#so you can guess how affected he was by not receiving a letter and how urgently he needed to solve the issue
dailykafka · 1 year
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praisethesuuun · 1 year
AAAHHHH. ANOTHER ROR FAN! It's so hard to find people who like it 😭
Anyways, if you take requests at the moment, what about headcanons Hades, Buddha, Loki and Posideon being just complete simps for reader? (If that's too many, just loki or Buddah is fine!)
Just met the person and suddenly, guess I'm in love now, oops!
Anyways, thanks a lot, hope you have a great day!
you're too kind😭😭❤️❤️ It's always so nice to receive such sweet words! Anyway, there you go hun<3 hope you like it
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RoR characters headcanons: them being total simps for you!
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🌊This guy is hilarious: he refuses to admit that he's simping over someone. "Gods are perfect. They don't bond to anyone" Yeah...that's a lie-
🌊Hades was the first to notice that something was wrong with his brother, but he decided to stay silent and wait for him to talk about it. Needless to say, he bursted out laughing when Poseidon told him everything: from what he felt when you were near him, to the way your presence brings a breeze of happiness to the midst of the seedy Valhalla.
🌊Poseidon will try to approach you starting from very sneaky things. For example, his favorite thing to do is sit next to you during gods' meetings, scaring anyone in his way. Once he nearly got into a fight with Shiva, because he practically pushed him out of the seat next to you, nearly knocking him off the entire stairway.
🌊During his fight, he will repeatedly make eye contact with you, boasting about his strength and hoping you can notice him... somehow. "Look at me, you fool"
🌊Tsundere mode: on. Poseidon will literally insult you everytime you'll try to talk to him. This dumbass will regret it later alone in his castle.
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☠️Unlike his brother, Hades is more confident, courting you in front of all the gods and calling you "My queen" whenever he can.
☠️He's not sneaky at all and isn't afraid to hide his feelings for you. The only thing that could stop him it's the realization that he could ruin your reputation: it's not the best to hang out with the king of the Underworld, many despise him and he doesn't want you to be treated the same way.
☠️Expect to find your room flooded with various gifts and love letters, each accompanied by a black rose. You often feel sorry for Hermes and wonder how he can carry all that stuff. Yet, you get excited every time you see him arrive with a package, decorated with a delicate purple bow.
☠️Hades is jealous. He does not hesitate to scold and intimidate any deity who tries to approach you, even going against his own brothers (especially Zeus)
☠️When you're alone, Hades wastes no time in jumping on you and filling you with love. If, on the other hand, you are attending a dinner or a meeting, he will place his hand on your hips, refusing to remove it. Plus, he'll kiss you softly without anyone noticing.
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🐍He will be so annoying! Loki will stick to you like a tick, bothering you as a sign of affection (what a brat...)
🐍He will play jokes on you all the time, immediately bursting out laughing at your reaction. However, if you were to feel bad, telling him that he exaggerated, he will apologize instantly, hugging you and reassuring you. "I'm sorry, please look at me, bunny. I'm sorry... I promise"
🐍Loki is the type to put little flowers in your hair without you noticing, enjoying the view from afar and admiring your beauty. Daisies look so good on you! How could he not enjoy such a view?
🐍You'll likely get involved whenever he makes a mess, and don't be surprised when you're treated like some sort of human shield. Even so, you've never gotten into trouble. Deep down you like it when he suddenly enters your room to hide from Thor, who wouldn't dare to do the same.
🐍Loki loves to float around you, acting like the perfect watchdog. It makes him feel like a perfect partner: protecting you with dedication and love. But there are negative (or positive) sides, of course dirty jokes can't miss: "Look what a nice temper you have, it wasn't like this last night when I-" "SHUT UP"
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🍬He is the boldest lover that could ever happen to you. If he wants to do something, he won't hesitate to do it, everyone knows that. Yet, when it comes to you he becomes totally a servant, without hiding it from others. Do you need something? Well, give him just a second-
🍬Count yourself lucky, Buddha loves you so much that he shares his secret stash of sweets with you! The pocky challenge is a must, but he's favourite thing to do is kissing you indirectly making you suck on the lollipop that he already had in his mouth.
🍬Every once in a while, he lets you find a little love letter on your pillow with a chocolate next to it. He knows he looks like a detached person who thinks only of himself, so he does everything to make you feel his closeness.
🍬Buddha always calls you names. "Come here, sweetie!" "Aww honey, are you angry?" "Gimme one of your sugar kisses, would ya?" He loves the way you blush every time he does it, you're such a cutie!
🍬He trusts you blindly, in fact he doesn't hesitate to ask you for help when he needs it. You protect each other and for Buddha this is one of the most important things in your relationship. Please, tell him how much you love him and don't hesitate to talk about your feeling! You are too important to him, so feel free to tell him everything you want.
4K notes · View notes
Carpe Diem | Michael Gavey x fem!reader
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Summary: After himself being ditched by Oliver, they meet once again. Both seemingly skirting around what happened in the Common Room when they last saw one another. | Word Count: 5.1k~ (oops) | Warnings below the cut!
Part One: Quid Pro Quo Part Three: Veni, Vidi, Vici
warnings: virgin michael, oral sex (f receiving), fingering
A/N: I feel...like the word count is overboard but FUCK IT it's my blog 😈
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“Greek and Latin both belong to the Indo-European language family, which does not necessarily mean they are similar. The branches are totally different. Whereas Latin belongs to the Romance branch, Greek belongs to the…”
She half-listens to the lecture, caught between Professor Wardon’s monotone ramblings and scribbling whatever bits and pieces she can string together in swirly handwriting, trying to ignore Trevor two rows in front of her, typing loudly on his brand new Macbook that he no doubt got from his well-off parents for Christmas.
Pencil and paper for the peasants, she thinks bitterly.
The laptop she has back in her dorm is clunky, too thick for carrying in her bag, and any notes she makes now will have to be typed up meticulously later. She supposes it’s a good way of getting the information to be irreparably printed into her brain though. That’s the only thing keeping her from going insane.
Which is where she finds herself now, in the wee hours of the morning, her fingers so tired and eyes so strained she feels that all the letters and characters are beginning to merge together.
She's just about to close the damn thing when a notification blares in the bottom right corner of her screen.
‘m_gav_314159265359 is now online’
She presses her lips together to stifle a laugh at the username, it makes her giggle every time. Of course his username is fucking Pi.
After their little ‘happening’ in the Common Room, they'd talked for a bit over MSN, sometimes texting when she had enough credit and even more rarely meeting up at Trinity College campus. Their timetables never seemed to line up very often, so their meetings were quick and over before they could even get settled into really getting to know each other.
It felt strange to have done something so exciting and yet not really know someone.
The memory made her blush. She was never usually that impulsive and brazen. But she didn't regret it.
Everytime Michael saw her, his cheeks flushed almost without her even needing to try. And it felt nice to see someone act like that in her presence.
After lectures had started after Christmas into the New Year and then into Spring, she found herself somewhat self-conscious. Second guessing herself. Wondering if the freedom and calmness of the holiday period had given him a new sense of clarity.
After all, he'd not spoken to her once since lectures had started again.
A heaviness weighed in her chest, bitterly like rejection.
Maybe she was delirious from the time of night, but she felt a surge of courage, desperately wanting to just know if this was going to be more or not.
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She felt her cheeks heat somewhat, rubbing the backs of her knuckles against her lips. There was no time to reply before he sent another.
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And if what he'd said before didn't make her face burn, that certainly did. She nearly smirked when she thought to herself, 'you mean when I sucked you off in the Common Room?'
But she didn't type that. She decided to have mercy on him, if only a little.
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His replies were so blunt and to the point that they were so quintessentially Michael. She found herself wondering if what he'd typed before had been for the intention of making her blush, but she doubted it. He seemed the type to be somewhat oblivious to how words could affect the opposite sex.
Or anything to do with the opposite sex for that matter.
Her stomach fluttered with excitement as she typed off a few quick goodbyes and with a soft, plastic tap, shut her laptop for the night.
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“There are no fit guys in my class this semester, fucking livid,” Priya rolls her eyes, nursing a stale pint and a cigarette.
“Did you really expect Modern Languages to be teeming with attractive men?” She smirks in response.
“No. But I at least expected a good shag within the first three months.”
“Does they have to be within our course?”
“No, course not. I'm not lazy as fuck. Can’t be arsed to go off campus.”
She laughs, waving the smoke trail that's formed between their faces, the smell of cigarettes and damp, beer-soaked carpets fill her senses, nursing the only pint she's capable of downing.
“Don't shit where you eat, Priya.”
“Don't you fuckin’ start,” she grins with all her perfect teeth before checking her phone, “fuck, is that the time. Sorry mate you've got like half your pint left-”
“Don't be silly, just go. Whoever you're meeting is bound to have a bigger cock than me anyway.”
“You're a nasty bitch, you know that?” she smiles, standing and pulling her mini-skirt down, “see you later? Catch up?”
“Wouldn't miss it for the world. Have fun!”
“Oh I will!”
She smiles, sipping the stale beer as Priya rushes out the door excitedly tapping the keypads on her phone in reply to a guy no-doubt, nearly running right into a lamppost.
She pulled out her own phone, spotting a new message from the ex-boyfriend she hadn’t heard a peep out of since Freshers Week, groaning with a displeased expression at the first few lines of text that read as if he were desperate. Even over the crackling sound of the speakers and Daniel Powter’s ‘Bad Day’ lulling quietly through the pub, she was still sensitive to the sound of his voice.
“-get me another pint please, Oliver? Thanks.”
She had to crane her neck, half-swivelled on her chair, but it was undoubtedly him. Only one person had that hissy, direct way of speaking, had dirty, blonde hair that touched the nape of his neck and was likely to wear such an…interesting selection of clothes.
Her mouth was barely open before she realised it was Michael, and by then he was too far away to shout from across a busy pub. She found herself with a sort of stupid grin, watching him walk with such a lanky gait, as if walking were an inhuman thing for him to do. 
It took her a few moments to text back a reply to her ex before she looked up again, eyebrows furrowed when she saw that whoever Michael had been with, was now umming and ahhing about whether to join the popular lot, for which she recognised Felix Catton amongst them, shockingly ill-dressed in a ‘what happens in Kassiopi stays in Kassiopi’ t-shirt, with a cigarette between his lips that had been inhaled to a nub. 
She grimaced. Only rich people could dress so fucking shocking.
And then her heart leapt in a different way when she saw Michael look distantly at Oliver, his hand half-raised in an awkward wave, his face crumbling in a way where she knew he was disappointed and yet, not surprised in the slightest. 
It was when Michael pushed his glasses up his nose in a way she couldn’t help but find sweet and go for the door, that she slipped from the stool she was on, a quarter of her pint left, and took off after him.
The late winter air nipped at her skin, cursing internally that his legs were so fucking long he could stride a hell of a lot further than her. 
It wasn’t hard to see the glint of his glasses lenses off the streetlights once he’d turned to face her, his lips parted in surprise and a heat rising to his cheeks.
He swallowed visibly, “H-hey..”
She felt her own heart rattle in her chest at how easy it was to fluster him, “Hey, you alright?”
For a moment, the self-proclaimed mathematical genius seemed genuinely lost for words, his throat closing up on him like he was having a sort of allergic reaction to the opposite sex. So with all that, he simply nodded, his hands clenched as if not knowing what to do with them.
“Sorry about your mate, that was a shitty thing to do.”
“Oh, he’s…he’s not my mate.”
She nodded, rubbing her hands together to warm them from the chill, “d’you wanna go somewhere?”
Michael’s eyes behind his glasses widened, “like…together?”
“No, I’ll make you go off on your own,” she grinned, “yes together!”
He huffed an embarrassed but elated laugh, and only now her eyes studied his shirt, cocking her head in amusement at the ‘that’s how I roll’ shirt with what looked like a maths equation beneath it. The actual meaning was lost on her, but it was so dorky it made her smile.
“U-uh, my mum bought it me for Christmas...” he muttered quickly to which she cracked an even bigger smile, the two of them laughing quietly for a moment before he spoke up again. 
“Do you wanna come to mine?” he asked, and it was so direct it made her blink, her lungs feeling as if they were fluttering, “I mean-my dorm.”
She wet her lips from the dry cold, watching how nervous and twitchy he was. And how it reminded her of the last time they were alone together. 
“Like…catch up or something. I-I’ve got alcohol if you-”
“That’d be lovely, Michael.”
He at least seemed grateful that she’d actually replied to save him from rambling, and even cracked a thin-lipped smile himself, clearly and delightfully nervous. Thirty-minutes ago, he’d have never considered this to be the ending to his evening. 
Michael’s room is disturbingly tidy, she wonders if he actually even lives here. It’s like those university rooms that they take photos of to advertise the ‘spacious’ and ‘community-driven’ atmosphere of campus life. 
At least it was clean, she mused as Michael passed her a bottle of the only alcohol he had, which were lukewarm WKDs.
“Thanks,” she smiles, taking a sugary sip and looking about the room. Michael has since cracked open his own drink, but seems disinterested in it as it rests on his bouncing knee, looking up at her from where he’s sat on his desk chair from under his brow.
His laptop sits shut, pencils in a neat line next to it. His walls are bare, with what she can only assume are blue tack marks from the previous tenant’s last year. With the exception of a wall-mounted calendar next to his desk.
“No posters? Was hoping I could be nosy, see what you like.” 
When she turns back to Michael he quickly looks down as if not wanting to be caught staring, “It’d just be maths stuff.”
“And Carol Vorderman?” she teases mindlessly, not catching the way his cheeks go alight.
She hums an amused laugh behind the bottle at her lips, “It’s very tidy.”
When he just replies with a shrug, she scoots off the bed to have a roam about the place, needing only a few steps to cross the room to his bookcase, filled to the brim neatly with books. She runs her finger along some of the spines.
“You’re not going to mess anything up are you?”
She laughs, coming out more of a snort, which makes her cheeks warm, “Sorry. Just curious about your books. ‘Mathematics of Language. Sounds like a bit of me and you.”
There’s that flush again.
That deer in the headlights look.
“Uh…just sounded interesting.”
“And is it?”
“Is it what?”
She smirks, “interesting.”
There’s a silence that for a moment neither of them are able to shake. 
Michael swallows visibly, “don’t know yet..”
She sees something in his expression when a playful smile lifts across her face, suddenly the memories and implications of what they’d done before now weighing heavily on them. And all at once, he’s able to smell the body scrub she’d used in the shower that morning and eyes flitting to the glint of her stud earrings. He’d remembered brushing past them with his fingers when her mouth wrapped around his-
“And who says you’re not a languages man?” she presses with a teasing lilt to her voice. The tone and sing-songy nature of her voice has his heart doing backflips, feeling as if he could feel the erratic beating between his ribs. 
