#Older!Spider Man x Stark!reader
ichorai · 2 years
spiderling ; peter parker.
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sequel to particles!
pairing ; peter parker x stark!reader
synopsis ; peter was supposed to find you after strange wiped everyone's memory of him away. instead, you found him.
words ; 2.0k
themes ; angst, mild fluff and comedy
warnings / includes ; lots of feels crammed into this, peter is a flustered mess, reader is an insanely smart kid of tony’s, mentions of may and the rest of the spidey gang :(
main masterlist.
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Ever since Peter had asked Strange to wipe the entire world’s memory of him, things had been… uneventful to say the least. He studied, he worked two boring jobs for a low minimum wage, and he visited May’s grave every afternoon. 
There wasn’t much else to do when nobody knew him as Peter Parker. 
Sometimes, he’d go out in his itchy, make-shift spider suit that he’d fashioned with bright fabrics from a corner store that also sold his most favorite orange-flavored popsicles, stopping common crime as the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.
Other than that… he slept. He played Crossy Road on his phone—or he’d rewatch the Star Wars movies for the billionth time. 
He thought of his best friends, Ned and MJ. He thought of his brothers, Peter 2 and 3. He thought of his Aunt May, and Happy, who visited her grave almost as frequently as he did. He thought of the closest thing he had to a father figure, Tony Stark. He thought of Mr. Stark’s oldest kid—which he used to refer to as his significant other. 
The love of his life. 
Y/N Stark.
Peter missed you. He missed you more than anything in the entire world. He missed your wide smile and the specific way you’d throw your head back and laugh so hard you’d be grabbing onto his arm, gasping for breath. He missed how you’d press your chest into his back and kiss along his neck while he did his physics homework, quietly mumbling corrections to his calculations when he’d distractedly scribbled down the wrong formula. He missed how Mr. Stark would pull him to the side to give him the ‘Responsible Dad Talk’ just about every time the two of you hung out together, and how you’d have to tell your dad that you could make your own decisions and you didn’t need him to hover over the two of you.
Besides, you used to say with a soft smile, it’s Peter. You know Peter. He’s… he’s Peter. He’d never hurt me, pops.
But he did hurt you. He erased all the memories you had together—he completely wiped himself out of your life.
You loved him—and he had taken that away from you. 
“I love you,” you had whispered into him as you hugged him tight, a tear slipping down the corner of your misty eyes. Peter wrapped his arms around your waist and held you all the closer. “Come back to me, Peter. Or… or I swear to fucking God—I’ll find you myself and—” 
Your words died on your tongue as he surged forward and kissed you, hard and desperate. The kiss tasted of salt from your tears, of coppery blood from his throbbing, split lip. Neither of you cared.
You hiccupped a sob when he reluctantly pulled away, pressing one last kiss to your grimy forehead, before letting you go entirely. He turned before he could see you crumpling into MJ and Ned, who had roped you into a pained embrace, your shoulders trembling with wracking cries. 
That was five months ago. Five months after Strange wiped everybody’s memories of him.
He’d wanted to find you again—he really did. Obviously, you were an extremely busy person, not only being the oldest kid of Tony Stark, but also a genius student, a researcher, the heir of an entire company, and an older sibling to Morgan. But, if he was completely honest, he didn’t really know what to say.
Hey, I’m Peter Parker and I’m in love with you, but I never got the chance to tell you because this wizard that’s sort of a friend of your dad’s erased everyone’s memory of me because the multiverse broke and a bunch of bad guys from other universes slipped into ours because I ruined my friend’s chances of getting into their dream college—
Yeah. That wouldn’t really work out, would it?
So he put it off. 
Put it off for a week, which rolled into two, which became three, which became three months.
All of a sudden, it was summer, and he still hadn’t seen you. 
He made sure to go to the coffee shop MJ worked at, just to see how she and Ned were faring. From what he heard while he eavesdropped—they were doing great at MIT. 
Peter tried his best to keep up with you through those news articles that kept flashing him ads like You Wouldn’t Believe What This Celebrity Looks Like Without Makeup! or Learn All About Steve Rogers’ Exercise Routine! 
There wasn’t much that he could find about you, other than a couple pictures of you with your little sister, Morgan, chowing down on cheeseburgers at McDonald’s. After all, you’d always been a rather private person, which was the one jarring difference between you and your infamously public father. 
Your social medias were, expectedly, all privated. Peter doubted you’d accept his follow request, anyway.
It was an ordinary Tuesday—Peter had a shift at a car garage in a couple hours, which left him quite a bit of time to burn. He had ACDC softly playing in the background—a band that both you and your dad had been completely infatuated with—half a dozen books spread out around him as he multi-tasked studying new chemical compounds for his web fluid, and rotational mechanics for an upcoming exam. 
Then, much to his surprise, the doorbell rang. 
It’s probably the landlord, Peter thought with a grimace, thinking of the old woman who always had a cigarette between her coarse fingers, despite her own strict policy of no smoking in the building. He turned the music down to a low thrum, before swinging the door open.
And… there you were.
Peter could feel his heart drop to the floor.
You were… God, you were beautiful. There wasn’t much about you that changed—you got a new pair of glasses, he could see, and you’d cut your hair shorter. There was a tattoo peeking slightly out of your loose-hanging t-shirt etched over your skin, depicting a sketch of an arc reactor, in memory of your late father. 
Besides that, you were the very same. The same bright, intelligent eyes, the same lips that puckered ever so slightly to the side in thought, and the same brows that knitted together whenever you were concentrating. 
Your hands were shoved into your jeans as you cocked your head, studying him with narrowed eyes.
“Erm,” Peter started, mouth opening and closing as his brain struggled to comprehend that you were here. In the flesh. Fuck, you were gorgeous. “Wh… Y/N?”
Your eyebrow arched high up, closer to your hairline. “First name basis already, huh?”
“You’re the Spiderling, aren’t you?” you asked abruptly, nearly giving him whiplash. Before he could say anything else, you were swiping your phone open, a hologram of a Youtube video playing right in front of his face. The video displayed Spider-Man swinging from building to building, stopping a car from ramming into an elderly woman crossing the street with nothing but brute strength. Peter didn’t even remember that happening. To him, that was just an ordinary day. “That must’ve been, what—like, thirty-five hundred pounds, about fifty miles an hour? Impressive.”
You brushed past him into his tiny apartment. Peter cursed himself for not throwing away the pizza boxes stacked on his kitchen counter, and for leaving his sketches of web shooters out on his desk. 
A small smile graced your lips as you spotted the blue and red scrap fabrics discarded into the trash can. “Hm. You make your own suit? My dad did, too. God—are those goggles?” You picked up his vision goggles from his unmade bed, peering through them as you snorted in amusement. “How on earth do you see anything though these?”
You turned to him with an intrigued grin. “I’m sure you already know who I am, seeing as you knew my dad. It’s nice to finally meet you, Spiderling.”
Peter blinked. The overwhelming sense of deja vu washed over him like a tidal wave—you were behaving eerily similar to when Mr. Stark had approached him to go to Germany back in 2016.
“I… how…”
“What’s your name?” you asked, gingerly stepping over his textbooks to stare at his pinboard, where his calendar hung. 
“Peter,” he finally mumbled in reply, shaking his head to clear his thoughts. “And it’s Spider-Man, not Spiderling. What are you doing here? I mean, not that I don’t want you here, but, uhm—how did you find me?”
You looked over your shoulder with a knowing glint to your eyes. “I keep tabs on everybody my dad used to work with. Honestly, it wasn't too difficult to track you down—given the radius of where Spider-Man usually frequents and his response times to local crimes, it was easy to pinpoint where you lived. After my AI ran a couple voice recognition tests and estimated bodily proportions, that led me right to you.” You leaned against his rickety wooden desk with a curious grin. “Thought you’d be a bit older, though. Looks like you’re around my age.”
“I… that’s… wow.”
Wrinkling your nose in amusement, you turned back to his full calendar. 
Peter prayed you wouldn’t flip over to your birthday month—he’d circled your birthday with bright red sharpie and drew loopy hearts all over the little square. Thankfully, you stopped skimming through, pausing at the relatively empty weeks where he had nothing planned other than a few work shifts.
“Looks like you’re free from school in a couple weeks,” you said. “I know this is really sudden and very abrupt of me, but—I’d love to offer you a job at Stark Labs. You must be crazy smart to design synthetic webs with a Young’s modulus that’s off the charts. Could really use that brain of yours at my company. Plus, you’ve got a lot of work experience in the bag.” 
There was a beat of silence. Peter stared at you with parted lips. 
A bit more timidly, you added on, “And… it’d be nice to work with someone that knew my dad.”
Well, Peter didn’t want to brag, but he’d definitely say that he didn’t only just know Tony Stark. But you didn’t need to know that right at this moment. 
“Yes,” he blurted out, a bit louder than necessary. “Are you kidding me? That’s… that’s amazing! Yeah, oh my God, I’d love to! Thank you!”
Before he could stop himself, his body moved out of pure muscle memory and excitement, stepping forward to wind his arms around you, squeezing you tightly. Your familiar perfume made his eyes well with tears—fuck, he missed you so fucking much.
“Oh—” you began to say, muscles tensing. “Okay, then. You’re welcome, pal.”
Rouge flushed hotly over his cheeks as he realized that you weren’t his significant other anymore—in your mind, this was the first time the two of you were meeting. Quickly, he let you go, backing away with a grimace. 
“Sorry,” he winced. “Sorry, I just—”
“Have we met before?” you asked, cutting him off. “I don’t know… it just feels like… nevermind. I’d probably remember a cute face like yours.” 
Peter’s face burned an even brighter shade of red. 
“Here’s my contact information. I’ll send you any contracts, NDAs, legality issues, dates for any research projects you might be interested in joining, payment negotiations, all that jazz,” you told him, placing a card onto his desk. “I look forward to working with you, Patrick.”
“Peter,” he corrected.
A smile played with the corner of your lips. “Right. Peter. Nice music taste, by the way. I love ACDC—I can see why my dad liked you so much.” 
With that, you ambled over his scattered belongings on the floor, flashing him one last beam, before striding straight out the door. 
Peter stared at the open doorway for a minute—or was it an hour? He really couldn’t tell. 
He collapsed into his bed, the goggles you’d dangled digging into his back. He arched up just enough to pull it away, clutching it to his chest with a goofy smile.
You found him. 
Against all odds, you’d found him.
Fuck, Peter loved you so much.
Telling you though—now that was a different story entirely. One that Peter knew was going to take time. 
But for you… 
He’d wait centuries.
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webslingingslasher · 2 years
Do you remember?
Fun fact, I have been writing this piece off and on for about a year now. The fact I think it's finally done and ready to be shared is insane.
Pairing: MCU! Peter Parker X Stark!Reader
Genre: Fluffy, some angst.
Word Count: 6K
Summary: You told Peter you love him, he's not sure you understand what you said. You're acting like you didn't know what you said. Do you remember what you said?
Warnings: mentions of sex while intoxicated, not hammered but tipsy. no assult here baby, not on my page! also, not really stark! reader, her dad is Tony and thats it.
Peter loved and hated working with Tony alone. 
Tony was the best mentor Peter could’ve dreamed of but ever since he started dating you time alone with Tony always felt off. Peter was his protege but when he became your boyfriend Tony wanted to test him further, that because his daughter had feelings for him, it was his fault. Not that he’s complaining because thank god you did but Tony didn’t have to ask questions about your relationship and back Peter in a corner with certain questions and take pride when he falters.
So when Tony told him about the sudden three day trip and they would have to do an entire suit reset and build it made him want to stomp in the lab with lead filled boots. To make matters worse he knew it would be an all night thing and you weren’t going to be around. 
Tony was on one side of the lab at his own station working on the new Spider-Man suit upgrade hunched over a table, he turned every so often and would grunt at Peter looking for his approval. Peter sat on the opposite side of the lab at his own station tinkering with his web shooters, he was helping Tony update the technology with each suit upgrade; the suit got taser webs so did his shooters. 
It was nearing midnight, he had been hiding in the lab for half the day with Tony. He had come over after a quick after school patrol knowing he wouldn’t be able to go out later that night. Peter showed up with a giant Delmar’s sub, the kind he could only get with a hookup. He had splurged knowing it would most likely be the last time he saw you this evening. His half of the sub had extra pickles and yours had onion, he did surrender to your request of keeping it unsmooshed. One time you gave into his claims of it being the superior way to have a sub but gagged when you told him that you “hate to break his spirits but that’s sog heaven.”
You, on the other hand, had plans with MJ to go to a small bar to watch a band play tonight. Not your style but the headliner was MJ’s favorite and she had no one else to ask. Ned promised he would have gone but bars downtown gross him out. (When MJ pointed out he had never been to a bar downtown he blinked at her and said “yeah, because they’re gross”)
When 9:30 rolled around you made your way into the lab to say goodbye to your boys. Adorned in a mid length dress to help you look a bit older than what you were, you paired it with some small heels.  
“Bye Bye, I'll miss you.” You walked to your boyfriend, when he looked up from the screwdriver and disc in his hand, eyebrows furrowed, obviously not happy with his task being more frustrating than he had hoped, had smiled when he saw your face.
 “Bye Bye, I’ll miss you more.” He leant up and puckered his lips and you met his mouth quickly. “Call me if you need me,” he mumbled when he pulled away, pressing two more pecks to your sticky lips. 
“Bye father, love you.” You called behind your shoulder already walking towards the glass door.
“Bye daughter, be safe.” Tony shot back, not even looking up. 
Then called out to you, “Heels in a bar isn’t a good idea.” 
Peter smiled and watched you pout,  you held a foot out and wiggled an ankle before leaving the room, definitely on your way to change into actual shoes. 
Then sometime around 11:40 Peter's phone rang, your contact photo popping up across his screen. A small smile involuntarily creeping unto his face 
“It hasn't even been two hours yet!” He laughed into the phone, “Peter? It's MJ.” She didn’t laugh at his joke, his heart already speeding up. “Where’s y/n? Is she okay?” His response was quick, Tony looking around his shoulder at the kid sitting straight in the office chair. 
“Yeah, sh-“ MJ couldn't even answer his question before he heard a loud voice in the background, “Is that Peter? Tell him I miss him! Where is he? Peter, where are you?” MJ pulled the phone from her ear slightly “Hold on, I'm asking him.” 
“Peter!” he heard your voice cut back in whining.
“Y/N!” MJ hissed at you so you would be silenced for a moment. 
“Is she-“ Peter began to form the question, MJ beating him to the punch 
“Drunk? Yes. Very.” She turned to make sure you were still next to her, you twisted from side to side playing with a stand of hair mumbling to the cover song that a band was blasting through the bar rattling both of your chests.
“Peter, some men kept buying me drinks and wouldn’t take no as an answer so I need you to come save me.” You shot into the phone, tired and annoyed you just wanted your boyfriend with you. 
“She kept asking for you. I gave it an hour before I called, she’s pretty drunk.” She sighed into the phone a little disappointed she wouldn’t see the last performance. 
“I'll be there in 10 minutes. Wait outside if it’s safe.” He instructed MJ before hanging up and standing on his feet. 
He looked at his mentor and girlfriend's dad who was already staring at him. “Y/N got drunk at the bar and wants me to come get her.” He filled Tony in so he wouldn’t panic like Peter had.
“Like father, like daughter.” He chuckled before turning back around to get the update time on the suit and sighed at the estimated time.
“I'm going to get her and help her to bed then we can finish, okay Mr Stark?” Peter asked his boss. 
“Get her home in one piece.” He waved him off. 
“How long is ten minutes?” You asked MJ.
You were sitting outside the small bar, vines pressing into your backs where they were growing up the wall, dust settling into your bare thighs.
“Ten minutes”. She quickly replied
“Oh. Okay.” You swept your hand over some dirt in the concrete. You were silent for less than ten seconds, “It hasn’t been ten minutes?” You scrunch your face. 
“It’s been-“ She pauses to look at your phone, “Seven minutes.” You nod. 
“You know one of the things I love about Peter is that he’s very punctual.” You gave MJ a knowing look, “when he actually shows up I mean.” She nodded knowing what you meant. 
“He's still a really good boyfriend though.” You begin plucking weeds growing between the concrete cracks. 
“I miss Peter, has it been ten minutes?” You went to look at MJ once more when you heard
“I missed you too, and it’s been nine minutes.” You gasped at the boy in front of you, surprised as if you weren't aware he’d be showing up. 
You looked at MJ next to you and slapped her arm, “See! what did I tell you, punctual!” 
You raised your hands palm up gripping at Peter so he could help pull you up. Once you were standing he pulled you into his side tightly placing you under an arm so you wouldn’t wobble when he offered his hand to MJ. 
Before all three of you could walk away from the bar you looked at Peter “I missed you. Can I have a kiss now please?” you already had your mouth in his face, not really giving him a choice but he laughed anyway and gave you three quick kisses. 
You pulled back looking at your boyfriend, a lust driven haze swallowed your eyes “Can we have sex when we get home?” You asked. Peter choked on his air and MJ busted out laughing, your eyes swept from MJ to Peter not understanding the joke until Peter said “not in front of our friends.”
Peter gave MJ the car to get home and walked you  the shortest distance home, figuring the walk would help sober you up. 
“And then I told him I was only a baby and he was still buying me drinks! I was okay with one or two but then he wouldn’t stop telling me to drink and I was wasting alcohol and then I got really scared.” You were explaining the night to Peter, talking with your hands, watching your face shift into a million emotions. 
“Is that when MJ called me?” Peter continued to learn the story 
You nodded frantically, “Yes. Thank you for saving me.” You smiled at him before interlocking your hands and swinging them. 
“I love dating Peter, don't get me wrong but I like when I get to date Spider-Man too.”
“Can I piggyback?” You huffed in the middle of the street, annoyed with walking. 
Peter knelt down in front of you and hooked his hand around your knees to help push you around his back, the perks to a super strength boyfriend- they can carry you for miles. 
Resting a chin on his shoulder you had your arms wrapped around his neck one hand loosely pointing at objects and giving them a life story, “and that lamp post Petey, imagine the things it’s seen. Imagine how long it’s been there!”
Talking to him about the things you saw on the way home from “way up here!” and a small game of i-spy you kept losing because you kept forgetting what color Peter said he saw. 
“Can we have sex?” You whispered in his ear, cautious to look around you to avoid the embarrassment he had the first time you asked. 
“Let me get you home first and ready for bed.” He replied sternly before lifting you higher on his back. 
“Okay!” You took that as a win, and settled back into his shoulder. 
“Are you hungry?” Were the first words Peter asked when you walked into the kitchen. 
“Oh my god, I was just about to say I was starving.” Your eyes widened at him, “We are seriously made for eachother.” You clapped him on the chest before asking him for a bowl of cereal. 
Two bowls of Coco Pops later, Peter had finally gotten you upstairs in your room and had helped you undress.
“What pajamas do you want?” He stood in your closet waiting for you to tell him what shirt.
“Yours!” You yipped back. 
“Mine what?” He looked down at himself, he was wearing a normal outfit. Jeans, shirt, hoodie. 
“Shirt.” You pointed at his shirt, and so did he. “The one I'm wearing?” His girlfriend nodded her head enthusiastically, taking her bra off as he shrugged his shoulders and gave her what she wanted. 
“Wash your face, brush your teeth.” He instructed her next. He watched her stand in the mirror for a minute, “do you need any help?” she shook her head. 
“I'm going to go update your dad, I’ll be right back okay?” He waited for an answer before leaving, zipping his hoodie over his bare skin. 
“Y/N‘s okay.” Peter knocked on the glass next to him so he wouldn’t sneak up on Tony. 
“Good, is she in bed?” He was ready to finish for the night, they were set back a good thirty minutes to an hour now.
He shook his head, “She’s brushing her teeth and wants me to stay with her until she falls asleep. It won’t be long though.” He promises. 
“Take care of her.” The elder Stark waved him off once more.
“Okay I read this at least four times in the mirror,” you turned when you saw your boyfriend reappear behind you. “And I still don’t understand what it means.” You were referencing the shirt you  were in. It had a science joke on it, or maybe math. 
“It says find x, and the x is circled.” 
“oooooh,” You dragged out. “I knew that.” You quickly added. 
You stepped in front of him and gave him a hug, holding on, you looked up “teeth brushed, face washed, can we have sex now?” 
Peter brushed some hair from your face, “are you okay?” He asked quietly. 
“Are you asking if I'm sober?” You kissed his palm. 
“What's the last ten letters of the alphabet backwards?” Peter asked, holding your hand with one and scratching down your back with another. 
“z,y,x,w,v,u,t,s,r,q” You replied 
“Who won the 2016 presidential election?” 
“Don’t make me say it.” You bit back. 
Peter muffled a laugh, “How many fingers am I holding up?” He lifted his hand in a peace sign, you squint your eyes and concentrated, “Twelve.” 
“Seems sober to me.” He told you. 
“Sex time?” You looked up at him. 
“Sex time.” He deadpanned. 
“Fuck yes! You’re the best boyfriend ever. I love you.” You squealed and pressed a fast kiss to his mouth before you hopped into your bed, fixing the pillows. 
Peter stood solid in the ground. He wasn’t sure if you were so sober now, his heart was suddenly red hot and he felt like he needed to lay down. Those words had never come from your mouth before and you shot them with such ease it almost unsettled him. 
He loves you. He knows that for certain, he just didn’t know you did. And he’s not even sure you understand what you just said because his ears are ringing and you're humming on your bed kicking your feet. 
“Y/N?” he cautions your name, before he goes forward with the kisses and coos he wants to be sure they’re on the same page
“Peter!” You call back. 
“Are you gonna get me naked or am I gonna get me naked?” You asked him before he was able to say anything more to you. 
Peter started to unzip his hoodie, he figured if she was playing dumb so would he. 
Drunk words sober thoughts rant in the back of his head but he pushed that to the back of his mind. He could analyze this another day, as of right now his beautiful tipsy girlfriend was begging him for sex and he wasn’t going to let her down.
Walking his way towards you he bent down to kiss you before getting on top of you, not missing the loud squeal you produced when he ran his hands under the shirt you were wearing preparing to take it off.
He pulled back slightly looking down at your wide eyes sparkling in the moonlight creeping between the cracks in the blinds. 
Your cheeks flushed and a cheek hurting smile adored your face, he’s never loved you more in this moment but instead of filling you in on his thoughts he whispered a “Shhh..” before placing his lips on yours delicately. 
Watching you sleep on Peter's chest has never felt like this before. 
He’s always thought you were beautiful, and he always thought he loved you but having your weight on him, soft snores coming from your mouth while his hands ran down your naked back he felt different. 
When you told him you loved him, intentional or not, something changed. He felt it immediately. 
Peter had always been caring and would stop at nothing to keep you safe but after tonight the feeling deepened. It went from keeping you safe to a sense of protection, he felt like it was his personal duty to harm whatever came in your path.  
He moved a piece of hair from your face as it dawned on him, he told himself “I would kill for her.” He felt his heart get loud in his chest and ears and felt his feet clam up, he hadn’t felt like this before. 
It’s never been so black and white, he knew at that moment had everyone ever tried to hurt you he would do anything in his power possible to keep you safe and protected. 
And suddenly he had to leave. He didn’t like that feeling. He's a good guy, he’s the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, he keeps the city safe. So the idea of him being so okay with hurting anyone who ever tries to touch you scares him. 
He was thinking like a villain; heros will protect the many at the cost of one but villains protect one at the cost of many, and he would destroy New York for you. 
Gently removing himself from the bed he slowly gets dressed before heading back to the lab with your dad to finish the nightly task before the early morning. 
Sliding back into the lab he threw himself down into the chair focused on his web shooters. 
