#so into the 7th circle of hell he goes
Dante Alighieri when figuring out how he wanted to include his mentor, who shaped his ability to write, in his self-insert fanfiction:
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utilitycaster · 6 months
Level-up post: Bells Hells L13
girl help usually I draft these well in advance but I forgot about this one so it's going to be a little shorter and probably less pithy. Anyway as always: corrections on errors appreciated, but if I didn't list every single possible spell or feat someone could take then that's because I don't care. And, because we do the level-ups like this rather than at the end of a session, this will include L14 speculation. Without further ado:
Everyone's proficiency bonus goes up to +5, and the non-multiclassed full spellcasters (Imogen and FCG) get access to 7th level spells.
Chetney: Chetney took another level in Blood Hunter, granting him an ASI/Feat. On the one hand, his wisdom score is odd and so an ASI to that makes sense. On the other hand fuck WIS forever and ever amen; CON, STR, and INT are all way more important for him and for this party. Orym can perceive enough for everyone. L13 Blood Hunter is a nice one that grants him an additional use of blood maledict, as well as the Brand of Tethering which is both thematically appropriate for the campaign and could REALLY ruin Ludinus's day.
Laudna: Another sorcerer level, which grants her more metamagic, and Marisha said in the video she'd be taking Empowered Spell. She also learns another spell up to 5th level, and another cantrip. Frankly I have no idea for cantrips since between two casting classes with cantrips, her subclasses, and spell sniper, she is Cantrips Georg, but Seeming and Teleportation Circle are both pragmatic options that would help the party; Creation and Insect Plague are both aesthetically apt; and Dominate Person, while coming from her sorcery, does have that touch of Delilah. Looking forward I must admit that warlock is infinitely more useful and interesting but it's probably wiser to get 6th level spells.
FCG: FCG's main improvement here is access to 7th level spells; these are pretty great for clerics. I am personally a fan of Divine Word, and Plane Shift seems likely quite useful, but Regenerate and Resurrection are good to have available. L14 for clerics is quiet and simply improves their ability to destroy undead, as is 15, which grants them 8th level spells.
Fearne: Fearne took a 10th level in Druid, granting her another cantrip and another 5th level spell. She gets Cauterizing Flames, which is a little like Wither and Bloom or some of the Circle of the Shepherd features: when a small or larger creature dies within 30 feet of her or Little Mister, she can use a reaction to either heal a creature within 30 feet of the dead creature, or deal fire damage to it. This may become immediately useful if we're fighting Liliana or Otohan. I am hoping she levels up to 11 in Druid at the next level up, which would give her Transport via Plants and Wind Walk access, making the party a little less reliant on Keyleth. As for her cantrip, I'm thinking Druidcraft would be fun since she doesn't have it and it's been so useful on Ruidus.
Imogen: Imogen gets 7th level spells, of which Teleport is a clear winner, particularly since FCG can take Plane Shift, but there are some of my favorite damage/fuckery spells in there (Prismatic Spray, Reverse Gravity, and Delayed Blast Fireball). Level 14 gives her Revelation in Flesh. I must admit I'd be more psyched about this if she'd leaned into the slime aspects of the subclass, but I am interested in seeing how it gets modified because I don't think she should get the swim speed if she won't grow weird cilia and gills; the other features can stay though.
Orym: In addition to having the stupidest passive perception score on the moon, he also gains another use of indomitable. Level 14 gives him an ASI/Feat and really he can't go wrong here; because he got feats from his pact I'm thinking an ASI to CON to make him even more of a tank would be fun, but fighters get so many feats that he can really go nuts.
Ashton: Base barbarian ability of Brutal Critical goes up to 2 dice from 1, giving them the ability to do more damage when they crit. Eyes peeled for his next level-up, when he gets his final Path of Fundamental Chaos feature!
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henrysglock · 2 years
Stranger Things: The Upside Down and The Divine Comedy
Okay, as you all know I'm not a religious nut. However, I did enjoy Dante's Divine Comedy when I read it for school.
That is to say...I don't call the UD "The Hell Dimension/Super-Hell" for nothing.
I think I can prove which crimes Henry actually committed, and what was a setup, using Dante's Inferno as a framework. I can also feasibly explain the existence, aesthetics, and chronological order of appearance of the different versions of the Upside Down that we see in the show.
To kick this off, I want to talk a little bit about the areas involved:
Paradise: A place of goodness, light, and truth. Many who reside here are concerned with worldly injustices.
Purgatory: A place of change, a crossroads, a holding space to decide whether one goes to heaven or hell.
The 7th Circle of Hell: Violence. The 7th circle has 3 rings: Outer is violence against people/property (murder/pillaging/rape), and filled with fire and blood. Middle is violence against the self (suicide), and those there are eaten by harpies. Inner is blasphemy, or violence against God and nature (including sodomy and usury), and those there are made to wander in burning sands.
The 9th Circle of Hell: Treachery. This circle is a frozen hell split into 4 sections, where sinners are frozen in an icy lake: Caina, Antenora, Ptolemaea, and Judecca. Caina is for betrayal of family. Antenora is for betrayal of one's nation. Ptolemaea is for betrayal of guests/those one has entered into a willing relationship with. Judecca is for betrayal of benefactors/masters.
The Pit of Hell: The very depths of Hell, where Satan, depicted as a three headed beast, feasts upon Judas, Brutus, and Cassius.
Cool. What does that have to do with anything?
It. Is. Everything.
Henry exists in five different settings at four different times chronologically:
First: He is physically and mentally in the Creel house, which is initially described as a fairytale. It's the place where Henry develops his abilities and begins to obsess over the injustices in the world.
Second: Hawkins National Lab, which is his turning point, the fork in the road between returning to Paradise or proceeding to Hell. He does not get a choice, here. By his nature, his hand is forced. It's a tragedy.
Third: He is in the Yellow UD both physically and mentally.
Fourth: He is physically in the Blue UD and mentally in the Red Mindscape in varying degrees. He never physically exists in the Red Mindscape.
(The five vs four will be important later when we talk about what Henry is by nature, and how that affects his location)
I think these different settings can be fit into the framework of the Divine Comedy
That is to say:
Paradise: The Creel House
Purgatory: Hawkins National Lab
The 7th Circle, Blasphemy Ring: Yellow UD
The 7th Circle, Murder Ring: Red Mindscape
The 9th Circle...multiple sections: Blue UD
The Pit of Hell: We have not seen this yet, but given the painting of the three-headed dragon and Nancy's beast with a gaping mouth...I think we will in ST5.
Based on this, I also think I can prove that a) Henry didn't kill his family, b) the 1979 Massacre was something Brenner planned out, and c) the 1979 Massacre was staged.
So...let's map this out from Henry's banishment to current day.
We're told during the 1979 massacre, which is painted as a betrayal of Brenner, that Henry killed his family. Point blank. That should land him square in the frozen 9th Circle, in Judecca or Caina. He...doesn't end up there, and we know there's a lot of shit about his backstory that doesn't line up.
Our first clue into this is where Henry initially ends up.
El pushes him, covered in blood, into the hell dimension. There, he's burnt and scarred before ending up in a rocky, yellow version of the UD which we have not seen until this point.
You would think he'd end up in the Blue UD, since that's the one we're most familiar with, but it seems that the Blue UD doesn't exist yet.
Either that, or Henry does not have access to it.
Why? Because Henry has not committed the deserving sins yet.
Henry arguable passes through the Outer 7th Ring, where he is briefly burned, likely for the murders in the lab regardless of their status as self-defense.
It's still murder in the eyes of the church, because it did not strictly require lethal force due to there being no deadly weapons present, as per St. Thomas:
"Someone who defends his life is not guilty of murder even if he is forced to deal his aggressor a lethal blow: If a man in self-defense uses more than necessary violence, it will be unlawful: whereas if he repels force with moderation, his defense will be lawful...Nor is it necessary for salvation that a man omit the act of moderate self-defense to avoid killing the other man, since one is bound to take more care of one’s own life than of another’s."
Essentially: St. Thomas says: "Don't bring a gun to a knife fight, man. That's uncool."
Henry brought a nuclear bomb to a knife fight. He has to get zapped a little for it.
However, he does not stay burning. He is only spattered in blood. There is no sea of blood. Henry ends up in and stays in the rocky, yellow UD. Why wouldn't he stay in the Murder Ring...unless he hasn't actually killed anyone unnecessarily yet?
This ties into the Creel Massacre fuckery re: Virginia and Alice. Henry could not have killed Alice. Point Blank. Period. It's also highly unlikely that he actually killed Virginia. Even if he did, it was self defense. No betrayal of family. No Caina.
(Although: I'd argue that's where Virginia is ending up for that shit she pulled on Henry re: Brenner and the lab)
No Murder Ring...No murders. Self defense, plus a good bit of zapping for unnecessary roughness, but no sin worthy of the Murder Ring.
You'd think, though, that Henry would at least end up in Judecca, though, right? He'd end up there for betraying Brenner, his "master"...unless there was no betrayal. Unless it was Brenner's plan to incite the massacre, Henry was actually doing exactly as his "master" bid, killing the guards/orderlies was self-defense at its base, and he may or may not have murdered the numbers. It may very well have been staged.
This lack of Murder Ring and 9th Circle imagery majorly ties into the fuckery with the bloodstains, bodies, and perspective fuckery in NINA. It's possible Henry only killed guards/orderlies and 002. We don't even know why he was killing 002, or why 002 was in there in the first place. We don't know why bodies show up in places they shouldn't, or why bloodstains show up in completely different patterns, or even disappear entirely. We don't know why the actors playing the dead numbers switch between child and adult, and why they shift position so often. (All of this is Aemiron's baby, and he has way more to say about it, so I'm going to leave that there.)
Either way...Henry ends up in the Blasphemy Ring.
And what is one thing we know about Henry, based on his parallels to Will? He's gay.
Sodomy. Blasphemy.
("Fruit on pizza? That's blasphemy")
Anyway, the most heinous crime this man has actually committed at this point is homosexuality. Homosexuality is a sin of both body and mind...for the Original Henry (NOT something that happened due to the absorption or due to his hive-mind status. That will come into play later), thus Henry ends up in the Blasphemy Ring in both body and mind.
So...Yellow UD: Blasphemy Ring.
In conclusion: It's likely that Henry was set up...for all of it, pre-1983, and his worst sins were homosexuality and being excessive with his self defense actions. However, he ended up absorbing horrible people, which condemned him to deeper parts of Hell in the future.
Okay, neat. So...what about the Blue UD and Red Mindscape?
What's interesting about both of these settings is that we only see them after the events of 1983 (the Gate, the killings, Will). Up until 1983, Henry wasn't physically able to commit any other sins. It's likely that we only see those two realms after 1983 because Henry didn't have reason to exist there yet.
He hadn't done anything worthy of the 9th circle.
So...why 1983? Wasn't that murder, rape, sodomy, and property destruction? Shouldn't that keep him firmly in the 7th circle?
Not necessarily.
Let's think about the 9th circle, and about what Henry encounters in the Yellow UD.
Henry encounters the Shadow Monster and we see at least one demogorgon, which were relatively docile at that point...but which we know go on to be the vessels for Henry's major crimes of the series. We see him enter a willing symbiotic relationship with the creatures of the Yellow UD via the Shadow Monster, which changes/shapes it.
And then, in 1983, when El opens the gate, everything changes. A "demogorgon" (likely, if not definitely, Henry) takes Will.
