#so i'm tagging it with myself xP
i love being a homosexual
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automatonknight · 2 years
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some wips(that i probably won’t finish sigh!!)+doodles :3
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nightlyrequiem · 17 days
then, imagine a little yippee critter foaming at the mouth. Thats me.
okay, but, in all seriousness, i absolutely NEED Valeria x like, fem, bimbo-esque, PINK!PINK!PINK reader!!!! Im going absolutely feral omg... imagine dolling urself up for this woman ... im found dead xp
Nothing would make me happier than putting on makeup while Valeria watches, I think. I love hyperfeminity! I'm incredibly partial to skirts, dresses, and pink myself. I actually painted my nails pink last night :3
Also I don’t condone the purchasing of real fur, faux fur all the way!
Tags/Warnings: Fluff, Established Relationship
Nightshade and Peonies
You're lying on your side in your big soft bed. A satin nightgown draped over your body and leaving very few little to the imagination. Baby pink covers surround you, the soft glow from your lamps making them look peachy. Your eyes track Valeria's movements as she slowly approaches you with a box in hand. she kneels and sets it on the bed before you. A humble offering to her deity. you sit up and try to hide the giddy excitement inside of you. You're trying to appear calm and mildly disinterested but the slight curl at the corner of Valeria's lips tells you she knows what you're feeling anyway. You sat up too quickly to keep the illusion of feeling casual.
You grab the edge of the lid and lift. You can't hold back the happy smile at the sight of soft beige fur folded up neatly inside. You've been dropping hints for weeks. You carefully lift the coat out from the box and hold it up to see it in its full glory.
"Oh, Valeria, it's gorgeous!" You gush. Imagining all the outfits you can make with this. Mexico isn't the most ideal environment to own a fur coat in, but you will look so divine that it doesn't matter if you'll sweat yourself to death.
"That's the one you've been wanting?" She hums. Resting her head in her palm.
"Yes." You nod. Quivering with excitement.
You fold it back up with care and place it back into the box. You push it to the side; you'll be keeping the box too. It's a pretty off-white colour that will look so nice in your closet. You lean back in bed and finally give Valeria permission to join you. She crawls onto the bed and hovers over you. Her gaze shifting behind you.
"You have too many pillows." She remarks. Looking at the silk clad pillows, the throw pillows, the two fluffy heart shaped pillows. All arranged with a careful precision.
"I think I need more." You reply playfully.
"Yeah?" Valeria grins. leaning down to press a kiss against your lips. "I'll be your pillow." You're filled to the brim with so much dopamine and oxytocin that you don't know what to do with it. So, you move your head and bite down into her shoulder, making her flinch.
You sit up and push her onto her back.
"So, what are we going to do tomorrow?" You ask. Stradling her stomach. Valeria trails her fingers over the smooth material of your nightgown.
"I think we should go to dinner tomorrow." She replies. "I want you to wear that little pink dress."
"Which pink dress?" You ask. Valeria needs to be more specific because you own quite a few pink dresses.
"The really light pink one... the backless one." She clarifies. You smile. Valeria could never keep her eyes or hands off of you whenever you wore that dress. Tight, lowcut, and short with subtle ruffling at the bottom.
Valeria looks so pretty laying there with her hair sprawled out. it makes you want to bite her again. You're excited by the idea of going out to eat too. Valeria is always taking you on little dates but you're never not excited. You'd show as much enthusiasm for rock climbing as you would for slow dancing. You'd doll yourself up in a pink outfit, put on makeup, and enjoy your time with Valeria.
"The backless one." You repeat. An outfit is forming in your head. You're also thinking of what colour you should paint your nails. Pink is an obvious choice but there's many shades to choose from. You could also do white. Or a sultry cherry red. You zone out as you think critically. You have this delicious white tiara that would look so cute with the dress. Shiny white platform heels would match with the tiara.
Then you remember the coat. You scrap the tiara idea and decide to wear the coat with it. But what heels should you wear?
"Hey." Valeria says. Grabbing your jaw. "What's going on inside that head of yours, hm?" Her hand is warm and comforting.
"I'm thinking of what to wear with the dress, I want to wear my new coat, but I don't know what heels to wear with it." You explain. You have a pair of pink heels that are the same shade as the dress, but you aren't sure if that will throw off the balance.
Valeria gently pulls your face down to give you a short kiss.
"You're thinking too hard." She murmurs. "What about those cheetah print ones?" You consider it. The fur coat isn't an animal pattern. The cheetah shoes would not match at all.
"No, those don't go with it at all." You sigh.
"Oh, my poor baby." Valeria coos. "Your life is so hard; I can't imagine having to find the strength to match your shoes to your top." You playfully swat her shoulder.
"This is serious, I need to look good." You huff.
"You'll look good no matter what." She says. Making you lay down next to her. "You'll figure it out, don't stress yourself."
