#so yeah here's the sketch BUT i managed to draw two things at one day so thank fucking god i'm keeping up with the schedule of mermay again
cheesomancer · 5 months
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Siren (getting punished for Shell moment)
Full picture is here!
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hauntingkiki · 3 months
would you be able to write some venture fluff with a translator reader? language doesn’t matter, but i would prefer not spanish so they don’t speak it ^-^
omg that’s a good idea!!
yall are so creative omg i love it😭
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Ihr persönlicher Übersetzer, Liebes
Venture x German! Reader
2nd POV
note: all german text will be shown like this -> hello!
a beautiful, rundown place in germany, which was home to the battle of eichenwalde which reinhardt was apart of.
winston had decided to have a match here in germany, and rein took the initiative to go a few days earlier to reminisce, and a few of overwatch’s heroes decided to tag along to get a first hand tour around town.
and, of course, sloan wouldn’t dare to decline such an offer.
that’s where you all were, mindlessly walking about the stone streets of eichenwalde as rein talked about the battle, talked about each placed that was in the town because everything had a story for him, and he was more than happy to share them.
as the warrior continued his lesson- well, it was more of a ramble than anything- in one of the bars that he visited, sloan could hardly keep it together.
notebook in hand, they wrote down notes of all the things rein was talking about, sketching small drawings of the different places and random objects that caught their eye.
“-and with beer in hand, i stood up whist raising my glass.” rein grabbed a old, wooden cup, pushing himself away from the bar and throwing the cup into the air. “and i said; if i die, you all can say i died with glory!” he let out a laugh, the small group of you cheering with a small applause.
sloan slowly leaned over to angela, holding out the book and pencil for her to write the german dialogue with the english meaning.
“hun.” you called softly, placing a hand on sloan’s forearm which caught their attention. your eyes bounced from their face and to their notebook, quick doodles of you filled the empty spaces. “maybe you should put that way…you’re very distracted right now.”
sloan slowly closed the book, their pencil slipping into in between the pages as they adjusted their seated position, their left elbow propped onto the table you of two, plus some of the others, were sitting at. “i will, i will, it’s just…” they sighed, a callous hand running through their hair as they spoke, glancing off to the side before opening their notebook again, flipping through the pages. “i’ve just been struggling with what this says. i don’t want to bother angela and rein cause they’re having a great time talking to each other, but i don’t know who else to ask?” they stopped on a page that had a sentence in german, question marks surrounding the words with small notes like, ‘what does this mean?’, ‘is it a warning about the war?’ and other conspiracy theories that flooded their head.
you hummed as you leaned your head on their shoulder, reading over the letters a few dozen times before letting out a small gasp with a faint chuckle. “that says ‘here lies n/n l/n. pardon me for not rising’.” you gigged out, peeling your head away from their shoulder and looking them in their eyes.
their jaw dropped slightly, their eyes vast as they stutter out random syllables. their attention darted from the writing and back to you for a few seconds, their mouth opening and closing as they tried to find the right words. “you-you uh…you know german?” they managed to croak out, their face twisting in different expressions, it was hard to tell what they were feeling in the moment.
you slowly nodded, gulping as you glanced off to the side then back to sloan, their eyes practically stars from how much they’re sparkling. “uhhh…yeah…?.” you held out, chuckling awkwardly as you scratched your cheek. “i’m fully german and fluent in it.”
their finger pressed against the page, tapping it a few times as they spoke. “and…and you wrote this?” they gasped, their cheeks pink as a small smile cracked at their lips.
you nodded again, humming in agreement as you fiddled with your thumbs, picking at the skin that surrounded your nail beds. “yeah, when i was like nine; i was stupid when i was younger.” you whined, rubbing your forehand with your hand before running it through your hair. “my mom sent me to the library since i was failing my classes and she wanted me to study.” you waved your free hand around vaguely, cringing as the vivid memory popped into your mind.
sloan smiled brightly, jumping out of their seat with your hand locked into their left one while their right held their notebook. “tell me EVERYTHING from your childhood!” they laughed, excusing the two of you from the group as they dragged you out of the bar.
you laughed as you stumbled after them, catching yourself before chasing after them. “fine, fine!” you caved in, waving your free hand around as sloan cheered excitedly. “i’m not the best teacher, so, my apologies.” you scratched the back of your head, the two of you slowing your pace into a comfortable walk.
sloan gently kissed your temple, a small squeeze came from their left hand. “i’m sure you’d be fantastic, mi amor.” they gushed, smiling as the pecked your lips before dragging you back to the library where your carving was.
“no, no no no.” you giggled, scooting closer to your partner as you bright a finger up towards your lips, slowing down the pronunciation. “my…name…is…” you held out, smiling faintly.
“my…name…is…” sloan dragged out with you, their mouth moving funny as they spoke in your native tongue. “sloan…camron.”
you sucked in a breath, laughing loudly as you tacked them into a hug, the two of you falling over, sloan on their back with you on their chest. “THERE YOU GO!!” you beamed through your fits of laughter.
sloan laughed along with you, their face burrowing into your neck as they softly peppered kisses along your neck and up to your jaw until they met at your lips. “see? you are a fantastic teacher.” they teased, gently pushing you up before sitting up immediately afterwards. they gently jabbed their elbow into your side, making you pinch their cheek playfully.
your hands cupped together in your lap, your eyes watching as your thumbs twirled around one another. “ah, it’s nothing.” you shrugged the compliment off, glancing at them before turning back to your lap. “that’s considered ‘easy’ german. wait until you get into the other conversation starters.”
sloan gulped at the sentence, giggling nervously as a hand shot up to their neck. “maybe i’ll just stick to spanish.” they joked, making you huff a small laugh. they wrapped their right arm around your shoulders, their fingers brushing against your shoulder blade in a comforting manner. “hey, but thank you for teaching me. it may seem stupid, but it’s really sweet of you.”
your face flushed a soft pink, rolling your eyes playfully as you leaded into your partner, your eyes fluttering close. “ah, don’t sweat it, love.” you grinned, looking up at them through your lashes. “hey, i’ll even be your personal translator for when you have explorations up here in germany!” you pinched at their side, earning a ‘aye!’ from your lover.
idk why but i feel like i struggled writing this😓 like i had all of my ideas for this but i wouldn’t thread them together😭
BUT! i hope you enjoyed nonetheless!:)
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shallowbreaths · 11 months
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This is Mary Vincent, she is the biggest badass alive! At 15 she was attacked, brutal raped, hit in the head with a hammer, she had her arms hacked off with a hatchet, and was then thrown off a cliff by the side of the freeway to die. Her survival story is the shit! She says she heard a voice telling her to keep moving or else others would die, so without arms she managed to pack mud into the wounds so she wouldn’t bleed to death, and then she proceeded to scale the cliff with no arms!! She was completely naked, she had severe head trauma, no arms, and they say she had lost 50% of the blood in her body. After scaling the cliff (which she says took her most of a day), she then walked 3 miles before seeing a car with two men that slowed down, but after getting a good look at her they sped off. To which this badass woman said, “I looked terrifying, I don’t hold it against them at all.” Needless to say, she survived. Before allowing herself to even pass out though, she demanded a sketch artist and provided such detail that the monster’s friend saw it on the news and immediately knew it was him and turned him in. Then she testified against the man, and he somehow managed to whisper to her, “if it takes me the rest of my life I’m going to finish what I started.” Oh yeah, btw, it was HIM that released that detail!