Michael seems stuck in the position he finds himself as she lazily crosses the room, slipping back on his bed, one hand brushing across his bedsheets and the other setting the drink on his bedside table. For a long moment, his eyes couldn’t leave her. The whole situation was suitably extraordinary. A girl who had come onto him (to say the least) was now in his room, sat on his bed, touching his things…all while wearing something he personally deemed unsuitable for the cold, a dress with black tights beneath.
She turns her head to him, smiling, “you seem nervous.”
He swallows, trying to claw at any sort of reply, “is that an accusation?”
It comes out a bit harsher than he probably expected, but instead of recoiling, she bites her lip as if to stifle a full-toothed grin, “an observation.”
He shrugs, “just never had a girl in here before.”
“Worried I’ll mess up your feng shui?”
“My what?”
She genuinely laughs at that, nearly smacking her head on the bed frame, but a hearty chuckle all the same. And Michael doesn’t know why his own cheeks start to heat up at that, taking this opportunity that her eyes are shut to look down at her legs. For some reason, making her laugh just makes him want to try more. 
He’s never had that feeling before. Wanting to make someone laugh.
“No, really, my what.”
She meets his eyes brightly with her own, “feng shui, it’s like…the vibe of a room, a space. Like,  how you place your furniture or whatever.”
Michael raises a brow, his lip quirking on one side, “sounds like bullshit.”
“It probably is.” she laughs.
“Can I ask you something?”
The quick u-turn and tone in conversation has her eyes meet his nervously, her interest and curiosity piqued. Her hands find themselves nervously stroking her legs, the texture of the tights providing some level of comfort, “yeah sure.”
She can't quite figure out what expression he's trying to put on. His brows are furrowed in judgement and a curious sense of guarding himself. And yet he's sat back in his seat, looking at her like he is trying to figure her out, and yet wants to know why she is the way she is.
“Why did you do that?”
She blinks at the accusatory and monotone rhythm of his way of speaking.
“Do what.”
“Don't play stupid. Doesn't suit you.”
She nearly scoffs at that, “what? Why have you gone all weird all of a sudden?”
“Why did you do…that at the Christmas party?”
She shrugs and shakes her head, as if the answer should be obvious, “because I wanted to? And you didn't seem to mind either.”
“I didn't-that's not the point!” he retorts, “are you genuinely taking the mick out of me?”
“You've asked that before and no.”
“Well why then?”
“Is it not enough to really think that I find you interesting? And nice to talk to?”
Of all the things she expected Michael Gavey to go quiet at, it certainly wasn't that. But she watches him all the same, the line between his brow slowly disappearing as his frown vanishes.
She cocks her head, “and not bad looking either.”
“Stop it.”
“I mean it!”
“Nobody wants the fucking maths virgin-”
“Michael. I don't give a fuck about that,” she says calmly, “Hell, I was a virgin not that long ago. You keep saying ‘nobody wants the virgin’ but you can't keep using that as an excuse just because you're embarrassed you haven't done anything.”
He sighs, like he doesn't want to believe her. And she can hardly believe how self-deprecating and yet direct this man can be in a single breath.
“Look, if you don't want to talk to me, I can always go-”
Almost as soon as she is stood, he is too, one large hand wrapped around her forearm, “No.”
They've been sat so long, she had almost forgotten how tall he was, and the difference between them briefly has her tummy doing back flips. From here, she is able to smell whatever body wash he uses, and if she had to guess, probably blue radox.
“No, I didn't say I wanted you to go. Stay…”
He doesn't say ‘please’ once, and yet she's able to hear the desperation.
When she doesn't move, his grip loosens, and she feels tingly all over when his hand slides up her arm.
“Can I kiss you again like last time?”
She almost smiles in adoration at how he asks it, but for the sake of saving him the embarrassment of thinking she's laughing at him, settles for a simple and gentle nod of her head. She is sure she's not really thought it through. Weighing up the pros and cons isn't exactly the first thing on her mind right now though as Michael has to bend significantly to crash his lips to hers.
Much like last time, he is a bit endearingly clumsy, his lips moving quickly on hers like he's running a race with his mouth. This time there is no pool table for him to cage her against, but all the same his legs take him forwards until her knees hit the edge of his bed.
By the time he is on top of her, she's managed to weave her fingers through his hair, her nose nudging against his glasses every now and then, and guiding him with her own movements to slow down and enjoy the moment, with no need to rush.
She knows that secretly he's probably just excited.
But this time, his hands are extremely active.
She's unable to help the breathy whimper between desperate kisses as he tentatively squeezes her thighs, not quite brave enough to go beneath the dress yet and drifting upwards to her breasts, touching and clutching fondly, as if any harsh grip or movement and she'll get up and leave.
He's still unsure, maybe even nervous, she can feel it.
It's here she realises that whether he is doing it subconsciously or not, she can feel the strained bulge at the front of his trousers rubbing up against the inside of her leg, probably chasing friction that feels too good for him to feel lucid.
“Can I see you…” he asks as his lips break away.
She doesn't even reply, she just complies, pulling the sleeves of her dress over her shoulders and the bra straps along with it. The position she's in making it near impossible to reach behind her.
If she could print his face in her mind as she pulled her dress down to her ribs, she would. He looks entirely mesmerised in adoration, and once the only thing covering her breasts is the thin material of her bra, Michael looks at her with an almost dream-like gaze. 
His hand moves before his mouth, or at least before he catches himself, “Is it oka-”
“Course..” she says far too quickly. 
All she can hear as Michael pulls the thin straps of her bra fully down her arms, exposing her breasts, is his breath, staggered and uneven. His hand easily covers one of her breasts, squeezing experimentally, his thumb gently drifting over her nipple and watching them stiffen to needy buds. 
She doesn’t need to look between them to see how hard he is, she can feel him against her thigh, where her dress has since ridden up to her hips. 
His glasses knock against her chest as he leans down, all-too-carefully covering her nipple with his tongue, like he is trying to print the taste of them to memory. 
There is an unconscious desire to press her thighs together, but she settles for rolling her hips, causing Michael’s voice to rumble against her chest where he mouths at her breasts. One hand forever stays at the one he isn’t paying lip service to, testing the weight and shape in his palms. 
It feels like all sensitivity has been turned up to 1000. He is so slow, so unsure, that every languid movement has every nerve feel as if it’s on fire. A selfish part of her wants him to go faster, so used to the fervent, almost rushing nature of who she’d been with before. It was never like this, borderline worshipping.
“Michael…” she breathes, rolling her hips against him experimentally, rewarded with a low whine from him.
She watched as her nipple slips from his lips in the most erotic manner she’d ever seen, before his clear eyes are on her again. 
“Is this okay? Am I doing something wr-”
“No,” she shakes her head quickly, “feels nice.”
Michael licks his lips, a sign of how nervous he is, “Can I do something else?”
He is so eager to please, to learn, that looking at his face as he asks she can hardly deny him. And her head moves without effort, nodding as she watches his hand disappear beneath the hem of her dress to pull her tights down her legs. 
It then becomes obvious what he wants to do. 
“Are you sure, I-”
“I’m sure.” he adds, rolling the black nylon down her legs until all that is left between Michael and her bare skin below her hips, is her underwear. A flush of embarrassment engulfs her face at the thought of how aroused she might be, knowing he has no experience, she doesn’t want to scare him off. The tender and yet needy way he’d mouthed at her breasts had her body all warm, and she can’t remember the last time she’d been this ready for anything.
“I just want to do the same for you as you did for me. Make you feel good.”
And that certainly doesn’t help that feeling either.
She’s not sure if she will get tired of the sight of his long, lithe fingers gripping her thighs apart, and for a moment she finds herself entranced by the view, until he is pressing sweet kisses to the inside of them. Open-mouthed, with an addictive cooling sensation when he pulls away, only to edge closer to the centre of her underwear.
Her breath remains stuck in her chest as she watches him navigate the female body, mapping it out in his head. She knows better than to say anything, knowing him as she does now, he is immensely competitive, and wants to get things right. It’s likely if she stepped in to instruct him, it would only embarrass him more. So she stays quiet, and lets him come to her.
His thumb dips beneath the leg hole of her underwear, “Can I?”
She swallows visibly, now for some reason it’s her being the nervous one. Possibly because the first time, it was her doing something for him. And now, it is very much the feeling of being studied, of being watched to see what made her tick. A feeling that has her desperate for some kind of fulfilment. Anything.
She lifts her hips to help him slide her underwear down her legs, her cheeks warming at being so utterly exposed to him herself for the first time. There is a finality to it that she just can’t quite put into words. A point of no return.
A full body shudder made its way through her when she felt his thumb trail across the spot where her leg met her hip, trailing the line there that led to her sensitive womanhood.
Michael looked as if he was being presented with an equation, she could practically hear the thoughts in his head. But beyond not entirely knowing what to do, it didn't dissuade his curiosity.
She could tell though, that he didn't know what to do.
Michael nearly flinched when she took his hand, encouraging his thumb to touch her bundle nerves hidden between her folds. 
She watched him as his thumb cautiously collected the wetness that had begun to come out of her and used it to gently apply pressure to her clit. Breath was hot in her chest  as he started slowly.
“Does that feel good?” He asked softly.
As soon as she nodded, confirming how pleasurable it was, Michael's first reaction was to go faster. And so he did. Like he was trying to light a fire.
“No, no, no, it's fine to go slow.”
“Shit, sorry…”
“It’s fine,” she smiled, “just more gentle.”
The panic on his face had been clear. But at her gentle instruction, she saw him relax, taking her words and applying gentle pressure in slower, tighter circles. And it seemed Michael was now fully aware of its intended effect, as his eyes were able to lift up to hers underneath the rim of his glasses to see her breathing had increased, and blood rushing to her cheeks. 
It felt incredible to watch his expressions, she thought. Seeing the little thoughts rattling around in his head, to be able to awaken something in him for the first time. But it also felt utterly exposing, and every time his thumb drew circles against her clit, she heard the soft click of her arousal that made the room feel as if she were inside an oven. 
Michael’s lips parted, his head moving as if pulled by an invisible string to her core.
“Can I…?” he asked again, but more uncertain this time. 
The anticipation gnaws so much at her skin, combined with the way he is taking his time that she has become somewhat impatient, so it’s completely involuntary when she nods her head and somehow manages a whispered ‘yes’.
She doesn't really, really know what's wrong with her. She's had head before. But when he dives between her thighs so quickly and eagerly, his thumbs almost pulling her skin gently to expose as much of her as he can, and swiping his tongue over the centre. From her entrance, all the way to her bundle of nerves.
It has her breath stuck in her chest, instinctively reaching down to run her fingers through his sandy hair. Even the slightest tug on it has a low groan vibrating through her where his mouth moves slowly against her.
At first he is careful, taking the instruction she'd given him before and applying it to tasting her instead. But his eyes flit up to her when she breathes his name like that, so he redoubles his efforts, gripping the underside of her thighs to tug her towards him in a teasing rhythm.
She didn't really know what to expect, assuming he hadn't done anything like this before. But Michael seems eager to please, as he nudges between her sensitive folds to tease her entrance with his tongue, the sharp shape of his nose butting against her bud with every movement, as little as it is.
With one hand in his hair, her hips move against his face, the glasses perched on his face hanging askew. And all she can see is that his eyes are closed as he tastes her, every now and then he makes a noise between a whine and a moan, as if he didn't want the experience to end.
Dragging his tongue back up to her bud to focus his attention there, Michael experimentally slides one long, slender digit easily inside her, pleased at the breathy sound it seems to elicit from her. Two feelings at once, just as she'd given him before.
“Oh, shit-” 
He fights the urge to smirk when he hears that. She's so warm and wet, that it's easy to slide in the second, feeling her walls suck him in as they clamp around his fingers moving in and out of her. It's a feeling he couldn't describe if he tried, and he daren't think of what she'd feel like around his cock, or if she'd let him.
She can feel her stomach muscles tightening, an orgasm bubbling up to the surface when he gains confidence, flicking her swollen clit with his tongue and pistoning two fingers with a pornographically wet smack into her over and over. Brushing that sweet spot inside that he manages to find sometimes, seemingly without realising.
“Michael - fuck - I'm gonna-”
He groans as her fingers tug at his hair, her hips grinding herself against him and chasing that delicious friction as her high barrels through her, sparking pleasure down each notch of her spine until it fizzles out through her limbs.
She can feel Michael grinding himself against the bed, searching for his own, as he maintains his actions, lapping up everything she gives him with determination. When she dares to look down at him, as if he can sense it, his eyes open to watch her expression, the blue of his eyes nearly entirely eclipsed by black.
As if something had been awoken in him that even he couldn't recognise he'd wanted.
With one last swipe of his tongue over her centre, Michael withdraws his fingers, gripping her thigh with them and making the skin there glisten.
Her cheeks feel as if they're on fire when he rights himself to his knees before her, looking down at her with admiration at how she is still essentially half naked. The tightness at the front of his jeans makes it obvious how he felt about what he'd just done.
Engrossed by watching her breasts move as she breathes heavily, the slight shimmer of sweat on her collarbones, Michael raises his hand to his face, using his palm to wipe her slick from his lips and chin.
She breaks the silence with a tired laugh when he pushes his glasses back up his face, one half of the lenses completely fogged up. It prompts him to laugh too.
“Was I okay?”
This time she doesn't hold back her smile at the way he asks it. As if she hadn't just shaken with the force of her high all over his face.
She nods, “More than okay.”
He seems genuinely relieved.
She bites her lip as she looks at him, his cheeks all tinged pink, his mind reeling at what they'd just done.
He doesn't know what to say or do, and she can see it.
“Do you fancy having a girlfriend, Michael?” she asks.
“Uh…I've never had one, not properly anyway.”
“Yes, but would you like one?”
She watches the bob of his Adam's Apple as he swallows heavily, “Y-yeah…”
She pushes herself up to meet him where he's knelt, admiring his features for a moment, before leaning forward to kiss him, encouraging him to kiss her back. It takes a second for him to respond, but when he does, it's needy, teeth and tongues clashing as the musky taste of her is captured on him.
“Tell you what, after your exams, when you can relax, I'll be your proper girlfriend. In every way..”
His breath comes out shuddered against her lips, “what do you mean?..”
She wets her lips as she smirks, “I think you know exactly what I mean, Michael.”
She doesn't think she'll ever get tired of seeing him blushed and bothered.
