#so yeah like fuckin ?? thank you ?? y’all are so fucking awesome ??
sweetest-honeybee · 2 years
I’ve miscounted and actually I’ve made 96 adopts counting the one I just made today
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calpalirwin · 3 years
Permanent Vacation
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Summary: Calum falls for a musician.
A/N: I just really wanted an excuse to use Arrows in Action newest releases in a fic. (They’re bangers. You should go give ‘em a listen.)
Word Count: 2.8k
And away, and away we go!
The sun was hot as it beat down on my neck, the line for the beerstand long, and the noises of people chatting excitedly were loud in my ears. But I didn’t care in the slightest. After the isolating shitshow that was quarantine, I was more than happy to be out at a festival with, wait for it, live fuckin’ music. The only way I could be happier was if my band was in the lineup, but this was still a pretty close second. To be surrounded by musicians and people who loved music was a breath of fresh air after so long. A breath of very hot fresh air. But still.
Behind me I heard the girlish giggling and whispers of my name, which drew the attention of the group in front of me: three guys, and a girl around my own age, two of the guys a good shoulder and head taller than the other man and girl. The shortest of the guys whispered, “Could you imagine if we got noticed like that?”
The tall brunette’s eyes went wide as he pulled a face and shook his head. “No, thanks. I think I’d cry.”
The other tall one with purple hair laughed loudly, “Aw, c’mon, that would be rad! His band’s not even in the lineup and he still gets recognized. Could you imagine?”
“He has a name, and can hear you, J,” the girl hissed with a playful eye roll. Then, she flashed me a smile before calling out in a loud voice, “Hey, man! Good to see ya! How ya been?” to me, before taking a step forward and stretching up to wrap her arm around my shoulders like we were old friends. “Just go with it,” she added under her breath. “Nobody’ll bug you for pictures and autographs if you’re with a bigger group.”
“Thanks,” I laughed at her rescue attempt. “But it’s fine if they do. I don’t mind.”
“Yeah, but they can at least let you buy a fuckin’ beer first.”
“Well, thanks again,” I said, not sure of what else to say, or do so I let her pull me up with her friends who were all staring at her with I’m sure the same look of soft shock I had on my own face.
“I’m Y/N, by the way.” She let go of me as she started introducing her friends to me. “And this is Jesse.”
“Hello,” the tall one with purple hair smiled warmly.
“That’s Matt,” she nudged the other tall one.
“And this is Vic,” she finished, looking at the shortest man who waved.
“Nice to meet you guys. I’m Calum,” I said, then realized how stupid that was. “But, you already knew that, huh?”
Y/N grinned, holding her thumb and index finger close together. “Just a smidge. But it’s cool. So, any bands you’re particularly excited to see?”
“The Maine and All Time Low mostly. I’m a huge fan of The Maine, and All Time Low are friends of mine.”
“Both are great bands. And the All Time Low guys are good friends to have, for sure.”
“Oh, you know them?”
“Yeah, we worked with them a few times.”
“Worked with? Fellow musicians, huh?”
She laughed. “We’re up and comers, yeah.”
“Your cool aunt’s favorite band,” Jesse grinned at me.
Y/N laughed more at the confused look that crossed my face. “That’s one of his favorite ways to refer to us. Like we’re the band you find out from word of mouth from the cool relative that’s always discovering new music.”
“Ah,” I said, nodding in understanding. “Been there. Are you guys in the lineup?”
“Yup!” she chirped happily as we got to the front of the line. “5 beers, please,” she told the person working the counter.
“Oh, you don’t have to,” I tried to decline, reaching quickly for my wallet.
“Relax, it’s just a beer,” she told me, passing me one of the cups being placed on the counter. 
“Well, thanks,” I said, raising the cup and taking a sip. “I’ll getcha guys next time.”
“I’ll hold you to it,” she grinned around the rim of her own cup. “Enjoy your beer, Cal. See ya around.”
I took the last swallow from my beer, cursing myself for not having stopped her to get the name of her band, or at the very least her last name. But before I had a chance to get the words out, I’d been bombarded with requests from fans for pictures, engaging in small conversations with them, and by the time I was done, Y/N was long gone.
So I resigned myself to walking around the festival grounds, my head reeling. It wasn’t often a woman pretended to be my friend to rescue me from the onslaught of fans. In fact, I couldn’t recall one time that's ever happened. I also wasn’t used to being bought drinks, even if I was still fully intending to return the favor. Although that would require me to find her first. But something told me that wouldn’t be too difficult.
I was grateful I’d come on my own, and not with Ashton who would have no doubt teased me about how hooked I was on the girl. The cynic with a crush? Whatever were the odds? And was it even technically a crush when I’d only interacted with her for maybe five minutes? Okay, maybe Ashton being around wouldn’t be the worst thing if he could help me make sense of the jumble of thoughts in my head. The way that man could bounce from crush to crush almost seamlessly was enough to give me a case of whiplash. 
I sighed as I tossed my cup in the trash. Whether or not it was a crush was still to be determined. All I knew was that I liked her energy, and wanted to see her again. And… that was a crush, wasn’t it? God. Fuckin’. Damn it.
A guitar chord rang out loudly, and there was a mad dash of people running towards the stage. Slowly I pushed my way through the crowd of people towards the front, grinning when I noticed it was her on stage, and grinning even more when I noticed the instrument in her hand. A bassist? Fuck, I was definitely in trouble now.
The shortest of the men, Vic, I recalled, started singing, with the other three providing backup harmony on the chorus. Until they got to the bridge that was all Y/N, her voice ringing out “Tomorrow’s a nightmare, I’m dreaming today. And my head is haunted, the past just can’t stay. The devil you know, yeah he comes and he goes. I’m selfish, and vapid, I hide in my prose!” before they launched into the final chorus.
“What up, Anaheim?!” Vic yelled into his mic to a scream of cheers and applause. “We’re Arrows in Action, and that was our newest single, Only Be Mine. I’m Vic. We got Matt over here on guitar. Jesse’s on the drums. And Y/N’s over there on bass. We got a few more songs for you all. And if you’re an awesome crowd, we might have a special treat for ya at the end of our set. Sound good?”
We answered him in whoops of cheers and loud applause, causing them all to grin as they launched into their next song.
They played seamlessly through about three more songs, enjoying the feeling of playing live in front of people again, before Y/N whooped into her own mic. “Whoo! It’s hot! Anyone else hot? Y’all staying hydrated out there?” she asked us, before flickering her gaze across the stage at Matt who was wiping his forehead. “You good, Matt?”
“Dude, it’s like a million degrees up here,” he commented, before taking a huge swig from a water bottle.
Y/N laughed. “Right. Y’all gotta understand. Matt’s from the cold states. Then there’s Vic and I who are California natives, technically, right Vic?”
“Yeah, I was born here. But I didn’t live here as long as you did.”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought. So Vic and I are used to the heat. Matt, not so much. And Jesse? How you doing back there, J?”
“Me?” the drummer pointed at himself in confusion “Oh, I’m great!”
“Great enough to give this crowd a real surprise?” she asked, her voice laced with playful trouble, as she looked at all her bandmates. “C’mon, boys what do ya say? Wanna give this crowd something special before we go?”
Again, we all cheered and applauded as encouragement for whatever surprise they had in mind. “Alright!” Vic laughed. “Alright, you wanna go ahead and introduce it then?”
She smiled wide as she turned towards us. “Alright, everybody! We’re Arrows in Action. We’ve had a great time with y’all! So, as a thank you, we’re gonna play a new song that we haven’t released yet. Is that cool with you?” She laughed as she awaited the response of screaming, whistles, and applause. “Alright. This is called Permanent Vacation, which will be available on all listening platforms this Friday. Let’s go!”
Matt started playing a series of chords that sounded incredibly familiar, while the other three clapped to the beat. But right before the lyrics were supposed to come in, Vic started talking into his mic. “Wait, wait, wait!” he laughed. “I don’t know the lyrics to this!”
“So it’s just like every other song,” Y/N teased him with her own laugh.
“Nah, I think it’s cuz that one’s not ours.”
“Be rad if it was though,” she said, and I swear she shot me a wink. “Alright, alright. So, that one’s not ours. But this one definitely is. And it’s definitely called Permanent Vacation. And it’s out Friday.”
A new guitar and drum beat started up and Vic immediately started singing, again with the rest of the band providing back up vocals until the bridge where it was all Y/N. A soft build before a wild yell that would have torn my own vocal chords to shreds.
“I’m locked and loaded, fire away! Permanent vacation from my brain. Extend my stay another day. Far from home, not alone,” they all finished with a flurry of chords. “Thank you!” Vic croaked into the mic. “Thank you guys so much! We’re Arrows in Action, enjoy the rest of your night!”
With tired but happy smiles, they all bowed before exiting the stage. I moved to follow, but thought better of it, going to hit the drink stand first where I bought 5 beers and 4 waters. A small challenge, made slightly easier by the person working the stand putting the water bottles in a grocery bag for me. With that hanging off my arm, I held 2 beers in each hand, and my own in my teeth.
“Cal!” she laughed, her face flushed when I found them lounging in the grass. “You didn’t have to do that,” she told me as she rose to her feet to help me distribute the beers.
“I said I’d get the next round,” I offered up simply, setting down the bag and taking a seat with them all. “I brought you guys water, too.”
“You really didn’t have to do that,” she laughed, tossing the bottles out anyway, and sitting back down, this time next to me. 
“Shut up, Y/N, let the man do what he wants,” Jesse said, downing a water bottle in 2 gulps before turning his attention to his beer. “You’re rad. Thank you.”
“For real, man. This was really cool of you,” Vic said.
“Yeah, huge thanks,” Matt nodded.
“What they said, I guess,” Y/N laughed again, following Jesse’s lead of downing her water bottle before going for her beer. “Fuck,” she sighed. “That’s good. Thank you, really.”
“Happy to do it,” I answered. “That set was amazing, by the way. And that joke at the end was pretty clever. How long were you planning that?”
She giggled. “Uh, well Jesse and I are much more the 5sos fans than Matt and Vic are. But we’re all familiar with your music. And when we were writing the song, and settled on the title, I suggested that it would be funny to start playing your version if we ever got the chance to play it live. Which meant bugging Matt to learn the guitar parts.”
“So you’re the troublemaker of the band?” I guessed.
She shrugged, and hid behind the rim of her cup. “I mean… Depends on the day.”
We continued to lay in the grass, making small talk as we all finished our beers, before Jesse cleared his throat. “Uh… Matt, Vic. You guys wanna come with me to get a good spot for the rest of the acts?” he asked, the suggestion in his tone heavy.
Matt and Vic shared a look, before nodding. “Yeah, yeah of course,” they said, all three of them getting up.
“You assholes are just gonna leave me?” Y/N asked, looking up at them.
“Just come find us when you’re ready,” they winked. “Thanks again for the beers, Cal.”
“Assholes,” she muttered again as they all made themselves scarce. “Sorry about them.”
I laughed, waving it off. “Nah, it’s cool. And kinda nice, maybe?”
“Oh?” she asked, her eyes wide. “Uh…” her face flushed. “I mean…” she started to stammer. “Yeah. Yeah.”
I gave a half chuckle, scratching at the back of my neck. “Look, it’s fine if you’re not… I mean, I figure you probably are if they did that for you, cuz they have no reason to do it for my sake. I mean, they’re your friends and bandmates, not mine. But I know a wing man set up when I see it. But if it’s more of a meddling wing man set up, like that’s fine,” I spilled out, before realizing I was rambling.
“No!” she rushed. “Oh, no, that’s not what I meant at all!” She covered her face in her hands, groaning “Oh, this is so embarrassing…” Her hands moved to push through her hair as she took a long breath to steady herself. “Of course I like you, Cal. Like before I even met you. One of those embarrassing fangirl crush type of deals. And I mean, I’m a bassist in a punk band, so you’re also someone I idolize and take inspiration from.” Slowly her gaze lifted from her lap to lock onto mine. “And then I met you today. And  you’re everything I thought you’d be. Thoughtful. Generous. A bit shy, and quiet at times. Nice. And it makes the crush that much stronger, and harder to deal with. Cuz now it’s real. And I feel like I know you. And it’s just… Ugh, it spirals from there, ya know?”
“A good spiral, or a bad spiral?”
“Bit of both? Like the insecurities in me say that you’re an A-list celebrity, while I’m more of like… not an A-lister. My band’s not on the same level yours is. I mean, we play bars and small day festivals. You sell out stadiums and have world tours. There’s a clear discrepancy. But then, another part of me doesn’t give a shit about that. It sees how we’re like-minded. It sees all the ways we click, and all the ways we could work. And that’s where the cocky part comes in, where it sees the like-mindedness and the reasons we could work, and calls you an idiot if you can’t see it too. That, uh, screwed up defense mechanism of it being your loss, ya know?”
She sighed. “Sorry. I said a lot. Point is, I do like you. And, that’s that.”
“So the ball’s in my court?”
“Only if you want it to be. And if you don’t, then no. There’s no ball. No court. Just two people who have a few things in common.”
“You wanna hear what I think?”
“Go for it.”
“I think your friends left us for 2 reasons. 1 being that they’re loyal to you, and know how you feel about me. 2 being that they’re also guys. Which gives them a pretty good insight for how I’m feeling too.”
“Uh-huh…” she nodded slowly. “And how you’re feeling is…?”
I could have said the words. But I settled for leaning in, brushing my lips softly against hers for the sweetest of moments, listening to the way her next breath got stuck in her throat. I pulled away, smiling softly at her and shrugging my shoulders.
She traced her lips with her thumb, bewilderment written on her face. “Okay, you really didn’t have to do that.”
“Relax,” I chuckled, stealing her words from earlier. “It’s just a kiss.”
“Well, thanks. I’ll, uh, getcha next time.”
“I’ll hold you to that.”
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@aquarius-hood1996 @creator-appreciator @philthepegacorn @myfavfanficsever @cxddlyash @youngblood199456 @stormrider505 @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @hoodhoran @metalandboybands @maybeememez @1weekago @centerlino @binxiboo​
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sometimes it baffles me how the plot of L’amour des trois oranges exists
-we start off with meta
-like this whole thing is literally a play within a play
-the “audience” keeps interrupting the show
-lead tenor is a hypochondriac, which is probably the thing that makes the MOST sense in this opera
-except the hypochondria is caused by a witch who wants to kill him for…reasons???
-so really it doesn’t make sense
-and his dad (the king) and all his doctors are too fucking stupid to realize that hypochondria is not in fact incurable
-commedia dell’arte tropes
-so many commedia dell’arte tropes
-also playing cards as a major theme and plot point
-we randomly go to the underworld twice
-seriously we have two wizards squabbling it out it’s fucking awesome
-and one of them is literally Morgan Le Fay. Arthurian universe crossover confirmed.
-casual authorial racism??? (directors if you put Sméraldina in blackface I WILL yeet you into the sun)
-Definitely Bi Power Couple trying to murder the prince for power reasons
-commedia dell’arte clown. not the one you’re thinking of.
-There Is An Iconic March You Will Recognize
-Morgan le Fay/Fata Morgana has the power to make the Prince not laugh
-apparently this power can be invalidated temporarily by *checks notes* her tripping and falling on the floor
-so the Prince laughs which cures his hypochondria
-so this witch casts a spell on him
-makes him fall in love with three oranges
-thus the title
-except not actually
-now dude’s gotta find the oranges
-and mister clown man has to go with him for…reasons???