Her family could only talk about how it effected them, it was as if they didn’t realize that it was effecting her too. So she was homeless for a while and she obviously had trouble making and maintaining any meaningful relationships. Her attacker got charged with a long list of crimes and got the maximum sentence at the time…. 14 years! He was released for good behavior after 8!!!!
He then tried to sue her after his release, (as one does after brutally raping someone and then cutting their arms off), but the court threw it out. He then moved to Florida where he was an “upstanding member of the community, and great neighbor.” His neighbors said things like, “of course we didn’t like what he’d done, but life goes on.” Yuck! I know this is shocking, but the asshole killed again and a witness saw it. The police arrived at his house and he was covered in blood still. He tried telling some BS story. The woman he killed (a mother of 3) wasn’t highly thought of because she was a sex worker, that’s one reason why they are so often killed, it’s easier to get away with. SOOOO, Florida asked Mary if she’d face the monster again in order to testify to the man’s nature. This badass said, “Hell yes” and flew down. I really hope she whispered to him, “I’m here to finish what I started.” He was convicted again and put on death row. Unfortunately, God got him with cancer before Florida got to finish his story.
This isn’t about him though, he was a disgusting creep that doesn’t deserve a name. This is about Mary fucking Vincent, the biggest badass of all time. Because of this story, there are now laws instituting mandatory life sentences for certain violent crimes. This is about a woman who uses her experience to help teenagers who are sexually assaulted, even though she STILL suffers from such terrible nightmares that she has woken up trying to escape with such violence that she has literally broken bones doing it several times. This is about the woman who went on to have two sons who she says gave a clear and definite reason to keep going. This is about a girl who at 15 says she couldn’t draw a straight line but grew up to be an artist with no arms, who fashions her own custom prosthetics in order to do the things she wants to do.
I’ve never met this woman, but she is one of my heroes! She is magnificent. Fuck that loser who wound up rotting in a cell alone, it could have been a car crash or a tree falling that caused that damage, he is a gross and barely necessary tool that lead to forging something truly amazing. What she has done, overcome, and made from the pieces is so fucking incredible that she should inspire us all. She was NOT disposable, but how easily she could have been. All she had to do was close her eyes at the bottom of that cliff and go to sleep. I’ll bet she could have quit on herself a million times over the years since 1978, but Mary Vincent doesn’t quit. She took the unimaginable and turned it into art. She IS art!
In Mary’s own words, “This is the third phase of my life since that awful day. I went from victim, to survivor, to artist.” Hell yeah you did Mary!
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//Howdy, everyone.
Here I am, after like- a good while. I’d make a witty joke like I usually try to, but I’m just gonna get straight to the point here: This blog is done posting in-character. I’d be like “oh yeah, it’s on an indefinite hiatus! There’s a chance I may come back!” But yeaaahhh no this thing is done. I know that sounds kinda sarcastic and gloomy, but I’m not really quite sure how else to phrase it? Kinda just got to rip the bandaid off.
I don’t want to make this post too long, so there’ll be an explanation for everything under the cut. Just know that nobody did anything; just to sum it up: the blog started as a passion project that was supposed to just be for fun and morphed into something that stressed me out and just wasn’t as fun as it used to be.
Don’t get me wrong; being active here was amazing. The community was great, everybody was so supportive and nice; and I genuinely thank everybody so so SO much for just being here. It’s just time for me to take a step back from this blog so I can look back at it as a positive experience instead of a stressful one.
But anyways, Thank you all so much for being here while this blog was active. I couldn’t thank you all enough.
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Alright, under the cut now. Time for long explanations, yayyyy!
So… I guess I should start at the beginning of this blog?? I made it back in May, around the end of the school year (there was probably a month left of school and that was it.) I had been thinking of creating something like this for a while, but I had finally gotten around to it then. Anyways, things went well for a while, then that first hiatus was taken…that happened a few days before school was meant to end, and of course I wanted a smooth transition into the summer, but there was also something else; I wasn’t prepared for the amount of work it took to manage the blog. Of course, I could do it all, I just underestimated everything. So, that hiatus was also me buying time to catch up on asks…which basically didn’t make it a break whatsoever. That was kind of the first big example of me treating this whole thing more like something I HAD to do instead of something I was doing for fun.
Then, we got back from the hiatus. I had lots of posts queue’d, so I let myself relax a little and draw up asks at a bit of a more leisurely pace. But it turns out I was posting faster than I could finish an ask, which led me back into finishing an ask an hour or two before it was supposed to post and just being tired the rest of the day until I started the cycle over again. Eventually, in late June, I started feeling the effects of everything. Stress was really building, I had a bunch of other projects I couldn’t work on because I was focused on the blog, other personal life stuff, and of course I was starting to actually injure my arm/wrist.
Because of all of that, I decided to finally slow down the posting schedule. For a couple days after that I did something I hadn’t for a while: just rest. Of course before this there were more lazy posts that were just sketches or one frame that let me rest more than usual, but I was still always working on something. So just taking a couple days to just chill out was really great. And then as soon as I started getting to work again: the whole “wrist injury” thing happened.
Of course, because of that, I had to go on the second hiatus to let it heal. And during that time, I looked back at my work ethic. That led me to this realization, that I wasn’t really treating this whole thing in a very healthy manner. It was the “fun thing morphed into stress thing”, all that stuff. But also during my forced break, I actually ended up getting a new fixation and I started focusing less on uty. I realized this a couple days back, and that was kind of the final straw that had me make the decision to stop posting in-character here: I wouldn’t be able to portray the character decently anymore. Of course I still love starlo and the whole uty cast dearly, it’s just that I may not be able to act in-character accurately anymore. I know I was kind of ooc before, but I still had a good grasp on the characters (I think). I could go and not have a set schedule for posting, give myself breaks whenever needed, and overall have fun with this blog again, but I wouldn’t be portraying the characters as accurately as before. I wouldn’t be doing them all justice. (pun intended)
That’s about all I’ve got— thanks for reading this whole big thing lol. Sorry if it comes off as a bit of a rant, that’s not really what it’s supposed to be; supposed to just explain why I’m leaving so it doesn’t just look like I dropped off the fact of the earth. Also, reiterating what I said above, thank you all so much for all of the support and everything; this was really fun while it lasted.
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stormystarlight · 5 months
Have you ever wanted to draw something but you fought due to your skill level at the time you decide not to do it
OH yeah ABSOLUTELY. all the time. my wips folder is full of stuff like this!! let me dust off some old examples
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here's a sketch i did for a rain world piece that i was initially feeling pretty good about!! i wanted to experiment with more scenic pixel art, but i guess i didn't know where to start or how to approach it and ended up feeling really roadblocked really early on.
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i blocked in some basic colors and did a little detailing on pebbles, but i was just struggling too hard with learning the tools and techniques i needed to pull off what i was envisioning that i got frustrated and stopped. I never picked this one up again, but I have made some other, better pixel art since :] i think the reason the one i linked worked out better is because i was trying to learn fewer things at a time while working on it. that one was a mostly 2-dimensional scene and was more heavily based on a reference, so i didn't have to think as hard about those things. this one was not only a new-ish medium to me, but also had some more challenging perspective and was less reference-heavy. if that makes sense?
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more rain world! this was one of my earlier attempts at mimicking the cutscene art style. i got so frustrated with my inability to make the colors & shading look right that it went right into wip jail never to be seen again.
