#so uh. I’m back! and still quite useless! forgive me
peaches2217 · 5 months
“I wanna come back when I’ve got some more fics done!” he says, then crawls back with absolutely nothing to show for her leave of absence
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
for the prompts: NMJ/JC - Everyone with a functioning brain cell can see that JC just needs someone to tell him he’s doing a good job. And if WWX isn’t stepping up? Well, NMJ definitely will. (Preferably smut and/or fluff) Thank you! ❤️
Compliments - ao3
It started in anger, out of spite.
Traditionally, the world took this to be a bad thing, but in all honesty the vast majority of projects in the Nie sect were started that way – they inherited fiery tempers and spiteful personalities from their ancestors along with their saber cultivation traditions – and it didn’t always turn out badly. There were any number of buildings, techniques, or technological innovations in the Unclean Realm that had started life as a furious fuck you to someone and only turned into something worthwhile about halfway through, once the person involved had calmed down enough to think about what they were doing, realize they were already committed, and then shrug and carry on forward because there was no point in stopping a charge midway.
What Nie Mingjue meant was: there was precedent.
He liked to think it started with Jiang Fengmian, but if Nie Mingjue was being honest with himself, it started back in the Unclean Realm when Nie Huaisang had told him, quite casually over dinner, that he thought that the female cultivator in his class was very pretty and that he’d be happy to marry her.
“Uh,” Nie Mingjue had said, very intelligently. “Huaisang, you’re seven.”
Nie Huaisang had not seen the problem. Instead, he explained very forthrightly that it was only right that he start thinking early on about his marriage, as getting married and having children would be his great contribution to the sect on account of being useless good-for-nothing unfit for anything else –
“Wait,” Nie Mingjue said. “Who told you that?!”
Nie Huaisang claimed he had deduced it.
Nie Mingjue claimed that Nie Huaisang was full of bullshit, and also that he wasn’t good-for-nothing even if he wasn’t good at saber, and anyway even if he was a total good-for-nothing he was still Nie Mingjue’s good-for-nothing and no one had better say a single damn word against him or Nie Mingjue would bite them.
“I meant stab them!” he explained, far too late; Nie Huaisang was already rolling around laughing to the point of tears. “I have a saber. I can stab people! I’m actually very scary, you know!”
Nie Huaisang hadn’t believed him one bit and had carried on, seemingly at peace and forgetting everything, but Nie Mingjue had gone seeking advice from all of his elders and counselors and the more dependable senior disciples of his sect, abruptly terrified that he was permanently damaging Nie Huaisang by raising him the wrong way or something. Didn’t children need encouragement at that age? Weren’t they all young and tender peaches liable to be bruised at the slightest glance or young sprouts that needed to be sheltered from the harsh wind lest they grow up crooked?
Everyone assured him that children were hardier than they appeared, flexible and capable of bouncing back from just about anything. He'd pressed, though, pointing out that even the most flexible wood would eventually form a crack in the face of a vicious hurricane, and in the end they'd admitted that it was better to avoid applying too much pressure at too young an age, that a child squeezed too hard or not hard enough might develop neuroses that would hinder them in the future.
They mostly tried not to look at him when they said that, presumably thinking to themselves that Nie Mingjue was little more than a child himself and had already been subject to the worst pressures possible, which would undoubtedly result in who knows what future issues, but he hadn’t paid that part any mind. As far as he was concerned, his life was already a loss – he had sworn to take revenge for his father, to make that ancient monster Wen Ruohan pay with his life for what he had done and furthermore he'd sworn to pay back the blood debt in full before any of that burden passed to Nie Huaisang.
Letting Nie Huaisang grow up happy – that was what mattered.
Letting him be insulted when Nie Mingjue wasn’t looking played no part in that plan. If Nie Huaisang were going to be insulted, let it be by outsiders who he wouldn’t need to care about! Within their Nie sect, at minimum, he should be doted upon and honored, or else those responsible would have to explain themselves to Nie Mingjue.
Those dark thoughts still lingering in his mind, he had gone to the Lotus Pier for a discussion conference, and that, perhaps, was where it really started.
Rumor had already made the entire cultivation world aware that Jiang Fengmian had found the orphaned son of Cangse Sanren and Wei Changze, and that he had taken him into his home as his ward, allowing him to become a Jiang sect disciple – treating him almost as one of the family, even. That much was known, so it didn’t come as much of a surprise when Jiang Fengmian proudly introduced him or even more proudly showed him off, praising him to the high heavens.
What did come as a surprise was how little he praised his own son standing beside him, despite them being only a few days apart in age. It was as if Jiang Fengmian had simply forgotten that such a creature existed, much less that he had himself contributed to its spawning, and the constant looks of hope – invariably crushed – the child sent him made it clear that the present situation had been going on for some time.
Fuck you, Nie Mingjue thought, seeing red, seeing instead Nie Huaisang in his failed saber classes, struggling so desperately to keep up with the rest even though his body wouldn’t allow for it, being told he was useless and a good-for-nothing and fit for nothing but marriage. Fuck you, Jiang Fengmian.
He couldn’t say that, of course.
So instead he said, “Excellent stance,” to the child, who'd received the courtesy name Wanyin but seemed to be universally called Jiang Cheng. “Do you know the others in the set?”
Jiang Cheng, staring at him, very slowly nodded, and demonstrated them.
“Absolutely perfect,” Nie Mingjue said loudly, drawing attention to himself with his over-loud voice that everyone would automatically forgive on account on him being both a Nie and a young man. “You can see how hard you’ve worked at it, and it has paid off handsomely. You are very lucky in your son, Sect Leader Jiang.”
“…thank you,” Jiang Fengmian said, a little bemused at being interrupted. He’d been talking yet again about Wei Wuxian’s brilliance at picking up the sword again after years of living on the streets without practice, even though at the moment the smiling boy's admittedly impressive skills were still largely wild and undisciplined.
Nie Mingjue nodded, and said: “When exactly did you say the opening festivities would be starting?”
Jiang Fengmian had clearly forgotten about that in his enthusiasm, so he quickly hurried back to the actual subject at hand and the discussion conference was started in earnest.
It was almost enough to allow Nie Mingjue to forget the matter and put it behind him.
Or, it would have been, if only Jiang Fengmian hadn’t continued to insert praise for Wei Wuxian at every possible instance – it was as if he were the man’s first-born son, rather than another person’s child.
Irritated beyond belief, Nie Mingjue started complimenting Jiang Cheng every time Jiang Fengmian said something nice about Wei Wuxian, and he made sure to keep his compliments accurate: he was a hard worker, dedicated and sincere, thoughtful, clever, not overly arrogant…
“Wei Wuxian came up with his own ideas for a sword style already,” Jiang Fengmian claimed at one point. “You can see him on the training ground now, practicing it – take a look!”
Nie Mingjue picked up a stone and flicked it over with his fingers, making Wei Wuxian jump half a chi into the air and nearly fall on his ass.
“Weak foundation, and he over-commits,” he analyzed dryly, because it was true, and because no one else was saying it. He didn't make it any harsher than it had to be: he had nothing against the boy himself, of course; it was only that he knew from experience that it was much easier to be the one being complimented than the one not. “He’s got his head so high in the clouds that his feet are barely touching the ground – the weakest fierce corpse would knock him flat as a pancake with a childish style like that. He’d be better off sticking with orthodox or he’ll end up in real trouble one day.”
“Sect Leader Nie, really,” Jiang Fengmian said disapprovingly. “He’s only nine.”
“Old enough to pick up bad habits,” Nie Mingjue retorted. “Your son’s the same age and he’s as steady as a rock. If Jiang Cheng keeps going as he is, he’ll have a strong enough base to outlast the fiercest storm.”
“A rock has no imagination,” Jiang Fengmian said, and was he actually arguing that his son was inferior? Out loud, in front of outsiders? Did the man have no shame? “Mingjue, you’re young, but you must know that my Jiang sect prizes freedom and creativity as the highest virtue –”
“Would you rather build a house using a firework or a foundation stone?” Nie Mingjue asked, doing his best not to outwardly bristle at the condescendingly intimate use of his name by someone who might be technically his elder but legally his equal. “Tell me, Fengmian, does your Jiang sect’s acclaimed ‘freedom’ only allow for people to be as fluid as the river and not as steady as the earth?”
Jiang Fengmian faltered, clearly not knowing how to answer that.
Nie Mingjue raised his hands in a sarcastic salute: “As the leader of a sect whose style is based on a grounded foundation, I would be very happy if you would educate me in your wisdom. No doubt my peers would benefit as well.”
Perhaps it was at that point that Jiang Fengmian realized that his words could be misinterpreted as an insult to all the sects whose styles were less free-flowing than the Jiang – just about all of them except for maybe the Lan and their subsidiary sects, given their preference for techniques modeled on the wind over the water – and moreover that this was a discussion conference, where every word was political, and that a great deal of people were glaring balefully at him. He hastily moved the conversation onwards, and left the subject of his sons for another day.
Later that evening, Madame Yu came over to where Nie Mingjue was nursing a bowl of very fine wine that he didn’t especially feel like consuming. Before he could start worrying about the Purple Spider’s intentions, she said, voice stiff, “Your words regarding my son are too kind. His skills are still inferior; he has a great deal of progress yet to be made.”
“He’s only nine,” Nie Mingjue said, feeling mortified that she’d noticed his little temper tantrum, which he had belatedly realized was probably extremely obvious. “Anyway, I wasn't lying. He has a good foundation; he’ll be a fearsome cultivator one day, there’s no doubt. I only said what I saw.”
“You didn’t comment about Wei Wuxian,” she said. “You must have noticed his genius.”
“Geniuses don’t need to be praised overmuch,” Nie Mingjue said. He himself had been termed a genius by his teachers, and he’d hated every single moment of it – couldn’t he just be good at things without having people fall all over themselves to compliment him? He’d enjoyed it at the start, but after a while it had started to wear on him; he was expected to be a genius in all things, and being simply ordinary was suddenly seen as failing. “It’s the ones that have to work hard that do, or else they’ll be discouraged…comparing someone to another person’s child works as a spur to a certain extent, but after a while it loses its potency as a tool.”
Your husband is a fucking idiot, he didn’t say. It’s his own son! How could he speak like that about him? Shouldn’t he be holding him in his palms like a gentle flame, protecting him from the wind and rain? How can he bear to scold his son when he hasn't shown that the scolding is meant for his benefit?
“Perhaps,” Madame Yu said, but it was clear on her face that she wasn’t about to start taking parenting advice from a half-grown sprout like Nie Mingjue. “Nevertheless, your words were kind.”
She swept away after that, much to his relief. He shook his head and daydreamed about a magic tool that would make this whole nightmarish experience go by that much quicker.
In the end, it went by at the same speed it always did. It could have ended there, but Nie Mingjue kept up the habit of blatantly complimenting Jiang Cheng in future sect conferences as well, if only because it clearly irritated Jiang Fengmian – less because Nie Mingjue was praising his son and more because it was so obviously meant as an indirect critique of Jiang Fengmian’s skills as a parent or sect leader, and moreover it reminded all the other sects of that unfortunate interchange and made them less inclined to listen to him – and of course, because, well, once you’ve started a charge, you had to finish it even if you came to your senses about halfway through.
He made sure to keep it proportionate, of course, since there was nothing worse than false praise. He didn’t really mean anything by it, other than the half-formed thought that someone ought to be doing it – that the boy should know that someone looked at him and Wei Wuxian and remembered to praise him first. Nie Mingjue praised Wei Wuxian too, of course, since the boy often deserved it; it was only that he made a particular point not to forget about Jiang Cheng, either.
(He also made sure the other sect leaders saw how well the technique could be used to fluster Jiang Fengmian, an intrusion into his personal life that could be masked in perfect politeness, and several of them picked up the same tact, though less consistently than Nie Mingjue – Sect Leaders Jin and Wen, naturally, always looking for a weakness, but interestingly enough also Lan Qiren, who was normally above such petty maneuvers. Possibly he was actually just complimenting Jiang Cheng because he sincerely approved of him.)
He didn’t think much of it.
Nie Mingjue didn’t think much of it during the other discussion conferences, or when he came to the Cloud Recesses to pick up Nie Huaisang, who had – amazingly – actually managed to pass this time, although the expression on Lan Qiren’s face suggested the pass might have more to do with the other sect leader’s desire to never see Nie Huaisang haunt his classroom ever again.
“You know what, don’t tell me. Tell me….hm…how did Jiang Wanyin do?” Nie Mingjue asked, hand over his eyes as if it could forestall the headache. “He’s a bright boy, and knows how to put his mind to something when he wants. Tell me about him instead, it’ll be less depressing.”
“He’s very bright,” Lan Qiren agreed. “Very thoughtful, and very thorough. He sometimes errs towards conservatism out of fear of giving the wrong answer, but that’s just a matter of confidence; his thinking is very good. He’s very clear-sighted as long as the matter is logical, rather than emotional.”
“No surprise,” Nie Mingjue grunted. “He’ll be a sect leader worthy of respect, in his time.”
When he’s rid of that father of his dragging him down, he thought ungraciously, and he saw Lan Qiren bob his head in a sharp nod of unspoken agreement.
“All right,” he said. “I’m adequately fortified now. Tell me about Huaisang.”
Lan Qiren gave him a look of profound sympathy.
It wasn’t until much later, during the Sunshot Campaign, that it was first called to his attention – by Jiang Cheng himself, oddly enough.
“Why do you keep doing that?” he hissed, having stayed behind after one of their meetings.
Nie Mingjue blinked at him. “Doing – what?”
“You – you said – about me…!”
Nie Mingjue tried to recall what he’d said during the meeting just now. “That you – were doing an excellent job while facing much higher level of obstacles than everyone else?” he hazarded, because he had said something like that. “Or was it the bit about how if any of them had needed to rebuild their sect and fight at the same time, we’d all be doomed because they couldn’t multitask for shit?”
Yeah, it was probably that one.
“I didn’t mean any offense by referencing what happened to your sect,” he said, hoping to explain. “It was only –”
“I didn’t take offense,” Jiang Cheng mumbled. “It’s fine. I mean, it’s not fine, but – it happened, everyone knows that it happened, not talking about it isn’t going to make it not have happened. That’s not what I meant…why do you keep saying such nice things about me?”
Nie Mingjue blinked at him. “Because they’re true?”
Jiang Cheng’s cheeks flushed red. “You’ve always said nice things about me. Ever since I was a little kid – every time you saw me, at the discussion conferences, or the Cloud Recesses, or even in your letters to my father…”
He had in fact done that.
“I just want to know why. Is it – my father’s not around, you can’t be doing it just to piss him off, even though I know that was part of it. Why me?”
Nie Mingjue coughed a little, having not realized that Jiang Cheng had noticed. Or possibly even overheard, in regards to the Cloud Recesses. “I’m sure you’re familiar with the concept of the other person’s child,” he said, and Jiang Cheng nodded his head sharply, clearly thinking of Wei Wuxian. “You’re Huaisang’s.”
“Me?” Jiang Cheng seemed unduly vulnerable when he asked. “You compare him – to me?”
“It’s amazing he tolerated you at the Cloud Recesses,” Nie Mingjue said with a sigh. In fact, his brother had all but declared war on Jiang Cheng in absentia on account of all Nie Mingjue’s comments, only for his first letter home from the Cloud Recesses that year to be I see why you like him! He’s cute! A perfect match for you! because he’d apparently decided that Nie Mingjue had a crush on the boy.
Which he certainly hadn’t – at least not when he’d been that age, anyway. Jiang Cheng had grown up to embody every single one of the compliments Nie Mingjue had paid him when he’d been younger, especially with the maturity and natural aura of command that came to him after his personal tragedy.
“But why…you knew Wei Wuxian about as well as you knew me.”
Nie Mingjue snorted. “And that would have helped Huaisang how, exactly? If I wanted to compare him with someone who picked things up the first time they saw it, I wouldn’t need to go outside the Nie sect for that – I was also considered a genius when I was young. It’s no failing to be born without a vast and unending natural talent; Huaisang’s issue has always been his unwillingness to put in the effort.”
Jiang Cheng stared at him.
“Anyway, your father was so blinded by his adoration for Wei Wuxian that he overlooked your merits, which are different but no less impressive,” Nie Mingjue added. “As someone who was trying to figure out how to raise a child, it irritated me; I thought someone ought to make it clear to you that you were seen.”
“Yes,” Jiang Cheng said, his voice strangely hoarse. “Yes, you – you succeeded.”
He paused for a moment, meeting Nie Mingjue’s eyes intently, and then abruptly said, “I’ll be leaving,” and dashed out.
Nie Mingjue wasn’t entirely sure if that meant he should stop or not. Jiang Cheng had said he wasn’t offended…anyway, it was a fixed habit by now. He’d been doing it for over half his life! He couldn’t stop that easily! It would be like trying to stop his temper, or a charge – there was nothing for it.
Jiang Cheng would just have to live with a few compliments.
“Wow, you’re an idiot,” Nie Huaisang said when he told him about the incident, months later while he was lying in bed, recovering from the disaster that had been the end of the war. “I’ll fix this.”
“Fix what?”
“I’m going to tell him you’re dying,” Nie Huaisang decided.
“You’re going to do what?!”
“Stay in bed, da-ge! Doctor’s orders!”
The Nie sect chief doctor was an extremely terrifying person. Nie Mingjue stayed in bed.
Some time later, Jiang Cheng stormed in, face pale.
“Huaisang’s a rotten liar and I’m going to be fine,” Nie Mingjue said at once.
Jiang Cheng stopped mid-storm, and abruptly deflated. “Really?”
“Really. I would’ve stopped him, but I’m stuck in bed for the moment.”
Jiang Cheng took a seat next to him. “That sounds serious. You shouldn’t underestimate war wounds, especially given your sect’s tendency towards qi deviations...”
“Compassionate as well,” Nie Mingjue teased. “I’ll have to add that to the rotation of compliments.”
Jiang Cheng flushed red. “You’re…planning on continuing?”
“For the rest of my life, however short it might be,” Nie Mingjue said, because he was an honest person, even when it was inconvenient. He was going to explain about the habit, and the concept of stopping mid-charge, but he didn’t manage to start before Jiang Cheng grabbed him by the collar and pulled him up into a kiss.
After that, he figured that maybe explaining that part of it wasn’t necessary. He might be slow on the uptake, but he wasn’t actually stupid.
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strangelysamantha · 3 years
cheerleader ❀
rafe cameron x plus!reader.
warnings: swearing, flirting, slight angst in the beginning (barely)
words: 2,365.
summary: rafe was intrigued by you, he wanted to get to know you. he thought that task would be easy, but your distaste for him was apparent. despite the overwhelming amount of setbacks, he knew he would get you to crack.
request? no :)
a/n: please like and comment if you enjoy! thank you, ilysm <3
my masterlist
part two
most things rafe wanted, he easily got. it was a known fact. his parents were financially stable so they could afford to throw money down the drain for useless items that wouldn’t be used more than once. his popularity and name allowed him to get away with most things. except you. you seemed to not care about his wealth or his looks. you didn’t even care to give him the time of day. he took this as a challenge. he was destined to get you to like him if it was the last thing he did.
the first time he talked to you was during school. he thought his charm and popularity would make you swoon. instead, it was quite the opposite. he approached you at your locker, his smile bright. “hey. i’m rafe.” he extended his hand out to you. “hello, rafe.” you shake his hand back, before retreating your hand to your side. you stare at him in confusion. “uhm am i in the way of your locker?” you question, he shakes his head. “oh no, actually. i just wanted to introduce myself to you.” you nod your head. “well rafe, it was nice to meet you, i guess. but i’m running late for class.” you shut your locker, speeding off to class.
rafe stayed by your locker in awe. you really thought rafe was just waiting to get to his locker? it’s halfway through the school year, if his locker was by yours, you would have known by now. he embarrassingly walked away, heading to his first class. that awkward moment was lingering in his head, stuck on replay. your facial expression that showcased confusion stayed still in his mind. by third hour he was over it, not as embarrassed. he shrugged it off, excited to try again.
rafe actually didn’t know that much about you. he saw you in the halls occasionally. his interest in you peaked when he saw that you talked to topper a lot. since you were heavily associated with topper, he believed that it would be easy to befriend you. it’s clear to him now that isn’t the case. he can’t help but feel surprised at your lack of knowledge for him. everyone knows of rafe, and you should especially know because of how well you know topper.
regardless, rafe knew what he had to do. he needed to see topper, and investigate him. rafe pulled his phone out, texting topper to meet him.
topper met rafe in the boy’s bathroom before fourth period. they scoped the bathroom, ensuring to themselves that they could openly talk since they were alone. rafe didn’t hesitate, he immediately bombarded topper with questions about you. “what’s with the sudden interest?” topper asks, confused.
“i don’t know, i keep seeing her in the hallway and she stares at me.” topper nods, “well she does good academically, i know her because her family is friends with my family, she’s on the cheerleading team, i don’t know man. what info are you wanting?” the cheerleading team. rafe smiled to himself, you are a cheerleader. “that’s good enough, i just needed some info so i could know if i want to meet her or not.” topper laughed, “alright man. i gotta go.” rafe nodded, “see you later.” topper fist bumped rafe before walking out the bathroom.
you were a cheerleader? he had no clue. it dawned on him, if he had no idea of who you were, why would you know who he was? he shook his head at the thought, instead heading to class.
on the other side of the school sat you, fidgeting with your pencil as you struggled to keep up with the current notes. the interaction you had with rafe was confusing you. why did he suddenly want to meet you? it didn’t make sense. the whole class period you tried to wrap your brain around his actions, trying to figure out what his intention was, but you fell short.
at lunch time you sat at a table, you usually sat with friends but they were absent. it didn’t help they were absent the one day someone popular randomly takes an interest in you. you sit on the chair, pulling out your math homework. if you knocked it out at lunch, you had a high chance of not having homework. you start the first problem, but immediately halt when your family friend, topper, taps on your shoulder. “hi tops.” you smile softly at him, setting your pencil down and turning your attention to him. he smiles at you, “hey.”
you pick up a goldfish, plopping it into your mouth. “how have you been?” you question topper. he shrugs, “same old same old. family is still upset with me, per usual.” you nod, soaking up what he said. “dang, that sucks. it’s so annoying how people hold grudges. they don’t know how to forgive and forget.” you shrug, smiling up at him. he returns the smile, “i know right.” you place your homework back in your bag, assuming you wouldn’t be able to finish it during lunch.
“what did you even do?” you ask him. he smiles, “uh i accidentally pissed a pogue off so they got revenge by sinking my new boat.” your eyes widened, “what! holy shit you must have fucked up bad.” he frowns, “i didn’t really want to do it, you know how tricky it is with our reputation and who we have to associate with.” you laugh, “oh i know all too well of what that’s like.” topper rolls his eyes, assuming you’re talking about him.
“hey! i’m not too bad.” you laugh, “it wasn’t about you. you aren’t bad at all.” you look up, seeing rafe take his backpack off. you glance at topper to see he is confused as well. “hey rafe, what’s up?” topper questions rafe, who had just sat down at our table. “nothing much man, saw you over here and decided to join.” you laugh sarcastically, “inviting yourself to our private party?” you question, slightly joking. rafe felt an unexpected twinge of jealousy when you grouped yourself and topper together.
“i’m just kidding rafe… kind of.” you grin, topper joining in by chuckling with you. rafe awkwardly laughs along. he pulls himself together, thinking of things to say. “are you going to the football game tomorrow?” rafe waits for your response. you smile slightly, “yeah, but i’m a cheerleader so i’ll be on field.” he nods, “oh, that’s cool.” you nod awkwardly. “yeah.” he smiles subconsciously, excited to see you in a uniform. his smile disintegrates when topper confronts him. “what are you smiling for bro?” rafe stared at him, unamused. “nothing.” topper scoffs, “alright then.”
you steal looks between rafe and topper, still confused. you don’t ask any questions, you just continue eating your food. the bell rings, indicating that lunch is over. you gather up your trash, standing up. you notice rafes eyes lingering over your body. his eyes fixating between your thick thighs, and hips. you feel self conscious under his stare, so you quickly stand up and walk to the trash can. rafe follows after you, quick on his feet. he comes up to your side, much to your dismay.
“will i see you at the game tomorrow?” you turn your head to the side, “are you going to the game?” you return. he nods, “yeah.” you smile, “then you’ll probably see me.” he grins, “okay, cool.” he quickly turns around, leaving you by yourself. you were confused still, but hey, maybe having rafe as a friend would be good.
you got through the day quickly, heading immediately home. you work on homework, chores, and finally get ready for bed. before bed you prepare your uniform. you set it out, along with a jacket so you weren’t on full display at school. you wake up the next morning, putting on your uniform, along with a bow in your hair. you head to school, slightly nervous for your possible interaction with rafe.
when you arrive at school, you don’t see rafe. you only saw topper, who was eagerly heading in your direction. he smiled, standing still in front of you. “hey, good morning!” you smile, “hi tops.” the two of you talk for a bit, him walking you to class. “can i pick you up before the game?” topper asks. “sure, it has to be a little earlier than the fans. i have warm ups and stuff i have to do before the game.” he grins, “okay! just text me tonight when you want me to pick you up.” you put your hands in your jacket pocket. “okay, thanks topper!”
he walks away, and you walk into your first hour class. you go through your classes as usual, rafe not showing up. you couldn’t tell if you were disappointed or relieved, but either way it didn’t matter, you had a game you had to prepare for. you do your make up, and touch up your hair. you chug water, and began stretching. you text topper, saying he could pick you up now, if he still wanted to drive you. his response was quick and enthusiastic.
topper pulls up to your house, his music loud, and a large smile plastered on his face. “game day!!” you laugh along, repeating his words. “game day!” you open his door, hopping inside. “let’s go!” you playfully roll your eyes at his eagerness, “to the school!” topper smirks, stepping on the gas, and speeding out your driveway.
the two of you sing along to the songs on the radio, before it abruptly ends due to you two arriving at the school. he decides to stay in his car, planning on joining right when the official game starts. you skip down the field, joining your teammates. you stretch with them, before you practice the chants and dance numbers.
at six thirty, they start allowing people in. you immediately see topper hunched over the fence, him waving frantically at you. you wave back, jogging over to him. “you ready?” he asks, you bite your lip, “i guess.” he laughs at your nerves, excited for you. you glance over and see rafe. he hadn’t seen you yet. your breath gets caught in your throat, slightly scared and self conscious to see him.
topper gives you reassuring words, and out of the corner of your eye, you notice rafe had found you. rafe slowly makes his way towards topper, keeping his cool. rafe stares at you in your cheerleading uniform. his breath gets heavy, he stares, watching you talk to topper. jealously fills his chest, of course topper was here first. rafe quickly approached the two of you, eager to break the conversation up.
