#so that maybe i will listen to myself for one
verstappen-cult · 3 days
this isn't really a scenario and more of a manifestation for myself lol but i can't stop thinking about adoring, clingy!boyfriend oscar. pouty when you're not around, so affectionate (which confuses everyone because he's usually pretty reserved), just so sickly sweet in love.
Oscar may seem like a serious and unfriendly guy for everyone but you. He doesn’t smile so easily and it is pretty reserved, everyone knows that. But you know the real Oscar. The shy, loving and caring one. Oscar just built those walls to protect himself and, sadly, not everyone understand that. He doesn’t really care, he has you and his friends and that’s all that matters.
Which comes as a shock to everyone, and even his friends, when Oscar starts to get out of his shell.
It starts one day with Oscar not taking his eyes off of his phone, and checking the time a lot. His friends make fun of him because he usually forgets all about his phone when out with them, wanting to be in the moment. He brushes their comments off and keeps texting, the ghost of a smirk on his face. Nobody notices, or if they do they simply don’t say anything, when you join the group and Oscar, finally, takes his eyes off of his phone to pay full attention to you.
When Oscar starts attending parties, all of his friends know that something is going on. Oscar doesn’t go to parties, simply because he doesn’t like them, but when they see you at the same parties he decides to attend, well, it’s clear what is going on.
Nobody has the confirmation until you go away for a few days to visit your family and Oscar looks utterly miserable, with bags under his eyes and a somber expression. By the third day of your absence, when Oscar is trying to enjoy his lunch, you facetime one of your friends and his whole face lights up when he hears your voice. Oscar ends up talking with you for a whole hour, looking like a lovesick puppy, whispering how much he misses you when he thinks nobody is listening. Nobody says anything then.
But when you come back and Oscar practically runs to hug you and lifts you in his arms, they can’t shut up because “What have you done to Oscar? This is a completely different person.” But that is Oscar, the boy who waits until your last class of the day to walk you home and make sure you’re safe, the boy who is always reaching for your hand because he likes how small and warm it feels against his. Maybe Oscar just needed you to come out of his shell.
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fuxuannie · 1 day
❥﹒ken sato x gender neutral reader
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✦. synopsis — romantic headcanons about our favourite baseball player!
✦. love mail — i finished the movie and i loved his character development, simply the sweetest thing <3
✦. tags — SPOILERS, fluff, dadgirl kenji, kenji sato x reader, i have not written in several months, i wrote this w my brain off ( ´͈ ᗨ `͈ ) aka i was just SPITTING whatever brain rot came to mind
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I imagine Kenji to be the clingy, but doesn’t want to be type. He loves you, so much, so dearly. But affection isn’t his strong suit, especially not after what happened with his family. He shut out emotions for years, at least towards others. So this feeling of love, a nostalgic one, tends to clash with the walls he’s put up. He’ll hold you in his arms, burying his face in your shoulder, only for hours later to cringe at himself. He’s talked to you about it a thousand times, and he’s listened to you reassure him twice as many. He adores your patience with him, it's something he’s never really had.. especially with so much pressure on his shoulders.
Explaining his identity was surely no easy feat, you thought dating the most iconic and popular baseball players was the hardest thing? Imagine dating Ultraman, who came home to you every other week with some new injury. You always wondered why the reason was so simple for such a complicated wound, “I spilled boiling water on myself,” He explains with burn marks that are far more severe than expected. “I fell down the stairs”, he’ll say after landing in the hospital.. It didn’t make sense. And now that it does and you know the true reasons, your concern is far worse. Though he doesn’t mind the extra attention you give. ;)
Meeting his dad for the first time was.. nerve-wracking. You know how Kenji talks about him, and you weren’t sure what kind of impression you’ll make. But here you were, sitting on a couch and fiddling with your thumbs until you hear a doorbell. Before Kenji could even stand, you rushed to your feet and practically sprinted for the door, only to open it slowly and gently to reveal the kind old man standing outside. “Hello.” Cut to maybe an hour later, you’re laughing at old pictures of Kenji as he sits next to you and an arm wrapped around your shoulder. The two had a long path of forgiveness and understanding ahead, but Kenji appreciated that you brought him and his father together.
Thought the dad was scary? Imagine his daughter. As expected, the moment you walk into the room - distress. Emi’s starting to cry, an unfamiliar presence is in the room and it scares her. You’ve done a few babysitting jobs here and there, and she was really just like a child. Kenji apologized for her outburst and transforms to calm her down, opening the lid and picking her up under her arms. “No no, don’t cry.” His voice soothes her, and almost immediately - she’s okay again. It’ll take a few minutes, it really isn’t long until she trusts too you. Kenji found it adorable, how you played with her so casually.. many would be terrified, and rightfully so - but to him? It just displays your kind heart. My God did he love you.
Remember first headcanon? Right, to add to that, he’s not very good at vulnerability either. He’ll love to comfort you when you cry, or hold you when you need him. But if the roles were reversed? Absolutely not. He’s uncomfortable and you can see it, one look into his eyes and it’s like looking through glass.. he hates being open about his true feelings. Even if it’s with you.. the walls he’s built for 20 years aren’t easy to break, you know? But if you’re patient, and you take your time and say the right words – he’ll crack. And like a dam breaking, the water flows in an uncontrollable wave of sadness. He’ll sob, he’ll break, and he’ll need you more than anything. He doesn’t know how to feel about breaking down, but the way you hold him in your arms and whisper sweet nothings to comfort him, he could get used to it.
But on a lighthearted note, he loves dates! Most have to be in his home, because Emi can be clingy (got it from his dad), but you don’t mind. It’s sweet, he’ll have you play baseball with her or all you do is cuddle ontop of her, it’s the cutest little thing. But other times, when you go out– it’s just the two of you. And upon special request from Kenji for Mina to babysit her while you're there, you two get alone time. and it’s everything to him. The smallest affection has his heart racing like a teenage boy again, wrapping your arm around his, holding his hand, kissing him? Goodness, you’ve got him wrapped around your finger and you don’t even know it. You and Emi are his world, and he’ll do everything to protect it. Other days, you, him, and and his father go out to the home in the woods for some personal time. You get to talk about his childhood with him and you talk about yours. There’s such a tender and unforgettable atmosphere when you’re with them. And you truly feel like you belong.
Overotectiveness, he was full of it. He’s lost so much, and all he wanted was for you to not go either. Nothing, nothing could stop his rage at the idea of you being hurt. You, Emi, anyone else important to him. He’ll take on the world for his family, and by the will of his parents he has. The pain he’s endured, the scars you scold him for so much are for you. If one threat escapes the city, that’s one likely chance he loses you. So he does everything he can to handle it. You’ve never gotten hurt, but the idea of it is enough for him to strive to be stronger.
While recovering from the explosion, you never left his side. It pained you to see him so still, lack of life. He’d usually be pacing back and forth in the room, rambling about something, and when you’d call him a nerd or dork, he'd run to you and playfully attack you with kisses. His arms around you tightly as you two would laugh your worries away, you didn’t have that privilege. You’d either laugh alone or not at all, the pain all too much. When he wakes up, best believe you’re there, and you just cry at the sight of his arms opening. You know his body is far too unstable for a hug, so you squeeze his hand. How grateful you are to feel him squeeze back.
With Mina and Emi gone, the house feels a little more lonely.. but Kenji’s adjusting. Especially because you moved in! He’s able to spend more time with you in bed since he didn’t have to tend to Emi, which was a nice plus. He woke up earlier than you (force of habit.) and he’d just.. stare. Maybe it was a little creepy, but seeing you sound asleep in his arms gave him such joy. He loved the little domestic moments he shared with you, it had him appreciating all the smaller things in life. Like sharing a meal with you, or watching movies together. You made him love the simpler aspects of living.
