#so hey if someone wants to see a part two with fit telling tubbo that hes also trans then i meannnn
keirawantstocry · 7 months
poly morning crew but tubbo is insecure about his height and fitpac are trying to help him be less insecure about it :)
this got so incredibly off track i literally see one word and run with things swear down
hiii, um I kinda took this and ran with it? I will upfront say I am not a trans man but i am trans so i drew on my own personal experience to write this and dont mean to write anything… incorrect or anything of the sort <3 and if anyone reads this and i have accidently ending up portraying something incorrectly pls tell me immediately so i can rewrite
Most days Tubbo was fine with being trans. It was just part of who he was, like his brown hair or any of his birthmarks. Other days it bugged him. How much shorter he was compared to some of the other guys. How soft his body was. But he was fine. He wouldn't fucking talk to somebody about it, wasn't that big of a deal anyway. Nobody even noticed when he had his off days, Phil was focused on a thousand other things and the annoying voice of his husband in his head just prattled on and on about dumb shit before disappearing. 
He was working out when it hit him. A wave of dysphoria so strong he physically bent over and closed his eyes. Mentally he swore. Horrible timing. Pac was supposed to be over in less than à few minutes and he could barely stand without seeing himself and feeling sick. 
Speak of the devil, he thought as the doorbell rang and Pac's animated voice slid it's way through the house. “Tubboooo.” 
Tubbo groaned but he had no choice. Laying down the weights he had been using, he headed over to the door to let Pac inside. 
“Hey, Pac.” The man looked fucking gorgeous as per usual. It would sour Tubbo's mood if he wasn't so attracted to him. His infectious smile spread to Tubbo's face as they embraced. “It's good to see you, man.” 
It was easy at first, hiding the nasty self hatred boiling in his gut. Unfortunately Pac was incredibly more attuned to his feelings then either Phil or Tommy. “What's wrong?” he asked as they sat down on the couch together. 
“Nothing,” Tubbo blustered, avoiding his eyes. 
“Tubbo,” he said in an uncharacteristic stern voice. It softened again as he gently took Tubbo's face in his hands and turned his head to look at him. “What's wrong, meu bem?” 
With a long sigh, Tubbo accepted his fate. “I just feel like shit about myself today.” 
Pac's head tilted in curiosity. “Why?” 
“Honestly, I'm not sure what triggered it.” 
“But what do you feel shit about?” Pac took a second to look around, trying to find his words, his warm hands still against his cheeks. “What about yourself?” 
Tubbo laughed lightly, trying to shove down the churning in his stomach. “My body. I just wish… I wish I was born a guy.” Bile rose in his throat as he tried to choke down the shame. He hated being vulnerable especially with someone that he cared so much about. He met his eyes trying to gauge his reaction. The expression he was met with was one of pure confusion.
“I'm sorry I don't understand.” 
“I'm trans," he said as bluntly as he could.
Pac just blinked at him slowly as if trying to comprehend the words coming out of his mouth. “That doesn't make you any less of a man.” 
“Easy for you to say that,” Tubbo scoffed. 
Unexpectedly Pac laughed as if it was one of the funniest things he had heard all day. “You do know I'm trans right?” 
Tubbo stared at him as he felt his brain short circuit. “What? No, I didn't fucking know that what the fuck.” Surprised laughter was bubbling its way out of his chest before he could stop it. The shame was dissipating at the speed of light because here was one of the prettiest, most attractive men he’d ever known and he was just like him. 
He laughed again before bringing his hands up to grab Pac’s face and kiss him firmly on the lips. Pac giggled into his mouth before kissing him back, sliding his hands into Tubbo’s hair. The kisses were sloppy, more shared laughter and wet open mouths than anything. But it felt so good, so right. 
They finally stopped kissing and Tubbo realized that somehow they had ended up laying back on top of each other on the couch. “How did I not know you were trans?” he said, still in awe. 
Pac laughed, light and airy. “You hate me and don’t pay attention to me.” 
“Shut the fuck up.” Then for good measure he kissed him again to truly shut him up. Warmth had replaced the feeling in his gut and was now spreading through his entire body. For the first time he felt good about it; not bad, not neutral but good.
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huskynotwolf · 4 months
Convexian Hitman AU
Part 1 I guess
AU by @tibbycaps/ @tibby-art
Written by @thecrazyhusky
(I mixed in dsmp, it’s more fun with those swearing idiots :D )
Mission: Find and destroy target’s weapon supply (target’s name is Tubbo and Jack Manifold)
Cub’s PoV
“I want you to destroy his weapons.” Doc looked at us, dead serious.
We (me and Scar) were in the NHO’s conference room, listening to Bdubs rant about this new case we had to deal with. Scar had already yawned at least two times and I had grabbed every single one of their cans of carbonated drinks or whatever at the table and shook them so hard they looked like ticking bombs. Etho was also eyeing us with much suspicion, and I suspected he was up to something.
“All of them?” I asked.
“All of them.” The goat-creeper confirmed. “He was some sort of former president of a country. He’s got some ass-load of explosives. Specifically, bombs. Lots of those.”
“Ah.” Scar smiled. “Big boom.”
“Really?” I looked at him.
“And here are the conditions, since you three are definitely gonna loophole out of this.” Doc growled.
“You have to get this done by this week, which is three days. No eating anyone, and I mean anyone. You find those explosives, disable them, then leave. Nothing else. I don’t want those Snowchester people come fighting with nukes.”
I raised an eyebrow. “They got nukes?”
Scar sniggered. I kicked him.
Doc glared at my fellow Vex. “And bring Grian. He’ll be of use.”
“Grian? You sure?” I asked.
“Yes.” Doc grunted. “And you better get the job done. Go. Now.” He said.
I nodded, grabbed Scar’s wrist and dragged him out of the conference room, heading down to Grian’s “office”, while hearing Bdubs and Beef screech loudly along to the sounds of soda exploding. I allowed myself a slight smile.
“Dang it. Should’ve rigged ‘em better.” I said.
Scar gave me a look. “Don’t tell me you shook all of them.”
“I did. But I could’ve just fitted them with grenades instead.” I replied, taking a left turn down the hallway.
We found her studying a file about Tubbo.
“Hey.” She greeted us, not looking up.
“Hiya. You ready?” I asked.
Since Grian has her Watcher powers, she could technically see us coming, so I assumed she was already prepared.
“Let’s just go. Tango yelled at me earlier. I want to get out of here as soon as possible.” She stood up, then walked towards us.
“Tango? Why?” Scar asked.
“None of your concern.” She shrugged.
We headed out the door, taking the lift down, then exiting the building. As soon as we stepped out, Grian winced.
“You okay?” I asked her.
“Y-yeah,” she replied. “It’s just…overwhelming.”
“Hmm.” I shot a glance at Scar. “Scar, you got the map? Coords, at least?”
“Ask the all-seeing.” He pointed at Grian. Grian made a low growling sound.
“Wow, I though you prepped.” She muttered under her breath.
“Yes, I have the map. It’s in my head.” She raised her voice.
“Great!” Scar smiled. “Let’s go, then.”
I leaned closer to Grian. “You okay, dude?”
She nodded. “Yeah. I’m fine. It’s fine. Everything’s…” she exhaled. “Alright.”
“Good.” I said, then secretly kicked Scar. The man glared at me but I didn’t reply.
“Let’s go.”
“We gonna take a subway. Then a cross-country train. Then another high-speed railroad.” I said, laying down a drawn map.
“Snowchester’s all the way out there, so we probably need to either stop to eat on the way, or we have to bring food.” I rolled up the map and shoved it in my pack.
Scar rolled his eyes. “You’re concerned about eating?”
“Grian needs to eat as well.” I hissed.
I had shoved the three of us into a Seven Eleven’s, where my reason was, “we need substance.”
Grian nudged Scar. “Here’s the thing, bud. We don’t have money. How-“
I waved a five dollar bill I snatched from someone. “Steal.”
“Did you get his whole wallet?” Scar asked, his eyes glinting mischievously.
I gave a low chuckle. “Duh I did.” I held out the stolen wallet. Scar sniggered. “This guy’s got a hundred and fifty.”
Grian gave us a look of annoyance and frustration. “You know it’s illegal to steal, right?”
Scar materialised behind her, making her jump. “Nah. It’s fine.”
Grian narrowed his eyes at him but didn’t snap back a comment.
I handed Scar about thirty dollars worth of bills. “Grian, you can go with Scar to buy food.” She shot me a dirty look, got up and disappeared behind the aisles with the Vex.
I took out twenty and nabbed a sandwich and two bottles of water, in which to avoid getting yelled at by Grian, I payed for it instead of stealing it.
Though I will admit I stole a can of Sprite.
Yeah. Maybe.
Grian bought coffee and milk tea (where did she find that?) and Scar bought a bun and bottled Cola, though I could tell he didn’t intend to drink it, he’s just gonna prank me with it.
As we left that store, I searched for enough money to get us to the subway station. Six dollars to get in, then they needed eighteen. I decided not to give them the coins and bills yet, as Scar had a tendency to lose things.
Very, very often.
We headed to the subway station, while Grian kept cautiously looking around for signs of danger. However, despite this, Scar seemed extremely carefree.
“G, man, there’s nothing to worry ‘bout. It’s not like someone would just suddenly drop down and try and kill us, right?” He said to no one in particular.
“Don’t jinx it.” She huffed. “I see something. Though I can’t pinpoint where it is.”
I approached the subway tunnel, with the two nitwits trailing behind. “Yeah, something’s definitely wrong. I can feel it.”
I stepped down the stair, then halted when something whizzed past me and embedded itself into the wall with a thunk.
“Honestly, Foolish, how bad can your aim be!” I heard a yell. The three of us swivelled our heads towards the noise, and standing on the side of the street, armed with crossbows, were two deranged-looking people. At least that’s what the first word that came to my head when I saw them.
The one who shot the projectile, Foolish, looked suspiciously like a totem of undying, and it made me question whenever he’s an actual totem or not. His friend was a girl who wore dark sunglasses and had long streaks of hair running down both sides of her head. What she wore screamed pirate in every way.
Grian sighed. “Scar, you jinxed it.”
Scar glared at her. “No I didn’t!”
I slapped Scar before he could argue any further and hissed, “don’t make the situation worse, dumbass!” and marched towards the pair with crossbows. Scar gave me an offended look but I knew he was playing around for fun.
“What do you want?” I demanded.
Foolish looked at me. “You don’t have the authority to order me around.” He said.
“You just tried to kill me. Are you hitmen?” I snapped.
His friend glared at me. “You were trying to destroy our military.”
Grian and Scar came up from behind. “What do you know about that?” Grian challenged.
“I know for a fact that you were sent to destroy our nukes. We’re from Snowchester, mind you.” The girl growled.
Grian suddenly looked like he was lost in thought. Scar stared at her, then shook her to try snap her out of her trance, but did nothing except from earning a well-deserved smack in the face by her.
“Well, we don’t really care about who sent you. This is about our country’s safety. You back off, or we’ll make you.” Sunglasses Girl said, raising her crossbow.
I processed her words, then turned to Scar. “Wait, if we die, is our contract technically broken?”
He paused. “Wait…you know what? You’re right! We can just let ‘em kill us!”
“But do we like, reincarnate or something? What do you think we’d be-“
Sunglasses Girl facepalmed. “No-that’s not what I meant! I don’t want anyone dead!”
Foolish nudged her. “Whatever, Puffy. They’re not part of our nation.”
Grian shook her head. “You have your own problems. Deal with whoever the fuck Dream is first, then come back and kill us. Besides, Tubbo is a literal threat to society.” She said. “You shouldn’t be listening to that menace.”
Puffy, aka Sunglasses Girl, looked promptly taken aback by Grian’s comment. “How do you know about Dream?”
“Can we take this conversation somewhere else? We’re attracting quite a lot of unwanted attention.” Grian interrupted. “One dude who passed by thought you were a terrorist.”
Foolish and Puffy took a while to discuss, and as soon as they took their eyes off the us and Grian, I took out the stolen can of Sprite, shook it hard, opened it (but barely) then yeeted it at Foolish. It landed on the ground and the entire can burst like a grenade, spewing soda everywhere.
We bolted for it, making a beeline for the subway station, with Scar mainly being dragged all the way. By the time the pair from Snowchester realised what’s happening, we were already down the subway and had managed to get into the train already.
“Ok, that was…awkward.” Grian panted, slightly out of breath.
I grunted. “Whatever. You shouldn’t have told them about your powers.”
She shook her head. “I…sorry.” She muttered.
“Eh. We could go back and kill them both.” I shrugged.
Scar nodded. “Actually, yeah. I would love to do that.”
Grian paled. “No you don’t!” She cried. “Why must you always kill people left and right?”
Both of us Vexes turned their piercing gaze at her. She immediately shut up and sank into the seat.
“Can I kill Tubbo?” Scar asked.
“No,” Grian and I said almost simultaneously. I gave her a look but she said nothing.
“Aww.” He huffed. “I’m bored.”
“You won’t be when we reach the border.” Grian said.
“What?” I asked. “Are you talking about…the border between the city and Greater Dream SMP or whatever that place is called?”
She nodded. “You know we don’t have our IDs or passports. It’s gonna be a wild chase with the border guards there.”
“Ooo, what do they do?” Scat asked.
Grian groaned. “They would chase you down on horses and they never stop. Literally, they could hunt you continuously for days without stopping.”
“Sounds fun,” Scar said.
Grian bit her lip to prevent herself from snapping back at him.
I looked at her. “Listen, if you know about the border guards, do you think we can get past them?”
She nodded. “You can get past them, but it’s gonna be hard.”
I gave both of them a wide smile. “Alright. We have two hitmen on our trail, we don’t have IDs of any sort and we’re about to be chased down by a few border guards. What’s the worse that could happen?”
To be continued
(I did it on another platform and then tried to paste it on Tumblr but ended up with so much lag I can’t even type properly lol)
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snoopdoodle · 3 years
OMG!! Snoop, it was amazing! I’m a little sad that, I didn’t find about you until now. Your writing is so great! And are your request open or are you not taking request right now because of the collaborative. (It’s ok if there not)You can make a part 2 of Ranboo dad Reader. 🏳️‍🌈 Anarchy [I say this with all of my favorite authors, but if I’m bothering you tell me please tell me]
Ahh!! Anarchy the beloved!! Of course you can have a part 2!! The link for part 1 is right below !! Also, if I had spaced this out like I was taught in english, this would be hella long-
Dad, but not // pt. 2
platonic!ranboo x male!reader, platonic!benchtrio x male!reader
pronouns: he/him
summary: kinda angsty second part to my story
You cackled in the background as your son was blown up by a creeper. Your laugh was contagious as Tubbo started laughing with you. You slapped your knee from laughing so much. Tubbo tried to stand up, but he fell, which made you all laugh harder. “Don’t get an aneurysm, dad,” Ranboo told, and this just made you suffocate more. “Holy sh-i-i-i-t, hehe..” you spoke between laughter. “‘Don’t get an aneurysm’- heh-HEH” You tried to quote, but it just turned into a coughing/laughing fit. You groaned as your throat felt sore. “Dad, please don’t die,” Your son worried, and you pat his shoulder. “Not dying any time soon,” You started, your smile kind of turning forced.
You’d yet to tell the boys, Ranboo and his friends, that you would be leaving soon. You were happy and upset. You were only in England to do work. You could rent out a place here and leave it to one of your English friends who works in England as well. Maybe you could just buy a house here… no that would cost too much- “DAD! Are you ok? You’re zoning out.” Ranboo asked. You hadn’t realized it yet, but you had been ignoring Ranboo speaking to you. When Tubbo tried, you didn’t even reply. The both of them and chat had started to get worried. Ranboo ended up grabbing your shoulders and shaking them a few times.
“Y-yeah, I-I-I’m ok boys, I think I need to sit down for a second,” you informed. Now they were even more worried. You sat down on the couch and put your face in your hands. You had a killer headache. ‘I’m overworking myself.’ you thought, annoyed. You had asked your boss for a break multiple times, but he hadn’t responded. You thought about it for another second before deciding. You would skip a few days of work, hang out with the boys, then you would tell them. Or you’d tell them, then have your fun day…. days. Telling them after seems better. “Alrighty, I think we’re gonna end stream now, folks! Have a good day, bye!” Ranboo spoke. That was what snapped you out of your ideas.
Ranboo turned to you and sadly smiled. “You doing ok, pops?” He asked, He rarely used that name for you. Of course, you felt bad. You stood up, ignoring the sharp pain that came to your head. “Don’t worry about be kiddo… and I’m sorry for making you worry. I was thinking of stuff,” You answered, smiling as you felt Ranboo un-tense and lean into the hug. Tubbo huffed and walked into the hug as well. You moved your arm so it was wrapped around both of the boys. “By the way, Tubbo, do you have any Tylenol… or Aspirin?” You asked, ruining the mood, but making the 2 laugh.
“Yeah, we do. I’ll go get you some,” He spoke as he left the hug. Ranboo let go so Tubbo could get you some meds for your headache. Ranboo smiled, asking you s question. “So, what were you thinking of that had you so…” He stopped, as he couldn’t think of the word. “Disassociated?” You replied, “Yeah, I was thinking we could do something together. Me, you, Tommy, Tubbo, and maybe someone else if you want to invite someone.” You informed. Ranboo’s smile widened and he nodded his head. “Y-yeah! That sounds awesome!” He grinned. He hadn’t taken off his mask or glasses, but you could feel the happiness radiating off him.
“Ok, ok, kid. Let me get it planned, alright?” You spoke, chuckling. You had ford a smile onto your face as Tubbo came back into the room. He handed you the meds and a glass of water. You nodded a silent ‘ thank you ‘ to him. Ranboo grabbed Tubbo’s hand and dragged him to watch a movie. “You coming, dad?” he asked, you shook your head no and pointed to your phone and he gave a look of understanding. You walked outside and took note of the stormy clouds. You dialed the number and gave a smile when she answered. “Hey, Kristin,” you greeted into the phone. You smiled as she gave a polite hello back. “I need to ask you something,” you started. “Hm?” She hummed. You could hear her cooking in the background.
“I have to tell the boys that I’m goin’ back home soo, and I don’t know how..” You ranted, frowning into the phone. You heard a creak and turned around. The door was open. “Hm?” You questioned. You closed that door, didn’t you? Oh well. You walked back to the door and shut it firmly. “Well, I’d say you just flat out tell them. You should see how they take it, and then do something with them,” You laughed into the phone and shook your head. “That was my plan already!” You exclaimed with a grin. She laughed into the phone and you could hear her tap the counter. “Well I say you just go with your plan,” She told you. You grinned and nodded.
“Alrighty then, have a good day, Kristin,” you chuckled. “You too, [Name],” She told before hanging up. You held the phone, taking a deep breath. You walked back to the door, opening it softly and stepping inside. You could hear the thunder roar from outside so you were lucky to make it in soon enough. You walked through the halls. You heard a sniff and you stopped. “Hello?” You asked before stepping into the living room. Ranboo tuned to you and you could see his puffy eyes. “Are you really going back home soon?” He asked. Your eyes went wide and you sighed, putting your head down. You nodded to him and he sniffed again.
You walked back to the boy and pat his back. Tubbo sighed and put his head down, starting to tear up as well. He enjoyed having you here as much as Ranboo did. “I-Is that why you wanted to have a fun day?” He questioned and you nodded. “I was actually thinking of how I could stay longer.” Ranboo and Tubbo’s eyes widened as they listened to your explanation. “I want to stay longer, I really do kid. My company had only paid the hotel for the 2-week stay I have, so I couldn’t stay longer than that,” You told them with a frown. You sighed again and put your head into your arms.
“I’m sorry. Let’s just have a fun day together. You can invite that Tommy kid, if your parents’ll allow it Tubbo,” You sadly chuckled. Ranboo and Tubbo smiled at how you were trying to make things better. Ranboo called Tommy as Tubbo called his parents. Tubbo and Tommy’s parents agreed, so he walked on over. You all decided to have a sleepover-type thing. Tommy would stay over for the next 4 days that you are over. You all would stream, cook, vlog, and watch a couple movies. This should be fun. The first day you all hung out, you decided to do a cooking stream. You made a great bowl of pasta… besides the fact that Tommy spilled the sauce multiple times and Ranboo dropped the pasta noodles, breaking them into bits.
The second day, You all streamed a ‘you laugh, you lose’ stream. You didn’t laugh once, although you were very close. People had found it funny when you clapped to the song “Two Trucks” on beat. Ranboo’s hand had flown to his mouth, Tubbo had busted out laughing, and it took Tommy a seconds since he didn’t know what the song was. Chat had busted out laughing, and you only knew to do that because of how many times you had heard it from Ranboo. The other funny part was when someone donated a clip from the song “WAP”, and you had sung it word for word. Yeah… you successfully made the boys lose 2 lives… each.
On the third day, you all didn’t stream, but instead watched a movie. You decided to watch the Toy Story saga. All of you cried since you are all children. On the fourth day, you all went to a Halloween store that had opened early and vlogged there. It was all fun and games… till you all got kicked out cause, out of surprise and fear, you punched (and broke) one of the animatronics. The vlog was about 20 minutes long, so you thought it was pretty successful. Although, in the end, since you had run out of footage, you decided to do some small clips of you telling stories from America before your met Ranboo’s family.
And then you had the last day, today. Tomorrow you’d be going home. It was about 2 in the morning as you layed down. Captain America was playing in the background as the boys slept. Ranboo was cuddled up to your side, as was Tubbo. Tommy, however, was resting on the other side of the couch. Earlier in the night, he claimed that he didn’t need affection, but you knew he just didn’t want to get ‘picked on’ by Ranboo and Tubbo. You smiled as the boys shifted in their hold. Yeah, you’d miss them like hell. But hey, you just had the best 5 days of your life and, honest;y, you think you might be coming back soon.
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Part Eight. "If you're the imposter, you are canonically Bugsy Siegel."
warnings: swearing word count: 2k (not including pictures)
behind the screen (irl dream xf!reader) series masterlist ultimate masterlist
A/N: ahehahehoho ik sapnap didn't fly to dreams house before they moved in together but this is a fanfic and therefore what i say goes and i say he did :) hope you enjoy!!!!!!
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"SAPNAP!" Y/n yelled into her phone, smiling against the cool device.
"Bugsy!" he said with a laugh.
"You're with Dream?"
"Yeah, you wanna say hi?"
"No, give the phone to Patches!!"
"She literally hates me. She runs away when I see her."
Y/n laughed and heard a voice of protest in the background.
"Dream claims it's because she's shy but she literally hissed at me in my nightmares so I think we have bad blood."
Y/n giggled and balanced the phone between her shoulder and cheek. "You're still on for Among Us tonight, right?"
"Yeah, why? What's up?"
"I was just checking since you're visiting Dream apparently. I don't want to take away from your bro time or whatever."
"Oh, nah, it's good. I'm only here so we can look at places to live together and stuff. He told you I'm moving in with him soon, right?"
"Yeah! That's awesome!"
"Yeah. But, yeah, I love playing games with you! Besides, he has his stupid George plug-in to finish still so I'll be bored. So yes, of course I'm still playing, Bugsy!!!!"
"I've never made a lobby before so I'm just nervous," she said, the feeling evident in her voice.
"Don't worry, I'll make sure none of them pull that stupid prank we pull with Quackity all the time when we tell him we're leaving and pretend like he's muted. It always drags on for like half an hour."
