#so see ya later fuckos!
scentedchildnacho · 3 months
I don't know I think the man who pulled up at me where there is no parking is the same man that stalked me in several areas......it's just what he does as a psychiatrist stalks up to victims and tries to electroshock victims with his car to see if humans can survive extreme heat
He got out of his car and clicked something like he had a gun then opened his trunk but then he just drove away apparently shooting me finally and putting me in the trunk was not a good option
So I just prayed to God to finally give my spirit justice he was a weird disgusting man and deserved no comforts and to finally give my sacrifice his things and may he finally know my severe pain and deprivation while I lord over the world as my true vanity
Im sorry but people like me were kind and don't deserve having to really really pee with everything locked up behind a gun....so if God is true and real no God would give things to people as vile and repulsive as car man engines his dick kills the whole world
I was so frightened I was like dear God finally give me tanks though finally give me something much larger and meaner then these work terrorist wars and may they be as terrified as they have terrified let it finally be over full military quarantine
Lord over others under fascism...
He stalked me behind a fence in las Cruces new Mexico he drove up at me by a federal mail building in Escondido....he has been trying to shock me to death in many ways
Its a stalker that's why I keep moving or people won't finally notice him showing up as too many jobs with too many state 🆔 with different names
I was really screaming nothing but fuckos but people still give them my comforts....so after Barcelona on the christian history of heresy I'm really tired of dying of a peace God
Stupid bitch puts her nudity near an engine or near nuke sand.....im sorry but I'm tired of them trying to kill me with their nudity problem....still no payments to me made
I dont want to die of its stupid bitch cult....so if I can I will put them in crazy mad ward mesh and tell it it's on bed rest till it's a civil human being to itself get out of my face
No I didn't call police...its having to call someone about all ones problems in life when there was prior legislated conversations about the problem
I don't know all the police will do they act kind of ineffectual and they do know all about that man and will stop and shock him at times more convenient to them I assume
I've watched cop shows......so I assume that was maybe my case worker and they will stop him eventually and ask him where my monthly payments are and why I don't have a membership to shower regularly
That is what cops do about child welfare cases......its why doesn't he have anything for his actual physical diagnosis mental regime
The blacks around are being expulsion stereotypes so that cult also can finally go to a ward and emigrate or deport but God get the fuck away from me with your drug problem
They have a street dealer that kind of alters their need to stalk around calling outside their nasty smoke problem that test psychoactives in food so eventually people will stop making them states
Myal difference between jamaican and African....if whites here finally stop stealing my funds to cover obligations to Africans then
Their white racists and they kill other white people to cover their problems with other populations
A drunks history of Harriet Tubman...I sure do hope she arrives to go where I cannot
That's people like this clear cutting nothing but car motorcycle company....it has projects fucking over nature all over the world and you have to die of good relief efforts elsewhere
They need relief in many areas and you have to die of other people's finally getting their just relief
That is why white religions teach people to not get into pleasure and valuation too much or your just day could really fuck over a treaty and backlash ya later
People like me do believe in the Confederacy and creation of the ku Klux klan so I have to be called white and tortured till I lash out in stereotypical ways
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doctor-plagueis · 3 years
RWBY Booty Tier List
Hi I said it would happen so now it's gonna happen, time to rate asses and explain why I gave them that rating...
(also they are in order from flattest to phattest)
[This took way too long (T-T) ]
Starting with D TIER Aka Flat as fuck
Raven: Ya go to the lowest tier in D tier ya all-tits-no-ass having ass, you deadbeat fucko (I really don't like parents who leave their children, how'd you guess?).
Weiss : Sorry girl but even with all your dance training, your Sperm donor's DNA is in you, if it was just your mom's DNA you'd rocket up to A TIER, still more ass than Raven tho, which says a lot about Raven since Weiss is as flat as a wooden plank (sorry @naughtyweiss your girl has no ass).
All of team NDGO: these bitches show up once or twice, and, in the novels they do something bad? I didn't read it, but they like sacrifice some people to the Grimm or something? Anyways they have almost no ass too little to actually matter.
C TIER Aka Too much muscle
Pyrrha : Sorry unbeatable girl your life style is just too healthy, with all her exercises and no fat foods she has no cushioning, I'm sorry Pyrrha you just have too much muscle.
Reese : With all her skating she must have some muscle in the back, like literally, her muscles are trained to keep her on the board during combat so her ass is super firm, but that's a bit of a downside since it's too firm, kinda hard actually like really hard.
Also she gives me party animal girl vibes, that doesn't affect anything just thought I'd mention it.
Elm: Have you seen how tall and beefy that girl is? Now does this affect her backside...mmm...kind of? Her ass is just and, I mean just muscle which is bad because no cushioning.
But her thighs tho mm~mm delicious.
Yang : Yang is all about her upper body, she's proud of her tits and her arms, she is Miss "punch first ask later" after all, so i can actually see her skipping some leg days, like Reese her booty is alot of muscle but not so much cushion, sorry Yang.
Arslan : Like Yang, Arslan is all about working out and honing her body to peak physical fighting ability, however, this girl has genetics on her side, her tits aren't as big as Yang’s however, she make up for having a tentsy little bit of cushion for the pushin' not really enough to be B TIER though.
B TIER Aka Now were gettin' good
Penny Ver.2 : Penny Version 1 was pure metal (at least in my headcanon) so she was all legs no butt, however, Penny Version 2 (again in my headcanon) had synthetic skin, now I'm not saying Pietro is some weird pervert giving his child a fat ass, but he was "generous" which was inaccurate as...
Penny (human) : Penny as a human never had the chance to exercise [fuck you RT (T-T)], so her booty was a little lacking but it was still bigger and rounder than her robot body.
