#so now it’s illegal to move when he decides he’s a lap cat
angsty-aliens · 1 year
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My cat contributing to rent via Only Paws. Look at those beans.
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xaharadesert · 2 years
MC Stood Up on a Date - Headcanon
Arcana Characters (Main 6) x MC
A/N: this one is for @baddrawingsandsadness! Please let me know if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes :) requests are closed while I catch up, but if you wanna send in memes or pics of cats, or literally anything that is not a request, go for it!
Note: MC is stood up by an ✨unknown citizen✨, and the LI is comforting them
He genuinely seems more upset than you are— scandalized, if you will
He makes this very apparent to you, as he decides he needs to lecture you about how amazing you are for a solid half hour
(He kind of looks like he’s going to cry)
Makes a joke about how if even someone as awesome as you gets stood up, then there’s no hope for someone like him
The self-deprecation is not appreciated, as you let him know
That helps him get back on track, and he vows to hunt down the person who stood you up
So you point out that he’s still not back on track
In the end, the two of you go out to The Rowdy Raven to have some fun of your own
By the end of the night, you’ve completely forgotten the worst part of your day
She looks exactly like the surprised pikachu meme when you tell her
It’s quickly followed up by the assertion that whoever dared to stand you up must be either an idiot, or dead in a ditch somewhere, because no sane person would ever do something like that to someone as wonderful as you
She’s pretty quick to move on from the topic though; she’s an optimistic woman, and believes that even the worst days can be made better with some fun
The two of you go out for the day, exploring the nooks and crannies of Vesuvia that you overlooked before
You find all kinds of fun and whimsical shops, and your pockets quickly fill with trinkets as your stomachs fill with exotic foods
The day is a whirlwind of chaos and fun, and by the end you’ll have realized that it was infinitely better than anything a traditional date could offer
You finish off the day laughing on Portia’s cottage floor with Pepi curled up on your lap while you tell stories
Well now that’s just illegal
Immediately offers to have his guards tracks them down
You decline, much to his disappointment
Honestly, his entire response to this event is just to complain and insult whoever dared stand you up
In his opinion, this is one of the worst atrocities ever committed
You’re one of his favourite people (next to himself, obviously), so if someone insults you, they insult him as well
And we all know what happens when Lucio is insulted
You’ll probably just try to get on with your day, but now you’ll be followed around by a whiny Lucio who just can’t let this go
Well, at least you know someone adores you
He doesn’t really know how to comfort you about this
I mean, on one hand, he knows he would be absolutely devastated if something like that happened to him, but on the other, you’ve clearly just avoided getting into what would have surely been a toxic relationship
So in the end, he just sits there and lets you vent to him for as long as you need to
Of course, at some point he does have to go do chores and such, so he just kind of edges his way out of the room
This doesn’t seem to discourage you, as you just follow him around while he does what he has to
Well, he supposes that’s fine
He’s not really listening, but whenever you seem to be getting really upset, he offers you an awkward pat on the back
He’s really not cut out for this
He sympathizes, he really does, but at the same time a small part of him is relieved that you’re not going on a date with someone he had been getting bad vibes from since the beginning
Don’t get him wrong— if you’re happy, he’s happy
But he also wants you to be safe
Of course, he’ll never voice his relief aloud; he makes you tea and listens quietly while you get your feelings out into the open
And when you’re done, he asks if you’d like to join him in gathering some spell ingredients in the forest
It’s a simple and peaceful task; it doesn’t force you to repress your emotions, but it lets you process them in a comfortable environment
If you want to vent while the two of you pick mushrooms, he listens; if you want to be distracted, he tells you all about whatever book he’s been reading; and if you want to take a break to bask in the sun together, then of course, he’d love that too
At the end of the day, things are pretty much back to normal
Even if it’s still just the two of you, you’re both comfortable and content with that
She’s genuinely astounded that anyone would actually stand you up
It just doesn’t make sense to her
Obviously she hasn’t been on a lot of traditional dates herself, but that just seems like something one should never do
She decides that, even though it wasn’t her fault, she was going to take you on a date herself (platonic or romantic, you decide)
She wants to show you what you deserve from a relationship, so she goes all out
From your outfit, to the entertainment, to the feast comprised of your favourite foods; every detail is taken care of
And at the end of the date, she takes you out to the garden to ask you how you feel; do you feel any better, having been shown how much you mean to her?
Even if the answer is no, that’ll only motivate her to do more the next time
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sugalaritae · 2 years
harrow's january reads
it's the end of january! which means i get to make a list of all the fics i read this month, and this month i actually read mxreader, so that's cool. i have thought about marking my favourite ones but i've decided not to because i don't like when i see my fics on people's list and don't see a little favourite star beside it. i enjoyed all of these fics and that is what counts! i'm not going to separate them into mxr and mxm categories but just list them alphabetically.
counting the days - brightlight kth x jjk - idol!au - completed “I think I could last way longer than you without getting off, hyung,” Jungkook says. There’s that glint in Taehyung’s eyes again. Jungkook isn’t sure why for a moment, but then he realizes the full implications of what he said, and part of him almost wants to take it back. “Is that a bet?” Taehyung asks him seriously. Four well-practiced words between them. Jungkook should have realized before he said it what would happen here. read on ao3
days of flower blooms - brightlight knj x pjm x kth x jjk - witches - completed second part to (like my heart) my heart is tilting Magic is real and Jungkook has three boyfriends - these are both facts he's gotten used to by now. It's all the normal stuff he has left to figure out. read on ao3
exhale, slow - orphan_accont :( pjm x kth - strangers to lovers - completed Taehyung has a possibly illegal vegetable garden on the rooftop, and Jimin's just trying to survive Seoul. This is a story through the years as they grow together, then apart, then together again. read on ao3
finding the words to say i love you - @thatlongspringnight ksj x jjk - friends to lovers Living with the person you love can be a nightmare, especially when that person doesn’t know. read on tumblr
help me hold onto you - brightlight pjm x kth - friends to lover, slow burn - completed It’s on a completely unremarkable night in August when Taehyung sees Park Jimin for the first time in four years. read on ao3
(like the moon) my heart is tilting - brightlight knj x pjm x kth x jjk - witches - completedfirst part to days of flower blooms Jungkook moved to Jeolla-do to live with his aunt and go to college. On the list of things he wasn't expecting, meeting three overwhelmingly cute boys who tell him magic is real was fairly high.But here he is. And all because he wanted to pet a cat. read on ao3
matilda - @babystrcandy myg x reader - friends to lovers, brothers best friend - completed Loneliness had always been a constant for you, haunting you like a ghost; until your older brother’s best friend, Min Yoongi, came into your life. You both promised each other something back then - you’d always have his support and he’d always have yours. But with time and age, you weren’t sure how much that all still stood to be true. read on ao3 & tumblr
out of the dead land - sharpa knj x myg (past knj x jhs) - zombies - completedDon’t die, is always what they mean, but that’s not a promise anyone can give, these days. Sometimes, he wonders when Death will finally have its fill. The count must be in the billions by now, since the infection spread around the globe, leaving nothing but ruin and a handful of unlucky survivors. But maybe Death is like him—always hungry, always desperate for more, driven by a black void at the core that will never be satisfied. Maybe Death will eat the whole world and still be hungry. read on ao3
paradise - @minisugakoobies jjk x reader - strangers to lovers - ongoing That sexy man on stage - the one currently giving your friend the lap dance of her LIFE - is your super shy neighbor, Jeon Jungkook?! read on ao3 & tumblr
sun seeker - @nabiolive myg x knj - strangers to lovers - completed Namjoon does not do impulsive. He doesn’t understand the fuss about body modifications, and he has never considered getting one. That is, until he meets Yoongi—the prettiest man he’s ever seen, who happens to be a tattoo artist—and he can’t stop thinking about going under Yoongi’s needle to have an equally pretty design tattooed onto his skin. read on ao3 & tumblr
take my hand, wreck my plans - brightlight myg x kth - strangers to lovers - completed Yoongi meets Taehyung four days before he's set to leave the country. Against his better judgment, they make the time count. based on the movie weekend read on ao3
temporality - @kkulfm-2 myg x reader - strangers to lovers - completed You keep returning to his favourite beach, hoping the sand will one day remember him, but instead the tides bring you something new. read on ao3 & tumblr
trip no further - @matchy6812 myg x reader - soulemates - completed When your valiant attempt to get your best friend laid not only backfires, but results in one mind-boggling discovery—that the world-famous idol Min Yoongi of BTS is your soulmate—you’re forced to confront your new reality. Soon, you will need each other’s touch to survive. Too bad Suga, despite his sweet name, is proving to be something of an acquired taste… read on ao3 & tumblr
3tan: window - @kithtaehyung myg x reader - brothers best friend - ongoing you get to spend the holidays in a lavish private lodge with your brother and all his friends. but you’re just really fucking sad tonight… and maybe a bit mad, too. read on tumblr
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squadrah · 2 years
From My CuriousCat
"A thought: Illegally Blond Formaggio is well-known among the cats of the town as someone who feeds them, takes care of them and finds homes for kittens, so at some point the family has woken up to a whole new litter of newborn kittens that were born under someone's bed in the night when mama cat snuck in!"
I love this, god… The trust, the amount of trust that takes! I once had a thought of writing a scenario like this, just for a different fandom, so you hit me right in the soft jelly part of my heart. I'm trying to decide whose bed it would be... On the one hand, the mama cat would have been guided to Formaggio (god, imagine another cat guiding her to the right window), but on the other hand, little Risotto is probably the most peaceful of the four? But my heart is telling me to choose Ghiaccio because the mental image of him absolutely in tears at the sight of tiny squeakers under his bed with a mama cat purring furiously. Just, Ghiaccio, tears and snot all over his face, babbling that he's a father now and he doesn't know where to start. Ghiaccio, learning what it is like to have tiny squeaking sons XDDD
His room becomes a nursery for the time being and he doesn't mind one bit: he obediently takes water and food in for mama cat and arranges his room and starts moving stuff over to the office room (Prosciutto lets him study there until he gets home). Ghiaccio sometimes (who are we kidding, constantly) goes into the room and lies on his bed or on the floor, listening to or watching the kittens. once they start wiggling out from under the bed, he is just in heaven. He keeps scooping them and looking at them and insists on naming them. (Little Riz still comes up with different names for them in his head and sometimes calls them by that, though XD)
Meanwhile, mama cat finds a kindred spirit in Prosciutto so whenever the kittens are provided for and sleeping, the mama cat seeks out Prosciutto and gets some paps and her fur brushed and possibly some lap time. <3
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tears-of-boredom · 1 year
this ones fucking a lot
so im at my grandparents house, my cousins are there too, we're just hanging. been there for a couple days maybe. i go to put something in the dumpster, which is inside(dont question it). and I see a weird trash bag there, weird because it seems to be full of things that you wouldnt throw out. like board games and a bunch of clothes and other stuff. I think it weird, but move on. over the days i see my cousin, Ai, carrying huge trash bags into the dumpster.(Ai is like 9 years old btw). not that weird. one day i see Ai looking through a mailbox, which isnt theirs. suspicious. i hear about some weird illegal group(i dont remember the specifics). one day when im taking out the trash, to the inside dumpster, I get curious. the same trash bag is there, with its board games and clothes. the dumpster has been emptied, so why is it here. at this point im full conspiracy against Ai -mode. I start to rifle through the trash bag. i find the exact clothes and board games from before. i feel like they're hiding something thats on the bottom of the trash bag. i hear a weird beep sound, and immideatly assume that its some kind of security alert that notifies when someone digs through the trash bag. i try to act casual and start inspecting the room as if im really interested in it. I hear steps outside the room. i open a cabinet, pretending to be searching for something. Ai appears at the doorway, but doesn't seem to know that I caused the alarm. i casually walk out. im so sure that Ai is a part of the crime group. i need to tell someone. i ask my grandma and my other cousin, O, to go on a walk. we walk past the mailboxes, and I see Ai doing something with an unassigned mailbox. i say something like "rifling through a completely empty mailbox? not weird at all". Me, O and grandma walk to the store. on the way I only have the time to tell about 5% of my theory. we get to the store and see Ai walking in. except Ai is now indian, and her name is something like "Sykphyr". her name appreared over her head so thats how i know of the change. we walk further into the store, and I start telling my theory again.
and here is a cut. idk what happened in the middle but just accept the circumstances.
i go into this underwater room. Ai is there with a man.(Ai is not indian anymore, and her name is back to Ai). I have a gun, a glock. it has two conflicting ways to cock it. its gray. I know how to shoot this thing. im also trying to keep it a secret from Ai and the man. i think im trying to shoot Ai, who's swimming behind me. I try so many times, cock the gun both ways, before i realise that im out of ammo. i need to leave. i swim to the bottom of the room, where all the reeds are. i hide the gun into my shirt, then try to sneak past the two, who are at the entrance. I hear them talking about framing somebody for all their crimes, I suspect its me. im pretty sure they noticed me going past them but just didnt care. i get out and dry off weirdly quickly. im weirded out by how im not immideatly swarmed by cops. i had already accepted my fate. i walk to the end of the hallway to see Chris McLean, and someone who looks a lot like Chris, sitting in chairs. they were waiting for me. I realise that i still have the hidden gun, so I raise my one hand while showing the gun to them. i put it on the ground. the person who looks like chris leaves to go get something, while actual Chris handcuffs me and sits me in a chair. and then he sits on my lap. probably to make it harder for me to escape,, or something. its taking some time for the chris look-alike to come back, so I decide to relax. i ask if i can hug Chris. he says no. i do it anyway. he doesn't seem to care that much. his hair is soft on my face. i say that he's like a cat.
this is the most comprehensible i can make this dream. I even deducted the classroom wedding. and meeting tony hawk/the other famous skater. and doing a survey about a skate park. and watching a truck fall into pieces at a big intersection. and Duncan from total drama trying to do cooler tricks than uhh some guy. idk who it was. they were going down a road, which turned into such a not-road that it resembled more a mario kart track. also they kept calling each other gay. but yeah. im not responsible for my dreams, and they do not reflect my actual opinions and thoughts. though i guess Chris being my meow mow wouldnt be absolutely horrible. and also he offered me a moments peace from everything uncomfortable in the dream. yeah. oh fucking also, in the dream, I posted about my conspiracy on here, and everyone said that i was taking it way too seriously. and I replied that "i know its just a dream, but i still want to share it". I have no idea how that fits into everything.
im fucking tired of having such complicated and uncomfortable dreams every night.
