#so i'm gonna post it here so it doesn't go to waste
clarabosswald · 8 months
Dr Hayim Katsman, 31, was murdered on October 7th in Kibbutz Holit, his home, in the Gaza Envelope. Katsman, born to a religious Zionist family in Petah Tikva, was a lecturer with a PhD in Philosophy, a peace activist, and a DJ with the stage name Dr. 3ABass (his Spotify playlist is embedded above). Growing up, he became distanced from religious Zionism and more affiliated with leftwing politics and peace activism. As a DJ, he played exclusively Arab music - Palestinian, Syrian, Lebanese. He performed at the Psyduck party - 10 minutes from the Nova rave, and another location which later also suffered a massacre - on the night of October 6th. On October 7th, as terrorists infiltrated Holit, Katsman risked his life and went outside, going from door to door and helping where he could. He eventually reached the home of his neighbor, Avital Alajem. They've hid together in her house's shelter until the terrorists broke into it and murdered him (Alajem was kidnapped and had a pretty insane story of her own). Katsman dedicated his life to peace. His dissertation discussed it. He studied and spoke Arabic. He believed that the lack of familiarity between cultures led to division, conflict, and polarization. With his music, he tried to bridge over those differences. Additionally, he volunteered driving Gazans to get medical help in Israel, and conversed with them during the drives, looking to make friends. He also volunteered helping Palestinian farmers south of Hebron. Asked if he thinks the events of October 7th would've changed Katsman's mind on peace, his friend, Akhi Sitbon, said "Like I knew Katsman - not a chance, even that wouldn't have changed his belief in humans and humanity's goodness."
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May his memory be a blessing.
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pomefioredove · 2 months
a private meeting
summary: yuu makes a list of the top five cutest third years. the following conversation type of post: short fic characters: cater, trey, leona, rook, vil, idia mentioned, lilia, malleus additional info: romantic?? platonic?? idk, reader is gender neutral, reader is yuu, this is more for character interactions. and fun
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"I'm sure you're all well aware of why we're here,"
The eight gentleman standing around the dark, candlelit room look between each other.
Leona yawns.
"How long is this gonna take, exactly? I was dragged outta bed for this,"
Vil glares. "Hush. I wanted to deal with this matter in the quietest manner possible, without disturbing the prefect. Sevens know what happens when your egos go unchecked,"
"Look who's talking,"
Another glare, but Vil chooses not to waste any more time.
"Two nights ago, the prefect hosted a slumber party for Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Jack Howl, and our own Epel Felmier,"
"I remember that," Lilia says, rubbing his chin. "Sebek was invited, but refused in case someone attacked Malleus whilst he was away."
Malleus shakes his head.
"During this event, the prefect created a list of the top five "cutest third years", as we all know. And, to avoid any childish squabbling, I've gathered you all here to open it as an ensemble. Rook?"
A slim, folded sheet of notebook paper appears from the dark of Rook Hunt's pocket. He holds it up, as if presenting it to the heavens.
"Where did you even find that?" Trey asks, adjusting his glasses.
"Facile! It was buried under a stack of homework assignments in our dearest Trickster's bedroom," the blond says merrily.
"Logistically speaking, that's almost too easy. Are we sure it isn't a fake?" Ortho pipes up.
"Ortho?" Vil asks. "What are you doing here?"
The boy giggles in an electronic chime. "Idia is hiding under his covers and won't come out, so I'm here in his place!"
"I don't know what he's so nervous for," Vil goes on. "When I am already guaranteed to be in the first place slot."
Leona scoffs, kicking back with his feet on the table. Vil glares again.
"How rude,"
"He's not wrong. You are the most beautiful here..." a smile creeps up Lilia's face. "But, as I recall, you said cutest third years, not most beautiful. And if anyone is the cutest, it's me."
"Oh, spare me," Leona sighs. "Let's just get this over with. Open the damn thing."
"You're not the least bit curious, Leona?" the fae asks, batting his large eyes.
"Don't patronize me. And no, I'm not. I couldn't care less,"
Lilia smirks, but says nothing more on the matter.
He turns to his tablemate. "And what say you, Malleus?"
Every person in the room falls silent, and then turn to the prince sitting at the furthest corner of the table with his hands folded in front of him.
He hasn't shared a single thought all evening.
"...The contents of this list make no difference to me," he finally speaks. "My feelings towards the prefect will be unaffected."
Rook sets a hand over his heart. "Quelle beauté! I am moved! Not even the strongest of winds could make your friendship bow,"
Leona groans as if he's in agonizing pain.
"Open it!"
"Okay, hold on. Isn't this like, a major privacy violation?" Cater says. He doesn't sound eager to see the results, either.
"I would hate for someone to read my private thoughts to a room full of people."
"He may have a point. This was a list made between friends at a slumber party. Taking it out of that context could be disastrous," Trey agrees.
"There's a 96% chance this will end in conflict!" Ortho chimes in, merry as ever. Leona sighs.
"Can I just leave?"
"No," Vil snaps. "Rook, open it."
"Rook, don't,"
The poor man observes the conflict slowly unraveling before him, and he sets the folded sheet of paper on the table.
"Now, now, do not squabble! Let this be a chance to celebrate our bonds with the lovely prefect!"
"I agree with Rook," Lilia smiles big. "We should all agree that no matter what is on that list, we'll leave it after tonight and move on."
Vil sighs. "Yes, yes. You're all right. We can't let what they wrote at a private slumber party affect our relationships with them,"
"No matter what, we leave them out of this. Agreed?"
Everyone in the room nods.
"Alright. Rook, read it,"
Rook reaches behind him, the anticipation building, and... is met with a cool wooden surface.
The note seems to have disappeared into thin air.
Before anyone can express their obvious confusion, an evil cackling pulls their attention to the doorway.
Vil gasps.
"Grim! Put that down!"
The small direbeast, now holding a crumpled piece of paper in his paw, smiles wickedly.
And then, to everyone's horror, he eats it whole.
Leona is the first to react, storming over and lifting Grim by the scruff of his neck. "Seriously?!"
"Fufufu. Looks like someone cared, after all," Lilia chuckles. Vil rolls his eyes.
"Hey! Not my fault you guys were so loud! You woke me up from my nap over a stupid list!" Grim says, crossing his arms.
A brief silence follows, and then a sigh. Leona drops him and he lands on his feet.
"Perhaps Grim is right," Ortho says. "Instead of worrying about the numerical grade the prefect assigns you, you should focus on the unique and special aspects of your individual relationships!"
"How eloquent!" Rook coos. "Oui, you are right! Sometimes it is best to let secrets remain secrets."
"Something about the way he says that tells me he already knows what it said," Leona grumbles.
"Ohoho. A fascinating mystery, non? Did I sneak a peek before tonight, or am I just as clueless as you?"
The prince rolls his eyes.
Vil sighs. "Ortho is right. Now I feel ridiculous for getting so worked up over what amounts to a joke at a slumber party,"
Everyone grows quiet, seemingly reflecting on themselves for the duration of the brief silence.
Lilia's giggles change the melancholic mood of the room.
"Perhaps Malleus had the right idea all along. It doesn't matter who the prefect thinks is more attractive; they're still a wonderful friend. How wise- I'm very proud,"
Malleus beams.
"Yeah yeah," Grim grumbles, turning to the door. "I didja a favor, anyway. None of you weirdos were number one."
He leaves, and he takes the peace and reflection with him.
Slowly, everyone turns to each other.
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I saw your post about the leopards eating faces and democrats and if you think the us is bad under biden have a good look through project 2025 and please fucking realize that queer people, those that can get pregnant, and people of color are going to be absolutely fucked if trump wins in November.
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If you ACTUALLY read it then you'd know Biden is ALREADY carrying out the goals outlined in project2025. You'd also know that his administration is even using the SAME exact language that's found in the Mandate for Leadership. Such as "protecting the freedom of navigation in the Suez Canal"
I literally have a post floating around somewhere where I said he was gonna escalate the genocide and smoke out all the rebel groups because guess what? Project2025 outlined that too. Literally listed them as targets that the administration should focus on.
Another part of it says they should continue to protect and support Israel's "right to defend itself" at any cost.
So yeah that thing you're afraid of? It's here. And it's here because you thought the fascist with a blue tie was less scary than a fascist than a red tie so you stopped paying attention when Blue Tie Man was around. And that blue Fascism that's allowing book bans and abortion bans and making trans people illegal is going to stay here and grow because you don't fucking care to address it unless the tie is red.
Maybe fucking read the thing you're trying to fearmonger me about because I guarantee I've read more of it than you.
And it's not that I find the realities in it less scary, it's that I'm not such a privileged shithead that I would prioritize my own comfort over lives being lost in a literal fucking genocide.
Yeah shit sucks for queer people and trans people and trust me, I know that, but we aren't being killed in broad fucking daylight and having people go into denial about it so maybe instead of barking up MY blog about how fucked up everything is you go and send the DNC and your representatives some emails and tell them to give Democrats a candidate that doesnt commit genocide?
How about instead of yelling at me to lower my standards cuz things MIGHT get scarier for you if Blue Tie Man doesn't beat trump (and he won't) you ACCEPT that reality and DO SOMETHING USEFUL about it. How about you and your party just BE BETTER????
There's seven months before the elections and Biden is tanking every poll and Democrats are voting uncommited in swing states and what's Biden doing? Doubling down on every single policy that he's losing voters over (like supporting Israel). If he loses that's not my fault or anyone else's.
Maybe stop asking people to vote for a warmongering white supremacist.
"think of the queers and pregnant people and PoC"
I Am.
They live in Palestine and Sudan and the DRC.
Or did you mean I should prioritize different queers and pregnant people and PoC?
Don't be shy. Did you mean I should prioritize you?
Cuz yeah. Fuck that.
(white) USamerican citizens prioritizing ourselves over everyone else is exactly how the world got so fucked up.
I'm NOT voting for Biden under any fucking circumstances, don't waste my time with another bullshit uninformed scare mongering ask like this again just cuz YOU lack the solidarity to care about any community but your own.
The fuck?
Do you think the queer community only counts Americans? What an ignorant thing to say. "Think of minority communites but only from this specific part of the world"
You wouldn't know community if it hit you in the fucking face.
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often-daydreaming · 8 days
A Quick Chat
'Absolutely not!'
'I'm just gonna talk with him!'
Following the quickly escalating shouts down to the Batcave Bruce found Dick and a heavily armed Tim at each other's throats while their siblings oh so helpfully egged them on.
They were arguing about Wally and their last universal saving mission for some reason and Tim had nearly every contingency he could think of to handle a speedster on him.
-nna talk, that's it!'
'Then you can leave the gear here!'
'What's going on?'
All of his children froze, finally realizing he was here before they started shouting over each other.
'You remem-'
'-ick's trying to-'
'Father Dr-'
'-ng crazy, just because the universe re-'
'Now, can someone tell me what's going on or do I have to get Alfred?'
And Jason was happy enough to tell him. 'Replacement's pissed because we finally discovered a pretty big difference with the universe after the League hit the reset button.'
Multiple screens on the Batcomputer held information on new heroes, a Junior JLD and everything Tim could dig up on two individuals. The first one was Phantom, a new addition to the Titans and had a number of detailed conspiracy theories tracking his appearances through time while the other held the detailed background information of a recently graduated Daniel James Fenton. Tim had dug up everything from his kindergarten grades to... Oh... Oh no... That explains why they were arguing about Wally.