“Are you okay?” Tony asked the protege already sensing something was off, standing to his full height and turning to Peter directly.
Peter didn’t look up but responded, “She said she loves me” 
Tony's eyebrows went up, “Did you say it back?” 
“No. I don't even think she realized she said it.” He twisted the screwdriver in his hand. 
“Is that why you're upset?” Tony asked back, arms crossed over his shoulders.
“No.” Peter shook his head, he didn’t want to have this conversation with his girlfriend's dad but seeing as he was also a superhero he was probably one of the only people that could truly understand it. 
“She was laying on top of me just sleeping, and this feeling came over me and sent me into a panic. I always thought I would protect my friends and May the best I could but just seeing her tonight I realized that I would die for her.” He paused, “I would kill for her.” Peter finally looked up and locked eyes with his mentor and girlfriends father hoping he would understand 
He nodded, letting him continue “I've never felt that way before. I feel responsible for keeping my city safe but I've never felt responsible for another person before.” 
“And it’s fucking terrifying.” He let out in a breath, his chest already feeling lighter. “I really love her, Mr. Stark.” His eyes started to sting, whether it was from tears or exhaustion he wasn’t sure. 
Tony nodded his head before coming closer and sitting across the bench from him.
“When Y/N was born, after I held her for the first time I told everyone I was going downstairs for coffee but I actually went into the garden and just cried because I had never had a feeling like that before in my life.” He spoke softly but sincerely. 
“When Y/N  told me how much she had liked you before she even told you I immediately felt a pressure coming off of me, because I knew no matter what she was always going to be safe and cared for with you.”  
“It’s scary to feel so strongly about someone else but seeing it recipucated makes it all worth it, and super powers or not Y/N would die for you too. Not that you’d ever let her.” He laughed at the end, but meant every word. His daughter was one of the strongest people he knew. 
Peter smiled at that. 
“I know.” 
Tony slapped his hand on the table, “Now how about you say we finish this up and get a few hours of sleep in before the trip tomorrow?”
About an hour later you woke up, groggy with a pounding headache and an empty bed. Pulling yourself to the bathroom to pee, you put Peter's shirt back on and some slippers before making your way to the lab. 
Walking in Peter's head looked up at you before clicking his tongue at you, “What are you doing up?” he joked. 
“What are you not doing in bed with me?” You asked back before sitting down on his lap, your head falling into his neck. 
He wrapped his arm around you holding his web shooter in one and screwdriver in the other still trying to piece them back together. 
“How much longer?” You asked huffing at the fluorescent lighting.
“Maybe 10 minutes.” Peter replied softly knowing you're still on the brink of sleep. 
“I have a really bad headache.” He could feel you frowning in his neck. 
Pausing his hand movements he pulled you tighter “Do you want me to get you some medicine?” 
You nodded but tightened your hold on him when he went to stand up, “you can finish first, I’ll just sleep here.” You snuggled deeper into him finally finding the perfect position that blocked all the lights out. 
Peter went back to working and sure enough felt your body get heavier and a bit more loose as you actually dropped back to sleep.
Ten minutes ended up being almost twenty five but once he was done and Tony left the lab with a “Goodnight, be ready by 7:15,” He had started to run his hand down your back trying to slowly wake you back up.
“Let's go to bed, okay?” He whispered in your ear.
Still more than half asleep, you nodded but kept your eyes closed and pressed yourself to Peter so he would keep you balanced while he walked you to your room. 
Stopping at the kitchen to get you a water bottle and some pills for your headache and then finally back to your room to cuddle for the night. 
When you finally laid back into bed with him you shoved your face into his bare chest, your legs intertwined with his, you grabbed onto his hair with one hand too tired to scratch at it. He nudged you anyways and you started to run your fingers through his curls and he gave a contempt sigh, you shuffled your hips closer to his and pressed around his body tighter. 
You broke the quiet moment with a whisper. 
“You’re not allowed to leave.” 
Peter laid his head on top of yours. 
“You know what I hate about Spider-Man?” 
No. He never talks bad about his alter ego, always going on about responsibilities and stopping bad things from happening, he has never complained or ragged on him. You shook your head into his chest, your hand still reached over your head, still dragging fingers through his own. 
“I hate we’re two people in the same body. Sometimes when I take off the suit I wish I was actually taking it off. Like, I lost all responsibilities and I was just Peter Parker. A normal 18 year old, about to graduate having a dope ass intern gig and dating Tony Stark’s daughter and not sharing that with Spider-Man. I wish it was a switch I could turn on and off, and when I'm with you, I really hate having to leave to go be, him.” 
He sighed and you tugged at his hair to show you were listening and waiting for more. 
“Sometimes, it just feels,” Peter stopped when his voice cracked. You knew that was a warning sign from Peter, he was about to cry. He laughed to hide a sob, he stayed quiet. You stayed on his chest, you turned your mouth in to press three small kisses, “Feels like what?” You whispered against his skin. 
He shook his head, if he stayed silent one more time you knew he was already crying but trying to hide it. “Petey?” Your head bounced from his chest when he let out a sob, his breathing getting loud, you sat up to face him watching him hold a hand over his mouth as another one was on his chest trying to ground his breaths. Tears were flowing down his cheeks, he choked out another sob on his hand, you tried to pull his head to your chest but he pushed you away. 
"It just feels unfair."
You’ve only seen him this bad once before, it was after a mental breakdown, similar to this one. It was just a combination of everything happening at once.
He and you had a fight, May was mad about something, he was getting his ass beat nightly and couldn’t even catch the guy and couldn’t get Tony to help because he pissed off his girlfriend, and therefore Tony was pissed at Peter.
And he was trying to study for the upcoming SAT while trying not to think of you being mad at him and how he was going to fix that, while also thinking about that guy still kicking his ass and his suit tech failing after various beatings but he was banned from the tower until he made up with Y/N, per word of her father.
And, trying not to think about May being pissed about something still, and not remembering what it was but it was probably a big fuck up on his end and reached his breaking point while in this spiral May came through his door and asked him “Why haven’t you taken the trash out? Or brought the laundry down? Or wash the dishes? Or anything I asked you?” Her tone was bitter, she sure was pissed. 
Then Peter turned his head to his desk, saw his phone resting on his PSAT workbook unlocked with your messages open but with nothing new. He snapped the pencil in his hand and sobbed. He cried so hard and suddenly May ran to him to grab him from dropping to the floor, “Peter?” He wouldn’t stop, he was babbling between not being able to breathe, his sobs were full of chokes and coughs. 
“Sorry-” “Tired” “Y/N” “Fight” “Banned” “Stressed” “Sacred” Were bits and pieces of the words May heard from him, sorry was a favorite he was using on loop. “Peter, what can I do? You need to calm down.” She was rubbing at his chest like she did when he was a baby, it would always calm him down. Sometimes she would catch you doing the same thing, “Y/N” He nearly screamed it with his cry, “I can call her, I can call her,” May fumbled for her phone in her pocket.
You looked at your phone light up with May’s contact photo, your brows furrowed. She never calls you. Texts, sure. But Calls? No. You almost thought it was Peter but you didn’t block his number or anything so there was no reason. 
She heard cries and heaving breathing in the background
“Y/N, you need to come over right now.” 
May was quick to the point. You heard a chorus of ‘Sorry’ in the background and coughing and sniffles. 
“Is he okay?” 
Your heart hurts. You’ve never heard anything like this from him. 
“I’m on my way. Can he hold the phone?” 
You heard May ask the question, a shuffling sound played, the trading of hands. 
You knew Peter was on the phone, the sobs ceased but he still couldn’t catch his breath, you heard sharp quick intakes every few seconds, no doubt tears still falling down his face. 
“Peter? Petey, listen to me. I’m on my way to come see you, okay? I need you to catch your breath, can you do that? I’m coming, Peter. I promise.” 
“M’ Sorry.” His voice was squeaky, he was forcing the words out. 
“I’m not mad. I’m not mad I promise. I just miss you and want you to be okay. I’m on my way right now.” 
“Okay? I’ll see you in a few minutes.” 
He pushed the phone back to May and she ended the call. His crying stopped, his breathing slowed. He was calm for a couple minutes. Then he remembered the fight, again. And about the SAT’s and how he’s still not done with that guy from three nights ago and started all over again. 
You remember how broken he looked then, how stress piled on him and crushed him entirely. His plate was so overloaded it cracked the glass. You sat next to him on the floor and straddled his hips, you pressed yourself to him and repeated ‘I’m here’ over and over. 
But tonight he was rejecting your help. 
“It just feels so unfair” 
He felt so shameful using these words. It was his secret, he always thought about it but there was nothing he could change about it so why complain? 
“It is unfair, Pete.” 
“It’s really unfair,” You added. “It really sucks you have to miss out on things in your life to do things in another life you didn’t ask for. It’s actually kind of shitty, I don’t know how you don’t complain more.” You were honest but you got a laugh from Peter and kept going, you were slowing his brain. 
“Seriously, babe. Could you imagine if I had powers? Do you know how much I would drag on about it? ‘Oh my god, I had to, like, save a child today. Ugh,’ Or, i’d be like, ‘bro they asked me to hold a ferry together, ME!’” You smiled at Peter’s face brightening up. “I would never shut up about it. You’re braver than the marines for never talking shit on the web man.” 
“Web man?” He gave a guttural laugh
“You’re a good person and you don’t deserve half the shit life throws at you.” 
“What’s the other half of shit I do deserve?” 
Peter sighed and laid on you this time. He kissed your temple, they didn’t need to say anything more. He was soaking up this moment, in just five hours he would be up and on a quinjet to a top secret location he would find out on the way, and be missing your warmth for three days. He would normally tell you he would never deserve you but he let you win tonight. 
“Good night, baby.” 
“Good night, Petey.” 
Peter woke to Tony pushing on his shoulder, “Get up kid, let’s go.” He lifted his head from his girlfriend's shoulder and turned towards Tony and gave him a death glare. 
He removed himself from the bed with a groan when Tony left the room. Peter watched your body lay unmoving and moved around the room silently collecting his things. He pulled on his suit and folded up his clothes on the floor and grabbed his phone and the small bag he would be taking with him on the trip. 
He moved to your side of the bed, you were still squished in as if Peter’s weight was still resting on you, soft snores billowed from your mouth, hair combed around your face and he moved his hand across your forehead to clear it. When he moved his hand across your face you lent into it, a subconscious movement that had you leaning into his touch. He sighed and felt upset to be leaving, it would only be two nights away, he could deal with that. 
“Hey baby?” He lent down to kiss across your face, trying to wake you to say goodbye always hurt him. 
You whined and pressed your cheek further into the pillow. Peter kissed the cheek facing him a few times before he tried again. 
“Baby, I’m leaving. Give me a kiss before I go.” 
Your eyes opened for a moment seeing your boyfriend sitting over you, his red and blue suit contoured to his body. It was too early for him to be Spider-Man. 
“It’s too early for Spidey.” 
“I know. It’s a good thing he can sleep on the plane.” 
You opened your eyes again, awake for now. You studied his face, he looked okay. 
“I thought we said you were staying home.” 
“Next time,” he smiled. 
He would’ve added a ‘promise’ to it but he wouldn’t make a promise to something he knew he couldn’t keep. 
You make a ‘psh’ sound, “Yeah, right.” 
“Two minutes, Underoos.” Tony’s voice belted from the hallway. 
“C’mon. One kiss, and I’ll be back before you miss me.” 
You leaned up to kiss him. It was a soft kiss, a goodbye kiss, an I’ll miss you kiss, an be safe, I need you kiss. 
He pulled away and turned to leave when you called from the bed, 
“I love you, Peter. Be safe.” 
His head never whipped around so quickly, his face with a smile you’ve never seen before. 
“You remember!” 
He wanted to tell you those words last night so badly but was terrified you said it in a moment of recklessness and wanted to make sure they counted when he said them. 
He jumped full force onto the bed barely catching himself before he flattened you. He was pressing kisses all over your face while you were giggling trying to push him off, “I love you, I love you, I love you,” was thrown with each kiss to a new spot. 
“Of course I remember! I love you and I want you to know it.” 
“I love you too, and I want you to know it.” 
Tony interrupted the moment, 
“Now. Spider.” 
He nodded at you, “Be careful when I’m gone Y/N. You need either one of us just call, we’ll be around. I’ll see you in three days, okay?” 
“Okay. Bye dad. I love you, be safe.” 
Tony looked to Peter for him to follow him out of the room. 
“I love you Petey.” 
“I love you too.” 
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The Spider and The Witch Chapter 1: The Experiment and The Flu
Summary: Peter Parker and Y/N L/N are junior biochem majors at Empire State College.  Peter needs a volunteer for his research project, and a series of events leads Y/N to come down with the flu...or does he?
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Male Reader
Warnings: Language, blood, needles, description of medical procedures
Word Count: 3.6K
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
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“I don’t know how I managed to let you talk me into going to the lab with you this early.”  You stretched your arms out as you yawned, keeping your arm just so to keep your coffee upright.
“Dude.  It’s 10 am,” Peter chuckled.
“These good looks don’t just happen, man.  I need a full nine hours.”
“Maybe if you went to bed before 3 am-” “Now wait a minute.  You’re lecturing me about going to bed early when you used to pull all-nighters slinging webs around Queens?”
“Shut up!” He swatted your arm before you had the chance to pull away.  “At least I was doing something productive with my life, not playing Pokemon-” “Completing the Pokedex is extremely productive.  Now it might not be the same kind of productive as extracting the Spidey mutation from your genome sequence, but categorizing all the Pokemon from the Galar region is an important, time-consuming task.”
Peter rolled his eyes as he rolled down the sidewalk next to you.  You chuckled, taking a sip of your coffee as you shook your head.  This sort of banter was typical of your friendship.  Peter was one of your closest friends and easy to joke with, but you also worked well together.  It didn’t hurt that you were both biochem majors and had the same sort of scientific mind.  Since you met in world civ last fall the two of you had been as thick as thieves.  It didn’t matter that he was three years older than you, a grade above you, or that he used to be Spider-Man.  Finding out that the guy in the Stark tech wheelchair who loved Led Zeppelin and Star Wars was once the friendly neighborhood superhero was not what you expected when you went over to his dorm to hang out for the first time.  Peter was used to people freaking out when they found out and was thrilled when you shrugged it off.  
“So what exactly are we doing today?” you asked.  You had volunteered to help him out with a research project he was working on.  He hadn’t told you much about it, only that it was being funded by Tony Stark and dealt with genome sequencing. 
“Nothing too crazy.  I need to take samples of your blood.  I’ll use those as test subjects against my blood.  That’ll be the control sample.”  He punched in a sequence on the keypad on the arm of his chair.  Tank tracks dropped down from the bottom of the seat as the chair began to climb the stairs to the science building.  
“You know how to take blood?” you asked, holding the door open for him as he wheeled into the building.
“Yeah, well…yeah.  I mean Sam taught me how to start an IV and drawing blood is the same principle, right?  You gotta find the vein.”
“Oh my god I’m gonna die,” you mumbled as you turned down the hall toward the lab Peter worked out of.  It was one of the newest labs on campus.  Tony Stark had donated a sizable amount of money toward the Empire State College science and research division with the provision that all the money go toward funding better facilities for students.  The new building had just opened at the beginning of the semester.  Peter was more than excited to have a space stocked with the latest Stark technology to work on his newest endeavor.  It was more convenient than trying to head upstate to the Avengers Compound a few times a week.
“I won’t let you bleed out on me, man.  Worst comes to worst we’ll just throw some webs on it and send you to New York Pres.”
“Is that supposed to make me feel better about all of this?  Because it’s totally not.”  You hated needles.  You hated doctors.  The thought of someone who was decidedly NOT a medical professional fishing around your elbow for a vein made your stomach flip flop.  Maybe a large coffee wasn’t the best idea for breakfast…
The bright fluorescent lights in the lab snapped on as you opened the door.  They seemed unnecessary as sunlight flooded the windows that took up the entirety of the easternmost wall.  The overhead haze added to the sterile feel of the room: the latest in Stark Technology, ranging from microscopes and test tubes to autoclaves and fabricators, shone brightly against the lights.  It was nerd heaven, stuffed to the brim with everything anyone could ever need for any experiment they could dream of.  You threw your backpack on a lab table adjacent to where Peter was setting up his laptop.  Once you were done helping him out, you figured you’d swing by the library to start cracking on the paper for your art history course.
“So I already took my own samples earlier this week,” he explained. “I’m storing them in the fridge over there.  Mind grabbing them for me?” He motioned with his head to the mini fridge that sat next to the sink.  You walked over to the fridge, seeing a rack of blood vials sitting on the bottom shelf amongst the Petri dishes of spores and sole can of Coke.  “Don’t drop it,” he cautioned as grabbed a ziploc baggie of medical supplies out of his bag.
“Whoop.”  You fake tripped, stumbling around and swinging the tray to and fro aimlessly.  He shot you a somewhat serious glare.  You returned a toothy grin.  
“Dude if you drop that-”
“Relax, Pete.  I’ve got steady hands.”  You placed the tray on the table in front of him with the grace of a swan.  “See?” You raised your hands up defensively.  “Steady hands.  I should be a goddamn surgeon.”
“Ah yes, Dr. Y/N L/N, the surgeon who hates blood.”  He dumped the contents onto the table.  Out fell some rubber gloves, a rubber tourniquet, needles, tubes, alcohol wipes, and cotton balls.  You gulped at the sight of the paraphernalia.  “So why don’t you just sit there and roll up your sleeve so we can do this.”
“Are you sure you can’t just, like, prick my finger?”  Plopping onto the stool you rolled up the sleeve of flannel.  
“Do you want to sit here and fill up these tubes one drop at a time?” Peter asked from the sink.  The tray of tubes, empty ones and ones full of his blood, sat next to him as he washed his hands.
“Good point,” you muttered.  It felt like you were chewing on the flannel from your shirt.
“Just relax, I did it on myself the other day and I turned out just fine.”  There was a slight waver in your friend’s voice as he spoke.  Try as he might to hide it, Peter was nervous, too.  He snapped on the baby blue gloves.  You turned your head away, refusing to look until he was done.  “Can you just make a fist for-good okay, yup, I see the vein.”  The sudden coolness of the alcohol against your skin made you shiver, but you refused to look.  Even as you felt the slight prick of the needle against your skin you kept your eyes firmly shut.  “Told you I wouldn’t let you bleed out,” he chuckled, replacing the now full vial with an empty one.
“How many vials do you need?”  You strained your neck as you tried to look as far away as you could from the scene unfolding in front of you.
“I don’t know, I did six of my own.  That should be enough,” Peter shrugged.  
Six vials of blood?  Why did you even decide to do this in the first place?  You could’ve been back in your dorm in the comfort of your bed, sleeping the morning away, instead of having your blood forcibly removed from your body.  Peter definitely owed you big time.  
He removed the tube from your arm, handing you a cotton ball to stop the bleeding.  “That should be it.  Mind putting those back in the fridge for me?”  
The second your feet hit the floor your knees wobbled.  It was probably psychosomatic, but the sight of all your blood sitting inches outside where it should be made you the slightest bit queasy.  “Yeah, no problem.”  You shook your head quickly.  There was no way you were going to let yourself puke or, even worse, drop the vials and have to do it all over again.  
It took all your effort not to look down at the plastic tray in your hands.  You concentrated all your effort on staring down the refrigerator.  That ultimately meant neglecting your untied shoelace.  Before you realized what was happening you found yourself tripping over your feet.  While you managed to not lose your balance completely, the sudden jolt sent two of the vials crashing to the floor.
“Shit,” you mumbled as you set the tray on the floor.  There were shards of glass and blood splattered across the marble tile.  You quickly glanced over your shoulder, hoping Peter hadn’t seen your mistake.  Much to your relief he was engrossed in his notebook.  That bought you some time to quickly clean up the mess.  You looked around for a roll of paper towels, spotting the roll next to the sink and tearing off a few sheets.  The crimson puddles looked like they’d be easy enough to clean up.  Not thinking too much about it, you knelt down and started blotting at the spill.  A sudden stab caused you to recoil from the ground in pain.  As you examined your hand, you noticed a small scratch on the pad of your thumb.  
“You good?” Peter’s voice broke you away from staring at your hand.
“Yeah.  Dropped one of the vials and cut myself.  I’m good.”
“Was it one of mine or yours?”
“Uhh, mine.”  Truth be told you had no idea if it was yours or his.  There was no way to know which vial was which.  Peter knew.  He probably had it marked down in his laptop or something.  But you remembered that his vials were facing you when you pulled them out of the fridge.  That meant yours were away from you and there was an empty spot there.  Yeah, it’s mine.  “You need me for anything else?”
“Nah, you’re good,” Peter focused intensely on his laptop, typing away as you finished cleaning up your mess and putting the samples away.  “Are we still on for dinner tonight?  Ned’s dying to try out that new Thai place on Watts Street.”
“Yeah, shoot me a text.  I’m headed to the library for a bit.”  You slung your backpack over your shoulder as you headed for the door.  “See you.”
“Thanks again, Y/N.”
You spent the rest of the day in the library researching and typing and revising your paper.  The minutes ticked by as you lost yourself in the endless barrage of Western paintings you thought looked all too similar.  Yet as the day passed you found yourself feeling strange.  At first you thought you had been studying too long.  The words on your laptop screen seemed fuzzy and you found yourself re-reading the same paragraph on Donatello about a dozen times before anything seemed to click.  Then the library seemed to drop ten degrees before abruptly shooting up another twenty.  Sweat on the back of your neck ran down your shirt and chilled you as fast as it cooled you off.  The lights were suddenly too bright and even the silence was too loud.  
Shit, you thought to yourself as your felt heat radiating off your forehead.  It was probably the flu.  It had been making the rounds through campus for the better part of a month, so you weren’t completely surprised.  Closing your laptop and shoving your books in your bag, you texted Peter as you left the library:
Got the flu.  You and Ned go without me.  I’m gonna go to bed.
The walk back to your apartment wasn’t long, but it was a near-impossible task in your ever-worsening condition.  Every step felt like you were trudging through molasses.  Your legs were as heavy as cement and you prayed you wouldn’t trip because you weren’t sure you’d be able to get up again.  Tears clouded your vision.  Rubbing your eyes didn’t help.  The only thing on your mind was downing half a bottle of Nyquil and passing out as soon as you got back to your room.  
Much to your relief you walked into an empty apartment.  Peter and Ned must’ve already left for dinner.  You kicked your shoes off and dropped your bag at the front door.  There was no doubt in your mind that this was the flu: you felt like absolute garbage as you shuffled to your bedroom.  As you flopped on the bed, clothes and all, your body felt like it was made of lead.  Bone-crushing fatigue consumed you as you shivered on top of your bedspread.  You prayed that you’d be able to get a little bit of sleep to help dull the pain.
When you woke the following morning, you were surprised to find that you didn’t feel sick at all.  In fact, you felt better than you had in a long time.  There wasn’t any evidence that you felt so poorly only a few hours ago.  You swung your legs around to the side of the bed and stared at the floor as you thought about what you were going to do all day, but when you tried to stand up something was off.  As you stretched your arms above your head, you felt something engulf you: it was your blanket.  It was stuck to your hands.  
Did I spill Nyquil on my hands? you wondered as you tugged at the fuzzy fabric.  No, I didn’t take any Nyquil last night.
It took a considerable amount of effort to tear just one of your hands away only for it to stick on the wall as you balanced against it for support.  Paint flaked away as you ripped your hand away.  At that point you weren’t sure if you were still asleep or not.  Squeezing your eyes shut, you reopened them to find flakes of drywall still attached to your fingers.  What the hell?  You shook your hands, trying to free yourself of the debris, but as you flicked your wrist downward, you heard a loud thwack.  The sticky white residue covered Marty McFly’s face on the Back to the Future poster that hung next to your bed.  That same white residue balled up on the inside of your wrist.  When you tried to pull it off, a long spindly web came with it.
