#so thank u for joining me on this journey & not beating me away with a broom for the incessant posting
darknesseddiem · 5 months
hi !! can u request n° 30 with nº19 ? thank you so much !!
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𝐑𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐯𝐚
"With the raven's wings retreating into the night, the cold air carries the faint whisper of your escape—a haunting reminder that, just this once, you’ve slipped through the shadows."
This blurb is part of the writing game created by me, join me and the raven in this maze of stories. 𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐚'𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐥.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Kissing.
𝐀/𝐍: hi! i hope you like it, sorry for not to do this earlier, i'm kind of sad because people don't seem to like anything that i do, but it's okay!! enjoy your reading!
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Eddie was riding high on a wave of euphoria. Every time he stepped onto the stage, it was like he became someone else—a different identity altogether. It was as if he transformed into a rockstar who had all the allure of a fallen angel. His voice was rich and smooth, with a seductive edge, like velvet sliding over skin. It was the kind of voice that could corrupt even the purest of souls, and he was always ready to turn a few halos into tarnished relics by the end of the night.
In recent years, he had amassed a loyal legion of fans. His band, Corroded Coffin, had just dropped their fourth album, "Angels of the Abyss," which took their sound in a darker, more gothic direction while maintaining their metal roots. This album was a smoldering blend of seductive basslines and low-end beats, punctuated by Eddie's voice—a haunting cacophony that seemed to echo from the depths of some celestial chaos.
"Angels of the Abyss" was an auditory journey through shadowy landscapes, where the music carried an underlying sensuality that was almost tangible. The guitars were heavy and brooding, weaving through complex riffs that wrapped around you like a leather-bound embrace. Drums thundered in the background, providing a primal, pulsing heartbeat that made you feel as though you were dancing in the dark with something dangerous.
Eddie's vocals were the centerpiece, effortlessly blending raw power with a velvet smoothness. It was a voice that could draw you in with a whisper, then send shivers down your spine with a scream. The album, with its intoxicating combination of seductive melodies and crushing metal, attracted a larger audience than ever before. It was music for the night, for those who didn't shy away from the darker corners of their minds.
With every show he played, the rumors about his seductive powers and his title as the "King of the Ladies" grew stronger. The stage was his domain, giving the audience a tantalizing glimpse of the charming man he truly was. His performances were meticulously crafted, teetering on the edge of indecency, yet always with that confident, sexy swagger that left everyone wanting a piece of Eddie Munson.
He had a way of moving that was almost hypnotic, each gesture oozing with a kind of sensual magnetism. Whether he was sliding his hand across his guitar in a slow caress or winking at a fan in the front row, every action seemed designed to make hearts race. The way he sang, the way he danced, the way he smirked—it was all part of the allure.
Eddie had this uncanny ability to make everyone in the crowd feel like he was performing just for them. His charisma was off the charts, and his smoldering gaze could melt the most hardened hearts. People came to the shows not just for the music, but for the experience of being in his orbit, even if just for a night. It was like he was a magnetic force, drawing people in with a promise of something wild and unforgettable.
But Eddie had a secret, something only his bandmates—Jeff, Gareth, Grant, and Corey—and a few people close to him knew. It was a secret that could shatter the career he’d built with such effort.
Eddie Munson wasn’t anything like the media portrayed him, a seductive charmer swimming in a sea of swooning women. The truth was, offstage, he was shy and reserved around anyone he found attractive—women, men, or anyone who caught his eye. As soon as he stepped off the stage, he transformed into his true self: a down-to-earth, spontaneous guy, still very much a nerd, and, above all, hopeless with women.
The confident, sexy rockstar everyone saw on stage was a persona, a role he played with skill. But behind the scenes, Eddie would stumble over his words around pretty much anyone he found appealing, his cheeks turning red as he tried to make casual conversation. It was almost comical how different he was once the spotlight dimmed.
While his performances were legendary for their boldness and swagger, offstage, Eddie was the guy who'd rather talk about the latest comic book releases or the newest Dungeons & Dragons campaign than flirt with fans. He had a hard time meeting people’s eyes when they complimented him, and his idea of a pickup line was usually some obscure pop culture reference that left everyone scratching their heads.
Despite the rumors about his supposed womanizing, Eddie was the kind of guy who'd nervously look at his phone, pretending to be busy, rather than approach someone he found attractive. It was a well-guarded secret. His friends understood that the real Eddie was just a nerd with a guitar who happened to play a killer show, not the Casanova the tabloids made him out to be.
Believe it or not, Eddie had tried to be more confident.
"Come on, Eddie, that girl was totally into you, and you just ignored her," said Steve, his best friend, running a hand through his hair in frustration.
"What did you expect me to do? Walk up to her and start a conversation?" Eddie replied, his voice edged with indignation.
"Yes! That's what any normal human being would do in a situation like that," Steve shot back, sarcasm lacing his words.
"Well, good thing I'm not a normal human being," Eddie retorted, crossing his arms defiantly, which only made Steve roll his eyes and let out a sigh.
Eddie's idea of flirting was staying as far away as possible and hoping the other person would magically not notice his awkwardness. Steve couldn't understand it. Here was this guy who commanded a stage with ease, could play the guitar like a rock god, and had the entire crowd in the palm of his hand, yet he couldn't muster the courage to say hi to a pretty girl at a party. It was a conundrum, to say the least.
Steve often tried to nudge Eddie out of his shell, but it was like pushing a boulder uphill with a toothpick. Eddie would much rather stick to his comfort zone, which was anywhere that didn't require small talk with attractive strangers. No matter how much Steve tried to convince him to be bold, Eddie just couldn't bring himself to do it. And that was the secret side of him that the fans never got to see—the side that could belt out a killer set but would freeze at the idea of a one-on-one conversation.
"Eddie, the fans are at the door waiting for you," his manager called out, saving him from yet another of Steve's sermons. "I'm on my way," he replied, turning to his friend. "Saved by the bell."
Steve just shook his head, knowing full well that Eddie would do just about anything to avoid another one of their talks about confidence and stepping out of his comfort zone. Eddie was a master at dodging uncomfortable conversations, and this time, his manager's call had provided the perfect escape route.
As he walked toward the door, Eddie could already hear the excited chatter and the occasional scream from his fans waiting outside. It was like stepping into a completely different world, one where he was the confident rock star they all adored. But he knew it was only a matter of time before he'd be back in the dressing room, with Steve giving him that look that said, "We'll finish this later."
For now, though, he put on his best rock star smile and prepared to meet his fans, grateful for the temporary reprieve. There was a certain comfort in playing the role everyone expected of him, even if it wasn't entirely who he really was. He'd deal with Steve's pep talks later—right now, he had a crowd to charm.
"Okay, okay," he said as he reached the area where the hysterical fans waited. "There's enough Eddie for everyone." He put on his seductive rockstar mask and got down to business, taking photos, signing records and albums, hugging, and handling the waves of tears and screams like a pro.
He was in his element, calm as always. But he wasn't prepared for the last person in line—a specific person who made his heart skip a beat. You, his first love from high school, standing in front of him with a vinyl record in hand.
"You did it," you smiled at him. "How's the rockstar life treating you?"
Eddie's brain went into a total meltdown. He froze, his confident demeanor crumbling in an instant.
His mind raced with memories of you: the way you'd made him laugh, the way you'd once looked at him with those eyes that saw through all his bravado. Now, here you were, in the middle of his rockstar meet-and-greet, and he had no idea what to say.
He could feel the nervousness rising, his heart pounding in his ears. All the witty remarks and clever comebacks he usually had at the ready disappeared like smoke. It was as if he'd stepped into a different dimension, one where words escaped him, and he was just a guy standing in front of someone he'd never really gotten over.
"I—uh—I mean, it's, um, pretty cool, I guess," he stammered, which was about as smooth as sandpaper. He felt the heat rising to his cheeks, and he just hoped no one else noticed how awkward this moment was for him.
Your smile was soft and warm, and you handed him the vinyl. "Think you could sign this for me? It'd love to have an Eddie Munson autograph."
He took the record from you, his hands shaking slightly. "Yeah, sure, I can do that," he managed to say, though it sounded like someone else was talking. The rockstar mask was slipping, and he was just Eddie again, the nerdy kid who never knew how to talk to his crush.
As he signed the record, Eddie glanced up at you, noticing how time had treated you well. You were no longer the sharp-tongued teenager who always left him speechless; you had grown into your own, exuding a self-assurance that nearly turned him into melted butter.
The years had given you a quiet confidence, a way of holding yourself that hinted at a journey he hadn't been a part of. Your eyes, once full of mischief, now had a deeper, more knowing look, and your smile was both familiar and new. It was as if you had retained that spark that used to drive him crazy, but it was tempered with a grace that was downright hypnotic.
Eddie felt a knot form in his stomach as he scribbled his name on the vinyl, realizing that he had no idea how to handle this new version of you. His usual charm and banter felt inadequate in the face of your calm composure. You made him feel like a nervous kid again, the same kid who used to struggle to find the right words whenever you were around.
He handed you the signed record, his hand brushing against yours, and the brief touch sent a jolt through him. "Here you go," he said, trying to sound casual but feeling anything but.
Your smile widened, and you leaned in a little. "Thanks, Eddie. It's good to see you again. Maybe I'll catch another show sometime."
Eddie nodded, though he was sure his face was turning a bright shade of red. "Yeah, that would be cool," he replied, his voice cracking slightly. It was embarrassing, but you didn't seem to mind. In fact, you seemed to enjoy seeing him flustered, like you always did.
As you walked away, Eddie watched you disappear into the crowd, his heart racing. It was one thing to play the rockstar, but quite another to be thrown off balance by someone who knew him before all the fame and glamour. And now, he couldn't stop thinking about you, wondering if this was just a chance encounter or if it was the universe giving him a second chance to get things right.
Eddie had to excuse himself at the end of the autograph session to pull himself together. He bolted to where Steve was waiting, feeling his heart pounding in his chest.
"I think I'm gonna faint," he blurted out as soon as he saw his friend. Steve raised an eyebrow, confused by Eddie's sudden panic.
"What's wrong?" Steve asked, looking him over as if expecting him to collapse at any moment.
Eddie took a deep breath, trying to calm the swirl of thoughts in his head. "I just saw her," he said, his voice a mixture of anxiety and disbelief.
"Her? Who's 'her'?" Steve asked, still not following.
Eddie hesitated, his mind still processing the surprise encounter. "You know... her," he said, emphasizing the word as if it should explain everything.
Steve's expression shifted as he realized who Eddie was talking about. "No way," he said, eyes widening. "You're telling me she was here?"
Eddie nodded, his face still flushed with embarrassment. "Yeah, in the fan line. She had a vinyl record for me to sign. And she just... I don't know, man. She looked amazing. It was like she walked straight out of high school and into the present day."
Steve let out a low whistle, then clapped Eddie on the shoulder. "That's wild. How'd it go? Did you keep it cool?"
Eddie laughed, but it was more of a nervous chuckle. "No, not at all. I think I probably made a complete fool of myself. I couldn't even talk straight. It was like my brain just shut down."
Steve grinned, clearly enjoying Eddie's discomfort. "Dude, you're a rockstar. You play to sold-out crowds and own the stage. How can one person make you so nervous?"
Eddie shrugged, feeling a little silly but unable to help himself. "I guess she's just always had that effect on me. I couldn't handle it back then, and I definitely can't handle it now."
Steve shook his head, still grinning. "Well, maybe this is your second chance. Don't blow it this time, man."
Eddie sighed, knowing that Steve was right.
That encounter didn't leave his mind for days, even weeks. A month later, he ran into you again. This time, it was at the end of a show at a private club. It was some rich guy's daughter's birthday, and she was a massive Corroded Coffin fan who insisted her dad hire them to play at her party. After the show, the band members were hanging out, enjoying the VIP treatment, everyone except Eddie, who was sulking with his arms crossed in a corner. He just wanted to go back to the hotel and binge-watch one of his nerdy shows. He was so wrapped up in how much he hated being there that he didn't notice you walking up to him.
"We really need to stop meeting like this," you joked, taking a seat next to him.
Oh God, he was screwed.
Eddie's eyes widened as he turned to see you sitting there, looking as stunning as you did the first time he saw you again. The usual easygoing banter he'd have with his friends disappeared, replaced with a nervous smile. "Uh, yeah, it's like we keep bumping into each other," he said, trying to sound cool and casual, but failing miserably.
You laughed, and the sound was like music to his ears. "I didn't know you guys played private parties now," you said, looking around at the opulence of the club. "This place doesn't seem like your usual scene."
"Yeah, it's not," Eddie admitted, glancing at the crowd of rich kids and their overly enthusiastic parents. "But, you know, gigs are gigs."
You nodded, and for a moment, it was just the two of you, sitting on a plush velvet couch in the corner of this extravagant party, the music and laughter fading into the background. Eddie's heart was racing, and he couldn't believe his luck. You were right there, talking to him, and all he had to do was not mess it up.
"So, what have you been up to since we last saw each other?" you asked, your eyes locking with his.
Eddie swallowed hard, trying to think of something witty to say. But all he could think about was how your presence was like a magnet, pulling him in, making him wish he could stay in this moment forever.
"Ah, you know," he shrugged, trying to play it cool. "Living the rockstar life; parties, shows... women." He stammered on the last part, and you couldn't help but laugh.
"You know..." you began, eyeing him with a playful smirk, "I've heard the rumors about you."
Eddie felt his heart skip a beat. What rumors? He was sure he'd never done anything particularly scandalous. He was the rockstar who'd rather be playing Dungeons & Dragons than mingling at fancy parties like this one. But, of course, the media always had their own narrative.
"What rumors?" he asked, trying to sound casual but failing miserably.
You leaned in a little closer, lowering your voice as if you were about to share a juicy secret. "Oh, you know, the ones that say you're this big ladies' man, breaking hearts wherever you go." You couldn't help but chuckle as you spoke, enjoying how uncomfortable it made him.
Eddie laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of his head. "Oh, those rumors. Yeah, I don't know where people get that idea. It's not like I'm out there... you know, breaking hearts." He was stuttering again, and it was clear that the whole topic made him a bit uneasy.
You tilted your head, a hint of mischief in your eyes. "So you're not a rockstar Casanova, then?"
"Not even close," Eddie replied, his cheeks turning a faint shade of pink. He was relieved that you were taking this all in stride. You always had a way of keeping him on his toes, but this time it felt different. It was like you were teasing him, but not in a mean-spirited way. More like you were letting him know it was okay to drop the act and just be himself.
"Good," you said with a playful wink, "because I remember a time when you couldn't talk to girls without turning as red as a tomato."
Eddie smiled, feeling a bit more at ease. It was comforting to know that you remembered that version of him, the shy, awkward kid from high school. It was like a bridge back to a simpler time, one where he didn't have to pretend to be anything other than what he was.
"I heard your latest album," you admitted, giving him a curious look. "I'll be honest, 'Angels of the Abyss' is one of my favorites now."
Eddie felt a surge of pride mixed with surprise. You'd always had eclectic tastes in music back in school, but he never imagined you'd end up enjoying his band's heavy and gothic sound. He tried to play it cool, but he couldn't hide the smile spreading across his face.
"Really? You liked it?" he asked, trying not to sound too eager but clearly failing.
"Yeah, it's got this dark, atmospheric vibe that just works. Plus, your voice is amazing." You leaned back a little, observing him with a playful grin. "I wouldn't have pegged you as a lead singer back in the day, but it suits you."
Eddie rubbed the back of his neck, feeling the warmth rise in his cheeks. Compliments from fans were great, but this was different. This was you, someone who knew him before all the fame and chaos, and hearing you praise his work made it all the more meaningful.
"Thanks. It was a bit of a leap for me, you know? Going from jamming in gareth's garage to singing in front of huge crowds. But, it's been a wild ride." He paused, looking at you with a hint of curiosity. "So, you're into metal now? I remember you were more into indie and alternative stuff."
"Yeah, well, people change," you replied, shrugging with a smile. "Besides, I like music that has a bit of an edge to it. Keeps things interesting."
Eddie nodded, feeling a sense of ease he hadn't felt in a long time. It was like you two had slipped into a rhythm, an easy back-and-forth that felt natural. He liked this, just talking and catching up, without all the pretense and pressure that came with being a rockstar.
"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed the album," he said, his smile genuine now. "Maybe next time we're in town, you can come to a show. We always put on a good one."
You raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement in your eyes. "Is that an invitation, Munson?"
"Yeah, it is," he replied, feeling a burst of confidence. "You should come. I promise it won't disappoint."
"You're really an angel, Eddie Munson," you teased.
"Did... Did you just call me 'angel'? As in, like, a pet name?" Eddie asked, his eyes widening slightly, caught off guard by the unexpected compliment.
You grinned, enjoying the way his cheeks turned a faint shade of pink. "Maybe. It's got a nice ring to it, don't you think?"
Eddie chuckled, scratching his head, not quite sure how to respond. He was used to being called a lot of things—rockstar, frontman, guitar god—but 'angel' was a new one. It made him feel strangely warm inside, and he couldn't help but smile. "Well, I guess there are worse things to be called," he said, playing along.
Your smile grew, and you leaned in a little closer. "Don't let it go to your head, though. We both know you're more of a devil with that guitar."
Eddie laughed, feeling more relaxed with you than he had in a long time. You always had a way of keeping him on his toes, yet it felt comforting at the same time. It was like you were reminding him that beneath the rockstar persona, he was still just Eddie—a little awkward, a little nerdy, and a lot of fun to be around.
"Yeah, yeah, I've been known to raise a little hell," he replied with a smirk. "But don't worry, I'll try to keep it angelic around you. Wouldn't want to scare you off."
"Oh, I'm not so easily scared," you shot back, your eyes sparkling with mischief. "It takes a lot more than a rockstar with a killer guitar solo to make me run."
Eddie felt a spark of confidence. Maybe this was his chance to finally be a little more bold, to step out of his comfort zone. "Well, in that case, I guess I should bring my A-game, huh?" he said, leaning in slightly, his voice low and teasing.
You nodded, meeting his gaze. "You better. I don't settle for anything less."
Eddie could feel the air crackle with tension as you leaned in closer, your playful smirk making his pulse quicken. You had this way of looking at him that made him feel like the only person in the room, and he was suddenly very aware of every inch of space between you.
"Is that so?" he asked, his voice dropping to a low, intimate tone. "You sure you can handle what I've got?"
You raised an eyebrow, your gaze locking with his. "I don't know, Eddie. I guess we'll have to find out, won't we?"
Eddie couldn't help but smile, feeling the heat rise to his cheeks. This was a game, and you were setting the rules, but he was more than willing to play along. "Oh, I think I could surprise you," he said, letting his voice grow smooth and suggestive.
"Surprise me, huh?" you replied, your eyes narrowing just a bit as if daring him to try. "That's a bold claim. What makes you think you could pull it off?"
Eddie leaned in slightly, his voice barely a whisper now. "Because I'm not like all the others. You know that, right?"
You held his gaze, unblinking, the corner of your mouth twitching into a grin. "Yeah, I do. But talk is cheap, Munson. Let's see what you can do."
The challenge was set, and Eddie felt a rush of adrenaline. He was no longer the shy, awkward kid from high school; he was the rockstar with a reputation for bringing the heat. "I guess you'll just have to stick around and find out," he said, a playful edge to his voice.
You tilted your head, your eyes sparkling with amusement. "Maybe I will. But you better make it worth my while."
Eddie chuckled, feeling the energy between you growing electric. "Oh, I will. Trust me," he said, his voice as smooth as velvet, a hint of promise in his words.
"Then consider me intrigued," you replied, your smile both inviting and challenging.
Eddie felt like he was standing on the edge of something exciting, something that made him forget about the noise and chaos of the party. It was just you and him, playing a game that he hoped would never end.
Eddie could feel the tension between you two reaching its peak, each word exchanged like a dance, each smile a step closer to crossing that invisible line. The music and noise from the party faded into the background; it was just you and him, your eyes locking with a heat that neither of you could deny.
You took a step closer, and Eddie's heart raced. He could feel the warmth of your body, the soft brush of your breath against his skin as you leaned in, daring him to close the gap. The anticipation was electric, and Eddie's usual confidence was replaced with a mixture of excitement and nervousness.
"Well?" you asked, your voice low and teasing, your eyes searching his for a sign that he was ready to take the plunge.
Eddie hesitated for a moment, feeling the weight of the moment, the way everything else seemed to melt away. Then he took a deep breath, closing the distance between you. It was a bold move, but you had him on the edge, and he wasn't going to back down now.
When his lips met yours, it was like everything fell into place. The kiss was soft at first, tentative, as if he was still finding his footing. But then you kissed him back, and he felt a surge of adrenaline, his hands moving to your waist, pulling you closer.
The kiss deepened, and Eddie lost himself in the sensation—the warmth, the gentle pressure, the taste of your lips. It was like a floodgate had opened, and all the hesitation, all the shyness, melted away. He wasn't thinking about anything else; it was just the two of you, sharing a moment that felt like it had been building for years.
When you finally pulled back, both of you were breathless, the space between you charged with a new kind of energy. Eddie's heart was pounding, and he couldn't help but smile, a mixture of relief and exhilaration.
"That was... something," he said, his voice a little unsteady but full of warmth.
"Yeah, it was," you replied, your smile matching his. "Glad we finally got around to it."
Eddie chuckled, feeling more at ease than he had in a long time. "Me too. Now, how about we find someplace a little quieter? I'd hate to be interrupted by one of those rich kids wanting an autograph."
You nodded, taking his hand. "Lead the way, rockstar." And with that, you both slipped away from the noise.
In a quieter corner of the club, where he had a clear view of the room, Steve watched the scene unfolding before him with a grin and a look of pride. It was a sight he'd been waiting to see for a long time.
"That's my boy," he nodded to himself, unable to contain his satisfaction. It wasn't every day that Eddie, the guy who used to stammer at the mere sight of a crush, would confidently lean in for a kiss, and Steve couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for his friend.
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0nl0n · 10 months
Hi new sb au
Its called "killer queen AU" (ocs involved)
Okok story breakdown <3
So it takes place after battle of the planets (uh ohh)
charimi finds out about venus and mars. So, she beats the fuck outa ganymede, eventually, killing him. She btw before that took venus n mars back to the inner planets area. And fixed em up <3 she was worried SICK. Btw when venus n mars became friends at the start she was hanging out with charon, so she didn't know. (That scene had me squealing btw :3 LIKE GRAHAGBBD "I'd love to play cards w you venus.." I WAS SO HAPPY! !!!!) Anyways, charimi left for a bit to.. Find eroupa. She already knew where the hide out was bc she did join at the start, but then left bc of how uncomfy ganymede made her feel. Shes lesbian so like ykyk she left :) once she snuck in, she noticed dione. Her and dione were friends. So she approached dione. She asked her where eroupa was, which dione told her "oh shes over there brainstorming ideas for the revolution-" charimi thanked her and walked up to Europa. The crowd of moons watched in horror as charimi tackled eroupa to the ground. Punching her repeatedly. "THIS ONES FOR VENUS YOU FUCKING SNAKE!" was the last thing eroupa heard before her death. :) charimi pulled out a knife and stabbed her 30 times. Almost all the moons there knew charimi. They couldn't do anything. Charimi stood up. She looked at the moons. With regret in her eyes. She ran off. Leaving eroupas body there. She left ganymedes body too lmao- anyways she took a small journey back to the inner planets area, and sat with venus and mars for 5 hours, she heard something. The sound of..someone familiar. She got up. And left again as venus called after her. But due to his injuries that were healing, he couldn't get up. Charimi ran into the asteroid belt, were it was coming from, not knowing she was near the hideout, she was tackled by enceladus, he tried to kill her, but she immediately choked him to death. Leaving enceladus on the ground, she ran off into the darkness before the other moons could get to her.
Yupee!! Thats it :) I might update shit soon but ykyk this is the plot :)
ML!merc: are you challenging me? >:)
*jojo fight intensifies*
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fuck you too europa
Get wreaked
Dione fucking up doing the right thing:
Have a gold star dione for helping our lovely charimi!! 🌟
Srry saladdus 😢😢😢😢😢
You salad your away out 😔😔😔
No excuses cause u tried to kill GURLBOSS
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Venus , get well soon deary :3
Jojo music intensifies
Overall: Love this au, time for charities time to shine >:D
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kiatheinsomniac · 3 years
hi ! could u maybe do a "5 times you almost kissed and one time you did" with ezio? thank u <33
The first time, you had been hiding from guards in a haystack, trying to silence your giggles. There was never peace in Firenze when the two of you were out together, the pair of you were known for being troublemakers.
Your heart was beating rapidly at the thrill and Ezio's body was pressed against yours, keeping the both of you hidden at the bottom of the wagon. He turned his head from the side to look down at you, bringing a finger to hips lips with a smile before his hand went back beside your head. Your eyes remained on those lips and you longed to crane your neck just that slight distance to sweetly meld your with his. But you decided against it; he was your best friend and had his eyes on Cristina.
The second time, he had come to your bedroom window, shattered emotionally. He had collapsed to the floor beneath your sill and you dropped to your knees to join him, hands covering his face as he sobbed. You had stayed there on the floor, holding him as his tears wet your shoulder, telling you about the horrific events of that day, of the execution, of having to leave his mother and sister in the care of their maid's sister. When he at last looked up at you with wet, bloodshot eyes, you wanted nothing more than to cradle his face in your hands, to drag out his sorrow with kisses and tell him that you were there for whatever he needed. But it was the wrong time and instead you held him even tighter.
The third time, the two of you were panting, sweating under Italy's summer sun. Dust was kicked up into the air around you and Ezio was sprawled across the floor at your feet, your sword pointed towards him but still a safe distance from his body.
"I win." You grinned.
"Did you?" He shot back with that laddish smile of his and suddenly your legs were gone from beneath you, having been swept down by one of his own. Your sword was flung away and your wrists captured in one of his hands as you squealed to escape his grasp, the two of you still panting. Your eyes paused over his scarred lips and you longed for them to meet yours. The two of you had bigger things to think about than love now. You were out to avenge his family. You swung your legs up and used them to push him from you, grabbing your sword once more with a playful grin.
The forth time was at carnevale in Venezia. The two of you were engaged in a dance, masks covering your faces and lapping up the festivities after a successful mission, full of wine and success. His hand was at your waist, yours at his shoulder, tracing your palm upwards to cup his jaw for a moment.
"Ezio..." You began, the wine loosening your tongue, aching to sing the tale of your love for him.
"Yes?" He replied, smile wide as he spun you. You hesitated. Explosions resounded in the air and your hand left his jaw to point towards the colourfully-lit sky.
"Look! Fireworks!"
The fifth time, he had just returned from the Vatican and you threw your arms around his neck the moment you saw him, running into his arms.
"I was so worried!" You exclaimed, pulling back to cup his face and meet his eyes as if to make sure they were still full of life, as if this were a mere spectre of the man you loved standing before you.
"You underestimated me?" He replied cheekily, raising a brow as you began to make your way towards the horses.
"I would never, you know that much. But I didn't underestimate what Roderigo Borgia may be capable of with two pieces of Eden in his possession."
"Come," He spoke as you mounted the horses, "I have to tell everyone what I was told within the vault."
And the final time, you had been in a state of panic for days. He had passed out during your journey to Roma and it was almost impossible to steer a horse with a man so much bigger than you sat in front of you. You had arrived at the house Machiavelli had told you to and began treating his sounds there, heart fluttering like a hummingbird in your chest all the while.
You refused to leave his side, a stack of books and makeshift bed on the floor by the side of the bed that he was resting in. You didn't even bother to mark the page that you were on when he finally stirred awake, tossing the novel aside to leap to your feet, leaning over him before pouring a cup of water from the pitcher on the nightstand - he would need it.
"Ezio?" You asked, so frightened for his health that your voice fell to a whisper. His dark eyes fluttered open and looked around the room before catching sight of a lock of your hair that spilled over your shoulder, following it upwards to meet your worried face, eyes threatening to spill over with tears.
"(Y/n)?" You let out a sigh of relief and the overwhelming emotions could no longer be held back, one hand rested against his chest while the other cupped his cheek, crashing your lips down onto his. He startled for a moment before sitting up slightly, fingers softly tangling in the hair at the back of your head, keeping you in place. Both of your lungs cried for you to pull away but that kiss had been lingering for decades and now it became more important than air itself.
Your legs trembled and you fought the urge to not collapse on the injured man as you brushed his dark hair away from his face. You whispered:
"Don't you ever scare me like that again."
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let-them-read-fics · 4 years
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Too Late To Apologize?
Requested By @rosiesandlilies​: “I was wondering if I can request a Rosé x female reader story where Rosie is an idol who also happens to be ur wife and since she and BP are taking over the world by storm, she starts to forget about you and whenever u ask her to spend a little bit of time with you, she gets upset and fights with you. You’re also an important person but you always make time for her. Can it be angsty with fluff 🥰”
Pairing: Rosé x Fem!Reader
Word Count: ~ 6,026
Warnings / Misc: -- Angst, Self Doubt, Strained Marriage / Relationship, Crying, Some Swearing, Fluff
Disclaimer: This writing is a work of fiction, and no disrespect is meant for those mentioned herein.
A/N: Oooooo lord, here we go. I am feeding 👏 you 👏 all 👏 today! This one took a while to write, but I’m pretty happy with it. I wrote it all in one go, starting at like 3am (as usual lol), so forgive me if it’s a little rough. I put a lot of effort into it, though, so I hope you guys enjoy. Thank you for requesting -- Happy reading!
PS ~ I highly recommend that you listen to these songs as you read this:
You Were Good To Me -- Jeremy Zucker & Chelsea Cutler
Surrender -- Natalie Taylor
The Night We Met -- Lord Huron
I Found -- Amber Run
Hongdae, Seoul  --  8:00 PM
“Good evening, everyone! Before I open the doors, I’d like to thank each and every one of you for taking the time out of your day to stop in. We couldn’t have done this without your support, and we’re endlessly grateful. We hope you have a wonderful experience with us tonight. Now, without further ado, welcome to La Rêverie!”
To your amusement, the sizable crowd erupts into a fit of cheers once your opening speech is over. Echoes of the joyous sounds carry across the city, wiggling their way through the alleys and streets, bouncing off of the nearby buildings. The customers slowly filter in, greeting and congratulating you on their way; you’re beyond excited to start this new journey, and seeing people so happy to be a part of it only makes you more proud.
Eventually everyone makes it inside to their seats, and you join them.
--- Later That Evening ---
“Y/N, we have a private party that would like to see you. They’re eager to meet the woman behind all of this,” Pierre smirks, quirking an eyebrow suggestively. His demeanor confuses you slightly, seeing as how this isn’t the first time high profile celebrities have requested your presence -- that’s just one of the perks of being a world renowned chef. You brush off his remark as playful banter and send him to tell them that you’ll be out soon. 
“...yes, actually. Y/N and I were fortunate enough to meet when she was studying in Paris; we were being trained by the same chef. We’ve been close ever since. I’m not surprised that she hired me, though; I’m practically a master in the kitchen.”
At Pierre’s cocky words, your eyes nearly roll into the back of your head. A small grin plays on your lips nonetheless, and you smooth out your top one more time before rounding the corner. 
“What’s this idiot on about now? Did he tell you about the time that he nearly got kicked out of our mentorship program for giving Anthony Bourdain the wrong dish?” You ask the table, sending them a glance while ruffling his hair as you come up behind him. They all snicker at that, and it’s his turn to roll his eyes; with an annoyed shove, he scolds you for bringing that story up again.
