#definitely the coolest in town
carameatea · 1 year
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🔥🌟Coolest Girlband in Town⚡️💥
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coyoteuugly · 1 year
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pictures from one of my favorite places in the whole world
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reareaotaku · 1 month
Can I request Yandere gravity falls with bored reader who would jump to different alternative universe for the fun of it, unknowingly that everyone become very attached to them? (This can be romantic or platonic)
Reader is from the monster falls universe btw and currently visiting gravity falls (The og universe)
I hope this make sense👍
If my request too complex, you don't have to do it
Holy shit- I love this idea. I could literally write a whole story this
[I was going to have where reader jumps into the body of herself in alternate dimensions, but I decided not to...]
Pt II: _____ | Pt III: _____
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All the people of Gravity Falls were monsters. At least, in your dimension they were. You weren't like that though- You looked... different than the creatures. You were a shapeshifter that's able to jump different dimensions. The shapeshifting was when you jumped into another universe, your body morphed to fit the dimensional plane.
You liked traveling different places. It was fun, while still staying familiar territories. You didn't stand out, so you can do anything you wanted and explore to your heart's desire. That was until you got to Gravity Falls- it was relatively strange... The creatures that hid in this Gravity Falls fit more in with the other dimensions you've been to then the actual people. They had no special abilities or anything.
You went exploring the town, but you had to be honest- This place was boring as hell. You sighed as you walked around the town, not watching where you were going and accidentally bumping into someone.
You were quick to apologize, before taking a good look at the man you had run into. He looked an awful like Dipper.
"I'm sorry," He begins, closing his book. "I wasn't paying attention." He puts out his hand, "I'm Dipper. You're not from around here, are you?"
"Uh, not necessarily. Maybe you could show me around?"
"Uh," He looks down at his book. Dipper realized that a pretty girl was asking him to show him around. He had to take this chance, especially since he knew the coolest things about Gravity Falls. "Yeah. I can show you around."
Dipper was exploring a pond that was located near the cave of the three-headed bear. He had realized that the pond wasn't normal. He looked at his reflection, but instead of seeing himself, he saw a creature- that looked like him, but also a deer?
He went to put his hand into the pond when there was a long CRACK. He looked back, but didn't see anything. He stands up and slowly goes towards the noise, only to be surprised when seeing a person crouched down.
He knew it was creepy to spy on someone, but this wasn't someone. This was different...
The creature stands up and h/l [Hair length] h/c hair flowed down and he realized it was a girl when she turned around. She looked just like him- Not like-like him, but human, though Dipper's monster radar was going off hardcore. He'd have to learn more about who and what this girl was.
"So, what brings you to Gravity Falls?" Dipper asks, while putting his book into his handbag. NOT a purse, but a handbag.
"Uh... What can I say. It reminds me of home," You chuckle at your joke, but Dipper was clearly confused. "I didn't tell you my name. I'm Y/n."
"Y/n? That's a nice name."
"It's definitely something. Is there anything fun to do in Gravity Falls."
"Depends. What do you like to do?"
You hum, before looking over at him, smiling, "Do you... Have any supernatural stuff?"
Dipper considered his words, humming to himself. "Well, depends. Am I looking at one?"
You turned to him not only confused, but taken aback by his bluntness. "I'm sorry."
"I saw you in the forest."
"Oh.." You laugh. "Yeah? What did you see."
"I know you're not... like me."
"How does that make you feel?"
He smiles, "Curious." He digs in his bookbag, before grabbing the journal he had been carrying before. "I want to know everything."
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oofthwoods · 8 months
INTRODUCTION! ── ˙ ̟ the echo !!
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 :: get to know porsche's bet for the newest legend in the making in formula one, dubbed as the echo.
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 :: i've been absolutely hooked in @disneyprincemuke vettel reincarnated's series and i have always loved fem!drivers so i decided to give my own take on this <3. | can definitely be read as a reader insert, but the driver will driver under a specific flag and related to a famous driver! even so, physical descriptions will not be given, so you can definitely picture yourself
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our fem!driver has a few titles to her name! the most well known, echo, comes from her championship winning f3 & f2 seasons, where she was consistently the fastest driver in the grid, leaving behind only a faint trace of her presence for the other drivers to see.
other nicknames include "lightning" due to her great performances on wet races (as the media says, the only thing faster than the rain is the lightning.), "pg" (stands for both princess of the grid, which is an old karting nickname, and parental guide, given due to her young age), and the legacy.
she is the daughter of ex- formula one driver, rubens barrichello. she drivers under the brazilian flag. i picture her as the middle child, so that would place her date of birth between '01 & '04.
has a streak of four consecutive championship winning years: the italian formula 4 in 2019, freca in 2020, formula 3 in 2021 and formula 2 in 2022.
art grand prix girlie! has been with the french team for both her f3 and f2 seasons.
she was a red bull junior, but was suddenly cut from the team after her formula 3 season. helmut mark claimed that she wasn't consistent enough to justify a contract renewal, which was clearly bullshit as she had literally won the championship.
competed in formula 2 without an academy, but was in talks with porsche to join their team.
committing to her lightning nickname, she chose 95 as her number!
grew up in the paddock! her dad loved to take her around the world with him, and she became a familiar face to all crew and drivers. although she is the youngest of the current grid, she is closer to the oldest guys due to knowing them since she was very young.
outside of formula 1, her closest friends are gabriel bortoleto, felipe drugovich, frederik vesti, liam lawson and clément novalak.
within formula 1, she is closest to fernando alonso, lewis hamilton (both who met her when she was a baby), mick schumacher (her teammate at porsche), lando norris, alex albon and oscar piastri. but she is friendly with everyone, and tries to know them better — it does help that she is a social butterfly who could talk to the walls even if they don't answer.
about porsche: have been in the talks of joining the grid for a long time, and finally got their approval for 2023. they could go for veteran drivers but decided against it, placing their bets of mick schumacher, who had just been dropped from haas, and y/n barrichello, the f2 champion.
when the news dropped, it was the talk of the town! not only she would be the first female to compete in formula one in several years, but the duo barrichello-schumacher would be present again in the grid!
actually loves doing grill the grid and other challenges. some people think it's the rookie rush, but she has always loved playing those games.
has the biggest fat girl crush on susie wolff. would kiss the ground she walks if she could.
still needs a lot pr training due to amount of cursing and off-pocket things she says. apparently saying "i'll throw myself in front of verstappen's car and change the trajectory of his entire life" is not socially acceptable, neither is saying that she's plotting his accidental death.
sponsored by vivienne westwood, which she claims is probably the coolest thing to happen to her.
