#so sorry taurtis
kingoftheladybugs · 2 years
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My partner got me into YHS again,,,universe forgive me 
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silmecicle · 1 year
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maybe the gay autism is taking over…
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solargeist · 6 months
be careful with kingdom of valor. theres some implied SA/torture in some of the episodes. its rough.
i had a few people in my inbox telling me this and i gen had no idea an d im glad people warned me LORD , i looked up a thread on it and wowww uh ! wow ! thats kinda shocking for a mc rp. for mostly kids ? thats insane . and i thought yhs was bad !
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occultdaddy · 1 year
Out of the Evo folks when Grian dissappeared in the End who:
Turned around for a second or two and when they turned back he was gone. Not unusual for Grian, but he didn't show up again.
Saw him dissappear in the corner of their eye. Thinking their eyes fooled them, that he just ended up in a blind spot of their vision... But when they looked around he was just gone.
Looked directly at him (maybe even talked with him) as he dissappeared. Their brain taking a second to register he's not there anymore. One sec he was there and the next he's not. It being completely incomprehensible.
Related to this post where it wasn't the Watchers that took Grian. (although some rumours spread that it was.)
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blueishspace · 3 days
Looped Sun 14
Loop #427
Tango: Jimmy!?
Jimmy: Rancher!?
Pearl: Oh wow, they look adorable.
Scott: Yeah...
Pearl: ...who shit in your coffe today Scott?
Scott: What!? Uh??
Pearl: Why are you being weird about it?
Scott: Excuse you, I'm not.
Pearl: Uh huh.
Scott: I'm not... lying.
Pearl: Huh, if you're sure.
Scott: ...
Pearl: Listen Scott, I don't care if you are jealous but don't let it become a problem.
Loop #429
Scott: Pearl, Pearl I fucked up.
Pearl: What's wrong!?! What happened.
Scott: I let it become a problem.
Pearl: ... What did you do.
Scott: I ... Poured water into Decked out 3.
Scott: I didn't mean to but I just so ... tempting.
Pearl: Do you know how much time Tango has put in on it!?!
Scott: I know!
Pearl: That was multiple loops of work
Scott: I ...know.
Pearl: ...
Scott: I'm ...sorry.
Pearl: Listen Scott, you are one of my closest friends but that was really fucked up.
Scott: I don't know why I did that... I didn't think that-
Pearl: You didn't think at all mate... Why did you come here?
Scott: ... I'm going to tell Tango.
Pearl: ... And? Why tell me?
Scott: I... don't know. I guess I wanted to know what do to. And now I do.
Loop #430
Tango: ...
Scott: ...
Tango: So?
Scott: I dropped water in Decked out 3.
Tango: ...That's it? Scar does that like 5 times a week, It's annoying but accidents happen-
Scott: It wasn't an accident.
Tango: What do you mean?
Scott: It wasn't an accident, I did it on purpose.
Tango: But why would you do that?
Scott: I... don't know. I didn't think.
Tango: ... Are you sorry?
Scott: I am.
Tango: Are you willing to help fix it?
Scott: Yes.
Tango: Then, a truce?
Scott: Truce?
Tango: I think I know why you did that, so truce, for Jimmy's sake at the very least.
Scott: Alright, truce. For Jimmy.
Loop #433
Grian hated yhs loops with a passion, he really did. Taurtis was an enabler at best most of the time and Sam... Yeah. Accidentally going sun titan mode and being mistaken as Amateratsu was new... To be fair there was much that he wanted to avoid so all things considered this was actually a pretty ok loop. Still getting worshipped always felt unconfortable...very unconfortable.
Loop #438
The Narrator: You are on a path in the woods and at the end of that path is a cabin and in the basement of that cabin is a watcher. You are here to slay it, it will be the end of the world if you don't.
Mumbo: ...
The Narrator: Hello? ...
Mumbo: I feel like this is a meta joke of some kind.
Loop #441
Tango: Let me guess, Scott?
Scott: Tango?
Tango: Is it so obvious?
Scott: Your villain name is literally fireburn.
Tango: Listen, creativity is hard ok?
Scott: So, guess fire powers?
Tango: Fireficating, yes.
Scott: Sooo, why the visit?
Tango: Jimmy is a hero in this loop.
Scott: Oh? I have to see this.
Loop #443
Scar: Ok, what if I also went insane this time.
Pearl: Uh?
Scar: I could be uh... Scarlet Scar!
Pearl: I hate the fact it's an alliteration.
Scar: Oh, it could be so fun!
Pearl: Hmm... I have an idea.
Pearl: Prepare for trouble!
Scar: And make it double!
Pearl: To protect the world from devastation.
Scar: To unite all people within our nations.
Pearl: To denounce the evils of truth and love.
Scar: To extend our reaches to the stars above!
Pearl: Pearl!
Scar: Scar!
Pearl: Team Scarlet blas off at the speed of light.
Scar: Surrender now or prepare to fight.
Tilly: woof woof woof woof! (Woof, that's right!)
Loop #446
Tango: Being a gem is... Weird.
Scott: Comes with being a being of light. Pearl told me about it but it is a lot weird when actually in it.
Tango: So you are a uh...
Scott: Sapphire, guess you are a carnelian.
Tango: Yeah... overcooked too.
Scott: Ouch. Jimmy is a lapis lazuli this time around.
Tango: That's the water one, right?
Scott: Yeah. I can being you to him. You could say sapphires are good runners.
Tango: Jimmy is so bored lately, I don't get it.
Scott: It's part of the loops, happens to me to. Sometimes we feel a little numb.
Tango: We should do something interesting but I don't know what.
Scott: Actually I have an idea.
Scott: Jimmy!
Jimmy: Scott, Tango, what's going on?
Tango: We have someone we would like you to meet!
Jimmy: Oh uh...sure...?
Scott was actually pretty light Tango had to admit, it only took a twirl and and a dip and they were both engulfed by light.
Jimmy: U-uh!... H-hi? Y-you look great! I mean good I mean nice.
???: Oh don't be shy, you look great good nice too.
Jimmy: A-ah!?? Uh??
The fusion didn't last that long considering the tension still present between the two but Jimmy's glowing face was worth it.
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sleepy0s · 6 months
Perhaps he was in love. 
Love, a feeling Grian had gone his whole life without understanding. He loved Taurtis once, well- he thought he did. Taurtis ditched in the middle of Evo and ran to the watchers. He loves his siblings, Pearl and Jimmy. And look where that got them? Who knows where Pearl is, and Jimmy’s in a death game. He had loved his parents, until they dropped him in Japan with a psychopath. And then the Watchers had taught him that love was weakness. So no, grian didn’t truly understand the meaning of being in love. 
But here he was, sitting on a desert mountain watching a dumb man scam someone else out of their pants.
“Grian! I got them!” Scar exclaimed, running back up the hill wearing his brand new enchanted diamond pants. God, he looked so happy stumbling through the sand. “Can you believe that worked?” 
Grian smiled, shuffling over on the chest so Scar could sit with him if he wanted. “You’re an idiot, Scar.” He muttered fondly, no real malice behind his words. 
Scar went on, rambling about how he had gambled BigB out of his clothes, his hands waving around madly as he spoke. Grian wasn’t listening, focused more on Scar’s actions, and his pretty face more than his words.
“-Grian?” Oh god, Scar had noticed. 
“Sorry- I- got distracted.” 
“It’s fine G.”Scar hummed, wrapping an arm around Grian’s shoulders. Oh, when had Scar sat down? Whatever, he was much too tired to care. “What’s on your mind G? You seem so distracted lately.” Oh, if only he could tell him. But he can’t, not yet at least.. Perhaps when they aren’t in the middle of a death game. “Oh.. it's nothing. I’m just tired.” he yawned. 
For now, it will be his little secret. 
“Okay then G, you rest. I’ll be right here.
So no, Grian doesn’t understand being in love. Or maybe he does? He doesn’t show it like most others. No, he shows his love by devoting his first life to a lunatic in the desert, and late at night in the secrecy of their base where he curls up in a single bed next to Scar- for heat reasons, obviously. 
No.. Grian doesn’t understand love. But he's willing to learn if it means he gets to wake up and spend his days like this. Cherishing the small moments, sat on a mountain in the desert, leaning his head on Scar’s shoulder as the sun sets.
