#so is the idea that someone has to give you personal information re: sexuality and identity to anyone or The World
piratewinzer · 1 year
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damnation-if · 1 year
Hi, I just played the demo and I loved it! I was wondering if you could give us an estimate of when the next update is coming?👉👈 (Or link a relevant post, if you already talked about and I just didn't scroll down far enough to see it 😆)
Also, I wanted to check, can you be in a romantic relationship with more than one character, and not just a sexual one? Because I might be in love with every single character in this game 🤭
hi, thank you! i'm glad you're enjoying the game :) i've answered the question about romancing multiple characters a couple of times in a couple of different asks but the posts all kind of link back to each other so you should be able to find all the info by. following the various links in each ask i think, starting here XD
i'm going to put the answer to your other question under a cut because some of it is quite emotional for me
i did Sort Of talk about this at the time when it happened, by which i mean that rather than making a post, i talked about it in the tags of an unrelated post i was using to distract myself (i think it was character playlists and how i'm not sure if it's a good idea to do them or not if i recall), but earlier this year while i was already going through a really rough time, my laptop died and i lost a lot of work on the game.
i knew my laptop was old and that this was possibly approaching so i made regular backups and the good news is that because i write in a separate word document and keep backups of those also i didn't actually lose any Writing. however. my twine has a problem in that every second or third game file that i publish from the build is Haunted - it contains passages i removed weeks ago, or writing that i deleted long before publishing it, that kind of weird annoying shit. (other authors have seen my files do this lmfao) and i just have to hope that the backups i make either won't be needed or aren't haunted. anyway... because hope is futile, the last backup i made was indeed haunted, and utterly useless to me as a recovery file. because it's just twine, i still have all the writing, as i mentioned... but i would have to re-code the entire chapter and put it all back together again because of how much the file did not export, which is a complicated and daunting process.
so i made a rambling explanation of this in the tags of a post and decided to take maybe a couple of days off and cool down from this specific disaster before getting into it.
i wake up the next morning to find the IF community absolutely plastered all over with Helpful Informative PSA posts about how Silly it is not to make backups and how if you just make backups you'll never have problems again and you should know better than to not make backups.
now. i'm not a catastrophist. i know for a fact that nobody was making or spreading these posts out of cruelty or a desire to make me feel bad. i also know that it's not particularly realistic to expect people who don't even know me to hunt down the source of a piece of hearsay that's like "i heard from someone that someone said that an author lost a bunch of their files and is really upset about it" to find out what the situation is and whether or not it's what they imagine. i don't even think the vast majority of people knew who it was that was the author involved, or who i am either.
but to already be going through an extremely stressful time and then lose my laptop on top of that and then be obliquely referenced by people i thought of as my peers as kind of just a big silly bumbling goose who didn't know how to manage my files and a "don't be like this person" attitude really, really hurt me. i can't express just how deeply it hurt me. one particular author was openly laughing at me and saying it was my own fault for being too stupid to make backups using a certain twine peripheral program.
so. there was a period of time where i could have found the motivation to just restart the whole chapter myself and re-code it in a frenzy because i wanted to get right back into writing it because. like a lot of authors, i LOVE writing. that's why i do this even when it's difficult. but that potential recovery was sandblasted away by the reactions of people that i thought of as my colleagues in some sense (even though i understand that they didn't do it with bad intentions, in most cases). and i hope people can understand that it greatly lengthened the amount of time i needed to spend away from the game recovering emotionally, despite being a Very Small issue to most people. i'm literally upset again just typing out this answer lmfao
however one other small piece of good news is that my laptop seemingly just lost the ability to turn itself on (because of its age) so i Think the hard drive is intact. meaning that i think i can get someone to pull all the files off it and just have them back fine once i do. the other piece of bad news is that my life is a trainwreck! and i cannot afford that right now. which is why i sort of pivoted to writing the 2000 follower celebration sidegame as a way to enjoy myself while i hurtle through hell sdjgbdfhfdgh
shortly after this thing with the laptop the house i was living in was sold out from underneath me, even though it wasn't supposed to be, and i had to find somewhere to live with my 18 year old cat, but the city i lived in had zero places that would allow cats (they're totally fine with Dogs though of course) so i had to move to an entirely new city on my own while worrying about her health. and right now i spend every fortnight desperately trying to scrape together enough to survive the next fortnight. there were entire months where i had no access to internet! it's been pretty Bad!!
so i get that people really want updates, and i'm really flattered that people do and it makes me happy that people like the game so much. but i am currently expending so much time and energy trying not to die lmfao, and i need to save up the money to get my files back around that. i truly cannot tell you when the next update will be, but i promise you that it Haunts me, probably more than you can imagine XD the sidegame will Definitely come out before it though, if that's something you're looking forward to.
thank you again for your message, and i'm sorry that i don't have good news for you. but i am trying, constantly. every day.
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johannestevans · 1 year
Hey, I'm a big fan of your work and longtime follower, and I have a question re: navigating hookups while having Issues if you have the time and feel like you can answer (or want to toss it out to your followers.)
Basically, I have some pretty extensive csa trauma, and I haven't had a lot of sexual experience. I've been doing a lot of self-discovery lately and have been really intensely craving and fantasizing about getting to know and play with some cocks. I'm in the process of doing therapy for the trauma and extracting myself from a shitty relationship situation, and while I've had some fun exchanging pictures and videos online, I want to try dipping my toes into exploring irl hookups...
...but I'm not sure what the best way to navigate the potential trauma timebomb is! I genuinely don't know whether or not I'll end up getting triggered when I'm actually faced with a real cock in front of me, because I've never been in that situation as an adult. I'm not looking for another relationship, although I wouldn't mind an ongoing casual fooling-around-buddies type of thing. And while I'm okay with fantasy talk and exchanging pictures/videos, right now at least I'm not comfortable actually letting someone else touch/see my body when we're together - I pretty much just want to find someone who has a dick who is cool with letting me play with it for a while.
I'm not sure what the most, I guess, graceful way of communicating "I've had bad experiences in this area and I'm trying to experiment and really want to just touch someone's junk for a while without any reciprocation at all, but also I don't really know what I'm doing, and also there's a nonzero chance that trying might freak me the fuck out" - I have a pretty good idea of what I know are firm boundaries and where I suspect there could be problems, but I'm just not sure how to go about communicating it in a hookup app type environment without telling random strangers way more about my life and business than I want to.
So I was wondering, since you've also mentioned dealing with similar experiences if not having exactly the same type of issues bc of it, if you had any suggestions for when or how to bring it up in a way that communicates the necessary information without getting into the nitty-gritty details?
Honestly, Anon, I think you're overthinking it a little - you don't ever need to explain anything at all, let alone get into the details.
You don't even need to focus on not wanting to be touched - you can put the focus on wanting to touch and play with the other person without a need or desire for reciprocation.
Some people want to just show up and give someone a handjob or a blowjob with no reciprocation, and it's the most normal thing in the world - lesbians have stone butches, gay men absolutely have similar equivalents where like...
Someone might not want their dick touched because they have erectile dysfunction; they might be in a chastity cage, or have an agreement with partners or doms that they not be touched below the belt; they might be celibate, semi-celibate, or ace; they might be very sensitive and prone to premature ejaculation or immediate; they might be going somewhere else later and don't want to come too soon; they might be insecure about the size or shape of their genitalia; they might be poz or have lasting anxieties around HIV or other infections and thus prefer only giving oral without receiving anything or doing other forms of penetrative sex; they might, like you, be traumatised or otherwise touch-averse. They might just be in the mood to suck a dick!
I think your brain has jumped to the explanation part when like...
I don't think a lot of people would necessarily ask in the MLM cruising scene? Like.
If I've showed up and said, "listen, I just want to suck your dick then hit the bricks, that cool?", I doubt that you're gonna go, "Hey, why only the dicksucking? Why don't you want to do something else?" because like. We met up for the dicksucking thing, and I already said I didn't want to do anything else. People are generally chill with that because like I said, there's a million reasons why.
To use an example, like... I frequently tell hook-ups I'm not interested in kissing on the mouth, or that I don't like kissing on the mouth, which generally, I don't - I'm quite picky about it.
People have expressed disappointment when I've said I don't like it, or gone, "Aw, okay," or similar. No one, out of dozens of men, has ever asked me why I don't like it in response to the boundary as I set it - a few have asked about it after we're done, and it's always been in a casual way that's curious and just interested in what makes other people tick.
The thing about the MLM cruising scene is that a lot of us are having a lot of sex. We're having sex with different people, we're learning what we like and what we don't like and what our quirks are, and in the process of that you become quite comfortable setting boundaries or asking for the specifics you like without worrying so much about if they're odd or weird or esoteric to other people - not wanting to be touched reciprocally when you're just interested in dispensing a blowjob or playing about with a dick is barely odd at all in the scheme of things, and even if it were, a lot of people wouldn't necessarily ask the whys and reasons for it. They'd just say "yes" or "no" as to whether they want to be involved.
And same for tapping out, like... Any reason, at any time, you can just say, hey, sorry, I'm not feeling this, and head out. It happens all the time!
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So, I've not watched 911, nor do I know anything about it beyond what I've been reading on your blog in recent months.
Needless to say, the recent "discourse" has me beyond horrified, not only as a parent of two young kids (and a decent fucking person), but as a survivor of CSA. I am beyond words at the mental gymnastics you, and others, have encountered by the people defending that fic. Like, you deal with that shit daily in this hellscape, but this is a whole new level.
If pushing back against CSA being broadcast on Ao3 as entertainment makes you an "anti", then okay, cool. Label me an "anti" too then. It's well worth it.
"Anti"-white supremacy 👍
"Anti"-TERF 👍
"Anti"-CSA 👍
"Anti"-government usurping control of a person's body 👍
Any and all levity aside, the sheer (and frankly deliberate, at this point) lack of reading comprehension and overall intelligence at the pushback you've received over this is mind boggling.
Hit dogs holler, indeed. At least you've been able to fortify your block list.
You're doing good work, Evan. As exhausting as it is, keep it up, my friend.
Steph 🫶
I hope you know that you are a wonderful human being who deserves nothing but peace and kindness.
I’m putting the rest of this under a cut for mention if CSAM and mentions of triggering bigotry:
The 911 fandom is a mess-mess. From “joking” that people should be allowed to publicly execute men for flirting with men in a way that gives them the “ick.” To arguing that queer men are liars and cheats who spread disease. To joking about queer men dying of AIDS. To routinely using either the mammy trope or “sassy black” trope to characterize the Black Women of the show. To routinely hypersexualizing—like—the token Latiné character or relying on the “sassy Latin” trope in their characterization of him, too. To defending ableism. To now defending CSAM and a literal pedophile who has written several fics featuring CSE (that are often mis-tagged, mis-described, mis-rated, and re-uploaded under new names to get people to accidentally read them).