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anghraine · 4 months
Ok, I've been thinking about this question a lot and there's not enough evidence in P&P to fully support any answer, but I wanted to hear yours: What is the Gardiners' economic status/How rich are the Gardiners?
Obviously, Mr. Gardiner is a tradesman, but I'm desperately curious to know the extent of his wealth. Does he have a similar income to Mr. Bennet but is just more frugal? Would he have been able to take in his niece(s)/sister when Mr. Bennet died? Does he have Bingley-level tradesman wealth without the massive lump sum Bingley inherited from his father? Darcy assumes that Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner are gentry - but like, Bennet gentry or Woodhouse gentry or Lucas gentry. JANE SKIMPED ON THE GARDINER INFORMATION AND NOW WE'LL NEVER KNOW. So what are your headcanons surrounding the Gardiners' wealth?
Really, the most important Gardiner headcanon that the Gardiner children are immediately charmed by Darcy and think he's like ~the coolest~
thanks queen <3
Six months later: hi!
My opinion is that the Gardiners are very well-off in terms of the usual incomes of the gentry. It's difficult to pin down an exact income range because I'm not a historian or economist, but the literary evidence is pretty suggestive IMO.
For one, Mr Bennet has no trouble believing that Mr Gardiner could have shelled out ten thousand pounds for Lydia; the problem is the struggle of repaying him, as Mr Bennet would feel morally obligated to do. The impression I get is that this would be a lot of money for Mr Gardiner to come up with, but everyone accepts that he could quickly do it, where Mr Bennet could not. And Mrs Gardiner does insist that Mr Gardiner would have paid the money if Darcy had let him, which again suggests that it was reasonably doable for him.
When Elizabeth and Jane first pass the news to Mrs Bennet and try to express the debt of gratitude they all owe Mr Gardiner, Mrs Bennet's response is a bitter remark about how if her brother had not married and had children of his own, "I and my children must have had all his money, you know; and it is the first time we have ever had anything from him except a few presents."
Aside from what this reveals about her character (especially given the remarkable understatement of "a few presents" given everything they've done for Jane and Elizabeth), I think "all his money" suggests an awareness that there would have been quite a bit to inherit if Mr Gardiner hadn't had the temerity to, uh, have children.
The summer tourism journey also doesn't seem to represent a severe expense for the Gardiners, though it would be outside the realm of possibility for some. They're not super frugal, but they're also not going to pull a Sir William Lucas and abandon the source of their income, or take an estate or something to distance themselves from trade, and end up unable to provide security for their children or any significant luxuries for their loved ones and themselves. So the Gardiners do make practical decisions like living near Mr Gardiner's warehouses and continuing his business in town.
Darcy (in Elizabeth's opinion) mistakes the Gardiners for "people of fashion" rather than gentry per se. This is interesting because Darcy originally considered the entire Meryton neighborhood, including the local gentry, as people noticeably not of fashion. This concept of people of fashion is typically more about fashionable high society than trade vs gentry IMO.
For instance, Mr Hurst is described as "a man of more fashion than fortune"—i.e. someone with high society credentials from his family, but not a lot of money, though he has enough to maintain a house in Grosvenor Street. (I think the implication is that the Hursts considered their status and Louisa Bingley's 20,000 l. from trade a fair exchange.) So likely, Darcy is not confusing the Gardiners for minor rural gentry, but even higher-status people if Elizabeth is analyzing his reaction correctly, based on their appearance, apparel, demeanor, etc.
This is definitely a time when wealthy people in trade could pass for people of fashion, but I think it would ordinarily take some doing, and though the Gardiners are stylish and relatively young, they aren't trying hard in the way that the Bingleys are. Yet Darcy, who went on a whole tangent about trade cooties during his proposal, can't even identify the Gardiners as people in trade upon meeting them—that's important.
(It's also significant, of course, that he's surprised to discover their exact connection aka that they're Mrs Bennet's relatives, which is honestly pretty fair. In any case, he evaluates Mr and Mrs Gardiner on their own considerable merits by this point.)
So again, I get the sense that the Gardiners are quite well-off people who spend their money on nice enough things that they can be mistaken for a completely different class than their own, but are not specifically aiming for that or super extravagant, either. Their habits seem rather similar to Darcy's, actually—I don't think they're anywhere near as wealthy, but they're wealthy enough that they can approach major expenditures fairly casually, as he does. But unlike Darcy, it will always be contingent on Mr Gardiner's business success and they have to plan around his work and the possibility of sudden changes in terms of his work.
I personally think that Mr Gardiner would undoubtedly have been able to take care of his sister and nieces in the worst case scenario. Six women used to a high standard of living (we know Mrs Bennet is extravagant; it's only Mr Bennet's frugality that keeps the Bennets out of debt as it is) would probably be a strain, but I don't think beyond the income level indicated, even accounting for the needs of his immediate family.
When Mrs Bennet is dramatizing herself during the Lydia disaster, she tells Mr Gardiner, "if you are not kind to us, brother, I do not know what we shall do," and he assures her of his affection for both her and her entire family. This could be seen as a sort of empty redirection that avoids promising anything, especially given that her catastrophizing fantasy scenarios are extremely unlikely, but I think that's a misread of his character.
I see his reply as a tactful assurance that, in the (improbable) event of Mr Bennet dying in a duel, his affection for her and her daughters would indeed ensure his protection of her and her daughters. There's no doubt from anyone that he's capable of doing this, though it would certainly mean a change in their style of living that Mrs Bennet would vocally resent.
So while this isn't super-specific, I hope it helped!