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but then i scaled my ambitions back from Immediately Making A Polished Piece to just doing a quick study, and that helped immensely. original on the left, my study on the right. working on this was still difficult, cause i was learning something new, but since it was much simpler it was a much more manageable task. i could take more time to get it right without feeling like i was going nowhere
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i never did finish that first one, but i did make some other finished pieces in that style that i think are pretty bangin if i do say so myself. one such example above
here's a video wip (whoa)! god it's really rushed & was never meant to see the light of day in this state so please don't look too hard at it. but this one i got frustrated with mostly because i wasn't feeling good about my ability to draw the cast of characters. so into the pits it went. i don't really have any interest in finishing it anymore since my ideas for the rest of it were speculative and, y'know, the rest of the show has since been released lol.
anyway, to close off my response. the first two are more or less success stories? despite the fact i never finished the original pieces i abandoned. because i wanted to talk about what's worked for me to alleviate this feeling—which is: scale back, try something less ambitious first, work your way up to the big project you're struggling with. but i also have dozens of other examples i could put in here of things that didn't work out at all and went nowhere. like, that just is how it is sometimes. i feel you 🤝 i think most if not all artists (of any medium) go through this haha
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bosskie · 3 months
Molluck's Emotions 'n' Faces
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I barely felt like drawing a few days ago but I just kept seeing a certain image of Molluck inside my head, so I started doodling him, yet again... This doesn't look like what I had inside my head since it made no sense to me when I tried to draw it... So yeah, here's just some random Molluck sketches I did to practice his face anatomy. I didn't mean to render these sketches, but like I have said, I'm bad at drawing simple stuff...
It seems like I do like to mix realism and cartoony elements together, I just haven't noticed it this clearly before... I had no idea what effect to draw that angry Molluck to have, so I ended up 'setting his head on fire'... You surely don't wanna make him angry! Though I gotta say that I love drawing angry faces, so this is yet one more reason why I love drawing Molluck this much.
I don't know how odd it's to see me drawing him mainly without his scars but it's just about that I tend to picture him before 'that disaster'. I also think that that his black suit fits better this new Molluck and that purple suit fits the best those previous Mollucks, so that's why I also keep this same suit. He is a very stylish Gluk!
I also have been thinking his face recently, in a certain way (of course I think about his face, like every day). He seems to look the most like 'a traditional Glukkon', or how I should say... He looks surprisingly a lot like he did in Abe's Oddysee. Yes, I could make this comparison between that New 'n' Tasty one too, but I prefer doing it this way, especially when I prefer this AO Molluck over NnT one (though, when it comes to anatomy, NnT is probably better... Yes, his body has a bit different anatomy in these games, especially arms, but when it comes to his hands, well, that concept art wins... Yeah, I'm basically mixing my fave Molluck stuff from different 'versions'. But enough about his body, for now.).
Here's an image to illustrate what I see:
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Yeah, not the best quality but hopefully you see the main stuff here. First, he got similar cheeks; I'm not sure how to describe them but they have like two parts. The shape of his forehead, like the area around his eyes, is similar but also the shape of his eyes. (A little note: I have noticed that his eyes are a bit different in the actual cutscenes, and it's probably due to that this is a concept art piece, made on the 3D model, like his suit ain't actually a 3D thing but a drawing.) The basic shape of his head is the same in general, like his ears have the similar shape too. His chin has that 'separate part' in the middle of it. And yeah, his mouth looks pretty similar too. When I took that one screenshot for the ask, I also thought while looking at this Glukkon sign in it that man, this looks like Molluck's shape:
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So yeah, Molluck is indeed 'the Glukkon'. But I also tend to think that he has very delicate features, or I at least tend to think this, that he looks very elegant and therefore he is such a beautiful Glukkon. Yes, I prefer to call him beautiful than handsome since like I said, I find him just elegant, adorable, endearing, even dainty, and so on, those kinda soft/feminine adjectives, so he is indeed beautiful for me. Though yes, he do is also handsome but I just prefer those adjectives about him. Frankly, I feel kinda alone with this but I guess that one reason for it is the orientation but also my personality, my own preference, and so on...
Yeah, it also has came to my mind to think that probably some people (would) find my Molluck sculpt creepy... Like there are people who do find him scary/intimidating but well, also ugly. But for me, he is just so adorable, beautiful, and well, my ideal man... They say that some people have unrealistic beauty standards, well, look at mine then, they totally are unrealistic! But I still managed to find 'my man', so no problem. (Y) I just have like zero interest in dating and other stuff like that IRL, so this is just my way to be, having a fictional partner. I know how some people see it, would see me as a weirdo, but I'm not gonna change myself for them. I'm so used to be seen as odd, so I kinda have no way to be 'normal' anyway, why I even should be like that. It used to depress me back then but then I started to embrace my 'oddness', especially after finding Oddworld, so yeah, I just tend to describe myself as 'an odd man' these days.
Also yeah, Molluck's species is also sapient and he do can express himself, so I just see there shouldn't be any problem in this way. Though, sometimes I wonder if he would really be into a relationship like this since he is so into his business, getting his moolah, and so on, but also probably has this attitude that Glukkons are 'higher/better species' than many others, making me wonder how he would see humans since yeah, I do am a human in my self-insert world with him, look like I do IRL. But I still see him having a certain kind and soft side inside him that he must hide, like I genuinely find him friendly, so I feel like my own species wouldn't be a problem for him, even if humans look similar to Mudokons. Also, I bet that he enjoys having someone to pamper him, that he can be himself with someone and having someone that understands him. Just no matter what has been said about him, I still find him a lovely Gluk!
Um yeah, I'm not sure of what else to say here but that yesterday, I saw some unseen Molluck and Glukkon stuff for me from that rare Oddworld artbook, the First 10 Years of Oddworld. (I gotta own it one day.) Man, it made me laugh a lot when I saw that storyboard for the ending of AO. Like, Molluck seems to swear and then, when Abe tries to chant, he just blows smoke into his face; just loved that stuff! I just can totally see Molluck doing that stuff, and man, I would love to create something related to this! Also yeah, it also made me laugh a lot when the book called that young Glukkons flushing their pet Fleeches down the toilet as 'the rite of passage'. In our world, people abandon their pets in the streets, but in Oddworld, they are flushed down the toilet; which one is worse? Well, probably depends on the species of the pet. I still need to draw a Glukkon with a Fleech... I just cannot really figure out how to draw young Glukkons... Like, I really wish to draw Molluck as a child with his Fleech pet... Well, just gotta try it one day. I have wanted to draw a Glukkon with a Fleech since I heard about the whole thing in the game but drawing young Glukkons has felt impossible...
But yeah, just so much stuff to create! Maybe I should just draw like a child, you know, just not really care about the result, just do it! There somewhere I still just prefer to see my stuff as amateur stuff, like I'm only a hobbyist anyway, not a professional; my stuff doesn't look like professional to me anyway, I know what it lacks of. I just personally think that my stuff doesn't have a high quality, barely good; it's just 'okay' for me. Sometimes, I just tend to think that every person I see here draws better than me and therefore I should stop posting my trash... Though, I don't even wanna really think about who draws the best, just focus on what the drawing is about.
~ Gotta just keep creating!
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miss-bvnny · 1 year
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Sleeping Beauty AU for my birthday? Sleeping Beauty AU for my birthday.
