#so so happy I got to picnic this weekend it was what my soul needed
strawberryteabunny · 5 months
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magnolias 🌸 and a little picnic by the creek 🧺
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themculibrary · 2 months
Pre-Canon Masterlist
A Broken Promise (ao3) - greatgigintheskies T, 2k
Summary: After part of his crew had returned from another mission being out somewhere in the galaxy and eventually dragged along Peter to it, Yondu finds the little Terran all injured and beaten up in the ship's hangar. Now, how do one actually handle a situation like this - or at the very least - do comfort a crying 8-year-old?
AKA Odessa (ao3) - sirendoom T, 3k
Summary: Natasha was given a mission years ago to escort an engineer but encounters a mysterious enemy along the way.
An Old Friend (ao3) - bitofageek G, 1k
Summary: A bit of a backstory to explain how T'Challa and Everett Ross are "old friends" even though we only saw them together the week prior at the Sekovia Accords where T'Chaka was killed.
as we were, no longer, not be at all (ao3) - 100demons T, 1k
Summary: Some days, Sam shakes his shoes upside down before he puts them on, feeling imaginary scorpions scrape against the tips of his fingers and the aching grit of desert sand seared into the backs of his eyes.
A Warrior's Scar (ao3) - Cos_mic G, 6k
Summary: Battle scars and the tales that accompany them are the pride of a warrior, everyone knows this. Thor especially takes pride in his own. His brother Loki, however… The poor soul has naught a scar to his name.
Baby Don't You Want To Go (ao3) - Saelind pre clint/natasha T, 5k
Summary: Natasha does not like Chicago. But Chicago helps her, in so many small ways, to understand Clint Barton.
bah humbug (no that's too strong) (ao3) - writerkenna pre clint/natasha T, 2k
Summary: Clint decides to help Natasha celebrate her first Christmas with SHIELD. Natasha’s not too sure about the holiday yet.
Cold Winter Mornings (ao3) - dante_baby T, 17k
Summary: It wasn't even 6am when Thor came into Loki's room and declared bluntly "I want to hunt a bear."
control what you can (confront what you can't) (ao3) - spideysmjs may/ben T, 2k
Summary: Richard and Mary are gone.
Peter is still here, still here, and he’s hers and Ben’s responsibility, one that—for as little as they are prepared to raise a child—May knows she’ll hold at the center of her core today, and every day after that.
Happy Mother's Day, Aunt May.
Don't Have to Be Cool (ao3) - emopeterparker (theliteraltrash) G, 1k
Summary: The day after Sam graduated from high school, he got his ears pierced. This is what happened.
For a Decade (ao3) - BGSparrow pepper/tony T, 7k
Summary: Pepper tells Tony about their upcoming anniversary at his Fourth of July party, but his intoxicated mind misinterprets her entirely. The morning after is no picnic either. Pepperony fluff. Pre-IM.
Have Your Back (ao3) - withthekeyisking T, 2k
Summary: Clint Barton is a mercenary, and has no interest in the (many) attempts at recruitment from all the letter agencies that try to catch up with him. But it turns out he just needed the right person to make the right pitch.
here is my hand that will not harm you (ao3) - andibeth82 clint/laura T, 18k
Summary: It starts the day they assign him to Laura Morse.
It starts as something he wants nothing to do with.
And then, it becomes something more.
Lost Weekend (ao3) - rexluscus T, 1k
Summary: Pepper turns her head for one second, and look what happens.
Man's Best Friend (ao3) - tuesday G, 2k
Summary: "Can we get a dog?" Tony asked his parents when he was six years old. He'd heard all about man's best friend by then and really wanted one of his own. He had drawn up a whole plan for caring for it. He would walk it. He would feed it. He would play with it until it exhausted itself and curled up on his lap for naps. He would be the best possible dog owner.
In which Tony builds himself some friends.
Respite (ao3) - MantaI305ApollosChariot T, 923
Summary: Sixteen-year-old Wanda and Pietro spend an afternoon resting together in their small cell-room in the Hydra base.
Thanksgiving (ao3) - fishspeakers G, 2k
Summary: Natasha celebrates Thanksgiving with her new family.
The Beacons (ao3) - boopboop M, 7k
Summary: To be great, a man must first be broken.
James Falsworth has extensive experience when it comes to taking good soldiers and making them great. His methods have been proved time and again, and though harsh, they always get results. He's never failed to break a man, never failed to prepare him for the horrors that await.
Until Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes throws a spanner in the works.
The Sound of Silence (ao3) - Jac_Danvers ana/edwin T, 24k
Summary: On the eve of the German invasion of Hungary, Anna Zellner was a Jewish shop girl who wanted nothing more than to keep her head down and her family safe. She never thought that selling a tie would draw her into a dangerous world of secrets and spies. A world where her only hope is a bumbling British attache. The story of Edwin and Anna Jarvis, featuring a healthy dose of Howard Stark.
The Stranger at the Door (ao3) - flipflop_diva, lattice_frames, Port clint/laura T, 7k
Summary: The last thing Laura Barton expected to find on that sunny Saturday morning in May after her husband had told her he would be there in an hour was opening the front door to find said husband covered in dirt and blood and holding an unconscious redhead in his arms.
And so went the first time Laura Barton met Natasha Romanoff.
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rocorambles · 3 years
Lost and Found
Pairing: Yuji x Reader
Summary: You’ve always wondered what happened to that pink haired boy who had become your closest friend in the very early years of your life and you finally get the answers you’ve been searching for.
A/N: This is for the Anilysium Server’s SFW collab. Masterlist can be found here!
The first thing you notice about Yuji is his pink hair. There are lots of kids your age playing in the park, laughing and talking to each other in the sandbox, on the swings, at the playground. But it’s that shocking head of pink that grabs your attention and with childish innocence and curiosity you make a beeline for the boy you don’t know, ignoring your mom’s warning to stop running. And it’s with embarrassment that your mom chases after you, profusely apologizing to Yuji’s grandfather when you grab a tuft of that soft pink hair in your little fist in awe.
But fortunately for the both of you, the older man just smiles and waves away your mom’s mortification and Yuji giggles, light brown eyes sparking as he grabs a strand of your hair in return, commenting on its color.
It might be the strangest greeting either adult has ever seen, but it seems to work as you both release each other’s hair and instinctively reach for each other’s hands as you race towards the sandbox, chattering about what the two of you can build together with the little plastic buckets and shovels sprawled about.
Yuji’s always been a social child, boys and girls naturally drawing towards his sunny disposition and outgoing nature. So it’s not shocking to see how quickly he’s befriended you. But what is interesting is how attached he is to you and his grandfather smiles in amusement when Yuji instantly searches for you first when he goes to the park each day, flat out ignoring the excited cries from his other friends to join them, either perking up or pouting depending on if you’re there or not. And to both his and your mother’s entertainment, you seem equally enamored. The two adults exchange knowing smiles when you practically drag your mom into a sprint upon seeing your new best friend.
Your parents take turns taking you to the park depending on their work schedules and on the weekends the three of you all go, enjoying a day off as a family. The Itadoris get to know both your parents well and the adults picnic and chat amicably and easily as Yuji and you romp and run around the park.
But it was only a matter of time before your curiosity got the better of you and for once Yuji is quiet when you ask him why it’s always his grandpa who brings him to the park.
“Where’s your mommy and daddy?”
There’s no malicious intent and you quirk your head in confusion when he doesn’t immediately answer what seems like an easy question to you.
“I don’t have a mommy and daddy.”
You’re not sure what to do or think of that reply, so you easily move on to your next question full speed ahead in a way only children can, leaving the weird feeling surrounding Yuji and you far behind. And this time it’s Yuji’s turn to cock his head in confusion with your next inquiry.
“Do you want to get married when you’re older?”
“Married? What’s that?”
“Married like my mommy and daddy! It’s when two people really like each other and want to spend the rest of their lives together.”
The concept of a mom and dad aren’t foreign to Yuji. He knows it’s normal, knows he’s the odd man out even at his young age with only a grandpa to take care of him. But he’s never dwelled too much on why he doesn’t have a pair of parents, fully satisfied and happy living with his grandpa.
But marriage...that’s a new concept he can’t quite understand, something he’s never seen firsthand or grown up with in the household. And he listens in awe as you ramble on with your explanation.
Is that why your parents always seem so happy together? Is that why grandpa sometimes seems so sad? Because he isn’t married? Yuji wants to be happy too!
“Let’s get married!”
You stare wide-eyed at the enthusiastic boy staring intently at you, surprised by the decisiveness in his tone.
“I really like you and I want to play together with you forever!”
Well when he puts it like that…
You grab his hands in yours and excitedly nod your head.
“I really like you too! Let’s tell my parents and your grandpa!”
Three sets of mouths gape at the two of you when you determinedly stand in front of where the adults are seated, hands entwined as you announce that the two of you are going to get married. And then there’s laughter and your parents and Yuji’s grandfather are cooing and shaking their heads in amusement at how adorable the two of you are.
“Marriage is for when you’re older, so Yuji and you have to wait a little longer until you get married, okay?”
“Okay!” you both scream before running off to play on the slide, promise already pushed to the back of your little heads as you shriek and giggle about who can get down the slide faster.
Life continues on and despite how months pass and then years, the two of you never tire of each other, only seeming to become closer and closer. So it makes it that much more jarring when Yuji suddenly disappears.
Your parents don’t know what to do, cursing themselves for not exchanging numbers with Yuji’s grandfather and their hearts break watching you patiently sit alone on a park bench, refusing to play with or meet anyone else, telling everyone you’re waiting for your best friend. They hope it’s just a one day thing, but one day becomes two, two becomes three, and when Yuji and his grandfather never appear for an entire month, you also stop going to the park, the location only causing you more distress than good.
Fortunately this happens not too long before you enter middle school and your parents sigh in relief when you become too busy acclimating to a new school environment and making new friends to continue crying over the sudden loss of your best friend. Sadness is more fleeting in your youth and they’re grateful for this, warmly welcoming the new friends you bring back home after school to study with.
You never forget Yuji. You don’t think you could ever completely forget the boy who had been your first ever close friend. But he begins to become a distant fond memory, a mystery you think you’ll never solve. You think of him from time to time, especially as you get older and gossip about cute boys in high school, giggling and asking each other how many kids you want when you’re older, who you’re going to marry.
A wistful smile spreads across your face and you remember how sure you had been as a child that Yuji was going to be your husband, confident promises from two children who didn’t know the first thing about marriage and love. You wonder what he looks like now. Is he as happy and easygoing as he used to be? Is he as loud and talkative? Does he have a girlfriend?
You get your answer sooner than you had expected and you freeze in the middle of the busy Tokyo streets when a familiar shock of pink hair enters your line of sight. The boy’s back is turned to you and you tell yourself you’re being overdramatic. It’s Tokyo. People dye their hair all types of colors now. So what if someone else has pink hair?
But your heart tells you differently. It’s been over a decade since you’ve seen that little boy, but you swear it’s the same exact shade of pink you remember grabbing in your tiny hands back then. And before rationality can catch up to your soul, your body is already moving, drawing closer and closer to that broad back.
The name comes out softer than you intended and you wonder if he heard you. But then he’s turning and your throat begins to choke as a pair of familiar light brown eyes lock with yours. There are millions of people in Tokyo, hundreds swarming around the two of you as they make their way to the next destination. But at this moment, it’s only the two of you and before you know it he’s rushing towards you and you gasp at the feeling of a calloused thumb gently brushing your face.
“Don’t cry. Please don’t cry. Oh my God, I can’t believe it’s really you.”
You don’t even realize the tears streaming down your face that Yuji is desperately trying to wipe away. Oh, that’s why he looks so blurry right now and you give him a happy watery smile before flinging your arms around him, soul at peace when you feel him return the embrace.
He’s so different from the young boy you knew. Taller, bigger, stronger. And yet, despite the many years that have passed, you can’t help but feel like not much has really changed at all. It feels completely natural for him to lace his fingers with yours like he used to and you let him lead you to a nearby cafe where he prattles on and on about what he’s been up to since you last saw him.
It feels surreal, like a rose tinted dream, and you tightly clutch at his hand even when you’re seated across from each other, afraid that if you let go, he’ll disappear and you’ll wake up all alone again. Turns out he’s just as talkative as he used to be and you find comfort in the familiarity of his tone despite the fact that his voice is a few decibels lower.
His grandfather suddenly got so sick that they needed to send him to a hospital and with no other adults to take care of Yuji, he couldn’t go to the park and tell you what had happened. You only cry harder when Yuji becomes teary eyed himself when he tells you how he went to the park almost everyday when he was old enough to go himself in middle school, hoping to find you so he could explain what had happened all those years ago. And Yuji joins your watery breakdown when you tell him how you waited a month for him (eternity for a young child), how you sat alone and never played with anyone else because you were always hoping that he’d show up again.
When your drinks and food arrive, you sniffle and laugh, drying your eyes, one hand each still firmy locked in each other’s grasp on the table.
“No more crying. We’re going to make up for lost time.”
Your parents are stunned when you bring Yuji back home with you that day and there’s more crying when they find out what had happened and of Yuji’s grandfather’s death. But they’re quick to welcome back the boy in their little family and Yuji becomes a common sight in your household and at your dining table, joining your families for meals and birthdays, studying with you, watching anime and playing video games late into the night, helping your mom with cooking and your dad with chores around the house. And the confirmation that he’s part of the family is only solidified when your parents tell you that all four of you will be going to visit Yuji’s grandfather’s grave together to pay your respects.
There’s not a single dry eye as you all picnic and sit in front of the tombstone and Yuji gratefully accepts the forehead kisses and hugs your parents shower him with, never once letting your hand go as you chat to Itadori-san’s spirit. You give your parents some alone time, letting them talk at length to the old man they had grown so close to while Yuji and you had played.
The two of you reminisce on those carefree days, teasing each other about who can build a bigger sandcastle now. You giggle and ask him if he remembers promising to marry you, joking about how silly and innocent the two of you were then. And you turn to Yuji, expecting to see him laughing with you, but there’s not a hint of humor on his face as he resolutely stares at you, light brown eyes concentrated as they gaze at you.
“I still want to marry you.”
You gape at him, waiting for him to break character, laugh and make fun of your dumbfounded expression. But it never comes and instead he tentatively grabs your hands, holding them in his, thumbs brushing soothingly over your trembling knuckles.
You’ve never seen Yuji nervous before. You don’t think you even thought it was possible for him to be afraid of anything. But standing in front of you, light brown eyes uncharacteristically flitting about as he tries to find adequate words, he looks so vulnerable, so sincere, so genuine. And you wait with bated breath, hope fluttering in your chest.
“I like you, like really like you. I know I said that when we were kids, but it’s still true, just like it was true back then. We lost a decade together and I know we’re still making up for that lost time, but I can’t help but feel like what we have hasn’t changed a bit. If anything I like you even more now…”
He trails off and your chest feels like it’s about to burst in fondness when you watch him trail off, uncertainty and embarrassment obvious in the way he shifts from foot to foot, a pink flush gracing his cheeks.
“I like you too, Yuji. Like...really like you.”
You giggle at the pout he gives you at the teasing tone of your voice as you use his words against him. But then it’s your turn to shift your weight from side to side as you also try to wrap your tongue around the feelings Yuji’s stirred inside of you since your reunion.
“I think I know exactly what you mean. We aren’t little kids who only run around and play in sandboxes and playgrounds anymore. There’s a giant gap between then and now that we’re trying to bridge. But I feel like reuniting at this age and seeing how well and easily we connect even now only makes me like you even more. It’s like our souls have grown together in a way despite the distance, like we were always destined to be joined at the hips.”
You stifle a chuckle at the way Yuji perks up, looking all the world like an eager puppy who’s spotted their precious owner, anxious energy surrounding him as he waits on your next words.
“So I guess what I’m saying is TBD on marriage, but if you’ll have me, I’d like to try dating.”
Your sentence isn’t even fully complete before you watch in mortification and giddiness at how quickly Yuji drops to one knee, the picture perfect of a man about to propose (if it weren’t for both your high school uniforms making it very obvious that this isn’t a typical marriage proposal).
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
There’s only one answer and you simply utter a “yes” that turns into a squeal as Yuji practically lunges at you, sweeping you in his arms and twirling you around.
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falloutjay · 3 years
Wait we can request more than once? Okay then... I wish for Craig x Insecure! Reader (and also kind of x Tweek). So basically we get into a relationship with Craig, at first our personalitiy from very cheery and everything is peachy keen at first.
But then Craig starts ignoring us or shrugging us off, thats when we start being insecure and start thinking dark things like: what did I do wrong? Is there someone else? Am I that annoying?.
So trying to be progressive with her life, we take a job at Tweek coffee, (also sidenote everyone noticed our change in behavior and were worried, but didn't know how to ask how). So Tweek becomes the brave soul to ask us what's wrong. And we spill our problems out to him, Tweek doesn't know what to do but gives us a shoulder to cry on , few weeks roll by, and we find we have alot in common with him, so we start hanging out with him, almost completely forgetting about Craig. (It's up to you if you want Tweek to gain feelings for us)
By this time, Craig has started to notice and gets in the same position as we were (although more jealous than insecure), it isn't until a girl makes a comment about how she'd leave Craig too if he treated her like that, does Craig connect the dots and apologizes, they compromise their relationship and try to be a better couple and be peachy again (or you could do another ending where Tweek goes 'Treat you better' and fights for us).
I'm so so so sorry that I took so long! I just really wanted to take my time on this and really get into it, since I love the request! <3
I'm also sorry that Tweeks route is shorter but hey, at least we can choose which of the two deserves our love. :)
Thank you for being so patient and requesting! <3
Craig Tucker x Insecure!Reader X Tweek Tweak
The sun on your skin felt wonderful. There is nothing better to do, than to hang out outside on a sunny, warm, and beautiful day in South Park.
To your luck your relatively new boyfriend Craig asked if you wanted to hang out with his friends and him when they would go to Starks Pond. Naturally, you said yes, getting finally a chance to also hang out with his friends.
While the guys were busy playing catch with a ball, you and Bebe, Clyde's on/off Girlfriend sat on the picnic blanket that she bought along.
It was also the first time you hung out with her and honestly, you were happy to basically get to know all these different people.
Bebe was a ray of absolute sunshine, and her boyfriend was the funniest dork you had ever seen.
Token was a more serious guy but oh so nice to you as well. Tweek and Jimmy were nice too and the quieter ones of the bunch.
"So... You and Craig huh?" Bebe asked you and you finally preyed your eyes from the black-haired boy away.
"Yeah. I was surprised when he asked me out." You laughed and Bebe did so too.
"How come?"
"I don't know. Kinda thought maybe I was out of his league. I'm not the most popular person around school and most people don't know me. Unlike you guys. You and Stans Friends are basically famous."
"That's only because of all the weird shit that sometimes happens around here." You nodded.
