#neville longbottom reader insert
cleake · 10 months
Harry Potter characters: Top or bottom?
Personal opinion!!1!1 (this is just for the funnies)
— Switch
Harry can be both, he can be both dominant and reserved. Harry has a lot of repressed emotions so he does have to let them out once in a while and it can get rough. He does make sure that everything is okay and that he doesn’t hurt you but he can get too into it and sometimes he doesn’t catch himself on being too much. But he can also be very gentle and delicate when he isn’t overwhelmed by emotion. He wants to appreciate the moment and let himself feel all the love and affection between you two, it makes him feel so happy and special. He likes being treated and treat you, he doesn’t really have a preference it depends on his mood. He likes to take control of things but he doesn’t need to to feel good, he likes it when you are more dominant too.
— Bottom/Switch
Ronald Weasley, the boy who doesn’t know what he wants. He thinks that he can be the dominant one, he pictures himself as one and he has the knowledge, but when it comes to acting on those things he is a bit reserved. When you take control, he feels a bit too giddy inside to stop you and is very enthusiastic to see what you’ll do. He’s happy that you’re willing to control him more, he wants to see it and it excites him, afterwards he can be a bit grumpy that he didn’t take the opportunity but that won’t last for long. He’s a sucker for love and affection, he can’t resist it when it happens. He can be more dominant, he does take control when he wants to but he’s much more happy to see you treat him. Not that he’ll leave everything to you, no no, he’ll absolutely do anything you’d ask.
— Switch
Hermione likes to have control, she likes the entitlement and power it gives her but she isn’t very greedy for it. She doesn’t have to be the dominant one but if you ask nicely she’ll do it with pleasure. Although she likes it more when you two work together equally, she feels more loved that way and it’s more pleasant for her. She does like it when you get more controlling, she observes you intently and will call you out when you do something that she doesn’t or does appreciate. She sometimes will literally correct you, after you do something she’ll shake her head and say “No no, that wasn’t right, let me show you” and then proceed to do the same thing to you with more ability to prove your mistake. She can be a bit competitive but not too often.
— Switch/Top
Now, Fred is cocky and thinks he’s the stuff so he’ll most likely take control. That doesn’t mean he’s necessarily good at it, it can get a bit messy. He is skilled and it can be nice but he takes a lot of pride in the fact that he was the dominant one. He’ll tease you about it and provoke you, a bit cruelly but he’ll stop when your feelings get hurt. But when you take control, he freezes. He doesn’t know what to do, he’s clueless and looks like a deer in headlights. He does get used to you being the demanding one and starts to like it, a lot. He would be more willing to let you take control, not even trying to fight it after some time, he absolutely wants it. He will still tease you, even with you on top but his reactions are good enough to tell that he’s enjoying it.
— Bottom/Switch
George is more mature about this than Fred, he takes it more seriously but that doesn’t mean he won’t tease you. He still considers this fun but it can be also more personal to him. Sometimes he’s focused on controlling you, sometimes he just melts when you treat him. He doesn’t mind being on the bottom, it doesn’t hurt his ego, he enjoys it and is in awe of your treatment. If you want him to be more dominant he’ll gladly do it, without a question, but if you’d like to take control he doesn’t talk back. He’s just happy that he’s sharing this experience with you and that means to him the most, he wants you to enjoy it so whatever you want is on your command.
— Top
She’s not messing around, she will pin you against the wall and control you like her puppet. She likes having control, she likes proving her strength, and it makes her feel good. She won’t be rough on you if you don’t want it but she’s not giving up that top spot, she is in charge. She does give you opportunities to be more dominant but not enough to overpower her. She can get more gentle if you want it, she doesn’t want to hurt you but she’s having more fun if she’s on top.
— Switch/Bottom
Neville is nervous at the beginning, he doesn’t have a lot of experience, but when he gets it he’s more and more willing to engage in being more dominant. He’s not controlling, he always makes sure that you’re comfortable and that nothing is against you but when he makes sure that it’s okay, he goes for it. He can appreciate both being on top and the bottom, he likes it when you treat him, it makes him feel loved and cared for but he also wants you to feel the same way. He can get excited and get rougher if you like it, he may be a bit embarrassed afterward but he does enjoy being more dominant when he feels like it and you want it.
— Bottom
Do you think this boy will take you? Do you think that this wet cat is going to control you? Nuh-uh, he’s going to crumble when you do anything to him, he’s touch starved. The smallest touches make him fold and whimper for you like a fool. He doesn’t like it of course, he doesn’t like that he folds and shows his vulnerability but it’s too good when you take control of him and he can’t stop you. He can try to take control but touch him anywhere while he’s doing it, tease him, or provoke him a little and he can’t take it.
— Switch
You think that Tom Riddle is intimidated or threatened by being on the bottom? Of course not. His power doesn’t come from his position. His ego is big and he is determined to show you that he still has control even with you on top of him. He won’t even do much, he’ll let you have the power, giving into him like a fool you are, and he knows that he still is in charge. He won’t even provoke or tease you much, he’ll just watch you and give you small touches that will make you melt. And he does enjoy someone treating him, it makes him feel even more powerful. Whatever you do, he’s not impressed.
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luv-loo · 9 months
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Christmas with Neville Longbottom
Masterpost || Harry Potter Masterlist
Neville Longbottom x GN!Reader
Headcanon/Drabble: The first time with your new boyfriend during the festive season
Warnings: These drabbles/headcanons are directed towards a teen audience, as this takes place during Hogwarts schooling. You can read it as a backstory as sorts, but keep in mind the reader and Neville are minors. Neville’s parents and backstory is part of this headcanon, so be weary when reading.
Notes/Anything Else: Neville’s my favourite and a major comfort of mine. With Christmas coming I was thinking about this little thing hehe, hope you enjoy ! I haven’t done a format like this before… is it a drabble ? Idk…
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Christmas times always been a iffy topic to Neville.
You noticed it when the Christmas holidays were coming closer, whenever someone would ask what each other plans were during the time. The teen would slug down a bit in his spot and have a dejected face for the conversation. You didn’t pry… to much.
When you two started dating your 5th year, you really took notice of it.
You found him in the common room, looking on the brink of tears, curled next to the fire place.
It broke your heart. “Why is my love so sad?”
You sat on the floor in front of the chair he was curled in. You asked what was wrong.
The common room was empty as everyone was packing to leave for the holiday, but you still whispered.
Neville didn’t say anything for a solid 10 minutes. All that was heard was the crackle and pops of the fire place.