Oh fuck.
The implications of what just happened were huge to say the least.  The vial you broke yesterday wasn’t yours: it was Peter’s.  His blood contaminated yours when you cut yourself and now you had…spidey powers?  It couldn’t be.  This all had to be some sort of nightmare.  You were just a normal guy trying to make it through college relatively unscathed.  Sure, your roommate was an Avenger and that was a little weird, but other than that your experience was pretty normal.  You had no interest in having superpowers or saving the world whatsoever.  
“Everything okay in there, man?” Peter asked as he rapped on your door.  It momentarily snapped you out of your panic.
“Uhh yeah, yeah.  I’m good,” you hollered through the door, still looking at the web in your hand.  
“You sure?”
“Yeah.  I’m okay.  Just, uhh, knocked my blankets off the bed.”  You wiped the web up with a tissue, praying that it wouldn’t stick to your hand, too.  It didn’t, much to your relief.  
“How are you feeling?” he called as you started taking off your clothes from the day before.  A long shower would help you figure out what your next move was.  
“Good.  Great actually.  I feel fine,” you responded, throwing your dirty t-shirt on the ground.  “How was dinner?” “It totally sucked, man.  You didn’t miss much,” Ned’s voice was faint as he yelled from the kitchen.  
“Bummer.  I told you that you should’ve done Indian instead.”
“Well hey if you’re feeling better why don’t we go for lunch?” Your stomach grumbled at the thought, but images of getting stuck to the subway pole loomed in your mind.  “Yeah, sure,” you responded absentmindedly while kicking your pants off and grabbing a clean pair of sweats off your bed.  
Wearing nothing but your boxers, you opened the door fully intending to go straight to the bathroom.  The second Peter and Ned saw you their jaws dropped.
“Dude!” Peter exclaimed. 
“Woah!  Y/N, when did you get ripped?” Ned asked.  You were thoroughly confused.  None of your hobbies included going to the gym or working out.  What were they talking about?  The lights came on in the bathroom and as your eyes adjusted to the brightness you were shocked.  It was like someone took a  chisel to your body overnight.  There were muscles in places you didn't know there could be muscles.  The reflection in the mirror showed you defined pecs, swollen biceps, and the faintest outline of a six pack.
“What the hell?” you mumbled in disbelief.  Your fingers traced over your chest, taking in the new body you’d inadvertently fallen into.  It was a surreal experience seeing an unfamiliar body in the mirror.  It was almost like you were watching someone else live your life while you watched from outside yourself.
“Are you sure you’re alright, Y/N?” Peter asked as he wheeled himself in front of the bathroom door.
“Yeah.  I’ve just got spidey powers now.”  It didn’t even feel like you were the one saying those words.  Haze clouded your periphery, forcing you to focus on the newness of your body.  It was an out-of-body experience in every way.  There was no way to really process the profundity of the situation.  
“You WHAT?”
Time stopped.  Everything stopped.  Peter’s face contorted with dozens of emotions in the blink of an eye.  Glass shattered on the kitchen floor as Ned’s glass slipped out of his hand.  
“Umm, yeah I guess.  I’m starting to think that was your blood that I cleaned up yesterday.”  You half expected Peter to be furious at the truth, but the beaming grin on his face told you otherwise.
“It worked!  Holy shit it WORKED!”  He spun his chair around excitedly, whooping all the while.  “Mr. Stark, oh man, he’s gonna be so excited!  He’ll want to meet you.  Man, now he doesn’t even need to look for someone to be the next Spider-Man because…oh this is great, I can teach you everything!  That way you’ll be WAY ahead of where he thinks you should be and he’ll let you onto the team fas-”
“The next Spider-Man?”
“I mean yeah, Mr. Stark will definitely want to talk to you about it,” Peter replied.
“Dude, I’d kill to be Spider-Man!” Ned added, sweeping up what remained of his glass.
“No way, absolutely not,” you groused as you stormed out of the bathroom.  “No offense, Pete, but I don’t want to be an Avenger.”
“You don’t have to make a decision now.  I don’t even know if he’ll ask.  I mean he probably will but that doesn’t mean anything.  He might just want you to come in to do, like, more testing or something.”  Peter gingerly walked back his excitement.  The prospect of training the next Spider-Man brought a sense of optimism back into his life that had long been forgotten.  Losing his identity as the local neighborhood web slinger stripped away a core part of his identity: Peter Parker and Spider-Man were one in the same.  Sure, he still used his powers and webs when he could, but it wasn’t the same.  Tony had offered to make him an exosuit after the accident, but he knew that he couldn’t do it anymore.  One close brush with death was more than enough for him.
“Look,” you sighed, “I’m not you.  I don’t want to go out and swing through Manhattan and stop burglars or fight weird lizard things.  I just want to be a normal guy doing normal guy things with my normal guy friends if I can even call the two of you normal.”  Peter chuckled half-heartedly.
“Wait, can you stick to the ceiling?” Ned suddenly asked.  You sighed again, shaking your head as you extended your arm up and jumped: you stuck.  “Woah!  That’s sweet!”
“Yeah, it is kinda cool I guess,” you chuckled as you watched your fingertips completely suspend your dead weight from the ceiling.  Getting used to your new body was a curious sensation.  Everything felt sharper.  Colors were brighter and bolder.  You saw incredibly small movements even from the corners of your eye.  Your body felt stronger and faster and more agile.  It was strange, spending your entire life as a regular human being and then waking up one day twenty years later with these weird spidery feelings tingling inside you.  
“Do you want one of my web shooters?” Peter asked as you dropped down.
“Web shooters?”
“Yeah,” Peter replied questioningly as he raised an eyebrow.  “You don’t think I can actually make webs, do you?”
You responded by mimicking the hand gesture Peter frequently showed you, flicking your wrist downward as a raveled strand of webs flew out of your wrist.  Peter ducked his head out of the way in the knick of time while Ned’s jaw dropped in amazement.  
“Didn’t see that coming, did you?”
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jedinerd27 · 1 year
The Devil-Spider Is in the Code Part 1/?
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Miguel O’Hara X Fem! Spidey! Reader
You are the one and only Arachne, the newest hero of Hell's kitchen. Well, in you're dimension anyway.
In your Free time, you're a hacker, trying to bring down companies like Alchemax, Oscorp, and Stark Industries. Exposing them of corruption and their inhumane experiments.
You've recently have been recruited to the Spider-Society. Now surrounded by echos of your dead brother and other unique faces, You are gaining new tricks every day.
Yet, the only annoyance is Miguel O'Hara. The grumpy man doesn't seem to like you, and you have no idea as to why. You're doing your best to catch Anomalies and protect the Multi-Verse. So what if there are no Variants of yourself?
Multiple parts
Word Count:2,151
Cross posted on my AO3
Comment if you want to be Added to Taglist
 Alright. Let’s get this out of the way.
Inter-dimensional Travel was something you’re older brother had theorized. He would explain it to you in long drawn-out personal lectures. Too bad you never understood it and would play Minecraft on your Phone when he would start, never noticing how your eyes would become glassy, staring at your screen.
He was the science geek. He spoke out against Alchemax and Oscorp so many times. Leading him to be flagged and blocked from multiple positions at other smaller companies. All he was doing was advocating for more humane experiments, no careless dumping of hazardous waste, and the black market deals the companies were making.
He was the true hero.             You were just his gal in the chair, his personal hacker. Getting him the information he needed to give to lawyers and news outlets. Showing the world what corrupt experiments were going on. Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson became the biggest legal defense you and Peter had. It was just a bonus that Matt taught you both how to defend yourselves, and was the legal Guardian after Aunt May and Uncle Ben’s death.
That was the case until the accident. Oscorp released a small little critter into your shared apartment one night. Hoping the little spider would spin its little web down onto your brother, poisoning him with the genetically modified venom.
The Spider bit you instead. And the enhanced venom? Sure it gave you a seizure, and you were driven to the hospital as your brother panicked. But it didn’t kill you.
That’s when the head of Oscorp decided a hitman was the solution.
It happened a few days after your release from the hospital The only family you had left. Taken from the world by the very people he spoke out against.
The rain started the same time your tears hit the ground.
“Peter, please, don’t sleep” You cry out clutching him to you. Thunder clapping all around you as the gunman runs down the alley. You think you heard Foggy yelling after Matt, before calling 911. “Please, Pete. Don’t Die! Don’t die!”
Matt’s footfalls as he ran down the alley, perusing the man.
“It’s okay bug, It’s going to be fine lil’bug” He mumbled out with a smile. And then he shut his eyes.
The cry you let you shattered you. A dark abyss opened up inside of you, fury inside you was born.
 As Foggy tried to pull you away from his body, and the Red and blue flashing lights approached, you saw nothing but red down the alley. When Matt returned with bloody knuckles and a black eye. The cops didn’t question him.
You took on your brother’s unfinished work, but with the addition of your new found powers. Anger fueled you for a long time, until you came to the realization, your brother was never angry with the world, He was disappointed. He wanted it to be a better place. Safer.
You had to continue fighting for what he wanted. You had to become his legacy.
No matter how hard you got hit, you hit harder. If you were going to go down, you weren’t going alone. You are not going to stop, not until Ospcorp, Alchemax, Stark industries, and others are held responsible.
Thank God that Matt continued to take care of you. He helped you grow into the powers.  
One Day your ginger Guardian took you up to the apartment building rooftop.
“Why do I need this on?” You pointed to the blindfold he had put on you. Technically it was your winter scarf, but it was tied around your head.
“For this!” Matt said somewhere on the rooftop.
Pins and needles ran up you back and you ducked.
THWACK! The sound of rubber hitting brick rang out. A tennis ball hits the Roof entrance in front of you.
“What the hell Matt?”
            KAWCHUNK!! KAWCHUNK!!
            TH same sensation ran up you on your left, and then your right, taking a step back you miss the next KAWCHUNK!! That was in front of you.
            A tennis ball thwacks you in the stomach.
            “Kid, you’ve got this sense,” Mat speaks as another Tennis ball is fired Causing you to bend your back, falling to your knees in a quick motion. “And I’m testing it out.”
            The prickles form in the back of your head. Sliding to the Right, a woosh of the tennis ball goes whirling past.
            “SO you thought getting hitting me with Tennis balls is okay?”
            “You’re dodging most of them” One hits you in the rib. “That doesn’t sound good.”
            “How are you doing this?”
            “The same way you’re dodging the chew toys”
            There is a click of a button. The whirling of 5 machines catches your ear, You’re whole body gets that sensation. You leap up as all of them fire. All five tennis balls hit each other in unison.
            “I taught you how to throw a punch, the least I can do is make sure you know how to dodge.” He smirks but you only look at the Red lensed glasses. The same shade that was on his knuckles that rainy night
            He Gave you batons and old pieces of armor. Vanbraces and shoulder pads, Greaves that went over the combat boots you always wore.
            He offered a helmet as well.
            “That’s never going to fit me.”
            “Would you prefer a bike helmet?”
             “I’d prefer it if I can make my own adjustments and touches.”
In the end, a red hoodie covered in various light armor bits and pocket pouches. You took your inspiration of the spider and your old sewing machine and ran with it.
            Blue LED Wires were sewn into the hood under black thread. The vanbraces got integrated with tech. Project a holographic Computer, stolen from Alchemax, easy for you to hack things without needing a physical computer. You had rewritten the software and the code, making it unique and unable to be tracked.
            “What are you going to call yourself?” Matt asks, fingers tracing over the hoodie, your handy work made a small smile appear on his face. This was him beaming with Pride.
            “Arachne” You didn’t even think about it. “I will be Arachne.”
Then you met the others. The Spider society.
Well, not all of them at first.
You just got out of college, graduating top of your Computer Engineer and Computer Science class. No job yet though Especially after it was revealed that you were the sister of the Annoyance that was once Peter Parker.
You going to blackmail us?
Thanks, but no thanks, we don’t need out dirty laundry to be aired out
Sure, they were right though. You were going to leak all their secrets out. Their software was used to spy on people in their homes, breaking their contract that had mentioned they would not do that. It helped that your guardian made sure you also got a minor in pre-law.
For the past 7 years, you were the one and only Arachne. The Crime Fighting vigilante, new to the scene, but taking over when Matt finally agreed it was time to hang up his horns.
The patrol was pretty quite that night, until that glitching Lizard started rampaging down the street.
“what the?” This definitely was not Dr. Cadence Conners. “Hey, Lizard Fella, DROP THE TRASHCAN!”
Landing on a light post, above the scaly humanoid, he stared up at you.
“Glowy Spidey?” His eyes slitted, as his long tongue licked his snout.
“Uh… kinda. Listen buddy why don’t-“
He threw the trash can at you. Causing you to let go of the lamppost.
“Okay, want to play dirty, let us play dirty.” Landing on the street, lucky no civilians around, you pulled out your batons and clicked the safety button. Electricity sprang alive to the metal and you charged.
Claws swiped left and light. Dodging and weaving, you manage to land a blow in the center of his chest.
ZAAP! And down he went. With a loud THUD and the whole ground around you shook.
“All in the days work” You chucked before you pulled out a hologram to call the authorities. That was until… he glitched. Green turning to purple, shapes surrounding him. Then he was back to normal. “The hell is going on in hell’s kitchen?”
“Oh, that’s where we are. I knew I was right, Ghostie!” A voice called from above you… and your froze.
No, no. It can’t be. That can’t be, but it sounds exactly like-
“Peter?” Your do a 180, staring up at the other lamp post.
There was a man squatting on top of another lamppost, just like how you do. The proper pouncing stance.
He stood in a skin-tight suit, the webbing of the suit was close to yours, and the same shade of red, with a pink bath robe on top with.. a baby Bjorn?
A slender woman was holding on to the post of it, leaning forward. Also in a skin tight suit. White with pink and black accents. Converse shoes on. Her hood was similar to yours, without the glowing blue LED.
“Uh, I take it you know me.. I mean my voice?” He swings down with a.. web-shooter. What?
He pulls of his mask and.
“I buried you.” Comes tumbling out. You pull him in for a bear hug. “How? How are you alive? And… why do you look so much older?”
He did, more wrinkles, and streaks of fading brown hair. He was… off. He wasn’t the same Peter.
“Oh… here’s the thing.” His face drops. And he pulls away. “I’m not your Peter. I’m from another Dimension. I’m a variant of…what was your peter to you?”
The woman swing down next to him, and delightful glee echos out. A baby was clutching not her shoulders. A toddler.
“Woah, hey mayday why don’t” Peter was cut off as the baby swung over and promptly sat herself down into the bjorn.
The woman took her mask off and…
“Oh, she knows both of us..” Peter sighed.
“When did you get an eyebrow piercing!” Your brother’s best friend from high school left town shortly after the funeral. She.. she looked younger. And her hair was slightly pink. “Wait… another dimension? No.. but..” As you fumble over the right words. They stare at you.
“You” pointing to Peter. “You’re not my brother.”
“Brother?” They both asked as the child giggled out and the swung over to you. Mayday.
“Mayday? After Aunt May?” Your eyes widen. This can’t be real. Your brother was dead, you didn’t have Gwen’s contact info, and you knew she would never get an eyebrow piercing. Hell, a second lobe was a BIG if for her. “Different dimensions? Is this… is this about this multiverse theory?”
            “It is Kid. “
“You… My brother talked about it a lot. He was into theoretical science, physics. He wanted to do that.”
“I’m sorry you lost him” Gwen speaks.
Staring down at the little girl in your arms, your eyes start to water.
Her joyful face drops and then she puts her tiny arms around your neck. A gentle squeeze.
Your brother deserved this life to have a kid, but never got it. Why not? This Peter got it.
“Why are you here.” You say as you gently hug the girl closer.
“For lizard over there.”
“A different version of Cadence Connors?”
“Yep.” Peter said. “We’re a part of a group of other People like us.”
“Spiders” Gwen simply explained taking a closer step. “But you’re gear…”
“I’m Arachne.” Extending a hand she shook it. “Daredevil taught me. He just retired.”
“Matt Murdock?” Peter’s Raises an eyebrow. Familiarity Rang aloud.
“Wait, Murderdock?” Gwen is taken aback at that. Fear raising her voice
“Wait, what? No, Matt doesn’t Kill. I don’t kill” You let go as the girl swings up to the lamppost above. “Sure, we hurt… and sometimes it’s a hospital visit for the other, but we don’t kill.”
“Woah, calm down the broth fo you” Better extend his hands as he tried to catch his daughter. ‘This is just another example of how the multiverse works.”
“And this multiverse has holes in it? Letting random rouges just fall through.”
“Essentially yes, and we” pointing to him and Gwen as Mayday was hanging of his bicep. “Are a part of a group that helps the ones that fall through back to their reality. Unfortunately, they don’t come willingly.”
You stare down at the Lizard.
“How many do you have? Currently, in this group?”
“Uh, twenty. Why?”
“How many multiverses are there?”
“Uh well one. If you mean dimensions… billions. Maybe Infinite.”
A smirk crosses your lips as you clicked your batons. Folding into one another they became the size of two pens. Putting the back in a pouch you smile up at the three newcomers.
“Need an extra Spider?”
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bitchyycapricorn · 1 year
Almost There
Peter Parker x Ghost!Reader
Chapter One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven
Series Masterlist
Wordcount: 1.9k
Synopsis: Peter enters his apartment that night expecting to find an empty bed. But instead, he comes face to face with your transparent glowing figure.
Warnings: ANGST!!!, fluff, sexual tension, cheating, mentions of death and dead bodies, mention of stab wounds, blood, mentions of nearly dying
AN: sorry this took so long to get out! I promise more coming soon! Not edited.
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“What did he do to you?”
The words fall from his mouth and a dead silence settles in the room. It takes a minute for your body to start moving towards his. He’s still looking down at the picture when you stop behind him, placing your hand on his shoulder as you look at it too. It’s been eight years since you saw the picture, you couldn’t remember what the image contained, not until now. Your eyes skim over the face of the man in the photo, he was older, probably early fifties if you had to guess. He was a stark contrast to the children behind him, thrown in a corner with their arms and legs tied. They were blindfolded and gagged, the sight makes your stomach drop. All the memories suddenly come flooding back to you at once.
You let out a stifled cry as your hand slaps over your mouth. “It fell out of his pocket in the elevator. He-he stepped off before me and so I grabbed the picture. It scared me so much I hid it in my secret hiding place…” you began to choke on your words, tears streaming down your face. “I saw him again, in the elevator the next day. He asked me where the picture was, I lied and said I didn’t know. I was young and couldn’t lie, so he took me. Took me all the way down…”
Peter looks up at you, his eyebrows furrowing. Standing up slowly, picture still in hand he slowly replies “you mean, the basement of the apartments?”
You nod as your eyes well up with more tears. “Yes, the basement. It was cold and damp down there, he-he,” you let out another strangled cry before continuing, “he did horrible things to us.” Your body begins to shake as you sob in Peters arms. His arms tighten around you, holding your shaking figure as you cry into his chest.
“I’ve got you now, you’re safe I promise. He isn’t going to hurt you ever again.” He soothes into your ear. He slowly runs his hand up and down your upper back, giving the top of your head an occasional kiss as he continues to whisper sweet things into your hair.
“My body is still down there Peter,” you whisper, another sob racking through your body. “We’re all down there.”
He nods, letting out a shaky breath. “We can go get you,” he says slowly pulling away from your body. “Do you want me to find you?”
Your eyes well up with a fresh set of tears as you nod, “I can be buried, and maybe then I can rest.”
Peter nods, giving you a warm smile. He wants to be happy for you, he wants you to finally be at peace. Yet, the thought of you no longer being around causes his heart to twist and ache. He doesn’t want to let you go, he wants you to stay here with him, he wants you to be his. “Let’s get dressed then.” His mind shoots back to MJ, how he was about to sleep with you despite being with her. “Oh, and I’m really sorry about this it was a heat of the moment thing and, you know I like MJ and all.” He says, grabbing his shirt and pants off the floor.
“Oh yeah, of course,” you say, giving him a sad smile. “MJ, I uh, would hate to ruin that. Which um reminds me, the kiss it didn’t mean anything either. Was just curious, that’s all.” You lie.
Peter can feel his heart shatter, of course the kiss didn’t mean anything. “Right, of course.” He finishes getting dressed, looking over at you, who’s now dressed as well.
“The new elevator doesn’t go down to the basement, we have to take the old one.”
Peter scan the boarded up elevator, you stand next to him in your human form. “We have to take the boards off, then I can swing us down.”
You look over to Peter in his Spider-Man costume, he said it made him feel better to be suited up in case anything went wrong. Rather than helping him break off the boards, you watch as his muscles flex under the fabric, taking in every inch of him. Reminding you of the first night you met, and how you so desperately wished things would go back to the way they were.
“Ready?” His voice broke you from your thoughts.
You nod, allowing his arms to wrap around you. “I’ve been ready for the last eight years,” you whisper, watching as he shoots his web to the top of the elevator before you both start to descend downwards.
It was extremely dark on the way down and the air was damp and cold. Memories began to flood your mind, thoughts of everything that happened to you all those years ago. You cuddle closer to Peter, keeping your eyes trained on the wreckage of the elevator below you. Peter’s feet hit the top of the elevator and he helped to lower you down as well. “If anything goes wrong you turn straight back into a ghost do you understand?”
“What about you? What will you do?” You ask, watching as he pulls up the hatch on the top of the elevator.
“Don’t worry about me okay? Just, just focus on saving yourself if anything goes wrong.” He repeats, easing himself down into the remains of the elevator. “Come on, I can see the entrance to the hall.” He holds his arms open for you to jump into them. You nod, jumping down into his embrace. He catches you easily before setting you down and leading you both into the dark hallway.
“I’m surprised the lights still work.” You say furrowing your eyebrows. “They have to be on their last life.”
Peter nods, gripping your hand tightly. “I’m hoping they’re old lights. Otherwise someone’s been down here recently.” He whispers back, sliding off his mask.
Your eyes scan the hallways, looking for anything you might recognize. “That door, to the right.” You whisper, a sudden chill running down your back. “I’m…I’m behind that door. I can feel it.”
“Y/N,” Peter says stopping you both, “I need to make sure you really want to do this. I-I,”
“Peter, are you scared too?” You cut in.
He looks down at you with sad eyes before nodding. “I don’t know what’s back there for sure. I just know that you’ll be back there, and even though I know you’re dead you don’t seem dead. I-I’m scared to see you hurt. I’m scared to loose you…”
You turn to face Peter, raising your hand to gently touch his face. “I’ll be right here Peter, I promise I won’t go anywhere if you don’t want me to.
He shakes his head, leaning into your touch. “I can’t ask you to do that. I can’t let you stay for me, no matter what my feelings are for you.”
You furrow your brows, stepping closer to him as you keep your hand firmly pressed to his cheek. “What do you feel for me Peter?” You whisper.
His gaze meets your soft one, a feeling of emotions slowly begins to bubble up inside him. “I wish she was you.” He confesses, his eyes scanning your face for any emotion. “I want you,” he continues, “I want you all to myself forever. I never want to let you go. If I had any say in your fate you would leave here with me. I’d take you back to my room and you’d be mine. No more staying at Ned’s, no, you’d be mine.”
A smile spreads across your lips as your hand slowly moves behind his head, your fingers tangling in his curls. You pull him towards you, your lips pressing against his feverishly. For a moment everything stands still. The world around you seems to disappear as you press yourself into Peter’s lips, sucking in every second that his lips are pressed against yours. You lean back slowly, a string of saliva connecting your lips. “I want you Peter. I want you to get rid of her, I want you to pick me instead Peter.” You whisper, leaning into his lips again.
