#so what matcha
twstjam · 8 months
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Lovebrush Chronicles... probably has a good plot but it's impossible to pay attention to it when you're having Twisted Wonderland withdrawal and these two motherfuckers (/affectionate) look and act like Silver
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hollowsart · 1 year
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playing with a silly concept idea
“bully maguire“ Acedia or something lol
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tartppola · 23 days
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luolii · 6 months
since its midterm/final season i wanted to talk about how sashisu would deal with it
i think gojo would be the type to be really talented when he was younger so he's used to goofing off in class and dozing off since he assumes he understands all the information, but when it's time for midterms he's staying up late making study guides and looking through quizlets to cram. he does not know how to study. at all. (he has a reels folder full of study reels but never looks at them) i still think he does very well on his exams though
getou's used to having to work for his grades i think, so he kinda understands the basics of studying and what type works for him. he's very competitive with gojo and will work to get to his level, which is why they often set up study dates. whether they actually get work done during these dates or not is irrelevant. he's totally one of those study with me pomodoro timer fiends
shoko is naturally brilliant, and is one of those students with pull allnighters before the final combining red bull with five hour energy. she definitely falls asleep during exams but somehow ends up doing well anyways, and refuses to get more sleep at night instead of having to snooze during the exam. she's the type to stockpile old textbooks on her subjects instead of using online study options, it somehow works.
after exams are over they fall into a pile on the bed and sleep for 4 days
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ehatnow · 4 months
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The most important things from this update to me because HELLO???
Also how the holy hell did Elder Faerie come back? My man died in front of like 10 people. Lets start theorizing guys
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akkivee · 5 months
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screaming crying throwing up over hypmic cake in a jar where each character has a designated flavour lol so the flavours according to the site are:
🔴: strawberry, blueberry, lemon
🔵: chocolate shortcake, cheese cream, coffee
🟡: peach, purple sweet potato, chocolate
⚪️: pumpkin, orange, pistachio
🟠: melon, pudding, mont blanc
🟣: matcha, strawberry cream, rum raisin
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s-ccaam-era-crepe · 2 months
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Made some matcha focaccia via Archie Cartwright's recipe :) pretty sure I fucked up the focaccia part but damn if it doesn’t have a great matcha flavor (my favorite !!) <33
ignoring my possibly terrible baking when it comes to bread (tastes good tho) Go listen to Fawx & Stallion by @224bbaker and support their season 2 crowdfund! wonderful podcast and such a delight to listen to <3
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ravenmoodle · 1 month
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Was supposed to go to wear this cute fit out today, but plans where CANCELED. so im making you look at it
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savage-rhi · 4 days
I'm a bit of a tea witch/tea goblin.
If you come over and I give you a regular tea bag of something, I like you. If I give you anything from my loose leaf and herbal personal stash, you're an honored guest. Now, if I give you any of the VERY limited and expensive matcha I have, you've hit one of three categories:
1. You're beyond a friend or a guest. A secret 3rd option. Dragon/unicorn status. I want you to have a wonderful experience drinking this amazing cocaine in green powder form.
2. You're going through hardship, and I'm willing to put my therapist cap on. This is your sign to lay it all out, and I'll listen without a peep nor judgment while the matcha works it's magic.
3. We're both about to spill a copius amount of tea of another ilk and need all the spititual energy we can muster for this shit cause the words we have are piping hot AF.
Bonus: if I give you a teabag that comes from the same drawer where I keep spare condoms, I'm worried about you staying safe for more reasons than one. This is mom energy coming out and saying: "sweetie, we need to have a serious talk. If the condoms weren't a strong metaphor, you're fucking up."
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ghost-proofbaby · 3 months
things i said today during my shift completely out of context that were very coffee shop blues!eddie coded:
“why don’t we just pick our least favorite ocean and destroy it instead of saving them? we have seven of them anyways.”
“i don’t know man i think the vibes of the sharks in the atlantic are off”
“the prophecy told me if i get one more lavender matcha, i get to kill myself. it’s true.”
“the guy who said ‘welcome to chili’s’ is just welcoming everyone to a different chili’s now!”
some of these are funnier with context honestly
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twstjam · 9 months
Lilia's love for Meleanor and Revan: Romantic, Platonic, or Familial?
Short answer: ALL of them. ANY of them. A secret third thing. Take your pick!!
Long answer because even though some people have explained it already I haven't felt like anyone has NOT come off as aggressive towards shippers so I thought I could help get the message across?:
So there's been some dispute in the fandom about Lilia romantically loving Meleanor and Revan because Meleanor said that Lilia loves her and Revan, but the actual kanji used by her is a lot less simple than just "love" as explained by @/ventique18 in this post. (which I suggest that you read first before this one so that you understand the true and full picture if you haven't!!)
(here's a few screenshots to sum up what she said though for the sake of this post)
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That clears it up, but there's more to this conversation I'd like to point out. As a Briar Throuple shipper I'm making this post to explain or at least shed some light on:
Why people read Meleanor's words as romantic and why they ship Lilia, Meleanor, and Revan
Now, I'm not saying that Lilia having romantic feelings for his friends is the one and only correct view (if you do think that, did you even read the rest of this post?). I'm saying that people viewing it as romantic have a very valid reason and it's not just people shipping because they like to ship when they see the word "love". People shipping Lilia, Meleanor, and Revan are not automatically disregarding any familial and platonic interpretations of their relationship. (or at least not all of them are and I am asking you to not assume.)