And if someone’s response to “Hey, we should do something about this” is to go “Nooo! But my blorbo fan fantasies,” they need to log-off and go touch grass; spend several days talking to people in-person instead of through a screen. It’s about the most chronically online BS reaction someone could have.
As you said— this shit shouldn’t be broadcast for entertainment. And that’s what’s getting lost to people. These fics are very truly explicit material featuring sexual fantasies about children, and they’re being posted for arousing entertainment. The person may have claimed they were doing this to punish fans for supporting a (new) canon queer relationship, but given how they’ve expanded their tags to catch wider audiences, that is clearly not the case. They want you to read it and enjoy it.
Like… I understand that there are a lot of powerful men in important positions who uses moral affronts to CSAM to actually censor queer people or information on bodily autonomy. But assuming that anyone who claims to care about child sexual exploitation is actually lying and has nefarious motives is… dangerous. And fallacious. It is so-so important to actually analyze what an individual is saying and how. There’s a difference between “there should be a report function specifically for CSEM” and “we should shut this site down because the people who use it are porn-obsessed degenerates.” There’s a difference between “I don’t think this site should have an anonymous feature because it allows users to easily subvert a block, and protecting a block should be the responsibility of the site, not the individual user” and “this site is full of dangerous kinks that could give kids ideas, so all of it must go!”
But if you can just lump anyone who disagrees with you into one group and label them “bad and oppressing me,” then you don’t need to critically analyze your own gut/emotional reaction to what they said. And what they said might have actually been a fairly reasonable—and incredibly moderate—step forward.
All I suggested was more robust blocking and reporting mechanisms on a BETA site.
It’s telling that they only bring out the chronically online names and discourse terms when it’s about CSAM. Many (but definitely not all) of the very people going to bat for never, ever changing Ao3 because it’s “perfect” were also the same people who unironically argued that two adult fictional men over the age of 30 joking about a 10 yr or less age gap between them are “predatory” and “making light of incestuous abuse.” Although, IDK what else I could expect from people who “joked” that they hoped certain fans would kill themselves over fictional characters.
Something about the whole thing screams “I only protect power and its narratives.”
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kenobster · 1 year
9 and 16 (anakin and obi wan) for the ask game please. im sorry but im not at all lol. love ur writing <3
Omg thank you so much!! For the ask and for the kind words. :') Hahahhaha these two questions are great, I LIVE for these questions.
from the Unhinged Star Wars Ask Game: Round 2
9. Who’s more kinky: Obi-Wan or Anakin?
(Note: For this question, I'm taking them in their default states, not in the context of a relationship with any specific character.)
I don't really find either of them particularly kinky! However, I absolutely do think that Obi-Wan is the kinkier of the two.
(Obi-Wan Headcanons:) I think throughout the horniest of his Padawan years, Obi-Wan had tons of casual sex with some of his trusted friends, but that, once those pesky adolescent hormones tapered out, he slowed down and became less of a THOT. So, as a teen, he probably tried all sorts of things and has a vast array of experiences in the bedroom... but as an adult, he's already formed a pretty good idea of what he likes and doesn't like, and he enjoys what he likes as it comes and/or is available to him (aka, he's not gonna die without sex lol). His biggest preferred kinks would maybe have something to do with his feelings of inadequacy or his perfectionism complex. I think that a little bit of BDSM play would feel really nice to him for that — as long as it was spontaneous and nothing super intense or deliberate. Like someone being rough with him or some sexy demeaning talk might get him going, as long as everything stayed super lighthearted and softcore (and as long as the sexual relationship was mutual re giving and receiving.)
(Anakin Headcanons:) Anakin, however, is as vanilla as they come. If you've never heard the song Jizz in my Pants by Lonely Island, first of all, I promise that you will NOT regret watching this (let it get to the first chorus before you give up — it's HILARIOUS, I swear). Second of all, I think this describes Anakin's kinks (and his feelings about Padme) pretty spectacularly. I don't think Anakin's at all opposed to trying certain kinks, and I do think that he's the type of person who can get into anything if it's making his partner happy (he is the subbiest sub in the galaxy and has a praise kink with the mass of a black hole lol) — he just doesn't seek kink out. He doesn't need to! He'll jizz his pants from a lap dance. Hell, he'll jizz his pants from a strip tease. He'll masturbate the same exact way every time, and it will probably last 2 minutes tops. During Anakin's teenage years, Obi-Wan probably wrote a review just like this one, but was appalled at Anakin's clear lack of variety — no experimentation, no curiosity whatsoever. Just a photo of Padme, a pack of lube, and a box of kleenex.
If we're talking Obi-Wan versus Vader, however, specifically in how it relates to, ahem, Vaderwan..... well, for that, my answer might change.
16. Describe Obi-Wan's and Anakin's undergarment preferences.
For Anakin, I headcanon that he has ADHD. That means he, more likely than not, has some sensory issues associated with ADHD. I think these sensory issues would particularly apply to tactile information as shown by his clear hypersensitivity (i.e. his dislike of sand) and the way he seeks stimuli (i.e. his interest in working with his hands, specifically with his prosthetic or droids). Thus, in relation to his undergarments, tactile information is probably extremely important to him.
The type fabric would be one consideration. I think he'd like something smooth and silky and/or velvety, instead of anything coarse or rough. And I think his metric for classifying fabric as course or rough would skewed compared to the average individual's metric — so linen and maybe even cotton would be out.
Another consideration (and possibly an even more important one) would be the size and shape of the undergarments. Assuming boxers/underwear, that elastic band would need to go high enough on his waist so that it's not slipping down all the time — but it would also need to be loose enough to not be a constant bothersome pressure (so probably high-rise boxers, a size up from his actual size). (Yes, I am speaking from experience and projecting this experience onto him, shut up. XD In seriousness, I bet there's a reason his Jedi robe is clearly a size up from what would fit. He clearly prefers loose-fitting clothes that don't bunch up and cause annoying sensory issues at specific points.)
Anyway, I don't know how underwear/boxers work in relation to dicks, but I imagine that's a huge deal for him, too, and would require just as much consideration of the above. In other words, however that shit operates, it needs to be the right texture and not too tight.
For Obi-Wan, he is a minimalist with a theme, but he also seems very finnicky about things being orderly and neat. There is so much going on in this man's life and he has very little control over literally any of it. I think Obi-Wan would be the type to try to simplify/organize what he can to minimize disruption to his routine as much as possible — that way, the disruptions outside of his control are less disruptive. (For example, if he keeps himself at a constant 0, then 12yo Anakin throwing a sensory-overload tantrum can't tip him over into 100. And 12yo Anakin has many sensory-overload tantrums. XD)
In terms of undergarments (again, assuming boxers/underwear), the first order of business would be to make sure they're all exactly the same. Cotton/linen/satin/muslin/etc? High-rise/hipster/other-boy-styles-that-I-don't-know? Beige/dark brown/white/whatever? Doesn't matter — as long as they all are absolutely identical. Obi-Wan is not going to spend fifteen minutes every morning searching his drawer for the exact pair he wants. That would be even more ridiculous than spending fifteen minutes trying to match socks. Obi-Wan wears earthy colors and simple robes because of how easy it is to match them with each other. He can reach into his tidied closet and grab the first set of tunics he sees. Of course, Obi-Wan secretly finds shades of brown upon shades of brown extremely aesthetically pleasing — but he will never admit this choice is anything but a tactic to save time.
The second order of business? Well, Obi-Wan is a man who prepares in advance. He is well aware of the possibility of things going to shit within a fraction of a second. One minute, he may be indulging in a nice cup of tea in his quarters on The Negotiator, and the next he might be knee-deep in the muddy trenches of some swamp planet. A well-functioning pee flap in one's underwear is critical — and it better be easy and quick to finagle whenever he's taking a quick piss while dodging blaster fire. (It's not just him. Everyone has to pee at some point. And the clones HATE their codpieces, yo.)
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dadjokeslady · 2 years
genuinely i mean this in good faith: if you understand that biological sex is immutable and real, and that saying so is not transphobia, I think you will find that many terf/radfem blogs aren't "pure transphobia". but if you decide it's not for you or you don't agree, I have to give you credit for being open to other views-- not many people are willing to take the time to do that.
Well, buckle up, this is gonna be a wild ride.
Sex has multiple facets, you can see it as chromosomal, physiological, hormonal or secondary characteristics...
Chromosomal informs physiological informs hormonal informs secondary characteristics.
Chromosomal is immutable, every trans person in the whole fucking world knows it, if you see some pretending trans people would say otherwise, it's a straw man.
Hormonal is absolutely mutable, and so is secondary characteristics, someone presenting it as immutable is in serious need of re reading a couple things, that said, nobody is seriously saying you can't change your hormones, develop breasts, deepen the voice and most of the secondary sexual characteristics.
Physiologically, it is possible to change up to a certain point, namely, you can remove gonads, which medically makes someone intersex to some degree.
Now, let's be honest, I don't have the faintest idea of what are my chromosomes, it is probably XY, given the physiological expression I have, but it might as well be a weird condition...
If you see a trans person whose transition is fairly well going, you won't be able to tell their physiological state, you can, to some degree, assume that a trans woman do not have ovaries, but you can't know much more than that.
Now lemme finish it, saying sex is immutable is not necessarily transphobic, but it's a pretty good sign of other positions one might hold that are necessarily transphobic. The discussion is nuanced as fuck, and screaming that "sex is immutable" seems a lot like an attack on a straw man that prelude another hell of transphobic shit...
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musecaravan-info · 1 year
Finn Ilios
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"You are magic. Don't ever apologize for the fire in you." ~ Unknown ~
Basic Information
AGE: Very Old; born in 8000 BCE - probably during the summer months
EYES: A blue so pale it's almost disconcerting
HAIR: Bright Orange; she usually wears it long and loose down her back
PRIMARY OUTFIT: She loves a variety of styles, but the themes tend to stay the same: lots of warm colors - red, orange, gold, yellow - with a splash of shine, sparkle, or glitter as accents
On the outside Finn had a very bubbly, friendly demeanor - it’s not all that she is, but it does play a large part. This is what often gives others the impression that she’s naïve or simple-minded. It’s not a façade, per say, it’s just how she chooses to be - to always see the happiness and good in things. She knows there’s bad and evil in the world, but she doesn’t want to give it power by acknowledging its existence. Like all dragons, she has a wisdom that isn’t often matched (even by Apollo) and if someone managed to make her angry it would come in a sharp burst of intensity - the kind where she wouldn’t realize or regret what she’d said or done until she’d had a chance to calm down.
