#so the response has been surprisingly comforting in a way i did not anticipate at all
cannibal-nightmares · 5 months
you all really liked Stein with the cane, huh? (THANK U BTW??) boy, do I have news for you
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astarioffsimpmain · 2 months
Furthest from the Truth (Gale x F!Reader)
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Pairing: Gale Dekarios x F!Reader
Warnings: Insecurity; indications of past trauma
Author's Note: Well, I was sad and this happened. It may become something, who knows?
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It was soft, his presence. It enveloped you with all the tenderness of a lover; or, how you had always assumed a lover would be. Your prospective lovers had all known the words to say, the looks to give, the fleeting touches of promise to provide in order to send you straight off of the edge in search of them. But by the time you had reached the bottom, they had long gone, taking your trust and your love and your sanity with them. It was why, when Astarion had come to you with those eyes, those words, that promising touch, you had recoiled without even a thought. He looked hurt, you felt hurt. But you knew. You knew he had to want something; they always wanted… something. Everything. You had apologized. Gods, you always apologized. It was like the punctuation of your sentences and it escaped your lips before you could stop it. You had apologized and left the elf standing there alone, wondering where you were rushing off to in such a hurry. 
Surprisingly, even to you, you had rushed to him. He had been standing outside his tent with a glass of whine and beautifully flushed cheeks and it was as though a magnet inside of you had finally found its opposite and was pulling you to its mark. You couldn’t wait and you couldn’t stop and you allowed yourself to be drawn in. “I was hoping you’d spare me a moment. There’s something magical I wish to show you. More’s the pity you’ve already found someone else to make merry with. Just the two of you. He has a certain charm about him, Astarion.” 
Your eyes had widened. “What are you talking about?” The confusion you felt spilled over in your words and Gale gave pause.
“Did- did you not- were you not agreeing to, uhm… did you not mean to spend the evening with Astarion?” his smooth verbosity had all but vanished, and your cheeks warmed, a welcome display of nervousness and honesty in his gaze. 
“I promised no such evening to Astarion,” you murmured, and the wizard’s face lit up in response. “But perhaps I can promise my time to someone else?” Had you not been in the presence of the man himself, you would have slapped yourself for being so foolish. You shouldn’t be this bold. Being bold enough to assume he would want to spend this fine evening with you was a dangerous move; heartbreaking for you, almost certainly. You had cringed inwardly at your rashness. 
But your eyes had widened even further once Gale began to respond. “Indeed. I’m glad you feel the same way. But while I’m eager to enjoy your company on an exclusive basis later this evening, it would be selfish to keep you to myself before then. So please, go. Enjoy the festivities. Anticipation will only make our reunion sweeter.” 
And sweeter it was. You stood close to him now, a hair’s breadth away from his warmth, allowing yourself to sink deeper into the fiery umber burn of his eyes, far removed from sense and self preservation. Was this what it felt like? To feel safe; cared for. Is this what he felt with Mystra? A pang of hurt sharded through your heart, ugly and painful, and burrowed deep inside, lighting the rest of your nerves with a sharp ache. His beautiful face contorted in concern and the deep wrinkles between his brows reappeared as they knitted together. “Are you alright?” he asked, his voice so soft you could barely hear it at all. He felt it; he felt your pain through the weave. 
You nodded, trying to reign it in; desperate not to frighten him off. Not so soon. You had only just gotten the chance to be near to him. You knew that eventually he would leave you, off to find something - someone - better, but you sought to keep him for as long as you could. His gentleness was addictive, veiling you in a feeling of genuine comfort. The way he looked at you like you were the only person around who held meaning stole the air from your lungs, robbing you blind of your common sense. You knew it had to be temporary. He would learn you, as they all did; learn you and realize that there are cracks in the confident veneer. And once he peered inside of those cracks, he would see your ugliness. He would see the things you so expertly hid; the things you had been taught over and over by others to tuck away into cold and dark places, never to see the light of day. Never to see the light of him. 
Perhaps you and Astarion were not so unalike after all. Perhaps that is why you ran from him. You did not like looking in the mirror.
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hinakazino · 9 months
Losing In Romance || Kashimo x Reader
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Summary: Arranged Marriage AU! Kashimo as the strongest sorcerer of his time, and you, the only daughter of your clans main family are set to marry in an attempt to strengthen both bloodlines.
Warnings: Angst, no comfort, ooc kashimo maybe, mean kashimo (?), kashimo in denial, part 2 maybe.
Kashimo Hajime is known as the God of Lightning, he who has never been defeated, challenged by 1000, and who achieved victory every time. He is no doubt the strongest descendant from the Hajime bloodline, but it is not a battle he is in today, it is a wedding.
This isn't just any wedding either, it is his own. He didn't agree to this, his family did supposedly for his sake, he knows for a damn fact it's not. They're just desperate to have a child they themselves can control, one that can enhance their bloodline.
Kashimo hates the fact his family came up with such a keen excuse to motivate him too, "what if this child is strong enough to surpass you?" his mother had said. He understood what she was implying, albeit not straightforwardly spoken, but he wasn't that desperate.
Now here he stands, looking down the aisle at his soon-to-be wife. He's only seen her a couple of times, but each time he can see that she's only ever glanced at him with admiration. He is happy to have someone who respects him at least, but that's as far as he'll go, just respect, he doesn't see much of you besides that.
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You find yourself nervous as you walk towards Kashimo, softly chewing your cheek in anticipation as you took your last steps up to the altar. You'd adored him the moment you'd laid eyes on him, it was a little crush, he's pretty and cute. Which you thought, not knowing that you'd fall deeper in love with him even to getting married.
You weren't stupid, you knew, this was an arranged marriage. You expected nothing more and unfortunately it was obvious to you too, Kashimo's disdain for this. He was a man of freedom, who let anyone challenge him to a battle of which he never backed down from.
You loved his carefree nature, the way in which he saw everyone equally and never underestimated anyone. To you, Hajime Kashimo was a astonishing man, and whoever he chose to love must be quite the lucky lady.
Still, guilt welled up in your heart as you remember yet again today that you are but chains holding him down. Even so, you find yourself staring at him adoringly as he lifts the veil to uncover your face. You find yourself still caught up and lost in his gold irises, representative of the lightning power he possesses.
The wedding went by in a flash, however the memory of Kashimo's soft lips against your own was still present looming in your mind. It was a weak, amateur, almost pathetic kiss, however it felt like heaven to you anyway. It was your first, and you didn't believe there was more anyway.
The manner Kashimo held your hand in his whilst he effortlessly slipped a ring on your finger made you internally squeal. Even if this was one sided on your part, there wasn't anyone denying your hopes. For the potential future you wanted, you smiled warmly placing a ring on his finger as well.
It was no secret this was your first time experiencing such sensations, and maybe Kashimo had before already, you wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. Men were allowed much more than women in this era, plus, he was beautifully powerful. Who wouldn't want him?
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After your wedding, everything pretty much went back to normal. You'd been given a wonderfully crafted home to which you and Kashimo now lived in. Surprisingly, or maybe not really so, Kashimo was very straightforward. "Let's skip to the chase, our parents wanted this, I don't know about you but I swear I will not commit adultery, and I will stand by my vows," he'd stated. Kashimo had waited for your response, his face serious as he stared down at your small form, only to see you nod, "I understand and agree, I hope we get along," you stated, shyly smiling.
It was more than enough for you to be in the same vicinity as him. You tried your best to impress him in your own way, taking note of what meals he liked, cleaning the house, and keeping yourself in high spirits. All the traditional duties of a house wife really.
You made sure to greet him every morning, tend to him when he was injured, and made sure to let him speak his mind whenever he needed to. Kashimo wasn't cruel so he treated you with respect, but everything else beyond was just blank.
That was the best way to describe the situation and feeling. He was only acting out of respect, nothing more. Sometimes you'd see him clenching and unclenching his fist at important gatherings. His family and yours constantly pestering for a child.
You felt responsible for being an annoyance to him at times, but also sadness as he never even tried to approach you in the act of well, love making. Not that I deserve it, you thought. You could only feel your heart sink to your stomach as you'd caught him that one night.
Kashimo had thought you were busy dealing with your parents that night when he'd decided to meet an old friend. Hakari was there, he was a good guy, and Kashimo always came to him to talk. Mostly for fun, but today for advice.
"...I don't love her, I don't think I can ever love her, I know she does but I can't bring myself to see her that way," he admits, defeated. Kashimo slumps on the balcony, swirling his drink as he confesses whats been on his mind. Hakari sighs and pats him on the shoulder, trying to comfort his friend Hakari adds, "nothing wrong with that, love is a natural thing."
Hakari had witnessed first hand the family politics Kashimo had got swept up in. He understood that if he was in Kashimo's situation, he'd be somewhat miserable and guilty too, after all you didn't force this on him either. Hakari continued, "look, I'm sure eventually both families will see this isn't working, you can wait till then or do something on your own--"
Kashimo winced at the thought, it wasn't like you were a stranger to him anymore, in fact you were a great friend, he wouldn't mind keeping you around. However, he disliked the gut wrenching feeling of seeing your face when you finalize how he still feels.
Kashimo sees more than Hakari ever will, he sees your worry for him, he knows your expressions, he notes the way your eyes light up when he's within the vicinity and he feels happy, warm inside, but it's just appreciation yeah? "Yeah, we'll see, I'll think about it," he states before downing his drink.
The rest of the conversation becomes a blur, you couldn't bear to hear the rest after the part where Kashimo stated how he felt. You began walking away as your vision blurred, tears softly dripping down your face. You somewhat hated Kashimo too, for still treating you so well upfront despite the circumstance.
It turns out that no, you weren't with your parents, you'd gotten annoyed at their persistence. Had shouted at them even since you loved him. Deciding to leave for some fresh air onto a balcony. Where you witnessed what you now wish you hadn't, the truth. You knew this, everyone knew this, it was a fact, Kashimo didn't love you. It was just much more gut-wrenchingly painful to hear it yourself, witness the truth spill right between his beautiful lips. Curse my love for him, you thought, walking away deciding to just leave on your own tonight.
The worst part you hadn't really accepted yet, was probably the point that you also could tell both Kashimo and Hakari knew you were there. But decided not to pretend they were talking about another matter, just that you weren't there.
That night you left the party alone because it was no longer enjoyable, you felt pain and emptiness. Your unfortunate state unfortunately noticed by all around you, your parents, Kashimo's parent, and those gossip girls your age who snickered as you passed.
You didn't want them to see you like this, so weak, but despite walking away, the incident still followed you home. Plaguing your mind till the latest hours of midnight. The horrid thoughts just keep flooding in, never seeming to find a way out.
© 2023 by Hinakazino, do not translate/edit/claim or use my work in any form.
Part 2 !
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i’ve done a lot of whining lately because summer was unusually rough, so i figure i ought to share when there are wins, too. :) today i survived a healthcare phone call that i originally had to put off when covid stole my voice then rescheduled several more times because i’ve been so frustrated lately in trying to deal with doctors etc that i didn’t feel ready for more of that.
but it went really well!! my caseworker, whose name is lupe, which reminds me of odaat in a comforting way, clarified what i need to do for a second opinion in any situation like the one i’m in now where my doctor’s response to my worsening symptoms was ‘it’ll get better on its own just wait.’ (she was in fact overly helpful and kept explaining how easily i can choose a new doctor if i want--i don’t want to, lol, and already knew how, but i appreciate her thoroughness.) 
i’m supposed to get a call this week from someone who will set me up with a therapist, which is a little scary because i’ve never tried to really have a therapist or engage in therapy. growing up i was everyone else’s therapist, reading adult self-help and psychology books for fun in junior high and letting my friends bring their problems my way, so i always felt like i could see inside the process too much when i did interact with therapists. but i think i’m finally in a place where it could help me and i could let it. so we’ll see. 
that therapist will also be the person who can discuss my ARFID symptoms with me. my last screening for that went badly, partly because i panic with strangers and that led to me answering questions inaccurately and not realizing it until leander pointed it out later--and partly because the questions they asked me were for unrelated eating disorders and not as relevant to why i was seeking help, so when the experts consulted and said i didn’t need any help, it wasn’t a total surprise.
my caseworker will be telling them that i need to meet in person, so i can feel less rushed and ask for clarification of questions, rather than panicking like i did before and saying stuff that wasn’t even true. she’ll also tell them that i need my best friend with me for help with anxiety and memory support and self-advocating, which i’m deeply grateful for, because until my video screening the last time i didn’t realize how hard it is for me to talk about my eating habits without covering. 
surprisingly i spent my whole life not knowing it could be a disorder but that didn’t stop me from internalizing the shame and trying to hide and minimize my problems in situations where i expect to be judged. and i have experienced crying autistic meltdowns in more than one medical office over the years, so healthcare professionals are definitely an area where i anticipate judgement. fingers crosses my future efforts are less traumatic and more effective, but either way i’ve regained some hope about the value of trying. 
it’s so much easier to just not make the appointments and not follow up on things and tell myself that as long as i’m medicated and alive that’s enough, but i deserve more. and i hit a bad place this summer that means it’s time to move beyond easy, because i’ll never get what i want out of life if i’m not healthy enough to work towards it, which has kept me from even deciding what i want. for multiple issues, today was a good first step.
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The Return (Part Two) - Oneshot
Paring: None
Word Count: 1k
A/N: Read the first part here.
The greeting I received was even warmer than I expected when I ascended the ladder of the sub. Hurley practically pulled me out, and into the biggest bear hug he could manage. I hugged him back with equal enthusiasm, feeling like my ribs were cracking but smiling and laughing. Hurley finally released me, and I turned to Walt, who was right beside him. He stuck out his hand for me to shake. I grabbed it and pulled him into a hug instead. It wasn’t as bone-crushing as Hurley, but still a reunion I wanted. Behind me, Ben and Hurley were shaking hands.
“How was the trip?” Hurley asked, both to me and Ben. I elected to respond since Ben has returned to close the sub.
“Not bad, long, but uneventful,” I replied with a giant smile that I couldn’t wipe off my face.
“Uneventful is just what we need, huh?” Hurley chuckled, and I joined him with a short laugh.
“Exactly what I think.”
“Should we head to the Barracks?” Ben asked once he was satisfied with the sub's security in the dock. I nodded in response, and we began walking immediately. As we went through the familiar jungle paths, memories came flooding back. The Island had an eerie way of making everything seem nostalgic and new. The trees whispered secrets I could almost understand, and the dense foliage seemed to breathe with a life of its own. I could feel the Island's pulse beneath my feet, a steady rhythm that matched my heartbeat.
Hurley was his usual cheerful self, cracking jokes and conversing lightly as we walked. Walt, now taller and more mature, seemed at ease, a stark contrast to the frightened boy I remembered. Ben, ever the enigma, walked with purpose, his eyes scanning the surroundings as if looking for something only he could see.
“So, why now?” Walt asked, breaking the comfortable silence.
I shrugged, trying to find the right words. “I guess I just felt... drawn back. Like there’s something unfinished.”
Hurley nodded, a knowing look in his eyes. “The Island has a way of doing that. It calls us back when we least expect it.”
We reached the Barracks sooner than I anticipated. The place looked surprisingly well-maintained, a testament to Hurley and his leadership. The buildings were intact, the gardens flourishing, and an air of tranquility hadn’t been there before. Vincent, the oldest dog known to man, greeted me too. When I knelt, he jumped on my face, licking me enthusiastically, and I couldn’t help but laugh again.
As we approached one of the houses, Hurley stopped and turned to me. “We kept your old place intact. Thought you might appreciate it.”
I felt a lump form in my throat as I looked at the house. Just as I remembered from the Dharma Days with James and Juliet, it was a small slice of normalcy amidst the chaos that the Island used to be. I stepped inside, and a wave of nostalgia hit me. The furniture, the pictures on the wall, and even the faint smell of the ocean were all the same. It was hard not to tear up at the sight. It was like they had wanted me to return for a while.
“You’ve done an amazing job, Hurley,” I said, my voice thick with emotion.
He shrugged modestly. “Just doing my part. We all have a role to play.”
I spent the rest of the afternoon catching up with everyone. We shared stories, laughed about the past, and discussed the future. It was comforting to be surrounded by people who had been through the same trials and tribulations and understood the bond we shared with the Island. Hurley asked about James and our relationship and teased me about him almost mercilessly. I told him that after everything, being together was finally meant to be. Being together soothed the nightmares that would come for both of us. We were stronger for it. Walt and Ben seemed to understand. Hurley did, too. I knew he was just teasing.
As the sun began to set, casting a golden hue over the trees, I walked towards the cemetery they had built. It was time to pay my respects. I rebuked the offer to have company; I knew I needed to do this alone. I knelt by Jack’s grave, tracing his name with my fingers. Hurley told me it took a while to get things back in place. He said that it was difficult at first, seeing Jack right after he died, after all that had happened. He told me he had listed the help of Ben, who seemed to be repenting for everything. They made quick work of it. The place they built, even though they didn’t have all the bodies, was filled with everyone we had lost. Boone, Shannon, Sayid, and Juliet are just a few. 
“Hey, Jack,” I whispered, feeling a tear roll down my cheek. “I hope you found peace.”
I visited the others, too—Boone, Juliet, Sayid—and each grave reminded me of the sacrifices and friendships forged. It was sad, and I cried silently for a while. I was just walking between the makeshift gravestones roughly carved with each of our fallen friend's names. I stayed for a long time as long as I could bear. But then the stars began to twinkle in the sky, a silent promise I would never forget. I knew that I couldn’t spend all night here, even if it were much safer than before. On my walk back, I wiped off my face, sobering myself back up. The peace had been made, and I knew I was better for it. When I returned to the Barracks, Hurley awaited me on the porch. He handed me a cup of tea, and we sat in comfortable silence, watching the night settle fully over the Island.
“Thank you, Hurley,” I said softly, breaking the silence.
“For what?”
“For keeping this place alive. For bringing me back.”
He smiled a genuine, heartfelt smile. “It’s what family does. Welcome home, Amelia.”
And for the first time in a long time, I felt I was exactly where I was meant to be. The Island had called me back, not as a prisoner of its mysteries, but as a guardian of its secrets. I knew there would be challenges ahead, but for now, I was content. I had returned, and that was enough. Just a week, and that would be enough.
Please let me know if you’d like to be tagged for oneshots!
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bl00dgutsgl0ry · 3 years
Patch Me Up
Pairing - Vampire!Diluc x Fem!Reader
Warnings - 18+ NSFW, Blood kink obviously, marking kink, biting kink, sharp teeth BARK BARK, fingering, semi public sex??? I mean you guys were in a different room but it was still in a public establishment lol,
Word Count - 1.9k
Other Comments - Bro this idea was just way way way too good to pass up shout out to the anon who requested this because you know what's up; you got some good ass taste. And yes this does have Twilight vibes, what about it.
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Diluc was a very secluded man, always keeping up thick walls, borderline impossible to penetrate; but there was something about you. You enraptured him, always wearing a bright kind smile when you saw him. Most people found his stand off-ish personality jarring, to which they regarded him with side eyes and cold shoulders unless asking for alcohol.
He looked forward to when you would come into his tavern, it was easy to spark up conversation. You quickly became one of his regulars when you first came into the tavern a few months ago. At first he regarded you with the same cold yet professional tone he regarded most of his customers with; but when you weren’t put off by it and asked how his day had been he was surprised to say the least. After that it was always a high point of his day asking you how your adventures were.
Today was different. You strolled into the tavern at your usual time, but when that door opened a strong delicious scent washed over Diluc. It made his mouth water and his throat burn. When he looked up to see what was going on, to see the cause of his bodily reactions, he saw you limping in; bruises and cuts covering your exhausted body. This was bad. You smelled way too good.
Diluc’s hands became clammy under his gloves, and a sheen of sweat formed on his forehead. He wanted- no, needed, to taste you. To drink you. You smelled almost candy-like, similar to when all of the sweet flowers came to bloom; but better. Diluc’s fists curled into tight balls behind the counter as you approached. He wanted to tell you to leave, to stop walking towards him, but he couldn’t bring himself to.
Were it anyone else and he would’ve quickly been able to shut down the issue by telling them to go see someone who could patch them up first, but this was you. There was something else too, something in the back of his mind. He was worried for you.
“Hey, how’s my favorite bartender doing?” Your voice was raspy, from what exactly Diluc didn’t know, but he wasn’t surprised from seeing your current state. Something in him warmed when you said that though.
“Uh, fine. More importantly, shouldn’t Barbara be patching you up? Why are you in my tavern bleeding on my floors.” Diluc tried to make his voice harsh, but it came out more sarcastic and joking. You chuckled in response to his statement.
“What, you can’t help me?” Diluc stiffened. You wanted him to help you? Why? He has shown no knowledge of medicine, let alone any real concern for you.
“I have no knowledge of medicine, why would you want me to patch you up?” Diluc was more than confused. There were so many other people you knew who were so much more capable of helping you. He was starting to get irritated, not particularly by you, but by your scent. It was driving him crazy and he was surprised he was able to keep his composure as well as he was right now.