And when they're both dressed, sharing awkward giggles and nervous kisses, she gives him a look with a cock of her head as he checks his wall-mounted Countdown-themed calendar.
“What you looking for?”
“My last exam is the 15th. There's exactly 12,246 minutes between now and then and all I'm going to be thinking about is whether you'll really be my girlfriend or not.”
She nearly smiles at the fact he does the maths so quickly. 8 days, 12 hours and 6 minutes until his last exam. And even though she's made it clear she wants him, he's still unsure.
She meets his gaze, unable to hide the grin off her face, “Better get studying then. You've only got 12,245 minutes left until you've got me.”
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General Taglist: @aemondsfavouritebastard @bellstwd @blairfox04 @buckybarnesb-tch @castellomargot @hb8301 @jamespotterismydaddy @mochi-rose @natty2017 @nenelysian@randomdragonfires @risefallrise @thelittleswanao3 @theoneeyedprince @thetrueblackheart @tsujifreya@urmomsgirlfriend1 @valeskafics @valleyof-goldenlilies @virtualsweetsqueen @watercolorskyy
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phoenixblaze1412 · 5 months
Might seem crazy for what im bout to say…
But im gonna order for the regrator boys and girlies! So can we please get a pantalone x gn!reader fluffy? *cough* their first date *cough*
No need to apologize love^^ let's go from Baizhu to Pantalone because man needs affection too.
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First Date
Dating Pantalone has its ups and downs but you two were able to make things work.
With him being part of the fatui and bring the ninth harbinger, work always calls for him that it's rare for him to be at home to spend time with you, maybe even once in a blue moon.
Meanwhile you would be working at the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor and helping out your director and friend Hu Tao that you would always be home way past midnight.
But despite rarely being able to see each other, you two would communicate to each other through letters.
And maybe a pyro fatui guard or two that would be watching you from afar to make sure you don't get hurt. They were given strict orders by the Regrator himself or else they would be the next test subjects for Il Dottore's experiments if you were to be harmed.
So to receive an invitation from your lover that you were to have dinner at Liuli Pavilion, who were you to say no.
It's literally your first date with him.
If you're lucky enough, it would also be your first kiss with him if the chance is given.
Such a shame that the only contact you two shared was simple hand holding. Hu Tao even commented at how bland your partner was for not being able to at least give you a kiss. If only she knew that she was insulting a harbinger, but you wouldn't tell her that.
You had to ask her to give you a day off just to be able to prepare for it. And Hu Tao, being the supportive friend she is, immediately pushed you out of the parlor while rambling on about to use protection if your partner decides to give you more than dinner for the night.
Once you made it back to your home, you were surprised to see a gift placed upon your bed. Opening it and looking inside, you could only stare in awe at the expensive outfit laid before you. You were guessing the outfit was custome made, there were even jewels decorating it as it glimmered under the light.
"I hope this gift finds you, my love. I expect that you wear it to our dinner tonight. I shall see you then."
You were thankful for the outfit, noticing how it matches the usual colors you would wear with a mix of purple. You were a bit curious on how Pantalone knew your sizes but decided not to question it, assuming it was simply a lucky guess.
Entering Liuli Pavilion was simple. Finding where your lover resides, is a bit difficult. Before you could even take another step, you were greeted by a familiar voice.
"It brings me great joy to see you wearing the gift I sent, darling. How I have missed you so."
Pantalone stood there before you, taking your hand in his before placing a small kiss to your knuckles.
Oh if he knew how the most simplest action he does can easily make you melt.
Leading you to your dinner table with the food already prepared. The two of you dined in, talking about how the other has been doing.
Now, we know how no one has ever seen the Regrator's eyes before. But for you, you are an exception.
As you rambled on about the things that happened while he was gone (even though he always knows what happens to you every day considering his fatui agents would report to him daily, he simply pretends to not know. He does like listening to your voice after all), his eyes glanced at your form. Purple irises tracing and remembering each curve of your body due to how the outfit he had made hugged your figure nicely.
You stopped talking midway when you felt gloved fingers grasp your chin and turn you to the side before feeling a pair of lips pressing against yours.
You were glad your body immediately responded by kissing back. Meanwhile your brain is still processing the current situation.
Pantalone is kissing you. YOU.
(Y/n).exe has stopped working...
Pulling away from the kiss, you could only sat in a daze with your cheeks flushed red.
You are definitely going to tell Hu Tao about this.
Pantalone was simply enjoying your reaction. He too was waiting for the chance to be able to kiss you. He always wondered how your lips would taste like. After knowing it now, it made him crave for more.
Once you both finished dinner, Pantalone led you to the various shops and markets you two would pass by, offering you sweet delicacies and buying you expensive jewelry. Simply pampering you with gifts that he knows would look wonderful on you.
He doesn't ignore the fact that there are various people, men and women alike, who would eye you as if you were their prey. Nonetheless, he would have his arm wrapped around your waist and pulling you close to him. Showing the world that you already belong to someone else, him specifically. Pantalone wouldn't even hesitate to use his power and connections to take care of those that would try to lay their hands on you or even dare to take you away from him.
Pantalone would make sure that you get home safe once the date has ended, he would walk you back to your home.
He already has a promise ring in hand as he slipped it onto your finger, telling you that he would be visiting you more frequently from now on to be able to spend time with you.
You think he would just leave after getting you home and placing a ring on your finger?
He would pull you towards him before kissing your lips again, making sure this one lasts more longer than the one he did earlier until you're breathless before pulling away with a smile.
"I look forward to seeing you soon, dearest. Do expect that I'll be wanting your attention whenever I visit. I do deserve it after working so hard, no?"
Overall experience of the date? ∞/10
You are definitely giggling like a school girl while telling everything that happened to Hu Tao the next day. Her also giggling and squealing along with you. Zhongli could only shake his head in amusement as he drank his tea.
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kkurami · 5 months
( LOVE LETTER 2 U ! ) 💌 ² ˚ ༘ fluff
୨୧ ‧ megumi didn’t think he was anything special, not until he received a carefully written love letter just for him <3
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like petals unfurling at dawn, my love for you blossoms as each waking day arises.
there’s something so enchanting about being in love, don’t you agree?
i like to believe it gives people a deeper understanding of themselves and their emotions. most people i have seen turn poetic and elegiac when talking about the one they love, which i never quite understood until i fell in love myself. after all, how much can one change just because of another person? the thought had always seemed silly to me.
but if someone were to ask me to describe my feelings for you, i guess i would be a victim of just that.
loving you is a rather unpredictable experience. at times, you make me feel like the happiest person on earth. i get so giddy and whimsical just being around your presence, because you’re the most ethereal person. however, there are times when i’m worried you won’t burn for me the way i do for you. do you feel a fire light up in your soul whenever you see me?
my dearest, your presence is the melody that dances through the corridors of my heart. in the realm of moonlit whispers and star-kissed dreams, your love blooms in the garden of my soul, a symphony of sounds that show we coexist under the same sky. in every heartbeat, i find the rhythm of our connection, a serenade that weaves its way throughout our world. together, we compose a timeless sonnet of boundless affection.
i need to confess… i’ve loved you from the start ♡
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a faint blush overtook her features and sat mockingly on her cheeks, as if it waited to expose her inner feelings. she could barely feel the heat that radiated off it, everything in sync with the fast beating of her heart. the inconsistent rise and fall of her chest was synonymous the turmoil she felt deep inside.
her widened eyes held nothing less than affection for the boy who stood in front of her, as his eyes scanned the ivory paper in his hands.
fushiguro megumi, the one who had captured her heart with such grace.
it almost seemed silly, how much the boy had managed to enrapture ever fiber of her soul. after all— they hardly knew each other. she was astonished to find out that he had even known her name.
“this is a love letter?” megumi inquired, an inquisitive eyebrow raised almost as if to think it was silly. “for me?”
y/n’s head bobbed up and down in nervousness. she couldn’t wrap her head around the fact that she was speaking to megumi. “yes! i know we don’t know each other well and you probably don’t like me like that, but i just-!”
“why… me?” y/n put a hold on her rambling to scan her eyes over to megumi, who had his eyeline focused on the letter in his hands.
y/n quirked her head to the side. “why not you?” the question was silly to her. “you probably think people don’t notice you, but they do. i do. i've always admired you, megumi.”
like delicate petals falling from a sakura painted sky, y/n was a blessing that had graced the earth- at least, in megumi’s eyes. he never considered he was anything special, and opted to just live his life as it passed him by. however with just one letter, y/n seemed to reweave the tapestry of his existence. the page, filled with words of love and heartfelt serenades, seemed to hold megumi’s heart within its grasp- and y/n was at the forefront of it all.
“but,” y/n began to speak again when she noticed megumi deep in thought. “you don’t need to like me back. i just wanted to let you know how i feel!”
a sad smile graced her face, and megumi hated being the cause of it.
“let’s get lunch.” megumi roughy stated without thinking, before correcting himself. “i meant, um, let’s get lunch together.” he couldn’t stop the blush the threatened its way up to his face, nor the fast pace of his heart.
with hushed tones and soft smiles, y/n and megumi began their way towards the lunch room. the air was adorned with the subtle symphony of love as their hearts synchronized. amidst the delicate cadence, the world melted into the background, leaving only the warmth of companionship and the promise of countless conversations yet to unfold.
it was the beginning of a perfect love.
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parkvcrs · 10 months
The Flower Disease
SUMMARY: after developing a soft spot for his classmate s/n y/n, so imagine his surprise when he finds himself coughing up pedals the next day…
PAIRING: katsuki bakugou x fem!reader.
WARNING(S): mild cursing, angst, mild blood, fear of unrequited love, etc.
NOTES: i did write a hanahaki disease imagine for shoto todoroki a while ago, but ended up rewriting the last chunk of it since i didn’t like the way the ending was written.
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Bakugou was never much of a romantic. In fact, he despised and cursed the name of love. The mere thought of it left a sour taste in his mouth. He currently sat at his desk, scowling, as he impatiently taps his pencil against the surface. The classroom is filled with Valentine's Day decorations, pink hearts, and an assortment of gifts scattered on some desks.
He despises the overly sweet and romantic atmosphere, finding it all utterly ridiculous. His eyes dart around, taking in the flowers, chocolates, and love letters that seem to be everywhere.
‘What a stupid and pointless day. Who needs this lovey-dovey crap?’ He rolls his eyes, attempting to focus on something else, but the constant reminders of the holiday persist. He crosses his arms, doing his best to ignore the flutter of envy that tugs at him ever so slightly.
As Bakugou's thoughts intensify, he's suddenly interrupted by a cheerful voice.
“Good morning, Bakugou!” That’s weird. He’d didn’t recognize that voice. If it was Kirishima, he’d be able to pick his voice out of a lineup. But it wasn’t. A bit puzzled, Bakugou glances up to see S/n Y/n standing in front of his desk, wearing a bright smile and holding a small wrapped gift. But she becomes awkward as soon as Bakugou’s attention snaps onto her, staring at her expectantly. “Um…” she trailed off. “This is for you!” She held out a gift for him, looking away sheepishly as she did.
Raising an eyebrow, Bakugou asks, “Huh? What's this for?” His eyes shift between the small box and Y/n.
“N-Nothing!” Y/n stammered out. “I just wanted to get you something…”
Bakugou snorts and glares at the gift for a moment. He's not sure how to react, especially since he's never been on the receiving end of such a gesture. “Yeah, whatever. Thanks, I guess.” He did his best to act nonchalant about it.
He takes the gift with a hint of awkwardness, his heart pounding louder than he'd like to admit. Y/n's grin widens, pleased with his reaction.
“Oh, uh, you’re welcome!” Y/n replies, happy that Bakugou didn’t get upset with her. It was a surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.
As Y/n walks away to greet other classmates, Bakugou can't help but feel a strange warmth spreading through him. He attempts to push the sentiment aside, refusing to let this holiday affect him.
“It's just a dumb gift... nothing to get all worked up over.” He mutters to himself. But deep down, he can't deny the small excitement that's bubbling inside him. Despite his protests against Valentine’s Day, he can't ignore the fact that someone thought of him and took the time to give him a gift. ‘It's not a big deal. It’s not like I’m into this sappy crap.’ He reminded himself.
Yet, despite his dismissive words, Bakugou can't shake the feeling that maybe, just maybe, Valentine's Day isn't as terrible as he always thought.
A few days after this, Bakugou felt sick. But it wasn’t one of those ‘waking up in the middle of the night to throw up’ type of moments. He was just trying to hang out with the rest of his classmates in the dorms by watching a movie when he suddenly felt disoriented.
Holding a hand over his mouth and the other on his stomach, Bakugou stumbled out from the couch and hobbled down the hall. Unbeknownst to him, Y/n noticed this and watched him disappear with worry etched on her face.
When he finally gets to the bathroom, Bakugou locks the door behind him and clutches the sink, trying to steady himself as dizziness washes over him. His heart is pounding in his chest, and he can feel the sweat trickling down his forehead. He takes a deep breath, trying to regain his composure, but it's no use. The disorientation only worsens, and he knows something is seriously wrong.
“Damn it…” he grits through his teeth.
He stumbles over to the mirror, hoping to catch a glimpse of what's happening, but before he can even process the situation, a fit of violent coughing takes over. He coughs and gags, and with each heave, cherry blossom petals and seeds mixed with blood escape his lips, landing in the sink. The realization hits him like a ton of bricks — he has the infamous Hanahaki Disease which makes the host cough up flower petals due to their feelings of love and the pain of knowing that their love is not reciprocated.
Bakugou’s eyes widen, not knowing what to make of this information. ‘No way... this can't be happening!’ His panicked mind began to race at what seemed like a hundred miles per hour. ‘How could I let myself devolve into a pedal-coughing piece of shit?’ He tries to suppress the coughs, but they keep coming, leaving him weak and breathless. Feeling the heat engulfing him, he rips off his black shirt, discarding it on the floor.
The pain in his chest intensifies, but he will have to hide it from his classmates. He cannot let them know that he has a limited time on this earth. He doesn’t want to be seen as weak by those extras.
Katsuki gathers whatever strength he has left and hobbles over to the toilet, collapsing in front of it. The coughing continues, and he's at a loss for what to do.
Suddenly, there's a gentle knock at the door. “Bakugou?” Y/n spoke up. “Are you okay?”
“Go away,” Bakugou said, wrapping both of his arms around his stomach in hopes to bring the pain down a few notches.
“You don’t sound good… should we bring you to Recovery Girl?” She asked. She must’ve heard him coughing.
