#so my gay collection a lil small
lunariarts · 1 year
haven't done much posting because I am in a brain moment but I got a some cool things I love them a lot look at these
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hxjikonn · 2 years
Congratulations for your milestone!!!!
Can i perhaps request twst platonic comfort long fic with the staff with Lilia separately perhaps saying like “i’m proud of you” and pat reader’s head please? Reader gender is GN and preferably uses with ‘you’ instead of pronouns please if its possible—
of course no pressure for this request— i just need a comfort becus daddy issues lmao but sam is more like big brother vibes
A/N: Thank you anon! I’m gonna cry this is actually so frikkin cute 🥹, I’ll do my best take on this one and I hope you like it. I do have a limit of 3-4 caharcters only so I’ll do Lilia, Crowley, Trein and Crewel ♥︎ also p.s sorry this took so long 😭🤚🏻
Peer Pressure
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☆Staring☆: Lilia Vanrouge, Dire Crowley, Mozus Trein, and Divus Crewel.
Synopsis: Twst Dads Staff and Lilia, being the father figure you never had. Yes! I’m talking to boys, girls, gays and non-binary baes who has daddy issues 🥹
Heads up/Warnings: Mentions of Stress, Lil small smidge of angst, VERY LONG AND NOT PROOFREAD Platonic! rs with reader.
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Lilia Vanrouge
Studying in NRC was no cake walk, that’s a given fact, and more so when you’re a magicless nomad from who knows where, as much as you’d love to just blend in with the crowd and not be noticed, you stuck out like a sore thumb.
You were treated as a weak poor unfortunate soul who fate has thrown to the wolf den to be eaten alive without a fight, You didn’t like how they perceived you, you didn’t like how you were treated as a push over who couldn’t stand a chance in this school. So you made yourself keep with everyone else despite not having a speck of magic in you.
You really are doing everything you can to be treated as an equal by everyone, but even when you’re giving it your all, it’s never enough for them to respect you, no matter how many overblots you face and how many dorm leaders and students you help, you will always amount to nothing in their eyes.
Still you tried, tried to keep your chin up, but you’re only human, and you can only take so much. You were sat in the deepest part of the school library, the ancient history section, where dust had collected on the bookshelves having been left unnoticed for so long, not a single beam of light could peek through the thick books that rested on the high shelves. No one bothered to go here, It was silent, this became the place you’d go to when you feel that you’re about to break.
Slowly, the dark and tiny enclosed space was filled with your quiet sobs and sniffles, shaky breaths and gasps were heard coming from your tiny curled up figure in the corner…you couldn’t handle it anymore, it was heavy, it hurts, you couldn’t bring yourself to tell anyone because you felt like it’d fuel the idea of you being weak and in need of help…
Unbeknownst to you, someone other than yourself lurked in that corner of the library, and that someone had heard your soft weeping, slowly and carefully he approached your tiny figure, you were sobbing on your knees desperately trying to hold yourself together, you were too caught up on keeping quiet that you hadn’t notice Lilia sitting beside you.
“You know…it’s normal for children to cry right?” He said, loudly enough for you to hear but quietly too since he didn’t want to freak you out. You slowly met his gaze, with swollen eyes glistening with tears, you sniffled and wiped your cheek with your sleeve “I’m not a child….” You retorted, voice hoarse and weak.
“Oh but your not an adult either?” He said ruffling your hair, you didn’t like this, it felt like he also saw you like everyone else in this school, puny. You brushed off his hand, you sighed…upset, you buried your head back in your knees “I really don’t feel well right now Lilia-senpai…I wanna be left alone” You mumbled, not another word was uttered after you said that, you thought he left, so you resumed to your pitiful state of feeling sorry for yourself.
It wasn’t until you felt soft pats on your head that you settled down a bit, “When Silver wasn’t feeling well when he was little, I’d always stay by his side until he’s better…children can’t be left alone when they dont feel well, or else they wont get better” he softly spoke to you, you could only answer with sniffles and hiccups.
“M’not a child…” you answered, still hiccuping trying to catch your breath from crying to much, “If you’d known how old I am, you’d probably see yourself as a fetus…” he joked, “I’ll never be equal to you guys will I?? I’ll always be the weakest one here…no matter what I do” you voiced out, you didn’t even know if you were shaking from anger or sadness…
Lilia felt it though, your emotions, he sighed and draped his school overcoat on your shaking frame, and continued to place soft pats on your head to calm you down again, “That was quiet offensive, you don’t even know how I think of you and yet you assume that…” he scolded, “You call me a child…” you snapped back at him
“That’s because you are one and yet you act like you should be the one running NRC, I need you to understand that I’m not calling you a child because I see you as a feeble human being, I call you that to remind you that you’re still young…it’s too early for you be stressed out, that’s a middle age man’s job” He scolded you holding both your face with in his hands, wiping your tears with his thumbs.
“You’ve already done so much…I’m proud of you for keeping up with everyone in NRC despite you not possessing magic, it’s amazing, even Malleus thinks so…” he added, you felt yourself calm down, more so when he pulled you into a hug, you felt safe.
“Now rest, we cant have you exiting the library with puffy eyes, people would think they were stung by bees!” He jested, chuckling at himself. “I’ll wake you up when I feel that you’ve had enough sleep…” he patted your head and hummed a tune, tired from crying, you eventually gave in and let his hums woo you to sleep.
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Dire Crowley
Once again, you were called to Crowley’s office, not because you caused trouble no, you barely had the time in your day to do that. It was because somehow he probably has yet another taxing job to give you, that or he’s gonna scold you for something, what is it? Who knows? Sometimes it’s the most random things.
You knocked and waited waited for him to say you could come in…when he did, you walked in groggily, and shut the door behind you with your foot, you didn’t bother with politeness and courtesies, you were too exhausted for that, plus you knew he probably got used you’re attitude by now as you were used to his.
“What nowwwww???” You groaned, flopping on the chair infront of him. “Would it kill you to have some manners prefect?” He scolded, “Cut me some slack I’m tireeedddd” you whined in your hands. “Well I hope you being tired means you’ve done everything I told you to do, and I called you here to ask you if you’ve visited Savanaclaw-“ “to solve their flea infestation problem? Yeah It’s done. Savanaclaw is flea-free.” You cut him off, your voice monotoned and unenthusiastic.
He was surprised, “Well then, I assume you’ve also finished re-planted the flowers of wonderland in the botanical garden.” “YUP” you quickly answered. “What about the concerns of Pomfoire students about their stollen chemicals?” He crossed his arms “It wasn’t stollen, They misplaced it somewhere.” You answered again.
“Mandatory Dormitory maintenance check ups? Have you organized the School calendar events? Did you solve the Octavinelle and Scarabia feud? ” He started throwing the tasks he gave you. “Done. Done. And hmmm let me see…yup all done.” you replied as you picked on your nails. Crowley was shocked you managed to finish everything in a day, at this point he started to doubt you didn’t have magic.
“Have you….uhm….” He tried thinking of a task he hasn’t asked you about, “have you…done your homework?” He had nothing. You looked up at him with a confused look, but still answered “Yeah?” He cleared his throat and readjusts his tie “Hm…Well done then, you did well” he said.
“Can I go now? I haven’t eaten all day and Grim’s probably throwing tantrums because he hasn’t had his tuna sandwich…” you asked, he only nodded. Still kind of shock that you did every task he sent you to do. “Uh…’kay, bye I guess…” you stood up to leave, weirded out by the headmage’s sudden silence.
He only came back to his senses when he heard the door shut, and realized you’d left…you left to go home and eat cuz you haven’t eaten all day, yeah…wait… “HAVEN’T EATEN??!! ALL DAY??!” He shouted, shooting up from his chair to go chase you. His automatic Papa bird mode was up and running…literally. You thought you were safe from a scolding session, well you were wrong.
“PREFECT! Y/N! STOP RIGHT THERE!” He commanded, far across the other end of the hallway. You stopped, hearing his voice, you sighed and turned your back to see him speed walking his way over to you. “Here we go…” you said to yourself, preparing for the scolding, you didn’t know what it was about but you were preparing still.
Before you knew it he was standing infront of you, hands on his hips like a disappointed mother. “What did I miss this time?” You asked, “Apparently Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner” he answered. You blinked a couple of times, confused and dumbfounded. “Huh?” Was all that came put of your mouth.
“I can’t believe you! How could you not eat for a whole day?! Are you mad?! Have you gone koo-koo over the tasks I gave you?! You could get sick!” He scolded, you thought he was joking, so you laughed “Oh I get it…Don’t worry I won’t die, you won’t lose your errand runner” you joked. Wrong move.
The expression on his face was something you hadn’t seen before, usually you’re not at all fazed by Crowley, however this time you felt your stomach drop, but not to fear, it was something else. “Errand Runner….? Is that why you forgot to eat?…Is that how I make you feel…?” He spoke, uncharacteristically sad…
“Uh n-no, I was…I was just joking…” you denied smiling up at him, though you did feel like an errand runner most of the time, it was clear that Crowley didn’t know you felt that way. Silence was all that was heard between you two. Crowley was only looking at you, “Uhm…I should…go” you spoke, breaking the noiseless awkward situation.
You bowed and turned to your heel and left. For the rest of the night, all that filled Crowley’s mind was worry…You went to school the next morning, the happenings from yesterday was now long gone and done for you, it was weird and awkward sure, but you didn’t think it was that deep.
However it wasn’t for Crowley. As you were listening to Trein’s lecture, Crowley decided to pop in your class. “Is Y/n present?” He asked, poking his head through the door, “Y/n, The headmage is looking for you.” Trein spoke, unbothered, still writing on the board.
You looked up from your notebook to see Crowley by the door, this was unusual, since he only called for you when you dong have class. But you thought it must’ve been urgent. So you stood up and went to him. “Something wrong?” You asked, he smiled and shook his head, “Oh no, I just came by to give you this.” He handed you a lunch box, you looked up at him confused “wha-“ you were cut off with a headpat “Go back to your seat now, make sure to finish all that food, after class though, dont eat in class.” He said pushing you back so you’d go to your seat. “Sharing is good but Dont share that. You eat it.” He warned before waving you goodbye as he closes the door and leaves.
You were now left with a lunch box in your hand, you looked down and there was a sticky note on top of it that read “Do your best in class! I’m proud of you!” With a crow doodle on the bottom…you smiled at the note and went back to your seat. Guess you wont be missing meals anymore.