Ruby: Now you and I both know that with all the sweets Ruby eats she isn't exactly thin, good thing though is all the fat goes to her ass, Ruby has that fatty y'all!
Neo : I'm sure people will question this one but, Neo's height is a detrement on her ass, since she's so short her ass has to be proportional to her actual height, so for women her height she has so much ass but compared to the others in this list it isn't as much.
Coco: Coco takes care of her fashion and her body. She does squats often and keeps a balance between fat and firmness. Unfortunately genetics gave her a cute face but not a phat ass, sorry queen.
Summer: Same as Ruby except she has that MILFY boost to her hips and booty (she also has bigger tits but, oh well this isn't the Titty Tier list so...).
Winter : Training for the military helped null the taint of Jacques DNA in her, so she took a bit more of her mother’s blessed genes, her ass isn't exactly impressive like the girls in A TIER but it's nothing to scoff at either, unlike her sister (sorry Weissey).
Miltiades "Miltia" : both sisters wear heels, however, Miltia has bigger boobs than her twin while Mel has a bigger booty, still wearing heels and being as acrobatic as they both are requires a lot of lower body training, and also since they work at a club as security they do know how to seduce people, and that did affected their rating.
A TIER Aka Nearly perfectly fuckable
Harriet : Now to be one hundred percent honest Harriet has more thighs than ass, however, with her focus on speed and the training she does, she must have a nice fuckable ass, not the biggest or roundest but really, really nice.
Melanie: Both sisters are guards for Junior's club, but, I like to think that Mel also works as a Stripper or Lap dancer (Hooker if you got enough to buy her services and have a dick big enough, she's a bit of a size queen), so she worked on making her already fat ass even better and also took the time to hone her sex appeal, those being her twerking and lapdancing.
Velvet : Bunny gal has some phat Bunny Buns if ya catch my meaning, like go back to volume 3 and get a good look at her costume, girl's got hips and ass like she was bred for it!
Willow: Have you seen her in the newest volumes?? She has a chance (admittedly small) against the legendary bellabooties Gahtdayum!
Too bad she wasted it with a nearly sterile fucking shit pile of a human like Jacques, ugh... (How he managed to have 3 children baffles me, must've taken half the world’s supply of Viagra)
[Side note our favorite Schnee femboy took after his mom, if he was on the list he'd be just below Harriet hehe].
A+ TIER Candidates for the Bubble Booty Brigade (BBB)
Glynda : Glynda is a professional huntress, she is a teacher and she's decked out in dominatrix gear, can I make it any clearer?
Salem : Salem is the original MILF, the thiccest witch of remnant , and also, she has magic and is technically a monster girl sooo... that gives her extra points (who would've guessed I like monster girls hehe).
The next entry might be blasphemous for some and for that I apologize but...
Blake and Kali : I'm sorry kitties, even though the belabooties are know world wide they are not yet in the BBB. Blake has the firmer booty because of her time in the Fang but Kali has the MILF bonus.
Because of their similarities and their diferences they tie for top of A+ tier.
The three heavenly asses of remnant, only three girl stand a top the mountain of the perfect Bubble Booty and they are in order...
May Zedong : May has been depicted by the fandom as being really curvy, especially the cow udders she calls breasts, however she hides her curves under her clothes. The same applies to the fucking badonk she hides in her baggy pants, so much so in fact, that May should be number two of the BBB but because she's so shy about her body she's demoted to number three, still, being a member of the Brigade is a blesing of itself.
Emerald Sustrai : As stated in the previous entry Em should be number three, but because May is so shy and Emerald isn't they swaped places. Em is number two because of one singular thing, she knows her ass is her best atribute, and she fucking flaunts it, she knows she can make men and futas pitch tents, and make women stare like horndogs just by walking past them. Not only that, but she wear clothes that accentuate her ass from short shorts to miniskirts, she knows how to make anyone undeserving cream themselves just by swaying her hips a little and winking. Her seduction skills boosted her above everyone else except one.
Every single step a jiggle, every single jump or tiny hop and the world stops to stare, every time she passes by jaws hit the floor, every man woman and futa either wants Nora or wants to be Nora.
Nora's voluptuous cheeks are legendary and the worst part of it all is: She does know the effect she has on people, and she gives zero shits about it.
Because no one is worthy of her divine ass cheeks, except for two men: Jaune Arc and Lie Ren.
She's found her studs the ones who care for her, love her, give her the world AND the ones who have huge bitch breaking cocks to fuck her into the sheets like rutting animals.Every.Single.Night.
Every day of her life is one big teasing session for her studs, she purposefully wear skirts just short enough to see the glorious bounce, she always finds excuses to bend over, she sits on their laps as often as possible.
Just so she can have the mind blowing three ways she has every night.
All hail Booty Queen Nora Valkyrie.
Now everyone thank you for being patient this was something i spent a few days writing (like 3-4 days) and I only wrote this for that time so I hope y'all like it.
Some chacters are missing I know, but I really am comfortable with how it is now.
This was a thought experiment of mine, and like I always say in this sort of thing WRITE HOW YOU WANT TO WRITE I hope this was clear.
Thanks for reading and please if you so desire share it with friends.
But for now see ya!
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joemazzmatazz’s 300 follower sleepover party thing
what up fuckos, it’s ya girl.
last week i hit 300 followers which is NUTS so thank you times 23482834720!