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silvers-not-home · 1 month
my lame fucking autistic rambling
here's my massive stupid autistic rant about life series characters and my head canons for them
literally everything i'm thinking about is going on here im not even processing it im just typing sorry for any typos there will be many😭
this is also for my two (2) mutuals who i care for very deeply kiss kiss hug hug <3 /p /gen
okay it's the morning so i'm gonna continue this thumbs up emoji
starting off strong with mr grian minecraft himself (oh wow what a surprise /s)
he tried piercing his own nose in highschool. like. he was THE teenage dirtbag. sneaking out, drinking, smoking, shitty garage band that got nowhere (yes the bad boys was a garage band you c ant change my mind), mcr, pierce the veil, paramore, sexuality and gender crisis, "i know a guy", shoplifting, skipping class, you name it be probably did it with jimmy and joel during freshmen-sophomore year
pearl is his sister, jimmy and lizzie are his cousins (older cousins i should specify. him and pearl are twins but she's the older twin) and they went to the same high school. he met joel through lizzie and jimmy and joel and grian all clicked instantly
joel would stay at jimmy and grians place so much to the point it was like a second home to him and they would all hang out in the basement. joel stayed with his grandparents and helped them out a lot but they passed while he was in his bad boys phase and so he just stayed at grians place a whole lot during his depression (don't worry he's fine now just a little fucked up but they all are)
grian and pearls parents were kinda really shitty (yes i'm also counting yhs lore fuck uou) his whole life and so they got taken by cps and they lived with jimmy and lizzie's parents. and they were much better until he went to japan and all that shit happened (iykyk)
sam made him really realize that like. "oh my fucking god i'm gay. and it's for a damn sociopath. fuck." (that's like half canon)
he and taurtis DID hook up every tuesday thumbs up emoji
his wings didn't start growing in until AFTER senior year (so post japan/yhs incident)
the yhs holds a ceremony thingy for all the people that passed during all that shit and he goes every year and still has rowens glasses and ran into taurtis one year and it was awkward as HELLL but like. it wasn't an awful experience neither of them knew what to say. especially taurtks is bc by then grians wings had already fully grown in and his ass DID NOT recognize him💀
oh yeah also the four of the cousins are all winged animals so grians a parrot, pearl is a moth but like she's one of the super fluffy one (i forgot what they're called), jimmy is a canary (for obvious reasons), and lizzie is a flamingo because. fuck it (also half canary too it's from their mom) but she doesn't have as many features as the others
they all grow feathers (except for pearl) when they're stressed or feel a heightened emotion and have the little winged ears. they still do have actual ears but they grew in behind they're human ears and pearl has the little antennae things on top of her head. lizzie's kind of blends into her hair since yk. pink on pink and they're more folded then fanned out(?) if that makes sense?😭
jimmy was an early bloomer while grian was a late bloomer (i'm talking about wing/feather wise)
also some little sexuality/gender headcanons those are always fun :3
grians definitely trans masc and mlm (he/him anything else gives him dysphoria)
jimmy is THE bisexual demiboy icon (he/they)
lizzie is also bisexual (she/they)
pearl is a NONBINARY LESBIANNNN SHOUT OHT YO ALL MY NONBINARY LESBIANS WOOOO (she also uses any pronouns that would be considered feminine/androgynous or basically just. anything other then he/him/anything masculine)
mumbo is ace and omni (they/he)
scar is pan and a demiboy (all pronouns. like seriously he's collecting them like pokémon cards)
martyn is transmasc and unlabeled. he doesn't want one/or thinks any is fit for him but is on the aspec (he/him)
scott is just. gay. goddamn fa- (he/him)
also just thought abt something grian jimmy and joel all had matching (infected and now faded) stick and poke tattoos that read "bad boys, today, tomorrow and yesterday" but that last part is faded completely since they ran out of pen ink halfway through and jimmys mom came home and they didn't wanna get in trouble (also yes their tattoos are in the same spot as each others it's on the right side of their chest) and let me TELL YOU. lizzie makes fun of joel TO THIS DAY about that tattoo and she likes to trace the words with her finger sometimes when they're cuddling, humming their old songs (he hates it but she still thinks it's absolutely adorable)
grian and mumbo are middle school best friends and he knows everything that happened to grian when he was in japan
grian, scar and mumbo all went to the same high school and mumbo and scar tried making a baking club called (you're never gonna believe this) the buttercups but grian was supposedly "too cool for that fairy shit" but would hang out during lunch with them and go to the meetings and help buy the ingredients and also help bake with them for extra credit and so would jimmy and joel. for extra credit of course
tango, mumbo and impulse were all in the computer club and coding club in highschool. doc was their teacher and cub was the senior teachers assistant trying to get early college credit
jimmy had the FATTEST crush on tango while they were in high school (yes they all went to the same highschool shut up) and tried impressing him by "making" a robot (mumbo made it and gave him the remote and told him to push two single buttons) and he pushed them in the wrong order and it short circuited and it almost exploded. he got suspended for a month and the only reason he didn't get expelled was because tango said it was his and it was a project. he complemented "jimmys" robot and said it had nice coding and a bunch of other nerd /aff terms that didn't make ANY sense to jimmy (that was his way of confessing but jimmys too stupid /aff to understand it at the moment so tango thought he didn't like him back) and when jimmy was talking to grian and joel about it they were yelling at him about how "JIMMY YOU IDIOT HE LIKES YOU BACK" and "WHAT'D YOU SAY? YOU SAID YOU LIKED HIM TOO RIGHT?" to which he (of course) responded with
also tango wears a feather jimmy gave to him as an earring and has kept that earring since they started going out which was like sophomore year or smth like that
they also had an exact conversation to joel before lizzie asked him out (and she also proposed too fight me)
i can go on for HOURS about those three but i'm gonna a do stuff about martyn now because. omg. he drives me CRAZY
also just realizing how most of these are just high school head canons. sorry (no i'm not)
everyone in school always thought that the bad boys were the mean bullies bc they wore leather jackets and studs and cuffs and blah blah blah but in reality they were just the dorky, socially anxious losers that were loud in class because they all adhd. not because they were asshole
martyn and scott were the ones you had to worry about (mostly scott actually but martyn would be a passive aggressive bully)
those little twits had an actual burn book. martyn. the almost loser that pierced his own ears, causing them to get infected but refused to take them out because he wanted to match with his fellow mean gill and wore anime shirts to sleep and doc martins (only because they had his name in it dont praise him he was a loser /aff) wrote "annoying dorks" in the burn book page dedicated to the bad boys. he had NO ROOM to talk and i find that hilarious bc him and jimmy were actually really close and he ate the page. yes. he ate the page in front of scott's face after an argument to prove a point and scott has never respected another person more in his life
i also felt like it was important that martyn and scott got voted prom king and queen
martyn LOVES necklaces, rings, bracelets. he has a matching necklace and/or bracelet with all his four (4) friends that consisted of scott and the bad boys. he still has them as an adult and holds onto the charm when he misses them which is all the time (i love martyn angst evil laugh)
ykw fuck it he still wears the necklaces and tucks them under his shirt, he asked everyone else if they still had theirs and it either broke or they lost it
and for anyone curious it was a dog bone that is split in half and it like one of those magnetic necklaces that you have to get uncomfortably close to eachother for it to work
okay that's enough for tonight bc i have things i need to do tomorrow and thumbs hurt and it threw in the morning and i've been typing for over an hour straight good night cleveland *proceeds to stay online for another hour*
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xelquio · 8 days
I can't draw with Grians actual skin color very well so errr my friend helped me with choosing the color, sorry not sorry because it looks cool still and it's my art :3
Anyway, YHS Grian in the Taurtis arc
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His wings are a bit messed up on purpose, birds pluck their feathers when stressed... So erm... Grian might have some problems ❤
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notnewtothescene · 1 year
okay hear me out.. Wolf Taurtis and Bat Grian cuddling but as animals
This is like one of my first times drawing a wolf
So sorry if it’s a little messy (To make up here’s an extra doodle)
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impostorsshow · 7 months
Going insane over yhs grian and time travel I've had a daydream for like a year now about the mcc hosting a special event where each team has a younger version of a previous event winner and the MCC deages and hosts a bunch of teens and young adults for a week to y'know make sure a deaged winner isnt too stressed out. And grian is the only winner on his team and although it would be okay to request to be put on a different team, grian assumes he can bullshit his way through whatever time period and that it'd probably pull from when he was on EVO and it wouldn't be an issue but instead it's yhs like a week after taurtis got hit by a car so he's an absolute mess that has been tortured by Sam and you do not have to be around that man much to be traumatized.
Grian is disqualified as soon as they find out he came from a permadeath world, much less had a panic attack over seeing smajor fall from a high place and they call in someone to replace him but it's too late now they have to babysit grian and like 4 other competitors that were just At the Wrong Time. essentially this would just pull from whatever knowledge I have but i am doing a binge of the series with a friend to reset my memory. Mostly, some key moments of this would go as follows [etophobia warning for the next part, or whatever it is the vomit fear thing EDIT CANNABALISM MENTIONED FUCK HOW DID I FORGET THAT]:
Grian covered his mouth, gagging and exiting the room as quickly as he could, turning down the hallway into a darker room and ducking over the trash bin, retching. He heard a sound to his left, and realized whatever room he had sprinted into had Lizzie and Joel in it [idfk], and god throwing up next to two adults was embarrassing. "Sorry."
"Grian! Are you alright? What happened?" Lizzie grabbed a convenient towel and offered it to the younger man, who took it and gratefully wiped his mouth. "Well, uh. Someone brought beef jerky as a gift for everyone and I couldn't stand the smell."
Lizzie and Joel glanced between each other, before Joel asked. "And what's with beef jerky? Are you really that picky of an eater?"
"uh." Apparently the light teasing was either not picked up or directly ignored by Grian, who just stayed quiet for a moment before covering his mouth with the cloth, only barely removing it to speak. "You wouldn't like beef jerky if... someone used it to ..trick you into eating your girlfriend-" and Grian turned and threw up again, hovering over the bin in the silence he created in the room because god that was a gross thought and stop thinking about it your gonna throw up again- Grian threw up again. He was going to need some water after this.
"Grian, how experienced are you with death? You seem to come from a pretty sheltered homeworld." Gem was walking with Grian, along with Etho to one of the training maps they wanted to show the younger. Something about jumping and swimming?
Grian smiled grimly, trying his best to ignore the thoughts that came up. "Uh, yeah. Very experienced, I wouldn't call my home sheltered in the slightest, it was incredibly dangerous. At least, high school was."
Gem grinned, patting Grains shoulder and Grain tried his best to suppress the shiver that came at the unexpected contact, much less from someone he barely knew. Grian wished he had his best friend here, but he was
"-die alot here." Grian caught the end of Gems sentence, blinking. "Huh? What about death?"
"oh, sorry, I was just saying you'll probably die alot here. It's really easy to fall off of Ace Races map."
"...uh, how far of a fall is it?"
"oh, it's not to the void, don't worry, theres a kill box down there far before you reach the void, don't worry."
"....okay." Grian didn't like the sound of falling, and with how casual Gem was being it couldn't mean actual death. But as far as he had learned from Japan, people would stab each other for fun, and getting a broken leg from a fall did Not sound fun. He would just have to take his time, even if it meant upsetting Sam the people who were teaching him how to compete. Why would the future version of himself risk dying after everything, anyway?
