#the sweek series
collecting-stories · 4 years
The Crush - ep. 04 - JJ Maybank
Summary: It turns out it wasn’t on accident Rafe showed up to the party. Some secrets are revealed amongst the pogues. 
A/N: I don’t know if you’ll have seen this twist coming...
The S’week Masterlist | Outer Banks Masterlist
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“It’s a known fact.” JJ huffed, crossing his arms behind his head as he looked up at you. He was laying in your bed, much like the night before only this time he was beneath the covers, no clothing on, and you were sitting beside him, facing the head of the bed with your legs crossed, your right thigh pressed against his side. 
You were naked too aside from his cut-off, navy blue shirt. The one he’d been wearing on the beach when you found him. 
“It’s a known fact that you’re a brat.” You replied, pressing your lips together as you tried to fight off a smile. “This cannot be the worst senior week ever.” 
“You’re right, once I hooked up with this girl-“
“Oh my god!” You laughed, shoving him away from you though he didn’t budge. Instead he grabbed your wrist and held your hand in his. 
“Let me finish the story!”
“Okay, okay, your hooked up with this girl.” 
“Yeah, it was her senior week and John B and I went to this party. Anyway, we hooked up right, and all the sudden her boyfriend burst through the door and just starts pounding on me. If it wasn’t for JB, I would be dead right now.” 
“I would’ve had sex with a ghost?” You teased.  “Very Patrick Swayze.” 
JJ gave you an exaggerated frown and shook his head like he had no idea what you were talking about. You grinned, leaning down and kissing the bridge of his nose and then his lips.  
“It’s a movie? Ghost...he dies and then comes back to haunt his girlfriend. There’s a freaky scene where she makes pottery...we’ll watch the movie.” You decided. 
“Eh not my kinda movie.” 
“It’s good for a laugh.” 
After you’d taken a turn skinny dipping in the ocean the both of you had haphazardly thrown on clothing and walked back to the house, sneaking upstairs with the bag of alcohol to continue the party together in your room. 
You’d had every intention of polishing off at least the pinnacle of vodka but the bag sat untouched where you’d dropped it at the door when JJ had grabbed your hand and led you to the bed. 
JJ shifted in bed and scrunched his nose up, “I need a shower, I’ve got sand like up my ass or something.” 
“Oh wow, there’s a turn-on.” You teased as he flung the blankets back and stood up, completely naked, to look for sand. “Oh my god,” you leaned forward, pressing your forehead into the pillow, “you really are having the worst senior week ever.” 
“Tell me about it.” He huffed, making his way into the bathroom to start the water for the shower. 
“Your back looks good by the way. You can probably go to the beach today, if you let me put sunscreen on you.” You called, getting up and walking over to lean against the open bathroom door. JJ was standing in front of the full length mirror, still trying to determine if he had sand anywhere. 
“On one condition-“
“Is it, that I shower with you?” You asked. 
“See, great minds and all that.” 
“No, I’ve just spent more than ten minutes with you so I know what you’re like.” 
“Either way, you agreed to shower sex and there are no take backs.” He announced, before looking over at you and adding, “I mean obviously if you changed your mind-“ 
“I got it.” You laughed, “now get your sandy butt in the shower.” 
“I told you, didn’t I tell you!” JJ practically shouted as you pushed him into the shower. You pulled off his shirt, tossing it by the door and climbing into the shower after him. 
JJ pulled you under the spray of warm water, kissing you and trying to back you up to the wall. You pulled away, holding his face in your hands as if that would ward him off. 
“Shower.” You insisted, “I promised Kie last night that we would actually do the beach with them this time.”
“No.” You shook your head, moving your hands to shake his in time with yours, “no sex. Just shower.”
“I get shower sex post beach then.”
“You got shower sex post beach last night! JJ!” You laughed and squealed when he surged forward, burying his face in your neck and sucking on the skin there. “Stop!”
“Never!” He teased fingers dancing along your sides and making you squirm. 
“Okay, okay. Post beach shower sex.” 
“Do you feel like Sarah is being weird?” Kiara asked as you walked to the beach, Pope and JJ already a few feet ahead of you. “I mean she practically begged us to come down here and she’s been avoiding us all week. I thought it was John B too but he told me last night that she’s been weird.” 
“Yeah; somethings off.” You replied. “She’s been weird with me too.” 
You had been friends with Sarah since you were kids and you were used to her push and pull behavior when it came to friends but this was something entirely different. She acted like she wasn’t even on the same vacation with the four of you and was dominating all of John B’s time and attention. You’d barely said five words to him in the time he’d been down here. 
“Hey, try to keep up,” Pope called, leaning against the umbrella stake as he and JJ waited for you and Kiara to catch up. 
“Sorry,” she apologized as the two of you picked up the pace. You pulled your sandals off and walked barefoot the rest of the way to JJ, who was grinning smugly as he watched you. You were still wearing his pelican marina cut-off, using it as a cover up for your bathing suit. Pope had grilled him about it on the walk up while you and Kiara talked about Sarah. 
“Dude, I literally asked her yesterday if anything was going on with you and she said no and now she shows up in your shirt? Not to mention where the hell did you disappear to last night?” Pope had whisper-shouted, a specialty of the Heyward's. 
“A lot can happen in 24 hours?” JJ had asked, shrugging his shoulders. He had glanced back at you, laughing at something Kiara said, looking totally happy, and he was pretty sure he knew exactly how John B felt the one time he got drunk and tried to explain his feelings for Sarah. 