“hi rafe.” you smile softly, looking up at him. he smiles, “hey. good luck today.” you fiddle with your fingers, “thank you.” rafe stays silent. you hear the coaches whistle. “i got to go, i’ll talk to you when i can!” you quickly turn around, jogging back to the cheerleading circle.
rafe watches as you jog away, hes mesmerized by how well the uniform fit. he knew you would look good, but damn. he looks over at topper, who makes eye contact with him. “what’s up rafe?” topper stares at rafe, waiting for an explanation. “she is so hot.” topper scoffs, “bro, already whipped?” rafe rolls his eyes, but grins. “for her, yeah. i’d willingly be whipped.” the two boys sit on the bench, topper watching the game, and rafe watching you.
after sitting in silence, rafe speaks up. “do you think she likes me?” topper quickly glances at rafe, trying to see if he was joking or if he was serious. when topper saw he was serious, he genuinely contemplated it. “id say maybe, i mean she doesn’t shrivel up in disgust when you are around. that’s a pretty good sign.” rafe shook his head, “that’s true. that is a good sign.”
rafe admired you, you getting his full attention. on break you rush to the fence, excited to see rafe and topper. “hey!” you look up at them, “you are doing great!” topper reached down, highfiving you. “thanks!” you look over at rafe, something took you over because he actually looked hot. you bit you lip slightly, you were going to say something, but rafe beat you to it. “you look good.” rafe smirked slightly, causing heat to rise to your face. “thank you, rafe.”
you return to the group again, your heart racing. the idea of rafe made your breath heavy. you continue to chant, and preform. you occasionally looked up rafe, his eyes always focused on you. you had a low chance of being able to go to the fence again, so you focused entirely on perfecting the choreography. the crowd was cheering loudly, your hometown winning the game.
at the final quarter, your hometown won by one point. your team jumps up and down, ecstatic. you preform a final show, before you break apart. you chug water. you rush in line with the other cheerleaders, going in a straight line to high-five the football players. you smile brightly at them, telling them congrats for winning the game. most of them returned a smile, and thanked you.
after the bleachers started to empty, you decided to meet up with topper, and possibly rafe. you look around for topper but he was gone. you turn around, accidentally bumping into rafe. “oh i’m sorry.” he stares at you, “hey, by the way topper left, said he was going on a date with a girl from the cheer team.” you frown, “oh. he was my ride.” rafe smiles, “you can ride me- i mean ride with me.” you laugh lightly at his switch up, “okay. i’ll ride you.” your heart is racing, the after game adrenaline flowing through your veins, which was causing you to be bold. he smirks at you, “okay, i’d enjoy that.” you mimic his smirk, following him to his car.
he turns around, “are you sure?” you nod, “i’m sure, are you?” he is shocked by your question, “so fucking sure.”
part two will be steamy <3
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My Little Physician Empress ~ Yin Zhen x Reader
Just a story in which reader, a regular girl, was allowed since very young to aid her father in being a Royal Physician, and helped the princes through the years without asking for anything in return.
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Since ancient times, views on physician women have been distorted times and times again - Sometimes they are shamans, other times they are witches, and oftentimes, they simply don't deserve to live, no matter how many lives they save, or how capable they are.
Even now, in Qing dynasty, there is stigma, and all the physicians in the palace are men.
But that will soon change when, one day, a Physician from outside the palace is able to come up with a proper cure for the plague that was rampaging the people and somehow, found its way inside the palace too, and he was rewarded handsomely - He was awarded a wish granted - Any wish he wanted.
And that was to have his daughter allowed to aid him in his work inside the palace. He explained how his daughter played around with concoctions one day, and somehow gave him the brilliant idea for a revolutionary cure, and with this story, the Emperor indulged the old man and got them both in the palace.
They didn't earn a lot of money, but it was enough for them to dress appropriately with living in the palace. The girl never got any kind of accessory, so she mainly held her hand in a simply braid, occasionally put some flowers in it, and was ready to go on with the day in aiding her father.
But she was always a curious little girl, and very often, she went outside to play and discover every nook and cranny around the palace - Which is when she met the fourth prince - Not that she knew, though.
She held some struggling and splashing in the water one night, and saw a eunuch running away. Upon investigating, she saw a child who wasn't trashing around anymore, and he was about her age. She jumped in the lotus pond, getting him to the surface and, after opening his jacket, she pressed on his chest between his lungs and leaned in to give him the kiss of life.
As expected, the boy then jolted in a sitting position and started coughing, before falling into her arms once again, exhausted.
"How are you feeling?" she asked in a gentle voice, her hand on his cheek to get his attention. "Fine...I'm better now...Whoever pushed me is going to get killed, I'll make sure of that." the boy was angry, and rightfully so. He tried to get up, but was still wobbly, so the girl helped him go back to his room, letting him lean on her side. "It was an Eunuch. I saw him running away from the pond after you got underneath the water." she told him what she saw. "Now that I think about it...Who are you? I've never seen you around the palace, have I?" he asked suspiciously. "Don't be suspicious of the person who saved your life. I am Y/N, daughter of the Royal Physician who came up with the cure for the plague." she explained in a gentle manner. "Figures. Then, that means you know who I am, don't you?" he scoffed lightly. "Uh...No, not really. Should I?" she tilted her head a little to the side. "You don't? They why did you save me?" he asked, even more confused now. "...Because you were dying?! Did you notice that? Was I supposed to let you die there? Tell me, I can quite literally drag you back to the pond and throw you back if you want? I will ask for you name first and only then rescue you." she scolded him in disbelief at his ungratefulness. "No. No, you're right. Anyway, thanks for saving me. How did you save me? I know I blacked out as some point, right?" he said, and with all the nonchalance in the world, she answered. "I gave you the kiss of life." this answer made the boy stop in his tracks, yelling at her. "YOU DID WHAT?! That’s... That’s improper! I will have you flogged and caned for that! You’re a woman, and I’m a man, and we are both unmarried, it’s... It’s...!" he gaped at her in horror. "You do realise you stopped breathing, don't you? And if I didn't get you breathing again, your heart would have stopped. If your heart stopped pumping, blood wouldn't have gone everywhere in your body, to all your organs, therefor you would have gotten a total system failure in less than 10 to 15 minutes. That means, for idiots like you who don't value life, that you would have died if I didn't do that." she rolled her eyes at him, dragging him inside the pavilion, where lots of eunuchs and maids fussed over him. "Su Peisheng! Reward this maid handsomely, she saved my life." the little boy said - He must be one of the princes, the girl thought, amused. "No thanks. I saved your life, that's all. You yelled enough at me, I don't want anything from you anymore. Next time I try to save your life, remind me to ask you your name first and only then ask consent to save your life." the girl rolled her eyes at him, thinking him hypocritical, and turned around to go home, only to have the boy catch her wrist immediately. "Then, ask for anything, and I'll give it to you." he said, very seriously. "Fine. I'm not a maid, I'm a Female Physician, therefor you must address me properly from now on. Physician Y/N. Got it?" her voice was authoritarian, but she didn't inspire malice or evil, and it quite amused the young prince. "Very well. Until we meet again, Physician Y/N." and thus, making her smile softly, she left the place with a nod of Goodnight. "Su Peisheng." the boy called out his eunuch one again. "What do Physician girls like?" he asked, almost innocently. "Forgive me, Your Highness, this one does not know, for there have not been female physicians in the palace before. However, girls usually like feminine things like clothes and accessories. Miss Y/N wasn't wearing any, as far as I saw." the eunuch provided the young prince with the information. "I see...Very well. Tomorrow, you will send some red agate earrings to her. Make sure you give them to her directly." the boy ordered his slave, who nodded in agreement.
However, the next day, the eunuch returned as he left - With the gift box in his hands and endless apologies. "Miss Y/N wanted me to inform you never to gift her...To quote her...Useless things. Pardon my rudeness, Your Highness, I am merely telling you her words. She said that expensive earrings won't help her save lives. I tried to convince her, but she threatened to throw them in the pigstry." the eunuch kowtowed to the ground in front of the young prince, only for him to raise him up and chuckle in amusement. "Don't worry, it's fine. I'll just bring them to mother and ask her for advice. This is no ordinary girl I'm dealing with."
And this way, his mother advised him to find rare healing-related books, even more so, from the West, and gift them to her. She immediately accepted them, and Yin Zhen often found the mysterious girl reading by the wisteria tree, unbothered by anything and anyone.
The 4th prince often looked at her and got reminded of his annoying 3rd prince brother, but at least she wasn't so obsolete and dissolute like him.
He would find her occasionally swinging in the Apricot garden, where it was mostly quiet and very few people visited, and even so, he would often hear her practicing flute-playing.
The next Prince she met was, to Yin Zhen’s entertainment and slight jealousy, was the 3rd Prince, Yin Zhi, as she was delivering medicine to one of the Imperial Concubines, the foreign melodious tune of an instrument she has never heard of before, and as expected, her curiosity led her directly to this Prince who seemed just a bit older than her, standing under a tree and practicing said instrument.
The girl could only stay there in awe, the wonderful melody taking over her senses and imagination, only for a sudden screech to destroy everything, making her yelp in shock. The jerk of a Prince made the bow unceremoniously scratch the violin’s strings, making a God Forsaken ear-bleeding noise.
“Hope you enjoyed that as well, stalker.” the prince sneered at her, but to his surprise, she merely chuckled. “Wonderful how such an elegant instrument can create hellish sounds in the wrong hands. Only someone hardworking, dedicated and with grace can play this instrument. You are a Prince, aren’t you?” she leaned on the tree, a knowing smirk on her face. “If you figured that out, then why aren’t you bowing to the ground right now?” the aggressiveness displayed in his voice and words seemed to contradict his actions as he sat down at the table, where neatly drawn blueprints and parts to be engineered with. “I can accept the consequences of my mistake and I even won’t protest, should you want to take my head off, should you be so kind as to explain to me the process of building this wonderful instrument. It is a Western one, is it not?” she sat down next to him, analysing the papers carefully. “What would some lowly maid like you know of Western technology? Why should I waste my time on you?” he scoffed, looking down at her. “Do you not find sharing such groundbreaking information with someone genuinely interested to be rather... Enlightening? From my short stay here, in the Palace, I have found out that the 2nd Prince is rather dissolute and promiscuous, but at the same time, a very intelligent and lonely person who cannot interact with others. From the looks of it, you simply have completely different aspirations and interests, while your brothers are solely interested in this Game of Thrones, and you cannot possibly have a proper, intellectual conversation with them. Correct me if I’m wrong, however, and I will leave you alone.” that vixen-like smile on her face made the Prince want to strangle her and wipe that stupid smirk off her face for daring to figure him out so well. At the same time, however, he hasn’t felt so challenged in his life and frankly, this little maid could prove to be more interesting than expected. “I’ll have you thrown to the Office of Punishments should you dare bore me at any time after the cheeky, daring stunt you pulled. Now, you better be paying attention to every word I am about to tell you, I hate repeating myself for dumb airheads, understood?” his voice was serious and mature, especially for someone his age, but that only meant that Y/N had what to learn from him, and for that, she was grateful. “I swear to do my best and keep up with your intellectual explanations, so please, do be patient with me for I am very grateful for the time you are taking out of your schedule to teach me.” she bowed her head to him, and thus, with a soft huff, the Prince began explaining the to the girl about the peculiar instrument in his hands. “This is called a Violin, and this is called a Bow. As you guessed, this instrument was created in the West, from a country called “Italy”, in an unknown date from the 16th century. Although paintings from back then show the Violin had 3 strings, now, as you can see, it has four...” and so, he continued by showing her the component parts of the violin both on the instrument, and on the blueprints, only for him to, in the end, gift her the ink drawing he made of the original blueprint, as a way for her to promise to continue studying on her own too.
There were many other Royal Princes and Princesses, but many weren’t as interesting as the 3rd and 4th Prince who, quite frankly, were a force to be reckoned with. While Yin Zhi would teach her how to build a clock, or show her interesting literature, Yin Zhen would be adamant in taking her horse-riding and, surprisingly, he was rather interested in her healing knowledge, thus why, he would always acquire the rarest books from all over the world and, instead of giving them for the Physicians to learn, he would gift them to this lovely maid whose company he loved so much.
Time passed quickly, they got older, both Y/N and her father rapidly advanced in their ranks thanks to their revolutionary treatments that cured every illness, and the princes all grew into fine men - Which meant that the true Game of Thrones began for everyone in the palace, not just them.
The first to go down was the Crown Prince who, as Y/N discovered, had ricing powder put in his food. “It is quite simple, and unfortunately, incredibly deadly, even in small doses. All you need is the beans from a castor oil plant, you make them into powder and... You’ve got one of the deadliest poisons there are. My only guess is, it would have to have been someone from the Imperial Kitchens who could do such a feat because, if the powder was put on the dishes after being prepared, it would still be mildly visible, whereas if it was put in a big pot, it would get homogenized and thus, leave no visible or taste trace.” Y/N explained in front of the Emperor, standing poised and ignoring all the other many eyes staring at her. “I have heard many times of ricin, but none was ever brave enough to dare bring it into the Palace, especially after I have forbidden any dish to be made with Castor oil! For the poison to act, one administration was enough?” Emperor Kangxi asked, rage and sorrow evident on his face. “No, Your Majesty. I imagine that the culprit played it smart and only added small doses of ricin powder in His Highness’s food, but regularly. I have read the Medical Files from the Bureau of Imperial Physicians and I have noticed that His Highness was complaining of an upset stomach, difficulty in breathing, occasional coughs that turned bloody over time and spiking fevers - Again, all over a rather long period of time. If the culprit were to use a large dose of powder, the Princes wouldn’t have been able to finish all the food from the plate and, therefor, the Ricin would have been tenfold easier to detect. In this situation, however, small doses meant nobody would believe His Highness got sick because of the food, because of his healthy appetite, hence why he was treated symptomatically for unrelated, yet very possible diseases.” the Female Physician went on further with the deduction, which angered the Emperor even further. “These jackals won’t even allow my sons to eat anymore! From now on, every meal will have to be tested before any person from the Royal Family eats it. Find the culprit immediately!” the Emperor thundered, his voice echoing throughout the Hall of Mental Cultivation. “Your Majesty, if I may... Ricin cannot be detected with silver, and if it is put in hot meals, it wouldn’t be traceable anymore. There is no way to detect it. While ingesting the poison is admittedly the least toxic pathway into the human body... Even with a small dose, it starts to cause internal damage in as little as 6 hours after ingesting. In regular doses, death can occur in a maximum of 3 days, which means, to my understanding, that His Highness may have started being poisoned a week ago at most.” the girl spoke confidently, but also with a tint of reticence. “Are you trying to tell me there is no way of detecting the culprit?!” the man rose up from his throne, pointing his finger at her. “On the contrary. With the grace and cooperation of His Highness, the 4th Prince, a small pouch of herbs mixed with ricin powder was found in the pockets of one of the eunuchs helping at the Imperial Kitchens. That is to say... If the truth comes out that this eunuch was the one who put the powder in the food... We need a testimony and evidence that would point towards the mastermind behind this operation of regicide. His Highness was the Crown Prince and a mere eunuch wouldn’t be affected in any way by the future Emperor, however that may be, but someone who could benefit in having another candidate on the throne would get actively involved in working from the shadows...” she didn’t dare move her sight from the furious Eye of Heaven, no matter how much she wanted to avert her eyes and look at the Prince, begging to be taken away from there because the tension was crushing. “Yin Zhen!” calling out his son’s name, he stepped next to Y/N, bowed and knelt next to her. “The two of you did good in solving this crime. From now on, the two of you shall continue unmasking the truth of this mystery and bring justice to my son, the Crown Prince, got it? No matter who it is, I will have them punished!” the Emperor’s last command was abided by the two of them bowing to the ground and calling out their responses - “Yes, Your Majesty!”
And thus, the Hall of Mental Cultivation was cleared and the two people in cause walked away, looking at each other and letting out sighs of relief.
“Let’s not do that again.” the girl managed to mutter, putting the back of her hand to her forehead, exhausted from the trial. “You’re tired just from this? I was expecting a lot worse.” the Prince smirked at her, seeing her roll her eyes. “Yes, well, the Royal Family business isn’t for me. I’m fine just healing people and studying. It’s actually relaxing, you should try that once in a while.” she nudged him softly, only for him to stop in his tracks. “What if I tell you I want you to join the Royal Family.” he crossed his arms, looking at her with a playful expression. “I’d tell you... You’ve lost your mind... And that nobody would agree to something like this. I suppose I should remind you that... I am a commoner and you are, and I hope it doesn’t come as a shock to you, not only the Prince but... A very strong candidate at being the next Crown Prince.” she shook her head in amusement. “Father wants to promote you to Noble Lady Shuyu.” he refuted immediately. “Having ‘Noble’ in a title does not make you of noble birth. Don’t make it difficult for either of us, Yin Zhen. Not to mention, you would be doing me a great disservice by marrying me.” she explained, cautiously looking around for any prying eyes. “How is giving you a life of unlimited luxuries means I’m doing you a disservice?” he stepped closer to her, holding her hands to his chest. “I am jealous, first of all. Even if I am to be your main wife, which, by the way, is impossible, you would still need to have a huge amount of concubines because that is the life of a Duke and/or the Emperor, should you actually get the title. That doesn’t exactly sit amazingly well with me to begin with... And that also means I’m not exactly the most Virtuous, Selfless and King Empress that everyone would want the woman holding this title to be. That and... If I marry into the Royal Family, I won’t be able to continue my Physician work, and I will only have to stay inside a stupid, but nicely furnished palace, with tons of servants to do whatever the hell I want and many more other women who will be jealous of me and will plot to kill me. Ah, yes and the unfortunate case of you getting bored of me for a younger girl, when we get older, but that’s just that.” she got her hands back, and smiled at him sarcastically. “You’re an impossible woman, you know that, right? If you do, you should also know that, for you, I would give up the title of Crown Prince. If I am a duke, then it shouldn’t matter if I marry one woman alone, and whether or not she continues her hobby of healing people in a palace far away from the Forbidden City, where there would be no envious eye that would wish you harm. How does that sound.” his words were soft and gentle, and with every sweet word, he could see the girl’s defenses lowering down, bit by bit. “You would be an idiot to turn down the title you worked so hard for, especially after this perfect opportunity has just knocked on our doors. Don’t be stupid, Yin Zhen. I can still love you even if we are not legally married. Listen, we both know the 2nd Prince is the culprit, right? Him and his lousy mother of his, who wants to become the next Empress. I have a plan to take both of them down, and if we succeed, your place on the throne is automatically... But we have to be very smart about it. Very, very smart. Are you in?” she turned to look at him, as he stepped very close to her, cupping her face and kissing her forehead. “Since when have you become so scheming?” he asked, proud and amused. “Since I have a reason to win.” she winked at him, putting her hand on his face so he could lean down and hear the plot.
Months passed, and Y/N has been as busy as ever taking care of the women of the Harem since Imperial Concubine Yu was pregnant and the Empress, the late 1st Prince’s mother, protectively took her under her wing, while the sole Female Physician was to take care of her.
Thankfully, every plan was set in motion and time flew so fast, it was unexpected that 9 months already passed and the Concubine was ready to give birth already. Unfortunately for her, the Empress, along with the Empress Dowager, were away to pray for Buddha, and thus, the Noble Consort was now the most powerful woman in the Harem, and able to take decisions in place of the Empress.
As Y/N helped the Concubine give birth, to her shock, she realised the baby was very much yellow - But not only the little prince’s body, but his eyes as well. It caused a lot of shock and stir ups... But the unfortunate timing of arrival of the Noble Consort was enough to grab the baby from the midwife’s hands and toss is carelessly to the eunuchs who was digging a hole in the backyard of the Empress’s palace, to bury the infant alive, while the poor Concubine mother was frantically trying to escape the grasp of the eunuch keeping her away so she could rescue her baby.
But it was in vain, and no matter how much the mother begged, the Consort was absolutely ruthless. She was digging into the dirt, trying to rescue her child, but all of the Empress’s maids were uselessly staring, frightened and very much afraid for their lives.
Smartly, Y/N went inside the Empress’s palace and took her seal - As she ran back to the scene of the crime and yelled at the Consort to end this mess.
“The golden seal of the Empress is here! Enough of this mess! Yes, the infant has golden eyes, but the truth is, this might just be a medical problem, and we cannot know for sure if it is not investigated! Under such context, we must wait for Her Highness the Empress to make the decision! Noble Consort, I have begged you again and again to cease your actions, but I have no other way of stopping you. Seeing this golden seal is like seeing Her Highness the Empress herself, whether the 17th Prince is indeed sick, and how Noble Lady Yu should be dealt with, we must all wait for the decree of Her Highness the Empress. Any other person isn’t allowed to take any arbitrary action!” as Y/N glared angrily at the Noble Consort, showing off the Imperial Box that was hiding the Empress’s seal, the well known voice of the Eunuch announcing his Majesty’s arrival resounded through the place. “What happened?” the Emperor asked, followed by the 2nd, 3rd and 4th  Princes. “Greeting His Majesty. Your Majesty, the little prince was born with golden pupils. His whole body is yellow. The Empress isn’t in the palace. I’m enforcing the palace law on her behalf. I was just about to punish the mother and child, but who knew that the servants of Changchun Palace would publicly stop me.” the Consort threw a shady look at the Physician. “Your Majesty, I dare not hinder Noble Consort in implementing the law. It’s just that Her Highness the Empress repeatedly instructed that we all must protect Noble Lady Yu. Before the Empress returns, no one is allowed to make punishments without permission. Moreover, whether the little prince is indeed sick or not, as a Physician, I must advise everyone not to make conclusions based solely on what we see. There was no time for me, or any of my colleagues to check the health of the little prince, therefor, this may all just be an unfortunate misunderstanding, not a bad omen. The action of Her Highness the Noble Consort is too hasty.” Y/N confidently explained the problem for the Emperor. “You wench, how dare you speak ill of my mother?!” the new Crown Prince, the 2nd Prince, rushed forward to slap the girl’s face angrily. “Father, there is nothing impossible in this vast world. I, who has been studying various Western practices would know that what we may consider impossible or strange, other would deem normal, and vice versa. It may just be as the Female Physician says - That the 17th Prince’s golden pupils are just because of some strange illness that, if treated, will disappear.” the 3rd Prince stuck up to the girl. “Your Majesty, my child surely has some weird illness! I beg you, Your Majesty, I beg you to immediately have him treated.” the mother’s pleas melted the Emperor’s heart. “Li Yu.” the Emperor called out his head eunuch. “Call the Imperial Medical College for a consult. And find out if Physician Y/N’s father returned from his trip abroad.” and thus, the Emperor called everyone in cause once again to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to hear the testimonies and make a decision.
Two elder doctors came inside the Palace and reported their explanations to the Emperor, while the poor, desperate mother was thrown out of the room so she could calm down and stop shrieking.
“I’ve seen a lot of babies with yellowish faces, but I’ve never seen a case where the pupils are also golden yellow.” one of them explained. “Is there no way to cure him?” Yin Zhen asked the Physicians. “This is not an illness, so there is no way to cure it. There is no such thing as a child with golden pupils in this world.” Physician Zhang answered adamant. “I know Your Majesty is unwilling to do it, but if we don’t resolve it today, if the sun rises tomorrow, the news that a Noble Lady of the Forbidden Palace has given birth to a child with golden pupils will spread to the empire as if it has wings. I fear that people will be in panic and it will be hard to handle the consequences. Hence, I hardened my heart, all for Your Majesty’s sake, for the Qing Empire. Even if everyone will blame me for it, I won’t mind. Your Majesty, why are you still  hesitating?” the dead silence that followed was, as if on cue, disturbed by the baby’s cries. With a hurried smile, Y/N hurried to take the baby in her arms and kneel in front of the Emperor. “Your Majesty, look! Although the little prince is yellowish all over, his cry is very strong! Your Majesty, he is a live person and he is connected with Your Majesty by blood! How could you kill him so easily?!” Y/N spoke quickly, hoping to appeal to the Emperor’s soft heart strings. “Isn’t the Empress to kind? Indulging a mere physician to act like this? When your masters are talking, how could you interfere?!” the Noble Consort harshly reprimanded the girl. “I recognize my mistakes, however, as a Physician myself, while it is true that I do not know everything in this world, I can also say that I had my fair share of travelling, albeit, not as much as my father. The yellowing of the body may as well be jaundice, especially if we take into account the severity of the colour. In some texts that I have read, it is said that, on rare occasions, if the jaundice is severe, it may even affect the colour of the eyes. Your Majesty, I have no reason to work against anyone. My work is to heal people, which is why I am fighting so hard to save this child - Not only because he is Your Majesty’s child, but because all lives must be treasured and treated with great importance. If this child is sick and I can cure him, than I have done my purpose in life.” the girl gritted her teeth, trying to control herself. “Father, can’t you see you’ve been indulging this wench for far too long? You give a common wench a helping hand, and now look how unruly and disruptive she is! Speaking back to her superiors! Shameless!” the Crown Prince growled at the girl who was incriminating his mother. “Father, if I may - As Physician Y/N said, all of our Imperial Physicians have been working only inside the palace for so long. If a strange illness occurs, they may have no knowledge of that, perhaps even outside of the usual textbooks. If I understood correctly, Y/N father has returned to the palace just yesterday, perhaps his opinion will be of use, should this simply be a case of misdiagnosis.” the 4th Prince quickly defended her. “Nonesense! Could a distinguished Imperial Physician of the Imperial Medical College have less knowledge and experience than a common maid like you with no proper training or education?” Physician Zhang scoffed at her. “Your Majesty, although I’m well-versed in children’s illnesses, there is nothing truly impossible in this vast world. Maybe there are still a lot of strange illnesses that I’ve never had a chance to be in contact with. Many Physicians tried to get rid of the plague, but only Physician Liyue was able to do it, a common man from outside the Palace with no former education. Just because we haven’t seen it, doesn’t mean it can’t exist.” Physician Yang spoke modestly. “Physician Yang, are you old and muddled?! A matter that you yourself isn’t sure of, you dare report it to His Majesty?! If a problem indeed occurs, a natural calamity or a human-made disaster, can you bare the crime? No. Your Majesty, this concerns the fortune of the Qing Empire. You mustn’t be soft-hearted.” the Noble Consort quickly responded as harsh as ever.
However, just as she said that, Y/N’s father clumsily stepped inside the room and knelt next to his daughter, greeting the Emperor who, in haste, told him to check the child.
In doing so, he merely smiled and said the same diagnosis as his daughter did.
“Can’t be. Not like I haven’t seen jaundice in children before.” Physician Zhang refuted immediately. “That’s because you are lacking in knowledge. Your Majesty, this jaundice, even if it’s not treated, the little prince would recover within 7 days. This illness is pathological and related to the bile of the expectant mother. It is usually connected with the pregnant mother having too much accumulation of bile.” the father explained. “Your daughter gave the same diagnosis.” the Emperor muttered. “Can it be cured?” “Your Majesty, don’t worry. If I prescribe a formula to reduce the jaundice, in less than 2 weeks, the 17th prince’s jaundice will subside.” and thus, the Emperor ordered to have the child be treated with care...And the Consort changed sides as much as her face changed instantly.
And thus, the Emperor forgave the Consort and had this matter be banned from being talked of...Until the 4th Prince spoke up.