“I’m fine. Just go away, dammit!” He growled out a reply. Bakugou can't face her like this. He can't let her see him in such a vulnerable state, especially now that he's realized he has feelings for her.
Reluctantly, Y/n steps away from the door, finally leaving Bakugou alone. “This is all her fault... but damn it, why can't I stop thinking about her?” He thinks out loud, his eyebrows knitting together. This must’ve all started as soon as she gave him that gift on Valentine’s Day. Who knows Bakugou could be so easy?
He never wanted to fall for anyone, but now that he has, he's faced with the reality of possibly dying if Y/n doesn’t like him back. As the story goes, there is one cure and that’s to undergo surgery but there is just one problem: he wouldn’t be able to feel love again. What’s the fun in that?
He has heard stories about this wretched disease, but he never believed them because he always thought the anchorpeople were full of shit. Looks like he’s the fool now.
Bakugou steps away from the toilet and slumps down, sitting on the cold bathroom tile, his back against the bathtub. He covers his face with his hands, feeling defeated and torn. The coughing subsides for now, but the heaviness in his chest remains.
“How the hell am I supposed to talk to her now...?”
The next week or so was rough on Bakugou. Every time he felt like his body was going to betray him and expose him for having the flower disease— which only got progressively worse over time— he excused himself to use the restroom, but there is only so many excuses that he could tell Aizawa and his friend group until they all got suspicious that Bakugou was up to something.
“Hey, Bakubro,” Kirishima rested a hand on his best pal’s shoulder as they walked out of school. “What’s with you, man? You’re hardly ever in class.” He pointed out.
“I’m fine, asshole. I just have more important things than some stupid classes!”
“Are you sure? Because you’ve been leaving in the middle of class a lot and—” before Kirishima could finish his sentence, the blond beside him quickly cut him off.
“I said I'm fine, dammit! Quit hovering around like a mother hen.” Bakugou glared at his friend for a second, wanting him to get the hint that he didn’t want to talk about it. He knows that the excuses he uses won't last forever, especially with his friends now getting suspicious. But he still can’t let them find out about his condition.
Despite his harsh reassurance, Kirishima can tell something is amiss. However, before he can press further, Y/n is suddenly within earshot, walking alongside Uraraka and Deku. Kirishima notices how his friend’s demeanor changes as soon as he spots her, so he decides to back off, sensing that Bakugou might need some space.
When Y/n, Uraraka, Deku finally reach the school’s gate before Bakugou, she stopped in her tracks. “I’ll catch up with you guys later.” She said, holding onto the straps of her backpack tightly.
“Huh? Where are you going, N/n?” Uraraka asked as she and Deku stopped walking to stare at their classmate quizzically.
“I just need to go check on something. Don’t worry about it. It shouldn’t take long!” It took every fiber in Y/n’s body to fight the urge to not glance over her shoulder to look at Bakugou. She didn’t want her friends knowing what she was up to. If there really was something going on with Bakugou, she wants to know about it.
“Okay… safe safe, S/n.” Deku offered her a small smile, waving slightly.
“Will do!”
Turning on her heel too fast for her own good, Y/n soon ends up accidentally colliding with him, their foreheads meeting with a soft thud which caused them to both groan in pain. Bakugou more so given his fragile state, but they are both rightfully taken aback. “Oh my gosh!” Y/n lets out a small gasp. She bows. “I am so sorry!” She immediately apologies.
“It’s nothing. Just forget about it.” He waves it off determinedly, trying to keep the pain and discomfort hidden from her.
But before he can continue, a petal tickles the back of his throat, and he doubles over in a coughing fit. Bloodied flowers escape from his mouth, and he knows he can't hide it any longer. Y/n’s eyes widen at the sight of the blood-filled flowers escaping his lips. “B-Bakugou, what's happening to you?” She stammers.
“It's... nothing. Just a stupid cold.” He lied.
“This doesn't look like a cold, Katsuki…” Y/n crossed her arms over her chest as she slowly started to make her way closer to him. “Please, let me help you. You don't have to keep everything to yourself. So, what’s the matter with you?” She asked.
Bakugou hesitates, realizing that he can't keep his feelings and the Hanahaki Disease hidden anymore. The pain in his chest is unbearable, and he knows he can't deny the truth any longer. “Y/n... I... I have this stupid disease because of you.” He said, softly.
Confused by his words, Y/n’s eyebrows knitted together. “What do you mean, Bakugou?” She questioned.
He paused and stared deeply into her e/c eyes before replying with, “I-I fell for you, damn it! And I can't... I can't stop coughing up these damn flowers because my feelings are killing me.” He admitted.
Tears well up in Y/n's eyes as she processes his confession. She reaches out to hold his hand gently, her heart aching for him. “Katsuki... I had no idea...” she whispers.
“Well, now you know,” Bakugou averted his gaze, growing a bit embarrassed that the cat was now out of the bag. “So, what are you gonna do about it, huh? You gonna tell me to get over it and stop being weak?” He rambled, not even bothered to notice the small smile Y/n tugging on her lips until she took another step closer to him, nearly closing the gap between them.
“No, never. I could never ask you to do that. But… I think I know how to get rid of it.”
Bakugou raises an eyebrow, looking skeptical but intrigued. “Oh, yeah? Go ahead and prove it the—” Before he can finish his challenge, Y/n closes the distance between them and plants a gentle kiss on his lips. Bakugou stiffens at first, caught off guard by her sudden action, but soon he can't resist and closes his eyes, kissing her back.
The world seems to pause around them as they share this intimate moment. Bakugou's heart races and he takes a sharp breath as soon as Y/n pulled him close, but after a moment, there's a sense of relief and warmth that washes over him. He feels a connection he had never experienced before. After a moment, they slowly pull apart.
“There… are you, um, feeling better?” She stammered out, clearly flustered.
Bakugou is taken aback, both by her words and her actions. He never expected her to be so bold and straightforward, but now he realizes that maybe this is the solution he needed all along. “You're an idiot, you know that?” He said, softly.
“Oh, thanks for the compliment.”
“But maybe I'm an even bigger idiot for falling for you…” he looked away once more, reminiscing. “But I don't need your sappy words, but… if you're willing to put up with me, then I guess you can stay.” He added as if Y/n didn’t just save him from certain death.
Y/n playfully rolls her eyes, glad to have somewhat broken through his tough exterior.
“I think I can manage that.”
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starshapedb0x · 11 months
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: slow kisses and quiet giggles, light touches underneath the sheets as the sun rises.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: 18+ (minors dni and read at your own discretion.), morning sex, established relationship bf/gf, reader has a vagina, unprotected sex, fingering (f receiving), really lots of affection.
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Oscar Piastri x fem!gf!reader
𝐀/𝐍: it’s a little short but I honestly had so much fun writing it. English is not my first language and I explored a little vocabulary while writing so please 🙏
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You love mornings. Especially when your windows are open and you wake up with the dim, cosy light of the sun hitting your eyelids, forcing you to gently flutter them open and watch the sunrise, feeling the dust of sleep lingering along your face and body, And when you gain consciousness, feel your lover’s arms loosely wrapped around your waist while his other arm lays beneath your head, keeping it up right under his own. Warm, naked body pressed against your bare skin as he still lies comfortably in his slumber. It all felt unusually special after a frantic night out celebrating whatever it was, sometimes even just for fun. It felt even more special after not seeing each other for a whole week due to work.
Suddenly, the arm under your head moves slightly, and the arm around your waist pulls you closer. The head above your own turns down to press its lips against your head, kissing down to your cheek and, sneakily, your jawline. The ‘good morning’ leaving his mouth in a raspy voice but mellow tone as he lowers his kisses to your exposed neck, you quietly giggle and raise your shoulder to cover it, and you can only guess it elicits a smile from the male behind you as he rests his head back in the silk pillows of your shared bed.
His fingers traced light and various shapes along the sides of your torso; you felt your name being traced, and his name, letter by letter, carefully gliding against the skin on display. O-S-C-A-R. He slid his digits up to your shoulder, sliding painfully slowly down your arm, and that’s the moment you’re covered in goosebumps, your senses peeking up at whatever’s here to come. His fingers stop, hopping to your rib cage, where he traces your ribs one by one. He glides his fingers along the side of your waist, simulating where he placed his hands so many times, whether in an innocent way or not. Now he brought his fingers quickly down to your pelvic bone, which he loved so much, along with your collarbone, pressing down on it lightly. You reach your hand to his wrist, not to stop him but rather to guide him, slithering his hand between your legs, letting them push down on the inner side of your thighs, lightly running along the love bites left from the previous night when you’d finally met after being deprived of seeing each other. You can’t help but to part your lips at the lingering sensation, sighing softly, making Oscar kiss behind your ear and along your neck, the arm under your head folding at his elbow so his hand reached your head to caress the hair he loved so much, mostly caressing the side of your forehead very faintly.
Although it takes him so long to reach where you need him, there’s no such thing as impatience on mornings like this. There’s no such thing as desperation or frustration. There’s just one desire: to show how much you appreciate each other by lightly touching everywhere you love, to go deeper, to go slower, to go longer. More than leaving a mark on your bodies, leave marks engraved in your souls.
The way he delicately reaches your sweet spot and aches to be able to see your face as he takes his time to stroke exactly where you need it, finding the slow pace and precise spot where you’ve partially guided him to Oscar leaves kisses at the nape of your neck and around, hoping to catch even a small glimpse of your reaction. His fingers pick up a comfortable pace as he rubs your clit, sensitive still, whether it was from the previous night or simply because you’d just woken up. You forget how to breathe properly at that moment, breathing sharply and lazily moving your leg up to rest on top of his, giving him more room to work on. The sheets fell warm, covering you both from the outside world, which seems so distant right now. Your hand tightens its grip on your lover’s wrist in an attempt to guide him a little quicker, but he does not comply. Your other hand is around his other arm, so you have someone to hold on to.
He snuggles his head up against your neck, and you feel his breath hitting your uncovered skin and lingering along your neck, making you let out a quiet snicker, to which your boyfriend replied with one as well. As his digits lower their work and slip inside you, his thumb focuses on your clit, and the way his fingers circle your entrance makes you feel that buildup start to be overwhelming, your legs lightly twitching against Oscar’s body. And when he slickly slips his two digits in, it hits you slowly, a low moan leaving your mouth, breaking the silence felt until that moment. "Oscar, please.." He knows exactly what you want, so he doesn’t ask, but he’s not willing to give it to you right now. Instead, he pumps his fingers slowly, making you shudder underneath his touch as he kisses your shoulder. You know you can’t hold on much longer, and the way he’s working on you with his thumb along your clit and fingers moving at such a carefully slow pace leaves you shaking almost there. And that’s when he stops each and every contact he has with your body. His fingers slide away from between your legs, and his body leans back towards the centre of the bed rather than the side where you were both cuddled up. You close your thighs, hoping to get some kind of friction to end what he started, but it’s morning and you haven’t moved. Even if you were strong enough, at this time you weren’t.
Although you’re not mad at him, You’re patient, and you know what’s coming will be better. Your boyfriend gathers you towards him and rests you in the centre of the bed, lying down to make sure no muscle of yours is moving one inch. He sits back and carefully picks up your legs, sliding both of them on top of his shoulders. His eyes are half-lidded as he looks down at you, the dust of sleep still effectively spreading everywhere in your bedroom. He looks back down in between your legs, where he’d started previously, rubbing it lightly before stroking himself a few times. He carefully lined himself up with you and, only for a few seconds, let his cock rub against you teasingly. As his tip slid in, both of you gasped, looking at each other with eyes lit by the sun's rays now bravely peaking through your windows. He almost lies on top of you, one of his hands to your side, supporting himself on the bed, and the other reaching for your hand. As he reached it, he stretched his hand out and closed it, intertwining your fingers and pressing both of your hands on the bed. As he slid himself in, adjusting as he did so, you turned your head to the side leisurely, letting whispers of pleasure slip out of your lips rapidly. He leans down, keeping his face near yours. You can hear his quiet panting right in your ear as he starts thrusting into you. He kisses your cheek and then your neck, giving himself intervals between kisses to breathe. Your back lightly arches as he finally hits that one special place inside you, and you try to squeeze your thighs together, being impeded by the man between your legs working you so well and slowly that you’re on the verge of forgetting how to speak. He obviously notices and angles his thrusts to where he knows you’ll like them. You wrap your free hand around his head, running your fingers through his hair, and pull him closer to you.
"I love you, Y/N." He says it quietly in your ear, panting. His panting is getting harsher and his thrusting is getting sloppy; you know he won’t last much longer. But you’re not so far away either. Your legs are weakening and trembling, and you feel light waves of pleasure hitting you from time to time.
"I love you too, Oscar." You tell him shakily. He looks at you as you turn to him; a smile plays on his lips, and he presses your lips together, at which you both giggle lightly. In a few seconds, you feel yourself tense up, a choked moan leaves your mouth, and your legs wrap around your lover. A hit of pleasure runs throughout your body, and you’re done, panting sharply and closing your eyes. Only then do you feel your boyfriend tense up and spill inside of you, tightening the grip around your hands and letting himself rest on top of you as he rides out his high, lazily thrusting into you one last time before he pulls out. You let yourself go in that sparkly haze, closing your eyes and relaxing under that comfortable weight lying on top of you.
As you open your eyes for the second time this day, there’s a tray with toasted bread and jam, along with a pot of coffee, being held by that beautiful being you have the honour to call your own. He noticed you awake, so he sat right next to you. You sit up and rest against him, placing the tray in front of you. If there is a more perfect way to start the day, you haven’t found it yet.
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𝐀/𝐍: thank you for reading, please do send any requests
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devourers-of-god · 3 months
Hii :D
for first i wanted to say that i love your blog and the way you describe the characters!
can i request HC of the characters on valentine's day? if you don't want to do it to everyone, it could be just Travis and Sal. i'll let you decide there, take as much time as you want and if you don't want to do it, everything is fine. (i hope i wrote it well, it's a bit difficult for me to write in english)
HIII! thank you so much for the compliments it is very heart warming :( SOrry im late about your request HAHAH I will indeed do Sal and Travis only,,, you know me so well anon ,,, You wrote everything perfectly !! I couldn't have guessed if you didn't tell me :) ILY REQUESTS ARE OPEN PEOPLE! LOOK ALIVE! /ref but plz everyone, read my carrd In my bio before submitting.. its upsetting to see asks that doesn't meet my rules...
Type : Headcanons
Warnings: None! Mostly Fluff sorry y'all I don't write nsfw
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= Sal prepared some things for you by the gentle help of Ashley, because sal didn't know how to please you and Ash is your best friend.