“Must you always tell people about that?”
Your smile widens, spreading cutely across your face. Mocking him is one of your favorite things to do. “Mhm,” you say simply, nodding your head for emphasis. He attempts to hide his embarrassment, but it only brings a deeper blush to his cheeks. 
At the VIP table, the suppressed sound of laughter carries over to you, and you’re reminded of your reason for being here in the first place. Upon offering your full attention to the table now, no longer distracted by Pierre, you’re met with 4 different pairs of eyes on you. Warm, yellow light illuminates the area, the classy overhead fixture emitting a soft glow to cast down on the guests beautifully. It’s cozy and inviting, just like you had intended it to be, and the sight makes you happy.
As you quickly scan over each of the girls, your brain pieces together where you know them from.
“My oh my, it’s Blackpink themselves. To what do I owe this honor?” All of the natural charisma that you possess takes over now, doing its best to override your nerves. It’s definitely not the time to fangirl over them; you have to act cool. One by one, you shake their hands, making sure to give each of them a glimpse of your award winning smile. 
Jennie is the first to speak up. “Yourself, of course. You’re the talk of the town, Y/N, how could we miss this?” The way that she says it so casually, already skipping past the formalities, puts you at ease. 
“Ah, you’re too kind. Was your food prepared to your liking?”
A chorus of approving noises leaves the table, successfully boosting your confidence in the process. “It was truly incredible, Y/N.” Rosé gushes, her adorable accent adding something magical to the simple phrase. For the first time tonight, your mind goes blank; ever since news broke of your plans for this new restaurant, you practiced to avoid this very thing. As you stand there floundering for a beat, she takes notice of the effect that her words have on you; it doesn’t take long for her to realize how much she loves to make you blush.
“Thank you so much. We’re so glad to have you here tonight.” 
“We’re happy to be here! Rosé hasn’t stopped talking about it for the past week.” The Australian’s eyes go wide as Lisa exposes her, and she shoots the younger girl a shocked look. Lisa only smirks at this, her shoulders rising and falling in a nonchalant shrug. Jisoo nods in confirmation, adding, “Yeah, she’s been super pumped.”
On the inside, you’re freaking out. Rosé was that excited to try out your creations? There’s no logical explanation for that one. Your own surprise is evident in your voice as you respond, “Oh really now? And why’s that?”
“I-I’ve just heard a lot of great things, you know? You’re pretty talented.” She tries to sound confident, but the stutter in her voice betrays her. The tips of her ears are burning with embarrassment, and after sending her yet another smile, you decide to spare her by changing the topic. 
“Well thank you, again. It’s truly a privilege to cook for you girls.” The conversation continues from there, effortlessly moving from subject to subject, and you love how welcome they make you feel. Occasionally you excuse yourself to check on the other guests and ensure that they’re enjoying their dinner, and every time, Rosé finds herself sorely missing your presence. Despite only officially meeting tonight, she feels like she’s known you her whole life. The two of you clicked instantly, and she can’t seem to get enough of you.
After spending the better part of 2 hours chatting and getting to know one another better, you grow bold and ask the question that’s been rolling around in your head all night. 
“Would you guys like to come back to the kitchen for a bit? I could give you some tips and we could make a couple dishes, if you want.”
Rosé nearly interrupts you from how eager she is to accept the offer. The second that you’re done asking, she’s already saying yes. The others happily agree as well, and soon you’re leading them to the back to get prepped.
“Just like this, everyone. Cut thinly here,” you inform, using your knife to point to the areas in question, “...then turn it and follow through with the slices. It should come out diced, like so.” The girls observed your swift motions, peeking over at the small cubes once you’re finished. Things continue on like this for a while, and soon you’re halfway done with the veggies while they’re barely done with the first part of their batches.
“Slow down, Y/N! You’re too fast for us grandmas.” Jisoo jests, her voice bouncy with amusement. 
“Okay, okay! I’ll wait, just let me know if you need help.” Your knife comes to rest against the cutting board, and you take the opportunity to lean back against the countertop to watch them work. Your eyes trail over to Rosé, only to find her already looking at you; she tenses once she realizes she’s been caught, and she returns to her previous duties. You decide to tease her.
“Everything alright, Rosé? You seem a little distracted…” She momentarily shuts her eyes at your words, trying to refocus her thoughts and collect herself. A subtle snicker from Lisa can be heard, and Rosé delivers a quick jab to her arm. The maknae lets out a little “oww” before setting her things down to rub away the newfound soreness of her arm. 
A little later, Jennie requests some assistance, prompting you to make your way over to her. The station that she’s working at just so happens to be next to Rosé’s, and you’d be lying if you said that didn’t thrill you. 
“Do we peel this first or leave it on?” 
“Cut the ends first, then slice it in half and remove the outer layer.”
Under your watchful eye, she follows your instructions and is soon back on track. She thanks you, and you bring your hand up to give her a pat on the back. Although she feels childish for it, the action works to make Rosé the tiniest bit jealous; she wants your attention on her. 
The blonde clears her throat before speaking up. “Y/N, I need a little help, too.” Your heart jumps at her words, and you fight hard to keep yourself in check as you spin around to face her.
“Of course, Rosé.” She sighs at the way her name rolls off your tongue, and she’s completely convinced that you’ve secretly put her under some type of spell. Her thoughts of you and your mysterious ways are interrupted when you come to stand next to her, your hip lightly brushing against hers. 
“Oh, well there’s your problem: you’re holding the knife wrong. Here,” you start, reaching out to reposition her hand in a better spot. Now she’ll be able to control it better, and she won’t run the risk of cutting herself.
“Better?” You ask innocently, missing the way that she bites her lip. The close proximity of your bodies is making her head spin, and she can’t decide if she wants you to stay or go. “Yes, thank you.” She looks like she wants to say something else, but she doesn’t, so you take that as your cue to go check on the other girls. Rosé silently curses herself for missing that golden opportunity to flirt with you, but she takes solace in the fact that she catches you stealing glances her way fairly often. You feel the connection too, and she’s pleased with that -- maybe she was doing something right after all.
The next stint of the night is spent preparing and cooking the dishes you promised them while trading jokes, banter, and teasing remarks. A mini food fight also took place, but for the sake of professionalism you won’t mention that. You couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day.
“Goodnight girls. I hope you come by again sometime soon!” 
They all assure you that they’ll be back before you know it, and you believe them. After all, they gobbled those dishes down like they hadn’t eaten in days -- it’s safe to say that they enjoyed them.
Rosé lingers in the doorway, eyeing you as you work to clean off the counter. She doesn’t want to go; she’s loved getting to hang out with you. Contemplating her options, she decides to be brave; she tells the girls to go on ahead, that she’ll be there in a minute. 
“Rosé, did you forget something?” You ask, looking up at her as you reach forward to wipe any remaining debris off the sleek surface.
“Yeah, your number.” Somehow, she possesses all the confidence in the world now, her new demeanor completely opposite to its previously shy counterpart. 
You tilt your head at her, a dumbfounded smile parting your lips ever so slightly. “Bold, are we? Alright, I’ll bite.” You say, holding a hand out for her to give you her phone. Her eyes widen a bit -- was she not expecting you to say yes? There’s no way you could turn down a chance like this. She fumbles around in her bag until the smooth screen of her phone comes into contact with her fingers, letting her know she’s found it.
“Here you go,” she chuckles cutely, an adorable little pattern of blush rising to her cheeks again. 
After entering your number, making sure to save the contact and even take a goofy picture of yourself for it, you give it back to her. “Call me anytime, love.” Her smile spreads even farther at the pet name, and she ducks her head to hide her reddening cheeks.
As she slowly approaches the door, walking backwards, she says, “I will… love,” offering you a little awkward salute at the end of it. You giggle at her antics, and soon bid her goodnight. 
No more than 5 minutes later, your phone dings as it displays a notification from an unknown number. 
“I’m usually not that awkward 🤦‍♀️ pretty girls just make me nervous.” The message makes your heart flutter, and you quickly save her number to your contacts. 
“Really? We have yet another thing in common, then.” 
The girls watch as Rosé does a little victory dance in her seat, her movements a bit limited by the belt stretched across her body. She’s practically glowing with excitement, her fingers already firing off another reply.
3 Years Later -- Rome, Italy
Upon seeing Rosé saunter down the aisle, your emotions get the jump on you; before you can stop them, tears flow freely down your face, and you bring a hand up to your mouth to quiet yourself. She looks bruisingly beautiful: the natural curves of her body are accentuated by the silky material of her dress, and her shoulders are covered in lace. An angel cast down from the heavens above. 
She smiles at the audience that’s filled with your close friends and family, offering little greetings as she passes them. Once she and her father make it to the altar, he pulls you in for a big hug, a few tears escaping his eyes. After he takes a step back, he looks between the two of you with pure pride on his face, his hand resting on your shoulder. 
The song ends, signalling for the two of you to join hands and face each other, and he returns to his seat. 
“We’re gathered here today to celebrate the joyous union of Y/N L/N and Roseanne Park. Two souls destined to find their way to one another, travelling millions of miles in the process. We come together to revel in this fact and send them into their new life together with all of our support.” The officiator says into the microphone, smiling at the two of you. You can tell he loves his job, and he’s damn good at it. 
Rosé’s grip on your hand tightens as she tries to contain her tears, but you’re quick to assure her that it’s alright. “You can cry, baby.” At your words, her lip is released from between her teeth, and her tears begin to flow. You wipe them away, stepping closer to rest your forehead against hers. 
The ceremony continues on and the two of you recite the personal vows you wrote. Somehow, unbeknownst to you, there doesn’t seem to be a limit to how much you can cry in one sitting. Rosé is having the same problem, seeing as how her makeup is smudging some as the tears wash the substances away. You don’t care though, and you make it a point to remind her of that; she’s never looked more beautiful to you.
“I do.” You choke out, beaming at her as you run your thumb across her knuckles.
“I do.” She responds, impatiently bouncing on the balls of her feet as she waits for those final words from the officiator. 
“You may now kiss the bride.” 
Her lips are on yours before he even finishes the phrase, her hand resting on the back of your neck as she pulls you in closer. Your lips move with hers in perfect time, working to seal your union in the best way possible. “I love you, forever,” she whispers against your lips. 
Present Day, 1:17 AM
In order to spare you from the overwhelming sadness that you’re being subjected to now, your brain takes you back to those happy times from the past. When Rosé still made time for you; when she loved you. 
Even though you hate it, you still find her in everything. The bright sunshine of the early morning reminds you of all the times she would wake you up with kisses, holding you close. The songbirds outside of your window bring to mind when you’d come home to find her at the piano, alternating between striking the keys and strumming her guitar as her beautiful voice carried out across the house. 
You miss that Rosé, so, so much. The Rosé that would call you in between sessions at the studio, if only for 5 minutes. The Rosé that longed to hear your voice after a long day; who fell into your arms the second that she shuffled through the door after practice. 
As time has passed, though, she’s seemed to fade more and more from your life; missed calls and texts have become a given, and it takes everything in you to mask your sorrow. Anyone who knows you well at all can easily see through the facade: you’re now a shell of who you once were, your normally vibrant and cheery self gone. You attempt to hide your sadness behind a smile, but it never really works out; your eyes don’t shine like they used to, and your lips don’t quite tweak up at the corners in the special way they had before. 
But you’re getting ahead of yourself again. Your reason for crying tonight is simple: for the hundredth time this month, she’s cancelled your date night plans, opting to spend the time working instead. The argument that the two of you had earlier replays in your mind:
"I don't have a choice."
Except, she did. She could choose you, choose to take a break, if only for the evening. You never ask too much of her, knowing that she can't handle even more stress competing with what she already has from the company and media. Being an idol is hard enough, and you know you can never fully wrap your head around everything that's expected of her.
Though, that makes this all the more ridiculous. All you've asked for is a couple hours of her time -- for her to relax with you and get away from it all. Earlier that day you had gone to the store and picked up all the necessary materials to treat her to a little spa day, complete with bath and body oils, face masks, and even some bath bombs. 
"Asking my wife to spend an evening with me is not unreasonable, Rosé."
"I'm not having this argument again, Y/N. I get enough shit from everyone else; I don't need any extra from you."
Maybe it was something in how she said it, so final and hateful, her face coming to rest in a scowl. Her arms were crossed as she stood in front of you, and you could see the muscles in her jaw clench and release repeatedly. In some twisted way, part of you was glad to have this encounter; it hurt like hell, but at least she was paying attention to you. She hadn't looked at you for this long in a while.
Before you can even get another word out, she sighs, saying, "I don't have time for this. I have to go back to the studio." 
Just as she turns to go, you catch her wrist. With a slightly annoyed look, she turns to face you.
"If you walk out that door then I'm leaving; at least for the night. We need to talk about this, but if you don't care enough to even give me that, then…" you trail off, tilting your head slightly. You want her to apologize, to say how wrong she's been for doing all of this to you -- but she doesn't. Her expression is tired, irritation written plainly for you to see. She pulls her arm away, offering a petty, "Oh well," with a shrug before exiting the house. 
How could she be so cold? Maybe that's what hurt the most. Seeing the love of your life turn into someone completely different than who you fell for stung more than any argument ever could. The reality is that she's not the same person anymore. Accepting that would be half of the battle in and of itself. 
Your heart is betraying itself, stuck in a sticky situation: you're constantly struggling between your love for her and the respect you hold for yourself. Half of you wants to stay, to make her listen and fight for this; but the other half of you, perhaps the more rational side, knows that that won't work now. You've tried that already, you reason with yourself, racking your brain for any new way to get through to her. 
Sometimes it's like she forgets all of the sacrifices you make for the relationship. Despite having your own busy schedule to deal with, you always make time for her. So why could she never do the same for you?
It's obvious that in its current state, this relationship is only wrecking your mental health -- a testament to that is every night you've spent lying awake, sobbing into your pillow as your list of insecurities grows longer and longer. She used to be the person you'd run to when negative thoughts plagued your mind, her sweet words of love showing how much she valued you. But all of that's gone now, leaving you with a shattered heart and racing mind. When had you stopped being enough?
It’s late, well past 4AM when Rosé manages to make it home. Practice absolutely wrecked her today, leaving her body exhausted from dancing and throat sore from all the singing she had to do. She’s more than ready to collapse into bed and pass out. 
One thing that always stayed the same was your sleeping arrangement. No matter how much Rosé hurt you, you still slept in the same bed. Her subconscious was always kinder to you than she was, anyway; the two of you would cuddle in close like before, her arms wrapped around you as she slept peacefully. No arguments or yelling, you could always count on the nights to heal your heart a little bit. 
As she enters the empty bedroom, the memory of your argument from earlier that day comes flooding back. She remembers that you said you were leaving, but part of her didn't fully believe you. She should've known better -- you always keep your word. Guilt washes over her, and she gently taps her head against the wall as a sort of self-punishment for her previous actions. Why did she say that to you? The hurt look in your eyes broke her heart, but she couldn’t afford to skip practice, especially with the comeback quickly approaching. In retrospect, she should’ve just told you that she didn’t feel prepared, and that’s why this practice had been so important. Even though she doesn’t show it, you still mean the world to her. She just so happens to be her own worst enemy. 
With a heavy sigh, she makes her way to the bathroom; there she finds a cute little basket of goodies next to the tub, and a note on the counter of the sink. She approaches the basket first, quickly discovering that it holds some of her favorite self-care items from the local store. Yet again, a deep pang of guilt courses through her upon realizing that you had prepared that for her. Defeated, she picks up the note. 
If you’re reading this, then I’ve already left. I don’t want you to worry, if you even still care enough to do that, so I decided to leave this letter for you. I’ll be staying with my friend for the next while. I don’t know how long, but that depends entirely on you. I’ve tried to communicate with you, but we’re getting nowhere; we both know it. We’re not who we used to be, Rosé, and I hate that. I want us to be happy again, but it seems that I can’t do that for you. If you want to end things, let me know. 
- Y/N
Rosé’s heart is breaking, splintering into a million different pieces and leaving her with no possible way to collect them all. How had she so royally fucked this up? She only has herself to blame, and she knows that; she can’t believe that she let things get like this. She had been so blinded by the stress that she lost sight of the most important thing in her life: you. It’s slowly sinking in that she very well might lose you for good this time, and she doesn’t know how to cope with that. She can survive without her career, but she knows she can’t go on without you.
-----  La Rêverie, 2 Weeks Later -----
She only intended to walk by -- to see if you were there and safe. But as she gazes through the windows, peeking into the place that houses so many of her dearest memories, she’s transfixed. Her eyes land on you, finding you hard at work in the kitchen. It’s always been where you go when you’re stressed or upset about something -- two things that Rosé knows she’s the cause of.
You’re in your element, face donning a look of pure concentration as you prepare what she assumes is a new dish. Your hair’s in a bun, a few strands coming down to fall around your face as you move about. Gravity takes its time in gently coaxing them out of the tie's hold, and Rosé’s breath hitches at how beautiful you look; it’s as if she’s falling for you all over again. She’s always admired your skills, but they hold a whole new meaning now, an unspoken tension in every movement you make. 
How had she been so selfish? You had been there for her all along, waiting patiently for the day that she would come to her senses. You would always have dinner ready -- usually one of her favorites, hoping that would spark something again -- but she always brushed you off. She never stayed long enough to see the crushed look on your face, or how the pain was becoming clearer and clearer by the day. She realizes now just how much of a toll her actions have taken on the both of you; you're still just as breathtaking as ever to her, but that special sparkle in your eye has long been eclipsed by something more dull. You're tired of being let down repeatedly, stuck in a constant loop of excuses and avoidance, and Rosé can't blame you for a second.  
The time apart hasn't been kind to her at all; there hasn't been a single day that's gone by where you haven't consumed her thoughts. She misses you so badly it hurts, and even now, despite being so close to you, separated only by the walls of the restaurant, you've never been further away. 
The distant sound of a car alarm cuts through the silence, simultaneously scaring her and drawing your attention. Before you can spot her, she ducks down; there’s no way that she can face you yet. Taking this as a sign, she decides to leave.
She’s spent the past 2 weeks attempting to spare you by not coming around; she thinks you need time away from her to deal with everything she’s put you through, and she doesn’t want to upset you anymore than she already has. Ever-torn, part of you is glad that she’s stayed away; however, another part of you just wants to see her again. You miss the nights more than you thought you would. 
--- A Few Days Later ---
Steady sheets of rain pound harshly against the window, vibrating the latches with each gust of wind. Times like these are always the worst, especially when you don’t have Rosé to calm you down. Violent thunderstorms never fail to frighten you, and this one in particular seems like it’ll be the worst one of the season. Swiftly padding over to the window, you sneak a quick peek outside, only to find the branches of the large oak tree that occupies the yard swaying in the wind with reckless abandon. The sight terrifies you, but you do your best to keep yourself from panicking, even having to do some breathing exercises. Your friend can sleep through anything, and you know she needs the rest; so, you stay in the spare bedroom that she’s so graciously allowing you to reside in, and lie awake. 
Across the city, Rosé is tossing and turning. The storm hasn’t fully reached its peak there yet, but she knows how worried you must be. Tears spring to her eyes at the thought of you huddled up under the covers, body trembling in fear as the storm rages on. The deep-rooted shame that she’s grown so accustomed to since you left plagues her conscience, making her even more disgusted with herself. 
After turning over yet again, her eyes land on the picture she has of the two of you propped up on the nightstand. It was taken on your wedding day, that stunning view of the venue paling in comparison to your beauty. A sense of determination washes over her -- determination to make you that happy again someday, in whatever way she can -- and she gets out of bed to collect a few materials. She’ll do whatever it takes.
The sound of a car door slamming perks your ears up, and your curiosity gets the better of you. Quickly pulling the curtain back, you’re beyond shocked to see Rosé out there, holding something in her hand. Just as you lean in closer to the window to try and see what it is, her caller ID pops up on your phone. 
“Come downstairs, please.” 
Even with the vast array of emotions coursing through you at the moment, you’re only focused on getting her inside and out of harm’s way. 
You nearly knock the door off its hinges with how quickly you snap it open. To your surprise, she’s still standing by her car, but now you can see what she was holding before; a white sign with black writing on it. The words are barely legible with how much it's raining, the dye of the marker horribly smudged, but you can make out: “I’m sorry! I’m an idiot.” It’s like something out of romantic drama.
Before you can even comment on everything that’s happening, Rosé begins the speech that she’s been trying to piece together ever since you left. 
She has to raise her voice so you can hear her over the storm. You wonder why she doesn’t just come in, but you think that maybe she’s doing it to show you that she’s willing to punish herself by standing out in the elements. “No words that I say will ever be able to fix the pain that my actions caused. You don’t deserve any of the shit I put you through, and I hate myself for being such a coward. I was too immature to look past my own struggles and just talk to you about them.” 
Now, she takes a few cautious steps towards the front door, testing the waters as she scans your face to gauge how you’re feeling. “I guess I just thought I could deal with it like I always do. But losing you showed me how wrong I was; I love you so much, Y/N. I don’t want to end things; I’ll never want that. You’re my world, baby; I’m so sorry that it took me this long to see what was right in front of me.” 
How are you to respond to that? Can you trust her? She looks more sincere in this moment than she has in a long time, and that puts you a little more at ease. Her eyes are begging -- pleading -- with you to believe her, and after a moment you step to the side, wordlessly telling her to come in. You don’t even realize that you’re crying until a few stray tears drip onto your shirt, leaving little marks in their wake. She has to restrain herself from reaching out and wiping them away; she has no idea when -- or if -- you’ll be able to forgive her. 
Soft pitter-patter of the water running off of her coat echoes lightly across the foyer, serving as white noise for the conversation you’re having. Her sniffles work in tandem with it, and she bites back her sobs in order to get the words out. 
“I know this won’t be fixed overnight, but I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you, if you’ll let me. I won’t blame you for a second if you can’t forgive me, either. I just couldn’t let you get away without a fight.”
With each new fresh batch of tears that settle in your eyes, you have to work twice as hard to blink them away. “I-I don’t know what to say, Rose. You’re the only person in this world capable of hurting me that badly, because you mean more to me than anyone else. But I never thought you’d treat me like that. Do you know how many times I doubted myself, thinking I did something wrong?” Your tone is bitter now, voice conveying the pain from those months of anguish that you had to endure, and Rosé hangs her head. 
“I know that now, Y/N, and I know that I can never take it back. But God, how I wish I could. I’d do anything in my power to take that pain away. It was never your fault; none of it was.”
You know she’s being honest. After seeing the opposite for so long, it’s easy to spot when she’s telling the truth. You nod a couple times, deciding to pull her in for a long-overdue hug. She’s motionless at first, not quite knowing if you want her to return it or not, but the second that you quietly say, “Hold me, Rosé,” she’s scooping you up in her arms like her life depends on it. Her head rests in the crook of your neck, and the two of you cry together, letting all of the pent up frustration and sadness leave your bodies. 
After standing there, embracing one another for who knows how long, she pulls away just enough to look into your eyes. Her gaze subtly falls to your lips, but you don’t fail to notice. “Can I?” She asks gently, raising her eyes back up to yours. “Yes.” You utter, nearly swooning as her soft lips brush against your own. You’ve missed them. 
Her chilled hands cup your cheeks with purpose, and you can feel water running off the ends of her hair and onto your chest.
She kisses you in such a poetic way: softly, as if you might break at any moment, but urgently, like a lost soldier finally returning to the arms of their lover. She wants to make you feel how sorry she is, how much she loves you, and this seems like the perfect place to start.
“I love you, jerk,” you say through your tears, brushing your thumb along her cheek as you look into her eyes.
“And I love you, angel.” She picks you up, spinning you around a couple of times before setting you back down on your feet. 
After a moment, you glace at the window. “Shhhh, wait. Do you hear that?”
She cocks her head to the side as she listens closely for any potential noise that you might be talking about, but she hears nothing. “No? I don’t hear anything…” 
“Exactly; the rain stopped.”
“Huh. I guess it did its job, then.” She smiles, silently thanking the universe for working in its wonderful ways. It brought the two of you back to one another, and neither of you can contain your happiness. Maybe you don’t hate storms as much after all...
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butterbeerblurbs · 3 years
hiiii congratulations for the 88 and I hope more people could see your works because they are ABSOLUTELY AMAZINGGG AND YOU ARE DEFINITELY INCREDIBLE !! can u plsss plss plsss add me to your taglist? aaanddd can i request: “You’re hiding under the blanket because you’re blushing?” & “No, like…. It’s just, I can’t believe you’re actually wearing my clothes.” where shy! reader is cuddling for the first time with fred? reallyyy thank youu so muchh luvvv ❤️
omggg hello lovely! thank you so much for your kind message :”) i appreciate it so much!!! and i love this request, fluff + fred = a recipe for self-destruction!!! thank you for requesting and thank you for following me on this journey 🥺
ah! i shall combine this request with this request from @oneofthemillionarmy"half the time I get too embarrassed to say anything" + "you're hiding under the blanket because you're blushing?"
i hope you guys like this! :D
88 dandelions celebration 🌼 // dandelions: 88 tag “you’re hiding under the blanket because you’re blushing?” + “no, like... it’s just, i can’t believe you’re actually wearing my clothes.” + “half the time i get too embarrassed to say anything.” // fred weasley x shy!reader 🌸
dating one of the biggest pranksters in hogwarts should already form the tell-tales of how your relationship with him would pan out... oftentimes, you ending up as a cherry tomato at his bluntness and honest nature. fred rarely beats around the bush - if anything, he’d burn all the bushes down. he saw no use of it. you? you would gladly hide in it and hope he didn’t notice you were in it. people found it amusing, too. interesting, for a lack of better word that such polar opposites got together and found love in between.
to fred?
it was everything. he found himself... being himself. witty and playful but, tranquil. able to collect his thoughts and still embrace his true nature when he was with you, thought of you. you truly brought out the best of him and him? you. quite literally when he thinks you look adorably illegal for this planet at how you’re drowning in his clothes, yet you make no effort to get out of it. 
it still boggles your mind how you ended up like this. bundled up in fred’s sheets, feeling his warmth on you as you’re in his clothing, watching as he gets dressed to sleep and soon join you in bed. this... felt like a dream you were living. a dream that became a reality.
fred turns around and you gasp quietly, quickly looking away as if you hadn’t been staring. he smirks, feeling rather cheeky and well, he adores how he’s able to make you blush even without trying. he slowly walks towards you and he sees how you shift away, even though you’re more than aware that he’d be sleeping right next to you.
“c’mon, love, share with the class why you’re staring at me,” he coos, hands on his waist as he looks down on you. your mouth opens to retort with a snarky remark but you find you can’t say anything with the way he’s staring you down. your lips quiver and you muffle your yell by sliding down the bed, whining because you’ve bumped your head on the way down but you’ve successfully hidden yourself underneath the blanket.
fred’s laugh makes you flinch, but soon you relax when you feel the bed dipping and his hands come up to your sides, trying to peel the blanket.
“hey, give me my girlfriend back, please,” he chuckles, even more when you refuse to let him reveal yourself shying away from him. you’re not talking to him, either, just making sounds. “not gonna talk to me too, darling? you’re being awfully mean,” he tuts, hands deciding to settle on your waist as he draws small circles to hopefully coax you to-”there she is,” he grins at the sight of your eyes peeking at him from the bundled blanket around you.
“you make me nervous, weasley... h-half the time i get too embarrassed to say anything,” you mumble uncertainly and fred catches all the words. “i make you nervous? you’re making me nervous,” he retorts, earning an eye roll from you. for a split second, he thinks you’ll come out of there but he just had to-“no, like... really. i just-i can’t believe you’re wearing my clothes, in my bed. reckon i’ll be the first man to die of too much shock and happiness-”he can’t even finish his sentence and you’ve gone back into hiding again.
“come back! stop hiding!” he decides it’s time to pry away the blanket and he has heart eyes when he sees you’re a blushing mess. your hands cover your face and his laugh rings the room, soon drumming against your eardrums delightfully - so delightful it’s making your heart race that you’re able to hear him up-close.
“aw, you’re hiding under the blanket because you’re blushing? so adorable, you are,” he sing-songs, moving to hover over you as he places his hands by the sides of your head. you’re unable to move away even if you wanted to. it’s as if he’s caging you in the bed and-and... “freddie...” you breathed out shakily when he gently plucks your hands from your face and brings his own to hover above yours. you feel your heart stopping at the proximity, yet... it slowly calms you down when he doesn’t say anything this time, allowing you to adjust yourself at the current position the both of you were in.
“you... make me so happy, y/n, and i mean that, i really do,” you smile a little at his words, your hands now moving from his grip to gingerly crawl around his neck and they stay there despite how nervous you feel. his smile grows wider as he carefully puts his arms around you, leaning down to press your foreheads together, “and i know you’re not used to this amount of... boldness but it’s only a matter of time before you do,” he wiggles his brows and you sigh, shaking your head, “even if i hide away from you?”
“as long as you let me find you,” he promises.
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simpingw0lfi3 · 3 years
rise and fall
happy birthday @yuikishirohana !!! here’s a smol gojo fic >.< hope u enjoy it hehe
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Within the abandoned building, you could feel that the brittle concrete was going to give way anytime soon. But you did not move. Nestled in a single corner of a room barely lit by a single ray of sunlight seeping through the cracks, echoes of the relentless croaking and shrills of despair rung in your ear. Everything in your body told you to run, to book it and just hope that they wouldn’t catch you. Yet there you sat, quivering within the expanse of your own fears, paralysed. 
“So you can see them.” Like a tangible ray of hope, the moonlight illuminated the locks of his alabaster-coloured hair as it gently swayed in the breeze that you hadn’t noticed amidst your agitation. The man stood in the middle of it all, nose held up high despite the disturbing creatures crowding around him. You didn’t know why, but there was this sudden relief that washed through you as your gaze lingered on his figure, something bubbling within telling you that if you stripped your gaze away from him for just a moment, you’d return to your pathetic shrivelling self, overwhelmed by your solitude and uneasiness. “Unsightly, aren’t they?”
“So you can see them too.” The words slipped out of your mouth, barely a mere whisper. Your words were no louder than the repetitive throaty screams of those unknown creatures, and yet, you knew he brought his attention to your mutterings from the slight grin that lifted up the corners of his thin lips. 
“Of course~ I’m the most powerful sorcerer after all.”
“Sorcerer…?” Mumbling under your breath, you observed how he leisurely raised his hand up in the air. He did not cower. He did not seem to mind his surroundings. He was... absurd, to say the least. He called himself the most powerful sorcerer and walked into this battlefield of sorts that caused you great discomfort whilst wearing a blindfold… to call him ‘unique’ was an understatement. Questions ran through your mind. Why was he so confident? Was he like you, able to see these creatures that had been denied by everyone else you encountered? Who was he exactly? Despite the emergence of your erratic curiosity caused by this man, he looked like the calm in the tempest you were trapped in. 
All it took was an effortless swipe of his hand. In a blink of an eye, the once-persistent abnormalities had vanished, leaving you stuck in the small corner lost for words. They’re gone… they’re gone. Chanting, a futile attempt of processing what had just occurred. The sight of a hand entered your vision, and you looked up to see the very man that saved you.
“I’m Gojo. And you?”
“Hmm, that’s some nice cursed energy you’ve got there.” Even though he had a blindfold on, you could feel his stare lingering onto you. Observing. Judging. Cocking your head to the side in confusion, you clasped your hands in his as he pulled you up. “I’m sure there’s a lot of things you don’t quite understand yet, but I’ll guide the way.”
