#so im trying not to think about it!!! i am however planning my birthday (:
maraeffect · 1 year
hi so small update 🏥❤️‍🩹🤞🎗️ i have scans coming up in a couple weeks, which is always really scary 🥲 this will be my 6 months post surgery set of scans. i'm feeling cautiously optimistic as of right now, so hopefully things look clean. if they DO look good, that week is my last week of twice weekly immunotherapy!!! then i only need to come in for treatment once a week (((: really really hoping that happens LMFAO, it'll be a huge help with my energy levels and free time.
so yeah !! i'll almost certainly post more when the time for scans is here (to anxiously crytype lol), so keep me in ur thoughts 💖
oh AND, my birthday is this month! i may share an amazon wishlist if anyone is interested. lmk!!
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alexa-fika · 2 months
Young Love (Marco x f!winged!reader)
A/N @quinloki 👉🏼👈🏼 I did it, I made it based on the prompt ‘Oh i’m in love’ I don’t think it turned out as well as I was expecting but I hope it can at least bring a small smile to your face. I wanted to do at least something for your birthday, kind of like a thank you for all the things you give us. This is really soft as it is when marco is on his teens; again I really hope you like it and here we gooo
Reader here is replaced by Dokucha which stands for reader in japanese
Dividers by @/drinkthesky and @/firefly-graphics
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“Huh, Marco, where are you going?” Teach called, watching as his senior jumped off his post and walked into the forest that lined the clearing they were currently making guard at
“I’m taking my break,” He called, not waiting for the response of the former as he continued to walk deeper into the forest, sighing when he finally made it to another clearing ways away from where the current ceasefire was taking place.
He dropped to the ground with a slight huff, closing his eyes and crossing his arms as he thought of his small exchange with Roger’s first mate; his fists tightened as he remembered how easily the man had brushed him aside. Embarrassment filled him at the memory of his full-blown attack being stopped by a single finger. Perhaps if he hade-
His eyes shot open at the sound of leaves crunching and rustling behind him. He knew that thanks to the ceasefire, even if it was one of the enemy crew, he was in no danger. He glanced behind him to shoo them off, only to pause at the sight of the stranger.
Standing there, slightly hidden behind a tree, was not one of Roger’s men. In fact, it wasn’t even a pirate; rather, it was a young woman. By the looks of it, she appeared to be a native of the island they currently stood on.
Marco’s face flushed as the woman peeked her head out of the tree. A small arrangement of feathers decorating the back of her head, held together by a highly intricately designed headband. In her hand, she held a similar-designed bow. However, it was the wings that she showcased on her back that grabbed Marco’s full attention.
Marco scrambled to get up, letting out a small yowl as this caused him to fall head first into the ground, quickly picking himself up and trying to appear casual in front of the girl.
“H-Hi,” he cursed himself for stuttering as he tried to get his nerves under control.
“Are you a local?” He questioned
“I am, who are you?” She questioned
“I -I’m from the Whitebeard pirates. We stopped here for supplies but encountered some difficulties, so our stay has extended more than planned.”
“You’re a pirate?” She exclaimed
Marco was caught off guard as the girl jumped fully out of the tree, fluttering close to him.
“What is it like out there? Have you been to many islands? Do you travel in a big boat? How does it feel to travel? Do you have a big crew?” She hurriedly asked, curiosity shining in her eyes as she leaned closer to the young man, her hands forming fists as she lost herself more and more in her excitement
“Ah! I - Im sorry,” she spoke, taking a small step back.
“I got a little excited… I’ve never seen the outside world, so I guess I got excited to meet someone who has,” she muttered, slightly hiding herself with her wings in a bashful manner.
“It’s okay,” he assured her.
“I don’t really mind telling you about our travels; we have seen all kinds of islands.”
The two spent the rest of the night exchanging stories. Marco excitedly told her about the different seasoned islands scattered in the sea, even telling of an island lost in the old times and an island made entirely out of trees. The girl listened in awe at the dangerous adventures the man had taken part in and the numerous treasures he and his crew had managed to claim, laughing at the tales between him and his brothers, along with the Captain of the ship he referred to as pops.
In exchange, Dokucha told him all about the island. The small village she and the rest of the villagers resided in, being taken in by them when she was fairly young after her family had been wiped away by a hurricane that stroke the island as he comforted her. She told him of the colorful flora that littered the island, even showcasing some of it by tucking a blooming flower on his hair much to his delight. She told him of the equally extensive fauna; from big to small, the island was home to all kinds of creatures. It wasn’t until the sun began to peak that Marco took notice of the time as he shot to his feet.
“I have to go back to camp; the ceasefire will be ending soon,” he spoke, stopping as he spotted the disappointment on the girl’s face. He kneeled down close to her again as he grasped her hands, the previous flush returning to his face as he did
“I can come back tonight,” he promised.
“Really?” She questioned hope filling her face
“I will,will I see you here? I still have to tell you all about the Moby dick.”
“Yes! I will see you tonight, then!”
And so the two promised.
“Marco! I was worried you wouldn’t show up! She exclaimed as he spotted the small tuft of hair approaching the clearing with haste.
“I’m sorry, the fight went on longer than I thought it would tonight,” he explained.
“Are you okay? Were you hurt?” She questioned worriedly as she took in any possible injuries
He gushed internally as she worriedly assessed him, spinning around him to ensure nothing was amiss.
“My injuries heal,” he stated with pride as he stood confidently.
“My devil fruit enables me to heal myself instantly.”
“Devil fruit?”
He paused, realizing that she must not have acome across the concept of devil fruits on the island; as he explained the concepts and power of devil fruits and how his own worked, he watched as her awed expression grew into an elated one as he offered to show her his full Zoan form.
She gasped as the man before her enveloped himself in cyan flames, covering her eyes at the bright flames in the otherwise lightless clearing. Once her sharp eyes adapted to the change in light, she lowered her arms, gasping as she took in the huge bird that stood before her; entranced, she approached him, extending her hand towards him and gasping; it wasn’t hot as she was expecting the flames to be, rather they were warm, they were inviting, they were
“Beautiful….” She uttered as she kneeled in front of him taking him in
The words she spoke would forever be engraved into Marco’s mind as the words that would change what was a small crush into a blooming love.
“Marco! You’re here; it’s strange seeing you during the day, isn’t eve-Marco?” Dokucha stopped her words as she took in Marco’s frantic state
“Marco, what’s wrong?”
“I-it’s over... the fight is over.”
“I don’t understand. Is that not wonderful news?”
“N- I mean, yes, don’t you know what that means, Dokucha?
“That the fight is over?”
“It means it won’t be long before we leave,” he sighed, defeated
“Oh,” she muttered
“I won’t see you again?” she questioned
Marco frowned, his own heart breaking as he heard the young woman’s heartbroken tone.
“Please come with me!” he pleaded, grasping her hands.
“Come.... with you?”
“You can have the adventure you wanted. You can see the Moby Dick and travel in it.”
“But what about my village?”
“Is there anything left for you here?” that silenced her; she knew that although he was right, despite her loving the village and its people and vice-versa, there was nothing more to gain if she were to stay here.
“Will your Captain be okay with this?”
“I won’t let him say no.”
She shook her head, letting out a disbelieving laugh.
“You didn’t think this through.”
“W-well, I have a beginning and end. I’m still figuring the in-between”
“You’re a dork”
“Is that a yes?”
She smiled, leaning in a quick, chaste kiss on the Phoenix’s cheek.
“Let’s go.” She grinned, opening her wings and promptly taking to the sky.
Marco looked entranced at the girl touching his cheek as he tried to take in what had just occurred.
“Are you going to stay down there?” She hollered
“Oh... so that’s what it is. I’m in love,” He spoke, a smile growing on his face as he heard her call out to him again.
“I’m coming”
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What we thinking?
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trancylovecraft · 5 days
I've been thinking about the blood of an unwilling covenant constantly since I first read it and just wanted to tell you, also saw you mention that you probably weren't going to explain the situation with F/Ns parents in fic and wanted you to know I am VERY curious as to what their deal is
EGEGHJIRUGHRHGUI IM HAPPY TO HEAR THAT YOU ENJOYED THE FIC SM!!! I'll be happy to answer, Mostly because if I do a one-shot or smth on it, it may be a while-
OK SO. Before I explain I suggest you read the translation of The Official Blue Exorcist Side Story: Bloody Fairytale. You can find a translation here done by @29rynoah which I have read sEVERAL times over. I highly recommend it as it's one of my favourite stories from AOEX.
However if you wanna skip that, Tis cool.
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[F/N]'s mother is Maria LaMorte from Bloody Fairytale, Who had given birth to [F/N] during her imprisonment within The Vatican.
[F/N] herself is probably the oldest of the exwires, Her birthday being sometime within early January.
Now here's the million dollar question, Who is the father?
Shiro Fujimoto.
During the events of Bloody Fairy-tale- Maria is in the middle of completing her rather grandeur goal of trying to turn the town into naberius' and other adjacent creatures. Of course, This doesn't go to plan though, When Shiro and Johan show up unexpectedly within the invasion.
Maria of course, As the story goes, Plays the victim and pretends that she had no idea what's going on.
Shiro, Johan, Maria and the rest of the townspeople barricade in the church as normal. The story continues on however there's a switch in the story.
Shiro approaches Maria who is leaning over on the balcony. Of course, Shiro keeps up his demeanour, Already aware of Maria and her intentions. They get to talking and Maria herself is attracted to Shiro despite not recognising her own feelings.
Though, Maria herself DOES recognise seduction as a way of manipulating others.
So of course one thing leads to another and suddenly you have the both of them climbing out of the same makeshift bed. Maria came out of this with much more complicated feelings than she had thought she'd have.
But on the other hand?
Shiro himself is at the point in his life where he's much more dark and gritty than the one we see raising the twins. This is an average thing for him, He's a player, He sleeps with women left and right. He knew very well that this was an attempt to manipulate his feelings.
But to be honest? He doesn't care.
The story plays out like normal afterwards. Shiro exposes Maria's plan and she gets sent off to the Vatican for Life imprisonment. Shiro and Mephisto get in the car and they drive off as normal.
However this time, Maria comes out of it pregnant with [F/N].
She was born almost one year before The Blue Night within a holding cell in The Vatican. Her birth was completely unexpected from both the guards as well as Maria, Who was one of the rare cases of not showing at all during a pregnancy.
[F/N] was born fragile and weak, Both doctors and guards believing she would die soon after birth. And on records? That's how it went.
According to The Vatican, The baby died a few hours after being delivered. Shiro was told of the baby's existence while he was caring for the twins.
Of course, At this time he's a different person from who he was a year ago (Post-Blue Night) and now feels shocked and a bit of regret for not knowing of [F/N]'s existence.
However, There wasn't much he could do now.
The baby had died, He couldn't change that.
However despite what the records have said. Some of the staff that were employed to help deliver the child had sworn that they saw a tall man carrying away a baby in his arms. His identity unknown, Hidden by the darkness of the night.
[F/N] was left on the doorstep of the youth centre in Japan without a single note or any clue as to where she came from. The youth centre, After having no parents claim the child, Took her in and raised her within the adoption system.
It's still unclear where her penchant comes from, Though the leading theory is the mixture of demonic influence from both sides of her parents (Maria's being her association with undead demons, Specifically Kin of Astaroth. Shiro's being the fact that he's a clone as well as a bit of satanic influence lingering on him. So much so that in some aspects, You can consider [F/N] somewhat related to Satan in a sort of 3rd parent situation.)
Perhaps you can even consider her not entirely human. Though, That part is up for interpretation.
But as it stands? Her two birth parents are Maria LaMorte and Shiro Fujimoto.
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miiilowo · 1 year
I forgot William could juggle omg. Mentally adding that to my silly facts about him.
Sorry for so many asks its like 1am and I'm just like so feral about your interpretation of William. You are are so correct about him all the time and hes such a silly little guy
How do you think William went about the murders? Did he try to be sorta detached from it or did he amp up the villian persona?
Do you imagine the 5 missing children all were killed in one day or over the course of a week? Canon seems to support both options a bit I think , but more leaning towards all at once I think, it's been a bit since I checked
How many murders did your William commit? That tends to vary alot depending on what theories and who you ask.
Oooh how'd he go about luring them? Was it just a simple "hey I have a surprise for you come follow me" or did he gain their trust longer than that or did the SL animatronics do all the work for him. Did he just target random kids or did he have a method for picking them. Speaking of, did he plan at all which animatronics they were going to possess?
How'd he avoid getting caught? Did he?
Hmm lots of murders questions let's go off topic. If he had to own a pet what animal would he prefer. Like he def LOVES rabbits. But hmm, they like, need more work and attention than a cat. And William doesn't seem like he'd be great at that
As a children's entertainer, did he often try to throw fun birthday parties for his kids? Oh hmm, why was Evan having his party at Fredbear's if he's so scared of animatronics? Bc he obviously does care about Evan. Ive personally always interpreted that as like, William being too busy + recovering from the springlocks to like, plan something proper but there's honestly so many ways you could think of the why, so I'd love to hear your interpretation!
