#so yeah feel free to blacklist that one i guess
poodlejoonas · 1 year
hey Mia! i remember some of the dad au wives being hinted that they’re kinky. Can you share who’s the kinkiest couple and what kinks they engage in?
(Under the cut for... reasons 👀)
Kirsten, Milli, Marja, and Hanna are the pegging queens of the bunch. Milli already had some experience with pegging as a bi woman so it took Joel some warming up to the idea of being pegged himself. It turns out that he prefers it when he's in the mood for a little bit of subbing (either after a long day or when he wants to feel vulnerable and open with his favorite person). Hanna also had experience, having dated mostly women before Aleksi, but she didn't need to convince him. He wanted to be vulnerable and subby in his relationship with Laila but she was so focused on his masculinity that she never let him do it. Kirsten opened up to pegging when Joonas, the curious one, suggested it. She likes the power that comes along with being the dominant one sometimes, and she gets a rush from making Joonas beg for more.
Jenna and Riina don't do pegging but they are by no means vanilla either. Olli and Riina have an exhibition kink - they went to a nude beach on their honeymoon, he gets handsy under the table when he brings her to public events, and they've banged a few times in the studio bathroom with the risk of knowing someone would hear or walk in on them. He also (consensually) gets teased with sexy pics and risqué texts whenever he's with others. Niko and Jenna were basically in a throuple with Marja before she started dating Tommi and their basically-a-polycule grew when they became a couple. No surprise, they've had a few foursomes in their day and they freely have sex with each other. Between themselves, Niko and Jenna have a breeding kink and dabble in all forms of pain play, softcore BDSM, and exhibition as well.
But the number 1 kinkiest couple are Tommi and Marja. On top of reducing the big guy to a needy pulp while being pegged, Marja has a kink for pain play and being roughhoused. She loves Tommi for his teddy bear nature and gentleness as a father and husband, but she'd much rather have him break her in half in bed (or elsewhere, she's not picky). They play around with all kinds of roleplay and she enjoys any kind of controlled rough sex that makes her feel slutty in the act but cared for afterwards. They've made a few sex tapes just for their viewing pleasure and that's how she decides which kinks she wants to keep exploring and which ones she wants to do away with. She's tiny in comparison to him, but hearing about the things they do makes everyone wonder how she hasn't been completely shattered in half yet. Marja does have an abusive past with her first child's father, so Tommi was hesitant to give her what she wanted at first and is still cautious about what he does to her. However, the vanilla stuff doesn't satisfy her and she prefers the roughness because she's making up for years of bad sex with a terrible man.
You know what they say about the quiet ones and being freaks in bed 😉😉
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chris-hartley · 4 months
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Happy Pride Month! This month I'll be partaking in the Pride Month Bingo challenge hosted by @queenofbaws, @unicornaffair, and @jadedsunshine.
(Feel free to blacklist #kenziewritespride or #pridemonthchallege2024 if you want to avoid these posts going forward!)
Today I've decided to start off with the prompt that came to me first: There Was Only One Bed! This fic is written about my Total Drama OC, Dannie, and her ex-girlfriend Lola (@horatios-mom's character)! Feel free to check out the @teadocs blog for more info on those two, but other that without further ado, my first fic for this month!
The competition was down to just a few pairs. Charlie and Chad (the married couple), Skylar and Ethan (the siblings), and Dannie and Lola (the exes). And over the span of the last round, Dannie and Lola had been all but at each other’s throats. And by the time they got back to the hotel where they’d been put up for the night, Dannie was exhausted.
All she wanted to do was curl up in her bed and go to sleep and not speak to Lola until the next morning. After all, she’d been on the receiving end of a passive aggressive comment here and there and wasn’t 100% sure what she’d done to deserve most of them.
Lola unlocked their hotel room, “I’m gonna go to the bathroom.”
“Knock yourself out,” Dannie muttered, carrying her bag into the room, but quickly her face dropped when instead of two beds, there was only one. 
The sound of the shower running came from the bathroom, and it wasn’t like Dannie was eager to invite Lola along to sort out this rooming situation. So she took a deep breath and went downstairs to the lobby, going to talk to the woman at the front desk.
“Hi, uh, there seems to be a misunderstanding. Me and my friend were supposed to have a room with two beds, but there’s only one. Can we get a different room?”
The woman clicked her tongue, “Sorry, no can do hun. It’s a busy season here. You see, the eclipse is in full totality so we’ve got loads of out of towners. Afraid there’s no more rooms to choose from.”
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me,” Dannie muttered.
“What’s the name on the booking?” The woman asked.
“Chris Mclean? I think.”
The woman typed it in and nodded, “I see. Three rooms, one bed each.”
“Chris did this? I swear next time I-” she clenched her jaw, “Thank you. I guess.”
“No problem, hun. Have a good night.”
Dannie went back up to their room, only then realizing she had forgotten her room key. She could picture it now, Lola chewing her out for yet another thing. She was definitely going to be banished to sleeping on the floor and that probably meant that she would be even more groggy for tomorrow’s filming. Fuck her.
She knocked on the door. Twice. And then it opened up to Lola standing there in a towel.
“What are you doing? I thought you were in here already?”
“Trying to figure out our room,” she admitted, “There’s only one bed.”
Lola’s face dropped, “Oh.”
“Yeah. But cause of the stupid eclipse, they can’t give us a different room cause there isn’t one.”
“And here I thought that just happened in Mads’ fanfics,�� Lola chuckled lightly under her breath.
“Can I come back in?”
Lola nodded, moving out of the way of the door and ducking back into the bathroom as Dannie walked in. She walked to her bag, unzipping and pulling out her go-to pajama shirt. It was an old Five Nights At Freddy’s t-shirt with William Afton on it. The once black fabric was a faded charcoal gray, the vibrant purple on the TV screens behind him somehow in good condition. She slipped off her shirt and unhooked her bra, letting it drop from her arms before pulling the FNAF shirt on.
“That’s a blast from the past,” Lola said, emerging from the shower to spot Dannie pulling it on.
“Do you remember? You used to wear that shirt all the time when we were dating,” she explained.
“Oh,” Dannie glanced down at it, “Yeah I did.”
“It’s seen better days,” Lola said, setting her bag down on the floor and sitting down on the edge of the bed.
That’s it, she was definitely on the floor.
Dannie took one of the pillows and blankets from the bed and laid it on the floor, and was just about to sit down when Lola piped in, “What are you doing?”
“Th- What do you mean? I’m sleeping on the floor.”
“Because… There's only one bed. I figured you would want it.”
Lola blinked at her for a second, “Oh. I guess I didn’t… realize.”
“Realize what?”
“That we wouldn’t just share it,” Lola shrugged.
Dannie scoffed, shrugging, “I figured you wouldn’t want to.”
Lola was silent for a second, as if she was trying to figure out what Dannie meant by that. Then she sighed, “Oh. Yeah. Um. I’ve been PMSing a lot lately and I guess I didn’t think about the fact I was taking it out on you. I’m sorry.”
“Yeah. But if you want to take the floor that’s fine. I just figured it wouldn’t be the first time we shared a bed. We’re both adults. We’re friends. We can survive one night in a comfortable bed.”
Dannie thought about it for a second. Lola did have a point. They were friends. Had been for years. Just cause the show had labeled them “the exes” didn’t mean they had to be enemies. And the more she thought about it, the more she felt the bed calling to her.
“Okay,” she picked up her pillow and blanket, setting it back on the bed, “Thanks.”
“Yeah,” Lola nodded, getting under the blankets and settling down.
Dannie did the same, taking a deep breath as she sunk into the bed, “Goodnight Lola.”
“Goodnight Dannie.”
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aurumacadicus · 2 years
@winterironmonth​ prompt -- NSFW Wednesday: Dialogue
Dialogue: “Wait, do that again.”
Guess my new kink is Bucky happily being an exhibitionist. 😒 That was a fun discovery. This one’s almost 3K so it’s going under a cut! Don’t forget to blacklist ‘lemon’ if you don’t want to see smut!
Tony hadn’t meant to make everyone think he was weak outside of the suit.
Okay, so, maybe he had. It wasn’t like it wasn’t true—he was the squishiest member of the team unless he was in the suit. He had training, but it hadn’t been drilled into him like any of the assassins, and he didn’t have super strength or accelerated healing. He had only ever been able to floor Steve once, and that was because Steve had fallen for Tony pointing over his shoulder and saying, ‘what’s that,’ and then body slamming him while his attention was elsewhere. He was still pretty sure it had hurt him more than it had hurt Steve, but Steve had been razzed about it by the entire team every time they worked out since, so it evened out, he figured.
So. Weakest on the team outside of the suit. Only able to build up so much muscle. Only able to work out so long before his diminished lung capacity forced him to stop. It made the rest of the team extremely protective of him. And he supposed he was grateful, except that he was also getting really tired of everyone being shocked when he finally won a practice spar.
“I promise I won’t ask where you learned something if you floor me this time,” Bucky promised as he carried Tony over to the boxing ring, as if Tony was not pounding on every part of his body he could reach and snarling like a cornered animal. “And if I do? You can have one free punch.”
“I’m punching you in the balls,” Tony barked, trying to elbow him in the back of the head, then yelped when Bucky avoided the move by simply slinging him onto the floor like he was a sack of potatoes. “Agh!”
Bucky bent over him and raised an eyebrow. “Are you ready?”
Tony scowled up at him, then decided that a punch in the balls was too good for him, instead doing that thing Natasha had taught him a few weeks ago—he swung one leg up as he twisted his body, wrapping his thighs around Bucky’s neck. Once he’d swung on top of him, he used the momentum to swing himself back off, using all his strength to fling Bucky with his legs.
Bucky went rolling across the floor without even a yelp. Tony watched him come to a stop facedown at the edge of the mat, frowning in concern. He was pretty sure he’d done the non-lethal version. He was almost certain that had been the only version Natasha had taught him, promising to work with him to kill people the next time they worked out together. But maybe he’d done it wrong? He hadn’t really gotten to practice a lot on a live body.
“Oh God,” Tony breathed, terrified, and got to his feet so he could scurry over to him, because maybe he had accidentally snapped his neck. “Bucky?!” He knelt down beside him and carefully pushed him over onto his back.
Bucky blinked up at the ceiling, looking absolutely stunned.
“Oh thank God,” Tony sighed, leaning down to wrap his arms around him. “Are you okay? Can you sit up? Or did I actually break your neck and you’re just trying to stay still until it heals?!” he asked, alarmed, and jerked back. “JARVIS, see if you can—”
“Wait,” Bucky finally said, lifting his hand to clamp it around Tony’s wrist as he reached to feel his pulse just in case. He turned his head to look at Tony, licking his lips. “Do that again.”
“What?” Tony asked, confused, even as he raised his other hand to gently put it over Bucky’s and comfort himself with the touch. “What are you talking about? Are you okay?”
Bucky stroked his thumb back and forth over his wrist gently. “Yeah, I’m fine. I can wiggle my toes and everything.”
“Stop making fun of me,” Tony hissed, scowling at him. “I thought I killed you.”
“You didn’t,” Bucky assured him, and then repeated, firmly, “Do that again.”
Tony raised his eyebrows, face smoothing into a frown. “Huh? I don’t—you know it’s coming this time, Bucky. I’m not a fucking idiot. You’re gonna throw me across the room.”
“I’m not,” Bucky assured him quickly, lips twitching up into a smile. “I promise. I just wanna check something.”
Tony raised an eyebrow at him, frown not sliding off his face. He looked Bucky up and down, as if still trying to see if he’d broken any of his bones. Finally, he dragged his gaze back up to Bucky’s face, brows furrowing together in confusion. “Why?”
Bucky lifted his hands to cup Tony’s cheeks. “Just trust me. One more time.”
“Well…” Tony narrowed his eyes at him, trying desperately to figure out why Bucky would ask him to do this. Probably to correct his form, he figured with a sigh. He leaned back on his heels, considering, then rolled his eyes, heaving another sigh for dramatic effect. “Fine. But if you throw me across the room, I’m going to be upset.”
“I’m not going to throw you across the room,” Bucky promised, sitting up. He reached out for Tony’s hands to help boost him to his feet, then got to his feet himself, brushing dust off of his sweatpants. “Did you want to go back to the middle of the mat?”
Tony raised an eyebrow at him, frowning. “You’re gonna let me throw you as far as I did the first time?”
Bucky offered him a smirk that was just this side of smug. “Guess you’ll just have to find out, won’t you?”
“…I guess,” Tony allowed slowly, staring at him, but Bucky’s expression gave away nothing. He stared a little longer for good measure, then gave a half-hearted shrug, turning to walk back to the center of the mat.
Bucky took that opportunity to signal to JARVIS that he really should warn everyone else away from the gym. It was a signal he had figured out with JARVIS after getting together with Tony, because Clint and Steve had quickly joined forces to punish him for not caring where they fucked (Tony was considered an innocent party after he fended Bucky off for ten minutes before falling prey to his puppy eyes, which… fair, he actually tried to be pretty appropriate with his housemates) and they had once actually gotten him in the garbage chute down to the dumpster before Thor had intervened, catching him around the ankle and dragging him back up into the kitchen. He didn’t particularly care if anyone caught them, but Tony had lectured him about respecting housemates enough that he was willing to give people warning. Mostly.
“You’re really not going to throw me across the room?” Tony asked one more time as he turned to face him, putting his hands on his hips. He tipped his head back to scowl up at him. “If this is a trick, I’m banning you from the workshop for a week so you can’t watch my ass when I’m bent over something.”
“That’s mean,” Bucky replied immediately, frowning. “I said I’m not going to.”
“You also said you wouldn’t go out of your way to piss Steve off,” Tony pointed out.
“It was my birthday and I wanted cake covered cake,” Bucky exclaimed, offended.
Tony rolled his eyes. “It is not Steve’s fault that he hadn’t learned that cake meant ass yet, Bucky. Not everyone wakes up out of a seventy-year coma and goes ‘gee, I wonder what the new sexual slang is these days.’”
“You’re the one always calling him a stick in the mud, I don’t understand why you’re defending him,” Bucky grumbled as he walked over to face him.
Tony raised his eyebrows at him and crossed his arms. “If Steve doesn’t want to be slutty, it’s not our place to judge him. Also it wasn’t his fault he walked in on us. I forgot I told him he could bring you the present he got you after everyone else left because he thought it should be private.”
Well, Bucky sighed, frowning. It had been emotional, having one of his family’s antique end tables gifted to him. He just wished the memory wasn’t marred by Steve carefully setting the table down and then grabbing one of Tony’s lamps to beat him with. “Fine,” he muttered, petulant. “Are you going to do it again, or what?”
Tony kept his eyebrows raised a moment longer, just to see if Bucky was going to sass him again. When he didn’t, he sighed, dropping his arms. “Okay.”
“And I won’t throw you across the room,” Bucky added.
Tony narrowed his eyes at him, trying to parse why Bucky suddenly sounded so smug. If he had any self-preservation, he’d turn around and leave. Unfortunately, instead of any of that, he had gumption and a sickening desire to prove himself, so he ignored the niggling feeling in his gut that Bucky was planning something and instead took a few running steps so he could leap up and wrap his thighs around Bucky’s neck.
He was just jerking himself to use his momentum to fling Bucky again when he felt Bucky’s hands clamping on his thighs to keep him in place, instead using Tony’s momentum to spin around in a circle on the ball of one foot. Tony got out a startled “WAGH!” before Bucky was falling onto his back, hands flying out to brace himself on the mat, so he didn’t land his full weight on Bucky’s face.
Bucky allowed him to arch his weight forward just long enough to adjust his grip on Tony’s thighs before he yanked him back down, unable to help a smug little growl that he knew did things to Tony as he shoved his face between his cheeks.
“Oh,” Tony squeaked as the realization struck him that he’d been tricked into doing it again because Bucky had found it sexy the first time.
Bucky only let go of Tony’s thighs long enough that he could reach up and rip his sweatpants open at the seam before he clamped a hand around each cheek and spread them. “Oh’s right,” he mumbled, more as an afterthought, before he tugged Tony’s full weight down on his face.
