#so it is TOTALLY a learnable thing!
cringywhitedragon · 2 months
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Spectral/Starlit Guardian: Recruiting, Wild Area, and Special Teammates
The recruiting system for SpSlG will be a bit different compared to some of the other entries, namely due to some new mechanics and some tweaks (These will have the option to be changed/tweaked if someone wants a challenge/more traditional play style, and plus I think it would be nice to make it a lot more customizable if this were an actual (fan)game so I will be treating as if it were. If you want to play it with absolutely no challenges or even penalties for stuff like for fainting, or just some good old OG PMD, or even make the game extremely difficult and punishing, then you can.)
All legendaries are auto recruited as soon as their fight is cleared or quest.
The team leader no longer has to deal the final blow, instead this feature will add a small boost to the recruitment chance.
Pokémon recruited are auto warped out of the Dungeon instead of joining your party, however there is a stark limit on the number that can be recruited per run (Initial is 3 but this can be bumped up to 7, legendaries will not count towards the total)
Certain missions (such as stealing/stealth missions) will disable recruiting for that dungeon due to gameplay changes.
Recruiting from Wild Areas is a bit different from dungeons (Will be explained below)
Another type of place has been added to SpSlG since this project is more of an open world and those would be Wild Areas. Wild Areas work a little like Dungeons but mainly different.
Wild Areas act as essentially connectors between hubs and even Dungeons (for those who would rather travel to them on foot), unlike Dungeons, Wild Areas are set and do not change layout.
Status like the Belly Meter (Which for this game will have the option to disable for those who want an easier time, same with the “Something’s coming”/dungeon timer and losing items.) will not appear in Wild Areas but HP and PP will as there are wild Pokémon here. Apples (and other food items without secondary effects) will instead function as healing items in these areas similarly to that if the Belly system is disabled altogether.
Recruitment also works differently here as Pokemon who are recruited will instead be sent to the “Team Applications” counter where the Player can decide if they want them to join their team. There is a limit on the number of applications the Thieves Guild can have at a time
Finally are that of Special Teammates. Special Teammates refers to that of certain NPC Pokémon who can be recruited on Missions with the Player’s Team. Most of these special team members are only unlocked through clearing certain objectives or sidequests.
What sets these guys apart from any regular Pokémon is how they function as Special Teammates have their own unique Abilities and or learnable moves that can range from more mundane, to even completely changing certain gameplay elements altogether (Depending on the Mission type)
Ex: Guildmaster Gamblar has an ability that raises recruitment rates, rarer item and Poke drops, as well as granting a guaranteed chance to steal up to 2 low value or 1 high value item(s) from a Kleceon Shop.
Many of these partners are quite powerful and because of that, there are certain limitations. Only one special teammate can join you at a time and they CANNOT be used on Story, Special, and certain Challenge Missions.
Another thing some Special Teammates can pull off is a unique Special Skill, another new feature to that can only be used once per Dungeon (Not against bosses or on any special/story missions). The player and their other Pokémon also have access to Special Skills in normal gameplay but these are limited to more generic ones.
Ex: The Kleceon Bros and the Special Kleceon Shopkeeper can use a Special Skill called “Stop Thief”, which pretty much acts as a reverse of the infamous you know what for a single floor to defeat wild Pokémon for you.
Special Teammates can be leveled up and even have moves taught to them, however their skills (Depending on the Skill Mode enabled: IQ, Team Skills, or Rare Qualities.) cannot be changed
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jayextee · 11 months
Shinobi III
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The late '80s and early '90s fucking loved ninjas, so of course they were in a lot of media of the time. Videogames no exception, and to me the Shinobi series were always indicative of this trend; plus iconic in their own way.
The first game, an arcade title, was occasionally unfair and brutal but completely memorable. The second ('Revenge of' or 'The Super' Shinobi, depending on region) was an improvement in pretty much every way, offering both a meticulously-balanced action platformer that helped give the SEGA Megadrive a strong launch lineup; and an artistic commentary on East-versus-West attitudes and stereotypes.
Number three eschews the high art in favour of schlocky ninja action, and absolutely excels with it. This being the nineteen-nineties, the stoic and considered pace of the first two games is replaced with a dash-in-and-katana-them-in-half attitude, bolstered by surfing robots and a drop-kicking horse mount. I'm not kidding, such things made my teenage self exclaim "awesome!" thirty years ago, and my adult self hasn't changed their mind one iota since. That's why I play through every now and then, and why I played through it another time today.
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Even today, the game's pace and fluidity makes it an absolute joy to blast through; seven levels, split into two discernible halves with a boss at the end; and just enjoy the hour-long ride whilst I'm there. Protagonist Joe Musashi (yeah, really) dashes, blocks, somersaults, divekicks and walljumps the environments with aplomb; although maybe not as stop-on-a-dime responsive as modern (circa 2023) platform action games, there's a nonetheless a feeling of weight to the proceedings that makes it satisfying to chain the moves together -- you aren't just playing as a ninja, you are the ninja.
To top this off, it looks and sounds amazing. It's a great experience all around, offering a perfectly-pitched challenge that may sap a few lives but never overly-frustrates; unless the difficulty is turned up. And even then, it's totally learnable and designed for it.
I feel like it's customary to say something negative about the game to 'balance' the positives? I didn't like waiting for some platform cycles on 7-2. There you go. Motherfucking game is almost perfect. 5/5
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figuredltd · 1 year
How Accounting Software Helps Farmers Make Informed Decisions?
Accounting software for farmers is an essential tool who are looking to increase profitability and efficiency in their operations. The best farm accounting software enables users to record expenses, track revenue, and make informed decisions about how they want their farms to operate.
In this article, let's find out more about which accounting software is best for farmers. 
Farm Accounting Software: A Brief Introduction
If you’re a farmer, chances are that you have a lot on your plate. Between the work of running your farm and taking care of all the other aspects of life (like family), it can be easy to forget about keeping track of finances. But if you don’t take care of business as usual, things will eventually come back to haunt you—and there might not be anything left once they do.
Farm accounting software for farmers can lead them towards informed decisions by helping them track their finances and provide accurate reports that lead to effective decision-making processes. Through this process, farmers can save time and money by avoiding mistakes down the road—so whether they want help making decisions about their current situation or plan for future growth goals at home or abroad.
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Promises Simplicity
Simple. Accounting software is designed keeping these challenges in mind and made easy to install, learn, and use.
Ease of Use: The user interface (UI) of the software is intuitive so that users can easily navigate through its features. This helps them make informed decisions at every stage of their business operations.
Learnability: The ease with which one learns how accounting software works makes it possible for even non-technical people like farmers or small business owners who may not have much experience with computers.
Insights into Comparable Product Costs
If you're a farmer, you probably have some questions about costs that crop up every year. How much do I need to pay for fertiliser? How much will this tractor cost me? What's the best way to manage my labour costs?
The answer depends on how well your farm is performing and what stage of production it's at. You should be able to compare one year's expenses with another, but there are also more specific considerations:
Your specific circumstances – What kind of crops are you growing? Where do they grow best? Are they seasonal or year-round businesses (like dairy farms)? Do all these factors affect how much money each crop makes in total each season; or does one crop make less than another because it has lower yields or higher labour requirements/costs associated with them
Streamlining Accounting from Farm to Table
Farm accounting software is designed to help farmers make informed decisions. This helps them understand their finances, which in turn allows them to manage their finances. With the right farm accounting software, you will be able to record and report your farm income and expenses so that you can track your profit or loss on each crop type or sale of livestock products.
We will explain how accounting software for farmers can help to make informed decisions about their farming operations. We will also discuss some of the benefits and challenges faced by farmers, as well as their potential solutions for handling these issues.
Source From: How Accounting Software Helps Farmers Make Informed Decisions?
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nm4259-personalblog · 2 years
Event Blog Post #1
The first design event I attended was a livestream hosted on ADPList’s website. The speaker was Jeff Humble from The Fountain Institute and the talk was titled “How to Lead with UX Metrics”. During the talk, Jeff shared what UX metrics were, the different types of UX metrics, and how to utilise them in our design process.
