#so very sleepy and tired
fluffbeast7 · 2 years
Gift for Mary!! (or paradoxgavel!!!)
@paradoxgavel hi! i know we don't interact a whole lot but i drew u something :> i worked really hard on it, i hope u like it
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so this is fanart for your fakemon Oarmen, i reaally like this guy and i really liked you fakemon in general :3
here's some extra stuff, but very rough sketches qwq
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obsob · 2 years
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big man...why is he so big...(hes full of love)
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the-sneep-snoop · 1 year
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I have never been so wrong in all my life.
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something soooooo intensely tasty about how quickly suguru goes from tenderness to violence. from softness to sharpness. care to cruelty…. ik i say this a lot but his contrast really is soooo good. gently ruffling nanamimi’s hair right before brutally killing a man on stage in front of them (and after telling them to watch closely!!!) killing his sponsor in a similarly ruthless way before strolling alongside minami and cooing about how excited he is to see his family again. depending on who you are in his eyes his treatment of you will be so vastly different and i think that makes him so fun to write and analyze
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emmfairy · 2 months
What have I learned about Strahd from Knight of the Black Rose?
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Strahd Von Zarovich is very tired. He has has a very long night of terrorizing Barovians and would like to take a small sleep. Big bad vampire count is eepy and neebies to sleeby. Strahd is facing critical levels of being a sleepy lil guy
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3-aem · 6 days
forbidden 4pm coffee…weak minded weak willed, try masochistic 7pm espressos
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accio-victuuri · 22 days
wang yibo - exploring the unknown episode 2 video diary 🎥
WYB: The shaking bed makes me dizzy. You can see my lamp is sometimes on and sometimes off. Why? Because when I was crossing the river, I put my lamp in a waterproof bag. But the bag leaked, so the lamp got wet. Today was very exciting. It was my first time crossing a river. I wouldn’t say it was exciting, but it was incredible. We swam for so long. Now we are near the gibbon habitat, very close. They said they could hear their calls in the morning. So we are going to chase the gibbons tomorrow. We need to get up at four o’clock and be ready to go. It’s one o’clock now, so we need to go to bed quickly. I hope we can see the gibbons tomorrow. Okay, I’m going to bed. Good night.
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eating-figs-here · 3 months
Oh my stars I need to gnaw on bones and perish in the woods because. Because some people believe Wanderer/Scaramouche has gone through an entire redemption arc. No!! He is at the beginning. He is taking his first steps forward!!! He is STICKING with the Good Guys (TM) because it's the most optimal thing to do!! It's not out of character, he knows how to play the cards he's been dealt! And y'know, overtime, he should begin to grow to care for the people of Sumeru and the region itself!!! Like that's the point!!!! He isn't there yet!!!!!! He isn't supposed to be a good guy yet!!! The reason this "redemption arc" feels "unsatisfying" is because he isn't a fully converted good guy yet!!!! Aaaaaaaa!! :(
I have my thoughts below- and uh, it's a bit long
And to those saying Hoyo should've killed him off? Please, I do want to hear why you believe that killing off Scaramouche would've been more impactful than keeping him alive. I, personally, believe that killing him off would be a disservice to what the story has been trying to get across as Sumeru's version of wisdom.
And to explain what I believe the story has been trying to get across about wisdom: Wisdom is, to Sumeru, the celebration of individuality interwoven with the celebration of community. Greater Lord Rukkhadevata says that dreams are the fruit of human wisdom, and dreams are reflections of a person's raw joys, anxieties, sorrows, and examples of the bottomless creativity the mind produces. Those combined dreams power the Akasha, which helped Rukkhadevata repel forbidden knowledge and is considered an incredible piece of technology in Teyvat. (That's a lot of weight and power they're putting into dreams!!)
Wanna see another example of how starkly different individuals come together to beat an imposing foe? LITERALLY THE SUMERU CAST. Wonder why when you played throughout the Sumeru quest line it felt a tad bit like found family?? Because that's the point!! The narrative spends time fleshing out the bonds between characters, whether old or new! We see characters like Cyno, Dehya, and Alhaitham grow to trust one another despite their tense start! We see previously established relationships like Dehya and Dunyarzad or Tighnari and Cyno! They all get closer to the Traveler as well! It is INTENTIONAL!!