And other iconic moments such as "Grain is Incredibly Aggressive at Rabbits and Also Deathly Afraid of Them And No One Knows What to Do About It" and "That One Trauma dump about Taurtis Getting Stabbed, Getting Into A Car Accident, And Essentially Dying That Every YHS Fanfic Has" I don't know why I'm advertising it it's just a daydream I can't write because I wouldn't be able to write a good enough variety of characters for MCC of all things
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boatem-probler · 3 months
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / You Are Here! / 9
Yes, that's right, with this batch of episodes, we are officially past the halfway point of this show! Well, I'm actually a little further than that, because I've been watching ahead, I've just been lazy about actually making these posts because I don't like updating the navigation on all of them.
We got a twofer this time, as Taurtis is once again not here. In these episodes, the boys finally go to the hospital, Sam is allowed to commit war crimes, and Sam and Grian return to the superstore.
This report contains mentions of: violence, guns, injury, brief transphobia, police/military brutality.
Previously on Tokyo Soul:
This Time...
Episode 28 – THEY ARE BACK!
Grian wakes Sam up to ask him if he heard Taurtis leave the house last night. Grian had heard Taurtis moving around and speaking “some weird language”, and assumed he was “having one of his clone episodes”, implying that this is something he does regularly, and had seen him walk out of the house. Apparently he usually comes back when this happens, but he didn’t this time, and Grian is concerned.
Grian: “He’s kind of like a little puppy, he’ll find his way home, right?” Sam: “Yeah, just like last time when he got deported or whatever and we found him outside the house.” Grian: “No, last time he died, remember?”
Jerry and Dom have replaced the TV with a potted plant.
There’s a Trump caricature named Tronald Drump at school. He’s campaigning for King of Japan. This is when I remember that this series is from late 2015/early 2016 and not from like, 2011.
The cop from before shows up at school, and says that someone named Okami told him to go get Sam and Grian and bring them to the police station.
The police station is lousy with SWAT team members. Okami, Silly, and Pufferfish Pete are waiting in an office.
They want to talk about the alien invasion. Grian is ecstatic that he’s being backed up on this. Pufferfish Pete also claims that Sam and Grian are “sleeper agents” and will be “leading the charge” against the aliens. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t actually know what a “sleeper agent” is.
Grian: “I’m sorry, what, I thought we were children.”
Grian does not like this one bit, so now it’s Sam’s turn to be ecstatic.
Episode 29 – KILL THE ALIENS!
They change into SWAT gear, and Sam attempts to shoot Grian “to test if the armor works”.
Sam keeps repeating that he is “leading the charge”.
Sam: “You gotta follow my command, okay, Grian?” Grian: “No, the last thing I’m gonna do, in a situation where guns are involved, is listen to you.”
They’re driven to a hospital, where Crab Man Carl gives them the rundown. There are “three or four” aliens hiding in the hospital, they may have “taken over the minds of civilians”. Sam correctly deduces that this means he’s allowed to kill whoever he wants.
He proceeds to stand in Carl’s breakfast and make a rambling movie speech.
Sam is dedicated to roleplaying Independence Day all over this hospital. Grian’s strategy is to just walk up to people and ask if they’re aliens.
Dr. Nurse MD works at this hospital in some capacity, and is getting very irritated at all these guys coming in and harassing the elderly patients.
An old lady starts floating randomly and someone shoots her. Everyone seems confused as to whether she was actually an alien or not. They also kill Tronald Drump for taking too long to answer the question “how many legs do humans have”. It is also unclear whether he was an alien or not. I’m pretty sure neither of them were. Nurse MD is now very angry.
Nurse MD: “I can give you an F.” Grian, pointing a gun at his face: “Do I look like I care?”
Sam: “Someone detain him! Can I get someone to detain that guy?” Grian: “And preferably stab him!”
Sam shoots an old man in the leg. Remarkably, this one is an alien, and pulls out a Giant Anime Sword. They retreat to the next floor and wait for the alien to come up the stairs.
Sam is having the time of his fucking life in this hospital, he’s like a badly trained herding dog just biting everyone’s ankles.
They kill the alien, but lose a SWAT guy.
They continue asking people “questions only humans would know the answer to”. Sam kills a guy for saying humans have two genders, although he seems to think “transgender” is a gender, so I’m not sure I can back him up on this one. Grian is just horrified that Sam killed another human.
They continue through the hospital, killing one more normal elderly woman and finding one more alien.
Sam demands a report from Silly, who seems pretty rattled.
They kill that alien, and chase a third up to the hospital roof. They shoot her off, but she survives and gets away.
Sam does a headcount and figures they must have lost about four SWAT guys.
Also you can see the edge of the city where there’s just two big mountains and I don’t know why but it creeps me out a little. It’s the liminal space thing. They’re probably never gonna actually go to or do anything with those mountains, but they’re there on the map still. I dunno.
They bribe Dr. Nurse to stay silent with the credit cards they got from killing Drump.
Then they all go to Sushi Wushi to get coffee. They catch up and reminisce about the past, and all the murder that happened in it.
Sam: “You guys have problems, you know? I just wanna point that out. Everyone here, except for myself, clearly, has very serious mental problems.”
Episode 31 – ROBBERY!
We open on Sam and Grian pretending to watch the TV in Grian’s room. They’re pretending because the TV is broken.
Taurtis is still missing, so they go outside to start looking for him, but they don’t get very far because there’s a mobster outside their house.
The mobster informs them that if they want to see “their friend”, “the blue one”, again, they’ll need to deliver the money that Jin owes the mob. Jin apparently owes them 2 million yen, somehow.
Sam and Grian decide that in order to get this money, they’re going to rob the superstore they worked at for one day, just to really stick it to Jason.
They make it all the way to the store before they’re confronted by their utter lack of plan.
Luckily, there’s some random guy outside the store who happens to be selling alien heads! The perfect disguise!
The boys lead him into an alleyway and hold him at gunpoint, because they don’t actually have any money with which to buy the alien heads. They also take his money.
The actual robbery is kind of a shambles, given that Sam is still wearing his school uniform and both of them keep slipping up and calling each other by their actual names, but they are getting a lot of money, so it’s actually going pretty well… until the cops show up. This is now a hostage situation.
Grian keeps the cops outside by threatening to shoot one of the hostages, while Sam gets all the money out of the bank vault that the store just has.
Just as he’s coming out of the vault though, the cops start heading towards the entrance. Sam and Grian both actually do shoot the hostage, but it doesn’t help them any.
They are now officially in yet another shootout.
Episode 32 – SAVING TAURTIS!
Sam and Grian run up to the second floor, and Sam kills one of the cops. He’s also starting to get confused about whether this is real life or a video game, so Grian shoots him in the foot as a reminder.
Grian builds a dummy with one of the alien heads to distract the cops while they run into the boss’s office. They jump out the window and run out the front entrance. Sam kills another cop on the way out.
They stash their alien heads and some of their guns in a random house, but they get arrested anyway.
Crab Man Carl is disappointed in them.
The police once again have a deal for them: they will help the boys with their mafia problem, if the boys help them with their mafia problem. Or in other words, Grian will go meet up with the mafia while wearing a wire, while Sam and the cops hide out and “protect” him. Like, the cop explaining this put quotes around “protect”, those aren’t mine.
The wire, by the way, is extremely huge and conspicuous and looks a hell of a lot like a bomb. Grian’s mainly worried about how he’s going to explain it when the mafia inevitably notice it. His plan is to tell them he had a head transplant and/or he’s transitioning.
At the warehouse, Grian awkwardly tries to fish for incriminating information while Sam and the cops wander around the catwalks.
The mobsters are getting suspicious of Grian’s questions, so he tries to intimidate them and gets stabbed for his trouble.
Grian switches tactics and demands to see that Taurtis is alive, while Sam and the cops start taking out mobsters. Most of the mobsters get away once they reveal themselves though.
Once all the mobsters are gone, Sam and Grian hurry to the closet thing they saw Taurtis in, only to find… Jerry.
Then they actually try to go to the hospital for Grian’s stab wound, for once, but unfortunately the only person there is a cop who doesn’t actually work there. Needless to say, Grian does not get any help with his stab wound.
Grian Trauma Count!
Deaths Witnessed:
4 SWAT team members
2 old people
2 aliens
2 cops
A non-zero number of mobsters, sorry, I didn't keep count
1 hostage
1 transphobe
1 Tronald Drump
For a total of over 13 deaths!
Injuries Sustained:
Gunshot wounds
Stab wound
Traumatic Events:
Once again the military/police are making high schoolers do their jobs for them.
Friend who already died once goes missing for multiple days.
In more shootouts.
Coerced by the police to help them kill a bunch of mobsters.
Next Time... The Word "Splarging" Is Actually Said Out Loud
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roxie-roo · 1 year
Day 5: Interviews
@majickth it's finally here! Enjoy ! <3
[ The following is a transcript of notes taken from the online journal of GRIAN ████. Certain words have been removed per request, but the remaining text is otherwise unaltered. ]
I've finally managed to sit down and interview a few of the survivors of The Watchers. It's thrilling that they want to talk to me. I'm excited to see what knowledge they'll bring to my investigation, and the insight they can provide. Hopefully, and we're crossing fingers pretty tight here, it'll bring me closer to the answers I want.
I'll update when the interviews are done!
[Transcript of James Tek interview, conducted by GRIAN ████. The following is prohibited from being viewed by the public.]
G: Can you please state your name for the records?
J: Uh,, James- James Tek. Everyone calls me Jimmy..
G: How did you first come across the Watchers?
J: Honestly, it wasn't my choice.. a friend of mine got involved with them... I was in a rough patch, mentally.. it meant a lot that a friend was reaching out, with intentions to help... He introduced me to someone, Exae,, he said they'd be able to help me. If I just gave in.