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Mozus Trein
Exam week. Probably the worst week in a student’s entire school year. Most even called it Hell week due to how dreadful and stressful it is. What’s worse is that you’ve been transported in a school that is in a world where you knew absolutely nothing about.
So everything you’ve learned from your homeworld, is USELESS here. Especially history. Back in home exams about history usually only contained questions about previous presidents, wars, kingdoms, ruler, and dates but here their history included magic. Which you don’t have and have Zero to No knowledge of.
You’ve concluded in your mind that you’d probably be butchered and served for lunch after you take this test because there’s no way you’re going to pass it. But what’s the harm in trying? Right? You spent hours and hours after every test everyday before the history exam in the library. Under a piles and stacks of books about twisted wonderland’s history. You felt yourself get lightheaded a couple of times but you shook it off.
Then came doomsday. You were sat in your usual seat, sweating bullets, leg bouncing from anxiety, the test wasn’t even handed out yet but your lips were practically chewing gum at this point since you’ve been gnawing on them for the past 5 minutes.
When the test was handed out, you tried your best not to accidentally have a mental shut down and forget everything you’ve studied for. You were already nervous from the questions, more so when Trein started walking around and observing everyone as they take their test.
Out of everyone, you had to admit, Mozus Trein, was the most intimidating teacher you had. Failing his class was an equivalent to a coffin and funeral party. So you tried your best to keep calm and focus on the questions. You didn’t rush it like some of the others, it didn’t matter if you were the last one in his class as long as your confident you’d pass.
You skimmed through every question time after time making sure you had the best answer. “Y/n. I said Time’s up. Hand in your paper or I won’t accept it.” Trein’s voice broke your trance, and there it was again, the anxiety, you weren’t done, you weren’t confident that you’d get a passing grade yet. But him staring you down made you hand give up the paper faster than lightning.
“Sorry, sir.” You meekly spoke. He took your paper and shortly after he dismissed the class. You couldn’t even sleep that night, and the night after, and the next night after that. It was that big of a deal. Came the end of Hell week Exam week it was time for the teachers to hand back the now graded test papers.
And lucky you, Your first class of the day was Trein’s. You went in with bags under your eyes from all the sleepless nights and the countless hours studying in the library. You hoped for the worst, that way you wont be disappointed when it does happen. Once the classroom was filled, Trein greeted you all like usual, “I’m sure everyone is well aware of what day it is, and I’m neither disappointed nor surprised by the result of last week’s exam, as I expected this already. Needles to say I’ll be seeing MOST of you again in the same class next year.” He stated, mercilessly, It was like venom. He went around the class handing the test papers one by one.
You gulped hearing what he just said as you waited for him to hand you yours, part of you told yourself you’re one of those people. What’s worse is that, he only placed the other students their paper on their table and left, so why is he HANDING you yours???You gulped as you took the paper from his hand, the test paper was faced down. Still standing there even though you had already took it. You thought of your funeral party already.
You flipped the paper with shaky hands…you couldn’t believe your eyes…it was a perfect score…you looked up at your teacher in shock “I think you mixed up my paper with someone else’s sir…” you said, only earning a small laugh from him. He placed his index finger on top of your test paper “that is your name? Is it not?” He asked, it infact YOUR NAME.
You left your jaw hung open as you stared at the paper infornt of you, your shocked state was broken when he pated your head “Very good Y/n, Surprisingly the one who isn’t from twisted wonderland is the one who scored the highest in my class, I’m very proud of you for that. Keep it up” he praised as he walks back to his desk.
You felt yourself smiling happily. You passed. YOU SCORED HIGHEST. You looked up at Trein who was now infront of the class writing in the board about the next lecture he was about to discuss and you hurriedly took out your notebook to write down notes. Soon the class you oh so feared to fail now became your favorite class to attend.
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Divus Crewel
You had no magic, no knowledge of it, and you don’t even know how to use it. Magic was already a hassle to learn, and you already progressed slower than most of the students in your class. Not in potionology though. This was wayyy easier to catch up with.
You see potionology class like what you used to do as a child, when you’d mix shampoos and soaps and tooth paste and pretend to be a witch in the bathroom. You liked this class since it was fun and you didn’t struggle that much with it. You cant say you’re that best student, that would be exaggeration. But you were one of the students who does better than everyone else.
Up coming this week was pop quiz Friday, usual pop quizzes included answering a sheet of paper, however in potionology, Crewel thought it’d be nice to put the pop in “pop quiz” to good use. The task was that you’d try to perfect a potion that pops when you threw it, the bigger the “pop” your potion made, the higher your score would be.
So ahead of time, you started doing research and tests on your potion, you sometimes went to Pomefoire or Heartslabyul to ask Rook or Trey for advice since they’re both in the school Science Club. You’d go to the library to borrow books about explosives, you’d go shopping for a concerning amount of flammable chemicals and other stuff in Sam’s shop. To the point where Sam actually made a promise to himself to call Crowley if you came back again.
After all that you’d go back to Ramshackle to test more stuff out. It took a lot of sleepless nights and failed attempts, you didn’t give up though, plus you and grim (and sometimes even Malleus) were having fun in the back yard of Ramshackle blowing stuff up. If you had neighbors they probably would’ve moved out by now
One day you finally had one you were confident had a passing grade. Probably not the best one out there but one that can get you a high score.You wrote down the recipe so you could remake it in the lab when Friday came, you’re more than excited to see this experiment of your blow their minds, not literally but kinda literally.
Then came Friday, the day you’ve been waiting for. You were nervous, happy and the anticipation was killing you. When greetings were exchanged the “pop quiz” began. Everyone was focused on their own potions, and so were you. Holding in your hand was the recipe and your other was carefully dripping and dropping chemicals on to beakers and test tubesz
You didn’t want the whole room to blow up…yet. As you hear some students groan out of frustration or sigh in relief, you grew more and more competitive. When the timer rang, you were already finished, everyone had their bottles clutched in their hands in fear of them accidentally dropping it and causing mass destruction.
“Alright pups, line up, we cant risk causing accidental arson, we’re going out on the field to test your potions.” Crewel said to the class, one by one your classmates start to line up. Careful not to trip as the walked. When you were all outside, and in a safe distance from the school building, Crewel had you all stand behind a magic barrier so no one would get hurt.
One by one students started to throw their potions, explosion after explosion, some disappointingly small and some scarily big. You were thrilled, you couldn’t wait for your turn. When your name got called you confidently strode infront to throw your potion. As you were about to Crewel lightly smacked your head with his teaching pointer. “Goggles Y/n, your goggles.” He warned. You muttered a tiny ‘oops’ and put on your goggles.
“Alright, on my count…” Crewel said, as he counted down to 3, when you heard three you threw it hard as you could and….nothing. You were shocked…embarrassed as you heard the chuckles and laughs from behind you. You were positive you tested this before and it worked, you must’ve done something wrong. How could you fail the one class you actually enjoyed.
Your cheeks grew hot when you heard small teasings from your classmates, Crewel reprimanded them but you knew even he was embarrassed and disappointed by this miserable failed attempt. You had failed him. As you were all about to walk back to the lab, small sparking noises were heard from where you had thrown the potion.
You all looked back and so did Crewel, he put up the magic barrier once again, the small sparks turned into big once, then…unexpectedly, the big sparks exploded scattering itself throughout the field…then there was silence. Not like the last time though, the silence this time was more like the calm before a storm. Crewel knew this, so he had the magic barrier expanded to cover all around you guys.
Suddenly explosions emerged, not just one, but multiple, more than you could count, it was loud and destructive and chaotic, everyone was panicking. When it finally stopped, the school grounds looked like a battle field. You thought this meant detention until you graduate, but then you heard Crewel laugh and clap his hands.
He went to you and ruffled you hair “GREAT JOB Y/N! THAT WAS OUTSTANDING!” He praised as he clasps his hands together. The other students…well most of them at least also had clapped their hands and applauded your work. No words was said but it seemed that Crewel had already adopted and favored a pup in his class after that day.
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just a few reminders:
- first pride was a riot
- black & BIPOC queer people are the foundation of our entire nation and the global culture
- we owe most of our rights and progress to BIPOC trans women/femmes and different communities of lesbians, trans/gnc folks and elders.
- trans people have always existed, they are ancient and indigenous to many cultures and places and are SACRED.
- I’m glad you’re here and there is community out there for you, waiting with open arms. Don’t give up just yet, please.
- rainbow capitalism isn’t liberation
- we are all we have, be fucking better to each other
- lesbians have done so much for lgbtqia+ people and should maybe idk stop being erased for no reason
- biphobia is real and just bc your ex cheated on you doesn’t make it bi folks fault, you’re projecting babe
- being queer doesn’t dissolve white privilege, pls touch grass
- be safe at pride. they’re coming for us all and we need to protect ourselves.
- not everyone wants to use the word queer/dyke/fag etc. I’m glad you reclaimed the slurs used against you, me too, but not everyone wants to and you need to respect that. LGBTQIA+* exists for a reason.
- the black and brown belong on the flag.
- the A is for asexual/romantic or agender, not ally.
- get some pussy (or whatever you do (or don’t do)) and make space for joy! because black/queer joy is revolutionary and fucking righteous just as much as our anger is, too
- Juneteenth coming up too, issa parade in my city fr
- asexuals/aromantics belong at pride. Period. Full stop.
- safe sex is the best sex
- get tested!
- it’s okay to not watch the news. america is hell, go take a nap
- people 100% know themselves better than you ever will, people are who they say they are and you don’t get to decide that for them. respect pronouns, identity, etc. or argue w ya mama/god/someone else cause it ain’t finna be me ❤️
- you deserve relationships that feel safe and actually are safe. Don’t settle.
- learn your queer history. they won’t teach us. they took our elders from us.
- Black LGBTQIA+* history IS Black History.
- we all need to be thankful to the house mothers and the ballroom scene and those who gave us what we have now, regardless of who you are.
- don’t call yourself a stud if you’re not BLACK. wit a capital B and at least one BLACK parent.
- not everyone is out. happiest of pride month to y’all. you’re still gang and we love you just as much. 💗
- our collective liberation lies in the fact that we are all tied to each other. if you’re down for the gays but not the theys, you’re not as decolonized as you think you are.