Powers & Weaknesses
To avoid repetitiveness, go here.
Finn isn’t an overly sexual creature, despite how one might be mislead by her physical appearance and overly-friendly personality. She’s not immediately going to hit on someone she finds attractive, although she will openly and honestly compliment them. But Finn doesn’t see it as the same thing - she’s just being honest - not flirty. However, she appreciates sex as an act that creates pleasure for both partners, and is rarely offended or put-off when someone expresses an interest in her. Finn also doesn’t see any reason why two people need to be ‘in love’ to take part in such things, so if she were propositioned, she wouldn’t be likely to say no if the one suggesting it was someone she found physically attractive. There might be other things which would factor in that might lead her to say no (like a really terrible personality) but in general, she won’t.
Where to Find Her
Finn is one of those people that can be found just about anywhere, so in regards to picking a place to start an RP, I'm pretty flexible. Here are some generic ideas:
Ballet/Music/Theater performance
City park/botanical garden
Famous landmarks
Fashion show
Just because a verse isn't listed here doesn't mean I'm not interested in writing it. I adore all kinds of AUs, and welcome the chance to get creative with my muses. If you've seen a verse that another of my muses has, and you'd like to see this muse in something similar, let me know. You can also check out my 'Plot Ideas' tag, too. ^_^
Main Verse:
Finn's main verse can actually be explored in this bio post. It seems silly to re-type it all here. ^_^;
Current/Ongoing Threads
If your thread with Finn isn't listed here it's probably because it's been long enough since your last reply that I thought you'd dropped it. Message me to let me know you're still interested, and I'll happily add you to the list (with no pressure for a reply.) ♡
The Nature Of Secrets
Stuff That's Good to Know Before Starting a Thread
She has a sun-shaped scar over her heart where Apollo critically wounded her.
Apollo was the love of her life - her mate; there won't ever be anyone who comes close to him. However, that doesn't mean Finn isn't capable of caring/loving someone new. It won't be the same for her, but she can still show affection for someone given enough time and trust.
Please keep in mind, this blog is an ongoing work in progress. Not all of these links may lead somewhere, but they're here because they link to potential tags for this muse.
All Things Finn
All Threads
Ask Replies
Meme Replies
Special Links
Original Blog
Finn's Wardrobe
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top-divorce-lawyer · 2 years
What If Husband Not Signed At Divorce Papers And Trying To Do Marriage
A divorce becomes contentious if your spouse declines to sign the divorce documents. Although the divorce still proceeds, the procedure probably takes longer.
A contested divorce occurs when just one spouse wants to get a divorce, and the other spouse is unwilling to do so by not signing the divorce papers.  However, depending on the parties' respective religions (personal laws) or the statutes under which divorce is sought, such as the Hindu Marriage Act, Christian Divorce Act, Muslim Personal Laws, etc., the grounds may be slightly different.
Potential Issues in a Divorce Case
Even if your husband refuses to sign any documents, you can still obtain a divorce. This aspect, though, can slightly alter the procedure. Therefore, you must specify one of two grounds in order to obtain a no-fault divorce. It includes when:
Mental Cruelty
Both parties concur to file for divorce.
Separation extending to a year
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You cannot claim mutual consent if your partner refuses to sign the divorce papers. You must instead apply for a fault-free divorce on the grounds of a year of separation. This may cause the process to take much longer. The best part is that you can satisfy this criterion without your spouse's consent. Before filing, you merely need to live separately from the other person for a year and refrain from any sexual activity and prove the case of adultery or mental cruelty against you.
If your husband refuses to sign, they might decline to take any further part in the divorce proceedings. You can still get a divorce, but it won't be as straightforward as if you and your spouse worked together mutually.
You can still submit the divorce petition, and if your spouse doesn't respond or show up for court appearances, you can prove that you made enough effort to serve your spouse with divorce papers, for which the judge may grant a court judgment.
Role of Lawyers
Help in re-serving the divorce papers- The Lawyers help in reserving the divorce papers to your spouse so that it would help in the court proceedings to produce evidence that you have sent the divorce papers and your spouse has received them.
Provide with the idea of a Process Server- Someone who physically serves legal papers to the respondent is known as a process server. The lawyers provide the idea of using the database to find someone and serve divorce papers by going to their house, place of business, or another known address. The process servers provide a document as proof that the divorce papers were actually delivered.
Help in Drafting an Application for Dispensed Service- If everything else fails, the final option is to move forward with the divorce by filing an application for dispensed service. You would need to demonstrate to the judge that you used all available means to get in touch with and notify your spouse of the impending divorce through the help of lawyers.
Everyone suffers from stress throughout a divorce. The divorcing spouse could require legal assistance to file the divorce petition and carry out the divorce in a proper manner. If the other spouse is reluctant to aid or collaborate to bring about a favorable end to the divorce, then the lawyers come into the picture.
Thus it is advised to hire a divorce lawyer because getting a Contested Divorce, in particular, can feel like a war. While the lawyer will need to interact with you in order to obtain information for the case, he or she will also handle all the paperwork, giving you more time to look after yourself and your family. Due to his years of expertise with situations like yours, an experienced divorce lawyer can give you professional guidance on how to approach your divorce.
If any situation like yours arises in a divorce and you want to file a contested divorce case in Gurgaon, then a Divorce Lawyer in Gurgaon can be appointed. Also if any situation like yours arises in a divorce and you want to file a contested divorce case in Cuttack, then a Divorce Lawyer in Cuttack can be assigned. Likewise, a Divorce Lawyer in Delhi can be assigned if any situation like yours arises in a divorce and you want to file a contested divorce case in Delhi.
You can talk to a lawyer through Lead India Law. You can ask a legal question online for free at Lead India Law, giving you access to free legal advice online.
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lesbianrobin · 2 years
Ahh I hope you’re getting some sleep but also bc I am petty and easily annoyed I hate the way a lot of the fandom writes Steve’s self discovery as just being like “wow wait there’s a word for liking both, cool then I am bisexual and finally able to act upon my feelings only now that I’ve discovered a label”. For one, it reminds me too much of the chronically online debate that hyper focused on this idea that all aspects of queerness must be labeled first and then experienced through that label and it’s accompanying identity markers. It also feels so demeaning to act like in a time pre internet where many people were forced to live in limited information silo, they couldn’t act upon their attraction or live queerly until they found out about bisexuality etc. And Steve canonically is not that good at remembering names of things, this man would simply not be the one who needs to know the name of something before he can act. I do like the idea though that Steve would explain it in the context of a sports metaphor bc that tracks. Robin would definitely call herself a lesbian and dyke tho. Also secondly these teens are living in rural Indiana, they aren’t gonna know shit about larger community intra-politics,they’re focused on finding joy in a hostile place.
Okay sorry final thought, but in my opinion I think it’s actually more likely that Steve and Robin know about the same amount of gay lore . Robin has already told Steve everything she knows, and is just so relieved to have someone that she can share all the little crumbs of culture she’s collected while being closeted. And then later Stave takes her to gay bar up in Chicago or Indy and honestly Robin kinda dances and is overwhelmed but he’s just like vibing bc drugs and sex are not new to him. The man was popular!and keg king! In season one it is implied he has sex with girls regularly! Idk it just feels so strange when people insist that somehow he’s a prude or inexperienced, like your Puritan upbringing is showing, regular meaningless sex is actually fine. (Also strong agree that Eddie is a virgin, that man stood on a cafeteria table to lecture about DnD, who looks at that and is like hmmm yes, someone who is getting down and dirty regularly)
i agree with everything u said here!! god ESPECIALLY re: labels. steve just is not the kind of person who would need a clear label and definition in order to understand himself. like i can understand him finding comfort in realizing "bisexual" is an established term and it's common enough to be A Thing but like you said it just makes no sense for steve to act like he's totally baffled by his own attraction to people up until someone gives him a word for it. i could see that with a character like nancy because she tends to like things to be very clear and defined but steve is very much the type to go with the flow and just trust his feelings!
like this is the guy who confessed to his crush on the bathroom floor after puking just because he saw the opportunity to be honest about how he felt even though the moment was objectively not romantic at all. steve listens to his heart and does whatever feels right in a given moment and i think he's more than capable of understanding his own sexuality without relying entirely on a label.
ur just So right it's a very like. online take on sexual identity and self-discovery nckdncnfnc
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a-d-nox · 2 years
Hello.. I have read few posts where they describe having Nessus in someone's first house is dangerous because it indicates murder and I have had this with several close friends but no physically assassination attempts (in some cases I have been Nessus and in others I have been the house, I have even had this position with conjunction Asc with them tho)... i wanted to ask for an answer for this because they never say the reasons for that observation:] thank u! thank u! X
:/ idk why my first reaction is “:/” but it is. before answering this question, i felt compelled to write out his myth (click here to check it out). firstly, nessus was NOT a murderer. the assault that occurred was either sexual or a means to abduct deianira. but no murder was involved, aside from hercules killing him (we could say nearly any synastry with a murderous character asteroid in your 1h indicates the potential for harm but personally i do not).
BUT with all that in mind if we wanted to we could give every asteroid a dark motive. pan (4450) can be stalker and molester, aphrodite (1388) could be a brain dead narcissist, odin (3989) could be suicidal, dionysus (3671) could be a drunker, etc. i refuse to be told only negative things about placements and synastry aspects and so should everyone else reading this. if you are going to be a murderer or get murdered it’s about aspects too - it’s not just some asteroid in some house. the same goes for all the placements above. i love helping people out with ideas about what placements and aspects mean but even then it’s not always accurate because it’s a holistic practice. it’s always about one asteroid when in reality it should be the chart in its entirety. 
but if you are ever curious you could use the multiple asteroids discussed in a myth. personally, i would have put nessus (7066), dejanira (157), and heracles (5143) all in the synastry chart together to be as accurate as possible.
nessus-dejanira negative synastry aspects (use the pdf version to see the aspects and orbs) may indicate the nessus person sexually assaulting or holding the dejanira person captive. while positive synastry aspects may indicate the nessus person aiding the dejanira person through obstacles they couldn’t face alone or the nessus person being enamored by the dejanira person so much so that they just want to be with them by whatever means necessary.
if you are a feminine dealing with a masculine, you are likely to experience this enchantment if someone’s nessus is in your 1h. how this plays out, if there are no nessus-dejanira aspects, depends on the aspects of nessus on your personal planets.
nessus-heracles negative synastry aspects may indicate the nessus person betraying the heracles person’s trust or the heracles person violently reacting to the nessus person’s actions. while positive synastry aspects may indicate the heracles person placing extreme trust in the nessus person or the nessus person providing a service for the heracles person.
if you are a masculine dealing with a masculine, you are likely to have a positive and trusting initial meeting with the person who’s nessus is in your 1h. how this plays out, again if there are no nessus-heracles aspects, depends on the aspects of nessus on your personal planets.
my main point is that i personally don’t believe that just looking at just one asteroid that has a myth with many asteroids attached is beneficial. it’s like reading one or two chapters of a book and saying you’ve read the whole thing. it’s the reason why since the very beginning i have provided you with the other character asteroids from the myths i retell. a post like this and my aphrodite signs, degrees, houses, and aspects post should help you to see into my mindset as to how i read astrology in a situation. in your chart - RELATE BACK TO THE MYTH. in synastry - RELATE BACK TO THE MYTH.
i hope that this helps everyone who is reading this and maybe inform some of us to re-approach some of the synastry assumptions and observations we have made. we should all keep in mind that the stars and planets are based on history and myth.
please let me know if you all enjoyed this - if you would like me to revisit any of the asteroids i have already covered and do something similar.
please use my “suggest a post topic” button if you want to see a specific mythical asteroid next!
click here for the masterlist
click here for more greek myths & legends
want a personal reading? click here to check out my reading options and prices!