“Listen you need to get help before you come in and drink (y/n). Not only are you obviously tired and hurt, you smell.” Shit. Shit you were gonna get suspicious of him and-
“No shit I smell! I’ve been sweating up a storm fighting things, Master Diluc.” Diluc was taken aback by your words, which seemed to be a running theme tonight. You just wouldn’t stop saying the oddest things.
“You’re not going to leave unless I help you, aren’t you?” You smiled victoriously as you shook your head ‘no’. Diluc sighed, as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He just had to get through this, then everything would stop. All the saliva, the burning of his throat, the sweating, the desire for you.
It was only when Diluc retrieved a few bandages from the emergency kit he had prepared and he began bandaging up your various cuts, did he notice just how attractive you were. Diluc had removed his gloves, and your skin was so soft under his surprisingly delicate fingers. He wanted to make sure he didn’t cause any discomfort to you, so he treated you like a thin sheet of glass.
There was a softness to him that he didn’t think existed anymore. He didn’t think he was capable of being so gentle with someone. You somehow brought out the best in him, in just the short time you’ve known each other. He never thought he would be able to get so close to someone again. Fuck he really liked you.
“Diluc, you don’t have to be so gentle with me; clearly I can take a beating.” A chuckle rumbled deep in the man’s chest, his crimson eyes never leaving the injury he was dressing.
“Pardon me for wanting you to be comfortable.” You giggled, and it was the most melodic noise he’d ever heard. He wanted to hear you laugh more.
Despite the soft atmosphere, there was still something primal deep within Diluc. He could feel it grow with the more time he spent taking in your delicious scent. If Diluc could blush, he was sure his face would be deep red by now. He wanted to take you right here and now, in the cellar where he kept all his beverages that weren’t needed behind the counter. He delicately moved some of your hair out of your face so he could get to a small scrape on your left cheek. He saw a blush rise to the high points of your cheeks, which only egged on his desire for you. All he could do was stare deep into your eyes. You were breathtaking.
Within seconds both or your lips collided together in a heated kiss. It was fierce and heartfelt. His hands grabbed at your body for purchase, and vice versa. It had the both of you panting, with each intake of oxygen you sent wafted over him stronger than ever before; you were like an addictive perfume. Without thinking Diluc pulled away, staring at your flushed face.
“Let me taste you, fuck I need to mark you up. Make you mine.” You nodded your head feverishly. Diluc’s mouth attacked your neck within seconds of your response, and suddenly his teeth punctured your skin. You blood landed on his tongue and he was addicted. You were his new favourite drug. You tasted exactly like he’d imagine, sweet and light; something he’d never get enough of.
“D..Diluc what-” Before you could finish your sentence, Diluc’s mouth unlatched from your neck, some of your blood smudged at the corner of his mouth.
“Shit (y/n) I apologize, you just.. Fuck you taste so good. I mean you smell so sweet but you taste even better I couldn’t control myself.”
“Diluc, are you like a vampire or something?” You chuckled a little, voice still a little breathy. By the tone of your voice, Diluc knew you meant that as a joke but when he didn’t respond the look on your face changed. The silence weighed heavy on top of Diluc, borderline suffocating. Diluc couldn’t meet your gaze.
“Keep going.” Your voice was soft, just above a whisper, as you moved your head to expose your neck even more. Diluc’s gaze snapped back up immediately to yours, then down to your neck. Then his gaze drifted further down. He was hard.
He attacked your neck once more, getting taken away but how good you tasted. After a few moments, a small moan escaped your lips, so quiet that Diluc would’ve missed it were he not have been hyper aware of your breathing. Once again Diluc’s mouth left your neck, but this time his hands started to roam down towards your pants. He stopped just before unbuttoning them.
“Is… is this alright (y/n)?” You didn’t even respond verbally, just nodding enthusiastically before gripping onto his shoulders. Without anymore hesitation Diluc unbuttoned your pants and almost ripped them off of you. He quickly pinned up against the wall of the cellar, as he pulled your panties to the side and rubbed your clit. Your breath hitched in your throat, before a low moan escaped your lips.
Fueled on by your noise, Diluc retracted his hand from your clit and shoved two of his fingers into your already sopping cunt.
“Fuck baby, you’re so wet already.” His fingers worked you open, as his dick strained against his uncomfortably tight slacks. He was becoming impatient, but he wanted to make sure you were nice and open so he didn’t hurt you. After a few more minutes of fingering, he could tell you were starting to become impatient as well.
“Diluc please, I need you. I need to feel you deep. Ah fuck Diluc please.” The strain in your voice when you said please shot straight to his dick, and who was he to refuse you? A dark smile graced his usually stoic features, and you shivered with anticipation. Diluc pulled his fingers out of you, before he licked his fingers clean. Everything about you was just so fucking delicious. Soon enough Diluc freed his hard cock from his pants. There was precum beading on the tip.
He picked you up, lifting you over his cock, before slowly lowering you down. Once you were finally sat right at the base of his dick, your back was once again pressed up against the wall, as he started to finally thrust in and out of you. It was slow for only a few moments, before he began a punishing pace. His hand had already gone to cover your mouth, muffling your loud moans. He knew he wasn’t going to be able to last long, you were so tight, but it seemed you were in a similar boat, as your walls constricted around him.
Your moans were growing in volume and pitch as you got closer and closer to the edge, and Diluc’s breathing was becoming labored, letting out low groans and growls. Before either of you knew it, both of you were cumming. Before you could finish, Diluc sunk his teeth into your neck one more time. He rocked both of you through your orgasms, before pulling away and setting you back down on the ground. He made sure to keep an arm around you though, just in case your legs decided to give out.
Slowly but surely both of you began to dress yourselves again; attempting to make yourselves presentable. After a few moments of silence, you spoke.
“So you’re a vampire. Do you have any cool powers?” You had a lopsided smile on your face, as Diluc chuckled and softly nudged your shoulder. You really were something else.
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pippytmi · 3 years
16 + 4 + 2 (werewolf supercorp?)
It is not uncommon for Kara to wake up in a puddle of blood.
At this point she is immune to the shock that comes with it, really. She has adapted; knows all the best tricks to get stains out of her clothes, knows all the best laundromats that don’t ask any questions. Heck, she even has Alex’s ex-girlfriend on speed dial, just in case there is a freak chance the blood Kara wakes up in might be human (it has not happened yet, knock on wood).
But there are other parts that still take some getting used to. Like, for example, the loss of memory that comes with every night of the full moon. Because yeah, she understands why she wakes up in a pool of blood. What she doesn’t understand is why this time around she wakes up in a pool of her own blood, and in so much pain that it hurts to open her eyes.
“Ow,” Kara whispers to herself, twisting onto her side with a groan. Her clothes are gone—no surprise—but even as she is laying down on the cold, rocky forest floor, the only thing she can focus on is how much her head hurts. She’s dealt with branch scratches, sore legs and arms, the occasional plethora of bug bites, but never a headache. Her one comfort is that at least she has made it into the backyard of Sam’s cabin. It takes a considerable amount of strength to push herself up off the ground; walking is going to be much harder than anticipated.
If Alex saw her now, she'd—well first she would hit Kara over the head and yell at her about being dumb, but afterwards she would snicker. And probably hit her over the head again for good measure.
“Oh my God—!”
Okay, it’s official. Kara is now dead. Even if the stranger gawking at her is not the one who kills her, Alex definitely will.
And it’s that thought that makes Kara drop right back down on the floor, knocking the wind right out of her lungs, and she groans into the dirt pitifully.
“Oh, fuck,” the stranger whispers, almost as if to herself, scrambling to come to Kara’s side. “Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck this shit. Fuck!” Said stranger belatedly claps a hand over her mouth, green eyes widening in horror. “Holy shit, are you alive?”
Kara pitifully rests her cheek against the ground and tries not to look too offended. “Uh, kind of,” she replies. (So this must not be Sam’s cabin, then.) “Sorry. Am I in your yard? It is a very nice yard. Five stars.”
“No, it’s not my—I’m house-sitting,” the woman explains, though she is giving Kara a look that says really? That’s what you want to focus on right now?
“Well, it’s still a nice place,” Kara says, because she is polite and small talk is always a good thing to fall back on when you’re naked on a pile of dead leaves. “Wait, I don’t suppose you’re house-sitting for Sam, are you? Sam Arias, super tall, has a daughter who is freakishly good at checkers?”
Stranger-who-swears-like-a-sailor frowns. “How do you know Sam?” she asks suspiciously.
“She dated my sister. It was a whole—it’s a thing,” Kara says. “You know?”
“Wait. Are you Kara? Are you Alex’s sister?”
“Yes! So you do know!” Kara would grin if her face were capable of any emotion besides mind-shattering pain. “Then you must be Sam’s friend…uh, bear with me…Lena? Or Jess?”
“Lena,” says the woman, still notably wary, so Kara makes the decision to wiggle until she can prop herself up her elbows and look less, well, like a corpse.
“Hey, got it in one!” Kara says as cheerfully as she can muster. “Well, it’s nice to meet you. And can I just—uh, say—that you don’t have to worry. I won’t die here or anything. I know you would obviously be the number one suspect for murder and it wouldn’t be nice of me to put you through that.”
“…right. Never mind that you would be dead, or anything.” Lena begins to shakily unbutton her coat like a woman possessed, as if her doubt has morphed entirely into concern now that she has confirmation the freak naked in Sam’s backyard is not an entire stranger. “Here, this is long enough to cover you. Do you—do you need help getting up?”
“No, no, I’ve got it, thank you,” Kara insists, and gradually, she manages; she shifts sideways and then tentatively onto her butt, and accepts the coat when it’s all but thrown at her face. There is blood mixed in with the leaves and general guck beneath her, and she winces at the sight. “I’ll come back and clean this later,” she’s quick to add, and Lena frowns in response.
“Are you serious? Forget cleaning, you need—stitches, at the very least. I can take you to the hospital if—”
“Oh no, you don’t have to do that!” Kara blurts out, and with the adrenaline from that burst of energy she’s able to scramble to her feet. She is shaky, unsteady, but she manages to stay upright at least and she’ll count that as a win. “Shoot. I’m sorry for yelling. I just—no hospitals. I can’t do hospitals.” She has never had to form an excuse for this, and her mouth can’t quite wrap around the right words.
But Lena—green eyes wide and unsure, skin pale in the early morning light—nods, like she understands. “Okay,” she says. “No hospitals.”
“Thanks,” Kara mumbles, wrapping the coat tightly around herself. There are startling black spots in her vision and her head still feels like it was used as a piñata; she wonders what the heck her next move should be now. If Sam needs someone to house-sit, she must be out of the city. And if Sam is out of the city, Kara can’t exactly waltz into Sam’s house to wash all the blood off her body (and then call up Alex from the couch while stealing whatever ice cream Ruby picked). Sam lets her do that, sure, but that’s Sam. It would be pretty rude to do that when Lena is right here.
“Do you…” And Lena pauses, nose scrunching up as if something has just occurred to her. “I can give you a ride somewhere else, if you’d like. Back to your house?”
“No, that’s okay,” Kara hurries to decline, because how can she really explain that she lives in an apartment, and that if little old Mrs. Jensen saw her coming up covered in blood she’d finally succumb to her third heart attack? “Can I just use Sam’s phone to call my sister? Then I’ll come right back out here, I promise.”
“Why would you come back out here again?” Underneath her coat, Lena is wearing plaid pajama pants that are rolled at the ankle (Sam’s, most likely), and a tank top that is extremely fitted. Very, very well fitted. Like, you-can-tell-it’s-frigidly-cold-outside-kind-of-fitted.
Kara coughs and tries not to let on how her train of thought has twisted. “Because…I’m a stranger?” she tries. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. Remember, if you die I’m going to be the first one they question,” Lena says, tilting her head expectantly in the direction of Sam’s cabin. “Come inside, warm up. Call your sister.” All things considered, she is far more concerned than Kara expected her to be—as if, somehow, ridding herself of the weirdo walking around bloody and probably concussed isn’t the very first thing on Lena’s mind.
So Kara doesn’t look a gift horse in the mouth; she accepts the offer. It’s a small comfort that if she really does get murdered by a total stranger, it won’t be while cold and naked.
Lena goes right into Sam’s room the instant they go inside, already gathering a million outfits for Kara to pick through. “The shower is fickle, but it does have hot water,” she says, adding a towel to the pile in Kara’s arms when she re-emerges. “You just have to—”
“Hit the wall twice, and give it a few seconds,” Kara finishes. “Yeah, Sam reminds me every time.”
“So you…visit Sam often, do you?”
“Uh.” And suddenly, despite the long, cold night she’s had, the air indoors feels a bit warmer than is comfortable. “Only sometimes.” Once a month, Kara thinks, and Lena crosses her arms and just stares.
Really stares, dragging those sharp green eyes up and down Kara’s whole body. Squints at the scratches on her face, scrunches her nose at the way Kara awkwardly shifts from side to side. Finally Lena speaks, and it’s only to say, “It’s you, isn’t it?”
“...come again?”
“It’s you. Sam told me she’s been helping out a friend with a—furry predicament—”
If it were possible to choke on air, Kara would be dead right now. “Did she really call it furry? But she’s also—!” She has to pause, now, because she feels an urge to clarify, “Wait. Are we talking about the same thing right now?”
Lena narrows her eyes slightly. “You mean talking about how you’re a werewolf?”
“Oh!” Head lighter, Kara sucks in a laugh that makes her ribs feel like they are splintering open. “Then yes. That’s good, I didn’t want you to think I was a—anyway. I didn’t think Sam told anyone.”
“Sam and I have been friends for a long time,” Lena says slowly. A beat. “She actually ate my hamster once.”
Kara winces. “Recently?”
“No! Back in the fifth grade,” Lena frowns, like she might’ve added dumbass at the end of the sentence. “I’m a grown woman. I don’t own hamsters.”
“What? Come on, having pets isn’t just a kid thing,” Kara says. “I used to have a cat, but he…”
“Oh my God, you ate him?”
Kara’s jaw drops. “What—no! He turned out to already have an owner, so she took him back. He just liked to wander into my apartment.” She hugs the clothing pile tighter to her chest, and tries her hardest to scowl. “I’m responsible, okay? Most of the time. I’m not dangerous.”
“Except to deer, or rabbits, or whatever else you killed last night?” Lena quirks an eyebrow, but surprisingly not in a manner that’s judge-y. Just…curious.
“Right,” Kara says defeatedly, and her head throbs enough that her grip on Sam’s clothes begins to falter. “Sorry. I wasn't trying to be defensive or anything.”
“That's alright.” And stranger still, Lena reaches out to gently touch the side of Kara’s head. “So does the same thing happen to you?”
“Huh?” The proximity has scrambled Kara’s brain momentarily, and she finds herself unthinkingly holding her breath.
“Do you also black out,” Lena clarifies. “Like Sam does, every time she shifts.”
“Oh. Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s—a universal wolf thing,” Kara says.
Lena hums, and her hand retracts. “And are you a serial killer in wolf form?”
“Uh, I hope not? I’m pretty sure all this is…” Kara gestures over her body with one hand, still hugging the pile of clothes with the other. “Not human.”
“Okay.” Lena casually walks away, but pauses to throw over her shoulder, “I’ll help you clean up your head once you’re out of the shower. I’ve helped Sam a hundred times.”
“Are you—do you have some kind of healing magic, or—”
“Close. I’m an ER nurse,” Lena says amusedly, and when she smiles a dimple emerges on one cheek. “All the witches I know have fled the city, so I’m afraid you’re stuck with me.”
“You joke, but Alex dated this witch once, and she hexed my sister to spill her first sip of coffee every time she went to take a drink for three weeks straight after they broke up,” Kara says, and Lena again scrunches her nose in that quizzical way.
“Seriously? Witches are real too?”
“Duh,” Kara says lightly. “What, you thought it stopped at werewolves? Please. I’m pretty sure the neighbor two doors down is a gorgon.”
“Well, it would explain her fondness of statues,” Lena says, strangely nonplussed. “I’ve never asked, but I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised at this point. How do you take your coffee?” As she asks, Lena deposits a few fingers of whiskey into a mug, and at Kara’s questioning look says, “Sorry, we’re all out of painkillers. This is as good as you’re going to get.”
“Maybe I’ll do better if it’s straight,” Kara says, unable to hide her grimace, while Lena shrugs a shoulder as if to say it’s your funeral.
So after Kara showers, she sits on the couch and sips gross whiskey out of a chipped mug that reads World’s Best Mom in bright pink letters. Lena has turned on the TV to the local news station—clearly she has stayed with Sam before—and a man on screen is recounting a tale of how he hit a giant wolf strolling too close to his farm with a baseball bat.
“If I had my shotgun I would’ve killed the fucker,” he swears, red in the face, and above her Lena gives a little scoff.
“What a dick,” Lena says, her hand steadily stitching up the wound on Kara’s scalp, and her voice has a hint of an accent; it’s really cute, actually, and Kara doesn’t even mind that the next poke of the needle is sharper than the others.
It is the strangest morning Kara has ever had. Drinking whiskey before eight in the morning, with a kind stranger who she’s barely met but is suturing her skin together, who smells faintly of lavender soap and strong black coffee.
“—National City is not safe when wolves are wandering close to homes—”
The scent of rich hot chocolate bubbling on the stove is beginning to fill the room, the ancient pipes are rumbling throughout the walls, and Lena’s fingers are soft against her head. Kara closes her eyes and decides that she will wait a little longer before she calls Alex to pick her up.
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extravaguk · 4 years
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part of my opposites attract! series. 
ksj / knj / myg / jhs / pjm / kth 
pairing: tattooartist&tattoed!jungkook x baker!reader
summary: jungkook was everything you feared but exactly what you needed to heal your broken heart.
wordcount: 5k
genre: fluff - angst - smut (s2l!au)
rated: m (?
warnings: some cursing, mentions of past abusive/toxic relationships/trauma that might be triggering, a lil of making love at the end. it’s overall just suuper fluffy, trust me. jungkook is a s i m p. we love that for him! slow burrrnnnn.  
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Jungkook knows it was love at first sight, but doesn's know how to really explain it.
He knew from the moment he entered the small shop, pastel green walls welcoming him  replete of sugary treats, a sweet and heavenly scent engulfing him as soon as he stepped a foot inside.  With a new found sense of calmness and serenity within he hadn't experienced in a long time, he searched for deserts of his liking, mouth watering while assessing the many options of baked goods available and bright colored frostings stealing his attention.
"Hi. How may I help you?"
Then he looked up and found you. It wasn't easy to appreciate your whole appearence with the counter hiding the lower half of your body, but it was enough for Jungkook to think to himself that he had never seen a prettier girl in hiis entire life. And that's when he knew it. Any type of movement in his surroundings coming to a halt, his heart skipping a beat, his favourite song playing inside his head. And that particular sensation. The same one that had made him feel so at ease since he found your bakery. For a moment he thought his doe eyes might have actually turned into heart eyes until you raised your eyebrows, a concerned expression replacing your previous warm smile. 
Blinking his eyes and clearing his throat, coming down from cloud nine into the real world, he stuttered his order as best as he coud manage, heart pounding inside his chest and later feeling mortified for not being able to pronounce "gingernap cookies" correctly. 
At first he kind of hated Seokjin for blackmailing him into going to his favourite bakery to buy his favourite cookies (Jungkook really should've known better than accidentally spill ink all over Jin's new script), but when he comes back home with a goofy smile on his face and dreams of your face, he makes sure to text him he'll go get his cookies anytime he wants.
But Jungkook is a masochist apparently. 
Because a week after your first encounter he realizes that not being able to get his mind off a girl he's literally only seen once in his entire life is not exactly normal. Not for anyone, but especially not for him. Realizes that the way he embarrassed himself in front of you and probably looked like a bluberring mess (or a creepy weirdo who had never interacted with any woman before) is not reason enough to not keep wanting to try again. And the way you just giggled at him and simply shook your head as you wrapped the ginger cookies he had asked for in a pretty packaging has kept him aching for more. 
So he comes once a week now. Still as nervous as the first day, but content to see that your face seems to light up at the sight of him stepping through the door the same way his does. He likes to see you in your cute pastel dresses, and if he didn't know better he'd think you were just trying to keep up with the bakery's aesthetic. But the more he frequents your shop, the more he realizes you're exactly like the treats you bake. He likes how your vividly honeyed persona contrasts with his darker and reserved one. Likes how you're all colors of the rainbow and he's just a scale of greys.
They are small interactions. Just courtesy and cordial exchange of words everytime he visits. He doesn't even know your name and you don't even know his, but sometimes he asks how was your weekend and sometimes you ask how many people had he inked that week. Sometimes he tells you how pretty you look, and sometimes you blush in response. Sometimes you add an extra macaron in his order and sometimes he debates on whether or not he should write down his number on a napkin and slide in right on the countertop before he waves goodbye. 
And although Jungkook has never been one to shy away from women, he feels a certain way he can't exactly pinpoint. A way that makes his confidence falter and leaves him feeling like a little kid who's afraid to confess to the girl he likes. Because as cliché as it sounds, you're not like any other girls he's ever met. You don't feel like any other girl he's ever met. Not the older than him, tattoed and pierced type of girl he's accustomed to; not the type of girl that's addicted to trouble and believe him (maybe even hoped) to be something he's not. So it takes a while for him to summon up enough bravery and determination. It takes weeks of pining and overthinking, and a single push from Yoongi ('stop being a fucking pussy and just do it') to ask you to have coffee with him.