Normally I don't need to do this, but I would like to add a sort of credit/disclaimer: I didn't initially notice all these signs and my understanding of the Gardiners' standard of living and general circumstances was, I believe, strongly influenced by JulieW of the Life and Times board at Republic of Pemberley back in the earlyish 2000s (maybe about 2006?).
The L&T board is sadly gone (or was the last few times I checked), though ROP clings to life, but she knew a lot more about Georgian history and culture than I ever will, and these references to the Gardiners' prosperity seemed really glaring once she pointed them out.
(Her analysis of Pemberley's age, architecture, and general class significance was also really influential and I'm still really sad that I have to rely on the perfidy of memory about it.)
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calliopesdiary · 4 months
hola!! would you be able to write a one shot with your first date with remus? maybe you’re both a little shy and nervous and just trying so hard to impress one another and there’s a lot of blushing and cute moments :)
hii! ofc, lovely! (screaming cause i got my first request 🥳🥳)
Check Yes, Juliet
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synopsis: when Marlene sets two polar opposites up to go on a date
contents: fem!reader, reader likes bows, badboy!remus, just cute adorable idiots in love (:, mentioned dorlene!, readers favorite color is red
warnings: none!
a/n: this fic is inspired by the song “Check Yes, Juliet” by We The Kings! thanks for requesting!
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“MARLS… ARE YOU SURE THIS IS A GOOD IDEA?” you ask from your position in front of your mirror, carefully tying red ribbon into your hair.
“of course it is, y/n. he’ll love you! besides, opposites attract!” Marlene assured you, carefully applying red lipstick to her plush lips.
“i was a little… hesitant when Pandora insisted I go on a date with Dorcas, y’know, cause we were so different. but look at us— we’re about to hit our eight months!”
you nodded silently, checking yourself out in the mirror before finishing your eyeliner.
once Marlene had gotten picked up from your shared flat, you laced up your shoes and got your things together.
and that’s when you heard the knock.
the special knock.
the knock you had been waiting three days for.
your hand nervously gripped the doorknob and twisted it open.
you didn’t mean to say “hi” in unison, now what do you say? crap he was supposed to say hi first and then—
“you look gorgeous.”
you got broken out of your thoughts, your eyes hitting his with an awkward gaze.
he chuckled, “who else would i be talking to?”
“o-oh, right, o-of course.” you blushed out of embarrassment.
you could cue some crickets here, you could tell he was nervous, you’ve never seen the resident bad boy so nervous.
“these are for you.”
he held out a bouquet of luscious roses, red, your favorite color.
“w-wow… Remus… these are beautiful…”
“just like you.” his cheeks lit up in a rosy shade, almost as if a painter had graced him with his paintbrush.
he’d definitely rehearsed that.
you let out a soft giggle, before stepping out the front door and walking with him to his car.
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you guys ended up going to this adorable vintage diner near his house, you felt like you could talk to him for hours, except you were so nervous.
he even paid for the food, he paid! (even though the guy should totally pay on first days but that’s just me 🤷‍♀️)
“don’t worry, darlin’, i’ll pay”
“Remus i was gonna pay—“
“shh, keep sipping on your slushy” you blushed, you needed to get this blushing problem under control.
“so, do you have any hobbies?”
sweet of him to ask, but you felt as if you were a bit basic.
“oh, i play electric guitar so.. i guess that’s my hobby, what about you?”
you smiled, god he already loved your smile, it was so sweet, especially since your tongue was red from the cherry slushy you had been sipping on.
“you play guitar? sick!— i mean— cool.. i play bass.”
“bass? i’ve always wanted to play bass!— i mean— that’s super cool, maybe we can play together sometime?” you were quick to get flustered by your own words.
damn, you were being bold.
“i’d like that.”
he tossed some stones into the river underneath the bridge you guys had found, your legs dangling gently off the edge as you sipped on your slushy.
“do you read at all?” you asked, reading being one of your most favorite things.
“i do— actually.”
“i know it seems unlikely, but yeah, i do.”
“well.. what are your favorites?”
“it’s hard to choose, but i’ve always liked the classics— you know, like.. Romeo and Juliet.”
“Remus, you can’t seriously expect me to believe that you, the coolest guy in town, reads Romeo and Juliet.” he let out a chuckle.
“it’s true.” he shrugged, flashing his signature grin at you.
“do… you have a favorite?”
and just like that you both had spent quite a few hours just sitting on that bridge and talking, you never thought it could really get better than that.
“i know we already talked about hobbies, but have you got any more?”
“i mean— i skateboard, ”
“you skateboard?! damn, i’m really trying to make myself sound cool here but you aren’t helping.” you teased, nudging his shoulder.
“oh come on, it’s skateboarding, it’s not that cool…” Remus itched his neck sheepishly.
“i’m sure there has to be something cool about you.” he teased, his big hand ruffling your hair.
“i don’t know what that could possibly be.” you shrugged.
“well… you wear these beautiful bows everytime i see you walking down the street, and you told me that you like to stay up all night and play video games.” he remembered everything..
“that’s not cool, that’s being a loser.”
“you are about the farthest thing from a loser, y/n.”
you froze a bit, that was so… sweet.
“t-thanks.” you blushed, again. (no surprise)
“i’ll have to teach you how to skate, though.”
“i’d love that.”
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the drive back to your apartment was nothing short of a dream, music blasting, turns out you both had similar music taste.
“billy joel has to be a gift from the heavens.” you remarked loudly, your hair blowing in the breeze, the top down on his convertible.
“i can play uptown girl on guitar!” he responded, a wide smile on his face.
“yeah!” the excitement in his voice made you blush almost the same color as your slushy.
“that’s so cool!”
he smiled wider, looking over to you, your pretty face lit up with street lights.
“i write poetry.” you confessed, you’ve definitely come out of your shell.
“you need to show me, sometime.” he pulled into the parking lot of your apartment complex.
“i… had a great time with you today.” you were so smiley.
“i had a great time with you, too.”
as the gentleman Remus John Lupin was, he walked you to your door.