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felassan · 2 days
From Game Informer:
Solas plays an important role in the game as a central figure and significant character, but the game is not about Solas, hence the title change
Rather than focusing on a specific individual, the focus and centerpiece of the game is Rook's team, stopping the end of the world with this group of specialists
"I think you could argue [these companions] are the best the franchise has ever seen". We will have the opportunity to interact with them in a way that both shapes their story and also influences the main story, including having the opportunity to impact their fate
"Arguably, this game has kind of, in a way, been called Dreadwolf to some degree since its earlier days"
"When I ask about Solas' role in the story after I learn his namesake is no longer in the game title, Darrah says Veilguard is still taking the Elven God's narrative in a good direction. He adds, "It allows us to, hopefully, give a good conclusion to all the varied attitudes toward Solas that are going to be coming from people who love Solas, who agree with Solas, who hate Solas, people who want to kick Solas off of a building – I think that we give you the opportunity to bring that to a close, but then tell a greater story about The Veilguard and about the world as a whole." Talking to Epler, I learn more about how Solas isn't exactly the big bad I expected before seeing the opening hours of Veilguard. There's a lot more nuance to everyone's favorite bald elf.  "The most interesting villains to myself, and honestly most people, are not just straight up, 'I want to end the world.' To them, they are the heroes of the story, and Solas is no exception," Epler tells me. "Solas always feels that he is a tragic hero but a hero nonetheless, so he's coming into this believing firmly that what he did, that which you stopped him from doing, was the right thing – that you made a mistake. But now he's trapped and can't reach out and actively affect [Thedas], so he needs to work with you. "That allows us to provide a lot of nuance to that relationship," Epler says."
Solas is literally trapped in the Fade after the game's prologue. Rook and co stop his attempt to destroy the Veil. Rook passes out and wakes up in a dream-like landscape to Solas' voice. He explains that he was trying to move Elgar'nan and Ghilan'nain to a new prison because the old one wasn't containing them properly anymore. The two blighted gods are now free and roaming Thedas. Rook has to stop them, but it seems that they will have to work with Solas ("or at least listen to his guidance and advice") to do so
""So one of the principles we took to when we were building the story of The Veilguard early on was we wanted the beginning of the game to feel like the final chapter of an earlier story and you're coming in right at the end, you're coming in as if you've been chasing Solas – the [Solas at the end of Dragon Age: Inquisition's Trespasser DLC] who said he was going to end the world and tear down the Veil," Epler adds.  Epler says players will see early on (and as the narrative develops across Veilguard) that Solas sees much of himself in you, the player-controlled Rook, especially "the parts that maybe he doesn't like to face." As a result, there's an interesting push and pull between Solas and Rook. He says players can define the relationship between these two characters with their choices in dialogue.  "You can continue to be suspicious and hostile towards him, or you can start to see him and find that common ground, that connection between the two of you, and really develop a different relationship over the course of the story," Epler says."
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can we have a hint about what the spring break tim patrol chapter of red letter day contains? (you kept having dick say "if the joker shows up" and tim's "he won't." for me to be convinced that goes off without any trouble)
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i'm sure it'll be fine. :D
i am delighted you're enjoying the story <333 i haven't updated it in soooo long but i got some very sweet comments lately so i have been looking at my scribbles again <3
#tim: he WON'T show up okay?? and if he did i'd be FINE. dick thinks i'm gonna fall on my face if i do anything on my own ever#dick: that is not true!! that is NOT what i said stop putting words in my mouth#tim: i literally watched this entire city by myself for FOUR YEARS and don't say bruce was here because lots of the time he wasn't#dick: listen i am JUST SAYING that last year you almost DIED A HORRIBLE DEATH a lot#dick: and i personally rescued you from near-death experiences & you were not exactly helpful or forthcoming#dick: so sue me if i'd just like to clarify that i will at least get a PHONE CALL if something goes wrong#dick: as opposed to OH I DON'T KNOW you go off to fight jason or ra's al-ghul behind my back and then you almost DIE#dick: and i have to go chasing after you AFTER THE FACT because you didn't bother to explain to me the stupid thing that you were gonna do#tim: that was NOT stupid and -- i KNEW you were still mad at me about that --#dick (unconvincingly): i'm not mad at you (more convinced) YOU'RE still mad at ME --#tim (unconvincingly): no i'm not. (more convinced) look i get it you obviously think that i suck which fine WHATEVER --#dick: i never said that and i'm just asking for the basic professional courtesy of a heads-up!! the city's my responsibility so -#tim: i know you're on a power trip about this but gotham is actually MY city too so --#dick: excuse me i am NOT on a power trip. i'm BATMAN which means that --#tim: you sure are#dick: oh don't even go there - let me point out that ONE of us is being an uncommunicative jerk and it ISN'T ME --#tim: you are literally trying to micromanage how i do a milk run that i could do backwards with my eyes blindfolded --#dick: i'm not micromanaging!! nightclubs can be -- i have a NORMAL degree of CONCERN okay so --#tim: -- so either you're lying to me or you think i suck; how exactly am i supposed to tell you stuff if you don't trust me -#dick: what?! i trust you!!! i just --#tim: you just DON'T trust me??#dick (trapped): i trust you. i'm just saying. if for example the joker -#tim (defensive): who i could handle#dick: or jason -#tim: who i could also handle!!! try to be a little less condescending maybe#dick: oh come ON. look you're obviously kinda testy about me going out of town which fine whatever but i'm just trying to -#tim (testily): i'm not testy. what does that even mean 'testy'
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ribbonprincess · 2 days
hi 💕I requested a while back about the Drew starkey baby sitting fic. I was wondering if you would be able to do another Drew fic. Recently seeing him in Disneyland and hanging out w yk who has me feeling a little devastated. I would want something angsty with reader and drew.
note: so...I can't bring myself to write angst for shit- so I made very much angst to fluffy comfort! hope that's okay... also very short cause I couldn't find inspiration but I wanted to write something for it <3
You,Drew, Madelyn, Odessa and a bunch of her friends were hangunf out at Disneyland to celebrate her birthday. Everything was great,everyone was having fun,you were doing all the possible rides and you got yourself a cute little headband.
You were outside the souvenir shop with Drew since you both already bought a bunch of expensive trinkets and came out while the other finished since you wanted some air. "what are you thinking about?" Your boyfriend asks,analyzing you with furrowed eyebrows.
"what? I'm not thinking about anything why?" "you've glaring at the wall like it personally offended you" You bite your lip embarrassed as you move your eyes away from the wall. "just zoned out..." a white lie who couldn't hurt nobody,but your boyfriend saw through that,tilting your chin up so you were looking at him.
"is it because of Dessa? again?" "no...no" you shake your head as a shaky sigh comes out of your lips "maybe,I don't know! she's just been so clingy again- like she's hanging off your arm and everything even after you talked to her about boundaries." One of Drew's eyebrows quirks as he stares at you with an unreadable expression.
"sweetheart... we talked about this, I- she's like this,I can't change it. I get that it pisses you off,but it's her birthday today. I don't feel like ruining it" "how you're ruining her birthday by telling her something she already know and that she just won't acknowledge" Drew's sigh,running a hand over his face as he weighs his options "listen... just- you know I love yeah? you don't gotta worry about her"
"I know... but literally it looks you two are the couple while I'm just hanging with madie behind you two" "that's bullshit-" "it's not." You're both glaring at each other before he pulls you into his chest as he press a kiss to your head "we're okay,your little head need to understand that. I don't love her,I love you" You hum as you hug him back,swaying slightly as you remain there for a while. "I know...I just can't help it." "yeah,I know. Pinky promise me you'll stop worrying,if I liked her I would have been with her already. I won't play with you"
"hm..okay" you nod as you intertwine your little fingers together as Drew bring them to his mouth to press a kiss to them "super promise." "super promise" you confirm as you smile again "good,now c'mon...we've got more rides to do" he says as peck your lips "I love you... remember that, baby-okay?" Your lips stretch into a wide smile as you nod "hm,I love you"
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casual pt. 5
paige x azzi
we end where we started
love yall
Between their intense schedule of games and the impending doom of finals, the UConn women’s college basketball team was stressed. So, Nika proposed that they all go out to blow off some steam the same place they always do. The team went out to Ted’s. 