HEGHENEGEHEEGEHEHE EHEHEEHE HEGEHE <- likes thinking about the murders a normal amount <- lie <- fraud <- misconstruance <- trickery
i .okay so i.ok. Ok. so. ok. So. Okay. S
i am personally fond of making him as unhinged as possible in that regard. if im going to be obsessed with a cartoonish murderer im going to want him to get fucking silly with it alright im not gonna make him do some boring shit like sedating his victims before killing them or something <- targeted toward the novels
there is a LOOOOOOOT of inconsistency in "canon" sources. (canon in quotations because anything aside from the books is dubiously canon. half of the time i feel like im in the warrior cats fandom again with how people cannot AGREE ON ANYTHING OR REMEMBER INFORMATION) it makes sense for it to be done tastefully considering this is kind of a sensitive topic, being. murder. and all. theres less details about it. however, i have issues and problems and need to know everything about him or else ill DIE. BADLY
while the idea of him doing them all at once has been the agreed upon thing for...pretty much the past eight and a half years, i find the idea of them being one at a time more interesting. going about it strategically and with some level of premeditation makes for good contrast with charlies murder, which was very clearly a crime of passion. by creating more stark contrast between these events, it makes charlies death feel more significant, generally more fucked up, and more ... Out of character, for william. It makes it feel like it really MEANT something, if everyone else's deaths were executed in a way that really shows the difference in motivation/intent :3
i personally think that charlie was the first death, and was motivated by williams envy & resentment regarding henry since shes his daughter. Very heat of the moment, fueled by hatred for her father; swift, i imagine. probably just had a pocket knife in his car or something. i think this event is what makes william realize he enjoys killing; as much as i'd like to paint him in the most pathetic light possible, i can't imagine hed kill children for the sake of feeling powerful. obliterating charlie out of obsessive gay jealousy obviously probably made him feel like he had power over henry, which im sure he adored, but i generally think hes in it for something else.
I refuse to believe anything but the idea that he loves the thrill of it. I make note of this because of how he reacts to being springlocked in the novels, where he was sort of drunk on the pain, and was having far too much fun with it. That, and because he's an entertainer, a performer, he probably enjoys excitement quite a lot. He loves big reveals, he loves drama, he loves reactions! I think that can be applied to the murders as well :3 I've said all this, while leaving out my best supporting piece of evidence, being that, in canon, for Cassidy's death, he kidnapped her and beat her to death. With a shovel. So. Seems a bit over the top. To Me. I dont know. Like if he wasnt. Having fun with it then. Yknow.
My favorite favorite favorite thing about afton is how he just sort of sloooooowly unraveled over time. And even when he DID snap, there was sort of a gradual worsening as time went on; I dont think he WANTED to like killing, but he did! And eventually, he gave in to that desire to get as violent as possible. He stopped caring, and he started to enjoy it, instead of pushing it away.
Its also important to note I do think there was only one missing childrens incident. While I wouldnt put it past william to do it twice just to shut down multiple freddys locations out of spite, there isnt really a lot of evidence to suggest that he killed at the fnaf 2 location; everything that goes on there can be explained by other means we already have.
So, Susie goes first!!!!!!! By this point, I firmly believe that Elizabeth has already died, charlie has obviously already died, and Henry has forbade William from ever setting foot on the premises ever again, but he gets away with it by wearing the spring bonnie suit. Killed her dog, apparently. Prick. Anyways, chica/susie states that she was the first to go and has apparently 'seen everything'. I don't take this as necessarily meaning that he did everything at once, especially since we know he Fucking Kidnapped Cassidy, but i do believe all of them were dragged into that saferoom at some point. oh, yeah, i also think its the saferoom because
not on the cameras
employees only really go in there if theyre literally bleeding out from the springlock suits, and the suits were decommissioned when william used them, meaning no employee would have ANY reason to be in the safe room. the phone guy states the spring bonnie animatronic was 'noticeably moved', then reminds people they arent supposed to be used, which supports me thinking william used the suits when employees werent supposed to use them + means nobody regularly fucks with the suits that ARE in there in the first place if this is a notable event he has to point out
animatronics dont know it exists. not in their programming. what are they gonna do, tell his fucking mom
i dont know why im explaining why the saferoom would be the best option i just see that nobody seems to agree on this for some reason
easier to do it in a room nobody can access rather than dragging them outside while theyre alive and/or concious
makes sense for him to know all this since he used to own the franchise
anyway, he probably didn't have too much trouble getting them back there since he had the suit on, but he also knows what hes doing in general. even if he werent wearing the suit i dont doubt he'd have been able to pull it off. hes a childrens entertainer. probably told them he had candy or cake for them, or some sort of surprise, maybe lied to them and said their mom or dad was in trouble and they needed to follow him, that kind of thing, standard fuckin. kidnapping behavior i guess. as for selecting the victims, picking kids who were kindof off by themselves doing their own thing makes the most sense. i imagine thats the only thought he put into it
while id LOVE for each death to be as bloody as possible, im not sure william could really afford that, given the setting he was in. hard to get too messy when youre in a public establishment; even if it was unlikely anyone would ever come into the saferoom, its probably better to make cleaning up the evidence a relatively easy process. i really. really really really like the idea of him using an axe for some reason? i know it was popularized because of the die in a fire music video, and would not be pertaining to how he killed anybody, but im attached to it got DAMNIT. im kind of contradicting myself because axe murdering is like an inherently messy process but yknow. maybe that was just one of em. it doesnt seem outlandish to me that there could be an axe in the saferoom- Like a fireaxe, yknow? i can imagine him having a knife knocked out of his hands, panicking and grabbing that. thats fun. i like that one
actual timeframe though. ummmmm. definitely not all in one day, but having them be throughout a week seems too long. having kids go missing in One Place over the course of a WEEK feels like it would be giving the place ample time to get shut down briefly. i give him 3 days ABSOLUTE maximum. maybe two.
initially i think he wanted the sister location animatronics to do the work for him, but after liz dies he doesnt wanna deal with them because. grief, and after killing charlie he processes that he doesnt mind getting his hands dirty i guess. so theres that. the sister location animatronics never really got the chance to function how he wanted them to because circus babys pizza world never opened
as for how he didnt get CAUGHT, there just...Wasnt enough evidence to convict him. DNA testing was introduced in 1986, one year after the murders occurred, and i suppose any crime scenes wouldve been wiped clean by the time forensics couldve been involved. It's definitely a situation where a lot of people just KNEW he did it, but it fell flat in a court of law- Henry, of course, would be one of those people who knew. That, and the fact fazbear ent is very scummy when it comes to those sort of things, prioritizing their brand over individual people. Even if Henry knew william did it, he'd probably want to crack down on people continuing to pursue his arrest; itd be bad for the company, after all! having their name attached to this forever? having one of their FOUNDERS attached to it forever? absolutely not. hed know there was no way theyd imprison william, and dragging the ordeal out would just cause damage to the label. henry may be better than william, but he is not a beacon of all that is right and good in the world. remember this forever
anyways um! im a firm believer in the idea he'd have a bunny. i can understand where ur coming from w the 'theyd be too much work to take care of' sentiment, but he had 3 kids, and a bunny is still less work than 3 kids. admittedly, he hated one of them and the other two died, but YKNOW its not like hes a complete stranger to taking care of things. michael lasted a long time. technically was only tangentially williams fault he died. cat would be good too
i do think he'd probably want to plan things for the kids as well, which is demonstrated by evans birthday party. i think at this point in the timeline he was just very, very caught up in his work, as shown by him watching them remotely through the camera system in his house + talking to evan via the fredbear plushie. so generally i agree w you on that, i dont have much to add :]
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hopelessfragility · 2 months
Okay I think I’m ready for an update again haha
1. Mobile app is out - it’s amazing but user acquisition is a lot harder than I thought it would be. To be fair, I’ve been lazy. I need to pay for marketing at this point but I’m also cheap.
2. ESE is dead. To us at least. Turned out that it was may more work than it was worth for us. We’d be essentially doing free labor for a while and with two kids and 5 other jobs between the 2 of us, there was just no way.
3. Our girls are perfect lol. They are both so smart, so independent, so ambitious and most importantly they’re obsessed with each other. Norah is trying so hard to communicate and Noelle is testing boundaries. Norah say mama which describes me and food. She also says baba which describes everything else 😅 but she’s so smart. She points at the things she wants and brings things to you as well as leads you to what she wants. Noelle is in the “I do it” phase; where she wants to do everything herself lol. The only thing that’s been a bit hard to get used to is Noelle walking into our room all hours of the night unannounced. I miss privacy lol.
4. I’m on the CUSP of a new job!!! I’m praying so hard that this is for me. I’ve been doing the interview process for the past 2 months now and I officially will know either tomorrow or early next week. This will be an interesting move in my career. I’m taking a SMALL step back in title but I’m gaining more in salary and at a MUCH bigger company. Fortune 20 🤫 so I’m praying very very hard for the opportunity.
In terms of the old job, it got tougher. They fired my boss and another one of her direct reports. So essentially the buck starts and ends with me and my direct report. The difference is they’re not paying me for now the even more responsibilities I own. It’s also a boys club with no diversity. I work almost exclusively with men (senior leadership-wise) and I am the only black person left. Basically I’m over it so even if the is new job doesn’t work out, I have to go.
5. The addition is happening. Very very slowly. We finally got things submitted to the city in JULY. the whole process has been so off putting. Our architect is so unhelpful and hard to work with it. Our general contractor has proven to be even worse. The city has been quick though. They rejected our plan with thorough notes so hopefully we can resubmit in the next couple of weeks. It’s honestly depressing to even talk about. The good thing is we’ve saved a little more than half of the cost of the Reno in all this time, thank God. And my husband is working towards at least 2 more bonuses outside of his normal bonus period so we are praying on that. Hopefully all will fall into place soon.
6. I had made a new friend (kind of) and then they kind of turned into a networker. I wanted to use the term “user” but that’s not entirely true. Their sole purpose is to promote themselves and their family’s businesses, which is understandable but that’s just not how I roll. I wanted a real friend. So essentially I just kind of distanced myself after they skipped my daughter’s birthday party. Idk I just don’t have time for no authenticity.
7. Exercise has been great! I’ve been consistent for most of the year only skipping a week here or there. I’m running an average of 2.5 miles each class and I’m getting stronger and faster. I’ve lost a killer amount of weight which has been a huge ego boost. However in the last month I’ve gained a little less than 10lbs. Not great but it’s for sure my diet. Im still super proud though.
That’s it for updates for now! I hope you all are well!
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andromeda-the-lobster · 10 months
Okay so im starting to write a hp fanfic that will prolly never see the light of day. Basically it's fem harry but like I have it starting with like a one sided phone call between Sirius and James, but like no names are explicitly said, however it is pretty easy to infer. but like... i think i just made everything that is about to happen so much sadder.
“Listen, I'll be there tomorrow for Halloween, yeah?”
“No, I know I haven’t been there since her birthday, and I really am sorry. But Dumbledore’s had me running around everywhere.”
“I miss her too. But I mean… it’s kinda obvious that Bambi’s gonna miss me, I am her favourite after all.”
“I absolutely am.”
“Sorry, remind me what her first words were again?”
“Yeah that’s what I thought. But on a more serious — get it? — note, I promise I’ll be there tomorrow, okay?”
“I’ll try to be there by nine? But I make no promises.”
“I know, I know, that’s way past Bambi’s bedtime, but I already have plans with the missus, and I haven’t seen him in over two months.”
“I know he can come as well, and I’ll ask, but you know how tired he gets after these kinds of missions.”
“I know you miss him, and he misses you too, no doubt.”
“Wait! Sorry to interrupt, but I just had the best idea! We can all have a little get together for my birthday in the next few days, yeah?”
“Exactly, get the gang back together again. Really. It’ll be great, something for all of us to look forward to.”
“But honestly, to get back on topic, I will be there by nine, ten at the absolute latest tomorrow. I promise. Bambi will just have to stay up or wake up for a little while to see me. We all know she’s the only reason I’m coming.”
“Okay whatever. I guess I’m coming to see you and your wife too, but we all know Bambi’s my favourite.”
“Love you too man. I’ll see you tomorrow. Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” and with those final words he hangs up the phone, rolls his eyes fondly, and goes to get the apartment ready for his fiancé’s return.
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gorbo-longstocking · 3 years
Hey hey!! Can i get the Ut skelebros with an s/o whos family doesnt rlly care abt their birthday? Mine is on tuesday nd my family isnt rlly that bothered w it, im not exactly expecting any pressnts or anything. Anyways ty if u can nd have a great dayyy :DD
happy birthday dude!! i really hope youre having a good day and this is along the lines of what you wanted 😎 i am sending you an astral cake and ice cream combo
tbh both of these boys would find out abt ur family and *thanos voice* fine i’ll do it myself.
- sans wont say it outloud, but if your birthday is important to you, he doesn’t understand why your family is so dismissive about it. as a professional older brother, he is quite the birthday party coordinator when he wants to be, and right now, he wants to be. papyrus has many fond memories of sans’ parties and will make sure to tell you that with photographic evidence, some of which, sans will be kind of embarrassed by. its cute, tease him about it. his whole skull will go blue as he tries to deflect via jokes.
- sans is observant, he knows all of your favorite things off the top of his head. you may not realize it, but he remembers every detail you tell him. they’re extra opportunities to make you smile, so of course he’d make the effort to remember.
- in general, sans is likely to keep things lowkey. of course he’ll gather everyone together cake and all, but the real highlight is after when its just the two of you. he wants to give you his gift in private. its something sweet, probably something you mentioned you wanted a few months ago off hand. there’s a bunch of left over candy from the party, the rest of the night is spent curdling on the couch, talking, and eating copious amounts of sweets. the inevitable stomach ache is a problem for future you.
- the entire day is spent surrounded by friends with sans by your side making stupid puns about everything that’s happening around you. you laugh harder than you have in a long time.
- papyrus makes it his personal mission to give you the best birthday ever. he has everything planned out perfectly. this is your special day and he wants to make sure you know how much he appreciates you. things can get somewhat overwhelming, he wants to do everything possible and I mean everything. he is the sole caterer, with undyne’s help of course, he beeds to set up the pinata, needs to make invitations, and needs pick out gifts among various other details. papyrus is strong, enthusiastic, and passionate, so he finishes things up with only some hassle.