“Father, before we leave, I had urgent news to speak to you about, and they concern the Noble Consort.” the Prince left his father’s side and stepped in front of him, next to Y/N. “Is this about your brother’s death?” the Emperor’s face became grim as soon as he saw the nod of the prince’s head. “Very well, speak.” “Su Peisheng, have the body brought in.” the Prince ordered. “Noble Consort, you are not afraid when you kill a man, so why are you afraid when you see a corpse?” the Prince asked, simply, as he took off the sheet to show off the man’s face. “Do you not recognise him? Or perhaps, your son does?” the Prince interrogated the indignant woman. “What are your implications, Yin Zhen?!” the Crown Prince stomped in front of his brother. “Your Mayesty, this is the Mongolian chef from the Imperial Kitchen. While he is also the one who cooked food for Noble Lady Yu, he is also the one who prepared the daily Mongolian treat that the 1st Prince enjoyed so much.” Yin Zhen spoke up confidently. “That’s right... Your Majesty, I have taken care of Noble Lady Yu since the beginning of her pregnancy, and pretty early on, Noble Lady Yu was gifted Mongolian scones from her hometown. She loved them so much, I imagine she ate quite a lot. She said she had no idea there was a Mongolian chef in the Palace and she was incredibly happy to see that she could eat her home food after so long. She would eat three pieces every day - At least that’s what I saw, if she ate more when I wasn’t supervising her, I cannot know.” the Physician girl explained as she stood up, tall and ready for action. “Your Majesty, I had these scones be brought here as well.” the 4th Prince spoke and a scone was given to Y/N’s father. “Do you know what they are made of?” her father asked as he took a bite. “I believe milk was added to the dough, or ghee to the skin. She also ate assorted confectionary to replace staple food.” Y/N told her father. “Yes, I understand. Your Majesty, the child contracted jaundice mostly because the mother’s body is moist and hot, so the bile gets accumulated. I usually advise pregnant women to watch their food intake and not to eat too much sweet, hot and unpleasant smelling food, to prevent damage to the spleen and stomach.” Physician Liyue explained. “Ah, I understand. I didn’t give it much thought because Mongolian women are used to eating these things, but since she’s been away from home for so long, her body adjusted to our food, so naturally, getting a large intake of food from home again made her body react as ours would.” Y/N nodded in understanding. “Very well, so we have found out the truth behind the Prince’s illness. Now, Yin Zhen, tell me about the body. Who killed him.” the Emperor urged his son to speak. “We just have to look at who wanted the 17th Prince buried alive the most and we will know. And on who benefits the most in having our 1st Prince brother killed.” Yin Zhen explained. “That man is dead, brother. On what bases are you accusing me and my mother?” the Crown Prince sneered at his younger brother. “Your Majesty, the 17th Prince was just born, he is just an innocent child. Why would anyone want him dead? Unless... Someone didn’t want him to be born safely to begin with. Carefully thinking about it, since Noble Lady Yu got pregnant, Her Highness the Noble Consort has repeatedly made things difficult for her. First, using her dog to cause her trauma at the Imperial Gardens, and then repeating the same feat at the Lychee banquet organized by Her Highness the Empress. When Noble Lady Yu gave birth, the first person to charge in Changchun Palace was also Her Highness the Noble Consort. She insisted on having the 17th Prince buried alive. To say that this matter has nothing to do with her, it’s really hard for anyone to believe that.” Y/N accused the Consort, only to be, once again, slapped by her son. “Father, this is a conspiracy, don’t listen to the lies of this servant! It is a plot made to frame me and my Royal Mother!” the Crown Prince desperately tried to defend himself. “Father, if this is a conspiracy, why then everyone else asked for a Physician to be brought and inspect the 17th Prince’s condition, while only the Noble Consort alone was so adamant in killing the child?” Yin Zhen struck again. “Not to mention, even when Noble Lady Yu went up to her to stop her, she didn’t spare her. Instead, she ordered her to be killed along with the child. If she truly had no intention to kill, why was she so hasty and resolute?” Y/N chimed in quickly. “Your Majesty, you cannot sentence myself or the Crown Prince merely just based on a corpse and some speculations! This person is dead, who knew if someone else forced him to kill himself as to frame me and my son?” the Noble Consort shrieked desperately. “Father, when I sent my men to the Imperial Kitchen, they discovered one letter written in blood and 20 taels of gold. It shows that this person had sensed that something bad would happen to him. Father, look for yourself at the evidence left behind.” and thus, the eunuch brought forth a messy letter and the Prince showed it to the Emperor -” 'The person who will silence me will surely be the Crown Prince’ - And with this, father, we found a small pouch of Ricin laying on top of it. It means that the culprits behind these two crimes that we thought unrelated are, in fact, mother and son.” the 4th prince explained, picking up the pouch as well. “Wh-What?! What is this madness? I would ever use such a stupid servant to kill my brother!” the Crown Prince yelled out, but it was in vain. “Not only that, testimonies from the Office of Punishments came out. The men from the Imperial Kitchens that were involved in either of these crimes, all ratted out their mastermind and all point out towards either Noble Consort or the 2nd Prince.” the Prince continued, and the atmosphere in the place was harder and harder to bear. “Your Majesty! Your Majesty, it really wasn’t like this! I really didn’t know! I’m being framed! Framed! Me... My son...! We’re being framed!” the Consort tried to beg, plea and weep, but nothing worked. “ENOUGH! I don’t want to hear any more explanations from you. You killed my beloved son out of greed, just for you to become the next Crown Prince. I have overlooked so many of your mistakes and evidence of a possible coup... You were already the Crown Prince, what more did you want?! Shameless, both of you! Men, take them away! Both of them shall be thrown into the Cold Palace until further notice!” the Emperor’s rage seethed fear into everyone, as they bid his order, uncaring of the two’s desperate pleas. “Yin Zhen, you did well. Although a tragic truth, I was expecting this. As the matter of a new Crown Prince has to be instilled, I will make the final Imperial Edict tomorrow... However, you must know that you are the chosen one. I only wish that you do not act as carelessly and shamelessly as your brother did.” the Emperor sighed, feeling older than ever. “Father...I...! Your Majesty, you are magnanimous, I do not know how to thank you.” the Prince kowotowed to the ground, only to hear a weak chuckle from his father. “Rise, no need for that. Physician Y/N, you and your father once again saved us with your vast knowledge and expertise. I shall grant you both the title of Noble Officials of the Third Rank and shall enjoy all the benefits and luxuries that come with it. You have served me well and I am sure you will continue to do so in the future as well. You are all dismissed.” the Emperor said as everyone bowed to greet him off. “That worked better than expected.” the Prince smirked, looking down at the stunned girl. “Am I a genius or what?” she spoke breathlessly before starting to laugh in glee. “Dear, I have no idea what silly thing you plotted while I was away, but... I have to say, you pulled quite the stunt.” her father patted her hair lovingly. “I suppose once in a while I do like to have some dangerous fun, huh? Good thing I have two Royal Helping Hands to take me out of the water should I suddenly forget to swim.” she grinned carelessly, only for her father to shake her head, smiling. “Just be careful. Although... I am sure you will be protected. I will take my leave now.” and with a small bow, the left the three alone. “Was any of that true?” the 3rd Prince eyed the two carefully. “Well... She really did want to kill the baby by burying it alive. The rest was... Induced or fabricated. But nobody has to know, right? It’s all our dirty little secret.” the girl winked at him and, taking the 4th Prince’s hand, pulled him outside. “How does it feel being a Noble Lady?” the Prince chuckled, pulling her close to his chest and smiling warmly. “None the wiser.” she snorted in amusement. “Honestly, Yin Zhen, it’s just a title. It’s not like anyone is going to care in any way. I am still going to be just a common girl with no right to stay anywhere close to you. Besides, you know as well as I do that, in the very small chance that the Emperor does accidentally impregnate a common maid and he wives her, she is still going to be treated poorly and will be bound to the Back Palace alone. You know as well as I do that nobody is allowed to enter the Back Palace so freely. I don’t want any of that.” she spoke, cautiously. “If I am going to be the Emperor, that mean the whole China is going to be mine. It doesn’t matter which woman is my Empress, as long as all the other concubines are there for political reasons. All they care about is wealth, fame and luxuries for their families, but none care for me the way you do. You saved me from drowning when you had no idea who I was, and you rejected any gift I gave you that wasn’t useful for your education. I know you don’t want to be pretentious or have me think that you love me solely for luxuries but that does not mean I should be forbidden from pampering you whenever I feel like it. Just accept it. I do not want any other woman to stay in the Empress’s throne besides me other than you. Don’t deny me that, Y/N.” he cupped her face, making her look up at him, his eyes tender and filled with love. “I can’t do it, Yin Zhen. I can’t. I can’t let you damage your image. You will be the best Emperor China’s ever had, you cannot have a common peasant woman be the Mother of the Nation. You will found a woman to genuinely love you and care for you as much as I do, and she will be worthy of you, and of noble blood... And you will forget about me, and I will no longer inconvenience you. You will be just fine without me, Yin Zhen.” her eyes gleaming, close to tears, as she spoke those painful words, but the prince had none of that. “I will have none of that modesty and selflessness of yours. Keep that to yourself. I am going to be the Emperor. The Eye of Heaven. If I cannot even choose the woman I love to be my Empress, than what’s the point in being diligent in everything else? No matter how hard working you are, at the end of the day, you need to have clarify and peace from your confidante, and for me, that is you. I will hear no more of your excuses, I will solve all of them. In fact, I know just how you can get the ultimate approval from my father, as if everything you’ve done so far over the years hasn’t been enough. In a month, the palace will hold a banquet for the Princess of Western Liang and her Diplomatic Corp. I trust you and you alone to accompany me to this. I know it’s not something you are used to, but I will prepare people to teach you the basic according skills needed. This is all you’re going to need to do, and it will impress Father without a doubt. Please, Y/N. Do it for me. Do it for us. I want to marry you and love you. I want to see you dressed in the most gorgeous Empress dress, to have you by my side at the coronation, to see you smile as I put accessories in your hair. I want to see you happy, and I want to see you by my side every day and every night. Screw the rules, the Emperor can do as he pleases in his private time.” the fire inside Yin Zhen’s heart seemed to reach the girl for she merely smiled and, with an unexpected turn of events, she threw her hands around his neck and pulled him down into a deep kiss. “You better abide your own words, otherwise this Empress is going to drive her new hair pin into your jugular vein and have you assassinated in your sleep.” she muttered with a teasing smirk. “That’s the Y/N I love.” and with that, he pulled her into another, and yet another kiss, with as much fire, love and passion as the previous ones.
For the whole month, the girl, getting used to servants and new luxuries in her home, trained in all the skills Yin Zhen’s servants thought necessary, as to become a proper Noble Lady and, as he would always say, His Empress.
As she was practicing her walking on heels through the palace, her maid, Shi Lian, seemed to be in quite the mood for chatting, telling her that the Western Liang delegation came by just earlier that day and that they are carrying this beautiful, exotic precious unique hairpin. However, unexpectedly, a huge crowd started gathering all around the two and the people started pulling and pushing around aimlessly, creating a huge commotion, making her fall on the street. Thankfully, just as she was about to get crashed by an incoming carriage horse, she felt lifted up.
“Are you injured?” the sweet voice of the man who so heroically rescued her called out, brushing a strand of hair from her face as he protectively held her waist. “Thanks to you, I am. Are you my guardian angel or what? I can’t believe how perfectly you arrived to save me.” she put her hand to her chest, trying to calm down. “I had orders to greet the corp. You silly... It’s great fate that I’m here. I’ll bring you back and send for an Imperial Physician to look after you.” he spoke strictly, only for the curtains of the carriage to be harshly drawn away and a glaring woman to stick her head out of the window. “4th Prince, are you going to leave me and the envoys of Western Liang behind?” she scolded in an evil way. “...Yin Zhen, I am alright, I promise. Shi Lian is with me. You said it yourself, this banquet is important, you cannot leave. Go attend your business. I insist.” the girl looked him deep into his eyes, knowing that they always understood each other from their looks. “Fine. But I will leave a guard behind to escort you home. Take care, Y/N.” and thus, with one last look, he left, as Y/N could only smile at how caring and attentive her hero is.
The silly man, however, as expected, dotted so much on her that he called her own father to care for her.
“Miss, looks like 4th Prince really cares about you! Ah, before I forget, the Matron has a massage for you. This afternoon, the Princess of Western Liang will be visiting the Imperial Palace and you are designated as her retinue.” Shi Lian’s sweet and innocent smile quickly disappeared. “Oh... Great. I have to take care of a bitch. May the Heaven watch over me.” Y/N muttered as she leaned her head on her father’s shoulder. “I heard she is pretty aggressive. She’d bully maidens without excuses. She’s fearsome... Miss, you have to be more careful.” the maid held her master’s hands, looking worried at her. “Don’t worry, I can do it. If this is the last step towards success, not even all the torture Wu Zetian went through can stop me.” Y/N’s voice was low, dark and dangerous. She was like a fearsome lioness ready to strike and maul anyone approaching her cub.
The next afternoon, after dressing is soft and demure looking clothes, Y/N went to show the Princess around the Imperial Palace. The load of exotic jewelry would blow away anyone’s mind, but she wasn’t interested in anything except for the fine craftmanship and the great detail put into everything.
“Ah, it’s you who was saved by 4th Prince yesterday morning outside the palace! To think 4th Prince would ignore me because of a slave girl!” the Princess stared at her condescendingly. “I am but a humble Palace maid. Surely 4th Prince would pay his undivided attention to you, Princess.” the girl bowed respectfully in front of the Princess. “I’d love to see what you’ve got! I heard the Tea ceremony of the Great Qing is extraordinary. Blow away my mind!” the Princess ordered immediately.
Thanking Yin Zhen for having all his servants meticulously teach her every art needed, Y/N proceeded in preparing the Tea Ceremony in such an elegant and graceful manner that the Princess was greatly jealous.
“She’s just a slave girl! In what position is she compared with me? Somebody drive her away, I don’t like her!” however, just as she was throwing her tantrum, Yin Zhen’s eunuch came by to invite Y/N to the banquet.
With a smile on her face, she went back to her home to change in the outfit prepared by the 4th Prince himself, and at dusk, when the glowing sunset brought out Yin Zhen’s most handsome features, she saw him. Tiredness was painted on his face.
“Yin Zhen... You look exhausted. Will you be alright?” she asked softly, cautiously raising her hand to caress his face. “I will be, yes. I am merely worried about you... But seeing you like this lifted all my worries. You are the most beautiful woman in the world.” saying so, he caressed her hand, kissing it.  “I have to look my best when standing besides the most handsome man in the world, correct?” she winked cheekily at him, and thus, they went together inside the palace where the banquet was taking place.
There were songs, and dances, and just about anything you could expect - And there, on display, the precious hairpin of Western Liang, the jewel inlaid to it glistening mesmerisingly.
Seeing her confused look, he explained that the envoys are willing to part with the hairpin as a tribute only if they pass several tests. As it was a matter o Great Qing’s reputation, His Majesty couldn’t possibly refuse.
“Three tests and the hairpin is ours? How arrogant. No matter, I’m sure we can beat them.” the girl scoffed, standing besides Yin Zhen’s seat.
The first test, as expected, was Music. Western Liang sends out an envoy adept in music. The test is rather prompt to the palace and no one is prepared for that, so no one responds. Truly, perhaps she was a master at playing Pipa, and she was beautiful too, but that was not to say some intimidation wouldn’t work on the arrogant and prideful Western Liang.
“How do you like this song, Your Highness?” the girl asked, a proud smile on her face. “Very well. Your pipa is superbly crafted.” the Emperor spoke, making the girl frown, indignant. “You only complimented the pipa. Does that mean you don’t like the song?” the girl asked, offended. “That is an understatement. Though I am not an expert, I can tell the song you played was ingenious. However, and pardon me for being blunt, your skill is quite ordinary.” the 4th Prince commented, making Y/N bite her lip to stop herself from chuckling. “This is the Number 1 ancient tune from Western Liang. Few people in Qara-Hoja can play it. The way I play it is considered sound from Heaven.” the girl was angrily gripping her pipa. “Sound from Heaven? That’s an overstatement! I might as well tell you, a song like that, any Palace maid in the Qing Empire can play.” and thus, Y/N walked forward, holding the beautiful wine pot, as if to serve the pipa player. “Any? Any maid at all? Fine, can YOU play it?” the girl asked, volcanic-like. “No really... But the song you played... I’ve been practicing it since childhood.” and thus, Y/N sat down in place of the Western Liang pipa player and played her own tune with perfect dexterity. “If a Palace Maid can play it, why am I here?” and thus, the first win was awared to the Qing Empire.
With a modest bow, Y/N went back by Yin Zhen’s side, and to the trained eye, it was obvious the both of them were radiating with pride for one another.
The second test is about Poetry. Western Liang’s envoy is rather accomplished in literature, however, no one can defeat Yin Zhen’s outstanding talent.
“Y/N, you write for me. You have beautiful calligraphy and can write fast enough. I trust you.” and thus, the two of you sit down at a table in the middle of the banquet - Yin Zhen pours out elegant line after line, as Y/N carefully writes down the love poem that, no doubt was dedicated to her. An hour elapses and neither admits defeat. No one dares to even breathe heavily, fearing they might disturb the two poets.
Despite everyone’s concentration, the ink maid’s hand trembles just enough to pour ink all over Y/N’s paper and clothes.  “What’s your problem?!” Y/N gasped from shock at being covered by the black liquid. “Pardon me, I didn’t mean it!” the maid nonchalantly says as she bows to the groud. “I saw it perfectly. That maid didn’t mean it... But the maid that writes has got such a temper!” unable to say anything, Y/N looked at the Prince who allowed her to quickly go change into another outfit, just as beautiful and chosen by him, and return. That Princess was going to be roasted pork very soon. “Careless as that maid is, this one is only too stupid. They both should be punished, or that’s unfair for 4th Prince.” the evil Princess sneered. “Western Liang is nowhere near the sea, but I have a feeling the Princess of Western Liang lives by the sea.” Yin Zhen retorted immediately. “What does that mean?” the Princess asked, confused, only for Y/N to smirk at her beloved’s silver, witty tongue. To think that this Bitchy Princess would trouble herself with a sea of trivials, despite her affections for him. “Your Highness, I am willing to make up for my mistake and write down what 4th Prince just composed, not missing a single word.” and so she did, shocking the Princess with her fantastic memory and even more, her elegant calligraphy. And thus, Yin Zhen gets easily the 2nd win.
The two then needed a break and went outside, to look at the beautiful moon and feel the chilly breeze of Spring. Y/N, without a care, leaned on Yin Zhen’s, sighing content.
“I know I’m amazing, but to think some bitchy Princess would get jealous of me... That’s something else.” Y/N muttered, clinging lazily on his sleeve. “I know she has ill-intentions towards you. That maid, my men have been tracing her. She is working for the Princess to frame you.” the Prince spoke, aggravated. “Well, good for her. She couldn’t beat us. We are the true perfect match of Heaven and Earth. Nothing can keep us apart.” Y/N scoffed at the lame princess’s intentions, making the Prince chuckle.  “Fearless as always. You are incredible.” he commented, simple, but effective. “Oh, you should see yourself, my darling. Do you know what the 3rd test is about?” she asked, only to see him shake his head. “Not sure yet, no. But whatever it is, I fear the Princess would want to be the one to compete against you. She’s just that petty.” the Prince explained, only for a servant to call the two inside.
Apparently, the Princess decided that the last test would be, lo’ and behold, Dancing. It was perfect. She knew just what to do.
“I am just a maid. Never have I thought I’d have the privilege to compete against Her Highness, the Princess of Western Liang.” Y/N bowed in front of the Princess gracefully, only for the Princess to sneer arrogantly. “You don’t deserve it! However... You played a part in the two previous tests. I’d like to see if you really have what it takes, or you are just borrowing help from the 4th Prince. So? You dare not?!” the Princess raised her voice aggressively. “I do have nothing that’s worth mentioning... However, I do believe that dancing should be one of my strengths. Allow me to change into the appropriate outfit for dancing and I shall show you, Your Highness.” and thus, Y/N quickly left the banquet to change into a beautiful Tang dynasty pink outfit the flowed like water around her, highlighting her featured delicately. Her hair, she had the top part in a bun, with beautiful golden hair pins decorated with agate and pearls, and wore agate earrings as well. On her face, despite the gorgeous make up, she had a half mask, outstandingly embellished with different precious gems that would sparkle brighter than the whole Western Liang.
Y/N watched the Princess dancing first - A rather basic dance, beautiful, yet, but of no fantastic feat. Despite all this, all envoys seem to think very little the little Physician girl, and even His Majesty and his Ministers seem to show little faith in her. Understandable, she thought, considering that all her life she strayed away from luxuries and feminine arts and studies. 
“Do you see? Looks like you are just a slave girl to everyone! You don’t deserve the competition against me!” the Princess laughed, taunting the girl, who merely smiled. “Then, Your Highness might want to be careful... Because losing to me... It’s really mortifying.” and thus, hearing the Prince reassuring his father that she will win without a doubt, Y/N proceeded in dancing the most beautiful dance.
Lanling Prince in Battle.
Throughout the month, she has been perfecting this dance in front of Yin Zhen, and it was his favourite. Such a tragic love story, of two lovers, their hearts and souls united in life and in death, no matter what. A love story of a woman loving a man so much that she would even march to war to bring him back. A love story of a man so tormented by his wife’s death that he goes insane and destroys everything in his path.
The half mask, symbolizing the beautiful features of the man, and the beautiful face of the woman, a dance that symbolizes their feelings, their love, themselves, the fate, their life - A single dance, a single person, symbolizing two soulmates.
It was the perfect dance, and it was to no wonder that this was their favourite dance... To dance together. Although it was a dance for one person alone, Yin Zhen could never resist embracing her and dancing with her. He couldn’t resist touching her and holding her up in his graces as if she was a Goddess.
It took every ounce of strength the Prince had not to join her in the dance, but as she finished, everyone was so in awe that they forgot to breathe, only to then burst into cheerful and loud applause.
“I... Lost? No... No way... How...?” the Princess was shocked as if by lightning. Absolutely horrified that a slave girl was infinitely better than her. “Do tell me how the Prince helped me here.” Y/N smirked condescendingly at the Princess who started growling. “Y-You...! How dare you?! A stupid slave girl, speaking back to me?! You deserve to be punished!” the Princess started wagging her finger accusatory at her. “Like you wanted to punish the maid who deliberately threw ink on the poem paper, realizing that Western Liang cannot, in this world, beat the Prince’s genius? Is this what Western Liang has to do to win? Cheat and frame? How ridiculous and disappointing.” Y/N shrugged simply, walking by the 4th Prince’s side. “Your Majesty! She wants me to call white black and even sow discord between the two nations! Justice be served, Your Majesty!” the maid shrieked, pointing at Y/N, as the girl sighed, taking off the mask. “I’m the bad guy now, huh?” she muttered, rolling her eyes. “I got my people, and you don’t have the right to an opinion here. You are from Western Liang.” the Prince, having made a secret investigation earlier, seemed to have enough evidence to get those two into trouble, but now enough to actually create a war. “As virtue rises one foot, vice rises ten. Prince, you are incredible. The maid was going to make you trip. If you had, no matter how beautiful you danced, there was no way you would have won. Still, you were as beautiful as ever. Congratulations, you are the reason behind Qing’s wins. I told you I know why I have faith in you completely.” he praised as he poured her a cup of wine, making her seat next to him and celebrate their win, as the Princess is taken out of the palace to receive punishment when she returns home.
And thus, Western Liang not only lose all 3 tests, but they are also completely humiliated by their Princess’s cheating, and present the hairpin, shamefully.
“Son, you earned this hairpin, I will confer it upon you!” the Emperor handed the hairpin to his son, who bowed his head as a thanks. “I thank you, Royal Father. However, may I ask for another grace? To give it to someone else?” he asked, as the Emperor laughed. “Now that I’ve given it to you, it’s totally up to you.” and thus, as Yin Zhen opens the delicately embellished box, he takes out the hair pin, walking in front of Y/N. “Come here. I promised I will be the one to put accessories in your hair. You earned this, my love.” he said as he put his hand on her waist, kissing her forehead. “U-Uh... Yin Zhen... Everyone is looking at us.” Y/N muttered bashfully, unable to look at him. “Good. I want them to know that you are my wife, and my future Empress, and that if anyone even dares to think of laying a finger on you, they are going to be brutally disposed of.” he smiled sweetly, lifting her chin up with his finger. “Very bold, doing that in front of even your Father. Very good. What a wonderful husband I have.” she chuckled lightly as she was guided outside, to watch the fireworks show. “I already told him I want to marry you. Wasn’t much he could say after today’s wonderful wins. I have to say, you are really good at making people do what you want.” Yin Zhen chuckled lightly, bringing the girl to his chest. “You know what I think? That you talk too much and that you should kiss your wife more often. How’s that sound, My Darling Emperor?” Y/N smirked like a vixen. “I love the sound of that... My Little Physician Empress.”
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
Bankrupt | dark!40′s!Stucky x reader
Your husband’s gambling addiction quickly got him in hot water with the mob, and you by extension.  When some debt collectors come by to settle what is owed, you realize that you have a lot more to worry about than money problems.
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: non con, dub con, DP, anal sex, coercion, a lil bit of knife play, basically everything awful you can imagine, please don’t read if you would find it upsetting.
@hnryycvll thanks for watching me write this live lol
moodboard by @nsfwsebbie​
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You knew something wasn’t right when Bruce left in the morning.  He kissed you on the forehead, which was normal, but just before he stepped out for the day he turned back.
“You know I love you, right honey?” he asked nervously.
“Uh, yes, of course I do,” you answered with a raised brow, “I love you too.”
“Good,” he nodded, stepping out the door again.  
“I’ll see you when you get home,” you smiled.
“Of course,” he agreed, and shut the front door behind him as he walked to his car.
You’d seen that look before, and you knew he’d done something.  But it felt different this time.  You wouldn’t be shocked if he came back with a few bruises, claiming he had tripped when you knew he had been roughed up by mob thugs over his gambling debt.  He had told you before that he’d settled the debt and that it was going to be fine, but you weren’t sure you could really believe it anymore… after years of lying and stealing to feed his addiction, you had lost a lot of trust.  But you always tried to stay positive.
That said, a knock at the door an hour later made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.  You really considered not answering it, and yet you were already unhooking the latch and turning the knob before you knew what you were doing.
Two men stood outside, dressed much nicer than a visit in this sort of neighborhood merited.  You nearly had to crane your neck to look at them: they were so tall.  And you could tell that underneath the three pieces, they were carrying a lot of muscle.
You’d seen guys like this hanging around before.  You knew what they did.
“My husband isn’t home,” you instantly informed them.
The blonde one standing in the front smiled.  The dark-haired one in the back took a last puff of a cigarette before dropping the butt and stomping it with his shoe.
“That’s no trouble,” the blonde explained.  “Why don’t you let us in and we can talk to you?”
“You can go hassle him at work, if you want,” you shrugged.  “Wouldn’t be the first time.”
“We’re not here for your husband, sweetcheeks,” the other one interjected with a tone of irritation.
“Just invite us in for a drink, won’t you?  It’s hot out,” the blonde requested.
You didn’t get the sense you had much of a choice.  You stepped back and opened the door.  The two of them nodded as they filed in, giving your living space a cursory glance as you shut the door.  You knew it wasn’t much.  You hoped they felt guilty for taking all your money and leaving you with so little that you had to live in a place like this.
When you turned back to face them, you caught their glances moving up your body.  You tried to ignore it.
“Do you want ice water?  I think I might have some tea--” you began.
“It’s fine,” the blonde dismissed, “we’ll make this quick.  We just need to have a little chat with you.”
“What about?” you asked nervously.
“Your husband owes a lot of money to my employers,” the dark-haired man explained through a thick Brooklyn accent.
“I don’t see why that’s my problem,” you frowned, crossing your arms.  
“It’s about to be,” the blonde chimed in, his tone lacking in any sense of mocking or deridition… which somehow made it even more sinister.
You did your best to keep a brave face, not show any fear.  You knew that’s what they wanted, and you had no intention of giving them anything they wanted.
“What, you gonna beat me up?” you asked incredulously, rolling your eyes.
“No, sweetheart, that’d be a waste of a pretty face…” the dark-haired man looked you up and down with a grin, “...and a great body.”
“Let’s start from the beginning,” the blonde suggested, cutting through the tension.  “I’m Steve, and my associate here is Bucky.  We’ve become quite acquainted with your husband.”
“Heard a lot about you,” the other-- Bucky, apparently-- added as he took a seat on your sofa like he owned the place.
“Only good things, I hope,” you chuckled nervously.
“Only great things,” Steve confirmed.
“Come sit on my lap, doll,” Bucky smiled, patting his leg.
“N-no, I’d better not,” you denied, stepping back only to bump into Steve’s towering form.  He pressed his body against you and you gasped as you felt the hard outline of a gun by his waist.
“Go sit on Bucky’s lap, sweetheart,” Steve recommended with a low voice, his eyes scanning you hungrily.
You nodded a little as you obeyed, watching Bucky’s face as you uncomfortably stepped towards him and sat on his knees.  He slipped an arm around your hips and pulled you back until you could feel what you hoped was a gun against your thigh.
“You seem like a good wife.  Obedient,” Steve praised, stepping a little closer.
“Loyal,” Bucky added, his voice reverberating over your neck as you felt the heat of his gaze.  “Stickin’ with him even when he spent all your money.  You shouldn’t have to live like this.”
“Yes, well,” you swallowed, “marriage requires… sacrifice.”