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dcviated · 2 years
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@remunporium sent: "Hey Mizuki, did you see where I left my phone? I thought I left it on the armrest but--" Hand shoots over her mouth, presumably to shut her up. In Mizuki's lap was a curled up Shadow, who had decided that Mizuki was the perfect mattress to sleep on. It was probably the most adorable sight she'd seen, so much so that Sirin damned herself for even losing her phone in the first place!! " I wish I could take a photo of this right now..!! " muttered in quiet frustration, but her eyes were practically glittering at the sight. " Shoot. Mizuki, do you have your phone? I have to take a photo of this and send it to myself. " But the act of getting her phone might disturb Shadow as well... and that would be illegal!
Don't move. Don't move. Stay still. It had happened out of nowhere. Shadow isn't by any means a mean kitty. But he definitely operates on his own entire agenda and only going where he pleases. You can call out to him, and he'll notice, but responding? Well, it seems only Raguna has that power. And even then it's more often that the guy is able to shoo the cat away with a stare.
So what is this!! A miracle? Mizuki isn't the best with animals to begin with, so it's not as though she has any idea what she can... should do?
I want to pet him!!!
Is the thought screaming through her brain, lips bit and wibbling as she resists the urge to make embarrassing noises.
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"Oh my gosh I think he's purring..." Suffering words whispered to herself, hands and carefully gripped controller held aloft as she continues to debate on what to do. That was when Sirin entered and Mizuki's expression shoots in their direction. Is she pleading? Suffering? Same difference. It's the kind of look that says WEH.
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"There's no way... my phone... Shadow is curled up on top of it right now!"
And that could be considered Shadow's master plan.
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esha-isboogara · 2 years
the way the demon slayer community sleeps on sanemi should be illegal frl frl. ALSO ōjo means princess in japanese :)
sanemi hates the stray cat you adopt…or does he ??
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☆cat hate, a bit of cursing
“a cat ? you want to get a cat ? are you fucking insane y/n no way am i staying in a house with an animal like that. they’re disgusting creatures filled with bugs and disease. if you do get one that will be the day i leave”.
you clearly remembered those words leaving your boyfriends mouth less than a month ago.
the topic of getting a cat was always a constant argument between the two of you; you longed for a cat and sanemi wanted nothing to do with it. you spent hours trying to convince him and get him on your side but he’s was as stubborn as a mule. he refused to change his stance on the matter.
one day you decided fuck it. there are so many strays around your home you might as well bring one in.
and that you did. you managed to lure a small white cat with piercing blue eyes into your home.
in a few short days you got the cat situated. she had a nice bed set up near the window that got the most sun and a bunch of cute little toys you had received from tanjiro. now all you needed was a name. until you came up with something official you opted to call her kitty
now when sanemi came home he was furious. completely confused as to why you had gone through with taking care of a cat. “you’ve lost it this time y/n. this entire house is ruined”.
he refused to be near the cat. if she happened to approach him he would get up and walk away quickly. sanemi didn’t even adress the animal unless he was upset.
it seemed so long ago when sanemi was of this state of mind. he was so worked up over that damn cat.
but now? he was a changed man.
“you got food for us but none for ōjo ? that’s quite rude”.
you looked at him skeptically. “did you name the cat that you hate oh so much ? sanemi you are unbelievable”.
sanemi looked offended as he covered ōjo’s ears as if she was able to comprehend your comment. “don’t say such things infront of the her. she’s sensitive you know. i don’t hate her y/n. quite the opposite actually ōjo is my best friend”. he moved his hands off her ears to lovingly rub her head.
as time went on ōjo grew attached to sanemi immediately bolting towards him when he walked in the door. she could be found napping on his lap in the afternoon sun. instead of sleeping in the bed you had gotten for her she slept on sanemi’s pillow.
you wanted to be upset at him for basically stealing the cat before you got a chance to officially bond with her but how could you when the two were so adorable ?
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idjitlili · 4 years
Lurking in the dark.
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Not my gif.
Summary:  Jareth uses a disguise to lurk around you before the Labyrinth like he did with Sarah, as an owl. Until you accidentally wish away your dog.
Warnings:mentions of tight pants. Mentions of feeling lonely.First smut...you’ve been warned, well just oral, and a handjob.
Word count:4325
A/n: low-key based in my home country, ah yes England.
Y/d/n=your dogs name, or change it to cat or fake pet.
Though you weren't 16, like Sarah, being an adult, Jareth felt pulled to you. No, he was not a pervert, times were different.  Maybe it was your love of your dog, maybe it's how lonesome you felt, that dog unknowingly brought hope into your life. Yes you did love your family, but sometimes you just got lonely.
Maybe it was your love of films, you could watch your favourite film a million times, yet feel so invested into watching it again. Maybe it was your stack of books, some you already had ,which were your favourite,but had gotten pocket editions or ones with different covers.
How Jareth had found you, well that was a different question, not him dressing down , changing his hair to place the labyrinth in difference book stores , illegally. Yes, that was how he had found you,when he had done that. Soon he had figured out, you regularly went to the book store, after following you home in his owl form.
This particular day had been most stressful, though the rain was calming, being drenched to the point your underwear were soaked, not like that. Frozen, you just wanted to get to Waterstones before they shut, practically running. Not only wanting to get there but also get home quick too.
Rushing into the store , the door closing behind you, the warm air embracing your freezing body, you just hoped you wouldn't get in trouble for being soaked in here. It wasn't like you were going to wipe your clothes on all the books , ruining them.
Then, of course more problems occurred; you could not for the life of you find a book you desired.  Sighing , you pushed your dripping hair from your face, you could only imagine how bad you looked in that moment.
Yet, you had continued your search, with no luck until a man had cleared his throat from next to you.
His hair clearly blond from his roots, the rest a light red colour almost ginger but not. His eyes bright blue, yet it seemed like he had heterochromia, aswell as larger pupil in his left eye. His cheekbones highly defined, his body skinny, overall the man was very handsome.
Turning to face the man, highly embarrassed by your state. "If you don't mind-" this is when you thought you was going to be asked to leave, your stomach dropped. "-hearing my suggestion." Okay, that still found like he was going to ask you to leave, but his voice wasn't aggressive.  "...okay?" You weren't sure what to say, only letting out a quiet word.
The man had reached up to the shelf above you , pulling down a small red book, so he wasn't kicking you out.  His pale hand gently holding the book in front of you, 'The labyrinth.' You had taken the book from him, to look for a summary , yet there wasn't one, nor a publisher or an author name.
"You take that home,on me, if you don't like bring it back."  
"W-wait, you d-" You didn't know this man, you felt guilty getting it for nothing, but he had interrupted you. "You've had a long day,clearly,  now go get home,y/n"  The man simply placed his hands on his hips waiting, his words followed out like water, turning to go do whatever he was doing.
"W-wait." He had spun around , his eyes looked at you in slight annoyance, hurrying you up. "What's your name?"
"Ziggy." You had looked at you watch at the same time, before looking back at the man- but he was gone. Thus, you left.  Hold on , how did he know your name?
Not spotting the owl, that stood on the lamp post watching you...
You had begun reading the book , as soon as you had gotten out of your soaking clothes , into warm ones. You wondered how Jareth could like a girl with no sense, no you didn't , you thought why she wearing her baby brother hat.
Yet, your dog would not allow you to sit in peace, shoving their toy under the cupboard making you get up and get it otherwise they wouldn't stop crying, or eating all their food and scratching for more. Then, they had knocked your drink everywhere with their toy.
Groaning in annoyance , for the hundredth time. "You know if the Goblin king was real, y/d/n, I'd wish for him to take you for a time out." Of course you handed read that far you didn't know what would really happen to him..
"You know what, I'll just say it, just in case. I wish the goblins would take you away, right now."   A crack of thunder had made you jump out of your skin turning towards it , before turning back hearing scratching on the floor, to see nothing, by this time it's pitch black, only light from a small lamp is seen , your dog is gone.
Suddenly the door crashes open, an owl flies in , before turning into a man. Not that you could see him much. "Uhm, I mean thanks for taking my dog for a time out , but uh thats dognapping, so.." He had only laughed loudly.
From what you you could see his hair was a huge blond mullet, there was glitter everywhere, and those pants...
"What's said is said."
"What the bloody hell does that mean?" That wasn't legal, he had broken into your home and stole your dog.
"I have brought you a gift, it's a crystal, nothing more. but if you turn it this way and look into it, it will show you your dreams. but this is not a gift for an ordinary girl who takes care of the dog.....do you want it? then forget the dog." You had scoffed at him, you could go ebay and get a crystal ball, who was this wannabe Gandalf?
"Sorry, no, I would like my dog." The king, looked disappointed with your answer, did he believe that would really work?
"don't defy me." His voice stern , as he threw a snake at you , but completely missed, coughing out a small laugh, as the man pretended it never happened.
"Y-you're no match for me."
"Stop with all the talk, how can I get y/d/n back?" With that , he had gestured you to come to the window, a huge maze could be seen, well labyrinth, instead of the dark sky. Turning back to Jareth, you realised you were no longer in your room, but outside the labyrinth.
"So, how does this work?"  You could clearly see the man now, known as Jareth , the Goblin king, his eyes seemed very familiar, left pupil bigger than the right.  He had pointed to a 13 hours clock, that had appeared.
"You have 13 hours in which to solve the labyrinth , and reach my castle, before your dog becomes one of us forever, such a pity." And boom he was a gone, not much to work from.
Now finding away into the labyrinth, indeed that seemed easy, of course it wasn't, no entrances , you thought of the only thing you could do... Climb the wall.  By the time you had gotten over , there stood Jareth in the tight pants.
"You know, there was a door. This shall be your only warning." Poof he was gone again, if you continued climbing walls maybe you'd have to compliment his pants. Next time put a bloody door.
Though you had no idea what in gods earth you was doing, you just decided to head straight forward as you could, thus to get to the castle quicker. Not going one away and ending going through the side door out of the labyrinth.
As you could expect, Jareth was not very happy that you were travelling through his labyrinth, like it was your house. In fact, he was angered, so much , that he wanted to pick you up, as if you were a rag doll and dump you to the start. Then again, you’d just go twice as fast through.
So, there sat Jareth on his throne, with your dog upon his lap, his little whip thing in hand. Suit up Jareth, your not Indiana Jones. Staring into the crystal ball, unable to think.
The fact you had gotten passed the sausage dogs without a second thought pushed Jareth over the edge... He had attempted to jump scare you, but of course it had went south. Jareth rarely had anyone not beat the Labyrinth, and honestly you’d think he would’ve improved it.
Jareth hadn’t spoken in your presence, to inform you that he was there, instead he had placed a hand onto your shoulder. What he was not expecting was you to turn around at sonic speed, punching him square in the face.
Stumbling back, him his boots, holding his now bloody nose, he had let out a yelp in surprise. He did not expect that, not at all.
You had reached some sort of lake, with a path down to a small house, when you had punched Jareth anyways.
After you had seen that it was Jareth that you had punched, who else would it be, guilty travelled up your body suffocating you. Almost instantly you had rushed to Jareth, ripping part of the end of your t-shirt, bringing the fabric to his nose. Pulling his bloody hand from his nose, with a harsh grip, since he lead stiff.
Your face was sweating, not only were you scared that he might kill you, but also you had felt bad for him, after the numerous times he had checked up on you. You wondered if he ever spoke to anyone other than the Goblins, you wondered if he could even leave this place without being wished.
Gripping his sharp jaw to move his face, allowing you to make get a better look at the bleeding, keeping the fabric to his nose, soaking all the blood up. You didn’t even know Faes bled.
“J-Jareth, I’m so sorry! You made me jump, I swear I didn’t do it on purp-“ Jareth liked the contact, the anger he felt before had slipped away, your soft fingers upon his skin, your favourite t-shirt now ruined as you had sacrificed it for his nose. Oh, and he knew that was your favourite shirt.
Your pleading e/c eyes staring into his mismatched ones, made both of your hearts beat fast than moments before. It almost made him forget why you were here; but when he did remember his eyes returned harsh. You only felt bad because you were frightened, he knew you’d leave him soon as you had beaten his labyrinth.
