#so many good bits in this video slamming my head into the wall
dunn-0 · 7 months
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aleksa and alex desperately wanting to leave and jordies being like "Lets just keep arguing and lying" is soooo fucking funny actually
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verosvault · 6 months
Dimension20 "Fantasy High Junior Year"
Episode 8 "Fracas at the Frostyfaire Folk Festival"
Timestamp: 00:12:54
Video Length: 3min. & 20sec.
Adaine casts "Comprehend Languages" on all of the notes that Lydia provided and gets some (bad luck) help from a Cursed Fig Bardic! 😭✋
Brennan: "You can spend a little while to cast it ritually. It will take you a chunk of time. It's the middle of the day. You've got Frostyfaire later tonight."
Siobhan: "Yeah, it's a minute per page. Can I grab Riz and go up and turn around my calendar that I have on my wall, and it's just a blank corkboard?"
Murph: "Great."
Brennan: "Hell yeah."
Ally: "I'll go up there too and just give you both as many Help actions as I can"
Siobhan: "Oh yeah."
Brennan: "Hell yeah, I think the whole gang can tromp on upstairs and jump to it. This feels like the biggest payoff of not being sure that Lydia was even gonna be able to get this stuff. Go ahead, and I'm gonna say there's so many materials here, Adaine with that Comprehend Languages, go ahead and roll either Arcana, History, or Investigation with advantage, and then because Adaine has to translate for everybody, you guys will use Help actions to offset the disadvantage because you guys can't read the text yourself. So if there's any other checks you wanna roll that are Religion, Investigation, whatever, go ahead and roll them straight."
Murph: "I'll roll Investigation."
Brennan: "Cool."
Siobhan: "So I'm rolling with advantage?"
Brennan: "You're rolling with advantage."
Siobhan: "Okay, great."
Zac: "I assume I'm not there? Is it the morning?"
Brennan: "It's morning, but you might have come by. If they texted you, you could have swung by."
Ally: "Yeah, I think we would've."
Brennan: "Yeah."
Ally: "Unless you need to help your parents set up, but I'd imagine they already did everything."
Brennan: "And actually, let me know what your rolls are real quick."
Siobhan: "I got a 17 History."
Emily: "Do you want a Bardic?"
Siobhan: "I would love a Bardic."
Murph: "21 Investigate."
Ally: "If I have advantage in History or Religion, it's still straight, 'cause we would have disadvantage?"
Brennan: "Yes, with a Bardic-"
Siobhan: "With a Bardic from Fig, I got a dirty 20."
Brennan: "Dirty 20 on your History."
Siobhan: "On my History, yeah."
Brennan: "Okay."
Murph: "And I got a 21 Investigate."
Brennan: "21 Investigate, awesome. Kristen, what are you looking at?"
Ally: "11."
Brennan: "11 for Religion. Okay, copy that. So you guys are taking time to pore over the books. Maybe someone shoots Gorgug a text. Adaine, as you begin to read with some of that help from Fig, you feel your stomach gurgle and-"
Siobhan: "Oh no." *gurgling sound*
Emily: *laughing* 😭✋
Brennan: "You feel your stomach gurgle-"
Fig: "Adaine, can I help you?"
Brennan: "Can you go ahead and roll a d100 for me?"
Adaine: "Is anybody feeling weird after that breakfast?"
Kristen: "Hm, no, I thought that was good."
Fig: "Yeah, I think I'm feeling fine."
Siobhan: "I got a 91."
Brennan: "91, okay. As you go to study, you are looking at the book, and as you lean in a little bit closer, there's something moving on the page, in the binding, in the shadow of where the pages sort of fold into each other. And it looks almost like it could be text or writing. As you blow into it, you blow thousands of dust mites into your eyes."
Adaine: *coughing*
Brennan: "You stumble back, slam your head into the bunk bed, and one of the railings comes loose, hits you in the head, and knocks you unconscious."
Murph: "Holy ****!"
Ally: "No! No! I'll do a Medicine check!"
Riz: "Quick, Kristen, do a Medicine check!"
Brennan: "Go ahead and roll with disadvantage. Let me know if any of the dice come up under an eight."
Ally: "Oh, No, no, we're good."
Brennan: "Okay, cool."
Ally: "12."
Lou: "Jesus."
Brennan: "You go stabilize Adaine."
Ally: "So, 21."
Brennan: "21."
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frankendykes-monster · 10 months
Looking at Splatterhouse...
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Splatterhouse has always been a game in the back of my mind, though I hadn't played it in any form for nearly a decade. Luckily the PS store on PS4 is loaded with arcade titles so this was a no-brainer.
I'm sure video game players of literally every generation are familiar with and cherish at least one Namco arcade title. So many people have fond memories of Pac-Man, Galaga, Dig Dug, Pole Position, etc. but Splatterhouse has fallen by the wayside, and for very obvious reasons, that we will get to shortly.
First, some basics. Splatterhouse's arcade version doesn't provide much in the way of story. We are presented with an unlit mansion or large house as a couple, trapped in a thunderstorm, run inside. The woman screams and upon the start of the game you see the player character (the man of the two) dead on the ground from a blow to the head as a mask revives him. The manual for the PC Engine/Turbografx-16 version gives us a bit more context: we're following Rick and Jennifer, two parapsychology students on a trip to the fabled "West house" where famed parapsychologist Dr. West performed mysterious experiments, of which we can probably guess the results of.
Functionally, as a game in and of itself, Splatterhouse is...ehhh? It's similar to Kung-Fu Master (Kung-Fu on NES) from four years earlier without much changes. You punch, you jump, you duck kick, you do a slide kick (we will come back to this), and sometimes you can pick up weapons (we will definitely come back to this). Nothing special, within the first 30 seconds you've seen everything there is mechanically.
However no one is probably all that concerned given that opening stages in this game look like this:
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Splatterhouse is *insanely* gruesome at times, even by modern standards. In 1988 it was surely the goriest game ever made, making the violence from the likes of Mortal Kombat several years later look even more cartoonish. The opening stages look the best if only because the game's difficulty insures most people would only see those, and they're strewn about if not outright decorated with human remains in various degrees of decay. Punching enemies out in most cases causes them to just fall over into a pile of entrails, but with weapons like the hatchet you can decapitate them or slam them against the wall with a plank of wood.
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The "novelty" as it were to Splatterhouse is seeing what shit it can throw at you across all seven stages, though it gets needlessly difficult in the backhalf, with weapons disappearing from the game following the opening room in Stage 5 and way too many enemies swarming you from all sides at times. For my recent playthrough I fell back on save states for the last three stages. Splatterhouse is a fairly short game, an uninterrupted playthrough where you know what you're doing is only 30 minutes, but two minutes in this game feels like an eternity at times especially up against the later bosses.
Obviously the game takes cues from virtually every horror film of the previous thirteen years, though the fact that it doesn't devolve into a pile of references is a good show of how strong the creative direction on the title is. The most noteworthy thing is that Rick's mask, the Terror Mask, despite being a semi-sentient supernatural enemy, is designed to look like a hockey mask and evoke Jason Vorhees' design from Friday the 13th Part III (1982). It's odd mostly because the game never leans into something specific to slashers, you're mostly fighting monster a la Demons (1985) or House (1986). Stage bosses are the most overt references with Stage I having you take on flesh-eating monsters right out of The Deadly Spawn (1983), and then Stage II having you take down a possessed room of inanimate objects all flying at you.
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The first four stages are manageable, though good luck against the Stage III boss (Biggy Man? Piggyman?) if you haven't picked up both shotguns. Is this what you're supposed to do? I don't know, and as I'll mention later I can't slide kick the boss to death. Starting with Stage V is where it gets brutal with a score of branching paths that are basically a luck of the dice if you picked an easy path or not, but this is also the stage where you finally rescue Jennifer.
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Or not; the most genuinely fucked-up thing in this game is a pre-fight cutscene where she's transformed into an abomination that you must kill. She's easily the hardest boss in the game due to her speed and reach of her attacks, but you must do it, you must kill her, even she asks you to in between stages of the fight. It's revolting in context of how rescuing a love interest was a common video game trope that had recently exploded in popularity due to the likes of Super Mario Bros and The Legend of Zelda. The only way I managed to pull this fight off was by trapping her in the corner and consistently punching her out of her knock-back animation. For as hard as Splatterhouse is, it doesn't give you a lot of exploits or freebies, for the majority of the game the only way to do it is the developer's intended method.
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Stage VI reveals that the house itself is alive as you climb down to the lowest levels and destroy the heart all the while little fetus things try to kill you. This reminds me of the final stage to Contra more than anything. Now is a good time to bring up the slide kick; this thing is way too difficult to perform on a moment's notice, at least for me. There's rarely a safe time to pull it off anywhere in the game and it's too easy to lose control coming out of it. This is in spite of you being invincible for the duration of the attack and how strong it is, it's just not worth it most of the time. Blah, just give me another axe please.
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Evil Dead II: Dead by Dawn (1987) is obviously the biggest influence on Splatterhouse from a random guy having to toughen up and kill every ghoul in sight to his girlfriend becoming an undead monster he must kill to the final boss being a giant head and accompanying arms, though Splatterhouse removes all the humor from the equation. I'm of the interpretation that the Terror Mask was using Rick (just as much as it was the other way around) to get in a rematch against Dr. West, who's now giant corpse we're fighting.
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The game culminates with the house burning to the ground and the Terror Mask releasing Rick. Though there are two sequels, neither of which I've devoted much time to, neither of them seem to capture the raw disgust and horror of the arcade title. It's all about atmosphere which this game oozes with.
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clowngames · 5 months
i’m a game dev student at an art school and i’ve been really struggling with finding my niche…. i LOVE being a environment/modeler/texture artist, and i want to have more skills in the design/tech side… but i’ve been struggling really hard with learning unreal engine 5 for my classes. do you have any experience in unreal5 blueprinting or just anything more on the tech side? i would appreciate some advice to get through these tough college quarters :’D
Whenever someone entering gamedev on the programmer side is struggling to figure it out, there are generally two reasons for this.
The first is that they're struggling to get into the programmer mindset. Blueprints try to bridge the gap, but code doesn't work like english. It doesn't even work like the human brain. When we think or talk we take shortcuts to formulate or convey ideas because we can trust that when it comes time to interpret those ideas another person (or ourselves in the future) will fill in those gaps. This is so intuitive to us that we don't even notice that there are gaps. Programming forces you to become aware of how many gaps there are and fill them, and quite frankly it's a humbling experience.
I'm probably not saying anything you don't already know, but I want to emphasize that the way coding works is unintuitive to most people and we need to retrain our way of thinking to get good at it. This is unfortunately not a fast process. It's very common especially for new programmers (though I'm not immune even now) to go "I'm a fucking idiot, I'm a fucking idiot, I'm a fucking--I'M A GENIUS" because of the cycle of shit not working for stupid reasons and then finally working.
The second problem is that they're unfamiliar with (and overwhelmed by) the library they're working with.
A "library" in a programming context is typically collection of functions and objects you can import into a project, but each game engine has its own built in libraries which the engines are built around. These are the verbs and nouns that aren't built into, for example, C++, but have been added by Unreal Engine to make it easier to make games.
The better the game engine, the larger the library. Unfortunately, the larger the library the more overwhelming it is because that's a lot of shit to learn.
In your case anon the "library" would refer to the different kinds of nodes you can add to the blueprint. When you're new to it, even an expert Unity dev will struggle in Unreal because they don't know what their options are to accomplish things.
Now the reason I break down the new-programmer hurdles into two distinct problems is because they often seem like one problem, which can make it hard to solve. Both get better with experience so sometimes slamming your head against a wall is a viable way to get through them, but it's not the best.
If you think your main issue is the first problem, you can work on it through "exercise." This can be in the form of taking programming courses on codecademy (I'd recommend C++ since you're using Unreal, though C# isn't a bad choice) or by playing a game by Zachtronics like Infinifactory or Opus Magnum. These games are "programming puzzle games" and I can personally attest to having gotten better at Infinifactory as I got better at programming.
If you think it's the second problem, the biggest solvent is curiosity. When I get into a new engine, I spend a bit of time learning how it works and then immediately try and figure out how to do dumb shit in it. I made an incremental game in RPG Maker just to see if I could. It wasn't good, but it was a fun educational experience. Sometimes I'll come across a function I don't understand, and I'll open the engine's manual and read about the function and use that as a jumping off point to dive into similar functions.
It doesn't feel good for my advice to be "read the manual" but genuinely there's a point where you realize that you're reading the manual instead of watching youtube videos and it's like, holy shit I'm a real programmer. It's a sign that you're getting comfortable enough in the role that you're learning what questions to ask to figure out what you need to know (youtube is still a great resource of course).
All of that said though, if your aim is to be an environment artist I think it's okay to be bad at programming. Survive college, of course, but if you're in a team with a dedicated programmer (which you will be if you are not the programmer) then all you need is to be able to understand how to communicate with the programmer. It's really beneficial to know enough about the fundamentals of what you're working in to know what info the programmer needs from you and what info you need from them, but you don't have to be good at it to do that!
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arcane-strangeness · 7 months
had a beloved irl ask me for writing advice and like
i love you
but i don't know how the fuck i do it either i'm sorry
it caught me off guard to the point where i started kind of rambling lmfao @theratshaveinvaded heres kind of a basic summary? of what i did for that spite (and love) driven piece i wrote for @flunkett? below the cut
ok so basically here was my thinking process for the post i wrote here, i basically picked out specific events that came from the prompt, storyboarded the main scenes out in my head, and fleshed it out from those scenes until everything fell into place
jinx needs to die
vi needs to directly kill jinx
vi has no ranged weapons, so it's not gonna be a oops trigger finger slipped, it needs to be intentional
but vi would never intentionally harm jinx at the time when i'm setting the story (3 months after the council blew up)
how the fuck do i do that
think back to when i chase my younger brother to terrorize him (my duty as the oldest sibling, i have plenty nerf guns and a hockey mask for that exact purpose)
one of my favorite things to do is to loop around (the ground floor of my house is just a circle of rooms so if i can quickly double back around i can get in front of him) and slam an arm against the wall to scare him
vi has gauntlets
i can use that
Jinx has to want to die
she's already sooo mentally ill that's not difficult
throw in a little bit at the start about the many people who want her dead and the (implied) guilt she probably feels
hint at it throughout, she doesn't want to hurt anyone this time, and makes an effort to provoke but never actually harm anyone this time
she just needs vi and cait to chase her :)
simple as that :)
as for actually writing it idk man it just comes to me. (not to sound cocky or stuck up i still don't think i'm good at it lmfao) 90% sure it stems from a literal lifetime of being a big old nerd and watching too many video essays and media/literature review analyzing what makes something "good" and stealing little bits of style that i like from my favorite authors (and fanfic writers)
its like making an artstyle for yourself except with words
honestly this piece was probably a lot easier because #1 i had established characters that i only had to emulate instead of establishing a brand new personality and appearance and whatnot #2 same goes for setting and all that jazz #3 i had a set prompt and events that needed to happen, everything fell into place around those key points like a puzzle
and that's that, i wrote 1.2k words in a little over an hour out of spite because flunkett made me feel things :)
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silversatoru · 3 years
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i made this instead of doing my stacks of homework ^
step bro!itadori yuuji x f!reader
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synopsis: i don’t think i even have to say this but you get stuck in a dryer and your step-brother yuuji fucks the shit out of you
t/w: 18+!!!, aged-up yuuji, stepcest, noncon/dubcon, manipulation, filming without consent, mild impact play, creampie, mild overstimulation, mild dumbification (but also reader is just dumb), mention of masturbation
w/c: 2.3k
a/n: hey!!! i joined this super fun collab hosted by my new gf @suna-reversed​ (thank u for letting me be a part of it!!) so if you enjoy this i highly recommend checking out the rest of the talented writers in this collab :) the jujutsuhub masterlist is here !! also,, biggest thank u my lovely friend @brandmeyelena for helping me to plan and perfect this fic throughout the entire process <333
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you were a good daughter, certainty not the sharpest or the most intelligent, but you were helpful and compliant and you always did your chores. and you truly didn’t mind helping out around the house either; sweeping the floors and doing the dishes was easy enough, but there was one task that plagued you a bit more than the rest — doing the laundry. the buttons were just so confusing, and there were so many of them! and on top of that, your short stature made it nearly impossible to empty the fresh clothing out of your top-loaded dryer. 
you were struggling with that exact issue right now, pushing onto your tip-toes as you tried to reach that last pesky sock stuck at the bottom of the dryer. your finger tips brushed over the warm fabric, just an inch short of being able to snatch it into your hand.
you wiggled your hips a little further, your feet lifting off the floor and your weight shifting so you fell deeper into the dryer. you were finally able to grasp the sock, but you were unable to push yourself back out, feet swinging wildly as you tried to squirm your way out of the machine.
