#also he trapped me for AN HOUR on the couch because he decided to nap so cutely in my lap
angsty-aliens · 1 year
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My cat contributing to rent via Only Paws. Look at those beans.
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applebandito · 2 years
100% Kingdom Hearts 1 (Day 1)
Current Targets: Speedster Unchanging Armor Undefeated My nostalgia got slapped in the taint the moment the remix for Simple and Clean played. Watching that opening cinematic was a bit emotional admittedly. It reminded me of the halcyon days of my late teens. Sat in front of the warm glow of a CRT television, soda cans stacked high, and buttocks firmly planted in a comfortable green chair.
Now I’m sat in front of a much larger television bought with adult money, a bottle of water near by because sometimes my tummy gets upset, and my buttocks planted in a rather comfortable modestly priced couch. My first venture into reminding myself of the controls had me also remembering that this game had relatively decent combat. I don’t remember bouncing off of enemies as often as I did, but it was a pleasant surprise to feel how responsive the controls were overall.
The camera, however, is another matter. I feel like this is the strongest enemy in the game as it waffles around trying to get me the best view of Sora’s inseam. It certainly was quite the formidable foe when I got to Destiny Island and decided to 3v1 the first few Final Fantasy characters that were introduced. I was able to win first try, however, but most likely because I am playing on easy and took multiple steroids before the fight.
I beat Riku 2-0 all while very convinced of a friend’s theory that this is the worlds most circuitous love triangle. Soon the Island was under attack by heartless and I got the one and only keyblade I’d be handling for this run. I also skipped all of the cutscenes since I’m attempting to speedrun. Most of the dialogue can be diluted down into friendship, hearts, friendship, darkness, smiling, darkness, hearts, friendship however.
Coming into Traverse Town and hearing the theme was another breath of fresh air.Seeing Cid, Leon, Yuffie, and Aerith was like coming home to old mates you hadn’t been around in ages. Goofy and Donald were there too. I quickly set them to do as little as possible when it involved items, and stripped them of their item privileges just to be double sure.
The gummi ship sequences are just as boring as I remember. Given I’m speedrunning, I also don’t wish to spend time making a ship. I’m sure I could make the one that’s recommended in the guide, but the tedium would probably kill me. Instead I just cruise along in the low rent Star Fox game, barely touching the thumbsticks and opting instead to have my left hand set to more important tasks like water and scratching. Meanwhile my right is on fire button duty.
I lazily made my way to Wonderland, plowing through many of the enemies there and mostly running past several. I forgot that the keyhole is deep within the doors throat so it felt a bit dirty locking this place up. Nevertheless I cleared the keyhole and soon set off to Deep Jungle.
I forgot how much I utterly abhor this place. Confusing layout, the vines sometimes don’t function right, but we get Brian Blessed and that’s fine by me. The boss gave me no trouble, nor did most of the enemies, but the amount of backtracking to areas and confusion left me taking more time than necessary to get out of here. Most of this being my fault as I’m not watching the cutscenes and googling a guide or looking up what to do next is a large ask with all this scratching to be done.
I finally sprang loose the of the jungle’s traps and found myself once again Traverse Town bound. I wouldn’t be stopping at the colesseum. That’s an optional bit and I’m a busy boy. Speaking to Cid, I discover he’s got a lot to say about gummi ships and Leon has a lot to say about holes.
So far, I can’t say if we’re on a good track for the run, but we’re under three hours, so I suppose we can count this a win. My lack of knowledge is certainly a hindrance, but I am confident I’ll be able to make it to the end. And so, we spring forward to Agrabah. Tomorrow. I need a nap.
Completed 3 of 56: The Rabbit Hole Member of the Tribe| Test Pilot
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iambilliejeanok · 3 years
hii! may i request some headcanons with hashirama and madara with the little reader thing? i thought it was absolutely adorable :)
Aww this is so cute that I decided to put Tobirama in here too! Definitely want to write more of this fluff.🍄🥺
Warnings: reader is a little, fluff, mentions of spanking, SFW
Parings: Reader x founders
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Very soft and delicate with you!
Thinks you’re absolutely adorable, in your cute little fits.
Loves spoiling you and has never really said no to you…unless you’re eating too much candy. He once had to take you to get your tooth filled and also constantly has to do deal with you and your tummy aches and sugar crashes, so it’s always a no when it comes to sugar.
Hates to see you upset, so when your arms are crossed and you’re not leaning in to him on the couch, he pulls you to him and starts tickling you until you’re laughing uncontrollably.
“Please stop!”, you squeal in laughter, trying and failing to get out of his hold. “Only if you smile for me”, he replies chuckling, your loud squeals only making his heart leap with joy. He’s so happy to have his princess to cuddle with every night.
Compliments all your work. When you cook, paint, clean up, finish up on some of your work, he’s always there to tell you he’s proud of how good you are.
Loves to sit with you between his legs, watching whatever you’re doing and pretending to pay attention so you don’t get upset.
Loves it when you try to bother him for fun or just because you’re angry at him, he takes one step forward and your cute little ass is running away. He’s naturally faster than you, so you don’t get very far and by the time he snatches you into your arms, he’s cracking you up with raspberries on your neck.
Takes you everywhere with him if you have the time and you get to hold his hand whenever you want, and also sit in his lap when you’re hanging outside the house.
Madara always scolds him for entertaining you when you’re throwing tantrums.
“Princess what’s the matter now?”, he says softly, watching you knocking things off of everything as you drag your feet out of his office. But when you don’t respond, that’s when he stands up and comes after you. “I miss you”, you whine, dropping your shoulders and pouting to him. He leans down as he massages your shoulders, slowly pushing you upright. “Ahh so is this little act because I’m not in bed with you?”, he asks, lifting your chin up to look at him. You nod your head in response, wrapping your arms around him and holding on tight. “Come on hun, you need to go to sleep”, he tells you, gently pushing you off of him, but you resist him as you intertwine your fingers together. “Stop. You’re being ridiculous. Go to sleep and I’ll come join you as soon as I’m done working please princess”, he says, scooping you up and throwing you over his chest, carrying you back to the bedroom again.
“Stay baby”, he tells you. “Okay?”. “Fine…just don’t take too long, you also need to rest, you’ve been working crazy hours lately”, you worry, holding onto his thumb while he quickly ticks you in. “Yes hun, I’ll be back soon, now go to sleep. Last warning”, he says before he’s off to pick up the stuff your dropped.
You’re really not that difficult with him but you do have your days when you’re just don’t want to listen, and he’s not the best at reprimanding you.
You do get extra love and cuddles from him during his downtime. He also loves holding you tight when he’s asleep. You’re so soft in his arms, and he likes to snuggle into you in the middle of the night, trapping you close to him as he wraps his arms and legs around you. There’s no sleep better than sleeping with you. You smell so good and you’re so warm. And when you run your hands along his back it really soothes him more than you think.
Takes your nap times with you because you asked you to. But this is only if he has time. He doesn’t sleep but he just lays there while you sleep ontop of him. He’ll fall asleep every once in a while when he’s been working crazy but he tries his best to be there for all your naps.
Sometimes tells you stories of his mission and acts it out with your stuffies until you’re asleep. His stories are kind of funny. He loves hearing your giggles.
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He’s very strict with you and you’re always sorry when he gets you for misbehaving, but you’ve got guts.
You love to test his patience and laugh at him when he gets mad. Since you wanna laugh he’s going to hold your arms down and tickle you to pieces.
Doesn’t tolerate any of that whining or those tantrums like Hashirama.
If you make a mess while you’re upset he’s going to give you one hard smack on your ass and then tell you to clean it up.
He’s makes you cry sometimes but he picks you up when he upsets you, and you wrap your legs and arms around him. He rubs your back and plants little kisses on your face and neck to soothe you, softly bouncing you in his arms until you’ve hushed.
You’re tears are your winning card and he knows that it’s his weakness but after a few minutes of cuddles and kiss he’s sending you to go clean up your mess.
When you’re going out and about it’s a clear rule that you hold his hand. It doesn’t matter who’s watching or where you are. Your hand must always stay in his.
Loves taking his night time showers with you. It makes him happy when you wash his body and wash his thick hair for him. He loves that you love to spoil him yourself. Especially at night.
He’s very playful with you though, loves playing around when the two of you are working on a project. Whether you’re organizing your stuffies or trying to get your work done, he’s there to seriously help you.
Really wants you to take a nap during the day. Especially on your super busy days, he likes to sit you on his lap or maybe run home with you for a good three hours to get you to nap and maybe if there’s enough time he’ll make you a snack for when you wake up, and watch some tv or read a book with you for your post nap cuddles.
He will cuddle with you and talk with you until you fall asleep before he gets up and leaves you when he knows you’re asleep for sure.
At night bedtime is bedtime. He’s really sweet when it comes to the bedtime routine but he won’t hesitate to punish you when you’re not listening.
He usually only “punishes” you for really bad things, like when you accidentally spill his tea over when you’re throwing a fit. Punishments usually involve time outs and light spankings. If he’s been too mean and upsets you, he’s putting you in his arms until you’re done crying. Then it’s straight to bed.
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He’s so proud of having you in his life, and very happy about it too. Very protective of you and also very strict.
He’s doesn’t play around with you when he tells you to do or ask something of you.
Hold hands at all times when outside the house please. Will scold you for letting go and wandering off on your own before giving you a soft forehead kiss and a hug to comfort you before he holds your hand again and it’s time to go to the next thing.
Bedtime is bedtime. Please don’t stress him out. He really doesn’t like having to repeat himself and it’s definitely not rare that he spanks you out of pure punishment. Usually smacks your thighs for the serious punishment because that’s where you’re most sensitive.
Punishments suck for you and he always ends up picking you up while he’s going about his business if you’re really mad at him.
When he puts you in bed he usually slides right in and falls asleep with you in his arms.
Doesn’t like you being too independent when he’s home. He loves being the one to take care of you with everything you need. At night he runs a bath for you and rolls his sleeves up to give you a good scrub before he dries you up and moisturizes you before it’s bedtime.
Feed yourself.
He doesn’t like seeing you pout. “Uh uh baby”, he scolds whenever he catches you.
“I think it’s time for your nap”, he likes to say when you’re doing too much and doesn’t play games with putting you down. You usually fall asleep immediately so he doesn’t have a hard time with that but he’s not napping with you. He’s doesn’t do naps.
Loves laying his head in your lap when you play with your stuffies, watching you do your thing during his downtime.
The thing about Tobirama is that he lets you play with his hair and paint his nails often. The only rule is no colour expect for dark blue and you fix his hair again when he has to leave for work.
Prepares you your snacks if you’re spending the day at home together. But he really loves it when you cook dinner.
Doesn’t tolerate tantrums or whining. If you make a mess you’re cleaning that shit up. Don’t play with him. And you’re not getting any hugs or kisses until you’re completely done. One days that you’re being especially grumpy he puts you to bed early. So it’s safe to say that you’re usually pretty unproblematic for the most part during your little space time.
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tiny-banana-time · 2 years
A prompt, if you'd like! How about Accidentally falling asleep together?
Hey! This one was more stubborn than the rest, but I think I'm okay with how it's turned out. Thanks for the prompt 😊
♡: Accidentally falling asleep together
The lounge on the mess level has a TV, two cushy chairs and a couch, a card table, and one unfortunate flaw: it’s barely large enough to sit the Marathon’s entire Marine Detail for movie nights. By the time Kaidan arrives all of the good seats have been claimed, leaving him the option of the floor in front of Murray, or the uneven hard plastic chair perched behind the sofa. Disappointed eye contact is established with Murray, but before Kaidan can navigate to her, she stands, stretches, and asks if anyone wants a drink. The pointed look thrown his way tells him it’s an opening, an opportunity to steal their spot as is the law of Move Your Feet, Lose Your Seat.
“Lanky, come sit down. If anyone is gonna nab the sofa because my bladder has betrayed me, I choose you.” Were it not for the man also sitting on the couch, he’d question the intent behind such a kind offer, but a wicked look in Murray’s eyes and a lounging Jay sinking into the cushion next to hers explains everything.
You don’t just turn down a couch seat for movie night, though, so he hurries over and sits before someone else decides to run for it.
Two cushions and barely enough room to relax without touching means there’s more than a few bumped elbows and knees as he and Jay get comfortable. A conniving smile is shot his way when Murray returns with a six pack of beer and the blanket from their bunk, and goddammit they’re definitely fucking with him.
He's not sure who got to pick this two hour snoozefest (the galaxy's slowest-paced action movie, narrated by an Elcor? What's next, Elcor Shakespeare?) but Kaidan wants to personally strangle them.
Then, because apparently the galaxy gets off on laughing at him, Kaidan experiences a miracle in real time: Jay falls asleep.
On him.
The man who never fucking sleeps is conked out, head drifting slowly closer until it's resting on Kay's shoulder, and any hope he had of faking a migraine to escape has just been dashed for the sake of Jay's rest. So, acknowledging he's trapped for the next hour and a half, he settles in and tries to be the best pillow he can.
Jay's warm, though, and as he adjusts in his sleep to move closer, the allure of a nap grows ever stronger for Kaidan. He succumbs to the comfort of the man next to him and the soothing tones of the narrating Elcor before long.
Murray grabs a handful of pictures on their omnitool as the credits start – it never hurts to have a little blackmail on your friends – while Lala and Romeo pull Lever over to pose behind their superior officers.
One in particular gets hung in the Marine bunks: Jay's head on Kaidan's shoulder, Kaidan's head on Jay's – both with their mouths open and nearly drooling – as the other four stand behind and feign sleep.
Nobody tries to wake them.
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rivetwrites · 4 years
DRV3 Cuddling HC
//this was mostly for me, i really need a comfort, so im gonna do all of the characters. very long post BHABHA
i might do the other games as well (even characters ive done before since i wanna rewrite them) 
- mod oma
Shuichi Saihara
Very shy about cuddling, but he absolutely loves it
The feeling of your body pressed up against his, your breath on his neck just makes him melt inside
He adores spooning you, though he gets a bit shy when he’s the little spoon
He loves being held by you, sometimes resting his head on your chest as you pet his hair
It relieves so much stress for him, and he’s a pretty stressed out guy
He doesn’t have a favourite position, as long as he close to you
But if he had to choose, he loves spooning
Either way, he loves feeling protected and protecting you
Kaede Akamatsu
She loves cuddles!
She’s not shy about it at all, pulling you close to her when you two are sitting together
She lets you rest your head on her thighs as she runs her fingers through your hair
Though if you want to bring her to your chest, she wouldn’t complain
She’ll always have a big smile on her face as she nuzzles your skin
Her favourite position is having you rest your head on her chest
She loves playing with your hair and comforting you, so that’s the best position to do so!
Kaito Momota
He loves the feeling of protecting you, so he’ll curl around you, regardless on how tall you are
Though don’t expect to sleep if it’s not bedtime, he can talk for hours
Though, he would love to have your head on his chest as well while he rubs your back
Even if you fall asleep on him, he wouldn’t even notice and continue talking
But when he does, he makes sure you’re extra comfortable as he presses a kiss to your forehead
Maki Harukawa
Almost never cuddles you, but will when you ask
She prefers to be the big spoon, or having you in her arms, but won’t object if you want to hold her
Kind of stiff and awkward, not really knowing where to put her hands
The more time that goes on, she relaxes a bit more, even starting to get a bit sleepy
She doesn’t have a favourite position, as she’s neutral for all of them
But spooning does get her fairly sleepy and snuggly
Kokichi Oma
Little shit can never sit still enough to actually cuddle
He’s always on the move, so you’d either have to wait until its bedtime, or catch him
Once you do, he’s very squirmy and he loves to nuzzle into your chest
He hates to admit it, but he loves being the little spoon. He feels so small and protected and he adores it
If you have boobs, beware, he’ll be nuzzling them the entire time
But if not, he’ll still be nuzzling them, but not suffocating as much
He falls asleep pretty easily if it’s quiet (he’s never quiet) and actually calms down
Before he’s up again and playfully wrestling you
Himiko Yumeno
As soon as you wrap your arms around her, she’s out like a light
She can never stay awake long enough to actually cuddle you, so you’d probably have to snuggle her
But the rare moments she is, she loves laying on top of you, using your chest as her pillow
Says something about recharging her mana, but she’s just sleepy and she loves you
You wouldn’t have to worry about waking her up if you move, she’s a heavy sleeper
Tenko Chabashira
She will absolutely be your big spoon, or having you rest on her chest
She would be kind of stiff, but she’s mostly on alert in case someone decided to jump the both of you
You’d have to reassure her that you’ll both be fine and to relax
She’s still on alert, but she would relax against you as she compliments you
She loves running her hands on your back, almost like a massage
If someone even decided to sneak up on the both of you, she’ll kick their ass
Rantaro Amami
He adores cuddles
His love language is touch, so cuddles are pretty often with you
He prefers being the big spoon, or having his arm wrapped around you, but won’t protest if you want to change it up a bit
He loves running his hands up and down your sides, his mind taking note on all of your soft curves
He gets pretty sleepy, so you’d probably be trapped while he naps
But never fear! He’ll stay up to talk about your day, or his adventures!