= I think Sal would make you a valentines boo basket like the ones you see on TikTok. Filled with your favourite chocolates and CDS, cute slippers, horror movie blanket, jewelry and some surprises connected to your interests.
= He would come by your apartment/house and wear ''clean clothes'' ( Jeans he washed the night before and his favourite shirt lol), with his nails freshly painted of a beautiful black colour.
= He also brought movies to watch, romantic ones you say? Hell nah this Sal Fisher, he brought horror movies that you would enjoy.
= You were so happy by his gifts that you jumped right into his arms and dragged him into your room, he cuddled and kissed you A BUNCH because boy was he happy his partner liked what he bought them. He filled your entire face with kisses, when Sal started he couldn't stop.
= After all the affection was received, you two were stuck on the couch, under your new blanket, cuddling and watching movies. For the occasion Sal took off his mask, only if no one was there that day, which made you very happy and flustered to see your lover's face after a long day.
= Travis already struggles with showing affection, it was very hard to warp his mind around celebrating for the first time in his life Valentines day with his boyfriend.
= He also had to ask Ashley because she's your best friend after all, she recommended following his heart and doing something classic to not stress him too much. And that he did!
= My sweet boy put on a suit for you and bought flowers, not just any flowers tho, Travis believe in flower language. Which is that every single flower has a different meaning when given. He carefully chose Daisies (I truly love you), Red Carnation (My heart aches for you), Honey Suckles (Devoted affection) and lastly, Salvia Red (forever mine). Yes he could've chosen classic roses but he felt like you might think that he didn't put in any effort.
= This boy is an hopeless romantic and decided to write you a letter about his true feelings since he was so bad at expressing them in front of you, words couldn't leave his mouth but they were flowing with the help of his fountain pen.
= He then picked up gourmet chocolates, a bit expensive but he thought it would make you happy. Ashley suggested that he makes a mixtape of your favourite songs on a cassette since you had a walkman. He made 2 mixtapes, one of your favourites and the other one is songs that reminds him of you.
= He showed up to your door in the evening and your jaw dropped, seeing your boyfriend in a suit made you feel things you've never felt before. He felt super happy by your reaction and the letter was so profound it made you cry. You also knew flower language and you were basically bawling because of the effort (and money) he spent on you.
OKAY DONE ! you guys can see that I prefer travis over sal oops,,, I hope everyone still loved it! plz plz plz send me things because im desperate.... I love you all guys.......
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roohuh · 1 year
💌Only The Best Ones💌
Summary: You Ominis and Sebastian try and understand how you lost all memory of Ominis
Warnings: none
Part 2 of the Obliviate series
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“Well it’s no use covering what you don’t remember since you can’t remember. So I guess what do you remember?” Sebastian asks.
“From when? That is a broad topic. When did I meet Ominis? Let’s start with that.” You sit cross legged on the stone floor of the Undercroft pulling some blankets and pillows from a nearby crate.
“Do you remember how those got there?” Ominis asks eagerly. You purse your lips and think hard.
“Oh well now that you mention it, I don’t.” You say pensively.
“Do you remember Solomon?” Sebastian asks in a low sorrowful voice. You nod and give a soft “yes”
“Do you remember why you were at the catacombs that day that IT happened?” Ominis asks
“I remember receiving an owl…” you pause trying to remember who the owl was from. Everything in Ominis is screaming at him to take you in his arms and shield you from this. He wants to protect you, hold you, comfort you but judging by your attitude toward him that would do more harm than good. To you he is an absolute stranger.
“What about the first time I brought you down here? Do you remember Ominis throwing a fit over that?” Sebastian is questioning you relentlessly.
“I remember you teaching me confringo and the undercroft but no Ominis.” You shake your head and turn to the silent companion, “Ominis, you said you knew who did this?”
“I do.” He slowly answers. “Or at least I think I do. Your list of enemies is a long one but this-this is targeted. No, this was certainly my family.” Ominis lets out a shaky breath taking your hand still bruised from the heel of his mother. You wince at the pain which Ominis mistakes as a reaction to him.
“I am sorry.” He stammers, beginning to lose the battle with his emotions.
“No! Do not be sorry. I will not hear those words from you.” You insist on taking his hand once again. “I just have a bit of a bruise on that hand” you explain trying to comfort Ominis.
“It is quite the bruise too.” Sebastian remarks taking your hand from Ominis inspecting the welt.
“What happened?” The blonde worriedly hoveres.
“Oh well-you know- I am not entirely sure now that I think about it.” You all three stand in silence for a moment trying to puzzle through this problem each in your own way.
“We should probably figure out when this happened. Fairly recently by the looks of that hand.” Sebastian offers “When was your last letter from MC?” He asks Ominis. Reaching into his robe Ominis retrieves a large stack of letters, handing them to you.
“They are all dated. You should be able to find the latest one although I think it was a week and a half ago.”
“Do you keep every letter on you?” Sebastian laughs at his blushing friend.
“Not everyone, just the best ones.” Ominis awkwardly mumbles, giving Sebastian a shut up or die glare. You scan the letters for the date which you neatly left in the top right corner of each letter. The handwriting is certainly yours but you have no recollection of the words. Chewing your lip you read through the sweet  sentiments penned onto the parchment.
“Do you remember anyone coming to your home in the last few weeks?” Sebastian continued his interrogation.
“A tall blonde lady?” Ominis offers.
“I do not remember any lady but I do recall someone coming to visit me while my family was away. All I can recall is my house elf telling me there was someone in the parlor and rushing to see them but then it’s more of this a cursed brain fog.” You cross your arms in frustration, shaking your head, willing yourself to clear up the memories. Ominis moves to comfort you but you pull away shyly
“I am sorry. I can tell by these letters that my affections for you were real and passionate even, however” you pause trying to decide how to proceed. Ominis opens his mouth to speak and you cut him off.
“However, my inability to recall any of my time knowing you makes it hard to feel anything towards you more than I would a person I have just met. From what I can tell you seem kind but this is all so much. I just need some personal space. It’s nothing against you but it is a lot to take in finding out you have a forgotten lover and all.” Your words trail off at the end worried you had caused offense. Chest tightening you fight the strong confused urge to kiss him. It feels as if your body remembers him but your mind is clouded.
“Of course MC. I do apologize. For everything.” He stammers.
“Hopefully we did not study together often or I am in trouble.” You laugh trying to lighten the mood.
“Almost exclusively.” Sebastian says knowingly.
“MC I am-“ Ominis begins through tears before you cut him off
“Stop that! None of this is your fault it is obvious to me that you and your family's values do not align. I am also guessing this was more of an assault on you then one on me. So stop apologizing.”
“Once we get this spell reversed you two will be back to your nauseating behavior and we will all laugh about this.” Sebastian offers. Laughter fills the room as the three of you start to feel the exhaustion from the long day. Ominis quickly wipes his tears inwardly cursing his own weakness.
“I vote we all retire for the evening and take a crack at this problem with a night of sleep behind us.” You suggest. Sebastian heartily agrees while Ominis quietly nods knowing he will not be sleeping tonight. You offer Ominis the letters back a red tint creeping across your face even if he had already committed them all to memory it felt strange giving him the love letters back. Ominis took them gently being careful not to brush your hand in the process. He rifles through the stack gingerly feeling the edges of each. Eventually he pulls one from the stack handing the rest back to you. “Keep these and read through them maybe it will help you remember.” You hum then thank Ominis curiously eyeing the one he holds close to his chest.
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kandyrezi · 11 months
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PROMPT: Angels of Fumus with a human lover.
. . .
i. Taffy does not want to deal with inevitable heartbreak that comes with having a mortal lover. literally and figuratively, you are worlds apart and so, he keeps his heart closed. he's committed countless atrocities and sins and he wonders how he's still (un)mercifully living and breathing only because his god allows it. you find a confidant in him and he likes listening to you, in return he finds a friend in you and you console his grief to best of your ability, but that's as far as that'll go. it's for the best if he wants to keep you safe and out of reach from lord fumus.
ii. Yuu strays from romantic relationships generally, the chance of happiness is tempting but he resists the temptation for his own sake that would end up being ephemeral in any case. bringing you with him to his world is not an option, so he'll end up asking for advice from taffy – his closest friend and comrade – on the matter, though he has a feeling he already knows what kind of answer he will receive. he doesn't want you to cry over a caged bird like him, he leaves as many kisses on your face as needed until your tears have finally dried. "for... good luck," he'll tell you, not realizing it's the last you'll be seeing of his gentle, red eyes.
iii. Lei Hitotose cannot get enough of the wonder and awe you praise him with, asking how he manages moving around with those three huge wings ("wow, they're even soft like cotton!" you'll tell him) and trying to poke at his halo by standing on your tippy-toes. his sin is that he is self-indulgent to a fault, but he cares very little about it. he'll allow you to touch and pat him wherever you please, so long as he can return the favor with a 'curiosity' of his own by getting to fondle you – you can trust either way that this pervy seraph won't be keeping his hands to himself.
iv. Zero Hitotose reasons to himself he should focus on duty and mission above all else, but he's a fool in love and his mind drifts back to you, inevitably. he can live just fine without you, but he certainly doesn't want to. he's impulsive and not graceful in the slightest and always comes crash-landing out of the blue somewhere near your current location. you'll find him sprawled in a rose bush, and he's embarrassed out of his wits, but when you say you're laughing not at him, but because you're happy to see him, any regrets or second-guessed he had previously fade away in instant.
v. Engetsu may enjoy a little self-indulgent fling of his own, not at all shy to go after something that catches his eye. it's certainly fun for him too, to pretend to just be a normal boyfriend (who just enjoys crossdressing) that you have, to your family or friends, instead of an ethereal being from an entirely another world. he thinks some of them can probably sense something odd about him, those who are more susceptible to the otherworldly. yet at the end of it, he is still a realist through and thorough, knowing you won't be with him forever, as much as he does like you – amongst other complications and it's perhaps best to end it, but trust he'll give you something to remember him by; with long, passionate hours into the night in your room and clothes discarded on the floor.
vi. Fiore enjoys long conversations with you, how you see the world around you is so fundamentally different from his own, and your differing viewpoints keep his interest and attention. it's highly likely he can understand the language you speak, but you can't understand the writings and scripture that's written in the books in his world, so he would enjoy teaching you how to read it. it's undeniable by the feelings of deep affections he holds that it's more than friendship on his side. he doesn't visit often, but he writes letters. some of them are never sent. things he thinks should be said out loud, but won't (or can't) bring himself to do it.
vii. Inga never tells you of the violent conflicts and punishments he endures, but he doesn't always clean the blood and nurse the wounds effectively enough for you not to notice it anyway. he rarely talks about himself, preferring for you to do it instead. being in love with you is just being in another war with himself, and it's an easy victory (or defeat) to accept the hardship of loving someone so pure and worlds away from the source of all his pain. your presence to him is really the epitome of the phrase, "you gave me peace in a lifetime of war".
viii. realistically, Tsurugigozen has no interest in mingling with anyone that much of a lower status than himself. your unrequited yearning fuels his ego, but he keeps you at arms' length, not believing you to be worthy of him. yet he gets pissy when you lose interest due to his 'apathy' and he doesn't get the attention he expects from you, so he'll subtly degrade and make you feel small, but you won't let him get away with it, ("i thought god's angels were creatures of enlightenment, but now i see you're just some phoneys wearing stupid costumes!") and he's deserving of every nasty word – but one has to wonder why has he not just left if he really thinks of you as that insignificant. maybe he isn't as complex as he likes to think of himself as.
ix. Youran is a romantic in every sense of the word, it's possible he'll look at his surroundings with rose-tinted glasses and live in fantasy constructed of false ideals, ignoring all the macabre and the ugly. and you believe him too, with his kisses sweet as honey dew and words of romance like something from your collection of poetry books – but it is him who becomes lost in his own grandeur delusions and wringing you along, one of his comrades will likely have to remind him of the gravity of the situation and who it is he keeps sneaking off for not-so secret trysts under the moonlight and clear skies of stars. it is possible he'll be out of your life as abrupt as he came once the realization finally sinks in for him, making his presence feel like nothing more than a dream due to a fever. but it's certainly enough to leave a lasting ache and a hollow feeling because of it.
x. Aes doesn't remember the last time he really fell in love with someone – it could've been centuries or even eons ago because he's never really been the type to form romantic connections with anyone, but once he actually realizes it, it's an indescribable feeling of being at peace. the sweet blond angel, if only he could, would grant you immortality, but he would never want to subject you to the violence and bloodshed he's surrounded with daily, no matter if it's the devil's or his own god's world he's residing at said moment of time. he wonders of the possibility – if erasing your memories of him would ease his and your pain, knowing there isn't a reality out there where you could be together without a war in between, but he really doesn't want you to forget about him. in and outside the battlefield, his heart remains weak as always, and he himself can't deny it.
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animeniacss · 4 months
So Close Yet So Far - Mingyu x Reader - Chapter 13 - There's Nothing Worse Than Being Alone
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Synopsis: Your college friend, Kim Mingyu, has had a grip on your heart since the first day you met. Over the past few years, as you acquired more friendships and memories, those feelings only grew. However, recently, Mingyu has seemed a bit more distant, at least when it comes to any ideas of romance. It only gets worse when rumors fly that he's off to Japan to receive a marriage proposal! Unsure what to do, you wonder how you can keep Mingyu by your side without jeopardizing your friendship or your growing feelings. You never expected that waking up one drunken morning next to two hot angels would be your ticket into Mingyu's heart.
Genre: Romance, College!AU, Friends to Lovers, Modern Fantasy, Comedy, Angsty
Length: approx. 6.5k words
Chapter 13 - There's Nothing Worse Than Being Alone
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“Is he asleep?” you asked as Jihoon and Jeonghan stepped out of the room, closing the door behind them. Jihoon nodded.
“Yeah. He’ll be just fine.”
“What happened?” Minnie asked. “He was fine all day.” Jihoon and Jeonghan looked at one another.
“Heat exhaustion, probably.” Jihoon immediately stated. Despite the plethora of questions that would have left someone with, the group seemed content with the answer, knowing it was something fixable and that Joshua would ultimately be okay. That seemed to be enough for them. “Let’s not worry now, let’s let him sleep.” He motioned to Jeonghan, then to you. “Both of you. Come with me.” He said. You nodded, following Jihoon out to the back porch. Hoshi watched for a second as you all disappeared down the stairs, heading to the back porch.
With the rest of the group away, Jihoon sat you both down. “Okay.” He said.
“Is he really okay?” Jeonghan asked. “He dropped to the floor so fast and wasn’t moving.”