“… my nan likes to have Christmas with my mum and dad.”
You turned to face him, his chubby cheeks had tears slowly rolling down. Your heart was breaking even more.
Neville didn’t live with his parents, you knew that, but he never talked about what had happened with them or even if they were alive.
“Nan says they’ll know who I am when I’m there.” Sniffles were coming in clumps now.
You sat up immediately and placed yourself on the arm rest next to him, taking hold of his hand and squeezing tight, a gesture you know will calm him down. “What do you mean by that? Love, you can tell me anything.”
Sobbing was echoed through out the room, you squeeze his hand impossibly harder. He explains St Margo’s, and how they’ve lost themselves. (You could tell he was holding back, but you wouldn’t dare push him any further, with all he’s said already)
A great pain of sadness deep in your chest gathered. By that point forward, you made sure your boyfriends Christmas were special.
You brought your own Christmas decor from home and set them up in the green house (with permission). A small Christmas tree with red & gold ornaments, with present, sweets and all Neville favourite plants surrounding it.
The first time your brought him to your little set up, you bouncing on the heels of your feet while you told him he can open his eyes now.
First, shock, then disbelief and lastly utter gratefulness crossed his face when tears started coming down.
You embraced him in the tightest hug, wiped his tears away and kissed his cheek.
Carefully taking him by the hand, you lead him to a little picnic blanket laid out with sweets of all sorts that you brought last time in Hogsmeade.
“I don’t deserve you at all.” He whispered, wiping his, now, puffy red eyes. You stop, turned to him, and cuffed his cheeks.
“Don’t tell me you don’t deserve anything, especially me, because that means you deserve everything.”
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hannaswritingblog · 10 months
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“Do you find me brave yet?” Neville Longbottom prompt
Fandom: Harry Potter
Suggested by @winterxisxcomingx
A/N: I almost gave up on this idea, as well as on others that are waiting for me from before my unexpected break, but I needed something to get back on track anyway and sometimes all you need is an old suggestion. :D I hope you'll enjoy this!
The battle at the Department of Mysteries certainly wasn't something you expected to take part in on this summer night. Confused and exhausted, all you want is to find some rest. But before you can lay and try to get any sleep, you feel the need to make sure all your friends are taken care of.
The only person gone from your radar is Neville Longbottom. A bit worried, you decide to find him, wherever he is. After a solid hour of searching, you come across him at the top of the Astronomy Tower.
"Hey," you say softly, trying to get his attention. "What are you doing here, all alone?"
"I'm so- I'm sorry, I just needed t-to rest for a while," he explains in a shaky voice.
"Oh, don't apologise! A lot happened today, I understand needing to rest. But I was worried about you."
You try to soothe your friend, sitting next to him and putting your hand on his. You wish you had words to comfort him more, but after everything that happened in the Ministry of Magic, nothing that would be good enough comes to your mind.
"Do you find me brave yet?" he asks out of the blue.
Startled by the sound of his voice, you don't immediately answer.
"Wh-what do you mean?" you ask back, wondering what he even wants to hear.
"Well... I know I will never get to Harry's level, and that I'll never be as appreciated as Hermione, or even the Weasleys," he starts explaining, "but one thing I want is to be worthy of being a Gryffindor. And everyone knows Gryffindors are brave. I was hoping..."
"Okay, stop for a second here," you interrupt him. "So you think you're not brave?"
"I don't see why I wouldn't think that. I'm afraid of everything."
You let out a sigh. Having always seen Neville as one of the bravest people you know, it never crossed your mind he could see himself in a different light.
"If you were afraid of everything, you wouldn't go to the Ministry tonight, would you?"
Neville doesn't answer you, clearly trying to process your words. Taking advantage of his silence, you add:
"Besides, the Sorting Hat would have made a different choice if you weren't brave enough to be a Gryffindor. And yet you are one."
"Are you trying to say you do find me brave?" he finally speaks again.
"Of course, silly! I never doubted that."
A soft smile lightens up his face and you're sure he believed you. Knowing how much you must've helped him, you start feeling a little better yourself.
It's been a long night, the night that's just a beginning of tough times, but this conversation made it a little bit more bearable.
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If anyone wants to request anything I’m open to ideas
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three--eyed--cat · 4 months
!! neville longbottom moodboard !!
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Neville can barely talk to real people, he's shy and clumsy, constantly forgetting everything. Instead, he confides in the garden, talking to the plants while Trevor hops around happily. He'd stay for hours, chatting away until he realizes that he's forgetting something. He rushes inside, having took a glance at the sky and remembering that it was dinner time. Professor sprout comes up to him at dinner, handing him a small green frog. Neville's ears turn red, blushing in embarrassment as he sputters out an apology. After dinner, he'd take a quick trip to the bathroom, missing the crowd of gryffindors entering the common room. Which resulted in him sitting outside, the fat lady berating him as he drifted off to sleep, having forgot the password.
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tealeafgrimm · 2 years
hii againn!! if requests are still open, could i have a adult neville longbottom and adult reader (theyre both professors) who start out disliking each other but gradually fall in love?? and the students love to tease them about the other all the time and its hilarious?? plus points if neville is confident and smirky bcs most fics potray him as nervous and all?? Thanks!!
Prof!Neville Longbottom x Prof!Reader
Words: 1.6k
A/N: I'm so sorry it took so long. I had great difficulty with this one and to be honest it isn't my best work, but I hope you still enjoy it. Also I started a new job about a month ago and my time to write is very limited. So just know, that if you request something I will eventually get to it, but I can't promise you it will be anytime soon.
It felt strange to walk down the empty corridors. You had never been here before the start of the new school year. The castle seemed even bigger than usual, the silence almost oppressive. You had hesitated when McGonagall had asked you if you wanted to take the job as Herbology teacher, but now that you were finally here, you could hardly wait. Professor Sprout had truly earned her retirement.
You stopped in front of the statue, behind which you knew the stairway to the headmaster's office was hidden. You gave the password and began to climb the stone steps.
"Come in," the familiar voice sounded and you entered the large office.
"Hello Professor I wanted to...", you paused in your sentence "...report for duty." You were not alone. Next to Professor McGonagall stood a young man, whom you could only identify as Neville Longbottom after a closer look.
You hadn't seen Neville since you left school. Surprised, you looked from one to the other, not sure what exactly to say or do.