"Okay, good. I'm literally so scared already I don't need hooligans messing with me."
"Don't worry, I got you, Bugsy."
"Thanks. Hey, can you tell Dream he sucks?"
Sapnap groaned. "I don't wanna be your messenger for your love letters to each other."
"Sapnap!" she exclaimed. "No, just... tell him he sucks."
She listened as Sapnap's voice became muffled and she heard him relay the message. A loud, "BUGSY!!" was heard in Dreams voice and she giggled.
"He's dramatically appalled. He said—you know what, no. You guys can talk to each other on your own phones. I'm not being a delivery boy."
"Boo, no fun. I'll let you go so you can hang out with Dream but I can't wait for the game!"
"Me too! See ya Bugsy, love you."
"Love you, Sap!!"
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Y/n drummed her fingers lightly against her desk as she waited for people to join her stream. She was muted, her viewers only left with the sounds of the music she played and the image of her commissioned "starting soon!!" screen. She double-checked the Discord call she was deafened and muted in to make sure her friends were actually there before unmuting her stream and welcoming everyone.
"Chat!!" she announced happily. "Hi! Hello! Welcome one and all to my stream!" She glanced at the chat which was filled with welcomes and announcements of everyone's excitement. She thanked everyone that had donated and gifted subs before checking her surroundings, even though it wouldn't be shown on stream.
She was bundled in a hoodie, her comforter from her bed wrapped around her and trapping her in a cocoon. The lights were off except a candle on her desk and her fairy lights around her room. It was all very serene. She was ready.
A dono came through and she laughed at the question. "Why isn't Dream joining? Um, because he said no. He doesn't have time for me," she joked, recalling them teasing each other about making time for one another. "This just in: Dreamwastaken hates BugsyGames."
Moments later, a $20 dono came through from Dream saying, "not true".
"Dream!" she exclaimed with a laugh. "You can donate and stalk my stream but not play with us? Very rude. Get off my stream and go finish coding, nerd." Despite her words, she couldn't stop smiling.
"Alright, folks! Listen up, today is gonna be so fun. We got Karl, we got Quackity, we got Tubbo, Ranboo, Sapnap, George, Schlatt, Corpse, Sykkuno," she took a dramatic breath and paused, making sure she wasn't forgetting to mention anyone. "Okay? It's gonna be so fun and I'm very excited!" She glanced at chat and smiled at all the positivity.
user5: corpse!!!!!! T_T
user2: omg watch out dream, we got another faceless man he might come for ur girl
user7: omg is this the first time bugsy is playing with tubbo and ranboo???
"Yes, I'm very excited to have Corpse and Sykkuno play today! I haven't played anything with them or Schlatt yet but I have played Minecraft with Tubbo and Ranboo not too long ago. So it should be fun!! Okay, let's join the vc!!"
She typed in the text channel that she was joining before unmuting and undeafening herself. Her headphones were immediately filled with voices speaking over each other, one louder than the rest.
"—aren't, but come on, there has to be something! We aren't blind!" It was Quackity. "Well, George is colorblind but—"
"Hey!" George protested of Quackity's fit of laughter.
"I think they'd be cute," Tubbo said.
"Me too!" Sykkuno's sweet voice rang.
"Quackity!" Karl shouted, exasperated. "I promise you they aren't actually dating! Like actually!!! She's my best friend and she would tell me if something was going on!!" His voice was desperate, almost as if he felt like Quackity was doubting his friendship with whoever he was talking about. Wait, Y/n was Karl's best friend. Were they talking about...
"Yeah, that and I'm literally in his house right now," Sapnap said. "That's two people who are close with the sources who haven't heard anything. I've literally asked Dream straight up to his face and he said no. And he's a terrible liar so I would be able to tell if he and Bugsy—"
"Hi everyone!!" Y/n said quickly, snapping out of wanting to listen to the gossip when she remembered she was streaming. She was worried about how detailed everyone would go into their theories and opinions of what sounded like her and Dream dating.
Where did they get that idea? she thought.
She didn't dare look at her chat in case they picked up on what the boys were talking about, which was very likely.
Quackity and Corpse started laughing loudly at Y/n's entrance while Tubbo stammered out an awkward, "Hel-hello Bugsy!" as if he had been caught doing something wrong. Oh, Tubbo, my sweet son, you could never do anything wrong.
"What are... you guys, haha, uh... talking about?" she asked slowly, hoping they would lie if they were talking about what she thought they were.
"The weather," Sapnap lied.
"Uh, uh, uh," Corpse stammered with a small laugh at the end.
"Tax evasion!" Ranboo shouted.
"Don't let these pricks lie to you, Bugsy," Schlatt said casually, his mouth clearly full of food. Probably a corndog or quesadilla or something. She tensed at his honestly, praying he wasn't going to blurt what they actually— "They're talking about you and Dream."
"M-me and Dream?"
"Are you dating? Yes or no?" he asked bluntly.
"Wha—n-no! No, we aren't."
"TOLD YOU!" Karl and Sapnap both yelled.
"Can we just.. play?" she asked with a laugh. She usually liked chatting with everyone before they played things on other people's streams but she was certain the topic was going to stay on her and Dream and she didn't want that. Bugsy and Dream... that has a nice ring to it, she thought before shaking her head to rid it from her mind. Weird.
"I do have one question, Bugsy," Schlatt said. "Bugsy... what is that? All I can think of is Bugsy Siegel."
"Because you're the most New York New Yorker on the planet," she groaned with a small laugh. "Bugsy just sounded cute, don't compare me to a mobster."
"Then don't name yourself after one."
"Please can we play?" Y/n groaned. "I just wanna play."
"Me too!" Tubbo agreed.
"This is why you're my favorite, Tubbo."
"Yeah, let's get this shit over with," Schlatt sighed among all the agreeing to start. "If you're the imposter, you are canonically Bugsy Siegel."
"TUBBO!" Y/n yelled as the defeat screen appeared. The boy laughed as he sputtered out a defense. "You and Ranboo?? My own sons?! How did you guys get away with that? I literally said from the beginning that it was Ranboo and NO ONE listened to me!!"
"Sorry, mother," Ranboo apologized before laughing.
"I don't trust women," Schaltt said.
"Schlatt, why would I target Ranboo or Tubbo if I didn't have solid evidence it was them? I'd blame someone like Sapnap if I was imposter, not my own sons."
Tubbo laughed loudly and George giggled.
"You can't be trusted, Bugsy!" Quackity yelled. "You lie every other goddamn round!"
"BECAUSE I KEEP GETTING IMPOSTER!" she defended as she raised out of her chair slightly. She had never been so angry than when playing Among Us. It was a dangerous game for her. Her covers were thrown off of her body, abandoned at her feet, and her hoodie sleeves were pushed up. Good thing she didn't use a facecam because she looked like she could murder someone right then. "I have no choice but to lie!!!"
A new game started and she relaxed at the sight of her being crewmate again. She had already been imposter three or four times and they had only played six rounds.
She headed straight for the reactor to do her first task, closing out to see Sapnap silently standing behind her.
"Ah!" she yelled, jumping slightly. "You scared me, dude. Why... why are you being so cryptic?" No answer. "Ssssssssap.....nap?" she asked softly, confused by his uncharacteristic silence.
George walked in and stopped. "Why are you guys just staring at each other?"
"I was doing my task and turned around and Sapnap was here and he hasn't said anything. Sap?"
Shuffling was heard from his mic before he started moving again. "Hey guys!" he chirped as if he hadn't been super creepy moments before. "I was AFK, Dream brought me Chick-fil-a."
"Oh," Y/n breathed. "You looked super sus for a minute there, bud."
"Nah, I just got food," he said, voice muffled by said food to confirm. "Dream! Come say hi to your girlfriend!"
Wasn't Sapnap one of the ones that literally just argued with the group that Bugsy and Dream weren't dating?
Without further explanation, Y/n could hear footsteps coming from Sapnap's mic before Dream's voice came through. "Hi, Bug. Hi, George."
Y/n laughed, glad he greeted George too. Maybe that's who Sapnap meant in the first place? Why did she assume they were talking about her? Ugh, everything was confusing when she had butterflies in her tummy at the mention of Dream's name.
"I'm his favorite girlfriend," George teased, circling around Y/n's character.
"Also his only girlfriend," she said.
"Oh also," Dream's voice appeared again. "Sapnap's imposter."
Y/n and George ran away screaming, heading straight for the emergency button.
Later that night, stream over and Y/n tucked into bed, she scrolled through Twitter and laughed at a Tweet Dream had posted. It was like it was made for her. She ran through her camera roll and found her favorite memes that applied to the request.
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She smiled widely and giggled at the butterflies in her stomach when moments later, she received a text from the boy himself. Looks like he wanted her number for more than just to make a cabin vacation group chat (which had yet to be made, she noted).
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tags: OPEN (at the time) (if your name is in BOLD i couldnt tag you sorry!)
@hydrate-tion​​ @loraleiix​​ @tinaswagbd​​ @charsdummb​​ @smileyyuta​​ @1ghoste1​​ @cerberus-hellhound @gaysludge​​ @queestionmark​​ @carnations-red​​ @letsloveimagines​​ @the-fictionwriters-hairdo​​ @boiled-onionrings​​ @a-cryptic​​ @fee-btheweeb​​ @erwinss​​ @just-a-stan​​ @axths​​ @kayleigh2703 @furiouspockettoad​​ @sometimeseverythingsucks​​ @powerpuffyn​​ @itshaileyn​​ @millavalntyne​​ @automaticcomputerpaper​​ @nikkineeky​​ @fivedicksinatrenchcoat​​ @sprucekot​​ @jabby16​​ @mae-musicbitch​​ @hungoverhellhound​​ @dreamyteam​​ @kuroo-icedtea​​ @stuffforreferences @menacingaesthetic @sapphic-soot​​ @fangeekkk​​ @haseulreturns​​ @queenwastaken​​ @peteysgf​​ @losingvienna​​ @bi-narystars​​ @zero-nightshade​​ @erinitoburrito @sparklykeylime​​ @youhyakuya​​ @danny-devitowo​​ @clubfairy​​ @loser-keiji​​ @oi-itsemily​​​ @alm334​​​ @the-katastrophe​​​ @wreny24​​​​ @applecakeradio @unicornblood4ever @brendalopez99​​ @spacecluster​​ @justonemoreepisode​​ @strawbrinkofdeath​​ @aikochan4859​​​ @chaotic-tieflings​​​ @dreamsofficialwife​​​ @where-thesundoesntshine​​
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ray-ray-writings · 4 years
Full of Suprises-DreamSMP Imagine
This is  wholesmp (kind of but not really. It’s only The Dream Team, SBI, Punz, and Tubbo) x gn!reader in the dreamsmp. Hope you enjoy! 
Masterlist here
Y/N is the server’s sweetheart. They’re innocent and couldn’t hurt a fly… at least that’s what everyone thinks. It isn’t until someone catches them working out does the SMP finally see just how badass this person can be. 
I let out a sigh as I wiped the sweat off of my forehead. My workout routine was getting kind of boring and so I decided to add some new things to spice it up. “Okay,” I said to myself, “Let’s finish this out with some sit ups” I breathed out, staring at the metal bar I hung up many days ago. “And then we can go take a bath and relax,” I mumbled, slowly reaching up and grabbing the bar. 
I quickly adjusted and moved myself so that I was upside down on the bar with it resting on the back of my knees. I let myself take a deep breath before pooling all my strength and began pulling myself up with my core strength. “One,” I breathed out once my chest was against my thighs before going back down just to sit up again, “Two.” 
I did 35 of these sit ups before I decided that I had done enough and carefully let myself down on the ground and collapsed on the floor, breathing heavily. As I caught my breath, I heard something in the doorway. “Woah,” a voice breathed out. I turned my head and caught Sapnap’s eyes boring holes into my skin. I gave the boy a bright smile and slowly sat myself up. “Hey Sapnap, you alright?” Sapnap nodded, still a little dumbfounded, “Yeah” he croaks, clearing his throat and shaking himself back into reality. “Yeah, I just… Didn’t know you could do that” I couldn’t help but giggle and shrug my shoulders. “There’s a lot of things that I can do…. Did you need something?” I asked, raising my eyebrow, slowly standing up and grabbing my water bottle and taking a long drink. “Umm… I think so, but honestly that was so attractive and surprising that I seemed to have forgotten what it is I was going to say and do… I’ll um… I’ll see you later.” And then he bolted. 
His behavior confused me a little bit, but I guess it was kind of shocking to see someone you think is very delicate do something not so delicate, especially seeing them hanging upside down and working out. But I shrugged it off and made my way back into the main part of my home. I quickly walked into my bedroom, grabbed some new clothes before going into the bathroom and taking a quick shower. 
When I got out of the shower, I decided to make myself something to eat. I was quickly side tracked by a knock on my front door. My brow furrowed in confusion, I wasn’t expecting anyone… Maybe Sapnap remembered what it was he wanted to say and or do. Well I was partially right. When I swung the door open, Sapnap was standing there. But behind him stood a bunch of other people. Dream, George, Punz, Wilbur, Techno, Tommy, Tubbo, and Philza all stood behind Sapnap with either a confused or a bored look on their face.  
“Can I help you guys with something?” I asked sweetly even though I was confused as to why they were all there. “Yeah,” Dream pipes up, “Sapnap said that you were doing something that we ‘just had to see’” He claims, a mocking tone lacing his voice toward the end of his sentence. I cocked my eyebrow and shifted my gaze to Sapnap who just nodded at me, “Show them what you were doing when I came here earlier” he encouraged. I let out a little laugh, “Well I just took a shower but if you really want,” I teased. A sea of head bobbing made me laugh again. “Okay fine. Come on, I’ll show you.” 
I quickly motioned my hand telling them to follow me. I turned on my heel and made my way through the house to my little workout room. The nine that followed behind squeezed their way into the room. They watched as my hands reached up above me and grabbed the bar. “You guys ready?” I asked, adjusting my grip so I wouldn’t fall and faceplant on the ground. A rumble of “yes”’s came from the small crowd. “Alrighty then.” 
In one swift motion I pulled my feet off of the ground, letting myself hand there for a moment, before shifting and throwing my legs upwards and then easing them back down so that the bar rested against the back of my knees for the second time that day. As I dangled, I could hear gasps coming from the side of the room where everyone was piled. I couldn’t help but chuckle at their reaction before I did a few sit ups like I had done earlier for my workout before I decided that they had their fill and got off the bar. 
When I got off the bar and turned around, everyone, with the exception of Sapnap, was staring at me in complete and utter shock. “Close your mouths” I teased, walking forward, “You’ll catch flies.” An explosion of voices all trying to one up each other in volume sounded from the group. I could only make out a few key sentences like, “that was hot” “I didn’t know you could do that” “You’re so innocent since when-” Another laugh rumbled through my body. “Guys!” I finally called, bringing everyone’s attention back to me. “I’ve been working out like that for a while… I don’t know why it’s so surprising,” I shrugged, genuinely confused as to why it was such a big deal. 
“It’s surprising because you’re you Y/N!” Punz exclaimed, his eyes still wide. “Yeah! I mean, you’re Y/N and that’s just crazy to see and weird” Tommy jumped in. But all it did was make me even more confused. Philza must have seen the confusion still heavily present in my face because he jumped in as well with an explanation, “What we’re trying to say is that you’ve always been so sweet with us that I guess that we haven’t ever really seen you do something so badass before so we’re all a little… shocked so to say.” 
The confusion I felt quickly left my body at the explanation. “OH!!” I exclaimed with a smile, “That makes sense… Well then, surprise! I’m actually really strong!” I announced with a giggle. Smiles graced the faces of everyone there watching me. “Yeah you are Y/N… Say if you ever want to spar, let me know. I’d love to see just how far your skills have progress,” Techno offered up with a half smile. “No, no, no, no!” Dream immediately jumped in before I could say anything, “If they want to spare, they should come to me! I’m clearly the best PVPer and I think that they would flourish best under my training!” “Oh really? Tell me why I’ve beaten you in more duels than you’ve beaten me!” “Hey maybe I want to be the one to train with Y/N!” “Shut up Tommy!” 
Chaos broke out in my home as everyone began arguing for the right to spar with me. I couldn’t help but laugh at the ridiculous excuses some of them gave to try and make their point. My eyes scanned the crowd and landed on one person who wasn’t actually arguing. I quickly made my way over to him and wrapped my arm around his shoulder. “You want to see how long it takes for them to notice that we’re gone?” I murmured in Tubbo’s ear. A bright grin lit up his face as he nodded quickly, “Of course… We’re will we go?” He asked. I slowly began walking to the door and out of the workout room. “To the kitchen!” I announced once we were out of earshot. “I’m starving. All that working out had me working up an appetite… You hungry?” I asked, leading the younger boy to my kitchen. “I could eat” Tubbo responded with a shoulder shrug. “That’s my boy” 
Once in the kitchen, I quickly whipped up some breakfast for Tubbo and I to share. As we ate, we could still hear the arguing of the others in the other room. “Did you really not know that I was that strong?” I asked Tubbo once the both of us had food in front of us. Tubbo let out a small laugh as he scooped some eggs into his mouth. “Oh, I always knew you were strong. One time I watched you deadlift Henry the cow because he was being stubborn and wasn’t moving.” I couldn’t help but laugh at the memory. Tommy had left me in charge of watching his pet cow because he knew I would protect it and wouldn’t kill it. He was right. But when I tried to take Henry back inside after letting him out to eat, Henry wouldn’t come, no matter what I tried. So, as Tubbo said, I just picked the heavy cow up and walked back inside. “I just thought it was funny to watch the others through themselves in front of you and treat you like a delicate little flower. Because you could easily take all of them in a one on one fight,” Tubbo finished, emphasizing his point by taking another bite of breakfast. 
I set my fork down and reached over and ruffled the younger boy’s hair. “You’re the best Tubbo… Don’t tell the others I said that though.” The two of us giggled at that. Together, we finished breakfast, all the while still being able to hear the others argue from my workout room. “You want to go for a walk?” I asked Tubbo once the dishes were cleaned and put away. “Sure! We could even pick some flowers!” He cheered. “I would love that! My house could definitely use some brightening up!” I responded in the same excited tone. 
So the two of us quickly rushed through my house gathering everything we may need for the small trip. Just as we were finally at the front door ready to leave, we heard it. “Wait a minute!” Wilbur’s loud voice called from the workout room, “Where is Y/N!” The room burst in loud noise, most of which was the calling of my name. Tubbo and I burst into a fit of laughter as we heard thundering footsteps leave the room and head straight toward the main area. “Go Tubbo! Go!” I called out, throwing the front door open before sprinting outside. “Hey get back here!” The teasing voice of Sapnap called from behind us. 
The two of us ran for as long as we could, but when half of the server has stupidly long legs, it doesn’t take a whole lot of time for them to catch up. I felt a body hit my own as I was tackled to the ground. Once I was flipped over, I could see clearly the grinning face of Techno hovering above me. “I’ve got you now Y/N, and to think you’re so stro-” Techno didn’t get to finish. I quickly wrapped my hands around his wrists that were pinning me to the ground. I then swung my legs out and around him and in one swift motion I turned us over so that I was now pinning Techno to the ground. 
The look on Techno’s face caused me to burst out in laughter, “I think I’ve got you now Techno” I teased before standing up off of him and holding my hand for him to take. But he just laid there, frozen in shock on the ground. Harsh hands clapped down on my shoulders and Tommy’s cackle filled my ears, “They got you. They actually got you! The great Blood God Technoblade! Pinned the ground by none other than our very own flower Y/N” That was all it took for Techno to spring off the ground and begin charging Tommy. Tommy let out a scream before sprinting away, Techno following closely behind. 
Another arm wraps around my shoulder and this time, Dream’s wheeze fills my ear. “Oh gosh. I’m so sorry we didn’t believe you. That was the best thing I’ve ever seen,” he cackles, leaning his weight on me. I couldn’t help but laugh along with him, his laugh was contagious. “Just remember it next time you piss me off,” I teased, elbowing his side. “Oh don’t you worry. I will always remember this moment. Oh my god!” 
The rest of the group joined us, laughter also bubbling out of their lips. That was a day that would always be remembered. The day that Sapnap accidentally saw me working out and dragged a bunch of people to my home to prove that I was strong. The day that I pinned Technoblade. The day that Y/N became more than a delicate flower that people saw as someone who needed to be protected. The day I became a badass.
There you have it! I hope you enjoyed, and if so, be sure to leave a like! I’m not too sure if I like how this one turned out, so let me know what you thought about it!!!
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jadedpen · 3 years
Welcomed with open arms
Sibling!Half phantom!GN!Reader x Sbi family (+ Tubbo)
Summary: You are stuck in the cold snow as a small toddler in a basket. As the snowstorm roared, Phantoms circle around you, letting out wails of woe and sorrow. Suddenly, you hear the flapping of big feathery wings and see the Phantoms fly away. You then see a mysterious man with a white and green striped hat and welcoming blue eyes.
For context: Wilbur and Techno are twins, the reader is the youngest of the family with Tubbo being 1 year older than Tommy. The twins are 11 years old, Tommy is 4 and Tubbo is 5.
TW: There is a small part in the beginning where the reader almost dies from hypothermia, so be mindful of that, please!
Also, don’t worry, this work will have multiple chapters, so stay tuned!
Sorry if this is kinda bad. This is my first time writing a reader fanfic.
Ao3 link here
The bitter cold touched your skin as your breath came out slow and steady. Your fingertips glowed blue and your thin wings weren’t much help to warm you up. The basket you were placed in by your unknown parents barely kept you alive all these hours, the thin blanket wrapped around you.
Phantoms circled you, seeing you as one of their own. You could sense the distraught and worry in their cries and their wails. As they swooped down, they tried to pick up the basket that carried you, but to no avail. Your tiny toddler hands tried to reach out to them, wanting nothing more but to be carried somewhere where you won’t freeze in the storm. You let out small wails and cries, those very much akin to a Phantom, until you heard a caw.
One caw became ten, and suddenly there was a whole murder of them, so many that the amount started to block the storm. Some even tried to attack the phantoms, but they wouldn’t leave you alone. They’d rather die than let the crows have their way with you.
But, there came a large beating of wings. Ones way more than the huge murder swirling around you. As the beating wings died down, you could hear the thumps of footsteps coming towards you, and feel something or someone pick you up. The hands were the warmest thing you’ve ever felt, and your eyes met the mysterious person’s bright welcoming blue. The eyes could convey so much; uneasiness, pity, curiosity.
They wore a large hat, one that was green and white striped. Medium blond hair came out of the sides with a small braid in the front and little knickknacks hanging from the strange hat. Huge black wings stood behind them, making them seem larger than the storm from your view. Even though your vision was impaired from the cold, you could see a small bit of what they was wearing aside from their head; a green opened kimono with a black turtleneck and a strange red heart in the middle.
The person looked up at the phantoms, not noticing that their wails were of worry. They pulled out a bow and a sharp arrow, aiming it at the phantoms. You could tell that the person meant harm, and so you wailed at them to make them stop. The person looked at you, and then the phantoms. They finally noticed the roars of the Phantoms were wails and cries, meaning only woe. The person seemed to call to the crows, and the crows obeyed. Birds swooped down to the ground where you and the person were set, no longer focusing on the Phantoms.
The snowstorm got worse, cold even colder. It became harder and harder to breathe or keep your eyelids open. Eyes barely open, you could see the person holding you have panic in their eyes, looking up ahead and wings wide open. Your tiny hands clutched the cloth on their chest, trying to find even the slightest bit of warmth you could feel as the person held you and carried the basket in hand.