-wind demon fuckin helps them get to some castle where the oranges are
-thanks wind demon
-“may fate protect them from the giant ladle” is a verbatim line from the opera
-because there’s a giant cook with a giant ladle
-also the oranges
-also the cook is a woman but is sung by a dude
-they steal the oranges by distracting the cook with a ribbon
-bass wizard tells these two dumbass tenors to open the oranges near a body of water
-so the tenors do the completely logical thing
-they take the oranges to a desert
-then clown man decides to open one of the oranges because he’s thirsty and he thinks there’s juice inside
-spoiler alert
-there is no juice
-there is a Princess
-clown is disappointed because he is orangesexual
-princess dies of thirst
-repeat the above six steps because clown is a dumbass
-third orange
-first five steps repeat
-the actors break the fourth wall and give the princess water at the last minute so she doesn’t die
-nice going y’all
-you let the other princesses die
-I guess they didn’t want polyamory
-Prince dude wakes up from his nap or whatever
-prince and princess
-you guessed it
-they’re in love
-prince dude leaves again because reasons
-bad witch comes
-transforms princess into a rat
-prince comes back with dad and is like “hey here’s my true love”
-except Sméraldina’s there instead
-and the king’s like “aight you’re gonna marry her”
-and then the Prince calls Sméraldina a racial slur
-once again casual authorial racism
-literally just change all the racist lines because it adds literally nothing to the plot
-like we’re in cloud cuckoo land basically
-everyone goes back to the palace
-Fata Morgana becomes the victim of more fourth wall breaking when the actors push her into a closet or hole or something
-oh yeah also remember the power couple? yeah they’re involved in a whole massive power conspiracy lol
-magic happens and princess is un-transformed so she’s human now good for her
-all the bad plotting characters are sentenced to being hanged but Fata Morgana (who’s…broken out of her prison?) helps them escape
-massive chase scene
-but at the end everyone is just kinda like “meh that was weird anyway long live the kingdom woohoo” so nobody even cares about stopping them lol
like seriously what even *is* this plot lol
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garrothromeave · 4 years
let’s talk about minecraft diaries rebirth.
and why it’s literally amazing. (warning: this will contain spoilers. lots of them. also, long post ahead.)
i think a lot of people hate mcdr because they were expecting a remake; but the point of rebirth is for jess to rewrite it. it wasn't supposed to be exactly the same.
honestly i went into mcdr with a closed mind. as an og mcd fan, i thought that this was going to suck ass and that i'd rant about how bad it was to my friends later. but actually watching it, i just... couldn't help but immediately fall in love with it.
ik im probably the only motherfucker that likes mcdr, but honestly how could i not? for one, garroth and zenix actually have personalities at the beginning. AND; the villagers? actually amazing. donna made me smile, visher made me laugh and cry, brendan was just bein as good as ever. like... i even didn't despise emmalyn with every ounce of my soul like i usually do?? the characterizations of them were GOOD, man.
and honestly, aphmau like--the way she spoke, her whole thing. it was reallyyy well done in my opinion. she was oblivious to things, but it wasn't overdone and wasn't done in a way to make her annoying. she's a very appealing character in mcdr, a main protagonist i do not mind following along with. her dynamics to the characters are really cool and all very unique.  gonna cut it here so i don’t clog y’all’s feed cuz i got a lot to say :)
the early use of aphmau’s powers was actually pretty cool as well, it also really showed how clueless aphmau really was to everything going on around her. AND UH, THE FACT THAT SHE THOUGHT THAT GARROTH FELT FAMILIAR? GOLDEN. absolutely golden.
AND GENE OH BOY, the early introduction of gene? ik a lot of people are upset about it, but god DAMN i love it so much. his role in the story is very important in original, and i cannot express how much joy this brought me learning that he was actually getting the proper attention for it. and the fact that gene and aphmau were working together?? i mean ik gene was just trying to use her to get back to the "shadow abyss" (pretty pog replacement for the nether, gg) but god DAMN i loved every moment of it. i found their dynamic to be pretty fuckin funny to be honest, would absolutely love to see more of it.
i might be biased considering gene is one of my absolute favorite characters, but i honestly think that introducing gene this early on in the story was a good move. again, he's literally the right-hand man to the shadow lord. it makes you really wonder why he didn't have as much of an important role in season 1 or even 2 of the original mcd plotline. also, we get some of that good-ol-fashioned exposition with seeing early on how vylad and gene interact. vylad’s at a very strange point in the story right now; his motives are unclear, even to the side he’s ‘supposed’ to be taking (aka, a shadow knight.)  another early introduction to a character is zane! this, my friends, is good. really good. i’d say that zane is the main antagonist of season 1 in the original series--and he wasn’t even introduced until like, episode 50. it’s not necessarily a bad thing, but him being introduced this early on really gives the audience a better understanding of what threats are out there and what our protagonist will have to encounter in the future. in the original series, there’s not much explanation as to why lords are disappearing/dying left and right--and while yes, that was supposed to be the mystery of it, having some of that early information is a better move in terms of writing. 
AND IVAN?? BEING A PART OF THE JURY OF NINE?? I COULD NOT HAVE ASKED FOR ANYTHING MORE LIKE GOD DAMN that was a very pleasant surprise i'll just say that, thank you jess :)
and no i did not loop the 4 minutes of screentime laurance got in that one episode haha who would do that i would never do that anyways
SPEAKING of laurance, im so glad jess actually wrote him in this early :) she totally could have just waited for the first time aphmau visits meteli and meets him there, but no! she put him in an early episode. i dont even care if she did it just to shut up the fans about laurance but man that made me so happy seeing him, even if it was only for a bit.
okay i kinda wanna go over the guards real fast firstly; garroth. ignoring how weird the helmet showing emotions is, i really like how garroth is portrayed. he's under a lot of pressure because the village is putting a lot of the blame on him for malik's death, and he's trying his hardest to keep things running. the fact that garroth utterly refused the to take up the position of lord and even got a little snappy about it was actually really cool to see as well. and while he doesn’t have that same “reserved, quiet, observant” feel as the original mcd version of him had, this version of garroth is absolutely awesome. he’s more direct and blunt, is significantly more sarcastic, and isn’t as stiff or as much as a pushover as he is in the original. he even has a sense of humour. also, no homo, but he’s kinda adorable.  plus, the desperation that he goes through during the whole thing is just--it’s really cool to see how hard he’s trying to prove himself and help the village. my rating for mcdr garroth? 9/10. the helmet... the helmet is the main thing throwin me off, i can’t lie. next, zenix. oh BOY do i have a lot to say about this man. first of all, his and garroth’s dynamic is incredible. when i saw how the interacted with each other, my first thought was: father and son. zenix has this immaturity to him that is so fucking fun and interesting to watch, and seeing how garroth scolds him is so fuckin good man. and! seeing how he interacts with the rest of the village... honestly, if jess ever picks this story up again, i would probably cry when zenix (literally) backstabs garroth. HELL, i hope that’s something that still happens, it’d be heartbreaking to witness this character that we’ve come to love hurting his mentor, the man who took him in. he’s just a really good character all in all, and much more appealing than the original mcd zenix. ...except season 3 zenix. no zenix can be better than that one.  either way, zenix is amazing written to be the comic relief and he’s just an all-out lovable character in this series.  finally, dale and brian. yes i’m going to group them up because there’s not much to say regarding them, but i do want to address them. for starters, we have brian; who’s already 16 when the story starts. good on jess for doing that, because in the original aphmau watched brian be born and age INCREDIBLY quick, haha. THOUGH i do feel like there’s a slight connection lost there--one of the hardest things about brian’s betrayal in the original series in the fact that we watched him grow up in phoenix drop. we were there from the moment he was born, to the second he betrayed phoenix drop. BUT OF COURSE, this version is a lot more realistic, so it’s understandable. i just think that if it’s brian who’ll be betraying phoenix drop again (if it even goes down that same route), it won’t hit as hard unless jess really takes the time to grow the connection between brian and aphmau.  as for dale; gotta admit, love it. and like, i think one of the main things about how good of a call it was to make him a drunkard from the beginning is considering how much the village is struggling. the fact that the second-in-command is literally drunk all of the time really conveys the message of, “yeah. this village needs help.” plus, he’s another good comic relief character. i loved seeing molly and dale’s relationship too, it was very funny.  PLUS. we were blessed with a well scene, in which aphmau had to help villagers out of the well. i don’t know about you guys, but that was one of my favorite nods to the original series. i cannot thank jess enough for that, there was a smile on my face the entire time. another amazing thing--visher’s character. instead of just being introduced to this quirky lil merchant who only had one or two interactions with aphmau like in the first one, we got to sit there and really get a feel for someone worth remembering and worth mourning over. we had a reason to be sad over his death, it wasn’t just some npc getting blown up suddenly. this was different, and this hurt.  one of the major things that i hope is to come out of this is for jess to fix the major mistakes she had when writing the first series. she’d expressed how unhappy she was with some of the decisions she made, and i’m glad that she’s getting that second chance to undo the things she didn’t like. this series also gives her a second chance to really, really dig into characters and their motives. like, gimme laurance backstory in better detail. or like, garroth and zane’s relationship from back when they were kids? or how vylad died and who killed him? etc etc. she’s already done an excellent job so far, and i can’t wait to see where this goes. that is, if she ever continues it. god, i wish there were more episodes so that i could seriously let you guys know how beautiful of a series this is. there’s so much i want to say about rebirth, but i think i’ll stop here. i might say some more shit about it later, but if there’s anything i’d want you to take away from this, it’s: give minecraft diaries rebirth a chance. there’s a lot of potential, and this is a chance for jess to really change things for the better! ... but again, that is if this ever is continued. 
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rizlowwritessortof · 3 years
Meant To Be - Chapter 1
Dean and Jordan are each trying to escape their painful pasts. Their chance meeting and a dangerous encounter begins a relationship that may give them both a new start. (Tags will be on the fic masterlist post so y’all don’t get bombarded with each chapter.)
Pairing: Police Detective Dean Winchester/Jordan Taylor
Word Count: 3583
Warnings: Abusive relationship and related violence, nothing graphic. 
Aesthetic by @editsbymichele on Instagram; Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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The sudden stop sent the car skidding a little in the gravel, the dust cloud swirling to dissipate in the breeze as Jordan jumped out, slamming the door hard behind her as she yelled into her phone. “Kiss my ass, Darrel! No, you did this, don’t lay it on me! What?! Like hell I’m coming home! Just go back to your new little drinking buddy-slash-fucktoy and leave me alone. You can’t have it both ways. No, fuck you. Fuck you sideways, buddy. I’m done. Have a nice life.”
She let out a frustrated scream, slamming a fist down on the hood of the car, so pissed off that she was shaking. She whirled around, startled, as a deep masculine voice called out. “Poor car. Sounds like Darrel’s the one you should be punching.”
“Excuse me? That was a private conversation!” she spluttered, glaring at the source. He was standing in front of a beautiful black beast of a car, the hood up, wiping his hands on a shop rag. She could feel the heat in her face, and his appearance slowly filtering through her rage into her brain didn’t help. He was gorgeous.
He chuckled, shaking his head. “Sorry, sweetheart, but the way you were yelling, there wasn’t much private about it.” He dropped his chin a little, his eyes narrowing as he spoke again. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to butt in. Are you okay?”
Tears welled up in her eyes, and she turned to the car, jerking the back door open to grab her bag. “It’s okay, sorry I was such a bitch. And I’m not okay, but I will be. I’m gonna be fucking awesome.” She stuffed her phone in her back pocket and fished the key card out of her bag, fumbling with the door. “Thanks for asking, anyway.”
She glanced back at him before going in, watching his little nod of acknowledgment and rueful smile. She closed the door shut behind her and leaned against it, dropping her bag. “Well, that wasn’t embarrassing at all. Screaming like a crazy woman in the middle of a parking lot, in front of the most fucking attractive man you’ve ever seen in your life. Awesome start to your new life, Jordan.” She  moved to the window, peeking out the side of the curtains at him as he continued working under the hood of his car. He was tall, solid, in beat-up blue jeans and a well-worn grey t-shirt that was smeared with grease and dark in spots from perspiration. She watched the muscles in his biceps strain as he worked with some kind of tool, stopping for a moment to grab the rag from his back pocket and wipe his face. He was ridiculously good-looking, even with smudges of grease on his arms and face. Actually, somehow that made him even more attractive, a man’s man, a man who wasn’t afraid of hard work and getting dirty. He glanced her direction, and she backed away quickly, swearing under her breath.
She sighed, letting her eyes roam around her room. It was almost like a little bungalow, with a kitchenette and a couch against one wall, and she wandered over to take a look out the back door. Now wasn’t that convenient! Right across the street behind the motel was a little liquor store, and she began to smile to herself. “No guts, no glory, girl. Get over there and buy that fine man a cold beer to apologize for being a hag.”
A few minutes later, she was stepping back out the front door with two icy-cold long necks in her hands. He watched her approach, wiping his hands, a slow smile lighting up his handsome face. “Here. To say I’m sorry for yelling at you.”
“Well, no apology necessary, but I’ll be damned if I say no to that! Fuckin’ hot out here,” he rumbled, taking the beer gratefully and taking a long pull from the bottle.
“Fuckin’ hot anywhere you are,” Jordan thought to herself, joining him after a little salute with the bottle in his direction. “Nothing better than an ice-cold beer on a hot day,” she said out loud. “So – what’s wrong with your car?”
“Oh, nothin’, really. Just tuning her up a little. Killing time, actually. I’ve been here one night already, looks like it’s gonna be another couple. Just waiting for my brother to get back.”
“Ahhh, so you just like to tinker.”
“Oh, I just like to make her purr.” Jordan almost choked on the swallow of beer she had just taken. “She’s just like a woman, you treat her right, she’ll treat you right.”
She smiled at him, getting one back in return. “Well, I’m glad there’s a man in this world who knows that. I’m Jordan, by the way.”
“Dean. Nice to meet you, Jordan.” His voice was on her frequency, apparently, because every time he spoke she felt her breath catch. His eyes were green with hints of gold, framed by thick lashes that any woman would die for, and she looked down at her beer, peeling at the label, unable to withstand his candid gaze any longer. They chatted a little longer about how good the beer tasted, how hot it was, how comfy the rooms were. He finished his beer, setting the bottle down and reaching up to lower the hood and close it. The muscles of his back under that damp, clingy t-shirt raised Jordan’s temperature another notch, and she had to mentally prompt herself to close her mouth. She cleared her throat, taking a long, cool drink, surprised it didn’t just come out of her ears in billows of steam.
“Well, Jordan, thanks for the beer. I’d better hit the shower. Maybe we’ll run into each other again.”
“Yeah, maybe.” She smiled back at him, and then watched him walk back to his room, two doors down from hers. Those jeans hugged his body just right, and her eyes followed his bow-legged amble all the way to his door, finally forcing herself to focus on the ground before he could turn and see her staring again. Holy. Shit. She headed back to the room and opened another beer, scolding herself. Not really the best time to be lusting after some stranger, not with all the shit she’d been through the last few weeks. She plopped down on the sofa with a sigh, roaming through the channels on the TV while she finished her beer, then headed for the shower.
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Dean dropped the empty beer bottle into the trash and sat on the edge of the bed to untie his boots. He smiled to himself, Jordan’s dramatic entrance into the parking lot replaying in his head. “Little firecracker, that one,” he muttered. She was a little bit of nothing, but what was there was nicely arranged, he had to admit. Big brown eyes, hair short and sexy just like her, kissable lips…
He laughed quietly to himself as he imagined Donna’s teasing voice in his head saying, “Don’t even think about it, partner. Ain’t you had enough?” As soon as he was cleaned up, he needed to call and check on her, see how she was doing. He headed towards the bathroom as he stripped his t-shirt off, pushing the door with one foot to swing it closed.
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The bar and grill down the block looked like a good enough place to find some food, and Jordan walked that way, running her fingers through her tousled, short hair. The screen door squealed as she opened it, pushing hard to shove the heavy inner door open and walking into the bar, the air conditioning sending a refreshing chill over her arms. A waitress walking by gave her a pleasant smile and hello, telling her to sit wherever she pleased and she’d be right with her.
There was no one in the place at the moment but a table full of elderly men at the far back corner, playing cards and drinking coffee. She settled herself in a comfy booth by the wall, grabbing a menu.
“Can I get you somethin’ to drink, hon?” the waitress asked, and she smiled up at her.
“Yeah, a glass of whatever you’ve got on tap, please.”
“You got it, be right back to take your order. I’m Molly, by the way, if you need something.” It was a lovely place, simple, homey and welcoming. Small town friendly, which was always pleasant - as long as you weren’t from that small town so they didn’t know all your business. Sometimes being an anonymous stranger was really nice.
Molly came back with a frosted mug brim-full of beer, and she smiled. You don’t get those everywhere. “Awesome, thanks!”
“You ready to order?” the woman asked, brushing a graying lock of hair that had escaped her ponytail away from her face.
“Yeah, I think I’ll have a bacon cheeseburger and fries,” she said, and her stomach grumbled as she spoke. Things had been in such an uproar lately, she had barely been eating.
“Now, there’s a woman with good taste!” Jordan felt her heartbeat stop for a second, and she looked up into Dean’s smiling face, those stunning green eyes crinkling at the corners. “Molly, can I get the same, and a beer?” he asked, giving the older woman his full attention.
“You got it, Dean,” the waitress answered with a smile, and headed back towards the kitchen. He nodded his head towards the seat opposite Jordan’s and grinned.