You sat at your little white vanity the next night, carefully applying a rosy, pink lipstick. Your makeup is almost finished, glittery eyeshadow peeks out from your eyelids. Valeria is laying back in your bed behind you, you can see her watching in the reflection of the mirror. You'd think she'd look out of place among the baby pink sheets if you didn't already know she had matching ones at home. Valeria once told you that she loves watching you get ready. To her, watching you doll yourself up is an act of intimacy in itself. A dainty necklace decorates your throat, the small white jewel glinting from just above your amplified cleavage. You dab a little concealer around your lips to clean them up a bit then stand. You turn and give Valeria a little spin, showing off for her. You decided to forgo the coat. A decision you didn't make lightly.
She gives you a little wolf-whistle and you grin in return. practically glowing with pleasure.
"Beautiful." She speaks.
"You say that every time." You reply, still grinning. she gently grabs your hand and kisses your palm.
"And I mean it every time." She pushes up off the bed.
She walks towards your closet and retrieves the pink heels that match your dress perfectly. You glance at the coat longingly. You'll wear it the next time you go out, you silently vow. Valeria chivalrously puts on the heals for you. Holding your ankles with care, thumb running over the little gold ankle bracelet. You stand, a few inches taller than her though neither of you mind and eagerly stride around the room. Putting all the things you need into your tiny little bedazzled handbag. Lipstick and lip-gloss, mascara, and a small compact mirror. You grab Valeria's hand and drag her outside. forcing her to keep up with your energetic stride.
The restaurant is in the next town over. You sit in the passenger seat, looking out of place inside the dark interior. Although little touches of you are placed around the car. A tube of lipstick is in the glovebox. A little handmade pink and gold charm dangles from the rear-view mirror. She has a hand on your thigh while she drives. 
The restaurant is nice and lowkey. Hanging paper lanterns provide a welcoming, dim glow. Your exaggerated feminine appearance garners a few looks but nobody comes up to bother you. She pulls out your chair for you and you sit down, looking around and taking in the place. It isn't all that modern inside. The tables and chairs are old, there aren't any TVs on the walls. It's a charming little establishment. You and Valeria order your food and wait. Speaking to each other in low, engaged voices. You excitedly ramble about clothing and makeup and colour theory. About all the ways to style animal prints and different patterns. Valeria listens with rapt attention. Adoring you in such a passionate state.
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christiansorrell · 10 months
TTRPG Read-Through: Patchwork World
Here is a read-through I did last year (originally posted on Twitter) of one of the most unique PbtA games I've ever read: Patchwork World by Aaron King! - Christian
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Credits up first. I know a lot of these folks and they are really cool! Excited to dig into this. I've heard good things, and it's been a while since I've read or played any Powered by the Apocalypse.
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This is a cool, strong set up for me. I really like settings that ask characters to face a changing world and either take up change themselves or work to restore the old way of things. It's a headspace I find myself in a lot IRL these days so it's fun to explore.
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I'm interested to see how the no stats, no playbooks angle of this game works, considering playbooks are typically such a staple of PbtA games.
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Standard three-tired success, mixed success, fail forward resolution for rolls here and questions on the moves determine your bonus to the roll. Easy peasy. +2 is the max bonus.
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Other types of rolls are described here. Interested to see how they come into play. I also love clocks and use them in pretty much every game I run so it's nice to see those laid out here too.
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We just love a lil guy, don't we folks?
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A good chunk of the opening here is spent on laying out a lot of solid foundations of roleplaying generally. It feels like a book (so far) that would work for entirely new players. It doesn't feel essential for me, but I never mind a game that supports varied experience levels.
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Character creation is wide open, especially since there aren't playbooks and the text stresses that character creation is very much worldbuilding because of this. Fate-like concepts and tags are in here too which are things I generally enjoy. I like the Drawback mechanic.
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Moves are in the playback I set in the other room so I'm gonna go grab those. You get two chosen moves and everyone has access to a number of default moves. You've got three other life/XP things to keep track of too. I'm especially interested in Hex.
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There are a lot of moves! They seem quite varied and often very weird, fitting well with the titular patchwork world. You can have a duck's slick soul to dodge more easily or a magical space suit or speak to birds or be good at cartography. Overwhelming, but in an exciting way.
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You also choose a community as a party. While PCs all have their original homelands (before the end of the old worlds), you know have a community that gets its own little sheet. This is a cool reshaping of the Gangs from Blades. I also like how the community can change over time.
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Coming back to a PbtA game after months of more OSR-minded stuff, I think a lot of what these games contain are things that experienced players would say you could just do in any game at any time that it makes sense in the story, but I do find value in stating what's possible.
Esp since many players come to games with artificial limits on their options (whether that's from video games, more traditional RPGs, etc.). I just think good GMing here requires making sure that the players don't limit themselves just to the bevy of explicit options either.
GM moves (mostly to guide the response to failed rolls). I really think the community aspect of this set up is one of the biggest appeals to me so far. That and the wild list of moves, which I'm sure makes for amazing parties of characters.
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I always feel like it's never something I should be in my own writing (for some probably unnecessary reason), but I enjoy the first-person, casual writing style throughout the book. Makes for a very chill read.
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Good to see this game employs the Branson Reese style of NPC naming.
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Stress acts as a single catch-all health and challenge rating for NPCs. Ideally, I'd hope this would help lead to the PCs approaching encounters with more than just violence.