"I... I'm sorry. I can't."
And it only takes those words leaving your mouth to shatter his heart into pieces. 
 It's fine though, he told you and himself. He wasn't going to be one of those guys who believed the 'friendzone' was an actual thing and tried his best to not make you feel uncomfortable, really tried his best to erase the guilt across your face as you rejected him.  So he scratched the back of his head and mustered up a big smile before leaving the shop with a bag full of cupcakes and an unsettled stomach.
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Letting out a deep breath you didn't even know you were containing, you observe as the handsome stranger exits the shop. Running a hand through your hair before gripping the counter with your hands, you try to steady the heavy throbbing insde your chest. 
The boy in question had been unknowingly tormenting you and flooding your mind with thoughts of him for almost two months now. That day you first had spotted him eyeing the desserts in display in amazement and then you in the very same way. It was sudden and precipitated, but it had almost made your head spin, something you hadn't felt in a long time unexplainable tugging at your insides. 
You had kept your cool as best as you could, as best as you had taught yourself in the past. Wrapped those cookies he had asked and then waved goodbye, hoping under your breath he wouldn't come back but silently wishind he would. But then he did. He came back once. And then again. And again, and before you realized he had become a frequent costumer. Trying whatever treats you'd recommended him, creating small talk, sending friendly smiles here and then. 
You had learned to expect him at the very same time, the very same day of the week; had learned to manage the fluttering in your tummy and the reddish warmth spreading through your cheeks whenever the eye contact was prolongued. Everything was innocent, it was brief and, most importanly, it never went beyond, even if sometimes you hoped it did.
However, after all these years, there was still something you hadn't learned to control yet. And as he spoke, clearly nervous, hesitant and clearly out of his comfort zone, wondering out loud if he could ever treat you to a coffee sometime, your body shut down. The fondness and excitement you had been harboring over the last few weeks quickly replaced by that which made you want to recoil, made you want to back to your well to let its darkness and loneliness envelop you.
That horrible and ugly wave of crippling fear and axiety all mixed together; a little monster that you had successfully concealed, now displaying its ears in warning and the same smile that had been haunting you for years, now advising you, reminding you and most of all, threatening you, to go back to your own comfort zone. And so, powerless, there was nothing else you could really to but to comply, muttering an apology and a rejection that probably pained you more than it pained the boy in front of you.
You knew you did the right thing, but it definitely didn't feel like it. 
Especially a week later, as you expected his arrival- as always, ready with a tray full of fresh baked scones you had particularly made just for him, but were left severely disappointed when time passed and he was nowhere to be seen. Or two weeks later, after spending an extra hour making cake pops that you had specifically designed with him in mind (covered in dark chocolate and white sprinkles), only to realize it was closing time and that he never even showed up.
 To say you were bummed was an understatement. You knew you always looked forward to him coming in every week to grace your day with a smile and a polite talk, but you didn't come to terms with how much you would miss it until now. So three weeks later, you still bake with him in mind, trying not to lose hope but still chastising yourself for not being brave enough and accepting his offer. It was just a coffee date, for God's sake, not a marriage proposal! Trying to busy your mind with work and customers coming in and out, even if your eyes dart in anticipation everytime you hear the door swinging. 
When hours pass and the sun hides to make room for the moon and stars into the sky, you look at the clock and, with a defeated sigh, finish cleaning and tidying around the shop. But before you can gather your things, the door swings open and there stands the stranger you had been praying to see again. 
"Am I too late?" he asks, and you don't exactly know but can tell his words hold a double meaning. You smile, a genuine smile, because he looks bashful with a hand scratching the back of his head like he had done the last time you saw him, and because there's a warm sensation spreading through your chest, like your heart is smiling for you. 
"I was about to close, but I can make an exception." you accomplish to say and surprisingly don't sound as nervous as you feel. He mirrors your smile as he walks closer to the counter. "So, what would you like?" 
That takes him by surprise because he really had nothing in mind when he decided to come here and now he feels like an idiot. 
"Uh, um... I would like... maybe cupcakes?" he sounds like an idiot too. But you nod and smile at him and start gathering his cupcakes into a polka dot cardboard box.
"You missed the cake pops I made last week." you say, trying to keep your voice in check as he hands you his credit car. "I think you would've liked them."
"Ah, sorry... Work has been really hectic." and even if it's true, it's also true the fact that he chickened out and was frightened to face you again. He likes how even when you're alluding to his absence, there's not a malicious tone behind your words. He likes how you're still smiling at him even after he's been acting like a pussy for two weeks. But that's why he's here. "I also would like to apologize for... you know. I didn't-...If I made you feel uncomfortable, I'm really sorry."
With your eyebrows raised, your smile dissipates. "What? No, you didn't do anything wrong, really. It's not- It's not that. I just...can't." you stumble through words, trying to explain how much you actually wanted to go to that coffee date, to get to know his name and more of himself, but unavailable to. You can feel it again. The same anguish that always seem to creep up on you and numbs you altogheter. But him, worriedly sensing your distress, waves his hands in front of him.
"No, no. It's fine, you don't have to explain anything! It's alright!" his smile seems to soothe you and you return his smile in gratitude. "Anyways, I'll... I'll get going. See you next week?"
You nod, anticipation already making its way into you. "See you next week." and then he takes the box filled with cupcakes and says goodbye. Before he can open the door though, a tingle of impulsivity and fearlesness makes you say:
"I'm _____, by the way."
He pauses, clearly taken aback.
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Jungkook hasn't stopped repeating your name in his head ever since you gave it to him, grinning like a fool and thinking about how good it sounds next to his. He hasn't stopped frequenting your bakery either and has lost count on how much money he's spent on muffins and whatever else you sell. He doesn't care though. All he cares about is how much likes seeing you even if it's only for fifteen minutes in your floral dresses, and as long as you keep looking like you're glad to see him every time, then he's fine. 
He's more than fine. He feels amazing. Sings tunes while he works on customers, feels his creativity flowing more than ever and he feels whole. It still baffles him how a minimun interaction with you once a week can make him feel on top of the world. 
He's got a bouquet of white and pink lillies next time he visits, so sappy and romantic he doesn't even recognize himself. He doesn't tell you he googled their meaning and his mind instantly associated them with you. Purity is exactly what he thinks of you and admiration is exactly how he feels about you. Hands it to you and the surprised look on your face and the spreading of pink all over your cheeks makes his heart burst. You thank him and he tells you he didn't know what your favourite flower is. You answer it's carnations. He writes it down somewhere in his mind, for next time. And then you're the one surprising him.
"Would you like to have coffee sometime?" 
There's uncertainty in your voice that doesn't go unnoticed by him, and for a moment he thinks he's dreaming. He's cool with what he's got right now with you, but you repeating his words back to him makes him feel euphoric, like he can't believe it. He knows he looks dumb, the way he's looking at you. 
Completely dumbfounded. He stutters like the first same he met you, but he says yes (omits the part where he tells you he could almost die). You exchange number in each other's phones with shaky hands, set the day and hour, and then wave each other goodbye. 
You instantly regret it as you watch him leave. Keep regretting it the following days. That voice in your head telling you 'it'll happen again', telling you fairytales didn't exist and this most likely wasn't one, even if it felt like it was, suffocating you like it had done many times before. Screwing with your head until you consider canceling. 
But you power through it, like you had taught yourself to do. This time it's harder though. Because this time there's a new romantic interest at hand, one that's making you feel things you buried a long time ago and made you swear to yourself you'd be smarter and stronger than any man could. 
It's Hoseok's encouraging words that help ease the panic. It was also Hoseok's words who encouraged you to ask Jungkook out. Said you deserved something good for once and that you couldn't close yourself to love your entire life. 
Thought it was time for you to write a new chapter after a rather sad one. 
So on Saturday, Jungkook insists on picking you up and it already feels like too much for you. Especially when he shows up with a bouquet of carnations in his hand and a smile that takes your breath away and definitely doesn't help to ease your nerves. 
Takes him by surprised how pretty you look.  maybe because it's the first time he's seen you out of your shop and even though you're still loyal to your clothing style, he still fumbles with his words like an idiot to try to express how beautiful you look. Seeing he's as much of a mess as you settles you a little bit. Then he takes you to a cute café that almost makes you laugh, because seeing him, inked arms and piercings and a closet that consisted mainly of black oversized t-shirts and pants in such a bright environment reminds you of the first time he entered your shop. 
You're surprised to see how well the conversation rolls, how easy it is to talk to him beyond the usual brief interactions you two have. You like how he makes you laugh and how he seems to love hearing it. You like how his attention is solely focused on you, even if his gaze on yours sometimes feels too intense and his overall character intimidates you. You like how soft spoken he is, how careful he is with words and the sound of his voice. Sounds like a lullaby without melody. 
And when the date is over, he drives you home, walks you to your door and respectfully wishes you a good night. You kiss him on the cheek spontaniously before hiding the embarrassment on your face and stepping inside your home. You miss the way he stays at your doorstep for a whole minute before getting in his car and driving himself home. You also miss how peacefully he sleeps that night, dreaming of cupcakes and you. You don't miss the heart emoji he sends you before going to bed, making yours quiver.
You're glad you didn't cancel, and now you're sure you don't regret it at all
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It goes on. The dates, getting to know each other more and more, Jungkook's visits to your shop and spending way too much money on sweets and carnations, the butterflies in your stomach everytime he's near and the birth of something inside of you that's starting to make you feel alive after feeling dead for so long. 
It's still new, still wholesome, moves in slow motion. You're glad Jungkook doesn't push, doesn't ask for anything, never demands more than a kiss on the cheek everytime he drops you off. He is nothing like he looks like, you realized that right away.
But with every brand new beginning that requires feelings like this, especially as unique and exceptional as the ones Jungkook is causing within you, comes the evil monster trying to scare you off, to make you back off and remind you that not everything that shines is gold. The voice inside your head that keeps bewitching you back into a dark room, reminder in your head everytime that one day Jungkook will want more. He'll want more and you might not be ready to give it to him. 
A voice that keeps resonating and has kept you unmoving for the past few years and now is making you feel more frightened than ever. 
You've been more quite than usual and Jungkook can tell something is not quite right. It's a friday night, and after having dinner that he insisted on paying, he decided this time to drive you away, to a secluded space somewhere where you both can appreciate the city lights on the hood of his car. He can tell, so he asks you, but you give a vague answer. He wants to ask again, but he's afraid of overstepping your boundaries. He wants to get to know you in every level, want's to scratch the surface until he can see everything. He wants to learn you inch by inch. Wants to love every part you bare to him, because he's sure he will. 
"My ex partner was abusive."
You finally say with a voice that's not entirely yours, and it doesn't feel real. Doesn't feel real to say out loud and letting the words sink in. It's taken all this time of excusing behaviors that were not excusable, trying to make light of a situation that wasn't and blaming yourself for things that you were not to blame for. Jungkook stays silent, but his attention immediately focused on you as soon as you spoke. Eyes slightly wide and mouth starting to open as if to speak himself. But you go on.
"Not physically." you swallow a lump in your throat. "Sometimes he would throw things at me, but they didn't always land. Or... one time he pushed me while we were arguing. Never raised his hand at me though. It was mostly psychological and emotional. He was extremely jealous and possesive. Didn't like me hanging with my friends, would never bring me to hang out with him and his friends. Though I' was cheating on him with anyone. The cashier at the supermarket, a randome dude on the street that simply looked at me. Anyone." tears prickle your eyes, but you'd learned to hold them back.
"He would always get mad at me. Would already wake up angry and take it out on me. Without reason. Would always blame me for everything. He would get mad, insult me, call me any terrible name you can imagine, tell me I wasn't worth shit. That I wasn’t worth living.Then he would punch the wall, or break whatever was in sight. Everytime, I told him I was terrified of him. Would cry in a corner and beg him to stop. Sometimes he would just laugh at me for it." you sniff, still looking straight at the city lights, and trying to keep a composed tone throughout. You had grown up a lot since then, and you knew Jungkook deserved to know you. He deserved to understand. 
"Then he would calm down, apologize while he cried and promised he loved me and would change. He never did. It took me a long time to finally walk away, but the demons still haunt me to this day. You," you choke, because comparing your ex to the guy currently sitting next to you was like day and night, like heaven and hell. "You make me feel things I've never felt before. I always felt like asking for respect was asking for too much. And then here you come, like a knight on shining armour ready to sweep me off my feet. It felt like a dream. Still does..."
Jungkook's hands are balled into tight fists, his whole body rigid as he listened to you. His own heart breaking, like he could feel himself inside you and experiencing your own heartbreak. His blood's boiling, jaw so tight and eyes blinking. Pushing down his anger, because this is about you not him, he lets his body relax before sliding your hand in yours. 
"I like you so much,_____, it literally kills me at night how much. Not as much as hearing all of this, though. From the moment I saw you, I was whipped. I wanted and still want to give everything I can to see that smile of yours. It's me the one who can't believe you're paying me any attention at all." you're still not looking at him, but he still sighs in relief when your lips quirk up. "Just having you here next to me and letting me take you out on dates is more than enough for me. Whatever you give me, whatever your terms are, I'm content with that. You're healing, and while you do, I'll be right here."
You look at him now, not bothering to hide the tears streaming down your face anymore.
"What if I never heal completely?" there's fear in your voice as your eyes meet his, but just the dark brown in his gaze help you feel secure, less worried about the future and more serene about the now.
"I'll still be here."
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It doesn't take long for you to call it love.  
Not when Jungkook keeps proving himself to be so different and so special. Not when his gestures never cease to make you feel so special, so worthy of recieving and sharing love. Because Jungkook makes you feel invincible, makes you feel one in a million. 
"What to you even see in me? We're like, polar opposites." you ask him one day. And it's true, you are. So different from each other, yet the same. He laughs in disbelief, shaking his head, still holding your hand in your doorstep about to kiss your cheek goodnight. 
"I see everything." he simply says, eyes boring into yours in adoration. "I see the sun, and the moon, the stars, the entire galaxy when I'm with you." your heart clenches as he interlaces his fingers with yours. "Before I met you, I felt like I was blind. Like I was lost and was looking for an exit that I couldn't find. But then I saw you, in your little bakery, with your cute dresses and those eyes, and it was like my eyes opened for the first time. Everything made sense. Everything has been filled with so many colors ever sinc-" 
You shut him with your lips on top of his, emotions pulling at your heartstrings the same way you pull him down by the neck. He takes a few seconds to respond, but then this hands are dropping to your waist, their warmth immediately spreading through your skin against the chilly night.
"Would you like to come in?" you whisper, breath fanning over his lips. He nods, hurriedly, and he knows he looks like a damn idiot for the hundredth time, but he doesn't care. Because coming in doesn't only mean stepping in your home. Coming in means you're letting him in. Means you trust him, means you want him there, means you're allowing him inside your heart. 
Again, Jungkook doesn't expect nor demands much. Your presence is everything he needs. You kissing him is like winning the lottery to him. Like completing a marathon, like climbing the Everest, like getting his first tattoo. Kissing you is sweet, fills him with something strong that makes him feel on drugs, like nothing matters but you and him. Like nothing has ever mattered to neither of you. 
So it's you who leads him to your room, it's you who straddles his thighs and pushes his hair back as his hands carress your sides. It's nothing fiery. It's slow, tentative, and full of care. Of lingering touches, low sighs against each other's mouths. 
It's you who reaches inside his shirt, hand sneaking past the hem of the fabric and trembling cold fingers coming in contact with firm skin. It's also you who asks for more with a small roll of your hips. It's you who asks him to take his shirt off. It's him who complies. Still tells you you don't have to, you tell him you want to. 
It's you who asks him to touch you. He's scared like he's never been, because you're you, and you're so perfect and everything he's ever wanted and suddenly he's afraid of you're too good for him. Jungkook only wants to make you happy, never wants to see you cry, just wants to treat you the way you deserve. 
It's you who begs.
It's you who tells him you need him. Need him take care of you, need him to show you much you're worth, need him to help you write a new chapter, probably even a new book where you're both the main characters and nobody else has ever existed. You say it with tears in your eyes, and he's quick to kiss them away, tongue entangling with yours. He's quick to undress you as well, with hands that still ask for permission even after you've granted it already. Hands and lips that are also quick and eager to learn your body, to find every mole in your skin as he lays you back to look at you in admiration. He keeps kissing you. From head to toe, muttering praise, making sure every 'beautiful' and 'gorgeous' and 'perfect' that leave his lips stay fire engraved in your being forever. 
He first makes you cum with careful fingers and skilled tongue, thighs wrapped aro around his head, eyes still looking for yours as his hands keep your body still and yours crumple the sheets beneath. Tells you how good you taste, how long he's been dying to have you like this. Tells you this you his favourite sight as he kisses his way up. 
You beg him again, asking him to please, please, fill you up. He groans against your mouth and he tells you again, you don't have to. He says he's happy like this. Repeats he's in no rush and just wants to please you and make you feel good. That it's about you, and will always be about you. You beg him again, and again and again, enticing him with a trail of wet kisses down his neck, up to his eralobe. You whisper there, tell him you need him to fill you with his cock so bad. His whole body goes rigid as your legs wrap around him, legs pulling him closer to where you want him, his erection grazing your entrance and his teeth nibble your lower lip. 
Jungkook doesn't move for a while, eyes closed shut, jaw clenched and head buried in your neck. He doesn't move because his mind is somewhere else keeping him stagnant, pussy wrapping around him so good and wet and tight he's about to bust. Takes a while for him to move, but when he does he makes sure to grip your thighs around him, keeping you close, never wanting to let go as he tells you you were made just for him. Just for him. Tells you how good you feel. He tells you he loves you. Kisses your lips as you sob, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. He tells you he loves you. Tells you he'll love you forever and will always keep you safe and happy. 
You're crying now, cheeks wet and he stops for a moment to look at you, concern written all over his face as his hands craddle yours, wiping the tears away with his thumbs. "We can stop, baby." You shake your head no. Pull him back into another kiss, urging him to go on. You tell him you love this, love him so much. That it's a good thing. That they are happy tears. That you've never been happier. And then his hips start moving again, your words egging him own, soft whimpers and sobs leaving each other's throats until you cum at the same time. 
He then removes himself from you, rolling onto your side but he's quick to pull your body close, arms wrapping around you and lips kissing away the wet stains on your cheeks. 
It doesn't take long for you to know Jungkook would be the healthy forever and after you had always dreamed of.
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donald4spiderman · 3 years
The City
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Summary: Reader is thinking about moving to California. Spencer’s determined to get her to stay.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x BAU!Fem!Reader
Warnings: none
Category: Fluff (angst if you squint)
**Inspired by Ben’s poetic confession in Parks and Recreations, S3E14**
Here’s a draft i forgot to post
**not edited yet**
Spencer’s POV
As a profiler, I’ve mastered the observation and analysis of behavior— we all have.
Picking the minds of serial killers is second nature— so why is it so hard for me to figure out why (Y/N) is behaving so strangely?
In the recent months, her witty and charming energy has dwindled into a lethargic imitation. Whether she’d admit it or not— (Y/N) can be extremely enthusiastic about certain things— especially our job.
So, when I watch her drag her feet, inch by inch, into the BAU each morning, It’s hard to contain my concern.
I know Morgan has noticed, and I’m sure everyone else has too. They’re probably just too scared to say anything. (Y/N) doesn’t enjoy people prying into her private life, so we all stay a comfortable distance away.
I watch her a lot... more than I’d like to admit. It’s hard to be unaware of her nervous behaviors— the nail biting, hair twisting, skin picking— I practically have enough data to make a correlation graph. I can tell when she’s upset, and it’s happening more than usual.
(Y/N) has always been kind to me. Even when I was at the peak of my stammering, slicked-back hair phase, she treated me with more respect than I deserved. I can only imagine how awkward I must’ve been (or, still am), and I thank her for not belittling me.
I guess I’m validating the Benjamin Franklin Effect when I say this— but I feel like I owe it to her to ask what’s wrong. Over the years I’ve built up (arguably) the closest friendship with her, so it only makes sense for me to bite the bullet for the team.
It’s partially due to the fact that I’ve developed a slight (if not major) crush over time, but who wouldn’t? A gorgeous, intelligent, quick-witted women is kryptonite for any person. Our conversations are always stimulating, she gives the best advice, and she’s always there to comfort a team member.
So, it pains me to see her struggle through a paperwork day. I wish she would reach out to anyone for help, but it’s not in her nature.
“H-Hi.” I smile as I approach her desk. Her tired eyes look up at me, and she smiles back.
“Hey, Reid. What’s up?
I rub the back of my neck nervously. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Morgan and Emily watching me struggle to form a sentence. They giggle as they watch.
“I-I was... um. D-do you want to get coffee with m-me? Not now! I mean— after work!” Morgan stumbles out of the bullpen, barely containing his laugh. I must sound pathetic.