"Ah Y/N, I've been waiting for you. As I explained to Neville here as well, there was a bit of an overlap, I'm afraid. One of the owls was so late that I sent a second one out. And...then you both accepted, so you were both hired as Herbology professors." You had never seen Professor McGonagall so distraught. She was blushing and you could see how uncomfortable she was with the whole situation.
"I thought...you might be able to share classes. This year we are expecting more new students than ever before. The classes will be unusually full, so it won't hurt to have two professors in one lesson. Especially if the position is newly filled." You didn't know what to say to that. And neither, it seemed, did Neville. Professor McGonagall knew how to take advantage of your speechlessness. She clapped her hands, looked from one to the other and smiled.
"Great, now that that's settled, I'll let you go. Get your offices and rooms set up and I'll see you at the Welcoming Feast tomorrow." With that she gently but firmly pushed you both out of her office. Wordlessly you descended the stairs.
You didn't know what to think, what to feel or what to say. Holding class with Neville Longbottom was the last thing you wanted to do.
Normally you would say that you were a very nice, sociable and open-minded person. And you got on well with most of the people in your life. Neville was not one of them. Quite the opposite. There was an abysmal mutual dislike between you that had begun in your third year.
You couldn't say exactly when or why. You just didn't like each other. Probably it had something to do with the fact that you had been the two best in your year in Herbology, which had sparked off a real competition between you.
On the other hand, you were both older now and wasn't it time to leave the past and the old feelings behind you?
"I can't wait to hear the kids say that my teaching is a hundred times better." This statement snapped you abruptly out of your thoughts.
"I'm sorry, what?" Had you heard right? Neville looked at you with a sneer.
"Oh come on, we both know which one of us will do the better lessons. Me."
Your blood began to boil. Had you really considered jumping over your shadow for even a second?
"Well, we'll see about that. But don't be sad if none of the students will listen to you or talk to you. It's only because they'll be more focused on MY lessons," you replied, hissing, turning and walking towards your assigned chambers, robes billowing.
If you thought teaching together with Longbottom would be hell, you weren't mistaken. It was an absolute nightmare. From the first second, your old competition was reignited. Only now it was no longer about which of you got the better grade, but about who taught the children more and which of them was better liked.
Moreover, you had started blaming each other for everything that went wrong in class.
"And make sure your earmuffs are on properly. I don't want to carry anyone to the hospital wing." You rolled your eyes at Neville's comment. In a way that only he could see you had, of course.
It didn't take long. Already on the second Mandrake, one of the Slytherins toppled over backwards.
"You did a great job Longbottom," you grumbled as you rushed past him to the boy.
"Why is this my fault now? You're just as responsible for the children," he whispered in a heated tone as he knelt beside you to help the boy.
"This was your lesson, so it's your responsibility to make sure they have their earmuffs on properly before it starts."
"As far as I know, this is YOUR class too, and you don't seem to have noticed either!"
With a final death glare, you summoned a cot to take the still fainting student to Madam Pomfrey.
But if you thought that was the worst of it, you didn't reckon with your students. They quickly realised that you and Neville didn't like each other very much, and they had fun egging you on.
"But Professor Longbottom told us to do it this way," a Hufflepuff fifth year complained in one of your lessons. You had to pull yourself together not to roll your eyes at her. Half a year had passed since the start of school. Even though you had come to terms with your situation, you were still not friendly with each other. At least it seemed that way, because every time you thought you were making progress, there was some comment that set you off.
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Neville stifle a laugh. How you wished you could wipe that smirk off his face. And to make matters worse, by now you had to admit to yourself that you found him attractive. Time and time again you found yourself unconsciously staring after him or thinking about him. Just like now!
"Well, then perhaps Professor Longbottom should look at his book again too. Anyone who can read would see that you do it the way I just showed you. Try it and you'll see it works much better." With these words you went to the next student. To your amusement, you saw the grin disappear from Longbottom's face.
"Don't worry about it, maybe you'll learn someday," you smiled sweetly at him as you walked past him.
How he hated you! Your stupid smile that gave you little dimples. Your sparkling eyes that narrowed as your smile took over your entire face. Your hair that flowed around your face. What was he thinking? He hated you. Abysmally. Most of the time, at least. Much of the time. Sometimes. Admittedly, it got less, but that didn't matter.
The longer you worked together, the more you had to admit to each other that the other was not quite as bad as you had thought at the beginning. The school year was almost over and your lessons were running more smoothly than ever.
It was the second to last week and Professor McGonagall had called you both in to discuss the next steps to be taken.
"Thank you for coming. As you know, I want to discuss the next steps for the next school year with you. I know that it was not easy for you to structure the lessons in this way. But I must say that your students' grades speak for themselves. We haven't had as many outstanding Herbology students as we have this year for a long time."
"Thank you very much Professor. I think we were able to complement each other quite well after all," you replied to her and Neville beside you nodded in agreement.
"So? We have the following options: Either we leave it at this constellation next year, or we have to decide which of you will give up the job. Professor Binn's class, could also do with a bit of fresh air. If I remember correctly, you Y/N were always very good at History of Magic too?"
"Oh..ehm..yes, but admittedly, I would hate to change jobs. I think our students have become so good because we complement each other well Professor." You had only ever been good at History  of Magic, because you had the ability to memorise things quickly, not because you found it particularly interesting.
"I agree with Y/N. I think we should leave it at that. The students are used to us now and when I remember how hard it was for us to get a new defence teacher every year, I think it would only hurt progress after all."
"All right, if you're so united, I won't interfere." And with that, surprisingly, you were dismissed quicker than you thought.
On the spiral staircase, Neville turned to you.
"You know I saved your neck in there, don't you? She was going to ditch you. You might not be as good as me after all."
"Oh yeah? If it wasn't for me, the class would have been a disaster. Maybe half the students wouldn't have made it to the exams at all because they would have died beforehand. You should thank ME," you replied.
"Would a meal at the Three Broomsticks be thanks enough?"
You stopped abruptly on the bottom landing. Had you really just heard what you thought you had heard?
" Pardon?" you asked him, your eyes wide open.
"I asked if dinner would be enough of a thank you? Tonight?" You hadn't seen Neville blush like that in a long time. Suddenly he reminded you much more of the boy you knew from your school days.
"For a start, perhaps. Eight o'clock and be on time. And don't you dare get dirt on your clothes." With that you strode past him and disappeared around the corner with an idiotic grin.