“hey, what are you doing?”
your face flushed at the sound of your step-brother’s voice coming from behind you, your senses becoming suddenly aware of how far your dress was riding up your thighs. a pitiful whimper of embarrassment slid past your lips as you realized you couldn’t even pull your dress down — you needed both hands to hold you up and prevent you from falling into the dryer. 
“ah! yuuji! ...i got stuck,” you pouted shamefully, thankful that you couldn’t see his face right now.
“again? isn’t this like... the third time?” he asked it like a genuine question, but you still felt stupid for getting stuck in the same predicament multiple times.
“mhm, can you help? please?” you whined at him, still wiggling your hips in a poor attempt to free yourself.
this only made your dress slide higher, the underside of your ass cheeks becoming prominently visible against the edge of the fabric. yuuji couldn’t help himself, gabbing his phone and snapping a few secret pictures of your exposed back-side. he planned to save those for later, maybe jack off to them if he was bored, but then a different idea flooded his head — you were no position to stop him from doing whatever he wanted right now.
he propped his phone up on top of one of the various laundry baskets, starting a video recording without your knowledge. then he waltzed back over, sliding a single finger under the fabric of your dress and tracing his finger around your round ass cheek. the sensation of touch made you flinch, your mouth gaping open as you fumbled over your next word.
“y-yuuji?” you stammered, trying to move away which only caused your ass to jiggle and shake more than it already was.
“shh, i’m helping,” he murmured, stroking his finger all the way down to your thigh.
he moved his other hand over your pretty cunt, the fabric of your panties hugging perfectly against your folds. he brushed two of his fingers up your clothed slit, causing you to yelp and continue to wriggle around.
“step-brother? what are you doing?” you continued to question him, your voice light and laced with confusion.
“i’ll help you get unstuck, but you have to repay me somehow, little sister,” he clicked his tongue at you, an evil grin that you couldn’t see stretching his lips.
he continued to poke and prod at your soft, clothed pussy, his mouth salivating as he imagined the things he could do to you in this position. every brush of his fingers coaxed gasps and whimpers from your lips, your worries and protests falling on deaf ears.
“y-you’re my brother, yuuji! w-we can’t do this!” you continued to argue, but his gentle fingers were starting to feel really good — small streams of fluid flowing out of your cunt and seeping into your panties.
“it seems like you want me to,” he observed, poking his finger at the small wet spot that was forming now, “and mom and dad won’t be home until later. no one will find out”.
you felt his strong hands weave their way underneath the straps of your undergarments, swiftly pulling them down your thighs and letting them dangle from your ankles. you sucked in a sharp breath at the feeling of your wet cunt being exposed to the cool air, shifting your hips and filling yuuji’s head with more sinful ideas.
you couldn’t see anything (with your head still being stuck in the dryer) but you heard your brother’s own pants fall to the floor, a loud clank of his belt buckle against the tiles confirming your suspicions. everything about this felt so wrong, but at the same time, you’d always been shamefully attracted to yuuji — eyes lingering on his chiseled chest for a little too long when he walked around the house shirtless.
your head was swirling with thoughts like: would it really be that wrong if the two of you indulged in each other while no one was around? it’s not like you were actually blood related or anything.
on the other hand, yuuji had a one-track mind, and he wasn’t having any of the doubts that you were — he had a tendency to listen to his dick instead of his brain. and right now your round, plump ass was staring him in the face and begging to get fucked. how could he not take advantage of this opportunity?
he lifted his hand and gave a firm slap to your right ass check, earning a gasped yelp from you which made his dick twitch and strain. he mumbled under his breath, something along the lines of ‘i’ve always wanted to do that’ but it was kind of hard to hear from the depths of the dryer.
he’d used a reasonable amount of force, a puffy handprint forming on the surface on your skin. he decided that the other cheek should match, delivering another firm strike to the other side and watching you squirm and whimper at the impact.
he grabbed his phone and pulled it over for a few close ups, showing off the swollen skin to the camera. he then placed a finger at the front of your entrance, the puffy, slick walls sucking it in as he delivered a few warm-up strokes with his hand. the camera picked up on all the grotesque squelching noises made by his finger in your cunt, as well as the embarrassed yelps and moans leaving your lips.
now that you had two matching, swollen hand prints, and your pussy had been properly prepped, he decided he was ready for the main course. yuuji returned his phone to its spot on the laundry basket before grabbing a low stool from the corner of the room and setting it in front of the dryer so he could stand on it for easier access. his cock was red and veiny, begging for entrance into your tight cunt as he wrapped one hand around it to position himself.
you’d always imagined your step-brother’s dick to be lengthy, and your assumptions were proven correct when your felt a tight pressure in your core. his girthy size pushed and stretched at your walls, pained mewls leaking from between your teeth as you clawed at the bottom of the dryer.
yuuji let out a groan that was almost animalistic, throwing his head back and placing a firm grip on either side of your hips. the way your pitiful form was positioned on the dryer gave him excellent access, the curve of his dick allowing him to stretch you deep, reaching all the way to the spongy patch of tissue that made you feel so good.
a jumble of grotesque noises filled the room, a chorus your sloppy moans, yuuji’s pleasured grunts, and the steady slap of his hips on your ass. he’d imagined what this would be like more times than he could count — fucking himself into his fleshlight and mumbling your name while he did so. but no matter how many times he’d dreamed of this moment, he never expected your walls to be so tight — so perfectly snug around his cock.
“yuuji!” you repeated his name a few times, head so dazed from the overwhelming bliss that you’d forgotten all about the initial guilt you’d felt.
“see, i knew you’d like this, little sister. your big brother would never steer you wrong, would he?” he knew his words were manipulative, but god, you were much too dumb to understand or grasp the concept of manipulation — you’d just agree with him like you always do.
“no! he would never!” you whined, letting your head dip lower into the dryer so he could fuck you at an even better angle.
your messy cunt squelched and squeezed a small stream of juices down your thigh as he picked up a deeper, faster pace, your moans becoming higher and more unsteady in response. he could feel your sloppy walls fluttering and constricting against him, his fingertips digging deeper into your hips as he let out a few breathy moans.
the tip of his cock slammed into your pleasure spot with every stroke, voiding your brain of any cohesive thoughts you might have had hiding in there. you moaned and whimpered over and over, whining yuuji’s name like a mantra as drool spilled from your lips.
yuuji could almost imagine your perfectly fucked-out face — your eyes rolling into your head and your mouth hanging open lazily. he grunted at the thought, deciding that the next time he fucked you it was gonna be somewhere that he could watch your face and really enjoy the show — because there was definitely going to be a next time.
there was a tight coil forming in your stomach, building up more and more the longer that your step-brother railed himself into you from behind. you hardly even noticed how sore your hips were getting or how numb and tingly your legs were from being bent over the dryer, yuuji’s dick filling you up so well that those things became an afterthought.
after a few more pounds to your oozing cunt that hit deep enough to graze your cervix, you felt a heightened wave of pleasure begin to crash over your body. surges of the most blissful sensation you’d ever felt racked through your systems, your whines becoming borderline screams as yuuji fucked you through your orgasm.
the way your warm, messy walls fluctuated and gripped around his cock pushed him close to his own climax, but he wasn’t quite ready to be done with you yet. he continued to provide heavy, forceful thrusts, abusing your now sensitive cunt and moaning loudly as your juices squelched out around the edges of your entrance. the disgusting sounds of your fluids squeezing out around his cock nearly sent him over the edge again, but he was determined to ride this out for as long as he could.
“it’s too much!” you wailed between heavy breaths, every stroke sending jolts of overstimulation through your clit.
you wiggled and whined, legs clenching together in defense and causing your pussy to wrap even tighter around yuuji’s dick. the added pressure and increased pleasure was something he could no longer surpass, succumbing to his own orgasm just moments later.
“fuck, feels- too- fucking- good- shit,” he grunted a long string of mostly profanity, emptying his hot release into your caverns as you continued to cry out and whimper underneath him.
yuuji had fucked you even stupider than you already were, your head way too dazed for you to even realize he was filling your insides with warm, sticky semen. he milked his orgasm all the way through and then some, his cock aching and twitching by the time he finally pulled it out of your white-stuffed cunt.
he wrapped his toned arms around your waist, finally pulling you out of the dryer and attempting to stand you up. but between the lack of blood flow to your legs from being stuck, and the good fuck yuuji had just given you, your lower extremities were in no shape to hold you up. you sunk right to the floor, your messy pussy spilling everywhere and leaving puddles of fluid and semen.
“thanks for helping me get un-stuck, big brother,” you looked up at him with admiration, blissfully unaware of how he was using your utter stupidity to his advantage.
“of course, you want me to carry you to bed?” he gave you a sympathetic look, squatting down with his back to you.
you hummed happily, wrapping your arms around his neck and climbing onto his muscular back. he carried you down the hall and into your room, laying you down and handing you an old towel for you to clean yourself up with. you were a pitiful site, hazy eyes and an ignorant smile resting on your face as yuuji admired your damaged little cunt for a few more moments before returning to the laundry room.
he grabbed his phone and ended the video, thankful that you were much to oblivious to notice that it was recording the entire time. he was definitely going to hold onto the recording for safe keeping and later use — and shit, maybe he’d even upload it to pornhub and make a quick buck too.
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 years
You know who I think would also make a good house husband? Tamaki. He'd get so flustered wearing a plug, not knowing how to ask for your strap without blushing so hard his ears turn pink 🥺
cw ;; dom!reader, sub!tamaki, househusband!tamaki, pegging, cute tamaki,  a lil mouthspitting <33, 18+
hhhh the thing about tama is that he never stops being shy, yknow? 
all of it, from the very beginning, from asking him to date you till walking down the aisle - no matter what, tamaki has that soft pink blush dusting his cheeks like he never really knows how to approach you. it doesn’t matter how many times you’ve done it, doesn’t matter how many kisses or hugs. 
you make him nervous as ever. but he likes you so much, he can’t be bothered to complain. 
the one thing about tamaki, aside from him being nervous, is that he always worries that he’s not doing enough for you. even though he spends his whole day taking care of the house like the cute little malewife he was born to be - he can’t help but wanna do more. you come home from your big, tough job and he thinks to himself that he should do a bit more to help you relax. even though he has the bed made, your food made and a bento for lunch tommorrow, your clothes folded and hung, the fridge restocked. 
he wants to make you happy so badly it almost hurts. oh the things he would give to see that proud smile you have for him. the things he does do - filthy and lewd things to see your smile perk up and your fingers on his pale skin, on the curve of his ass spreading him apart with such fondness. tamaki always wants to be good for you, wants to make you so proud. 
you always tell him he can have anything he wants - and normally all he asks for is your time and attention, and money for video games and manga. you built him a room in the house for all of his little trinkets and he’s spoiled to death but he hates asking. it makes him nervous. 
sometimes he thinks you have spidey sense. you must be able to tell how nervous he is about it so that morning, you spread him over the side of your bed and tell him to stay like that. god it was embarassing, having to be held open as you walk around to get the lube and the pretty little plug, the kind that has a bunny tail attached. it was so humiliating how hard it made him to be trapped underneath you - your fingers spreading him open as he hard cock spilled onto the unmade bedsheets. 
you know how to reach his prostate so easily and he cums in thick loads and shivers as you fuck him open. you pick up his cum and rub it on his hole, blissfully mean as you push the plug right inside and continue on about your day like you didn’t fuck the daylights out of him just seconds ago. 
he really thinks you’re quite mean to him. but it’s been making him desperate all day - and he’s upset because he almost overwatered the garden. trying to move with it in has been miserable and he’s been half hard all day and he needs you so bad like he needs air in his lungs 
when you find him, he’s on the couch - humping pillows. it catches you off-guard, honestly - it’s so unlike him but he’s there no matter how hard you like. he’s got that thin cotton t-shirt he likes tugged between his teeth, fingers tweaking nipples and humping the pillow all dry because he wants relief but he can’t come without you. it was too much today, you’re too much - really quite mean to him, no? 
“well hello to you too, baby” you greet amused. he stops and stares, mouth agape and drooly - flustered like nothing. but your eyes are sparkling just looking at him. 
“don’t stop on my behalf,” ― you say, hands up with a smile ― “do continue, you look so cute like this,” 
tamaki sobs. god he’s missed you so much and he hates asking, always hates it but he needs you so badly the words leave his mouth more fast than he knows what to do with 
“i n-need you,” ― he whimpers, so shy and almost sad ― “please.. please”
you know what he means so you walk over to him and give him so few reassuring kisses, spitting into his mouth before closing him back up so he knows he’s all yours. he gets that glossy look in his eyes when you tell him to get on all fours, and face the wall. 
when you come back, he looks like a dream. white shirt and sweats all askew, a cute little bunny plug still waiting for you. you could eat him right up if he’s looking like that. 
you don’t waste any time because you can tell how much he needs you. the plug comes out with the softest pop before it’s replaced with your cock, your hands digging into his hips as you slam into him so hard he gasps, chokes on the air in his lungs as he cock sputters. he cums hard all over your couch cushions. so hard it drips down his thighs. 
“aah aah aah,” like a little chant every time you thrust. he keeps babbling about how he already came but you’re not even close to finished and how could you be? when he’s fucking himself stupid, shaking his hips right back onto your cock with a dazed and lovesick lookin in his eyes. all he does is wait for you, your cute little househusband - it’d be wrong to stop at one. 
so, you don’t. you fuck him until the sunsets and until there’s so much cum running down his thighs that it makes a mess you feel sorry he’ll have to clean. he’s boneless and limp on the couch as you wipe him down, offering to order take out but he shakes his head. 
“gotta,” he swallows, gasps “gotta make you.. you.. uhm. too,” 
you couldn’t’ve asked for a more perfect husband.
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meltwonu · 3 years
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〚 💜 𝕕𝕠𝕦𝕓𝕝𝕖 𝕕𝕚𝕡 💜 〛| [CHAPTER 10]
this chapter pairing; fratboy!scoups x (fem)reader x fratboy!jungkook
genre&warnings; fratboy!au, dom!scoups, dom!jungkook, dirty talk, degradation, name-calling, weed, high!fucking, sloppy seconds, taking videos/photos, honestly pwp LOL. YAAAAAA WOW first DD chapter of the year so u kno I had to make it extra sloppy ksjhdfjskfh 😵‍💫🥴 I kept thinking about those clips of them during ISAC when I wrote this so y’kno hehe I also wrote this after a few drinks so it’s a bit on the short side but also y’know dkjjksf lol 😭✨ I’m a mess but y’kno what we are going to go into 2022 living our best lives y’all and the ‘b’ key on my macbook is still broken so that’s that on that (I also need new glasses 😞) ☠️😮‍💨 Enjoy ch 10, I love u and stay hydrated! I’ll pop back in tmr night to answer some inbox msgs! ❤️‍🔥💕
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - ?