G: Gave in to what?
J: To Them...
G: The Watchers?
J: .. yeah.. We were marked. Branded... Like that mark you have on your wrist.. Except more scarred over.
G: My wha-... oh... right- uh- continue.
J: It was how we proved that we "gave in" to them. We were lead away from everyone else.. weren't allowed to talk to anyone else... It was terrifying, I was alone-... scared... People tried to contact us, friends, family, our phones were destroyed so we couldn't talk to them. My friend, though? He couldn't see it like that... he thought they were helping. He was blinded by their promises. Until- of course.. that fateful day we escaped. The sacrifice, some guy I didn't know, was murdered. In cold blood... Hah... I guess that snapped him out of it. He helped me and this other guy, Martyn, get out of there... and for our efforts, Martyn got stabbed, and... poor Taurtis got blinded. Literally..
G: -.... did you say his name was Taurtis? The friend you knew?
J: Yeah.. Why- do you know him?
G: Th the name just sounded familiar, that's all- Thank you, Jimmy, that'll be all-
[End of transcript.]
[ The following is a transcript of notes taken from the online journal of GRIAN ████. Certain words have been removed per request, but the remaining text is otherwise unaltered. ]
Holy shit... I knew Taurtis was blind, I didn't think this was what happened to him. I know he's still alive and shit, but gods....
Am I in too deep with this?
[Transcript of Martyn Littlewood interview, conducted by GRIAN ████. The following is prohibited from being viewed by the public.]
"Can you please state your name for the records?"
"Martyn Littlewood, frequent visitor of the Hollow. It's almost like having a vacation home.. if vacation homes were in creepy small towns."
"How did you first come across the Watchers?"
"Like I said, I'm not from the Hollow.. But a good friend of mine lived here, so I figured I'd come see him while I was down here. Pix ran the radio station here, Hermit's Hollow Recap.."
"The radio station that burned down?"
"An act of retaliation, I think.."
"For what?"
"Not being a good enough sacrifice. Yeesh.. that sounds harsh now that I say it, huh."
"A tad, yes... tell me more about the sacrifice thing?"
"Well- see the branding here? Yeah- his was... well- less like a branding, more like a birth mark? And- and it glowed, kinda, when he was in the circle! It was freaky as hell.. But, the Watcher Spirit- or whatever they said, I tuned them out, was taking too long to possess him? So they killed him. Right then and there. He tried to fight back, tried to tell them this wasn't fair, but they killed him.... I- I watched my friend get killed.... wow-.. that's.. that's really fucked up, isn't it.."
"Very... I'm so sorry to hear about that.."
"Eh.. But- some guy, Taurtis I think, told us to run. I mean- a lot of good running did me, I got stabbed. Annoying, right? But hey- we got out of there with our lives... even if that poor Taurtis guy got his eyes gouged out- like proper gouged, it was gross, something out of a horror movie-.... sorry, you alright there? You look a bit green 'round the gills."
"I- I'm fine.. that's.. enough questions for now.. Thank you, Martyn.."
[End of transcript.]
[ The following is a transcript of notes taken from the online journal of GRIAN ████. Certain words have been removed per request, but the remaining text is otherwise unaltered. ]
I learned something rather interesting, not just about the Watchers, but in the ways that people handle trauma and being questioned about it.
While both clearly were effected by what had happened, Jimmy was more bitter and angry, making biting comments while I asked questions. Meanwhile, Martyn was more lighthearted, and tended to use dark humor to deflect his actual feelings about the events that transpired.
In the end, these interviews at the very least gave me more information about the Watchers, and allowed me to gain a bit more insight into how they have effected people who have managed to escape. This gives me at least a little hope about possibly finding these missing people.
It also presents me with a problem. Jimmy pointed out to me that I now bare the mark of the Watcher's Vessel. I've heard about what happens to these folks and it doesn't sound like fun.
Pixl Riffs, the owner of the HHR station, was.. as Martyn had said, murdered in cold blood. But that was because he "wasn't a good sacrifice". What happens if you are a good sacrifice?
Do I even want to know?
Wish me luck in trying to get this off.
... I'm gonna call Taurtis.. just to check in on him.
[End of transcript.]
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Dear creator of this blog, could we have any of your yhs opinions?
Given how small this fandom is, I'm afraid my opinions would expose who I was haha. I'm not a frequent poster, but I interact a lot with people who are.
I will say one thing though: I think that YHS is rightfully called problematic and considered "taboo," but I wish that for the people who do feed into this perspective, that they'd to it and just ignore it altogether if they found it so distasteful.
As a genuine YHS fan (not trying to gatekeep or anything) it's a little weird to see it mentioned and tossed around as a "I don't support or even watch this!" thing but still used for Grian or Taurtis angst. Like, c'mon, just ignore it if it's that bad. Because you're (1st of all) flooding the tags, and (2nd) there are people who do like it for what it is, and it can be discouraging to see it only be seen as good when an accessory for a character; when actually, for a lot of people, it's a huge interest.
Sorry if that isn't fully understandable, but it's something I'm passionate about haha.
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maple-sheep · 1 month
Could you write another Grian and Sam fic?
Or maybe even a Grian x Sam x Taurtis fic if you can 🙏🙏🙏🙏
OMG, I don't know how I missed your question, I am so sorry!
But yes I'd be happy to make more! I've been on a vacation so I haven't been writing, but I'd love to!
Again sorry for missing this!
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sleepy0s · 7 months
EVO!Pearl, staring at Doc in a cage: ...Why are they in a cage?
EVO!Grian: Because they growled at me.
Hermits went to Evo!
Short! (Like grian.)
Grian is his birth name, Xelqua is witness protection name
Pearl had gotten a message from her brother that some strange people had arrived on the server, and that he wanted her there. Unfortunately, Grian was dumb enough to build his base over 1000 blocks away, so it was going to take a while.
When she arrived, Taurtis was standing guard outside. Well, not really. He was playing games on his comm. He smiled as he saw Pearl, “Ah! Pearl, come on! G is stressed.” Taurtis stood up, leading her into the base and ducking under a sign which read ‘Xelqua’s Base’.
The blonde boy was inside, eyes darting around at all 5 of the people in front of him. “Xelqua! Pearl is here!” Taurtis was careful to use his fake name around the strangers. Grian spun to look at them, making sure the strangers were still in his peripheral vision. “Pearlie, I am so glad you are here.”
Pearl rushed over to him, hugging the boy. 
“..Pearl.?” One of the strangers spoke, a red haired deer hybrid.
“Yes?” Pearl responded immediately out of habit, pausing once she realised she didn’t know this person.
 “Pearl, don't talk to them. They could be with the watchers.” Grian spoke, pulling his sister away from the strangers. 
“We’re not with those idiots!?” An angry voice yelled out, they looked over to see a creeper? Cyborg.? Whatever. Anyway, some green guy in a makeshift cage. 
A masked man immediately shushed him, and then tried to get closer to Grian, before retreating seeing as the boy nearly pulled a weapon on him. “Look- Xelqua, I’m sorry for my friend, but I promise we’re not with the watchers.. If you could just return our communicators then we can prove it.” Grian looked sceptical, looking to pearl for advice. 
Pearl who was still staring at the caged guy. “Xelqua.. Why is he in a cage but the others aren't..?” She asked, pointing at him with a confused look on her face. Grian looked at the caged man, a disgusted look on his face. “He growled at me.”
Pearl just laughed, upsetting the caged person.
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We're back with another chapter of Surprisingly Familiar. And I'm posting on here first rather than Ao3 bc it is not loading :')
The first two sections had a lot of backstory, so i tried to have less of that in the last section.
“Try it again. You’re making the curve too round.”
“I’m trying!” Grian huffed as he traced a small spiral in the air. “Can’t we just go back to the easier stuff?”
Grifter had called Grian over for some more magic training. Unlike before, where it had just been along the lines of using magic to do basic spells that anyone with magic could do, he was now insisting Grian work on using magic more specific to Listeners. Apparently it meant drawing the sigil of the Listeners with magic. Something that was apparently very particular.
“Sorry, but no. One of my friends has been looking into your situation. He thinks we can get you back to your time, but that there’s a bit of a time limit on that.”
“What?” Grian stopped to look over at Grifter. “Like, there’s a certain time that it can be done, or what?”
“Like, if you stay in this time too long, eventually you will never be able to get back to your time at all. I’m not going to try and go through all the ‘temporal explanations’ because I don’t really understand it all myself. But he was connected with Evo, so he knows some time stuff.”
Grian nodded a little at that. If it was another Listener who had worked with that world, then they would know about messing with time. Probably. Grifter had mentioned what it was about at one point forgetting that Grian didn’t remember that world.
“From what I can tell, the longer you’re out of your time, the more you connect with this time. Technically there’s always actually having you travel back to the past and then reconnecting, but then it becomes a lot more difficult. There’s a report of some people who had actually made a time machine that tried to just take it back an hour or so, but instead sent themselves back to before the Watchers and Listeners even existed as groups.”
“They… they did?” Grian nervously asked. If that was how bad it could go, then maybe Grifter was right to worry about taking too long.
“Yeah. They eventually got back, but dismantled the machine not long later, as they should have. Essentially, as long as the world still thinks you’re from whatever time, most methods can use you as a focus point. Because something most people don’t consider is that you can’t just travel in time. If you went back even a minute, well, the world moves along in the universe over time. Unless you can tell me the exact moment you got sent here, it would take a lot more work to figure out.”
“Well, I was asleep when it happened, so I can’t help there.” Grian replied, trying not to sound angry at Grifter, but he was frustrated at the situation.
“Exactly. So, if you want the chance to hop back in time and use magic to save Taurtis, we need to kinda rush through training.”