Oh how wrong he was.
Pulling away rudely, using his magic to pull a clock out of no where, using his gloved had to skip it forward three hours, smirking. Fake smirking, the quicker this ends the better, he could not bare to fall in love with a silly human girl again, just to be rejected.
Your eyes widened in confusion, your torn end of your t-shirt still in your hand, bloodied. “W-what?” 6 hours left.
Poof Jareth was gone yet again, oh and how he had some plans for you. Stood in brief shock of what had just occurred, trying to forget the tingles that had erupted down your hand, throughout your whole body, like electric shocks. Shaking it off, like you were about to warm up for pe , just like high school. Ew.
You had continued down the path, to the small house, and within minutes you had reached it. Didn’t seem like there was away around, only way was through.
Thankfully, it was unlocked, allowing you straight in. Only for it to slam close behind you, you didn’t think of anything of it, all you could think about in this moment was how your stomach was growling loudly.
The rag now placed into your back pocket, as you searched the tiny kitchen for anything, coming across an overly large strawberry, you didn’t even think before you had devoured it.
In that moment you heard it the door clicked, you had rushed to it testing it, locked, of course. Your feet now suddenly soaking wet , gulping you had looked down the floor covered in soapy water, rising dangerously. Surely he would not kill you?
All the windows now sealed shut, no upstairs , only the chimney , thankfully wide as. You did the only thing you could, your stomach turning, feeling light headed, the water reaching your knees.
You got in it, but the walls were too slippery so you held your breath just as the water got above your shoulders. Swimming up the chimney with the water, not full breast stroke of course, no room for that. The water pressure building at such a speed you ended up flying out the end of the chimney, no idea how that was even possible.
Then everything went black, soon entering a dream world...well no it wasn’t a dream. Now dressed in gown, at a ball, a masquerade, the room almost packed with guests with goblin like masks., all wearing big expensive gowns, or suite like attire. Loud laughter dimmed out by the loud gently music.. what.
Turning every which way, you felt like you were looking for something, just you could not recall what. A skinny man, with a bo dazzled suite, a long blond mullet with stripes of blue to match his suite, a diamond at his next instead of a tie or bow, frilly shirt. He held a similar goblin mask, only when you caught his eye he had pulled it away.
Only you and him without masks, his eyebrows with no ends, h-his strangely familiar eyes , his thin lips, you felt a strong pull towards him.
“There's such a sad love
Deep in your eyes a kind of pale jewel
Open and closed
Within your eyes
I'll place the sky.”
All you could do is stare at him, as the song began, mouth gapped at him, your dress that before felt heavy no felt like nothing, as he began walking towards you, through the people.
“Within your eyes
There's such a fooled heart
Beatin' so fast”
Trying to get passed the strange people, to get him, he simply danced with other people that already had partners, I mean, like pressed up against the partners.
“In search of new dreams
A love that will last
Within your heart
I'll place the moon
Within your heart
As the pain sweeps through.” He didn’t even try to get to you as you chased after him, these strange people suffocating you, getting in your way on purpose.
“Makes no sense for you
Every thrill is gone.” Then he was gone, your eyes searched the room, not seeing him hidden behind a fan behind you, continued your search. As he smirked behind you, oh how he couldn’t stop feeling the way he did about you, he thought it was funny how now you chased him instead of the other way around.
“Wasn't too much fun at all
But I'll be there for you-ou-ou
As the world falls down.” He had continued making his way through the people, in direct view , as you searched still.
As the world falls down
Falling in love.” Squeezing through the people, feeling panicked, you had no idea what was happening, nor why you felt like this for a strange man, shoving pushed the people that circled you.
“I'll paint you mornings of gold
I'll spin you Valentine evenings though we're strangers 'til now.” You had found him, as a fan moved, he stood sandwiched by two woman.
“We're choosing the path
Between the stars
I'll leave my love
Between the stars” Only then did he come towards you,his face should no emotion, you wondered how you had gotten here. Now with a mans hand out waist and the other in his hand as you danced.
“As the pain sweeps through
Makes no sense for you
Every thrill is gone
Wasn't too much fun at all.” You couldn’t remember knowing how to dance, but you and Jareth done turns in sync with all the other dancers, staring deeply into his mismatched pupils.
“But I'll be there for you-ou-ou
As the world falls down
Falling” Jareth-how did you now know his name, now singing along, wow self loving much , who plays their own music. He had every right. Only then, did you feel yourself leaning to his lips.
“As the world falls down
As the world falls down.”
Jareth had noticed, leaning towards you as well, you felt your lips connect to his soft ones, as your eyes closed. That’s all it took for your remove your hands from his shoulder and hand bringing them up into his blond hair. Pulling his face towards yours, not allowing yourself to disconnect from him, you both had stopped dance at this point.
His arms now around your waist pulling you both closer together again, one of your hand now cupping his cheek, as you both kissed. Pulling away for a second to breathe, before pressing your lips against his again harshly this time, biting his lip hard, he had almost jumped, letting out a yelp, only then were you able insert your tongue into his mouth.
You both had long forgotten the people that surrounded you both. Jareths grip now tightened, your tongue fighting against his. Only until he had pulled your hair, pulling you from him lips, your eyes slammed shut, your hands now against his clothed chest, as he pressed kisses down your bare neck. A small moan had escaped your mouth, your hand travelling down to his pants. “Can I?” Jareth had looked into your eyes, his other pupil now almost reaching the same size as his other, nodding.
You hand cupping, his manhood, his pulse heightened under your touch, Jareth had groaned loudly, his bulging member against your palm, as Jareths hips had pushed against your hand for friction. Jareth now sucking harshly at your neck, rubbing your hand against him.
You had forgotten about the room full off people;but Jareth had definitely not, he did not want to take you in front of them, at this moment he didn’t care, he had not had pleasure in a very long time. Leaving your neck, Jareth had joined your lips again, biting your already swollen bottom lips, returning to sloppy small kisses, you had wished that Jareth had picked a less poofy dress.
Your hands leaving Jareths body, he had let out a small sigh, he had thought you had remembered, especially when you began to lift the bottom the dress. Only then did you notice the people, wide eye, but they were still dancing, even if they were looking, Jareth touch was intoxicating.
Your calf’s now on show, almost touching Jareth again, how starred down at you confused, as you looked up at him with a small grin, lifting your leg up and over hip. Instantly he had gripped the soft skin under your thigh, your dress now bunched up to your waist, as you wrapped your arms around Jareths neck.
Pressing your clothes core against, his bulging, your core soaking through, jumping up, so that both of your legs were now wrapped tightly against Jareth. Your lips on his, his hands travelling up your legs slowly, all the way to your waist again, wet kisses as your hips began to rock against Jareths stone member. Your stomach turning into knots against him.
Your clit pulsating against him, undoubtedly he could feel it too, your speed quickly increase, pushed Jareth over the edge with a loud groan, you were pressed against the stone floor. Still, you grinned harshly against him, his hands now either side of your head, his only your upper back against the floor.
Looking into his hungry eyes, pleading for him to do something, stopping your hip movements . “J-Jareth, a-are you sure we should do this here? W-with these people?” Jareth had only smirked at you lowering himself to your ear level. “Love, you’ve got nothing to be ashamed about, plus they can only see when I want them too, understand?” Whispering into your ear, that must be why they didn’t even look your way.
“Now, I must ask, do you want this? Definitely?” His face not inches from yours, his eyes searched yours. “Yes, please.” With that Jareth had unwrapped your legs from him, tearing the bottom of the dress, he was a very skinny man, it was a shame ‘twas a lovely dress. Only your underwear covered you bottom half now, your heels now discarded.
Snapping your legs closed in embarrassment, Jareth had lifted your leg by your calf pressed gently pecks all the way up, till he got your thigh, his eyes meeting yours as you sat up on your elbows, you had nodded at him, anyone would’ve been nervous, especially a virgin.
His lips now reattached to your soft skin on your thigh, gently he had pulled your legs apart , your heat had already been dripping from just kissing, but now it was a river. A snap of his fingers and your underwear were gone.
Jareths face now dangerously close, your whole lower parts on show to him, he had grinned up at you, his hot breath on your most sensitive area, sent chills through your core... literally. Jareth had groaned just feeling your thighs shake in his hands, his erection now painfully restricted.
With that he had slid his tongue up your folds one, letting out a gasp, you hadn’t been touched like this ever. He had brought a single figure to plunge into you, swirling it around you for only a second, his other hand now holding your stomach down, from your squirming underneath him. Removing the finger, his eyes locked onto your as he slipped it into his mouth, sucking on it, before pulling his finger out of his mouth with a pop.
His face satisfied with you, whimpering , he had barely touched you, yet you were pooling already, orgasm almost there, “please...” Parting your folds, he had slowly removed eye contact, his tongue now licking you like an icecream cone, your nerves on overdrive, he had plunged his tongue into you, his hand back on your thighs, squeezing as he swirled around in you. Your legs clenching on his head, grinding into his face.
“Jareth!” Considering you were quite shy, with men anyways, the moan of his name, caused Jareth to tighten his grip, tongue from your opening, he rolled your clit gently between his teeth, you hand cried out, your legs thrown over his shoulders, you could feel your orgasm coming. Pulling tightly at his long hair for more, a loud growl had erupted from his mouth, travelling through you, your stomach tightening.
So close to satisfaction, “J-Jareth..” His tongue had attached back onto your clit, bringing his fingers close to you, one of your legs still on his shoulder, the other leg, he had placed against the stone floor, spreading your legs widely, so that he could insert his finger into you. Your back now curved from the floor, adding two more fingers into your wet opening.
Sweat upon your face, like drops of rain water, allowing you a moment to adjust, Jareth had began to his fingers into you, his mouth detached, faster, and faster by the second. Spreading his fingers in you, you couldn’t hang on any longer. Your legs now shaking like hurricane, Jareth knew you was close, your head thrown back, as you finally met your orgasm.
Removing his fingers, as the please hit you like wrecking ball, throughout our lower half, you had let out a loud moan of pleasure. Your hips finally buckled , riding your orgasm in Jareths face. Panting heavily, Jareth had looking up , wiping the remaining of your juices on his palm.
“J-Jareth?” He now laid next to you, how was he still fully clothed? He had hummed in response. “C-can we just start with that for now,” You were worried, that he’d get angry, but instead he had just looked at you with a gently smile. “Of course, love.” Then you noticed, his painfully erected member, bringing your hand to his bulge rubbing him again, groaning in surprise.
“I-I’ve never done anything like this.” Jareth only nodded, as you stroked him through his pants, he wasn’t going to take your virginity not like this. He was a good man- fae sorry, he took all those children from people that didn’t want them. Shouldn’t be thinking about this right now.
Slipping you hand into Jareths pants, you stroked him harshly, rubbing the his tip gently with your thumb when you reached it, before repeating the cycle. Jareths lips upon yours , you could still taste yourself on him. Quickening your pace, soon enough his he had bitten down roughly onto your lip, as he came.
Yet again, you were both laying on the floor, laying your shoulders on his arm, that wrapped around you laying in his chest.
“Can I have my dog back? I mean- if you let me go back, you could come too, o-only if you want to anyways?” You had stuttered out your words , causing Jareth to laugh at you, he had a feeling you still remembered.
“Of course.”
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padfootdaredmetoo · 3 years
Tired - Wade X Reader
Reader is a mutant who teams up with Wade & Peter on patrols and is Wade's girlfriend.
After a particularly gruelling night out she gets overwhelmed and Wade is more than happy to provide comfort.
Warnings - Panic & stress are described / Periods & Blood mentioned
*Requests are open if anyone is interested*
It was a long night of trouble. It seems that when it rains it pours in regards to both organized and disorganized crime. They must all get their horoscope from the same paper.
“Friday night will bring great promise for your illegal business affairs. If you have been holding out, make your move, now is the time to go full throttle.”
All the lowlifes seem to flock to the center of the city like moths to a flame. This meant that while we normally work as a team, we had to split up multiple times. If Peter didn’t already look like a Mac truck had run him over & reversed back for a second go, you might not feel so anxious about leaving him.
Wade on the other hand was a tank, you had to worry about the things around him more than the merc himself.
After a particularly awful fight, you really hoped that she would be the final mob boss of the night. Being on high alert for the better part of 8 hours you were starting to feel the night's events take its toll.
Making it to the meet up spot at the top of their favourite building, you laid down on your back feeling relieved you didn’t see anything requiring your attention on the way back.
Looking up at the sky starting to change colour, your mind started to race through everything that had happened. Mind calculating and trying to make sense of every punch thrown. You had gotten your period that morning, almost failed a test at school, and beaten up at least 40 people. Absently you laid your hand on your ribs and flinched at the pain.
“Babe! You okay?!” Wade called out in panic, running across the roof top to you.
“I’m good! I’m good!” You said trying to avoid causing panic. It wouldn't be the first time you got stabbed or shot. You tried to sit up but let out a moan and gave up.
“Everything hurts! But I’m good”
“You don’t seem good. Don’t get me wrong you look hot. But I think it's past your bedtime.” Big arms came and picked you up.
"Are you okay?" you mumbled
"Never better babe, took down the baddies, saved the day, now I get to carry the princess home" You were relived that he came across genuinely happy.