RIGHT off the bat, I wanna say this set's a mess and it was supposed to have more sketches in it (I REALLY wanted to draw LeFou fighting a dragon) but uhhhh .....*vague hand gestures* Emotional Issues. Will they come one day? Yeah probably. Until then...please enjoy what I managed to pull together.
''She's your daughter. You can't do this to her.''
''Yes I can. I'm her mother.''
First up, we got a test sketcj of Abanny as Maleficent, and a spooky-wooky headshot. Abanny was almost entirely inspired by Angelina Jolie in the live action Maleficent movie, so I could think of NO better role for her to play in this AU than the one she was made for.
Nicole was supposed to be raised by Abanny as well as her two fathers in a sort of big joint adoption found family thing. But they couldn't really get past Abanny's whole Matriarchal forest demigod who eats people thing as something they wanted their daughter around. So they kind of...booted Abanny from the group chat, let's say. Abanny's fury at being banned from having a part in her daughter's life MIGHT'VE been understandable....until Abanny decided ''Fine if I can't be a part of her life then she can't be a part of anyone else's'' and doomed her daughter to a sinister prophecy out of anger. That's the fun thing about Abanny. I can imagine her doing horrible destructive stuff to Nicole out of spite and it's not even that out of character (Any Incredibles AU fans in the audience?)
3.) ''...And a few....carrots?''
Yeah HI if this one looks funky dunky it's because it isssss *checks dates* JUST about a year old now!! This was the first Sleeping Beauty AU sketch and it has seen everything (Fnaf reference) and then I just kept thinking about this concept and that's where the rest of this stuff came from. I MEANT to rewdraw this one but uhhhh .....*vague hand gestures* Emotional Issues.
LeFou's horse is named Pompeii btw!!!! She's been a character of mine for a while, but I haven't REALLY used her for much since about 2015. Figured she deserved to be re-homed for this AU. If she looks familiar it's because yes I came up with her after watching Frozen.
4.) ''Once Upon a Time Dream''
Yes yes, you've all seen me post this one before, and Im being a hack by reposting it here and deleting it from the original photoset, but in my defense it goes with the rest of the set.
''He's wearing a totally different outfit than in the previous sketch and that doesn't make sense-'' Whoa mama mia cunt
5.) ''...When true loves kiss...''
If LeFou looks a little rough, he DID just plow through a forest of thorns to fight a dragon who also happens to be his incredibly bitter mother in law. Also battle damage is hot fight me.
Now that you're lovin me
It's so heavenly
Based on that final frame from the movie, but with like....one or two very small personal touches (Sarcasm)
...Anyway I'm tired but hey it's my birthday I made it through another year and even better I drew a lot more stuff so it's not all bad.
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awoken-artist · 1 year
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{Finished in Feb 13th 2023}
🌈✧{Please Do Not Steal, Trace, use my Art in AI and NFTs and Repost/Resubmit my Works. Thank You.}✧🌈
I wanted to draw out a scene I had in mind forever...I did drew ONE art of Ed and Em [and its in the comic strip. of them starring realizing how close they are] and i sat there thinking of make a quick sketchy doodly comic strip of this.
So- Yeah for context and updates on my ocxcanon pair - Ed and Emmy is that when the two met they never got along and would fight and make snarky comments to eachother and Alphonse being the middle man of the two. voice of reason. so not sure exactly where in the timeline [cause I also will draw art for 2003 series too and 2003 and brotherhood have very different directions BUT the scene of this would be the same.] so this would have to be around where the two of them still fight but not as..often but still was like "great theyre fighting again" kind of thing for Al. So Im gonna guess cause this is a bit of a work in progress where they had a mission, they both kind of dun goofed a bit [but manage to complete it] and they both started to have a fight that started with the comments then to straight out fighting with alchemy in an alley way for some reason. the two started fighting and they were - not minding it cause the two are being too cocky about it.  Emmy takes a step where she causes herself to trip and wasnt expecting this to happen cause shes really great with her footing but today was NOT her day.... So ed tries to catch her, he gets pulled to her as their foreheads SMACKED against eachother pretty hard [but not hard enough it causes them to knock out or such] and they rolled to the end of the alley way. emmy lands with her back as Ed was somewhat on top-ish as they didnt realize what position they were both in cause- they quickly are just trying to recover from the head smack headache and started bickering again- and slowly realize "....oh shit"  they both massively blushed realizing the position they were in as they were just too stunned to continue the fight and they just were very awkward with eachother a bit. Roy happened to be around [they were not far from Central HQ tbh] so Roy sees Al just- stare at the Alley so of course he and Riza went to see wtf is going on and....yeah sees that. Wondering tf they are doing. Ed and Emmy QUICKLY panicked while their faces were red as fire as they both adjust themselves and try to walk away from the whole situation and boy the rest of that day to a week..or two...Edward and Emmy were very awkward and flustered and that memory never left. [not even further into the story it still REMAINED] and its where the start of the crush happens with both of them. Emmy couldnt help remember it as her heart was pounding and racing very much. Winry already can tell shes crushing SO HARD on Edward. Edward [while I havent drawn it here] is probably so frustrated and doesnt know why hes feeling off. he never had a crush on anyone and never blushed this hard ever and Alphonse thought it was kind of cute Ed is getting super flustered anytime he and emmy are in the same room together. Al and Winry being the wingman here for both.  they do eventually not get so awkward with eachother but theres times they do and sometimes hints of maybe theyre kind of realizing they like eachother that much.  Also wanna point out [and I wanna sketch it] where Ed kind of corners her somewhat and they fought and they got into the same position somehow. [thinking Emmy was being super stubborn, Ed corners her to the wall as Emmy gets too flustered she falls slowly down to the floor all very flushed in the face and Ed gets down to her level and just both of them being awkward dorks. [and I think its where the confession comes in.] still got plans for more FMA works just need to do some tweaking and such :3
✧ Artwork and FMA OC Emmy Rosenthal © by: @awoken-artist
✧  Fullmetal Alchemist and Characters Edward and Aphonse Elric, Roy Mustang and Winry Rockbell owned by:
Hiromu Arakawa
​✧ Programs Used: Clip Studio Paint EX
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poisonhemloc · 1 year
taco truck au with limited amount of actual taco truck mentions- eventually i’ll write up a proper ‘dragging oc from game into au’ thing but right now its cliff notes version
‘why does this go here’ so i can not lose it in discord
‘why not make it one long reblog chain from you’ cause then im not sure if im inflicting this on other people
Granite gets into town from a long distance bus, with about forty bucks and a backpack with some clothes. They do not have, a computer, an easy way to charge their phone, a place to stay, or a way to get more money, but they find a gym with a cheap membership and showers and sign up, assuming they’ll do some classes to make it look like they’re here for the actual gym and not the showers until they find a job and a place
It’s a parkour gym frequented by Feldspar, who’s helping keep an eye on the newbies while they’re still not allowed to do difficult physical activity (it’s been a couple years since Crash but, that’s not a lot) and Graphite, who’s lowkey idolizing Feldspar. Granite and Graphite are not related. They do look very similar, though, just Granite’s taller. (Are you two twins becomes a running joke, very fast) Granite does not have success finding a place but is actually enjoying the gym, and then when Feldspar leaves a flier up for the taco truck they run, they apply, and manage to get the job.