Cuddle time is his absolute favourite time
Korekiyo Shinguji
He takes cuddle time pretty seriously
It’s the one time of day when he’s able to look over at how beautiful your body is
Nothing sexual, just to see how gorgeous you actually are
He prefers to have his arm wrapped around you, but he also likes to have you rest on his chest as well
He’s a pretty tall guy, so his long limbs will tangle with yours throughout the night
He doesn’t fall asleep easily, so he would talk about history, or about traditions he learned more about that day
Angie Yonaga
Very snuggly! Though its hard to get her away from her worship to cuddle
But once she’s in bed with you, her face will be snuggled into your chest with her arms around your waist
She doesn’t get sleepy easily, so she would have a nice chat, even dropping the conversation on Atua and just asking how your day was
She gets pretty calm and cuddling allows her to empty her head
Sometimes she’ll even meditate while snuggling, which she’s pretty good at
But after awhile, she’ll get pretty antsy and will leave to do something else (with you in her hand of course!)
Not very comfortable, but he tries!
The best would probably be cuddling on the couch with his head in your lap
Though, all that metal is sort of heavy
He feels sort of sad since he can’t cuddle your properly
But never fear!! You two can hold hands!
It makes him feel a lot better, especially when you’re laying together and your fingers are laced with his
Sometimes the two of you can get in a comfortable enough position to actually cuddle, which would be your head on his arm
Kirumi Tojo
Sort of dislikes cuddling, but not because she hates touching, she just hates the feeling of not being productive
So the best time to cuddle would be when she’s ready for bed!
She would love any position, so she had no preferences
If you want her to lay on your chest, she will
If you want to lay on hers, got it! She’ll be running her fingers through your hair
You’d have to stop her from giving you a proper massage though, in which she’ll actually have to relax
She definitely deserves a break
Gonta Gokuhara
Absolute SOFTIE
He’s so gentle and caring with you, making sure you’re absolutely comfortable
Big spoon all the way, but wouldn’t mind being the little spoon (big little spoon?)
He would love to have you lay on top of him, in which he’ll wrap his arms around your waist and press small kisses to your cheeks
Kind of afraid that he might hurt you (he never ever does) so he’ll be sort of hesitant
But when you reassure him that you’ll be okay, he’ll have that big cute smile on his face as he peppers your face in smooches
Ryoma Hoshi
He never complains if you want to cuddle
Sort of embarrassed that he’s the little spoon
But he loves it a bunch
He adores feeling your body pressed up against his as your arms wrap around his waist
Sometimes he’ll rest his head on your chest, nuzzling slightly as he slowly falls asleep
Comfort this boy, he’s so tired
Tsumugi Shirogane
This tall woman can CUDDLE
She loves cuddling! Sometimes she’ll pull you into her lap and wrap her arms around you to snuggle
She’s so soft and gentle with you, almost like you’re made of glass
She prefers big spoon, but would love if she was little spoon as well!
Loves to talk about anime and manga, even if you’re about to sleep
Sometimes she won’t talk for awhile, but she’s just off in her own head
Miu Iruma
Pray she doesn’t suffocate you in her titties
A little awkward to cuddle, as it’s usually a sign of...more
But when you just want to cuddle, she won’t complain
She’ll go on about her inventions, what she wants to do, what happened that day, who pissed her off, etc
She loves being little spoon, on hand on her waist and another one on her boob
She falls asleep pretty fast, and she moves around a lot.
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shurisneakers · 4 years
shut in [3]
Summary: When your high profile mission goes terribly wrong, you’re forced to hide in a safehouse with a man you’ve never met before. With seemingly nowhere else to go, you’re forced to work together to figure out who is trying to have you assassinated before it’s too late. (Sam Wilson x Reader, Hitman AU)
Warnings: cursing, implied abuse, ptsd, fighting over beds
Word count: 2.2k
A/N: every part i introduce more anonymous characters smh. i also appreciate feedback so if you would like to, please consider dropping me an ask or comment ly guys!! also if you want to be on the taglist, it’s mentioned at the bottom of the chapter.
here’s my ko-fi if you’d like to support my writing <333
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Previous Part || Shut In Masterlist
“Don’t make me shoot you, Wilson.”
“It doesn’t have to end this way, agent.”
“How’s it looking out there?”
“There’s been some talk. Apparently Serpentine isn’t very happy that their intel is dead. They’ve got people looking out for you everywhere.”
A frown adorned your face. Sam was leaning forward on his arms, head turned down as he listened to Ransone.
“How dangerous is it?”
“I would say that everyone’s a little wound up. Best not to go anywhere even a little populated.”
“Noted.” It would blow over in a while. The media coverage of Pierce’s assassination would die down with the changing news cycle soon.
“I can have someone pick you up wherever you are. Just tell me where.” 
“Don’t bother. We won’t be here for too long,” you responded, Sam nodding in agreement. Once it quietened down you could leave, go back to Ransone without blowing your cover.
“Whatever makes you happy. Just let me know when you’re out.”
The click of the call ending took with it the only noise in the room.
Sam picked up the phone to remove the battery, discarding it to maintain your security. Burner phones were useful, but you didn’t want to take any chances.
“Wait,” you cut in, holding your hand out for it, “I need to make another call.”
The both of you were seated at the dining table. A piece of paper lay in front of you, playing the dangerous role of being the mediator. 
You were trying to ration out your supplies and create a schedule as a way of finding middle ground. Things were more or less calm for the last two days, but the fight over the bedroom was wading into territory that could only be solved by a good old middle school fistfight.
Currently you were figuring out a meal plan so that you could establish some kind of routine. With bread as the only uniting factor, the other three components were going on a rotation. You had reached all the way till Saturday before running out of possible combinations.
“I’m just saying-”
“We’ve exhausted all edible options, it’s the only combination left-”
“I will not hesitate to fatally wound you.” You were only half kidding. The ridiculousness of the ideas he was proposing was entertaining, and you knew he wasn’t being serious. It was hard to catch a moment where he was. 
“Fine. But in case we get to the point where peanut butter and jelly is the only thing that’s left, don’t say I didn’t tell you so.”
“I would rather die than shovel spoonfuls of plain jelly and peanut butter into my mouth.”
“Your survival game is weak,” he chided, tsk-tsking at you.
You only rolled your eyes at him, moving on to the next subject.
“Easy, we just alternate days. You got the last two days, so I get the next two and then we just switch everyday.” Sam eased back in his chair, arms crossed behind his head leisurely.
“How long do you think we’ll be here?” you asked, writing down the plan he had just presented. The bed wasn’t queen sized with memory foam or any kind of privilege like that, but it definitely beat the couch with its odd lumps and depressions.
“A week tops. Anything more is just excessive.”
“Hello,” you said, voice low, even though you were well out of earshot of Sam. He was eying you from the living room window. If he was as good as he claimed he was, he’d know how to read lips and you couldn’t afford to have him do that.
You turned your back to the window, facing the large trees that loomed before you. “1993. It’s me.”
“Y/N?” He sounded suspicious, a little shocked, and you understood why he would be.
“Living and breathing.” You toed at a rock that lay ahead of you.
“Word on the street is that you’re dead,” he pointed out dryly.
“Not me; Pierce. I escaped. It was a trap.” When the rock you were playing around with escaped after a particularly hard kick, you started pacing up and down instead, “Ransone put a hit out on him because he thought he was leaking information.”
“How on earth did he come to that conclusion?”
“Don’t know. He was dead before we got there.”
“Who is ‘we’? You got someone there with you?” You didn’t realise it had slipped out during your conversation. 
“Another one of our guys. Apparently I was a backup in case he didn’t show up, but he did, so now we’re stuck together.” You averted your gaze to Sam who was still observing you from the window brazenly, intently. 
“Where are you?”
“We’re safe.” 
“Alright.” He sounded like he understood, albeit not entirely convinced. “Stay low.”
“Will do.”
With that you hung up the call, dropped the phone to the ground and crushed it under your boot heel. When you were convinced that it was sufficiently useless, you turned on your heel, making your way back.
You walked back into the house, beelining to the kitchen to make up for your missed lunch, only to be greeted with Sam sitting on the couch looking at you inquisitively.
“Who was that?”
“Nobody,” you answered straightforwardly, opening the cabinet to get two slices of bread.
“If it has somethin’ to do with this situation we’re in then I need to know who you’re talking to.”
“Just drop it. It has nothing to do with you.” You found the jar of peanut butter he had already opened, using a butter knife to spread it along the bread.
“Somehow I’m finding that hard to believe.”
“Believe what you must. I’m going to take a nap,” you answered evasively, chewing absentmindedly on the sandwich you had just made. You didn’t bother to look at him as you headed towards the bedroom.
“Hey now, hold on a minute. Who said you had bedroom privileges? You’ve been using it for two days.” You stopped in your tracks, face scrunching in annoyance. “If you’re keeping vital information about my life from me, then I think I deserve to not have a fuckin’ backache when I wake up in the morning.”
You quickly weighed the pros and cons in your head, imagining how the next few minutes would pan out if you just said ‘no’ and left. But in every imaginary argument you proposed, the bottom line ended with him prodding at you until he either got the information that he wanted or the bed.
Frankly, the bed was something you were willing to sacrifice to get him to stop meddling in your business. It seemed like the only reasonable way to get him off your ass.
“Fine.” You spun around to face him. “We’re making an arrangement.”
“Whoever has the bed has to forfeit TV privileges for that day.”
“Sounds reasonable. None of those three movies can be played more than twice in a row.”
That was more to preserve your sanity than anything. You had already seen each of them once, bordering on thrice for Die Hard. Sam’s fault, not yours.
“We should have a codeword. In case there's danger or something. Or maybe if you just want to be left alone,” Sam suggested, finger pointing to the blank space left at the end of the paper. “But it’ll be like solitary confinement since it’s so fuckin’ quiet here.”
Almost on instinct your mind flashed to images of dark cells. Quiet sobs. Blood stains on the wall, originating from clawing at it. Sunlight through one small window at the top. Utter loneliness except for yourself.
You could remember the soreness in your legs from curling up into a ball for hours, rocking back and forth. The smell of drain water collecting in the basement where the cell was.
“You got any suggestions?”
“Huh?” You forced yourself back to the present. Your knuckles had a dull ache in them from holding the pencil too hard.
“Do you have any ideas for a codeword?” Sam repeated, looking at you intently.
“No, nothing off the top of my head.” You shook your head, trying to regain focus. You loosened your grip on the pencil, letting it fall to the table.
“We’ll just leave it at ‘Brooklyn’ for the time being.”
“Yeah, okay,” you agreed to whatever he was saying. It was just a precaution in case something major happened. It was rather unlikely that you were going to use it anyway. 
Codewords weren’t uncommon in your business, but it was mostly used for missions or other professional standings. Regardless of being less adventurous than what you tended to work on, this was work at the end of the day. 
“Is that all?”
“Yeah, I think we’re done.” His chair scraped loudly against the ground as he got up. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going out for a while. Need to shake off the possible osteoporosis.”
You didn’t bother asking where he was going, ears following his footsteps as he walked down the hall to the bedroom, probably to get his jacket that he hung up in the drawer.
You left the paper on top of the mini fridge, alongside the car keys and a few dollars you had nabbed in the hurry from Pierce’s house.
Staring around you at the silent room, you realised that there really wasn’t much to do. It wasn’t like you to have so much time on your hands. You could always go for a run or test out some of the weapons hidden here. 
You had the rest of the house to explore, plans to draw up, a post mortem to assess what went wrong on the mission, even though the last option wasn’t possible without Sam’s cooperation.
Fuck it, you decided. Couch it is.
Kicking your feet up, you grabbed the TV remote to flip to the news station. The town rarely had anything to report on but it would be worthwhile to know what exactly was available around. Possibly assimilate in the crowd in case you wanted to be hidden.
It took you a few minutes of mindless surfing through static channels till you found it. It seemed like a scene right out of a Hallmark movie; the reporter was holding a microphone to a child who looked like he understood nothing of what was going on.
You were barely paying attention as it flipped from segment to segment, other things taking precedence in your mind even though you willed yourself to relax. There really wasn’t much to make a note of other than a few good samaritans and how utterly boring the lack of content was. A few occasional glimpses of stores and other resources available in the background were the only interesting part.
You were starting to drift off by the time it reached the breaking news of the evening. Sam had already come back when the sky slipped into twilight. He barely acknowledged your form lazing on the couch, only offering you a greeting and a goodbye as he made himself his dinner to take to the room.
Your eyes were just about closing when the breaking news of that evening came in. It was all politics. People you knew from old missions waving and smiling their way to lead their country as if the dubious acts they committed behind the scenes to get there was erased.
Until you suddenly jolted awake, eyes wide open.
“Wilson. Wilson!” You hit the cushion furiously to get his attention when he didn’t respond the first time around.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
“What?” he yelled in response, mild irritation in his voice. You knew it sounded like you were shouting bloody murder even though no one was around other than you two, but you didn’t care.
“Look at this!” You couldn’t stop gawking at the screen. “Fuckin’ unbelievable.”
“What? What do you wa-” He stalked into the room, ready to tell you to stop yelling but stopped mid sentence when he finally saw what you were so concerned about.
“Reports claim that the victim was attacked early in the afternoon at his villa. Officers say they found multiple signs of a forced entry, following which he was shot dead. So far no arrests have been made but the police have since released photos of two suspects of whom, they claim, have reason to believe orchestrated the attack.”
On the right side of the screen flashed yours and Sam’s picture side by side. Old mugshots from a petty offence you committed years ago for which Ransone bailed you out.
“The pair are said to be on the run after escaping before law enforcement arrived. If you have any tips on the whereabouts of-”
You turned to look at Sam. His stare didn’t budge from the TV as they once again reminded the public what you both looked like.
Years of anonymity, working in the shadows and creeping around to avoid being recognised only to have the entire country know what you looked like.
“Well, shit,” he finally exhaled. “Somehow I think our stay here just got extended.”
Part 4
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a-muppet-from-hell · 3 years
Gn!Mc Scaring the brothers with the lion/tiger growl paper towel roll Tik Tok trend.
Very long title trying to say the paper towel roll trick, enjoy!
🦚Lucifer 🦚
The only way to catch him off guard would be when he gets his 50th coffee at 3am.
It’s the only time he will let his guard down enough because the six causes of his grey hairs are sleep or hold up in their room for the night.
That is until you get hold of a paper towel roll and currently stalking the eldest in the dark into the large kitchen.
This can go either one of two ways: You wait until he has his coffee in hand or just before.
Before: He will slam is hands against the counter as he jumps and whips his head around only to let out a sigh as he makes eye contact.
“You think you’re very funny, don’t you Mc?” He says as crimson eyes glare at you from the darkness.
Be prepared not to sleep peacefully for the next week, there will be monstrous noises coming from every corner of your room just as you’re dozing off to sleep.
After: His full body whips around and stares wide eyed as just scolding hot coffee just flys out of the mug onto you.
“That’s what happens when you do things like that.” He scolds, turning on a light and making sure you’re okay.
He doesn’t apologize for the coffee thing as he thinks that’s just karma from startling scaring him.
Mans is already afraid of his own shadow, you’re lucky you didn’t give him a heart attack.
You get him while he is off in wonderland thinking about his next greatest money making scheme.
You get right behind him, the tip of the roll just barely touching his hair and let it lose.
The shriek he lets out is enough to cause ringing in your ears for the next few minutes.
“Aahh- oh hey Mc, how are ya?” He’ll say, just totally ignoring the fact he made the equivalent of a reverbed barn owl screech.
It slowly be comes a competition of who can scare the other the most, which doesn’t sit well with the other members of the house as Mammon’s shrieks can be heard throughout the entirety of the Devildom.
It’s other one that would have to be pulled off in weird circumstances, he has headphones on 90% of the time and never seems to sleep.
So you get him while he’s binge watching the TSL, he doesn’t even hear you come in since he has it at max volume.
You wait until there is a very quite moment, perch on the other side of the tub while he is transfixed on the scene playing out before him.
He screams, jumps, and almost face plants into the tiled floor.
“M-M-Mc?! You normie! I can’t belie-” He just rants at you, complaining that you entered his room unannounced and disturbed him in his binging of a movie that he’s seen more times than the years you been alive.
The only way to make it up to him is binging a whole two weeks worth of anime and nothing less.
He’s bed faces his door, so there is no way you’re sneaking in there (plus the amount of traps he has so Mammon doesn’t steal his stuff).
So you get him when he least expects it, while he’s on cooking duty.
This great idea only pops in your head when Levi tells Satan not to save him a plate as he wishes to binge another longed titled anime that says the plot.
You mange to sneak into the kitchen unnoticed and stand behind him, poised to move out of the way of any flying kitchen utensils.
Only when you make the sound, to have it made right back at you.
There is a very long silence as you two just stare at each other, there is no words exchanged.