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that being said, we out here in quarantine so let’s distract ourselves with a little sleepover thing TONIGHT!
yeah you heard me: TONIGHT, TUESDAY APRIL 14th
i’ve got conference calls like all day (sarcastic yay) so please feel free to fill my inbox so that later tonight i can jump on and entertain y’all with my chaotic nonsense.
please feel free to send me:
blurb prompts - i have a few but i’d love more. i primarily write for joe, but i’ve dabbled in ben and gwilly too so do with that what you will
character hcs requests - any of joe’s characters except our boy sledge because don’t kill me but i still haven’t watched the pacific
random slutty thoughts - we’re hoes and we’re valid. send me your dirty thoughts whether they be about joe or whoever. let’s whore out together
questions about my fics/blurbs/etc - you wanna know why i wrote something the way i wrote it? ask away. i’d love to nerd out about my stuff.
questions about me - if for some reason you have a curiosity about me and my opinions on things, feel free to ask lol. here’s an ask list you can pull from if you’d like.
whatever else you’d like - tell me how your day was, tell me about what’s going through your mind, tell me about your love life, tell me whatever you want!!! i want to hear from y’all
i’m excited to hear from y’all! start sending in stuff now, and i’ll probably start replying and posting stuff around 8PM CDT.
also PS pls reblog this so people see it and participate THANK YOU I LOVE YOU
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swifty-fox · 4 years
dude! more history rants, that was great!! I honestly probably learned more in that than I ever have in a history class
dude! Learning about history is SO much better when the person you’re listening to has a genuine passion for it! My Russian prof used to take his shoes off and bang on the table to prove his point, he would imitate historical figures down to the Russian accent (with great skill he lived in the USSR through the entire nineties which if you know anything about nineties Russia that is a FEAT. His wife to be at the time ((now a german history prof at my college)) was offered a ride in a helicopter by the Russian mob. She declined) 
Russian history is also just such a rich and dramatic and WILD history. Theres so many things to focus on like an entire semester was spent JUST studying the revolution and that was only an introductory course
Anyways since I’m here and can rant lets talk about two fun things! Lenins  name and his family as well as Vasily Grossmans greatest and most controversial works!
So Vladimir Lenin is a pretty iconic name. A pretty cool name in fact! Really rolls off the tongue and strikes FEAR into enemies hearts.
Did ya know it’s not his fuckin name? Nope! the guy straight up chose a new last name for himself! This former law student (oh yeah he wasn't even a politician no wonder the fucko didn't know how to run a country) was actually born Vladimir Ulyanov! 
but why the name change? Ulyanov is still pretty easy to say, still pretty memorable. Rolls of the tongue so on and so forth.
this, ladies, gentlemen, and everything in between and beyond, is because of Lenins older brother Aleksandr Ulyanov! 
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(this guy has better hair than i could ever hope to, thanks diluted slav genes) 
now sweet Aleks here was also four years Vladimirs Senior and was also a revolutionary! (seems like it ran in the family) 
Not only was he a revolutionary but he was a MASSIVELY FAMOUS ONE and kinda helped set the ENTIRE downfall of the soviet union in motion long before the revolution was even a whisper of a thought. 
How you ask? well uh.
he tried to kill Tsar Nikolas II’s dad. 
yes, that Tsar Nikolas who later was overthrown and was executed by firing squad. Sorry the Romanovs are all very very dead we found all their bodies the animated movie was very wrong. 
Anyways, sweet kolya’s father was Tsar Alexander III and he was known throughout the land as the Peacemaker! 
(also yes they're both called Aleksandr. Russians only have like. Ten names to choose from)
wow sounds like he must be a great guy with a nickname like that huh? Why would anyone wanna kill him! Sadly, the nickname is only because Russia entered no wars under his rule. He was in fact, a huge bastard. Outside of being physically and emotionally abusive to his family (he would often berate Nikolai for being weak which definitely led to some of his issues with his authority and pride being questioned later on...) he was incredibly reactionary and heavy handed when it came to ruling. he opposed ANY movement that might minimize his authority as emperor. He was famous for executing a LOT of anti-imperialist terrorists.
he also looked like this
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not to insult bulldogs but this guy sure looks like one. 
Anyways, Aleksandr Ulyanov helps devise a plot wherein he and a bunch of other revolutionaries will ride by Tsar Alek’s carriage and chuck a bomb through his window and then boom no more emperor. basically, it was the 1887 version of a drive by shooting. 
Naturally, it failed, otherwise we wouldn’t be talking about this! Anyways, All the conspirators were captured and sentenced to death. (5 were later pardoned none of which were Lenins brother.) They were all hanged.
Although Lenin was involved in politics before this to some degree, this action really radicalized him and really got the ball rolling for the eventual Soviet Union. Talk about butterfly effect. 
Alright time for history lesson part TWO!! Lets talk about Vasily Grossman and his work In The Town of Berdichev! Though more technically I will be talking more about the film adaptation titled Commissar(1967). 
quick background time! Vasily Grossman was born to a Jewish family and due to prosecution (of both Jewish people and Ukrainians) at the time was forced to conceal his heritage. He actually studied to be a chemist at first and was quite successful until he transitioned later in life to being a writer and reporter! His accounts of the Ukrainian famine are the some of the most detailed accounts as well as the most controversial (to the Russian state) he also was a war reporter for WWII and intensively documented the ethnic cleansing going on. Understandably.
he was strongly supported by Maksim Gorky! (yes that Maksim Gorky, famous writer, and the man who helped develop the entire soviet education system that kinda was just brainwashing and propaganda. Reportedly later in life he considered that to be one of his greatest regrets((he was also a massive homophobe too because same sex relationships were actually legal for a while there in russia!))
Long story short, Vasya believed strongly in several things. he believed in the human spirit, he believed in supporting his Jewish brethren, he believed strongly in mother Russia and the communist party. But more than that he believed that those who do not learn from our mistakes are doomed to repeat them. 
Thus came about his work. I’ll post a quick plot summary here from Wikipedia of the movie. it’s a really good film honestly I highly recommend it. 