Okay, now back to this puppet, Scaramouche is someone who has consistently had his own personhood denied, with his right to exist as an individual played with. His own perceived abandonment from Ei and the Fatui orchestrating the destruction of his only support group (the people of Tatarasuna) in order to be used for their own gain hammers that point home. He rejects himself by ignoring his own humanity in favor of becoming something he THINKS he's supposed to be! The Harbingers do not trust one another, and they are ready to stab their colleagues in the back from their own gain. (Which he does!! What sense of community here?? None!!)
Do you see? Scaramouche, in this state, is the antithesis of Sumeru's wisdom. Which is precisely why he fails. He fails and he falls due to the wisdom of the people of Sumeru and the joint efforts of the Sumeru cast. He, a shattered puppet once more, is forced to reckon with the fact that who he believes he should be is not who he is. And to make that realization have meaning, he must live.
There is a reason why the nation of wisdom is also the nation of dendro. To grow, adapt, and change are its core principles. So why wouldn't the Dendro Archon extend her hand to someone denied what she had been recently given- support, companionship, community. Wouldn't it be much more impactful to see a sickly sapling turn into a tree rather than letting it die? With Wanderer, we will (eventually) see the harvest of Sumeru's ideals. From rocky start to the nebulous finish, Wanderer will embody the adaptation and growth that marks Sumeru's wisdom as he steadily grows into his own individual- with many characters we know accompanying him on that journey.
I dunno how else to put this, I literally just think that having a character actively being shaped by what makes Sumeru.. Sumeru after a total rejection of it is neat. Because.. Y'know. Plants? Nurturing and growing?? I am being SO real I do not think narratively cutting off a character's ability to grow would be Sumeru's jam. Sorry for this mess of a rant, I hope my thoughts got through.. and this isn't even talking about the nuances of other characters (especially Nahida!!) but I am. Tired. So tired :')
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askchuuyanakahara · 10 months
is the dazai plush ur puppy's new chew toy now
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Chuuya: "I'm gonna buy her some actual toys to play with later."
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Chuuya: "I don't think Ane-san would dogsit and my boy Akutagawa doesn't like dogs."
Chuuya: "I'm just gonna keep Yoshiko to myself for now."
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Chuuya: "Sorry, but I don't think I will. It doesn't feel right to have Yoshiko running around someone's wedding like that."
Chuuya: "I want her to relax and have fun! And setting her up with a job doesn't really sound like the best plan."
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Chuuya: "Really."
Dazai: "Seriously! Why would I want to steal your stinky mail anyway? I have no use for it."
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Chuuya: "Hey- where do you think you're going so suddenly?!"
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Chuuya: "I think you have something she wants in your pocket."
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Dazai: "Just keep your mutt away from me!"
Chuuya: "Was Dazai eating dog treats again..?"
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Chuuya: "...."
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youngpettyqueen · 1 year
I think the reason Charles never refers to Hawkeye by his name is because it’s a nickname, because he’ll call BJ, Margaret, and Klinger by their names without issue, and I could write up an entire post about Charles’ approach to names and nicknames and I might come back and do that tomorrow when it’s not so late
For now I just want to make the point that there’s a scenario in my head where Charles tried one (1) time to call Hawkeye Benjamin in casual conversation and the entire conversation ground to a halt because they both got incredibly uncomfortable about it because it sounded so WRONG and they agreed to never talk about it again
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Featured Fic Friday!
Welcome to Featured Fic Friday! A day where I, or someone who suggests one, tell you about a fanfic that I really enjoy! Spoiler's under the cut! Today's featured fic is...
A Dog in the Cat House by SoloShikigami (General Audiences, Complete)
Nightmare has lived happily with his three cats, Dust, Killer, and Horror. But one day he comes across a poor dog in need of a home, and hey, he could always use a guard dog. But will his three cats get along with the newest member of the family?