Gojo Satoru. There was this aura he exuded that brimmed with confidence and certainty. The man was the complete opposite of you - you were uncertain, not exactly the most outgoing… quiet and reserved. 
All this time, you had been alone - lost parents, people who called you a freak for acknowledging the presence of curses, and a trail of curses would follow you everywhere you go causing you to run away at any destination unbeknownst to you. 
But with his hand outstretched to you, beckoning you to follow him, finally. Finally you met people like you. And you had to thank the sorcerer for that, for bringing this newfound paradise to you.  A journey filled with new knowledge of a new world.
“Hm…” Walking back to the dorms after a mission, Megumi’s hum of confusion put you to a halt. 
“What’s wrong? Did we miss something?”
“No, no. It’s not like that… it’s just, Gojo-sensei has been supervising our missions a lot more ever since you joined us.”
“Oh, that’s true.” Itadori piped in, nodding as he raised his eyebrows in agreement. “I wonder why....” Itadori looked up into the night sky for answers, and you were thankful for the night sky that had encompassed all of you into darkness; blood rushed to your cheeks in embarrassment, thinking that Gojo had been keeping his eye on you.
You were just sitting on your bed, reading a book, when you heard a knock on your door. “Who is it?” Sliding the door open, you were greeted by those incandescent eyes of his languidly gazing on your figure. “G-Gojo-sensei!”
“It’s just us, skip the formalities.” He grinned at your flustered state while he walked over to your chair and sat down, crossing his legs in an overly casual fashion. “So, how are you fitting in?”
“Everything’s been going well, thanks to you.” 
“I’m not doing anything~” Raising his hands in surrender, a slight chuckle escaped his lips. “It’s all your talent.”
Jujutsu, curses, energy… despite it all being a completely new discovery to you, it flowed through you naturally. And that, your cursed energy, uncovered something that changed your life forever.
“W-what? Me? Zenin…?”
“Seems like the clan wants to claim you after all.” Gojo’s voice echoed in the classroom, a hint of irritation in his tone of voice. Behind those sunglasses, you couldn’t see how he knitted his brows in frustration. “Damn those elites.” 
“Do I not have a say in this…?”
“With a clan as powerful as them, no.” He sighed heavily, leaning against the door and looking outside. If someone like Gojo couldn’t come up with a solution then there was no choice but for you to accept it. “Your cursed energy flow is exceptional, sure, but why would they want you after all these years? They even went through the trouble of abandoning you as a child. It just doesn’t make sense.” 
Silence. The two of you pondered, not knowing what direction this was taking. 
“Are you okay with this?” His tone took a softer approach, his sudden concern shocking you. 
“It’s not like I have a choice, right?” A smile of pity formed on your lips as you stood up from your seat, making your way out of the classroom. 
“Y/n, if you ever need help, feel free to contact me. I know that clan, and they aren’t exactly the most forgiving.”
“I know. Thanks.” 
Everything had changed. Gojo would stop overseeing your missions with the other first years, and there were days you could hear him bring a woman into the dorms. Every voice, a different girl. Every laugh, a different girl. It became common practice for him, and eventually the other first years had gotten used to it. 
Distraction? Maybe that’s it… but he’s not acting like himself. Some of the first years had said. 
I knew he was a playboy, huh? Right, Y/n? Kugisaki chuckled while the two of you went out shopping.
Was everything he ever said to you a lie? Were you just another one of his playthings? As you sat alone on your bed, the thought of how you actually believed that your relationship with him was something special… it made you laugh. 
I pity you, Y/n. 
Not a day would pass without the Zenin clan harassing you. As if separating you and Gojo was not enough. They wouldn’t stop, relentlessly forcing clan traditions on you, missions, training... it was hard to keep up, especially as a female jujutsu sorcerer. And before you knew, it rumours about you started spreading like wildfire in the clan. 
If they were going to be so unwelcome, why’d they claim you in the first place? It almost seemed as if the moment you found reason in life, the moment you found joy, it only proved to exist to aid in your eventual suffering.
Itadori, Megumi, Nobara... Gojo... they saw less of you, the clan stripping you of your own qualities and locking you up within their mindset.
“W-what- Mhm-!” For once you could see his wavering eyes filled with emotion. Rather than the typical undulating calmness they held, there was this sense of desperation. Gojo’s stare bore into you, never once leaving. As if he could lose you, right then and there, should his gaze linger at something else.
“I don’t care what the Zenin clan says. Superiority? Yeah right, they’re just afraid.” The white-haired man scoffed as his arms snaked around your waist, pulling you closer making your head bump into his chest. “I… I don’t want to lose you.”
There was a slight tremble in his voice, and with your head pressed up against his chest you could hear the vigorous beat of his heart. His body quivered ever so slightly against yours. “Gojo…” He was the most powerful sorcerer in the world, and you knew he would always flirt with other girls in hopes to tame those desires of his. That he couldn’t ever possibly be yours. But here he was, shaking and holding back tears at the thought of never seeing you again. 
He became weak at the thought of you. 
“Hah… I can tell what you’re thinking. Me, of all people, acting like this…” The way he held you even tighter against him so that you were unable to see his face confirmed your suspicions. 
“Why me…? You’ve never been so determined with love before…” It was true - he seemed to have women chasing after him, left and right, and there were many occasions where he welcomed those women in his embrace. 
But now here he was, his warmth encompassing you as he muttered his hidden affections for you. Not that you didn’t hate it, of course - rather, knowing how he became so despondent filled you with this mellowness of sorts.
“I... I’m not so sure myself either. You were out of my grasp before I knew it, and the days that passed when you weren’t by my side had gone completely dull.” There was no longer his typical air of confidence behind his words. They were quiet. Reserved. “You’re a part of my life now, Y/n. And when you became unreachable, I guess I fell even harder.”
Gojo chuckled. Then there was another long silence that filled the room. So quiet, so still... you could only feel the rise and fall of his chest and how his hands were only clamping tighter and tighter on your waist.
“Fuck the rules, Y/n. Because I want you.”
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wokestraightpuffy · 3 years
Hallo, i hope you are alright and that my ask aren’t annoying but I wanted to ask do you have any c!puffy headcannons? —🤡
as for c!puffy headcanons, i am not the best person to ever organize their thoughts properly but ill try my best >:’D
ahaha. this got. super complex and way too long and more of like an introspective study to puffy now instead of harmless fun headcanons so, uh. under read more <3 (also reminder this is all /rp and /dsmp)
* i like to think that she has a hero complex, but its a bit different since she never really sees herself as an ‘important’ part of the story, not the main character but a support one, hence ‘im fine with being the side character’ or how she’s said she doesnt care what happens to her and would gladly sacrifice(?) herself if there werent other people she had to protect. girl u need therapy urself <3
* though very open with how she feels and never afraid to say when someone/something is upsetting her, ‘opening up’ is still a whole mountain climb for her, apparently. like, she’d rant about the egg, get mad at the eggpire, let off some steam by committing arson or exploding stuff, she’ll rarely ever talk about how much the stuff that upset her actually HURT her. does that make sense? LIKE, she’ll lash out, she’ll get mad, she’ll take NO SHIT thrown at her face, but to show the kinda vulnerability of dealing with that? to cry about it talk about those feelings with someone? I think she’d rather eat her own foot lol
* adding onto the thing above, she doesnt necessarily actually realize this about herself. less of actively doing it and rather growing... used to the ‘cycle of violence’ in the smp as they call it. and the fact that rarely have people really asked, that no one’s actually available for that, w her losing her closest friends, bad and ant, sam being busy w the warden stuff... and niki. yeah. there’s foolish, but i doubt she’d ever see venting to someone she considers her son appealing
* also. puffy is just sometimes... really bad at conveying sadness. i think she’s a rare crier. id go as far to say that shes even more emotionally constipated than dream, lol (but maybe not while the guy’s in his prison arc) and that she’d be the type of person to tell you its okay to cry but beat herself up over something if she let a tear slip in a heated moment
* speaking of sadness. she’ll only ever actually Be Sad if she’s alone or with someone she doesnt necessarily care the opinions of. yknow how she mourned for tommy and blamed herself? those dialogue bits? yeah, those are only times shed actually be vulnerable
* puffy’s go to response to the egg and how its fucked up her relationship w her friends is pure fury. but, going off of her line about ‘failing bad and ant’ i like to think that she probably hates herself the most about it. THAT IS A STRONG WORD LOL BUT YEAH. she yells and curses and gets mad, but sometimes i wonder if the words she had spat before were more directed to herself
* THIS GIRL HAS SELF-IDENTITY PROBLEMS. CAN WE GET A HELL YEAH FOR THAT CHAT? outside of having no goddamn clue about where she came from, how she got here and who she even is, scrounging up a role for herself in a server with a war on the background and traumatized kids got her resignedly coerced into thinking that she is only a Parent. Only good enough when she’s actually doing something Useful for people. SO. when she finds that ship? of having a crew and having a curse? OF FINDING OUT SHE MIGHT HAVE/ HAVE HAD A MOM THATS WAITING FOR HER?  the sense of control she has on herself is absolutely crushed. shattered, and she’s left to pick up the pieces w no one to talk abt it with <3
* adding onto the above, it’s why the line ‘I’m supposed to be mama puffy. me.’ hurts me so much! so yes! please cry with me :D
* also to add more on the fact that she thinks she’s only worth something when she’s being useful, puffy literally contemplated leaving the server, thinking that it wouldnt matter leaving since no one really needs her anyway, since she’s failed so many people. bad and ant, tommy, dream. shes said how foolish can take care of himself on how tubbo and ranboo have each other, how she and niki have drifted so far away from each that it might as well be a break up.
HOOOOOOOOOO OBOY . anon youve really given me the perfect chance to ramble huh? sorry for the rather incomprehensible brainrot, here’s more lighthearted headcanons about puffy asdhfkd
* she cannot stand still sometimes. she always has to be doing something extra, walking when the prime path is right there? shed rather go through tedious little holes or hop and balance onto fences to get where shes going. she’ll mindlessly fix up the path when there are holes or mismatched wood, and one time went on a long, long LONG journey cleaning up the paths tommy purposely DESTROYED near lmanburg and even added cobblestone sidings which werent there before
* puffys a bit of a sentimental person. writing in her log to clear her thoughts sometimes and cared enough to try and preserve lmanburg with the glass sheet and trying to find possible surviving artifacts of history to respect it, even though she’s never been a part of it. its also why, when doomsday happened and lmanburg got permanently poofed, she began to appreciate the buildings that are still standing and began taking more pics 
* she’s not used to being... what do you call it, um, cared for? she’d deflect compliments sometimes, when shes having a particular bad day, like, she’d laugh nervously and change the subject, sometimes she’d outright deny it, most days she’d jokingly say ‘staphhh it’ and add a very genuine thanks. my point being is, do something for puffy that is mildly nice and she’d keep that moment in her heart forever. 
* also funny story regarding the above. u know how karl is notorious for stealing her materials? and how puffy was contemplating doing something in retaliation for them? karl says hi for once when she joins the server and she goes ‘alright fine youre safe for saying hi’ LOL THIS WAS PROBABLY A BIT META WISE but something about this implying that the bare minimum or LESS is enough to make puffy forgive someone is very sad and funny at the same time for me. girl really said ‘oh you said hi to me? thats nice all the crimes youve ever done towards me is now forgiven. <3’ (this is a bit of an exaggeration on my part, ofc, i just think its funny LMAO) 
* ironically, despite being the ‘captain’, whenever riding a boat with someone, she prefers being on the backseat and letting them drive. ig shes just there for the ride i suppose, her and her uber drivers :3
 * she either has a rather unhealthy obsession with baked potatoes or she just doesnt wanna waste eret’s massive potato farm
* idc what cc!puffy says is c!puffy will always and forever be 5′2″ in my HEART. u are the shortest member, u cannot change this <3
* shes really fond of animals/ neutral mobs. she often baby talks to them and they help boost her mood a lot when shes having a bad day :D
* up to this day, the little secret rooms she’s created around the server have all been yet to be discovered, unless the one under bad’s house has been found. she rarely ever really keeps tabs on them, and more often than not they are just collecting dust. she still visits sometimes and cleans them up ofc
* she still genuinely thinks dream can change. cc!puffy’s line about that, ‘i’m his last hope.’ really makes me think about this a lot. 
* ive seen people talk abt it a bit but the headcanon that puffy acts as the server mom to fill the ‘void’ of her missing her mom makes me cry at night /hj
* she really likes her rainbow onesie! i headcanon that eret gave her that along w the sunglasses, but she started wearing that less when she found her old captains uniform. shes never really said why, though, and nobody ever really bothered to ask
* god bless this woman but sometimes the server members get on her nerves sometimes so she goes out of her way to traverse along far away from the main community to maybe commit a few crimes. let off some steam. these take a few days but she always returns
i probably have a lot more hcs but i cant remember them >_> THIS IS A LOT ANYWAY. HOPE U ENJOYED MY BRAIN VOMIT. IF U READ THIS FAR ILU THANK U
if there are mistakes it is bc i am crying and cannot see my keyboard and also i am sleep deprived /hj
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goofbie · 3 years
The Leaves Are Falling and Frankly, So I’m I
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!!Gif isn’t mine!!
hormiya short one shot
sakura x male oc!
fluffy angst
au! where sakura ends up with tooru and yuki ends up with that hot guy (idk i forgot his name tbh)
lowercase intended
this was lowkey rushed but yes please try and enjoy.
inspired by the song above! go ahead and give it a listen!
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i didn’t believe in ‘love at first sight’ or whatever it is. i didn’t believe in that much stuff at all to be honest. my parents always called me weird or a loner because of that matter. but when i saw her walked by..it felt like my world stopped and in that moment my heart stopped as well then it began to beat real fast, and then my face felt hot like it was on fire or something. but then the expressions on my face stopped, and then water began to trickle down my cheeks and so i just stopped believing. well, not everything can go that way..
“new school, new year, and hopefully new me.” i sighed to myself and continued on my journey to head to the principles office. i looked around as i walked. the new school i was transferred into looking amazing honestly. it was clean, organized, and very comforting..i don’t know how to explain it but i just felt at home for some reason. i opened the door to the principal’s office and he immediately greeted me with a smile.
“hello hello! you must be the new student, kazuya almaru right?” the principal was a fairly mid 50s man. he seemed gentle and happy to the touch, like a father. i smiled at him a bit and shook his hand.
“yes that would be me.” i sat down in the chair that he pulled out and he walked over to his desk to introduce me to the system of the school.
“one of our student council members will assist you in showing you around the school, she’ll be here shortly.” the principal said, and with perfect timing, and i mean perfect timing. a fairly beautiful, green headed girl walked through the door panting a little.
“i am so sorry i’m late!” the girl apologized, bowing to the principal and me.
“don’t worry so much about it, please show our new student around.” the principal gave me my schedule and we both took off to explore the school.
“and finally this is your classroom, it seems like you’ll be in the same class as me.” she said with a sweet smile that made my heart flutter a little. ‘no no, stop that..’ i told myself to never fall in love with people at first glance, and i know i better not be doing it again.
“oh um! i never got your name-“ i said to her, and she turned around and said.
“please, just call me kouno.”
i became great friends with kouno and the others. we all hung out and did things friends would do, we went to festivals, we cried to each other about problems, we held promises with each other, we helped cheat but we don’t talk about that. we all become amazing friends, and with the year ending i was glad i become friends with everyone.
“kazuya-kun! we’re throwing a party at my house, would you like to join?” kouno asked me and of course i accepted. i wouldn’t want to miss the chance to hang out with them.
“great, will you meet us there or do you just wanna come over and have everyone meet us?” kouno asked me as she put away the papers. i smiled at her actions, she was always so hard working, it’s like she never took a break.
“you should take a break kouno-chan, you’re always working so hard for the student council..” i trailed off and she laughed at my statement.
“kazuya-kun..i appreciate you looking after me, really i do but i want to be able to prove to the council i’m good enough.” she said and put the last bit of papers away.
“shut up you, you are enough stop saying you aren’t.” i rolled my eyes and she laughed again.
“thank you kazuya..”
“stop saying thank you, you already know i know that you’re thankful, so don’t keep thanking me. it’ll boost my ego.” i said and she shook her head with a dry laugh following.
“you’re so stupid but whatever, anyways answer my question from earlier stupid.” she said while hitting me repeatedly with a rolled paper. i held up my defenses and cried for help.
“i’ll just chill at your place! kouno-chan! please have mercy!” i said and she playfully yelled out
“no mercy for your ego!” we shared our smiles and laughs, and in that moment. my heart began to race again.
“cheers!” hori said and we clanked glasses, we drank champagne and talked about what we were going to do after high school.
“i thought about to going an academy.” i said and everyone was intrigued.
“what type? what type!” they questioned and i laughed.
“i’m not sure honestly but i just want to go to an academy-“ they all booed at me, while i rolled my eyes at them.
“you’re boring, how do you not know what academy.” hori asked and i shrugged.
“i don’t know honestly, i just want to go to a academy.” i responded.
“well enough about almaru, let’s just party!” ayasaki said and cheered with everyone again. and that’s what we did for the entire night we were at kouno’s house. we partied until we forgot we had school the next day.
it was the beginning of fall, and i watched the leaves fall down into small piles for children to play in. and by children i mean me. kouno came into the student council holding a box of cookies and slightly breathing hard.
“oi, kouno-chan, are you okay?” i asked, worried for her.
“no i am not kazuya-kun, i was going to ask out tooru but then i got scared and ran away. so now i look like a fool because i left him all alone.” she ranted to me and squatted down to hold herself. i came over to her and squatted down to poke her head.
“hey dummy, focus on your breathing and give me your hands.” i held my hands out and she looked up with a ‘what do you mean’ face. i looked down at my palms and looked at her hands. she was confused but she did what i asked. i began to massage her hands and she became tense.
“calm yourself, focus on your breathing. in and out, deep breaths. i’ll be massaging your hands since you keep clenching it.” i softly said and she nodded. she focused on her breathing and tried to calm herself. after what seemed like 15 minutes she was calm and collective.
“now, let’s go over what just happened.” i said and she nodded.
“you ran away from him?” i said with a smile that turned into a laughter. she hit me and i laughed even harder.
“not funny! it was by pure instincts! i didn’t mean for me to run away!” she complained and i was still laughing.
“okay okay, let’s talk about this, how about you try to get yourself together and then you ask him on a date, because you doing it right now- you’ll just freak and run away again okay?” i gave her advice and she listened in. she talked for hours on how she was going to ask him, and i listened in. i admired her, and not in that way you think. i liked her, but her heart belonged to someone else.
“okay today’s the day kazuya-kun! today i am ready to ask him!” kouno was excited and i tried to be excited for her. it was hard though, i loved her too much to let her go but it was for the best right? right..
“you got this kouno, and if he says yes. he better not replace me as best friend. only i can have that role.” i half joked and she smiled at me. she hugged me and i was surprised, i hugged back of course but it took me off guard.
“kazuya, call me sakura and you’re the only person who can ever have the role.” she smiled at me and i felt butterflies flying around. i don’t believe in love at first sight, but i loved her. i really did love her. she waved me off and went to go ask tooru on a date, i walked over to the window and saw tooru waiting for sakura under a cherry blossom tree. the leaves were falling under them as i sadly smiled. i closed my eyes for a little bit and remembered the first time i ever fell in love. she had green hair, green eyes and she had contacts but i remembered she wore glasses at some point. i opened my eyes and dryly laughed.
“i know why you reminded me of home now.” i said to myself and left the window. the last thing i saw was tooru and sakura hugging each other. i left the school and decided to hang by a park. i sat down under a tree and watched as the leaves fell down to the ground.
“the leaves are falling, and frankly. so i’m i.”
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yuueee · 4 years
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song: bruno mars & b.o.b. - nothin’ on you slowed
word count: 2,456
request: Hello, if you're talking requests for atla. May I request a sokka x reader in which she works under Piandao and during Sokka's Master episode they meet and become close? Maybe they meet again during the finale or the Gaang asks her to accompany them on the rest of their journey?
author’s note: I am so sorry for taking forever to post something! I rewrote this and like 2 other fics almost 3 different times because I didn’t like how they were turning out so I hope this was okay🥺. thank u for requesting and I hope y’all enjoy!
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“You want me to do what now?” you asked the boy in front of you incredulously, attempting to wiggle your shoulders out of his hands’ grip. He straight up lied to your face and expected you to just get over that? It had nothing to do with his water tribe heritage of course - being that you hated the fire nation’s outlook on the other countries and this pointless war as much as Piandao did. You just didn’t understand why he felt the need to lie to you about it!
During the meager amount of time you had to spend with him, you two had an immediate - albeit odd connection. He was able to get you out of your shell of composure in a way that Piandao and Fat were never successful in. On the contrary you aided him heavily in training and kept him motivated - although it often sounded more like insults.
“I know you’re upset but I promise I can explain everything later. But I really think you should join us in defeating the fire lord!” he reassured, his blue eyes seemingly sparkling in excitement. Shrugging out of his grasp and turning towards Piandao, you hoped that he would add in some useful input.
“But what use will I be if Master Piandao hasn’t even finished training me yet?” you asked, balling your fists in frustration. Your master simply shook his head and gave you a smile.
“{First-Name},” he spoke gently as to not further anger you, and leaned down to your height. “You are beyond my training at this point. Your destiny now lies in helping the avatar defeat the fire lord and besides - it’s what he would have wanted.” you couldn’t argue with that. Having trained you since around the age of twelve, he hadn’t heard you talk this much in all of the three years he had known you. Even after only knowing Sokka for about two days - he trusted you with him. He could see the positive effect you had on eacho other just from observing your interactions.
He’d be lying if he said that he hadn’t been worried about you ever since your father and his closest friends’ passing. You had went from a bubbly and joyous child to emotionally repressed and largely untalkative. Although he had still not seen you smile since before your fathers death - the outwardly expressed anger and frustration at Sokka’s idiocy was atleast something.
“I trust that you’ll be in good hands.” he said sternly, giving Sokka a pointed look.
“It’s settled then! You’re joining team avatar!”
While you weren’t quite sure why Sokka was so adamant on you joining him and his friends, you were somewhat happy to be leaving Shu Jing - which was new. Other than the weather being insufferably humid the majority of the year, your home in Piandao’s castle was bearable. In the past you hadn’t minded the repetitive nature of your days - but things were different now. You felt that you owed it to your father to join the fight against the country that took his life. And if this was the route you were forced to take, then so be it.
Surprisingly, as annoying as he was Sokka was the one you remained closest with in the group - but Toph was a close second. Though you didn’t talk with him that often, Aang was always kind and making sure that you felt included in the group - which wasn’t exactly necessary but appreciated none the less. Katara on the other hand was having some difficulty warming up to you - which you understood, so you didn’t speak to her unless necessary, which wasn’t often.
Although you had indeed become slightly more emotive and open, it was normally limited to sarcastic quips when Sokka said something stupid or asking Katara if she needed any help with groceries or cooking dinner - which she actually appreciated. Overall though, you still spent the majority of your time with Sokka. While he was still annoying and enjoyed teasing flirting with you every chance he could get, you’d be lying to yourself if you said you weren’t somewhat enjoying it - you’d never admit to that though.
One of the first times you got to be alone together was when you both were trying to escape Toph and Katara’s arguing.
“I’m going to head back out to the market,” he said, getting up off of the ground. “I’ll see you guys later.”
“Wait, can I go with you?” you questioned somewhat awkwardly, getting out of your seat and sprinting some to catch up with him.
“Of course!” he grinned in return, slowing down some so you could walk at the same pace. His smile made your chest feel warm, slightly catching you off guard.
“So, is Piandao your dad or something?” he asked gently, trying not to press too much. Though it was a sensitive topic, you felt oddly comfortable with Sokka - even though you had only known him for several weeks. “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.” he responded to your silence, ceasing walking and looking at you sincerely. You shook your head in return and kept walking.
“No, it’s fine.” he nodded and followed apprehensively. “Piandao is kind of like my uncle I guess? He and my Dad were friends when they were both in the fire nation army. And you know how Piandao eventually deserted the army?”
“Yeah, I recall him saying that.” he gave you a concerned glance, but you kept your gaze trained on the ground in front of you. While your expression was obviously pained, it still seemed restrained in a way as if you had practiced holding back your feelings for years. It was at this point he realized he’d never seen you smile, not even when when you were making fun of him.
“Well, my Dad also attempted to leave - but he wasn’t as skilled as Piandao was.” there was a beat of silence before you felt his hand envelope your own, rubbing the back of it with his thumb. Normally if someone did this you would’ve snatched your hand away - but you didn’t want to. His hand felt nice, warm and comforting.
“I’m really sorry about your Dad, and it was really brave of him to try and leave the army.” he gave you a look of concern and understanding, leading you to remember him mentioning
“Um, thanks.”
The rest of your afternoon at the market was spent making conversation about your childhoods and the messenger hawk he had just bought. The entire time he never let go of your hand. You assumed he was just doing it out of friendly comfort - but then again who platonically holds hands? You only stopped when you both returned to the small campsite and greeted the others.
You didn’t mean to snatch your hand away, but at the same time you thought your heart was going to jump out of your chest if you didn’t let go. But it didn’t seem to bother Sokka though, not at all. So maybe it was just platonic? But this wasn’t the only situation in where he left you utterly flustered and confused.
When the five of you were seated around the campfire listening to Katara’s story, you could see Sokka inching towards you out of the corner of your eye. Everyone else seemed rather uncomfortable, and while it was a quite unnerving story if you were scared you weren’t showing it. As the story went on, he would jump closer which each detail - until he was eventually leaning on your shoulder with his arms wrapped around your waist, shaking in fear like a small child.
When she finished her story, Katara and Aang just stared in awe as you didn’t shove him off. You just rolled your eyes and mumbled something about him being an idiot. They noticed a change between you both after that day. You almost seemed closer in a sort of way? You still scolded him for saying and doing stupid things - but you no longer pushed him away. He was quite touchy and handsy with you, never in a disrespectful way though. It’s just when he got excited he’d sometimes pick up you up for a few seconds before placing you back on the ground. Whilst you didn’t really return his affections, you weren’t rejecting him either. But the two of you were forced to confront this rising attraction all to soon, the day of the invasion.
You had a moment alone before you had to go your separate ways. After staring down at your feet for what seemed like a few minutes, you gained the courage to speak.
“Don’t, uh die.” you finally said aloud, meeting his gaze. Before you could say anything else he doubled over in laughter, clutching his stomach to get a hold of himself. “Sokka I’m being serious!” you said in frustration, seconds away from turning around and getting back into the submarine. Once he calmed down, he placed both of his hands on your shoulders and gained a serious expression.
“I’m sorry for laughing. But we’re gonna get out of this alive. Okay?” he finished his sentence with a smirk, tilting his head to the side. You nodded, feeling somewhat disappointed for some reason. But what were you expecting? You were just friends, and you didn’t like him like that anyway... right? Your thoughts cut off when you felt a pair of lips peck your cheek and his hands leave your shoulder to interlock with one of your own. “Come back to me okay?” he said sincerely, his eyes filled with worry.
“I promise.”
After the failure at the fire nation capitol, the few weeks before the arrival of Sozin’s comet blurred by far too quickly for your liking. The anxiety concerning Aang’s final battle with the fire lord was a top concern on everyone’s mind, including your own. Things were a bit stagnant between you and Sokka. You couldn’t ignore your feelings but at the same time you were fighting a war - there wasn’t any time to put energy into a relationship.
However after you, Toph and Sokka took down the airships, you were forced to confront these feelings yet again.
After riding with Appa over Ba Sing Se to look at the fireworks, you two were aimlessly roaming around the upper ring - watching the festivities of those celebrating the end of the hundred year war.
“So,” he asked suddenly, looking at you with a smile and nudging your arm jokingly. Normally you would have shoved him back, but all you could do was look down at your fidgeting hands and hope he couldn’t hear how fast your heart was beating. “What do you plan on doing now?”
“Um, I’m honestly not sure.” you responded, looking up at him. “I guess I’ll go back to the fire nation? I still want to help, I just don’t really know where I guess.”
“I get what you mean. I mean you could always stay with me...”
“With you?” Sokka began sputtering and waving his hands around after realizing what he just insinuated.
“I mean not with me per say.” he rephrased, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck. You actually felt a tinge of disappointment at his words. “I mean with team avatar, we aren’t exactly finished saving the world - and you’re a vital member of our team.” Instead of calling him an idiot like you would have in the past, you gave him a small smile - catching him completely off guard and causing him to blush.
“I’d like that.” He intertwined you’re fingers and ran his thumb over the back of your hand. Before you could speak again you were interrupted by the rest of your friends running towards you.
“We were wondering where the two of you ran off to!” Katara said slightly out of breath, leaning over.
“We were having a moment and you ruined it!” Sokka shouted at his sister, causing her to start complaining about how he shouldn’t have broken off from the group without telling them if he didn’t want to be followed. As they continued to bicker, you felt Toph shove your shoulder.
“It’s about time you two got together.”
“Shut up Toph.”
Several years into the future, you continued to aid team avatar in helping the the different nations recover from the wars aftermath. Surprisingly, you and Sokka’s relationship still had no title and stayed undefined. To everyone else’s was clear you were together - but you still hadn’t kissed or showed in public displays of affection as of late. To on onlooker it just looked like you both could’ve been close friends. But that would finally change when you and Toph went to visit Katara and Sokka in the southern water tribe.
After greeting Katara, you were almost knocked off of your feet by the force of Sokka hugging you and eventually picking you up so you were about a foot off the ground.
“I missed you so much!” he borderline squealed, rocking you back and forth a bit.
“I missed you too, but can you set me down for a minute? I have something to give you.”
“You do?” he asked, his eyes sparkling in excitement. Reaching behind you, you handed him a sword with slightly shaky hands. “Is this, for me?”
“Yes.” you replied quietly, looking down at your fidgeting hands - still not rid of the habit even at 17. “I felt really bad after you lost your space sword and I couldn’t find another meteor but I wanted to make you a new one to replace it anyways...” you continued to ramble on before you heard the sword drop onto the snow covered ground with a quiet *crunch*. “Hey! I get that it’s not your old one but that doesn’t mean I didn’t spend a lot of timmmph!” you were cut off when you felt his lips cover your own, his arms wrapping around your waist.
You didn’t kiss back at first out of shock, but eventually did so and cupped his cheeks with your gloved hands. Once you broke apart, he leaned his forehead on yours. “I love it.”
Later on that evening when everyone had turned in for the night, you found yourself tucked into Sokka’s chest as he snored softly - his head resting on top of yours and his arms protectively encircled around your waist. Though the journey had been long and exhausting, you were greatful for it. Maybe joining team avatar hadn’t been such a bad idea after all?
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 - @practicallylivesonline
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teeztheflag · 4 years
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Wolf!Ateez continuation to another member hunting down their mate
trigger warning! ⚠️ strong language, suggestive, non con marking, kidnapping, angst, sexual harassment, angst, no happy ending, height insert, (reader is taller than Jong Ho by a few centimeters), mobbing (don’t read if you’re uncomfortable with those topics)
k i m h o n g j o o n g
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„You know he’s coming to get me! He will kill you!“
Jong Ho smiled at your cute attempt to scare him while he watched the night out of the window. His heart bumped at the thought of you lying in his bed. He turned around and neared your form.