“Mind if I sit? I mean, if you’re not expecting somebody...”
“No, I’m not, please sit,” she smiled back at him. “It’ll be nice to have somebody to talk to besides myself.”
He took a seat, an amused smirk on his face. “Well, I don’t want to interrupt your conversation.”
“It’s okay. Mostly waxing poetic about the frosted mug of beer,” she grinned back.
“Right? Gotta love that.” He looked up at the waitress as his beer appeared in front of him. “Molly, you’re a doll.”
“Oh, stop. Keep tellin’ you, I’m married,” she teased, turning to go. “And I’m too old for you.”
“Love a woman with experience,” he fired back, and she flapped a hand at him, blushing.
“You are a dangerous man. You watch out for that one, honey,” Molly aimed her parting remarks at Jordan and headed back to the kitchen.
“How long have you known her?” Jordan asked, raising her mug to her lips.
“Just met her yesterday. Why?”
Jordan stared back at him in surprise. “Really? Wow, you’ve got a way with people.”
“A friend of mine told me once that I just like to flirt. She might be right.”
Jordan laughed. “She might be.” His phone went off just then, and he grabbed it off the table.
“My brother. Be right back,” he smiled, swiping the screen as he rose to his feet and headed for the door. “Hey, Sammy,” she heard him say as he went outside.
She ordered them each another beer when Molly came over to check, and she had just taken a drink, focused on reading a message on her phone, when a rough hand landed on her shoulder. “Okay, Jordan. Time to come home.”
She froze, refusing to look up at him. “Darrel. How did you find me?”
“Wasn’t hard. I knew which way you were headed. Now, you’re gonna get up from that seat and come home with me, we have a lot to talk about.”
“We don’t have anything left to talk about, but I’m not making a scene in here. So let’s just go outside and get this over with,” she ground out quietly between clenched teeth. She stood up and winced a little at the brutal grip on her arm, biding her time until they left the bar.
“Miss? You okay?” Molly asked with a frown as they headed for the door, and Jordan nodded.
“I’m fine, Molly. Don’t worry.”
“Just keep movin’,”Darrel whispered behind her. They shoved their way through the door, and took several steps away from the building before Jordan began to struggle. She cried out as he shifted his hold, twisting her arm behind her back viciously. “None of your shit, now. Just move.”
“Hey, Darrel!” Dean’s voice rang out loud and clear behind them, and Jordan tensed at the sound.
Darrel gave her arm another tug as he turned them both around to face Dean. “Fucker!” she spat, her teeth clenched.
“You okay, Jordan?” Dean asked, and she looked into his eyes.
“I’m sure I will be shortly.” Dean nodded, a wicked little smirk curving his lips.  
“Who the hell are you?” Darrel demanded. “Who is this clown?” he growled into Jordan’s ear, and she jerked her head away.
“So, Darrel, tell me – is this usually the way you get women to go with you? Because I’m pretty sure she’s gonna cut off your balls first chance she gets.” He frowned a little, then continued. “Wait, that would assume you have balls, which is pretty unlikely, I’d guess.”
Darrel drew in a breath to respond, distracted for the moment, and Jordan jammed her free arm back, driving her elbow into his ribs, then stomped down hard on his instep. Darrel loosened his grip on her, groaning in pain, and she jerked herself free from his grasp, running towards Dean.
“Good girl,” he said, sweeping his arm out to place her behind him. “Well, Darrel. Looks like we have a situation here.”
Darrel pulled a knife from his back pocket, flipping it open. “Yeah. Bad one for you, asshole. You’re not armed.”
Dean nodded in agreement. “You’ve got a point there. So, whatcha waitin’ for, Darrel?” He said the man’s name with utter contempt, muttering, “Go inside” to Jordan as he headed towards the coward. “Bring it on.”
Jordan couldn’t force her feet to follow his command, staring in horror and shouting Dean’s name as he approached Darrel. There was a flurry of movement, punches thrown and Darrel’s swing with the blade blocked, his arm twisted violently until the weapon hit the ground with a thud, followed a few seconds later by Darrel, bruised and bleeding. Dean bent to pick up the knife, flipping it in his hand and standing over the fallen man with a snarl on his lips.  
“I suggest you get the fuck outta here before I finish kicking your ass. And you forget about her. Forget her name. Forget you ever knew her. You hear me?”
Darrel scooted away, scrambling to his feet at a safer distance. “Jordan, this ain’t over!” he yelled defiantly.
“What did I just say to you?!” Dean bellowed, moving quickly in his direction, and Darrel’s eyes widened as he turned to run. “That’s right, you fucking coward, get your ass away from here.” Dean watched the man run until he was out of sight, then turned quickly, striding back to Jordan’s side. “Did he hurt you? Are you all right?”
She nodded, her face pale, weaving a little as her knees gave way. Dean put an arm around her waist, leading her to the bench beside the door and sitting her down. Molly stuck her head out the door, concern on her face. “Is she all right?”
“Yeah, just a little shaky. Hey, Molly – can we get those burgers to go?”
“Of course, give me just a sec, hon. Just wait right there.”
Dean hunkered down in front of Jordan, taking hold of her cold hand. “Hey, Jordan? Look at me, sweetheart.” She finally raised her eyes, and he gave her a proud little smile. “You did great. Just exactly what I was hoping you’d do.” Molly came out the door just then, handing their food to Dean, and reaching over to put her hand on Jordan’s.
“Glad you’re okay. Both of you.” With a pat to her hand and a little squeeze to Dean’s shoulder, she turned and went back inside.
“Okay, think you can make it back to your room? Come on, I gotcha,” Dean encouraged, an arm around her waist, the food and Darrel’s knife in the other hand. “Man, can’t wait to dig in. Molly makes a mean bacon cheeseburger.” He kept talking, all the way back to the motel, taking Jordan’s key card and letting them both in before leading her to a chair. “I’m going to my room to grab something, I’ll be right back. Okay?” She nodded vacantly, staring down at her hands.
She looked up, eyes wide as she heard someone at the door a couple of moments later, but Dean called out. “It’s just me, Jordan, comin’ back in, okay?” He came in, closed and dead-bolted the door behind him, and set a bottle of whiskey on the table as he walked by. Soon he was back, two coffee mugs from the little kitchenette in his hand. He poured a generous splash of the amber liquid into the cup and scooted it over towards Jordan. “Drink that, it’ll help.” She nodded, taking the cup in hand and tipping it steadily back, letting the liquor burn its way down her throat. She shuddered a little, then held it out for more.
“One more, maybe,” she said, and he tipped the bottle again. She downed the second shot, then blew out a shaky breath.
She looked at him, the color beginning to come back into her cheeks. “Yeah. I think so. Dean, I don’t know what to say...”
“You don’t have to say anything. Just eat. You can talk later.” He grinned, shoving her food at her, and she dug in gratefully.
She moaned, her eyes closing. “This is amazing!” Dean smiled, watching her wolf that bite down and go after another. She stopped, suddenly looking alarmed. “Wait, I didn’t even pay!”
“Taken care of, don’t worry about it.”
“So it’s not enough that you chase off my asshole ex, now you’re buying me dinner? Where have you been all my life?” she teased, taking another bite, and then blushing at her own words. “Wow - maybe the whiskey’s kicking in.”
Dean laughed softly as he continued eating. “Good. Maybe you can relax a little.” He turned on the TV, surfing until he found an old sitcom, and they watched as they finished their meal. When the credits rolled, Dean stood up, gathering the trash and tossing it before turning back to smile at her. “So – I should get out of here, let you get some rest.”
“Do you have to leave?” She swallowed hard, blushing. He stared back at her, not sure how to respond, and she dropped her gaze to the floor. “I’m sorry, you’ve done too much for me already, I don’t blame you for wanting to get the hell away, like you need...”
“Hey.” He spoke softly to stop her rambling, and she looked up at him, biting nervously at her lip. “I just thought after what you’d been through you should get some rest.” She nodded silently, wishing the floor would open up and swallow her, and he spoke again, concern in his eyes. “Are you afraid he’ll come back, Jordan?”
“I don’t know. I hope not.” She swallowed hard, fighting not to cry in front of him.
“Listen, I’ve got two beds in my room, you’re welcome to come down there and stay if you want.”
“No, no… I’m just being crazy. I’m sure he’s gone. You probably scared him all the way back home.” She tried to sound like she was laughing it off, but her performance wasn’t convincing even her. “Really, Dean, thank you. I appreciate it. But I don’t want to be any more of a pain than I already have been.” She picked up her phone, avoiding eye contact, and looked up in surprise when he took hold of it, pulling it gently from her grasp.
He typed something into it, then handed it back. “There, I put my number in. If you get scared, or if you need anything, call me. No matter what time it is. Okay?”
Her eyes filled with tears. “Thank you.”
She felt his hand on her shoulder. “Get some sleep, sweetheart. How about I pick you up for breakfast in the morning?”
She nodded, looking steadily at the table top as he gave her shoulder a squeeze and headed out the door. As soon as the latch clicked shut, she buried her head in her arms and burst into tears.
She climbed into bed a little later, feeling somewhat better. Dean was right, she did need to sleep. The last few weeks had been harder than she’d realized, and then with Darrel showing up… yeah, the tough girl mask she tried to present to the world had slipped a little.
She fell asleep almost as soon as she settled in, the first deep sleep she’d had in days. A loud crash from the parking lot outside her door woke her, and she sat up, groggy and disoriented, trying to get her bearings before climbing out of bed to see what had caused the noise.
Her eyes widened as she peered out the window. Her car was engulfed in flames, and she stumbled back from the window in shock, running back to the bed to grab her phone from the night stand. Her hands shaking, she dialed Dean’s number, surprised when he answered immediately, not even letting her speak.
“Jordan, stay in your room. Don’t come out unless I come and get you, understand?”
Chapter 2
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readbythestarlight · 3 years
Oh? Prop sale??
Oh darn lol
"To the creep who loves me" xD
Okay, that was
Last we left off Essek and Caleb were flirting
Oooo are the eyes giving them night vision? That’s handy at least
Like I still hate them but
Oh daaaaaamn
Cad’s and Fjord’s playful antics are my faves
Sprinkle is Artagan?????
That’s amazing
Oh no
Too many powers
.....hey jester ask Essek who he has a crush on while Caleb reads his thoughts
Kidding I’m sorry I’m awful
Temporal?? Alteration??
Time travel holy shit
Here we go
It’s all coming together
Oh boyyyyy
Essek and Caleb gonna have to make some decisions
"Is he coming onto you?"
god jester I sure hope so
"It’s complicated" IT DOESNT HAVE TO BE THO
Except I like that that wasn’t a solid no
Fjord don’t encourage fluffernutter
Y’all can’t just not huh
Yasha what??
Everything is going baaaaaadly
Which makes me think that yet again the Big Fight will be next week
Tentacles now, lovely
Of course he knows you’re there you morons
Okay please go to break I need to sleep
God I hate Lucien
Oh god oh man wait this is actually happening
I didn’t think we’d actually ever get here and now I’m SCARED
Okay okay I didn’t mention this at the time but can we talk about how the key to what Caleb has been looking for since episode 1 (time travel magic) was revealed to be the combination of dunemancy and transmutation, aka the combination of Essek’s school of magic and Caleb’s school of magic because Y’ALL
This ship sails itSELF
The freaking PLOT is sailing this ship at this point like look at all this stuff that is literally just Caleb’s and Essek’s mutual interests and magical pursuits
"Here’s my plan: we’re all COWS"
I hate him a lot
Oh I forgot he got the fuckin’ orb
Ooooo Lucien did NOT like that
"Tell us more, Circus man."
Why??? React to it??
Bad vibes noPE
What was the point of that??
"Leave this world better than how you found it?" stoooppppp
"Earn your ticket. Come join the show." I hate it.
I love how Matt is talking slow, gives them the chance to do something anD THEYRE NOT DOING ANYTHING
and by here we go I mean now we get to go into the astral plane and have at least one MORE episode until we fight Lucien
Where does Essek fall into the initiative
Essek it’s time to pop in and save your boy
I’m WHEEZING wildmagic is the best
No Caleb!!
“In space no one can hear you bleat”
Essek just standing here like “this is the man I have chosen to love” as he turns into a sheep and steps into the portal
Oh darn he didn’t see it xD
“Don’t be sheepish get in there”
“This shear torture”
Oh my god the PUNS
“Caleb’s already hoof in’ it that way”
“This is veal bad” veal isn’t even sheep lol
Ooo nice, saving the cleric. Good hot boi.
Look at Jester being the cleric!
Good for her
“Anything for my Princess” lmao
Come on hot boi get yourself out
Oh thank god
oh my god
I’m SO glad Veth did Mage Hand holy shit
I mean now they’re trapped but oh my god
Holy shit we’re really in the Astral Plane now guys
I hate the voices
This is gonna be AWESOME
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hollowsystems · 4 years
I saw a video on YouTube, and it made me think.
The title on the video was ‘if you love someone, tell them.’ And it.. yeah.
My understanding of ‘love’ is loose at best, but Uhm. My idea of love is pretty simple I guess. When I ‘love’ someone, I trust them, some amount. It’s hard for me to really trust anyone because I don’t want them to run away, but if I tell you I love you, I trust you. I trust you with my heart and I trust you won’t run away.
Another part of it is, obviously, affection. I’ll love you in going through your blog and liking your posts, in giggling at shitposts and and that spot fuzzy feeling when someone likes what I made them, or says I love you back. It’s in making you something because you come to mind, because I like creating for you. It’s helping you when you’re in need because I really do care, and I want you to be happy.
I bring up again the title of the video, ‘if you love someone, tell them.’
So I will
Pencey, I love you, I’m glad I met you over discord, I’m glad we’re mutuals and I’m honored to be able to talk to you.
Jap, I love you. Your shitposts make me laugh, I want to see you happy with your life and yourself, I love being in your server and I love being mutuals with you.
Vic, I love you. I love your silly discord names and the philosophy in the server and you and Jap messing around. I love being your mutual and being around you even in such a vague way as a blog.
Nan, I love you. I’m happy to help you through any mental health crisis, I care for you so much and I’ll be here whenever I can. I promise you. It’s okay to ask for help.
Iz, I love you. Your insane grammar makes me giggle, I love making shitty lil art for you, I love talking to you when we do and I love seeing you on my dash.
Lane, Emerson, Remi, Arson, Alex, Tyler, Quinn, Frost, Zero, I love all of you. I’m so glad to have met some of you through the tumblr chat, I’m fucking honored to be your Internet parent and I violently wish all of you to have the best lives you can.
Ash, I love you. I love making things for you, reading your poetry, your random asks. It makes me so fucking happy to see that your mental health is doing better and I just. I love you so much.
Lee, Leaf, I love you. I’m so happy we met through Spider and I’m honored to have an online parent like you. I love sending you silly stuff on Insta and you make me smile every time I see you’ve responded to me.
Ollie/Timothy, I love you. I may not have talked to you a lot at phs but you’re a fucking wonderful human being and I love you so damn much.
Harlow, I love you. Gods, I love you so damn much and I’m so happy to be with you, you’re such an amazing girl and I can’t fucking wait to give you a hug. I love you. <3
Griz, I love you. I say it a lot in passing on discord but you’re a good friend and I’m really happy to have you around, I hope you know you mean a lot to me.
Doc, Vee, Nic, ace discord, I love y’all. You’re so awesome and wonderful and supportive and I’m so fucking happy to have you all.
Ash(💝), I love you. We haven’t talked recently but I hope you have an amazing day, our conversations always made me smile.
Moving on, to whoever I’m not sure is okay with me saying ‘I love you’, but I want to appreciate somehow.
Ray, new mutual! I really like following you so far and it made me so happy when you made the wings I made you, I hope you know you’re badass and I hope you have a good day, if you can’t an okay day.
Ace, I haven’t checked your blog recently but I love your writing and I hope you have an amazing day, the himbo post will never die <3/lh
Maxx!! You’re so fuckin cool, I love your writing and your hcs and I hope you know I admire you and hope to eventually be as badass as you
Quiet, you helped me realize I was aro and I admire you so much for that, thank you. Your art makes me stim because it’s so adorable, I hope you have a good day!!!
I’m not sure if some of the people I’ve mentioned will see this, but I hope you all know I appreciate you so fucking much, thank you for existing, really thank you so much I’m glad you’re here and in my little corner of the web.
