#so i made a cool girlband
carameatea · 1 year
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🔥🌟Coolest Girlband in Town⚡️💥
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heroesofenvellfan · 3 years
Q&A from streams! (Part 1)
I’ve been planning to do this for a while now. As you may know, there were several streams with the people behind “Heroes of Envell”, mostly with Anton Lanshakov. There were also questions of fans sent to Anton, which he answered in writing form. And I translated the questions and answers for you, because those tiny tidbits of information are interesting and/or could just show Anton’s personality. I got the file with all of these from one of the “Heroes of Envell” fan-groups, so thanks to them for that!
The stream and QnA took place after S1E23 was released. Just so you know why those questions were asked.
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Personal questions for Anton
Q: Anton, what other questions should we ask that you’d like to answer? A: I’m ready to answer any of your questions. Except for the ones about the back side of a hand. Don’t ask.
Q: Are you in Amino? If so, what’s your username? A: No, I’m not
Q: Do you watch AMVs by the channel “clips heroes of envell” (the channel is not mine, by the way) A: Not sure about the channel, but I’ve seen some AMVs. They’re cool.
Q: Many popular games are mentioned in the series, did YOU ever play them? A: I either saw or played almost all of the games mentioned in the series. I’m trying not to reference games that I don’t like. Except for Mario. You can’t not mention Mario. (c)
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Now just show-related questions
Q: In episode 23 of season 1 we find out that Helena was a tester of the game. Tell us, what was her life like before she was invited to test “Heroes of Envell” and what relationship did she have with the creators before their fight?
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A: Helena had a lonely life because of difficult relationships with people. It was hard for her to find topics to talk about with others. She has a strict family that doesn’t understand her interests (sci-fi and fantasy). Moreso when Helena wanted to work in game development. The relatives were against it. A fight, a scandal and all that. That’s why when Helena met the creators it felt like finally meeting your best friends. The more painful was their divide.
Q: Can Mister Smile turn not only people, but also other creatures to stone?
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A: He can. He even did it in episode 12, but behind the scenes. A couple of school hamsters are still shocked.
Q: Does Buckwheat have a database that he can change?
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A: He does have a database, but he can’t change it.
Q: Why did Ilya refuse to help them? Did they [the protags] prank him before?
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A: Yes, after episodes 10 and 12 Ilya is wary of the heroes. But Ilya refused to help not because he was sour, but because of the fear becoming a victim of a prank. Some people often imagine the worst outcomes. Just in case. Ilya imagined that Art is planning to prank him. And if that’s the case, eat this, Art!
Q: The fact that Phil is always falling somewhere - like in episodes 15, 16 and 21 - is that his thing?
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A: It’s called a running gag. Phil is the kind of character that is fun to make walk on a banana peel.
Q: Could Helena and Mr. Turner become a couple?
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A: He’s single, she’s single. I can’t see why not. [Do you see how cool with ships this guy is?]
Q: Did Kira and Helena listen to “Ranetki” [a russian pop-rock girlband from 2010s]?
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A: I think it would be just Helena. And not for long. Then she started listening to Adele.
Q: What was Helena like in 2007? [idk man, 2007 is some meme I don’t get]
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A: Happy. She believed that she could change something about the world.
Q: Did she [Helena] already work at the school when the game was being made?
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A: No. She didn’t have experience of working at a school before the events of the series. How did she convince the principal? Personal charm and fake documents.
Q: What game genre does she [Helena again] like the most?
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A: jRPG and Sims (secretly).
Q: Won’t Mourgarth freeze in winter?
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A: My answer is simple: a hat, a scarf and two pairs of gloves.
Q: What do Buckwheat’s seizures mean? (When he yells and his eyes go red)
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A: We’ll learn about that later. [I’m still not sure if we have. I think Anton said later that it’s just Buckwheat being angry, but... I don’t know, man.]
Q: Why are Kira’s parents divorced?
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A: Their personalities didn’t go well with each other. The mother always tried to change the father and didn’t understand that she wanted to turn a person she loved into a person that doesn’t exist. The father refused to change and didn’t understand that relationships don’t stop after a wedding and that they need to be maintained the whole life. In other words, a common story.
Q: How old are the protags and in what grade are they?
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A: They’re in 9th grade. You can count the age yourselves. [That’d be 14-15 y.o.]
Q: Does Art have a sister or a brother that live with his mother?
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A: No, Art doesn’t have sisters or brothers. Nor a mother.
Q: Does Phil have a sister?
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A: No.
Q: Why can our heroes use the game weapons and items in the real world? If they can take it in and out of the game (the Cube and Creep, for example), can they take Val out the same way?
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A: The rules are strict: only things considered to be equipment can be taken out of the game. Small Creep fits into the inventory, thus technically making him an equipment. And Val isn’t. Why all of this works - we’ll find out later.
Q: Should’ve Val fallen in love with one of the players according to the plot [of the game]?
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A: Val shouldn’t have fallen in love. But she couldn’t resist  when she saw Vic.
Q: We’re shown that a butterfly flies out of each marionette, since that’s the robots’ life source. But, question, why do marionettes just get destroyed sometimes? And where do the forest people go after that?
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A: It’s just that insects don’t always fly out instantly. And when they do, they fly in random directions and don’t remember anything about their past lives. A sad fact.
Q: Do Val, Bertie, Chief and Yanni remember other players? And do they have their personal favourites?
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A: They remember and they have favourites. And Phil wasn’t one of them until episode 21. The big guy’s name is Berten’, by the way.
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sheadre · 3 years
When Stars Collide (Jackson Wang x Reader) Part 1/2
Summary: Your girlband was disbanded but your dream of singing and dancing was too important to you to just give up after that. However, another company sees potential in you and signs you as their solo artist. One day, during recording your new song, a familiar face shows up.
Warnings: none, maybe a little bit of angst but totally fluffy especially at the end
Word count: 2816
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That morning, you got up happily, finally you managed to sleep more than four hours now that the shooting of the new drama finished. You finally debuted as an actress however, you weren’t sure if that was a calling for you. The company made you audition for the role out of financial interests. Then you got a call from your manager telling you to go to the company for a meeting with the CEO.
It didn’t sound good with how your manager’s voice was nervous and shaking through the phone. Your girl-band, N3XUS debuted five years ago and you were the only one left who haven’t turned to acting and other options. You were always passionate about music and to be inspiration for others. You weren’t really appreciated in your group and the girls left you out from their group chat. When you arrived at the company, you spotted Lola, the only other foreigner girl in the band. She arrived from Japan and was spending most of her time there after debuting at her home as a solo artist. She was the only one who you were on friendly terms.
So when the CEO told everyone about his decision and slid the paper towards everyone which ended all of your contracts with the company, Lola was the only one who tried to comfort you a little bit before she had to catch her flight back to Japan. You weren’t really shocked to see the band reach an end. It was long due with how everyone only cared about themselves and their money. The other girls were only here for the shine and money while you assigned to be a trainee for the music. Dak-Ho, the manager pulled you to the side on the corridor after you left the meeting room, his expression showing how bad he felt for you to end up in this situation.
“(Name)… it will be hard but you were always more talented than any of the others” he sighed heavily. “So I decided to try at a few places and call a few people. Give a call to Ha-Neul, she’s a manager at XxxxxX Entertainment. I hope that she can help you in the future.”
With that, he said his goodbyes and left. You sighed and decided to return home, there was nothing much you could do at the moment. You stood in your kitchen, your phone on the counter and stared at it while gripping the edge of the counter top.
“You can do this…” you whispered to yourself. Your heart was beating so fast in your chest and chills ran down your spine. What should you say? ‘Hi, I’m (Name) from N3XUS and our company decided to fire us. Can I go over to your company and be your idol?’