“Oh,” Tony yelped as Bucky licked one long line of heat from his balls to his tailbone, and then, “Are you fucking kidding me—”
Bucky did that growl again, and Tony couldn’t help but jerk his hips a little with a muted whimper, because damn him, it did make his insides go all hot and squirmy. He tried to push himself up one last time, just to see if he could, but Bucky used the grip on his ass to yank him back down with a muffled, sharp, ‘sit!’
“Okay,” Tony wheezed, nearly going limp as Bucky lapped over his hole in long, broad strokes of his tongue. “Okay. This is happening. This absolutely did not awaken something in me. I can definitely look Natasha in the eyes after this.”
Bucky thought it was very naïve of him to think that Natasha hadn’t taught him this on purpose specifically to give Bucky inappropriate boners in the gym, but he wasn’t going to stop eating him out to remind him that Natasha was a huge troll.
“I fucking hate you,” Tony gasped, curling his hands into fists as Bucky did some new rolling thing with his tongue. “Where did you learn that oh my God.” Bucky just hummed, hands gripping his ass tight enough he knew he was going to have bruises. Tony shuddered and rocked back against Bucky’s mouth, flushing. He’d probably feel them every time he sat down, and part of him hated that Bucky was going to be smug about it.
Luckily, the larger part of him didn’t care, and he let out a moan as Bucky yanked him down on his mouth again. He started sucking in deep breaths as he focused on trying not to come—it really wasn’t fair of Bucky to just manhandle him, rip his sweatpants open, and start eating him out and expect him not to pop like over-shaken champagne. Besides, maybe Bucky deserved to feel a little smug, especially when he—yow!—did that with his tongue.
Bucky finally let go of his ass, thumbs stroking over where the bruises would form gently, before he clamped one hand around Tony’s thigh while he reached the other around to palm his cock through the fabric of his sweatpants.
Tony threw his head back and howled, overwhelmed and still somehow desperate for more. “Bucky!”
Bucky flipped them over in one swift movement, tearing himself from between Tony’s legs like it physically hurt him to do so. “Did you bring lube?”
Tony stared up at him, aghast. Bucky expected him to think at a time like this?! “I—no?” he finally managed, rutting up against the hand Bucky was still palming him with. “We were literally coming down here to work out? And I… need the s-strength-training,” he added breathily as Bucky leaned over him and gave his cock a squeeze through the cotton.
“Doll, you’re the one who’s always saying he’s prepared for anything,” Bucky drawled, free hand sliding back between Tony’s legs so he could rub two fingers over his still-twitching hole.
“We usually wait to hit the showers to have sex!” Tony spluttered defensively, then whined, writhing beneath him. He glared up at Bucky petulantly. “Either get me off or stop talking!”
Bucky shrugged, unconcerned, and Tony yelped as he was flipped over again, propped up on his knees this time. He took in a deep breath to complain, loudly, but it was punched back out of him when Bucky leaned back in to lick over his hole again, easing the way for a finger that found his prostate with practiced ease at the same time his other hand wrapped around his cock and thumbed at the slit just so.
Tony was pretty sure he died for a minute. He couldn’t remember being turned to lay out on his back again, and his pants hadn’t been sticky before then. Bucky was smirking down at him smugly, which seemed sort of rude, considering Tony’s soul had just left his body for a moment. Tony couldn’t find the strength to kick him, though.
“You back with me, doll?” Bucky drawled, as if he had not just had his tongue up Tony’s ass.
Tony opened his mouth to tell him to go jump off a bridge, but all that came out was a dazed, cottony, “Nuh.”
“Oh jeez,” Bucky said, smirk smoothing into an amused smile. “You okay, babe?”
Tony lifted his hand and very deliberately pushed his palm against Bucky’s cheek.
“Yup, you got me, that was definitely a slap,” Bucky said. “I’ll have to remember that trick for next time, though I think part of it was the adrenaline of me falling with your ass on my face that helped you get off.” He leaned down to press a kiss to Tony’s still-slack mouth, then leaned back, smoothing a hand up and down his thigh. “You looked so stunned it didn’t work a second time.”
“Shuddup,” Tony finally managed to say. How long did it take to recover from dying? The fireworks that had been exploding in front of his eyes had been fantastic, though.
Bucky pressed another kiss to his mouth, then trailed his lips over to Tony’s ear, tugging at his earlobe with his teeth before he whispered, “Gonna have to try that in the bedroom. Naked.”
“Nuh,” Tony said again, punched out of him, at the idea. Bucky swinging him around and then just going to town on his ass? Heaven.
Bucky leaned back up to kiss him again. Then he sighed, pressing their foreheads together as he mournfully added, “I s’pose I should get you back to our room before someone walks in on us. You look a little indecent.”
“Garbage chute,” Tony managed sympathetically.
“God, I wish I didn’t know what you were talking about,” Bucky moaned, flopping down beside him in misery.
“Thor’s in Asgard,” Tony continued, and Bucky yelped and gathered him up to sprint out of the gym. That meant Thor wouldn’t be there to pull him back up out of the garbage chute if Steve and Clint managed to corner him. They hadn’t managed to get him down to the dumpster once yet, but they were trying, and he wasn’t going to tempt fate by upsetting them when Thor wasn’t present to rescue him.
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alolaluna · 2 years
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Yes, I know, I've moved Selene a LOT, but this will be the last time for quite a while (yeah yeah I said that last time too but then I had my big crash and got overwhelmed, I feel like I was a bit justified this time around), provided the blog doesn't get all glitchy or anything. But before I drop the @, a couple things. The first two bullets specifically involve Alola protagonists so if you do not have one of those muses then you can simply skim over those.
At this current time, if you are an Alola protagonist who primarily focuses on USUM, I'm going to have to ask you to refrain from following. I hold nothing against you all, I think you all have amazing and unique, beautiful portrayals of your USUM protagonists and your headcanons surrounding. This is simply because self-comparison syndrome has reared its ugly head too many times for me. This may change in the future, but for now, this is a firm boundary that I have. Multimuses are fine to follow as long as I am able to blacklist that muse's tag, and you are welcome to follow my other blogs (@spacialrznd @iridaascence @wishesofliving) if you so desire.
Protagonists who primarily focus on SM as opposed to the latter are okay to follow, but if you have an USUM verse, I ask that you please have a tag for it so that I am able to blacklist it.
If you are one of those people that posts untagged OOC negativity, do not even bother to follow me. I understand wanting to vent sometimes, especially about the Pokemon RPC given how awfully toxic it is. I get it, I really do, and I've vented about it myself quite a bit in the past. All I ask is that if you want me to follow you, then you keep it tagged or under a cut so that I am not seeing unsolicited negativity, unless it is involved in a large change to your blog. Also, if your blog is 90% OOC negativity, I will not follow you. It's pretty awful for my mental health, I simply do not want to see it all the time.
Anonymous is off because people are already very weird about female protagonists, and I feel like this will only amplify considering that Selene is now transfem and intersex on the new blog, and people tend to have.. very bioessentialist things to say about both of those groups.
If you are following for a sideblog, please tell me, one way or another. Reply to a random OOC post (I'd recommend the pinned just bc it's easier for me to track that way), shoot me a message through inbox or DMs, or literally just have it on your main blog somewhere. It's exhausting to try and play a guessing game.
DO NOT follow the blog if you are a Ghetsis or Lusamine apologist. (or if you're one of those weirdos who thinks liking and/or rping a character = condoning their actions)
With all of that being said, feel free to shoot @mahinalola a follow if you so desire!
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Imagine Sokka daring you to ask Zuko out and him actually saying yes
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"Sokka no I can’t" you cried as Sokka told you the penance of your failed bet.
You’d had a competition to see who could eat the most fire flakes and Sokka had won meaning he got to dare you to do absolutely anything... 
"A dare’s a dare y/n” Sokka smirked in reply “do you want to get blacklisted when i tell everyone you broke a promise" Sokka asked. You sighed "but Sokka...Zuko just broke up with Mai a month ago...it’s insensitive and insulting!". Sokka scoffed "pft if anything this is just was Zuko needs! Men have pretty fragile egos y/n so getting asked out by an attractive girl is always amazing for self-esteem". You frowned "but it’ll be so awkward!". "Nahhhh Zuko won’t tell anyone he said no, he’s thoughtful like that! And if it does become awkward then you can tell him it was a dare...after 2 weeks have passed". You sighed "you're really going to make me do this aren’t you?". Sokka grinned "what do you think?".
So you and Sokka made your way through the palace to Zuko’s study. Suki was on guard with Ty lee and Sokka smirked as you groaned at the small audience "Sokka i can’t!". "Y/n when i lost a bet and you dared me to put two fish hooks through my thumb again did i say i can’t do it?". "No....". "I had two fish hooks in my thumb y/n" Sokka said and you smirked at the memory "hah yeah....but this is different". "No it’s not, do it or i’ll never speak to you again!". Sokka turned away from you and you sighed grabbing him "fine fine! Just don’t tell Suki or Ty lee okay?". Sokka nodded and you made your way closer. "Hey guys what's going on?" Suki asked and Sokka smiled "ow nothing y/n just has urgent business with Zuko". You glared but nodded "i need to talk to him, do you know if he’s free?". Suki nodded her head "yeah he should be, he’s just looking over his itinerary for tomorrow". "Off you go y/n" Sokka grinned and you glared before walking to the door. You knocked lightly and heard Zuko call come in. You opened the door quickly and stepped inside. Zuko was sat at the other end of the room buried in papers on a large desk. He didn’t look up when you entered and obviously assumed you were Suki or someone. "What is...y/n?" he asked looking and you nodded. "Hi" you said awkwardly. You were aware you were stood pressed up against the door and tried to look a little more relaxed so took a step forwards "i need to talk to you about something but if this is a bad time...". "No it’s fine" Zuko said standing up "please take a seat” he said gesturing to the chair in front of his desk. You walked across the room your heart hammering in your chest and sat down. You were breathing heavily and tapped your fingers against the armrest nervously. Unsurprisingly Zuko noticed "y/n are you okay? Whatever is wrong i promise i’ll do everything i can to help". You laughed awkwardly "you should probably wait to hear what i’m asking you before you promise that". Zuko paused "okay, so ask me". You took a deep breath and stared at the floor "i was just...well i wondering if you...and you can say no of course...if you would like to maybe do something together sometime?". Zuko blinked "what? Are you asking me out on a date?". You nodded your head cheeks red "yes". Zuko sat back in his chair "wow i did not expect that...i had no idea you liked me at all". Sokka had told you you had to make it convincing or you weren’t playing up to your part of the deal. So you glanced at Zuko and thought about what you did like about the firelord. “I’m good at hiding things i guess but i mean...a lot of people like you and it makes sense". "It does?" Zuko asked and you nodded "of course, for one you're very impressive. Firelord and a talented fire bender. Not to mention you’re attractive and have nice hair...plus you’re smart and very kind. It’s actually one of the first things i noticed, how nice you were. I guess that’s the thing i like most about you, most fire nation people are guarded or cold but you’re down to earth and normal” you smiled before realising you’d gotten off-topic. You coughed nervously “so erm...yeah that's why i asked you out". Zuko stared at you in shock and you looked back down at the floor. "But i get you only just broke up with Mai...Sokka said one month was long enough but i wasn’t sure... but anyway if it’s not enough time or you just don’t want to go out with me that’s fine, I understand". Time stretched on and wanting nothing more to get out of the room your looked up "Zuko?". He blinked and looked at you "yes". "What are you thinking?" you asked and Zuko’s face softened in amusement. He smiled at you his whole face brightening and spoke softly “i just told you, my answer is yes, I’d love to go on a date with you".
You stumbled out of Zuko’s office and stood frozen in place. What had just happened? Sokka spotted you and yelled your name "y/n! There she is!". You walked towards him still staring at the ground dazed and Ty lee frowned "y/n are you okay?". "She’s fine" Sokka said throwing an arm around you "now excuse us ladies but we’ve got plans" and Sokka led you away. He chatted happily about how great his prank had been and how funny it was. "I mean i’d have paid to see Zuko’s face! I bet he was so shocked....y/n why aren’t you saying anything, you did ask him didn’t you?”. You nodded your head "i did". "And did he react surprised?". "Very" you agreed and Sokka laughed "i knew it! Aww well no matter you’ve boosted Zuko’s ego after his break up so that’s good. Do we have to leave the fire nation now though so it’s not totally awkward between you and Zuko?". "I can't leave the fire nation" you said suddenly and Sokka paused "what why?". "Because i’ve got a date with the firelord this weekend".
"WHAT" Sokka cried. "I have a date with the firelord this weekend" you repeated and Sokka’s jaw dropped. "He said yes?". You nodded your head "yes...he said 1 month was long enough and he’s ready to move on from Mai". "Wowwwwww i did not expect this" Sokka blinked. "You didn’t expect it!" you yelled "Sokka i thought i’d be humiliated and then it’d be done, now i have this amazing guy taking me out on a date". Sokka paused "wait so how is that bad?". You frowned "because i lied to Zuko! This was all a dare and if Zuko ever finds out he’ll hate me!". Sokka grabbed your shoulders "hey don’t worry he won’t find out! We're the only two who know and i’ll never tell him". “But Sokka” you whined and Sokka rolled his eyes "okay honesty time! So i told you to ask Zuko out because the two of you have had hopeless crushes on each other since he first joined the group". Your jaw dropped and you stared at Sokka "i have not!". Sokka rolled his eyes again "y/n at the western air temple you were so obvious, the two of you would always end up near each other...you volunteered to show him to his room, you disappeared with him for 2 days on that adventure...". "Hey you had a field trip with Zuko too!". "But after yours" Sokka cried "you started it with him". You blushed and looked away "i’ll admit i’ve always found Zuko attractive but i...i never planned on dating him". "Well lucky for you i intervened". You shook your head but smiled "you said we both did..so you think Zuko likes me too?". "Well if the fact he said yes to your date isn’t enough proof...then YES! You must’ve noticed how awkward he gets around you". You paused “I...I’m usually wondering how awkward I’m coming across to him so don’t notice”. Sokka shook his head “and you didn’t think you liked him, y/n you’re hopeless”. You glared “watch it i’m still angry with you, you’ve got to help me not mess this up! You know I can’t be left to my own devices”. Sokka nodded “okay fine I’ll save the day again! We’ll go over where he’ll take you, what you can talk about, how you deal with him being royalty, the whole package!”. You grinned starting to feel relaxed “thanks Sokka”. “Well not everything mind you” Sokka smirked “I’ll leave the end of the night kiss for Zuko to demonstrate”. Your cheeks went bright red and Sokka burst out laughing. You reached to throttle him but he danced away from you and headed to the door “no fighting lover girl, training for your date begins tomorrow so get some rest and try not to dream about a certain fire lord too much okay?”. You threw a cushion at the door which Sokka just closed in time and shook your head at the situation you’d gotten yourself into. A date with Zuko who just so happened to be an insanely hot powerful world leader...Sokka had picked a really good dare. 
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btsslowburnfic · 3 years
The Arrangement Ch. 41(b)
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Story summary: Desperately in need of money, you answered the questionable ad. AKA-Arranged marriage AU featuring Y/N and Yoongi 
Chapter Summary: A little domesticity before the Big Party
 AN: Y’all. I took on a crazy 50 hour a week job. It’s a short term contract that lasts through January so I will be posting more sporadically. It is for a really good cause and the money was very good. Wahhhhh ;-; 
Previous chapter here
You were on bitch duty today. Such a great friend. You sighed. You picked up another stack of boxes and carried it into the back of the venue.  “You owe me a drink. And not like free drinks from the event tomorrow. Actual drinks. From a fancy place.” You said as you sat the pile down and began to unpack their contents.
“I know I know. Believe me, after we’ve recovered from this weekend I’m going to want a nice drink as well.” Jimin said, wiping the sweat from his brow.  “Do you have your outfit ready?”
You beamed, “Yeah, Jhope designed a dress for me. I love it.” 
“Whattt!? You’ll be rocking couture tomorrow? And here today you’re sweating with the peasants.” He teased.
“Oh please. I am a peasant. I’m just borrowing that Cinderella life for tomorrow night. Where does this go?” You held up a medium sized painting that had been donated by Lee Bul.