“You don’t have to carry me” You whispered secretly hoping he doesn’t stop.
“Yeah but I want to so hush” His voice sounded even deeper with your ear pressed against his chest.
You loved it when Wade took care of you, but guilt was never far behind those feelings. Peter checked in and told them he was on his way back to the apartment.
The whole ride back you thought about how you were being a burden. Wade never showed it, but how many times have people snapped at you out of the blue. You were a lot to handle. You had made a lot of progress with your mental health and panic attacks in the last 7 years. You didn’t have much of a choice when your mutation causes everything else around you to shake just as hard as your body does.
Wade dealt with things much like Professor Xavier & Erik did. Growing up in the mansion Erik was by far the best person to calm you down. Somehow you always knew deep down he never saw you as a destructive or an evil force. Just someone to be cared for and respected. They never made you feel like a burden.
Now as an adult you decided to take a break from the X-men and joined up with Team Red.
“Sweetums, can you get the door.” Wade brought you back to your surroundings. You reached out and opened the front door. Wade carried you through to his ensuite bathroom and placed you gently on the marble countertop.
You had no motivation to move or speak, it was a relief when Wade started to take off your clothes for you. He looked you over for any notable injuries but so far it was just a lot of bruising.
“Babe, I love you but blue ain't your colour. I shouldn’t have left you on the docs alone” He said in a sad voice, fingers brushing over your ribs and stomach.
“It was fine Wade. The humans were a slice of cake. It was their spooky mutant henchmen that really went for the gold” You mumbled. She had been able to absorb your mutation and use it against you. You gave Wade the gory details while he got himself undressed and started the shower.
“Your shaking.” He stated while pulling you into the shower. He put you directly under the hot spray and held you tightly in his arms.
Now that you weren’t fighting or running to the next fight, you realized the more you calmed down the more worn out you were.
By the way Wade started lecturing about his favourite episode of Golden Girls you knew that he knew you weren’t okay. Looking down at some point you could see blood streaming down your legs.
“Oh. Sorry. I uh-” Embarrassment flooded your face, a sense of anxiety swelling in your tender stomach. Wade only started laughing.
“Babe. I have bled on every surface of this apartment. You bleeding is never going to bother me. Unless you're hurt.” he kissed your forehead and went back to his in depth argument.
Next thing you know he’s drying you off in a towel like you remembered people doing when you were a kid. Like being in a tornado.
He disappeared and came back with one of his shirts and a clean pair of panties. You said thank you as he headed out of the bed room.
You wanted to ask him how you could help him or apologize for getting like this, but all your words got stuck in a tight knot in your chest. Your brain put the night's evening on re-run again just to make sure you didn’t miss all the things you should have done differently. Mostly you just wished you could be sassy like Peter, or funny like Wade was. You cleaned yourself up then flopped onto his bed. Breathing in the scent of his sheets. Even though Wade normally ran hot his bed was always covered with a million of the softest blankets and quilts.
After getting nested and closing your eyes something warm was placed in your lap. It was a nice plate of cheese & chicken quesadillas. Your stomach gave a lurch that informed you that you were very hungry.
Wade hopped up on the bed and sat cross legged scarfing down the too hot meal. Suddenly you were overwhelmed with feelings.
“Wade?” you said shakily. You didn't even know what you were going to tell him. There weren't words to explain how you felt. Happy, loved, safe, tired, angry, scared, embarrassed, ashamed....
“Yeah” He said between mouthfuls
“I’m not doing okay ” You looked over at him and started crying.
“Awe puppy. It’s okay. I’m here. Peter’s down the hall. Matt is downstairs. No one’s gonna hurt you here.” His eyes were filled with an understanding that only made your heart ache more.
“I’m sorry I don’t know why I feel like this” You felt tired and no matter what you thought of you couldn’t stop crying.
“If its about that cat fight earlier, you kicked her ass once. You can do it again.”
You let out a wet laugh and got down your food.
Wade took your plate and put in on the dresser, then flopped onto the bed pulling you down into him.
"I'm sorry. I normally don't cry like this" You said with a heaving chest, pain starting to creep its way into your brain.
"Even if you cried like this all the time I'd still be here loving you." He whispered in a deep voice while settling you into a comfortable spot.
As soon as you were trapped there with a full belly tangled up in a hoard of blankets and Wade's heavy limbs. You felt your body start to relax. He ran his fingers through your hair whispering soft murmurs of encouragement. That you were his and that you were safe.
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golden-barnes · 4 years
New Barnes added
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x GN! Reader
Summary: You are Bucky’s impulse control but for once you gave in. A story of a super soldier with a heart of gold, a grumpy cat and an adorable dog.
Word count: 1.2k
Warnings:small mentions of animal abuse and anxiety. But mostly fluff.
A/N: I haven’t had any inspiration or any will power to write until this idea hit me while studying.
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Everyone knew Bucky as the big bad Winter Soldier. Grumpy and angry are his only emotions. But everyone that knew him, knew that under all that scowling and grimacing, there was just an awkward man with a love for animals. Especially strays. 
Another unknown fact is, he volunteers at a local shelter and helps pick up strays in his spare time. That’s how he found Alpine. It was like another form of therapy for him. Finding the animals, cleaning them, and playing with them would wash almost all the anxiety he had in the moment. It was his little hide away.
 After a gruelling mission, he would come home to you and later go to the shelter. Most of the times you went with him, because if not, you would have to live in a barn like the Bartons. Every day he would come home with pictures and videos, and give you puppy eyes for you to give in and get another pet.
“Bucky. Babe. Sweet heart. We have Alpine. He will definitely not like another animal to steal his spotlight.” You would try to reason with him. But he would just pout while showing a video of two of the new strays he rescued. You would have to close to close your eyes most of the time because he just looked so damn cute. He would eventually stop his pouting but not after being dramatic for a few minutes.
 All out of good fun because he knew Alpine wouldn’t like another family member. He, just like his father, was a little diva and high on theatrics. He liked that he was the only one getting you guys attention. Your lazy Saturday morning cuddles, Bucky’s warm pats on the head, your “good boy” and “that’s my boy”. All of that belonged to Alpine and Alpine only. And he would be damned if his parents would be taken away from him.
This time was different. The owner of the shelter had texted Bucky and you, to tell you about the upcoming Adopt-a-thon. For someone who hated social events, Bucky loved volunteering in these adoption fairs. Seeing all the animals he has helped out get warm houses, just warmed his heart.
 And having two avengers didn’t hurt the shelter either. Sometimes he would bring others, even Sam. And force everyone to wear the volunteer shirts, to which nobody complained (with the exception of Sam) because they knew how much this meant for Bucky.
The Adopt-a-thon began as it normally did. Bucky and you were still putting up balloons and some decoration. Giggling at your boyfriend who was practically bouncing on the heels of his feet, trying to contain his excitement and failing miserably. 
“Uhm mister Barnes?” One of the younger volunteers said tapping on Bucky’s shoulder.
“Yes?” Bucky handed you the balloon he was trying to tie.
“We are having problems with the pup. She won’t leave her cage and doesn’t want anyone to touch her. We just-” The volunteer said, almost choking on her own words. Bucky gave her a soft nod.
“It’s okay, we’ll handle it.” Bucky told her and looked at you. Silently telling you to follow him. You hung up the last balloon and followed him to the back, where they had all the animals.
All the cages were empty because all the animals were outside waiting to get adopted. Well all were empty except one. You saw this little puppy, curled up in a little ball. Quivering. Bucky let out a sigh and went to the cage.  Bucky sat criss crossed close to the cage and you did the same.
Bucky extended his arm putting it close to the pup for her to smell it. But the dog tensed at your presence so you decided to do the same Bucky did. Which seemed to calm her down. Bucky scooped her up and out her in his arms, petting her head softly. You noticed her quivering had stopped when Bucky grabbed her.
“Cops bust an illegal dog breeding ring where they were breeding to fight. Most of her litter had died before the cops could arrive. They would have killed her if they hadn’t gotten there in time. Someone tipped the ring off and they wanted to destroy all the evidence.” He said softly, still petting the dog. She looked at you, tilting her head as if she was analysing you. 
“What breed is she?” You whispered to him. 
“A german rottweiler. You can touch her, she’s much more calm now.” He moved his hand a bit to let you put your hand. You rested your hand on her head, and she looked at you hesitantly for a minute but then warmed up. She let out a soft huff which made you and Bucky laugh.
“Oh,so she’s gonna be a big big girl. A strong and pretty one too.” You cooed which made her tag wiggle. You giggled at her reaction. You didn’t notice the look Bucky was giving you. A look filled with love, admiration and joy. 
“Hey, bubs?” You said quietly, still looking at the dog in your boyfriend’s lap. That snapped him out of his trance. He let out a small yes.
You stopped looking at the dog and looked directly at him.
“Can we take her home?” He looked at you as if you had gone crazy. It was usually his job to beg to take home an animal, so it was a no brainer that his answer was-
“Yes! Oh god, Y/N of course!” He screamed, startling the poor pup who was almost falling asleep in his lap. But she sensed his excitement and started to look back at you and Bucky willing her tail. 
“You like that idea girl?” You patted her head and she barked as if she was agreeing with you.
When the fair ended, both Bucky and the pup were almost bouncing from happiness. Not being able to contain their emotions. You smiled at your little, growing family. Then it hit you. Alpine “Drama king” Barnes was waiting for you at your home.
And safe to say, he wasn’t happy. Bucky gave you the pup and you sat down with her on the couch, to give him a chance to reason with his grumpy son. Can cats pout? Because Alpine has probably found a way.
“Al,c’mon. You are being unreasonable.” The cat hissed at his owner, as if he was telling him no, I refuse to share you guys. 
You hadn’t noticed that the pup had wandered off your lap and went to where the grumpy cat and the adult man who was trying to get the cat to be nice. The puppy stared at Alpine, who hissed at her. But she didn’t look afraid. She just went underneath Alpine, and sat there. 
Bucky and you laughed at Alpine’s widened eyes. He looked uncomfortable with the entire thing but he didn’t move. He just watched the strange dog, who was trying to cuddle with him. Bucky grabbed the dog and placed her on a pillow, and strangely Alpine followed and sat in front of her. 
Your boyfriend sat next to you, as you both watched the cat interacting with the puppy.
“What will we name her?” He said softly.
“How about Cherry?” You tell him while he draped his hand over your shoulder pulling you closer.
“Cherry Barnes and Alpine Barnes. Hmm.. I like it.” He hummed. You laid your head on his shoulder, cuddling next to him.
“Our little family.” “Family indeed.”
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bluejayblueskies · 4 years
seven for jontim? <3
jontim + things you said while we were driving
The tension in the car on the way to Great Yarmouth is so thick Jon could cut it with a knife. He’s not really sure how he ended up carpooling with Tim—something about old habits and the Archers and ‘time to think’ that has Basira and Daisy sharing a car—but they’re an hour in and Jon can count the number of words Tim’s said to him on one hand.
 Jon wants to break the silence. He doesn’t know if they’ll get another chance to talk, if he’ll get another chance to say everything he wants to say. To apologize, to try to make amends, to tell Tim that he still—
 Jon sucks in a breath and looks out the window, at the sprawling countryside as it whisks by. Once upon a time, his hand would be clasped with Tim’s on the center console and Tim would be telling him some elaborate story about his latest camping trip or the case he’d been working on that had taken a dramatic turn or the latest office gossip and his own rather strong opinions about it. That’s one of the things he’d liked about Tim—the fact that Tim could talk, and Jon could listen, and when Jon got excited about something and interrupted Tim’s story, Tim would take it in stride and listen with a smile.
 God, it had been so easy, and now it’s not, and that more than anything makes Jon ache like his heart has been torn free from his rib cage.
Jon doesn’t realize he’s been tapping his fingers in a nervous rhythm on the center console until Tim lets out a labored sigh and breaks the silence as gracelessly as a bullet through a glass house. “Just say it.”
 It’s too loud after so long with only the noise of the road and the low murmur of the radio, and Jon startles, his hand retreating back to his lap reflexively. “What?”
 Tim’s eyes remain on the road, but Jon can see the tension in him, in the way his hands grip the wheel firmly and his mouth flattens into a thin line. “Just say whatever it is you need to say. Might as well. It’s not like I have anything better to do.”
 Jon winces slightly at the flatness in Tim’s voice, at the way he sounds just- just indifferent. It cuts worse than any anger or frustration. At least those meant that Tim was still feeling something toward him, no matter how negative. Now, Tim just sounds tired. Resigned.
 “I was…” Jon swallows and looks down at his hands so he doesn’t have to see Tim’s face. “I was thinking about the time we went to the coast together, to follow up on that case about the mermaid.”
 Tim makes a sound that might be a laugh if it weren’t so humorless. “Yeah, I remember,” he says, and maybe Jon’s imagining the hint of wistfulness in his voice, looking for something that isn’t there. “Turned out to be nonsense, but it…”
 Tim’s hands tighten on the wheel for a moment before going slack, his face twisting into something pained. “It was nice,” he says, so quietly Jon almost doesn’t catch it. “You, er. You had a lot to say about harbor seals.”