You don’t know what your more confused about, the fact that he can just make the sound on command or his first reaction was to make the sound back.
Sufficed to say that you don’t really try again.
To be on the safe side, you won’t do it while he is doing his makeup or nails as messing them up most likely results in death.
So you do it while he is gossiping to Solomon about something that annoyed him.
Creeping up to him, you position yourself so the roll is just behind him.
He yelps as he throws his phone, the faint laugher from the sorcerer can just be heard.
You are very lucky that ddds are built for demons or Asmo would have been a lot more annoyed than he already was.
“Mc! I could’ve broke a nail! Scaring people isn’t good for their skin!” Asmo whines as he retrieves the thrown phone, Solomon still cracking up on the other side.
He’s very pouty for the next couple of hours until you apologize and offer to pamper him.
You decide to get him when he’s going for that lunch time snack.
Tasked by Lucifer, you gotta make sure Beel doesn’t eat the things inside the fridge and the fridge itself, so you decide to have some fun while you’re at it.
So at twelve on the dot, you come and peak into the kitchen, to see Beel just about to open the fridge door.
You sneak up behind the gentle giant, ready to duct at any moment.
Beel jumps and turns to look at you with wide eyes.
(Stoop! You coulda made me drop my croissant!) ”Oh, it’s just you, Mc.” He gives you a closed eyes smile, happy that some big cat isn’t in the house.
You kinda feel bad.
He won’t wake up even if the world was ending.
So you get him at his most irritable, his post school nap.
He isn’t even out of his rad uniform as he crashes onto the couch.
It is a race against the clock to get him just before he sleeps like the dead.
Oh and when you do, he snarls right back, ready to fight.
If only looks could kill, he would have been the cause of your second death.
He says nothing as he forces you to become a breathing body pillow before knocking out, you might wanna call Beel if you want out of this fate.
Hoped you enjoyed! Undatables, nowdatables, whatever they are: Here! Also Masterlist
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gr0vndz3ro · 4 years
Fucking Fame
Idol!Bakugou x Idol!Reader(NSFW)
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Warnings:NSFW,18+, cursing, thigh riding, slight degradation??, unprotected sex
Word Count:3,656
Crossed off: Popstar AU
Tag list: @gallickingun​ @prismaroyal​ @shoutodoki​ @sadistiks​ @keigod​ @honeytama​ @shoutogepi​ @hawks-senseis​​
A/N: Happy forth of July to my fellow people in the USA enjoy some smut. This is my first piece for the @bnhabookclub​  bingo event, but I hope that you guys really enjoy it :3
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“We’ve been driving for hours, PLEASE tell me that we’re close to the venue. I think I’m going to die.” You say as you throw yourself against the couch in your tour bus. You were currently heading to where your next concert was supposed to be located. It wasn’t far enough in distance to warrant taking the plane so here you were, trap inside this boring bus.
“You should be relaxing for the show tonight. And your supposed to be on vocal rest until we get there, so stop focusing on when we are going to arrive and just do what you’re told.” Your manager doesn’t even bother looking up from her laptop while you throw your fit. You roll your head over to where she sat and sigh dramatically hoping to get her attention so the two off you could do something more entertaining, but when she continues typing you give up. Moving your feet off of the side of the couch, you get up heading back toward the little hang out room. 
You shut the door behind you and take a seat on one of the comfy chairs and pull out your phone checking out tonight’s show and venue. After typing in your password you can see that the show tonight was one of your combined shows with a well known band that your agency wanted to have a show with to help boost your ratings. You had tried refusing doing a combined show but in the end your manager and team won. You knew that it would be good publicity but there was apart of you that wanted to be able to achieve your fame without having to piggy back off of others. Seeing as this was your first tour though, you didn’t have much say in things. What bothered you the most though, was that you had never even met this band before. At the least with other shows, you had a day or two to get to know whoever you were preforming with but this time it was almost as if you were thrown to the vultures. 
So you took it upon yourself to look them up. The band had consisted of 5 members. There was their lead singer, Izuku Midoryia, who seemed to be the face of the band, appearing in the most amount of interviews and seeming to have the biggest general following. The lead guitarist and back up singer, Shouto Todoroki, seemed to be more of the band’s mystery man and the ladies favorite. The second guitarist, Eijirou Kirishima, looked to be the life of the group, appearing at as many meet and greets and almost always staying after shows to talk to fans. There was the base guitarist, Denki Kaminari, who seemed to get in the most amount of newspapers and magazines. Never for any super bad reasons but it seemed to be for really stupid things like accidently breaking a hotel microwave by microwaving glass. And then there was the drummer.
Katsuki Bakugou.
According to article after article, he was the group bad boy. He had no filter and was often never brought to interviews due to past appearances. He didn’t put up with the fakeness of celebrity life and called every person who was apart of it out on it. The band’s PR team constantly had to log him out of his twitter due to vulgar debates. You were also able to find multiple scandals' involving him and other female celebrities and fans to which he never responded to with more than a wicked smile. But other than his hot headed ego and promiscuous relations, there wasn’t much else you could find. You searched for a half hour to try to see if you could find anything else about who he was but nothing came up. Eventually you gave up on your efforts to try to uncover any actually useful information on the man, instead decided to waste your time by taking a nap until you arrived at the venue. 
It felt like only seconds had passed before you were being nudged awake by your lovely manager. She explained to you that you had arrived at the arena and gave you direction to where your dressing room was going to be. The band had already preformed the sound check so you were free to take your time while getting ready seeing as they wouldn’t need you for a bit before it was time for your own mic check. You made your way through the poorly lit halls to where your manager had told you your dressing room was. When you finally come across the door you believe to lead to your room you push it open and quickly enter. Your make your way over to were the vanity was and take a seat. While reaching over to grab your products for the night, your attention is caught by the sound of the door opening. There in the doorframe was the same man you were unable to find any information on. Although you were confused as to what he was doing in your dressing room.
“Um can I help you?” Your eyes trail after him as he beelines toward the couch before plopping down. You raise your eyebrow at him, questioning how comfortable he was making himself. “Make yourself comfy I guess” He continued to ignore you while moving his arms behind his head as he closes his eyes. “Are you just going to sit there and ignore me? What are you even doing in my room?” You were now standing next to where you were just seated, hands against your hips as you question him. He shuffled on the couch looking over at where you were.
“Your room? I don't think you got the memo princess.” He sat up from his spot on the couch, still taking an obnoxiously large amount of room he spoke again. “This is our room. The other dressing room was too small for all 5 of us so the two of us are sharing. Besides...” He looked you up and down, suddenly feeling very small under his glare, “wannabe brats like you don’t get a private room. Sorry about your luck your highness” You’re stare hardens at his words, angry now flowing through you.
“Well you don’t have a private room either so what does that say about you?” Crossing your arms you wait for him to come up with some clever response. You make your way over to wear he was, prepared to shove him out of your room so that you could have some peace and quiet before tonight.
“Why you little-” You cut him off before he can finish his sentence.
“You know what I think. I think that your other bandmates probably got sick and tired of your ‘I’m the best person here and everyone else can fuck off’ attitude and forced you to go to some other room. How pathetic do you have to be for your own friends to find you obnoxious?” Your words leaving your mouth like venom, not even caring how mean you sounded. When he shot up from the couch and stormed right infront of you, you still stood your ground. You weren’t going to back down. He kept coming closer and closer to you until he was barely a step away, his face merely a few inches from yours. A breath hitches in the back of your throat, as you feel your body betray you. Just his presence alone was soaked in intimidation. You go to speak up again to tell him to back off but you feel the words get trapped and fail to get out. A smirk covering his face as he notices as well. 
“Oh? Not so big and tough now are you? You should learn to hold your fucking tongue, especially when you’re talking to someone who could end your whole career.” He holds you in place with his killer stare, Vermillion eyes staring into your own. You swallow whatever lump had formed and spoke up.
“Oh yeah? You and what following? I’ve heard about you ya know. Everyone knows that you call out everyone for living such fake lives. For taking advantage of their fame and sleeping with whoever they want just because they’re famous and they know they’ll do what ever they say. Yet you’re exactly the same. You pick up chick after chick as they all practically fling themselves onto you. You’re just a fucking hypocrite and I know you’re not going to do shit because you’re all talk.” Confidence pouring from your mouth as you take a step away from him, trying to create distance between the two of you. But he quickly takes another step forward closing your attempt.
“You almost sounded jealous there, what do you wish you could be one of them?” His smirk so wide you could see his gums poking out. You scoff at his remark.
“As if I would ever be with someone like you.” A look of disgust taking over you face at even the thought of sleeping with him. But like a disease, the thought continued to spread in your thoughts and slowly your face began to heat up. Suddenly the little space between you felt hot and you were wanting nothing more than to leave the room and distance yourself from him, but he had different plans. 
“Is that so?” He continues stepping toward you and you back away from him. This continues until you feel you back hit the wall next to where you were once getting ready. A gasp leave your lips at the sudden contact but are quickly brought back by a hand on your jaw, turning you toward his face. 
“Yes t-that’s so” You curse yourself at the stutter that manages to escape, the tension in between you finally getting to you, against your own wishes. A deep chuckle makes a shiver shoot down your spin.
“You don’t seem to confident in that answer. Come on where did all of that sass go? Don’t tell me the brat has lost her fight.” His free hand makes its way to the wall behind you, effectively caging you in-between it and his broad chest. 
“I didn’t lose anything and I’m not a brat.” You clench your teeth, sure he could feel it through his hold. His grip tightens slightly against you as he brings you closer to his face. So close that you could now feel his warm breath fan across you as he spoke.
“Then prove it princess. Show me that you’re not just some goodie two shoes who’s gonna cry if she doesn’t get her way.” His face hovering just barely in front of yours. You look into his eyes and think about what he said. You could very easily just brush past him and walk out but it was something about the way he was staring you down that almost didn’t make you want to go. So, against you better judgement, you did the exact opposite. You raise your arm up, bringing it to his forearm. Moving your fingertips up the muscles of his thick arms, you watch goosebumps litter his skin. Once you get to his bicep you switch to having your full arm feel him as you continue to travel all the way to his neck, where you run your hand around the back of his neck, finger tips spreading throughout his hair. Bringing your eyes back to meet his, you take a handful of the soft locks and lightly tug it, earning a throaty groan from him. Using the leverage of control over his head, you bring him down so you are at level with his ear.
“Why don't you make me?” You say as you lean forward, giving his ear a small nibble before returning back to your spot against the wall. His face grows red at your sudden forwardness, and you chuckled before letting a smirk cross your lip. But when you watch as his eyes darken as he drinks you in, you find yourself subconsciously biting your bottom lip. His eyes flicker down to see you release your lip before bring his own to come crashing down.
Both of your lips meet in a fight for dominance, not wanting to just let him win and loose your ground. Your hands still tangled in his hair as you find yourself tugging on the stands as you fight for air. The sensation only further driving Bakugou to want more. His hand moves away from the wall and to you hip as the other travels to the back of your neck, pulling you further into him if it was even possible. Your lips move in perfect harmony as he pushes himself into you, his thigh separating your legs as he kept you pinned against the wall. You gasp as you feel his hand grab your ass, but he takes advantage of it and dives his tongue into your mouth. They meet in a battle of dominance, exploring every dip of each others mouth. Eventually he takes charge and you feel yourself moan into the kiss. Oblivious from the heated kiss, you had hardly noticed Bakugou’s hand slid down to the edge of your skirt until you felt him take a handful of your ass and squeeze. 
You pull away from the kiss looking him in the eyes, lust glazed over them. You squeezed your thighs together but instead of getting any relief from the presser, it caused you rind down onto the thick thigh that was holding them apart. The friction making a surge of pleasure rip through you and the need to feel again grew. So you roll you hips forward, moaning from the rough jeans against your almost naked core, protected only by thin lace. It was almost as if something had came over you as you continued rolling your hips against his muscular thigh getting yourself closer to your own release. That was until two firm hands landed on either side of you hips, haltering your movement. 
“Are you so desperate that you’re trying to get off by riding my thigh? If you want more all you have to do is ask princess.” Leaning down so that his head was right next to your ear, making sure you heard his next sentence. “Go ahead, I want to hear you beg for it.” The feeling of his lips on your neck make your hips involuntarily move as he searches for the sweet spot, but as soon as he finds it you’re a puddle of whimpers in his fingertips. 
“Pl-please Bakugou- ughh- I need more” Barely able to get the words out any louder than a whine. Desperately trying to receive any form of please the man infront of you was willing to give to you. You shutter as you feel him chuckle against your skin.
“Is that all you got? You’re going to have to do better than that if you want this dick at all.” He returns to kissing against your neck, just light enough not to give you the pleasure you so desired.
“Fuck! Bakugou please! I need you to fill me up and fuck me until I can’t walk. Please I need your fat cock to just split me open.” If you could hear the words you were saying right now you would probably die of embarrassment but the amount of lust taking over your body made you not even think twice at the lewd confession. You feel his grasp on your hips tighten, his finger tips digging into your soft sides, surely leaving marks, as a groan leaves his lips at your begging. Quickly, he moves his hands from your side to underneath your hips, picking you up before placing you down on the sofa he once was on, pinning you between the soft cushion and his hard chest. You two met again in a passionate kiss, much messier than the first, spit was everywhere but you couldn’t care less you just wanted all of him. As he reached down to pull the drenched lace down your thighs you could feel his hard on press against your thigh and you couldn’t help but feel even more turned on by the fact he was liking this as much as you were. Pulling away from the kiss you feel him pant against your lips.
“Call me Katsuki baby, I want to hear you scream my name as I destroy this pretty little pussy of yours.” He almost couldn’t tear his gaze away from your soaked core, wanting nothing more than to devour you then and there. “Next time I’m going to have to eat you out but for now I want to feel you around me instead.” You feel yourself clench around nothing at the thought of there being a next time.
But suddenly your attention is grabbed when you feel his head press against your entrance, your head shoots down to see his massive cock rubbing against you, gathering all your slick with each stroke. Teasingly, he stops right as his tip is aligned with your hole, causing you to squirm as you craved to feel him deep inside you.
“Please Katsuki I can’t take it any more, I need you!” You bite down on your lip as you feel him start to push into you, feeling yourself stretch around his head as it dips further into you. Clenching around him at the pleasure of him filling you up.
“F-fuck Y/N you gotta stop squeezing me like that.” He struggled with trying to slowly push into you at how tight you were, so he did the next best thing. Thrusting his hips forward, he forces himself passed though the squeezing grip into you until you are filled to the brim with his cock. His head dipping back in ecstasy at how your walls hug around him. “Shit you’re so fucking tight.”
“P-please move.” Tears collect in your eyes at how full you were. Sure you may have been with other guys before but no one ever made you feel this full. Slowly he pulls out of you before rutting his hips forward to fill you back up. The way he was positioned, causing him to hit your g-spot. A moan leaving your lips as he starts moving his hip again, starting to pick up the pace before eventually he is slamming into you at an unforgiving speed.
The feeling of his vein dragging against your walls as he slams into your spongey wall causing you to cry out at the amount of intense pleasure you were feeling. Your hands make there way to his back, digging your nails into the muscle as you try to somehow control how you were feeling.
“Is my little princess already going to cum?” A yes barely makes it out of you as a mutter of profanities follow soon after. His hand reaches down to press into your clit causing a wave of heat to flood through you. While rubbing little circles into you, he leans down, kissing and sucking on your neck before speaking again. “Come on then baby girl, let me hear you. I want everyone in the whole building to know who’s making you feel this good.”
“God you Katsuki!! You do! Holy fuck you’re gonna make me cum” Your back arches as his pace becomes sloppy but he keeps increasing in power. You can feel the couch shaking at the intensity at which he’s slamming into you.
“Cum for me princess, cum all over me.” If the pleasure from him hitting both of your sweet spots wasn’t enough, the addition of his lewd words burning into your ear was enough to make you see stars. As he continued his assault on your body your vision went white as you chased your release, clenching tightly around him as your hands dragged down his back, marking it as your own as you felt yourself cum around the thick cock that pulsed inside of you. Watching your face be taken over in pure bliss and the feeling of you milking his dick had Bakugou painting the inside of your walls white within a few thrusts.
His pace started to slow down helping the both of you ride out your high. The room was filled with the sound of both of your uneven breathing as you both attempted to catch your breath. After a few minutes he pulled himself out of you and you immediately felt empty. He watched as his seed tried spilling out of you as you clenched at the sudden emptiness, and quickly brought his finger down to scoop it back up and push it back into you. He looked into your eyes as a smirk takes over his face.
“Maybe you aren’t as much of a goodie two shoes as I thought.” He grabs your hand and helps you to stand up and you feel your knees buckle under the weight. An arm is wrapped around you waist, stopping you from falling to the floor. As he held you, you felt his cum run down your thighs. You were about to ask him a question when a knock came from the door.
“Y/N you’re need for a mic check, make sure you hurry up because they’re waiting for you.” You heard the voice of your manager from out side of the room and a look of panic crosses your face but Bakugou just chuckles.