“You’re more right than you know,” Steve laughed.
“I don’t underst--” you began.
“Buck, hold her legs open,” Steve commanded as he started to reach for his fly.
Before you had a chance to attempt to squirm, Bucky obeyed and grabbed your legs, wrenching them apart with a brutal strength that you had no chance against.  Your skirt rolled up your thighs and you tried desperately to cover yourself but it was futile.
“No, please,” you began to beg, the illusion of fearlessness finally cracking.
“Does your husband ever get rough with ya?” Bucky asked with a low voice right against your ear that sent crawling chills up your spine strong enough to make your back arch.  “This’ll be like that.  Only better.”
“No, no please, you don’t have to do this,” you rushed as you saw Steve step forward, pulling his cock out from his trousers.  You looked away, though as you did you realized you should look at it to prepare yourself as best you could.  You gave it a glance only to whimper and look away again; it was big, and thick, and he was stroking it to its full size with ring-adorned hands.  He laughed a little when he saw your intimidation.
“Don’t be scared, sweetheart, I bet you’ll like it.”
“Please, I’m sorry, I’ll get the money if you need it, just don’t--”
You were interrupted by Steve’s hand roughly grabbing your jaw and forcing you to look him in the eye.
“You think this is a negotiation?” he growled.  “It’s not.  The negotiation happened yesterday, with your husband.  He traded you for forgiveness of his debt.  Don’t you understand?  It’s over.  You’re ours now.”
Before you had even fully processed the meaning of his words, tears were welling in your eyes and you began to sob.  “It’s not true,” you denied, “you’re lying.  He would never…” 
“I’m a lot of things but I’m no liar,” Steve frowned.  “Buck was there-- he sold her right?  You remember?”
“Yeah,” Bucky nodded, “and pretty quick, too.  It was his idea, actually.  We didn’t even lay a hand on him before he offered you up.  Showed us a picture and everything.”
You fought against Bucky’s grip again as you cried but it was useless: he managed to pull your legs up higher, hooking under your knees, and grab your wrists too.  The position was uncomfortable but you couldn’t really worry about that as you screamed and cried at the feeling of betrayal.  “No, it’s not true, it’s not true…” you sputtered, not making much sense anymore, and not really believing your own words.
“You look pretty when you cry, doll,” Bucky purred.  You tried to kick at Steve and Bucky pulled at your legs harder, sending pain to your hips and causing you to yelp.
“Stop fucking fighting,” Steve hissed.  “You understand that if your husband isn’t good for the deal he made, we’ll kill him, don’t you?  So you’d better behave if you want to save his life.”
You froze.  On one hand, this was the guy who had apparently traded you to these awful men as if you were his to give away, and you hated him for all the years of lying and sneaking around and, most notably, gambling away all your money until he was deep in the mob’s pocket.
On the other, you still, for some reason, loved him.  You couldn’t stop yourself from loving him.  You’d promised to stick by his side for richer or for poorer.  You hadn’t known then that this was the poorest option, let alone one you would have to choose.  But you couldn’t let these men kill him.
Steve held your face with his hands in a way that was both dominant and soothing-- or at least, an attempt at soothing.
“You’re going to be good, aren’t you?  For your husband’s life?” Steve pressed.
You shivered a little, but took a deep breath and nodded.  He smiled and patted you on the cheek.
He pulled a knife from his jacket and quickly sliced off your underwear.  You sniffled as you tried to stop crying, fighting the urge to try to close your legs as Steve kneeled to look at you closer.
“Such a pretty little pussy,” he cooed.  “You know, at first I wasn’t sure this was a fair trade.  I mean, he owes us a lotta lettuce.  But now I’m thinking he’s the one getting screwed.”  Steve stood up and wiped a tear from your cheek.  “You know, besides you of course.”
“Just get it over with,” you whispered.  They both laughed.
“What’s with the pessimism, sweetheart?  Behave yourself and I’ll make it good for you.”
You whimpered a little as he rubbed the head of his cock through your folds, focusing instead on the hard grip Bucky had on your arms and how it would probably bruise tomorrow-- it wasn’t a pleasant feeling either, but much easier to handle than a near-stranger’s cock about to plunge into you.
He had to push pretty hard to get it to go in, barreling past the resistance of your walls until he was sliding into you.  You gasped and cried out, feeling Bucky’s cock harden underneath you in response to the sound.
“Fuck, so tight,” Steve groaned. “If I had a wife like you I’d’ve never let you go, sweetheart.  Wouldn’t even let you leave the house.  Not when I could fuck this perfect little pussy all day long.”
“It’s that good?” Bucky asked with a husky voice.
Steve buried himself in you completely and savored the feeling of your muscles fluttering around him.  You bit your lip and fought your tears.  
“You’ll get your turn, Buck,” Steve promised, “but I can’t promise I can give her to you in one piece.”
He pulled back out nearly all the way before slamming back in, making you choke on a scream.  He set a brutally hard, yet slow, pace as he fucked you senseless, stretching you open more than you’d thought was possible.  You hoped you weren’t as loud as you seemed to sound in your own head.
“You like my cock, don’t you?  See, this was what you always needed,” Steve purred.  “A real man.  Somebody to fuck you like a whore, just how you like it, huh?”
“Hnng,” you gurgled in lieu of a reply.
You relaxed into Bucky’s embrace as best you could, letting Steve use your body and hoping it would all be over soon.  
“You ever gonna let me get a piece of that?” Bucky growled at Steve.
“Soon,” Steve nodded breathlessly, “just a little more… fuck, it’s so good.”
Steve made a noise when he pulled out like he was mustering all his restraint to do it.  He gripped his cock once it was free, stepping back and watching Bucky adjust your body on top of him as he freed his cock from his suit pants.
“Fuck, you’re gonna be good, right?” Bucky pressed as he angled you to slip onto his cock.  You nodded feverishly as he finally pushed into you, rougher than Steve had, making you wince.  “Oh god,” he groaned, “you’re so wet.  Your pussy feels amazing, doll.  Jesus.”
You felt an unexpected sense of pride warm your chest.  You refused to believe that you actually wanted to make him feel good.  You decided it was just a tactical thing-- the more you pleasured him, the sooner this would be done with.
“Good, right?” Steve asked with a smile.
“So fucking good,” Bucky agreed, leaning you forward a little.  “Come on, baby, bounce on that cock,” he encouraged.  You set your legs on the ground and balanced your hands on his knees, lifting and dropping your hips with stuttered breaths as his cock brushed against something inside you that made your legs shake and quiver.
Bucky leaned back and watched you work, occasionally taking a moment to squeeze or slap your ass.  His hands wandered over your back, your shoulders, even your thighs; Bucky’s touch explored you until you felt his thumb circle over the puckered opening of your ass and you jumped a little in shock.
“Not there,” you begged, stopping your movements.  “Please, not there.”
“Wherever I want,” he corrected sternly.  You whimpered a little as you felt him press ever so slightly, your tight rim expanding to accept the tip of his thumb.
“Say it,” he demanded.
You forced your eyes shut.  “Wherever you want,” you repeated.  “Wherever you want, Bucky.”
He hummed in approval, and pushed his digit in to the first knuckle.  You suppressed a gasp.
“Did your husband ever fuck you here?  Or did he try, but you wouldn’t let him?”
“He never… we never…” you began, shaking your head.
“Seems like a waste,” he replied in a low voice, pushing in a little deeper.  “You’ve got such a great ass.  First thing I noticed when I walked in.”
“Is this what you were thinking about?” you asked with a gulp.  “Is that what you wanted to do the whole time?”
He chuckled darkly, and it was answer enough.
He pulled his cock from your pussy and you hated that you’d supplied plenty of lubrication all on your own.  He held you up as he started to press the head against your tighter opening, watching himself penetrate you with dark eyes.
He pushed his hips forward, adding more and more pressure until he was able to break past the tight ring of muscle, and you gasped like the wind had been knocked out of you.
“Fuck!” he yelped, his head falling back against the top of the couch.  “So fucking tight.”
It stung like nobody’s business but you tried to keep your breathing steady as he pulled you down to the base of his cock, which was apparently even thicker and so much harder than you seemed to remember.
“Aw, I’ll be gentle, baby,” Bucky soothed as you whimpered, moving you on top of him slowly.  “I don’t wanna break you.  Yet.”
The pain took what must have been hours to subside, your toes involuntarily curling into the shag rug-- which made you realize your shoes must have fallen off at some point.  Even when it hurt, you felt the pleasure underneath it all, his cock managing to stimulate places inside you even through the layer of your body in the way.
“She’s dripping, Buck,” Steve observed with a predatory grin.  “She loves it.” 
Bucky slipped his fingers between your legs and felt the wetness for himself, indeed as plentiful as Steve had promised, reacting with a sound that was somewhere between a laugh and a groan.  “Fuck, you like my cock in your ass, don’t you?”
You shook your head even as you felt your hips moving with his involuntarily.  
“Just admit it,” he growled, wrapping a hand tightly around your neck.  “Admit that you love getting fucked in the ass, because you’re my dirty little slut.”
You sobbed, choking from the tightening grip on your throat.  “Bucky,” you whimpered, trying to plead with him but not getting very far into it.
“Do it for your dear old husband, huh?  God, what would he think if he saw you know?”
You closed your eyes, trying not to imagine the answer to that question.
“He’d probably be wishing he’d known sooner that his innocent little wife liked it up the ass.”
They laughed and you winced, feeling Bucky graze his teeth over the shell of your ear.
“Say it, doll,” he whispered, “say it just how I told you to.”
“I…” you began, but trailed off.  You yelped when he slapped you right between your legs, sending a shock of pleasure-pain through your body.  “I love getting fucked in the ass,” you finally stuttered out, “because I’m your-- your dirty little slut.”
Bucky moaned right into your ear, thrusting faster and deeper into you.  “Yeah, that’s right.  Dirty mouth on ya, too.  Gonna fuck you there another day.”
“Please,” you whimpered, not entirely sure what you were asking for.
Every slam of his hips into yours made your body shake, and you whined when he stopped thrusting to hold you down and grind against you.
You moaned with every movement, unable to stop the tears from flowing as the pain and the pleasure became indistinguishable.
You were so lost in it that you didn’t realize Steve was standing in front of you again until you felt his fingers pressing into your pussy.  You were so wet that it took almost nothing, but you still gasped.
“Damn, so wet for us.  Such a good girl,” Steve groaned.
Bucky pulled your legs up again, stilling inside you to hold you open for Steve.
“You can let go of her now, I reckon,” Steve informed Bucky.  “She’s done fightin’.  Look at her, she loves it.”
Bucky nodded and let go of your legs and arms.  You did try to shut your legs a bit, not out of any notion that this would stop: you were just trying to relieve the soreness in your hips.
It didn’t last long as Steve pushed your legs apart, freeing Bucky to wrap his arms around your waist.
You hadn’t even known it was possible to fit two cocks at once, especially two cocks like this.
You made a noise that was purely inhuman as Steve pressed into you again, feeling full beyond the brim, incapable of taking anymore-- and there was still so much of him left.
“I can’t,” you began to protest, but it fell on deaf ears as Steve continued to slide into your pliant body.  “It’s too much!  Steve!”
That got his attention, and he looked down at you with bared teeth.  “You’re gonna take it, whore.  You’re gonna take our fucking cocks.  And you’re gonna say my name just like that when I come in this ruined little hole.”
You sobbed as he bottomed out, feeling your holes clenching around them as you struggled to fit their girth.
Both of the men groaned a bit as they felt your struggle, Bucky licking and kissing at your neck while Steve tore your blouse open and roughly palmed at your tits.
“So fucking perfect,” Bucky praised before pushing your face to the side, pulling you into a deep and sloppy kiss.  You reciprocated instantly, though you struggled to put much thought into it as all your attention was on the peculiar and powerful feeling of two men inside you at once.
You heard your moans get louder and more unabashed as they were lost in Bucky’s eager mouth, echoing back until you weren’t sure who you were hearing anymore.
Steve’s thumb roughly rubbed at your clit and you nearly screamed from the overwhelming sensations flowing through your body; your head fell back on Bucky’s shoulder again, who kissed your temple and cheek in a way much too delicate for the situation.
“Didn’t I say I’d make it good for you?” Steve growled.  “Tell me how good it feels.”
You would look back on this moment and try to convince yourself that you were immersed in your role, that you were just saying whatever he wanted to hear for your own safety.  You would repeat over and over internally that you hated it and that you were just a hell of an actress with a strong sense of self-preservation.  But you would know that it was a lie.  Because what you said next was the honest-to-God truth, and deep down, all three of you knew it.
“It feels so fucking good!” you screamed.  “Please don’t stop, oh my god, I’m going to-- fuck!”
“Yeah baby, come on my cock,” Steve praised.  “His cock, too.  Come for us.”
“Oh fuck,” you moaned, wrapping your arms around Steve’s neck to brace yourself, “yes, yes, yes!”
Every part of you tensed up and tightened, your entire body like a spring pulled to its limit.  And as the tension released and you felt yourself shatter in their arms, a gush of wetness pulsed out of you.
“Fuck,” Steve grinned, “look at our girl, coming so hard for us.”
“Bet her husband’s never made her do that,” Bucky laughed.  “She’s clenching around me, Steve, I don’t think I can take much more.”
“Want us to come in you, baby?” Steve growled, nipping at your jaw.  “You wanna be so full of us, don’t you?  Wanna make us come?”
“Yes,” you sobbed, exhausted and weak, limp in his arms, “yes, Steve, please…”
Bucky lost it first, holding you so tight that you could barely breathe.  He babbled praise against your ear as he spilled inside you, telling you how good you were for him, how you were gonna make him feel good from now on, whenever he wanted.  You could barely process that as you felt Steve follow suit, moaning weakly as he pumped into you with stuttering thrusts, painting your insides with his spend.
“Yes,” Steve hissed as he began to come down from his high, both of them buried in you as deep as they could fit, all three of you panting like you’d just run a marathon.  
You winced as Steve pulled out of you, your face feeling hot as you felt his cum begin to leak out of you.  
Bucky helped you stand up and adjusted your clothes a little until you were covered up again… but you were sure you must’ve looked completely fucked anyways.  He scooped you up into his arms; an hour ago it would’ve terrified you, but now you leaned into his shoulder and curled up into a ball in his embrace.  He carried you out of the house and laid you down in the backseat of their car, with a tenderness you wished he had shown a little sooner.
He sat in the back with you while Steve drove you to Bucky’s apartment: your new home, they informed you excitedly.
The movement of the car rocked you to a place between sleep and wakefulness, and you tried not to listen to the men talking about the plans they had for you, or the ‘assignments’ they needed to complete this week.  Steve talked about needing to go out of town, and they decided that he would take you with him to relieve his stress.  “I’ll miss you though,” Bucky cooed, stroking your hair.
You were crying but there were no sobs, just tears flowing silently as you tried to think about the lines they were leaving on your face and not the fluids leaking from the rest of your abused body.
When the car stopped and you were carried into Bucky’s apartment, you felt your locket slip from your neck and fall into a grate.  A picture of your husband was inside that locket.  You got the sense you wouldn’t be needing it anymore.
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I can request for amanda young x fem reader, reader participated in the saw games and survived and then became an apprentice to jonh so amanda is jealous but she realizes that she is not jealous of you if she is jealous for jonh because she is in love with you and can there be a happy ending ????
A/N: I love Amanda so much, but this is my first time writing for her so forgive me if it isn't perfect :) this is also kind of a combo with a similar ask I got from @th3rah so I hope you guys enjoy!
She hadn't asked yet. It wasn't one of her traps and she hadn't been involved in the set up - she assumed it was Hoffman. It had been far too busy recently, so John had needed her with him while the game was played. All she had seen was the aftermath. But she supposed she didn't need to know; the lengthy scars running up and down your limbs told a story all by themselves, a story of survival.
Something about you was irritating. The way you had just... just waltzed in like it was nothing, taking up all John's attention, acting like you owned the damn place.
Despite this, she'd be lying if she said you weren't intriguing.
She had only spoken with you a few times, all under John's supervision, to help show you the ropes (quite literally). You didn't talk much, only asking the odd question every now and again as she ran you through the basics, and she found herself wondering what you possibly could've done to end up in a trap.
It wasn't like it mattered now though. You had won, so here you were.
Amanda soon found herself stealing glances at you, watching your movements as you put the final touches on a trap together, and became frustrated that you seemed to have integrated so easily into this way of life. Even after doing it for so much longer than you, she still struggled sometimes. But in that moment, she witnessed the concentration on your face fade into satisfaction as you finished your work.
John came forward, checking over the machinery while you watched with nervousness lacing your features.
"I'd say that, for your first trap, this is rather good." He nodded. "Well done."
You breathed a shaky sigh of relief and smiled. "Thank you."
What you didn't see was Amanda's shaky expression as John left the room. She was so fixated on that moment that she almost didn't register you speaking to her.
"Thanks for helping me Amanda, it means a lot."
She looked at you and blinked at the gentle smile on your face.
"I mean, I couldn't have done it without you." You chuckled. "I'm pretty useless with mechanics."
Amanda hesitated, then shrugged. "It's no problem. Least you appreciate my help."
"Does Hoffman not? I haven't met him yet, but John mentioned him."
She smiled, but caught herself and schooled her face into neutrality. "Avoid him, if you can help it."
Busying herself with putting away the tools, she noticed that you were still looking at her, as if you were waiting for something.
"What?" she snapped, spinning around to look at you.
"Sorry! I didn't mean to stare!" Amanda nearly felt guilty seeing the fear flash over you. "I'm... I'm going out to get something to eat. Would you like to come with me?"
She shook her head. "I'm good. Got stuff to do."
"Ok, if you're sure."
Amanda watched you head into the next room, faintly hearing you and John speaking.
"John, I'm going to grab something to eat. Would you like me to bring anything back for you?"
"No, thank you, but it's kind of you to offer."
"Alright, I'll be back soon."
You came out and smiled as you walked past her, and she heard the sound of the door locking shut behind you.
She was feeling some kind of way about you. Who did you think you were? She was the first. She was the one that deserved John's praise. Not you. You were new. You barely knew what you were doing. You...
You treated her like a person. You treated her much better than she knew she deserved.
"Stupid bitch..."
You came back a couple of hours later and headed to Amanda's room. She was sat, cross-legged, in the middle of her bed, with her head in her hands.
"Uh, hey." She didn't move.
"What do you want?"
"I know you said you didn't want anything, but I thought I'd bring you a drink anyway." You set the bottle down on the table beside her. "Is everything ok?"
Amanda looked up at you, revealing the redness around her eyes. "Why the fuck do you care?"
"I... I don't mean to intrude..."
"Well you are! John's the only family I have and you're trying to take that away!" A tear rolled down her cheek. "I don't need you to pretend to care..." She put her head back in her hands.
"Amanda..." You sat down next to her. "I'm not pretending. And I'm not trying to take anything away from you, I promise." Sighing, you continued. "I don't have any family either. I'm trying to be a part of this one, not tear it apart."
Her breathing steadying, she looked up at you again. "Why do you treat me... like this?"
"Like what?"
"Like I'm a good person."
"Because I think you are. From what I know about you, you're a good person who was in a bad situation. Besides, isn't the whole Jigsaw thing about giving people a second chance?"
Amanda stayed silent.
"I can give you space if you want me to. This was your place first and I don't want to take over, but I would like to spend time with you if you're up for it, eventually."
You stood up and turned to leave, but she grabbed your hand.
"It's ok..." she murmured. "You can stay..."
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
No One Else Can Know (Haikyuu!!)
Primary Universe
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So...this turned out to be less of a tickle war than a declaration of war on Hinata's part that leads to Kageyama getting wrecked and some interesting revelations, but...I really like how it turned out, even if it doesn't exactly fit the prompt, so I hope you'll forgive me for taking some creative liberty here. Enjoy!
This time, Hinata thought as he took off his sneakers before entering the gym. This time, I’ll be the winner. I’m not letting him beat me again!
Kageyama was inside, alone, practicing his serves. It was early morning before school. Hinata had no idea how the setter had gotten inside without keys – unless he’d talked Daichi into letting him borrow them, that cheater – but regardless, this was his prime opportunity to catch him by surprise. Kageyama always, always won their tickle fights because of his height and strength. But Hinata had gotten him begging once before, and dang it, he was going to do it again if it killed him.
He waited until the setter’s back was turned, then sprinted for him, leaving his bag and shoes behind. His speed was his ally as usual, and he leapt onto Kageyama’s back, wrapping one arm around his front and digging into his side with the other, legs wrapped around his friend’s waist.
“Ah – what?!” Kageyama yelped, letting out a shriek in response to those fingers in his side. He giggled, unable to help himself, but still managed to yell, “Hinata, you moron!”
“You’re not beating me this time!” Hinata laughed, clinging to Kageyama’s back for dear life as the setter twisted and writhed and tried to shake him off. “Tickle, tickle, tickle!”
“Gah – crap – dahahahang it, Hinata, gehehehehet off of me!”
“Nuh-uh!” The redhead reached even further around to his stomach and dug his fingers in there instead. “Not this time!”
“Nahahahahahahahaha!” Kageyama squealed, frantically grabbing at Hinata’s fingers even as he stumbled and fell to one knee. Hinata quite literally pounced on the opportunity, shoving the setter face-first to the floor and straddling his lower back, reaching into his underarms. Kageyama clenched his arms to his sides, but it was far too late for that. “Nohohohohohohoho! Hinatahahahahahaha!”
“You always win our tickle fights because you’re taller than me, stupid Kageyama,” the spiker teased, darting one hand out from its prison to scribble along his back. “But not this time! I’ve got the element of surprise on my side today.”
Kageyama tried to roll over, but it was useless. He giggled hysterically into the floor of the gym, kicking his legs behind him. “Stahahahahahahahap! Gehehehehehet off!”
“Not until I find your spot. You found mine immediately, which is super unfair. Today I’m finding yours so I can at least fight back a little!”
Good luck with that, Kageyama thought through his cackles. You’re going to be hard-pressed to get to it as long as you don’t move.
Hinata kept up his sporadic scribbling and digging into the setter’s underarms, ribs, sides, and all over his back, but to his disappointment, he got nothing more than crazed giggling and a few demands to get off of him, which of course, he ignored.
“Aw, come on,” he whined. “I got you to beg before! Why aren’t you--?” Then it hit him. The last time he got Kageyama pleading, his friend was lying on his back, not on his front like he was now. Still, shifting at all at this point was a dangerous move on his part. He hummed contemplatively, then did his best to sneak his fingers between the floor and Kageyama’s stomach, pleased with himself when he got some harder giggling for his trouble.
“Dahahahahang it, you lihihihihihittle moron, lehehehehehet me go already!” Kageyama half-growled, half-giggled at the boy on top of him. He tried once more to roll over, but that only afforded Hinata better access to his belly, and more digging made him collapse again, letting out an embarrassing squeal. “Nohohohohoho!”
“Aha! I found it, didn’t I?” Hinata laughed. “If only there was another bus for you to get stuck in, so I could tickle you without you being able to get me back.” Encouraged by his discovery, he lifted his weight from Kageyama’s back just a little, but that tiny fragment was enough of an opening, and the setter finally succeeded in rolling over, blindly reaching for Hinata’s ribs as he went.
“Then it wouldn’t be a tickle fight,” Kageyama informed him, grinning wickedly as the little decoy squealed and scrambled away. “Moron.”
“Ack! No! Not this time!” Hinata yelled, using a burst of panicked energy to shove Kageyama right back onto the floor, face-up this time, going for his belly. “I’m not losing to you again!”
Kageyama hated himself for how loudly he shrieked, the sound of it echoing off the empty walls of the gym. He threw his head back and laughed, grabbing at Hinata’s wrists and kicking wildly. “NOHOHOHOHO, STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!”
“Ha! It is your tummy! I knew it!”
The blush that had threatened to bloom on the setter’s face became a reality with those words. He growled through his laughter. “DOHOHOHOHON’T CAHAHAHALL IT THAT, YOU IHIHIDIOT!!”
“Aw, what’s the matter, Kageyama? Got a ticklish tummy?” Hinata latched onto the protest and sank his teeth into it, grinning widely, shoving his hands under his friend’s sweater to tickle the skin directly. “Oh, yes you do! You have such a ticklish tummy, don’t you?”
“STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!” Kageyama was mortified by the sounds escaping his mouth – sounds he didn’t even know he was capable of making. He grabbed Hinata’s wrists but was unable to pry him away. “GEHEHEHEHEHET OHOHOHOHOFF, HINATA!!”
“Not until you beg me to~”
“SCREHEHEHEHEHEHEHEW YOU, YOU LIHIHIHIHIHIHITTLE JEHEHEHEHERK!!” Then Hinata found the two spots directly below his ribs on his upper stomach, and he absolutely exploded with laughter. Hinata’s eyes went wide, shocked at how loud the noise was. “CRAPCRAPCRAP NOT THERE NOT THEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHERE!! HINATA STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!”
The redhead beamed, thrilled to have found a spot that could make Kageyama laugh like this. “Wow, this really tickles you, huh?”
Kageyama cursed through his hysterics and pounded the ground with his fist, using his other hand to desperately push at his tormentor. “PLEASE!! PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!! STOP IT, HIHIHIHIHINATAHAHAHAHA!! PLEASE YOU’RE KIHIHIHIHIHIHILLING ME!!”
At that Hinata did stop, smiling so wide it nearly split his face. He was ecstatic. “I’ve never heard you laugh like that, Kageyama! It was so awesome!”
“Sh-Shut up,” the setter gasped, shoving him away. “I h-hate you.”
“You’re so cool,” Hinata continued, blatantly ignoring his friend’s grumbling. “Your sets have gotten amazing lately, and it’s even more fun to share the court with you now, and you’ve got a really fun laugh! I want to hear it all the time!”
Kageyama panicked. In a flash he’d grabbed the little redhead and pulled him in close, wrapping his arms around him from behind and drilling into his lower ribs with a vengeance. “Absolutely not, you idiot!”
It was Hinata’s turn to burst into hysterics, squealing and kicking desperately. “WAIT NOHOHOHOHOHOHO!! KAGEYAMA PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!!”
“No one else can know about that spot. You hear me?” The setter growled in his ear, tickling harder. “No one!”
“BUHUHUHUHUHUT IT’S SO FUHUHUHUHUN – AIIIEEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!” He tossed his head back with an ear-piercing squeal, slapping the setter’s forearms as he switched to kneading into his ribs. “FINE OKAHAHAHAHY YOU WIN I WOHOHOHOHON’T TEHEHEHELL!! STAHAHAHAHAHAP!!”
Kageyama did stop, but he didn’t let him go. He held onto Hinata firmly, unwilling to unleash him back into the wild until he felt safe again. “Hinata, I’m…I’m serious. Don’t tell anyone about this.”
Hinata wiggled a little, but he knew he wasn’t getting away until the setter decided to free him, so he sighed and went limp, resting against Kageyama’s chest. “But why? You said yourself it’s not a big deal that we’re both ticklish.”
The dark-haired setter was silent for a long moment. So long, in fact, that Hinata wondered if he’d even heard the question. But eventually he murmured, “It’s just…stuff has happened, all right? People have…I’ve been…”
Hinata frowned, hearing the vulnerability in Kageyama’s voice and becoming worried. He twisted his head around to look up at him. “You’ve been what?”
Kageyama held him closer, though he really didn’t mean to. “People have used it against me. That spot. I’ve been…I’ve been humiliated with it before. I don’t want that to happen again. Not here.”
Humiliated with that spot? “You mean, people have used it to torture you?”
A flinch. A sigh. “Yeah.”
Hinata’s shoulders slumped. “So it’s not fun for you anymore?”
“That’s messed up.” The redhead patted his friend’s arm again, softer this time. “I’m sorry, Kageyama.”
Finally, Kageyama loosened his grip and let him go. “I just…wanted you to know. To understand that I’m serious.”