© a-d-nox 2022 all rights reserved
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rpbetter · 3 years
Hopefully, you’re not one of the muns out there who has slapped a “PTSD” label on your muse(s) for drama only. You are, instead, treating this topic with respect and the realism that comes with that, not only having it accurately impact your muse when it’s convenient and “fun” for you. Well, that respect and realism includes actually knowing and applying the correct diagnosis and symptoms as well.
In your defense, if you have misdiagnosed your muse, common terminology in media and even among trauma sufferers is often just the blanket-statement of PTSD. Also, as the abbreviations imply, they do have things in common. 
To help, I’m going to break down their differences and similarities, then provide some research links including personal accounts to help you get started.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder most often comes from a single traumatic event.
What can be a traumatic event can differ widely, and reasonably so; we’re not all the same person, processing events and emotions the same way, or with the same formative life experiences. What might cause PTSD to develop in one person might be processed by another as a frightening or painful incident, but not one that has left them with PTSD. The symptoms, individual, and incident have to all be taken into account.
That being said, some examples would include:
having a severe accident
being mugged or in a store that is robbed
physical or sexual assault
being involved in a shooting, in any way
death of a loved one
an unexpected explosion or sudden, natural event like a mudslide or tornado
a severe natural or man-made disaster (building collapse, mass flooding)
events outside of oneself like witnessing a violent assault, murder, deadly car accidents, terminal illness or injury
Again, it is important to remember that individuals react in individual ways, and as such, their symptoms can express with some variation. Don’t just mimic the same presentations you’ve seen in media, research a variety of real experiences.
However they manifest, key symptoms of PTSD include:
Re experiencing the event by way of nightmares, flashbacks, and repetitive, intrusive, and intensely upsetting images, thoughts, and sensations. This is the most common symptom of PTSD, in which the person involuntarily and vividly relives the trauma.
Avoidance and emotional numbing, going to extremes to avoid not just potential triggers, but also finding any way possible to push memories of the event out of their minds. When the latter occurs and is extreme, the person is trying to feel nothing at all, seeking a path to emotional numbness. That can include substance use and abuse, self-harming, and other harmful behaviors.
Feeling on edge (”Hyperarousal”) is the ultimate inability to relax, constantly looking for threats, perceiving threats that are not to be found, and being easily startled. Some of the common issues with being locked into this state include difficulty sleeping or even insomnia, severe irritability and irrational seeming aggression, angry or aggressive outbursts, and finding concentration difficult to impossible.
Some other things that might develop with PTSD are:
Other mental health concerns like anxiety, depression, and/or phobias
as said above, harmful behaviors like self-harming and substance abuse
physical symptoms like headaches, stomach and digestive upsets, dizziness, and generalized pain
Like all disorders, PTSD is complex. I, again, implore you to research not only information put out by psychiatric professionals but also the experiences of real people.
Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder occurs when a person experiences repeated, consistent trauma, especially at an early age.
That doesn’t mean that adults cannot and do not develop C-PTSD, they do, and for a variety of reasons; adult sufferers have the same points of origin in the diagnosis as children do. Additionally, it may take years for someone to seek help, feel their symptoms are severe enough to need to, or be able to extricate themselves from the situation in order to receive help of any kind. They may be an adult by the time this happens.
The important thing to remember about C-PTSD is that it isn’t a single traumatic incident, and you are more likely to have this form of PTSD if the trauma occurred early in life, it was inflicted by someone close to you, and/or was inflicted by someone you still see on a regular basis.
Some good examples to give you the idea include:
ongoing domestic violence
child abuse and/or neglect
being raised by a parent with a severe disorder like Narcissistic Personality Disorder
repeatedly witnessing violence or abuse
being a part of a cult
being a victim of human trafficking or slavery
It isn’t “complex” because it is always across the board “more severe.” This isn’t simply “even worse PTSD,” and shouldn’t be treated like that. Its source is more complex, the development and embedded varieties of its impact are, and the ongoing treatment is.
Particularly when C-PTSD occurs in childhood, there are lasting effects on a person’s development. They have developed in an environment that constantly has them highly stressed both physically and psychologically, and in which they learn many ways of coping, lessening or negating harm, and so on, that leave them less than optimally functional and integrated in life outside the situation.
While the person has the symptoms of PTSD, they will additionally exhibit:
difficulty developing and/or maintaining relationships of any sort
intense, consistent feelings of worthlessness, shame, and guilt
problems managing and even understanding their own emotions
suicidal thoughts
increased risk-taking behaviors
Those who have had their actual development rerouted to deal with the situations that generate C-PTSD have a higher incidence of physical symptoms, suicide, self-harm, substance abuse, and are at higher risk of repeat victimization.
They might go for some time without realizing that their daily experiences are neither the norm nor something sustainable, or how atypical their traumatic experiences were compared to those around them. It can sometimes take a serious life-event (suicide attempt, drug rehab, losing too many jobs, homelessness, or finding themselves in a genuine, loving relationship) for them to fully recognize something is wrong, and even then, their feelings of worthlessness, ingrained lack of self-confidence, and belief that they don’t deserve any better can prevent them from seeking help outside of themselves.
They may also believe that something is just “wrong” with them, that they are innately messed up, or that they have a different mental illness. And the unwillingness to open up to people, relieve events, etc. can additionally leave them unwilling to seek or continue care when they believe they have a different, underlying problem. Again, choosing to deal with this themselves through self-isolating, self-medicating, and seeking only relationships and jobs that will work within the framework of the disorder as it effects them.
Additionally, many sufferers of both C-PTSD and PTSD experience the same sense of societal shaming surrounding mental illness. They may struggle with denial, and refuse to seek assistance due to the stigma and all it entails.
Shared aspects of PTSD and C-PTSD
They’re both, obviously, severe, life-altering trauma experiences and resultant disorders. They both easily make the sufferer feel like the trauma and disorder is impossible or undesirable for others to deal with, that they are not worthy of being in close relationships, among many other similarities in experience living with either disorder regardless of widely varying traumas.
They share psychological and physical impacts, and there is a lot of overlap.
The core symptoms of PTSD are shared with C-PTSD:
relieving the trauma(s)
avoiding and emotional numbing
The shared physical symptoms can include:
nausea, stomach ache, and digestive upsets
difficulty sleeping and insomnia
sweating, clamminess
chest pain and difficulty breathing
manifestations of low-grade to severe pain
Shared behaviors can include:
difficulty concentrating to outright dissociating
substance abuse
being hyper-vigilant, easily startled
may seem to be over-reactive to/in situations that others are perceiving as normal or not that big of a deal due to lower perception of personal emotions and lower emotional regulation
including explosive anger or defensiveness
development of anxiety and depression disorders, the symptoms thereof
Again, both PTSD and C-PTSD are serious disorders caused by trauma, and they both need to be treated with respect and accuracy when written into a character - be that an OC or a canon character. It is unfortunate, but these symptoms and the realities of life with either disorder are often portrayed badly in wider media, and the RPC often imitates what it sees.
PTSD and C-PTSD, like the incidents of trauma that created them (rape, child abuse, domestic violence, miscarriage, etc.), are not a plot-point, other point of interest, or a character trait, let alone a “character flaw.” They’re not something you only bring up for attention, to get your muse out of a bad spot, or to add dramatics when you’re bored in a thread. Neither are they something you need to attach to your muse simply to give them A Label. These are, I cannot stress this enough, serious topics, and they deserve to be treated that way.
You can do that by defining which variety of PTSD your muse may actually have, then adding research of both the disorder and how it impacts a variety of real people. Making your muse more realistic and being dedicated to sticking with it.
Below are some links to get you started on research! Please note, the real stories, as well as some information, may be graphic or triggering. Read responsibly.
Out of the Storm - Personal Stories of C-PTSD 
-Contains real stories from those with Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Their experiences have a huge range; bullying, childhood neglect and abuse, and sexual abuse and assault.
 I Have Post-Traumatic Stress and Didn’t Know It - and You Might, Too
-Personal story of living, unknowingly, with C-PTSD. An especially great read for writers who have muses who hold a lot of responsibility in their daily lives, who may not realize their experiences are C-PTSD related, etc. Contains discussion of parental emotional abuse, mental illness and childhood trauma, and rape.
What is C-PTSD?
-Excellent resource for detailed breakdowns of C-PTSD giving without a clinical, impersonal tone. The definitions of the disorder itself, symptoms and how it manifests and impacts daily life, and much more. A highly recommended source, and one with further resources on-site.
 11 “Habits” of People Living with C-PTSD
-Short breakdown of C-PTSD, followed by snippets of specific experiences in the words of those living with the disorder, a relatively short article.
Rebecca’s Story: Living with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
-Personal story of a woman living with PTSD from, in short, being stalked by a co-worker. It’s an excellent article, particularly for how mental illnesses sufferers are treated and portrayed, and how that adds another layer of difficulty to their lives. Obviously, this may be triggering to those who have been stalked, and includes mentions of graphic threats.
My experience of PTSD
-A personal story of medical trauma resulting in PTSD. Many of the PTSD stories you’ll find are from women and involve sexual trauma or harassment, in trying to find a variety of stories, I’ve found this one. By this point, you should be noticing many similarities in these stories, regardless of specific trauma.