- as much as he wants to try for a surprise party, he can’t keep a secret that big to save his life. he’s just so excited! plus he wants your opinion on the decorations he’s picked out. they’re a bit cheesy, maybe a tad childish, but still very cute! think streamers, confetti, and adorable animal shaped paper plates.
- he tries to bake the cake himself. papyrus isn’t a horrible baker by any means, however he ends up flying a bit too close to the sun. what he wants to do is well above his skill level. tiers with fondant and icing and sculptures and all that jazz. it looks great! for about five seconds until it collapses. though he’s really upset about it, it won’t take much to reassure him. besides it still tastes very good.
- for a gift, papyrus got you matching necklaces, the kind that clicks together magnetically. he never takes his off and everytime he sees you wearing it, he clicks them together with a grin.
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iwadori · 3 years
When they neglect you for another girl Part 5 (Kuroo)
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Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five
Word count: 1.3K
Genre: angst, fluff
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You and Kuroo have been dating all throughout highschool and now your in you first year of university
It’s a bit harder to see each other because of your conflicting class schedules
But when you did see eachother kuroo has been acting a big suspicious, ‘secretly’ glancing at his phone or always needing to head out early.
And you were going to get to the bottom of this.
You were just finished with your class, and you had plans to meet your boyfriend at the library so he could tutor you for your chem test that you on Tuesday. On your way over there, you got boba for both of you and some study snacks to get you through the session.
You arrived their first, which you didn’t really mind as Kuroo was usually a bit late to your study sessions (especially recently with his dodgy behaviour.) You decided to go over your recent class notes as you were waiting, which was pretty useless as you didn’t understand anything.  
You actually met Kuroo bonding over chemistry, since it definitely wasn’t your best subject so in your first year your chem teacher suggested getting a tutor and recommend Kuroo Testuro the self proclaimed best ‘chemist’ in the school.
It’s been half an hour and Kuroo hadn’t shown up, you were about to call him until you saw a quite disheveled looking Kuroo who is heaving out of breath.
“Tetsu, what happened to you?” you exclaim with amusement.
“Umm I kind of got in a fight?” he said questioning himself “well not really a fight but a disagreement.”
“A fight? With who?” you said a bit too loudly, as the librarian gave you an obnoxious ‘shusshhhh’ glaring at you.
“It doesn’t matter babe.” he said nonchalantly “I see you have your electrolysis work out, why don’t we get started.”
“But what abo-”
“So what is positive, the anode or the cathode?” he asked distracting you from asking him about what happened.
You spent two hours going over all the topics that were going to come up on your exam, and you can’t lie and say Kuroo didn’t help you. However, you weren’t as focused as you were wondering what happened to him.
After your study session, you both went to your dorms. Sadly, you couldn’t share a room since your University didn’t allow co-ed dorms (and maybe if you did live together, you’d be able to understand his odd behaviour.)
Even though he was still in highschool, every Friday afterschool you and Kenma made sure to spend atleast an hour playing a game online together, and today it was minecraft.
“Kenma help, theres a creeper outside my door!” you screech frantically running around on game.
“One second Y/N” he murrmed
“Kenma, do you know what’s going on with Kuroo.” you inquire.
“What do you mean, isn’t he being his loud cat-like self?” he responded
“Well yeah of course, but recently he’s been on his phone ALOT, and always leaving our dates early or showing up late and stuff so I don’t know I thought maybe you’d know something.”
“Oh maybe it’s just that he’s been pretty busy with Hana right now.” he said nochalantly
“Who’s Hana?” you say, your eyes squinting.
“Oh you don’t know Hana,” he said a bit surprised “Ooops Kuroo’s going to be so mad at me.”
“Mad at you, what do you mean mad at you?”  
“Um, I got to go by Y/N!” he said quickly
“But Ken-” the sound of him leaving the party cut you off, and now you were in more of a confused slump then you were before. What is Kuroo hiding? And who the hell is Hana?
Since you couldn’t go over to Kuroo’s dorm right now because of your universities weird curfew times, you decided the only thing you can do right now is call him. After a few rings he finally answered and you could hear his background was really loud.
“Um, Y/N this isn’t really the best time right now – ow shit.” he said frantically.
“Kuroo, what's going on it sounds like you’re at a rave. Wait are you at a rave?”  
“No I'm not at a rave I'm just – Hana stop doing that.” he said trying to whisper the last bit.
“Who’s Hana, Kenma mentioned her on PlayStation tonight but he didn’t explain.”
“Kenma did what? God – Ouch “there was ruffling in the background before Kuroo finally “Sorry Y/N I got to go..”
He hangs up before you could respond. What is wrong with these boys today?  
It was your study week break, so you don’t really go into school to do classes you just have to prepare for studying. Which was great for you, since you could actually get revision done without being distracted and you can avoid Kuroo whilst thinking about what happened a few days ago.
Kuroo didn’t message you anyways, which kind of sucked, since these chemistry notes aren’t going to learn themselves. You went over each of your topics that you need to learn and you’d say you were pretty much ready for your exams. So for the rest of the week, you didn’t have much to do. Kenma was pretty busy with volleyball and his high school life and your boyfriend was still being odd and you didn’t have any real close friends at Uni since you’re only a first year and Kenma and Kuroo were mainly all you needed anyways.
You chose to go on a date, by yourself, to your favourite bookstore café to have some ‘self care’ time. On the way their you heard a familiar voice shouting down the street, looking in that direction you saw your boyfriend yelling “HANA!” “HANA!” repeadetly.  
Going over to him you said, “Kuroo, are you okay?”
“Umm hey Y/N...” he said awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck “to what do I owe this pleasure?”
“The pleasure of being my boyfriend properly again,” you said smartly.
“Oh Y/N shit, im sorry about that” he apologised “I’ve just been really busy right now with Ha-”
“Hana.” you say rolling your eyes “Who is she?”
“I can’t really say Y/N, it was meant to a be a surprise.”
“A surprise for who?” you say  
“Well fo-”
Before you can finish you say a loud ‘HISSS!’ Come from near your feet. “Hana! Thank god!” Kuroo said picking her up, but then dropping her again when she did a even louder HISSS at him. “Umm I really need to work on that..”
“So this is Hana.” you say a bit stunned “She’s a cat.”
“Indeed she is.” he said “ surprise...”
“You got me a cat?” you said still very stunned
“Indeed I did.”
“A feral cat?”  
“Feral!” he said shocked “What do you mean feral!”
“Tetsu! She’s obviously feral!” you say reprimanded him.
“No she’s not! Look” he tried to pet her again and she nearly bit him and then sped off “Okay...maybe she is.”
Kuroo explained that he saw this cat one time outside of his dorm building and wanted to adopt her and give her to you as a gift. He’s been spending his time trying to ‘train her’ but every time it would result in Kuroo getting scratched up or him having to try and chase her around the city. You did appreciate the sentiment, however you reminded Kuroo that if he would’ve told you, you could’ve easily shown him that she was feral or if he listened to Kenma, then Kenma would’ve told him (which he did) that she was feral.
Kuroo did feel bad that his big plan didn’t work and he ended up looking like an idiot, not knowing the difference between a stray and feral cat. But you took him to a cat café as a little ‘pick me up,’ and promised him that for his birthday you’ll adopt a real cat for him.  
An: this is basically a shit post but who cares 😃 Also am I the only that thinks that hana being a feral cat in the end is funny? Or is my humour that dry😭
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since everyone refuses to keep comparing me to ashe bradley... that wicked man..... i am here to explain our similarities and differences. i am sure that you will find that ashe and i are in fact complete opposites, and nothing like each other.
- we both have little sibling who we hang out with a lot and have silly argument with
- we both wanted to be some sort of doctor at some point when we were younger (when i was in like 6th grade i wanted to be a psychologist.. not anymore though)
- generally considered smart by other people our age
- sometime help other people study + people ask for help with school
- read book
- both of our birthdays are on the 14th of their respective month
- wear chinese clothes (sometimes) (maybe)
- nosy
- want to know everything
- um ok maybe we have more in common than i thought
- can play the piano (i can play a little i want  to play more though)
- love pasta
- if my family died i would be very sad
- we both try to act without hesitate
- we both have a staring problem and probably stare too long at people
- aware of the fact that acting while only using your emotions/heart/feelings as reasoning can be a little foolish and can get you into serious trouble, however.... there is also difference here but i will say later
um okay actually that is a frightening amount in common BUT. ACTUALLY WE ARE OPPOSITES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND NOTHING SIMILAR. AND HERE IS WHY
- about emotions thing.. ashe uses his head and thinks very logically. however, usually i prefer to listen to my heart especially when making important decisions, and even though i know thinking emotionally rather than logically can and has caused me to hurt, i think listening to my gut feeling and my heart rather than my brain has also given me a lot of happiness and i just prefer to listen to it than use my head, even though that would probably save my heart, also it would make me feel really bad inside and anyway overall i just use my heart over my head majority of the time even though i know i probably shouldn’t i just can’t help it i love people too much
- umm
- anyways my hair short his hair long.. also i have black hair
- i do not research witches
- my eyes are not yellow
- i have 0 idea how to cook
- i dont know how to use knives
- unlike ashe who thinks people like claire and noel are dumb for using their heart over their head (haha) (sorry) i actually think that even though yeah it can be dumb to do that sometimes but also i think it’s a very emotionally strong move especially for like noel who KNOWS that he could just kill everyone except claire to grant his wish logically but who refuses to do so because it goes against his morals and his heart because i don’t think being kind to others and thinking in emotional terms rather than logical is an inherently stupid trait, yeah they can be dumb sometimes (especially claire..) but i think it speaks to their emotional strength that they’re able to listen to their hearts and are always kind and forgiving to others
- uhh
- my family is alive (i think)
- to be honest i’m not that smart.;. definitely not smart enough to plan out a whole murder like that
- in fact i’m a little stupid to be honest
- i am not that fast of a reader
- i prefer to look forward instead of towards the past.... but ashe... um
- he virgo i gemini
- he has difficulty trusting others because of what happened in his past however i trust very easily (arguably too easily) because i’m a little fool
- he was able to abandon his morals while trying to get his wish and my morals are always screaming at me everyday when i wake up.. however it’s not like i have a wish to grant so
- i don’t have any enemies to have homosexual tension with while ashe has like 2 ☹️
- his theme color is green and if i was in a game mine would probably be pink because its my favorite color
- I’m not from Colorado. It doesn’t exist. ITS NOT REAL
- hes way taller than me hes 5′10 and im like 5′0 
- he causes conflict with like everyone except claire throughout the whole game but i tend to click with people pretty easily.. i think unless everyones been lying to me 
- he’s 27 and i am not
i hope this is enough evidence to prove i am NOT ashe bradley. also sorry im not very good with words when talking about the emotions thing.. but yeah i have  lots of feelings about  claire and noel anyways I AM NOT ASHE BRADLEY. STOP ASSOCIATING ME WITH ASHE BRADLEY. I WILL NEVER BE HIM. 
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electronikmilk · 3 years
Papa’s Punishment
alternative title: Accidentally Fucking Around and Finding Out
ive been working on this for so long and im sick of lookin at it
rating: explicit/nsfw
Copia x f reader 
contains: dom copia, possible abuse of power, spanking, and pet play. 
You had dozed, then awakened to find that you were still bound in Copia's ornate bed-chamber deep within the abbey walls. 
No, he wasn't Copia anymore. He was Papa now. And you had to address him as such when he wore the paint. That was what he said when he had his Ghouls drag you into his chamber after you had called him the silly little nickname that the other sisters called him behind his back as a joke. Ratman. It was innocent enough since he was fond of the small rodents, or so you thought. Copia's face had grown dark as soon as you uttered it, and it frightened you enough to fall silent after a fit of giggles. Then he reached out and gripped your chin tight before leaning close to address you. 
"Mm. Funny." He said in a way that sounded like he didn't find it funny at all and glared down at you, "It is bold of you to be disrespectful to your Papa when he wears the paint. And that is all I will be to you now. I'm not Copia, not Cardinal, and especially not Ratman. I am Papa, and I will not accept any other title, sister. Perhaps a little lesson is in order so you will remember this." 
Before you could say anything, Copia snapped his fingers, and that was when his two Ghouls surrounded you, grabbed you by the arms, and marched down the halls with you in tow. Everyone within the corridors stopped and watched as the Ghouls dragged you along. Two sisters from the convent whispered to each other and turned their gazes away as if they might be taken away at any second too. They knew where you were going, and it was sure as hell somewhere they didn't want to be, for it was a place of great shame and mystery. You let your head drop in humiliation before your peers, not standing the way they saw you. It was a relief when you finally arrived at Copia's chamber and were taken inside. You said nothing to the Ghouls as they fastened leather cuffs around your ankles, then bound your hands over your head with silk rope. 
"Sorry, sister," One of them had said. They removed the coif and veil of your habit, then pulled out the pins that held your hair in place so that it fell loose, "We're just following Papa's orders. I'm sure you understand."
All you gave them was a contemptuous look until they left. 
You had struggled against your restraints until you eventually gave up, falling asleep despite your buttocks pushing against the hard stone wall behind you. How long had that been? There was no clock or window in the room, so it was hard for you to tell. Perhaps a few hours. Long enough for you to wake up with a sore neck, anyway. The room itself lay in shadow and unbroken stillness. You winced as you turned your head to look around the room. The only illumination offered to you was from a small antique lamp on an ink-stained writing desk in the corner. The dim light threw long uneven shadows on the high arched ceiling above. A king-sized bed sat against the wall opposite you with a canopy bed frame draped with black cloth. It made it look like a dark, cavernous mouth that was ready to swallow you whole. A tall mahogany bookshelf containing several taxidermied rats positioned in various poses stood near the door. You made a face at the furry ornaments. It was definitely Copia's room. 