While the team took shots, Azzi’s absence was palpable. The team knew that she went to Montana for Thanksgiving, but they decided it would be best if they avoided the topic with either of the girls. So, when Azzi left the bar shortly after arriving they figured whatever happened in Montana was not a step forward in their relationship.
Azzi stood outside, the cold wind blowing against Paige’s her jacket. “It’s fine, no I swear its fine,” Azzi says into her phone. “What happened?” She says as muffled crying can be heard from the other line. 
Azzi was the only person in Lauren’s life, besides her elementary school friends, who knew about her boyfriend. Now, Azzi was the only person who knew about her breakup. She held it together long enough to ask her mom to borrow her phone before she absolutely collapsed on the other line as Lauren detailed the highs and lows of her three weeks with Brady. Azzi listened intently on the other line, providing the support and advice that Lauren needed. Azzi didn’t even mind the cold or the fact that the rest of her team was having fun without her. She didn’t have the heart to hang up on Lauren until her tears subsided and she became her giggly self again. 
Azzi reminds Lauren of her promise to beat that punk at horse the next time she’s in Montana, which prompts Lauren to giggle a little too loudly for being up past her bedtime. Amy comes in and asks Lauren to give her back her phone and go to bed for the night. Azzi almost hangs up, but Amy begins to speak, “Azzi, thank you for taking care of my girls. Have a good night, sweetie.” Azzi’s heart warms at Amy’s gratitude. She returns the well wishes before hanging up to walk back into the bar. 
Whatever warm fuzzies that invaded Azzi’s heart are eradicated as soon as she steps through the door. She sees Paige. She’s talking to another girl. She’d seen her before, with Paige. She saw Paige’s hand reach for the girls arm. She stares, hard. Her feet stick to the floor while she decides whether to walk towards the door or Paige. Azzi can’t hold her tongue this time. She can’t run away until she calms down.
She’s a woman on a mission as she walks through the crowds to get to Paige. “How… How could you???” Azzi nearly screams as tears well up in her eyes. The people around Paige begin to turn around to see what’s happening around them. Azzi knows she knows she’s causing a scene. “How in any world can you just flirt with another girl after I went all the way to Montana with you because you can’t deal with being alone with your mom? And- and- the only reason I left was because your sister called me. She didn’t even call YOU. You didn’t even know about her boyfriend or her break up, I had to play sister when you couldn’t! And you had the audacity to say we’re just casual?? It didn’t feel casual when I fucked you in the bathroom at Thanksgiving dinner. Your MOM was at the table. You wonder why I’m bitter. I hate that I let this drag on so long. Now I hate myself. Fuck you Paige, go to Hell,” Azzi spits out. Maybe it was the few drinks she had earlier in the night or maybe it was the blind rage that she felt when she saw Paige touch that girl, but Azzi couldn’t care less that she just exposed explicit details about their sex life to their teammates and strangers. 
Paige reached for Azzi as Azzi jolted her body away from her. “Don’t touch me Paige. Go fuck one of your girls until you feel better, I’m done,” Azzi spats as she turns towards the door. “No, Azzi, please,” Paige says desperately as she follows Azzi into the cold wind outside. “Get the fuck away from me Paige,” she says as she makes her way down the side walk. Paige finally catches up with her as she grabs her arm. “Azzi please just listen to me,” Paige says breathlessly, tears in her eyes. “I don’t know what you could possibly say that I want to hear,” Azzi says as she rolls her eyes. 
“I was telling her we were done. That girl… I was telling her that I can’t see her anymore… That I had a girlfriend,” Paige explains. “A girlfriend?” Azzi asks, “so that’s what you’re calling me now. Seems like just a couple weeks ago you were telling some guys that we’re just casual, nothing more than a hook up,” Azzi scoffs. “You know we were never casual, Az,” Paige replies. “Then why did you say it?” Azzi snaps, “why did you act like I’m just some girl you fuck on your couch like all the rest of them.” “I didn’t know if you were ready… I knew you were seeing some other people and I didn’t want to be too overbearing. I didn’t want to define our relationship for you. So I figured I just wouldn’t define it at all,” Paige admits. “I love you, Azzi and I’m ready. I’ve been ready, please, just say the word,” Paige looks at her, absolutely helpless. “I love you too, P,” Azzi says as she pulls Paige into a kiss. 
Paige quietly opens the door to her room, and pulls Azzi around to the other side of the door. She presses Azzi up against the door as she drunkenly leaves a trail of sloppy kisses before pulling Azzi onto her bed. Azzi crashes against the mattress as Paige kisses her neck. She removes her hand from Paige’s hair as she digs below her back pulling something out from underneath her. “Is this a bra, P?” she breaks away from the kiss. “Didn’t have the decency to take another girl’s bra out of your bed before you laid me in it?” Azzi scoffs, only half joking. “S’your’s,” Paige drunkenly replies. “Oh shit, its my good bra! I’ve been looking for this” Azzi replies upon further inspecting the item, “you sleep with my bra ,P, God you’re corny.”
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darqx · 11 hours
Some MORE BP/HH asks
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Yes there are! The Battle Monks deal with those ones.
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Yes it is! Or at least will be ╭( ・ㅂ・)و ̑̑ I've been doing a lot of thumbnailing and once i finish this chapter i can possibly start actually making some pages lol.
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His name is Zeke and he's a big (~6'8") demon softy who likes cooking :D And bacon 🥓
Is this chicken predominately supposed to be a pet or not cos BP!Zeke could very well just cook it.
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Of course you can (please give credit for BP and say its an OC tho)! I'm honored that you want to :D However until i get BP out and about i probably can't interact with any art/info of BP OCs because this could be a problem if they turn out to be similar to any of my planned events/characters.
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I kinda had no ideas for a doodle (sacrilege i know lol) but then remembered i had one doodle that I'm p sure never got put here.
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I used this pic to reply to a friend once and it became one of our chat emotes lol.
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He has a like...chateau/manor/whatever in the region that he rules over -nods- He doesn't live on Earth he just visits.
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If i were to put it succinctly lol:
The main gang are/become friends, Caleb p much dislikes/is indifferent to everyone but particularly hates Izm and vice versa, the demons generally try to avoid Rire if they realise who he is, and Rire finds at least two people rather interesting.
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Anon I'm also very confused about why you think bots(??) are a credible source of information |D; But to answer your question no he's not a demon.
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I hate to say this but the demons already have marks indicative of themselves so, those for them XD
.D would maybe have something like the BP logo, Wei Ren a book, and Marcus could have a heart of embers or something 🤔
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The demons I decided could hybridize with humans is actually somewhat random and based entirely on gut feeling lol. Half-breeds take more after the demon parent (as the genetics is stronger) but would have a lot less power than a full-fledged demon (and might be infertile, I haven't really thought about that aspect yet). Yes an abortion is possible.
All of my demon species have specific phenotypes. Eg Caleb's species has several different eye colours they can have, Caleb's happens to be green. If/when I make enough demon species I did have a tentative plan to make a field guide about them \o/
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HH only ever existed as random one shots and stuff on my DA so if you were looking for like a webcomic you would be sorely disappointed lol.
To be fair to myself it DID actually have somewhat of a storyline but i never actually got around to it |D
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LMAO XDD Ok, ok but listen if this happened it would only ever happen ONCE because omg have you ever had hair caught in your mouth? It is, the worst XD
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Nope it is an all boys boarding school
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It is a generally normal high school so normal high school subjects would apply haha, you know, things like English, Science, Maths, Art, Sport, Languages and various sub catergories etc.
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dira333 · 2 days
dira my darling!
can i request a fluffy plotbunny with bakugo? something with casual dominance, bc i would love to have someone boss me around. like,, he says sit and im sat? Im very bossy/pushy overall so a bf that's casually dominant and who i dont have to think around or help lead like i do everything else would be a dream come true xD
thank you for being so kind as to share your amazing pieces with us!!!!
*Pretending I have the time to write by eating my lunch in front of the computer* It's called Multi-Tasking
Also, I've had a hard time with this prompt because it feels like it's skirting along the line of suggestiveness, or is that just me being weird?