- shout out to fanfiction writers who have been single-handedly providing queer art/content/representation for years while the industry continues to make a mockery of us or intentionally leave us out. one thing we gonna do is help someone find their queer awakening, and get that story right. love us 🤪 go team
- your life means something. it’s important beyond comprehension. you look good. your ass is fat (if you want it to be). get the mullet as a lil treat.
- LGBTQIA+* people across the board have ALWAYS existed in literally every culture and every continent (and Antarctica counts if you count the cute lil gay penguins😌). Don’t let them tell you different. We are not a “mInOrItY”, we have been MINORITIZED. we are not small, we are great and mighty and have ALWAYS been here. And we always will. We exist in the future just as we have existed in the past. We stand on the shoulders of MASSIVE collective ancestors. If that’s not an indication to keep going, keep fighting, keep laughing, dancing, voguing, and keep showing up authentically - then I don’t know what is.
- it’s gonna be ok baby. pinkie promise.
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silly-sobber-69 · 4 months
If you couldn't tell
I adore Izaack, and since he was unlucky enough to catch my attention.
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I have a fuck ton of HCs for him. Some very normal and nice. Others unhinged let's go❤️
1. He's German!
→ Yes I got that hc because of his last name Gauss having German roots. I like it, it fits him, he's lovely. I haven't decided on which part of Germany he hails from though. Maybe somewhere very green, hilly and open
(if Germany has places like that, I don't know much about Deutschland 💔)
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2. He can't swear
→ He can swear, he has the knowledge and ability for it, but he is unable because there's some other worldly phenomenon that's specifically targeted him so every time he swears it gets censored in real life, it gets BLEEPED out, offensive gestures also get BLEEPED out like he's on some TV show.
Got that government censorship brain chip on him fr/j
And yes everyone can hear the bleep. It freaks them out every time. Sometimes he'll swear just to make series of BLEEPs because it's funny
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Though in general he prefers to not swear at all, because he wants to keep a good reputation. Especially around kids and women. He might swear sometimes if he's trying to add a comical effect to a funny story. His swears get bleeped out still.
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3. He's a friend of Dorothy xD
→ Being a friend of Dorothy, is a slang for being gay. Basically people would ask if you're a friend of Dorothy, if you said yes, you're gay. It was a good way to find fellow queers.
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He loves Agnus :), they're secretly dating. Gotta keep reputations up you know! Love is nice but being able to pay bills is also nice and not something you can skip on xd. They'd get so bullied and hated for being gay back then augh poor meow meows.
4. He doesn't blink much
→ I like thinking that maybe he doesn't blink a lot, he doesn't need to perhaps. He definitely blinks but people don't ever catch him blinking, even if they did it's probably bumped out of their memory. So there's some small town rumor/joke that Izaack doesn't blink. He does blink if you look at him closely during one of his reports, it's just no one notices because they're just so focused on his blue blue eyes
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This is where we get a lil goofy mc silly a little evil if you will
5. He's a paparazzi
→He likes stealing photos of famous people, depending on if he isn't attached to the person (doesn't care for them) and how much money he gets, he is willing to pick doors and climb into windows for that illegal snap.
He mainly just exposes people's secrets for cash. He never reports the secrets himself because that's mighty Sus. He sells his collected data to other reporters who are struggling to find a scoop.
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No lock is too much a match for him!
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He has had his bad lucks however, sometimes he gets mistaken for a dopple ganger when intruding in a house, which is a good thing otherwise his reputation as a good man would be ruined! Usually he's absolutely seamless, but sometimes he gets caught and even shot (A lot of neighbors own guns for self defense) but he lives he always does
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It hasn't stopped him yet
There will be more for next time!!!
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lovewithoutagony · 4 months
found out you write simebarb a few days ago and i :0 can i ask about any hc you have of them?
have a nice day :)
Hello smoothoperatoer!!!! You're the first ask I got yippee!!!! i want to THANK you for asking bc boy do I
I'll give you both the sfw and nsfw version nc i don't know which one you actually want! Hope you don't mind~
Buckle up gays
Simebarb SFW headcanon
#1 During the earlier phase of their relationship, Simeon often worries if he's underdressed for their dates. (it also didn't help that barb loves to bring him to expensive and fancy dinner dates) Because of this, he often turns to Asmo for help, and the demon is over the moon as he gets to dress his angelic brother
#2 Barbatos lets himself loose around Simeon, because to love and be loved is to rest. He oftentimes lets Simeon wash his hair, give him a massage, iron out his clothes, and many more things he never imagined letting someone do it in his stead. (It took quite a long time for barb to warm up to simeon like this, but time passed anyways) And they also take turns caring eachother!!
#3 Love spoon feeding eachother in private. They think it's such a tender and silly thing to do. ( sometimes, they'll even mouth feed ;)
#4 The two exchange love letters every week! And poor little Luke has to be the third wheel AND a postman. Someone give this lil guy a lollipop
#5 Simeon loves to sing for Barbatos. And in turn, Barbatos loves Simeon's singing. Sometimes they'll even play a harmonic piece that consists of different instruments together.
#6 After a tiring day, they would relax in the bath together with music gently spilling into the bathroom, and a bottle of wine for them to share
#7 It's canon that demons will do the opposite of their sins when they're with someone they love/cherish. In Barbatos' case, since his sin is greed, this demon spoils simeon so. much. He loves buying him new clothes, especially jewellery, and would take him out to expensive dinner dates ( simeon has tried to convince him that he doesn't need to do those lots of time but oh well)
#8 this one's one of my favourites actually; Barbatos smiles a lot when he's around Simeon. And it's not the classic fake professional smile of his, but rather a smile that is so warm and tender it's hard to believe it comes from the ancient time demon.
extra : the first time the brothers saw what he's like around his lover, they were flabbergasted and have to make sure they all aren't collectively high at the same time
Simebarb NSFW headcanon
#1 Simeon is already quite clingy in private, but after sex, he's practically wrapped around Barbatos like how a koala would around some tree
#2 When they have intimate relations, the two automatically switch into their demon and angel forms because of it being triggered during overwhelming times. Because of this, Simeon's feathers would be everywhere because of the strenuous activity. This caused some feathers to sneak out of their private space, making the evidence of their rendezvous visible to their friends. Their friends always give the couple knowing smirks afterwards
#3 Simeon is quite the pro at subtle flirting. Even during the earlier phase of their relationship, simeon would purr out Barbatos' name, touching his arm with slow, lingering touches, and lilt his voice seductively when they're together. All of those small things drive barbatos insane.
#4 The two have their heat cycles respectively. But for some reason, the angel's is far stronger than the demon's. Sometimes even Barbatos feels like he couldn't keep up with his lover's cravings
#5 Their sex is either slow and passionate, or rough. No in between. This alludes to the two sides of their relationship; romantic, domestic, tender and insatiable, wild, possessive
#6 These two often sneak out during class to do it in Barbatos' office
#7 Simeon loves it when the demon tease and edge him, while Barbatos loves to see the angel begging for him with tear soaked face. Truly perfect for eachother
#8 Barbatos couldn't get enough of Simeon. It scares him, how insatiable and demanding his greed is, to the point it's almost borderline cannibalism.( is it cannibalism if they're both different species..? anyway ) The way even a drop of his angel's blood could drive him insane.. He's quite ashamed of himself, really. But Simeon doesn't mind and he understands the impulses of his sin. So he lets Barbatos indulge himself, in the form of biting, most of the times ( but if he's crazy enough that day it could escalate to blood drinking) and Barbatos would help him heal after
...yeesh.. okay that's it hope you enjoy it mwah
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boxblondiecoops · 1 year
You should totally write a small thing bout the Band AU stuff, justice for the rockstar ( especially) trey and matt fr 🙏🏼 I would love to see you give your own opinions about it
-Saphari ★
As someone who literally listens to DVDA (I listen to maybe two songs) I- I'm so gay for the band AU shit. Like knowing Matt and Trey literally can sing and play shit makes me shake.
Mostly because of this. It's- you can see the energy and I need that. The neck, the hands? All it. All him.
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I can not control myself, is what I'm learning. This is kinda smutty like it- it's just me being slutty for them tbh. Ok anyway idea times.
Gender neutral, mentions of slutty behavior.
Let's see. Imma break this up the I can organize my thoughts.
If you're a fan...
So if you're just a fan, they (Matt and Trey) would both, likely, call you out if you're a "regular" at they're concert's.
And probably give you like a big hug over the railing at the like meet and greet sign bullshit after word SOULY to see you turn red and stammer.
They love you tho, I mean come on. You're adorable. Like a puppy.
If you don't understand some of the lyrics to the songs and like.. what they mean? Trey is ALL over you. Because he has that dumb stupid fucking kink.
If you have the same music taste as Matt, like Primus and shit? He's so down for anything you have to say. You could say the sky is purple and he'd look up and go "damn you right babe"
They LOVE knowing the fact they could probably tour anywhere and someone as adorable and innocent as you would just follow them and it's the exact OPPOSITE of what they're ego needs.
They give you a nickname since they don't really.... Know your name, just your face. Probably referencing the outfit you wore or your hair color or something dumb, I donno.
If you happen to bump into them just before the-the band starts? And like get blushy and explain yourself they just kinda smirk at each other and ask if you wanna hang out
It's fueling they're egos so damn much. Collectively.
Like Matt probably puts his arm around your shoulders and is like "backstage tour, just for you" and guides you back there.
And Trey's just watching you and shakes his head, tongue against cheek, because he knows it would be just so fucking easy to get you to do whatever they wanted.
But they sooooo offer to sign your chest. Or your hip. Or your thigh. Whatever, wherever.
They love it because it's like they claimed you.
Oh my god. You asking someone to take a pic of you three and it ends up being that one pic of like that lucky girl being kissed by both of them on the cheek.
Hangin out in the van with them before songs becomes a usual thing.
They also don't know your name still- anything they sign for you is made out to your nickname.
Like maybe Trey asked for it when he was drunk after a concert but he does NOT remember but he remembers moaning it as he uh relieved some stress....
And Matt definitely heard it come from your friends but he doesn't care about your name, no, he wants to hear HIS name leave your lips.
They do learn your name after a few repeats of they're concerts, they aren't total assholes.
But both are ridiculously talented. Trey's got that breath control and Matt's got those big bass hands. And Trey has the tongue technique and Matt has the ambidextrous talent. And that's all I'm saying about anything ever.