“During the Russian Civil War (1918–1922), a female commissar of the Red Army cavalry Klavdia Vavilova (Nonna Mordyukova) finds herself pregnant. Until her child is born, she is forced to stay with the family of a poor Jewish blacksmith Yefim Magazannik (Rolan Bykov), his wife, mother-in-law, and six children. At first, both the Magazannik family and "Madame Vavilova", as they call her, are not enthusiastic about living under one roof, but soon they share their rationed food, make her civilian clothes, and help her with the delivery of her newborn son. Vavilova seemingly embraces motherhood, civilian life, and new friends.Meanwhile, the frontline advances closer to the town and the Jews expect a pogrom by the White Army as the Red Army retreats. Vavilova attempts to console them with a Communist dream: "One day people will work in peace and harmony", but the dream is interrupted with a vision of the fate of the Jews in the coming world war. She rushes to the front to rejoin her army regiment, leaving her newborn behind.“
- White army was the anti-soviet army during the revolution. Red Army was the soviets. Pogroms were targeted areas of ethnic cleansing against Jewish peoples, namely they were villages or towns that were wiped out. 
this film was banned for something like forty years for anti-soviet sentiment. But why? it seems pretty damn pro-soviet doesn't it? 
Well firstly lets talk about how oppressive the soviet regime was by this point! In 1967 Russia was in the dying throes of Stalins regime. Yes he had died a little over a decade earlier but the government was still very much being run by his ideals. All independent newspapers were banned. EVERYTHING every single piece of art, literature, news, commercial, WHATEVER, had to be state approved. And by god was it hard to get things approved. Grossman routinely wrote of his frustrations and struggles of getting anything published because if a Russain character was portrayed as anything but a happy go lucky communist then it would be censored. Grossman first ran into this issue when he was reporting on the iron and coal mines in siberia. the conditions were terrible but Grossman had to lie and say everything was fine. It let to a real crisis of ideals for him.
The first red mark against this movie is that well, it focuses on a woman. It’s an incredibly feminist movie, with the idea of motherhood and duty and the strength of a woman being just as much if not more than a man. (for reference a Commissar is like an army Officer) 
Secondly, she abandons her post! to have a child! In communist Russia NOTHING comes before your duty to the motherland. But again she eventually realizes that the call of her country is stronger than the call of this simple maternal life and she does go on to fight so why is this a problem?
Well ultimately, it boils down to the final scene. 
"One day people will work in peace and harmony" she says. An entirely pro-soviet message. But then it is instantly contradicted by footage of the holocaust. This is a visual representation fo Grossman saying that although the communist ideal is strong in the soviet union that they are being blinded by false enemies, prejudices and will find themselves committing such atrocities (of course they already are but again he DID still support the Soviet State) Basically it was a warning to the Soviet Party! Learn from the mistakes that were made and gentle themselves!
And this, this was a criticism of the Soviet party! And thus, it was shelved for nearly twenty years.
It finally was shown again in the late 80′s  
Grossman, after attempting to publish his magnum opus, Life and Fate, had his flat raided by the KGB and all his notes, manuscripts, letters, books, publications, and pretty much his life's work were confiscated. Grossman died in the mid 1960′s of stomach cancer not knowing if any of his writings or best works would ever be seen or published again. 
Thankfully they were found and published and his massively important legacy lives on in the people who know about him. But his story is a very bittersweet one indeed. 
you can watch the full movie here with English captions! 
(tw: imagery of holocaust, some anti-semitism (if i recall) some children without any clothes bathing if i recall (its not weird but I know it was shocking for me to see at first))
(maybe I’ll talk about the TRUE story of Rasputin another time...) 
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wynndygoon · 5 years
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Sup fuckos. My name’s Quartz S’iizi. Im here to stay and hang out with my friends, so if you dont like it, kiss my sweet snake ass.
I’ve known the Kindling family for about the last 11 or so years and have worked alongside of both Elizzabet and Apollo on Elizzabet’s MTF “Horizon Line” and then later with Joan when I got moved the the specialist group, the Nine Seals. Unfortunately, the Nines have been shut down for unforseen circumstances, so we all have vacation until further notice. Since my stealthmate Joan’s seal has been “Broken” and hasnt been in the field for a bit, i’d figure i’d come and visit with her and the whole family.
Oh! And I couldn’t forget Noma. Sweet little thing she is. Even though i’m only 15 years older than her, whenever she could speak and i would visit Eliza and Apollo, she had a hard time pronouncing my name, so she just started calling me ‘Auntie Quartz’ and i’ve missed hearing that. She still does to this day, even though she is like what? 23? 24? I don’t know, it’s been a while.
Anyways, if any of you guys have questions and are chill, ill answer. if not, you’ll get flipped off, either way, i’ll be having fun!
See ya in the inboxes!
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isa-ghost · 5 years
Hey fucko you're valid ily and so have a good night if I dont see ya in the CC later - Mika
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rcdwaters · 6 years
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{ RICHARD MADDEN, 31, cis male, he/him, muse b } welcome friend! you know, i just saw ELI HARTLEY in town. it’s good to see them. they’ve been staying in town for ALL HIS LIFE and making a living as a BOXER/FISHERMAN. not too bad. i hear they can be a bit IRRESPONSIBLE, but EARNEST. so, really who blames them? i hear they’ve been thinking about BECOMING A PROFESSION BOXER. good for them. { asher, 22, est, she/them }
hi everyone !! i'm ash and this is the first fucko here.  eli is kinda new, kinda an au, so it's going to be a wild adventure regardless. down below are the talking points of his bio and stuff to know about him and then a few wanted connections. give this a like or just hit me up to plot !! death, war, scar, injury, and ptsd tw up ahead.