“Arghhh!” you groaned and bumped your head against the counter. Your phone then started buzzing making you jump and shriek in surprise. Rolling your eyes at yourself you picked it up.
“(Name)? Are you there?” your mom spoke up making you jump again. You weren’t sure how you would tell her that you lost this time. She sacrificed so much just so you can chase after your dreams. It was especially hard after your dad died but she pushed on and earned the money to let you attend dance classes.
“Yeah, yeah…” you sighed. “How are you?”
“I’m okay but I really miss you” she replied making you smile. “When you can, please come home, sweetie.”
“I’ll try though I have this new project but I will try to take time off as soon as possible” you said with tears in your eyes. You couldn’t tell her. She deserved better from you, you needed to succeed after how much she gave up for you. You had to fight.
“Oh, sweetie, I understand but once you can come home I will make sure to make your favorite” your mom replied and you could hear the sadness in her voice. You made sure to tell her you loved her before you hung up and stared at your phone’s screen. Your lips pulled into a smile and your heart seemed to calm down as you tapped on the number of the manager Dak-Ho gave you.
Time skip ~
You sat on the corridor waiting for Ha-Neul with the news after your audition. You forgot how stressful an audition was but here you were trying all over again. You were used to your old company treating you badly, always choosing you only because they deemed your performance “okay” and because they had no one else who was good. Your heard the door open and close but you didn’t dare look up until Ha-Neul reached you.
“To be honest, the boss was quite surprised that you came here even if you already debuted a while ago” she sighed while she sat down next to you. She had a shoulder length cut hairstyle and a heart shaped face. Ha-Neul was about ten years older than you and had this kind mom vibe. “He was satisfied with your performance and would like to welcome you at the company as a solo artist…”
Your eyes widened in shock and a large grin broke out on your face splitting it in two. Then Ha-Neul put her hand up, her face staying serious as she looked you in the eyes.
“However, he has his conditions, (Name)… The company spent all the money on the newly debuted boyband and so we cannot afford to send you right away on stage. He said that he would have an easier job if you worked on a full album with your own songs so once you debut we can start selling your albums right away. You have about three months until everything will be arranged and you will be working with Sue.” Ha-Neul said calmly before she looked behind you and motioned for someone to come over to her.
“Hi, nice to meet you, I’m Sue, I will be your assistant” a girl around your age approached you with a shy smile on her face. You got up from your seat and grabbed her hand before bowing.
“Nice to meet you, Sue. I’m (Name).” you grinned at her. “Please take care of me.”
“I’ll let you talk things out” Ha-Neul smiled at you both before she left.
“I’ll show you around and introduce you to everyone, alright?” Sue spoke up again and you nodded before following her to the elevator.
However, the media quickly learnt about N3XUS’ end. You found yourself trying to avoid paparazzi while you tried your best to produce new songs. Fortunately, during your years as a member of N3XUS you quietly composed songs in the background and you had a lot to choose from. They needed adjustments and instrumentation but you were confident about them.
Sue was a fantastic help and she managed a lot of things on her own. Days passed by and you were still stuck with one last song you needed on the album. None of the songs you wrote and haven’t yet made their way on the album were good enough but you had only one week till your debut. You were singing the refrain in the recording room still thinking about what was missing but then you reached the part where you always got stuck and groaned disappointed.
“Why did you stop?” someone asked from behind the controls making you jump with a shriek.
After calming down, you looked up and tried to not blush seeing who the intruder was. Jackson Wang was looking back at you with a friendly smile while waving at you. He wore a yellow beanie and some comfy baggy T-shirt with sweatpants. You always had a crush on him and really hoped that you would meet him after you debuted with N3XUS. You quickly hurried out and greeted him.
“Nice to meet you too” he replied as he shook your hand, then he pointed at the microphone. “So? Why did you stop? It sounded great.”
“I… I think the song is missing something” you shrugged. “I just don’t really know what that is.”
“Can I see the lyrics?” Jackson asked pointing at the papers in your hand. You quickly gave it to him and pursed your lips in anticipation and nervousness. Jackson was a talented “veteran” in the field compared to you and his songs were all so good. To say you were shy was an understatement. You watched his handsome features for any indication of his opinions then Jackson’s lips pulled up into a half-smile and averted his gaze. “Please don’t stare at me like that.”
Your eyes widened at that but somehow your eyes were glued to his person. Was he being shy? What…? You forced yourself to look away from him by going to your bag and taking out your water bottle. Drinking some cool water helped you calm down a bit. When you turned back, Jackson was already sitting by the controls, pushing and pulling the small buttons as he started playing the song. Your song.
You watched him getting into the song, bobbing his head up and down and his left foot tapping the floor. Never in a million years would’ve you imagined to be in the same room as him. Then he started rapping right where you always got stuck and felt like there was missing something. Though Jackson got stuck too and leaned back in the chair while crossing his arms in front of his chest.
“A rap part would fit here quite well…” he mumbled then turned to you. “You know… I need a song on my new album and I was about to record something today but… it would be great to collab. What do you think?”
“That sounds great” you nodded with a bright smile. “Do you want me to leave the studio to you? I can come back later to finish my other two songs.”
“No, no, we could work on this one” Jackson jumped up abruptly his hands shooting out from his sides like he wanted to grab you so he could stop you from leaving. Then he quickly put his arms down with a sheepish smile and rubbed the back of his neck. “I was hoping that I could put your song on my album too if we collab… and maybe get something to eat later?”
You blinked surprised but nodded while chuckling. By the time you finished the song, you felt exhausted and wanted to sleep for the next two days. Getting to know each other better and making friends relieved the tension from you and maybe from Jackson too. You had no idea why he at certain moments seemed like he was shy around you. You remembered how big of a scandal it was a few years ago when his fiancée, the heiress of some large company cheated on him with an American rich guy who was the heir of some IT company. Jackson learnt about it from the magazines and the paparazzi who asked him about it. For months, he disappeared from any TV shows and only released music. You remembered how much in love he seemed to be back then.
You couldn’t understand why would someone cheat on this man, like he was almost perfect. He was funny and kind, had a large heart and cared about others around him much. Maybe that woman left him because she felt undeserving of him. You’ve heard about that feeling from other women and even some love songs were about that reason for cheating. You sipped on your green tea that was cooled by the many ice cubes you asked for at the little shop across the building. Jackson was an absolute gentleman, pulling out your seat for you and taking off your jacket for you when you arrived. The people in the shop seemed to be chill about Jackson’s presence which let you feel a little relieved.
“So, tell me something about you” you spoke up between two bites of your meal. He kept asking about you in the studio but he revealed little about himself. “I’m curious what the great Jackson Wang is doing after becoming world famous.”
You winked at him and laughed at his ‘deer-in-the-headlights’ look. He was a CEO at the age of twenty-eight it was pretty impressive, but he seemed like he didn’t care about it at all.
“That is a little bit exaggerated, I might have some international fans but K-pop and C-pop is not that known to people outside of Eastern Asia.” he shook his head after swallowing his bite. “Well… what do you want to know? Other than the fact that I’m fabulous and a great person.”
“And the humblest of them all” you poked his shoulder while laughing. It was a long time since you had something so laid back, something so nice like this. Ever since you entered the entertainment industry it felt lonely as hell. You hummed then. “Maybe tell me about your family. I saw an interview piece a long time ago where you were gushing about you mom. She must be really proud of you.”
“Yeah… she’s the best” he said with a fond expression on his face making you smile warmly at him. Jackson was easy to talk to and was really funny. You loved to listen to him talk and before you realized, it was quite late in the studio. So late that there was no bus you could catch to go home.
“Ah… How am I gonna get home?” you groaned when you looked up at the clock. “I’m afraid to call an Uber…”
“I can take you home” Jackson shrugged. “I have my car in the parking lot.”