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stanathanxoox · 2 years
Brush of Hands
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Thank you to @creativepromptsforwriting for these prompts; Twenty-Fourth Day of Gift-Giving: Twenty-Four Touches. There will be more of these fics to come as they are a work in progress but I hope you like what I have so far
A quick brush of hands, almost unnoticeable – Neville Longbottom x reader
As you raced down the corridor towards the battle you saw your boyfriend of eighteen months running towards you and you smile, catching a glimpse of the scars and bruises that litter his body, for now a reminder that two of you are alive and still in this battle. You come to a quick stop and so does Neville, gently caressing your cheek with his hand before he pushes your fringe behind your ear, placing a gentle kiss on your lips as he murmurs
“I love you my sweet Y/N” before he reaches down and gently brushes your fingers together as he begins to take off again. This small moment that the two of you had shared, it’s enough, it has to be, for you to make it through this fight and to make it back to your boyfriend alive at the end of the battle.
Tag List: @tiva-jenry-caskett-rizzles-densi​, @jimmybpride​, @dressed-just-like-z1ggy​, @nikkiwierden​, @samchelforever007​, @kirkspockbones​, @xoncisxncislaxncisnolaox​, @lasalle-pride-sebastian-love​, @haliannej​, @brooklyn-99-amyxjake​​, @mizzezm​, @genius2050​, @twilight-twihard​, @cullencoven2019​, @wxlfgirlx​, @luciferxchloeislove​, @drethanramsey-ismybabe​, @sawyer-oakley-is-mighty-fine​, @loverofoneshots​, @aelin-thefirebreathingbitchqueen​​
Tag List for Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them/ Hogwarts Mystery: @harryxhermioneisharmony, @myslytherinboiis, @xneville4lunax
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embodyingchaos · 1 year
૮₍ ´ ꒳ `₎ა━━☆⌒* harry potter masterlist
last updated: 23rd january, 2024 newest: evermore latest chapter
rules for requesting: ✮ disclaimer: i do not do smut, i can do dark themes such as stalking, etc. requests are open.
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draco malfoy melt your heart genre: d. malfoy x fem!oc. best friends to lovers! slow burn! warnings: bullying, violence, kissing, cursing, very bad editing synopsis: as only first years, they know nothing of what's to come. julianna candy thought everything would be normal for her years at hogwarts, but what with meeting draco malfoy, tagging along adventures with harry potter and learning about her parents' history, she couldn't be more wrong. neville longbottom - none yet. george weasley evermore genre: g. weasley x fem!oc. friends to lovers! warnings: none yet. synopsis: if you can't find some common ground with anyone, even with your own twin sister, it can get pretty lonely. it's a good thing for genesis heath that she finds a boy who understands her completely, even with just a few words. ron weasley - none yet.
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headcanonandburn · 10 months
Neville's home life
It's well known that hisfamily thought I was a squib. But that didn't really start until he was six or seven or so. Before that he lived with just his Gran. His Great-uncle Algie didn't move in until last summer. Anyway, it was just Augusta and him, and she always wanted him to be proper and do his parents proud. She always talked about them. He didn't really understand why they couldn't be with them or why they were sick… Anyway, he was always being yelled at for not sitting right or eating right. He'd get in trouble for making messes and yelled at when I was clumsy. Of course, then he got nervous and got even clumsier until she'd send him to my room. She was always saying how wonderful his parents were. How powerful and talented and graceful. She wanted him to be like them. She'd say, 'Neville, grow up like your father. Be smart like your mother.' But he couldn't quite meet those standards. I always fell short and she'd look at him with disappointment and say, 'You need to work harder, Neville. Make your parents proud.' he tried really hard to be perfect and the best. He was always tense and worried that he would fail. Then the family began to question his magic. They'd throw things at him, poke him, scare him by creeping into his room at night, but no matter what they did he didn't have any bursts of accidental magic. It got to the point where most of the family wasn't talking to him. He was invisible to everyone except Augusta and Algie. It wasn't long before he just gave up. He just couldn't be as good as they wanted me to be. He was a disappointment and always would be. He accepted it.
Algie saw this and got really mad. He took Neville to the pier. It was almost noon and a storm was coming in. The ocean was really rough. He grabbed Nev and flung him off the pier. He almost died. He remembers thrashing in the water, trying desperately to get to the surface, but he was confused and the water kept flinging me around. He crashed into rocks and the bottom of the ocean. He broke his arm and was bruised all over when someone finally rescued him. He was barely conscious and coughing up all this water. The salt was everywhere; in my eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. He couldn't stand the taste of salt in my food for months after that and for a while, couldn't bring himself to get into any body of water. Pools freaked him out.
He probably would have died that day if it weren't for the muggle who saved him. His family just stood there. None of them moved to help him. To them, if hs magic didn't save him, then he didn't deserve to live. Augusta wasn't there. four months later, the incident mentioned on book 1 occurred and Neville became Algie's favorite nephew.
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snowyslytherinowl · 1 year
Most Crushed on Male Harry Potter Characters: A Study (Version 1)
I was wondering what male characters from Harry Potter (including Hogwarts Legacy and Fantastic Beasts) are the most crushed on. When I couldn’t find anything online that answered my question, I decided to take it into my own hands and research it for myself. I looked at reader-insert fanfics and thirst trap videos on 4 websites (AO3, Tumblr, Wattpad, and TikTok) since I think it’s the most effective way of seeing how many people want to be the focus of a Harry Potter boy’s affection. Here are the results as of August 6, 2023! 
Note: I researched other characters (ex. Matteo Riddle, Charlie Weasley) that weren’t listed here, but some of them didn’t make the cut on any website. I’ve also never seen Fantastic Beasts or played/watched videos of Hogwarts Legacy, so it’s possible that I missed loved characters from those parts of the Harry Potter universe. 
The second version of this study is now out! You can find it here!
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*GIF isn't mine
What I did: I researched how many works are under “(male character)/reader” and “(male character)/you.” The number of works under these tags differed, so the number in parentheses is the higher number of works between those 2 tags. I only counted pairings with at least 300 works.
Draco Malfoy (1,414 works)
Severus Snape (1,013 works) 
Sirius Black (890 works)
Remus Lupin (817 works) 
Sebastian Sallow (710 works) 
Fred Weasley (698 works) 
George Weasley (627 works)
Harry Potter (401 works) 
James Potter (332 works) 
Newt Scamander (326 works) 
Tom Riddle/Voldemort (316 works) 
Ominis Gaunt (310 works)
Potential problems: I think the AO3 results are the most accurate since for the most part, all reader-insert works are under only 1 name of the character, not something like “Snape/reader” and then “Severus Snape/reader.” However, I did notice that there were sometimes works with 2 characters where 1 character had a relationship with the character, while the other character was in a loveless arranged marriage or some sort of non-con relationship that the author didn’t mean to romanticize. 