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You only date Jungkook for the weed.
“O-oh, fuck, yeah, S–Seungcheol–”
And maybe his roommate too.
Jungkook takes a long drag of his blunt as he watches you ride Seungcheol’s cock, reverse cowgirl, from the foot of the bed as he keeps one hand wrapped firm around his own cock and the other holding the blunt.
The party at the frathouse had ended hours ago and left the three of you bored and drunk out of your minds until Jungkook decided it was time to bring out his best stash - laughing and giggling as the three of you had quickly burned through most of it before any of you had even gotten undressed.
“Goddamn, she’s so fuckin’ wet… I can feel her dripping and soaking my fuckin’ lap.” Seungcheol groans and readjusts his hold on your waist as you alternate from swiveling your hips and bouncing up and down in his lap.
You didn’t even remember how long you’d already been riding him. 
Not that you cared when he was filling you up this good.
“She always is,” Jungkook murmurs; leaning in closer until his lips are only centimetres from your own, “So you’re lucky I let you go first this time.”
He smirks and lets you take a drag from his blunt - watching as your eyes flutter shut from the rush of sensations washing over your body.
This was how it usually ended up for the three of you, afterall.
Jungkook would invite you over for the party, Seungcheol would join in once it was over and the three of you would end up in Jungkook’s bed one way or another.
Sometimes for hours before any of you got up to leave.
“I want him to, ngh, c-cum inside me, Jungkook… Then I want you to f-fuck me, a-ah, too… Okay?” You let out a high pitched moan when Seungcheol thrusts up into you; his cock slamming into your g-spot as your walls tighten around him, “Fuck, he’s fucking me–me so g-good… I can f-feel him in my s–stomach… He’s, mmngh, fucking me s-so deep…”
Your head feels fuzzy as you try to focus on Jungkook but all you can focus on instead is Seungcheol’s cocky laugh from behind you as his grip on your waist tightens.
“I always fuck you good, sweetheart~ You’re so cute when your legs are shaking and you can barely talk~ Now, be a good girl and let me fill you up with my cum~ I’ve been holding out for too long now~”
Seungcheol helps guide you as Jungkook watches and polishes off the blunt; placing the remnants in an ashtray near-by as he reaches for his phone instead.
“Lean back, baby, I wanna see the way your pretty ‘lil cunt is stretched around Seungcheol’s cock.”
You nod feverishly in return, throat dry as you do your best to give Jungkook a good view.
The camera shutter goes off quickly as Jungkook takes as many pictures as he can - taking a few videos of Seungcheol’s cock pumping in and out of your pussy as the three of you let out a chorus of moans and whimpers.
“Fuck, ‘m really gonna cum… Take some good pictures of her cunt filled with my cum, Jungkook~”
The two of them share a laugh as you whine and cry out both of their names; walls tightening around Seungcheol as he holds you down against himself while he cums inside of you.
“Oho~ You really are cumming so much inside of her… It’s already spilling out of her ‘lil pussy~ Making such a big fuckin’ mess for us to clean up after, huh?”
Whimpering, the warmth washes over you as Seungcheol’s cock throbs inside of you and you can only wait as you continue to swivel your hips and work him through his high.
Sometimes they’d let you cum all night and sometimes they’d make you wait - this time, they left you to your own discretion but you wanted to wait for Jungkook to cum with you as he quickly shimmied in closer.
“Okay, fun’s over ‘cause it’s my turn now~”
He grins at you, lip piercing making you lick your own lips as your eyes flit to his tattooed arm.
“Goddamn, she’s so fuckin’ attracted to you, Jungkook. She takes one look at you and she’s fuckin’ clenching around my cock so hard.” Seungcheol laughs as he helps lift you up slightly - cum dribbling down from your hole and dripping back down onto his cock as Jungkook wastes not a second more and quickly sheathes himself in your pussy.
Your body hovers over Seungcheol and the two of them hold you suspended - body swaying as you do your best to balance yourself from falling into Seungcheol’s chest.
“D’you hear that, sweetheart? You’re so fuckin’ wet, I can hear Jungkook’s cock when he thrusts inside that slutty ‘lil pussy of yours~”
Your eyes roll to the back of your head as Jungkook’s cock slams into your g-spot, much like Seungcheol’s as your walls only try to suck him in deeper each time he bottoms out.
“God–god, fuck, fuck me h-harder! Make me, ngh, cum…” Your mouth hangs open in pleasure while Jungkook laughs.
“Yeah? You want it harder? You wanna be our good ‘lil fucktoy, hmm?” He licks his lips - playing with his lip piercing as you mewl. “Always so goddamn wet and desperate for cum. You don’t even care that I’m fucking Seungcheol’s cum deeper into this pussy of yours, do you? ‘Cause you just want more and more~ We’ll blindfold you next time and have you guess who’s cock is inside you before we let you cum~”
Your legs start to tremble; teeth chattering as you feel globs of Seungcheol’s cum being forced out of your pussy with each snap of Jungkook’s hips.
“Y-yes…! Please, please… Need your c-cum inside m-me, Jungkook… Make a–a mess out of my p-pussy…”
“Cumslut. Always begging for us to ruin this cunt of yours~” Seungcheol teases.
“Ngh, please, I want i-it…”
Jungkook’s pace doubles; impatience finally getting to him too.
After all, he’d been sitting and watching you and Seungcheol for a fair amount of time before he’d gotten his turn.
“Should we have Seungcheol fuck you after I cum inside you, baby? We should take turns fucking each other’s cum deeper inside this cunt of yours ‘til you can’t take it anymore~”
You can feel Jungkook’s cock throbbing inside of you and you let yourself give into the pleasure - mind going blank as you finally succumb and let your orgasm wash over your overstimulated body.
It only takes a few more skillful thrusts and your walls fluttering around Jungkook for him to follow suit; hips stuttering as he, too, cums inside of your hot cunt.
“Goddamn, now she’s going to have two loads of cum dripping out of her slutty ‘lil hole, huh? So filthy and messy~”
Seungcheol peers down as far as he can - grinning at the way Jungkook’s cum is already dripping from your pussy too.
“I’m gonna have to get payback for that, sweetheart.”
You can barely focus, eyes hazy and mind muddled as your entire body feels electric with the pleasure buzzing all throughout.
“You’re letting all of Jungkook’s cum drip down onto me too, y’know? What are we gonna do about that, hmm?”
“I, hic, d–dunno…”
Jungkook chuckles, eyes dark as he watches your blissed out expression as your ride out the rest of your high.
He did always think you were the prettiest when you were cumming.
“Let’s roll another blunt and find out, shall we, baby?”
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bastillewolf · 4 years
Shinigami Eyes (II)
Pairing: Corpse Husband / Reader
Summary: After you distastefully kill Corpse in a game of Among Us, he wants you to make it up to him and invites you to come over for the week.
Notes: Thank you so much for the love on the previous chapter, I’ve never gotten this many notes before. I hope you enjoy, and maybe leave an ask if you want to? I can’t promise I have time to do them, but I’ll pick out a couple.
Also, I might rewrite this. I kinda rushed it because I wanted to finish it by tonight, but there will be a final and third chapter to this afterwards. Please do let me know what you think.
Tag list CLOSED!
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Shinigami Eyes - Pt. II
5… 4… 3… 2… 1…
You were teamed up with Sean.
Your fist violently slammed down on the desk. “Goddammit! I don’t want to be impostor anymore! This game has no compassion for my poor nerves.” It was the third time in a row now, and you were really craving to do normal tasks now without all the scheming. “Fuck it, I don’t care if they kill me. I’m just gonna do my thing without thinking about it.”
You decide to follow Toast for a bit to watch him do some task. You kill him in Laboratory. You vent back to Launchpad and take your time walking towards MedBay while the kill button restores. You meet up with Corpse, and follow him while pretending to do wires in the Y-hallway. You watched the green bar go up, and continued. Sabotaging and then fixing lights, you made sure your place with Corpse was settled. Then the body of Lily was reported.
As you expected, Corpse easily vouched for you as he’d seen you do a task. The round was skipped, though Rae was sussed for ‘chasing’ Sean, by his own words.
“Corpse, you’ve grown weak,” you muttered to chat.
You were in Greenhouse, and decided it would be best to kill him there and sabotage Reactor. “Sorry baby, but I can’t keep following you around.” You quickly set off Reactor and murdered him in front of the plants. “Your blood shall keep the plants hydrated.” You did an evil laugh. “Pretty sure that’s not how it works, though.”
You vented down to MedBay and as you walked out you met up with Rae. She’d be the vouch who would confirm you weren’t anywhere near Greenhouse. “I’ll just have to fix my own sabotage so they’ll never suspect me.” You helped her with the handprint, and noted Sykkuno and Felix being there. Sean sabotaged lights, you killed Sykkuno, and ran out to follow Lily into Laboratory. Felix reported the body.
“Holy shit,” Rae gasped. So far, five people had died. You only needed to kill one more person. “It was Felix!”
“Wait, what?” the man in question asked. “I was fixing Reactor!”
She mentioned that only you, Sykkuno, Felix and herself had been there and that you’d helped her do handprint. “Sykkuno must have fixed it, and then you killed him!”
Sean asked if you’d seen anything.
“No, the lights were out. I followed Rae into Laboratory after the scan.” Your voice didn’t tremble or raise, a tactic you’d taken up from the best lair in the group. Well, the one who was now dead. Oops. “I haven’t seen Felix this entire game, though.”
He was evidently at a loss for words, so the group was quick to vote for him.
Pewds was ejected.
You thanked Sean for a good game who was laughing his ass off. “I can’t believe you did Corpse like that! Poor guy!”
“I deadass thought you were innocent,” Corpse replied, “I’m hurt.”
“Why do you still sound dark and menacing when you say something like that?!”
You agreed with Sean heartily, “He’s just salty I’ve bested him at his own game.”
“Hey now, no need to actually insult me.”
The group laughed. You decided to call it for the night, right before Corpse did the same.”
He was calling you again. “What is it this time, you salty?”
“Salty? Nah, never,” he said, but you weren’t convinced.
“Then why you calling?”
“What, I can’t call my friends after playing a nice round of Among Us?”
“Not when you lost the game and you call the person who you lost to. Kinda sus, dude.”
“Alright, maybe a little salty.” You smirked.
“Aw, you need me to make it up to you?”
He laughed. “What did you have in mind?”
A bunch of thoughts, most not rated PG-13, crossed your mind. You were suddenly starting to feel uncomfortable. This was probably just something innocent, which got twisted in your fucked-up mind. You shrugged, “Uh… I don’t know.”
“I got an idea.”
“What is it?”
“Come over this week. You said you needed a break, right?”
“That sounds more like you’re doing me a favour instead of me making it up to you.”
“I don’t have any friends. You’d be making it up to me by being the first physical person here in years. I usually don’t invite people over.”
“Wow, I’m flattered. So, you don’t consider me to be your friend after all?”
“You know that’s not what I meant,” he chuckled.
“Sure, sure. Tell me that again when my presence suddenly brightens your life making you not want to get rid of me, ever.”
“I’ll keep it in mind.”
You walk through the gates following a hoard of people, all the while still feeling drowsy from not getting any sleep during your flight. At least you didn’t have any turbulence and landed safely. Glancing around here and there with no result, you figured Corpse would be waiting outside, until you spotted a figure clad in black a little ends away by the escalator. You were glad you were still awake enough to have found him, because he appeared to silently linger halfway behind a fern.
At least, you hoped it was him. The only indications were his clothes, mask and dark hair. You saw him run a hand through it, and identified the chipped black nail polish and familiar rings. Oh yea, that was him alright.
He seemed to be paying more attention to the floor until he saw two feet appear in his line of sight. “Hey,” you awkwardly greeted. A bit taken a back, he replied, “Oh, wow. Hey.” A mask was covering the bottom of his face, but as far as you could see his eyes were a very dark shade.
“Wow?” you repeated. He chuckled, scratching the back of his head. “Yea, sorry. It’s a compliment.” You held your elbow out in a safe-distance gestured hello, but he shrugged you off. “You’re gonna be staying with me anyways.” Suddenly in a daze, you felt him wrap his arms around your waist and instantly hugged him back. His baggy sweater felt warm and soft to the touch, and strands of hair tickled your face. You very much tried to repress your smile and blush, but how could you? Hugging someone wasn’t supposed to feel this good. When he pulled back he reached down to take your suitcase from you. “I don’t own a car, is it okay if we take a cab?”
“Y-Yeah, of course,” you stuttered, “But it’s on me. Same with food and stuff.” “Don’t worry about it,” he chuckled. “No, you’re letting me stay with you and a hotel would’ve been a lot more expensive than this. It’s my treat.” “Yeah, we’ll see.” He gave you a look and even with the mask you could tell he was smirking underneath it.
It’s about half an hour drive to his apartment complex, and it’s rather nice. “All that YouTube money paying off, huh?” you asked in amusement. “You’d know,” he replied. You insisted on carrying your suitcase up the stairs yourself, which he silently shook his head at, until after a few flights he noticed you struggling and settled on carrying the thing in between the two of you. “How many clothes did you bring?” “Oh, it’s mostly filled with bricks I might need to throw at your head.” He laughed at that.
His apartment was simple, but cosy. “Home sweet home,” he said, almost sarcastically. You furrowed your brow at him. “I’m sure you could’ve had it a lot worse.” He reluctantly agreed.
He helped you set down your luggage in what appeared to be his bedroom, where the curtains were still closed and the black bedsheets fresh. He had a few pieces of fanart up on his wall, and some on his closet. You turned to him and gave him a look. “You’re not sleeping on the couch.”
He quickly shook his head, “You’re not sleeping there. If you won’t let me sleep on the couch I’ll sleep on the floor.”
“If you’re sleeping on the floor, I’m sleeping on the floor.”
“Yeah, we’ll see about that,” he murmured. “What?” “Nothing.”
He suggested playing video games as you were both too tired to do anything else. You’d landed quite late yet were still confused about what time it actually was. Flying is weird. You hopped onto his couch and grabbed a controller.
He sat down next to you, but suddenly seemed tenser than before.
“You okay? You can just go to sleep if you want to.”
He shook his head, “Nah, I don’t sleep a lot. It’s fine.”
You didn’t stop looking at him, though. He was still wearing that mask. “You don’t have to take it off, if you don’t want to. I understand if it makes you uncomfortable.”
“It’s not that, I just…” He took a deep breath. You hadn’t expected him to take it off then and there. You stared at him, your mouth slightly agape, controller barely held by your numb hands.
It was as if he was expecting you to make a face or something, but you didn’t give him anything, except for a blatant “Nope” and an “Are we gonna play now or what?”
“You don’t have anything else to say?”
You shrugged, and looked him up and down again. “You’re kind of what I imagined you to be.”
“What’s that?”
Neither of you could stop smiling for the rest of the night.
You eventually forced him to sleep in his own bed, even going as far as to shove him into the room and keep your weight against the door so he couldn’t get out, so he eventually relented. “Inviting you here was a mistake.” “How come? All I’ve done so far is look after you!” “You’re a nightmare.”
You mostly stayed in for the week, which you didn’t mind at all. Being in such a closed-off environment with someone you got along with was nice. He attempted to get you to lift the weights in his room and succeeded for around fifteen minutes until you nearly dropped a dumbbell on your foot. You ordered take-out from his favourite restaurant, watched horror movies until you adapted to his sleeping schedule because you were too scared to close your eyes now, and even streamed a bit together with your friends.
“Wait, is Corpse with you?” Rae had asked.
“No, I’m at Corpse’s. He’s sitting across from me so I can’t see his screen but we’re gonna have to share the Discord unless you want to hear an echo.”