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
Don Collier x reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: boys talking about girls, pin-up gals, war
Author’s Note: Hi honey! I hope you like this, I loved this request every one you give is so awesome which I say every time but I mean it. It’s rare for me to get super excited at a request but I do with yours so thank you for that. I hope I did it justice!
Requested: by @fancycandy​, Hi dear! I hope you're doing well! I was wondering if you could perhaps write a Wardaddy, where his wife is a famous pin-up? The boys don't know they're married, but notice he gets rather intimate cards of her. And they always tease him over it but he's just like "yeah, because she's my wife" and of course they don't believe him. Until they come home and she's waiting there for Don? Ofc you don't have to if you don't want to. Tysm and ily and take care 🥰
Summary: the request
Genre: fluff
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
(not my gif)
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    Every single boy in the army knew who you were. They had seen your pictures and some of them even had cards of you with them before they were sent to fight. You were a pinup model and a good one at that. Some people said it wasn’t hard to be a model of your nature but it sure was different with you. The others just didn’t look like they were nearly as good. There was no need for Don to tell any of them that he knew you but it sure as hell annoyed him when he got down to it.    
    One afternoon, all the guys were hanging around a campfire. They had a big fight they were heading to the next day. It was bound to take the life out of everyone, hopefully not literally. They were preparing in their own ways, some of them looking through old letters from family and some of them eating a meal as though it would be their last.        
    Don sat against his pack when he was flipping through the letters you had sent him from the few weeks before. You had sent cards with your letters, ‘to keep him company’ you said. You were flirty even through the letters. In the face of death, you still made him laugh and flustered, a task only you could accomplish.   
    “Is that Y/L/N?” Boyd asked, looking over Man's shoulder. He let out an annoyed sigh. He had told you to take his last name but you said Collier didn’t roll off the tongue when you’re talking to your audience. Although legally you were Y/N Collier. 
    “What’s it to you?” Don grumbled. Boyd took the picture from Don’s hands despite the protests. Don tried to grab it but Boyd had already walked over out of reach and where the guys were sitting. They huddled around the picture.
    “Where the fuck did you get this?” Grady asked, snatching the picture from Boyd. It was a rather intimate picture of you. The ones that you had done had already been circulated through the camp, they had every one. None of the guys had ever seen this picture before. 
    Don stood up and took the picture back, annoyed. He put it in the envelope with the rest but the guys had already seen that there were more in there.
    “Are you serious? How many of those are unseen?!” Trini asked. Don sealed the envelope up.  
    “How did you get them?” Grady asked. 
    “She’s my fuckin wife,” he announced proudly.
    The guys laughed. They knew enough about you to know you weren’t married, you couldn’t possibly be married. If you were, every man there had their dreams crushed by Don Collier.
    “Bullshit,” Boyd called. Don shrugged.
    “I don’t have to prove it to you.” 
    “You’re right you don’t,” Trini started, “because there is no way you could be married to Y/N Y/L/N.” 
    He shrugged and pointed the envelope at the guys before putting it back in his jacket. They watched with intense eyes as they did so.
    Everyone there knew they would be trying to steal that envelope and that is why Don burned it that night. There would always be more.
    When the war ended and the guys were sent back home was a momentous occasion for  you. You hadn’t seen your husband in so long and you were ready to be with him again. Hearing his words in your mind through his letters just would never be enough. 
    You got dolled up. It was the first time in so long you had gotten dolled up to see the man you loved so you were extra about it. Really curling your hair, picking his favorite dress on you, doing your makeup like it was the last day of your life.
    You were waiting with the other families and wives and girlfriends. Your excitement was through the roof as you muttered back and forth on your heels. When you saw Don your heart lurched. He saw you at about the same time and his arms opened as you jumped into them.   
    “I missed you! Good God I missed you!” you screamed. He rocked you back and forth, laughing as he gave you a kiss and then another and then another.
    The other guys were saying hello to their families as you and Don were holding each other. It felt so good to have you back in his arms. He hadn’t really realized how much he had missed it.
    It was Boyd who saw you first. He turned around to see Don and you kissing which surprised him enough. Then he realized it was you. 
    “Shit, you weren’t lying,” he called, causing the other guys to look over at what Boyd was looking at. You gave them all a small smile.   
    “Y/N these are the dumbasses,” he told you. You gave them a smile, one that they had seen on their cards thousands of times before but this one seemed more genuine. 
    “It’s nice to meet you all. I’ve heard a lot about you, through the letters,” you said. They were surprised at how sweet you sounded. Unbelievable.
    “We thought he was joking with us when he said you were married.” You leaned into Don’s side and he gave the guys a smug look. You held up your left hand that had your wedding ring.   
    “7 years almost!” 
    “Been together much longer though,” Don explained. You shoved him but he kept his arm around you tightly which you didn’t mind.
    “Damn Don,” Trini breathed. 
    “Next time y’all don’t listen to me, think twice,” he said, pointing at them. You smiled and turned away from them.
    “They didn’t see that one picture I sent-”
    “Never. Not once.”
    “Good. Thank you.” You laughed. “I missed you.” He chuckled and kissed your forehead.
    “I missed you more.”
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soooooooooooooo i finished echoes of oblivion with Zal owo gotta finish spirit of vengeance yet to be Completely caught up on all the Stuffs (I think???) but y e e t
So here’s my Thoughts fjdklsa they are exceptionally rambley and Exceptionally disorganized bc i am Stream Of Consciousness Excitement Yelling jfdkla
Unpopular as fuck opinion: I fuckin love the swtor Revan and when I saw him I was like !!!!!!!!!!!!! REVAN!!!!!!  MY GUY!!!!  HELL YEAH!!!!! I was SO hype to see him I love him.
Just, a lot of joy there jfdkasljfdak
And fckn!!! Seeing Marr again!!! and Getting SEVERAL smooch opportunities with Theron, and fckn, at the beginning of the whole echoes thing having the whole crew be like ‘i’m coming with u’ and I was like, y’all, this is So many people we’re probably good, don’t worry about it and then fckn 
5 seconds later ‘damn we might need help’ ‘GOOD THING WE’RE HERE THEN’ ‘OH SHIT.  good thing y’all don’t fuckin listen to me I guess thank u for showing up’ and i THOUGHT it was just going to be Senya and Arcann but then like, 5 minutes later or whatever after I was like ‘OO REVAN’ bc YAY REVAN, THERON out here just ‘everything’s good over here’ and I was like oH SHIT, YOU’RE HERE TOO???  HOT DAMN.  Idk what I expected but I kinda thought Theron was gonna get left out of the loop and be pissed or smth later fjdklas but nah.  He just Vibing.
And fckn, it is Hilarious how much time I spent looking at all these lovely lovely environments and looking at all this Cool Ass Shit just kinda, now what can I do with this with Skaia bc I got fckn Skaia Brainrot Always jfdklas.
It was all ‘how can I use this to cause Distress bc I’m Terrible and this is how I love my characters.  Make Things Worse jfdkla.
Tenebrae looks so fuckin cool and Burnt Sock Man Vitiate has a really fun voice, and the whole thing was cool as shit fjdkla.
There was a whole like, section, that whole bit where u gotta fight stuff alone and I was like oh shit bc Zal’s a Squish Wizard and then I fckn, saw a gold star fucker and i was like damn Zal’s a Squish Wizard but then there was a cLIFF.  AND YOU CAN’T STAGGER OR YEET THE SILVER BITCHES BUT YOU CAN STAGGER AND YEET THE GOLD BITCHES SO GUESS WHO STOOD NEXT TO A CLIFF AND CHUCKED LIGHTING AT IT UNTIL IT GOT CLOSE ENOUGH, WENT BEHIND IT, AND Y E E T.
The whole fckn arena for that thing had like 6 different health-swirly-stations and i just kinda, bubbled myself and then yote it off a cliff.
It was great.
Also???? so many cool ass fckn characters just vibing in there???? and fckn, so many cool ass places for screenshots????  Zal’s coat deciding to be a propellor in his pelvis was a bit of a buzzkill for that but it didn’t happen that often.
aaaaaaaaaa I just really love Revan okay jfdkal, it was so cool having him tag along like yes hello I love this.
And at the end!!!!  Satele campfire time!!!!  And like, the whole fckn, waking up to Lana like ‘lmfao guess i don’t have to stab u with this thing for wake ups’ like LMFAO HI LANA.  THANKS PLS DON’T.  But fckn, being out for an hour longer than anyone else that’s rad I love that as like, a trope or whatever I guess.  It’s nice.  fjdkal Also Lana just fuckin dumps u in a corner like ‘he can sleep it off there’ LMFAO WHAT I love her.  And just ;v; I was very tempted when she fckn, was like, ‘ok so where are we going’ to just do the ‘somewhere quiet’ thing but fckn, going home was the priority.  It was great.
ALSO THAT FCKN FINAL BOSS FIGHT WAS A CLUSTERFUCK AND A HALF IT WAS AWESOME.  Like, absolute mayhem, complete chaos.  I spent just as much time running away as I did fighting anything, and then running around while trying to read the fckn companion ability bar thing it was great.  It was the Best jfdka.  What an absolute clusterfuck I loved it.
and a bunch of mando stuff happened in the cutscenes before the echoes stuff!!! it was super cool!!!!  I love Shae, she’s awesome.  God I love this game fjdsakl.
ALSO, fckn, from what I gather from other people going ‘he was tiny and now i hate him’ Rivix is kind of a tool and/or he’s going to do Betrayal things, which like, fine, but I love him????  I don’t trust him At Fucking All but I love him.  His voice is Great and also you get to be gay at him and fckn, I see that flirt option on a dude, Zal’s going for it.  He did the whole Marry Theron thing but that doesn’t mean he’s not going to flirt with every dude he can manage except Arcann but that was a ‘buddy I had a Fun Bonding Experience with your MOM about being PARENTS u need to Not i know Way too much about you right now’ thing lmfao bc GAY.
i’m just really excited about this jfkdsla.  It’s great.
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belliesandburps · 4 years
(Not my Work) Birthday Gift Story (AU Bakugou Vore Fic)
This is an awesome gift an anonymous user, we’ll call her “Jen” wrote up and sent to my inbox.  It was incredibly sweet of her to write up, and since it featured Werewolf Bakugou, I thought I’d share it with y’all after applying some clean up and tweaks.  Once again, a HUGE thanks to Jen for taking the time to write this up.  Things have been...not great on my end due to where I live being ravaged by police brutality, but this certainly, to quote Thanos, puts a smile on my face.  And I’m hoping it’ll put one on yours as well.  ;)
“Oh my gosh, shut the FUCK UP, YOU DAMN DEKU!!”
“S-s-sorry, Kacchan…” Deku looked down at his hands before stealing a glance at the mahogany-colored couch his childhood friend and Todoroki were currently occupying. The three teens had seeked refugee from the full moon, and for good reason.
Although the moon’s rays couldn’t penetrate the walls enough to make Bakugou turn, the last day of October granted him the troublesome tail and furry ears that twitched in annoyance. Todoroki appeared paler than normal, but he seemed to be fine if not bored, munching on his fourth blood sausage of the evening. He didn’t even bat an eye as he claimed first place in Mario Kart 8 again, opting to raise an eyebrow at a steaming Bakugou.
Deku chuckled as he took a look at his body again.
He wasn’t sure what the white covering was for, or if he really was a ghost. Multiple attempts to phase through anything ended in failure (“Thank goodness Mom isn’t home.”) Lifting up the white head covering revealed a massive dent in his skull, and his transparent arms and legs were angled in odd directions.
He had a good guess as to how he ‘died’, but decided not to dwell on it too much. Bakugou would actually be horrified underneath all the swearing.
“Odd, despite the peculiar angles of my limbs, they seem to be  fully functional. I wonder if this is a side effect of One-For-All? Then there’s the fact that I can’t phase through anything yet. I bet Mirio would be able to help with that. Now that I think about it, is he even a ghost? Is he a phantom? Is there a difference? I wonder if there’s a correlation with quirks and Halloween appearances. Kacchan is a werewolf, but that has nothing to do with explosions. Do wolves have special sweat? I’ll have to look into that. Todoroki is displaying vamperic tendencies; is it because blood can be bent like water? But Todoroki can only manipulate ice, not water. Hm, I wonder if -”
“FUCKING DEKU!!” Bakugou’s tail wagged angrily as he leapt off the couch. Todoroki yawned as he flipped a sausage over, flinching when grease popped on his arm.  “If you’re going to fuckin’ mutter, then fuckin’ hydrate, ya damn nerd!” Deku blinked as a glass of purple-colored beverage was shoved into his hands. Bakugou shoved his hands into his pants pocket.
“Oh, uh, okay!” Deku beamed. “Thanks, Kacchan!”
Deku put the glass to his lips and took several large gulps before pulling back with a grimace.
“Bleh! What was this, Ka- Kacchan? Why are you smirking? What did you… Oh… Oh I feel really weird… Blerf, I don’ feel s’ goo’…”
“Wasn’t Round Cheeks here today, Deku?”
“Yeah, she… Wen’ home…”
“Well she left some kind o’ potion or some shit. Apparently it makes things shrink. Like little annoying Dekus.” The green-haired boy’s eyes widened, unlike the rest of his body, which was now the size of a small action figure.
Bakugou reached down and plucked him up with two fingers.
“Put me down Kacchan!”
“Oy, ain’t that a riot… Barkin’ orders at me, ya damn Deku?”
“I’m serious Kacchan!”
“Heh. So am I.” Grasping the boy in his hand, he brought Deku to his currently flat abs.
“Ya hear that? All this racin’ with fuckin’ Icyhot has worked up quite the appetite.”
Deku paled.
“Kacchan, you better not!”
“Heh, it’s fuckin’ Halloween. You ain’t gettin’ any tricks, but I’ll get a fuckin’ treat!” Deku barely had time to gasp before Bakugou’s mouth opened wide, his pink tongue beckoning the boy in.
He didn’t have much of a choice, with Bakugou letting go and whatnot.
“D-dangit!” Deku wailed before a slap to the face disoriented him. Bakugou wasted no time lapping up the sweet flavors. He cocked his head to the side as he gently prodded Deku.
“Heh… Ya feel like Jello,” he muttered.
Deku didn’t like that.
“Let me out of - mmph!” Another swipe of Bakugou’s tongue robbed Deku of any protests. As tasty as his childhood 'friend’ was, Bakugou was eager to kick Icyhot’s ass, and he couldn’t do that with food in his mouth. So with a hearty
Throat muscles tugged the hero-in-training down down down. Deku huffed and rammed an elbow into his friend’s throat. “You better stop, Kacchan!”
Bakugou grimaced, pissed but slightly impressed at Deku’s determination. Despite his valiant efforts, Deku forgot one important detail.
His body had the consistency of jello. Placing a finger on the bulge in his throat, Bakugou swallowed heartily once more.
Without much rigidity in his phantom body, Deku could only squirm in protest, an action that elicited a deep moan.
The opening underneath Deku expanded, and he found himself landing headfirst into his friend’s gurgling organ.
Kacchan’s stomach.
“Ahh…” The sound of satisfaction echoed around the cavern as Deku took a look at his surroundings. Slime dripped from the pulsating walls while the smell of innards and lemonade filled his nostrils. The stomach was almost pitch-black, yet he was able to see wrinkly pink walls with ease. Despite the unpleasant smell, the warmth emitted from his friend’s body made the place slightly bearable.
“I can see in the dark? Is it because I’m 'dead’? Hey wait! Kacchan! Let me out!”
“Heheh.” Bakugou patted his stomach firmly.
“Oh no,” Deku sighed as the smell of lemons grew in intensity. The pressure increased as he clamped his hands over his ears.
“I won’t letcha out just yet, but I’ll let this out!”
“Kacchan, don’t you d-”
A sizable pocket of air raced past Deku and roared out of the blond teen’s mouth in a bassy and deep belch.
Not surprisingly, Shoto didn’t respond, either out of apathy or intense concentration on obtaining the perfect char for his sausage.
Meanwhile, Bakugou leaned back on the sofa and smirked.
“Oof! That one felt good comin’ up!” Deku frowned and crossed his arms.
“Kacchan, I’ll give you one heck of a stomachache if you don’t let me out!”
“Oh yeah? Let’s see what ya put up, morsel.” Bakugou slapped his stomach before grimacingand expelling a deep but short burp. Deku huffed before channeling One For All throughout his body. Despite his otherworldly appearance, One For All still managed to work, even if he looked like a glowing glob of lime Jello.
“One For All, Full Cowling! 10%! Detroit…
A solid punch landed right in Kacchan’s rippling surface, causing the boy’s eyes to widen.