A short but cute fic, I enjoy the concept behind it! It's a little unusual to find a fic where most of the characters are animals, but the author does a good job of writing the characters regardless!
Spoilers ahead!
I think it's a really cute fic with an interesting premise, having Cross as a dog in what was previously an all cat house.
The way the author writes the characters makes it known what they think & how they feel even without any dialogue spoken between them.
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sentientsky · 9 months
On Crowley, the Starmaker, and the Disruption of Intergenerational Violence
(based on this post from @nightgoodomens) I started thinking about Crowley and the Starmaker and the way in which he's an engineer at heart. But then I started gathering screencaps and making gifs and stuff, and then I was thinking about how Crowley's doing a really good job of upsetting patterns of intergenerational trauma. (Of course I'm going to talk about childhood stuff, what did you expect from me??) CONTENT WARNING: this will involve discussions of childhood trauma and abuse (not explicit)
I'll be using they/them pronouns to refer to the Starmaker and he/him pronouns for Crowley. This is for no other reason than to help me differentiate in my own writing lol.
To preface, the Starmaker is so so important to me. You have no idea; they are my beloved, my everything, my most adored.
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I mean, look them. What a fucking cutie (i accidently/subconsciously picked up the habit of nose-scrunching because of this goofy little cosmic Bob the Builder)
They're also an engineer, a creator of worlds—someone who spins matter and existence into being.
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Their desire to create, to make things happen is carried throughout the story.
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(e.g., Crowley's rainstorm) He maintains a love for the universe and all the stars in the sky.
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So what does this have to do with intergenerational trauma? Well, as we've discussed time and time again, Crowley is deeply deeply traumatized by both the violence of Heaven and of Hell. Trauma, much like the worst fucking family heirloom ever, has the capacity to be passed down through the years. Let's get more specific. What is intergenerational trauma?
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(source) For example, my grandfather has a horrific temper and lashes out as a way to cope with his emotions. In turn, my father learned that being abusive towards one's children was acceptable, and applied it to his parenting of me.
In this case, Crowley was abandoned and actively forced into, "a million-light-year freestyle dive into a pool of boiling sulphur" by God—someone who is functionally his parent. In Hell, he was subject to torture and other forms of cruelty. Unsurprisingly, that leaves a fucking massive mark on an individual. It would be very easy for him to simply replicate the patterns that he learned in his time as the Starmaker and turn cold/callous/cruel. And yet he doesn't do this. As mentioned here, he is kind and compassionate. He sticks around through continual rejections, despite having only known abandonment. He answers questions (invites them even). At the same time, the trauma hasn't had a nonzero effect on him, of course. He's redirected the violence into compulsive caretaking and a kind of need to prove himself, among many other things (totally not speaking from experience here. no siree!! *sweating*). Let's take a closer look at this (because I want to and you're stuck with me hehe): Questions As we saw in season 1, Crowley cites asking questions as the reason for his Fall (an idea which we see reiterated in season 2):
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Instead of replicating that same violence (by belittling, rejecting, or else lashing out at those who ask questions), we see him encouraging curiosity. Not only is this evident within the Starmaker,
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but also in Crowley himself, as we see with both Muriel and Jimbriel:
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Along the same lines, as he's been subject to a great deal of unkindness (understatement of the year), it would be easy for him to carry that cruelty forward (god knows my family has taken that route before. who said that!!!). Nevertheless, he remains kind, even to those who have hurt him (which isn't to say that you need to be or even should be kind to those who abuse you. abuser apologists are not a thing in this household). Kindness even in the face of mistreatment + anger Gabriel, as Crowley has mentioned, has the capacity to smite Crowley. He has actively tried to kill the love of his life. The mere presence of Gabriel in the bookshop triggers a fight or flight response in Crowley, and this disruption represents a violation of the safety of the bookshop that he and Aziraphale had established within the past however many years (see Alex's fantastic meta post for more detail regarding the bookshop becoming an unsafe space for Crowley: x)
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ignore my cursor. just pretend its a fly. shh shhh it's beez just being a silly lil guy (gn). i'm too tired to remake this gif, so this is what we're working with lol
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(AND THEN HE OFFERS HIM A HOT CHOCOLATE?!?!?!! couldn't be me) Case Study: The Plants (shoutout to @sighed-the-snake for their post about leaf spots) Even with regards to his plants, we see a widely different side of him beginning in the second season. In the first season, we witness him using the plants as a site of displacement/projection, in which he reenacts the violence he himself was subject to.