Most of Daniel's latest online post covered his move to Gotham, his new job offer working in their engineering department and his new boyfriend Bernard. Looking at it all made it painfully easy to piece together that... 'They stole my life!'
And Dick and Tim were arguing again but Bruce knew it wouldn't get too heated and focused his attention on the gathered information. It was easy to see that a number of encounters his kids (mainly his oldest three) should have had with the Titans were adjusted just enough to fit Phantom now and Tim's involvement with the Children of Dionysus had been shifted around to involve Daniel in this new universe.
'-e universe reset doesn't mean you can ruin their lives. Phantom seems like a good kid.'
'Dowd would have left you eventually.'
Dick had to hold Tim back from launching himself at Damien while Jason and Steph stood by egging the two of them on, but then Tim got that look in his eye when Duke brought up the idea of reintroducing himself and everyone noticed.
'Come on. Tim, you don't need another restraining order.'
'But it didn't happen in this universe so it doesn't count.'
'It counts if we still remember it!'
But Tim wasn't listening, too busy changing out of all of his gear as a plan quickly started forming together in his mind.
Why waste time with Wally when he can just as easily win over the new couple while ignoring everything else he's learned from his friends.
He'd figure it out one mess at a time. After he won Bernard back he'd figure out the situation between Red Robin and Phantom.
-_- -_- -_-
Reading over the sticky note Danny couldn't help but wonder what Clockwork meant when he wrote 'Have Fun'.
Again, I blame my medication for this, but this came from a couple of different prompts about Tim, Bernard and Danny and I just sort of went with it. Basically the main roster of the League has to stop (Pick a threat) and end up resitting the universe again. The problem is they still remember the old universe so they spend a week or two looking up any big changes and a sleep deprived Tim starts believing he barely knows Bernard in this universe when he's actually dating him and Danny. He just hasn't dug deep enough to figure out his own connection.
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thisapplepielife · 1 month
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Written for @steddieangstyaugust.
I'm An Island, But You're An Ocean
Day #13: "Please, stay?" | Word Count: 2191 | Rating: T | CW: Language, Recovering From Injuries | Tags: Post S4, Steve the Caregiver Makes Eddie Want to Run, Self-Sabotage, Angst w/a Happy Ending
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They're fighting. Sort of. Kinda. 
Eddie isn't exactly sure what's happening here tonight.
The air feels weird between them, and Eddie wants it to very much stop being whatever this is, immediately.
"Settle down. What's the commotion?" Steve asks, putting his hands on Eddie's shoulders, stilling him.
It pisses Eddie off.
So, he shrugs Steve off, because Steve can't be touching him. Not like that. Not now. Not ever.
Even if he wants him to be. That's exactly why he can't let this continue. It's too dangerous. 
Eddie knows he's being bullheaded, knows he's digging his heels in for no good reason, but he also knows that Steve's pushing. Pushing, pushing, pushing. Always. He never relents. Never gives up about anything that he gets in his head. 
And for some godforsaken reason, Steve Harrington has made him a project. His main one, as far as Eddie can tell. Eddie definitely never asked for, or wanted, that. It makes his teeth itch, to have that kind of attention shoved his way.
Which is weird. Eddie loves attention. But not this specific attention. Because he doesn't know what to do with it. It's too overwhelming.
Steve wants Eddie to eat more. He wants Eddie to walk again. He wants Eddie to go home from the hospital. He wants Eddie to play the guitar. He wants Eddie to take a shower. 
He wants, wants, wants.
Eddie does one thing, and Steve will think up six more to add to the list. It's a never ending list of demands.
And yet, even with all those demands, Eddie isn't sure what Steve wants from him. Not really. It can't actually be the things he's demanding, because those don't affect Steve's life at all. What Eddie does, or doesn't do again, is no concern to him. Eddie can waste away in bed, and Steve Harrington should be unconcerned. Steve doesn't need to be here. He's made his amends, not that any of this was his goddamn fault anyway. Steve didn't drag him into this fucked up mess. Steve didn't bite him, chew him up, and spit him out.
So, he can go.
But he won't budge, just scoffs, and stays. Never taking a goddamn hint. He can't actually be that thick, but Eddie tries to push him away, and Steve moves closer, somehow. It's like they're coming at this from entirely different directions. 
Eddie doesn't know how to make it clear that Steve's repaid his imaginary debt. And Eddie can carry this load, alone. Would prefer it, honestly.
Eddie is an island, Steve is the whole goddamn ocean. 
He's overwhelming, and as much as Eddie wants to grab on, and ride that wave, he's too scared to leave the safety of the shore. Eddie doesn't get things as good, as open, as cool blue as Steve Harrington. Not ever.
"You can leave," Eddie says.
"I don't want to leave," Steve answers, distracted as he looks through their co-mingled tapes. Shuffling, banging them around, like he doesn't have them all memorized. Like he's not gonna choose the same bullshit he always picks.
Eddie can't take another minute of it.
"Well, maybe I don't want you to stay anymore," Eddie snaps, and Steve freezes. He looks like a goddamn deer caught in headlines. Blindsided. Shocked.
Has Steve really never considered that before? That maybe, just maybe, Eddie would like to be alone for a while? Why is that so hard to comprehend?
"Oh," Steve breathes out, and it's like Eddie's slapped him. Then he says, quiet and small, "Sorry. I didn't. Sorry."
Eddie squeezes his eyes shut, regretful, unable to watch him crumble. Eddie can see that he's made Steve smaller, and it's carving away at Eddie's ribs. 
His heart. 
He didn't mean to do that. He just wanted to usher him out now, ahead of schedule. Rip the bandaid off. Bad news first, always. Get it over with. No reason to let it fester.
And Eddie's life up until this point? Has been pretty much all bad news. 
Eddie opens his eyes, needing to see what Steve's doing. It's too quiet.
And that means he has to watch as Steve starts to gather up his things, all of his things, and they've quite obviously accumulated over the summer. Like everything Steve owns has multiplied and spawned all over Eddie's room. This isn't gonna be fast, because Steve's gonna need more than one box, more than one trip. 
And Eddie can't really help. He just has to watch.
Eddie sits back against the wall, and as soon as Steve's taken the first load out, Wayne is in the doorway. Looking at him with something akin to disapproval. Of course he is.
"Where's Steve goin' with all that stuff?" Wayne asks.
"Don't know, don't care. Out of here," Eddie says, and he refuses to look up. Because he knows Wayne will read him like a goddamn open book.
"Eddie," Wayne says, soft and disappointed.
"Don't Eddie me. He has a life to get back to," Eddie argues. "Steve Harrington can't hole up in the bedroom of a vaguely exonerated maybe murderer. It's absurd."
And Wayne shakes his head, leaving him be. 
Wayne gets him, at least. 
So, Eddie watches as Steve rushes through his departure. 
It looks like a break-up, a moving out, and that's painful in a new way. Since they aren't that to each other, and never will be.
Just when he's gotten it all, or at least everything visible to the naked eye, Eddie thinks they're done here. Finally.
But Steve comes back, this time carrying in, instead of out, and hands over Eddie's battle vest, no longer as nasty as he'd last seen it. 
The blood is mostly scrubbed out, and some of the patches have been replaced by an inexperienced hand. 
"It was supposed to be for your birthday, but, here. The best I could do," Steve says. "It's not great. I'm not great at, well, much. I know."
And Steve pinches his nose, closing his eyes, "Sorry that I overstayed my welcome."
Eddie wants to say he didn't, wants to take it all back, wants to hand over his heart in his trembling hands. Wants to buy anything Steve's selling.
But he can't.
"Thanks for everything," Eddie says, and he means that. He does. He wouldn't be here at all without Steve Harrington. And that's a lot. A lot, a lot.
But Eddie doesn't know how to do this, doesn't think Steve would want him to, even if he knew how. 
"Can you make it easier for me to understand?" Steve asks, and Eddie doesn't exactly follow. 
"Understand what?" Eddie asks, fiddling with his blanket.
"What I did? Or, not what, maybe. Just. When? How long have I been bothering you?"
"You're not bothering me," Eddie says.
"Then, why do I have to go?" 
Eddie closes his eyes and sinks back into the pillows. The big, thick ones that Steve brought him, thinking his were too flat and sad to prop him up while he convalesced. 
"Because you don't want to be here," Eddie says, waving his arms around. It pulls at his scars, the skin tight and wrong, he winces, hand finding his side.
Steve moves, on instinct, taking one step forward before catching himself. Stilling, again.
"You don't get to tell me what I want, Eddie. I guarantee you don't know shit about what I want," Steve says bluntly, and it's the most forceful thing Steve's said to him in months. 
Everything else has been presented as persistent suggestions. This was just a fact. A fact that fucking stings.
"Yeah, well. Nothing in my life ever came with a guarantee," Eddie says, and Steve hangs his head. Eddie doesn't mean to be so fucking negative, but it's hard. He's stuck. Damaged.
Pissed off.
He thumbs at his jaw, his face, forever fucking marred. He doesn't think he was much to look at before, all big eyes and wild hair. But now? Now he is that monster they all said he was. 
Steve reaches for the vitamin e oil on his desk, handing it to him. Every wince he's made, Steve has had a fix for, and he thinks this is gonna fix Eddie's scars. Eddie's skeptical, at best. He hasn't seen any damn difference. It's all still awful.
His face. His chest. His sides. His fucking dick. Well, not his dick. But right above it. His thighs. His calves. His fucking ankle.
He's beyond damaged goods. Not even The Frugal Hoosier would want to sell the wares he's working with now.
Steve is cautious, but he sits on the edge of the bed, quiet for a minute, before finally asking, "Do you really want me to go? Or are you scared I might want to stay?"
Eddie covers his face with his hands. Of course he doesn't want him to go. He wants to keep him for-fucking-ever. He's just not gonna get to, so sending him away now seemed like the best bet to retain any of his sanity at all.
"I'm an island, but you're an ocean," Eddie finally says.
And Steve laughs.
Which makes Eddie smile, reluctantly.
"What's that supposed to mean? I'm not a songwriter. I can't speak in riddles," Steve says, still smiling.
Eddie doesn't know what it means. Well, he does, but explaining it makes him feel foolish.
But he'll try.
"I can only rely on myself-"
"That's not true," Steve interrupts. "You've got Wayne. And the rest of us."
Eddie holds up his hand, "Let me. Let me try."
Steve nods, motioning like he's zipping his lip. It's charming. But everything about him is charming.
Eddie's so fucking charmed. 
"I'm just me. An island. Solitary and confined to my own little box. And I'm not mad about that. Not anymore. I don't want to be pestered, or poked, or prodded. I just want to exist, cut-off from the world."
Steve's frowning. 
"And you're an ocean. Lapping at my edges, threatening to overtake me at any time. You're a flood, waiting to happen."
Eddie shakes his head, "You are. I feel a lot, Steve. I feel a lot, and it's overwhelming to have you surrounding me on all my edges. Looking for a way to breach your way inside."
Steve raises an eyebrow, expert, and fucking funny.
Eddie laughs, "Not like that, pervert."
Steve just smiles, then frowns again, "I'm smothering you, huh? That is a thing I do."
"No. No," Eddie assures. "Well, yes. But I don't hate it. I'm just scared of it."
"I don't want you to be scared of me," Steve says. 
"Well. I am," Eddie answers, and Steve moves to get up, but Eddie reaches out and catches his arm. 
He's already spilled enough for the blanks to be filled in. He can't hide from this. Not now.