Grian sighed before looking back to where he was working. “Can we at least take a small break first? It’s a lot more exhausting.” Out from the ground stood two spikes of bedrock. Each one was from managing to successfully draw the sigil. While it took a lot of energy, it seemed to be from boosting Grian’s magic, his magic’s color shifting from purple to green. 
“Hmm, alright fine. It won’t work well to hurt yourself.” As soon as the words were out of Grifter’s mouth, Grian flopped onto the ground to rest. He had his eyes closed, something Grifter was happy about so that his frown wouldn’t be seen.
Grifter had gone back to try and get some more help with the Grian situation, only to find that a certain someone had figured out how to get into Hermitcraft. That, along with the group of Hermits that were trying to get into this world- well, half hermits, half family, which made it even worse- certain plans needed to be sped along. Lying about Grian potentially getting stuck in this time was just one way to help move things along. Plus, Grian wasn’t actually from the past, so he couldn’t get sent back home. So it would be easy enough to claim something or other had delayed them just long enough that now the easy way was gone. It would probably be best to try and frame it as being Astrid or Flora’s doing. Sure, Grifter adored Flora, but she was getting far too close to Grian, so if he had to throw her under the bus to make sure he could finish this plan, he would.
“Hey Grifter?” Grifter looked up to where Grian was lying, glad to see his eyes still closed. “Is it okay if I hang around the castle for a bit once we’re done here?”
“Of course. It’s technically your castle as well. Any reason why?”
“Flora and Astrid are busy.” Grian lied, badly enough that Grifter could tell.
“Sure they are. What’s really going on?”
Grian hesitated before answering. He could tell the truth, at least part of it, but either way, it wasn’t great. “It’s just… uh…” He tried to wrack his brain for something to say that wasn’t exactly a lie, but wasn’t a truth either. “I saw some of Flora’s family. And their grandmother tried getting close. She… she looks a lot like what I remember from Mum, but at the same time not. And I don’t like that I can remember more of someone that isn’t Mum rather than Mum herself.”
“Ah, yeah I can see how that’s hard to deal with. So I guess they’re spending more time there?” Grifter asked, not looking further into Grian’s answer. Grian gave a small shrug, not really saying no, but also not saying yes.
“I don’t know. I guess I’ve also just been around you a lot, and then around Flora and Astrid, but I haven’t really been near the people who are going to be my husband and kids.”
Grifter couldn’t help but light up at that. Unlike Flora and Astrid, Sense and their boys knew exactly what was going on and could help steer Grian in the ‘right’ direction. “Oh well that is a very easy fix! I’m not sure about the boys, but Sense is probably just busy with redstone and needs a break.”
“So, I could spend some time with him?” Grian asked, getting a nod from Grifter before getting taken away to see the redstoner. It took a little bit of hunting before the pair finally found him working in the castle, indeed doing some redstone engineering. He didn’t notice them immediately, too entranced in his work, but eventually Grifter snuck over and grabbed Sense, making him jump at first before giving a small laugh when seeing who it was.
“To what do I owe this surprise?” Sense asked after noticing that Grifter wasn’t alone and had brought Grian along.
“Well Grian brought up the fact that you two haven’t gotten to interact much, so I figured you two need some one on one time!” Grifter explained, and Grian was surprised when Sense’s smile actually fell. For a moment, he seemed almost scared before it morphed into simply just surprise.
“I uh, I thought you two would want to interact more yourselves?” Sense offered, looking between the two avians again. “Or perhaps all three of us? Or what about the boys?”
“The boys are busy with their own things right now and if I’m not training Grian with magic, I’ve got admin duties to deal with. The regular stuff is already enough but the added bits for helping Grian have made things almost overwhelming, so the backlog piles up when I work with him.”
Grian felt a little guilty at Grifter’s explanation. It was probably that Sense was upset that all Grifter’s free time was being spent helping him and not with Sense. And now he needed to spend that time with a younger version of Grifter that didn’t know him as well. “I don’t have to if he doesn’t want-”
“Oh nonsense! Seesee will be perfectly fine, right?” Grifter asked Sense. “But if he doesn’t think so, I’m sure I can convince him.” And Grifter leaned in to whisper something into Sense’s ear. After a moment, Sense nodded and Grifter smiled. “Well that settles it! You two have fun! Bye!”
Grifter left in a blur after giving Sense a quick kiss, leaving only a feather or two behind with Grian and Sense, having them stand there awkwardly for a number of moments before either of them moved, that being the redstoner getting back to his work. At least until Grian stopped him again.
“Uh, what exactly are you working on? If you don’t mind me asking?”
“I do mind, actually.” Sense replied before pulling away to go back to work. “I’m sure Gri will be too busy to notice if you stick around or not, so you’re free to leave.”
“I’d rather stick around.” Grian spoke up, not even asking if Sense minded this time. “And Grifter mentioned you should take a break from whatever you’re doing, and you know, he’s me, and either way, I think you should too.”
There was a pause before Sense said anything more. “I’d rather not.”
“Please? Just for a little bit?” Grian pleaded, then paused before asking a question. “Do you not want to be around me because of the chance I’ll change the past?” When Sense didn’t reply, Grian continued. “Look, I’m not going to lie, I am going to try and save Taurtis no matter what, but that doesn’t mean I can’t make sure I find you too. Honestly I’d love it if we were able to boot Sam out once and for all and you could be there instead.”
“Is that so?” Sense asked, which pulled a smile from Grian.
“Oh yeah of course. I’m sure you’ve heard plenty about him from Grifter, but he was a giant asshole, still technically is for me, but hopefully I won’t have to deal with him too much longer. And I could maybe also make sure to have you around if I knew what you were doing back then.”
For a moment, Sense actually considered the possibility before remembering how it was just impossible outright. Grian wasn’t really from the past, so he couldn’t go back and change anything. But Grian wasn’t supposed to know that, so he had to play along. After thinking it over a few moments, Sense huffed and pulled himself out of his machine, wiping redstone dust onto his pants before walking towards where he had left his dress shirt and suit jacket. An action that made Grian realize the redstoner was only wearing a tank top above the waist. While he was still covered, Grian averted his eyes anyway for decency, at least until he could see Sense finish buttoning his shirt out of the corner of his eye.
After Sense pulled his jacket on, he went for his tie before realizing it had been caught by his machine at some point and had been shredded up. “Ugh, great. Do you mind if we head to our, er rather, my room so I can grab another tie?”
“Nah, it’s fine.” Grian shrugged before starting to follow behind Sense. “Sorry about that one.”
“It’s not like you could have stopped it from getting destroyed.” Sense waved Grian’s comment off. “And Grifter wouldn’t have repaired it anyway.”
“Really? Why not?”
“He’d prefer me to cycle through my whole collection. I just find it easier to stick with one and our ways of organizing them are different. The last time I went through wearing ties, I found Gri with ties strewn about the room, arguing that patterns shouldn’t be sorted with colors unless the patterns were the same color or whatever.”
“Well I’ll try not to freak out over your tie sorting.” Grian said, crossing his fingers that whatever he was about to see wouldn’t be such a visual travesty.
When the pair reached Grifter and Sense’s bedroom, Grian was reminded of when he had first woken up there. Well, other than the fact that it looked a bit more messy than it had however many days ago. He wasn’t sure if it was due to Grifter being so busy, or if this was how it normally looked and they had just made it look nicer for Grian. Honestly he could see it going either way.
Sense went over to a pair of folding doors and slid them open, revealing the mass of ties hanging inside. For the most part, they were indeed sorted by color, but Grian’s eyes immediately caught on a few ties that looked like they were out of place. As Sense thumbed through the ties in the cooler section of colors, Grian pulled out a tie covered in blue and purple patterns, though the base of the tie itself was a red color. After putting it back, he found what seemed to be an orange tie covered in multicolored flowers that also made it look out of place grouped with other normal orange ties.
As Grian continued to look over the ties, Sense finally picked out another generic looking blue tie, putting it on. As he started to try and close the closet doors again, Grian stopped him, instead pulling out a tie that was a dark green, one that reminded Grian of the magic Grifter used. “Here, why don’t you wear this one instead?”
“I’d rather not.” Sense said after looking at the cloth, pushing it back towards Grian. “I’m perfectly fine with the one I’ve got.”
“But you were just wearing blue!” Grian complained, pulling the tie Sense had on away, finding it easy since he hadn’t managed to actually tie it yet. “You’ve got so many colors here! Wear something else!”
“I prefer blue.” Sense argued, pulling a different one from that colored section. “Blacks and whites are too bland and I like a little splash of color, and Grifter isn’t a fan of me wearing purple, so we agree on blue.”
“What? What about all the other colors?” Grian asked, gesturing especially to the gradient of pinks all the way to greens and even dipping into cyans. “Even a light blue might be nice.”
“I have my reasons for not wearing those other colors as well.” Sense said, attempting to close the closet again, but being stopped by Grian forcing them to stay open, shocking Sense by the fact that it was through magic. 
“Then how about you tell me and then I can choose one for you that you might like that isn’t boring.”
Sense glared Grian down before relenting and sitting on the bed. Grian smiled at the action before turning back to the closet and going through the ties. “So I assume greys fall under the same category as blacks and whites.”
“Of course.”
“Okay, What about browns? I don’t see many of those?” Grian looked back over to Sense, wanting to hear about that.
“Leather ties aren’t exactly comfortable to wear.” Sense began to answer. “And I just don’t tend to get many gifts of brown cloth ties. It’s either something colorful or greyscale to be ‘classy’.”
“Well, red ties could be classy too.” Grian lightly argued, pulling out one that matched his feathers.
“Well red is a difficulty for me.” Sense argued. “Not only am I told it clashes with my eyes, but cleaning redstone from it is a pain. Not to mention the fact that my… other self tends to use that color.”