„Of course he’s coming... but you got one thing wrong there my dear. It’s me who’s going to kill him!“
You shuddered at this dumbass talking about hurting your mate. A slight whine escaped your wolf and Jong Ho raised one of his eyebrows at that.
„Don’t be sad. Soon we’re going to mate and then you will forget about Kim Hong Joong.“
„No!“ You gritted your teeth at him and the rebel wolf laughed at you mockingly. You were just too cute to think you could hurt him in any way.
„Then I will just try to kill you myself!“ You started to lunge at the much stronger wolf and he tackled you with ease back onto his bed and hovers above you.
Jong Ho secures your arms above you and finds your gaze to capture you in. „Stop this nonsense. If you don’t behave I will mark you right here and now.“
A tear rolls down your cheek after several tries to escape his strong grip.
„Why are you hating him so much?“
He frowns at you and sits up so you’re face to his back.
„You don’t know anything about the rebels, right? What little lies did Hong Joong tell you about us? Huh, nevermind.“ He stands up and leaves you alone in the room after he locks the door.
You groan out. „What does he mean with this?“
p a r k s e o n g h w a
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You stood in front of the mirror to examine the dirty mark over your neck. It looked like the two marks emerged into one and you shuddered at the thought of Woo Young being your mate now.
„Someone’s here to see you.“ You quickly hid your neck and turned around to glare at the boy.
„Fuck yourself.“
„I would rather do that to you.“ Your lower region clenched at his words and your tried to hide the blush. Since Woo Young marked you things were very odd.
You thought it would take a long time for your wolf to catch feelings for the mate and you also heard that it only developed this quick if your older mate was dead.
But Seong Hwa was alive, right?
Woo Young couldn’t stand to see your hurt expression anymore so he walked up to you and caught your hand with his one.
The part he touched seemed to burn pleasantly and the two of you felt it.
You looked up and couldn’t believe what you saw. Seong Hwa! He came to get you! You ran up to him and he caught you in his arms and twirled you around. He buried his nose deep in the crook of your neck and instantly his smile vanished.
„You bastard! You aren’t allowed to do that!“
„Well, I am. And you know that, too.“
„What does he mean, Hwa...?“
„I would’ve never thought you had the guts for that.“
„Maybe I just followed my desire?“ He smirked at Seong Hwa and the older boy‘s eyes turned into a dangerous yellow color.
„Watch your words.“ He spit out thought gritted teeth and you were totally lost at what was going on.
„Stop! I want to know what the hell is going on here!“
„(y/n), you’re my mate. There‘s nothing going on here.“
„There‘s one little detail you’re missing - she’s my mate, too.“ You suddenly felt really dizzy and the last thing you see before you black out is Woo Young winking at you.
j e o n g y u n h o
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Yeo Sang was shattered. He felt so dumb to try something like this with you. He decided to get out of the town for a while to clear his mind.
Meanwhile you were just as disappointed with Yeo Sang as the young wolf himself with him.
Yun Ho on the other hand was totally confused why the boy would try to get to you in the first place...
Two months went by when you heard of Yeo Sang‘s come back. Yun Ho and you decided it would be the best to not tell anyone of the incident so many people were happy that the young boy was back.
You guessed that he would want to talk to you but you nearly collapsed when you saw him hand in hand with another girl passing over the market place.
„Yun Ho... do you see that, too?“
„Mh, what? Oh, what the...“
Later that day someone rang the bell to your house and your sister was so loud you could only guess who it was.
„(y/n), can we talk?“ You nodded at him with a unsure gaze to your sister but followed him anyway.
„I am sorry.“
„You should be.“
„It will never happen again.“
„I found my mate.“
„That’s great...“
„I know I can never make up what I did to you and I don’t want to pretend it was only my wolf that pushed me to do it. I just lost control and I feel so bad for hurting you like this.“
„I understand. Our wolves sometimes can get out of control I know that. Just promise you won’t ever do that ever again and not to anyone else, too.“
„Of course! I will train my wolf and myself in self-control I already signed in for a course in another city where they help wolves like... me.“
You smiled at that. You still hated him in some way but your were glad he was sorry and tried to help himself.
„I wish you good look.“
k a n g y e o s a n g
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„What’s up sweetheart?“ Yeo Sang emerges your form on the couch and kisses your temple to which you giggle.
„You scrolling through social media.“
„Mh...“ He tangled himself with you on the furniture and watches how you swipe away quickly some pics of other boys on your instagram.
„Wait a second!“ He takes your phone and you slightly panick when he gets back to the boy that posted a pic of him with his six pack and your mate frowns.
„You like that?“
„Me? What? No!“
„Then why’re you following him?“ Suddenly a text message pops up and you gulp when you see it is from Yun Ho. What did that dick want?!
youknowthehoeyunho: still sticking with that stick? if you’re down for a real man come to my place tonight ;) party xx
„The fuck?! Baby, do you think I am not manly enough?“
„No! I don’t know why he writes me shit like that! I swear I don’t have a clue! And you know that I love you!“
You grabbed the phone back from him and deleted the message and put it away.
You tried to cuddle into Yeo Sang‘s chest but the boy was in deep thoughtful and suddenly stood up to grab his car keys.
„Where are you going?“
„Training with San and Min Gi.“
You facepalmed and tried to reach out for him but he was too fast and out of the door before you could stop him.
Stupid instagram...
c h o i s a n
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Of course San started his journey to get a potion that would heal you. It was a hard way but he was lucky that he found a witch that took quite the... liking in him.
„You should be fast if you want to heal her. Although this can destroy the spell your species tends to be blended quite easily...“ She laughed at him and San‘s knuckles turned white.
„I will safe her.“
Back to the house he frantically searched for you but he was stopped when he heard a groan from upstairs.
„Seong Hwa?! Shit, what happened? Where’s she?!“
„I am s-sorry, San. He - he got her.“
Finally she was back in his arms. The beauty herself (y/n) was kissing Hong Joong ravishly and he could swear his heart stopped a beat at the feeling.
„Tonight I will take what’s mine.“ His orbs turned into a golden color while he analyzed your faze. His fingers carefully touched your swollen lips from the kiss and he smirked.
„I am already yours.“
s o n g m i n g i
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The doctors were visiting you everyday but you were very weak after the attack of Seong Hwa. The wolf inside of you tried to heal you but it took a long time.
Min Gi visited you as often as possible and he decided to speak to his alpha about the incident.
„I know Min Gi but we cannot declare a war because of one thing.“
„One thing?! He wanted to kill my mate!“
„I know! It’s not that I don’t think Park Seong Hwa should meet consequences for his actions. You know about our problems with the other pack. We have to be careful also for our brothers and sisters!“
„You’re right, alpha.“
„I think we should - “ A call stopped the alpha to talk further and Min Gi didn’t stop pacing around the office.
„Oh, okay. That’s very good to hear. I - I know we have problems but thank you.“
„Who was it?“
„It was the alpha of the shadow pack. He said that they kicked Seong Hwa out so now he’s a rogue...“
„They really did? Gosh, I would’ve never guessed they would do that.“
„Yeah, me neither... but I think he knows the risk they would’ve been under in a war. Many other packs would’ve helped us because of our reason.“
„I am glad...“
„Yes, but... Min Gi. Park Seong Hwa is now a rogue. He doesn’t follow the law anymore and he’s got nothing to lose. We need to protect our borders in case he’s coming back.“
And he would come back.
j u n g w o o y o u n g
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„That fucking asshole! If he just came a little bit later I would’ve been able to - “
Hong Joong smirks at his friend.
„Been able to what?“
„To do everything that little bitch could only dream of...“
„I thought you weren’t interested in her?“
„Nah, but I know it would drive Woo Young insane.“
„Then we get them and let him watch?“
„How would that even be possible?“
„I know someone who might help us.“ Hong Joong smiles mischievously at his friend. He didn’t care about Woo Young and that mate of his but if it got them the final push to start a war it was worth it.
c h o i j o n g h o
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„Yah! Wouldn’t thought you would pull so at this years competition!“
„For gods sake fuck off Min Gi.“
Min Gi‘s friends joined the little disput and soon other competitors came to watch.
„I really have a question, Jong Ho. Your mate is taller than you, right? Does she help you at shopping to reach the higher shelves?“ Many wolves laughed at that and Jong Ho‘s head started to become really red.
„Just by a few centimeters!“
„Hahaha! So it’s true! Well, no wonder she’s been hanging out with other boys...“
„She didn’t!“
„Well, how about another bet? If you win I will leave you and your model girl alone.“
„And if you win?“
„One night with her so she’s able to hug someone without bending down for once.“
„Alright.“ If looks could kill Min Gi sure would be dead by now. Jong Ho wouldn’t loose this competition.
„Oh my god! Did your hear already? Song Min Gi and Choi Jong Ho have a bet again!“
You had to spit the water out you were just about to swallow.
„Choi Jong Ho!“
↺ back to navi
pictures from twitter ateez official
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gladiatortale · 4 years
My DEPRESSION BEATING, fandom obsessing, shit-tastic FANTASTIC year in review!
TL;DR: I’m fixing my mental health and figuring out WHO THE FUCK I AM one fandom filled day at a time! Thank you to everyone who’s been there for me along the way. xoxo
what’s up HEATHENS.
stating the goddamn obvious here, it’s been a HELLUVA YEAR. One emotional rollercoaster after another but we’re ALMOST DONE. I know things aren’t gonna magically get better the second it flips to 00:01 on January first, but I’m excited to put this year behind me, and (SHOCKINGLY) a bit sad to see it go.
It was a year where the whole world completely stopped, we realized what is really important, what is really worth fighting for, and took a GODDAMN SECOND to just breathe.
For me personally, the year (which I’m counting off from November 1st) started out UNBELIEVABLY SHIT. I had just been kicked out of the country I called home for the last four years (thank you Brexit), I had ZERO job prospects, my depression was the WORST it had ever been, and I just didn’t want to get out of bed in the morning. And in the beginning, the pandemic felt like salt in the wound, an extra kick in the teeth to my early twenties that had already “failed to launch.”
But I tried to embrace the madness, really take advantage of the world (that I always thought moved to fast) properly slowing down, and take time to try and become myself again. I wanted to figure out what I loved and try and become a bit more like the person I was before my depression got so bad.
I often say I became that Manic Trash Planet Lady™ you see in sci-fi adventure films; a bit zany to say the least, with a million ideas and a very eclectic fashion sense, but embracing the insanity as it comes...
*cough cough* audrey, get to the goddamn point!
Right. lol. THE POINT IS! 
I’m not 100% “healed”, I’m not sure if I think depression is a “oh look you’re officially cured! hooray!” type of disease, but this year I let myself ENJOY SHIT for the first time in god knows how long. I still don’t know “wHaT i WaNt To dO WiTh mY LiFe”, but I’ve got a better idea and I’m heading in (what feels like) the right direction. And most of all, I can look back and say I am better than where I was a year ago.
So I wanted to say T H A N K Y O U to the mad lads on this website that introduced me to the fandoms, shows, movies, fics... THE SHIT that made me happy this year and were there to be one (BIG) piece in my healing journey.
AND SO, with out further rambling ADO! Here are the highlights of the year marked by my ridiculous hyper-fixations and OBSESSIONS. Thanks for putting up with me ya fiends, xoxox
November 2019  The Arcana (Visual Novel)
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I had just gotten home and I was in a LOOOOOOW place. Randomly decided to download this app when it came up and it proceeded to ruin my life (and my bank account...) for pretty much the rest of the year. It was exactly what I needed to get me through a tough time and I was thoroughly, horse-blinders-up-to-the-rest-of-the-world, OBSESSED. These gorgeous magical fiends ruined me and all I could say was thank you.
Joined the fandom: November 2019 Obsession peaked: Late November Obsession faded: December 2019; I started a new job AND my bank statement came in and I realized I had accidentally spent over SIXTY BUCKS on this stupid app. No ragrets, but I definitely started to phase out at that point. Fandom friends: Velma, (@lanavxds on insta) miss you girlie xx Fanfics you NEED to read: ‘Second Mistake’ by DeathBelle on AO3, because DAAAAAYUM SON. Favourite moments: Basically the whole of the Julian arc. That gangly himbo OWNED my ass for a month.
December 2019 Hazbin Hotel (TV Series)
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Y’ALL okay here me out. Am I proud of this one? No. Is the show crass as hell? OOOOOOOOHHHH YEAH. Did my angsty ass love it at the end of last year? DAMN STRAIGHT IT DID. Goes without saying, but this is NOT FOR EVERYBODY, but it definitely helped me along the way to becoming more comfortable with myself and being open about being the massive geek that I always was, and watching things I enjoy regardless of what people say about it.
Joined the fandom: December 2019 Obsession peaked: Shortly there after. Fandom friends: None. Dipped one toe in fandom discourse and then promptly YEETED the fuck outta there. Obsession faded: January 2019. Still curious to see the full series if A24 actually ever does produce the whole thing, but I have def moved away from it. Fanfics you NEED to read: Haven’t read any. Maybe I’m a pussy baby piece-o-shit, but I DID NOT want to go down that rabbit hole, NO MA’AM. Favourite moments:
Discovering the Hunicast podcast. These guys are a riot and Ashley is a flustered GEM. Even if you don’t watch the show, go watch an episode of these fucking LADS just dicking about and your day will get better.
Watching the first episode with my partner and watching him realize his girlfriend is a total freak.
January 2020 Lore Olympus (Webtoon Comic)
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*Officially* discovered this one thanksgiving weekend in 2019, but my Arcana phase was still raging pretty strong at that point so I didn’t really get in to it until later. EVERYBODY AND THEIR MOTHER NEEDS TO READ IT. It has everything and handles the reality sexual assault and it’s aftermath EXTREMELY well.
Joined the fandom: Late November 2019 Obsession peaked: January 2020 Fandom friends: KELLEY. MA GIRL XOXOXO Obsession faded: June-ish 2020. I’m like 10 chapters behind now, but I still love this story so much. Fanfics you NEED to read: SO MANY ON MY ‘MARKED FOR LATER’ LIST AAAAAH. I have to get to that... NEW YEARS RESOLUTION lol Favourite moments: Having a drunk conversation on New Years Eve in 2019 with one of my oldest friends from high school about how much she loved it too. Helped me see how popular fandom and fandoms, are especially after feeling like I needed to hide my enthusiasm through high school and uni. (THAT WAS A MISTAKE BUT I’LL GET THERE IN A MINUTE).
February 2020 Versailles (TV Series)
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SO FUCKING GAY Y’ALL. Oh my god everyone in this show is so gay. Even when they’re not they still are a little bit. AND BEST OF ALL!! it’s very historically accurate (except for the demon satanic nonsense in season 3, what was that???)
Joined the fandom: February 2020 Obsession peaked: Like??? The SECOND I finished episode one. Fandom friends: none... WHERE ARE ALL OF YOU??? Obsession faded: March 2020. It was a fast and passionate love affair, what can I say? Fanfics you NEED to read: IF YOU HAVE RECS, GIVE ‘EM TO MEEEEE. Favourite moments: 
Showing the first episode to a friend of mine and the *ungodly GASP* that came out of her throat was... PRICELESS.
The ENTIRE throuple(???) relationship between the Chevalier, Philipe, and Palatine. PLATONIC/ ROMANTIC LOVE G O A L S.
March 2020 Yuri!!! On Ice (TV Series)
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*deep breath* ...y’all knew this one was coming.
Was I ready for this show to ruin my fucking life? No.  Am I so glad it happened??? FUCK YEAH.
NEVER IN MY LIFE have I fallen off the deep end so quickly with a fandom. HOLY SHIT. This blog didn’t have much of an “identity” before, but I you said that this is a Yuri On Ice blog now I wouldn’t even be mad (nor could I really defend myself to the contrary... bc??? like??? just go LOOK at my archive). Craziest thing is I watched the first two episodes like?? a solid TWO YEARS ago, but I didn’t continue watching because I was just not in the right head space for all the love and silliness and positivity.
I could do a whole separate post about how much this show and how this fandom has changed my life (DON’T TEMPT ME I JUST MIGHT). But I’ll stick with the highlights for now ;)
Joined the fandom: March 2020  Obsession peaked: Has it peaked?? Went straight up and it still going lol Fandom friends: Sandra, my mentor, my queen @aeriamamaduck, my fandom ride-or-die. Thank you for taking this internet bby under your wing. RACHEL @idancewiththefairies I TRAPPED YOU HERE. MUAHAHAHA xxx Obsession faded: ON GOING. CAN’T STOP, WON’T STOP. Fanfics you NEED to read: jfc, SO MANY.
‘Until My Feet Bleed and My Heart Aches’ and ‘Of Bright Stars and Burning Hearts’ by Reiya @kazliin​ -- Rivals AU companion pieces. Longest fics I’ve ever read and JESUS CHRIST these two fucking SENT ME. Most popular YOI fics on AO3 for a REASON.
‘Tell Me Where Your Love Lies’ by @aeriamamaduck -- Royalty AU, trope-breaking ABO. Ah sweet, TMWYLL, how you’ve killed me over and over again. This BEAUTIFUL wip has SUCH amazing world-building idk where to start (Congrats on passing 50,000 hits!) EVERYONE GO READ IT.
‘Blackbird’ by sixpences -- WWII/Coldwar Spy Fic. I don’t have enough words to describe how amazing this is. It’s elevated to a higher plane beyond fanfic. Just go read it. Thank me later.
‘Zanka’ by rinsled05 @dreaming-fireflies -- The geisha fic that ruined me. *deep breath* AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH *gasp* I’m fine. lol I sooooo not ready for this fic. Holy hell, Aoyagi had my heart in his hands from the first chapter. “’Please’ [...] ‘Don’t give me hope.’“ FUUUUCK.
‘Echoes’ by Reiya @kazliin -- Future fic. First fic I cried at... BOI. I was NOT ready for this. Shouldn’t be surprised given the author, but MAN. “‘A love like that, a love like what they had together, it never leaves completely.’ Yuri spoke again, eyes still staring out onto the ice, lost in memory. ‘There are always echoes.’” JUST FUCK ME UP.
Favourite moments: Oh good lord, where do I begin??
Having two (count ‘em TWO) main characters with mental health issues (Yuuri and his anxiety and Victor with burn out and depression) and NOT MAKING IT THE ONLY ASPECT OF THEIR PERSONALITY. CLAPS FOR KUBO AND YAMAMOTO!!
Everything about Yurio (ESPECIALLY HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH YUUKO AND HIS GRANDPA), that tsundere motherfucker is too pure for this world.
This fandom *properly* introducing me to smut on AO3...
Thinking I was going to get Rachel to like the show... NOT being prepared for her to fall off the deep end and START LIKING REAL SKATING TOO!!
Staying up waaaaaay too late waaaaaay too often to plan out plot points for TMWYLL with Sandra. Love ya dearie.
The warm fuzzy feeling I get every time I think about Victor and Yuuri.
April 2020 Bungou Stray Dogs (TV Series)
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I had a hunch I was gonna like this show considering ALL of the characters are based off of famous classic authors from around the world... what I was NOT prepared for was just HOW MUCH I was going to love it. HOLY SHIT. The art style? Love it. The plot?? Bonkers, but so fun. THE VOICE CAST??? AMAZING. Highly recommend to anyone who wants to get in to anime, great place to start.
Joined the fandom: April 2020 Obsession peaked: Probably this summer? But we have DEF plateaued in a VERY high place. Fandom friends: FIJI. MA BOIIIII @lil-1nsane  Obsession faded: Hasn’t. Hope it doesn’t Fanfics you NEED to read: So so so many. The smut in this fandom is *chef’s kiss*, but here are a few...
‘He Works Hard For the Money’ by CataclysmicEvent @cataclysmicevent2019​ -- Sugar Daddy AU. FUCK MAN. I was not expecting to like this one, but bloody hell. This fic grabbed me by the throat and WOULD NOT let me go. Praying for chapter 16! But the author is working on another STELLAR fic so I’m okay for now.
‘Everything or Nothing’ by CataclysmicEvent @cataclysmicevent2019​ -- University AU. FUCK THIS FIC. Started reading it as I was waiting for HWHFTM to update and BOI, this fic ROCKS. The alternating POV fits so well with the enemies/idiots-to-lovers vibe. Solid 10 outta 10.
‘The City Where Wind Blows’ by @raven-rein​ -- Cancer Death fic. *pained shriek* AAAAAAGUUUUUUUHHHH *gasp* aaaaaaAAAAAAHHHHHHHH, FUUUCCCCCCCCCKKKK MEEEEE. THIS FIC. Only the second fic I’ve ever cried to but I BAWLED MY GODDAMN EYES OUT. FUUUUUUUCK. I was not ready, never would have been ready. This is so tremendously well done, it killed me so beautifully, 
‘Haunted by Hatred’ by DeathBelle -- Canon compliant Soukoku. It is a CRIME that DeathBelle doesn’t have more BSD fics on her page, but this one is still brilliant.
Favourite moments:
The first three episodes. Soooo many break neck plot twists.
Every insane hypothetical conversation with Fiji.
Every time Atsushi or Tanizaki is on screen bc I LOVE THESE LIL BEANS.
June 2020 Trash Taste (Podcast)
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Goddamn I love these chaotic lads so much.
As I became more and more comfortable with myself and my love for anime I stumbled upon these three goons, -- Joey, Connor, and Garnt, -- best known for there SUPER successful (mostly) anime YouTube channels. Even if you don’t watch anime, WATCH/LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST. The focus is mostly on their lives and the overall expat/immigrant experience, with a bit of anecdotal anime references sprinkled in. 
This show is both wholesome and heathenous in equal measure, and after having lived abroad for a significant portion of my (admittedly still quite short) life, it was such a breath of fresh air to hear people talk so openly about how living outside your home country is both wonderful and terrifying. They’re wonderfully candid about the fact that even if you love a place dearly, no where is perfect, and you WILL hate somethings about your new home even if the majority of the experience is fantastic. I cannot rate this show highly enough.
Joined the fandom: June 5th 2020, loved it from the first episode. Obsession peaked: July maybe? I was RELIGIOUS about watching the episodes as soon as they came out. Still watch every week, but less “on time.” Fandom friends: None :( but I have tricked my partner in to listening several times :) Obsession faded: It’s dimmed from where it was, but still going strong. Fanfics you NEED to read: NONE. NEVER PLAN TO. Hard and fast rule, I don’t read fics about real people. Characters played by real people, even that’s a maybe for me. But real-real people? FUCK NO. (some of my) Favourite moments:
Any time Garnt and Connor get into a big-brain-monkey-brain argument and Joey is just LOSING his GODDAMN MIND in the corner.
Bringing a retired Japanese porn star in the show for an honest conversation about consensual sex work and showing people can have more than one career in life.
Everything about the, ‘Are Online Friends Real Friends?’ episode. GO WATCH IT, it’s brilliant.
Garnt making “chotto-THE-FUCKING-matte” an expression
August 2020 Great Pretender (TV Series)
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Spent most of the summer marinating in my BSD and YOI bubbles, until THIS BAD BOI came up on my Netflix recommendations. HOOOO BOI. This is some Anime Of The Year shit right here. Has a pretty original concept (Catch Me If You Can by way of Oceans 11-ish) but generally starts out like most other shounen (sans the super powers). AND THEN EPISODE FIVE HAPPENS. Not gonna spoil it but they TOOK THAT SHIT UP A NOTCH. Brilliant, even with a bit of an insane ending. GO WATCH THIS ONE.
Joined the fandom: August 2020 Obsession peaked: Pretty much as soon as I started watching it. Fandom friends: What’s up Fiji ;) @lil-1nsane Obsession faded: Naturally faded, but so glad I watched Fanfics you NEED to read: None so far! Little scared about this one, heard mixed reviews, but maybe someday. Favourite moments:
Edamame’s “madness arc” at the end of season 2. HOOOO BOY.
Laurent getting fucking WRECKED when Edamame punches him mid way through season 2, kills me every time.
Introducing my partner to anime with this show.
October 2020 Attack on Titan (TV Series)
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In my quest to find an anime that I can watch with my partner, I turned on season 1 of this bad boi. Holy hell I forgot how much I loved this show, NO WONDER everyone lost their goddamn minds when this show first aired. I NEED to catch up before all the season four spoilers come to get me...
Joined the fandom: Winter 2016 Obsession peaked: Basically as soon as I started watching it. Fandom friends: None yet, but I know you’re out there... Obsession faded: 2017, JUST BEFORE SEASON TWO... I should have stuck around longer I know, but it’s slowly coming back. Reeeeeally need to catch up on seasons two, three, and four. Fanfics you NEED to read: GIVE ME YOUR RECS HEATHENS. Favourite moments:
Watching my partner FREAK OUT about Eren’s “death.”
Getting in a conversation with a die hard fan after I hadn’t watched it in three years and saying... “Who’s that blond bitch that cries all the time?”/ “Armin?”/ “THAT’S THE ONE!”
November 2020... kind of. Figure Skating (Sport)
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Okay this one is a bit hard to explain. 
I have been a DIE HARD figure skating for A LOOOOOONG time. My grandmother got me a hat from the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City and I remember watching even then. But I first became consciously aware of different skaters, my faves, etc. from about 2010. I vividly remember watching Plushenko skating in 2014 while on a school trip to Hawaii, and my friends laughing at me as I yelled at the TV.
But I didn’t TRULY get involved in the fandom side of it until this year. I had all this knowledge bottled up, but didn’t have any skating friends to talk to... UNTIL NOW. Super ironic that this happened in a year with almost NO skating, but I’ll take what I can get ;) Also did I stay up until FOUR-GODDAMN-THIRTY IN THE MORNING a few nights ago to stream Japanese Nationals on my phone??? YOU BET I DID.
Joined the fandom: Three times; 2002, 2010, and 2020. Obsession peaked: 2014? 2018? Idk it peaks any time someone does something amazing. Fandom friends: Rachel, my girl @idancewiththefairies​, WHY DIDN’T I INTRODUCE YOU TO THIS SOONER??? Obsession faded: Hasn’t. Won’t. lol Fanfics you NEED to read: NOPE. NONE. NOT GONNA HAPPEN. No fanfics about real people. Never gonna change that. (some of my) Favourite moments:
Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir doing THAT routine at the 2018 Olympics.
Rachel​ sheepishly admitting to me that Shoma may have replaced Yuzu as her favourite, and me being SO DAMN PROUD of her for growing and developing her own skating opinions apart from me.
Yuzu’s 2012 ‘Romeo and Juliet’ routine and Worlds. THE RAW FUCKING POWER OF THAT SKATE.
Plushenko, cheeky bastard, changing his 2014 Team Event routine AS IT WAS HAPPENING.
The worlds friendliest rivalry between Yuzu and Nathan.
Any thing the Shibutani’s do, and all they do to break up the stereotype that all of Ice Dancing has to be rOmAnTiC and SeNsUaL to be good.
Watching my early faves become coaches and the D R A M A.
Honorable Mentions:
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Coco (Film): I watched this the weekend I came home and I owe this movie a lot. It is so sweet an heartwarming, and it a roundabout way it brought me back to Tumblr (needed somewhere to vent my feelings considering I watched the movie a solid THREE YEARS after it came out, Tumblr seemed like the place to go lol). Watched in again in 2020 and it’s just as amazing.
Jekyll and Hyde (All media): Loved this book from the first time I read it in my first year of uni. But in December 2019, my fandom understanding reached its PEAK. The musical?? The comic?? YOOOOOO.
Dear Evan Hansen (Musical): I have BARELY engaged in fandom discourse, but the MUSIC. She fucking SLAPS.
Sirius the Jaeger (TV Series): This show is such an underrated gem. It literally has so much; "dead” family drama? Eclectic international group of monster hunters? Cowboys and vampires?? Yes, yes, and YES. And the main character has the same Japanese voice actor as Atsushi from BSD!
Studio Ghilbi (Films): My love affair with Ghibli goes back to when I was about 5 and BEGGED my mom to take me to the library so we could rent Kiki’s Delivery Service on DVD. But that love has been FULLY rejuvenated this year when I went to the Ghibli Film Festival in New York City (ironically in the last week in February). If you haven’t seen them, go watch From Up On Poppy Hill, Whisper of the Heart, and The Wind Rises. Spoilers, you’re probably gonna cry.
If you’ve made it this far, THANK YOU FOR READING! 
And thank you to all the amazing people that made my 2020 not so horrible. Good riddance 2020, don’t let the door hit you on the way out!
34 notes · View notes
scapegrace74-blog · 4 years
Lie Alone
A/N  In commenting on the last installment in the Metric universe, I said that Jamie’s date with Claire was complete dating wish fulfillment on my part.  Which got me thinking about their next date and what other personal preferences I could cram into this story.  And yet it’s definitely Claire’s turn to take Jamie for a spin, which meant that... well, you’ll see!
All other parts of the Metric Universe are available on my AO3 page.
The song by Blanco White (another guest artist!) that inspired the title and which features in the fic can be heard here: https://youtu.be/SNp7sb5vXTs
Big shout out to @holdhertightandsayhername, who introduced me to this artist in her marvelous fic The Sands of Time.  
June 21, 2018, London, England
Sassench:  Do you have plans later Fraser?
Wee Fox Cub:  depends r u making a better pffer?
Sassench: Meet me out front at Joe’s.  5pm.
Wee Fox Cub: :thumbs up emoji:
Sassench:  And Jamie?  Wear something tight.  Preferably leather.
Wee Fox Cub:  ...
He couldn’t imagine what Claire had in mind, but he’d cancelled his plans to watch the England South Africa test match with the lads and was instead haunting the kerb in front of her temporary lodging, wearing fitted black jeans and his leather jacket, despite the sunny mid-summer weather.  When his date hadn’t emerged from the building by 4:05, he pulled out his phone.  An approaching mechanical thrum interrupted him mid-text.
The first thing he noticed were her boots: black, with a thick rubber sole and chunky heel.  These were zipped over leather pants that clung to her coltish legs like a second skin, matching the matte gleam of the motor between them.  A leather jacket, the tailored twin of his own, hugged her narrow waist.  By the time his eyes had scrolled upward, a visored helmet was being removed, and Claire’s familiar hair and teasing brass eyes appeared.
“You’re staring, Jamie,” she remarked.  The fact that the voice was his roommate’s usual no-nonsense tone, seasoned with a touch of humour, was a necessary dash of reality.  
“Aye,” he admitted.  “Tis a verra beautiful... machine ye’re ridin’, Sassenach.  Is it yers?”
Her curls danced in the sunlight as she shook them out.
“God, no.  Joe only let me borrow it after I promised to cover his next two on-call shifts.  But don’t worry!  I practically grew up on a motorcycle.  I’ve had my license since I was sixteen.”
He filed this information away in the cluttered part of brain entitled Things I Never Expected to Learn about Claire Beauchamp. Accepting a second helmet, he swung himself onto the seat behind her.  His legs bracketed her hips in an unfamiliar, but by no means unpleasant, inversion.  Claire revved the motor, sending a shiver up his spine.  His arms wrapped around her waist, and they pulled into the slow flow of traffic.
“Comfy?”  Her voice startled him, low and intimate, coming from directly behind his ear.   He realized belatedly that the helmets were furnished with a communications system.
“Aye,” he asserted, although comfortable wasn’t exactly the word he’d use for his current state.  Somewhere between apprehensive and exhilarated would be more accurate.  “Will we make it tae our destination afore sundown, do ye think?”
She chuckled warmly, reaching back with one hand to tap him on the knee.
“Never you fear, my lad.  I have our urban escape route all planned out.  We’ll be flying in no time.”