(Y/N) nods hesitantly, “S-sure. I don’t know why you want to get coffee with me, but I’m free.”
“Really?” My surprise shocks her. “T-that’s gr-great! I can drive you!”
She chuckled, “I think I’d rather drive us. I’m pretty sure you can’t drive a mile without hitting a curb.”
I nod fervently. “Sounds good.”
As I make my way back to my desk, I send a glare in Emily’s direction as she continues to smirk at me.
(Y/N) grabs an empty table in the café, and we sit down, huddling close to our warm drinks. She orders a cinnamon latte, I order a black coffee with an unhealthy amount of sugar.
I place the drinks down. “Did you know that cinnamon is shown to reduce systolic blood pressure. It’s commonly used in South Asia and works by dilating blood vessel.”
She nods, “Surprisingly, I did know that. You’re gonna have to teach me something else, Doc.” I laugh in response, enjoying the relaxation that radiates off of her.
“I feel like we don’t get to, um, t-talk as much as I would like to.” My words get caught in my throat and she gives me a lopsided smile.
“Well, we don’t exactly have the most leisurely job.” She states, sipping her drink.
I bite my lip, she looks down. I convince myself that my mind is playing tricks on me, because there’s no way (Y/N) would glance down to watch me pull my bottom lip between my teeth.
“I know... but you used to talk more.”
“I’ve been busy lately. Tired too.” She mumbles.
I mean forward slightly, my voice is a hushed whisper. “A-are you... okay?” I’m anticipating an defensive response, but all she does is sigh.
“I’m alright. I just... I’m getting tired of being here— in D.C.”
My eyes widen and my brows knit together. “W-What! Why?”
(Y/N) shrugs, “I don’t know. I just expected to feel... really, really attached to D.C when I first moved here. I love my job, and I love you guys— but nothing’s keeping me here.”
My face drops. My disappointment is adamant because she scrambles to reassure me.
“It’s not that I don’t absolutely love working with you guys. You’re my best friend, Spencer. But... I came to D.C to... I don’t know... settle down.” It comes out as more of a question rather a statement. “It’s sounds weird, right? Me, settling down?” She laughs. “I-I don’t mean a husband and a family necessarily. I moved here because I wanted to belong somewhere.”
“You don’t feel like you belong?”
“I feel... I feel like everything I have right now is temporary. It’s not the feeling I expected to have. I just want to have something permanent in my life for once.”
I remain silent, lacking the proper response.
“Please don’t tell anyone!” She pleaded.
I smile solemnly, “I won’t. I promise.”
In that moment, I make another promise. Not just to (Y/N), but to myself. I’m going to show her how many things she has here for her in D.C.
I’m going to prove how much I believe she belongs.
I started by bringing her coffee each morning— a cinnamon latte from the same café we went to.
The first time she seemed pleasantly surprised. I sped through the doors of the bullpen, my coat and slacks absolutely soaked due to the rainy D.C weather. She giggled at the sight of my hair plastered to my forehead. I was certain that I looked like a wet dog.
“Morning!” I greeted, placing down both cups of coffee on her desk so I could fix my hair. “I-uh-I got you coffee. A cinnamon latte, of course.”
(Y/N) smiles brightly, “You’re the best. Thanks, Reid. I definitely needed this.”
Hotch and Rossi are watching me curiously, pretending not to look up from their files. At this moment, I could care less.
“It’s n-nothing.” Suddenly I’m blushing furiously under the weight of her stare.
“Thanks, again.” She clears her throat, “Y-you’re a really good friend.”
She smiles. And I smile.
In the next three weeks, (Y/N) and I grow closer at a rate faster then ever. I try to do something small for her everyday. Finishing up a file for her; Bringing her coffee or water; Sitting next to her on the jet. It appears to be working— she looks much more relaxed and happy. Her sarcastic humor is back and she engages more with the team.
We’ve decided to hang out after today. I find myself enjoying every minute with her, even if all we do is talk, eat, and walk around aimlessly. I’m sure she’s tired of me, but my infatuation with her only grows.
Tonight, we’re sitting at the park, watching people on their late night jogs, dog walkers, babysitters. We finished eating Indian food at a local restaurant. Turns out we’re both regulars at the same place, it’s a shame we haven’t run into each other.
She’s sitting criss-cross on the bench, her elbow rested on top of her knee. “You know,” She starts, “D.C is pretty great. I don’t think I’ve felt this... content in a while.”
I smile, even if it’s too dark for her to see. “Th-thanks. D.C is a great place, despite averaging 39 inches of rain annually.”
She means her head back against the bench. “I still don’t know. I feel like I’m just waiting for something. I don’t even know what that something is... a sign maybe?”
“A sign?” I laugh.
“Y-yeah... a sign. I’d usually make a pros and cons list and research the differences between the two places but... this decision feels too personal to look at it as just statistics.”
In this very moment, I decide to toss all my concerns, questions, what if’s, into the wind. This is my final move; my last resort; my Hail Mary.
My hands are trembling, and it takes me seconds to force the words out of my throat.
“W-well, besides the higher cost of living and considerably gloomy weather, D.C can be a p-pretty great place to reside. It has a busy political culture and is one of the most diverse states in the country.” I pause for a little longer than necessary.
“But, besides statistics and facts, if w-we look past objectivity, to me: D.C is where my friends are, and my friends are my family. Um... I like The City because it’s home to so many great people. A-and I know it’s hard to see the good in things considering how much violence we see on a daily basis, but certain people make me believe that things aren’t all that bad.”
(Y/N)‘a listening attentively, making me even more nervous than I thought possible. “D.C— The City— is beautiful. It’s charming. It’s a warm, cinnamon latte on a rainy day, o-or a late night walk in the park. To me, it’s home.” I catch her smirking a little bit, and I can only hope that she understands what I’m trying to say.
“Plus, The City is really good at her job. The City’s an excellent profiler. But, the city’s an even better friend, and an even better person. It doesn’t hurt that The City has great hair, and gorgeous eyes, and a perfect smile. And, she does this cute thing where she twists the ends of her hair, even if I keep telling her to stop. The City’s beautiful and definitely out of my league. She probably wants nothing to with me now, but I don’t care. I really like The City. And, even if she doesn’t like me back, she should stay, because there are so many people that like and love The City. ‘Cause who wouldn’t.”
(Y/N) is full on grinning right now, and it’s hard to stay patient when so much is on the line.
“Wow.” She giggles. “You really like The City.”
I chuckled awkwardly, “Y-yeah. I really do.”
“I mean, if you think The City’s so great, maybe I should stay. Plus, I’m sure The City likes you too.”
I feign confusion, “Really? I don’t know... The City can be kind of closed off sometimes.”
“Trust me— The City definitely likes you back. And I don’t think The City appreciates you saying that about her”
“Oh really?” I gasp. “Let’s ask her.”
I turn my head around, then proceed to look back at (Y/N) in the most dramatic fashion.
“Hey.” I laugh.
“Oh, Hi Dr. Reid!” She feigns surprise to match my frivolousness.
“I don’t know if you’ve heard, b-but I really like you. And, a little birdy told me that you like me back.”
She laughs heartily, “Well, that little birdy is a pretty reliable source.”
Soon, her head is resting on my shoulder. My body’s stiff and the air is caught in my lungs, but I feel more content than I have in years. Somehow the weather is warmer, and the sun is brighter, and things just seem... better.
“This is a great city.” She mumbles, peering up at me in the most adorable fashion.
“Yeah,” I smile, “It really is.”
“Pawnee’s a really special town, I love living there. And, I look forward to the moments in my day where I get to hang out with the town, and talk to the town about stuff. The town has really nice blonde hair too. And, it’s read a shocking number of political biographies for a town, which I like.” - Ben Wyatt
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mysterystarz · 3 years
the romance checklist:
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summary: a chance meeting with kageyama has you striking up a bet to see if one of you could fall in love with the other before the year was up. cue the romance checklist, a piece of paper that molded your fate and his.
pairing: kageyama tobio x g!n reader
word count: 3.2k
genres + themes: literally pure fluff, reader is a first-year karasuno student, reader is also kind of a romantic
warnings: none
a/n: so this is my first time writing for kageyama and i know he's probably pretty out of character, so my apologies!! this was inspired off some headcannons i wrote for one of my irl friends, and this wiki-how article which i used to structure the actual checklist! to all my lovely kags simps, this is for you <3 (also to all the people who hate angst, you lucked out bc i was about to add an angst part but got lazy)
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You had never thought a trip to the vending machine could be so eventful.
It had been lunch break, and you found yourself wandering towards the machine, money in hand as your eyes trailed the snacks. It had become routine to sneak away during lunch hours for this, enjoying the fresh autumn breeze as you bought your snacks. It had always given you time to think and the time to recompose yourself when you didn’t have a clue what to do.
Usually it also provided you with time alone.
That wasn’t the case today though. Standing in front of the vending machines was Kageyama Tobio, frantically pushing the button for milk with a grumpy sort of scowl on his face. From the distance you stood, you could make out his height and the way he tapped his foot continuously, as if he didn’t have the time to wait for the milk to be dispensed from the spot.
Strolling up to the spot, you stood silently next to him, watching the way he retrieved the milk from the slot wordlessly as he walked away, not even a glance in your direction.
You knew full well who he was. In fact, you could barely walk through the halls of school without hearing a murmur about the prodigy setter and his closed off ways. The girls found him intriguing from afar, and while they never dared to approach him, they all wanted to.
You hadn’t really understood what they saw in him. He was average...if not below that in academics, and he seemed to dedicate most of his time to volleyball, not caring much for other people. He didn’t seem to have many friends, and was almost always grumpy.
All of this should’ve been reason enough to avoid him, and yet you couldn’t help but be intrigued. There was something about him that was different. You just needed to find out what that was.
The next day came around, and sure enough, he stood at the machine again, toe-tapping as his milk was dispensed from the slot. This time his eyes scanned the courtyard as if he was seeking something before they finally landed on you.
You weren’t prepared for the full impact of his gaze. It was calculated and pointed, with some sort of intent that was expressed in every inch of those dark blue eyes. You weren’t put off by it.
In fact, it was charming in its own way.
“Are you looking for something Kageyama?” You asked as you walked towards him, pulling a few yen out of your pocket. “You’re staring.”
“I’m not.” He deadpanned, his eyes still trained on you as you selected a snack from the machine’s buttons. “I see you everywhere. Who are you?”
You hadn’t expected that. You knew he was observant...when it came to volleyball specifically, but never realized how it translated anywhere else. “I’m Y/L/N Y/N.”
You weren’t sure what else to say to him. Gently grabbing your snack, you politely nodded at him before leaving him behind, the thoughts rapidly accumulating in your brain. Did he notice you the entire time? Why did he ask? Did he know something? Was he planning to use you as some example to the other girls who wanted to know him?
You wish you had an answer.
Unfortunately, you couldn’t think of any.
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It had been two weeks since you had met Kageyama by the vending machines. It had now become routine to expect him there during your lunch breaks, milk box in hand as he regarded your very presence with something that felt a whole lot like curiosity. Every now and then he’d offer commentary on the mundane happenings of Karasuno, or ask about you, but you weren’t sure how you could hold a conversation with just these things.
“Kageyama.” You nodded, strolling towards the machine as you always did. He whipped around almost immediately, offering a solemn nod in return, clutching his milk box.
“Y/L/N.” He murmured, taking a sip of his box.
“Have you ever thought about love?” You found yourself asking, internally screaming at the word choice. Great, now he was going to think that you were some crazy person.
“I think so…?.” Was what he offered in response. His features seemed to soften at this question though as he scrunched his brows in thought. “What type of love?”
You raised a brow at him in question. “Kageyama...what type of love are you talking about?”
“Well...I love volleyball and milk.” He shrugged. “That counts.”
“That...wasn’t the type I was referring to.” You said, suppressing the laughter that bubbled into your chest. “I was talking about the other kind.”
“The other kind is stupid.” Kageyama replied instantaneously. “There’s nothing special to it.”
You felt confusion seep into your system before you quieted it, letting your mind wander. With Kageyama’s status, you assumed that he’d at least thought of the concept at least once, although it seemed that he’d never even pondered the idea altogether!
“You’d have to feel it to come to that conclusion,” you countered, “Have you?”
“No,” he scoffed, “It’s still stupid.”
“Why?” You asked, feeling the curiosity surface. “Any specific reason?”
“Why would anyone want to dedicate all their time to another person?” Kageyama asked straight back, his gaze unwavering. “I just don’t see the point.”
You stared back at him, feeling the challenge bubble in your veins. “I bet...I can make you fall in love with someone by the end of the school year.”
At that moment, the boy in front of you looked thoroughly surprised, throwing his empty milk box at the garbage can nearby. He seemed speechless to some extent, as if he wasn’t able to process the words that had just left your mouth.
“And what happens if you can’t?” He asked, hesitantly bringing his gaze to your face. “What then?”
“I’ll buy you milk for a whole month.” You placed your hands on your hip as you kept your glare firm. “I stick to that.”
“Okay then,” he sighed, “Game on.”
With a shake of your hands, you cemented your fate.
You would win that bet. That much was certain.
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“What’s this Y/L/N?” Kageyama asked, pointing at the piece of paper you held at him. “How are you going to win a bet with this?”
The two of them stood in the courtyard of Karasuno, the fresh autumn breeze rippling the paper you held in your hand. It had been a good day so far, and Kageyama had surprisingly stuck to his resolve, meeting you at the vending machine when he could’ve easily avoided you.
It was always more fun to challenge a competent opponent.
“This is the romance checklist.” You grinned proudly. “This has all the things we need to get you to fall in love.”
“How is it fair if you don’t do the checklist’s things too?”
“Well, that’s why I’m doing them with you.” You responded, already anticipating these types of questions. “I drafted the checklist off of the things I’ve observed over the years that should totally lead to feelings of love!”
“Whatever.” Kageyama said, his blue eyes scanning the paper’s contents. “How do you plan to do this?”
“We follow the steps.” You nodded. “Since I’m doing this with you, it’ll be foolproof.”
“Y/L/N...what if we competed against each other?” He mumbled. “We follow the checklist and use it against each other. Whoever falls in love first loses.”
“Do you really want to risk that?” You smirked, “That’s a bold move you’re making.”
Kageyama stood up straighter at this, the challenge burning deep in his eyes. “I’m going to win, so it won’t be an issue.”
“Suit yourself,” you grinned. “I’ll be winning this anyways.”
He simply smirked as he looked down at the paper, the promise of a challenge fresh and bright between them.
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After a long time, you had finally gotten some free time away from schoolwork and the obligations that pinned you down. It was a rare occurrence with the amount of pressure that the college prep class placed on you, and you intended to make the most of it.
You found yourself on the pathway of a cafe you used to frequent in the summer with your friends. It had always been a place to collect your thoughts and let your worries float away with every sip of one of the immaculately crafted beverages that they offered there. You felt your lips twitch in an involuntary smile at the memories.
“Y/L/N?” You heard a voice call out, a shocking contrast to the normal chattering you heard within the shop. Looking up, you were met with Kageyama’s eyes, narrowed and confused as you sat at the table frozen. “What are you here for?”
“It's a break for me,” you shrugged, “I come here all the time. I haven’t seen you here before.”
“They have good drinks,” Kageyama replied bluntly. A few beats of silence passed between them, with neither of them knowing what to add to the conversation.
“You can sit down with me.” You offered, gesturing to the empty seat across from you. “The more the merrier.”
He didn’t question this as he slid into the seat, fingers drumming on the table as he looked at the window. From your point of view, it was almost picturesque the way he managed to appear. His blue eyes were focused on the trees outside, and his posture was ever so casual and relaxed as he sat there, as if he had no other care in the world.
It was unfair how model-like he managed to appear, even despite the fact he wasn’t trying.
Ah. Perhaps this is what the girls at school noticed.
Once the drinks arrived at your table, the two of them drank in comfortable silence, admiring the flavors on their tongues as their surroundings continued on as normal. You didn’t feel the need to contribute anything to the silence, finding it calming in its own right.
“So Kageyama, are you feeling anything yet?” You teased, setting down your half-empty cup.
“No.” He admitted, setting down his drink as well. “I am supposed to?”
“Well technically no, but it’d be good if you did.” You chuckled, finding amusement in the cluelessness of his ways. “Step one of the romance checklist: meet somebody.”
“We already met though.” He countered, “How does this count as anything?”
“Well, we just encountered each other out of nowhere.” You smiled, “That counts as a meeting in my book.”
He wrapped his mind around this information, nodding solemnly. “I guess so then. I still don’t feel anything.”
“Neither do I.” You said, willing the slight butterflies in your stomach to subside. It was really nothing. This was simply a chance meeting, nothing more than luck and fate that had you encounter each other today of all days.
You shouldn’t have been affected this quickly. You felt far too warm, far too...fuzzy, for a meeting of chance. It was simply far too intimate.
Well, it seemed that Kageyama had gotten the one upon you at this stage.
You’d beat him next time. You knew you would.
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“You look good today Kags,” you smirked, feeling a sense of satisfaction creep up in your veins at his flushed cheeks,
Over the course of the weeks spent together, you had been able to learn more about the mysterious boy in front of you and had even formed a friendship of sorts. For starters, he was flustered very easily, which is why you decided to make your move so early in the morning.
“I look like how I do every day, dumbass!” He growled, the red deepening in his cheeks when you merely winked in response.
Ah yes. He tended to insult those he befriended. That was yet another endearing thing about the boy in front of you.
“No, something is different today,” you commented, “Did you do something with your hair?”
“No,” he frowned, the flush never subsiding from his cheeks. “Why are you doing this to me?”
“I’m just saying genuine things you know.” You laughed, punching his shoulder casually. “Besides, I think I’m succeeding so far.”
“Succeeding? This is that stupid checklist again, isn’t it?” He sighed. “Step two: flirting. What is the point of this again?”
“It’s to show interest.” You remarked. “Besides, if you want me to fall for you, you’re going to at least have to act like you’re interested in me. I know it’s working on you so far.”
“No it’s not!” He yelled, although the defense was half-hearted. You knew he was merely putting up a front. You could tell it from his body posture alone.
You had the upper hand right now.
You waved him goodbye as you entered the Karasuno grounds, climbing the stairs to reach your class as he walked in the opposite direction. Even if you had the upper hand right now, you knew that you had to be on-guard the rest of the day.
If there was one thing you knew very well in the time you had spent with Kageyama, it was that he was extremely competitive. There was no way he’d ever go down without a fierce fight, especially when a month’s worth of milk was on the line.
You had been absolutely right to doubt him.
When lunchtime rolled around, he stood at the vending machine like he always did, leaning against it casually as he waited for you, his focus placed on the entrance.
The first thing you noticed was how calm he was. There was none of his usual frantic energy or the practiced insults that you threw back at one another. He simply stood there, content, as he watched you make your entrance.
The second thing you noticed was how an unconscious smile crept onto his face when you waved at him and slipped away the minute your eyes darted to his mouth. He sipped his milk casually, although you knew that internally, he was definitely scheming.
He could be a gremlin if left untapped.
You were about to purchase your snack in silence, thinking about all the ways he could win against you when you felt his hand on your shoulder. Turning around, you saw him holding out a container of your favorite snack, handing it to you wordlessly.
“I thought I would get it today,” he shrugged, taking a sip of his milk. “You’ve bought me milk sometimes. It’s only fair.”
He didn’t consider it much of a big deal, but you felt your heart begin to accelerate in its pace at the thoughts that came flying into your head.
He had paid attention to your favorite snack? He had actually cared about when you bought him milk?
He noticed all of this?
“You...have a nice smile.” He mumbled, a flush rising onto his cheeks once again. You felt yourself fluster a bit at the compliment, not used to hearing it that often.
“Uhhh thanks.” You exhaled, not knowing how to respond to such an out-of-the-blue remark. “Your smile looks a lot like the Cheshire cat you know.”
For a moment his face was contorted into an expression of horror before he laughed a bit, the low chuckles sending heat straight to your cheeks.
Damn it. His laugh was adorable.
It was a low chiming sound, but it still managed to uplift your spirits in the brief time that you heard it. It was absolutely perfect.
You’d like to hear it again if you could.
A small smile was on his face as he looked to the ground, thinking about something while you took the time to really look at him. Behind the stone exterior, was someone talented, clueless, and amusing in every way you could possibly imagine.
You noticed how his posture mirrored yours, and the way how he smiled when your eyes finally met his own.
Damn it! He got the one-up on you. Again.
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“Tobio! Let’s go on this one!” You yelled as you dragged him towards the large rollercoaster that caught your eye.
It was a beautiful Saturday with the most perfect weather. Sunny skies met a fresh breeze as you dragged Kageyama around the amusement park you had insisted on going to together. He kept with your quick pace as you went from ride to ride, never once letting go of his hand.
If anything, you were more confused why he didn’t comment on the fact that you had been holding hands that long. Rather he silently followed you from ride to ride, occasionally commenting on how small it looked for them.
From where you stood, the rollercoaster looked positively incredible with the multiple loops and drops in its track. This certainly fit the bill for thrilling. Maybe Kageyama could finally agree to ride this one.