“I wouldn’t want to impose” you shook your head to which he just rolled his eyes and grabbed your bag for you along with your hand pulling you towards the elevator. In the elevator, he kept holding your hand without realizing it and only let go when he took his car keys out of his pocket. His car was shiny and cool but wasn’t the most expensive one out there.
“I thought you owned the newest Porsche or Lamborgini…” you frowned confused once you were sitting inside making him laugh.
“Some people choose by the efficiency not by the look” Jackson replied. “Besides, I prefer this brand. Never let me down before.”
“It makes sense” you nodded. You quickly gave him your address and he pulled out of the parking lot. You leaned against the window and closed your eyes. His car smelled so good, clean and fresh… just like Jackson. Before you could really fall asleep, you arrived to your apartment complex. You yawned tiredly as you grabbed your bag meanwhile feeling Jackson’s eyes follow your every movement. Your hand was on the lock when you turned back and leaned over to him, kissing his cheek before whispering a ‘thank you’ to him. You left quietly and waved back from door with a bright smile.
Time skip ~
After your debut, the company wanted the two of you to make a videoclip from your collab. Quickly after that you were asked to perform it on stage in the new Idol Producer TV show. The two of you kept in touch through texts and funny Instagram posts which the internet quickly grew fond of and many people started shipping the two of you. The hype was big and when you appeared in the live stage of Idol Producer, people were screaming so loud you barely heard the music.
Then things quickly turned sour. Magazines released photos of Jackson hugging and cozying up with some Chinese actress in Shanghai. You had no idea how you should react or if you are supposed to react. Jackson had his life, he was a free man, he was free to date whoever he wanted to. Netizens though had a different idea. Many people turned against him and the actress, but Jackson was quickly forgiven by them a while later. Sue tried to make you watch the live stream he spoke about the issue but you refused to and kept on working hard.
Life a solo artist was everything you hoped for. You were free to do whatever music you wanted and the company only asked you to keep the dating down especially after the scandal you got dragged into. Jackson in the meantime kept messaging you even called you a few times but you never replied. You had to close him out of your life before you got dragged into the whole thing more. Your career was the first. Or at least that’s what you told yourself.
You felt stupid for hoping for something more. You never stood a chance against a shiny, super model looking actress like that Chinese woman.
To be continued…
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bbunnylily · 5 years
brief note.
Disclaimer: just a woman share her past story. For some throwback moment, I don't really come out as a part of lgbt community, even in high school era. I don't feel that is necessary for me, since I got something fuck-worthy to figure out soon, named college. To be honest, I already coming in for myself since junior high school. I make time for my self, contemplating what I really been through and what should I do about that. I just like, or actually fell in love with my bff back then. I know I was gay when I realize recently, I actually put her photo as my facebook cover and also comment with other people that I really valuing this bff things (ehe, you know). The part that makes everything so counterintuitive is I always with boy since day one I experienced, so I don't have much time and energy with my s/o. I am being brainwashed with facts that lgbt community is a sinner, a contagious behavior and it should be punished whatever it takes. I don't believe in those facts, I know they (it's used to be 'we') are not less human than the rest of us. They are not a contagious disease that need to be stopped the spreading. They are human and they are valid for whatever they feel. For my idea of it, I got plenty of gay friends, I hear their story as well and asking what this world as in their perspective. I always try to be their safest place to stay. The beginning of 2019 hit me real hard. I learned a lot. It was starting when I know I had crush with the girl I used to go class with. I came to her and express my feeling genuinely. I am not the silent one when it comes to my feeling and what my heart wants. So, basically I started this relationship with her, I broke up with my five years worth boyfriend and start living my life in my own motto - no regrets. The love life was horrible and it's affect for both party. I will tell you simply what I feel and I don't mean to generalize them. I came with upper middle class family with no problematic parents and surrounding with helpful people, caring friends, and loyal boyfriend. Thankfully, it's a blessed circumstances for me. I maintain all the relationship maturely enough and I don't feel attacked in all parties. Unfortunately, I have a black-record on mental illnesses because I couldn't control my own mind for at least two years and I need to be treated. I started my first semester on junior year to learn about myself and its attached mess. When I already made so much effort, crawled to put my shit together at the end of first semester, life won't understand me easily. It gave me double hard rock at the beginning of year and I can't defeat this alone. Thanks to my best friends, they actually pull me up for this uncommon infinite loop of self absorbed and shamelessness. Back before enlightened version of me, I became a less merciful servant, least grateful person on earth, and also the first rank on being spoiled daughter. I feel so unnatural, bathed in everything I want but I don't feel happier. I felt stuck, this is not me. I don't have any spark on changing the world like I used to be. I don't dedicate enough time to pursue my passion. I don't put any interest on things like self growth, ethical eating, or sustainable lifestyle I used to be. I engulfed with entitlement. I used to think and feel as 'I am special snowflake falling in love with girl, against the odd, we're cool, we aren't less human, and you should know that'. The part of 'you should know that' really mean it. We think that God would understand and approve this artificially-beautiful relationship. We committed awful things shamelessly, I don't think about people's feeling. We made time for each other even though she will fail on her class and I am suffering from sleep deprivation because I need to make sure my grades are not surfing down at the same time I madly fell in love with her. We searched someone or some art to support our preference of love. She made me a beautiful lesbian art, I made her a lesbian love playlist. We were surfing on youtube, finding gay girlband, lgbtq+ allies that supports us no matter what cruel world do to us. We were escaping together, made a coping mechanism for untangled thread of college life. We spent our limited money to give each other gifts every single time we met. I even asked for double amount the monthly pocket money to treat her and my parents accepting my white lies. Simply, we were confused. I was the victim of pseudo-happiness and I was the servant of lust and temptation. One day, God gave me a turning point through my best friend. She always there with me when I met my girlfriend. She cried in front of me, when we were having lunch together, just two of us. "I don't want us (and all of my peer group) are going to suffer in hell because we failed to hold your hand, together for heaven." The clichè sentence she said to me were not change my lusty love for my girlfriend and she continues her sentence. "Do you want to see me burnt?" Tears coming down from both of my eyes. My heart already cracked slowly. My neck choked and my breath blocked. This is the feeling I craved for whole time, awe. She grab my shaked hands and look at me. I can't see her face, I am ashamed. I am totally repent from my sin at the time. I broke up with my gf and she blamed me for too-hear what people said and she never liked my best friend at all. My best friend knew that my gf don't like her and she's okay with that. One lesson I learned was I have such help from God through my best friends and I always feel thankful for the blessings. As the devil made for tempting us, made the forbidden one just as good as the real one, I actually came back and repeat my sin again for twice, with the same person. I already tidy up the mess I made and I promise to my gf that I won't involved any person in our private love life. So, we were doing same, but we commit things more horrible everything you can think of. I don't feel so good for the second time. I realized I am being denial but I don't know what. I keep accepting terrible facts for my consciousness but I don't know what they are. The black thing crippling through my skin, already infected my brain, but I'm dumb. I don't know what that feeling is. I can't reach any help from people and my friends I used to be, she will blame me twice. So, I need to defend myself all alone this time. One night I was in the middle of chatting with her, she told me her insecurity for being with me. "I was insecure that you have lovable family, caring best friends and loyal ex bf. I am insecure, I constantly comparing my self with your past ex. He can do anything for you, anything. He wrote your story, made a song for you and gained success with it. He fulfilled you with attention, loyalty, and material than me. He is the faithful one for you, balanced with your strong-willed treat. I just the gamer girl, don't have any long-term goals with shitty life. I buried myself with superficial things. So, what you chasing after me? What value you can gain for me?" My heatbeat stopped for one second, my brain freezed. This is the black thingy that crippled into my skin. It feels like I've peeled off from something that taped me tightly. Why I chase her? Do we need better than this? I know she feel shitty and I want to make things better for us. "I choose you because you taught me to chill out with life. I see you enjoy your life with all the mess you made, you gave me sort of happiness that simply anybody can't give to me." I