“I get it. I mean, I don’t – I haven’t been through it – but I still get it.”
“Yeah.” The setter wouldn’t meet his eyes. “Thanks.”
Hinata shifted a little, reaching for his friend’s knee and squeezing lightly, smiling at how Kageyama jumped. “But…I can still tickle you, right? Just not there?”
“Tch. Idiot.” Kageyama shot him a smirk, grabbing onto his ankle and scribbling his fingers along his socked sole.
“Ehehehehehehe!” Hinata squeaked, giggling happily. “Thahahahahahat wahahahasn’t a no!”
“Yeah, whatever, moron. If you must. Just not there.”
“Of cohohohohohourse I must tihihihickle you!” Hinata beamed, grabbing his knee and digging into the underside of it this time, making him giggle, too. “Hohohohow ehehehelse are we gohohohonna have tihihihihickle fihihights?”
“You ahahahahahare such an ihihihihidiot.”
With that, the two of them took turns tickling each other into round after round of hysterics for the rest of the morning, completely oblivious to the fact that three of their teammates showed up and then left again at different times, unwilling to barge in on their silly battle. And when the first bell rang, signaling to them both just how much time had passed, they scrambled to get to their classes on time, already so exhausted they had no hope of surviving the regular school day, let alone practice afterward.
But it was worth it.
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zodiyack · 3 years
In Regards Of My Apology
Pairing: Niklaus Mikaelson x Female!Reader
Warnings: Angst?
Words: 1,174
Summary: Y/n misses her husband so much that it affects her visibly. Rebekah allows her to rant about it then schemes with Elijah. Before Klaus knows it, his older brother and younger sister are before him with an important message.
Note: I’ve decided I’m gonna do three parts, which. on that topic, part three will be released soon! 
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Taglist: @matth1w​, @redspaceace-writes​, @fandom-puff​, @darling-i-read-it​, @simonsbluee​, @sebastianstanslefteyebrow​, @dpaccione​, @jenepleurepasbaby​
Masterlist | The Originals Masterlist
Part One. Part Two. Part Three.
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His castle, really the Mikaelson home, was deserted apart from himself. Every day, the weight of his guilt daunted him. Too stubborn to straight away admit his foolishness, even to his wife, he sat in the lonely home of the Mikaelsons. It wasn’t like he didn’t wish he could reverse what he’d done, nor did he believe he wasn’t in the wrong. Klaus was just...Klaus.
On the other hand, Y/n was surrounded by the people she loved, minus her husband. Elijah and Rebekah were constantly checking on her and rarely did they speak of Klaus. The one time Davina tried to bring him up, all three older women stared her down and shook their heads urgently. It was like he was a forbidden topic, a man who’s name was no longer something allowed to be mentioned if you so much as valued your life.
However, it was quite the opposite with Y/n. Whilst she appreciated their caring company and loving gestures, she had no problem talking of her husband. In fact, she wanted to talk about him. Y/n desperately wanted to figure out the whole situation so she could be resting beside him in their shared bed every night again rather than the uncomfortable one provided by Marcel. She was grateful, but she yearned for the love of her life.
Each time she tried to talk about him, someone was quick to interject. Eventually she gave up, but when she hadn’t heard from him for a few months, she began to grow ill with worry. She couldn’t literally get ill as a member of the undead but it did affect her drastically. It wasn’t long before the others started to notice.
“Y/n, dear, are you alright?” Rebekah paused in place, concern lacing her knitted eyebrows as she set down the teacup she was about to pour the hot water in.
“Hm? Oh, yes, I suppose I’m fine.” Her lie wasn’t nearly as convincing as Klaus deemed Aurora’s to be, which was saying a lot.
Rebekah new better than to listen to her sister-in-law at this time. “What’s bothering you, love?”
But then, that was the problem. If Y/n were to tell anyone who was watching over her while she tried so hard to get back on her feet and recover from her fight with her husband that he was what was on her mind incessantly, they were surely to shut her down instantaneously. She hadn’t tried her luck in some time, over being interrupted again and again.
“It’s nothing...”
“No, no, no. Unless ‘nothing’ is making you look like utterly useless trash, no offense, then it is something.” She crossed her arms and leaned her hip into the counter with a sigh. “So, tell me what the ‘something’ is.”
Although Y/n doubted Rebekah would let her bring up Klaus, even for a second, she decided it was worth a try. “Well...if you really want to know-”
“I do.”
“Then,” she inhaled deeply, exhaling slowly as she prepared to voice the source of her troubled thoughts, “it’s about Nik.” Y/n waited, watching Rebekah intensely, waiting for her to interfere and change the topic. But she never did.
The Blond looked around for a second, then back to Y/n, “Are you going to continue or are you just going to leave me in the dark?”
“You’re...not going to stop me?”
“No. If he has you this distressed, we might as well solve the problem instead of letting you dwell in it.” Rebekah moved forward, pulling out a chair and sitting across from Y/n. “Now. Do continue.”
“Uh- Alright.” And so Y/n explained to her sister-in-law, as though she were her personal therapist, the distress she felt, the weight of their first large and unsolved fight a burden on her shoulders like Atlas and the world. In truth, she had taken up the role and become rather serious about it. 
“Well, what do you think we ought to do about it?”
“I- We?”
“Did I stutter? Or did vampirism not amplify your hearing the way it should’ve?” Despite her sarcasm, she waited for an answer, but when one did not come, she chuckled a bit. “It’s the same as the last time. I have your back. We all have your back, so, if you’re going to do something about it, so am I.”
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Both Rebekah and Elijah were the first to enter the forgotten Mikaelson palace in the time since the king and queen parted ways. Klaus reigned terror more than before, threatening people because he felt like it, doing things to quell his anger even though he knew full well that the satisfaction it gave him was only temporary until he had his queen back. Klaus was just as broken as Y/n and it was only when he was in the darkest place of months without her, did he fully take in Hayley’s words and actually give an effort to see the truth.
It was true, Y/n was loyal to a fault, and yet, he believed the woman turned out to be just as evil as her brother and Lucien in plotting against the Originals. He was vengeful when he found it out, putting an end to their plan and their existences with the help of his family and some friends. That was the last time he’d seen them since then.
“Thank you, Elijah.” His voice quivered.
Elijah pulled at his cuffs slightly, then looked at his brother with dead emotion. “This is the last time I will be by your side until you realize your wrong doings and do the thing you know you must. Until then, brother.”
As Elijah walked past him, he bumped Klaus’ shoulder harshly. He couldn’t help but freeze, tears filling his eyes as his gaze remained glued to the ground.
Snapping out of the memory, Klaus wiped his tears away.
“Alas, he finally returns to reality.”
His head snapped around, eyes wide and still watery. “You came back-”
“But not for you.” Elijah was quick to put an end to any hope of his siblings trust Klaus had left. “Niklaus, do tell me, have you any remorse for what burdens you have placed upon your wife?”
“Oh...” Klaus realized the true meaning of his siblings’ arrival, the guilt swimming around his gut only intensifying.
“Oh indeed, Nik. She’s ready to forgive whenever you’re ready to apologize.”
“Are you here to help me?”
Rebekah laughed, “No, I’m afraid you’re the one who made the mess, so you’re the one who must clean the mess. We’re simply the messengers, dear brother.” She smiled with false sweetness, then turned and paced out of the room.
Elijah, once again left alone with his younger brother, uttered his wise words of advice before he too left for the second time. “I do wish you take Hayley’s words to mind, Niklaus. It would do not only you, but your wife some good.” By the door was where he stopped one final time. “Mind you, if you truly love her,” he paused, “you’d do what is right.”
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nelapanela94 · 3 years
Warnings: Mentions of a degenerative disease, angst, fluff, character dead
When you met Levi for the first time when he joined the Survey Corps you were certain that the stoic, ill-mannered raven-haired was going to be yours. With your joyful and caring personality, you were quite popular among your male peers; however, you only had eyes for one man.
Despite Levi’s efforts to suppress his feelings, he realized he had fallen hard for you. He would helplessly stutter when he talked with you and his gaze would unconsciously follow you whenever you were around. Your laughter would bright up a shitty day, and it irked him when another man made you laugh. Indeed, Levi wanted to confess, but was afraid to screw it up. It wasn’t a scenario he was prepared for.
He was utterly doomed.
Nonetheless, the universe conspired in his favor the day you went straight to his office, opened the door without knocking and firmly approached the ravenette who was busy with paperwork. He didn’t even have time to complain at your intrusion because his lips were already prisoners of yours. Levi was left dumbfounded, his eyes widely opened, his entire face flustered, and he was doubtless his heart was about to explode.
He instinctively cupped your face in his hands and deepened the kiss as all the tension drifted away from his shoulders. Your lips moved slowly and clumsily first, but didn’t take long to adjust to the perfect rhythm. Your heart pounded in your chest and your trembling knees were about to give up. You could not focus in anything, but on how soft his lips felt against yours. You had found a new addiction.
You finally broke the kiss and stared at each other in the eye. “What the…” Levi was still processing what just had happened.
“I wasn’t going to be left with the desire” you said between soft pants. Then an awkward silence filled the room, Levi tugged at the collar of his shirt, while you bit your lower lip. “Well...” you pursed your lips in a thin line.
“Stop b...by after dinner. I’ll make t…tea for both of us, I... got this new blend from the capital…” he stammered, his eyes darted towards the window.
“I’ll get the biscuits” you proposed while inspecting your nails.
“Great. Uh, my squad is gathering soon… see you then” you waved your hand and left his office.
You and Levi had been together ever since then. Despite your tight working schedules, you’d always make time to see each other. You would steal kisses from him when no one was looking and leave love notes on his desk with the cheesiest messages you came up with. They were a treasure for him and kept every single one in one of his drawers. Levi, on the other hand, demonstrated his love through acts of service, like brewing tea for you, making sure you had had breakfast every morning, or having your clothes washed, folded and put away. Since words were not his forte, he showed his affection in his own way.
Everything seemed perfect until one night you abruptly woke up covered in cold sweat, your nose was bleeding too. Levi sat up and lit an oil lamp to get a better look. He alarmed when he spotted your lips, chin and hands already stained in the crimson liquid. “Are you alright?” He placed his hand on your cheek and swiped away your tears with his thumb.
“Yeah” you sniffled. “It must be just stress, I’m sorry for waking you up”
Levi planted a kiss on your forehead before getting off the bed. He came back from the bathroom with a damp cloth and cleaned the dry blood from your face and hands. He then changed the bed sheets as well as your stained night gown, and went back to bed, his hand caressing your hair until you fell asleep again.
Several days later a ticklish sensation manifested in your hands and feet, but you shrugged it off claiming it was anxiety for the upcoming expeditions. Nevertheless, the tingling feeling became more recurrent, and spread to your arms and legs. Then came the numbness that engulfed your limbs and the declined in your grip strength that hindered your performance, and put your life in great danger during one of the expeditions. Levi grew tired of your shitty excuses and forced you to go see a doctor, since Hange and Moblit couldn’t find a cause for the unusual signs.
But nothing had prepared you for the news you were about to received. According to the doctor, you suffered from a brain degenerative disease that didn’t have a cure, nor a known root cause; and the worst part: your symptoms would aggravate with time.
“He must be overreacting” you weakly smiled when you left the doctor’s office. “It can’t be that bad” you knew it was, though. Remembrances of your early childhood came back. You’d never understood why your mother was left disabled and bedridden for so long before passing away until that moment; and the doctor’s words had confirmed your greatest fear: you had inherited the same illness that had taken your mother’s life.
Little by little, you went from trembling to limping to nearly lost the mobility of your lower body. The muscle mass you had gained through the years of military training was vanishing, and the pain had become unbearable, not even the strongest medication brought relief.
Now, you were lying in bed with Levi, resting your head on his chest and having your legs intertwined with his, while he pressed soft kisses on your head.
“Levi” you muttered. “Forgive my selfishness. Sometimes I wish I was death” He scowled at your words and lifted his head. “Oi, don’t say that” His gaze saddened when he glanced at your glistening eyes.
“You know it’d be better for both of us. I won’t be in pain anymore and you won’t have to deal with this burden”
“Stop it, I don’t wanna hear it” He clenched his fist and took a deep breath to restrain his tears. “I can’t lose you, (name). I might be the selfish one, but I don’t know what I’d do without you”
You chuckled.
“What? I didn’t say anything funny”
You shook your head. “I just remembered the day I told you I wanted you to be the father of my kids. You almost choke on your tea” you giggled.
“Yeah, pretty funny...” He remarked sarcastically.
“They’ve would’ve been so cute, you know, with your hair and eyes” you sighed. “Isn’t it a cruel joke of the universe to lead me to you and not let us age together?”
“Hey...” His eyes filled with tears. “You’re talking like you’ve already given up”
“I’m just tired”
Yes. You were tired of everything. You couldn’t stand the pain, the useless medication, the pity stares. You were tired of being a burden to your friends, and mainly to Levi.
“Get some sleep, I’ll bake your favorite cookies tomorrow morning”
“That sounds good”
“They’re not as good as yours, though”
“No one can beat my recipe”
“Cocky, aren’t we?”
You chuckled. “Can we have chai tea with the cookies?”
“Chai tea will be”
You closed your eyes and the corners of your mouth lifted. Levi’s beating heart was steady and relaxing. “I love you, Levi”
“I love you too, (name)” He waited for you to fall asleep before he succumbed to slumber. His poor sleeping habits eased when you were lying by his side; you had become his shelter, the light of his eyes and the only person he had fully opened his heart to.
Levi woke up first the following morning with you peacefully asleep, your head buried in his chest and your arm wrapped around his torso. Too peacefully asleep, indeed. “(name)” he whispered, but didn’t get any response, not even a whine nor your usual 5 more minutes, please. He uncovered your upper body and carefully unwrapped your arm off of him. A hard object hidden under the covers got his attention. He found it and examined the small container.
His eyes went wide as a sharp pain pierced through his heart when he read the label.
His jaw quivered and tears streamed down his face.
His world was shattering around him.
It was the most recent medication prescribed by your doctor.
It wasn’t even a week old and it was supposed to last a month.
But the flask was already empty.
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sorry-i-ship-drarry · 3 years
23. ten times harry fell for draco- part 2 
(Or ten times Harry fell for Draco but one time he didn't fall out )
Part 1
[i highly insist listening to this while reading to enjoy this rollercoaster ]
Until one day draco returned to his so called flat to find it unlocked. He took out his wand in self defense from whatever he’d face . 
“ who are you and what are you doing in my flat ?” draco asked the man his back facing him, looking over the discrete bookshelf 
“ your flat, mister you must be mistaken, this flat belongs to me “ and he finally turned around to face draco. 
It took draco several moments to pace back into normality before he realised who he was facing “ harry ?” 
The other man analysed draco’s face thoroughly before as if something flashed inside his eyes, the cascade of memories hit him. 
“ draco, its you “ harry gave a small smile in surprise 
“ i-i can’t-” but draco’s throat closed down, he couldn’t form even a single sentence, neither in his head nor his heart willed to respond 
“ its been so long “ harry mumbled as he closed the distance between them but draco immediately held up his hand to make him to stop 
“ how do i know its you ?” he said, wishing whoever it was would reveal themselves and stop playing with draco. He had learnt long ago that harry had left and that he’d never come back but when he have, he doesn’t want to believe. 
“ it is me “ harry shook his head lightly with confusion 
“ if you really are him, tell me something only him and me would know “ draco insisted 
harry scratched the back of his neck nervously before he spoke up “ everyone thinks your favourite colour is green but it’s a specific shade of green that only springs up in malfoy manor in the month of april, the kind of green that is so light yet so dark, the kind of green you’ve never seen anywhere but there “ 
Draco kept staring at harry knowing that it was only harry who knew this because there was never anyone else he could’ve said that to “ it is you “ he softly whispered 
“ told you “ harry grinned smugly. Draco wanted to just run in his arms and tell him how much he had missed him in all this he’d been gone but upon seeing harry there, he felt anger and heartbreak. The pain of seeing him again when he had prepared himself that he’d never see him again, the pain of seeing how much he has changed, the pain in not seeing him with tears like he had seen him last time, the pain for being so angry that he had showed up after so long that draco had almost given up, almost assumed the worst.
“ by the look on your face, you don’t seem so happy to see me “ harry narrowed his eyes, his arms in the air, confused. 
Draco wanted to throw something at harry but a much larger part of him told him being angry at him was useless, he didn’t even seem like the same harry anymore, the innocence harry’s face had one held was lost, the decency in his body was lost, even his words didn’t feel the same way anymore, it was almost as if it wasn’t his harry anymore, but he was .
“ where have you been for the past 7 years ?” draco’s eyes became glossy suddenly, he didn’t understood why but he had swore to himself long ago that harry would never be worth his tears. 
" i- what are you doing in my house ?" Harry questioned back
" answer mine first " Draco stubbornly said dropping thing's he bought over the table in the much seriousness of the conversation.
" if you promise to answer mine ?" Harry asked again raising his eyebrows. Harry had no right to question him this way, he wasn't the one who was missing, nobody gave him the right to be this way yet clenching his jaw Draco nodded, crossing his arms simultaneously.
" i- was on the run. A couple of years in Spain, Portugal, alsacce, and Manhattan.. now you go " Harry answered
Taking a deep breath Draco let go " when you First left, grimauld place still stayed yours until after an year later, it eventually became partially mine. For the longest time I thought you'd come back, when you didn't I kept it to myself and took care of it. There's not a lot of places like these "
The other partial truth was Draco lived here because it reminded him so much of Harry that he wasn't ready to let go. He lived in the house that insulted him as a reward for whatever he had put Harry through long ago but mostly because it felt like home, it felt like harry.
" so- you've been living here for how long ?" Harry asked curiously dragging a chair and settling into it. Draco flared, still not letting go of his anger,be wouldn't give him the satisfaction.
" it's my turn to ask a question " Draco reminded. Lightly smiling Harry told him to ask another question.
" did you ever come to Britain ?" He asked.
Harry's face softened, a moment of pain flashed by in his eyes before like a switch he turned it off " I didn't "
" your turn"
" 6 years "
Harry raised his eyebrows in surprise but didn't say anything else.
" why are you back ?" Draco asked without a hesitation. He didn't care if the words seemed straight forward or rude, he didn't care, he didn't care about Harry, but only he did so much.
" I'm tired " Harry sighed
" tired of what? Abandoning people ?" Draco spat slamming his hands over the table.
Harry was taken a back by Draco's sudden Outrage but chose not to act against it, he knew he deserved this " I'm tired of running"
Draco bit his tounge so as not to be outrageous again. Blinking for a moment, he took out juice box from the bag of things he bought and passed one onto Harry.
" your turn " Draco sighed as he pulled a chair too and sat in front of him.
" what's with the new look ?" He asked smirking
But Draco didn't wanted to have a fun conversation, Harry didn't deserve the fun side of Draco anymore, he wouldn't ever deserve it again " you can't stay the same forever. Everyone changes" Draco replied with a straight face.
Raising his eyebrows for a moment Harry sipped the juice in awkwardness " your turn"
Draco thought for a moment before finally asking " are you going to stay ?"
" yes " Harry replied smiling.
Months had passed since Harry had came back and Draco still refused to give harry the satisfaction to as much as even give him a smile. He told himself often that Harry didn't deserve it but everytime Harry didn't look at him, Draco melted his exterior and gave Harry the smile he had always thought he'd give him if he ever came back.
Harry had became acquainted with everyone once again, started teaching defense against dark arts at Hogwarts, went out on dinner's with people, his life had almost fallen back to normal but it didn't felt the same with Draco not being himself. Everyone told Draco to simply forgive him but he didn't. He told them he didn't deserve his forgiveness. Harry understood the madness but it was causing the same heart wrenching pain Draco had once caused but only this time Harry was stronger than before and didn't let it become a hindrance.
Their questions trivia became a small once in a week tradition, they kept all the questions general, some funny, some related to Harry's past but this one specific night of 4th of October took a turn when Harry had came to the grimauld place late for the trivia night.
" you're late " Draco said without any emotions sitting over the usual chair with the usual drink.
" uh- yeah I was- well out " Harry announced as he took off his shoes and took his usual spot.
" where ?" Draco asked curiously.
" well- I- look draco don't be mad at me but you've been pretty cold to me ever since I came back and I am sure I deserve it but you haven't been quite a pleasant man"
" where are you going with this ?" Draco rolled his eyes
" I've been going out with someone and I was out on a date with him. I didn't wanted to tell you because well you just haven't been quite interested in me like before anymore" Harry replied. Draco chewed the inside of his cheek, took a sip of his drink and began
" I don't see why you couldn't had just told me. I am pretty sure we could've adjusted our much less important plans to some other nights so you could spend time with your- is he your boyfriend now- alright, then your boyfriend " Draco said after recieving a nod from Harry.
" i- it's not like that, I do like these night's Draco, it's just - you're just-"
" pretty rude? Cold? An asshole ? Insolent dick ? Much less Caring? " Draco raised his eyebrows in mockery.
" I didn't-"
" but that's what you think, isn't it Harry ?" Draco asked. Harry sighed before nodding
" but it's Only because you are making yourself this way. I know you Draco and I know this isn't you -"
" well Harry you weren't here for 7 damn Years, I'm not who I used to be anymore. And you don't know me and wanna hear another shocking fact, you're not yourself either " Draco snapped and stormed out of the place.
Harry didn't run after draco, he couldn't even if wanted to because he was right. They weren't the same people they used to be anymore.
And that was the end of their trivia night's. They only remained acquaintances, they only waved each other a small high crossing the halls or only nodded at each other whenever met in some unusual situation, they didn't even get along anymore at any of Hermione's movie nights with everybody else.
It was a similar fine Saturday evening at Hermione's place when Harry had invited his boyfriend, drake.
" you're the man ?" Draco asked as he shook his hand violently.
" uh yeah- Harry's told me a bunch about you" Draco looked at harry who refused to meet his gaze.
Draco gave the man a small smile before leaving his hand and walking away and sitting down next to Ron and started talking about the quidditch match.
Frowning Harry assured drake everything was fine and invited him to simply join for the movie. To say the evening was definitely not pleasant. Draco didn't like drake even a single bit, he ignored him or if he couldn't, he only vaguely answered him. He refused to tell him anything about whatever he did or whatever he was going to do or whatever he is doing. More so often he messed up his name. If all of this was done purposely, Harry didn't know but he sure had enough of Draco.
When everyone departed and walking back homes, Harry quickly got hold of Draco and apparated them back to grimauld place.
" next time, tell someone if you're apparating them or they'll splinch themselves. I'm sure you're aware of the Ill effects of disapparating or you've even forgotten that ?" Draco asked Coldly walking into the living room
" this is enough " Harry snapped
" really? What is ? By the way mind me, why have you apparated us here, I'm sure you must have a boyfriend to look forward to and I have a lonesome home to look forward to" Draco vaguely answered.
" you know what I'm talking about Draco. This is enough. You treating me like shit " Harry almost yelled frustrated
" treating you like shit ? Pardon me but I think my actions are quite valid " Draco furrowed his eyebrows
" what about this is valid ? You had no Right to treat the man I like like shit, he did nothing but to make him like you and all you did was fuck it up for him and it's not even just about him, at first I understood your behaviour but now it's just irritating, the way your are. It's like you're not even the same person anymore " Harry yelled throwing his hand in the air
" well I'm not Harry, I'm not the same person anymore. You don't get to say that however I am is invalid because you Weren't here to see me go through my shit. And me liking drake or not doesn't change anything. I may never like him but he'd still be your boyfriend. My opinion doesn't matter " Draco snapped back
" your opinion doesn't matter ? You're my best friend-"
" was, I'm not you're best friend anymore. I'm nothing to you anymore " Draco yelled back pointing his finger at harry and just then they heard a thunder from outside. The wind outside howled loudly, the open window fluttering loudly. The sky outside turned the beautiful shade of saddening grey. They both looked out for a moment before Harry went and locked the window.
" I don't understand -"
" what don't you understand Harry ? We're not the same people anymore, why is it so hard for you understand ?" Draco snapped again. The lightning broke outside and suddenly it started pouring down.
" what went so wrong that you can't be with the same way you're with everyone else!! I left big deal Draco, you don't see Ron getting all worked up about me leaving and coming back. Sure everyone was mad at me but none like you " harry bellowed
" you- I can't believe you. Ron doesn't get worked up because Hermione told him not to. He wanted to break your fucking face when you came back but you want to know right, you Want to know why it's different for me- well here you go then- it's because you left without so much so a word. A damn bloody note, this fucking letter " Draco angrily yelled, violently taking out his wallet from his back pocket and showing the small parchment.
Harry angrily took the note away from him and read it out loud " you are my yellow, I'm just not yours, so long- you- you're still carrying it " Harry softened up immediately
" yes i carry it everyday and you want to know why because my fucking best friend lied to me, left a fucking note after singing a bloody song about confessing love for me and Never came back. I'm mad at you because you abandoned everything, you Ran away without a fucking goodbye to any of your friends, without a fuckin goodbye to teddy. You know what you're an asshole, that's what you are. I was here all by myself when my life was going shit, when everyone fucking left me because they got busy with their own lives,when the only man I thought I loved didn't love me anymore because he said I was too attached to someone who left me,when my father fucking died, when I was framed for a scandal I didn't commit and was put on parole for 6 weeks, when I needed Someone so desperately, when I needed my best friend so much but he had left, but then you show up here after 7 year assuming that one day I'd forgive you, you're wrong. I won't forgive you because you're a bloody asshole who confessed you had been love with me for so long but left as soon as you made a confession. You didn't care to ask me if I ever felt the same way you, because you're an asshole. I spent years loving you ,I waited everyday by this fucking door hoping one day you'd finally show up but you never did until I lost every hope- I th- thought you were dead " Draco's tears spilled down his face until he choked on his words. He broke down pushing his hair off his face, letting go, breathing harshly to come back to normal breathing, to realise he had actually yelled it all out loud. He had tore down his final wall.
" yo- you have no right " Harry Whispered after a few moments
" what ?" Draco asked confused
" you had no right to love me. You have no right to love me " Harry spoke, his eyebrows etched to the center
" yeah ? Well you didn't had the right to love me either Harry " Draco rolled his eyes
" no, you have no right to love after what you'd done to me. You- you were the reason I ran away from Everyone" Harry raised his voice
" me ? Oh so I was that cruel to you, right ? Because I don't remember you ever confessing to me " Draco narrowed his eyes
" yes you. There was always someone or something kept pushing you away. I spent years loving you and you not once checked, not once cared for me. Do you know what it feels like to see Someone you love get along with Someone. You wouldn't know what it's like to fall so hard for Someone and kiss them one and they push you away. I waited so long for you Draco, you have no right to love me anymore. I did my waiting and I've moved on. I don't care. I couldn't keep falling for someone who got off married to Someone who was exactly like me but not me. I've moved on from you draco and I suggest you do the same. Because I'm not in love with you anymore, I did my loving. I won't love someone who hurt me anymore " Harry snapped letting go of his tears, his face become instantly wet with the confessions he had held on for long so dear to his heart. It was like a weight had been lifted when the rain outside now Poured down more heavily.
" well good for you then Harry, you won't love me anymore because you've moved on. You can love drake I don't care. I can't care. If this is my punishment for not knowing how you felt all those years then be it, I'd rather suffer with it my whole life for treating you the way I did but remember one thing Harry, if you ever marry that man I will never show up because I won't be able to see you getting married off to someone I know isn't me. It's my fault I fell for you, and I'll deal with it. Goodbye " Draco snapped, handing Harry the note and storming out without an umbrella. Harry heard the front door shut angrily and fast heavy stomping outside.
He closed his eyes, sat down at the nearest couch, pinching the bridge of his nose. Frowning he felt his face still wet, he was still crying and he couldn't stop anymore. He wiped it off and off but nothing worked, so he let them fall. He looked at the crumpled note in his hand. He read the note over and over again until a tear dropped on the note. He remembered the days he spent away from him crying for just Draco's mere presence, he remembered all those moment with Draco he missed, he missed the smile on his face, he missed his wet musky cauldron smell, he missed laughing off together nights away, he missed the way things used to be, he missed him. He was here and he missed him. And just like that Harry let his last wall drop and ran outside angrily shutting off the door.