“Y/N, do we really have to do this one?” He asked, his gaze not tearing away from the ride. “Doesn’t it look a bit too small for us?”
“Well if it’s too small, then we can still ride it as a joyride, don’t you think?” You grinned as you shoved him into the line of the coaster. Soon enough, it was your turn as you were ushered into the seats while the employees strapped you and Kageyama into the rollercoaster.
The wait was excruciating, with every second that passed sending a wave of anticipation and adrenaline through your system. Looking to your side, you saw Kageyama’s face, which was composed, even though his fingers drummed rapidly on the bar.
Was he nervous?
Hesitantly, you reached to clasp your hands together, relishing in the feeling of your palm on his as the rollercoaster suddenly began moving, bringing you up the tall lift hill.
“Tobio, are you okay?” You questioned as you neared the top, the grip he had on your hand tightening ever so slightly.
“I’m fine!” He yelled, just as the roller coaster fell over the lift hill, sending them into a plummeting drop.
You felt the exhilarating feeling of soaring as the ride propelled you forward, shouts of glee leaving your mouth ever so often. On the other hand, all you heard from Kageyama was the occasional shout of horror when they encountered yet another drop on the track, the grip he had on your hand deathly tight.
“Tobio! You’re afraid of rollercoasters?!” You shouted as you were guided into a loop.
“No I’m not!” He shouted back, shutting his eyes when he was finally upright again. “They just make me feel like I’m about to die!” When he opened his eyes, they first found yours in a look that was both petrified and fond. “I think I lost the bet!”
“You did what?!” You yelled as the wind rippled in your ears again.
“The bet Y/N! I think I’m in love with you!” He yelled. “I thought I should tell you before we die!”
You felt your heart soar at the words that had just been exchanged, a testament to the budding feelings you had felt for months around him.
“We’re not going to die.” You sighed as the ride finally slowed, feeling exhilarated as you smiled at him. “I love you too.”
Stepping off the rollercoaster, Kageyama was more silent than anything, red flush adorning his cheeks as you massaged soothing circles onto his hand. “We both lost it in the end.” You laughed.
“I think it was worth it,” he chuckled, the beautiful chime, showing you that he meant every word.
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©mysterystarz all rights reserved, please do not plagiarize, translate, or modify my fics in any way even if credited
taglist (bold cannot be tagged): @moi-bunni @kousukii @littlecatfairy @iwasunshine @kawaii-angelanne @haikyuutothetop @dearkousei @catchmewiddershins @perqabeth @sunarinluvr @elektrosonix @milktyama
reblogs are very appreciated <3
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eirikaanemo · 3 years
Can You Keep A Secret?
Warnings: imprisonment, mentions of starvation and sickness
Note: I haven't actually played Dvalin's quest but I tried to keep it as close to canon as possible. Feel free to leave a comment or message me if you see something wrong.
Venti x GN!Reader
1.9k Words
Your soulmate is secretly Barbatos... now what?
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Everyone has a soulmate. And everyone is born knowing your soulmate's biggest secret. For most people it’s really unhelpful, but for some people it helps them find their soulmate. You’re in the latter group, because yours gives you a name.
You've known your whole life that your soulmate is secretly Barbatos. It's… interesting, to say the least. Of course you'd never dare to tell anyone. Thankfully, asking someone what their soulmate’s secret is isn’t very common. It’s considered to be very rude, so no one asks you what your secret is. They'd think you're crazy!
Barbatos hasn't been around for centuries and you're a mortal. This is the sort of thing you would read about in trashy romance novels! But even though it’s crazy and kind of overwhelming, you know it's true. You don't know if he'd ever accept you or want to be with you, in fact, you’re pretty sure he won’t, but you want to try.
Once that’s settled, you just have to find him. If he's anywhere, it's probably the city of Mondstadt. That’s where he seems to have shown up the most in the past, after all. So you move to Mondstadt. It’s a nice place and the people are friendly. Finding a job with the Knights of Favonius was fairly easy and it paid pretty well.
Unfortunately, the 'Storm-terror' problem starts shortly after you move. He throws the whole city into chaos the first time, and then proceeds to keep doing it regularly. The fear is all encompassing, but that's fine, you try to convince yourself. It will all be worth it when you find him. ‘If you find him’, your traitorous mind whispers.
It's been months, a year even, and you're starting to lose hope. How were you expecting to find Barbatos anyway? Shout from the rooftops for him to reveal himself and whisk you away? He hasn't been around for a long time and you knew that. And to be honest, at this point you've given up.
Going home is the logical thing to do, it’s where your family is after all. But you stay because you made yourself a home here. You have friends: Jean, Lisa, and Kaeya. You have come to love the city: music, freedom, and camaraderie. Well, you love the city except for the 'Storm-terror' attacks. Those aren't very lovable.
What concerns you the most though is that 'Storm-terror' is a dragon. And dragons trend to be important (like, archon important). But no one seems to remember this one. So you research. You visit the cathedral and speak with some nuns. You dedicate some time to listening to bard’s tales, asking them if they know any songs about dragons. One does, and it's surprisingly informational. You spend time at the library, pouring through book after book. And after all this investigation, you've come to the conclusion that 'Storm-terror' is actually Dvalin of the Four Winds. Not that anyone actually believes you
It didn't stop you from telling people your theory though, and being more respectful in how you refer to him, despite all the damage he's caused. Eventually they do start considering it and the city starts catching on. If you keep doing this, you may be able to change the city's perspective of and reaction to Dvalin.
The abyss mage catches on to this, and he just can't let that happen. It could compromise the whole plan. So one day he has Dvalin abduct you and locks you up. And true to your luck, this happens out of the blue while you’re taking a walk that you’d finally convinced Jean to go on with you. Which, of course, reverses all your progress and makes the situation even worse than it was before. Incidentally, this also does the exact opposite of what you’d been trying to do by stressing out poor Jean more.
The abyss mage doesn’t care about anything other than making sure you’re not able to go back to Mondstadt. The mage does not care about human necessities. Who cares if you die? Not him. He hates humans. It's kind of part of his job description.
Your prison is where Dvalin retreats to when not attacking. And the mage has to go report to someone else sometimes, giving you opportunities to speak with Dvalin. He never responds to you, but you can tell he eventually starts listening. You start by rambling about various subjects; then talking about how you know he's Dvalin, and that you're sorry he was being treated like he was, once you know he is listening. Because while you don’t know the whole situation, you know that he feels hurt by how humans have treated him.
After several days of talking to him, he slowly starts warming up to you. It’s a strange sort of bond that grows stronger as time goes on. He starts responding and the two of you actually have conversations instead of just you talking. Eventually you even mention how you know your soulmate is actually Barbatos and that you've kind of given up finding him.
He gives a thoughtful hum, lets you vent out your feelings, tries to think of an appropriate response, then allows you to drop the subject once you’ve worn yourself out emotionally. It’s becoming obvious that your health, physical, mental, and emotional, is degrading faster as time goes on.
One day Dvalin and the mage both disappear for longer than usual. After the mage makes sure you won’t be able to escape, of course. It’s not like you would’ve been able to leave anyway. At that point you’re not able to do much at all.
Little did you know that only Dvalin would be returning. They ended up facing the traveler and their companions in battle, and Dvalin was freed from the mage’s influence. The first thing Dvalin does is take them to help "the one decent human, that he actually cares about". You're in bad shape at this point, starving, sick, and weak. But you’re aware enough to hear Jean call your name and feel someone gather you in their arms before blacking out.
When you wake up you're at the cathedral and are feeling much better. Certainly you are not fully recovered, that will take weeks. That one bard who was able to play you a song about Dvalin is always there. You vaguely remember him being there when you were found. He doesn’t really interact with you much, he’s just kind of there, but he does play peaceful music that helps you fall asleep when you’re struggling to rest.
Then the day comes for you to go home. They’ve done all they can for you and you’re past the worst of it. But you’re well enough to be out and about. “Now you take care of yourself,” Barbara lectures you. “Don’t push yourself, get plenty of rest, drink lots of water, and eat three square meals a day, got it?”
“Got it,” you confirm. “Thank you for taking care of me, I really appreciate your help.” She smiles, wishes you well, and returns to the cathedral. You take a moment to breathe and just appreciate being back home, free of your prison and the small cathedral room they’d kept you in while treating you.
Taking a deep breathe you start on your way home. “Hey!” You hear someone exclaim behind you. “Could you hold on a second?” Turning around, you see the bard quickly excusing himself from a street performance before running to catch up to you. Once he’s caught up, he gives you a smile.
“Hi! I’m Venti the bard! Would you be willing to speak with me about something? It’s kind of private so we would need to go to windrise or something, but you’ll want to hear this, I promise.” He says. “Alright,” you agree, “but I can’t make it all the way to windrise. Would my home do? I live alone so we’ll have privacy.” He nods, “that’ll work great!”
The walk home is quiet but comfortable. The bard’s content to hum a tune as he follows you through the streets. Soon you’re home, unlocking the door to let you and your guest in. You lead him over to the couch where you both sit down. “So,” you say, “what did you want to talk about?”
“Well, I was talking with Dvalin a day or so after we freed both of you and he said you mentioned you came to Mondstadt searching for your soulmate. And that you said your soulmate’s biggest secret, the one that you know, is that they’re Barbatos,” he explains. You feel a pang of betrayal at Dvalin’s actions and some guilt for sharing your soulmate’s secret in the first place.
It probably showed on your face because he quickly spoke up again. “He didn’t just tell me for no reason though. You see, I am Barbatos. I’m your soulmate.” Your head, which had been drooping with the weight of your emotions suddenly shot up as you fumbled for a response.
Apparently that showed too because he continued, “And I’m sorry I made it so hard for you to find me. I’m sorry I almost made you give up on me. Most of my waking time is spent incognito so I can watch over everyone while not being put in a position of authority. I didn’t anticipate meeting you ”
There’s a moment or two of silence as you gather your thoughts. “It’s okay,” you assure him. “I understand why you did what you did and I’ll never hold it against you. How were you supposed to know I was even born yet, not to mention that I’ve been in the area searching for you.”
You take another moment or two to gather your wits. “I will also understand if you don’t want to do anything about this,” you state. “I don’t want you to feel forced into having a relationship with me if you don’t want to. The last thing I’d want to do is be responsible for making you miserable. And that’s not to mention how you’re an archon and I’m just a mortal.”
Your talking speeds up as you start rambling, losing control of the conversation as you feel more and more nervous. Once you realize you’re rambling you shut your mouth with a click. “Sorry about that,” you mutter. “I do that sometimes when I’m nervous.”
When you chance a glance at him, he honestly looks a little offended but mostly just really sad. “Is- is that really what you think I think about this?” He asks softly. “Because it’s not. I absolutely want this. I absolutely want you. I’ve been looking forward to this moment for millenia and I wouldn’t give this up for the world.”
He reaches over and slowly, hesitantly, so as to give you time to escape if you want, gathers you into his arms. You realize that he’s the one who picked you up to bring you home. Your ear rests against his chest as lean against him, and his heart skips a beat as you gently grab one of his hands and kiss it. “I’m glad,” you breathe. “I’m glad too,” he voices softly.
You yawn, feeling the exhaustion from your journey home and the rest of the day hit you. He pulls you close and whispers in your ear, “Sleep well, my cecilia, I’ll be here when the sun comes up and when you wake up.” You fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.
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blu-joons · 3 years
Date Night ~ Cha Eunwoo
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Your eyes looked around as you walked into the apartment, if you didn’t know any better, you were sure that you’d walked into the wrong place as your eyes glanced around. For once, your apartment was tidy, with candles scattered around to generate a bit of light.
As you walked further into the apartment, you spotted Dongmin walking through from the kitchen, smiling widely to greet you. “I wondered when you’d finally get home,” he chuckled, moving his arms around your waist.
“You’re home early,” you hummed as you rested against his chest, struggling to believe that all the sweetness around the house was all thanks to you.
“We managed to finish the shoot a little earlier today, so I wanted to do something to say thank you for all the support you’ve shown me whilst I’ve been so busy,” he told you, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “It’s been a bit of a rush, but I hope it does the trick.”
You couldn’t quite comprehend that you were stood in the same apartment that you left just a few hours ago. Dongmin led you to sit at the dining table where a drink was already waiting for you, and a bouquet of fresh tulips sat in a vase, inviting you across with their beautiful scent, being your favourite flowers after all.
Dongmin flashed another smile across at you as he walked into the kitchen, noticing you trying to glance around the wall to see what he was up to. “My mum sent me a recipe that she used to cook my dad, so I thought I’d try it for you. It’s kept the two of them happy after so many years, so hopefully it’ll do the same for us too.”
“Can you really be trusted to cook?” You called out, impressed that your apartment was even still standing as you recalled Dongmin’s track record in the kitchen. “It’s not too late to phone for a takeout, I’m pretty sure there’s a menu lying around somewhere. I’m more than happy to give them a call if you want to.”
“Just trust me,” Dongmin chuckled, refusing to listen to you.
You sat in the dining room in anticipation, flinching every time you heard Dongmin clattering around. Eventually, he appeared through the door with two plates of pasta in his hand, surprisingly presented well, and astonishingly tasting delicious.
“I can put the effort in when I want to,” he proudly informed you as he took a seat opposite you, untying the apron from around his waist. “There is nothing greater to show appreciation than a home cooked meal, that’s another thing mum always taught me.”
In between his own hectic schedule, you couldn’t quite believe that Dongmin had put something so special together for you. It had been an incredibly long time since the two of you last spent an evening together, most of your nights were just a quick hello and goodnight when one of you inevitably came home in the early hours, far too tired to engage in just a small piece of conversation with each other.
“You must be exhausted,” you whispered across to him as you took a sip from your drink, “this was your first chance in a long time to relax, and instead you decided to do all of this for me. I don’t know what I did to get so lucky and find someone as thoughtful and selfless as you.”
“This is nothing compared to all of the things that you’ve done for me,” he stated, refusing to even listen to you as you tried to protest. “I’m being serious, things have picked up for me rapidly recently, and yet you’ve never complained and just supported me through it all.”
Your head shook, nudging his foot under the table. “I don’t complain because I love you. I’m beyond proud to see how well you’ve been doing for yourself.”
The two of you continued to engage in minimal small talk until you finished your meal. You couldn’t quite believe that something so tasty had been crafted by Dongmin , but you were determined to start making the most of his newfound skill. He’d worked hard to create the perfect evening for you, and to see the smile on your face was all that he needed.
“I would love to tell you I had something more planned after this, but I thought a lazy cuddle in bed might just be what we needed,” he spoke up as you took the plates into the kitchen.
His suggestion was like music to your ears, it had felt like forever since the two of you even laid in the same bed together without one of you being asleep. Neither of you could get upstairs quick enough to change and slide underneath the duvet besides each other.
“It feels nice to just not fall asleep beside you,” Dongmin whispered once you’d settled against his chest. “I’ve missed who we used to be sometimes, even though we haven’t changed, it’s still felt like I’ve neglected us for quite a while.”
Your head shook in response to him, pressing a kiss against his cheek before he could speak any further. The last thing you felt by Dongmin was neglected, even just the smallest of things he did for you right now was something you treasured in his busy schedule.
His hand snaked around your waist once he was sure you were comfortable beside him, allowing his head to rest against yours, pressing his lips into your hairline.
“How long has it been since we last did this?” You chuckled, “this is the ideal moment where I’d just like to grab the remote and press pause on everything that’s going on around us.”
“That would be pretty cool,” Dongmin agreed, squeezing you a little bit tighter. “I don’t want to leave it so long next time, I want us to have nights like this more often, where we can just go back to being who we were before the chaos.”
“Our lives would be lost these days without the chaos. As hectic as it can be, I wouldn’t have things any other way, seeing you succeed is all I’ve ever wanted for you.”
At times Dongmin struggled to understand what he’d done to have such an incredible supporter in you, through everything, you cheered for him.
“I used to think some days that all of this would get too much for you,” he admitted, meeting your eyes as you glanced up at him. “But these days I’ve learnt to be thankful for your support rather than doubt myself. Because I really don’t think I’d be able to do everything that I do if it wasn’t for you constantly having my back.”
“Yes, you would,” you quickly assured him, “even if you underestimate yourself sometimes, I don’t. Tonight, just proved to me why all the quick hellos and brief goodbyes are worth it, because I’m so in love with the person that you are.”
His head shook, kissing the top of your head yet again. “I really did win an incredible daesang the day that I met you Y/N.”
“You were always my grand prize.”
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willwriteforhugs · 4 years
how stray kids asks you out <3
skz scenario - all members (individually) x reader
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genre: fluff, dating au, angst if you close your left eye
word count: 1.6k (total)
warnings: some cursing, but nothing else :)
a/n: hello, lovelies!! this is my very first (posted) stray kids fic- i hope you all enjoy. it’s nothing major, but i really had fun writing it. if you’ve found me on the explore page, hello! i’m a hot mess. pls validate me by reading what i write.
just kidding.
ANYWAYS- please keep in mind that this is written in a totally lighthearted way, and this is 100% fictitious. this is for entertainment purposes only. thank you for reading!
he is actually so shy about it :’(
but he knows he’s gonna go through with it
cause that’s the kind of person he is
he just wants his emotions to be out in the open
whether the feeling is mutual or not
so he just improvises 
he approaches you with completely no context? like he just walks up and starts a convo but you can’t tell why
you think he’s just. being chan
but no
he’s pretty chill, actually
his face is so tho red but he doesn’t know that so don’t say anything
a few minutes in he kinda just snaps because he just couldn’t wait
“y/n-ah, do you wanna- i don’t know, get together sometime? are you free?”
this takes you off guard completely
he misunderstands your reaction *screams*
and he immediately regrets saying anything
but you scramble to reassure him 
when you say you’d like to get together, he loses all humility
becomes a total flirt
this flusters you but the two of you have such CHEMISTRY 
“so it’s a date?”
“it’s a date.”
is the type to completely deny his own feelings until the very last minute
plus, tbh
he probably thinks you hate him
so he has a hard time convincing himself to finally ask you out
but when he does...
he just bites the bullet (lmao pray for him)
when you respond he just kinda:
“will you go out with me?”
you also probably thinks he hates you too (go communication!!)
so you’re just like *surprised pikachu face*
but he just stands there and waits for your response
he’s sweating on the DL
but you kinda just go with it and say yes
he’s hella surprised but doesn’t wanna show his excitement
so he just smirks and is like
“okay. what would you like to do, and when?”
(just because he’s a cocky lil shit doesn’t mean he’s not a gentleman)
but he’s also secretly planning the whole first date in his head
will i hold y/n’s hand? what will they wanna do? should i-
- minho’s brain
is on the bolder side
(be careful with this one)
(he’s feisty)
he probably let his feelings fester for a long time
so this is overdue
but he spends the whole day shamelessly flirting with you
he finally just asks if you want to grab some food
you don’t even really realize it’s a date until he insists on paying for everything
this makes you all clumsy and embarrassed
but he thinks it’s the cutest shit ever
well now he’s clumsy and embarrassed (sobs)
TECHNICALLY he doesn’t officially ask you out until after this
he pretty much just straight up confesses
the audacity i can’t
“y/n-ah... i really like you- will you let me take you out? on a real date?”
* gesturing to the take out *
he isn’t embarrassed at all
you CANNOT stop looking at his eyes
they’re so genuine and loving that you almost forget to answer
once he gets confirmation he promises to both plan and pay for the whole thing, even as you protest
how are you already in love with this man 
poor hyunjinnie probably spent the last four months trying to decide how to ask you out
he’s been head over heels for you for a while now
and he knows he needs to make his move
(cause, let’s be honest- you’re a catch, and he’s protective. could i make it any more obvious?)
he ends up thinking that just being straightforward is the way to do it
so he spends the whole day just trying to get you alone
this is harder than he anticipated
so finally he just grabs you while you’re in conversation
and goes
“y/n, i’m sorry-it’s important, can i just talk to you a sec?”
you go with him, if not out of pure curiosity 
literally the SECOND you’re alone he just swivels around says
“did you know that you are really hard to catch alone?”
and you’re kinda just like: 
but he continues
“anyways, i just had a question for you?”