Grian looked up. “You mean like how with Grifter and me and-” Grian hesitated, not recalling off the top of his head what Sense knew about Grifter.
“How you’re from Wels, yes.” Sense agreed. “The two of us have interacted in the past, so I prefer to make sure we don’t overlap, so I don’t wear red.”
“Well how about pink?” Grian asked. “It’s different enough from red, right?”
“A certain someone I hate very much is fond of pink and I will never get over that fact.” Sense crossed his arms. “Potentially, pink would be fine otherwise, but I would burn those things if Gri wouldn’t get upset over it.”
“Okay, good to know.” Grian quickly pushed the pinks away along with the reds. “Orange?”
“Too close to red and yellow and I don’t use either of those.”
“Oh. Wait, why not yellow?” There was silence to Grian’s question, making him look over at Sense and ask again. “Why don’t you wear yellow? It’s… not because of me, right?” Grian’s feathers ruffled, remembering the amount of times that Sam plucked his yellow feathers because he wanted them for himself, since ‘Taurtis is always wearing blue and gets some of your blue feathers, I want some yellow ones!’. The memory made Grian shudder before he remembered where he was. “If I- if Grifter gets upset-”
“He doesn’t get upset if I wear yellow.” Sense finally spoke up, though he was staring at the ground. “I will not wear yellow. I can’t. There’s-” He cut himself off as his voice caught in his throat. “I used to, but then things happened. So I don’t anymore.”
“Can I ask what happened?” Grian asked softly, pushing the ties back in place. He couldn’t help himself when he sorted a green tie out from the yellows and into the dark greens. He needed to do some sorting to help scratch that itch he felt looking at the mess. But after he put it in its new spot, Grian pulled his hands away from the gray tie and grabbed a light blue one before handing it to Sense and closing the closet.
Sense took the tie and put it on, waiting until he had tightened it around his neck to say anything more. “Well, I guess you did already ask about my past. Probably around the time you’re from, I ended up in a… situation.” Grian could tell that it was something Sense didn’t want to fully elaborate on, so he wasn’t going to pry on what the situation was exactly. “I ended up with someone who… he wasn’t quite as bad as Sam I wouldn’t think, but it was a similar problematic friendship.”
“That’s… not great. I’m guessing they’re the reason you don’t like yellow?”
“Sort of. I just… remember an argument we had where for reasons I won’t specify-” Sense immediately clarified, making Grian nod that he wouldn’t ask about those reasons. “-that the fact that I was wearing a yellow tie at the time was actually a large part of that argument. I know that sounds idiotic without the context but-”
“Me hating rabbits sounds idiotic without context. I’m sure a lot of things can sound idiotic or bad or whatever without context. But that made you swear off yellow?”
“Uh, no actually.” Sense continued. “Not entirely. I-” He paused again, a quick laugh escaping before he said more. “I’m not sure what it is, but I’ve lost a lot of the people close to me when yellow has been involved.”
That caught Grian off guard. “Wait, really? That seems weird.”
“Well, there was of course the argument I had with… my ex friend. But after him, I still wore yellow ties for a while. It’s part of why I have so many, even compared to my large amount of blues.”
Grian had to admit, there were a large amount of yellow ties when he had looked. He figured part of it was because if Sense wore mostly blue, those tended to get destroyed one way or another, so there weren’t quite as many as he would have ever owned. “But then something happened again?”
“My father liked yellow as well.” And despite the fondness in Sense’s voice, a chill ran through Grian as he immediately realized the mention of losing people and referring to his dad in the past tense meant that they were dead. “I liked the idea of matching him and I was even gifted a number of ties from him. But because of that, I couldn’t stand to see myself in that color anymore because it just made me think of him. And how I still never managed to do anything about it.”
“How did he die?” Grian asked, not expecting an answer since it seemed Sense was torn up enough talking about it vaguely. But he was surprised to actually get an answer.
“He was murdered.” Sense answered, venom in his tone from how angry he was now, any sadness completely gone. “And unlike the others, he wasn’t brought back since that would oust our new ‘admin’. Not like this wasn’t our third one anyway. And I couldn’t do anything against that hack and his stupid obsession with trying to destroy his brother’s server. Not to mention the fact that he’s apparently coming here.” And then the angry frown curled into a smile. “Well, this isn’t Helscraft anymore, Grifter’s the admin. And you’re not going to be the only hacker around this time.”
“Uh, what do you mean?” Grian asked, making Sense look up and shake his head, having gotten completely lost in his own thoughts.
“Oh, nothing. Just, apparently Gri and I’s old admin isn’t happy about us being here. To the point he’s even involved his brother and a number of wels to try and mess with us. Not to mention bringing along my other self.”
“Really? That’s not great, is it?”
Sense huffed. “Well, if Grifter can’t handle it, it won’t be, but I’m sure he’ll be able to.”
Grian patted Sense’s shoulder comfortingly before the redstoner pulled him into a hug. Grian almost pulled away, but then hugged back. Right now, it seemed like Sense needed it, and he didn’t want to take that away from him. And as they stood there, hugging one another, it hid as the light blue tie seemed to dull as a grayish purple started to coat it instead.
Everyone was just sort of standing around, not sure how to react to what they had just seen. After the jungle had faded away, half the group rushed to check on the other half. Mumbo had quickly gone to look at Grum while Phil and Techno were worried about Wilbur. Paul went to help Doc recover from the whiplash of getting his cybernetics back while also dealing with his heightened hybrid instincts, and finally Xisuma went to go to Tommy’s side.
What had thrown everyone off was Tommy flinching at Xisuma, but not from his reaction to Xisuma but rather Xisuma himself. X found himself dressed in armor that wasn’t his bee themed set, nor his regular set of green. Instead, he was dressed in a gray while standing to the side of the group was the familiar armor he normally wore, but currently being worn by Evil X.
The confusion wasn’t helped as the moment Xisuma called to his brother, they had unfrozen from whatever shock they had been in, running off across the end islands the group had found themselves on. Which left them to their present situation, at least until Phil finally pointed out that they would need to gather blocks to follow Xannes, since he was the only one of their group who could fly.
Doc was helped to sit down, not currently able to help out, but after that, everyone started to work on mining, save for Xisuma, who was staring off in the direction Evil X had gone, and Tommy, who went to Xisuma’s side. “Are… are you okay?”
“I should be asking you the same question.” Xisuma replied, not taking his eyes off the horizon. “You’re not injured from anything that was in the jungle, right?”
“Yeah. I mean, I don’t really remember much after I got separated from you guys. I think I got knocked out pretty quickly. Uh, should we assume this is him going through it now?”
Finally Xisuma looked away and down at Tommy. “I’m.. not sure. I think if it’s not, it’s something of mine that he doesn’t like.”
Tommy glanced towards where he had last seen Xannes in the distance. “Why was he wearing your armor? Mumbo said that was yours, right? Is it because you two are clones?”
Xisuma looked shocked before looking at Tommy again. “What? Clones? Who said we were clones?”
“NPG mentioned he was your clone or something. Cuz Mumbo didn’t know if you were siblings or he was a clone or what.”
“He’s my twin brother, not a clone.” Xisuma clarified. “I suppose it’s because the two of us look so much similar as opposed to…” the admin trailed off as he looked towards where Wilbur and Techno were, Tommy following his gaze and knowing what he meant. “I believe it’s probably because we have matching scars as well.”
Tommy looked back to Xisuma, realizing he couldn’t see through the visor of X’s current helmet to see the scars he knew were present underneath. It was a set of four claw marks that sliced over Xisuma’s face, going over his left eye in a way that impressed Tommy with the fact that the eye itself seemed unharmed.
“I think I remember you mentioning you got them from a dragon?” Tommy asked. Xisuma had shown off the scars to him back when he was still relatively new to Hermitcraft, trying to find ways to connect with Tommy. He had also given a summary of how he got them to Tommy, but he hadn’t really cared at the time.
“Yes, an Ender Dragon. I had managed to bring one into where our family lived and it attacked, leaving Xannes and I with our scars.”
“You think this might be about that?” Tommy asked, vaguely remembering the story a little better now that Xisuma had given the summary again. “I know you lived in the end, but the dragon’s there and now we’re there.”
“I… If it’s for me, potentially” Xisuma admitted after some hesitation. “Evil X liked to taunt me with it. There was one time where he brought in dragons to try and destroy Hermitcraft.”
Tommy shrugged. “I mean, I honestly was worried that we’d end up in a destroyed Hermitcraft at some point, either from you or me. The fact that this is just the boring ass end is pretty good in my books. And one dragon versus all of us looks pretty good in our favor!”
The wince Xisuma gave was hidden behind his helmet. While he knew Tommy was trying to help reassure him, X was also worried about Xannes being on his own and potentially ending up on the other side of whatever they might be fighting. He almost said something about it too, but then the pair of them were called over to help with bridging in Evil X’s direction to try and catch up, and to also talk about what situation they were probably in.
“So, why is he wearing your armor?” Grum asked as they were halfway across a void gap between the islands. No one was completely sure if the void was really there, but no one was fully eager to find out. “And why are you wearing that instead?”
“Well uh, that’s a really long story.” Xisuma replied, his feeble attempt to avoid the topic pretty obvious to the others.
“C’mon X, everyone’s bearing their truths to the world, it’s your turn now, innit?” Tommy asked, lightly elbowing Xisuma.
“Well, I suppose the simple answer is that armor used to… belong to him.”
“Seriously?” Mumbo asked, turning around in shock and having Paul barely grab him in time to keep him from falling off the bridge. “It was his? I can hardly believe him ever wearing anything other than red. Even with all your different armors, he’s kept the same style.”
“Since Hermitcraft, yes, but that wasn’t the case in the past.” Xisuma hesitated before saying anything more, enough that Tommy tried taking back his previous statement, saying the admin didn’t need to actually say anything. “No, you’re right. Especially because I think I know what this is all about.”