“i guess this is goodbye.” he sighed lightly, not really wanting his night to end with you.
“thanks for.. everything—“
before you could even finish speaking, his lips were on yours.
your brain imploded, your eyes fluttering shut into the soft kiss Remus had just blessed you with.
your lips tasted of cherry and lip gloss, but he really didn’t mind. his nimble hands crept to your waist as your hands fell to his shoulders. just before he pulled away.
“i’ll see you around, Juliet.”
you smiled at the given nickname, blushing at the suddenness of that kiss still.
“bye, Romeo.”
he chuckled, before quickly walking down the hallway.
Marlene was right, opposites attract.
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countingstars-17 · 6 months
29th March 2015, Martin Brundle and Simon Lazenby talk about Max's qualifying session at the Malaysian GP. He will also become the youngest driver to ever score a point in F1:
L: "[Max] is the coolest cat out there. He only just passed his driving theory test."
B: "I'm not sure I'd choose him for a great night out on the town because he's very serious about it all. I'd definitely choose him in my racing team because he's extraordinary. Yesterday [in qualifying], you know what really impressed me? Once he'd settled down after quali he was like "i had a little issue with the brakes". He was dissatisfied with sixth on the grid. I love that mentality."
L: "But also he was saying, much like Lewis, that he was using karting lines, wasn't he? He was breaking off the racing line in the wet. I mean, he's amassed a huge amount of knowledge in his young life."
B: "He's got that experience. But also then he admitted to us that he watched all of last year's action, which also had a wet qualifying. So he's logged all of that. First time out in that car, he's been able to apply it. He's not locked his brakes, not spun off or put too much power in, he went out and delivered it."
L: "Yeah, I mean, it's gonna be fabulous to watch him."
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oneforthemunny · 7 months
cowboy!eddie chasing after his chubby baby who's wearing overalls without the shirt. he's giggling and running faster when his daddy almost catches him. and then eddie showering him in kisses
i see this and raise you:
tiny toddler cooper who thinks his daddy is the coolest (he literally plays outside with the animals all day?? like cooper’s super hero be real) and wants to have boots like his. so you take him into town to a shoe store looking for little cowboy boots.
eddie is usually so quick to correct “those aren’t real boots, honey” every time he sees the kinda gimmicky cowboy boots, but something about these teeny tiny little brown boots just make him want to melt. they’re so small and cooper absolutely loves them.
“daddy! ‘ook, we match!” stomping his tiny boots on the ground with a squeal.
when you manage to find him a little cowboy hat, eddie is sure his hearts going to explode.
there’s definitely a picture of eddie holding coop by the pasture, both in their matching boots and hats, matching dimpled grins and wild curls too.
i’m actually going to sob???? how do i make this my reality???
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sparklingcid3r · 27 days
ik we get ponyboys perspective of wut happened to darry after his parents died (most literally the book) but wut do u think was sodas perspective of watching darry before their parents died as the most popular guy in school/going to college then essentially have to become and be stuck as the one thing darry most obviously did not want to be (stuck in tulsa/ not gt college)
darrys life is underrated tragedy fr
Before I get into this complete devastation I want to direct you to this post! Not exactly the same, but it made me want to walk into traffic 🥰
So anyway, this was super interesting to consider. I imagine Soda definitely looking up to Darry as the stud, the golden child, literally just the coolest guy ever. He had Soc friends, he had greaser friends, and could square up with pretty much anyone who was dumb enough to want the equivalent of a baseball bat to the jaw.
And on top of that, Darry was on a one-track train out of Tulsa, heading out to college soon. In Soda’s eyes, Darry had everything and he was real damn happy with it.
So when all of their lives just crashed around them, Soda obviously had his own problems to deal with before he took notice of anyone else’s. But when his own dust settled and he could see a little more clearly, the change in Darry was definitely obvious. For the first month or so, Darry was just kind of numb. He went through all the necessary proceedings stoically, robotically, never let Soda in on anything regarding child services or the state or boys homes. Sometimes, when they were sitting at the table trying to eat Darry’s best efforts at recipes from their mom’s cookbook, and Pony was too stuck in his own grief moving his food around the plate with his fork, Soda watched Darry get a blank look in his eyes, like he’s staring at something that doesn’t exist, completely detached from reality.
(Soda’s always known that Pony and Darry are more similar than either of them think. Just not in the good ways.)
And for a little, it happened often. Darry comes home from work and sits down in their dad’s recliner, and Soda’s watching the television but in his peripheral he can see Darry drift off to someplace else, and all he can hope is that it’s someplace better.
Soda noticed all the little things. He didn’t smile to himself, didn’t laugh, didn’t tell Pony or Soda to put out their cigs around him, because it didn’t much anymore if he breathed the smoke in. He didn’t talk about his day more than a dismissive wave and that it was fine, he didn’t go out in the evenings.
Darry was against it the entire time, but Soda dropping out of high school seemed to be the thing that officially made him grown in Darry’s eyes. Darry finally pulled him aside when Pony was asleep and together they went through their grocery list, Darry teaching him how to shop cheap, but he always kept things like the bills far away from Soda’s eyes. Soda offered Darry money from the DX, Darry took it, and their lights stayed on and water kept running, but Soda doesn’t know what’s really going on with the numbers. Only Darry does.
Soda knows he’s always been protected by Darry. Since they were little, and even months ago, if Soda ever had any issues with anyone, Darry had his back. Soda didn’t think he was naive about much of anything, but he realizes pretty quickly that Darry will never let anyone have his back the way he does everyone else. Sure, Darry can lean on him, but he’ll be right back to the grind the second he can.
Seeing Darry go from wearing his college sweatshirt into town to his battered work clothes and tool belt placed a guilt in Soda’s heart that he couldn’t ever shake. The worst part was that he never complained about it, not to them. Soda’s beyond grateful to Darry, he’ll never make up for it for as long as he lives. But at the same time he just wants his brother back, and he knows it’ll never happen.
The more I write about Soda the more I love him, ty for helping give my guy some justice🙏 (i hope this is kind of what u wanted to hear abt, sorry if i just yapped in ur ear abt nothing lmfao)
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[3] Career Fair
Summary: James holds a parents' career fair, to which Liam's mom is invited.