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Going back in time...
"Stay," a voice whispers as you get up, warm lips pressed against the shell of your ear. "I'll get your drink."
"If only you'd listen to someone else like that," your best friend scoffs the moment you're seated again.
"Hah?" You ask, hackles rising.
"You know exactly what I'm referring to," Mina scoffs yet again, staring you down. Or at least, she's trying.
Your best friend of almost twenty years might just be as bossy as you are, but that doesn't mean you bow to her whims. Like she'd do it for you...
"What are we talking about?" Kirishima leans in, propping his head on his girlfriend's shoulder.
"How my best friend in the world does not listen to me." Mina points one pointy nail at you. "Especially considering I'm the one planning her surprise party."
"Please," you scoff, "like it could have been a surprise. You could never keep a secret from me. I'm just taking care of it."
"Bakugo!" Mina calls for the kitchen where your fiancé went seconds ago to get you another drink. "Help me here! Your fiancée's still trying to weasel her way into planning her own surprise party."
"Like hell, I'm helping you," Bakugo scoffs, looking down his nose at her. "And if my Baby doesn't trust your taste, I fully trust hers." He leans down to kiss you, pressing the glass into your hands.
"But I'm getting the flowers tomorrow."
"But-" You try to intervene but one look from him has you silent.
"See!" Mina asks Kirishima, pointing at the two of you. "One look and she shuts up. It never works when I do it."
"Yeah, but it's Bakugo," Kirishima offers like it's all the explanation needed.
"Do you ever listen to somebody?" Bakugo asks, raspy morning voice cutting through the Silence. You barely keep yourself from flinching, but the smirk on his lips tells you that he noticed. It seems he loves surprising you the most, mainly because you pride yourself in not getting surprised.
"I listen to a lot of people," you claim as you return to checking the Buffet table. You'd asked for Vegan Options and an egg-free dessert for the new secretary. Sweet-tooth, but highly allergic. It happens.
"You hear them," he says, "but you don't listen. Because I definitely heard Yukon tell you that he had the Buffet under control yet you're checking his work."
"And rightly so," you point out. "We're missing the egg-free dessert option."
"So? I asked for it. He said he'd get it done. Do I have to do everything myself here? Apparently so."
"Sit down," he orders calmly, and you'd maybe wonder about his lack of temper had you not experienced him being like that around you for the last three years. Apparently, Bakugo turns into the chillest little prankster you could think of, but only around you. "I'll get it done."
You want to say something, but you decide against it. You've seen Bakugo deal with other stuff before, stuff that was definitely more important than getting an egg-free dessert for the new secretary. You know he can get this done.
"Fine," you huff, "But make it quick. I still need to go over the new recruits with you."
"Have I ever kept you waiting?" He asks as he turns away, leaving you flustered.
"Maybe we should appoint her for Class President," Sato offers quietly, but not quietly enough. "She's managed to talk Mina down in less than five seconds and it doesn't look like she takes shit from anyone."
"The title of Class President is-"
A loud boom interrupts whatever Iida has tried to say. When the smoke clears, there's only a small force field keeping Bakugo from strangling Kaminari, who looks a lot less frightened than anyone in his position should be.
"Calm down, will you?" You ask, looking down at Bakugo from where you're standing. Keeping up the force field is taking its toll, but you'd rather puke than admit to it. Not in front of Bakugo at least. "Aren't you better than that?"
Surprisingly, that seems to work. He calms down quickly, leaning back in his chair with a scoff. "True." He says, but his blood-red eyes don't leave you. It feels like a Challenge. One you're not sure you'll win.
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ftm-megamind · 2 days
a little late in my timezone but. happy javid thursday . i haven't written anything newsies in so long
david can't sleep tonight.
not exactly because he can't fall asleep, or has trouble doing so, but more because of the fact that he's waiting on something. and he hates when someone's late. his eyelids are getting heavier and heavier by the minute, and he's had a very stressful day, both at school and after it, and really, why is jack always late even though he's the one who picks the meeting time?
before david can dwell on it too long, he hears two knocks on his window, a pause between them. he sits up, slowly, so as not to make the bed boards creak and wake his siblings. he slips out of bed, checks just in case if les hasn't decided to follow him again, and then slowly approaches the window.
he's greeted by jack, though they don't exchange a single word, only nodding to one another. not the time for pleasantries. jack steps aside, offering david a hand, and helps him up. david closes the window, shoving a little wooden block inbetween it and the windowsill, so as not to lock himself out.
the two boys quickly make their way up to the rooftop, and david looks around the entire time, admiring how lively new york is, livelier than other cities at night, certainly.
when they settle on the rooftop, on one of david's old, rugged blankets, jack takes out a little glass bottle out of his pant pocket. he unscrews it and offers a swig to david, who contemplates taking the offer. after some thought, though, he decides that it's better not to. after all, what if his parents decide to check in on him later and smell alcohol on him? that would not be good. jack decides against it, too--drinking alone isn't any fun. he does light a cigarette, though.
after a while of sitting in silence, both looking at the stars, jack finally speaks.
"say, dave," he begins, taking a long drag of his cigarette, "if you could go to any place on earth, where would you go?"
david ponders for a moment. "home, i think," he mutters, smiling to himself. "old home, i mean. poland. warsaw."
jack hums, his gaze fixed on david.
"well, what was it like? i'm tryna start a conversation here."
david is quiet for another second. "i don't remember much. i was still little when we left. warsaw was big, and i thought that no city could really get any bigger, so when i came to new york, i was a little overwhelmed," he shrugs. "other than that... it felt nice to use polish outside of home. i really miss visiting my grandparents. they had a little cottage at a small town nearby. we would go at least once a month and go foraging. grandma taught me and sarah a lot."
jack listens, not daring to interrupt. he is in awe of how there's so much wonder and sadness simultaneously in david's eyes and voice.
"that's about it, i guess. it's not like it was perfect," david admits, omitting details so as not to ruin the mood. "that's why we left, after all. papa figured it was safer here."
jack doesn't pry. judging from david's facial expression, it's better not to. maybe he'll tell him one day.
"anyway," david carries on, looking to his side, at jack, relaxing once again. "what about you?"
jack snorts. "c'mon, you know what i'm gonna say. it's far too obvious."
david snickers too, and shoves jack gently with his shoulder. "yeah, obviously it's santa fe, but say some more. like, what exactly you would wanna do there."
"y'know, typical cowboy stuff... i guess i'd find myself a gang and we'd find a nice hideout for ourselves, we'd shoot and rob the bad guys, run from the law... oh, i'd have a trusty horsey as well, 'course," jack lists off the top of his head, as if he's gone over the scenario a thousand times. which he most likely has.
david smiles at jack's boyish descriptions, and then takes a wager. "kinda sounds like you have all that. except for shooting and a horse, but that's still not that far off."
jack huffs loudly, nodding, a solemn smile on his face. "yeah." truth be told, he's been aware of this for a while now. he's kind of grown out of santa fe since the strike has ended, and he doesn't really mind it. not that he doesn't love fantasizing about it still, it's just more like a go-to daydream whenever he has trouble falling asleep. it's funny how long it took him to understand he doesn't need to run away to feel like he has a home. "yeah, i know. partly thanks to you, dave," he admits, shoving david back, far too embarrassed to actually look at him. seldom does he say such cheesy things.
"d'aww," david mocks, in reality his heart skipping a beat and sudden warmth spreading over his chest. "c'mere, you sappy cowboy," he ushers, wrapping his arms around jack and bringing him closer, holding him too tight to consider the embrace a friendly hug. thankfully, jack hugs back, enjoying the warmth and security of the embrace. yeah, this probably beats having a horse of your own and shooting people.
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morgue-ratt · 15 hours
Kento Nanami x reader // 900 words
You call Nanami after hours.
tw// nsfw, creep! nanami, drinking
IT was the end of a long week for Kento Nanami. Between Gojo’s antics and cursed spirits seeming to be getting stronger recently, by the time he got home to his apartment, he was absolutely beat. He loosened his tie as he went into his kitchenette, getting a clean glass from the cabinet above the counter.  