You felt the person run, and then take flight. Wind blew on your head as your eyes closed all the way, hearing the caws of crows seem to follow this mysterious person.
A few minutes later, you hear the storm dying down, becoming only a midnight breeze. The person carrying you descended down to the ground, walking towards something warm. Despite the storm now over, you couldn’t open your eyes, seeming to be iced shut.
A huge wave of warmth filled the air as the person opened the door to what you assumed to be their house. You heard childlike voices, 3 to be exact. You weren’t able to understand them, but you were happy to know that you weren’t the only person anymore.
“Who’s that?” A small voice said; you could feel their beady eyes staring at you. ”It’s a baby. I found them freezing in the cold. I’m happy I saved them; any longer and they might’ve been left to die. Poor thing.” The deeper voice came from above you, seeming to come from the person who saved you. The person then sat on something soft and held you in their lap.
“Are you seriously considering adopting another sibling? We already have to deal with Tommy-” “HEY!” Two voices argued, one being slightly deeper and older but still young, and the other being loud and boisterous, being the same small voice you first heard.
“Both of you shut up. Who cares if we have another sibling, this ones adorable.” A separate voice spoke up, setting a warm hand on your tiny toddler one. You lightly grabbed the person’s bigger hands, warming your seemingly frozen hand even more.
“So… do we have a new sibling now?” “Seems like it.” The two older voices continued, “Well, I just hope they don’t turn out like Tommy- “GOD DAMMIT TECHNO-“ Loud arguing could be heard while you continued to hold the mysterious boy’s hand. Opposite to the loudness, the mysterious man from before spoke, “Would you like to hold them Wil?”
You assumed he nodded his head as the striped hat man handed you to ‘Wil’. The boy held you in his arms while the striped hat man softly caressed your head lovingly. You climbed onto the Wil’s sweater, burying your face into the soft material.
“Boys, could you stop arguing before you upset the baby.” “But Techno is being a bitch!” “Tommy! Where did you hear that word?” “Nowhere!” “Shut up Tommy. Before you cause Phil to finally get those hearing aids.”
The three continue bickering while you and Wil just vibe with Wil patting your head and you snuggling into his warmth. After a few minutes of arguing, they finally calm down and crowd around you.
“Alright. I’m going to go and fix up some proper clothes for them. In the meantime, try not to make the child cry, okay?” The striped hat man said, walking out of the room.
You could feel their eyes on you, with Wil still patting your head while a hand held yours. You slowly opened your eyes for the first time in the house and finally saw your new family.
The boy named Wil had curly brown hair with bangs to right of his face, pointed ears, and brown eyes; big round glasses adorned his face and a red beanie upon his head, with a big yellow sweater. The person holding your hand looked almost exactly like him. His hair was the same as Wil’s, though it was to the right, with square glasses and the same pointed ears, with his sweater being pink. A small tusk grew out of each of their mouths, being on opposite sides.,
Wilbur swooned to you, “Hi there. I’m Wilbur.”, smiling at you with a big smile. “This here is my twin, Technoblade, but just call him Techno or Tech.” He looked over to said twin, with Techno staring at you and then patting your head.
The smaller one, who had blonde hair and blue eyes wearing a white shirt with the sleeves being red, looked just as boisterous and loud as he acted. He looked at you curiously as you turned your head to look at him, and to your surprise started poking you in the cheek rather annoyingly with you groaning out of annoyance and snuggling up to Wilbur.
“Tommy, stop poking them you’re gonna make them hate you.” “Shut it Wil, you know I will be the favorite brother. Better than you or Techno or even Tubbo.”
Speaking of the devil, the one you assumed was ‘Tubbo’, due to his name only now being said and the rest having said their names, walked down the creaky stairs; a blanket over his shoulders. The boy had messy brown hair and goat pupils in his blue eyes.
Tubbo walked towards the couch, rubbing his eyes in tiredness. “Phil told me that we apparently have a new sibling.” He walked towards you and sat in front of Wilbur, staring into your (e/c) eyes. “What’s their name? Have you guys even figured out a name?” “I think we should wait until Phil gets back. We don’t want Tommy to try and name them ‘Big Man’.” Saying this, Techno squeezes your hand. “But anyway, I had this super weird dream-“
As Tubbo started ranting about various dreams he’s had over the week, Wilbur nudges Techno and hands you to him. Reluctantly, Techno holds you, with you snuggling into his sweater, which was made of the same material as Wilbur’s.
A few minutes pass and Tubbo is still talking about his dreams when Phil comes in. “Alright. I’ve set up a room for the little one. Considering they seem to be half Phantom, there aren’t any windows since I don’t know if they are affected by the sun or not.”
“Great. Speaking of, what are we going to name them?” “I say we name them Big Man!” “That’s a horrible idea Tommy!” Wilbur and Tommy continue to argue while Phil, Techno, and Tubbo all crowd around you on the couch. “So… what should we name them?” Tubbo started. “Well, what about something nice? Something… simple but fitting.” Tubbo and Phil listed off possible names, seeing if anything would stick.
“What about… y/n?” The rest of the family looked at Techno, the person who suggested the name. “Y/n?” Wilbur stated, thinking over the name. “Y/n. A lovely name.” Phil smiled, looking at you.
“Welcome to the family, Y/n.”
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strawberrylemonz · 4 years
Innit an Adventure
An addition to the AU, lol. Instead of chat being in his head, like Techno’s, Tommy’s chat are ghosts that follow him around :)
This one is dedicated to @ivorylin for being very supportive of my first post regarding this au. This is also dedicated to @petrichormeraki for being poggers and enjoying the first part of this series, as well as inspiring it.
Part 1
Part 2 [CURRENT]
Part 3
“Brother!!! Pog!!!”
“Big brother returns!”
“I just woke up, what’s happening?”
“I was getting a snack, what’s up?”
“I’m on the toilet, pog”
“I have tacos :)”
“This makes me happy you didn’t do a double flip”
“Anyone else have dust in their eyes?”
Tommy let out a shaky breath as he rubbed his eyes. Chat was going crazy at the new news and, to be honest, he couldn’t blame them. If he was in their position, he’d be freaking out alongside them. Wanting to end both the silence that filled the cavern and the nonsense Chat was saying, Tommy let out a hoarse laugh before speaking.
“Chat really likes you, G.”
A smile formed on the teen’s face as his head bounced with the hefty laugh that came from Grian, whose chest began to rumble alongside the laughter. Finally lifting his head off his brother’s chest, Tommy allowed the remaining tears in his eyes to fall as he looked to Grian’s face. Grian smiled fondly back at Tommy, wiping away the tears from his little brother’s eyes. 
“I suppose I should say hello to all of them. Is Chat similar to Techno’s voices?”
Concern flashed across Grian’s face as Tommy flinched at the mention of Technoblade. It was small, and could have been easily overlooked if Grian wasn’t watching his brother like a hawk. He made a mental note to ask about that later that night, when they were around the campfire.
“Nah, he’s just insane. Psychotic or some shit like that. I’m just really fucking cool and can see spirits and shit.”
Eyebrows from the crowd (shit, they were still there, weren’t they?) and Grian were raised as someone Stress half heartedly scolded Tommy for his language. Tommy just rolled his eyes, knowing that they only scolded him as a joke. They had all grown accustomed to his wording, and were worried when he didn’t slip in a few curses into his sentences.
“Yeah, spirits. I call em Chat most of the time, but they have different nicknames, and they all have individual names. Clara explained that it was one of the many side effects to her marking me as a ‘Starchild’ in her name. They are the spirits of the lands, from servers all around, or some shit like that. I can see them all, but they make the choice to stick with me or not.”
This was...news. Grian, who was still processing that he his baby brother was alive, sitting right in front of him, as well as the fact that Clara was real, could only stare. He wasn’t so sure how to feel about his brother being indifferent to all the spirits, but he suppose that it couldn’t be helped. Spending pretty much your entire life seeing spirits would make him indifferent to the spirits as well. 
“So, Chat is...everywhere?”
“Basically, yeah”
Grian hummed as he proceeded to greet Chat, being polite to the beings he couldn’t see. Much to the annoyance of Tommy, Chat seemed to be loving Grian even more. Maybe a bit too much.
“How thoughtful of him”
“Grian bro supremacy”
“Rodent brothers??? pog?????”
“Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, calm down, calm down, calm down, calm down. Chat says hi, Grian. And, hey, I’m not a child, what the fuck!? I’m a big man!”
Impulse snickered as Mumbo walked over to the two brothers. Smiling down at them, he helped the two back to their feet. Grian smiled as he set a hand on Tommy’s shoulder, squeezing it slightly. Tommy, in turn, beamed with pride at his brother and his friends. 
“Alright, we spent enough time being emotional and shit. Let’s get going, I have more cool shit to show you guys.”
Laughter filled the cavern as Tommy fixed his hair, his booming man child I’m not a child voice being drowned out as he led them back outside. Slightly huffing. He let out a yelp as he was nearly tackled to the ground from behind. Letting out undignified noises of protest, he turned to see the smug smile of Grian, who was ruffling his hair. 
“Alright, big man, show us your land of paradise!”
Barking out a hearty laugh, Tommy ducked out from his brother’s hand before grabbing it, spinning a few times, and pulling him forward. 
“Aw, look at them!”
“Wait, so Grian has two sections now?”
The traditional booth games in Tavern Town were fun. From balloon darts to milk bottles, to ladder climb and hoop toss, Tommy thought of it all. Unique designs decorated each booth, all holding an individual and unique look. Everything about the area was impressive.
“Where did buy get these for the games? I don’t think I’ve ever seen them in the main server.”
Tommy peered over to Doc, who was inspecting the prizes neatly strung up on all the booths. There were plushies of different types of mods, some familiar, others not. They came in all types of colors and sizes, and were overall impressive. Walking up beside Doc, Tommy just shrugged his shoulders, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.
“I didn’t buy them, I made them.”
Scar perked up, before jumping right into the conversation.
“You what? Toms, that’s impressive! I didn’t know you could sew.”
‘Fucking hell,’ Tommy thought to himself. He didn’t expect to get praise for his simple hobbies.
“Yeah, I sew. I’m actually pretty crafty, being resourceful and shit. I also knit and crochet. It’s not much, but it’s really fucking therapeutic and all that jazz.”
Before anyone else could comment, a dinging noise sounded at one of the booths. Turning to look at the cause of the commotion, they saw that Stress and Impulse had won a game together. Giving each other fist bumps, they watched as a screen popped up, giving them prize options to choose from. After receiving their prizes, they hurried over to Tommy with smiles painted on their faces.
“You bet we’re gonna win one of each plush here.”
A high pitched laughter erupted from Tommy, who was starting to enjoy his decision to hand make all the prizes in his park. Wiping away a tear of joy, the teen I’m eighteen, I’m a fucking man! You’re a child, Tommy beamed at his friends, who smiled warmly in return. Tommy’s joy seemed to increase as more booth alarms were set off, many more prizes coming off the shelves. By the time everyone was ready for the next land, they all had at least two plush toys each.
“This is delicious! You baked these?!”
The group was currently sitting in the seating area in the Dream SMP section of the park, more specifically, L’manburg. They had gotten pastries from the duplicate bakery that belonged to Niki. According to Tommy, it was an exact replica to the real thing. The pastries sold there were the same ones Niki sold back at L’manburg. Tommy had used the recipes and techniques that Niki had demistrated to both him and Tubbo to create the dishes.
“If you think these are good, you should taste Niki’s. I swear, her pastries were sent down from Heaven by Jesus himself. They taste fucking amazing, godly.”
Grian smiled as he nudged Tommy’s shoulder with his own. Popping another sweet cake in his mouth, Tommy quirked an eyebrow as he faced the older boy.
“You should teach me some of your hobbies, Starchild. We can do a hobby exchange.”
Tommy visibly brightened up as he wiped some frosting from around his mouth. Smiling, he nodded his head happily.
“Hell yeah! That sounds fuckin’ amazing!”
The group ate with content as they looked around their area. They had already seen the rest of the Dream server lands. 
“It’s amazing that you’ve made all of this by yourself. You haven’t even showed us the rest of the park yet! Good job, for a child.”
“Hey! I’m not a fucking child! I’m turning 19 soon!”
“Oh yeah, I forgot you were an Aries.”
“What’s wrong with being an Aries?”
“Nothing is wrong with being an Aries, Tango.”
“Oh shut it, you Librarian.”
“Yeah, the worst sign.”
“First of all, kid, I’m a Gemini.”
The rides and games in the DSMP were very diverse and unique. Tommy had really put a lot of effort and time into every attraction, no matter how small. From things as small as a scavenger hunt through the Badlands, water themed adventures in El Rapids, to fast paced coasters in L’manburg.
“Scoot over, bandit child, I’m sharing this ride vehicle with you.”
“What the fuck, man?”
“Oh, don’t act surprised. I know you made it to where two people share a seat just so you can spend quality time with your brother.”
“Oh, fuck off, I didn’t even know you were my brother until an hour and a half ago.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night.”
The first ride the group decided to board was dubbed A Home. Entering a little shack, everyone boarded their ride vehicles and waited for the ride to begin. While they waited for the vehicles to move, Tommy explained how he managed to use the latest mods that were added to the server to his advantage. He managed to fit different tracks to different rides in the same builds, as well as add animatronics. Just as he was about to receive yet another wave of praise, the ride began.
“It’s like looking at a younger version of you!”
“That’s kinda the point, genius.”
Grian’s statement, as obvious as it was, was true. As the vehicles left the shack and entered the caravan, and animatronic Tommy, merely 16 years of age, welcomed the riders as they witnessed the beginning of a new home, L’manburg. They kept comments to themselves when they saw, yet again, the replica of Tommy’s old base. The ride track took them through different areas of the DSMP, following the young Tommy as he searched for a home.
“-the citizenship of Wilbur Soot and Tommyinnit!!!”
“What does he mean revoked?!”
Before Tommy could reply, the vehicles lurched backwards, keeping the vehicles facing the stage at all times as the animatronics turned to take aim at the riders. It wasn’t until the red stone to the dirt entrance revealed the entry way to Pogtopia that the vehicles did a 180, moving forward into the entry way before going down the spiral steps into the ravine. Laughter filled the air as the group saw animatronics of Tommy, Wilbur and Techno conversing together, joking around and teasing each other. Suddenly, the ride vehicles fell down to the next part of the track, the prime path. As they raced through the tunnel, they witnessed an animatronic Tommy and Tubbo embracing and conversing, their cheerful voices free from worry. The group could only sit in awe as the scenes continued to change.
“-goodbye, Tommy.”
“What does he mean goodbye?!”
“Oh my fucking god, shut up!”
The vehicles suddenly raced through the Nether, coming out to an island far from DSMP. The sign at the entrance of the area welcomed the group to Logstedshire. There, they could see an unhappy Tommy staring out towards the ocean, listening to Chirp as he mumbled nonsense to Clara. And just as quickly as they came, they raced out of the sunny area and into the snow. They raced around the inside of Techno’s cottage before racing outside, towards an empty area. There, an animatronic Tommy yelled out in shock as an animatronic Technoblade pressed a button, turning around as a secret lair was revealed.
“Welcome home, Theseus!”
For the final time, the scene changed. They entered, backwards, into a portal, coming out to face a replica of the spawn to Hermitcraft. There, in wonderous glory, stood an animatronic Xisuma, welcoming the group to Hermitcraft. Then, the track dropped, leaving the riders back at the entrance to the ride.
“Holy shit.”
“Haha! Holy shit is right!”
The group quickly learned that Tommy spared no expense in all his attractions. As they explored the different lands, they really saw the individuality of every land. L’manburg had fun rides, including Nation’s Legacy, Blood’s Ballad, Wither’s Wrath, and Creator’s Cabin. Nation’s Legacy is an underground ride that worked like a turntable to tell the history of L’manburg, ending on a grim and looming hint to the possible destruction of the nation. When asked about the fate of L’manburg, Tommy admitted that he appeared in Hermitcraft before he could witness the possible doomsday, so he wasn’t entirely sure what had occured afterwards.
Blood’s Ballad is an interactive ride that used a special red stone technique. The ride vehicles could seat up eight passengers at a time, each using special gloves that allow them to interact with the special ride elements. The goal is to get the most points out of everyone in the ride vehicle. The ride took the group on a journey with Technoblade, the Blood God. The group racked up points training alongside him, as well as fighting all sorts of mobs. By the end of the ride, Tommy was sulking as Stress managed to gather the most points. Stress was enjoying the victory, smiling happily as “SUBSCRIBE TO TECHNOBLADE” boomed through the speakers. 
Wither’s Wrath was more of a small scale ride to enjoy. There were only three ride vehicles, each shaped like a wither and able to hold three riders. Each rider sat in a wither skull. Grian smiled as he pulled Mumbo and Tommy into a a wither vehicle with him. As they strapped in, they were transported to a virtual world where the rules of the game were shared. The goal was to cause the most destruction in the virtual world than the other vehicles. Each player controlled their own skull, making it easier to gather points. At least, that was the case for-
“Fuck yeah! Team Kickass all the way! Check it Grian, Mumbo, we’re badass!”
Creator’s Cabin was simple enough. It was just a large cabin that held enchanted portraits of everyone who resided in the DSMP. The portraits could move within their frames. They could also interact with each other. When the group walked in, the portraits were chatting away with each other. Sam’s portrait seemed to be listening in on the conversation that the portraits of Tubbo, Tommy and Purpled were having, occasionally joining in when he saw fit. Fundy was chatting away with Eret and Niki, a bright smile on his face. Ranboo was timidly peeking over at the group with Tommy and Tubbo, obviously wanting to join in. The portraits of Quackity, Sapnap and Karl were deep in conversation, while the portrait of George was asleep sitting up.
“Hey, Tommy?”
“Why are there two portraits of Wilbur?”
“Oh, right. Grian, about Wilbur-”
The group, aside from Tommy, jumped at the booming voice. Without hesitation, they all ran out to the water, searching for the source of the voice. There, out on the water, stood a lone animatronic. It was the animatronic of a petite woman, one with red curls dancing around as she swayed and spoke. Once more, her confident, melodic voice filled the air. 
With that, she raised her right arm, hoisting a sword into the air. On cue, she began to rise as a ship emerged from the sea below her. Once it was no longer submerged, the ship rocked a few times before settling. A banner unraveled and blew in the breeze, the name of the area now visible for all to see. 
Sally de Mon’s Sea Voyage
“You like it? Creating the entrance for this ride was a fucking bastard. Kept me up all night and crap. Almost gave up completely on it.”
“It’s amazing! I was not expecting to see something like that!
“Hey, Tommy? Who’s Sally. I don’t think it was ever explained how you know her?”
“Really? I gotta fix that, then. Sally is my sister-in-law who-”
“Oh, shit...surprise?”
The Badlands was a fun, interactive section of the DSMP area. The various puzzles and mazes made it fun for all the participants. The muffin stand was also a fan favorite to the hermits. 
El Rapids was a water-filled adventure. Because he wanted to play around with the word rapids, Tommy made several water-based rides and activities, his favorite being the log ride. They just seemed to be the perfect addition to the area, adding a way to cool down to balance all the water-free rides. It seemed as if Tommy had thought of every type of ride for every type of biome and scenario.
SMP Earth was another large section of the park. It also held the only other largest ride in the entire park, one that led the riders throughout the Antarctic Empire, as well as its surrounding cities and towns. The area for the empire was beautiful decorated in colors of all kind. Flowers and banners decorated the buildings and streets, brightening up the area. Classic activities, such as the sparing rings and archery, as well as the axe throws and parkour courses were set up. It all felt familiar to Grian, who couldn’t help but smile at his brother. Grabbing one of the fliers, he inspected it before shooting his brother a look of uncertainty.
“You didn’t”
“On the contrary, brother dearest, I did!”
“Did what? What did he do?”
Grian laughed as he showed the group what the flier said. It was decorated in beautiful, hand-drawn flowers. Golden lettering perfectly spelt out the message.
Floral Festival of Spring
Join us in the weeklong celebration of Spring! Enjoy the festivities with friends and family as you explore the traditions held within our grounds. Finally, enjoy the wondrous Floral Gala held on the final night of festivities. Dawn your greatest fabrics as you dance the night away, before enjoy a magnificent firework display.
Signed by his royal highness,
Prince Thomas Theseus Minecraft
“He used his full name and everything!”
“Your middle name is Theseus?”
“Your actual last name is Minecraft?”
“Did you actually write this? It’s worded and written so…formally.”
Huffing a bit, Tommy crossed his arms. Fixing his posture, he stood up, tall and proud, as he puffed out his chest. It took everyone every fiber in their bodies to not laugh at the sight of him.
“I can be very formal, thank you very much. I’m not a fucking idiot, I remember the formality lessons the teachers put me through. And I take the offense to that writing comment! Do you know how many attempts it took for me to be able to recreate the stupid fancy font used back at the empire? And another thing-”
Grian playfully hopped on Tommy’s shoulder, startling the younger brother to his usual stance. Ruffling his hair, he assured his brother with a laugh.
“Calm down, Toms. You know that we’re messing with you. You did amazingly. How many more flyers do you have? We’ll set them up in the Hub to be distributed across the main server. It’s been a while since I’ve attended a royal ball, so let’s make it grand!”
Laughing, Tommy had no choice but to agree with Grian. His smile faltered, however, once realization sunk in. The next activity for the group was the campfire. The secrets of his time at the Dream SMP that he kept for over 2 years would finally be revealed.
‘Better late than never to prepare the waterworks’, thought a very nervous Tommy.
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darkeninganon · 3 years
Arachnophobia part 2! As stated in the link, this AU is the fault of me being me and darkening bittydragon’s Webbed AU. Trigger Warnings for: Arachnophobia (Driders/spider people), Death (Unnamed adventurer), Killing, Blood (Kind of implied), Vore, fatal vore, and Cursing! Read at your own risk!
Ranboo hated this, hanging just a few feet off the ground, tied up in a web with the predator keeping him there just out of sight in the bushy leaves of the giant tree. "HELP!" His voice was hoarse, having been screaming for help for hours. He was bait. Bait for anything or anyone who happened to come by and hear him yelling. He coughed, too violently. He relaxed, casting one last glance at where he knew the drider- Dream, apparently- was hiding. "Please... Help us..."
Ranboo perked up, coughing slightly as he heard the stranger call out in response.
"I heard you! Keep calling! Kid?!"
"Over here!" Ranboo yelled, falling into another coughing fit, causing him to sway slightly from where he hung. "Help! I'm stuck!"
Ranboo saw a strange man stumble through the undergrowth, the other's eyes lighting up as he saw Ranboo. "Thank goodness you're alive! Usually kids who wander into here don't make it out you know!"
Ranboo rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I wonder why. Look, can you get me down? My friends are in danger!"
"What? From the spider that got you?" The stranger laughed. "Come on, you know spiders are dumb and blind. Just hold still and I'll get you out in a jiffy!" The man bragged, approaching where Ranboo hung.
Ranboo could only glare at the guy. Okay, he was not going to feel bad about this guy's fate. "Yeah, well, it's much bigger and smarter than you-" Ranboo yelped as he was pulled up into the foliage, yelling and kicking as he fought from instinct. Ranboo froze, once again face-to-face with the giant drider.
"Good job. I knew you could do it."