They’re paired with Gabbro (after training with Gossan and Feldspar at Sap). Granite doesn’t realize, but Gossan, Feldspar, Hornfels, Gabbro and Chert (not Riebeck because they’re the next newest person) have been having an on and off ‘hey I don’t think the new kid has a house’ conversation and while Hornfels’ ‘just let them talk and try to figure out where they are’ method is prevailing Gabbro decided a month ago to just. Stalk Granite after work to figure out where they’re going. And finally figure it out the first day they get a fall downpour, and show up with ‘hey you don’t actually get a choice, pack your backpack you’re staying at my place’
Gabbro sends a bad 2 minute sketch to the text chain everyone is in for coordinating the trucks of a bad drawing of Granite like they’re a shaky crying shelter dog in the rain captioned ‘picked up a stray’ and is ignored because that’s just how Gabbro is
Chert, who would have done this weeks ago in person but they’re rarely scheduled to work with Granite, finally sends a ‘hey Granite where are you living again I missed it’ And gets a ‘Oh yeah I have a new place! Giant’s Deep district’ and a bad 2 minute sketch that’s more recognizable as Gabbro looking stoned in their beat to hell car going ‘heeey need a place?”
which sets off a ‘oh no who picked them up are they safe’ discussion in the chat that’s been worrying and Gabbro gives them twenty bucks for the sketch, frames it, and puts it on their desk at their day job.
Hornfels stops by a few days later, ‘hey we gotta talk about- what is that on your- are you KIDDING me, Gabbro, you knew-’ and texts the full chat on accident ‘Gabbro is who picked Granite up they’re not in danger and they were just letting us worry-’ and chaos breaks lose
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thewardenofwinter · 1 year
Hi Morana!
How are you doing? How is the writing going, what are you up to?
Greetings Sam, thank you so much for this ask! I've been meaning to do a little update for a while and this gives me a perfect excuse lol
On life (tw for mentions of illness):
It's still very hectic at the moment which hasn't really allowed me time to pursue any creative avenues. I've been fighting off various illnesses since my younger brother started school because my immune system isn't used to all the germs he's around, including covid and strep, and on top of that there was a West Nile Virus outbreak in my state which my mom ended up catching and had to be hospitalized for a few days but she's doing a lot better now. We still have not found a place to live yet, but we managed to finagle two more months from our landlords to find a place since moving during the summer is damn near impossible when they rack up the prices and everything is being taken. There's also a lot going on in my more personal life that's left me quite stressed and lethargic. A little bright side though is that we also found two itty bitty stray kittens under a house and I had to take care of them for almost 2 weeks, but they ended up getting adopted which is great! They were both very cute gray tabbies like their mom, and they were technically my other cat Ivan's half-siblings. I've also got a queens of the stone age and hozier concert coming up soon which i am SO hyped for, my entire life has been In Times New Roman and Unreal Unearth for the past weeks.
On writing:
In the past few days, I've finally found some peace to write and draw some. I've been mainly focusing on The Resurrectioners and trying to get at least 50k words by the end of October. I've also been outlining The Stray Girls and trying to work on a cover in Photoshop (which i got recently totally legally, but i usually just use Clip Studio). I've sort of put What We Undertake on the backburner for now, it's not that i don't want to work on it or am burnt out, it's just that I'm not nearly as passionate about furthering the plot like I am with The Resurrectioners. I've sort of fallen into a hole of mythology and folktales about necromancy trying to learn more about the history behind its representation.
I've also gotten back into drawing now that I've actually had time to do so lol. Here’s some drawings I’ve gotten done recently!
(in order from left to right: Nazriya from The Resurrectioners, Circe from Give No Quarter, A quick sketch of Zekiah from The Resurrectioners, and a face study of Charlie Hunnam)
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I've also put off studying Russian for a month or so and am trying to get back into my one-hour-a-day studying routine I had previously which is taking a toll on me to be honest lol. I bought the Curse of the Pharaohs DLC for AC Origins and I've also started to play Assassins Creed: Liberation for the first time and so far I'm loving both. I can't believe some people say it's the worst installment. I'm working on Aveline fanart as we speak.
But yeah! There's a little update, I'm going to be posting some of my writing soon/doing a few tag games to get back into the groove of things so watch out for those. Thanks again Sam for checking up on me and sending the ask!
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pbear · 11 months
Yugioh OC Week Day 4: Relationships - Part 1
This one is about my VRAINS OCs (Ravyn and Asher specifically). @ygoc-week
Ravyn had never been fond of her hair. The sole purpose she had for keeping it somewhat long was to act as a curtain against the world. It hung long and black just past her shoulders to shield her. Adira consistently pushed her to try and do something with it but she never did. That’s definitely how she’d ended up in this situation.
“Come on. It’ll be a nice change of pace, I promise.” Adira ran a brush through her hair as Ravyn sat in a chair. “If you don’t like it, then you can take it out.”
In just a couple minutes, Adira had tied her friend’s hair back in a simple braid. She held a mirror in front of the girl so she could see her new hairstyle.
“I think it looks nice,” Adira commented. Ravyn didn’t mind it, but having it tied back felt weird. She figured she’d put up with it for the rest of the day to please her friend at least.
Ravyn sat on the couch in the living room, figuring out some code for a school project. Her fingers sped across the keyboard of her computer as she was laser focused on the task. Just then, the one thing that could draw her attention away walked through the front door.
“Can someone please help?” Asher asked, multiple bags of groceries weighing down both his hands. With a sigh and a smile, Ravyn got up and relieved half of his load.
“I have no idea how you managed to make it this far by yourself.” She set the bags on the kitchen counter and began putting away the items.
“Wait.” Ravyn paused, thinking she’d done something wrong, and turned to face him.
“What is it?” The ginger haired boy drew closer, making her even more nervous. His hand reached out to touch the braid that rested on her shoulder.
“Your hair.”
“Oh yeah, Adira did that.”
“It looks pretty tied back.” And then he smiled that smile that made her heart skip a beat. She felt a heat rise to her face that she was sure he didn’t notice as he went back to putting away the groceries. Maybe she would braid her hair more often from now on.
Ravyn’s hand tugged on her braid and she brushed her cheek with the end of it. Her mind kept thinking about that text Asher had sent to their friend group.
Do you mind if Aoi comes over?
Of course she’d agreed along with the rest of the others. There was no rational reason why she wouldn’t. Still, it bothered her. For weeks, the girl had joined them for lunch after bumping into Asher. He’d quickly befriended her. They talked a lot. Ravyn could see it in his eyes. The way he looked at Aoi Zaizen in a way he never looked at her. In a way she could only dream he would look at her.
“We’re here!” The front door burst open and speak of the devil, it was those two. Cyrus and Adira had made themselves scarce by going out together and Kai wanted to go sketch in the park. Ravyn should have made up an excuse to leave too. That was a fault on her part. Now she awkwardly sat in the living room as Asher dragged Aoi by the hand. Asher had always been on the reserved side, but compared to Aoi, he was practically on Adira’s level of enthusiasm. Or maybe she just brought out something new in him.
Ravyn waved at the two in greeting which he barely seemed to acknowledge. She knew it was because he was too caught up in showing the brown haired girl around. Knowing that didn’t make it hurt less. She wanted to call out to him, but her voice got caught in her throat. Calling attention to herself wasn’t something she did a lot, even with her friends. As quickly as they’d arrived, the two disappeared into the boys’ shared room. Asher shut the door behind him.