“Ah, man! You got to see his face, too?” Sykkuno whined.
“Stop simping, Sykkuno. You get enough attention from him already.”
“Don’t worry, I still love you,” Corpse said.
It was probably a good thing that you got teamed up again, because you could indeed start to see his hands shaking right as the word ‘impostor’ appeared on the screen. You reached over and stroked it with your thumb. He smiled gratefully back at you.
“Just please,” he pleaded later that day, “Sleep in the bed. If only for one night.”
“No. I’ve heard about and now seen your sleeping habits. If you take the couch you’re never going to get any sleep.” You made a real effort to show him how comfortable you were – even though your back had started to hurt already after the first night – by crawling underneath your blanket and rubbing your head into the soft pillow. He snorted.
Next thing, you feel yourself being lifted by an arm underneath your knees and one around your back. “Corpse! Put me the fuck down!” you shrieked. You knew he lifted weights, but how the hell did he still have the energy as an insomniac? He ungracefully dropped you onto the matrass and turned the lights off. “Good night.”
You quickly got hold of the back of his hoodie before he could leave and pulled. He fell down next to you with a low huff. “Fine, I’ll sleep in the bed. But only if you sleep here too.”
“I snore.”
“Don’t care.”
For some reason, there wasn’t any tension or awkwardness. You were comfortable, and the soft rhythm of his breathing seemed to soothe you. He called out your name, to see if you were still awake.
“…Thanks for coming over.”
“Any time.”
This was how you would spend the rest of the nights, and whenever either of you woke up suddenly curled up around the other, you didn’t mention it or move away from it. It was the first time in years Corpse got a few nights of complete rest.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
Always There To Get Me Goin’ (Part 3)
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Summary: The reader surprises Jensen on the last day on set and gets a surprise of her own when she finally gets to see him in his suit...
Pairing: Jensen x reader
Word Count: 1,300ish
Warnings: language, smut
A/N: Enjoy!
“Well good morning to me,” you said, whistling as Jensen walked into his trailer wearing a tank top and sporting his normal amount of scruff once again. “Oh look at those little cheeks.”
“How the hell…” he trailed off when you held up a badge. “But we’re not allowed visitors-“
“I am technically a…production assistant intern,” you said, reading off the badge. “I DM’d Kripke. He got me a pass for the day.”
“Oh so technically you have to do whatever I ask you to,” he said. You held up a hand and waggled it, Jensen stalking over to where you sat, leaning against the arm rests. “Now you’re not handling your job duties very well are you.”
“I will handle many things later. After work.” He pouted, leaning in close. “Don’t worry. I’ll tug on that pretty hair as much as you want.”
“Fine,” he whined. “But only because I need to make a quick video and then change before I film one last scene.”
“Wait you’re filming without a beard? Why-”
“Sh. Spoiler free household remember,” he said. You opened your mouth and he put a hand over it. “I’d keep that shut. Never know what might slip in there.”
“Slip things wherever you like,” you mumbled. He hummed, pecking a quick kiss on your lips. 
“Stay put. I won’t be long.”
“Fuck,” you said to yourself when Jensen got back to his trailer when he was done for the day. You hadn’t seen him in person in his suit before and the pictures did not do him justice. He took a deep breath before stopping in front of your chair.
“I could use some help getting out of this,” he said. “Wouldn’t want me to report you to your boss would we?”
“Depends. Is my boss going to make a move on me?” 
“Hell yes I am. Come on,” he said. He grabbed your hand, leading you back to the small bedroom, kicking the door shut. You put your hands on his arms, sliding them up until you hit his vest. You smirked, running your hands down, finding a belt. You looked for a buckle or a snap but it seemed to be a part of the vest on second glance. He chuckled and slid your hands to his sides. “You have no idea how to take this off do you.”
“I don’t want to break it,” you said.
“Probably not a good idea.” He put his hands on either side of the vest and tugged, both sides opening up. “Velcro.”
“Oh,” you said, watching the sides of the vest come undone, Jensen lifting the vest and belt, his holster tied in with it, over his head and setting it on the ground beside you. Your hands went to his chest and while you saw the zipper fold, it ran straight up to the cowl around his neck. He tugged on that as well, the cowl coming off in a single piece and being added to the pile. “So that’s how you get in this thing.”
“More fun taking it off sometimes.” You pulled on the zipper, Jensen racing to rip off the gloves on his hands. “Wait-”
“You’re too slow,” you said, grabbing the suit and tugging it down. The sleeves were tucked into his gloves though and you smirked, Jensen giving you a warning glance before you pushed him back on the bed, effectively trapping his arms behind him.
“Y/N-” he said before you covered his mouth with your hand.
“I still owe you for that window treatment a few months back,” you said. You kicked off your shorts and finished pulling his suit down until you saw his compression shorts. One quick movement later both they and his boxer briefs were tugged down, his cock springing free. He was half hard and a few rough pumps had him standing tall. 
He bit his bottom lip when you straddled his hips and sunk down, bottoming out quickly. 
“You know moving up here while you were filming may just be the best decision I ever made.” You lifted off of him, leaving just the tip of his cock inside before you slammed down. He grunted and you leaned forward, planting your hands on either side of him, staring him in the eye. You gripped his hair and watched him give in, face soft and pliant, jaw dropping when you picked up a fast and harsh pace.
“Y/N,” he whined. You kissed his neck and sucked, his whole body tensing. “Slower. Slower. I won’t last.”
“Who said I want you to last? Don’t worry about getting me off. You can eat me out after you fill me up.” He whimpered as you worked on giving him a hickey, thighs already burning. Your walls were squeezing him hard, Jensen sucking in air when he finally came. He made a series of muffled groans before you finally slipped off of him and crawled upwards quickly. “Clean me up.”
He sighed happily when you knelt over him, one of your hands keeping your underwear pushed aside. His tongue dove in and out, shivers running down your spine while he worked you over. 
You couldn’t help the small shake in your body when he turned his attention to your clit. He wasn’t going easy on you, tongue swiping and assaulting the bundle of nerves. You felt the shockwave of sparks start in your feet and work up your legs when he switched to sucking and lapping at the same time.
“Jensen,” you moaned softly, coming hard, Jensen not letting off until you were already into another orgasm. You forced yourself away, sitting back against the wall, breathing hard. He licked his lips and grinned, pulling his arms out from behind himself, gloves free now. “Always such a fucking pushy bottom aren’t you. Can’t just come and ask me to ride me senseless can you?”
“Yeah but you like it,” he said, ripping off his other sleeve, scooting up the bed and taking a deep breath. “Oh and sweetheart? You can ride me senseless anytime. Anytime.”
“When we’re back home I’ll tie up you and make you scream all you want.”
“Here I was going to offer the same thing,” he said. You leaned down and kissed him, Jensen grabbing your waist and flipping you over to the other side of the bed, smirking and staring down at you. 
“Down Soldier Boy,” you teased. He bit at your bottom lip but pulled away after only a moment.
“Oh if you want to play with him be careful what you wish for,” he said. There was a loud knock on the trailer wall and you both sat up quickly.
“Jensen! There’s a little wrap party on back lot when you’re changed,” called a voice.
“Thanks! Be there in a minute!” he shouted. He ran a hand over his face, wide eyed when he touched his neck. “Y/N! How am I gonna explain a hickey!”
“With this,” you said. You stood up and grabbed the bandana tied to the strap of his backpack, twisting it and tying it around his neck, making sure it covered the fresh mark. “Ta da.”
“You’re lucky you’re smart. And cute,” he said. You kissed his cheek and he grinned. “Coming to the party?”
“Sure. Although I do have to ask, am I meeting former co-workers or these will be your co-workers next year?” you asked. 
“Why don’t you try to get the answer out of me back in the states. You win, I’ll tell you then and there if I’m back or not. You lose...you do that thing I like.” You narrowed your eyes and he stood up. “If you’re too afraid-”
“Oh it’s on Ackles,” you said. “You are so losing.”
“Whatever you say, sweetheart.”
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
𝐷𝑖𝑙𝑓!𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧: 𝑆𝑒𝑥 𝑇𝑎𝑝𝑒 𝐺𝑒𝑡𝑠 𝐿𝑒𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑑 (𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑)
Warnings: NSFW content. Aged up/Older Ateez but age differences are still within legal boundaries. Allusions to infidelity. Also contains major spoiler for the dilf!Yeosang fic.
❥𝓚𝓲𝓶 𝓗𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓳𝓸𝓸𝓷𝓰
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"Hongjoong? Hongjoong baby?"
You lightly tapped his cheek in an effort to wake him up from his nap on the couch. Fluttering his eyes open, he yawned softly, almost an exact replica of how your son often would.
"What? Is it dinnertime already?" He asked while sitting up.
"Almost, but I noticed your phone was going crazy with notifications so I thought it must be something important."
Kissing his sleepy face, you chuckled and returned to the kitchen before anything accidentally burned. Fixing his hair, Hongjoong picked up his phone to see about 10 missed calls, 20 unread messages and a dozen emails all from different people, most of them from his fellow teachers at the university. Scanning through the first few, Hongjoong became wide awake and immediately began looking back to see the email he had sent right before going to sleep.
"Ok food is- what's going on?" You noticed how agitated he looked.
"Um...well.... funny story. You know how I was supposed to send in my report to the administration? I might have accidentally attached the wrong file on there.." He sheepishly admitted to you.
By his tone, you knew it was probably something serious.
"Ok and what was the file?"
Hongjoong grabbed your arm and placed you next to him.
"You're gonna want to be seated for this."
Hongjoong opened the file and held the phone out for you to see. You widened your eyes as you saw it was the old video he had taken of you sucking him off for the first time when you were at the university. You couldn't help the tiny grin tugging your lips as your loud slurping sounds blasted through the speakers.
"Fuck! Miss Y/N, do you really enjoy sucking cock so much?" Hongjoong's raspy voice was heard on the background, one of his hands holding the back of your head to plunge your mouth further down onto his length. You were seen moaning dramatically as you pulled away slightly, drool falling down your chin.
"I used to, but now I think I'll only love sucking cocks that are as big as yours." You winked as your hand pumped along his shaft, your tongue coming out to swirl around his head.
"Still think a pretty young thing like me can't take a cock like yours Mr. Kim?"
Getting so flustered, Hongjoong stopped the video and ran a hand through his hair as he waited for your outburst. When you were silent for a while, he looked over and was confused to see you smiling.
"I can't believe you kept that after all this time." You giggled as your hands cupped his cheeks.
"Well I.... I just like reminiscing about the old times when you used to give me the best suck of my life."
You raised an eyebrow at him. "What do you mean used to Kim Hongjoong?"
Hongjoong flushed even more when you came down and sat in front of him as you began pulling his pants down.
"I can still give a blowjob that'll leave you breathless."
❥𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓢𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝔀𝓪
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"Well it seems your wife and her lawyer have decided to stoop low in methods to stop the divorce from happening."
Seonghwa's lawyer seemed uneasy about telling you guys about it.
"What did that witch do now?" Seonghwa could already feel a headache coming.
"She submitted a video for the judge and other attorneys to view and hopefully use against you.. but the nature of it...... well it's not exactly something we can show in the courtroom but most of us lawyers have unfortunately seen it."
Leaving the laptop open and sliding it forward to you both, the lawyer stood up and cleared his throat.
"I thought perhaps you two would want to take a look and decide what you'll want to do after this." The poor man left the room, feeling embarrased for you.
You were the one who leaned forward to press play. Seonghwa and you stiffened in your seats when you saw it was an old video you had taken during one of the nights he often went over to your place after one of the many fights he'd have with his wife.
"How did she even get a hold of this?" You asked but you weren't really paying attention to your question and neither was Seonghwa, both of you just watched the screen in front of you, seeing the erotic action unfold.
"Shit! Look at you, all stuffed to the brim with my cum, it's leaking out of you."
Your body jolted underneath Seonghwa as his hips once again slammed into yours, your body aching from the overstimulation he had already been giving you for the past hour but you didn't want him to stop, even after he had cum inside you three times already.
"Keep my cum inside your body my little slut. Don't drop any of it out." His voice was raspy and hoarse as he continued his merciless pounding into you.
You looked like a mess by then, your face was buried on the pillow, nails nearly tearing the sides of it and even though it was muffled, your screams of pleasure could still be distinguished through it.
"I'm gonna breed you my little bunny. Stuff your little hole until you're carrying my babies."
Yanking your hair, Seonghwa pulled you so your back was pressed against his chest.
"Cause that's what you promised me right? You promised you'd let fuck my babies in you right?" He cooed as he nipped at your neck.
You whimpered loudly and nodded at him, tears falling out of your eyes.
"Yes! Please! Breed me Mr. Park. I wanna get fucked with your babies." You begged him, your face scrunching up as another orgasm was being pulled out of you.
Seonghwa and you sat there silently after watching all that, taking it all in. It was him who broke the ice by spinning his chair to you and looking all too smug.
"Well I did knock you up didn't I?"
❥𝓙𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓾𝓷𝓱𝓸
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Yunho calmly scrolled over the messages in the group chat he had with his friends, all of them bragging or retelling about what they had done over the course of their vacation.
"What'd you do Yunho?" "Something boring probably."
He rolled his eyes at Jongho's sense of humor.
"I actually had a lot of fun at the waterpark with Y/N and my son. I even have a cute video of it."
Scrolling through his gallery, he didn't realize he accidentally clicked on the wrong video thinking it was the one you took as your son was learning to swim. Confidently pressing send, Yunho waited for them to coo over his boy as they always did when anyone shared pictures of their kids.
"Um.... Yunho? What exactly am I watching?" Seonghwa asked while Hongjoong just replied with a shocked faced emoji.
"Damn, did you have fun turning that bed of yours into a waterpark?" Wooyoung added with a winky face emoji.
Wondering what the hell they were talking about, Yunho opened the video he sent and his face fell when he realized what it actually was that he had sent.
"Yu-Yunho.... too big. I can't." You whimpered pathetically on his screen, your hands rubbing along where his bulge poked out on your abdomen.
"Yes you can baby, you've taken all of me before." He reminded you as he slowly stuffed more of his cock inside you until he bottomed out and his cock was enveloped in your walls.
"There? You see. Your tight pussy can fit me just fine."
Feeling so full yet not having him move inside you, you began whining and clenched around him.
"Yunho, please fuck my tight pussy. I wanna get destroyed by your cock. Please." You begged him.
"Awww do you want me to fuck you dumb with my huge cock? Is that what you want?" His mocking tone was unmistakable even if his face wasn't shown.
"I'm gonna fuck you til you're crying baby, don't say you didn't ask for this."
The rest of the video transpired with his grunts and your whimpering. Yunho's cock disappeared in and out of you at a brutal pace, one of his large hands holding you down so you couldn't move away from him. He ripped orgasm after orgasm out of you until your eyes rolled to the back of your head and you began squirting all over the sheets.
"Fuckfuckfuck! Yunho!" You cried out, unable to stop shaking as he just continued his pace and made you squirt all over again.
"That's it. Be a good girl and squirt more for me. By the time I'm done, all you're gonna remember is this feeling of me breaking you."
Yunho was giggling out of embarrassment now that he knew what his friends saw.
"All of you delete this right now and pretend it never happened."
❥𝓚𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓮𝓸𝓼𝓪𝓷𝓰
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Yeosang looked down beyond the railing on top of the staircase. Although he should have been horrified, disgusted or the slightest bit sad, his face showed absolutely no emotion whatsoever. He just looked at the scene with no remorse, no emotion and nothing at all.
"Sir?" His trusted butler immediately came up, hands behind his back as he awaited for any instructions
"Take care of this Damian. And make sure no one knows about this. If anyone else knows.... take care of them too." He ordered.
The proper English butler let out a chilling smile as he adjusted his cuff links, happy to be able to put his hidden talents to use.