Jeff said that a lot of research done during the design process tends to be for the purpose of finding out “why”, in other words, about qualitative data. For example, understanding motivations of users through the creation of personas, which we learnt about and tried in this module. However, he said that the problem then is that many designers find that they are not able to quantify their findings, and that’s where UX metrics fill in the gaps, allowing designers to gather quantitive data used to measure, compare and improve the user experience over time. Examples given include task success rate (TSR) which is calculated by dividing the number of correctly completed tasks by the total number of attempts, task completion time (TCT) which is the total number of seconds used for a task divided by the number of testers, and satisfaction measured by dividing the number of satisfied answers by the number of responses. All these are helpful to know, especially if we need to do usability testing.
Many of the points shared during the talk relates to usability testing. Jeff shared that UX metrics measure both people’s behaviour and attitudes, and behavioural data tend to be more reliable though attitudinal data can give interesting insights. A thing to take note of is that there is often a gap between what people say and what they do. Another tip given was that we should think about what our goal is rather than the kind of data we want to get when utilising UX metrics. I kept this in mind during my own user testing as well, whereby I first noted down my goals which guides what kind of questions I want to ask and what tasks I want to give users, so that when doing the testing I do not stray too far as time is limited. Jeff shared that goals are split into three main categories: performance, preference and perception. The first category, performance, makes uses of several measurements in usability tests, such as TSR, TCT and error rate, which is the total number of errors divided by total number of attempts. An important takeaway is that it can be hard to define what constitutes a successfully competed task, so it is crucial to standardise definitions when in a design team. Things that can be measured include efficiency, learnability, clicks and page views, findability rate, and disaster, which requires an attitudinal survey to measure. I learnt that disaster means the case when a user thinks that they have successfully completed the task but they actually did not, which is what designers perceive as the ultimate disaster. Lastly, he shared that usually 55% to 86% of problems can be identified with just 5 users per persona in usability tests.
Pertaining to preference, an advice Jeff gave was to avoid asking directly what users “like” for UX design. He also said that it is powerful to understand what users prefer from testing, as designers’ preferences are not the users’ preferences and through testing, we can truly realise that. I agree with this, as sometimes when gathering user feedback, I realised that a certain design I may prefer may not resonate with target users, so ultimately we have to understand what they prefer instead. As we have done in this module, Jeff said that we should start from lo-fi, with wireframes and prototypes, and do a concept test, before moving on to tests such as A/B testing which is high-fi, because the riskiness of our assumptions decrease while fidelity increases as we progress further in our design process. Like we have done in this module as well, Jeff advised that we make sure our sample is as representative of our users as possible.
Lastly, for perception, Jeff warned that users often tend to be self-reporting for user surveys. This got me thinking that observations during testing are just as important as users’ responses, because like what Jeff said, often what users say and what they actually do may differ. For surveys, he also said that it is important to be careful of the wording, as it’s often difficult to tell when a survey is bad. Jeff shared several popular metrics used, such as system usability state (SUS), net promoter score (NPS) and customer satisfaction score (C-SAT). However, he also shared that nowadays there is eye tracking, gaze recorder, emotion detection, and biosensors such as iMotion, which are helpful measuring tools because users may not be aware of their own behaviour sometimes. An interesting and entirely free way to discern how users are feeling that Jeff shared is to tell users to tap the table as they do a task, and if they slow down their tapping, it may mean that they are facing an overload.
Jeff also shared about the goals-signals-metrics process, whereby we start with a user-centric goal, then detect signals during testing such as the speed of task completion, and lastly move on to metrics, which usually involves percentages. Finally, Jeff talked about how to start using UX metrics. He told us to start scoring our qualitative methods, as qualitative data can also become quantitative data if we start quantifying it, and to do user tests regularly as the key to UX metrics is to collect data over time. He emphasised the importance of troubleshooting, and he said that ultimately quantitative data helps designers make decisions. Lastly, he said that UX metrics are good for presentations as it helps get people such as stakeholders and managers on board with the design project. Overall, this talk allowed me to learn more about UX metrics and useful tips in usability tests.
[Word count: 998]
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Quick Answer: Should I Use Gift Bags Divinity 2? - pay for online class
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 What could make this even better? That modders are able to basically give us a totally new game to enjoy. Check Out This Mod. But modders still want to find ways to make it look even better, which is exactly what AN did. This includes everything from mountains, rock, trees, grass, buildings, and more. Icons have gotten a makeover as well. So healing potions, essence icons, and arrowheads will look different too. More and more devs are starting to embrace the idea of custom user content in favor of improving how fans enjoy their products. Modding still blocks your ability to collect achievements in D:OS2, but luckily modder Kassent has come up with a workaround. The Achievements mod simply lets you collect your game achievements as you play , regardless of what mods you have enabled. Looting is always a huge part of any RPG. Let There Be Tooltips! As with any isometric RPG, camera movement is very limited in D:OS2, which strictly speaking is how it should be in an isometric game. Fans might not have found much to complain about in D:OS2, but most would probably agree that the clouds in the game can be terrible at times. And if you play the game long enough you probably noticed that there are even times that the clouds just blend right in with the environment , making it difficult to identify that there even are clouds in the area. Skill sharing is a great feature of D:OS2 that removes some of the more tedious parts of grinding out the game. The Lucky Charm is a great example, where having it equipped on one character will mean its effects are carried over to the rest of your party. His Speechcraft mod does the same to persuasion. It goes without saying how convenient it would be to not have to worry about which character you assign to speak with NPCs — and this mod fixes exactly that. Similar to the Barter Master mod, Speechcraft lets your entire party enjoy the highest persuasion level within your team. One of the worst things that can happen while crafting is running out of materials and not having enough to prepare what you need for the next battle. The world is pretty big, after all. And exploring can get quite boring, especially given how slow your character can get from one place to another. Characters who join your party are already pre-built, as all their attribute points are automatically assigned once you choose what class you want them to be. D:OS2 is no different. Many considered this as an imbalance that leaves stealth a less practical option compared to other builds. The necromancy skillset might sound pretty cool. Necromancy Rebalanced aims to make a main necromancer build more feasible, adjusting certain skills and requirements to make for a more viable early-mid game hero. This mod also avoids making necromancy overpowered, so it keeps everything within the style of vanilla. The amount of options for character customization could be expanded, if you removed the limitations of origin and races. Origin and Racial Spell Skillbooks makes anything possible by making the exclusive skills learnable just as any other skill would be. Nobody likes that one unavoidable fight that gives you a taste of what the game really has in store. This is usually the point where you discover the revival potion, which pretty much all RPGs have, and in the case of D:OS2 would be the Resurrection Scroll. This usually means that most of your older items will eventually become useless, unless you have the Level Up All Equipment mod that is. With this mod installed, a staff could have different effects than a sword would — placing more emphasis on which weapons you choose rather than basing it solely on stats. Pet Pal is probably one of the most important talents you could select in the game: it gives you the ability to converse with animals. This is important because these conversations usually leave with hints for current quests, or even grand you access to completely new ones. If you really wanted to make things easier for yourself and have no concerns about the means to do so , then The Cheat Commander will surely get you whatever you need. As you can probably tell from the name, this mod gives you access to loads of cheats for the game. Naturally this includes the ability to gain money, add character experience, generate gear, or spawn items. If you prefer to build your entire campaign from the ground up, the JRavens GM Toolkit is also something to look into. If there are particular objects, NPCs, or structures from the base game you wish you could add in your own custom campaign, JRavens GM Toolkit most likely has it. The Crafting Overhaul is one example, adding over new recipes and new items to discover. The mod makes changes to some mechanics as well by introducing features like armor dyeing, elemental swords, and new craftable armors and items to keep things interesting. Hybrid Spells Expanded greatly increases your options when it comes to learnable skills in the game, and does so without breaking immersion at all. This mod adds fae, nephilim, source witch, vampire, werewolf, and niffin, each with their own unique traits. This adds 50 new skills to the game, most suited towards creating either a Bard or Artificer class. Testing out both could keep you busy for days. This mod offers spears their own skillset including the Deflective Strike, which deflects projectiles for 2 turns, and the Necrotic Strike which is an attack that causes Atrophy on your target. The Void Knight skillset is another unique concept, aiming to merge the worlds of physical and magical expertise — which are usually considered opposites in most RPGs. Well this mod adds 23 new skills focused around debuffs, but interestingly mixes in some magical elements like summoning and transformation. These last two class mods from Helaene may feel similar, but are definitely worth trying individually and just as well-made. The Valkyrie are powerful icons in Norse Mythology, and make for some of the most badass characters. Helaene is bringing the Valkyrie to D:OS2 with her mod, introducing 20 new skills for her custom Valkyrie class. If you buy something we may get a small commission at no extra cost to you. Learn more. Either way, these mods should offer plenty to keep you busy. Stay Connected.