Notes: Marauders modern elementary school AU, kindergarten teacher!James Potter x nurse!reader, mom!reader x son!OC (Liam), inspired by this post by @ravishinglavishingluvr. Hah, remember last time where I said I was updating semi-regularly? Ok well I actually mean it now, I promise lmao. Not edited but I'll do that tomorrow. Also kinda short, sorry
A/N (1/8/2024): okok I came back here to change the names of some kids bc I forgot that this is a marauders au so I can use the names of like real kids from harry potter smhhhhh please don't get mad at me this is my first time writing an au
Previous Part: Seeing Each Other Around Town Next Part: Liam and James Make You A Birthday Gift Series Masterlist here
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James ended up pushing the career fair back a couple weeks because there was a conflict in the schedule
(not because you emailed him back saying you wouldn’t be able to come the day he had originally planned it)
(and definitely not because he asked you to send him your shift schedule so he could make sure you could come, and you were working overtime for two weeks straight)
(James was pretty sure your work schedule violated some labor laws or something, but he was in no place to question you)
Liam is soooo excited for the couple days leading up to the career fair
Because his mom is cool af and he can’t wait to show everybody just how badass you are
(You had Liam pretty young, so you’re totally the parent who all the kids think is the coolest person alive and who all the kids’ older siblings have crushes on and who all the kids’ parents judge because of your age and assume you’re irresponsible, but we don’t have to talk about that)
James is also excited because he hasn’t had a real conversation with you in a couple weeks and he really just wants to talk to you
Poor Sirius and Remus have had to deal with him swooning and fawning and over you and also helping him frantically prepare for this career fair because “guys it HAS to be perfect”
But at long last, the day finally arrives
James scheduled the career fair in the afternoon so he could threaten children with canceling the event if they misbehave, so both he and his kids are bouncing off the walls in excitement all morning
He eats lunch in the library with Remus and Sirius, and they both spend the entire time hyping him up
(It’s mostly Sirius tho)
“You’ve got this, Prongs—be smooth—be nice—you’re a nice bloke, that’s not gonna be a problem for you—”
And eventually, it’s time
The parents that are participating in the fair arrive ten minutes before James has to get the kids from the cafeteria so he can explain to them what’s going to happen (because god knows the majority didn’t read the goddamn email he sent)
You’re a little late (profusely apologizing again, and it reminds James of the first time you met back at parent-teacher conferences) but you read the email the night before (and take another piece of James’ heart hostage while you’re at it) so it’s no worries
James’ summary instructions take a shorter amount of time than expected, so the ten or so parents all get to talking
And ofc James takes this opportunity to talk to you
You’d emailed back and forth about the fair but you hadn’t really talked in person since that night in the grocery store, and James was starting to feel like he’d die if he went another day without talking to you
So he’s plotting his route to you across the classroom when he notices you’ve secluded yourself a few steps away from the majority of the parents’ conversation
James is also horrified to discover you look slightly uncomfortable
Like you’re somewhere you don’t belong
And of course James can’t have that
So he sidles up next to you and asks how your day is going, if your boss gave you a hard time getting off work early, how the chocolate chip cookie dough from a month and a half ago was—anything he can think of, really
By the time James has to go get the kids from the cafeteria, you’re smiling and laughing, and James desperately wants to keep you like that all the time
He shakes himself out of his daydreamy state on the way to the cafeteria because this is your JOB, James, you can’t be distracted by your favorite student’s mom. His sweet, kind, whip-smart, dazzling … mom …
(In the back of his mind, James knows he’s screwed, he just has no idea what to do about it)
(CERTAINLY not act on it, because that would be a complete conflict of interest and totally unprofessional of him)
(But it’s just a crush)
(It’s fine)
Liam’s on the lookout for you as soon as he steps through the door, and he beams the sweetest little chubby-cheeked smile when he finds you and points you out to his friends
You wink playfully at him, and he and his friends giggle excitedly as they sit in their seats
If James is being completely honest with himself, the career fair was a little disappointing
The majority of the parents’ presentations were kinda lame
And they didn’t make their jobs understandable or appealing for the kids
Dean's mom (she’s regional manager of a popular grocery store chain) complained to the class about her boss pretty much the whole time
Luna’s father, a rather eccentric professor at the local university, just spewed a bunch of nonsense technical jargon about the soul or the meaning of life or something that not even the adults in the room could understand
And Draco's dad (he owns the local insurance company and is just obscenely wealthy, which explains quite a bit of his son's attitude) straight up said he hated his job, so there’s that
But then there was your presentation
James is sure he’s in love by now because you made being a nurse sound so amazing
You talked about how you’re in charge of taking care of people when they’re sick or hurt, how it’s nice to be able to help people, how even when your job gets hard, you feel like you’ve made a positive impact at the end of the day
Once the parents left, James asked the kids who’s presentation they liked the most
And ofc every kid in that room agreed that yours was the best
And a solid 75% said they wanted to be a nurse lmao and he was just so proud
Proud of his kids and also you because your presentation was just so fucking good
As James is taking the kids out to the buses, Liam thanks him for inviting you to the career fair
Ofc James says it was no problem and that you’re really cool, so it was a pleasure to have you there
And Liam kinda gives James this … look … and is like “… yeah, my mom is cool …”
And James gets this horrible feeling that Liam somehow knows
Knows he’s completely smitten for Liam’s mom
Fallen head over heels
Practically in love at this point (though James has a nasty habit of throwing that word around willy-nilly)
(Liam kinda freaks James out a bit sometimes lmao)
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Next Part: Liam and James Make You A Birthday Gift
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wikitpowers · 2 months
thinking about how tessa and jem will throw kit the coolest 18th birthday party in town; balloons everywhere, a huge cake with bi colours and oh! hats! they will definitely have birthday hats! and they’ll hire simon and his band to play all his fav songs, put up a bouncy castle in the garden bc they know that despite being of age, kit will love it (he’s a kid at heart) and they for sure will scream the happy birthday song with mina the loudest while kit covers his face, blushing with embarrassment (but he secretly loves it so so much) <3
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garb-rage · 1 year
Going Thrift Shopping with the main 4 (Hcs)
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🛼- Summary - Head cannons about your experience thrift shopping with the boys!