"Rest assured Sir, no one will suspect a thing." He walked away with chest up and shoulders back.
Meanwhile Yeosang turned his attention back to you, who was sitting with back pressed against the wall, eyes shot wide open as your body couldn't stop trembling and shaking from what had just happened. Kneeling in front of you, Yeosang cupped your face, trying to get you to calm down he began hushing you close to your ear.
"It's ok baby. You're ok, you're going to be ok. And our baby is ok." He cooed at you as he stroked your hair.
"She's..she's..." You couldn't form a proper sentence as your mind replayed everything what just happened.
You had just returned from a small trip to the store and went to your room, only to find Mrs. Kang in there, back turned to you.
"Madame? Is there something I can help you with?" You offered.
When the lady turned to look at you, her face was tear strung and red from all the crying she had done, not from heartbreak, but from rage. In her hand, she had your phone and your heart dropped as you heard what it was that she had been looking at.
"I knew you were probably nothing more than a low, poor common whore, but to actually know you slept with my husband!"
You gasped when she came up and slapped you harshly across the face before yanking your hair and throwing you on the ground. Your hands immediately clasped around your belly protectively and the lady's face fell in shock.
"Don't tell me that the bastard you're carrying is actually..." She clasped a hand over her mouth as it all made sense to her now.
You couldn't help the tears that sprung out from your eyes. This was not what you wanted to happen
"I'm sorry, I-"
You began screaming when she suddenly pulled you up and began dragging you out of the room and into the hallway. When she pressed you up against the railing, you began to fearfully fight back for your and your baby's life, desperately trying to get out of the mad woman's grip.
"I'm going to fucking kill you! You and your child! How dare you do this to me?!"
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓢𝓪𝓷
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"How was I supposed to know there would be a camera right in the middle of the beach placed on a totally secluded place? I mean come on! Hardly anyone ever goes to that spot, why install security cameras on a place hardly anyone goes to?!" San tried to justify himself as you both looked at the computer screen in front of you.
"Maybe precisely because people prefer going to secluded places to do illegal activities?" You glared at him.
"In my defense, it's not like we were hiding a dead body." San wanted to lighten up the mood.
You groaned as you covered your face.
"Why did I even agree to letting you fuck me in public at a beach?"
San rolled his eyes at you.
"Oh stop. You could have said no many times but instead you actually begged me to go harder on you. Don't believe me? I got evidence to back me up."
Pressing play once again, San nudged you so you could look at the video playing again. The good thing about it was that it happened during the night so your faces weren't that visible. But it was clear enough for anyone to see what was going on.
It happened during the vacation you two took to the beach. While talking a midnight stroll through a lonely part of the beach, San had gotten a little too wild and began groping you.
"San! Right now?" You squeaked when he cupped your breasts from behind, pulling your biking top to the side so he could squeeze them better.
"I'm feeling a little romantic babygirl. Wanna have my way with you right here." He whispered in your ear as a hand dipped inside your bikini bottoms, rubbing along your clit.
Your legs were turning to jelly the more you felt his caresses and the steamy kisses he pressed along your shoulder blades.
"If you'd rather go back to the hotel room, I'll carry you there right now." He offered as he began his pull his hands away.
"No! Fuck me right here." You told him.
"I knew you'd open up to the idea." He chuckled as he layed down on the sand, pulling you on top of him.
Both of your swimwear was soon discarded and you were bouncing on top of your husband's cock as the moonlight illuminated your sweaty and dewy bodies. Even after you had both came, you were begging San to keep going, which prompted him to grip your hips and start ramming up into you as he sputtered out words about making another baby with you.
Your lips were still pursed tightly even after the video was over. San stroked your hair and kissed the top of your head in an effort to calm your worries.
"If it makes you feel better....... the camera really captured your gorgeous figure." He snickered and held his hands up protectively when you started smacking him.
❥𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓲
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"You like that my little slut? Like being treated like this?" Mingi's deep voice asked as he tugged on the leash that was wrapped around your neck.
You grunted when he pulled you forward, the tip of his cock pressing against your lips and nose. Your mouth instantly parted, tongue licking the underside of his shaft.
"Such a dirty little cockslut." He teased you.
"Only for you daddy." You winked up at him but were met with a harsh slap on your face.
"Did I say you could talk slut? I don't remember giving you permission to talk." He harshly said.
"Why don't you shut me up then?" You challenged him.
Mingi plunged his cock deep inside your mouth, stuffing himself down your throat, making you gag around his long length. Using the leash, he kept pulling your face to and fro so he could fuck your face. You were moaning and choking all over his cock, spit running down your chin and onto the floor as his tip hit the back of your throat.
"Oh fuck!" Mingi cried out as he pulled out to cum on your face, splattering his hot liquid all over your forehead, cheeks and your tongue as you had it stuck out to eat up some of his cum. Mingi's thumb grazed over your swollen and red lower lip, pinching it slightly.
"You look so pretty like this." He said as he began tightening the leash around you.
"Well you did look pretty." You laughed when Mingi spoke up behind you.
"Shut up!" You pushed his face away when he began nuzzling his face against your cheek as he tried to keep you from freaking out over the fact one of your private videos had accidentally ended up online.
Mingi just chuckled and pulled you onto his lap.
"What are we going to do?" You sighed.
"Look on the bright side, your face was covered by the mask and no one really saw me so as far as anyone is concerned, it's an anonymous couple." He assured you. Wanting to get a little funny, he joked:
"Maybe we could even start an OnlyFans account."
You slapped his chest.
"Song Mingi!"
❥𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓰 𝓦𝓸𝓸𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓰
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Although Wooyoung should have been furious over the fact the CCTV footage of you two in the strip club you used to work in got uploaded without your permission onto an adult site, he was surprisingly calm.
"I could have sworn I payed them to turn the cameras off?" He questioned as he knew fully well that customers weren't allowed to touch the strippers, hence why he paid an expensive amount just to be able to get alone time with you.
"Clearly that didn't happen." You stated as you just watched the video play out in front of you. You weren't going to lie, besides the slight arousal it was giving you to watch the sex tape, it also made you feel fuzzy to remember how your relationship with Wooyoung started in the first place.
"One thousand dollars if you hop your pretty ass over here and bounce yourself on my cock."
Your naked figure wasted no time in going over to take him out of his confinement before fucking yourself on top of him. Wooyoung was spilling out a clutter of curses as he watched your ass bounce on his lap. Soon enough he was landing slaps on your skin until it became red, his hips fucking up into you.
"Your own place, monthly allowance and anything else you want if you leave this place and become my own personal fuck toy."
You nearly came at his words when he made his final offer.
"Fuck! Yes! I accept!" You exclaimed.
Shifting positions, Wooyoung got you on all fours on the couch as he began to relentlessly thrust into you from behind, his cock hitting deep inside you.
"You're my little fuck toy now beautiful. No one else gets to fuck this cunt of yours but me."
You let out a loud yelp that was probably heard outside the door when you felt his hand slap your clit.
"No one, got it?" He snarled at you.
Your thighs clenched together as he remembered how possessive he was, and still was, towards you.
"Did the video affect you so much?" You heard Wooyoung ask as his hands came up to rub your shoulders. You shivered when his teeth grazed at your earlobe.
"Cause I know it affected me."
❥𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓲 𝓙𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓱𝓸
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"Which one of those fuckers hacked into my personal computer and leaked this?"
Jongho single handedly split an apple which terrified the person in front of him.
"We don't know s-sir...." He trembled.
"Well find out who they were and report back to me, I want you to work fast too. Now get on it!" He ordered harshly.
You came into the office and were confused when a poor intern sped out of there looking like he saw a ghost. Closing the door behind you, you handed Jongho a folder.
"The vein on your forehead is sticking out, what happened?" You knew he was majorly stressing over something and it was probably no small thing.
Huffing, he turned the computer so it could face you.
"One of those fuckers out there got a hold of the systems and managed to hack into my computer. Not only that, they decided to spread a certain video around." He explained, fists clenching and unclenching.
"What video?" You asked.
"Press play and find out."
Doing as he said, you blushed when you saw it was an old video of a time when you and Jongho were still a secret couple. He had stayed over at your house and during the night, he had snuck into your room and crawled his way into your bed, which you allowed him to.
"Shhh. You gotta be quiet princess. Don't want to get caught by your dad right?"
You shook your head and bit down onto one of the plushies laying around you in an effort to muffle the sounds coming out of your mouth as Jongho's thick dick kept sliding in and out of you.
"This is so fucking dirty. I'm ruining you even more by fucking you in the bed you grew up in. Tell me how does it make you feel? To have me shove my cock deep in your pussy in your childhood bedroom while your parents are asleep? Are you enjoying it?"
You whined loudly and clenched more around him as your breathing became more labored and you panted like crazy.
"You enjoyed it so much, you ended up pregnant by me."
You lifted your head to see Jongho wink at you which made you giggle.
"You enjoyed it too, don't even lie."
Gifs not mine. Credit goes to their respective owners
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ratmonky · 3 years
Stranger Danger
Word Count: 2K
Warnings: non-con
AO3 Link
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Don’t trust strangers on the internet.
Just like how they taught you not to walk off with someone you didn’t know, it was the first thing your parents lectured you about when you started using the family computer. Simple. Stay away from the people who tried to befriend you because they were probably out to get you.
That was why you were wary of making friends online when you first started using the computer, scared that someone might kidnap you through the screen.
Pfft, you had quite an imagination when you were little.
Your parents were also a little too paranoid, of course, you had to be careful on the internet as they told you but there was nothing wrong with making friends. The internet brought people of the same interests together and it helped many people like you who had a hard time making friends start talking to others. Especially with helping you find many sorcerer students like yourself.
You had many friends now, some you video chatted and some you even had met in person.
Today, you were going to meet another one of your friends in person. Another sorcerer college student around the same age as you. You had met Kokichi on one of those sorcerer dating websites and instantly hit it off from the moment you had met before becoming more than friends.
Although his webcam never worked or how he was always out of breath while talking to you, it didn’t stop the two of you from falling in love.
Kokichi lived in Kyoto, far away from where you lived, and trying to manage a long-distance relationship was hard. That was why he had suggested that the two of you met in Kyoto and tried to see if you felt the same about him after meeting in person. If you liked him even after meeting him in person, then your relationship could progress into something more.
You blushed thinking about moving in with him. Ahh, wouldn’t that be wonderful!
Shaking your head you tried to stop yourself from daydreaming and park your car where Kokichi had told you to. Apparently, the parking rules in Kyoto were different than in your city, you had to find a parking lot almost far outside of the city so you wouldn’t get a ticket.
It took you two hours to get here using the highway. Although you would have rather taken the train or bus, it was a lot faster to drive. It took you another fifteen minutes to get to your meeting point with him after you took a taxi.
Kokichi didn’t pick up his phone. You had been trying to reach him since this evening. You weren’t sure if he was already standing next to the alley of the bar your cab driver dropped you off a little while ago or if he was late.
Sick of waiting, you took out your pack of cigarettes and walked deeper into the alley to check. After taking a cigarette out and putting it between your lips, you lit the tip, inhaling deeply.
You were going to scold him for making you wait. A laugh escaped you at the thought of Kokichi telling you how he had explained to you that he was taking the train and it would be slower than you driving here or something along those lines.
Well, it would be a nice icebreaker.
While you were busy smoking and lost in your thoughts, sharp pain to the side of your head made you stumble forward. You dropped your cigarette and before you knew it your knees gave up under you, making you crumple to the ground as your vision went dark.
You froze. Not wanting to move or open your eyes until you could recall what had happened.
There were faint sounds of grunting. The next thing you noticed was the smell. Earthy, cold, and coppery. You tried to identify the foreign smell as you become aware of the tingling from between your legs. It had started to hurt, your hips felt sore and your eyelids felt heavier than usual.
The grunting sounds were soft and you could easily recognize the other sounds aside from it. It was like gears moving, a machine, closer to the sounds your door made when it wasn’t oiled up well, creaking and kinda ringing...
You had probably left the television on, slowly, you opened your eyes.
All you saw was dark, your back felt cold against something metallic. Your back was being roughly rubbed against your metal. What? It was hard for you to understand what was going on. With a pathetic attempt to move your legs, you only felt them being held tightly. There were splashing sounds, your ass was splashing against water. Tears started streaming down your face. you still couldn’t comprehend what was happening but you could feel it. You started to panic as the sudden realization of something thick and firm moving hastily inside you hit you hard.
Opening your eyes, you stared at a man in bandages who was kneading the soft flesh of one of your breasts, his mouth on the other, sucking your nipple in his mouth. You felt his hot tongue swirl around your nipple and an involuntary moan left your lips.
The sharp smell of the medical liquid made you nauseous as you remembered what had happened. But you had to stay calm and try to understand where you were.
You began to panic, trying to move your muscles but you could barely move. Strained, fear of the darkness drove you to move your limbs slightly. You threw your head back in shame and noticed the robot that was holding you instead of looking at the man inside the bathtub of medical liquid. Finally having your mind schooled back online, you started to notice your surroundings. First of all, you were in a cave-like place, being held by a robot by the back of your knees and the robot was moving you up and down on this man’s-
Another moan left your lips when the man’s cock hit a good spot. Glaring at the man, you tried moving your arms that hung slack by your sides but your limbs were weaker than you had realized. Your legs wouldn’t move either, your entire body felt sore.
There was nothing you could do as the robot lowered you up and on this man’s cock other than try to understand what had happened.
You stayed limp in the robot’s arms and took it as your assaulter kept furiously fucking you like a rabid dog in heat with the help of the robot. While the robot lowered you onto his cock and leaned forward for a second, you felt his hand reach to the back of your head and pull you down forcefully to crash your lips against yours as he used the same hand to run his fingers through your hair. He let out a quiet groan into the kiss and lolled out his tongue to lick your face, leaving a trail of his drool that chilled your skin. His hand in your hair crept between your bodies and he flicked a finger on your clit.
Jolting, you bit back a moan.
“The pictures on your profile didn’t do you any justice,” he spoke, planting kisses on your chest. “You’re so much prettier in person.”
Out of a sudden, it clicked.
“Kokichi?” His name broke into a moan as the robot slammed you down onto his cock. The robot was still bouncing you on his cock but to him, it wasn’t enough, he needed more. He had to feel more of you.
The robot dropped you in the bathtub, on top of Kokichi with his cock deep inside you. Your arms instinctively wrapped around his neck so you wouldn’t sink deeper into the bathtub. The medical liquid inside was cold, it made you shiver but Kokichi’s body was warm. He wrapped his arm around you and pressed his face into the crook of your neck.
“I can’t move my lower body without Mechamaru, I need you to comply.” His tone was impatient, the arm around you was trying to guide you to move your hips.
A grunt left you from the massive effort it took just to move your arm. Finally, you managed to move your arms, although it was heavy and almost impossible, luckily you succeeded. You shook your head, weakly pushing him away from yourself but as tiny, the bathtub was you didn’t have much space. Kokichi wasn’t going to let you move away from him either, he suddenly grabbed you and pulled you back, the liquid inside splashed from the force.
He groaned and you saw Mechamaru move again. The robot’s hands grabbed you from under your armpits, lifting you up and pushing you down onto Kokichi. He had his arm around you, moving your hips freely as he wanted since your weight had lightened thanks to his robot.
Your gummy walls clenched around his cock as you squirmed uselessly. He was breathing slowly and evenly while he carefully pulled you down for another sloppy kiss, paying no attention to your whimpers or the tears streaming down your face.
“You look so erotic when you cry,” he grunted, his hand moving to squeeze your cheeks together until your lips puckered. “Makes me wanna ruin you.”
You glared at him through your tears as he licked your tears that had streamed down to your cheeks before kissing you hungrily. He was inexperienced, you could tell from the way your teeth clashed and how desperately he tried to snake his tongue down your throat for no reason.