He kisses you roughly, his hands gripping the dip between your waist and hips. He pulls you even closer to him, allowing you both to savor the moment before he’s forced to pull away from you this time. “I want that more than anything, you know I do.” He hesitates before he speaks again, “But I can’t do that to you, you have to move on.”
Silence settles around you both in the dimly lit hallway, the only sound coming from the buz in the lights. “I’ll stay for you,” you say after a moment, “I really will.”
Peter shakes his head, grabbing your hand from behind his head and pressing it to his lips. “Y/N, I can’t make you truly happy. You have to try and move on. I know I said I was scared before and I still am, but I have to let you go. You have to let go.”
Your whole body felt weak under his gaze and in his arms, a feeling of dread settling in your chest. You knew he was right, but that didn’t stop the tears from slowly flowing down your cheeks. “Okay,” you whisper as your gaze shifts over to the door. “I’ll move on.”
You and Peter pull away from one another, facing the door once again. You step in front of him, deciding to lead the way. You hesitantly walk towards the large white metal door, your hand reaching out for the handle. Turning the nob, you let the door swing open. You’re met with a sight that nothing could’ve prepared you for.
The sight of five small skeletons laid in the corner of the room, while the smell of previously rotting corpses still lingered in the air. You let you a gag as your eyes focused on the figure in the middle of the room. The walls felt like they were closing in as you stared at her. Her hair, her skin, her features, they hadn’t changed a single bit in eight years.
“Holy shit,” Peter gasps from behind you. His eyes focusing on a much younger version of you.
“How is this even possible?” You mutter, slowly approaching your frozen body.
Peter followed behind you, his eyes taking in the sight of your pervious form. “The cuts,” he mumbles, “they’re just like yours.”
You nod, hesitating to get any closer. “I didn’t think…”
“I didn’t either,” Peter says as he slowly brushes the arm of your dead body. “You’re so cold,” he mumbles.
“I just don’t understand…” you reach forward, allowing your fingers to connect with your body as well. You feel a tingle in your finger tips, taking a step closer you can feel yourself turning back into a ghost. The closer you step the more sucked into your old body you get. A frown settles onto your lips, you step once more before everything goes black.
You jut forward with a gasp, a sharp pain spreads all across your abdomen. The feeling of hot liquid gushing from your stomach suddenly becomes obvious to your senses which are going haywire.
“Y/N, oh my god Y/N say something.” Peter pleads, trying to find something to stop the bleeding.
“Peter help,” you gasp, as your hands struggle against the ropes binding them to the chairs. “I can’t move, I can’t,” you let out another gasp, your vision was slowly going dark. You could feel as Peter tugged off the ropes, allowing for your hands to go limp at your side.
“Hang on, I’m going to get you out of here.” Peter grunts, picking up your limp body. “Just stay with me, please.”
TAGLIST @nataliewalker93 @sarapaprikas-blog @justkeepitblanc@sickomodesmell @etaerealboy @purplerose291 @witheringawayagain @arij3lly @dandelionqueen @brightlilith @laurens2002 @siriusly1 @shugrcrush @hazzarules @cl0v3r-s0up @jibiwoni @maria-pqrker
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mattalit · 2 years
Peter Parker x Male Reader
A/N: repost from wattpad
Length: 1.6k
Originally Published: Dec 27, 2022
CW: none
On particularly rough days at school, like today, Peter would ask himself if his internship at Stark Industries was worth the hassle. At least Mr. Stark gave me a cool suit, he thought. It was a Friday and he loved his internship--he should be happy!--but after staying up too late on Thursday and suffering through a Chemistry exam, he wanted little more than to be home. Now that school was over, he allowed himself a moment to breath, but only for a moment. Mr. Stark had chosen today of all days to change his routine.
"(M/N)'s working on something new and I want you to help him," Mr. Stark said. "He thinks he can use spider webs to make a strong, lightweight material. The kid's got big plans for it if it's successful. I thought it sounded right up your alley, Spider-boy."
"It's Spider-man," Peter mumbled indignantly.
"I'll take that as a yes," Mr. Stark said. He spoke over his shoulder, already walking away. "He's in the lab on the fourth floor, third door on your right. Good luck."
When Peter arrived at the lab, he didn't bother knocking; his day had been too long to give such courtesy. He walked into the dimly lit room and closed the door behind. The lab glowed a soft blue and electricity hummed softly as white noise. The right wall held a long bookshelf filled with binders, the edged titled with acronyms and numbers Peter didn't understand. A series of photos were tacked to the far wall, but he couldn't see what they were in the light. Under the photos were multiple terrariums. Each terrarium was filled with short vegetation and a large stick. From this distance, they appeared empty, but Peter wasn't convinced they were uninhabited.
"Who are you?" a voice called. Hunched over a table in the middle of the room was a (H/C) man. The light shining down from a haphazardly fixed lamp made him looker old, tired, and sickly, but, if he had to guess, he looked a year or two older than Peter.
"Oh, uh, I'm Peter. Mr. Stark sent me to help?" Peter cursed himself for making it sound like a question, but being assertive had never been his strong suit.
The man looked down at his work. It was obscured from Peter's view. He seemed to be considering something, but as to what, Peter had no idea.
"Hm," he finally said, looking back to Peter. "Okay."
"Okay?" Peter whispered.
He nodded to himself, then spoke again, "Do you mind hitting the light switch?" Peter did as instructed. "Thanks. I'm (M/N), by the way. I don't remember if we've met before."
In the newfound light, Peter was able to see (M/N) clearly. He looked less old, less tired, and less sickly. His hair was messy and a strong shade of (H/C). His face was kind. He's pretty, Peter thought. He wore an over-sized lab coat with the sleeves rolled up, emphasizing his forearms. He wasn't incredibly fit, but that could be expected from the average scientist. The breast pocket of his lab coat had his name embroidered onto it in cursive. Peter was entirely sure that they had, in fact, met once before, but he wasn't entirely sure where. Considering they were both interns at Stark Industries, it was most likely there, but he didn't voice these thoughts.
"What are you working on?" Peter asked.
"Oh, Tony didn't tell you?" Peter cringed at the informal use of Tony. "I'm harvesting spider silk from orb-weavers and turning it into a fiber. I saw some college somewhere did it and thought I'd try as well. With enough time and, well, enough spiders, I think I can make it better than they can." (M/N) swiveled around in his chair, surveying the room quickly. The room was messy, but not embarrassingly so. There were papers and photos scattered in one corner, binders stacked in another, and chairs piled against left wall. "Oh, uh, sorry for the mess. I wasn't exactly... expecting company."
"Mr. Stark didn't tell you I was coming?"
"He doesn't tell me a lot of things. He's too busy. To be honest, I didn't even think he was listening when I was telling him about this." Offhandedly, (M/N) murmured, "I guess he does care."
Peter didn't say anything.
"Well, no use standing around. Come pull up a chair. I'm harvesting some spider silk right now. I hope you're okay with spiders."
Ha, Peter thought, If he only he knew.
The first week that Peter and (M/N) worked together past smoothly. Peter was mostly tasked with feeding the spiders and organizational work, but he couldn't complain. (M/N) usually worked in silence, but he would ask him the occasional question about his personal life to pass time. Where do you live? What do you like to do? Do you have a girlfriend? Eventually, (M/N) began giving Peter more and more responsibility.
"Peter, come over here," (M/N) commanded. He was stationed on the middle desk as per usual. He held a strange square of some kind of fiber. "This," he motioned to the fiber in his hand, "is our first successful cloth of spider silk fiber. Here, touch it."
Peter accepted the cloth. "Woah! This is surprisingly soft."
(M/N) gazed at Peter, his eyes slightly lidded. He had bags under his eyes, but that was nothing new. Peter looked back to (M/N) and they made eye contact. Peter couldn't read what laid behind the man's eyes, but it seemed... soft. After a few moments, (M/N) offered a half-grin and said, "We make a great team."
Eventually, Peter and (M/N) created a routine. On the days when (M/N) didn't work, Peter would come in and feed his spiders. They were golden silk orb-weavers, all of which (M/N) had named.
"You better be extra nice to this one," he had said on Peter's first day. He was pointing to a particularly large black and yellow spider in a terrarium.  "Her name is Eight Ball and she is my favorite." He pointed to a terrarium next to it. "This is Ocho and Yossi," and the next terrarium, "the Addams' family," and the next, "Wanda and Cosmo," and the next, "and these are the egg sacks I have. They haven't hatched so I haven't named them. I am taking name suggestions, if you were wondering."
But on this particular day, Peter's third week of spider duty, Eight Ball was unnervingly still. (M/N) had given Peter his phone number "for emergencies and funny pictures," as he explained it. "Don't call unless someone is dying," (M/N) had added as well. Peter presumed it was a joke, but... Eight Ball seemed off, and Peter didn't want to risk (M/N)'s wrath to find a dead spider. And so, he pulled out his phone and typed in his phone number: xxx-xxx-xxxx.
It rang once, then twice, then thrice, and went to voicemail. Oh no. Peter just hung up.
A moment later, Peter's phone rang. (M/N) was listed as the caller. Oh thank God.
"Hello?" Peter asked.
"Hey, what's up? Why'd you call?"
"Uh, I didn't want to bother you, but, uh, one of the spiders is, uh, looking a little, uh... sick."
"Did you forget to feed them?" (M/N) accused. His voice sounded calm yet angry.
"What?" Peter felt panic. "No, of course I fed them, I--"
"Ahh, I'm just kidding." Laughter came from the other end of the phone. "I'll be there in a few minutes. Spider's don't last forever, y'know? I hope you brought clothes for the funeral."
True to his word, (M/N) arrived a few minutes later.
"Sorry I'm late," he said as he walked into the lab. He was dressed in an all black suit. In one hand, he held a coffee, and in his other hand he held a bouquet of roses. "I, uhh, had some... plans... but they fell through."
Peter just stared at (M/N). "What's with the suit?"
"Wow, a man can't even dress up for a funeral without being questioned."
"Oh, I, uh, didn't mean it like that."
(M/N) didn't acknowledge him. "I had a date, but they, uh, they didn't show up. Now I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go."
"I'm sorry."
"Ah, it's whatever. I didn't really like him anyways." Him, Peter noted. "Besides, what's a better day to get dumped than the death of a loved one?" (M/N) joked. He offered Peter a half-grin. "Now, which one of my dear babies is it?"
As (M/N) walked over to Peter by the terrariums, Peter pointed towards Eight Ball's cage. (M/N) squatted down and gestured for Peter to come next to him. "Hmm..." (M/N) leaned to the right, then to the left, then back to the right. His shoulder grazed against Peter's. "She's probably fine. A little death never hurt no one."
Peter offered a light chuckle then looked over to (M/N). He's kind of pretty. Maybe it's the suit. He returned his gaze to Eight Ball.
"So don't worry, you didn't kill her, but she is dead," (M/N) rambled on. He stood up, saying something about the short lifespan of spiders. "I loved her, but really, man, don't worry about it. You've been doing really well these last few weeks. Spiders are bound to die, just like us one day. It was her time. Those eggs are bound to hatch soon. Then I can have Eight Ball the Second. But that's all tomorrow's problem." (M/N) paused for a moment. Peter looked up at him then stood. "Today's problem, uh, if you're up to it..."
"Yeah...?" Peter inquired.
"Uh, well," (M/N) blushed, "if you're up to it, I'm all dressed up with no where to go, and if I had to guess, your boss--that's me, by the way--wouldn't mind giving you the rest of the day off... I mean, after this incredibly  traumatic death of a loved one, our dearest Eight Ball, a day off is the least I could do..." (M/N) took a deep breath. "What I'm trying to say is that... do you want to go out and get some food? Uh, today?"
Peter didn't fight the rosiness from spreading on his cheek. He offered a soft smile. "Sure, I'd love to."
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victoria-rue · 1 year
victoria-rue's Recommendation Masterlist
I was tired of play hide 'n seek with old stories in my likes. So I'm just going to leave them here so I can find them better and so other people can find them easier too ♥︎
Recommendation Masterlist part 1, part 2, part 3, & part 4
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Stranger Things
Eddie Munson
Beth by @farfromharry
Eddie’s trying to navigate adulthood after a baby is dropped on him from a prior hookup. He tries his best for the baby girl and does well, things are made even easier with the help of his friends around him. When he meets you his life flips again, and although it takes a while to admit your feelings, he eventually ends up with a family he never expected he would have.
june baby by @luveline
you're a single mom living three trailers down. eddie thinks you're the prettiest girl he's ever seen. queue smiley face oatmeal, grossly misused power tools, desserts on the living room floor, a haircut, and an abundance of nerd metaphors
the pain of letting you go by @strangermarvelss
you've separated from your husband, eddie, but aren't looking to rebound anytime soon. but he is
Penny 'Verse by @queenimmadolla
having found a family in your friends, Hawkins is no longer a sinkhole to you, so when you and Eddie discover you’re expecting, letting all your other plans go in favor of starting a family isn’t all that difficult.
Billy Hargrove
18 by @perpetuelledaydreaming
Billy Hargrove needs a Queen and you need someone to help you get out of the hellhole that you are currently in as you move to Hawkins. It should be an easy and obvious solution, right?
the hurt is good by @bookshelf-dust
Good Neighbors (Steddie X Reader) (Book One) by @justmeinadaze
You move into a new apartment complex with you six year old son while going through a divorce. You meet your sexy neighbors Steve and Eddie who are adorable with your kiddo and both care a lot about you.
We're A Family (Book Two) by @justmeinadaze
Steve, Eddie, reader, and her son are now all under one roof taking things one day at a time with their taboo little family.
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Steve Rogers
the send-off by @earth616variant
Being his best friend and assistant, Howard Stark asked you to be the first one to be tested on his time machine project. After some unexpected errors, you ended up stuck in the modern times of the 21st century. Where you meet the man you thought died years ago: Steve Rogers.
Peter Parker
Infinitely You by @spider-stark
In every universe you are the one person Peter Parker will always love more than anything; unfortunately, he always realizes it too late. Now that they've been granted a second chance none of them are willing to miss out on finally making things right.
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Kenough for you by @frost-queen
This Isn't Barbie Land by @guppydoll
You are working away as a waitress at a night club when the oddest man came up to you after your shift and accidentally swept you off your feet. Yet you don't know if you are ready for another relationship after the disaster that was your last one. You just hope everything goes nice and easy. Ken is your doll and he wants you to teach him how to be human and help you through the pain you've been feeling. 
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Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy
Pure-Blood Potter by @fanfics4all
Are You With Me? by @sourstilinski
Y/N is a Slytherin muggle born. She’s used to her house ostracizing her due to her blood status and her friendship with the Golden Trio, especially Draco Malfoy. But during their fifth year, they discover they might need each other more than they think
Bill Weasley
long hair & tattoos by @wisteria-blooms
You, (Y/N) Malfoy, despise your family’s views on blood purity. Unlike your little brother Draco, you won’t be roped into marrying for status. However, when your father, Lucius, puts down an ultimatum, you’re forced to find a lover for next week’s dinner. With his long hair, tattoos, piercings, and your father’s worst nightmare reincarnated in a man, who better to bring than a much older Bill Weasley? What should’ve been one night of deceit turns to a battle of charades and wits. Just who will crumble first: your family, Bill, or you?
James Potter
𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵, 𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘥 by @astonishment
James plans on proposing to Lily. Trying to calm his nerves, he goes for a walk in the woods, then somehow finds himself in the land of the dead, engaged to Y/N, the corpse bride. With his friends and girlfriend looking for him, can James make it back to the land of the living? Does he even want to?
Regulus Black
Manipulating Death: Season One by @morganalatina21
When Harry discovers he has a twin sister that was hiding for years, he wants to know all about her, specially about her ability to bring people back to life.
Second Son by @cherryslyce
Forbidden from contacting Harry over the summer, you opt to explore the eerie halls of Grimmauld Place where you stumble upon a lonely portrait of the House's second son.
Tom Riddle
Challenging fate by @lovebeinaprincessworld
There were a lot of unexpected things happening the day of the Battle of Hogwarts. Being send back into the past to change the course of history was definitely one of them.
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Young Sheldon / The Big Bang Theory
Georgie Cooper
Texas Romance by @countrymusiclover
Y/n is Missy's high school friend, even though the Cooper girl is only in elementary school. She spends a lot of time at the Cooper house and learns what living with Sheldon was like. Through her years of high school, she realized that she's crushing on the eldest football playing brother Georgie. He's reckless and does things his mom doesn't approve of so Y/n questions herself of how she is falling for him. The two have to figure out if they can actually be a couple or not and deal with Missy's teasing.
The Texas Tire Family by @countrymusiclover
10 years after George Sr passed away Georgie and Y/n have to adjust to being the adults of the family. But when Sheldon reunites with the pair he needs them to come to his wedding, except Georgie tells him no. Dealing with two ten year olds and a secret they never expected to hear Sheldon was getting married.
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Jake Sully
Si fpom by @fluloa
You're dead to me by @chaethewriter
In which Jake Sully leaves his life on earth to settle down with the Omatikaya people as Toruk Makto. Having a family that consists of four kids with Neytiri, everything seems to work out just fine, but what if the past comes back for him? And his babygirl is right there in front of him?
folklore masterlist ✩ jake sully by @theseuscmander
widowed jake sully tries his hardest to heal from the loss of neytiri and you’re there to pick up the pieces and mend him back together, even if neither of you wanted to or realized.
Hoodie by @midnightsapphire
you thought jake was the one, now you’re grasping straws at what was.. and what could have been
I See You by @heirtothekingdom (now only on Ao3)
You observe the mighty warrior, the famed Toruk Makto, struggling to adjust to his new life in the Metkayina clan. The gentle whisperings of Eywa push you past your comfort to reach out a helping hand, to ease Jake Sully in the only way you can.
Tsu'tey te Rongloa Ateyo'itan
i want to see mama too by @dreamingofpandora
seven years ago, you had died alongside grace while trying to protect pandora. a few months after your death it was discovered that you were pregnant; leaving tsu'tey to raise your son vu'ran without you. but, things start to get strange when vu'ran is certain he saw you move.
Miles Quaritch
Ma Miles by @mechformers
When your son is taken, left behind by your Toruk Makto, you desperately go on the hunt for your boy. Knowing who took him, knowing that nothing good awaits him, you search high and low through the battlefield of Pandora, praying that Eywa will guide your way.
What Do I Tell My Friends Family by @plzfeedmebread
No More Than a Memory by @chaoticlicense
Miles isn't the same man as his human counterpart. The mistakes of the past are not his own. Neither are the feelings he has for a woman he's never met but remembers as though he has. In another life, you were everything to him. His light, his life, the one who brought a little joy to his dreary world. But you made your choice just as he made his. You both know that neither of you can change the past but maybe, just maybe, you can forge a new future…
Avatar: The New Mission by @milknhonies
After failing his mission to hunt down Jake Sully, Miles Quaritch is given a new mission. Let’s just say you’re not the most co-operative na’vi native and Quaritch loves to put you in your place.
Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan
ONE OF US by @forever--darling
neteyam sully was the next olo'eyktan and for years had been focused on his training and his responsibilities only. he had never accounted for you to become one of them. when you got your avatar body and ended up in the forest alone, being brought to the village and offered to be taught the ways of the people wasn't what you expected. let alone it being neteyam, future olo'eyktan becoming your teacher.
“you make me feel brave//you make me feel safe” by @thesparkisnearlygone
alyara was only six weeks old when she was left behind as the sky people were forced to leave pandora 19 years ago. she was raised by Norm and Max, and she grew up running through the forest of pandora with the sully’s. her love for neteyam had blossomed over the years, but she knew nothing could come of her feelings for him, even after she is surprised with her own avatar. still, she can’t seem to picture herself with anyone else, and she will soon find that her feelings are not unrequited.
Charming Killer by @writing-makes-me-human
You get chased into the wilds of Pandora with a broken communication collar and a bullet wound, but Neteyam finds you. He goes to kill you but an omen from Eywa stops him, and as he approaches you he realizes you are his destined mate.
His Secret Admirer by @teyums
All Of My Love by @kurogxrix
IN WHICH Neteyam’s mother and clan disapproves of your relationship, because you’re a dreamwalker. When you both advance in your relationship, the clan cannot help but attempt to ruin things for the both of you.
Weakened by Eywa by @shkudss
Ao’nung finally realizes that his actions have consequences
Jake & Neytiri
My Heart Never Knows by @star-girl69
In the safety of the Reef, you know no war. You only know your family, the feel of the ocean on your skin, the feel of the wind blowing through your hair. You know only simple things, the barely there shine of the sun, a reprieve from where you are covered by your sister. You are the moon and she is the sun, and you are destined to live like this. You had long since given up any hopes of a mate until the Forest People arrive, on their colorful flying ikrans. Ronal does not like them. Tonowari respects them. Tsireya is entranced, Ao’nung sees them as new market to tease. With your family divided, you do not know how to feel about them. Until you See them, the parents of this family, Jake Sully and Neytiri, and the sun suddenly feels so much brighter. But your heart never know the future. It is in the hands of Eywa, but you cannot give your heart to these strangers knowing it could hurt. But, it seems this strange man and woman have other plans.
Keep Me Ablaze (Book One) by @star-girl69
The only mother you have ever known is the forest. Yes, you have Grace, other women at the base. But they are not quite your mother. It’s hard for your Aunt to talk about her- but how can you blame her? Alone and drifting through the world, a fire burning inside of you that threatens to snuff out, Grace teaches you alongside the Omaticaya at her school. They call her sa’nok, and sometimes you wish you could call her that too. But you feel like you would be betraying your mother. Neytiri is your spark, even while you’re young, shy when Grace pushes you to play with her and even shyer when the two of you form a tentative friendship. But it grows, and she grows into the woman you know now. Life without her is miserable, but at least you have something new to explore in the form of your Avatar. You run through the forests and help Grace, and soon you are 20 years old and looking out onto your life like it is a prison. You could leave. Go to Earth. But you couldn’t leave the forest, your Aunt, the memories of your mother and father. Then, Jake Sully comes, a warrior with no legs, who holds the same spark as Neytiri does. But with the weight of impending war looming on each of you, death everywhere, you don’t know if they can keep you ablaze.
Ember in Your Hands (Book Two) by @star-girl69
Although a part of you had died, you found that you were still full of life. With children running around and healed scars, life is what you dreamed about during those dark nights so long ago. You don’t know betrayal anymore, you don’t know loss or suffering. When you’re forced out of the only home you’ve ever known, you find yourself becoming hateful and bitter. You blame your mates, who have only ever burned for you, for all that has happened. You’ve changed and they’ve changed, and you’re not sure if they can keep you ablaze- not this time. You’re just an ember in your hands.
Yawnetu by @sunandsstars
One other mate was enough, but two? Unneeded. _ was the outcast, the unwanted woman. Jake and Neytiri wouldn’t ever see her..right?
Tonowari & Ronal
Yawnetu by @sunandsstars
With her arrival in Awa’atlu, reader seeks to find a sanctuary for her family, one that she may find in two particular individuals
Neteyam & Ao’nung
He's Not So Bad by @biolumilunareclipse
your parents as well as the his had decided that you would be ao’nungs mate and the tsahìk of the metkayina clan. you were to be mated after you had both reached a certain point in your training. naturally, they suggested you help ao’nung and tsireya help teach the forest people your ways in your free time. this allows you to develope a close bond with the eldest son, neteyam, with whom you have plenty in common. as time passes and ao’nung becomes more accepting of them, he realizes they have plenty in common as well.
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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Willy Wonka
Chocolate Princess by @the-girl-wh0-cries-w0lf
Y/n Ficklegruber can't help but become enamoured with the spectacularly peculiar man stood in the middle of the galleria.