The Blue UD was, presumably, created and frozen on that date.
So what does that have to do with the 9th Circle?
The demogorgon and Shadow Monster were non-aggressive pre-Henry. Henry, in a betrayal of a willing relationship, corrupts the creatures to continuously harm Will. Ptolemaea.
It is also a betrayal of a benefactor. Judecca.
It is also a betrayal of his nation, as he attacks the citizens and government officials of Hawkins. (This concept becomes even more relevant in ST3, when Henry uses the Russian gate to enter Hawkins.) Antenora.
All the creatures involved physically end up in the 9th circle/Blue UD with Henry because they are a symbiotic hive mind, regardless of whether the Yellow UD even exists anymore or not. The sins of one (Haha...001) become the sins of all.
That's great, but what about the Red Mindscape?
This is where absorption comes in...and where I bring back our five settings at four times.
Everything we've talked about so far has been physical and mental, or solely physical. We haven't touched on Original Henry vs Henry et. al vs Henry the Super-Organism.
Henry is not alone in his body. Henry's body is a super-organism. He's many people in one, many beings in one. What the body commits, the original mind may or may not. Due to the fact that he literally contains multitudes, being part of the hive mind, Henry the Mind is somewhat separate from Henry the Body.
That is what the Red Mindscape is for.
The Red Mindscape, where Henry mentally commits his murders from in his bids for freedom, is distinctly wet...and red...like blood. That is to say...like the Murder Ring of the 7th Circle.
Henry's mind, which contains multitudes of other people influencing his original self, is usually in the Outer/Blood-Sea Ring of the 7th circle, and not always in the 9th circle with his body. When he is in his body, when he is with the multitudes of creatures and people, he is in the 9th Circle because the post-absorption, post-hive-mind body committed 9th circle sins. When Henry leaves his body, when he commits the murders with his mental powers...he ends up in the Outer 7th...the Murder Ring...because that is the worst sin that Henry alone, as the composite human mind, has committed, regardless of the influence on him by others within his mind.
This is why we no longer see the Yellow UD for any form of Henry post-1983, regardless of whether we think the Red Mindscape/Blue UD replaced the Yellow UD or we think Henry was moved and split into the different realms. Whatever the case may be, he has progressed into a different level of hell. Homosexuality is no longer his worst sin as a whole super-organism or as a composite mind.
We don't know what Original Henry's setting is as a single person, or if he exists distinguishably. He may exist solely in the Red Mindscape. He may be along for the ride with the composite mind. We haven't seen Original Henry outside of pre-massacre NINA, and even that was debatable at best due to Brenner's influence.
I hate to make a Shrek reference...but by God the man is an ONION. He has so many layers, and we've only actually seen two of them...maximum.
A note just in case anyone asks: Dante traveled through all these different places without having committed any of the sins. Thus, he was only educated, not punished. Hence why everyone who comes and goes from the UD without having committed the deserving sin, can come and go without receiving punishment.
So what about Barb and Will? The ST4 victims? What did they do?
Well. That depends on your point of view and how extreme you take betrayals/sins.
It could very well go like this:
9th circle: Blue UD
Ptolemaea. Betrayal of a willingly entered relationship.
Barb betrays Nancy by not supporting her with Steve...but it's also implied that Barb is into Nancy. This could be perceived, by some, as a betrayal of Nancy's trust in a platonic relationship. Ptolemaea.
Will betrays Dustin immediately before he is taken. He cheats in the race home. He also, as we know now, is into Mike. Another betrayal of a platonic relationship. Ptolemaea.
Max mentally betrays Billy by wishing he was dead. Thus, her mindscape is the Blue UD graveyard. Caina.
7th Circle: Murder Ring
Red Mindscape
Chrissy betrays Jason by turning to Eddie for help/drugs, which is what spirals the situation into Jason's death. Murder.
Fred betrays the victim of the car accident by not getting help. Murder.
Max wishes death on Billy and stands by while he dies. Murder.
Patrick aids Jason in his attempt to murder Eddie, which spirals into Eddie's death later on. Murder.
Interesting to note here: Both Barb and Will get slugged by Henry...but not in the Blasphemy Ring/Yellow UD. It clearly has something to do with sodomy, homosexuality, and betrayal...but not on the level of setting/location. This is Henry-specific behavior, not realm behavior. They're in the Blue UD/9th circle on the basis of the betrayal, but the slugging? That's pure Henry. I want to visit this on a Creelarke basis re: my DALDOM thoughts from earlier. I think Henry is projecting himself onto others the same way he does when he chooses his victims in ST4. Local man punishes the new round of gays using sodomy-type behavior because he a) was not permitted to have a healthy relationship with homosexuality in his formative years, b) perceived his nature as a betrayal or was made to perceive it that way, and c) was then abused using his own sexuality against him for two decades afterward in the form of MKULTRA.
Or we can see them as the objects of Henry's sins.
Barb and Will are the objects of Henry's sins, his crimes in the pursuit of freedom, and they exist as the reason Henry is in the Blue UD, not necessarily that they did anything wrong. Chrissy, Fred, Patrick, and Max exist as the objects of Henry's sins, while not having actually done anything wrong.
I also have some supporting evidence for this framework outside of Henry's narrative re: the Upside Down:
Dante's Divine Comedy is his progression from doubt to faith via revelation of truths re: the afterlife. Henry's story almost exactly maps it in reverse: He starts out happy and normal in his fairytale home, but then begins to doubt and distrust the world. After experiencing untold abuses, he ends up in Hell.
Henry's story very much feels like a Lucifer tale: God's favorite angel, a creative, intelligent boy with incredible abilities, ending up cast into Hell by the inevitability of his circumstances and his own inevitable, inborn fatal flaw.
Henry comes from what is at least a somewhat religious family: Victor speaks of demons and angels readily, and even hired a priest/had an exorcism done.
Henry encounters all sorts of creatures in the Yellow UD. He encounters the Shadow Monster, the demogorgons, and arguably demodogs and demobats: Demobats, like harpies...which go on to eat Steve and Eddie, who are both self-sacrificial to a fault. It's also implied that the 1979 Massacre may have been a suicide-by-cop/"I'll take out as many as I can before they kill me, because there's no saving me anyway" type deal, given that Henry does not request El's assistance once he realizes he's absorbing the lead guard. He goes it alone, without knowing what effect years of Soteria had on his abilities. He had no way of knowing his limits. He would have been expecting them to use lethal force...but then there was no one left to kill him. On top of that, it's implied via Henry's monologue that he's at least passively suicidal regardless. Hence, demobats in the 9th circle hive-mind functioning as harpies from the Suicide Ring of the 7th circle.
Brenner "dies" in the burning sands of Nevada: This happens after decades of harming children, namely...three-legged Papa. Sodomy is defined as any non-reproductive sexual intercourse. Three. Legged. Papa.
In the Blasphemy Ring of the 7th circle, Dante meets his late teacher...and speaks to him kindly: Brenner "dies" in the burning sands of Nevada, much like the burning sands of the Blasphemy Ring...and El speaks to him kindly. She doesn't rant at him in anger while he "dies". She holds his hand, and says goodbye.
Will's S2 Visions: Will sees the Blue UD multiple times throughout early S2. He's seeing visions of the 9th circle without actually being in it...but why? Well. He then goes on to (while possessed) indirectly kill Bob, a father figure, and directly strangle his mother. Caina.
All the religious/spiritual imagery in ST4: The Russian church, the Binghams, "Running Up That Hill (A Deal With GOD)", Victor's demons and angels, "[Spiders] are the gods of this world", Henry's Christ pose while El disintegrates him, Hellfire club, the article Eddie reads at lunch about D&D being linked to sodomy, suicide, and murder.
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sombrerokiwi · 1 year
I HAVE MANY PERSONA AU THOUGHTS mostly about the fellas who aren’t Hikari! I know we love our shadow cursed boy here on the sombrerokiwi blog but I’m curious as to how the other travelers fit in with his story! what’s their deal?
Well we already established at Arn's blog that Ochette is the Wildcard. She's from the Metaverse and looks like a Beastling in there but when she's in the real world Ears and Tail become fake. Basically kind of like Morgana but the cosplay questions go up by 10. We know that Mahina and Akala are Velvet Room guys and we know one of them will disappear after a while. Very concerning.
Osvald was a previous Metaverse Researcher who is now on parole. He got framed for the house fire that killed his family and had to serve in jail for a while before someone found evidence that there may have been foul play and bribery concerning the case. He’s Hikari and Throné’s upstairs neighbor and the first one who learns about Hikari’s Curse and the fact that he can travel to the Metaverse. He’s helping in any way he can and keeping an eye on Hikari because he is very aware of the Lumina Family and the possible ticking time bomb that Hikari has as the Curse. First Confidant member and all that.
Temenos I believe is a PI who is in the city investigating both the arson-murder case in Ku and the Mental Shutdowns. He’s Akechi if Akechi was a little less unhinged. He works for an organization very aware of Shadows and the Metaverse and followed in Roi and Jörg’e footsteps in order to figure out what happened to them. He’s determined and gives Hikari anxiety whenever he mentions the case in Ku. Hikari has a confidant with him and he has to make sure the man doesn’t find out about his identity. He eventually finds out and they become friends don't worry.
Throné was part of the Blacksnakes laying low to escape the life of crime and Hikari’s roommate. Pirro, Scaracci, and Donnie probably live in this au and if anything she’s just trying to get them to quit because this is hell. The life of crime is hell. She and Hikari are besties and she goes and figures out his real identity fast. The Curse she doesn’t find out about until later. She just assumes Hikari has a lot of baggage and helps him through it, something he appreciates. We will have her stab Claude she deserves it. She deserves to stab Father, Mother, and Claude IRL and in the Metaverse.
Castti I believe we had her be involved with the Metaverse but we hadn't expanded much on her admittedly. We know for a fact that her memories were erased due to her trying to stop Trousseau from doing Mental Shutdowns en masse. Perhaps she was apart of another division of the organization Temenos worked in and went MIA. Huh actually that would be a good other reason why Temenos went in there in the first place. She's still Castti but she has no memories and all her team is dead other than Trousseau.
Partitio is an aspiring business man and I don't know much other than that. He is however the Ryuji of "We're the Phantom Thieves" gag and almost everyone who interacts with him in his inner circle knows he's a Phantom Thief. He is also the person who manages to get more than 4 pieces of information from Kazan because there is literally nothing that the Moonshade Order can use to properly spy on him because he keeps telling everyone who he is on accident.
Agnea admittedly I don't know much about. She's a college student for dance. She probably also works at Gil's Place and that's how she and Hikari meet but I don't know much other than that. She's admittedly the odd one out in terms of Metaverse things because 6 of the cast already knew about the Metaverse/had connections with the Moonshade Order and Partitio is becoming the 7th because of his own investigations. I don't know what Agnea will do here.
Anyways @throne-anguis do you have anything to add? Because I'm a bit stumped on Partitio, Ochette, Agnea, and Castti.
Also Bean a lot of Persona stuff is on Arn's blog so if you want to join in on the discussion go there because I've been slightly going ham over there ever since I remembered Persona.
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77pupu33pipo · 1 year
Hi I'm kinda curious about 2 4 5 6 8 12 for enstars asks. Sorry if that's a lot
no thank u for the asks, theyre really fun :D! I ended up writing a blanket of text.. (❛▽❛;)
2. who did you first produce?