“Over there against the wall. Drape something over it. And does your Cinderella experience include Yoongi as Prince Charming?” He asked, raising his eyebrows.
You blushed, “Leave me alone.”
Jimin doubled over in laughter. “You are so in like. It’s cute. Ice Prince Yoongi and YN.”
“You’re lucky everything around me is irreplaceable and expensive or I’d throw something at you right now!” You shouted and walked back towards the outside to get another load of boxes. 
You were glad you were busy, less of a chance of you getting nervous about tomorrow. 
“Since when are you Team Yoongi? Aren’t you two like sworn enemies or something?”
Jimin pursed his lips, “No. WE have a common interest: YOU. Namjoon and Yoongi are sworn enemies. Keep your office K-Drama Straight. Yoongi has been nothing but pleasant to me these past few weeks.”
“I guess that’s true,” You took out more vases and paintings from the crates. “Who all shows up to these things? Why are we allowed to even touch this stuff?”
“Actors, Government Officials, Idols, Sports stars. Lots of rich people. It’s a charity event. It makes them look good if they bid a lot on something and they always end up spending big on the 50/50. Even if you only put in a few dollars, some rich guy might put in a few hundred because it’s all the same to him. One of the caterers won it a few years ago.”
“Oh really? That’s fun!” 
“Yeah. Well. I’ll be up Namjoon’s ass all night tomorrow so don’t expect me to be having a good time.” Jimin Took the certificates out of his file folder and inspected them, making sure they had been appropriately filed. “Although. I do enjoy watching the bachelor auction.”
“Bachelor Auction?” You asked. This was the first time you had heard about it. 
“Yeah. I participated last year. JK and Tae are doing it this year. There’s a rumor Jin is participating this year just to fuck with his ex. Some of the other male models are as well.”
“And what? The people win you? A date with them orrrr….?” You raised your eyebrows up and down suggestively.
 “Yeah. The lady that I guess ‘won me’ last year was older, she asked if she could bring some of her girlfriends. I didn’t care. We just went out to brunch together. They said I was so beautiful just looking at me and being near me made them feel thirty years younger or something like that. It’s usually stuff like that. I’ve only heard a few stories of people being a little creepy.” Jimin sat down on a chair, and took his phone out. “There’s incentive not to be a weirdo because the agency has all of your information and if a bachelor complains you get blacklisted from the auction. But…” He paused for dramatic effect. “It’s not just the Auction right? I’m sure you know Big Hit can ruin people’s lives if they want to.”
You felt a shiver go through your body. Yeah, the whole wife for hire had seemed pretty shady and weird, and you had heard people allude to the fact that they weren’t necessarily free to leave, but you wondered just how much more there was that you didn’t know. But. Fuck it. You were getting paid a lot to not care. And, your job was great: hang out with Yoongi and your new friends and do some work. 
“Alright, I have to go back to my real job now.” You stretched. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Suffering. Alone. In Namjoon’s ass.”
Jimin pouted, “Whatever. Thanks brat, I hope you have a great time. We’ll at least have to grab one picture together.”
“Yeah, yeah, see you tomorrow.” You grabbed your coat off the floor. Yes, the floor. You scolded yourself. What kind of adult were you? The BigHit Office was walkable. A bus would be better considering the temperature, but you didn’t feel like waiting. You started heading back that way.   You didn’t mind the cold. Yeah, you could use a few more warm weather items, but as long as you kept moving, you were good to go. You passed several restaurants and store fronts on your way. You wondered if Yoongi had a good winter hat. Pausing in front of one of the stores, you decided to make sure he did. 
You had the couch pulled up in front of the fire, eagerly awaiting Yoongi’s return to give him a gift. He had been consistently coming up from the studio around 8. You heard the door lock click and you resisted the urge to run over and show him. You had realized earlier today, while shopping, that Yoongi had bought you so many things: Sheets, towels, pillows. He had asked Hobi to get you clothes, and he had him design that necklace. Your hand reached up and touched it. 
You nonchalantly looked across the room towards the entryway. Yoongi was dressed in black trackpants and a black tshirt today.  So casual. You hadn’t seen him today really; you were out helping Jimin and then he wasn’t in the studio when you returned. 
“Hey,” You kept your excitement tamped down.
Yoongi grunted slightly, indicating he had heard you. 
“Ramen for dinner?” You asked
The same grunt responded.
“Long hard day?” 
Another grunt, but at this point you were pretty sure he was just being silly. 
“Put the kettle on?”
He shook the hair out of his face. “Sure. What flavor?”
“SPICY.”  You got up from the couch, your gift in hand. 
“How was the auction set up?” He asked, pouring a liter of water into the kettle.
“There’s so much expensive stuff. I can’t believe people donate it and then I can’t believe rich people buy it.”
“Yeah. It’s kind of disgusting.”
You leaned over the counter, sitting your bag on a barstool. “It’s for charity though.”
“Yeah, this one night. What do they do with their money the rest of the time? They could be donating straight to the hospitals but they don’t.” He hit the start button. “They do it so they get credit in the media.”
You pursed your lips. “I guess that makes sense.” You paused, wondering if you should continue. “Do you donate your money to charity?”
Yoongi shifted uncomfortably. “I don’t make that much money compared to most of the people who are going tomorrow night. BigHit takes a large percentage of what I make. But yes. I do.”
“Oh? What kinds of charities?”
“You’re so nosy.” He said, but you could tell he was teasing. “I donate to a few music programs and also a children’s hospital in Daegu.”
“Awww you’re so cute.”
“Stop.” He scrunched up his face. 
“So cute. I think it’s sweet that you donate and don’t seek any credit for it.”
Yoongi blushed slightly, “Whatever. Did you see anything you want for tomorrow?”
“Me? Hah. Yeah right. I’m poor. Also everything was so fancy. I,” you emphasized. ”am not fancy.”
Yoongi shrugged. “The apartment could use a painting or something so you better find something. Like you said, the money might as well go towards charity.” He started opening up the noodle packets. 
“Ok, We can look. Hey. I got you something today.”
Yoongi turned and looked surprised. “For me? Why?”
“Because I was out and thinking of you. Do I need a reason to get something for my boss who I also live with and sleep in bed with?” You teased. 
Yoongi bit his lip, looking over at the noodles.
“Anyways. Here,” you handed him the bag.  He took it from you and pulled out the gift. It was a warm grey beanie. “I know it’s nothing special or fancy but I thought you might like it because you’re always cold. You could even wear it around here.”
Yoongi remained quiet, turning the hat over in his hands. When was the last time someone had got him something? No one celebrated his birthday really. He had gone drinking with JHope one time. He didn’t go home for Chuseok. “Thanks,” he said quietly. 
“Sorry. I know it's not like ‘designer’ or anything, but it IS warm. I tested it.”
Yoongi forced himself to look up at you, a slight blush dusting across his cheeks. “I love it. Thank you.” He pulled the hat wide open and put it on his head. It made him look like a baby version of himself.
“Oh my God. So cute.” You said, unable to contain it.
“You’re lucky I really like this hat or I’d throw it off on principle.” Yoongi admonished while scrunching up his face.
“Yeah yeah. Ok. But seriously.” You took out a photo and snapped a picture before he could protest.
“Hey! What the hell?” He tried to cover his face up a few seconds too late.
You laughed loudly, “What? Why shouldn’t I have a picture of you wearing the gift I got you?”  You smiled as you looked at the photo. Feeling quite satisfied, you started to put your phone back in your pocket. You looked over at Yoongi who had grown quiet. Frowning, you asked, “What’s wrong? Are you really mad about it?
Yoongi cleared his throat, “No. But I guess then it’s only fair if I get to take a picture of you.”
“Oh? And why is that?” You countered, hands resting on the countertop.
Yoongi took a step closer to you, “Because you’re wearing the necklace I gave you.” He tentatively reached out, his fingers brushing up against your collarbone as he lifted it up lightly to inspect it. 
“Oh,” You managed, feeling your own cheeks beginning to blush. “Ok then. Let’s get one with both of us.” You pulled your phone out and turned around, posing in front of Yoongi to take a selfie of the two of you. You saw the two of your faces on the screen and started to press the button.
“No. No. No. The background looks terrible. We have to move over here.” Yoongi said moving away from you. “Give me your phone.” 
You acquiesced and watched as he carefully judged the lighting and framing of the kitchen. “Alright. Here.” He settled in front of some of the cabinets, “This is perfect.”
“Oh my God, who knew you were such a perfectionist.” You teased as you went back to stand in front of him. “Ok, are you taking it?”
“Yeah, my arms are longer; it will reduce the barrel distortion.” He responded quickly.
You giggled. “Such a professional.”
“Ok, one two three,” Yoongi said as he started to take photos. He took three in quick succession. “Surely one of these works. Hold on, I’m sending these to myself.” He swiped quickly around your phone before handing it back to you. You had barely even seen the photos and opened them up while Yoongi returned to cooking the food. You smiled quietly to yourself as you looked at the picture. The first photo of the two of you together. @lidda  @anpanman-sonyeondan   @firefairy1  @cuteipat  @sugaslittlekookies  @janeelizabeth1216 @deeepvibes @gxldenhunny @livelyjay @bobbyboops @honeysunandsoil @deathkat657 @niniita-ah @min-yus @or-worse-expelled7 @black-rose-29 @storms-and-stars-blog  @fanficcollectivebby @jinsearthh @someonekeepstakingmyusernames @neverthefirstchoice @itz-ally  @yeontan4prez  @namjooningelsewhere​ @itsallabouthedetails @theatren3rd  @sevenpersona @missmadwoman  @friendlywraith @ purest-expressionofgrief @ findthevoices
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Avengers x teen!reader
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Thin ice.
That’s what Secretary Ross had said to you the last time you spoke. You’re on thin ice, kid.
Why did he choose to threaten you like that? Because you were iffy on the Accords. That was all it took. He was threatening your position as an Avenger, one you had fought so hard to secure. And there were still hurdles you hadn’t quite hopped yet, being the youngest on the team and all. A “kid” to them.
One strike and you were out, they warned you some years ago, but did you listen?
No, that’s why you were standing in an evacuated airport with Steve and the sensible half of the gang. Guard up, morale down...but you suppose that your expectations were the same.
“Y/N, you really need to rethink this one before it’s too late.” Tony had warned you, but you were so goddamned sick of being warned. You knew exactly what you were doing and you were not going to be stopped, it was time for them to stop pretending like you needed constant guidance.
“Do I, Tony?” You crossed your arms and tapped your foot on the pavement, just on the verge of snapping. “Have some faith in me, why don’t you? Who’s got a better track record of thinking things through: me or you?”
“Seriously, kid, you’re putting everything in jeopardy.” He sounded serious, that was new. “If you get stuck on the wrong side of this, it’s no more avenging for you.”
“Is that a threat?” You raised your eyebrows as Steve glanced at you, making sure that you weren’t having second thoughts. Yeah, right.
“That’s a promise.” Tony honestly looked a little scared. He should be. “Do you remember how hard it was to get you on the team? You were a child—still are, might I add! They said you didn’t belong out here, we said you did. I’m beginning to regret that now.”
“You’re saying they’re gonna demote me?” Could he tell you were stalling? Oof, guess you’ll know soon enough.
“Demote you?” Tony repeated back. “I wish that were it, y/n. You’re gonna get canned, blacklisted. They’re gonna make your life a living hell. You really want to give it all up now? You’ve come so far, don’t throw it all away over Steve’s sentiment.” You’d heard enough of that, now it was time to lose your cool.
“This isn’t all about helping Steve,” you told him while raising your fists, ready to cause some chaos, “I’m sick of taking the fall for you.” Tony rolled his eyes and finally called for backup.
“Underoos!” A blur of red flew in front of you and Steve, disarming your counterpart before the kid rambled an introduction that sounded a bit...off.
“Are you kidding me, Tony? You give me shit for being a kid and then recruit a twelve year old?” You groaned and watched the kid’s masked eyes get wide. “Don’t correct me, bugboy, I don’t care.”
“Yeah, well, he’s on my side so I’m cutting him some slack.” Tony justified his reasoning as you waited just a few more seconds for Scott to get into position.
“That’s enough, are we ready yet? This is starting to get boring.” And then all hell broke loose as Steve got free of webs, Scott threw the first punch, and the rest of your teams took off. That was your chance to strike Tony with a bolt of lightning in an attempt to shut down his suit, but he always had contingencies.
“Nice one, y/n, but I installed a surge protector after the last time!” Tony blasted at you with his repulsors set to stun, only missing you by a hair.
“Oh, yeah? You get one for Rhodes, too?” You asked, switching your aim to the War Machine armor and overloading it until it shut down.
“Seriously, Tony? You didn’t think to upgrade mine, too?” Rhodey groaned while rushing to reboot.
“Get over it!” Tony bickered as you ran by, booking it for the Quinjet. “Vision, don’t let y/n get away!” And then the android was flying towards you.
“I can’t let you go any further, y/n.” He informed, blocking your path and giving you a moment to catch your breath. “It’s not too late to change sides. You could help us all stay together. After all, that’s what we all want.” You took a glimpse behind you at all of your feuding loved ones who were beating each other senseless and although you hated to see it, you would not be backing down so easily.
“I’m not risking innocent lives to stay roommates.” You gave him a quick jolt that’d incapacitate him just long enough for you to escape his grasp, but it wasn’t long before the team called upon you for help.
“Y/N, I need backup!” Steve called over the comms.
“On my way, Cap!” You doubled back and met up with the rest of your team, knowing that this battle had only begun. You looked down the line of allies you had and looked across to allies you’d lost, knowing that this day would change your life forever.
“You guys ready?” You sighed, charging up your fists and deciding on a target.
“Ready for what?” Scott asked as the two lines of super-people began to converge. “Oh, that.” You all picked up the pace and you decided to take the fight to the kid since he’d been causing enough trouble.
“Woah! What was that for?!” He yelped when you gave him a little shock and rubbed is arm. “Am I gonna have a heart attack?”
“You’ll be fine,” you scoffed, still ready to strike again if need be, “and it’s just business, kid. Tony should have known better than to get you involved.”
“Well, Mr. Stark made me this really cool suit, so I’m not complaining.” He shrugged before shooting a web from each wrist, but he’d regret it just as quickly as he acted since you accidentally sent two charges back up the web, sending him flying back.
“Oops...” You covered your mouth and watched to make sure he got back up, or maybe you did give him a heart attack. No, he was getting back up. “Are you good?” You called over.
“Yeah, I’m good!” He gave you a thumbs up and crouched over to catch his breath.
“Just walk it off, kid!” You reused some old advice and were suddenly called on by the person who gave it.
“Y/N, it’s now or never!” You swiveled your head to see Steve and Bucky make a break for it and decided that it was time for you to do the same, so you ran straight past the kid and tried to keep up with the two super soldiers. Thankfully, Wanda gave you a boost so you didn’t get left behind. After Natasha let you past, you and just two of your teammates made it out of there. At least some of you did.
You stood your ground against Tony as he lit up his repulsors, trying to get a clear shot of Bucky or Steve.
“Y/N, you haven’t thought this through at all!” Tony argued with you, trying to get you to see it from his poing of view. “I promise you it’s not too late to turn this all around. I’ll tell Ross you were my double agent or something, anything to keep you from getting thrown in the Raft!” You glanced back at Steve, who was buying into Tony’s rant more than you were.
“He’s right, y/n.” Steve lowered his shoulders some. “I can’t drag you down any more, you can’t come back from this.” You gulped, feeling as something were stuck in your throat. You didn’t think that this battle would lead you here.
“After everything I did to help you, you want to leave me with him?” You asked with tears beginning to brim in your eyelids.
“I don’t want to abandon you, that’s the last thing I’d want to do.” Steve explained. “But I know that Tony’s telling the truth, he won’t let them hurt you. If you get caught with us, they’ll know you’re guilty and you might never come back from it. I can’t let you give it all up for us.” You looked back to Tony, who agreed with Steve for once.