At the end of the day tho, they do find it admirable that you genuinely like them and the shit they make.
Trey can be a lil.............. self destructive when it comes to specific stuff he's not proud of, but knowing you'll give him genuinely helpful critiques makes him feel a bit more relaxed about it.
And with Matt's temper? He tried his best to keep it under control but you're like the one person he genuinely can't get mad at. Like he's tried. It doesn't work. You just make him soft.
If you're their manager...
Oh, they LOVE making it hard for you.
Like they do the most questionable shit on stage and then you have to explain it to like so many people and it basically just goes
"Who actually controls them?" "Who fucking knows. It ain't me." ".... Huh."
Example: the red carpet + dress + acid shit.
Good luck explaining that to the press....
They did try to get you to match with them that day... Maybe not the acid but they both thought you would've looked lovely in a dress like theirs.
And then you gotta yell at Trey to button up his shirt because he's being slutty for the paparazzi again and tell Matt to chill because he's about to verbally destroy a poor journalist for pronouncing a word wrong.
Also they shout out to you ALL. THE TIME.
On stage, during interviews, anywhere, everywhere.
Literally with out you, this shit can not be done. God knows they won't do it.... Maybe they will, they do kinda have control things, don't they?
Speaking of, you three bud heads a lot. Mostly because Trey writes absurd and inappropriate lyrics and Matt does his damn hardest defending him.
They get away with it tho.
Every single time.
Because they out number you so Matt will distract you while Trey cues up some puppy dog eyes because he knows he has them and they work so well on you
Also they flirt with you constantly. As a joke or for real, who knows, but they love seeing you blush and threaten to quit.
Especially Trey. He loves pushing buttons. And you're his favorite play thing. Like he loves to write dirty, fucking awful songs just to see you blush. Like he shows you one and he just goes
"Good ain't it? I was thinking about you when I wrote it."
And it's obviously about like 69ing or some shit and he has no shame in this at ALL.
And Matt loves like trying to calm you down because he knows he just has that nice soothing voice and sometimes to fuck with you he pulls you into a hug and pets you like a dog and is like
"Sshh, it's ok, baby, it's a joke. I know, he's so mean, isn't he?"
And he's all like pouty and mocking you and shit but you can't get free because the dudes fucking huge.
..... I might wanna be between them. This is such a journey for me, wow.
If something bad genuinely does come from they're teasing, they apologize so out right, serious as fuck and try to fix it the best they can.
Like they don't want you to get hurt or think they just want your body or to tease you- they do genuinely like you and find you funny as hell.
So if they fuck up and shit goes south during a concert or something, they take responsibility.
Although, with the way they can talk they're way out of shit? Psh, it rarely happens.
They do try to keep your name clean tho. They make like to fuck around and do stupid shit but they know you take your job seriously and you deserve respect for that and refuse to let you get roped into they're media fuck ups.
Also they throw you the best thank you partiest at the end of each tour concert. Like whatever you wanna do? Done. It's for you.
You planned the whole thing (the tour), had a budget, set up venues, you deserve more than a shitty lil party but fuck man. It's what they know sometimes. But it's with your best interest in mind.
They fucking LOVE you. They're just so fucking greatful for you not only helping them, but genuinely supporting them.
Speaking of- you are the one person they DO NOT prank.
If they do, it's dumb harmless shit like spraying you with silly string while you piss.
If someone does prank you or takes something too far??
Gone. Matt and Trey no longer know that person. They over stepped and gotta deal with the shit storm that's abouta knock the person's career dead.
If you're a band member...
You're fucked, bro.
The teasing from the other two scenarios gets worse because you just- you're stuck with them. All the time.
In the hotel rooms, on the bus, going to eat, sleeping, showering for fucks sake.
Privacy? Gone.
Well, not entirely. They still get you piss with out them, but they love being by you so they're glued to your hip.
You are their favorite lil band member and it shows.
They give you the best spot on the bus (the seat that doesn't hurt your ass after four minutes), you get first dibs on food during rehearsal breaks, you just-
You get the special treatment, ok?
You guys can "fit in the hotel shower and save the whales with the water you don't waste by taking three sperate showers"
Says Matt as he giggles and strips his clothes off and Trey just nods and smirks and is probably just gonna treat it like it's a casual thing friends do all the time because y'all are all adults anyway.
"It's fun." "Relax a lil." "I'll give you a shoulder massage." "I got the shampoo covered."
I think I'm just going through a lot while typing this out.
If you play the guitar and one of the strings snaps and cuts your hand, you have no idea how fast Matt while drop his bass guitar to help you out.
Trey'll make sure it doesn't happen again. And if it was the result of another band member pranking you?............. That dicks out the band. Doesn't matter. You got hurt, this isn't a joke. No one's laughing.
If it scars, the boys make a habit of kissing it as an apology. They're sweethearts when they want to be.
Trey probably lays awake at night thinking about how often you get hurt now and wants to wrap you up in bubble wrap. He thought you needed stitches.
Matt just double- triple checks the strings of any instrument you play before your allowed to touch it. He hated seeing you like that, it scared him.
If you play the drums, Matt and Trey will show you videos all the time of cool stick tricks and has if you can do them.
Also one of them makes a joke about you doing that to his dick but IDK who. You decide.
It you sit down with Trey and help him write a song he just gives you like heart eyes the entire time and he genuinely can't stop looking at you.
God forbid you have a cute mannerism when you write tho, he'll giggle and think about it for days. Literally.
And he always goes to Matt and is like "did you know they fucking do *insert thing* when they focus?" And he just sighs like "yes dipshit. This is the seventh time you've told me."
But Matt also hits him with the "dude I said my finger hurt and they kissed it for me" and sticks his tongue out at him.
Trey was pouty for the rest of the day.
They turn into idiots. Like puppies fighting for attention.
The way they CONSTANTLY make sure credit is given where it's deserved.
If you write a set of song lyrics to go into Trey's song? Guess who's singing it~ You are. Because you deserve the spot light.
Oh you wrote a riff for Matt? Shit, baby, it's yours now. Play it at the next concert and tear that shit up.
They also constantly talk about you during interviews and how greatful they are to have you and how you help make the creative process so much easier.
Don't imagine laying between them on the hotel bed and just whispering and giggling and kicking your feet at 3 am while the others are asleep and eventually you guys fall asleep all snuggled up.
These boys get handsy tho watch oouuuttt.
If you wear something revealing they just- they can't help it.
Someone's gonna call you pretty while the other just nods and bites his lip.
Compliments THROWN at you from across the room, dude. Literally.
They work really well off of each other so they rarely like fight for you.
Oh!! Oh they always go to you for help with naming songs and albums and album pics and shit.
Lowkey ashamed of myself because I feel like I could write more- I'm just blanking. Anyway @saphiari here ya go!! My shitty lil thoughts~
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sysba · 4 months
book recommendations
my worstie @winesharksea tagged me teehee<3 idk who's been tagged in this already but psst @leondaltons @777greywolf and whoever wants to do this!!
the last book i read: ,,, thanks to zeph i have been reading and re reading and obsessing over all for the game. so yea. the sunshine court 😭
a book i recommend: i don't like recommending stuff in general because it depends on the person but i would say, howl's moving castle by diana wynne jones is fun!
a book that i couldn't put down: ditto on having a hard time putting down books, even when they're dreadful i usually wanna know how they end (cough cough sister, maiden, monster). that said,, gonna mention the heaven official's blessing series bc at that point i had not read anything in months and suddenly i was inhaling an 8-books series like it was nothing. a small miracle in the form of tragic lil gays, bless<3
a book i've read twice (or more): every book i have ever enjoyed has been read at least twice, they're not special JHJFFHSJKD i guess the record goes to room with a view because i was once on a family vacation for a month with only that and zoo station to read and after christiane f. i needed something happy... ty for your service, george emerson
a book on my TBR: god SO MANY i'm ashamed but it really is so easy to just re-read smth i know i like than venture into new books,,, but uhh i really wanna go through rf kuang's works! and give another try to gtn i guess
a book i've put down: i think the last one i gave up on was may the best man win by zr ellor? i was just having a horrible time with the main char's personality,, i've still read like half of it, i tried
a book on my wishlist: .......the sunshine court sequel JKDFJKFH jean moreau come back to me i will even cheer for france i swear--
a favourite book from my childhood: oh god,, chronicles of the emerged world. i read the trilogy in literally 24 hours when i was 11, i was Obsessed with it and anything by licia troisi tbh. i'm frankly scared to ever touch it again in case it doesn't hold up, i wanna keep the Memory fjklsfjkljsdflksf
a book you would give to a friend: i like when friends curse me so probably a really bad one
a book of poetry or lyrics you own: my 2 favs i own are probably a comprehensive collection of poems by eugenio montale and baudelaire's les fleurs du mal
a nonfiction book you own: i'll just go with the most recent buy which was i'm glad my mom died
what are you currently reading: reading off with their heads by zhm and possibly hatereading the cruel prince (not far enough to hate yet but i give it 2 chapters)
what are you planning on reading next: don't know if it'll be the next but ngl i really wanna try the raven cycle because i keep hearing it has similar vibes to aftg and i'm in the trenches lmao
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o-i-w-u · 2 months
Now. The books. Uhm. There's a lot. I'll make this quick.
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From left to right, top bottom top.
Comet in Moominland -- 1946 -- included the first appearances of many characters including Snufkin and Snorkmaiden.
Finn Family Moomintroll -- 1948 -- a small collection of various stories, including small blurbs for each character.
The Exploits of Moominpappa -- 1950 (revised later in 1968 and renamed "Moominpappa's Memoirs") -- tales of Moominpappa's youth, when he was still called Moomintroll. Includes new characters such as the Joxter (Snufkin's father) Hodgkin, and the Muddler (Sniff's father)
The Book about Moomin, Mymble and Little My -- 1952 -- Ngl I don't know much about this book other than the fact Mymble and Little My are sisters.
Moominsummer Madness -- 1954 -- infuriatingly close to romance between Snufkin and Moomin during a prison break. Pretty sure Snufkin's iconic line "let's go fill Moominvalley with crime" is in the anime adaptation of this book. Something to do with a failing theatre but it's kind of overshadowed by Snufkin's and Moomin's pining./hj (Please they're so gay it hurts)
Moominland Midwinter -- 1957 -- Moomintroll wakes up from hibernation (yes they hibernate) and is unable to go back to sleep. Too-ticky (white and red striped sweater, if you wanna look 'em up) helps him through it.