He ran down the street searching for the only man he had ever loved. Running turns after turns Harry saw only one figure walking ahead of him.
" Draco " he yelled
The man turned around and harry ran fast towards him until he was only a few centimetres away.
" what, came here to yell at me again, was that not enough ?" Draco huffed out crying, it was raining down so heavily but harry still knew when Draco cried. He still knew Draco the way he used to, he just needed to find him again.
" you had no right to love me back after all this time. I had moved on from you but you- you big screw up had to ruin it for me " Harry replied water dripping down his face
" so what, you came to tell me this again? Look-"
" no, I came here to do this " Harry said and pulled draco closer to him and pressed his lips against Draco's. Shook for a moment Draco pulled away, searching a look of hesitation from Harry but upon met with none, he kissed him back. Harry wrapped his arms around Draco's waist, finding way inside his jacket. Draco put his hands in Harry's hair and pulled him closer. None of them had ever been kissed like before. Harry poured every ounce of memory, every single time he had fell for Draco, every single time he saw him smile, every single time when time stopped around them just so he could look at draco, every single time he wanted to kiss Draco into that one deep kiss. All those years of waiting met with a charming, magical kiss in the rain.
" fuck, I missed you " Draco Whispered against Harry's lips.
" I'm sorry " harry cried, instantly hugging Draco.
" I'm sorry too " Draco sniffed hugging Harry back.
" I missed you so much Draco " Harry confessed. He pulled away to get one final look at Draco and smiled and finally received that one smile Harry had waited months for seeing.
" Draco, I fell in love with you when we were kids and I've never fell out of it. I don't think I want to " Harry confessed.
Draco smiled " I've loved you in my memories Harry. I've loved you for 7 years and I want to love you for so much longer "
Harry nodded, smiling and kissed Draco once again. The wind howling had slowed down and the rain had finally turned into a slow romantic pace as if the universe had finally looked down upon them and was finally happy. The universe was probably so Happy that in coming April the green grass had came earlier and Lasted longer because it knew that green was Draco's favourite, it was the colour of Harry's eyes and his eyes were like coming home, finally at last.
23. part 1
Requests open
This if for @drarry-is-my-therapy @sombrewoodlandfairy for requesting a part 2 and all other notes for making me do this.
Day 22- I'm yours | day 24- concealment charms
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sokkas-honour · 3 years
Hi there! Could you write for your #30 for your music playlist? Zuko x reader 😁😁 thank youuu!!!!
nothing has changed - zuko x reader
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pairing: zuko x fem!reader
wc: 2.3k with lyrics
notes: reader is katara & sokka’s older sister! this time the lyrics are in bold + italic so that you don’t confuse them with the flashback + dream scenes, not that i think you would but just in case.
warnings: mention of sibling problems, if there’s anything else feel free to lmk!!
nothing's quite the same, as it has been on those familiar days,
as the night sky reigned above the fire nation, zuko looked out the window of his palace bedroom, memories flooding back from his time travelling around the world, away from his nation. wether it had been looking for the avatar or actually working with him, you had always somehow been there. first as his enemy, then as his friend, then as his lover.
he remembers the days where you’d find yourself fighting each other; he would attack you with his fire bending while you’d land hits with your battle club, knife or your whales tooth scimitar. when he’d feel nice, back in his avatar hunting days, he’d solely use his duel swords to make the playing field more even but he’d constantly forget that you were able to handle yourself even against benders. he had always found you to be beautiful and the tension between the two of you when you fought was undeniable.
he remembers when he tried to make amends with team avatar and even try to join, he remembers your initial reaction to it. you sided with your sister, not liking the idea of the boy who tried to hunt your friend, your siblings and yourself down, and the idea of accepting someone of the firenation, a nation that had taken your mother from you, into your friend group.
you came around before your sister, having joined your brother and zuko to try and free your father. he had proven himself in terms of having changed and as being a valuable member for the gaang. he still remembers exactly what you said when you came back from the trip.
“zuko!” you called before he could go too far, wanting to give some sort of privacy to the reuniting family. the ex prince stopped in his tracks as he waited for you to catch up to him.
“yeah?” he asked, unsure of what you would say. your brother had already made his amends with him but had warned that although you wouldn’t be as hard as katara, you still might take a little while to come around. either he was about to hear you accept him as part of the group, or you were about to, well he didn’t know.
“i wanted to say thank you. thanks for helping me get my father back. you really have changed.” zuko was a tad bit taken aback, not thinking he’d get your approval right after the trip but it didn’t bother him. a small weight seemed to be lifted off his shoulders. you gave him a proud smile and he felt his heart race.
“it was nothing. you both deserve to find your father again.” he blushed, bringing his hand to scratch the back of his neck awkwardly. he returned your smile with a small one.
all of a sudden, you grabbed your scimitar and pressed the sharp tooth end lightly on his neck. his heartrate sped up but it wasn’t fully from you being close but also out of fear, sokka hadn’t warned him about this. his eyes widened.
“but if you even dare double cross us. if you even dare lay a finger on either of my siblings, i won’t hesitate to hurt you.” your previously bright face turned dark as you threatened him, not moving your weapon from his neck until he nodded nervously. when he finally did, you lowered it and your face returned to what it was before.
“good, i’m happy to have you as part of the team zuko.” you put your hand on his shoulder as a sign of acceptance, accompanying it with a small grin before turning around to go reunite with both of your siblings and your father.
he laughed a bit at the memory, remembering the fear that he felt during those few seconds but also the weird attraction he still had while you threatened his life.
he also remembers when you both finally admitted your feelings for each other. unbeknownst to him, you had also felt some sort of weird attraction to him when he was still hunting the avatar but it went from a weird and almost uncomfortable attraction, to one of genuine caring and love.
you had both grown rather close after your rescue at the boiling rock, spending many moments together along the beach and in town. it was after seeing the horrible play about their mission thus far, your character seeming to constantly fight with katara over zuko while also being an annoying and overprotective sister, constantly belittling your sibling’s feelings.
zuko remembers you storming out right after the show closed, sokka’s and katara’s characters having almost insulted you multiple times and you just needed some air. the words of the characterised katara still ringing through your head. ‘you’re a terrible sister y/n.’
“hey y/n.” he approached you calmly as you leaned against the balcony, staring at the bright moon that had been your friend during many sleepless nights after your mother died and your father left.
“you ran out of there pretty fast so i just wanted to make sure that you were okay.” zuko informed, leaning his back against the balcony after you gave him no response. he turned his head towards you and searched for a reaction.
“yeah, the show was just.” you took a deep breath, thinking of a word to describe the monstrosity you had just seen. “horrible, let’s put it that way.”
zuko laughed at your bluntness. you turned your gaze away from the moon to zuko, a small smile creeping up on your face at his carefree and content expression. his laugh was also something you didn’t realise that you liked about him but the last couple of days had made you create a long list on things about him that made you swoon.
“that’s certainly one way to put it.” his laughter died down and he met your staring gaze, both of you not breaking it.
“listen, if there was anything happening between katara and you, or if there is anything, i’m totally cool with it.” you blurted out, needing to get it off your chest to have an answer on the relationship portrayed in the show. you knew that katara would’ve told you something if it were to happen but you had to be sure.
“why would? why would something be happening between katara and i?” zuko asked, confused at your question that seemed to have come out of nowhere. the firebender knew that he wasn’t great at expressing his feelings but he had hoped that he’d been somewhat obvious about the way he felt toward you.
“the show, in the show you two have a lot of romantic scenes. that’s literally one of the main fighting points for katara and i’s character, other than me being told i’m a useless and horrible sister.” you mumbled the last part. pushing yourself off from leaning over the balcony to stand up straight, body still not facing zuko.
“you do realise that the show is incredibly inaccurate?” he rose an eyebrow and stared you, confused as to why you would base your information on some horrible adaption.
“yeah but parts of it were true.” your head fell, letting the words of katara’s character get to you.
“hey, you’re not a horrible sister. in fact, i know that sokka and katara would say the opposite, in fact, they already have! multiple times!” zuko wasn’t about to let you beat yourself up over a badly interpreted story that was based off of misinformation. he put his hand on your cheek that had since turned away from him. when you felt his warm hand, your brought yours up to put it on top of it, letting your head settle against his hand and turned to fully face him.
“i know it’s just. katara and sokka have always been closer and, i sometimes neglected katara and was overprotective of her. i had always been closer to my dad so i had no idea how to deal with her and was just jealous of the attention she got as the youngest.” you admitted, not wanting to look into zuko’s eyes as you confessed something that not even your siblings knew.
“that doesn’t mean your a bad sister. katara and sokka both love you and know how much you love and care for them.” he caressed your cheek with his thumb in a caring manor as you finally met his caring gaze once more.
“thanks zuko.” you smiled in recognition, thanking him for his comforting words.
“and not only do katara and sokka love you for who you are, i love you for who you are. the y/n in the show was nothing like the y/n i know.” he ranted, not noticing his confession that slipped but you caught it and a huge smirk grew on your face.
“what?” he stopped talking when he noticed your mischievous grin.
“you love me? zuko we only became friends like two weeks ago.” you laughed, butterflies still dancing in your stomach at the idea of him feeling so strongly towards you in such little time.
“i mean i dont if it’s love but it’s definitely something similar. i like you y/n. you keep me on my toes, you make me laugh, you challenge me to be a better person.” he clarified his previous statement which just made things even better for you.
“uh huh.” you nodded, indicating him to keep going. zuko usually wasn’t the one to have a lot to say but tonight seemed to be a special night.
“and after seeing all the horrible things i’ve done, not only in person, but theyve all gotten thrown back into our faces tonight. it’s totally understandable if you’re not there yet to completely forgive me, i mean i would but.” zuko’s out of character rambling continued, making you laugh but you couldn’t keep letting the poor boy dig himself an even deeper hole so you took a deep breath and grabbed his hand to remove it from your cheek so you could lean in and press your lips against his in order to shut him up.
zuko’s eyes widened in surprise, taken aback by your bold action but you were always the one to take bold moves. after the initial shock, zuko eagerly kissed back, moving his hands to your waist in order to bring you closer to deeper the kiss. some part of him had been waiting for this moment ever since he had laid eyes on you.
“spirits zuko, you never talk that much.” you teased once you broke apart from the kiss which just earned a blush from the raven haired boy.
“well um, i.” zuko stumbled, failing to find a reason for his previous ranting but he never got the chance to answer as you pecked his lips , and you both got interrupted by a certain watertribe boy.
“y/n!” you heard your brother call out, probably concerned at your running away and the fact that you still hadn’t come back.
“looks like sokka’s calling me, if you don’t mind.” zuko unwrapped his arms from your waist and you started walking back inside to the voice who called you. you made sure to send a wink in his direction before you left, leaving the banished prince blushing and with a stupid smile on his face.
zuko grinned as he thought about your first kiss. he sighed happily and went under the covers to doze off and let sleep take over temporarily.
i dream about an old familiar face, then wake up and you're gone without a trace,
“zuko!” the firelord lifted his head up and saw you running towards him down the long hallway of the palace. enormous smile on your face at the sigh of your boyfriend at the end of the hallway.
“y/n!” he greeted you with a mirroring expression and a hug when you finally reached him. arms wrapping around your waist as you cuddled into his chest.
“ i missed you.” you mumbled into his chest, feeling his chest rumble as he chuckled at your statement.
“i missed you too.” he replied, eyes meeting yours as you lifted your head to look at him. he used one of his hands to move the hair out of your face before placing his lips softly onto yours.
“i have news.” you announced as you broke the kiss, a huge grin on your face as you looked up at zuko with an infinite amount of love.
“which is?” he asked, not knowing if he should be concerned or excited.
“well, as you know i went to see katara while i went home and you’ll never guess what she told me! i’m pregnant!” you told zuko the news and you swear you saw him panic for a split second before he fully processed the information and his face was replaced with pure bliss.
“really?” he didn’t believe it, you two were finlay going to have a child together. who would’ve thought back then when you two fought against each other that you would’ve been carrying his future child. you simply nodded before he leaned back into kiss you.
he woke up in the morning, thinking that his dream was a memory and that you were laying right next to him but as he turned around, he was met with an empty bed. he sighed slightly, you were still away in the south pole with your family as you had been for months. nonetheless, he was happy to have dreamed about your beautiful face.
and though you're away, nothing has changed, we always made it out, even when im old and blue, i’ll think about my time with you.
when he stepped out of his chamber, he was met with a servant giving him a scroll, no doubt a message from you. the firelord thanked them before returning to his room to read in peace.
whenever one of you were gone on a mission somewhere in one of the four nations, you both communicated through letters so that you could keep in touch. it would also serve as a way to your future selves to look back in the early moments in your relationship fondly. you’d always have memories that would never go away written in those scrolls.
atla taglist: @draqondance @biqherosix @missmorosis @firelady-jay
zuko taglist: @duh-dobrik
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xtrashmammalstefx · 3 years
March of the Black Queen (A Borhap Boys SMUT)
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Part 18 of The Queen Repertoire Series
Notes: I am so going to hell for this, but if you're reading this then so are you so...see you there!
I swear this life is a fucking curse!
I’ve always had my fair share of bad luck but this was ridiculous on so many levels. My so-called boyfriend of five months decided it would be just great to rail the shit out of our neighbor in our bed. Motherfucker never even told me he was GAY! I packed my things as he sobbed and said he was ‘sorry’ and explained how he’d been trapped in the closet his whole life (asshole parents). I told him I would forgive him in time, but for now, I needed a few days to get over the sting of it all. I left our apartment and drove to my best friend's place.
I’ve known Joe forever and he always knew what to do to get me out of a funk. He was basically a happy virus that infected every part of me.
He answered the door and his face when from having a sunshiny smile to a very irate look. “What the fuck did he do?”
“More like who the fuck did he do,” I said entering his apartment and explaining as best I could what had gone down without outing my ex (not exactly my sexuality to reveal after all). “Do I even need to ask if I can crash here until I find my own place?”
“You can stay here forever if you want,” he said embracing me. Joe gives the best hugs on the planet, and fuck anyone who disagrees with that. “The guestroom is all yours, go unpack while I call in the cavalry.”
“Seriously?” I arched an eyebrow at him.
“They care about you too, you know,” he said. I rolled my eyes and left to unpack. Sometime later multiple voices filled the air. The Borhap Cavalry had rolled in. I put on a happy face and made my way to the living room. I’d barely entered when a body slammed into me.
“I’LL FUCKING KILL HIM I SWEAR!” Rami said crushing me in his arms.
“Relax, my King,” I said. “It was an inevitable thing...nothing for you to lose your shit over.”
He stepped back still not convinced. “But—.”
“But nada, my King,” I said. “A pure-warmhearted Pharaoh such as yourself doesn’t belong in prison anyway.”
He sighed but nodded before taking his place on the sofa. On the coffee table were a couple of pizzas and beer to wash them down. I sighed.
“You guys are too good to me,” I said going in for a slice of (Y/F/P). We ate in silence for a while, each of the guys comforting me every now and then. Once we were done eating though...things got a lot louder.
“Truth or Dare, right now, who’s in?!” Joe asked, shouting slightly (he was a bit drunk so…). The guys shrugged.
“Eh, what the hell,” I said.
“Y/N/N TRUTH OR DARE?!” he asked excitedly.
“Um, I dunno, dare I guess,” I said. “You know to break the ice.”
Joe got an evil smirk on his face.
“What?” I asked.
“I dare you to play the Game,” I damn near choked on my beer.
“YOU FUCKER!” I snapped at him.
“What’s the Game?” Gwilym asked.
Joe laughed.
“It’s a stupid thing we did back in college,” I said turning to Joe. “A thing you promised never to speak of!”
“Oh, come on,” Joe said. “You gotta admit, this is exactly what you need right now.”
I groaned. “I hate you so much right now.”
He took out his phone. “Your time starts now.”
“What exactly does she have to do?” Ben asked.
“You’ll see,” Joe smirked earning a middle finger from me.
A couple minutes later Ben excused himself to use the little boy's room. I groaned under my breath. Too easy…
Round 1- Ben:
I excused myself a moment later, claiming to need something from my room. I stopped in front of the bathroom and knocked slightly. “Ben?”
“Yeah?” he answered through the door. I could hear his full stream going but...the opportunity was too perfect.
“Can I come in?” I asked.
“Um...just give me a moment,” I could hear him flush and then the sink turned on. I was nervous but did what I had to to be ready. I thought of him...of his strong hands and his length. I was suddenly very grateful that I had changed out of my cut-off shorts and into my pajama shorts. I shoved my hand in and began rubbing circles around myself. I let out a small whimper and I almost didn’t hear the doorknob turn. The door opened and Ben stood there, mouth agape as he stared at my hand. I quickly pulled it out. “Uh...did..uh...do you need something?”
“No,” I said. “I just wanted to know if you wanted to play a game,”
He looked at me confused so I stepped up and brought my lips to his. My kiss stunned him but not as much as my touch did. I reached down and rubbed at his length through his jeans.
He pulled back gasping. “Are you bloody serious right now?”
I nodded and brought my lips to the skin of his neck. “Come on, Ben...play with me,” I whispered wrapping my arms around him. He cursed and picked me up. He placed me on the sink and slammed the door shut. I yanked my shirt off and hopped down to rid myself of my shorts and panties. I hopped back up as Ben started to do the same. Once he was free of his pants he tugged on himself and stepped closer to me. I reached up and cupped his face in my hands pecking him on his lips. He kissed me back before pushing in. I bit back a moan as Ben let out a grunt.
“You feel so fucking good, love,” he muttered as he started to move. To say he knew what to do to get me to scream and writhe would be an understatement. He thrust into me as though for him it had been quite a while since he last had mind-blowing, toe-curling sex.
“Mm, fuck...I really did need this,” I moaned holding onto him as he slammed into me hitting my sweet spot. “FUCK! Ben! Right there, right there!”
Ben smirked. “Only if you moan my name again.”
“Ben,” I moaned as he slammed into me again. “BEN!”
I suddenly felt my body begin to tense up and I knew… ”Fuck Ben...I’m almost there!”
“It’s alright,” he said. “Come for me darling,” he pecked me on my lips. “Come on my dick.” He muttered.
Suddenly my body became still and I was screaming his name as I soaked his cock in my juices. Ben continued as I collapsed on the counter. Eventually, his body stiffened and he filled me up with a grunt that melted into a moan.
“You...are...bloody...amazing at that,” he said breathlessly.
“I’m amazing? Ben, I haven’t screamed that loud in years.” I said.
“Well then you’re ex is bloody miserable at sex,” he chuckled. “You deserve to scream like that each and every time you’re fucked, and I’m glad I was able to do it this time.” He reached down and pulled himself out of me. “Who knows...maybe I can do it again one day.”
I chuckled. “Maybe.”
I hopped down and cleaned myself up before getting dressed. We went back to the living room where Joe was smirking at us.
“Consider the Game commenceth,” I said.
“Ben, on a scale of one to ten, how was it?” he asked.
“One-fucking-thousand mate,” he said. Both Rami and Gwilym looked at us confused.
“Don’t worry you two, you’ll have your turn soon enough,” I said smirking at them.
We continued to hang out and when the sun began to set we agreed it was time for a movie. But first Gwil wanted to check in with his girlfriend. He disappeared into the kitchen with his phone.
“Joe do I really..?” I whispered.
“You know the rules babe,” he said.
“But he has a girlfriend,” I argued.
“Yeah,” Joe said. “A girlfriend that’s been giving him a lot of shit lately.”
Round 2- Gwilym:
I sighed decided it was useless to argue with Joe. A moment later I stood up and started towards the kitchen. Gwil was sitting at the dining table while on the phone and it did not look good.
“Darling, I swear I’ll be home by next week,” he said. “I know but...this isn’t exactly a small project you know...and these men are basically family to me I can’t just...Darling..? Darling..? FUCK!” he hung up and threw his phone onto the small dining table.
I stepped in awkwardly. “Hey, uh, is everything okay?”
“She’s threatened to leave me unless I go home tonight,” he said glumly.
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” I sighed.
“Don’t be,” he said. “We’d sort of been crumbling for a while...we’ve been wanting to take the next step and have a baby and all that but...I have work. And it’s not like I’m working a regular nine-to-five I could quit just like that I’m...I’m living my dream.”
I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him. “It’s gonna be okay Gwil,” I said. “Everything usually works out in the end.”
“Do you think it’ll work out for me?” he asked.
“I know it will,” I muttered pecking him on his scruffy cheek. “Any woman would be damn lucky to be with you,” I said pulling. “Hell, I feel lucky just knowing you.”
He smiled slightly at that. “I wouldn’t say I feel lucky knowing you,” he said. I looked at him slightly confused. “It wouldn’t be enough...I’m blessed to know you.” My lips were on his in an instant. His facial hair tickled me slightly, and I let out a small giggle. Gwil in turned smiled and wrapped his arms around me deepening the kiss. I climbed onto his lap and straddled him.
“God, what the fuck are we doing?” Gwil said before moving to kiss the skin of my neck.
“I dunno but I don’t want it to stop...do you?”
“No,” he said continuing his work on my neck. I started grinding on the bulge growing in his pants. He moaned. I continued moving my hips along the bulge until eventually, Gwil needed more.
He took me off of him and started undoing the button and zipper on his pants. I quickly pulled my shorts and panties down and looked up to see Gwil with his pants and boxers around his ankles and his length in his hand as he stared at me.
“Ready to play?” I muttered damn near purring the words. In response, Gwil wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me onto his lap. I hovered for a moment before sliding down onto his length. “HOLY SHIT!” Like the rest of him, his length was long and thick. Gwil hissed at the motion. After a while, I began to move.
Gwil pulled my shirt over my head a little while into it and began massaging my breast. I pulled his shirt off as well as I continued to move up and down his length. Now completely exposed to one another he brought his mouth to my breasts and started playing with my nipple. The feeling made me moan and move faster. Gwil grunted and brought his hands to my hips. He went in deep but not too hard.
You see while Ben was rough and damn near frantic Gwil took care of me. He made sure he wasn’t hurting me and did all he could to give us both a hell of an experience.
He picked me up after what felt like a lifetime of me riding him and laid me on the ground. He continued his caring ways as he thrust into me. I reached down and squeezed his (insanely perfect) fat-bottomed ass. He groaned at that and unintentionally thrust into my sweet spot. I moaned holding on to him.
He moved inside me hitting that same spot over and over again. “Gwil...I’m gonna…”
“It’s okay, darling,” he said. “D-Did you want me to cum on your stomach or..?”
“No,” I said getting closer to reaching my peak. “No, I want you inside me...please do it inside me.”
He looked slightly panicked. “What if I...fuck...what if I put a baby in you?”
I smiled. “Then I guess we’ll have to have a baby together.”
Suddenly a wave splashed over me making me arch my back and causing my toes to curl. I moaned and tightened around Gwil. He continued to thrust eventually letting out a loud moan as he shot his seed inside me. His body trembled as he came down from his high. He pecked me gently on my lips.
We cuddled there for a moment before standing up to get dressed. Gwil grabbed a paper towel and cleaned my cunt showing that his caring in sex didn’t stop at aftercare. I blushed and proceeded to get dressed. “Gwil?”
“Hm?” He looked up at me as he zipped up his pants.
“After the Game, do you think we could ever..?” And that’s when he cupped my face and kissed me. We pulled and were both smiling like idiots.
“I love you,” he muttered. My heart raced and I pecked him before saying…
“I love you too.”
Hand in hand we walked back into the living room having missed a good chunk of the movie.
“Jurassic Park again, really?” I said sitting next to Joe.
“Don’t avoid the subject Y/N/N,” Joe said. “Gwil, how’d it go?”
“About a million out of ten I’d say,” he smiled.
We continued to watch the movie which ended once the sun was fully gone. We agreed on watching one more movie before calling it a night and the temperature dropped to freezing levels (by Southern California standards I mean). I noticed Rami shivering.
Round 3- Rami:
I got up and ran to my room to get my favorite blanket. I grabbed it and went back to the living room sitting down beside Rami. “Here,” I motioned him to get under it.
“Oh, no I’m—.”
“I wasn’t asking, my King,” I said. He sighed and pulled the blanket over himself.
“Thanks,” he said.
For the last movie, we decided on one of my faves (come at me, I dare you!) Breaking Dawn Part 2. At first, it was just another innocent night with me and my boys. Then Rob and Kristen started having rough vampire sex. That plus the music made me relax into Rami.
“Wow, that’s actually kind of...hot,” Rami said.
“You know I’m willing to bet there are a lot of girls out there who imagine themselves like that with Benjamin,” I said. “Your Benjamin, I mean, not...okay probably our Ben too but...you know what I mean.”
“You think?” he looked at me questioningly.
I nodded. “I bet they even touch themselves while they do it too,” I muttered bringing my hand down to his leg. “Bet they even moan his name or even your name.” I started rubbing his length through the fabric of his pants. His eyes grew wide as he gasped.
“What the fuck are you..?”
I smirked up at him. “Time to play...my King.” I undid the button and zipper on his pants and brought my hand to his length which was already semi-hard. I ran my hand up and down his shaft feeling it grow more and more.
“Fuck,” he muttered. I smiled and brought my lips to his jaw. I kissed him softly, trailing up to his ear.
“Did you want to play here or..?”
“Behind the couch,” he said. “I-I don’t want them to see.”
“Yeah, ‘cause we sure as hell can’t hear anything,” Joe joked.
“Fuck off,” Rami said.
“Seriously though, it’s nothing we haven’t seen before,” Joe said. “You don’t have to be so nervous. ‘Side’s it’ll probably be better than the show those walking glitter bombs are putting on.”
Well, Joe did have a point.
Rami suddenly picked me up and placed me on the floor. “Let’s play, buttercup,” he muttered (in his Snafu accent no less)before pulling my shirt over my head. We stripped each other eagerly before Rami turned me so that I was on my knees. Like Freddie before him, Rami was really blessed in the dick department. As he positioned himself at my entrance (keeping the blanket on us at all times) I questioned for a moment how that would ever fit inside me. He made it work though.
I gasped as he stretched me.
“Huh-How the fuck are you all insanely big?” I asked stunned at how well endowed these four drastically different men were. Joe, Gwil, and Ben just chuckled at that.
The next few minutes were filled with our moans and slapping sounds as Rami thrust into me. I was basically bent over the couch between Joe and Gwil so as Rami took me from behind I could clearly see them with their hands on their lengths. Joe reached down and massaged my breast.
“Joey,” I moaned. “It’s not your turn yet.”
“I know,” he groaned, his other hand moving faster along his cock. “Fuck.”
Meanwhile, Rami reached around me and started rubbing my clit. “Oh fuck…” I moaned.
“That’s right Buttercup,” Rami muttered in my ear. “Cum for me. Cum all over this dick.”
My back arched and I tightened around him. “RAAMMIII!!!”
Unlike the others, he pulled out and jerked off onto my back. “FUUCCKK!!” he groaned as he painted my back.
“Hands down the best lay I’ve ever had,” Rami said breathlessly. “Million outta ten for sure.”
Round 4- Joe:
“J-Joey?” I said looking up at him.
“All ready for you Y/N/N,” he said motioning me to get up on the couch with him. Legs shaking I stood up and sank down onto his length. I road him harder than I did Gwil, mainly because it was the final round and lord knows the last was the most important in the Game.
Joe kissed my breast as he held me close.
“Fuck, it’s been so long,” he moaned.
“Not for me,” I smirked. I looked over and Gwil was still jerking himself. Looking around I found that Rami had collapsed on the floor (exhausted) and Ben was watching us with his length in his hand. I turned back to Joe kissed him once and picked up my pace. Joe chuckled.