The Candy Man by @kteezy997
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Enola Holmes/Bridgerton
Sherlock Holmes
Upon a nightly walk by @frost-queen
Having snuck out of the house to explore the town at night, you stumble upon a drunken Sherlock. His drunken behavior very silly and adorable to you, you take it upon yourself to escort him home. Once there, you find it hard to leave him alone so you decide to stay. Which comes to a surprise for a waking Sherlock who tends with care for his sweet savior. 
Viscount Tewkesbury, Marquess of Basilwether
Love at first encounter by @frost-queen
The moment I knew by @frost-queen
You are very bubbly, sweet and wise. Every since you were a little girl you dreamed of becoming a princess. One day you meet Tewkesbury, completely smitten by him and he by you. You are very certain about your future with him after meeting him once. Later during family diner, you tell your siblings you are to marry him. Leaving them with different reactions to your sudden news.
Benedict Bridgerton
love letters and seconds sons by @jimblejamblewritings
The princess is finally ready to debut in society. But before she does, she decides to disguise herself and see the true faces of the ton.
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The Bear
Carmen Berzatto
Six Months by @aestheticaltcow
parenthood angst
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jellyfishxxi · 1 year
Spidergirl - Far From Home CH 1
Miguel O'Hara x Child!Spider!Reader
Summary: An anomaly got into Earth 199999. You and Miguel go to fix it. However neither of you are expecting to get stuck there....
My name is ______ _____.
Alright, let's do this one last time. I promise.
I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and for the last 3 years, I've been the one and only,
I think you know the rest.
Saved my city, saved my school (not that I wanted to.), Lost my dad, and saved the city some more.
Then this weird version of Doc Oc shows up, and this cool spider-lady with a motorcycle and this really buff spider-man show up and invite me to join this society.
Tldr: I have a new dad now.
And I'm not the only one.
It should have been business as usual. An anomaly got into another dimension, spiders get dispatched to retrieve it, business as usual, right?
Yeah, that's what I thought too.
Earth - 199999
New York City
"Kid, you know this guy?" Tony asked Peter, as they fought a version of The Green Goblin, who looked more like he belonged in ancient Greece than 2014.
"No, Mr. Stark!" Peter replied, launching the ancient greek goblin into a nearby wall. "He looks like Green Goblin, but not the one I've fought, which technically doesn't make any sense cause-"
"We get it." Clint chimed in, trying to pin the greek goblin into the wall with his arrows, only for the greek goblin to rip them out and resume attacking, flinging Peter into a wall.
Every Avenger was fighting the variant of Green Goblin, from Tony in his Iron Man suit to Hulk as... Well, himself. The Green Goblin glitched out, stopping fighting for a moment.
"What the hell..." Natasha spoke, looking at the goblin in suspicion and confusion. "J.A.R.V.I.S, gimme the rundown." Tony said, looking at the glitching goblin.
"It appears this Green Goblin is not from this universe."
J.A.R.V.I.S spoke in Tony's suit. "This thing knows how to traverse dimensions?" Tony spoke, Bewildered. Nobody else was able to get a word in before the Goblin stopped glitching. He grabbed Peter by his webs and stuck him to a building, slamming Thor and Hulk with his tail and flicking Tony, Steve, Natasha and Clint like they were nothing but bugs.
That's when the portal opened up.
The glowing, hexagonal portal appeared in the sky, surprising every Avenger. "What is that??" Thor both exclaimed and asked.
Two strands of flaming webs shot out of the portal, latching onto Green Goblin's arms. Goblin grabbed the webs and yanked them hard, only to be kicked in the face by... A kid who really couldn't be any older than 13.
As the goblin landed with a thud against the concrete, you dropped down, breathing heavily as you dusted off your costume. "Who-" Tony started to say, before another person came through the portal. He was clearly much older, and landed next to you.
"Did you see it Miguel? I was all tough and I kicked his stupid face!" You exclaimed, jumping excitedly. Miguel didn't react outwardly, but on behind his mask he was looking at you like a proud father.
"Focus, ______. Take care of the anomaly before celebrating." Miguel said to you, causing you to nod. "Right! Right." You said, focusing.
"I'll take the left arm if you take the right." Miguel spoke. You nodded, shooting towards Green Goblin's right arm and webbing it to the concrete, Miguel doing the same for the left. The two of you continued to web up Green Goblin, before finally he was completely tied up.
"Getting this guy back is gonna be a nightmare." You commented. Miguel hummed in agreement, going to open another portal back to the Spider Society HQ. But nothing happened.
"Qué..." Miguel said in confusion. "What? Open the portal already." You said, getting frustrated. You had a test tomorrow. Staying overnight in an alternate dimension was not in your plans.
"I'm trying, niña, it's not working. You do it." Miguel sounded just as frustrated as you. You tried opening a portal with your 'gizmo', but nothing happened. "It's not working for me either!" You shouted.
You looked at Miguel with a slightly scared expression. "Miguel, are we stuck here.?" You asked. Miguel sighed. "We're not stuck." He said. "LYLA, reboot the system." He spoke to the holographic AI as she popped up.
"What?" She said, teasingly. "Reboot the system." Miguel repeated. "Couldn't catch that." She said. Miguel groaned. "Reboot. The system." He repeated again, angrier.
"Ooh. Yeah, on it." She said, much to Miguel's chagrin. She appeared moments later. "Uh, something's up with the portal generation system. In fact, you and ______ can't actually do anything with your Gizmo's but make calls and check the time." LYLA spoke.
Both you and Miguel looked at her. "But... We're not gonna glitch, right?" You asked. "No, the protection against that's still running. But until they get fixed, you're stuck in Earth-199999." Miguel groaned, rolling his eyes. You looked nervous.
"Stuck? In an alternate dimension?!" You exclaimed. "I can't be stuck here, I have a test tomorrow! And if I'm not back by morning my guardians will kill me!" You began to freak out.
"Breathe, niña." Miguel spoke, kneeling down and placing a hand on your shoulder. "We'll get home."
Your moment was interrupted.
"Uh, excuse me?" Tony asked, suddenly standing in front of the two of you. That's right, there's other people here. You thought to yourself. "Who the hell are you two?"
You looked at Miguel. Miguel looked at you.
"I'm Spiderman." Miguel said.
"I'm Spidergirl." You said.
Peter pried himself off of the building, looking at you and Miguel in shock.
"More Spider-people?"
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Toothache - Tasm Peter Parker x reader
Title: Toothache
Pairing: Tasm Peter Parker x Reader | Also Peter 1, and Tony Stark
Word Count: 3,605
Summary: Reader comes home from the dentist kind of loopy, and some truths sort of come out.
Warnings: Fluff, Angst for about a paragraph
Notes: At first the I use Peter 1 and Peter 3, then a little later when you see "Pete" it is MCU Peter Parker, and "Peter" is Tasm Peter Parker. I think there are a few typos. And that I switch tense at some point. Or Point of View. I'm sorry. :(
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“Peter!!” she exclaimed, skipping into the compound kitchen. Peter turns around from getting a cup of coffee.
“Y/N, hey. You’re cheery.” He looked her over. “Are you okay?”
“Oh.” Her face pulled down into a frown and Peter quirked an eyebrow. “You’re not the Peter I’m looking for.”
He chuckled.
“Where’s your, you know, variant? Your taller, awkwader, handsomer variant?”
“Uhhh….” Peter hesitated. “Well, did you say awkwader, and handsomer? Also, thanks,” he said sarcastically, but Y/N didn’t seem to notice.
Tony walked in just then. “Y/N? Oh, thank God, Peter, she’s with you.”
“Uh, Mr.Stark, is she…drunk?” Peter asked, unsure what the hell is going on.
“No, kid. We just came from the dentist. She got a tooth out. You didn’t the gauze? Shouldn’t Spider-Man be more observant, Pete?”
Peter peered down at Y/N. He finally caught a glimpse. “Well, it’s near the back of her mouth,” he said defensively.
“Kid, watch her,” Tony said exasperatedly. The woman went to touch the coffee pot, which was still boiling hot. Peter reached out just in time and grabbed her hand.
“No, no no,” he said, and used his grip on her hand to pull her over to the kitchen table. “Let’s sit down, huh?” He urged her into a chair and took a seat next to her.
“Thanks, kid. This stuff makes her damn loopy, but I’ve gotta get back to the lab. Will you keep an eye on her for me?” He handed Peter a piece of paper. “This is stuff she can’t have to eat or drink for at least forty-eight hours. So don’t give it to her.”
“Yeah, sure, Mr.Stark.”
 “Thanks for taking me to the dentist.” Peter noticed a slight slur in her voice for the first time.
“You’re welcome, kid.” Tony called her kid, too, even though she was nearly thirty years old.
“Bye Tonyyyy!!” Y/N said in a sing-song voice. “Love you!!”
Peter stifled a giggle, and glanced up to see what Mr. Stark would do. He’d stopped just short of the doorway, pinched the bridge of his nose, but Peter caught a smile on his face. “Love you, too!” he called back and Y/N beamed. Peter laughed. If Y/N had not been loopy she would not have just shouted that out, but it seemed to lower her inhibitions a bit, and apparently act as a sort of truth serum. Peter knew she looked at Mr. Stark as a sort of father figure also, so that’s what all that was about. He chuckled again.
“You need anything?” he asked her. “Water, f-?
“Oh, but you are cute!” she blurted out suddenly and Peter furrowed his brow.
“The other Peter is handsome, but you’re cute. You’re a good-looking kid, but you know, young. To me.”
Peter put his hand over his mouth to try to hide his laughter. This was more amusing than it had any right to be, he though. And kind of wondered how MJ and Ned would react to all this.
“Where’s Peter 3?” Y/N asked, using the title Peter 1 had given him to make her point clear. He knew exactly who she was talking about before, though.
“I’m not sure,” he said honestly, and Y/N’s face pulled into a frown.
“I love you too, you know?” she said suddenly, and Peter smiled again.
“Yeah, you’re like my little brother and one of my best friends, too.”
“Really?” Peter felt his cheeks heat up just a little, and felt all warm inside. This was really sweet. He wondered if she would have said any of this otherwise?
“Really. And also, a little tiny bit like an older brother, too, which is weird since you’re twelve years younger, but you’re kind of protective of me.”
He laughed again. He was. “Yeah, I know.” There was even a part of him protective of the thought of her going out with anyone. Not because he was jealous, but because he thought she deserved the best, and he knew about her past, which was not pretty. He also knew that her and Peter 3 had a little bit of an unspoken thing going on.
“Should you be talking this much?”
“You saying I talk too much??”
“No, no! I just meant…with your tooth pulled…” he sighed. “Never mind.”
There was silence for a minute and Peter wondered if she was not talking because of his comment. He got up and filled a glass of water for her, then placed it on the table in front of her.
“Thanks, Pete.”
“You’re welcome.”
“So, you love Peter 3?”
“You said you loved me, too, so I assumed you meant him, you know, because you said ‘too.” He didn’t actually assume that, but he wanted to see what she’d say.
“No! I meant ‘too’ because…because I said it to Tony. Right, did I?”
“You did,” Peter assured her.
“Oh, good.”
Another pause.
She gave him a hug (more like nearly fell off her chair and he caught her.)
“I love you, too, you know?” he said.
“Yeah?” she smiled sweetly up at him.
“Of course.”
Another voice. “Did I walk in on something?” Peter 3.
“Peter!!” Y/N practically squealed and launched herself off the chair out of Peter 1’s arms over to Peter 3.
“Crap,” Pete mumbled, but Peter caught her. She basically launched into him. He grunted and caught her around her waist, holding her up.
“Uh, hi, bub,” he said to her, peering down at her. He was tall, Peter thought.
“Hi!!” She beamed at him and he smiled back. To Pete it looked like she was barely holding herself up, and Peter pulled her to stand more steadily on her feet, and his arm wrapped securely around her waist.
“What’s going on?”
Pete wasn’t sure if he meant with her or their interaction, so he said anyway, “No, you didn’t interrupt anything.” He made sure he made it clear. He could tell Peter really cared about Y/N, in a much different way then Pete did.
Peter turned to Y/N.
“She got her tooth pulled,” Pete elaborated.
“Oh,” Peter cooed as he touched her cheek to push her face to the side so he could see.  Gentle, always so supremely gentle with her.
“I missed you,” Y/N said to him suddenly.
Pete watched his variant’s cheeks turn a light pink at the comment. “Y-you did?” he stuttered, his hand still resting soft against her cheek, her head still turned to the side as she peered up at him. She nodded as his hand cupped her cheek.
“Course!” She smiles again. “Always miss you when you’re gone. Worry about you, too,” she mumbles the last bit so it is nearly unintelligible, but the two Spider-Mans hear it fine.
Peter smiles fondly at the slight slur of her words, and his thumb rubs a feather light arc over her cheek. Pete feels kind of like he’s intruding on a very private moment.
“Hey, kid, I’m back, I just-“
Tony stopped short, his eyes landing on Peter and Y/N. His lips dipped down into a small frown as he looked over the scene. Pete knew that Tony didn’t necessarily trust his variant Peter 3, and since he saw Y/N as another daughter, Pete knew he was not so happy with this little unspoken thing that was so obviously there.  
“Toonyyy!! Hiiiii!!!” Y/N smiled and slurred his name as she turned toward him, swaying a little. Peter’s left hand fell from her cheek and joined his other arm to wrap around her waist, holding her steady. Tony’s jaw tensed as he tracked the movement.
“Hey, kiddo, you doing okay?”
“Yeah,” she said. “Peter’s home!” She beamed at the last sentence.
Tony’s smile was tight. “I see that, kid. Hey, there.” He said the second part to Peter with thinly veiled tension.
“Mr. Stark,” Peter said politely, but his smile was a little tight, too.
Y/N leaned her head slowly to rest against Peter’s chest softly and sighed. Peter’s gaze shifted to her and his smile softened as he did. His hand began to raise from her waist. He hesitated, but it was like he couldn’t help himself, he had to do it. His hand rested on the back of her head and she closed her eyes as she sighed again.
“Tired, bug?” Peter asked in a soft voice, his fingers gently carding through her hair.
Pete again got the feeling of intruding on a private moment. Tony’s jaw tensed even more. Y/N nodded at Peter’s question. After many seconds, Tony cleared his throat. Pete wasn’t sure if it sounded more angry or awkward. He was thinking it tipped a little more to angry.
Y/N giggled softly.
“What?” Peter asked.
“You’re comfy.”
“We’re standing up.”
“You’re still comfy.” She snuggled into his chest a bit more and Peter blushed. Pete was pretty sure he blushed, too, and turned his head a little. Tony cleared his throat louder this time.
“Hey, you two. Over here.”
Peter turned toward Tony before Y/N did, his hand falling from her hair. Then she lifted her head and turned toward the billionaire, but laid it back against Peter’s chest, and his hand returned to its spot on the back of her head, gently twining his fingers through her hair.
“Mhm?” Peter said as his fingers carded through Y/N’s hair absentmindedly. Pete was almost sure he heard a noise something like a purr coming from her, but it was so quiet he only picked it up because of his enhanced hearing, and he was glad Mr. Stark couldn’t hear it.
“Y/N? Kid?”
She lifted her head off Peter’s chest a little, but still stayed close to him. And Peter’s hand did not move.
“Since you’re clearly feeling so sleepy – the meds must be getting’ to ya – why don’t we get to your room and to bed, okay?”
She nodded, but did not move from Peter’s arms. Tony raised his eyebrows. “Um…”
Y/N still didn’t move.
“It’s okay, Mr. Stark,” Peter said. “I can take care of her. I’ll get her to bed, make sure she’s okay.”
Pete was certain Mr. Stark clenched his jaw this time. He knew because he clenched his teeth so hard Pete could hear it, and he was sure that Peter could, too.
Pete felt bad for his variant. Peter didn’t do anything to Tony. Tony just didn’t trust him because he was new here, and he didn’t usually trust new people easily. But he should really cut Peter 3 some more slack. Pete also knew that the budding whatever-it-was between Peter and Y/N certainly wasn’t helping matters. Tony hated to see the young woman he looked it as another daughter falling for someone he distrusted. Pete knew he just didn’t want her to get hurt, that it came from a place of love, but still, it must have been so hard on Peter. Especially because, if you asked Pete, it was so clear that Peter would never hurt Y/N. Never. He was pretty sure he’d do anything to protect her, and that he just wanted her safe, taken care of, and happy. He’d probably lay down his life for her in a heartbeat. But Tony hadn’t quite gotten there yet.
“Stark?” Peter’s voice pulled Tony out of whatever spiral of thoughts he was going down. Pete was nervous btu weirdly curious to know what Tonys response to this would be.
He seemed to be chewing on the inside of his lip for a minute before his mouth formed – seemingly reluctantly – into a tight-lipped smile. Pete waited anxiously to hear his reply.
“Kid?” he said, and hid gaze flicked to Y/N instead of Peter. She didn’t seem to be listening too closely, her eyes a half closed and a bit unfocused. “Kid?” Tony repeated. She opened her eyes to look at Tony, and blinked against the tiredness taking over her body. “You okay with that? With Peter helping you?”
Her lit up visibly and she nodded. “Yesh, yea- yesh, damn!” The word wouldn’t come out right and Peter grinned affectionally. “Yeah, I am.”
Pete half expected Tony to argue, but he didn’t. He just nodded curtly. “Alright.” He looked to Peter 3. “You better take good care of her.”
“Of course, I will, Stark.” He looked down at Y/N. “Alright bub, come on.”
She peered up at him, a confused look covering her face. “To your room. You need some rest.” The look of confusion was erased, and she nodded, rubbing her eyes.
“Okay, come on.” Peter moved the hand on her hair so his arm was anchored behind her shoulders, then crouched down to anchor another behind her knees. She stared up at him with her brow quirked.
“What are you do-“
Her question was answered as Peter lifted her off of her feet and into his arms. He did so slowly and carefully, it looked like he was trying not to jostle her in the slightest. She gasped softly and her arms wrapped round his neck.
“Oh,” she said softly. “You know, you don’t have to carry me, Peter.” Pete saw a blush bloom over Y/N’s cheeks as she said this. Peter grinned down at her.
“I know, bub, but I can, so I might as well, right? Hate to see you lose your balance and fall, wouldn’t we?” His grin was teasing and Y/N narrowed her eyes at him playfully, her nose scrunching up in the process. He laughed, and leaned his forehead against hers. She raised her eyebrows and the color in her cheeks deepened.
“I won’t talk you out of this, huh?”
“Mm. Okay, Peter.” She seemed to almost sigh out the last words and laid her head upon his shoulder as he pulled away.
Pete smiled as he peered at them, trying not to seem too creepy about it (even though they were right in front of him). Until he turned his eyes on Mr. Stark. His smile faded off of his face, replaced with a frown on the edge of a pout. Mr. Stark was looking at the clearly lovestruck pair with disapproving eyes.
“See you later, Tony,” Y/N slurred as Peter carried her away. He trudged to the kitchen table where Pete sat as the two rounded the corner. Pete waited a few minutes until he heard a door shut until he tried to gather his words before addressing the billionaire.
“Mr. Stark…” his voice trailed off and Tony turned to look at him.
“What is it, kid?”
Pete tapped his fingers on the table before answering. “Why don’t you like Peter 3, Mr. Stark?”
Tony finally looked at his surrogate son. He sighed. “Kid, I just…it isn’t exactly that I don’t like him, I just…I don’t trust him. I don’t know him.”
Pete knew what Mr. Stark was getting at, but he still couldn’t entirety get behind his line of thinking. “He’s a good person. I mean, maybe he’s made some mistakes, but who hasn’t? He helped me a lot. He helped save the whole city in this world. Not to mention in the one he originally came from. He’s…he is a lot like me. I mean, he is a variant of me.” He smiled, then paused, a confused look drawing his eyebrows together. “Or…I’m a variant of him?” His mouth pulled down to a frown and rubbed at his forehead. “Ugh, I don’t know. Sometimes that multiverse stuff makes my brain hurt.”
Tony cracked a smile. “I just…I don’t want anyone to hurt her, Pete. You know about her last, her only, relationship, right?”
“Yeah, Mr. Stark, I do.”
Tony nodded, pursed his lips, then continued. “Then you get why I’m so protective of her? Especially of her in any sort of relationship? I know she’s a grown woman, kid, I know, but it’s been almost a decade since she was in any sort of relationship and the last guy treated her like trash, I just…I don’t want that to happen to her again.”
Pete was a little surprised that Mr. Stark was opening up this much, but he was glad. “Peter would never do that to her,” he said with confidence.
Tony gave him a lopsided, sort of sad grin. “Yeah? You sound super sure of yourself on that one, kid. I want to be that sure, too.”
“You should be.”
Tony leaned a little closer. “How come?” It wasn’t said with malice, it was said with genuine curiosity.
“You know…you know what happened, right, Mr. Stark? When Peter was eighteen; when he was my age?”
Tony’s face falls. “I overheard it, yeah. The basics of it.”
I don’t know that he needs to know the full story, or that I should really be telling him, so I don’t go into details.
“It was his girlfriend, right?” He says it so quiet.
“Yeah, it was.” That’s all I say. Silence for a few seconds, then I say, “That’s how I know.”
Tony’s eyes snap up to mine. “He lost…he’s lost people, but he lost someone before…and…well, he blames himself. I think he’s just started not to. So, he’s letting her in, and you can see how much he cares about Y/N, can’t you, Mr. Stark?”
He sighs, begrudgingly. “Yeah, yeah I can, kid,” he admits.
“Well, after that…after what happened, that’s how I know. He would never treat her like trash. He’ll protect her, he’ll support her, he’ll take care of her. I know it. You should give him more of a chance. Please?”
Another sigh, but this one is for dramatic effect, I know it is. “Yeah, kid. You’re right, I know you are.” He hesitates. “I hate it when that happens.” He grins teasingly at me. “But, I won’t take my eye off him entirely. You know I’d be keeping a little bit of an eye on whoever it was she seemed to have a thing with.”
I laugh. “Fair enough, Mr. Stark.”
“Here we are, bug.” Peter said as they walked into Y/N’s room.
“Mhm,” she replied sleepily, not even looking up. They made it a little farther in the room, and then she opened her eyes. “My room,” she mumbled, still with a slight slur.
“Yup, your room, bub.”
“Mmmm. Thank you.” She cuddled deeper into him, her head buried in the crook of his neck and shoulder.
“Hey, keep your arms around me, okay? Hold on. Don’t let go.”
She blinked at him, and he repeated his words. “Y/N. Please.”
“Okay.” She nodded and tightened her grip.
“Good girl, there you go.”
He used his now free hand to pull back the covers on her bed, but quickly curled his arm back underneath her shoulders, in case in her mildly drug induced state she decided to let go for some reason. Gentle, so gentle, he laid her down on her bed.
He grinned. “You can let go now, bub,” he said softly.
“Oh! Sorry…” She released her arms from around his neck.
“Don’t be, it’s okay.”
He smoothed her hair back from her face and she closed her eyes. “Feels nice,” she mumbled. Peter felt a light blush across his cheeks.
But he sat down on the edge of the bed next to her and kept stroking her hair, lightly scratching her scalp sometimes. He swore she nearly purred at one point. He grinned, and his blush deepened. After a few minutes, it looked like she’d dozed off, so Peter removed his hand and was just getting up when he heard her stir. She grumbled and reached for his wrist.
“What’s wrong?” he whispered.
“Don’t go,” she said, and her voice sounded so small in that moment. “Please, Peter?”
Maneuvering so his wrist was out of her tiny grip, he interlaced their fingers together instead. “Okay,” he said. “I’m not going anywhere, love.”
“Yeah.” He nodded. Of course, he promised. She had no idea; he would always be there for her. “I promise.”