felt horrible because deep down I lie to her but I can't make her worse. So, right now I just made the white lies and continue myself to pursue my dream. I actually tell her to do something, to help herself manage her feeling, I don't want to brag it, but the result it was same. She always back to daily preference for searching something that comfort her inner mess instead of really solve the problem for long term inner peace. I keep note for myself, I don't want to give a fuck with someone that doesn't do something about their own life to be better. She exploded and blame me for too-hear my ex's suggestions about life and ignore her. I just fed up with her, so I just say yes. Yes to all the premises she dump for me. I took the blame I could take. Don't mention all the block, unfollow, and 'hide' action she takes, I just want a breakfree for this attached rope. We broke up for the second time. Lesson that I ever learn for this one is stop paint on other people canvas if God already show their painting. Almost two months I never heard about her, I keep figure out what I need to do with my life. In the middle of noon, I was sick, she called me and I answer weakly. She was missed me and I kinda took it easy. I don't want to be blamed again for messing thing I feel I never do that. I just take her love and reply it back with no hard feeling. Friend need to love each other, right? I already move on from her, so whatever she does it doesn't affect me at all. I don't greet her, chat her regularly for weeks because I know that she's not fuck-worthy. I do care about her, she's free to tell me a story and I always hear it, but I don't want attached to her anymore. One night I'm in the middle of jinjer playlist on my youtube, writing animal structure for junior year dictates, she told me that I'm not a human being, I just cruel, egoistic, and cold hearted girl that don't think about her feeling. She was stalking through my instagram and find highlighted story with my ex when we are collaborating with some business project and I help him with the upcoming interviews. She blamed me for ruthlessly messed up with her feeling. I just can't stand it, and I need to reply all the blame she gave to me, and now I just have the courage to stand as myself, defend all my untapped dignity to keep her calm. At the end, everything I got just a 'cheater' title from her. Lesson I need to extract here is whatever other people said harsh thing to you, blame you for your weaknesses, don't let yourself throw pity party. Everyone has their side of anxious part and maybe my being just made her feel threatened. After almost one month, I already healed completely for all the torture, I am not obligated to her feeling. So, I went to Depok, makeover my rooms with our pictures hanging the walls of my bed. I send the snapchat and wholesome picture for her. She was making time for catching up with me. I was so happy I could meet her but at the end I express my feeling for her, I said I can do the sweet things without being attached to her, just like I treated all my friends. She neglected my goodwill and tell me I don't have to do that for her, but to be honest I treated her just like friends, no hard feeling and she can't take it. Simple lesson learned for this experience is whatever you do for mend the good and healthy relationship, be sure it will accepted maturely for both of parties involved. So, shout out for her my first and maybe the only girl I ever have the lovers relationship with. Please pray for her peacefulness upon all the mess and chaotic cloud everyday. I'm so sorry for all shameless acts we do and pray together for God's mercy. I pray we all find serendipity in our day with fulfilled heart and caring companionship whatever the battles we experienced through the day. Keep strong and always learn the lesson from our experiences and other's. May God forgive us all. Semoga yang sedang cemas, ditenangkan hatinya. Semoga yang sedang bingung, diteguhkan pendiriannya. Semoga yang sedang sendiri, dikuatkan langkahnya. Semoga yang berada dalam kegelapan, dibimbing jalannya menuju cahaya. Tuhan akan membantu, percayalah. Tuhan hendak melihat hamba-Nya bersusah payah, lelah, dan penat tertatih menuju jalan-Nya. Tuhan ingin melihat usaha hamba-Nya. Sekali, sekali, sekali, dan sekali lagi.
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ultraviolencced · 6 years
multiples of three !
3. gold bi or silver bi?-                                                                                             gold
6. milkshake bi or smoothie bi?-                                                                          smoothie
9. pun loving bi or pun hating bi?-                                                                       love
12. boyband bi or girlband bi?-                                                                               both? like 1d is my entire life and i love little mix but those are the only kinds of those bands i really like
15. romcom bi or thriller bi?-                                                                              thriller, horror is the best but thriller is good too
18. coffee shop au bi or high school au bi?-                                                       neither i dont really know what au is but im not super into fictiony stuff
21. frida kahlo bi or virginia woolf bi?-                                                                     frida kahlo 
24. selfie bi or candid bi?-                                                                                      selfie. i dont look good when other ppl take pics of me
27. soft and squishy bi or sharp and pointy bi?-                                                     if we’re talking about animals and pillows soft and squishy if we’re talking about eyeliner and knives sharp and pointy 
30. playing with people’s hair bi or having your hair played with bi?-                     have my hair played i love it its the best feeling
33. black eyeliner bi or colorful eyeliner bi?-                                                          blackest black 
36. rough sex bi or gentle sex bi?-                                                                          rough, like kill me                                                                                                     
39. mesh bi or lace bi?-                                                                                          lace if i could have all my clothes made of lace i would
 42. sliced fruit bi or whole fruit bi?-                                                                       it depends on the fruit and depends on my mood but i love fruit in all ways
 45. desert bi or ocean bi?-                                                                                    both, i love the aesthetic of the desert especially like abandoned things in the desert and highways in the desert like the aesthetic is 👌🏻 but the ocean is neat and whales live there so its cool too       
48. bee bi or bumblebee bi?-                                                                                 bumblebee they’re so big and round and fuzzy and they dont sting i love them  
51. Extra™ bi or regular bi?-                                                                                   Extra™️ i am the most Extra™️ person like im Double Super Mega Extra™️
54. board game bi or card game bi?-                                                                    card game, i was literally playing solitaire with cards before i came on here
57. painting star constellations on their skin bi or painting animals bi?-                  constellations 
60. eyelashes bi or eyebrows bi?-                                                                           both i need them both to thrive 
thanks kate ilysm!!!
send me bi asks
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randrvstheworld · 7 years
The girlband loses a member, off to Bogota & Airbnb shenanigans
Massive massive sad face: Linzee has left the band aka gone to Medellín to continue with her travel plans & Roxy, Lucy & I are now in Bogota. LAME. It's not quite the same without her; Linzee is so so funny & very energetic & good at motivating us to do fun stuff. Plus our girlband now only has three members, we've gone from being All Saints to being Sugababes & this makes me sad.
HOWEVER. We've still got Lucy (for now) which is cool. She was actually meant to leave this morning but she changed her flight because OBVIOUSLY she couldn't bear to leave us, lol! The journey to Bogota took literally an entire day, again waaaaaay longer than anyone said it would. According to Colombians every bus takes two hours. This is not accurate.
So night one comprised of pizza & passing out after a super uncomfortable 9 hours squished into a bus. We're staying in an Airbnb at the mo which is nice after so much dorm-big. Yesterday we made the most of our own place & kitchen by making a spectacular brunch: veggie omelettes with avocado, pancakes with fruit & dulce de leche, coffee, juice & bloody Mary's... oh my! It was freakin awesome. In the evening we went out for some drinks & now we're lying in bed contemplating more pancakes. We've got heaps of time here so we're enjoying a little relaxing time in our own lil apartment. We're planning some bike rides & general wholesomeness for the rest of the week. Just relaxing vibes, no stress.
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girlsbtrs · 3 years
Lindsey Candler of g!rlband talks Riot Grrl influences and new music
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Written by Peyton Lawrence. Graphic by James Nida Grey. 
In times marked by significant political and social change, it’s only natural for people to create art inspired by inequalities they’ve faced. Originally formed as a feminist reaction to the overwhelmingly male punk scene, the Riot Grrl movement was one such group of musicians. Born in the Pacific Northwest during the mid to late 1990s, the scene gave us iconic bands such as Bikini Kill, Bratmobile, and Veruca Salt. Now, nearly three decades later, a resurgence of young women and non-binary people have begun to write and record this raw, angry music about their experiences facing sexism. I had the chance to speak with New Orleans-based artist, Lindsey Candler about her band, g!rlband, and the new music she’s releasing. 