Who Will Comfort Toffle? -- 1960 -- Toffle leaves his home to try and find friends (he's a lonely lil' guy. Wet cat vibes.) And ends up rescuing Miffle (another character, doesn't appear much) from The Groke
Tales from Moominvalley -- 1962 -- a collection of short stories
Moominpappa at Sea -- 1965 -- The Moomins basically move away to an island, along with Little My and The Groke. It's. Really sad actually.
Moominvalley in November -- 1970/71 -- last official book, it's basically all the characters trying to find oit what happened to the Moomin family, as they found their home abandoned. Also I keep forgetting to mention Fillyjonk. Everyone say hi to Fillyjonk, the Moomins' neighbor. I probably won't speak of her again. Anyways, the book ends with them not fully finding out what happened.
The Dangerous Journey -- 1977 -- last book written by Tove before her death, it follows a human that accidentally got into Moominvalley. Happy ending, though.
JESUS THAT GOT SAD TOWARDS THE END,, those last three books sound really interesting :DD!! ( i mean, they all do but YKNOW HWGRH )
also, snufkin and moomin are GAY??? HELL YEAH WOOOO!!!! I WAS NOTT EXPECTING THAT!!!!
you know a lot about these this is awesome
also i think you'd be glad to know that ive been getting moomin related things in my recommended
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A Collection of my Creations in the HLVRAI so far
Heyyy thought I should do this as a new pinned postttt
My asks are, unless they are closed, always open, and I'm always down to hear your thoughts and ideas and shit! If I didn't answer an ask, it's most likely because I didn't have the energy to answer it and it's now just sitting there and I cannot answer it because it would be awkward. But I am cherishing it <3
hehehe anyway
All my HLVRAI fanart and writing in general is here on my art blog!
Here's a vampire AU I made! Twist to this is that Gordon's a vampire, Benrey's human and just weird as fuck. There's no real plot to this (though at the time of writing this post I do plan to write a fic or two), but @/winkyfaceanon has made two really sweet fics for this AU, check em out!
Here's a compilation I made with my friend Dimonds for all my reasons Gordon's a lil bit gay for Benrey, please skip the first 38 seconds I'm begging you. Oh, and if you're gonna leave a comment about how I'm Wrong, or if the video pisses you off, you can do this very simple thing called Just Stop Watching The Video (can you tell i've gotten annoying comments on this video)
Here's an older animatic of the bridge for the song Horror Show! This is what my first designs looked like btw fjndksjnfjknds
Here's three small and silly animatics <3
Here's a Frenrey animatic of the song uwu by Chevy! I still think this one's REALLY cute <3
Here's stuff I've made in Gmod! A lotta Frenrey, as you may expect from me at this point.
These are listed in order of when I wrote them, and they take place in different continuities for the most part. Pretty much all of them are Frenrey, so if you don't like Frenrey you mayy not want to read it. Majority of my fics are oneshots, since I have low motivation jnsdkjfnds. I don't write smut (I'm literally sex repulsed asexual and a minor /silly), and don't tend to write hurt no comfort except for once, but I do write pretty heavy angst. Please read the content warnings for a lot of these.
I explicitly forbid any of my creative work from being fed into an AI in any way.
unnamed. Takes place post-canon. Benrey at this point has been alone for months, isolating himself after Xen and spiraling really badly. Then he leaves the house once aaand runs into Gordon. Reunion ensues. I didn't name it because I couldn't think of a name and it was my first fic. Read the content warnings.
You're still here, and you're beautiful to me. Takes place post-canon. Benrey respawns after Xen, and none of his injuries are healed. He then finds Gordon, who helps to take care of his injuries. I personally consider this one of my best works. There's things I'd change now, of course, but I still love it a lot. Read the content warnings.
as long as your heart continues to beat. Takes place during canon. Benrey's listening to Gordon's heartbeat after the betrayal. And then it stops. This one isn't beta read and I wrote it in like, a few hours on the fly, so it's not my best, but I like it.
Cuddles are the best cure for depression actually. Takes place post-canon. This is exactly what it says on the tin. Benrey's got depression and can't get out of bed, Gordon cuddles him. Short but sweet.
If ten million fireflies lit up the world as I fell asleep. Takes place post-canon. Gordon and Benrey are kinda in a relationship, and Benrey gets a package at the door that he's not letting Gordon see. In the middle of the night, Gordon gets to see what it is. This one's REALLY cute, and I really love it. It's fluffy and it's sweet.
all for the love of you. Saying this straight-up, READ THE CONTENT WARNINGS. Takes place post-canon. Tommy finds a... note from Benrey that he wrote before Xen. I have more complicated feelings towards this fic, I don't personally like it as much in retrospect and think I could've done much better on it, but I'm putting it here since it is still one of my fics. Read the content warnings, for the love of god.
Benrey gets drunk fic. Takes place post-canon. This is just a fluff fic I wrote for the third HLVRAI anniversary where Benrey's drunk and flirting with a very sober and very gay Gordon, who does not know how to cope with this.
do your job and keep them safe. Takes place during canon. This is... well, let's just say it's a reframing of HLVRAI from Benrey's perspective (at least, in align with my headcanons). Only the first thousand or so words are on Ao3, the rest are in Google Docs, as I made... choices that could only be made in Google Docs. I always link my Ao3 because it has the EXTREMELY necessary content warnings, which I couldn't include on the Google Doc. I personally think this is one of my best works, and if you are in a space where you can read it, please do, this over anything. Read the content warnings.
you're alone. and it's all your fucking fault. Benrey has respawned from Xen, in an apartment, and realizes that he is all alone and cannot be near his friends again. This is one of the only hurt no comfort fics I've written, and can serve as a bit of a prequel to that unnamed fic (if you'd like to see it that way). Read the content warnings.
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mjfsupremacy · 1 year
It's been a hot minute since I dropped the first part of this, it's been written for months, I guess I just kinda forgot to post it! Oopsie. Thanks to the folks who read it recently and commented. Reminded me of this cute lil ficcy.
Part One
Its Friday, an unusually quiet one at that and you decided to tackle Hemmingway, which means you were also simultaneously reading something by Austen and Roxanne Gay to numb the pain. You were leaning back in your chair; ankles crossed on the desk and books and post its strewn around them waiting out the final hour of your shift.
You glance up from your book with a frown. Maxwell leans against the glass with a proud smirk, arms crossed over his broad chest. “Why do you have a highlighter in your mouth? I know things are a little backwards this side of the pond but I think when it comes to holding stuff were in agreement on how its usually done.”
You snatch the pink marker from your teeth quickly offering him a mighty scowl. “Don’t call me ‘Elle’.”
“That chick from last weekend told me your name was ‘Elle’.” He retorts with a roll of his eyes.
“Her name is Lisa, you absolute tosser, and she didn’t tell you my name was ‘Elle,’ you eavesdropped on a conversation where she called me ‘Ellie.’” God you really hate this guy.
“Sorry, I assumed it was a cutesy version of Elle. What’s it short for?” He asks eyes flitting over the mess on her desk, trying to collect any information he can.
“Why does anyone want to know anything?”
“Impetuous nosiness?”
“Or so I know what name to save your number under when you call me. Speaking of which, when were you planning on doing that again, Sugar?”
“The day I tell you my name probably.” You reply bored, your eyes sliding back to A Farewell to Arms. “Wait,” You slide your feet of the desk and stand up suddenly. “How did you get in here? You can’t be in here without someone who lives here.”
Max grins, adjusting his Burberry scarf under his expensive looking coat. “Relax, Toots, my new...friend is outside talking to some girl from her class, she let me in. I’m not standing around in the cold like a poor person while she titters like half her brain was taken in a lobotomy.”
“Well, God forbid you go home with someone and like their personality.” You roll your eyes, relaxing slightly.
“I liked her personality just fine. Both of them.”
Your mouth pulls down in distaste and you all but throw the clipboard and pen at him. “Does the local clinic know about you? I assume the CDC alerted them to your arrival in the country.”
“Haha,” He responds dryly. “Does the local pub know about you? The comedy offerings on Thursday’s got nothing on you.”
You snort taking the clipboard and setting it down. You look him up and down, still leaning against the window in his expensive coat. “What do you want to be when you grow up?”
“I am grown, baby, if you’d let me take you out, I’d prove it.”
“How long can you hold your breath? Have you tried tripling it?” You shoot back. He laughs, surprising a small smile out of you. His laugh is brash and loud just like him but there is something genuine within it, like he’s picky with who gets to hear it.
“I’m a wrestler now and hopefully I’ll be one when I grow up too. I’m here on exchange for the year but I wrestle whenever I can. The UK has a strong scene.” He replies openly, his eyes alight as he talks about a subject he clearly adores. You suppose how built he is makes more sense with this information. “Plus, the ring rats out here are way better than the ones in the states.”
Your hesitant to ask but the question falls out anyway, “What’s a ring rat?”
“Wrestling groupies, girls who just come to the shows to fuck the wrestlers.” Maxwell smirks in reply.
“I knew I shouldn’t have asked but I still did. That’s completely on me.” You mutter to yourself, sitting back in your chair with a disgusted sigh and picking up Roxanne Gay’s bad feminist.
“You were reading that book before,” Maxwell points to the red cover of Hemmingway. “Did you forget? I have been known to have that effect on women when I get them alone.”
“You don’t, How I wish I could forget you.” You reply, flicking through the pages. “Hemmingway makes me want to stab myself in the face. You need alternatives or you won’t make it through the book.” You wave bad feminist in his direction.
He gestures for you to pass him the book and you do with a raised eyebrow. He immediately starts flicking through, stopping at the pages filled with notes. “You can read?” You joke, watching his eyes devour the words.
“You write in your books, what, think your better than the greats or something?” He snarls back his eyes never leaving the page he’s settled on.
“Or something.”
He’s quiet for a moment while he flips the book carefully in different directions trying to break apart your loopy handwriting. You aren’t sure why he’s being so gentle with a book you’ve all but taped back together from how many times you’ve stuffed it into tiny bags or pockets but you find it a little bit endearing. “You know they make more sense once you’ve actually read the words that are supposed to be there.”