She smiled groggily. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
He pulled his hand out of hers but when he started to walk away, she grabbed it again. “It’s okay,” he said. “I’m just going right over there.” He pointed to an arm chair in her room.  
“Can you stay with me…here?” Now her cheeks tinged peach as she gestured to the bed.
“Oh,” Peter said. “I-uh- are you sure that’s okay?”
She nodded, tugging on his hand but of course not moving him even an inch. “Please.” The slight crack in her voice had him almost scrambling to climb in next to her.
“Okay,” he whispered as he nodded. “Can you scoot over, bug?” She nodded and wiggled herself backwards. Peter kept an eye out to make sure she didn’t wiggle backwards right off the bed. He crawled in next to her, and gently pulled her into his arms just in case in her drug induced state she did back all the way off the bed and fall to the floor. For a second, he’s worried he’s overstepped a little, but she just scoots closer to him and snuggles into his chest. He lets out a breath and pulls her a little closer to him, burying his face in her hair and breathing in the scent of her shampoo. She sighs happily, and he resumes running his fingers through her hair and his light scratching of her scalp.
When he looks down again, she is fast asleep. A soft smile spreads across Peter’s face. Whatever this unspoken thing is between them seems to have gone to another level. He hopes this will continue, but for now, he is happy to hold her as she sleeps.
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vicxss · 2 months
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Older!Natasha Romanoff x young!Stark!reader
Summary: your father finds out that you and Natasha are dating
Warnings: pure fluff and hints of grabbing
English is not my first language
Tony: Has anyone seen the Y/n?
Natasha: We were in the shower, she will be here soon.
Tony: We were? together? what do you mean?
Natasha: Surprise - she says and he almost falls backwards
Y/n: Hi dad, were you looking for me? I see him leaning against the white sofa.
Y/N: Are you ok?
Natasha: He just found out about us - she says and puts her arms around my waist
Y/N: What do you mean? I look over my shoulder at her
Natasha: I told him we were in the shower and that you would be right down.
Y/N: You killed the old man tasha - I say looking at my father who is still recovering
Tony: It's okay, it's just my blood pressure that went down - he says and I laugh a little
Y/N: Careful, you can't get sick at this age.
Tony: I am not that old, but then, why Natasha?
Y/N: What do you mean why Natasha?
Tony: because she is older, couldn't you have chosen Wanda who is almost your age?
Natasha: first, not old, and second, this old lady is the one who makes her go away - she speaks smugly and winks at me
Tony: ok, I didn't need to know this, but since you like her I hope you will be happy.
Y/N: Really?
Natasha: The big father-in-law has already approved, now we can get married - she kisses my cheek
Tony: Married? I let you date
Natasha: No problem, we will wait a little longer
Y/N: Thanks dad, I am happy that you have accepted that I am happy with her.
Tony: Of course I would accept it, you are my daughter and I love you, but if you hurt my daughter I will end you spider lady - says the last part pointing at Natasha
Natasha: Don't worry, I will only break up with her in another way," she says laughing.
Y/N: Tasha - I speak and slap her arm
Tony: I am leaving, I still have to get used to this - speaks and leaves
Y/N: Now we don't have to keep on sneaking around, I speak and get out of his arms.
Natasha: The point is that only he and Steve know, so we will have to keep on sneaking around, he says taking hold of my waist.
Y/N: And Wanda, I told her - I speak and she agrees
Y/N: But I think that sneaking around is even better because it has more adrenaline.
Natasha: You like danger
Y/N: I love it, I speak and pull her into a kiss. She asks me to pass with her tongue and I follow. We stop the kiss for lack of air.
Natasha: I love you y/n Stark," she says looking into my eyes. 
Y/N: and I love you, Natalia Alianova - I speak and she denies with her head
Natasha: Don't call me that
Y/N: I think it's more charming, I speak and we leave the tower holding hands
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– Lady By The Sea – bran stark x mermaid!reader It's late at night that bran Stark sees something new in the depths of his minds but he can't comprehend it until his adolescence when he almost drowns at sea – Prince of Rouge – moulin rouge au, satine!aegon targaryen x reader The year is 1899 when you enter your new city's most hailed night club and meet the mysterious Aegon. After a night of passion and lingering glances, you come to find that he has already been promised to another and a choice paints your mind. Fizzle your desires or dance in secret hallways. – Of Lances and Thorns– male!hightower x rhaenyra targaryen Rhaenyra's world stopped spinning the day her father married her best friend but when her wallowing is interrupted by the chastised older Hightower, she finds that there may be some silver amidst her grey. – The Memories – aegon targaryen x reader Aegon hadn't touched his drinks in years but when he sees your face in his nightmares, he will do anything to forget that fateful night. – A Sunset Seal – male!martell x rhaenyra targaryen Rhaenyra had never liked the thought of being used like a pawn and especially not after she meets a mysterious Dornish man who also hates the chains that marriage embraces. When they both find themselves betrothed they plan to run away together...they don't know how close they are to their very own curse – The Set-Up – male!velaryon x alicent hightower Alicent is determined to find Rhaenyra a compelling match and Y/n is determined to gift his uncle a throne. When they mutually agree to convince the Velaryon's cousin to propose to the heir of Westeros, a young Queen and Lord find their intentions swaying in the worst way. They are falling in love. – Perfect – rhaenyra targaryen x fem!tully reader smut Rhaenyra has never been more bored than when on her tour for marital prospects...but then she met that sweet red haired girl with the most sweet doe eyes. What doesn't bore her are all the stirring images her mind curates at the sight of the innocent riña in her bed. – All's Fair In Love and Enchantments – rhaenyra targaryen x witch!reader x jacaerys velaryon, it's messy When Jacaerys is sent crashing from his Dragon into a dark forest and slowly feels himself drift from this realm...until he awakens to a charming woman ensuring his health. A witch. Inviting her home is easy but it turns when he discovers this witch is not unknown to his mother and neither is her heart.
– I Think He Did It – modern helaena targaryen x reader Helaena has been your friend for a long time. She tells you everything, what she ate that morning, whether her spider Dreamfyre snuck out again or how the children are but most importantly where she suspects her husband to be spending his nights because it is most certainly not in her bed. So it is no surprise who you are suspicious of when she suddenly goes missing. – The Flower and Her Sword – rhaegar targaryen x tyrell!reader 'A rose by any other name would smell as sweet' but this rose comes in danger when a certain prince suddenly grows affection for her. It is curious just how quickly a tale of beautiful maidens and entrancing tourneys can turn to one of nightmares. – Glue modern jacaerys velaryon & cregan stark x fem!reader Y/n has always been besotted with two men. She has never fallen so quickly for anyone quicker than she has for her boyfriends but they grow worried when she suddenly appears very distant...worry festers just as quickly. – My Breeze of Decay – eurydice!alicent hightower x orpheus!reader Falling in love comes easy to you, a love match unites you with a beauty of the Lands and once you are wed, you could not be more elated...until a horrible incident occurs and her fate is left with the gods. Can you travel the journey to her? – Crystals – dark!alys rivers x reader x dark!aemond targaryen smut You have been a travelling bard ever since you were young but after accidentally being left in Harrenhal, you are left at the mercy of a witch and her prince... – My One And Only, My Lifeline – band au, alicent x rhaenyra Rhaenyra has been in love with her best friend for as long as she can remember which is why she doesn't notice when the lines between platonic and romantic start to blur...maybe she isn't as infatuated with Cole as she thought she was afterall. It only takes one explosive gig to prove that. – The Study of Affection – cregan stark x reader Cregan Stark cannot say that he is used to romance which is why it is so nerve-wracking when he realises the princes expects him to court her rather than negotiate an arrangement. The lord finds himself in need of help and your nephew is more than eager to provide. – Lack of Lessons– jacaerys velaryon x reader (ft aegon targaryen) "Love comes later,, Your mother had told you - promised you - and yet you feel no love as the King's son rolls his eyes at your presence and begrudgingly takes your hand...Until a second prince catches your eye. You find yourself in lessons with his nephew as you both learn to navigate the new world you have been thrust into. – Some Seam of Regret – some thread of time part 2 – Some Ghost of Time – some thread of time prequel
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We Write the Story-[P.P.] | Chapter One
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Pairings: TASM!Peter Parker x Hispanic!College!Female!Reader
Chapter Summary:  You’ve been friends with Peter Parker for most of your life, and as his identity is released and the world turns against him, you stand by his side.
Takes place during No Way Home
Word Count: 5.5k words
Content: Some superhero fighting, angst, language, mentions of death,
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A/N: This is so entirely self-indulgent. I like to think that MCU! Peter can speak Spanish and I wanted to run with that. I speak Mexican Spanish so I apologize if it's not necessarily "correct" or what you're used to.
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The last few months had been a whirlwind. You were on summer break, your second year of college nicely wrapped, and were excited to spend more time with your family. You didn’t go far for college, just NYU, but your busy schedule made it hard to slow down. Ms May was constantly warning you about over-working yourself, and you promised this year, you would try and take it easier.
During your freshman year, you tried out the dorms but quickly decided against them for the next. Your father had passed during the blip, and you got the apartment in the will, so it worked out the best that a situation like that could.
You were working full-time at a record shop that you had fallen in love with. And now that you were back across the hall, you had dinner with the Parkers every night. It was a fun routine, and it was nice to catch up. Petey had grown a lot in the past year or so. He had been through a lot.
You were the first and only person he told about being Spider-Man. You thought he was insane but also understood why he felt he had to do what he did. You were proud of him and his decision, and as much as you hated Tony Stark, you were glad he had someone who knew what he was going through. May soon learned of his moonlighting escapades, as did Ned.
You helped May when you could at FEAST. She offered you a position, but you felt bad taking it; you didn’t want anyone to think less of May for accidentally suggesting Nepotism. Even if you were well qualified for the job.
You would go to the fundraiser events and help Peter run his speeches. You were there to drop him off at the airport when he left for his school trip. You were there, panicking alongside May, as the news showed clip after clip of these “elementals” ransacking Europe. You were there when Peter’s identity was leaked.
You had been walking down the street; you had a day off and wanted to enjoy summer in the city. You had been treating yourself, bags hanging from your hands as you walked into your favourite shop for lunch.
“Hey, Delmar!” The older man smiled at you throwing his hands up above his head.
“Well, if it isn’t the Queen of Queens! What can I get you this fine day?” You chuckled as you gave him your and Peter’s order- as if he didn’t have them memorised.
“You got it, boss. How’s school going?” You smiled as you told him your classes were going well, and you were excited for the next term. 
“Stay in school kid, stay in school.” He always told you that. 
And as always, you respond, “That’s the plan.”
As you were giving Murph scritches behind the ear, you caught a glimpse of the TV behind him. Peter’s face filled the screen, spilt by his mask. Your heart fell to the floor. 
“Hey, Del, can you turn that up?” He looked at you confused until he saw the screen himself and rushed to unmute it. 
You grabbed your sandwiches and sprinted out the door. Your brain running a million miles a minute. The whole walk back, you saw Petey’s face plastered on every surface, his name being cursed by people who once adored him.
By the time you got home, people were already crowding the hallway. It made you sick to your stomach. You fought your way through the crowd and reached for your keys. They were shoving and berating you with questions. You held up your mace (a gift from Peter you had yet to use) and angled it at the horde.
“Everyone back up and fuck off!” They hesitantly backed away enough for you to unlock the door and slam it shut in their stupid faces. 
Peter’s life went to hell in a handbasket. He was getting harassed daily by the public, and his home was under siege. You felt bad for him, knowing Beck had done more than enough psychological damage to the kid. You truly hated that man. But that wasn't enough. Now he had ruined his reputation- marked him a criminal, a murderer. And the cherry on top? Anyone affiliated with Peter was guilty as well. 
You could handle a lot. When you unblipped, and your father was dead, you were able to keep on carrying on. When your “friends” turned on you, you were able to push that aside. When you were all drug in for questioning by the Department of Damage Control, you could handle the vile things Agent Cleary threatened you with. When you lost your job at the record store, you were able to deal and took May up on her offer from before. But this…this was hard.
In your hands, you held a letter from your school. You had tried to register for classes but your account was frozen. Your email wasn’t working either. You had sent out a message from your personal email and received no response- until now. NYU claimed that due to recent events and your involvement in them, they couldn’t accept you for the fall semester. You were devastated, to say the least. This was all you had. This was the only way you knew to make something of yourself, and now, they had taken that from you. 
You decided not to tell Peter or May, knowing Peter would feel guilty. Life was hard enough cramped in Happy’s bachelor pad. So you told May you were taking a break from school and continued working with FEAST. Your heart broke every time a letter came in the mail now. You would watch them get so excited, hoping this time it would be an acceptance letter, but it never was.
You were sitting at “home” in one of Happy’s shirts and fleece pyjama pants, wielding a spoon against a lowly pint of Ben and Jerry’s in front of the TV. There was a rerun of Pride and Prejudice on channel three, and you were deeply wrapped in Mr Darcy’s monologue when a breaking news bulletin interrupted. You let out an annoyed groan before you saw what was happening. Peter was currently on the High bridge fighting a man with tentacles…
Well, this city is never boring, you’ll give it that.
You were already dressed and ready to go when you got the call from Peter to meet him at the Sanctum Sanctorum. When you arrived, Dr Strange gave you the rundown of “Peter’s mistake” and your instructions to resolve it. 
You couldn’t help as much as you wanted, you still had to work, but you made MJ promise to keep you updated. She insisted on coming up with a special code so your texts wouldn’t be unintelligible to anyone who might intercept them. You agreed, writing down some of the words you may not remember before you departed.
You were designing posters for an upcoming event when May grabbed your attention. She wore a nervous smile, one you had seen a few times. It told you that she was concerned but also, that she was about to tell you something you may not like. You warily followed her to the back, and there, in the empty kitchen, sat a man in a suit of some kind. His wrinkles were carved into his sharp features. He looks tired, disoriented...fragile even.
You sat with May as she began to ask him questions. You learned that he was from a different dimension, one where he was a villain. He explained this “other half” of him that made him do horrible, awful things. You felt bad for him when he shared with you all the things that were “missing”. Like the business that he built. Like his son. 
While you were wary, you sympathised with the old man. You can’t imagine what you would do if you were suddenly thrown from your reality and landed in one where everything was crudely similar to what you knew. Stuck between loss and lost. 
You met Peter and May back at Happy’s. After Pete gave you the rundown of the plan, you and May did your best to make sure everyone was comfortable. You watched with bated breath as he fought with Doctor Octopus to insert the new chip. When it worked, you cheered, hugging May as both of you felt a well of pride at Peter's handiwork. 
You were sage-ing the apartment with May when you heard Peter call out for you. You both came down the stairs.
“Petey?” You asked; the worry extending across his face made your stomach turn.
“What is it?” May said, casting you a sideways glance that let you know the feeling was mutual. 
Everything fell apart quickly. You went to run with May but took a nasty tumble in the hall. The building shuttered and debris fell blocking your path. 
“I can’t get through." You called through a gap in the fallen concrete. "Keep going; I’ll find another way down."
You turned down the hallway and tried another way. You found a window at the end of the hall with a fire escape. You swallowed down your fear and stepped out. The metal creaked under your weight, but you continued down. You had gotten down sixteen floors when the building shook again. You gripped the railing, praying you wouldn’t fall. You heard a clangorous sound and groans. As you looked into the window, you saw Peter crashing through the ceiling and pinned by the Green Goblin. 
You watched as he was mortifyingly pummeled. Your hand flies to cover your mouth as a horrified gasp leaves you. You feel tears building as you watch, unable to look anywhere else. Suddenly Peter shoots webs at the ceiling and uses the leverage to kick the maniac in the chest and launch on top of him. You had never seen Peter so violent. He usually used restraint when having to resort to any physicality, but he attacked the Goblin with no remorse. His punches flew quickly; you could hear each blow land. You felt a chill in your spine, but not from Peter’s display. No, what really frightened you- what really made you shudder- was the sickening cackle you heard from the man who had ruined it all. As if he was delighting in Peter’s moral descent. 
You made your way down farther, and when the building shook again, you climbed back inside. You rushed to the stairwell. You ran as fast as you could, adrenaline coursing through your veins and driving your every move.
You heard footsteps and called out, hoping it was May. You ran into her arms, and she held you firmly, happy to see you were okay. When you reached the main floor, you looked for an exit. You found a side door and pulled it open, calling out to her. When your hand grasped the handle, you saw Peter crash through the floor. You could hear Peter’s gasping for air as the Goblin taunted him.
May handed you the bag of cures and quickly pushed you through the door before locking it. You banged on the glass as tears slipped down your face. You demanded to be let back in but she kept the door locked. Her sweet smile was tainted by a touch of internal panic.
“I have to help him- you go. Get somewhere safe, and we’ll meet you, okay? I have to make sure he’s alright.” 
You watched helplessly as she ran away, further into the building, out of sight. You heard a sickening crash followed by an explosion but could do nothing from where you were. A swat team started circling the building; you heard cackling in the night air. 
Now you were walking the cold streets of New York. You had tried calling Peter, May, Happy, MJ, and Ned, but no one answered. Your stomach was twisted in knots as you wander the empty streets. How did everything go so wrong? 
You felt a deep sadness, one that wasn’t explainable. It wasn’t for Peter, it wasn’t for the situation, it was something else entirely. Like something was missing. Someone. You tried not to think about it. You didn’t know anything for sure, and you refused to grieve when you didn’t know she was gone. 
Your phone starts to ring, and you fish it out of your pocket. You feel a rush of emotions as you look at the Picture and Caller ID.
“Michelle! Oh my god, are you okay? Where are you?” 
“I was gonna ask you the same thing.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m okay. Got a few scratches but nothing severe. Have you heard from Peter?”
“No, no. He won’t- he hasn’t picked up the phone. We were hoping he was with you.” 
“No, I was looking for him. I- I’m worried about him.”
She didn’t say anything, and suddenly you felt bad. She was the newest to the whole “Spider-Man” thing, and you didn’t want to freak her out.
“Look, he’s probably fine, okay? He’ll answer, and we’ll figure it out. Where are you now?”
She tells you she’s with Ned at his Lola’s. 
“Okay, good. Stay there. It’s gonna be okay.”
You hang up and continue your walk. You’re not sure where he would go, but your old apartment is the only place you can think of. You’ve been walking for what felt like ages. You were sore. That tumble in the hall was no joke. But you pushed it down, choosing to focus on Peter instead. Your dear friend, your brother. You feel a rush of wind and shutter.
“Oh, thank god.” You mumble to yourself as you hear a familiar thipping, followed by a blurry mass threading the buildings around you. 
You break into a sprint to catch up, “Peter! Peter! Slow down!” 
The shadow slows, landing high above you. You can tell that he’s looking at you, so you come to a stop, catching your breath with your hands on your knees. You take a few deep breaths before looking up again.
Odd. You think to yourself. Peter would have landed and started teasing me for my lack of stamina by now. 
As you gaze up, you see he scaled the rest of the weathered bricks during your little break and is looking at you from the railing on the roof. You throw your hands up in exasperation, and he tips his head. 
“Come on, Petey! We need to talk, and I can’t get up there. You’ll have to at least come and get me!” You were pleading with him at this point. 
You had seen some footage that Jameson had carelessly broadcasted onto billboards. Peter’s pixilated defeat blown up for everyone to see- to criticize. He made sure to blame Peter for all of the casualties and damages, but something he said made your bones tremble. 
“There is only one confirmed death as of right now…”
You were worried and seconds from absolutely losing it if Peter didn’t get his ass down here, yesterday. 
You saw him start to scale down the side of the building connected to the alleyway. You made your way through the trashcans that lined the entrance before pacing, staring at the ground as he continued clambering down. He really is taking his sweet time. It always made you nervous when you watched Peter do Spider-Man things. You knew it was silly, but what if he tripped? 
You heard his feet hit the ground behind you and whipped yourself around with open arms. Just as you were about to collide with Peter, you realized it…wasn’t him. This man was much taller than Peter with a trimmer build, not quite as stocky. His suit looked more like Peter’s first real suit, the red and blue Stark Suit. The eyes were massive and stagnant. None of the comforts of Peter's suit were there. No way to tell what he was thinking.
Slowly you took a step back, bringing your arms from the side to a raised “fight stance” Peter had taught you. 
You eyed the man carefully, “Who are you?” 
He brought his hands up to the side- in a low shrug, “Who am I? Who are you? Why do you know my name?” 
You rolled your eyes, “Your name? Pretending to Peter? Really? Are you some fanboy?”
His head tilted to the side, “Pretending?”
You were getting tired of his games. 
“How did you do all that? You build the tech yourself?” You say, jerking your head towards the wall. 
He points towards the roof as if clarifying what you meant. You nod your head, and he laughs. 
“You don’t recognise me? I’m Spider-Man. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He moves his hand towards you, and you panic. 
Obviously, this man is delusional. You knew Spider-Man. Better than most- you would argue. And this was not him. What psychopath would run around in some knock-off suit pretending to be your friend? Especially now?
You threw a punch, and he easily avoided it. 
“Woah there, watch where you’re throwin’ that thing. You could have hit me.” He was undoubtedly as snarky as Peter. 
You throw another punch and grow annoyed when he dodges it again. 
“Look, I don’t want any trouble. I’m just trying to go about my patrol- keep you good people safe- but if you keep trying to attack me, we’re gonna have a problem.”
“Who. Are. You.” You spit through gritted teeth.
He raised his hands as if surrendering, but his tone suggested anything but defeat. “How do you know my name?”
Jesus, is this guy for real?
“I don’t know your name," you exclaim. Your exhaustion causing your frustration to reach its breaking point. "I don’t know who you are! But I swear to all that is holy: if you are out here to cause more trouble for my friend, I will end you. Right here, right now. Parker has been through enough, and the last thing he needs is some asshole running around in some janky, rip-off-”
Your hand flies to the wall. The brick is cold against your hand, as is the webbing holding it down. A chill runs through you as the masked man approaches. 
“How do you know who I am? And why are you speaking about me like I’m not me?” You don’t answer and instead stare at him, stunned.
Slowly he reaches for his mask, and suddenly you’re face-to-face with him. Your eyes trace over his features: his chiselled jaw dusted with slight stubble, freckles illuminated by the headlights of passing cars that trail down his cheeks, the firm set of his brows. For a second, you’re blown away. But then the very real doom of the situation you’ve found yourself in prevails.
“You know my name...how? I’ve never met you before.”
His expression holds more wonderment than yours. As if he's close to solving a Rubik's cube. The colours are almost sorted, and then there will be the relief of finally putting it together.
You feel vulnerable as he examines you, unsure just how much of a threat this man is. “You really think you’re him. You really think you’re Peter Parker.”
His brows furrow further, “I am.”
It clicks. You feel a little embarrassed that it took you this long to realise. For the past forty-two hours, you have been dealing with all sorts of multiversal bullshit. Maybe he really is Peter Parker. Just a different one. If villains can slip through the cracks, why not a hero?
Peter always told you that there wasn’t a thought you had that didn’t cross your face. You didn’t mean to be so expressive. You figured now that this revelation must have also been visible because the man in front of you stared in pure bewilderment. 
“Oh my god! You- you are Peter. Holy shit! Do you know where you are right now?” He looked around- a little smirk on his face. 
“The lower east side,” He says like it’s a question. 
You shake your head no before answering.
"Okay, I’m gonna say something, but it’s gonna sound crazy. Or maybe it won’t- maybe you’re used to this kinda stuff, and it’s just something crazy to us?"
His head is tilted to the side again, it’s cute. 
“I think…you’re from another universe.” His eyebrows shoot up, but you continue. 