She wasn’t wrong.  After a series of abrupt stops and starts, they dipped below the Thames in a well-lit tunnel, the echo of passing lorries muting all other sound.  Soon after that they were picking up speed on a wide motorway, the bike crouching against the wind.  He watched the throbbing mass of the city peel away, slowly giving way to greenery and the pastel light he associated with freedom.  He thought they were heading south along the Orbital into Surrey, but beyond that he had no notion of their whereabouts.  
Giving himself up into her care, he settled against Claire’s back, the crescent of her arse fitting neatly into the bowl of his thighs.  He was aware of being aroused, but it was a hazy rather than a sharp feeling, blunted by contentment.  If Claire was offended by the firmness pressing into her rump, she gave no sign.
After several hours of almost meditative motion, they turned onto a country lane, overhung by a leafy canopy.  Tidy Tudor buildings overlooked the road, their leaden windows glowing orange in the setting sun.   Their motorcycle joined a parade of vehicles ascending a low hill in a series of sharp turns.  Each time the bike navigated one of these, he was forced to tighten his grip on Claire’s torso, which by now felt like an extension of his own body.  He glowed like one of those panes of glass, molten and reflecting back the warmth that radiated from the core of who she was.  
The forest thinned into green hillside as they reached a parking lot.  He couldn’t help but feel disappointment as he observed the crowds.  Wherever they were, it was obviously a popular destination.  On the bike, he’d felt peculiarly isolated, alone with Claire, their conversation eased by the intermediary of the microphones.  Now he’d have to share her with the world.
He groaned as he unfolded his long legs to stand upright, and Claire grinned.
“They don’t make motorcycles in your size, I’m afraid.”
“An’ wha’ size is that, Sassenach?” he hummed suggestively while stretching his arms high above his head, untucking his shirt in the process.
Claire’s eyes dipped to where his belly was briefly exposed, then lower.
“Large,” was her bold answer, and he shot her a wickedly pleased glance.
After a beat she visibly gathered herself, reaching into the storage compartment behind where he had been sitting and pulling out a small bag and his plaid, which had somehow stayed in her possession after the fire.
“Are you up for a short hike?”
“For ye, Sassenach, anything.”
They meandered through an oak wood, then up a series of crude steps, until finally arriving on a grassy slope, the land falling away steeply to the south.  Low ridges and shallow valleys furled below them like gentle waves, reaching out to the horizon where the sun was preparing to set.  The air was fragrant, the ground releasing the heat of the day.
“One of my many boarding schools wasn’t far from here,” Claire explained as she spread the blanket near their feet.  “I must have been fourteen or so, and having a terrible time fitting in.  Uncle Lamb came to visit, probably at the headmaster’s behest, and this is where he took me.  I don’t remember what he said, but by the time we left, I felt better.  More at peace.  In lockstep with the larger order of things.   I’ve come back, now and then.  Any time I needed to find that feeling again.”
As she spoke, Claire emptied the small bag of its contents.  He recognized the logo from a deli they both frequented on two wrapped sandwiches, along with a pint of strawberries, some crisps, a lemonade and a bottle of his favourite summer ale.  She’d thought of everything, and it snagged at his heart.
“Tis bonnie.  I’m honoured ye wanted tae share it with me, Sassenach.”
They ate slowly, savouring the simple meal as the sky above their heads smudged from orange to pink to ever-deepening shades of purple.  One by one, the stars twinkled to life, like so many travelers lighting their fires for the night.  Away from the city, they numbered in the thousands, each a signpost on someone’s journey.  His mind spread out to fill the space between them, taking his thoughts to Lallybroch, moments from his youth long forgotten, the steadying hand of his parent’s guidance.  Claire was right.  Something about the place invited serenity.  He sighed with pleasure, tension he hadn’t even acknowledged draining slowly down his spine.
Claire’s hand crept across the blanket, and their pinkie fingers met, then overlapped.  As the air around them cooled, the breeze picked up, and he felt her shiver.
“Ye’re cold.  We should be on our way, aye?”
“Wait.  There’s one more thing I want you to see.”
He could think of several more things he wanted to see, but they were well hidden by leather and her guarded nature.  He’d known when he proposed this season of courtship that the road to Claire’s heart would be long and arduous, with many twists and lay-bys.  There could be no rushing the voyage.  He was confident the destination, should he be granted entry, would be worth any hardship.  And thankfully the views along the way were spectacular in their own right.
He’d been watching her profile out of the corner of his eye when the horizon burst into multi-coloured song.  Purple starbursts and red streamers exploded across a black canvas, followed by a pulsing yellow orb.  In the milliseconds before his consciousness caught up with the evidence, he was captivated.  Then he physically recoiled, expecting pain in the form of a cascade of memories.  Instead, the symphony of light continued without a sound.  He looked at Claire in awe.
“The wind is to the north, so it’s blowing the sound in the other direction.  I checked before I picked you up,” she explained.
The fireworks continued for another ten or fifteen minutes.  He’d never be quite sure, because he was lost in sensation.  The beautiful display was completely over-shadowed by the beauty of the woman beside him, her tiny finger still laced with his own.  
“Ye ken tis I who’s supposed tae be courtin’ ye, don’t ye, Sassenach?” he commented when a final fury of light gave way once again to stars.
“Says who?” she sniffed, but he could see the corner of her mouth twitch upwards.  
After performing a mental inventory of any and all physical impediments, he leaned slowly into her side, his intention unmistakable.  His heart thrilled when Claire met him halfway, her mouth damp and tart from the lemonade.  It was a kiss that walked the boundary between chaste and sensual, and he wished it could last forever.
“Thank ye, Claire.  Truly.”
At a loss for words for once, she dipped her head in acknowledgement.  They silently gathered their things and walked hand-in-hand to the bike.
The ride back to London was swift, with music taking the place of conversation.  A particularly beautiful song, poetic and wistful, left him feeling that Claire was speaking to him through its words; words she could not yet find the courage to say.  Accompanied by only a single guitar, a male voice rose in wistful intensity.
So I lie alone, and risk each night, I long to let you in But there's a life I lost, drifted out, before You let me in.
His fingers found their way beneath her jacket and rested on the warm skin of her belly.  He felt her soft skin give a shudder, like a ripple of wind across the still surface of a pond.
The motorway ribboned out beneath them.  The journey had only just begun.
Because this is a multi-disciplinary blog, here’s a shot of the view that Jamie and Claire enjoyed in this fic, which is Box Hill in Surrey (taken from Google Earth, as I’ve never been).
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And here’s Claire’s bike!
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bluebellhairpin · 4 years
As We Can
Thor Odinson X Immortal!Reader
A/N: Am I doing another self-projection fic? Yes. Do I want to get the point across that I love you, no matter what you look like, and I will help you take care of yourself? Hell yes. Some of my closest companions are on the chunky side. I would kill for them. - Nemo
Warning(s): Idk but there’s a hell of a lot of talk about self-worth, and hence self-love. So talk about Insecurities, character Death (very brief - Loki hoes might cry), Angst, but also a buttload of f l u f f ! 
Summary: We all need to give ourselves some care sometimes. Thor is one of those people, so you give him a little help - and sometimes that comes in a many few different ways; words, music, flower crowns. 
[Gif was a Google find since Tumblr tags don’t have the representation. Creds to the maker, we love your work!] 
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Saying you’d lived for a long time was the understatement of the century. 
You’d lived through too many natural disasters to count - Mount Vesuvius one of the more memorable of such disasters - plus hundreds of wars, and as many ‘collenizations’ of ‘new worlds’ to poke a stick at - not to mention the sicknesses that passed by as well. 
By now you were pretty damn tired of it all. 
But then, on top of everything, you could add something that had never happened before. In much more recent years, Earth had taken to being invaded by aliens. The first and most obvious was that of the Chitauri in New York. The most recent was Thanos and his Army in Upstate New York. 
By this point in your life, you’d started to become ‘exposed’. As most immortals do, over time you showed up in different photographs and paintings over the years, and with access to anything from one place - a.k.a the internet - some started to put things together. 
You even had your own online conspiracy club. You were proud of that. 
While it didn’t exactly bother you, you could see it causing some problems in the future - especially if you showed up in more places more often. So you made a decision. You needed to get off Earth. 
Luckily, timing then had you neatly close to Tønsberg, having watched the events of Thanos’ newest attack on the news in your hotel room in Oslo, you fast-tracked your journey there - to ‘New Asgard' - forward a week. 
There you sought out Thor, and through him a passage off into space. 
Days, if not weeks passed - honest to god by now you couldn’t tell the difference - and while he was in no way the worst person to hang around, Thor was acting off. 
You’d never met him before your of-hand trip to space, but you had seen him on the news, online, and in papers. He was nothing like he was then, now. 
If you’d learn one thing in your age-less life it was that everyone needs a cause, a purpose. You’d spent the last three-hundred years - at least - devoting yourself to different causes, including the two World Wars, and it was clear to you that Thor currently did not have one.
So you decided to help him find it. 
Naturally you started with the subtle things. Being on a ship full of delinquents, also known as ex-space criminals, subtlety wasn’t always the best bet if you wanted something. Especially when it came to Drax. Hints went over his head like a frisbee in a hurricane - but you figured Thor wouldn’t be that… Unwittingly ignorant. 
By the time a couple days passed you had your answer. 
He was that unwittingly ignorant.
You didn't know how anyone else felt, but you knew it went a bit deeper than what others might’ve thought.  __________
“Thor, may I pull you aside for a moment?” you asked, appearing behind the Asgardian as the ship floated lazily through space outside. 
He jumped slightly, completely unaware of his surroundings, but nodded in agreement once he saw it was ‘just you’. Luckily no one else was around this part of the ship, either opting to rest or oversee Peter up in the cockpit. 
You fiddled with your sleeve, eyeing Thor as he settled in one of the seats across the room. You decided then and there to not beat around.
“Are you okay?” His eyes snapped up to yours, being me with your ever-so-slight scowl. 
“Am I okay?” he asked, scoffing out a laugh, “I am fine, why? Why wouldn’t I be?” 
You turned your head, taking a couple steps forward. 
“I can tell if you are, or if you aren’t.” He rolled his eyes at that, crossing his arms and pulling up his guard. “Do you remember what I told you, back on earth when I asked to come with you here?” you asked softer, gesturing to the ship and the stars outside.
He grumbled, rubbing at his eye and ruffling his hair before staring at you expectantly.
“I promised I could help.” 
“Look at you, how the hell could you help?”
“I am almost two thousand years old, Thor Odinson. If I know anything it’s how to help you.” He kept his eyes on you, watching as you dragged a chair out and sat in front of him. You took in a deep breath, searching his body language for any signs that meant he didn’t want you to continue.
“Are you really that old?” he asked, leaning towards you slightly.
“Aye, that I am,” you nodded, “Was born in Ancient Rome. The first notable event I lived though was when I was about ten, word spread around about that volcano erupting - not that we knew what it was back then.” you smiled little at the memory, looking down at your hands sadly. 
Apparently he wasn’t too bad a reading body language either. 
“No one else was like you, though - being able to live forever. Were they?” You shook your head no, and he hummed. “Maybe then we could help each other?” 
“Sure thing Sparky.”  ___________
You’d been working together with Thor for a good couple months, and in between searching for Gamora with the Guardians, and - in your opinion - hopelessly looking for Loki too, you thought Thor was doing much better.
He was less recluse, took care of himself a little more, and backed off Peter’s leadership a little (the latter may have been barely noticeable). Even if those things all came under your urging, you still counted them as steps forward. 
Anything positive, no matter how small, was still positive.
“(y/n)!” Thor boomed, rattling you from your bunk in the ship, “Are you ‘Holding out for a Hero’?” 
Nebula and Mantis poked their heads out from the bunk above you, ceasing their game of Paper Football to watch for your reply. You rolled your eyes, sliding off your comfy spot to lumber out to Thor.
“Pardon?” Thor cleared his throat as he held out Peter’s Zune. 
“This song speaks of a hero. Do you need one?” You took the player from Thor, scrunching up your nose at the 80’s song. 
“Not currently, but if I do you’d be the first person I’d call for, you can count on that.” you said, scrolling through the song list, looking for a song you preferred more. You missed the proud grin that reached Thor’s face. 
“There,” you pressed ‘Hold the Line’, and tried shooing him off so you could get back to your cozy corner, “Try that one Sparky.” 
“Much thanks.” He said, turning off with the device in his hands. You made it back to the doorway and watched him go.
Thank goodness Peter wasn’t here, otherwise he would’ve snatched that thing from Thor even before he got hold of it. __________
The planet you’d stopped on to replenish supplies was one of the most Earth-Like ones you’d seen since you left Earth. The only major difference was the inhabitant’s fashion choices, and the large array of flowers - they were literally everywhere.
If Rocket hadn’t  latched onto Groot’s shoulder the moment they stepped off-ship, you’d probably have lost the humanoid among the greenery.
“Great Zeus.” You breathed, slight disbelief at the sheer amount of flowers. 
“Who is ‘Great Zeus’?” Mantis asked, you cast a glance back at her.
“Um, basically him,” you pointed at Thor, “But much older, and more horny.” 
“You are going to be more horny when you are older,” Drax said, clapping Thor on the shoulder, “Congratulations!” 
“I meant a -” you stopped yourself, snickering, “- Nevermind.” You step off into the crowds and mazes of flowers, not waiting for Thor - your ‘Supply Buddy’ - to catch up. It never took him long anyway.
“Is Zeus one of your ‘Roman Gods’?” Thor asked, sidling up beside you as you maneuvered around the crowds.
“Nope. Zeus is Greek. In Roman his name is Jupiter.” 
“And in Norse he is Thor.” he said. You looked up at him, cracking a smile. 
“Mhm, I think I prefer Thor over Jupiter or Zeus though.” you said, eyeing a patch of flowers that was inhabited by a small crowd - and they were making flower crowns. 
Thor had no choice but to follow you as you made yourself comfortable among the multi coloured blooms - distracted and off task as ever. But he made no effort to join you, standing off to the side instead. 
You eyed him as you pulled a few flowers into your hand, weaving them together in the same way you remember your mother doing a hundred lifetimes ago. Patting the spot next to you, you grinned.
“Come over here Sparky.” you said, flicking your eyes down to the flower patch to pick a few more. “I need to make sure this fits.” 
You weren’t taking a no. The nickname you gave him in itself spoke volumes. 
He came over, slumping down beside you in the sunlight. You made quick work of the flowers, tying them together neatly before laying it atop Thor’s half pulled-away hair. It fit perfectly. 
“A crown fit for a king, I’d say.” 
“Pity I’m not much of a king.” he said, reaching a hand up to play with some of the petals.
“‘Ζώμεν γαρ ού ως θέλομεν, αλλ’ ως δυνάμεθα’.” you blurted, not once breaking your stare at Thor. His eyes widened, then moved to looking very confused, so you translated. “‘We live, not as we wish to, but as we can’. A Greek Dramatist said that. It was one of the few phrases we knew it greek, and our father taught it to us. He always implored us to do our own best, not the best anyone else can do.” 
All the while you explained, you weaved together another crown, one slightly smaller than the first, yet still almost identical. Tying it off, you sat it on your own head.
“Our best can sometimes be a lot, or a little even if we wish it to be a lot. But it doesn’t matter. Our best is still our best.” Thor looked between your crown, and your eyes. 
“I don’t think it’s that easy.” 
“Because it takes practice.” you plucked another flower, this time sticking it in his beard. “No one gets everything right the first time. Yet everyone does do their best at the time of their first time. Accepting that they did their best - that’s what they struggle with.” 
You poked in more flowers into his beard - your words seemed to plunge him into deep thought - he made no effort  to stop you, if he even noticed. 
After a time, he looked down at your hands, still piling flowers into his flower-filled beard, and smiled lightly.
“How about you make some for the other Asguardians of the Galaxy.” 
“Flower crowns?”
“Yes,” he grinned, “Your best ones.”
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Lamia Drama/Deltarune Semi-Crack Fic
The not-awaited, not asked for Lamia Drama X Deltarune crackfic that absolutely no one wanted, but might now find they want!
I played Deltarune Chapter 2 and just decide to write some silliness for fun. This is extremely non-canon to everything involved. Spoilers (kinda but not really) for DeltaRune Chapter 2.
Warnings for swearing, an extremely brief moment of existential dread, and one sexual joke.
As always, the species of lamia I use come from @vex-bittys
If this is your cup of tea, maybe buy me a Kofi?
           Susie stared up at the sign in front of them. “Kris. This…. Is this a fucking pet shop???” Susie said. The sign said “Caring Coils” and had a picture of someone part skeleton, part snake.
           “No! It’s a spring shop!” Lancer said. What else could “Coils” mean?
           “U-Um… I… I don’t know where this building came from???” Ralsei said. As far as he was aware, they had seen neither snakes nor springs on their journey, but apparently this was in Castle Town now! Somehow!
           Kris walked in. It was surprisingly bright for something in the Dark World, eerily similar to what it’d be like in the light world, but given that the main inhabitants seemed to be the apparent offspring of Jockington and Sans, just… What was even happening here.
           “Are these, like, half skeleton, half snake?” Susie said, walking up and knocking on the glass holding the Mamba. A dozen or so snakes suddenly tackled the glass, hissing at her. “Okay, not gonna lie, that’s kinda cool. You think they bite?”
           Kris just stared at the sign on the glass enclosure saying “Please Ask Before Handling – We Bite – Highly Venomous” until Susie got the hint.
           Regardless, Susie hummed, seriously contemplating sticking her entire hand in there anyways. “Hey. Hey Noelle, you dare me?”
           “SUSIE NO!”
           “C’mon, does venom even work on monsters?”
           “Hah! Clearly you know nothing. Monsters do not have blood and nerves to shut down the same way humans do,” Berdly said, strolling over to the Mamba enclosure. “They don’t even look that tough. Look! They’re worm- AAAAAAAAAAAA;LKJSDFLK;JDFA!” He had stuck his hand in there and immediately gotten himself bitten by like 13 Mamba. He flapped his wings, running around the room and sending bitty Mamba flying absolutely everywhere. Tiny battle cries filled the room as they chased after Berdly.
           “Um… Kris? Should we help him?” Ralsei said, watching the chaos.
           Kris answered No, deciding to instead head into the back. Unlike the skeletal-snakes who were snake sized in the front, this area seemed inhabited by skeleton-sized skele-snakes. Kind of. Most were shorter than Kris, except one Cobra who zipped directly by them with a weaponized mop in hand. Kris peaked back – looks like the cobra dude was mopping up the little skelesnakes. Cool, that’s been settled.
           They got a few odd looks as they browsed the area. It had snake things, and child things. Presumably for snake children, which most of these seemed to be. If not for the supplies and price tags, it’d be easy to mistake this place for an orphanage – which Kris could understand, who would want a Sans X Jockington baby?
           Oh hey, that one might be an adult. A particularly grumpy looking  skele-snake looked them up and down, them immediately flipped them off, “Oh great, I thought I was done with human shit. Or whatever the fuck you are.”
           Kris flipped him off back. What meaningful dialogue.
             Meanwhile, Ralsei was trying to figure out what he should do. In the few seconds Kris had left, Suzy had broken another enclosure completely and even more snakes were running around, not at all helped by Lancer and Rouxls mistaking the new lightners(?) for worms and trying to eat them. Berdly had been swiftly knocked out by the tiny swarm.
           Thankfully, something answered Ralsei’s prayers. He didn’t expect his newly found angel to be a 12-foot-something long version of the things causing chaos, but he literally started mopping up the little ones and depositing them into boxes. As soon as that was done, he gave them all an exhausted, withering stare, “Why. Just… why.”
           “Worms are tasty!” chirped Lancer.
           “These are not worms, we’re lamia,” the new person said. He sighed, straightening himself, “Where are my manners. I’m Nikolai. Apparently the rest of the staff disappeared, somehow, and I have no idea where we are, so forgive me if I’m a bit… in need of several of wines.” His “staff” uniform had been replaced by gold and white robes… and a small golden nametag declaring him “staff”.
           Rouxls pushed himself to the front. “I sympathizeth with thee mostly fullily, thine fellow worker of high class and generallyeth most terrifying stature.”
           “… I think I’m having a stroke,” Nikolai said.
           “Hey Yooooo. I Heard Someone Was Wanting Wine (alcoholic)? I Have Some Battery Acid Right Here!” the Queen said, holding her glass cup of battery acid. It exploded in her hand. “Oops Lol (amused)”
           “… I… I give up,” Nikolai said, laying his head on a table. Several of the bitties were chirping and giving praises, trying to tell him not to give up, but the Mamba were also trying to knock the box they’d been placed in off the shelf by all ramming the side of it at once. The chaos refused to be contained any longer.
           Ralsei looked at Nikolai sympathetically, going over and patting his back, “H-Hey, it’s okay! I’m sure between the two of us and Kris we can keep… order… Oh dear.” Everyone had scattered. It seemed that only The Queen, the unconscious Berdly, and Noelle remained in the room with them.
             The Queen looked into the bitty Papython tank. “Hey Is That You Trousle?”
           Trousle looked up at this new lady with the cool glasses, nodding.
           “Sorry You Came Eleventh In The Dragon Cards The Deckening Mini-Tournament Game But Dang Getting That Much Out Of Like A Billion People (Exaggeration) Is Dang (Damn) Impressive!” The Queen said.
           Trousle’s eyes widened, how did she know that?
           “Oh Yeah And Here Is This (based on search history: Sexy Dom Bitties).” It was a small domino with Mettaton legs sticking out from it.
           Trousle was silently screaming, but being him had the perk that he didn’t have to hold in his screams! They were silent by default. So he was just screaming and completely blush-colored in the face.
           “Oh And Emo Thrash Metal (based on search history: Emo Thrash Metal).” She deposited a small broken chunk of the Thrash Machine that had thrashed her giant robot’s ass which was inexplicably wearing eyeliner and had “it’s not a phase mom!” written on it.
           Meanwhile, Susie had joined Kris in flipping off Hux, and then Liam came.
           “Tch. I don’t know what you troglodytes think you’re doing, but we’re closed. Get out,” Liam hissed, putting himself between Hux and the intruders. They were not closed, but could you really be “open” when you had accidentally planeshifted to another dimension without the majority of your staff?
           “Yeah! Fuck off!” Hux hissed, throwing a double birdy.
           “YOU GUYS WANNA GO?!” Susie yelled, foaming at the mouth and drawing her axe. Liam looked injured, but if he was going to go around picking fights, she wasn’t going to stop him!
           “Oh please,” Liam said, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms, smirking far too smugly. “I would obviously win.”
           “OH IT IS ON!” Susie said, surging forwards. She and Liam both turned out to be too adept at dodging for this to go much of anywhere, and Hux and Kris just spent the fight insulting each other even after Susie and Liam got so mutually carried away they left the battlefield.
           Lancer had found some new kind of paradise: a plastic hammock full of dubious, blueberry snot flavored salsa! He paid no mind to the other person using the weird spa, just jumping in and plopping into the vat of goo.
           Oozy blinked owlishly at Lancer, then started laughing, “Kid? Kid, what are you doing?”
           “I’m claiming this spa as mine, you minty fresh bundle of mouthwash.”
           “Um… This… is my bed?”
           “No it’s not! This is a hammock, not a bed!”
           “… can’t argue with that logic,” Oozy said, shrugging. He wrapped lightly around Lancer, purring. That said, he couldn’t quite resist the urge to tease, “Wow, easiest snack ever.”
           “Thanks!” Lancer chirped.
           Rouxls Kaard then skidded down the hallways without ever adjusting his Trademark Pose, “HALT WORMTH! THEE SHALSTH NOTS EAT MINE PRINCETH.”
           Oozy, being a little shit, looked Rouxls in the eye as he lightly pressed his teeth to the back of Lancer’s head and audibly said, “Nom.”
           “I’m slimy!” Lancer chirped.
           Meeeeeeanwhile, Keith was laughing maniacally in a mix of sheer disbelief and genuine amusement as he dodged kicks from a living checkers piece, a small army of Pawns at his side. Too bad they weren’t from the same game.
             Some of the Queen’s butlers helped Nikolai and Noelle clean up the storefront from the burst of chaos (and Berdly). They still weren’t sure how they got there, but y’know what, even Nikolai cannot contain this, so he lets the kids who are old enough play around the area with some supervision.
           The Mamba immediately flock to the Dojo, Liam leading the charge, to prove their superiority over all. Berdly gets his ass beat there again. There are Papython in the bakery and Kings in the café, and, well, just lamia generally everywhere.
           A lot of the younger ones flock to Seam. Every child’s dream come true: a giant plush toy that can actually talk to you and he’s kind of just a big fluffy grandpa!!!
             Eventually just Kris and Hux are left inside, locked in a battle of wills and insults.
           “Like you’d even know what it’s like to not have fucking control of shit! To always be told what to do and what to be, and if you can’t, no one gives a fuck about you!”
           Kris: Act:
           They understand, they understand far too well.
           Kris: Act:
           The snake boy is going home with them now. He screams, but he does not get a say in this. Bye.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Not Nineteen Forever (17) (Branjie/Scyvie/Ninex) - Ortega
a/n: hey angels! thank u for ur patience, here is yet another chapter of the hellscape that is n19f. as i said on my blog, u will either love this chapter or hate it. either way let me know what u think!! this is a big chunky one at 13k (ik i’m treating u during this quarantine) so grab ur snacks and settle in. lots of love, byeee!
trigger warning: a little light drinking xo
please note: this fic contains young adults often behaving in irresponsible/unadvisable ways with regards to alcohol, drugs and sex. if you are someone who feels as if they could be heavily influenced by fic and incorporate what happens in the plot into ur own life, pls steer clear!
summary: Brooke, Yvie and Nina are three flatmates who forged a friendship in their first year of university and picked up some other waifs and strays along the way. Now in their final year, there are feelings that need to be unravelled and confessions to be made whilst navigating drunk nights, hungover mornings, takeaways, group chats, library meetups, cafe gossiping, and the small matter of getting a degree.
last chapter: Scarlet celebrated her birthday by helping Nina win back Monet, a surprise party organised by her girlfriend, and a suspiciously civil Brooke and Vanjie.
this chapter: from one birthday to another, the gang heads out to the country to celebrate Brooke and Akeria’s 22nd. everyone seems back on good terms, but will the combination of hide and seek, truth or dare, a hot tub and of course a lil bit of alcohol change anything?
“Holiday!...da-da-da-dum-dum-daaa, Celebrate!”
Brooke rolled her eyes, unable to help herself laughing as Nina rolled her suitcase towards Monet’s car. “It’s hardly a holiday, is it, girl? Overnighter in an airbnb in the middle of buttfuck nowhere?”
“Listen, I’ll take what I can get, thank you very much,” Nina raised her eyebrows, as Monet lifted the door of the boot up and Nina heaved her case inside.
“Oh, what a compliment,” Monet quipped from beside her, Brooke making a sick noise as Nina slid her arms around her girlfriend’s waist and gave her a squeeze.
“Not with girlfriends, obviously. You’re a Tesco Finest girlfriend. Not a smartprice girlfriend,” Nina explained, Monet smiling proudly and nuzzling their noses together. Brooke already wanted to vomit and she wasn’t even car sick yet.
“Pack it in, bitches, or Monet’s uninvited,” she deadpanned, pushing herself off the wall she was currently leaning against and looking up at her bedroom window, ignoring the girls’ shouts of indignation. “Right, have you got everything, yeah?”
“Have you seen the size of this bitch’s suitcase? I think she has literally managed to pack your kitchen sink,” Monet cocked an eyebrow at Nina, who elbowed her in the ribs. Nina produced her phone from the pocket of her dungaree dress.
“Hey Google, can you divorce your girlfriend?” she asked into the speaker, Monet howling a laugh and shoving her.
“Seriously, guys, I haven’t packed enough anti-sickness tablets for this,” Brooke said dryly, making her way to the passenger door.
“Oh, are you planning on recreating the great rail replacement bus fiasco of ‘18?” came a voice, Brooke turning round and narrowing her eyes at her smug flatmate, emerging through the door with her girlfriend and a small holdall bag.
“I was sat hungover opposite the toilet on a three hour coach journey, what the hell else was I expected to do?” Brooke defended herself. Yvie sat down on the wall outside their building, Scarlet joining her.
“Hmm, all I’ll say, Monet, is that I hope you have at least three empty plastic bags in the back seat with her,” she advised smugly, Brooke wishing she was still leaning against the wall so she could shove her off it.
“When is Plastique coming for you guys? Can I arrange for you to be sitting in the middle of the road when she drives up it?”
“Hey, what the fuck did I say?!” Scarlet yelped, outraged.
“You’re a bystander, Scarlet, and a bystander is worse than a bully,” Nina remarked sagely, Monet nodding along in support.
“Besides, I’m allowed to bully Brooke. It’s part of the lease,” Yvie shrugged, fixing the huge round sunglasses that had been on the top of her head and positioning them so they were right at the bridge of her nose. The March sunshine was welcome; it made Brooke feel happy, optimistic of things to come. Even the small scrub of grass out the front of their stairwell had bright purple, yellow and white bulbs poking through it, bringing a defiant sense of beauty to their surroundings. Brooke had been so pleased with the weather when she’d opened her curtains that morning that she’d packed a bunch of clothes she usually reserved for the summer. It felt odd wearing her denim skirt without the black tights she’d clad herself in for the past three months, but it was a welcome feeling. Yvie hadn’t really seemed to get the Summery memo other than her sunglasses- a huge knitted jumper covered in holes hung off her skinny frame and a pair of thick exercise leggings kept her legs warm.
“You couldn’t spruce yourself up a bit for my birthday, bitch? I feel like any minute now you’re going to start dancing around the street moulting straw singing about how you desperately want a brain,” Brooke smirked, Yvie simpering a fake smile and giving her the finger in response.
“It’s only fifteen degrees, Brooke, it’s hardly time to crack out the Kopparberg and blast T Shirt Weather yet,” Scarlet laughed. It was a bit hypocritical, Brooke thought as she looked Scarlet’s outfit up and down- a floaty, lacey dress and a pair of white Adidas- but of course she would defend her girlfriend. It wasn’t actually fair, contemplated Brooke. Scarlet and Yvie would always team up, so would Monet and Nina. Brooke had to fight all her battles herself.
“Besides, your birthday is over! Move on, hoe,” Yvie smiled, running forward and shaking Brooke’s shoulders relentlessly as the other girls laughed uproariously in the background.  Brooke laughed and batted her away, knowing she was just joking. As she shoved her friend off of her, a familiar grey Audi drove up their street and pulled in behind Monet’s car. Plastique gave her horn a little beep, waving and rolling down her window.
“Let’s ride, bitches! I’m so ready for this weekend,” she squealed, as Yvie and Scarlet rushed to shove their bags in the boot of her car.
“I think I’ve been ready since we booked it,” Nina sighed, stretching. “Right, let’s go, girls! Dun-duun-da-na-na-dun dun.”
As Nina continued singing Shania Twain and hopped in the passenger seat of Monet’s car, Brooke passed by Plastique’s window and gave her hand a squeeze. “You know how to get there, yeah?”
“Up the motorway then off at junction 4 and then just follow all the signs for the B road. We good,” she nodded, then gave a laugh. “Kiki’ll probably end up in France somehow, you know what her sense of direction is like.”
“Yeah, but she’s got Silky and Vanj to direct her. She’ll be fine,” Brooke shrugged, thumping on Plastique’s door and making for the other car. “Right, see you ladies at the airbnb!”