“You heard her princess, your audience awaits. We’ll just have to pick up where we left off after the show.” An evil smile on his face as he lets go of you and nudges you toward the door. As you step out of the room and make your way toward the where the stage was, you realized one thing.
That fucker didn’t give you back your underwear.
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coldflame96 · 3 years
So stay with me and I’ll have it made
Summary: For Kyo Week. Prompt 5; Rain 
Rating: G
Also found on AO3
This is just ridiculously self-indulgent fluff. 
Kyo woke up and saw that Tohru's side of the bed was empty, neatly made, which hinted she's been gone for quite a while. He vaguely recalled her telling him she was going somewhere and then kissing his forehead, but it was hazy. She always was an early riser, and normally he was too, but today he felt...lethargic. Even just sitting up was a struggle, limbs heavy with fatigue, and he had a headache. Was he getting sick? He heard the gentle patter of something hitting the roof and looked out the window.
It’s raining. That explains it.
Learning that the rain still bothered him even after the cat spirit left him was...annoying, but he was used to it by now. He was sure that was probably the reason Tohru went wherever she was going on her own. He heard some shuffling from down the hall and groaned a bit at the thought of having to get up. Good thing it was a Sunday so he wasn’t obligated to be productive…
He stuck a leg out, mentally preparing to leave the comfort of his bed, and right as he did, his door flew open and Emika toddled in.
“Daddy?” She put her arms up for him to carry her. He smiled at her gently.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he hoisted her up, with effort because she wasn’t a tiny baby anymore and she was getting heavy. “What have you been doing?”
She didn’t answer, tugging at his shirt, holding out a large block. “Play!”
He grimaced. “I don’t know if Daddy has the energy for that today, honey. He’s not feeling too great.”
She cocked her head and he wondered how much of that she actually understood. She was still pretty little.
“No play?” Her huge, brown eyes practically inflated.
He wasn’t getting out of this, was he? But he really didn’t wanna get out of bed…
Hajime had only turned his back for one minute, and Emika was gone. Mom had asked him to watch over her while she went to the store since it was raining and Dad never did well with that. It’s not like he couldn’t read outside in the living room just as easily as he did on his bed.
Except that last chapter had been particularly intense and one minute, Emika was playing with her blocks and the next minute, she was gone.
And he had a pretty good idea of where she went.
He rolled his eyes, tucked his book under his arm, and headed towards the parents room.
He saw the door completely open and his suspicions were looking more and more likely. His parents always left the door cracked so they could still have their privacy while not locking Emika out since she was too small to reach the handle.
Sure enough...There she was, sitting on top of Dad’s lap handing him a small collection of blocks (How did she even carry all those?) and he sighed. So much for letting him rest.
They both turned to him at the same time. “Did you need something?” Dad asked.
His voice sounded groggy and Hajime felt a little guilty for not doing his job properly.
“Sorry,” he mumbled. “I was reading and I got distracted. I was supposed to keep her from bothering you.”
He frowned. “You guys don’t ever bother me.”
He averted his eyes. “Yeah, well, I still should’ve kept a closer eye on her since Mom asked me to.”
“Where's your mom?”
“At the store buying ingredients for dinner.”
Dad gave him a confused look. “We just went shopping the other day.”
He shrugged. “Maybe she wanted to do something special.”
Emika decided at that moment that Dad wasn’t paying enough attention to her and started tugging his shirt again, whining. “Daddy, play!”
“Alright, I’m sorry. Your brother distracted me.” He gave him a sly look, almost secretive.
Hajime rolled his eyes. “I can take her if you want. So you can rest.”
His dad raised an eyebrow. “It’s fine, Hajime. You’re not her parent, so she’s not really your responsibility anyway.”
That was...technically true, but the dismissive tone sort of made him feel a little spiteful. Leaving the room would make it seem like he failed. He tsked and sat on the other side of the bed, the made side, next to them, and leaned back on the pillow, opening his book. His dad looked amused.
“What are you doing?”
“Alright then.”
He was told to watch over his baby sister and if she was gonna be in here, then so was he.
Kazuya’s episode of his favorite cartoon had just finished and it was then that he noticed he was the only one left in the room. Where did Emi-chan and Nii-san go? They were in here just a second ago. Were they playing hide and seek? He jumped from his spot. Well, if they’re hiding, I’m gonna find them.
First place he checked was under the couch. Nothing.
He opened the closet door. Nope.
He saw that Mommy and Daddy’s room was open and cocked his head. Their door wasn't usually open and Daddy wasn’t feeling well. And like a lightbulb, it came to him. They’re hiding in the closet!
He pressed himself to the corner, prepared to sneak up on them, but then did a double take when he saw Nii-san sitting in Mommy’s spot reading, Daddy sleeping next to him.
“Why are you in here?” he asked curiously, and Nii-san jolted, glaring at him..
“Shh!” he pointed at Daddy next to him, and he only just noticed that Emi-chan was on top of him, also sleeping.
“Sorry,” he whispered. Just looking at how comfy they were made him feel sleepy.
He went to his brother’s side, hopping over his long legs to press himself next to Daddy.
“What are you doing?” Nii-san hissed. “If you wake them up, you’ll be sorry.”
He maneuvered his way under the covers, warm from Daddy being there, and gave his brother a triumphant look.
His daddy groaned and both of them froze, Nii-san getting that look he usually did before getting mad at him, but then Kazuya felt an arm around him, bringing him in closer to his dad’s side, and then nothing. He relaxed.
“Nii-san, you should nap with us too. It’s warm under here.”
His brother didn’t look up from his book. “No.”
He pouted. “Why not?”
“Because I’m not a baby and I don’t need a nap.”
“I’m not-” he yawned in the middle of his sentence, “I’m not a baby.”
And the sound of the rain mixed with the heat of the blanket knocked him right out.
Tohru sighed, carrying her bags for dinner. She’d been gone longer than she thought due to the market being surprisingly packed for a rainy Sunday.
She opened her door, putting the umbrella in.
“I’m home!” She called out. But there was no response.
Huh, that’s strange. In a house with three children and a husband, it normally wasn’t this quiet.
She put her perishables in the fridge and walked down the hallway. Where was everyone?
She was about to ask Kyo-kun if he knew anything or see if he even was still here, but paused in the doorway at the sight before her.
There was her husband, asleep to her lack of surprise, but the interesting part was all the kids around him, also asleep. Emi-chan was on his chest, Kazu-kun was burrowed under the covers next to him, gripping his shirt, and Hajime-kun was on top of the comforter on her side, pressed against his little brother, an open book in his hand, like he’d fallen asleep while reading.
They were all practically one pile and it was quite possibly one of the most precious things she’d ever seen in her life. She got her phone out to take a picture and moved closer so she wouldn’t have to zoom in. Oh, she was definitely sending this to Uo-chan.
“Don’t,” Kyo-kun grunted.
She pouted. “Oh, you’re awake?”
“Have been since you walked in.”
She knew he was always very in tune with her, but she never thought that extended to her just entering a room. She almost felt bad about waking him.
“Right.” She kissed his forehead. “I’m sorry for disturbing you then.”
She made to leave, but felt a yank on her arm as she fell onto the bed, her husband’s face now in front of her, looking tired but amused.
“Nah, you’re not going anywhere.”  
“Kyo-kun,” she huffed, “It’s Sunday.” Sunday was normally the day she caught up on her chores.
And he knew this and was being smug.
“Should’ve thought about that before coming in here.” His grip tightened. “Now you’re stuck with us.”
She sighed in defeat. She supposed there were worse ways to spend a Sunday than in her husband’s arms, surrounded by her family.
The chores could wait a couple hours.
Kyo blinked his eyes open, wincing a little at how bright it was. Why is it so hot? He was sweating. And his chest felt like there was a weight on it. His vision cleared and he saw his daughter on top of him, Tohru against his side, Kazuya and Hajime on the other side. He was completely trapped. He couldn’t get up even if he wanted to.
He saw the sun peeking in through the window. It had stopped raining at some point, but that was fine.
He wasn’t dealing with it alone anymore, holed up in his room and miserable. Now he was surrounded by the people he loved the most, his entire world.
It could rain forever for all he cared.
He was content.
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theyneedtobangstahp · 4 years
Stray kids reaction to you falling asleep on them
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First reaction and request !!! 
Requested by @taeyongsweave​ :> 
Genre:Fluff !
I got the gifs from pinterest so credits to the owners !! I kinda didn’t proofread ? I’m sorry if there spelling errors :< 
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` C H A N ▪
Staying up until 3 am to finish homework while having a date the next morning with Chan was a bad idea. You wanted to finish the homework as soon as possible so you won't be stressing out while on the said date with Chan, so you pulled an all nighter just to finish it. What are you doing for a date? Oh you know just gonna watch the sunrise on the beach, and running on at least an hour of sleep before you two go was kind of a bad idea. You tried staying awake during the car ride there, listening to upbeat music, ordering coffee, and talking to Chan about everything so you won't get sleepy. But that 1 hour of sleep was really taking its toll on you.
"Baby? Are you okay? Are you sure you don't want to take a nap? We still have like 50 mins until we reach the beach, you can get some shut eye while we're still far." He says while gently squeezing your thighs.
"No, its fine. I wanna stay awake so you have company baby." You say as you take a sip of your coffee. "Okay baby if you insist. But when you really can't help it just sleep okay? I'll wake you up when we get there."
50 minutes went by and you guys arrive at the beach, not a lot of people are there to watch the sunrise so it was great for you both. Chan puts the blanket on the ground and you both sit together. You put your head on his shoulder and get comfortable while he rests his hand on your waist, drawing patterns absentmindedly while you both were staring into the ocean. "It's really peaceful here." You state as you hear the ocean waves and birds chirping. "Yeah, especially when you're here." He says while kissing the top of your head. You smile at this and you both enjoy the comfortable silence while waiting for the sunrise.
Minutes passed and Chan could see a little bit of orange peeking out from the horizon. "Babe look." He states while stealing a glance at you. But he notices your eyes closed and your soft breathing prominent against your chest. He chuckles at this, he told you to sleep while you guys were in the car, and yet you didn't listen. But Chan loved you very much so he decided not to wake you up, instead, he pulled you closer to him, kissed the top of your head and made sure you were comfortable, took out his phone to remember the moment and made it his lockscreen. All while thinking how you were so cute while you were sleeping and having the yellows and oranges of light paint your face, did he truly thank you for choosing him and not someone else. Chan truly loved you with all of his heart.
` M I N H O ▪
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After a long day of school, all you wanted to do when you got home was crash on your bed and sleep the whole weekend. That was the plan. So when you got home, you didn’t expect Minho on the couch (which he kinda made into a fort that looks really comfy) with pizza on the table with your favorite drink and a movie ready to be played. 
“You’re home!” He says while standing up and hugging you, his (now yours also) 3 cats also welcoming you home. You hug him back and nuzzle your face in his neck. “I’m so tired.” 
“I know baby, thats why I made this. Now go upstairs and change into your pajamas, we’re gonna relax all weekend, we deserved it.” He pecks your lips and gently pushes you into your room to change. 5 minutes later and you guys are cuddled up on the fort he made, with Soon-ie, Doong-ie, and Dori also snuggled up next to you guys. You put you head on Minho’s chest and he starts patting your head. Both of you watch the movie, but halfway through it you feel your eyelids drooping and you really wanted to fight it because times like this with Minho were kinda rare because of both your busy schedules. But you can’t help it, everything was just so relaxing and comfortable, and before you knew it you were asleep. Minho kinda didn’t notice at first because he was so immersed in the film but when he asked you a question and didn’t get an answer he glanced at you and noticed you were fast asleep. He just kinda looks at you, not in a weird way, in a wow-I-really-love-you-and-I-kinda-maybe-wanna-spend-my-life-with-you kinda look. You just looked so adorable and soft, and his heart was melting more when Dori cuddled up to you from behind. He can get used to this, days where you guys were just relaxing with the cats, like a family. 
` C H A N G B I N ▪
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Changbin and you were only on the first stages of your relationship. You guys haven’t even had your first kiss yet. You both were just really shy because you liked each other so much, and God forbid if he saw you sleeping. Nope, you weren’t letting him see you sleep. It’s cause you had this habit of opening your mouth when you sleep, and for you it was not flattering, especially when you drool, for you it was your least favorite part about your sleeping habits. Why can’t everyone just sleep cutely? Like the ones in the movies. So when Changbin invited you over to the dorms and you stayed there until 1am, he insisted you stayed the night. 
“No, It’s fine Binnie, I can walk myself home, it’s not that far.” 
“What kind of a boyfriend would I be if I let my baby walk alone at this time of night? Come on babe just stay, please?” He says while giving you a cute pout. Who can resist his pout? No one. “Okay fine, but I need to borrow some clothes, I didn’t pack any. Also no funny business okay.” 
“I promise. I respect you so much that no funny business will happen without your consent, okay ?” He leads you to his room, which he shares with the other boys, kinda uncomfortable because a handful of the boys will see your sleeping face, but you can just sleep facing the wall and hope that you won’t move as much through the night. You change into changbins sweats and tshirt, which was really big on you but he insisted that it looked just fine. Okay now you guys were kinda facing the ceiling, yes, both of you were. As I said you both were on your first months of dating so cuddling or even sharing a bed was very new to the both of you guys.
“Uhm.. Are you comfortable?” He asks. “Kinda? I think I’m gonna sleep on my side so I can get comfortable. Goodnight Binnie.” You say and kiss his cheek, turning to your left side.
“Oof, Changbin won’t get cuddles tonight, I owe Seungmin money now.” Minho states as he looks over at both of you. “Shut it.” Changbin says giving Minho a glare. Minho puts his hands up and faces the other side. You chuckle at this and internally apologize to Changbin. 
Next morning rolls by and Changbin can’t feel his left arm. He was confused as to why, but when he saw you next to him and hugging his torso, while your mouth was open, looking like a literal angel to Changbin, he didn’t mind too much. He lets you sleep a few more minutes, just admiring your beauty and being thankful that he convinced you to stay the night. 
“Awww, why you gotta cuddle? Now I owe Minho hyung money.” Seungmin says as he peeks inside the room. “Quiet, Y/N is still sleeping.” Seungmin glances at you and laughs a little. “Are you sure she’s asleep? Kinda looks a little dead to me.” Changbin Chucks a pillow at his face which makes him leave the room. “Don’t listen to him baby, you look really cute right now while you’re sleeping.” He says while moving away stray hairs that was covering your face. As if you could hear him, you smile while you were sleeping and Changbin could feel his heart beat ten times faster because of you.
` H Y U N J I N ▪
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Sitting on the dance studio's couch at 1 am wearing Hyunjins oversized sweater and shorts was not what you expected your friday night would be. Hyunjin called you over at midnight asking you to come and keep him company while he practiced the new choreo that was taught. You being crazy, agreed and went to where he was.
An hour passed of him doing the same move, you got worried. You knew that when Hyunjin over exerted himself he would get sick. And you didn't want him sick. He was extra clingy ang whiny when he got sick. Not that you minded, it was just you didn't get to finish anything when he was sick cause he will trap you in his arms the whole day.
"Hyunjin I think you should rest. You've been doing that move for over an hour. You're going to get sick if you don't rest and drink water." You say while already holding his bottle of water. He looks at you and sees just how small you looked wearing his sweater. He can't just say no when it comes to you.
"Okay-" He stops the music and walks over to you. "-just for 15 minutes though. I really need to get this one right." He sits next to you and gets the water bottle that you were handing to him. Giving you a peck on the cheek as a thank you. You rest your head back and close your eyes.
"Wake me up in 15 minutes okay? If I hear the music playing again or hear your sneakers I will drag you out of here and take you home." You say to him.
"Ooh, my baby is feisty tonight." He jokingly says. "Okay y/n I'll wake you up in 15 minutes. But I think you'll get a stiff neck if you sleep like that. Why don't you put your head on my lap? So that you're comfortable and it ensures that I stay here?"
"Nice thinking babe." You say as you put your head on his lap. He pats your head to help you fall asleep faster. "Oh when we get home you need to shower right away okay? We can't risk you getting sick." You say and shiver a little because of your exposed legs.
Hyunjin notices this and reaches inside his bag. Pulling out a jacket, he unzips it and puts it on your legs.
"Okay baby, will do." He continues patting your head, and soon enough he can hear your light snores and the subtle twitching of your fingers. Small habits that you have when you sleep. You looked so cute like this. Although Hyunjin was kind of sorry because he asked you to go to the studio at midnight.
"I can't believe you went here wearing shorts. What if some creep saw you? I won't be there to protect you." He frowns at this. "I'm sorry Y/N. Next time I'll just go home and cuddle you where you can sleep comfortably." He admires you for a couple of minutes, not realizing that his head was slowly leaning back and his eyes closing. The day of dancing was finally gaining up to him. Next thing you guys knew, it was already morning and Hyunjin was was hot to the touch.
"You didn't get to shower! Now you're sick!" You say to him.