When you had looked over at him you stuck your tongue out and then smiled and he was slightly derailed off his conversation, missing the end of what Pope was saying. 
“...get involved.” 
“I said, don’t forget she’s Rafe’s ex...do you really think it’s a good idea to get involved?” Pope had asked, genuinely concerned for his friend. The last thing he wanted was JJ putting himself out there only to be let down. 
“That’s over.” JJ replied, tone filled with so much certainty that Pope didn’t question it further. 
You hadn’t told JJ everything about Rafe but he’d seen the way Rafe had talked to you last night and, though everyone was always ready to write off JJ as being oblivious, he could pick up on body language better than most. It was a necessary skill when he lived with his father and he hadn’t missed the way Topper put himself between you and Rafe. He might’ve still gone after Pope but he had been protecting you. JJ’d only been a jerk about it when you came up to him at the beach because he was pissed to be the last person to find out that you had dated Rafe and he was a little worried that Sarah had been telling the truth when she told Kiara you were going to get back with him. 
“Okay, I’m not walking another second, my legs are killing me.” You announced when you finally reached JJ and Pope. 
“Well I’m not putting the umbrella down here, this is a terrible spot!” Pope complained. The sand was still soft and a little too dry for his liking. He wanted to go further down the beach, closer to the water.
Kiara laughed as she walked passed you, “you’ll make it, don’t worry.”
“Hey how much do you want to carry me down there?” You asked, eying JJ. He’d stayed put while Kiara and Pope walked down the beach.
“Barely at all.”
“Please, I’ll buy lunch.” You pleaded, pouting at him. 
JJ pressed his lips together and furrowed his eyebrows as he pretended to be deep in thought, “lunch and whatever I want on the boardwalk.” 
“Okay.” You nodded your head and held out your hand, “deal.” JJ spit into his hand and shook yours, laughing when you pulled away immediately. “Oh my god, ew!” 
“You didn’t complain about my spit last night.” 
You pretended to gag at his words, only sending him into another laughing fit as he turned around to let you piggy back down the beach. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and he hoisted you up. You kissed just below his ear in thanks. JJ kept his hands on your thighs as he walked down to where Kiara and Pope had set up the umbrella and blankets. When he got over them, he let go of your legs in an attempt the drop you but you held on tighter in shock as your legs fell, pulling both of you down on the blanket. 
“Good job JJ.” Kiara teased, pushing at him until he rolled off of you. 
“She didn’t let go!” 
“So you could drop me?” You asked, sitting up and moving closer to Pope, “no thank you!”
“Hey, give me your phones, I’ll put them in my bag.” Pope held up his black jansport, shaking it for emphasis. 
Kiara handed hers over and you fished JJ’s out of your bag, digging for your own with no luck. “Mine’s not in here.” 
“Did you leave it plugged in?” Kiara asked, leaning over to look in the bag too. 
“Maybe.” You shrugged, “I know I had when we went back to the house.” 
“Probably in the bathroom or something.” JJ said, “now, more important...sunscreen me. I think I’m already burning.” He held the sunscreen bottle out to you and you rolled your eyes, moving over to sit behind him.  
He pulled his shirt over his head and settled in front of you, letting you rub sunscreen into his back. You kissed the back of his neck before smoothing some across there too, pushing some of his hair away so it wouldn’t get oily. Kiara and Pope headed down for the water but you stayed behind with JJ.  
“Not going in yet?”
“I’m gonna work on my tan.” He replied, laying down on the blanket and putting his sunglasses on.  
You pulled your coverup off and JJ glanced over at you. “You saw me in my bathing suit this morning before we left.”
“I forgot how good you looked on the way here.” He replied, smiling at you.  
You rolled your eyes at him and tossed his shirt over his head. When he pulled it away and pouted you could only laugh, leaning over and kissing him.  
“I don’t know if this is the best place to have this conversation but...I don’t wanna chicken out or anything and I just wanted to reiterate that I don’t want this to be like, a casual, here for s’week thing.” You explained, pulling your knees up to your chest. “I also wanted to ask if you wanted to stay with me an extra week? Everyone could stay too, it doesn’t have to just be us-”
“It could just be us.” JJ replied, “I’d be down.”
“Even after your terrible week here?”
“I guess it hasn’t been so bad.” He admitted. “And like I said, it’s not casual. I swear.”  
“Good, because Pope told me about your s’week plans.”
“No, come on!” He groaned, standing up and dropping his sunglasses on the blanket.  
“What are you doing?” You laughed, standing up and following him down to the beach. He ran into the water, jumping in and swimming over to Pope. Kiara shouted when he splashed her by accident, jumping on Pope’s back and sending them both down into the water.
“Dude!” Pope laughed, surfacing and trying to dunk JJ underwater at the same time.
“He knows I know about his ‘JJ does s’week’ plan.” You said, laughing at the two of them wrestling in the water with each other.  
“I can’t believe you told him.”
“What plans?” Kiara asked, looking between the boys and you.  
“JJ was gonna have sex with a bunch of girls this week.” You explained, keeping your voice low as a woman and her two kids waded passed.  
“Oh my god! JJ!”
“What? I only had sex with one!” He practically shouted. The woman whipped around, looking startled by the four of you and JJ bit his lip to stop from laughing at her expression as Pope apologized for him.  
“What a lucky one I am.” You muttered as the woman pushed her kids further away.
“You know it baby.” JJ winked at you.
“Ew, can we just have a normal day please?”
John B was already talking about another party after dinner, as the six of you stood and sat around the island eating straight from the boxes of pizza that were sitting there. JJ was standing next to your seat, his hand on your stool and you angled toward him. He leaned over and kissed just below your ear.  