“I thought he died…” you choked out.
“He’s fine,” Jihoon assured. “He’s really lucky, though.” Jihoon sighed. “It seems to be more gradual with him than it was for me. The pain I felt was so intense it knocked me out right away. Since he hasn’t actually done anything to screw himself over yet, his body is still being affected but at a much more manageable pace. That won’t last, though, and if he keeps this up, he’ll end up stuck here.”
Wait… stuck here? “What do you mean?” You asked, worry in your voice.
“He won’t be able to reenter heaven,” Jeonghan said simply. Jihoon leaned back in his seat as Jeonghan motioned to him. “Like Jihoon.”
“Wh- Oh.” You blinked. “Oh!” your eyes widened in shock. “Oh…” they furrowed in sadness as Hoshi popped into your head.
“I think the next letter in the English alphabet is P,” Jihoon said. “I managed to peek at Joshua’s back when we got him into bed. Nothing is burned, nothing looks infected.”
“What is he doing that’s causing this?” You asked.
“He’s actively trying to sabotage both his and Jeonghan’s chances of getting into heaven,” Jihoon stated. The bluntness of the comment stunned you, and when you looked at Jeonghan, he only nodded in confirmation. You noticed he looked just as frazzled and confused as you did, if not more so as he chewed on one of his fingernails. “Well, kind of. He clearly doesn’t want to, but since he’s been on earth so long, he’s starting to experience more intense feelings of jealousy, anger, and lust. These are emotions you won’t typically find in an angel.”
“So he’s….what? Jealous of Mingyu?” When the duo only nodded their heads, your eyes immediately widened. Cheeks flush pink, you cover your mouth. “Oh my God. I confessed to him last night thinking it was Mingyu!”
“I know.” Jihoon snorted. “I saw.”
“Do you think that because of me, he-.”
“No, no, no.” Jeonghan immediately said, putting a hand on your back. While he did not have the power to calm your anxiety, the gentle touch he had was enough. “That’s not it. He would have to confess to you, or tell someone who he is not in contact with that he’s an angel. He hasn’t done any of that, but I guess since his feelings are so intense…”
“Then what about you?” you looked at him. Jeonghan laughed nervously, scratching the back of his neck.
“I’m more into older women.” he grinned at his attempt to lighten the mood. It seemed to work when the tips of your lips curled up into a smile. “I’ve felt it too. The anger, at least. He and I have gotten into more arguments the longer we’ve been here. It’s hard to control after a while. That’s why we hoped this entire thing wouldn’t take very long.”
“Well, what do we do?” you asked.
“We can’t do anything,” Jeonghan said. “Joshua has to come to his own sense or face the consequences.” Jeonghan seemed pained saying that out loud, and you put a hand on his arm.
“That won’t happen.” You assured. “You both have done too much for me, and I won’t let it end up in vain.” Jeonghan seemed comforted by this, nodding his head.
“It better not, or he’ll be damned to a life to me saying ‘I told you so’.” Jihoon rose from the table. “For now, let’s get some sleep.” As both you and Jeonghan rose, Jihoon stopped you both with one last comment. “Oh, I totally forgot. If Hoshi mentions anything about you two being angels, deny it. He’s only seen me. He’s not stupid, so as long as you don’t reveal yourself or confirm it, you’ll both be fine. Probably.” Jeonghan had to scoff at Jihoon’s last choice of wording before everyone finally headed back inside. At the end of the kitchen archway was Mingyu, arms crossed as he seemingly waited for you guys to come back in. He immediately studied your expression to see how you were after what happened.
“Everything okay?” he asked.
“Yeah.” You assured. “Everything is fine. I’m sorry your whole event was cut short.”
“Sorry? Don’t be. I’m glad he’s alright. I might have to kick his ass later, though.” You laughed a bit, which relieved Mingyu. “Get some rest, then. You’ll be busy tomorrow.” A warm smile looked down at you, making your once anxiety-filled stomach calm down just a bit. “I’ll probably turn in myself soon.”
The group around you agreed, and you nodded your head. “Okay. Goodnight.” You said. The men watched you head upstairs, closing the door to your bedroom. Mingyu leaned back to look at the stairs, waiting to hear if there was any commotion coming from your room. He had to make sure you were asleep. Once the coast was clear, he clapped his hands.
“Alright, people, let’s go.” He motioned down the hall, where Minnie, Hoshi, and Seungkwan came scurrying down, boxes and balloons in hand. “We have to work double with Joshua out for the night. Let’s get this done soon so we can get up early tomorrow, before her.” He watched Mina stroll down the hall just as everyone began rummaging through boxes. He smiled. “Hey. Ready? I figured you could do balloons.”
“Uh, I’m kind of…” Mina was stopped when Mingyu, grinning ear to ear, handed her a few bags of balloons. She watched as he immediately stopped for a second, processing her face.
“You tired?” he asked. Mina took a deep breath, feeling Mingyu put a hand on her forehead. “You’re not warm.”
“No. I’m okay.” She assured. “I’ll go start these.” She motioned to the couch, walked over, and took a seat as she opened the bag of balloons. Mingyu watched her for a second, before turning his attention back to the boxes and getting to work himself.
Meanwhile, as Jeonghan was picking up a few banners, one of which was being hung over the stairs to immediately catch your eyes as you woke up, Hoshi approached him. He grabbed the other side, motioning to the steps with tape in his hand. As the duo walked over, Hoshi finally spoke up: “Is everything okay with Shua-Hyung?” He asked. Jeonghan looked over, nodding in reassurance.
“Yeah. He’s tougher than he looks.” He assured. As Hoshi watched Jeonghan try to hang up one part of the banner, he looked over to Woozi, who sat beside Mina and offered her a pump to make blowing a handful of balloons much easier.
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
You both have made a mockery of angels. You’re lucky you’re even being given another chance.
We’re sorry. Just-.
Junhui’s wings were almost completely burned off because of you two!
Seungcheol, come on.
Sorry, there’s nothing I can do.
When Joshua’s eyes opened, he saw himself staring at the ceiling of his bedroom. He blinked, trying to slow his heartbeat before he started moving around. After a moment, he slowly rose upright, rubbing the back of his head. He could see the sun just barely breaking through the trees. When he looked further down the room, he saw that Jeonghan was already long gone, his bed already made. What happened? The last thing I remember is being at the fireworks on the beach. His legs wobbled a bit, but he managed to make his way outside into the hallway. He saw that the doors were all open, except for one – yours. It was only a few seconds later that he heard rustling and commotion downstairs. “What time is it?” he muttered, before making his way downstairs.
“She’s up already?” He heard one person gasp.
“Shit, fuck, hurry up!” Another whispered. Joshua furrowed his brows, slowing his pace as he reached the bottom of the steps, his eyes immediately noticing the ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY’ banner dangling above his head.
“Right. That’s today…” he said softly. When he looked up, all eyes were on him. “It’s not my birthday.” He managed to say with a tired, yet amused grin on his face.
“You’re up earlier than I thought,” Jihoon mentioned as he rose from the couch.
“How do you feel?” Jeonghan asked.
“Fine.” He said. Approaching Jeonghan, Joshua reached down and picked up a balloon. “I was asleep all night?”
“Like a rock.” He said. “Does your back hurt?”
“No. Not really.” Joshua said. Just then, Mingyu hissed a sound that a dog could barely register, alerting everyone’s attention.
“I think I heard her wake up.” He said. Joshua felt Jeonghan and Seungkwan lead him behind one of the walls as everyone else shuffled out of view of the stairs. Joshua, still sleepy, watched as you padded down the stairs, rubbing your eyes and trying to smooth out your hair.
“Hm?” When you looked up, you also caught sight of the banner above your head, feet stopping at the bottom. Just as your eyes registered the scene around you of a beautifully decorated living room, your friends popped out and shouted.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” You gasped, looking around as everyone, led by the ever-boisterous Hoshi and Seungkwan, began singing you Happy Birthday. A grin formed on your face as you looked around.
“When the hell did you set all of this up?” You asked, looking around.
“While you were sleeping,” Minnie said. She hurried up, enveloping you in a tight hug as the song came to an end. You laughed a bit.
“Aw, that’s so cute. Thank you, guys.” You watched as Seungkwan hurried over, a plate in his hands with a set of chocolate chip muffins all set in a circle, a little candle placed on the one in the middle. “…Is this my cake?” you grinned.
“It’s seven in the morning, you glutton!” Seungkwan gasped. “Who eats cake at 7 in the morning?!”
“Me, on my birthday.” You replied, before giving in and quickly blowing out the little candle on your set of muffins. Taking the plate from Seungkwan, you motioned it to everyone. “Shall we?” You asked. Everyone shuffled forward, taking a muffin to eat for breakfast. You watched as Joshua approached. Immediately, you thought back to what you and Jihoon had discussed the night prior. For a second, your mind told you to be angry with him for his actions. However, seeing his lips press and mold together as if they were trying to form the right words before he spoke them, you couldn’t bring yourself to feel that way. Being angry will only make things harder. “How are you feeling? Did you sleep okay?”
“Hm. Oh yeah.” He smiled. “Just fine. I’m better now.”
“We were worried. Don’t do that again.” Joshua chuckled a bit, nodding.
“Sorry, I worried you…” he said softly. You took an extra muffin, l handing it to him. When he offered you a confused look, you smiled.
“You have to eat up after last night. Come on, now.” Joshua hesitated, but took the muffin with a ‘thank you’. Mingyu slithered up beside you, grinning.
“Are you excited for dinner tonight?” he asked.
“Oh, yeah.” You smiled.
“Our reservation is at 7:30. Is that okay?”
“That’s perfect.” You said. As Mingyu turned his attention for a moment, your eyes fell on the one person left who hadn’t come to have breakfast. Mina was still on the couch, a plastic balloon in her hands as she squeezed it tightly. You could see her brows furrow in frustration each time she pressed her hands together with the balloon inside. “What are the plans for the rest of the day?” You asked the group curiously, turning to them instead.
As if on cue, Hoshi and Seungkwan made their presence known again. Seungkwan was holding a volleyball in his hands, both of them grinning.
“Beach volleyball.” They said in unison.
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
“What do you mean I can’t play?” Joshua asked, eyes wide. He watched as everyone hurried out to the backyard, where a large volleyball net was perched up. Joshua leaned over the railing, then looked back to you and Jeonghan. “I’m fine.”
“You should take it easy for right now.” You suggested softly. “Jihoon said you got lucky yesterday with what happened, and it could have been worse.”
“But volleyball isn’t going to make it worse.”
“Yeah, but something else is.” Jihoon snorted, Joshua, looking over at the smug angel resting against the railing just a few feet away.
“Jihoon said he’ll stay back, too.” You added. Joshua looked at Jeonghan, who was getting some hair out of his eyes and putting on a pair of sunglasses.
“You’re just not going to say anything?” Joshua asked. Jeonghan lowered the sunglasses a bit down his nose, eyeing his friend.
“Keep score?” he grinned, putting his sunglasses back up on his eyes as he led you down the steps. Joshua could hear everyone cheering for you both to hurry up, you quickly apologizing as you did. Joshua sighed, resting his elbows on the railing and peering down. He heard footsteps coming from his left, and Woozi was quickly at his side, resting against the railing again and taking a drink of water.
“What are you doing here? Other than mocking me?” Joshua asked.
“I wanted to stay behind and check on you.” He said. When he saw Joshua look confused, Woozi shrugged. “You can kick the angel out of heaven, but can’t forget everything he learned while he was there, I guess.” He said.
“So, what do you want to check on me for?”
“Tch. Like you don’t know.” Woozi said.
“I don’t.”
Jihoon groaned in annoyance. “Jeez, you’re becoming more stubborn by the day.” He turned to Joshua. “Do I need to spell it out?! You, high-ranking angel Joshua Hong are head over heels in love with a human girl.” Joshua leaned forward, covering Jihoon’s mouth with his hands and hissing at him to be quiet. He could feel the slimy smirk under his hands, and he quickly pulled away. Jihoon pointed to you. “Specifically, that one,” Joshua said nothing, only averting his eyes away from the snickering fallen angel. “No need to even confirm it. I see it on your face. That must hurt, having to help her basically friendzone you.” With still no reply, Jihoon continued. “A word of advice?”
“Why would I take advice from the likes of you?” Joshua asked.
“I’m the closest thing you have to a warning. And it seems you still fucking need one. I saw you almost bare your chest to her on the porch Friday. In fact, I’ve only seen the two of you together for a day and a half, and that wasn’t even the last time you tried.” Joshua thought it over for a second, your eyes, glossy yet full of love, staring up at him as you bared your heart out the first night at the house. Even knowing it was dedicated to someone else, Joshua still felt flustered. Curiosity beating him, he looked over at Jihoon one last time. He was watching the scene below of teams being divided up, 4 to 3 at the moment. Joshua followed the fallen angel gaze to Hoshi, who was standing beside Jeonghan and you, waiting for the volleyball to be served. You were motioning him farther back on the court, and he did so, bouncing with every step. He saw Mingyu, Mina, Minnie, and Seungkwan on the other side. Mina stood by Mingyu’s side and smiled as they readied themselves for the game.
“Do you know the full story of what happened?” Jihoon asked to fill the silence.
“You showed yourself to Hoshi without a contract,” Joshua said. “Like you’re not supposed to. I’m not doing that.”
“True,” Jihoon said. “But you’re about to bare your entire soul to the girl you’re supposed to be helping. You’re about to actively prevent yourself and Jeonghan from finishing the contract for being selfish. Doesn’t seem very angel-like to me.”
“How do you know what I’m going to do?
“I did the same thing, idiot!” Jihoon snapped. Joshua flinched a bit, his frown still firmly on his face. “I did the same thing.”
---------- 2 years prior------------
“Hey.” A voice called, making Jihoon look up. He brushed some hair out of his face to see a man before him. His backpack was slung over his shoulder, and he had a beaming smile. “Mind if I sit here? All the other seats are taken.”
Jihoon looked around the bookstore. There were actually many other tables available for him to sit him. Why did he want to sit here? Just as Jihoon was about to turn and ask that question aloud, he was already sitting beside him.
“Wh- hey.” Jihoon frowned. “I didn’t say yes. There’s plenty of seats, you liar.”
Hoshi chuckled a bit. “I know.” He said. “I hate reading alone though, and I have a lot to study for. Please?” he batted his eyes and pouted in an overly dramatic fashion that made Jihoon’s cheeks tint a bit pink.
“Uh. Yeah, whatever I guess.” He muttered. Glancing back down at his book, he tried to block out the sound of the guy across from him setting his textbook down on the table. That is, he was able to until he spoke.