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Sections like this are what I'm referring to when I say this book feels very friendly to new players. It's got little anecdotes and thoughts like this throughout.
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Look, it's been a while since I've seen A Christmas Story but... it didn't have ghosts in it right?
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There's a sample adventure in the back (which I'll skip for this read-through) plus loads of random tables. Some wonderfully bizarre stuff in the characters and faction tables. Really gives you a good idea for how gonzo you can go with the setting.
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Love these two in particular
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Optional rules include hard mode (which I just think is kind of funny to see in PbtA, but could be cool if you lean heavy into the post-apoc setting) and some optional moves. I like that some moves focus on romance, something I enjoy IRL but never think to focus on in games.
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I was wondering why this was the sixth edition!
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That's all for the book itself. Going back to the packet to dig into the things I missed. Some expected bits in here but always one or two unique options I really enjoy. Leaking hex is cool (and could have some troubling cascade effects in certain situations).
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I definitely wish, at least in sitting down to read like this, that the contents of the player packet was also in the book itself. I think PbtA has this tendency of leading to loads of pages on the table, but it can make them very easy to pick up and play or to learn as you play.
That element is definitely here, but I think the vast number of wide-ranging moves and the excitement that would drum up in my player group would more than makeup for that initial overwhelming feel of "whoa, that's a lot of papers out on the table".
Overall, it's the most I've wanted to play a game in this style in a while. I like that the base setup for the world is very much up to the players to determine via the characters they make. I like that PCs here will probably feel unlike any other folks have played before.
The community aspect feels like where I'd want to center my story around, as a player. Seeing that shift and change over time feels like it would be very rewarding and would help lean into the "the old world is dead, what do we want the new world to look like?" theme I enjoy.
Because Aaron King is cool and recently hit a lot of Twitter followers, Patchwork Worlds is now Pay-what-you-want over on Itch.
I'm not sure if physical copies are readily available. For full disclosure (guess I should have said this up front), I got this copy for free from Aaron! Not for the purposes of this thread or anything, just for fun a while back.
Thanks for reading more ramblings from me! If you like to do that sort of thing, check out my newsletter - Missives from the MeatCastle. It's got writings on my work, cool stuff I've run across the web in the last month, and exclusive rpg stuff! https://meatcastle.substack.com
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queerweewoo · 2 months
okay this is very long and mostly just for me to get some stuff of my chest and out of my head therefore anybody tagged pls don't feel as though you have to read it all (like obvs you know you don't have to but you also hopefully know what i mean lol):
so i've had some quite heavy stuff going on in meatspace recently, and then i went to see i saw the tv glow two nights ago which was beyond brilliant but fucked me up entirely on a personal level. then, just to be a bit (read: incredibly) stupid, i for some reason (read: bc i'm a masochist) decided to delve into reading waaaay too many of my first 'eddie losing his shit over christopher leaving/summer of sexuality queer crisis' fics, which i've not dared let myself do before now bc it's all very close to the bone for me i.e. my own queer (trans) crises—yes, plural, they keep coming—and stuff that's not a million miles away from the shit going on with my eldest son (bar kim lol). why tf my brain chose the worse time possible is just another one of life's mysteries (read: i'm just insane [see above]).
(btw my struggling hugely with issues of repression plus my son hating/not hating me aside, THIS FIC is the insanely brilliant piece of art that kicked off the binge. it's from the astonishingly talented @wildehacked and is one of two parts which are possibly the best buddie fics—or even just some of the best fics, period—that i've ever read. seriously, check the tags and if you're a buddie lover and it/they seem like your sort of thing you should 100% go save/read it/them!)
anyways, after all that i'm now just kind of spiralling a bit tbh aha. i'm not fine, not rn, but i will be fine at some point soon sort of thing. like, i'm okay and nobody needs to worry etc i'm just trying to do one if the countless things that i'm absolutely bloody terrible at which is reaching out. but not because i need anything from anybody it's more just for me to be able to say “i'm going through some stuff right now and i might or might not disappear for a while” because i don't usually manage anything at all like that when i'm in the trenches and instead just retreat into my shell and go radio silent—and the thing is, i know some very lovely people who have shown concern when i've done that in the past and i'm therefore trying to be better. friends old and new alike such as @shealynn88 @sharkfish @greyhavenisback @raisesomehale @doilooklikepeople @woodchoc-magnum @buddiebeginz i'll absolutely be getting back/chatting to you when i'm able to interact with a bit more—well, when i'm a bit more, i 'spose xp
also tagging lovelies @novemberhush for the usually well-loved procrastination tag game stuff and @inell and @kitteneddiediaz (and possibly @veronae-buddie and @daffi-990?) for the WIP games i've been kindly tagged in but not responded to. thank you and sorry! like, i know it's absolutely fine and nobody really cares about stuff like that, but i'm just very much feeling like i need to say these things right now. and more apologies if there have been tags i've missed from other lovely folks; not being round these parts for 48+hrs = horrendous notifs situation (you know how it is).