“I think I’ll stay here.” He announced glancing over at John B.
“JJ Maybank, turning down a party?” Kiara said, “do my ears decieve me?”
“You guys go.” He shrugged.
“We can go,” you whispered, leaning into him. “I don’t care.”
“Nah, I would-”
“Your phone’s buzzing.” Sarah cut in, looking at your phone vibrating against the marble countertop. It was laying facedown and you picked it up, angling it away to look at it.  
It was right where JJ said it would be when you got back to the house that afternoon, sitting on the bathroom counter charging. When texts from Rafe had started to come in you had looked back through your messages, confused, only to find that someone had sent pictures and texts to him from your phone. You hadn’t told JJ that you were getting texts but you’d been ignoring them since they started.  
“Who is it?” Sarah asked, leaming across the counter.
“No one.” You shook your head and put your phone down again. You turned back to JJ, knowing that the texts were getting too out of control now and you’d have to tell him. “Can I talk to you?” You whispered.
“Yeah, sure.” JJ nodded. He backed up to let you out just as your phone buzzed again. Sarah was out of her seat, rushing around the island and grabbing your phone off the counter.
“What the hell?  I thought you said things were over between you and Rafe?” She asked, holding the phone up.
“They are!” You insisted as she passed the phone to Kiara. She shook her head, not wanting to look at it.
“Well I don’t send guys I’m not with pictures like this.” She scrolled down to one of them and held it up so everyone could see the phone this time.  
You turned in your stool, trying to reach for the phone. “Sarah!”
“What the hell Sarah, give her the phone back!” JJ said.  
“I didn’t send those, I swear to god.” You looked back at JJ as you spoke, “they were sent while we were at the beach.”
“So what? Someone else sent them?” Sarah replied. “Are you accusing one of us?”
“I didn’t send them.”
“I guess it wasn’t you that told him you made a mistake and JJ means nothing to you? That’s he just a loser pogue and so are his friends.”  
You clenched your fists, digging your fingernails into your palms and trying to stop yourself from crying. “I would never say that. Why are you doing this?”
“She didn’t have her phone at the beach Sarah,” Kiara grabbed the phone now, scrolling through to check the time stamp, “I saw her bag I know she didn’t.”
“So who did?” JJ asked, not a hint of malice in his voice as he put his hand on your back.  
“Are you suggesting one of us did?” Sarah asked, looking between the two of you.  
Your eyes met Sarah’s as JJ’s hand came up to squeeze your shoulder and you saw the way her jaw tensed and she clenched her own fists. “Oh my god.” You gasped.
“What?” Kiara looked away from the phone and over to you.
“It’s JJ...the guy you liked before John B. The one you told me you still had feelings for? It’s JJ isn’t it? That’s why you’re doing this?” You accused.  
“You’re insane.”
“Don’t hurt him, we might not get along but he’s John B’s friend...what a load of bullshit!” You said. “So what was your plan for senior week? Come down here and get him back?”  
“It’s not JJ.” Sarah insisted.
“You’ve avoided spending any time with us...you invited Rafe to the party last night didn’t you?”
“What a shitty person! God, I can’t believe you!” You pushed away from the island and got up. JJ grabbed your hand but you pulled away from him. “I have to go.”
“Wait!” Sarah reached out for you.  
“No, just stay away from me! You knew I would say yes to you guys coming down here. You knew I liked him, I told you.” You said, glancing back at JJ before looking at Sarah, “you knew about  Rafe.”
“I didn’t know.”
“Don’t play dumb Sarah. Even Topper knew.” You left the room, running up the stairs. Kiara got up from the table and followed you to make sure you were okay.  
“Sarah, what’s she talking about?” John B finally spoke up, looking between his girlfriend and his best friend.
“Sarah and I hooked up before you guys started dating. It was just some party...it wasn’t a big deal.” JJ explained to John B.
“It wasn’t a big deal?”  Sarah whipped around to look at JJ, looking absolute devastated.  
John B’s chair scrapped against the tile floor and he got up from the island, grabbing his phone from the counter and heading for the back door. Sarah called his name but he only shook his head before letting the door slam shut after him. JJ, Pope, and Sarah were left in the kitchen.  
“I’m gonna...” Pope said, grabbing a slice of pizza and heading for the basement where the theatre room was.  
“I didn’t...” JJ let out a breath, running a hand through his hair, “I’m sorry if you felt like...there was something here but...why date John B then?”
“I don’t know.”
“Well, maybe it’s something you should think about.” JJ said, making his way passed her to the stairs.
“Where are you going?”
“Making sure she’s okay.” He headed up to your bedroom where Kiara was sitting on your bed. You had locked yourself in the bathroom and you weren’t coming out was how she explained it before going to find Pope.  
“All I wanted was a drama free week.” Kiara said.  
JJ shut the door behind Kiara and walked over to the bathroom, knocking gently. When you didn’t answer he tried the doorknob, closed in but not locked, he came in to find you sitting on the closed toilet seat, head in your hands, leaning over to your knees crying.  
“Hey,” He spoke soft, kneeling down in front of you and placing his hands on your thighs. “Are you okay?”
“I don’t get it...like, we’ve been friends since kindergarten, I don’t know why she would do this.” You said, lifting your head to look at him. “She has John B, like he’s crazy about her...”
“As much of a catch as I am,” JJ said, making you stifle a laugh, “I know that’s not the whole of it.”  