“I’ll make it go away. And I won’t hold it against you, okay? You made me proud, even if you were a pain in the ass.” His hand was still aimed towards Bucky, but you’d yet to budge. This was a big decision you’d have to make. Switching sides just for a bailout? And then Tony’s aim switched to the opposite side of you, just before you felt a hand rest on your shoulder.
“You’d be doing me a favor by keeping yourself in Ross’s good graces, how about that?” Steve tried to reason. “I need you to stay safe, you won’t be safe with us.” You bit down on your tongue and took a deep breath, realizing that you’d have to take the easy way out of this one. You lowered your guard and gave everyone in the vicinity a moment of peace of mind.
“You two are both impossible.” You hung your head and relaxed your tense muscles, knowing that this was no longer your fight.
“Glad you finally realize that, no go wait in the Quinjet.” Tony instructed, patiently waiting for you to leave the blast zone before the three of them got to work. It was about to get much more messy than it did at the airport, they’d rather you miss this part. And even if it broke your heart, they had to do what was best for you. Apparently, it was never too late to start.
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedficrecs // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisqueer // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @spideyandtheboys // @ghost-bich // @wonderful-writer // @of-a-chaotic-mind // @groovyfluxie // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @lxncelot // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @blizzardbabe // @agentshortstacc //
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jaskiersvalley · 3 years
Your safari au. Please. I need it. Water my crops with tigers and hyenas and witchers. Grabby hands and pleading faces in abundance here.
You are after my heart, Nonnie. And considering I've only talked about the Safari AU on Novigrad, I will happily assume you're lurking on there and I love you for it. Tweaked a little to add in a hyena just for you.
Lions and Tigers and Bears
Taking over a park was no easy feat, especially not when it came with a reputation like Nilfgaard had. Eskel scratched his head as he poured over the various financial reports, wondering just how much of it could be trusted. The problem was Nilfgaard had been a shining beacon in the animal conservation world, exceptional facilities, high enrichment for the animals and a successful rehabilitation rate. If there was ever an animal in need of a place, Nilfgaard had been first choice for years. All that came tumbling down in light of the revelation that Nilfgaard had been trading illegally, their animals sold to private owners as exotic pets or, even worse, hunters who wanted a guaranteed, easy kill. The place had been shut down immediately, a skeleton crew kept on to tend to the animals but nothing more. Management was on trial and Kaer Morhen had won the bid to take over. Though small and mostly unknown, nobody else had wanted to touch the remnants of Nilfgaard so they were quite uncontested in their bid. What had seemed like a good idea at the time, an noble because it was in the interest of the animals, now was an absolute headache.
Between the three of them, Geralt, Eskel and Lambert could split most of the urgent work. They had Jaskier working on rebranding, Yennefer managing the board and Vesemir as the head. It left them free to run the day to day of the park, learning the animals as well as the people who they had kept on. But they were going to need more people to actually help the place flourish and regain its standing in the community. Which meant asking the heads of departments for who should be kept on and what roles to recruit for from scratch. The easy ones were things like hospitality, Zoltan had a firm grip on the needs of the park and its visitors, knew all the catering firms and how to run a tight ship. So it was one less headache for them. Eredin had stepped up as Head of Security readily once it was proven he had no knowledge of the animal smuggling. Again, his familiarity with the park was a boon, as were his connections, putting together a security team that could be trusted. Much more messy was the animal welfare section. Fringilla, much like Eredin, had stepped up to become interim Head Zookeeper and was doing her best. While they were understaffed, Geralt, Eskel and Lambert helped out where they could but much of their time was spent getting to know the routine of the park and its many animals.
"We need to know who we can trust," Lambert grumbled, leaning over the table where they had personnel files open. "It's impossible to know who was in on things and who wasn't."
Though, in all likelihood, none of the lower level workers knew that when they helped usher one of their beloved animals into a crate, they weren't sending them off to another facility or a happily ever after. But it was something they just couldn't risk.
"May I?" Fringilla asked, eyes roving over all the files. At Geralt's gesture, she began pulling some of them out. "You'll want Triss, she was a vet here, promote her to senior or chief or whatever you call it. She's solid. And Sabrina, she's great, works well with Triss. Retain Istredd, Mousesack, Calanthe and Eist too. oh, and Letho for the reptile house." As she spoke, she kept looking with a small frown.
"Missing someone?" Eskel asked. Nodding, Fringilla frowned. Without much care for manners, she walked to the cupboards and began pulling out files until she hit the folder of resignations and terminations. From there, she pulled out one last file.
"You'll want him."
The folder was taken from her and the three peered at it with varying levels of frowns.
"You want us to hire someone who was terminated for gross misconduct? Whose notes suggest he abused animals and has blacklisted from working with animals?"
"No. I want you to meet the whistle-blower. Cahir's the one who found out about the trafficking and reported it. Nilfgaard didn't take kindly to it and retaliated."
Not sold on the idea, Lambert crossed his arms over his chest. "His file doesn't look exceptional. Personally, if he applied for a job, I'm not sure he shines enough to even be called in for an interview."
It was a sentiment echoed by the other two and Fringilla had to fight to hold back a sneer. "Invite him in and judge for yourselves. Just because his record doesn't have a quantifiable or gradable measure of commitment doesn't mean he won't be fantastic. If we ever have a new animal in that doesn't need to stay hospitalised, I wouldn't want anyone but Cahir to help settle it in. Especially the younger ones and babies."
Against their better judgement, the three decided to follow Fringilla's advice and e-mailed Cahir an interview offer. The reply was terse but assured them that he would be there at the agreed time.
First impressions were, to put gently, not great. Cahir looked rumpled, bags under his eyes and his attitude was rather sullen. It didn't bode well as they sat in the office, Cahir an odd mix of defiant and subservient. At least Fringilla had the grace to push the interview forward as much as she could until even she sighed and leaned back.
"Why don't we walk through some of the enclosures? Make sure you still remember what's where."
As they walked, Eskel ended up next to Cahir, who seemed content to not talk. That didn't stop Eskel from trying to initiate conversation.
"So, what have you been doing in the three months since you left here?"
"Tried to survive."
The blunt answer had Eskel blinking, there were many things he expected but not that. "Oh?"
For the first time Cahir actually looked at him, sadness bleeding through his half glare. "I used to live on site, worked for Nilfgaard from the age of 15, took a full time post at 18 and moved into the small cottage in the southern corner of the land. They fired me, I lost everything."
An uncomfortable silence settled between them as Eskel tried to figure out just how much of Cahir's so story was an exaggeration. "Have you been living with friends then?"
"For a few weeks, yeah." Cahir actually scoffed. "I've been trying to get a job and living in a hostel off savings. Turns out, only having in-house qualifications does not bode well for prospects in the world at large."
Fringilla led them into an enclosure where the grass was high. From the looks and smells, Eskel would have guessed it was a tiger's habitat but he wasn't familiar enough with the park yet to know. He would have hesitated going in, especially in a group like they were but Eskel had to trust Fringilla as she came to a stop and they stood in a loose circle.
The house Cahir had mentioned was one Eskel was familiar with. They had often wondered why it was empty yet well kept. It had felt like a life interrupted when they had a look round, nothing personal there yet it didn't have the empty, unlived-in feel of a show home. In a way, Eskel was regretting just how poorly Cahir's interview was going because he could easily see them offering his house back as part of a contract.
"So why are we here?" Lambert's words broke Eskel's reverie. "I thought we wanted to go on a walk."
It was by pure chance that Eskel caught Fringilla's smirk at Cahir and the slightest softening of that stern expression in return. Clicking his tongue, Cahir shot Lambert a look. "Tell me, have you ever been stalked by a tiger before?"
"You sure about that?" Cahir clicked his tongue twice and the world burst into motion. From the long grass a tiger pounced and Eskel was not ashamed to admit he let out a surprised yell. He wasn't the only one though, Lambert gasping, hand at his mouth and shoulders up as the tiger took Cahir out. They went tumbling and only Geralt looked like he might lurch into action, taking half a step towards the animal and Cahir. It would have been hopeless though, the two were wrestling on the ground until Cahir was on his back, tiger hunched above him.
The first thing Eskel noticed was how Cahir's face was creased into a happy grin. He looked younger, relaxed and happy ever as the tiger licked a large stripe from jaw, up his chin to his hairline. All Cahir did was laugh.
"Yes, yes, I missed you too, Princess," he said. fingers loosened from the fur in the tiger's neck and petted along her nose with the ease of familiarity.
"What the actual fuck?!" Lambert all but screeched. "What the fuckity fucking fuck?"
Eskel had the sense to look to Fringilla for answers, even if he wanted to watch Cahir with the tiger. The change in the man wasn't something he could have predicted. Gone was the sullen, defensive and standoffish air, replaced by an easy smile and a look of serene happiness as Cahir looked at the tiger, checking her over out of habit, muttering about dirty ears and mucky paws as he went.
"That is what you won't ever learn from a CV and qualifications," Fringilla said. She was absolutely looking smug. "Princess came to us at 9 months old, from a circus. Had terrible separation anxiety and a host of other issues too. She wasn't doing well despite our best efforts. At least, not until Cahir took her home and cared for her during the nights rather than leave her in a hospital cage. He introduced her to independence, slept out in the open with her for a few weeks when she was ready to transition to outdoors." Much more quietly, she added, "She's not the only animal he'd done that for. To find out some of his beloved children have been sold hit him hard. I don't think I'd ever seen him cry before then."
Turning back, Eskel watched as Cahir was sat on the ground, tiger with her back to him. The slightly strained "oh no you don't" from Cahir was lost as the tiger pushed up onto her hind legs and flopped backwards. Had she been smaller, Cahir would have probably caught her like a baby. As it was, he grunted as the weight crashed across his legs and he had a happily chuffing tiger's belly to tickle.
"I assume you'd vouch for him?" Geralt asked.
"In a heartbeat." Fringilla grinned at Cahir but it was lost on him, so focused on Princess as he was. The others might as well have stopped existing. That was the moment Eskel knew his heart was in danger. It didn't get easier as time went on. Hiring Cahir was proving to be a good decision. He just got on with the work, never finding anything distasteful or below him to do. If it needed doing, he got it done.
Over time he opened up too, Eskel found himself wandering down to the southern corner of the park to the little house that was now full of life. He got used to Cahir usually having a baby or two in his care. Sometimes he babysat for Letho's hatchlings, content to have baby snakes trying to look around his arms as they learned how to cope with being handled. The friendship between the two was one Eskel couldn't claim to understand but they seemed to make it work.
"Knock knock," he announced himself by the open back door.
"Come on in," Cahir called as he wandered out of the kitchen. "I'm just finishing making dinner, care to join me?"
That was new too, Cahir was inviting Eskel into his life more and more. It made Eskel feel even better about what he was planning to ask at Fringilla's instructions.
"I wanted to talk to you about tomorrow. There's a new arrival that we think will need your assistance."
Cahir cocked an eyebrow and held up an empty plate in question again. At Eskel's nod he began loading. "Anything you can tell me about it?"
"Not much. Private collector got raided, had a few animals in his less than tender care."
"So they'll be part socialised, part traumatised. I can work with that."
Somehow, Eskel had no doubts about that. But he was holding back some information because Fringilla had told him to keep it a surprise. The next morning the transport van rolled in, a small group of them ready to handle the newest arrivals. There were a couple of pythons for Letho to bring into his fold, a parrot for Guxart to train into swearing. Last was a large crate. As interesting as it was, Eskel's eyes were on Cahir, the way his nostrils flared as he caught scent of the hyena. The box opened and the animal cautiously peered out.
"Dave!" Cahir exclaimed, all semblance of quiet professionalism gone as he hopped off the top of the crate he'd helped open.
If his reaction had been exuberant, it was nothing compared to the hyena's. They collided next to the box, all over each other.
"I missed you buddy." There were tears running down Cahir's cheeks as Dave alternated between butting into him and running tight, excited circles around him before settling down and trying to bodily press into him. Glancing up, Cahir gave Fringilla a wobbly smile. "How did you find her?"
Her? Last Eskel checked, Dave was a male name. Still, he wasn't going to interrupt the tender reunion with such a dumb question.
"She was part of a collector's hoard. Didn't have the right permits so he was made to give her up to those who could offer her proper care."
A broken "thank you" was whispered in her direction before Cahir buried his face in the hyena's neck. Eskel watched with so many questions. Thankfully Fringilla didn't miss that fact.
"She was born in captivity, originally assumed to be a boy, needed to be hand reared after mum rejected her. She never understood that she wasn't human and as a result has spent most of her life living with Cahir. We've tried so often to introduce her to a pack but she never took to them, content to stay with them for a day, two at a push before she starts pining. When Nilfgaard sold her, that's when Cahir got suspicious, did some digging and realised she hadn't gone to another park. So Dave is a catalyst for this whole fiasco if you will."
Watching them, Eskel nodded. He had a hyena to befriend if he wanted to keep Cahir in his life it would seem.
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resslawx · 3 years
So, i wrote this for my Instagram page since it’s where it all started. But since I posted my edits here as well, I felt like sharing it here too.
Blacklist has been a part of my life ever since it aired 8 years ago. Back then, I was a child and I grew up with it by my side.
I’ve always been invested in this show, especially the last 4 years were really intensive. This show, most of all the relationship between Liz and Red + the Keenler bond became a big part of my life - in every meaning. And everyone who knows me personally, or is simply an active follower of my page, knows how dedicated I’ve been for the shipping I’ve grown to love so much.
To see how the show lost its path over the years was sad, of course, but for me it was bearable. It was still okay, even tho it wasn’t the blacklist I fell in love with anymore. But to see it completely destroyed in like 2 minutes, to see 8 YEARS completely destroyed in the blink of an eye? I didn’t see that coming. I didn’t want to see it coming.
When we knew Megan would leave the show after s8, I was already crushed (I won’t talk more about my opinion of how things went with her/the network/the producers/writers because I’m tired of that. We all have our own views. I’m simply talking about the show and its storyline here because that’s what my page is about) but I still hoped they’d give her character a… 'decent' ending?
As a keenler, I sure hoped for her to simply disappear, to leave a door open for their deserved happy ending. But most of all I hoped that the character of Elizabeth Keen would get the answers she deserved, the answers this whole damn show was built on finding!
I’ve read many things awesome people wrote, things I can fully relate to. I share your anger, pain, frustration and questions.
Reddington and Liz were the core of the show and to me, everyone who disagrees (or says that red was the only important main character) simply didn’t understand the show and its concept. Save your time and don’t try to argue with me about that.
Their relationship has been the show’s heart.
Liz’ questions and her try to find the answers to them.
And in the end, she died without them.
If you’re saying, she got the answer who red is by realizing he’s her mother - it wasn’t really confirmed. Besides, even if this should be the solution, then Reddington didn’t even bother to TELL her while she was DYING.
But oh, don’t get me started on how I started to dislike Reddington more and more this whole season because in my eyes he became selfish, his actions not about “keeping Liz safe” anymore - honestly, the Liz and red bond was thrown into the 🗑 for a long time already and even tho I hoped it would become better again, I had set my piece that it wouldn’t happen. I guess that’s another reason why keenler started to be my only reason for watching.
I’ve never been a fan of the rederina thingy theory but tbh at this point I don’t even care about it anymore. As many of you already said: What’s the point of us learning his real identity (if we ever would lol) if Liz isn’t there to learn about it anymore? Yeah, none. She was the one who should’ve gotten those answers, it’s not important anymore.
Liz may have annoyed me at times, made me angry or disappointed. But I still loved her and not just as "a character to throw into a ship I want to exist" as I heard some people say. She didn’t deserve this ending, nobody did.
[and if I see one more person blaming ressler for her death — for gods sake.]
Back to the heart of my page: keenler.
Who truly knows me knows that I had no problem with people who didn’t ship them because it didn’t stop me from doing so.
I like to say that it has been my once in a lifetime ship. I strongly believe that people like us, who find comfort in fictional characters of books, movies, shows, games and so on have that one special show / character / ship / relationship or whatever which keeps them sane like no other. That’s what keenler has been for me, no matter what might come in the future. I’ll never be as invested as I was with them.
The last few years had some p r e t t y rough times but I always found comfort with them. Over the time I published my edits here, many of you told me they could see how much heart I put into them (what made me really happy btw). And yes, I did. Because they made me feel like nothing else ever did and comforted me in times where nothing and nobody was able to do so.