Mechamaru started frantically bouncing you on Kokichi’s cock, taking you by surprise. The irregular pace was gone, now, he was fucking you frenziedly, making sure that your gummy walls took the shape of his cock. After a particular spot his cock stroked, your pussy squeezed around him, causing you to moan into the kiss.
He broke the kiss, groaned loudly as your gummy walls started spasming around his cock. His bandaged hand went to grab your hip tightly to move you on his cock forcibly.
Medical fluid splashed and splattered on the ground each time you slammed yourself on his cock frantically with Mechamaru’s help.
You gasped in pleasure, your body was getting aroused. He must have noticed it because a smug grin spread on his lips before Mechamaru pounded you on Kokichi’s throbbing cock.
The knot of pleasure building in your gut quickly took over your senses, your gummy walls clenched around his cock and your muscles inside started pulsating.
Kokichi was caught off guard by your cunt trying to milk him for all he was worth. His cock twitched inside you as he lost control of Mechamaru who abruptly dropped you onto his cock. With a wanton moan, you wrapped your arms wrapped around him to balance yourself. His cock throbbed inside your pussy and thick spurts of cum burst inside your womb.
It continued coming out until you felt it overflow. As if he had been saving everything he got for this moment.
You went limp on his lap with his arm barely holding you up. Still, Kokichi managed to press a kiss against your temple, silently promising to keep you safe from the strangers on the internet from now on.
Or rather, he wanted to keep you for himself. Kokichi, as someone who had grown up on the internet, was desensitized to many things. He had no idea how women worked and most of the things he had learned about sex were from hardcore porn. Sometimes from even a more disturbing genre of porn. Having you here with him was something he had planned for a long time. He had been patient, patient, and patient. There was no way he was going to let you go. No, not when he finally had a taste of you. He wasn’t going to be only an internet friend or someone you met online who you got to be more than friends. He was going to be something a lot more than that. Perhaps, a boyfriend. Yeah, that had a nice ring to it.
One thing was for sure, the two of you weren’t going to be in a long-distance relationship anymore.
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20moonchild21 · 3 years
𝗦𝗲𝗵𝗻𝘀𝘂𝗰𝗵𝘁 [𝗯𝘁𝘀]
⇉ 𝗰𝗵𝗽𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 17
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JK x female!oc, Bunny!JK x human!female!oc, Jin x female!oc, Leopard!Jin x human!female!oc, Jimin x female!oc, white Tiger!Jimin x human!female!oc, Taehyung x female!oc, black Tiger!Taehyung x human!female!oc, Hobi x female!oc, Fox!Hobi x human!female!oc, Namjoon x female!oc, Wolf!Namjoon x human!female!oc, JK x Jin x Jimin x Taehyung x Hobi x Namjoon x female!oc
It has been a long time, but I am back now, and I am more than excited to start updating Sehnsucht again!
I hope you you all checked out the story of my lovely friends @starlightauroras-main. Inferiority complex is super cute story about Hybrid!Jimin. Please, check it out!
I also hope that you like this chapter. Almost all Boys have entered the story yet, only Yoongi is missing. But it still needs a little while until he will be arrive. 🤭
Stay healthy and safe!
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[chapter 16 ||| chapter 18]
Hobi watched in amazement how the girl’s hand was sliding over the piece of fabric back and forth, turning it upside down and back up, before laying it on the table and smoothing it.
“Look.” She said proudly, as she held up the once ripped shirt. “It’s like nothing has happened.”
Despite all the advantaged that came with being a Hybrid, like having extra sensitive senses, there were also more than enough disadvantages too. Especially, when he had never had such expensive clothes to know how to handle them the right way. He had tried to find the right way out for his arms and head but ended up with his head and arm in one hole, which obviously had been too much for the fabric.
At first, he had been scared to tell someone about this accident. Not just because he had felt embarrassed, but also because he had been scared to upset someone to whom the clothes belonged. Sadly, he was like an open book to read for everyone, so Jin had noticed pretty fast that something had been odd with the fox Hybrid. When Hobi had finally told him what happened, Jin began to laugh warmly, telling him that no one would be mad at him.
When Hope had come home from her work, Hobi had bundled up all his courage to tell her all by himself, hoping that she would react in the same way as Jin. Indeed, she had smirked a little bit when he had told her the story, but she quickly had offered him her help to fix the shirt. His old owner would have never reacted in such a kind way.
When he was younger, the man who owned the circus had bought him from the people who had bred him in their laboratories. He brought the small fox boy all the way over to America, just to lock him up in a cage there. But Hobi had never complained though. After all, the man had offered him a place to sleep and something to eat every day.
But of course, he had also been a curious child back then¸ wanting to explore his surroundings and borders. That had often brought him in troubles, leaving him more often locked up in his cage than he had planned. At some point, he had learnt that it was only him who brought himself in such position and from that day on, he had just kept following the rules like he was supposed to do.
Hope meanwhile had put a small, wooden box on the table that was filled with all kinds of needles, threads and other supplies one could need for sewing. He had not even needed to wait long, because as soon as the girl had been sitting, she had already been fixing the small rip in the shirt.
While she had been worked concentrated on the blue piece of fabric, Hobi had grabbed himself a small piece of fabric out of the box as well, trying to copy her movements. Obviously, he was not as talented as her.
“Wow.” He stunned, as he laid his own piece of work down and reached out for the shirt. “I can’t even see where the rip was. Where did you lean this, Hope?”
The girl smirked slightly, while she cleaned the table.
“I was a pretty wild child.” She told him, reaching up to put the sewing box up onto the shelf on the wall. “I always came home with a lack in my trousers. At some point, my mother was tired to fix all my clothes, so she taught me to fix them myself.”
Hobi head the sadness in her voice when she talked about her mom. Beside the picture of her on Jungkook’s favourite wall, Hobi had never seen Hope’s mother in person, so he guessed that she probably was missing her much.
“Your mom was a pretty good teacher then.” He smiled widely at the girl. “Maybe she could visit us some day, so you can show her how well you fixed my shirt.”
If it was possible, the girl’s expression dropped even more, while she clutched her hands onto the mug in front of her. Hobi immediately regretted what he just had said.
“I don’ think that she will be visiting us some day.” She said, as she sadly smiled at the confused boy. “My mom died a few years ago, you know?”
Hobi sunk his ears low when he heard her words. He had never had a mom or a dad, but he could imagine the pain the small girl was feeling right now.
“I am sorry.” He just whispered, not wanting to say anything else to make her sad.
“It’s okay.” Hobi watched, as the girl’s mouth suddenly pulled up. “You know, I like thinking about her. She was a wonderful and strong woman. When I was younger, I always wanted to be like her. She was kind and courteous to everyone, even to Hybrids. She taught me to respect every living, because all of them have a soul and feelings. I am sure she would have loved to meet you guys.”
Hobi could clearly imagine the woman Hope was describing him, because it fit perfectly on the description of Hope. He was glad that her mom had taught Hope all those things, because only she was the reason, he now had a safe place to stay.
“I would have loved to meet your mom. She sounds like a wonderful person.” He carefully spoke, as he reached over and grabbed the girl’s hand that was loosely laying on the table.
It was the very first time that Hobi had made such a big step and actually touched the human girl. Her smaller hand felt so warm and soft, almost fitting perfectly into his bigger hand. It also felt different from when he was touching Jin’s or Jungkook’s hand. He had never felt those little sparkles when touching one of the boys, but he liked it though. Hope gladly accepted this small way of physical affections, squeezing his hand back.
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“Diner was so delicious, Jin.” Hope smiled at the older boy, before she put her plate into the sink and kissed the boy’s forehead. “Thank you for that.”
Jin stayed in the kitchen to do the dishes, while Hope walked back into the living room where the other boys were already waiting for her. They all had bombarded her with questions since she had been home again, and now they were waiting for their answers.
“Hope!” Jungkook’s ears were standing up high in the air, as he petted the spot next to him on the sofa, gesturing for her to sit down there.
As soon as her bum met with the soft fabric, the bunny had already laid his head down in her lap, while from the other side, Taehyung was now leaning his head onto her shoulder.
For the next hour, they asked her questions over questions about everything that had happened at work. They asked her about all the Hybrids she had met, about the people she would be working with and about thousands of other things that sometimes made her smirk, because sometimes they were like little kids.
When she told them about the wolf Hybrid, Namjoon, the room suddenly felt silence. All of the boys sitting around her knew fully how that poor boy felt and what he was going through.
“He must be so scared.” Jimin said, wrapping his tail around himself, as Jungkook wrapped his arm around the smaller one’s shoulder. “I wish we could help him somehow.”
The bunny kept Jimin in his arms for a little while longer, before he suddenly jumped up and ran down the hallway towards his room. Hope looked confused at Jin, who was also just shrugging his shoulders. After a few seconds, the slamming of the bunny’s bedroom door rang through the apartment, and Jungkook came running back into the living room.
“Here.” He stopped in front of Hope and held out one of his favourite Hobbit books towards her. “You can give him my favourite book. Maybe he will like it, too.”
“But, Jungkook.” Hope gasped at that sweet gesture of Jungkook, before she stood up and took the book out of his hand. “You love that Hobbit book.”
“Yeah, I do.” The bunny scratched his neck, as his cheeks turned red. “But I – I read it so many times that I can’t count them anymore. I just think that he has absolutely nothing and maybe he will feel more comfortable if he would have something he likes.”
Hope was absolutely touched by Jungkook’s gesture. She knew how much he loved that book and how sad he had been when he had almost given it away a few months ago. She had always known that he had a very big heart when it comes to other people he cared for.
“I will give it to him. Thank you, Kookie.” She whispered, as she stood on her tippy toes and hugged the taller boy tightly, before pressing him a big kiss on his cheek.
“Okay, guys.” Jin announced, looking at his watch just to realized that it was already late at night. He yawned and stretched his arms, tail and ears out at the same time, which looked pretty funny. “I will go to bed. I am pretty tired. Goodnight.”
He went around and gave Taehyung and Jimin a linger hug, Jungkook and Hope a kiss and Hobi a lovely pet on his head, before he went into his room. Next were Taehyung and Jungkook who wanted to play a few more video games in the tiger’s room, and also Hobi stated that he would go to bed, leaving only Jimin and the girl back.
The white tigers sat shyly at the edge of the couch, with his tail wrapped around his legs and a slight shade of red on his cheeks. He looked up at the girl for a second, before he carefully moved closer towards her on the sofa. When he was close enough, he carefully put his head on her shoulder and laid his tail in her lap for the very first time.
“Do you think you can help that wolf in your company.” Jimin carefully asked her, as she begin to stroke his fluffy tail.
“I hope I can.” She whispered back, leaning her head onto his. “But he needs to trust me in the first place, and this needs a little more time, you know?”
Jimin just hummed at her answer.
“I think he is lucky to have you as his lawyer now.” He suddenly smiled. “I know you will safe him, just like you saved us.”
Hope closed her eyes for a moment, thinking back at the time where she first met Jimin and Taehyung. Both tigers had definitely brought some changes into that family, but in a good way of course. Suddenly, she remembered the conversation from earlier, when Namjoon had asked her about their adoption.
“Jimin.” She mumbled into his thick hair. “There is something I want to ask you. You know, Taehyung and you have been living here for a few weeks now, and I think the both of you fit in in our crazy home pretty well. If you would be okay with it, I would like to adopt you and your brother.”
Immediately, Jimin’s head shot up from her shoulder. He looked with wide eyes at the girl, before he nodded wildly and threw himself onto the her, hugging her tightly and whispering ‘thank you’ a thousand times. This sudden movement caused both of them to fall over and fully onto the couch. When both young adults realized in which position, they were now in, with the girl on her back and Jimin over her, they both turned bright red.
“I am – “
They both stuttered at the same time, before they broke out in a laugher together. Hope looked up into Jimin’s eyes when she had calmed down again. From the first day, Hope had adored those beautiful, dark orbs that would form into halfmoons when he was laughing or smiling. Slowly, she brought her left hand up towards his thick hair, driving it towards the back of his head and back towards his cheek.
Her heart was pounding in her chest like crazy, when Jimin’s face came closer and closer, until their noses were touching each other and their lips just inches apart. They stayed like that for another few seconds, before the boy was the first to make the move forward.
The kiss was shy but full of emotions. They lips stayed still on each other, before Hope carefully started to move. After a few seconds, Jimin also began to press his lips on her stronger and braver, before, after a few minutes, they both ran out of breath and let go of each other.
Hope didn’t know if it was possible that her face was even redder now, but before she had the chance to say something stupid that could ruin the moment, Jimin pushed himself off the sofa and pulled her with him.
She gasped slightly from the sudden movement but giggled at the same time when Jimin pulled her close towards his chest in the middle of the living room. She leant her head against the white tiger’s chest, while Jimin wrapped his arms and tail around the smaller girl. The pair was now standing in the middle of the living room, rocking slightly from side to side, doing some twists and turns from time to time.
“When did you learn to dance?” Hope whispered into the comfortable silence.
“I watched a video on the YouTube today.” He whispered back, rubbing his nose against her hair. “One day, I want to take you out on a dance date, you know?”
Surprised by the tiger’s words, Hope lifted her head and looked into Jimin’s eyes. Never in her life had someone wated to take her out on a date, and the fact that Jimin was asking her out in his cute, innocent way, let her heart swell with pride a love.
“I would love to go on a dance date with you, Jimin.”
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“Okay, I don’t know what you did or how you did it but somehow, you got Namjoon to talk to you – willingly?” Laura was walking next towards the smaller girl down the hallways of the company. Hope just nodded proudly, clutching the book Jungkook had given her for Namjoon tightly under her arm. “And now you want to give him – a hobbit book?”
She looked confused at the book and then back up at Hope.
“Yes, Jungkook thought it would be a nice gesture to give him that.” Hope simply replied. “I think Namjoon just needs time. He will talk to us at some point.”
Laura hummed in response, before she cocked her eyebrows up and began to smirk slightly.
“Is Jungkook your boyfriend?” She teased the smaller girl.
Hope’s face immediately went red. Though both of them had already kissed, they never decided on what their relationship would change after that. There were also the other boys that Hope had takin inside her heart.
“I – no.” She just smiled, her face still red. “He is my – Hybrid – at home. We – “
“You have a Hybrid at home?” Laura suddenly stopped walking, before she grabbed Hope’s shoulder and turned her around so she could face the taller girl.
“I even have 5 Hybrids home.” Hope almost didn’t dare to say it out loud, not knowing how to interpretate Laura’s facial expression.
“You have 5 Hybrids home?!” Laura’s voice was now loudly bouncing through the hallways, before she began to smile widely. “Girl, you are crazy, but I love it! I think you will achieve great things in that world, Hope.”
Hearing those words from someone who already had much more experiences than her made Hope proud. She wanted people to see that there was no need to be a superhero or to be powerful to change something. Everyone who had the will can change something, everywhere and every time.
Together, both girls took the same way as the previous day until they reached the interrogation rooms. Laura told her that she would wait outside, not wanting to inhibit the progress Hope had achieved the previous day.
Taking a last deep breath, Hope carefully knocked at the door, before she pushed it open and entered the door towards the interrogation room. Like the previous day, Namjoon was standing at the window with his back turned towards the door. He didn’t turn around when she entered the room, but Hope could clearly see his ears twitching into her direction for the split of a second.
“Good morning, Namjoon.” She calmy said, before making her way around the table. “How are you feeling this morning.”
The boy didn’t reply though. He just kept looking outside the window. It was one of those beautiful winter mornings in New York. The sun was just rising behind the skyline of the big city, flowing the streets with it’s warm and golden sun beams. The small park that had been created between the big building of the company and the smaller building where the clients were living was shining with all kind of golden colours.