Your stomach growled, and the sound of it in the stillness of the room made it seem more like a lion's roar. How long Copia planned to keep you in here and what his intentions were, you didn't know for sure. You just hoped he wouldn't starve you. The thought sent a sudden jolt of panic through you; your mind flashed images of you left to rot in a cell in the abbey basement. You knew that the cells had been abandoned for centuries, just collecting dust and acting as storage for Yuletide decorations. But Copia had changed since he finally became Papa Emeritus IV. You had always thought him awkward as a Cardinal, sometimes even amusing in his antics, but he was always just that: awkward, no one to be scared of. It was a curious and abrupt transformation; He held his head high now, and his stride was no longer unsure or clumsy. When he wore the paint, he had an air of authority, of strength and pride no one knew he had. He wanted respect, and he demanded it among the clergy with an iron fist. Everyone was to address him as Papa only and woe unto anyone who didn't comply. At first, you had to admit his newfound confidence in his power was something to admire, covet even. That is until the sisters of the order were no longer safe from his wrath, then it became something to be feared. Copia had forgiven slips of the tongue and had given warnings that he said he would only offer once. If it happened again, however, there would be a severe punishment to follow.  
Sister Claire was the first to be punished. Claire had always been hotheaded and often butted heads with her superiors for the sake of her own amusement. She had been no different with Copia two months ago. On your way to your weekly duty to clean the chapel, you stumbled upon Copia, two Nameless Ghouls, and Claire in the middle of the empty hall. You seemed to go unnoticed by all four. Curious, you slipped into one of the corridor's alcoves and peeked around the corner, as not to be seen. As you listened closely, you caught the tail end of a heated argument over the state of the abbey's gardens. Claire was on a tirade, ranting about how Copia's lack of dedication to employing a proper gardener made the grounds look like it was in shambles. She had addressed the new Papa as Cardinal several times, much to Copia's irritation. The former Cardinal stood back with folded arms and a frown while the hot-blooded sister babbled on about how this needed attention and how that needed fixing. She addressed him incorrectly the entire time. It amazed you how bullheaded Claire could be. 
"Cara," Copia finally interrupted after Claire had called him Cardinal for the fifth time, his voice becoming stern. "I understand that you're upset, but I have made it more than clear that everyone within this church is to call me Papa. And frankly, I will not tolerate your blatant disregard for my rules." 
"Don't you 'Cara' me!" Sister Claire shot back, " And I'll call you Papa when I'm damn well good and ready. But until then, I think I'll keep calling you Cardinal, Cardinal." 
"Basta! Enough!" Copia shouted suddenly, grabbed Claire by the wrist, and dragged her behind him as he headed further down the hall, luckily away from your direction. "I have been patient with you, sister, with all of you. But no more!"
Claire resisted, trying to wrench from his grasp and yelling at him to let her go. Copia ignored this and tugged her along anyway. When she started cursing and slapping at him, Copia gestured for a Ghoul to take her about the waist and carry her. Claire shrieked like a banshee and kicked her legs in the air when she was lifted. Copia gave the Ghoul a sharp command for them to silence her, and the Ghoul clapped a hand over Claire's mouth, muffling the scream as they hauled her away. You watched the whole display in shock, unable to move or look away. When all four of them disappeared around a corner, you crept out from your hiding place on shaky legs. You quickly made your way to the chapel without encountering anyone else, and it was a relief to you. You tried to put what you saw out of your head, but as you tended to your regular duties, the sound of Claire's screams resonated in your head. 
You didn't see Sister Claire again until late into the evening. She seemed no worse for wear, having neither a bruise nor scratch on her. But she was timid, quiet, and obedient, you noticed when Sister Imperator asked her to sweep and wash the floor, which she almost scurried to do. When the other sisters asked her where she had been, Claire just shook her head frantically. Her pretty face grew red, and a look of shame and fear that concerned you twisted her features. 
"I can't tell you!" was all she said and nothing more. 
It wasn't too long until other insubordinate sisters fell victim to Copia's fury. Each one disappeared into his chambers for hours at a time, and when they were set free, none of them spoke of what they went through. You could only speculate, and what you brewed up in your head terrified you. All manner of dark medieval tortures often raced by: pears of anguish, iron chairs, Spanish donkeys, breast rippers, and thumbscrews. You knew all of that was impossible, however. None of the other sisters had a mark on them when they returned; they barely even a hair out of place, so what kind of punishment was wicked enough to force them all into silence? Whatever it was, you tried so hard to avoid it. You never spoke out of turn, tended to your duties without complaint, you even baked a cake for Copia on his birthday. But despite all your effort, misfortune still befell you over a joke that wasn't even that funny. Your throat tightened as tears began to prickle behind your eyes, and you dreaded what kind of torment waited for you in this dark room. 
You were almost lost in your contemplation of it all when you heard the heavy wooden door open. You saw the tall, lean figure of Copia enter the room and close the door behind him, a plate of food in one hand and a blood-red velvet bag in the other. He almost seemed like a specter, dressed in a figure-hugging black suit --the one that you said he looked handsome in to gain his favor. His face was bare of paint, save for his eyes. He had lined them with black, smudged eyeliner, making his mismatched gaze smoldering and intense. 
He made his way to you with both items in hand. He stayed back a few feet, the velvet bag swinging slightly at his side. The faint aroma of roasted chicken found your nose, and the delectable smell of it made your mouth water. Copia gazed at you with narrow eyes, his expression unreadable. You lowered your eyes and sucked in a breath, petrified of what was to come. You waited for yelling, cursing, for the food to be thrown at you, anything, but Copia just muttered something under his breath, went to place the plate and bag on the bed, then returned to undo all your restraints. You stood there free with stiff, aching arms. You wanted to stretch them but didn't dare make any movement that Copia might disapprove of. You kept your eyes down, only bringing them up once to see Copia sit on the edge of the bed with the plate in his lap, then darting them back to the floor. You felt the subtle pressure of his gaze on you for what seemed like a long time. 
"Come here." Copia finally broke the silence.
You obeyed and took a tentative step forward. 
"No." He said sharply, making you freeze, "On your hands and knees. Crawl to me." 
Your head jerked up, eyes wide in shocked disbelief. Your breathing hitched, and your heart started to hammer. You hesitated, and Copia frowned at you. He raised his gloved hands and slapped them together once, hard. It sounded like the cracking of a whip in the quiet. "Now, sister." 
You let out a little yelp and dropped to your knees. You hurried as you crawled over to Copia, stopping just before his feet. He gave a hum of satisfaction.
"Ah, excellent. You're obedient. That is good, my dear. It will make your ordeal go more smoothly." 
Ordeal. The word made you shudder. 
"But first, you must be hungry, si? You've been waiting here a long time."
Your stomach let out another grumble. You said nothing. You kept your eyes fixed on the glossy leather of Copa's black shoes as your apprehension deepened. You didn't want to look up at him; all at once, he seemed large, mighty, and terrible, like he could crush you underneath those patent leather soles if he so desired. He could make you suffer, and no one would witness it. It was just you and Copia. You and Papa.
"Say 'yes, Papa' or 'no, Papa,'" Copia said. "And I'm sure I don't need to tell you to be respectful." 
"I...I-" You stammered, then you swallowed hard, trying to compose yourself, "Yes, Papa." 
"Good girl." He said. "Now, kneel up and look at me." 
You did as commanded, and you realized as you looked up at him that you were crying. Through the blur of tears, you saw Copia's hand reach for your face. You flinched a little, then relaxed when you only felt the fingers wipe away your tears and smooth your hair back almost affectionately.
"Oh, come now. I have not been mean just yet, my dear. Don't cry." He soothed, "There will be plenty of time for that later, but if you're well behaved and do what I say, Papa will be gentle with you. Do you understand?" 
You nodded, sniffling and letting Copia caress your face. It comforted you, if only a little bit.
"Answer me properly,"
"Yes, Papa. I understand." You said.
"Very good, very good," Copia said. He leaned down and pressed his lips to your forehead before letting you eat the slices of succulent chicken breast on the plate with your hands. After you finished, he took a sprig of green grapes and fed them to you one at a time. He watched in obvious amusement when you spat the seeds into your hand and timidly discarded them onto the plate, careful of every move you made. When he got to the last three, he took one and held it up just out of your reach. He smiled when you blinked up at him, confused. 
"Up, cara," He said, "Show me a trick." 
You bit your lip, blushing, and again, you hesitated. You shook your head before you realized what a mistake it was. Immediately, Copia took the plate, set it aside, and then gathered you up to toss you over his lap so that your legs dangled over the floor. You gasped in surprise and fear when he flipped your skirt to expose your panties. When you felt the sting of his gloved hand spank you hard, you couldn't help but let out a cry. One great slap after another fell on your buttocks, sounding thunderous in your ears. You heard yourself taking in sharp gasps of pain with each strike. His hand seemed solid and heavy like a paddle as it spanked you, over and over, hitting you on the right cheek, then the left, and then covering your thighs with smacks while your ass stung and throbbed. You clenched your teeth to stifle your cries, and when you tried in vain to wiggle away, Copia held you in place and rewarded you with more vigorous blows, swift ones that whipped you like a strap. And soon, you realized you were becoming frantic, tears streaming down your cheeks. You tried to be still, but your body squirmed and writhed of its own accord. Now Copia worked only the backs of your thighs, where the punishing hand lingered and struck hard until you were sure that the flesh there was red and inflamed. 
"Papa, please!" You finally wailed and broke into choking sobs.
The blows stopped. You didn't move. You just shut your eyes and wept as Copia's hand now moved along your buttocks languidly. He stroked your thighs as if to soothe them.
"Now, do you see why I ask you to do as I say?" Copia crooned, "I can be cruel, sister. Much more than this, I assure you. The other sisters know what I can do, especially Sister Claire. She knows the worst of it. Lucifer's name, she was like a devil herself, all teeth and claws until I tamed her. The other Papas have spoilt her and the others rotten. Not just the sisters, but the brothers, too, and the priests, the bishops. They all have little to no manners, no respect. So I have to take it upon myself to teach them." 
You shook against his legs as he told you this. He rubbed little circles in the small of your back, then he squeezed your buttocks, sending a rush of sensation along your body that made you flush. You thought of poor Sister Claire and what she must have gone through that was enough to break her. Vivid images of whipping belts, heavy wooden paddles, and flesh crisscrossed with angry welts made your stomach sink, so you stopped. 
'I have to be good.' You thought. It was better to surrender than suffer the same fate as the others, better to leave with your good reputation with Copia intact. After all, he said he would be gentle if you obeyed, and you decided you would. You hoped he would keep his word, and you let your body slacken in resignation.   
"I like to play games with them." Copia continued, "I like to order them around the room, fetching whatever I throw for them because it pleases me or whatever else suits my mood. Sometimes I even strap them down and use the paddle. But I never hurt them, not severely. I happen to be a reasonable man, after all. Oh, but that would be too hard for you, wouldn't it? You're too sweet for the paddle, too soft. It's just a pity you disobey me, call me names. Do you think yourself too good to call me by my proper title, sister? Too good to follow my direction?" His hand tightened threateningly on your thigh, then you felt it leave your skin, and you were terrified he might spank you again. 
"No, Papa," You said in a panicked whisper. 
"Do I need to punish you like the others?" 
"No, Papa. I'll be good, I promise." 
"Yes," Copia sighed, his hand now playing with your hair instead of punishing you, "You will be perfect for me, won't you?"
"Yes, Papa." 
Copia pulled you back up and set you on the floor. You had stopped crying, though your lips still trembled. You knelt there and awaited his command. Again, he took a grape and held it up for you. This time you didn't hesitate to take it from his fingers with your mouth. He held the next one high enough to make you raise yourself up on your heels to get it. He then tossed the last grape into the air, over your head so that it bounced and rolled a few feet away when it hit the floor. 
"Fetch, little puppy." He commanded, a smirk playing on his lips. 
You obeyed shyly. When you crawled back and dropped it into Copia's open hand, he let out a hearty laugh. 
"You're easy to train." He said and popped the fruit into your mouth, "Perhaps I should make you my little pet when we're finished here." 
You didn't really want to eat it, but you did anyway, seeds and all. Copia beamed at you, his smile genuinely kind. 
"Lovely, my dear." He whispered, his voice low and sweet. Then he gathered you in his arms once more and kissed you deeply. It sent a shock through you, settling into a knot in your stomach that made you shiver against your will. Copia kissed the smoothness of your forehead, kissed your soft hairline, your eyelids, and the tip of your nose. They were tender, gentle, like butterflies that brushed against your skin with their silky wings, and you lifted your head to receive them. He kissed your cheeks, then returned to your parted lips. You let out little sighs as he kissed you despite your fear, which now melted away a little bit as your body seemed to soften all over. Copia moved and rose to stand, pulling you up with him into his embrace. He pulled you closer to his body once you were steady on your feet; his kisses left your face to explore along your jaw and the line of your throat. His slim arms were surprisingly strong as they held you, and his lips were soft. They tickled against the sensitive skin of your neck as they trailed down. His hands started to roam your body, stroking your hips, groping at your ass and the backs of your thighs. It sent delightful shivers along your skin and down your spine. It made you feel weak, dissolving, aroused. Any fear you felt a minute ago faded into a haze of sudden lust. You couldn't stop yourself from throwing your arms around his neck and moaning. The action made the kisses harder, more fervent. When you felt Copia open his mouth to bite you here and there as if to taste you, you whimpered, and your body melted all the more. You felt your breasts against his chest, and you wanted to press them to him harder. You almost did when Copia pulled away, slipping out of your arms. The loss of sensation was nearly gutting.