“The last time I broke up with Rafe it was because he thought I was talking to someone about him...I like to party but Rafe...is on a whole other level. And he’s paranoid when he’s high. He freaks about everything and-”
“It’s okay.”
“I thought he wasn’t gonna stop. He was pissed because I broke it off and Topper and Kelce knew he could...get physical but they never saw it. But Top drove me to Rafe’s and I was just sitting there on the couch while he screamed at me. He called me a whore and a liar and told me I was worthless and then he just...Topper had to pull him off me.”
JJ put his arms around you, guiding you off the edge of the toilet seat to sit with him on the floor. He pressed his back against the bathtub and held you while you kept your face in his neck, tears wetting the skin.  
“Sarah knew though,” you said, “she saw me leave with Topper, he told her what happened. She knew. I don’t care about...whatever boys and shit, no offense-”
“Very offended but you can make it up to me later.” He teased, kissing the top of your head.
“She knew about Rafe, I don’t understand why she would try put me in the position again.”  
“Let's skip the party tonight,” JJ suggested, “I think the alcohol bag made it back to your room.”
You nodded, closing your eyes and holding JJ a little tighter.  
“Hey, is Sarah still here?” You asked, standing on the last stair and watching John eat cold pizza. It was somewhere near three am in the morning and you were having trouble sleeping.  
“All her stuff is gone. I think she went over to stay with Rafe.” He shrugged. “I thought...I don’t know. I guess I thought things were really good between us.”  
“I’m sorry...I didn’t mean for all this to happen-”
“It’s not your fault.” John B insisted. He pushed the pizza box down the island toward you, “cold pizza.”
“Don’t mind if I do.” You walked over and grabbed a slice, standing at the island next to him. “I feel like we haven’t gotten to hang out a lot. Like I’ve barely seen you all s’week John B.”
He laughed and nodded his head, “I know, I know. I gotta change that.”
“Well, I think we’re going to the waterslide tomorrow if you’re interested in that?” You offered. “I’ll ride double so you don’t have to go on alone.”  
“Thanks I appreciate that.” He said.  
You turned to face him, smiling. John B looked at you for a moment before leaning in toward you as if he was going to kiss you. You backed away from him just as he pressed his lips against yours, eyes wide and John B seemed to lurch back in surprise.  
“I-” He choked on an explanation for what he had just done.  
“What’re you doing?”
“Sorry, I just...”
“I’m just gonna....uh, thanks for the pizza.” You said, dropping it into the box and heading back toward the stairs. “I’ll...see you in the morning.”
“I’m sorry! Shit.” John B cursed, scrubbing his hands over his face in frustration.  
taglist:  @maplelattes22 @poguesrforlife  @freckled-and-daydreaming  @chasefreakinstokes @millie-753 @fangirlwithme @alex12948 @howdyherron @katherine097 @tangledinsparkles @tragicmisfits @carbonated-beverage @mariofgreengables @damonsalvawhore27 @dopedoodes @dolanfivsosxox @belledutchess @poguelifeeee @jjsthumbring @faded-blue @parkerpetertingle @thebookwormlife @summer-clouds-and-long-days @jellyfishbeansontoast @minigranger @louisolos @hoewkeye @love-someone-special @finecelle @vitaminekabc @tiredfeels @g4bster @strangerthanfanfiction713 @the-only-nana @tomzfrog @mozz-are-lla @vindictive-hearts @poguestyleskye @ssprayberrythings @pensysto @jenahbell @beautyandthebleh @lavenderxraindrops @gothackedalready @teenwaywardasgardian @sarahcxmeron @hvitost @haha-fuck-you-thot @stillbelieve398-5 @rewindlr @queenniccimicci @kissessforharryyy @thedarkqueenofavalon @alytavzla @bqmblebee @linniep @nerdypartytrashpsychic @xxchxrryxx @spencer-reid-is-a-cutie @mirjanak @kwjune @danielladreaming @obx-saltlife @youngestxhearts @spnobsessedmemes @wowitswondergurl @siwiecola @regev1408 @celestialmaybank @mybnkjj @averagxfangirl @mysterious-adventurer @justawilddreamerchild @rhyetaylor62 @calm-rejects @99sxuxii @oh-annaa @katiaw2 @aiifandomsunite @marteenuhh08 @x-lulu @kitkat0609 @ceruleanjj @yoxsh06 @wicked-laugh @obxwriterfan @justkeepdreamingswift @allie-mcginn @pcterparxer @literarycharleton @khiaraaa-in-spacee @crushe-s @teamnick @daydreamlilys @poguesnobx @collectiveuniverses @activist-af @mdgrdians @buckys-sunflower @vindictive-hearts @copper-boom @jolomez @timotaychalabae @babycakes00 @pixelated-pogues @booksandshish @lopineapples @ponyboys-sunsets @prettyyboyspence @obxlife @downbytheouterbanks @pancakefancake @danicarosaline @sspidermanss @k-k0129 @apoguecalledjj @annedub @thatjohnd
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arizonacolleen · 5 years
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It’s finally here!
If you enjoyed Sophie Hollander Seres, you will not want to miss the original spinoff work.