Ra*bits 💪 especially Tomoya, he's still the poster boy for enstars in my heart.. and once Music came out i went hard on producing Leo + ra*bits if i had dia left, but after a while i got lazy and now i just let the waves of gacha luck take me wherever..
4. what got you into enstars?
so i was already deep in idol game hell (think Love Live, idolmaster, tokyo 7th sisters...) when i first learned of enstars, some scouting videos piqued my interest and then i decided to learn more about the characters, and then i saw Tomoya and then Ra*bits and next thing i knew i had fallen into the rabbithole. fastforward to nowadays idolmaster and enstars are still pretty much the only things i think about. F
5. what's your favorite headcanon about the character you produce?
i went "hmmm" about this and realised that Nazuna doesn't actually have thick and short eyebrows a couple shades darker than his hair, i made that up, but i can't imagine his face any other way. in my head he has that kind of anime eyebrows that are just. really thick dots TT
6. how long have you been in the enstars fandom?
5 years.. ;^^b
8. what is your favorite song?
Seishounenyuugi, they were absolutely INSANE for this one. prayer circle for the new valk album to have another song written by ali project..
(honorary second place goes to melty kitchen, a masterpiece conceptually and lyrically)
12. what was your favorite event?
ooh i think i'll choose A dark night's passing, because i exploded a million times when Double Face was revealed + finally peak madaleo moment...🥀 and honorary second place to Midnight butlers, because i think it was the first MV with a plot? like the first MV that plays like an actual music video with scene changes instead of a stage performance, which ALSO made me explode a billion times because it was sooo cool to finally see this concept in game ;;also favourite shuffle unit 👍
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Obey Me Brothers: at the airport
Arrives the recommended 1 hour early for pre-board passangers.
Has CLEAR or a pre-board membership because lines are the real 7th circle of hell.
Goes to the first class lounge for the quite and free wi-fi to work
At gate 10 minutes before boarding to line up
Late, late, late, late!!
Makes it through security by some miracle after arguing with security about having to take his LV sneakers off
Books it to the gate with 5 minutes to spare
Luckily he’s in first class, so they can’t leave without him. Pre-take off celebration drink for making it!!
Makes it through security fine. Longest part is taking out all of his devices for seperate bins cause they’re are alot of them.....
Heads over to his gate and finds a spot with an outlet. 
Standard “nester” passanger in the corner with his laptop, headphones, jacket, and carry on tucked in the corner
Almost misses his flight cause he has to get to a good safe point.
Arrives 3 hours early to the airport because what if there’s traffic?
Does immediately to his gate and sits down. Even though the flight before his hasn’t left yet.
Reads the whole time and people watches. One of the few times he watches the news because it’s on the big screens
Lines up to board a half hour before take off. 
Arrives 2 hours early. Takes a while because he has a lot of luggage. A lot of luggage....
Live streams and Instagrams the whole trip from the airport to destination
In the first class louge for free champange & snacks. Also comfy chairs.
Flies in a first class sleep nook so he can wake up refreshed wherever he’s going
Gets to the airport an hour early and has to go through the metal detector/guard scan cause his shoulders are too broad for the scanner.
Goes to find his gate then immediate fines an airport pub to camp out in
Eats endless wings and watches football until his fight
One of those “brings their own food on the plane” flyers
On time, but under duress.
Wants to get this over with so he can get a nap before the flight. Obviously a pjs in the airport flyer
Takes up 4 seats to make a bed and brought his own blanket & pillow for the flight
Sleeps through the entire flight and wakes up like “oh, we’re here?”. Sleeps better than the Ambien flyers
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justaredheadf1fan · 2 years
French press afternoon and When We Were Young release
Hello hello, aren't we hot this week? Shit, this heatwave is driving me further into the 7th circle of hell 😂
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An eventful couple 2 weeks, everything looking up at the moment, so fingers crossed 🤞🏻 I'm currently watching the press rounds and for now the most interesting thing so far has been Seb about to go drive that first Aston Martin for the centenary. Classic Seb is a mood.
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Seb unhinged answering a question about the track limit violations in Austria saying it was difficult to avoid because they were trying to go as fast as they could. King. And he's obviously right, like he usually is. Way to critique the way race directors also do a crappy job changing the decision making process each weekend in a subtle way.
Now I'm watching the second press round and Pierre couldn't be happier, he can't help but smile, it's way too cute. He's very coherent with his answers, I don't know why it still surprises me, but it does for some reason. Checo is still an idiot, he's still clearly blind to his own mistakes but hey, he can keep DNFing, he doesn't need George for that anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️
So, I didn't want to make this a short post, and I've started watching the When We Were Young mini documentary made the FIA about the current drivers. It's not like I'm gonna finish this before 3am probably, but I wanted to do it anyway.
It basically goes back to when the drivers were so young and still dreaming of become F1 drivers. But it's really nice to see this, actually. Sebastian and Mick talking about Michael... I just started crying. And that was just 3 minutes in?
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Now I'm listening to Charles talking about his lack of confidence... My dear boy hasn't really changed much despite all the incredible things he's done and the ones he will. And George showing the picture of him looking at Lewis and saying so proudly that that kid is now teammates with that guy he was looking up to. God, these idiots like making me cry 🥲
It was a nice little project to make with the boys, especially because it's short and shows what's important here, how these kids once were dreaming and now they're living the dream. And that speaks to all of us.
I'm gonna go to sleep because I'm beat, between the heat, catching 2 flights today and everything else, I'm dead 💀
More tomorrow, let's see what it brings us.
Peace out!
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wrestlingisfake · 2 years
Double or Nothing preview
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Adam Page vs. CM Punk - Page is making his 7th defense of the AEW men's world title. This is the first time Punk has been in a title bout since February 2013. The winner will probably be the champion going into the Forbidden Door show on June 26, in Punk's hometown of Chicago.
Both men are promising a hell of a fight. Punk keeps insisting that Page will shake his hand after the match, regardless of the result; Page clearly hates the idea. Page has made it clear he doesn't like Punk and feels he must defend AEW from what Punk represents, whatever that means. Punk is leaning into the idea that he laid the foundations for AEW and wants to mentor the new generation, and challenging Page "isn't personal." So either he's being sincere and Page is being paranoid, or he's turning (back) into a passive-aggressive egomaniac and Page saw it coming. It's very difficult to believe both wrestlers will still be good guys after this match.
I've been looking forward to this match. Back in the winter I realized the winner of the MJF vs. Punk feud would probably be in the title hunt, and I thought Punk made more sense at the moment. Some fans have been tough on Page's title reign (Kenny Omega and Jon Moxley are tough acts to follow), so he needs to either drop the title to a bigger star, or beat a bigger star to prove he belongs at this level. My preference is for AEW to really put over Page and cement him as their guy. But giving Punk the world title makes sense, and if you're ever going to do that, best to do it soon.
I feel like challenger is heavily favored to win. It's clearly a no-brainer for Chicago Made Punk to win his first AEW title shot, and bring the world title back to Chicago to headline Forbidden Door and All Out. Tony Khan is from Illinois, and AEW has consistently given Chicago special treatment, which is pretty great for me ngl. Even so, I have a soft spot for Page, and it'd be so amazing to see him turn back Punk's inevitability. So I'm pulling for him, but I also kinda want to see Punk win...can I just bet that all the wrestlers have a good time?
Jon Moxley & Bryan Danielson & Eddie Kingston & Santana & Ortiz vs. Chris Jericho & Jake Hager & Daniel Garcia & Matt Menard & Angelo Parker - This is billed as "anarchy in the arena," whatever that means. I'm pretty sure they'll just brawl all over the building until somebody gets pinned somewhere.
Improbably, this storyline goes all the way back to Jericho helping Kingston against Garcia and 2point0 (Menard & Parker) on November 26. It quickly became clear Jericho and Kingston didn't like one another, even as each of them ended up feuding with the heel trio. Jericho's teammates in the Inner Circle, Ortiz and Santana, helped out Jericho and Kingston in various tag matches. This led to Jericho questioning Ortiz and Santana's loyalties, culminating in the breakup of the Inner Circle on March 9.
Turning heel, Jericho kept Hager and recruited the Garcia/2point0 trio, forming the Jericho Appreciation Society. Despite the 5-on-3 disadvantage, Kingston, Ortiz, and Santana continued to feud with the JAS. Things got particularly ugly on April 27 when Jericho used the old flash paper gimmick to "burn" Kingston's face. On May 11, the babyfaces got reinforcements from the Blackpool Combat Club--Moxley, Danielson, and Wheeler YUTA--making it 6-on-5. Yuta is in Japan right now, though, so it's finally an even 5-on-5 fight.
The JAS is doing a WWE spoof where they're "sports entertainers" which makes them better than "pro wrestlers." The BCC is dedicated to smash-mouth pro wrestling, and the Kingston/Ortiz/Santana trio are all about fighting their way out of the streets. So I expect the JAS will try to do all the silly tropes we always see in wild brawls (in both WWE and AEW), but the babyfaces will cut them off with old-school, no-frills violence.
I'm hoping Moxley's team will win and end this feud once and for all. But I have a sneaking feeling the JAS will steal a win, to keep things going until AEW can get everybody into a WarGames/Blood & Guts match.
Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy vs. Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson - AEW hasn't really put much of a story into this, probably because the story practically writes itself. The Young Bucks (Nick and Matt) have always drawn comparisons to the Hardy Boyz, and when the Bucks really took off in the late 2010s it was natural to question which team was the greatest of all time. The two teams clashed on indy shows in 2014, and then briefly in ROH in 2017 before the Hardys went to WWE. In each of those series, the Hardys won the first two encounters, but the Bucks got the last laugh.
I suspect the winning team will be set up on a run for the AEW tag title, while the losing team will be put on the back burner. If so, that favors the Hardys. The Bucks don't really need a title chase right now, as they're probably headed for in-fighting with the Bullet Club and reDRagon later this year.
Thunder Rosa vs. Serena Deeb - Rosa is making her 2nd defense of the AEW women's world championship. Deeb has been built up as a highly skilled scientific wrestler that has all the tools to beat anyone. I like both of these wrestlers, but the feud hasn't been a solid hit--they both do their best talking in the ring, but the story has largely been told with promos. The money here isn't the talk, it's in seeing Deeb try to dismantle Rosa, and Rosa hauling off and punching Deeb in the face. Deeb could be a champion almost anywhere, but for now her role is clearly to give Rosa a win.
MJF vs. Wardlow - Wardlow's gimmick is that he's under contract to MJF as an enforcer, so he can only appear on AEW shows at MJF's pleasure. This became a problem when Wardlow turned on MJF on March 6. Since then Wardlow has wanted out of the contract so he can just sign directly with AEW. If Wardlow wins, he gets his release, but if MJF wins Wardlow will basically be barred from AEW and stuck sitting at home.
After MJF lost to CM Punk, I really expected he'd win the Wardlow feud to regain his momentum. But the way this story has been told, they've painted themselves into a corner where Wardlow has to win or he'll look like a GEEK~! I guess they could try to do some clever swerve where MJF wins, but I wouldn't count on it. Which may be rough for MJF, but I want Wardlow to win so I suppose that's not my problem.
Samoa Joe vs. Adam Cole - This is the men's final in the Owen Hart Foundation tournament. Hart died tragically during a WWF show in 1999, and this tournament is the first major pro wrestling tribute that's been authorized by his next of kin. Joe is the ROH television champion, but the title is not at stake.