“So, how is he?” Bebe continued her questioning and you thought about it for a second before answering.
“Honestly, he’s a real sweetheart. Totally not like you would imagine him to be when you don’t know him too well.”
“That sounds so cute.” Bebe said dreamingly.
Your conversation was disrupted by a ball flying towards you. It landed just a few feet away from the blanket you and Bebe were seated on and Craig came sprinting.
He smiled when he picked up the ball and came closer to you.
“Sorry for that. I think Token was distracted by your beauty.” Bebe giggled in the background and you had the widest smile possible on your face.
“No problem. But I think you need to tell Token I’m taken then. By the prettiest boy around the school.” Now Bebe rolled her eyes.
“Ahh, to be in love like that again.” Now Craig couldn’t contain his laughter. He looked over to where Clyde was standing and obviously waiting for him to bring their ball back.
“Go back. They are waiting for you.” You said, pointing over to the boys. Craig nodded, but quickly pressed a kiss onto your lips, before sprinting right back to his friends.
 It was a beautiful day that was always on your mind. Now more than ever. Recently Craig had been rather cold to you and you really had no idea why.
He simply became less and less affectionate, when you would do something together, he barely talked, and he generally seemed changed.
He was angrier, cold, and seemed distant. It hurt you a lot, but talking to him about it was impossible, since he would just not admit that something changed.
It started getting to you. It poisoned your heart and mind that he was behaving in such a way towards you.
Maybe…Maybe he was seeing someone else... But no. Craig wouldn’t do that…Would he? Maybe he just realized you're annoying but didn’t want to break up.
“H-Hey Y/N!” Jimmy called out to you.
You waited for him to walk up to you since you were getting books for the weekend out of your locker. When he was finally next to you, he seemed giddy.
“I was wo-wondering if yo-you’d like to help TimTim and m-m-me with a project?” He asked, a pleasant smile on his face while he waited for your answer.
That smile turned into a frown when you shook your head.
“Sorry, I think I will just stay at home this weekend. I'm not feeling too well…” You lied, hoping Jimmy would not see through your fake smile.
Of course, he saw right through it, but he didn’t know what to do. None of your friends did. They all noticed how different you had become, how you smiled less and less and seemed more in thought.
They weren’t sure what to actually do, or how to help, so they just hope that you would maybe come to them and talk about it.
“Oh o-okay. No problem.” Jimmy said, and you could clearly hear that he was hurt, but he already continued walking.
You starred after him, wishing you weren’t so complicated. You felt like you kept only hurting everyone around you. With a deep sigh, you closed your locker and shouldered your backpack.
“Maybe…Maybe I need to change something…” you mumbled while walking towards the school’s entrance.
Craig had football training anyway, so it’s not like anyone was waiting for you, or that you had any desire to talk to anyone.
Someone hesitantly, you pulled out your phone and went onto Craig's contact.
“Hey, you got time this weekend? <3”
The least you could keep doing is trying you told yourself, even if you felt more and more like an idiot. A few minutes later you got an answer from him.
“Sorry, no time. Maybe next weekend.”
You wondered how many times he had said that by now. It felt like a million times.
Were you really that horrible that he couldn’t stand you anymore?
That it was too much to give you a merciful breakup instead of keep dragging this to the inevitable? And yet you also refused to break up with him.
There still was this small hope that maybe he would come around, see he was being a dick, and change his ways.
You loved him a lot.
And whenever you thought about breaking up, your heart ached. It was a horrible situation for you. And you wished you could escape it.
 “Okay, Y/N. I think that’s all you need to know. If you have any more questions, you can ask our son, Tweek when he will arrive. He got a doctor’s appointment today, otherwise, he will be here before you. He’s weird but nice.”
“Eh…Mister Tweak, I know him, we got to the same school and sometimes meet up.” You said, raising an eyebrow.
Mister Tweak, your new employer, simply smiled. You sometimes weren’t sure if he actually listened.
He was an odd fella, but you were just happy to have a little side job, that gave you okay money and had good hours.
You were looking around the shop in your new Tweeks Bros. apron when the door flung open. Tweek stepped into the shop, rambling about god knows what, and took his backpack off.
He stopped dead in his tracks when he laid eyes on you.
“Y-y-you applied here?” He questioned, seeming genuinely surprised.
You and Tweek didn’t hang out that much. He and Jimmy were little busy bees and therefore weren’t at every hangout, unlike Token, Clyde, and Craig.
“Yeah, I thought I…Might need some change or something like that.”
Richard Tweak clapped his hands and proclaimed: “Good, you two seem to get along. Then I will go home. Have a great first day, Y/N!” Tweek and you watched his father leave.
“So…What happened to the well-known fact that your father is a cheapskate and hires no one to save money?” You asked.
“My mother u-urged him to hire someone so that he can be home more. No idea how she convinced him.” Tweek smiled awkwardly, as so did you.
You never noticed before how little you had talked to the twitchy blonde.
Tweek walked behind the counter where you were and also took his apron.
“My dad already explained the basics?” He questioned to which you nodded. “Good, because honestly, I-I suck at explaining things.”
You loved Tweeks smile, and it involuntarily made you smile too.
“Well, I hope this job will get my mind off things.” You mentioned absentmindedly and the blonde cocked his head to the side.
He would love to ask what going on, but he felt awkward. Like it wasn’t his place to ask. And yet in a short-lived moment of bravery, he asked: “Yo-You’re... alright?” His anxiety shortly piped up, making him scared that maybe you didn't appreciate being asked if you're okay and that he already messed up with you.
You let out a deep sigh, the fake smile appearing once more.
“Yeah, don’t worry about it.”
“I feel like you’re lying about it.” Tweek wanted to slap his hands over his mouth, felt incredibly surprised that it just came out of his mouth and he immediately mumbled a quick sorry.
“It is fine. It’s just… I don’t know if I can tell you. You’re friends with Craig and shit.”
“D-don’t worry about that, honestly. I wouldn’t dare to tell anyone anything that yo-you tell me in private.” Tweek said, stepping closer to you. He pressed his index finger onto his lips, smiling at you.
“Well…Since you're the first guy to ever ask me...I just feel like Craig doesn’t like me anymore. Just…Whenever I ask him if we want to hang out, he tells me off, he doesn’t kiss me or anything, I just… Maybe he has someone else on his mind already.”
Tweek felt overwhelmed by your sudden confession, not having thought you would actually tell him.
“If you want to hear my honest opinion as someone who is close friends with him, there is no one. Craig is not that kind of guy. Maybe there’s a lot going on with him right now and he just can’t tell you. M-maybe give him some space and he'll come around. I know we not really all that close or anything, but if you ever need anyone to talk to, I-I’m here.”
You smiled, feeling actually better, even if you never would have thought talking about it would help.
“Maybe you’re right. And I now have a job, so some time apart might be the right thing.” You shrugged.
You heard the bell above the entrance door ring, signaling a customer arrived.
“Well, let’s see how you do on your first day.” Tweek smiled and gave you a little notepad to go and take the customer’s order.
 Weeks had flown by and you had a wonderful time at Tweeks Bros.
Tweek’s parents were incredibly sweet to you, sometimes making you coffee or giving you a cake or cookie free of charge.
Tweek himself had become a really good friend to you. Outside of work, you now hung out at school, sitting together at lunch, or sometimes even hung out on the weekend.
When Craig and you would meet up on rare occasions you texted with him. Tweek was a wonderful person to talk to.
There even was an incident when Craig asked you to hang out and you declined, stating that you had already promised to Tweek that you two would bake cupcakes that day.
“Wait, so you love Fav/Flavor cupcakes too?” Tweek asked feeling giddy, as you two were out shopping.
“Yes. I never found someone who loves them as much as I do!” You happily proclaimed, feeling amazed at how much you and the blonde had in common.
While nearing the checkout area, Craig spotted you two.
He was out shopping with his family. Somewhat angry, he stomped over.
“So you’re busy today, Y/N?” He said sarcastically and let his eyes wander over you two.
“Yeah, like I said. Me and Tweek are baking today.” He nodded, looking obviously not pleased.
Tweek shifted around uncomfortably, hoping this ordeal would end.
“Well, we gotta get going, those cupcakes aren’t making themselves. I'll bring you one on Monday if you’d like.” You smiled.
Craig only stared coldly at Tweek, who wished the earth would just swallow him whole.
“Okay. Have fun then.” Craig mumbled and walked away fuming.
“C-c-come on, Y/N, let’s get going.” Tweek said, tugging you along to the checkout.
“Bullshit. I’m sure Tweek is hitting on them!” Craig fumed, walking up and down in Tokens living room.
Token, Clyde, and Bebe were all there to see Craig's emotional outburst.
Bebe was leaning on Clyde, reading a magazine while Token and Clyde tried their very best to keep their fuming friend calm.
“Tweek? Tweek Tweak? The shyest, weirdest kid in our goddamn school? Are you on fucking drugs?” Token exclaimed, not believing the bullshit Craig kept on spewing.
“Token is right, Tweek is not that kind of guy. He’s our friend and he’s a pure soul. You’re seeing danger where there is none.” Clyde said and looked at Craig with a worrying expression.
Craig huffed and let himself fall onto the opposing couch to where the others were seated.
Bebe kept chewing her bubblegum.
“What ya mean seeing danger where there is none? There is?” Bebe mentioned now sarcastically and kept reading her magazine, obviously not understanding any of the guys here.
Craig made a questioning sound, hoping Bebe would elaborate. She didn’t seem interested in answering until Clyde asked her politely.
“Oh my god.” She exclaimed annoyed and sat up, closing her magazine.
“Craig, do you honestly think you have been a good boyfriend? Because, frankly, you haven’t been great at all. You always ditched Y/N, kept them at distance, you didn’t give two flying fucks about the relationship and now you’re mad they turned to someone how obviously cares more about them? I would have broken up a long time ago. Consider yourself lucky that they didn’t do so already when Tweek seems like a much better option than you are right now.”
Craig's heart stung, and Clyde looked at his girlfriend in shock.
“Honey, you can’t just say that!” Clyde whispered, but Craig stopped him.
“No, I guess she’s right. I was a dick I think. I need to apologize.” Bebe nodded and so did Token. The black boy looked over to the blonde woman, mouthing a “Thank you” to her, to which she smiled.
 Craig felt like an idiot. A big one. He was now standing here, flowers in his hand, looking through the glass windows of Tweek Bros..
He saw his girlfriend laughing together with his blonde friend and his heart hurt when he saw it.
He loved Y/N. He didn’t want to lose them.
So, with a little confidence, he stepped into the coffee shop and Tweek was the first to spot him, he smiled at him waving.
When he spotted the flowers in Craig's arm and his nervous expression, Tweek could easily guess why he was here. So, he excused himself from Y/N and went to that back of the shop.
Confused, you turned around and seeing your black-haired boyfriend standing there, looking all awkward made you smile involuntarily.
“H-Here. These are for you.” Craig mumbled, passing you the beautiful bouquet of different flowers over the counter. He extended his hand, asking for your, which you gladly gave him.
“Hey, I know I have been a dick recently and I wanted to apologize. I really didn’t see that I had hurt you and there was a lot going on for me, which is why I wanted to stay alone for a while. I now know that that’s stupid. So, I am asking, can you please forgive me?”
You felt dumbfounded. This was everything you wished for, ever since Craig started being so cold and here, he was, flowers and apology were already given and now it was up to you to decide if you two still had a future ahead of you.
You kept opening and closing your mouth, not really knowing what to say at all.
You wanted to get words out so desperately, but you simply could not…
  If you choose Craig:
 Finally taking a deep breath, you smiled and with teary eyes said: “You’re forgiven. Just…don’t ever do that again.”
“Never ever again.” Craig agreed and you quickly walked around the counter to hug him.
While he held you close, he whispered to you.
“I’m sorry that I have been so cold. My grandma died recently, and it affected me more than I thought it would…I just wanted to be alone.”
“It’s okay.” You whispered back, just feeling happy that your beloved boyfriend came around.
“So, to make that lost time up to you…” Craig broke away from your hug and you smiled contently at each other.
“Wanna go out for dinner next weekend?”
“I’d love to, honey.” The bell of the shop rang once more, and some elderly men came in.
“Seems like I gotta go back to work.” You mumbled, watching the men get seated.
“Yeah. So, I’ll be on my way, don’t wanna keep you from work. You look cute in your apron though.” You giggled, biting your lower lip.
“I’ll text you when I’m off work.” He nodded, waved, and went outside.
You stared after him for a moment before you took the new customer's orders.
While preparing the coffee and cake Tweek came back and looked at you with a curious expression.
“He apologized and invited me for dinner next weekend.”
“S-sounds amazing. Does that mean… you will stop working here?” He asked and you immediately shook your head.
“Not at all. I love it here and I love working here with you.”
Tweek smiled widely, happy that his friend would stay with him in the shop.
“I really hope you got some nice clothes for that dinner.” Tweek said while he had a glance at your note block to help you prepare.
“I have something in mind. But maybe you’re interested in coming over and help me pick something fitting? And before that, we will try that new recipe for the raspberry cupcakes and banana bread?”
You asked, sincerely hoping Tweek was onboard.
“Yes, that sounds great.” You were somewhat thankful that Craig had been acting so weirdly.
It allowed you to really get to know the blonde coffee addict that you would now even consider your best friend.
“But n-next time he acts up, offer him some cupcakes with la-laxatives in it.”
The customers were looking over to the two laughing idiots behind the counter.
“Oh my god. Where did you get that idea?”
“Have I ever told you the story of W-WikiLeaks and how Cartman got thrown under a bus by t-teachers?”
“You’re in for a treat, trust me.”
The following weekend was wonderful for you.
You had a great afternoon with Tweek, baking and trying on outfits, and your dinner with your boyfriend was amazing too.
You had never seen him so well-kempt and without his signature hat, so it came as a surprise when he stood outside of your door like that.
The dinner itself was a new fond memory of yours. You ordered food and talk for hours on end, catching up on what you two had been missing out on for so long...
  If you choose Tweek:
You didn’t know why your heart arched; you had known it for so long already but just hoped that you didn’t have to do this.
“I-I…” Craig stared at you.
“I am sorry… I just think we should break up…I think I caught feelings for someone else.” You decided to be completely honest and noticed the change in his expression immediately, even if he tried to play it cool.
“I could have guessed that. Tweek is not a bad guy at all… I just want you to know, I am really sorry for how I behaved and maybe we can remain friends?”
“We will see, Craig.” You awkwardly nodded at each other and he left the shop, obviously defeated.
Tweek poked his head out from the backdoor and questioned where your friend went.
“Home, I guess. We broke up.”
Tweek walked towards you and gave you a hug.
“I-I am so sorry to hear, b-but how come. I thought he wanted to apologize?” “I-I-…guess I just don’t feel the same anymore... My time here at the shop and everything made me realize that I can do better…And you proofed me that especially.”
You took his hand in yours, and he jittered and twitched insanely in this for him unusual situation.
You noticed the red blush on his cheeks, and you smiled warmly at him.
“You treated me so much better than he did recently.”
“Well…I-I-…I d-do like you.” Tweek managed to stutter, and you felt your face heat up.
“Hey…Maybe want to hang out next weekend and make dinner together? My parents are out of town.”
Tweek nodded, feeling happy when the bell above the door made you two instantly gain distance.
To Tweek this was new, a close friend of his hinting that they like him and everything.
That was simply too much for him.
The pressure he felt was immense and yet, he felt happy, giddy… In love.
He felt bad for Craig, his friend, and yet happy since you choose to spend time with him.
That slight red blush kept lingering on his cheeks, as he watched you work. With such ease, you managed to make his head spin.
“Just keep doing you. She liked you well enough until now!” He thought to himself to keep calm.
He just had to keep on doing what he did until now and everything would be fine. Basically, a date with the girl he liked the next weekend?
He will try to manage…
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justanotherblonde23 · 4 years
Ok ideas for writing...Iris and Marcus talking about her legally adopting the girls and then asking them for permission? Love your writing!
Will You Be My Daughters? - A Marcus Moreno Story 
Author’s Note: Ask and you shall receive, my sweet Autumn. Yes, Part V of ‘It’s Time to Be a Hero’ is coming. I’ve just been extraordinarily stressed this past week or so with school starting and having to balance that with taking care of my mom who is healing from some major surgery. I needed to write something fluffy and cute, so this is what happened! I really hope that you all enjoy this; it made my heart happy and I hope it makes yours happy too. As always, I don’t give physical descriptions for Iris so that you can hopefully see yourself in her xoxo
Warnings: None
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Marcus and Iris had been discussing this for months. They both knew that they wanted to be together for the rest of their lives, even if they hadn’t made anything official yet. Iris didn’t want to pressure her boyfriend into moving faster than he felt comfortable. He still struggled with feelings of abandonment and insecurity since his ex had up and left not long after Jules was born. How could he not have a hard time when something like that had happened to him? 
The doctor was content to be Marcus Moreno’s partner; she had no pressing time frame. She wasn’t going anywhere. Missy and Jules called her “Mommy,” and everything in her soul screamed that she was their mother. She did everything a mother would do and spent her time going above and beyond for those children. The only thing left was to make it official. 
  They could just file the paperwork and call it a day, but that didn’t seem right. Missy remembered the woman that gave birth to her, and she remembered when that woman left without so much as a goodbye. She was old enough to know that Iris was the closest thing she had to a mother and remembered when she had first come into their lives. Jules was a year and a half old by now and only knew Iris as her mommy. Whatever they did was mainly for Missy and to remind her that she was loved, cherished, and special. 
Eventually, they settled on making a day out of it. Both parents agreed that their girls deserved something special. It was Iris’ idea to ask Missy if she would like to be formally adopted. She wanted the little girl to feel like she had a say in the matter and that she was the central figure. 
One Friday, the good doctor took her two girls out shopping in search of a dress. She told them that it was for an extraordinary occasion, some sort of surprise for them. Naturally, both girls were thrilled. Missy insisted on finding matching dresses for her and little Jules, stating that it was always the best to have sister sister matchy time. Jules wanted to be just like her big sister, so she was thrilled. 
Three children’s shops later, a pair of matching dresses were found. They were this gorgeous peachy pink, Missy’s current favorite color, with a tulle skirt full of sparkles and perfect for twirling. The sparkles were at Jules’ insistence; she could never say no to anything sparkly. The silver sparkly matching shoes were a great addition, too. As exhausting as it could be carting around an eight-year-old and a toddler, Iris was satisfied with a job well done. 
As much as the girls begged both of their parents to know what the surprise was, neither of them would cave. Missy wracked her brain, trying to figure out what it could be. There weren’t any birthdays coming up that she knew of, Christmas was over, and Valentine’s Day was next week. What could it be? 