When she looked at the boy’s profile, she could clearly see that he was looking at that scenario outside as well. But in difference to her, he was not looking like would be amazed. He was yearning for seeing the world outside and not just through a window.
Suddenly, Hope remembered the small gift that Jungkook had asked her to give to Namjoon. She carefully pulled the book from under her arm and placed it on the window sill, before pushing it into Namjoon’s direction. The tall boy noticed her gesture and looked confused from the small book upwards to the girl.
“The boys at home wanted me to give you this.” She told him. “It’s Jungkook’s favourite book, but he said that you can have it. Maybe if you are bored you can try and read it. It’s pretty good.”
Namjoon was now looking with wide eyes at the girl in front of him, as he wrapped his tail tightly around his right leg.
“You told your Hybrids about me?” He cocked an eyebrow up.
“Yes, I told them about you.” Hope carefully replied, no sure if he was okay with it or not. “I mean – I just told them that I was working with you from now on, nothing more. We are a family, you know? We tell each other everything.”
The wolf Hybrid sunk his ear down, before he whispered a small ‘thank you’ and turned his attention back towards the morning sun, sighing slightly. The room fell back into silence, as both young adults were looking out of the window again.
Hope noticed that Namjoon was still trying to process everything that had happened since the previous day, but she would give him all the time he needed, even if that meant that they would both spend the whole day with just looking out of the window.
“I sometimes whish that I just could walk out of this room like you do.” He suddenly stated after a few minutes of silence. “But I can’t. I need to stay here and wait for the day they lock me away.”
Like the previous day, Namjoon’s voice sounded tired and powerless, without any hint of emotions.
“We could go outside – “ She said back, but Namjoon was already shaking his head.
“No.” He cut her off in her mid-sentence. “People don’t trust me. They would never let me walk around just like that and if, I need to wear those stupid hand cuffs and foot locks.”
Before his could voice get louder, Namjoon closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His hands were holding onto the window sill tightly, as if he was trying really hard to not burst out. Hope was shocked by all those bad emotions he obviously carried inside himself.
She didn’t want to make him feel like she would pity him. That was not what he needed right now. He needed to realize that there were people on this world who truly wanted to help him, and that one of those people was already standing in front of him. Hope excused herself, before she quickly walked towards the door and peeked her head outside, gesturing for Laura come closer.
“Did you make any progress?!” She whispered-screamed, as she excitingly stepped closer.
Hope took a glance back at the boy, who was still looking outside the window. Maybe he was not looking into their direction, but Hope saw that he had his right ear turned towards the door.
“You can talk normally, Laura. There is no need to whisper.” Hope said in a normally volume, leaving a red shade on Laura’s face. “I wanted to ask you something. Is there a chance that Namjoon and I can take a walk across the site without him wearing any cuffs?”
Laura looked at the smaller girl in shock, before she snapped out of her state, shaking her head carefully.
“I am sorry.” She said. “But he showed aggressive behaviour. I wish I could change that, but it is not in my hands.”
Hope sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. Namjoon would never open up while being locked in that small room.
“Can’t you call your boss, please?” She tried again. “It would be just for a little while.”
“Hope, I can’t just call him and – “
“Laura, please. I take the full responsibility.” The blonde girl was almost begging Laura by now.
The two girl kept staring at each other for another few seconds, before Laura gave in first and sighed heavily. She hesitantly took her phone out if her purse and dealt her boss’s number, giving Hope a playfully angry look, before she energetically discussed with him for a few minutes. Luckily for the blond haired girl, their boss was a nice man, so he allowed her and Namjoon to leave the building.
Of course, with his extra sensitive ear Namjoon had already heard what you had asked Laura. He hesitated at first, not moving when Hope held the door open for the both of them. His eyes flickered between the window and the open door, before he carefully made his way around the table, his tail still wrapped around his leg.
The walk through the company was silent, but Hope felt the tension falling from the taller boy’s shoulders, until they finally reached the door that lead them outside. The fresh air hit the girl’s face when she took the first step outside. Even though winter had already begun, the morning sun was warming the air up, making it comfortable to walk around.
When Hope turned her head to look at Namjoon, she saw him doing the same. He had closed his eyes, letting the sun warming his face up and taking deep breath of the clean air. Hope knew that it seemed like a simple thing to just take a walk outside, but she had learnt from all her boys that she had taken those simple things for granted for too long.
Nothing she had done or what she had ever possessed in her life was normal for all people around the world. Maybe she had been lucky so far, but also she needed to be thought that ever moment in life needed to be appreciated, because other people didn’t have the luck like she did.
That day, there were no other words spoken between Namjoon and the girl. Just the situation as its own was enough to make another development in their relationship towards each other. They were just able to enjoy the moment together. No pressure, no words, no worries.
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@fangirl-nonsense I don’t know what’s going on with tumblr, but somehow Can’t find you. I am so sorry 💜🥺
[Inspirations ||| Recommendations]
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stopeatingwhales · 3 years
particles x damon albarn
the lyrics to this song are genuinely so beautiful, like i honestly cannot describe enough how much i adore this song my goodness
Pairing: present day damon x reader
Warnings: none :D
Word count: 1.881
Requested by anon <3
It had been two months since I had last seen him. Two whole months since he had set foot in our home; two whole months since he said goodbye to leave for tour. The home that we shared had began to inhabit a sense of eeriness, some nights the walls began to feel as if they were closing in on me, trapping me from any interaction with the outside world, as if to hold me hostage by my own insanity, although other nights the space felt extremely large, almost too big for one person to be able to waste their nights alone in, encapsulating my mind in a constant conflict of obstructive thoughts, forcing me to overthink every tiny detail that was conveyed on the pale stained walls, the wooden floorboards, the arrangement of the furniture, resulting in many a time of me moving around heavy tables and chairs until the image of the room settled my mind’s anxiety. Allowing distance to get in the lines of mine and Damon’s relationship, it was simply uncanny that I was going to miss him; he was the carcass that kept me sane, the being that granted me peace in myself, ease on my mind to prevent such mania from enrapturing my brain, the person that engulfed me into a stupor of adoration and affection that one could never understand the authentic strength until felt - what some perceive as paramour, true love, something so overstimulating that once separated such thing desperation beguiles you to surround yourself with, only a mere sensation of emptiness is all that is felt inside, as if your limbs are damaged, your insides constantly in a state of sickness that you are convinced you’re in need of some form of professional assistance, but it is simply the alchemy, the poison of the apprehension that captivates you from the estrangement from your significant other. Though that wasn’t to say that wasn’t proud of Damon; I embraced fondness and admiration for everything that he did and was so dedicated in doing, his talent and immense knowledge for the art form that speaks to you demonstrated his ability to move millions of people, uniting as one in concerts, all touched from the same, simple string of melodies, proving his true gift and genius that is inside his brain.
I tried to pry my thoughts away from the excitement that had been seeping into my veins from the fact that he was returning home today, in an attempt to focus my mind on whatever had been showing on the television, but there was no use. To be cradled in his arms was all that I had longed, the thought clouding my brain almost every single night that I had thrown my body onto the linen sheets, trying to wrap my body around the duvet to replicate the specific warmth that had enveloped my body when in his arms, his body completely dominating mine, his hands running through my hair gently, apologising with a kiss on the top of my head when he accidentally pulled too roughly, my face buried in his chest as a blush would suddenly creep onto my cheeks, our embrace fulfilling me with a nest of blooming butterflies in my body, a poignant sensation of nervousness and reverence for the man that had me cooped up in his arms, the same feelings that would embody you whilst walking past your first crush during primary school, accidentally brushing your hands against one another’s, sending your mind into overdrive as if to think that the person was the love of your life. Such emotions never left, and I doubted that they ever would; supposing that is true love, he could make me feel like a little girl squealing over her teenage idol because of how perfect he was, just from being himself.
“I’m home, love,” I heard a voice call out in the hallway, accompanied by the soft slam of the front door, the tone of voice lacing a certain amount of raspiness, perhaps from a cigarette that had just been inhaled. My head instantly turned to the door of the living room, eyes settling upon the sight of Damon, who had a small grin curved on his lips, his gaze captured with joy and desire, perhaps from gratification towards the understanding that the tour had finally ended, as well as the fact that he was able to finally see me once again - my expression equally reciprocating his happiness. Instantly jumping from my seat on the couch, I rushed over to him as I threw my arms around him, resting my ear against his chest, listening to the soft pattern of his heartbeat. As usual, his arms wrapped around my figure, tightly embracing my body, the swarm of butterflies breaking out of their cocoons, my limbs growing weak from the recognisable thrill of affection that I had desired for far too long, and had sadly not received. Feeling his lips grazing against the top of my head made my mind go fuzzy, my cheeks flushing a heat that made me feel as if I was under the beating warmth of the sun during the summer months. This is what he does to me. “How’ve you been darling? I see you’ve rearranged the place, again.” he mumbled into my head of hair, my mind still relishing in the pleasure of being in his arms again.
“I’ve missed you,” I replied, reluctantly pulling my arms away from the embrace, in order to gawk at him. A gentle chuckle rumbled from his throat, though his features accentuated pity, understanding how I must’ve felt being away from him for so long. Lightly taking hold of one of his hands, I dragged his arm, guiding him to the sofa, where both of us sat next to each other. “You were gone for so long!”
“I know love, I’ve missed you so much,” he replied, squeezing my hand in reassurance. “At least I’m not gone for any longer though.” he added, his lips curving slightly as I nodded, a similar grin planted on my lips.
“How was the tour then?” I asked, pulling his arm to wrap it around my shoulders, my body already aching for more attachment to him. “The videos I’ve seen online made it look very good.”
“It was great, honestly. Loved every bit of it.” he replied, the grip on my shoulder tightening as he attempted to haul me closer to him. Humming in agreement, I placed my head on his shoulder, cradling the moment we shared together, the moment that I had imagined and adorned each and every night he was absent, cherishing every single time that he was able to be in my presence. I depended on him greatly, as did he, and though that may be a toxic strand which can only result in turmoil; our appreciation for one another held such poise that it would draw us closer together each and every time we had conjoined together after months of being separated. “I’ve actually got something to show you.” he added, shifting from our hug and slowly stepping to his feet, taking his hand in mine, his soft but coarse palms gripping onto mine ever so slightly, urging me to stand up too. “Come with me.”
Following him closely, we headed towards his studio. I had forgotten the last time that I had set foot in it; usually I would leave Damon to work on his craft alone, since having me prance around messing with all sorts of instruments and controls wasn’t going to provide much assistance. As well as that, sitting in the room, knowing that he was away and would be for many days on, would only make me yearn for his presence more, which is the last of what I would need when not being able to fall asleep. Though whenever he would call me into the room, he would always show me the most beautifully crafted symphony, in which he would perform it so effortlessly, as if it was simply created from the top of his head at that moment. Talent like his was so scarce; it would only prove to me that it’s something you are gifted with at birth, like an extremely high intelligence quotient - he always had ideas running through his mind, melodies that would be formed from a simple tap of the table in front of him. It was a wonder in the fact that he seemingly never got burned out with creating music, it was evidently his passion, and it touched me that he would constantly ask me for my opinion on his music, as it always resonated with him, always held such importance.
When we walked inside the studio, I followed him to the grand piano that was standing by the corner of the room. I kept my body upright, behind him, as he pulled out the black stool underneath, moving it back slightly in order for him to sit on it. “Over the tour, I had some free time, so I wrote this song, it’s called Particles,” he began, his voice quiet, as if it were intertwined with a certain anxiousness about what he was about to perform. “It’s still a work in progress, but I wanted to know what you thought of it.”
As I admired his fingers softly grazing the elegant, pale keys of the piano, the melody that in which played forth me instantaneously sufficed me in a trance, bewilderment encompassing my my mind as I listened to the sounds of the alluring chords echo throughout the room, bounce off the walls, the waves of noise crafting mountainous regions of goosebumps to prickle on the bare skin exposed from my forearms. Sculpted with such elegance and formality, my mouth fell agape as he played with such ease - in that significant moment, I was subdued to his music, hypnotised into his magnificence; I could do nothing, absolutely nothing, except admire the grace that fell from his lips once he started singing. As I allowed my gaze to drift onto his face, I gawked at his demeanour, his eyes almost screwed shut, his face almost frozen in place as his body rocked back and forth to the melody that was omitted from the piano. Every word, every string of lines carried a lugubrious essence to it, a tone laced with such beautification; obvious that there were deeper implications behind said lyrics. Each line that escaped his throat exemplified the nature of what earnest fervour, authentic devotion and expertise can embody. Such melody, paired with his voice embodied with pure ethereality, as if I was being greeted by a herd of the most quaint angels, welcoming my soul into the seven heavens. A beam crawled onto my lips, my heart thumping at a million miles per hour from the amount of love I carried in my body for the man in front of me.
Once the song ended, a moment was held in the atmosphere of mere silence, as if to take in all that was felt, all that had vibrated through the sound waves and blessed my ears. Shifting his body so he could connect eyes with me, a gentle, welcoming smile tugged on his lips. “That’s for you.”
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meltwonu · 4 years
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13. “I really don’t care. You still look hot and i’m trying not to kiss/fuck you senseless right now.”
14. “Are you sure? Once we start, i might not be able to stop.”
24. “Behave.”
notes; softdom!hoshi, tiger!hybrid!reader, fucking in public, mirror fucking, dirty talk, usage of the term ‘master’, some fingering, a wee bit of corruption kink(literally a whisper), not necessarily virgin!reader but just inexperienced reader haha🥴, the “you’re the only one i trust” rly took me out tho 🤣 jHKSDJFG THANK U LMAO 💕💕💕 also i combined these so i’m sorry if u don’t like it dkfhkjhs this is also almost 2k words im soooo so so sorry ☠️ As always, thank you for requesting! Enjoy! 💕
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It only takes you 15 minutes to walk to the near-by gym, hoodie tucked under your arm as  you let yourself through the double doors.
‘I forgot my spare hoodie. Can you bring it to the gym? The tiger print one by the door. I just forgot it on my way out.’
You’d shaken your head when you got his text - already toeing your shoes on by the time he’d sent a second one with a picture of himself attached; cheesy smile and fingers in a peace sign as he stood in the doorway of the dimly lit gym.
“Um, is Soonyong here…?” You ask meekly, head tilted as your ears perk up at the muffled music coming from the door to your left. “I--I’m, um, his h-hybrid, I just--he--he asked me to--”
“He’s in the workout room to the left.” The receptionist smiles at you - name-tag reading ‘Jihoon’ when you glance at the rectangular plastic button. “Y’know, we don’t get many hybrids around here but you’re pretty cute. Wouldn’t mind seeing you around~”
“Um, t-thanks...” Nodding, you quickly take your leave as you jog over to the door; prying it open and suddenly being hit with the loud music and sound of Soonyoung laughing when you step inside. 
The door slams shut behind you as you walk forward - trying to locate the male in between all of the equipment.
In the corner of the room, you find Soonyoung doing pull-ups and someone else filming him - goosebumps rising all over your skin when you realize Soonyoung is shirtless.
“One, two, three… Okay, I got the video! Good work today, ‘Soons!” The older man turns to glance at you, “Oh, seems like we have an audience too.” You shoot him a tight lipped smile, suddenly very turned on when Soonyoung lets go of the bars and turns to face you.
“Oh, hey, kitten~!”
Don’t look. Don’t look.
Your eyes flit down to his toned chest and sweat pants that sit extremely low on his hips; gulping when your panicked eyes meet his knowing stare. A sheen of sweat covers his skin and your mind starts to race. “H-hi  m-maste--ah, Soonyoung…” Biting your lip, you try to look anywhere else other than his exposed torso. “I brought what you asked for… Um, the hoodie…?”
“Ah, yeah.” He turns to his trainer, hands in the pockets of his sweats as he shifts them lower. “You have an appointment after this, right?”