Joe defeated Max Caster, Johnny Elite, and Kyle O'Reilly to reach the finals. Cole beat Tomohiro Ishii, Dax Harwood, and Jeff Hardy. AEW hasn't said the tournament winner will automatically get a title match, but winning four singles matches in a row is obviously going to put them in the title conversation. Since Cole's already challenged for the world title earlier this year, I tend to think Joe's the one who should be next in line. Plus you'd really want a babyface to come out on top in this thing.
Britt Baker vs. Ruby Soho - This is the women's final in the Owen Hart Foundation tournament. Baker eliminated Danielle Kamela, Maki Itoh, and Toni Storm to get here. Soho bested Robyn Renegade, Riho, and Kris Statlander.
I was struck by the negative reaction Ruby got in her go-home promo--the fans were clearly unhappy that she eliminated Statlander. That could be trouble in this match, where she'll be trying to play the babyface against a heel that's more popular than most of the babyfaces. On the other hand, I've seen frustration that Baker should have put over Storm in the semifinals, and there was frustration a few months ago that Baker beat Soho shortly after her debut. So maybe the fans will get behind Ruby finally avenging that loss. Unless Baker just wins again. I kinda think Britt's just going to win again.
Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus vs. Ricky Starks & Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Keith Lee & Swerve Strickland - This is a three-way for the AEW tag team title, currently held by Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus. The first wrestler to score a fall over any opponent will win the match and the title for his team.
Like most three-way matches, this is mainly about a feud between two of the three parties--in this case, Starks/Hobbs and Lee/Strickland. Boy/Saurus...I mean, uh...Jungle/Lucha is just here so it can be a title bout, and to advance the building tension between Jungle Boy and the team's mentor, Christian Cage. I'm fairly certain we'll see a title change, causing Cage to snap and turn on Jungle Boy. Thing is, I'm not sure which of the challenging teams they'll move the belts to. I'd go with Starks and Hobbs, but if Lee and Strickland win it wouldn't break my heart.
Jade Cargill vs. Anna Jay - This is for Cargill's AEW TBS championship. Anna is cool and all but let's be real--Jade is going to squash her in about two minutes.
PAC & Penta Oscuro & Rey Fenix vs. Malakai Black & Brody King & Buddy Matthews - Pac and Black have been feuding since November, but I think this is the very first time all three members of Pac's Death Triangle have been in a match against all three members of the House of Black. Every time these guys fight the action is great but I sort of don't give a crap who wins. I guess the House of Black will win, but I'm not sure it matters.
Darby Allin vs. Kyle O'Reilly - This is sort of an extension of the Hardys/Young Bucks feud, as Darby and Sting have been backing up the Hardys while the O'Reilly and Bobby Fish have backed up the Bucks. I suspect this was going to be Allin & Sting vs. reDRagon until AEW announced Sting had an injury of some sort and wouldn't be coming to Vegas. Bobby Fish almost certainly will be in town, though, so Darby will need eyes in the back of his head. I'd book O'Reilly to win to build to a tag match later.
Scorpio Sky & Ethan Page & Paige VanZant vs. Frankie Kazarian & Sammy Guevara & Tay Conti - There's a storyline here but it sucks ass and it's a waste of my time. Everybody in this match deserves better. I don't even know anything about VanZant and I just assume she deserves better.
HOOK & Danhausen vs. Tony Nese & Mark Sterling - This is scheduled for the pre-show. HOOK is the son of Taz, who turned into a meme when he was always hanging out in the background of Team Taz segments eating chips. Then he has his first TV match and the meme got hotter. Then Danhausen, who was already a weird wrestling meme, came to AEW and demanded a fight with HOOK. Then Nese and his manager Sterling got sick of both guys, paving the way for HOOKhausen, to the delight of wrestling fans everywhere. Look, I'm just telling you what happened, I don't understand it either. Anyway, HOOKhausen better win or I will be mad.
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anntoldst0ries · 4 years
None shall sleep (Ethan x MC)
Book: Open Heart 3, post Chapter 5 Pairing: Dr Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr Noelle Valentine) Word Count/Rating: ~1.8k, T Summary: In the privacy of the diagnostic's office, Ethan & Noelle reflect on recent changes around them. Category/Warnings: Fluff, None Trope: And there was a bit of Hurt/Comfort
A/N: This chapter reminded me of things that have never been addressed... so this is a story of how things left unsaid all collided in my head. Hope you enjoy.
Also - yes, Ethan Ramsey can sing arias. Is anyone still truly surprised by the fact that this guy can do anything?
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There is something mesmerizing about watching the lights of day go out, overpowered by darkness, ablaze with colours - from the depths of blue, through indigo, navy and all the way to pitch-black.
About how, in a sense, it washes away all the bothers and allows you to start anew with the next rise of the almighty sun.
Ethan Ramsey was hoping for this exactly, maybe more than ever, but all the signs showed it wasn’t in the cards for him.
Or at least not today.
He stared into the void, interwoven by occasional human figures passing by through the front lobby. No voices of the day were able to reach him on the 7th floor of his kingdom. Behind the glass wall, he was almost in a different world.
It had been yet another day that brought him more gritted teeth, holding himself back and resigned sighs, than actual satisfaction from helping those who counted on him. All these ���activities’ were not only annoying but also highly energy-consuming.
Bringing the index and middle fingertips to his pulsating temples, he started to compress and massage them in small circles, trying to soothe the pounding inside his skull. He could hear the blood rushing through the highways of his veins, the sound almost drowning out all external stimuli.
But there were certain sounds his expert ear was trained on, the ones he would’ve recognized even in his sleep.
Like the one reaching his ears right now, the sound of the door handle being pressed.
With his back facing the door, he couldn’t see who was trying to impose on his much-needed solitude. But since the unexpected guest did not precede their ministrations by knocking, the possibilities narrowed down significantly. There were only two people on the premises of Edenbrook who could invade his personal space without a modicum of manners.
“Can I help you?” He modulated his voice to ensure the tone was expressing two things: annoyance and irony in the otherwise polite question.
“I’m sorry.” From all the voices, this one he did not expect to hear now. A melodic tone was joined by a scuffle of retreating steps. “Do you want me to go?”
Ethan curled his lips in a tiny smile. They both knew she wasn’t apologetic and that he wanted anything but her to leave.
“No, it’s just that there are only two people in this hospital that wouldn’t bother knocking and I thought it was one of them paying me a visit.”
“Let me guess… Zaid and Baz?”
“No, but in terms of concept, you were actually close…just another type of evil ‘twins’."
“Oh, you mean his majesty King Bloom & his annoyance Dr Carrick?”
“Even as a joke, it sounds creepy and horrible.”
“Well, count me as a third now. Heads up though, I will only stop knocking after twilight.”
It was clear as crystal Ethan’s already specific sense of humor had less than ever space for amusement.
“I brought you this.” She put a brown paper bag on his desk, which immediately revealed the aroma of something delicious. “I figured you’re probably gonna stay here all night, so I thought I’ll pop over and check on you.”
He didn’t say anything, staring into the darkness. Not because he didn’t want to - he simply didn’t know what. This simple gesture was very touching and filled him with gratitude. But he was lacking the right words.
Then, for the first time since she’s interrupted his train of thought, he turned around to look at her. Tired and with puffy eyes, she’d still put everyone else to shame. Even on the worst of days, the light radiating from her turned heads and made the room brighter.
She extended a hand and when their fingers touched, he felt this weird, tingly feeling that has traveled from his palm, through his arm and neck, and then straight to his core.
Pressing him gently against the edge of the desk, she took his glasses off. Then loosened his tie and nonchalantly disheveled his hair. Ethan wouldn’t let anyone else in the world touch them, let alone put them in a state of such disarray.
With her, all the rules existed only to be broken.
“Do you want to tell me what’s going on in this big brain of yours?”
“Smart move, Valentine. You’ve pacified me so that now I will have no choice but to tell you whatever you want to know.”
“You always have a choice, let’s just hope you’re gonna make the right one.”
Ethan nodded, no sound escaping his lips. She knew she’d have to take it upon herself to get any information out of her stubborn converser.
“So, how are you holding up? I want an honest answer."
“I’ve been better.”
“I thought so.”
“It’s just that… Tobias is driving me crazy. His presence really tests my patience… I don’t know if I would’ve stopped myself from punching him had it not been for you.”
“Why thank you, I didn’t know my therapeutic services were that good.”
“They are.” Ethan cleared his throat. “But it’s… not just that.”
Dead silence lingered between them and he knew he had no other choice but to continue.
“The only reason why I haven’t wiped this ridiculous smirk off his face yet is that whenever I look at him, I… I see you in that room with Travis. I’m trying to remind myself that, as much as I hate to admit it, he was crucial to finding the cure on such short notice.”
“I already told you” - he interrupted her as if not to stop the words from flowing, afraid they may be trapped forever otherwise - “that there was so much more at stake last time Tobias set foot in Edenbrook.”
She took a deep breath, her eyes going slightly wider.
“The truth is, for me… everything was at stake. I would’ve done anything he’d asked me to, I’d have forgiven him if it meant saving you.”
Elle turned still, all her body movements, her breathing and even her blinking ceased.
It was one of those moments that mean so much but leave you with so little to say.
Using the power of non-verbal communication and their deep affinity, she bestowed on him the most gentle, loving and grateful expression her face could muster after yet another exhausting shift.
Ethan extended his arm and before she realized it, her back was gently pressed to the older doctor’s chest. Having wrapped her slender frame with his broad shoulders, Elle inhaled his familiar aroma. He smelled of comfort and felt like a safe harbor. He nudged her hair with his nose and placed a featherlight kiss on the crook of her neck. She smelled of calmness and felt like coming back home from a long journey.
“So,” - he murmured directly into her ear - “whether you like it or not, I am using you to soften the blow every time I look at Tobias’ face.”
“I think I can live with that.”
“But I can’t guarantee it will always be enough, he is a cocky son of a bitch.”
“Let's make a deal then. I see how much it costs you and I’m not telling you to trust Leland or forgive Tobias, I still believe you should be cautious. Let’s just wait and see where this goes, I think we’ll know sooner rather than later. In the meantime, we should focus on what matters the most, our patients.”
“Where is the deal part?”
“If it turns out you were right, I will hold Tobias and you will punch him. Deal?”
“I believe it should be the other way round. Declan Nash’s face told me your right hook is exquisite, Rookie.”
They both laughed at the memory which seemed so distant now, almost as if it's happened in another lifetime.
But Ethan went quiet again and she felt his body tense up, his arms tightening gently around her. It wasn’t very obvious, but she knew. It still came as a shock how well she actually knew him.
“Ethan? What is it?”
“I’m sorry, I am not the most cheery companion today. You’re probably better off not spending too much time with me before you turn into a cynic.”
“Dr Ramsey, what a pathetic attempt of trying to get rid of me. You’ve never been the most cheerful type and I’ve survived your gloomy companionship, hell, I think it grew on me over time. So I should be ok today, too.”
It looked like silence was very much their third companion today.
“I’m thinking about Francis.”
“Yeah, me too.”
“I’m thinking about how hard it would be not to see. So many beautiful things, colors, all turning into nothingness.”
“I take it you mean the opera?”
“That too, but let’s just say I’ve learned to appreciate things that are right in front of my nose… literally and figuratively.”
The butterflies started somersaulting in her stomach.
“I didn’t want to add more to your plate at the time, but I’ve already felt this way… when we diagnosed Caroline and Leland.”