So, first of all, I know you just released a new single, You Don’t Know (I Know). When I’m listening to the song, I can really feel your frustration in the lyrics. Can you explain some of your inspiration that led you to write it?
So this song is really about people - in my experience specifically, it was about a combination of professors and teachers that I’ve had not really acknowledging sexism in the literature we were reading in school. I just felt like the people who were in charge of information were deciding that people’s experiences of sexism weren’t valid and that they didn’t exist. I’ve been reading a lot about feminism and been thinking a lot through that lens, and the fact that people who aren’t affected by it can claim that it doesn’t exist just kind of blew my mind. So I wanted to highlight that if you’re not thinking about things from other people’s perspectives, then you can’t really have an accurate understanding of the way that the world works. 
Yeah, that makes sense. I totally feel your frustration. So I can hear very strong Riot Grrl influences in your work- would you say that’s intentional?
Yeah totally, especially with this song. I feel like this is the most Riot Grrl my writing has ever gone. I think there’s this really cool confidence that exudes out of Riot Grrl music, and I wanted to be able to apply that to my own life.
Who are some artists you would say you draw inspiration from?
For Riot Grrl artists, obviously Bikini Kill is a huge influence to me. I also am obsessed with Sleater-Kinney, I think their music is incredible. Also, there are more current bands like Skating Polly and Mannequin Pussy that I’m super obsessed with.
That’s awesome, a good mix of classic and more contemporary bands. I’ve noticed that there’s a new wave of Riot Grrl musicians and bands that have started to emerge. How does it feel to be a part of that movement? 
It’s super cool! I have noticed online there seems to be a lot of people who are really interested, and now Amy Poehler made that movie [Moxie]. It’s kind of crazy to me that it’s all happening right now, and it's really exciting that I can start this band at this big point in the movement's resurgence. I think it's really going to blow up even more in the next couple of years.
What influence would you say social media has on fostering this community?
I think it’s cool because I don’t know anyone in my own personal life right now who has this Riot Grrl connection. It’s kind of a niche genre, but there are so many people who listen to it, and so I think it’s really cool that we can all hear each other’s music even though we’re from totally different places. We wouldn’t have this connection to each other without social media.
Can you speak on how you’ve used your online presence as a marketing tool? Because to be honest with you, I discovered your music through TikTok!
Really? Wow! TikTok has not been my friend. I actually find my TikTok doesn’t get very many views or likes or anything. I feel like I put a lot of my energy into Instagram because I think there’s a lot of conversations happening on Instagram, and a lot of people sharing what they’re doing and stuff they think is cool, so I love doing that. I think by posting covers of music that you like and seeing other people post covers of things they like, you can find new music and new bands that way too, which is really cool. 
I’m probably half of the streams on your other single, Vow, and I can’t wait to hear more from you. What kind of music are you planning on making in the future?
A lot of similar stuff, I plan on releasing a bunch of singles within the next couple of months. I want to stick to a monthly/bi-monthly release schedule at least until live shows start again. Yeah, so a lot more distortion, bass guitar, heavy drums and heavy bass. I’m doing all the instruments for the next couple of songs by myself, so it’s all getting recorded here in my bedroom. I have some stuff in the works, but I don’t have the next song lined up yet. 
As you’ve just said, I know that you’re doing all of your music by yourself right now. Do you ever plan on bringing more people onto the g!rlband project?
Yeah, absolutely. I just got my first vaccine dose last week, so once I’m fully vaccinated, I plan on adding other people. Once it’s safe to do so, you know? I just didn’t want to delay starting this project. 
So can you talk to me a little bit about how you chose g!rlband for the band name?
The name’s just “girlband”, with the exclamation point for the I, and it has a lot of different meanings. One of them is the obvious - it’s just me, one girl being a band. Also, it came out of a joke, honestly, between me and my friend. I’ve been playing music in bands for forever, and I’ve always been called a “girl band”. You know how they just throw that label on any band that has a female or someone who is female-presenting in it. So, it kind of started out as a joke, and at first we thought we would just call the band "Boy", joking that we would probably get better time slots. Then we realized that was already taken, there’s already a band called Boy. We decided to go in the opposite direction and just go full girl band. I thought it looked cool with the exclamation point, and it summed up the vibe that I wanted. 
Right, you’re really leaning into when people think they’re being derogatory, “Oh you’re just a girl band,” and I think that’s super cool. 
And it’s kind of like making the girl part explicit with the exclamation point. 
So I heard you mention female-presenting people. The original Riot Grrl movement had its issues with intersectionality. Would you say the new movement is working on that?
Yeah, I think the intention in this movement- not that I think the intentions weren’t good in the first movement- has more of an overwhelming acknowledgement of the fact that there were exclusivity issues with the first Riot Grrl movement, and there’s a desire to fix that and be as inclusive as possible. 
I’m really excited to see it, I feel like that’s a really cool thing to watch happening.
I think so too. I feel like Gen Z is just a different breed. 
We really are, right? Okay lastly, if someone wanted to support a small band like yourself, how would they do that?
Honestly, just streaming the music, adding to playlists, sharing with your friends, reposting to social media, stuff like that. I think sharing with your friends is one of the biggest things because it’s all about expanding your fanbase and it can be hard when everyone is releasing music. That’s super cool, but it can be kind of hard to cut through the noise sometimes. If you really want to support a specific band, sharing their music and streaming their music is the best way to do that. 
Follow g!rlband on Instagram or stream Lindsey’s music on Spotify!
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Tell us about yourself. How would you describe your style? How did you get started?
I’m Harry and The Chicks, a cosmic pop artist from East London. I idolised artists like Avril Lavigne as a young child and dreamt of having my own music and merchandise plastered across the bedroom wall. I’ve been singing since I was 3, playing instruments since I was 9 and started songwriting aged 12. I was taught guitar and theory for ten years at a local guitar school called Fretboard Warriors. 
Are you self-produced? How have you found getting collaborators (e.g. photographers, promoters, sound engineers)
I’ve had quite the journey finding the right producers for my music. I make demos but I go to a producer to get the sound I desire. The new music on its way is miles ahead of my debut releases ‘Accessory’ and ‘Time’; I feel I’m really finding my sound now as an artist. I met some of my producers through instagram, and one is in the function band I am a part of / Harry and The Chicks, @thediscoveryband. Craig Heptinstall, who plays drums in the band, and I have written one of the new singles together and are planning to produce more whilst on lockdown. It’s the first time I’ve had a successful co-write and I believe one of the strongest songs I’ve written to date.
I met my band members through the Undiscovered Live Music Contest in Essex. I won the contest in 2018 as Best Solo Act, and in 2019 I played guest sets on all the heats. I met my band members when I noticed my friend’s brother in the crowd. I came over to say hello and it turned out 50% of the band on stage at the time went to my sixth form school, just three years below me. It also turned out on the same night the bassist, Mason, was my step cousin once removed as his mum exclaimed to my mum that she was her niece! Crazy stuff! Dante, the guitarist, asked me to sing in their function band and it went from there. Undiscovered has been the staple of my career so far.
I was invited to a photography meet-up in 2018 by my friend Anna Swords, and I met so many talented photographers. I’ve been shooting recently with Kashfi @kkh__photography, who takes the most beautiful shots around London and Jasmine @shootmejaz in her studio for my future single artwork! Unfortunately due to the Covid-19 outbreak this has been postponed but I am excited to reveal everything when we finally get to do it! I also made friends with a brilliant illustrator/ designer Joe Husk on Instagram, their artwork is so vibrant it pops! Joe is going to do the illustrations for my single artworks! Joe lives in the USA - I don’t know where I’d be without the internet. I’ve taken amazing press pics recently with @braidandbloom on instagram too, a photography collective built by women!