“Shit, you’re right, I’m late. I should go, Seungcheol’s probably in the other room already and probably annoyed. Same time tomorrow?”
Soonyoung nods, eyes forming crescents when he smiles at the other male. “See ya, hyung.”
The two of you stand in the gym as his trainer grabs his things and makes his exit - leaving you and Soonyoung alone in the gym room as you stand nervously in front of him.
“I, uh, should I just… leave this h-here?” Soonyoung smirks at you; already noting the way your ears are standing straight up and your tail that frantically flicks behind you. “I--the guy at the counter said they d-don’t really get hybrids around here so I should---”
“You should work out with me, kitten~”
He steps forward, plucking the hoodie from your hands and setting it down onto one of the equipment benches before he starts walking you backwards towards a mirrored wall. “I can teach you some easy stretches… If you’re up for it? We have the entire room to ourselves, y’know.”
You know he doesn’t really mean ‘work out’ as you gasp - back hitting the cold mirror as Soonyoung cages you in.
“H-here…?” He presses his body flush against yours as you whimper; his warmth and scent making you weak in the knees. “But… If s-someone sees… ‘n I just came here in my--my lounging c-clothes… what if they g-get dirty...”
“I really don’t care. You still look hot and I'm trying not to fuck you senseless right now. And if someone walks in, well… Guess we’d just have to keep quiet, huh?” He leans in, lips ghosting against your cheek as you shiver.
“I can see how much you wanna play, kitten~ I know that look in your eyes. You’re already thinkin’ about how badly you want me and your pretty ‘lil cunt is already wet just thinking about it, isn’t it?”
Mewling, you rub your thighs together - Soonyoung was right. “I--I want you, Soonyoung… Please…”
He reaches a hand to your cheek, stroking it with the back of his fingers as you sigh contentedly. “Are you sure? Once we start, I might not be able to stop. I’m going you one last chance to back out, kitten. You can go back home right now and wait for me.”
When he drags his fingers down your cheek, you can’t help but imagine those same fingers knuckle deep inside of you as the wetness pools in your panties.
“Y-yes! Please…!”
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Admittedly, you and Soonyoung hadn’t been intimate very often in the time you’d been his hybrid.
“Mmh, oh…! T-that feels so g-good…” Your frontside presses into the glass, breath fogging up the mirror as you whine. “Ngh, Soonyoung…”
He thrusts his digits into you - curling them into your g-spot as you clamp down hard onto his fingers.
Most of the times you’d been intimate with him were mostly just heavy petting sessions - you grinding down onto his thigh to get off or him eating you out on the bed when you were feeling a little needy. He’d only properly fucked you two times prior and the last time had only been a few days ago. 
“My pretty ‘lil kitten~ You feel so good around my fingers~ So tight ‘n wet…” He scissors his fingers as you mewl in return. “I only fucked you a few days ago and you’re already so needy? And letting me do this to you in public too? Tsk, so naughty~ What are you gonna ask me to do next, hmm?”
Your cheeks burn hot at his comments, biting your lip as you start to work your hips back to meet the flicks of his wrist.
“It f-feels so good… Can’t help i-it…” Soonyoung positions a third finger at your entrance as you let out a drawn out moan. “Feels so f-full when your c-cock is inside me, master…”
Soonyoung grits his teeth, resisting the urge to just fuck you right then and there as he slowly eases his ring finger in next to his middle and index finger.
At first, he’d been awkward when you’d call him ‘master’ but he realized after the first time he’d fucked you that he quite liked the way you cried it out when you came on his cock.
“Oh, does it? Does kitten’s ‘lil cunt feel good when I stretch it out with my cock?”
“M-mmhmm… Master should d-do it more, ah, often…”
He chooses to not respond in fear of saying too much - instead focusing on prepping you to take his cock.
You start to get impatient after a few more flicks of his wrist, already just wanting him to fill you up with his cock instead of his fingers. Placing your hands on the mirror, you brace yourself as you start fucking yourself on his fingers - loud, sharp moans falling from your lips at the way they stretch you out perfectly.
But Soonyoung is quick to stop you; free hand wrapping around your tail and tugging on it as you whine.
“Behave. And lower your voice, kitten~ Wouldn’t want them to hear you in here, would you?” He smirks at your back, letting go of your tail as he slowly slides his wet fingers from inside of you.
“So fuckin’ impatient to get my cock. I guess I have to give it to you, huh?”
“M-master, please!”
You shake your hips at him as your tail slightly curls around his thigh. “Ah, I’m so w-wet, please…”
All you can do is watch your own appearance in the mirror - blown out pupils and twitching ears when Soonyoung doesn’t move as fast as you’d like.
“Master, I---oh!” You feel the head of his cock at your entrance, teasing you as he prods your soaked hole.
“Mmm, next time I should fuck you in the sauna…” He starts easing his cock into your pussy as garbled noises spill from your lips. “You’d be so pretty all spread out for me, kitten~ Naked and hot while I fuck your pretty hole…”
Soonyoung teases you more when he only eases in half of his length before he draws his hips back to shallowly thrust into you.
“Mmh, master p-please… wanna f-feel, hah, a-all of you… need to--to feel you d-deeper…”
All you hear are Soonyoung’s soft chuckles before he pulls almost all the way out; only the head of his cock inside of you as you whimper.
“Yeah? Wanna feel my cock deep inside your cunt? Okay~”
In one fluid motion, Soonyoung bottoms out inside of you - his cock grazing your cervix as you let out a guttural moan.
“Oh, m--master, mmh! Like th--that! More! Please!”
This time Soonyoung doesn’t hold back; hips pistoning into you as you try to keep yourself braced against the glass on clammy palms.
“Look at yourself, kitten~” You obey his command as your teary eyes meet themselves in the foggy mirror. “I want you to see yourself and watch yourself when you cum on my cock like a good kitten should.”
“A-ah, yes, master…”
You work your hips back to meet Soonyoung’s skillful thrusts and you already feel yourself on the verge of an orgasm when he reaches a hand around to play with your clit. “Oh--mmph!” Biting down on your bottom lip, you try to hold back the high pitched screams threatening to leave you at the sensations wrecking your body.
“I know you wanna cum. It’s okay~ Let me feel your pretty cunt cumming around my cock.”
He slows down his thrusts, time time focusing on your pleasure as he rolls and pinches your clit in time with his slow but deep thrusts that have your toes curling in your shoes.
“O-oh, master… M-master! Ah, it--it feels too g-good!”
It only takes a few more skillful snaps of his hips before you’re cumming - the buzzing in your ears deafening as your walls flutter around his cock.
“That’s my good girl~ Mm, you feel so good~ Sucking my cock in deeper, kitten~”
You can barely register Soonyoung’s words of praise as the pleasure washes over you and it takes you a second to come back down to earth as you ride out your orgasm.
He continues his slower pace as he fucks you through your high, soft chuckles on his lips the entire time.
“Look at you. Still trying to fuck yourself on my cock even though you already came. So fuckin’ insatiable.”
“Ngh…” Your entire body buzzes with electricity when your orgasm starts to ebb away and you find yourself slumping towards the fogged up glass. You feel Soonyoung start to draw his hips back and when you think he’s going to resume his pace from before, he does the opposite as he pulls all the way out instead.
You turn your head slightly, mewling when he starts caresses your soft tail.
“Let’s get you home, kitten.”
“Ah, b-but what about you? You d-didn’t cum yet...”
Soonyoung’s eyes glaze over in thought - softly blinking at your back as images of you with your legs spread wide and your face contorting in bliss dance across his mind.
“You can worry about me when we get home, okay, kitten?”
“I--okay, m-master…”
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fanficgirl429 · 4 years
Colby Brock Smut
Prompt: Colby returns from a two month trip to find out Y/N has a boyfriend.
The alarm on Y/N’s phone began to play, waking her up from her sleep. Without opening an eye, she reached over to the nightstand to snooze the alarm. Although it was late morning, Y/N was dreading getting out of bed. It was the weekend which meant that she could stay in bed as long as she wanted.
“Is it time to get up already?” her boyfriend said from next to her. The mattress shifted slightly as he rolled over and pulled Y/N against his bare chest, reminding her of the night they had shared last night.
Her fingers danced along his tan arm as her mind began to think about somebody else. Holding her, kissing her, making her laugh.
“Earth to Y/N,” Logan said, bringing her back to reality. His fingers slowly began to move along her thigh as she rolled onto her back, his green eyes staring down at her.
“Sorry. What?” she asked.
“You still down for hanging out with everyone later?” Logan asked for the second time.
Y/N pushed him away and sat up, leaning against the headboard. She looked down at Logan, his brown hair sitting at every angle on his head. “I can’t. I told you Colby and the guy’s come back today and we planned to hang out.”
Frustrated, Logan stood up and looked around the room for his jeans, not sure where they had ended up last night. Eyeing them halfway across the room he walked over and pulled them. Y/N’s eye’s scanned his toned stomach before quickly looking away.
“Why are you so obsessed with him?” he asked, his words laced with jealousy.
Y/N rolled her eyes. “He’s my best friend. I’ve told you that multiple times.”
“Well if I didn’t know better I would say you like him more than me!”
Logan grabbed his white t-shirt from the floor and stormed out of the room. Moments later the front door to Y/N’s apartment slammed shut, making Y/N wince. The two of them had only been dating for a month but it had been going good so far. There had been little arguments here and there but nothing that caused Logan to leave her apartment so abruptly. Apparently Colby was a sore subject for Logan.
Maybe you’re right, Y/N thought. Maybe I do like him more than you.
It had been a few hours since Logan had left and he hadn’t returned any of Y/N’s texts or calls. Instead of focusing on Logan, Y/N got out of bed and took a hot shower, excited to see her friends. They had been gone for two months, going all around the world to shoot their youtube videos. Y/N had been invited but she had just gotten a new job and didn’t want to take off so soon. During the two months that they had been gone, she had begun to date Logan and had yet to break the news to them. She knew most of them would be happy but she was nervous about Colby’s reaction. The last time she dated someone he had refused to hang out with him because he didn’t like him. When they had broken up, Colby had stopped everything to be with her. She had spent days in her room, Colby at her side, until he said enough was enough and made her leave the house and get back to her life.
Walking over to her closet, Y/N pulled her favorite pair of skinny jeans out and pulled them on. Her favorite pink tank had just been washed and she pulled it out of the clean clothes pile before putting it on. She walked to the front door where her favorite pair of high top black Vans sat. She pulled them and turned to look at herself in the full length mirror.
Her bun sat on the top of her head, still slightly wet from her shower. The minimum amount of makeup that she had put on, made her eyes ‘pop’ and her cheeks slightly pink.
Just as she was about to leave there was a knock on the door. She stood on her tiptoes and looked out the peephole to see a familiar purple haired boy standing outside in the hallway.
“Colby!” she cried, swinging the door open.
“Y/N!” he said, pulling her into a hug. His arms felt more muscular as if he had been working out.
“What the hell are you doing here? I was just about to go to your place!”
“I wanted to surprise you. Did it work?” Colby laughed.
Y/N shook her head, smiling. She stepped aside, allowing Colby into the apartment. He walked over to the couch and sat down, placing his feet on the coffee table. Kicking her shoes off, Y/N sat down next to him.
“So how was your trip?” she asked, excited to hear what he had to say. They had talked and texted while he had been gone but she was excited to hear everything they had done.
“It was amazing. I saw so many things that I never thought I would get to see. We did crazy things. Elton would make plans for us to do something but not tell us about it until we got there. It was great but I don’t think Corey was a fan.” His blue eyes lit up with excitement as he continued to explain different activities they had participated in.
“So what about you? What have you been up to? Besides work, of course,” Colby asked.
“Well…” Y/N began. “I met someone.”
Colby looked at her, confused. “You met someone?”
Y/N nodded. “Yea, his name is Logan. I met him at a bar one night when I went out with the girls.”
“How long have you been seeing him?”
“A month.”
“A month?!” Colby asked, surprised.
Y/N nodded. “How come you never mentioned him?”
“I wasn’t sure what was gonna happen.”
There was an awkward silence as Colby stared at his phone, neither of them sure what to say.
“We should go. The others are probably wondering where we are,” Colby said, standing up.
He didn’t even bother looking at Y/N as he stood by the door waiting for her to put her shoes on. When she was done, she stayed on the couch, trying to hold back her tears. When her and Colby fought they always talked it out, no matter how angry they were with each other. Now he was completely shutting her out and she hated it.
“Are you coming?” Colby asked, annoyed.
“Ok,” Colby said, opening the front door. The door slammed behind him, for a second time that day. Clearly Y/N was on a roll for making people angry at her.
A moment later, the door opened again and Y/N turned around to see Colby walking towards her, his blue eyes staring at her. He placed his hands on her cheeks before pressing his lips to hers. Shocked but surprised, Y/N kissed him back. Their lips began to move together, quickly becoming synchronized. His hands moved down to her waist, pulling her closer to him. She let out a soft moan as he gently bit her lower lip.
His hands played with the hem of her tank, waiting to see how Y/N would respond. When she didn’t pull away, his hand moved along her stomach and up toward her breasts. His fingers slipped underneath her bra, gently tugging on her nipples. A moan escaped from Y/N’s lips as she reveled in his touch.
“You like that?” Colby growled, moving his hand to her other breast, his two fingers rubbing against the nipple.
He reached down and pulled her tank over her head, revealing her black bra. His eyes scanned her body, taking in every curve. It was better than he could ever imagine and he had never wanted her more.
Y/N held her hand out and he placed his in it. She lead him back to her bedroom and closed the door. He followed her over to the bed as he pulled his black t shirt off and tossed it to the floor while she pulled her jeans off. He eyed her black underwear and could feel his length harden.
She laid down on the bed and he crawled on top of her, putting his lips back on hers. Her tongue quickly found its way to his, tangling together. Y/N pushed her hips to his and she could feel his erection through his black skinny jeans. Reaching down, she unbuttoned his jeans and moved her hand beneath the waistband of his boxers.
Colby moaned as she ran a finger along him before wrapping her hand around him. Expertly, he reached behind her and flipped them over, so that she was straddling him. Her hand moved along him and she watched as he closed his eyes, biting down on his lower lip.
“Damn Y/N,” he groaned when she bent down and moved her tongue along the tip.
Her lips wrapped him as she began to move them along his length. He watched her as she moved along him, her eyes looking up at him. It didn’t take long before he could feel his high begin to approach.
“Fuck Y/N. I’m about to cum,” he moaned.
Y/N pulled away from him and rolled off of him. “It’s your turn,” Colby stated, using his knee to push open her thighs.
He pulled off her underwear and tossed them aside. His fingers moved along her slits, quickly finding her sensitive spot. His finger rubbed against it while his other two pushed inside of her. Closing her eyes, Y/N rolled her hips against Colby’s touch.
“Colby,” she moaned, as her fingernails dug into his shoulders.
Colby moved his fingers quicker and Y/N felt the familiar sensation of her high approaching. Her walls clenched around him and she moaned his name. He pulled his fingers out and placed his hands on either side of her head. Her hand moved down to his length, lining it up with her. When she nodded, he pushed into her.
“Damn, you're tight,” Colby growled.
They both moaned as he filled her up. He pulled back out and slammed back into her, thrusting quickly. Her hands moved along her back, leaving red marks in their wake. Occasional moans filled the air as their bodies worked together.
Y/N’s walls began to clench as she reached her high for the second time. With a few more thrusts, Colby released into her, breathing heavily.
“Well that just happened,” Y/N laughed as Colby rolled off her.
“It sure did,” Colby agreed. “Can you please break up with that douche Logan now?”
Y/N rolled her eyes and playfully swatted at him.
“Fine,” she said, laughing as Colby pulled her against him.
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