“Someone’s having a good time,” he teased. I moaned.
“Just shut up and fuck me,” I said.
“As you wish,” he smirked before flipping me over. He rammed into me pushing me slightly forward so that my mouth was inches above Gwil’s cock. “You wanna suck it?”
I moaned and nodded.
“Go ahead,” Joe said.
I grabbed Gwil’s length and kissed the tip before sliding it into my mouth. Gwil hissed and his fists balled up.
I was getting lost in sucking when I heard Ben ask Joe, “Mate, do you mind?”
“Hang on a second Ben, I’m getting close,” Joe said. Sure enough a moment he threw his head back and slammed into me one last time before bursting inside me. He moaned and shook as he emptied himself. He then pulled out and another length was shoved inside me.
I pulled back from Gwil and looked behind me to see Ben thrusting into me, our skin smacking together.
I was on cloud nine.
Once Ben came for the second time I found myself getting close to bursting. I crawled onto Gwil and slid onto his length.
“I-I’m almost there,” I said riding him.
“Allow me then,” he said grabbing onto my hips and slamming up into me.
“OH FUCK!” He moved fast and hard. “Fuck! Gwil! Yes, yes, yes...right there, right there!”
Tension brewed within me and before I knew it I was tight around his length, soaking him in my juices. I threw my head back and screamed as I came hard. I collapsed on top of him and straddled him as he continued thrusting.
“Fuck! FUCK!” Gwil cursed bursting inside me.
We all collapsed in bliss, the movie long forgotten, and all of us spent beyond belief.
Now I've got a belly full You can be my sugar baby You can be my honey chile, yes
“So does anyone win in this game?” Ben asked.
Joe chuckled. “Y/N/N is...the winner is the person who screams the loudest.”
“I won last time too,” I said. “Thanks to Joe...I dunno if it’s a ginger thing or what but...damn!”
“Pretty sure it’s a Deacon thing,” Joe said.
“Oh yes, it’s definitely a Deacon thing darling,” Rami said in his Freddie accent.
I laughed. “You’re all idiots,” I looked up at Gwil who was currently my pillow. “But I love you.”
He smiled. “We love you too.”
“And we definitely have to play again someday,” Joe added.
“Not sure that’ll be possible with me and Gwil dating and all,” I said.
“Wait wuh?” Joe gawked at us.
“Are you serious?” Ben asked.
Rami just smiled.
Gwil and I laughed and kissed for the final time.
Taglist: @fairestkillerqueenofall @onceuponadetectivedemigod @boherahpsody @thebohemianpenguin @ihatethespacebars @rose-de-jaune @xxkellsvixen19xx @valeriecarolinaw @5sos-wdw @hearttshapeddboxx @pleasingiswhatweaimfor @hatemylifesofuckingmuch @painandpleasure86 @haileynicoleseavey17 @queenlover1997 @mrsmazzello @hannafuckingsucks @zwiezraczek @theborhapboysawakenedmywhatever @tinywildeace
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
Prompt~ hoping you'll like it ♥️
Things between the Nie brothers are not always nice and happy, they fight, just like any other pair of brothers, and sometimes things are said, sometimes these things are heavy and painful. Sometimes they're said in the wrong moment (maybe at the eve of a battle? Sunshot campaign?) and huaisang doesn't know what to do with the broken look his brother gives him before leaving the unclean realm. Because what if he doesn't return? What if the last thing he said to him was how much he hated the man he became?
Labyrinth - ao3
“But I didn’t mean to wish him away!” Nie Huaisang cried out.
“That’s really too bad,” the goblin king said, looking pleasant and humble and charming the way he always did, even in his cape of glittering gold and high-browed hat. “I wish there was something I could do for you, but the rules are the rules. You wished him away, and I took him.”
“Aren’t you supposed to only take babies?” Nie Huaisang demanded.
“Your brother’s enough of a crybaby to count, it’s close enough.”
“It is not!” Nie Huaisang wrung his hands. “You don’t understand, the last thing I said to him was that I hated him! Meng Yao, please!”
“It’s Jin Guangyao,” the goblin king corrected. His smile looked a bit strained. “Listen, do you think I’m happy about this? He’s my sworn brother! I’m only doing what I have to –”
“Oh, save it for Lan Xichen,” Nie Huaisang growled. “Show me the labyrinth already.”
“You’re going to face the labyrinth,” the goblin king said. His voice was very polite, and yet still expressed significant doubt. “You.”
“Yeah, me!”
“You remember that it goes ‘through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered’, right? Not ‘through a nice teacher and a forgiving grading system’?”
“Yeah, well, your father is a fragging aardvark. Let me at the labyrinth already!”
“You know what,” Nie Huaisang said thoughtfully. “Thanks, but no thanks.”
The life-sized animated puppet blinked at him. “You – don’t want my help?”
“Nope. I’m good.”
“You haven’t even gotten into the labyrinth yet!”
“It wouldn’t be fair if I didn’t have a chance to get in,” Nie Huaisang said, patting around his sleeve and pulling out a fan. “So I’m just going to walk over and beat at the wall till something happens.”
The puppet followed him, staring blankly. Quite a change from his original apologetic ‘I’m sorry, I’m busy with my own things, I really can’t help you, also it’s too dangerous and you shouldn’t go’ response.
“You were blackmailing me to help you just a moment ago,” the puppet said after a little. “Don’t you need a guide?”
“Listen, I’m bad at memorizing things and I’m a little useless, but I’m not actually dumb,” Nie Huaisang said, fanning himself. “Jin Guangyao is a demon of the mind above all else, and the labyrinth is supposed to be ‘fair’ – which means, more than likely, that the labyrinth is a reflection of the subconscious, specially tailored to each person’s strengths and weaknesses. And that means that you, who sound exactly like Lan Xichen, are almost certainly a set-up sent by Jin Guangyao to ‘reluctantly’ aid me and then betray me.”
“Uh,” Lan Xichen-the-puppet said. “My name’s Hoggle, actually.”
“Whatever makes you feel better, er-ge…A-ha!” Nie Huaisang beamed at the gates that automatically opened. “Perfect!”
“Oh, don’t go that way,” the worm said. “Never go that way. And are you sure you don’t want to come in for a cup of tea?”
“No time,” Nie Huaisang said. “Thanks a lot – wait.”
The worm blinked at him.
“You’re a pretty attractive worm, in a slimy sort of way,” Nie Huaisang said, frowning at him.
The worm blinked again. “Why, thanks!”
“No, that’s not what I meant. Is your name Su She, by chance?”
“Definitely not!”
“Mm. Oddly vehement of you. Never mind. Just, quick, could you tell me exactly why do I not want to go that way?”
“I don’t suppose straight ahead is an option?”
The hands-faces stared at him.
“I’m just saying, I feel like most of my problems so far have come from the fact that I decided to accept the whole concept of turns. It seems like a mistake.”
“…it’s a labyrinth,” another set of the hands said. “You have to make turns!”
Nie Huaisang shook his head mournfully. “I should’ve brought Baxia or something and just – ZIP. Gone straight through. You know what I mean?”
“I’m dropping you in the oubliette regardless of your decision,” the first set of the hands said. It sounded a bit like Sect Leader Yao. “Just so you know.”
“My life is so hard,” Nie Huaisang sighed. “So hard! Do you know what it’s like to be overlooked by everyone? Do you know how hard I have to work at being this useless?”
“Drop him,” the set of hands that sounded like Sect Leader Ouyang said, and the set of hands that sounded like Sect Leader Yao said, “Yes. Now!”
Down Nie Huaisang went.
“I can take you back to the beginning of the labyrinth,” Lan Xichen offered.
“What, and waste all that time? I have a time limit, er-ge!”
“It’s better than being stuck in an oubliette. That’s where they put people to forget about them, you know.”
Nie Huaisang’s eyes filled with tears. “You want to forget me, er-ge? You think I’m useless, don’t you? A good-for-nothing, who’ll never amount to anything –”
“Please don’t cry.”
“Please stop crying!”
“So what’s the point of you?” Nie Huaisang asked the Wise Man with the Talking Hat.
“Not everyone exists to contribute to your storyline,” the Talking Hat snapped at him. “Some of us’ve got our own problems. Now hand over the candy!”
“Don’t be mean,” the Wise Man said. He had a white cloth over his eyes, and was smiling like he found the hat funny.
“Awww, but daozhang…!”
“Different plotline entirely, I guess,” Nie Huaisang decided. “Probably just here as a foil. Shall we keep going, er-ge?”
“I can’t believe you scammed me to get out of the oubliette,” Lan Xichen mumbled. “I can’t believe…”
“Oh, leave him alone, he’s just sensitive!” Nie Huaisang snapped.
“Am not!” the upside-down creature snarled, curled up on itself and trying to hide from all those that had been hitting him. Its fur was a vivid sort of purple. “Go away!”
“Don’t you have some sort of special power to help you here,” Nie Huaisang asked him as he tried to get him down before the goblins came back with weapons. “Rocks, maybe?”
“Well then get to it, will you?” Nie Huaisang frowned. “Wait. Lightning, constantly being tormented, terrible at communication, and purple? You’re Jiang Cheng, aren’t you?”
“Well then get down faster! I need to copy someone’s notes here!”
“Leave me aloooooooone!” Nie Huaisang howled, running away from the measuring snake.
“Wow,” Lan Xichen said, holding his cheek. “You kissed me.”
“You saved me from the snakes,” Nie Huaisang said. “Can we focus on how we’re in this awful stinking bog?”
“It’s not that bad!” a voice piped up. “I don’t smell anything!”
Nie Huaisang turned to stare, then pinched the bridge of his nose. “Of course you don’t,” he said. “I bet the total absence of a sense of smell helps when you eat spicy food, Wei-xiong.”
“There’s nothing wrong with spicy food!”
“You’re short,” Nie Huaisang informed the small goblin-like creature with the big grin and the red ribbon in its hair. It looked vaguely fox-like, or possibly like certain large breeds of rabbit.
“Why you..!” Wei Wuxian crossed his furry little paws over his chest. “Just for that, I’m not going to help you.”
“Uh-huh,” Nie Huaisang said. “Really. That’s awful…oh no! A dog!”
Wei Wuxian jumped high into the air. “A dog?! Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan! Save me!”
Much to Nie Huaisang’s surprise, a furry dog immediately darted out of nowhere – only Wei Wuxian didn’t seem afraid of it, but rather hid behind it, teeth chattering.
Truly, Nie Huaisang reflected, the eyes of love are blind.
“I think the ‘dog’ is gone now,” he said. “Your brave and noble Lan Wangji must’ve scared him away.”
Wei Wuxian’s head popped out from behind dog-Wangji. “Well, Lan Zhan is really cool…hey. Are you trying to manipulate me?”
“Is it working?”
“So you won’t help me?”
“Not even if it means you get to figure out a really tricky puzzle?”
“No – wait. A puzzle?”
“I can’t believe this is going to work,” Lan Xichen muttered from behind Nie Huaisang. “I mean, I can. But also…Wangji…I love you, but you could do so much better than this.”
“Ugh,” Nie Huaisang said. “I’m so thirsty.”
“Have some Emperor’s Smile,” Lan Xichen said, offering a jar.
“Amazing,” Nie Huaisang said, accepting it and taking a swing. “I had my doubts, you know, but you’re actually good for something after all, er-ge –”
The golden bird was Nie Huaisang’s favorite.
He’d worked so hard to bring it back to his aviary – it couldn’t be forced, he knew; it would play along at first but in the end it would turn on you and bite you. It had to be coaxed with gentleness and kindness, approached indirectly so as not to spook it, convince it that you really did mean well – that you were harmless, that it had no reason to fear you. It was arrogant, too, proud of its shining feathers and ashamed of the brown plumage of its chick days, which still remained visible on its tender underbelly. Ironically, that was Nie Huaisang’s favorite part of it, the soft and gentle part; it might not be as pretty as the gold, but it felt more genuine.
Nie Huaisang smiled as he brushed the beautiful feathers, and the golden bird allowed him. He felt cherished, treasured. So what if he had to hide all the sharp parts of himself to get this close?
It was fine. He didn’t like to be sharp.
He wanted to be soft. Soft and gentle, careless and free, relaxed and without effort, good for nothing –
“It’s all junk,” Nie Huaisang hissed at the pile of burning fans, tears in his eyes. “I want my da-ge!”
“You’re all right!” Wei Wuxian exclaimed, helping pulled Nie Huaisang up.
“Huaisang-xiong,” Jiang Cheng said, looking relieved. “You’re back.”
“We have to go to the temple beyond the Goblin City,” Nie Huaisang said, teeth gritted together. “We have to. I won’t let that bastard…we’re going to go there and throw all his damned tricks right in his face!”
“Just us?” Wei Wuxian asked. “I mean, I’m awesome, Lan Zhan is fantastic, and of course Jiang Cheng is great, too, but…uh…there’s a lot of goblins in the city.”
“We’ll sneak in,” Nie Huaisang said. “He thinks he’s sidelined me entirely – he thinks I’m useless. He won’t be expecting me to get this far.”
“I can get help,” Jiang Cheng said. “I have friends.”
“…not to be rude, Jiang-xiong,” Nie Huaisang said. “But – really?”
“You know what,” Nie Huaisang said, eyeing the pile of rocks following Jiang Cheng around, each one painted with a name. One of the names was yellow. Two were in white, with forehead ribbons. “This is fine. I feel like it says something really rude about my empathy for and interest in our junior generation, or lack thereof, but you know what? I don’t care. It’s fine.”
“You saved me,” Nie Huaisang said blankly, looking at Lan Xichen, who shrugged, abashed. The remains of the mechanical temple guard were scattered all over. “Over – him?”
“Huaisang –”
“No,” Nie Huaisang said, holding up his hands. “Don’t. Don’t…I don’t want to hear you talk.”
Lan Xichen’s head dropped down and he looked at the ground. “You knew from the beginning what I was like,” he murmured. “I never tried to hide it –”
“I forgive you for being what you are,” Nie Huaisang told him, and Lan Xichen looked up at him, startled and pleased. “I forgive you for not having the backbone to stand up against Jin Guangyao for me – or for da-ge. For being willfully blind for so long, for needing someone else’s proof of his ill-intentions, for always picking him first, for never trusting me…I forgive you, even if you’d never forgive me for the same.”
He dashed away the angry tears in his eyes.
“I just wish this wasn’t a fucking metaphor.”
Nie Huaisang left the fighting to the people who knew what to do – Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji, Jiang Cheng, even the rock-juniors – and went to the temple at the center of the city alone.
Some things, he knew, needed to be done alone, even if it was the type of alone when you were surrounded by other people. Even when those other people stood by his side and made him promise that if he needed them, he would only need to call. Some things…
“I want my da-ge back,” he said to the maze of stairs.
“Then go and find him,” Jin Guangyao replied, looking smug, and Nie Huaisang had to go up and down all those fucking stairs, because Jin Guangyao was nothing if not predictable with his trauma, looking all over, looking for –
Looking for pieces.
“It’s just a metaphor,” he whispered to himself, ignoring how tears were streaming down his face. “It’s just – I need to put him back together, it’s fine. I’m not too late – I’m not too late –”
Jin Guangyao held Nie Mingjue’s head in his hands, blinded and gagged and bound with talismans, pulled out of whatever oubliette he'd shoved it into to forget about what he'd done. “Beware, Huaisang,” he said, still smiling. Always smiling. “I’ve been generous up until now, but I can be cruel.”
Nie Huaisang laughed, scoffing. “Generous? What have you done for me that’s generous?”
“Everything! Everything you’ve wanted, I’ve done – I cared for you, I gave you attention, I got you out of work, doing your schoolwork for you and coming up with excuses to get you out of saber training. I gave you presents, fans and pretty clothing, and when that brute of a brother of yours tried to take them from you, I rescued you. And then I even managed your sect for you, answered all of your questions, any time you had – Huaisang, I’m exhausted trying to live up to your expectations of me. Isn’t that generous?”
Nie Huaisang bared his teeth. “Half of those are burdens that only fell on me because of you. Why should it matter to me that cleaning up your own mess and satisfying your own guilt is hard? Why should I pay such a price when all I wanted was to be your friend? When all da-ge wanted was to be your friend? How dare you, Meng Yao!”
“Huaisang…” Jin Guangyao shook his head mournfully. “Huaisang, the last step here is to say the words to break the spell. But you were never good at memorization, were you?”
Nie Huaisang bit his lip until he drew blood.
“Through dangers untold, and hardships unnumbered,” he said. “I have fought my way here to the temple beyond the goblin city –”
“Huaisang, stop! Look at what you’re risking here. You know how everyone loves me – do you think anyone will forgive you for taking me down, for tricking them all? You’ll be all alone!”
I already am, Nie Huaisang thought.
“My will is as strong as yours,” he said. “And my kingdom is as great…”
His voice trailed off.
“I ask for so little,” Jin Guangyao said beseechingly, convincingly, looking just like he always did, like the man who'd been their friend. “Just let me fool you, and you can have anything you want. No responsibilities, no stress, a life of your own. You can even have Lan Xichen, if that’s what you want…”
What’s the last line, Nie Huaisang thought, hating himself for being such a poor student, for cramming things into his mind without any order, for never being able to retain a single drop of it no matter how hard he tried. What is it? Why can’t I ever remember?
“It’d be so easy,” Jin Guangyao crooned. “Much easier than this. Just fear me, love me, believe me, and I’ll be your slave.”
Sharp teeth in a false smile.
Nie Huaisang shook in terror. He couldn’t – his da-ge needed him – he couldn’t be afraid, couldn’t be a coward, couldn’t be good-for-nothing – couldn’t let Jin Guangyao win – couldn’t let him –
That was it.
Nie Huaisang raised his head until his eyes met his enemy’s.
Sensing something wrong, Jin Guangyao’s eternal smile dimmed, and he began to step forward, reaching out, but it was too late.
“You have no power over me,” Nie Huaisang declared, and the world within a world collapsed.
Nie Huaisang opened his eyes.
Nie Huaisang sat in his desk in the Unclean Realm, trying to amuse himself by trying to figure out what exactly he’d eaten the night before that had given him such bizarre dreams. It was not successful, on account of him being alone.
Alone, just as he had been every night, and every day as well, since the success of his scheme at the Guanyin Temple.
Just as the dream-Jin Guangyao had threatened.
It wasn’t that Nie Huaisang regretted what he had done – the dream was clear enough about that; he’d do it all again in a heartbeat if he had to. But in the dream he’d been working alongside his former friends, with Lan Xichen betraying but then returning to him, with Wei Wuxian dragging Lan Wangji around, with stone-faced Jiang Cheng and the rather interchangeable junior squad behind him…and in his dream, in the end, they’d let him go to take his revenge, telling him that if he needed them for any reason, he could just call.
Just call, and they’d come back to him. Instead of turning from him in disgust, they’d stand by his side…
“Stupid subconscious,” Nie Huaisang mumbled to himself. “What do you expect? That I'd write to them and say ‘for no real reason at all, I find that I rather need you’?”
Silence answered him.
“Well, I do,” he said with a sigh, putting his chin on his hands. “Does that make you happy? I do need you.”
“You do?” Wei Wuxian’s voice rang out, and Nie Huaisang jumped nearly out of his skin. “Well, why didn’t you say so?”
Nie Huaisang turned, staring: it was Wei Wuxian at the door, the human version of him, and of course there was Lan Wangji right before him, and Jiang Cheng, and the (still mostly interchangeable) juniors, and – and even Lan Xichen, who Nie Huaisang was sure had gone into seclusion with no intent to leave.
“What are you doing here?” Nie Huaisang squeaked. And why hadn’t any of his sect disciples warned him?
“We just bullied our way though the door before anyone could stop us,” Wei Wuxian said cheerfully, answering the unspoken question first. “As for the rest – it turns out that I had the strangest dream the other night, really, truly bizarre, and obviously I had to tell Lan Zhan all about it, except it turned out he had a strange dream too.”
Nie Huaisang’s jaw dropped. “But –”
“I felt da-ge’s qi woven into the labyrinth,” Lan Xichen said quietly. “I thought it’d have long ago dissipated or been locked away, but – it was there, in every stone, in every turn. Every obstacle that didn’t really hurt you, every goblin that was more silly than scary…he was there. It was unmistakable.”
Nie Huaisang swallowed. The story of the labyrinth, baby-stealing wish-granting goblin king and all, had been one that Nie Mingjue had told him as a bedtime story, when he'd been a child in need of comfort; he hadn’t thought of it in years before last night. “But…why…?”
“Because Chifeng-zun has a demented sense of humor?” Jiang Cheng suggested, looking irritated.
“Jiujiu means that he hasn’t had that much fun in years, and also that you should throw a party,” Jin Ling said. “You are hosting all three of the sect leaders of all the other Great Sects. Also, why were we rocks?”
“Uh, no idea,” Nie Huaisang said. “Da-ge’s weird sense of humor, no doubt! Anyway, did you say party? I can do a party!”
He rushed out of the room, calling for his servants, calling for them to bring food and wine and tea, and as he did, he looked out of the window – a golden bird was flying away, looking hunted as if something was chasing it, and even as he watched, it crossed the borders of the Unclean Realm and suddenly dissolved into a fizzle of golden dust.
Nie Huaisang put his hand on the stone wall, and felt a familiar echo.
A very familiar echo.
“Oh,” he said, to his servants, feeling somehow simultaneously sheepish and filled with joy. “And while you’re at it, can you bring me my saber? I seem to have – misplaced it…”
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hazellvesque · 4 years
your wounds; my sutures
Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians/The Trials of Apollo
Rating: PG
Pairing: Nico di Angelo/Will Solace
Summary: When Will Solace, Camp Half-Blood’s greatest healer, is the one who gets hurt in battle, the son of Hades has to step up to the plate and put the skills he learned in the infirmary to good use. 
Word Count: 2,572
Warnings: graphic descriptions of cuts, blood, stitches, and questionable amateur medical practice.
Read on Ao3
* * *
The second he caught sight of the gaping wound in his boyfriend’s shoulder, Nico almost blacked out. It was hard to believe Will was even still conscious with so much blood seeping out.
“It’s bad, isn’t it?” Will’s voice was strained, yet somehow calm, as if he hadn’t just taken a direct hit from the dangerous end of a sword. He was sitting on the ground, using his good arm to keep himself propped upright. The wound slashed across his shoulder blade, beginning just a few inches to the right of the base of his neck. The weapon had cut straight through his shirt, leaving tattered scraps of fabric as the only discretionary cover for the graphic injury. 
“Nico? Are you still with me?”
“You’re bleeding,” Nico said lamely, snapping back to reality, still not quite believing what he was seeing. 
He’d seen much worse in the past. Hell, he’d caused much worse. But this was Will Solace. He was Camp Half-Blood’s greatest healer. He wasn’t supposed to be the one who got hurt, ever. 
If Nico could, he would resurrect the monster just to kill it all over again. It deserved a punishment far worse than evaporating into golden dust, but at least the satisfaction might quell Nico’s anger a bit. He couldn’t stop staring at the wound. Fortunately, Will was faced away from him. Nico imagined the pained expression on Will’s face, how he was probably fighting to keep his lopsided, reassuring smile bright despite it all. 
“What do we do?” Nico spoke quietly, but desperately. 
The two boys were utterly exhausted. The fight had taken nearly everything out of them. Will’s own healing abilities couldn’t possibly work well right now - he was so weak he could hardly sit upright on his own. Nico thought of shadow traveling to Camp or even to the nearest hospital; he’d have to do some quick thinking to explain the situation to a mortal doctor, but the idea was quickly shut down by the black fuzziness already creeping into the corners of his vision. He probably wouldn’t be able to move himself ten feet without passing out. 
They’d have to solve this the old-fashioned way. 
Will gestured with his head towards his bag. It lay a few feet away, discarded early in the fight and no doubt now containing a few broken supplies and squished ambrosia squares.
“Grab some supplies for me? I don’t want to move too much and make it worse.” Will said, his breathing labored. “You’re going to have to help me clean and close it up.”
“Right.” Nico nodded a little too fast, hardly processing Will’s words at all. 
Nico dashed over to Will’s backpack and tore it open. In moments, the grass was strewn with miscellaneous bandages, ice packs, and burn creams that would be utterly useless in helping solve the problem at hand. He searched for the vial of nectar he knew should be there, and swore under his breath when he found it shattered, the pieces of broken glass nicking his fingertips and the golden liquid seeping into the canvas fabric, causing an utterly useless sticky mess. Reaching further, Nico pulled out everything he thought would be useful - gloves, cloth, peroxide, and the small suture kit box at the very bottom of the bag. 
He rushed back to Will’s side, fighting the wave of nausea that hit him, both from sight of the cut and from standing up too fast. He quickly pulled on the latex gloves, hoping to get this over with as quickly as possible. 
“You remember the first step in treating a wound?” Will asked.
“I have to clean it. And apply pressure to stop the bleeding,” Nico recited mechanically. Then he paused, head tilted, mouth scrunched in annoyance. “I can’t believe you’re turning this into a medical lesson.”
“Never a bad time to brush you up on your basic skills.” 
“This is anything but basic.” Nico’s hands trembled so hard that he nearly dropped the tools in his hands. “I can’t really see the whole thing. I’m going to have to-“ he gulped, silently chiding himself for how stupid he felt for asking, “-to take off your shirt. Cut it off, I mean. To get to the, uh...” 
Even through what must have been some of the worst physical pain of his life, Will chuckled. “If you want to prevent me from bleeding out, then yes, unfortunately, you’re going to have to see me shirtless. Did you grab the scissors?” 
“No,” Will’s shirt was already torn nearly to shreds, and precious time was slipping away. Biting back his mortification, Nico took hold of the already torn collar of Will’s orange camp shirt and ripped straight down, letting the cotton fibers fall apart in his hands. He quickly tore in two other places, removing the blood-stained fabric entirely. 
Any embarrassing implication of his actions was immediately shut down by the now clearer sight of the dark red stickiness quickly streaking down the right side of Will’s body.  
“Talk to me, Nico, what’s going on?”
Nico half-consciously began soaking the cloth in peroxide. “Isn’t this going to sting?” 
“Like hell,” Will made a hmph sound under his breath, then he laughed, “I know it was super common back in your day to do this-”
“I’m going to forgive you for that because you’re hurt right now.” 
“But peroxide on deep wounds can do more harm than good, so really, this is a last resort, since we don’t have any nectar. Even just clean water or soap would be better, but that doesn’t matter now. Just…don’t use a lot, just enough to make sure nothing gets infected. Give me something to hold on to?” 
With his right hand, Nico held the folded, peroxide-soaked rag precariously close to Will’s injured shoulder. His left hand silently slipped into Will’s and squeezed tight. “Do you want me to tell you when?”
“No, just go for it.” 
He went for it. 
Three of Nico’s senses sparked to life all at once: the sound of Will biting back a scream ringing in his ears, the gruesome sight of the cut bubbling from the peroxide chemicals burned into his eyes, and the feeling of all of the bones in his left hand being crushed by Will’s iron grip as he squeezed in desperation from the pain. 
“I’m sorry!” Nico cried. He twisted the already red-soaked cloth in his hand so that he could use the clean side to put more pressure on the cut. He could feel the heat radiating off Will’s body, which sent an odd shiver down his spine. 
“Don’t be,” Will said, though the tone of his voice would suggest otherwise. “You’re doing everything right. You should be more sorry about the stitches you’re going to have to put in.”
If he hadn’t been so focused on stopping the bleeding, Nico’s arms would have dropped uselessly to his sides in shock. Instead, he let his jaw do the dropping. “The what I’m going to have to put where? Will, I can’t-“ 
“If I can pull a baby out of a cloud nymph, you can learn how to properly stitch someone up.” Will hissed through gritted teeth. 
“I can’t be the only one reattaching limbs at Camp, I need help sometimes so you may as well get practice now.”
“I’m not exactly the best at healing people. Quite the opposite, actually.” 