“I’m Kwon Soonyoung, but everyone I know calls me Hoshi.” Jihoon glanced back up and saw that smile again.
“…Jihoon.” He said.
A smile. “Jihoon? Do you have a nickname people call you?”
“Your friends. What do your friends call you?”
“We’re not friends.” Jihoon clarified.
“We will be when I know your nickname.”
Okay. Jihoon had to chuckle at that one. “Uh, Woozi, I guess.”
“Woozi, cool! It sounds mysterious yet still cute. Like you.” Now Woozi’s entire face turned a bright red. At least, he assumed it did, because Hoshi started laughing. “Oh jeez, did that make you blush?! Sorry, sorry! I just had to say it.”
“Uh-huh…” Woozi muttered.
Hoshi just ended up…being around after that. Whenever Woozi found himself nestled in the farthest corner of the bookstore, unbothered with a book in hand, Hoshi would pop in and rustle up his peace. He’d talk about the new adjustments to school, his part-time job, his friends, really anything. Especially tigers. He fucking loved tigers. How did Woozi know this? Because when he looked up one day at Hoshi during one of his ramblings, he had his hand up in a claw-like motion.
“…What on earth are you doing?” he asked, setting his book down.
“It’s my trademark.” He beamed. “Instead of a wave, I do this. Hehe~.”
“…It’s my trademark.” Hoshi simply repeated. “We should make you a trademark.”
“What? A trademark? No, I’m ok I-.”
“Put your hand on your cheek.” It was as if Hoshi wasn’t even listening. “…Go on. Like you’re making a heart.”
“Uhm…okay.” Woozi wasn’t sure what was convincing him to do this – it must be the eyes – but he pressed his hand to his cheek. Hoshi leaned forward, taking Woozi’s hand and adjusting it. He popped Woozi’s palm out a bit, so it resembled the shape of half of a heart. “There. Perfect.”
“I feel ridiculous.”
“You look kind of adorable.” He laughed. “Now we both have our trademark.” Hoshi held up his paw hand sign again. Woozi avoided his eyes, setting his hand down and standing.
“I’m leaving now.”
“Wh- hey!” Hoshi watched Woozi grab his things and head out. “I’m sorry.” He scrambled to get his things and followed behind. “Did I upset you?”
“No.” Woozi lied. When he went past the door, hoping it would close in Hoshi’s face, Hoshi simply pushed it back out and kept his pace with Woozi. “Soonyoung-.”
“Hoshi.” Hoshi clarified. Woozi raised an eyebrow.
“Hoshi.” Woozi corrected, though slightly annoyed. “Why are you following me?”
Hoshi shrugged. “We’re friends now,” Hoshi said. Woozi was silent, hoping for more of an explanation. “…When I saw you sitting alone for the first time….it looked like you needed a friend.” Woozi felt in that moment his heart began to speed up. What the heck was going on? He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. “Did I misread it?” Hoshi frowned a bit.
“Uh…no. No, I guess you didn’t,” he said, guilt washing over him as he tried to calm himself down. How could he, an angel trying to get back into heaven, abandon the pure innocence of this guy who just wanted to befriend him? What did he have to lose by spending more time with him? “…Why don’t we…I don’t know, go find something to eat. You hungry?”
“Starved,” Hoshi said. “I have a bit of time before I have to get back to campus for class. I know a few close places.” Woozi nodded, motioning his hand.
“Lead the way.” He watched Hoshi walk in front of him, rattling off a bunch of different places he had been to with his friends recently. Woozi trailed behind silently. He couldn’t help it, Lord knew, but the more Hoshi rattled off random lunch spots he had never heard of, the more it made Woozi smile.
The duo had settled into a pretty easy routine: meet at the bookstore every Wednesday, get lunch, and have Hoshi back at school by the time class started up for him. Woozi had no reason to deny it, he had nothing better to do at the time.
The duo were headed back to campus after a stop at their favorite burger spot. Hoshi was deep into explaining why he was late today, Seungkwan stopped him to complain
“He says I haven’t been hanging out with everyone recently.” Hoshi frowned. “But I told them I’ve been busy.”
“I’m sure they’ll come around. “Woozi said. “If not, forget them.”
“I can’t do that. They’re my best friends.”
“Best friends don’t monitor your life.”
“…You’re pretty negative,” Hoshi said.
“You know. Negative. ‘Glass half empty’ kind of guy.” Hoshi paused, then added: “It’s not bad. You’re just different than me. Have you been that way you’re whole life?”
“Uh, I guess so.” Woozi thought back to his time in heaven, and why he got punished to Earth in the first place. “My old friends told me I was so pessimistic for my own good.”
“I don’t think it’s bad sometimes. If anything, it makes you unique. Wouldn’t it be a lot to handle if both of us were the same?”
“I guess,” Woozi said. “I can barely handle just you.” Hoshi laughed a bit, eating a French fry before continuing.
“A lot of people have told me my whole life I’m too hyper for my own good. People can be so judgmental.”
Woozi’s ears perked up a bit. He had been talking to Hoshi for a month and a half at this point, each Wednesday feeling far away until it came. Then, gone in a flash. He was hoping Hoshi would share something he could use to guide them into a contract. Woozi was desperate to tell Hoshi the truth about him. But the consequences of such actions lingered in the back of his mind. He had to be careful.
“Who?” Woozi asked.
“My parents. My brothers. All of them told me I was…a bit different from everyone else.” He shrugged. “I guess I always knew that.”
“Oh, yeah?” he asked. “Maybe it’s because you use your hand like a tiger paw.” Hoshi laughed at the comment, and Woozi couldn’t help but smile.
“Yeeeeaaaaah. I guess.”
Woozi had to think of his next few sentences carefully. “Have you ever thought of trying to reconcile with them?”
“A few times.” He began. Woozi smiled more. “But then I decided there’s no point.” His smile dropped, but he said nothing. “If I didn’t have the home life I did, I wouldn’t be who I am now. There’s no point in changing what’s happened. I’m happy where I am.” Hoshi’s statement made Woozi feel a bit tense. The one thing Hoshi had shared with him thus far and he had no intention of getting help to change it. What was Woozi to do? As Hoshi continued to talk, now moving on to the idea of his final exams, Woozi sighed.
“I’m sorry your family was so hard on you.” He said.
“Hm? Oh, it’s ok. Like I said, most of my decisions in life were because of my family. I’m happy now, so it’s not all too bad.”
“Still.” Hoshi shoved Woozi playfully.
“Hey. No use getting upset over my problems, Woozi. I’ve made great friends like you. What more could I want?”
“Ahh. Nope. I want us to be happy when we hang out, okay?”
“Uh…” Woozi saw the campus coming up the skyline at the end of the road. “Okay.” He said.
“Maybe we can all hang out together. You, me, and my friends. They’re nice people. They’ll totally like you! Even if you’re a bit negative.” Woozi smiled again. It wasn’t long after that the duo had to part, another 7 days before they could see one another again. Hoshi flashed a quick tiger paw in the direction. Woozi reluctantly put his half-hearted hand on his cheek, and the facial response Hoshi gave alone almost put Woozi in an early grave. He beamed, waving Woozi off before disappearing behind the campus walls. Woozi watched him, rubbing his shoulder silently. “What the heck kind of hole have I dug myself into now?” he asked.
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
“The longer we hung out, the more I didn’t care about anything else. I didn’t care about why I was put on earth in the first place. For all I knew, for all I cared, I was put on earth to be with him.” Woozi motioned below them, and Joshua’s eyes followed. “At that point, I thought things would be so much easier if I just told him how I felt. Despite what could happen, I’d at least be happy here on earth with him.” He clicked his tongue. “I was thinking like a human.”
-------------20 months prior-----------------------
“Hey. Soonyoung?” Woozi looked to his left. Hoshi, as excitable as ever, was watching a TV show the both of them had been watching for hours. Multiple episodes, yet Hoshi looked at each one as if it were the first time he had ever seen it. It made Woozi smile. “Soonyoung.”
“Hm?” His eyes didn’t leave the screen. “Woozi, I told you to call me Hoshi. I prefer it.”
Woozi sighed. “Hoshi…”
“Yeeees~.” He cooed. When he did not get an immediate response, Hoshi looked over. He immediately sensed Woozi’s unease, and he frowned. “What’s wrong? Are you ok?”
“Uh, yeah.” He stammered. “Actually…no. I really need to talk to you.” Hoshi’s frown deepened.
“Okay. Now, I’m kind of nervous.” He tried to play the whole situation off, mainly to hide his own growing anxiety about what was happening.
“Well, before I say anything, I need you to understand something.” Hoshi nodded, quiet to let Woozi continue. “What I’m about to tell you, might sound really unbelievable at first. But I need you to trust me, okay?”
“Okay,” Hoshi said softly.
“And I need you to try not to freak out.”
“What? Are you some kind of a secret agent or something?” Woozi couldn’t help but laugh. He always admired how Hoshi was able to take a tense situation and bring some much-needed humor into it. It soothed Woozi a bit. Woozi looked up at the boy before him and received a reassuring smile in return that folded his eyes into gentle half-moons.
“Heh, no, not that.” He began. Woozi sighed. “Might as well just get it over with.”
“What do you me-.” Hoshi was immediately silenced by Woozi, who unbuttoned the buttons lining his grey button down, and shrugging the shirt off entirely, exposed his chest. Hoshi’s entire face froze. “Eh?” Realizing then what was happening, his eyes immediately darted away, heart racing as his cheeks got hot. “WOAH, WOAH! I had no idea this is what you meant by having something to tell me!” Woozi cocked a confused eyebrow as he looked at the flustered man sitting before him. Hoshi, unaware that Woozi had stopped moving, continued to blabber incoherent sounds of panic. “This is moving waaaaay too fast!”
“What? Soonyoung.” Woozi said gently, but it fell on deaf ears.
“You’re great and everything. It’s nothing against you, but-.”
“Hoshi,” Woozi repeated, feeling his back muscles twitch just a bit. “Please, I-.”
“I don’t even know if I like you like that!”
Silence. The room fell into thick painful silence. Woozi blinked, watching as Hoshi tried his best to catch his breath and steady himself, eyes still avoiding him at all costs. Woozi set his shirt onto his lap, blinking just a few times at what Hoshi just said.
Put your hand on your cheek like a heart. Cute! Now, we both have a trademark!
It’s mysterious and cute. Like you!
“…What?” Woozi’s question was swallowed up as a gust of air burst through from behind him, back flinching in every which way to make way for his two large, feathery wings to spread out behind him. Woozi didn’t move, eyes wide as he watched the wings cast a shadow over both his and Hoshi’s faces.
It took a second, but Hoshi blinked, looking back over at Woozi. Woozi immediately felt his back tighten, his heart clenched, and his brain stopped working as Hoshi’s eyes went wide.
“Wh-wh-wh- WHAT THE HELL?!” Hoshi shouted. He scrambled back in his seat. Unfortunately for him, the edge of the couch came sooner than expected, and he fell backward, cursing as he hit his head on the floor. Despite the plush rug underneath, his head was still ringing as it collided with the floor. “Augh!” He groaned, clutching the back of his head in pain.
“Hoshi.” Woozi crawled over to the edge of the couch, peering down as Hoshi began to sit himself up. “I can explain. I can explain, I just-.” It was then that those back pains he had been feeling, the chest compressions that were making it hard to breathe, all began to rev up ten times what they were a few seconds ago. As Hoshi sat back up, eyes readjusting to a normal view, he could hear a groan of pain. “Aw, fuck.”
“Woozi?” He murmured, standing back up to get a better view of what was happening. “Woozi, what’s wrong?” Woozi grabbed hold of his shoulder with one hand, fingers digging into his skin so hard it cut a wound. Hoshi expected there to be some blood, even just a bit. When nothing came out, his eyes widened in surprise. Woozi leaned forward, hair covering his face as beads of sweat formed along his ears and forehead. Hoshi, now completely unphased by the feathery sight before him, knelt down to help steady Woozi. “Hey. Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” Woozi managed to gasp out. “I’ll be fine. I just-.” With another grunt of pain, Hoshi looked up. The beautiful white feathers he had just seen glitter before him began to darken. Some fell off and scattered along the carpet and couch. Hoshi watched as the ones that remained tacked to his back turned black, darkening like a meal being left on the grill just a bit too long. “Shit! Shitshitshitshitshitshit.”
“Okay, let’s lie you down,” Hoshi said. He tried to look nearby for a blanket, not wanting to leave Woozi’s side. However, that proved not to be a problem, as before he knew it, Woozi fell limp in his arms, the pain most likely being too much for his body to handle any longer.
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
“Next thing I knew, I woke up on his couch,” Jihoon said, pulling a leg to his chest. “Hoshi was asleep on the chair next to me. It looked like he had been crying.” The memory alone sent a deep, somber chuckle through his lips, and Joshua remained quiet until he was done. “I never ever wanted to make him cry.”
“What did you do?” Joshua asked curiously. Jihoon sighed.
“I left.” He said. “I couldn’t stay and explain myself. The damage had been done. I broke the rules, and-.” He motioned to his back. “Lost my wings as a result.”
“Why didn’t you just make a contract with him? I bet you could have convinced him somehow.”
“What would that have changed?” he asked, eyes looking immediately at Joshua, it made him feel like he was being pierced with a dagger. Jihoon’s eyes still had so much hurt and guilt trapped inside of them, even two years later. “He didn’t want to change anything. He was already happy, what else could I have done? I could have made five, ten, a million contracts with him but nothing would have changed. I still would have ended up this way at some point. I couldn’t hide how I felt forever.”
Joshua nodded. When he glanced back down at you on the grass below, he saw you hurrying to follow the volleyball that Seungkwan had served. Jeonghan, mischievous yet determined as always, popped up behind you and grabbed you by the waist, making you shriek in surprise as he grabbed the ball instead, serving it back into the air. Joshua’s eyes looked to Mingyu, jealousy immediately felt as he called out to Jeonghan.
“CHEATER!” He shouted. Defeated, Jeonghan raised his hands in the air before Mingyu headed over. Joshua smiled a bit and rested his chin in his arms as you continued playfully, blissfully unaware of the conversation happening only a few feet above you.
Joshua was refocused when Jihoon began to speak. “You want to end up like me? Wandering around aimlessly – alone – because you thought you could be happy with a human?”
“Jeonghan won’t be able to stay forever. He wants to go back. And your girl down there...” He pointed. “Doesn’t even want you.”