Ranboo yelled again, pleading for Dream not to as he was dangled and then dropped into Dream's mouth. Ranboo fough and squirmed, still bound by the web  as he was tossed around by Dream's tongue, before finally being swallowed down into the drider's storage stomach.
"Hey bossman."
Ranboo sighed, cringing as he was once again trapped with Tubbo and Tommy inside the giant spider human.
Right near his actual stomach.
With a stranger outside.
Ranboo's eyes shot open. "Shit."
The three boys yelled, suddenly thrown as Dream moved, jumping from somewhere and landing roughly. The boys could hear some sort of yelling outside and Dream talking, likely mocking the guy Ranboo had just helped him capture.
Ranboo squirmed enough to prop himself up against one of the walls, hopefully not the one that was against Dream's actual stomach, and looked to Tubbo and Tommy. "There... was a guy... he heard me yelling, and-" Ranboo felt something, no... someone fall behind him, the wall of Dream's storage stomach giving way for the much more useful actual organ. Ranboo threw himself away from the wall. "Crap! I'm sorry! I didn't-"
"What the fuck did you do to me?!" The man yelled. The teens could just barely see the man pressing his hands against the organ, trying to find where Ranboo was. "I try to help you, and you betray me?! You play bait and let everyone die in your place?!"
"Hey! It's you or us asshole! Don't blame us for wanting to live!" Tommy yelled back, trying to stand and intimidate someone who couldn't even see him.
"What- How many of you guys are there?!"
"There's three of us in here!" Tubbo replied, attempting to free Ranboo from the web he had been trapped in. "Look, we're... we didn't mean to! We just want to stay alive!"
The man was silent for a moment, before asking almost too quietly "Wait... if you guys are over there, where am I?"
The three boys fell silent. They had found out on day one what was on the other side of that side, after all, Dream did get another "Meal" that he saved the trio from. Dream had only brought them out that day to force feed them some of his own food, talking about how it was no different from eating a regular spider or a cow, and made sure they ate what he perceived to be enough before throwing them back into his storage stomach and eating some himself.
"Boys... where am I?!" The trio cowered away from the wall, still moving from the pressure the man was putting on the walls in an effort to find them. "Hello?!"
"You're... uh..." The trio and stranger yelled, the boys suddenly thrown against the one wall they didn't want to be anywhere near. Of course Dream had chosen now to rest on his stomach. He was probably relaxing in the sun.
"Ow! What the hell was that?!" The stranger yelled, squirming underneath the tangled trio.
"Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god-"
Tubbo smacked Ranboo over the head. "Shut up! We're fine!"
"But he's not!" Ranboo yelled, motioning toward where the stranger was.
"He didn't need to know that!"
"He'd find out eventually!"
"Oh god... I'm going to die..."
"I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry!" Ranboo finally broke down, burning tears streaming down his face. The tall teen curled in on himself, covering his ears as he tried to block out what he knew was coming sooner or later.
Then the thread on his leg was pulled.
Dream had tied a thread to one of each of the boy's legs, and somehow they never got tangled. He used them to pull whoever he wanted out of his storage stomach when he only wanted one. Dream glared at Ranboo, teeth clenched in anger. Sure enough, the drider was laying on his stomach in a sunny spot. Wow he was predictable.
"Would you four calm down? I'm trying to nap and you all moving around and punching is keeping me awake."
Ranboo could only stare, tears still falling from his eyes. "What? You... You're doing this on purpose!"
Dream's scowl suddenly turned to a smirk. "Well, I have to keep you three in line somehow. Tell me, do you want to join the stranger?" Dream asked, sickly sweet with a tilt of his head.
Ranboo frantically shook his head, "N-no! I'm sorry!"
Dream waved his free hand. "Relax. Just chill out and you'll have nothing to worry about. Got it?" Ranboo nodded. "Good, Do me a favor and Tell Tubbo and Tommy to chill as well, okay?" Another nod. "Good boy. Back you go." Dream praised before quickly swallowing Ranboo back into his storage stomach.
"What the hell was that about?" Tubbo yelled, trying to stand without stepping on the stranger.
Ranboo grabbed Tubbo and pulled him down, pulling Tommy and Tubbo to an area he hoped would be far enough from what was to come. "Dream wants us to calm down..." Ranboo let the sentence hang there. The other two boys knew what the silence meant.
"Calm down?! How can I calm down!? I'm going to be fucking digested by a shitty spider asshole!"
"Not you! Us!" Tommy yelled back, only to have Ranboo clamp a hand over his mouth, motioning for Tommy to be silent.
"You guys?! What are... Oh... I get it. Hey! Spider! Dealing with one is so much easier than dealing with three brats! Come on! I could convince others to come into the forest and bring you twice as many people as these three!"
"You son of a-" Ranboo grabbed Tubbo, slapping a hand over his mouth now and doing his best to keep Tubbo from moving too much.
"Tubbo, please!" Tommy hissed, pleading with the shortest boy to calm down.
"Come on! I've got no ties to this dumb town! They hired me to look for some lost kids! Three brats from the orphanage!"
Uh oh... The trio looked between each other. The headmaster knew they were missing and knew they went into the woods. "We're not getting out of here... ever..." Ranboo whispered, tightening his grip on Tubbo out of fear.
"Come on I- Holy shit ow! What the fuck?!"
The trio flinched. It had started. For the next hour, the trio was forced to listen to the adventurer yell and scream, plead for life, and slowly fall still. Sometimes Dream shifted and it threw the trio against the wall right where the stranger was. They were quick to scurry away, scattering to any direction they could that was "not here". The three were silent, and refused to move as it finally fell silent, aside from the gurgling on Dream's stomach as it dealt with metal and cloth.
Tommy and Tubbo seemed to be asleep, hands over ears and back-to-back as they sought any form of comfort from each other. Ranboo could only stare. He had killed that man, it was his fault. The thread on his leg was pulled, and he once again found himself fact-to-face with the giant drider.
"You did good today. But, maybe Tubbo would be better, he looks more like a child, you know. And like that guy said, I only need one-"
"No! I'll do better! Don't hurt either of them! Please!"
Dream hummed, rubbing his chin as he thought. "Well, what could you three offer me that I couldn't get from one?"
"Well... you get us alive and us putting in effort."
Dream stopped, frowning to glare at Ranboo. "What?"
"If you kill two of us, the one remaining isn't going to help you. And, even if you just kill one of us, the other two aren't going to help you either!"
Dream tapped his finger against his temple, humming quietly. "So, it's all or none?"
"Exactly." Ranboo hopped he sounded brave, he certainly didn't feel it.
Dream hummed again, shifting to sit up. Well, that certainly woke up Tubbo and Tommy. "Well, guess I can't do much about that. You do make it easier to get food, so guess I don't have a choice."
Ranboo smiled, breathing a sigh of relief. The trio was safe for now. That guy's attempts to remove them had failed. Ranboo yelped as he was thrown into the air and swallowed again. He had gotten used to this far too quickly.
"What now?" Tubbo hissed, clearly still worried about what had just happened.
"We're safe... for now at least." Ranboo stated, not moving from where he landed. He was exhausted.
"Unless he makes one of us immortal." Tommy stated, glancing up with worry. "I hear some forest beasts know how to do that."
Tubbo rolled his eyes, "That's an old wive's tale!"
So were the spider beasts Ranboo thought bitterly. So many stories from the orphanage came to mind as he lay there. Spider beasts, immortality, snake monsters, giant bird beasts, plants that mimic people. Ranboo sighed, slowly dozing off.
Wilbur looked out to the forest. His three charges were still missing. He had seen the broken window in Tommy's room and the footprints leading into the forest. Phil had warned him and his brother about the forest, and him and Techno had warned the children, but as the kids got older they got braver and would inevitably go into the forest. Wilbur let out a sigh. He had sent a hunter out to find them, and that guy still didn't return.
Then Wilbur saw him.
His heart stopped in terror as the giant drider stared at the orphanage from the forest, sickly smile plastered across its face as it tossed something towards the building. Wilbur ran to the side exit, tripping and stumbling in his desperate attempt to get there before the drider left.
"Woah! Wil! What's the rush?"
"Drider! The worst one!" Phil was suddenly running behind him, cursing under his breath as they ran out the door and towards the edge of the forest. It was gone. It was so silent and quick.
"Shit... we missed it. Aw fuck and it knows where the orphanage is now. Fuck! God, we need to get Techno, mate."
That made Phil freeze. Wilbur rarely called him Dad at this point. Phil turned, walking over to where Wilbur was crouched. Sitting there, on the ground, was a rather damp and partially melted bag. A familiar bag. "Holy shit..."
Wilbur stood, looking towards the city walls that were just past the orphanage. "We need more than Techno, we need a whole army." Wilbur cast one last look at the hunter's bag, kicking dirt over it to hide it from the children, The didn't need to know the stories were true.
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perriwinklesblog · 3 years
I feel a lot of people missed certain parts of the Tubbo and Quackity argument because theres a lot of “Tubbo was being aggressive” and “Tubbo refused to even compromise” going around.
So we’re going to go through many of the questions people have with the whole argument.
(It should be noted, it’s very clear that I am current on summer hols from uni as I put too much time into this long ass post. You don’t need to read it, this is very self-indulgent. I am bored so I analysed.)
Here are the questions covered;
This Land is My Land, This Land is Your Land: Does Tubbo have the right to build there?
I See You For What You Truly Are, which is UGLY: Is Quackity in the right asking Tubbo to tear down his structure due to how it looks?
Cookie Outpost: Threat or Passive Player?
That’s Not Fair: Why wouldn’t Tubbo try and compromise?
You Started It So I’m Finishing It: Why did Tubbo instigate and threaten violence?
Conclusion: The World Is Wide Enough.
1. This Land is My Land, This Land is Your Land: Does Tubbo have the right to build there?
Short answer. Yes.
Many people are putting real-world logic into this RP world, and whilst in the real world, Tubbo wouldn't be in the right here. However, what Tubbo has done in this RP world is perfectly acceptable, even if it is annoying.
The rules of this world are different to that of our own.
We must accept this. Regardless of whether you find similar situations that mirror real-world events, the Dream SMP (DSMP) has different unspoken and spoken rules than our own.
With that in mind, looking at the planning of structures and claiming land, it is very different from what we would typically see in the real world. There is no local government with a planning committee to go to for structures you want to build. You do not need to get approval to build structures. If there is a free space with no claim to it, you can create what you like. (Within reason, as long as it's not offensive, minus a penis as it is clear that the majority of this world do not find the phallic symbol to be offensive)
Whilst there have been retail estate agents on the DSMP who sell land to others, they first had to mark and claim the land to prevent someone just building on it. Marking the land with either fenceposts or a sign or outlining it with blocks is usual to claim something on the DSMP. Another way to claim land you wish to build upon, is to tell people and/or your chat so that when someone else comes across the land and starts to build, they then warn that the land has been claimed. Making it is the safest option to go with as many streamers know that chats can, and will often, lie. So without markers, it is assumed that the land is free and therefore up for grabs to build on. First come, first served.
This is what Quackity had done with Las Nevadas. We've seen people come across Las Nevadas before structures were built. Quackity had marked out areas for each building and signed it, showing those who had come across that the land they were walking on was claimed and could not be built upon. However, Quackity did not claim outwith that area, which is why it was so easy for Wilbur to find a place so close to Las Nevadas. Wilbur could claim his rival city out of pettiness much easier as there were no clear cut borders. Quackity did not outline the areas in which he wanted to expand, and therefore it was free land. He hadn't staked a claim on it. Quackity had thought it out but had not staked an actual claim.
Now, you could argue that was his plan and that he hadn't had time to outline where he wished to expand next. But that's not how the server works. When it comes to land, it is a first-come, first-serve scenario. Unless you take proactive measures to protect the land you have plans for, someone else can and will build there.
Quackity had not said to anyone canonically before Tubbo's Outpost that he was expanding there. He hadn't made the boundaries clear of the land he wished to stake a claim on, and therefore it stayed as free land.
So whilst what's happened to Quackity with plans of expansion stalling, this wouldn't have been an issue if he had been more apparent with boundaries. But, annoyingly for him, the perimeters of the DSMP, Tubbo has every right to build there as it was still free land.
Now, this brings us onto the building itself,
2. I See You For What You Truly Are, Which Is UGLY: Is Quackity in the right asking Tubbo to tear down his structure due to how it looks?
Short answer, no.
Again this comes back to the DSMP rules being different to real-world ones.
Now in many parts of the world, there are systems and hurdles you have to go through to get planning permission for a structure you wish to build, even if you own the land it will be on. You have to get the architectural plan approved by a committee a lot of the time. Neighbours often are allowed to object to structures or whole communities being allowed to at least say their grievances before the committee passes on the plan. Sometimes the committee will agree with the project even if there are grievances. Everywhere is slightly different, but there are systems in place for these discussions at the end of the day.
But not in the DSMP.
People can build whatever structure they want, no matter how ugly, as long as it is on their land or free land. So if they claim a bit of land and go, "I want to build an ugly thing", then they are allowed, even if it ruins the look of the thing next to them.
Is it rude? Yes. But does that mean they're not allowed? No.
Tubbo's structure is imposing for Quackity mainly because of the walls. He wasn't happy with the design when he first saw it before this wall, but the wall pointing directly at his nation was too much for him. Quackity finds them imposing and threatening, but it was technically on free land, so Tubbo can build them. Quackity does not have a right in the rules of the DSMP to have Tubbo tear down his walls due to how he perceives them. Although emotionally, it'd be great to see those walls come down in all parties.
He can issue with them and grumble but technically, within the unspoken rules of the DSMP, Tubbo's allowed to have them there.
Is it a bit rude of Tubbo to not have gone, "Hey, by the way, I'm building these walls around my structure; this is as close as I'm planning on this wall getting to your area, is that fine"? Yes, it was rude. But is he therefore not allowed to do that? No. He's allowed to build what he wants on free land that he has claimed.
So again, whilst aggravating for Quackity, Tubbo is allowed to build those walls.
Now to focus on the incident itself. There are many things, bear with;
3. Cookie Outpost: Threat or Passive Player?
The underlying cause of this argument is more to do with the perception of the building, walls included, than the actual placement.
Quackity could have found ways to move around the Outpost, such as dig a road under a new patch of land, etc. There are solutions to the outpost problem. Technically, Wilbur's only claimed a tiny bit of ground to easily have focused on building around the small building Wilbur made etc. Unlike Tubbo, Wilbur hasn't made his intentions clear where his areas borders are, and therefore, Quackity could use the same logic as Tubbo and the same logic of how land claimant works in the SMP against Wilbur. But instead, he focuses on Tubbo and places more energy in engaging with Tubbo than with Wilbur or Tommy. He views Wilbur and Tommy as more of a nuisance whilst Tubbo poses as a threat. He views Tubbo as a threat well before the actual threat from Tubbo and the proper knowledge of the nukes.
We often forget to take into account that canonically the audience knows more than half the DSMP members.
Philza is the only one who indeed acknowledges and reminds us of this fact. Others dance around or ignore the idea as sometimes they like to use the chat in their role-play to gain knowledge. But whether they've used chat in the past or not, the audience will always know more. So we read up upon and about streams we've missed and watch more perspectives allowing us a greater insight that canonically no one else gets. Unfortunately, the only understanding we have yet to grasp is Dream, which is not relevant to this current scenario.
We have to note what Quackity and Tubbo know and what we know and separate it with this understanding.
From Tubbo's perspective;
Tubbo heard of Las Nevadas, saw many people leaving for Las Nevadas and wanted to investigate. One of his citizens had emigrated to Las Nevadas, so there was a natural curiosity of what they are doing that's attracting everyone. So he initially wanted to create a very secret hiding place to spy on Las Nevadas to see what they were doing, much like what he did with the Egg.
The main objective: to observe.
The last organised group of people on the DSMP was the Eggpire. They were a nuisance for some people and a threat for many others, including Tubbo. So a new nation and a new group would naturally have Tubbo a little wary and very curious. Not to mention that this new nation was an old friend's latest project.
Those who watch Tubbo know that whilst he managed to create a small place to observe the Egg from, Tubbo often makes or desires big builds. Canonically small himself in height but loves a big house. So very quickly, the building itself becomes noticeable and more prominent than intended. Tubbo also likes substantial structured buildings leading to quite a sturdy looking outpost.
The Outpost style fits very much with Snowchester's style and the environment it is in. (As a side, he may not conically say he's a goat hybrid, but he chose a very mountain goat place to settle here). Whilst he continues to build his Outpost, he decides to build walls around it as a defence if anyone tries to sneak in or attack. The walls are reminiscent of the ones he made around Snowchester, again adding to the similarities between the two places he's decided to put roots. And again, it fits very much within the environment he's created. He adds a lava door as another defence but then decorates the courtyard for visitors. The lava door and walls keep people he doesn't want inside out but not to keep everyone out indefinitely. Again, he's establishing what his area is.
Tubbo understands that his area is not very secret, and the main goal is still to observe everything that is happening in Las Nevadas but knows he needs a cover since people are also asking what he's doing. So a cookie shop becomes the cover. A cover he gets quite into with the help of Ranboo. So with that, he needs to expand and make room for a farm and expand further onto the free land available. So the wall which becomes the centre of the argument with Quackity is built. This wall extends towards Las Nevadas but does not cross the river. Where it stops when they are interrupted with the Las Nevadas retaliation was as far as Tubbo was going to build it. The plan from there was to have to go back. The walls had gone from being purely defensive of the outpost building itself to indicating boundaries and what was Tubbo's land and what was still free land.
Tubbo added the bridge to connect his Outpost to Quackity's land to make it easier for both parties to visit each other. Quackity responded by linking it up properly but creating a toll.
When watching Tubbo's perspective and hearing his plans for the Outpost, it comes across as very passive. It was designed to be a place where he could keep up to date with what was happening and see what was going on without directly involving himself. He wanted to observe, and with his militant wired brain, he also needed some defences just in case. An argument often backed by the fact that almost all his builds on the server have been blown up, burnt down, or destroyed somehow. A fact, Quackity knows and feels too.
So for Tubbo, Outpost = Passive Player.
For Quackity's Perspective;
Quackity built Las Nevadas as a place where he can belong without proving it to others or compromising with others. This place is his and his alone where his laws and his rules are the only ones. People have to bend to him. People have to answer to him. He presents it as a safe haven from the chaos and a place to find a home, find family, and be one together. However, it is always on his terms. He will take others ideas and wrap them so they fit his narrative and plan but make it, so the others believe he is listening to them.
A case in point is the whole torture thing with Dream and Sam. He had an idea, he had a plan and then used a narrative Sam bought into, then twisted Sam's thoughts into fitting with his plans. It's a little bit more complicated than that but boiled down to the basics, yeah.
Whilst Quackity is the antagonist in many plot points right now, the heart of it all is centred on having a home, a place where he belongs and doesn't feel the need to constantly fight for it, to feel it threatened by outside sources continually. He just wants somewhere safe... where he can scam people so he can be rich.
With all that in mind, when Wilbur shows up, and their interaction descends into pettiness, it puts him on edge. He knows that Wilbur is stubborn and that Tommy is also determined. So whilst Quackity has the upper hand over them, which is why they're not seen as a threat more of an annoyance, they still started to sow the seeds in Quackity's mind that Las Nevadas was not as safe of a home as he first thought.
Now we could go into all the illogical ideas about Las Nevadas, such as open to all but not, pay a toll to get here, free to live and leave but sign your soul to me, and we welcome everyone but omfg why are you all here leave my home alone. We could go into the tortured soul of Quackity, but the focus is right now on why Tubbo's Outpost and wall created a more extensive argument and reaction than Wilbur and Tommy's blatant threat ever did.
When Quackity first saw and mentioned the Outpost, the walls were not as long; they stayed pretty close to the building itself. However, even when he was told this place might've been a Cookie shop, he didn't fully believe it. His mind immediately went to threat and annoyance. This is probably due to the interaction with Wilbur. His reaction would probably have been the same if anyone had built it there. It is close to his land, and he doesn't know why it's there.  When it's mentioned to be Tubbo's property, his worries are not immediately erased; instead, he almost doubles down in the idea that Tubbo is threatening him. He sees the bridge and is even more enraged by it. He builds a toll as a way to deter Tubbo from crossing into his land. Then Quackity, Slime and Fundy go to the Outpost to snoop, finding ordinary building materials along with gunpowder and two totems, leading to Quackity to double down in his fear that Tubbo wants to destroy this happiness he's cultivated. They then grief the place to threaten Tubbo and show Tubbo that they will not stand for threats.
Overall, from Quackity's perspective, Outpost = Threat
But at the end of the day, Quackity's knowledge of the Outpost is that it is a Cookie Shop. That has all that's been shown to him. That is all his character canonically knows, and even though it looks imposing to him, he shouldn't fear a cookie post. To him, Tubbo is a good kid, so why has he jumped and stuck to the narrative that the place is a threat, that the cookie shop will destroy his happiness?
Now Tubbo built the Outpost as a passive observation base. Therefore technically, the Cookie Outpost is passive, but Quackity places the idea that this place is a threat to the minds of Las Nevadas citizens and creates the idea that this building is a threat to their country. Regardless of whether it was a place for the Snowchester leader to spy, it was still a passive building where Tubbo did not want to attack anyone or anything. Spying does not equal threat. So again, Quackity is the one to impose the idea of a threat upon Las Nevadas, not Tubbo.
So now this Outpost exists in two states, and that's where the conflict is arising.
4. That's Not Fair: Why wouldn't Tubbo try and compromise?
Short answer, he did try.
Tubbo tried to compromise. Tubbo could see where Quackity was coming from; he understood and said to Quackity he understood and tried to explain that he wasn't attacking Las Nevadas. Tubbo said that was as close as he was going to get with the walls, but Quackity was the one who ignored him and didn't believe him.
Whilst the walls started as defensive, they were now mainly used to discern from what was Tubbo's land and what wasn't, which is why Tubbo didn't want to give up the new wall. So instead, he tried to mark out and defend his farm, in line with Cookie Outpost, which meant walls.
The solutions Quackity offers are all offers that benefited Las Nevadas and his plans, not his new neighbour Tubbo. Tubbo didn't understand why Quackity came in so aggressively so suddenly. The last they spoke, they at least left on civil terms, and both said they considered each other a friend, yet Quackity does not believe what Tubbo is telling him, doesn't believe that Tubbo doesn't want to harm him. Tubbo is also a bit annoyed by the fact that the solutions all take a hit to him when in his eyes, he didn't even build on Las Nevadas property and didn't even know of future plans Quackity supposedly had for Las Nevadas.
Eventually, Tubbo agrees to take down the wall if they come up with boundaries to the land to know what is his and what is Las Nevadas. He suggests the natural border of the river as that was what he was following anyway. He also offers it as it keeps the place looking nice since Quackity initially said the issue was how imposing the wall was to his nation.
This is a compromise. Tubbo and Quackity both get the things they want as the cost of the wall, the issue at hand. But Quackity and Las Nevadas say no to this proposal, and once again, they are running around in circles.
Other compromises were proposed, but again, most of them suited Quackity over Tubbo and therefore were more of a relinquish of power than a compromise. The solution Tubbo gave was one in which there wouldn't be a power imbalance between the two nations and would have left both on equal footing. But Quackity said no because he needs Tubbo below him power-wise.
Like Tubbo with his walls to protect what he loves, Quackity wishes to preserve his happiness and joy through control. He needs to control the situation, the environment and the people around him so that they do not say or do anything to jeopardise the life he has created. He cannot have Tubbo in an equal position to him, and therefore all solutions Quackity offers leave Tubbo below him.