Y’all know donald ressler will always be my favorite character of this show (✌🏻) but i grew to love this ship which had such a big influence on his character just as much. The way they ended them is more than hard for me. And with them, everyone lost.
Reds whole dedication to keep Liz safe failed.
Well, Liz lost.. everything.
Ressler lost the woman he loves for the second time. At this point I believe the writers simply never wanted him to have a happy ending.
The task force doesn’t exist as one anymore, their relationships are torn apart.
I don’t want to go into more detail, I just wanted to post something because people kept asking me about some things here.
Will I keep editing? Honestly I don’t know.
This page was dedicated to something that’s now dead. Yes, I want to do at least one last edit for them. They deserve it, I need it. But I’m not able to do so at the moment.
For now, I’m mourning. Mourning the death of a fictional character, mourning the death of the ship that was a part of myself, mourning a show that once brought me so much joy and is now destroyed.
I’m honest here, I’m not doing well but I’m trying. It’ll get better, at some point it will. But I know i need time. What feels like the loss of 8 years isn’t grieved in 4 days.
I’m still around, feel free to talk to me whenever you want (Instagram, Twitter, tumblr, wherever).
To those close to me, my friends, no matter in “real life” or those I met in this fandom: thank you. Thank you for being here, helping me through something (some of) you might not even understand. You know who you are and you are appreciated.
Let’s mourn together ? It’s all we can do.
Also: a big thank you to everyone who has always been such a supporter of the work I’ve done here ❤️ for me, posting your edits, is like posting a part of yourself and I’m truly grateful that you accepted it - and that it brought you so much joy!
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makeste · 3 years
Open for movie speculation? :) The new key visual was released today and if you don't want miniscule spoilers then I'll gladly spend the time asking how you're doing in these times and how you light up my saturday with your posts that never cease to make me laugh haha. I do hope you're doing well :) So here's the wee spoiler (or should I call it a spoiler?) the antagonist(?) is called "Flect Turn", hope you have a nice week :)
so as usual, I'm late in responding to this, but I just wanted to clarify that my "no spoilers, please" policy pretty much only applies to the new BnHA manga chapters, and that's specifically because of the weekly reaction posts. I know part of the appeal of a liveblog is watching someone else's reactions to all of the surprises and twists and wtf moments, and so I try to preserve those each week. if I wasn't liveblogging the series I would probably be reading the leaks along with everybody else to tell the truth lol.
so that said, feel free to send me spoilers about the upcoming movie! out of respect for those who do want to avoid being spoiled, I'll tag those posts (and this one) with "bnha world heroes' mission spoilers" and "bnha movie 3 spoilers" so people can blacklist those tags if desired. but I personally have no objection to them; back when Heroes Rising came out I already knew all of the plot points and had read detailed spoiler summaries well before I finally got the chance to watch it myself. it definitely did not take away from the experience at all, and in fact I'm kind of glad I knew about the end twist ahead of time because I was able to devote more mental energy to analyzing and appreciating it rather than still being all "!!!!" from the shock lol.
so yeah, I've been trying to stay up to date with the news about WHM as well. here's everything I think we know so far:
the movie will take place during the Endeavor Agency internship, as expected.
the bad guys are a terrorist organization called "Humanize", who believe in the Quirk Singularity Doomsday Theory we first learned about during the Remedial arc. as a refresher, basically the idea is that as quirks continue to evolve with each new generation, they'll eventually grow too powerful for humans to control and will destroy the world or something lol.
anyway so Humanize hears about this, and they're either like, "man that sucks, we should just kill everyone with a quirk so it doesn't happen", OR they're like "man that sounds awesome, we should totally expedite that." like, I'm really not clear on this part lol. but either way, they apparently come up with a plan to cleanse the world of quirk users by planting magical plot bombs called Ideo Trigger Bombs, which make people lose control of their quirks.
as mentioned, the bad guys' leader is named Flect Turn for god knows what reason lmao. I'm guessing it's some kind of weird play on the word "reflect" (especially given his character design), and based on that, as well as the Ideo Triggers, I suspect this guy has the ability to somehow turn people's own quirks against them. you can see him at the bottom of the key visual anon mentioned, here.
anyway so the heroes are all "hmm, pretty sure the end of world = bad" and so they all decide to band together under this "W.H.A." umbrella (which I'm still assuming stands for either World Hero Agency or World Hero Association or something like that) to deal with the bombs.
as shown on the key visual, in addition to the Endeavor Agency trio, the movie will also feature the kids from Ryuukyuu, Fat Gum, Gang Orca (who has Jirou and Shouji interning under him for anyone who lost track), and Hawks's agencies.
the movie will also feature a new character named Rody Soul, who's this weird steampunk Dickensian urchin-looking guy with a ponytail lol. he apparently teams up with the trio following one of the bomb incidents.
most of the movie will apparently take place in a fictional country called Oceon (this is why nobody could quite place where that bridge in the trailer was from lol).
at some point Deku gets framed for murder idk. just Deku things.
and last but not least, as usual there will be a special manga tie-in release, in this case titled "Volume W(orld Heroes)". looks like the initial release will be exclusive to theater-goers in Japan, but I'm sure someone will get their hands on it and post it online, and Viz will eventually release it in English as well (they did the same with the previous two tie-ins). it'll include behind-the-scenes sketches, a new Horikoshi interview (probably the part I'm most looking forward to), and of course, the new movie tie-in chapter. as with the previous tie-ins (Volume Origin and Volume Rising), this will be written and drawn by Horikoshi himself. I'm hoping that it will feature the trio, but the other movie tie-ins featured All Might and Nine, respectively, so it's probably more realistic to assume this one will focus on Rody. ah well.
I think that's it. I haven't really done much speculating about the plot either tbh, though what we've learned seems pretty straightforward. Deku probably either gets framed for one of the bombs, or gets caught up in one of the blasts and loses control of OFA. or maybe they'll save that part for his fight with Flect at the end. god, if we get a scene where he goes on a Blackwhip rampage with a big screen budget I will lose my whole damn mind. especially if Kacchan and Shouto have to work together to stop him. can you imagine omg. but I should really rein myself in before I start getting way too hyped up over a bunch of wild hypotheticals. this is why I try not to speculate lol.
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chris-hartley · 3 months
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Happy Pride!!
GUESS WHO GOT A BINGO!!! Hehe. I have been kinda neglecting this challenge a bit cause life got hectic but I'm back with this fic of my Total Drama OC Skylar with his boyfriend Kai (@samgiddings' character). This fic chronologizes their first (and second) kiss, and then their first date! Feel free to follow our blog for these OCs (@teadocs) for more fun moments!
(To hide these posts going forward blacklist #kenziewritespride)
Skylar had opted to skip the party that the people in the program were throwing for New Years and was heading back in the direction of his dorm when he felt a hand on his shoulders.
“Crikey!” He muttered.
“Skylar,” the familiar voice brought a smile to his lips. It was Kai, the guy Skylar had spent a lot of time with during his stay back in Australia.
“Hi Kai,” he looked over, “What’re you doing? Thought you were out with the others.”
“I got a roadie,” Kai held up the two beers in his other hand, “For both of us.”
Skylar nodded, “Well I’m going to hang out in my room.”
“Can I come with you?”
“Yeah,” he nodded.
Kai smiled, walking along with him, “Not really getting on with the other blokes?”
“It’s not that. I’m not much for partying anyhow. Even my friends at home knew I was kinda a buzzkill.”
“I’m sure you weren’t,” he reassured.
Skylar shrugged, “I don’t know.”
Kai nudged him playfully, “Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re a great guy.”
He smiled softly, “Ta Kai.”
When they made it back to Skylar’s dorm, the two of them went in. The living situation was pretty nice, Skylar shared a room with a guy named Rocky and the two of them shared a living room and kitchen with two blokes named Hunter and Jack. But all 3 of them were out having drinks to celebrate with the others.
Kai sat down on the couch, flipping on the TV to the New Years countdown which read there was still 30 minutes left. Skylar sat beside him, taking the beer that Kai had gotten him and taking a drink.
“So, you got any more interesting stories about working at the zoo?” Kai said with wonder in his eyes.
On one of the first days, Skylar had gotten paired with Kai for a task which he was used to doing at home so he kinda took the lead on it all, leaving Kai to ask about what it was like to work in an actual zoo and not just the petting zoo he was used to. Skylar had told some funny stories about things that happened and every time, the way Kai’s eyes lit up made him happy so he kept going.
“Well, there was one time I was going to check on the hippo exhibit cause Peter, the guy who usually goes to clean up in the morning was running a little late, and I walk in and one of the hippos had pulled out a huge chunk of the grass we keep out for them and it was just everywhere.”
“A real dog’s breakfast,” Kai chuckled.
Skylar chuckled. His whole family was Australian, but there had definitely been a lot of new terms he’d learned in the 2 months he’d been here.
“So I’m like crikey! What happened here! And I had to go grab the rake and get it all back in the feeding area and I found one of the baby hippos had laid down for a nap in the grass.”
He awed, “A baby hippo.”
“So I just let her have her little nap and cleaned around her,” he smiled.
Kai took a sip of his beer, “That’s a bonzer story, Sky.”
“Thanks. I know you like hippos so I thought you’d like it,” he nodded.
Kai smiled, “So tell me more about your life at home.”
“Like another zoo story?”
He shook his head, “No. Like… What else do you do for fun?”
“Oh,” he shrugged, “I mean I’ve been on Total Drama a couple times.”
“Total Drama? Like… the TV show from when we were little?” Kai raised his eyebrows.
He nodded, “Yeah. They did a reboot of it and I was on seasons 3 and 4.”
“Crikey! That’s so cool! Is it as fun as it looks?”
Skylar chuckled, “It’s kinda fun. But it for sure has its downsides.”
“I bet,” Kai smiled, teasing, “Is that all? No more secret hobbies?”
He shook his head, “No, not really.”
“You… got a girlfriend?”
“No,” Skylar shook his head, “Girls aren’t really my thing.”
Skylar took a sip of his beer, “No. Why?”
Kai was quiet for a second and Skylar followed his glance to the TV. 3 minutes left on the countdown. He looked back at him, raising his eyebrows.
“I think you’re cute, Sky,” Kai explained.
Skylar’s heart started racing and he could feel his cheeks turning a little pink, “You do?”
He nodded, “And if it’s alright with you I’d like to kiss you at midnight?”
“K-kiss me? Is that a thing people do?”
Kai chuckled softly, smiling, “Yeah. You ring in the New Year with a kiss. Doesn’t have to mean more than a kiss if you don’t want it to.”
“Oh,” Skylar swallowed hard, a little nervous as he continued, “Well I think you’re… cute too. But I- I’m not- I haven’t ever dated anyone so I don’t know… I might be bad at it.”
“Not possible,” Kai said reassuringly, “So is that a yes? I can kiss you?”
Skylar nodded, glancing at the clock as it started to count down. His hands got a little sweaty as he watched it.
“Skylar?” Kai said.
He turned to look at him as the people on the TV cheered. Kai slowly leaned in for a gentle kiss. Skylar kissed him back, a little more hesitant. When they broke apart, Skylar smiled shyly. He’d never really understood the phrase for having butterflies in his stomach but as he looked over at Kai he started to get it. 
After they kissed at New Years, Skylar freaked out. Okay freaked out was too loose of a term. He had completely lost his mind. Because these harbored feelings he’d had for Kai came to a bursting realization all at once. 
And it got to the point where he couldn’t even bear to be in the same room as Kai, because the second he looked over at him and caught him looking at him, it was like his stomach flipped and his face turned a bright red. He didn’t know what he was supposed to do, just like he hadn’t really for the entirety of this internship.
He’d made the private decision to keep some distance unless in group settings so he would be able to avoid… whatever that was. And it was going well. Okay scratch well, it was simply going. Kai and Skylar were teamed up to do a project together, which left them spending a lot of nights at one house or the other working on it together.
And that’s where they were tonight. On the couch in Kai’s living room. Sitting in a bout of awkward silence while they individually worked on their parts to this… rather dumb project if Skylar was being honest. There was no purpose, besides making him spend hours in the same room as Kai, trying his best not to make eye contact cause every time he did? Well…
“What do you reckon this has to do with working in a zoo?” Kai asked, looking down at his laptop, “Do you have to pitch ideas for events with the zoo to do?”
Skylar looked up from where he was gluing something on their posterboard, “What? No. Nobody is gonna ask us to do that.”
“Really?” Kai asked, looking at Skylar, “You never pitched stuff for your Canada zoo?”
“I kinda just got told what to do,” he shrugged, feeling his chest tighten as Kai looked at him so he dropped his gaze, “It wasn’t…”
“Interesting,” Kai muttered, looking back at his laptop.
Skylar pressed down on the picture as if it hadn’t already been firmly stuck on the poster, just wanting to do something with his hands while he waited for Kai to print out the words that were supposed to go across the top.
Kai stood up, going over to the printer and grabbing them and for a second, Skylar was alone and felt a bit of relief. He felt like such an idiot. Kai liked him! Kai had liked him enough to kiss him at New Years. And he’d gone and been weird and ruined it all. And now he was completely screwed over. Now he was the one with feelings, and Kai… well… he probably hates Skylar now.
He came back into the room, handing Skylar a pair of scissors, sharp end out. He instinctively went to grab the handle instead of the sharp end, to be safe, their hands touching probably a second longer than they should’ve. Skylar could feel his stomach flip again, his heart racing a little as they made eye contact, Kai’s eyes flicking down to Skylar’s lips.
He took the scissors and started cutting out the letters, putting all his focus on the paper in front of him as he gathered his thoughts. They sat there, the only sound breaking the silence was the dual noises of them cutting out the label for their poster.
“Whi-” Kai started but Skylar’s one track mind and anxiety cut him off.
“Do you like me?” His eyes darted up to Kai’s, trying to gauge his reaction. Facial reactions were always really hard for him to make out. From what he could tell, Kai looked surprised. There was a pause before he responded.
“I- Yeah. Why?”
Skylar could feel his mouth completely dry out as he continued to blurt out exactly what he was thinking, with no filter, “Because I like you. A lot. And I’ve been freaking myself out about it and I’m sorry. But we’ve been sitting here for the last twenty minutes doing this stupid project and all I can think about is kissing you again.”
If his face hadn’t been red when he asked the first question, it sure was now. He took a deep breath.
“Sky…” Kai had an unreadable look on his face.
“So can I? Kiss you I mean.”
A smile came to Kai’s face, “Yeah.”
Skylar set his scissors down, cupping Kai’s face in his palm, taking a calming breath as he shut his eyes and leaned in to kiss him. And while he’d been nervous up until this moment, the second he felt Kai kissing him back, the nerves melted off him.
As they broke away a few moments later, Skylar cleared his throat, “Uh. So what now?”
Kai chuckled, “What do you want, Sky?”
“I’d… like to maybe go on a date. Would that be okay with you?”
“That would be more than okay with me,” he smiled, “Should we get back to the project?”
Skylar chuckled, “Maybe.”
Skylar stood in front of the closet of his dorm in Australia, staring at the clothes hanging in it. He had a date. A date. One that he initiated! That still blew his mind. How had he gained the guts to do that? He barely recognized himself.
He pulled out one outfit, looking it up and down. It was cute enough, right? He put it on, standing in front of the full length mirror hanging on the back of his door.
He was startled as a knock came from the other side, “Sky?”
“Can I come in?”
“Uh, yeah,” he nodded, opening the door to spot his roommate Rocky standing on the other side, a bottle in his hand.
“I heard you have a date tonight,” he seemed a little surprised.
Skylar nodded timidly.
“Do you wanna wear some cologne? Chicks dig it.”
His face went bright red and he shook his head.
“You sure, mate?”
“I’m sure,” he swallowed hard, “I don’t think I’ll need it.”
“Alright then,” he patted him on the shoulder, “So how’d you meet her?”
The more Rocky spoke the more he realized nobody here knew that he was gay, except Kai. Shoot.
“Work stuff,” he shrugged his hand off.
“Work stuff. What? Is she in the program?”