What I did: I researched “(male character) x reader,” “(male character) x you,” and “(male character) x y/n.” The number of followers under these tags sometimes differed, so I recorded the highest number of followers between the 3 tags. I only counted characters that had a reader-insert tag with at least 2k followers. Some characters are tied because Tumblr only shows followers in thousands, not the specific number. 
Draco Malfoy (13k followers) 
Sirius Black and Remus Lupin (11k followers)
Fred Weasley and James Potter (8k followers)
Newt Scamander and George Weasley (6k followers)
Regulus Black and Tom Riddle (5k followers)
Cedric Diggory and Severus Snape (4k followers)
Theodore Nott and Sebastian Sallow (3k followers)
Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom, and Ominis Gaunt (2k followers)
Potential problems: Because Tumblr doesn’t have a set tag for reader-insert works, I had to look up characters under multiple names, like “Remus Lupin x reader” and “Lupin x reader.” I had to exclude Harry’s tags because a lot of the works under those tags were mixed with reader-inserts or other characters. Also, there are probably some thirst photos/GIFs on Tumblr for male characters that aren’t tagged as a reader-insert. 
What I did: I researched “(male character) x reader,” (male character) x you, and (male character) x y/n. The number of results under these tags sometimes differed, so I recorded the highest number of results between the 3 tags. I only counted characters that had a reader-insert tag with at least 10k results. Some characters are tied because Wattpad doesn’t show the exact number of results. 
Draco Malfoy (68.5k results) 
Neville Longbottom (53.4k results)
Newt Scamander (50.9k results)
Cedric Diggory (49.3k results) 
Ominis Gaunt (37.5k results) 
Ron Weasley (26.3k results) 
Remus Lupin (19.4k results) 
Sirius Black and James Potter (18.9k results) 
Severus Snape (18.4k results) 
Fred Weasley (15.9k results)
George Weasley (12.8k results)
Theodore Nott (11k results) 
Tom Riddle (10.7k results)
Potential problems: I don’t think these results are very accurate. Because Tumblr doesn’t have a set tag for reader-insert works, I had to look up characters under multiple names, like Remus Lupin x reader and Lupin x reader. I had to exclude Harry again because his results pulled up results for other characters. Similarly, searches for other characters pulled up reader-insert stories written only for a different character. 
What I did: I looked up “(male character) thirst” on TikTok and filtered the results to show videos in order of highest number of likes to least number of likes. The first video wasn’t necessarily a thirst video of that character, so I had to manually search for the thirst video with the highest number of likes. I only recorded characters where their thirst video with the highest number of likes had at least 10k likes. Some are tied because the same video covered multiple characters. 
Harry Potter (3m likes)
Newt Scamander (447.6k likes)
Neville Longbottom (295.4k likes)
Dean Thomas (206.9k likes)
Cedric Diggory (131.6k likes)
Fred, Ron, George, and Bill Weasley (123.8k likes)
Draco Malfoy (91.6k likes)
Severus Snape (57.5k likes)
Remus Lupin (21.4k likes )
Lucius Malfoy (21k likes)
Sirius Black and James Potter (17.6k likes)
Potential problems: There were so many problems with finding videos on TikTok that romanticized the character, so I would take the TikTok results with a grain of salt. It was really frustrating to research on TikTok LMAO. I originally just looked up videos with the name of the character, but it took forever to find a thirst video and it was sometimes difficult to tell if it was an actual thirst. For example, there were some edits of Snape that showed him as a kid and a grown-up and it wasn’t clear if the creator was romanticizing him. For this reason, I know that the rankings I listed are most likely inaccurate because there are definitely thirst videos of characters that weren’t labeled as thirst videos. Also, for the results I gave for Harry, I looked up “Harry Potter thirst” and chose the video that @miwallbank duetted and had the most likes. 
For accuracy reasons, I left out the numbers of results from TikTok because I think that my research was inaccurate for the most part. 
Draco Malfoy (approximately 82,914 admirers)
Newt Scamander (approximately 57,226 admirers)
Neville Longbottom (approximately 55,400 admirers)
Cedric Diggory (approximately 53,300 admirers)
Ominis Gaunt (approximately 39,810 admirers)
Remus Lupin (approximately 31,217 admirers)
Sirius Black (approximately 30,790 admirers)
Ron Weasley (approximately 28,300 admirers)
James Potter (approximately 27,232 admirers)
Fred Weasley (approximately 24,598 admirers)
Severus Snape (approximately 23,413 admirers)
George Weasley (approximately 19,427 admirers)
Theodore Nott (approximately 14,000 admirers)
Tom Riddle (approximately 5,316 admirers)
Regulus Black (approximately 5,000 admirers)
Sebastian Sallow (approximately 3,710 admirers)
Do I think these final results are accurate? Most likely not, so take the final results with a grain of salt. Also, these results aren’t necessarily indicative of how much a character is crushed on since there are probably plenty of people who don’t write fanfiction or follow tags on their loved character. I might do this again, but this is what I have for now. Thanks for reading!
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cleake · 1 year
heyy i love your blog the fics are so cute!!! i wanted to kindly ask you if you could do a fic with neville? i love the way you portray him in your stories. usually others just write him off as sme shy weak boy but you portray him in such a special way, like yes he is shy but theres more to him than just loving plants and being inroverted, and i respect you so much for it. i was wonderng if you could do a big headcanon or fic centering around neville having a crush on the reader or him being the reader's boyfriend? i just miss him sm :(
Hello, dear. Your words made me feel very happy and appreciated, thank you very much. I would love to write more about Neville, he’s a very interesting character. So I’m back from the dead and my multiple months break from writing to give you some of this sweet boy. Thank you again, you’re wonderful <3
Warning: English is not my first language, please excuse any mistakes
Neville Longbottom having a crush on you
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-Neville felt like an outcast. He felt that he didn’t fit in with how he was, how he looked, how he behaved, or what he was interested in. He had bad experiences with trying to make friends, let alone trying to find someone that would be special to him. He was rejected, laughed at, and ignored by his peers and he stopped trying to talk to others. He still wanted to have friends, people to like him and respect him but he just feels that won’t happen, that he was a lost cause. So he went on through the years in Hogwarts being only a background character, nothing important.
-Then you showed up. And it was amazing for him. You were amazing.