“I think you are Peter Parker, just not mine. You see, my Peter tried to make everyone forget he was Spider-Man, but the spell got botched, and a bunch of crazy people started falling into our universe. People who knew Peter Parker was Spider-Man. Obviously, Peter Parker would also know that Peter Parker is Spider-Man. So, I think you slipped through.”
He seems to ponder your words. His hands are in his hair, and he mutters to himself as he paces. He’s at the mouth of the alleyway now, taking in his surroundings. You pull out your pocket knife (another gift from Peter) and cut yourself free of the webbing, massaging your wrist while he slowly comes to terms. 
Suddenly he whips around. His eyes are alight as he walks towards you. His hands grab your shoulders, and his smile is wide. Just as he opens his mouth, you hear it. 
“Peter? Peter! Peter, come here!”
You look over his shoulder and behind him, you see Ned and Michelle surrounded by a ring of golden sparks. The Spider-Man turns around and seems just as confused as you.
Currently, you stood in front of three Peter’s in your old high school chemistry lab. This definitely wasn’t on your "Save the World" bingo card. Currently, everyone was bickering over who was who, and who was to be called what. Your brain was hurting after the cosmic stretch that was your reality right now.
“Okay, Okay, I got it!” The three Peters stop their childish squabbling and look at you with expectant eyes. 
You point to the tallest one, “You are Peter.” 
He does a little fist pump, and you continue over the other two’s whining of ‘Why does he get to be Peter?’ and ‘We’re all Peter- that’s not fair!’. 
You point to the older one next, “Your Pete.” 
He nods, and Your Peter looks at you confused- almost wounded.
“But that’s my nickname…,” He complains. 
You shake your head slowly, a deviant smile stretching across your face.
“No, it’s not.” 
Your Peter huffs, “Uh, Yeah, it is. You always call me Pete. It’s like our thing.”
Your knowing smile grows, “Nu-uh, your nickname is Petey.” 
You watch as the other Peters begin to snicker, and your Peter’s face slowly bleeds to a crimson shade.
“I told you not to call me that.”
You laugh, “And yet I do. Always have, always will. You’re Petey, end of story.” 
He’s getting embarrassed, and you want to feel bad, but flustering your friend is one of the few joys you get from life.
“I hate that nickname! It makes me sound like a baby!” 
You tried to bite back your laughter at the irony of his complaint and the manner in which he was conducting himself.
“You were always my pobrecito,” You coo.
He scowls with arms crossed as you make grabby hands at him. “I am not a baby.”
You play up your frown- completely taking the mick now. You raise your hands, pinching his cheeks.
“Lo siento. Don’t worry, sigues siendo muy guapito.”
He swats your hands away and you laugh, “Stop saying that! I’m ‘guapo’ no ‘guapito’! I’m a man!” 
In the background, Pete tips his head to the side.
“Do you know what they're talking about?” 
Peter just shakes his head no as they continue to watch on. 
You pat Petey on the cheek, “You’re right. You are definitely a man. A man who didn’t call me last week and ask me to retie his shoes for him because ‘the way I tie it is better.’”
Petey’s blush deepened as he looked down at the ground. You rumpled his hair in victory before turning back to the snickering group. 
“Okay, now that that’s settled," you say as you turn back to the Peter's in threes, "what’s the plan?”
All previous levity is left as their faces turn stoic. 
One creepy thing you were still getting used to is how similar their facial expressions were. You just watched all three switch from Peter to Spider-Man. Men on a mission. They divvied up the tasks among themselves, discussing their particular expertise for each cure. You sat back, trying your best to understand what they were saying, but most of it flew over your head. You sat next to Ned for a bit while he ran a program beyond your comprehension on his laptop. But you grew bored- antsy. 
Petey was currently being comforted by MJ. You wanted to comfort him too, but you didn’t want to crowd him. Your gaze fell to Peter once again. Something about him was alluring to you. He was nothing like your Peter. Not really. He was tall, and his muscles hung differently on his frame. He was a bit older- something that excited you more than it should. You were counting his freckles when he looked up, locking eyes with you with a small smirk before going back to his task. You felt your cheeks warm at being caught. 
You made your way over, feigning nonchalance. “How goes it?”
Peter lifted his goggles, “It goes well. I finally got the Resazurin synthesis to dissolve, so now, I can bind it to the Barium-Hydroxide, and infuse the Dinitrogen Monoxide and Acetamide solution so the Ammonium Perchlorate is stable within the compound.” 
You nodded your head dumbly, “Yeah, that’s- that’s good.” 
He chuckled, “Okay, so you’re not a mega-nerd. This multiverse thing is weird.”
You laughed as well. “Yeah, like, you’re Peter, but you're not like my Peter. You’re cooler, handsome-er.” 
Peter’s smile grew as he leaned against the workstation. “I’m cooler and handsome-er?” 
You rolled your eyes, hoping to distract from the warmth you felt on your cheeks. “Yeah, but you’re just as cocky. I guess that’s part of the Peter Parker Package.” 
You felt exposed under Peter’s gaze. “It seems teasing wit is a (Y/n) (L/n) Essential as well.”
His statement intrigued you, “You have a me?”
He looked away, fiddling with his contraption. “Yeah, she was nothing like you, though.”
You leaned against your hand, your elbow propped on the table, and he chuckled.
“My (Y/n) was my best friend. Her dad was a top scientist at Oscorp. Harry, (Y/n), and I were inseparable. She was nice, but you're definitely ‘cooler and handsome-er’”
You chuckled at his mirroring of your words before. Something about Peter made you want to know everything about him. You were enchanted by him. 
“What’s your favourite food?” Peter looked at you confused but relented after gazing at your sweet smile. 
“Kugel.” You ask him what it was, having never heard of it before. He explained it, and you realised this wasn’t a multiversal misunderstanding. 
“You’re Jewish?” Peter nodded, an unsure “yeah…” leaving his lips. 
You looked to Pete, who was pretending not to eavesdrop. “Are you Jewish?” 
Pete said that he wasn’t and continued working on his cure. Peter looked surprised as well but shrugged it off. “What’s your Peter’s favourite food?”
You scrunched up your nose at the thought, “Pickles.” 
Peter laughs, and you continue.
“No, really. He loves them. I remember when he was younger, and I would babysit him, I had to make sure he stayed out of the fridge ‘cause he would sneak ‘em. Once, I found him behind the couch, wrist deep in some Claussen's.” 
Peter laughed with you at the memory, “So, you used to babysit the other Peter?” 
“Please, call him Petey.” You smiled, “But yeah, I’m two years older than him. I used to live across the hall from him and…”
You hesitated to say her name, the loss still fresh. Peter seemed to understand, his eyes sincere. 
“Were you close?” You let out a sigh, taking a glance at the broken boy on the other side of the chemistry station. 
“Yeah, she was like a mother to me. It was just me and my dad, and she- she was kind. I’m kinda an orphan too now.”
You hadn’t really gotten a second to grieve. Tonight had been a maelstrom of events, and your focus was on Petey. He was carrying so much, and you wanted to be there for him; you could grieve later. 
“I’m sorry.”
It was a simple phrase, one you hated, really. Years of being friends with Petey would do that to you. He was always apologising for things out of his control. You immediately want to say “not your fault”, something you would say to Petey on an almost daily basis, a knee-jerk reaction to the phrase. But you bite your tongue and thank him instead. 
“I’m more worried about him. He’s- he’s been through a lot lately. Everyone hates him, thinks he’s a murderer. He lost Ben and Stark, and now…he’s lost May. He’s so young, ya know? He hasn’t even graduated high school, and already…” You sigh, your heart breaking for him. “I wish I could take some of the weight off his shoulders, ya know? I love him.”
You found yourself staring at the young couple across the way. Their heads rested together. It was sweet, though it burned just a tad. You didn’t have that, and you wished you did. Someone to tell you that even when the world is falling apart, they are with you- you’re not alone. Someone to love you, to hold you, to kiss it better. You loved that Petey finally had that. MJ was good for him. 
“You have someone?” You both turn to look at Pete, his age lines wrapped around his slight frown. 
“No. I got no time for- uh- Peter Parker stuff, you know?” Peter’s countenance twisted into curiosity, “Do you?”
Pete made a face, “Uh, that’s a little complicated.”
"No, I understand.” Peter wore a sympathetic smile, “I guess it’s just not in the cards for guys like us.”
You felt conflicting feelings of excitement and dismay at Peter’s response. 
On the one hand, the guy you were quickly crushing on was available. That’s a plus. However, you were sad that he didn’t have someone “back home.” On the rooftop, he spoke of his lost love, the one he couldn’t save- Gwen. Your heart broke for him then, and it shatters now. You imagine great loss is also a part of the Peter Parker Package. It pains you to think he’s written off a chance of romance, of love. You allow yourself to daydream for a moment of being that person for him, but only for a moment. He has to return; his universe needs a Spider-Man. You couldn’t be that for him even if you wanted to. 
“Well, I wouldn’t give up. It took a while, but... we made it work,” Pete reassures.
“I mean, who knows? Yesterday the multiverse was just a crazy pipedream theory, and now we’re living it. If there’s one thing being Spider-Man has taught me, it’s that life can be crazy and unpredictable. Nothing is off the table.”  
Pete’s eyes fall on you as he says the last part, and you feel like you’ve been caught. Was it that obvious you were crushing on the tall man beside you?
You hoped he was right. You hoped that, maybe, you could be with Peter- somehow, some way. You locked eyes, and there was something in his gaze, a deep secret you wanted to unravel. His eyes were craters on Demios, and you were drifting into his gravitational pull. 
“What about you? Do you have someone?” You blinked dumbly, your brain rebooting. 
“Yeah, no. No, I, uh, don’t have anyone.” Peter graced you with a lazy smile. 
“I find that hard to believe.” A breathless laugh left your chest as you broke away from his gaze. You felt like cellophane; he could see right through you. 
“I mean there have been people…in the past. But none of them- yeah. I don’t have the best luck with love. Petey was the only decent fellow I dated.” You chuckled at the thought, missing the way Peter’s smile tensed. 
“You and Petey, huh? Do you still…?” You saw how his eyes had saddened and couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you. 
“Oh, no. No, no, no. We were in high school and thought we should try it, but…we’re definitely just friends. He uh- he wasn’t the right one.” Peter raised his eyebrows.
“The right one?” You shrugged your shoulders.
“Yeah, we didn’t really fit. He wasn’t the right man. Or maybe I’m wrong. Maybe he was the perfect man, just the wrong version.” 
Peter looked at you, that subtle smirk returning. “Yeah, maybe so.” 
Your lingering gaze was interrupted by Ned calling for Peter, making all Peters look in his direction. You groaned at their pointing and confusion.
“Dios Mio! We’ve been over this! Pete, Peter, and Petey.” 
Ned cringed, “I’m not calling him ‘Petey’. It feels wrong.” 
You grumble to yourself about the pointlessness of labelling them if no one was going to use the titles. However, you didn’t get to dwell on it long. The cures were done, and now it was time to act. Now they were preparing for battle. 
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Taglist: @actuallypeterparker, @andrews-lovr, @barbecuetiddy, @cherriescherriesred25, @heejinw0rld, @ilovemoonknight, @Isshecrazyorissheclever, @preciousbabypeter, @purple-amaranthe, @raajali3, @rudy-the-winged-wolf, @scorpiolystoned, @tayswiftlovebot, @wannapizzamymindposts, @whoreforklitz,
51 notes · View notes
Hero- Tony Stark
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Pairing: Tony Stark x Daughter!Reader
Characters: Tony Stark
Warnings: N/A
Request: Anon- 8 "I'd do anything for you." , 11 "I'm so proud of you.", and 15 "I'm right here." from the fluff prompt list you just reblogged BUT as an angst fic Tony Stark x Stark!Daughter!Reader mebbe? Please & thank you! :)
Word Count: 657
Author: Charlotte
Being Tony Stark’s daughter was never easy. You had been in the public eye since you were an infant and although he tried his best to be a good dad, he wasn’t always the most attentive. He got caught up in work a lot and got distracted, leading to more than one missed school play. He tried to make it up to you with lavish gifts and insight into the newest technology he was working on, but it was never the paternal relationship you had longed for.
Things only got worse when Peter Parker came into your lives. He was the same age as you, but he was a superhero, which interested your father far more than you did. He was caring and supportive of Peter in a way you had only ever dreamed of. Part of you had always assumed maybe he wasn’t the supportive, loving father but with Peter, he showed he was capable of it, he just couldn’t do that with you, so maybe you were the problem.
You decided to do what was necessary to get his attention- be a hero. Maybe he would be able to treat you like he did Peter if you were more like him. Sadly, you weren’t bitten by a spider or wearing a super suit, you weren’t anything much more than a teenager running around trying to stop crime. In hindsight it was a terrible idea and led to you having been beaten to a pulp and left in a hospital bed after trying to stop a man from stealing an older lady’s purse.
You begged the nurse not to call your dad, but she had already made the call and within a few minutes you could hear him shouting as he made his way to your hospital bed.
“What the hell were you thinking?” He shouted as soon as he reached your bedside.
“What do you care?” You snapped, attempting to role over to look away from him but it hurt too much to move.
“I’m your dad, of course I care that you went out in the middle of the night and almost got yourself killed,” he frowned.
Tear begun to brim in your eyes and no matter how hard you tried to fight it, the fell regardless. Your dad’s anger settled as he rested a gentle hand to your shoulder, his concern and worry overtaking the frustration that he had previously succumbed to.
“I’m not angry with you,” he sighed. “I just don’t understand what could compel you to go out and do something so stupid.”
“I just wanted to make you proud,” you croaked through your strangling sobs.
He raised an eyebrow. “I’m so proud of you. Not for the decision you made tonight but I couldn’t imagine being prouder of everything you’ve accomplished so far.”
You tried to take a couple of deep breaths to settle the sobs, but they continued to make your breathing and thoughts shaky.
“I wanted you to look at me how you look at Peter. He’s a hero and I’m nothing,” you cried. “You do so much for him, and I feel so alone.”
He wrapped his arms around you, propping himself on the edge of your bed. Although he could explain why he felt he needed to be there for Peter, it didn’t matter at the moment, all that mattered was trying to make sure you had your dad.
“You are my hero,” he assured. “I’d do anything for you. You’re my little girl.”
You buried your face into his chest, letting your tears stain his shirt as he stroked a hand through your hair.
“It’s okay. I’m right here,” he said softly, leaning down to kiss the top of your head.
He didn’t know how he was going to make things right, but he did know that he needed to spend time with you and make sure he was the father that he never had.
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writingforfun0714 · 1 year
I’ll update this as I post.
Fandoms I write for:
—Star Wars: Clone Wars, Rebels, Bad Batch, Tales of the Jedi, OG trilogy, Prequel trilogy, The Acolyte
—Arcane (Vi, Caitlyn, Powder/Jinx, Jayce, Viktor, Heimerdinger, Ekko, Silco, Vander, Sevika, Mel, Singed)
—Avatar the Last Airbender/Legend of Korra
—Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus
—Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire/House of the Dragon
—Harry Potter
—Marvel (Natasha Romanoff, Yelena Belova, Wanda Maximoff, Peter Parker, Clint Barton, Kate Bishop, Miles Morales, Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers)
—Jungle Book (I prefer either the 2016/2018 versions but any iteration is fine with me including the OG book)
—Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse (ITSV), Across the Spiderverse (ATSV)
—True Detective: Night Country (Liz Danvers, Evangeline Navarro, Leah Danvers, Pete Prior, Rose Aguineau, Julia Navarro, Qavvik)
What I WILL write:
—Single and multi chapter fics
—Crossovers with any of the fandoms listed
— x Reader Insert (FEMALE)
—Angst, hurt, fluff, comfort, etc
—OC fics
—**Mental Illness/slight NSFW/TW (any and all warnings will be placed visibly on each fic)**
What I WILL NOT write:
—Graphic sexual scenes/situations including ABO
—Incest/‘Clonecest’ (for Game of Thrones fandom but also including clone shipping for Star Wars fandom)
—Male Reader (I will consider gender neutral but anything but female reader is unfamiliar to me)
—Non-Ace Yelena Belova (Marvel). I will not change a character’s gender identity or sexuality either for ANY fandom.
—Beastiality (Jungle Book)
**I want this blog to be safe for minors so any warnings will be placed accordingly**
Clone Wars
I’m Sorry Anakin—How Anakin got his scar
Bad Batch
Older Sister—Omega befriends my Jedi Youngling OC Maisy while the rest of CF99 are off on Raxus and becomes an older sister figure to the Jedi Youngling. *follows the show/test fic*
Our Love—Original Bad Batch story that introduces my Jedi Youngling Maisy and Padawan Wyyntrr OCs.
Better Half—Echo finds out about Fives
Family—Part 2 of Better Half
New Friend— Fix it fic
Sisters of Mine— Female child reader insert that mostly follows the show.
Jungle Book
A Chance Encounter—Request
*Fics in white are one shots*
*Fics in red are discontinued*
*Fics in blue are multi-chapter*
Scene Comparisons
Arcane/Bad Batch
Left Behind Scene
—Part 1
—Part 2
Eavesdropping/Listening to a Conversation Scene
—Part 1
—Part 2
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controloffandoms · 5 years
Heart Breakers (P.P./S.M.)
Prompt: I’m still on my Endgame fics….But this one is with a twist. Your soulmate feels everything you do, emotions, pain, etc. 
Pairing: Spiderman x Stark!reader
Words: 4528
Warnings: Major character deaths, Endgame spoilers (kinda), violence, depressed reader
Notes: In this, after the characters turn to ash, they continue to age so that they come out as they would have already been five years later.
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Seven Years Ago
You trailed after the spider boy. Your father was currently dealing with another problem. The ‘Spider Man’ was fighting a man who called himself ‘The Vulture’. You winced as you saw the ship split in two. You hurried over, grabbing the ship and pulling to keep it together. Peter was still a whiles away from the ship. “Any time now, Parker,” you muttered. 
Once he swung into the ship and began to hold it together, you worked on melting the metal back together. You groaned slightly as your arms twinged in pain, but brushed it off as you holding the boat together as long as you did. Once the ship was relatively back together, you and Parker got back to the city. “Seriously, why have you been following me around all day? It doesn’t mean anything unless you’re actually in that suit, Mr. Stark.”
You rolled your eyes, letting your helmet fold down into the suit. “Dad told me to make sure you were okay while he was gone. That’s what I’m doing. And, if you didn’t notice, I kept that ship together long enough for you to get there and hold it together while I welded it back together. If I hadn’t been there, that ship would have gone down.”
Peter just looked at you before he rolled his eyes. “I don’t need a watchdog.”
“I never said I was a watchdog. I’m simply here for when you need help. I’m not going to involve myself in every single thing you do. Most people would be happy to have me watching their back,” you rolled your eyes with a sigh. 
Peter shook his head. “I don’t need your help. I’m doing fin-”
The wind was knocked out of you at the same time Peter was hit dead on by vulture. It took you a second to regain your breath, another second to process that you hadn’t been hit, and another second to go chasing after the Vulture. “Hey, birdbrain!” You knocked him off Peter, grabbing Peter’s arm so he wouldn’t fall. 
You set Peter on a roof top to allow him to do his thing. You continued after Vulture. You lost sight of him and slowed your flying down to be able to properly look for him. A yell from your left caught you off guard. The Vulture pounced on you, causing you to freefall, hitting the ground with enough force to jar your head. You groaned as the Vulture’s claws found a weaker part in the arm piece. It was beginning to cut into your skin. You raised your other arm, blasting him off of you.
Peter was behind the Vulture, attacking him. You took a second to get a breath and got up. You rushed Vulture, kicking him into the side of a building. With both you and Peter working together, you were able to subdue the Vulture. You put in a call to Fury to have him pick up the man that Peter had webbed up snugly to a light post. “Are you alright,” Peter asked, motioning to your arm. You could see the blood slowly seeping out from the broken metal. 
“This is going to be a bitch to get off, but I’ll be fine. Hazard of the job.” You wanted to ask if he felt it too, but you didn’t want to be too hopeful. “Are you alright? Vulture plowed into you at full speed earlier.”
“I heal pretty quickly.”
You nodded. You sighed before letting the helmet down again. “Would you like to come back to the tower with me? I think we both need to talk.”
Five Years Ago
You watched as the metal wheel thing descended from the sky. “What the hell is that,” you asked your dad. 
“I don’t know.” You both raced off towards it. 
You let the suit disassemble into the jewelry you wore as your father talked with Bruce and some wizard guy you didn’t know. You felt a sense of calm envelop you and smiled slightly, knowing it was Peter sending it to you. You had no doubt that he’d seen the alien ship and would be on his way. 
You stepped closer to the ship...it was interesting tech from what you could see. You didn’t see the alien that stepped out of the ship, nor did you hear his voice...you were too interested in the alien tech. You realized your mistake too late, grunting at the impact of the wall. You got up, glaring at the one that had hit you. “That was rude.” You let your suit form around you again, “let me return the favor.” 
You blasted the alien’s ass to kingdom come. “Jackass,” you muttered as you landed beside your father and the others. The helmet retracted and you glared at the alien in front of you. “Are you going to be a jackass as well? I’ll happily kick your ass if that’s the case.” 
You don’t know how long you and the others had been fighting the aliens from the metal wheel, but suddenly it was taking off and you couldn’t breathe. You clasped a hand to your throat, collapsing to your knees. Bruce was by your side in seconds trying to talk to you, but you couldn’t hear him over your panic. Peter couldn’t breathe. Peter couldn’t breathe. Peter couldn’t breathe.
Then, Peter could breathe. You could breathe again. “He’s lucky I made a suit for him,” your father called through the coms.
“Sorry about that, Love,” Peter stated. 
“It’s okay. I’ll head up to the ship and-”
“No, I’ve already got one teenager to look after, I don’t want to be worried about you. Stay with Bruce.” 
“I need you down there because I know you can make the tech they need. I need you to trust me.”
“And we’ll be back before you know it, (Y/N/N),” Peter added. 
You sighed. “Stay safe, both of you. And I love you both,” it felt awkward to say it, but you didn’t know when you’d see them again...or if you’d see them again.
“I love you,” Peter immediately responded.
“I love you too, kid,” your father added.
You watched Thanos’ forces hitting the barrier around Wakanda. You’d already given all the tech you’d made out to its rightful owners. It was now about time for the battle. You looked at the person who was gripping your arm. Steve Rogers, one of your dad’s best friends. “You alright, (Y/N)?” 
“Thanos’ army is trying to find ways into Wakanda, we’re about to go through the fight of our lives, I have no idea where Peter and my father are, and no idea where Thanos is. Not to mention that Vision wants us to kill him if we can’t get the mind stone out of his head in time to protect it.” You let out a shaky breath, “I’m just peachy.”
“We’re not going to let him win easily.”
You nodded. “Rig-ugh,” you clutch your stomach. “I think Peter found Thanos,” you mumbled. You were finally able to get a full breath in. You stood back up, rubbing a hand over your sore stomach. “I hope everyone here that has soulmates that aren’t heroes are happy about the fact. Because it really fucking sucks sometimes,” you stated as your head began to pound. 
Steve’s hand clutched your shoulder in sympathy. “If you need to, you can go watch Shuri and Vision to ensure their safety and we’ll deal with the army.”
You shook your head. “No, I can do this.”
With that, the games begin. You had never seen so many adversaries in one place. You took to the skies, taking the alien creatures down one by one. You and Sam tag teamed a group of the aliens before getting separated again. “Watch your back, Stark,” T’challa called. You turned in time to deflect the alien. 
That left you open from the front, and you went tumbling down. The impact with the added weight of the alien caused the metal around your abdomen to crush inward, causing you to bite back a scream. You blasted the alien, instantly killing him. You were thrown back into the trees from another attack. Then you were pushed further back into a clearing. 