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shinra-makonoid · 2 years
When I was a teen, I loved drawing, but I had a friend who drew much better than I did. I didn't know that art was a learnable skill, I thought people were just either good or not at it, from birth, like, "talented". So I envied that friend a lot, but I couldn't do better than her, and she was "artistic" and I was not, everyone thought so. I ended up stopping drawing altogether even though I still liked it.
I didn't realize how much of this affected me until very recently. I saw a few people post their digital drawings and that sparked that desire in me to get back to it. I asked one of them to give me some videos to see what she'd look, and then I started researching on my own. I had my graphic tablet from nine years ago, and started doing my own stuff, studying, and just looking at videos and what people would do. I envied her, even though I really dislike her drawings, because she could draw.
I thought for days that, even though I could learn how to do stuff, and have my arm answering to me correctly when I asked it to do some movements to draw, that since I didn't have any style (I think what I meant then was actually "talent"), then I still wouldn't be able to do anything. So I studied every night for five days, plus studied more during days in which I didn't have to work. I mostly did gesture drawing, tried to study shading, some anatomy stuff, I made a lot of failed attempts of things that really looked ugly and messy.
And then today, after another fail I was like "okay so I can't draw from real pictures, it's too hard, let's try to get a ref from a character already drawn and try that" and!!! To my complete surprise, my "style" appeared in front of my eyes, was totally different from the drawing, and also was actually pretty neat and cool and exactly what I wanted.
I showed it to people, and everyone was so surprised that I could do that in not even a week! "You must have drawn before!" "You artists I really envy you" It really mended something in me that was broken before. All those years of me thinking that I couldn't draw because I "wasn't talented", that I "didn't have it" and recently that I "didn't have any style", and here I am, being praised for my first successful drawing. Turns out, I just needed to learn how to draw, to be able to draw!!!
So yeah don't let anyone tell you you need to be talented to do something. It's a skill, learn it if you want it! I'm going to go to sleep tonight, with the satisfaction and relief that actually, I can draw, I could always draw, I was never "talentless". It fixed something in me really.
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moldspace · 3 years
Hi there! I deeply admire your art, especially your color choices. Looking at your sculptures always feels like a warm hug, or the sun shining on your face. I'm a sculptor myself (polymer and porcelain), though I know precious little regarding color theory, and it shows. If you have the time, I was wondering if you had any recommendations for guides or suggestions on how to develop an eye for color?
ahhh thank you so much for the kind words, and as for color theory....
i'll start off with a few book recs on the subject! picture this by molly bang is probably my all time favorite book on art making ever, and while it is primarily about shapes and composition, she does touch on color and the emotions colors can produce, which is always a good thing to keep in mind (also its just a great book and everyone should read it)! and color and light by james gurney is a classic book on, well, color and light. while i actually don't like gurney's color schemes all that often (at least in the examples he has in the book), he breaks down basically everything you need to know about color theory really simply and quickly in the book, so it's a great read if you need to touch up on basics and get an overview of the whole field.
if you're looking to develop an eye for color, i would recommend starting to pick out and define the colors in your favorite pieces. what colors are actually present? which ones cover most of the piece and which ones are only there as a highlight? what ranges of shades are there in your colors? just getting comfortable with picking apart a piece into base colors might be very helpful, and it will give you an idea of the kinds of color schemes you prefer!
another good thing to keep in mind is the ratio of one color to another. i tend not to like ratios that are close to 50:50, or 33:33:33, or what have you. instead i like an "uneven" ratio, like 75:25 or 50:30:20. it just adds a little more visual intrigue!
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it's also been super helpful for me to limit the colors i am actually able to use! when i paint, i use pre-mixed house paints. i rarely ever mix colors for a piece, just choose pre-mixed colors from the selection i already have. this makes picking a color scheme easy because i can SEE all the colors i have and how they fit together without putting paint down anywhere. it also limits my options, which makes it easier for me to pick a handful of colors i like and stick to them for the whole piece. i think having some limits or a structure (to use a less mean-sounding word) in which to work like this can be really helpful. it also makes me feel way less paralyzed when my color scheme selection process is just picking out jars of paint and putting them next to each other to see if they look good, instead of mixing and tweaking and whatnot.
finally, one thing that really helps me but is mostly (maybe almost entirely?) applicable to digital art is to stay in THIS PART
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of the color selector. it is so tempting to me to go to 1000% on my saturation, but it is really hard to work with super saturated colors! if you've got a lot of different colors that you want to look harmonious together, if they're all somewhere in that mid range, they'll work together, even if they would look awful at full saturation.
i'll be honest with you, though, the range i actually stick to with digital art is more like this:
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but avoiding the temptation of the full saturation is a win for me!
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chatonyant · 4 years
are u planning on making any major (or minor) changes revolving the kekkei genkais? :D
OhohO yeah I’ve got plans :> thanks for asking, I have an excuse to ramble about them now :D
The ideas I have actually came before the idea of this au because I was chatting with my friends and had a whole ramble on “Hey, kekkei genkais don’t make sense. What if they did?”
The ideas, much like pretty much everything else, are still a work in progress BUT the general idea I have for them is that they’re learnable jutsus-- it’s just that they’re harder to learn and control and may have physical debilitations due to the nature of the jutsu. 
This is excluding the things that are obviously physical/biological like the doujutsu and the bone kekkei genkai. Though that does bring up the question of why Ao could activate and deactivate his Byakugan but Kakashi couldn’t do so with his Sharingan. Personally I want to think that it may have something to do with a battlefield implant by a still-learning (but highly talented cause wOW) medic-nin. But that’s more food for thought at a later time :D
More rambling underneath!
So to go more in-depth with kekkei genkais being learnable, I want to first talk about the original concept itself. It’s interesting how within the Naruto universe, there’s this concept of knowledge being passed down through genetics. Because this isn’t the Avatar universe, where movements and will are what control the elements. Though their movements are akin to martial arts, accidental bending exists, as does bending with casual movements. Ninjutsu isn’t like that. Ninjutsu requires specific hand movements in a specific order. The control of chakra could be instinctual, like someone knowing how much energy they need to jump, but hand signs are a lot more precise and complex(?) than that. So how is it that such knowledge is passed down through genetics? Haku and Tenzou both wield their bloodlines very well without having a teacher with the same kekkei genkai. 
I’ve got no proper answer for that in canon (except the idea of “why not?”), but I do want to go more in-depth with the idea of knowledge and instincts within the au at a later time, tying it in with the idea of yokai and spirits ;)
So. The fundamental elements of kekkei genkai aren’t unusual. It’s the combination of two chakra elements to create a secondary element. But is that impossible for other shinobi? What makes these clans so special? 
In this redesigned world, this combination of chakra elements isn’t impossible for other shinobi-- just really really difficult and requires high chakra control. If a shinobi doesn’t have the chakra control and just slams the two elements together, sure it could work, but it may not have the results that they particularly wanted. These jutsus COULD be copied by someone who has a Sharingan, but it would difficult for the copier to control said chakras if they didn’t have experience beforehand. 