It was funny that, despite his obvious animosity towards Bloom, whenever his wife was in the picture, he spoke about both in an almost affectionate way. His doctor’s instincts were kicking in, because first and foremost he was a doctor who had his patients’ best interest at heart.
“The thought of not being able to touch you…it reminded me of touching you through the layer of hazmat suit. And now with everything Francis has been through, I just can’t be bothered to think about anything else but you. This is my true personal connection to this case.”
It was her turn to be speechless.
Ethan tightened his grip over her once again, this time protectively rather than out of stress. Slow hum started filling the air, the melody soon joined by lyrics, which he sang in fluent Italian; a private concert, performed for her and her only.
Tu pure, oh Principessa
Nella tua fredda stanza
Guardi le stelle
Che tremano d'amore
E di speranza**
She remembered their patient’s face, which seemed calmer once Ethan started singing the aria before the depths of illness contorted it with pain.
Francis' husband's words echoed throughout her head.
Even though the man holding her in his arms didn’t say it, there was no need.
She knew.
He will always be here.
And she will always be here, too.
** Lyrics - aria "Nessun Dorma" (‘None shall sleep’) from the opera "Turandot".
Even you, oh Princess,
In your cold room,
Watch the stars,
That tremble with love
And with hope.
Tag 🔖 list: @starrystarrytrouble @genevievemd @sophxwithers @maurine07 @lovingramsey @iemcpbchoices @oldminniemcg @schnitzelbutterfingers @archxxronrookie @jamespotterthefirst @the-pale-goddess @queencarb @fireycookie @qrkowna @coffeeheartaddict @utterlyinevitable @gryffindordaughterofathena @xxsugarplumfluffsxx @wingedhairstylemusicweasel @mrs-ramsey @tsrookie @fayeswiftie @mercury84choices @lisha1valecha @lucy-268 @stateofgracious @danijimenezv @alina-yol-ramsey
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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writing-gifts · 4 years
okay im back with the 7th part of the incubus!doppio au! this chapter is really long compared to the other ones!
also I made the decision to make reader asexual in this story, I mentioned it on my blog already but saying at again since it’s mentioned this chapter. so there definitely wont be any smut in the future 
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List of parts
@wasabi-mommy @mistabrainr0t @the-average-mastermind 
It’s been 2 weeks since you last saw Doppio. He was most definitely avoiding you since you snapped at him, kind of. You realized you had upset him right after it happened too, but you didn't expect him to stop visiting because of it.
So when you weren't at work or trying to socialize with coworkers, you were by yourself. Being alone wasn't necessarily bad, but the whole time you'd end up dwelling on Doppio and stressing yourself out.
You tried to consider the positives, which there was one; Diavolo hadn't shown up either. But still, you missed your friend. And at this point, you were fed up with your thoughts going in circles. So instead of moping around your living room today too, you decide to go to the only other person you know nearby.
Retracing the steps you took with Doppio to get back home after your visit with the local witch--Was he the only witch in this area? You didn't know--you find your way back to the clearing in the forest with the giant lake and cabin.
Bruno looks surprised to find you at his door but lets you in. “I wasn't expecting you to come back.”
You shrug.
"By the way--" he says, "--it would be best not to wander too much in this forest. Many fae reside deeper within it and we don't want you running into any of them."
You nod since you didn't plan on going anywhere you hadn't been shown before anyway.
The comfortable looking couches around the fireplace are just what you need after that long walk. But as soon as you fall back into one of the loveseats, something sharp pricks your ass.
"Ow!" You shoot up and turn around. "What the hell…?"
A small pin you hadn't noticed was already occupying the seat. You pick it up and when Bruno sees what's in your hand he sighs.
"Okay, which one of you did it?" He sounds exasperated but stern.
There's no response and you wonder if the witch is talking to himself.
His brows furrow and he frowns, clearly frustrated by something.
He takes the pin from you. "Sorry about that ____."
"Uhh, it's fine? Accidents happen." You make sure there's nothing else in the seat and sit down. "...Who were you talking to?"
"My kids."
"You have kids?" You have never heard any noise or seen anything in the house that would imply that. Were they hiding?
Bruno drops the pin in the drawer of the small, wooden table next to the couch. He then takes a seat in the loveseat across from yours. “Well in a way. It's more like I just let them reside here.”
You were still confused but Bruno continues speaking before you can inquire more.
"Why'd you decide to visit?"
"I'm going to be honest. I was feeling a little lonely."
"No visitors?"
You rub at your arm and your slight frown becomes a full pout. "Yea…"
You didn't even have a certain cat anymore to help break the silence at home. Of course you weren't going to admit that part.
"Well that's not necessarily a bad thing."
"No. I already told you I want Doppio to stay with me, so it actually is."
Bruno hums. "I'm just trying to help you ____."
"You think you're helping me? Things don't have to go your way you know."
The witch looks completely unfazed by your words. “One day you'll understand and hopefully without you getting hurt.”
You deeply exhale. Talking to Bruno reminded you of a brick wall and you couldn't even find it in you to get mad.
He raises a brow. "What?"
“You're stubborn as hell.”
"The same goes to you."
The two of you are quiet after that and the witch watches you. You felt like he was trying to see into your head and it made sitting still hard.
“Do you need something?” you ask.
“You're the one in my house ____.”
“Yea but you don't have to stare so hard...”
“You came here for another reason. Tell me.”
Caught off guard you take longer than usual to respond. You didn't know how Bruno could tell but it was best if you just said what you needed to instead of beating around the bush.
"Okay...I did. I was wondering about the exorcism, but not for Doppio--for Diavolo." You look down at your lap. "Do you think it's possible to exorcise him without hurting Doppio? I'm not even really sure how their whole situation works to be honest.”
You look to Bruno wondering if he had any answers.
"....A demon possessing a demon--that's what's most likely happening."
"Huh? That sounds strange."
"It is very peculiar, but I can't say it's impossible. So maybe there's a way to do an exorcism like you wanted."
Bruno's familiar swims by, above the fireplace and his eyes follow the eel. "Leone told me you two don't get along," he mentions.
"Me and Diavolo? Well yea. I'm sure you know he wants to kill me."
"Yes." His eyes land back on you. "That's why I'm not completely onboard with your idea."
"Okay but don't you think it would be better to at least get rid of one demon who definitely wants to hurt me instead of none?"
"I can't guarantee it; there's a chance it won't work and we'll only piss him off. Then you'd possibly be in more danger. It would make more sense and be much easier to get rid of both of them."
You frown but you weren't giving up. "Diavolo already has it out for me though. So not trying because of that is kinda pointless."
The rebuttal you just gave was weak and you weren't sure you could come up with anymore. So the longer Bruno takes to reply the more nervous you become.
"Listen, I'm not saying I'll do this but I'll at least look into it," he finally says.
You perk up. Even though you couldn't say he seemed convinced, you could at least work with it!
"T-Thank you! I'll even help!" You stand up eager to start. "Where do you want me to look first?" you ask.
From then on, you spend your off days at Bruno's home looking for any information about exorcism within his many books. A lot of which were in languages you didn't understand.
Surprising to you, Bruno turns out to be pretty good company when he isn't actively trying to get rid of Doppio. And you quickly find yourself enjoying coming over. It was the perfect distraction too.
You also now had the chance to really take in how cool the witch's house was. It felt like you were at the aquarium whenever you walked through it! So at first, you did a lot of that whenever you needed a break. Bruno's familiar which you found out was named Angeela, would swim along with you and keep you company. And even though there were no other fish it was still really relaxing.
But soon, strange things started to occur. Doors closing behind you. Items falling on top of you. It happened one too many times and started to freak you out so you brought it up with Bruno. It seemed to stop right after that though so you shrugged it off and decided to focus more on researching from then on.
During one of your visits, you focus a little too hard and accidentally end up staying too late. And there's no way for you to traverse back home safely so Bruno insists you stay in the spare guest room.
After dinner, you're ready to quietly head to bed for the night, but while you're cleaning your face, Abbacchio walks into the bathroom.
You raise a brow at the cat. You'd only seen hints of him this whole week. "What the hell?"
"Is there a problem?" The cat jumps up on the counter barely looking your way.
"Yea, you just walked in here without warning. What if I was changing you weirdo?"
"Then you wouldn't have left the door cracked open."
You roll your eyes and go back to what you're doing. "Where did you even come from?"
"None of your business. You don't want me around you anyway so it shouldn't matter."
"I said my house. I don't care what you do outside of it."
You wash off your hands and grab the tooth brush Bruno gave you. It's quiet except for the sink water running and the sound of you brushing your teeth. But you feel like you have to talk with Abbacchio in the room.
You spit in the sink. “Umm...is there something you need from me?”
The cat’s tail twitches before he answers. “Just making sure you don't do anything stupid."
Your lips purse. You were literally just trying to get ready for bed.
"Okay?" You go back to brushing.
The cat huffs. "You should stop trying to keep Doppio around. You're literally wasting time--"
“Ah, that's why you came in here," you interrupt through a mouthful of foam. You spit. "....I don't understand why everyone keeps doing this.”
"Doing what?" The cat sounds and looks irritated.
"Telling me this and that! I'm going to stay with Doppio and nothing you, Bruno, or Diavolo say is going to chase me off."
You expect to get lectured some more but Abbacchio glares at you. "Please don't tell me you aren't actually in love with him?" he asks.
"What are you talking about? I just want to stay with him because we're friends."
"You barely know him. It must be 'love'...or lust."
You shake your head. "Lust's definitely not it."
Abbacchio tilts his head but you weren't exactly in the mood to explain asexuality right now, especially to a feline, so you leave it at that and go back to brushing your teeth.
He squints at you. “Okay then. You're definitely in denial about your feelings though.”
"Can't friends care about each other--"
"Yes but that takes years. You're ready to throw your safety to the wind for someone you've known for a few months. You need to be careful before this crush gets out of hand."
You let out the most frustrated sigh. "Doppio wouldn't hurt me. I trust him."
"Hmph, you don't even understand this world but you think you know better."
You pause unsure how to respond. You wanted to say something back but he unfortunately had a point. This supernatural stuff was still new to you and you were honestly processing it kind of slowly.
Since you knew you weren't getting in the last word with Abbacchio and you were tired of being scolded by a cat, you rinse off your toothbrush and leave the restroom.
You open your eyes and stare at the unfamiliar ceiling for a several seconds before getting out of bed. You forgot to bring a glass of water with you and there was no way you would be able to get back to sleep with such a dry throat. So you creep out of your room.
The blueish glow from the tanks help light your way down the hallway to the kitchen. You see Angeela pass by before turning back and swimming along with you.
You smile before whispering. "Just getting water.”
The eel continues to follow you all the way to the kitchen. You rub at your arms once you enter to fend off the unusual chill in the room. Unfortunately, this was common in Bruno’s home. You suspected a draft problem but the witch didn’t seem to care.
Angeela swims out of view while you hurry and look for a glass so you can get back to your warm bed.
Once you find one in the cupboards, you fill it with water from the sink's tab and quench your thirst before filling it again. You move to leave but stop at the kitchen's entrance and look back at the refrigerator. You might as well eat something while you’re here.
Ready to grab the leftover food Bruno made for dinner, you open the fridge and scream. The glass you’re holding falls from your hand and shatters on the floor. And you slam the fridge door shut.
Abbacchio’s the first to appear in the kitchen. “There better be a good reason you’re yelling!"
“Something in the fridge--A HEAD--I don't know!”
Right after that Bruno rushes in. “What's wrong ____?”