Ravyn let out a shaky breath and retreated to her and Adira’s room, closing the door quietly. She leaned her arms on Adira’s dresser, watching her reflection in the mirror sitting on it against the wall. Her brown eyes narrowed. Why would Asher ever look at her when he had Aoi?
Her hand reached up to undo her braid, black hair falling to frame her face. Ravyn had actually gotten used to tying it back every day so it felt strange to have it falling in front of her eyes again. Although, she didn’t try to push the loose strands away. A sigh left her mouth as she stared at herself. It was better this way.
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threshasketch · 1 year
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Wow, so apparently today is the 8th anniversary of me starting this art blog. I started Threshasketch in the September of 2015, and my main blog the year before in June.
In that time, I've gone through drawing OCs, fanart for numerous fandoms, traditional style line work and pencil sketches, digital line work and coloring, painting photo-real style, and so, so many chibi art pieces. Art has been my rock through some really hard times in my life. Posting cute chibis to brighten somebody else's day helped brighten mine.
Since 2015, my country has gone through three different presidencies, the world has gone through (and is still quietly going through) a global pandemic, and I've gone through years of struggling. Most of that struggling has been in the past 5 years, but boy does 5 years sound like a lot of time to be struggling for basic living things like heat and food.
Things were really bad just a few years ago. At one point I only had electricity four hours per day, because I couldn't afford gas for the generator. I uploaded digital art because "scanning" (taking pics of on my phone) traditional line art was hard when the place I was living was so dark. Patreon and art commissions were the only reason I had money for food on many occasions.
I've had to move three different times in the past four years. I got rid of or lost a lot of my belongings to live in a small space. Had to deal with rats in my living space twice in as many years. Had to take my 23-year-old cat to the vet to pass peacefully AND help my parents take their little dog with heart failure to the vet to pass peacefully in the same year.
Did I mention I had major abdominal surgery this summer with months of recovery time? Yeah. That actually went really smoothly. I didn't realize how bad my health was getting for the past few years because it was a gradual problem, but I was exhausted all the time, unable to do much physical activity, and super anemic. Just passed the two month mark since surgery, and am feeling so much better it's shocking remembering how bad off I was before. Cripes, I should have done this years ago.
So why, if art has been a coping method for me, has this blog had barely any updates for years? Well, I overextended myself on art commissions, which made my art escapism into a pressure thing. It's nobody's fault but my own, but several of those commissions did not get finished, and that made art into a guilty thing, so I sort of...shut myself down on Tumblr, because drawing for fun seemed wrong when somebody was waiting on me to finish their art piece. So I stopped drawing at all for a long while. That helped nobody—it just made it so that I wasn't warmed up enough to draw the commissions, either.
I'm just now getting to where I'm financially able to reach out to the people who paid me for commissions and refund them. I've refunded several already. If you are one of my art commission customers, you'll be hearing from me, I promise. I haven't forgotten you, I have every commission I ever took in a list saved on my computer.
Speaking of financially able, I'm no longer supporting myself with art and Patreon alone. For most of The Pandemic Years I've been pouring all of my creative energy into becoming a full-time indie erotica author. I write my own stories, I paint my own covers, I do everything myself. It's the most fun job I've ever had, honestly, and it's paying my bills. ♥
I've managed to build it up into a monthly income somehow, and this winter is looking a lot less terrible than last winter. In general, my living situation is now stable, the roof doesn't leak, the lights all work, hell I even have a functioning shower and the ability to have running hot water.
Anyway, yeah. It's been a rough go of it, and this art blog has been around through it all. I got a new art tablet for my birthday, and drawing feels like being carefree again. Here's to many more years of art. ♥
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b4kuch1n · 2 years
7; A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate. 19; Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.). 28; Any art events you have participated in the past (like zines)!
hiiii plaid 💕
ask game here
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
puppetry! and puppet-making, for that matter. miniature and diorama making as well. both requires delicate hands and patience I don't possess, but both are so magical to me that I really wanna try my hand at them anyway... I love illusions maintained with artistry and layers upon layers of mechanisms! I love artifice! show me fake things! it's so sexy when art commits to its bit!
feels like it goes without saying but I also immensely appreciate animation, of course. as a comic artist the process of animation makes me shudder, but also genuinely so many character designs would be nothing without the motions assigned to them in animation, doubly so with monsters.
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)
shoes and glasses. glasses I can draw pretty much from memory in one go because I've had a pair sitting on my nose for almost two decades now, shoes treat me much more mercurially but they're always such a fun thing to coordinate in a character design that I brute force my way through drawing them anyway lol. books are another thing I love drawing, making up cover designs and putting jokes in the text/illustrations are my favourite thing in a piece whenever I get to do it :]
28. Any art events you have participated in the past (like zines)
I'm turns out not a huge event person haha, the more I do stuff nowadays the more I don't keep up with any of that anymore... I had two pieces in the Salt&Pepper TeruMob zine back in the days, I did a comic for the Wear the Mask ITSV zine, I completed witchsona week in... 2018? and the paint witch has been my little pocket rascal ever since... oh yeah! I did an all-comic JosuYasu week in 2017 I think, it's still my hardest play and biggest accomplishment commitment-wise. putting down the most colloquial of sketches for all the comics beforehand, inking and lettering every comic from 8PM to around 6-7AM next day, go to sleep, wake up at like 4PM to make dinner, rinse and repeat for a week except for day 5 I think where I had to re-sketch the whole thing. those comics are all under five pages and I basically cut out the second detail sketching step to ink right on top of the preliminary sketch, but it was still a huge sprint that I'm still pretty proud of. and will never, ever do again. it was not good for me. I do think it was kind of awesome that I managed that! but never again in my goddamn life
(more recently I put in a piece for a local ace community's contest and got a nifty price. it was fun! but that piece's not for this sphere I feel like. it was the first time I saw something I drew in a gallery tho, that was really nice)
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sky-squido · 2 years
For the ask game: Q, X, and, Y?
Q: Do you have any discarded scenes/storylines/projects?
Yeah, actually! I never post anything to Ao3 unless I’m 100% sure I’m going to finish it (even if it takes me literal years). That means both that I’ve never gonna perma-hiatus/abandon a fic if it’s on Ao3 and also that there are a lot of things floating around that I’ve actually put some legwork into that haven’t really gotten anywhere and I doubt I’ll get around to, so they've never really seen the light of day.
i was gonna permadeath hyrule and then i didn’t, details here
i did some light drafting and outlining of a story where the Four Sword splits Sky. it’d have to be long to do it justice and i didn’t wanna commit to that with two active WIPS on Ao3 at the time. i have just finished To Isolate, but i have 30k words of celestial navigation nonsense to now balance with hey four so i doubt i’ll get around to this one
i’ve got 4k words of legend slowly opening up to sky and telling him things and growing much closer and then very belatedly realizing that he knows next to nothing about sky himself. i started it in someone’s discord dms, but it wasn’t really going anywhere that excited me so i dropped it. if people want me to slap what i do have of discarded sketches-but-writing like this one on tumblr, let me know, though i warn you that they’ll all cut off partway through and be deeply unsatisfying
i’ve got 2.5k words of outline for something that’s kind of the same idea i mentioned in bullet 3 but it pulls wind into the mix and instead of being an i-just-dove-in-and-started-writing, it’s a pretty solid outline of something i just didn’t feel like fleshing out. the working fic title was “don’t look at me, i won’t be able to smile for you.”