He’d had two drinks – gin on the rocks—within half an hour. This wasn’t usual for Kento but he could handle his liquor. He dropped into an arm chair by the window, nursing his third drink as he looked out the window, not really thinking about anything. It was rare that he was able to completely clear his mind.  
And then his phone rang.  
Kento auditable groaned. No. He wouldn’t take any work calls. He was off the clock. He dug his phone out of his pocket, ready to decline but he paused. He paused, because you were calling, and you’d be occupying his thoughts on and off since you had been hired. Why would you be calling him now? 
He took a deep breath before he answered, hoping you wouldn’t be able to tell he was slightly intoxicated; “Hello?” 
“Mr Nanami!” Your voice had an unexpected effect, sending a shiver down his spine. “I’m so sorry to call, but I need your help,”  
Kento shifted in his chair. “Help?” He asked. “I... I would be happy to help,” He couldn’t help but feel slightly smug. Gojo was supposed to be your mentor but when you needed help you call Kento? He rested his hand on his thigh.  
“Gojo and I went on a recovery mission this afternoon,” as you explained, Kento closed his eyes, letting himself indulge in the sound of your voice. “It was successful, we came back with a cursed object. Gojo told me to file it but I’m not sure where it goes.” 
“Did you ask Gojo?” 
“That’s the thing,” Even through the phone, he could hear the usual nervous tone your voice always had. “Gojo and Miss Shoko left,”  
“He left?”  
“Yes,” You said. There was a pause and Kento could imagine you biting your lip. He had noticed that you did this during conversation to buy time. “It’s only a Grade 4, I really should be able to handle it myself, I just haven’t been walked through the filing system yet,”  
“Gojo should show you these things,” said Kento, his annoyance singeing his voice.  
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry for calling you --”  
Kento’s free hand went from his thigh to his belt, stealthily undoing the buckle with one hand. The alcohol was getting to his head but he didn’t care. He was enjoying the sound of your voice, the words barely mattered. “No, no,” He said, pulling his slacks half way down his thighs. “Forgive me. I’m annoyed with Gojo, you did good to call me.”  
“Oh,” He palmed himself through his boxers as he heard the relief in your voice. “Of course. I just, um, I didn’t mean to speak badly of him, it’s just--”  
“What is the cursed object?” asked Kento. It didn’t matter, but he was already getting hard and he didn’t want to listen to you talk about Gojo.  
“It’s... uh, a kidney, I think?” Kento slipped his hand into his boxers, tentatively touching himself, running his hand up his length. “Maybe a spleen?” He tightened his hold around himself and slowed his pace, essentially teasing himself to the sound of your voice. “It’s... something gooey in a jar. We found it at a resort.”  
He brushed his thumb against his already leaking tip and he hissed through his teeth. “A resort? That’s unusual.”  
“It used to be a TB ward,” You went on to say, not noticing anything out of the ordinary. He moved his hand up and down, having enough presence of mind to keep his movements slow so you wouldn’t suspect what he was doing.  
God, you could never know what he was doing.  
“We didn’t even find the jar *in* the hotel, which was weird. All these low grade curses were manifesting in the hotel, terrorizing the guests. It took us a while, someone had thrown it down a well!” 
Kento smiled at just how excited you were, retelling the events of that afternoon. It was endearing. As you told him how you’d had to lower Gojo into the well, Kento continued to edge himself.  
This is wrong. They called you for help. They’re your subordinate. This is unprofessional.  
He groaned quietly.  
“Mr Nanami?” 
His heart nearly stopped in his chest. “Yes?” 
“I’m sorry, I... I’m boring you. Could you tell me what exactly to do with this? It’s a Grade 4 cursed object.”  
“Yes, yes of course,” As he told you where these things were typically stored, he made himself slow down even more. His hand was barely moving but he he couldn’t stop entirely.  
You were so grateful for his instruction, so eager to do what he said. As you stumbled over your words to thank him, his mind wandered.  
Now undress. No, no, slower. Good, good. Just like that. Perfect.  
He had to stop, he was making noises again and it was just dumb luck you didn’t seem to hear. But he closes his eyes and leaned back in his chair and tried to imagine it was your mouth around his cock. “Mmmm...”  
“Thank you so much for your help, Mr Nanami! I’ll see you on Monday!” 
“I... I will see you then,” He croaked and just like that, you hung up.  
He couldn’t stop himself. He came into his boxers with your name on his lips. 
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hey, steph! how are you, like, genuinely? not the small talk. i wanna listen
Hey Lovely 💜🖤
I want to apologize for putting this off for so long... which should be a clue as to how I am actually doing.
Honestly? Not good, but I'm trying my best. It's been... a time. Will put under a cut for those who don't want to read about the tagged items.
TL;DR – my real life is a bit chaotic, and I hide a lot from y'all because I REALLY try not to be negative here since my blog is where I come to be happy AND because I am a very private person, but I try my best to just keep going day to day as the chaos settles down slowly.
I've got some good things coming though, so I hope a week's rest next week when I'm off (and will probably take a break from here too) will reset my brain.
Work has been insane, and is most of the cause of my mental distress for the past few months. From Easter until Canada Day Weekend at my job is lovingly referred to as "Silly Season" simply because of how on-the-fly, balls-to-the-wall our workload is until summertime downtime officially begins for us. Without disclosing too much, it's basically non-stop, long hours for me until one of the 3 break weeks we get during the this long stretch happens where, incidentally because of the nature of my job and the team I work on, it actually gets BUSIER for us.
It actually ended earlier than we expected this year (yesterday) and we'll be "quieter" until the end of September now. See an opportunity, I actually took next week off between the two long weekends because my mental health has taken a severe hit and I'm having trouble just... enjoying things? I'm haven't gamed or drew in a few weeks, and blogging and writing feels like a chore. I literally just come home, file this blog, reply to one or two asks, and then go to bed, and do it all over again the next day. Day in and day out, for 3 months. On weekends I have to force myself out of my apartment because I KNOW I will sink lower if I don't leave.
On top of that, my brain has convinced me that literally everyone hates me: friends, coworkers, family, you guys, my damned plants. I just feel very alone these days and... I'll be real here, I've almost abandoned this blog a few times in the past few months. I feel like I make fic lists that no one reblogs or likes and tell me they're all shit. I post my art and I barely break 20 notes. I write something and I get maybe 2 likes. I can't really answer any thoughtful asks because my mental state's been in the shitter for months. I desperately want to reply to the few sexuality asks I have and I physically can't. Being on my computer – after working ON a computer for my day job for 12 hour days everyday – feels like too much, so I try to limit my time on the blog now too.
I just try to keep carrying on, encouraged by the once-in-a-blue-moon testimonial ask I get thanking me for still being here. I thank YOU guys for reminding me that people still like coming here.
Stressed about money and food and rent just like everyone else, and just getting frustrated at other things.
And finally, my uncle (my dad's brother and my godfather) hasn't been doing well health-wise, and he's being moved to assisted living next week. His health has been declining since Easter, so it's been a bit of worrying time for relatives.
Having my therapist helps a lot. She talks me through a lot of my complicated feelings, my sense of self and ways to cope with my anxiety and stress. I'm talking to her again next week, so no worries, gang. As I said, I just keep on keeping on.
Some positivity though:
I booked next week off to try to just... recenter myself. To forget about everything and TRY to get back to doing the things I love. I will probably take a break from this blog as well during that time to limit my social-media time. It's not ideal but I need a break from my computer, I think.
I go to the gym a lot more these days, which has helped with the seething annoyance I constantly have at work. Usually feel better after it.
And because of the gym and getting out more, I've been slowly feeling better physically, better than I have since before 2019. The break from work is for the mental health, LOL.
I'm getting my hair recoloured next week. Can't afford it, really, but I just REALLY need to feel better about myself again, and I always feel so different when I colour my hair. I was doing so good for awhile. I want that again.