So Tubbo did try and compromise, he just wasn't going to take a solution that didn't leave him, and Quackity equal, much like Quackity wasn't going to take a solution that didn't leave him above Tubbo.
5. You Started It So I Am Finishing It: Why did Tubbo instigate and threaten violence? 
Short answer, he wasn't the instigator. 
Whilst Tubbo was a bit rude and inconsiderate, the first instigation and threat of violence came from Quackity's side.
As mentioned before, upon first viewing Tubbo's place with Slime and Fundy, Quackity decides to send a message to Tubbo not to threaten them by essentially threatening Tubbo himself. They trash the site and leave it in ruin. This is the first act of aggression. There is also the fact that Quackity was willing to take things further by stealing Tubbo's totems, and if it had not been for Fundy suggesting that he was going too far, he probably would have taken them.
At this stage, Quackity and Tubbo have not spoken, have not adequately interacted for months. Quackity grief's the place without even asking Tubbo what he's doing, without talking things through with Tubbo. Quackity said he would ask him what was happening and whether this place was a threat but then proceeded to treat it as a threat and grief the place to send a message to Tubbo.
Ranboo then cleans the place up, placing signs to reinforce the idea that it's a cookie shop. This hides the altercation from Tubbo and ultimately makes Quackity's next more seem even more aggressive and over the top than before.
In Tubbo's eyes, this has come out of nowhere, whilst Quackity feels he is pre-empting an inevitable that he had no guarantee on.
It isn't until things start to get a bit heated that Quackity decides to try and talk things out with Tubbo. Until this moment, Tubbo had been working on the defensive. Even when he hadn't realised Quackity had threatened him before. Tubbo's Outpost and stance in this situation had always been defensive and passive until Quackity started to push at Tubbo.
Tubbo's threat of the nukes came after all the negotiations and arguing and directly responded to the energy Quackity was giving Tubbo. Tubbo wasn't the first to push, it was Quackity, and Tubbo just pushed back and essentially told Quackity, do not underestimate me.
Tubbo doesn't want to use the nukes; that was not the point of Snowchester's nukes. He doesn't want to destroy anything; it is just to make sure people do not destroy his things. Tubbo, although more feral than the feral boys, does not crave violence; like Quackity (or at least before Quackity enjoyed torturing Dream), he wishes for a peaceful place where he can work on his projects; his end goal isn't destruction.
Tubbo pulling the nuke card was not an attack, but a defensive response to everything Quackity had put on the table.
It felt like an extreme response, but Tubbo has seen how far Quackity goes with things and how hard Quackity is willing to fight for what he wants. So Tubbo needed to shock Quackity and remind Quackity that they are equals, they are equal in power and that should he forget, Tubbo will happily remind him.
Overall. Tubbo did not instigate but react.
Both parties threatened each other, but it was Quackity who threw the first punch.
6. Conclusion: The World Is Wide Enough. 
The issue with Quackity and Tubbo is more about the relationship and their perception than the building itself.
In posts before, I talked about how one of the significant communicative issues between Tubbo and Quackity is their inability to understand how they view things differently, even after all their shared trauma.
Quackity and Tubbo went through Schlatt's administration together and in close quarters with Schlatt. They both left with similar, albeit not the same, trauma as a result. However, their experiences with Schlatt left them both with different outlooks on life. They approach things differently, want and desire other things in life, and, throughout the exile arc, constantly found themselves at odds in opinion. If you ever wanted a trope of friends to enemies through misunderstandings, much like Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr, Quackity and Tubbo are your guys.
They both struggle with the idea that the world is big enough for them, especially Quackity. There is a constant struggle between Quackity and Tubbo with who takes the lead and who is in charge. Now that they aren't forced on the same team, they've again found themselves at this impasse. But this time, neither is backing down because neither has to. They don't have to put aside their differences for the good of a country anymore. This time they are fighting for each their nation and ideals.
Tubbo often let Quackity persuade him with passionate speeches. But, this time, Tubbo is not allowing Quackity to have his way, whilst Quackity is not used to Tubbo digging his heels in the ground so much. Quackity does not want to settle for less; he's done that in the past, but he has missed the compromises being offered in refusing to let a little go. His paranoia that his happiness and all he's created will crumble away, much like past projects have toe lead him to view everyone as a threat. And it's funny how the very same fear from Tubbo, building those walls to protect his happiness, broke the last straw for Quackity, causing this argument to spiral and ball.
Both are in the wrong, and both are in the right. Still, personally, Quackity's refusal in this new life for total control, which influenced the negotiating, probably had a more significant impact than just giving Tubbo the natural border. Quackity makes it out like he doesn't want complete control, but he rejected it and presented arguments that left Tubbo worse off when offered an equal footing solution. Quackity is someone who wants to stay above Tubbo and therefore hold more of the control. Suppose he continues to maintain that stance in his mind while negotiating. In that case, he will never find a solution other than obliterating the competition because Tubbo will not stand for less than equal.
The fractures in Tubbo and Quackity's relationship came long before this altercation, but it seems as though this might be the thing to pull them apart finally. Of course, the only viable solution is for both parties to leave on equal footing, but Quackity struggles with that idea, and Tubbo won't settle for less.
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tick-fic-nick · 3 years
Lying and thievery
(People: Ranboo, Tubbo, Micheal)
Warnings: tickling, being stuck in clothing
Summary: Ranboos attempt to get back at tubbo embarrassing failed.
this is a platonic pairing
Ranboo was having to deal with his husband's crimes for far too long. Everyday Tubbo would steal a different hoodie or sweatshirt. Maybe that was an exaggeration but he didn't have that many! So it was finally time to do something about it.
So while tubbo was working with the nukes he put his plan into action. He made dinner for him and Micheal and then he took one of tubbos yellow sweaters and put it on. He expected that it would fit as long at he could get it over his head, and then would function as a crop top. He didn't realize that his arms would get trapped by the fabric near his head. Vision covered and arms stuck he realized that tubbo might not be home for hours.
Oh no.
The only person he could turn to was his son. He carefully made his way to the living room, making sure not to run into anything.
"Micheal? You there bud?"
There was a pause before he could hear a child's laughter in front of him. "Hi dada" He found himself smiling too.
"Hey Mikey, do you think you could help me out here?" He felt Micheal hug around his calf and took that as yes. "Ok, im going to sit on the couch, I just need you to help me get the shirt around my elbows and I think I can go from there."
He felt Micheal pull his pant leg toward where he could only assume was the couch. He followed. The couch came to meet him allowing him to sit down.
Micheal hopped up next to him, before walking to Ranboos lap and hugging around his torso. He realized that he probably wouldn't be able to reach where he was actually stuck. "Mikey how far up can you reach?"
He yelped when he felt tiny hoofed digits gently feel around his bare armpits. After the shock, he could feel his breath flutter. His arms wanting to fall but they remained stuck. He became very aware that he was basically shirtless right now.
"Ohokay Mikey... you can puhut your arms downn"
But he didn't, instead he moved around again cause giggles to build inside Ranboos chest, and his shoulders shook with silent laughter.
Micheal let out a gasp. "Dada tickly?"
The small piglin made a happy squeal and began to poke and tickle the best he knew how. It wasn't a lot and Micheal was still a toddler but it still was very flustering for Ranboo, who couldn't see where the next attack would occur.
His giggles grew and so did his struggles, which only made his situation worse. He could feel himself sliding onto his side but Micheal just followed him.
"Mihihihikehehey plehehehease, toohohohoo tihihickly!"
That got the small piglins attention and he stopped his tiny assault. He climbed ontop of ranboos side and gave him a hug as his dad caught his breath.
"Okahay. Now cahan you help dad?"
Micheal made his way to the stuck shirt and after a good few minutes was able to get ranboo free. Once he was out, he stretched his arms and ruffled Micheal hair.
"Did you have fun tickling dada?"
Micheal only giggled as a response bringing his hands to his mouth.
"Well..." He sat up and looked at Micheal with playful eyes "I think it's time for someone else to be tickled"
Micheal squealed and hopped off the couch giggling as he ran away.
"Oh no you don't, get back here!" He playfully chased after him. Picking up his squealing little pig, he gently prodded at his tummy.
He brought him back to the couch and sat him down, turning on the TV.
"I'll be right back"
He walked to the next room and picked up on of his dress shirts to put it on. He rehooked the buttons, and tucked it into his pants. He then heard the front door open and Micheal scream "DADDYY!"
He walked out just to see Micheal get picked up into a hug with Tubbo and held him to his side. "Whats going on Mikey?"
Micheal cupped his hand together and whispered something into his ear. Which made tubbos smile turn evil.
"Well it sounds like you two had fun."
Ranboo felt his face warm, and tried to change the subject. "And your home early, it seems."
Tubbo went along, and walked toward the couch "Yeah, we got a lot progress done and we decided to call it a day."
Once he sat down ranboo leaned over the couch and placed a platonic kiss onto tubbos hair. "Well I'm glad your back home."
That seemed to be the end of it for Ranboo. They watched the rest of the movie, and then put Micheal to bed. It was just Ranboo and Tubbo. They put on another movie to watch. Ranboo sitting up against the arm of the couch, and tubbo whose body was facing his husband's, had his head resting on his chest.
Ranboo was almost falling asleep his head sometimes bobbing in and out of consciousness. Tubbo was occasionally waking him up for a part that was coming up in the movie. Like right now.
"Ranboooo" He whispered
No response
He began to poke gently into his sleeping husband's sides. "Raaanbooo~" The end of ranboos tail began to slowly flick back and forth. And his steady breaths began to hitch. The smallers smile grew as he began to pick up the pace, still keeping it on his sides.
"Mmhmn hm"
"Boo? You gotta wake up. I have some questions for you~" the pokes turned gentle scribbling. He knew this wasn't a killer spot for his husband, but it was enough to wake him. Which it did.
Small giggles bubbled out of the half Ender Hybrid, his tail gently flicking side to side. Squirming slightly his hands came up to face "Tuhuboho! Ihim up im uhuhp!"
"Hello Handsome" His hands came to a stop. "Is this how Micheal got you? You were falling asleep?"
"N-No, uh that was different.."
"Different how?"
"Well..." Ranboo wasn't sure if he wanted to tell tubbo that he got stuck trying to wear one of his sweaters. "Thing is, I forgot." He decided to joke.
"What!? I know that's not how your memory thing works!"
"Nope, it totally works that way."
Tubbo paused as he leaned away from the hug squinting up at his husband "Your a lier. I can't believe I married a scoundrel!"
Tubbos false playful anger always was amusing to him, and he couldn't help himself from chuckling. Lucky for tubbo he couldn't see the mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Oh I'll give you something to laugh about!" He brought his hands up to his husband's ribcage scribbling at the lower ribs.
The taller jumped with a squeak and squirmed. Each touch sent electricity straight through him. "Wahahait wahaahahait ahahhahhhahah!"
"Ranboo do you admit that you lied!"
"Yeehehes! Okahay I lihihihied!"
"I KNEW IT!" He let his fingers explore a little lower to his belly. The giggles increased and so did squeaks. "Well, my beloved. I guess I have to tickle the truth out of you!"
Oh no
"Tuhuhuhbbohohoh! Pleheheheeahahase!" Ranboo hid his face in his hands.
"Please what? Please tickle the truth out of you, why I'd love to" He reached his hand up to an exposed armpit and scratched. That arm shot down to protect the area. "Oh no im trapped! I've got to find my way out!"
"Nohohohhoho GeheET Ohohout ohof thehhehereehe!"
"Oh I'm trying! Believe me!" He was not trying, he was just vibrating his fingers. This spot was always a good way to make Ranboo curl in onto himself. Tubbo got off of him, not letting up his assault. Ranboo curled up until his was laying on his side on the couch with tubbo sitting next to him, facing his back.
Tubbo removed his hands, but leaned down to ranboos neck nuzzling it with his nose. He knew this was a melt spot, but it also flustered him quite a bit.
"Ahehehehhehehe tuhuhbooho!"
With one hand he pulled ranboos hands away from his face and the other snaked to the other side of his neck to lightly scratch. His whispered into ranboos ear "I can see l your blush all the way on your ear, it's adorable."
"Nohohhohot adohohorahahable!"
"I think you are~" tubbo removed himself from ranboos neck and began to rub his back and arm soothingly. "I also think your smile is great."
Ranboo brought his hands to his face again and whined. "Why do you like embarrassing me?"
"Because your cute"
After that, there was quite a long pause, where tubbo just kept rubbing his back occasionall yplaying with his hair. Ranboo finally broke the silence "...Hey tubbo?"
"Yes boo?"
Ranboo removed his hands from his face and looked at tubbo "I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"For avoiding the truth."
"Dude it's fine, I knew you were joking. Besides I just wanted the opportunity to tickle you." He spidered his hand for a second across his back to emphasis. Which earned a lopsided smile from Ranboo. "Buuuuut im still curious about what happened."
Ranboo sighed sitting up slightly and told him the whole story. Tubbo laughed "So I missed seeing you stuck in my sweater, by minutes? I should have walked home faster."
"Yeah, well it was one of your smaller ones. I could have fit if I picked out one of your bigger sweaters."
"Uh huh, yeah sure." Tubbo hopped up ignoring look Ranboo was giving him "Come on its time for bed" Ranboo didn't complain, he just let himself be dragged to bed.
And they both slept good that night.
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for the longest time my brain just did not want to write. but then two scenes came to mind and bam, chapter!
and as always
Wilbur showed up like he was arriving at a party. In a sense he was since Dream was taken down and he was going to see Tommy again. Dream may have revived him, but even that wasn’t going to convince Wil to help the tyrant. When he reached Philza and Techno, he was surprised to see no sign of Tommy. “So, where is he?”
“Tommy? He’s showing off his base to Tubbo.” Grian spoke up, making Wilbur notice him. His parrot wings were folded tightly so they couldn’t be seen, which was perfect for him. "Hey, you got something in your hair.”
Wilbur patted his head. “What, my hat?”
Grian shook his head and put a blue feather there. “It’s right there.”
“I can feel you put something there.” Wilbur pulled the feather out. “Don’t need you-” He stopped talking once he actually looked at the feather.
“Hey look, I’ve got one too.” Techno said pointing at the yellow feather placed behind his ear.
“No.” Wilbur sounded dumbfounded and looked back at Grian, who now had a red feather stuck in his own hair.
“Alright, let’s go see Tommy.” Grian spoke nonchalantly before Wilbur grabbed him.
“Oh no you don’t! You don’t just get to drop that bombshell on us and walk away!”
Grian laughed. “What, missed me?”
“Yes! Where the fuck were you?”
“Oh, here and there. How are you doing being alive again.”
“Less violent than I was before dying I suppose.”
“Good! But I’m still not letting you near Tommy.” When Wilbur tried to say something, Grian stopped him. “Nope, you can’t argue. I’m oldest now.”
“What the fuck to you mean, I’m a minute older than you bird boy.”
“Not anymore, I’m now in my thirties.”
“Wh- How?!”
Philza put a hand on Wilbur’s shoulder. “We can talk more when we meet back up with Tommy.”
“Yeah, we can visit his base hermit cribs style. I’ll grab my backup elytra and some rockets!” Grian ducked into a shop to use their ender chest. “Oh yeah, are you guys okay with rockets? Because Tommy told me Tubbo doesn’t like them. They won’t explode or anything, they’re just to help you with flying. Obviously dad and I won’t need them, but uh, you guys don’t have wings.”
“I’ll take them.” Wilbur said. Techno was less eager, but did also accept the elytra.
As Grian was about to take off with his family, Scar cleared his throat to get their attention. “Now Grian, while I am glad that you have found the family you lost, I am still very serious about that paperwork. I have different forms for if they’re planning to stay permanently or if they’re just going to visit often. I can send the paperwork to your mansion if you want though if you just want to come to town hall right now, we can do it there.”
“Scar, right now I want to talk with my family and figure out what we’re doing. We can’t really sign paperwork if we don’t know which paperwork to sign, right?”
Scar nodded in agreement. “Alright, I’ll send it to the mansion then. Also about the other people visiting.”
Grian flapped his wings to quickly get into the air. “Sorry Scar too far away can’t hear you byeeeee!”
On the ground, Phil sighed, though he was smiling. “I guess this means we better start flying. Let’s get up higher for an easier take off.”
Though it took an attempt or two, the avian lineage seemed to help Techno and Wilbur get the hang of using elytra extremely fast. Though in the air, Grian hadn’t flown too far and the others easily caught up with him. He guided them to the south west towards where Tommy’s base was. 
As it came into view, Grian couldn’t help but laugh as he heard a gasp from behind. They landed in front of the arch acting as a doorway on the ground floor to find Tommy leaning against it. “Took long enough dickheads.”
Grian was about to jokingly scold Tommy when Wilbur went to hug and or lovingly bully his younger brother. Tommy waved his arms in an attempt to get Wil to stop, but he kept running towards Tommy. Just before he could reach the blond, he was tackled to the ground from the side by Grian.
“Grian! I was joking! It was going to be fine!” Tommy complained, helping to pull the avian off Wilbur. “You don’t have to keep mothering me! Stress does that plenty!”
“It’s not my fault I wore the chicken mask that long.”
“That is entirely your fault! And wearing a mask that long doesn’t change anything.”
Tommy and Grian continued to playfully argue until Philza caught their attention. “Oh right, forgot we had meetings to get to. Hey Tommy, which floor do you think is best for talking about all this.”
Tommy put a hand on his chin. “Hmmm, how about the sixth floor? I mean, that one is based on the smp.”
“Sounds great!” Grian said before flying up there, leaving the others behind.
“Hey! No fair!” Tommy shouted up. “Some of us have to use rockets to fly! Ugh fine we’re taking the bubble stream.”
Entering the tower, the first floor was just completely made of cobble. It was his favorite block and all, so if he was going to mainly use the first floor, that was the design he wanted. There were also a number of chests placed around to the point that it had become a bit of a chest monster. Wilbur couldn’t help but be curious and opened one chest, eyes widening at the contents. “This is filled with diamond tools and armor! You’re just leaving it here?”
Tommy looked over to what Wil was referring to. “What? Oh, that’s from endbusting. It’s all cursed gear. You should have seen the time I caught Joe afk and gave him a set of binding diamond armor. I’m not sure how he didn’t notice right away, but the moment I mentioned I liked his armor, he jumped in the nearest lava pool.”
“Really? Other than the curses, this seems like it’s pretty good?”
“Not really. No one is really stealing from each other so everyone’s got great gear. Besides, part of the prank was giving Joe diamond gear. He apparently said he wasn’t going to use diamonds this world and burns them when he gets them.”
“He just burns diamonds?!”
“Yeah.” Tommy shrugged, then walked over to one of many bubble columns. “Here, this one goes to the sixth floor. You guys go first. I want to make sure you go in it and not the others. I’ll show off my shit hermitcribs style later.”
When they got off the bubble elevator, it was something that was recognized immediately. The floor was made of grass and one wall was missing and looking right at the now setting sun. In the middle of the room was a simple bench and a jukebox.
“Your bench.” Wilbur spoke up, making Tommy nod.
“Yeah. There’s also one in the shopping district. That’s for more public stuff. I’ll just be hanging on the bench and other hermits can show up to talk about shit. This one’s for more private stuff like this.”
“Or for letting me cuddle with you.” Grian poked his head up from the other side of the bench. 
Tommy’s face turned a shade of red. “We do not cuddle!”
“Then what do you call what we do when you’ve had a long day and need me to come over so you can use my wings as a blanket.”
“Hanging out. Cuddling makes it sound weird.” Tommy crossed his arms.
Grian just tackled Tommy and wrapped him in his wings. “You’re not allowed out until you admit it!”
“Never bird bitch!”
He rubbed the feathers against Tommy’s face. “Say iiit!” Tommy just plucked a feather out making Grian pull back. “Ow! You didn’t have to do that!”
“I thought you wanted us to talk as a family or some shit.”
Grian rolled his eyes, but did nod. “Yeah, you’re right.” And then he sat down on the ground across from the bench. The others found their own places to sit and just sat there in silence for a few moments before Wilbur started the conversation.
“So, you changed your name then huh? Everyone’s calling you Grian.”
Grian nodded. “Yeah, I started using it back when I was in the orphanage and legally changed it when I was eighteen. Though it took a while with the criminal record.”
“I’m sorry, your what?” Philza asked sternly, but Grian just shrugged.
“Yeah I sort of murdered some people. I probably could have found a way around it, but at the time, it was the best answer I had. And I didn’t really have a good support system. I mean, I had friends, but how are you supposed to tell them you have voices in your head telling you what to do when they’re already not the best people themselves.”
Philza rubbed his forehead. “How bad?”
“No, nevermind. I don’t want to know.”
“So, you’re a Watcher?” Techno spoke up in a monotone voice.
Grian used enough of his power to make a third eye appear for a second before making it disappear again. “Yeah, whatever took me from you guys happened again and dropped me off in a world that was like, so many years in the past. I actually got dropped there with a lot of people and the Watchers sort of played around with us. Nothing as bad as what Dream seemed to be doing, just puzzles and cryptic clues and portals everywhere to push us forward in time when they saw fit. Eventually they convinced me to join them.”
“Just like that?” Techno raised an eyebrow.
“Nah, I was a real pain in their side for loads of time before they finally asked me to join. I’m pretty sure it was because it was because that was the one way to get me to stop messing around.” Grian laughed at his own joke before looking sadly at the floor. “First thing I did was start looking for you guys. I assumed you would still be in the castle or somewhere nearby, but the place was abandoned. And it’s harder to find someone when you don’t know what world they’re in.”
Philza started to reach for Grian, but the younger avian’s wings started to puff up in agitation. “You know, I don’t know if I should be happy that I found you or upset. I could have never figured out where you guys were unless I got lucky peering into worlds. Only reason I found out was because Tommy came here. And he only came here because he ended up in a dangerous world with no family helping him. And you nearly took him back there.”
Tommy put a hand on one of Grian’s wings, making him puff up even more. “Hey, calm down Big G. You made sure they couldn’t do that. And if they do try, just knock some sense into them.”
Grian calmed down, though there was still tension in the room and no one spoke. The first thing that broke the silence was a yell from above them. “Tommy! How do you get down? I don’t have a water bucket on me!”
Tommy jumped up from where he was sitting. “Oh shit! I’ll be right there Tubbo!” And Tommy jumped out the window. Grian waited a moment before asking the others to look behind them, which they did just in time for all of them to see Tommy making a face at them all as he went up the bubble stream. A few moments later, Tubbo was going down a different bubble elevator and then Tommy glided in through the window. “Sorry, I keep the down one closed off so the bees don’t wander their way into it on a suicide mission. Tubbo couldn’t find it and obviously he’s not flying around.”
“Can you actually ask him to come up here? I want to say something that involves him.”
“Got it.” Tommy leaned out the window. “Hey Tubbo! Come back up here! Use the one with green glass!”
A moment later, Tubbo exited onto the floor. Tommy pushed Wilbur off the bench to make room for Tubbo to sit. “Hey! How are you so strong!”
Tommy gestured at the room around them. “I mean, I got help from some of the hermits for the interior, but the exterior was all me. I mined tons of shit looking for diamonds and I used it for here. I mean, I also got some help with the flag on top, but otherwise, all seventeen floors were built by me.”
“Seventeen floors?!”