Another reason it’s difficult is the physical requirements. For example, Haku’s ice. So say someone eventually DID learn how to utilize the ice style. But there are consequences. They can’t use it for long before the cold seeps into their skin and bones and begins numbing their fingers and potentially causing hyperthermia. Haku, being born with this kekkei genkai, has a body better suited for such jutsu which could vary from naturally lower body temp to being more resistant to the cold. 
Another example is Tenzou and his Mokuton. I mean really, this man can turn his body into a tree. Enough said about physical requirements. 
That does not mean that someone couldn’t learn a modified version of Mokuton that doesn’t require turning your flesh into wood. 
But before I get into that, let’s go into ambient chakra. 
I don’t know if this is canon or not and frankly i’m too tired to find out because it doesn’t matter, i’m doing my own thing. 
I’ve got this headcannon that there is ambient chakra that infuses the air, water, and nature in general. This is not nature chakra, because nature chakra is a special type of chakra that does not usually float around in abundance because if it did, sages would just need to tap into the near infinite energy of nature around them and spend less time “gathering” the energy. No, this is just casual chakra that just vibes in the world. 
Haku’s ice is created by the moisture around them. Ok, cool. Fire jutsus are created when the user breathes out chakra elements. Aight, makes sense. You could totally science that and say something about chakra and friction and sparks and- yeah. Kisame creating a fucking mini ocean in the middle of a desert?
I hate my brain trying to science this. Did I just make ambient chakra a thing just to make some things make sense? Yes, among other things? Am I going far too into things when I really don’t need to/ probably shouldn’t? Probably.
So. Conservation of matter really doesn’t apply to this world, but ANYWAYS, shinobi subconsciously use ambient chakra to create and manipulate the world around them. They basically use their chakra as a fishing line to hook onto the chakra of their surroundings and yank it into position. Or create a mini-ocean in the middle of a desert, whatever. 
The idea I have of how Mokuton works is that the user manipulates the roots and seeds of plants around them into growing faster and moving where the user wants them to be. Thus, their jutsu is weaker in areas with very little plants. At first I was thinking “hey maybe they make wood out of nowhere like they do with water” but then I was like “wow that would use up a LOT of chakra.” And also i just like the idea of a Mokuton user carrying around seeds and tossing them around but I digress.
So a Mokuton user would use their chakra and ambient chakra to feed the plant and make it grow. (wow such a simple explanation that took too long to explain-- I’m sorry, words get ahead of me sometimes.)
Thus a person can learn to manipulate the plants in their vicinity but not be able to turn their own flesh into wood like Hashirama and Tenzou :D with Obito as honorable mention.
Stuff like chakra chains are less of “wow that require pinpoint control and understanding of chakra natures” it’s more of “oh fuck that’s a lot of chakra and i have to mold it into shape outside my body??? nope” it’s like Rasengan! except with wayyy more chakra and more density. (Tailed beasts!!! It can fucking hold down tailed beasts-)
Chakra is said to have five (+two) natures but there’s also so many different types of jutsus shown within the show that things inevitably get very very confusing
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cryptoportfolio · 3 years
<h1>Teeka Tiwari 2021 Investment</h1>
My task is to reveal the ideas that deserve investment as well as extremely few ideas are. There's a reason that I do not advise ICOs or Preliminary Coin Offerings. An additional 10% to 13% of them are bad suggestions and maybe 1% to 2% of them are great. You need to go with a great deal of various ideas in order to locate suggestions that will certainly exercise over the long-term.
In early 2016, Teeka turned into one of the initial newsletter authors to discover the possibility of Blockchain, Bitcoin, and also other crypto-assets. His supporters welcomed his guidance as well as made 4,594 percent of their make money from cryptocurrency at the time. Teeka said that Hand Beach Express would notify you about all investment possibilities in the field of cryptocurrencies and also Blockchain. Furthermore, the editorial group has an incredible record for success, as well as Teeka Tiwari is a well-known economic expert. He understands all the pressures that factor into the crypto market, and also he's delicate to the needs of average financiers.
This technique charms mainly to financiers who are looking for chances that have the least risk. Master The Crypto is an economic author that does not provide any kind of personal monetary guidance or support the acquisition or sale of any security or investment for any kind of specific person. Participants need to be aware that financial investment markets have fundamental dangers, as well as previous performance does not assure future results. MTC has advertising and marketing partnerships with some of the offers detailed on this web site. MTC does attempt to take a reasonable and great belief technique to maintaining neutrality towards supplying recommendations that remain in the best interest of readers.
Teeka Tiwari's investment plan supposedly capitalizes on the bitcoin halving event and also the effect of the coronavirus pandemic. Those that subscribe to the scheme will certainly gain free access to the Teeka Tiwari trading robotic. We're going to see a great deal of assets that were when extremely illiquid come to be fluid through tokenization.
A few of us were born with these skills and others of us, like myself, had to discover them. These are learnable skills and also they have nothing to do with just how wise you are at math or how great you are bearing in mind facts. Anyone with ordinary intelligence can become successful in their picked area.
Mr. Tiwari, as a financial investment expert, is attributed as being just one of the very first specialists to discover cryptocurrencies. He writes the most extensively read premium crypto e-newsletter in the world, Hand Beach Confidential, and was elected "The Most Trusted Individual in Crypto" in July 2019 whenCindicatorpolled over 130,000 analysts. Mr. Tiwari is considered to be amongst the globe's premier cryptocurrency experts. In Crypto Revenue Quarterly, we search for crypto tasks that pay constant income or some kind of routine crypto "returns." Teeka covers several elements of crypto currency, including blockchain technology. According to Tiwari, he asserts simply that; people that buy these highly investigated supplies can make considerable returns on their investment. The business Teeka fastidiously looks into as well as details in his timely and also special record, have actually positioned these very related to supplies to take advantage of Blockchain as it expands.
Teeka Tiwari 2021 Investment
I could recognize that a large change in exactly how individuals can use (invest & secure) their money was about to happen, worldwide. Getting in on the very beginning, when possible, would certainly offer tremendous returns. So, with that information, I laid out to open up an account with an exchange. Once we see the "babble" break a 30-day high, this informs us that rate of interest in the cryptocurrency is developing.
Which is great I think as the more individuals we have in crypto the much better. But once more you were bombarded with the sales pitch once again. The firm declares that they are providing 11 products to capitalists. Their Palm Beach Letter is their most popular property.
The Palm Coastline Study Team is an independent economic posting firm based in Delray Beach, Florida. If you do not enter at the local time they began the e-newsletter and portfolio you will see losses mount. They try to hook you on performance yet it is all discerning home window clothing. There is no person to speak with regarding picks, and so on . You can do far better if your cat or canine selects the investment. They disappear than sales people who got burnt out servicing wall street.
Only the large children will certainly have the ability to get in after this change. We saw the exact same thing occur in the latter fifty percent of the 1960s ... That's when the supposed "Great 50" were produced. This was a team of 50 business tagged by Morgan Warranty Trust fund as the companies of the future. At rst, many people assumed these "growth" supplies were as well risky.
It's a complete guide to the market, and it comes each month like clockwork. If you like to hear rich guys talk about how they obtained abundant and just how you must do it as well, this is the solution for you. The 'Present Income' product can illustrate a traditional way to earn money trading alternatives, however the rest of the solution is simply average suggestions. Earnings permanently Premium is an one-of-a-kind approach that instructs viewers regarding a specific sort of entire life insurance agreement.
The Hand Coastline Letter version portfolio offers you a birdseye view of the service's active holding referrals. On the internet site, you'll discover a total archive of PBL's past records and sources, so you can dive right into a riches of professional-grade understandings as quickly as you subscribe. Your PBL membership gets you more than an e-newsletter. You additionally get complete access to the PBL participant portal.