Anyway, I'm sorry to bombard y'all with my complicated mess of a brain. I really do appreciate you asking, so THANK YOU. I rarely get asked in real life if I am okay because I keep very private due to past people betraying my trust. And I don't like seeing people unhappy, so I feel if I tell people about my problems, then I feel I am a burden, so I just... continue existing.
Thank you for letting me be a burden just this once.
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lottiies · 12 hours
one of his many journal entries about you
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arthur morgan x fem!reader and male!reader <33
i won’t lie…i have 45 hours on the game and i’m not even past chapter 2 (っ- ‸ – ς) why progress when i can save myself the pending heartbreak and instead admire this pretty man and his journal sketches?
anyways…love all you arthur morgan kissers ♡
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“my body doesn’t feel right as of late. my hands are too rough, my face is all wrinkled up, and my voice isn’t all that pleasant. if only i could sound as smooth as i write.
never been the most confident of men, but well, this body’s what i’m stuck with. used to go months on end without shaving until i realized my beard looked like bills. how embarrassing. miss grimshaw, the strong-headed woman she is, knocked some sense into me too. well…more like slapped me.
shaving makes me look more approachable, and that’s not really a good thing with my reputation. but, i did it anyway and spent a pretty penny on the barber up in valentine’s…had to pay a bit extra because of the drunken ruckus lenny and i caused there last time.
if my heart hadn’t been captured, maybe these worries of mine wouldn’t even exist.
oh, the ridiculous things love does to a man…”
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꒰ fem!reader ꒱
“about as beautiful as the stars above; a woman so otherworldly that sometimes I have to look away. she shines too brightly for these tired eyes of mine. i suppose that’s for the best, ain’t it? a man like me, the walking embodiment of sin, isn’t worthy of such a loving lady.
but that doesn’t keep her away. she often asks me to recount some of my adventures, and i hesitantly do so, fearful she’ll think me a bad man. craziest thing is, she looks more worried than anything else whenever i do as told. telling me to be more careful with that honey-like voice of hers. could listen to it all day. it’s like a balm to the soul.
can’t keep myself away from her either. doesn’t matter what she’s doing, i always find myself wandering over to her. i don’t usually have trouble sleeping, i’m like some rock when it comes to it. but she’s occupied my mind too much lately, falling asleep is difficult. like right now. should be sleeping, but i’m not. just up wondering about the ifs and hows.
i’ve been saving up some money so i can go get her something real nice, maybe a pretty dangly necklace. could just steal one, but i want to prove myself to her. she deserves the best, not something that belonged to some other stranger.
god knows i’d do whatever i can to keep her safe and sound. i’d die for her. funny thing is, i considered myself to be a selfish man before breathing the same air as her.
i can say with absolute certainty that i would give up everything for a future with her.
if she’d have me.
now, this fool’s about to try and sketch her.
not sure if i can encapsulate her beauty onto a page, though.”
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꒰ male!reader ꒱
“i fear I’m going mad. i never thought i’d feel this way about a man before. then again, pursuit of romance has never been a priority in my life. he’s one of a kind, something about him makes my palms feel all clammy.
he never leaves my head, every inch of this brain of mine is consumed with thoughts of him. his grin, the way his hat perches on his head, the stories he shares ‘round the campfire.
i’ve come across many men on all my journeys, but his handsomeness is unmatched. and he’s different. doesn’t nag me like dutch or get on my nerves like micah, but he isn’t just a brother like some of the other folks here.
i’ve been a bit too scared to drink these days. you know me, i spill my guts out and say stupid things like a damn fool when i get like that. wouldn’t know what to do if i were to sputter out how fine of a fella i think he is, or how grateful i am for him. is this only a special friendship? no, i don’t know how to describe this.
well, yes i do, actually.
my fingers trembled while writing that.
some may call this spark a sin, but going down an altar with him would be a taste of heaven itself. that wish is too far-fetched though.
all i ask for is a sign. just one. maybe i’m misreading the glimmer in his eye, or the way the bastard slings his arm over my shoulder and sings after he downs some moonshine.
weird how life works, isn’t it?”
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notnotpluto · 20 hours
(super long post, super pro-elriel, my awesome thoughts and opinions, kinda petty lol)
okayy so I occasionally go into the elucien/lucien tags to look over their theories, see if any of them hold any weight because tbh I love the visual aesthetic of elucien (something about men with scars just rubs me the right way lmaoo I blame psychological issues but whatever) and I came across this post (talks about how elriels fill in the blanks when it comes to their canon moments)
now, I was gonna ignore it but my morning class got cancelled and I can't help myself so lets dissect it<333
They claim that its the author's job to complete a ship's scenes and that its "disappointing" if readers have to "fill in the blanks" for their romantic scenes. (all indented passages are from the post)
Ex 1: The moment where Elain compliments either Azriel’s siphons or his scars as being beautiful- we dont know which it is so we’re left to guess and go with it.
this is the scene this refers to:
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soo... its clear (at least to me and many others) that this scene is laced with romantic coding. He carries her through the threshold of the house, she gazes at him, he offers to show her something that interests her, she does not balk at him or loose her confidence, he offers her his hand even though she's fully capable, she compliments him, he blushes, and they go off into the sunset (or a pleasant midday in the garden lolz)
now, imo the author has given us an entire romantic scene. we got physical contact, we got initiative to make the girl happy, we got flirty compliments, AND boy blushing (he's such a cutie patootie ahhh) personally, I don't feel the need to fill any blank bc this this from Feyre's first person pov and she's not privy to Elain's thoughts. This is a whole scene that I ate up with no further questions
moving on...
Ex 2: Elain and Azriel sitting in the garden until early morning, but readers have no idea what their conversation was about. SJM didn’t even let us see on page how they interact one on one (!!)
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Here's the scene. With context, ie the big bold blue text, we see that its Feyre's pov. do we expect her to sit alongside azriel and elain, listening to their conversation like a chaperone? no. but the fact that she observed them is what's important in this scene. she could have said azriel and elain were not in their beds or she didn't know where they were, BUT she is written to specifically observe them sitting and talking together in the wee hours after the outside world was asleep. Why on earth would the author have feyre eavesdrop on them? and we DO know what on earth their conversation was! its right in the text! that I've highlighted so nicely!
Ex: Nesta and Cassian met the same time Elain and Azriel did but SJM couldn’t help but show us Nessian interactions because the pull of Mates is so strong the author physically cannot keep it hidden from readers.
okay their very first meeting is actually one of my faves, cause how are you gonna read about elain being in a cobalt dress, azriel looking at her clutching a fork and being amused and say its not cute huh? HUH???
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reassuring elain when she's uncomfortable
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elain exchanging conversation with azriel while nesta and Cassian passionately exchange glares and feyre and rhysand try to maintain peace lol
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also the fearsome spymaster being self-conscious around this pretty human girl is just ughhhh love me some pathetic scary men<333
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Here we obvi see that while Cassian and nesta have their thing going on, the author also places weight on azriel and elain and their quiet glances and conversations (wonder why that is?) and maybe, just maybe, they're not loud and fiery because, gasp they're different kinds of people.
m'kay that's all the texts and receipts for today. have to go do math now eww
final thoughts: scary shadow bat and pretty garden girl want to boink each other on the dl (they told me themselves). until next time, xoxo gossip girl<3
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jaeyunluvbot · 2 days
chapter twelve. dinner date
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𝜗𝜚 You and Jake arrived at the restaurant after a short drive, talking and listening to music the whole way. You found his music taste endearing and appreciated how similar it was to your own. You also found his singing adorable. He'd look over at you every so often to make sure you were enjoying it too.
The two of you were seated at a semi-secluded booth, with Jake taking charge of looking over the menu and deciding what to order. As he looked over the menu, you looked at him, noticing just how stunning he looked in the dim restaurant lighting. When he finally decided on what to order and the waiter came over to take the order, he turned his full attention to you, asking about your day and work.
You blushed slightly under the feeling of his eyes on you, hoping it wasn't noticeable, especially since you couldn't blame it on the cold this time. "You look so cute today, Y/N." He offered you a compliment after a moment of silence, desperately wanting to talk more.