Check out a free excerpt on Sweek: La Provenienza di Sully e Lina https://web.sweek.com/story/CwgDBApsCAAFBQ4OBwYHDWYCCA==
Buy/finish my first published novella in the Minuet Nero Series! “Sully e Lina” available in Epub now at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0823HQMVF https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/992899 https://publishuk.sweek.com/books/215583
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You can also contact me at the following links, or drop me a line here 😊 https://publishuk.sweek.com/site/index.php?r=userwebsite/index&id=Arizonacolleen https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/Arizonacolleen
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gemeladelinfierno2 · 3 years
Estimados seguidores, amigos y conocidos,
¡Ya he publicado mi nuevo libro ‘EL DIABLO YO Y UNA COPA DE VINO ’! Después de muchas horas de gran esfuerzo detrás de la pantalla de mi ordenador, de tantos momentos que me he quedado en blanco y algún y que otro pensamiento brillante, mi obra está finalmente terminada y ¡estoy muy orgulloso de haberlo conseguido! He publicado mi libro en Sweek y podrán encargarlo aquí o bien a través de otras librerías. Seria increíble si reenviasen este mensaje a tus amigos.
Abajo pueden encontrar una breve descripción de mi libro: Una escritora llamada Elizabeth se ve sorprendida por una serie de anónimos de un admirador secreto.  La joven, madre de una hermosa niña, Alicia, se ve intrigada por el admirador, conocido únicamente como señor I. Lo que no sabemos es que este personaje  guarda un pasado oscuro y que nuestra protagonista tardará en descubrir. Mientras, él se dedica a matar a mujeres con algún parecido a Elizabeth con el propósito de enamorarla. Sin él intervenir ella se enamora de él cosa que provocará un trágico final: Nuestro señor I se entera de que ella tiene una hija y se vuelve loco. Gracias a Elizabeth, su hermana y Alicia consiguen escapar y él acaba en prisión. Unos años después, cuando parece que todo ha acabado, el señor I queda en libertad y Alicia que aún no se ha enterado de la noticia  va a París con su novio Daniel para vengarse. Por otro lado el señor I sediento de venganza le pide ayuda a su hijo Alex quien le ayudará con su plan, lo único que tiene que hacer es que Alicia se enamore de él. Sin embargo las cosas no salen como se planearon y uno de los personajes nos cambiará de bando en un punto donde la vida les va en ello…
Unas líneas sobre mi: Nerea Caballero Escribano es una escritora amateur nació el 03/01/02 en Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona. Estudiante universitaria siempre ha vivido sus días entre libros e historias. Desde pequeña inventaba historias para su hermana y sus primas y ellas siempre le pedían más. Creadora de varios relatos y novelas también ha sido premiada en poesía y narrativa de diferentes tipos.
Más información en cárcel de palabras (youtube y blog) y en el.pozo.de.las.almas en instagram
Sinceramente espero que mediante a esta introducción les interese mi libro. Pueden comprarlo en http://publishes.sweek.com/books/256162
Te saluda atentamente, Nerea escribano
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aldenmyro · 4 years
The Exiled Prince - Novel Series
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Genre: Fantasy, Adventure
Status: Ongoing
A young man who possesses what appears to be an immortal soul is stripped of all his memories and forced to fend for himself. Throughout his struggle to survive among mere mortals, he slowly regains his powers, powers he should have already lost. This causes a ripple effect throughout the entire universe. Chaos ensues followed by a manhunt that reaches far and wide.
Join Dimitri in his quest to reclaim his past, unearthing the truth from all the lies along the way in a perilous journey with only two possible outcomes: his glory or his death.
An immortal prince, stripped of all his memories and powers, struggles to survive among mere mortals as he slowly regains everything that he had lost.
Read #TheExiledPrince on the following platforms:
Patreon (patreon.com/AldenMyro)
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Also, kindly follow @aldenmyro on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for updates!
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authorannpaquette · 5 years
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Want to add a fantastic book to your summer reading list but are unsure about making the commitment to a new author? I’m offering book one of the Shadows of Sylvara series, The Paths of Greythorn, up on Sweek (a lot like Wattpad) one chapter at a time. One chapter is easy to commit to, right? Click the link to get started! 
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DID YOU KNOW that characters like Alchemy, Spiro, and several more came from this series??? HEY! You know what’d be great? If you read the pilot on Sweek? I’d love that actually... Cough, ask me if you want a link personally, cough!
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ao3feed-larry · 5 years
Dulce lobo defectuoso
by greenandboo
Quiero morder tus orejas #03 [Tanner-Flynn]
by Marcy Jacks
Esta es una adaptación sin fines de lucro. Todos los créditos a sus respectivos escritores y traductores.
Words: 175, Chapters: 1/12, Language: Español
Series: Part 3 of Quiero morder tus orejas
Fandoms: One Direction (Band)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Additional Tags: Bottom Louis Tomlinson, Louis Tomlinson Loves Harry Styles, Harry Styles Loves Louis Tomlinson, Alternate Universe - Werecreatures, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Adaptation, larry stylinson - Freeform, HarryTops, greenandboo, Cross-Posted on Wattpad, cross-Posted on Sweek, Soulmates Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
via AO3 works tagged 'Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson' http://bit.ly/2Fl0q0i
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mashawrites · 6 years
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Evet. Always be patient. #Learning #wattpadlife #polyglot #polyglotslife #Wattpadauthors #Instagram #Amazing #travelling #lovely #beautiful #stunning #cute #popular #photooftheday  #reading #Muslimah #amwriting #bookstagram #readingspot #booknerd #currentlyreading #bibliophile #author #tumblr #love #shelfie #goodreads #writer #meme #memes #Insta  #learning #wattpad #love #series #movies #drama #books #bookie #bookworm #GirlPower #girlpower #girlpowers #GirlPOWERmentor #webnovel #sweek #feminism https://www.instagram.com/p/BrcVDJ3HJtE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=y3p2cnmf6ziz
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projectglowing · 7 years
Hi there folks,
I don’t know if you remember but this blog is a “side dish” for a novel. I’m writing about depression, anxiety and friendship.