i have another doc titled “haha lol legend is a punching bag.” this is a very apt title. legend gets nabbed by a baddie, puts up a heck of a fight tryna get away, almost manages, and then gets caught for real, bonked with malice, and unleashed onto his friends because we love to see link v link combat and the old i-know-you’re-in-there-somewhere fight. kind of an extension of that Malice!Legend ficlet i slapped on here a long while ago, but it does way more things. this one’s just an outline.
i’ve got 1k words of legend on koholint talking to marin after realizing the island was fake. had a cool take on marin, but wasn't really the vibe
i have this vague, very fluid concept that’s just “five times legend was helpless and one time he refused to be again.” what those five times are vary every time i try outlining it, but it’s just a lot of legend running into different kinds of The One Problem He Can’t Solve and struggling to cope with not being omnipotent. might actually revisit this one cuz i still like it a lot and i think there were some good ideas in here. my biggest problem with it is the “and one time he refused to be again” because i don’t like the implication that the solution to not being omnipotent is just to Try Harder but “five times legend was helpless and one time he accepted it” just sounds depressing. i’m very open to suggestions on this one!
i’ve got 2k words (written, not an outline) of four coming back to camp one night with red Very Much In Charge so his eyes are very red and then hyrule thinks he’s possessed and draws his sword on him and red freaks out and ditches and the other three have to figure out what’s going on. i didn’t really think it was going anywhere interesting but what really stopped me from continuing was that i started writing four Very Much Like A System and it was cool but then i started researching the neuroscience behind it and psychologist brain went wheeeeeee and now thinking about the fic just makes me want to do research instead of working on it oop
this one venty thing of hyrule just having no energy whatsoever and not wanting to talk to anyone. then he climbs a tree and feels a bit better. that’s literally it, and this one is actually complete, i just didn’t feel like posting it anywhere, though i can plop it here if y’all want.
then i have a silly AU outlined where all of the LU boys are either students or instructors at a flight school (like for airplanes and pilots n stuff). it would have to be really infodumpy though and i’m doing enough of that with my celestial navigation fic. the characters and world are fun but i also didn’t really have a storyline i liked so this hasn’t gone anywhere
there are probably more kicking around but i can’t find them right now
as for discarded scenes and storylines within fics i have actually written, there definitely are some, but i don’t really have any way of keeping track of them. the one i remember most vividly is that there was gonna be a part in to isolate ch.8 where sky overhears legend playing ballad of the wind fish and wind asks him about it and legend says he was hoping this was all some bad dream he could wake up from, but it didn’t really fit in the flow of the narrative we ended up with. there are actually a lot of deleted scenes from chapters 8 onwards because the outline and the actual thing are virtually unrecognizable as being part of the same fic.
X: A character you enjoy making suffer. All of them, obviously, but Wind and Four have been climbing that particular ladder! we need more content of them being deep and interesting and mature together (and wind especially, solo) and what better way to explore that than through strategically deployed angst and suffering!! this bodes well for Hey Four >:3
Y: A character you want to protect. all of them, believe it or not, but right now it’s mostly Legend, shockingly! he’s been my favorite punching bag for a while, but i’ve also noticed myself growing increasingly gentle with what i put him through and how i have him take it lately because these days it's actually way more interesting for me to be kind to him than to bully him
thank you for the ask and i hope you don't miss my reply considering it's been several months sfkghskghsdlfgjsdkl take care!!
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reds-self-ships · 3 months
Sketch: The First Draft
Previous Chapter | Table of Contents | Next Chapter
CHAPTER 3: Balance and Flow
"One hot dog for one hero, extra ketchup."
"Thanks. It's not often there's food available at this time of night."
"Yeah, with heroes like you and Batman around, there's more people around at night time these days. Business is booming."
"Good to hear. Well, I won't keep the other folks queuing. Keep the change."
"Give my regards to the big guy, will ya?"
Nightwing swung off into the distance before settling onto rooftop to allow himself five minutes to eat something. It wasn't often there was a break on nights like these, and it was even less often that he had a chance to have a snack.
He opened his mouth wide, ready to chow down, before the communicator beeped in his ear.
"Nightwing," he answered.
"Are you busy?" asked Batman.
"Nope - all quiet around here tonight. Why, what's up?"
"I need you to go and meet a detective for me, Detective Johnson from the GCPD's Organised Crime division, he says he has a lead on Penguin."
"What's he been up to recently?"
"Smuggling in and selling weapons to Maroni and Falcone. If we get him, we can stop an all-out gang war before it even has the chance to begin. I'd go myself, but I'm trying to trace down what happened at the bank. Two Face disappeared before I had the chance to arrest him, and then Bullock said that he apparently never left Arkham. I need time to look over the scene."
"I'll head on over to the GCPD then."
"There's no rush on it for now, Nightwing. You can take the time to enjoy your hot dog."
"Sure I—hey, how did you know?"
"Johnson will be waiting for you. Batman out."
As a cold night wind blew through the alleyway, Dryden pulled the collar of his jacket up and around his nose and mouth as a makeshift mask. "Do you really need to smoke that now?"
Johnson took a long drag of his cigar before blowing a smoke ring out, watching as the blue smoke disippated into the void. "Well if I did it in my office, Gordon would take a shit-fit. The rules are a bit more relaxed whenever you're meeting up with a cape anyways."
"Well I suppose it'd be interesting at least. What's Batman like, anyway?"
"Tall. Doesn't say much. Little capacity for bullshit."
"Right. How should I address him, then? 'Batman'? 'The Batman'? 'Mr. Batman'?"
Suddenly, a voice came out of nowhere: "Just 'Nightwing' will do just fine."
As Dryden jumped backwards towards the wall, Johnson very nearly swallowed the cigar whole. "Jesus—!"
"Nope, pretty sure I'm still just Nightwing," smirked the hero, now standing just a few feet in front of the detective and the sketch artist.
Johnson turned to Dryden. "I forgot to mention, they have a habit of doing that. Catches you off-guard and nearly gives you a heart attack." He straightened out his coat. "It's worse when they disappear when you're in the middle of talking to them and they make you look like something that wandered out of Arkham. Oh yeah, any update about that bank robbery?"
"Batman's looking into it, so I'm filling in for the moment." He leaned against the side of one of the spare patrol cars as though he owned the damn thing. "New guy, too, huh?"
"Yeah, Ethan Dryden - rookie cop and sketch artist, working the case with me til he gets to know the ropes."
"Nice to meet you."
Dryden only managed to squeak out: "N-Nice to meet you, too."
"I hear you guys have something for me?"
"Yeah, we got a good tip. Some abuela with too much spare time on her hands called in saying that she saw some suspicious behaviour, some guy meeting some other guy in a car, exchanging a suitcase of cash. Thought the description matched The Penguin, got Dryden to draw up the description and it's a perfect match for Cobblepot himself."
Johnson handed the hero a faded-looking manila folder with the case notes, which included a photocopy of the drawing that had been made of Mrs. Guerrera's description.
"Yeah, I'm a Metropolis guy myself, so I'm still reading up on all the bad guys like The Penguin or Harley Quinn or Condiment King."
"Well, for a guy who's never read anything on The Penguin, you sure did a good job drawing him," said Nightwing, opening the folder. "It's like you drew it from a photo of him."
"Really? Thanks. I draw a lot in my spare time, too, so..."