“Something weird in the fridge--a head! I was just looking in the fridge because I was kinda hungry!”
Bruno pinches the bridge of his nose. “Fugo and Narancia come out now!”
A second passes before something phases into form in front of the annoyed witch. Then right after something small and sparkly flies out from behind the dish rack next to the sink. But you've barely registered the second thing cause there’s a little ghost kid standing there!
He had a tealish glow and you could see right through him.
A shiver runs up your spine and you want to run out of this cabin.
“Do either of you want to explain why ____ says they saw a head in the fridge?” Bruno asks. His breath is visible from how cold it's gotten.
The ghost looks down at his feet avoiding eye contact. The glowing light next to the ghost didn’t seem keen on answering either.
“Brats,” Abbacchio says before walking out of the kitchen.
"Narancia t-told me to…" the ghostly child's voice sounds watery and distant.
Bruno sighs before looking at you. “I’m sorry.”
“I...It’s okay,” you lie.
And you guess Bruno can tell because he stares at you strangely before speaking again. “Well I suppose I should introduce you to them since we all are here. This is Fugo." He points to the ghost. "And this is Narancia.”
You risk getting closer to the glowing small creature flying in the air and realize that they look like a shrunken child with wings.
“A...pixie?” you ask. You can barely believe your eyes but should you be surprised at this point?
"I think...I need to go to sleep," you say.
“Okay,” Bruno says, understanding. “Are you sure you're fine?”
“Uh huh.” You’re about to speed walk to the guest room, but remember the glass on the floor.
“Oh wait do you have a broom?" you ask the witch. "I-I'm sorry…”
“I'll take care of it.”
You nod and go back to your room. You wouldn't be wandering around Bruno's home again at night, if you ever stayed the night again that is.
When you open your front door to walk out, you immediately tense up in surprise. Doppio's standing there, holding the key you gave him.
" ____--"
The both of you stop talking.
The incubus frowns and fidgets with the key in his hand. "Er ____...I'm sorry for keeping things from you! I really missed you.”
You hum but can't get any words out. For some reason you felt uncomfortable and timid.
You clench your hands next to your sides and force yourself to speak. “I shouldn't have said what I did and especially not that harshly. I-I'm sorry and I missed you too.”
Doppio seems to relax but you stand in place awkwardly, struggling to make proper eye contact.
“That's okay ____. I understand why you were upset.”
"Yea but still…"
"Um, is it okay if we hug?" Doppio asks.
His expression is shy but he doesn't look away which makes you smile. You nod and open your arms. Your friend walks into them wrapping his own arms around you and giving you a squeeze. He smells like something sugary but you can't place it.
Once you're satisfied, you let your arms drop and pull away from the incubus.
“Do you want to come inside?”
He tilts his head. “Weren't you heading somewhere though?”
“I can go later. It’s not urgent.”
Doppio nods and walks past you inside. You shut the door and the two of you sit down on the couch.
“So what were you up to the last several weeks?” A question that you hoped would make any left over awkwardness disperse.
“I was on business for the boss.”
“Of course...Maybe he’ll finally stop being so angry with me.”
Doppio looks confused before his eyes widen, "Not that type of business!"
“Oh! What type of stuff then?"
"Um...making sure people stick to agreements. I don't think you'd want me to go into detail."
He gives a bit of a forced laugh. So you move on.
"Hey, you're okay right?” you ask.
“Like you're not dying or anything? Diavolo said you would just lose your powers, but I just want to make sure.”
“Oh that. Yeah, I'm okay! I don't need sex to stay alive...”
You nod. “I guess I'm still trying to wrap my head around this incubus stuff--well demon stuff in general." You suddenly remember the events that happened at Bruno's house recently. “Actually, supernatural stuff overall. Soooo...just wondering, is it possible to exorcise a demon out of a demon?”
He grimaces slightly. “____, what are you trying to do?”
“I'm just speculating, but maybe we could get rid of Diavolo.”
Doppio's eyes widen. "N-no way. Why?"
”Don't you want to? He's literally leeching off of you.”
You liked Doppio...a lot and you wanted him to stay by your side but dealing with his alter ego frankily sucked. You had been able to tolerate him (barely) but after not having him come in and threaten you for the past couple weeks, any qualms (if there were any to begin with) about getting rid of Diavolo were gone. You just needed to get Doppio onboard.
“I don't know…I know he can be a lot but he's not all bad.”
You stare unbelieving at him. “Doppio, I think you might be codependent. He's literally the worst type of person.”
He avoids your eyes. "Well technically he's not even a person--"
“Demon whatever, he still sucks.”
"I don't think this is a good idea ____. He might be listening right now!"
That wasn't about to stop you. And even though Doppio didn't like to act like it, he had more control over this body than his "boss". The fact that Diavolo hasn't appeared to rip you apart proved that.
“If it doesn't work you can put all the blame on me. He won't hurt his own vessel anyways.”
“I'm not worried about me ____."
You smile a bit at his concern. "If we get this to work then you'll never have to worry about me."
Doppio sighs. "I guess...How are you even planning to do this?”
“Well, I've been visiting Bruno while you were gone.”
The incubus immediately looks disgruntled.
“Don't make that face okay. I actually managed to get him to consider doing things a different way.”
“B-But what if he's just using this as a way to get our guard down?”
“We are just researching. I haven't agreed to anything just yet. I really just want to know if it's possible…And wouldn't it be nice to have your own body?”
Doppio nods but still looks unsure.
“So let's just see what happens?” you say hoping to give him that little push he needs.
"Well if it's just research...it can't hurt to look into it?"
You nod and smile. “Right! I'll let you know if anything comes up.”
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griffxnnage · 4 years
always || h.p || part one
pairing: harry potter x fem!reader
word count: 1.3k
warnings: angst, fluff, mentions of wounds (harry’s detention sc*rs), mentions of death
a/n: i had some fun with this one! it goes a bit off the whole storyline, but it isn’t too bad.
Being dropped off on the Weasley's doorstep was probably the best thing that happened to me. Well, the second best thing; Harry Potter was the first best thing. Watching him get sorted into Gryffindor, a smile on his face, and his eyes on mine, will always be a cherished memory of mine.
Another one would probably have to be when I accidentally confessed my love for him. Let me explain.
Ok, picture this: 5th year. Gryffindor common room. Sitting beside Harry, alone, and in front of the fireplace. His scarred hand in my two smaller ones. He'd just come back from detention with Umbridge, and I'd caught a glimpse of his fresh cuts, my face paling in colour at the sight of blood. "Harry, what the hell!" I exclaimed, dread flooding my chest. "How can she do this to you? Well, how about you stay outta detention? You have to stop worrying me like this! It's been hard enough with OWL's and shit, and now you're being tortured by that she-devil? Wow, sometimes it sucks to be in love with you," I stopped at once, realizing what I'd said, and slowly looked up from his scarred, red hand to his face, expecting a disgusted huff, and a dismissive look.
 What I found instead was two, gorgeous blue-green eyes, staring at me with a look of admiration and relief, and a huge, toothy, goofy grin. "Y/N, you have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you say those words; I've been wanting to tell you how I've been for so long, and now that you feel the same way- Ugh, brilliant!" he exclaimed, his grin only growing wider when I pulled him in for a long, tight hug.
Ok, now onto the actual story.
Now, 7th year, in the middle of the Battle of Hogwarts outside of the Room of Requirement, catching our breath, Harry crumpled to the floor, clutching his forehead. "Harry, you can't let him in!" Hermione cried, scared for his safety. He either didn't listen, or he couldn't hear her, because he just laid there on the floor, leaning against the wall, clutching his scar. 
After what seemed like forever, he cleared his throat, standing shakily with a look of fear in his eyes. "Harry, what's wrong? What did you see?" Worrying all the time kind of came along with being the Chosen One's significant other. "Y/N, love,” He looked at me with a sad smile. “I think there's something about me that just isn't right, and I think I’ve been denying it to myself for a while now. I have this strange feeling that a part of Voldemort is a part of me; what I'm trying to say that its a possibility that I might be a Horcrux." He'd been looking at his runners, but when he uttered that last word, he looked at me with a pained, sorry expression on his face, which made my heart shatter. "Harry, you can't be; it doesn't make sense! No, I can't- I won't believe this." Hermione came up behind me and put her arm around me, rubbing mine, and muttered, "Actually, Y/N, it does make sense," 
As she explained to me how it was a very high possibility Harry was correct, my ears started to ring and my vision began to fog, tears welling in the corners of my eyes. 'He can't be a Horcrux, it's not possible,' I kept thinking to myself, repeating it like a mantra; a sick, twisted mantra that would never help me, no matter how many times I uttered it. 
Harry came up to me and pulled me into a gentle hug, putting his face in my hair and whispered, "Y/N, it's going to be ok. I'll never leave your side. I'll always be here with you, and I'll always have your back, just as long as you have mine," His words didn't help my crumbling emotional state, but they set my heart at ease, and I echoed, "Harry, I'll be here, always." 
"Goyle's set the bloody place on fire!" Ron screamed, running past us with a look of terror on his face. The 3 of us followed Ron, dodging all of the falling objects, and the stray curses and hexes Malfoy and Zabini were firing at us. As we rounded corner after corner, when I looked behind me, I thought I could make out certain creatures in the flames, which didn't make it any better. The fiendfyre chased after us, making us go in circles, and blocking any exits.  For one moment, I thought we were going to be burnt alive, until Harry cast 'Aguamenti' to create a shield around us, causing Ron to get startled and fall back. "Oi, we could use these!" I heard from behind me. Ron had fallen back into some brooms, and I couldn't have been more relieved. After he tossed everyone a broom, we all took flight and frantically searched for an exit. 
"Come on, this way!" Ron shouted over the roar of the fiendfyre. We all followed him, ready to leave. I turned my head to see Harry looking back. I followed his eyeline to find Malfoy and Zabini holding on for their lives on top of a pile of chairs. Harry met my eyes, and yelled, "We can't leave them!" I nodded in agreement, and turned around sharply, heading for them. It took a couple tries, but we were able to get them, and leave the Room of Requirement with the diadem without being killed. 
After destroying the diadem and watching the Slytherin's scamper away, we all collapsed on the floor, breathing heavy with smiles on our faces. "Well, now there's only so many left," I chuckled, clutching my side. "What was that you said to me, Ron? 'If we die for them, I'm going to kill you'?" Harry's puzzled expression and goofy smile made us all laugh. But the laughing was soon replaced with silence when I felt an arm around me from behind and a wand pressed into my neck.
"Hello, leverage," Lucius Malfoy whispered into my hair. My eyes widened, and my heart dropped to my toes. I tried to struggle, but his grip on me tightened and his wand pressed further into my neck, causing me to wince, a whimper escaping my lips. "Oh, now now, little Y/N, you'll see him again. Only to watch him die." All I remember was Harry lunging to grab me, then the feeling of being squeezed through a very tight tube. 
After apparating out of the castle, I found myself in the middle of the Forbidden Forest, surrounded by the meanest, most vile looking witches and wizards I'd ever seen. They weren't crowding me per say, but they surrounded me like vultures, and it made me nervous. I was about to make a snarky remark until I noticed they all had their wands drawn, and aimed in my general direction. I knew then it would be a good time to keep my gob shut.
Just when things couldn't get any worse, I felt a presence behind me that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. My eyes opened slightly, hoping for the best, but expecting the worst. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Mr. Harry Potter's little belle." The voice belonged to none other than the Dark Lord himself. Voldemort.