Monet blasted her horn once, twice, three times as Brooke dashed into the back seat and buckled up. As Nina connected her phone to the aux cord and started blasting typically Nina-ish cheesy music, Brooke felt an excited little smile creep up on her face, slapping her hands against her thighs to the beat. The past almost-a-month had gone by quickly, and Brooke and Akeria’s shared birthday trip away had arrived before Brooke had known it. It had been booked on a whim, an excited message from Akeria on the group chat about a potential birthday night out had grown arms and legs until suddenly the girls were all transferring her money for a night in the country to jointly celebrate her and Brooke’s birthdays. They had turned 22 within ten days of each other, and the girls had all decided that the amount of money they would have spent on two big nights out- Ubers, big bottles of vodka for pres, club entry, club drinks and cheesy chips at the end of the night- probably equated to the same, if not more, than the amount they would drop on a boujie house in the country. The house they had booked was huge- five big bedrooms with floor to ceiling windows, a lounge straight out of a murder mystery drama with plush sofas, towering bookshelves and a massive roaring fire, a kitchen with a table big enough to fit them all round and an aga with what seemed to be a thousand burners- though whether anyone would know how to work the damn thing was anyone’s guess, Brooke thought with a snort. The icing on the cake of the whole place, though, was a huge section of outdoor decking with a hot tub set in the middle of it. To most of the girls it would be like living somebody else’s life for the weekend, but, Brooke thought mischievously, to Plastique it would probably seem the same as a weekend at home.
Brooke was glad they could all do something like this, go away together after what had happened. She didn’t really know what had happened to Vanessa to make her warm up to her so unexpectedly. It had all started when they were preparing for Scarlet’s birthday surprise; Brooke remembered how hard her heart had been beating that morning as she’d known it was the first time she’d be properly seeing Vanessa since they broke up, having to wipe her sweaty palms on her jeans as the door to the kitchen had opened and Vanessa, Akeria and Silky had walked in. Akeria and Silky, to their credit, had been fine and normal with Brooke, despite the amount of dragging through the mud they had probably done to her name when they’d heard the news of her and Vanessa’s breakup. Vanessa, (understandably, thought Brooke) had hugged Yvie, Plastique and Nina, but not Brooke, the obviousness of the action lost in the frenetic melee of the girls seeing each other all at once. Brooke had preferred that, though. She wouldn’t have wanted the awkwardness of reminding herself how perfectly her arms seemed to fit around Vanessa, the brief scent of the Aussie shampoo she used in her hair, her head against her chest even for just the tiniest second.
After that, Vanessa had started with the digs. Brooke had thought she’d had malicious intent at first, until she got bored and decided to fire back.
(Yvie’s voice had yelled from the hallway. “Who’s made the cupcakes yet? Anyone?”
“Well if it’s Brooke, we all dyin’ tonight.”
“At least I can make something! How much do you drop on Deliveroo in a month, like, half your student loan?”)
With each verbal sparring match, Brooke had watched as the small, sardonic snorts Vanessa had given evolved into a full-blown beaming smile, the kind she always used to shoot Brooke’s way with the perfect white teeth and the tiny dimple and the little blush that hit her cheeks. It was almost painful knowing that Brooke had given up that smile. And that had been the moment. The moment that Brooke had finally admitted to herself what she’d been wanting to deny all this time- she deeply wished she hadn’t ended things with Vanessa, that she’d fought through the ick and given it at least more of a shot than she had. Now Vanessa had moved on and she was seeing someone else and she was happy. Happy without Brooke. Why had Brooke broken up with her so quickly?
She was an idiot.
“She was an idiot.”
Brooke snapped out of her trance, blinking and trying to figure out how Monet had managed to get inside her head. “What?”
“That woman. Blue car. Completely cut me off,” Monet rolled her eyes, frowning as she inched forward in the traffic until she was almost bumper to bumper with the car in question.
“Oh M'net, don’t start a fight,” Nina sighed, resting her knees against the glovebox.
“I’m not! I’m just letting a bitch know that her misconduct was noted,” Monet growled.
“Her misconduct was noted? God, you’re such a teacher,” Nina laughed, a big chuckle with loads of heart that made Brooke smile.
“Hey, so are you!”
“Stop fucking bickering or I will take your vocal cords and strangle you with them!” Brooke cried, tiring quickly. She watched Monet smirk in the rear view mirror.
“It’s alright, Neens. Just because Brooke’s jealous of happy couples and regrets breaking it off with Vanjie-”
“Wait what? I don’t…oh, Nina, for fuck’s sake! I told you not to tell anyone!” Brooke snapped, training accusatory eyes on her friend. After Scarlet’s birthday, she’d told Nina what she’d told Yvie, just in a little more detail, and she’d been more sympathetic than her other flatmate, making her tea and nodding understandingly as Brooke vented at her. Nina was usually good with secrets, a reliable and trustworthy friend. Brooke couldn’t understand why she would-
“Ahahaha!!! BITCH! You just totally exposed yourself! Oh my God!!” Monet screeched in time with her tyres, thumping her hand against the steering wheel. Brooke was confused, her heart still thudding. “Nina ain’t told me shit but I got eyes and ears, an’ I saw you two flirting at Scarlet’s. All damn day and night. You don’t act like that with someone you just broke up with.”  
“Yeah I’m afraid you just spilled your own secret, Brooke,” Nina deadpanned from the passenger seat, giving a little laugh.
“Shit,” Brooke sighed, putting her head in her hands. “Great. Well, you probably think I’m a total asshole, Monet.”
“Hey, I’m a very chill person! You do you, girl. You wanna get with Vanessa for 3 months, break up with her for one and then get back with her again, that’s no business of mine,” Monet shrugged, a twinkle in her eye.
“Yeah, I know I made a mistake, thanks,” Brooke sighed, biting her lip as she let her thoughts wash over her. Monet had a unique angle on the whole situation. She lived with Monique, of course, and that whole thing was still going on between her and Vanessa, if a message Vanessa had accidentally sent to the group chat last week was anything to go by. Brooke had wondered for days on end whether it had actually been an accident or not, the content of the message sending her crazy with jealousy as it was essentially just Vanessa begging Monique to come round and fuck her into the mattress. She’d considered whether or not it could have been deliberate, but the absolute roasting Vanessa had received afterwards from the other girls couldn’t have been worth it if it had. Brooke considered asking Monet for some inside knowledge, decided against it, and then did a U-turn as she concluded that her pride and dignity were already bruised so she might as well go the whole hog and shatter them.
“So, uh…Vanessa’s still seeing Monique.”
Monet ran her tongue over her teeth. “She’s certainly round at the flat a lot.”
“So is that, uh…I mean, do you think that’s going to turn into anything more, or…?”
“I don’t know, girl, I don’t know if it’s my place to say.”
This is like pulling teeth. “Do you think they-”
“They’re having a lot of sex.”
“Monet!” Nina burst out in a shocked laugh.
“What?! They are!”
“Excellent!” Brooke exclaimed sarcastically, staring out the window as the city around them turned into fields and the houses turned into service stations.
“C’mon, Brooke, you have to admit you do kinda deserve this a lil’ bit,” Monet laughed, Brooke rolling her eyes from the back seat.
“Right, both of you shut up. I’m officially banning any conversations about pining or relationships until we get to the house. We sing, we eat snacks, occasionally we play I Spy. That’s it,” Nina scolded them, turning around in her seat and staring Brooke down. Brooke had never felt more like a disgraced teenager in her life.
“Ughhhh, fine, Mom,” Monet groaned, changing up into fifth as they hit the motorway, the weekend becoming more real and making Brooke tingle with excitement despite the news she hadn’t wanted to hear.
Just as Nina had ordered them, the three girls spent the rest of the journey singing at the top of their lungs to Vengaboys, B*Witched and Cascada, Brooke on crisp duty as she passed the cavernous bag of barbecue rib McCoys forward every five minutes or so, Monet making hurried grabs at crinkle cut crisps in between changing gears. Brooke managed to avoid the dreaded travel-sickness that had plagued her since she was about six years old, much to Monet and Nina’s delight. The sun didn’t let up, and it still hung proudly in the sky as the girls pulled up the leafy, tree-lined driveway to the house they’d booked, the branches hanging low and curling around each other signalling they hadn’t been cut in a while. Spying Akeria’s Corsa and Plastique’s Audi already parked, Monet pulled up alongside the huge white house, the little set of three stone chimneys on the roof puffing out smoke and letting the girls know that at least one room wouldn’t be too cold inside. As Monet neatened up her parking, the sound of Silky’s screeching cut through the crunching of wheels against gravel, and the rest of the girls spilled out of the front door shortly afterwards. As soon as the car had stopped, Brooke excitedly hopped out of the passenger seat, hugging any girl she could reach. Before she knew it, she’d found herself pulling out of a quick hug with Vanessa, and the two were in front of each other.
“Hey,” Brooke decided quickly to speak first, setting the tone so there wouldn’t be any awkward pauses.
“Hey! How was your ride? Get here okay?” Vanessa asked politely, tucking a strand of her caramel hair behind one ear. She was dressed in a tiny little cropped black jumper and some faded grey jeans, Brooke trying to ignore her mind reminding her of how right it felt to wrap her arms around Vanessa again, how tiny her waist was and how much she wished she could go back for another hug- for fuck’s sake, cut that shit out.
“Uh, yeah! It was fine. Traffic wasn’t too bad. How about you?”
Vanessa let out a laugh. “Shit was like Wacky Races. Akeria nearly rammed some old cunt off the road. I’ve never seen road rage like it, we genuinely feared for our lives. Or her license. Oh my God, this house is insane. C’mon, you need to see it!”
There was a split-second where Brooke felt Vanessa tug at her hand, which was quickly dropped as if the action had never happened. It was almost as if Vanessa had been on automatic pilot; the ease with which she used to slip her hand into Brooke’s hadn’t been forgotten by either of them. And then Brooke felt Plastique leap onto her back like a monkey, and the girl was excitedly chattering away to her, and the moment had passed.
Brooke barely had time to take in the huge cream-painted hall with the varnished cream stairs stretching practically up to the ceiling when Plastique steered her down two steps and into the kitchen, grey stone tiles making Brooke’s feet feel cold even through her trainers and the huge wooden table overflowing with assorted snacks. Akeria and Scarlet clung to the rail of the AGA, the two girls clearly feeling the cold in the chilly kitchen.
“Did any of us actually bring a meal between us or are we just going to live off of Twirl Bites and Classic Dip Selections?” Yvie wondered, picking up a four-pack of various dips. Brooke laughed.
“Hey, there’s pizzas in the fridge! Do y’all really think I would let you starve?” Silky piped up, opening the huge fridge to reveal at least ten pizzas, more than they would eat in one night.
“Nobody goes hungry in the presence of Silky Nutmeg Ganache,” Plastique smiled proudly, holding her fist out for Silky to punch. As the girls’ fists connected, Brooke watched as Vanessa scraped a wooden chair out against the stone floor.
“You girls wanna have a munch and then get wrecked?”
“Hmm, if we get drunk too early then there’s no way we’ll be able to work this oven,” Scarlet shrugged, biting her lip and frowning.
“Yeah, we’re gonna struggle to operate this sober,” Monet considered, opening up one of the oven doors and investigating.
“Well how about we snack and then play a game? I wanna play hide and seek in here,” Nina bounced on the balls of her feet excitedly. Akeria snorted.
“Hide and seek, you’re such a child. But to be fair, that could be fun. Or sardines.”
“What’s that?” asked Brooke. “I don’t know if we had that but called it something else.”
“That one where one person hides and everyone else seeks,” Yvie explained. “It’s way better. Way more chaotic.”
“Sweet. I’m down,” Brooke shrugged. She was glad that all of the girls she was friends with were happy to dick about and play kids’ games for an afternoon, and it was the kind of thing she’d miss when she graduated and would have to find a job.
The girls were all feeling peckish after their long drive, though, so they all grabbed the nearest snacks they could and headed upstairs to the living room, where Akeria had managed to start the fire which was crackling warmly in the huge marble fireplace. They all dumped their food on the huge glass-topped coffee table and had a little explore around the house before they relaxed. There was a surplus of bedrooms, and it had been agreed that since they were celebrating Brooke and Akeria’s birthdays, the two girls should have a bedroom to themselves each. Brooke’s bedroom had a huge bay window out to the rear of the house where the fields stretched for miles, and an actual four-poster bed.
“I can’t help but feel like you guys should take this room and I should take yours,” Brooke said with a pang of guilt for Yvie and Scarlet, who had dumped their things in the room they were sharing and had come to investigate Brooke’s.
Scarlet made a noise of discouragement. “No, it’s fine! This’ll get cold anyway, it’s so big. Our room’s cosier.”
Brooke watched Scarlet share a smile with her girlfriend and wrap both of her arms around Yvie’s. “Yeah, honestly, Brooke, it’s fine. Scarlet would manage to bump her head and toe and Christ knows what else on all four of the posts anyway.”
Scarlet burst out into offended laughter, letting the girls know that she secretly agreed a little bit.
“How’re the others?” Brooke asked, peering down the little corridor with the exposed wooden beams and hearing chatter and Monet’s deep laughter coming from the other rooms.
“Plastique, Silk and Vanj are all in together. I think V drew the short straw so she’s on the sofa bed,” Scarlet gave a shrug.
“That’s unfortunate,” Yvie commented, raising her eyebrows at Brooke slightly.
“Behave,” Brooke smacked her, not appreciating the implication. Vanessa had only just become friends with her again. They were hardly going to spend the entire night going at it like rabbits just because Vanessa wasn’t looking at her like she wanted to kill her anymore. “Come on, lovebirds. I feel like I haven’t shovelled enough crisps down my throat today.”
The three girls made their way to the living room again, where Nina and Monet were draped over the sofa and snacking on some sort of jelly sweets. Gradually the other girls joined them in drips and drabs and they spent the time chatting and gossiping in their usual way- about anything and everything under the sun. Brooke kept finding her eyes being drawn to Vanessa. It wasn’t entirely her fault- she was sitting opposite her, and often Brooke would find her already looking her way. Although that could have just been Brooke’s imagination. God, she didn’t even know anymore.  
“Right!” Nina cried, as everyone looked dangerously close to slipping into a snack-induced coma. “Sardines time!”
“Kiki should hide first, it’s her birthday!” Silky argued immediately, Brooke only the tiniest bit affronted.
“Hey, hey, it’s Brooke’s birthday too. Also, I feel like y’all are way more enthusiastic than me about this, so I really don’t mind.”
“Brooke hides first!” Nina shouted unnecessarily. Brooke stood up from the sofa and rolled her eyes.
“Wait, so everyone is after me? Christ. This is like that nightmare I had about being on Hunted.”
“Good luck tryna squeeze that Jolly Green Giant-ass body into any of these cupboards, bitch!” Vanessa yelled across the room to uproarious laughter, Brooke turning round in time to see Vanessa stick her tongue out at her.
“Oh, like you can talk! Are you not the same size as an actual Subway sandwich?” Brooke bit back, sticking her tongue out right back and feeling an excited fizz in her stomach as she caught Vanessa blushing slightly as she laughed. As the other girls joined in with the mocking and all piled on each other, Brooke spotted two girls who weren’t laughing- Akeria and Silky were looking at each other knowingly, a look that seemed to convey disapproval. What the hell was their problem? If Vanessa was fine with her, then that meant there was no reason for the two of them to hold a grudge either, right?
Brooke frowned, trying not to read too much into it. She turned around and headed out the door. “Okay, count to 100 then, bitches!”
As she heard the others all start chanting descending numbers like a terrifying cult of mathematicians, Brooke began dashing around the house for a place to hide. She ran past the bedrooms, assuming that the others would check there straight away. Brooke considered going behind the porch door, but then thought that might end up being too obvious. She found herself in the kitchen, and to her delight she noticed a huge wooden door set into the wall that had to be a cupboard. Opening it, she saw what looked to be a pantry- shelves and shelves with only a couple of tins left by other guests at the house. It was good, but Brooke didn’t think it was a particularly great place to hide until she spotted another door at the very end of the pantry- slightly smaller with a little circular handle. As Brooke turned it, she was confronted with a tiny dark room, with only the blinking lights of the boiler that sat inside to illuminate it.
As Brooke hopped in, she could hear the blood roaring in her ears and her heart thumping. She wanted to giggle. This was exactly how it had felt to play hide and seek when she was little, and she couldn’t believe she was a grown-ass twenty-two year old still feeling the same way. Hell, she couldn’t believe she was a grown-ass twenty-two year old playing hide and seek. Gradually, she began to hear the sound of footsteps thundering above her, the old ceiling creaking and letting Brooke know the girls were on their way. Then, it all went silent for a while. Brooke breathed out heavily. Just then, she heard the door to the pantry open and one set of footsteps shuffle through it. They dashed to the end of the room and then seemed to be satisfied that there was nothing more to investigate- until Brooke heard them do what seemed to be a double-take. Keeping her breathing silent, Brooke stood frozen to the spot as she saw the door gradually open with a long, murder-mystery style creaaak…
Vanessa stood at the doorframe to the cupboard, a shit-eating grin on her face. “I’ve been tellin’ Yvie I’m the best at hide and seek, but she ain’t believe me. What’d that take me, two minutes?”
“Yeah, good job, Poirot,” Brooke smirked, although it was hiding a multitude of nerves. Her and Vanessa, stuck in a tight, dark space together until the other girls found them. This was fine. This would be fine. “Right come on then, girl, you need to get in.”
“Fuck no, I ain’t goin’ in there! That’s a straight-up spiders’ nest, fuck that.”
“Just get in!” Brooke grabbed her gently but firmly by the wrist and dragged her inside, closing the door behind them. It was entirely dark except for the small strip of light where the door met the doorframe, which illuminated Vanessa’s hair and collarbones. There was a small beat of silence in which Brooke’s eyes adjusted to the darkness again, and when her vision had settled she could see Vanessa smiling at her cheekily. “What?”
“There’s a spider in your hair.”
Brooke rolled her eyes. “No there’s not.”
“There is! A big one. It’s some Harry Potter type shit, I swear.”
“Shut up, Vanessa, I’m not falling for that shit,” Brooke snorted a laugh, squashing the unease that began to creep up on her.
“It’s got, like, a billion eyes.”
“Has it.”
“An’ forty legs,” Vanessa bit her lip, trying not to laugh.
“What the fuck kind of biology classes did you go to? A spider with forty leg- JESUS!” Brooke all at once cut herself off, feeling a movement at her shoulder, her hair flicking against her neck slightly. She gave herself such a jolt that it felt like whiplash, and she watched as Vanessa laughed at her brushing wildly against her shoulder. Brooke was confused when her hand connected with another hand. Vanessa’s hand. How the hell she’d managed to reach up there without Brooke’s notice was anyone’s guess, but she’d certainly done what she’d set out to do. Brooke launched herself forward and squeezed a hand at Vanessa’s waist, laughing as the other girl screeched in response. The two girls descended into giggles, Brooke having to fend off Vanessa’s playful swipes as she berated her.
“Shut up, bitch! You’re going to get us caught!” Brooke laughed, grabbing one of Vanessa’s wrists in each hand. Suddenly, both girls paused, the compromising position they were in dawning on both of them. The memory of when she used to pin Vanessa to the bed with both her wrists and kiss her neck shot through Brooke’s mind like a hot iron, unwanted and welcome all at once. In the darkness, she could see Vanessa’s single raised eyebrow.
“You telling me you don’t wanna get caught?” she murmured, her voice low and making the atmosphere charged and thick with something that hadn’t been there before. Brooke squeezed her thighs together. This couldn’t turn into something else. She couldn’t let it.
“Well, that is the whole point of the game,” Brooke said, trying to inject as much level-headedness into her tone as she was able. To her dismay she watched as Vanessa’s eyes took on a dark twinkle.
“Oh, right, uh-huh. The game. Sure,” she smirked, Brooke only able to laugh in response because that way she wasn’t saying anything. This situation was fucked. It was so weird. Vanessa was flirting with her, unprompted. So what did this mean? That she still liked Brooke? That she wanted to be friends and was just playing? What did this mean for her and Monique? They couldn’t be that serious, then, if Vanessa was doing all this? Or maybe they’d fallen out and Vanessa wanted her to be jealous? But what was the point of making somebody jealous who wasn’t here? What if her and Monique were together and Vanessa was cheating? What if-
“AYYYYYY FUCKIN’ HOES! Yes! I’m shit-hot at this game, Jesus!” Silky threw the door open, screeching her head off and sending every thought that Brooke was overthinking into the stratosphere.
“Stop yellin’ bitch, and get in!” Vanessa laughed. As Silky squeezed into the ever-decreasing-in-space cupboard, Brooke felt her throat almost close up as Vanessa shuffled up against her to make more room, tilting her head up, locking eyes with Brooke and sending her a look that she couldn’t decipher before looking away and whispering to Silky.
They were eventually found by the other girls- namely because there was no space at all once Scarlet arrived so Plastique found half of the girls with one toe in the cupboard and the rest of their bodies outside of it. The game carried on, but Brooke’s head wasn’t properly in it. She would deliberately put in the bare minimum effort when she was looking for the girls because, really, she wouldn’t know what to do if she was stuck in another confined space with Vanessa. Why had it turned so weird before? All flirty and edged with something she couldn’t work out. It wasn’t right- Vanessa was meant to be mad at her, meant to hate her and never want to speak to her again and somehow they’d gone from civil, to nearly-friends, to eye-fucking each other in a boiler cupboard in the space of a month?
The encounter was still playing on Brooke’s mind as she got ready for dinner. The girls had all decided that they would “do a Love Island” (in the words of Akeria) and all get glammed up to sit in the living room and play games after they’d eaten. It felt funny to be putting on a dress, heels and fake lashes without the possibility of going out anywhere, but the methodical process of putting on her makeup was a welcome distraction from the swirling thoughts in Brooke’s head.
“Ayo,” came an unexpected voice, causing Brooke to flinch a little and drop the lipgloss she’d been applying moments before. Looking behind her in the mirror she saw it was just Yvie and Nina. Usually she’d have been happy to see them, but right now she was doing too much overthinking and couldn’t let on what had happened earlier between her and Vanessa. So Brooke just stuck on her best fake smile as she turned around to face them.
“Hey! You guys look so good,” she complimented them, Nina smiling and Yvie giving a little snort.
“Well I didn’t want to be accused of not making an effort for your birthday again,” she poked her tongue out at Brooke and tugged a little at the beads on the hem of her short gold dress.
“If you trip in those heels I hope you know that’s, like, instant paralysis,” Brooke commented, looking at the spikes of Yvie’s six inch stilettos. When the girl did glam, she did glam, Brooke had to give it to her.
“As if Yvie needs to be any taller than she already is,” Nina laughed playfully.
“Awh, she needs to be tall so she can look down on her smol bean uwu girlfriend,” Brooke teased, Nina continuing to giggle and Yvie giving an amused roll of her eyes.
“What’s up with you anyway, bitch? You’ve been, like, extra bitter around all the couples today. It’s supposed to be your birthday, cheer the fuck up,” Yvie gave her a little nudge with her foot. Brooke frowned. She didn’t think she had been being bitter, but maybe Yvie was right. Fuck, what had she even said today? Brooke hoped that Vanessa hadn’t noticed anything.
“No, that’s not true. I’m fine! Just…” Brooke sighed, the bingo-hall-style tombola spinning rapidly in her head to generate an excuse. “…exams are soon, you know, and I’ve not started revising yet-”
“Oh my God, bitch, they’re in May! This is March! Chill the hell out,” Yvie laughed, pulling Brooke up from her position on the floor by the long mirror in the corner of her room. “Let’s go eat pizza. If Monet and Plastique have worked out how to cook them in that 1920s horror oven.”
As Yvie excitedly strutted out of the room and Brooke made to join her, Nina reached out to squeeze her hand.
“You’re a crap liar, Brooke Lynn Hytes,” she hissed quietly, Brooke rolling her eyes and making to protest when Nina spoke again. “But I won’t push it. I just wish you’d open the fuck up more.”
Brooke felt guilty. “I just don’t…it’s something I don’t want to overthink, Nina. So the best way you can help is helping me stuff myself full of carbs then pouring a 24 pack of San Miguel down my throat.”
Nina nodded understandingly as they reached the top of the stairs, Brooke holding back a snort as she watched Yvie cling to the bannister for dear life as she descended. Nina gave her hand another squeeze, then dropped it. “I can do that. You look beautiful, by the way.”
Brooke shyly looked down at her short, black one-shoulder dress and smoothed it down. “Thanks, babe.”
Nina’s smile suddenly turned scheming. “And so does Vanessa.”
Before Brooke could protest, Nina was bounding down the stairs in her bright white Filas that she’d paired with her blue and white checked dress. It wasn’t as formal as Brooke’s or Yvie’s, but that was the beauty of having a glam night in a big house where it was just them- nobody could judge you for being over or underdressed.
As Brooke followed her flatmates into the kitchen, she was met with the sight of her friends all happy, chatting, and in their best outfits. Annoyed at herself, she found her eyes darting around to find Vanessa. She wanted to know why Nina had said what she’d said, wanted to know if she was just winding her up.
And then her eyes came to rest on the most gorgeous version of Vanessa she’d ever seen, and her anxiety dipped, did a loop, then spiked. They were both in black- some dumb coincidence that the earth had sent her way, no doubt- but Vanessa’s was shiny, a vinyl dress that clung to her as if it was made of latex and painfully highlighted every curve of her body. She’d paired it with red heels, which had straps that snaked their way up her calves and showcased her perfect skin. Her dark hair had been blow-dried out (probably by Akeria, Brooke guessed) and fell in perfect waves down her back and over her shoulders (had she fucking highlighted her collarbones?). Her makeup was, as usual, perfect, a dark shock of eyeshadow and an indecent red on her lips causing Brooke’s heart to race. The worst part, though, about the whole outfit, was the silver zip that ran from the top of the dress to the bottom, right in the middle at the front, and either Vanessa (or someone mucking about with her…probably Silky) had unzipped it just the tiniest amount. For about the hundredth time that month, Brooke cursed herself for breaking things off with Vanessa. It wasn’t just about her looks though, or her body, or how much she missed the sex. Their interaction in the cupboard made Brooke remember how funny Vanessa was, how much of an endearing goofball, how she was just a cheerful person whose only real wish in life was to be properly happy. And Brooke had hurt her, made her the exact opposite of that. Vanessa loved everything and everyone so deeply, was the most open of books, and was so unafraid of feeling. Meanwhile there was Brooke not even able to tell her own flatmates, the two girls that knew her best in the world, about her own feelings.
As she watched Vanessa’s eyes drift from Scarlet and Monet, who she’d been talking to, across the room to rest on her, Brooke felt her heart stop. Not giving a single thing away, Vanessa smiled, gave a little wave, and crossed the room to where Brooke stood.
“Hey!” she began, so confident and self-assured and making Brooke feel more like a trashbag than she already did. “Nice dress.”
“Thanks!” Brooke smiled, uncharacteristically flustered at the tiny compliment. “You look so beaud!”
Fuck. Brooke kicked herself for getting tongue tied, badly hoping Vanessa wouldn’t have noticed. As she watched a confused smile appear on her face, Brooke realised she’d have to explain herself. “I was going to say beautiful, then I changed it to good and they just sort of…mushed together.”
Brooke felt her face grow hot as Vanessa simply raised an eyebrow in a smirk. “I’ll take both. Beautiful and good.”
Just as Brooke was about to defend herself, Silky announced to the girls in her own Silky-esque way that the pizzas were ready, and, giving a cry of delight, Vanessa had dashed across the room and left Brooke forgotten about.
As they all ate, Brooke fought an internal battle. She had absolutely no right to feel sorry for herself, this mess was entirely of her own making. Besides, she had to put everything out of her head now; she had made her decision, Vanessa had moved on, and she had to let the whole thing drop. But despite all this, it didn’t stop her brain constantly pestering her with what-ifs.
It was still pestering her once they’d all finished their dinner and moved upstairs into the huge living room for drinks and games, so she was glad when Nina popped herself down beside her with two ice cold bottles of beer from the fridge.
“One for each hand,” she explained. Brooke burst out laughing. She fucking loved Nina so much.
“Where’s yours?”
“Monet’s making mojitos for me and her. I love having a girlfriend, it’s like a sexy butler that you get to have sex with and cuddle any time you want,” Nina mused wistfully, giving Brooke her second belly-laugh in the space of two minutes. As she composed herself, Monet came into the room with two huge tall glasses overflowing with crushed ice and garnished with lime and mint.
“Where the fuck did you get mint and limes?” Brooke asked, screwing her face up in confusion then scrambling to pull a slightly more attractive one as Vanessa came in flanked by Silky and Akeria.
“I brought them, bitch! Anyway what did I miss?”
“Nina called you a sexy butler,” Brooke said casually, sipping one of her two beers and smiling as she watched Nina grow flustered.
“Jesus Christ, I’m getting all the compliments today! First I was a Tesco Finest girlfriend, now I’m a sexy butler. You know how to treat a lady, Neens,” Monet teased, pulling her girlfriend in and smothering her with kisses on the cheek.
“Ugh, get that couple shit outta here,” Vanessa yelled from the other sofa, throwing a leftover crisp at them. Monet instantly snapped back.
“Uh, like you can talk, Vanj.”
“What the shit hell is that meant to mean?” Vanessa laughed, amused.
Akeria grew outraged as she turned around to face Vanessa, her long, straight hair swinging wildly as she flipped it over her shoulder. “NEED we remind you what you sent to the group chat last week?!”
Silky began yelling, mirroring the cries of woe and dismay that were circling through Brooke’s brain at being reminded that Monique was still very much in the picture. “NO we do NOT need reminded! I can’t go through that again, dear Jesus God…”
“Fuck babygirl, I need that mouth on me-” Akeria began reading dramatically from her screen, the girls cringing and laughing and every word feeling like a kick to Brooke’s gut as Vanessa, face bright red, wrestled with Akeria to get the phone out of her hands. “-I’m touching myself but you know it’s not the same- aw, V! Give it back!”
“I’m gonna eat this fuckin’ phone, Akeria Chanel Davenport, I swear,” Vanessa chided her furiously, holding the phone out of her reach then relenting, giving it back to her. Silky fanned herself dramatically, making the others laugh. As Brooke did her best fake laugh and joined in, she tried not to make eye contact with Vanessa’s embarrassed face.
“Aw, are we talking about the unfortunate dirty text incident?” Plastique’s voice came from the hall, everyone laughing again as she sat down in the armchair beside the fire. “Seriously, V, you should be a songwriter. I swear that whole thing could’ve been from a Kamille song or some shit-”
“Well, all sexts are a little bit cringey, aren’t they?” Nina offered kindly, attempting to cheer Vanjie up. In doing this, she only succeeded in earning herself an exasperated cry from Monet.
“V, do you wanna go out? I can’t stand this bitch any more, she just keeps insulting me.”
As everyone howled with laughter and Nina frantically smothered her girlfriend in kisses trying to get her back onside, Brooke sneaked a look at Vanessa. She was laughing, but her face was still a little red. Christ, she looked so cute. Idiot, idiot, idiot.
“Speaking of sex, I’m assuming Yvie and Scarlet went off to bang?” Plastique shrugged, everyone finally realising who was missing.
“Oh, fuck this! Save that shit for later!” Silky protested, Akeria laughing and whacking her.