“oh, okay. what is it?”
this is when the nerves hit him 
“oh, uh- i guess i was just wondering- if you would go out with me sometime? nothing big, i just-”
you interrupt him without thinking
* cue one completely flustered and w h i p p e d hyunjin *
is not shy at ALL
but he wants to make sure you’re comfortable
so he doesn’t make a big deal out of it
he spent a lot of time debating how to do it
but he decides to write a note (so cute)
he waits until you leave the room for a sec
he slips a note into your bag that just says
“date? -jisungie”
with a lil heart next to it
then he panics and just books it
when you find it a bit later you’re initially confused
but then it kinda hits you
you FREAK out and track him down-
only to realize you have no idea what you want to say to him
but he knows you too well
and he just laughs when he sees your face
this makes you laugh too, even though you’re nervous
when the two of you finally recover he’s just
“but really- please? let me take you out.”
you know your face is on fire
so you just nod
but that’s all the confirmation he needs
king of overthinking 
we all know felix has EVERYTHING planned in his head
like, to a T
he’s been very stressed about asking you out, but he also doesn’t want to miss his chance
so he just thinks and thinks and thinks
he just wants it to be perfect for you
he decides to just hang out in the comfort of your home to do it
the two of you are just chilling (y’know. FRIEND THINGS.)
but he is completely in his own head
and you can tell
you get to be a little worried for him, so you just ask:
“hey- are you alright? you seem a little off tonight.”
he turns super pink and tries to play it off
but since you’re a stubborn piece of work, you pry a lil
and he cracks under pressure (I FEEL BAD OMG)
he finally just looks up and snaps:
“y/n- i’m really sorry. i wanted to to this well, and make it cute and romantic and have you fall in love with me in an instant. but you- god, you’re so nerve-wracking!”
you just sit there
completely flabbergasted
he bursts into awkward laughter, and between coughs he’s just like
“y/n, i was gonna ask you out. i’ve loved you for a while now.”
he continues: “but i guess i fucked up, didn’t i...”
you jump and interrupt him
and insist that he was being crazy- what was he doing letting his mind run free with that?
finally, to shut him up, you just lean over and place your lips over his.
is surprisingly confident
but also low-key has no idea what he’s doing
he decides to send you a text
he asks if you want to grab coffee, which you absolutely do
he doesn’t realize until later...
that he didn’t actually specify it was supposed to be a date.
but he kinda just goes with it, and the two of you maintain good conversation
finally he interrupts you mid-sentence and is like
“y/n, will you answer a question for me?”
you nod, and he continues:
“what is- uh- this- exactly? to you?”
* nodding down at your long empty coffee cups *
you don’t really understand the question (valid)
he kinda just sighs and starts laughing
“well. it was supposed to be a date. i’m just really bad at this.”
you just. cannot believe your ears
he just laughs harder and says
“so. can we try again?”
you start laughing too
and you know that even if it wasn’t the best first date,
you’d felt right at home. 
poor baby is SO NERVOUS 
he’s spent like,,,,
the last 6 days trying to plan how to finally do this 
but he decides to approach you and let it try to come up naturally
you two carry a conversation for a few minutes and then he asks
“so...do you- you know- like anyone?”
your face turns bright red
you can’t stop thinking
does he know oh my god am i that obvious i-
but you end up just looking away and being like
“i mean- i guess?”
he can’t decide how to respond
because on one hand- that person could be him
but on the other hand, it’s more likely that it’s not, and then it would be awkward as hell for him to ask you out
he kinda panics
then against his own will he just goes for it
“y/n-ah. i don’t really know how to say this- but will you let me take you out? i really like you...”
his ears are RED OH BOY
his voice kinda just trails off and you can tell he feels insecure
but when you tell him yes...
he was literally born for this
he gets so excited and doesn’t hide it at all
thank you so much for reading!! p.s. my asks are now open, feel free to send in your requests !
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angeli-marco-writes · 4 years
∘◦  ღ  ◦∘  Harrison Osterfield - Quarantine  ∘◦  ღ  ◦∘
A/N - I wrote this during the first lockdown that Britain were in. ow we’re in the third, and almost a year later, I’m uploading this onto my Tumblr from my Wattpad. And yes, before everyone says it, I am fully aware that the Holland’s and Haz were isolating in two different houses and haven’t been living together for months, but this makes it more amusing, and as I say, it was written a while ago. I do not know Harrison, nor do I claim to; this is a work of fiction and entirely my own. 
Warnings - cursing, smut, detailed sex, cockwarming, oral, kinky names, mentions of sleeping around... you know the drill by now.
Summary - Quarantine with a bunch of sex deprived twenty-odd year old boys isn’t your idea of fun, especially not when the only one you want refuses to pay even the slightest bit of attention. Taking measures into your own hands is only simple until you get caught.
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YOU AREN’T SURE HOW, but in some strange twist of fate, you’ve ended up in self isolation with the Holland’s. But it doesn’t end there, no, not just the Holland’s, but Harrison and Tuwaine too.
You have a bed in the attic, the other side of Harrison’s room, but you’re hardly sleeping in it. Seeing as you’re the only girl among an entire collection of (ahem, horny) and barely adult boys, you were most certainly on their beckon call. You didn’t mind being called to Sam, Harry’s, even Tom’s rooms late at night; you simply wished that you'd be asked to sleep with the one you actually wanted. Harrison.
You and he had been friends as long as you could remember, neighbours from age 4 and friends ever since. Even through uni when you studied a double major and you had zero free time, he was still constant in your life. You’d met Tom and the boys, the twins being closer to your age, and gotten on with them all as well. It just so happened that you ended up on a job with Mr Holland, and that’s what brought all of you closer together with you being in their house often to work on this project it also just so happened that you’d been hanging around with them all when lockdown was announced, leaving you to be in trouble if you drove halfway across London to your own home, so they invited you to stay and had any and all necessary items mailed to you by your roommate. You were only trusted to stay with Harrison after your history together and nothing ever having come of you two, though Mrs Holland did not trust the other boys enough with you and therefore did a bed check every night and every morning to make sure you were alone, though it was always a deceitful check on everyone’s behalf. 
You didn’t thank Tom, Sam or Harry post-sex since you’d always have to return to your own cold bed, next to a sleeping Harrison, a sleeping Harrison who wouldn’t dare use you as a booty call like the other three did. It was safe to say that Harrison also had no idea of your truancies since he slept like a light and no one would discuss your actions at the dinner table to save your dignity, and their own necks.
Tonight though, you have other plans. Harrison has some papers to look through and will therefore be sitting at his desk, procrastinating before his computer for hours, only to be left to flick through the contract at an utterly ungodly hour, and he’d proceed to sleep tomorrow, all throughout the day. You were going to help him relax: maybe a massage, a cuddle, a blunt. Or you’d sit on his lap, watch to see whether he’d tense or relax beneath your bare legs, or whether he’d pick up on whose shirt you were to wear. That was the only tell: you’d steal a shirt from each brother to wear as a mark the next day, but you’d simply claim they were more comfortable than your own tight fitting button downs and crop tops. Harrison hadn’t noticed, not yet though as far as you knew, but each brother wore a slight smirk every day that you wore their shirt.
It hurt that Harrison wouldn’t be able to tell with his usual obliviousness, but you’d shower before seeing to him tonight, and wear one of his shirts so that when he got it back it might smell like you, a scent he claimed to enjoy.
As soon as dinner finishes, you leap away from the three boys all vying for your attention.
“I have work to do, and a shower to have. Plus, I’m tired.” You respond to all three on your journey up the stairs, hearing Harrison groan very loudly from the attic, followed by his head hitting the keyboard of his laptop. You smile sadly to yourself, a mix of nervous anticipation and excitement expelling from your body while the water lashes at your skin, soothing any pain or fear you may be feeling. You increase the heat, allowing the steam to fill your pores as you lean your head forwards to keep your hair dry, held in a messy bun.
You imagine his touch all over your bare body, his finger tracing your jaw, but a knock on the door and a yell to hurry up snaps you from your trance, making you turn off the water and wrap a soft towel (that you know to be Harrison’s) around yourself. You scowl at Harry on your way out, in response to which he sticks his tongue out childishly. 
You end up mostly dry after taking a longer than usual walk up the steps to the attic, lingering on each one until the balls of your feet become sore. You peek your head around the door, only to see Harrison in a hoodie and boxers, a grimace on his lips while attacking his keyboard with a ferocity that you’ve scarcely seen. His anger causes you to furrow your brows, silently wishing that you succeed in calming him instead of making him feel worse. 
You slip into a pair of panties and grab your favourite of his shirts off one of the hangers. You pull out your phone under a guise if he spots you, absentmindedly scrolling through your feed while eyeing Harrison. He slows his typing and begins clicking his mouse at the screen slowly, intently reading the reams of white on his laptop. 
It’s time, you tell yourself, standing up from the bed and walking behind him. You place your hands on his shoulders, splaying your fingers and digging your thumbs in. Harrison’s body goes lax, his hands falling from the laptop to the desk, laying his hands flat on the wood. He lets out a groan and rolls his head back, falling right onto the pillow of your chest. You continue to rub his shoulders, enjoying the way he’s slowly relaxing under your therapeutic touch, that is until he swats you away with a small, sad smile. You sigh, having none of it, and crawl your hands down to the hem of his hoodie.
“What are you doing?” He asks, his tone dripping with boredom. “I have this contract to read, you know I do.”
“Exactly.” You reply after thinking for a moment. You want to say the right thing, you want this to go seamlessly, so every word has to be perfect, not to mention every action.
Surprisingly, he doesn’t battle against your bid to remove his hoodie, and obligingly lifts his arms up over his head so that you can pull his jumper off. You toss it to the side and hear something fall to the floor, but that’s somehow the least of your concerns. You reward Harrison with a kiss to the soft, unblemished skin of his neck - but it won’t stay that way, not for much longer. 
You thread your fingers into his beautiful brown locks and tug a little, just to let him know that you mean business. His lips part as though intending to let out a groan of some kind, but it doesn’t come, so with disappointment you continue to play with his hair the way you love to. He doesn’t stop you, so that’s something, right?
When he hasn’t given you attention for too long, albeit about five minutes, you walk around in front of him. His eyes are forced to retrain from his screen to where your breasts show in his top. Apparently, going braless in one of his tops has its perks, not talking about your nipples.
“Looks good on you,” he murmurs. He pushes his chair out and gestures for you to drape yourself over his legs and lap, which you do more than willingly while wrapping your arms around his neck and tugging at the wonderfully soft curls at the nape.
“I know this isn’t ideal, you need to do proper work and be having contact with your girls, but I’ll get you out soon, I know the boys are a lot.”
You simply hum in acknowledgement, adjusting your seat on his bare legs. Skin on skin, electrifying in every sense of the word. 
“That is why you’re doing this, right?” He asks, nervously almost, and you instantly feel as though you’re molesting him, until he wraps his strong arms around your back. You could moan at the contact, his muscles tensing all around you, the feel of Harrison and his smell radiating around you, you wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.
You move your hands to his shoulders and begin to massage again, just from the front this time, a feeble attempt to procrastinate against your goal. Harrison’s gone back to reading his screen, so while he’s still gathering what he’s reading, it’s your only shot.
You twist on his lap until you’re completely straddling him, your forehead pressed to his. The beautiful blue-green of his eyes sends you into a trance, melting your insides. You can swear that you see him nod a little, so you begin to move your hips. You grind and swirl on his lap, undulating your hips in a perfect figure of eight when you feel him harden beneath you.
With your ministrations paused momentarily, you take a sharp intake of breath and say, “This was never about attention because I’ve been stuck with the boys, this is because I want you.”
Harrison’s face instantly melts into an expression of relief, a goofy smile on his (what you hope to be) soft lips.
“I thought you didn’t want me because you were sleeping with the others,” he says, and you shake your head, tears of relief and happiness almost spilling from your eyes. You feel warm and fuzzy despite the guilt, shame and anger bubbling from your truancies with the Holland boys. 
“You knew then?”
“How couldn’t I?” He remarks, “you’re all they talk about when there’s no adults and no Paddy in the room. What they did to you, how many times they made you cry out their names, the marks they tried to leave on you until your own dominant side came out. Every conversation I had to excuse myself out of mainly respect from you, because what they said upset me but I just couldn’t say so, but then I just came up here and imagined what you’d be doing to me.” Your heart hitches in your throat, butterflies filling your stomach and travelling into your every limb, making your skin tingle. Your stomach rises in goosebumps, as does the skin of your thighs, and you notice that it’s because Harrison has his hands underneath your (his) shirt, and he’s skimming over your waist and legs, holding you and savouring the feel of your skin beneath him. He kisses your neck, once, twice, and it’s gone.
He turns back to his computer and continues his work, looking over your shoulder and letting his eyes train every tiny black line of script on his screen. Your neediness is at an all time high, one hand resting absently on your hip, just above your bum while his other hand clicks at his keyboard and mouse like it’s second nature. The speed of his fingers makes you even needier, craving for him to be inside you already, so you climb onto his bare thigh and trap it between your own. 
You dig your hips down into his leg, grinding and aching for friction, and you already know that you’re dripping onto his skin. The fine hair on his thighs gives a delicious amount of friction - not too much but not too little. As you go further, your mouth parts a little more, allowing you to let out a strangled whimper. Your thigh brushes Harrison’s cock through his boxers, and you feel his hand grip your waist tighter, almost painfully.
Your pussy starts throbbing, aching for more of him, while your hands rake his back, leaving scratch marks in their wake. Your head falls to the crook of Harrison’s neck as you approach your high, moving your hips more fervently and letting out moans is anticipation. You wonder if Harrison is even able to pay attention to his contract anymore with what you’re doing to him, but that thought is set to rest when you’re right on the edge, but both of his hands grip your hips and move you off his thigh, the skin glistening with your essence. 
For a minute, you think he’ll be angry, make you clean it up, but instead he just kisses you. His lips catch yours more desperately than you could’ve dreamt, immediately biting down on your lower lip, trapped inside his mouth. You let out the loudest moan you could in the moment, but Harrison finds it heavenly, delving his tongue into your mouth to deepen the kiss while his hands grip your ass. He pulls away, looking at you with those puppy eyes that he knows you can’t resist. 
“Sit on my cock? Just ‘til I finish this section, then I’ll take you as hard as you want.” 
You look sceptical, and Harrison can tell, you know because he kissed you again and moves his hands from your bum to wrap his arms around your whole body and keep you close to him. His lips pressed against your own is enough convincing, so you move your panties aside and accommodate while Harrison takes his boxers off.
When he does, you’re surprised at how big he is, bigger than any of the lads you’ve been with before. Long and substantial, you want to drool just looking at his dick standing proud against his stomach. Nervously, you slide down on him. His girth stretches your every wall and his tip hits new spots until finally you’re balls deep. He groans and exhales, eyes closed while trying to gather his bearings. 
“Fuck.” He says. “Your cunt bottomed out on my cock, keeping me warm and hard, you’re an angel.”
His words drive you crazy, making you moan and involuntarily clench around him, but he doesn’t seem to mind. You wrap yourself around him like a koala bear, craving to have as much skin to skin contact as is possible. Your head lays on his chest to stay out of his way, and he seems thankful to be able to see the screen but also feel you. 
You stay seated on Harrison for no more than ten minutes as he taps away at his keyboard and scrolls through the pages. Occasionally he moves, stimulating you enough for you to gasp or tighten around him, and in those instances he kisses behind your ear. 
You listen to his heart, slowing or increasing its speed depending on your movements. The steady heave of his chest moving with his breathing is strangely calming, making you feel closer to him, more stimulated and comforted, something like love.
Suddenly, his laptop slams shut and he thrusts up into you. You yelp a little and snap your head up, nose nudging with his and your lips grazing. 
“You’ve been driving me crazy, and you’ve done it on purpose. Were you sleeping with the others to get my attention? Am I better than them already? Bigger?” You whimper, his words building a fire inside you. “You don’t have to answer, love, I can already tell by your body.”
You cling to him even tighter than before as he clears everything off his desk, breaking a pencil pot while he’s at it, and you can’t help but chuckle.
“You choose a desk to fuck me on when we have two beds up here, both of which will make a lot less noise?” 
He looks downcast and releases a giggle. “Yeah, didn’t think of that.”
“It’s fine,” you say, cupping his jaw and caressing his stubbled cheek, “you can fuck me harder on this and let the boys know who I belong to tonight.”
He places you down beneath him on the desk, still hard inside you, but instead of attacking you again in a ferocious kiss, he looks down at you and marvels in your beauty just for a moment, his scrutiny surprisingly doesn’t phase you, it only makes you feel treasured, so as your eyes follow the movements of his rippling muscles, he smiles faintly and kisses you softly. 
“Fuck me Haz,” you whisper, those simple words being all the motivation needed, because he pulls out, leaving you whining at the emptiness of only his twitching tip inside your core, but within seconds he pushes all the way back in. 
He feels heavenly, your eyes rolling back into your head and a surprised moan leaving your lips. He smiles down at you before pulling out and thrusting back inside you, setting a steady pace. Every move feels like paradise, every jolt of his hips swindling shockwaves of pleasure through your craving body, having been desperate for him for a good while.
He feels heavenly inside you, his tip grazing that special spot inside you. “Harrison!” You cry, as quietly as you can. He leans down and pulls the neck of your (his) shirt down so that he can get access to your breast, immediately latching his lips onto your nipple, biting at it viciously while pressing his hands onto your spread thighs. You feel yourself approaching an edge, a timed coil curling inside your stomach as his ministrations continue. 
He’s so much better than the others - not that they weren’t good, they have a basic idea of what to do with you and how to use you, and they’re decently sized, but they can’t make you feel the way Harrison can. 
“I’m close...” you whisper between incoherent murmurs. He’s not too noisy, which may or may not be a blessing paired with the slamming and squeaking of the desk beneath your bodies, it’s mostly just breathy grunts and occasional curses.
“Me too, beautiful.” He dances his forefinger up your thigh and rubs circles around your wetness, allowing you to let go.
The coil within springs open, and you feel your body fall loose, vision blurring with stars in your eyes and core clenching around Harrison - it feels like heaven. Feeling this, he climaxes soon after you and to save from screaming, kisses you in a messy fight of teeth and tongues, half muffling the pornographic moans that would otherwise be bound to spill.
Harrison falls down onto you, chest heaving and breathless, but nonetheless he still places open mouthed kisses to your neck.
“I’ll wait for you to get your breath, shall I?” You tease while running your finger up and down his spine. He chuckles and climbs fully on top of you, cuddling you into his chest. “Well, now I can see why you don’t have a girlfriend yet. Can’t even go for one round without ending up flustered. Lucky that I’ll have you no matter.”
He hums into you, holding you and savouring the silence filled with only your breathing and a few sounds from downstairs, but soon the wood becomes too uncomfortable.
Harrison slips an arm beneath you and carries you across the room to his unmade bed, as opposed to your neatly tucked in one with your entire collection of clothes and makeup on top of the sheets, but his bed is probably comfier since he’s always in it. 
“Round two?”
Your heart rate increases, a burning blush rising to the tips of your ears as well as a shy smile snaking its way across your lips, still swollen from Harrison’s attack, not to mention the swollen parts of your skin where he paid a little more attention, leaving marks and memories for days to come.
“I’d like to see you try.” You tease, keeping your cool resolve despite feeling anxious straddling him, his eyes flitting between your chest, eyes and lips, unsure of what to do or how to use his mouth, a definite rarity for someone like him.
He seems desperate, putting his hands on your hips and thirstily jolting his hips upwards - if you’d been a few inches further down, he would’ve been straight back inside you, and maybe that’s what he was hoping for.
“Any hole’s a goal, isn’t that what Tom says?” 
He loves it when you tease him, that much you’re learnt over the years. Every girl he’s been with you’ve found a way to tease him about it, anything he says, anything he does, and he loves it since it usually ends in a play fight and him surrendering control of the tv remote to you. This time however, it ends in something far different.
He tugs the shirt up further and pulls you roughly so that your calves are either side of his neck, your once again dripping core hovering above his face and awaiting tongue. 
“Only if it’s yours.” He says, his breath sending shockwaves through your body straight from your core.
His tongue deftly finds its way through your folds and inside your tensing cavern, and it feels heavenly. His nose nudges at your clit while his tongue laps up all around you, his lips working in tandem while his tongue dances inside you. The moans leaving your mouth are otherworldly noises that you’ve never quite made before, maybe because you’ve never sat on anyone’s face, never mind someone as experienced as Harrison, something that you’re now learning is far from a bad thing. 
“Harrison!” You cry when he delves a little deeper. His eyes remain between your own and the way your boobs bounce inside his shirt while you squirm on top of him. Every noise the pair of you make masks the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs to the attic, and muffle the sound of knocking on the door.
Harrison’s mouth continues its assault on your needy heat, your one hand weaving into his hair while the other massages your breast through your shirt, bringing stimulation to your nipple and bringing your climax closer and closer...
“Haz, we get that you hate work but you really don’t have to make so much noise- OH MY FUCKING GOD!”
You freeze, your recently shut eyes shooting open and darting over to the door, ajar with Tom standing just over the threshold, staring right at the two of you with a face of horror and disgust. Harrison however, bites down on your sensitive nub in his state of shock, and your second orgasm washes over you in such a state of unexpected euphoria that you lose all your bearings. 
You cry out Harrison’s name like a prayer, chanting it while he cleans you up, and it’s not for a solid minute after your climax ends that you realise Tom is still in the room with you, rendered speechless, mouth agape and dumbfounded. 
When you clock what’s happening, you grasp Harrison’s duvet and yank it up to cover you both while you climb off Harrison’s face, his lips still glistening with your cum. He seems lost for words, too, blanching more and more with every passing second. He gulps, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down. No one moves, except for Harrison’s cock twitching under the duvet.
“It’s not what it looks like...” you say, your words getting lost in the thick tension of the room, like a rubber band pulled so tightly that it could snap at any given moment.
“Really? Because it looks like Harrison was just eating you out!”
You can’t fault Tom's logic, it is exactly what it looks like, so you just blush and pull the duvet up to your chin while wishing for a black hole to swallow you up. 