on the writing front, i don't know if it's both completely dumb and ridiculous to start this by saying, “hmm, i'm unsure if it's related or not?” but as well as everything else i'm simultaneously having one one those Everything I Have Ever Written Am Writing Or Could Write Is Utter Fucking Dogshit sort of moments (like, i know i'm not a great writer—which is not derogatory and just fact and 100% absolutely fine—but i'm usually at peace with the strange little oneshots i puke out, y'know?) which is yet another reason for me to disappear off here for the time being as i sadly have one of those unhealthy irrational relationships with fandom that's like I Don't Deserve To Be Here If I'm Not Being Useful—which i know is dumb af and i would absolutely try to coax anyone else out of if it were them saying it and not me, but alas poor yorick. thing is, i used to be incredibly prolific in making fanart, for loads of different fandoms, and that too has dwindled considerably over the last year or more (god, is it that long?) therefore it's just a double whammy currently with the writing now also taking a hit. and i know, i know, whomp whomp poor me etc etc i just—i fear whenever i disappear, i won't ever be able to make it back... bleugh horrid lol
obviously i can't seem to be normal about anything ever so i'm sorry if this is a weird way to respond to nothing happening that nobody asked about (there is no 'if'; it absolutely is weird but i'm afraid it is what it is) and i truly don't need anything from anybody, i just think me posting this and saying how i'm feeling will probably be doing me a bit of good. honestly, pls feel free to ignore, this is just cathartic for me. but i guess, at the same time, as well as those things, me being on the spectrum means i'm not skilled at keeping friendships going, which makes me very sad, so this is maybe me voicing those fears in an attempt to combat them becoming a reality? i think? it's just that i've already drifted away from too many lovely people here due to the affects of these things and i'm therefore just—i think i'm just really trying in my own odd little way.
anyways i'm gonna go rewatch some sense8 and sob out my own weight in tears and snot and just keep on keeping on with existential crisis #4793 for the time being until something shifts in me and then i'll be back at some point? yeah, i think that sounds about right.
love you guys big much (one of my son's isms from when he was little) <3
ps just realised i wrote this on my buddie blog and really can't be arsed copying and pasting it over to my main @all-or-nothing-baby... so anybody who was wondering, yeah it's me yer boi cassidy xp also if you read this far you're insane and i love you even more for it <3
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mewos-laptop · 5 months
Yoooo intro post ???? ‼‼‼
Hey gamers, uhhh I'm Mewo/Albedo/Fruity and this is my general/mix of so much shit blog !!! My other one is strictly alterhuman based primarily, but I wanted one that my irl friends are permitted to be privy to lmao
Abt me: I'm queer, generally using the label "gay" for myself, an agender trans boy, and polyamorous aromantic/fictoromantic. I use a shit ton of pronouns, but I primarily use it/its, xey/xem, and rlly any noun neopronouns. I also use he/him, however I am brought much joy by my neopronouns being used, so he/him is secondary :P. I'm diagnosed with clinical anxiety (over most of the anxiety disorder spectrum, so including OCD and social), depression, and Hypermobile Spectrum Disorder (HSD), and am self diagnosed autistic, ADHD, and BPD.
I'm a singlet who will sometimes use we/us pronouns !!!! This is because I have severe separation of myself and my emotions and actions. I am aware and conscious that I am a single person logistically, however my lack of identity and moodswings cause me to feel that separation of self.
SPEAKING OF WHO I AM, KIN LIST JUST DROPPED Y'ALL (Subject to change/being outdated bc I don't have enough time in my day to add and remove every single questioning kin everytime smth happens in my brain XD)
We also have a list of "emotions" which may take hold, and information about them.
I'm an alterhuman, a xenogender user, and generally the cringiest person you'll meet !!! My interests that I'm gonna post abt mostly are alt fashion/fashion in general, OMORI/rlly just my friend's OMORI posts, my friend's writing projects, my own writing projects, Regretivator, various mental health stuff, and rlly just anything in general that I like (speaking of which check out Carolina Magat on YT/The Nursery Series my friend [@valleyfthdolls] makes it and it's cool and I play Cody hehe)
I'm a scene kid in style/music taste and a punk in ideals, sparkledog nightmare cringe boyfailure, baby Kandi kid, and the scary faggot transspecies the conservatives warned you about.
Oh yeah, I'm also a minor (16-18 age range) sooo NSFW/NSFT dni plsss Xp
Other DNI shit. I don't cover everything, but I do just block ppl who make me uncomfortable :3
-Including an entire new paragraph for this bc holy shit. THOSE WHO ARE NOT PLURAL WHO ENGAGE IN SYSCOURSE DO NOT INTERACT. No, I do NOT care abt your "hot takes" on endos, you are not plural, so leave it alone. I do not give a shit if sum1 is an endo, it literally has nothing to do w/ me, and I am not plural, so I do not understand that experience whatsoever. Leave it to plurals themselves to talk abt this shit, bc I am so tired of seeing singlets yap on and on abt endos.