Leaving the Battlefield: Soldier Shares Story of PTSD
-So many muses experience PTSD through battle-related incidents, and those depictions are not always accurate in media. This is a personal story about one soldier’s experiences. His perception of PTSD, denial, and shame at having the disorder is something that echoes throughout the previous accounts. So do the similarities of daily struggles to maintain to regular life. Before anyone wants to get Tumblr Nasty about it: there isn’t any “war propaganda” present in this story, the location of it is irrelevant to what you’re supposed to be learning here. It’s literally this man’s experience, don’t.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder 
-Breakdown of symptoms and causes from Mayo Clinic, so obviously, this is more clinical-minded. Particularly useful for its lists of things like “symptoms of negative changes in thinking and mood” and increased risk-factor for other disorders.
I hope this helps you to assess and write more accurately your muses with C-PTSD or PTSD, and to consider these things more fully when having your muse experience a traumatic event in your plots.
Please, remember when you are reading these accounts, and anywhere you might encounter PTSD sufferers; these are REAL PEOPLE. Treat them and their stories with respect. You’ll note that, unlike other posts on this blog, I didn’t advise you to approach the source. Many trauma sufferers won’t be comfortable sharing their experiences for the sake of your creative hobby. You may, at your respectful discretion, discuss this with close friends you know to be impacted by PTSD, just keep in mind that respect, discretion, and only bringing the topic up when they are comfortable with it, with specific questions, is necessary here. These are not fictional characters! Do not write someone’s real experiences into your character, thread, etc. verbatim, that’s...fucked up. Thanks in advance for being responsible, respectful adults, from a real life PTSD sufferer. -Vespertine
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ocd-treatment · 3 years
Unusual Symptoms of OCD
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Obsessive-compulsive disorder has become somewhat of a stereotype in many people’s vernacular. When one likes things neat and tidy, they may say “I’m so OCD” without thinking about the implications of that, or that it’s an actual condition.
There are many symptoms of OCD that people are well aware of. These include things like ritualistic behavior, repetition, and anxiety based on change or loss. But what about symptoms that aren’t as common?
If you don’t recognize OCD symptoms in yourself or a loved one, it’s hard to know when it’s time to seek treatment.
Remember, OCD breaks down into obsession and compulsion. What kinds of things fit into these categories that aren’t normally considered OCD symptoms?
You don’t have to figure it out on your own. We’re here to talk about some lesser-known OCD symptoms so you can make an informed decision about your mental health. Read on for more.
Excessive Self-Analysis
One thing that many people don’t recognize as an OCD symptom is excessive self-analysis or a need to figure things out about the self.
This means that the person with OCD may try to assess everything about themselves until they feel comfortable with the idea that everything is “okay”. They may analyze their actions (“why did I do that?”) or emotions (“why did I feel sad about this event?”) and once they feel satisfied with their analysis, they’ll no longer be in distress.
While this isn’t a bad thing per se, this process takes up a lot of time and energy. It isn’t always possible to finish the analysis as some things don’t have clear explanations. This makes the distress worse.
Have you ever had to re-read a sentence or phrase, or even an entire page, before you felt satisfied? This can happen with books, documents, or even the subtitles on a show or movie.
OCD can cause you to become stressed about whether or not you’re understanding something correctly. To ease this stress, you may read the thing in question over and over until you feel that you’ve gotten everything that you can out of it.
Again, this isn’t bad on paper, but it makes everything take much longer.
People with OCD are often perfectionists. Many people see perfectionism as a good trait, but when it’s compulsive it turns into a serious problem.
This applies to the re-reading issue. Someone with OCD wants to make sure that they’re understanding everything perfectly before they move forward. Not doing that gives them stress.
This applies to everything. Painting, writing, schoolwork, even doing the perfect parallel parking job. Everything has to be “just-so” or it’s not good enough.
For the perfectionist, nothing is ever good enough, so they never release that stress.
Policing Other People
People with OCD don’t only police themselves and demand that personal perfection. They may begin to police the people around them as well.
These people want everything to be perfect. They can’t control others, however, so this creates rifts in the perfection that they’re unable to fix. To resolve this, they can display controlling behavior.
They may turn conversations into rituals. If someone doesn’t respond the way that they expect, they may try to correct them or re-route them in a way that fits into their perfect narrative. This can also happen during any time where the person with OCD feels slighted or experiences something that they deem an injustice.
Did someone else not get punished for the same mistake at work that you were punished for? Did someone else get a larger raise than you for no reason?
These injustices need to be corrected or the person with OCD can’t rest.
Repetitive Intrusive Thoughts
Everyone encounters intrusive thoughts from time to time. These are thoughts that are unusual and uncommon for the person experiencing them. They may be violent, overly-sexual, anxious, or “disturbing” in some way.
Someone with OCD, though, experiences these thoughts and gets stuck in them. They get caught in repetitive thought patterns. While the average person is able to let the thought pass over them, the person with OCD feels the need to over-analyze them.
Why are the thoughts there? What do they mean? Do I really feel this way?
A Need for Reassurance
People with OCD experience anxiety, and instead of self-soothing, they need reassurance from the people around them.
If someone is experiencing thoughts that their partner is leaving them, for example, despite there being no evidence to suggest this, they may need verbal reassurance that this isn’t happening, complete with evidence and emotional support.
They may encourage reassurance without asking for it. They’ll make a statement like “I hope that my job evaluation goes well” and wait for others to console and validate them.
This also relates to everyday activities, and it isn’t always verbal. If the person with OCD is anxious about an event but no one else seems anxious, this reassures them that they shouldn’t feel that way either.
The Feeling of Being “Bad”
The actions of people with OCD often stem from the feeling that they’re somehow bad or unworthy. Some people worry that they’re violent, or that they’ve done something terrible even when this hasn’t happened.
This leads people to confess to every small thing, even things that other people wouldn’t consider a problem. Things as small as stealing a pen from work can trigger intense feelings of guilt or shame.
Some people feel as though they’re definitely going to cause a car accident someday, and that this event is inevitable. They may worry that they’ve hit a person or an animal during their drive, and pull over to look for any evidence that supports that thought.
Do These Symptoms of OCD Sound Familiar?
Some symptoms of OCD aren’t as identifiable as the obvious ones, and they are often misdiagnosed as another condition. They mimic the symptoms of trauma and mood disorders.
If you think that you or a loved one is displaying signs of OCD, it’s a good idea to get a formal diagnosis so you can receive treatment. You don’t have to manage it on your own.
If you’re seeking treatment for OCD in San Diego, the Mental Health Center of San Diego wants to help. Our compassionate and qualified professionals know how to treat and support people with OCD. Contact us today so we can get to know you and start working on your treatment plan.
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vibraniumwing · 3 years
true love
a sam wilson x fem!reader soulmate au wherein you can hear the thoughts of your soulmate at random points of the day.
WARNING: slight au (?), agent!assassin!y/n, occasional swearing, y/n and sam bickering during missions and typical canon-violence (kind of mellowed down), y/n and sam being frenemies (well more on them being childish while bickering), and sexual innuendos/jokes. (18+ please. MINORS DNI.) also not beta-read so all mistakes are mine !!
A/N: listened to pink’s true love as i plotted this so feels are in order. this soulmate au has you listening to the thoughts of your soulmate at random points of the day until a mutual connection of attraction has been made, which makes you freely converse with your soulmate through your thoughts. ALSO SAM IN A TURTLENECK AKDJFDSJF AWOOGA
word count: 2.7k
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You initially had thought that you had no soulmate since you hadn’t heard from them; not even once. Until one night, while you were doing your skincare routine, you heard your soulmate’s rather explicit thoughts about another person.
Safe to say it left you hot and bothered until you went to bed (and now aware about how you should be more careful about spacing out while thinking of something rated.), rather hurt as well at the fact that they were thinking of another person’s body other than yours.
Sam on the other hand, has heard from his partner as he would like to call it a few times. The first time being rather entertaining and concerning as he heard them curse out a random person, wishing hellfire on their whole existence as this person “annoyed the living will out of them.” which made him chuckle as he soared through the sky during one of his missions.
You were flying back to the Avenger’s Compound after another mission, seeing everyone’s silent and probably as exhausted as you from another fight. You were seated in the back, slowly drifting off to sleep when your soulmate’s thoughts suddenly infiltrated your mind, “Man, she looks cute as well when she’s sleepy. She’s equally as sexy when she’s angry… Her lips are so fucking kissable, wonder how well that works in the be-”
“NO!” you suddenly jolted awake, making everyone in the Quinjet look at you with concern. Steve was the first one to speak, glancing back at you with concern. “Are you okay over there, Y/N?”
You groaned, feeling a headache forming from being bolted awake. “I-I’m fine. It’s just my soulmate. That son of a bitch is so horny.” You muttered, putting your hands over your eyes as you sighed in frustration. “They’re gawking over another person and I get to hear about it.” You continued, making a few of the heroes you’re with snicker at your demise.
“Sounds like fun if you ask me.” Sam was the first to speak up, looking at you with a shit-eating grin. “You’ll have the upper hand knowing their kinks.” He mused, relaxing in his chair as he wiggled his eyebrows, probably enjoying the way you were suffering.
You smiled at him sarcastically, scrunching your nose in the process before rolling your eyes at him and flipping him off. “Woah! Steve, she did a bad language sign!” Sam called out, making the others laugh even more and the Captain groan at the reminder of his old antics.
“Shut it, Wilson. Not everyone likes to hear their soulmates intrusive thoughts.” You countered, raising up your other hand to flip him off again, not caring if you would be called out by Steve who was sighing again. “I swear once I meet this person, I’m kicking them where the sun don’t shine for being so fucking horny all the time.”
Sam had just finished his daily laps around the compound, headphones plugged in as he listened to Michael Jackson’s Billie Jean as walked back inside of the compound, head bobbing to the beat; doing a little dance as well since he was in a rather good mood. “What’s good Metal Man” he greeted Bucky, giving the soldier a quick nod which the other looked at him with bewilderment.
He wandered into the kitchen, not paying attention to your figure that was seated by one of the island stools, busy scrolling away on your phone. Sam grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and took a big swig of the cool liquid, parched as ever from the heat when he heard his soulmate speak out all of a sudden.
“Why the fuck does this say The Falcon doesn’t look handsome? He’s a fucking sex god if I’ve ever seen one.” Those words were enough to make him choke on his drink, dropping the bottle on the floor as he coughed out the water from the wrong pipe. This made you jolt in your seat and look at him in concern. “What’s wrong with you?”
He shook it off, tapping his chest to sooth the subtle burn from what happened moments ago. He still managed to smirk at you, cocking up an eyebrow. “Concerned about me, are you baby?” before straightening up. “I just got started from what my soulmate said.”