“Urgh, fuck…!”
Another blow had him angrily smacking where he felt the last punch. Unfortunately, (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it) his smack coincided with Deku’s roundhouse kick, bouncing the green-haired boy back. Bakugou huffed before throwing his head back.
A tremendously bassy belch brought back up a peculiar aftertaste of… Lime?
Bakugou’s brow crinkled before he expelled another
...Followed by several more belches from deep within his gut.
Bakugou’s bassy eructations rattled the poor boy inside. Several times he felt his hair blow up, and once his feet barely touched the ground.
“UuRuOp! Ya done in there, shitty nerd?!” Bakugou’s voice boomed. Deku sighed.
“Of course not.” He hoped Kacchan couldn’t hear the exhaustion in his voice. Not only was using One For All more taxing in this phantom form, but the heat within the blurbling stomach encouraged Deku to take a break and just sleep.
But he had to try.
His feet moved before his mind could process the rich gulps that brought a deluge of carbonated lemonade.
Great. Leave it to Kacchan to rub salt in the wound.
The fizzy beverage sloshed about in the stomach, affecting Deku’s balance. He didn’t care. All the extra carbonation would do wonders in getting him out, if he timed it right.
“Guh!” Bakugou sighed as he pulled the now empty can from his lips before blowing up said can. He caressed his bloated stomach gingerly, knowing shitty Deku would probably use the extra gas to try to blast his way out. Squeezing the stomach forced some of the air out in an especially throaty belch.
Bakugou frowned. Without that extra air, he could easily feel Deku bouncing about, utilizing his stomach’s abilities to toss himself about in an endeavor to work up a monster belch. He put a fist to his mouth.
He barely had time to blow the fetid air away before another belched rocketed out, followed by several others, each growing deeper and wetter.
“You sound like you’re going to puke,” Shoto noted as he emerged from the kitchen. Bakugou turned to him.
“Fuck ya too, IcyHoOOOOOOOOOOT,” he spat before burping the last bit.
GROOWL! Grooooooowuuul…
His stomach hissed before moaning. Wherever Deku hit, he managed to dislodge a massive pocket. Bakugou barely resisted the urge to double over, opting to cradle his pissed organ. Any expletives targeted towards the boy in his stomach were silenced as something massive made its way up his throat.
Inside, Deku panted with his hands on his knees. His body ached for some reason, but he finally managed to create enough pressure to get him out of his lemonade sauna. The air grew thicker and thicker while the stomach’s protests assualted Deku’s ears to no end. He shut his eyes as his feet lifted off the ground. Removing the hand from his mouth, Bakugou threw his head back to unleash the colossal
Lasting an astonishing ten seconds, Bakugou’s belch was so powerful Shoto could feel it vibrating his plate. He quietly sent his condolences to anyone within a mile radius who was woken up by the belch.
Bakugou gasped as the belch finally ended. He may have felt a bit relieved, but his stomach had other plans.
Several more bassy, lemon-lime-and-innard-scented burps erupted from the blond’s mouth, occasionally spraying flecks of saliva. Shoto, for his part, contently munched on his sausage.
After a particularly wet burp, Bakugou flopped back on the couch.
“Oh my fuckin’ God,” he gasped with a weary grin.
For all his belching, Deku had not escaped his stomach.
Midoriya groaned as he found himself splayed out on one of the stomach walls. All those belches, and not one of them freed him. They made his ears ring, yes. They tussled his hair and tossed him about, yes. But did they free him?
Absolutely not.
“Guh, gotta admit, those were pretty painful,” Bakugou boomed.
Deku shook his head.
“When will you let Midoriya out?” Shoto asked before choosing a racetrack for Mario Kart.
“Eh, soon. 'Sides, he’s a damn phantom. Fucker’s practically dead, can’t die in there,” Bakugou said with several hard smacks.
“But I’ll let something else out.”
“Kacchan,” Deku warned as he made peace with his situation and tried to get comfortable, “don’t you-”
“One fucker down, one more to - is this motherfuckin’ Rainbow ROAD?!”
“Yep,” Shoto said as the countdown began. “Get ready.”
“You fucking fuck.”
{Haha, how was it? I hope I did it justice. I tried to use some of your methods. Hope you have a bombastic birthday!}
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aceresources · 3 years
Shades Evil Dead MC Book 3- Memes Part Nine
“We’ll sort that fuckin’ mess when you get back.” “Afraid ___ won’t accept you as a son in law?” “One of us may kill the other before this is through.” “I trust you to not let that happen.”   “She’s upstairs in the witness protection program. Her new name’s Bambi.” “There’s something seriously wrong with you.” “I’ll pack a bag and met you at your shop.” “Four days. Maybe longer. Until this blows over.” “___, I don’t think this is just going to blow over.” “It’s being taken care of.” “And you think I can pack all that in a backpack?” “Baby, you don’t know women.” “You’ll find out when we get there.” “Sorry you got dragged into this shit.” “That’s okay, I totally wanted to drop everything I was doing today and take care of your bullshit.” “Wasn’t my choice, ___.” “You need to hit the john, do it now. I ain’t stoppin’ a million times.” “She ever ridden long distance?” “You do realize this ride is over three hundred miles.” “She’ll give out long before we have to stop for gas, ___.” “Fifty bucks says we’re gone a week.” “So where are we going exactly?” “Told you. Getting you out of town.” “Babe, this isn’t a fucking vacation.” “You’re supposed to be laying low.” “Shit, she’s already got you wrapped.” “So are we going to be staying in the Quarter?” “What’s not exactly mean?” “We’re gonna be staying with some friends.” “Don’t look scared. You’ll be fine.” “How much farther is it?” “We’re about halfway, Hotrod.” “Why did you do that?” “You didn’t eat breakfast, You have to be hungry.” “That’s what the man said.” “Is he always like this?” “Don’t be putting me in the middle of whatever fight y’all are about to have.” “We’re not about to have a fight.” “I’m just making sure my woman is well fed.” “Maybe I don’t like pork you ever think of that? “Do you like pork, ___?” “Well, yes, that’s beside the point.” “Yes, but you don’t have to bring it up.” “No, but it’s what you’re thinkin’, isn’t it?” “Did we bet on this?” “We bet on four days versus seven.” “It means we are getting a room.” “Just shut up and tell him thank you.” “Thank you, honey.” “Be careful what you wish for darlin’.” “Let me tell you something about our boy in there.”   “When he’s bound and determined to do something, he’s gonna do it.” “It’s all he’s wanted for a long fuckin’ time.” “You on board with that?” “Because let me tell you, ain’t nothing gonna knock him off that road.” “You’re gonna have to be strong for him when he needs you.” “There’ll be times behind closed doors when he’s gonna need to lay some heavy shit on you, when he’s gonna need to let the shield down. “ “You understand where I’m comin’ from?” “Shit may even go down this weekend.” “He’s gonna be watchin’ to see how you handle it.” “Make no mistake, good times are gonna outweigh the bad.” “He’s got to know you believe in him.” “He’s got to know you trust him enough to do what he says without questions, backtalk, or arguments.” “It’s knowin’ he can count on you to be there for him.” “I have to prove myself to him?” “Aren’t you waiting for him to prove himself to you?” “That he won’t ever let you down again the way he did before?” “I thought you didn’t know anything about that.” “I don’t, but I’m betting he’s the one who fucked up. Am I right?” “Shit like that happens you can’t run and hide or bury your head in the sand.” “All right, ___, I get the message.” “For what it’s worth, I think you’ve got it in you.”   “I know it’s none of my business, and I should stay out of it, but maybe I just want you two to work out.” “I’m givin’ you a piece of advice because I don’t want either of you to fuck this up.” “So, take it in the way it was intended. You want to make this work, I’m givin’ you a little guidance to ease your way into this life.” “Don’t take this the wrong way but...” “Yeah, yeah. From now on just tell me to shut the fuck up.” “Don’t worry, ___ I don’t snore.” “I’m going to that bar across the street.” “I turn into a pumpkin at midnight, so that gives you a couple hours, ___.” “She can watch I ain’t shy.” “Guess there’s only one way to shut you up.” “Oh good. The show’s about to start.” “She always this cheerful in the morning?” “How do you handle it?” “I usually fuck her, and she goes back to sleep.” “Well don’t let me stop you.” “Hey baby. Come over here a second.” “Come on baby. Don’t be like that.” “At least come over here and give me a shot of what's under that towel.” “Thanks. You’re an angel.” “You have a girl, ___?” “You’re a good-looking guy. I figure with your looks and your humor, there had to be someone.” “Quit tryin’ to steal my woman.” “Wouldn’t be hard cranky ass.” “You don’t have to be nice to ___.” “He’s used to women being mean to him.” “Hey, speak for yourself, whiny ass. Women love me.” “Mmm, this is awesome. I can’t believe I’ve never had one of these.”
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crazysnakey · 4 years
She-Ra season 5 thoughts and reactions [Spoilers]
Adora’s Dreams???? Is she trying to reconnect her connection to She-ra or smth???
Of course everyone argues about the Heart of Etheria. How can they not
Okay so there was that awkward af dinner scene, but Horde Prime confronting Catra on her feelings for Adora is 👌👌👌
Catra going to meet Glimmer several times. I think we all expected that.
Everyone telling Adora she’s not She-Ra anymore and her feeling needing to be useful... AAAAAAA
When they tied up a clone and he just started blabbering about how Prime is great and all and they’re like “was hordak like this” and Scorpia straight up being like “nah he just said get out a lot” like even Scorpia anknowledges that Hordak was like an angsty emo teen boy
Entrapta... good old entrapta going apeshit over the tech
Horde Prime really does that huh? Not only does he destroy planets and take their food he keeps their treasures and stuff as his trophies
Horde Prime calling Catra little sister... 😟 hell no you bleached octopus
Scorpia’s impression of Entrapta is so funny like... “Yay! Science! Tech! *crazy hysterical laughing*
Mermista taking charge with Adora gone, go for it girl
Scorpia, i love you
“hooray! Oh I take back my hooray. Never mind I reinstate my hooray! Hooray!”
Those clones really pop out of nowhere huh? They’re just stationed everywhere huh? Like stormtroopers.
Shadow Weaver, you tsundere. You still have an attachment to Micah as your student
That one clone who’s neck just snapped and twisted (with all the great sound effects, yay!) 😨
Okay so Prime can see and talk thru all his clones... shoulda seen that coming
Hordak??? Hordak is that you
Catra straight up telling Hordak that it’s reassuring to see a familiar face even if they weren’t on the best of terms... 🥺
Is Hordak starting to remember?? Is he gonna remember Entrapta aaaaaaaaaaa come on pls
Adora taking them all to the place in her dream... wow somethings up y’all
Going to save Glimmer... good luck y’all are seriously gonna need it
Micah pretending to be She-Ra was so funny I don’t know why
Oh so Prime can’t track First Ones tech... thank god
Wow remember when I said Hordak might be remembering?? Haha we just got the rug pulled out from under us
The Horde clones are a literal fucking cult and their chanting is seriously unnerving like wow Noelle props to making it unsettling
Aaaaaaaaand Hordak was reset again (in a weirder way too with that bathtub of whatever the fuck is in there) think he’ll somehow remember again? Entrapta my girl I’m counting on you
Entrapta naming the ship Darla... I’m getting Emily vibes
Okay but does Prime have no cameras or anything??? He’s got clones and advanced tech but no cameras or scanners in his own ship?? Probably bc his clones are his cameras or smth
They really gave us Swift Wind feels huh? They really did that to us
Scorpia saying that Kyle told her he has a crush on Rogelio... awww
The Star siblings are so sweet. Also Adora stop eating all their food
Bow just helping and protecting Glimmer even tho he’s still mad at her... 😊🥰
SHE-RA?!?!?????? She-ra is that you
Adora saying she wants to go back for Catra and that she needs her... 😭😭😭
One of the episodes is literally named “Save the Cat” like 😂😂😂
Somehow I knew that Prime was probably gonna brainwash Catra but actually seeing it is something else
Okay but Wrong Hordak..., crying, no idea what to do, really innocent just trying his best don’t hurt him
So the clones and Prime use a hive mind... cool coolcoolcool
Horde Prime uses vessels??? He just jumps in from one body to the other??? He can do that??? Literally if he does that to any of the rebellion people I’ll drag him out of there with my bare hands
Excuse me??? Horde Prime knew the First Ones???? He destroyed them????? HORDE PRIME DESTROYED THE FIRST ONES WHAT
Adora fighting Catra,,,, AGAIN
New She-Ra form
They better have a good explanation of this and not just some asspull don’t do us dirty that way
Then screwing over Horde Prime and wrecking his shit. NICE 👍👏👏👏
Everyone on the ship just dealing with stuff. Wrong Hordak continues to be the nicest person yet.
Micah is so funny he’s just like I want some cake and Frosta’s like UGH and he’s just like “Do kids not like cake anymore???”
Elberon. Hoooo boy that was weird and fucked up. Goosebumps. Honestly they should’ve seen it from a mile away that something was up
Catra’s new hair without the helmet is really nice. Kinda like her past being cut away and moving towards the future. I see she’s back with draping herself all over Adora and annoying her
Secret Underwater Party Adventure literally what
Scorpia’s song ❤️💖❤️... hot DAMN girl you are AMAZING and VALID and I STAN YOU
Glad to see the underwater people are doing great in these trying times
That montage of people with a grudge against Sea Hawk and Mermista beating them up is so fucking funny like “ANYONE ELSE WHO’S BOAT YOU’VE SET ON FIRE??!?”
DOUBLE TROUBLE?!!??!1?!1!??!???
Ironically DT was lying when they said Adora’s in space with a sword fighting but they didn’t know that’s what’s actually happening asdfjdn
Oh my god Mermista have you been chipped too
Literally everyone has been chipped so I guess no one’s safe idk what I was think. ing. 🤷‍♀️
How do those chips even work?? Does someone just slap it on the back of someone’s neck and that’s it?
That’s one heck of an anniversary....
Okay, Krytis gives me Krypton vibes. Anyone else??? It’s a planet, some superbeing’s weakness, and the name. Also it’s like, destroyed/abandoned has no life on it
Catra and the gang with their antics... she’s clearly not used to their carefree improvising ... laughing ... awww 😊 ~
Castaspella where have YOU been the whole time??
“How is it we’ve lost so many fine members of the rebellion yet we’re still stuck with you?” WOW Not holding back anything huH
Castaspella why are you even still wearing those longass robes and that cape
MAGIC??!? THAT’S THE SECRET??? THAT- actually makes sense. Prime uses science and tech so magic is something that’s probably out of his depth
Someone get me a shapeshifting cat please Melog is so cool
Wrong Hordak you’ve found your own truth go for it you spunky little boi
“Brother, I hope you too are full of love for Horde Prime and have no crippling doubt eating at your soul” GOLD. COMEDY GOLD I TELL YOU
That montage where Netossa lists everyone’s weaknesses is so funny, Catra’s just like “I’m different. I’m a real threat.” Then Netossa just. Sprays her with water. Like. Wow.
Even in this troubling time, dad jokes persist. This is awesome. George and Lance have their priorities sorted well. Bow is so done with it 😆
Literally what?????????? The heart can be taken WITHOUT SHE-RA???? Horde Prime ain’t screwing around babeyyyyy
Scorpia.... don’t lose to it AAA 🥺🥺🥺 and Perfuma is so positive and does the Fairy Tail thing where she believe in her friends no matter what
Shadow Weaver, the only one using actual logical deduction in the team while everyone else panics and makes puns
Okay Shadow Weaver’s speech to Adora might sound cruel but it’s actually logical and truthful. She’s being honest.
“YOUR IMPERFECTIONS ARE BEAUTIFUL” Entrapta you’re killin me
Glimmer’s first meeting with Micah and THIS is how it goes?!? Wow
“Adora it doesn’t always have to be you!!” That gives me so many feels bc it’s kinda true
“Adora doesn’t want me! Not like I want her” number one that’s so sad, number two NO, number three GURL ADORA DOES WANT YOU BACK LIKE THAT SHE LOVES YOU
Entrapta girl, you can do it you spunky little gremlin
The memories,,, AaAAAaaaaaAAaAAAAA
Glimbowww!!!! Glimbow Glimbow Glimbow!