You moved in time to miss the next attack. With a couple of well placed blasts, you took care of the alien. “Everyone alright,” Cap asked those that were gathered in the clearing by this point. 
Mumbles of ‘yeahs’ and ‘mostly’ went up through the group. You all turned to the portal that opened, letting Thanos through. You didn’t pay attention to what was said. You had to take him down before he could get to Vision. He couldn’t get the last stone. 
Pushing the pain away, you charged Thanos from the back, picking the titan up before unibeaming him back into the Earth. As you went in for another hit, Thanos grabbed your boot, throwing you into the ground multiple times before pulling you to face him. “So you’re Stark’s daughter. He kept telling me that no matter if I defeated him, you would defeat me. I don’t see how you could.” 
He ripped away at your suit. “You are nothing more than a human in a power suit.” He used a piece of your suit as a sword, burying it deep within you abdomen. You couldn’t control the scream that ripped from your throat at the pain that followed it. Thanos threw you to the side, no longer worried about you. 
You must have blacked out for a little while because when you woke up, Vision was dead, his mind stone on the Infinity Gauntlet. Thanos was talking to Thor who’s ax was protruding from Thanos’ chest. “You should...you...you should have gone for the head,” it was like it was all in slow motion as Thanos snapped his fingers.
It was the most unimaginable pain you’d ever felt. You could tell Peter’s ‘spidey sense’ was picking up that he was going to die. It was agonizing. During this time, you had pulled yourself into a sitting position, clutching the piece of metal stuck in your body. You couldn’t hear anything, all you could focus on was Peter and how he was dying. 
It was like the whole world just stopped. Tears were flowing down your face and your mouth was open, but you couldn’t tell if you were screaming or not...your hearing hadn’t come back to you yet. You gripped the metal in your body tighter, pulling it from your abdomen. You stood, determined. Peter was dead, and it was Thanos’ fault. 
The world came back to you almost as quickly as it had left. Thor was screaming at Thanos...it was a good distraction. “He’s dead because of you,” you shouted, jumping and shoving the metal through Thanos’ neck. He sputtered, looking at you with wider eyes. You shoved the metal even further in. You couldn’t stop him as he closed his fist and teleported away, but that didn’t stop you from trying. 
Thor pulled you away once he realized what was going to happen. He didn’t want you to teleport with him, you were hurt. You fought against him, even when Thanos was gone. Finally, you collapsed on yourself, sobs leaving your broken body. “Peter’s dead,” you kept muttering over and over. 
Present Day
Since Peter’s death, you’d distanced yourself from everyone. There was a time where you had hope that you would all figure out how to bring everyone back, but that had long since passed. Every day you woke up, thinking Peter would be making breakfast or would run through the door and apologize for being away for so long. Your mood would only darken from there. Most days you didn’t leave the bed.
You got up slowly and cleaned up a bit. After a shower, you pushed yourself to get something to eat. You don’t think you’ve eaten in three days and you knew that Peter would want you to take care of yourself. As you finished the meager breakfast you’d made, you were going to go back to your room but someone knocked at your door. You thought about ignoring it, but with the persistent knocking, you knew they wouldn’t leave any time soon.
You opened the door, not bothering to look up at the person standing in the doorway. You turned and walked back into the apartment. “Kid, you can’t live like this.”
You rolled your eyes, deciding to clean the dishes in the sink while your father walked around the apartment. “You have a family. You have a-” you cleared your throat, willing the tears away, “you have a soulmate. You don’t get to judge my life since you don’t know what it’s like losing the person you’re meant to be with.” Your voice cracked a lot from not being used and probably from some of the emotions you were feeling.
“I know I can’t relate to that, but you have to take care of yourself. Peter’s not going to want to see you withered away when we bring him back.” The plate you had been holding clattered into the sink, breaking. Your back was tense. “We came up with a plan...but we need your help. You know tech better than I do sometimes. I need your help to build a machine to help us get our friends and family back.”
You took a deep breath, willing your heart not to hope. If this wasn’t true, you couldn’t be hurt again. “Don’t play on my emotions like that,” you ground out. 
“We’re not. We think we can at least get everyone that turned to ash back, (Y/N),” you hadn’t seen Steve come in. 
You finally looked at the small group that stood in your apartment. Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanoff, and your father, Tony Stark. Their faces were a mix of hope and determination. You bit your lip, shaking your head. “What do you need me to build?”
You took a deep breath, messing one last time with the wires to make sure everything was correct. You didn’t want to end up doing damage to anyone that tested the machine. You’d run the calculations hundreds of times, went over the wiring even more, and you were still a nervous mess. “Okay...this is as ready as it’s ever going to be.” 
Tony came over to you, pulling you into a hug. “It’s going to work. You built it. I have all the faith in the world in you...so have faith in yourself.” 
You nodded. After Peter had died, all your Stark charm was gone. You just couldn’t find it in yourself to care about anything. How could you go on with your old life without Peter being there? You dipped into that Stark charm to put on a brave face. You were going to get everyone back. “Alright. Two minutes and I’m pulling you back.” 
“See you when we get back,” Steve stated to everyone as he took his place. 
You sent them through, worry eating at your insides. This plan was crazy. As the two minutes ended, you hit a couple of buttons on the machine, sighing as you saw everyone start to reemerge. You did a head count, eyes narrowing as you saw one was missing. “Where’s Nat, did I lose her,” you asked, trying again and again to get her signal on the machine, but getting nothing.
Clint just shook his head. “Sacrificed herself for the Soul stone.”
It was silent as everyone took in the information. “Then we need to make damn sure we get everyone else back. She didn’t die for us to fail,” you stated. “Bruce, you’re going to wield the gauntlet. With the Hulk on your side, you should be able to survive if you snap.” You started to ramble on about the logistics and calculations you had done to ensure that he was the only one who could snap and survive, but a hand on your shoulder had you close your mouth. 
“I understand the logic, (Y/N). I’ll do it.” You handed him a gauntlet, nodding to the others to put the stones in the gauntlet. “Alright, let’s get everyone back.”
You walked over to your dad...you really hoped this worked. If it did...Peter would come back to you. He placed an arm over your shoulders before pressing a bracelet into your hand. You looked down, noticing the colors of your suit. You slipped the bracelet on and warily watched Bruce as he used the power of the gauntlet. 
Did it work? You suited up as you saw Bruce go down, grabbing the gauntlet and pulling it from his hand. You dropped it almost immediately as the power started to flow through you, weakening you. You dropped down the Bruce as Steve asked him if he was alright. He asked if it worked. “I-I think so.”
The next few moments were filled with confusion and you weren’t clear on exactly what happened. You winced as you stood up. The suit had retracted back into the bracelet. You coughed, placing your hand on the wall as the dust started to settle. What the hell happened? 
You made your way towards the light of the outside world. You winced, trying to get your eyes to adjust. Once they did, you zoned in on Thanos. He beat down your father, Steve, and Thor easily. Oh he was yours. The suit formed around you and you took off, aiming directly for Thanos and hitting your mark, making you both fly several yards in the direction you were going. 
You placed both hands on either side of his head and blasted your repulsors, rendering him momentarily out of commission as he couldn’t see or hear. You brought your metallic fist down on his face, over and over for how much pain he had caused you over the past five years. Just as your fist was going to meet his face again, his hand shot up and grabbed it. 
He threw you around like it was nothing, putting dents in your armor. He even started to tear parts of it away before Thor was on him again. Some time in the fight with Thanos, you’d lost your helmet and part of your torso armor. You took a few deep breaths as you took stock of the situation. Thanos’ army was pouring from the sky, Thanos was occupied with getting the infinity stones, and everyone besides Thor was fighting the army.
As Thor was thrown away from Thanos and bombarded by the alien army, you went for Thanos again. You wouldn’t let him win again. You were so focused on Thanos that you didn’t even notice the orange circles in the distance that let more warriors through to fight the army. “You honestly think you can defeat me. That’s laughable. I am the most powerful being in the universe, you are nothing but an ant beneath my feet.”
“I never said that I was the one that would defeat you. I’m just one of those ‘ants’ that will lead to your downfall.” You gave it everything you had, landing quite a few good hits. Thanos, on the other hand, landed a lot more punches than you did. 
Blood dripped down from a couple of head lacerations you had acquired. You wouldn’t give up though. You began to push yourself up again but Thanos put his foot on your already crushed chest plate and raised his sword. “I’ll admit you gave me a good workout. But I’m through with your games.” As he brought the sword down, it was intercepted by Sam Wilson.
You stared at Sam as he pushed Thanos away from you. “You-You’re back.”
“Damn right I am,” he responded before taking off again. It took a second to sink in. If Sam was back, then so was Peter. 
When you came back to your senses, you could feel his worry through the soul bond. He was worried for you. At your sudden spike of happiness, you could feel his confusion. Your Peter was back. You got up, looking around you. You didn’t see Thanos, you didn’t see Peter, but you knew he was there. 
You sent all your love through the bond as you got back into the battle, taking down alien after alien with renewed vigor. 
Finally you spotted Peter. You landed in front of him, blasting the aliens that surrounded him to pieces. Not seeing anymore aliens coming towards you, you turned to Peter. You were lost for words. He looked older than the last time you’d seen him. It was like he had aged while he’d been dusted. “It worked,” you whispered, reaching out to place a hesitant hand on his cheek.
He nuzzled into your hand, eyes closing in content. Your other hand went to his other cheek and you brought him into a bruising kiss. You didn’t realize that you’d started crying until Peter’s thumbs were wiping them away after you’d separated. “I missed you so much,” you cried.
Feeling your pain through the bond, he hugged you tighter, placing gentle kisses across your face. “I’m so sorry. I am so sorry I left you. It won’t ever happen again.” He placed a kiss on your lips again. “I love you.”
“I love you so much more,” you responded. 
At the sound of aliens being fought off near the both of you, you both broke out of your haze. “I’m glad you two have reunited, but can the rest of your makeout session wait until we’ve taken care of Thanos and his army,” Steve asked. 
You and Peter looked at each other, giving a quick kiss and getting back to the battle at hand.
You don’t know what caught your attention first: Thanos or your father. Everything was in slow motion as you raced to get to your father. He wouldn’t be able to wield the stones and survive. “And I. Am. Iron Man,” he snaps his fingers and the army starts to turn to dust. 
Seconds later, you land next to him, panicking. “Dad-why did you-why did you do that? We could have...please don’t go,” you cried, hands shaking as Tony took them. 
“It’s okay. I-I know you can make it. You and-You and Morgan are my greatest legacy, I know you’ll teach her everything she needs to know.” You couldn’t stop the tears, body shaking. “I love you, Squeaky.”
You buried your face in his neck. “I love you, Iron Dad.”
Peter was now by your side, and he didn’t look much better than you. You couldn’t pay attention to what they were saying to each other. The feeling in your chest nearly knocked the breath out of your body. You held your father’s hand until you could see his chest stop moving. 
Your hands shook as you released the hand you’d been holding. You needed something to break. You needed something to take your mind off of the fact that your father was dead. You needed to hurt so you could forget what the pain in your chest feels like. It was a pain you’d been living with for the past five years, you couldn’t handle feeling it a second longer. 
You ignored the people that reached out for you as you flew back to the trashed Avenger’s compound. It wasn’t long before you were doing enough damage that it could easily be seen from where the group was surrounding Tony. It didn’t take a person with super hearing to hear your screams as you continued to demolish the already crumbling building with your suit. 
From the expression on Peter’s face, the group knew he was feeling all of the pain you were. Steve placed a hand on Peter’s shoulder, squeezing slightly. As the damage started to die down, they thought you would come out. When you didn’t, they looked to Peter for an explanation. 
Peter rubbed his hands that were starting to sting. He decided to stop you before you seriously hurt yourself. He webbed himself to the compound and quickly found you. Your suit had run out of power, and now you were using your bare hands to let all the emotions out. 
Peter gripped your hands in his before you could go back to hitting the wall. You struggled against him, trying to get free. He brought you into his embrace as you fought it, hitting his chest. Slowly, you started to settle down, sobbing into Peter’s chest. His own tears fell with the combination of what you were feeling along with his own pain at watching the father figure he’d come to love die after just reuniting with him.
“We’ll get through this together. Don’t shut me out.” He held you tighter as you did the same.
Ten Months Later
You sent a text to Peter telling him to finally bring the surviving Avengers and their families to your secret project. You had been working this since your father’s funeral. You made sure you had all of the snacks and drinks out...it was the grand opening of the new Avenger’s compound and you couldn’t have a grand opening without snacks and drinks.
You quickly walked outside, seeing the cover still over the monument and smiling slightly. You hoped everyone liked it. You had taken it from a photo that the group had taken before Thanos was ever a problem for anyone. You’d even gotten a picture of Loki from Thor after hearing what Loki did for him. 
You watched as the cars started to pull in. You smirked at their wowed expressions...they hadn’t even seen the best part yet. Peter walked over to you, pressing a kiss to your head. You gave Morgan a hug as she walked over to you excitedly. “I would like to introduce you to the Avengers Memorial Headquarters. I figured we all needed a place we could come to talk, train, debrief, et cetera.”
You felt you suit spread across your body. “I would also like to introduce our Memorial...for all the brave and heroic things they did for us and the world.” You pulled the cover off from the top of the statue. Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, and Loki all stared back at the group. 
You landed next to Peter, the suit retracting. You leaned into his embrace as those assembled walked closer to the memorial. “This is amazing, (Y/N),” Pepper stated. 
“Thank you, Lady (Y/N),” Thor gave you a bone crushing hug. 
You laughed lightly. “I know nothing can top that reveal, but I have a whole facility to show you guys. There are also some light snacks and refreshments set up.”
It still hurt to think of the people you’d lost because of Thanos...but it was becoming easier to cope with. Everything you were to do in the future, you did because of them...and you weren’t going to let their sacrifices be in vain.
Forever Tags
@miraclesoflove @way-ward-whale @avengersss-assembleee @nocturnalherb16
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stressa-bessa · 6 years
Dream A Little Dream of Me
For @silverholland – Prompts #3 & 15
Thank you @loki-in-hogwarts for helping me, once again, with brainstorming!! Ilysm! This was for my 100 Followers Celebration!
A/N: Thank you so much for your patience, Silverholland! I’m so sorry this is so late getting to you. It’s been insane with school, but I hope you enjoy!
#3 – Stay with me
#15 – “Stand up” “Uh, I’d rather not”
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 Peter Parker x Reader
Fluff, fluff and more fluff
Word count: 2031
 It was a rainy day in New York. The dampness in the air always made your body groan in protest, your joints feeling sore and heavy. They found comfort in the heat that was radiating from the man beside you, tucked away under the covers and resting peacefully. Peter, the boy you so helplessly fell in love with, had invited you over last night to Stark Tower to watch movies, however this turned into an evening of snuggling and building tension between the two of you.
It had been almost a year since you met Peter in your chemistry class. The two of you started to notice each other at lectures and over time, the two of you had grown closer. There was one night when you had been woken up by a soft knock at your window. You prayed that your roommate was sound asleep when you let a masked figure crawl through your bedroom window. That night you found out Peter’s secret and swore to him that you would never breathe it to anyone. He had needed assistance in getting cleaned up after a fight, and you were the perfect person to turn to for help. Peter knew you were a patient and kind woman. It also didn’t hurt that you were studying to be a nurse, which meant you conveniently had extra suture kits laying around your dorm room.
There was a moment that evening, just you, Peter and the dull moonlight cascading into your bedroom. There was this look in his chocolate brown eyes that you had never seen before and it made your heart skip a beat. The flecks of gold in his gaze shimmered as he investigated your gaze, breathing heavy as he rested his forehead on yours. In this moment, you were sure he was going to kiss you. That was until your roommate barged in, hammered after a long night of drinking, to ask if you knew where all her vodka had gone. With a sigh, you had muttered something under your breath before shutting your bedroom door. When you had turned back to your bed, Peter was gone.
You were almost certain that Peter shared the same feelings as you, the way your heart would melt at his bright smile, how his laugh would make your stomach flip and turn into knots. You had caught him staring at your lips a few times throughout the evening, his cheeks quickly turning a light shade of pink every time you caught him.
You had woken up a few moments ago, tucked tightly under Peter’s arm as he slept soundly beside you. The boy looked so angelic as the light thinly streamed into the room from the window, cascading over the bridge of his nose and falling along his jaw. His brown, wavy hair was a sleepy mess that had fallen into his eyes. The sound of his breath, sighing deeply as he drifted through sleep, was like music to your ears. How were you so lucky to have met such a beautiful person?
The weight of your body dragged your mind away from Peter, remembering the dull ache that moved through your hips and into your knees. With a sigh, you curled in closer to Peter’s warm body and shut your eyes, hoping to fall back to sleep.
When you awoke the second time, Peter was nowhere to be found. You felt your heart start to race as your mind panicked, reminiscing about that one evening in your dorm room. Had you done something wrong? Did you freak Peter out?
As you quickly hopped out of bed, gathering your things to make a quick escape, you heard crashing pans coming from the kitchen.
With a confused expression plastered across your face, you padded down the hallway, peeking your head into the kitchen to find Peter making pancakes.
“Good morning, Y/N.” He smiles with a lopsided grin, wiping his hands on his sweats before rushing over to give you a hug. “I was starving but you looked so peaceful when you were sleeping that I couldn’t disturb you, so I thought I could get up and surprise you with breakfast?”
The racing of your heart started to slow as your stomach started to fill with butterflies, anxiously flapping their wings inside your abdomen. What a precious human, you thought to yourself as a bright smile grew on your cheeks.
“That is so sweet, Peter.”
“How would you feel about actually having that movie marathon today? We can just spend the day, me and you.” He smiles, flipping a pancake without a spatula. A smirk grew on his face as he discovered his new trick.
“That sounds perfect.” You smile, rubbing away the dull ache in your shoulder.
Giggles over pancakes and coffee had turned a damp, cool morning, into something comfortable and cozy. The two had settled nicely on Peter’s bed, wrapped in fluffy blankets and each other’s arms while the Emperor Strikes Back played on Peter’s computer. The movie was interrupted by a buzz in Peter’s pocket.
“Shit, Tony needs me in the lab.” Peter sighs, running a hand through his hair while thinking of what to reply.
“Do you have to go?” You pout, wishing there were some way to make him stay.
“Yes, it has to do with my suit and our next-“
“Stay with me. Please?” You whisper softly, turning around and straddling Peter’s hips. You watch his confused expression as you lightly push the hand that was holding his phone, away.
“Babe, as adorable and convincing as you may be, I need to go.” Peter smiles, poking your nose with his index finger as he tries to push you off his lap. “Stand up?”
“I’d rather not.” You say with a smirk, twisting to grab his pillow. Before Peter knew it, he was whacked in shoulder.
“Did you hit me?” Peter asks in a confused tone, a smirk growing on his lips as his grip tightened slightly on your hips.
“Maybe…Maybe not.” You cheekily smile, trying to hide the pillow behind your back.
“Oh, it’s on!” Peter cackles, tackling you on his bed trying to take the pillow from you.
Peter was chasing you around his room, always hitting you softly with his spider-man pillow while you went full force with his plain blue and plaid pillow.
The two of you end in a pile of giggles on Peter’s bed, sheets and pillows spread around the room equating to an absolute disaster.
“You’re such a trouble maker.” Peter smiles, pressing a soft kiss on your lips. His small peck sent tingles up your spine.
“What the hell?”
A voice rings through Peter’s room causing the two of you to freeze. Tony slowly walks through the door, kicking the lump of blankets on the floor.
“Parker, I needed you in the lab half an hour ago! Meanwhile, you were having a wild sex party!”
“No, no! Of course not, Mr. Stark! I was just trying to leave but y/n was too-“
“Y/N?” Tony pauses, looking at you with a serious but confused face. “Have we met?”
“No, we haven’t. It’s nice to meet you Mr. Stark.” You say coyly, lifting yourself off Peter’s bed as you walk towards him with your hand outreached.  “I’m sorry I kept Peter from you. We were watching Star Wars and I started throwing pillows at him to try and be silly. I’m sorry, Mr. Stark.” You add, shaking the genius’s hand firmly.
“Who’s she?” Tony points at you, asking Peter for clarification.
“That’s my girlfriend…” Peter blushes, a question forming in his voice as it was the first time he had called you that.
You could feel your cheeks grow warm as you were caught off guard by Peter’s soft words. You tried your best to conceal the growing smile on your lips.
“I like you. I get the feeling you keep him in check, kind of like Pepper...” Tony gives a side smile, “Parker, Lab. Now.” He says sternly as he walks towards the bedroom door.
“Y/n?” Tony’s voice calls, “Care to join us for dinner at 5:30? I think we’re having spaghetti!” He smiles grabbing Peter’s shoulder and giving it a slight shake.
Time feels as if it were going by slowly. By the time 5pm rolled around, you had binged watched half a season of Brooklyn 99. When the clock struck 5pm, you decided to get ready for dinner. Your first impression of Tony could have gone significantly better, but this was your chance to redeem yourself.
With the limited items you had brought with you to Peter’s, you managed to style your hair and apply a light dusting of product on your face. You looked alive and fresh.
Waltzing your way down the many halls of the tower, you finally found the dining room. Pepper was there lining the table with cutlery and plates.
Without hesitation, Pepper looks up at you with a smile, “You must be Y/N.”
“Yes, I am, I assume you’re the infamous Pepper?”
“It’s nice to finally meet you.” She says with a larger smile, “Peter has spoken so much about you.”
“Really? Mr. Stark seemed so surprised when we met earlier this afternoon-“
“Well, Tony has a habit of living on his own planet. Peter has talked about you for a while, subtly of course, but anyone who was paying attention could pick up on it. Also, don’t worry about Tony. I have a feeling he likes you. He’s tough on Peter because he sees so much in him. Tony is trying to push Peter to his full potential, even though I have said numerous times that Peter has the grit to push himself.”
Pepper places the final plate before walking into the kitchen to retrieve the bread and salad to go with the main course.
“Speak of the devil, here they come.” You say sarcastically, following Pepper into the kitchen, hoping to be of some help to her in preparing the spaghetti.
Over the course of dinner, you discovered that this recipe was passed down from Tony’s grandmother. The four got along well and through lovely conversation and a bottle of wine or two, Tony realized what a wonderful woman you were. He could see how intelligent, well-rounded, artistic, thoughtful and caring you were. Tony understood why Peter adored you so much, noticing the subtle glances he would make when you laughed or spoke passionately about Art. Tony could see that Peter was reacting in a similar fashion as he does with Pepper. The maturity that Peter has grown it to was evident. Tony couldn’t be prouder of his boy.
“Well Pete, you picked a good one.” Tony smiles, patting him on the back while Pepper showed you some modern art she picked up in Brazil.
“You like her?” Peter says anxiously, looking at his mentor for an honest reaction.
“I think you’ve found your Pepper. She balances you out kid, keeps you zen.”
Peter felt his heart swell. Tony was right, why hadn’t Peter realized this all sooner?
After they had wrapped up their evening with the Starks, Peter walked you home. His strong arms linked with yours as he guided you home.
“So, how did you like them?” Peter asks as you two stand in front of the door to your apartment.
“They love you so much, Peter. You’re lucky, they’re great.” You smile, tucking one of his loose curls away from his eyes.
“Well, they loved you. I love you.” He adds quietly, lightly grabbing your hands. “I love you, Y/N. I know I stupidly blurted out that you were my girlfriend, but let me do it the right way? Would you like to be my girlfriend? Through it all, spider-man, Peter Parker, science student.”
“Peter, of course I would.” You smile as you close the gap between the two of you, pressing your lips against his to seal the deal.
taglist: @loki-in-hogwarts @spiderlingsweb
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