So, Eddie tugs on him. Not allowing him to leave, even if that's what he asked for. He doesn't want that now. Never did. He's just a goddamn idiot that loves to run. And well, his body isn't in running condition at the moment. So, chasing away seemed like the next best bet.
Only, Steve's hard to scare away. Thank god.
Steve smiles, and scoots up the bed, until he can sit right next to Eddie. Then he reaches down and takes Eddie's hand. It's not the first time he's held Eddie's hand, he did it a lot in the hospital, but this is different. This time, Eddie's fully with it, and present.
"For what it's worth," Steve says, looking at him, fully. Not shying away from a damn thing, "I'm not scared of you. Or what I feel about you."
Eddie smiles, teasing, "What do you feel about me?"
"Annoyance mainly," Steve snarks, squeezing his hand, "but other things, too."
"I feel other things, too," Eddie admits.
"Good," Steve says, "Now, can I unload my car and stay already? Are we done with this dumb shit you're trying to pull?"
"Yes. Please, stay? Worry about the car tomorrow," Eddie answers, "tonight, just lay here with me?"
"Okay," Steve says, "I can do that."
And Steve helps him get comfortable, like he's done a million times before. A pillow under his knees, rotating his hips just so, everything very carefully choreographed to take the pressure off Eddie's body so he hurts less. 
Steve's an ocean. 
And Eddie will stay surrounded, and float with him for as long as he can.
Eddie picks up Steve's arm from where it's slung over his side, and kisses his palm.
"I'm sorry I was being a dickhead," Eddie says, maneuvering so he can rest his cheek in Steve's palm.
"Oh, I'm used to that," Steve teases, hooking his chin over Eddie's shoulder, pressing his lips to Eddie's other cheek. 
And Eddie turns his head, catching Steve's lips with his own. It's chaste, and a little dry, but for a first kiss it sure feels like the start of something bigger, and better, than Eddie ever could have imagined.
If this is what being swept out to sea by Steve Harrington feels like, Eddie knows he'll happily drown.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @steddieangstyaugust and follow along with the fun angst! 😭
Notes: This has references to You're An Ocean by Fastball in it. This was originally gonna be for SteddieSongFics last month, but I went another way, and expanded this for Angsty August. But the references to the lyrics in the song remained, lol.
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poisonedprose · 1 year
₊˚✧ happy trail — in which leon's happy trail drives you wild
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leon kennedy x afab!reader
warnings: 0.9k words, smut, inspired by @ouchvns !! (this post), established relationship, pet names (baby, princess), curse words, oral (m), unprotected sex, p in v, soft dom!leon, slight degrading, choking (f), slight biting kink, (m having, f recieving), i dont caare how innactuate this is idc idc idc its rael to me🤤
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You stir awake at the sound of your boyfriend getting ready for work. The sun was barely starting to rise and you had fallen asleep late last night. He was really gonna hear it this time. Well, that was until you rolled over and trailed your eyes over his shirtless body. 
"Did I wake you? I'm sorry." He sounds sincere as he struggles to put his belt through the loops of his pants. You watch as Leon fumbles with the belt but your eyes can't help but drift up ever so slightly. You roll your eyes and push your face into the pillow. Does he always have to be this hot? "What's got your panties in a twist this morning?" He chuckles lowly at your dramatic reaction. 
"Nothing." You mumble into the pillow. Leon laughs again and he's sure you're pouting into the pillow by now. "You can go back to sleep, you know." He's still oblivious to how much he’s turning you on. Moreover, how much his happy trail is turning you on. You roll onto your back again, deciding you needed air. He looks over at you, his belt finally around his hips, but still unbuckled.
His eyes roll over your body. Those shorts didn't look so short on you last night before bed. His eyes trail down to the comforter that was now half on the floor from your little temper tantrum. He walks over and picks it up, throwing it on the side that he should be sleeping in right now. You catch a glimpse of his unbuckled belt and it only makes your mind hazy with dirty thoughts. 
 "Do you have to be at work soon?" Your mouth says faster than your brain can think. "Not for another hour and a half. Why?" He responds calmly, totally unaware of what he was in for. "Do you have time for a quickie?" You bite your lip as you ask the question, and a smile appears on your face trying to sweeten the deal. His eyes go wide for a second as he processes what you're saying. "Right now?" He can't believe that you woke up this horny. (You didn't. It was his fault for being shirtless.)
You nod, hoping he'll say yes. As you wait for his answer your eyes can't help but drift from his face to his happy trail. "Come here." You smile happily and quickly crawl over to him. You waste no time unzipping his pants, pulling out his cock with record time. He lets out a laugh mixed with a moan when you eagerly take him in your mouth. He doesn't know what's gotten you so worked up but he doesn't complain. 
He places his hand on your head, pushing you just a little deeper on his cock. "Mmm, fuck baby." He moans as you run your tongue on the underside of his dick. Drool collects at the corner of your mouth as you suck him off like he's your favorite lollipop. Spoiler alert; he is. Your hands run over his happy trail, and suddenly it makes so much more sense to him. "God, you're such a slut for me. I love it."
You pull off his cock with a pop, a smile on your face as you look up at him. He had so many things he wanted to say to you. Many of them were teases for how happily you took his cock down your throat or how enticed you were by his happy trail. But he was so caught up in lust, he couldn't bring himself to say any of them. "All fours, please." He commands and you obey, your shorts riding up more than they should. 
He slides your shorts and underwear down in one fell swoop. "So pretty." He mumbles as he leaves soft kisses on your ass before lining himself up with your entrance. He slides his cock into your tight pussy, groaning lustfully and he wraps a hand loosely around your throat and pushes you against his chest as he pounds into your cunt.
Jumbled up words mixed with whimpers fall from your lips. His cock is fucking so deep inside of you, and his hand around your throat just fits like a necklace. "Mmm, so pretty, baby. Your pussy was made just f'r me." He moans into your ear, his voice deep, sexy, and full of need, just how you like it. "Takin' it s'good, yeah?" He chucked against your jaw, leaving rushes kisses.
Your jumbled words and whimpers soon turn to Leon's name. "Leon, Leon, oh fuck, Leon!" Your voice is so loud, he can't help but let your words ring through his ears. "Does it feel good, baby?" You can feel his cocky smirk on your jaw but you nod anyway. 
You can tell he's close as his moans turn into whines. "Gonna fill y'up. Gonna fill your pretty pussy with my cum." He whines into your ear. "Is that okay, baby?" He asks sweetly compared to what he said moments ago. "Please. Please cum in me!" His fingers meet your clit, rubbing pleasurable circles with ease.
"How could I say no to my beautiful princess?" He sinks his teeth into your shoulder as he cums. He continues to fuck into you and rub your clit until you cum. Practically screaming his name loud enough for his neighbors to hear as you do. He catches his breath before he pulls out, letting you fall back to your position on all fours. 
He watches as his cum drips out of you, pride swelling his chest. "Now, I don't want to go to work. Look what you did." He groans as he fingers his cum back into you. "Then stay." You wiggle your ass tauntingly and he can't see it but he just knows your smirking. "You're such a bad girl. I love it." He chuckles as he pulls his belt off. 
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ckret2 · 1 year
✨⚠️ Wasting Away Again in the Goldilocks Zone ⚠️✨
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If you're new here, this is one of those "human Bill in the Mystery Shack" redemption fics, you know the drill: Bill illegally escapes death via reincarnation; the Shack crew imprisons him til they can figure out how to kill him; but they won't, because Bill's gonna make friends with them and literally everybody else in town. Whether they like it or not.
Featuring!! The slowest redemption arc you've ever read; "human" Bill that doesn't decide being trapped in an alien body is fine; show-style episodic plot structure; individual plot arcs for characters you've never even cared about; so canon compatible we even include the dang coloring book; and so TBOB-compatible over a year before TBOB came out that I'm considering taking up a position as the Oracle of Delphi just so Apollo stops barraging me with dodgeballs.
New chapter every Friday, 5pm CST! Yes, that includes this Friday!
For art, doodles, upcoming scene excerpts, and posts about characterization & plot plans, see my #bill goldilocks cipher tag. For the fic itself, the first few chapters are on AO3, but tumblr's 60 chapters ahead:
⛓️ 1 Part 1. Bill returns, in a bedsheet toga.
⛓️ 1 Part 2. Bill tries to murder the Stans & Soos (with time travel).
⛓️ 2. Dipper and Mabel save the day (with time travel).
⛓️ 3. A tense evening as the Pines prepare to get rid of Bill.
⛓️ 4. Plot twist: the Pines physically can't get rid of Bill.
⛓️ 5. The gang goes to a diner at 3 a.m. for hostage negotiations.
⛓️ 6. Bill escapes from Theraprism. [NEW!!!]
⛓️ 7. "How'd Bill get here" flashback; plus, entering his new prison.
💇‍♀️ 8. Bill gives himself a haircut and depression.
💇‍♀️ 9. Bill & Ford grudgingly have a sincere conversation; regret it.
📓🔺📓 TBOB BOUNDARY: Everything above this line has been edited for 100% compatibility with The Book Of Bill and posted to AO3! Everything after this line has not been edited... so it's only 98% TBOB compatible. 📓🔺📓
💇‍♀️ 10. The kids decide Bill won't ruin their summer. Also: Pacifica!
🧚 11. Mabel gives Bill the most beautiful makeover ever. (It's not.)
🧚 12. Pacifica advertises Harry's Hairy Fairy Formula. Bill wants it.
🧚 13. Pacifica refuses to share; the twins discover its side effects.
🧚 14. Mabel wins Bill's eternal friendship with arts & crafts.
💭 15. Bill, Ford, and Dipper have nightmares that are Bill's fault.
💎 16. Ford has a fun day with Mabel but everything goes wrong.
💎 17. The day goes right again thanks to healthy communication.
🎥 18. Mabel's Guide To Local Animals, co-starring Bill Cipher.
🧊 19. Wendy snoops into the weird things happening in the shack.
🧊 20. Wendy meets the weird thing (it's Bill).
🎂 21. Stan & Ford's birthday party! Bill gives evil gifts.
💭 22. Bill "helps" Dipper's nightmares; no one knows his motive.
👁️ 23. Bill's ex is back in town and nobody's happy about it.
👁️ 24. Everyone's even less happy to learn Bill has a sex life.
🧿 25. Mabel and Bill make friendship bracelets! :)
🧿 26. The Pines take Bill to the mall. He wears terrible things.
🧿 27. Bill breaks Mabel's heart (and panics to fix it).
🏳️‍🌈 28. Bill talks his way into going with Wendy to Rainbow Club.
🎃 29. Bill contacts the Henchmaniacs on Summerween morning.
🎃 30. Costume making. Mabel pries into Bill's past, with crayons.
🎃 31. The Trickster's pals trick-or-treat; and Bill terrifies Dipper.
🪮 32. Dipper & Mabel make a poppet to control Bill.
🦷 33. Stan takes Bill to the dentist. In handcuffs.
🦷 34. Dentist & tooth fairy attack. Stan & Bill are still handcuffed.
🦷 35. Bill & Stan reach a painful understanding and stop the fairy.
🛁 36. Anime night; and Mabel makes Bill do community service.
🛁 37. Bill plots escape and runs into Wendy. Dipper panics.
🛁 38. Bill has the worst and stupidest day of his afterlife.
🌅 39. A cultist finds Bill; Bill tries to re-recruit Ford.
🚙 40. Gideon broadcasts car commercials; invokes Bill's wrath.