Saturday came around, packed full of all of their favorite activities. The Moreno family had a brunch picnic at the park, played on the swings together, and even spent a few hours at the Natural History Museum. Jules was extremely obsessed with all things dinosaur at the moment. Every skeleton they saw left the little girl giggling, “A dino! It’s a dino! What it name, Momma?” 
Marcus watched as his girlfriend would carefully explain each fossil’s name to her, pronouncing it slowly so that his daughter could understand how it was said. Then she and the little one would pronounce it together, a little incorrectly, but Jules wasn’t even two yet, so who could blame the kid. He loved how gentle and caring his partner was with his kids. He could have never expected to find someone like her, not in a million years. He was thrilled to be finally taking the next big step with her and making his children officially hers too. Family was something that he treasured beyond everything else in his life. The fact that he had a family that was whole again made him thank his lucky stars. 
Their time at the museum went on like this for the next few hours. Each girl had their favorite exhibits, and the couple made sure that everyone got to see what they wanted most. Anyone looking at the four of them would see a regular happy family out for a Saturday outing full of laughs, giggles, and hugs. By the time they were done for the day, both girls each sat in a parent’s arms, cuddled close to the people that loved them the most. 
Last on the agenda for the day was dinner at their favorite restaurant. At least twice a month, the little family ended up at a local pizza joint called LJ’s Pizza, named after the founder and owner of over 40 years. The kids inhaled the pizza every single time they visited, danced around to the local music on the weekends, and their parents always enjoyed good conversation with the owner and his family. It was a win-win in every sense of the word. 
 As they walk into the restaurant, both girls gasp, taking in their surroundings in awe. The customarily packed restaurant was empty. Every single table had a photograph of the two little girls and Iris or the entire family together. The one table that didn’t have pictures was covered in all the girls’ favorite dishes. The owner, LJ, smiled at the kids, opening his arms as they barreled into him for a hug. After they had gotten their hugs from the older man and a piece of candy each that he slipped them, they turned back to their parents. 
“Mommy, what’s going on?” Missy wondered, looking around the room. 
“Well, Missy, Jules, your daddy and I have been talking recently, and we wanted to ask you something,” Iris began to explain. 
Everyone sat down at their table, the girls each crawling onto a parent’s lap. Once they were settled, Iris continued. “I’ve been your mommy for a while now, right?”
Both girls nodded simultaneously. Jules was a little confused because she had never really known any other mommy beside Iris, but she kept quiet and nodded. Her mommy was using her serious voice, and she knew better than to interrupt her. 
“Well, I want to be your mommy forever, if you’ll let me. I’m not ever going anywhere, and I wanted to make it official. What I’m asking is, would you like for me to adopt you and be your forever mommy?” 
Missy squealed, jumping off her father’s lap into Iris’. She grabbed her mommy’s face in her little hands and covered her with kisses. Even at five, she understood what Iris was asking her. “Do you mean it? You’ll stay with me forever and be my mommy?” 
“Yes, I promise that I’ll stay with you forever, Missy Mae. I love you with all my heart, and I never ever want to be without you. Thank you for letting me be your mommy, little one.” She pressed a kiss to Missy’s forehead and then rubbing the girl’s nose with her own. 
Jules was happily sharing her mommy’s lap with her big sister, not a care in the world. She leaned over and asked, “Daddy, Mommy is my mommy, right?” 
Marcus couldn’t help but break out into a grin, seeing his girls so enamored by his dear Iris. “Yes, baby, Mommy is your mommy.” 
Apparently, that was a satisfactory answer for Jules because she nodded, snuggling up in the woman’s lap, content with watching everything around her. She popped her thumb in her mouth and reveled in the palpable joy in the room. 
The family dug into dinner with enthusiasm. They had forgotten to grab lunch during the whirlwind museum adventure. Not much was said as they ate, everyone far too busy putting food in their mouths and gobbling it all down. Now and then, Missy would stop to say, “Mommy, Daddy, I love you,” and then hope right back into her food. Once dinner was finished, and the kids were cleaned up, Marcus grabbed the girls’ attention. 
“Mommy and I decided to get you both something to mark this special occasion. Would you both like your gift?” 
Jules lit up like a Christmas tree, her umber eyes sparkling. “A present? For meeeee?!” she asked, full of excitement. She reached out her chubby toddler hands, ready to open something. 
Her father handed her a box, which Iris helped her open. Nestled inside was a silver heart locket that matched the one that her mother wore around her neck. Opening it up, the little girl found a picture of both her parents. “So that Mommy and Daddy can always be with you, even when we’re apart,” he murmured. 
“Like Mommy’s! Same same!” she giggled, absolutely delighted to be matching her mommy. When Iris put it on her, she squealed, touching her own locket and then her mother’s. 
Missy was up next, curious as to what she had gotten. The box her father handed her was a different shape from her sister’s, so it wasn’t a locket. She opened her gift to see a silver bracelet. Picking it up, she realized that it had her initials in the middle of it. She looked up, grinning ear to ear. “MM, for Missy Moreno?”
“You betcha, Missy Mae,” Marcus replied. “Your mommy made this just for you. Those stones are moonstones because you are our sun, moon, and all the stars in our sky. Also, it connects to my watch and Mommy’s bracelet so that you can get in touch with us any time. All you have to do is press these two buttons on the side, and you’ll be able to call us.” 
She beamed, slipping it on her wrist and examining it proudly. It wasn’t just the fact that she had received a gift from her parents. It was that her mommy made it, all by herself, just for her. Iris was known for her inventions, and the fact that she had made something exclusively for her little girl made Missy’s heart overflow. She looked up to the woman and loved her dearly; the only thing she wanted was to have both parents loving her and taking care of her. This was Iris’ promise not to leave, and it meant everything to her daughter. 
Monday morning came, and the family of four went to the local courthouse to submit their paperwork and make everything official. The girls insisted that they wear their matching dresses once more and have Iris do their hair. Jules had her brown curls tamed in a little half ponytail on the top of her head that Marcus lovingly nicknamed “the fountain”. Missy’s hair was in an elaborate braid that fell over her shoulder. Both girls couldn’t stop grinning and giggling. Marcus was wearing a nice suit with a blue tie that matched that blue floral of his girlfriend’s dress. They were all dressed to the nines and ready to make their family of four official. 
The whole affair was brief, taking less than an hour to have everything submitted and filed away properly. Once the registrar told them they were all set, Iris burst into tears. She knelt down on the girls’ level, gathering them up in her arms, holding them tight. She kissed both of them, drying her eyes, and standing back up to embrace her boyfriend. Marcus scooped her up, twirling her around and kissing her soundly, the happiness contagious. Finally, they were a family both in name and in their hearts. 
A county clerk came up to them, offering to snap a picture of the precious moment. Iris stood, enveloped in Marcus’ arms, with her two beautiful little girls clinging onto her dress. That picture sits above the mantle in their home as a reminder of the day they became the Moreno Family of Four.  
Let me know if you’d like to be added to the tags list for the Marcus + Iris Universe series. It’s ongoing and I have SO MUCH more planned for our favorite little family <3
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ssvgawara · 4 years
First Date Nerves
Summary: Atsumu shouldn’t be as nervous as he is to ask you out or for your date but he is. But you? You find it cute
WC: 1.3k
a/n: I needed to write some good Atsumu fluff for the soul, also so I could avoid my work because I deserved a break. Also I’m a sucker for cute first dates especially what I’ve written (no spoilers ;) )
It’s honestly cute how nervous he is.
Atsumu is standing there stuttering over his words and you’re waiting for him patiently. You giggle a little bit watching him and he notices getting a little defensive.
“Hey! Why are ya laughing? I’m pouring out my feelings for ya and yer over there gigglin’” Atsumu crossed his arms a pout forming on his lips. You giggled again
“I’m sorry but you’re just too cute. You’re so confident on the court but the moment you try and talk about your feelings you clam up. It’s cute”
“So ya think I’m cute?” Atsumu said his attitude suddenly changing his signature grin on his face.
“Whatever helps you sleep at night” you laughed nudging his shoulder lightly which made him give a short yelp and rub the spot you hit, acting as if it hurt. You see right through this and just laugh some more.
“I’d sleep better knowing yer going on a date with me this weekend,” He finally got his initial question out. You gave him a large smile.
“Well we couldn’t have you not sleeping well could we?” You grinned agreeing to the date without a forward yes.
“I’ll pick you up Saturday around noon, wear something cute,” He winked, but internally he was screaming at the fact that you had agreed to a date with him. Sure he has a plan but he didn’t think he’d make it this far.
It’s Saturday morning
Even though Atsumu said he’d sleep better knowing he was getting his date with you he hadn’t slept a wink the previous night. He had the perfect plan to make this date perfect and he hoped you would love it.
What he has yet to realize is that any moment you spend with him is perfect. He’ll find that out later.
But that’s for later, back to the present.
Atsumu’s standing in front of his closet trying to decide what to wear. He thought this was only a problem girls have. After staring pitifully into the closet hoping for his clothes to begin speaking to him, telling him what he should wear he finally pulled out an outfit the worked.
Getting ready he looked at the time realizing he was running behind and he’d have to rush to make it to you by noon.
God he hoped you were struggling as much as he was.
In reality, while you had your own nerves things were going okay. You had spent the morning taking your time to get ready. Granted you were a little confused by what he meant by cute, you had ended up going with an outfit that was good for just about any outing.
Around noon a quick knock on your door signaled the arrival of your date. Collecting your things you answered the door to find Atsumu out of breath.
“Did you run here?’
You obviously knew he was lying but shrugged it off instead choosing to tilt your chin and point to the bag he was carrying.
“What’s with the bag?” You questioned shutting the door and stepping outside beside the blond.
“It’s a surprise now c’mon I have the best date ever planned,” You gave a small laugh as he grabbed your hand and pulled you a long refusing to tell you his plan.
He wouldn’t tell you because he was secretly scared you’d hate it. He’d worked so hard to make it perfect and something you’d both enjoy. You couldn’t tell but he was nervous. He refused to let go of your hand, scared that if he et go you’d notice how shakey he was.
Eventually after a short a walk the two of you arrive at a park. It seemed mostly empty save for another couple walking down a worn path.
“I thought we could have a picnic,” Atsumu spoke up nervously rubbing the back of his neck. He looked up to gauge your response.
It almost felt like a weight had been lifted off his chest when a smile lit up your face. You crashed into him bringing him into a hug.
“I love it ‘Tsumu” You said pulling away from him.
“Don’t go falling in love with me before this date even begins,” he joked leading you over to a clearing. He set the bag he had been carrying down and pulled out a blanket for the two of you to sit on.
“I bothered ‘Samu for days before he finally helped me make these,” Atsumu mumbled a small smile on his face as he pulled out two bentos. The two of you sat on the blanket facing each other, he handed you one of the bentos shyly which you took.
“Y’know ‘Tsumu based on your confidence on the court one would think you wouldn’t be this nervous going on date.” You said casually before opening the bento. It smelled and looked great and you were excited to dig in.
He shrugged, “I didn’t think I would be nervous either but ya just have that effect on me I guess,” He said  before taking a bite, “Hey, I didn’t do half bad.”
You gave a short laugh as he praises his own cooking before taking a bite of yours and nodding in agreement, “You’re right you didn’t do half bad.”
“Noooo, yer supposed to say ‘wow ‘Tsumu this is best thing I’ve ever eaten thank ya for this amazing food and great date,’” He said with a whine, you only laughed.
“Let’s make it through the date before I say anything like that.”
And from that the two of you talked while eating. It was full of jokes and laughs. Especially when Atsumu choked on his food laughing to hard at a lame joke you had said. Thing settled down after that. That is until you saw a set of swings in the distance. Atsumu caught you staring and grinned.
“I bet I can swing higher than ya.”
“You’re so on”
And with that the two of you took off, runnig towards the swing set, both of you bound and determined to win. You got on the swing and began to kick your legs with all your might to get higher than Atsumu, but curse his long legs, he was already higher than you. You gave a slight pout just working harder to get higher than him.
“It’s not fair your legs are longer than mine,” You whined with a pout. You continued to push yourself higher. You looked over and noticed your date was no longer next to you. Until a set of hands grab the swing chains right above yours. 
You leaned back enough to see Atsumu standing behind you, “Awe are you gonna push me/” You ask with a grin.
“Not if ya keep messing with me,” He said before pulling you back and pushing the swing forward, pushing you high up into the air. You squealed with laughed feeling the air around you. You felt like a little kid again, “Higher!” You yelled in the excitement, feeling Atsumu’s hands on your back as he pushes you. Eventually he slows down and you come back to the ground, your laughing and you look disheveled from the wind pushing against you but you look happy. And seeing you like that has Atsumu grinning just as much as you are.
You leaned back some to look up at Atsumu while he tilted his head down to look at you. Seeing the joy in your eyes brought him joy. He wanted to feel this type of happy forever. 
It was in that moment Atsumu made an impulsive decision.
He leaned down just enough for your lips to meet. It was a bit of an awkward angle but it was alright, you tasted of the meal you had had earlier and your lips were cool and chapped from the wind. But it worth it. You kissed back, and it was worth it. You two separated and you smiled.
“Don’t fall in love with me before this date is over.”
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ladysarahsakura · 3 years
Bucky Barnes X OC Ember
Note: Ember is my OC character for Marvel and is the daughter of Hades and Persephone. I also do not own anything here but my own OC I hope you enjoy!
They met in 1940, Sarah worked in a small flower shop in Brooklyn that James “Bucky” Barnes and Steve Rogers chose to pop into that one afternoon. When James saw her, he couldn’t fight the urge to talk to her. He asked her for her help with picking out flowers for his mom and all Steve could do was smirk at his friend for fumbling his words at first. After making their purchases and paying, she told James to let her know how his mom liked them when he could. A week late, he caught her on her way home and James offered to walk her. He grinned when her cheeks bloomed a soft pink against her fair skin as she accepted. As they walked, the pair got better acquainted and learned they had similar interests. Bucky started slowly falling deeper and deeper for her as he watched her enthusiastically talk about her childhood. Once at her doorstep, he chose to ask her out to dinner next weekend and was ecstatic when she said yes. Over the next year, dinner dates turned into dancing, beach trips, picnics in the park, even to a few movies,. They were very much in love, more than once Steve would hear his best friend tell him, his mother and his siblings about how she was the one for him and that he wanted to marry her. By December though, the young lovers’ plans made a drastic change. The U.S had entered the fight over and Germany and Bucky had been drafted. Soon he was being shipped off to Camp McCoy in Wisconsin along with the other young men in his regiment. The week before his departure was heartbreaking for them. H promised to come back to her after the war was won and to write to her every single chance he got. She promised to wait on him and to keep an eye on his family and Steve until he returned. She gave him a small, leather-bound journal to use and said it was an early Christmas gift. He smiled softly at her with tears in his eyes as he grabbed hers, a small necklace with her birthstone as the pendant. On the day of his departure, he huggled Steve, his mom and his siblings goodbye and when Sarah handed him his bags, he pulled his girl into a deep kiss and repeated his promise to her and told her he loved her. He watched out his train car window until they were all out of sight. Sarah waited a full year and a half but was sadly called back home by her father before her soldier’s return home. When James came home and she was gone, Steve gave him the letter she told him to give him which said how much she loved him and how she would be back in Brooklyn before he got back from the war, gave a new mailing address and a promise to be there when he got home.
Sarah had a secret, a secret she was terrified to tell James, and that was who and what she truly was. Her birth name was Ember, her parents were greek gods- Persephone and Hades. She did wish to tell James the truth as they were slowly talking about spending their lives together, even if it would’ve cost her his love. She returned to the Underworld realm due to her father being swamped with new souls and paperwork due to the war overseas in the mortal realm. She returned to Brooklyn in 1945, only to learn Steve had taken part in a military experiment and became Captain America only to crash a plane into icy waters and couldn’t be found and that Bucky- her Bucky- was gone. She mourned with his family and helped them however they needed her to until once again she was called to the underworld, to mourn on her own time.
Fast forward to 2011, now a member of S.H.E.I.L.D, being told by Director Fury that Steve was alive. He put her in charge of helping him when he woke up which didn’t go as planned. After calming her old friend down, she explained everything including what she was and why she never told Bucky. He assured her that he would’ve loved her no matter what. She longed to see him again to know if that was true, little did she know she would get that chance.
2014, she was just as shocked as Steve and Natasha to find Bucky not dead but brainwashed by H.Y.D.R.A. An ability she possessed was mind-reading and memory recovery which can only be used through direct contact with the person wishing to have their memories recovered. As Bucky- now the winter solider- went to grab her, she twisted his human arm behind his back and slammed him to the ground, before her hand could reach the back of his headache had flipped them around, grabbed her by the throat with his metal hand and was about to hit her when he was knocked over by Sam Wilson. She didn’t join Sam and Steve going against Bucky when they encountered the winter soldier on the Triskelion but did assist Steve in Romania when they finally tracked down his location.