“This isn’t about when you banned him that one time, right?” Tommy asked, since he had already heard the story not too long ago. “I could just tell them if you don’t want to.”
“It’s something different.” X stepped onto the next island they reached, turning back towards the group. “As you know, Xannes and I are voidwalkers. That’s essentially the term for End based humans similar to netherborn, aetherkind, and if you want to be specific about it, terrans.”
“Which is what most of us are.” Phil said, gesturing to the group. “Not sure if he counts though.” And that time he pointed to Grumbot.
“I am Robots Georg, an outlier that should not be counted.”
“I’ll pretend I know what that means. Anyway, you were saying X?”
“Well, despite the name, voidwalkers can get what is known as void poisoning. Similar to how despite being in a dimension filled with water, you can still drown, and even netherborns can be susceptible to lava and fire in the right conditions. Some more than others, I know Tango constantly forgets his limits, not to mention-”
“We get the picture.” Techno cut Xisuma off. “Your point?”
“The last time Xannes and I were in these respective armors, there was… an incident.”
“What are you even doing with your life? The family business? You never cared about that before!”
“I care about it now, isn’t that enough? It’s not like you’re taking it up, so someone has to.”
“I’m doing something better! Something our parents can be proud of.”
“You know, you don’t get it, do you? What you do doesn’t matter to them.”
“And I’m sure you know that sooo well, huh? You’re just trying to kiss up to them by taking an interest in what our family has done for generations, huh?”
“Well I’ve been getting good at it, Starting out in the overworld is a little pain but-”
“What, can’t handle a little bit of sunlight or something? Or maybe you can’t stand wearing that suit, huh? Wish you were home where you could be out of that stuffy thing? Just lounging around in bed being a good for nothing waste of space?”
“You take that back!”
“Why should I? Isn’t that all you are?”
“I’m not! It’s not like you’ve been around, I’ve been putting plenty of work in.”
“Sure you have. So much compared to me, right? Except I’ve actually been busy. The reason I haven’t been around is because of all the work I’ve had to do. All the training I’ve had to do.”
“Stop it, you’re pushing me too close to the-”
“And once I’m done, I’ll be able to do just what you can but even better. It’ll be simple and easy. All I need to do is pop in a few commands-”
“-Look we might-”
“-pop into the End and just-”
“Wh- You?!” Tommy looked shocked, realizing that Xisuma was being the jerk in the story, not Xannes.
“Yeah, I agree with Tommy. “ Doc spoke up. “Sure, you did a lot of pranks back in the day, especially with Biffa, but that sounded kinda cruel. You sure you’re not embellishing it to sound worse than it was?”
Xisuma winced. “No, I was an asshole back then, no way around it. I… our parents seemed to constantly put me above him to the point it got to my head. Both in the idea that I was better than him, but also that I could just keep being at the top of whatever I was doing. Around that time was when I first looked into admin classes. Suddenly there were people better than me and… well I took it the wrong way at first. I was so used to our parents putting Xannes down that… I came back to do the same.”
“Wow… yeah you were an asshole.” Tommy agreed. “How the fuck did you manage to come out of it like this?” And Tommy gestured to all of Xisuma.
“Well, for one I ended up dropping out of the class and didn’t again until after Hermitcraft had started and around the time Generik’s residency was starting to look shaky. But the main reason is what happened next.”
“Which was?”
Xisuma sighed. “The two of us both ended up falling, though Xannes managed to keep us from completely falling into the void. We were still stuck on a low outcrop from an End island with no easy way up. Not to mention our suits were damaged.”
“Xannes! Your suit!”
“Huh? Oh, it’s just a tear in the back, no big.”
“The fabric’s almost completely gone! How the hell did you manage that?! Do you have any idea how hard stuff like that is to repair?!”
“Oh, that’s what you’re concerned about… Thanks. Good to know the fabric is so much more important than my well being.”
“Well you’re the one who got us stuck in this mess.”
“Me? You’re the one who pushed us in here. I’ve been living here and could have been just fine with a respawn, but you’ve been away at your fancy school, so it wouldn’t have been as nice for you.”
“Then why not let me fall?”
“I could have. If you want I could still push you in!”
“Then do it!”
“...No. I’m not the only one who had their suit damaged.”
“What are you- my helmet!”
“See, at least I can stitch back together my suit.”
“You mean make Mom do it for you.”
“No I don't. I know how to sew. I learned even without Mother’s help.”
“Calling her that won’t make her dote on you.”
“I know that! Look, can you shut up for just… five minutes. Unless you want the void seeping in faster.”
“We did actually stay there quietly for a while, and at one point they even pulled their suit off to start fixing it. They didn’t exactly have the necessary tools on hand, but that actually made it a little more impressive. I had been worried about them not wearing it though, since there’s a reason we wore them even in the End.”
“I’m fine.”
“You’re coughing too much. Take your helmet off so I can see.”
“I said I’m *cough* fine! Don’t touch me! *cough*”
“‘Suma, c’mon, let me look!”
“Fine! Whatev- *cough* -ever.”
“Shit, this is bad.”
“What *cough* do you mean?”
“It’s already black. We still don’t know if anyone’s coming, and if they are, how long it’ll take. If they knew you were back then maybe-”
“So? *cough* They’ll notice you’re gone and *cough cough* come looking. How *cough* long are you usually out?”
“... Take my helmet.”
“Put it on you derp! You need it more right now. Unless you want to die.”
“What about *cough* you?”
“I’ll just wear yours to make it take longer. They’ll show up soon enough, so it should last me until then.”
“No one showed up for hours. I’m not sure how long it even took because the two of us passed out before then.” Xisuma finished in a somber tone. “Turns out a near death experience really shakes up how you see things. And apparently my own armor was more damaged than I thought, because at some point Xannes switched ours up to make sure it would stave off the void poisoning for me. And he was right, I recovered fairly quickly, but he didn’t.”
“But I mean, he’s alright now, right?”
“I guess.” Xisuma answered, though he didn’t sound sure. “It was after that that they started being a bit more angry and violent towards me.”
“And a side effect of void poisoning is a sort of… unpredictable blind rage, right?” Paul asked. “The void causes a weird decay in the mind, similar to what zombifies creatures, but practically irreversible.”
“Right. And so I just wonder if maybe his current situation is my fault. If I hadn’t started that argument-”
“Well it sounds like your parents were jerks too!” Tommy said, cutting Xisuma off and making Phil wince. “If they hadn’t treated you like a perfect golden child and him as a scum of the… End, black sheep, then it wouldn’t have happened, right?”
“Well, yes, but-”
“Tommy’s right.” Techno spoke up this time. “And look, I’m not trying to use it as an excuse for any of us, but sometimes the actions we take are influenced by others in a way that the blame can be placed on them. It depends on the actions themselves, but in this case it doesn't seem like your fault.”
“The Wither were totally yours though.”
“And I said I’m not using it as an excuse.”
“How about we stop talking and just find Evil X!” Grumbot practically shouted, pointing off into the distance. “There’s lots of lightning that way! So they must be there! Let’s go!”
“So, that was your dad, huh?” Jrum spoke up as the block he was trying to lift with magic fell back down the pixel or so he had managed. 
“Yep! That’s Papa! He’s really really really nice and I love him lots and lots!” Vee replied with the biggest smile on her face. “He adopted me, and then my sister, and so now the three of us are a big happy family! Well, maybe not big, but definitely happy!”
Jrum couldn’t help but roll his eyes. Vee at the very least seemed innocent enough, or maybe the better word was oblivious. Her dad had been working with Grifter and somehow hadn’t realized that something was wrong with Grian. Or, well, it sounded like he did know, but completely trusted Grifter with any lies he told. But that was what Vee was saying, and she had also fallen for Grifter’s lies, so who knew, maybe her dad wasn’t lied to, but both he and Grifter were lying to her.
And then there was her sister, which made Jrum more sure that they were all just lying to Vee. He remembered that comm call. He knew the voice on the other end. It sounded like his dad, but simultaneously not. It had to be Grifter then, right? Vee had even said it was Grifter. And he was there through Vee’s sister’s comm. The same sister that was apparently dating Grifter’s niece. They all had a connection to Grifter, so there was no way none of them knew what was going on.
“Ooo! Lookit! You’re doing it really well!” Vee exclaimed, making Jrum realize he had moved the block up a full meter this time. He was a little surprised by that, since he hadn’t even been paying attention to what he was doing, and now that he was focusing on the block, it fell once more. “Aww, don’t worry! You’re doing really really well!”
“Whatever.” Jrum huffed. “You know, you keep bringing up that your dad adopted you and your sister, right? And in that one meeting you mentioned that she had a brother that sucked?”
Vee’s smile disappeared. “Yeah… he was really really bad.”
“Mind telling me?” Jrum asked. They had figured out who Flora or Fleur was supposed to be, but Astrid was still a little up in the air, and since she was around Grifter and maybe also around Grian, it was important to know about her too.
“Um, well…” Vee hesitated, kicking at the ground. “Nightmare was-”
Vee didn’t get a chance to continue, Jrum immediately recognizing the name. “Nightmare?! Her brother is him?!”
“Y-You know him?”
“Know him?! It’s because of him that my brother got kidnapped by Tommy’s stupid hels! And then it turned into a whole mess with Grifter getting involved and hurting my family! And then Grifter came back and made everything worse!”
“Eep!” Vee yelped, and Jrum looked over to her and the spike of bedrock that had appeared from the ground, pointing at her face. Jrum was shocked to see it, looking himself over before looking back up to essentially growl at the spike. Surprisingly, it seemed to react to his growl and disappeared into the ground a moment later. “You g-gotta be careful with that.”