- Pairing(s)- (SEPARATE) Kenny McCormick, Kyle Broflovski, Stan Marsh, and Eric Cartman x gn!Reader
🛼- Reader info - gn!reader and established relationship
- Warnings - none! (Unless you count swearing ig lmao)
🐀 - Kenny McCormick -
He’s so down, he’s SEEN all the ice cold shit you’ve found, and wants in on the action asap
Kenny had known about thrifting for a while, but hadn’t put too much thought into it due to money being tight and all, but according to YOU
“You just have to know where to look”
“Trust me I know a spot” “trust me this is where the heat is”
And trust you he did, because after taking him to some fun spots, there was no going back.
Thrifting buddy 24/7, just LOVES looking at the old clothes and pretending to be an old geezer with you, it makes him giggle
Fr makes up stories about shit he finds, probably forced you to wear it and purposely make you feel silly
“THIS old sweater was worn in the trenches of Mexico alongside my great great grandpa” 💀💀 and it’s a Star Wars T-shirt
Purposely finds good and bad clothes for you and him (he has pretty good fashion sense so you KNOW when hes got a shit eating grin)
If the shop has changing rooms, expect long ass fashion shows, the man spends WAY too much time looking at himself. He probably won’t even buy anything 98% of the time!! He’s just having fun with you!
Honestly, neither of you fucking knew that South Park had so many little shops like that!! Small towns DECEIVE!
The both of you almost always get coffee after a haul, it just feels right
And showing up to Tweek Bros. In the new shirt/sweater/etc, he feels like royalty ngl
Overall Kenny really enjoys the time spent with you, and the small moments between showing each other items or clothes really makes him feel momentarily flushed (he sees this sparkle in your eyes and he can’t help but melt)
Probably calls you a Cougar if you’re wearing something he deems “old” smh 😔
Also expect lots of “this reminded me of you”s and its the ugliest t-shirt you’ve ever seen
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🧤 - Kyle Broflovski -
Ok he probably didn’t understand it at first and got kind of worried like
Is this your last resort 😔😔 he wouldn’t mind getting you something nice if you wanted 😔😔😔
You had to explain its a THING for you, like, it’s fun and you can find some pretty cool and cute things if you look hard enough!
Whatever, he wants to join in order to understand, and he surprisingly has good luck with good finds?? You’ll definitely force him to try at least ONE thing
Listen. This boy dresses himself like his mom still picks out his clothes ok. Button-ups, polos, nice jackets, Kyle’s a smartass and he wants to dress the part (😍) so for some reason it’s SO new to him, and he’s worried he’ll find something stupid and he won’t even know
Just wants your approval (he’s a sweaty nerd)
Ok not every time but the matching old ass Terrance And Phillip shirts are a huge flex to him so hes happy
You’ll probably buy most of the things he shows you (they become your favorite and you wear them constantly)
Kyle and you are the same.like. “Oh this? Kyle found this necklace when we went thrifting together 🙄🙄”
And he’s constantly letting everyone know “Yeah this is a 1986 original Terrance And Phillip T-shirt matching with my partner 🙄🙄”
Everyone’s sick of it
You’ll go home with him after thrifting and Ike will TOTALLY make fun of you guys
Kyle, poor boy so In love, gets extremely giddy when you’re wearing something he found for you (blushing mess tbh)
Melts even more when you get some old stuffed animal for Ike and Ike ends up ADORING it (bonus brownie points from Sheila and Gerald)
He still doesn’t understand the whole thrift thing, I mean, newer clothes just last longer and fit his style more!! What!!
He enjoys going with you anyways and lovingly watches you get excited over small things like that <3
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🎸 - Stan Marsh -
Crazy not so crazy, he’s actually gone a few times, really likes it too if it’s a good day
This, of course, makes you SUPER happy and you’re instantly dragging him to every spot South Park has
When he was with the goth kids, he remembered them talking about it, tried it for himself and was slightly obsessed for a bit
Indifferent about most of it, just likes going for the old band shirts or something with a funny graphic on it
Maybe a jacket or two as well
ACTUALLY he goes insane if there’s a cool looking varsity jacket or some jerseys yet to be worn
Although,,,,,,he has the worst luck with everything he cannot find anything good or something he likes,,,,
It’s either got shit stains or beer stains or god forbid SHARPIE or PAINT like WHY are these here
You gotta step in and hand him some of your luck, he wants his punk rock t-shirts or whatever 🙄 (he’s eternally grateful)
Thinks you look super cute in anything you’ve found, but gets slightly impatient if you’re taking too long in a dressing room or looking In the same section for too long
If there’s a certain band shirt you’re both looking for? He’s going to the ends of the earth (Just in South Park) to find it for you
Naturally, you’ll both have a blast just talking about where things have come from or chuckling over something funny looking
You’ll dress each other up in jackets too big for each other, it’s sweet and innocent 😭😭✊
Shelley caught wind of you two going thrifting every so often, she’ll kick out Stan and just wanna go with you 💀💀
Spoiler alert Shelley has TOO much fun with you and it becomes a thing (much to Stan’s dismay)
You’ll MOST LIKELY find stupid shit with her and constantly “hahaha Stan would look fucking STUPID in this”
“I know right!!”
Randy saw you wearing something you had found with Stan, thought it was Sharon’s for a while and was super confused 🤨🤨🤨
Overall, super fun chill time with the Marsh boy you love him, go get Ice cream with him after a haul ✊✊
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🦝 - Eric Cartman -
“What the fuck are you wearing”
“It’s a cardigan I found doesn’t it look good!”