Present time after the blip so much has changed. Sam is now the new Captain America and Ember and Bucky finally had a moment of peace to catch up. His memories were still hazy about her but he knew she was important to him. Each passing day he remembered her more and more, mainly as the girl at the flower shop and the girl he took to dinner a week or so after. He trusted her wholeheartedly and once learning what she was and of the powers she possessed, he trusted her even more. She didn’t shy away from him, she wasn’t scared of him even after their violent meeting again after almost 60 plus years, she sided with him against her other friends, and now that Steve had retired, he spent almost every day he could with her. He loved the city but for once he took his therapist’s advice and moved out of Brooklyn. Instead of living with Sam, he moved to Pennsylvania which was where Ember was. In a two-bedroom cottage in the rural part of the state with an attached Morticia Addams style conservatory that housed all matters of plant life, was where she settled. Buck lived in a studio apartment in the neighbouring town which was only a few minutes away from her however he felt as if he belonged beside her. The two shared a usual breakfast and sat at her kitchen island when more memories of her flooded his mind. By this time she had already told him the truth of who she was as well as her parents and they had even met Bucky. As she reentered the kitchen from watering a few of her plants, she saw the look on Bucky’s face and grew concerned, “ You alright, Buck?” His gaze rested on the pendant that was around her neck, “ I-I gave that to you. In 1941 before I had to leave for training, didn’t I?” He sounded scared almost. His memories of him and Steve had come back in droves after being woken from the cryostasis and with Shuri and the other Wakandan scientists help. His only memory of her was being the girl from the flower shop as well as her truth she told him after he was woken up and Bucky internally panicked thinking he messed something up somehow. “Yes. You gave it to me as an early Christmas gift because you wouldn’t be there. Bucky, an ability I have is memory recovery did Steve or Sam tell you that?” She spoke softly to him trying to ease his panic. When he said no she went on explaining what her ability could do. When she activated this ability, she could take someone into their own mind and show them the memories they oppressed or couldn’t remember. He stood slowly and walked to her side of the island and grabbed her hands, placing them on his cheeks, “I want to remember you. Please.” Ember studied his eyes for a moment before her hands glowed a soft blue. Suddenly, she and bucky were back in 1940’s Brooklyn and Bucky smiled, pointing out what places were still standing in the modern-day. The two took the path he and small Steve took every day until they spotted himself and Steve making their way home from work. A perk was nothing in your memory could be tainted so the pair followed through the crowd, not worried about getting caught. His hand instinctively grabbed hers as they followed young Bucky into the flower shop she worked at. Another perk was you could hear the person’s inner thoughts from that time so suddenly Bucky heard his voice talk about how pretty she was and he saw Ember’s cheeks turn that same soft pink again. Suddenly the memory shifted to him walking her home, asking her out to dinner, and a feeling of anxiety washed over them, ‘Bucky had been nervous about their first date’ she thought fondly. Memories played of them being in her apartment, of her meeting his family and the bear hug his mom gave her, Suddenly they were in his childhood bedroom with small Steve drawing away as Bucky got ready for another date with her, “ I’m telling you, Steve, she’s the one. I’ve never felt this way about someone before.” Small steve chuckled and told his friend that was the fifth time he’d told him that. Again the memory changed to Bucky at Sarah’s apartment, laying on the full bed she had, talking about the future as
she worked on a new yarn project. Present Bucky suddenly asked to stop and immediately the world changed back to their modern selves in her cottage. She went to let go of Bucky’s face, scared she’d done something wrong but he didn't let her go yet just had her back facing him. “ I fell in love with you quicker than I ever thought I could fall for someone. I remember going to the jewlery store to get your necklace that day and looking and engagement rings because I wanted to surprise you with a ring I had been eying fr months” there was a small pause,. “Why didn’t you tell me what you were back then?” His voice was soft as he turned her around to face him, slowing whipping the tears from her face, “ I-I didn’t know how. I-I thought you- you’d hate me or think I was lying or just some freak. When I finally wrote everything down the way I wanted to say it, you got drafted. I didn’t want you to hate me when you left. I wanted to make sure you were happy before you left.” She began sobbing, trying to shrink in on herself when he pulled her into him. “You really think that would’ve made me hate you? I mean it would’ve been a surprise, yeah but I fell in love with you for you not for what you are, that doesn't and didn't matter to me. I loved you then and I love you still.” Bucky suddenly felt very nervous, saying he loved her after decades apart wasn’t easy and letting people in wasn't easy for Bucky anymore, but he knew she was worth it still. He just hoped she felt the same way he did. He saw her fighting with her own brain, trying to think of how this would affect him now. He took her face in his hands and proposed something to her. Making new memories, a second first date and if after a few dates, they still wanted each other then they’d pick up where they left off. He saw her smile softly and it made his heart skip. Slowly leaning in, he kissed her softly, almost scared until she chose to deepen it. The memory of the first time they kissed popped into their heads along with all their other kisses. Pulling away he chuckled, genuinely happy again.
For once, he felt safe and at home.
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langdxn · 4 years
How would Cody's characters spend father's day with their significant other who has major daddy issues and is totally estranged from their 'father'. Sorry father's day has always been rough on me, and your girl is struggling right now...🖤
oh honey i’m so sorry this is such a hard day for you, i hope you can find some comfort in the knowledge that you’re most definitely an amazing human being without the dream ‘father’ figure everybody raves about. fathers are significantly overrated!
We all know Outpost!Michael has daddy issues of his own so he’s determined to make sure a day like today means something entirely different for you. He’s full of ideas for distractions both between the sheets and around the Outpost, helped immensely by frequently wrapping his arms around your waist and planting comforting kisses in the nape of your neck. “My darling, I have the perfect plan for tonight,” he whispers softly into the shell of your ear. “How do you feel about testing the soundproofing in the ritual chamber?”
Xavier can’t help but turn the day into a little light-hearted joke between you, his method of distracting you and assuring himself a little bit of action at the same time. “You call me daddy all the time, babe,” he quips as he pins you against the tree beside the girls’ cabin, sinking into you as his cheeky grin sweeps across his cheeks. “Who needs a father when you’ve got your daddy right here?”
If there’s one person that can divert your attentions from the day, it’s Duncan Shepherd. With his own complicated family connections, he doesn’t need reminding of the event either. Whisking you away to Paris for the weekend is only the first step in his grand plan to make these dates more memorable — lavish romantic dinners, museum dates, galleries closed to the public so your evening is uninterrupted; you name it, he’s planned it. “Consider this an annual tradition, princess, we’ll forget about everything else as long as we have each other.”
Jim’s a soft soul so he gets worked up about this day just as much as you, so he understands your struggles and responds with concern. For him, a day hitting the waves usually does the trick, but he knows he needs to step up a gear to help you through it too. By ‘step up a gear,’ he actually means stocking up on beers and ice cream, sticking on your favourite chick flick and trying not to look too invested in the love stories himself. “Wait, her boyfriend doesn’t just leave her like that, does he?!” Jim splutters through a mouthful of popcorn. “What a dick!”
Richard may well be the strong and silent type at the best of times but this occasion calls for a change. His sketchbook is safely shut away in his drawer, his headphones left discarded on the bedside cabinet, he’s on a mission to cheer you up in the only way he can. Taking you by the hand, he leads you to the clinic’s courtyard where he’s laid out a haphazard picnic prepared especially for you. “You like strawberries, right?” He tentatively hangs back as you peruse the basket he’s filled for you. “So I got everything strawberry flavoured that I could think of. Even strawberry milk. You deserve strawberries today.”
Jerome is a family man who can’t stand to see you struggling through the day when you should be as happy as you make him feel. You became his family from the moment you met, so he realises the importance of letting you know how loved you truly are today. With an arm winding protectively around your waist, he ushers you into your shared bedroom to find rose petals scattered across the bed. “There’s a reason behind this, I promise,” he whispers as you lay on top of the crimson petals, crunching softly beneath you as he crawls between your thighs. “How do you feel about making me a father tonight?”
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happy chapter! yes I know I missed last week and I've updated the chapter count to reflect. my state is cold as fuck and also somehow on fire and the Big Sad hit me real hard so I had to take a weekend to be dead. love you all.
Chapters: 3/4 Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV) Relationships: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV)
”Alright, Eddie.”
No, it was not alright. It was not alright at all.
“I’m starting to worry about you.”
Eddie felt his bed dip as Buck sat beside him, groaning in response, rolling over in a desperate attempt to hide his shame.
“Chris is about ready to call in for a rope rescue, and you’re still not out of bed. I may not understand why you’re meeting your parents for lunch today, but you are, so get up.”And therein lied his shame. Eddie didn’t need a reminder. His parents had spent all of ten minutes in his living room the night prior—annoyingly vague about why they were there in the first place, insisting that even though they were just ‘passing through’ they still wanted to spend some time with their grandson.
Not their son. Just their grandson. Which was totally fine and didn’t bother Eddie at all.
Eddie had spent every one of those ten minutes clenching his teeth so hard he thought he would pop a crown, but ultimately agreed to their request (maybe a little quicker than he would have liked, but he had done less for more when it came to making sure Chris stayed in bed). As bad as that was, though, he wasn’t sure what was worse—the fact that he was so hesitant to spend some time with his parents, or the fact that the moment they left, all he felt was guilt.
He knew that he wasn’t the crazy one here; but even then, it was hard to ignore how it sounded, feeling so unhappy—so hesitant—to spend time with his own parents. He knew exactly how it looked for him, because what kind of son was chomping at the bit to rip his own parents head off, just for wanting to spend some time with their family?
It should have been a perfectly reasonable request. It should have been something Eddie was happy to do. It should not have been something that set Eddie’s teeth on edge, that tripped up his sixth sense like no other, the soldier's sense that he had developed in Afghanistan buzzing in the base of his skull like a beehive. It felt like something was about to go incredibly wrong, and it felt fucking disgusting to have that reaction triggered by his own parents, but he couldn’t deny that he was afraid history would repeat itself.
Maybe he really was a garbage person.
The guilt only got worse, surprise surprise, after they left and Eddie discovered Buck standing in the kitchen, where Eddie had told him to stay. He had all but forgotten about Buck. How could he forget an entire person?
Garbage person, strike two.
Eddie wound himself in his blanket even tighter, guilt and shame doing little to motivate him on getting out of bed, but his silence was short lived as his blanket burst into flames just long enough for him to yelp and bolt upright before it completely disintegrated. “You—that’s not—you cheater!”
Buck just laughed, the bastard, idly examining the nails on one hand as he shoved Eddie out of bed with the other. “I’m a demon, you dolt. Of course I cheated. Now,” he started, pushing Eddie upright and all but herding him toward the closet, “why don’t you get dressed and tell me what’s really going on?”
Eddie felt a lump sink into his stomach as he stood up, a harsh breath coming out of his nose as he yanked a pair of pants off of a hanger.
“I’m scared, Buck.”
Either out of shock or respect, Buck remained silent, and Eddie could only spare a glance over his shoulder before he ducked his head, dressing haphazardly. “The last time I saw my parents they tried to... to take him. They were trying to take him from me, and my response was to literally pack Chris up and move across the country. They didn’t reach out for years—it’s been years, Buck—not when Abuela broke her hip, not when Chris changed schools, not when Shannon died. A year goes by, and nothing. And then they send a card, and then I meet you, and now they’re just... here again. And I think they’re going to try again, I think they’re going to—“
Eddie looked down at his hands as he felt the fabric of the shirt he was holding tear beneath his fingertips, staring at the hole, like he couldn’t believe he had just worried a hole through it. He looked up to Buck, guilt and misery written on his face as he tossed the garment aside, hiding his face in his hands as he rubbed at his eyes, dragging his hands down his face shortly after.
“You are going to lunch and I’ll be nearby, but Eddie, listen.” Eddie didn’t realize he was spiraling until Buck stepped forward, grabbing his hands and giving a firm squeeze as he shook his head. When Eddie looked up again, all he could see was Buck—eyes glowing, mouth set, teeth maybe just a little sharper than they were a moment before. “I will never, ever let them—or anyone else—take him from you. Ever.”
“…and Mark says that Washington has one of the biggest volcanoes, but I don’t think that’s true. Ms. Flores and Mr. Beeman says that Mars has volcanoes too, even bigger than any of the ones we have here on Earth!”
“I’m sure it does, buddy. Maybe that’s why it’s the red planet? All the magma?”
“No, Dad, the magma is underground, when the volcano erupts it turns into—hey!” Eddie had a smile on his face as he reached over to steal one of Chris’ fries, grinning as his kid squawked, pushing his dads’ hand away playfully. Their afternoon together had started easy enough; Chris had stolen the show easily, directing the conversation through himself in that effortless way kids managed to do, talking about his school, his friends, his day to day. To this day, Eddie would never understand how this kid had him wrapped around his finger so easily—all it took was the bat of an eye for Eddie to swing through the drive through on the way to the park, and suddenly he was meeting his parents at a picnic table near the playground with arms full of chicken tenders and fries.
Not a great look. Whatever.
Chris had been every bit as ecstatic to see his grandparents as Eddie knew (feared?) he would be, propelling himself forward at a speed that would have made Eddie panic had Buck not spent some significant time over the past few months working on Chris’ physical therapy.
He wasn’t sure if it was a blessing or a curse, how easily it was to use his son as a distraction from whatever nightmarish scenario his parents wanted to bring up, but even that grateful moment was cut short as his father chuckled, reaching forward to tousle Chris’ hair playfully.
“Mark, Flores, Beeman, I can’t even keep up anymore kiddo. Sounds like you’ve had a busy third grade in your new scho—“
“Fourth grade, dad.”
“Fourth grade, Dad. Chris is in fourth grade.”
Eddie regretted the words the moment they left his mouth. As good as it felt to even attempt to put his father in his place, he could feel the exact moment that both of his parents swiveled their laser-like attention to him. They were smiling, sure, but Eddie felt like he was back to being a kid again, waiting for the inevitable slip up that would get him grounded.
“Fourth grade, right.” Eddie smiled tensely as his father nodded, gesturing between he and his son. “Of course, we would know that if you bothered to call once in a while. We don’t hear from you on Christmas, birthdays, nothing.
“You know, you can always call us too, not send some letter on the anniversary of my wife’s death like a complete—”
“If we didn’t hear from Pepa regularly, how would we know that you and Chris were even alive?”
“But we’re doing good.”
Eddie felt his jaw click shut as Chris spoke, his heart swelling with pride as both of his parents turned their gaze again. His mother at least had the decency to look mildly guilty—his father, no such luck.
“Of course you are, kiddo. We’re just trying to make sure that your dad has enough help. There’s been a lot of big changes since you both left Texas—two new schools, new grades, new teachers, your father’s new job, and—“
The death of Chris’ mother, Eddie’s mind provided, angry once again that Shannon was being so disregarded by people who were supposed to be her family.
“Yeah, but we’re still doing good.” Chris said, not looking up from the fries he was dunking into ketchup, smearing only a little bit on his upper lip as he shoved the handful into his mouth. “Dad says that sometimes the hard things make us stronger, but things aren’t even that hard. And Buck says that I have a lot of, um. Initiative! And they both say I’m perfect, so that’s good.”
Eddie didn’t hesitate. He didn’t freeze as his parents turned back over to him, and he certainly didn’t feel his heart sink into his stomach. He just… was trying to un-swallow his tongue, was all. Buck had been the one topic that they had somehow danced around, and Eddie wasn’t sure if he should have been thankful or not that Chris ripped that bandaid off.
He was afraid, to be honest, of that particular aspect of their new lives coming to light—there were few wounds that Eddie’s parents loved rubbing salt in more than his parenting and his financial situation, and suggesting that he had private help for Chris? That was certainly something that hit both of their favorite topics.
Even if, you know, he had sold his soul instead of provided a monthly stipend.
“Who is Buck?”
“Buck’s great!” Eddie felt himself finally breathe as Chris picked up the slack, his cheerful demeanor impervious to the doom and gloom swarming around both of his grandparents right now. “He’s really smart, and he’s super nice. Plus he makes Dad laugh, which is also nice. And he taught me how to make cootie-catchers! Did you know that they can see into the future?”
Eddie wasn’t panicking. He definitely wasn’t panicking. He definitely wasn’t looking between his mother and his father, trying desperately to come up with something, some excuse, some way to explain the strange name that called Chris perfect and made him laugh.
...Buck really did know how to make him laugh, though. And he did love Chris, that much was clear. And those two thoughts were the only things buzzing around in his head when he opened his fat mouth.
“Edmundo, who is—“
“Buck is my boyfriend.”
You could have heard a pin drop in the moment afterward—his father turned a lovely complexion of purple and red while his mother looked like she had literally seen a ghost, which, hey! Not that far off from the truth. Eddie wasn’t sure if he was just in shock, or if he was having a stroke, or what, but he suddenly felt heavy, grounded for the first time all day, firmly planted in the moment.
So, Eddie decided that Buck was, as of ten seconds ago, his boyfriend. It… made sense, in a way. Fuck, they were basically co-parenting his kid. Chris absolutely adored Buck. And Eddie knew they were sexually and romantically compatible, hell, he knew Buck intimately from his teeth right down to—
“Buck is your what—”
Eddie was getting very, very tired of being caught by surprise, so it was actually exhausting to have yet another rug pulled out from under him. He turned his head as Chris called out and almost fell out of his seat, seeing who else but the demon in question striding toward them, smiling like the sun,
Honestly, at this point, Eddie should have expected yet another whiplash, but nothing could have prepared him to turn around and see Buck, striding toward him with a big smile on his face, wearing what Eddie could only describe as a “meet the parents” outfit.
If there was another reason as to why Buck would be wearing a sweater vest in California, Eddie would love to hear it.
At the very least, he wasn’t the only one who was shocked. His parents had similar slack jawed looks on their faces as Chris raced toward Buck, who easily wrapped Chris in a huge hug with a “Hey, Superman!” before setting Chris on his hip easily.
Eddie didn’t realize that he was up until he was already moving, trying to think of how he could explain this, but Buck was quick on the draw—keeping Chris balanced in one arm, he drew Eddie in easily with the other, kissing his cheek, murmuring against his skin easily.
“Thought you could use some backup from your boyfriend.”
...oh, right. Demon. Probably heard the whole thing. Cool, that was definitely a cool thing and not embarrassing at all. Eddie felt his own hand fall into Buck’s as they started to walk back toward his parents, a weight writhing in his stomach, only partially subdued by the warmth burning pleasantly through his bones from the small contact he shared with Buck, looking over as Buck set Chris back down, grinning at the giggling ten year old like he wanted nothing more out of this life.
“Mom, Dad, this is Buck. Buck, these are my parents.” Eddie was half tempted to let the moment stew in a silent awkwardness before starting introductions, but Buck spoke up before he could do anything, extending his now-free hand to Eddie’s father first. “Evan Buckley, Eddie’s told me a lot about you. Glad to meet you both.”
Huh. Eddie never thought to even ask if Buck had a first and last name. He always thought it was just, ‘Buck’.
It was comforting for him to see the good, Catholic guilt push both of his parents to accept the greeting with an incredibly pained smile and a handshake of their own, as much as he knew they both wanted to pretend he wasn’t there.
“So! Evan.” His mother started, always the diplomat. “What do you do?”
“I’ve known I was bisexual from, like, sophomore year. I brought boyfriends home in highschool! Why is this so hard for you to wrap your head around?”
Long since abandoning the idea of civility, Eddie’s voice was tired, watching as Buck pushed Chris on the swingset across the park from their little picnic bench. Chris had all but dragged Buck over there, subconsciously (or maybe consciously, though Eddie hated thinking of that) feeling when Eddie needed some time to yell at his parents.
Which he definitely, definitely wanted to do. Because Buck was a fucking delight, he answered every question perfectly, he complimented, he flattered, he smiled, and his parents had given him absolutely nothing back.
Now, he was actually finding himself… jealous. Because he would have sold his fucking left leg to just be over there, with his kid and his… Buck, instead of here, with the firing squad. Watching the two of them together was nice, though, definitely a memory he would treasure later—right now, it was providing just enough serotonin to keep him from jumping off a bridge.
“Because you’re not like that, not really!” His mother’s voice was pleading where his fathers had been firm, but Eddie couldn’t really tell the difference between the two when they were both parroting each other. “Eddito, you can’t expect us to believe this is just... happening now. In highschool, that was one thing. I am your mother, we are your parents. No one knows you better than we do!”
Eddie threw his hands into the air, turning it into a wave at the last moment when Chris looked over, trying to keep his face relatively neutral. “Mom, you don’t know the first thing about me, apparently, but I’m starting to think that might go both ways. Maybe I don’t know the two of you, either. For starters, I had no idea my parents were so fucking mean.”
The innocent look his father shot back at him made him want to puke. “Eddie, I can’t help it if pointing out the truth seems a little mean to you. That woman leaves you—”
“That woman was my wife, and she died, next topic.”