"Hehe, I'm sorry baby." He says innocently smiling at you.
`J I S U N G ▪
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Jisung was on the bed on his phone, playing with the other boys. While you on the other hand was drowning yourself in homework for the past 2 hours. Jisung actually came home 30 minutes ago and kissed your cheek then played on his phone. He knew not to disturb you so much when you were doing your homework because when you got motivated to do your work, you don’t take a break, because if you take a break, you will procrastinate the whole day so you just hope to finish your work before 5pm so you have time to cuddle your boyfriend. 30 minutes later you close your book very loudly and practically throw yourself on Jisung who was still playing on his phone.
“Boyfriend I now acquire attention.” You say as you cuddle his chest with his arms around you so he can still continue playing the racing game.  “Wait baby one more round with the boys and I’m all yours.” minutes passed and you felt your eyelids get heavy. All the hours of being slouched on your desk answering the homework really got to you. You snuggle closer to Jisung, your face squeezed on the crook of his neck. You give him a peck there before closing your eyes.
Jisung closes his phone and puts it on the bedside table. He bear hugs you and kisses your crown. “Should I wake you up? Nah you look cute right now, I can’t wake you up now.” He says in a baby voice to your sleeping form. “I can like scream right now and wake you up? A fun way to wake someone up, don’t you think baby?” Jisung was a weirdo. He moved you a little so he can entangle your legs together. He puts the blanket up to your chin to ensure that you won’t get cold and hugs you closer. 
“I can’t do that to you baby. You look so cute when you sleep I can’t possibly ruin it by screaming into your ears. I love you so much sweet dreams sweetheart.” He says as he places a last kiss on your head and drifts of to sleep with you.  
` F E L I X ▪
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Being bestfriends with Felix was very tiring, in a good way. He was always hyper and a living meme. Everytime you were with him was like being with a 6 year old with a sugar rush all day. But thats why you loved him. Yep, you loved him, you don’t know when it started, maybe it was when he brought you to your favorite cafe when you got a bad score to cheer you up, or when he smiles at you and waves when he sees you in the distance, or maybe when he does this dance when he wins a game and he sometimes asks you to join him dance. Maybe it was all of it. So when Felix texted you that he was coming over you started preparing when he was gonna come to your house. Preparing by putting on lip tint and washing your face to look a tad bit presentable. 
“Woah, are you wearing lip tint? You never wear lip tint at home though?” He asks as he takes off his shoes by the door. “I was having a little selfie session before you came?” You said, well by the way you said it, it kinda sounded like a question. “Really? Send them to me, I need a new homescreen.” You stop at this. “I’m your homescreen?” 
“Well, yeah, who else would be my homescreen? I saw your phone, and I was your homescreen so it’s normal right?” Ouch yeah, it is normal, you both were bestfriends for so long that this was normal for you guys. “I mean, sure, I’ll send them to you.” 
You both go to your room and he jumps on your bed. “So what do wanna do?” He asks. “Weren’t you the one that invited yourself? I thought you had a plan?” He shrugs at this. “I’m just winging everything at this point Y/N, mostly with maths, yeah that one, I’m really winging that one.” You laugh at this. “Want me to teach you?”
“Aren’t you also kinda failing math?” “Look lets just watch a tutorial or something so we both learn.” You say as you get your laptop and put it at the end of the bed. “But thats boring, I came here to spend time with you, not learn.” You pass him your notes and put your head on his lap. “Look, I’m not failing math, I’m good at it, average at best, but you. All I can say is you need this more than I do Lix. So just watch one episode and I’ll just be here monitoring your work.” You say as you pick a lesson that you previously had at school. “And why is your head is on my lap?” He asks. “Cause it’s comfy, now go and learn!” You say as you play the video. Felix seems to be immersed and learning things cause he was writing stuff on your notes and answering the questions the video asks. Kinda boring now because you didn’t expect Felix to actually answer them. So you decide to take a nap while he was preoccupied. 
“Hey if x is equal to 82 then the answer would be-” He glances at you and sees that you were asleep. He stops the video and puts the notebook down. “What are you doing to me Y/N?” He asks himself in particular. Felix had this crush on you, and he definitely knows when it started. He didn’t really know if you also had feelings for him, he doesn’t wanna do something that can make things awkward so he just keeps his mouth shut. But while you were looking so cute sleeping on his lap, he just can’t help but take a picture. So he does, he takes a picture of the mirror on  the front of your bed and puts a hand on your head. “Cute” He says as he makes it his lockscreen photo, saving the homescreen for the selfies you were gonna send him later. Maybe one day he’ll confess, but while he doesn’t have the courage yet, he’ll just admire you from the sides.  
` S E U N G M I N ▪
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You and Seungmin woke up extra early today because he invited you over for a beach day with the boys. When you guys arrived, they were all ready to jump in the water, but you being the mom in your friend group stopped them.
"Guys! You haven't put on sunscreen yet!" You say as you wave the sunscreen up. They all stop halfway through and runs back to you. You laugh at them of how cute they look right now. Once they were done they bolted back into the water.
The boys left you with Seungmin. "I'll help you set up babe." He says while grabbing an umbrella from you.
"No! I'll set up while you-" You take the umbrella from his hands. "-have fun with the boys. This is rare that you guys get to have a rest day, and let alone do it on the beach. So you leave this to me and you go have fun with the boys." You say while pushing him near the ocean.
"No buts! Now go have fun!" You turn away from him covering your ears to show that whatever he says will not make you change your mind. He smiles at you, even though you weren't looking at him, then runs over to where the boys were, joining in on the fun.
The day consisted of you taking care of the boys. Making sure everyone ate well and applied sunscreen again before going in the water. After lunch, Seungmin came up to you, all wet because of the ocean.
"Come on Y/N join us!" He says while trying to get you up from your sitting position on the blanket.
"I'll stay here Seung. No one will look after our belongings if I join you guys so I'll just stay." You say trying to convince him.
"Chan is gonna rest for a while, he can watch our things while he rests and you can join us. Come on we haven't even taken photos yet." He says pouting at you. How can you resist the pout? You agree and he takes your hand in his and runs to the water.
You guys have fun splashing around all day. When it was time to leave, everyone was exhausted. The drive home was silent, apart from the calm music that was playing on the speakers. You and Seungmin were at the back, your head on his shoulders and his head leaning on yours.
"Thanks for inviting me Seung, I had a really fun day." You say while closing your eyes. The tiring day taking its toll on you.
"I'm glad you had fun babe. But all you did was look after us. I really appreciate that babe, but I feel bad that you only got to enjoy the beach for a few hours. You set up everything and even grilled for us! I'm really thank-" He stops mid sentence cause he notices how your head was hanging lower and lower from the bumps that you guys were passing by. He holds your head and sighs. You probably were very tired from all the things you did the whole day. 
He felt guilty, but when he looked at the photos you guys took, he saw how your eyes were sparkling while splashing him with water, and how your smile was so big when you guys managed to bury Chan in the sand. He smiles and holds your hand, whispering something to you even though he knows you can’t hear him.
"I love you very much."
` J E O N G I N ▪
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Jeonginie, sweet baby uwu. 
So you and Jeongin were really good friends. Both of you became close because some of your friends were friends with his friends. So you guys kinda had this big ass group that did everything together. Hence the weekly movie night at one of your friends place. You guys squeezed next to each other, feeling awkward cause you both weren’t used to being this close. Everyone was immersed in the film, except Jeongin. The poor boy couldn’t think straight with how close you were to each other. The only thing running through his head was “Oh my God, oh my God, can they feel my heart beating so fast? Am I too tense? What if they think I’m weird that I’m just sitting here? Of course you’re just gonna sit Jeongin you’re watching a movie.” He continues to have thoughts like this running through his head, not thinking about the facial expressions he was showing. 
“Are you okay Innie?” What were you doing to him? When you said his nickname he felt like his heart was gonna combust. “O-oh? Y-yeah I’m good.” He says while sitting straighter than before. “If you say so.” You say and face the tv. You subconsciously put your head on his shoulder and I kid you not, he almost malfunctions. He was so red and he was shifting so much that you thought he wasn’t comfortable, so you took your head off of his shoulder. “Sorry I made you uncomfortable.” 
“No it’s nothing like that y/n. It’s just.. Look it’s fine if you do it I don’t mind.” He awkwardly reaches for your head and puts it on his shoulder. You get comfortable and Jeongin is still kinda tense but you don’t mind. 10 minutes later he feels your head was slowly slipping from his shoulder, he gently holds your head and adjust his seat so your head can comfortably rest on his shoulder while you were sleeping. 
He looks around to see if any of your friends notice what was going on and breathes out when he sees that everyone was still watching and paying no mind to both of you. He gently caresses your hair and appreciates how peaceful you look right now. Damn, he was whipped for you and for you only. He doesn’t notice it, but he eventually falls asleep too. You both wake up when hushed whispers and the sound of clicking is heard around you. Not to mention a flash that was so strong it almost blinded you by how close it was to your face. 
“Jisung! We told you to take the flash off!” You hear one of your friends whisper. “I’m sorry I thought I had it off!” Jisung says. You open your eyes and the sight that greets you is your friends and their phones close to your face. 
“What are you guys doing?” You say as you rub your eyes. “You and Jeongin just looked so cute while sleeping we needed to take pictures.” She shoves her phone to your face and you have to admit, you guys do look cute together. 
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jangmi-latte · 4 years
hello! i rlly like ur blog so i decided to request for the first time! May I order Jack cuddling with and s/o that also has animal ears?(your choice!) can you make it in one shot form please? thank you and have a wonderful day!
❝ 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐲 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 ❞
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➻ content: cookie jar
➻ warnings: none
➻ comments: the fact i’m also starting to like jack just because i studied about wolves is beyond me…and because of that...reader is going to be a wolf.
extra note: as reader and jack are wolves, it’s natural for them to whine when wanting to convey their affection to the other party. don’t think of the whine to be something annoying, childish, or out of character. it’s in their nature to produce such sound when being around their mate.
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"Are we really not allowed to go out?”
You looked over at the little wolf whose tail continued to wag. She was knelt on the couch with her hands holding the windowsill, her bottom lip puckered out in a small pout as she watched the snowfall outside. The adorable 7-year-old pup was desperate to go outside and play.
Snuggled up in her thick sweater while her ears were folded against her head, she looked over at you with her round eyes begging for you to cave in and let her desires be granted.
"Nah ah." You giggled as you waved your finger at her making her pout more. "It's going to snow heavier later. It's dangerous for us to go outside. If it makes you feel better, even your big brothers couldn't go outside no matter how strong they are," you cooed at the little girl, scooping her up and placing her on your lap.
"But I want to throw snowballs and roll around the snow!" she exclaimed before huffing and messing with her tail. She was an angel in your eyes, a mini replica of Jack that's absolutely cuddly.
"Maybe next time."
"Is she bothering you again?" You glanced over at the older wolf who had his eyes closed and was grumbling under the sheets. The thick and fit, dark-green turtleneck clung on his muscular body perfectly. Jack just turned 17, he still has a few more years to go before maturing completely. And you knew that body of his will still continue to develop. 
You giggled and placed the little girl down on the floor. "She isn't. Just wanting to play as usual," you commented as you stretched your back with your ears going flat against your head. The little pup pouted and ran over his older brother, the latter almost falling back to sleep before the pup shook him back awake. “Play.”
His little siblings are stubborn as fuck. Jack knows he’s no exception, however, it is his responsibility to look after his siblings and avoid causing any chaos. “I said later. You can play with your other brother downstairs–” a yawn broke through before continuing, “I’m tired…” he grumbled and nudged her away.
Jack’s little sister let out a similar huff, something similar to a puppy whining but with a scowl-like pout on her face. One couldn’t resist a wolf pup's adorable features, let this young pup stay tiny forever, you wish. With much more pursuing from her brother, the little girl skipped away to bother the second oldest. 
“Cutie,” you giggled.
Your eyes wandered over to your boyfriend’s sleeping form as a soft smile wandered over to your face. It was starting to get a bit more chilly the longer the afternoon lasts. Snow outside was falling heavily, frosting the trees, fogging windows, and letting white smoke leave everyone’s breaths. The fireplace couldn’t handle more of the cold despite logs and coals being added every couple of hours.
You rubbed your arms and walked over to the bed. “Jack,” you whispered and sneaked under the duvet. You gently plopped your body on top of Jack’s warm, heater-like, body. 
No reaction from the heavily sleeping wolf as he laid there, his breathing stayed a stable pace. His body immediately warmed your cold skin. Perhaps, you could imagine smoke coming out of your body as you melted on top of your man. You smiled, laying your head on his chest and listening to his steady heartbeat. Your tail gently swayed among your legs, feeling content into having someone as sweet and hardworking as Jack to accompany you during the cold winter weather.
Someone, as dedicated as him, needed rest every now and then; it wasn’t a surprise that you would often scold him for overworking. Being back home during winter breaks gave him more time to be around you and his family, delightful, isn’t it? Your eyes began to close as you indulge yourself deeper into the warmth he provided. You felt his arm wrap around your smaller frame, either subconsciously or consciously, it didn’t matter. Jack has always been one to show affection behind closed doors.
“You’re prohibited from pushing me back on the mattress,” you mumbled.
“I wasn’t planning to…” he grumbled, half awake as his eyes opened halfway. Gazing down at you, he shifted properly to give you the comfortability you need. Again, Jack — as much as people see him be a delinquent with a tough facade — is a different man around those he loves. He has openly conveyed his love and adoration for his younger siblings, he has admitted and proclaimed how he looked up to his seniors, he has declared his beliefs and traditions proudly, and probably other stuff you haven’t heard of yet could make you swoon.
Everything in that resilient persona of his is just the outer look of Jack.
You whined, nudging your head against the crook of his neck, inhaling his sweet nature-like manly scent. “You’re very endearing when you’re half-asleep, you know that?” you teased, ears flicking to lightly the side of his face as he groaned. “Mhmm…” He disregarded your words, obviously falling back asleep. 
“Jack,” you whined and lifted yourself up, arms on both sides of his head as you watched him snore away. His lips are slightly parted, his arm that was previously around your waist has now laid on your thigh. “Jack,” you called again, no reply. You kept a mental note to cook something for this tired wolf once he wakes up properly.
He’s an average sleeper, no doubt. He would occasionally take ten-minute naps to regenerate himself considering how active he is. Yet, it seems like having to stay at home had made a toll on him.
Enough information on Jack. You sighed and pecked his lips repeatedly, chuckling to yourself as he began to scrunch his eyebrows and move his head around. “y/n,” he groaned and opened his eyes, he added, “What?”
“I love you.”
Again, no reply. He simply stared at you with light red tinted cheeks, you whined once again, “Say it back.”
Jack simply cleared his throat and looked away. “Go back to sleep, I’ll be up later…” he grumbled before pulling you back down on his chest. Deep in your mind, you wanted to laugh. Tough facade indeed. “So you don’t love me?” you said and snuggled back on his neck. “What are you saying?” he stuttered out and shifted over to lay at his side, trapping you in his arms as he buried his face into your hair.
You giggled, watching his tail lay on your hips, patting it as he made himself comfortable. “Just say it back.”
“Jackie!” yelled a little girl as she pouted from the door frame, she yelled again, “I want cuddles too!” Then proceeded to crawl on the bed to disturb both of you. Snaking in between her brother and you before hugging you. Jack, on the other hand, had glared at the little girl then back at you. He watched you laugh as you attentively gave his sister attention and blew raspberries on her skin. 
“I...love you too…”
Your ears heard it all as you met his eyes again. This time, lovingly.
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nekokoaa · 4 years
Gemini - (18+) Todoroki Shoto x Reader (I)
“Looks like you seen a ghost,” yeah, you. Especially with his full white hair and silver eyes and those chills still running down your spine caused by his knuckles lightly pressing into your skin. Honestly, you had to wonder if this was truly Shoto you were staring at and if it was then… who was the one in the kitchen?
Warnings: Clothed sex, food sex, bondage, a little s&m, soft sex, rough sex, eventual threesome
Part of the 18+ series Euphoria - Euphoria Masterlist
Also on AO3
A/C: Honestly it was either 3 parts or an extremely long three sex scenes fic so take it in three parts lol Also, Two Todorokis = Double trouble so you know how this fic is gonna go ;)
Gemini – Todoroki Shoto x Reader
“I’m home.” The sound of your voice echoed throughout the empty house and when you didn’t get a reply back, you weren’t surprised because Shoto was never home at this time. Because he was a pro hero, he would usually come home in the evening or at night and you would fix him up a delicious dinner to welcome him home. You decided to do just that and set your bag down on a small table in front of the sectional couches and walked through the halls towards the kitchen. You thought you were hearing things when you heard the sound of running water coming from the kitchen and as you moved closer the sound grew louder and then it stopped.
“Shoto?” It was odd that he was home early, but it wasn’t impossible. Maybe he had the night off and wanted to surprise you, so you peeked your head in the kitchen with a smile and saw Shoto wiping a plate dry with a cloth before setting it on the counter. His profile was facing you, specifically his left side with his sapphire blue eye on the plate. He looked a bit upset as there was a frown on his face in place of his usual neutral expression. And you immediately thought something went wrong during work.