-When Neville noticed you and you noticed him it felt like something finally clicked, that something finally happened in his life, that he wasn’t alone anymore. He felt like a person, someone with will and importance. You made yourself memorable to him by just being a good person, by being a friend and someone who didn’t see him as a joke. He was overjoyed. He felt like he had something that could make people like him. You made him feel like he was nice, like he was good and worth everything wonderful. He finally had a friend.
-But after some time of you being friends, of you two talking about your interests without any judgment, you making gifts to each other, you making efforts for each other, spending your time together, Neville had a realization to make. He loved you, he liked you and he wanted to be the reason you keep on smiling. He was terrified at the beginning. He was scared and felt so alone with that thought and feeling of loving you. This changed how he saw your relationship and he felt like that was a bad thing. He started to see you in a different light and it made him feel guilty. He started to notice the way you smiled, the way you looked at him, the way you laughed, the way your hair fell around your face, the way you stood, the way your hands touched things, the way your eyes looked so peaceful when you read or looked at something important. Like him. It was such a wonderful thing to witness your beauty in the simplest things, he loved it. But it made him feel so bad for thinking that way, you’re friends. You’re friends. Nothing more. And maybe he had to accept that fact, maybe he shouldn’t look at you in that way. Maybe it was wrong. Maybe he didn’t deserve to do that.
-Neville was so conflicted with his feelings and thoughts toward you, his days were filled with admiring you quietly, punishing himself for doing that, and then feeling alone and powerless. His mind was focused on you, he was thinking about you. And it wasn’t only the administration, he thought about you and how you’d react to him having those feelings about you, he thought about how he was disrespectful for doing such things. He was sure you’d be angry, upset, sad, embarrassed, disgusted, disappointed if you found out. He was so scared. But he loved you so much. He couldn’t help but smile when he thought of you, when you were near when you complimented him, praised him, noticed him. He loved you. And there was no way in denying it.
-He felt so much love and appreciation for you, he just wanted to cherish you forever, treat you like a god, worship you. He knew he was a bit dramatic in his feelings but he loved you so much he couldn’t help it. He saw you as something pure, wonderful, beautiful, gorgeous, and enchanting, he had to feel this way. He had to give you all the stars in the sky, all the pearls in the ocean, all the sunsets and sunrises. He knew you deserved it. But he didn’t know if he deserved you. And it made him feel miserable in his loving you. He didn’t know what to do.
-But then you showed something that was close to showing romantic feelings toward him as well and Neville got so excited and so happy, but at the same time so scared and nervous. He wanted to tell you how he loved you, he wanted to scream it, he wanted it to pour out of him so you could see it, he wanted to give you his heart. He wanted to say it and it ached him to death. He wanted to let you know. He was so enchanted by the thought of telling you that he got brave enough to tell you, not even thinking if you agreed or not, if you thought of him as weird and embarrassing. He got to tell you.
-One day he run up to you, his eyes wide, his lips parted, his breath coming out heavily from the emotion and adrenaline. He placed his hands on your shoulders, looking at you with a glimpse of something in his eyes that you just caught from time to time. Now it was directed at you and it was visible, he wasn’t trying to hide it anymore. He had to take a moment before he could speak. He didn’t care if anyone was close to seeing, he didn’t care if people were laughing at his emotions, he was here with you and that only made him feel safe. After a moment of him trying to find his words, opening and closing his mouth in hesitation and fear of saying something wrong he finally choked it out.
“I love you.”
It was quiet, shaky, and uncertain but it was said. He said it to you and he was worried. How will you respond? Will you be disgusted like he always imagined? He just realized what he had done to your friendship and that it won’t be the same after this. All that could save this moment was your response. And he was desperate for it.
-He loved you and he loved that you loved him. And it made him the happiest and the most grateful he ever was. He was ready to give you himself and his heart and you wanted it. That was the most beautiful thing to him. He was always overjoyed with you and you were a miracle to him that he’d protect and love to the end of his existence. He was ready to feel loved and appreciated, to be someone’s “one and only”, to be their heart and soul. And he always wanted it to be you.
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arriansarchive · 1 year
Regular Request Rules + NSFW Request Rules
Regular (non-smut) Requests Basic Rules
Request in the ask box
I am allowed to not answer (shouldn't have to be said but it is)
Do not request the same thing twice
I might add/change more rules and characters as time goes on because I'm forgetful
Just Notes
Why is my Miles Morales shit post getting reblogged pleeease pick anything other than that
Reader Rules (non-smut)
I will preferably do male reader
I might do gn reader
I won't do female reader so don't ask
I will accept reader being a characters sibling
Character Rules (non-smut)
I will do romantic female characters
I will do romantic male characters
Reader Rules (smut)
I will do dom!top!reader
I will do sub!top!reader
I will not do sub!bottom!reader
Kink Rules (obviously smut)
I will do degradation
I will not do praise (I'm horrible at it sorry)
I will not do pet names of any kind
I might do other kinks if you specify
Character Rules (smut)
I would preferably do m/m
I will try to do gn/m
I will not do gn/f
I will do m/f
Fandoms I Will Do
Spiderman Into/Across The Spiderverse
Miles Morales
Peter B. Parker
Miguel O'Hara
Pavitr Prabhakar
Hobie Brown
Gwen Stacy
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Neville Longbottom
Luna Lovegood
Ginny Weasley
(depends) Draco Malfoy
Nymphadora Tonks
Fiona Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Ian Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Mickey Milkovich
Mandy Milkovich
Veronica Fisher
Kevin Ball
Possibly others if you mention them
Young Sheldon
Georgie Cooper
Mary Cooper
IT Chapter 1/2
Richie Tozier
Eddie Kaspbrack
Bill Debsbrough
Stanley Uris
Beverly Marsh
Ben Hanscom
Mike Hanlon
Eddie/Richie (movie/book)
Ben/Bill (book)
Bill/Stan (movie/book)
Stranger Things
Mike Wheeler
Will Byers (male reader only)
Dustin Henderson
Lucas Sinclair
Max Mayfield
Steve Harrington
Nancy Wheeler
Jonathan Byers
Jason Carver
Eddie Munson
Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children (book)
Alma LeFay Peregrine
Caul Bentham
Jacob Portman
Emma Bloom
Fiona Frauenfeld
Hugh Apiston
Noor Pradesh
Millard Nullings
Eleventh doctor
Twelfth doctor
Clara Oswald
Amy Pond
Rory Williams
River song
Fear Street
Kate Schmidt
Simon Kalivoda
Josh Johnson
Ziggy Berman
Cindy Berman
Sally Face
Sal Fisher
Larry Johnson
Ashley Campell
Todd Morrison
Travis Phelps
Top Gun: Maverick
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace
Nick Nelson
Charlie Spring (x m!reader only)
Tao Xu
Harry Greene
Elle Argent
James McEwan (x m!reader only)
Imogen Heanley
The Fosters
Mariana Foster
Jesus Foster
Callie Adams-Foster
Jude Adams-Foster (x m!reader only)
Brandon Foster
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe
Darius the Great Deserves Better
The 13th Reality
Atticus "Tick" Higginbottom
Sofia Pacini
Paul (insert last name here since I forgot)
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serafae · 10 months
𝐁 𝐄 𝐅 𝐎 𝐑 𝐄 𝐘 𝐎 𝐔 𝐅 𝐎 𝐋 𝐋 𝐎 𝐖 —
• this blog contains nsfw content intended for mature audiences only. do not read or interact if you are a minor and/or do not have your age somewhere on your blog. for my own safety, ageless blogs and anyone under the age of eighteen will be blocked.