🚙 41. Bill apologizes for bullying Gideon. lol no he blackmails him.
🌕 42. Bill tells Dipper secrets of the universe; predicts an eclipse.
🌖 43. Gravity is disappearing; Ford and Fiddleford investigate.
🌗 44. Ford & Dipper drag Bill hiking; Bill faces his death.
🌘 45. Ford demands answers Bill can't give as totality looms.
🌑 46. Totality. Bill decides whether Ford lives or dies.
🌒 47. Bill feels rotten but finally explains the eclipse.
🌓 48. Bill has a complete mental breakdown.
🌔 49. The gang limps home. (Plus: a second dimensional eclipse.)
💿 50. Bill finally processes that mental breakdown.
💿 51. Dipper and Mabel try to remember the Axolotl's poem.
📖 52. The gang reads Flatworld. Bill isn't thrilled.
📖 53. Mabel tries to get Bill to talk about his home world.
⚛️ 54. Dipper, Ford, and Fiddleford do paradox physics.
📖 55. Mabel learns college-level geometry.
📖 56. Mabel & Bill have fun; Dipper & Ford prepare for murder.
💀 57. The execution of Bill Cipher.
💀 58. Everything you wondered about how Bill escaped.
💀 59. Everything you didn't wonder about how Bill escaped.
💀 60. Everything you never imagined about how Bill escaped.
📙 62. Soos vacuums the attic (wow exciting)
📙 63. Soos decides how he feels about Bill's treatment.
📙 64. Fixin it with Soos: home redecorating!
⛓️ 6. If you read ch 6 before TBOB, go read it again because I wrote a new ch 6!
🎥 65. The gang makes plans for the night.
🎥 66. Dipper's Guide to the Fremont Nightwigglers
🎥 67. Mabel's Guide to Secret Sleepovers
🎥 68. The aftermath of everybody pulling all-nighters.
🏖️ 69. Beach episode! The Pines fish! Bill tans!
🏖️ 70. Bigfoot, Agent Powers, and the cool teen gang.
🪐 61. The Axolotl Finds The Second Dimension's Corpse.
This post was last updated September 22, 2024! If you're seeing this post as a reblog and it's been a while since then, check back on the original post to see if more's been added!
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bambi-slxt · 4 months
Could you write something with Matt or Chris (or both!) and a chubby/not petite reader? I don't see a lot of those and would really appreciate it!
Doesn't have to be smut, it can be more in the style of your non-binary post or love languages. Thank you!
oh honey. of course i can.
✨a concept✨
a/n: i'm not petite and i never have been. this post is not intended to cause body dysmorphia to those who are, but rather promote and uplift those who have more fat on them than what's normally represented in the fanfiction space. i hope you enjoy this one anon!
doing their makeup at a sleep over -
chris: "yeah, come on, sit on my lap. no, seriously. i don't mind. come here, mamas." *kisses* "there we go. now put this shit on my face before i change my mind."
matt: "you were saying something about hooded lids? yeah, i don't think i have those. what do you mean people have different eyelid shapes. what the fuck. you have to look up different- jesus christ i'm glad i don't fuck with this stuff."
watching a scary movie -
chris: "i never shoulda' agreed to this. what spell do you have me under? i hate you. no like actually." *holding your hand for dear life and also shaking like a chihuahua*
matt: "-genuinely fucking terrifying. what? why do I have to be the one who tells you when it's over? i don't wanna look either!" *long-suffering sigh*
swimming -
chris: "i don't want you to look like a model, i want you to look like you. you look real, and you feel real...when i look at my girl all i see is how beautiful you are. no, i'm being serious. especially wearin' the stuff i bought you."
matt: "it's just us, darlin'. i've seen all of you before. i know what you look like, and i love you because of it. get in the water so we can play mermaids."
clothes shopping -
chris: "what the Actual Fuck are these designs. this is the plus size section? what a waste of space? i'll make you better clothes. yeah, i'm serious. you like my brand better anyway. jesus christ, i'm sorry."
matt: "...is this really what you want to wear? no? okay so let's leave. yeah, this isn't your style at all. i don't care, i'll shop with you all fucking week if that's what it takes. you're not gonna settle on this shit if it's not what you want."
going to the gym -
chris: "come on, you got it. i know it hurts but you're almost done, come on. don't you dare stop, there we go...there we go, you're good, you're good, get some water...that was a new PR baby, i'm so fucking proud of you. hell yeah, you did so good...damn i don't even think i can get that...fuck you..."
matt: "why the fuck would we go to the gym when the bed is right there? absolutely not. we can work out in my bed-"
streaming together -
chris: "no we're playing fortnite, get on here. i don't care. we've played fallout all week i wanna play duos, pleasepleaseplease-thankssss. yeah we can hop on stream. nah, they love you. trust. you wanna get ready first? i think you look great, but it's up to you, mamas. i want you to be confident, you know that."
matt: "if they have something to say i'll just rip 'em a new one and kiss you on stream. yeah. no i'm dead serious. there's my girl. come on, let's play."
boyfriend hoodies -
chris: "course it fits. i got bigger ones for me so you could steal them. you're such a thief. i love you. what? i didn't say anything..."
matt: "i'm gonna freeze. no no, take it, take my only source of warmth. i'm not bitter. come here lemme cuddle you i'm fucking cold."
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a/n: hope you like this nonnie!
request to be on the taglist under this post right here, make sure your mentions are on!
tags: @selenascorner @pinksturniolo @malirosee @st7rnioioss @nonat-111 @cindylcuwho @evie-sturns @h3arts4harry @fanficsbymia @dazednmatthews @sturniolo-rat @mattsmad @sturniolo04 @bellasturn @blahbel668 @yomamaslays4lyfe @stasiesturn @pleasantlycrazyworld @ariqolyx @wh0resstuff @krissy4gov @coochiedestroyer1 @madisturn @mattspolitank @sturnsxplr-25 @xtravrgnoliveoil @raysmayhem-72 @sturnpooks @certifiedstarrr @melanch0lybby @freshloveforthefit @xoxo4chrisss @stunza @meerkatzthings  @zivall @sturniolopepsi @that1fangirll @wh0schl0 @sharksworldd @mattscoquette @chrisslutx @sturnzsblog @sturniologals @quaxkingshs @certifiedstarrr @sarosfilms @mattsfavbigtitties @slutforsturniolos 
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onlyangel4 · 2 months
unexpected. SMAU. LH44. final part.
lewis hamilton x tattoo artist! reader
in which reader is the last person someone you expect to find in the paddock and that is what makes him drawn to you. or lando's tattoo artist friend visits the paddock to tattoo zak brown after the miami gp win and the internet goes mad.
warnings- cursing
part one // part two
main faceclaim is ryan ashley malarkey
y/ntattoos posted a story
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written: lilith's first time abroad is gonna be a fun one.
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liked by user17, user43, user53 and 18,732 others
hamiltonupdates: lewis and roscoe seen arriving to the canadian gp. he arrived with y/n y/ln the tattoo artist that he was pictured with at the italian gp and her dog lilith. something tells us that this is not just a coincidence
view all 2,341 comments
user17: damn i thought we had escaped y/n
user53: no cause if they are having a dog play date that is the cutest thing
user43: fuck it. i'm speaking my truth, i love y/n and hope that they are together
y/ntattoos posted a story
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written: lilith's first gp
landonorris replied to your story: TRAITOR
y/ntattoos: oh shh you knew i was going to be in mercedes hospitality
landonorris: i know but still i miss my god daughter
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liked by y/ntattoos, lewishamilton, georgerussell and 459,289 others
mercedesamgf1: puppy love in the mercedes garage today
view all 52,319 comments
y/ntattoos: in lilith's defence roscoe doesn't actually seem phased
lewishamilton: did he tell you that
y/ntattoos: yeah he told me he loves her and wants her around all the time
lewishamilton: my poor son is now a chair
y/ntattoos: if lilith fits, lilith sits i don't make the rules
georgerussell: wishing that we always have dogs in the garage
lewishamilton: roscoe is almost always there george
georgerussell: i mean cute dogs that don't drool like roscoe
user10: see even mercedes admin likes y/n so just leave her alone
liked by lewishamilton, y/ntattoos and mercedesamgf1
mclaren: you took our girl and her dog. how dare you!
mercedesamgf1: admin is willing to fight to the death for y/n and lilith
mclaren: name a time and a place
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liked by lewishamilton, mercedesamgf1, landonorris and 219,829 others
y/ntattoos: the best weekend
thank you for having us mercedesamgf1
view all 67,102 comments
lewishamilton: i think roscoe is already missing lilith
y/ntattoos: and lilith is really mssing roscoe
user19: they are flirting through their dogs. she matches his freak perfectly.
mercedesamgf1: we love you y/n
georgerussell: second !
carmenmundt: third !
y/ntattoos: love you all
user32: the entire mercedes garage loves her so all you haters should just shut tf up liked by y/ntattoos
landonorris: i was gonna leave an angry comment but y'all are cute
lewishamilton posted a story
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written: here we go @.y/ntattoos
landonorris replied to your story: make sure you don't cry like a baby in front of your girlfriend
lewishamilton: lando i have been tattooed so many times before. i think you might be projecting
lewishamilton posted a story
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written: all new finger tatts done by the talented @.y/ntattoos
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liked by lewishamilton, roscoelovescoco, user47 and 512,091 others
y/ntattoos: today black hope tattoo studios welcomed roscoe (and his dad)
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roscoelovescoco: lilith is the best napping partner ever
liked by y/ntattoos
lewishamilton: amazed by how talented you are
y/ntattoos: aw thank you lew
user47: omg lew, they have to be dating
user92: it is silverstone week shouldn't he really be training and not wasting time with her
user12: they are fucking adults. leave them alone.
y/ntattoos posted a story
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written: here we fucking go
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liked by f1fan, user12, user70 and 34,510 others
f1wags: firstly, well done lewis! secondly, this win has revealed a brand new wag in y/n y/ln. there have been rumours surrounding the tattoo artist dating lewis since they met in italy but today has cemented it. when lewis won cameras cut to y/n happy sobbing in the mercedes garage with roscoe in her arms and then she ran over to the podium to congratulate him.
view all 22,119 comments
f1fan: for all the hate she got in the beginning i love her
user12: her carrying roscoe to the podium made me cry
user70: best wag confirmed?