I kept my eyes down, and saw his bare, pale feet walk upon the forest floor, and a giant snake following him, closely. His dark robes brushed against my cheek and I flinched away. He came in front of me and knelt down, watching my movements intently. He took his wand, using it to make me look at him and I couldn't help but shiver at the motion. 
"You know why you're here, don't you, Ms. L/N?" His voice had been in my head before, but hearing it up close and personal made my skin crawl. I nodded feebly. "I'm," I cleared my throat. "I'm bait, aren't I?" Voldemort smiled a hideous smile and stood, turning to his followers. "We have ourselves a smart one here!" he declared to the delight of the Death Eaters, who cackled.
"You, my dear, are my advantage over your little lover boy. You are the one who is going to bring me Harry Potter."
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dalekofchaos · 4 years
Why I always hated Harry becoming an Auror
I always hated Harry becoming an Auror, it just doesn’t work character wise and it strikes a raw nerve that a boy who I always stood by grew up and became a cop for a Ministry Of Magic that has never done anything right for him or anyone else in the Wizarding World.
He spent the entirety of OOTP realizing that the Ministry Of Magic is corrupt to the core and the fact that SIrius was pretty much sentenced without a fair trial, just shows how the system is broken and there is no chance to change. But even aside the fact, Harry pretty much becomes a cop. Harry James Potter has complete All Cops Are Bastards attitude and I can never ever envision that for Harry. 
He spent his entire childhood and teen years fighting Voldemort and fighting a damn war and  A WAR HE WAS BORN INTO!
Plus The Death Eaters gave up after Voldemort's defeat. The majority lost faith and those who stayed loyal, died or was captured. There is no need for Harry and Ron to become Aurors. There literally is no need for Aurors
It makes as much sense as Toph Beifong becoming a cop
Harry always desired a life of quiet peace or even a boring life. He did not like the fame that came with his life, he did not want to be the chosen one nor did he want the to be with the Ministry(A Ministry who that slandered his name did nothing about Voldemort, FALSELY IMPRISONED HIS GODFATHER. Harry just wanted a quiet and peaceful life with his friends and family and a life without fame or conflict. JK did the exact opposite of Harry’s desires.
Here’s the future I would’ve prefered for Harry. Becoming Ginny’s Trophy husband, Being a stay at home father, or going back to Hogwarts and become the permanent Defense Against The Dark Arts Professor.
Harry loved teaching in Dumbledore’s Army. He loved teaching his friends and you can damn  well bet he would love teaching kids how to properly defend themselves. Harry would have loved being a teacher and watching his students improve throughout the years. Revamping the curriculum because if he could teach kids as a child himself how to cast a patronus, perhaps everything they think of as only NEWTs levels and beyond really just weren’t taught well before.
Making him become an auror just makes him continue the fight he was forced into as a child and didn’t enjoy, Harry enjoyed teaching the DA. Why wouldn’t he chase after doing something he loves with his life????? And then he’d be able to train the next generation to make sure that they can protect the world, too.
And just imagine Professors Potter and Longbottom joking about students and the other teachers during meals, playing mini pranks on Headmistress McGonagall, who’d purse her lips and remind them that they were adults, then look away before they could catch the twinkle in her eye. All the students would either have a massive crush on them or admire them or both. Harry is the only teacher capable of taming Teddy (who became known as the prank king, comparable to the Weasley’s twins) and eventually James, Al, and Lily. He develops connections with each of his students and teaches them according to the way he’s noticed they learn best and his classroom becomes a usual hangout for students, as he’s always got food and a “lame dad joke” that everyone secretly loves.
Voldemort cursed the position so no one could stay for over a year, and Rowling said that the curse broke upon his death. It would have brought the Prophecy’s plot line to full circle, because it shouldn’t have been anyone other than Harry who became the first un-cursed DADA professor. It would have been just another part Harry vanquished.
And how important would it be to the students as well, and to him being able to progress with a comfortable, normal life? Because every witch/ wizard in the UK  goes through Hogwarts. The first year after the war, he starts, and the students all come home at Christmas or in the summer and their parents are all ‘WOW you’ve been taught by HARRY POTTER what was he like?” And all these students who are totally over it already like “I don’t know, just… he’s just Professor Potter. He’s just Harry. He makes shit jokes and hands out chocolate in lessons. He’s just a really great guy.” And over the years it stops being people yelling ‘The Chosen One’ or ‘The Boy Who Lived’ in the streets. He goes in to Diagon Alley with his family and everyone’s like ‘Oh my god, Sir! Hi! Look, it’s Professor Potter!’ And no-one wants to know how it felt to die or what vanquishing Voldemort was like- they want to tell him how their doing, and chat with him about how they want to go into the Aurors or Dragon taming, or what they’re doing now. They want one of their favourite teachers to meet their kids, reminisce about old lessons.
But of course, everyone still knows it’s Harry Potter. And it becomes like a thing among the students, whenever anyone feels low on confidence or like they’ll never achieve things in life, and someone’ll cut in like ‘Of course you can. Harry defeated the greatest Dark Wizard in memory, and he’s a massive dork who’s a little bit frightened of his wife and kids, still trips over the trick step, didn’t get the date he wanted to the Yule Ball and spills pumpkin juice all over his robes regularly. He’s human just like you, and if he could do that, you can sure as hell make the DMLE if that’s what you want.”
Like Harry and Neville being constant reminders to all their students that heroes are just people- just real, normal, faulty people.
(And then can we also have Ginny Weasley, taking some time off from playing professional Quidditch so she comes to do a few years as the flying coach. And her first year Harry goes down to the pitch with a few of the 7th years he has under his wing, and Ginny being, as always, vaguely terrifying but in an incredibly attractive way. And all these 7th years just gaping at her like ‘Woah. You are married to her?!” And Harry just massively smug like ‘Yeah, I know right?’)
#but it would be so perfect??? #bc it would help normalize his life so much #like there would just be this generation of kids who are like #‘ugh who cares that he killed the dark lord he gAVE US HOMEWORK OVER BREAK’ #like the beginning of every year there would be the new first years who would freak out a little #but then it would calm down #and most of the students would literally forget #until like clockwork the fifth years would have their history of magic class on the second war #and they’d all show up to DADA looking a little awestruck and everyone would be extra quiet #and harry would give this kind of annoyed sigh—except it’s fake bc he TOTALLY knew this was coming #bc binns is a bro and he totally gives him a heads up every year #and harry wouldn’t have any lesson plans for the day and instead he would just sit at the front of the room and answer everyone’s questions #but otherwise everyone would just be like ‘professor potter!! i can’t get my patronus to work! help me!’ #and like they’d go home at the end of the year or for break and their parents—who ARE still starstruck by harry james potter #would pester their kids with questions#and the kids would just be like ‘merlin i don’t know?? potter’s such a huge dork you should hear him talk about proper wand movements’ #but they would all love him #and he would feel safe and normal and utterly accepted
Why would he continue fighting and supporting an oppressive system afterwards instead of teaching students how to defend themselves?
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I’m all for “Believe all victims”, but I am less inclined to believe somebody who claims that somebody they know was a victim years ago. Unless the alleged victim herself comes out and confirms it, I will take the allegations with a grain of salt, which are already dubious since he claims that literally everybody on the set knew. Yet not one single person other than the accuser (notably NOT a victim) has come forward in the 30+ years since?
We aren’t even believing the victim, we’re believing her husband, which from where I understand, I’m not even sure he got her permission to reveal this if information...if it’s even true.
Now, another anon says that people who know her asked and she said her husband is somewhat mentally ill.
Regardless, how does an entire set know this and no one says anything? Do you know how hard of a secret that’s to keep? You’re telling me not one was bothered by this? Or gossiped about it? That’s hundreds of people.
So, beyond Gillian, this includes: Chris Carter, John shiban, Vince gilligan, Frank spotniz, Kim manners, Mitch pileggi, and the most goes on and on.
And that’s what I mean by these antis not understanding implications.
For example, R. Kelly is a man who messed with teen girls and it isn’t speculation that his circle enable him. They’d bring him to the mall or bring girls to him. They’d separate the victim from the other girls so she could have alone time with him. They’d threaten the girls to keep quiet.
People knew what was going on and, hell, even fans did too. R. Kelly liking teen girls has been a well known fact since the late 80s/early 90s.
I’ve known since I was 4-5.
Isnt that wild?
I used to like a city or two over from R. Kelly. About a 10 minute drive. He used to throw parties and have minors over his house ALL OF THE TIME. My friend used to live like a minute away from him and attended one of his parties. He knew how young those girls were.
So for the many many reasons I’ve explained, I’m not buying it. As you mentioned, not one victim came forward. Not one.
David does not have more power than les moonves, bill Cosby, and Matt lauer. And he had more power than the guy from 7th heaven.
And still, David’s name is clean. Allegedly David’s friends were accused of shit and, still, his name is clean.
That’s unusual, unless he ain’t doing the shit antis claim.
And, unless this is a child, how in the fuck are you coming forward with someone else’s story??? That they allegedly later denied?
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His Little Witch~~6
Part 5
Main Pairing: Tom Riddle x Reader
Background Pairings: Harry Potter x Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley x Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood x Neville Longbottom, James Potter x Lily Potter, Draco Malfoy x Pansy Parkinson
Tags: Swearing, Canon-Typical Violence, Possessive!Tom Riddle, Protective!Tom Riddle, Soulmates, AU, CANON DIVERGENCE, Minister of Magic Tom Riddle, Out of Character Tom Riddle, nice!Tom Riddle, Dumbledore and Tom get along, sane!Tom Riddle
It was a few weeks later and the first task was a week away. Harry was a little nervous but it was nothing compared to Lily and Ginny. James has told you that Lily was furious and was still considering marching into Hogwarts and dragging Harry out by his ear. Ginny, on the other hand, was a lot quieter than usual, and she was barely eating and had big, dark circles under her eyes. Harry did his best to try and ease her worries but you could tell it wasn’t working that well.
“So are you guys excited for Care of Magical Creatures this afternoon?” You ask at lunch as you clap your hands together. You were extra excited for your favorite class today because Hagrid has finally decided to let the NEWT class (6th and 7th years) work with unicorns. While you had been introduced to them before you had never had the chance to work one on one with them.
“Yeah, I can’t wait to work with the unicorns. They are so beautiful.” Ginny replies perking up and even giving a small smile.
“I’m not. Those bloody unicorns hate guys. Every damn time you get within five feet of them they try and trample you.” Ron mutters, Harry nods in agreement.
“Why can Hagrid get close to them then?” You ask.
“Well, I mean it’s Hagrid. He’s got some freaky affinity for the weird creatures. They bloody love him.” Ron huffs, shaking his head as he picks at his food. Hermione, Ginny, and you all giggle at him, while Harry just pats his back and shoots him a sympathetic glance. 
“Fair enough,” you concede, they had a decent point. 
“So any ideas on what the first task will be?” Ron asks Harry in a hushed voice.
“Hagrid’s been dropping hints and I’m pretty sure it involves dragons somehow.” Harry says, “He kept mentioning Norbert, remember that dragon he hatched our first year?” You all nod in understanding.
“Dragons?” Ginny asks breathlessly.
���Gin, I’ll be fine. I wouldn’t have entered if I didn’t think I was capable.” Harry tried to soothe but you know it’s not really working.