so he's literally the posts that are like "one day i'll be strong enough to punch the sun" and the one about punching bees 
like he's so angry about everything always
he wasn't always like that, so if you knew him before the war, you'd be shocked to see the change, he used to be a pretty laid back and chill dude 
he doesn't know how to use his words at all, he's a man of action and fighting tbh
also kind of a slut
he is usually some level of bruised and beat up from either in the ring or just you know, him being a headass and getting into fights
dead on the inside
like has smiled maybe twice since getting home
boxing is his outlet for the horrors in his head and it's always been his dream to be a boxer 
that and traveling the world 
so, him being a plucky 26 year old was like "yeah, i'll join the army, see the world, do my civic duty, and come back and follow the boxing dream, get a wife, yada" 
he got his shit wrecked 
he was there on d-day
he liberated a concentration camp
was there at the battle of the bulge
he's seen some shit man
he also did get really hurt, a mine came for him, he was luckily enough to survive but his back does have a large scar on the left side
he also has a scar on his right arm where he took a bullet
actually stayed in europe for a year after the war ended because he was terrified of going back home and letting people see what he became 
finally came back in 1946 
more on his family later because i gotta link up with marie to discuss their family dynamic more 
but his mom died in child labor with him so he never knew his mom which has left a hole in his heart
and they did grow up pretty poor
but yeah, he has pretty severe ptsd from his time in the army 
which is why he's so emotionally dead on the inside
sees himself as a monster basically and doesn't want people to see that 
so he tries his best to isolate himself
but does desperately want help and want people in his life
tries to be strong and act like nothing's wrong
give him a hug
wanted connections:
fwb; like they knew each other before he left for the war and they were pretty close and maybe had a thing??? but they sleep with each other because it's comfortable and this person is just a rock for eli, but it's def not a romantic thing?? ya feel? well, at least on eli's part it's not romantic (it would actually be great if they like had a crush on him before he left)
people that knew him before the war and are like wtf happened to you dude
one nightstands, things that are awkward later
maybe a high school sweetheart that she's either married now or off the market somehow?? and it's just like "yep, well we changed a lot"
his best friend that they get into idiotic adventures together and eli almost feels like his old self with
if you wanna pick up another character, i'd love his trainer *wink wonk*
drinking buddies and fellow veterans  that get it™
an enemy that is just squaring up on sit with each other
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kris-side · 6 years
i feel no guilt for the people who gotta see my art multiple times bc this blog and my rp blogs lolol
anyways y’all wanna know some Things that happened while i was driving today
1) before i even started my god damn truck i spilled coffee that my dad made me all over it :[
2) i passed a fucking State Trooper without my blinker on and didnt realize it was a state trooper till i was already in front of him. thankfully he went and pulled someone else over instead of me hdfshjkdfs (i was just kinda startled bc while driving behind him he moved like all the way to the right so i was like “oh shit okay buddy i’ll pass you np) 
3) i then passed another cop without my blinker, though he was on the side of the road, still should’ve used that blinker. considering i yell at everyone else who doesnt >:V
4) i almost watched a jeep get destroyed cause they tried to pass this truck with a uhall lookin thing and im 100% sure they couldnt see up the road cause 3 seconds into trying to pass this guy i saw them start to slow down and get back behind him as quickly as possible, and then two trucks sped by. ya fucking stupid bitch i slowed down a good 20-25 miles when i saw him trying to make that Shit Maneuver lolol
5) that jeep did eventually pass the dude which left me behind him and then 10+ cars came out of no where and i had a fuckin line behind me and some fucko three cars down decided to be ballsy and pass everyone in front of him (three cars, me, and then the trailer dude in front of me) and honestly i never wanted to kill someone and also piss myself at the same time. terrifying
6) when we got to a proper passing lane me and trailer dude stayed on the right and this one car revved passed me real loud and i flipped em off and im like 60% sure in a later town i saw them get pulled over lmfao so KARMA BITCH
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isitworsethan311 · 4 years
I’ll come back to episodes 2 and 3, but I need to address this first...
Insane Clown Posse, is it worse than 311? I just don’t fucking know. I tried to come to a decision. I wanted to say “Of course!”, of course I.C.P. is worse than 311. It’s disgusting. It’s homophobic. It’s sexist. It’s plain ol’ stupid. But unfortunately I couldn’t actually say that I.C.P. is worse than 311 because of how big I.C.P. built their brand with very little help from what many would call the mainstream media. It was disappointing and painful coming to this decision. 
As it turns out I.C.P. sort of rules at sucking so, so bad. According to their wikipedia they’ve had 15 full length albums and 9 E.P.s but this is an extreme understatement. There are multiple side acts that I.C.P. are apart of, adding 10+ full length albums. There are 17+ compilation albums, many of which consist of entirely unreleased material. Some of the singles (of which there are “53″) contain multiple b-sides, plus every Halloween they release a Hallowicked  “single” which has been known to have up to 8 original tracks on it. They have contributed to almost 70 albums as guest artist. Even most of their E.P.s are 40= minutes long, which is longer than many bands full length releases. There is very seriously too much work from the Insane Clown Posse to keep up with. I am relatively convinced that these two clowns may be the most prolific rappers of the past 30 years and nobody takes them seriously enough to actually notice.
Oh, and their lyrics are absolute shit.
Early, early ICP, when they were called Inner City Posse, is barely even rap. It’s like two angry weirdos from Detroit making gross jokes in rhyme. Even then it was obvious what the general themes of the music were going to be. Fucking and or beating and killing fat women, rednecks, and yuppies, drinking Faygo, and calling anyone who doesn’t like you derogatory terms for homosexuals. I had a hard time listening to most of these songs because of the language, and I listen to some very non-P.C. music some times. It comes off as incredibly unnecessary, and despite what I may say next, I still believe that it is thoroughly unnecessary (unless of course they lack the ability to come up anything that isn’t so purposely offensive, in which case I suppose it is necessary because other wise there wouldn’t be a posse at all).