“I’ll talk you through it,” Will squeezed Nico’s hand, which Nico hadn’t realized he was still holding. “If it were practically anywhere else on my body I would just do it myself, but I got hit in the worst possible spot.”
Nico dropped the bloody cloth and sat back on his heels, dumbfounded. “I don’t want to hurt you.” 
“You won’t,” Will reassured him. “I promise. I trust you.” 
The bold statement made Nico flush, his heart rate increasing even more, though by now he thought that would have been impossible. With his new determination, he opened the small box from Will’s bag. Inside lay a small, curved needle already threaded with a thin black cord, two differently shaped pairs of what looked like fancy tweezers, a small pair of scissors, and a tiny blade Nico hoped he wouldn’t have to use. 
“How do I do this?” Nico steeled himself, swallowing down his doubts. 
Will quickly explained the basic process: Nico would need to use both of the “tweezers” - one of which was actually a needle holder - simultaneously. One would be used to hold the skin in place and the other, as the name suggested, was to push the needle through. Then, he’d have to tie off the thread like a knot and cut off any excess. Rinse and repeat all the way up, until hopefully the cut would be closed well enough to not reopen on the way to get professional care. 
Nico delicately traced his gloved hand across the bottom of the cut, right where he’d need to start stitching. The bleeding had subsided, but Will’s skin was still too warm and bright red. 
He got to work right away. 
The first stitch was the most difficult. Nico had wielded swords as long as he was tall, but the intimidation of putting a tiny, intentional hole in someone was somehow worse. His hands trembled as he pushed the needle through one side, out the other, and knotted the thread tight. 
“Does that hurt?” Nico asked timidly. 
Will hesitated before answering: “Not as much as getting myself slashed open in the first place.” 
Glad to see he still had a sense of humor, despite it all. 
Nico continued his diligent work, taking about a minute to complete each tiny stitch. He’d probably need to do about 20 more to get the wound closed entirely. 
“This...reminds me,” Will said, his voice sounding far-away and dreamy. Whether it was blissful reminiscing or exhaustion, it was difficult to tell. “Of Manhattan. And Annabeth.”
“What about Annabeth?” 
Will was rambling now, taking his mind off the pain in the only way he could. “She was hit in the same place. Protecting Percy. During the battle against Kronos. I was the one who healed her back then. We were all looking for my brother Michael when Percy dragged me out of the search party and said he needed a healer. He was really freaked out, it was kind of scary to be honest. I’m pretty sure that was the first time anyone outside of my own cabin even acknowledged my existence,” Will took a deep breath, and after a heavy pause, he muttered, “I was made head counselor as soon as the battle was over.”
With all the losses they’d faced over the last few years, it was sadly almost too easy for Nico to forget that Will had lost at least four of his siblings during the Battle of Manhattan. Everyone coped with trauma and loss differently, but you wouldn’t look at Will Solace and think that he was hurting. Then again, Will’s optimism and willingness to constantly help others may very well have been a way to disguise that hurt. He hadn’t been able to help the people he’d lost. 
Nico had been about to express his condolences when Will asked, “Where were you during all of that?”
“Convincing my dad to let me borrow his dead army,” Nico laughed humorlessly, the memory rushing back to him. “And helping protect Percy’s parents.”
Will’s head tilted. “What were Percy’s parents doing on the battlefield?” 
“Sally Jackson is a powerhouse of a woman and will stop at nothing, not even a Titan. Plus, I felt like I kind of owed it to Percy after...everything I’d done.” 
Will made a humming sound, as if to say that’s fair. Over the past few months, Nico had opened up more about his early years at Camp Half-Blood. Even now, he felt a pang of regret for how he used to behave towards the people who were only trying to help him. Will didn’t know all of the details, of course, but he knew enough to understand. 
“I remember seeing you out there,” Nico continued, his voice a whisper. “We hadn’t even spoken before, but I knew who you were.”
Will responded just as quietly. “I knew you, too.” 
Not in the ‘I’d heard the whispers about the reclusive son of Hades’ way, or the ‘I knew about the boy who had lost his sister’ way. No; he’d said it like a confession. 
“You-,” Nico swallowed hard, “you did?”
“You kind of fascinated me,” Will murmured. “Can you believe it only took me another year to actually speak to you?”
Nico felt his heart jolt in his chest. Why hadn’t he known this before? If he knew any better, he’d think Will was only confessing this now because of his delirium. Or maybe he’d wanted to admit it for a long time. Nico knew exactly how that felt. 
“And you initiated conversation by asking me to touch your hands that had just birthed a baby. Real smooth, Solace. No wonder I liked you so much.” 
With that, Nico tied off the final suture, cut the excess thread, and carefully placed the tools back in the box. 
“I think...I think it’s done?” Nico exhaled, finally letting his hands tremble freely, begging for the pent up anxiety to somehow release through his fingertips. 
Slowly, carefully, Will reached back behind his head with his left arm, tracing his hand across the delicate stitches, checking for error. Nico stared intensely, only just now taking the time to notice the details of his own work. It was nowhere near perfect. Hardly satisfactory, even. His handiwork was messy, uneven. But it would keep the wound from reopening at least until they got back to Camp. 
“Not bad for a trainee,” Will said finally, dropping his hand and turning to face Nico. “Thank you. Really. You know I never would have asked you to do this if-”
“Don’t apologize,” Nico cut him off. “I’d do it again. In a heartbeat. I...” 
Nico frowned, his brain finally catching up to the scene in front of him. Without the distractions of the blood and sharp objects, the sight of Will Solace shirtless suddenly brought a rush of warmth to his cheeks. He unconsciously leaned back, all too aware of how close they were sitting, but that undeniable tense energy still radiated between them. Speaking of heartbeats…
“How were you so calm through all of this?” Nico asked. 
“Because I had to be. I always do,” Will shrugged without thinking, then winced from the pain. “All in a day’s work, you know? Someone’s got to step up when there’s an emergency.”
“That someone shouldn’t always have to be you.”
“No. You’re right. It shouldn’t,” Will said softly, his gentle eyes locking with Nico’s. 
It wasn’t meant to be a cruel comment, but Nico felt the weight of the words press down on him. He didn’t have the time to come up with a retort before Will spoke again: “Maybe we both have a thing or two to learn about helping others. Or helping ourselves.” 
Will reached out and took Nico’s hand. 
“You’re still shaking,” Will said. “You don’t have to be nervous, you did a good job.”
Nico felt his face grow hot. He stared down at their intertwined hands, then back up into Will’s eyes. 
“That’s not why I’m nervous,” he said. 
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annavoncleves · 3 years
the saga of henry the young king
ok so, henry the young king, eldest (living) son of henry ii (he did have an older brother, william, but william died as a baby so in practice henry's oldest) dad's the king of england, lord of wales and ireland, count of anjou and maine and aquitaine, and eventually brittany
lots of titles, lots of sons as well, and rather than the oldest son getting everything like comes in later (unless he's an only child/only has sisters) at this point he has to share with his brothers, though he does get the Best Cut, which in this case is the kingship of england
kingdoms are a lil different to other realms, in that, whilst counties and duchys can be split whilst dad's still alive, bc those are vassals of the kingdom, the throne can't be split up, obviously
so even though henry is named 'henry the young king' (an attempt at securing the throne, after the absolute clusterfuck that happened to henry ii's mother, empress matilda, whose throne was stolen by her cousin stephen after her father's death, bc she was a) a woman, gasp and b) the lords of england didn't think SWEARING AN OATH TO RECOGNISE HER AS QUEEN BEFORE THEIR KING AND PEERS was BINDING ENOUGH, so that henry's chosen heir would. actually get the throne when he died) he has no actual power
which tbh, looking at his record, is probably a good thing, bc although he thought a lot of himself, he wasn't actually that great a leader of men
he was a very good jouster tho, but that's neither here nor there 
SO. henry ii is king. henry the young king is basically the king-in-waiting, whilst all his legitimate* younger brothers get THEIR inheritances (well, richard and geoffrey do, getting aquitaine and brittany. john - later known as bad king john, yes the bad guy in robin hood, he's based off THIS john - is the youngest and doesn't get shit, gaining him the nickname 'lackland') 
*henry ii was a bit of a slut, but all kings were, and was actually pretty good to his bastard sons, by the standards of the day, anyway. he made one of them an important bishop and gave the other a position at court. fun fact, when henry ii does eventually die, it's one of his illegitimate sons at his bedside, and none of his legitimate sons
[in the words of the astounding @searchingforserendipity25: “to be the only illegitimate son at that bedside, crowded by all those absences” damn queen, go off]
BUT. henry the young king, king in name, but JUNIOR king, and only titular. younger brothers get their lands. he's pissed.
daaaaad, he whines, i want a go at ruling now
i'm ruling now, wait your turn, henry ii says
no, fuck you, henry the young king says and starts a rebellion
despite being... well, a bit useless, henry the young king is VERY popular (idk, bc he was moderately handsome and good at jousting?? it makes no sense to me why the people liked him as much as they did, he didn't exactly do anything to earn their love or allegiance as far as i can see) and quite a few lords get behind him
also wanting a bigger portion than they've been given, richard and geoffrey join the rebellion, bc they want more of that sweet, sweet land, as does their mother eleanor of aquitaine who fell out with her husband at some point
henry ii, against all expectations, successfully puts down the rebellion and henry the young king et al are in troubleeee, but henry ii can't afford to really punish his ungrateful offspring as much as he'd probably like, so he goes the other way and gives henry the young king a nice big allowance to keep him happy, which works for a little bit
then henry the young king, beautiful imbecile that he is, decides he's gonna rebel again. it ends the same way. he's just not very good at war, is the only conclusion i can come to
SO the second rebellion is in progress (henry the young king is allied with his brother geoffrey again, but not richard, who appears to have learned his lesson... for now. richard does rebel again later, but he waits for the right moment, proving he had some degree of intelligence that the other two... lacked) when henry the young king gets sick
i'm gonna have to copy and paste from wikipedia for this bit to explain what he was sick WITH bc there is no way i can beat this: "[Henry] had just finished pillaging local monasteries to raise money to pay his mercenaries [when] he contracted dysentery at the beginning of June."
you heard that right
he got dysentry whilst PILLAGING CHURCHES
it was a real Bruh moment for karma
anyway, he starts getting sicker and sicker until it becomes clear He Ain't Surviving This, at which point he does what a lot of people do when faced with the reality of their own mortality: say 'oh shit, i fucked up' and try and apologise
he's also pretty out of it so at some point in a presumably feverish stupor 'as a token of his penitence for his war against his father, he prostrated himself naked on the floor before a crucifix'. just stripped off, got on his belly, presumably in one of the few moments he was not shitting himself, and says 'lol my bad'
unfortunately for henry the young king, he's got form for being a tricksy, underhanded bitch. (seriously, why was he so popular?? enquiring minds - mine - would like to know) and when the messenger gets to his dad saying 'welp, i'm dying, i'm real sorry about the wars, come see me on my deathbed?
henry ii takes one look at that and goes: 'he's not really dying, is he?’
the messenger: uh. yeah. really dying.
henry ii: sounds fake
the messenger: no, he's really really sorry and really really dying
henry ii: this is Definitely A Trap
so henry ii isn't gonna be taken to a secondary location to get imprisoned or murdered by his rebellious son, which u can't entirely blame him for, considering henry the young king is currently In The Process Of Attempting To Depose Him when this all goes down, BUT henry ii also figures that if his son really is dying, and he doesn't grant him forgiveness, then he's gonna be haunted by that shit/his son won't find peace/bad things will happen. so he takes one of his rings and gives it to the messenger and says, take this to my son as a token of my forgiveness. the ring couldn't come from anyone else, so henry the young king will know it really comes from his father, and henry ii doesn't get possibly murdered, so everybody wins!
messenger goes back to henry the young king, who we presume has now got some clothes on, or at least a strategically placed sheet, and gives him the ring. as expected, henry the young king dies soon after, get this, holding the ring that his father sent him.
like. i don't think he was a good king. i don't think he would've been a good king. but. he dies holding onto this ring. and he's got a lot of people around him, but his dad isn't there, just this ring. 
when henry ii gets the news that henry the young king is really, really dead now, he is meant to have said the absolute soul-crusher of a quote that made me want to tell you this whole saga in the first place: "He cost me much, but I wish he had lived to cost me more."
like??? this kid tried to overthrow his dad. TWICE. he spent all the money his dad gave him and then some, which led to the aforementioned pillaging monasteries, he signed up to go on crusade that his dad specifically told him not to fucking go on (which he died before he could fulfil)... he did EVERYTHING wrong. like. so much.
and his dad just wants his pillaging, disobedient and wasteful son back.
and that is the story of henry the young king, the only junior king england ever had.
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That World (Natasha Romanoff x Reader)
Summary: Part two of “Alone With You” happy ending style.
Words: 3171
Warnings: Uh, alcohol, language and some angst? Lemme know if I missed something.
A/N: Holy shit. One hundred percent wasn’t expecting a longer fic to be my coming back fic but this thing had a mind of its own. And, I just really want to thank y’all for sticking around. It means so much and I’m happy to say I think I’ll be staying for a while this time. But either way, WE GOT A NEW STORY HOLY FUCK!
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She knew she shouldn’t have walked out. She knew it wasn’t what she’d wanted, but the words had gotten stuck in her throat and she couldn’t bring herself to let them slide off her tongue. So, instead, she’d taken the coward’s way out and left.
Left you broken just beyond the door closing behind her.
You’d never just been a way to pass time. Well, maybe in the beginning it had started out like that, but after the third time you’d let her in, something warm started creeping into her chest. You’d always assumed multiple people kept her company but the truth was…
There was only you.
She hadn’t meant to keep you in the dark – to make you feel the way you did – but she’d wanted to protect you (or maybe she was protecting herself. Those lines were a little blurred, if she was being honest with herself). She thought letting the distance hold you apart would keep you both safe but all it seemed to do was break hearts.
Hours became days and before Natasha realized it, it’d been a month since she’d heard you, seen you. She’d ignored it at first – the longing gripping her chest – but it was becoming overwhelming. She was reckless and withdrawn (more than normal). She was snappy and irritable and the team was worried.
“Nat, seriously, what’s going on?” Clint asked, flopping down beside Natasha on the couch in the common room.
Rolling her eyes, Natasha jerked to another page in her book, eyes scanning but not seeing the words printed. “Nothing.”
He reached out, grabbing her wrist calmly. “That’s a lie and we both know it. Talk to me.”
Natasha swallowed drily, fingers flexing around the book in her hands. Her tongue felt like it weighed a million pounds inside her mouth, threatening to suffocate her if she dare speak. A familiar pain traveled through her, the icy memory of the Red Room’s punishments creeping up her veins and pooling in her stomach.
Clint was startled to see tears filling Natasha’s eyes and he ripped the book from her, tossing it aside and gathering her in his arms. One hand stroked her hair while the other kept her close, murmuring soft reassurances to her.
“I fucked up,” Natasha hiccupped. “I-I should’ve stayed. I should’ve told her…”
His brows furrowed but Clint remained silent, waiting for his oldest friend to continue.
“All she wanted was for me to stay and I didn’t,” she whispered. “I never wanted to hurt her.”
Something dawned on Clint. “Is she who you used to go see after missions?” he inquired carefully, ignoring the tension that seemed to stiffen her muscles.
Nodding, Clint leaned back and brushed a lock of hair from Natasha’s face. “If you’re this upset, you need to go to her. Tell her you regret leaving that night – that you regret leaving her. Wallowing isn’t doing anyone any good,” he advised, smiling sympathetically.
“I’m afraid she won’t forgive me,” she admitted brokenly. “I never told her anything. Not about missions or my life or anything. I kept her so far in the dark that I don’t know how to bring her into the light now.”
“You’ll never know until you talk to her,” Clint said. “If you care about her this much, you need to talk to her. Otherwise it’ll be entirely your own fault that you lost her.” He knew his words were harsh, but she needed to hear them. If he tried sugarcoating it, she’d never leave the couch.
Natasha’s face scrunched as she forced back tears. He was right. As much as she wished he wasn’t, he absolutely was.
“Okay,” she breathed, determination befalling her features. “Okay.”
Clint smiled, patting her shoulder as he stood. “C’mon. I’ll drive.”
The drive to your apartment was silent aside from the incessant tapping of Natasha’s fingers on her thigh. She was trying to prepare her speech, like she was readying for battle, but she knew the moment she looked into your eyes it’d be useless. This wasn’t something she could sweep under the rug with a seductive look or a sensual kiss. She had to actually talk.
She was going to throw up.
Sudden terror gripped her as they stopped in front of the building. “I can’t do this.”
Clint chuckled and shook his head. “Yes, you can. Go talk to her. I’ll wait here until you say otherwise.”
Bottom lip snagged between her teeth, Natasha inhaled sharply and tossed open the car door before storming inside and up to your floor. With every step her heart thudded a little harder, but she ventured on, blinking sporadically to keep the tears at bay. Fist balled tight, she knocked twice behind rocking on her heels.
Natasha’s head tilted. Only stillness greeted her as she stared at the door mocking her. She couldn’t hear anything on the other side, which was bizarre considering your floor creaked just at the entrance.
Her eyebrows nearly touched as she tentatively reached forward and knocked again. It was well past nine at night, so where the hell were you? A nasty thought crossed her thoughts and she faltered. What if you’d already moved on? What if you were on a date? What if they were in there?
The old woman who lived next door peered out of her apartment and stared at her. She could see the emotions warring on the beautiful woman’s face.
“Excuse me, miss,” the woman called, garnering Natasha’s attention. “She’s not there.”
Natasha’s head snapped around. “O-oh. Do you know when she’ll be back?”
The woman’s pursed lips concerned Natasha. “I don’t think you understand, sweetie. She doesn’t live here anymore. Moved out about two weeks ago.”
All the blood drained from Natasha’s face and her lips parted slightly, a deeper concern blossoming in her stomach.
“None of us know where she went either,” she admitted. “We just saw her leave one day and the next, the landlord was trying to find new renters. It’s a shame too. She was lovely. Always helped me with my groceries.”
“She’s…gone?” Natasha repeated slowly, glancing at your door like she expected you to throw it open and laugh at your elaborate joke. This was just a joke…right?
Smiling sadly at Natasha, the old woman studied her. As a former nurse, she’d seen many people walk into her hospital with a similar expression; regret and devastation marring their features, waiting for someone to yell “surprise” or hoping to wake up from a bad dream.
She silently prayed this woman would someday find you and right whatever wrong caused that look; she’d always hated that look.
“I’m sorry, honey,” she mumbled before closing her door, the quiet click sounding like a thunderous boom in Natasha’s ears.
The urge to slump to her knees was crippling but Natasha forced herself upright and staggered out of your (former) building, dragging herself towards Clint’s car. Her fingers felt numb as she gripped the handle, dropping into the passenger seat. She said nothing and he didn’t push.
You were gone.
Traveling the country had never been something you’d really considered before. You liked having a steady home, steady relationships – a steady life. But two weeks after Natasha walked out of your door, you decided to throw caution to the wind and try it. You had more than enough money to survive for a while so you tossed your bigger items into the storage and began a trek across the country, headed west.
Was it irresponsible to quit your job and break your lease all because a woman didn’t love you? Probably, but you didn’t care. You needed something new; something wild that could help mend the shattered shards of your heart.
So you found yourself in a little town in Ohio two weeks into your trip, a cheap beer in hand as you looked around the bar. You weren’t trying to catch anyone’s eye, merely curious of your surroundings. Plenty of people were scattered about, filling the air with small-town liveliness.
A feminine hand caught your attention out of your peripheral and you discretely glanced over. Long digits traced across the edge of the wood.
“I might be mistaken but I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen you around here before.” Her voice was like a warm breeze in the middle of September and you couldn’t stop yourself from gazing at her.
She was pretty, relatively speaking, though she didn’t hold a candle to the woman who’d prompted this trip. But she might be pretty enough to help you forget.
“You’re not wrong,” you smirked, sipping your beer as you watched her eyes flicker to your lips.
She offered her hand, skin smooth and gentle against yours. “I’m Lucy.”
“(Y/N),” you replied, letting your fingers brush the palm of her hand as you let go.
Hopping onto the stool beside you, she raised a finger and the bartender handed her a drink. You weren’t sure if he’d been simply waiting for the gesture or if it was just a lucky coincidence but you weren’t going to question it. You were a stranger, what did you know?
“So, what brings you here?” Lucy asked, raising her glass to glossed lips.
You shrugged. It’d sound pathetic to admit all of this started because of a woman, right? An Avenger but still…
“Road trip,” you hummed, eyes drifting through the crowd again.
Lucy chuckled, smirking at you over the rim of her drink. “I’ve heard a lot of people say that but that’s never the full story, is it?”
Your gaze jerked back to her and her smirk deepened.
“Boyfriend troubles – or girlfriend?” she wondered, her glass thumping on the bar as she set it down.
Sighing, you acknowledged her probing with a humorless laugh. “Technically? Neither. She was never my girlfriend.”
Lucy’s brow arched, curiosity brimming in green eyes. “Oh?”
You downed your beer. “Yeah…” you didn’t exactly want to offer information but the need to vent was pulsating into your bones. No one knew the story; hell, no one had even known you had an occasional bed partner. “I had feelings for her but she walked out and never came back, so I decided a trip across the country wasn’t such a bad idea.”
Lucy gave an apologetic hiss and patted your arm. “Ouch.”
“But,” the corner of your mouth tugged up, “I’m sure some good company would help take the sting out a little.”
Finding out you had left was a blow Natasha hadn’t anticipated. She’d considered calling you from Clint’s car but the idea you had blocked her number gave her pause. You’d left for a reason, so she should honor that…
And she did try.
But, as another week drifted into two, she was crumbling inside. She’d spent many years trying to correct all the mistakes she’d made over in her youth but now she had no idea how to fix this one. You’d never been hers – though through no fault of your own – but it felt like you’d taken a chunk of her heart wherever you had gone.
In the end, it wasn’t even her who found you.
Tony Stark was many things: arrogant, a billionaire playboy, but not stupid. He’d seen Natasha losing herself and, while he might butt heads with her often, he hated the misery that lingered on the outskirts of green. So, as any friend would do, he stole her phone.
Your number was easy to find since it was the only “civilian” number on there, aside from Laura Barton. Natasha was nothing if not minimalistic.
Minutes later, he pinged your phone and had FRIDAY tracking it.
“Boss, what should I do with this information?” the AI wondered, curious – well, as curious as an AI could be.
“Send it to Agent Romanoff and tell her I better be her best man at the wedding,” Tony replied coolly, wandering off to go bug Pepper before Natasha could come skin him alive.
When FRIDAY alerted her of Tony’s meddling, she did consider hurting him for less than a second before she was racing out of the Compound and towards a jet. Yes, flying a million dollar get to win back her not-ex’s heart was dramatic but she was an Avenger.
And Avengers were good at dramatics.
You hadn’t left that little Ohio town yet, which honestly surprised you. After spending a night drinking with Lucy, you’d followed her home…
And slept on her couch.
She’d been wonderful to talk to – and you’d been right about the company – but sleeping with her had never been an option. You weren’t going to use someone like that, even if she was a stranger. But, she’d offered her couch and nearly two weeks later, you were still there. She’d argued with you about finding a motel, telling you she liked having someone to fill the silence of her little apartment.
So you stayed.
Right now, you were tucked in a little coffee shop, a mug in front of you as you waited for Lucy. She was off getting things ready for her upcoming art gallery in town so you’d been left to your own devices (which was fine). You were absently flicking through your social medias, listening to the locals discuss a plane that had touched down outside of town. You weren’t really paying any attention to it but the silence that enveloped the shop as the door opened certainly caught your notice.
You peeked over your shoulder, eyes widening as a disheveled – but still unnaturally beautiful – Natasha strolled over. She looked dress for war, but the uncertainty in her eyes left you frozen. In all the months you’d known her, she’d never looked so scared before. Like you were a wild cat that would either spring at her or dash away if she got too close.
“Hi,” she greeted, voice raspy and alluring.
You gaped, your throat suddenly so dry that it burned. You could tell your silence hurt Natasha but your lack of running away helped lessen the fear swirling inside her stomach. She cautiously grabbed the chair across from yours and dragged it closer, though she kept a respectable distance between you.
“W-why…how…um, huh?” you sputtered, trying to gather your thoughts. You had so many questions that wanted out and no idea how to ask them.
“You left New York,” she stated plainly, as if that explained everything – which, it did not.
“Yes?” you replied, though it definitely sounded like a question at that point.
Natasha cleared her throat, green dancing between your mug and the floor. “I was a coward,” she muttered, “The night you said you couldn’t do what we were doing anymore. I wanted to stay, but I was scared. Scared of what happens if I let you get too close; scared you wouldn’t like the real me. So, I left. But when I came to talk, you were gone.”
Her gaze almost felt accusing but you both knew she wasn’t angry with you.
“I –” you stopped yourself from apologizing. You hadn’t done anything wrong. You were the wounded party.
But looking at her, you wondered if maybe you weren’t the only one hurting.
“I shouldn’t have left,” she continued, lip trapped between perfect teeth. “I should’ve stayed when you asked and I’m sorry I didn’t. I should’ve told you I wanted more too. I should’ve given you everything instead of taking it. You were never just fun for me – and I wish I’d told you that sooner.”
“Nat,” you exhaled, watching her shoulders slump. “I wish you had too.”
She nodded, her hair obscuring your view, hiding that face you loved so much. “I know I don’t have a right to ask, but can we try again? Try to have something real this time? I can’t promise I’ll be perfect but I really want to give us a shot. Because losing you? It was one of the worst things I’ve ever felt.”
Your tongue was lead in your mouth, pressing it to your teeth. Thoughts swam through your mind at millions of miles per second and you wondered for a moment if you were dreaming. The air felt ten degrees hotter and you were fairly certain everyone was looking at you but you didn’t dare look away for even a millisecond.
“Hey, everything okay?” Lucy.
You didn’t even know she had arrived and suddenly the world felt like it was tipping on its axis. Natasha’s hair fluttered as her head snapped to the new arrival and you could see her heart turning to dust as she assumed the worst. Lucy’s eyes were on you but yours never left Natasha.
She didn’t say a word, merely kicking out of the chair and rushing from the shop, leaving you stunned. Another flurry of emotions and thoughts erupted in your brain but you knew one thing: you had find her.
You couldn’t lose her again.
Bolting off your chair, you lurched out of the shop and glanced about frantically. A glimpse of her black outfit was the only sign she’d ever existed in this little town and you surged after her, pushing your muscles in a way you hadn’t since you were forced to run a mile in gym.
You weren’t going to let her leave you again. If she left, there wasn’t going to be a third chance – and you knew it.
Catching her arm just outside of the trees that you assumed lead to her jet, you dragged her to a halt, breath escaping you in pants as you stared at the back of her head. This felt like something out of a stupid romantic comedy but that wasn’t your biggest concern.
“Natasha,” you started, though she hurriedly cut you off.
“It’s okay,” she sniffed, clearly fighting off her sorrow. “I get it. You don’t have to explain.” She was silently begging you not to. She couldn’t handle it if you did.
“She’s not my girlfriend,” you assured her, tugging on the skin-tight material clinging to her body. “Lucy’s just a friend I made when I stopped here. She’s not…we’re not…”
Instead of struggling to find the words, you simply jerked on Natasha’s arm, bringing her crashing into you. Her hands found your shoulders and yours cupped her face, thumbs brushing the stray tears away. You had so much you wanted to say but you’d been taught actions speak louder than words so with a rush of courage, your lips brushed hers.
She gasped, her lips still against your own and you wondered if you’d made a mistake. But, as she sagged into you, she fervently brought her mouth to yours, kissing you desperately. She clung to you like you’d disappear, arms coming around your neck to keep you close.
When air became a necessity, you pressed your forehead against hers and smiled. “Want to take a road trip with me?” you asked breathlessly, giggling as she nodded without hesitation.
Maybe this was that world after all.
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