 Jon flushes and rubs one thumb over the other—a nervous tic of his, one that leads to dry and cracked skin if he isn’t careful. “Yes, well. Growing up by the sea tends to foster an interest in marine wildlife. And, er. Well. Nobody else ever seemed interested, in- in the topic.” A pause. Jon worries his bottom lip between his teeth and says, “I miss our conversations.”
 “Jon,” Tim says. It’s a warning and a plea and a refusal all wrapped into a single word. And Jon should just leave it at that—let them pass the rest of the time in silence, like they’ve been doing for months.
 Instead, he says, “I’m sorry, Tim. For- for everything.”
 “Please, just- not now,” Tim says, his voice growing sharp around the edges even as the core retains that same weariness Jon’s grown accustomed to.
 He hates it. He hates that Tim doesn’t tell jokes anymore, that Tim doesn’t smile wide and easy and greet Jon with a ghosting hand across Jon’s upper back, that Tim’s shoulders sag ever so slightly as he walks like he’s bearing the weight of the world. He hates that it’s his fault.
 “Then when?” Jon says, that same sharpness bleeding into the words against his will. “After this is all over? We might not—”
 We might not make it out alive, his mind supplies. But the words stick in his throat. Instead, he says, “Just. You don’t have to say anything, just- just listen. I- I don’t expect forgiveness.” Jon pauses, then says, softer, “It’s not my right to ask for it.”
 Tim’s quiet for a long moment. The radio is playing something upbeat, a pop song that Jon’s never heard but that sounds exactly like the rest of the music the station has been supplying. Jon wants to turn it off; it grates on his nerves, makes every second feel like an eternity.
 He doesn’t. Somehow, he thinks silence—true silence—might be worse.
 “Okay,” Tim says finally, his eyes still fixed on the road. “Just- just please don’t say you’re sorry. I don’t want to hear it anymore.”
 “Right,” Jon says. His fingers go to the hem of his shirt, fiddling with the fabric. There’s a loose thread there, and without thinking, he pulls it. It spirals out, making a neat line in the fabric where the weave falls out of line that Jon won’t be able to smooth out again.
 He doesn’t know what to say. What can he say? He can’t mend what’s broken, can’t unpull the thread that’s tugged them out of sync. In less than a day, they’ll be in the museum, and Jon’s skin will be crawling with the memory of ropes tight around his wrists and plastic fingers coated with lotion touching him over and over and over, and they’ll be executing a plan that Jon can’t shake the feeling will go horribly, terribly wrong. They have so little time. Never enough time.
 So, Jon says instead, “I remember when we first met. I- I don’t know if you do, it- it was very brief, and you seemed quite occupied with whatever case you were researching, but I- I remember. You were, uh. You were wearing that olive green shirt you like, the- the one with the buttons that look like flowers. You were distraught when you ripped the sleeve on that barbed wire fence when we, uh, broke into the—”
 Jon cuts off with a small laugh. “I suppose our research tactics were quite unorthodox. And more than a little illegal at times. But when I got excited about a case and decided to pursue it in a more, er, thorough capacity, you were always there. I- I don’t think I ever told you, but that was the first time I realized how much I’d grown to like you. You, lamenting about how you’d had that shirt for years, so- so dramatic about the whole situation. And I spent a frankly embarrassing amount of time finding another one just like it, an even more embarrassing amount of time figuring out how to give it to you without coming across as- as weird or what have you. But you just smiled and took it, and- and maybe it’s silly, but I think that’s when I…”
 Jon doesn’t say when I started to fall in love with you. But from the pinched look on Tim’s face, he knows he doesn’t have to.
 It’s like Jon’s there again, the weight of Tim’s smile making his pulse flutter hummingbird-fast in his throat, his voice slipping into the stutter he tried so hard to hide at work so that he came across as professional. He practically thrust the shirt into Tim’s hands, his cheeks burning as he did so. And Tim’s thank you, so genuine and surprised and happy, had dragged a smile of Jon’s own to his face.
 Tim had liked making Jon flustered—had made it a game, figuring out what he could say to make Jon smile or laugh or flush so deeply it was visible against his skin. Jon didn’t understand why some of the things he said made Tim smile in return or press a quick kiss to Jon’s lips or give Jon a soft I love you that still made Jon’s pulse quicken no matter how many times Tim said it. But it didn’t matter, because Tim understood him.
 Jon misses Tim so much he can hardly breathe, even after everything. His words come out slightly choked when he says, “I remember when you would bring me lunches because you knew I would forget to eat sometimes if I got caught up in my work. And- and when you went to that shop that had a cat and you sent me- Christ, so many pictures, it- it was really quite excessive.” Quieter, Jon says, “And when you brought me to that park with the lights, and- and you told me that you loved me.”
 “Jon,” Tim says. It comes out tense, like somebody who’s trying very hard to keep their emotions in check.
 “I know,” Jon says, pulling and pulling at the thread on his shirt until the fabric is bunched up completely and utterly ruined. I miss you. I love you. I’m sorry. “I… I know.”
 Tim’s quiet for another long moment. Then, he exhales heavily, like he’d been holding his breath, and moves one hand from the wheel to the center console, palm up.
 Tim’s hand is warm in his. He doesn’t say anything, just keeps his eyes trained on the road, even as his fingers twine with Jon’s in a practiced motion that’s still as easy as breathing.
 Jon spends the rest of the car ride memorizing the feel of Tim’s hand in his, the shape of his fingers and the soft skin of his palm, and tries very hard not to think about the way it feels like a goodbye.
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ukeishin · 4 years
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— synopsis: you see a familiar face when making your daily commute to school.
— ft. aone takanobu.
— warning: cursing.
— note: this is a repost from an old blog of mine. if it looks familiar to you that’s why. also peep the banner 😼.
— tagging @akaawhore @starofmiran because akaawhore showed interest in me reposting my aone oneshots and miran said her fav character was aone (sorry if im overstepping by tagging u!)
⤷ main page
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You can faintly make out the soft whistling of the train against the rails and the shuffling of people on and off the train as you plop down onto the worn cushion of the train’s seat. It was probably not your brightest idea to not do any of your homework last night, but what could you say? Staying up until two in the morning to binge watch Criminal Minds was a much better alternative than sitting down at your desk for a few hours to do your calculus homework. You opt to ignore the fact that you slept through your multiple alarms and had to sprint all the way to the station to not miss your train this morning.
Oh well, at least you now have plenty of time on the train ride to school to complete your unfinished work. Thank goodness for your friend for sending you the answers to last night’s homework on such late notice. You make a mental note that you should do something to say thank you, maybe you’ll buy them lunch later today. Hm, do you even have enough money for that?
You shake your head, no time to think of that, you have to focus right now. You reach for your book bag that lies next to you and take out your calculus homework and your pencil bag. Fuck, did you not have your pencil bag? Shuffling your binders and notebooks around, your pencil bag is nowhere to be seen. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Looking up at the monitor, you’re about ten stops away from school. That’s just enough time to copy down all of your homework if you could fucking find a pencil.
Your head jerks up as you look around the train car, desperately hoping that you’ll see someone you recognize. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Aone sitting further down the train car. Great. It’s not that you don’t like Aone, quite the opposite honestly, but he’s intimidating, to say the least.
You share a few classes together, but it wasn’t in class that he caught your attention, rather it was on the court. It was earlier in the school year that your friends had dragged you off to watch a volleyball match, going on about the importance of showing school spirit. You didn’t really care much for spending your Friday night watching a sport that you knew next to nothing about, but your friends had told you to suck it up. You were half-heartedly watching the match when Aone’s blocks had captured your full attention. After Date Tech’s win, your friends had teased that it seemed Aone was the only reason that you were interested in the game. Well, they weren’t wrong.
It was from that moment on that you developed the habit of watching Aone while daydreaming in class. Your friends would tease you about your blooming crush on the stoic boy, but you would just wave them off. With Aone’s reserved nature and your respective cowardice, you were content to admire him from afar.
The shuffling of passengers derails your train of thought. Can you really work up the nerve to ask the boy you might have a small crush on for something as simple as a pencil? You look over again at Aone, brows furrowing for a moment as you realize that nobody’s sitting on either side of Aone. It’s strange considering the train’s relatively full with everyone making their morning commute to either work or school. The wrinkle in between your brows deepens as you look closer at Aone, who despite his hulking frame is making an honest effort of making himself appear smaller, staring down at the ground while clutching his book bag on his lap.
The mechanical female voice of the train’s automation system signifying that you’ve reached another stop quickly halts your close observations of the situation. No matter what, you need a pencil right now and Aone is the only person that you know on the train. You quickly hype yourself up and force yourself to stand up and walk over before you can lose your nerve.
“Morning Aone-san.” He looks up at you, surprise plastered on his face. Cute.
“May I sit next to you?” you politely ask, pointing to the seat to the left of him. It’s a little awkward as neither of you move and you’re beginning to regret ever getting up from your seat when he slowly nods, shifting further to the right to ensure you have plenty of room.
“Thank you so much Aone-san,” you slide into the seat next to him and give him a sheepish smile, “Sorry to bother you, but do you think I could borrow a pencil? I forgot my pencil bag at home and I have to copy down some homework before we get to school.” You’re sitting close enough to him that you can smell his subtle and light cologne as well as feel the body warmth radiating from his body. He smells nice. He’s quiet as he rummages through his book bag. You’re not put off by his silence - it just grants you the opportunity to study his side profile. He’s awfully cute up close.
“You’re a lifesaver Aone-san,” you thank him and take the pencil and eraser from his outstretched hand. You don’t notice the flush that creeps up his neck, too preoccupied with the need to finish your homework. You can’t help the way your lip turns upward as you notice how the eraser is in the shape of a cat’s head while you erase a problem you messed up. You furiously copy the rest of the answers your friend sent you as you listen to the mechanical voice signaling that you’re getting closer and closer to school. Done, you think as you hold your work up in front of you. Your penmanship is messy, bordering on illegible, but at least it’s done. You shove it into your book bag before turning back to Aone.
“Thank you so much Aone-san! I don’t know what I would’ve done if we weren’t on the same train car this morning!” You hold your hand out to give him back the pencil and eraser he lent you.
“Keep them.” The sound of his voice startles you. It’s known that Aone-san speaking is rare, often opting to allow others to speak on his behalf. You decide that you quite like the way his voice sounds.
“Thank you Aone-san.” You slip the pencil and eraser into your book bag as the train’s chimes signal that you two are at Date Tech’s stop. “Come on, we don’t want to be late for school.” As you two get off the train, walking side by side in a comfortable silence, you think that you could get used to this. Aone thinks so too.
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sukifans · 4 years
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SUMMARY: this very attractive guy comes in every night during your graveyard shift at the 24-hour diner you work at, always doing something on his laptop. he might be selling organs on the black market, but he tips, like, really well.
WARNINGS: language, mentions of sex, guns/robbery, panic attacks, generally darker themes, all characters are 20+
WC: 5.5k
A/N: anotha one. 5.5k words accidentally. i plan on doing a part 2 and maybe more at some point, but for now i just had to get this idea out
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Things I Know About Him:
1. He’s very attractive.
The bell above the door jingled and you looked up expecting to see an exhausted, slightly smelly middle-aged trucker like usual. When instead it was a cute guy around your age — tall, smooth tan skin, dark brown hair in a ponytail with shaved sides, wearing black joggers and a white t-shirt that showed tribal-style tattoos inked over the toned muscle of his arms — the smile you usually had to paint on for customers was genuine for once.
“Hey, how are ya?” you asked, standing from the table where you’d been rolling the cheap silverware in paper napkins.
“I’m fine, how are you?” he responded politely, shifting the weight of the backpack strap he had slung over one shoulder.
“Better now that there’s a new face in here. Just you tonight?”
“Seems that way.”
“Alright. Grab a seat wherever you’d like and I’ll bring you a menu.” You waved your hand out to gesture at all the open tables in the empty diner.
“Oh, don’t worry about that. Just a coffee would be great, thanks,” he said as he made his way to a booth in the corner.
“You got it.” You moved behind the bar top to fill your pot with coffee and brought him over a chipped ceramic mug on a plate. You met his eyes when you set it down in front of him and you were almost struck frozen by how beautiful they were. They were the color of the sky on those perfect cloudless summer days when the sun seems to shine a little hotter; the color of the ocean in those tourist trap vacation agency promotional posters. You shook yourself to quickly recover, though given the opportunity you would’ve gladly stared into his eyes for the rest of your shift.
“Thanks,” he said, flashing you a small smile that revealed a peek of white teeth. The hell was a specimen like that doing in a place like this? He looked he belonged in one of those Calvin Klein ads.
“No problem. Let me know if you need something else.” You turned away when he nodded an acknowledgement as he pulled a laptop from his bag, hoping you didn’t look as flustered as you felt.
2. He takes his coffee weird.
The first time you saw him make his coffee you were horrified. You watched from behind the counter, amused at first, as he poured white sugar from the dispenser into the drink for a nonstop ten seconds. Sure, some people had a strong sweet tooth; that wasn’t too bizarre. You had to cover your mouth to stifle your irrepressible groan of disgust when he started drinking without even stirring to dissolve the crystals.
After some time it stopped being so horrifying and just became funny. You always had to avert your gaze to choke down your laughter when you spotted him crunching down on the undissolved sugar. If he hadn’t been so attractive it would’ve been creepy, but when he did it, it was... almost endearing.