“—leaves you,” his father repeated, ignoring what Eddie had said yet again, “and now I’m supposed to believe that you, what. Decided that instead of finding someone who could give Chris what he needs, you just looked for the first man waving a rainbow flag and that was that?”
“Dad, I swear to God, if you insult Buck again we’re done for the day.”
If Eddie was surprised by his own assertiveness, he was alone in that—his father wasted no time in scoffing, shaking his head.
“I have every right to criticize someone spending that much time with my grandson, Edmundo. When was the last time you and Chris went to service? Because if it got around that you were hanging around with someone like that—"
Honestly, there was a certain level of irony here that Eddie had to appreciate. His conservative, religious parents didn’t like his boyfriend (and, wait, how had Eddie attached Buck to that word so easily?)—not because he was a literal demon from Hell, which would have been a perfectly reasonable thing for two good, God fearing Christians to dislike, but because he was a man.
“Hey, Chris, we gotta get going! Come say bye, buddie!”
All that aside, the stunned silence that followed as his father struggled to find his voice was sweet, so sweet, even if it was incredibly short lived.
“Really, Eddie? One little disagreement and you’re just going to walk away? We don’t see Chris for two years, and the first time we visit is when you decide to—”
“Chris is going to come over and say goodbye.” Eddie interrupted, voice dangerously low as he looked up to where Buck was helping him down from the jungle gym. “If you try and play him against me with this, you will lose. If you try to play him against Buck, you will lose and I will laugh at you. But we are going home now, and if you give him any grief about that, if you try to make him feel bad that you don’t come up to visit more often, if you do anything that puts a frown on his face, that’s it. You will never see him again. Ever. And I’ve already kept one promise to you once in the past five minutes, you wanna push for two?”
Eddie wasn’t sure if he was burning that bridge or crossing it, but he was all smiles when Buck and Chris rejoined them, easily slotting himself against Buck’s side as his mother and father each hugged and kissed Chris’ head. Eddie may have let his eagle eye slide a little bit—he could tell my Chris’ giggling protests that they weren’t saying anything uncouth, and even if they were, he knew Buck would put a stop to it before anything else.
Waiting until his mother released Chris, Eddie leaned and kissed Buck on the cheek, tilting his head back to the truck. “Chris, you wanna go with Buck and get buckled in? I’m gonna walk your grandparents to their car.”
Chris took off happily with Buck in tow, and Eddie allowed himself a moment to feel all warm inside watching Buck take Chris’ hand happily as they walked away before he had to turn and face his parents once more. He wasn’t sure if it was a good thing or not that his mother was first to speak, pleading with him while his father unlocked and started their car. “You don’t need to be so sneaky to talk to us, Eddito. You know your father and I just worry.”
“If you want to talk sneaky, let’s talk about your spontaneous road trip to Los Angeles. Have you talked to Abuela? Or Pepa? Because Buck’s met them both, and they both love him. Have you even thought about visiting with them while you’re out here?” Eddie asked, the look on her face answer enough. Eddie sighed, shaking his head as he turned to his father, waiting to see what kind of explanation he would try and bury this in. “You dragged Mom a thousand miles just to interrogate me but you won’t even see the rest of the family?”
He felt the hair on the back of his neck stand on end as his mother shut the door to the passengers seat of the car, and Eddie found himself wishing he could just tune this entire topic out as easily as she seemed to when his father met this gaze again.
“I am just trying to get you to do what is right for Chris.”
“That’s just it! I am what’s best for Chris, and I don’t understand why you can’t accept that. He’s my kid, mine, and if you can’t trust me to do what’s best for him,” Eddie paused, “then I don’t know what I can do to get that across.”
He shook his head as he started to walk back to his car. He had really, really hoped that would be the end of it, but he was well aware that would require luck, which he did not have, his father's voice calling after him making that painfully clear.
“You don’t know what you’re doing, Eddie. When your little… mistake comes crashing down, we will be the only ones here for Chris! You can’t just turn your back on family!” Eddie felt his hackles rise as he walked away, ears ringing as he dug his heel into the dirt and looked over his shoulder.
“You turned your back on us—on me—a long time ago.” Eddie’s voice was low as he opened his door, slumping into the driver seat like a string had been cut, hands shaking as he started the truck.
“What was your family like?”
Eddie’s voice was soft from his place against Buck’s side, tucked up under one of Buck’s arms, the warmth from the demon eliminating any need for a blanket.
Eddie had made it exactly three blocks (just long enough to be out of view of his parents) before Buck had demanded he pull the car over so they could switch. He was more than happy to give up any responsibility, sliding into the back seat beside his kid, letting himself be completely engrossed in whatever Chris was listening to for the rest of the ride home.
Buck had been the one who drove them home, made dinner, entertained Chris while Eddie showered. Buck was the one who helped with everything along the way just like he always did. And now Buck was literally, literally anchoring him into reality, a comforting weight along Eddie’s side.
He couldn’t tell what Marvel movie was on—honestly, he had kind of stopped caring about any of them after Black Panther—but they were still Chris’ favorite, and he was sure that Chris would have been livid at them for talking if he hadn’t fallen asleep in the first five minutes of the movie. He wanted to save the moment like a snapshot forever; Chris’ head against Buck’s thigh, sprawled out over the both of their laps, his soft snores doing little to mask Eddie’s question (or Buck’s snort in return). “Eddie, my parents were like... completely crazy. Yours are getting up there, but mine were insane. My mom...” Buck shut his mouth as Chris shifted, waiting until he was settled to resume.
“My mom is the reason I got into this position in the first place.”
Eddie felt his face fall as Buck spoke, repositioning himself to sit up a little straighter beside Buck, eyes trained to the demons’ face. Buck was smiling, a sense of bitter irony on his face as he pushed some hair from Chris’ forehead. “When my dad died, my mom... didn’t take it well. She kind of fell off the deep end. Maddie was lucky, she got out before the shit hit the fan. Anyway, my mom and I tried everything—therapy, grief counseling, the power of prayer—seriously.” Buck said, a smile on his face as Eddie laughed, shoulders shaking.
“You’re such an ass.” Buck said, but he was smiling as well, shaking his head. “Anyway, when that didn’t work, my mom tried the other route. She was, like, off the deep end at that point. Talismans, ouija boards, drugging herself up to talk to the dead. I probably should have turned around when I came home to find a pentagram painted on the floor, but.”
Buck shrugged like this was the easiest thing in the world to announce, but Eddie had long since stopped laughing, his jaw a little slack. “Oh, Buck...” He hated how weak his voice sounded, but Buck brushed it off, continuing on.
“No big deal. She sucked at Latin, turns out. I got these devilishly good looks, and she got torn apart by hellfire.” Eddie choked on a laugh as Buck beamed at him, because of course he would be making a pun at a time like this. He stifled the rest of his laugh as Buck squeezed him a little tighter, shaking his head as Chris let out another little snore.
It was easy enough to maneuver Chris into his arms, carrying him to his bedroom, though he certainly wasn’t about to object to Buck’s abject closeness, less than a half step behind Eddie as he put Chris to bed. It wasn’t until he stood to leave did he actually see the look on Buck’s face as he tousled Chris’ hair and said goodnight; it was incredibly soft, dopey even, and the only reason Eddie could make that comparison is because Hen had told him plenty of times that was the same way he looked at Chris.
He just never thought he would see that look on someone else.
Eddie kept his voice low as he closed Chris’ door, starting the walk back to his own room slowly, swaying easily in step beside Buck as he scratched at his head. “Do you remember, when we met, you told me—“
“How incredibly hot you were, how good you were with your tongue, how—“
“Jesus, Buck, no, you fucking pervert. I was going to say, you told me that I wasn’t being normal about this.” Eddie said, and Buck hummed, his hand idly reaching out toward Eddie’s. “What are most of your contracts like?”
Buck snorted as he tugged Eddie into the bedroom, turning off the television, the lights, even locking the front door with a wave of his hand. “I’ve never fucked another contract, if that’s what you’re asking.” he started, pulling the sheets down with another wave and a laugh as Eddie threw his shirt at Buck’s head. “God, Eddie, they’re fucking assholes. Everyone’s power hungry, or money hungry, or just stupid as fuck, seriously. In like, a whole decade, I’ve never had anyone make a contract for someone else before. But you…”
Eddie looked up as Buck pulled him closer again, planting a kiss on his lips. Part of Eddie wanted to shy away, wanted to say the boyfriend thing had all but been an act, but he had given up on that about thirty seconds after Buck told his father to fuck off.
“Even when you were drunk, you only cared about what was best for your son. That’s why it was so easy for me to make a contract with you. Seeing how good of a person you were, how much you loved your kid? No question.”
Buck’s voice had dropped down low as he sunk into the bed, making grabby hands at Eddie until he followed suit, finding himself fitting perfectly in the crook of Buck’s shoulder, resolutely not thinking about the flat plain of muscle beneath his hand as he wrapped an arm around Buck’s midsection. Eddie felt his eyes wander across Buck’s face, his lips, the smooth line of his neck to the little gem on his necklace. “You really think I’m a good father?”
“Eddie, come on.”
When he looked back up at Buck’s face, Eddie felt a spark burn through his spine, meeting Buck’s glowing eyes for the third time in three months and the second time that day. Eddie wasn’t sure who moved (okay, he was definitely the one who had moved) but the kiss was soft, a barely there brush of lips, a pressure that set Eddie’s lips on fire.
“You’re amazing.”
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xmxisxforxmaybe · 5 years
Decryption_Error: “Unlocked”
Summary: Y/N’s dad did some digging and shares what he found out about E Corp, and later, Elliot gives her a Valentine’s Day gift from the heart.   
A/N: Savor the last bits of Soft Elliot™️. I’m so sorry for what’s next 😔. I kept this chapter short to emphasize a few important plot points. 
Decryption_Error: All Chapters
Word Count: 1900
Tags: @sherlollydramoine @rami-malek-trash​ @teamwolf2411 @limabein @txmel @alottanothing @ouatlovr @backoftheroomandnotbelonging @moon-stars-soul @free-rami @ramimedley @hopplessdreamer @sweet-charmie @polarcrystall @hah0106
Warnings: Wee bit of sex
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“Are you sure there’s nothing after this, Dad?” I asked as my eyes scanned over the transcript of the grand jury record.
After a class action lawsuit was lost in 1998, another ambitious prosecutor went after E Corp for falsifying records not just at the Washington Township facility but at two other plants upstate. In 2000, 23 people, in accordance with New York state law, sat on a grand jury and all but one juror voted to indict E Corp, sealing the supermajority needed to move the case to trial.
But then—
“Nothing. Someone made it all disappear.”
My father and I locked eyes.
“Look at all of this evidence,” I said, looking down at the transcript again. “The prosecutor has eye-witness testimonies, dates, documents—everything. The grand jury met for over two months!”
“It looks like it would have been a solid case.”
“E Corp is responsible for those deaths. I’m sure of it. They should have compensated those families!”
“It wasn’t about the money, sweetheart. You’re too young to remember the lawsuit, but it sent a shockwave down Wall Street. Nearly everyone had done business of some sort with E Corp by then, so we were all watching closely. If I remember correctly, the biggest pushback from E Corps was the contingency for new safety protocols—it wasn’t cost-effective to retool their entire system based on one hazard that no one could prove directly caused the deaths of those employees.”
“So, it’s perfectly normal for people who all work in the same building to all get diagnosed with cancer all at the same time?”
“Of course it isn’t.”
“You believe there was a coverup.”
My dad got up and went to the fridge, pulling out a bottle of water. He took a long drink before he said, “Y/N. You never ask me for anything. Why did you ask me to look into this?”
“Elliot’s dad worked at the Washington Township plant.”
Dad put his water down on the counter, leaning forward as he chose his next words carefully, “If you give Elliot this information and he pursues it, it won’t be hard to figure out where it came from. I tried to be smart, but I did pull some strings to get access to this transcript.”
“I never thought you’d find anything, Dad. I’m sorry I put you in this position.”
“I trust your judgment, sweetheart. I’ve never had to worry about you, not like your sisters and your brother. But this is . . . a grey area.”
“I know.”
“Just promise me you’ll think about it before you give him the transcript?”
“I promise,” I said as my phone trilled.
I looked down, and despite the seriousness of the information I had just been inundated with, I smiled when I read Elliot’s text.
“He still makes you smile like he did all those months ago,” my dad observed.
“He does—it is Valentine’s Day, after all,” I said with a grin.
“A holiday you swore was, and I quote, ‘Nothing more than a fool’s errand.’”
“It is an impossible holiday, Dad. I told Elliot as much, but he’s up to something. He’s a pretty terrible liar.”
“Don’t act like you aren’t a little bit excited to spend a special evening with a special someone,” my dad teased.
“Just because you and Mom still act like romance isn’t dead doesn’t mean the rest of us have to.”
Dad chuckled as he walked over to kiss the top of my head.
“Your cynical act is not fooling anyone in this room—let yourself be happy,” he said as he gave my shoulder a squeeze.
“Thanks again for digging this up,” I said as I stood and tucked the transcript into my bag, and in my haste to catch my train, I forgot to snap the closure shut.
“Just . . . think about it,” Dad called as he cautioned me once more.
I glanced back after I opened the door and gave my dad a reassuring smile. He was right: I did need to think carefully about how much of this—if any—I should share with Elliot.
But he was wrong about something, too.
I didn’t need to let myself be happy; I was already happy.
* * * * *
I had known that Elliot was up to something, but I had no idea what. A few days ago, he had come up to see me, my secretary beaming as she announced his presence.
Elliot really was a terrible liar, and I took pity on him as he tried to casually ascertain my after-work plans on a day which just happened to be February 14th.
I called him out on it, and he turned an entirely new shade of reddish-pale as he tried to assure me it was just a coincidence. I told him I planned to stop by my parents’ apartment and that I’d probably be home around 8:00 pm.
Elliot thanked me for the information and left my office while I muffled my laughter.
But when I walked into my apartment at 8:00 pm on February 14th, any possibility of laughing at Elliot’s attempt to be romantic was instantaneously knocked out of me.
Carefully organized on the kitchen island was a recreation of everything we had made together for our mock-picnic over Memorial Day weekend.
He had clearly spent hours preparing everything from the pasta salad (with tri-color noodles, of course) to the burgers to the—
And my inventory of the picnic food was cut short as my eyes took in the sight at the end of the kitchen island; there stood Elliot, wearing my white Columbia t-shirt and holding a single red rose.
I felt like an idiot as my eyes filled with tears, but I was so moved by his sweet gesture. This was exactly the sort of thing Elliot would do—something simple, something soulful.
I moved out of the entryway, shrugging out of my coat and dropping my bag haphazardly on the floor, not caring as its contents spilled slightly out and onto the floor.
“This looks exactly like my mother’s chocolate cake,” I said as I took a few steps into the kitchen.
“I followed her recipe exactly, but I can’t guarantee it will taste like hers.”
“The recipe?”
Elliot’s tongue poked out to swipe over his bottom lip before he pulled it between his teeth. He tried to tamp his shy grin as he explained, “I called her. She was really nice about it and even offered to help me make it.”
“You didn’t take her up on her offer?” I asked, brow raised.
“I wanted to do something for you all on my own.”
“You’ve certainly succeeded in stealing my heart all on your own, Elliot Alderson.”
“I got you something,” he said, moving from the end of the island to close the distance between us. “This is for you,” Elliot said as he handed me the rose along with a tiny white box he had pulled from his pocket.
I gave Elliot a curious glance, but he was watching my fingers, clearly a little uncomfortable in this strange role of being a romantic.
I pulled the lid off the box and my heart fluttered as I picked up the key to Elliot’s apartment.
He ran his hand nervously through his hair as he was now watching my face.
“I know it’s not—”
“This is perfect,” I said, cutting him off with a hug.
When I felt his body relax under my touch, I kissed the corner of his jaw before whispering, “Thank you.”
“Are you hungry?” he asked, his eyes sparkling.
“Starving,” I answered, knowing my eyes were mirroring his in their projection of happiness.
* * * * *
Elliot’s fingers had crept under my t-shirt and were tracing down my spine, a whisper of a touch in the dark.
We had gone to bed kind of early, full to bursting thanks to Elliot’s surprise; I glanced at my alarm clock and saw that it was 1:03 am.
“Are you awake?” he rasped, his voice shaking off the thickness of sleep as his fingers continued to trace over my skin.
I rolled over, tucking my hands under my pillow, waiting for my eyes to adjust so I could see him.
“Hi,” I smiled.
“Hey,” he smiled back.
I reached over and cupped his face, my thumb brushing over the slight stubble on his chin.
“Happy Valentine’s Day.”
Elliot sat up on his elbows, and my hand trailed down to his bare chest as he looked at the clock on my nightstand.
“I think it’s over.”
“Is it?” I asked moving my hand underneath the sheet.
I could feel the vibration from Elliot’s chest as he silently chuckled.
I could almost hear him as he bit his lip.
“Isn’t it?”
It was my turn to chuckle as my fingers crawled down his belly and dipped under the waistband of his boxer-briefs.
Elliot’s hand moved over mine, encouraging me to grasp his half-hard cock. When I wrapped my hand around him, he sucked in a breath before letting out a low groan.
I moved closer to his body, close enough to nuzzle into his neck before I started to kiss him, up and over his jaw and to his waiting mouth.
It was one of those moments I wanted to live in forever; I could feel him growing hard in my hand and I shivered at the sweet little moans coming out of his mouth between our kisses.
Elliot shifted, working off his underwear before he rose up to push me onto my back, his fingers pulling at the hem of my t-shirt. I sat up so he could pull it off, and Elliot reached down to tug my panties from my hips.
His fingers were buried in my hair as I guided him to my slick entrance, his body lying flush on top of mine, his warm weight making me feel safe, and when he thrust inside of me, satiating that deep, deep ache, I felt loved.
* * * * *
I shut off my alarm, vaguely remembering the kiss Elliot pressed to my temple an hour or so ago. He had left early in the morning, something he was in the habit of doing when he spent the night during the work week.
I rolled over, intending to pull his pillow close so I could inhale his scent, but I was distracted by the note he left on his pillow, probably knowing I would do this exact thing as soon as I woke up.
          Use your key tonight. 
                                Love, El
I tucked Elliot’s neatly written note into my bedside drawer and smiled as I clutched his pillow to my chest. It wasn’t lost on me how important it was that Elliot had decided to share his space with me, and when I got up, I put my favorite playlist on shuffle and sang along as I got ready for the day.
As I dashed into the kitchen, I noticed that Elliot must have picked up my discarded coat and tote from last night because my bag was sitting neatly on one of the kitchen stools and my coat was hanging off the back, ready for me to pick up and slide into as I rushed out the door.