“Hey, let them be happy! It’s my birthday so I’m sayin’ if they want to fuck, let ‘em. In the meantime I have an empty wine bottle and a room full of girls with secrets that need spilled,” Akeria announced. Plastique clapped excitedly, Silky cheered and Vanessa rolled her eyes.
“For Christ’s sake, Kiki, do we not already know all there is to know about each other?” she complained. Interesting. So Vanessa didn’t want to play truth or dare, a game she was usually always down for.
“Excuse the fuck outta me, we played that stupid tuna game earlier!”
“Sardines,” Brooke deadpanned, earning herself a laugh from the room.
“It was some type of fish, I got that much right.”
“How are you through a whole bottle of wine already?” Silky asked, impressed.
“Can I live? It’s my birthday! Now will you hoes stop pissing in my cereal and let’s play!” Akeria implored, setting the wine bottle down against the red carpet and spinning it so violently Brooke worried that it would smash on the marble grate. It slowed, turning round and round and finally resting right back at where Akeria leant down from the sofa. She let out a giggle. “Oops. Guess it’s me.”
“Keeks, truth or dare!” Plastique asked excitedly. Akeria tilted her head, deep in thought.
“Hmm. I ain’t drunk enough for dares yet, so let’s go truth.”
There was a beat of silence as everyone racked their brains to think of something. Monet was first with an idea.
“Fuck, marry, kill: Silk, Vanj or…uh…”
“Asia,” Vanessa said simply, sipping some coke and spirit concoction through a straw as Silky let out a screech. Brooke was confused. She met her eyes with Nina’s, who looked equally baffled.
“Wait, who’s Asia?” Nina asked. Akeria, to her credit, looked composed. To be fair, Brooke had hardly ever seen her look anything but.
“She’s a friend from my course. We did a paired project together an’ she came over to the flat to work on it the other week,” Vanessa shrugged. “Her an’ Kiki seemed to hit it off.”
“I don’t have a fuckin’ crush on the girl, Jesus. Don’t make it weird,” Akeria rolled her eyes, blinking slowly. If Brooke squinted she might’ve spotted a flush to Akeria’s face, but perhaps that came from the glow of the fire.
Monet muttered under her breath to Brooke and Nina as the three flatmates bickered away. “Is Akeria gay?”
Brooke blew out a bunch of air. “Fuck, I don’t even know who’s what anymore.”
“She’s never classed herself as straight,” Nina elaborated cautiously. “She talks about getting dicked down by guys a lot. Then again, it’s really only Silky that does that and Keeks just joins in.”
“Silk and Vanj know something we don’t,” Brooke reasoned, watching as the two girls laughed and Akeria sat, poised and smirking at them indulgently as if they were kids.
“Right, enough! ‘Keria, fuck marry kill: Vanjie, Silk or Asia, then,” Monet shrugged, sipping her mojito.
Akeria flipped some hair over her shoulder and tilted her head to the sky thoughtfully. “I honestly can’t decide who I’d rather kill, Silk or Vanj.”
“Oh, so you’re gonna fuck or marry Asia, correct?” Vanessa quipped, a little fire igniting in Brooke’s heart as she watched a wicked smile spread across her scheming face.
“No, I don’t know her well enough to have any strong feelings towards her either way. You and Silk, however…” Akeria raised her eyebrows long-sufferingly, coaxing a laugh out of the other girls. “Uhh, right, marry Asia, or whatever. Kill Silky.”
“Bitch! I’ll kill you for real,” Silky objected, pummeling Akeria’s arm with a cushion.
“Fuck Vanj because she likes girls anyway and if she’s going down on me it means she’s not talking with that fuckin’ gritter-truck voice of hers,” Akeria shrugged as she concluded, the room cheering and Vanessa doing a little celebratory bow. As she flipped her head up she caught Brooke’s eye, giving her a little wink. Brooke crossed her legs and tried not to think about Vanessa going down on anyone. Least of all her.
“Aight!” Akeria said, indicating to everyone that her turn was well and truly over. “We move.”
The bottle was spun once more, Brooke taking a long drink out of her bottle and draining it. She needed to be tipsier than this. Everyone else seemed a little more drunk than she was, apart from Vanessa who she noted was sipping her drink sparingly. Brooke shook her head a little, trying to stop bringing her focus to Vanessa every five minutes. She’d taken her heels off and tucked her legs up underneath her on the sofa, and her thighs looked good for it.
“Plastique, truth or dare!”
Plastique tucked her hair behind her ears. “Uhh, dare.”
Brooke knew what to do for this one. Plastique had taken Ariel on a couple of dates, but the girls were emotionally stunted and neither of them had properly articulated their feelings to the other yet. “Call Ariel and tell her how you feel about her. Properly.”
As the other girls “oooh"ed in appreciation, Plastique fixed Brooke with an unimpressed glare. "I’m not doing that.”
“Pussy,” Brooke shrugged, sipping her other beer. Vanessa let out a laugh from the other side of the room.
“Brooke Lynn’s telling someone else they’re a pussy for not being open about their feelings? Are we in the correct universe?"
As the other girls gave a laugh that was only the slightest bit uncomfortable, Brooke rolled her eyes. "Okay, well at the very least send her a heartfelt text.”
“Why are you pushing this so much, ma?” Plastique pouted as she relented and reached for her phone.
“Because I’m bored of sitting in lectures hearing you moan about how you can’t tell her how you feel because it would make it weird or how you don’t want to come across too intense!"
"We all had to listen to you pine after Vanjie for two and a half years but we never forced you into admitting anything,” Plastique shrugged, the room erupting into shrieks. Brooke gave a choke of a laugh, wanting the ground to open up and swallow her. She knew her face was bright red without having to look in a mirror and, as much as her brain was imploring her not to, she found her eyes darting quickly to Vanessa to catch a glimpse of her face.
Calm, smiling tight-lipped and smug. As if she’d won something.
“No, but you did start a sweepstake about us so get off the high horse, thanks!” Brooke sing-songed back, the slight hint of irritation to her voice letting Plastique know she was to drop it. Us. The word felt weird in Brooke’s mouth, it hadn’t been used in so long. Two and a half years. Had she really liked Vanessa for that long before everything had happened between them? Brooke had actually thrown away two and a half years of feelings for the sake of one feeling of indecision, a feeling that maybe they shouldn’t have been a they any more?
For Christ’s sake don’t look at Vanessa.
“Fine. I’ve put tonight’s really fun but I miss you, I always miss you when you’re not with me, hope you know how much I care about you. That heartfelt enough for you bitches?” Plastique muttered, embarrassed. Nina let out an “aaw”, Akeria made a sick noise.
“Acceptable,” Brooke shrugged, sipping on her beer again. Suddenly, a cheer went up from Akeria, Vanessa and Silky who could see who was coming through the living room door first. Yvie and Scarlet were walking close, holding a glass of red wine each and wearing matching poker faces.
“Oh, here they are! Nice of you to finally join us!” Nina cheered, Scarlet giving a small smile and smoothing her dress down, sitting beside Yvie on the last remaining couch.
“All the best people are fashionably late!” she shrugged. Yvie gave a snort and swept some hair over her shoulder to cover her neck. Brooke saw the action and jumped on it.
“Nice neckwear.”
Yvie turned only slightly red. “Thanks. Gucci.”
“Hear that? Yvie’s girlfriend is Gucci. Not Tesco Finest. Gucci,” Monet nudged Nina, setting another laugh off amongst the girls.
“We’re playing truth or dare,” Brooke explained to the two girls, as Plastique gave the glass bottle a bit of a pathetic spin.
Vanessa shook her head. “Nah that spin was shit, it don’t count.”
“Like hell it don’t! Truth or dare, bitch?” Silky all but interrogated her. Vanessa thought about it for a moment, then decided.
Brooke’ heart hammered in her chest. She hoped to God they wouldn’t ask Vanessa anything about her, anything about them.
“What’s going on with you and Monique, Vanjie?” Monet asked dramatically, Akeria giving a cry of delight and thumping her hands against her thighs.
As the room broke out into eager laughter, Vanessa just smiled.
“Well, Monique and I are good friends, and…we get on well. We both been, y'know, unlucky in love a lil’, so…” Vanessa trailed off, the room giving little chokes of anticipation and Brooke’s stomach twisting. “…if it’s one in the morning and one of us is maybe still up…y'know…”
Monet gave a tiny squeal through her teeth. Brooke wanted to wedge herself in between the sofa cushions and not emerge again til May of next year.
“Y'know, Monique’s very confident, very sure of herself, an’ that's…y'know, it’s attractive…” Vanessa trailed off, running her tongue over her teeth. Brooke knew that face, remembered the time when that face used to get directed at her before they’d fall into bed together, frantic kisses planted along collarbones and clothes discarded over the uneven floorboards of Vanessa’s room.
“But what’s actually going on? You’ve said so much but not actually said anything,” Yvie let out an unimpressed laugh. Vanessa composed herself and sat up straight, taking a rare sip of her drink.
“Well, we get on well. She’s a good person. And we’re friends,” Vanessa smiled coyly, causing the girls to laugh uproariously.
“Okay, okay, we all see it! We all get it!” Monet laughed, the knife twisting in Brooke’s stomach. Could it have been more obvious that they were obviously having each other in every type of position imaginable with any chance they got, or was it just Brooke being paranoid? She thought back to what Monet had said in the car earlier and concluded that, occasional hits of the bong aside, she was not being paranoid by any stretch of the imagination.
The game rolled along. Nina was made to do something vague and embarrassing with Monet that Brooke forgot quickly (or perhaps blocked out), Scarlet was forced to admit (rather proudly, Brooke thought) that her and Yvie had quickly fucked upstairs in the time they’d been away, and a few other of the girls did a couple of bland truths. As much as the bottle spun and spun, it never seemed to point Brooke’s way. Brooke was glad. She didn’t want to admit or say anything, and she also didn’t want to do anything remotely risky. However, when the bottle landed on Vanessa a second time, Brooke began to reconsider her thought process.
“Dare,” Vanessa smiled, a glint of danger in her eye flashing quickly as she darted her eyes quickly to Brooke.
Brooke tried not to look at Nina as she spoke. “Vanjie. Kiss the hottest girl in the room.”
“Oh, that’s a good one,” Plastique whispered quietly. It seemed as if the whole room held its breath. Brooke didn’t know if she was grateful to Nina for the setup or whether she wanted to descend into the earth’s core. She knew Vanessa had answered this question before with this group of girls, she knew that Vanessa thought the answer was her. But that was before everything had changed. Brooke felt her pulse race as Vanessa looked to the ceiling, deep in thought.
Slowly, she turned her gaze to Yvie and Scarlet.
“Yvie,” she began, a small sinking feeling lodging itself in Brooke’s chest. “Can I kiss your girlfriend?”
Yvie smiled at Scarlet proudly, happy for the compliment. “Dare’s a dare. Bring her back.”
“Scarlet, can I get a lil’ smooch?” Vanessa laughed, Scarlet laughing back and motioning for her to sit beside them on the sofa.
“C'mere, friend,” she laughed easily, Vanessa crossing the room and joining them. Brooke remembered when Vanessa had kissed Scarlet before- in the nightclub, before they were together and before Yvie and Scarlet were together. She remembered how it made her feel- a little irritated and sad all in one. Looking back, she realised it was plain and simple jealousy, and she knew her feelings weren’t going to change this time.
Quickly, Vanessa leaned in and met Scarlet’s lips, kissing her gently but slowly, her hand resting on Scarlet’s hip easily. It could only have been about three seconds long, but each one seemed to tick by agonisingly slowly, and Brooke hoped she wasn’t showing any of her fucked-up emotions on her face. As the two girls pulled away and the others whooped and whistled, Scarlet made a face.
“Bitch, all I tasted there was pepperoni. That was the least sexy kiss I’ve ever had.”
“You loved it, hoe!” Vanessa laughed, retreating back to her seat. Desperate to look at anything but Vanessa’s face, Brooke watched Yvie and Scarlet. Yvie had the satisfied grin of a mafia mob boss as Scarlet whispered something in her ear, then smiled seductively, kissing her once, twice, three times, red lipstick meeting purple.
“Well if I wasn’t bi before, I sure as hell am now,” Plastique fanned herself.
“We are the cornerstone of Plastique’s sexual identity. That’s a fucking compliment!” Scarlet cheered, Yvie laughing and wrapping her arms around her.
“Nah, you and Yvie are my parents. The Mums of the group,” Plastique explained.
“Fuck off, we’re not the Mums!” Yvie laughed, outraged. “Nina and Monet are literally right there!”
“Hey! That’s not fair!” Nina cried, outraged at the perceived injustice.
“Yeah, don’t lump me in with this dork!” Monet yelled, laughing with the other girls as Nina swatted her on the arm.
“Right! Spin, Vanj,” Yvie ordered, the girl spinning the bottle round obediently. Brooke watched as the top of the bottle whizzed by her once, twice, three times, past Yvie, Scarlet, the Antigua Road girls, slowed down as it reached Plastique, edged past Monet and Nina and then came to rest on Brooke.
“All RIGHT! About time this bitch spilt some tea,” Silky clapped in delight.
“Brooke,” Akeria said with the threat level of an MI5 employee. “Truth or dare?”
Brooke paused. Her go-to was usually a truth, however there was no way she was going for that this time, not while she was still a concrete mixer of feelings for Vanessa and not while there was a room full of people wanting to know exactly what was going on with them. She shrugged. “Dare.”
“Okay-” Akeria tailed off, making to stop and think. A practically evil smile spread across her face as realisation dawned on her. “Same dare. Kiss the hottest person in the room. Ten seconds.”
Silky let out a scream, growing so excitable on the sofa that Vanessa was almost sent through the ceiling. Scarlet whispered something to Yvie on the sofa, both of the girls looking at Brooke intently. Plastique shouted over something to Akeria that Brooke couldn’t hear. All she could focus on was how Vanessa had grabbed Silky and was laughing, but somewhat nervously. Her face had gone bright red. Brooke bit her lip. She thought back to their flirting in the cupboard earlier, how they were almost back to square one again, the weird bid Vanessa had made to make Brooke jealous. She could always kiss Yvie or Nina, take the easy way out. But the more she looked at Vanessa, the more drawn she became to her until before she knew what she was doing, Brooke had stood up from her place on the carpet and taken one, two, three steps to sit on the couch and look Vanessa in the eyes.
Brooke could hear everyone in the room screaming, and she knew Silky had run out of the room shouting incoherently, but all she seemed to hear was her blood roaring in her ears as Vanessa leaned in. Before she knew it, Brooke’s hand was resting on Vanessa’s bare thigh and they were kissing each other, slow and deep and lazy and in a way that Brooke never wanted to end. She felt Vanessa’s tongue licking at hers gently and immediately felt a throb of heat between her legs as she remembered 3ams spent between her sheets and Vanessa’s head buried between her thighs.
Christ, this was a bad idea, this was a bad idea-
“ZERO! And y’all can officially cut that shit out,” Brooke suddenly felt herself being wrenched away from Vanessa, Akeria’s voice cutting through her hazy thoughts and bringing her back down to earth with a bump.  
“Well, I feel like on that note,” Monet clapped her hands together decisively. “I’m away out to drink in the hot tub. Anyone else?”
One by one the girls agreed, dashing out of the room excitedly, and it was obvious to Brooke that everyone would be talking about what had just happened. Vanessa had run off quickly, her hand in Silky’s as the two dashed upstairs to get their swimwear on. The only girl that was left in the room as Brooke made to do the same was Akeria. She frowned at Brooke as they both left the room, a warning in her eyes which sent a chill down Brooke’s spine. Trying to ignore it, Brooke dashed upstairs, changed into her pink bikini and then ran outside to join the others. They wouldn’t talk about her and Vanessa’s kiss if she was there, so the less time she was away the better. Brooke grabbed a third beer from the fridge on her way out to the garden, and as she stepped outside she noticed how the moon already hung huge and bright in the sky, how the grass already had a shine of cold wet on it, and how everything looked almost a little bit magic. Joining the others and sitting between Yvie and Plastique, she tried to ignore Vanessa sitting opposite her in a black bikini that looked equally sinful as the outfit she’d been wearing before. Luckily the rest of the girls had no further desire to play drinking games, and talk instead turned to movies. Brooke didn’t join in. She couldn’t- too much was swirling around her mind, namely how good the kiss had felt. Scarlet had probably lied to make Yvie laugh- Vanessa had tasted like sugary coke, and the all too familiar scent of her perfume was still inexplicably clinging to Brooke. It had been weird to kiss after months of no contact at all. It had been a bad decision. Brooke had done yet another wrong thing.
So why did it feel somehow correct?
“Right!” Akeria said after a while, almost toppling over as she stood up. “I think I’m gettin’ a touch of the hypothermias. Who’s comin’ inside to watch Sister Act?”
“Bitch! That’s like, my favourite movie. Hell yes,” Monet sprang up, knocking Nina off her lap and into the middle of the hot tub. The girls erupted in a laugh, Brooke almost dropping her beer into the water. One by one, they all filed out of the water. Brooke was the last one left. Admittedly she didn’t want to leave- she was now tipsy enough to not feel the cold, and she could have lain back and stared at the white light of the full moon in the inky sky forever. Just as she was about to follow the others, she noticed that the second-to-last girl out of the hot tub was Vanessa. Brooke swallowed thickly, trying her best not to stare at how the small droplets of water clung to her thick thighs or how her tiny bikini barely covered her firm ass, or how her slick, wet hair cascaded down her back. Almost as if she could read Brooke’s mind, Vanessa slowly, tortuously turned around. She had a little wicked smile on her face, the kind she always used to wear when she flirted with Brooke. It made Brooke cross her legs and squeeze her thighs together.
“You got a good enough view from there?” she asked, playfulness coating her words as she spread both her arms out to lean against the back of the hot tub.
This was bad. This was not good. Brooke couldn’t flirt back. It would only lead to another really horrendous, catastrophic decision. Her mind was hot-wiring, and to her dismay she couldn’t come up with any form of quick-witted comeback. Noticing how long it was taking her to reply, Vanessa gave a throaty laugh.
“Hmm. I’ll take that as a yes, then,” she purred, crossing the water and sitting down close next to Brooke. Brooke tried her best not to choke as she took a sip from the bottle in her hand.
“Thought you were going to watch Sister Act?” she asked, trying to sound casual but cringing at how nervous she sounded as the words left her mouth. Her blood pressure dialled up a notch as Vanessa laced her fingers together, placed her hands on Brooke’s bare shoulder, then rested her head against her fingers.  
“I don’t know. Think I’d rather see what’s so special about this view you love so much,” Vanessa murmured softly, Brooke not missing the way she rushed out the word ‘love’ as if to distil any awkwardness. She didn’t need to worry, though, because right now all Brooke could focus on was how good Vanessa looked in that black bikini, and how her red lipstick still clung to her plump lips as if it had just been applied, and her beautiful dark gaze from under her fake lashes.
“Hmm. It’s a pretty good view. Pretty beautiful,” Brooke found herself whispering, eliciting a sparkle from Vanessa’s eyes. Fuck. Shit. She shouldn’t have said that, it just seemed to have happened, but with Vanessa sitting pressed up so close to her how else could she have possibly reacted? There was a small silence in which Vanessa gave a small giggle, looking down at the constantly popping bubbles. The jet stream pummeled Brooke’s back to bits.
“What’s funny?” she smiled cautiously. Vanessa looked at her, something nostalgic on her face.
“Your pickup lines are still cringey as fuck,” she smirked, Brooke rolling her eyes a little. She had to steer this conversation back to normality. Whatever the fuck normality was as far as her and Vanessa were concerned.
“That wasn’t a pickup line. If I was trying to pick you up, you’d know about it.”
“Oh, I know about it, baby. Don’ worry,” Vanessa hit back instantly, Brooke taking the pet name like a fatal shot. Brooke knew that Vanessa knew what that word did to her in the right context with the right tone. Fuck. Bad idea, bad idea. She was determined not to lose whatever game this was. She would not do anything stupid. She would not ruin the tiny, small beginnings of this foundation of their friendship that they were gradually re-building. She would stand up and go inside and watch Whoopi fucking Goldberg dance about in a fucking habit and all would be right with the world again.
“Two and a half years, huh? You had it bad, bitch, I never knew I had that kind of effect on you,” Vanessa laughed suddenly, Brooke trying not to blush as she remembered Plastique’s words from earlier.
“Not that you’re letting it go to your head,” Brooke shrugged, taking a sip.
Vanessa giggled again. Brooke wished she wouldn’t. “Never.”
“Good compliment for you, I guess.”
“Better than beaud,” Vanessa smirked, snorting a laugh as Brooke tipped her head back and cringed. As she quietly stopped laughing, Vanessa shrugged lightly. “An’ I mean, nice to know I’m the hottest girl in the room too.”
Brooke let out a small sigh at having to confront her decision. “I mean just because we’re not dating any more doesn’t mean it’s not objectively true. By Western beauty standards you probably are the hottest girl in the room.”
Vanessa laughed again. “Western beauty standards, my God. I’m not even white, you dumb bitch.”
“Yeah, but…you’ve got this gorgeous skin, and all your shiny hair. And your eyes that go all twinkly when you’re happy,” Brooke explained. Where was all this coming from? “And you have perfect white teeth, and the best smile. I feel like you light up the whole room when you laugh.”
Brooke’s heart gave a twinge as Vanessa’s face broke out into a smile, tilting her face to the side a little inquisitively. Brooke gave a little cough, aware of all the compliments she’d given her. “And you have a really good figure as well, so, yeah.”
“Oh, obviously. Well, we all know how much you like that,” Vanessa smirked cheekily, Brooke suddenly snapping her neck round to face her properly.
“Liked that. Like, liked. Whatever. We’re friends now, we can laugh about it,” Vanessa shrugged, the words coming out of her mouth confirming their status at once relieving Brooke and putting her on edge. They were back to being friends. This was what Brooke wanted, right? Vanessa still had the little cheeky grin on her face as she spoke again. “Friends who still kiss each other, apparently.”
“Well, you kissed Scarlet,” Brooke said, trying to make it as nonchalant as possible. Judging by Vanessa’s smug reaction, she hadn’t succeeded.
“You seem pressed.”
“Not pressed! Just saying,” Brooke tried to protest gently but felt she came on way too heavy.
“Mhm. There’s just one problem about all this, though…” Vanessa murmured, her tone charged with something that immediately made the hairs on Brooke’s arm stand on end, giving her goosebumps.
And then, with one fluid movement, Vanessa moved to straddle her.
Brooke’s heart almost flatlined as Vanessa spoke, her face still wearing the tiniest cocky smile that Brooke so badly wanted to kiss off of her. “It’s kinda hard to try an’ be friends with you when I know what you look like with no clothes on.”
Brooke tried her best to keep her voice level. “Well, it’s also kind of hard to try and be friends with you when you’re flirting with me.”
“It’s also hard to be friends with you when I know what your kinks are…” Vanessa brought her arms around Brooke’s neck and barely concealed a smile as she bucked her hips ever so slightly. “…Mami.”
Brooke felt the tiniest hiss escape her lips, glad it wasn’t the fuck that had immediately popped into her head.
“It’s kind of hard to be friends with you when you’re riding my thigh…or when you’re coming on to me like this,” Brooke replied, keeping one hand firmly on the side of the hot tub and the other wrapped around the glass bottle in her hand so tight she thought it would smash.
“Coming on to you?” Vanessa suddenly tipped her head back and laughed, Brooke immediately realising what she’d said. “That can be arranged, you want face, tongue or fingers?”
“Fuck’s sake, Vanessa,” Brooke laughed softly, letting one of her hands drop down under the water and rest against Vanessa’s thigh. As Brooke’s thumb rubbed at her skin softly, she tried to reason with herself. Just because she was stroking Vanessa’s skin, and had her on top of her, and was basically talking dirty to her, didn’t mean that anything was actually going to happen.
“I know you miss me, Brooke,” Vanessa said, her tone matter-of-fact as she straightened up a little in Brooke’s lap, Brooke eyeing the way her breasts were pushed up.
Brooke had to think carefully about her response. She knew she’d hurt Vanessa, so she had to keep things light. “I mean, it kind of looks like you miss me, baby.”
Oh fuck, that pet name was a mistake. Vanessa’s smile was sultry as she pushed one of her hands into Brooke’s hair. “Me? Nah, I’m just doin’ this because it’s fun. Monique’s treatin’ me very well.”
Jesus fucking Christ, Vanessa knew how to hit Brooke where it hurt. Brooke pursed her lips. She wanted to fight dirty, she would give as good as she got. “And that’s why you’re cheating on her?”
Vanessa burst out laughing. “Oh, bitch, please! Me and her aren’t exclusive! We ain’t even a thing! She vents to me about her ex, I vent to her about you, and then we fuck away our frustrations!”
A part of Brooke’s heart soared up into the black sky like a helium balloon. She didn’t think she’d shown her relief on her face until Vanessa gave a laugh. “So. You ain’t denied it.”
“Denied what?”
“That you miss me,” she shrugged, giving a little look down at Brooke’s hands on her thighs. Brooke couldn’t pinpoint when she’d brought the other one down under the water but apparently she had done. Her throat was dry as she considered her response. Before she could get there, Vanessa threw her mind into chaos as she brought her hands back behind her head, fidgeted for a moment, then suddenly threw her bikini top across the decking. As Brooke’s gaze flicked down to Vanessa’s full breasts, the other girl brought one finger up and tilted her chin up to face her. The heat between Brooke’s legs was unbearable, and she felt her paper-thin resolve rapidly melting away. Vanessa smirked. “You wanna kiss me so bad right now, don’t you? Like you kissed me earlier. You can’t even stay away.“
Vanessa seemed to edge closer to Brooke, although they were already so close that seemed an impossible feat. Brooke raised an eyebrow. “See, I feel like if Monique fucked you as good as you say she does, you wouldn’t be in my lap right now.”
Vanessa blinked slowly, mockingly. “Oh, baby. You don’t want to know the things I let her do to me.”
Brooke bristled. The tension between them and Vanessa’s teasing was getting her riled. “You’re right, I don’t.”
“Aww. You jealous, baby?” Vanessa pouted. This was going to drive Brooke insane. Her mind constantly swung between this being a bad idea and a good idea, and she had no idea which it would settle on.
Brooke locked eyes with Vanessa, the other girl’s gaze a challenge. “No.”
“You sure? You seemed jealous when I kissed Scarlet earlier, I saw your face.”
“I don’t get jealous,” Brooke repeated, holding her gaze with Vanessa. Their faces weren’t too close but their bodies were, and Brooke felt as if she was a ticking time bomb.
“So you ain’t jealous of Monique?” Vanessa murmured inquisitively. Brooke shook her head, now unable to tear her gaze away from her lips which had felt so perfect against her own earlier. “You ain’t jealous of the fact she gets to ride my face and get my pretty lil’ tongue working her clit? You ain’t jealous of the fact that it’s her name I’m crying out when I cum on her fingers? You ain’t-”
Frustrated, tense, and out of willpower, Brooke let out a low growl as she finally brought her hands up to Vanessa’s jaw and crashed their lips together, kissing her wildly and deeply and running her hands over every inch of Vanessa’s skin she was able to touch. She didn’t even care that she’d proven Vanessa right, because she had missed this, missed her, missed the way they just seemed to fit together like two pieces of a puzzle and dear sweet fucking Jesus she’d been an idiot to give up this sex. Brooke whined needily as she felt Vanessa pull away, the other girl laughing against her lips.
“You don’t kiss like a girl who ain’t jealous,” Vanessa tutted, a satisfied smirk on her face. "Or one that don’t miss me.”
Brooke ran her hands up and down her back and pouted. “Shut up.”
“Hmm. That ain’t no way to talk to me if you’re planning on getting what you want, lil’ brat,” Vanessa raised her eyebrows, bringing one of her hands down to rub at Brooke’s hipbone. Brooke let out a whimper and bucked her hips. She needed Vanessa so badly, and her words were only making things worse. Or better.
“Fuck, please, Vanessa, shit,” Brooke hissed, not caring about how pathetic and needy she looked now as she brought one of her hands up and rubbed a thumb over one of Vanessa’s nipples. Brooke felt her clit throb as Vanessa gave a little hum of delight at the contact. Her fingers had only been there for a second before Vanessa grabbed her wrist and held it down under the water, the sudden force causing Brooke’s eyes to grow wide.
“You broke my fuckin’ heart an’ now you really think I’m gonna make it that easy for you?” she barked a laugh, a guilty twinge tugging at Brooke’s rapid heart. “Fuck that. I want to hear you beg me to fuck you. You’re gonna have to work for me, baby. Shit’s on my terms.”
“Fuck, Vanessa, I really don’t give a shit how desperate I sound,” Brooke sighed, the shock of the prospect of Vanessa changing her mind about all this lighting a fire in Brooke. “Please, please, please, please, baby, I’m sorry, I’ll do anything you want, just fucking touch me, please-”
Brooke cut herself off with her own moan as Vanessa ran a hand down her body and lightly pressed two fingers against her, rubbing gently and making Brooke want to sob.
“Good girl,” Vanessa purred, Brooke writhing underneath her and completely past the point of thinking about any of the consequences of any of this. “You miss me, don’t you?”
“Fuck, so much.”
“You been missin’ this?”
“Shit yes, so much.”
Vanessa’s eyes were dark as Brooke looked up at her. “Nobody’s gonna fuck you like me, are they?”
Brooke’s eyes nearly rolled into the back of her head, thinking that at this point if Vanessa asked her to get married she probably would’ve booked the damn venue. “No, only you, baby, fuck.”
“Mm, such a good girl,” Vanessa smirked, Brooke’s clit giving a spasm as she thought now was really not the time to realise she had a praise kink. “I don’t know, though. You seemed pretty sure you wouldn’t miss me when you ended things.”
“I do miss you, 'Ness, I promise, I’m sorry, I’ll beg on my knees if you want me to, I don’t give a fuck, you’ve been driving me crazy all night…so fucking perfect, shit…"
"Mm…you would look so pretty on your knees,” Vanessa leaned in and murmured into Brooke’s ear, pressing the lightest little kiss to her neck and almost sending Brooke over the edge before anything had even happened yet.
“I’ll do whatever you want, baby, fuck, I want you to feel like you’re the most gorgeous fucking goddess in the world,” Brooke gasped as Vanessa brought her other hand down to touch herself, the sight of her working Brooke and herself into a frenzy the hottest thing she’d seen in months. Her mind short-circuited, and she struggled to know if anything she said made any sense. “Jesus Christ, Vanessa, please fuck me, I can’t take much more-"
Pride glinted in Vanessa’s eyes before she leaned in and kissed Brooke, hot and wet with her fingers still rubbing and teasing her through the material. Pulling away, she motioned to the decking around the hot tub. “Lie back then, baby.”
As Brooke almost drove her face into the decking in her haste to scramble out of the hot tub she ignored the little voice in the back of her head that told her everything about this was a bad idea, and instead focused on the one that screamed it was the best decision she’d made in months.s
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kulabutterfly · 4 years
Joy Package: Cabin By The Lake (M) PJM
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Joy package are stories that consist of 3 main characters which are Seokjin, Jungkook and Jimin. They were in a band called Black Swan, Jimin as a vocalist, Seokjin as their guitarist and song-writer, Jungkook as their basist.
Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Smut
Synopsis: It’s been a month since you dated Jimin and he invited you to join him and his band mates for a retreat.
A/N: Idek if people would actually read this or nah but this is kinda the first time I tried to write something and I’m soo sorry for all the mistakes. Also you can read: Joy Package: Toxic What?