“Yeah… sorry…” Jrum responded, though distracted. Things kept happening when he was angry, so maybe- “How much do emotions affect magic?”
“Uh, a lot?” Vee answered, though she didn’t seem confident with her answer. “Uh, they can help with focusing it. Papa helped me train with music and he said it was because uh… the emotions of the sounds help with how you feel, ‘n then it works as a guide for what you want the magic to do!” That time she started unsure, but slowly got more confident as she spoke, which helped reassure Jrum. Especially when she followed it up with a little magic demonstration of her own.
“So because I keep feeling angry and frustrated, stuff keeps happening for me? Do I just need to be constantly angry?”
“Oh no no no.” Vee quickly waved her hands to stop Jrum. “It’s just stronger stuff makes it react more when you’re new to it! Even sometimes when you’re not new to it cuz Papa has had it happen too. Uh, it’s kinda like when I got scared and then made those boxes.”
Jrum remembered the bedrock that trapped Ren. And then he thought more to his own dad, and the times his magic had acted up when it seemed he was feeling some sort of intense emotion like anger or fear. He could even remember one time when Grian was really happy and that had caused some sudden magic. Jrum almost made a comment about it, but then paused. When he had been trying to eavesdrop on the conversation Phil and Paul had had, way back when the latter had first arrived. He had made a comment about knowing Jrum was listening in to their conversation. He hadn’t known how the man recognised Jrum had hacked his way in, but Paul seemed to know enough magic that if Jrum was using magic instead…
Jrum focused once more on the block in front of him, reaching out and managing to lift it once again. This time he was actually controlling it when it got a block higher, and still when he pushed it left and right before it finally fell on its own, Jrum finding himself a little tired.
“You did it!” Vee exclaimed, jumping up and down before tackling Jrum with a hug. “We should show Papa! Oh wait, he’s busy. I could message Astrid! But she might be busy too. Grifter is-! Grifter is bad, we said that. Uhh… Well I think we should tell someone!”
“Yeah whatever, let me see who’s available.” Jrum rolled his eyes, trying not to smile with how infectious Vee’s joy was. He was easily able to send a message to the world chat, getting an answer not too long later from Joe, who was apparently happy to be available. Jrum thought he would be more involved in whatever important stuff the Hermits were up to, but Jrum also supposed that Vee was already pretty comfortable with him. “Joe says we can meet up with him. Let’s go.”
Vee was bouncing again as they left to meet with the Hermit, finding him a small distance away from the meeting room at what seemed to be a newly set up table and chairs for the three of them to hang out at. “Howdy there you two. I heard you had somethin’ to share?”
Jrum couldn’t get a word out before Vee answered for him. “Jrum’s doing Watcher Magic! Like he could do a little before, but he’s doing a lot better now! He did block moving! C’mon, do it again!” Jrum sighed before moving a new block a bit, though not nearly as much since he was still tired from before, and running over there hadn’t helped him regain any energy.
“I need some redstone.” Jrum panted, surprised when Joe handed some over. “Why do you have-?”
“Well someone pointed out that you might need some since you were doing a lot of work. Well, technically multiple someones, as it was recommended you get somethin’ to eat followed by gettin’ pointed out you tend to eat minerals like redstone, especially since that helps with chargin’ you up.”
“Uh, thanks then.” Jrum ate the redstone before getting some more from Joe, which he put in his inventory to save for later and make sure he didn’t use it all up in one sitting.
“No problem at all.” Then Joe looked towards Vee. “Yes?”
Jrum looked over to Vee as well, finding her fidgeting where she stood. “Um, are you still mad at me?”
“Mad at you? Now what gave you that impression?”
“Well, when you visited me when I was at Stress’ place, you got really upset.”
Jrum saw as it took a moment for Joe to remember what she meant. “Ah, that. Well I’m sorry for makin’ you think I was mad at you. You had just caught me off guard with what you were talkin’ about, and I suppose that surprise came off as anger which you thought was directed at you.”
Jrum was a little taken aback. Joe caught off guard? That never happened. Or well, it could definitely happen, but he had the uncanny ability to always seem to know what was going on when things were serious, like with the current situation. He was a little worried for a second that Joe could be lying, but he didn’t seem to have a single tell that he could have been.
“What had you been talking about?” Jrum asked, looking between the pair.
Vee opened her mouth, seemingly to answer, but was stopped by Joe. “It’s not somethin’ that’s exactly common knowledge. Part of why I was so surprised she knew about it.”
“But Papa said Listeners get to know about it! And shouldn’t Watchers too? And Jrum’s one.”
“And I’d have to agree with you on that part.” Joe replied. “But I believe you mentioned you’re still trainin’, and that seems like the thing to wait ‘til you’re fully fledged to learn about.”
Vee huffed and crossed her arms, slumping in her chair. Jrum looked between her and Joe, now even more confused and wishing he weren’t in the dark about… whatever they were discussing. “Can I at least get some vague clue about what it was?”
“You could, but I believe if you learn a little, you’ll want to know more, so nothin’ at all may be best for you.”
“What if I promise I won’t ask anything else?” Jrum suggested, trying to also give pleading eyes to Joe in hopes he could be convinced. “At least if it has any connection to what happened to Dad?”
“Well, I suppose it does.” Joe started to speak, getting Jrum hopeful. “Alright then. But you’re promising you won’t go lookin’ into it, alright?”
“Yes! I won’t! I’ll just imagine my own answers or whatever!”
“Okay, and Vee, you better not help him along.” Vee nodded, staying silent and even pretending to zip her lips. “We happened to get on the topic due to how Grian ended up messed with due to the mixin’ of magic from he and Grifter. Magic from Watchers and Listeners mixin’ together’s got a special term. And that term comes from when it first happened, specifically on a rather large scale. Despite that, it’s a little bit taboo to talk about the incident itself, and Vee happened to mention somethin’ implyin’ she knew about it more than most.”
“Oh. So like… how Dad talks about stuff when he was younger, and so everyone kinda just says that it’s when he was in highschool, but not any specifics?” Jrum offered as a sort of comparison. Especially since he and Jrum didn’t know as much about that time as the other Hermits did, so it was a similar situation for Jrum himself.
“Now I think that’s a fine comparison.” Joe complimented the bot. “Includin’ the part that he’s probably the one who should be tellin’ you about it. Or someone else older than you.”
“Vee’s older than me.” Jrum pointed out, reminding Joe that he was literally only a year old due to being a robot. “So she could count.”
“Now I’m sure you know that isn’t what I meant.”
“Yeah, I was just joking.” The bot huffed. “I said I wouldn’t ask about it more.”
“Um, mister Joe sir?” Vee carefully spoke up, hiding a little when Joe looked over to her and said she didn’t need to use formalities like that. “Why can’t you just help his dad? Because you’re… a thing I can’t say to Jrum.”
“Hey, I know he used to be Herobrine.” Jrum pointed out before pausing. “Well, I mean he technically still is? He goes by Joe now, but was it just a name thing, or is it a concept or-”
“The nuance of that matter isn’t a highlight of this discussion right now.” Joe said to keep Jrum from overthinking things. “As for your question Vee, despite any connection I have to what you tend to refer to as Hels, my involvement in this situation isn’t one that was ever foreseen as direct involvement. That being said, the situation also isn’t one that everyone is so sure it is.”
“Wait, what do you mean it’s not what we think it is?” Jrum asked. “My dad has been kidnapped and based on what everyone is saying, he’s missing a gigantic chunk of his memory. How is it different from that?”
“Jrum has a point! Why’s it not that? Is it because Grifter is trying something we don’t know about but you do?”
“Grifter’s involvement isn’t exactly what’s causin’ it to be something else. And as far as the Hermits and you are concerned, it is what you think. But there’s plenty of other people involved.”
Both kids looked confused before Vee gasped. “The other Watchers and Listeners! Or at least the Listeners, I don’t think Grifter could lie to the others as easily. But he must’ve done a bunch of lying to them! And… and Astrid and Flora and everyone was with him too! They’re being lied to as well! I need to call Astrid again so she can help!”
“Now slow down. I believe you already did talk to her about that, now didn’t you?”
Vee frowned. “Well, yeah, but now we know more so she needs to know more!”
“Vee’s right.” Jrum agreed. “But also shouldn’t do it yet, because she mentioned something to me.” Joe gestured for Jrum to continue after the bot paused for a moment. “You know how Vee keeps mentioning she and Astrid were adopted? Well, apparently before Astrid got adopted, she lived in the Hels version of Tommy’s server because her brother was the admin. Her brother was Nightmare, Dream’s Hels.”
“Now that is something we didn’t know yet.” Joe conceded. “Vee, you said your sister didn’t get along with her brother when you talked about her at the meeting, right?”
“No, he was really mean! He hurt her and Flora and her whole family and even tried to do it to me once. He was just as mean as my mom was.”
“How much does your dad know about Nightmare?” Joe asked, Vee answering that he probably knew more than she did. “Alright, I’ll need to go back into the meetin’ to tell the Hermits and others about that, you two take some time to rest before you go back into trainin’ alright?”
“That sounds like a good plan to me.” Jrum agreed before standing up, stretching, and then starting to go towards a nether portal. “If you need us, we’ll be at Daddy’s base. Dad’s portal is too dangerous.”
“Perfectly good reasoning.” Joe nodded, waving just before the two were whisked away by magic into the Nether.
“Uh, Jrum?” Vee asked shortly after they had stepped out of the portal and into the hub. “Did it seem like he knew more about what’s going on than he said?”
“Huh? Oh, well, Joe is always like that. I think it’s a mix of him being so old, being a poet writer whatever, being a Hermit, and probably five other things.” Jrum shrugged. “Plus, he probably does but doesn’t want to tell us just yet because they want to know more about it themselves, or because we’re younger. Or heck, maybe even both at the same time.”
“Huh. Okay I guess that makes sense.”
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