“Something like that,” he bit his lip.
Rocky’s face lit up, “Well crikey! Who is it? Poppy? Riley?”
“Uh,” just as Skylar was about to admit it, the doorbell rang, “I’ll get it.”
He went to open the door and Kai was standing on the other side.
“You ready?” He grinned at him.
Rocky came up behind Skylar, “Kai, mate. You come to see Skylar off for his big date?”
Skylar’s face turned bright red.
“Big date, huh? You’ve been telling people about it?”
“I didn’t te-”
“I heard it through the grapevine,” Rocky said confidently, “Apparently it’s someone in the program.”
Kai, playing innocent, smirked. Skylar cleared his throat.
“So um. I’m gonna go on the date. With… Kai,” he said timidly.
“Oh is it a double date?”
Kai chuckled, “No.”
“OHHHHHH! You two are…”
Skylar nodded, wishing he could disappear.
“Well, I hope you two have a good time. See you later, Sky. Kai,” Rocky nodded.
“You ready?” Kai asked again.
Skylar walked awkwardly alongside Kai as they headed over to the restaurant he’d picked out. Why he’d picked it out he couldn’t for the life remember because this walk felt like it was going on forever. Was he sweating? Oh god he was sweating. He hoped his deodorant would hide anything. He should’ve taken the cologne offer from Rocky after all. Kai probably was thinking-
He looked over at Kai, who seemed to be on cloud nine, walking peacefully. How was he so calm about this?!
Kai’s gaze turned to Skylar and his eyebrows furrowed, “You alright, mate?”
“Mm? Yeah. Fine. Uh. We’re just about there.”
“Crikey,” Kai said jokingly, “And here I thought you were gonna ask to hold my hand.”
Skylar’s face turned bright red, “Uh- oh- um, is that something people do?”
“Yeah,” Kai nodded, continuing to walk, “But we don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
Skylar stood there contemplating what to do before he quickly walked to catch up with him, taking Kai’s hand in his. He turned to him with a smile, squeezing Skylar’s hand.
“I took that as a hint. Hope it’s alright.”
“More than alright,” Kai nodded.
When they reached the restaurant, Kai opened the door for Skylar, letting him walk inside. Skylar cleared his throat as he approached the hostess.
“Table for two. Under the name Witter?”
“Right this way,” she smiled, leading the two of them to a booth in the back.
“Two barramundi tacos?” the waitress said, carrying their plates over to them, setting them in front of them.
“Ta,” Kai nodded.
“Thank you,” Skylar smiled at the waitress, starting to pick up one of the tacos.
Kai did the same and they both took a bite.
“Mm,” Skylar moaned, nodding, holding a hand up as he chewed, “This is good.”
“See! I told you you’d like it. It’s an Aussie staple,” he grinned.
Skylar chuckled, liking how happy he was. It was cute. He could feel the butterflies in his stomach acting up. He took another bite, happily chewing.
“So, um, what else do people do… on dates?”
Kai raised his eyebrows, “Have you never been on a date before?”
Skylar blushed, looking down at his tacos, “Uh… no…”
“Oh,” Kai cleared his throat, “Sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?”
“Because I guess I just- you probably should’ve had a better first date.”
Skylar looked confused at him, “What? What do you mean a ‘better’ first date?”
“You know…”
“Kai I really don’t,” he started wondering if he was stupid and hesitated slightly before continuing, “I like you, Kai. A lot. As far as I know, unless I missed some major thing, that’s all you need for a good first date.”
“You like me a lot?”
Skylar fought the knot in his throat, “I do. So I’m having a good time. With you, eating these really good tacos.”
“Would you wanna do this again sometime then?” Kai asked, a smile on his face.
“If you want to,” Skylar nodded, “I wasn’t really sure… how you felt about me.”
“Mate, I’ve liked you for a while. I just didn’t think you were on the same page as me,” he chuckled, “But that definitely clears things up.”
Skylar chuckled softly, nodding.
Kai walked Skylar back to his dorm, leaning against the railing of the decking, “So… tonight was a lot of fun.”
Skylar looked down at his hands, which were running along the seam of his shirt, “Kai?”
Skylar looked up at him and took a deep breath, “Would it be alright if I kissed you goodnight?”
Skylar timidly stepped closer to Kai, shutting his eyes as he leaned in to kiss him again. Once again his stomach was filled with butterflies as Kai leaned into the kiss.
A few moments later, they broke apart and Skylar nervously licked his lips, “Uh. I guess I’ll see you at work tomorrow?”
“You will,” Kai nodded.
“Goodnight Kai,” he turned to open the door to his dorm, but then quickly turned back to kiss his cheek before going inside.
Kai chuckled, surprised, “Goodnight Sky.”
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headspacedad · 4 years
dota: ep 8
and here we are.  Did not see that ending coming the way it did.  But it was believable and set up beforehand looking back so I’m solid with it.  Not satisfying per say but also not disappointing.  I wasn’t personally happy with ALL the things that went down but from a story stand point I think the choices were solid and true to setting.  Its absolutely a set up for a season two so I certainly hope Netflix okays that. 
on a completely unrelated note - I have summarized that Studio Mir sticks with non-flashy hair when they’ve got a face like Shiro’s going on because they realize they don’t need to try to add anything to what’s going on there.  Davion’s hair is ‘meh’ and I’m okay with that.
speaking of Davion - yes, he’s a solid fav now.  I like where he’s come since the beginning, I love his new found family, I love his internal code and he spends a lot of time getting beaten up.  I honestly found all the relationships pretty well developed considering we only had eight episodes and we’re only on season one.  Nothing felt out of the blue or rushed and I am adoring Davion’s new little sister and that relationship between them so very much. 
That said, you don’t get a pass to be a dick just because you’ve got family issues.  At least in this I can see the WHY of it and its not last hour thrown in surprise like VLD. 
the big reveal I was expecting didn’t come so I’m guessing that’s for a later season.
all in all - enjoyed!  Very much enjoyed.  And I’ll watch it again a few times just to get in all the things I’m pretty sure I missed.  I’m not hyberfixated at this point but it was a fun ride, with multiple characters I care about and I’m eagerly looking forward to next season.  At this point the story feels solid with plenty of room to grow and the characters feel that way too.  After VLD I’m hesitant to trust anything fully, and yeah, Mitch Iverson IS involved in this one too, but I’m willing to go along for the ride even if I do have one foot dangling off the cart right now.  Davion is great, his little sister is great, his buddy cop is great, Miranda is great and Marci is pure gold.
and that’s my wrap for now.  I’ll probably reblog some things as they come across my dash so if you want to remain spoiler free, blacklist ‘ dota spoilers ‘.  Also probably ‘ dota spoiler ‘ because I have a bad habit of not remembering my plurals.  But at this point, with the warnings I’ve already named, I’d recommend the series to any adults out there that are curious.  I think the first episode sets the tone so if you like it, keep going and if you don’t, you should probably let it go there.  Fun ride for those who enjoy these kinds of things for sure.
31 notes · View notes
Welp, this fic i thought i wasn’t even going to continue is now longer at 17 chapters than War in Hermittown which was 26 chapters. And I’m not done here yet! (WiHT ended with 56,719 words. SF was at 55,597 last chapter, and this one is over 3k words, putting it to at least 58k total)
tagging time! @petrichormeraki and @helleborusangel are you guys proud of me?
Xannes and Tommy turned their weapons on Theseus. “How’d you find this place bitch?” The hels copy just rolled his eyes before gesturing over to Dream. “What, you were tracking him?”
“He’s an admin using a console. Find the console, find the admin.” Theseus replied, which confused Tommy. “Right, you wouldn’t know about that, would you.”
Tommy glanced back to Xannes. “Any clue what he’s talking about?”
“Yes. Before command blocks, datapacks, plugins and autofill commands, a lot of admins would default to consoles. These days most people tend to ignore them, but there are some benefits. Though the negatives usually make it seem like the worst option.”
“Why’s that?”
“Admins have better control over everything else. A console is more powerful and capable of much more, but it’s disconnected from the admin. It tends to be stationary in the world and needs to be hidden, and while there are ways to make them moveable, it’s usually not worth the hassle.”
Theseus smiled. “Oh look who’s not as much of an idiot as they seem. Another question then. Why are you still getting in the way? You want those scraps of metal? Take them. He’s the one I’m after.” And he pointed at Dream.
“You haven’t fucking told us why though.” Tommy crossed his arms.
“You didn’t really need to know.” Theseus said before sighing and taking off his mask. “But if that’s the only thing that’ll make you let me through, fine. Nightmare’s dead in my world. I killed him myself. Used up his three lives.”
“You guys still have the three lives system? I thought everything in hels was… y’know, worse?” Tommy asked.
“Oh it is. Exactly why I want Nightmare back.”
There was silence save for the continued sound of weapons banging off each other. “You… you want to what?”
Theseus shrugged. “The bitch never really got what was coming to him. Sure it’s the NSMP, and it’s technically named after him, but his name is based on a concept. He’s not the one in charge, he just made a place where nightmares can become reality. He just never got that chance because he’s dead. And with how hels works, he can’t come back. That is… unless I can bring Dream back with me.”
“That seems like the worst idea I’ve ever heard.” Xannes spoke up. “There’s no guarantee how that will work, especially since he was an admin. You’re setting yourself up for a disaster for both your world and this one.”
“And so what? I die? If I can’t do this right, why bother sticking around.”
“Then I might die too bitch!” Tommy yelled at his copy. “And I definitely don’t want to go out just like that.”
“Plus there are other people linked here.” Xannes spoke, pulling up commands. “Now, you’re going to want to stop, or I’m going to have to attack.”
“Oh please, what can you do?”
“My brother is known as the best admin of all time. Which meant I needed to be the best hacker.” Xannes smiled behind his mask. “And with Prof and NPG around, I haven’t gotten to try anything out in a while, so I’m going to really enjoy this.”
Tommy could almost feel the danger that was Xannes before he moved. He swung his sword once, and even though Theseus was more than ten blocks away, it was like the blade had hit him. He then pulled out a crossbow along with his sword, managing to duel wield the weapons. And then even though the second weapon kept being fired, it seemed to always be filled with ammo, not giving Theseus any rest from attacks, not to mention the fact that it was also multishot.
Tommy used that as a chance to run over to the bots. “Alright you two, I don’t care what the fuck’s been going on with you two, you need to fucking stop before you kill each other.”
“He deserves to die!” Jrum shouted, not looking away from his brother. 
“Jrum, I’ve told you about the guy that kinda isolated and manipulated me? The one Big G compared to Sam?”
“Yeah, and Grum’s just as bad!” Jrum said before attempting to attack again, instead just getting pulled back by Tommy.
“No! No he isn’t! That guy Grum’s been stuck with? That green bitch right there? That’s the fucker who was messing with me! And now he’s been doing it to Grum.”
“Yeah right.” Jrum crossed his arms, and Tommy slapped the back of his head, wincing as pain coursed through his body from damaging the vines. It caused the teen to flinch back, making the bottles in his inventory clank together.
Hearing the bottles made Tommy remember what he had on him. He had no clue how well the water worked, but right now it was better than nothing. He pulled them out and smashed them on top of Jrum’s head like a water balloon, the water covering Jrum and getting into his mechanics. It caused a short circuit and it seemed to fry the vines from within, but also Jrum. As the circuitry within him sparked, it damaged the vines, causing even more damage to Jrum, until it killed him.
“NO! JRUM!” Tommy yelled, freaking out about having just killed someone in his family. Beside him, Grum just stared at the place where Jrum had been standing a minute ago, the body having dissolved into smoke. 
Life Counter active. Entity Check Jrumbot. Death: canon. Life counter: 1 life remaining. Commence respawn. Respawn complete.
Teleport Requested. Assessing. Assessing. Allowing Teleport. Entity Jrumbot Teleported to Deathpoint coordinates.
Just like that, Jrumbot reappeared. He wasn’t completely covered with the vines, but he still retained the single vine around his antenna and his screen was still a red color. “Oh thank goodness, I thought you might have had a single life left.”
“Well now I do, no thanks to you!”
When Tommy had yelled, Xannes looked away from his fight. Theseus was able to finally close the distance and attack Xannes without the helsmit protecting himself, but he didn’t need to, the hacks keeping him from taking damage. “He’s using a console…”
Theseus tried attacking Xannes again. “Yeah, we covered that already. Why’s it soooo surprising now?”
“Because the console is Grum.”
That made Theseus scoff. “Wasn’t it obvious? It’s a computer that’s always near Dream. It’s essentially a console with fewer drawbacks. Even more powerful than a regular console too.”
When Theseus said that, Tommy turned his anger on Dream. “Ohhh, I can’t fucking believe you. I mean, that is an absolute child. At least with me, I was older, practically an adult, but he hasn’t even had a birthday and you decided to mess with him! As if you didn’t have a death wish already! I mean, guess that’s why you got everyone blocked. What if I just asked Grum to unblock everyone, what then?”
“And what? Just let Phil and Techno back in? What would that help with?”
“Oh please, you know their dad would be the first one in. Doesn’t that scare you?” Tommy asked with a smirk, though it fell in a few moments. “Wait do you actually not know who their dad is?”
“Just because he’s supposed to be another one of your brothers doesn’t mean anything. They’re hardly something I can’t deal with.”
“Can’t deal wi- Dream! Their dad is Grian! You know, the guy who literally has the name Dreamslayer? Like that’s part of his legal name at this point.” Tommy could tell when it got through to Dream, because he pressed back in his invisible prison just a bit and started looking for some possible way out.
He ended up snapping his fingers at Grum. “Hey, get me out of here.” And then Grum processed the information and teleported Dream a couple blocks to his left, freeing him from the barrier blocks.
“Oh shit. Xannes! He got o-” Was all Tommy was able to say before he was pressed against a wall, feet no longer touching the ground and him left struggling for air.
“You know, I could kill you right here. It would be easy. But for all I know, you come back as a ghost. So I’ve got a better idea. Just to make sure that if you do come back, it hurts even more. Grumbot?” He looked over at the robot, who immediately made its way over to Dream’s side. He handed it a netherite axe with the word ‘Nightmare’ etched into the metal. 
“No, c-come on Grum. You c-can’t do th-this.” Tommy did his best to get the words out. “Pl-Please… c-can you l-let everyone in a-at least.”
“Oh come on. He’s loyal to me. Why would you think-”
“That command is protected and requires a password to access.”
For a moment, Tommy lost all hope, but in a moment of clarity, he realized that Dream didn’t know Grum would say anything. If that were the case, there wouldn’t be a password. Yeah, Tommy could be wrong, but there was still a chance. “M-Mumbo for Mayor…” He choked out, and immediately Grumbot started processing the password, then accepted it.
“Blacklist disabled.”
“Kill Tommy!” Dream yelled in anger. And then Tommy was hit by the axe. Once. Twice. And then a third and final time.
Life Counter active. Entity Check TommyInnit. Death: canon. Life counter: no lives remaining. No respawn applicable.
Commencing Respawn. Respawn complete.
Teleport Requested. Assessing. Assessing. Allowing Teleport. Entity Tommy Teleported to Coordinates X-3, Y-3, Z-3. Returning inventory contents.
Tommy was holding his chest, panting to catch his breath. He was so sure he was dead. But no. Here he was, away from Dream and still with all his gear. That had probably been Xannes saving him, and healing him as well based on his current level of health.
For a moment, Tommy wanted to rush back in there, but then he remembered. The blacklist had been disabled. People could get in. He pulled out the communicator and sent a message to Grian, hoping it wouldn’t take too long. Then he put it away and tried to go back over to the bots, but his legs were shaky, and in just trying to take one step, he fell to the floor.
Even though he wasn’t close to death, he could still feel himself fading while at the same time it felt like everything was happening at once. Every sound seemed louder, what little breeze there was felt like pins and needles. And he just felt tired. As his vision went in and out, he saw Jrum rush off. Then Theseus stopped fighting and went after Dream. Then the three of them were gone. Then he was up in the air, something picking him up.
Finally, he felt the buzz of his communicator, and everything went dark.