“Found where 💀💀💀”
ALSO DIDNT understand it and probably heard “shoplifting” instead of the former
You have to FORCE him to join you tbh and he suggested robbing Stan’s mom would get the job done faster, whatever
Pretends to be SUUUUPER bored and uninterested, like ugh he’s shopping? Says it’s totally gay
Probably wouldn’t look around, just tag along while pretending to hate the entire experience (you know he doesn’t, you see his eyes go towards cool looking things in the shops)
Gets pretty impatient if he’s somewhere for too long, unless you REALLY beg him and find something that “meets his standards”
HATED thrifting until you found him a shirt without sleeves, looked corny as hell, had some bootleg graphic and inspirational quote and shit
Eric FELL IN LOVE WITH IT 😭😭 it showed off his muscles of course
You just HAD to get it for him, doesn’t stop wearing it, claims he found it until you give him the side eye
“We found it together 😍🙏”
You won’t go as often with him, but when you do (and when he’s not bitching about how boring it is), it’s actually a really fun time and he’ll make you crack tf up with snarky comments about things
He’s rude-funny and you are in love with it, especially when it’s towards something you like, you KNOW he doesn’t mean that bs towards you
Liane just HAD to mention that thrifting gets quite a lot of business in South Park, his con-man instincts went wild
Eric just wanted to start a business with you!! Resell items and clothes as if they were worth it! (They are not) fake stories galore!
Stop him before it’s too late please
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missmists · 6 months
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First bookbinding project a success. I think that my cat approves because he would not stay out of my photos. Five months in the making, but I couldn't be more pleased with the results.
I started with @armoredsuperheavy's amazing fanbinding tutorial to create a typeset of each work in @erisenyo's Burning Bright AU published on Ao3. Then had to reread the works in the new format and edit as I went to make sure everything was formatted correctly, (combined word count somewhere around 1.3 million) that took over a month all by itself.
I picked up a copy of Introduction to Bookbinding & Custom Cases by Tom and Cindy Hollander from my local library, to look at some detailed how to images and get multiple perspectives on construction methods. Excellent book, I do recommend.
My hunt for materials included a trip to Detroit with a side stop at Blick to look at decorative papers in person. Blick and the fine people at Hollander’s ended up having everything I needed to make covers. So between my brother kindly 3d printing me a punch cradle, making a DIY sewing frame of my own invention (courtesy of scrap lumber and a trip to the Lowe's hardware department), and three reams of late night printing, I managed to amass all my supplies.
Folding three reams of paper into signatures (the little bundles you sew together) takes about five days if you don't want to lose your mind or your place, and longer if you discover you need to fix things because that definitely happened. Then you get to unfold them to stab holes in them which is as terrifying at first and therapeutic by the end as it sounds.
Next came weeks of sewing books together, a magical process. I learned three new knots, repeatedly stabbed myself (because all forms of creation forcibly demand blood sacrifice) , and felt like I was roleplaying a monastic librarian from the time of Gutenburg. That's 600 years ago, 24ish generations, over 8million ancestors since then (by geometric progression, which excludes the possibility that any of my peasant ancestry is from small towns which is you know likely but I digress) and here I sat sewing pages together in a basement because story is the most sacred of human arts as it binds communities together and shapes perceptions of the self and our brethren, of outsiders allies and enemies, of the world as we know it and as it may come to be. Did I mention sewing books felt magical.
Then came the glue. So much glue. Multiple types of glue. All sticky. all stuck to me. I smeared glue with my fingers like a child.
At last it was time for the covers. Choosing combinations of the decorative papers and bookcloth and making sure I could get enough out of each material for what I needed. Precise cutting so many thanks to the architecture school professors who showed me how to properly cut chipboard. Then measuring and gluing, and more measuring, and more gluing. At last press a little groove by the spine and repeat eleven times.
Then I get to impress all my people with my latest and possibly coolest maker skill unlock, I am a book binder.
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Bottom to top in the stack or left to right at the bottom are: These Things Written  These Things Unsaid with Without Consent These Things Known with A Third Chance (or a First) Oh, The Way Your Makeup Stains My Pillowcase That Love You've Been Looking For  All I Need Is To Be Struck (By Your Electric Love) To Open Every Door to Night, To Meet Each Rising Sun (my favorite) Love Is In the Hair (fanart of this one originally lead me to read the series, thanks @ash-and-starlight) Lessons in Proper Asset Management Tangled Up With You  To Be Named, To Be Known (To Be Loved)
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stevesbipanic · 2 years
We're back with another soulmate AU cause I'm a sucker for them.
Steve had never known a time when the names of his soulmates weren't on his wrists. One platonic, one romantic. Some people were born with two romantic although rare, some born with two platonic, some with just one and some with none.
Steve couldn't wait to meet his soulmates, as a kid he told his mother that his soulmate was going to be the prettiest girl in the world and that his best friend would be the coolest guy ever.
He knew his parents weren't soulmates, his mother's soulmate had died when she was young and his father didn't have anything in his wrists. It didn't matter to Steve though, they weren't around much now that he was older.
He waited all through high school to meet his soulmates, Tommy and Carol had met each other in middle school and he wanted what they had. As the years went on, his parents grew distant, his world became more about popularity, he slowly forgot about his names. He went through girls with the hopes of filling the void inside of him.
It wasn't until one Nancy Wheeler didn't fall for his charms preferring to wait to meet her soulmate did it feel like a knock to the head. He found a friend in Nancy a friendship he didn't even regret once he was pulled in by proxy to a whole other world under their town. He held Nancy as she cried losing her platonic soulmate Barb and met her romantic soulmate Jonathan.
He felt more like himself now that he was hanging around friends that cared about each other rather than their images. He adopted a gaggle of children who also needed protecting from the monsters on their doorstep and started thinking about soulmates again.
Nancy helped him graduate, barely. He didn't want to leave Hawkins without the kids or Nancy and Jonathan and so he started working at Scoops Ahoy. Where he met his soulmate, finally. Robin Buckley was funny and loud and smart and beautiful. Steve didn't want to rush into anything in case he was wrong and by the time he had gotten up the courage to show her his tattoo there were Russians and blood, so much blood.