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liked by mercedesamgf1, lewishamilton, landonorris and 976,102 others
y/ntattoos: lew. i am so incredibly captivated by your talent, i spent that whole race just watching you make good decisions again and again, your brain amazes me. i am so fucking proud of you my love.
view all 102,119 comments
lewishamilton: i had the best support imaginable
y/ntattoos: i love you
mercedesamgf1: y/n you just made admin cry all over again
y/ntattoos: sorry admin. love you !
landonorris: finally, i don't have to keep this secret
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liked by y/ntattoos, mercedesamgf1, landonorris and 3,149,209 others
lewishamilton: full silverstone post is in the works. but first i would like to introduce you all to my lucky charm.
view all 721,109 comments
y/ntattoos: you did it baby
lewishamilton: lcould not have done it without your support my love.
user62: this man wins a grand prix for the first time in over 900 days and his first priority is to hard launch his girlfriend. i want a love like that.
mercedesamgf1: brand new wag just dropped
taglist for this series: @ilivbullyingjeongin @formulaal @xoscar03
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violainebriat · 6 months
It's a bit weird typing out a full post here on tumblr. I used to be one of these artists that mostly focused on posting only images, the least amount of opinions/thoughts I could share, the better. Today, the art world online feels weird, not only because of AI, but also the algorithms on every platform and the general way our craft is getting replaced for close to 0 dollars. This website was a huge instrument in kickstarting my career as a professional artist, it was an inspiring place were artists shared their art and where we could make friends with anyone in the world, in any industries. It was pretty much the place that paved the way as a social media website outside of Facebook, where you could search art through tags etc. Anyhow, Tumblr still has a place in my heart even if all artists moved away from it after the infamous nsfw ban (mostly to Instagram and twitter). And now we're all playing a game of whack-a-mole trying to figure out if the social media platform we're using is going to sell their user content to AI / deep learning (looking at you reddit, going into stocks). On the Tumblr side, Matt Mullenweg's interviews and thoughts on the platform shows he's down to use AI, and I guess it could help create posts faster but then again, you have to click through multiple menus to protect your art (and writing) from being scraped. It's really kind of sad to have to be on the defensive with posting art/writing online. It doesn't even reflect my personal philosophy on sharing content. I've always been a bit of a "punk" thinking if people want to bootleg my work, it's like free advertisement and a testament to people liking what I created, so I've never really watermarked anything and posted fairly high-res version of my work. I don't even think my art is big enough to warrant the defensiveness of glazing/nightshading it, but the thought of it going through a program to be grinded into a data mush to be only excreted out as the ghost of its former self is honestly sort of deadening.
Finally, the most defeating trend is the quantity of nonsense and low-quality content that's being fed to the internet, made a million times easier with the use of AI. I truly feel like we're living what Neil Postman saw happening over 40 years ago in "amusing ourselves to death"(the brightness of this man's mind is still unrivaled in my eyes).
I guess this is my big rant to tell y'all now I'm gonna be posting crunchy art because Nightshade and Glaze basically make your crispy art look like a low-res JPEG, and I feel like an idiot for doing it but I'm considering it an act of low effort resistance against data scraping. If I can help "poison" data scrapping by wasting 5 minutes of my life to spit out a crunchy jpeg before posting, listen, it's not such a bad price to pay. Anyhow check out my new sticker coming to my secret shop really soon, and how he looks before and after getting glazed haha....
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dixons-sunshine · 3 months
Saw your birthday post and I’m here to say dad!daryl especially during pregnancy would be act like a caveman. You’re growing his child? He’s hunting for a mounting of food (more specifically animals especially deer) and presenting them to you like he’s at an altar. You want something. He’s already got it. Craving something that’s lots to the old world? Don’t worry he’ll do his best and if not he’ll find a suitable replacement. Dad!daryl would do anything for you already, and now you’re with his child… you really get to see how far he’d go.
Let’s not mention if you were ever in a position where he thinks you’d be in danger because he’s animalistic ensuring that you and his baby are okay.
Thank you for listening to my ted talk
Also happy early birthday!!
No because I think about this on a daily basis. You'd think I'm lying but I'm not. The amount of times I think of Daryl as a dad should be illegal lol. My own thoughts under the cut. (Sorry this isn't a proper fic. I didn't know how to write this in a way that would be in a way you deserve, but I loved this so much and didn't want this to go to waste, so I'm doing this. Hope it's okay!)
Basically everything you said is so freaking true. As far as I'm aware, aka on what I've seen in movies and what my mom has told me, the correct meat is an essential part to a pregnant woman's diet. Oh, boy, once you're pregnant and the doctor says that you need protein? You be rest assured that Daryl is not resting until he finds you the best goddamn venison he can. No rabbit or squirrel meat for the love of his life and his unborn baby. Y'all deserve only the best. He'd even fight tooth and nail if he could only find a small deer and there wouldn't be enough venison for everyone in the community and everyone wanted some. You needed it more than they did, and he'd hold someone at gunpoint if he needed to.
I've also wondered a lot about Daryl finding whatever you're craving. A few nights ago, I was really craving chips (fries) but I couldn't go buy any, so I had to make my own. While making it (at 3am if I may add) I thought about Daryl making you what you're craving during your pregnancy. If he can't find what you're craving outside the walls, he's gonna try his damn best to make it. Fries? He's picking potatoes out of the community's garden to make you that. You want a sandwich? He's gonna make you a sandwich. You want some crisps (chips)? He can't make it, but he's not gonna rest until he finds you some. It may be stale, but he doesn't care. Anything for you.
I've seen a couple of videos where the guy stands behind his pregnant partner and raises their belly to relieve some pressure. Daryl would do that! I read it in my favourite dad!Daryl series (Blood Ties by @celtic-crossbow. If you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend it!) and I was like “yes, he would totally do that!” Anything that would help make you even the slightest bit more comfortable, he'd do it. Also, I feel like it would bring a sense of comfort to him when he does that. It'd make him feel more connected with his baby before they're born, y'know?
Don't even get me started on Daryl being extremely overprotective of you. He doesn't want you to be in any sort of danger in general, but the need to keep you safe when you're carrying his baby increases by a tenfold. Your escapades beyond the walls are put on a hold for the foreseeable future. Anything you need beyond the walls, he'll get it for you. And if you don't want him to leave you, he'll get someone else to do it for him. He wouldn't ever let you willingly put yourself in danger, and if you ever were in danger, the people responsible for it would pay dearly.
I have a lot of thoughts on this but my brain isn't working with me right now. Thank you so much for sending this in! I really loved this so much.
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luvsturniolo · 9 months
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pairing : matt sturniolo x fem!reader
synopsis : having been dared to kiss a random stranger, you're the first person matt choses to approach
a/n : guys ive been needing to write another fic so badly that i got this prompt off of pinterest and i'm completely winging it (this is a cry for help. pls send reqs bc i'm running low atm.)
i hate how this is written & this is prob the worst thing i've done on this app but i need to post something so ur gonna read it anyway !
wc : 2.5k
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nick, matt, chris, nate, and madi are currently on an expidition to the mall. they hardly ever hang out as a complete group, so everyones moods are sky rocketed from the simple fact of them all being together. it honestly doesn't matter what they're buying or where they are. they'll all have smiles on their faces regardless.
"i'm surprised nick isn't trying to record a video right now." chris says as the group enters a random clothing store. "it's one of the very few times we're all together and everyone is in good moods. nick would normally take advantage of that."
"just say you want to record and move on." matt grumbles, walking over to one of the racks to flip through the t-shirts on display.
"i don't want to record! i was saying nick probably would!" chris tries to defend himself, earning weird looks from everyone due to this very clearly being a lie. chris lets out a sigh when he realizes that nobody is believing him. "whatever. i'm just saying that i don't think we should waste the opportunity to make good content. the fans love nate and madi."
"woww," madi says sarcastically, feigning offence, "you're just using us for content?"
"oh, shut up." chris replies, dramatically rolling his eyes at her teasing. madi giggles and takes a sip from the cup of lemonade she got from lunch earlier today at the food court. everyone else already finished their drinks, she's the only one with anything leftover from the meal.
"i didn't bring the camera anyway." nick says with a careless shrug, causing chris's jaw to drop with shock. "i wanted this hangout to be authentic. just everyone laughing and smiling together as a group. no cameras. no new friends. just us."
"since when did you ever leave the house without your camera?" chris asks him with his jaw still hung loose on its hinges. "it's practically glued to your bag at all times."
matt finds himself zoning out of the conversation as he looks around at the clothes. their argument about recording is only relevant to him if they decide that they are going to record. otherwise, it's unimportant and frankly quite boring. and now that nick admitted that he didn't even bring the camera, the conversation is no longer of interest to him.
they continue to stay near the front of the store, nick and chris arguing about the camera predicament while nate and madi laugh at them from the sidelines. but matt strays away from the group. he has about eighty bucks he brought with the intent on spending it all today. well, at least half of it or more. so he begins to get distracted with the task of finding new clothes to add to his wardrobe.
he made a mental note before leaving the house that he wants more hoodies since the weather is started to get colder. knowing this, he wanders over to the back of the store. he's been here enough to know that there's a rack of jackets and long-sleeved shirts in the right corner beside the employee exit door.
matt flips through the clothing. he wants more bright colors in his closet. most of his hoodies are black or dark grey. nick said that his wardrobe looks like a funeral home and he needs something more lively. but nothing here seems to catch his eye.
"need help finding anything?" a random female voice asks him. he turns to face the sound and sees a worker standing to his left. you. and lets just say you definitely catch his eye — unlike any of the clothes you're selling. he likes the style of your hair, the color of your eyes, the shape of your face, the bridge of your nose, all of it.
damn! matt's never been this whipped for a random stranger. it's normal for him to find random girls attractive in public, but something about you is making him unable to take his eyes away yours.
"okay? i'll take that as a no." you say before turning on your heel and leaving. as soon as you walk away, matt feels the urge to call out and stop you, but he doesn't know your name. he was too busy admiring you to read the tag on your uniform.
he lets out a sigh before walking back across the store and rejoining the group, his mood now soured completely. when he walks up to his brothers, nick turns around with a camera in his hand, recording.
"what the hell?" matt says. "i thought you didn't bring it."
"he lied so he didn't have to film." chris says with an eye roll. "but i didn't believe him. so i dug through his backpack and guess what! i found it sitting on the very top, fully charged."
matt just nods, not having anything to say to that. plus, now that he's in a bad mood it's be best to stay away from the camera so his bitchiness doesn't ruin the video. he feels guilty for being like this while everyone else has such high spirits, but he can't help it. he embarassed himself in front of the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen. there's no coming back from that.
the group exits the store and they begin to wander around. they're looking for a sunglasses store for nate so he can buy a new pair seeing as he broke his last ones while leaning out of the window of the van. the slipped off of his face — never to be seen again. but nate claims he needed new glasses anyway due to how old and scathed those ones were.
"you okay?" nate asks. the fact that he noticed matt's fatigue takes him by surprise. matt wants to continue sulking in his soured mood, but when he looks at nate's genuine worried expression, he can't help but confide in his friend about the events from earlier.
matt tells him about how he was looking for a jacket when you approached him. you came up so casually as though it meant nothing to you, when it meant everything to him. matt describes you, accentuating your beauty to paint the picture as well as possible. he tells nate that he feels like he's being dramatic, but he can't help it. i mean, you're a complete stranger whose name he doesn't even know. and yet he can't take his mind off of your guys's short interaction.
"i wish i had some wise words of advice for you, but i don't." nate says. "but judging just by the way you talk about her, you need to get her number or something. i've literally never heard you talk about a girl like that. you're fuckin' whipped, man."
"i agree." matt says. "but how the hell am i supposed to get her number when she's a literal stranger? i don't know anything about her."
"you know where she works." nate points out.
matt thinks about this for a moment before deciding that nate's right. he knows where you work and that's more than knowing nothing. someones job says a lot about them — how much money they make, what means a lot to them, etc. i mean, he's not the type of guy who gives a shit about your income, but if he wanted to know something about you, he could easily find out a lot.
"lets buy your sunglasses." matt says, confidence slowly overtaking him now that he doesn't feel like this whole thing is hopeless. "then, we can all go get a snack at the food court so i have some motivation to go talk to her."
nate agrees and hurries to catch up with the rest of the group. matt does the same, rejoining everyone now that his mood is boosted once again. they go to the glasses store and nate picks out a pair that he likes. the whole time, matt is back to normal. everyone notices the shift in his demeanor, but they decide not to point it out.
after nate purchases the glasses he chose, matt tells nick that he's hungry. madi agrees with matt, saying she could eat something seeing as it's been a few hours since they had lunch. not thinking much of it, nick agrees to go to the food court.