“You’re worth more that what you can give to other people. You deserve love too.” OH MY GOD THAT IS SUCH A GOOD AND POSITIVE MESSAGE TO GIVE NOT JUST TO ADORA BUT TO PEOPLE IN REAL LIFE
GLIMMER comin in to SAVE THE DAYAY and Seahawk ,, 🤣🤣🤣😂🤣😂😂😂 you’re the highlight of these moments I swear 😂🤣😂
“My oldest enemy”?? Does he mean She-Ra or the First Ones? also WHAT is that giant green tentacle monster
George and Lance are so proud of their son ~
Double Trouble you little shit
Holee shit, THAT is the heart??? It looks like empty cubes or shapes or something...
Oh shit, nevermind, they are a hive mind after all,,, ........ FUCK
Hordak’s memory with baby Adora??? Like adorable????
Mermista’s just like slightly unsettled by Entrapdak. Begone Antis.
Literally Madame Razz have you been just walking around and dusting stuff
All of my ships have become canon this season Catradora Glimbow Entrapdak Seamista thank you Noelle MY CROPS ARE WATERED MY SKIN CLEARED MY DEPRESSION CURED MY HOPE RESTORED THANK YOU EVERYONE WHO WORKED ON SPOP I AM BLESSED
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calpalirwin · 5 years
How To Do An Interview
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A/N: So here’s that angry Ash blurb for y’all. Special thanks to that anon for the context!
Content: Lots of swearing. One angry man.
And away, and away we go!
I slammed my front door, getting a smug satisfaction at how the windows rattled with the force of it.
That felt good, but not good enough. So, finally, in the safety of my home, in total solitude, I screamed. The angry yell echoed around me as I let loose, not stopping until I ran out of breath.
I took in big breaths, gulping down the air, ready to carry on screaming until I lost my voice. That's when I noticed a pair of eyes peering at me from over the couch. I shot my girlfriend an angry smirk before I screamed again. I didn't give a damn what she thought. I was angrier than I'd ever been, and damn it, I wanted to scream about it. So I was.
More of her appeared from where she'd been hiding behind the couch as she sat up on her knees, her own mouth opening to yell with me. 
"Wait, why are we yelling?" she asked, breathless.
"Because I am pissed!" I shouted at her, my voice already sounding hoarse.
She cowered back behind the couch, only letting me see her eyes, which were wide with terror. "Oh..."
"Am I scaring you?" I asked even though I didn't really care about the answer. I was about one scream away from putting my fist through a wall. But, a small part of me was still being rational. I could lose my voice, but I needed my hands. And I truly didn't want to scare her. I knew I looked intimidating, but I tried really hard not to be.
Her hand came up to show her thumb and index finger dangerously close together, followed the lie of "maybe a little."
I let my air out in a huff, running my hands through my hair. "I'm sorry, baby." I apologized, my anger subsiding to exhaustion as I walked over to sit with her. "I'm just..."
"Just nothing," she told me. "You are pissed. Not just. Are."
"Alright, I'm pissed," I admitted.
"What about? Talk to me, Fletch," her soft voice urged.
"It's those damn interviews!" I growled, my fists clenching, as I grew angry again. We'd been on the road for close to 3 months, promoting our new music and tour, doing interview after interview, each one progressively worse than the last.
“What about them?"
"They don't take us seriously! They ask about the girls and the parties! They ask if we've checked out this or that bar and if we woke up with someone in our bed! We're doing a fuckin promo and they don't give a single fuck about the music or the process! No! They only care about pleasing the fuckin tabloids! How are the 4 Aussies adjusting to their celeb status? Any coke habits, boys? Boys! Can you believe that shit?! I'm twenty-fuckin-four! I've been in the public eye since I was seven-fuckin-teen! I'm more than adjusted and I'm a fuckin man! I am a serious musician who is proud of his accomplishments as a musician! I want to talk about that! Not this immature little kid BULLSHIT!"
"Yeah," I huffed, feeling only marginally better.
Her eyes lit up in sudden excitement. "I have an idea!" she squealed, getting up to dash around the house.
"What?" I giggled, watching her go from 0 to 100.
"Go get changed," she said, throwing a water bottle at me. "Something kinda nice."
"What are you planning, gorgeous girl?"
"Trust me, Fletch," she answered with a kiss. "But first, scream with me one more time. Or at least pose like you are." she told me, brandishing her phone at me.
"Alright," I giggled. Then, I let loose another scream, her screaming right along as she snapped a series of photos until we were breathless and giggly.
"Now, go get ready."
~ ~ ~
A half hour later, I bounded downstairs, excited to see what she had planned.
I giggled as I saw our transformed living room. She had brought out the back drop from the Cocktail Chats and was peering through a video camera on a tripod, making sure everything was in the shot. "Luke, lift the mic higher, there ya go," she was saying, "Mike, say something."
"Uh, this is weird. Ash, your girl's weird mate," Mike said.
"Uh, this is weird. Ash, your girl's weird, mate," Mike's voice said again from the video. "Perfect!" she cheered, happy with her work. "Alright, places, men. It's showtime!"
"What are you doing?" I asked in her ear. My mates were dressed up, clearly just as lost as I was with whatever she was planning, but going along because you just didn’t say no to this girl. And whatever she planned was going to be big based on her set up and the fact that she herself had changed into a black pencil skirt and white blouse; her glasses perched on her nose giving her a hot librarian vibe.
“Giving you the interview you all deserve," she winked, her heels clicking as she took a seat in the armchair. "Have a seat, Fletch."
I giggled and took a seat with my mates on my couch. This was gonna be good.
"Thank you for tuning into another episode of Galcal Chats. I'm your hostess, Galcal Irwin, and I'm here with the men of 5SOS. Gentlemen, how we feeling today?" she started, once the camera was rolling.
"Little confused," Calum answered.
"Yeah, what the hell, Y/N?" Mike asked.
"Scared? Ash...?" Luke spoke up, shooting me a worried glance.
"Much better now, Galcal,” I giggled, happy to play along with her game.
"Awesome!" she said brightly. "So, you all just got back from promoting your single Easier and your upcoming tour with The Chainsmokers. Tell me, how was that?"
"Tiring," Calum answered. 
"Nice," Luke put in.
"Really cool. We haven't done much since we got back from our Meet You There tour. It was nice to be back on the road,” Mike added, giving her more of an answer.
"Mmm," she nodded. "And the upcoming tour- World War Joy with The Chainsmokers- how's that? I know a lot saw it as a shock. How are you hoping this tour helps showcase how far you've all come- both as a rock group and individually?"
"Yeah," I spoke up. "You know our music took a new direction with our last album. It's something we're still exploring and establishing. So, when The Chainsmokers asked us to collab with them on Who Do You Love, we jumped at the chance to keep challenging ourselves. We're still working on our new album, but we love touring, so when they asked for us to join them on World War Joy, it seemed like the right move for us."
"Right! The new album! You already released the single Easier. Are you planning to release any more singles?"
"We're actually planning to release a new single here soon," Luke confessed.
"Ooo! You heard it here first, folks!" Y/N grinned at the camera.
She continued to interview us for the better part of an hour, finally asking the questions we'd been dying to answer. Not a single mention of girls, or wild nights. Not a single usage of the word "boys". Just pure interest in our art.
“Alright, that's all the time we have for today. 5SOS, it's been a pleasure. Best of luck with your upcoming tour. Let's chat sometime!"
"Thanks for having us, Y/N," Calum said.
"Yeah, this was fun," Luke told her.
"You're so weird," Mike teased her.
"Love you, too." she grinned, getting up to press her face close to the camera. "And that's how you do an interview, FUCKERS!" she laughed, sticking out her tongue and flipping off the camera for good measure.
"Hey, no swearing!" I told her light-heartedly, feeling loads better.
"This guy, am I right?" she told the camera, jerking a thumb at me. "Chat soon, love y’all,'' she signed off, shutting off the camera.
"Look at how popular we are," she told me later, showing me her phone.
She had posted the picture of us screaming with the caption “Talked with this one and the rest of @5sos​ about their art! Check it out here!” with the link to the video underneath it.
Both her post and the video had blown up-comments ranging from how finally so mine was taking us seriously, love over her sass, and general freaking out-mostly about Luke's bombshell of a new single.
"And that's how you do an interview, FUCKERS!" we yelled happily at each other, before finishing it off with one more scream for good measure.
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jacksonroseroth · 5 years
Waste Love Chapter 4
Warnings: Language, Weed usage
Words: 4,708
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Moodboard made by the amazing and wonderful @badwolf-in-the-impala​, none of the pictures are ours
Previous Chapter
The next day, everyone, not including Rook, had let what happened the night before go, at least for the time being. While the rest of the group hung out in the main room, gearing up for the show, Jersey went through her bag, trying to find something to wear and muttering to herself, irritated. She had settled on a dark washed pair of shorts but couldn’t decide on a top.
“What were you thinking?” Colson asked still standing in the doorway where he had stopped to watch her for a moment, listening to the conversation she was having with herself. Jersey glanced at him and chuckled, suddenly realizing her inner monologue wasn’t all that inner. As she packed up her bag again, she said, “I’m not sure...I don’t want to do a crop top again. Or the kimono…” She added a chuckle before she spun around and fell back on the bed with a sigh and an additional, “I have no clue.”
Colson smirked and went to his bag. While he dug through it, Jersey shifted and watched him. Finally, he turned and tossed a folded up black and white plaid shirt. Jersey caught it, sitting up to unfold it. The sleeves had been cut off and an EST19 patch spanned the shoulders, with a XX under it. Jersey smiled and looked at Colson.
“You sure, Colson? I’m not really part of EST.” She said. Colson scrunched up his face and said, “The fuck?! Sav, of course, you are! Wear it, babe.”
He turned back to his bag and smirked. “Wear this with it. It’ll look good.” He said. Pulling out another bag, he turned back to her and handed it to her. Jersey looked up and smiled, with a soft giggle, as she watched him.
“Ooh. More presents.” She teased, taking the bag and opening it. Jersey gasped as she pulled the swimsuit out. She looked up at Colson. “Cols-Wh-What-?”
“You really liked it. I wanted you to have it.” Colson said with a shrug and a smile. Jersey set the bag and suit aside, rushing to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, Colson wrapping his arms around her waist and nuzzling her hair, briefly.
“Colson, you are so sweet. Thank you.” She said. Colson smiled and kissed her temple.
“Come on. We need to get ready.” Colson said with a chuckle. “Go on. Change.”
Jersey smiled and nodded, going to the bed to grab the bag and shirt. Colson left the room and Jersey quickly changed. Touching up her makeup before grabbing her phone and camera, she quickly slipped on a pair of sandals and joined the guys out in the main room.
“Ready, boys? I hope y’all weren’t waiting on me.” She teased, sliding her sunglasses on. The men all turned and began to whistle and holler, making Jersey roll her eyes. She had tied the shirt, knotting it just below her belly button, so the bikini top was in clear view.
“Aight! Aight! Shut it!” Rook called pushing through his friends and going to his cousin. “Put it back in your pants, perverts!”
Jersey giggled and folded her hands over Rook’s shoulder as he put an around her waist. “JP, calm down.” She teased, kissing his cheek.
“Yeah, come on, Rook. Don’t be so uptight, short ass.” Baze shot, with a smirk.
“Watch it, Sasquatch. I’m small, but that means I’ve got a much better range motion down low.” Rook said, pointing a finger at him. Jersey rolled her eyes and giggled as the rest of the guys started ragging and bagging on each other as they made their way out of the room and down to the vans.
They piled in and started freestyling to get themselves hyped up. Jersey took a few videos on her phone and plenty of pictures and selfies with the boys. Once they got to the venue, she roamed the stage while they did their soundcheck, trying to find the best spots. Backstage while they smoked and got ready, Jersey also took pictures for their personal use. And once Colson took the stage with the others, she stuck to her spots, sneaking behind Rook’s drum set every now and then to get to her next one. Toward the end of the show, Colson took a quick break before Dom joined them.
“Aight, I’ve got one more song for you guys! Y’all have been an awesome crowd!” Colson said with a smile. Jersey crossed the stage behind him, trying to get to another spot, which brought his attention to her. With a quick glance at her, he smirked and said, “I know y’all have probably seen someone running around up here with us today. Well, because I want my fans to have a little more of a peek backstage and the real energy we have up here on stage, we’ve got a new photographer touring with us! Ey! Savie! Come here!”
Jersey turned and stared at him, glancing between Colson and the others, who all were encouraging her to join him. Finally, she looked at Colson and shook her head with a soft giggle.
“Come on, Sav! Get out here!” Colson turned to the crowd and got them to start chanting ‘Savie! Savie! Savie!’ Jersey shook her head and sighed, giving him a look before she finally stepped out of her spot and made her way over to him. “Our new photographer! Ladies and gents! Jersey Savage!”
Jersey giggled at the stage name he created for her and covered her face for a moment as Colson put an arm around her and drew her in close, chuckling as the crowd cheered for her. A full blush had covered her face and her neck but she still smiled. Though her hands shook slightly, from the sudden thrust into the spotlight, Jersey held up her camera and snapped a few pics of the crowd, Colson leaving her side to stand in front of her, to get pictures with the crowd behind him. The cheers rose even louder when Colson moved but it was only briefly as Colson went back to her as she put her camera down.
“Savie, lemme see your camera,” Colson said into her ear, motioning to Rook and the others to come down to them. Jersey gave him a look. Colson chuckled and said, “I won’t drop it. I do, I buy you a new one.”
“You better not fucking drop it, Colson.” She said, taking the strap from around her neck. The guys came over and they gathered around Jersey with their backs to the crowd. Colson held up the camera, getting a good angle and hold on it, then spoke into the mic, with a smile, “Everyone fuckin’ smile! 3, 2, 1!”
Colson snapped the picture and handed the camera back to Jersey, kissing her cheek. He turned back to the crowd as the others went back to their places and said, “Yo, where’s my British friend at?! Y’all, let’s hear it for Yungblud!”
Jersey scampered back as Dom skipped out, laughing. His eyes lit up for a moment when he saw her and went to her. “You’re Jersey, right, love? Oh, man! Colson’s told me so much about you! We’ll cha’ afta!” He said, excitedly, kissing her cheek. Jersey smiled, stopping him, briefly, to snap a pic, and watched him join Colson. For the last song, Jersey snapped away, now moving visibly for the crowd to see. She got some close-ups of Baze and AJ, Slim catching her and taking a few selfies with him as well.
At the end of the song, Jersey got right behind both men as they made their last bows. Dom caught a few fans up front, pointing behind them and smiling. Dom glanced back and nudged Colson. Colson turned back quickly, smirking as he caught sight of Jersey. He whispered something to Dom before calling for Jersey to take another picture, to which she happily obliged. Once she took the picture, Colson looked at Dom and gave a small nod. All at once, both Colson and Dom rushed at her, scooping her up as she screamed and laughed. When they hoisted her up on their shoulders, Jersey only chanced two shots at the crowd, trying to get the best framing she could without falling, then dropped her camera to grip the men’s shoulders to keep her steady.
“Thank you, Reading!” Colson called into the mic. The crowd cheered and Colson caught Jersey as he nudged Dom to step away before they all left the stage. Colson carrying her backstage and she waited until they were fully offstage before wiggling out of his arms and turning on him.
“Fucking assholes!” Jersey laughed, punching Colson’s shoulder as he set her down. “I could have dropped my camera!”
Colson snickered and fended off her blows while Dom laughed and wrapped his arms around her, in a hug. “Awe, come on, love. We woul’n’t do tha’ to you!” He chuckled. Colson smiled and said, “Oh, yeah. Dom, Jersey. Jersey, Dom.” He added a chuckle and Dom released her as she turned to him, sliding her arm through her camera strap. She pushed her camera to her back as both hers and Dom’s faces lit up as they laughed and exchanged formal Hello’s.
“It’s so good ta meet ya, love! I’ve ‘eard so much abou’ ya!” Dom said, giving her another hug. Jersey broke the embrace with a soft giggle and said, “You too! Yeah, I heard I kept missing you the past few days. I’ve been dying to meet you! You’re honestly such a precious being, Dom. Honestly!”
Dom laughed and kissed her cheek, then pressing his to hers as he gave her another hug. “Aren’t you sweet! Colson! She’s so sweet! Where’ve you been ‘iding this one?!” Dom chuckled.
“Shit, talk to Rook. She’s his cousin.” Colson chuckled. Dom laughed, keeping his arm around her neck as he turned to look for the drummer and called out, “Rook! Wot the fuck, mate?!”
“Hey, man. She was the busy one.” Rook said. “Every time I wanted to invite her to do pictures, she was booked.”