“Shoto, are you okay? Did something happen at the agency?” You were quick to be at his side, wrapping an arm around his arm before you laced your hands together with his. Shoto was slow to react maybe because he didn’t notice you approached him but when he felt your fingers in between his, he pulled away from you immediately, yanking his arm from your grip and the piercing glare that came after sent you in confusion. But what really baffled you was the two eyes that harbored that glare was a fiery sapphire hue and the locks of hair that was supposed to be white on his right side were a deep red. If you hadn’t known any better, you would’ve thought somehow Endeavor had turned into a young man because of how wildly similar Shoto looked like him.
“Why are you touching me?” He hissed and took a couple of steps back, his eyes never releasing that hardened gaze. Shoto had never looked at you with such anger before. You had no clue what made him like this.
“W-What happened to your… hair and eyes? Is everything o—” You reached for him and his frown grew deeper, making you freeze in your actions. He simply snatched the plate off the counter and moved it to the island counter, far away from you. You stared at his back, ultimately admitting defeat and walking out of the kitchen. Knowing Shoto, maybe he needed time to cool off before telling you what was wrong, but you had no clue what could’ve made him act like that, especially towards you. No matter how angry he was, it was never directed at you and as much as you wanted to walk back in that kitchen and demand to know what was going on, you knew you had to give him his space.
The bedroom that you shared with Shoto was just past the guest room down the hall and when you opened it, you were thrown off by the sight of someone buried under the covers in your bed. It felt like a cruel joke. First with Shoto’s sudden distant attitude and now finding out that the reason for his cold attitude could be because he was cheating on you and sloppily forgot to remove the evidence. The first thing you thought to do was to run right back in the kitchen and demand some answers but since the bitch was right here, you decided to take matters into your own hands. You stomped over to the bed, eyes livid as you yanked the covers off the person, ready to raise hell and drag the bitch out of bed.
Yet what you didn’t expect to see was Shoto sleeping soundly. So many questions had flooded into your head at that very moment. And even if the staggering question of how Shoto can be in the kitchen and bedroom at the same time was freaking you out, what was really got you was seeing his hair all white like snow and the scar that harbored his left eye vanished. And when Shoto stirred and his eyes fluttered opened, you gasped when you saw a pair of grays on you.
And as fast as you saw those irises, you were pulled into the bed. Your breasts squished against his bare chest and his strong arms laced around your form to trap you. His face was only a mere inch away and it sported a lazy smile that had your heart skipping.
“You came to wake me up with a kiss…?” It took you a moment to realize he pecked you on the lips.  “…Good girl.” His comment, a heavy purr that sent shivers down your spine and those half-lidded gray eyes that oozed with lust made your mouth water. He began petting your head and his smile widened as he thought about how adorable your surprised face was. No matter how warm you felt under that smile, you froze in those arms. Not sure whether to start screaming or to shut down all at once.
“Looks like you seen a ghost,” yeah, you. Especially with his full white hair and silver eyes and those chills still running down your spine caused by his knuckles lightly pressing into your skin. Honestly, you had to wonder if this was truly Shoto you were staring at and if it was then… who was the one in the kitchen?
You gotten yourself out of that situation in the most ungraceful way possible. You force yourself from his tight hold and clumsily fell from the bed in doing so. It earned a laugh from him, propping part of his body up with his elbow to peer at you from the top. He didn’t even ask if you were okay. He just chuckled like he was watching a comedy show or something. Same lazy smile. He was definitely entertained. You can see it in his eyes and you thought yourself a fool to even think this imposter was Shoto because he would never treat you like this.
You ran out of the room without another glance. Back in the living room where you left your bag and you snatched your phone from within and you noticed the several missed calls from Izuku.
Immediately, you gave him a call back. You recognized his frantic voice from anywhere and you soon found out that he’s been trying to get ahold of you for hours. He wanted to let you know that Shoto was hit by a villain’s quirk that split him into two people. He’s been put on hero leave until it wears off. The doctor’s said at least a week would be enough but even they weren’t sure.
You were speechless, not knowing what to say to Izuku as he apologized repeatedly. Meanwhile, Shoto-Red had walked in with a bowl of cereal, not even glancing at you as he sat down in a chair next to the sectional couches you were sitting in. Then, Shoto-White walked in with a soft smile on his face, taking the empty spot next to you and sitting a little too close for comfort. He slid your phone from your hands, bringing it to his own ear as he spoke calmly to Izuku.
“Don’t worry, Deku, we’ll be fine. ____ will make sure to take of me—oh, uh, us,” he glanced at his red counterpart who did nothing but eat his cereal. He then hung up and tossed your phone. He gave you a smile that seemed all too foreign on his face and then you noticed that this Shoto was without the scar on his eye.
You jumped slightly and knitted your brows together because you were confused by what he said. Shoto-White gently laced his fingers in between yours, leaning ever so close to you.
“You’ll take care of us?” You were contemplating on whether to pull your hands out of his grip or leave it. That smile on his face just too suspicious to even be considered innocent.
It was about a few days since you came home to Shoto being split into two people. One of them having a full head of red hair with a burn scar on his left eye and the other having white hair and flawless skin. You have come to know that these two were very different in terms of personality and behavior.
Shoto-Red was very quiet, similar to the Shoto that you knew, but he was cold, had a short temper and didn’t like to be touched. He also got annoyed easily and liked to keep his distance. He liked to hang out in the kitchen or the living room and he was always eating something. You didn’t want to admit it again, but he reminded you of Endeavor, but a younger version of him.
Now Shoto-White was really different, he was… nice, kind, he gave you hugs in the mornings. Sometimes would wake you up with breakfast. He took a lot of naps and was always sleepy. You thought there was something suspicious about how he always seemed to be smiling even when you weren’t looking at him, but his actions had made you think otherwise. He was, dare you say it, very sweet.
“Gonna take a nap. Let me know when you’re done with dinner, Red,” Shoto-White yawned out those words, waving in the kitchen when he was passing in the hallway. Shoto-Red didn’t answer him as he stirred pot of miso soup, taking a sip before he tightened the strings of his apron.
You were standing behind him dressed in your own apron and had a tray of already baked cupcakes that needed icing in your hands. You wanted to ask him whether he wanted to help or not, but you were a little worried about hearing his answer. He was always so dismissive whenever you were near him. His muscles would tense up and he would keep his distance with you. When you asked Shoto-White about it, he told you not to worry about it and said “that’s just how Red was” but you couldn’t help that it bothered you. Heck, what’s the worst that could happen?
“Red? Do you want to help me ice the cupcakes?” You placed the tray on the counter next to him. He glanced at the cupcakes before glaring into your face. You wanted to step back and tell him ‘nevermind’ while hightailing it out of there, but he soon looked away and mumbled, “whatever…” and stormed towards the fridge and pulled out fat pastry bags, one filled with red icing the other with white.
“Have you ever done this before?” You asked as you took the red pastry bag from him. He shook his head and you showed him a gentle smile. “All you have to do is squeeze the bag around the edges of the cupcake and then work your way in.”
You were icing one of the cupcakes as you spoke, showing him a live demonstration of it. You placed another cupcake in front of him and watched as he struggled with shaky hands to squeeze the icing out. It squirted too much out on one side and you had to cover your mouth to keep from laughing, a small ‘pffft!” was all that came out.
“Hold it steady—Her-Here,” you felt his hand flinch when yours cupped around it. You guided his hand slowly around the cupcake. It was weird because his hand was trembling slightly and when you glanced up at his face, his cheeks were nearly as red as his hair and he was biting his lip, eyes wide and fixed on the cupcake in front of him. It was like if he were to even glance in your direction he would be burned.
You came to realize that perhaps he didn’t hate you, but was maybe shy?
Shoto-Red soon couldn’t handle your touch anymore. He pulled his hand from under yours but the force of it made him squeeze the pastry bag and it came flying out, landing on your apron, hands, and parts of your face. Immediately, he was regretful.
“I’m-I’m sorry—I didn’t mean to.”
“It’s okay,” you said while chuckling and licking your lips, getting most of the cream off but missing some smudges on the corner of your lips. “These are gonna be some tasty cupcakes.”
You hummed, and Shoto-Red stared down at your hands, especially at the cream near your knuckles.
“Can I try…?”
“Yeah, help your…. self,” you lost your words when your hand was grabbed and felt a wet tongue being dragged across your knuckles, licking the icing off it and soon sinking one of your digits in his mouth. All at once, a shimmer of heat rose within your body and blossomed in your cheeks. His face was also flushed but his sudden boldness kept him going. You wanted to blame the hotness in the kitchen on the oven, but you couldn’t deny that even though he looked slightly different, he was still very much Shoto, and that he looked fucking hot licking your hand and fingers.
You mumbled something incoherent as he pulled away, and he made a small sound when he noticed the icing smudged on the corner of your lips. He acted before he realized, grabbing your shoulders gently which confused you because he reached out so fast that you expected it to be rough. You then felt his hot tongue near your lips.
“Shoto…” you whispered his name. He was so happy. You didn’t call him Red, but by his actual name. He moved with much more vigor, adding his lips to his licks, sucking a part of your cheek until you couldn’t take it anymore. You turned your head slightly and made his lips touch with yours and immediately, you were kissing him.
This didn’t mean you were cheating on Shoto, right? Technically, Red was Shoto, at least a part of him was.
But soon that thought became a fleeting memory when your apron was being untied while he continued to kiss you. He was gentle with it. Pulling the strings until they unraveled, and the apron became loose on your body. He helped you slip it off and it fell on the floor, leaving you left with your spaghetti string tank and shorts. Your breasts naturally hung from your chest which made Shoto-Red aware that you were bra-less. He enveloped one in his hands, squeezing it through your tank and the mewl you let out momentarily separated your lips, but he was back in seconds. He pushed against your body and you felt the counter pressing into your back. He moaned heavily, loosely, his other hand anchored to your hip as his thumb pressed into your thigh.
It was exhilarating. Since Shoto was always busy with work, your sex life hasn’t been frequent, not that you were complaining. Your sex drive was average, so you were fine with going a couple of days without it. But you were now a couple of weeks in with no sex and you had to admit you needed to fuck like a needy bitch.
He held you like he held glass. His hands encased around your body. The feel of your curves under his warm palms mapped out your entire figure. The more he felt it, the more wanted to run his hands through your breasts, stomach, hips, and thighs. It grew so much that he wanted to know how you felt on his dick.
But you saw him hesitating, even though you were giving him extreme bedroom eyes, Shoto-Red moved with caution. His lips stayed at your face, his hands avoided the most sensitive of areas. You held your sigh. You needed to encourage him because for some reason he couldn’t sense the obvious.
You purred his name, widening the gap between you by pulling away but your hands remained to caress his neck. Your nails lightly scratched near his collarbones that you knew was sending shivers down his spine. He especially loved when your hands would tread around his broad shoulders, it often faced abuse from your nails depending on how rough Shoto was that night, but you noticed that this Shoto was voided of scars when your hands slipped under his shirt. You knew you had to fix that later.
On the counter was the nearly forgotten pastry bag that you grabbed and squeezed into your hands. You started to giggle when you spread red icing all over your body. Oh, it made him shudder. He was so happy you picked red. You picked him.
The icing was smeared across your chest and he couldn’t lift his eyes from one of your breasts that went over your tank’s collar. Perfect in size and hung marvelously from your chest. He didn’t even wait for you to add more as his lips were already sucking on your tits, circling his tongue on your nipple until it hardened and ripe from his actions.
“Haha, wait… Mmn… Shoto…” You weren’t done decorating yourself but for a moment you surrendered to his touch, arching your body closer while hooking an arm over his back to support yourself. The back of his tv shirt stained by your fingers. Your other hand slipped between your open legs and went under your shorts and underwear, pushing them off until they pooled at your legs. It felt weird putting icing on your vagina but the way how Shoto was sucking on your tit, God, you couldn’t wait to feel that hot tongue down there.
Shoto took his time. It was odd because as hungry as his lips and tongue moved, he still savored the moment, not wanting to move quickly from one place to another. He made sure when he did move that he nibbled and sucked your skin until he felt it raw under his tongue. He traveled south, even licking your tank that stained from the red icing, and he moved even further south until he was in front of your pubic, feeling your hairs glide across his taste buds as he took some icing away with every lick.
You shivered, legs widening. Yes! Your internal voice screamed as you hook a leg over his shoulder, shuddering as his hot tongue pressed against your clit. He juggled the swollen nub with his tongue, licked all the icing, and not even stopping when it was all done.
You praised him and rewarded him with your fingers through his red hair. He was humming… and those vibrations added to the pleasurable sensation that had your leg trembling, barely able to keep your weight up. You had to fully rely on the counter against your back and your leg over Shoto’s shoulder to support yourself.
“Delicious…” You then heard his husk and you looked down to find his sapphire eyes peering up at you—lust alive in those irises.
“Mmn… the icing?” You cocked your head to the side playfully. You knew exactly what he meant but for once in your life you wanted to play dumb. Something shined in your boyfriend’s eyes—something sinister as his tongue that was deep in your cunt swiped his lower lip.
He stoked your propped-up thigh. “No. You.”
Those small words made your heart hiccupped in your chest and you felt pleasure swirl in your tummy. You had never wanted to fuck this badly before. It’s like your entire insides were on fire, begging to be rearranged by the fat cock of your boyfriend. Your entrance soaked, just a single massage of your fingers and you heard them singing, yearning for a cock. It was like Shoto heard it and he stood up, catching your leg that slipped from his back and holding it up. You watched how he loosen the strings of his sweats; the crotch area was bulged out and stained with pre-cum. His dick was stretching against the fabric, ready to burst out of it. It bounced and bobbed in excitement and anger when Shoto pulled down his sweats enough to where it sprung free.
“Lower the fire…” You reminded him. Man, he forgot he was cooking. You were one hell of a woman.
He quickly reached for the stove and he was back in seconds. He gave you a deep, searing kiss, nibbling on your voluptuous lips. He grinded himself on your hips until you felt him slip in, grabbing your other leg and completely lifting you off the ground. A shuddering gasp escaped the both of you, your moist walls stretched around his length, swallowing it whole as it throbbed and ached within you. Your lower back was being pressed into the kitchen counters just as his nails dug into the flesh of your thighs.
And with his first forward thrust, you made the most wanton moan that ever left your lips. He quickly shushed you. Oop—You forgot that there was someone else in the house. Honestly, you hardly cared at the moment but for Shoto-Red’s sake, you’ll try to suppress your moans.
You bit your lip and Shoto started to thrust his hips forward. His pace was slow, but every fuck was powerful, pulling out and then in, out and in. Your body jolted to his thrusts, a cacophony of skin slapping, moans, pants, and swishing of wetness resounded in the kitchen. You felt the waves of his pants hit your face, his breath smelt sweet with icing and the slick wetness of your vagina, his tongue tasted just as sweet as he gave you an open-mouthed kiss, still driving his hips into yours with as much fervor as a wild animal.
You saw his sweat gathered at his clavicles, his cheeks heated red and hot to the touch when your hand caressed his face. He looked gorgeous, gazing at you with those two cerulean eyes—a deep blue flame burned with the throes of passion as his crimson hair swayed forward every time he thrusted his hips. His lips parted and wet with sweat and saliva—his, yours, maybe both, and that sonorous moan he would make when you would squeeze him just right had you fluttering. He was mostly quiet, similar to the real Shoto, he kept his moans on the down low and let out mostly breathless pants. But all pleasure was shown through his face, his eyes, and how tight his eyebrows would get.
He pressed his lips on to your breasts, sucking on both even the one through your tank top. He didn’t care, he sucked on that nipple, tasted the bland fabric of your tank and felt that harden nub against his taste buds. You held onto him tightly, clawing and fisting his shirt as blow after blow made your body tremble with the most intense, and liberating pleasure.
Shoto-Red was moaning your name, repeating it under his breath in a desperate hymn. Like pure velvet, it sounded delicious in your ear. It was like he was worshipping your body, pleased and thankful for how it was making him feel. His movements feral like his sole purpose was to fuck you and fill you up, the muscles of his arms stretched tight and rigid, veins rising underneath the skin. You were close too. You felt the knot within you twist and turn, pulling until it couldn’t anymore. A few more thrusts and it snapped, allowing an earth shattering, spine tingling, orgasm to ripple through your body. He saw the brief whites of your eyes and held you as your body visibly shook in his hands. Shoto-Red was close behind you. Detached moans left him as his seed spilled into your womb. He was still calling your name, soft kisses pressed on your face pulled you from your euphoric high.
It’s not like you were regretting what happened but an indescribable feeling washed over you after. Shoto-Red was still kissing your face and neck, cock still buried deep within you. He wasn’t going to let you down any time soon.