"fuck." chris says, sitting in the plastic chair beside matt. "i didn't know they had mozzarella sticks! if i'd known that, i would've gotten them too!"
matt just shrugs, eating another bite with a smug look on his face. chris shoots him a glare and scoffs, turning back to his cheesy fries with a frown. just as chris is about to insult matt, nick and madi come over to the table with their food. nick is still carrying the camera around, filming everything for their next blog. most of what he's filming will be edited out, but he's still taking the footage just in case.
as they all begin eating their food, nate — who had been using the bathroom for the past few minutes — comes back with a slushy and a small grin. he sits on the other side of matt with a weird look on his face. matt gives him a strange look and nate just giggles and looks away.
"i'm bored guys." nate says. "we should play truth or dare."
"okay." chris agrees easily. but nick shakes his head, not thinking this is a good idea. but chris insists. "c'mon, it'll be good content. plus we're not gonna do any stupid dares that will get us in trouble or anything."
when matt and madi take chris's side, nick has no choice but to give in play the game. his only condition is that he gets to ask chris first, and he has to pick dare. chris agrees to his terms.
"i dare you to say yes to everything i ask for the rest of the day." nick tells him with a sarcastic smile. chris rolls his eyes, but has no choice but to do as he says.
"can i go next?" nate asks excitedly. it's supposed to be chris's turn next since he was the one who did the dare, but nick answers dow him. he nods, letting nate go ahead. and chris can't argue since he has to say yes to whatever nick wants. nate grins widely and continues. "matt, truth or dare."
"dare." matt says without hesitation.
"i dare you to kiss a random stranger." nate tells him with a grin. "they have to be in the food court, though."
"what the fuck type of dare is that?" nick shouts. "we're not bringing random stranger into this! plus, isn't that against some kind of law? kissing random people can't be fucking legal."
matt is about to agree with nick, saying it's a horrible idea. but he notices nate flicking his eyes back and forth between matt and someone over his shoulder, gesturing for him to look at them. matt turns around and follows nate's gaze to find you sitting alone at a table. you're wearing your work clothes, sipping on a smoothie while scrolling through your phone.
matt changes his mind in an instant. "it's my dare, nick, not yours. so fuck off and play the game like everyone else."
with that, matt stands up from his seat, causing the legs to scrape against the tiled floor beneath it. he awkwardly approaches you with a giddy smile. god, he feels like an idiot. he feels like he went back in time to when he was a child, getting nervous to talk to literally any girl on the playground.
he stands in front of your table and clears his throat to get your attention. you look up at him and raise a brow in confusion. "mind if i sit down?" he asks, pointing to the chair beside you.
"go ahead." you tell him. you're still confused about who this guy is as he sits down at your table. he's attractive and seems sweet, but who is- oh. as he runs a can through his hair, you remember who he is. "you're the guy from the store. you were the one who stared at me instead of answering."
matt feels his cheeks heat with embarrassment. that's not the first impression he wanted to make. but at least you remember him! it's better than you not knowing who he was at all.
plus, you're not talking to him in a weird way. you're smiling as though you find his awkwardness amusing rather than strange — which it is.
"that's me." he says. matt glances over his shoulder at his friends only to see that they're all staring at you guys intently. chris waves him on, urging him to hurry the hell up.
"they're nosy." you say with a laugh. "i'm assuming they're your friends. otherwise, i'd be extremely creeped out."
"uh, yeah." matt says, looking away from chris to refocus on you. fuck. every time he looks at you, he's taken aback by your beauty. like time seems to slow when you guys make eye contact. "listen, they sent me over here as a dare. i'm supposed to kiss you."
you laugh at him for a second. but then you realize he's not kidding. he's being serious. "god, take me on a date first." you tell him sarcastically. matt laughs, but is still pretty serious about the dare. you feel weird agreeing to kiss a stranger, but it'd be even weirder if you were to say no.
not to mention, the boy beside of you is insanely attractive. it wouldn't be such a bad thing to kiss something this hot. "i'll let you kiss me if you agree to give me your number afterward." you tell him.
"i would have asked for it anyway." matt says with a teasing smile. knowing you have an interest in him as well gave matt a boost in confidence. and you honestly think that his confidence makes him even more attractive.
he leans forward and you do the same. you were expecting a small smooch the way little kids kiss at recess, but this guy went all in. he places one hand on the back of your head to tangle through your hair while the other hand cupped your cheek. the kiss was passionate and needy. and you fucking loved it.
when he broke it to catch his breath, you felt deprived of something more. you were practically craving this guy you met only a few minutes ago.
matt smirked at you before you guys exchanged numbers. you were still distracted by the fact that you guys nearly made out in the middle of the food court to process what was going on. as your confidence left, his was refilled.
"i'll come back to your shop before i leave the mall." matt says. "maybe next time i'll actually catch your name before we make out in the storage room."
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@kasqnxx @lvrsparadise @prettysturniolo @strniolo @urmyslxt @cupidsturniolo @opheliaofficial07 @thetriplets3 @sturn1olo-ffics @uhnanix @deadxrx @kitaysworld @lovelysturniolo @wilmalovegood @ladylokilaufeyson5 @sturniolopepsi @strnilolo @knowingnothingnoel @its-jennarose @lea0518 @slaysturniolo @sturnlover @tcvazq @ifilwtmfc @poopydroopt @cl0esblogg @ellaynaa @itzdarling
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stabortega · 11 months
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Summary: Having to deal with the aftermath of that situation was definitely worse then finding out the truth.
Pairing: Jenna Ortega x Fem!G!P!Reader
Warnings: NSFW. Implied fem reader, she/her pronouns used. Mentions of sex, dirty talking and sexting. Knife play. Mentions of kinks, nothing explicit. Top!Reader x Bottom!Jenna. MDNI.
Author's Note: Still think my writing is trash but you guys seem to like it. 💜
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"What the actual fuck?!" Jasmine almost yelled as Jenna shoved her inside one of the dressing rooms in the set, while she tried to shut the other actress up. "Thank god someone's paying that poor girl's college."
"This is not fucking funny, Jasmine. I shouldn't have told you." Jenna locked the door behind her, looking at her apprehensively. She made a terrible mistake by telling Jasmine what went on last night. "And now they expect me to work with her? After I-"
"Seen her dick? Oh god, what will be of you?" The black girl laughed, while sitting down on the couch. "Chill, alright? She probably doesn't even know you donated. I mean, what was your username?"
Jenna gulped. "I don't wanna say it."
"Come on, was it that obvious??" Jasmine rolled her eyes, waiting for an answer.
"It was my first name then the first four digits of my birthday."
"I cannot fucking believe you."
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Living in New York wasn't easy. Every apartment was obnoxiously expensive, so you had to resort to leave the city and start living in Brooklyn. It was a nice neighborhood, the best you could afford if we're being completely honest. Moving to the big city was by far the best and the worst decision you've ever made. Other than starting college, obviously.
I mean, you loved every second of it, but it started to fuck your financial life right up the ass.
"You should create an Only Fans or something." You almost spit the whiskey shot you were drinking right back to your cup, looking at your friend as if she just told you that she had killed three men with a needle. "I'm serious, (Y/N). Do you know how much money you can get just by posting out some feet pics, or whatever?"
"I'm not gonna sell pictures of my feet for cash, Liana." She shook her head no while taking a sip of her Appletini.
"Then don't. Sell your dick pics, or livestream. Come on, I know how much you're struggling and you know you're putting that body to waste. What's the worse thing can happen?"
And she was right. You started out with just an account on that website, posting some pictures here and there; until one of your followers suggested livestreaming and said she would pay some good money just to watch you cum on your stomach (which obviously, she did). It happened so fast that, when you realized it, you were able to get yourself a better place right downtown, pay off your college debts and buy a professional video camera to shoot some amateur movies. And no, not the pornographic kind.
You wanted to be a director someday, but you were also really good with a camera; which is why you got the opportunity to work in the upcoming Scream movie as an assistant videographer (and because Liana put in a good word for you). It was your first real gig in your area of interest, you couldn't be more excited.
The first day was just like any other. You got to meet a few people and get a hold of the equipments you were going to use.
"Ay, (Y/N)! Come here for a sec!" Your boss, Dave, called your name while you were looking at one of the IMAX cameras, which you've never got the opportunity to film with. You realized he wanted to introduce you to some people, which he did. You just didn't expect it would be one of the protagonists (and the newest it actress of Hollywood). "It's a pleasure to meet you, Jenna."
You extended your hand for her to shake, which she did after looking at it for a couple of seconds, almost if she was analyzing you. "Nice to meet you too, (Y/N)."
And that was pretty much it, you guys didn't exchanged any other words besides that on that particular day. You even thought that she could be avoiding you, for whatever reason. All throughout the day, you felt her gaze on you multiple times, but everytime you looked at her, she just looked away.
"You're definitely not subtle." Jasmine whispered in Jenna's ear, while she watched you handle one of the camera films. "I'm pretty sure that she can physically feel your eyes on her butt as we speak."
"She's definitely gonna find out that I was on her stream last night." The Ortega took a deep breath, looking away when she realized you looked at her again.
"She's not, don't get paranoid. You have the most obvious and boring username ever? Yes. It would take just one Google search to figure out your identity? It would. But still!" Jenna got up from the chair she was sitting, realizing that all she wanted to do was to smoke this off.
"You're not helping, Jasmine." She took out her pack of Marlboro's and her lighter once she was outside. "I never even watched porn before, not even by myself."
"And now you donated $1500 to a complete stranger just so she could cum while moaning your name. That's a character development." Jasmine stood beside Jenna, who had just started smoking so she could even try to forget that she wanted to sit on her coworker's dick less than 24 hours ago.
"I'm never doing that again, Jasmine. It's inhumane and gross. It was the first and the last time."
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jenna2709: thought about you a lot today.
"Oh, did you? Good to hear that." She locked the door behind her and sat on her bed. That was Jenna's, at least, 10th day of watching your streams nonstop. And she had just "caught" you in the beginning of your livestream (which meant that she had the notifications of your page on and was too much of a chicken to admit it). So that meant that you weren't even undressed yet, you were just rubbing your dick over your sweatpants and chatting a litte bit with your followers before you started your actual show. "What exactly were you thinking of, huh?"
jenna2709: of me sucking your cock under this table while you tell me how much of a good girl i am.
Jenna realized what she said after she already sent the message. Where did that came from? She thought while looking intensely at the livestream, hoping you would just stop with the teasing and take your cock out of your pants for her to see (and drool). "Oh baby, I'm sure you're very good with your mouth. Wanted to cum right on your throat and make you swallow every drop."
jenna2709: i would be honored to be your cum dump.
"Okay, I crossed the line." She took a deep breath, not even recognizing who was that person inside of her, the person that would say the most obscene and erotic shit that she ever heard. It was almost if something awakened inside of her everytime she saw you. Every couple of days, at exactly 10PM, she would lock herself in her hotel bedroom and fuck her pussy so deep until she passed out from having like, five orgasms. And that was the easy part, obviously. The hardest part was definitely waking up in the morning and having to look at you as if she didn't saw your dick inside of a fleshlight the night before.