• i mostly write for myself, so my works tend to feature a female reader. that being said, any requests i receive will be written with gender neutral language. the appearance of my reader inserts are never described in an attempt to be as inclusive as possible. everyone should be able to enjoy and see themselves in fanfiction!
• please be sure to read the entirety of this post if you are interested in sending a request. i will cover fandoms, what i do and don't write, and any requirements for sending a request.
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𝐅 𝐀 𝐍 𝐃 𝐎 𝐌 𝐒 𝐈 𝐖 𝐑 𝐈 𝐓 𝐄 𝐅 𝐎 𝐑 —
• harry potter: bill weasley, draco malfoy, luna lovegood, neville longbottom, remus lupin, ron weasley, sirius black.
• the hunger games: finnick odair, haymitch abernathy, johanna mason, peeta mellark.
• john wick: caine, john wick.
• marvel cinematic universe: bucky barnes, kate bishop, loki laufeyson, peter parker, steve rogers, vision, wanda maximoff, yelena belova.
• star wars: ahsoka tano, anakin skywalker, bo-katan kryze, cal kestis, cassian andor, din djarin, fennec shand, finn, obi-wan kenobi, poe dameron, rey.
• stranger things: eddie munson, jim hopper, robin buckley, steve harrington.
• supernatural: dean winchester, sam winchester.
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𝐖 𝐇 𝐀 𝐓 𝐈 𝐖 𝐈 𝐋 𝐋 𝐖 𝐑 𝐈 𝐓 𝐄 —
• headcanons & drabbles: i will write headcanons for up to three characters per request and drabbles for a single character. everyone defines a drabble differently, so for me it's a short fic of somewhere between 400-700 words.
• reader inserts: i only write reader insert/character relationships. as stated previously, in an effort to be as inclusive as possible they will be written as gender neutral and as plus size and poc friendly.
• pairings: i will happily write a request that pairs the reader up with both male and female characters. i am also open to writing poly pairings, though only for certain characters (ex. wanda/reader/vision).
• genres: angst, fluff, and smut.
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𝐖 𝐇 𝐀 𝐓 𝐈 𝐖 𝐎 𝐍 ' 𝐓 𝐖 𝐑 𝐈 𝐓 𝐄 —
• canon/canon: i do not write ship fics. i just don't enjoy it!
• some reader inserts: at this time i do not write male, trans, or asexual reader inserts as i don't feel confident in my ability to do so.
• blacklisted topics: these include a/b/o, abortion/miscarriages, age play/regression, abuse (mental/physical/sexual), bestiality, eating disorders, incest, non-con, pedophilia, self-harm, suicide, yandere, and any fetishes involving bodily fluids/excretions.
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novthewolf · 10 months
Harry Potter Masterlist
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Reader Insert/Rewrite Story - [Almost out]
Harry Potter - [Request Open]
Ron Weasley - [Request Open]
Imagines :
Hermione Granger - [Request Open]
Headcanons :
Imagines :
In your eyes millions of stars [Slytherin!Reader]
Draco Malfoy - [Request Open]
Headcanons :
Imagines :
George Weasley - [Request Open]
Headcanons :
Imagines :
Would it really be so bad ? [Childhood Bestfriends]
Fred Weasley - [Request Open]
Headcanons :
Imagines :
Cedric Diggory - [Request Open]
Headcanons :
Imagines :
Luna Lovegood - [Request Open]
Headcanons :
Imagines :
Ginny Weasley - [Request Open]
Headcanons :
Imagines :
Neville Longbottom - [Request Open]
Headcanons :
Imagines :
Charlie Weasley - [Request Open]
Headcanons :
Imagines :
Severus Snape - [Request Open]
Headcanons :
Imagines :
Remus Lupin - [Request Open]
Headcanons :
Imagines :
Sirius Black - [Request Open]
Headcanons :
Imagines :
Maybe more if you have any specific character in mind, don’t hesitate to request !
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recomendandburn · 1 year
Adressing the removal of Cocooned by GamerBearMira from my recommendations
The following types of ficts will never EVER appear in this blog as i don't agree with the writers attitudes and/or opinions, just flat out don't enjoy the tropes/ships used in them or (in the case of number 36) left the fadom for good and refuse to dip my toes into it again for reasons i will not elaborate on:
Ficts containing Severus Snape bashing or just writen by someone who hates him.