 I keep this blog by reblogging things about mental health and how to seek for it. The “Project Glowing” started as a way to talk about it and exchange experiences. It consists of this blog and my story “Glowing”.
It started inspired by the Glow* community and (now late) blog. I was inspired to write about my struggles through my perspective and reach out to others who felt the same. With that in mind, I decided to make my story public.
If you want to know more about Ana and how her friends Dec and Willy help her to cope with her depression and anxiety, you can now read their journey on Wattpad and Sweek. I update every Tuesday.
Ana is a young woman whose life has completely changed since she got a role in a famous musical TV series. However, she has always struggled with depression and anxiety disorders which have only increased with all the changes. Her best-friends, Willy and Dereck, are there by her side; but will their help be enough?
This story was inspired by the Know Your Glow* website and community.
As usual, remembering you’re not alone,
Your friend from afar
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arizonacolleen · 5 years
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"Don't you get it, Rachel? She doesn't sleep..." Priming the outline for story two in the Minute series while I await cover art and proof work on the first story. No rest for the wicked here, folks. #writingonline #sweekstories #sweek #archiveofourown #writingaroundtheworld #writingresearch #outline #originalwork #villain #romance #creativewriting #artistsoninstagram #workworkwork #workbitch (at The Colonel Fawcett) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3t01WkgN4Z/?igshid=1gymhna3w3tzw
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arizonacolleen · 5 years
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Hey readers! It's coming. If you enjoyed the Sophie Hollander series, be sure to check out my newest story, "La Provenienza di Sully e Lina" which will begin the Minute Nero series on @sweekstories! All new, totally originally work - very exciting for me 🥰 You can also follow me for updates and to be the first to get new chapters as they post onto the @sweekstories app. Check out my profile on Sweek here: @Arizonacolleen - Creating adventures with words and ideas. https://web.sweek.com/profile/AgkDBQ8AZgYBBwAB #shortstories #originalwork #multichapter #sweek #sweekstories #sophiehollanderseries #kingsmanthesecretservice #kingsman #harryhart #archiveofourown #ao3 #arizonacolleenonsweek #writingaroundtheworld #writingonline #freefiction #booklover #storytelling #lovereading #newadultfiction #newfiction #mafiastories #romance #leontheprofessional #villain #everystoryneedsavillain #originstory (at Florence, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3kSGAIA1_1/?igshid=7fpufgq4nmfz
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gemeladelinfierno2 · 2 years
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El diablo, yo y una copa de vino (A LA VENTA EN FÍSICO) (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/156870090-el-diablo-yo-y-una-copa-de-vino-a-la-venta-en?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=Gemeladelinfierno2&wp_originator=rg7%2BpjFJk0IfoMYnGSXMfiSoooUc4cXkYPCqnAP9NUIxiP%2FZk4TMHdmA%2Buk8XcJZ5NlS8YQJP1Hsa9syp7DuA4BSkGwn%2B7hTvumVjGYRAp%2BIL6IvuWuyDOTmdtuSlOGm 
A Elizabeth nadie le dijo que tener al diablo en su vida sería fácil, mucho menos como admirador... Cuando todo parece imposible y surge la chispa ¿Estará dispuesta a pagar las consecuencias? Correrá sangre y será tan culpable como cualquier otro. Ella no le recuerda y él vive loco por demostrar de que es capaz. Cuando la obsesión está latente y el pasado es un mero recuerdo borroso... ¿Conseguirá ella salvar su historia? ¿O caerá a sus pies?
 ━━━━━ • ஜ • ❈ • ஜ • ━━━━━━━━━━ 
Una escritora llamada Elizabeth se ve sorprendida por una serie de anónimos de un admirador secreto. La joven, madre de una hermosa niña, Alicia, se ve intrigada por el admirador, conocido únicamente como señor I. Mientras, él se dedica a matar a mujeres con algún parecido a Elizabeth, con el propósito de enamorarla. Gracias a Elizabeth, su hermana y Alicia consiguen escapar y él acaba en prisión. Unos años después cuando parece que todo ha acabado, el señor I queda en libertad y Alicia que aún no se ha enterado de la noticia va a París con su novio Daniel para vengarse. Por otro lado el señor I sediento de venganza le pide ayuda a su hijo Alex quien le ayudará con su plan, lo único que tiene que hacer es que Alicia se enamore de él. Cuando las llamas de la venganza arden y los bandos se mezclan... ¿Cambiaran los personajes de opinión? ¿Traicionaran la confianza de sus seres queridos? 