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However, in the second season, while we don't get a lengthy view of them, episode four gives us a quick glimpse into how this approach might have altered in the four years since.
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(please keep in mind that my vision is absolute dogshit, so apologies if you look at my little circles and go "what the actual fuck is she talking about?" i TRIED, okay????) Had this been the first season, these little guys wouldn't have been permitted to exist in the state they're shown here. We could argue, oh well, it's just because Crowley's been busy/distracted with other things. And while that may be the case, we've seen him preoccupied with the end of the world in season 1, and yet still exert control over the plants.
...I have no solid conclusion for this, as I'm still sick and my brain is like a bowl of stagnant dishwater at the moment. I'm not putting forth any new ideas or anything, so I guess this is all to say, "yay for cycle breakers!".
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starvrat · 1 year
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did @eyes-eyes-eyes-eyes-eyes-eyes dtiys :3
sopping wet cat of a man
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one-bunny-a-day · 1 year
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skunkes · 4 months
mentioned before I havent felt any tangible significant benefit from meds yet which is fine bc it takes a while to kick in but one small good thing i have noticed so far is even when I get little sleep I feel less tired when I wake up
I don't feel completely incapacitated and in need of being in bed all day, fighting off the urge to nap, to recharge.
I also 1. actually get "Sleepy" now... instead of just feeling very hollowly "Tired" and like i Should be going to bed to try to sleep even though I don't feel like it, because it's about time to be doing that I guess, leading to tossing and turning for 3 hrs before finally succumbing to sleep.
and 2. I actually doze off. Instead of forcing self to try and initiate sleep...this has only ever happened during my rare Naps where im so tired that sleep puts me down by force. Never in actual night time sleep setting... im like dropping my phone and struggling to stay awake sometimes now. At night!!!
None of this is in any of the results I've seen for the medication so i dont even care if its some weird placebo somehow 😭 im jst glad its happening
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that-foul-legacy-lover · 10 months
Legacy with an s/o that has an abyss monster transformation just like Ajax does. A second moth!!!!! I'd imagine Legacy being both very surprised and very very curious to unexpectedly meet one of his kind out of the Abyss. (Do you think it would be a different colour? Different design??)
So aside from the typical interactions you also have:
Moth dates sitting in the sun together. Moth dates in the wild finding cute things to add to the hoard (bonus points if this is just around the house and it's about finding the best pillows to make a moth nest). Moth dates going night swimming with him in the warm waters of Liyue. Moth dates cuddling together at home like fluffy little moths.
Moth. Dates.
when you see Foul Legacy for the first time your eyes widen with disbelief, taking a step back, and Legacy whines sadly, thinking you're about to run away. but instead there's a crackle of energy and stars, and Legacy finds himself face-to-face with another Abyss creature, similar to him yet so different at the same time and undoubtably radiating the same comforting aura that you always have. his mouth drops open as he stares, and you shuffle slightly, wondering if this was a good idea before letting out a single, hesitant chirp
Legacy trills delightedly in response, rushing over you sweep you into his arms and nuzzle his face against your neck, the room filled with chitters and croons of joy as you snuggle for the first time
words can't describe the happiness that Legacy feels upon discovering your Abyssal form- you're like him!! you're sparkly and armored and beautiful!! his favorite thing is to cuddle with you, curling around your bodies in a fluffy moth pile and snoozing away, even better if there's a beam of sunlight for you to sleep in like a pair of big, armored cats. you have two bedrooms in your shared house- one with a large bed and furniture for when you and Childe are in your human forms, and one filled with pillows and soft blankets and shiny trinkets for when you're both in your Abyssal forms. sometimes one of you is a human and the other is Abyssal, and those moments are met with many all-encompassing hugs and careful nudges, wanting to be as gentle as possible with the other's human form <33
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