“I know, they’re all as tall as this one so it’s small as fuck. Only big one is the top since I didn't waste an extra ceiling with the roof there.”
“You should do what Tango did last season and add a dragon or two.”
“Nah, might just start making a castle to pair up with it.”
“Tommy! What the fuck!” Tubbo said suddenly. “How did you get so good?!”
“It’s just sort of how we do stuff here on Hermitcraft.” Grian answered. “You were at Iskall’s tree right? That’s his base. He got us to help collect the leaves, but he’s been placing it all.” Tubbo just looked like his head was about to explode. “Anyway, I wanted Tommy to call you here because I didn’t get the chance to tell you. You’re the admin of the smp now.”
“I’m what?!”
“I figured after all I’ve heard about you from Tommy, you would be safe to turn into the admin. Obviously it can be moved to someone else, but you were the first choice.”
“I can’t be the admin! What if I end up like Dream?! I already wasn’t the best at being president! What if I screw up and they put me in pandora’s vault too!”
Tommy hugged Tubbo. “You were a great president, you just had to deal with bad people. And they’re not going to put you in some stupid fucking vault for a mistake.”
“And if they do, we call in Mumbo. Speaking of him, I should call him over.” Grian pulled out his communicator and hit the call button for Mumbo, putting it on speaker for the fun of it. When the redstoner answered, Grian spoke in a dramatic and joking tone into the microphone. “Mumbo. Babe. Light of my life. Father of our children.-”
Though Grian sounded like he was going to continue, a tired sounding Mumbo came through to stop him. “What do you need Grian?”
“We’re at Tommy’s base. Can you come over and meet everyone?”
“I was already planning on finding you. I’m of course on Grian watching duty after that stunt you pulled. I would have already shown up but the redstone blocks finally needed replacing.”
“Remember to bring scaffolding. You know water and redstone don’t mix.”
“I’m well aware. Bye Grian.” And Mumbo hung up.
Grian and Tommy explained more of everything on Hermitcraft and answered more questions while they all waited for Mumbo. Finally there was the distinct noise of scaffolding being placed and they saw a tower appear in front of the window and then keep going up. From below, they could hear Mumbo talking to someone else he had brought along. “You don’t need that much. Grian said they’re only on the sixth floor.”
“But I want to see Tubbee! Tubbee Tubbee Tubbee!”
“You can see Tubbee later. C’mon, let’s see Grian first.”
After the talking stopped, up the scaffolding came what looked to be a small child. Behind them was someone a bit taller, but obviously still young, and last was a man in a black suit and a mustache.
“Dad!” The smallest one ran over and jumped at Grian. Wilbur looked between Grian and the kid.
“Wait, so that wasn’t a joke. You actually have kids?”
“Well you have Fundy. I have these two. Meet Grumbot and Jrumbot.” 
Wilbur opened his mouth again with a sly smirk. “Is he any good?” and then added in a wink.
When he realized what was being implied, Mumbo’s face turned a bright red and he tried talking but it was all flustered stuttering. Grian has a similar though not as pronounced reaction to the question. Jrumbot looked between his dads confused while Grumbot looked at Wilbur. “My brother and I were merely built and are powered by redstone. We have no organic parts. Our dads are not together and thus have not had se-”
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pparkerpoetry · 4 years
Face Reality (Part 5)
Title: a Home for the Lost (why were they cast aside?)
Summary: None of it went to plan.
Ranboo never planned on facing it, Tommy never planned on leaving, Fundy didn't plan on losing the one place where he belonged. Sam didn't plan on opening his house to a bunch of traumatized hybrids that would worm their way into his heart.
And yet, here they were. Here they were, together. Maybe that was the best part of it all. Part 1 Part 6 Masterlist
Ranboo started learning about everything that he’d missed, like how Tommy’s wings came to be and what people had been up to. Other things, he just noticed. He was very perceptive, and it only served to isolate him from everyone more. He could tell things that other people would rather not face, like how Tommy pretended that everything was fine with Phil and Techno and himself. How he pretended that they were a family, and as they relaxed together, how he would show his vulnerability. Ranboo would’ve bought the act that Tommy believed in wholeheartedly, if not for one thing.
Tommy never let them preen his wings.
So yeah, they could all pretend in their little dollhouse that everything was fine and that their relations were fixed, but it would never be perfect. They could believe it all they wanted, but subconsciously, they knew it’d never go back to the way it was before. Maybe that’s why they so desperately put on a show.
Ranboo noticed these things. All the time, to be honest.
He also noticed that slowly, after he had returned and told Tommy why he’d left, that Tommy drifted slightly from his old family. It wasn’t a bad thing, if a little sad, because he’d found another that believed in him and wanted the best for him instead of trying to make up for using him. 
On a different note in the same tune, Sam and Puffy were angels sent from heaven. Nothing could convince Ranboo otherwise. The way they had gently pushed Tommy in the right direction, understanding how messed up he’d been and knowing that harshness wasn’t the way to fix it. Maybe that’s why when they saw Ranboo accompanying Tommy on one of his visits, they recognized his unrest.
Ranboo knew they had a past, those three. He didn’t think Tommy realized it, but they’d adopted him. They’d decided that Phil wasn’t fit to be a father to anyone but Technoblade long ago, and he was amazed at the subtle way they’d taught him to be better. Maybe they were the reason, then, that he’d matured so much. Maybe they could be his family, too.
And they were.
Phil and Techno still received visits from Tommy every now and then, and Tubbo was over most of the time because at the end of the day they were still best friends, but in their own time they realized that maybe it was best to let bygones be bygones. They’d always be close, they’d always love each other, but maybe this time, the damage was done. In this case, it was okay. It was never mentioned, it was never brought up, but it was acknowledged by everyone. He couldn’t really cut them out, not that he wanted to, but he couldn’t have even if he did, not with the constant reminder on his back that he would always be Phil’s son.
Instead, Tommy spent most of his days at Sam’s base, and Ranboo spent most of his time with Tommy, so they ended up just hanging out with Sam and Puffy more than they intended. Maybe it was all part of the plan for the two older adults.
In any case, Ranboo grew closer and more comfortable with the other three, until soon, he wasn’t quiet and reserved anymore. He wasn’t scared of his own shadow, flinching at every footstep. He was Ranboo again, and he owed it to his family. Maybe, now that he’d healed, he’d be able to face the family he’d lost.
The summer afternoon found Tommy and Ranboo under a tree, half asleep and lazy, one writing and the other talking. It was hot, and muggy, but Sam had said that he needed to do some renovations and Puffy was away. Ranboo knew she was spending time with Niki, but he had yet to go with her to see his sister.
Did that technically make Ranboo Puffy’s sister-in-law? Or was Niki now his step-mother?
He didn’t want to think on it too much. It’d just make his head hurt.
Ranboo didn’t even completely know what Tommy was rambling about, but he smiled and nodded and he did truly enjoy it. Or, he enjoyed Tommy’s company. Was there a difference?
He zoned in when Tommy nudged his shoulder. “Hey, big man, you awake?”
Rolling his eyes, Ranboo responded. “I am now. What’s up?”
“Something I just remembered, Ranboo- I, now here’s a biggie-” Tommy paused for suspense. “I know how to fly a plane, but-”
“Hold on, you can fly a plane?” 
“Yeah,” Tommy shrugged. “I didn’t appear here, a 16 year old. I had other experiences. Anyway, I know how to fly a plane but I don’t know how to ride a bike.”
“A bike?”
Tommy mistook Ranboo’s confusion for mockery. “Yeah, big man. Phil never taught me. Who taught you, if you’re such a pro?”
“Tommy, I barely even know what a bike is.” Ranboo deadpanned.
So, now, the two young men, for that’s what they were at this point, stood outside of the base that they had been told to stay out of all day. Specifically, they were to stay out of it unless it was an emergency. Was this an emergency? See, that’s where it gets complicated.
“What kind of man my age doesn’t know how to ride a bike?” Tommy argued, “We need to learn and clearly, we haven’t got one. I think that Sam might. He strikes me as a bicycle kind of guy.”
“Neither of us are dying, though!” Ranboo protested. “He’ll probably get mad if we interrupt him, too. What’s he even doing?” 
Tommy groaned. “He’s just, I don’t know, building n’ shit. It’ll take two seconds, Ranboo, come on-”
The large door opened, and though neither of them were short, they felt incredibly small. And nervous.
“Can I help you?” Sam asked, looking at his two- his uh, his two mentees. Yeah, that’s it. Mentees. That’s the word he’s looking for. Definitely not something else. At all.
The two- well, now, they looked like boys, - stared at him, anxiously, suddenly at a loss for words. 
“Well?” He raised an eyebrow. “I’m done with building, it didn’t take as long as I thought it would. What do you guys need?”
“We don’t know how to ride a-”
Tommy interrupted, “What Ranboo’s trying to say is, neither of us had spectacular father figures in our early life, and we don’t- well, really, we were wondering if you happened to have a bicycle anywhere here? I’m sure we can figure it out on our own, but we don’t have any bikes, is the issue-”
Sam laughed. “Yeah, I’m sure I’ve got a bike around here somewhere, come help me look.”
So, Sam turned and left, leaving Ranboo and Tommy to trail after him. Not like little ducklings. Not at all. More like, uh… more like… something else. Not ducklings.
After rummaging around a bit, they found one, and after a little more searching, they found another. None of them were sure why Sam, who lived alone, had two bikes (could he even ride them? He pleads the fifth. Why? You’ll find out later.), but they weren’t going to complain. Now, Ranboo and Tommy had thought that Sam would hand them the bikes and let them be off, but, to their surprise, he didn’t. He took the handles of one and walked with it over to a path.
“Hey Sam, why are you going over there?” Tommy yelled, still standing by the main entrance.
“Well, you aren’t going to bike on the grass, are you?”
Wordlessly, Ranboo and Tommy jogged to catch up. Sam stood on the pavement, holding one bike, as Ranboo walked up with the other. He handed his to Tommy, and clapped, bringing the attention back to him. 
“Alright! So, get on the bikes.” Both of the younger men knew what he was doing. They didn’t say anything, though, and obeyed. “So, when you bike, you have to stay balanced…”
They spent the afternoon learning how to ride bikes, and though it maybe wasn’t the most productive way to spend an afternoon, it was a fun and relaxing one that they all needed. It ended with Sam sitting in the grass next to the road while Tommy and Ranboo rode their bikes up and down it. They all chatted, and laughed, and they barely even heard Puffy return. At least, not until she spoke up.
“Hey guys, I’m back! And, I… I brought someone with me.”
Ranboo stopped his bike and turned to where the voice was coming from, stopping all movements abruptly. Sure, Puffy was standing there and he was happy to see her back, but right next to her, looking nervous, was Niki. Not his sister. She’d made sure of that. She was Niki, nothing more.
“Hi, Ranboo.” She said, not meeting his eyes. “It’s been a bit.”
When had Sam and Tommy left? “Yeah. Hi, Niki. What’re you doing here?” It came out harsher than he intended.
“I thought- well, I figured, now that we’ve both had a little more time to, to think about things, I thought that I could come and… apologize.”
It was a little quieter then. Niki was waiting for a response, and Ranboo was thinking of one. What did he want to do? As much as he wanted to forgive her, some of the things that she’d done couldn’t be glossed over.
“I… I forgive you.” Ranboo started, “But, Niki… Niki, you’ve got to understand, you hurt me. You hurt me a lot.”
Niki sighed. “I know. I know I did, Ranboo, but at the end of the day, aren’t you still my brother?”
His chest felt like it closed. Was he? “I’m not sure I am anymore, Niki. I don’t even know who you are.” He looked away from her crestfallen face. “But… I think I’d be willing to re-start.”
He looked back up, and Niki looked a little happier. A bittersweet cheerfulness. He held his arms open, and she ran over to give him a hug. Maybe they weren’t family anymore, but they could be. They just had to hope. This time, neither of them pulled away from the hug. They didn’t want to, but at some point, Puffy told them that it was going to get dark soon, so they needed to head inside.
Sam and Tommy were in the kitchen, making dinner, although only one of them was really working. 
Niki and Puffy stayed for dinner before heading home. It went great, and it was a very relaxed atmosphere. They chatted, made fun of Tommy when he was clumsy with his wings, and laughed every time someone made a joke. Ranboo was truly happy, and he hoped it lasted this time.
That night, when it was dark and the noises of the forest had all settled, Ranboo was thinking. “Hey, Sam, where’s the renovations you were working on this morning? I can’t tell a difference here-”
“Forget that, Ranboo,” Tommy said while yawning, wings hitting the hybrid gently. “We’ve gotta head out if we want to make it back to the cottage in time for a good night’s sleep.”
“Well, about that…” Sam said, laughing a little. “Follow me.” They did, and they followed him down a hallway to two doors, right next to each other.  “Left is for Ranboo, right is for Tommy. I mean, you don’t have to use them, and obviously you can decorate them how you want to, but…”
They each opened their doors, and they were met with little bedrooms. Not too little, but not too large, each with a bed in a corner, a chest, and some other bits of furniture. “Did you make bedrooms for us?” Ranboo asked, and once Sam nodded, he grinned. “That’s great! Could we stay the night? Please?”
“That’s kind of what they’re here for.” Sam said, and he melted inside at the happy grins that Ranboo and Tommy exchanged. “I’ll let you guys get comfy, uh, goodnight?”
“Goodnight!” The other two cheered, nearly crushing Sam in a hug before going to their rooms.
By all means, it should’ve been a peaceful night, but when there’s a traumatized hybrid involved, you never know what to expect. That night, Ranboo’s dreams were plagued with nightmares, all violent and scary and loud- he didn’t know exactly what was happening, but he knew that he was there with Fundy, on the ground and bleeding. He could feel the tears rolling down his face, this time they burned again, with new vigor, and he was forced to look the fox in the eyes as they dimmed. He didn’t know why he started crying harder, but soon he turned to see who had killed his friend, and there stood Dream, hair long from his time in prison.
“It was only a matter of time until I escaped, Ranboo.” Dream taunted. “Ranboo!”
He was scared. Was he going to die?
“Ranboo, wake up!”
And, just like that, he sat up in bed, breathing heavily. Tommy was near, but that didn’t make sense, they didn’t share a room. What was Tommy doing here? Ranboo could feel wings circling around his body, comforting and warm, as he tried to calm down.
“You alright, Ranboo?”
He managed to nod, but it probably wasn’t convincing. He still couldn’t speak. Why couldn’t Dream just leave him alone?
“Am I okay to leave, or-”
“Can you stay?” His voice sounded small, even to him, and was hoarse from screaming in terror. Sam must’ve been a deep sleeper to not wake up.
“Sure thing, man.”
They went back to sleep, then, Ranboo curled in on himself with one of Tommy’s wings draped over him protectively. This time, they slept well, and when Sam went to wake them up the next morning, he did nothing but smile and walk away. He’d let them rest. They’d more than earned it.
When Ranboo’s eyes slipped open a few hours later, he let out a small sigh. He was warm, and he was happy, and he didn’t ever want to move. He was content to have stayed in bed for hours, but then he felt the blankets behind him shift. He let out a confused little warble that sounded remarkably like a cat getting its sleep interrupted.
“What was that?” Tommy groaned. “My ears aren’t started yet. Catch me in a few minutes.”
It was more than a few minutes before they got out of bed, hair wild and eyes still half-closed despite the sun that shone through the windows. Sam greeted them with a cheerful, “Hello,” to which they responded with a vague grunt. They were very articulate in the morning, it appeared. By all means, it should’ve been a dream. It should have been the best thing to happen to him in a while, and it was. But, Ranboo couldn’t shake the underlying feeling of dread that plagued his mind. 
“Ah, what do you want to do today, Ranboo?” Tommy asked loudly, sprawled out across the couch and head lolling back. 
Ranboo thought for a moment, the pit in his stomach growing. “I think that maybe we should go on a trip today, to… to uh, to visit Fundy.”
Tommy furrowed his eyebrows and lifted his head. “Fundy? As in, my nephew, Fundy?”
Nodding, Ranboo fidgeted with his hands. “Yeah. Is that okay?”
“‘Course it is, big man. You want to go now?”
Ranboo got up swiftly. “If that’s okay. I’ve got a bad feeling.”
They bid Sam goodbye, and went off towards Fundy’s house. It took them a while, because they had to ask Niki for the coords, but they found it eventually. Fundy lived in a village that had gone unnoticed, a peaceful haven that usually would’ve been somewhere for weary travelers to rest. Now, however, the air was thick with dust and there was no one to be seen. The first houses that Tommy and Ranboo found were nothing but ruin, the ashes still smoldering. It was only after a shrill horn could be heard that they realized what was happening.
There was a raid.
They broke into a run, swords pulled out. They yelled for Fundy, and the only response they got was the sound of the Illagers that they ran towards. 
Fighting seemed to go on forever as Ranboo and Tommy slashed at the enemy, backs to each other, until finally they got a chance to breathe. There weren’t as many, though still a lot. Ranboo tried to listen harder, trying to detect even a hint of life in one of the houses. When he heard a soft whimper, he grabbed Tommy’s hand and pulled him to it.
When they saw two Illagers standing over Fundy with their crossbows out, they didn’t hesitate to throw themselves forward. They looked up over the bodies, then, and their eyes softened when they saw how Fundy curled up into himself. He was so small, and he still had his eyes tightly shut.
Tommy got up and wiped his bloody hands on his pants before going over to Fundy. “Hey, Fundy. Is it alright if I touch you?” Tommy didn’t even really have to ask, because the minute Fundy saw the blond, he latched onto his arm. Ranboo hadn’t ever seen Tommy look so awkward, slowly putting his arms around the fox that really wasn’t all that younger than he was. 
They’d all had their childhoods stolen from them, it seemed. 
Fundy was inconsolable, and Tommy motioned for Ranboo to help. They seemed to have the same idea, when Ranboo gathered the fox into his arms and they walked outside to see the still-smoking ruins of all the houses. 
When Fundy stopped crying for a moment, and opened his eyes, he did nothing but utter a small, “Ranboo?”
“Yeah, it’s me.” Ranboo said, and was surprised when Fundy closed his eyes again to burrow further into his hold. 
Sam had to do a double-take when the boys got home. “Is that Fundy?” He asked, getting up quickly.
Tommy and Ranboo paused, like children who had been caught sneaking a pet indoors. Only, they were tall young men with a traumatized fox hybrid in their arms. Who, Sam soon learned, was now homeless.
“Please, can he stay with us Sam, please?” Tommy had pleaded, Ranboo standing near, still holding Fundy. “He’s got nowhere else to go, Sam, please?”
And, well, Sam took one look at his little brothers and had to concede. “Of course he can stay,” Sam said, already coming up for a plan for Fundy’s room.
Later that night, once Fundy had been told he was fine to stay and was sharing a room with Tommy (all three of the boys, for that’s how Sam fondly thought of them, ended up crammed into one bed by the morning, though, and neither of them knew which one of them had the nightmare. Maybe it was all three.), Sam let out a soft chuckle. 
He really was collecting a menagerie of fucked-up kids, wasn’t he? Only, they weren’t really kids anymore.
Well, he was growing his little family, and if no one else was going to let these kiddos heal, he would. They deserved the chances that war and adulthood had stolen from them. They deserved the love that he was set on giving them.
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Doodlewash April 2021 prompt 18: Dragon
I made another AU. Because I don’t have enough of those I guess.
Also. I don’t really know how I feel about the pacing of this, and there is so much telling. It’s just a first draft, I need to sleep on it before I like it, but I don’t have time to do that. So while it’s fresh off the line, please enjoy this fic.
If anyone wants to be part of a taglist of this Dragon Rider AU, feel free to message me/send an ask/or mention it in reblogs.
This was the best school fieldtrip ever. Ridiara Prep had taken its students to the Premier League Juniors’ Dragon Racing Finals.
The day’s races were not only for national championship spots, but it was also a school day – which meant that huge swaths of the stands were reserved for half price student tickets.
The Manbri National Junior’s Dragon Race Eventing had space for four jockeys from each of the sixteen districts. Even before the Finals the people of The Yaston District knew that two slots would to go Number 35 and Number 13, or as their names, Technoblade and Dream. It was just a toss up to see who slots three and four would go to.
Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo sat in a cluster about as far away from the action as you could get. Not my choice, no they’d much rather be pressed against the rails, leaning over the edge watching the events unfold. Unfortunately, the seats provided by Ridiara Prep where all the way in the back corner. And if they were going to be confined to the back-most section, then these boys were going to sit all the way in the back and be petty.
The air in the stadium was electric as school started pouring in from all over Yaston.
Tommy was a bored kind of excited. The kind where you sit still and do other things while the anticipation builds internally. The kind where you know what to expect, but the energy and the thrill gets you going.
Tubbo was to bouncy type of excited. The kind where you can’t stay still and can’t help but look around at everything.  The kind where you absorb the energy of everyone else in the room and let it out with your movement.
Ranboo was the talkative kind of excited. The kind where you can’t contain yourself; where you ramble on and on about the things on your mind. The kind where you know that you might be annoying everyone around you, but you don’t care.
At 10:50am the first fleet of four racers came onto the course. The crowd screamed. The racers flew their dragons into the cages. At 11am the jumbotron screen showed the gates fall down and the cages lower below the course as the jockeys shoot forward.
The dragons weaved around each other and the course. Six laps around, the first two to cross the finishing line on the last lap would move onto the next round.
The course had a simple winding fight path with straight-aways, sharp turns, and more rounded ones. There was also a lower and upper flight limit, the dragons could overtake each other by going around or over or under, but you had to catch up first.
There were sixteen racers in the Finals, which meant seven races over the course of the day. Technoblade and Dream were on opposite sides of the tournament bracket so it would be in the afternoon when they faced off – if neither of them choked on their way to qualification for the Nationals placement flight.
The crowd had just as much energy at the end of the day as the beginning. The Nationals team was going to be Number 35, Technoblade; Number 13, Dream; Number 54, Punz; and Number 3, Puffy. The final race of the day was simply to put them in the tournament brackets.
Ranboo and Tubbo were Technoblade fanboys. They were screaming for their favourite to win. Tommy was just as excited, but it was infinitely less obvious. He just didn’t express his joy, but he did have on a dopy smile the whole time, and his eyes narrowed when anyone overtook Technoblade.
The thing about the Juniors’ League was that it was the lowest age category with the over sixteen rules. And honestly the only difference between above sixteen and below sixteen was the saddle. Those under sixteen raced with a saddle, while those over had foot stapes attached to a harness wrapped where the saddle would sit on the dragons. Don’t worry, it wasn’t a hard shift when kid turned sixteen, they could start practicing with foot stapes at twelve, but racing rules changed at sixteen.
Techno had his reigns held tightly in his hands. Held perfectly so when his dragon pulled forward, he could lean back comfortably. So when he did turns he could shift is body weight easily from foot to foot. Techno’s hair had been braided and curled into a bun at the base of his skull, his roots where very brown as he hadn’t had the time to dye it back pink recently.
Unlike Techno, Puffy was leaned all the way forward. She held the reigns much closer to the bit and saw hunched over close to her dragon’s neck. She was concentrated and gave a little shout whenever she passed someone. Whether she was falling behind or pulling forward.
Dream was much the same as Techno, but his blond hair was cut pretty boy short. He held himself with confidence and seemed to be outwardly enjoying himself while staying super competitive.
Punz was leaned forwards as well. He pretty much stayed super competitive the whole time. He trades spots with the rest of them a few times. None of the four was ever clearly ahead.