"Well if I ever get more than five minutes, you're welcome to draw me, depends on how busy my diary is. Speaking of, I'd better get going. I'll have a look around Penguin's place and see what I can dig up, you can do what you can in the meantime."
"Will do, Nightwing. And tell the Bat—Goddammit!"
As Dryden snapped back into reality, he looked to where Nightwing, in his tight-fitting costume, had been standing just a few moments ago. He'd vanished as quickly and as silently as he had initially arrived.
"Every time. That gets me goddamn time."
"...Yeah..." is all that Dryden said.
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awiola · 6 months
Normal update, winter XXIV
BUT IT'S NOT WINTER ANYMORE HA! Happy after-equinox to y'all. I planned to write the update in march and it's still technically march but, like, y'know, it's the first day of spring so it feels kind of late, ig? Not that it really matters here and I drew Morana on fire so all is good.
This is not completely [un]related but I'm trying to complete the 'draw sth for 100 days straight' challenge and rn it's going okay though I have to admit I'm being a lazy ass. But hey, a bad sketch a day is still a drawing. Not sure if that's the reason I wasn't able to complete my easter sketch dump but knowing me it wouldn't be finished anyway so whatever ig. AND YES, I WILL DRAW FATHER DAKI ON TIME. I planned to do it when I was drawing Agatha for thug in PE's style but oh well... You'll see both ot these pics on the first of april.
Also, like, in case anyone was interested, I finally decided to learn how to adult and might open comms this year? I tell myself I'll open them since, like, 2020 so yeah. Maybe. I think I will, tho.
Current game stuff
Mushroom game... Yeah... It exists and I technically haven't dropped it but yeah... Yeah... Tbh I even hid the link from my page but it's still public and all... But yeah... It goes into the "finally finish it in 2024, you stupid fuck" list - which, incidentally, is a mouthful so from now on it's gonna be "24 >:C" - together with Enmity and all.
Remember the golem game? Yeah, we don't see its non human form but I did technically draw it. Humanoids are, like, so last decade. It's called Sorcerer's golem and because I was not the lead, we managed to nicely finish it on time ✨ [Unrelated but I wonder what happened to the old unicode emotes, I need to look into it]. There's not really a lot I have to say here, tbh. It's short, it's wholesome, I'm totally not gonna go almost fully lineless again. I almost died and it was only two sprites. Never again proceeds to do that again later anyway.
Some time after, or maybe during, I can't really remember, I heard of Queer Vampire Jam and ofc had to join because I wouldn't be me if I managed to stop myself from joining yet another jam. It just so happened I both felt like shit and read something from my SF gods at the time so I commited this open ended 3k long story and it's, like, really obvious how I felt and what I was reading but then I decided to go yolo and publish it anyway, especially since I got an editor and made laby draw for me. Just had to publish it at that point. Enough about that, though - let's see what is it all about. Vani vani, because Tas tatum was deemed too lame of a name is a story about a [queer obviously] vampire who's kinda dead inside and it shows. I did say it was obvious I felt like shit. I'm not sure if it ended up being too edgy or not... I mean, I made it really obvious it's, like gestures vaguely y'know? I don't wanna spell it out but, like, the theme and everything there was so obvious I'll be disappointed in you if you didn't get it based on the pun title [the other two layers of puns there aren't as obvious] and the page/thumbnail. Unless, of course, you never heard about it at all which might be the case for people from other continents, I wouldn't know. I realise that doesn't say a lot about the contents but I mean, it's more of a progress update, I'm not actually trying to market anything here lol So whatever. It might be the only game ever where I put a whole nsfw scene of a sexual nature... Or it might just be the beginning of my unsexy h scene adventures. I even asked others how to make it as unsexy as possible and I hope I succeed. Going into gore or kink migh be sexy for some but boredom? Probably to no one who actually reads it. And, as is the case with my other personal games, not a lot of people read them. So I think I succeed at that. It's just the beginning of my SF adventures, though. Be prepared.
Now for the thing that might interest the potential reader the most because I saw the statistics and I bet all the follows are alse due to that - Impostor Syndrome. I know the page is pretty much silent but we are working on this. The common route received a lot of notes to make it longer, more cohesive, funnier and possibly better for all the gremlins that wanted a troll mode. Or at least that was the plan. Route wise we had something but after some consideration, it had to be basically scrapped. I won't go into all the details here as for why, but the rewriting of the outline is proceeding. Slowly cause it's kinda hard to find the best time to talk when you have multiple people from different timezones to consider but I think it's looking good. There's a sliiight possibility it might be a bit less vanilla than, like, your typical sfw otome but I don't think any vanilla lover would think it's too much or anything. Not nearly kinky enough for that. I think labelling it as having a soft dom MC might even be false advertising. Maybe. Hell if I know, I suck at tags. But yeah, it's proceeding. Obviously it won't be out during winter but I do think it will be finished this year. Most likely.
From other game stuff... I might have a monster type project made with Ameena for you. Or I might not. The designs are done but is anything gonna come out of them? We'll see. Leaving the possibility open.
I helped Doibats [who I helped with Cool Days before] with some art. This time it's an rpg, currently still in development. The cool art direction is still there so I think it would be worth a play when it's out. I think I'm more of a guest artist than an actual member of the team, though lol But yeah, check it out when it's done, I'll link it then.
Yet another game where I didn't do much - The Villainess Just Wants To Eat!! had its full, official release 🎉 Congrats to the team [check out their gui, btw]. I was mostly helping with this or that due to the usual jam team stuff that happens but yeah. Syd wrote afterstories for the charas, too. They're technically linked on the game's page, too, but you can read them on her tumblr, too.
I kind of forgot to mention, which also ties with my next point, but she hosted the Ossan jam again which I planned to join with my nano project about Wedding crashers but I overestimated my ability to write energetic chaos so... umm... Well, it's not dropped and while it won't get done in time for nano, I think I'll manage before Ossan jam ends. It started as a loose idea that kinda parodied romcoms and then the protag became an AAA battery but also aplatonic and then I got some concepts from tea[? - dunno how they want to be called 'officially' and this one seemed safe but?] and yeah. I'm trying to work on this, though. Even though I feel so stupid attempting to write an anthropologist. Should've stuck to writing mostly what you know like with Vani vani, eehhh... Wish me luck o3o
The last thing, or two, probably, is more of a... forecast? I happened to help with the editing of a certain 18+ otome game but I'm not on the team or anything so I can't really tell you more since I don't know how much should I reveal to the potential player but from what I've seen, the development goes well since they started making it for nano and might actually be finished before Otome jam ends so I'll link it then.
The other thing is that in an unspecified future I might have a yet another AAA battery protagonist, this time replacing the MC of an otome isekai story. I'm not sure how much I'll help with [maybe just editing, maybe we'd become a two person team, who knows] but it has a hight possibility of being developed eventually. No set dates or anything, though.
Pariiish noootiiiceees
Remember Tentacle jam and Insect [adjacent] jam? They're still happening, I'm just being lazy setting the pages up. The working date is from around the middle of august to the middle of october due to all the other jams happening at the time. I think it's the final date, though. It's come to my attention there's also the Monstrous Desires jam that also shares the timeframe almost perfectly so, y'know, why not make a game that lets you join all three of them? Just a thought.
My god, this thing became so long. Like half the length of my typical personal project orz I had to add all the Ps and BRs manually. Damn you, html shakes fist
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