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mymelodyheart · 4 years
Highland Destiny Chapter 20 ~Lallybroch Part 2~
Jenny proved to be an enigma and a revelation to Claire, and she couldn't help but feel amused at how one tiny person could assert herself with the aplomb of an army commander to two huge strapping men. Tough love, Jenny had called it, and she had revealed, with conviction in her voice, that someone had to be around to keep everyone in line. Abrasive and gentle at the same time, Jenny was quick to reprimand but was always generous with her praises where it was due. Although temperamental, which Claire put down to pregnancy hormones playing havoc, Jenny was fierce in her love and loyalty to the people she cared for. Claire quickly surmised that this tiny effervescent bundle of vivacity was the heart and soul of the family.
They had just finished eating their early dinner of roast lamb and "neeps and tatties,"  and the kids were already in bed, tired from all the excitement at seeing their uncle and meeting their new auntie. As an extra treat, Jenny had added a last-minute batch of Yorkshire pudding as her way to welcome Claire to the family. "Aye, Yorkshire pudding... that's very English! I'm quite sure Claire would love it," Jenny suggested earlier to herself as she had bustled about the kitchen, banging pots and pans.
"Aye...we must have a party... that is a braw idea! Aunt Jocasta is coming from the States, we have a village festival just around the corner, we have yer wedding to celebrate and the weather...oh goodness, the forecast is braw for the rest of the week ..." Jenny announced as she stood up to clear the dishes, clapping her hands.
"Jenny!" Ian, Claire and Jaime simultaneously interrupted the hyper petite woman's babble, as they watched her collect the plates. 
"What? It's a perfect idea! Don't ye think so?" Jenny's face was a picture of disbelief, looking at all three of them as if they've lost their mind.
"Jenny sweetheart, nae parties please. I ken ye like to cook and entertain, but Claire has been through a lot, and the last thing we need is attracting the attention of the paparazzi. Ye ken what it is like...ye said so yersel'." Ian firmly but gently reminded his stubborn wife, looking at the worried faces of Jamie and Claire, but he knew already he was fighting a losing battle unless, of course, the newlyweds can change Jenny's mind.
"Rubbish! The village folk will take care of the paparazzi if we tell them in advance of our plans. They love Jamie, and they will make sure everything is hush-hush. He's like their laird around here, ye ken," Jenny retorted defensively to her husband. Then turning to Claire, she cajoled sweetly and angelically. "Claire, please say aye. I promise ye, I'll take care of everything, and I will make sure by hook or by crook that nothing and naebody will spoil this day. I dinna ken what else to give ye for yer wedding present, but let this be my gift to ye."
By hook or by crook, indeed!  Jamie leaned back on his chair, hands rubbing his full stomach and grinning. He knew full well what his sister was like as he watched Claire's face go through different expressions, from worried to appalled before settling to an uncertain look. He found it adorable how she bit her lower lip when she concentrated on something, her brows puckering in her indecisiveness. Then Claire looked at him, bright golden eyes, willing him to say something or anything. But Jamie thought better of it and shrugged instead.  Let this be the battle of the womenfolk!
Claire cleared her throat, trying to summon excuses in her head so she could put off Jenny, but looking at her sister-in-law's eager and excited face, she knew she didn't have the heart to deny her. Well, where is the harm in having a party, after all, she is now surrounded by her new family. "Well then..." she breathed deeply, "...let's have this party, BUT, under one condition - we'll just invite very close friends and family." And then she looked at Jamie, sternly. "And no shinty and no rugby!"
Jenny squealed, her face a picture of excitement and Claire couldn't help but feel happy for her sister-in-law's gaiety. Even the men were relieved that the matter was resolved quickly, their faces puffing out breaths of relief. "Oh, that's wonderful, Claire! We'll do it this coming weekend, and ye can give me the list who ye want to invite. It will be a pretty garden party, and that's a promise! And before the day of the event, we'll go shopping for clothes and maybe pamper ourselves. Now isn't that grand?"
Jamie's hand reached out to Claire. "Are ye sure Sassenach, ye alright with the party. Ye ken ye dinna have to..."
Claire nodded, smiling, but stopped when she noticed a stunned Jenny with mouth wide open, staring at her engagement ring. Thinking Jamie hadn't told Jenny about the ring, she placated her new sister-in-law. "Jenny, I know this is your mother's ring, and it must be an heirloom. Would you like to have it back? Well, if I could take it off, that is..." Claire had started to wriggle the ring unconsciously and was bewildered when it came off with just a gentle pull, after having tried everything in the last few days to remove it. She placed it on the palm of her hand to show the ring to Jamie, who, too, was astonished that it finally came off. They had both joked that it would remain on her finger for the rest of her life unless someone decided to chop it off from her.
Jenny made a sign of the cross. "Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Claire! Ye can wear the faerie ring! Look at that Ian...I've told ye about this ring, aye? Naebody could wear it without breaking into a rash. Ma was only able to wear it when she was pregnant with Jamie, and after that, she couldna. Aye, she told me this story. That is why she gave the ring to Jamie because none of the Mackenzie women can wear it...or any other women in the family, near or wide."
Ian didn't dare say anything even if he never believed the faerie story. Instead, he reached out to squeeze Jenny's hand.
"Christ, Jenny! Faerie ring?? I thought ye would have outgrown that story!" Jamie objected impatiently, rolling his eyes. "Claire, it's just a highland myth. It's all hogwash!"
Claire gave Jamie a stern look, before nodding to Jenny to continue.
Jenny ignored her brother, determined to tell the story. "Weel, Mrs Graham...ye ken Mrs Graham aye, the housekeeper of Reverend Wakefield? She told Ma that the ring is passed on from one lifetime to another and it always belonged to the same soul." She began, nodding excitedly at all three of them. "Apparently, back in the olden days, there were these star-crossed lovers, a Highland warrior and his Lady. The story goes, there were always these outside forces determined to keep the couple apart, so they went to Simon Fraser of Lovat's seer called Maisri to ask her counsel. The seer, after going into a trance to see their future, she found out their love was doomed for that life, so she gave them this amber stone. And the seer told them if they couldn't be together in that lifetime, they will find each other again in another through this gem. And Mrs Graham said, there is a hex on this ring protected by the faeries of the standing stones, and she said only the soul of the Highland Warrior's Lady can wear the ring. The ring should bring the souls of the lovers back together by the power of the spell cast upon it." Jenny paused to breathe before giving Claire a wide-eyed look as something dawned in her mind. "Oh my God, Claire, ye must be the soul of the Highland Warrior's Lady and ye Jamie must be..." Jenny's hands flew to her mouth, her sapphire blue eyes about to bulge out of their sockets.
Jamie and Ian burst into a loud guffaw much to Jenny's annoyance. Both men knew she had always believed in the old folks' stories of the Highlands, of faeries and superstitious beliefs that had been passed down from generation to generation.
"Oh, Jenny, that story is so adorable. A charming bedtime story for the kids, definitely" Claire giggled nervously, feeling an odd shiver run down her spine, the ring suddenly becoming warm in her hand.
"Aye laugh at me ye goons. Here watch this." Jenny grabbed the ring from Claire's hand and placed it on her right-hand ring finger. And sure enough, within seconds, the pale skin at the back of her hand started to turn red. "See...what did I tell ye? Look at that!" Jenny then returned the ring to Claire, and her skin colour returned to normal.
Jenny, with hands, on her hips, eyed them irritatedly, both eyebrows raised. "Weel, what ye say now, huh?"
Nobody said anything but replied only with a shrug, unsure what to make of Jenny's story.
The days that lead to what Jenny called,  ceilidh , cautious not to call it a wedding party in case the word got out in public, was a flurry of activities in Fraser's household. Jamie had insisted on hiring and covering the cost of a catering company and local musicians as well as other expenses, so as not to burden his sister. There were enough things to organise as it was, such as invitations, preparing the outside area, the house and guest rooms, making reservations at local inns and hotels for their guests and even a bar had been set up, of course, compliments of Frisealach.
Claire had given up, eventually, in offering her help with the preparations, if not a futile attempt but more to appease her sister-in-law who seemed to be in her element orchestrating the event. Instead, she spent most of her days with Jamie as he showed her around his childhood home and the surrounding area, and going on day trips that either involved picnics, fishing, exploring the woods or shopping in Edinburgh. The people from the neighbourhood who have known Jamie all his life came to visit, bearing gifts of homemade fares from their farm such as smoked or cured meats, haggis, jars upon jars of assorted pickles, elderberry cordials and sourdough bread. It was all very idyllic, and Claire cherished the laid-backness and uncomplicated way of life. And even Jamie seemed more relaxed and content to be surrounded by all things and people that he grew up with.
Evenings were always special as the whole family gathered around the massive family room, the men drinking whisky, the women herbal teas and the children playing with their toys until it was ready for bed. And once everyone had retired for the night, Jamie and Claire would make slow passionate love, eventually falling asleep in each other's arms content that everything is right with the world.
Two days before the event, the guests started arriving and among them were Claire's friends from Inverness; Joe and his girlfriend Gail, Geillis, and Murtagh and a few of the men from work. Even Stephen, and Phil, who cancelled his wedding to Mary MacNab made it to the guest list, upon the insistence of Jamie that there were no hard feelings between him and her long-time friends. Most were staying at nearby inns and hotel that Jenny booked and some at the manor's guest rooms.  
Much to the secret delight of Murtagh, he spied the arrival of Jamie and Jenny's widowed aunt Jocasta who arrived from the States with her niece. She was the sister of Jamie and Jenny's late mother, Ellen. He thought Jocasta looked so much like the sibling's mother, who he had been infatuated with for most of his younger years. Seeing Jocasta reminded him of their youth, banter and happier times and he had in mind to reacquaint himself with the handsome woman, and maybe ask her for a dance during the party.
Claire had tried the last few days to get in touch with her uncle Lamb as she had wanted so much for him to be part of this special family event, but her efforts had proven to be unsuccessful. So she was surprised when her uncle turned up with Mother Hildegarde, Jaime feeling proud he was able to pull off the surprise for his wife. Unbeknownst to her, Jamie was able to track down her uncle through Mother Hildegarde of St. Agnes, who had been a family friend to Claire and Quintin Lambert for years. Claire couldn't be happier now that she had one of the most important men in her life to share their joy.
True to her words, Jenny arranged a day of shopping and pampering for the ladies who wished to come along and most especially for her sister-in-law. Although not alien to this guilty pleasure and recreational past-time, Claire was not used to spending so much money on herself for a mere indulgement all in one day. Nevertheless, she indulged and splurged and even treated the ladies to an afternoon tea of scones, cakes and miniature sandwiches during a break from their spree in Edinburgh. 
When they finally got home, Claire was surprised at the progress that was made to transform Lallybroch for the  ceilidh.  There were people from the catering company, family, friends and even neighbours littered everywhere, each busy with the preparation for the following day's party.   Still, it didn't stop Jenny from barking orders after seeing with very critical eyes things that were not to her satisfaction.
Jamie, upon seeing his wife, abandoned what he was doing at the makeshift bar he was working on and rushed to her. Burying his face into Claire's neck, he lifted her for a bone-crunching hug, unaware of the smiles and stares of family and friends. They had never seen Jamie so enamoured and affectionate towards another woman before, that some couldn't help but let out a dreamy sigh.
"Jamie! People are watching!" she whined in a muffled voice as his mouth swooped down for a ravenous kiss.
"I dinna care, Sassenach," he muttered under his breath, one hand cheekily reaching down to squeeze her bottom. "Christ, I've missed ye. Ye were gone for seven hours and thirty-five minutes." After a long, lingering kiss, Jamie pulled his head back a bit for some air, eyes fixated on Claire's swollen lips before dropping his gaze down to her multitude of shopping bags. "Ye have something for me, Sassenach?"
Claire nodded weakly, her head still foggy from the kiss. "I bought you some ties for work and a few shirts..." she said her voice trailing, as she saw Jamie eyeing a lingerie bag.
"Mmm, I see something verra pretty in one of the bags, Sassenach," Jamie observed, one eyebrow cocked, his eyes turning a darker hue. "Would ye care to oblige yer husband and try it on? I would be verra pleased if ye could do that."
"Oh, alright then," she hurriedly mumbled, heat creeping up to her face. Claire was slightly uncomfortable with all the stares and secret smiles that she just wanted to go in the house.
Jamie quickly took Claire's shopping bags from her hands and in one swift, effortless movement, he carried her to the cheers and wolf-whistles of the onlookers. "Wifey is pregnant ye see, and needs plenty of rest, aye? I have to make sure she gets one, her being a stubborn woman and all," he explained cockily before quickly heading towards the entrance door.
As they went in, Jamie and Claire snickered as Jenny shouted after them. "Oy, ye two, dinner is at 6 sharp, dinna be late! Or I'll throw a bucket of cold water over ye both!" Roars of laughter ensued, but Claire was beyond caring as Jamie kissed her while carrying her to their bedroom.
Murtagh incentivised by Jamie's amorous display, eyed Jocasta and approached her with a suggestive smile. "Weel pretty lass, fancy showing me what ye bought today?"
Jocasta surprised, but delighted with the unexpected attention, took Murtagh's offered arm and linked hers through his. "Aye, of course, I bought a few lingerie myself if ye fancy a peek."
It was a beautiful day for a  ceilidh.  There was not a cloud in the sky and everybody, well almost everybody that they had wanted to be there for the special day, was there. The women looked elegant in their floral dresses, men, smart in their kilts and even the children scrubbed up very well. White heart-garlands hanged everywhere across the courtyard, white canopies set up for the buffet, the tables and chairs were all covered in white with umbrellas and in the far end was the dance floor and the musician's stage. The florists have done a fabulous job decorating the tables, buffet, bar and the inside of the house with assorted Highland wildflowers. It was all very rustic and charming.
Claire sat next to aunt Jocasta after refilling her glass with Prosecco with a splash of orange juice. They had been introduced a couple of days ago when the older woman arrived with her niece, and they got better acquainted during the ladies' spree in Edinburgh the day before. On Jocasta's other side sat Murtagh, preoccupied with dabbing the corner of her mouth, after feeding her a canape, just like a maid in waiting, to the amusement of Claire. Jocasta was half-blind and could only make out shadows and blurs in front of her and needed constant assistance. Murtagh thought to take over in assisting her, not so the niece could enjoy the party, but so he could have Jocasta to himself.
"Tis lovely weather for a party Claire. I think Jenny had timed it right. Mind ye, the lass has a knack for perfect timings and organising. She's so much like her mother," Jocasta smiled as she reached out to grasp Claire's hand, her face immobile as she looked straight ahead.
"Perfect timing indeed, and I'm so glad we have this gathering while you're here, Jocasta. You know that you're more than welcome to visit us in Inverness next time you visit Scotland," Claire offered, putting her hand over the older woman's.
"It's aunt, Claire...call me aunt. Ye're part of the family now. I wish Ellen could see how happy her lad is...she would have been proud of this moment. He's always been a good lad and a hard worker, but some of his life's choices have been questionable, and Jenny has done right by him. Such a strong lass she is. And as for ye dear, my darling Jamie has ye now...I can now live the rest of my days in peace." Jocasta tittered at her last statement before she opened her mouth for another delectable canape Murtagh offered.
Claire leaned over to kiss aunt Jocasta just as a shadow fell upon them. Looking up, she saw her friend Stephen, a handsome smile plastered on his face.
"May I have this dance with the beautiful bride?" he drawled in his thick Belfast lilt, blue eyes dancing mischievously.
Claire laughed, and when she looked at Jamie, she noticed he had his eyes on her. He nodded as she took Stephen's hand, after excusing herself to Murtagh and Jocasta.   I didn't ask your permission you cocky bastard!   She thought, smiling at her husband and silently scolding him with her eyes.
Stephen took Claire in his arms before expertly twirling her around. "Ach Claire, even if you're not in a bridal dress, you still make one gorgeous bride."
Claire was wearing a nude coloured, floor-length floral dress with sheer long sleeves and V- cut neck, which Jamie had complained was a plunging neckline. To her amusement, Jenny had rubbished his claims. She had swept up her hair loosely with a few loose ringlets hanging down and only wore the pieces of jewellery Jamie had given her. Her skin, normally pale, was slightly tanned from her mornings sitting in the sun, giving Claire a healthy glow and radiance. 
"And you Stephen, you'll never change! You're still the biggest flirt ever," Claire chided jokingly. "So, when are you going to let a lass make an honest man out of you? You're a kind soul, you know, under all that bawdy and coarse exterior of yours. And a romantic too, if I may add!"
"Well, now you've asked, I think there is a lass...a very pretty lass indeed. But, I'm making her suffer a bit though before I answer her calls," Stephen confided with a hint of devilry in his eyes.
"Oooh! Someone, I know? Please tell, now I'm totally intrigued."
"Mmm...maybe...I saw her sat next to you during the rugby game..."
Claire's eyes darkened a bit, remembering the snobby girl dressed like a million dollars. "Please don't tell me it's Geneva Dunsany! That woman was horrid, and you deserve better! Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ, Stephen, what are you thinking?"
Stephen chuckled. "Aye horrid she was, but I taught her a lesson....or two. After I left your husband at the bar at Cullin's Hotel in Skye, I bumped into Geneva, and I thought to mesel' what a gorgeous lassie...aye, maybe a bit haughty. So I was flirty to her but not indecent when I said hello and tried to make conversation. But when I tried to slip my number into her purse, she went ballistic and started calling me all sorts of names. Let's see...what did she call me...in-bred was one. Mmmm shameless, indecorous, lewd and a stinking bastard. I thought the girl was ballsy and spirited. So...I carried her outside and took her near the hotel's fountain. And before I threw her in, I kissed her for the longest time. And oh lordy, lordy, the lassie can kiss. Anyway, now, she can't stop calling or texting me, but I'll let her stew a bit before I get back to her. That lass needs a bit of chastening."
"Oh, my God, Stephen, no you didn't! Please tell me you're joking!" Claire, already knew he wasn't, but she laughed nevertheless.
They laughed and twirled some more as Stephen recounted more of his antics during Phil's party. And in the next hour or two, she was passed on from one arm to another as the band played tirelessly from one Scottish jig to the next modern music. Claire thought she had never danced so much in her life and was glad she wasn't drinking any alcohol; otherwise, she would have toppled over from all the exertion, so she thought.
She had just finished dancing with her Uncle Lamb when Stephen decided to give the lead singer of the band a rest. He had with him his own guitar, as he took centre stage, strumming a few chords before speaking. "Right folks, I know this is a Highland party, but I would like to inject a bit of Irish flavour for you lot. This song is dedicated to the gorgeous bride and her groom. I used to play this for Claire and Quintin...unlce Lamb... many years ago when we were in the middle of nowhere and missing home."
Stephen paused until the cheers, whistles and clapping subsided. 
"As you know, the Scots and Irish are Gaelic brothers and sisters in arms...so I hope you'll enjoy this wee Irish song...it's called  I'll Tell Me Ma . So everybody, grab a partner and lets parttttyyyyy!" Stephen's voice boomed in the speakers as the first notes of his raucous Irish country folk began to play.