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clatterbane · 4 years
Expanding a little on some tag commentary, it really does make such a world of difference if you can get a lot of clothing items either made or altered to fit your own specific body. (And I really need to learn how to do it at least half-competently myself. 😑)
I grew up as practically the opposite of the proverbial cobbler's child going without shoes. My mom was good enough at sewing and altering existing clothes--and frankly enough of a perfectionist with it--that I never really learned to do it.
Besides not needing to when I was still at home, we were just very different people with different learning styles. And she was kinda intimidating to try to learn from, even trying to show some patience and understanding. But, thank goodness for the internet, with all sorts of people kindly sharing tutorials! 🙄
(And she only got started sewing after I was born, in her late 20s--wanting to learn to make clothes for the baby, in fact! So, she largely taught herself in the '70s, before nearly as many resources were available.
After growing up with a similar experience. My Papaw apparently did not even particularly enjoy sewing--probably didn't have the patience himself! But, he was pretty skilled, and would do it for her. She was like 3rd generation from his side of the family who ended up working in sewing factories, when it was still looking profitable enough to use our region of the US for cheap textile labor. He spent most of his teens working in one, too.)
Anyway, I did learn to do some very basic machine and hand sewing, and repairs that she figured anybody who wore clothes should know how to do. In the alterations department, I feel competent shortening/hemming up garments, and that's about the extent of it.
I was also definitely taught some basic things to look for in terms of fit, along with the quality of fabrics and workmanship.
Which can certainly help you know enough to avoid some shitty, overpriced clothes, which are never going to look good on you or hold up very well. With the time and energy, I could dress someone pretty well at a fraction of what it looks like it cost.
But, it can also get extra frustrating when you can see fit problems clearly, and also don't know how to properly alter what might be fixable! Or, indeed, how to just make the thing for yourself, unless it's on the level of a very simple skirt or bag.
That is very learnable, though. Again, given the time and energy to work on it. Plus some patience with your own ignorance levels, going in.
(Hell, my last learning attempt got frustrated by having trouble figuring out how to properly thread the sewing machine we did already have, so that the thread didn't keep breaking! Minus the manual, which I finally found a copy of online and it didn't help. 🙄 Somebody who was moving back to the US gave Mr. C the machine, which was decent and not very old at the time.)
Maybe I can give it another shot before too long. Particularly as someone who is Hard To Fit, and also totally capable of learning if I apply some of that stubbornness!
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introverts01 · 3 years
Just how to Go From Introvert to Exhibitionist
As a youngster I was very withdrawn, usually spending my time on the computer system, reading, playing video games, or seeking other solo leisure activities. I 'd hang around outdoors biking, exploring the neighboring areas and also hills (which today are filled with homes), or capturing hoops, however I 'd usually favor doing these points alone or with people I recognized extremely well. I never felt as well comfy around strangers, and I never took care of big family members occasions. Psychological examinations like the Myers-Briggs secured me directly as an autist. Any individual who recognized me would have explained me as an autist without a reservation. Like several introverts I was pushed by others to mingle more. Yet I mainly resisted this pressure, partly due to the fact that I enjoyed being an introvert. I typically checked out characters as doing not have in intelligence and depth, and also I can't state I intended to count myself amongst them. However, over a long period of time, I eventually found myself ending up being a growing number of extroverted. I embraced hanging out with other people, headed out of my method to satisfy brand-new individuals, could easily present myself to strangers, and also really enjoyed it. The Myers-Briggs test now identifies me an extrovert To the people that recognize me today, this wouldn't be unexpected. I'm not the sort of extrovert I imagined as a youngster though. I feel I have actually done a good job stabilizing the autist and also extrovert parts of myself, such that I take pleasure in both sorts of tasks similarly. I really feel equally as comfy staying at residence reading a book as I do mosting likely to a brand-new social event and introducing myself to people I have actually never ever fulfilled. I enjoy both group as well as solo tasks, each for different factors. Some weeks I'm even more introverted as well as mostly stay home with my family members. Other weeks I have a full social calendar with an occasion virtually every evening. I enjoy both just as much.
introvert extrovert ambivert definition In order to end up being an exhibitionist, I found that I needed to get rid of a number of blocks to being more extroverted Possibilities are that if you're in the exact same watercraft, you have some of these blocks also. Blocks to becoming an exhibitionist. * Underestimating extroversion. Spending quality time alone as well as with individuals are equally important. If you're extremely shy, you might underestimate the positive role people can play in your life, such as understanding, relationship, development, laughter, and so on. The ideal outcome is to strike a balance between the two. You do not have to give up the autist tasks you enjoy. In fact, when you balance them with more social tasks, you'll most likely find them much more gratifying. After several nights of being around individuals, I really eagerly anticipate an evening by myself to review, practice meditation, write, and so on. And after great deals of time alone or with my family, I'm itching to go out as well as be around other individuals.
hobbies for introverts * Underdeveloped social skills. Social abilities can be discovered like any type of various other skill set. One factor autists shy away from social activities is that they do not feel comfy due to the fact that they don't know what to do, specifically if the unexpected were to occur. Being able to start up a conversation with a complete stranger AND feeling entirely comfortable doing it is a learnable ability. The even more you do it, the better you get at it. Accept the fact that you're a novice, as well as don't contrast yourself to others. * Picturing yourself as the wrong type of exhibitionist. If you locate the extroverted individuals around you superficial and perhaps also frustrating, why would you wish to be more like them? You would not. When I was a child, I really didn't want to be extra like the characters I understood. Also as a grown-up, my vision of a character was an in-your-face salesman that just intended to develop a shallow partnership with you so they might sell you something. It seemed really phony as well as bogus to me. As well as naturally that vision stopped me from ever before wishing to be like that. Yet you needn't pick such a minimal vision for yourself-- you're totally free to develop your own vision of a favorable means to be much more extroverted. * Associating the wrong individuals. Why would you wish to spend more time with people you do not such as? If ending up being much more extroverted means spending even more time with people you prefer to avoid, you'll have no motivation to do it. Once more, you're totally free to damage this pattern as well as create a social team that you 'd like to be a component of. * Overvaluing on-line interacting socially. Online interacting socially has its place in your life, yet it's a pale darkness compared to in person, belly-to-belly interaction. Voice and also body movement can connect a whole lot greater than message, as well as emotional bonds are easier and also faster to establish personally. I feel a lot closer to the neighborhood friends I have actually understood for just a few months than I do to the people I have actually known online for several years yet never ever fulfilled personally. It's just not as fun heading out to supper with a laptop. You don't need to get rid of online socializing, but don't allow it to crowd out conference individuals in your area. If you do that, you'll only cause your social skills to lag even more behind. If you have some of these blocks and intend to surpass them, the very first step is to recognize them as well as consider how they're holding you back. Then start to service them just as you would any type of various other challenge in your life. Focus your purposes, set goals, make strategies, as well as begin acting. It might be uncomfortable and awkward initially, but just approve that, and also obtain relocating anyway. Suggestions for becoming much more extroverted. Right here are some extra recommendations for exactly how to end up being more extroverted: * Envision the sort of exhibitionist you would love to be. What's your optimal outcome? If you feel as well withdrawn and wish to be extra extroverted, start by working with your vision of your end result. Chances are that if you have actually been making little progress in this field, you have a somewhat adverse vision of extroverts. When I developed a positive vision of being an extrovert that consisted of structure real connections with smart individuals I respect (in contrast to arbitrary, shallow interacting socially), I soon began attracting those partnerships. Being a "stupid jock" kind of exhibitionist still has no interest me. * Consider relationships in terms of what you can provide, not in terms of what you can get. If you look for to develop new relationships based on common offering as well as obtaining, you'll have no lack of pals. Recognize individuals with whom you would love to develop