-Identity police (specifically ppl who hate "conflicting" queer identities, bc literally sum1's identity has nothing to do w/ you XD), proshippers (I am fully aware it's fiction, no, I do not hate those who engage with hard topics in fiction, but that does not mean I want the romanticized view of those things for the titillation of the viewer on my dash, ESPECIALLY due to it triggering my intrusive thoughts), racists, homophobes, transphobes, Zionists, pro-cringeculture, anti-recovery blogs, anti-alterhuman, intersexists, radfems, blah blah blah y'all get it.
BYI: I will post the occasional vent, I have a godawful memory, and I am severely mentally ill. I will often react before thinking when I am in states of distress, and my BPD can make me inappropriately angry, or inappropriately emotional. I have a hard time remembering trigger tags at times due to my bad memory, so please give me gentle reminders if I mistag something, or if I forget to tag something for you. Just in general, if I do something that makes you uncomfortable, give me a gentle reminder, because chances are I just literally didn't realize/or I forgot.
Alr bye bye :3
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tinyetho · 6 months
helloo :)
my name is lych (or full tag Lychenon) u probably don't know me like almost at all but I still want to link some of my stuff lmao xP
socials !
ao3 (I literally only write smalletho, u should still check me out)
that's kinda it I don't really have anything else I use regularly.
about me ?!
(again) my name is lych, i go by he/him. im a little american boy and pretty much unlabeled when it comes to sexuality.
my favorite music artists are people like The Crane Wives, Mitski, and stuff like that
I love minecraft, and really any smps that go w it! Im really into hermitcraft, life series, and lifesteal. My favorite YouTubers are Smallishbeans, EthosLab, SpokeIsHere, Parrotx2, InTheLittleWood, ReNdOg..
I'm also extremely into cartoon media like South Park, TDI, Dick Figures, and other stuff.
I like some Roblox games like Daybreak 2 (if u play roblox I recommend it heavily), GASA4, and I used to really like RH
I am a HUGE Boat boys/Smalletho enjoyer. I enjoy any type of media that includes them, and I just a hugeeee fan of them. If someone gets me started yapping about them, you are NOT hearing the end of it. I ALSO really really like treebark but I think there is about 3 other treebark shippers and we are BARREN so.
i don't really have much more to say about myself, or what im going to post..
PLEASE FEEL FREE TO DM ME!! I'm a very open person and id love to friends on here. ;3
@tiniestetho <- my side blog for art !1!
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hildcit · 8 months
introduction? Sure :p
Probably is about time I make one :p
Hi visitor! o/
I'm Hild | she/they | Norwegian | 27 💚
Welcome to my little corner on this website! Hope you enjoy your stay :p
Honestly? I'm reblogign whatever i feel like here. sure Hermitcraft & trafficblr and Sanders Sides has been among the things i've been up to the most here, but be assured there will be bunch of other things as well from time to time (multifandom n tumblr things in general).
Do not at all feel scared to like or reblog or dive into old, old posts btw, i just think it's fun whenever i see someone take a deep dive in my (mainly) reposts
Tags n other things under the cut:
This is mainly for me to help keep track of things, but does gives a good idea of the type of stuff you can expect from here so ye :p
* Note this is not even close to perfect or anything, but I'm making an attempt at making my blog navigatable somewhat at least xp
⭐Sanders Sides
#TSS #ts analysis #fam ILY #ts Roman #ts Orange #ts Janus #ts Remus #ts Patton #ts Logan #ts Virgil #ts Thomas #ts Nico #ts Emile #ts Sleep
(+ more. And indeed, went full rainbow xD)
#HC #hcs7 #hcs8 #hcs9 #hcs10 #xisuma #Zedaph #False #iskall #cubfan #ijevin #Docm #Stress #Keralis #hypnotizd #xbcrafted #tfc #Wels #VintageBeef
#Etho #Gem #impulseSV #Tango #ZombieCleo #Mumbo #Rendog #Bdubs #Grian #Pearl #Joel #Skizz
🚦Trafficblr/Life Series
#trafficblr #3rd life #llsmp #dlsmp #limlife #slsmp
#Smajor #Martyn #Bigb #ldshadowlady #SolidarityGaming
What We Do In The Shadows
#wwdits ##Guillermo #Nandor #nadja #laszlo #colin robinson #the guide
#J&H #G/T #animals #aos smp
💚Posts I made myself!!
(yes, I've not rly been making a lot of posts, I'm aware, also why i put it so low :p ) #My Things
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gr00vyminibus · 1 year
Nothing crazy, pretty vanilla actually
A/N : i didn't wanna ruin that innocent cottage core ms. honey image but then it came to me, that woman is about in her mid or late twenties in the movie, she is a grown adult so I was like (to myself) yeah u right xp, then proceeded to write this short smut. Read at your own risk if you wanna protect that image :)) This is about the ms. honey in the Matilda musical btw
Also, I wouldn't put a taglist for these types of writings because its like an out of the blue thing, I'd only tag if it was an official story but yeah, xp (I'm done talking lmao)
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You kiss the inside of her thighs, getting Jennifer riled up for what's about to come. Her fingertips are dancing at the bands of her panties just dieing to take them off so you can have her.
When you leave open mouthed kisses just beside her heat a sound of desperation finally comes from within her.