Nobody needed encouraging, and everyone gathered near the musician's stage. Everybody knew the lyrics, and everybody knew the tune and everybody grabbed a partner, adults and kids alike. They all formed a formation to do a fast Grand Chain dance with Jamie and Claire at the head, stomping, clapping and singing along with Stephen's song.
Each faced their partner, and as they passed each other, they gave their right hands. As they let go of their partner's hand, they took the left hand of the person that came towards them, and pass them by the left. They kept on moving right and left alternately until they stopped and facing their original partner once again. As they moved and danced, they all sang loud and enthusiastically and some, drunkenly.
I'll tell me ma, when I get home
The boys won't leave the girls alone they
Pulled me hair, they stolen me comb
But that's alright, till I go home
She is handsome, she is pretty
She is the belle of Belfast city
She is a-courting one, two, three
Pray, can you tell me who is she?
Albert Mooney says he loves her
All the boys are fightin' for her
Knock at the door, they're ringin' the bell
"Hello, my true love are you well?"
Out she comes white as snow
Rings on her fingers, bells on her toes
Ol' Jenny Murray says she'll die
If she doesn't get the fellow with the roving eye...
After the last chorus was sung, everyone cheered, whistled, roared, and clapped while some started shouting  More!  To Claire's horror and at the same time, amusement, Jamie ran up the stage.  Jesus! Please, don't tell me he'll be singing! That bloody Scot...he can't even hold a tune!
"A round of applause for Stephen and the band!" Jamie's voice reverberated as he spoke on the microphone. After everyone had quietened down, he continued in a more subdued voice. "Before we continue with our dancing and singing, I would like to thank each and every one of ye, especially my sister and brother-in-law, on behalf of my lovely wife Claire, for making today memorable. We are truly blessed to have ye in our lives, and I hope we can have more days or evenings like this in the future. Most of all, I would like to thank my wife, Claire, for making my life complete and whole. Sassenach, ye are the most precious thing in my life, and because of ye, ye have made me a better person." 
More cheers, whistles, and clapping followed.
"Now Sassenach, I know ye're about to die of embarrassment here as ye've told me often enough I have a terrible singing voice."
Everyone roared with laughter and Murtagh shouted, "Get him off the stage!"
"As I cannot sing to save my life, I would like to assure everyone that I took three hours singing lesson with Stephen earlier and practised with him this song. So without further ado, I would like to dedicate this song, to ye, my beautiful wife, Claire. It's from The Proclaimers,  I'm Gonna Be 500 Miles.  As I cannot sing as quick as our dear friend Stephen, I will sing the slower version of this song."
Claire's eyes started to well up as Stephen took his place on stage with his guitar behind Jamie. It was apparent that Jamie was about to sing with only Stephen's guitar to guide him as the other musicians have left the stage for refreshments. As Jamie cleared his voice, everyone hushed, and waited for the melody to play. And then Jamie sang, his sky blue eyes never straying from Claire's. 
When I wake up, well, I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who wakes up next to you
When I go out, yeah, I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who goes along with you
If I get drunk, well, I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who gets drunk next to you
And if I haver, hey, I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who's havering to you
But I would walk five hundred miles
And I would walk five hundred more
Just to be the man who walked a thousand miles
To fall down at your door
When I'm working, yes, I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who's working hard for you
And when the money comes in for the work I do
I'll pass almost every penny on to you
When I come home (When I come home), oh, I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who comes back home to you
And if I grow old, well, I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who's growing old with you
But I would walk five hundred miles
And I would walk five hundred more
Just to be the man who walked a thousand miles
To fall down at your door
When I'm lonely, well, I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who's lonely without you
And when I'm dreaming, well, I know I'm gonna dream
I'm gonna dream about the time when I'm with you
When I go out (When I go out), well, I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who goes along with you
And when I come home (When I come home), yes, I know I'm gonna be
I'm gonna be the man who comes back home with you
I'm gonna be the man who's coming home with you
But I would walk five hundred miles
And I would walk five hundred more
Just to be the man who walked a thousand miles
To fall down at your door
As Jamie sang the last chorus, he made his way down the stage to stand before his wife, tears evident in his eyes.
Oh my giddy heart, he's done it again, the bloody Scot!  Claire, who wasn't prone to crying in front of anyone, was now crying openly. If truth be told, Jamie had sung the song so beautifully, and from his heart, that she thought her own heart was going to implode.
As the last tune ended, everyone was so quiet, and so still, you could hear a pin drop. Jamie then gathered Claire into his arms and kissed her tenderly as one thumb wiped her tears away. "I love ye so much, Claire."
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hazzaxvogue0 · 4 years
evermore or how i met her
here’s my love story with Taylor Swift. 
when I was 14 I really liked 1d. I mean, to the point of having their posters all over my room and being obsessed. the consensus in the fandom said that we shouldn’t like her because she dates people. and she has dated one of our sweethearts, so I listened to the songs that would somehow make it on my radar and feel bad about myself, somehow I was betraying my boys for listening to something else. 
years went by and I let my brain think of her as less as possible. I occasionally listened to her songs when they came on the radio but never felt connected.
but then... folklore came. it was released on my birthday. and I fell in love. it was my summer album I played at work as the sun rose (breakfast waiters have the privilege of watching the sunrise each morning). folklore brought something for me, a feeling of belonging, which is all that music can bring me. a sense of community during dark times and a sense of peace during troubled waters. this album changed me; it made me look into the deepest parts of my soul and somehow, it mended them. it got so crazy, I was quoting the lyrics to friends as advice because when Taylor writes, you can hang it on walls and tattoo it on your shoulders, that’s how good it is.
all I’m really trying to say is that I’m so happy I have grown to love her. I do really love her. these calm songs on evermore, the ones that crush your soul with the intricate storytelling Taylor does so well. they’re what we have been missing. they are the ones we needed because we have been so lost in everything, so lost in our own worlds, we need to escape, to imagine ourselves running through forests in long dresses, picking berries and eating them. having picnics in quiet gardens and drinking chilled wine during sunsets. we have been needing a weekend. even if it is in our heads. 
Taylor. you have healed me. it seems like I have gained a piece of my soul back. and god, I’m thankful. I hope you don’t see this because it is kinda pathetic, but I needed to write down what I felt. thank you. 
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nancypullen · 4 years
What can I say? Another day of tidying up. Another day of cooking.  Another day of counting bees.  Another day of reading. Another day, another day, another day. Another day of outward smiles and inward screams.  Just kidding, I appreciate this life. I’m grateful for every day this side of the dirt.  But come on.  I was excited yesterday because we had a different UPS man.  Any little change in this routine is cause for celebration.  Disclaimer: I hope that no harm befell our regular UPS guy,  that he was just enjoying a lovely day off. I tried to celebrate Father’s Day yesterday, I wanted the mister to feel appreciated.  Unfortunately he had a go-live (that’s when they flip the switch on a hospital they’ve been updating for months - always on a weekend just in case any issues arise, that way business as usual isn’t disrupted). He spent pretty much all day at his desk. Boooo!  The big celebration was about a 30 minute window at dinner time.  I think he deserves a second holiday so maybe we’ll try again next week.  He may have a go-live then as well,  I can’t remember the last time he had a full weekend.  I feel really small complaining about that when I know that so many are struggling with unemployment or fewer hours right now.  I’ll just shut up and be thankful for security. I suppose I’ll sit at my desk for a bit today and play with some dead people.  I’m in the mood to start thinking about Halloween and witches.  Wouldn’t this little girl be adorable with a witch hat?
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There are so many vintage photos of little girls and women with their cats.  Apparently women and cats have a centuries old love affair.  I get it. This is what I had on the ol’ drawing board yesterday.
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Those may not become cards.  If it doesn’t make me giggle while making it I usually don’t take it any further.  I like the one about avoiding people, but that may not be the right gal for the message.  A few days ago I slapped her on a library checkout card and added a snarky message.
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I didn’t feel good about that.  I mean, it’s not nice if a man says women are stupid, right?  I suppose I was caught up in my frustration with the old white men in the Tennessee legislature and the nonsense they spout.  Maybe I’ll put it on postcards and send them a note expressing my views.   In the end, I found these two gals who look like they’re having a fine time.
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It became a card for my most militant friend, the one I can always count on to storm the gates with me. The one who has written over a thousand Postcards to Voters, who has worn out her welcome with Marsha Blackburn, and who always, always falls on the right side of history.
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It’s not the tidiest card I’ve ever made, that ticket is wonky but necessary, however the message is from the heart.
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So that’s where I am today, just nine days from turning the calendar to July, waffling between being angry at the state of the world and grateful for all of the good people fighting to right the ship.   I think I’ll go snip a bit of lavender for my desk, think some happy thoughts, and see what I come up with that’s cheerful - maybe something fairy related.  I’ve also got a couple of curbside pickups this afternoon so maybe a drive with the sunroof open and some good tunes will get me back to center.  Music always works.  I need to get on the treadmill too, endorphins from exercise are a sure thing.  Of course, following that with a cookie is probably not a good idea.  Doesn’t mean it won’t happen though. Whatever it is that helps you find balance, whatever feeds your soul, do some of that today.  This mess is far from over (choose the mess that suits your mood - pandemic, Trump, racism, looking for murder hornets, whatever)  and we have to keep ourselves whole, mentally, emotionally, and physically. Take a break from worry, take a break from fighting, recharge.  You’re not carrying the load alone and if you pause for a breath we still move forward.  Escape into a book or movie, soak in a bubble bath and sing along to love songs, put fresh flowers on the table and bake something decadent, or have a socially distant picnic with friends.  Life is kind of awful right now, but you can control your little space.  Make it happy.  There’s nothing wrong with having a safe and happy spot in the midst of chaos.  After all, happiness is what we’re fighting for - everyone’s happiness. Sending out love and peace today. XOXO - Nancy
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caps-lockdown · 5 years
Operation: Man Flu
Alright guys here it is the first part of my new series! I thought of this awhile ago but my life has been absolutely bonkers lately and I didn’t have a chance to get started on it til now! I hope ya’ll enjoy this insane and (hopefully funny) romp I’ve come up with.
Tagging @kaytizzle and @cuffski for now, let me know in the comments if you would like to be tagged for future parts!
Summary: As a hacker nobody agent of S.H.I.E.L.D you get roped into what might possibly be your worst nightmare come to life. Will you survive the long weekend? Will you have a chance to get closer to a certain reserved Captain during this extremely stressful (and hilarious) situation?
Pairings: Steve x Shield Agent Female Reader!
Words: 3,397
Ratings/Warnings: I’m going to put hard R here for the whole thing because there’s going to be cussing, mentions of sickness, alcohol consumption, physical fights, mental breakdowns. Jealousy, love triangles (sort of), angst, drama, and lots of crude humor. Just strap in.
Also no Beta so my mistakes are my only thing to claim, I don’t own any characters either, with the exception of the reader, a doctor, and some random characters here and there.
It is in Y/N (Your Name) L/N (Last Name) format. Enjoy!
 Part One
“Y/N I need more water!”
“Y/N my eyes hurt!”
“Y/N can you tell Bucky and Tony to shut the hell up? I’m trying to sleep off this headache!”
“Shut up Wilson!”
Pinching the bridge of your nose, nostrils flaring, you released a slow and irritated breath. The shouting was coming from the makeshift quarantine section in the Tower. Never in a million years would you be able to guess that this was going to be your job at some point. In fact, you would have laughed in anyone’s face if they told you that at some point in your life you would be stuck in Stark Tower taking care of a bunch of sick and over dramatic man children. This was supposed to be your weekend in. You were supposed to be comfy and cozy surrounded by happy things, not a bunch of sick cry babies. You were so getting a raise when all of this was over.
You looked to the ceiling praying to anyone upstairs for just a small moment of peace. The moment of peace could come in the form of a giant mallet to knock all of the whiny men in the next room unconscious. Perhaps a dart gun with Nyquil loaded ammunition? Anything to help you cope with being stuck with this lot of ill idiots for the next 48 hours. Why of all people did it have to be you? You were not someone that saw The Avengers in close quarters, you were sort of work friends, but you never thought your friendship would be put to the test quite like this. Who were they to ask this of you anyway? It’s not like you have any medical experience. Hell you get squeamish just thinking about blood. You rarely got sick. You cried watching Grey’s anatomy for cripes’ sake! You must have been cursed by some otherworldly power. Loki was messing with you. That had to be it. You were sure that had to be the reason behind this cruel and unusual punishment.
“Well you keep sounding like you’re gonna puke Stark! And if you puke I puke! So don’t puke!”
“Damn I need a drink.” You uttered before squaring your shoulders and heading back into the fray. When did it all go to hell in a hand basket?
~~Friday Morning~~
The crisp early autumn air made its way into your room from your half opened window. The birds chirping slowly woke you from your slumber as your eyes opened to take in the leaves changing colors on the trees outside. The smell of coffee starting to brew at your small desk invaded your senses and you smiled out to the rising sun in a good mood.
Your alarm clock went off which caused you to scream and nearly throw it out the window, groaning as you heard the rumble of the Quinjet touching down a few floors up. So much for a quiet, easy day. They were back early.
Dragging yourself out of bed, you hastily threw on your uniform and secured your hair up, reaching for your travel mug to hold your life juice as you sloshed it into the container and headed out the door.
Life hadn’t always been this fast paced for you. You were never a morning person, and even though it had been years that you have been with S.H.I.E.L.D, these caffeine fuelled mornings were something that never got easier with time. Being an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D just wasn’t a picnic for you most days, but you certainly had it better than some of the others in your line of work. You weren’t one of the people willing to put their life on the line out in the field. In fact it was the complete opposite. You were behind the scenes, knee deep in technology. Hacking files, constantly bypassing security, you name it. You never had to leave the comfort of your own country. It was hard work, but it was also your calling. It had been since you were a teenager in high school. It was a habit that got you caught several times breaking into the school security systems, changing when the bell would ring so you and your friends could get out a few minutes early. Especially during Geometry with Miss. Wilkins.
You had been given a scholarship to New York City College of Technology after you graduated high school and you packed your bags and moved from your small town in Ohio to the beautiful state of New York. After graduating in record time with high marks you were recruited by Agent Coulson to join S.H.I.E.L.D. You accepted without any hesitation (Along with constant reassurance to your always worried mother that you would not actually be in the field. Ever.)
After a few years, and more importantly the battle of New York, Nick Fury created a small unit specifically trained to work alongside The Avengers. It was truly amazing getting to move into the Tower, always being there in case of emergencies. Which there often were plenty of. You were under the command of Agent Keaton, your unit possessing a mere ten agents total. No one knew who you were, or what you did, except The Avengers and a small number of others. You were shadows, able to breach the toughest security, get what you needed, and get out without a trace. Or in most cases, get Earth’s Mightiest Heroes into places they previously didn’t have access to. Everyone called you “The Ghosts of Stark Tower”. The hours were sometimes long, missions often stressful, but it suited you just fine. One of the many upsides was knowing that you were making a difference in this messed up world.
The down side was these way too early mornings. At least it was Friday and you could look forward to the three day holiday weekend ahead of you. It was Labor Day weekend which meant that after today you wouldn’t have to return to work until the following Tuesday, unless an earth shattering catastrophe happened. Trudging your way down the hallways your mind drifted to the future that awaited you at 1800 hours. All you had planned was a giant fort of blankets and pillows to call sanctuary as you caught up on the six books that sat unloved in a box by your bed. They were feeling extremely neglected since you had gotten most of them as birthday gifts, which had been some time ago now.
Stepping into the elevator you let out a wistful sigh as it began to climb the few floors leading to the floor that held the landing pad for the Quinjet. Smiling to yourself as you day dreamed about being nestled in a blanket cocoon and not seeing a soul for 72 hours, you couldn’t stop in time and ran smack into Sam Wilson as you exited the elevator and took a sharp turn. His back of toned muscles acted as a wall as it threw you backwards and onto the floor with a loud and ungraceful oomfph.
“Shit. Sorry Y/N. My head isn’t on straight today.” He offered a hand to help you up which you gladly took, pulling yourself up and pretending to brush yourself off.
“It’s fine Sam. Ya miss Bucky that much?”
“Ha. Ha. Ya I missed him like a hole in the head.” You snickered as the two of you made your way down the hall together.
Sam Wilson and you went way back. Back to before you were working (usually) with the Avengers. Back when you were just starting out and he wasn’t cleared for all the “fun” missions, as he called it. Those were the days when you trained together, ate together. Hell you even shared a bed together. It was only once, and nothing romantic happened, but you two only got closer because of it. You didn’t know where you would be without him in your life. He always seemed to know what to say to make you feel better after a hard day, and he always had you laughing. It usually bummed you out when he went along for missions, so you were extra thankful he opted to stay behind this past week when they announced a new mission would take place. It had been nice spending time with each other outside of work hours, catching up, shooting the breeze.
He was one of the only people here that seemed to see you for everything that you were. With the exception of today of course.
“Any issues with the mission? Why are they back two days early?”
Sam raised an eyebrow as you reached the double doors that lead outside to the landing pad.
“Now how did you know they were supposed to be back in two days? That was classified information L/N.” You quickly shot your eyes to the ground, releasing a heavy sigh.
“I…I may have hacked into the mission details…”
The look Sam gave you made you bite your lower lip in embarrassment before he merely shook his head in response.
“Damn Y/N, you should have come with a warning label. If you missed Steve that much you could have just called him.” You swatted his arm as he pushed the door open for you, the fresh air hitting you in the face and causing your eyes to water.
Sam had known about your small crush on Steve Rogers, otherwise known to many as Captain America, since the first time you had met the larger than life super soldier. He pegged you as a giddy school girl from the gate and you found yourself threatening his life on a weekly basis to keep his mouth shut about the whole thing. Steve and you had a professional work related friendship, nothing more. It’s not like what you and Sam had, and you had come to accept that it never would be that. Or more, no matter how often you caught yourself thinking about it.
“Why would I miss Steve Rogers when Sam Wilson has been here to keep me company?” You batted your eyelashes at him, causing the man to chuckle as you neared the group of fellow agents that were gathered around the jet.
“Nice try slick, but I’m still telling Tony you broke into the mission files. Again.”
You pouted at him but he only clicked his tongue at you.
“I swear Tony just needs to give you a raise already and put you in charge of that tech stuff here. His old ass mind is clearly slipping.”
“You suck Wilson. I was only worried.”
“Worried ol’ Blue eyes was gonna take a dirt nap? Come on Y/N,  he’s stronger than that.”
“Actually I was worried for Tony and his,” you made air quotations “Old ass mind”
You and Sam’s laughter was quickly silenced as the jet ramp lowered and you watched Steve Rogers exit, a deathly pale Tony leaning on him as they disembarked.