You stood there dazed, swaying, and taking in uneven breaths. Copia's own breath came heavy and deep as he straightened his clothes to disengage himself. You could see his arousal through the tightness of his pants, and you bit your lip. If only your punishment could be just this, but you knew it wouldn't be. Copia appeared to be fighting to contain himself, his hands clenched into fists at his sides. Once he was composed, he let out a quiet laugh. It was almost musical in its softness. Your body burned as you watched him, aroused but at the same time fearful of punishment. You would do anything to please him, to keep him gentle like this, so you waited.  
"Pardon me, cara. You gave in much faster than I anticipated, and I almost lost myself." Copia said, catching you in his gaze again. His lips spread slowly into a grin when he observed you flushed with desire. "And still, you wait for my command. I admit I didn't quite expect you to be as obedient as you are, and I would reward you, but I want to play one of my games with you first." 
Before you could protest, he took the velvet bag off the bed, opened it, and plunged his hand inside. He pulled out a spiked leather collar that looked like it was meant for a large dog. A black leash was affixed to it. You felt your breath leave you when Copia undid the collar and eyed you with a deliberate leer. You swallowed, then lifted your head so that Copia could fasten it onto you. He shook his head.
"Not yet." He said, "Take off your clothes." 
Your face burned as you obeyed. You took a few steps back and hurried to shed your dress, slip, shoes, and stockings, but you hesitated yet again once you were in your bra and panties. You felt so naked already, so vulnerable. You didn't know if you could bear it to be completely nude. You tried to shield yourself by bringing your hands up and wringing them. It did little to conceal you. Seeing this, Copia approached and kissed your temple. 
"You can keep them on. Now, my little puppy..." He buckled the collar to fit snuggly around your neck and left the leash dangling between your breasts. "You have been very, very good so far, apart from your little slip of decorum, but I want to see just how obedient you can be. You know a well-trained dog always follows its master's commands, yes?" 
An icy prickle crawled up your spine, sending shivers through your arms and making your heart clench in your chest before hammering hard again. 
"Yes, Papa..." You said as expected though uncertainty and fear laced your voice. Copia rubbed your shoulders, his hands firm and soothing at the same time. His touch made you feel almost woozy, dreamy even in your unease. 
"I will make it simple: Tonight, you're my pet, sister, and I am your master. As your master, I will give you commands, and you will do them as perfectly as possible to please me. Do what I tell you, and you will be rewarded. Disobey, and you will be punished. Ah, don't be afraid; I don't think you will disappoint me much, but..." Then he pressed closer to you, leaning in close to your ear so that you felt his breath caress your skin, "I confess I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy spanking that plump bottom of yours." His hand slid down and grabbed your ass before giving it a playful swat. You blushed. You felt the arousal rise in your core again. It flooded in, threatened to sweep you away in its erotic current, and you lowered your head, overcome by shyness. Copia lifted your chin and shook his head at you again.
"No. None of that." He admonished, "I want you to keep your gaze up and your manner attentive. And don't hide your body. I have been fair enough to let you keep your underwear on. Now let me see you." He took both your wrists and forced them down to your sides, then prodded your shoulders so that you straightened your back. You stood erect and grew embarrassed now that your posture didn't hide you. Copia nodded in approval, "Yes, much better."
His eyes roamed up and down your body, taking every inch of you in. You wanted so desperately to cover your stomach, your chest, to tear off the collar. Of course, you didn't dare any of it. You couldn't imagine what he would do to you if you were foolish enough to disobey him again; you didn't even want to think about it. 
For a moment, Copia seemed to be thinking, then he smiled. His eyes gleamed like gems in the lamplight. He took the leash and wrapped it around his hand a few times to make it short.
"Clasp your hands behind your back and keep them there. And open your legs wider." He said, then nudged your feet apart until they lined up with your shoulders. You kept your hands behind your back as commanded. It was worse than keeping your hands at your sides. This position arched your body a little more and forced your breasts out. You felt dreadfully exposed, and what was even more excruciating was having your legs apart. But what could you do other than what was commanded? Could Copia be so cruel as to punish you even if you threw yourself at his feet and begged for his mercy? You weren't sure, and you didn't want to risk it. He would have his way, and there was nothing you could do about it. Then you wondered, did you even mind? The pleasure that had built now ebbed away slightly, but it wasn't far from reaching you again. If Copia touched you, it would surely wash over you again. Part of you wanted to drench yourself in that pleasure, to swim and melt in it completely. A corner in your mind wished with all your might that Copia would let you; the rational part of you recoiled at your desire, it being so undignified and sudden. You tried to let your head drop a little, and immediately Copia pulled the leash up with a quick tug that snapped it back in position.
"I said to keep your head up," He said, his voice low, menacing. His hand didn't drop or loosen the leash, so your head remained up. "I will not tell you again, sister. Now be still and don't move until I tell you to."
Copia gazed down at you with such ferocity that you stood rigid and kept your lips pressed together tight. The new Papa was frightening looking but very handsome in the dim light that made his face angular, his eyes even more smoldering. You marvelled at him for a moment, then with a shock, you felt Copia's free hand on you. You felt his fingers trail down the side of your neck and down to your breasts. He grabbed at your right breast, cupping it as if to feel its weight, then kneaded it slowly until it sent shivers through you. His thumb brushed over your now hardening nipple through the material of your bra. He did the same with your left. He then imprisoned the nipple and squeezed it rhythmically between his fingers before reaching for the other to give it the same treatment. A rush of shameful pleasure shot through you and settled between your legs, making your sex grow warm as if it could also blush, and you held back a moan with great effort. Copia pulled on the leash, making you lean slightly closer to him. 
"Kiss me," He whispered. As soon as he commanded, you moved to catch his lips in a deep kiss almost too quickly, still keeping your hands behind your back. Copia sucked at your mouth, then opened it with his tongue as his hand went between your open legs and, without warning, stroked your sex through your panties. You uttered a sharp cry against Copia's lips before you could stop yourself. Your body immediately acknowledged him with a twitch of your hips and a soft discharge of fluids while you struggled to swallow another moan. You squirmed, resisting the urge to close your legs with everything you had. Copia broke away from your lips to kiss your earlobe, then he nibbled at it as his hand continued to stroke you. His fingers moved in slow circles now, pressed harder until they found the sensitive mound of your clitoris through the moistening cloth. You gave a soft, open-mouthed gasp and your hips jerked forward in supplication. You wanted to grind yourself on his fingers, rock your hips for more, but the sheer gracelessness of it seemed too much for you. Besides, you weren't sure if it was something he would approve of or chastise, so you stayed as still as you could, your legs starting to shake under your weight. Copia pulled back and smiled at your flushing face, then pulled the crotch of your panties to the side and glided two of his gloved fingers along the delicate folds of your labia. The fingers teased at the moist lips and continued to massage your clit in more circles, even slower ones that drew out the sensation. Breathy moans spilled from your lips. The pleasure washed through you, mounting and mounting as he worked you. Beneath your ecstasy, you felt a twinge of embarrassment at how quickly you had become wet for him. It was forgotten in an instant once Copia slid a finger inside you, then a second. You shuddered and cried aloud. Your sex quivered at the sudden penetration, and your cry melted into a long, low moan. Copia kissed the corner of your mouth.
"That's it," Copia said softly, pulling his fingers out, then sliding them back in slowly. Then again and again. "Don't resist me. Be a good girl for your Papa." 
Your hips moved forward at the sound of his voice. Once so frightening, but now smooth and rich as velvet. He was so close to you now, and for the first time, you could smell his cologne. It was warm, spicy, and delicious to you, almost intoxicating. Your eyes stared through heavy lids at Copia's lips. They were full yet strong, set into a faint smile that struck at a cord of desire in you that made the penetration even more pleasurable. You wanted to kiss and kiss those lips until you had your fill. You felt your sex start to throb, and you began to gasp, but before it became too much for you, Copia dropped the leash, withdrew his fingers, and pushed you back, that seductive little smile still there. You let out a disappointed moan that would have been humiliating had you done it to anyone else. 
"That's enough for now," Copia said, "Get down on your knees." 
Your mind whirled as you let yourself float down until you sat on your heels on the floor, your legs still slightly apart. Your thighs trembled under you, and your throbbing craved relief. You kept your hands behind your back. You feared that if you let them fall to your sides, you would lose control and throw yourself at Copia in desperation. The only thing you allowed yourself to do was writhe, clasping your hands as tight as possible. You felt the wetness of your sex between your legs, sticky, slick, and hot. 
You let out a sigh, looking up at Copia, your lips parted, your body wanting more.  He snapped his fingers and pointed to the floor.
"All fours." He ordered.
You fell onto your hands and knees. You arched your back, your buttocks lifted as if to be presented. Your body tingled in arousal at doing so, knowing that Copia could see you doing it. You wiggled your hips a little bit, and you were shocked at your own boldness. 
'Fuck it, I don't care. I don't care.' You thought.
Copia stepped forward, a low chuckle rumbling in his throat. 
"Good girl," He said, and he crouched down to take a closer look at you, "Does my little puppy want more?" 
"Yes, Papa." You said softly, "Please." 
"Then I think you should clean up the mess you made." Copia held up the hand that touched you. The gloved fingers were still glistening with your juices. He touched them to your lips, and you took them into your mouth without a thought. You sucked on them, letting your tongue swirl around the digits. The taste of leather and your own fluids mixed with your saliva, and when Copia pulled them away, you swallowed. The flavor lingered, both tantalizing and odd to you. 
Copia stood and made an airy gesture to your bottom.
"Wag your hips for me." He said, and he laughed when he saw your face go red, "It's no use being shy now, sister. Unless you want me to take my belt off and make good use of it. You don't want that, do you?"
Your breath caught in your throat. You shook your head. 
"That's what I thought. Now, put your face to the floor and swing those hips." 
Your face flamed as you lowered it until you all but kissed the floor, your ass high up in the air. You churned your hips and hoped it was pleasing. You felt Copia take the leash from the floor and give it a quick tug. 
"Faster. Arch your back more."
You lowered as you were told to do and arched your back almost uncomfortably, your cheek sealed to the floor. A groan escaped you at the touch of the cold stone on your chest. Then in utter submission, any sense of pride, if there was indeed any in the first place, left you, and you wagged your buttocks back and forth like an excited dog wagging its tail for its master. Above you, you heard the creak of the bedsprings as Copia sat. You felt another tug on the leash, and you lifted your head. Copia sat back on the bed with his legs spread apart, the bulge of his erection in full view. Your sex seemed to swell at the sight of it. 
"You please me very well, sister," Copia said. He tugged on the leash again to bring you forward. "No more playing. Come here, let Papa reward you." 
"Papa..." You whispered. You hurried to him on your hands and knees. You kissed the tops of his shoes on an impulse, then his ankles. Copia didn't protest, so you kissed his knees and dared to run your hands along his inner thighs and kiss them as well. His thighs were rather shapely and solid under his clothes, pleasant to touch. When your hand rubbed over his groin, Copia let out a soft moan. Encouraged, you leaned over and kissed the waist of his pants, still rubbing the bulging sex. 
"Undo them." Copia's hand stroked your hair.
You didn't hesitate to undo the button and zipper of his pants. And now you were staring at his cock through his boxers, a small wet spot formed on the dark cloth. Again, you leaned down, placing a little kiss there, then you darted your tongue out and licked it. The hard cock twitched in its prison as if it asked to be free. You looked up at Copia with lustful, inquiring eyes, and you were delighted when he nodded at you. 
"Yes, cara. You can touch it." 
You pulled the elastic fabric down until his cock sprung free from its confinement. It stood tall and thick. A bead of clear fluid seeped from the tip, and you stared at it, surprised by its length and size. You took it in your hand, stroked it, felt its hardness and warmth. You couldn't help but wonder if the others knew Copia was quite well-endowed. You caressed the shaft up and down, tightening your hand every so often at the base of Copia's cock. Copia moaned as you did so, his head lolling back slightly. Your heart fluttered in your chest. It felt good to know that you gave him pleasure, that you pleased him enough to avoid his wrath and to even reward you. What an honor this must have been! A ripple of relaxation washed over you. You closed your eyes and took the tip of the cock into your mouth, suckling on it before taking it deeper in.
Copia gasped above you and bucked his hips. The action drove the shaft even deeper into your mouth, and you sucked on it hard, bobbing your head with a steady rhythm. It nudged the back of your throat, droplets of salty liquid mixed with the taste of his skin. Copia's thighs shivered, and his breath quickened. You moaned as you continued to push up and down on his cock until his hips started to shake. 
"Fuck, sister," Copia grunted, "That's enough!"
He grabbed your hair and pulled your head away. He didn't pull you hard enough to hurt, but you still gasped once you felt the fingers grip your hair. When he released you, he motioned for you to stand. You obeyed.
"Take everything off and lay on the bed." He told you, almost breathless. 
The collar was the first to go; you unbuckled it and threw it aside, happy to be rid of the awful thing. You unclasped your bra and let it slip from your shoulders. Though the air was cool on your now naked breasts, your nipples grew hot and erect. A sudden, inexplicable desire to entice Copa came to you as you lowered and stepped out of your panties. 
'Do it.' Your lust-clouded mind ordered you, and you did. 
When you straightened, you locked eyes with Copia as you ran your hands over your breasts, pushing them together and biting your lip. A dark look flickered across Copia's face, and he stood with a low growl. He snatched your upper arm and yanked you to him. 
"You dare tease me in my own room after I've given you an order?" He hissed, then gave a wicked smile, "You must like being punished, sister. But we will save that for another time." 