2. Fics containing Sirius Black bashing or just writen by someone who hates him (though i may make an exception for a particular Prince Chaser fic)
3. Fics containing Remus Lupin bashing or just writen by someone who hates him
4. magical Dudley Dursley and/or magical Petunia Dursley fics
5. Albus Dumbledore centric fics
6. Ron Weasley centric fics
7. Peter Pettigrew centric fics
8. Petunia Dursley centric fics
9. Reader insert fics
10. Fics were Regulus Black is in a monogamous relationship with a girl or a woman or in a polyamourus relationship where they don't just share the other man
11. Fics where Albus Dumbledore is shipped with anyone besides Grindelwald
12. Fics that have Romione as its main or sole ship
13. Fics That contain spanking
14. Fics that contain piss or belly kink
15. Fics where sentient animal characters from Disney get turned into humans just so that the author can make human ocs to be their kids
16. Fics were Rubeus Hagrid is shipped with anyone besides Madame Maxine
17. Rubeus Hagrid centric fics
18. desi, Black or Indian Potter Family, Harry Potter and/or James Potter (sorry but i headcanon James and by proxy Harry as being half Japanese from Euphemia's side so i can't picture either of them as having dark skin)
19. Black Hermione granger ( i can agree with her being mixed race due to her parents' ancestry but i personally don't think either her or her either parents as being black themselves)
20. Mal Bertha bashing fics or fics wrote by someone who hates her
21. Fics containing monogamus Jaylos as its main or sole ship (sorry but a spanish fic ruined them for me)
22. Fics containing monogamous Benlos as its main or sole ship
23. Alma Madrigal centric fics
24. Fics under the tag Extremely underage and/or shotacon
25. Fics where Petunia is shipped with anyone from Lily Evans Potter's imediate social cicle (ie Severus Snape or any of the marauders) or with anyone born during the golden trio era
26. Fics with Julieta Madrigal/Agustín Madrigal as it's main or sole ship
27. Fics where Antonio Madrigal is shipped with Pumped Up Juancho or anyone older than him
28. Fics containing parent/incest being shown in a positive light
29. Fics where Harry Potter is a Elf or a naga
30. Fics centered on non pagan religions of any kind, have those religions as vital plot points or reference the holy texts of those religions
31. Fics with Bad Spelling and/or grammar
32. Fics where cisgender male characters are feminized forcebly or not
33. Fics with monogamous Bal as its main or sole ship
34. Fics with Devie as its main or sole ship
35. Fics about or featuring Bellamione as an endgame ship
36. Fics from the Total Drama and/or Total Dramarama fandoms
37. Fics about or featuring Ronarry
38. Fics about or featuring Harmony
39. Fics about or featuring Neville Longbottom /Harry Potter
40. Fics about or featuring Ginny Weasley/Draco Malfoy
41. Fics about or featuring Draco Malfoy/Lord Voldemort as an endgame ship
42. Fics about or featuring Gruvia as its endgame ship
43. Fics about or featuring monogamus Style as it's endgame ship
44. Wendy Testaburguer centric fics
45. Fics where Wendy Testaburguer is shipped with anyone besides Bebe
46. Fics where the relationship between Max and David (from camp camp) is more than platonic
47. Fics where the relationship between Minerva McGonagall and any of her students is more than platonic
48. Fics where Alastor Moody is shipped with anyone (though i will make an exception for a particular Jamione fic)
49. Fics where Amelia Bones is shipped with any canonically established character besides Minerva.
50. Fics where Kingsley Shacklebolt is shipped with any canonically established character
51. Fics where Dobby is shipped with any human character
52. Fics about or featuring creatures, cargo or animals being shipped with any human characters
53. Fics about or featuring Harry Potter being paired with either Susan or Amelia Bones
54. Fics about or featuring not one-sided Colin Creevey/Harry Potter
55. Bella Swan centric fics
56. Philosophy centric fics
57. Juvia lockser centric fics
58. Molly Weasley centric fics
59. Fics were Peter Pettigrew is shipped with Lucius Malfoy, Regulus Black, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Barty crouch Jr, Severus Snape or any of the people the rat animagus canonically betrayed.
60. Fics about or featuring Klaine as its endgame ship
61. Fics about or featuring Druna (sorry but even if i was a fan, AVPS would have ruined them for me)
62. Fics where Amelia Bonee is paired with any of The Marauders or Severus Snape
63. Fics about or featuring Drinny.
64. Fics where Sirius Black identifies as Genderfluid or in any way partially with female oriented genders (i'm sorry but he is one of those characters that i picture as either identifying themselves as 100% female or not female at all. No in between)
65. Ficts were every single character is Aroace or the author just plans for everyone to die single (look, its fine if you want your fict to no be centered on the romance but at least add in some mention of romance for God's sake. Don't be like corncarrotpineappletuna who oh so desperately NEEDS you to remember that at least in their fics, NOT A SIGLE NEXT GEN CHARACTER WILL BE BORN cause they made it a point to sigle handedly destroy every single canonically established couple without presenting us with new ones. Cause their ficts are NOT ROMANCE Centric)
66.ficts containing spanking, pissporn, 💩 eating (yup those exist), farting and any other shit like that.
67.Fics writen by Antis
... And if you go to my other blog (@sendandburn) and check the list of Encanto Antis to block/follow you'll see that GamerBearMira appears on it so their fics will NEVER under any circumstances be recommended by me ever again.
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oatmilkriver · 6 months
blog rules
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˖⁺‧₊˚ ˚₊‧⁺˖✮ before you follow ✮˖⁺‧₊˚ ˚₊‧⁺˖
i am a minor, and feel uncomfortable posting any nsfw content. this may change when i get older, but for right now, please don't request anything nsfw.
before requesting something, please just read over my rules and make sure it's within my guidelines. if you're unsure, feel free to message me and ask!
i will definitely write for the characters i have listed below, but if you want to ask about another, just ask. i can't guarantee that i will write about them, but no harm in asking. italic characters are my favorite to write for.
if i'm uncomfortable with a request, i'll let you know and (politely) decline.
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˖⁺‧₊˚ ˚₊‧⁺˖✮ who i write for ✮˖⁺‧₊˚ ˚₊‧⁺˖
x-men: wolverine, deadpool, scott summers
marvel: lowkey anyone
stranger things: eddie munson, steve harrington, robin buckley, argyle
harry potter: george weasley, fred weasley, ron weasley, harry potter, hermione granger, neville longbottom, draco malfoy
marauders: remus lupin, sirius black, james potter, lily evans, regulas black
criminal minds: aaron hotchner, spencer reid, emily prentiss, penelope garcia
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˖⁺‧₊˚ ˚₊‧⁺˖✮ what i will write✮˖⁺‧₊˚ ˚₊‧⁺˖
✧ most requests will be a blurb or drabble
✧ reader inserts only: gn!reader, fem!reader (this may change later as i get more confident in my writing)
✧ fluff, angst (all will have a happy ending cause i'm a loser)
✧ tropes: best friends-to-lovers, enemies-to-lovers, different aus, almost anything really
✧ relationships can be romantic, platonic, or paternal
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˖⁺‧₊˚ ˚₊‧⁺˖✮ what i won't write ✮˖⁺‧₊˚ ˚₊‧⁺˖
✧ smut.
✧ certain reader inserts: male!reader, sick!reader
✧ anything triggering: mental/physical/sexual abuse, self harm, abortion, anything too gory
✧ certain tropes: pregnancy, bully-to-lover
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if you have questions, feel free to ask!!
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