“Shit. He looks worse than normal. Pepper is gonna pitch a fit when she sees him.” Sam remarked, the team headed towards you.
Your eyes couldn’t help but dance across the Team’s faces. They all looked beat. Thor and Bruce seemed deep in conversation, their hushed voices angrily biting at each other. Clint kept quiet, focusing his vision forward and not looking at anyone. You noticed Nat and Wanda were missing, only for a moment before you realized they were on a separate mission elsewhere. They were slated to come back sometime next week.
Your vision drifted over to Tony, taking in his sickly appearance. The color was drained from his face, the area around his eyes dark and his body too weak to walk very far. Bucky walked to his left, his worried expression evident as they neared you and Sam through the crowd.
You quickly snapped your line of sight to Captain Rogers, your pulse picking up just a little at the sight of him. His uniform was still in really good shape considering how ragged he was looking. Apparently he had forgotten his razor or something because his facial hair had grown a considerable amount since they had been gone. His strong jaw was set tightly, his lips in a thin line while his large intimidating frame effortlessly helped the injured billionaire along.
“Why do I have a feeling my weekend plans just got cancelled?” You grumbled, clearing a path for the Captain as the rest of the team followed behind him, none of them sparing you a look. You were used to it by now.
“Wilson, debrief. Now.” Rogers’ voice boomed with authority and you couldn’t help but grimace in Wilson’s direction.
“Sorry Sam, tough luck.”
“L/N you too.”
Jumping at the acknowledgement you cast a worried glance to Sam who merely shrugged before picking up his pace to catch up to the group headed into the building. That could not be good at all. You followed after him, struggling to keep your mind calm with all the questions currently swimming in it. It didn’t take you long to reach the small conference room, paramedics cutting off your journey about halfway to take Tony into the medical bay to run tests.
You quickly took a seat next to Sam, everyone at the table looking to Steve for answers you were fairly certain he didn’t have. It didn’t mean you couldn’t admire his tall, gorgeous body though as he stood in front of all of you. Nope, you’d drink in the sight of him any day and any time you could. It wasn’t illegal to look after all, even if most of the time he saw right through you. Just like a ghost.
“Look L/N, I’m going to give you the extremely short version,” Steve started, blue eyes staring into yours and you could only bring yourself to nod. His voice was hard, short, he was clearly on edge with worry.
“Might as well shorten it even more Rogers, L/N here already hacked the mission files. She knows the mission.”
You could only give Sam a “What the hell?” look, trying not to let the disappointed sigh that came from Steve’s lips sink into your stomach like a boulder of guilt.
“As much as I want to be angry with you L/N, I need to know how much you know. It might help speed things up so we can get to work faster.”
All eyes seemed to shift to you as you began to fidget with the edge of the table, training your eyes to stay focused on the smooth wood surface as you recalled the details you briefly scanned last week.
“You were all sent to Tal-q’eiek to retrieve an energy source for another planet…Mon…mon something..who’s current environmental health is unstable. The planet’s self defense measures made most of the planet toxic to keep predators from other neighboring worlds away.” You started, looking up at the people around the table as they all nodded in agreement.
“ You were made special suits and would split up into teams to search the planet for the energy source. You were sent out of your element considering Danvers was unavailable to join you, as well as Quill and his team being currently MIA as well.” Taking a deep breath you couldn’t help but notice the smallest of smiles on Steve’s face as you finished divulging what you knew.
“Correct L/W, I’m always impressed by your sharp memory.” Steve complimented you and you had to grasp the chair to make sure you wouldn’t fall out of it. It was the first and so far only time Captain Rogers had made a positive comment in your direction. Usually he was far too busy to pay you or any of the other Ghosts of Stark Tower any mind. Not that you could blame him. If you were being honest, you didn’t even think he knew your first name for the first two years you worked together.
“So based on your knowledge, what conclusion can you come to on your own?” Thor pried, your gaze moving to catch his.
“ My assumption is that Tony was simply  in the wrong place at the wrong time and managed to inhale some of the toxic air of the planet, and that’s why you had to come back early. Because he’s showing symptoms of a sickness and you didn’t know what to do.”
“Two for two L/W, well done.”You felt a swell of undeserving pride at Steve’s words, wondering if this was to be your Christmas gift or something. Two compliments in one day? Within minutes of each other? You most certainly weren’t complaining but it did make you a bit nervous, especially when those beautiful blue eyes weren’t leaving yours.
“So now what? We just wait for the doctors to come back and tell us Tony is going to be ok?” Sam’s voice broke you out of your trance, Steve clearing his throat and Thor nodding in agreement.
“Unfortunate, but until we know more there isn’t anything to be done.” The other blonde’s deep voice boomed and you couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of dread.
“I don’t understand why I was needed here…” You trailed off, Bruce chuckling at your statement causing you to blush with embarrassment.
“You never know when we may need a Ghost on our side Y/N.” Bucky smiled at you, giving you a small wink.
“Yea besides,” Clint continued, “We actually like you. You’re not some stuck up, loud mouthed, cocky know it all like some of the others.”
“You shouldn’t talk about Tony like that, after all he’s the one sick right now.”
Your comment earned you a chorus of laughter.
“I’m gonna put that in Stark’s Christmas card this year.” Sam got out in between laughs, patting you on the back.
“That’s my Y/N, always one with the fast quips.”
His statement caused you to beam in response, allowing yourself to be grabbed in a small side hug. The expression on Steve’s face was a bit puzzling to you as you looked at him, but no sooner had it appeared, it was gone.
What seemed to be hours passed, but your eyes shot up at the sound of one of the doctors on standby walking into the conference room, her HASMAT suit creating a hideous scratching noise against the floor as she moved. You recognized her as Doctor Kelly Hooper, she had been working for Stark for years. She was a short and stout woman, with dark blonde hair that was always up in a tight bun on top of her head.
“What’s the diagnosis Doctor?” Clint tried, his voice humorless despite the poor attempt at a joke.
“Firstly, you should know that Mister Stark is going to be alright.”
The entire table collectively sighed in relief at the Doctor’s news, a huge weight seemingly being lifted off of everyone’s shoulders. You and Tony didn’t always see eye to eye on things, but you still respected the hell out him, and definitely didn’t want him dying anytime soon.
“However, there is some bad news.” The older woman continued, turning her attention to Steve.
“He’s going to be sick the next forty eight to seventy two hours, and will need constant care. He’s going to experience the worst equivalent of the flu we’ve seen in years. Fever, vomiting, dehydration, chills, extreme pain, and maybe even hallucinations. What’s also troublesome is we don’t have the proper staff to take care of him, as most of the day and night crew have left for holiday, and we can’t risk taking him to a hospital where it might spread.”
“Got it, can it get any worse than babysitting a sick Tony?” Bucky groaned out, his head hitting the table.
“Actually it can Mister Barnes. I’m afraid the illness he has contracted from the foreign planet is very peculiar in the fact that it only seems to attack beings with the combination of XY chromosomes.”
“Doc, are you saying what I think you’re saying?” Bucky suddenly looked up at Doctor Hooper, who had now locked eyes with the winter solider before nodding her head.
“That’s right Mister Barnes, any male who has come within contact with Mister Stark within the last twenty four hours has a seventy five to eighty five percent chance of falling ill as well.”
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nikkzwrites · 5 years
1, 8, 18, and/or 27 for Sunny Lodge prompts?? (Sorry, I had a bit of a hard time choosing just one. 😅 Feel free to only do what you’re comfortable with.)
It’s no problem. You chose almost the perfect combination~! Some of those prompts were more like “imagine” type prompts while others are a quite a bit longer. So I can make all of it flow well. It will be #27: Scholar, #8 Books, #1: Fire, #18 Flowers all mixed in within that general order. I hope you like it~!
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The small village of Alverton really didn’t have much in the form of entertainment. Eddie let his fingers skim the spines of the books within the local library. He counted himself lucky to even have this if he were to be honest with himself. He stood back for a second to look at the entire shelf at once. This was the problem with living in such a small village.  He had read most of the books here while he was still in New York. He sighed. Eddie felt a slight nudge in his back. He let out a pained breath. He turned to see a soft looking man in glasses. His dark hair was already graying. Eddie looked at him more carefully. Maybe it was all just dust. The wool suit the man was wearing looked caked in it. 
“I-I-I’m sorry,” The man stumbled. He knelt down to grab some of the books he dropped then looked up. He adjusted his glasses as he stood up. The man looked over Eddie and exclaimed, “Oh, excuse me sir. I don’t think we’ve met.” He placed his books on a table not too far away. He walked back with an extended hand in which Eddie took and shook. “My name is Bruce,” The man greeted him, “Bruce Banner.” He chuckled.
Eddie laughed and said, “The name is Edward Brock. Everyone calls me Eddie though.” He smiled and said, “It is very nice to meet you.”
Bruce’s eyes widened, “Oh, you are Eddie Brock.” He scrambled to his table and back with a letter in hand, “You are our lovely teacher’s Eddie Brock and the young Peter Parker’s Eddie Brock.” He looked up at him with a very wide smile.
Eddie blushed and opened his mouth to speak.
“Oh dear, did I overexcite and get ahead of myself,” Bruce asked becoming downtrodden.
Eddie shook his head. “Oh no,” Eddie snickered through his embarrassment, “I guess I just have never heard it put in that way.” He smiled to comfort his new companion, “It is an awfully delighting thing to hear. It makes this new place of residency feel a bit more like a home.”
Bruce’s eyes brightened once more, “Oh that is splendid to hear. I know my darling friend would enjoy hearing that being uttered from your lips. Her words simply drip with admiration for you.”
Eddie felt his heart on fire. He felt everything burning. As much as he loved to hear that his dearly beloved talked so well of him, he felt uneasy about this man. “Oh, and what is your relation-”
“Oh,” Bruce exclaimed again, “I am sorry. I must have troubled you. My friend could only have interested me if her name was Alvin instead.” He chuckled.
Eddie’s eyes widened as he nodded in understanding, “Oh.” He let the information process for a second before letting his body relax. He had not even released his tension before then. He ran his hand through his hair and smiled, “Well thank you for explaining to me.”
After a bit, Bruce and Eddie walked through the bookcases talking. They were laughing and smiling until Bruce put his arm out in front of his new friend and pulled the both of them a little bit back. Eddie blinked and tilted his head at his new confidant. Bruce held a finger to his lips and nodded around the corner. He motioned to the body sitting at the fire.
This weekend was quiet for you. Peter had decided to go visit the girl he loved instead of you today. Feeling lonely, you decided to get up and walk yourself to the library. When you got there though, you were surprised not to see your old friend there. You figured maybe Bruce had gone to the city to gather more books that may have been released since his last visit. You took this time to walk and study the books. You sat yourself down with a copy of Sense and Sensibility next to the fire.
Bruce smiled at Eddie and nudged him forward to motion to go talk to you. He winked and turned to pretend to get an inventory of what the library had so that he was out of the two lovebird’s way.
Eddie cleared his throat as he walked over to you. He smiled as you looked up at him. Your soft face made his world feel full. Your eyes entrapped his. Eddie laughed letting his eyes close. He shook his head and took this momentary chance of freedom to glance at what you were reading. He sat next to you and asked, “So what are you reading?”
You smiled up at the man, “Oh hello Eddie. I didn’t know you were here.” You placed a bookmark within the pages of the beloved novel to talk to the man who held your soul. You turned to face him better, “I am just reading the novel Sense and Sensibility.” You explained to him with a small smile.
Eddie smiled and asked, “Oh, you like romance novels?” He teased with a laugh.
“Well I am not having any for myself, so I must read and imagine it for myself,” you equally teased back.
Eddie fain hurt and held a hand to his heart. “Oh, you must be making jest,” Eddie laughed.
You laughed with him as the fire crackled in the background.
That night, a fire roared as it consumed a house not too far from where the Parker’s once lived. The entire community had gathered to help, but sadly it seemed in vain. When Eddie and Peter got there, they both tried to help with the fire line.
Peter turned to Eddie went a young girl came out. “I’m going-”
Eddie nodded knowing what Peter was talking about and said, “Please hurry back.”
You held your arms to the redheaded girl and encapsulated her into your arms. “Oh Jean, are you alright,” You asked as you rubbed her arms.
Jean pulled away with tears in her eyes, “No ma’am... My family is still in there. They haven’t come out yet.” Peter had heard this as he was walking up. He turned and ran inside the opened door in which Jean had came from. He closed the door behind him. You screamed as you watched Peter run inside. You felt yourself start to cry as you tried to fight some of the other women to run after him.
Eddie turned when he heard your cry of despair. He dropped everything and ran to your side. “What is it,” He asked you cradling you within his arms, “What’s wrong?”
“He-He..” You cried. You pointed inside where Eddie could see a shadow running amongst the flames, “Pe-Pe-Peter ran inside.” You clung to him and cried.
Eddie stiffened up. He turned watching the boy. He gently handed you off to Bruce who had also rushed to your side. He pat your head and whispered, “I’m going to get him.” He nodded a confirmation to Bruce and ran inside.
Black smoke surround Peter. There was so much of it. He coughed and sputtered as he tried to call for Jean’s parents. He eventually fell to the floor. As he looked up, he saw a large fully black creature lifting him and placing him on its back. Peter, then, lost consciousness again.
Eddie had ran around back of the house. He took in a deep breath and sighed. He called to the dark entity that also resides in his body. “Venom,” he whispered beneath his sigh.
Yes Edward, The voice dripped itself back into a more accessible part of the man’s mind.
“I need you,” Eddie answered.
Venom started his growth over the other man, I can see that. What will I get in return?
Eddie sighed and implored, “Please let’s talk about that later.”
The symbiote grew over his face. He chortled and ran into the fire to go and retrieve Eddie’s adopted son. When he grabbed hold of him, he placed the boy on his back and ran out. Eddie forced the dark passenger back off his body as he ran outside. He forced it off his front first letting it slither back into his back and into his spine.
You ran over to your two boys when they had emerged. You kissed their faces relieved that they had returned to you safely. Your tears cleaned the soot off the two’s faces.
It had been several months since that incident. You turned in your bed to see the lavender bundle next to your bed within a pitcher. You heard scurrying across the floor. You stretched and pulled yourself out of your bed. You walked out of your small bedroom. When you left it, you saw your new girl hurrying about. You laughed and asked, “Jean, what is going on?”
Jean froze and turned to look at her adopted mother. She flushed and stuttered, “Oh, well, I... I was just... I was just preparing...”
“Preparing for what,” You playfully inquired.
“Oh...Uh, Peter had invited the both of us out for a picnic,” She explained stuttering.
You smiled and asked, “Well why didn’t you wake me?” You walked back into your room and got ready to go to lunch. You listened to Jean hurrying to take some pastries out of the oven.
Peter and Jean walked together both holding a side of the wicker basket together. They chatted about school and gossiped about the other children around their age. You and Eddie followed together farther back. You both strolled past the Trilliums, Violets, Bellwort, Virginia Bluebells, and Spring Beauty. Everything was so beautiful. All the spring flowers warmed each of their spirits. The birds chirped a happy chorus as the small family walked together to find a spot among the field of flowers to eat their picnic in company with the hopping crickets and whatever other critters wished to join in. Eddie let the back his hand brush yours his index finger curled with yours for only a moment before going back to the “proper” type of public interaction.
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milasartblog · 6 years
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"I can't let him do it to another soul.....not this time. I will save you."
And this is how my story began.
My name is Mila, and i'm the one who is known also as Silva Spider. I'm a student, who lives with sister and trying to find a job. My life is....well, not that perfect, but enough to live. I'm very dreamy girl, but can be serious if need to. I'm friendly mostly, but i will not hesitate to bite if neccessary. The university in which i'm studying sometimes gives me a hell time. I was never a perfect student, and yet i was not that bad. I like to make different stories, draw and when i have time hand-make. Maybe you're tired to listen this. Well, let's get straight to the point.
One day when me and my family were driving to the countryside on the weekends, we were having picnic not so far from the forest. I heard a lot of rumors about spirits and evil creatures that are living in the forest, but i didn't believe them. Well, except for the story with Silva, the forest spirit. So, when we were resting, i needed to go to the forest to do....some things. And when i went a little bit far, i found a small place. It was covered with webs and it was so dark, almost like in a cave. But the thing was that there were no spiders at all. I was curious to find out what this place was. But my curiousity almost killed me. When i entered the place, i heard a deep demonic voice: "Who dares to enter into arachnas' abode?!" And a big sihouette appeared in front of me. I felt to the ground. I was scared. The silhouette was so horrific. It had so many eyes, and those eyes were looking at me. Or more, they were looking right into my soul. I don't remember clearly what happened with me at that moment, but i felt that i needed to run. My legs were moving by themselves. I tried to escape, my mind kept repeating "I need to run, i need to run!". I didn't even looked back to see if he was chasing me. He was not....but he caught me in a trap. I remember that i was falling. Falling down. I though that it was an end for me. At that moment....i heard "her" voice. I couldn't hear what she was saying, but it was not that matter for me. Suddenly i felt that something went into me. Something unfamiliar. Like a soul. I woke up almost next to the exit from the forest. My sister and my father kept me waking up. They looked horrific. But when i stood up, they hugged me tightly. Tears were coming from their eyes. They smiled again. They were happy, happy that i am alive. Father of course was mad at me, but i didn't care. I was glad i was still alive. But i was not happy for a long time. Some weeks passed since that accident. I was in my room playing games, when suddenly....i heard a voice. A voice that came from my head. I was looking around in a panic. But nobody was here. And suddenly, i felt that something was climbing on me. I looked at my hand...and almost lost my conscious. It was a spider....But unusual one.
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I almost shouted, but spider tried to calm me down. The spider told me that it is a soul of previous spider, and that was Silva who saved me. I couldn't believe what i heard. Well, inside my mind, but you got it. It said that because of him i could get free from an evil spirit Aranea, spirit of spider's graveyard. Spider said that i broke a law of this graveyard by accident and because it was an accident Silva saved me. It was still hard for me to understand the whole information, but what made me relieved is that Silva, the goddes whom i believe, really exsists. Spider said that Silva asked it to keep an eye on me and my family. And to do it, i had to become the one i'm right now....
A Silva Spider.
Aaand that's how my persona became a Silva Spider^^ Sorry if it took so long and it sounds so confusing, but i tried to make a story that will not be about a bite ^^; In the universe which Silva Spider lives spirits and other creatures exist, but they are hiding from human's eye. And Silva Spider is the one who can have access to them, but only temporary. Plus she has the ability to communicate telepathicaly (Yeah, i'm soooo "original" ^^;). Her spider is like a small companion who helps with webs and ability. Here is how it looks like:
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Well, that's all for now. I still hope you enjoy it^^ Maybe will do more drawings with her or maybe even make interractions with your spidersonas^^ Sorry again for the long text ^^;
Silva Spider and Silva belong to @wildstarfan and @milasartblog (both me)
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