“Oh, love, do you do other photography? Mah sista’s birthday is comin’ up. Would you do a shoot for her?” Dom asked, taking her hands. Jersey’s mouth dropped open and she stumbled over herself.
“I-I-Um, y-yeah! O-Of course!” She said with a laugh. Dom chuckled and kissed her cheek, saying, “Brilliant! I’ll grab your numba before we leave, yeah?”
They stuck around for a little longer while Colson and Dom did a few quick interviews and the others hung out and partied. Jersey left a little early to try and get a head start on her pictures and both Baze and AJ went along with her. While AJ tried his best to keep an eye on them both once they got back to the hotel, he had to get away for some privacy to FaceTime his family. Almost as soon as the door closed, Baze scooped Jersey up, laptop, camera, and all, and slid under her, holding her in his lap. Jersey gave him a look and giggled.
“Baze, AJ is in the next room.” She said, softly. Baze chuckled and said, “He’ll be at least 20 minutes.”
Jersey giggled and slid an arm around his neck as he moved her camera and laptop to the coffee table. Jersey shifted in his lap and retorted, “And the guys will be back soon.”
“So, let’s not waste any time then,” Baze said. He took her by her hips and laid her on the couch, making her squeak. She pushed at him gently, bracing her hand on his shoulder.
“Rook is going to fucking kill you if he catches us,” Jersey said. Baze leaned down and kissed her softly, Jersey clinging to him, slightly, wanting the kiss to last.
“He won’t. Trust me.” Baze said. Jersey chuckled as he kissed her again. She gave a small giggle into the kiss and slid the hand around his neck, into his hair, the other pressed against his chest. Jersey gave a small whine as she slipped her fingers into the unbuttoned slit of his shirt. Baze’s hand flew to her thigh, slipping his fingers under the edge of her shorts, pushing up.
“Mm, wait...Fuck.” Jersey turned her head, leaving only her neck open to him. Even as her fingers slid into his hair and her eyes fluttered closed as he laid soft, sweet kisses on her neck, she pulled her senses together and said, “Baze, we can’t. Not here.”
Baze gave a soft groan and moved his hand back to her hip and looked at her. Jersey sighed, pushing her hair back, still with her other arm around his neck, as she looked at him. “I’m sorry. I know I keep making it seem like-” Baze stopped her, shaking his head and placing a soft kiss on her lip and a hand on her cheek.
“No, no. It’s not your fault, Jersey. I want you. Sometimes I push it a little too far too. I know we can’t...Not that we’ll ever have enough privacy. It’s just-Fuck, you’re hot.” He said, with a soft chuckle. Jersey smiled and gripped his chin, gently.
“Baby, believe me...I want you too.” Jersey said before she dropped her hand to his chest. “But it’s bad enough I’m fooling around with one of Rook’s bandmates, but if he caught us-”
“Hey, hey. You don’t have to explain yourself, baby. It’s okay. I understand.” He said, with a smile. Jersey smiled and kissed him, slowly. She broke the kiss and crooked a finger at him. Baze chuckled and leaned even closer. She giggled, tongue tucked between her teeth, and put her lips to his ear and whispered, “Then, get the fuck off me.”
Baze laughed and sat up, pulling a smug smirking Jersey into his lap. She chuckled and disconnected her camera, as the pictures had finished uploading, and pulled her laptop onto her lap.
“You got some good shots today,” Baze said, reaching his arm around her to scroll through them. Jersey chuckled and shrugged.
“I got a few. Good enough for Kells to post anyway.” Jersey said, shooing his hand away to take over. Baze scoffed and said, “Come on, Sav. You’ve gotten a lot of good shots. You’re really good.”
She glanced at him and smiled. “Thanks.” She said, somewhat shyly. Baze chuckled and continued to watch her edit. Skewing her lips in thought, she finally leaned closer and kissed him softly. Baze smirked and wrapped his arm around her waist.
“Hey, let me see the ones you got when they picked you up.” Baze chuckled, moving her off his lap to get a drink. Jersey chuckled and said, “They’re probably blurry as fuck.”
“Well, you won’t know until you look. Come on, let me see.” Baze said, looping back around the couch, leaning on the back, behind Jersey. She giggled and moved the scroll bar all the way down and clicked on the last two pictures. To her pleasant surprise, the pictures weren’t blurry at all and captured the last enthused reaction of the crowd.
“Wow. They aren’t that bad.” She said, sitting back and toggling between the two pictures. She looked up at Baze and chuckled. Baze laughed and said, “See? Sav, they look great.”
Baze looked down at her and chuckled, leaning down to kiss her quickly. Jersey giggled and kissed him back, biting her lip, slightly. Baze then quickly moved away, rounding the couch and sipped his drink, as the locks on the door sounded. Jersey shifted, sticking her knuckle between her teeth as she went through the rest of her pictures, elbow resting on the cushion, as she tried to contain her smile. The door opened, both Jersey and Baze turning as it did, and the rest of the crew walked in.
“There you are. About time, bro.” Baze teased, going to Colson and clapping hands with him. Colson smirked and said, “Bro, I had shit to do. You packed yet? We gotta head out to Glasgow soon.”
“Nah, I was looking at Jersey’s pictures. She wanted an opinion. AJ’s FaceTiming his kids.” Baze said. Rook hurried over to his cousin and plopped down next to her, looking through the pictures with her.
“Hey, Colson! Come check these out, bro.” Rook called. Colson called out to AJ to pack his bags and pointed to Baze as he went to the couch, and said with a smirk, “Go pack your shit. They’re pulling the buses around now.”
Baze chuckled and followed Slim into their shared room to pack as Colson went to the couch, sitting down next to Jersey. Rook went to his room to pack and Jersey and Colson stayed on the couch, going over her pictures and talking about what he wanted for the next show in Manchester, after Glasgow.
“Hey. Baze. What was with last night?” Slim asked, glancing at the bassist. Baze looked at him, a brief fear flashing through him as he maintained his composure and asked, “Last night when?”
“I got up to piss. I saw you out in the kitchen with Jersey...Y’all looked pretty cozy.” Slim said, watching Baze’s movements slow to a stop. He looked up at Slim and said, “You gonna tell Rook?”
Slim shrugged and said, “Shit. I mean, it’s none of my business, but you’d better tell him you’re screwing around with his cousin before I’m not the one who catches you.”
Baze sighed and angrily zipped up his bag. “I haven’t slept with her. I wouldn’t do that to Rook. We’re not screwing around.” He said. Slim shrugged and said, “Still better to tell him before he finds out.”
Baze glanced out the door of their room, still seeing only Colson and Jersey on the couch. He looked at Slim and said, “Slim, you’re not-”
“Bro, you think I’d rat you out? I’m just telling you, next time it might not be me who catches you.” Slim said. Baze sighed and continued to pack his bags.
Over the next week, Jersey worked 2 more shows after Reading, keeping with the agreement that she’d only work every other show. While everyone recovered from the night in London, all of them taking naps on the nearly 2 hour Ferry ride to Calais in France, Baze and Jersey snuck away to have some real alone time. They made their way up to the top deck, where there were significantly fewer people. They snagged a little booth in the corner and cozied up.
“I’ve been thinking…” Jersey said, shifting between Baze’s legs, leaning back against him. Baze pressed his lips to her hair in a soft kiss, with a soft ‘Hm’. “I’ve been getting a weird vibe from Colson and AJ lately. They always make weird faces when I mention you, or me and you.”
“Yeah. Slim’s kind of been on my ass this week. I guess he saw us the night before Reading.” Baze said. Jersey pulled away, looking back at him.
“In the hot tub?!” She asked. Baze smirked and said, “No. That night in the kitchen.”
Jersey sighed and leaned against him again. Baze nuzzled her hair and murmured, “So, what were you thinking?”
Jersey chewed her lip and said, “Maybe we should hold off on things.”
“What do you mean?” Baze asked after a while, pulling away from her, slightly, to look down at her. Jersey turned to him and said, “Like...You do you, I do me... Just until after tour. When we can go somewhere without having to worry about everyone.”
Baze blinked then said, “Do you not want to be together?”
“No, I do. But I don’t want to always have to worry about someone catching us. We can’t ever be relaxed and just...Be us. We’re not even together now and we have to worry about being caught. I don’t want to have to worry about Rook flipping his shit cause he’ll think it’s just because of being on tour. We can actually show him that we’re serious so he doesn’t kill you.” Jersey said. She cracked a smirk and said, “Plus...I’ve seen Slim and Rook with chicks. And since we know Rook would kill us both, you should get some too.”
Baze snickered and said, “You won’t be jealous? Or get mad?”
Jersey made a face at him and giggled, turning to him to straddle him, and said, “No. Besides, we were never together. We just fool around.” With a shrug, she added, “I wouldn’t have a right to get mad.”
Baze chuckled and nodded. “That, and it also might be better that we make it official so Rook doesn’t chop off my balls if he finds out we had sex on tour.”
Jersey chuckled and nodded, sliding her arms around his neck. “So...This is the last time we sneak around till we get back.”
“Mmm...We’d better take advantage then.” Baze chuckled. Jersey nodded and giggled as Baze slid his hands over her thighs and up her sides as Jersey leaned down, cupping his face and kissed him. Soft moans filled the booth while they kissed, both of them wound up. Finally, they pulled apart and made their way back down to join the crew with half an hour to spare. Once the ferry docked in Calais, they made great time getting to Paris and wasted no time jumping into soundcheck and having a nice lunch before getting ready for the show. 
Paris went by quickly, Jersey tapping out after a few hits after the show. The next day in Brussels, while the guys did their soundcheck, Jersey did a little exploring with one of their bodyguards. She took advantage of being on an international tour and did some shopping, making sure to stop by a least one garden to take a few pictures for her own Instagram. On the next few shows, both Paris and Brussels included, the band did a little something more for her, either before or after the shows. Not only in appreciation for everything she did for them so far on this tour but because her birthday was quickly approaching, on the 5th.
During the Cologne show, Colson made sure she was free, done with editing pictures so she could enjoy the show, the full show, as a present of sorts. Jersey knew they would probably do something bigger for her after the show, already having overheard Rook and Slim talking about a cake. What she didn’t expect, was for it to happen during the show.
“How long do we have left? An hour? Aight.” Colson turned from talking to Slim and turned to the crowd. “Aight, so tonight is a special night. We’ve had a guest on tour with us and I’d like to bring her out here. Savie! Come on, girl. Get out here!”
Jersey shook her head at him, trying to shout ‘No!’ over the music that AJ, Baze, and Rook started playing. Colson smirked and kept waving her out, eventually getting the crowd to chant her name, again. Finally, Slim went to her and hauled her over his shoulder, making Jersey shriek. When Colson turned to try and call to her again, he laughed and stumbled away, slightly, at the sight of Jersey fighting Slim as he carried her over and set her down.
“Thanks, Slim! Ha!” Colson laughed as he put an arm around her neck and said, “This is Jersey Savage. Our Hotel Diablo tour photographer, and our Rookie’s cousin. She’s 27 today! Can I get a ‘Happy Birthday Savage’ on three, Germany?!”
He counted down as the crowd continued to roar and when he was done, the entire venue seemed to shake as they screamed, “Happy Birthday, Savage!”
They continued to cheer and applaud, growing louder when they saw Slim and another man carrying out a cake with candles. Jersey laughed and covered her face as they brought it over. When Colson tried to get the crowd to sing Happy Birthday, Jersey grabbed the mic, shuffling closer and said, “No. Hell no.” With a laugh, she said, “If you’re gonna subject me to the fucking Birthday song, it’s going to be in German, verdamnt!”
Colson laughed as the crowd roared once again, beginning to sing along as Jersey started them off with, “Zum Geburtstag viel Glück…” Her voice trailed off as the crowd took over and she laughed, her face flushed and never more positive in her life that she was as red as the roses on her shirt. When they finished singing, Colson called for quiet while Jersey thought of a wish and blew out the candles, then the crowd cheered again.
“Savie, you know we love you...But how much would you hate me if we smashed this cake in your face?” Colson asked as he slipped an arm around her neck. Tonguing her cheek while the crowd laughed, she gave him a look and said, “You do that, and I get a free Nut Punch.”
Bursts of laughter scattered through the crowd, as Colson looked out at them, nodding in agreement, and he gave a small shrug. “That’s fair. That’s fair.” He smirked at the crowd then looked at Jersey and said, “Worth it!”
Working together, as Colson slid his hand to the back of Jersey’s head and pushed, and even though Jersey tried to push back, Slim and the other man brought the cake to her. She was quick enough to bring her hands up to cover her face, but she still ended up with cake smeared on her face and covering her hair and arms. She shrieked when she saw it coming then stood there in a stunned silence, still wearing a small, also stunned, smirk while the others laughed and the crowd roared again.
“Happy Birthday, Savie!” Colson called, going in for a hug as a peace offering. Wiping the icing off her face and out of her hair, Jersey glared playfully at him and waited until he got close enough, then shoved her icing filled hands into his face. Colson stumbled back in surprise and Jersey stumbled right along with him as they both laughed as she smeared as much cake and icing on his face as she possibly could. They both slipped in the rest of the cake on the floor, looking like the worst pair of ice dancers ever. Colson managed to keep his balance and caught Jersey as well, both of them stumbling back trying to get out of the cake.
“Let’s hear it for Jersey Savage!” Slim called into his mic. He took over for a minute, keeping the crowd hyped while they both made their way offstage to clean up a little more.
“Colson, you fucking cunt nugget!” Jersey shouted with a laugh as she swung at him. Colson laughed, licking the icing from his fingers, easily avoiding her. “I get a free Nut Punch, you fucking egg!”
“You will, Sav! You will!” Colson laughed as he caught her hands to stop her, then pulled her into a hug. Jersey smirked, rubbing her head on his chest to wipe the icing from her hair. “Hey, hey!”
Jersey laughed as Colson chuckled and shook his head as he pulled off his shirt. She sighed and tugged off her own shirt, turning it inside out and folding it to wipe her face. “You owe me a new outfit, you bitch. This was my favorite shirt.” She chuckled.
He made a kissy face at her and smirked. “You think I’d do this and not know that?” He chuckled. Jersey giggled and shook her head. “Aight, I gotta finish my show.”
As he rushed by, he kissed her cheek and ran back on stage. Jersey sighed and tugged her hair back to tie it up. A few of the PAs were able to get her a change of clothes from the merch booth. She only took the sweats, not really caring at this point if she was only in her bra. She watched the rest of the show, happily, now that she was able to check cake smashing off her bucket list.
Next Chapter
Hope you guys liked it. If you want to be added to my taglist for this and/or future MGK/Colson stories, let me know! If you have any comments, feel free!
@badwolf-in-the-impala​​ @lovemythsworld​​ @kellsfanficalltogether​​ @mgkobsessed​ @sparxx27 @youbelongeverywhere
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manjuhitorie · 5 years
16 Hitorie’s Hitori-Escape Tour, 11/14/2019 at LIQUIDROOM in Tokyo prefecture
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SND “If you don’t pay attention, it’ll be over in a instant, y’hear me..."
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SND "It's been a long time since we've last been here in Liquidroom..." Crowd "Woo!! Huh? huh?" SND "It's been a while~" Crowd “Wait!" SND "Do y'all gotta problem, do ya??” *They were there in Liquidroom just a few days ago for the bonus concerts. But SND seems to want to pretend those don’t exist ~~~
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SND “Wheee~ Uei~" Crowd “Wheee~ Uei~”
~~~ SND pre-(W)HERE “Ahh we’ve already reached the 16th tour date. Today WAS the tour finale, but you guys had to go and order bucket loads of tickets so, we’re out here. 2 left now.
We’re Hitorie, a band who only do good songs but.. This is a good song among the good songs. A god song worthy of god. And I want everybody here to hear it. Whether you’re laughing, crying, however you feel is just fine. I leave it to you. So please listen to this."
~~~~ SND pre-Unknown Mother Goose
"You can do it if you try, huh Tokyo! For all your efforts, from wowaka… here's a package of love..!"
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SND pre-Talkie Dance
"What the fuck, you’re not dancing a damned bit are ya Liquidroom?! For y’all misbehaving, dance to Talk Dance please!!" Yu “1 2 3 4" ~~~
“Are you having fun?! Or are you feeling angry? Anything’s fine, alright…. Let’s just go wild..!”