He turned to fling you down onto the bed. You fell back onto the mattress; the sheets and coverlet were soft and plush underneath you. You had little time to enjoy it before Copia descended on you with rough kisses, his hips grinding against yours, his cock prodding at your thigh. His hand grabbed and kneaded your breast hard. But you wanted him so badly that you scarcely noticed how tight his fingers dug into your flesh. He then gave it a cruel slap that drew a loud moan from you. It was an exciting mix of pain and pleasure, and you wanted more.
"Again." You pleaded. You arched your back to offer your chest to him, and you wrapped your legs around his hips. Copia rose from his kisses. It was his turn to lock eyes with you as he lifted his hand and struck you again, just a little bit harder than the first time. You whimpered and squirmed underneath him. Copia positioned and moved his hips so that the shaft of his cock rubbed along your slick pubic lips, grazing your sensitive, engorged clitoris. You strained against him, tried to rock your hips to feel more of that rigid member. Copia looked amused by your torment. 
"Tell me what you want." He leaned down again and sucked at your nipples, bit at them playfully with his teeth. Your hands went to cradled his head to you, little sighs and moans leaving you unrestrained. 
"Fuck me." You murmured into his hair. 
As soon as the words left your mouth, Copia rose, brought his cock to your opening, then drove it into you in one fluid motion. You cried out. Your head fell back, and your body seemed to explode in pleasure. His cock was a thick, piercing thing inside you, bathing in your juices as he drew back and plunged into you. His thrusts were brutal, delivered in almost snapping motions that made the bedsprings creak under you. You heard yourself unleash loud, guttural moans with each solid thrust, wholly overcome by denied passion. Copia buried his face in your neck, his breath making the skin hot as he panted. The agonizing pleasure rose in your core, swelling, ready to erupt in a shower of sparks behind your skull, in your loins. Then all at once, your wet sex tightened around Copia and throbbed violently until you were all but screaming in ecstasy. You clutched Copia while the spasms rolled through you, and you let your legs spread wide, allowing Copia to slam into you unhindered until he also gave a small cry and shuddered above you. Hot, gushing fluid flowed into you and lay you back with your chest heaving in gasps. 
Copia pulled out and collapsed beside you. You turned on your side to face him; his features were soft-looking, almost angelic in their exhaustion. His eyes drooped closed, his forehead glistened with sweat. You brushed his disheveled hair back, leaned close, and kissed his brow, tasting the saltiness on your lips before pulling away. Copia opened his eyes, gazed at you lovingly, then took you and cradled you to his chest. The fabric of his suit felt luxurious on your naked skin in the afterglow, and you snuggled close to it, sighing. You both stayed that way for a few minutes, with Copia threading his fingers through your hair. You yawned, and your eyes started to feel heavy.
"We can't fall asleep," Copia said, shaking you a bit to rouse you, "I've kept you here long enough, and the other sisters must be out of their minds with worry by now." 
"Yes, Papa." You nodded, sat up, and winced a little. Your privates ached from their hard riding. You tried to hide it, only making a slight noise in your throat. It seemed you couldn't fool Copia, however. He also got up and rubbed your lower back, kissing your cheek.
"Was Papa too rough with you, cara?" He asked. You shook your head. 
"No, Papa, I'll be fine. It'll pass." You reassured him. 
"Alright, but I will have Cirrus check on you later tonight anyway," He patted your hip, "And what happened here must be a secret. You know this, right? Otherwise, I'd have to gag you and march you through the grounds. It's a little, eh, display, you could say, that I've come up with to officially demonstrate my authority to the others. I have yet to put it into practice, and It'd be unfortunate to have you be its first victim." 
You bowed your head, not in fear, but again in reassurance.
"Yes, Papa. I won't tell anyone." You said obediently. You crawled out of bed and gathered your clothes. Copia zipped and buttoned up his pants, then stood as well and straightened his hair. 
"Good. Now, get dressed and get back to the convent. Tell the Ghouls to run you a bath when you get there. Say it's my orders, and they'll do it." 
"Okay." A bath sounded lovely to you as you redressed. If only Copia could join you...
"And sister," Copia's voice came low, playful. You turned, and you saw his eyes gleam at you. Your pulse quickened.
"Yes, Papa?" You asked.
"Don't forget that I said I would save your other punishment for next time." He winked at you, and your heart soared. 
"I won't." You smiled. 
"Good girl."
You bid him good night, then left his chamber, secretly hoping that that time would be soon.
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p0is0nvalz · 2 years
Just sum stranger things stuff i thought of :) (each are separate)
(Chrissy is 18) •It was your birthday and your secret girlfriend, chrissy cunningham had special plans for you. your other friends, however, decided they wanted to throw a suprise party for you. In your house. “chrissy.. i want.. you..” you spoke between rough kisses and struggling to open your front door between heated kisses. Finally, the second you unlocked the door, you pinned her up against the wall “i get to top this time, yeah?” “Yeah baby, the little birthday girl gets to destroy me tonight”
“Supri..se?” You both whipped your heads to see Eddie, Steve, Dustin, and Mike with their eyes popped out, their mouths dragging on the floor, Lucas passed out, Johnathan and nancy looking at a bug on the ceiling like it just painted the mona lisa, will trying to set up a dnd campaign, using forks and spoons as characters, Robin biting her fist and beet red, and max and el blinking at you both “aww thanks guys bye!! Shoo!” You quickly pushed them out of your house
“well.. atleast we have cake now?” Chrissy giggled “atleast i get to put on on your body and lick it off you” you purred in her ear.
2. (Modern!au) •you, Robin, Eddie, Steve and Nancy were playing games
“any last words, edward joseph munson?” “Yeah. MOMMY-“ he screeched just as he was getting killed, leaving you and the others dying of laughter “mommy!?” Steve wheezed and slammed his head down on his keyboard.
As he respawned, you came closer to his character “thats ma’am to you, naughty boy” you made a ‘tsk’ sound as he choked on his water “i um.. ive gotta *cough* go..” Eddie sounded very flustered through his mic, only sending everyones giggles further “what did you say to him, y/n!?” “Why me?!” There was a sudden knocking on your door, causing you to get up and look through the window. It was Eddie. “Bitch Eddies here. I gotta go” you left before anyone could protest
‘suck his dick extra hard for me y/n❤️!!’ Steve texted you, but you were too busy to check. (Get it lmao ahaha) (why am i so childish)
3. •steve walks in on you searching up lesbians wooo
“y/n?” Steve entered the room un announced, leaving you to quickly close the tab you were looking at and turn around, trying to act cool “yep?” “Oh my god!” Steve ran out of the room
“steve dont tell anyone i sweartogod ill kill everyone you love” “im not gonna tell anyone! I just..mayknowagirlwhosinterestedinyou” “well IM not interested, i already know someone whos caught my eye” you crossed your arms and puffed out your chest “oh yeah, who?” Steve asked with a raised eyebrow.
“….ᴿᵒᵇᶦⁿ…..” Steve squealed and threw his arms around “ugh im litterally cupid. Im gonna call her right now and you’ll awnser.” He typed in robins number, much to your protests “Buckley residence, Robin speaking” “hi….” “Oh! Y/n h-hi, hey, whats up?” You giggled at her nervousness “uh.. so.. do you wanna hang out with me? As a date..?” You silently banged your head on the wall, thinking of 20 different ways that couldve been way smoother.
after a long hard 30 seconds she responded “y-yeah! Sure.. um ill pick you up at around 8:00?” “Sure” you agreed with a smile and hung up, squealing.
you and steve joint hands and started dancing around the room “sooo.. are we gonna talk about you searching up lesbians..?” “No.”
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blu-joons · 3 years
Ruined Proposal ~ Im Jaebum
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As soon as you walked into the studio, you could feel a slight tension as several eyes looked across to you. You looked round closely at Youngjae and Jackson as they exchanged a glance before reluctantly taking a seat on the sofa as you tried to figure out what was going on.
Neither of them spoke as you sat down and placed your bag down beside you, both keeping their eyes away from you in the hope that they’d wake up and realise that you weren’t in the room with them both after all.
“Have you two had an argument or something?” You quizzed them both.
“No,” Jackson muttered, keeping his eyes firmly on the ground, “but what are you doing here? You’re not supposed to be here.”
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, especially so as you looked across to Youngjae who could only shrug back at you, keeping himself quiet too. You checked the date on your phone too, knowing that your schedule was clear for the evening.
You waited a few moments, but when neither of them spoke, you pushed for answers. “Where am I supposed to be?” You asked, knowing something was wrong as both of their eyes went wide.
“Has Jaebum not got in contact with you?” Youngjae asked, surprised when your head shook back at him. “Have you checked your phone, just to be completely sure?”
You did as Youngjae said, looking through your texts and calls to see not a single one from Jaebum, your last message wishing him a good day as he dropped you off earlier in the morning.
“He’s going to be there alone,” you overheard Jackson mutter under his breath, leaning in towards him and nudging his arm. His body jolted yet again as you knocked him, giving him a questionable look. “Y/N, you’re supposed to be by the river.”
“Why?” You questioned, “it’s not my birthday or anything, what are you guys up to?” You laughed, quickly falling silent as you looked at the panicked looks on both of their faces. “Jackson, you better start talking before you end up digging a bigger hole for Jaebum to climb out of when I find out what’s going on.”
Across the room, Youngjae’s head shook as Jackson looked to him in search of hope, he had managed to give the game away, and now it was up to him to try and give you as few clues as possible.
“I can’t tell you what’s going on,” Jackson sharply responded, “it’s not for me to say, Jaebum needs to tell you for himself instead of me.”
“But I’m not asking Jaebum, I’m asking you,” you continued to push at him, “your face is obvious, so why can’t you just tell me? What’s the worst that could happen? A proposal?”
It was only supposed to be a joke, but as the two of them both looked straight to the ground, it seemed you had managed to figure out for yourself exactly what was going on. Before you knew it, the corners of your mouth turned up into a smile as you pushed against Jackson.
“He’s proposing by the river?” You queried, chuckling to yourself as Jackson’s head nodded back at you. “But why didn’t he text, or call? I’m not a mind reader to know what was going on.”
“I think he forgot,” Jackson smiled, rubbing his hand over the spot where you had hit, “but luckily for him, I have my car keys and I know exactly what part of the river he’s at, so maybe it might be Jackson to save the day after all?”
Before he had even finished his sentence, you had pulled him up onto his feet and on the way to the car park with Youngjae in tow. In record time Jackson had managed to drive you down to the river, finding Jaebum exactly where he expected with Jinyoung by his side.
As you climbed out of the car, you suddenly felt nervous as you looked across to Jaebum. His eyes were on Jinyoung, listening closely to what he said, but Youngjae had soon raced ahead of you, breaking the moment that the two best friends shared.
“What are you doing here?” Jaebum questioned as Youngjae dove in between the two of you.
“We had a little visitor at the studio, so there might be a slight change of plan,” Youngjae informed him.
“What visitor?” Jaebum quizzed, but his question was soon answered when Youngjae pointed across to you and Jackson walking down the riverbank.
As soon as he met your eyes, his smile grew, furrowing however when he noticed Jackson by your side. He was filled with confusion as to what the two of them were doing alongside you, especially during what was supposed to be a special moment between the two of you.
“I think I’ve got some explaining to do,” Jackson admitted as you reached Jaebum, “don’t be mad.”
Jaebum’s eyes widened as he followed your gaze straight to the ring box that was in his hand. “Please don’t tell me you’ve done what I think you have?”
An apology came straight from Jackson as he held his hands up in protest of his innocence, taking a step behind you to protect himself. He quickly explained the situation to Jaebum, letting him know that you had received no message from him.
“I did,” he instantly argued, fumbling for his phone in his pockets, “I text you to meet me down here at six, I was beginning to think you weren’t going to show.”
“No, you didn’t,” you assured him, and as he found his phone and looked through his messages, realising that he had never pressed send on the text, Jaebum realised too. “I showed up at the studio thinking we could head out to dinner together; I wasn’t expecting any of this.”
A heavy sigh came from Jaebum, his shoulders dropping in frustration that his moment had well and truly been ruined. “This wasn’t how this was supposed to be,” he whispered apologetically across at you, “maybe I should propose again, when the moment is less ruined.”
Your head instantly shook back at him, “it might be the most unconventional proposal ever, but don’t you think that it ends up summing the two of us up quite well?”
“You still want me to propose?” Jaebum asked you, “even after just about every possible thing going wrong, it’s not even a surprise anymore, thanks to a certain someone.”
“If Jackson hadn’t have dropped you in it, I wouldn’t even be here,” you reminded him.
His eyes rolled as he remembered just how write you were, “I guess so, but I’m still mad that he ended up ruining things.”
Your head shook once again as Jaebum stared across at you. Perhaps it wasn’t the proposal you envisioned for yourself, but that didn’t make the moment any less special, or change what your answer was going to be.
“Just propose,” Jinyoung laughed beside Jaebum, “it’s obvious that she’s going to say yes, even if you proposed in a skip.”
Your head nodded in agreement with Jinyoung as Jaebum searched your eyes for assurance. “I can at least try and make the rest of my proposal goes as planned,” he laughed, “which means that the three of you can bugger off.”
“Let them stay,” you interjected, stopping the three of them, “we need to make sure we have witnesses who can testify the story when one day we tell our children just how terribly their father’s proposal went.”
Jaebum’s head shook as the three boys all excitedly stood to one side, allowing Jaebum to step forwards and take a hold of your hand before kneeling down in front of you with a wide smile on his face.
“Don’t mess it up,” Jackson teasingly whispered as Jaebum lowered himself.
“Shut up,” Jaebum retorted, “Y/N, I….”
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isolemnlyswear · 4 years
ooo could i request a remus x fem! reader where both of them are very shy so it takes lily, james and sirius to push them together. and whenever they talk to each other they stutter a lot?
always have, always will.
