Having sufficiently scolded his nephew – who hadn’t even bothered to lie or twist the truth about having absconded from Lallybroch without his parents’ knowledge – Jamit turned his attention to the lass Young Ian had brought with him. 
She looked petrified, poor thing. Who was she and what had Young Ian told her as he brought her here? Why had he brought her here? No doubt part of her open-mouthed fear had to do with the yelling Jamie had just done in front of her. 
“Apologies, lass,” Jamie said, bowing his head in her direction. “I ought not to have carried on so in front of ye. I’m Alexander malcolm and–”
“I already told her that’s no yer name, Uncle,” Young Ian confessed. 
“Iffrin,” Jamie muttered under his breath. 
The lass continued to watch him carefully. I unnerved him, her gaze. There was something familiar about her… He must know some of her people – her father or a sibling perhaps.
“Ian says yer name is Brianna?” The name felt awkward in his mouth.
“Brianna,” she confirmed but with a different emphasis, a different accent. Her voice was quiet and unsteady. 
“I met her on the road from Lallybroch,” Young Ian explained. “She was lost and I told her I’d help her find her way to Inverness on my way back. I told her ye’d be fine wi’ her stayin’ wi’ us as I couldna leave her to fend for herself.”
Jamie kept his face controlled, motionless as he fought the urge to wring his nephew’s neck. His rented rooms were small and cramped and he felt no guilt making Young Ian sleep on the floor when he ran away like this – just part of his punishment really. But he couldn’t let the lass sleep so rough. What had possessed the lad to make such an offer?
“Ye’re lost then?” Jamie asked, turning to Brianna, hoping her plight would help to calm and refocus him.
But she only nodded, still too nervous or frightened to speak.
“Well, Ian’s right – I’ll no turn ye away do ye need a safe place, but it’s no the lap of luxury.” 
All he got was another nod.
Jamie sighed and reached past the shrinking girl to take Young Ian by the shoulder and pull him toward the back of the shop. “A word,” he demanded. 
“Where did ys find the lass?” he asked under his breath, his eyes drifting to watch her as she relaxed a little and began to look around the shop.
“It was near the fairy hill,” Young Ian explained quietly. “Craig na Dun.”
A chill went up Jamie’s spine at the mention of that dreaded place. Perhaps the lass – like Claire – had been ripped from all that she knew and was truly lost the way Young Ian said… Had she confided in his nephew? Would she need more help than the lad kent to offer?
“And ye say she’s on her way back to Inverness?” Jamie raised an eyebrow at Young Ian who tried his best to look insulted.
“Tha’s where she asked to be taken,” he explained.
“And so she will be,” Jamie nodded. “Because I’m going to see here there with ye.” (With a stop at the stones if it pleased the lass.) “Then I’m takin’ ye all the way home to Lallybroch.”
Young Ian’s face fell at the prospect.
“But Da’s likely on his way to fetch me as it is and ye cannae afford to take the time away,” the lad objected. “Really, it would help you and them back home more did ye convince Da to let me stay here and work wi’ ye.”
“I’m no interested in an apprentice as doesna do as he’s told,” Jamie countered. “Stop runnin’ away, help yer mam and da for a year wi’out complaint and then we’ll see if ye’re a fair prospect for me to take on. Now, we’ll leave tomorrow if I can manage the arrangements this afternoon. Day after if it takes longer to settle. And whatever this costs me in business, ye’ll be makin’ up to me should I desire to hire ye in future.” Jamie pointed a finger at an increasingly dejected Young Ian before turning to the lass to tell her the plan. 
She was standing Looking over the copy of Pamela from the shelf of popular titles he stocked for patrons to examine. And she was. There was an amazement and reverence to how she held the book, a care to how she turned the pages, a curiosity as she ran her finger over the seams and spine.
“Ye can read then, lass,” he said, unintentionally startling her. 
The book fell to the counter as she pressed a hand to her chest and muttered, “Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ.”
Jamie had been reaching for the book as he saw it falling but was lucky to grab the counter and brace himself as he felt the world shift beneath his feet.
“Uncle Jamie?!” Young Ian cried, dashing over to the man’s side. “Are ye alright?” He looked to Brianna, confused.
But her full attention was on Jamie and she looked frozen and maybe a little terrified.
Jamie brushed off Young Ian’s hand as he got his feet back under him, his own gaze fixed on Brianna, looking her over more closely. The familiarity he’d felt before… how had he misplaced it? She looked like the portrait of his mother still gracing the walls of Lallybroch. He’d always found something irresistible about the way Claire carried herself – not the self-assured confidence of a vain and beautiful woman used to being flattered (though Claire had certainly been the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen), but the confident bearing of a woman who knew and was sure of herself.
Despite the uncertainty and hesitation in her eyes, Brianna stood taller, rising to meet and hold his confused and hungry attention. It was something he’d seen Claire do a hundred times.
“Ye ken who I am?” Jamie croaked, then swallowed hard against the swelling in his throat. His hands felt clammy and shook as he tried to wipe them surreptitiously on his breeks. “Are… are you who I think you are?” he whispered.
“Are you Jamie Fraser?” Brianna asked, her eyes darting briefly – accusingly – to Young Ian. “Your nephew never did tell me your real name.”
“I am,” Jamie nodded. “And ye’re my… Claire – she… she told ye then? She sent ye?”
“She told me,” Brianna confirmed quietly. “She also told me you were dead.”
“Then she is yer daughter,” Young Ian piped up, victory rising in his voice. “I kent ye must be, soon as ye said yer mam’s name was Claire and that she was English. Ye’re the spit of Uncle Jamie and everyone at Lallybroch kens the stories–”
“Ian,” Jamie interrupted sharply. “Go see to the back.”