a connection, and start by providing. I've discovered that my geeky understanding is actually a significant strength when it comes to interacting socially due to the fact that there are a terrible great deal of non-geeks that had actually like to comprehend geeky things better, and also I can describe it to them in means they'll understand. For instance, I have actually been teaching some regional speaker good friends about blogging and also web marketing, and in return I'm discovering a lot from them regarding speaking, wit, etc. There are lots of intelligent people available that 'd love to have a nerd as a buddy. What can you offer a connection that will be of benefit to somebody else? When you identify what that is (and also it's probably various points), you'll have a simpler time bring in brand-new pals right into your life. * Discover the right social group for you. Purposely think about the types of people you 'd want to have as friends. There's no policy that claims this has to be your peers or associates. I in fact find myself much more curious about making buddies with people who are much older than me instead of individuals my very own age or slightly younger. Individuals around my age (34) often tend to be extremely profession- and family-oriented, but commonly in a somewhat brainless, socially conditioned manner in which isn't focused around any kind of knowingly chosen life function or idea system. And also people in their 20s, while commonly extremely energised, tend to be largely unfocused ... or focused on trivial pursuits that simply aren't that vital. So it's been hard for me to find people near my age where we have sufficient alike for a lasting friendship. I seem to have an easier time making friends with people in their 40s, 50, as well as older. They generally have higher understanding and experience, more fascinating stories to share, extra sources (info and also concepts, funds, get in touches with), and also a much better sense of that they are as well as what they intend to perform with their lives. Commonly I discover myself going to get-togethers where I'm the youngest individual in the space, however that really feels really comfy and typical for me. Don't hesitate to extend past one of the most obvious peer group as well as hang out with individuals from various ages, areas, cultures, nations, etc. You might find the range to be a lot of fun. * Play from your strengths. It's fascinating that lots of introverts have no difficulty interacting socially online. Because environment they're able to play from their staminas. But you can additionally utilize your strengths knowingly as utilize to branch out into even more face-to-face socializing. As an example, after I graduated university, I met a female on a regional BBS (before there was much of a World Wide Web). We got to chatting online over a duration of weeks. Ultimately we met in person as well as became buddies, as well as I soon fell under her pre-existing social team with osmosis. My social calendar went from empty to complete almost over night. That female, incidentally, has actually been my wife for the previous 7.5 years. If you mingle on-line, see if you can not make use of that toughness to develop new regional relationships. While people have actually done this in international forums like on the internet video games, I think it's much easier to try it in local online forums. As an example, there are message boards for people who've recently relocated to Las Vegas. * Join a club. It's old guidance, however it still functions. The advantage is that you'll locate people who share comparable rate of interests, that makes it easier to construct brand-new relationships. One excellent club can fill your social calendar. For example, with my membership in Toastmasters, I obtain invites to lots of other local gatherings. I do not most likely to everything, yet it's nice to obtain those welcomes. Plus belonging to a worldwide company with 200,000 members worldwide creates social inroads around the planet. If you sign up with a club and also find that it's not right for you, give up as well as join something else. My spouse as well as I have actually both been through a variety of regional social teams that just really did not resonate with us (also monotonous, as well slow, as well disorganized, way too many problem drinkers). However one great group is all you require. * Establish your social skills consciously. You can learn to become better at developing rapport, presenting yourself, keeping a conversation going, asking somebody out on a day, feeling socially comfy instead of anxious, and more. You don't need to be superficial and also manipulative regarding it, but truly develop these skills because it will significantly improve your life. One technique I locate exceptionally effective is to ask the various other person exactly how s/he got going in his/her current job. 80-90% of the moment the individual will certainly state something like, "Well, that's a fascinating tale ..." And I genuinely like listening to these stories. A tiny fundamental set of social skills can go a lengthy way due to the fact that you'll reach reuse them each time you meet someone. Whatever skill you would love to create, attempt doing a Google or Amazon search on it, and you'll probably locate lots of articles and also publications. Realize that when you hold on your own back from interacting socially, you're not just depriving on your own-- you're additionally depriving other individuals of the chance to learn more about you. How much longer do you want your future partner or friend to stay alone? Here are some follow-up messages that additionally explore this subject: 1. Improving Social Abilities 2. A Concern for Introverts 3. Risk vs. Compensate in Human Relationships
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ziracona · 4 years
What are the ilm survivors (+ Philip, anna, and brain-cell wielding legion) favorite foods and drinks, do you think?? If that's a big question then would you mind me asking a few Philip hcs, or hcs for Philip and Anna as friends?? :0
Haha, I actually answered this just the other day here in this ask, although just for survivors + Philip, so I’ll add Anna and Legion here. Brain-cell wielding I’m not sure if means Susie, or Susie and Joey, since I’ve said in the past Susie took the brains and left, and now the rest of them only have half a cell between them, that somehow Joey is constantly the one in possession of, so I’ll answer for both the more-good kiddos. : )
Anna is interesting. Kinda like my poor boy Mikey, she’s had very little experience with food that actually tastes good or complicated (tho she has had at least twice the taste experience he’s had because Michael’s had like--prison mush and nothing since age six TuT).  She’s never really had anything but meat and fruit and some vegetables, all with very little variance or flavoring, because she had no one to teach her how to cook, and experimenting with spices would not have been high on her to-do list if she’d even thought of it, so like, being in reality is insanely cool for her when it comes to food. First time eating pizza? A spiritual experience. Min’s curry? Heaven. Nea makes her empanadas, Quentin does some really nice spaghetti with garlic bread? She could die. Because she’s so excited and everything is so new, it’s hard to say she’s got one favorite? She really likes anything unusual to her, so anything complicated, spicy, sweet, with nice texture, etc. And she is constantly discovering new favorites all the time. She also loves just trying all kinds of things, because it’s such a wild new experience for her. That all said, she does really like meat still, just because physically, her body is used to a diet of almost nothing but fresh meat, berries, and the occasionally wild gourd, fern, onion, cabbage, etc kind of thing, and so that’s what it wants to make it feel healthy. One of her favorite stables is a kind of hommade jerky that Alan Smith makes, actually. It’s something he did forever ago, when Quentin was a kid, and does again on request, cutting meat into strips, seasoning, and smoking it to cure out in the shed. The kind of meat doesn’t really matter, so long as it’s lean, because it’s the seasoning and smoking process that makes it taste super good and also have a really pleasant texture. She also loves Garlic though like Anna is very happy about the sudden addition of garlic into her life. Garlic bread. Mmm. Likes chocolate a lot and especially kinds with like hard shells and melted insides, because complex texture is such a wonder to her. Is constantly fascinated by new things, like seeing a doughnut, or a milkshake, or cotton candy, or a pie, or really anything for the first time, and very game to try things out. Not polite at all though, because polite about food is not a concept she has learned, and will not hesitate to very visibly express if she thinks something tastes like crap. For drinks, water was like, the only thing she really had before, until Min and Quentin in the realm, and she similarly likes things that are complicated or weird in texture and sweet. She likes Hot Chocolate and thick, cold things like smoothies or slurpies and such especially. Again though, unfortunately for the girl, her body is like “Uhm. The fuck is this?” if she consumes copious amounts of refined sugar, so she has to kind of work up to stuff like a slushie or she’ll get incredibly sick, and it’s not fair. :’-]  She gets Alan to teach her how he makes his jerky once they’re not super weird around each other, and the first like “I’m going to try cooking now” thing she makes is using the oven to basically make a roast, but with the jerky spices and a shit ton of garlic, and it’s a weird taste, but not bad, just super unexpected for like, a cooked turkey, but she’s extremely proud of it because it’s way better than anything she’s ever cooked before and it was only her first attempt, and she likes to make this and slowly learn and make other things as gifts for her kids. She is very proud of her building knowledge, and fascinated by new details whenever she learns them when it comes to cooking or really any other learnable skill she knew next to nothing about before.