High on Russian drugs he confessed to her, told her about how she was everything he'd dreamt of in a soulmate when he was little. How she was funny and amazing and that he loved her. He hadn't expected Robin to start crying, words tumbling out how she's not what Steve wants, not what Steve deserves in a soulmate, that she can never love him the way he wants. That day Steve discovers who his platonic soulmate is. From that day they're inseperable.
Steve doesn't know how he went through life without Robin once she was in it. She got on great with all his friends, called him out on his bullshit, comforted him through nightmares and was always there for him. She taught him that it was ok to like boys and girls and that his romantic soulmate will love him despite his King Steve days because she loves him too.
After already having one soulmate in danger from the Upside Down he never dreamt that the first time he'd hear someone say his other soulmates name it would be attached with "murder". Slammed up against the walls of the boathouse, Steve didn't think he'd ever seen anyone as beautiful as Eddie.
"Soulmates huh?"
"Yeah, sorry."
"Well, I know Dustin's one is definitely platonic, since he's a kid. Wonder what ours is?"
Steve wanted to tell him that he wanted everything with Eddie, but he knew his past, and knew that Eddie knew too. So he let himself hope, let himself laugh with Eddie, let himself be close. Nothing had been harder than leaving Eddie and Dustin there as distractions but he had a job to do.
As he'd held bloody bandages desperately to Eddie's wounds and begged him to stay awake, he wished he'd told Eddie everything he'd been thinking, how he was everything Steve had wanted and more.
"Please, Eddie! Stay awake, just hold on a little longer!"
"I think I figured us out, sweetheart."
And those were the last words Steve heard from his soulmate before Eddie had gone limp in his arms.
Steve held on hope for weeks beside Eddie's hospital bed. He had traced Eddie's name on his wrist over and over, memorising it. The tattoo had stayed dark and clear, Eddie was still there, he was still alive next to Steve.
Steve could've kissed Eddie as soon as he saw his eyes blink open but didn't want to injure him further.
"I figured us out too, Eds."
Little Steve had been right, his best friend was the coolest person he knew, and his soulmate was the most beautiful person he'd ever known.
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catmintrose · 5 months
🌙💥the coolest duo in town🌸☔️
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my 2 tv heads! The world is expanding. They definitely hang out together every now and then :)
(PLEASE Ask me for permission if you want to use em as pfps ^^)
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lxstfathier · 1 year
Hello! This is my first time requesting something so sorry if it's weird or something.
But moving on I was wonder if I could request super southern s/o like she's from Texas has a heavy accent rides bulls in rodeos just pretty much a cowgirl reader for task force 141 + Alejandro please and thank you!
Omg nooo, it’s not weird, i think it’s cute. So i did a few headcanons for you anon. I don’t know much about rodeos but i hope i got it right lol, hope you like it! 💗
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Task Force 141 + Alejandro x Reader
Warnings: none, just fluff.
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Simon Riley
♡ He never thought he would be attracted to a cowgirl, cuz country girls were never his type, but he fell for you no matter how hard he tried to deny it.
♡ They don’t have rodeos in the uk, so obviously you had to explain everything to him when you became a couple.
♡ Simon thinks that you should be really crazy to ride those dangerous bulls, and if it were for him, he would make you quit. But he knows it’s your passion, so he supports you as long as nothing bad happens.
♡ If he can, he will go with you to the rodeos, helping you to get ready and then watching you ride, standing at the in-gate, hoping that everything goes well.
♡ And if you are the best rider of the night, he would definitely shower you in praises, giving you a big hug and maybe even some flowers that he bought at the fair.
Johnny Mactavish
♡ He kinda knows what rodeos are, so when you tell him you are a bull rider he thinks that’s the coolest thing ever.
♡ He’s kinda extreme too, so he begs you to teach him how to ride a bull, just for fun.
♡ Johnny absolutely loves parading you around, telling everyone that his pretty girlfriend is also a very skilled cowgirl.
♡ He texts you everyday after your daily trainings to see how you did.
♡ You both have very thick accents, so every time you speak together, having a fast conversation, no one can understand what you’re saying.
♡ He watches you ride every time he can, sitting on the stands, cheering for you while he eats popcorn.
Kyle Garrick
♡ He fell in love with you the moment he saw you riding one of those bulls as if it was something easy.
♡ He calls you “my little cowgirl”.
♡ A very supportive boyfriend. He loves going with you to the rodeos every time he can, helping you with everything and giving you a quick kiss before you ride.
♡ Most of the time he watches you from the stands, but sometimes he gets distracted and then you find him petting the horses.
♡ If you are the best rider of the night, Kyle takes a lot of pics and posts them on his instagram.
John Price
♡ He doesn’t like it at all. He thinks it’s really dangerous and that one of those beasts is gonna kill you one day.
♡ But he knows you’re not gonna quit just for him, so he tries to be supportive, letting you do it as long as you don’t get hurt.
♡ Deep down he loves seeing you wear the typical cowgirl outfit. He thinks you look super sexy in it.
♡ Everyone thinks you’re an odd couple. Cuz it’s really weird to see an english military captain with a country texan girl, who would have thought you’d be a match?
♡ If he can go to see you ride at a rodeo, (which is rare because he’s always busy) he will just watch from the in-gate, contemplating every movement while he talks with your trainer.
♡ At some point John tries to convince you to switch to barrel races, but then it backfires when you tell him that now you wanna do both.
Alejandro Vargas
♡ He’s the most supportive out of them all.
♡ He grew up in a little town in Las Almas, always seeing the colorful fairs with jaripeos, which is basically the mexican version of rodeos, so he knew exactly what you were into.
♡ He fell hard for you, captivated by your beauty and your skills to ride those animals.
♡ If you marry him, he’d definitely buy you a nice house in the outskirts of Las Almas, with lots of land for you to have as many horses and bulls as you want.
♡ Alejandro loves horses, that’s obvious, so he buys a percheron just to ride for fun while you are doing your daily trainings with the bulls.
♡ He sits with your family almost every time he goes to the rodeos to watch you ride, cheering loudly for you. And your parents love him, there’s no doubt in that.
♡ If you are the best rider of the night, he hugs you really tight while telling you that he’s really proud of you.
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