"Y/n please, I can't wait"
"Trust me darling, this isn't a delay. I want my touch to be savored so that when I finally get here," you right above it now, warm breathe fanning over her clothed cunt.
"Your limits will pleasingly exceed because of me." Just then you kiss her clit over the lace and lap at the damp spot on her folds.
Jennifer couldn't believe your mouth felt that good and it wasn't even directly on her, "slide these down for me" she obliged and spread herself open again like a blooming orchid.
You couldn't resist and licked at her glistening essence, burying your head further between her thighs.
She caught the sight of you pleasing her when she looked down, making her lips part in amazement.
Her eyes don't stay open for long when she lets out a low moan, judging from your toungue motions varying between technique and speed you must've liked it.
Jennifer holds her thighs for grounding and squeezes them when you make her arch. Your hand slide to her hips and pulls them down further on your mouth, "oh, f—" she refrains herself with a bite to her bottom lip.
You part from her and prod a finger at her entrance, "let it out" as you ease one in she squirms at the feeling but you calm her down with kisses to her naval.
"breathe darling, it'll feel so much better soon" she loosens up to your calming voice and gives you the green light when you can continue.
Jennifer wants more than your index so she gets the middle one aswell, the way her hips grind down on them is consistent because she loves the feeling of you inside of her.
You lean back down and gently suck at her puce nub with a clouded mind that's filled with every aspect of Jennifer's body.
Like the way she reacts to your touch, the taste her lush pussy delivers and that beautiful face twisting up from the pleasure.
Suddenly her walls began to squeeze and her hand holds your head steady. "I'm close– fuck don't stop" a moan of your own had escaped and created a tad more pleasure for Jennifer who couldn't stop the ecstasy slurred curses.
She was quivering under the palms of your hands and was about to finish soon.
Both of her hands were threaded in your hair as she whispered numerous chants of yes, then her movements stuttered and she arched from the bed with a long moan, sweet and satisfied.
You licked her clean as her thighs twitched from the overstimulation.
Jennifer could barely crack an eye open for you when you loomed over her, "Jenny, how're you feeling sweetheart?" She held the hand that cupped her face with a hazy smile.
"Good, so good"
"Good." you chuckled and gave her a slow and passionate kiss that made Jennifer feel aroused once again in her nether region.
You mistaked her mellow attitude for exhaustion and settled beside her, fingers reaching for the lamp light but her hand brought yours back.
"We're not going to sleep until you come as well" her hands road up your shirt and took it off your head.
"You don't have to if you're tired"
"Don't be daft, y/n" a slight smirk splintering at her lips.
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bleachbleachbleach · 8 months
I wish timeslots were infinite! Because I'm enjoying this reread, but I'm also like, "okay but the time I spend on this is time not spent writing my fanfic, or writing tags on other people's posts." And then I was writing a reread post and IN THE MIDDLE OF IT got obsessed with Ganju and now I want to write Ganju fanfic. So I was like, okay, maybe I should pause the reread and write the Ganju fic while I'm here in this part of the canon! Use this as a pause function!
But then I was like, I AM ALREADY WRITING A FANFIC. And while it's not as though I haven't written other fanfic while writing this one (this being true of all of them except for the first two, from before I even joined this fandom), I'm like, okay, but I want to finish this WIP ever, though. I really do. Plus reading is usually easier than writing, so sometimes I can convince myself they are different tasks even if they live in the same task slot ("fandom")? (Though "reading" opens its own door into 'I am enjoying this reread but I also want to read fanfic!') Having too many active processing running in one slot ("fandom") really stresses me out. XP
I think really the takeaway of this story is 'I am bad at task-switching,' but my point still stands: I WISH TIMESLOTS WERE INFINITE. that would cure me
There's just too much Bleach that I wanna be Bleach-ing, at all times!! Bleachbleachbleach
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mezz-merizing · 1 year
hi everyone, i'm mezz!
so!! now that we're about a week into you all deciding that my aimless rambles about hypno things i like are worth a follow, i figure it's probably about time for a belated introduction, and also a pinned post!
i'm Mezzmer, and you can call me Mezz! i'm sure you've caught the general drift by now: i'm an extremely hypnokinky nineteen-year-old enby with a passion for long-winded infodumping about things that interest me, and this blog is my new and shiny place to do that about something that interests me a lot- the infinite art form of hypnosis!
we have to do all the things a pinned post does, so let's get that out of the way! all that below the cut :3
so! first things first, who don't we want around here? to put it concisely, please don't interact with me iiiif:
you're generally cringe (bigot, terf, nazi, et cetera. you know you're not wanted here, don't make me waste my time blocking you)
you're under the age of 18, for my safety as much as yours
you're a completely blank blog (it's nothing personal! i'm just gonna assume you're a bot if you've got absolutely nothing on your blog- as long as you've got something in your name, or a pfp, a description, whatever, you're cool with me! i don't care if you don't post, i was a lurker too, last week xP)
you post medfet content that revolves around mental hospitals and/or institutionalization, and that's not obvious by your blog title (again, not personal! i just like to scan through the blogs of people who show up in my notifs from time to time, and that kind of thing is a major trigger for me. please follow me on an alt account or something)
and that's it!! i'm pretty lenient with all this stuff- don't be Literally The Worst, and don't cross my boundaries, and we're chill :3
some personal stuff i think you should know: i'm canadian, i'm not a man but i prefer masculine pet names (good boy, pretty boy, etc), i'm autistic, and i will not tell you what's between my legs! i've got a decent amount of experience with hypnosis but i'm always learning and always exploring, and i'm almost always on the subby side. almost.