That is unless it’s all a satirical joke made to deliver a message of some kind.
Cause obviously it’s all a joke. Right? Right?!? These guys don’t go around assaulting random people, right? Well... maybe. The members of The Insane Clown Posse sure have had plenty of violent run ins in the past. The groupl itself actually started as a gang before moving on to clown rap. But Violent 2 Dope and Shaggy J insist that that has never been what they were about. They even claim that they have left clues throughout their entire catalog of violent misogyny and Faygo sponsorships. Of course, if you’re not a Juggalo then you just won’t get it because you don’t understand the dark carnival.
The ever living fuck is the dark carnival? That sounds stupid.
Well fucko, I don’t really know either, but i can try to piece it together for a minute. You see most of I.C.P.’s full length albums are a “joker card” in a deck of six and each joker is a character that judges or tempts souls in the dark carnival. This carnival was originally said to be the end of the world that would come with the release of the sixth and final card. Later on it would be said that the carnival is a place where dead souls come to determine where they will go after death; to Shangri-la or to Hell’s Pit. When the sixth and definitely not final card did drop the Posse claimed it was basically death and that the carnival was the whole of your life. In this reveal Shangri-la is treated as a place where “good” souls go, and the characters of Violent J and Silent Bob Shaggy 2 Dope end up dying and going to Hell for all of the bad things they had done in the previous 6+ albums.
So it’s all OK now, ya see? 
It was all a dream... One big joke, why aren’t you laughing? Well mostly just because the music is kinda awful and your “jokes” still come off as really offensive and hateful. Even for horrorcore. But even if one can manage to suspend their morals and beliefs to enjoy the world of the Juggalo and find the humor of some of these lyrics, the music is going to try to kill your enjoyment even more. Earlier stuff is sub-par G-Funk. They wanted to be the Geto Boys baaaad. Then they add some hard rock to an already cookie cutter sound. Then they decide to add whatever, funk, alt-rock, childrens lullabies. What the fuck ever. And maybe it works. Maybe. Not so much for me, but maybe it works until they drop that sixth joker card and it sounds like christian alternative. I don’t know how else to describe it. They end up walking it back a bit after their first full on christian alternative rap release, but it’s a thing that never goes away. They went from stuffing Faygo 3 liters in their buttholes to telling you to be found in the light, whatever the hell that means.
I can’t even go on. It’s so conflicting. The whole thing. They’re a gang, and a religion, and a rap duo, and a rock band, and a clothing line, and a movie studio, and a professional wrestling team, and all I can say for sure is that I.C.P. would kick 311′s ass any day.
Regardless if I.C.P. is worse than 311 though, if I walk in to a place and 311 is playing there is a good chance I will ignore it, if I.C.P. is playing I will have some serious question and may leave. Either way:
Insane Clown Posse, is it worse than 311?   NO.
sorry everyone.
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anxietylord · 5 years
A series of short notes to my past self:
1. You know the one- You hate him, just admit it and get out sooner so I won’t have to keep seeing these fucking Facebook memories with the word husband in them
2. BEER BOTTLES. TEETH.- Yes it is too much to think he’ll treat you well. Being in love shouldn’t make you want to smash beer bottles on the floor. He’s done NOTHING to make you think he’s going to change that pattern of behavior. It hurts, but ditch him. P.S. it’s 5 years later and he’s still drinking and doing tons of coke and calling you at 1 am. If anyone has regrets, it’s him, not you. Also you’re not a crazy bitch anymore, so don’t worry. Kindness and attentiveness, good friends, and focusing on yourself helped.
3. Birds of a feather- this dude was just straight up weird and emotionally unavailable and definitely out to hurt people on purpose. This is 100% not your fault. You’re gonna see him in public in a few years and cackle so loud he can hear you across the train car, and when he sees you he’s gonna panic and get off. Good for you, fuck him.
4. Kitten vigilante- we learned a lot about consent here. Don’t be too fucked up about this, everyone learned a bunch from this shit show.
5. Modern tsundere plot device- I’m not gonna lie to you, you’re still not 100% over this one, but we’re like 99% there I think. He’s one of two people to have ever truly broken you heart. And yes you go on a bender, you drink a lot, you spend a lot of money, you go on a lot of dates. But this was a turning point, because of wallowing in it, or going totally Crazy Bitch as usual, you decided to better yourself. It took a few weeks of lying in bed and watching catfish while stoned in dirty sheets, but eventually you decided to get up, unpack your room, get a haircut and a manicure, put on heels, thot ya self up for YOU, go see your favourite band by yourself, and get on with your life. And I’m so fucking proud of you. And I wish I could say it to your face, but this will have to do. Anyway, a few things you should know that I’ve discovered in retrospect: he did like you. He was just very much emotionally immature. He still probably likes you. Which is why he made the scene he did. But no matter what you do to yourself, for him, he will never reciprocate and he could never love you the way you need. You’re good friends now, but he’s still selfish, so keep him at arms length. He’s not smart enough to know how to care about other people’s feelings because he’s a Man™️
*bonus* Lovely Dead Boy- thanks for helping me to heal and to be the first person to work through my mental illness with me. We ended up needing different things out of life, but you’re still one of my best friends and I doubt that will change as long as David Crosby is still tweeting weird shit.