The moment Grian got the message from Tommy, Grian made a Watcher portal straight to the SMP. The others nearby were slightly surprised that it was to let them follow along, but they weren’t arguing. Tubbo was the first to go through, Phil and Techno following behind. Grian was about to be right behind them, but was stopped by a hand. “You’re not keeping me from going Mumbo.”
“I know that. I wasn’t going to.” The redstoner spoke before taking Grian’s hand. “You’re the one always jumping into things, and that’s mostly a good thing. But this is something I don’t want to be left out of, so whether you like it or not, I’m coming with.”
“What? Did you think I was going to leave you behind? I wasn’t going to close the portal behind me. I was hoping you would come too, I was just letting you decide.”
“Good. ...So, do we want to…?” Mumbo started to say before he was yanked towards the portal as Grian ran through it, dragging him along.
When they arrived on the other side, Phil was the only one nearby, sitting down next to the portal. “Hey. Before you ask, I volunteered to wait while the other two went off in their own directions. That was only a few minutes ago. Haven’t heard anything back from them.”
Grian nodded. “I’m going to try contacting Tommy. Mumbo, those coordinates Tommy forwarded to me before? Can you check them out?”
“Definitely.” Mumbo nodded, pulling out his own communicator and checking the coordinates and which was to go to reach them.
“I’ll see if I can find anyone who could give us information.” Phil offered before immediately leaving, leaving Grian alone.
Alright, if I were one of the kids or Tommy… where would I be?” Grian asked himself, looking around before spotting something red in the distance. “Oh hello there. What’s that?” He quickly got into the air, flying over instead of trying to cross the rough terrain. “Tommy did send something about Jrum and red plants, didn’t he?” Grian bent down to try and touch the stuff, but was surprised when it seemed to move away. 
A voice spoke and then Grian was left looking around, trying to spot who had spoken. “What do you mean don’t touch it? I’m trying to find my kid and the best lead I have right now are these things.” Then he was left looking around again. “Oh, if that’s the case, then why not ditch the invisibility potion and meet me face to face?” Another short bout of silence and then Grian growled slightly, clenching his fists. “Then maybe I will.” And he started following the moving plants, the vines moving to almost create a path as they parted near him.
They snaked into an underground room and then down a thin tunnel. Grian had a little trouble getting through with his wings, not wanting to shift them away in case he ended up needing them suddenly. When he finally reached the end, he was greeted by what was obviously two teams of people fighting. One group was all in purples meanwhile the other group had a mix of colors, but there were a lot of reds and whites.
When it didn’t look like anyone noticed him, Grian moved forward a bit, cleared his throat, and then shouted. “HEY!” Immediately everyone froze and looked over at him. “Excuse me, I’m sure you’re having a lovely war and all, but I’m looking for my kids. The two of them are about… these heights and are adorable little robots.”
“Are you saying you’re one of Jrum’s parents?” Someone in a black and white cloak said, and Grian nodded at them.
“Yeah. Is he here? Or do you at least know where he is?” Grian asked, before the person attempted to attack him. Immediately his wings moved to act as a quick shield. “I’m guessing that’s a yes, but you don’t want me around.” Grian pulled out his sword. “Eh, I was expecting an ambush anyway.”
But before another attack could happen, the voice from before spoke, seemingly to the cloaked person. “So what?! He abandoned his kid! If that were true he would have shown up!”
“Hey, I tried getting in. Your admin just found a way to keep me out until now. Now, are you going to listen to your friend and tell me where Jrum is, or are you going to fight?”
The incoming sword worked as the answer to Grian’s question and he blocked it with a shield before attacking back. The person tried moving behind some vines hanging from the ceiling, but Grian just sliced them to the ground, clearing the area. “Wait, how are you doing that?!” The person asked before Grian flew up to bash their head with the end of his shield and knock them to the ground. 
“Nooo! What are you doing!” A voice yelled out and Grian turned around to see a familiar robot running over.
“Jrum!” Grian landed, arms open for a hug, but he just pushed past his dad to run to the person now on the ground. “Wh-what?”
“Are you okay?”
“Nggh… yeah. Wait, now where have you been?”
“I got kidnapped and Grum was there and he attacked me! But now I’m fine!”
Grian looked between his son and the person he had been attacking. He had no clue why this was happening, so he looked over as some of the other people nearby, who weren’t sure how to answer him. “Oh come on, no one had any idea?” And then the invisible person spoke. “I mean I guess? He was built before the turf war, but he didn’t really take part in it. Why? Look, I just want to get my kid and leave. My resistance days are pretty much over.”
There was quiet before Grian sighed and his wings shifted away. “Fine, I’ll play along, but you better hold up your end.” And when he opened his eyes, they weren’t their normal color, nor even just bright purple from using his watcher powers. Instead, his iris and pupils seemed to be missing, replaced by grayish-purple sclera.
“Well at the very least it was a house.” Xannes grumbled as he attempted to brush off the layer of dust on the bed sitting in the corner for him to then put Tommy on. It was tough with him having to carry the unconscious teen and only really about to use a leg as a duster, which was just spreading the dust around. “Can this be any harder?!”
A door opening behind him made the helsmit groan. “That’s wasn’t a fucking request! What the fuck do you-” He turned around and saw someone familiar and thankfully wearing a red tie. “Fine. This works. You take the kid.”
Mumbo was handed Tommy and Xannes finally was able to just pick the covers up off the bed and shake them off. It left Mumbo coughing and Xannes instantly regretting it as an alert on his screen warned him about his filters, but he put the blankets back down. The redstoner set Tommy down on the bed while Xannes worked on cleaning out the dust that was now in his helmet. “What happened to him?”
“He got killed, but respawn brought him back. It didn’t seem to be the best respawn because it hit hard. From what I can tell, he wasn’t supposed to. Is this a hardcore world?”
Mumbo shook his head. “Tommy said something about them having three lives, but they only counted if they were important.”
“So he essentially just got revived instead of normally respawning. That would explain it. You should have seen the three that got revived this season.”
“That’s right, you permakill someone if they don’t return for a season, don’t you.”
“Yeah. Of course they can still exist elsewhere, but it's a type of ban in a way.”
Mumbo nodded before finally looking away from Tommy and over to Xannes. “H-Have you seen either of the boys?”
“Yes, though they’re not doing so well. You know what a console is, right?”
“Yeah.” Mumbo nodded again. “I had to use one when I was first starting out so I didn’t break everything when working with redstone. Came in handy a few times, but I’m glad not using one anymore. Is there one being used here?”
“Yeah. The admin here decided to have fun with one since he found a way to make it mobile thanks to your redstone.”
“My red- wait!” Mumbo jumped up from kneeling on the floor next to the bed. “Are you telling me he’s using one of the boys?!”
“Yeah, Grumbot. He’s extremely out of it, but Tommy was able to get him to remove the blacklist and I’m pretty sure he’s the one who revived him, so it’s not a completely lost cause. Meanwhile the other one got infected with something like crimson nylium. I’m not sure how bad your land war went, but ours got out of hard fast.”
“We had a bit of trouble near the end, but the minigame battle near the end kept things from getting too far.”
“Well, hopefully it doesn’t end up like helscraft. Most of us ended up possessed by the different nyliums for a good portion of the war. And looks like Jrum is in the same situation.”
Alright, I’ll let the others know and hope Grian notices the message.”
“How many came along with the two of you?”
“Same group that we visited with. They came from here in the first place anyway, so they’ve got a better chance finding what we need.”
“Hello? Ranboo? Are you in here?” Tubbo asked, carefully stepping into the house. They had been planning to set up the second floor for Michael when he disappeared, so hopefully Ranboo would still be living there at least a little, unless he had taken the ziglin elsewhere. 
The place was dark, all the windows closed and no torches or lanterns there to light the place up. It left Tubbo fumbling around, trying to feel his way around and wishing he had brought something for light. He tripped on something and fell to the ground, rubbing his head and hoping he hadn’t damaged anything. Then suddenly, something lit up, and Tubbo froze.
He had looked behind him to try and see if he could tell what had tripped him. He could barely make out the outline of a foot. Following up, it led up to a glowing screen with a smiley face plastered on it. Just behind that, Tubbo could also see two glowing magenta eyes from an enderman standing behind the robot. 
Before Tubbo could ask any questions, a voice came from elsewhere in the dark room. “You know. As far as everyone knows, you're dead. How about we keep it that way?”
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collecting-stories · 4 years
A Year Later - ep. 07 - JJ Maybank
A/N: I wanted to do an epilogue of sorts for The S’week and @d-reamingoutloud suggested looking into their lives a year after the story so that’s what I decided to do. Basically this is kind of where the reader’s relationship with them all is at. 
The S’week Masterlist | Outer Banks Masterlist
✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
John B. Routledge - 
John B’s Hand slipped out of yours, both of you forming a fist to side bump in a variation of the secret pogue handshake that you’d somehow come to adopt as your own in the last year. You were standing on the edge of the jetty, cooler in your other hand. 
“You ready to go?” John B asked, taking the cooler from you and setting it down below the seat before he held his hand out for you to climb aboard. It was early enough in the morning that it was still dark outside but the light on the boat cast a glow across the marsh, a rather calming effect on you as you prepared to spend the morning fishing with John B. An odd sort of tradition that had come about last year and had just stuck. A time and place that neither of you had to worry about other obligations or other people’s opinions of your friendship.  
“Yeah. New boat?” You asked, taking a look at the boat as you stepped on. John B stepped back to give you some room, nodding his head. 
“Got it last month, finally saved enough between rent and bills.” He replied, “being an adult sucks.”
“I hardly think 19 qualifies as being an adult.” You laughed, taking a seat as he pulled away from the jetty. It was still cold out for now, one of JJ’s hoodies keeping you warm as the light rush of air chilled your bare legs.  
“It does when I’ve got bills to fucking pay.” John B replied.  
“Touché.” You glanced back at him, “I thought you were doing the Winnebago thing with Kie? Surfing all the coasts or something?” 
Kiara was leaving at the end of the week to spend the summer in a Winnebago with a few friends from college. The last you had heard about the trip John B was tagging along too, eager, apparently, to get out of the obx. But here he was, spending his money on a new boat and seemingly unprepared to leave the island.  
“Nah, I thought about it but...I don’t know. She’s talking about it being a fresh start and how I’m in a slump but I know if I go with her-”  
You nodded, “not exactly a fresh start if you’re just tagging along with Kie wherever she goes.”  
You loved Kiara but you knew that she had a constant want to fix her friends problems, always the mom of the group in a way it killed her that things had never gone back to normal after the s’week debacle. The Week that Must Not Be Named, according to JJ.  
“Yeah, and listening to her try and fix things between everyone. I love her to death but the ‘we should put aside our differences’ spiel has yet to work on any of us.” John B replied, “except maybe you and Sarah.” 
“Me and Sarah are in it for life, she’s my like platonic soulmate best friend. I’d have to cut a part of myself out to not be friends with her anymore.” You admitted. Sarah could stab you in the back, and figuratively she had, and you would still be rooting for her in the end. You loved JJ and you cared about John B but Sarah was your ride or die.  
“That’s really touching.”  
“Oh shut up,” You laughed, tossing a flip-flop at him. “I love you too John B.”
“Yeah, yeah. Anyway, I was gonna say, I’ll take you up on your offer...if it still stands?” 
You’d came home almost every weekend because of your schedule but it was during spring break, on a day when JJ had work and you had gone over to the Chateau to hang out with John B, that you had mentioned your family’s vacation home in Hawaii. You usually went around Christmas and had that year, taking JJ with you for his first plane ride ever (which had been hilarious in itself). John B had mentioned wanting to get away from the obx and you suggested your family’s vacation home, free to him if he wanted to move out there for a little while.  
“Yeah of course, whatever you need.” 
“A serious change of scenery.” John B replied. The Outer Banks had always been his home but it was feeling more and more like a prison the longer he stayed there. Especially when he felt like he was running into JJ everywhere he went.  
“I’m guessing, if you’re aversion to Kie is that strong, you and JJ still aren’t talking?” You asked. It was an unspoken agreement between you and JJ that you never talked about his former best friend.  
“I got nothing to say to him.” He shrugged, “I’ve tried, I swear...it’s just, every time I see him I think about it and I feel like I wanna drown him in the ocean.” 
“I guess you won’t be coming to the boneyard on Friday then?” 
“Nah. I’ve got you and Kie and I don’t really wanna see anyone else. I’ve tried hanging out with other people we just don’t vibe ya know? I miss feeling like I had that group...I’m not gonna have that feeling here anymore.”  
“Hey I get that. When Rafe and I broke up I lost a lot of friends I thought I had.” You replied, “people can’t help feeling loyal to certain people.” 
“Maybe.” John B shrugged; it didn’t matter. Or he was trying to accept that he couldn’t change it. “But you’re here on the boat with me and we get along fine. You don’t try and bullshit me about JJ or tell me we should all be best friends again.” 
“It’s not my place. Besides, JJ and I have come to the agreement that we don’t talk about it.” You replied. It kept you both happy.
“Well it’s shit when you and Kie are in school cause then it’s just me and JJ on the cut.” John B admitted. He hadn’t complained too much about it during the school year but you knew that was just for your benefit. “What about you? I know you guys are cool but how is rooming with Sarah?”
“It’s good, feels like old times again ya know...JJ doesn’t come around, but...it what it is.” You shrugged.  
✰ ✰
Sarah Cameron -  
“I’m going to fail all my classes.” Sarah groaned, resting her chin on her forearms. She’d pushed her books away from her, forcing you to pick up your coffee when her textbooks threatened to knock it over.  
Finals were in a week and both of you had been studying like crazy, meeting up in the dorm or in the library for cram sessions between classes. Sarah was already planning on going to Nassau the first week of summer vacation with Topper and some college friends. Even if nobody actually knew what happened last summer it still felt different being in the Outer Banks now.  
“You are not, you’re literally one of the smartest people I know.” You replied, attempting to be encouraging as you texted Kiara about Pope’s birthday party coming up. Your books mirrored Sarah’s but you were taking a supposed break from studying for the five minutes your timer allotted.  
“But not the smartest?” She asked, lifting her head and narrowing her eyes at you. She grabbed her own cup of coffee off the table and took a sip as she looked over the books again. Nothing had changed.  
“I mean, I know Topper so...”  
“Oh my god, shut up, I just fucking spit out my coffee.” Sarah laughed, covering her mouth with her hand and reached for a napkin. “For real though, why couldn’t my dad have pulled a Lori Laughlin and like, paid off my college?”
You slipped your phone back on the table face down, clicking the side when it rang and pulling one of your books closer to distract you from it. “Because then he would’ve gotten caught and you would’ve been kicked out and probably blacklisted and everyone would be like ‘that girl is so dumb her dad paid off the college to pass her.’ And you’d have to move in with me and work retail.” 
“Stop it. What a fucking nightmare.” 
“The living with me or the working retail?” You asked, laughing at the annoyed face she made.  
“I’m gonna hire a new best friend who’s just like ‘yeah Sarah you’re so smart’, ‘your dad should pay for you to ace tests, you don’t need college’ and whatever other shit I pay them for.” She replied.  
“You could pay me, I’ll be your yes man.” You offered, silencing your phone when it rang again.  
“Who’s calling you?” Sarah asked, her attention drawn away from studying and Lori Laughlin to the phone that rang for a third time.  
“What?” You looked up, “no one.” You’d told JJ that you would call him when you were finished studying and that you were busy but that didn’t stop the incessant calling once he decided he felt like talking to you. Normally you wouldn’t care but you did your best to separate JJ from your life at school because Sarah was here and you didn’t feel like it was fair to flaunt that in front of her, even if it was accidental.  
“Seriously, I can see you clicking off your phone every couple minutes.” She replied, “Is it JJ?”
“Uh-” You bit your lip as you looked over at the offending electronic. It was no use pretending like he wasn’t the person on the other end of the call. You’d gone two semesters and a spring break without incident, surely, she wouldn’t care if you took one phone call. But you still felt guilty, you weren’t sure if that would ever go away. “It’s no big deal, I can talk to him later.”
“I’m fine!” Sarah insisted, “seriously I’ve got like a real date on Friday.” 
“I just wanna call him back real quick.” You replied, “I think it’s about going home for the weekend.”