generally i appreciate hypnotism for the actual hypnosis involved- triggers and suggestions are good and fun, but expect to see a lotttt more from me about inductions, about the experience of trance, that kind of thing! i'm also a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of trance, and i don't often find myself needy for actual sex to spice it up, so don't come expecting a ton of that either
my dms and my askbox are always open to cool people!! if you don't want to literally kill me, i probably want to talk to you!! please come and say hello, i promise it'll be nothing but a good time for me <3
and with all that out of the way, all that's left is my special little tags! there aren't a lot right now, but i'll edit this to add more as i need them
#not hypno - believe it or not, i think about other things sometimes! if you'd rather keep your mezz-merizing experience as pure as possible, or if you're seeking out my opinions on stuff that isn't, um, hypno, this is for you >:3
#mezz personals - sometimes i talk about myself on purpose! and sometimes the things that i post reveal interesting things about me! when i think that's happened, i'll tag it with this, and you can peruse it to get a better feel for the boything behind the pretty words
#the box with asks in it - posts where i answer asks sent to me!! :3 i always love getting asks and i do my best to answer all of them, so don't be shy! all asks are answered publicly unless you specifically request otherwise
#🖤🦋🖤 - unfortunately i have been through a significant amount of trauma, and sometimes i process that trauma through kink. this tends to get dark quickly! if that's something that's not for you, well, that's why this tag exists
#serious shit - exactly what it sounds like! if this tag is on a post i'm not fucking around. there is no character and there is no horny stuff. i mean to use this as little as possible, so! let's see how low we can keep that count
that's all! thank you for reading! i'll be back to rambling before you know it <3
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teencopandthesourwolf · 4 months
hello tcats
i hope your day is going good
if you do not mind can i ask you a question? i am fairly new to tumblr and not very fluent in English so i fail to understand some tumblr terms. Can you tell me what does the tags "a wolf and his queueman" means? i have seen other variation of this tag such as "i will queue heavily at you" so what does this actually mean?
thank you
hi nonny! welcome to the dumpster fire that is tumblr dot com and the sterek fandom!
oh my gosh ofc i don't mind you asking :) it's lovely that i was the one you decided to ask! like, i wouldn't call myself a tumblr oracle or anything, but i have been around these parts enough to know a bit about a bit, y'know?
so, for whatever reason (if there is a specific reason that i don't know about somebody who does should absolutely feel free to wade in and enlighten us both) the kool kids on tumblr (read: the nerds) use puns as a fun queue tag for the posts they queue up instead of the ones they post or reblog into the void as soon as they see them.
because i have no idea of your level of understanding of the english language, i'm going to post the oxford dictionary definition of the word 'pun' for any further comprehension that might be needed. i hope you don't take offence at this as i'm really not trying to patronise in any way:
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so, lots of us on tumblr will choose either just a random pun that correlates with the word 'queue' i.e. my queue tag for my og main blog from 400 years ago was queue queue ca choo, which was a pun on the beatles lyrics coo coo ca choo from their song i am the walrus. i picked it because it was a (fairly) recognisable line and just something puntastic that i thought would be fun and kind of worked (debatable).
lots of us will pick a queue related pun that is specific to our blog i.e. my queue tag from this teen wolf/sterekblog of mine that you mentioned: a wolf and his queueman. this is actually a really frickin terrible pun but one taken from the sterek fandom because it alludes to the phrase a wolf and his human (meaning derek and stiles)... yeah, i told you it was bad!
to further explain, my buddie blog queue tag is fire and resqueue, bc buddie is from the 911 fandom which is a show about—you guessed it!—fire and rescue!
okies, i hope this helps, nonny? sorry if it's actually a shitty explanation; my brain currently resembles that black gooey shit that seeps out of derek when he gets shot with a wolfsbane bullet bc i've sarcastically had a few very fun few days lol
happy tumbling!
cassidy xp
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mentalisill · 1 month
Ranchers anon back at it again:
Yeah fans tend to do that sadly XP
Great ship, the fans? A little questionable… there’s some great fans but the louder ones or the ones that clog up the ranchers ao3 tag are my haters lmao.
Also to that anon that’s upset about a random person on the internet not liking a minecraft ship, who cares? Genuinely who cares. The person here is posting on their own blog, I haven’t seen them attacking people in their own blogs about a minecraft ship, let them be a hater in peace lol.