You can’t help but notice how beautiful Harrison looks though, plump lips and that wonderful glint in his eyes, messy hair and no top. 
“Ok, so it’s exactly what it looks like, surprise?” You can’t figure out what to say to him in the current situation, but instantly feel relaxed when Harrison begins to rub his palm up and down your thigh beneath the duvet .
“What- oh, this is why you called?” Sam now makes an appearance, folding his arms and standing next to a resolute Tom. You can’t decipher if he’s angry, amused or something else. “Our plan worked!” He suddenly shouts, and within seconds, Harry arrives beside the pair, a smirk on his lips.
“Really? So shagging Y/N and talking about it in front of me was all a ploy to get us together? And if so, why does Mr Fancy Pants here look so angry?” Harrison asks, and you can feel him willing his boner to wilt while in the presence of the brothers.
“Yes!” Comes paddy’s voice from the doorway, swiftly standing in front of Tom. 
You smirk, but Harrison scowls, unable to accommodate this situation within his mind.
“He’s probably shocked because he walked in on you two... you know. But yeah, it was all a plan, sorry by the way.” Harry says, you just wave it off but Harrison’s grip on your leg tightens.
“Don’t be angry, it worked didn’t it?” Sam chimes in, patting Paddy on the back before making his way out.
Tom has to have the last word, you can see it on the settling lines on his forehead, so you brace yourself closer to Haz. “And don’t I bloody know that it worked!”
Maybe the drama was worth it for the laugh out of Tom’s reaction, though Harrison would argue with you there.
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jenn-collins · 3 years
And here’s the second part before they both get posted to AO3 as a oneshot:
“So here’s how it’s going to go,” Tony said, arm bent at the elbow as he leaned against the doorframe of her quarters in the tower.
She grabbed his collar in both of her hands, tugging him inside and he looked around once before closing the door behind him.
“You can come to the mansion to ensure your privacy. No one’s going to come after me if I do it there, right?”
“No. I don’t think.”
“Good.” He nodded. “I’ve equipped JARVIS to assist, however there will be a S.H.I.E.L.D. surgeon on call in the immediate vicinity should a life threatening emergency occur.”
She looked up at him, her hands still on his shirt.
“She can wait upstairs, you’ll never even have to see her. And more importantly, she’ll never see you,” he clarified.
Natasha swallowed hard, her throat thick with emotion. “You’re going to do it?” she asked quietly.
“I’m going to do it,” he replied softly.
A tight half-smile formed at the corner of her mouth and she let go of his shirt long enough to reach up and fling her arms around his neck, ducking her head into him.
He carefully wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her close for a moment. “We’d better get going,” he said gently. “Jet’s waiting outside.”
She followed him into the side entrance of his garage, her brows narrowing as she wondered why she’d never noticed that there was a side entrance into the place before.
The lights were already turned on in the back half that made up his lab, with the ballast directly above the counter in the center on the brightest setting. Her mouth quirked up when she noticed his robots clearing the space.
“Make yourself comfortable,” Tony said, gesturing around his workshop.”Don’t mind them. They’re just sterilizing the equipment.”
She silently noted the calm and confident demeanor he projected as he moved about his space, a stark contrast to the nervousness he’d shown when she’d first approached him with her problem.
“Sir, your second guest is arriving,” JARVIS informed him.
Tony nodded. “That’ll be the S.H.I.E.L.D. surgeon.” He turned to Natasha. “Did you change your mind about letting a pro do it?”
She shook her head, her eyes trained on his.
“I figured. Hold on a second, I’m going to talk to her upstairs and show her to her office for the next few hours.”
He gave her a forced smile. “I always thought the circumstances would be way different when I finally said this to you, but why don’t you take your clothes off and lay down?”
She silently watched him go up the stairs, only turning her head away when she couldn’t see him anymore and focusing her attention on the low whirring sounds coming from the console. She could smell the antiseptic as the robots meticulously cleaned the counter and the tools on the small table that had been set aside for the procedure.
Then she undressed slowly, arranging her clothing in a neat pile on the couch in the center of the room one garment at a time until she was left in her black sports bra and matching boyshort panties.
She scooted up on the counter the robots had cleared, her eyes sweeping over the table to get a closer look at the makeshift medical supplies he’d selected.
“Good?” He asked quietly from his perch at the bottom of the stairs, his hands gripping the banister as he peered at her.
She nodded. “Looks like you did your homework.”
“JARVIS, lock down the workshop,” he commanded, pulling on a pair of nitrile gloves as he approached.
“I’m on it, sir.”
“Any last words?” He teased, holding up an uncapped marker.
“Funny,” she said dryly, leaning back on the counter.
“Relax,” he murmured, but she couldn’t tell if he was saying to her or himself.
He spread a gloved hand over her stomach, pressing down and holding her steady while the other hand drew a meticulous line to mark the spot where he’d make the incision.
She kept her eyes trained on his face, tongue peeking out from between his teeth as he worked. His hand on her skin went a surprisingly long way in soothing the nerves she wouldn’t let herself admit she was feeling.
His eyes met hers and he offered her a soft smile. “Ready?”
She wordlessly nodded again.
“JARVIS, stay with me buddy,” she heard him say. The slight uncertain tone to his voice betrayed the steadiness and confidence in his fingers, but for some reason it made her feel better. She distantly heard JARVIS’s voice, but she didn’t make out the response.
“Wake up, Sleeping Beauty.”
Her eyelids slowly fluttered open into the harsh light and she turned her head to find Tony close by, his hand holding hers tightly.
“Oh, thank God,” he muttered quietly, clearly thinking he’d only been saying it to himself.
“Hi,” she managed once she could make her throat work.
“Hi,” he said softly, his eyes crinkling in the corners as he smiled somewhat proudly.
“It’s done?” she asked a little groggily.
“It’s done.” He reached to help her sit. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m okay.” She looked down to admire his handiwork, finding perfectly precise stitches binding an incision that was much shorter than she’d anticipated.
“Should fade completely with proper care,” he said with pride still edging his voice. “Otherwise it’ll just match the other side,” he added, gesturing to the small scar a couple of inches to the left of her belly button.
“A souvenir from a mission gone wrong,” she explained.
He nodded. “Well, hopefully that won’t happen this time. And you didn’t think I could do it.”
She raised her eyebrows. “That was you,” she pointed out.
“Right.” He gestured with his head over to the table. “I’ve got a topical antibacterial for when you clean it, but the doc also recommended an antibiotic injection to flush out any potential infection on the inside before she left. Wanted to wait for you to be conscious so I could ask.”
“You cut me open with a razor, but you were afraid to stick a needle in me?”
He slid over to the table, producing a small pamphlet and handing it to her. “Easy, feisty pants. You’re not allergic to any of those things, are you?”
She read over the ingredients, shaking her head.
“Then sit up a little straighter. It goes in your side,” he said, slowly filling a syringe. “Do you want to do it?”
“You can,” she said, bracing herself on her hands.
“Okay. C’mere,” he murmured, carefully and gently administering the antibiotic.
“You really do think of everything,” she murmured admiringly as he depressed the plunger and the needle pierced her skin.
“Isn’t that why you came to me?” He asked, looking up at her.
“Yeah,” she said softly, meeting his gaze. “That and….”
“And what?” He asked quietly.
She shook her head. “I don’t… I don’t know.”
They sat looking into each other’s eyes for a moment until Tony rose up from his perch on his chair and scooped her up in his arms, lifting her from the table with one arm around her waist and the other under her knees.
“What are you doing?” She asked, her arms going around his neck instinctively as he carried her.
“You’re probably going to be a little sore,” he explained, setting her carefully down on her feet. “And you don’t want to put too much strain on those stitches.”
He turned from her abruptly as if suddenly remembering something and reached for the table before turning back to her. “Here,” he said. “What do you want me to do with this?”
Her throat tightened involuntarily when he produced the small chip between his forefinger and thumb, clearly cleaned after being extracted from where it’d spent all those years wedged in her body.
“Destroy it,” she replied, her voice catching.
He narrowed one eye as he regarded her, still holding out the chip. “Hammer? Toss it into the ocean? Have a Hulk step on it? Blowtorch?”
“Blowtorch,” she said.
“Okay.” He moved into the garage part of his workspace, returning a moment later with the tool she didn’t realize she’d actually requested and she laughed.
“You do it,” he said, placing it on the edge of a workbench and holding out the blowtorch.
Her smile faltered. “You can.”
He shook his head, motioning with his hand for her to come over and she took a few tentative steps.
He pulled a pair of safety glasses out one handed and adjusted them on her face, gently smoothing her hair back with his fingers once his hand was free. “Nah, it’ll be much more satisfying if you do it. Come on, just pull the trigger right here.”
She swallowed hard, wordlessly taking the tool from him, her eyes narrowing as she held it away from her and squeezed the trigger.
The chip blasted into a few tiny pieces, most of them melting under the heat.
“Ha!” he said, clapping his hands satisfactorily. “What do you know? You’re a good shot with more than just one weapon.”
She set the tool down and threw her arms around him, ignoring the slight discomfort in her midsection as she leaned up to hug him tightly.
“Thank you,” she whispered into his ear.
“Anytime,” he promised, his strong arms encircling around her waist and pulling her into his body as he hugged her back.
When they broke the embrace, she stood up on her tiptoes, closed her eyes and pressed her lips softly to his cheek in a long, lingering kiss.
She felt him swallow hard, then his breath was warm on her face as she slowly pulled away, opening her eyes to find his lips parted and a vulnerable, slightly dazed expression on his face.
“Tony,” she whispered, suddenly realizing that she was still in her underwear.
He cleared his throat. “Uh, anyway I think you just gave me an idea for an upgrade to the Iron Man suit.”
She raised an eyebrow questioningly.
“Microchips under the skin to attract the armor.”
“What? It’s nano-tech. And it can be injected.”
“And you don’t think that’s dangerous?”
He pursed his lips. “You’re really going to talk to me about what’s dangerous now?”
“Um, do you want to take me home?” She asked to change the subject.
“To New York? Actually, I was thinking. Maybe you should just spend the night here tonight. That was I can keep an eye on you, in case you develop an infection, or something.”
She rolled her eyes as she made her way over to the couch and reached for her clothes. “And you don’t think I can handle that on my own?”
“I think friends who pressure friends into doing something dangerous that they’re not exactly comfortable with can at least humor their friend for peace of mind.”
She sighed.
“Come on. I already have a room ready for you upstairs,” he insisted.
She nodded silently, realizing that she wasn’t going to win this one and followed him up the stairs.
“I already called Cap and told him you’re not working this weekend,” he said a little more gently as she peered into the room he’d had prepared.
She had to admit, the plush queen size, rows of pillows and oversized blankets did look inviting.
“How are you doing? Do you want any painkillers?” He asked.
“Not yet,” she said.
“Will you at least let me help clean it and bandage it up before bed?”
“Sure,” she said softly, sitting on the bed and lifting up her shirt.
The small night table was already loaded up with first aid supplies and he reached for some cotton balls, dousing them in rubbing alcohol before gingerly pressing them to her wound.
She winced slightly at the sting, but his hands were gentle and practiced and he knelt down on the floor in front of her, blowing softly on the area to soothe it and sending goosebumps up her side.
“Can I make a friendly observation?” He asked quietly as he covered the stitches with a thin layer of gauze and sealed it with some medical tape.
She nodded, grateful for anything that would make her stop thinking too hard about this hands on her skin.
“You are pretty reckless when it comes to things from your past,” he said softly, his brown eyes wide and caring as he looked up at her.
“I guess you’re right,” she admitted.
He slowly rose up and sat on the bed next to her. “Maybe you could try leaning on your friends a little more often,” he suggested.
She leaned her head against his shoulder, her hand reaching down between them to cover the fresh wound he’d made.
“It’s okay,” he whispered, wrapping his arm protectively around her shoulders. “It’s over.”
“For now,” she said in a low voice.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked.
She shook her head. “Can’t we just sit?”
“For now,” he replied, drawing her in closer and resting his cheek against her hair.
She closed her eyes against the tears that threatened to spill as she breathed him in, her body and her emotions raw as he held her.
“Hey, Nat?” He asked after awhile.
“What’s this?” he said.
“What’s what?” She asked, raising her head a little so she could look at him.
He moved the hand that wasn’t full of her hair and pressed his thumb into the tiny arrow charm that sat just above her collar bone.
“Oh… it’s just something I wear for a friend. To keep him close.”
“It’s pretty obvious who that friend is,” Tony muttered.
She raised an eyebrow in amusement. “Are you jealous?” She asked, trying and failing to keep her lips from quirking upwards. “Cause you know that you’re the friend I wanted for this, right?”
He looked back at her. “Most of the time it’s a boyfriend who buys a necklace for his girlfriend,” he said evenly.
She laughed. “It’s never been like that between me and Clint,” she insisted. “It’s just… I don’t know. When I first started at S.H.I.E.L.D., Clint and I were paired on every mission together. Dangerous stuff.”
He gazed back at her skeptically.
“But… after awhile I started to earn my own reputation. And we wouldn’t be paired for everything.” She shrugged her shoulders. “This is my way of reminding myself of him. Kind of like he’s there, even when he’s not.”
“I see. Well, should I buy you a diamond bracelet or something to remind you of me, when I’m not around?”
“It doesn’t really work like that,” she said with a smile. “Besides, I have tonight to remind me of you,” she added, reaching between them and threading her fingers through his.
He squeezed her hand and raised it to his lips, kissing her knuckles softly. “How are you really feeling?” he asked.
“Honestly? It feels  a little weird,” she admitted. “But it’s better with you here.”
He smiled softly, a tired, but genuine smile.
“Thank you.”
She grabbed his collar in both of her hands, tugging him inside and he looked around once before closing the door behind him.
“You can come to the mansion to ensure your privacy. I’ve equipped JARVIS to assist, however there will be a S.H.I.E.L.D. surgeon on call in the immediate vicinity should a life threatening emergency occur.”
She looked up at him, her hands still on his shirt.
“She can wait upstairs, you’ll never even have to see her. And more importantly, she’ll never see you,” he clarified.
Natasha swallowed hard, her throat thick with emotion. “You’re going to do it?” she asked quietly.
“I’m going to do it,” he replied softly.
A tight half-smile formed at the corner of her mouth and she let go of his shirt long enough to reach up and fling her arms around his neck, ducking her head into him.
He carefully wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her close for a moment. “We’d better get going,” he said gently. “Jet’s waiting outside.”
She followed him into the side entrance of his garage, her brows narrowing as she wondered why she’d never noticed that there was a side entrance into the place before.
The lights were already turned on in the back half that made up his lab, with the ballast directly above the counter in the center on the brightest setting. Her mouth quirked up when she noticed his robots clearing the space.
“Make yourself comfortable,” Tony said, gesturing around his workshop.”Don’t mind them. They’re just sterilizing the equipment.”
She silently noted the calm and confident demeanor he projected as he moved about his space, a stark contrast to the nervousness he’d shown when she’d first approached him with her problem.
“Sir, your second guest is arriving,” JARVIS informed him.
Tony nodded. “That’ll be the S.H.I.E.L.D. surgeon.” He turned to Natasha. “Did you change your mind about letting a pro do it?”
She shook her head, her eyes trained on his.
“I figured. Hold on a second, I’m going to talk to her upstairs and show her to her office for the next few hours.”
He gave her a forced smile. “I always thought the circumstances would be way different when I finally said this to you, but why don’t you take your clothes off and lay down?”
She silently watched him go up the stairs, only turning her head away when she couldn’t see him anymore and focusing her attention on the low whirring sounds coming from the console. She could smell the antiseptic as the robots meticulously cleaned the counter and the tools on the small table that had been set aside for the procedure.
Then she undressed slowly, arranging her clothing in a neat pile on the couch in the center of the room one garment at a time until she was left in her black sports bra and matching boyshort panties.
She scooted up on the counter the robots had cleared, her eyes sweeping over the table to get a closer look at the makeshift medical supplies he’d selected.
“Good?” He asked quietly from his perch at the bottom of the stairs, his hands gripping the banister as he peered at her.
She nodded. “Looks like you did your homework.”
“JARVIS, lock down the workshop,” he commanded, pulling on a pair of nitrile gloves as he approached.
“I’m on it, sir.”
“Any last words?” He teased, holding up an uncapped marker.
“Funny,” she said dryly, leaning back on the counter.
“Relax,” he murmured, but she couldn’t tell if he was saying to her or himself.
He spread a gloved hand over her stomach, pressing down and holding her steady while the other hand drew a meticulous line to mark the spot where he’d make the incision.
She kept her eyes trained on his face, tongue peeking out from between his teeth as he worked. His hand on her skin went a surprisingly long way in soothing the nerves she wouldn’t let herself admit she was feeling.
His eyes met hers and he offered her a soft smile. “Ready?”
She wordlessly nodded again.
“JARVIS, stay with me buddy,” she heard him say. The slight uncertain tone to his voice betrayed the steadiness and confidence in his fingers, but for some reason it made her feel better. She distantly heard JARVIS’s voice, but she didn’t make out the response.
“Wake up, Sleeping Beauty.”
Her eyelids slowly fluttered open into the harsh light and she turned her head to find Tony close by, his hand holding hers tightly.
“Oh, thank God,” he muttered quietly, clearly thinking he’d only been saying it to himself.
“Hi,” she managed once she could make her throat work.
“Hi,” he said softly, his eyes crinkling in the corners as he smiled somewhat proudly.
“It’s done?” she asked a little groggily.
“It’s done.” He reached to help her sit. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m okay.” She looked down to admire his handiwork, finding perfectly precise stitches binding an incision that was much shorter than she’d anticipated.
“Should fade completely with proper care,” he said with pride still edging his voice. “Otherwise it’ll just match the other side,” he added, gesturing to the small scar a couple of inches to the left of her belly button.
“A souvenir from a mission gone wrong,” she explained.
He nodded. “Well, hopefully that won’t happen this time. And you didn’t think I could do it.”
She raised her eyebrows. “That was you,” she pointed out.
“Right.” He gestured with his head over to the table. “I’ve got a topical antibacterial for when you clean it, but the doc also recommended an antibiotic injection to flush out any potential infection on the inside before she left. Wanted to wait for you to be conscious so I could ask.”
“You cut me open with a razor, but you were afraid to stick a needle in me?”
He slid over to the table, producing a small pamphlet and handing it to her. “Easy, feisty pants. You’re not allergic to any of those things, are you?”
She read over the ingredients, shaking her head.
“Then sit up a little straighter. It goes in your side,” he said, slowly filling a syringe. “Do you want to do it?”
“You can,” she said, bracing herself on her hands.
“Okay. C’mere,” he murmured, carefully and gently administering the antibiotic.
“You really do think of everything,” she murmured admiringly as he depressed the plunger and the needle pierced her skin.
“Isn’t that why you came to me?” He asked, looking up at her.
“Yeah,” she said softly, meeting his gaze. “That and….”
“And what?” He asked quietly.
She shook her head. “I don’t… I don’t know.”
They sat looking into each other’s eyes for a moment until Tony rose up from his perch on his chair and scooped her up in his arms, lifting her from the table with one arm around her waist and the other under her knees.
“What are you doing?” She asked, her arms going around his neck instinctively as he carried her.
“You’re probably going to be a little sore,” he explained, setting her carefully down on her feet. “And you don’t want to put too much strain on those stitches.”
He turned from her abruptly as if suddenly remembering something and reached for the table before turning back to her. “Here,” he said. “What do you want me to do with this?”
Her throat tightened involuntarily when he produced the small chip between his forefinger and thumb, clearly cleaned after being extracted from where it’d spent all those years wedged in her body.
“Destroy it,” she replied, her voice catching.
He narrowed one eye as he regarded her, still holding out the chip. “Hammer? Toss it into the ocean? Blowtorch?”
“Blowtorch,” she said.
“Okay.” He moved into the garage part of his workspace, returning a moment later with the tool she didn’t realize she’d actually requested and she laughed.
“You do it,” he said, placing it on the edge of a workbench and holding out the blowtorch.
Her smile faltered. “You can.”
He shook his head, motioning with his hand for her to come over and she took a few tentative steps.
He pulled a pair of safety glasses out one handed and adjusted them on her face, gently smoothing her hair back with his fingers once his hand was free. “Nah, it’ll be much more satisfying if you do it. Come on, just pull the trigger right here.”
She swallowed hard, wordlessly taking the tool from him, her eyes narrowing as she held it away from her and squeezed the trigger.
The chip blasted into a few tiny pieces, most of them melting under the heat.
“Ha!” he said, clapping his hands satisfactorily. “What do you know? You’re a good shot with more than just one weapon.”
She set the tool down and threw her arms around him, ignoring the slight discomfort in her midsection as she leaned up to hug him tightly.
“Thank you,” she whispered into his ear.
“Anytime,” he promised, his strong arms encircling around her waist and pulling her into his body as he hugged her back.
When they broke the embrace, she stood up on her tiptoes, closed her eyes and pressed her lips softly to his cheek in a long, lingering kiss.
She felt him swallow hard, then his breath was warm on her face as she slowly pulled away, opening her eyes to find his lips parted and a vulnerable, slightly dazed expression on his face.