That gets Maxwell’s attention and he glances up at you, closing the book on his thumb. “Are you saying I can borrow it?”
You frown, that wasn’t anywhere near what you’d meant but you supposed it wouldn’t hurt to let him borrow it. It’s not like he wasn’t around pretty much every weekend. “Sure, you can borrow it. I don’t know if it’s your speed though.”
Maxwell grins, tucking it safely into the inner pocket of his coat before pushing off the glass. “Thanks, gorgeous, I’ll take good care of it. Promise.”
He steps toward the front door and offers you a little smirk and a wave, “Enjoy the rest of your night, Ellie.”
You roll your eyes but offer a wave of your own in the form of a shooing motion. “Until next time, Maxwell.”
His playful smirk evolves into a wide grin and he disappears out the way he came. You shake your head, grabbing your trusty sign I’m sheet.
2133 361 6693
You have a post it on your shoe. Enjoy your noodles. Call me if you are ever up for real food. -Max
You snatch the orange post it from the bottom of your ugg boot with a groan, finding your shopping list for the week cramped into the small space.
Later when you put the folded-up sheet and the post it into your drawer for a moment you consider saving his number. You were desperate to know what he thought of the book and even more so to know what he was thinking while he read your notes and dissections.
You decide against it, you’d likely see him in a few days on the arm of another pretty girl from your building anyway. Besides, he was an ass and you didn’t want to give him what he wanted.
Your last thought before finally dozing off was the realisation that Max never came back tonight. And no one else did either.
The following Saturday is your weekend off and a few people from your class drag you out for a night on the town. Everyone knows you prefer to be home but they try to talk you into one night out and you can’t help but agree. You thrifted a pair of leather bell bottoms last term that still has the tags on them. It was time.
So, with a copy of Elizabeth Barrett Browning rolled up tightly in your purse (just in case, you weren’t trying to be a pick-me, you’d just been caught out waiting for a lift home by yourself more times than you cared to admit.) you head out for drinks with your friends and end up in a nightclub not long after. You are swaying your hips to the beat and spinning around carefree. Your friends are chanting your name and you can’t help but laugh. You had to admit, it felt nice to let loose every now and again.
It wasn’t a change of pace, per se, you went out, you knew how to have typical university student fun. You even went on the occasional date, but, and you admitted it was probably a bit snobby to say, the late nights, the boys... well, they weren’t especially intellectually stimulating. Not in the way a book was or the tiny Zagreus inside her switch. Still you can admit you have fun, and stay out much later than you’d thought.
When you stumble tiredly into the dorms just before 1 am, you are surprised to see the girl who does alternate weekends asleep in your chair. You didn’t want to be left working every weekend so you know you aren’t going to dob her in but it still annoys you to see her being so careless. There was a reason the girls who lived here had to sign in their visitors, everyone living here deserved to feel safe.
You slap the lip of the counter, shocking the girl so much she nearly falls from her chair. “Ellie, Hi, sorry, I was doing my physics homework.” She explains and you feel a little bit of sympathy. “Oh! Here, some guy dropped this off.” She passes you the book you let Max borrow last week. “He also told me to give you this.” She hands you a folded sign in sheet. “He tried really hard to get your room number from me, but I swear I didn’t give it to him, he called me a ‘stupid whore’ and then left these here. American” She offered as explanation.
“Thanks, sorry.” You offer with a grimace heading down the corridor with a final nod.
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You went out? You can do that? Have fun? You’ll have more when you finally call me. I liked this Roxanne chick. I liked what you thought of her too. Maybe I’ll catch you next time and we can talk about it. What I don’t like is discount you at the front desk. Serious attitude. Snores like a truck too. Hope you had a good night, Gorgeous. -Max
You snort softly, tucking the note with the others and sliding the book back into its home on your bookshelf. This guy was unlike anyone you’d ever met, a total shit-stirring wanker and man-whore but for some reason, despite how much he annoyed you, you were beginning to find him entertaining and dare you say, endearing.
Suddenly you couldn’t wait for next week.
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that-pineapple154 · 22 days
Pineapple's Furby Masterlist
1990s Furbys
King Noodles Ink'Squeegee of the Spiders
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~ he/they ~ witch's cat Noodles was my first 90's furby. His hobbies include watching scary movies, making s'mores, trespassing, and staring off into the distance and pointing to get other people to look at absolutely nothing. He is a friend to all 8 legged creatures and a loyal friend to all
Patchfoot the Pirate
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~ he/him ~ giraffe Patchfoot is my one and only amputee furby. His right foot was in pretty bad condition when I got him so I removed it, and plan to eventually make him a prosthetic. He loves to be outside, and is very photogenic. He would also like to remind you to not eat random mushrooms you find on your walks through the woods
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~ he/him ~ Leopard Prapai is a suave buisness man who knows what he wants. And what he wants is shiny objects. He also enjoys playing a lil mini golf in his free time
Mr. Bowie
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~ heehee/him ~ Jester You know the Goblin King from the movie Labyrinth? That's his role model. Mr. Bowie thrives in some good chaotic energy, as long as he stays neat and clean
Brad Grady (Grady)
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~ he/him ~ Graduation He's gay. Need I say more? Oh I do? Okay. Well he's also an English and Furbish professor, doing his best to teach humans and furby's each other's languages. In his free time he likes to consume poetry. I mean that in the literal sense... Apparently its the best way to gain more knowledge
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~ she/they ~ wolf Chappell, unlike the singer she'd named after is actually mute. They work just fine but cannot talk. It's all okay though cause she finds other ways to communicate. They are a lover of music and literature, and loves to spend time with her girlfriend, Vinnie
Lavinia (Vinnie)
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~ she/her ~ snowball Vinnie is "The Key Master", though the key to what, she refuses to say. She spends most of her time with her girlfriend, Chappell, and is typically the one who plans their dates. She loves to sew and has a huge interest in the supernatural and Victorian buildings. She'd love to someday live in one.
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~ any pronouns ~ racoon Sunbleach, who also goes by Sunny and Bleach, is a furb who loves to pursue his hobbies. You'll often find her at a desk drawing, designing, or fixing things. They also have a strange fascination with guitar picks, though they're to small to play any of mine.
Furby Babys
Eggwhite Puddling
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~ she/her ~ Snowy Eggwhite may be a girly girl, but she sure knows how to change a tire. Her favorite smell is gasoline and lawn clippings, and her favorite movie is Cars. She also really loves cute and brightly colored things
Tartar Merengue
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~ she/they ~ Snowy Tartar is a furb with an appreciation for alt fashion. They love the color black, and have even considered dying their hair that color once or twice, though she'd never actually do it. Her hobbies include staring at books and trying to make the words make sense, and giving up to go read a graphic novel instead
Furby Booms
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~ he/him ~ furbacca Tinsel doesn't say much, but he loves to sing. Don't tell anyone but despite being based on Chewbacca, he hasn't watched more than the first 3 Starwars movies
Castiel De'Lolbit Extravaganza
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~ he/they ~ zigzag stripes Cas is a lover of all things horror. He'll play horror games and watch horror movies right before bed and never gets nightmares, though sometimes he does get a bit paranoid. He also loves collecting rocks and crystals to display
Furby Connects
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~ he/him ~ magenta Kei-doh is a huge fan of baseball. The Redsocks and the Tigers are his two favorite teams, but he'll watch just about any game. He likes to play baseball too. He hits well, though he isn't a very fast baserunner. He doesn't mind though, cause its all just for fun
2023 Furbys
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~ he/they ~ Coral Ebeau's just a fun loving guy. He's just a silly lil dude, doin silly lil dude things. He totally doesn't engage in illegal activities like jaywalking... Nope. Not at all
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~ any pronouns ~ purple Capone doesn't like to talk about what he does. And most people probably don't want to hear about it either. I mean what kind of monster would literally take candy from a baby? Capone. That's what kind
Ghidorah Glitterbomb
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~ she/her ~ tie-dye Though being incredibly powerful and gifted in the art of magic, Ghidorah doesn't use it much, instead preferring to save her skills for important things like putting on good fireworks shows, or giving candy back the babys Capone took from
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~ he/they ~ aurora furbealis Boroax is a fun loving guy with a love for anything space related. He may or may not be an alien himself, but they will neither confirm or deny it. His favorite thing to do in his freetime is watching christmas lights and staring into street lamps
Furblets, Buddies, & Happy Meal Toys, Oh my!
Toothpaste, Oyster, Taylor, & Boston
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~ they/them, he/they, she/her, & she/they ~ 2023 furblets These lil guys would love to be in a band, but they can't agree on what genre of music to perform in
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~ he/him ~ 2005 Happy Meal toy He's very quiet, but that just makes him a better listener. He loves to people watch and silently judge from afar
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~ any pronouns ~ furby buddie He's seen some things and done some things...
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~ they/them ~ furby keychain They're tired, and they want to take a nap
Thanks For Reading ^^
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stormbreaker-290 · 2 months
Anywqys uh. Books now :>
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From left to right, top bottom top.
Comet in Moominland -- 1946 -- included the first appearances of many characters including Snufkin and Snorkmaiden.
Finn Family Moomintroll -- 1948 -- a small collection of various stories, including small blurbs for each character.
The Exploits of Moominpappa -- 1950 (revised later in 1968 and renamed "Moominpappa's Memoirs") -- tales of Moominpappa's youth, when he was still called Moomintroll. Includes new characters such as the Joxter (Snufkin's father) Hodgkin, and the Muddler (Sniff's father)
The Book about Moomin, Mymble and Little My -- 1952 -- Ngl I don't know much about this book other than the fact Mymble and Little My are sisters
Moominsummer Madness -- 1954 -- infuriatingly close to romance between Snufkin and Moomin during a prison break. Pretty sure Snufkin's iconic line "let's go fill Moominvalley with crime" is in the 90s anime adaptation of this book. Something to do with a failing theatre but it's kind of overshadowed by Snufkin's and Moomin's pining./hj (Please they're so gay it hurts)
Moominland Midwinter -- 1957 -- Moomintroll wakes up from hibernation (yes they hibernate) and is unable to go back to sleep. Too-ticky (white and red striped sweater, if you wanna look 'em up) helps him through it.
Who Will Comfort Toffle? -- 1960 -- Toffle leaves his home to try and find friends (he's a lonely lil' guy. Wet cat vibes.) And ends up rescuing Miffle (another character, doesn't appear much) from The Groke
Tales from Moominvalley -- 1962 -- a collection of short stories
Moominpappa at Sea -- 1965 -- The Moomins basically move away to an island, along with Little My and The Groke. It's. Really sad actually.