You pride yourself in having the patience of a saint when it comes to people but something about Sam Wilson and his ego just irks you to the core. His words made you scoff in disgust, making a face at him as you hopped off from the stool and grabbed the donut you were eating, “I would rather have Bucky’s cold metal arm wrapped around my neck than be concerned about you.” You retorted, mumbling something incoherent as you passed by the said super soldier who looked confused once more.
“What the hell did I do?” He asked, looking at Sam for answers but was left with no answers as he left to go find a mop to clean up the spilled drink on the floor.
You wanted to curse the person who thought it was a bright idea to pair you up with Sam for a mission. You didn’t know if the person had a personal vendetta against you or just found entertainment in the constant fights that you had with the male but you weren’t having any of it.
The two of you were tasked to retrieve an artifact which contained a lot of sensitive information that was stolen by a former S.H.I.E.L.D employee-turned-felon and planned to release it to the world which can cause more harm than good for everyone; with the exception of criminals who target the population.
You and Sam were undercover, sitting in the corner of the busy cafe located in Soho where intel located the former agent who was meeting with someone who’s a stepping stone in releasing the files. Shifting in your seat as your eyes watched him, you took a drink of your iced latte, feeling uneasy under your companion’s stare. “What the fuck is your problem, Wilson?”
He shrugged, leaning into his own chair, “If you keep on staring you’ll blow our cover.” His tone was careful despite saying so loud, glancing at the direction of where you were looking at, seeing the agent on the phone before looking back at you. “Redwing is ready if he ever runs away, L/N.”
This made you roll your eyes, “I hate that damn machine.” You muttered, sinking into your seat as you sipped on your coffee even more.
Your stakeout was going rather well until the guy you were watching stood up, making you and Sam follow, pursuing him in the busy streets of New York. The person must’ve sensed someone following him since he started to make a run for it. “Fuck.” You muttered quietly, also starting to run, getting a headstart from Sam who commanded Redwing to follow the guy.
He slid into an alleyway and you followed him, only to be met with a gun pointed to your head. “Move and I won’t hesitate to blow your brains.” He threatened, finger on the trigger. It would be a lie to say that this didn’t bring back your memories of harsh training with actual guns pointed at your head; it caused your heartbeat to move at a much more erratic pace.
You tried to look for Sam through your peripheral view but to now avail, that is until someone suddenly shouted, “Redwing! NOW!” which caught the ex-agent off guard as he turned around, giving you the opportunity to tackle him to the ground. “Better luck next time.” You chided, holding him in place as Sam re-emerged from the other side of the alley, looking rather impressed.
“Not too shabby, Y/N.” He says, a smirk resting on his lips as he got the agent from you, pushing him against the wall to keep in place firmly. You bowed playfully, brushing your hands against your pants as you mirrored the smirk on his lips. “Couldn’t say the same for you though.” You humored, readjusting your shirt as you watched Sam turn in the then man.
He scoffed at your statement, feigning offense. “Excuse me, but without Redwing over here, you would have your brains out on the street.” He answered, motioning to the gadget flying above your head doing small little wiggles.
You rolled your eyes, starting to walk away from him. “You know you needed him, Y/N!” He hollered out, making you shake your head and laugh softly to yourself. You brought up your right hand to show him your middle finger once again, looking back at him with a small smile. “You wish, Wilson!”
“If you weren’t such an asshole Sam, I would’ve kissed you right now. But knowing your ego, it’s best to leave you hanging.”
That sentence alone left him shocked in his place, realizing who his soulmate was.
The rest of the day was quiet for you, which was quite the shocker; you hadn’t heard from Sam, not even a single “what’s up, short stuff.” If anything, you had come up to the idea that he was avoiding you like the plague. Despite the peace and quiet it provided, you missed your banters with him dar too much.
You were inside the gym, focusing your energy on throwing punches on the punching bag as your mind was shrouded with the thought of Sam suddenly avoiding you. Had you been too harsh on him? Did you actually offend him this time? You shook it off, Sam and you had literally gone through hell and back, talked so much trash about each other but never got angry; not even once. So what was his deal?
Sam suddenly re-emerged from behind you, clad in a tight-fitting shirt and some shorts, probably on his way to work out. He was still silent, which annoyed you even more, he didn’t even spare you a glance as he made a beeline for the weights. This made you roll your eyes, punching the gym equipment a bit harder out of aggression.
“If you keep that up, you might break the punching bag again.” He finally spoke up, looking at you with a blank expression as he yielded the dumbbell, flexing his arms. Your eyes travelled down to his muscles that were defined through his shirt before looking back up to meet his gaze, huffing lightly before turning away. If he wanted to be silent with you, then so be it.
“Oh c’mon now. Don’t ignore me, you literally just checked me out!” Sam pressed on, his tone now filled with mischief; he caught you and you were pretty sure he won’t let it down until you give him the attention that he wants.
But you won’t give him the satisfaction, not just yet. You were dying on the inside, wanting to just go back to the playful fights you have but your pride was at unrest. You want to see him go to an extent just to grab your attention again.
He shook his head in annoyance, mumbling something rather incoherent as he silenced himself, succumbing to your games.
Quietness enveloped the room, the only thing that could be heard was the heavy breathing from the exercises the two of you were doing. Moving from the punching bag to the treadmill, you plugged in your earphones as you listened to some tunes to entertain yourself; you’ve never heard silence quite this loud until you and Sam had completely disregarded each other’s presence.
“Oh my god, Y/N. If you weren’t so stubborn I would’ve told you that you’re my soulmate and pinned you against the wall already.”
Sam’s voice infiltrated your mind, obviously startling you, making you lose your control and twist your ankle which resulted with you falling down on the treadmill before sliding down to the floor. You groaned softly, holding on to your ankle as you winced in pain.
Sam on the other hand was quick to drop the free weight equipment he was using and ran to your side, face filled with concern. “Hey, you alright? What happened?” He questioned, hand carefully holding your achilles as he elevated it, checking for any signs of wounds.
You shook your head, refusing to believe that he was your soulmate. Goosebumps ran along your skin at his simple touch, now realizing the effect he has on you. Huffing lightly, he placed back down on the floor as he got up, dusting off his hands. “I’ll go get the first aid kit. I think you might have sprained your ankle from that fall.”
Sighing softly, you had no other choice but to let him do the work. He walked back to you and quietly worked on your ankle, gently pressing the ice to your ankle to contain its swelling, making you let out a hiss from the pain. “Don’t go biting me.” He humored, making laugh softly and rolled your eyes.
Seeing how close he was, you silently admired how his brows were furrowed in focus as he wrapped the bandage around your foot and ankle, how the sweat that littered his skin glistened in the bright light of the gym, and how hands light and gentle as he handled you which gave the butterflies at the pit of your stomach do flips.
You weren’t sure if you were able to speak with him freely through your thoughts, fearing that the attraction you had with him wasn’t mutual but you took a deep breath in, focusing your remaining energy to try and communicate with him. “Sam.”
He looked at you, “Yes?” which made you break out into a big smile, punching him lightly on the shoulder. His face of concern morphed into one of annoyance, “Hey! I’m here helping you out with your sprained ankle and you repay my kind actions by punching me on the shoulder?”
“Idiot, I didn’t even speak out loud.” You told him, catching him off-guard. You laughed softly at his surprised expression, probably not expecting that you would realize right away that you were each other’s soulmate. A smirk of triumph now adorned your lips as you wiggled your eyebrows at him, taking the opportunity to tease him even more. “Cat’s got your tongue?”
Sam chuckled, putting your foot on his thigh as he sat down on the floor, “As if I haven’t heard the incriminating thoughts that go through your mind.” He rebutted, looking around the room before meeting your gaze, a small smile adorning your lips. “You’re stuck with me now, I have the right to fully annoy you now.”
You sighed dramatically, laying on the cool floor. “What did I do in my past life to deserve this?” You playfully whined, covering your face with your hands which Sam was quick to uncover, now that he was hovering over you as he gently leaned in. “Please, I know you want me too.”
His voice deepened as it got softer, his body above yours as he spoke again, “You just didn’t know how much I wanted you too.” Normally Sam would be energetic and loud around you, to irk you beneath your skin, so seeing him so soft and gentle with you was making your brain go haywire. It was a side of you you haven’t seen yet.
Given the close proximity between the both of you, you could feel his warm breath fan out on your skin, effectively making your skin feel more flushed as it is. “How about you get a kiss from this sex god then, hm?” He managed to crack a joke, lips forming a smile as he casted a brief glance down to your lips.
You hit his shoulder, scrunching up your nose. “I can’t believe you heard my thoughts about that一 but who cares, kiss me.” And soon enough, his lips were on yours in a soft liplock. It was slow and gentle, his lips molded perfectly with yours as it portrayed the pent up emotions the both of you have been pining for each other.
The kiss had now upscaled into a much more passionate one, with his lower half playfully grinding down on you, effectively making you release a small moan which Sam took as an opportunity to let his tongue inside the wet cavern, asserting his dominance against you until
“Woah what the fuck!” was heard across the room, making you push Sam off from you as the both of you whipped your head to the door to see Bucky standing with wide eyes.
“I knew your sexual tension was high up in the air but can’t you guys fuck somewhere else?!”
TAGLIST: @lunalovecroft @gcdricreads @darthwheezely (fellow falcon simp, i just had to tag you)
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personalwritingblog · 3 years
The UpsideDown what? (Steve harringtonxx)
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THIS IS A SERIES - First chapter.
Parts - One - Two - Three - Four - Five - Six - Seven - Eight - Nine - Ten
This is a re-upload. My other account felt too clustered 
Short Description - The reader thinks Steve is cheating because he keeps bailing on your plans to meet up, one night you follow him and find him at Nancy’s house. Steve and Nancy explains what’s going on and you’re left with the information of the Upside Down.
Pairing - Steve + reader
Warnings - Swearing + Sexual remarks and scenes (Smut - not it this chapter) + Violence + spoilers for season 2
(A/n) - This is my first attempt of writing an imagine series. If you could maybe comment at the end of this or just send me a message to tell me if it is good or not. Taglist is open.
Words - 1342 (Kinda short sorry guys)
I DO REQUESTS!!!!! - Fandoms mainly include: Stranger things + Supernatural + Vampire Diaries + The Originals + game of thrones + Marvel + one Direction + Many more.
I hope you enjoy this!
You watched as Steve drove off, he was clearly upset when he hung up his phone and hastily explained to you why he had to leave, even though he couldn’t tell you who he was going to meet up with. You can’t take this anymore, you have been together for almost five months and you know it’s not that long, but you just can’t help the idea that he is cheating on you.