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Translators are free to mention it if this translation I found is incorrect BUT STILL—
Okay so, if you'll notice, in the conversation between Meleanor and Lilia, after saying that Lilia loves her, she specifically brings up the time he proposed to her 200 years ago. Right after that, she says that Lilia and Revan, her husband, spent more time together than a married couple.
There are a lot of valid arguments that are against these things being proof of Lilia having romantic attraction, like: Lilia and Meleanor were just kids playing house, Lilia and Revan spending a lot of time together is normal because they're besties, and also Lilia himself says that he was just a stupid kid which can imply that it was just an old crush and he doesn't feel the same anymore.
But look at the big picture!! Look at the words Meleanor specifically used!! The kanji used for "love" is indeed for pure, platonic, and familial love, but immediately after saying it Meleanor mentions things specific to romantic love: Proposal. Marriage.
She could have easily used a different example of Lilia's love for him. She could have easily compared Lilia's time spent with Revan with literally anything else, but she didn't!!! She mentioned a marriage proposal from when they were kids. Even if it might not be valid anymore she still mentioned it out of anything else!! And she compared Lilia and Revan to a married couple!!
The words used in this conversation, like the kanji for "love" and the specific romantically-associated words, both point to Lilia's love being either romantic or platonic/familial. The kanji says specifically pure love, but Meleanor's argument and comparison has romantic tone. It's either. It's both. Anything you want it to be. A secret third thing.
That concludes my ramble folks <3 Shippers are not disregarding platonic and familial love, please don't just assume they are. Not to mention, most of the people doing it are DIASOMNIA FANS. THE platonic/familial love enjoyers of the fandom!! Why have I seen people have such bad faith in them? Just because someone says one thing doesn't mean they don't also enjoy another thing!!
Still though, translators helping to explain the wording correctly is still very much appreciated, but it doesn't disregard romantic views nonetheless nor does shipping disregard platonic and familial ones.
Although, I do understand why some people are a bit frustrated seeing as romance IS more prevalent in media and is often wrongly seen as "higher" than other forms of love, which is a valid frustration, but it still frustrated me a bit how I've seen some people be so quick to be aggressive to shippers.
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seiwas · 2 months
my coworker is the cutest 🥺 she bought me a matcha today because it’s our last day of working together on the same thing 😭
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i-am-a-fan · 10 months
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Here’s what I think the characters from LMK would order
*Mk- Mango dragon fruit, lemonade, peach, with 2 pumps of honey (no inclusions) 7/10
*Mei- Matcha latte with 2 pumps of white mocha, dragonfruit inclusions, with strawberry cold foam
*Redson- Pink drink with two pumps of peppermint, light ice, and cinnamon caramel cold foam
*Wukong- Mango dragon fruit refresher with extra peach, light ice, blended, with vanilla, no inclusions
*Macaque- Mango dragon fruit lemonade, light peach, inclusions, and strawberry purée
Sandy- Regular Medicine ball
*Tang- Apple brown sugar iced latte, oatmilk, chai, and pumpkin spice cold foam with cinnamon on top 10/10
Pigsy- Plain nitro cold brew
*PIF- Peach Lemonade with strawberry purée on top (10/10)
DBK- Mocha latte with oatmilk (hot)
*Mo- Pup cup with cookie bits and caramel drizzle (11/10)
Yin- A mocha cookie crumble frap
Jin- A double java chip creme frap
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nokmietarchive · 11 months
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whole time i was coloring this all i could think about was how donnies shell looks like a matcha pancake :T
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I’m crazy but hear me out (and ignore the mid colors/shit lighting): Matcha Shadow and Boba Sonic
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And because I’m a shipper: Sonadow. See doodle below.
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And to make things even batshit crazier (because my brain got fucking IDEAS) they would be in a n alternate universe and their personalities would be altered to the drink they represent (Sonic would be extra sweet and peppy, Shadow would be very calm; No trauma because just wait, I’m getting there). And they would be weirdly connected to the sonic and shadow we know. Like Matcha Shadow would randomly get these memories/dreams of Maria (who doesn’t exist in his world) and “canon” Shadow’s trauma and then “canon” Sonic would randomly feel the love dovey feelings Boba Sonic has when he’s with Matcha Shadow. And it would be a whole thing that would make “canon” Sonic and Shadow get together and cause a hurt/comfort scenario for Matcha and Boba so that they get closer even though they’re already together. And they never know or are truly aware of each other but they’re grateful for the connection??? Idk man I might have a niche fic idea on my hands. Who knows tho college is hard and I am crazy and eepy.
TDLR: Matcha themed Shadow and Boba themed Sonic, I made up a possible alternate universe fic idea related to them that I ramble about above, I am insane and a sonadow shipper so Matcha and Boba would be together
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bluemiss96 · 2 years
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I reached a new level of heaven after seeing this new art
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