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a/n : guess what! i made this way too intense again. i can't help it; its so much easier for me to write a really fucking intense love rather than a crush IM SORRY !! the end is the only cute part the rest is shite
HAPPY (very belated bc i don't have any motivation) BIRTHDAY REMUS MY BEAUTIFUL BOY
taglist : @oldschoolkiddo @amourtentiaa @anchoeritic @faeinorbit @tomriddleswifey @inks-and-jinx @jxsperhxle @punkrific @the-gazette-of-tea @krasivayadarling @orifortheweeknd @fallin-4-ya @incxndio @daisyyy2516 @hoe4cedricdiggory
young!remus lupin x fem!reader
"Oh." you sigh, blinking when you see Remus inside. Your huff isn't one of discontent; rather, as you enter the common room, you're simply nervous, timid to deal with the boy. As soon as you want to speak in front of him, to tell him that you really, really like him, you start blushing, turning into a stammering mess.
Alas, you swallow your fear, sitting down on the plush maroon chair opposite him and Sirius; Lily is on the floor, flipping through a potions book, and James is sprawled across your coordinating chair. Remus is lying against the side of the couch, knees up with arms wrapped around his legs. He's smiling, laughing at a joke Sirius told prior to your arrival.
Your heart is aching in your chest, and you try to will it to stop yearning for this boy, but there's a voice inside your head. One that tells you that he's all you could ever need.
Such thoughts reduce you to mush when Lily notices your arrival.
"There she is! How are 'ya?" the redhead greets you happily, and such a simple question is blocked out by your tunnel vision; you can only focus on one thing at the moment, and it's Remus.
You don't speak for a moment, zoning out, but when your eyes meet those of Remus, you quickly snap out of your trance, shaking your head.
"'M fine. J-just tired, I think 'm gonna go upstairs-" you manage to say, but you're cut off by an incredulous Sirius.
"S'five in the afternoon!" he says with a laugh, and you nod.
"And?" you quip, focus now returned when you tear your eyes away from Remus.
"Y'gotta stay down here, dinner's soon!" Lily replies, and you glare at her. She knows exactly why you want to leave at the moment, rather, she knows about how in love you are with one of your best friends. She raises her hands in mock surrender, and you sigh.
It's almost painful, the next hour. You're trying so hard to not make it alarmingly obvious concerning your... issue, but it's proving to be quite difficult.
And then, finally, it's dinner. You're able to get away with not talking, as you pretend to be eating anytime you're asked a question, and Remus is silent as well.
You eventually can sneak away to your dorm, wanting to sleep to rid yourself of the thoughts that give you no reprieve during the day.
But, of course, your dreams are of Remus.
Unbeknownst to you, and Remus, the entire rest of the marauders (and about half your year) are painfully aware of your affection for the boy.
And his for you.
So they hatch a plan; it’s simple, but effective.
You're all lounging in the common room -a typical Saturday afternoon - when James poses an odd request.
“Hey, Y/N? D’you wanna go look at something for me?” he asks, fighting back the smile that threatens at his lips. You nod, eager to get away from the tension that you and Remus are swamped by.
“What is it?” you ask as he gets up, leading you up the stairs and to his dorm room. You're confused, eyebrows furrowing and hands wringing nervously.
“You'll see.” James grins at you as you enter the dorm room - which has four beds, three of which are littered with laundry and other teenage boy things, but one is impeccably neat, and you assume it to be Remus’s.
“James, what-” you begin, but he shushes you with a laugh.
“Lily’s cat won't get out of this closet, y’see, and I know you're good with animals and the like, so could you...get it? For Lily, f’course, ” he asks, pointing to a rather large closet in the corner of their dorm.
You raise your eyebrows, but nod, opening the doors and getting in, eyes searching for Lily’s feline friend.
But as soon as you drop to your knees, a soft thud reverberates through the closet. James had shut the doors, and the closet was big enough to where you weren't claustrophobic, thankfully. But there is no cat in sight. None.
Downstairs, however, James had strolled in nonchalantly, and Lily’s grinning.
“What did you do this time, Prongs?” Remus sighs, unaware that the others around him are all aware of their little plot.
“Maybe you should go upstairs and find out,” James says ominously, raising a dark eyebrow. Remus glares at him, sighing.
“Where’s Y/N?” he asks, still holding his gaze on the brunette. Lily giggles, and Remus shoots her an impatient glare. “What did you do to her?” The question is directed at no one in particular, but the irascible tone in the lycanthrope’s voice demands an answer.
“Once again, go upstairs and find out, mate.” James’s tone, however, is one of amusement.
Remus takes in a querulous breath, turning to stomp up the stairs.
Undivulged to him, James is sneakily creeping up the stairs behind the boy.
You're pounding at the mahogany of the closet door, and you've forgotten your wand downstairs, leaving you helpless in the space. You ponder why James would do such a thing, but you brush it off, figuring it was another prank, one of all too many.
“Y/N?” Remus questions hesitantly into the empty dorm, and your ears prick up at his voice.
“I'm in here!!” you shout, pounding at the closet door, and Remus rushes to open it for you.
But as soon as he's inside, helping you up, James, with a flick of his wand, shuts the door.
You're locked in.
With Remus.
And it's absurd, really, how quickly your heart is beating in your ribcage.
“Prongs I swear to Merlin-” Remus starts irritably, but stops himself with a tremulous inhale.
“Fuck,” you whisper, cowering to the back of the closet. Remus’s scent is surrounding you, the honey and chocolate and dark cologne enveloping you in a blanket of bliss. You’re thankful for the dim nature of the closet, for your cheeks are rouging with embarrassment.
Little known to you, Remus’s heart is pounding in his ears, and he’s even more entranced by your scent, what with his dog-like sense of smell. It's his favorite scent in the world, truly, one he could get lost in forever.
“Sorry,” the boy whispers, slumping down across the space from you, and you quirk a brow.
“W-what are you sorry for, Remus?” you ask quietly, wrapping your arms around yourself.
“I got us locked in here, didn't I?” You can hear the soft smile in his voice, a bittersweet one.
“But that isn't too bad, is it?” you say, courage surging through your bones as the darkness shields your nerves.
“Oh yeah?” he asks under his breath, laughing softly.
“What, am I that unbearable?” you tease, tucking a strand of fallen hair behind your ear.
“No,” Remus says remarkably quickly, and then he hesitates for a second. “Quite the opposite.” His voice is barely above a whisper, but his words ring in your ears like a mantra.
“That's quite cryptic,” you say, taking in a deep breath.
“Y’gonna make me spell it out for you?”
“If you mean what I think you do, fuck, either I'm being terribly idiotic right now or...” you trail off, noticing that Remus is closer to you, now.
“Or what?” he breathes, and you close your eyes slowly.
“Or...if you're, um, insinuating what I think you to be, and I get words out correctly enough to respond...” you leave the rest of the sentence unsaid, words trapped in your throat.
“What then?” Remus says ever-so-quietly, and you take in another breath, eyes still pressed closed.
“I'd be making the best decision of my life.”
You can hear the boy’s breath hitch in his throat. You open your eyes to see that he's next to you, now, and the soft light from under the door that illuminates you as the sun lowers is glimmering on his skin, bouncing off the scars in his skin and the gold flecks in his eyes.
“Perhaps... Perhaps it’d be right of you to make that assumption. That I'm saying what you think I am, that is.” He breathes slowly, and your eyes flick to him again.
“This conversation is the most cryptic thing I've ever heard,” you say quietly with a laugh, and Remus nods in agreement.
“We’re getting the point across, though, aren't we?” he jests, and you giggle. Your expression then turns serious, and you turn so that you're facing the boy.
“Could I... Could I take you up on that offer of spelling it out?” you say breathlessly, and Remus smiles gently.
“We could say it on three,” he suggests, and you laugh.
“Merlin, we're like toddlers. Fine, on your count, then,” you reply with a nod, heart a jackhammer in your chest.
“One... Two...” he pauses for a second, and you let out a breath.
He's fully facing you, as well, and you see a glint in his eyes that's so familiar yet so new.
“Fuck this,” he says before the last count, and your eyes widen. “I love you, Y/N. I'm- I'm in love with you.” he admits, shutting his eyes like he's ripping off a particularly menacing bandaid.
You don't respond for a moment, mouth open in shock. But as soon as you snap out of your trance, you notice the boy’s posture; he's nervous, recoiled as if he's worried you wouldn't say it back.
You place a delicate hand on the side of his face, thumbing over his cheek, and he relaxes at your touch, still not opening his eyes.
You softly press your lips to his, and he responds instantaneously, one hand reaching to pull you in by your waist, the other resting on your cheek.
There's a fire exploding inside you, and it’s glorious, golden sparks erupting after being kept inside for so long. Your lips are dancing in a delicate rhythm with his, like they were meant to. He tastes like chocolate and bliss, and his hand wraps in your hair, tongue swiping over your lips gently.
After what feels simultaneously like an eternity and no time at all, you break away for air, resting your forehead against his.
“Now it's my turn to infer from that,” he breathes after a moment, and you smile.
“Not quite as cryptic, you'll find.” You smile, kissing him again. “I love you, Remus Lupin. Always have, always will.”
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babyboibucky · 3 years
I can’t help but think about either a fluffy or smutty birthday with either college!bucky or roommate!bucky
Just like him walking up to you with a single cupcake with a single candle and otherwise either in boxers or naked.
But he also might want to take you out and do something really nice even tho he doesn’t have much money (cause college or sharing an apartment)
But he’d also be down to try that kinky thing you’ve wanted to try.
Basically he’d be super sweet and soft but also the kinky shit comes out because it’s your day and he wants to feel special. But if his gift to you is also a gift to him, win-win.
It’s my birthday tomorrow and this is all I want lmao 😂🥺
Here’s my birthday gift to you!!!
hey bday girl, come on over 🥳😏😘
You narrowed your eyes at Bucky’s text message, not from being suspicious but because it’s barely eight in the morning. On a Saturday. Both of you didn’t have classes and agreed to celebrate your birthday by having lunch out with your moms.
So what was he up to now?
it’s not even 8am yet, what do u want
i have surprise for you, come quick!!! 😚😚😚
im barely up yet, buck
ugh fine, i knew this wud happen. be there in 15. brush ur teeth pls, i want a kiss frm the bday girl 😗
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t bite back your smile. Since you were kids, Bucky always made sure to surprise you on your birthday and he was always successful. Except for your 12th birthday when he gave you a live frog as a gift, thinking you’d get excited over it since you loved the Princess and the Frog.
After brushing your teeth, you didn’t bother changing your clothes and waited for Bucky. Exactly fifteen minutes later, there was a series of loud knocks on your door.
“Happy Birthday!!!” Bucky greeted, wearing a triangular newspaper hat as he held up a peanut butter sandwich with a candle propped on top of it.
“Yeah so I wasn’t able to buy you a cake but I made you a peanut butter sandwich! Blow your candle so you can blow something else later.” He smirked.
You chuckled and shook your head, blowing out the candle before pulling Bucky into your room by the hem of his shirt. Bucky removed his hat and perched it on top of your head, placing the sandwich on top of your study desk before dipping his head for a kiss.
“You wanna see your surprise?” He mumbled against your lips before kissing you again.
You pulled back and nodded, “What is this surprise you’re talking about?”
Bucky took a step back and opened up his arms, “Open him up!” He exclaimed, motioning towards his pants.
You already knew what Bucky wanted to give you as a surprise. He had been making puns about you blowing his dick on your birthday that this wasn’t a surprise anymore. You were still going to enjoy yourself nonetheless. However, upon unzipping Bucky’s jeans and pulling his pants down, you were met with quite an unexpected gift.
His penis had a red ribbon wrapped around it.
You snorted and looked up at him from where you knelt down, “Are you fucking kidding me?” You burst out laughing, staring at his red ribboned cock.
Bucky laughed and pulled at the ribbon, removing it before pulling his pants back up, “Yeah, I am kidding. I just wanted to make you laugh.” He admitted, “But you can suck my cock later.” He added.
“I did buy you a gift though.” He said and fished out something from his back pocket.
It was wrapped in a pink sheet with a white bow on top. You grabbed it from his hands and ripped the wrapper, revealing a black lace underwear.
“Underwear?” You asked.
Bucky smirked, taking out a rectangular plastic from his pocket— a tiny remote.
“Vibrating panties.” He corrected proudly. “You said you wanted to experience wearing one so I saved up and bought you that.” He sheepishly admitted.
You bit your lip, preventing a squeal from escaping your throat but failed to do so. You jumped into Bucky’s arms for a hug and gave his nose a soft peck.
“What can I ever do to thank you?” You genuinely asked, because vibrating panties are pretty expensive and for Bucky to save up to buy you a pair? He deserved something in return.
Bucky licked his lips, “Wear it when we go out for lunch.”
“Happy birthday, darling! I missed you!” Your mom greeted as soon as you and Bucky arrived at the restaurant.
You hugged her tightly, “Thank yo—ohhh!” You almost squealed when you felt your panties vibrate.
“You okay, sweetie?” Your mom asked.
You straightened up and widened your eyes at Bucky, his hand inside the pocket where he placed the remote. He merely smirked at you.
“I’m good. Just felt my stomach rumble.” You nervously chuckled.
“Well, then sit down! Let’s order. What do you want, honey?” Bucky’s mom asked.
You took the menu and hid your face behind it, all the while Bucky toyed with the level of vibration. Your knuckles were turning white as you tightly gripped the menu, your lips turning red from how hard you were biting back your moans. Bucky watched you with amusement, placing a hand on your thigh and squeezing at it.
“What do you want to order?” He asked teasingly.
“Um, I’ll have the past-uhhh…” you accidentally moaned but immediately coughed.