Jenna grew up christian. In a american dream type of household. But getting in touch with Hollywood and all of the film industry made her get out of her bubble and quite literally, discover the world. She drank, she smoked, she went to 2AM parties at some A-List celebrity's house that she never even met before. But sex? Never sex. She met a few people here and there, but nothing further. It made her think about that, the fact that she couldn't even be interested enough in someone to actually have some sort of contact with them; but with you, she would stay all night thinking about you fucking her raw and senseless until she couldn't remember who she was.
"Stop teasing, Jenna. We both know you were born to be my cum dump, and mine only." You were so horny imagining having that stranger on her knees while she had her mouth open, waiting for you to dump your cum inside of her pretty little throat. You took your cock out of your pants, a little bit earlier than you've expected, but you were getting so worked up that you didn't even thought about your stream routine. You started to stroke the member gently, feeling your dick pulsate right on the palm of your hand. "I know that you're the only one who can take care of this right, don't you think?"
jenna2709: if you were mine, i would make you cum on my pussy everyday.
Jenna started to get scared. Who was this person that was hiding inside of her? Was she really like that? Is she the female version of Christian Grey and doesn't know it yet? How the fuck she got so horny all of a sudden?
She knew that the reason you were playing that little game with her was merely money. But there was a part of her, a tiny part that hoped that you felt attracted to her as much as she felt to you. Even if you'd never seen her face, or her body. It didn't mattered if she had just met you a couple of days ago; she wanted you to want her, the same way she wanted you.
"And if you were mine, I would carve my name on your belly so everyone would know who you belong to." Oh yes, the knife play.
Jenna wasn't naive or innocent, she knew about fetishes and BDSM practices; and thankfully there was the option of marking your kinks on your own profile when you created your account. The actress spent an embarrassing amount of time researching some of your kinks that were listed on your profile (there was so many things she didn't even knew existed, to be completely honest). And the thought of you doing all of those things with her got her aroused in a matter of seconds.
jenna2709: you could carve your name on my face, for all i care.
jenna2709: i would definitely want people to know that i'm yours.
The rest of the livestream went as usual, you doing all of the things that your subs asked you to, Jenna being awarded as the number 1 tipper for the 5th time in a row, nothing out of the ordinary. You were just about to cum for the second time when Jenna tipped you again with a request.
Wow! "jenna2709" donated $2000 with the message: i want you to cum for me, again.
"You know I never decline your requests, baby. But, let's be fair this time around?" You answered, a little bit breathless, masturbating your cock as hard as you could. "I'll give you a private livestream if you show me your face."
Oh, a private livestream?
Jenna had been following your for awhile now ever since her first time watching your stream. She knew that private livestreams weren't something you did. And yet, you were here, offering one for free, just to see Jenna's face in return. It was a really good offer, but Jenna couldn't accept. If you found out who she was, the shooting would be the most awkward work experience for both of them. It would be like, "Hey, (Y/N)? Can you get this camera ready for me? Also, I've already seen your dick and I'm having wet dreams with you fucking me like the slut I am." So, she took one last breath after she decided to stick with her original plan and decline.
jenna2709: it's a deal.
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enhafilthandfiction · 2 years
Can u do making out with jungwon headcanons 🤭
₊˚ʚ Making out with Jungwon✧˚
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A/n : Hello Anonnie! Thankyou so much for requesting! In my previous post I have written a whole fic of making out with Jungwon, so if you'd like to, you can check it out!
Warnings : Making out (obvi), grinding, neck kissing, hickeys, love bites, slight swearing, ass groping, mentions of touching him over his pants and him getting a boner
Word count : 552 words
Masterlist - Tips
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Poor baby would become addicted to your lips, esp when they lingered on his for a little longer.
Even when you pull away for breath, he's definitely the type to chase after your lips in a needy manner.
He's even the type to make it very intense and be quite tense himself
"Wonnie calm down baby, there's no need to rush"
But he would just be very excited and giddy almost, loving the feeling of your lips on his.
He would always close his eyes, focusing on the feeling
When he wants more of you, he would either lick your lips or gently bite down on your lower lip, making you yelp in surprise.
When you lips part, he wastes no time sliding his tongue in your mouth, tasting you and exploring your mouth.
And the second his tongue meets yours there's no going back oml
He feels aroused by the feeling and starts squirming around, his hips twitching
When your hands snake to the back of his head to pull him closer, he almost loses it.
He starts kissing you like it the last time he's ever going to be kissing you.
Then you pull away, making him whine at the loss of warmth on his lips
But then he whines because you lips are on his neck, sucking on his sweet spots and kissing softly, almost in a teasing manner.
He feels himself get harder at the sensation, and when you point it out, he feels his cheeks go red, too shy about it.
But that's until you start marking him up, he feels your teeth gently nip at his skin and suddenly his shyness is out the window
He bucks his hips up, desperate for any sort of friction
He tilts his head back, giving you more surface area as he whimpers out you name
"Y/nn please, I need more"
He's such a needy baby I swear
His warm hands find your waist, sneakily sliding under your sweater and rubbing your sides.
But when that doesn't work, he's not afraid to find your backside, groping your ass
Does this while kissing too, just to rile you up
Maybe if he's feeling a little more confident, grabs your hand and places it on his growing bulge
"Feel how hard I am for you baby?"
Moans out when you slightly squeeze him through his pants "Fuuuuck, Y/n, need you"
You smirk at his adorable state; messy hair, puffy lips, red marks decorating his neck and collars, hips twitching and his hardness prominent in his pants.
You lean in for another long kiss, this time grinding your hips on him, giving him some relief.
"Mm t-thankyou y/n" he tries to say between kisses. But unfortunately you still leave him hanging
"Jungwonnie you're so adorable, but I gotta go, I'm gonna be late" you say, leaving him pouting for you to come back
Poor baby >:(
He ends up dealing with his boner in the shower, thinking of you
When he's done and looks at the mirror- notices the hickeys and love bites and immediately his cheeks turn crimson red
He blushes, remembering of what you two did, how your lips felt on his and on his neck and how much he loves kissing you
He feels cool having to hide hickeys 😎
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Thanks a lot for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!
Inbox is always open for new requests!! (I need some)
Lyyyy <333
If you enjoyed this post, you can help support my blog by tipping me here! Anything is highly appreciated!
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cryonme · 2 years
𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐀𝐭 𝐔𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏
—graham dunne x fem!reader
—summary: the story of you and graham dunne was never simple, but his love for you never faltered.
— word count: 2.7k
—tw: addiction, implied drugging, alcohol, cursing, reader says she "doesn't wanna be here anymore", very obvious signs of mental illness, the works...
—a/n: so... I did not intend for this fic to be this long or this sad, but here we are. I'm breaking it into two parts so its easier to read, part two is coming shortly!! I apologize for how sad this is lol but I promise its a happy ending story! also, sorry for how I wrote daisy! she's my girl and I love her, it was just for the plot I swear! this is the first fic I've posted in about 6 months so im rusty, please be kind! and please, don't read if anything listed in the triggers is going to upset you, I want you all happy and comfortable! XO
(flashbacks in italics)
Nothing was ever Daisy’s fault, was it?
At least, that’s what Graham Dunne thought when he got a call from Karen saying his girl was wasted at a party with Daisy attached to your hip.
She should have known what you were struggling with, she should have known that you couldn’t handle a party, she should have known this wasn’t what you needed. Daisy Jones should’ve fucking known.
To be completely fair, they really all should’ve known. You’d been around since day 1. Everyone knew better, Daisy just happened to be the red corvette.
“You can’t keep doing this, my love.” Camilla whispered oh so gently, holding your hair back from your face, pressing a cold rag to your neck.
It was a small gig, at some shitty bar called Tony’s in Pittsburgh. The band always had a couple beers and maybe a shot or two before a show but you had begun to need more. You snuck vodka into your water bottles and begged the bartenders to sneak you a couple free extras by pulling your top down and leaning over the bar, using your forearms to push your tits up. 
It worked every time. Pigs.
“Can do whatever I want.” You slurred, cheek pressed to the toilet seat.
But damnit, you knew she was right.
Tony’s wasn’t the first time.
There was Rod’s, and The Ladie’s Room, and The Shiner Saloon, and some girl named Lisa’s 18th birthday party. It was becoming a pattern, everyone could tell.
You always went back to your house after a show. Your parents had been completely absent since you were 15, you never knew where they were. And after every show, their cars were never once in the driveway.
A safespace.
Billy would sit outside of the bathroom, head leaning against the door while Graham waited in the living room, arms crossed and head down, not wanting to listen to your cries and shakes of pain.
Eddie would retreat to the guest room, but he usually wouldn’t be able to fall asleep til he heard the click of your door next to his.
Warren would be passed out on the couch as soon as you all walked through the door, not that he didn’t care about you immensely, but the poor kid could just not stay awake if he was tired.
“I wanna go to bed.” You said.
Camilla sighed, “Are you sure you’re ready?”
You nodded and so did Camilla. She got up to get Billy like she always did, and he’d come and pick you up off of the bathroom floor, as he always did, and carry you to your room and lay you on the bed, letting Camilla make sure you’re comfortable, like she always did.
Graham would come in and ask how you’re doing, like he always did, and he’d make himself comfortable on your floor with throw pillows and spare blankets, like he always did.
But that night, after Tony’s, things changed.
“I can’t do this anymore, Graham.” You whimpered.
This was early days, Graham was still awkward as hell and didn’t know how to go about things like this.
“Do what?” He croaked, mustering up the courage to be there for you.
“This. I can’t live like this. I’m afraid I’m gonna kill myself.”
Graham was up in an instant, reaching for the doorknob. “Do you want me to get Camilla?”
You shook your head, “No, please. Just-” You wiped a tear from your cheek, “Will you just lay with me?”
“Anything.” Graham breathed as he settled into bed next to you. You immediately wrapped your arms around him, being too drunk to care about any awkwardness and Graham was thankful.
“We’ll get you out of this, promise.”
That was the last time anybody saw you drink anything besides a beer or two, following that was shirley temples and cherry cokes.
Nobody really knew the heaviness of addiction then, but they knew that you were happier, and that’s all that really mattered to them. You were even laughing at Warren’s jokes and Billy and Eddie’s lame bickering, everything felt okay.
“You don’t drink?” Karen had asked, the first time you properly met in California, while she was digging through the fridge searching for a beer. You shook your head, hoping you weren’t going to get some crazy reaction like you were a zoo animal in a cage like you got from most people.
She just nodded, a small smile playing at her lips as she pulled two coca cola bottles from the fridge, popping them open with her ring and handing you one.
“Cheers to that.”
You were sober enough to realize you were in love with Graham, and confident enough to tell him. And man, he could’ve exploded.
There was a celebration, at the house in Laurel Canyon, just the 7 of you.
Warren recalls later that Graham looked like he’d been dipped in sunshine and rainbows.
“Like he’d just smoked sunshine and been fucked by a rainbow. It was crazy, man.”
Well, almost.
You’d been around the band multiple times while they drank and it was never a problem. You’d have the first round of beers with them then tap out, but you always stayed and had fun, smoked a couple joints and cigarettes, never without a mocktail or coca cola in your hand. Sometimes, usually Karen or Camilla, someone would join you on the sober night, and that always felt really nice.
That night had felt different, you were scared.
“I’m gonna fuck him up Warren…” You said as you laid on the floor with the drummer as Down By The Seaside by Led Zeppelin played from the record player, Warren laughed.
“Yeah you are.” He said, his tone suggestive as he bumped his elbow with yours.