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It’s been a month and a week since me and Jimin started dating. He was my first ever boyfriend and he was so sweet and every time I’m with him, it’s like, I’m in the cloud. I’m so happy I could die.
“Minjoo-ya, is it weird?” Minjoo was eating her cereal very slowly, daydreaming about I don’t know what.
“Bitch!” I called out for her again and she jolted.
“What?” She groaned annoyingly.
“It’s like a month since I dated Jimin, and we still haven’t kiss yet.” I pouted as I sat on the chair in front of her.
“No shit, I thought you guys have fuck?” She laughed, “You’ve been so annoying and act so lovey dovey. How are you guys still not kissing yet?”
“We’re shy. Also, I don’t know if he’s up to that.”
Minjoo pursed her lips awkwardly, and whispered even though no one’s there to listen, “run bitch.. run..”
“I love him for who he is!! It’s okay even if we won’t kiss.” But I wonder how Jimin tasted like…
“Whatever floats your boat, girl.” She stood up and took away her empty bowl of cereal to the sink.
I felt a vibrate on my hands, it was Jimin texting me. I automatically smile as I read his messages.
Jiminnie💓: Baby
Jiminnie💓: Me and jin hyung decided that we should go for a retreat for our band
Jiminnie💓: you know, like an MT
Jimminie💓: do you want to join us?
Jiminnie💓: pls say yes 🥺🥺🥺
Jiminnie💓: everyone’s bringing their girlfriends
Jiminnie💓: u should invite minjoo too
Jiminnie💓: cause jin hyung would be alone and i dont want him to disturb us
Jiminnie💓: baby where you attt?
Me: im hereeee
Me: sounds fun! I never went to an MT before
Me: okayy i’ll ask minjoo too when is it??
Jiminnie💓: this saturday
Jiminnie💓: pls say youre free 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Me: hahaha yes im free
Me: but idk abt minjoo
Me: i’ll ask her!
Jiminnie💓: okay baby! 
Jiminnie💓: imma go practice!
“Minjoo-ya” I turned to look at the kitchen sink and she wasn’t there so I stood up and looked around.
After wandering for a few minutes I saw Minjoo on the balcony talking on the phone so I guess I’ll just ask her later.
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“Ssup.” Minjoo says as she flopped on the couch beside me.
“Who’s calling you?” I asked, shove a grabful of popcorns inside my mouth.
“Taehyung.” She shrugged. “Ask me to follow him to somewhere.”
“Somewhere where?” 
“I don’t even know.” She answered short.
“Oh bish, Jimin invited us to join him for a retreat.” I turned to look at her, my eyes glowing.
She looked at me weirdly, frowning. “Me too? Because?”
“Because you’re my best friend and he doesn't want you to be alone on the weekend.”
She faked a smile, “aw what a thoughtful boyfriend you had.” And rolled her eyes. “Thank you for the offer, but I really don’t want to be a third wheeler.”
“Noooo you won’t be! Seokjin will be there too.” I pouted, “Minjoo pleaseee.” 
“More reasons for me to not go.”
“What? Bitch, it’s Seokjin. He’s single.”
“So what? No! He’s going to think I’m a freak.” She sighed, “also, I’ve promised Taehyung I’ll follow him.”
“What?? Nooo. Going where??”
“His bandmates rent this cabin by the lake or something.” She shrugged.
“Taehyung was in a band? Since when?”
“He just got accepted last month. As a drummer.” Minjoo says as she scrolls her phone. “Have fun with Jimin, bish.” She then smirked. “This is probably the time.”
“Bish…” I whined, “I can’t do this without you. I’m nervous. Cancel on Taehyung please? Come with me instead.”
“Bitch what the fuck? Don’t be disgusting and go find some cute undies!”
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Jiminnie💓: Baby, you ready?
Jiminnie💓: we’re outside now
Me: oh yeah I’m coming!
I grabbed my luggage and ran to the entrance door, “Minjoo!!!! I’m leaving! See you on Sunday!!”
As soon as I reached the lobby, my eyes wandering looking for Jimin’s car.
“Baby! Here!” 
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Oh my God. He’s so shining, I’m going to be blind. I jumped happily as I walked toward where he was.
“Good morning!” I said as soon as I saw him. He opened the door for me and we both sat on the back passenger’s seats.
“Morning, baby.” He said and kissed my cheek slightly, making me blush. It’s been like 5 weeks since our first date, we’re still on early stage so a simple action like a kiss on the cheek could still make my heart beat like crazy.
I noticed Jin sitting alone in the front and I whisper to Jimin, “Is it okay if we both sit at the back? How about Jin?”
“I wanna be with you now,” he pouted. “He won’t leave me alone when we reach the cabin later.”
“We’re going to the cabin?” I asked Jimin and he nodded.
“Yeah, Jin hyung’s cabin. It’s so pretty, baby. And it’s by the lake.”
“It’s Jin’s cabin?”
“I mean, it is his parents’ but they rented it out for whoever wants to chill there. Don’t worry. I’ll make sure we get to stay on their master.”
The journey to Jin’s cabin took about 2 hours. We don’t really say anything. Jimin fell asleep about an hour later, his head leaned on my shoulder. He was so cute and I can’t stop looking at his little pout as he slept.
Jin was quiet as usual. Sometimes he would yawn and sometimes he would sing very very quietly. To be honest, I don’t know why he’s single. Well, he’s not as hyper as Jimin but he’s very good looking and I could tell that he’s nice. Ugh, if only the blind date could work out between Minjoo and Seokjin. She’d be here with us now!
We arrived at the cabin about 2 hours later, and just like what Jimin said, it was so beautiful. The lake is so clear, the porch was so cozy, and the inside was absolutely amazing. It was very very spacious and Jimin managed to get us to stay in Jin's master bedroom. He was so fast, like, as soon as we arrived, he grabbed our luggages and just shoved everything inside the bedroom. Seokjin just rolled his eyes and put his luggage in the second bedroom, near the living room.
While waiting for Jimin’s other friends to arrive, me and Jimin chilled in the living room, watching some cartoons. Seokjin was sitting on the couch near the entrance door, probably writing some lyrics.
Spending time with Jimin makes me happy but at the same time, I was nervous cause this is the first time that I’ll be meeting Jimin’s friends. Well, other than Seokjin cause he was there during me and Jimin first meeting. Other than him, I don’t know anyone. What if they don’t like me? What if their girlfriends gang up and decided to just outcast me or something? Ugh, if only Minjoo and Seokjin liked each other!
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I heard someone coming from the porch and Seokjin went to get the door. After not less than 15 seconds later, I heard gasps and Jimin got up to see who it was.
“Wait, you guys know each other?”
I squinted to see clearly and what the fuck? “Minjoo?!” I gasped. “Bitch! What are you doing here? I thought you’re with Tae-” I turned to look at her side and saw Taehyung looking at me too. 
“Eh? Minjoo’s housemate?! You’re here too?” Taehyung said as he saw me. “Oh my God, you’re Jimin's new girlfriend?!”
“Shut up, Tae!” Jimin and Minjoo said simultaneously and Taehyung pursed his lips. 
“Bish, I’m glad you’re here.” I whined as I pulled Minjoo inside and hug her. “I didn’t know that Taehyung’s your boyfriend.” I say as we both flopped on the couch at the living room.
“He wasn’t! I told you, he wanted me to go with him cause all of his bandmates are going to bring their girlfriends along.” She rolled her eyes, “Where’s Seokjin’s girlfriend?” She whispered.
“Well,” I shrugged, “you were supposed to be his girlfriend, but oh well.”
“Bitch what the fuck he don’t even like me!”
“Minjoo, you don’t even know that.”
“Oh yeah? Then what makes you think you know that?” she raises both of her brows.
“Just a feeling.”
“Feeling my ass.”
As we were talking, Taehyung, Jimin and Seokjin were in the kitchen, preparing for lunch. Jimin told us to just sit and do nothing and that they would prepare for everything. We both heard a noise outside, and we figured that must be Jungkook. Minjoo walked to the entrance door upon hearing someone stepping on our porch and I followed her from the back.
“Jungkook’s here?” Taehyung asked out of nowhere and I nodded. He then proceeded to follow me from behind.
“Jungkook-ah, what takes you so long-”, Taehyung says as Minjoo open the door, “Miss B?” He frowned as soon as he laid eyes on Jungkook’s girlfriend. Minjoo and me were speechless as we just stared at the girl.
“What are you guys doing here?” Hyewon questioned us, she removed her sunglasses.
“You guys know each other?” Jungkook looked at us and Hyewon back and forth.
“Holy pineapple! Minjoo, I’m scared.” Taehyung tapped on Minjoo’s shoulder and she rolled her eyes.
“We’re roommates,” Minjoo says and Hyewon shrugs.
I finally came into my senses and pulled Hyewon into her embrace and hugged her, tightly! “Yay! We’re all here! Oh my God!!” She screamed. “This is the best MT ever!”
“Wait,” Hyewon pushed me away and looked at Taehyung, “What’s Miss B?”
Taehyung shrugged while pursing his lips, and quickly ran off to the kitchen making Hyewon roll her eyes.
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Most of us just sit around and chat. Me and the girls talked a lot while they guys were outside doing I don’t know what. It’s mostly Jimin forcing Taehyung and Jungkook out, playing badminton or volleyball. I don’t really care.
Seokjin was inside though, he’s at the kitchen, writing on his notes. Probably lyrics. 
“Minjoo, bish, why don’t you go and talk to him?” I move both of my eyebrows up and down, grinning.
“Why the fuck would I?” Minjoo says, rolling her eyes.
“Come on, Minjoo. He’s so hot and single.”
Hyewon scoffed, “Jin is hot and single. But he’s not available.” she shrugged.
“You know him that well?” I asked Hyewon and she nodded.
“I mean, I’ve known them for like 2 years? But damn, Jin was hard.” Hyewon says, “He has a lot of admirers but accepted none of them. I bet he’s a virgin.” She laughed.
“Jimin? Do you know how Jimin was before?” I asked and she nodded.
“Well, partly.” She shrugged. “I know that his ex-girlfriend cheated on him for some other guy.”
“Jimin’s a nice guy. Don’t worry. He may be a little bit too hyper so sometimes he’s kinda annoying, but oh well.” She shrugged again.
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Seokjin cooked us bolognese for dinner and it was so good. Reminds me of my hometown. We were all now chilling in the living room, 
“We brought beers.” Jimin says as he placed dozens of beers followed by Jungkook at the back with more beers.
“That’s a lot of beers…” Minjoo says under her breath, quietly.
“Everyone can have this except Minjoo.” Taehyung remarks and everyone was looking at him weirdly.
Oh yeah, remember when Minjoo got drunk and made Hyewon give me giant ass hickey? Gosh.
“Ya, why are you deciding for her? Minjoo, don’t listen to her, let’s just drink.” Jimin says and Minjoo smiled faintly.
“No, she can’t have any of this. She does weird things when she’s drunk!” Taehyung pouted and Minjoo kicked Taehyung’s waist to shut him up.
“I wonder what they are.” Hyewon smirks.
“I want to see what Minjoo will do when she’s drunk. Let her drink, hyung.” Jungkook says as well, also smirking.
“No” Taehyung insist.
“Hey Minjoo, don’t be lame.” Hyewon nudged Minjoo’s waist and Minjoo rolled her eyes.
“Whatever.” She says.
“No, Minjoo. I won’t let you-”
“Shut up, Tae.” Minjoo sighed. “Let’s just get over this.”
“Ooh! Let’s play truth or dare!” Jimin suggested and Taehyung screamed, “No!! We’re not playing that!”
“Mr Boyfriend, you can leave if you don’t want to play, just don’t ruin our fun.” Hyewon rolled her eyes.
“I told you, I’m not Minjoo’s boy-”
“Whatever.” Hyewon cut her off, showed her palm to Taehyung signalling her to stop talking.
“You’re Miss Bitchy.” Taehyung said back.
“Truth or dare it is!” Jimin squealed as he sipped on the beer.
“Okay, who’s going to start?” I asked and Jimin raised his hand.
“I’ll start. Hmm, I choose,” He paused, looked at me, and smiled. “Y/N. Truth or dare?”
“Uhh. truth.”
“Okay, hmm. Why are you so beautiful?” 
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“Ugh! Get a fucking room!” Taehyung groaned in annoyance.
“Answer the question or you’ll have to be punished.” Jimin smirk.
“Uhm.. I was born with it.” I blushed.
“Move on please, next!” Jungkook says.
“ I choose.. Hmm.. “ I paused for a few moments. “Seokjin!” He was shook upon hearing his name being called as he was just minding his own business. “Truth or dare?”
“I don’t want to play.”
“Hyung..” Jimin whined. “Truth or dare!”
Seokjin rolled his eyes. “Truth.”
“Okay! Are you a virgin?” He widened his eyes and the boys laughed at the question I asked. I mean, I was curious cause he was so good looking. And Hyewon says he is a virgin so I wanted to confirm. There is no way this hotie’s a virgin.
“Do I look like I am?” Seokjin asked me back and I stuttered, “N-no?”
“There you go.” He shrugged. 
“Okay, Jin hyung! Choose!”
“Hm, Jungkook.”
“Dare!” Jungkook screamed. “A man should always choose dare!”
“I dare you to stop touching Hyewon in front of us. It’s very disturbing.”
Everyone laughed except for Jungkook and Hyewon. “That’s not fair, hyung!”
“A man always chooses a dare.” Seokjin mocked him and Jungkook stomped his feet, angry.
“Anyway, I choose-” he paused, listening to Hyewon that was smirking and whispering at him.
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Okay, Minjoo.” He continued. “Truth or dare?”
“Okay, take a one shot of beer! The whole can.”
Ohh fuck.
“Whatever.” She say as sip on a whole can of beer,
“Jungkook-ah!” Taehyung yelled out annoyingly and Jungkook shrugged. Still smirking.
“My turn.” Minjoo says, rather calmly. “Hm.. Hyewon..”
“Truth or dare?”
“Why are you such a bitch?” She asked, her eyes slowly drifting out of focus.
“Minjoo and her damn repetitive questions!” Hyewon rolled her eyes. “Because this is who I am. Now it's my turn, Mr Boyfriend!”
“I’m not her boyfriend!” Taehyung groaned.
“I don’t care. Truth or dare?”
“Kiss Minjoo.”
“What the fuck Hyewon! Why are you always like this all the time!” Taehyung groaned.
Hyewon shrugged, “do it!”
Taehyung sighed as he went toward Minjoo, Minjoo was looking at him, emotionless. He kissed Minjoo on the forehead, earning an angry yell from Hyewon.
“You didn’t say where!” Taehyung pulled out a tongue at her and she rolled her eyes.
“I choose.. hmm Jimin.” Taehyung says, “Truth or dare?”
“Hm dare.”
“I dare you to spell Y/N’s name with your butt.”
“Taehyung-ah that’s so embarrassing.” He kicked Taehyung’s knees.
“A dare is a dare”
Jimin complained but still getting up, he was pouting as he looked at me and said sorry. Then, he did it. He spelled my name with his butt. I laughed. It was so cute.
The games go on quite innocently, to my surprised until I turned to look at Minjoo who’s already on her third can of beer and she looked tipsy as fuck.
It’s Hyewon turns again and fuck. I don’t know why, I’m scared whenever it’s her turn. She always… ask us to do weird things.
“Minjoo.” She said as she smirked. Damn this would be it. Minjoo looked at her, still emotionless. “Truth or dare?”
“You’re lame. Choose dare.”
“Fucking choose dare!”
“Ugh whatever.” Minjoo massaged her temple.
“Choose any guys of your choice, and give them hickey.” She smiled. “Any guys.”
“Am I included too?” Jungkook asked and Hyewon rolled her eyes, “yeah fucker.” And Jungkook smiled.
“Any guy?” She looked at Hyewon and Hyewon nodded.
“Well, except Mr. Boyfriend.” Hyewon laughed. “That would be lame.”
Oh Lord, I haven’t even given Jimin my love bites yet please don’t choose Jimin.
“Just walked to him without saying anything and just attack his neck and suck.” Hyewon added, still laughing.
Minjoo started to roam her eyes, looking at each guy carefully, but still, emotionlessly.
“Fast Minjoo. Do it.”
She looked at Jungkook who’s already looking at her while smirking and then she frowned and turned away to look at Jimin who’s sitting beside me. He was not even looking at her. And then she turned to her front and saw Taehyung on the floor. He was just sitting there, pursing his lips and she tilted her head. Probably thinking of something.
“I said except not Mr. Boyfriend!” Hyewon hissed.
“Who’s Mr. Boyfriend?” Minjoo ask her back, still confused. “I don’t have a boyfriend.”
“Kim Taehyung!” Jungkook answered for her, “Anyone except Kim Taehyung.”
“Oh.” she turned her head towards the end of the couch and saw Seokjin. He was looking at her, and she shifted her gaze towards his neck. 
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Minjoo's body then moved towards Seokjin and we all gasped. Seokjin blinks his eyes a few times and then she just- go to his neck, and peck a little before pulling away.
“A hickey Minjoo! Not touch it with your lips!” Hyewon groaned.
She pulled away, looking away from Seokjin who’s already red. “I- I don’t know how to do that..”
Taehyung went towards her as he tried to pull Minjoo away from Jin as well but Hyewon stopped him, “Leave her alone!” She yelled. “Minjoo, just fucking suck his neck until you taste blood.”
“What?!” she looked at Hyewon in disgust. “Wouldn’t it be hurt for him?”
“No, it won’t”
“I don’t want to taste blood.” She whined.
“Well, suck to be you.”
“Ugh” she groaned, as she turned back to Seokjin. He was just there, not moving. Minjoo moved closer again to his neck, slowly, and pulled out her tongue and kitten-licked one part of his neck, and that’s when he- uhh- he started to breath sharply. After a few licks, she went in and sucked his neck slowly, and then after a few moments, she suddenly got on Seokjin’s lap and grabbed his neck and shoulder. Seokjin’s breath was getting heavier that one might mistake it for a moan. 
Minjoo was still, weirdly, on Seokjin’s neck when suddenly she was being pulled away by Taehyung. I guess she felt so mad at the loss of touch cause then she started to cry and struggled to escape from Taehyung’s arms.
“No! Let me go!” She cried and Taehyung hugged her, tightly, “enough Minjoo. You’re drunk. Let’s sleep.”
“No I want that! Let me go!” 
“Minjoo! Let’s go!” He yelled as he dragged her to their shared bedroom, “You guys continue.” He said.
“Minjoo is so drunk.” Jungkook says as Taehyung dragged Minjoo away to their room.
“Well, not as drunk as she was before.” Hyewon shrugged and started to kiss Jungkook's neck. “You’re disappointed that she didn’t choose you, baby?”
Jungkook  shrugged, “well, kinda. I mean, we all know I’m the hottest here.”
Jimin scoffed upon hearing what the maknae said, “obviously she didn’t think that.”
“Says the one who’s avoiding her cause you’re scared of your girlfriend.”
“Shut up, there's a difference between scared and love, okay?” 
I pursed my lips, and almost blushing when I heard Jimin said the “love” word.
“Whatever. Hyewon, let’s go.” Jungkook grabbed Hyewon’s wrist, “I know what else can we do other than this stupid game.” He smirked.
And they walked away.
Seokjin stood up and grabbed his notes and guitar, “I’ll be at the porch.”
“Y/N, do you want to shower first?” Jimin asked me and I shook my head.
“You can take shower first, Jimin. I need to call my mum.” I said and he nodded.
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“Y/N, you can shower now,” Jimin said as he entered our shared bathroom in a robe.
“O-okay.” I say, quickly ran out to the bathroom, leaving Jimin in a robe without looking back. Gosh he’s making me blushing, he’s so hot!
I was halfway showering when I realized I forgot my towel and underwear. I finishing shower and figured how the fuck would I reach to the bedroom without them.
I peek outside the bathroom, Jin is still outside, Jungkook and Hyewon in their room, same goes with Minjoo and Taehyung. Welp. Whatever I guess? I’ll just cover my body with my dirty clothes.
“So C-cold,” I managed to get out as I raced to the bedroom, stopping suddenly at the sight of Jimin, standing only in his briefs.
Jimin smiled as he spread open a giant towel. “Come here.”
I went to him gladly as he wrapped the towel around me, then grabbed another towel to put on my head. He moved me to the cushions he had spread out on the floor near the heater and couch.
“Oh my God, Jimin. I’m freezing.” I told him through huge shivers as he sat behind me and began rubbing my hair dry.
“Well.” He put his arms around me and leaned against me. “I’ll warm you up.”
I was amazed at the difference Jimin’s body heat made. He definitely warmed me up, but it took me another ten minutes before I could stop shaking long enough to properly dry myself. I then grabbed my fresh undercloth and went to the bathroom to put them on, quickly returning to the heater with a brush in my hand and began running it through my hair to try to make it dry. I gave up after half an hour. It was as dry as the humid air would allow.
I turned to see Jimin leaning against the sofa. He sat on the cushions he had taken from the sofa, spreading them out on the floor to mimic the size of a twin bed mattress. His eyes were on me as he sat inside a blanket, his only movement coming when he spread the blanket open in an invitation to join him. I went up to him after a moment of hesitation. I still felt cold. I reached over to him when he spread his legs, enabling me to sit between them, putting his arms on my stomach-clad T-shirt.
After a while, I don’t know how long we had been here, we both were relaxing and off into our own world when I suddenly felt the difference in the small of my back.
“What.. are you thinking about?” I asked him quietly.
He pulled my back against him, and I felt his hardness plainly against my back. He moved his hands beneath the blanket, warming my skin as they sent tingles through the areas he touched. My legs were warming as his fingers moved flatly over their tops, making me bend my knees and bring them up to satisfy his reach. His fingers that moved toward the inside of my thighs sent tingles through me before moving on. Jimin’s left hand moved up, beneath my T-shirt as his right hand moved to the elastic band of my underwear.
My breathing was cut short as my senses peaked, waiting silently to see what he would do next. I didn’t wait long because then, his left hand moved over my breast, my left nipple tightening upon contact. His right hand went lower, fingers taking pleasure in the softness of my mound as his legs moved over mine, going around them and spreading them apart. I was exposed to him now and he was taking full advantage of it, knowing just where to touch me and coax me into sparkling sensations.
With my head back against his shoulder, my hands moved over Jimin’s legs and arms, the only part of him I could reach without changing my position. God! How could this one man change me so quickly and so completely from a thinking, functioning human to a creature that’s totally lost to sensation with a deep need to be satisfied.
“Y/N.. You’re so beautiful..” Jimin breathed softly against my cheek.
I turned my face toward him, allowing him to meet me in a first kiss that was deep and encompassing. Oh, he tastes so good, just how I always imagined it would be. His tongue was teasing me, excites me as it touched my lips and tongue as he pulled back slightly before resuming the deepness of our kiss again.
I noticed the change in his breathing, becoming as strained as mine. His left hand moved from my breast to my thigh. It was pulling me back against him as his other hand worked with me, pressing my writhing hips against him. I could feel him behind me, his burning flesh now against my flesh. 
When he had lifted my shirt earlier, my wriggling had maneuvered his underwear lower. He was leaning forward with me now, his legs spreading further as he pressed against me. God, he was exciting me beyond belief. The only thing that my mind could grasp was that the extreme need to keep kissing Jimin in the highly erotic way he had begun.
I don’t even realize that I was arching back against him, again and again that spasms washed over me until I heard a sound. Was it possible that those noises were coming from me???
I was slow coming out of this one. My hands moved slowly over his arms until his hands met mine, entwining his fingers with mine until I became aware again. Jimin warmed me, prompting me to get to my knees to turn to him and then raise his knees as well behind me. 
“Shh. It’s okay.” His arm came around my waist as he took off my shirt and his other arm caged around my torso. He leaned forward against me, lowering my face onto the cushions.
He pressed me against the cushions as his mouth met my shoulders. Curiousness made me remain still under his touch, not knowing just what to expect next. He moved my hair off my back to give him greater access to my shoulder and back before sliding his palm sensuously over my shoulder and down my side, then resting on my waist. His mouth gave my neck kisses, moving lower until his hand caressed my firm bottom. His lips brushed along my spine and across my sides, making me clutch onto the cushions in response to the softness of his lips and tongue. But when his hand moved lower between my legs tried to get inside of my pants, I stiffened and tried to get up.
“Jimin! What are you doing?!”
He stopped his downward movement, hesitating a moment as if indecisive, then changed position until he was lying next to me. His hand stayed where he was, making my stomach knot again, making me feel more alive with each bursting sensation. His fingers played me like his well-tuned instrument.
“I hope this means you’re ready.. because I am..,” Jimin whispered against my neck.
There was a low fierceness in his voice as he pulled off my pants and panties simultaneously, but when he moved to lie above me and spread my legs, I stiffened again under his touch and tried to get up.
“Jimin! No! Don’t!”
“Shh..” His hand stroked my hair as he kissed the side of my mouth.
“No- please, Jimin, don’t!”
“Y/N..” he moved slightly so he could look at me more closely. “Baby, I wouldn’t hurt you.” His voice tried to soothe me, but I didn’t want any part of what I thought he was about to do. I had heard stories in school, and the thought filled me with fright.
“Baby.. you’re twenty years old now.. How could you remain so naive? You’ve got to know more than you let on..”
“I’m only twenty years old, Jimin! I’m not like your other girlfriends! Forgive me for not being as accomplished as they were! But I have no desire to fuck around with people! I wanted to do it with someone I truly love!”
I probably shouldn’t have brought it up. I mean, I wouldn’t have if he didn’t mention my age and the fact that I’m a virgin like it was so bad to be one. The anger in his face sent a chill through me as he moved over me once more. I felt his hand moving beneath my waist, jerking me up until I hanged like a rag doll out of his hand. He took a cushion and shoved it under my belly, then pulled me on my knees.
“Don’t bother about my ex-girlfriends. I’ll just fuck you better, so you could satisfy my needs later on.”
I felt his cock throbbing under me as I tried to dive away, but he was quick to lean over me and wrap his arm around my waist. His other arm also came around me, but his hands moved in different directions. One was cupping my breast and the other moved down to below my stomach.
“Jimin! Don’t!” I growled through clenched teeth.
“Don’t fight me, Y/N! Jesus Christ, did I ever hurt you before?!”
He held me against him, front to back as we both were on our knees. My breathing ragged from trying to escape. His mouth came down on my neck, gently kissing the sensitive area of my shoulder as his left hand caressed my breast, making me relax slightly. 
Jimin’s fingers slowly reached the softness below, moving lower to make me need him again as much as he needed me, continuing until I was pressed back against his chest and moved my hand over my shoulder to feel his face. At this point, I was beginning not to care how he took me as long as it would be complete. The intensity of his cock riding up between my thighs, sliding between them, was driving me nearly mad. My hips were moving under the guidance of his hand, making my own hands move to his hips and thighs as Jimin continued to send me to a point near fainting.
“Do something!” I was trying to say it in an irritated command, but it came out in a velvety moan.
“Is that an order?” His voice was very low and husky as he breathed into my ear.
Jimin didn’t hesitate. He slowly stood up, picked me up and gently laid me down on bed. I was mildly aware of his hands on my calves as he spread me open and I was so scared. I could feel my heart beating like crazy, I’m pretty sure I’d die.
Jimin spread my legs wider and guided himself toward my already moist entrance. I was expecting it to be a painful and shameful experience, but surprisingly there wasn’t any pain as he filled his cock inside me, slowly, sending a deep moan from me. It wasn’t what I had expected at all.
“Do you want me to stop? Am I hurting you?” His question brought another deep moan from me.
His hand cupped my chin and he kissed me with combined tenderness and passion as he let out a low groan and began to move back and forth in gentle thrust that soon became more and more urgent.
“Jimin..” I whispered, straining against him. 
“Y/N..” his voice broke as he quickened his pace, gathering me even more tightly against him. I started to feel something on my stomach when suddenly Jimin decided to pull his cock all the way out. My body constantly changed its mind and I feel empty and aching, which was very confusing to me.
“Jimin..” I whined. Unable to say anything but weirdly, Jimin understood, and pushed his cock inside me again, this time, fully, all in one stroke.
Nothing had ever felt this good.
The moan that came out of my mouth matched with his as he began moving inside me. I tried to remain still but then I lost myself and rolled my hips. Jimin said in a tortured voice, “Yes baby.. grind on me- fuck, Y/N! You feel so good.”
I fell back and adjusted my legs, trying to find a place to put them. Everything about him was big, even his hips and I was unsure of myself. Jimin seemed to understand my thoughts and lowered himself over my body, resting his weight on the forearm that pressed into the mattress on either side of my head. Then he hooked one of my legs around his waist and pushed deeper into me.
“Oooh oh oh!”
“Too much?”
I wrapped my other leg around him in answer.
“Dig your heels into my bottom” he commanded roughly. I did and it opened my legs wider and it changed the angle again.
“Yes!” I cried out with more enthusiasm than intended. “Jimin!”
He chuckled in response, and I felt so happy, I laughed too, breathless. Jimin’s mouth found mine and I accepted it, greedily kissing him back as he rocked into me steadily. A lock of dark, damp hair brushed across my face as he dipped his head to my neck, sucking and kissing. His shoulders bunched. I ran my hands through his chest, then skimmed around his sides, feeling every taut muscle in his torso, tight and hard and shifting beneath my exploring fingers as he moved.
I accidentally made strange noises but Jimin felt so good, I couldn’t make myself care anymore.
“Y/N, my God.” He whispered against my ear. “You feel like heaven. So perfect. Even better than I imagined.”
My pleasure was honed by his words, abruptly quickening. The slick muscles at my center wanted to clench and bear down on him, but he was too big for me. I cried out in frustration, feeling the urgency of what was coming, almost frightened by it. It was gathering within me with alarming speed.
The last time when Hyewon brought me to orgasm with a fucking vibrator, that was one thing. This was wholly different. Park Jimin was inside me. Sharing the same pleasure. Filling me. Surrounding me. I was humbled by the intensity of emotions that bloomed at the horizon and raced my thundering heart.
“God damn.” Jimin cursed appreciatively as my center tried to clench around him again.
“Jimin, oh my God. Please don’t stop!”
“I won’t, I won’t,” he said, pumping his hips with urgency. “Come for me, baby.”
I grasped his solid shoulders, slick with sweat. My breath caught as I tightened around him for a final time. Euphoric spasms pulsed through my center, bringing wave after wave of astonishing pleasure. I was shook. I whimpered and just when I began to fall back down to the Earth, Jimin pounded into me a handful of times with such intense strength, I opened my eyes to watch him.
Mouth slack and wide, he bucked, squinted his eyes closed, and bellowed out an extended cry that reverberated through me as he shuddered in my arms like a great, divine beast taken down by a single bullet.
Jimin then rolled to his side, taking me with him, and I heard his heartbeat pound in time with mine, slowing and heavy, I felt an unyielding sense of brutal possession and fuck. I am so fucking in love with Park Jimin. How could I have doubted him? I should have known that I was safe with him, that he wouldn’t hurt me. Jimin’s eyes were closed and his breath still irregular, but his hand moved until it found mine, gently grasping it.
“I told you I wouldn’t hurt you.”
“Yes. You did.”
“And you didn’t believe me.”
“I didn’t-“
“You didn’t know.” He chuckled and it warmed me.
“Thank you..”
“No, baby.. thank you..” he kissed my forehead as he pulled me closer to his embrace. “Now let’s sleep.”
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