"Thanks, Jake, you look good too," you replied, feeling a little flutter in your heart at his kind words.
"So tell me about soccer, isn't your season almost over?" you asked, not wanting to come off as awkward or standoffish with your short response to his compliment.
"Yeah, we have a few games left, then maybe playoffs if we do well for the rest of the season." Jake smiles and you can tell he's passionate about his sport.
"I'm sure you guys will do well. I don't know too much about soccer, but from what I've seen, you guys are an amazing team." You gave him a quick thumbs up and he giggled. Internally, you were dying from the sound that just escaped his mouth, but externally you didn't show it.
"Now I wanna know about you. I feel bad that we never talked before the other day."
You laughed. "Ok, I'm an elementary education major, my favorite color is pink, and, ummm, I can't really think of anything else."
"Elementary education? How'd you pick that? Not that there's anything wrong with it, of course!" He backpedaled quickly, not wanting you to think he's judging your chosen course of study.
"I just really enjoy working with kids and I know how a good teacher can impact a student's life, so I wanted to be able to do something like that, you know?"
He agreed and stated that he admires people who can work with kids, claiming they stress him out. You agreed, but said that the pros outweigh the cons.
Time passed and the two of you talked more, generally getting to know each other as you ate. The atmosphere was pleasant and calm, filled with a soft happiness that emanated from both of you. Once the bill was paid and the meal was finished, and you and Jake headed back out to his car, you felt a hint of sadness that your time together was ending.
"So I know you only agreed to dinner, but would it be too much to go to an arcade or something? I know a really fun one close to here," Jake said, making your heart flutter once again.
"That sounds fun, but don't you have practice tomorrow morning? I don't want you to be too tired..." you said hesitantly.
"Yeah, but it'll be fine. I'm not even tired yet, plus it's only 10:15, so I can still get a good amount of sleep later."
"Then let's go."
He grinned and gave you a high five. "You're the best." 𝜗𝜚
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𝜗𝜚 author's note - y/n getting hate we DO NOT love to see it, but i needed to add some drama so i can make myself sad. ignore if the writing is shitty it's 6 am and i haven't slept. like and leave a comment pretty please.
𝜗𝜚 taglist - @jakesaverse @haechansbbg @n1k1mura @dreamiestay @lilifiedeans @rikisly @nctsshoes2 @dojaejunging @noobgod1269 @bluxjun @soobieboobiedoobiedaboobie
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redheadspark · 3 days
3. “We’ve known each other for so long. I can’t imagine my life - myself - without you anymore. And I really don’t want to.”
9. When they were in elementary school, they created a secret language to avoid their teachers reading their notes they passed back and forth in class. Now one of them uses that language to write a love letter.
with Ominis
A/N - STELLA! I love this for Ominis! He's been growing on me, thanks for requesting this, bestie!
Summary - Ominis finds ways to connect with you, which makes him fall for you more and more
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Warnings - Just fluff!
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Being blind since birth, Ominis had to rely on his other senses when it came to communication. 
Although his wand was an essential tool in both navigating around the castle and even conducting his work in class, Ominis still relied on his other senses.  It was now second nature to him to listen for certain foot patterns, the touch of his fingertips along surfaces to remember where he was, even tasing his favorite treats in Honeydukes or in the Great Hall during a meal.  
But when you came along and became his close friend, he developed a new “sense” when it came to communicating with you. 
He was used to chatting with Sebastian from dawn to dusk, his best friend and longest friend that he’s had at Hogwarts.  But there are times when it was tiring after hearing plenty of Sebastian rants and banter.  He dared his friend, he truly did, but he like the silence of the world around him every once in while.  Especially when his mind was too occupied with his family drama or the stress from school.  
The first thing that devleoped between you two, was touch.  
After the whole fiasco of your fifth year and all that you went through from Autumn to Spring, Ominis knew you too needed some space very once in awhile from school and your friends.  Things were going back to normal, though it was taking longer than expected, but they were.  No longer were there threats of goblins or poachers around the school or beyond, the students were going back to classes again as if nothing happened. But Ominis knew that you couldn’t forget it, you couldn’t go back to class normally anymore or simply enjoy the rest of your year in peace. 
So when he sat next to you, he left the palm of his hand open and upwards for you to take.  Whether it was on top of a table at The Three Broomsticks or sitting together under one of the massive trees in the courtyard at Hogwarts, he left this hand open for you to take.  Every time he did, you would take it.  Feeling his cool palm against your own, your calloused skin rubbing against his warm one, it was an anchor for the pair of you.  And unspoken way to telling the other that you were there and present.  There were times it was nice and light, you enjoying the sun setting and Ominis feeling the cool breeze on his face. Other times it was hard, tears maybe flowed or one would perch their head on another’s shoulder for comfort.  
But every time, you would still take his hand, and he would feel his heart grow a bit fonder for you.
The next sense that Ominis loved with you was sound.
He knew the crunching of leaves on the cobbles stone outside the school grounds, the scratching of quills of parchment, even the snickering of Peeves down the hall.  With you, he listened to your humming.  You would hum all the time, whether walking to and from class or reading your book.  Humming was a pass time for you, something you did without realizing it.  
Ominis loved hearing you hum, it was a soothing melody that would be in his ears and brighten his day instantly.  He could hear you coming down the hall with a pep in your step and the humming sound so light and airy.  That’s when he knew you were having a good day, you two walking side by side and your humming was floating over your heads.  
Other days, he knew you weren’t yourself in the way you hummed, or not hum at all.  Your bad days or days filled with guilt were hard for him to witness, you voice falling silent during class or as you were sitting on a bench with a book in hand.  It made him feel worse when he didn’t know how to help you at first, but he came up with a good idea one rainy afternoon in the library.  You were sitting against the window, looking through the stained glass to see the massive rain drops slide down the window with ease.  
Ominis tilted his head in your direction, not hearing you hum as he tapped his fingers nervously against the study desk in front of him.  Maybe the idea he had was horrible, it would not work in his favor and he would look like a fool.  But he was not going to let you sit in silence and in sadness.
So he cleared his throat, and started to hum.
You instantly looked over at him as he was humming, though it sounded a bit mushed together and uneven.  But still, it made you break out into a grin as Ominis was still attempting to hum along and keep his voice down before the librarian found hear him.  Ominis did sound out of tune, which made you giggle and hide your mouth behind your hand as Ominis smiled and stopped his humming.  
“Were you trying to hum the Hogwarts School song?” You had to ask him.  Ominis snorter and glared in your direction as you laughed again.
“I’m obviously not as good as you!” He retorted, then you two were laughing in your small little nook.  He was glad that he did hum though, hearing you laugh and almost feeling your warmth all over again from his simple gesture for you.  Though it was short lived when the Librian whirled around the corner and shushed the pair of your abruptly.  
You both snuck of the library in giggles and fits before she could get you two in trouble.  
Lastly, his sense of taste became greater thanks to you.
You two became a couple your 7th years, Ominis finally getting the courage to ask you out on a date into Hogsmeade during the holiday season and you accepted it with no hesitation. 
“We’ve known each other for so long. I can’t imagine my life - myself - without you anymore. And I really don’t want to.” Ominis confessed to you as he asked you on the date. He was surprised that you did, though he was scared that you would only see him as a friend.  But you both walked together along the path that lead to the cozy village, snow falling around you and he was finally able to hold your hand as your date and new boyfriend.  If he could, he would fly on a broom with how happy he was feeling in that moment.
To call you his girlfriend, not just his best friend.  
You both wanted to go to Honeydukes first before going to The Three Broomsticks, you asking him to stop at the sweet shop right away since you wanted to grab a few treats to keep in your dorm.  Ominis couldn’t say no to you, since he too wanted to grab some treats for his train ride home to see his parents in two weeks.  He offered to stay with you at Hogwarts since you weren’t going to go home for the holiday season, but you reassured him that you had Natty and Poppy Sweeting to hang out with whom were staying at the castle as well. 