Sincerely - the rancher ship lover but also the rancher fan hater anon
youre so real the realest ever i think fans everywhere should stop and think if you're just being too exact about what they like, like I'm annoying about my guys, but I'm not spreading hate into the world yk being annoying is okay unless you have hate in your hearts!!!!! and like I'll call myself the #1 ranchers anti or hater but really I have nothing against the ship I'm just annoyed at the fans
sighing the world is a spiteful place already why spread more hate about a Minecraft ship when it is truly never ever that serious I the first place </3
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haunted-vespera · 4 months
Officially introducing myself:3(lightly edited version)
HI 👋 I'm Haunted-vespera (or ves/vespie/vespera) ! I'm 16 y/o , I'm a writer, singer, theater and choir nerd, and a total loser Xp
I love art, whether 'traditional' or digital, art is amazing! I may occasionally reblog partial nudity in art as I love classic sculptures and figure painting, and they occasionally can contain exposed body parts.
I love theater and music, my favorite musical is Beetlejuice! I write for fun and sometimes it can be a bit before an update happens:).
I will try to keep this a generally positive and fun zone, but some reposting of major issues will occur.
I'm scene/emo/ goth, so I will post about those subcultures sometimes! I'll tag my lil chats as #vesperatalks
I love reading and I'm always open to book recs, so if you have any please send them!!!!
My writing is going to be tagged as #nightshadewrites
My music/ theater stuff will be under #vespiesings :)
I'll tag any random things and stuff as #randomves (bugs,plants, Animal and stuff)
These are the best people I have ever met, I feel like I fit in so well and we have so much fun (we even have game nights heheh)
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siiversans · 2 years
Hey there! Maybe I will notify you that I just followed you, but in reality I have been seeing your AU of this blog for 3 or 4 days, with the undertale tag I was able to guide myself a bit and see your story completely.
And finally I was able to see EVERYTHING you posted regarding the story and the off-camera scenes, all thanks to the tags, bless them and you too for posting them QwQ you don't know how much it helped me. I have been looking from my cell phone, I had to go down in the history of the tag (which by the way, the #undertale one is the most ordered, I don't know why) looking for where I stayed. There are times when I got lost or closed by accident because I'm stupid XP, but here I am, happy to have met you and your lovely characters, I really hope you upload the official story of your AU one day, also the one of FALLEN I loved that one a lot!
In case you haven't noticed yet, I don't speak English, I speak Spanish. I am using the translator of my keyboard to write you this message. I was translating your content with that and Google Leans, Sometimes, since I am studying English and I know something to manage by myself. I just want you to know how much I love your story, What I love the most about your art is not only your characters but the background they have, in addition to those clothing designs you did, I must say that there is much more to Error than to Ink, You can see who you put more effort into, and that he doesn't appear much jsjsjsjsjs
Anyway, I know, a lot of text. You don't need to tell me. I know very well that my finger or pencil goes a lot. I will try to follow you as much as I can and see you grow while I support you in what I can, I know that you can do everything you set your mind to and I hope to see it ^^
And the truth... I would like to ask you a few questions but I don't want to ask you any longer, since there are things in the story and/or the characters that were not clear to me, so, I'll wait for you to tell me if I can ask you questions. Have a good morning/afternoon/night. Since I don't know what time you'll see this, but I already have to go to sleep, it's 4 a.m. X,D
Daiiiiiski daiio! Yanne~^3^
this is so sweet ;;_;;!!!!!!
don't be scared to ask me questions!! i love answering questioms about the characters that i can
i would love to make it clearer for anyone confused (bc the story is almost 7 years old now)
i wish to make the story more accessible for anyone who doesnt speak english but im just not capable of translating by myself!
if anybody would like to translate the comic/story in their own language, feel free to dm me anytime you like!
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ickmick · 1 year
Inktober days 1-5!! :3
i definitely did NOT forget to post inktober stuff, wdym? (lying)
anyways, days 1-5 is under the cut!! I have the next 3 done too but I'm posting them in batches so =w=
context before though, I'm using like 6 prompt lists to increase the chance that I actually have an idea soooo... without further-further adoing;
I'll only list the prompts I used that day, but here's the key for acronyms n such;
wh = welcome home
hc = hermitcraft (I have 2!)
ink = official inktober
gore = goretober
(actual gore will be triggerwarned! so far none has any blood or violence!)
Day 1
hc: fav hermit
wh: neighbor (you)
I was so rusty, it's not even funny (it definitely is)
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Day 2
hc: alter ego / king
gore: candy gore
(it does sort of look bloody, but I assure you it's just candy and goo lol)
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Day 3
hc: redstoner
gore: nosebleed*
I literally just used this as an excuse to draw Tango for the first time ngl (I have no regrets for it either)
*on the next one you can see what I did for this lol, I forgot to take a new photo after I added it xP
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Day 4
hc: builder (?)
gore: muation
also an unfin Tango to indulge myself /silly
cub is one of my favorite drawings so far!! I don't actually watch him tho- but he's cool I think
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Day 5
hc: scars
wh: painting
this is FULL, unabashed indulgence I will NOT lie to you lmao
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That's all for now!! lmk what your favorite was mayhaps, and if there's one you'd wanna see me come back to after inktober to finish/polish!! <3
week twos, week threes, week fours, week 5.1s, and the last post (5.2)!!
(I did a full 30 tags... smh)
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