3. He has money.
Every morning as the sun started rise you would turn to look at his table only to find him gone, leaving only neatly stacked dishes and a twenty-dollar bill behind. Even if he only drank coffee (total: $2.43, with tax, free refills), he would leave the bill. The first couple times he came in and did this you scanned the parking lot to look for him but it seemed like he’d vanished into thin air. After a week, you confronted him.
“You know, the coffee is only like two bucks,” you commented as you refilled his mug.
“I know,” he said.
“You’ve left a twenty here every night.”
“I know.”
You furrowed your brow. “We can give change here, y’know.”
“Keep it.”
“That’s a lot. Are you sure?”
“Yeah.” He obviously wasn’t a man of many words, so you dropped it. If he had money to burn and decided to burn it on you, you’d take it. “Starving artist” isn’t just a saying, after all, and this shift didn’t exactly rake in the tips.
4. He has something either illegal or important (or both!) on that laptop.
He always sat in the same spot: a booth all the way in the corner with his back facing the wall, computer sitting close to his chest. It looked very suspicious, for someone who was probably trying not to look suspicious. No matter how many times you tried to sneak a glance at the screen while you refilled his cup you couldn’t catch anything. You’d have to practically be on his lap to see something and, well, it wasn’t that kind of establishment and you weren’t that desperately curious.
At least you knew it (probably) wasn’t some sort of freakish porn — he never wore headphones and his hands were always above the table either typing, lifting his mug, or scribbling something in chicken scratch in a worn moleskin notebook. It wouldn’t’ve been the first time someone had tried to use the diner’s free wifi for something like that. You would’ve hated to have to ban him for life.
Things He Might Be Doing:
1. Selling organs on the black market
2. Making a new-age tech startup selling GPS microchips to helicopter parents
3. Running the r/TheRedPill forum
4. Investigating conspiracy theories
5. Starting new conspiracy theories to hide The Truth
6. Solving crimes/murders online à la Don’t Fuck With Cats
7. Anonymous
8. Undercover detective trying to crack the cold case of a family member’s/close friend’s/lover’s suspicious and untimely death that was ruled an accident
9. Government whistleblower putting together a groundbreaking report
10. Robot gaining sentience and plotting uprising
11. Clone seeking revenge on his creator
12. Robot clone gaining sentience AND seeking revenge now that he can Feel
13. Studying/writing/doing a project/anything else realistic and boring
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With a sigh, you looked up from your scribble-filled notepad. There he was in all his glory: laptop out, half-drunk coffee to his right, notebook under his elbow to his left, a pen stuck behind each ear and one in his hand that he tapped thoughtfully against his chin. What he didn’t realize was that the cap of the pen was off, leaving dark marks on his skin. The sight made you shake your head with a small smile. You turned to fill your pot with “fresh” (quotes added out of legal obligation) coffee for the trucker that sat at the bar top with a patty melt.
“Ah, fuck,” you heard from the corner booth. When you glanced over you saw him wiping his tongue with a handful of paper napkins, black ink all down his chin and the front of his shirt. The pen must’ve exploded while he was biting on it (a habit of his, you’d noticed). Even the trucker guffawed when he saw the mess. You headed over to his booth after refilling the other man’s coffee.
“I’d offer the Tide pen I keep in my purse, but I don’t think it’d do much for you,” you commented as you replenished his coffee. He glanced up at you with a grimace.
“I appreciate the gesture,” he sighed, huffing when he realized the napkin dispenser was empty. You scooped up the pile of ink-saturated paper.
“I’ll get a few rags.” He nodded in thanks and closed both his laptop and notebook, shoving them out of the way on the seat next to him. You brought out a couple rags soaked in warm water and wiped up the mess on the table while he scrubbed his face. Even after his skin was rubbed raw, there was a tinge of black around his mouth.
“Thanks-” his eyes flicked to the plastic name tag you wore on your chest, “-(Y/N).” He knew your name from how often he’d come in but he wanted to be extra sure.
“Sure thing,” you said, waving your hand. “I see you in here a lot but I’ve never gotten your name.” When he only hummed in agreement and didn’t provide a name you pursed your lips. “So, what is it?”
“What’s what?”
“Your name,” you giggled a little.
He cleared his throat awkwardly. “It’s not that important.”
Okay, weird. Maybe he had an odd name and he was embarrassed. “If I guess it will you tell me?”
“Sure.” He visibly seemed to relax a little. So definitely an uncommon name that he didn’t expect you to guess, then.
“Can I at least know what it starts with?”
He hesitated. “An ‘S.’” You smiled.
“Righty-o, Steven. Can I get you anything else while I’m here?” You pulled out your small notepad from your apron pocket and held your pen at the ready.
“Ah, no. I’m alright, thanks.”
“Alright, Shawn. Let me know if you think of something.” The corners of his mouth quirked up into a grin at your little game as you pocketed your notepad and walked away, soiled rags in hand. When you came back out from disposing of the rags, the trucker was gone and it was just the two of you left in the diner. Soft music crackled from the old speakers hung from the ceiling and he was back to typing away. You felt a little panic in your chest — he’d been coming in every night for the past month and a half and that was the most conversation you’d ever had with him. You had your in and you couldn’t let it go to waste now.
He looked up from his screen, eyebrow quirked, when you slid into the seat across from him. “What’s up?”
You shrugged. “Nothing. Just talking to my best customer named... Sam?” He shook his head and you groaned.
“Best customer?”
“Of course. I think you singlehandedly paid my utilities this month, Simon.” You folded and unfolded a paper straw wrapper idly as you spoke.
“Ah, I see,” he nodded. “Is that all it takes to get in your good graces?”
“Pretty much.”
“Sounds like you need a sugar daddy.”
“Are you offering?” You gave him a teasing grin that made his cheeks color pink.
“I, uh-“ he stammered and you laughed.
“Seth, I’m kidding.” You rolled the straw wrapper up into a little ball and flicked it at him around the laptop screen. It bounced off his chest and he chuckled nervously.
“Right, of course.”
“So, what do you do all night on that computer, anyways?” Self-consciously, he lowered the screen and you rested your cheek on your palm, propping your elbow on the table.
“Just some work,” he answered evasively. Right, illegal or important or both — the age old question with this guy.
“At night?”
“Well, you work at night.”
“Because I have a day job, too. And I like nighttime.”
“Me too.”
“Which one?”
“You ask a lot of questions.”
You sat back in your seat, a little embarrassed at getting carried away and prying. “Sorry, I’m just curious. I don’t have a lot of regulars on this shift and I just think you’re... interesting.”
“Interesting? How so?” He smirked in a teasing, knowing way that made your heart flutter and your face burn.
“A cute guy that comes in at the same time, every time, to do work in the middle of the night and always leaves a massive tip is pretty interesting, at least by my standards.”
He faltered. “You think I’m cute?”
“You’re alright for a nocturnal weirdo, Sebastian.” You winked and stood up, smoothing down your uniform. “I should probably get back to work. If Mack sees me sitting down with someone he’ll watch back the security footage and clock me out for however long I was here.” You jutted your thumb out behind you to indicate the cook and manager of the diner who you could both hear clanging around in the kitchen.
“Sounds like a hardass,” he said as he pulled his screen back open.
“Yeah, well...” You shrugged again. “It is what it is, y’know? Anyways, just shout if you need anything. It was nice talking to you, Shane.”
When he left at sunrise as usual, there was an extra five dollar bill on his table along with the usual twenty. You grinned when you picked it up and saw that on it he’d written down a phone number and simply signed it from “S.”
5. His name starts with S.
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“What are you so happy about?” Zuko asked when he saw Sokka’s grin as he came through the door.
“What? Nothing,” he said, purposefully setting his mouth into a neutral mask. Zuko rolled his eyes and sipped his tea, leaning against the kitchen counter.
“What did you do, Sokka?”
“Nothing! What, a guy can’t just be in a good mood?”
“No,” he deadpanned. Sokka scoffed.
“Right, I forgot I was talking to the guy who hasn’t had a good mood in like ten years.”
“Thirteen, actually.” Sokka shot him a look but Zuko’s face was serious. “Just tell me what you did. You’re usually tired and grouchy when you get back in the mornings, not smiling to yourself.”
“Christ, fine,” he huffed, yanking open the fridge to get a water bottle. “I gave a girl my number. The one at the diner.”
Zuko set his tea down and crossed his arms over his chest. “You did what?”
“Are you fucking stupid? With what we do, you’re just out and about giving your number to random women?”
“I’m sorry, we? You just got here, Prince Pouty. I can do what I want.”
“You’re putting everyone at risk, and for what? To get your dick wet?”
“I gave her a burner number for an app on my phone and she doesn’t even know my name. No one’s at risk.”
“You’re being selfish. This is bigger than you.”
“I’m allowed to have a life outside of this bullshit, whether you like it or not.”
“If it’s such bullshit then why do you still do it? No one’s forcing you to stay up all night digging for information and hacking people.”
“I can’t exactly do anything else now, can I? What am I supposed to tell employers I’ve been doing for the last few years, sitting with my thumb up my ass?”
“That is basically what you do, isn’t it?”
Sokka slammed his hands down on the counter angrily. “You can go fuck yourself, Zuko. You have Mai-“
“Mai is for appearances only.”
“-and Aang and Katara are together, and ever since Suki...” Sokka trailed off and then shook his head. “I don’t have to explain myself to you. Just for your shitty attitude, I’m gonna take her out on a mind blowing date, and bring her back here, and fuck her on your stupid little trundle bed.” Zuko opened his mouth to respond but Sokka cut him off. “Don’t bother. I’m going home and going to bed. Tell Aang and Katara I stopped by,” he grumbled, slamming the door behind him as he left. He felt a little bad about probably waking up his sister and her boyfriend, but Zuko had been grating on his nerves since he got himself tangled up in their business and his misplaced self-righteousness about a little flirting was the last straw. The prick didn’t need to overcompensate for being Ozai’s son by meddling in his love life. He could do without that, thanks.
Sokka was still grumbling to himself as he jiggled the key in the door to his small and slightly dingy studio apartment a few blocks down from Aang and Katara’s. Once he was in, he kicked off his shoes and bag by the door, stripped down to his briefs, and flopped into bed to immediately pass out despite the slats of sunlight filtering in through his ratty blinds. As he fell asleep he couldn’t help but think of you; you and your playful banter and your pretty smile (the real one that made your eyes crinkle, not the fake one you gave to creepy travelers passing through) and your many questions that he had to carefully evade. One day maybe he’d be able to explain himself, even if it would take a while to get to that point. That is, if you gave him a chance in the first place. He couldn’t exactly blame you for turning down someone whose name you didn’t even know.
He just really hoped you wouldn’t.
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The next night at the diner was as achingly slow as any other Tuesday. So far only “S” had come in and still he just sat in the corner, drinking his coffee and doing whatever he does. You had texted with him briefly once your shift ended in the morning, but you had to sleep and then get to your other job before your shift at the diner so there wasn’t much time for flirty messages. Instead, you sat at a table nearby to roll silverware, offering small smiles whenever he glanced up and met your eyes. The warmth in your cheeks whenever he smiled back was becoming achingly familiar. You vaguely wondered if your face might as well just get stuck like that.
Finally, someone new came in a few hours after midnight. He wore a ball cap and a large black jacket, hands stuffed in the pockets. You gave your usual spiel in your syrupy-sweet customer voice as you rose from the table to slide behind the counter and prep a cup of coffee for him. As you talked, you noticed he kept glancing around shiftily and had yet to remove his right hand from his jacket. There was something about him that made the hair on the back of your neck stand up.
Sokka had been half-listening to the one-sided exchange when a sharp intake of breath and the sound of shattering glass made his eyes snap to you. You stood frozen behind the counter, hands raised to your shoulders, staring at the men who held a handgun level with your chest. His stomach dropped as he took in the scene, blood running cold when your terrified gaze drifted to him and then shot back to the gun trained on you.
“Sweetheart, I’m gonna need you to empty the cash drawer for me, if you don’t mind,” he said in an eerily cool, level voice that made your skin crawl. “Don’t try anything, I just want to get the money and get out. I‘d hate to have to hurt you.” You nodded, trying not to let your hands shake, as you shifted over to the register. Out of the corner of your eye you could see “S” subtly reaching for his phone, hopefully to call the police. This also caught the man’s attention and he trained the gun on him now. “Don’t think I don’t see you, pretty boy. Give me your phone.”
“Alright, man. Take it easy,” “S” said as he stood slowly with his hands up, holding his phone in one. He carefully made his way over.
“Here,” you said to distract the man. He looked over at the paper bag you held that looked like it only had a couple hundred dollars in it at most.
“That’s it?” the man barked. “I know you have a safe somewhere, you bitch. Open it and give me the fucking money.”
You stared, wide-eyed, and willed the tears welling up in your eyes to go away. “I- I don’t have a key-“
“Fucking figure it out!” he shouted, making you jump. Sokka felt white-hot anger bubbling in his chest when he saw a tear slide down your cheek as the man unlocked the safety on the gun. Without pausing to think, he leapt the last few feet between himself and the guy to knock the gun away. You screamed and ducked down when a shot fired off, but the man missed widely when his arm was hit and instead blew out one of the panes of glass at the front of the diner. Sokka kicked the gun across the floor and grabbed the man by the collar of his jacket before slamming him against the bar top. While he was winded he yanked his hands behind his back and shoved him to the floor on his stomach, shoving a knee into his kidneys.