“For Pope’s birthday?”  
“Yeah.” You’d been staying on campus with finals so close but it you knew Pope was going to be home for the weekend for his birthday and Kiara would be there and you didn’t want to miss spending time with them. Especially since you wouldn’t see them again until hell week was over and you were moving out of your dorm.  
“Kie mentioned it to me last week.” Sarah explained, “Are you guys doing anything special?”
“As far as I know it’s just the four of us.” You replied. John B hadn’t been hanging around either of his former friends. He still saw Kiara when she was home and you whenever you came home for the weekend, but that was sans JJ or Pope. If either of them was around than John B kept his distance.  
“Go, go. Seriously, I’m fine.” 
You pushed your chair back as your phone rang one more time, finally answering it. “Okay. I’ll be right back.”
✰ ✰
JJ Maybank -
“I’ve been thinking,” JJ started to say, sitting on a chair in The Wreck with you on his lap. Before he could continue you raised an eyebrow at him, running your fingers through his hair to get him to look up at you.  
“That’s never good.”
JJ stuck his tongue out but kept talking, undeterred by your comment, “...you should drop out.” He announced.  
You laughed, knowing that JJ wasn’t serious at all. He’d been making the same suggestion to you since September. “No way in hell! Why would I do that?”
“So I don’t have to go weeks without seeing you.” He shrugged, fingers slipping beneath your shirt as he laid a kiss against your neck.  
“A more tempting offer than I expected...what’ll we do on all these weeks spent actually seeing each other?” You asked, smiling. You couldn’t help but play along whenever he asked you to leave school. It was all just for fun, if anything JJ had the most supportive person you had in your life during school.  
“I can think of a few things.” JJ replied, squeezing your side and brushing his nose against your collar and neck.  
“Oh god.” You laughed, “stop we’re in public. There are families with children here.”
“How do you think they got the kids?” He shrugged.  
“You’re a terrible person.” You replied, “come on, Kie and Pope will be here soon.” 
“You’ve been home for like an hour and you’re already dying to see our friends instead of me.” JJ whined.  
“An hour? Babe, I got in this morning...we spent the whole morning ‘unpacking’ in my room.” You pointed out. You’d taken the earliest ferry over that you could and met JJ on the docks. It didn’t matter that you’d just seen him two weeks ago or that you facetimed him every night, seeing him in person gave you the best feeling in the world. It was undeniable.  
“Okay, I know I did not come all the way here just to watch you guys mack on each other.” Kiara announced as she came over to the table.  
“Came all the way over? You fucking work here Kie.” JJ replied, rolling his eyes as you got up to give her a hug. He frowned at the loss of attention, even if he did know that going out with everyone meant not getting you all to himself.  
“I had to go pick up Pope and then drive back.” Kiara said, as if that was a viable excuse.
“I’m like five minutes away...walking.” Pope pointed out, giving you a hug before grabbing a seat next to JJ.  
“No, move.”
“I’m not moving!” Pope exclaimed, “dude, don’t push my chair.”
“He’s being a brat cause I’m apparently more excited to see you guys than I was to see him.” You replied, laughing as Pope smacked JJ’s hands away from his chair. You sat across from your boyfriend, sticking your tongue out at him.  
“You are.”
“I am not!”  
“She is.” Kiara said, grinning at you, “it’s okay I know you only date JJ so you can hang out with us.”
“I know, what am I gonna do while you’re away?”
“It’s okay,” Pope said, reaching across the table and putting his hand over yours, “I’ll still be here.”
“Thank god.”
“Okay, seriously, the three of you are the worst.” Despite his words when you looked over at JJ he was smiling, eyes brighter than they’d been when you met him almost a year ago. Things weren’t perfect but they were good.  
Taglist: @maplelattes22 @poguesrforlife  @freckled-and-daydreaming  @chasefreakinstokes @millie-753 @fangirlwithme @alex12948 @katherine097 @tangledinsparkles @carbonated-beverage @mariofgreengables @damonsalvawhore27 @dopedoodes @dolanfivsosxox @belledutchess @poguelifeeee @faded-blue @parkerpetertingle @thebookwormlife @summer-clouds-and-long-days @jellyfishbeansontoast @minigranger @hoewkeye @love-someone-special @tiredfeels @strangerthanfanfiction713 @the-only-nana @tomzfrog @mozz-are-lla@poguestyleskye @ssprayberrythings @jenahbell @beautyandthebleh @gothackedalready @teenwaywardasgardian @sarahcxmeron @haha-fuck-you-thot @stillbelieve398-5 @rewindlr @queenniccimicci @kissessforharryyy @thedarkqueenofavalon @alytavzla @bqmblebee@linniep @nerdypartytrashpsychic @xxchxrryxx @spencer-reid-is-a-cutie @mirjanak @danielladreaming @obx-saltlife @youngestxhearts @spnobsessedmemes @wowitswondergurl @celestialmaybank @mybnkjj @pineappleandcherries @mysterious-adventurer @justawilddreamerchild @rhyetaylor62 @calm-rejects @balletandyuzu @oh-annaa@aiifandomsunite  @x-lulu @ceruleanjj @wicked-laugh @obxwriterfan  @allie-mcginn@pcterparxer @literarycharleton @khiaraaa-in-spacee @crushe-s @teamnick @daydreamlilys @collectiveuniverses @activist-af @mdgrdians @buckys-sunflower @vindictive-hearts@copper-boom @talksoprettyjjx @5am-cigarette @smiithys @jolomez @timotaychalabae  @pixelated-pogues @booksandshish  @ponyboys-sunsets @prettyyboyspence @obxlife @downbytheouterbanks @pancakefancake @danicarosaline @sspidermanss @k-k0129 @apoguecalledjj @annedub @mendesmaybank @httpstarkey 
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sky-high-cafe · 3 years
!Promo Post!
“Nee-hee-hee! Well, lookie here, Keebo! It seems someone’s wandered into our shop!~”
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“Kokichi, it’s a café, not a store. They are systematically different things, yo- Oh, uh, sorry about that I hope you have a nice visit at our café. If you need anything the we’ll be here.” 
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“Yeah, yeah, of course a robot like you would be picky on those things. Aaaanywho! Like my metal associate pretty much said, we’re running a special editing café! More info under the cut! (And yes, this is a REMADE promo! It’d be great for you guys to reblog this and/or delete the old one!)”
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“I’m going first! So! I’m Mod Kokichi -if you couldn’t already guess- and one of two mods who run this blog! I’m nonbinary, so I use they/them, and my main blog is spookyvance. Here’s the rundown of what you can order from me! Of course, a lot more info is on my introduction page!!”
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What I can do:
Spotify playlists (10-15 songs)
Wallpapers (Phone & desktop)
4 Icons
Danganronpa (Everything except the manga!)
Monster Prom/Camp
Important things on my blacklist:
Haiji Towa
Any FNaF ships
Warriors of Hope in ships
Abusive ships (Togafuka, Junkan, etc.)
Weirdcore/traumacore/etc. (Though a little bit of voidcore is ok!)
The name Kate/Katelynn, and the song If I Die Young by The Band Perry
“Alright, I’m done! Go Keebs!! Your turn!!!”
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“Hello, I am Mod Keebo. I am the other mod for this blog. My pronouns are they/them or she/her. My main blog is ChilledStrawberryMilk. Moving on, here is what you can order from me, if you please.”
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What I can do:
Spotify playlists (5-25 songs)
Wallpapers (Phone & desktop)
Maybe hc’s
Danganronpa (Everything up to chapter 5 of v3 and the manga)
My Hero Academia (Everything up to season 5 of the anime)
Monster Prom/Camp
Muse Dash
Anything to deal with the topic of trypophobia
Liminal spaces
Warriors of Hope in ships
Abusive ships (Togafuka, Junkan, etc.)
Spoilers for mostly anything
“Th-that about sums it up for m-me! If you are unsure about something feel free to check my introduction page.”
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“Can you guys pleeeeeeaseeeeee reblog this? Thanks!! Feel free to DM for removal n stuff!~"
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@skellychan @conicaledits @chilledstrawberrymilk503 @interstellarmoodboards @spookyvance @elis-sad-lgbtq-edits @macaronnes @maidkinz @lou-edits @chomaeki​ 
19 notes · View notes
rattyarts · 4 years
Huge-ask post (I am VERY funny)
Because I have so many questions that can be answered with just text, and I have mentioned my dislike of filling my art blog up with Words Words Words... let’s get them all done in one go!
(You guys can blacklist #rattytalks if you’re just here for the draws, btw)
A shit ton of asks under the cut!
Anonymous said: So for the center of the world, what with it being forcefully PG and all Bad Thoughts TM being prevented, how does having kids happen? Do parents just black out and wake up holding a child in their arms and vague memories of the last 9 months?
Ever seen a movie where they do that “and one day... a baby was born!” thing and a kid just appears offscreen with no explanation?
(This is how it works everywhere, Edgelands included; no one does the do or gets pregnant in this setting.)
Anonymous said: Hello! Quick question, and sorry if you’ve answered this before, but can other elves see the “intangible” bits of one another? Big fan of your work btw!
Nope! And thank you!
Anonymous said: Leopold was in my dream last night but I sadly cannot remember any of it.
I am SO sorry. I will try to keep my stinky murder men out of your head in the future.
Anonymous said: are the floaty bits stuck in one spot, or could the one they are attached to learn to move them around their body as long as its still within a certain distance? like, someone with the Floaty limbs, lets call him Ray, can move his limbs all over his body, allowing him to do all sorts of neat things that others with their attached limbs probably couldn't?
Whatever you want, honestly. As a general rule of thumb I don’t like putting down TOO many hard rules that prevent people from having fun with this setting. (Please ignore and scrap anything you think is stupid, I do this all the time and enjoy keeping this setting inconsistent and contradictory)
Anonymous said: Do elf names work off of Death Note rules, or is it like, if you know one elf’s name, all elves with that name are now unable to harm you? So if all the elf brothers are named Martin, for example, does it only work with blue?
I think it’s prolly just the one! Probably? Idk, might change if I think of something funnier.
Anonymous said: Can elves do magic on themselves or does thst go against the knowing name rule
Most people tend to know their own names, lol. So in my opinion, no, but don’t let me stop you if you got a fun idea.
Anonymous said: Could an Elf stitch on parts from another elf and have them work? i.e an Elf's finds the arm of another Elf. "Hey, free arm, might as well put it to good use", so they attach the arm and now they can give three high fives at once!
Same deal as previous questions, I personally would say no, but I also encourage people to do whatever the hell they want. It’s more fun that way!
Anonymous said: I bet elves are greasy to the touch.
They’re very powdery! Like if you rolled them in flour. And by flour I mean nasty glowing elf dandruff.
Anonymous said: Can elves fly or are their wings just for show?
No flying!!! (Unless you’re a mousefly)
Anonymous said: Something tells me that the elves would LOVE Obatzda.
Had to look that up, but definitely!
no1fan15: Not sure if someone asked already- Does Edgeworld have any equivalent to demons and angels? Like the old rubberhose cartoon kind?
Demons, yes! That’s what imps are: basically any demon, devil, or generic monster, but tiny! Even a couple of pop culture critters in there, there’s probably a very small gillman or robot monster running around there somewhere.
Angels, not so far. 
Anonymous said: How come Margaret hasn't yeeted George's jar into the Edge yet
I’d say being locked in a closet is good enough! (and also I need him for plot reasons, don’t tell anyone)
Anonymous said: If elves have knees bulges in the front then do they have butt bulges in the back?
i do not want to think about elf bulges
Anonymous said: So if you find a baby Therewoof and you say "aw you're so cute", their true name is So Cute?
Anonymous said: Since a Therewoof's true name can be something like "cutie pie" or "dingus", does their name have to be spoken with "intent" for it to doggo-fy them? Or do they just have to live with the reality that any casual conversation/flirting can make them lose up to a month to Doggy Mode? My mom has little terrier dog named "Sweetie" so that got me thinking 'bout Therewoof names. & Anonymous said: here's a good question: If someone says a therewoof's true name, but not reffering to them, does it still affect them?
Just saying it will do! It’s based on those old werewolf stories where calling out the person’s name will change them back into a human/cure them, and a lot of the time it was by accident.
(My favorite is the one where they slam the door on the wolf’s tail and then say his name, and the dude ends up with a wolf tail for the rest of his life.)
Anonymous said: Would Seeing eye Therewoofs be a thing?
I... guess? Probably? Since regular dogs can turn into woofs, yeah. You might have to start paying em once they turn into a person tho. 
Anonymous said: Was ChalkZone ever an inspiration for you? Because I just love the silly world of ChalkZone and I noticed getting that same warm feeling when thinking about Edgeworld.
Maaaan, I wish. I’ve only seen about three episodes or so, but it seems really fun!
Anonymous said: So I saw your mimic post, and even though I don't think I've seen any other of your art before I was absolutely HAMMERED with an indescribable sense of slightly unsettling strangeness and comfortable familiarity. Your art feels like something from like, an old point and click computer game I would have had formative memories of before accidentally losing or scratching the disc therefore making me unsure if it ever REALLY existed. Sorry for being weird but I love the wacky nostalgia feel here
Aaaaaah, THANK YOU! That is SUCH a cool comparison and I appreciate!!!
Anonymous said: If the Edgeworld is based on cartoons then is there a Reverse Edge-world that’s based on anime?
Lol, I mean I DID have an anime phase for a while there, so...
caydebug: Man I’d love to see this as a cartoon some day
Honestly, same. Best you’re gonna get is the occasional animatic or gif, tho.
Anonymous said: Does anyone..."go" in Edgeworld? or is it like Pleasantville where bathrooms exist but there are no toilets in them because acknowledging it is yucky?
Oh god I keep getting asked this and have been avoiding it like the damn plague. But... Uh. No. No they do not. I am begging you all not to send any followup questions.
Anonymous said: Have you considered putting computer viruses or illnesses in with the buggymen? Since those are typically called ‘bugs’
Anonymous said: are there any limits to what an Animimic could posess? i.e if they were in a costume of a Buggieman with multiple arms, could they control all of them? what about a small Mousefly costume? can multiple fit into one costume like a clown car? and what about in pitch black darkness, where you can only see the lights of their eyes and not their bodies? could one fit inside the pocket of a jacket you are wearing and help you steal things/wield a gun like a living turret?
Since clothing fills into the body type of the intended wearer, they would indeed be able to control all arms/legs in buggieman clothes.
Size restrictions is one of these things I wanna try to be vague about: I personally have been imagining them sticking to hiding in things no smaller than, um. Maybe imp sized, but really, whatever. It’s a cartoon eyeball critter!
You can put multiple animimics in one outfit!
They can move around just fine in darkness without being off screen, yeah!
And sure why not. lol
Anonymous said: I know you have been asked this once before, and you said nah you don't, but with a few more months of worldbuilding, do you have an idea for what could be down the edge now? 🤔
Not really! It’s not super important, honestly. I’d say any fan theory is about as valid as anything else I can come up with.
ps2polpo: I doubt you’ll ever elaborate on The Edge but I like to imagine there’s just one dude there like the Nowhere Man from the Yellow Submarine movie. Mostly cause the thought of someone accidentally winding up there being like “where am I?” And there’s just a guy casually waving at him like a friendly neighbor is funny to me & Anonymous said: The implication that the Edge is the physical manifestation of edginess so there’s probably like, Trevor Henderson monsters hanging out down there.
See above question! Valid! I also accept falling forever, getting erased from existence, ending up in another universe, getting stuck in limbo with thousands of other people, whatever you want, really!
Anonymous said: " he has very few bones and weighs basically nothing, " "Fastball special" trope, but with Leo?
Anonymous said: did you ever watch dragon tales as a kid? because george and margaret make me think of murderous zak and wheezie from that show, and i love it to bits
I did not, but I would have loved it. Definitely up my alley!
(watched Quest for Camelot a loooot, though!)
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Imma go ahead and stop here! There’s more but I’ve been writing for well over an hour and I have things to do. If your question is missing I’m either saving it for later, wasn’t entirely sure how to answer, or it’s spoilery.
Will probably do another one of these at some point!
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