He gazed into your eyes. He looked head over heels for you—like you were the world to him. You didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad thing but that thought soon escaped you the moment his lips met yours. You drowned in his kisses and ran your fingers through his red locks. Unbeknownst to both of you, a pair of gray irises were peeking in the kitchen laced with ire and envy.
Part II (Coming Soon)
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ghstandpucks · 4 years
Cutting Edge ~ Nathan MacKinnon Ch. 8
Hi everyone! I hope you are all doing well! I’m sorry this chapter took so long, but I hope you all like it! After school is done for the semester I will have time to update more frequently! This chapter kind of just feels out their relationship, setting up for the final chapters to come! Enjoy and let me know what you think!
I hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving if you celebrate! Be safe and stay healthy!
Prologue Ch.1 Ch.2 Ch.3 Ch.4 Ch.5 Ch.6 Ch.7
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  Monday afternoon found Nate and yourself at the rink after practice was over. The two of you had spent a lazy Sunday together, working out how this relationship was going to work. You both decided to keep it quiet, seeing as neither of you were fond of the media to begin with. Also, you did not think it would look good for you and the program if word got out. The two of you wanted to enjoy the fun that’s supposed to come with the beginning of a relationship and not feel pressured by outside sources. You also decided that the team would find out as they found out, agreeing that it would help to have people on your side if word were to get out to the public.
All of this didn’t matter though as at the moment Nate had picked you up to move you to the side as he shot a puck into the net. “Not fair!” you yelled, laughing as Nate skated back over to you, kissing your forehead with a smirk. “That has to be a foul.”
           “A foul?” Nate questioned you.
           “A flag?” you questioned as he shook his head and chuckled. He was about to correct you when you jumped in. “Oh wait, a penalty! Yup! That has to be a penalty!”
           “Come on Coach, you really should know the terminology better by now,” he grinned, snaking his arms around your waist.
           “Guess you’ll have to do a better job at teaching me,” you smiled up at him, wrapping your hand that was not holding a hockey stick around the back of Nate’s neck.
           “Is that so?” he questioned, leaning in. You nodded your head as he kissed you. You were thankful for your toe picks in that moment, allowing you stand on your tip toes without taking the both of you out. Nate held you tight to him as he deepened the kiss, and you were about to let go of your stick when someone cleared their throat. The both of you jumped away from each other like shrapnel, looking over to see who caught you. Gabe stood at the edge of the rink with his arms crossed.
           “If the two of you are trying to keep this a secret, maybe don’t make out in an open space,” he said, then grinned at you and Nate. He couldn’t help it; he honestly liked the thought of the both of you together. That and both you and Nate were bright red with embarrassment of being caught. “Are you trying to keep this a secret?”
           “I think more just quiet,” you said softly, looking over at Nate. He nodded in agreement.
           “We don’t plan on telling anyone. Just if they find out, then they find out,” Nate clarified for you. Gabe nodded.
           “I won’t say anything. Besides to Mel that is. But seriously guys, hide better if you don’t really want word out about this. I know he’s concerned about your program Coach, so I’m assuming you are too,” Gabe said matter of fact. It was your turn to nod. Nate grabbed your hand and started to skate over to Gabe.
           “Thanks man,” he said once you got closer. Gabe smiled, looking between the two of you.
           “Of course. I’m happy for the both of you. But he better not get any special treatment Coach, or I will call you out,” he tried to act seriously, but you could see the amusement all over his face.
           “Oh please, he’s the only one I’ve made skate extra laps before,” you giggled, bumping your hip into Nate’s, which was more of his thigh at your height difference.
           “I’m going to hold you to that,” Gabe chuckled, and you dramatically saluted him. “I’ll see you tomorrow guys.” After he left, the two of you decided it was time to leave also.
           “Maybe we should be a little more discrete,” you said as you were taking your skates off.
           “I didn’t think anyone else was here. I definitely didn’t think of anyone coming back in,” Nate said, cleaning the ice off of his.
           “It’ll be fine right, if word gets out that we’re dating?” you asked, and Nate could tell you were beginning to overthink. He placed his hand on top of yours and gave it a slight squeeze.
           “We’ll be just fine Y/N. And I’ll be right there beside you,” Nate reassured you and you couldn’t help the smile that spread across your lips. “But, we probably should be a little more aware of our surroundings. So, lunch at your place or mine?”
~ ~ ~
           Later that month the team had just arrived back in Denver after a week-long road trip. You had been more careful in your relationship with Nate, texting more on the road instead of sitting next to each other. Finally being back home though gave you two the privacy you wanted. You were currently sitting crossed legged in the middle of Nate’s bed as he unpacked his clothes, having stolen one of his Avs’ hoodies. After arriving back home, Nate had asked you to come over instead of going home first, as he figured you would pass out the second you hit the couch, or bed in this instance. “Can we take a nap?” you lazily watched him bustle around his room. It wasn’t the first time you had been over, but it was the first time you had been this comfortable. As soon as you had walked through the door of his apartment you changed into a pair of leggings and stole his sweatshirt, the chill of the vacant place getting to you. Nate was about to give you a hard time, until he looked at you and it seemed like his world stopped. He loved seeing you dressed up for games and then skating at the rink, but now he thinks that this is his favorite look on you. He walked over to you and placed a kiss on your forehead, laughing as you gave him your best puppy dog eyes.
           “Aren’t you hungry?” he asked, as you had been complaining about how your stomach was starting to ‘eat itself’ as you put it.
           “Cuddles first, then food.” You responded as Nate sat on the bed and tackled you down, causing you to giggle.
           “You’re so demanding,” he mumbled, tracing the 29 that was on your shoulder.
           “All part of my charm,” you stated, snuggling into his chest as Nate chuckled. Nate started to tell you about the Mile High Dream Gala coming up as you slowly drifted off, feeling warm and content in his arms.
           About an hour later, a phone ringing woke you up. You cuddled into Nate’s side, one of his arms under you and resting on your hip as the other held your hand that was resting on his chest. You grumbled, rolling over as Nate answered his phone. You could hear Andre on the other end. As you started to drift off again, you had the sudden urge to sneeze…and it came out much louder than you anticipated. You stifled a giggle as Nate absentmindedly said “bless you.” Andre must have asked who he was talking to because the next words out of Nate’s mouth were, “Y/N just sneezed,” and both of your eyes went wide. Time to put Andre on the list of people who knew. Nate told him the two of you were keeping it quiet, and he seemed to understand from the look on Nate’s face. Once Nate hung up, you sat up and started to scoot yourself off the bed. “Where are you going?” Nate mumbled, grabbing the fabric at the back of your stolen sweatshirt.
           “I was going to go get those take out menus you have so we could order dinner,” you stated, falling back onto the bed and smiling up at Nate as he trapped you beneath him.
           “Five more minutes,” he whispered, kissing you softly then moving to kiss your neck.
           “Five more minutes,” you hummed.
~ ~ ~
           A week later the Gala had arrived and you were finishing putting on your earrings, staring at the dress Mel had helped you picked out in the mirror. When you told her that you weren’t sure what to wear, she had picked you up and took you shopping. You ended up with a deep blue floor length dress with a slit up the side. Slipping on your nude heels, your phone went off with a text from Mel saying that her and Gabe were there to pick you up. While Mel was gushing about how adorable she thought you and Nate were, you admitted that you didn’t think arriving with him to the Gala would be a good idea. She told you not to worry, then called you the next day to tell you that her and Gabe would pick you up, then have to leave before you and secure you a “ride home” with Nate. You laughed at her scheming, but were also grateful to have someone like Mel on your side.
           “You look amazing!” Mel said as you hopped into the back seat.
           “Thanks! So do you!” you smiled back at her. “Thanks for the ride you guys.”
           “No problem Coach. You do look very nice,” Gabe complimented you, shooting you a smile through the mirror. You thanked him and talked with them the rest of the way to the Gala. Once you were there and about to walk in, Gabe offered you his elbow to hold on to as Mel was at his other side.
           “Are you trying to have two hot dates?” Mel teased her husband as you placed your hand in the crook of his arm.
           “I mean, who doesn’t?” Gabe chuckled. “But I think someone might fight me for this one…” he tilted his head toward you. “…so I guess I’ll stick with you,” he kissed Mel on her cheek and you couldn’t help but smile at the happy couple. Upon entering the hall, the smell of wonderful appetizers filled your nose and chatter filled the air. Looking to the left, Bednar was the first to spot your little group arriving and made his way over, introducing you to his wife. As you exchanged pleasantries, you felt a presence stand next to you and smiled wider as you looked over at Nate. He was in a grey suit that fit him perfectly, and it took everything in you to not wrap your arms around him. His tie was blue, and you laughed at the unintentional match. You hadn’t shown him your dress, or told him the color for that matter because you liked keeping things a surprise every once in a while.
           “MacKinnon, you didn’t bring anyone?” Bednar asked, shaking Nate’s hand.
           “No sir,” he responded with a soft smile.
           “Take this one. Two dates are a handful,” Gabe nudged you into Nate as Mel smacked his arm playfully.
           “Rude,” you laughed, hoping you weren’t blushing too much in front of Bednar. But if Bednar noticed anything, he didn’t say and just chuckled.
           “We have a table Y/N. But if you’d rather sit with them you are more than welcomed to. I know you’ve become friends with some of the players,” Bednar said, motioning to the Landeskog’s and Nate. You opened your mouth to say something that still made your relationship with everyone seem professional, but he cut you off. “Which is a good thing. They trust you more that way. And I trust whatever relations you have you are using your best judgment.” Bednar smiled at you as you nodded.
           “Of course,” was all you could say as Bednar took his leave. You turned to Nate, slightly uneasy. “Does he know?” you whispered.
           “I didn’t think so,” Nate said, looking at where his coach had walked off to. When he turned back to you, he grinned. “You look beautiful.” You ducked your head as you felt your cheeks heat up.
           “Thank you. You clean up nicely as well,” you responded as Nate offered you his arm to walk you over to the table Gabe and Mel had set up at. Mel eyed you as you approached.
           “You guys are disgustingly cute. I can’t with either of you,” she said.
           “I think Bednar knows something,” you said as you sat next to her, Nate sitting on your other side.
           “What did he say?” she questioned you.
           “He said he knew I was becoming friends with the team and that he trusts I am using my best judgment,” you filled her in. Gabe chuckled and you quirked an eyebrow at him.
           “You guys don’t realize it but you kind of gravitate toward each other at practice. It’s not anything too noticeable, but if you are paying attention you can see that at the least the two of you are comfortable in each other’s presence.” Gabe filled you in. You turned to look at Nate and he just shrugged.
           “That’s not a bad thing,” he said, and you agreed. At least Bednar didn’t seem upset by it. As the night continued you had been introduced to many new people and had answered many questions about why integrating figure skating into hockey was useful. You found you way back to your table and sat down, your feet starting to hurt. No one said 3-inch heels was a good idea. You had also lost Nate somewhere in the sea of people. You were about to go looking when Andre slid into the seat next to you.
           “How’s it going Coach?” he asked.
           “Good, exhausting,” you laughed and he nodded in agreement.
           “Has Nate danced with you yet?” Andre questioned, motioning to the dance floor that had many couples dancing on it.
           “No,” you said. “We’re keeping quiet so I don’t think a dance would be good.”
           “It’s just a dance.” Andre said, standing up. “Come on Coach,” he offered you his hand.
           “Andre…” you started to protest but were cut off.
           “Come on. Live a bit Y/N! You look too nice to just be sitting here,” he argued. You rolled your eyes but took his hand and let him lead you to the dance floor. He put one hand on your waist as he held the other; your other hand resting on his shoulder. You were laughing at a stupid joke he made as he spun you around and into Nate. “Lovely dancing with you Coach,” he dramatically bowed, and you did a small curtsy to play along. Nate chuckled as he took the same position Andre had, but holding you closer to him. To anyone else it would look innocent enough, but the way his hand held firmly to your waist as he looked at you adoringly made your heart speed up slightly. Nate deftly tried to spin you, and you laughed as you came crashing back into him.
           “You’re a terrible lead MacKinnon,” you teased.
           “Maybe you just aren’t good at following,” he quipped back. You danced for the next few songs, noticing the evening was winding down. Walking back to the table, you both sat down as Mel and Gabe came over.
           “So, we’re going to go. Nate, can you give Y/N a ride home?” Mel smiled innocently. You tried not to laugh as Gabe sent a wink your way. Nate rolled his eyes but was smiling anyways.
           “Of course. If that’s ok with you,” Nate nudged you. You smiled back at him.
           “Good. Have a good night you guys,” Gabe said, leading Mel out of the room. After making your rounds to say goodbye, you walked out with Nate. He opened the door of his car for you, and held your hand as he started to drive. The two of you were lost in conversation about the night that you hadn’t realized he drove to his place and not yours.
           “Um” you said, looking over at him before you got out.
           “Sorry, I wasn’t thinking. I can take you home if you don’t want to stay,” Nate said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
           “It’s fine,” you said softly. Though the two of you fell asleep on your couch that first night when you got together, you hadn’t stayed at each other’s places since then. Quite frankly, you had always been so busy with skating that you had never actually spent the night with anyone. Nate was different though, and he made you feel safe. Even if you weren’t ready for that next step, you couldn’t deny that you wanted to spend as much time as possible with him. Finally the two of you were away from prying eyes and you could be yourselves. As you walked into his apartment and he locked the door, Nate grabbed your hand and pulled you back into him. He smiled down at you, dipping his head to bring his lips to yours. You let your arms wrap around his neck, and smiled brightly when he pulled away and rested his forehead against yours. Nate knew you didn’t have much experience with dating, and wasn’t looking to push you. He honestly just didn’t want to let you go for the night.
           “I’ve been waiting all night to do that,” he whispered and you giggled. “Have I told you that you look beautiful?”
           “Yes. But you can always tell me again,” you responded, laughing when Nate bent down and threw you over his shoulder. He walked to his room and tossed you unceremoniously on the bed. You started to take your heels off as he rustled through his drawers.  
           “Here,” he said, tossing some clothes onto the bed.
           “Hey, I’ve been looking for these!” you said as you grabbed the pair of leggings you thought you lost from traveling two weeks ago.
           “I think they fell out of your bag when you changed over here last time after we got back from the road trip. I just washed them with my stuff and kept them here for you,” Nate shrugged, sitting on the edge of the bed to take his shoes off.
           “You kept my leggings?”
           “You stole my sweatshirt,” he chirped back, and you laughed. You did indeed take his sweatshirt home with you with no intentions of giving it back. Not that Nate actually minded. You couldn’t wear his jersey to the games like all the other girlfriends and wives, so he liked seeing you in something with his number on it. After changing into said leggings and one of Nate’s Avs shirts, you brushed your teeth with a tooth brush Nate claimed as yours from here on out. Then after washing the make up off your face, you crawled under the covers of Nate’s bed and waited for him to finish up. He came back into the room with just basketball shorts on, and you couldn’t help but stare at his toned body. “Like what you see?” he teased you.
           “Maybe a little,” you blushed at being caught. Nate laughed and got into bed next to you.
           “Is this alright? I can sleep on the couch if you want me to,” he said softly and you shook your head.
           “Stay here,” you whispered back, scooting up to kiss him. The kiss was soft this time, almost like a silent prayer, and you cuddled into him as he wrapped his arm around your waist.
           “This is going to work Y/N. Whether people know or not. We’re going to work this out,” Nate said as you pulled back, running his thumb over your cheek.
           “I really hope so,” you spoke, tucking your head under his chin and letting his strong heartbeat lull you to sleep.
Tags: @bqstqnbruin​ @avsfans95​ @andreiaafaria​ @gravygravygravy​ @comphybiscuit
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quartermera · 4 years
Accidentally Falling Asleep with Cavendish
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♡ : Accidentally falling asleep together
I don’t think falling asleep on accident with Cavendish is something that happens regularly.
He’s too precise in a lot of the things he does to let that happen.
Even around you he tends to be like that, especially when your relationship is still new.
He doesn’t want you to suddenly think he’s any less handsome and amazing by doing something silly or uncalculated.
With time, he slowly relaxes around you however.
All it took was for him to make a mistake and you to still call him handsome shortly after for him to realise that “Hey, maybe I can chill around them?”
From that moment on he is much more casual around you.
Don’t be mistaken, he is still flamboyant.
But he also dares to be a bit of a softie.
Only when you’re in private though! Soft Cavendish is something only you have the honour to witness.
This all leads us to that one afternoon.
He had been practicing his sword skills during a few hours and had just gotten back from showering.
Enter drowsy Cavendish.
You couldn’t help the grin that appeared on your face because ...is this the same man?
You were sitting in his couch, distracting yourself with whatever.
Not waiting any longer, your lover walked over to you and laid down with his head in your lap.
It was such a rare sight, you made sure to try and remember as much of it as possible.
You brushed his blonde locks out of his face and smiled at him tenderly.
“Why don’t you lie down with me?”
You quickly obliged.
You were trapped between the back of the couch and Cavendish, his arm wrapped around your waist.
Soon enough, you could feel his breathing slow down.