“Tony,” she whispered, suddenly realizing that she was still in her underwear.
He cleared his throat.
“Um, do you want to take me home?” She asked.
“To New York? Actually, I was thinking. Maybe you should just spend the night here tonight. That was I can keep an eye on you, in case you develop an infection, or something.”
She rolled her eyes as she made her way over to the couch and reached for her clothes. “And you don’t think I can handle that on my own?”
“I think friends who pressure friends into doing something dangerous that they’re not exactly comfortable with can at least humor their friend for peace of mind.”
She sighed.
“Come on. I already have a room ready for you upstairs,” he insisted.
She nodded silently, realizing that she wasn’t going to win this one and followed him up the stairs.
“I already called Cap and told him you’re not working this weekend,” he said a little more gently as she peered into the room he’d had prepared.
She had to admit, the plush queen size, rows of pillows and oversized blankets did look inviting.
“How are you doing? Do you want any painkillers?” He asked.
“Not yet,” she said.
“Will you at least let me help clean it and bandage it up before bed?”
“Sure,” she said softly, sitting on the bed and lifting up her shirt.
The small night table was already loaded up with first aid supplies and he reached for some cotton balls, dousing them in rubbing alcohol before gingerly pressing them to her wound.
She winced slightly at the sting, but his hands were gentle and practiced and he knelt down on the floor in front of her, blowing softly on the area to soothe it and sending goosebumps up her side.
“Can I make a friendly observation?” He asked quietly as he covered the stitches with a thin layer of gauze and sealed it with some medical tape.
She nodded, grateful for anything that would make her stop thinking too hard about this hands on her skin.
“You are pretty reckless when it comes to things from your past,” he said softly, his brown eyes wide and caring as he looked up at her.
“I guess you’re right,” she admitted.
He slowly rose up and sat on the bed next to her. “Maybe you could try leaning on your friends a little more often,” he suggested.
She leaned her head against his shoulder, her hand reaching down between them to cover the fresh wound he’d made.
“It’s okay,” he whispered, wrapping his arm protectively around her shoulders. “It’s over.”
“For now,” she said in a low voice.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked.
She shook her head. “Can’t we just sit?”
“For now,” he replied, drawing her in closer and resting his cheek against her hair.
She closed her eyes against the tears that threatened to spill as she breathed him in, her body and her emotions raw as he held her.
“Hey, Nat?” He asked after awhile.
“What’s this?” he said.
“What’s what?” She asked, raising her head a little so she could look at him.
He moved the hand that wasn’t full of her hair and pressed his thumb into the tiny arrow charm that sat just above her collar bone.
“Oh… it’s just something I wear for a friend. To keep him close.”
“It’s pretty obvious who that friend is,” Tony muttered.
She raised an eyebrow in amusement. “Are you jealous?” She asked, trying and failing to keep her lips from quirking upwards. “Cause you know that you’re the friend I wanted for this, right?”
He looked back at her. “Most of the time it’s a boyfriend who buys a necklace for his girlfriend,” he said evenly.
She laughed. “It’s never been like that between me and Clint,” she insisted. “It’s just… I don’t know. When I first started at S.H.I.E.L.D., Clint and I were paired on every mission together. Dangerous stuff.”
He gazed back at her skeptically.
“But… after awhile I started to earn my own reputation. And we wouldn’t be paired for everything.” She shrugged her shoulders. “This is my way of reminding myself of him. Kind of like he’s there, even when he’s not.”
“I see. Well, should I buy you a diamond bracelet or something to remind you of me, when I’m not around?”
“It doesn’t really work like that,” she said with a smile. “Besides, I have tonight to remind me of you,” she added, reaching between them and threading her fingers through his.
He squeezed her hand and raised it to his lips, kissing her knuckles softly. “How are you really feeling?” he asked.
“Honestly? It feels  a little weird,” she admitted. “But it’s better with you here.”
He smiled softly, a tired, but genuine smile.
“Thank you.”
36 notes · View notes
feliix · 4 years
Mine ✦ JHS (18+)
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✦  Pairing: Werewolf!Hoseok x Reader ✦ Word count: 3.6k ✦  Rating: M  
✦  Genre: smut, fluff, established relationship!au, werewolf!au
✦  Summary: It’s your boyfriend Hoseok’s first time in heat, and as much as you’ve prepared yourself for this moment you’d never expect it to go like this.
✦  Warnings: explicit smut, heat sex, unprotected sex, fingering, dom!hoseok, oral: female receiving, dirty talk, rough sex, impregnation kink, breeding kink, hobi is possessive af, knotting, creampie, marking, blood play, praise kink, aftercare,
✦ Requested by this anon ‘Hoseok x reader werewolf alpha heat with human mate? First time experiencing his heat and his knot?’ this anon: ‘May I request for the drinks and Drabbles, Hobi + cocktail. (Lmfao this is gonna be a lot, you don’t need to do all, whatever you feel inspired by {love you}; dom Hobi, spanking, creampie, fingering, toys, pet names)’ and sweet beanie @jintobean​‘ahem. pls might i order some hot coco hoseok it can have some nsfw idc i just need my heart to burst pls and thank’
✦  A/N: another episode of i try to write a drabble but it turns into a oneshot :)))) tagging my bby @hobiance​ for the much needed encouragement and werewolf hobi love♡ also this is my first actual werewolf smut please be nice and beta read by the wonderful, amazing and life saving @ally-127​
✦ Written for the BHQ Drinks and Drabbles game hosted by @bangtan-dreamland​ 
read part two here 
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You had no idea what you were anticipating as you got home from work today. Before you had left Hobi was acting stranger than normal. His temper was short, his motions were labored, and he wasn't himself. It didn’t take long for you to realize something was wrong, and before you had even gone on lunch you received a text from your boyfriend.
Hobi: I don’t want you to be alarmed, but I think I’m in heat
There was no time to think about the next course of action, it was clear what you had to do. The next thing you knew you were in your bosses office, telling her that you were beginning to feel ill and that you’d be taking the rest of the day off.
He could smell that you were home before you had even walked through your front door. Hobi’s senses were mad, higher than he had ever experienced before. 
To put it lightly, you were worried. You had never experienced a werewolf in heat before, only heard about it from the older boys and their girlfriends in passing. But now there was no time to ask questions. Hobi was in heat and you’d have to figure it out together.
Muffled moans traveled throughout the apartment as Hobi ached in pain in your bedroom. Concern immediately flooded your system, not knowing if you should rush over to check on him or take things slow. The groaning only gets louder as you approach the bedroom door, pressing your ear up to the door to try and make out the slur of words coming from his mouth.
“Y/N?” He nearly cries as he senses your presence, the smell of you awakening senses he didn’t even know he had. 
Slowly, you turn the handle of the door to reveal yourself to him.
He’s in pain, lying in a pool of his own sweat as a dewy sheen glistens over his body. The only thing covering him is a pair of cotton underwear. They were the only thing soft and breathable enough that he could stand to have on his body, unlike the other clothes torn into shreds that he ripped off earlier. Hopefully he can hold back from treating yours in the same way – you really like the blouse you have on today.
As you see him curled up on the bed you can’t help but become worried for his current state. His face is scrunched in agony, soft groans leaving his lips between each labored breath. Slowly, you make your way over to him, careful not to move too quickly and startle his instincts.
You can only imagine the pain he's gone through over the past few hours. Knowing he's broken every bone in his body to turn, over and over again. Finally that part was over for now, but the everlasting ache of his muscles is still no match for his oncoming heat.
“It hurts,” he moans as his arms cup his sides roughly, rocking back and forth in attempts to relieve some of the pain. You can feel the heat radiating off his body from a foot away.
Instinctively, your hand reaches out to stroke his arm, the hairs standing up as his body shivers in a cold sweat. And then you notice it. The way his nostrils flare and exhale thickly as his eyes begin to glow an amber and gold hue. Your touch comforted him yet riled him up all at once, his wolf wholly and completely awake now that your skin was on his.
His eyes lock on you intently, a deep message hidden behind in his stare – almost like he was going to swallow you whole. You know what he needed. By the bulge in his pants to the look in his eyes you can tell it's you he wants – the only thing he needs at this moment, and you are ready for it.
You already know what you were getting yourself into when you began dating a wolf. It was only a matter of time before your sex life did a 180, and no, you weren’t entirely sure what to expect but today was the day that you’d finally understand what this was all about.
Like a second wind had taken over him, Hobi sits up in the bed, his posture firm and his muscles straining as he holds himself from grabbing you by the waist and mounting you at that moment. He’s waiting for reassurance from you, holding onto every ounce of strength he has before moving an inch.
And so you reach out to him again, bending at the waist as you place your arms on his shoulders, placing a gentle kiss on his lips. “I’m ready,” is all you have to say for him to know, and then he’s scooping you up with his supernatural strength to lay you on the bed.
Without missing a beat, Hobi’s fingers are looping through the sides of your underwear and ripping them down your legs. Surprisingly, you are a lot less nervous than you had expected to be. Maybe because you know how much pain he is in from holding himself back, and all you want is to finally satisfy his wolf that has been eating away at him for so long.
Your sweet scent fills his nostrils as he moves closer to your cunt. Closing his eyes, he basks in your scent – your scent overtaking him stronger than ever before. With deep inhale, he nestles his nose against your core, admiring the way you smelled before extending his tongue to lap at your slit. Immediately, your body jerks in reaction to his touch, the sensitivity of your clit being tested by his quick and frivolous motions.
“Tastes so good,” he mumbles against your inner thigh, making your body jerk at the vibration of his lips. His ministrations are much more impactful than before; this time he's hungry for it, dying to satisfy an itch that was nearly impossible to scratch.
Soon his hands are prying your legs as far apart as they could go, shoving his face into your center and devouring any juices that slipped past your entrance. Even though you had done this a hundred times, it felt different. He was driven by hunger, his actions quick and frivolous to ready you for his length. It was different but it was intentional; his sole purpose backing each and every flick of his tongue.
Moans pass his lips as they wrap around your clit, sucking harshly. Involuntarily your hips buck towards him, unable to control your own actions from the pleasure his mouth is bringing you. You can tell that he likes it by the way his arms wrap around your thighs, holding you down as his tongue flicks past your entrance and into your velvety walls.
A string of curses leave your lips as your body is rendered immobile, unable to move from the way he’s holding your legs to the bed. He’s ravenous – his nose pressing roughly into your clit as his tongue explores your sex. As much as he wants to be gentle he can’t; his wolf sending each of his senses into overdrive with each drip of arousal that lands on his tongue.
He’s moving so quickly that you can’t subdue your quickly approaching high. Any tug at his hair only makes him move faster, bringing you closer and closer to ecstasy at an alarming rate.
“Hobi,” you cry out, “I’m gonna cum if you keep at it like that.”
He doesn’t respond to you with words, only squeezes your thighs to acknowledge you. He’s too busy devouring your pussy to come up for air. Your words only make him move faster and more desperately, your high coming to a peak as he flattens his tongue across your slit. You take a quick glimpse of his amber eyes before he squeezes them shut, feverishly indulging in your release, licking it up as if his life depended on it.
By now a layer of perspiration has coated your body, the silky fabric of your blouse sticking to your skin. But Hobi isn’t done – things are just getting started.
Retreating from his spot between your legs, he sits back on his heels, wiping any left over arousal coating his chin with the back of his hand. He’s still hungry – the squint of his eyes and the determined look on his face told you so. Heat coursed through your veins as you waited for him to make his next move. He was trying to be patient, trying to let you recover for a moment before he got back to business, but you knew what he wanted.
In the interest of time you remove your own shirt, sitting up on the bed to throw the garment to the side and unclip your bra. His hungry eyes take in your nude figure as he moves forward to push you back onto the mattress. Your body relaxes as his lips connect to a sweet spot on your neck, sucking on it harshly, sure to leave a mark for tomorrow.
You arch your back in response as his lips begin to trail down your chest. A line of wet kisses is left behind as he makes his way down to one of your breasts, taking it in his mouth and circling the sensitive bud with his tongue. His teeth brush gently across your nipple, the sensation of his growing canines scraping against it breaking goosebumps against your skin.
Every day since he first turned has been leading up to this moment. Waiting out each passing moment for a sign of carnal instincts to over take him. Over the past few days you’d just brushed off his overly clingy demeanor, assuming it was just him growing into himself as a wolf. His suspicious and on-edge behavior went completely overlooked. You didn’t expect Hobi’s first heat to come on so soon after turning, but alas, here you were.
Hobi’s hands grab a hold of your hips, flipping you over so that you're laying with your chest pushed flush against the mattress, legs bent and the knees with your ass on full display. Your smell consumes him; all that he can think about is the taste of your arousal on his lips and how badly he needs to be inside you now.
His long digits trace your slit as arousal floods from your entrance, coating your slick on his fingertips. Anticipation pangs at your chest as you wait for his next move. You can only imagine the restraint he is holding onto at this moment. Everything in him wants to drive his hardened member into you, but he knows that your human body is not meant to handle what is coming for you.
Hobi’s eye’s screw shut as he brings a finger up to his mouth, basking in the taste of you. A wanton moan erupts from his lips at the taste – so perfectly sweet he would never be able to get enough.
Dire thoughts rush through your mind as you rest on your elbows, face turned to the side to try and see Hobi out of your peripheral vision. His pupils are completely blown, eyes focused only on your center as his chest heaves in anticipation. He’s sizing you up, wondering if you’d be able to accommodate his new size. It worries him deeply, he doesn’t want to hurt you, but he knew once he started he wouldn’t be able to control himself like he normally could. You needed to do something, say something to help settle the internal warfare consuming his mind.
“I’m ready, Hoseok.”
His hand is quick to line himself up with your entrance, grasping onto your hips with such pressure that it is sure to leave bruises tomorrow. Sharp fingernails dig into your skin as his tip meets your entrance. It’s fiery and red, inflamed from how hard he is. The precum that leaks from his tip coats your slit, combining with the wetness dripping down your thighs to create a delicious mixture.
One last reassuring squeeze of your side is all he gives before pushing into you ruggedly. A sharp gasp leaves your lips as he makes his way into your core, surprised at this new sensation. His size is bigger than you’d ever taken before, so much thicker and longer than his normal length. It’s a lot to take in at once, and he’s trying his best to let you relax as your body adjusts to his size.
“You can move,” you say, lip caught between your teeth as your walls stretch further around him.
With your fists grasping for the sheets, Hobi begins thrusting his hips slowly  into you– holding out a second each time he bottoms out to let you breathe. His nails only dig into your sides further, the only thing giving him a grip onto reality to hold back his animalistic instincts.
Deep grunts leave his mouth as he tries to hold himself back, but he can feel his humanity slipping further and further away with each clench of your pussy.
“Can’t hold back much longer,” he bares his teeth, canines prominent in his bite, “need to breed you now.”
Your eyes nearly bulge out of your head as his words meet your ears. 
You’d never had serious baby talk before let alone tried for one. It was his primal instincts talking, you were sure of it. But even if it wasn't there was no turning back now. He was losing control and he was losing it quickly.
Quickly, his hips snap into yours, his muscles flexing as he holds your body steady, fucking into you deeply. Breath is sucked out of you as his pace increases; stars forming at the back of your eyelids as you squeeze them shut, mouth salivating at the increasing pleasure bestowing upon you. His length is a lot to get used to, but the everlasting pressure against your g-spot was making the pain melt away.
Hobi thrusts in and out of your effortlessly, your abundance of arousal coating his cock and making it easy for him to slide in and out of your velvety walls. With each thrust he bottoms out, and it becomes difficult for you to remain upright. Limbs shaking from pleasure, your elbows begin to give way, landing you flat against the mattress.
Your mouth opens, but the only thing able to escape is a silent scream, too immersed in the feeling of him battering your walls to make a sound. A loud leaves you lips as he pulls you back up, his arms wrapping around your waist to use all his strength to hold you in position. His chest is pressed flush against your back, the heat radiating off his body soothing you as his mouth meets your ear. A quick nip is placed on your earlobe as he catches it between his canines. It doesn’t hurt like you’d expect it too, or maybe you’re too caught up in his throbbing shaft plunging into you to notice if it does.
“Taking me so well.”
His praise quickly soothes your nerves, helping you relax into him as he holds your body close, closer than you had ever felt to him before. His tip is repeatedly hitting against the sensitive spot deep inside of you, you know he’s not ready to let up just yet, but you’re too on edge to hold on.
“Hobi I-I’m gonna–”
“I can smell it,” he groans, mouth meeting your neck as he sucks harshly on it. You can feel his canines scraping against your soft skin, itching to break the flesh and claim you. It’s what he’d always wanted – having you here like this just makes it all the more enticing.
A string of cuss words fall from your lips as your eyes clamp shut, relishing in your release as your pussy spasms around his cock. His movements don’t slow either – his pace is still erratic, plummeting into you at an ungodly rate.
Feeling your release over him only makes him thrust harder, deeper. It sends him into a full blown frenzy, unable to keep himself from chasing his high. “Smells so sweet, need to make you mine.”
You knew what this means. You knew you already were his, just not in that way yet. He was holding onto every last ounce of strength to stop himself from biting, from sinking his teeth into your precious skin and claiming you as his mate. It was painful for him to keep at it like this, and you didn’t have any second thoughts before saying it.
“Do it, Hoseok,” the words slip between cries, still shaking in the aftermath of your orgasm, “claim me.”
So he does.
His eyes slam shut as his mouth finds the crook of your neck, breaking the flesh as his canines sink into your skin. Screams blow past your lips as blood begins to trickle from the wound on your shoulder. Your chest tightens in pain, praying for the awful sensation to but cut short and pleasure to take over. Relief takes over once his tongue meets the small incisions made on your skin, his saliva filling the holes and alleviating the wounds as he licks up the blood.
Your heart flutters at his claim, having never felt as close to him than you do right now. Firecrackers lit through your veins, the connection between you and Hoseok binding to eternity and you couldn’t be happier. It felt like you were floating on thin air. Your body is unable to focus on any pain right now, you’re too blissed out from the shock of him claiming you to notice how his cock is beginning to swell inside of you.
Cum shoots out of his member, filling you up to the brim until your abdomen begins to feel heavy and swell. That floating feeling quickly begins to fade as his orgasm keeps coming and coming, no inch of your insides gone untouched by his seed. It seems like it's never going to end, and you can feel the pressure from his release building and building inside of you. Your sensitive walls stretch as his cock expands; knotting to plug you up and make sure none of his cum drips out.
“Hobi,” you whine, tears spilling from your eyes as his cock continues to inflate inside of you, “Hobi it hurts.”
“Its almost over baby,” he comforts you, stroking your hair before guiding you onto your side, laying behind you. After such a rough round, his familiar touch eases your pain. The light kisses he places along your spine lets you sink back into him, focusing on the feeling of his soft lips instead of the balloon sized cock stretching your vagina. Gentle hands trace circles up and down your arms as you listen to the sound of his calming breath. His chest heaves as he tries to come down from the adrenaline rush.
Soft kisses soon turn into small licks running over the length of your back as you lay there, still speared on his cock. Now that his animalistic needs were met, it was all about you.
“What are you doing?”
“Cleaning you up,” he answers calmly, his lupine senses finding nothing strange with this new method of aftercare. You’re too immersed in your thoughts to question him any further; if this is what his wolf was telling him to do then so be it.
As Hobi’s knot begins to subdue he doesn’t let go. His tongue soothes over the spot of his mark, now forming into a dark scar to let everyone know you were his. Its crazy how just one bite felt like it could change the entire dynamic of your relationship. You were his now, and he was yours. Forever.
“Mmm,” he mumbles, refraining from letting his mouth leave your skin.
“Did you mean that thing you said,” your lip worries between your teeth before you can finish your question, wondering if he even remembers anything that happened or if his wolf took everything over.
“What thing?”
“The thing about breeding me?” Your eyes slam shut to brace yourself from the answer.
“Yes,” he sighs out nonchalantly, like he isn’t admitting that his intentions were to get you pregnant.
“You’re my mate, Y/N,” he presses a chaste kiss between your shoulder blades before pulling out. A small whimper leaves your lips at the loss of contact, not sure if you were relieved that he was no longer inside you or not. “Of course I want you to have my pups.”
Butterflies flutter in your tummy as a smile stretches across your face. All you want to do right now is to turn around and kiss him, so you do. His face is just as bright as yours when you meet his eyes. His hair is messy and his skin is shining with perspiration, but he looks beautiful. He welcomes your kiss like he’s been waiting for it all day. Mouth chasing after your lips, capturing them in a quick kiss before pulling away.
It's the first time he’s seen your eyes since you’ve gotten home, and even then he couldn’t appreciate them like he could now. There's a different glow that he didn’t notice before. Maybe it's because he’s bound to you now, willing to do anything and everything for you.
“I love you,” you sigh, pressing your palm to his cheek. He looks so innocent now, the amber in his eyes now faded back to the chocolatey brown color you love so much.
“And I love that you’re mine.”
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‘Mine’ is copyright 2020 @parksfilter​, all rights reserved. Please do not repost on any platform or translate without permission.
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