 ━━━━━ • ஜ • ❈ • ஜ • ━━━━━━━━━━
 ESTADO: COMPLETA PUBLICADA A LA VENTA POR LA PLATAFORMA SWEEK PUBLISHING Disponible en: sweek, Amazon, Fnac, la casa del libro, corte inglés, libros.cc etc
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arizonacolleen · 5 years
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The first novella is done, and the proofing is underway on the second, "The Intolerable Binding" with absolutely incredible new cover art in the works. A special thanks to @astelly.exe for my awesome illustration of Sully and Lina featured here 🥰🥰 The complete Sophie Hollander Series is available on A03 at: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Arizonacolleen/pseuds/Arizonacolleen And the new series will be available in print and ebook soon at: @Arizonacolleen - Creating adventures with words and ideas. https://web.sweek.com/profile/AgkDBQ8AZgYBBwAB I can't wait to share it with you all! #writingonline #sweekstories #sweek #writing #firstpublication #myworkinprint #workworkwork #success #goals #writingresearch #nanowrimo2019 #nanowrimo #inspiration #originalwork #artistcommission #supportlocalartist #artsubmissions #hype #minuetneroseries https://www.instagram.com/p/B5RB-klASST/?igshid=1kn62yxnq1sb3
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arizonacolleen · 5 years
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Hey, look at that! I came, I saw, I fucking did it! @nanowrimo part two is done! So, on to writing more of the Minuet Nero series until the month is over. The first book will be out soon, and I hope people enjoy it. Until then, I will keep on writing, telling stories and encouraging others. Good luck to everyone else, and thanks to @nanowrimo 🖤 #nanowrimo #nanowrimo2019 #writingonline #completed #goals #reachinggoals #success #minuetneroseries #originalwork #writers #newbook #sweek #sweekstories #supportlocalartist #writersofinstagram (at Wexford, Ireland) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5AywLjgMf9/?igshid=1belgwt6b044
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arizonacolleen · 5 years
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And so begins the finish. I'm so excited to be working on it and I hope everyone enjoys it 💕 Also, readers should know that a new series, "La provenienza di Sully e Lina" is coming this fall on Sweek, which will focus on Minuet Vasiliev and Sullivan Nero. So, comment, share please, and look out for the finale in London on 12 September 2019. Thanks everyone! #kingsmanthesecretservice #kingsman #sophiehollanderseries #fanficresearch #fanfic #filmlocations #colinfirth #taronegerton #archiveofourown #ao3 #originalcharacter #originalstory (at Wexford, Ireland) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1t-R08Iie-/?igshid=5765ttfmfs57
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authorannpaquette · 5 years
Skye - The next Chapter
For the first time this journey, I’m offering up a full chapter to read right here! Mind you, if you want to know what comes before or after, you might want to head over to Wattpad or Sweek to read the rest of the tale! 
The next chapter is up! I’ll be posting one free chapter a week until the first book is available in its entirety online. If you don’t want to wait to continue reading, The Paths of Greythorn is available for purchase: http://books2read.com/pathsofgreythorn
I’d love to hear your comments on my novel!
Sweek: https://sweek.com/s/BQEAAQlsCAAFBQ4OBwYHDWYCCA==/Ann_Paquette/The-Paths-of-Greythorn
Wattpad:  https://www.wattpad.com/story/185932002-the-paths-of-greythorn?utm_source=web&utm_medium=facebook&utm_content=share_myworks_details&fbclid=IwAR0dlQxf782CW0RAfzRyPzWc2leDUSCq92-RlBDI2mWFSKUL8QSbyw7XnJ0
And let the story begin: 
What the hell just happened?
Skye follows after her charge, thoroughly puzzled as to why the bug wants to participate in combat training. Is Day assessing their strength for whomever sent her? Should she even let the woman train at all? As long as Shella allows it, she supposes it’ll be alright. The small woman enjoys teaching new recruits, has done so since long before Skye came to light. Between the two of them, it should be safe enough. Besides, it’ll allow her to assess Day’s skills and strength.
Skye will never admit out loud, but the seeds of curiosity have sprout within. The woman’s speed, along with her attitude and the ease at which she absorbs new information, would make a great addition to her specially trained unit. Yet this Daystorm isn’t a rookie soldier. No, the hybrid’s a stranger, one whose intentions aren’t yet clear.
A group waits for their teacher’s arrival in an area kept free of growth. The whispers start as soon as they spot the bug. A few grow visibly upset upon learning Daystorm will be training with them. Shella’s gaze burns fiercely and she scathingly states they are welcome to leave if there are any issues.
Of course, none leave. No recruit dares slink away under Commander Skye’s watch. After all, there are plenty of training partners available, Day doesn’t have to be one of them. The bug settles at the edge of the group, jaw clenched tight. Several soldiers take a wide step away from her, giving Skye a glimmer of understanding as to the origins of the hybrid’s attitude.
Shella warms them up through a series of drills, which Day navigates with ease. This display of athleticism leaves Sky with a growing sense of unease. The warm-ups complete, everyone pairs up to spar. Day, possibly not wishing to impose, waits for someone to approach her. A nearby group of three play a children's game to determine which one will face the bug first. The loser stands before Day with a smug expression of self-confidence.
I wouldn’t underestimate this new opponent if I were you.
The haughty expression dissolves with the start of the round. Skye struggles with her dignity as her mouth visits her feet. The woman transforms into a fierce warrior, hands and feet finding their marks time and time again. Before long, Day’s opponent backs away, unable to defend against her devastating flurries. Relief floods his sweat soaked features when Shella announces the end of the round. Day holds out a fist in a sign of respect, a gesture the man refuses to return.
Skye senses a shift in attitude as few brave souls cast the bug curious glances, re-analyzing the situation. Someone steps forward and touches Day’s outstretched fist, actually volunteering to be her next partner. The whispers continue and Skye overhears some nasty comments. A few of the gathered trainees hush their companions.
Day has no difficulties finding partners for the next few rounds, the experienced fighters testing their mettle against her unique style. An audience gathers at the edge of the training ground, enhancing Skye's inner feelings of doom. Between the startling skills on display and the gawking onlookers, anything is possible. Yet, the worst thing to happen is Day’s current partner earns a concussion after making the mistake of dropping his hands.
The man topples to the ground in a daze before pulling himself to his feet with a staggering sway. Day supports him, apologizing profusely, while Shella waves a couple of fingers in his face.