6. Swilly and wafer- he’s going to haunt you. For years. And then one day, after actually writing to him as you do every year, you realize there isn’t a single vestige left of the person you loved in him, and you’re able to forgive him and move on. He’ll always be your first heartbreak, but the person you fell in love with is still there, in your heart and your memories, whenever you care to revisit them. And that angel is still watching you and protecting you even if he isn’t in that form anymore. You’re okay. It’s actually been so long it doesn’t hurt at all anymore to think about. I promise.
7. Passive fucko- it’s been nearly two years and I’m so lucky to have you. You’re my best friend.
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braginskyisbae · 7 years
Can we hear the backstory from that 2p America photo that you mentioned in the tags?
Okay I had to think hard about whether I wanted to actually write this out but I’m excited about it and tbh i don’t think I’ll be able to fully explain elsewhere.
The drawing is based around my ask blog ask-demon-Allen. It’s part of that Allen’s backstory !
Basically the beginning is set in the relatively recent past, maybe a bit before the American revolution. Allen is a human and a revolutionary, and he is very involved with the son of an English American diplomat, who’s name is Alfred. As things become heated, Allen becomes desperate to keep him safe. He goes to a necromancer/witch, begging to sell his soul to ensure his protection. The witch sees an opportunity and bargains Allen out as a servant to the devil, and so Allen is instead turned into the demon that the blog has seen.
Basically the picture is kind of the transition/realization that what’s happening is not what he wanted. He wanted to sell his soul simply to keep Alfred safe, and instead is turned into a monster through black magic, a process he has no control over that happened to benefit the necromancer.
Naturally there is no protection for Alfred. Allen is never seen again by Alfred because he is ashamed and scared of what he’s become, the black magic practitioner is dead because well Allen killed them, and Allen is a bit above what was anticipated he be as a servant to the devil. He’s more powerful than anticipated due to the state he was in when he was sold off, and takes orders from no one. Alfred is brutally killed by a mass of rioters because there was no intention in the first place for the necromancer to actually just sell Allen’s soul to ensure his safety . Allen is angry and heartbroken and basically spends a century wreaking havoc with no one to stop him and no grounding force to keep him sane (which is based around the song Emperor’s New Clothes, much like Allen’s changing is based around LA Devotee).
At least until he’s scouring the streets of NYC decades and decades later and sees a chillingly familiar face.
A friend of mine ( @ask-merman-mattie ) summed it up pretty well:
Allen: So this will give you my soul and save Al rightFucky mc fucko: Ya sureAllen: Cool Fucky mc fucko: whoops now you’re an eternal slave to satan haha Allen: Oh well at least Alfred: Dies Allen: (:
Cue the beginning of Emperor’s New Clothes
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Respect Fanartists & Fanfiction Writers
Listen, and do so carefully... because this will be said once. 
Fanartists & Fanfiction Writers put a LOT of time, effort, emotion and skill into making things that you enjoy for free, friends. 
Sure, it takes you a minute to stare at artwork that someone spent weeks on; or 15 minutes tops to skim through a fic that may have taken days... so you just see it as something to be consumed, and in a lot of frustrating cases, your RIGHT to have provided.
For one, providing feedback in the form of comments or reviews/asks is always appreciated. That’s awesome and we love it!
Sending ask after ask or Private Message after Private Message demanding they make you something specific... NOT okay.  OR, worse, falsely befriending them in order to get them to make you free art/fiction, is alternatively what the creative side of the fandoms calls ‘a dick move’.
See, here’s the thing... if you are friends with someone, you are there for them. If you friend them with the ulterior motive of getting them to draw you a specific picture, or comic, or write you a highly-detailed fanfiction... then you are being a manipulative drain on their life.
Like, listen... even if someone reblogs a ‘Writing/Art Prompt’ post, you cannot sincerely anticipate they will answer every single request they get. There might be duplicates, the person receiving them may not like one received, they may lose energy or focus, or just be busy with the real world. To harass, to send additional follow-up asks bothering people? Not okay. 
It used to happen more frequently in the past, but it’s rising up again.
Consistent harassment of the creative sides of fandom (encompasses gifmakers, SFM makers, all the types, etc.) just drains the creative batteries worse than a lack of comments/reviews on new art/fiction does.
It puts them under pressure to fulfil your demand, which is not okay. Hell, assholes in certain fandoms used to do CALLOUT posts on artists and writers who didn’t fulfil the requests they demanded. It was ridiculous?
Let’s not go back there.
So here’s the thing. 
>You like their artstyle? Yes. <You would like them to draw you something? Oh yes! >Are they doing commissions, or would they be willing to do one? They are open to commissions/Oh, I will politely ask. <They are open to commissions and you can afford what you want? a)Yes (Proceed) b) No. You can save up to commission them later. YOU WILL NOT HARASS THE ARTIST FOR FREE ART (that includes trying manipulative tactics such as making up sob stories, falsely befriending them, and/or claiming you don’t trust internet banking options*). [*If you distrust paypal, or certain sites, you can actually buy preloaded/disposable credit cards (which are basically gift cards), that you can put the required amount on and use to pay. There are alternatives, just ask.]
>>>You can afford it, and what you are asking fits what the artist has said they are comfortable drawing for you? Yes. ~Ask them if they are happy to take this commission and provide the details necessary. ~Accept that it will take time, and effort, don’t hover trying to get them to finish it faster.  ~Do not try to change the deal mid-way through the commission. E.g. if you paid for greyscale, don’t demand colour, or one character but now you want too for the same price, or withhold payment until you get your way. That is a major dick move, and your name will circle through the artistic sphere as ‘difficult’ and ‘untrustworthy’. 
There have been a few notable people out there that have tried to get free art this way, and thought artist-hopping would make sure no one found out. But, buddy, if you know one artist, they know ten more, and it branches out from there... who do you think has the most feedback for creators, but other artists and writers? They will all find out, eventually.