“See to what in the back?”
“Just go.”
“Ah… right. I’ll leave ye two to get acquainted,” Young Ian rambled, color rising in his cheeks and a smug expression blooming on his face. He disappeared from the room, though, and Jamie finally looked away from Brianna long enough to move to the front door and lock it against further disruption. 
“Is Claire… How is she?” Jamie asked, still too unsure what to make of the grown daughter standing before him. 
“Well, she’s probably worried and pissed at me,” Brianna said with a wary sigh. “My trip here wasn’t exactly planned – I mean, not just to Edinburgh but to seventeen-whatever year this is.”
“1766,” Jamie informed her. “It’s been twenty years since I bid yer mother farewell… I’ve thought of her – of both of ye – and prayed for ye every day since then.”
His voice was quiet and sad, broken and earnest. It tugged at Brianna’s chest in an unexpected way. She’d heard that sorrowful longing before. 
It had been in her mother’s voice when she’d told Brianna about Jamie – about losing him. 
She took a step closer to him and reached out to rest her hand on his arm. He stilled beneath her touch like an animal spooked and debating whether to flee or play dead. The thought helped put her own trepidation into perspective. He was just as intimidated by her as she was by him – perhaps more.
Brianna reached for what they had in common and found further comfort in speaking about her mother. 
“I’m pretty sure she thought about you and prayed for you a lot too,” she told him. “I didn’t know about you for a long time growing up, but since she told me… there are a lot of things about her and about her and Daddy that make more sense now.”
“Frank,” Jamie replied with a tamed disgust that gave Brianna pause. “Did he treat ye well? Both of ye?”
“Always,” she said confidently before flashes of doubt flickered in her now-untrusted memory. “At least… I know he loved me and never treated me… I don’t even know. I never doubted him or questioned that he – and I always though he and Mama were happy. Now… now I wish I’d listened to her more when she was telling me the whole story and that I hadn’t – well, let’s just say I could’ve handled the news about you better.” She flushed, remembering her behavior.
For the first time the air of sorrow and longing lifted and she noticed curiosity creep into Jamie’s face.
“Aye, I can imagine it must’ve come as a shock to ye,” he assured her, his tone slightly cautious. “I didna ken what to make of it myself when she first told me the truth of where she was from. Didna matter much to me either – I was already too far gone for her. But she didna seem to care o’er much for my askin’ her was she a witch.”
Brianna stifled a laugh as the mental image of her mother first as the Wicked Witch of the West popped into her head before it transformed into Claire as Glinda floating in her giant bubble. Traveling by bubble was far more appealing than the thought of touching those stones again.
“I may have called her a few colorful things,” Brianna confessed. “I don’t think ‘witch’ was one of them, though. No, I was thinking more about the poker I hurled through the window,��� she added in a quieter voice.
His eyebrows shot up in surprise and then she laughed. The surprise faded to an amused and prideful smile.
“Well… that might be a bit of the Fraser temper,” Jamie told her with a knowing nod, then leaned conspiratorially forward. “Though yer mam did throw a bit of crockery now and again – usually at my head.”
It was Brianna’s turn to mirror his surprised and impressed expression. This time they both laughed, drawing Young Ian from the back room.
“Ye’re no laughin’ at me, are ye?”
Ian had secured them lodgings for the night. They would reach Edinburgh the next day by his reckoning and he assured Claire that it was highly likely that Brianna and Young Ian had already reached the safety of Jamie and the printshop.
“Ye’ve heard it from at least three folks as have seen them making their way,” he reminded her as they ate from a tray in their meagre room. She would (reluctantly) take the bed while Ian and Roger made do on the floor with the pillows and blankets she insisted they take from the bed. 
“Aye, Claire,” Roger chimed in, “she’s no alone and that’s the key thing. She’s safe and we’ll find her.”
“I don’t doubt that,” she asserted, though with less conviction than she hoped to convey. “It’s just… if I’d known he was alive and that they’d be meeting one another… It’s not how I would’ve wanted them to meet is all. For them to be blindsided by it–”
“I doubt Ian managed to keep it secret from her, did he truly ken who she was,” Ian speculated. “He’s the Mackenzie knack for plotting mischief, but no the knack for carrying it out well. More like to muck it up, that one,” he finished with a laugh. 
He rose to carry away the empty tray over Claire and Roger’s objections. 
Left alone, Roger still kept his voice low as he asked Claire, “Have ye thought what ye mean to say to Jamie when ye see him? What it means now ye ken he’s alive?”
Claire face told him what he already suspected – she’d been thinking of little else.
“Ye said it gets worse each time ye try to pass through the stones, aye? And ye werena sure ye’d even survive a trip back… Maybe… maybe it’s because yer place is here with Jamie,” he suggested.
“And where would that leave Brianna?” Claire challenged. “She’s still not over losing Frank and everything she’s ever known has just been pulled out from under her. What kind of mother would I be if I abandoned her now too?”
“Maybe ye won’t have to choose,” Roger replied, hope and resignation warring within him. “Maybe she’ll want to say.”
“I doubt that very much.”
Roger looked at Claire until he caught her attention completely.
“She didna just pass through the stones and run straight back,” he reminded her. “Brianna chose to come to Edinburgh. And she’ll have met a father she didna ken she had. You didna think to stay until ye met Jamie. She might surprise ye.”
“I’ve lived longer with both Brianna and the pull of life on either side of those stones,” Claire pointed out. 
“And? What do ye think will come of it?”
“Heartbreak. Maybe not at first, but eventually. And the bit before the heartbreak has to be enough to help you survive it all.”
“Well,” Roger nodded and smiled. “I’ve heard ye tell plenty of yer time here before ye went back, so I think it’s a safe bet to say it will be.”
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