Susie’s favorite drink, hands-down, is Coca-Cola. She’s obsessed with it and loves it. Drinks one a day, almost religiously, as her treat to herself. If she drinks alcohol, it’s almost for sure going to be whiskey and coke if she’s picking, but honestly that’s only if she wants to be drunk. She prefers the taste of coke to any other drink on the planet and it’s worse mixed with alcohol, so for taste, she’d say “You can’t improve upon perfection!” with a big grin and crack open a classic cocacola. Meg doesn’t understand her obsession but thinks it’s ridiculously cute, and will always bring her one home. Likes to get her the glass bottle ones because they are class and more fun to drink from. Susie likes to keep one on hand and pour her two-liter into the glass coke bottle she keeps and drink if from that instead of a normal glass. Don’t judge her. It’s a small happiness she gives herself. She just really likes cocacola. Susie’s favorite food would be harder to pick, but it might be pizza? Wildly, she would be the first character to pick that. But really good pizza, like, with a high sauce radio and a brookly-style or not super thick type crust? Man, with the right toppings, it’s pretty heavenly. Also likes fresh peaches and nerds (as in the candy, lol). Don’t judge her.
Joey likes Dr. Pepper the most, and he and Susie have fought about it before, although his enjoyment does not even begin to match her unbridled love for her favorite. Favorite candy is Snickers. He likes the nuts in them and the consistency. Joey also likes pizza a lot, and it would be up there, as would just like, burgers with onion and a lot of lettuce and condiments, but if asked for his favorite food, would probably say spaghetti (another classic choice it is wild to me is only being picked here for the first time). Joey’s family was poor, and spaghetti is one of the few dishes that is super cheap to make and can actually still taste really good while costing nothing, so it was something his mom made a whole lot, and out of the regular dishes she made, it was by far his favorite. Probably pre-realm, he’d have said something else, like a specific type of burger or complicated sandwich--something he only rarely got--but post-realm, he misses his mom and his family lot, so her kind of spaghetti is his favorite as it reminds him of home. Meat is expensive, so she used to cook mushrooms into the tomato sauce she used instead, and he really loves the taste of it like that. They make it a little sweeter and add a nice cooked-carrot consistency to mouthfuls. Tells Jeff how to make it that way, and gets to have it pretty frequently. His second favorite is probably the homemade personal pizzas Jeff makes for them on request. Jeff is a really good baker, and he has a very good pizza crust recipe.  
There you have ‘em! (Also I’m totally happy to do Philip hcs or some about Anna and Philip as friends if you’d like those too ❛∀❛ )
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aviv-is-aviv-blog · 5 years
DISH2019- My first of many
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From left to right Ric Sapasap, Aviv Guese, Gio Canoy, Tyler Venzon, Brandon Partosa. My sleep deprived team.
Our team is composed of three blockchain trainees and two senior java developers from our company. We are the pioneer batch of trainees to undergo training to become blockchain developers but as this technology is new even to the senior developers at our company, our understanding of this technology is still superficial.
We are only halfway through our training and we are  working our way up from Java to Blockchain to ease us into the new technology. Little did we know that we’d dive right into #DISH2019, totally unprepared and with only partial knowledge about the craft.
When we learned that we were going to take part in the hackathon, the whole team researched and tried to learn about everything as much as we can absorb, we also looked into the possible use cases that would fit into #DISH2019’s theme: “Inclusive Prosperity”
During our research, we had a hard time looking for use cases because the theme was vague to us back then, but at the same time, our research helped us a lot to grow as developers.
Joining the hackathon, we are not expecting anything else other than learning and enhancing our understanding about this new tech. Win or lose, we know that we will be going home with something worth more than what we came for.
As for preparation, our goal was to familiarize ourselves with the concept of blockchain as much as we can. Most of the content we studied came from various Youtube talks and tutorials, a Udemy course, Cryptozombies, and the documentations for Ethereum, Ganache, etc. We also attended a crash course on smart contracts using Ethereum. 
During the event all of us are nervous but excited at the same time SINCE THIS IS OUR FIRST TIME JOINING A HACKATHON! Honestly, we are not scared to lose. For us winning will be a miracle. All we wanted was to learn more about our supposed specialisation and build our knowledge on a new technology that only few in the world know so much about. Fortunately, awesome people from Blockdevs Asia were there to help us out.
Prior to the coding session of the Hackathon, the event had these “Breakout” sessions where representatives of different blockchain platforms allow interested groups to ask questions about the platform and know more about the features each platform can offer.
Among the platforms presented, our team leaned towards IOST. We were curious about IOST since it was new and had features that fit better with the ideas that we had. It was then that we found ourselves in a conference room for a quick introduction to IOST with the CTO himself, Terrence Wang.
After the talks about the different blockchain platforms, we started finalising our topic. It was hard for us to decide as all of our ideas were solid and well thought of. The only question is the do-ability in that specific amount of time. From sperm bank, to organ donation, to scholarships and to many more, we arrived to the conclusion that we were going to make a quiz game.
The goal of the app is for the clients to sponsor trivial games that aims to promote ideas and awareness about different issues concerning the likes of the environment, voting, or health.
Sponsors (clients) will fund the quiz game which will serve as the prize pool and payment for the player’s gas costs. A percentage of which will be taken as service fee.
We divided our DApp into three layers, the front end (where we used Angular-Material), the backend (where we used Java as that is what most of us know) where we created our Rest Controllers and Quiz Controllers, and the smart contracts itself (Javascript).
We modelled our DApp. We planned to use Firebase as a way to store our questions but we had a hard time running the test net. As there is not much time to dilly-dally , I jumped to the old-fashioned MySql. So, in our backend, we have to set up the my-sql connector. Luckily, there is JPA to ease our lives and made the code cleaner since I avoided the use for the DML of SQL. 
** **
For our front-end, we made the UI using Angular-material.
I tried setting up the node locally. Again relying on the documentation with some panicking as there are some errors involved. (sorry for the lack of documentation for it).
With a lot of discussion in the team sharing what we can understand from the documentations and the available materials in the web, we made our smart contract. 
The quiz contract is for the sponsors to create the quiz. For our prototype, we are requiring the sponsors to pay 5 iost as a quiz fee plus the prize pool.  
As stated earlier, players that gets the correct answer will be appended to the blockchain, but not all are eligible for the prize as we want to filter the players, therefore the need for elimination. Let’s say players A,B,C, D and E are playing the quiz and they all answered the quiz correctly. They will now be added to the list of winners.
And then in the next item D got it wrong, and was eliminated. Players A,B, C and E will now be added. And for the next item D (who got the previous item wrong) answered it correctly this time. Sadly he is not in the latest list of surviving players which means he is not eligible to be appended. The elimination goes on until the quiz is finished and the reward is distributed.
We have a lot of ideas on how are we going to improve our DApp. The hackathon is a fun way to learn a lot of things and meet people. From what I learn as a firsttimer:
And of course, we would like to thank our awesome mentors, Caspar Oostendorp and Amadeo Brands, who guided us during development. They made working with a technology in infancy much more bearable and learnable since there was almost little to no documentation on how IOST worked. We would also like to extend our gratitude to Roy Selbach and Mark Vernon who helped us fine-tune the business aspect of our prototype by sharing their insights and positivity with our product. And to Miss Tracy Li who invited us to join this Hackathon.
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thehappymessproject · 6 years
46-47/100 - The beautiful power of mindfulness
I still remember well the first time I was guided towards mindfulness, the art of being present, of practicing silence and stillness.   
I was a 5th year student, studying for my Master’s degree. I was following a class on relaxation techniques. At some point during the semester, my teacher introduced us to mindfulness exercices.
She asked us first to look at our hand like it was the first time ever. The lines, the hills and valleys... Some of us, me included, started to feel restless, dissipated. Then, she gave tiny raisins, and asked us to observe them in the same way. The way the colours were subtly changing, all the lines and little valleys... 
Our tiny group at the back of the classroom started to lose it, giggle, chat... My class neighbour and I kept making stupid jokes to make each other laugh. It felt impossible to concentrate on the task at hand, it was highly uncomfortable. And we dealt with it like impatient restless children. 