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How long were you making music before you got gigs? What was your experience getting gigs like? What venues and promoters would you turn to?
I’ve been gigging pretty much as long as I’ve been songwriting, there’s always gigs around London and Essex. I play a regular pub gig at The Eaglet in Seven Sisters, London more or less once a month, and I play around Essex and London regularly. I enjoyed playing at HotBox in Chelmsford which is a skate shop that turns into a music venue in the evening! The London and Essex music scene is really lively; I’ve just collected contacts along the way, mostly with the help from Undiscovered!
Congratulations on winning the Undiscovered Live Music Project! Does being ‘discovered’ matter to you? And did winning this award help put you on the map as it were?
Being ‘discovered’ is the ultimate goal, I guess! My dream is to make conceptual and visual pop albums, similar to Marina, Lana Del Rey, and Green Day - albums you want to buy in store and hold with the T-Shirt to match! I have a huge dream to do a world tour, but a big ‘stepping stone’ goal to headline a sold out show at The Roundhouse in Camden. I would also want to support Marina on tour. Winning Undiscovered meant alot to me and gave me a lot of faith in my career. I’ve gained the best contacts from Undiscovered!
I also read you’re aspiring to win the Stephen Hawking Science Communication Award. Explain a little about this- how do you promote science through your music?
Science is a big inspiration; I like to use scientific concepts metaphorically in my lyrics. I think it’s cool to communicate science through song. I found out watching videos about planets that Saturn is losing its rings in about 500 million years and it just came to me as a lyric and tune which ended up being one of the next singles ‘Saturn’s Rings’. I also like to talk about falling in love and using the biology behind that to decorate my lyrics. My two best friends are scientists so I do come to them when I find a concept to make sure I’m conveying it well in song. When I hear songs with scientific concepts they’re so colourful to me. I could listen to Drops of Jupiter all day, I just feel like I’m floating around in space. I want to use science in my lyrics as the writers of The Big Bang Theory would use it… creatively! I am no scientist but I do find it inspiring and would love to study it again at a higher level in maybe 10 years or so, but music is my number one!
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What’s your local music scene like?
The London & Essex scene is so vibrant. I’ve met amazing people. One of my favourite artists I met at an open mic in London three years ago, his name is Valerio Lysander and he is incredible - funnily enough he also uses scientific concepts as inspiration sometimes too - see ‘I Don’t Know Why It Happens But It Happens’ which he gained inspiration from a VSauce video for. Chelmsford is an incredible place for music, home to BBC Essex and the Undiscovered Live Music Project, there are gigs there every night and everyone knows each other, it’s like a family!
Do you notice many women on the scene; not just musicians but technicians, promoters and so on? (In other words: Where are the girlbands?)
This is a good question, I definitely work with more female photographers than male - I think they really get how to style their models! My guitarist, @nicolelastaukas, I met through Undiscovered, she also plays for bands Fyresky and Let’s Be Strange. Nicole is an incredible musician. I love seeing female musicians doing their thing! My friend Evangeline played cello, double bass and violin on one of my upcoming releases! I have a lot of singer-songwriter gal pals on the scene, too.
Why do you follow @wherearethegirlbands?
We need more girl bands! 
What are you up to at the moment in terms of gigs and releases?
I’m working on new singles for release, I don’t know when they’ll be released but I hope to get the songs finished during the lockdown period! No gigs coming up as they’ve been cancelled thanks to Covid-19!
Who are you listening to this week?
I love Doja Cat right now, but who doesn’t? I listen to Say So literally every day! The bass in it makes the floor shake! I also love Cyn, her visuals are incredible and she has a really unique tone. I’m listening to Conan Gray too, his new album is beautiful.
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ambeann · 5 years
JINU - Call Anytime (또또또) (Feat. MINO) Lyrics
JINU - Call Anytime (또또또) (Feat. MINO) Lyrics
[Single] JINU's HEYDAY Artist: JINU (김진우) Genre: Dance Release Date: 2019.08.14 Lyricist: Zayvo (제이보), MINO (송민호), CHOICE37 Composer: CHOICE37, Hae,Zayvo (제이보), MINO (송민호) Arranger: Hae, CHOICE37
Romanization jigeum siganeun saebyeok sesi neon naege dapjang hana eopji uriga byeol gwangyeneun anijiman geunyang ne saenggagi naseo neon neul poneul dalgo itjana hangsang naege dapjang hana eopjana hangsang nuneul gamgo jamsi sangsanghae nega nal ilko namyeon neon eolmana geuttan geon da jibeochiwo nan nege jeonhwareul georeo tto tto tto nan nege munjareul bonae ttok ttok ttok oneuldo neol gidaryeo Oh oh oh gin bameul hollo bonae No no no Call anytime (Every night, Every day) Call anytime (jeonhwa jom, jeonhwahae) Call anytime (Every night, Every day) Call anytime (jeonhwa jom, jeonhwahae) I ain't got no energy mwonga kulhae boineun imojireul isipcho ane chaja bonaeya hae tto dapjangi eonje olji moreuni hiet hiet-eun neomu kkondae gateun neukkimigo kieugeun gabyeowo boyeo gyeolguk hiet hiet euro geupi bonaenneunde ota (Oh no) mwo hae? bappeuguna nega sileohaneun geon 'kieuk’ geudaeumeun 'ieung’ geudaeumeun 'nieun’ geudaeumeun ';;’ neoui jangdane matchul ttae gakkeumeun himdeuljiman nuneul gamgo jamsi sangsanghae nega nal ilko namyeon neon eolmana geuttan geon da jibeochiwo nan nege jeonhwareul georeo tto tto tto nan nege munjareul bonae ttok ttok ttok oneuldo neol gidaryeo Oh oh oh gin bameul hollo bonae No no no (Just call me now) Call anytime (Every night, Every day) Call anytime (jeonhwa jom, jeonhwahae) Call anytime (Every night, Every day) Call anytime (jeonhwa jom, jeonhwahae) sago chyeonne ttottotto o yeopeuro sseureojyeo eobeobeobeo jilcheongnami dwae beoryeosseo suseuparyeo tto jantteuk bonaeneun tok nuneul gamgo jamsi sangsanghae nega nal ilko namyeon neon eolmana geuttan geon da jibeochiwo nan nege jeonhwareul georeo tto tto tto (Again and again and again and again) nan nege munjareul bonae ttok ttok ttok (Knock, knock, knock) oneuldo neol gidaryeo Oh oh oh (Oh, no) gin bameul hollo bonae No no no (Just call me now) Call anytime (Every night, Every day) Call anytime (jeonhwa jom, jeonhwahae) Call anytime (Every night, Every day) Call anytime (jeonhwa jom, jeonhwahae) //<![CDATA[ (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); //]]> Hangul 지금 시간은 새벽 3시 넌 내게 답장 하나 없지 우리가 별 관계는 아니지만 그냥 네 생각이 나서 넌 늘 폰을 달고 있잖아 항상 내게 답장 하나 없잖아 항상 눈을 감고 잠시 상상해 네가 날 잃고 나면 넌 얼마나 그딴 건 다 집어치워 난 네게 전화를 걸어 또 또 또 난 네게 문자를 보내 똑 똑 똑 오늘도 널 기다려 Oh oh oh 긴 밤을 홀로 보내 No no no Call anytime (Every night, Every day) Call anytime (전화 좀, 전화해) Call anytime (Every night, Every day) Call anytime (전화 좀, 전화해) I ain't got no energy 뭔가 쿨해 보이는 이모지를 20초 안에 찾아 보내야 해 또 답장이 언제 올지 모르니 ㅎㅎ은 너무 꼰대 같은 느낌이고 ㅋ은 가벼워 보여 결국 ㅎㅎ 으로 급히 보냈는데 오타 (Oh no) 뭐 해? 