“(Y/N), call the police,” Sokka said, trying to keep his voice calm. You peeked over the edge of the counter and then jumped up when you saw the state of the two men.
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll, um- I’ll do that.” You fumbled with your phone, struggling thanks to how badly your hands shook. You screamed again when Mack burst out from the kitchen wielding a sawed-off shotgun. “Jesus fucking Christ, Mack! Took you fucking long enough to get out here, didn’t it? Poor Stanley had to take care of it!” You gestured angrily to the situation in front of you and Mack rolled his eyes with a huff.
“I was calling the cops, kid. Relax, you’re fine,” he said and you balled your hands up into fists.
“Relax?! I swear to God-“
“(Y/N),” “S” interrupted gently and you whirled around to face him. “It’s under control now. You’re okay.”
“You could’ve gotten hurt or worse and I-“
“But I didn’t. See?” He gestured to himself as Mack secured the man’s hands together with some zip ties from the back office and then to one of the barstools that was bolted to the floor. You didn’t respond to that and instead furiously wiped away the few tears that had tracked down your face.
“After you give the cops your statement, go home for a few days,” Mack said, sitting heavily in a chair that faced the man and holding the shotgun in his lap. You opened your mouth to protest but he silenced you with a hard look. “You’re shaken up, kid; can’t have you working like this. Besides, it’ll take a couple days to get insurance to replace that glass.”
You relented with a sigh and dropped yourself into a booth seat, folding your legs against your torso and resting your forehead on your knees to hide your face. You squeezed your eyes shut and sucked in a few deep, steadying breaths to hopefully push out the panic that still pierced your chest. You tilted your head up when you heard someone sit down across the table from you to see “S” giving you a concerned look. Self-consciously you wrapped your arms around your shins and pulled yourself into a tighter ball.
“Hey,” he said softly, “I know you’re okay, but are you, like... okay?”
You put your head down again and shrugged. “I guess.” You knew it was obvious to him that you weren’t, but you were thankful he didn’t push. Both of you were quiet for a few minutes and you could faintly hear sirens in the distance. All you wanted was to give your statement and go home.
“My name’s Sokka,” he said, finally breaking the silence. He drummed his fingers against the table nervously. You looked up at him again and gave him a small, watery smile.
“That’s a nice name,” you whispered with a sniffle.
Once you gave your statement and the police had taken the guy away in cuffs, you left the diner and were surprised to see Sokka sitting on the curb in front of the doors. He looked around at you when the door opened and he stood.
“You didn’t have to wait,” you said as he dusted off his pants.
“I know. I wanted to,” he said and looked you up and down. “You sure you’re alright? I can sit with you for a bit.”
You shook your head. “No, that’s okay. Thanks, though.” You both looked up at the sky in silence. The horizon was starting to fade from the inky black into a rich purple, stars still glinting above your heads. Dawn would be coming soon. Without a word, you walked side-by-side to your cars that were parked next to each other. When you popped your door open he looked like he wanted to say something, but instead he just gave you a closed-mouth smile and a small wave. You gave him an affirming head nod and slid into the driver’s seat. He waited until you drove away, car disappearing around a corner, before getting into his own.
As you walked up the stairs to your apartment, keys clutched in your hand, your heart was pounding again. Your eyes started to sting and you quickened your pace until you were practically sprinting to your door. After fumbling with the lock for a second you threw yourself inside and slammed the door shut, breath now coming in hard gasps. You slid your back down until you collapsed onto the ground. You curled yourself into a ball again, pressing the heels of your palms harshly against your closed eyes and feeling the tears spilling from them. You were not okay, you were not alright, you were not fine. Not at all.
You could barely see your screen through your tears, but you made the call anyways. It made you feel silly and weak but, God, you were so fucking scared. You just needed someone’s voice to ground you back in reality and he was the first person you thought of.
“Hey, Sokka.” You winced at the way your voice cracked; how it wavered.
Obviously, he noticed. “What’s wrong? Did you make it home okay?” Guilt and regret panged in your chest when you heard how worried he was. You shouldn’t’ve called, you were being stupid.
“Yeah. I-I don’t know why I’m s-so upset but I’m really f-freaked out. It’s st-stupid, I’m sorry for b-bothering you,” you whimpered to the relative stranger on the other end of the line. You screwed your eyes shut and pressed a hand to your chest; you felt like you had been sprinting and you couldn’t catch your breath.
“You’re not bothering me, (Y/N), and it’s not stupid. What happened tonight was fucked up and you’re having a perfectly normal reaction. Just take some deep breaths, okay? You sound like you’re having a panic attack.”
Doing as he said, you tried to even out your breathing to bring your heart rate out of the stratosphere. “Okay, okay. I, um- Sokka?”
“Um, this might s-sound weird, but... do you think you could, um, come over? I‘ll make you breakfast.”
“Oh, uh-“ he hesitated and despite yourself you started to panic again.
“You d-don’t have to. I-I know you’re probably t-tired. I shouldn’t’ve asked, I just don’t want to b-be alone right now.”
“Hey, hey, stop that. It’s okay, (Y/N). I just don’t want to make you, like, uncomfortable or anything. Strange guy in your apartment, and all,” he chuckled nervously. “Not that I’m... strange, or anything.”
You giggled through your tears. “Oh, you’re strange, alright; but I like that about you. Besides, I know your first name now. We’re practically best friends.”
“You know what? You’re absolutely right.” He laughed a little and the sound made you feel a bit better. “Just text me your address and I’ll be there in a few minutes, okay?” The tenderness in his voice made your damp cheeks warm.
“Okay,” you sniffled. “Sokka?”
“Mhm?” You could hear him rustling around at the other end of the line along with the faint jingling of keys.
“Can you stay on the phone with me?” you asked sheepishly.
“Whatever you need, princess.” The pet name slipped so easily from his lips that he didn’t even notice. You, however, felt your face burn hotter and a twist in your belly. From anyone else’s mouth you would’ve thought you were being made fun of, but he said it so earnestly that you just felt warm and tingly, like you were talking with a grade school crush.
“Hm?” he hummed distractedly and you cleared your throat.
“You called me princess.”
“Oh, sorry.” You hoped he was blushing as badly as you were. It sounded like he was, if one can sound like they’re blushing. “It’s just... something I call people sometimes. Habit.”
“It’s okay,” you said. “It’s nice. I like it.”
“Interesting,” he responded. You could hear the suggestive lilt to his voice and it made the corner of your mouth turn up a bit.
You used to think that Sokka was a quiet man. Now, you knew you were wrong and he had always been too heavily focused on his work those many nights at the diner to properly flaunt what a motor mouth he was. He had no trouble sitting on the phone with you while he made his way over to your building, chatting away about... something — many somethings, for that matter. The details weren’t important; all either of you cared about was his almost prodigious ability to keep your mind distracted with idle talk. Despite your state he even made you laugh a few times. You were feeling better by the time he softly knocked on your door, although your legs still felt wobbly and weak when you stood to let him in.
When he saw your puffy, bloodshot eyes and the tear tracks that shone on your cheeks he felt an odd squeezing in his chest that left him a little winded. You had changed into a large faded t-shirt and leggings, your hair loose and falling delicately around your tired face, which had been scrubbed clean of makeup. He realized this was the first time he had ever seen you outside of the context of your work. Even though you surely felt like shit, in the back of his mind he couldn’t help but think you still looked adorable. He felt a strong urge to wrap you up in a tight hug, but held off. This was still new territory for you both and he had no idea how you would react to physical affection from someone so new in your life.
You greeted him with a tiny smile and closed the door behind him. He suddenly became acutely aware of how sweaty his palms were now that he was alone with you in your apartment.
“Do you want any coffee or tea or something? Water?” you asked. “I- I started making waffles, if you want one. Or do you want something else to eat? I have-“
“(Y/N), please,” he chuckled. “You clocked out. You don’t have to serve me.”
“I know,” you sighed, twisting a strand of hair around your fingertips. “You came all the way over here, though.”
“It was less than a ten minute drive.”
“Still.” You stared at him expectantly and he rolled his eyes as he sat on your couch.
“Just make me one of whatever you’re drinking. I’m not picky.” You nodded and turned into the kitchen to prepare a second cup of lavender chamomile tea with honey. He accepted it graciously when you handed him the mug with some tourist location stamped on it. He took a sip and was surprised when he actually liked it – he had never much been one for tea. You sat down in the armchair adjacent to the couch and set your mug on the coffee table.
“Thanks, Sokka,” you murmured. He waved his hand dismissively.
“Seriously, (Y/N), it wasn’t any trouble. I’d rather be here and know that you’re okay than sit in bed and worry.”
“Not that. Well, yes; thank you for coming over, but... I was talking about at the diner.”
“What about it?”
You could feel tears pricking at your eyes again and you swallowed thickly. “You saved me. I don’t know what would’ve happened if you hadn’t been there.”
“I’m sure you would’ve handled it.” His eyebrows shot up when you shook your head aggressively.
“He might’ve shot me before Mack came out if you hadn’t knocked his gun away. And you didn’t even have anything to defend yourself with!”
“I was okay, princess; I’ve trained in fighting in stuff. I had to do something. I couldn’t live with myself if he’d hurt you and I hadn’t at least tried to help.” At this admission, your tears fell freely again and you choked out a sob. Sokka looked panicked and he leaned forwards, fluttering his hands uselessly. “Oh, fuck. Are you okay? Did I say something?”
You shook your head. “No, no. You’re just really sweet and I’m really emotional. And tired.”
“Do you want a hug?” he offered hesitantly. You looked over at him and saw his cheeks had gone pink. With a nod, you stood from your chair and curled up with him on the couch, letting his strong arms wrap around you while you cried into his shoulder. He squeezed you tightly against his chest and said nothing. He just closed his eyes and rested his cheek on top of your head, trying to ignore his own tears that threatened to spill when he felt the way your whole body shook like a leaf.
Even once your sobs subsided to sniffles you made no move to get up. Your very bones felt heavy with exhaustion and the way Sokka held you was warm and comforting. You both eventually fell asleep like that, embracing on your couch, your mugs of tea and the bowl of half-prepared waffle batter on the kitchen counter forgotten for now.
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petri808 · 4 years
Prompt idea: “You broke into my apartment drunk thinking it was your friend’s house and I should call the cops but my cat kinda likes you so we’re good” modern setting AU
Wrote this cause I was trying to fall asleep 🙃 enjoy
“What the fuck?!” Katsuki was startled out of a deep sleep by a loud thud, so he jumped out of bed and raced to see what happened. But when he reached the living room, it was as silent as the grave. He turned on the light and checked his front door. Nothing amiss, closed and locked just as he’d left it.
Everything seemed in order, the only noise were general sounds, the refrigerator motor, crickets outside. Maybe it was just the cat, he scratched his head in annoyance as he trudged back towards his bedroom... but wait... what’s this? Katsuki almost missed the sleeping form laid out on his couch. There was no mistaking it, that someone, some strange guy with green hair was passed out on his couch!
“Who the fuck?!” He stomped over, ready to give this loser a piece of his mind! How dare he break into his house and make himself at home like that!
But as he stood beside the couch, staring down and taking in the man’s features, he couldn’t do it. The man looked so peaceful. Katsuki rolled his eyes, ‘bet he’s drunk, but how the fuck did he get in?’ And that’s when he noticed his spare key on the floor, right below the man’s hand which was hanging off the couch. ‘Tch.’ Guess hiding the key above the door frame wasn’t a great idea after all. The coffee table looked crooked too, probably the source of the noise when the man bumped into it. “Argh!” Regardless of how the man got in, he needed to go!
“Shoo!” Katsuki waved his hand at his cat who’d decided to turn the stranger into a comfortable bed. But the cat simply hissed and swiped a paw at him. “You little shit!” He tried again to grab the cat, but again it hissed and even tried to bite. “What the hell you little bastard!”
This cat usually hated people. It wasn’t even nice to him and now it’s protecting a stranger?! “You’re so lucky I put up with you!” Katsuki glared and hissed back at the animal. But the cat merely turned its nose to him knowing it had won this battle. Okay, so he does love his cat, but it was such a little brat! Which was why he liked it in the first place. It was a smart, independent little street urchin that wasn’t overly demanding for affection. Right up Katsuki’s alley in terms of pet qualities. “Fine! But he’s gotta go in the morning!” At those words as if to mock its owner further, the cat began to purr loudly in content.
Katsuki ran a hand down his face in annoyance. He needed to get back to sleep, but could he trust leaving this stranger sleeping alone on the couch? That’s when he noticed a wallet peeking out of a back pocket and decided to at least get a name in case he had to call the cops. Figures, a superhero wallet— how old is this guy to still use a kiddy wallet?! Izuku Midoriya. Age 27. Okay, so the same age as him. Address, not this building. So why did this Izuku guy end up picking his place to break into? Then he finds a business card with the man’s name on it. Toshinori & Associates, Junior partner. “Pfft, bullshit.” This nerdy looking guy is a lawyer?! Makes the breaking and entering even more amusing. Oh— corporate council, most likely business law, that makes more sense.