“The what now?” Bucky asked again.
“Pasta— oh fuck….” You grunted when it vibrated again. “I dropped my phone. Fuck.” You said as an excuse and bent down.
“Watch your mouth, young lady.” Your mom warned.
You stayed bent down as Bucky continued to press on the remote, your legs knotting around each other as you felt your abdomen tighten. A devious plan hatched in your mind.
“I’m watching my mouth, mom.” You responded as your hand moved to unzip Bucky’s jeans.
He looked down at you incredulously but made no move to stop you when you bent down to lick a stripe against his clothed bulge before sitting up straight.
Bucky swallowed as he turned to you, eyes wide because holy fuck, he didn’t expect for you to do that in public. While you were in front of your moms.
“You two have any plans for the rest of the day?” Your mom asked as he glanced at you and Bucky.
“Oh yeah, we’ll have a lot of fun later. In fact, I have more surprises planned out for your daughter. I do hope she gasps out loud when she finds out about it.”
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introvert--weeb · 3 years
Hi, fellow matchup blog here as well. Could I persay get an Obey Me matchup?
More information can be found on my navigation post [ about me ]
Fem Aries / pansexual (they/she) / ENTJ-A 8w9
I’m known to be either very smiley and optimistically loud or very serious/demanding, quiet, and passive/realistic.
I get angered/irritated very easily but I’m quick to get over it. I don’t hold grudges given I don’t really see the need to , but also I forgive people very easily.
I’m the type of person that just doesn’t care what people think about me. People say I come off as arrogant or selfish. Arrogant yes but I won’t really say I’m selfish. I like to do things that benefit me in a way, but also in a way that also benefits my surroundings.
I like to lead and be in charge of things. Im a quick thinker and like to get things done right then and there. Im very blunt and brutally honest in my leadership/also in general and because of that people may call me an ass or an insensitive beatch. However I’ve learned and tried to compromise with others to get what they also want. Besides that I’m a very energetic person who tries to see the good in others and tries to come off as my best self to ones I don’t know.
However get to know me and I’m actually just a chaotic being. I’d like to say I’m a pretty kind and open minded person who’s fairly goal oriented. I have a problem with not living in the moment and would rather constantly plan things out. I adore (deep) cleaning and will do so whenever I want to, feel the need to, or when I’m pissed off. When I’m alone I prefer to be left alone and I’m very quiet whereas in public I’m very extroverted and energetic.
I play violin/piano. I sing anywhere and anytime. I always find myself humming or singing something.
I tend to like people romantically or even just as friends/people who are much more smarter than I am. And very affectionate through words or not. And people who know how to live in the moment unlike me who’s always future oriented. I like to give people things as an act of love.
Apologies for the long request. Do take your time.
Hello! Of course you can! You sound amazing, I'm not gonna lie ❤️ @vbee-miya
I can see you suiting...
Lucifer ❤️
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You both would be the power couple of Devildom.
Your personalities and ideals are similar enough where he doesn't get easily irritated with you being around. With you around, he would learn to not keep as many grudges (especially against Mammon and his spending habits) and calm down every now and then.
The main issue in your relationship would be that you both like to be in charge and will make it so things go your way. If you both want different things then expect to try and convince him to compromise with you. However, because he loved you, you would have an easier time doing this than his brothers.
You would help Lucifer when it came to building the relationships he had with his younger brothers. This was because you would both learn how to make better compromises with the others so that everyone was happy with the choice. This was definitely difficult for Lucifer but with you by his side, he was getting better at it. Although he would only do this every now and again so that no-one would try and take advantage of this kinder side. He was still the eldest brother and Avatar of Pride after all.
When it came to the rest of the brothers, you would be close with them all with a preference towards Satan and Mammon.
Satan was because he reminded you of your boyfriend (although you would never admit this to him) and he would tell you about all the new things he had read about. You would settle down in his room with a cup of your favourite hot beverage while the conversation would consist of any topic that had caught his and your attention recently.
Mammon was simply because he was chaotic and you felt you needed that energy in your life sometimes. When you hang out, your energies would match up and you would both try and find something fun to do. This was usually going out shopping so Mammon could buy all the things he saw while you would be trailing behind him, resisting the urge to lecture him about how irresponsible he was being. Although, you did love that he lived entirely within the moment, no thoughts on the consequences for his spending until it came down to facing them. Sometimes you wished you could be just like him.
Dates could happen at any moment with the two of you, but extravagant dates are often left until the end of each month. Smaller dates would usually be held within Lucifer's study or the music room he loved so much. Once he had found out you could play the piano as well as sing, you can bet your ass that he would constantly ask you to entertain him with a song. As you played, he would be sat comfortably in his chair, eyes closed and a glass of wine in hand. Lucifer adored this side of you and made sure you knew just how much he did. Compliments were showered over you, which is surprising since he was known to very rarely say anything nice to anyone else. Pride was definitely thrown out the window around you though (not entirely but he sure wasn't how he usually is).
Lucifer understood the importance of alone time and so would make it a point to allow you both time to yourselves. You appreciated it more than he probably knew. Although he loved you with his entire being, being around you 100% of the time would have caused arguments and resentments. After all, having your own life away from each other was an important aspect of any relationship to prevent co-dependency.
Cleaning day was every Sunday in the House of Lamentation. Lucifer would make sure Mammon and Belphie didn't try to get you to clean their rooms so they could goof off or sleep. Even though he knew you loved deep cleaning, there was only so much you could do and he didn't want you to get worn out. Might even buy you specific things you wanted to get a better cleaning experience. He would find it hard to say no when you begged to clean his study because it was becoming cluttered. He appreciates how clean you are, even trying to get on your level but it's just too difficult when he has Diavolo to deal with.
In public, the most affection you would get is him holding your hand or placing a quick kiss to the top of your head. When you both are in the comfort of his study or room, this demon gets SUPER affectionate. Might even be a little touch starved so he would enjoy cuddles and other softer expressions of your love. Definitely would place you on his lap while he completes paperwork, his spare hand rubbing circles into your palm. Anything to just have you touching him.
He keeps everything you give him in a special drawer at his desk. Cards you had given him for his birthday or valentine's day, little love notes, dried up flowers, this drawer had them all. Secretly will reread the love notes every night before going bed. He is secretly a softie when it comes to you.
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
The Devil in Red and White
Pairing: Im Jaebum x female reader
World: King Of Demons
Genre: fluff / demon au / christmas-ish au (I know it’s January, don’t come for me)
Warnings: none, aside from if you’re not familiar with this world, then nicknames won’t make much sense.
A/N: I had this idea immediately when I started thinking about what to write for Jaebum’s birthday. Then I cursed it out for not coming to me earlier in December so it would make more sense to use it. But hey, Sheol and Earth never really line up with the same time and date, now do they XD (I also need to write this now before the next story for Princess and Jaebum in this world and since I plan to do that before Christmas 2021, please just humour me a little longer!)
Word count: 1321
King of Demons series: Havoc // King of Demons // Unfathomable // Sacrifice // King of Demons: The Return // In The Night // Identity // Prophecy // Someone // The Devil Contained // The Monsters Witch
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Jaebum was more than ready to see you again.
It had been far too long, so he thought, since you had returned to Sheol, and this time apart especially had been harder to endure, knowing you were with child.
His child.
Still, to anyone who wasn’t close to the Devil himself, they would merely think of him as curiously awaiting the elevator from the Gatekeeper’s lair. The smirk on Mark’s face beside him, however, gifted Jaebum with the knowledge that his closest friend was amused by him.
“Now is not the time to taunt me, Mark.”
“I wouldn’t dream of doing such a thing,” the demon mentioned too airily and Jaebum eyed his friend carefully. “You might combust into flames if I were to try.”
“Am I that noticeable?”
“Only to me,” Mark answered with a wicked grin that gave Jaebum little assurance. “No doubt the servants of this area merely think you’re awaiting a new supply of mint chocolate chip ice-cream.”
“Perhaps Y/N will bring some,” he murmured, clasping his hands together, only to let them go a moment later. Jaebum sighed heavily, looking at Mark once more. “Do you think she’ll be much different?”
“Physically, or…?”
“I suppose there could be mental changes,” Jaebum replied, pacing the area until one of his workers looked his way. Silencing the attention with a glare, the Devil frowned. “I’ve read some on the topic.”
“Of how to become a father?” Mark openly questioned, and Jaebum’s eyes widen immediately. Mark and Jinyoung were the only two to truly not fear him in these parts, and for once, it irked Jaebum. He wished Mark’s easiness would damper down.
Then again, he was an experienced demon. Mark had spent far longer up on Earth than he had.
And Jaebum needed the advice. “You’ve seen pregnancy up there, have you not?”
“Can’t say I took it on as an interest. Perhaps you should have done more research before ending in such a predicament?”
“We all know my brother is hardly one to study,” Jinyoung stated upon arrival, and Jaebum glowered at the Prince of Sheol. It was not effective. “Come, brother. I’ve outgrown your glares, have I not?”
“Why is she taking so long?!” Jaebum exclaimed impatiently, throwing his hands up into the air. Flames sparked at the ends of his fingers, and he groaned.
He was evidently too worked up.
Just then, he heard the cranking of the brakes to the elevator down below, his hands reaching for his hair before smoothing down his silk shirt. Ignoring the sniggers from those awaiting your arrival too, Jaebum’s gaze grew earnest.
Just what was he to expect?
When the ancient elevator reached its destination, and the doors opened, all the nerves he felt evaporated when he saw your face. Your eyes connected with his and he rushed forward to your side, pulling you into a much-awaited embrace.
“I’ve missed you,” he murmured into your ear, now uncaring of how much affection he showered you in within the company of others. Whenever you were present in his world, Jaebum could hardly care for normalities and ranks.
You turned him into a vulnerable man, every time.
However, when he pulled away to inspect you properly, Jaebum was immediately concerned. You had bags under your eyes from lack of sleep, and your skin looked pallid. The size of your stomach was smaller than he expected, and yet, it seemed to be sucking the life out of you.
Whilst your death would end the constant separation whenever you were obligated to return to Earth, he wasn’t quite prepared to accept your heart stopping anytime soon either.
“My love…”
“First, allow me to get my things before you fuss, Jaebum.”
He blindly allowed you to turn back for the elevator, where a large suitcase waited for retrieval.
“What’s that, Princess?” Mark enquired for the three men watching on, Jinyoung stepping forward to help you when you struggled to get it over the lip of the door.
“You’ll see,” you announced with a bright smile, returning to Jaebum’s side and taking his hand. “Will you take me to our quarters now? I think I need a rest before I begin.”
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You had only rested until the evening when suddenly you had enough energy and wished to use it for whatever you had planned. Jaebum whined, hoping you could stay in bed with him just a little longer.
However, you were far too animated to contain.
Unlatching the suitcase, you started pulling out sparkly strings of tinsel and random ornaments, dashing around the room with them. It confused Jaebum greatly. “My Queen?”
“Yes, my King?” you hummed happily, dressing up the grand fireplace with something far too festive for his liking.
“Wasn’t it Christmas time last month up there for you humans?”
You turned to give him a pointed look, and Jaebum was ashamed that the accusing expression he held softened immediately. “Yes, it was.”
“Then why are you bringing such ghastly things into our home?”
“Ghastly?!” you echoed, your efforts doubling. You placed a plaid cushion on the armchair by the fireplace. “You have no regards for my feelings at all!”
“Your feelings are ones I regard above all,” he shot back, and you rolled your eyes.
“Once again, I spent my holidays without you, without our family down here. Whilst I understand the agreement made with the Gods for my travelling back and forth, it’s different now.”
“Because we have traditions to start!”
“In January?”
“As parents,” you corrected, and Jaebum frowned.
“I’m going to need more information.”
“Christmas is a joyous occasion, and our daughter will grow up knowing of it,” you insisted, and Jaebum nodded.
“That I agree with, but isn’t it a December thing? It’s a new year now.”
“So you suggest that we don’t celebrate it as a family?”
“No, I-”
“I grew up believing in the magic of Christmas, of Santa,” you explained, placing a red and white hat upon Jaebum’s head in the process.
He glanced at the pompom hanging off the end with some bewilderment.
You giggled then, and that eased the tension within the room. “You’ll make a fine Santa Claus one day.”
“Me?! Can’t we make BamBam do it?”
“So you’ll accept me kissing your Gatekeeper? I haven’t ever thought about doing that before but-”
“I love you,” Jaebum intervened, kissing you to compliment his statement. Rubbing your shoulders gently, he then sighed. “But I have no intentions of letting you kiss another, nor any understanding of what you talk of.”
“I know. Christmas is a human thing,” you mentioned, and Jaebum nodded softly.
“And one that is more in alignment with those in the heavens above, don’t you think?”
“Still, can’t you come on board with me about this? I’ll explain it to you more so you understand.”
“I’m already trying to comprehend parenting, which is a novel concept for someone like me. Surely, this Christmas thing can wait. And have you forgotten, much like what Christmas celebrations were started upon, I too have a birthday worth rejoicing over.”
“When is that again?” you teased, and Jaebum went to object when you popped a candy cane into his mouth. His eyes widened once the peppermint taste hit his senses.
The sweets of the human world never failed to impress him.
You smiled knowingly. “I want to have a belated Christmas party tonight.”
“Tonight? With everyone else?”
You nodded, and Jaebum grew glum.
“Were you hoping to keep me to yourself for days on end again?” Jaebum’s lack of immediate answer drew a soft chuckle from you once more. “Who knew the Devil could be this adorable?”
You cupped his face and eyed the hat still upon his head before smiling. “Let me tell you the story about Mummy kissing Santa Claus first. I think then you might be more willing to dress as the jolly man himself next Christmas.”
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