Popping into the shop, you gravitated over to the Lemon Drops that were on display near the Pumpkin Pasties.  You knew the shop owner rather well since you were a regular patron of his shop, your eyes glazing over the Lemon Drops as the show owner walked over to the pair of you.
“I just made them this morning, and I have a special box for you since I knew you’re my best customer for these,” he explained to her, Ominis had to smile as you giggled and anticipation and thanked him.  Ominis himself loved breathing in the treats of the shop, including Chocolate Frogs.  Those were his favorite, and he was about to ask the shop owner where the Chocolate Frogs were when you slipped one of the dark blue pentagon packages in his hand.
“Thought you would like one.  I’ll buy this time, and you owe me a Buttebeer so we can call it even,” You explained, Ominis blushing as you then took a singular Lemon Drop in your fingers and gestured to the candy, “Here, wanna try it?”
He nodded, feeling you place the candy very gently along his lips as a sign for him to open his mouth.  The candy slipped in, the sour and tang hitting his tongue instantly as he then felt something else touch his lips like velvet caress. It was one of your fingers, and Ominis felt his heart stop for a singular moment from that notion that he tasted your fingers.
Stained in sugar from the candy, but still just as delicious.
“How was it?” You asked, not realizing that Ominis was going to have a small heart attack from the simple task of tasting your fingers.  He was glad that it was just the pair of you now since the shop owner walked on to talk to another cluster of students that came in.  Finally, when he found his voice, he sounded a bit nervous but still with a smile on his face.
“Sour…but delicious,” He replied.  It turned out to be the best night he had with you as his girlfriend, and something you two would remember years down the road. 
The End
June Prompt Session
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kellyvela · 14 hours
I was looking at some Jonnel x Sansa posts on here , and I came across one individual (probably an anti) who posted a screenshot of a grrm interview. He was asked about possible historical parallels from fire and blood to asoiaf and whether that is intentional and he said he doesn’t consciously do it. The tags of their post was something like “grrm: Jonnel who??” While I’m a little worried that grrm said that, the interviewer was specifically asking about fire and blood, not a family tree. And no matter what, I’m still very convinced the Jonnel x sansa addition was intentional, it must have been - Jonnel having a stark mother called Lynara , known as ‘one eye,’ a half brother called Rickon, married to the only other sansa stark ever who just so happened to be the heir to Winterfell with a younger sister . Their marriage solving the northern succession crisis. Not having children from this union, meaning grrm added it in merely to convey a jon married a sansa in canon. The last minute addition; revising the draft JUST to add it in…. It can’t be a coincidence !!! I mean, there’s even a rhaegar frey with a son called jonos… that’s all intentional in my opinion - but now that I saw that anti opinion, this one interview is what they seem to cling to lol. I went on a massive blocking spree so I’m not sure if this is wholly the case but seriously, the similarities are tooooo intense it’s impossible to ignore
Oh I know that post, and I also know that GRRM interview.
That OP doesn't like jonsa, and call shippers "freaks."
That tag was: "[grrm voice] Who the fuck is jonnel stark" (🤡)
The interview in question is this one:
The GRRM answers in question are these ones:
Ashaya: So we were talking about how working on Fire and Blood is history and it’s very different to write. One thing that we like to highlight in our show is something called Parallel Lives, which is the idea that there are parallels in your histories to current characters. George: You stole that from Plutarch, didn’t you?  Ashaya: Yes. Yes, exactly.  Aziz: Absolutely. I read those all when I was a lot younger, fell in love with them, so good catch. I love to apply it to A Song of Ice and Fire.  Ashaya: So we’ve observed it in A Song of Ice and Fire. Have you found that in like writing Fire and Blood, that it allows you to maybe play with plotlines or arcs for the characters in the main series? Do you do that consciously?  George: No, I don’t.  Ashaya: You don’t!  George: It’s not consciously.
But the thing is that GRRM didn't end the matter here, he went on to say the following:
Ashaya: Interesting.  George: Certain similarities are inevitable.  Aziz: That’s for sure. George: If anything, I try to veer away from that, cuz I don’t wanna feel like I’m repeating myself.  Ashaya: But history just naturally repeats itself, so…  George: Yes, there are certain resonances in history, there are certain universals about humanity, people competing for power, people competing for love, lust. All of these things…  Aziz: Some of these things are a constant.  Ashaya: Sometimes people are like, that’s a stereotype or that’s cliche, and I’m like that’s because it’s true to the human experience, it’s just true.  Aziz: A person with a lot of power being paranoid? That happens a lot. That also applies a lot to real world history, or to homages. What about when you’re writing in an homage? For example, one of my favorites you’ve included in the Nightfort scene with Bran, there seems to be a lot of homages to Tolkien and the Mines of Moria in that scene, which I love a lot. Do you aim to do that or is that also accidental or maybe you have some thoughts on your process there?  George: I love Tolkien, and actually the Mines of Moria is one of my favorite sections of Fellowship of the Ring. And that’s my favorite of the trilogy, Fellowship. Not that I don’t love them all. I don’t think I was consciously trying to do that, but again, you don’t know. You read these things and they lodge sometimes in the front of your brain, but sometimes in weird corners of your brain where they pop up at some point. I did wanna make the Nightfort a sinister place, with its own legends. It was very old, it’s a very big castle crumbling. And I wanted to give it that sense that so many things have gone here. Now, which are true and which are not true? I always tend to look at not only other fantasy books and history, but like the real world here. Get me in trouble here for what I’m about to say, but we have these legends that some people believe are literally true in our religion. We talk about the Garden of Eden. Was there ever actually a Garden of Eden? Was there Adam and Eve or the flood? Noah and the flood. That’s a good one. That’s a great story. God was pissed off, he made it rain for 40 days and 40 nights. The entire world was flooded and everybody died, except for this guy Noah, who built a big boat and he got two of every animal on earth. I don’t know how the kangaroos got from down in Australia to the Middle East, but they did. 
See, anon? GRRM didn't say he doesn't do parallels, he said he does them unconsciously, that some things remain in his brain and some day just appear again and he unconsciously writes parallels, similarities, patterns, etc.
He also recognizes that certain similarities are inevitable.
Besides, from his answers, it is obvious that he has realized that he does parallels unconsciously, it is evident that he has reflected on it; but one thing he does consciously is to keep them 😉
All that said, I think the jonnel/sansa addition to the Stark Family Tree was consciously on purpose.
Q: It is my impression that there are parallels between Westeros history and current events in ASOIAF. so in your opinion to what degree is George martin's history cyclical? Because we have a lot of parallels. For example with the current history and the dance of the dragons.
Elio: You know George even uses that line from talking about the the arms of house Toland, the dragon eating its tail, but it was from the Archmaester Rigney which is a reference to Robert Jordan the writer of the wheel of time, that history is a wheel or time as a circle. I think George certainly deliberately sees, creates parallels. I mean this is a very obvious example, you know if you read The World of Ice and Fire, you saw the family tree of the Targaryens, and the family tree for Jaehaerys and his offspring changes quite a lot when fire and blood comes out. Because George realized that he wanted to create a kind of parallel by introducing another Daenerys. and he said like, i like the symmetry of it, I like the the sort of the way. You could perhaps read it as reflecting on Daenerys's story, maybe. I wish it was true. I mean I think fans of Daenerys need to be really worried about what's going to happen to her. Although I guess Game of Thrones maybe has revealed kind of where things may possibly end. Again the journey is going to be very different. I think you know circumstances, things are going to be very different. So there's a journey that matters. But in any case, so yes I think George uses cycles and things a bit. He likes setting up parallels of events, he likes paralleling characters, he likes paralleling events, and he likes paralleling the past and the present as well.
Linda: I think certainly that when he fleshed out the details of Fire and Blood, even when he first did the sidebars for The World of Ice and Fire, and they just grew. We could see that, okay here he's looking at foreshadowing or commenting on current events by doing a similar scenario in the past and he definitely likes to play around with those aspects.
Read more about it here:
Maybe it's not that unconsciously sometimes . . . .
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