>Not being able to afford it, it not a good excuse to hound the artist to change their prices. Listen, if you’re at the store and can’t afford the new action figure you want... you can’t haggle with the poor storeclerk at the counter (but numerous people have tried that? Is that where you have learned this from?) for a ‘better price’.  You might counter, ‘but the clerk can’t set the price and an artist can’. Listen, lissen here fucko mccoconuts, the artists on tumblr charge an obscenely low pittance for the amazing art they do... like, barely anything.  A coloured sketch? Some artists will do it for five bucks because they’re too goddamn afraid you whiny little bastards won’t agree to anything more; they are downselling their hard-earned artistic abilities.
And fanfiction authors? They have to do it for free because NO ONE pays for writing. Ask, and they will tell you almost all fanfiction commissions fall through, for one reason or another... but mostly the idea is considered absurd.
If you cannot afford it now, then either save, or maybe ask if the artist is open to a payment plan. E.g. If you requested a five-page comic at $60 coloured, by the way an obscenely low price compared to real-world prices, you could ask to pay it in two lots, or something of that nature. It depends on each artist as to whether they are amenable to it. Never assume.
>Not being able to afford it does not mean, ‘befriend the person and try to feed them your headcanons in the hopes of free art’ (nor the old, ‘so my birthday’s coming up... do you think you could make me _____?’).  If that’s the whole reason you have ‘befriended’ them (manipulated them into thinking you are genuinely offering altruistic friendship) then you’re an absolute cactus, mate. A conglomeration of pricks, that is to say. 
You don’t make friends to get things. And if you do, perhaps you need to re-evaluate your priorities, you drongo bastards, people are human beings not vending machines. 
Sometimes, if an artist or writer gets inspired by the stupid headcanons you share at 3am your time and like 9am their time... accidental art or fanfiction happens. It’s spontaneous, fun, a gift based on mutual feedback and conversation. But to anticipate being rewarded simply for your friendship, is wrong.
ESPECIALLY, and I cannot stress this enough, especially if  you try to feed the artist a headcanon... then ceaselessly pester them as to why they haven’t made the fiction/fanart of it yet? Everyday? What the fuck is your problem?
>Why is it so expensive? It isn’t. It really fucking isn’t. I’ve covered this. Also, everyone is so damn quick to say “But art is haaaaaard” when told to draw something themselves, because an artist doesn’t want to, but just as fast to question why that artist (who has learned that skill and ceaselessly practised until they have their own artstyle that you like enough to think about commissioning) is charging you MONEY for something you WANT (not NEED).
You will not actually die if you don’t get a pic of your OTP fucking in a jacuzzi, suzy. So just calm ya tiddies and carry on.
>Why won’t you draw my headcanon? Did you commission the artist? No? Then fuck off. They have their own life and ideas... and if you harass them, others who are less polite are going to have something to say about it. Especially the adults who pressure young artists to make them shit all the time... you will be found and shamed you bastards. >Why won’t you write my detailed headcanon? Same as above. But also, aren’t you the person who keeps saying ‘but writing is easy’? How about you write it yourself. One of the many things you will be told to do to yourself if you don’t stop pestering writers.  That goes for bothering writers/artists here, on AO3, ff.net, DeviantArt or any random site they’re affiliated with. 
- - - -
The biggest question is what makes you feel so ENTITLED to their work?
And that’s really what it is. “I want it. Make it for me.”
Oh sure, you can cover it in pretty words, “But we’re friends”, “But I can’t afford it”, “But I’m feeling so down recently, maybe this elaborate 15k OTP headcanon I want you to write will make things better, don’t skimp on the smut! XD” ...it all amounts to, “Hey, you should reward me for liking your art/writing. If I do not get it immediately, without cost, I will pester you either brazenly, or subtly... I may even pretend to be a genuine friend, to get what I want. You owe it to me.”
And, really, from the bottom of the creative community’s hearts, I’d love to just remind each and every person who feels this way... that you are not a good person, at heart, and can fuck right off out past alpha centauri where such disrespect might be considered flattering... because it sure as hell isn’t on earth.
Fanartists, Fanfiction writers, put up with this all the time.
It’s the sixteen asks they don’t publish, all demanding things.
It’s the excitement cut short when they thought they had a new fic review, but it’s actually just someone trying to get them to write them something.
It’s the person in your chat always giving headcanons, many you don’t agree with, and then checking in to see if you’ve drawn/written them. Relentlessly.
It’s the Private Messages, dozens of them, requesting you do something specific for someone, something that will require time and effort on your part but not theirs. And the angry messages that follow if you turn down their demands.
It’s the angry ‘callout’ posts from people who you’ve said No to. The people who were told, “I’m not taking requests, but if you would just see my commission post for details...” and were abhorred at the idea of PAYING for ART they WANT????
And more. There is always more, worse, unending, frustrating.
This goddamn barrage hits some more than others. Some acquiesce for the sake of peace, but it will not end if they do; because once someone gets free art, or fiction, they’ll demand again and again and again...
- - - 
And as you can imagine, like a ceaseless cascade of waterfall over a cliff-face, eventually it erodes the joy, the fun, the creativity of your art or writing, or any of the other artistic abilities (e.g. gifsets, photomanips, videos, animations, etc.)
But the reality is, these groups (plus the whole gamete of other creative types out there) are putting time, effort and skill into making something; whether it’s free or a commission, and you need to respect that.
So please, be kind to the people who are putting their abilities out there, often entirely free, for the sake of enjoying something they love with the rest of the fandom. Respect them, don’t demand, and remember that a comment on what you enjoyed about their work can mean the world of encouragement.
Thank you.
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taakitz · 8 years
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