[Mrs R., you probably won’t ever read that, but still : I am so sorry for the lack of respect you must have felt. That was not ok.] 
Why is mindfulness so hecking uncomfortable? 
The fact is that mindfulness feels uncomfortable for most of us. Because mindfulness is kind of the opposite of what our social messages tell us about how to human. 
We’re basically expected to always keep going, to compare ourselves to one another and work on being the best, the most talented, intelligent, efficient. We’re taught to glorify business, that being exhausted and addicted to coffee, sugar, food and wine (and now weed) to cope with the stress and the exhaustion is totally normal. 
Younger, we are so often taught that grades and pleasing our teachers and parents is the most important thing, that it gets more and more normal to learn how to cheat and lie. Older, we’re usually taught that having a good life can only come from the triad of : having a good job/career, founding a family and own property. We’re taught that being beautiful matters, and that being human and imperfect is the very opposite of beauty. 
We’re told over and over that somewhere on Earth are people with incredible and easy lives and always happy, and that all we need to get to that dreamy life is to purchase something, and something else, and something else...  We’re also taught that youngsters hate old people, and vice versa. Finally, we live in a system whose priorities is to make money and get power, far before the mental and emotional health of its citizens. 
Maybe you can’t see what all those have to do with being connected and loving to ourselves (the very heart of mindfulness). They don’t in a direct way. But each of them pushes us to always be doing things and that listening to our intuition and heart is less important than “following the rules”.   
Each patient that entered my therapy space during the past ten years had one and only thing in common : they had lost their way to the heart of themselves. And therefore, all of them were prioritising those societal and familial rules over themselves. 
It is very easy to know if you are well connected to yourself, it goes down to own main skill : how long can you stay silent and still without losing it? We only want to disconnect from ourselves when facing ourselves is too difficult, painful or scary to bear. 
The benefits of mindfulness
There are 3 main benefits of practicing mindfulness : 
The first one is that it is grounding. You know that feeling of constantly running? Sometimes, it’s helpful to be able to go through life fast-paced. But wether it’s physical or mental, it is stressful and exhausting when it goes on for too long. I like to describe it as mental wheel work : when we can’t really be present, our brain feels like those wheels are always running like crazy. A lot of us in this position feel the need to disconnect during the evening, numbing themselves watching movies and TV shows, eating, drinking, smoking... Grounding is the opposite of numbing and disconnecting, it is like stopping all the running, and allow ourselves to rest for a while by just being ourselves. Without any grounding practices in our life, we can’t be very aware of ourselves, others and our environment, at least not as much as we like to believe. 
The second one is clarity. Do you know what you really want, or do you feel more pulled apart by different needs and wants? Can you tell throughout the day how you feel and what you are thinking about in the background of your mind? Are you in touch with your body sensations? Are you usually aware of the things happening in your body? Can you feel hunger, thirst, tired easily and most of the time? Can you articulate easily what you feel in a situation or in relationships?  All of those need clarity to be easy processes. When we feel very clear about what is happening inside of us, life always feel sweeter, even if it’s not easy. We process our emotions constantly (there is no clarity in dismissing our emotions, actually we can’t be more unclear without them), but in a calmer way, with less intensity and urgency.  
The third one is presence itself. The less we are present in our life, the more we feel like we are pretending and performing all the time. It might feel safer at times, or easier, but on the long term, no one is happy avoiding to be present. Yes, it hurts more, we feel more painful emotions. Being present is also our only way to truly enjoy anything, to feel true joy, gratitude, lightness, our inner goodness, unconditional love. The most precious things to experience as a human demands our presence, that we are fully human living them. 
How do we practice mindfulness? 
First of all, it is a very learnable skill. All you need is to start from where you are, and increase slowly the time you are able to practice.
If you feel physically unable to stay with yourself even for an instant, start your day and end it by breathing deeply and slowly 3-5 times. Bonus if you wait for a little while before breathing in and out.  With time, you can add some more breathing throughout the day, for example, between classes, meetings or tasks. Breathing is very grounding, the most primal tool for self-love (presence is very much an act of self-love). 
Practice listening, reading or watching longer things without any distraction more frequently. Listen to an album from beginning to end. Or start with just a song. 
Choose calm activities that trick your brain into feeling like it stops. Avoid multitasking at all cost, it’s the mortal enemy of presence (and of efficiency for that matter). Reading, cooking, knitting, painting, walks connecting with nature, cloud/star gazing... You’ll recognise them by the feeling of being energised and fulfilled you get from them. If it feels impossible : a lot of patients, or myself after periods of non reading, got back to it by starting with 10mn increments. It’s easier to focus for 10mn. Start smaller if necessary (some start at one minute).
Finally, the almighty triad of presence practice (don’t cringe, I wasn’t very pleased by learning about it either, but studies are overwhelmingly agreeing) : journaling, meditation, yoga. Each of them practices presence in a different way, all will be the fastest tracks towards more presence. Again, start we the smallest increment you can bear at first.
What you need to know about mindfulness
Again. It’s going to be uncomfortable. Especially if you are used to always be in movement, in your body or your head : wether you always need to move otherwise you go crazy, or you are always thinking, planning and problem solving and can’t even imagine what it means to just “be there”, it won’t feel comfortable, or sometimes even safe to try for example to meditate. 
Go slowly : there are reasons why you feel the need to stay disconnected all the time. You’re hiding from a huge stock of built-up emotions you avoided over the years. Honour your pace if you want to deal with them, otherwise, you’ll scare yourself away from this journey. There’s no shortcut to self-discovery, only best practices. 
The good news is that there is no rush. Learning who we are and to be just that unconditionally is a lifelong journey. Not only this, but presence, as long as you keep going through the harder patches, like the beginning, you’ll be experiencing effects quite quickly. They will be small, and you’ll need to pay attention to see them, but they’ll be there. 
There are parts of life we can’t even imagine that unfold when we stop running and start to listen. We practice listening to our heart and start to strengthen our intuition. Life gets more flowy and trustworthy, feels safer and sweeter. Relationships gets less draining and more fulfilling. We get in touch with our deepest and strongest creativity. 
Above all, we start to learn how to love ourselves. By observing who we are, we start to let go of what we think we need to be, and embrace instead who we are, with more compassion and acceptance. The whole of ourselves. Not just the shiny easy parts we are proud about and ready to show. We start to befriend our inner darkness and ugliness. Self acceptance, let alone self-love, can’t be achieved without practicing mindfulness. 
What is the smallest step you can take right now towards more presence and stillness?
See you tomorrow,  Love,  L. 
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tableavenue7 · 2 years
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meltykarasu · 3 years
Final Fantasy VII Advent Calendar — Dec. 11
Cloud and co. ventured into the Nibel mountains, which is another traversal dungeon. Unlike Corel, however, these are far more ominous, and you can even make a detour for the Nibelheim reactor!
The journey there is pretty, uh, terrible. It's a lot of running around for an Elixir, an Elemental materia, and a Vincent weapon — the last of which is totally useless if you didn't recruit the man.
And when you get there...nothing! There's no wanton destruction inside, and the door to Jenova's room is locked again. Welp, back to the main area!
Nibel Dragons infest the area and they're nearly worthy of miniboss status, but their most powerful attack is Flame Thrower (again, a learnable skill, in case you missed it earlier) and so equipping the Fire Ring from Costa del Sol makes them something of a non-threat.
The Materia Keeper is the boss of the area, located at the exit. He's some kinda just spider-crab thing that can cast the Learnable lightning spell Trine. It's worth waiting until he casts it, as Trine is totally missable and the next capable enemy is a few hours away. The Counter materia is left when it dies. This is great. The higher its level, the higher chance of given character launching a standard attack upon being damaged. The Cover materia from ages ago has a higher chance of taking hits meant for others, so at a high enough level, a character can take every hit and immediately punch back. Additional materia obtained later can fire back similarly with Command and Magic type materia, like Deathblow and, uh, whatever badass spell you wanna use. Comet, Flare, Ultima, really whatever.
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