  Today has been the third time he’s left to go help some person who he doesn’t want to mention, and he says that he cannot explain as to why he is going to this person and what is going on because it could put you in danger. “Fuck it.” you mumbled as you grabbed your car keys and ran out to your car.
You pulled out of the drive way and sped to meet up with Steve’s car, but keeping a good distance. If you were not mistaken the road he was taking was leading up to Nancy’s house. You couldn’t take it, not that, not her. Tears were threatening to spill as Steve’s car pulled into her driveway. You didn’t stop, you didn’t even look at him as he climbed out of the car. Your eyes were focused in front of you as you made your way back to your house.
You woke up the next morning still angry at everything and everyone, how could Steve do this to you? You couldn’t even think straight as you got dressed and moved through the house like a zombie, you grabbed an apple and barely said goodbye to your parents.
 The drive to school went slowly, and the music was also not helping. It is as if every song that came up made you feel even worse about yourself. You sighed at the feeling of your heart getting heavier, it was pulling your spirit down with it. You pulled in to the parking lot, you were not prepared to face Steve. What if he wasn’t even cheating, what if she just really needed help? You forced yourself to hope for the later.
You spotted Steve’s car in his usual spot and the anger returned instantly. He climbed out of his car just as yours stopped. You grabbed your books and got out, “(Y/n)!” Steve called but you ignored him and headed straight for the building. You were not emotionally strong enough to speak to him right now. “(Y/n)!” he called again but you were not going to give in that easily.
 He grabbed your wrist right before you reached your locker. “(Y/n) what the hell?” Steve leaned on your locker and tried making eye contact, but you refused. “(Y/n) speak to me, please.” He half begged. You slammed your locker shut and stared at him, causing a few of the other students to turn and stare at you.
“How was last night?” Steve looked confused. “What?” You shook your head. “Do not try and play dumb with me, asshole.” You hissed and turned around, almost bumping in to someone. Your blood boiled when your eyes landed on Nancy’s face. “Ah, just the shithead I wanted to see! Hope you had fun with my boyfriend last night.” You said, a little bit too loudly, which caused you to feel embarrassed when people started whispering, so you blushed.
“Excuse me?” She asked in her annoying voice, clinging onto her books, eyes darting between you and Steve. “Forget it, you two deserve each other.” You mumbled and stepped away. Suddenly someone grabbed your wrist and pulled you in to a closet, you turned around to see Steve and Nancy both staring at you. “What the hell.” You exclaimed, kidnapping was not on your list for today.
 Steve pulled his fingers through his hair and looked at Nancy. “I can’t lie to her anymore. So, are you going to explain, or should I?” He asked, standing with his hands on his hips. She looked deep in thought. “Listen, I don’t want to know who kissed who first or where they touched each other, I’m out.” You sassed and tried to leave but Steve blocked your way, his hand reached for your face, but you pulled away. You could’ve sworn you saw pain flash in his eyes. “Listen here you dickhead, you are going to sit your ass down and just listen to what we are trying to say to you, or so help me God! I am not cheating!” Steve started to get angry, so you just listened and did what he said. You felt annoyed that he called you a dickhead though.
(Almost an hour and a half later.)
“I’ve already missed two of my classes just to listen to this ‘upside down’ bullshit story?” You questioned standing up, your heart was racing. Secretly you did believe the stuff they were saying, even if it was crazy. “Are you kidding me?” Steve exclaimed and threw his hands up in the air, over exaggerating. “Do you want proof?” Nancy asked you with a straight face. “Obviously.” You replied, moving your head in the way that can only be described as a bobbly head.
“Then let’s go, my brothers friend, Dustin has this lizard thing he found and it’s locked up in his bedroom.” Steve frowned. “How do you know that?” She rolled her eyes and grabbed her bag. “Mike, duh.” She then left the room, leaving you alone with Steve. You picked up your bag and draped it over your shoulder. “Well, I’m not going to miss another class, see you later.”
  You stepped forward to leave the room, but Steve stepped in front of you. “(Y/n).” He said softly, reaching for your face. You allowed him to touch you this time. His hand was warm against your skin, and the heat spread to the rest of your body. “I’m sorry.” You blurted out. Steve just nodded his head, “Yeah, I know. It was kind of funny when you called Nancy a shithead though.” He chuckled softly, now bringing both hands to your face.
He leaned in slowly, “I can’t believe you called me a dickhead, you dickhead.” You mumbled. Saying that to him made him burst out laughing. His beautiful face breaking into that heart melting smile that you loved. “You sure are beautiful.” You mumbled. Steve’s cheeks turned a very light shade of pink. “Stop that bullshit.” He smiled. “We all know who’s the real beauty here.” He said and snaked his arms around your waist, pulling you closer and making you smile. “I don’t know, who?” You asked and looked around the room. He didn’t say anything, he just pressed his lips firmly to yours, taking your breath away.
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UPDATED: An Extremely Thorough Analysis of Episode 9 - Adrian’s Story
@espanholina​ asked me to rewatch the show and re-evaluate what really happened between Takka, Sumi, and Adrian. This is about the sex/non-con scenes in Episode 9. 
UPDATED: My theory here is confirmed to be correct by the director, Sam Deats. He said this in a Twitter post. 
(On a completely unprofessional and inappropriate note, doesn’t Adrian look just positively glorious in orgasm? Wow...)
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(Rewatching Season 3)
Let me preface this by saying that I am a bisexual person and I have experienced both consensual sex and non-consensual sexual situations (with men and women) in my life. I’m also the same age as Adrian would be and I have the same personality type. Okay, analysis time… 
These are my opinions about what Adrian is thinking and feeling during the controversial sexual scene:
First, let’s look at the meaning of rape in terms of deception (which is the only type of rape that might apply here): “Rape by deception is a situation in which the perpetrator obtains the victim's agreement to engage in sexual intercourse or other sex acts, but gains it by deception or false statements or actions.” To be honest, I had no idea this is technically rape until today. It means tricking someone into sex, basically, even if they want to have sex. So basically, Adrian is giving consent, but because he was deceived in order to give consent, it is a form of rape. That being rape by deception. This is very interesting. A lot of characters in TV shows are rapists then if you really think about it. For some examples: Chandler and Joey from Friends would both be rapists because they assume false identities and use fake names to sleep with women, Saul Goodman from Better Call Saul would also be a rapist because of deceptions in order to get sex, Don from Mad Men, etc. Really, if we think about the story, their deception started long before the sex scene and continued throughout because they came to murder him and just used sex as a ploy to get him in a vulnerable position. They knew Adrian is extremely lonely (and horny, oops sorry) and used that to their advantage. I think they knew Adrian would consent and that’s why they came up with the plan.
Detailed scene analysis: Adrian can’t sleep. When Takka and Sumi enter, he looks a little surprised and concerned. He asks what is wrong. Sumi and Takka conceal their blades and consecrated handcuffs behind their backs and drop them on both sides of the bed out of view of the camera. Alucard doesn’t notice. When they put their hands on his chest and say “You’ve been so alone,” he visibly blushes. I didn’t actually notice that until the second time. I rewatched this part a lot to try and gauge his emotion - in my opinion, it’s pleasant surprise and mild shock. He looks possibly hopeful and unsure about what is happening. 
When Sumi says that it’s time for his reward, Adrian’s eyes quiver and he breathes shakily, his mouth agape when they push him down onto the bed. When Sumi kisses him, and he’s shocked at first, but then he reciprocates. He’s still shocked afterward, clear by his expression and wide eyes. When Takka strokes his cheek and leans closer, Adrian actually rises up to kiss Takka. Adrian initiated the kiss with Takka and he pulls him closer right away - there is clearly (uninformed) consent and initiation at this point on Alucard’s side for Takka. I don’t understand why Adrian would actually lift himself up and initiate the kiss with Takka if he didn’t want anything sexual/romantic to happen. If someone has a different opinion about that please let me know what you are thinking.
Is it possible he simply wanted to please? I mean, that’s possible, but Takka and Sumi came into the room by saying that “it’s time for his reward”. If he didn’t want to be doing this, would he really be initiating a kiss with Takka and pulling him in close? I don’t think so. I think Adrian is definitely bisexual and I think this was his first kiss with a man (maybe with anyone). I definitely think he’s a virgin because he’s so young and so socially isolated. Throughout this scene, Alucard’s (uniformed) consent is up to interpretation because he never stops them or protests, and yet we cannot know what he is thinking at all. The expressions of ecstasy and agony/discomfort are almost the same for many people, so it’s hard to say. Also, it’s safe to say that Alucard’s not experienced with sex or with anyone being close to him, so he could be consenting and shocked/nervous at the same time. I think Adrian is so desperate for affection, sex, and love that even though he might not feel entirely comfortable, he still wants it to continue. He wants friends, he wants to be fucked and cared for like most of us do. It seems, in the next scene clip, that Adrian is holding Takka’s waist while Takka does something - not really sure what, probably gives him a handjob. Sumi takes off his nightgown and Takka gives him a kiss. Adrian’s eyes widen in response. Sumi kisses him while topless, and his eyes are still wide with his eyebrows drawn up. This could be shock or possibly discomfort, more likely shock. When Sumi comes closer, his eyes return to normal and we see him grab Sumi’s ass and pull her towards him. Then, Adrian kisses her neck and fondles her naked breast. So, he seemed shocked at first, but then definitely consenting (by manipulation of course). I think the shock here is probably because of three things: he didn’t expect this sudden three-way sex, he’s a virgin, and he didn’t think that two people would want to have sex with him. Most people think he’s a monster, after all. He pulled her closer and initiated this foreplay, so I think he did want to do this (of course, I’m not in his head, so I can’t say for sure - this is just my best guess). I think his loneliness, horniness, and affection for his new friends is trumping any discomfort. That’s my opinion based on his personality and life story.
Adrian, Takka, and Sumi are naked together. Adrian has his arm wrapped around both of them. Adrian kisses Sumi while Takka kisses his neck and gives him a handjob. Takka kisses down Adrian’s stomach down to his cock. The camera pans to Adrian’s face and he’s hard to read. He basically is blushing, but otherwise emotionless, and then he cries suddenly. (The first time I 100% thought that this was because he felt amazing, and he was so grateful and contented to finally be receiving the pleasure and affection he deserves - I still think that might be the case here) 
UPDATE: I was right, and his crying is confirmed by the director to be tears of joy.
I watched it a couple of times. It’s certianly possible that he’s uncomfortable/scared/afraid/freaked out, but I still would guess that he’s crying because it’s feeling really amazing and healing for him. Having sex for the first time (if not all the time) is very emotional for us INTJs (Adrian and my personality type) because we rarely let ourselves be vulnerable around others. We’re not used to being close or connected to other people, and we are often lonely, so sex can be totally overwhelming for us. It can also be a weapon used against us (like it is here) because we are usually so lonely and longing for affection. I think Adrian is taking what he can get. I definitely think he wants this here, but that’s up to debate.