바쁘구나 네가 싫어하는 건 'ㅋ’ 그다음은 'ㅇ’ 그다음은 'ㄴ’ 그다음은 ';;’ 너의 장단에 맞출 때 가끔은 힘들지만 눈을 감고 잠시 상상해 네가 날 잃고 나면 넌 얼마나 그딴 건 다 집어치워 난 네게 전화를 걸어 또 또 또 난 네게 문자를 보내 똑 똑 똑 오늘도 널 기다려 Oh oh oh 긴 밤을 홀로 보내 No no no (Just call me now) Call anytime (Every night, Every day) Call anytime (전화 좀, 전화해) Call anytime (Every night, Every day) Call anytime (전화 좀, 전화해) 사고 쳤네 또또또 오 옆으로 쓰러져 어버버버 질척남이 돼 버렸어 수습하려 또 잔뜩 보내는 톡 눈을 감고 잠시 상상해 네가 날 잃고 나면 넌 얼마나 그딴 건 다 집어치워 난 네게 전화를 걸어 또 또 또 (Again and again and again and again) 난 네게 문자를 보내 똑 똑 똑 (Knock, knock, knock) 오늘도 널 기다려 Oh oh oh (Oh, no) 긴 밤을 홀로 보내 No no no (Just call me now) Call anytime (Every night, Every day) Call anytime (전화 좀, 전화해) Call anytime (Every night, Every day) Call anytime (전화 좀, 전화해) English Translation It’s 3am in the morning You don’t respond to my messages We’re not really dating But I just thought of you You always have your phone by your side But you never respond to my messages ever I close my eyes and imagine Once I’m no longer around You’ll probably Just screw that thought I call you again again again I send you a text message knock knock knock I wait for you again Oh oh oh I spend this long night alone No no no Call anytime (Every night, Every day) Call anytime (Call me) Call anytime (Every night, Every day) Call anytime (Call me) I ain't got no energy Need to find a cool emoji In 20 seconds to send Because I don’t know when you’ll respond again “Haha” seems too stiff “Ha” seems flakey, so “Haha” it is But made a typo because I sent it in a rush (Oh no) What are you doing? Must be busy What I hate ‘Ha’ Next ‘K’ After that ‘No’ After that ‘;;’ Living up to your standards Is quite difficult at times I close my eyes and imagine Once I’m no longer around You’ll probably.. just screw that thought I call you again again again I send you a text message knock knock knock I wait for you again Oh oh oh I spend this long night alone No no no (Just call me now) Call anytime (Every night, Every day) Call anytime (Call me) Call anytime (Every night, Every day) Call anytime (Call me) I messed up Again Again Again Oh Lay on my side sob sob sob I became so clingy Sent a bunch of messages to fix my mistake I close my eyes and imagine Once I’m no longer around You’ll probably Just screw that thought I call you again again again (Again and again and again and again) I send you a text message knock knock knock (Knock, knock, knock) I wait for you again Oh oh oh (Oh, no) I spend this long night alone No no no (Just call me now) Call anytime (Every night, Every day) Call anytime (Call me) Call anytime (Every night, Every day) Call anytime (Call me) Hangul by Genie Music Romanized by K-Lyrics For You English Translation by YG Entertainment K-Lyrics For You Lyrics, Korean Song, Kpop Song, Kpops Lyrics, Korean Lyrics from JINU - Call Anytime (또또또) (Feat. MINO) Lyrics http://sinkpop.blogspot.com/2019/08/jinu-call-anytime-feat-mino-lyrics.html Korean Song Lyrics Kpop Artis Korean Boyband Korean Girlband from Blogger Lirik Lagu Korea JINU - Call Anytime (또또또) (Feat. MINO) Lyrics http://kpopslyric.blogspot.com/2019/08/jinu-call-anytime-feat-mino-lyrics.html
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b-sidemusic · 7 years
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Just in time for their last ever gig tonight (Saturday 4th November) at The Hunter Club in Bury St Edmunds, B-Side's Seymour Quigley got misty-eyed with grunge-psych-shoegaze foursome The Virtues about their favourite moments from four years of sonic exploration, ripping off cult post-hardcore bands, weeping at geese and the promise of "dancing sharks".  
B-Side: Gentlemen, I'm extremely sad to hear that tonight's Virtues gig is to be your last.  There's always been a clear bromance in the current line-up; was this a difficult decision to make?  And was it down to artistic differences, an intra-band punch-up or something more prosaic? Owen Williams (drums): Unfortunately, it's a very boring reason: we all love being in this band and we're all really close friends, but it's a case of life getting in the way of things. We would much prefer to leave things on such a high than slowly drift away. B-Side: Kyros and Owen, the sound of the band has changed significantly over the years (most notably since mid-2015, when Callum and James replaced original members Mike Lummis and Charlotte Wood, respectively).  Did you ever have a particular vision for how the band should sound and what you hoped to achieve, or have things just happened organically? Kyros VII (vocals/guitar): I think the later line up fitted the vision me and Owen had from the start. All though it was fun with the previous members they maybe had a different vision. Owen: Yeah, I agree with that. I do feel that this has been an organic process: we’ve all fed in our inspirations and styles and made a noisy musical lovechild. B-Side: You recently released a three-track farewell EP, 'The People's Champion', which nestles nicely alongside last year's four-track 'Moonman' EP.  However, according to my awesome maths skillz, that means you've only ever officially released seven songs.  Are there any other recordings you're sitting on, for that 10 year Coachella reunion and Best Of tour?  The kids will demand to know. Kyros: We did another two tracks as well: 'The Colour' and 'Honeybee', which we recorded as part of our BurySOUND prize [The Virtues won the long-running band competition in 2014]. Limited amounts of the CD were sold and in fact my Dad has one... I also have some very rare demos; maybe I'll release them on Facebook for some fun. My particular favourite is a five minute loop of Charlotte singing, "you won't stay quiet". B-Side: What have your personal highlights been over the past four years? Kyros: The big three: Cambridge Junction, the Apex [in Bury St Edmunds] and the John Peel Centre [in Stowmarket]. Also, supporting Kate Jackson, Girl Band and, of course, Terry and Jerry. Look the last one up for a laugh and see where we fitted in supporting them! Callum Hurst (bass/vocals): My personal highlight was playing the Junction and the Apex. It was groovy. James Green (guitar/vocals) : Definitely the Apex. Owen: Supporting Girlband was a massive highlight for me! But I think the Apex was my favourite moment. B-Side: What does each of you have lined up next? Callum: I want to start a three-piece that rip off one of the best British bands ever, [brilliant, much-missed British post-hardcore outfit] Reuben. James: I'm gonna keep on doing Sun Scream and get more psychedelic and weird, hopefully! Kyros: I might go solo... I might start a new band... I might choose life... All to be confirmed in the new year. Owen: I need to have a few months off from music, focus on my new business.  I'll probably get the itch in a few months and start something up maybe, who knows. B-Side: And finally: we've made quite a big deal of it being your last ever gig.  Are you pulling out any ridiculous stops to make sure you go out with a (hopefully figurative) bang? Kyros: Hopefully the bang isn't my amp... Erm, dunno.  Just playing our greatest hits. Maybe get some dancing sharks, a throne and an inflatable pig. Callum: Louis Theroux is gonna be at the show, so that's quite cool. James: It's going to be a good show, we will weep over the strife of a mother goose and rip plasters off one another. Yeah. Owen: I will break my arms! I will break your heart.  