Moominvalley in November -- 1970/71 -- last official book, it's basically all the characters trying to find out what happened to the Moomin family, as they found their home abandoned. Also I keep forgetting to mention Fillyjonk. Everyone say hi to Fillyjonk, the Moomins' neighbor. I probably won't speak of her again. Anyways, the book ends with them not fully finding out what happened.
The Dangerous Journey -- 1977 -- last book written by Tove before her death, it follows a human that accidentally got into Moominvalley. Happy ending, though.
Damn that's alot of books- I feel like if I had these as a kid I wouldve re-read them so many times they'd be committed to memory and probably had my own self insert oc to imagine going on adventures with them
Good Lord how did I not know I was autistic- XD
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
Welcome to Danni's Den!
You know, if anyone wants an office tour! 😄
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Is it a proper office? No. One makes do when one lives in an apartment and only has so much space. (Especially when one is sharing space with a fellow nerd!) Because Eddie and I don't use a dining room, we converted the dining area into my office! So if you see peaks of the kitchen/living room/entrance, that's why! It's not much, but it's all my own! 💛
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Eddie installed some hooks for where my mugs used to hang. I have better mug storage now, so hanging above the entrance I put this ornament I picked up while in New Orleans back in August 2022! Gay mermen? C'mon. I named them Henry and Sebastian btw.
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This is my non-HP witchy section. Mostly astrology books. A few miscellaneous witchcraft books on the bottom shelf. And my crystal collection on top!
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I mentioned "mug collection" right? I love them! 😍 Though it might be worth noting that I have other mugs in the kitchen cabinet. 👀 And a small holiday collection I bring out during the holidays. I don't have a problem, I swear.
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Aaaand my cubes! My Sorting Hat. Some fandom and astrology themed candles (most from various Etsy shops.) Various HP figures. Cubes for storage (mostly notebooks and notecards and things.) I have quite the collection of tarot and oracle decks in one of the open cubes. A little chest full of decks, and a few more decks in specific deck boxes (cuz my chest is too full 🙈) I also have 2 bound fics, and a HP word search book (I looooove word searches!) Mostly the cube organizers are for various knick knacks and such.
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My specific HP shelf! For mostly books. I also have 2 owl plushies, 2 niffler plushies, 2 pygmy puff plushies, and a fwooper plushie. They all have names, yes.
Francine the Fwooper
Oist (white owl) (the tag said "owlette" and Eddie made a joke about naming her Oist...like "moist towelette" but "oist owlette." It stuck. Oops. She probably deserves a more dignified name but Oist made me giggle, so there we are.
Archibald (brown owl)
Nemo (black niffler)
Eva (gray niffler) (both Nemo and Eva are named after Nightwish songs, because I love Nightwish.)
Pippa (pink pygmy puff)
Puck (purple pygmy puff)
The cabinet attached to the shelf is storage. Things I don't want on display, or can't have on display right now. Miscellaneous knick-knacks from Etsy sellers or from our trip to Universal in 2017. All the HP foreign editions Eddie gifted me. Character wands (that aren't displayed) and the empty boxes for the wands I do have displayed.
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And THIS is where the magic happens, baby! My desk. An absurd amount of colored pens. All the books I'm most likely to consult while writing (poetry, symbolism, mythology, philosophy, etc.) My Snarry art on the wall!!!!!! 😍😍 (I need more frames so I can hang MORE SNARRY ART.) (A gal always needs more Snarry art, y'know?)
Then between my desk and the HP shelf I have PILLOWS because I'm too restless to stay in one place and position for too long. I also have a lap desk tucked away so I pull that out and hop into my pillows to keep writing! (My lil bee is named Beatrice, btw.) (Queen Bea! 🥰🥰)
This space seriously brings me so much joy, and so much inspiration. To have a space dedicated to writing, and my fandom, and my BOYS. Being able to have Snarry out and proud and all around me???? 🥺🥺 I'm all in my feelings. (Seriously, though, need MORE.) And not just a representation of my OTP, but of other creators who inspire me! The bound books being writers and bookbinders. My embroidery by onbeinganangel!! And some of the artists I love! A great reminder of all the talent in fandom and how much love and passion there is out there!!!! And I have pieces of it HERE WITH ME???? I am blown away and very in love.
I am very grateful to my partner. It was his idea to split areas so I'd have this one for myself (he has his own space now, too, for Magic the Gathering, Dungeons and Dragons, Brandon Sanderson, etc.) (Oh and his monstrous dice collection.) But I was lamenting how I was running out of room on my one little wall for Snarry art. My desk used to be on the little wall where my witchy shelf is. And it was Eddie's idea to make the whole room mine. And he and I worked hard not only rearranging to have our own areas, but decluttering and reorganizing the whole apartment! This man found the time and energy to make my life happier even when super busy and stressed from work. So in its way, this space also represents his love and thoughtfulness and dedication for me. Which makes it all the better! (And really, he had to do all of the heavy lifting, I am tragically weak.)
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alexalily · 9 months
Alexa's Favorite Games of 2023
If you've paid attention to my activity online then you've probably noticed that I really didn't play many games this year! I spent much more time reading books and watching movies than I did playing games. Despite that, I will still make this list because I did still manage to play Some Bangers! But also some trash!
2023 has been a year of change for me: mostly in minor and bad ways but with a couple of bigger, better ways. I'm hoping 2024 will be a year of further change in some major ways. Without getting into too much detail, my life feels like some things are in a do-or-die/now-or-never sort of situation and that is scary but also it'll make changes that are better than what I've got going on right now.
In 2024 I am hoping to get back to gaming a bit more. I want to return to checking out small Itchio projects that no one else has heard of but that I will scream about until other people play them too. I want to play more visual novels, too!! And I want 2024 to finally be the year that I really give a fighting game a solid chance because it is a genre I have always wanted to get into but have never found the right time or place or game or whatever for it work out.
If you would like to see a similar list about the books I read in 2023, you can see it here on Tumblr. If you would like to see a similar list about the movies I watched in 2023, you can see it here on Tumblr or over on Letterboxd.
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Mémoire 0079
The "It's Not Nepotism If It's Genuinely Great" Award
I don't do ranked awards like everyone else but if I did this would be a strong contender for #1 and it's not just because I know some of the people that worked on it! I really really like the shape of this thing, with how it has you navigating pages like you're falling down a Wikipedia rabbit hole! It's such a fun concept and while I doubt it's the first or only to do it, it's done very well here! I love seeing how both sides frame the conflict and how they choose to write history their own way and how that leaves you to piece together What Happened. It's a game that has been stuck in my mind and kept me Thinking all throughout the year since I played it back in July and that is more than I can say about almost anything else on this list or that I even played this year!
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Assassin's Creed Valhalla
The "Why The Fuck Am I Still Playing This" Award
I am occasionally an Open World Sicko who likes big maps with lots of Meaningless Things to collect/do. Every so often I just need One Of These. I have played many and they are all terrible. The genre has had a largely negative effect on AAA games specifically and the video games community as a whole. And this has got to be one of the worst ones I've ever played. I will probably end up writing a "review" where I dump all my thoughts after I've finished it but here's some quick highlights: -it plays worse than AC Odyssey did -it looks worse than AC Odyssey did -England sucks ass -the main plot is so tedious and none of the writing is good and there is SO MUCH of it -Eivor is so fucking boring!! my gay ass should be fawning over her but I simply Do Not Care about because she has all the charisma and charm of a pile of rocks The Isle of Sky DLC(?) questline was the best bit so far but that might just be my Kassandra Bias coming in to play because it was nice to see her again and also for them to be willing to actually play with one of the things set up at the end of Odyssey! I have played for over 80 hours so far and feel like I am maybe halfway through. I fear I may be playing this game until the end of time.
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Charm Studies
Best Game That Is Laser Targetted At Me, Specifically
Narrative Picross! Cute girls! Witches!! What's not to love. I adore this lil game. I feel like this is going onto the list of games that I will take any chance I can to yell about because I want more people to play it because it's just such a charming lil adorable thing. It's cute!! I love it!! Play it!!!
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The "I Participated in Capitalism and it felt Gross" Award
I started playing like a week and a half ago so I am still an absolute little baby. The first thing that happened when I launched the game for the first time was that it notified me that I had unlocked Radiohead lobby music. And then when I went into my first match it was utterly overwhelming with all the sound effects and shooting and dancing and constant quest progress updates and meters filling and things happening, meanwhile I was just trying to figure out what the buttons do because there's not really any tutorials and it was one of the most stressful 10 minutes of gaming of the entire year. I think the actual movement and shooting feels Fine and is just Good Enough because the actual good thing is playing this with other people. The shop is egregiously bad. The battlepass system is also horrific. We all know this. I spent eight dollars on the battlepass because the punk catgirl skin is cute. I hated how I felt when I did it. I will continue playing because fuckin whatever who gives a shit. I hope Epic Games crashes and burns but for the foreseeable future I will continue to have fun playing this with people. If you are a person who think it might be fun to play with me and see first-hand just how bad I am at video games, hit me up because that sounds like a fun time to me.
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Lady Maria Presents: The Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower Award for Best Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower
YES I played Bloodborne again this year, YES I will probably do it again in 2024. I finally beat Orphan of Kos!! The last time I played BB I smashed my head against Orphan for something like 10 or 12 hours and eventually gave up but this time I did it! I spent time grinding out as many blood vials as I could and making sure my weapon was as upgraded as was reasonable and then I beat Orphan of Kos in like 30 minutes of attempts!! What the fuck!! Easily one of the best feelings of triumph I've ever gotten in a Soulsborne game.
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The Exit 8
The "What The Fuck Am I Doing Here" Award
I feel like I need to preface this by saying that I believe everyone; I take all y'alls word that this thing is incredible and amazing and everyone needs to play it ASAP without knowing anything about it because it is just incredible. I completely believe you all. But when I played this, I ran down a hallway for ten or fifteen minutes and nothing happen. I don't get it. I read every sign (as best I could, since it's mostly in Japanese anyway). I pressed every button on my keyboard. I tried to interact with the doors. I tried to interact with that guy that walks by. I found a sign that said to turn around if I see an anomaly. I don't know what an anomaly looks like and I can't tell if I've seen one. I ran down the hallway in one direction. Then I thought maybe I need to walk. Then I turned around and went the other way for a while. I don't get it. I can't get the game to work. I am too stupid to figure out the first puzzle(?) of the game. If I had a brain and could figure that out I bet this would be sick.