In the end, the standing where: Techno, Puffy, Dream, Punz. The crowd blew up when they realized that Puffy got second, she was a fan favourite and it was always an event when either Dream or Techno were knocked down a placement. And neither where salty about it, so no one gave a shit. They gave cheers.
Then it was time to leave. There were only so many so many school busses and Ridiara Prep hadn’t managed to book the first wave, or the second, they were on the third wave of busses. So they had a lot of time to kill. And after the second wave of students left, the teachers let the kids run free.
Tommy had a plan. He was going to sneak into the dragon stalls and see the racers. Tubbo was all for this plan. Ranboo wasn’t.
But Ranboo did give in, in the end.
The three of them whispered to each other as they ran around and tried to find what they were looking for. And they did, Tubbo had found a map and they slipped past security. Of course once they were inside the dragon stables Ranboo warmed up to the idea.
“Can we go find Carl?”
“Carl? Technoblade’s dragon?” Tubbo asked. “Oh my god we could go find Technoblade’s dragon. Let’s go find him.”
“Come on!” Tommy bolted. “Let’s go find the red dragon.”
“Carl’s scarlet.”
“Fanboy much Ranboo.”
“Shut up Tommy.”
The three kids looked at every dragon they passed and named which racer they belonged to. They finally reached Carl’s stall.
Ranboo put his hand up for the dragon to sniff. Carl came closer and bonked Ranboo’s hand with his snout. Then Tubbo did the same. Tommy was keeping watch while the other two interacted with Technoblade’s dragon.
“Hey!” a voice called. “I don’t think you kids should be here.”
“Is that Dream?” Tubbo whispered.
“Yes,” Tommy whispered back. “Hey big man!” Tommy shouted to the third place winner. “I’m allowed to be here.”
“You are?” Dream humored him. “What about your friends? Are they allowed to be here?”
Tommy pointed to Tubbo, “He has plus one privileges, not sure about that guy though.”
Ranboo snorted. “Thanks man.”
Dream walked up behind them. “You kids should leave. Just go and I won’t call security. Also, Techno really doesn’t like people messing with his dragon.”
“It’s fine,” Tommy dismissed. “Carl loves me. Don’t you boy?”
Dream shot Tommy a strange look. Then there was thumbing from Carl’s stall, like he was waving his tail and there wasn’t enough space. Dream glanced at Carl. “Huh.”
“See?” Tommy in all his bravado put his hand through the bars on the door into the stall. Carl started rubbing his snout on Tommy’s palm. “We’re good man.”
“I will call security.”
“Do that.”
“Don’t do that.” Ranboo grabbed Tommy and started pulling him away. “We’ll be on our way. Sorry for breaking and entering.”
“Ranboo!” Tubbo scolded. “Don’t make it seem worse than it is. We didn’t break anything.”
“I believe you.”
“Tommy. Come on. We should really get back to the class.”
“Why? I’m just going home?”
“Yeah?” Tommy continued to shrug off Ranboo and play with Carl. “Who’s a good boy?”
Dream smiled softly at the exasperated and apologetic looks Tubbo and Ranboo were sending him. “I’m very sure that Technoblade doesn’t like when people mess with Carl.”
Tommy waved his free hand. “I’m not messing with him.”
“Messing with who?”
And that was went Tubbo and Ranboo froze. On the one hand; Technoblade, they were messing with his dragon and should apologize and dip. On the other hand; Technoblade, must fanboy.
Dream gestured to Tommy petting Carl with no regard for his safety.
“And?” Dream gestured more expressively. “Kid petting your dragon?”
“You don’t let me do that?”
Tommy turned around to stick his tongue out at Dream.
“You aren’t the kid?”
“But why can the kid? I let you interact with Spirit!”
“Carl’s not Spirit.”
“Techno can I ride with you home? I don’t want to take the bus.”
“Yeah sure,” Techno said without a first thought. “My dragon. I make the rules.”
“Did you just?”
Techno turned to the sound. “And you are?” he asked Tubbo.
“That’s Tubbo.”
“This is Tubbo?”
“Yeah. But of a bitch isn’t he?”
“Other guy is Ranboo. My other friend.”
“Right.” Techno turned back to Tommy. “They coming over for dinner?”
“Can they? Will we all fit on Carl?”
“No. But I brought Andrew. He could probably fit all three of you. You’re all tiny.”
“Well Technoblade.” Tommy’s voice took on a bratty quality. “We’re only fourteen, that’s not super small Mr. nineteen.”
“Do you want to ride Andrew home or would you rather crawl back into the hole you came from and take the school bus on?” Techno deadpanned.
“Cool. Let’s go get him.” Techno kept walking down the corridor to Andrew’s stall a little further down.
“What just happened?” Ranboo asked, still processing a few sentences behind.
“Technoblade’s my older brother.”
“Wilbur’s your older brother,” Tubbo corrected.
“Wilbur has a twin.”
“Come on. Let’s go. We get to ride Andrew home. I’ll drive, you two and just sit tight.” Tommy took both of his friends’ hands; he knew they wouldn’t be walking on their own for a few minutes more.
The racers were all tacking up their dragons for the return journey and the busses had yet to come for the third wave of school children. Tubbo and Ranboo settled themselves into Andrew’s saddle ina daze while Tommy strapped his feet in.
Dream was still following, pestering Techno about his little brother.
“Hey Toms. Do a few loops around the track while you wait for me.”
And they were off.
Tommy waved to the teacher before flying off into the skyways behind Techno. Just letting him know not to wait up for the three boys.
23 notes · View notes
justalittlelemony · 3 years
Read on Ao3 here.
Word Count: 5,055
Tommy and Tubbo try to work through the aftermath of the festival.
Full fic under the cut
The first thing Tommy noticed was the shivering.
He hadn't really expected to fall asleep right away after the hell of a day he had. None of them really wanted to be around either Wilbur or Techno, so after they had finished listening to Blocks, Niki, Tommy, and Tubbo had pretty much gone straight to bed. It had taken Tubbo some time to fall asleep, and for a while, Tommy worried that he would be kept up all night from the discomfort of his injuries. But eventually, Tommy felt the smaller boy's breathing even out, and soon, he was fast asleep as well.
As expected, falling asleep quickly was not equivalent to sleeping well. Only a couple of hours later, Tommy was awake, eyes blinking groggily. Based on the clock on the wall, it wasn't quite midnight yet, which meant there wasn't much he could do to spend his time. He could tend to the potato farm, but Tommy didn't really enjoy farming that much, and the potato farm was kind of Technoblade's territory, who was certainly someone whom he did not want to see. He could always expand the tunnels, but there wasn't much purpose in doing so anymore. Tommy had become quite adept at sneaking around Manberg, and with Tubbo no longer going between the two places, there wasn't much use in creating any more than the existing tunnels. At least until morning, the only thing he could do that his sleep-deprived brain could come up with was keep an eye on Tubbo.
He shifted in the cramped bed, twisting around to face the other sleeping boy. It took his eyes a moment to adjust in the dark, but once they did, a strike of concern shot through him.
Tubbo was shivering, his arms and knees pulled close to his chest. His breathing was short and ragged as if he couldn't get enough air into his lungs. Tommy could see the sweat glistening on Tubbo's forehead from the sliver of light coming from the ravine. Without thinking, he pressed a hand to his forehead. It felt warm, warmer than he thought it should. He was pretty sure that meant he had a fever, but he couldn't quite remember. It was always Wilbur or Tubbo in their little makeshift family of three that would deal with colds and fevers. Tommy knew some, enough to keep him alive, certainly, but not enough to tell if someone had a fever.
He stayed still, mulling over his options before making a decision. He slowly climbed out of the bed, careful not to jostle the mattress too badly. Stood up fully, he turned to the bed and rearranged the thin blanket over his friend's shivering form. It did nothing to stop his shaking.
Quietly, he crept out of the room and into the main ravine.
The only way to tell the time in Pogtopia, other than a clock, was by the sounds coming from the ravine. During the day, one could hear the faint movements from the caverns, the soft murmurings of conversations bouncing off of the stone walls, the echoes of footsteps. But at night, it was dead silent. It was a heavy silence, an unnerving silence that conveyed what every inhabitant already knew to be true.
Pogtopia was not home.
But despite the expected silence, Tommy found himself grateful for it. It let him know that, at least for now, he was alone, with no Wilbur or Technoblade lurking or laughing as they had been only hours earlier. He wanted nothing more than to stay alone, or even better, go back and be with Tubbo, the one person who he fully trusted.
But Tubbo was sick and he needed help.
He walked over to the far end of the ravine where he could see the faint glow of a lantern. Wilbur had set up a desk during Pogtopia's early days. It was his own little area, just as Tubbo and he had the bench.
Sure enough, Tommy could see Wilbur hunched over the desk, quill in hand. His grip on it was as tight as he methodically wrote on the paper below. He didn't seem to notice Tommy's presence behind him, engrossed in his writing. It reminded Tommy, a little bit, of the Wilbur before the election. Sat at his desk in the White House, writing important documents that Tommy never cared to read. Wilbur had seemed so distinguished at the time, the perfect fit for president.
Now, Tommy wasn't sure what to think.
His voice was barely above a whisper, yet the man went rigid at the sound. He sat up a bit, placing the quill in its inkpot. Without turning around, he asked, "What is it, Tommy?"
"I," His voiced cracked a bit, not fully prepared to be used. "It's Tubbo. I think he's sick."
Wilbur didn't answer right away. "Are you sure?"
"He's shivering an awful lot, but I checked his forehead and it's warm.”
“Does he have a fever?” Wilbur still had his back to Tommy.
Maybe it was exhaustion, maybe it was his anger from earlier, coming back in full force. Maybe it was Pogtopia itself, getting to him in the same way it got to Wilbur, who asked each question with the same monotone voice and still wouldn't turn around and fucking look at me. “I don’t know if he has a fuckin’ fever, Will. That’s why I’m talking to you," Tommy snapped. "He’s shivering, his forehead’s warm, and he’s still asleep. That’s all I know.”
If Wilbur noticed the change in Tommy's tone, he didn't show it. He merely waited for a few beats before picking up his quill again and replying, "Get Niki. She can help."
"Niki's still asleep. Can't you just-"
Wilbur turned sharply to the left. "Can't I just what, Tommy?" He wasn't yelling, but his words bit harshly through the air, echoing in the ravine.
Tommy took a step back. "Nothing. Never mind. I'll, I'll get Niki." The response seemed to satisfy Wilbur. He turned back to his desk and continued writing. Tommy stared for a few seconds before turning and walking back the way he came.
Respawn sickness.
That's what Niki said, and Tommy certainly trusted her diagnosis more than his own. Even without that, though, he had his own suspicions. It was fairly common, especially after losing the second life. Even more common if it was a particularly traumatizing death, the kind that leaves its mark on a person even after they respawned.
Combined with the chilly ravine and an already poor immune system, Tubbo was the prime candidate for respawn sickness. It wasn't a shock. It wasn't surprising.
But, looking down at Tubbo curled under the few, thin blankets Tommy could scrounge up, wet cloth on his forehead, it was frightening.
It was reminiscent of a different time. Not really a simpler time, but a better time. Of course, it wasn't the same, but it was similar.
This wasn’t the first time either of them had died, after all.
He had started to feel awful a few hours after giving his discs to Dream and ending the war. It wasn’t a gradual progression; it was abrupt. All of a sudden, he was lightheaded, dizzy, and felt like his stomach would jump out of his mouth.
Of course, it wasn’t his stomach, but its contents that came out. 48 hours of the most intense symptoms he had ever experienced: vomiting, congestion, fever, and more. Wilbur was quick to identify it. Turns out losing two lives in the same day was a great way to amplify the symptoms.
He wasn’t the only one to get sick. He might’ve died twice, but all of them had been killed in the Final Control Room. Fundy had something akin to a stomach bug and threw up a few times throughout the first day. Wilbur was extremely congested and couldn’t go ten minutes without coughing or needing to blow his nose. Needless to say, most of L'manberg was out of commission for their first few days of independence.
Tubbo had stayed with Tommy nearly the entire time, tending and watching him when no one else would. Tommy had asked him if he had any symptoms, but Tubbo shrugged off the question every time.
"Seriously, man, why are you here? I'm fine. Go lie down or something. You look like shit."
Sat at the foot of Tommy's bed, Tubbo's gaze flickered from his friend to the floor. Tommy may have been violently sick for the past couple of days, but he knew when something was wrong. "Tubbo?"
"I was scared, I guess, for you."
At the time, Tommy had laughed it off, calling Tubbo some variation of "clingy." But now, in the same position as his best friend had been only a couple of months earlier, he understood. He was scared. He had been scared during the festival and sat at the foot of his bed, watching Tubbo's restless sleep, he was still scared.
Part of him recognized the irony of the situation. It was sort of fitting that Tubbo had to watch him die in the duel and take care of him afterward, and now Tommy had to fill those shoes.
Tubbo stirred in his sleep, mumbling incomprehensibly. Even under the covers, his shivering continued. Tommy absent-mindedly adjusted the blankets, only stopped by the sight of Tubbo blinking his eyes open groggily.
"Hey, how're you feeling?" Tommy asked quietly, careful not to echo his voice into the ravine.
Tubbo squinted, clearly still not fully awake. "'M cold."
Tommy shifted in his seat. "I know. Sorry, I don't have any more blankets for you. You've got a fever."
"A fever?" He glanced around the room, his eyes clearly trying to adjust to the dark. He sat up a bit.
"Yeah. Niki said it was likely respawn sickness."
Tommy laughed. "That's a fair reaction."
Tubbo pulled the cloth off from his forehead. "Wait, Niki was here?" Most of the sleep that his voice had been thick with just seconds earlier was stripped away.
"Yeah, earlier," Tommy said picking at the end of the blanket, "You were shivering real bad when I woke up, so I went to Wilbur, but he said to get Niki." He paused. "Thought it was weird. He used to be all over that kind of stuff before, when we were kids."
There was a poignant pause as both boys thought. "I don't-" Tubbo started, then stopped. When he spoke again, he spoke slowly, carefully, "I don't think Wilbur much cares for me right now."
Tommy wanted to tell him that he was wrong, that of course, Wilbur cared for him. Wilbur wouldn't just stop caring for Tubbo.
He didn't.
The morning had been far more eventful than he had wanted it to be, but frankly, Tommy should have known that something would happen.
But after going into Manberg, gaining a new ally, and begging Wilbur to hold on blowing up their home, Tommy was pretty glad to have an excuse to check on Tubbo.
Trudging down the dirt and stone steps to the ravine, he listened for the sounds of others, but couldn't hear any. Quackity was still in Manberg, but Tommy wasn't sure where Wilbur, Techno, and Niki were. Hopefully, Wilbur was just somewhere else and not in the button room again.
He made it to the doorway but was stopped by the sight of another person in the room. The figure was seated by Tubbo's bedside but stood at the sight of Tommy. It was the absolute last person he wanted to see there, of all places.
"What are you doing here?" Tommy asked, fingers curling around the hilt of his sword, preparing for a battle he couldn't win.
Technoblade glanced down at Tommy's weapon, then back up to his face, giving him a bored expression. "Wilbur wasn't around and you were in Manberg. Thought someone should keep an eye on him. Respawn sickness is no joke."
The boy's eyes narrowed. "I don't need you to fuckin' lecture me on respawn sickness."
Techno crossed his arms and looked back down at Tubbo's sleeping form. Tommy gripped his weapon a little tighter. "Wilbur said he's on his last life now."
"Yeah," Tommy let the bitterness seep into his voice. He wanted to scream, to yell at Techno that he didn't have to be. That Tubbo could've had two lives left if he hadn't given in so easily, but his anger dies in his throat, stopped by the words of the man stood in front of him, spoken only a day earlier.
"It stays in the pit."
Instead, Tommy let out a resigned sigh. "All three of us are."
Techno turned back to him at that. "The three of you? You and Wilbur too?"
Tommy let out a sharp laugh. "Not all of us can be near invincible. There's a lot you weren't here for."
Techno seemed to ponder the younger's words for a moment. "How'd you lose 'em?" He didn't sound sympathetic or sorry. His voice gave off a morbid curiosity, the words of man to whom death only existed at the other end of his sword, but not as a thing to be experienced himself.
The irony did not escape Tommy. The Blood God, with countless kills to his name, asking a twice-killed sixteen-year-old about death.
"We all lost our first lives together, during the war. Eret, Eret took us underground, into this fucking room, and betrayed us."
"What's this button for?" Tommy asks, pressing it without thinking. Eret seems to freeze at the action.
Behind him, Wilbur stops looking in his chest and turns to face the person who brought them here. "Eret?"
It doesn't take long for Tommy to realize that something is wrong.
A sick grin crosses Eret's face. "Down with the revolution, boys. It was never meant to be."
Dream, Sapnap, George, and Punz pile into the room, swords in hand. There isn't even enough time to process the betrayal before all five four members of L'manberg are killed.
"I lost my second one later that day. I challenged Dream to a duel for our independence, and I lost."
The walk over to the boardwalk feels like a funeral march. Probably because it is.
Tommy isn't stupid. He knows what he signed up for.
The four soldiers are quiet, solemn. Fundy hands him the bow. Tubbo hugs him. Wilbur tells him to follow his heart.
Tommy meets his opponent at the center of the boardwalk. The artificial smile on Dream's mask unnerves him, but he glares defiantly up at it. Wilbur starts the count and the two separate.
At the count of ten, Tommy shoots.
"And then Wilbur lost his second the day you showed up, actually. He got shot while we were fleeing Manberg."
"My first act as president, the emperor of this great country, is to revoke the citizenship of Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit!"
Tommy stands frozen as the crowd turns to look at them. He can't even process what Schlatt is saying. They couldn't have lost, Schlatt can't be president, everything's wrong-
But then Wilbur pulls him along, running, and says, "Tommy, we have to go!"
He listens and he runs.
Behind him, he can hear footsteps, the sounds of others giving chase. Arrows fly from the sky. Wilbur is running in front of him, leading him, but is struck by an arrow and falls. Tommy screams, but he can't stop. He has to keep running or they'll get him too.
He doesn't stop until he reaches Tubbo's bunker (Tubbo's still there. He left Tubbo in L'manberg.) With Schlatt's booming voice echoing through the land he once called his home, Tommy breaks down.
"And, well, obviously, you know what happened to Tubbo." The anger was present in his voice, but Tommy couldn't find it in himself to care.
If Techno noticed, he didn't say anything. He merely made a grunt of acknowledgment before kicking his chair to the side. Without so much as a sideways glance, he walked past Tommy and out the door.
As soon as he was gone, Tommy felt himself breathe again but didn't move until the echoes of the warrior's footsteps subsided. With slow steps, he made his way over to the chair that Techno had used. He sat down in it and faced Tubbo, who was, mercifully, still asleep. He'd let him rest for a little while longer.
Tommy began to undo the straps of his armor, letting the various pieces of iron fall to the ground. He'd never liked armor. He had never understood people like Dream and Technoblade, who never went anywhere without it. It was so heavy and uncomfortable. Tommy wanted to run and screw around. But armor was a necessary evil, especially during a war.
Is this a war?
It certainly felt like one, Tommy thought, glancing over at the bandages covering Tubbo. He wasn't sure how, but the other two wars hadn't seemed this serious, this grim. Maybe it was because the first time it was just a fight over some music discs and the second time they had each other in L'manberg. When they had died before, it felt worth it.
And now?
Sometimes, he wasn't even sure what they were fighting for.
He finished pulling off his armor, setting down the last piece a bit too harshly. A small clang echoed throughout the stone room. Across from him, Tubbo stirred and Tommy froze.
"Tommy?" Tubbo's voice was small, but he still coughed. "'S that you?"
Tommy stood and walked over, sitting back down at the foot of his bed. “Hey, big man. How are you feeling?”
“My head feels like crap, but other than that, not too bad," Tubbo said sitting up. He gave his friend a once-over, giving way to a look of concern. "Did something happen?”
“Not really," he said, the lie slipping out easily. Seeing Tubbo's unconvinced expression, he gave in. "Techno was here earlier.”
Tubbo seemed to wilt at the mention of him. “Tommy, I’m serious. I’m fine with it." He looked down. "I don't want there to be infighting because of me.”
Something boiled inside of Tommy at Tubbo's apathy, his defeated tone. "I don't give a shit about infighting," he seethed, doing everything in his power not to shout, "He killed you! I'm not just gonna let that go!"
Tubbo shrugged, seemingly indifferent to Tommy's anger. "I mean, it could've been worse. I'm still alive. That's all that really matters, isn't it?"
"No, that's not all that fucking matters! He hurt you, Tubbo!" As if to prove his point, he gestured to the bandages encasing the smaller boy.
Tubbo flinched, then muttered, almost to himself, "Why do you care so much?"
"Why don't you?" Tommy fired back instantly. Tubbo seemed to shrink even further into himself. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped at you.”
“'S fine," he replied quietly. They fell into an uncomfortable silence, an unfamiliar experience for the two of them. It was only broken by Tubbo clearing his throat and asking, "It's the afternoon now, right? I haven’t seen Wilbur around much.”
“Yeah." Tommy hesitated but continued anyway. "He’s been at the button room a bit.”
Tubbo's eyes grew wide with fear. “He didn’t-“
Tommy shook his head. “No. He hasn’t yet. Gave Big Q and I quite a scare, though.”
"Big Q was there?"
"Yeah. He's with Pogtopia now. He's gonna help us take down Schlatt." Tommy kept his voice level, but he was truthfully rather happy with this recent development. He wasn't sure he forgave Quackity for that had happened (not yet, at the very least), but it felt good to have someone on their side.
"That's good," Tubbo said, and Tommy recognized his tone instantly. It was his logical, analytical voice that he used to look at a situation from a detached point of view. "At least you'll still have someone in Manberg."
Tommy sputtered a bit at that. "Tubbo, that doesn't- That doesn't matter. I'm not- We're not gonna have him really spy for us. Not after what happened to you. We're not doing that again." He shook his head as if to emphasize his point. "I'm just glad to have someone else on our side. I've a feeling we're gonna need all the help we can get in the coming weeks."
Tubbo looked down. "I'm sorry. I wish I could be of more help."
"Don't. You've done plenty. I'm- We're not gonna let you put yourself in a position like that again." He paused, then continued quietly, letting his feelings spill out. "I should, I should've fucking stopped it. I should've never convinced you to spy for us. At least then, none of this would've happened."
Tubbo placed a hand on his shoulder. "Tommy, you didn't convince me. I made my own decision. And the festival wasn't your fault, okay? It was Schlatt's. There was nothing you could've done." He pulled his hand back. "I was dead the moment he put those walls up."
"I had a pearl," Tommy said, guilt lacing his words, "I could've gone down sooner."
"You would've been surrounded or worse, killed. You're on your last life too, remember? At least I had one to spare." He looked down. "Besides, it was only a matter of time before I got found out. I was surprised I even lasted that long."
(That admission hurt a little. Tubbo knew he was doomed from the start. Why didn't Tommy do anything to stop it?)
"I guess we've both gotta be extra careful from now on, yeah?" Tommy said, "Gotta make this last life last a while."
Tubbo laughed with disbelief. "You say that like you've ever been careful!"
And it was just like it was before, during the disc wars, before L'Manberg, just laughing and making stupid jokes. "Excuse you, I'll have you know my name is Tommy Careful Danger Kraken Innit. It's literally in my name!"
Tubbo giggled some more. "Sure, big man. Sure."