Next clip: It looks like Takka and Sumi are taking turns going down on Adrian (giving him head). He is shaking visibly and his expression is strained. Now, I’ll be honest this doesn’t seem out of place in a sex scene, especially for the first time. (TMI= The first time someone went down on me I think I had a similar expression - it’s kinda nervewracking to be so vulnerable. Also, having two people go down on you at once? That’s got to be nervewracking, hence the shaking) Takka kisses down Adrian’s inner thigh and goes down. He seems to be rimming Adrian (licking his asshole) in the next scene, while Sumi gives him a handjob. Their expressions are starting to get progressively creepier. But Adrian is too caught up in pleasure to notice, I think. Adrian seems absolutely overwhelmed with pleasure in the next shot, breathing heavily - I think he’s about to orgasm. Takka lifts Adrian’s leg up, presumably so he can penetrate Adrian. He seems to enter Adrian in the next shot, but it’s off-screen. Sumi gets on top of him and pins down his arms, possibly having intercourse with him at this point. It’s not very clear. Anyway, they’re having sex/raping him.
Final clip: Adrian is gasping, flushed, and coming down off his orgasm. Takka nods to Sumi that it’s time to kill Adrian. Adrian looks to see what they are doing but it’s too late. It takes him a moment to understand that they’re trying to murder him. (I’m going to cry again, oh my sweet Adrian! I’m so sorry baby you didn’t deserve this at all) 
They betray him. Adrian closes his eyes so he doesn’t have to see them die. He turns away.
Adrian whispers finally, “I never lied to you.”
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So, anyway, my final opinion is that Adrian is giving consent, but it is not informed consent (because Takka and Sumi are deceiving him), and therefore, it is rape. If you want the specific term it’s rape by deception. They lied about being his friends and allies, so they deceived his trust, given that their true intention was to murder him. 
{Sam Deats has confirmed this theory on Twitter. Thanks to all of you who supported me on this.}
He deserved better.
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narrators-journal · 3 years
A run-in with a succubus
Here we go, another entry in the dr stone modern Monster AU or whatever. This idea just is so much fun to me, so yeah, expect more ship-focused writing or something lololol. Either way, I hope you enjoy my dumb little ideas~
Succubi and Incubi were arguably the bane of a monster hunter's existence. They were born of already dead souls, so they couldn't be perma-killed like a vampire or werewolf could, they often came with a slew of powers that varied from demon to demon in exact powers and strength, so each one was basically an rng-decided-encounter. Senku, however, didn't really mind dealing with sex demons. So, when he was called to deal with a particularly powerful seeming demon who was harassing an entire neighborhood, he didn't mind and just set to work on sniffing out the sex demon. It didn't hurt that the twenty-year-old hunter had fun drawing out the demon lurking around in the darkness of the night. He enjoyed having the chance to make dry ice bombs, light garbage can fires, or do anything to stir up drama in the quiet neighborhood to cover the fact that he was marking specific spots with symbols that he'd later use to banish the succubus from the area until his ruckus finally drew the attention he wanted and the street's temperature dropped a noticeable and sudden amount, one of the biggest signs that a demon was in the area. The thought of a demon now zeroing in on him in the chilly night honestly sent a thrill down the hunter's spine, or, more-so, Senku was excited to confront a creature he could maybe question and mine for information on his species. However, before he could try to bring back any bit of possibly helpful information about sex demons, he'd have to actually encounter the demon he's supposed to be hunting. So, he just returned to acting like an annoying teen or troublemaker who broke into yards and stole a few things before painting a half finished symbol beside a stranger's trampoline and flopping onto the bouncy piece of equipment to stretch out and wait out the demon. I guess now it's up to waiting. Senku thought with a sigh, hating this period in hunting monsters, having to wait. At least with sex demons, they were pretty easy to lure, despite what his slightly snobby mentor, Xeno Wingfield, always told him. All he had to do was get the demon's attention and then wait for the creature to approach him to attempt to feed. Luckily, maybe, for the apprentice hunter, he ended up dozing off completely on the trampoline, only stirring when he felt himself bounce when the tightly woven surface of the trampoline was jostled. When he woke up with a jump, Senku's crimson eyes were met with a sight that he wasn't exactly used to seeing. In general, the leek-haired man wasn't super experienced with sex, so the sight of someone straddling him with half lidded eyes and a coy smirk was already a surprise, but the added temporary shock of the two tails, one to match each half of his split-colored hair and small, equally mismatched horns sent his brain for a loop in the first few moments of him being awake.         "Ah! I see you've woken up!" the succubus cooed, his hands sliding up the hunter's chest until they were chest to chest with the demon's hips wiggling to make his tails sway as rhythmically as a pendulum, "good morning handsome~ I don't think you'd mind if I maybe had a little nibble from you, would you?" The hunter blinked at the demon's words, taking a moment to register the situation before shaking his head, which seemed to shock the demon. Props to the succubus though, because he adjusted very quickly, just cupping Senku's cheek and sending a wave of tingly sensations across his pale skin. However, it was like the warm, euphoric feeling didn't sink in, didn't reach his brain to turn off the common sense as the creature spoke again,           "Come on now, if you're awake, might as well have a bit of fun with a succubus, right? I'm told I'm quite the catch.~" he tried, giving the man a quick kiss, and while it wasn't at all bad, it didn't spark a hormonal reaction the sex demon seemed to be seeking. "Why aren't you falling under my spell?" he huffed, his dark blue eyes shining with frustration and confusion, but all Senku could do was stare while the demon pushed himself back into a sitting position with lashing tails.             "I’m sorry, was I supposed to do something specific? Was the kiss supposed to do something?" He asked, making the sex demon growl at him,            "It's already weird that you woke up when I was trying to feed on you, but you're not supposed to just shrug off my magic. You're supposed to be horny putty in my hands right now, not laying there staring up at me like a kid during his first damned time." he complained, and all the odd-haired man could do again was shrug at him.             "I get the sense I've maybe offended you..."             "No, I'm not offended." he huffed, "I'm just frustrated. I think I need a moment," with that, he rolled off of the hunter, making him bounce on the lawn toy as the cranky demon sat up, now a distance away, to pout. So, Senku sat up and sat on the edge of the trampoline against the mesh barrier around the circumference of the thing, politely waiting a small stretch of time before trying to question his new companion.              "So, uh, why do you have two tails? Is that normal for incubi and succubi?" He asked after a long moment, turning his red eyes back to the succubus to watch the twin tails flick and lash before the sex demon spoke,             "Kinda rude to ask about my biology before even asking for my name."             "Well, alright, my name's Ishigami Senku, what's yours?" that got the apprentice hunter a dirty look, but he did answer,             "Asagiri Gen," he gave a nod, then repeated his question,             "So, why do you have two tails? Is that normal for sex demons?" He watched said tails fall and send a ripple across the taut surface as Gen sighed,             "I come from a line of strong sex demons, the two tails are a feature I inherited from my family, like how you look like your family has a resemblance to one another, this is my line's shared feature for the most part. No, I do not know the biological reason beyond that, it's just something I have." With that, they returned to a momentary silence, full of Gen throwing inquisitive looks towards the man sent there to banish him, trying to get a read on his intimate details, but the leek wasn't giving him any cues as to any deep dark fetishes or secrets, he was watching him, but with the same curiosity a scientist had towards the lab rat he'd just gotten, not a hint of lust or desire in his body language.               "How often do you have to feed?" The monster hunter asked as the sex demon turned to face him, meeting his own question-filled gaze with his own,              "Y’know what? I'll answer your questions if you answer mine, how about that?" Gen offered, giving him a sweet smile while his tails returned to their gentle swaying, and he pretty eagerly nodded, "Great! I can go about 3 months without food if I feed for a month or so straight. Are you into men?" The blunt question made the hunter blink a bit, but he shook the small shock off,              "Yeah, all of my crushes have been men. Are sex demons all bi? Do you have, like, a 'status quo' sort of sexuality?" As he spoke, the succubus moved closer to him, casually answering as he crawled over as seductively as possible,             "Not that I've seen, though I personally am bisexual, but I generally prefer to go for men~" he hummed, putting his hands on the leek-haired man's thighs so that he got another wave of tingly warm sensations as he leaned closer to his face "How many people have you slept with, dear Senku?" The hunter thought a bit, not reacting strongly to the buzzing feeling across his skin nor how close Gen's face was to his when he spoke,              "I haven't slept with anyone, I rarely get the urge to have sex at all, dear...Asagiri," he hummed, and the sex demon's face turned to a look of 'aha' for a moment,              "Senku, are you asexual at all?" He huffed, narrowing his dark blue eyes at the leek, already knowing the answer, but he answered nonetheless,             "I am gray-ace and homoromantic, I think," he gave another infuriating shrug, "haven't put much thought into the labels." At that, Gen pushed himself off of the hunter, flopping back onto the trampoline and making the hunter bounce briefly into the air,                 "God DAMN IT." He groaned, his tails once again lashing in frustration. So, for a moment or two longer, they sat in silence, until the succubus spoke once again, "I know you're here to banish me from the neighborhood, just go ahead and do it." that honestly surprised the hunter-in-training, making him raise his eyebrows at the demon,               "Really? No fight? No argument?" The monster sat up with a long sigh,               "Yeah, I can't exactly fight you, I'm as physically strong as you are without my powers of seduction," he pointed out, "it wouldn't be that much of a fight," He had a point with that, Senku wasn't that physically strong, so he didn't bother arguing and just climbed out of the trampoline's little barrier and hopped down to the lawn. While he got his paint out of his equipment bag, Gen laid on his stomach and watched him grumpily. Why is he still so pissy about not feeding off me? Senku thought, finally just asking while he tried to re-activate the paint,             "Why are you so grumpy about me not being into you? Haven't you run into an asexual before?" The succubus jumped a bit at the sudden question, but once again covered it pretty quickly,             "I have run into asexuals before, but I was wanting to feed on you, you're really cute." he admitted, and the hunter snorted, beginning to finish up the symbol he'd painted beforehand,             "Well, if it's any consolation, if we run into each other when you're not being a nuisance, maybe you can try to, y'know, properly seduce me." he suggested, and that made the demon perk up and quickly agree. With that, Senku finished up the symbol and Gen was thrown from the neighborhood. Yeah, sure, he'd likely go somewhere else to feed, but the leek's job was done, so he was satisfied and simply returned home with a smile.
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