THE LOWDOWN: THE VIRTUES Members: Kyros VII (vocals/guitar), James Green (guitar/vocals), Callum Hurst (bass/vocals), Owen Williams (drums).   From: Bury St Edmunds. Listen to: 'Moonman' and 'The People's Champion' EPs, on Spotify. See them live at: Bury St Edmunds Hunter Club, 4th Nov. Keep up with them on: Facebook - Twitter
Photo credit: The Virtues by J.D. Creative Photography
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leslieworks · 7 years
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The amazing Amorelles, girl singer trio, who performed a number of superlative sets for our entertainment throughout the day, descended upon the stalls when they finished, with serious intent! I couldn't see them too well before, but was pleased to see them up close. Gorgeous girls and so talented! A Wunderbar Vintage day for me at the #popupvintagefairs at #ststephens today! In spite of the holidays and fine weather I had a great day. On top of that, saw old friends I haven't seen for awhile, and made some new ones, too. Love people watching, so many cool vintage fashionistas!! Just wish there were more Pop Up Vintage Fairs at this venue! Next one not until Oct!!!😥 More photos to follow, I'm afraid! 😄 #vintage #vintagefair #vintagemarket #vintagelove #vintagefashion #vintagehomewares #vintageaccessories #vintagejewelry #vintagecollectibles #vintagetextiles #vintagelifestyle #vintagefollowers #vintagelife #dayout #vintagetrader #vintagevendor #vintageseller #ilovevintage #vintagelove #vintagefashionistas #makingnewfriends #amorelles #girlband #girlsingers #60smusic #60sstyle #modstyle (at St Stephen's Church, Rosslyn Hill)
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randrvstheworld · 7 years
Girlband Adventures: gruelling hikes, Linzee’s birthday & the girlband retreat where we work on our difficult second album
Well where do I start. Linzee, Roxy, Lucy & I are now officially declared a girlband & we’ve been having a completely awesome time of it.
It’s been a couple days since my last post, when we had just arrived in Salento - I’m finding it super hard to keep track of days of the week at this point, this is the longest I’ve been unemployed in literally years & it’s all just merging into one long epic holiday - but it is now Friday the 13th of October (which I remember because everyone from our last hostel, El Viajero, was dressed spooky for the occasion which startled me thi morning when I went out in search of my daily avocado at 8am). We really lived it up in Salento despite only being there a couple of days.
The day after the coffee tour we went on a gruelling hike up the Cocora Valley, which is stunningly beautiful, a vast nature reserve full of amazing birds & lusciou greenery, mountains with these incredibly - & almost eerily - tall, thin palm trees. Amazing silhouettes across a slightly darkened sky. The day started off sunny & we set off through fields filled with amazingly fluffy cows (& one very cute donkey) down a long path, lined with verdant hillside, into the forest. We crossed rivers, wobbled across decrepit wooden bridges. We walked up & up & up & realised faaaar too late that we were going the wrong way for the loop & plateau & it was suuuuper tough. We were at the highest altitude I think I’ve ever been & in my haste to get ready in the morning I had neglected to eat properly. It was an incredible hike - the views & our surroundings were unbelievable & I’m proud because I was really put through my paces but I MADE IT- but it did make me realise that I’ve never really done any endurance like exercise, I’m more of a sprinter by nature, & I found it really difficult. I do enjoy a challenge though (even though I sometimes get frustrated) & I just figure the next time I try & do something like that it’ll be easier, & easier & easier & so on henceforth. It’s all progress & learning new things!
Anyhow after we realised we were going the wrong way & trekked aaaaaaall the way down again & got to the fork we should’ve taken it started raining just as I realised my legs had given up for the day so Lucy & I split & headed back to the entrance to get a jeep home - you get to the edge of the reserve & hiking trails via these rickety old jeeps from the main square in Salento; on our way there they had me Lucy & Linzee hanging from the back on a little step, riding along with the wind in our hair (& clinging onto the roofrack for dear life).
The ride was fun - Lucy is awesome & super fun to chat to & we remained in super good spirits despite being physically & emotionally broken from this hike, haha. When we’d all returned & showered & spent a couple of minutes weeping softly we went out for the best vegan dinner of all time, veg bowls & hummus & smoothies & the most amazing banana bread. It’s so nice to travel with more people, we’ve got our little on-the-road girl gang & it’s just the best vibes. TO WIT the following day (now yesterday) we decided to throw Linzee an Un-Birthday because her actually birthday will be just after we all part ways, SOB!
We intended to go on a river walk & were strolling - very slowly on very, very sore legs - just around town in Salento, to the bits we hadn’t seen. The actual town of Salento is very cute - small, colourful; these kind of wood-panelled style doors & shutters that made me think of it kind of like the town in a Western, but obviously super brightly coloured because this is Colombia. We walked down a long main street lined with little shops & boutiques & touristy sterf so we window-shopped (& a little bit actual-shopped, what’s uuuup new loose breezy trousers) & then decided to stop for coffee before our walk when it started chucking it down with rain. We tried to wait it out. We were optimistic. It didn’t work out. It rained, & it rained, & it rained, so we did what any normal group of travelling girls on someone’s un-birthday would do & started drinking. And playing shithead. Of course.
The rest of the day panned out bar-hopping & food-hopping around town before retreating back to the hostel & basically having our own mini party because Roxy & I had a whole dorm room to ourselves! That’s been happening a lot lately & it’s always awesome when it does, like getting a private room on the cheap. We met some really cool Israeli dudes at our hostel in Salento & hung out with them a bit too. Stuff like that blows my mind still - that suddenly I find myself chilling with a Canadian (residing in Australia ); two Israeli cousins reconnecting; a girl I’ve known for almost 7 years & another chick who I also just met but who happens to be from the same place as me; & we’re all in a country that none of us are from at that exact moment having a f**king awesome time & you’d never have met them otherwise & it’s so great that you did.
After yesterday’s party antics we decided to evacuate our hostel & go to this amazing retreat-y, cabin in the woods type place called Refugio for one night - it’s just 3km out of Salento & then easy for us to get back tomorrow so Linzee can head off to Medellin & the rest of us to Bogota. It’s basically a super lush retreat (where we’re rediscovering our sound & working on our next album), this gorgeous garden with a river at the bottom & a series of little wooden cabins. It’s run by a Canadian guy & his Colombian wife & home also to their two gorgeous german shepherds, Yucon & Achilles. We’re in a cabin right next to the river - I’m listening to it rush by as I write this - down a little slope from the main area. There’s a wooden deck outside with fairy lights & a hammock. And a big beautiful table to paint at while I look at the water.
We went on our first horseback adventure today (except Lucy, who got a massage instead). It was so great! The weather was absolutely beautiful & we got introduced to our steeds: mine, a beautiful dark brown creature with a short black mane, called Clarochillo. And then we hopped up & trotted through the tiny ‘town’ of wherever the f*ck we are - & into another beautiful nature reserve. This region is very mountain-y & just breathtakingly verdant, everywhere you look is just stunning. We trotted, & cantered, & at one point properly galloped through & this greenery & through little rivers & through a couple of spooky tunnels belonging to the now-defunct train track. We also got super muddy because the horses ran through so, so many boggy puddles. Our destination was this stunning waterfall in a forest & it did not disappoint.
I’m glad we finally went out on horses - it’s something I’ve been itching to do but at the same time it’s been really important to us to a) make the most of it with a really good, proper trek (we were out for about two hours today) & b) to ensure they are healthy, well-loved & looked after animals, not mistreated in any way. It made me feel really natural & at one with nature; to ride a horse out in the open really feels like the optimum possible way to see your surroundings. This place is so gorgeous & just what we needed, a chill wholesome day in a really beautiful setting. Yoga on a deck to the sound of a river. Laying in a hammock. A delicious local dinner in almost complete darkness (& riling the frankly thousands of territorial local dogs in the process). Gonna aim for a super early, 6am style rise & paint by the river in the morning light before we all have to pack up & get moving again. I really want to make the most of our only night & morning on this incredible place.
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