Deciding you could use a nap yourself, you closed you eyes and let yourself get lulled to sleep by the soft heartbeats of your lover.
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(GIF unrelated but I thought he looked cute)
Hahaha! Yes, tis the last day already ^^ But you can always request a prompt from the list as a normal request, it just won’t be counted as part of the 2021 event :p
And yes, that’s the one @tooweirdforyou​ ! I hope that you liked what I came up with and that you don’t regret your choice :p
Thank you for your kind request <3 I’m looking forward to knowing what you thought of it ^^
Nonsexual Acts of Intimacy Prompt List
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muilkyu · 4 years
Cuddling With Treasure
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🐷 Hyunsuk 
"I can't get the laptop to connect," you complain. The screen has just been loading for the past 10 minutes trying to find a connection that apparently doesn't exist. 
"Just connect your phone instead," Hyunsuk suggests. 
"I already tried, I just don't think the TV wants anyone to connect," you explain shutting the laptop, "Should we just watch it on my phone?" 
"The screen will be too small to see from the table," he points out, "Here come lay down. I'll hold the phone up till the episode is over." 
"Are you sure? Isn't your arm going to hurt," you question. 
He shakes his head, "No I'll be fine." 
You end up laying on his chest as he holds up his phone. You keep asking if his arm is getting tired, but he softly denies insisting he is fine. 
🐼 Jihoon
"My arm is going to fall asleep," Jihoon grumbles, shuffling his arm around under your head. 
"Not my fault you forgot the pillows," you snicker snuggling up into his arm. 
"I thought they would have chairs," he replied under his breath. 
"You're a talkative pillow," you tease. 
"I'm never going to win this debate am I?" 
"You already know the answer to that question."
🐯 Yoshi
"I'm so sleepy," you yaw, stretching your arms up into the air. 
"We still have a long time till we are back in Seoul," he says looking at the map. Both of you decided that it would be fun to have a day outside of Seoul. It was nice out so you decided to visit Daejeon. The trip itself was not long, just a half a day trip, but it was tiring walking around all day. 
"How much longer?" 
"We have 40 more minutes till we get near Seoul," he replies. 
"I can take a small nap then," he decides. Then he tries to find a comfortable position to lay his head on the window. If he sleeps that he will get a neck cramp. 
"Don't lay like that you will hurt yourself. Lay your head on my shoulder, it will be more comfortable," you suggest. 
"Are you sure?" He asks.
"Yeah, you should sleep. You deserve to rest. I had a really great time today all thanks to you," you smile. 
Laying his head on your shoulder he lets out a soft thank you.
🐨 Junkyu
"Are you still feeling nauseous?" You ask Junkyu.
He weakly shakes his head, "No, I think it passed. I'm cold now."
"You're under 2 blankets right now. I don't have another. I could turn up the heat," you suggest.
"No, then you'll be hot," he points out.
"I'll be fine as long as you are comfortable."
"Can you lay with me?" He asks.
"If you want, sure," you answer back.
Junkyu smiles for the first time that day then, "Thank you for taking care of me."
🐹 Mashiho
"I want cuddles," Mashiho demands when he walks through the door of your dorm. 
You take the bag from his hand laughing, "Wow no 'Hello' or anything." 
Walking past you he gets comfortable on the couch, then opens his arms, "Nope. I haven't seen you in a week. It's time for cuddles." 
"What if I don't want cuddles," you counter. Then you go to place the food on the table. 
"Then I'll have to steal them." 
"I would like to see you try." 
That statement was a mistake. Mashiho takes it to heart. He chases you around the dorm. Screams and shouts leave your mouth when he finally catches you. 
"Can I have my cuddles now?" 
You fake a thinking look taping your chin and all, "I suppose." 
🦁 Jaehyuk
"I thought I had put them in my bag for sure," you complain, shuffling through your tote bag. This morning you were sure you had placed your earbuds in the small side holder. 
Jaehyuk wanted to take a trip to Yeosu to see the beaches. He set everything up. He planned out the bus route, bought the train tickets, and planned out the tourist stops. Now without your earbuds, you will have to sit through a 3-hour train ride without music. 
"You probably just left them at home," Jaehyuk points out. It's too late to go back, you are already on the train. You're still looking through your bag desperately, "We can just share my AirPods."
You stop looking through your bag looking up a little hesitant, "Are you sure?" 
"Of course." 
After the earbud situation. Jaehyuk and you settle down for the rest of the long ride. As you reach the hour and a half point though looking out the window makes you sleepy. Jaehyuk seems to notice you nodding so he sets your head on his shoulder. Cuddling up to him you allow yourself to fall asleep in his warmth. 
🤖 Asahi
The woman slowly creeps her way into the room. There is obviously a ghost haunting her, but she's too stupid to realize. Who just walks into a room with a creep rocking chair moving on its own? She still goes inside the room like an idiot. You then slowly raise my hands to cover your ears because you know the door is going to slam behind her. Sure enough, it does. Okay, that wasn't that bad. It's only when she turns around to see the ghost behind her that reaches for her neck strangling her that you finally scream. Covering your eyes with your hands you block yourself from looking at the screen. 
Asahi is sitting right next to you. He doesn't even seem to flinch at the movie. Even when you screamed he just looked at you. He really is a robot sometimes. 
"No I can't watch this," you confess, "How are you not scared?" 
"I don't know it's kinda predictable," he shrugs. 
"Still you don't jump at all. Are you a robot? Are we secretly in I'm Not A Robot? Is this a k-drama?" 
"Neither of us is Korean why would it be a K-drama?" Asahi says, he has a point. 
"True. Can we watch someone else though?" You suggest, "Let's watch P.S. I Still Love You." 
"You've watched that a million times," Asahi complains. 
"Every time it gets better and better. Plus we all know Ambrose is way hotter than Kavinsky," you rant on already reaching for the remote. 
He just yawns, "Fine but I'm going to sleep." He moves so his feet are handing off the edge of the couch and his head is placed in your lap. 
"You can't lay on my lap. My feet will fall asleep," you groan pushing his head up only for him to fall back down. 
"If we have to watch this cheesy movie, then you have to let me nap." 
"Fine." And with that, he falls asleep on your lap facing the TV. The movie plays in the background with you softly playing with strands of his hair. 
🦊 Yedam 
"I started working on a new song for the talent show," Yedam says. 
 "I thought you weren't going to audition." 
 He shrugs, "I changed my mind last minute." 
 "What song are you thinking about performing." 
 "I actually wrote a song," he says a bit timidly, "I can play it for you actually. I made it on the bus home the other day." 
 "I can't believe you actually wrote a song," you smile back in disbelief, "Can I hear it?" 
🐰 Doyoung
"Look in my bottom drawer. It's a little pink cow," you tell Doyoung. He looks through the drawer for the pink cow when he finds it he lets out a relieved 'ah'. 
"Okay, what do I do now?" 
"Fill the belly up with hot water," you instruct. He hums and then a few minutes later he is back with the hot pack. 
"Thank you." You say then place the pack down on your lower belly. The immediate warmer starts working its magic. 
"Yeah, do you need anything else?" Doyoung asks. 
Nodding you ask for him to just hold you.
🐏 Haruto
Rubbing your hands together you let out an irritated sigh, "Are we heading back soon?" 
"Yeah. I'm just waiting for my hot dog to be done," Haruto replies.
The line to the stand is long. It's the middle of winter in Korea which means it's beyond freezing. Today was supposed to be a stay inside with a blanket day, but Haruto wanted to see a movie. So you bundled up just enough for a few hours and made your way out in the cold. It was supposed to just be a movie and then back home, but Haruto really wanted a hot dog with cheese. You agreed thinking it would only take a few minutes. You were wrong. 
"Can't you just order one to the dorms?" You ask, still rubbing your fingers together. The hot packs you had given out about an hour and a half ago. 
"No, it's break remember. We can't order after 9." He reminds you. 
"Then I think I'm going to head back early. It's too cold to wait." 
Haruto doesn't seem to like that idea by the looks of that, "No stay here let me warm you up." Haruto then wraps his arms around your shoulder pulling you into his body warmth. It doesn't help much, but it is a cute gesture so you stay until he gets his dumb hot dog. 
🐺 Jeongwoo
"10 feet apart," Jeongwoo demanded walking backward.
"Stop being dramatic," you say walking forward he proceeded to take some steps back. 
"No, we are supposed to be social distancing." 
"You did not just pull that card on me."
Jeongwoo just shrugs, "That sucks no cuddles." 
"You have the common cold. You're not going to kill me." You say walking closer. 
He takes a step back, "See we don't know that."
You take another step forward, "No we do know." 
"Still no hugs or cuddles," he takes another step back. So you take another step forward and his back hits the wall. 
"Now you're trapped," before he can move around you put him into a hug, "I win." 
"Fine, but I'm only hugging you for 2 minutes," Jeongwoo declares hugging you back. 
🐮 Junghwan
"I think I'm sick," Junghwan tells you during homeroom. It's early morning just around 8 am. 
You place a hand on his forehead, "Your forehead isn't hot. Did you take some medicine?" He shakes his head. The face he is sporting is actually making you kind of sad. His eyes are downcast which means he's not playing around, "Should I take you to the nurse?" 
"No, maybe I should just rest," he replies. He moves his workbook to the side of his death and places his head down, arms folded to act as a makeshift pillow. 
"Class starts in 15 minutes. Also, you'll get a cramp laying like that," you warn. 
Sitting up Junghwan sighs, "You know what your right," To your surprise, he then pulls your chair closer putting his head on your shoulder. His arms wrap around your waist very tenderly, "Be my pillow." 
This gains some states from people in the classroom. Calling him out will only make a bigger scene so you play along. Placing your arms on top of his head stroking his head softly. 
"Okay, but not for too long."
Thank you for reading!
I honestly ran out of ideas for this one so I hope it doesn’t sound repetitive.
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pizzaboat · 4 years
After a particular bad storm, Luz and king decide to have a movie night..
It should be fun, but Luz just hopes the two adults joining them don't kill each other in the next 2 hours...
"No way, I'd rather clean Hooty than watch some goofy kids movie"
"But Edaaa!" The teen whined, "There's nothing else to watch, and the storm nocked out all the power!"
Sure the power was out. Courtesy of the terrible weather. The magical grid through out the building had been temporarily shut off for hooty's safety, and so most things in the house had stopped working. But that wasn't a good enough reason for Eda to sacrifice napping time.
Eda watched as the human brought the box containing some human *VHS tape* titled "The Lion king" up to display. 
"Come on Its a classic," Luz pleaded, " and you agreed, after some persuasion-"
- Manipulation." 
"-that you'd do something with me and King," Luz pointed, "And you said I could pick. I pick movie night."
"Hey, I say alot of things. Doesn't make 'em true." Eda said with a shrug, "And don't even try to give me any puppy dog eyes kid, I'm immune now."
Luz pouted, and Eda watched as an idea formed on the girls face. Never a good sign..
"Well," Luz said, "You think your tough, but it'd be a shame if anyone in town found out you secretly like hugs!"
"You wouldn't dare," Eda gasped, "They'd never believe you!"
"Oh really? Try me." Luz challenged.
Damn it. Blackmail. She really was her kid. Eda knew teaching her would come back to bite her in the ass.
"Fine," She sighed, "But if anyone starts singing, I'm out."
"That might be a problem.. since it's a musical,"
Titan damn it.
And that's how thirty minutes later everyone was gathered in the living room as Luz stuffed human candies into some contraption and King dragged an assortment of snacks to the sofa, throwing them on the coffee table.
Even Lilith had been dragged out of her cave for the night.
"I didn't know you were interested in this stuff," King said to her sister as she settled in the furthest side of the couch, away from everyone else.
"Of course I'm not," She told him, "This is the only room in the house with sufficient enough lighting to read my book."
"If you say so," He muttered.
Eda plopped down onto the couch, opposite to her;
"Yeah, Lily's a nerd," She yawned, pulling a blanket over her self and settling in, "She doesn't do fun. So don't expect her to thrive in social situations."
"I'm not a nerd!" The other woman glared, " I'm trying to research a cure. For our curses."
"Save it," Eda snorted, "I'm fine the way I am, no thanks to you."
"I split the curse, what more do you want?"
"for you to take some damn accountability." 
"How can I do that if you don't let me!?"
"I don't care, figure it out!"
"OK!" Luz cut in with fake enthusiasm, "The movies starting! Who's excited!?"
Eda snapped her gaze to the teen. The two adults had missed the worried looks both Luz and King had been giving them as things had escalated.
Eda felt a wave of guilt, as Luz wormed her way into her side, deviding the two sisters in the hopes of preventing some all out fist fight, she guessed. Eda wrapped an arm around the girl hugging her back as the movie started and music played.
"Hey king, pass some snacks up," Luz whispered.
"Get your own, peasant," He whispered back.
Lilith had tried her best to focuse on words of the book infront of her in the flickering candle light, but her gaze always wandered back to the small box set on the coffee table infront of them.
The demon had been scolded multiple times by the other two, as he always managed to sit himself directly infront of the screen every five minutes, completely engrossed in its contents.
Lilith didn't do musicals. She hated them. Always had.
Edalyns loud complaints and groans of annoyance when the characters had broke into song, were more obnoxious than the movie its self.
That was new.. wasn't Edalyn big into musicals back when they both were in school?
The human had sung along to every word, boasting that she knew the lyrics to all the "Disney songs," What ever the hell a Disney was, Lilith didn't know. And she didn't want to find out.
Lilith had also noticed the wary glances the human sent her every now and then, as if she thought Lilith would pounce on them all. Lilith couldn't blame them for that one, so she did her best to keep her gaze anywhere else but the rest of the room, and focused back in on her book.
King could sympathise with the young creatures desire to become king and rule over all those bellow him. The young lion was the most relatable main character he'd ever seen. Much better than those characters from Luz's books. 
Someone hungry for status much like himself. Though King was already a king. Feared by all.
He clapped when Simba scratched the hyenas face. These animals names were weird he decided though. Lions. Hyenas. Elephants. The movie had even featured those freaks, the giraffes.
He understood the feeling of helplessness when both Simba and his companions had been trapped In the elephants grave yard, only to be saved by Simba's father Mufasa.
He gasped when he discovered Scar's plan to usurp his brother. Maybe Luz had chosen a good movie after all...
The human whiped tears from her eyes, then continued to blubber. King wailed clutching his stuffed animal. Even Edalyn seemed somewhat moved, though she didn't show it much.
The father had died apparently. Betrayed by his brother. Lured into a trap by his trusted sibling. His son used against him as bait.
OK maybe that one hit close to home. Hadn't she lured her sister to a witches duel using their apprentice against them? Seeing the broken form of the betrayed, forced images of what could have happened into Lilith's mind, and she suppressed a shudder.
Edalyn petrified. Luz skewered.
It hit her just how close she had come to getting both her sister and her sister's apprentice killed.
Damn it. She'd lost her page.
These guys had the right idea, "Hakuna matata", no worries. If society decides your not worth it, why not atleast relax and try to have a good time with your friends. Screw it. Y'know?
Maybe that's what she would've thought even a month ago. But she wasn't so sure that was such a great message to send kids. Abandon responsibly. She knew predictably that the movie would correct this. She was proved right of course.
Luz's excitement bubbled towards the end. She'd seen the movie a thousand times when she was younger. But big confrontations were always exhilarating to watch.
Though less fun when your the one confronting things in real life, that's where the beauty of fiction comes in; She was in the mood to enjoy some nice old fashioned living through fictional characters. No danger. Just movies and her family. And Lilith. She wasn't sure why Lilith was In the owl house. Not because of the storm. Just in general.
Luz would have figured Lilith would have found somewhere to stay by now. But it might be difficult for her, what with the Emperors Coven declaring her a wanted criminal, while the rest of them had been pardoned. A selfish part of Luz wished she'd just leave anyway. Her skin always crawled when the woman was around. 
Luz felt bad about this. But it didn't stop her from occasionally thinking it.
She caught a glimpse of the woman In question, when Scar had been left to be killed by the hyenas. Lilith look paler than what seemed possible with her already ivory complexion. Her gaze fixed on the old mini TV. Was she rooting for Scar or something?
Luz wouldn't be surprised.
The villian had recieved what he deserved. To be vanquished by his enimies. 
Lilith felt sick thinking of the similarities between her and the character.
Jealousy. Ambition. Cunning. The will to do what ever it takes. 
She knew they were different. But she couldn't help but wonder what could've happend if she were more like this "Scar" character. 
Titan. She thought this was just a kid's movie.
The movie finished. Eda had fallen asleep towards the end only to be gently shaken awake by Luz after. The movie hadn't been bad. She'd even enjoyed it, Eda wouldn't admit that to anyone though. Not in a million years.
Luz said goodnight with a tight, crushing hug, then carried King to bed. The little guy must have conked out at some point into the film. 
Movie night accomplished and no one had even died. A win if ever there was one.
They would clean up in the morning but for now sleep, she made her way to leave as well but was stopped by her sister.
"Edalyn, I think we should talk.."
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