The spoils of his mining trip weren't much, but they were certainly better than nothing.
Tommy was not one for mining. He would usually much rather just steal what he needed from the various members of the SMP. But he wasn't really looking for anything in particular. He mostly wanted a reason to stay out of Pogtopia.
But, looking at the clock he brought down with him into the winding underground strip mines, he figured no one would be awake past midnight.
Coming face to face with Wilbur and soon as he entered the ravine, he realized he was wrong.
Wilbur gave him a once-over. "Where were you?"
"Mining," Tommy said, holding up his pickaxe as if to illustrate his point, "Figured we could use some more diamonds." He held out his mining bag.
Wilbur took it from him, glancing at its contents. A smirk came over his face. "Oh, Tommy." His voice was sickly sweet with condescension. "Maybe you should leave the grinding to Technoblade."
Tommy snatched the bag back. "What do you need, Will?"
"I saw Tubbo earlier."
Tommy stiffened but kept his voice level. "Oh? How is he?"
"Wouldn't actually know," Wilbur drawled, "He was asleep the whole time."
"Yeah, sorry. That would be the weakness pot I gave him earlier." At the mention of the potion, Wilbur perked up. "Should've mostly worn off by now, though."
"The what?"
"Weakness potion," Tommy repeated cautiously, "He had a migraine and he needed to rest anyway, so I gave him a weakness pot to try and sleep it off."
Wilbur covered his face with his hands and started to pace. "Why would you do that?"
Tommy turned to follow where Wilbur was walking. "What do you mean?"
He sighed loudly and pulled his hands from his face. "I don't know if you've fucking noticed, but, Tommy, we're at war!" He had that manic glint in his eye, the same he had when he made the deal with Dream, when he egged Tommy on in the pit, when he almost pressed the button. "We are exiled from our country! We have limited resources! We can't just go around wasting our supplies every time someone has a fucking migraine!"
Tommy matched Wilbur's shouts. "It was a fucking weakness potion, Will. I'll just make another one if you're so bent out of shape from it."
"It's not just about the potion, Tommy! It's the way you tried to decorate with diamond blocks, the way you can't keep a single piece of armor for more than a day. You're thinking in the micro; I need you to think in the macro." Wilbur stopped pacing and put his entire stare on the boy. Tommy seemed to shrink under the weight of it. "You're careless, Tommy. Your solutions are only temporary."
Tommy was never one to back down from a challenge. "What, I'm not allowed to give Tubbo a potion now?" he seethed, "He fucking died for us, man, and you're just gonna let him suffer?"
Wilbur looked unimpressed. "It's just respawn sickness. He'll be fine." He turned to leave.
"People fucking die from respawn sickness! And he's still recovering from the fucking fireworks Techno shot at him!" Wilbur didn't stop, didn't even hesitate. He just went back to his desk, as if Tommy wasn't still standing there. The more rational, less angry part of Tommy realized that Wilbur wasn't right. That he hadn't been right, not really, not since the election. It wasn't worth fighting with him. "Whatever," Tommy said, throwing his bag over his shoulder, "I'm, I'm gonna go to bed."
As soon as he entered the room, he dropped the bag to the side and immediately started towards the bed. He was tired.
Prime, he was so tired.
"Scoot over. I'm climbing in," he mumbled, nudging the other boy. Surprisingly, Tubbo responded almost immediately, pressing himself to the wall to make room.
(They had been doing this ever since they were kids. Wilbur would always find them huddled up close when they were younger. They had stopped when they got "too old" for it but had gotten back into the habit during the war for L'manberg. They always felt safer with the other near.)
Tommy's head landed on the pillow and he glanced over. Tubbo's eyes were wide open, staring concernedly at him. He certainly seemed more alert than Tommy felt, that was for sure. "I heard shouting. Is something wrong?"
Tommy covered his eyes with his hands. "No, nothing's wrong."
"Something clearly happened. You're all tense."
"I'm fine," he lied, "Go back to sleep. You need to rest."
"Tubbo, please."
"Okay," Tubbo whispered. A second later, Tommy felt the pillow shift as Tubbo laid back down.
Pogtopia was silent.
The sun was up by the time Tommy woke.
He usually was an early riser, albeit, mostly out of necessity. He couldn't remember the last time he slept in.
Tubbo woke up earlier than him. When he woke, he handed him a carrot.
"What's this?" Tommy asked.
"Breakfast," Tubbo replied, taking a bite of his own carrot.
Tommy sat up and swung his legs over the bed. Tubbo sat down to join him. Tommy took a bite of his carrot, then looked at Tubbo. "Are these the ones from my chest?"
Tubbo looked sheepish. "Yeah, sorry. I couldn't find any other food in here."
"No, it's fine. I was just curious." Tubbo shrugged and continued eating his carrot, but Tommy continued to look at him. He looked healthier, certainly. The sickly tint was gone from his skin, although he still looked rather pale. Unfortunately, there was no good solution to that in Pogtopia. His movements were less sluggish, more pronounced. But what really caught Tommy's eye were the bandages. Loose and yellow, grime having accumulated over the past few days. Tommy was no healer, but he knew that couldn't be hygienic.
Tubbo looked back over at him. "What?"
"Your bandages. They need changing," he said, gesturing with his carrot. He stood up and walked over to the chest and started rummaging through it.
"I don't think the bandages will do much good."
Tommy stopped sorting through the chest and turned around. "What do you mean?"
Tubbo was looking down. He looked uncomfortable. "They-" He hesitated, then continued. "These aren't wounds. They're scars." He touched the bandaged side of his face. "They aren't going to heal."
Tommy paused. "Still raw, though," he said, turning back to the chest, "Gotta keep them from getting infected."
"Tubbo, I don't give a fuck if you have scars or not, okay?" Tommy snapped, clutching the edge of the chest, "But I'm not gonna let you die from a fucking infection or some shit." He didn't mean for it to come out so harsh, but it did. He pulled out a small roll of linen. "Found them." Tommy stood. Tubbo was still sitting on the bed, looking away. Tommy started to speak and he looked up. "Do- does it bother you?"
"That I have them?" Tubbo shrugged. "No, not really. Though, it's not like I've seen them fully." He held his arms close to his chest. "It's just... new." He shook his head. "Doesn't matter. I'll get used to them."
Tommy sat back down next to him and asked the question he had been thinking since he first noticed the scars. "Do they hurt?"
"I didn't-" Tubbo took a breath. "I didn't know that it could hurt so bad. After I died, I mean. I knew dying hurt, but I thought it would stop, the pain, but it didn't. When I respawned, it felt like I was still on fire." He glanced back over at Tommy. "Sorry."
"Don't be. You haven't done anything wrong," Tommy said, mildly confused.
(Tubbo had been doing that, he noticed, ever since he got back. He apologized for nearly everything, even when it wasn't something to apologize for.)
"I'm," Tommy started shakily, "I'm glad you're still here. Scars and all."
Tubbo gave a faint smile. "Thanks."
"C'mon," Tommy said, holding up the roll, "Let's fix you up."
Things wouldn't really get better, not for a while. They knew this. They weren't adults, but they were realists.
But, Tommy thought, they could make it through whatever the future had to throw at them.
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strawberrylemonz · 4 years
Disappearance After Doomsday
Welcome to the first chapter of my Into the Tommyverse AU! This entire AU is dedicated and partially shared with @wintercat96
Hope that you all enjoy!
Part 1 [CURRENT]
Part 2
Everything was in ruins. Nothing was going to be okay, not again. There was no rebuilding, no foundation, no people. His father he told you not to call him that, idiot. He doesn’t want you as a son anymore had stated that his actions were what Wilbur wanted. The thought made him laugh.
Technoblade was obviously hurt, convinced that Tommy only saw him as a weapon to use, something that Tommy didn’t do at all. But this was Tommy we were talking about, he lacked the proper communication skills to tell his brother don’t call him that you idiot such things. But still, to shoot at the young boy with fireworks and then destroy his nation down the bedrock? Talk about unnecessary overkill towards the teens. Then there was the tree, and the lack of reinforcements. Tommy was confused as to why this kept happening to him. Everyone claims that they’re just teaching him a lesson, but what was the lesson being taught? What was he missing? Why won’t they let him breathe for five seconds?
“They’ve replaced you”
“How could they?!”
But what about Dadza??? Technobro???”
“I thought we were going to be a family again…”
“Why won’t they just listen to you?”
“At least Tubbo is safe, Chat. Besides, Ranboo deserves shelter and happiness. He’ll be a better son and brother than I ever was. Wilbur will love him once he’s revived.”
Chat was mixed with protests and agreements towards the boy, who was busy making a dirt home. He was alone, stuck with his thoughts and Chat. At least he spoke to Tubbo. His heart could rest with that.
Before Tommy could place another block, he heard a noise behind him. Turning around, weapon in hand, he saw that no one was around. Furrowing his eyebrows, he went to investigate his surroundings. There wasn’t much outside, everything seemed to be as he left it. Humming with a frown, Tommy turned to go back inside. Suddenly, a light shined in his eyes.
“Hey! What the fuck!”
He turned to the source, only to see a gem laying on the ground. The sunlight had reflected off of it, shining Tommy with a beam of light. Huffing, we went over to pick it up. Confusion set in as he realized that he had never seen a gem like this before. It looked like an emerald, but it was blue. Shrugging, he tightened his grip on it and turned to go inside. Opening his enderchest, he figured he’d store it in there until he knew was to do with it.
“At least I have something cool. Beat that, bitches.”
Suddenly, the gem began to glow. Startled, Tommy knocked his enderchest over, spilling its contents across the floor.
“What the fuck?! Get out of my hand, bitch! Shit, now my other hand is stuck to it. Hey! Where the fuck are you taking me?!”
Tommy struggled against the pull of the gem, unintentionally knocking over his things as he did so. By the time the gem began to drag him outside, his house was a wreck. Kicking and screaming, he did his best to defy the pull. Unbeknownst to him, a figure was walking around in the area.
Captain Puffy was headed to the ruins of L’manburg, flowers in hand, to pay respect to the fallen nation. She still couldn’t believe that her renounced duckling had done such a thing to the home of many.
“STOP IT!!! What the FUCK?!”
She froze in her spot as she tilted her head, confused. There, in the distance, was Tommy. The child was being dragged across the ground, screaming. At the sound of another yell from him, Puffy dropped her flowers and ran towards him.
“Tommy?! What’s happening?”
The boy in question quickly turned to face the captain, relief briefly flashing through his eyes before panic returned.
“I found this gem, and the fucker started dragging me away! Please!!! Hurry up!”
And she was. She tried her best to dash towards the boy, but the ruined path was making it hard to do so. Trying to comfort Tommy as she hastily made her way to him, Puffy kept reassuring the boy as he fought against the pull, to no avail.
“I’m coming, Tommy! Try and hold out a bit longer! You’ll be okay, I’m here now!”
She finally pulled herself up onto the ground from the hole she had navigated through. Quickly pulling herself to her feet, she began running to the boy with haste.
Puffy reached for the terrified boy as he was pulled into the water. As soon his entire body was submerged, a blinding light emitted from the water. Puffy dove in without hesitation.
She kept diving and searching, but the boy was no where to be found. Desperate to find a way to him, she forced herself out of the water and ran towards his home, searching for clues.
A bouquet of flowers lying forgotten on a footsteps of ruins.
He felt like he was suffocating. Forcing his eyes open, he saw that he was no longer in the water. Had Puffy saved him? Did she make it in time?
“Fuck, why am I so sore?”
Coughing, Tommy forced himself to sit up. Wiping sand off his hand, he-
There wasn’t sand on the shore where was being pulled.
Jesus, he sounded terrible and frail. Groaning, he stood to his feet and wiped the sand off himself. Taking a look at his surroundings, it was clear that he wasn’t in the SMP anymore. At least, not where he previously was. Feeling something in his pocket, he pulled out the blue gem.
“Alright, what the fuck did you do to me, bitch? Where’s Puffy?”
The crystal only glowed in response. Huffing in annoyance, he pocketed the gem, hoping to use it to find Puffy. With one final look out into the water, he began walking towards the trees.
He felt as if he had been walking for hours. Grumbling about how much bullshit had managed to fit in one day, he searched for something to settle his grumbling stomach. That’s when he tripped on something.
“Fuck! Come on!”
Picking himself up, he turned to see what he tripped on. After a quick viewing however, he realized that it was more along the lines of a someone.
Himself, to be exact.
As his double groan and sat up, Tommy yelped and fell backwards, onto the ground. The double rubbed his head, a yellow gem in his other hand. Finally, he made eye contact with Tommy. The two stared at each other, before synchronized yells filled the air.
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nostalgic-pancakes · 3 years
one day (i know that you will be there)
Summary: Here, have some fluffy transbur :D
Pairings: gen everyone, with a specific focus on crimeboys
Read on AO3
Word count: 2070
Warnings: None? I guess? Tell me if there are any, but I don’t see them
Other notes: Part of @noorahqar‘s BANGER discord server Pride Event!
Please DO NOT send this to the CC’s or even imply that this exists because No, Thank you
Sometimes, it feels like it's okay. Nothing's wrong at all and in fact, Wilbur is happy.
Other times it feels like he's stuck in his own skin, a place he can't get out of.
Wilbur doesn't really know what's going on with his gender. He's always been cis, it's all he knows we it's his comfort zone. Even while his life was being wholly upended by YouTube, and Twitch and life in general, Wilbur's gender was always a constant- the one thing he never worried about or spent too much time on. It was his gender, and it was just kind of...there.
Sometimes when gender is part of the conversation, people display confusion when Wilbur talks about his gender like something separate from him that was tied on and is just there now, like a bit of hair that can never stay in place, but isn't necessarily a bother, either. But isn't gender like that for everyone?
Well, according to the one and only Tommyinnit, no.
"Well… for me, my gender is pretty malleable. It's more of a fucking... fucking abstract concept than a feeling? I'm a little detached from mine, but not as much as that, Wilbs."
"Then what is your gender like?" Wilbur asks. It's late on a Friday night, and Wilbur had ended up visiting Tommy's flat out of mostly impulse, living just under a kilometre away from his sibling these days. They're in the living room, splayed out on the floor talking about anything and everything in the dark, too quiet to wake Tubbo and Ranboo.
Wilbur’s not agender- he has a gender that he keeps around, even if it stays reasonably sectioned away from the rest of him.
Tommy hums, an older tune that Wilbur can't place as he fiddles around with some wool scraps ("Cabbages!" Tommy insists indignantly) leftover from the cardigan they had just finished when Wilbur walked in. It's a burgundy colour that's probably going to be matched with one of Tommy's longer cream skirts to University Monday morning.
"My gender is a… a kind of vibe? I guess? To me it feels like skirts doing that cool swoosh thing in the wind around you while you walk or eating Tubbo's chicken soup and that feeling I always got after a Dream SMP stream. It's weird, but that's my gender I guess." And that is weird. It's weird as fuck, but Tommy's gender sounds really fucking cool so Wilbur tries anyways. Tries to imagine what his gender, the amorphous entity that it is, feels like to him.
It's hard, at first, but then Wilbur starts humming. He's always done better with auditory concepts than visual or tactile ones, strumming tunes together that tie in with his latest hyperfixation.
So Wilbur hums. He starts with 'White Wine in a Wetherspoons' and then 'Cause for Concern' with a little bit of 'Your new Boyfriend' thrown in for posterity as it all starts to come together. Tommy starts tapping his finger on the plywood floor, creating a small beat.
His gender feels nice, actually, and not just the neutral burden that the universe has him carry around. It begins to feel like the warmth in Wilbur's chest when someone says "Hey, don't stop. Tell me more, this is interesting" to even the most niche fixations that Wilbur has ever had, like the different types of bricks or the historical fashion one he had at the same time as Tommy and they made dozens of Pinterest boards together (1830’s hairstyles his beloved). It feels like Phil calling him 'Son' in that chamomile accent, like everything will be fine. It feels like the tipsy laughs he and Niki share when getting drunk together and it sounds like the quick, comforting 'bzzt bzzt bzzt' of Tommy's sewing machine running on the other side of the flat while Wilbur makes them breakfast because they and his flatmates are fundamentally incapable of looking after themselves.
It's really a pretty nice gender, actually. So when Wilbur closes its metaphorical pouch and clips it back onto his metaphorical backpack, he feels lighter, warmer inside than before. Is this how Tommy feels sometimes?
The tapping stops and Wilbur realises that Tommy's fallen asleep, surrounded by scraps of cabbage on a fairly cold plywood floor. This will not do. Thankfully, Wilbur has gained enough arm strength to reasonably carry the nineteen-year-old to his bedroom, carefully avoiding sewing pins that Tommy will clean up frantically in the morning. Tubbo and Ranboo are asleep as before, in the same place, huddled together on the lowest bunk covered in blankets, with just enough room for another person.
Tommy fits in perfectly, head on Ranboo's shoulder and the rest of him swathed in blankets to protect from the cold. It's started to show fairly heavily outside so going home is not possible. Therefore, Wilbur stays.
The guest room still has some of his shit from the last time he stayed over, around a week ago. Piling a thick-ish duvet on top of himself, Wilbur sleeps, more at peace than he's ever been.
Monday morning, Wilbur tries out pronouns. He was spending the weekend in a bit of a haze of filming and social interaction and talking to Elodie, his editor, in order to have most of this week free.
He's back at home with pronoun dressing rooms loaded on Firefox, a Geoguessur stream finished and a free day with spoons to spare. It is time.
First- she/her.
This is Wilbur, the site reads, She's 27 years old with a penchant for making songs. She also really likes hanging out with her sibling, Tommy and her best friends on the Dream SMP. She still ships DNF.
Oh. Oh wow. She/Her works pretty well actually. Wilbur likes that for herself.
Next- they/them. This is not as nice, but it's also not bad, necessarily.
Fae/Faer- this one is pleasant enough.
Everything else is okay, Wilbur supposes. She figures that just knowing that he/him isn't the only answer is good enough for herself.
The first person she tells is Tommy, on a phone call during one of his frees.
“Okay, so he, she and fae, right?” they ask, rolling the pronouns around like the colorful hard candies sold in packets of two hundred each, muttering small sentences, barely audible to the phone mic amongst the dozens of student voices around him, pitter-pattering like sleet on cars heard from a cozy living room.
“Yeah. pronouns change by the day. Please don’t interchange them.” Wilbur confirms, short and soft.
“Oh that’s really fucking cool. What are they today? Does anyone else know? Do you have names you want to be called instead?” Tommy asks, orange-sweet in his kind concern and slowed down questions as to not deflate the souffle in Wilbur’s brain.
“Uh, she/her, and no, not yet on the knowing and the name thing. I’m going to tell Phil and Niki, then Dream, probably. Wish me luck.” Wilbur answers, the ‘wish me luck’ thrown in more as a formality than anything, but she’s still nervous, thoughts spinning in popcorn-crunch circles, pop pop pop about how it could go wrong and even if Tommy and Ranboo were accepted, perhaps that courtesy won’t be extended to her. Tommy, the absolute fucking legend as always seems to have figured that much out.
“Wil. Wilbur. Wilby. Big Dubs- It’s going to be fucking fine, you’re popcorn-popping again and while that’s one of your idiosyncrasies and I fucking love those, you are also freaking the fuck out. Everything will be fine, alright?”
“Idiosyncrasies? Where did you learn that? Is ‘The Tommyinnit’ learning new big words?” Wilbur teases, to mask her affection just a little bit, even as it seeps out of her voice like honey in a sopapilla, warm and sticky and sweet.
“Don’t fucking patronize me.” Tommy retorts, instinctive as it’s been for the past few years now, no bite behind their words. “I’ve got South Asian Lit now- call us in the evening?” he asks, because Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo are a single unit in the evening. Do not attempt separation till after midnight. Wilbur laughs, a small thing only audible to her sibling over the phone.
“Course. You can tell them yourself, if you want.”
“Okay. Now I need to walk like, three buildings or some shit, so I’m hanging the fuck up. See you later?” Tommy’s voice is softer towards the end, cotton candy and Wilbur melts, just a little bit.
“Okay, bye Tommy.”
“Bye Wil. Good luck.” Tommy hangs up a few seconds later, the last thing on the line that Wilbur can hear being Ranboo’s steadily louder voice as end catches up to Tommy, and Wilbur keeps the phone to her ear for a few seconds more, before putting it on charge and loading up Discord, to find Phil and Dream on VC 3 together, Tubbo and Purpled occupying the beloved VC 2.
Wilbur joins the call, taking in a deep breath and letting it out, and taking a sip of lukewarm tea. Earl Grey, probably taken from the tea box Phil gifted her on Christmas and prepares herself.
“Ay, H’lo, son.”
“Hey, Wilbur!” Dream’s voice, chirpy and crisp as a freshly-picked apple registers first, just before Phil’s comforting chamomile and Wilbur is at ease very quickly, because it’s Dream and Phil. It is literally impossible for things to go wrong.
“Hi! I just came on here to tell you something.” Wilbur starts. After hearing noises of agreement, like popping candy, Wilbur starts.
“Um, so on Friday, Tommy and I did some soul-searching. Well, I did most of the searching. And uh, I figured out that I’m technically genderfluid, but my gender is a series of abstracts and I use he, she and fae pronouns.” It’s quiet for a second, before Phil responds.
“Hey, that’s pogchamp, mate. What pronouns are you using right now? Are they interchangeable?” Dream makes a noise in agreement, in questioning.
“Thanks, and uh, she/her, and no. not interchangeable. I use certain pronouns until I don’t.”
“Oh, that’s cool! Should I update your pronoun role in the Discord to ‘ask for pronouns’?” Dream finally says, and in typical Dream fashion, it’s by getting straight to business. It’s ridiculously endearing, even five years on, knowing everyone’s little quirks and idiosyncrasies (thanks Tommy for reminding her that the word exists) that it’s still possible to be endeared by them, and that they’re all still endeared to her.
“Yes please, Dream. Thank you. I’ll make a small announcement on the server myself, but thanks.”
“No problem, Wilbur! We’re glad you’re happy.”
“What the green-bitch said, mate.” Phil responds, and Dream turns on his camera for that only, just to show that he isn’t actually wearing green- he’s wearing a blue T-shirt, blonde hair mussed about enough to show that he did not comb it when he woke up. His face still has some sleep leftovers, but he’s awake enough to pay attention, and he’s smiling at Wilbur, mouse clicking very fast to change her discord role, and it shows up a few seconds later with a purple dot. ‘ask for my pronouns’. Wilbur is smiling like an idiot, and she turns on her camera, Phil following suit as she starts laughing a little wetly and all of this sinks in.
Wilbur is gender-fluid. She loves herself, her family and the little pouch still strapped to her backpack. Phil is whispering things into the mic soothingly and Dream is grinning at her, and it just feels so good. The bad feeling in Wilbur’s skin just isn’t here today, and it feels like it won’t be around for a while yet.
With slightly blurry eyes trying to see through her glasses, Wilbur makes an announcement with the @everyone turned on.
Bitchbur (she/her today): @everyone I’m here to announce that I’m genderfluid! You can either ask me my pronouns or I’ll just change my nick. The name’s still Wilbur. That’s about it.
Replies start coming in, nothing but messages of support and thumbs-up emoticons, and Wilber closes her eyes, leaning back in her chair, laughing a bit more. She’s so happy that she managed to accept herself, and find acceptance in everyone else on this server. She probably won’t come out to the internet for a while, or even to some of her real-life friends but that’s okay.
She’s got everything she needs right here.
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