Katsuki tossed the wallet onto the coffee table. The slight noise caused the man to stir and turn to his side. It forced the cat to move, but as he watched, the fur ball merely adjusted and curled its body close to the man’s chest. Tch, it’s never slept by him like that. Why does his cat like this man so much?! It was truly baffling to Katsuki... well he was kind of cute. Maybe a cat lover? Don’t they say they can sense when people are animal lovers? Green hair, freckles, delicate features, the man’s hands had never seen manual labor before.
His face heated up as he wondered more about the stranger who wore no ring... okay! He’d wasted enough time on this and needed to get back to bed. He didn’t work the next day, but this was throwing off his sleep routine! “Watch him,” he growled at the cat then went back to bed.
The next morning, Izuku stretched his arms and body with a yawn, woken up by the smell of food cooking. Oh nice! His friend was making breakfast! He opened his eyes and instantly knew something was wrong. This was not Iida’s apartment! And there was cat sleeping on his chest!
“Final, fuckingly.”
Izuku hears a gruff voice coming from somewhere nearby. Oh, yeah, definitely not his friend’s voice! He cajoled the cat gently off his chest and sat up, eyes sweeping the room to figure out what was going on. Where was he? The last thing he remembered was using the spare key to get into his friends apartment the night before since his friend lived closer and he was too drunk to keep walking. It’s something he’d done before, but apparently something went seriously wrong this time! “S-Sorry...” he spoke up meekly. “Where am I?”
That’s when a blonde male came out of an adjoining room holding two plates on his hand. Izuku gulped at the sight of the larger shirtless male. “H-How did I get here?” Did this man kidnap him or something?!
“Tch! You tell me! I woke up to a noise to find your drunk ass on my couch!” Katsuki walked all the way over and set the two plates onto the coffee table. “I was gonna kick you out, but the fucking cat likes you. Wouldn’t let me move you.”
Izuku looked at the cat which was just sitting on his lap, then back to the blonde. “Oh... I’m so sorry! I must have mistaken your apartment for my friends. I-I’ll leave.” He tried to move the cat off but it refused and swat his hands away. “Kitty please I can’t stay, I—“
“See,” the blonde tisked. “It’s adopted you. I don’t know why cause it hates most people.”
“I’m so sorry for the trouble.”
Katsuki just handed Izuku a plate in response. “You should eat. Name’s Katsuki by the way.” He sat on the other end of the couch. “What apartment is your friend in?”
“Um, thank you,” Izuku accepted the plate nervously. “Iida lives in 304.”
“This is 204. You were off by a floor. Izuku right? I scoped out your wallet.”
“It’s illegal to go through my personal property.”
“So is breaking and entering.”
Izuku blushed. “Touché. I’m really sorry, it was an accident.”
“Uh-huh. You’re lucky I didn’t call the cops.”
“Please, let me make it up to you somehow. I could pay you for your troubles.”
“I don’t want your money.”
“At least to replace the cost of breakfast?”
“I rather enjoy cooking.”
“Some new cat toys maybe?”
“That lazy shit doesn’t play with toys.”
Frustrated, “Then what do you propose Mr. Katsuki? It would be rude of me not to repay you for your kindness.”
“Go out to dinner with me tonight?”
“W-What?!” Izuku sputtered, almost choking on a bite of food. “Are you asking me out on a date?! I don’t even know you.”
“No, I’m telling you to take me on a date.” Katsuki grinned. “Since the cat likes you and you’re kinda cute,” he shrugged, “why not?”
Izuku’s brain overloaded. Katsuki’s cute and all, but wasn’t this a bit crazy?! Though he guessed it was no crazier then meeting some random person in a bar.
“Get to know me better,” Katsuki cajoled further, “so the next time you break in accidentally it’s not illegal.”
That made Izuku snort a laugh. If this guy was serious... he glanced at the cat purring in his lap before smiling at the cute blonde. “Okay, it’s a date.”
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twilighttheater · 2 years
Leo finds himself hopping up next to Blanc on the couch. He's not sure what it is about him, but he feels an innate comfort, and sort of kinship with him for one reason or another.
The big cat lets out a yawn, before plopping himself over Blanc's lap. Leo's eyes close, letting out a content purr as he dozes off. Sorry Blanc, looks like you're stuck there until he wakes up!
Autumn had stepped out to show Esme around where she liked to wander about White Forest, otherwise Blanc suspects she probably wouldn't have left Leo's side for awhile yet. For the moment he was just reading, he'd picked up a book recently about strange stories and hoped to maybe get some answers of a sort in it.
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In the meantime Zip had decided to rest on his head again, because being a Champion of Zekrom kind of gave him a friendly air to electric types apparently. He'd only ever experienced this with Zip, he didn't really own any other electric type pokemon to see this repeated. But there was one visiting the house for now, so he probably should've seen this coming.
When Leo plops into his lap he moves his arms to be sure he doesn't land on the book almost on cue. He'd experienced this many times with Autumn, but Autumn was also not as big of a cat as Leo was. He had much more sleeping weight on his lap than he usually did this way, and fully expected his legs were going to fall asleep the exact same way Leo did after awhile.
He looks up from his book when Dawn walks in. "I think we're going to need to order out and hope for the best, because I think it's now illegal for me to move."
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That being said, that didn't mean he wasn't going to give Leo pets while he was reading. Good kitty.
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mirismuffins-ovo · 3 years
Plant palace pt 7🌿
[background: the plant based girls John has age twice as fast as a human,John ran off to go raise them at an abnormal camp his mother leads. He’s been gone two years and working as part of the abnormal rebellion and rights activist.] [this is also where I’ve decided I’d rewrite some stuff in the future,but I’ll let you guys read the first part of this before I work through it again] [first part is kinda narrative]
John's heart hurt to leave the man he loved,he wanted to raise these small little babies with Eddie but things went sideways. John and Henry stopped by the house grabbing supplies and raising the babies there for a while,until they were tracked down by the government. Escaping to a hideaway,a camp where abnormals were safe and rebelled trying to fix the outrageous laws of America. As time went on the rights of Abnormals had gotten better,after riots and protests. John raises his little girls alongside his mom. She’d become an important person in his life more than ever,helping with the babies. The little ones blooming with gorgeous pink petals and hair,John letting his own flower like features grow too. John had freed and protected abnormals with his mother, learning more control over his abilities and discovering new things he never knew he could do. Abnormals had finally gained some rights in some more progressive states,no longer needing to hide in some states. The girls were (2) 4 years old now,he’d kept up with Eddie's online following and career, proud of him for taking off. John would listen to Eddie's album Greenhouse,he recognized the song Eddie sang when they first found out about the babies,it was the most popular one. John would always tell his little girls about their dad,showing them photos of him performing. He missed him and to the point it hurt. John's family could recognize that,and John discussed that he should finally go back. It was time for John to come back home.
Now Eddie.
2 years. It has been 2 years since John has left. In the beginning, he was questioned by the government but he gave half truth answers. Yes he was with John. No he didn’t know he was an Abnormal, thinking his boyfriend was able to have kids. No the kids weren’t his, John was already pregnant when they really got official. But because they weren’t giving him the answer, he was held for 6 months for harboring an Abnormal before being let go.
After that, he explained everything to his band and how this album was going to be it. He didn’t want to make music after. They supported his decision but helped him finish the album. He had songs named after the girls, after his time at Plant Palace, the short months he was with John. Be saved the best for last. The last song on the album, which he named “Greenhouse” was called “Eden.” It was an Ode to John, thinking that no one would even get to the end of the album.
But instead people found out and it reached #1 on the charts for a solid year. He was able to go to concerts which sparked his love for music again, but he couldn’t listen to the album himself. He refused to. He would play other music in his earbuds when he was in public in case Eden came on.
He ended up moving further into the city now that he made good money off his record sales and a couple of EPs. Bitty came along with him, the cat too sweet to part with and he had a feeling John would want him to watch her. The anger he first felt after discovering John ran had faded away and he accepted it. The younger man did talk about trying to find his people to help raise the girls, but Eddie wanted to do that. He wanted to be the cool dad.
Life moved on. Eddie moved on, but still held a special spot for John, if he ever got to see him again. He even picked up a new kitty who he named Leafy. Bitty was happy to get a cute little brother and it kept her occupied. Eddie was happy.
Eddie yawned as he started to make his way home from another band practice. He and his band got the idea to write themselves each a song that they could relate to in the future. They might not make sense now, but they should when they’re older and split apart. It was late and all he wanted to do was hop in the shower, order some take out and pass out with the kitties on his lap.
While on his way home, he felt a tingle down his spine. Although it was night time, and he was walking alone, it was odd that someone might jump him, or it was local paparazzi following him to see if he had a special someone since his female fans were dying to know. So he stopped and waited for the heavy footsteps to stop.
“I’ll give you 5 seconds to turn around before I face you and deck you. I’m not in the mood for interviews or dealing with your shit.” He grumbled. He wasn’t the happy-go-lucky young band member anymore, he was a man with heartache.
There wasn’t a sound behind him, signaling the person to walk off or speak up. Eddie turned around, preparing for a recorder shoved into his face when his entire world stopped.
John stood there,he hadn’t heard Eddie's voice in a long time,at least when he wasn’t singing. His voice sounded tired and moody but it didn’t change how he felt when Eddie turned around. John had his hood up but he took it off when Eddie turned to face him. A shy half smile on the smaller man's face as he stood a few feet back from the singer. “Hey Eds…” John's hair was a little longer than before,not by much but it was longer;John looked pale,tired like an overworked parent but the energy about him was slightly different.He slowly approached Eddie hesitantly taking a step forward,he didn’t know what he should say. There was so much to apologize for,him running off with the babies not even a thing as a text and gone for two years. “It’s been a while...but since when did you cuss?” John tried to clear the air with teasing as he combed his fingers through his hair. His gaze flicking between staring at Eddie and at the ground attempting to hide the tears that glazed his eyes. Johns soft voice trembled the entire time.
Eddie felt like he died when he saw John.The anger he thought that went away was back. He clenched his fist and just looked at the younger man in front of him. He wanted to shout, scream, and yell, but instead he just turned around, continuing to walk to his house. He could hear the footsteps follow him as he got closer to his house only for him to stop again.
“I promised I’d be there…” He spoke, his voice getting ready to break. “But you went and broke that promise for me.” He turned to face John, tears falling, and screaming, letting his emotions loose. “You took my fucking kids! You ran from me instead of facing this together!”
John had expected something like this but it still made his insides shake. John couldn’t help but erupt with tears and watched the man in front of him go off.
“You think I wanted to leave you?...WATCH YOU FROM A DISTANCE?!?” His voice had turned into a yell,John never raised his voice.
“What do you think would’ve happened if I stayed there waiting, Eddie? The hospital called the government on me,they would’ve taken our girls! Would you rather me and the girls in a facility being experimented on?! Getting tortured?” He sighed frustrated still crying “I’ve counted the days..you don’t think I talk about you to them,do you think I haven’t listened to your album about our kids every day??”
He wiped his face shaking and turned to look away. “I get it..okay...I’m so sorry I left,but I warned you Eddie. I told you that it was dangerous and when I tried to contact you I found out you were detained for ‘harboring an abnormal’.” John took out a photo,it was a Polaroid. It showed the babies who’d begun to bloom their flowers.John was holding them in his lap,they were toddlers now and all dressed up,his mother was standing next to him holding one of the toddlers. He held it to Eddie “here..”
“I told you I would fight tooth and nail for them! I was so ready to take your place in a facility for your freedom.” Eddie was crying too.
Eddie wanted to argue more, but John silenced him by handing over the picture. It was a photo of John holding all three of the girls, and a larger woman behind them. He laughed quietly, so happy to see them and how big they had gotten.
“Why now? Why did you come back. When I saw that you left, I figured you’d be gone forever.”
John sighed staring at the cement “the governor passed a law here that abnormals living in human city’s are no longer illegal. That and...I missed you.” He glimpsed at Eddie,John's eyes looked tired. “They’d caught up to me last year and I was held in a facility for two months,my mom and Henry took care of the little ones... I broke out with the help of some other abnormals.” He crossed his arms and wiped away some more tears. John felt bad he’d not been there for Eddie. “I would’ve come back sooner if I could Eds,and I know you're mad but you have to know I didn’t leave willingly.The girls ask all the time when they can see they can see their-…you” John sighed fearing Eddie wouldn’t want to rekindle their relationship. He dreaded he wouldn’t want to see their daughters.
Eddie was surprised at all the new information, but also wasn’t. He heard about Abnormals allowed to live among humans, but there was still no law about living with them or loving them. He kind of rolled his eyes at that.
“So you’re a fugitive?”
John stayed silent.
Eddie sighed. “Look, as much as I would love to see our daughters, I can’t just easily accept you into my life again. You broke my heart and how will I know if you won’t do it again? Maybe the world was right that we, Abbies and Humans, aren’t meant to cohabitate with each other.” Eddie sniffled, taking his jacket and rubbing his eyes.
John looked like he was about to say something but Eddie held up a hand.
“Not tonight… I need time…” He turned to continue walking to his apartment.
Once inside, Bitty and Leafy greeted him with happy meows, but Bitty knew. She knew that her cat dad was near Eddie. He closed the door, set his guitar aside and leaned against the door, sliding down to the floor. He held his head in his hands and let the tears fall.
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