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Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin
Best Game to Fistbump Your Homies To
What a cool fuckin video game!! Proof that Final Fantasy can still be good in the year 2023. I kind of hate how much this game gets memed on with all the "here to kill CHAOS!!!" stuff and people laughing at the Sinatra needle drops and fistbumps and whatever because while, yes, that stuff is objectively funny when you see it in the game, I think the game then does a lot of work to make you take that shit seriously and attaches emotional weight to it all that works in a truly sincere and honest way that I think the memes make people completely ignore. Jokin' around on twitter or whatever is all fun and good but please remember to engage with games on their own and actually think about the thing you are playing! It feels like this game is going to go down in history as some big meme when it's probably one of the best Final Fantasies in quite a while and I think that is absolutely fucking tragic.
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Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
Most Videogame
I never did write out a full review of this game and maybe I'll go back and do that at some point but basically it comes down to this: All the parts of this that are Pathfinder are atrocious tedious garbage and all the parts that are Wrath of the Righteous are wildly inconsistent in quality but the absolute best parts of it are barely better than mediocre. Pathfinder, as a system, is really only for the sickos who enjoy planning out their character and everything they will do at every level-up because the actual act of playing it and engagin with the combat is miserable. God bless the difficulty menu for letting me turn it down to the point of not having to give a shit about any of that. Also shoutouts to whoever at Owlbear said "hey maybe we shouldn't have the final dungeon suddenly bombard the player with negative levels and attribute damage" because that was a truly awful part of Kingmaker. Oh and the Crusade mode sure does suck ass, huh? I hope someday Owlbear makes a good video game. The thing in CRPGs that I love the most is meeting all the cool companions and hanging out with them and helping them solve their problems (or sometimes making them worse). And this game barely has that. There's like a dozen companions and I think I could name three or four of them and could only really tell you much about two of them Daeran and Arueshalae save this game from being completely devoid of anything good. Arueshalae is my sweet babygirl and Daeran is a twink in need of obliteration.
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Celeste: Strawberry Jam
Best Game I Didn't Actually Play
I am not a Celeste Enjoyer because I am not a Platformer Enjoyer but I did watch my friend Carrie play through this and it's a genuinely incredible thing to see!! I really strongly suggest people check this out (either first-hand or watching videos) because it's wild to see how much work the Celeste community put into this thing. Custom art, new music, wholly new mechanics, and it's all arranged by difficulty so you can start at the beginning and work your way up! And they even added in tutorials so you don't have to know what a Ceiling Pop or whatever is because they'll just teach it to you! And, anyway, Celeste's assist mode is robust and people should be willing to turn that stuff on just to content tourism their way through what I think is one of the most impressive community endeavors I've seen in quite a long time.
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Final Fantasy VII
The "I Swear To God I'm Going To Finish It If It Kills Me" Award
I have started this game like eight different times in the past and it never clicked for me so I never got more than an hour or two into it but finally FINALLY this year it is working for me in terms of my brain but no in terms of my fucking computer!! I built a new computer very recently and when I reinstalled the game, the cloud save was empty! Every time I saved it told me it was syncing the save file but it was lying to me!! Luckily, I had my old computer around still and was able to find the save there, so my meagre amount of progress was not wiped out. But then! My DS4 was absolutely haunted! Everything was configured the same as the old computer, everything is set up the same, but all the button mapping was wrong and nothing I did fixed it! I had the controller unplugged for a couple days for unrelated reasons and then worked up the energy to troubleshoot this and when I plugged it in it Simply Worked! So now I am determined. I WILL play this game and I WILL finish it in 2024.
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Tabletop Simulator
The "I'm Tired Of Writing This List But Want To Add This One Too" Award
I played quite a bit of Tabletop Sim this year and had a lot of fun doing it! I've never been able to really get into board games or tabletop games because of a lack of friends to play with but this year I got to check some stuff out and have had a lot of fun with it! Even just loading into one of those big board games with a trillion pieces is fun just to look around at all the lil 3d models and flip through the cards. A lovely game that has given me a lot of lovely memories.
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shadow-usagi · 9 months
question 28 do you collect anything? :-)
Okay so...I love ~little objects~, especially if they are ceramic or glass. I've collected some images from the internet because I don't wanna leave my bed to photo mine, but all of these are either the exact one i have or very very similar. Some of them are just very cute animal figurines:
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The first two are exactly the ones I own and I just learnt via this post they are not just knock-off posh ones but their own Japanese posh ones - except mine were £6 for the pair. Effervescent. (Love a bargain). I also own that little tiger but mine has a snaggletooth to his smile which meant I had to own him. I went back to the shop multiple times over months and no one had bought him. Not all are white/red/blue but these...are.
Some are fandom-y:
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The Totoro log box opens and has a little glow-in-the-dark Totoro chilling inside, which you can see through a hole in the log. v. important detail. It's from the Ghibli Museum in Mitaka. That's my favourite lil pokemon terrarium Rement figure I have (pidgeot is one of my favourite pokemon since the first game).
Others I have because I studied the original or one of its kin at university (so we have a warrior's bond now), or, i have visited the place / original. I lust after museum replicas, but mainly have the small affordable versions:
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That first one I have in beige stone (from TK Maxx somehow). The owl is kind of like the one I have but mine is cuter. The glass is a paperweight with a cool accurate 3D map of Stonehenge inside, which I both studied (and also we visited it at dawn on our honeymoon).
Finally I have a few that belonged to my very beloved grandmother, who passed away year-before-last, or belonged to other family who're no longer here. Most notable are these two ladies who we consider very very gay now:
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They are in love, and flirt endlessly on the bookcase. I am in the process of learning how to use temporary tattoo sheets to give the lady in yellow a neck tattoo because...well, i think she should rock one?
To be honest the most numerous are the ceramic pumpkins I have for Halloween, but they only appear in their glory in October. The rest get switched out through the year because ~little objects~ always make me happy.
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genshinfanboy · 2 years
hey there !! may I get a romantic matchup for your 200 followers event ?? thank you <3<3
I'm a 5'0 very pale, lil chubby, black to red split-dye long hair, blue eyed transgender gay enby. I look tired almost always, and I have a resting bitchface (no idea until now lol). My MBTI is ISFP 4w5, and I'm on the gemini/cancer cusp. I love collecting things, such as plushies, rubber ducks, and knives. I know those two first things are childish but they comfort me a lot and they're just super fun to collect !! I collect knives because I think they're cool and I like showing them off. I would never use them to harm or threaten anyone, I'm not that kind of person. I also love bugs & cats, my two favorite things ever !! Bugs are my friend and I love finding them under rocks and such. I love praying mantis' and spiders especially, they have a beauty non-bug lovers don't understand bwahaha. Cats are cute lil' guys and I have two of my own, so I'm a little biased. They're like my kids and I care for them sooo much. My hobbies include drawing, writing, playing slime rancher & sims 4, listening to music, and outdoor activities. Such as going to theme parks (I love rollercoasters sm), random cool museums in my city, and hiking/skiing/those sorts of things. I'm willing to try anything once and I'm almost always down for a fun adventure like that. I like the warmth, being alone, sleeping, being useful to others, watching shows, being with animals, and just being outdoors generally. I hate HATE the cold and I hate people who forget things easily and just can't plan very well. I'm flexible with plans sometimes but I get very discouraged easily and may just cancel on spot. Now for my personality, I'd say I'm quite reserved and shy when you first meet me! I prefer to talk in body movements/motions instead of verbally, that's just how I am. However I have no problem with addressing older people for some reason. I take a while to trust people and to warm up generally, even if I like them. I have a hard time starting conversations and can cover up my awkwardness by laughing or just going "yeah". When I warm up to people though, I am very chaotic and a mess. I do almost anything to make people laugh and I love doing stupid stuff that I'll regret in a day. I never make jokes about my friends and I never insult anyone in them, I don't go too far. I love my friends and I'd never hurt their feelings like that. I'm always there to listen to them but I mainly enjoy helping them with their problems than sitting down and comforting them. I have a slight temper but I am becoming good at controlling it. I stand up for what I believe in and I'm not afraid to cut somebody off entirely if they do something that's just totally wrong. I gain emotional attachments easily and I'm very easy to scare or make cry; I'm pretty sensitive. In private I'm a very cuddly person and I adore physical affection & quality time more than anything else. PDA Isn't my thing and I prefer to be left alone in that sense, but if I'm feeling happy, I like hand holding and small kisses.
Hope that was enough! Thanks!
Hello. My apologies for taking a few longer than I would've like on these. I got sick and just recovered. Anyways I hope you enjoy and have a fantastic day or night. If you don't like your match up results please take it with a grain of salt.
Your match up would the one and Oni Itto:
Hear me out on this one tho Itto is very loud and likes being the center of attention you two would contrast very nicely with one another with your personalities. Itto likes animals and has a vast collection of different things and encourage you to continue collecting. He'd also ask you to go onikabuto hunting with him. He would be so excited for you to meet his gang. He's positive you and Shinobu would get along well too. No need to fear coming off awkward or not knowing how to start a conversation when you first get to know him. He has got you covered on that. He may act annoying at first until someone like Shinobu points out to him you are shy. That doesn't stop him from trying to do everything in his power (and maybe things out of his control) to be your friend. He would have respect for you when you stick up for what you believe in. Itto would find your high cute. He would also claim you match with the red in your hair. He may get in trouble a lot but he doesn't mean any harm. If you have to defend your beliefs he'll be your hype man and back you up. You'd be accepted into the gang and become apart of their little family. Though from what you said you'd mainly hang out with Shinobu and Itto. PDA might be a thing you have to remind him not to do a few times but once he gets it he won't slip up. If he messes up he can apologize sometimes a bit reluctant but he'll still apologize. You'll also be able to relax in knowing the fact if he or anyone else makes you cry he is the first person by your side to comfort you. He'll also try to make you laugh and make the perpetrator(s) apologize as well. Quality time with you would be one of his favorite because of the cuddly and domestic behaviors. Over all a very balanced and well intended relationship where you help each other out.
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