"How many times do I have to tell you not to drop those hands Mitch? Anybody with experience will take advantage of the opening." Shella searches the group of onlookers and nods to a frantic woman in pale armor. "Misty, get your mate to the healers. And skies above woman, wipe that horrified expression off your face! He'll be fine. Takes more than a hit to his hard head to keep Mitch down."
Shella announces the last round for the afternoon. Day’s new opponent, a man named Vik, is taller and well built. Skye doubts his imposing physique will be an issue.
The pair spar enthusiastically, Day taking as many hits as she dishes out. The physical nature of the fight only encourages the insane smile on the bug’s face. She’s thoroughly enjoying this test of her skills! Vik catches Day’s kick but quickly loses his grip as her heel twists and pushes into his ribs. The bug sets up for another kick, fists flying at his face and stomach in order to distract from the coming blow.
When it comes, Vik’s ready. He catches her foot once again, this time throwing the leg instead of trapping it. Day hops in place, using the momentum of the throw to spin around, right forearm aimed for Vik’s head. The sun flashes off of Day’s arm. Not the rainbow play of light off the slick black shell covering its surface, but the unmistakable silver glimmer of a sword.
Skye pulls her sword from its sheathe and sprints towards the pair. Confused murmurs turn to gasps as Skye's blade connects in a shower of sparks. The force of Day’s momentum jars Skye to the marrow.
The ring of metal echoes in her skull.
Too late.
Skye's gaze jumps from the stunned bug to the silver blade embedded in Vik's cheek. Blood spurts onto lavender skin. The hot red liquid sizzles on the silver surface of the blade. Color drains from Vik’s face and his eyes roll to the back of his head. He crumples to the ground, pulling the blade from his cheek in the process. Crimson liquid flows from the wide gash into a quickly forming pool by his head, and Skye catches a glimpse of white cheekbone through the slit skin.
Time freezes.
The crowd gapes in silence. A rush fills Skye’s ears, loud and fierce as summer storm whipping through the canopy. Soldiers bustle about in slow motion. Shella points to a woman, shouting orders Skye can’t make out. The woman hurries away. A trainee kneels beside Vik and presses her hands against the gash in an attempt to stem some of the bleeding. There’s so much blood.
Through it all, Skye's sword remains locked against the raised weapon on Day's trembling forearm.
The hybrid drops to her knees and time resumes its normal pace. The rush of wind becomes the shouts and screams of the crowd. Skye inhales sharply, fixing her blade on Day who remains frozen, eyes locked on the blood covering the odd silver sword.
Vik’s injury will be tended to once the healer arrives. They’re never far from the training grounds. Accidents happen here almost daily. It’ll be fine. Everything will turn out alright.
Except the bug she’s in charge of almost lops off the top of someone's head in a training session she probably shouldn’t have taken part in in the first place. This won't look bad on her report at all. Skye only hopes Fox doesn’t blame her for this. How in the world was she supposed to know about Day’s ability?
The weapon Day grasps is unconventional to say the least. Her right hand wraps around a horizontal grip. The blade itself sprouts from between the middle and ring fingers before arcing over her fist towards her elbow. It’s the silver color of a magical weapon and, judging from the bug's expression, Day had no idea this would, or could, happen.
There’s always the possibility this is an elaborately planned act.
A healer pushes his way through the crowd and takes stock of the situation in the time it takes to kneel beside Vik. He instantly envelopes the wounded man in a blue aura.
Shella surreptitiously motions with her chin for the pair of them to leave. Skye sheathes her sword, grabs Day’s elbow, forces her up, and drags her through the crowd. Those assembled part before the blood-spattered hybrid as if Skye escorts a flesh eating plague through their midst. She leads Day up the trail, aware of the angry, accusing stares following them. There’s enough fodder for the overactive imaginations back there, no use in stirring the crowd further by telling them to shove off.
Skye remains silent until they’re well away from the scene. When she does speak, her words are coated in venom. "What the hell was that all about?"
"Will he be ok? Oh Gods... Is he dead?"
Those large green eyes reflect Day’s panic, not for how they’ll perceive her after the incident, but a genuine fear for Vik’s well-being. This effectively appeases Skye's anger. "No, the healer's there now. He'll be alright in a day or so."
Day releases a long breath, the cue her tears were waiting for. Wet trails darken violet skin as her bottom lip quivers in an attempt to hold in some of the emotion. "Oh good." The bug whispers. "Skye, how do I get rid of this?" “This” being the blade still held tightly in her right fist. If this is acting, Day could teach the masters a thing or two.
"Will it to go away."
Day’s brow furrows in concentration. The blade shimmers and vanishes. The crusty, drying blood hangs in the air, temporarily forgetting the laws of gravity before crumbling to the ground. "I'm sorry Skye. I didn't know. I'm so sorry." Day hugs her stomach. Clear wings quiver in fear.
Oh Gods, she’s blubbering. If there’s anything I can’t stand, it’s a self-pitying breakdown.
"Seriously, it's done and fixed. Just. Stop." Skye continues down the path, leaving the woman behind her.
"Where are you going?" The thought of being left behind shocks Day out of crying.
"Well it's almost dinner and I need a hot bath." To wash all the icky bug germs off, but that's beside the point. “And you’re full of blood.”
“Oh. Sorry." The bug’s bare feet pad softly on the hard packed trail. Skye leads the way towards the cleansing waters of the hot springs.
This guardian task no longer feels like some stupid babysitting job wasted on her specific skill set. No, it’s turning into something much bigger than she ever imagined.
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