“Too bad Professor Lupin has never had us battle dragons.” You chuckle, Professor Lupin, your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher was your favorite Professor at Hogwarts. Though Hagrid came in a very close second.
“Yeah too bad. I know for a fact that Sirius has suggested it a time or two,” Harry laughs trying to decrease the tension at the table.
“You’ll do great mate. Though I gotta be honest I’m glad it was you and not me, my mom would’ve killed me.” Ron says shuddering at the thought of his mom’s reaction had he been selected.
“We better head down to Hagrid’s, lunch is almost over,” Hermione advises and you all nod. The four of you say a quick goodbye to Ginny before exiting the Great Hall, trailed by James and Sirius of course.
“Alright, class today we will start caring for unicorns. As I’m sure most of ya are aware, unicorns ain’t particularly fond of men. So lads, you best be extra careful, go slow, let them get used ta ya. Ladies be cautious but ya probably won’ need ta be as patient,” Hagrid explains before turning the class loose to care for their unicorns. You and Harry were partnered up, Hagrid thought it would be best if the guys were paired up with the girls.
“Why don’t you go first?” Harry suggests eyeing the unicorn nervously. You nod looking back at Sirius and James, who are both on edge when you agree to approach the unicorn.
“Easy girl,” you whisper as you approach her slowly with your hand out to her. She allows you to pet her and gently nudged your hand when you stop.
“Good job Y/n!” Hagrid exclaims approaching you and the unicorn to inspect your work. Looking around you realize you were the only one who had been permitted to pet their unicorn.
“Harry, you could probably try approachin’,” Hagrid suggests before walking over to help Hermione with her unicorn.
You take a step away from the unicorn, much to her dismay if her huff is any indication. Harry approaches her slowly and starts to pet her when you see Malfoy creeping around before you see him conjure a snake. The unicorn is spooked and rears up before accidentally kicking you in the side and knocking you over.
All you remember after that is screaming and then it all goes black.
“Y/n! Y/n!” You hear voices screaming, sounding terrified. You open your eyes and see Hermione, Hagrid, Ron, Harry, James, and Sirius all clustered around you.
“What the hell?” You grunt confused, why did it hurt to breathe?
“Oh thank Merlin! Yer awake!” Hagrid exclaims as he wipes the tears from his eyes.
“What happened?” You ask as you try to sit up only for everything to spin, forcing you back down.
“Malfoy decided he wanted to freak Harry out by spooking the unicorn you guys were working with. But then the unicorn kicked you in the side and you fell over and hit your head.” Hermione explains calmly though you see the rage in her eyes.
“How long was I out for?” You ask, still trying to get your bearings.
“Nearly ten minutes,” Sirius says as he and James share a worried look.
“Let’s get you to the hospital wing,” James says picking you up and cradling you in his arms as he and Sirius walk you up to the caste.
When you enter the hospital wing Madame Pomfrey is bustling over and fussing over you. James lays you down on a bed and he and Sirius looked at each other slightly terrified.
“What?” You ask them after pushing Madame Pomfrey away. She huffs but then begins her healing spells. You had a concussion and some broken ribs.
“We need to tell the Minister,” James mutters.
“Why?” You ask annoyed, Tom would just rush out of whatever he was doing to check on you. You didn’t want them to interrupt him.
“Because he insisted upon knowing if anything happened to you. I’ll go.” Sirius concedes rushing to the fireplace before disappearing.
“This is all so unnecessary. I’ve had much worse.” You grumble.
“I know Y/n. We’re just doing our jobs. Also maybe don’t let Tom know about the ‘worse’, it’ll just aggravate him more.” James advises and you nod before you hear a pop and look over to see Tom storming towards you. Sirius quickly emerges from the fireplace trailing behind him.
“What the bloody hell happened?!” He roared at James and Sirius after taking in your state.
“Tom I’m fine,” you say. When he shoots you a glare you continue, “Really, I’m fine. It’s not that big of a deal. I don’t even know why they called you.” 
“James, Sirius, you can go. I’m taking Y/n home. Tell Percy to cancel all my appointments for the rest of the day.” Tom growled before scooping you into his arms and disapparating back home.
“Tom,” you huff as you try and struggle out of his arms. He shoots you a harsh glare that makes you cease your movements.
“Let’s get you to bed.” He growled storming up the stairs to your room. He sits you down on the bed before flicking his rest and your school uniform is gone, replaced with another emerald green and black silk nightgown.
“You really didn’t need to leave work you know,” you whisper as he crawls into bed next to you, wrapping his strong, slender arms around you.
“Yes, I did. When are you going to understand, you are the most important thing in the world to me. Nothing matters as much as you. I can’t lose you, it would kill me. When Sirius showed up and told me you had been hurt I died a thousand deaths before I got to you. I love you Y/n.” He replies, tightening his hold on your waist.
“I love you too Tom.” You murmur as your eyes droop.
“Now get some sleep Little Witch. It’s not every day you get kicked by a unicorn.” He tries to laugh it off but there’s an edge to his voice. You know that you haven’t heard the end of this yet.
Part 7
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roarkefm · 4 years
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u   kno   wat..   i   truly   have   the   social   capacity   of   johnny   fuckin   2   by   4   right   now   so   i’m   jus   gonna   apologize   for   being   late   as   pER   USUAL   and   will   leave   u   with   the   human   embodiment   of   a  smashed   macaroni   necklace   😭   roarke   ‘   why   swallowing   is   always   an   option   ’   kincaid !
( twenty-three , cismale ,  he & him ) ✉ ― hey babes, have you met ROARKE  KINCAID  ? they’re working here as A LIFEGUARD  AT THE VIP POOL. you might hear them singing can you afford to be an individual? by nothing but thieves playing from their speakers, it’s their favourite song. yes, they hear that they look like DANNY GRIFFIN a lot, actually - it’s really uncanny. their friends back home in SYDNEY , AUSTRALIA say that if they were on a tv show, their trope would be THE WANDERLUST , how funny is that ?
𝖓𝖆𝖒𝖊 : atlas roarke kincaid, goes by roarke and occasionally inmate #003458 when his probation officer is feeling spicy 🌶
𝖆𝖌𝖊 : twenty - three
𝖉𝖔𝖇 : july 31st , 1997
𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗 / 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖓𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖘 : he / him
𝖘𝖊𝖝𝖚𝖆𝖑 & 𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖈 𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 : yes to all n to all a good night 🎅
𝖍𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙: 6‘4″  or however tall those big b*tches from 5sos are
𝖆𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖙𝖎𝖈 : some real upstanding citizen energy
𝖔𝖈𝖈𝖚𝖕𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 : winner of the ‘ least likely to make it past 18 ′ superlative , professional arm candy to whomever wants to pay his bills , has been known to play baywatch at the vip pool , has been known to #freethenip and bust out a guitar with his mates after a few too many mimosas ( some would dare call it a ~band~ )
𝖍𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖙𝖔𝖜𝖓 : born in the 7th circle of hell ; raised in primarily in sydney , australia
has some real  “ kinda kid to be conceived in a walmart bathroom on a tuesday night ” energy, think jj from obx but a little more flighty and with a pinch of naur 
TW DEATH, TW OVERDOSE: born to irresponsible parents who cared more about their next fix than their child, roarke’s mother overdosed when he was five and he’s been in and out of foster care ever since ( that is, when they could catch his scrawny ass )
TW DRUG DEALING: bouncing around couches, futons, homes and dealing with the occasional run in with his drugged out, deadbeat father did a number on him in a “ i’m never contribute to society ” kinda way, but roarke DID grow up loving their lil fishing trips where he was trying to catch a sunfish while his dad was trying to count the bills from the brick he just sold
breaking any and all rules with his little rat pack of delinquents who tore up their hometown on their lil skateboards became his favorite activity and he built himself quite a record of petty theft, vandalism, and trespassing
when he was freshly graduated and working at his fifth job in two months  ( waiting tables at some local seafood place ) someone approached him with an offer– she was a lonesome woman with an alluring smile and an offer of companionship : whatever he wanted whenever he wanted as long as he accompanied her around europe
add verified sugar baby to the empty resume !! naturally he ate that shit up and it was a hell of a time while it lasted. he was a lil wine drunk and #heartbroken when it was over, and then when it was over for a second time... and another time after that .......... u catch my drift . and this is how he ended up here SDFNKSNKF
when he’s not vying for delinquent of the year , he enjoys tossing together a tune or six to live out his pipedream of his lil music career actually going somewhere , but he’ll never admit he’s serious about it
when he is vying for delinquent of the year, he’s most definitely not above acting like the amazon prime of his father’s business, so if u need anyone to help u fail ur drug test.... ur saving grace is ever-present 👼
he’s quick witted with a splash of dumbass and considering he’s barely literate as it is , sarcasm is close to his first language
this apple fell approximately 1 cm from the tree and unfortunately roarke  inherited his father’s fiery temper 😌 but he does make an effort to keep it under wraps until it can be used to line his pockets
he’s kinda rockin this devil may care / trial by fire attitude so he’s quite … hm … impulsive in that he’ll rage on a sunday night and show up to his monday 8 am vip pool aquatics class with 3 pairs of sunglasses on , seconds from death if someone so much as looks at him
he’s extremely promiscuous and definitely has some addictive behaviors nskfsnkd but he kinda in this apathetic limbo that is 100% more trouble than it’s worth
once lost a ‘most likely to provide emotional support’ vote to a piece of gum stuck to the bottom of someone’s shoe, but he will offer a prescription of puff puff pass to the right person cuz he’s not truly heartless 🥰 but close NKSFKN
really just a grade a crackhead who’s livin on a prayer 🙏😤
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7th Episode Thoughts:
- Haha there goes Jim’s spear. The spear really was never your weapon, my boy. Stick to swords.
- Uh. Claire? Are you secretly a gymnast? Because you’re flipping around like one
- I was right! Jim is holding a GummGumm spear in the poster!
- First a Harry Potter reference, and now a Ghostbusters reference. HOW.
- So Merlin doesn’t bleed. He... leaks black smoke?
- I. Merlin groaned and it sounded like Jim. Let me listen to that again, because ???????
- (From TH) “I once had a heart as pure as yours.” Foreshadowing???
- (Moving on...) So the Darklands are on the surface right now. How in the world are they gonna get them into another dimension? 
- ...Lancelot just got killed. Oh my god. Wow. Did not call that. 
- The tone of this just did a 180. What the hell is going on??
- Finally! Took you guys long enough!!
- I’ve always loved Deya’s funky helmet :D
- ...And that’s how Bular avoided getting sucked into the Bridge! Yeet
- Yay Troll dads!!
- IS THAT THE GUITAR HE USED IN THE BATTLE OF THE BANDS DSFLDFSKJLSDF That would explain the flash when he hit that GummGumm...
- I’m wheezing I love this kid
- Hi yes I’m reciting the Speech lines right alongside Deya
- Mm-hm. And I would hope that the correct Galadrigal brother was sucked in...
- mmmm. Sounds like Steve is staying behind in Camelot. Kinda suspected that it would happen.
- ...Fuck there’s still 3 eps left. What’s gonna happen
- Oh, thank god. It was still Dic that got sucked in. 
- Hey, by the way, I love Douxie’s theme. Epic rock guitars suit him.
- Whoops, nope, Steve’s coming too
HO-LY FUCK THAT WAS A RIDE. I have no idea what the next three eps will hold, and I’ll have to wait a bit. I have to go get ready for bed now. And do my daily reblog spree (but smaller because I still need to make my lunch for tomorrow).  
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