You rolled your eyes, fighting the heat creeping into your cheeks. “You know what I mean, man. I’m gonna ruin him.”
Warren had known you long enough and listened to enough of the songs you wrote to where he’d like to think he knew you pretty well.
And you never opened up out of the blue unless you were drunk.
“Have you been drinking?” He asked, not looking up from the ceiling. You scoffed.
“I still have a beer here and there, Warren.”
“You know what I mean, man.” He repeated your words back to you and you felt like you couldn’t breathe.
“I’m going to bed.” You said and stood up, trying your hardest not to stumble or slur.
“Honey…” Warren started, pushing himself off of the floor to try to stop you.
“NO!” You whipped around, flipping your hair so forcefully it stung your face but you were quick to pull it back.
“Don’t fucking- don’t fucking do that, man!” You started, holding a hand up. “My own friends don’t even fucking trust me i’m just constantly babied! Do you know how that feels?”
At that point, Karen, Eddie and Billy had tuned in, being in the kitchen. Camilla and Graham must have been elsewhere, he had always confided in her like a sister.
“Hey–” Billy tried to interject with a hand on your wrist but you were quick to pull away.
“Huh?! Do any of you know how that feels?!” You were borderline screaming now, and everyone was speaking to you so softly, hands slowly trying to grasp you and it made you want to scream even louder.
“How dare you ‘ccuse me of something like that asshole?” You were beginning to slur your words, the tequila you’d snuck from Warren’s room starting to hit pretty heavily, making your eyes droop and words slur.
“Baby, please-” Karen started, making the move to grasp your arm but you turned and lost your balance, nearly falling but Eddie was quick to catch you, he held on tight and didn’t dare let go until you calmed down or Graham came back. Billy had left minutes ago to find him and Camilla, who had taken a walk so he could freely gush about his new girl without the chances of anyone else hearing.
“Need you to calm down, babe.” Eddie whispered, running a hand up and down your arm for comfort.
“None of you even care!”
Warren shook his head alongside Karen, both of them had squatted in front of you, doing their best to provide what you needed.
“That’s not true.”
“I fucking hate you all!” 
“You don’t mean that.”
“I don’t wanna be here anymore!”
And then he said your name.
You froze.
He was gonna leave you, you were so sure of it. You worked so hard to be better for him and it didn’t work.
“No…” You whimpered and you swore you saw Graham break in front of your eyes.
“You can’t- you can’t see this.”
But he didn’t care. He knelt in front of you and Eddie and gathered you into his own arms, completely silent as he carried you to his room and you wanted to disappear into him so badly.
“‘M so sorry…” You slurred, and still he was quiet. You let him undress you and replace your pretty top and flared jeans with his own tee shirt and boxer shorts.
You watched as he changed into a similar outfit as you picked at your nails. “Graham, I-”
He sighed and placed his hands on either sides of your cheeks, placing a firm kiss on your forehead that only made you cry harder. You brought your hands up to grip his wrists, not willing to let go of the feeling of his lips on your skin.
“I’ve ruined everything, haven’t I?”
Graham was silent again as he pulled you into his bed with him, covering you both with the large duvet.
“Not in the slightest.”
That night was really the last night anybody had seen you get drunk like that.
Then, Daisy Jones came along.
And you learned how to keep bad habits a secret.
Tequila and mints in the bathroom, water and cherry cokes with the band. A shot of jameson to fall asleep. Champagne to wake up, brush your teeth. A beer in the shower after lunch, leave the evidence in Warren’s room since there were hundreds of empty ones anyway.
It’s not like Daisy was teaching you one on one, you just started watching her, and you liked the way she got away with it.
No one told Daisy about your issue either, you could hold your own and you had asked them not to, so lips were sealed.
But it took everything in Graham and Billy not to tell her to tread lightly every time they saw the two of you sneak off on your own.
And now here was Graham Dunne, sitting in the driver's seat of the van outside of God knows who’s house, with Camilla in the passenger’s seat and Billy in the back. Moral support. 
“Want us to come with you?”
Graham shook his head. “I need to do this alone.”
Billy scoffed, “I’m not gonna let you go in there with our two hot headed alcoholic rage sisters. Cam, you stay here.”
“Nope, you go I go. You two get our girl, I’ll handle Daisy.”
The three bickered a moment but finally settled on their plan. Graham and Camilla would take you, while Karen and Billy took Daisy, since the blonde girl drove.
“Fucking finally.” Karen exasperated as she saw her friends walk into the backyard of the party while trying her hardest to hold you upright.
“Where is Daisy?” Billy spat immediately, making eyes around the party. You had always been like a sister to him, in the way Camilla was to Graham, and he could’ve killed the redheaded girl in that moment.
“Beats me.” Karen said, passing off your deadweight into Graham, who was quickly supported by Billy. Your head lulled onto your boyfriend's shoulder, recognizing him as a source of comfort even in your inebriated state.
It made his soul ache.
“Is Simone here?” Camilla asked.
Karen shook her head, “Was. Split as soon as she and Daisy got into a fight. Offered to take this one” she nodded her head at you “home with her but I figured it’d be best if you guys came.”
Graham shook his head, “You made the right call, thank you.”
“Yeah, well uh, I sure as hell can’t drive. Got drunk as hell before even stepping foot in the backyard, soon as I saw (Y/n) I stepped in and called you guys immediately.”
“Do we need to get Daisy?”
“That’s a fight you sure as hell don’t wanna have. Yelled at me just for taking ‘her best friend’ away from her to get her some water.”
Billy rolled his eyes.
Graham and Billy began making their way out of the party with you slung around their shoulders, and Camilla walking arm in arm with a very drunk Karen who kept tripping over feet.
And suddenly red hair and sparkling eyes were in front of them.
“Ohhh no, what happened to my girl?” She tried to touch your face but Billy pulled you away, ready to say something before Graham spoke up, surprising everyone.
“Your girl, Daisy?!” His voice boomed, no doubt you’d be embarrassed if you were in any way conscious. “This is my girl, our girl.” He gestured to the rest of the group. “And I’d say it’s in your best interest to leave her the hell alone from now on.”
Graham was a mess when he got you home.
Daisy ended up at the house not too long after the rest, explaining she didn’t know the situation, apologizing profusely, informing them all you had been drinking for months. She told them in a sullen voice that you hadn’t been this bad last time she saw her, that she thinks someone must have done it to you.
Graham understood, he did. But he couldn’t look at Daisy. How could she let you out of her sight, to allow someone to do this to you? It made his stomach turn. Billy was next to his brother this time, in the living room, a hand resting on his shoulder, squeezing from time to time, and instead of standing Graham sat with his head in his hands, creating knots in his hair as he ran his fingers through it. Cam and Karen had you in the bathroom, after seeing the panic in Graham’s eyes they decided to take over that part, knowing it wouldn’t be easy for him to see. Warren stayed up, and Eddie didn’t retreat to his room, Daisy paced back and forth outside of the bathroom, biting her nails. Graham could hear it, it was driving him nuts.
“Would it kill you to be quiet for two seconds, Daisy?!” He groaned, running a hand over his red splotchy face.
Everyone knew that Graham was just upset and taking it out on Daisy, the red corvette, which wasn’t exactly fair, but they also knew better than to argue with Graham at that point.
“You know what, Graham?!” Daisy stomped into the living room, planting herself in front of the Dunne brothers with her arms crossed.
Graham didn’t look up.
“Hey, I’m talkin’ to you!” Daisy used her thumb and pointer finger to grip his chin and pull his face up to look at her and she immediately felt guilty at his tear stained cheeks and glassy eyes.
She sighed, and crouched before him.
“I know it’s hard, and I’m so, so sorry this is happening to her. But she makes her own decisions, Graham. No one could’ve stopped her.”
Graham nodded, but still wouldn’t look in her direction. “Will you go check on her, please?”
Daisy would later tell the story with a frown on her face, and she’d recall never being that scared for another person before, despite the smile she put on for Graham.
“I didn’t-” She took a breath, “I’d never seen it that bad before, at least not while I was sober. I thought she was going to die.”
Daisy retreated to yours and Graham’s shared room shortly after discovering she couldn’t stomach staying in that bathroom, deciding to make herself useful by getting the bed ready, fluffing the pillows and retrieving some fresh clothes for you to wear to bed, making sure she grabbed ones that smelled like your boyfriend. She dropped the clothes off in the bathroom, and passed along the message to Graham from Karen and Camilla that it was time to take you to bed.
This had been Billy’s job, since before The Six was even The Six, that’s how it went. But things had changed, Graham had grown, and it was his turn.
part two coming soon!
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Softdom!Spencer x fem!Reader
You've been feeling down on yourself, and Spencer just can't let it go any longer
This is the blurb from this post, I still might write the Aaron version!
Warnings: not full smut but for sure 18+ only, dom/sub dynamics, soft dom! Spencer, reader struggles with low self esteem/feeling unworthy, fem!reader, use of pet names (baby, honey, sweet girl/sweet thing, etc.)
Spencer knew something was bothering you, the way you'd started to go quiet during conversations, especially ones about work. He noticed the small, sad sigh and the quiet pause that you took before picking up your keys in the morning, when you usually left with a smile. It weighed in his heart heavier by the day, the thought of you struggling in silence almost brought him to tears one afternoon. But in order for him to help you, he needed you to tell him, and you seemed not to intend to do that. Every night you curled against him and let him hold you, for that he was thankful, but it was always in silence.
Finally, at six days he cracked.
"My love, come here, please?" The soft shadows of late evening hover at the edges of the living room, lit only by a small lamp by the sofa. Spencer tried to keep his voice gentle, not wanting you to think you're in trouble, but there's still an air of command to the words.
You appear around the corner, a small smile rising on your lips when you see him sitting relaxed on the couch.
"What's up, baby?" At his beckoning hands you cross the room, letting him draw you into his lap and settle you in his arms.
"What's going on, honey? You've seemed sad these past few days." Your eyes immediately drop from his and you seem to deflate in his arms, shrinking in on yourself. Spencer's heart twists as he thinks you're going to withdraw from him, but you don't. Your fingers twist into the knit of his sweater and he can see you chewing on the inside of your cheek. He waits, eyes soft as he watches you. His hand rubs gentle circles on your side, warm and soothing.
"I guess..." you speak at last, your words only loud enough for him to hear, "I guess I just feel like there are people, better, more deserving people, who could do so much more with what I've been given than I can, and I just feel like it's all this potential being wasted on me." Your words make his heart crumble, tears welling in his eyes at the sight of yours doing the same.
"No, baby, please don't cry." He begs you softly, the words sticking in his throat as he ever so tenderly swipes a stray tear from your cheek with his knuckle, cupping the side of your face with the same hand to guide your eyes to his. "Nothing is being wasted, you're deserving of good things, do you need to learn that again, baby?" Dominance laces his voice, though his tone remains soft. You don't answer, though he doesn't miss the tiny shift of your hips against his or the flutter of your pulse racing.
Spencer decided silence wasn't going to cut it tonight.
"Color?" You suck in a small breath, your hands settling on his shoulders.
"Green." It was the permission Spencer had been waiting for, one hand immediately tracking into your hair, closing in a firm but not painful grip on the locks. Using that new control, he makes you look at him, meeting your gaze dead on.
"My poor sweet girl, I let you forget how special you are, and that's not okay." His words send goosebumps over your skin as he draws you close, brushing his nose against yours as he whispers against your lips.
"I'm gonna make you remember after tonight, sweet thing."
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