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SND pre-Karanowaremono
We’ve been together for 7 years. I joined the band, we changed the name from Hitori-Atelier to Hitorie, and now we’re here 7 years later. The Beatles disbanded after 7 years. The band BOØWY, and Number Girl too disbanded after 7 years. 7 years ago, I was in Nagoya, wowaka was in Tokyo, and ygarshy called me directly to say 'I'm in this sorta band right now and we're looking for a guitarist, so you come and do it.' I replied ‘Okay, understood.’ and just like that I went up to Tokyo and into the studio. At the time I didn’t know Leader’s face, I only knew him from the Skype group chat, where he told me the type of songs he wanted to play and dumped the demo mp3 files in the chat, and when I listened to it electricity ran through my veins  sparks were flying, I thought about how it was so destined to cause a revolution, and that I was to be a member of that revolution… I was so so so excited. That excitement was already 7 years ago, and I’m, still excited to the bones right now. And my excitement, that electricity which ran through my veins that day, I’m going to share with everybody here right now."
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Mid Polaris chorus belted out “Cause y’all are damn strong!!!!”
Crowd “One more time! One more time!” Encore MC time!
SND “Thank you everybody for the encore call~~!” Yumao *jumps out* "Yumao da yo~! Hey, it’s Yumao~!!" Crowd “So cute!” “It’s Yumao!“ So cute! SND “How much are you going to---” Crowd “YUMAO! SO CUTE!” SND “You’re wearing a nice sweatshirt aren’t cha." Yu “….Here wearing the nice sweatshirt, it’s Yumao!!✨ ” “WAHOOO!"
"..Turn around, turn around you shit c'mon, pull it up." …. *Yumao following instructions loyally* “Everybody, did you witness that? When the hood is taken off, the letters disappear from sight~” *SND acting like a magic show host*
“Our 16th show of the tour!” SND “The last time we played here Liquidroom was the show with Passpied, and then the one-man 5 years ago...” Yu “Yeah yeah.” Crowd “Awww...” SND “Shut up with the aww..! Listen to what I have to say or else! At least just for now." Yu “We’ve traveled all over.” SND “We have.” Yu “Yeah yeah” SND “Then today was supposed to be the end of it.” Yu “Yeah yeah.” SND “I don’t know how to feel about this!!" Yu “Yeah yeah" SND “After this we’ve gotta go down south again" Yu “Yeah ….Yeah” SND “It’s not as like Osaka’s done anything wrongs but. We’re not an Osaka band y’know. That’s where the problem lies.” Yu “Yeah yeah.”
Yu “Since today was supposed to be the finale, let’s look back on our tour” SND "Kyoto’s Takutaku venue!" Yu “Ah, so we’re doin’ this one show at a time? Okay!" SND “Taku t’was fuckin’ hot. Hell itself.” Yu “From then forward we learned, to prop fans on the stage.” “The reason my T-shirt is fluttering right now is because of Takutaku.” The reason we have cool heads, is because of Takutaku." SND "My first show with the role of singing the whole from start to finish....and it was in THAT. It was like playing inside of a sauna.” Yu “I also hadn’t played real shows much prior.. Though ygarshy is off doing, whatever he's doing but! SND and I were brooding ‘Were they always this painful, this sweat-inducing?!?” So later I asked yg and even he said *Yu imitating yg's monotone voice* ’…….It was painful.’"
Yu “Then we went to Okayama," SND “It was so coool!” Yu “That was what concerts are supposed to feel like! We were relieved.”
SND "Then we went to Morioka, to Sendai, to Kobe, to Hiroshima, to Sapporo…" Yumao “Woooo~sh, wooo~sh!” *Imitating their map path with his finger* "to Shizuoka…"
Yumao “In.. Sendai! Something funny happened…! May I interrupt with a bit of a newsflash?" Crowd “Wooo!" Yu "This guy (SND) was awesome during Talkie Dance today wasn't he? He pumped us up, he was like “Dance now!!!!” “Dance y'all!!!" *battle cries* Right, he was awesome! Throughout the tour we've been finding cool stuff to do and implementing it more and more. But during Sendai he did something unusual in this regard, I don't consciously hear what he says live because I’m always concentrating on my drums, but this irked me. So on the car ride home I listened to that day's concert recording and.. SND had only sorta questioned the crowd “Have you possibly.. not danced enough…? Maybe..?” wwww. The beat was hype but he was just acting dumbwitted like "I wonder..?" www..  I burst out laughing hysterically in the car!! Like HAAAHAAHA!” SND “'The fuck, he’s laughing all of a sudden and I’m the reason?!?' I said back then.."
SND "When we were in Nagoya, the stage was underground but, it vibrated like crazy...." Yu "We'll be back to shake that place up again!!!"
Then Niigata, Kagoshima...
Yu "We were in Kagoshima when the typhoon hit Japan, so we were laying low inside, plus an earthquake hit at the same time, which caused Kagoshima's volcano to go KABOOM on top of everything else. Earth was going crazy!!!! I asked the local people about it because it was crazy and they just said 'This is normal. Today's a little more than usual huh~ But don't worry~’.
Then Fukuoka, Ebisu, Takamatsu, Osaka,
Yumao "Then between Kagoshima and Fukuoka, we stayed at a vacation cottage out in Aso, and I got so drunk that I was farting around. I hung from the beams of the cottage and gave ygarsh a spook when he walked out of the bathroom.. He was roaring with laughter from that whole stunt! He didn’t stop laughing either, he laughed as he chased down SND with fireworks too, onward to when SND and I were watching TV together. yga was finicking around on his bass behind us, it was only natural to assume he wasn’t watching - yet he came out of nowhere to say "That was funny” ...When was he watching?" SND "He's an unreadable man."
Yumao "Then Shinoda became a rock musician also." SND "What? Me?" Yumao "Yeah yeah" SND "Wait, I was something else all this time? I was just talking about how we’ve been doing this for 7 years.. Was I mistaken?!" Yumao “Well, you’ve been polishing yourself up even more all these years… Shinoda is someone who never shows up to an appointment late, but he did just recently. And when he finally showed up, he was reeeeking of alcohol. At 12 in the afternoon nonetheless! So I asked him when he was drinking until, and he said “10 o’ clock AM. What a rock musician, right!!!" SND "Not a hangover or nothing, I was an old man hanging out drunk,  present tense.” Yu “Then in the back of the car, the other old man who doesn’t normally talk was there whispering 'This smell…. It’s whisky… It’s kaku.. Highball… And he was drinking beer too… This is Kinmugi…. Which means….. Torikizoku.' SND “Deducing even down to the fucking place I drank at!" Yu "His eyes weren’t laughing but his mouth was. He was having fun wasn’t he. But.. the bar doesn’t even stay open until 10 AM!!! The facts don’t match!" SND “This guys fun moments in life are something unique alright." Yu “Then an hour later we heard a ‘hehe..’ from him, thinking about it again and giggling!" "Ahhh~~"
SND “Well that’s everything... There’s a lot of stuff I want to say… but… *sniffling* To put a long story short.. Don’t underestimate us!"
SND “This was the supposed finale for our Liquid tour-…. Liquid tour!???" *laughing* "Our Hitori-Escape tour... So ygarshy please give us some closure, to seal the deal! Ready..……!" yga *>>BWOON<<*
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QUEUE THE PUMP UP TAUNTS *Odoru Mannequin~~~* SND “Oh yeah, I have one question for y’all gathered here in Liquidroom! !!! Is there anybody here among the crowd who feels they haven’t danced enough! Crowd “WOOO!" "Is there!!!! Anybody who here who hasn’t danced enough!?!?!?" Crowd “WOOOOOO!" SND “...On bass ygarshy!" *solo~~~* SND “‘Everybody… one two.. One two three four!'"
Final words
SND “‘On bass ygarshy! On drums Yumao. Guitar, vocals: Shinoda. Music and vocals by wowaka…. Let’s meet again."
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SND tweet "Tokyo concert complete, thank you so much. Tokyo daisuki. Until next time." yga tweet "The amazing one is he who brought Yumao and Shinoda and I together, wowaka."
Comments from Hitorie’s comrades
Shibata of Wasurerannee yo.
“Hitorie, Liquidroom
Before they played Polaris I was under the impression “Ahh after a tour Hitorie have really moved on”, but the moment Polaris hit, I realized “No way in hell they have, it’s not something that simple”. I got goosebumps, and tears came down.
Tonight was a showpiece of caliber to be celebrated in the times to come.”
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Kobayashi Doom, manga author and idol SND’s “Sup, Hitorie were great eh."
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Hiroki, bassist of Lego Big Morl “That was wonderful. Hitorie."
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Satifour of ONIGAWARA
”Hitorie were the best! Shinoda’s guitar playing proves itself amazing still! I was shook!! Plus my outfit matched with Kinta (frontman of Lego) so I had Hiroki take a picture of us, heart”’
((Hiroki pitching in: The light slashing stuff is my well-crafted handiwork.)) Satifour's artist career finds its roots Nagoya, right alongside Shinoda, Shiohigari, and cinemastaff’s Mishima. They've reunited for the Shiho anime recently as well (link) - Where ONIGAWARA wrote the ending song, and a bonus version with Shinoda playing guitar released too! The crew is back together! (song link)
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Takuto Akizuki, guitarist of Kankaku Pierrot
“Hitorie were too good. They’ve got so much going on yet, They've braced through everything that’s been thrown at them, Honed themselves. And continued on for us, Thank you so much.”
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Mika Arata, Hitorie’s manager
“An amazing show. Only two remaining In the tour‼️”
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A bouquet sent from Passpied was displayed in the lobby, beside one from the television channel Space Shower, and...
 Katoh of Luck’A Inc, who works to lovingly craft their merchandise "Hitorie, thanks "
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Hitorie’s cameraman’s son was spotted the VIP seats, and Yumao’s artist mother again too!
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anunvalidcritic · 5 years
                                                MOVIE REVIEW
June 27th, 2019 the year of our Lord (whichever one that may be) I watch a spectacular movie that I can truly say that the awards won were well deserved. Spider-Man was the first superhero I can truly say I looked up too and he’s super duper awesome my dudes. I plan on rewatching the movie again so I can complete this post.
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Man, this post is gonna be extremely long but it’s totally worth it!
“With great powers come great responsibility” - UNCLE BEN
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The love that his parents give is amazing.
I’m glad to see an ethnic spiderman its dope that he speaks Spanish and English.
I understand that Spider-man is a vigilante
“With accountability comes great accountability“ - JEFFERSON DAVIS
He didn’t have to do MILES like that lol
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LOL MILES needs to get his face off that window.
Ayyee black people really do that stuff with that chill talkin’ being all smooth and shiiii ROFL
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Damn his roommate just loves to study.
That is a lot of sweat tho
Haircut looks cool though if you ask me.
PETER droppin’ bops huh??
That was some freaky shit when that spider glitched though. It kinda turned into a thriller movie for a minute.
DAAAMMMNNN a normal person would be dead
“Stanton Island maybe but not Brooklyn!” - PETER
You better catch him!!!
he better not say you only get one of th…….. AAAHHHHH HE SAID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE FUCKING SAID IT!!!!!!!!!!
PROWLER got a lot of balls flyin’ up on him like that.
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Dang, these glitches remind me of when Vanellelope has hers. (I think her name is spelled wrong but it’s whatever at this point.)
You know whenever people make promises they sometimes are hard to keep.
WTF HE’S BLONDE!!!!!!!! WOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ROFL “Yeah I think it’s a BANKSY.” - BYSTANDER
RIO is the sweetest mom ever.
PETER should not have gone out that way! MAAAAANNNNNN
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Boy, you better not jump off that building that black in you bette… LOL, HE TOOK HIS ASS RIGHT BACK DOWN!
damn, he messed up the hard-drive.
Aww, I love that ominous blue and red lighting… good symbolism.
Spider-Man for the last 22 years
blah blah blah workin’ hard and fallin’ in love
15 years past
buried Aunt May
Split up with MJ
Seahorses mate for life 
“Could you image a seahorse seeing another seahorse… and then making it work.” - PETER B PARKER
pizza is life
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“Adios” - MILES
DAAAMMMNN he didn’t have to do PETER B like that!
“Looks like a child dressed like spider-man dragging a homeless corpse behind a train.” - POLICE OFFICER
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Aye, I fuck with the song that was being played through that guy’s headphones even though I don’t even know what it was. 
“Why is your body another shape” - MILES damn that’s fucked up 
These fucking sweatpants man
“DON’T PLAY WITH ME.“ - MILES (black people love that line lol)
“You good with that Spider-Man?!“ - MILES
“In my universe, this place closed 6 years ago. I don’t know why.” - PETER B PARKER (Probably because the restaurant has a C rating)
Was lowkey waiting for a roach to crawl across something 
“Spider-Man doesn’t wear a cape.” - MILES (He doesn’t wear sweatpants either)
How tf did WILSON FISK get his BIG ASS INTO THAT CAR?!?!?!
lol his booty jiggled a bit hehehehehe
hold up this chick sound like Jessie from Toy Story…
WOAH either she a freak or she likes pushing people
“And I for one can’t wait to watch.” - DR. OC (WTF DID SHE JUST SAY!!)
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Aww, they’re having a bonding moment! 
Last 2 years
Joined a band
Saved her dad
Couldn’t save her PETER PARKER
Doesn’t do friends to save herself feeling.
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Oh, we’re getting a little WILSON FISK flashback.
Damn, why is she driving so fast…
Something like that was bound to happen I’m sorry to say. 
This dude really got some board shoulders.
Why does PETER B PARKER have on two different types of shoes?
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“Wherever I go, the wind follows.” - SPIDER-MAN NOIR
Year: 1933 
Job: Private Eye
Likes: Drinking egg creams and fighting Nazis (A LOT)
“Sometimes I let matches burn down to my fingertips just to feel something anything.”
Year: 3145
Has a psychic link with a spider that lives inside of her father’s robot.
Lost her father
Bitten by a radioactive pig 
Photographer for the Daily Beagle
Usually, when he’s not working like a dog he chasing a story
Likes to frolic and dance while doing it in his pants. 
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if stitch had a glitch lol
PETER B PARKER really puttin’ MILES on blast. 
This movie is back on their spooky ooky shit
Damn only if he knew his uncle was the PROWLER...
LOL, THAT MUSIC!!!!!!!!!
“This is a pretty hardcore origin story.“ - SPIDER-MAN NOIR
“We don’t pick the ballroom we just dance.” - SPIDER-MAN NOIR
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Of course, MILES dad is on the way
OH, FUCK!!!!!!
How the fuck you gonna be flying around without some type of bulletproof vest. DAMN SMH
Man, a kid should not be seeing someone die right in front of them. 
JEFFERSON didn’t deserve to find his brother that way. 
I’m glad they’re having a heart to heart to him. But that room is too small
“MILES the hardest part about this job is that you can’t save everyone“ - SPIDER-HAM
“Do animals talk in this dimension because I don’t want to freak him out.“ - SPIDER-HAM
Let the bodies hit the floor. 
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“A leap of faith” - PETER B PARKER
At least his dad came by to speak to him.
He had that boy fucked up again!
Man them taking the bus is really killin’ me
Bruh the waiter
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“Do you have a problem with cartoons?!?!” - SPIDER-HAM
PENI I’m sorry to say but your BUD FOR LIFE is gone.
MILES is a smooth criminal!!
I find it so cool that each time they jumped back into the portal it was reflected off of them.
ROFL “That’s all folks” “Is he allowed to say that legally?”
WILSON FISK always tryin’ to hurt somebody damn!
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MILES did that (with help of course)
C-Mobile = T-Moblie hehehehehehe
SPIDER-MAN for 2 days
Finally, finished his essay
Saved a lot of people
Spent time with his father
Got hit by a drone as well
Had a proper meeting with his roommate
Slapped his sticker where his dad won’t find it
Will always remember his friends. 
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“Anyone can wear the mask. You can wear the mask. If you didn’t know that before I hope you know that now.“ SPIDER-MAN (MILES)
Y’ALL THERE WAS A GLITCH IN THE SYSTEM! Everything and I mean EVERYTHING! So thankful I was able to salvage a little bit of it back. I really do wish I was able to get what I said at the end because I meant it. :( 
EDIT: I was fast forwarding through the movie to get it off of my “continue watching” list and I discovered something at the end! So I’ll be making a bit of an edit. (This is a reminder that you need to ALWAYS STAY AT THE END OF EVERY MARVEL! (smh I made a rookie mistake))
James Blake has such an amazing voice
“I was gone for less than 2 hours.” - MAN
oooo the man’s name is MIGUEL 
Earth ‘67
“How dare you point at me!” - SPIDER-MAN
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