The last part hurt Joshua more than he thought, though he knew it was the truth. “You can’t deny it anymore. If you do, you’ll only be damning yourself to an eternity of loneliness. I don’t think that’s worth it, and I would know…”
Joshua turned back to the group playing down below once again, watching as Mingyu held the volleyball above his head, way too high for you to reach. Both you and Minnie tried to get it, laughing through it all as Mingyu continued to tease you both on your height. When Mingyu finally threw it, both men watched the ball fly until it landed in the hands of a giggling man in a tiger tank top. Joshua looked over at Woozi, who ended by saying:
“There is nothing…absolutely nothing…worse than being alone.”
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
“Joshua!” You called when you saw him hurrying down to the court. “I told you to rest.”
“I couldn’t. I was bored. Let me play.” He said. Questioned glanced passed by the group, but Joshua only added: “If I get tired, I’ll stop. Promise.”
“Okay…Then you’re just in time for another round. You’re on our team.” Joshua nodded, followed by immediately taking your hand into his. You were shocked as you felt him pull you into a tight hug, shocking everyone around you. You were confused, but you reached up and offered him a hug back. “Joshua?”
“Sorry, just hold on.” He said. You blinked, eyes scanning the faces you could with what little motion your neck had. Minnie looked shocked, Seungkwan looked shocked, and Mingyu looked pissed. “He’ll say something in 3…2…1.”
“JOSHUA WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!” Mingyu shouted. Joshua’s laugh vibrated against you as he finally pulled away, looking at Mingyu and grinning. You weren’t sure what it was, but Joshua’s energy felt…different. Much closer to what it was when you first crossed his path.
“What does it look like? I’m taking my chance since you’re taking too long!” He saw Mina’s eyes widen in shock along with Mingyu’s.
“Wha- DID YOU MISS THE FIREWORKS DISPLAY I PUT TOGETHER!?” He shouted. Joshua immediately released you as Mingyu jumped over the net. He grabbed the volleyball, charging after Joshua until he hid behind Jeonghan, who also had a grin on his face.
“Don’t worry, Joshua. I’ll support you.” Jeonghan said, which only made Mingyu angrier.
“What a turn of events,” Seungkwan muttered behind a laugh.
“You two are traitors!” You heard Mingyu shout in annoyance, which only seemed to rile them both up more. Joshua once again reached out to take the ball, staring at Mingyu for a second, who was pouting like a toddler. Just then, Joshua tossed the ball in Mingyu’s direction. His quick reflexes allowed him to catch it, but he looked at Joshua with a confused eye rather than an annoyed one.
“….What are heck are you staring at?” Joshua asked, now completely deadpan and serious. He walked over, taking the ball back into his grasp. With his straight expression, he tossed the ball over the net. “I’m trying to play volleyball. What’s with all of these distractions?” You couldn’t control your laughter at his comment, pushing him away as he approached you once again.
“Oh, shut up.” You scoffed. Joshua smiled, before pumping a fist a you.
“Ready to win?.” He said. You nodded, pressing your fist against his as well. “Fighting.”
“Fighting!” You shouted.
As the game began, Hoshi caught a glimpse of another figure heading down the steps. He looked over to see Woozi walking over, plopping himself down on the chair beside the scoreboard.
He immediately thought back to the past few days, and what would happen if he chose to cause a scene. Gulping, he called out: “Are you playing too, Woozi?”
“Ah. No.” Woozi called, unable to hold back his smile. He motioned to the scoreboard. “I’ll keep score.”
Despite the clear tension between the two, Hoshi threw up two thumbs up that transformed into tiger paw hands in a show of support for Woozi’s choice, and for a second, Woozi got to remember what heaven felt like. 
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eu-nicola · 8 months
Anakin Skywalker x Fem! Reader
part 1
part 2
summary: the relationship you had with Anakin had become something more than friendship
warnings: morality is almost non-existent, age-gap, infidelity, pregnancy loss, english isn’t my first language. ( I warned you )
It is not completely corrected
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After everything that happened you stayed away from everyone for a few months, you were alone and calm away from people and chaos, everything was calm for you until you received a letter with a request from your sister for you to come back because she had lost her pregnancy and she wanted you to be there to support her, you immediately did so and came back. You only saw her the times you visited her in her room because she refused to leave her room and the same thing happened with Anakin he only saw her when she let him in.
The words you exchanged with him were very few and were always related to Padme, a few weeks later you saw Padme slowly leaving her room resuming her routine and her duties as required, amidst all the chaos you had not remembered that there was very little for your 17th birthday, it's not like you want to celebrate it, this was not a good time and you didn't think that anyone else would want to celebrate it with you, well you were wrong.
Anakin and Padme were the first to remember along with the Jedi Obi-Wan, despite the sad moment they were going through they decided that it was time to bring some joy and what better than celebrating the birthday of a person so dear to them, you . The party was small just between you and some of your friends but it was very beautiful, you were at home so everything was more than fine. You felt happy that the people you loved were there with you, accompanying you for another year.
That night when everything was over the people were no longer there and everything was silent, you were in your room still with your dress on, brushing your hair in front of a mirror, the windows of your balcony were open and you could feel the fresh air blowing through behind you while the lights outside illuminated the room, that's when you felt a knock on the door of your room, it was Anakin who opened it when you gave him permission.
“Ani, is something wrong?” You asked standing up from your spot.
“Oh no, I was just bored and wanted to talk to someone.”
“How did you know i were awake?”.
“Well I felt you so I came.”
“Oh right, well I'm glad you came, come let's sit down.” You invited him to sit in some armchairs that were in a room near your balcony. “How have you been feeling these last few days?” You asked.
“I'm better, I never imagined what was going to happen but I try not to let it affect me.” There was still some sadness in his eyes, you could see some tears that wanted to come out.
"Did you talk to Padme about this? I mean about everything that happened." “We haven't talked about it yet, when I want to talk she avoids the topic so I guess it's better to forget about it and move on.” You moved closer to him trying to comfort him when you saw some tears fall.
“Perhaps for the moment it is the best, Ani, I am here for everything you need, you are my friend and I love you.”
At that moment he looked at you and smiled in the most genuine way you could have expected, you didn't react when he approached you and kissed you, you separated as quickly as you could, surprised by the kiss and although it was a moment, you didn't realize what happened.
“I think you got confused, I don't think you meant to do that, maybe it was just sadness.” You told him trying to get away from him. "We can not".
"If we can". When he got closer you could feel his breathing coming heavily from him. “You are the only person who understands me, please.”
“No, Annie.” He kissed you again before you could say anything and this time you let yourself be carried away by what you felt since the first time you had seen him.
After that the only thing you remember about that night was how he made you feel, that was your first time and he made sure to treat you in the best way possible, he made you feel safe and wanted, you experienced sensations that you had never felt before and for the first time for once in your life you felt like the first option even though deep down you knew that wasn't the case.
The next morning when you woke up you were already alone in your room, the sunlight had woken you up and the pain in your body quickly became present, you thought about spending the whole day in your room but you couldn't, you still had things to do before to be able to rest. In the kitchen you found Anakin and Padme eating some fruits and talking. Immediately when you saw him you froze in your place, your sister approached you and invited you to stay with them for a moment, you sat next to him, Instantly their hands touched each other under the table making you feel strange, you didn't last long there before leaving trying to escape from that situation.
After that night things began to change, you were closer to him and there were even times when he would see you in your room and you would spend hours and hours together, either talking or making love as if you were really his wife, something that you tried to make yourself believe. This had started and you didn't know if you could finish it, you didn't want to finish it.
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aqricus · 2 years
thinking of vanitas watching you form an infatuation with a casual acquaintance of his who isn't even interested in you. vanitas is nothing but a friend, restricted to a platonic relationship while you fuss over your appearance to impress someone else and preen at the slightest praise or second glance from them. all the while, all he can do is clench his jaw and offer up passive-aggressive opinions when you so innocently ask him for opinions on dresses—blue dresses, the same shade as his own irises. are you being unfair? is he being childish?
it's sick, self-sabotaging, the way he proceeds to observe your exchanges despite the bitter envy curdling his stomach and the acrid taste on his tongue. he can't help but wonder if karma is finally serving him the hand he believes he deserves—all the times the stars aligned to dump him into sticky situations forcing him to eavesdrop on or bear witness to conversations that make his chest twinge and his eyes turn downward in shadowed displeasure, lost in thought. it would make sense, wouldn't it?
you actually returning his affections? improbable.
so what if he's entertained the thought of being the one on the receiving end of those pretty, perfume-scented letters he'd always watch you write? so what if he wants your undivided attention focused on him, your eyes fixated on his and trailing after him even after he steps away? so what if he wants to be the reason you so meticulously piece together outfits and doll yourself up? that doesn't matter.
well, it doesn't matter until it does. at first, vanitas doesn't notice it—the way your attention no longer lingers on his acquaintance for long periods of time or how the letters that seemed to be a staple in your routine started to disappear from your day. for someone who spent so much time analyzing and unraveling you, it certainly threw him for a loop when he half-heartedly pointed out his acquaintance's presence in a crowd and you barely spared them a glance before mumbling an "oh, cool."
you lost interest.
they lost your interest.
what a fool.
initially, he doesn't understand how he could've overlooked such a pivotal point in his chances with you. perhaps it was his brain protecting him, keeping him from dissecting his interactions with you so he doesn't sink into that spiraling abyss of overthinking and self-deprecation. but, at that point, all that matters to him is why. why are you suddenly uninterested in them? what changed?
there was a fleeting moment of reluctance before you answered his inquiry, and all he could do was hum. "i knew. i knew they didn't like me, and i dunno . . . i guess i got tired of waiting around for things to change."
you knew their feelings regarding you, and yet you subjected yourself to the heartache and disappointment of unrequited feelings, anyway. sounds familiar.
so, when you finally noticed his toeing of the line between platonic affection and courting and accepted him, it was surreal. it was terrifying, the vulnerability that rose to the surface every time your eyes so lovingly searched his or your hand softly cradled his cheek. at first, a tiny part of him regretted applying himself to several months of flirtatious behavior and maintaining a frequent presence in your life. he didn't like the way he was left completely at your mercy every time you climbed into his lap or told him you loved him, nor did he like the way even the slightest whiff of your fragrance flipped his heart upside down behind his usual teasing facade.
but, once he comes to terms with his newfound relationship with you after what was probably the longest, most challenging mental breakdown he's ever had, vanitas gets greedy. he boasts about you whenever the opportunity arises, sneaks peeks at you through the crack in your door while you get ready for your date, and is always in your face to impishly ask for a kiss or tease you until you avert your eyes and pull that one expression that never fails to cause heat to pool in his stomach. he purrs when you perch on his lap to kiss him, the weight on his thighs soft and warm and just right. being loved is addictive, a high to soothe the lows of the day and an added zest to the messy kisses and mischievous touches that transpire between the two of you.
so, when his acquaintance reappears in your life with a confession of love, vanitas is shocked, and, not to mention, irritated. the "withheld feelings" they speak of are nothing but bullshit—that he knows for a fact. he isn't stupid. the only reason they're seeking you out now is because you're perfectly content with someone else and couldn't care any less about them, which is what vanitas has been waiting for for almost a year. they believe they can just waltz right back into your life and upend your relationship simply because they can?
vanitas knows his presence gets under their skin. after all, the entire time you pursued them, you promised that vanitas was "just a friend.” but now, they're forced to watch as your "friend" grips you by the waist and tracks the softest kisses across your jaw and throat. vanitas was never considered a threat to them—he's positive that's what keeps them up at night. yet, here he is, here you are, and here they are.
their plans to worm their way back into your life are foiled before they can even be put into action, and it's an absolute joy to watch them crumble when they realize it.
vanitas doesn't flinch when all of his cutting, passive-aggressive comments land him with a fist twisted into the collar of his shirt and a fire in his acquaintance's eyes. his eyes are cold, calculating, unforgiving as he listens to their accusations of him being a womanizer; because their words don't matter to him. you know that he's here to stay with you and you alone, something he proves over and over almost every night. they're so worked up vanitas swears he can see a vein thrumming in their temple, and he cracks a haughty, twisted grin.
now that he has you, he’s not going to let anyone take you away.
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gracehosborn · 1 year
The February 4th 1781 Letter
So the other day I got all excited over receiving a scan of Hamilton’s February 4th, 1781 letter to Laurens. While I can’t share the entire thing, I at least feel comfortable to share this small part which gained all of my attention. Words in brackets are ones that are lost due to the edge of the page being burned:
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Adieu [my] beloved friend. Do justice to my [page burned off] for you. Assure yourself that [it is] impossible more ardently to w[ish for your?] health safety pleasure and success [than] I do. God send you speedily back to us.
There is so much I want to say, but I’ll start with the first elephant in the room: notice how none of this passage is edited by Hamilton in any way? How fluid and crammed his writing is—much like in his “I wish there was a War” letter to Stevens?
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Source: Alexander Hamilton to Edward Stevens, November 11, 1769, Library of Congress.
Just like when writing “I wish there was a War,” Hamilton really meant what he said to Laurens. The nature of his handwriting saying that there was too little room for all he wanted to say, and thus did not second-guess himself. This is very openly affectionate.
To the second elephant in the room: “Do justice to my” what? We don’t know as this portion of the page is burned off. However each page of this letter has burn spots on the edges just as you see above, so I do not think this was intentional by any means.
When transcribing Hamilton’s papers, the editors of The Papers of Alexander Hamilton assume the word to be regard (“Do justice to my (regard) for you” XX ), however realistically speaking, the word could be a number of things. Regard, esteem, respect, even love, or my particular favorite: partiality.
Partiality appears four times throughout the Hamilton/Laurens correspondence, used in Hamilton’s letters. While I am not going to quote every single example, I will say that in each, the word is used in the possessive (“my self byassed by my partiality for you….,” “However your partiality…”, etc). Another thing to note: it is a common practice that two of a thing is simply coincidental, whereas three or more of a thing—whatever it may be—is indicative of a pattern. As “partiality” appears four times within Hamilton’s letters to one individual, it is clear this is a pattern. This becomes more notable when considering that partiality is a synonym of love, and that these words share other synonyms throughout these letters (particularly “affection”/“affectionate,” “inclination,” and “attachments.”) Further, all of these words are synonymous with each other—ie: they all mean more or less the same thing.
With all of this in mind, I decided to play around and see if partiality could fit within the burned space, using the word as seen in the manuscript of the June 30th 1780 letter:
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Adjusting the cropped word to be the same size as the other writing, and to be as close to how crammed and tall it is here, we can see that the word would indeed fit. Note however that this is very rough and could be done better, I just don’t have the software to test this further. What is very interesting to note, going back to the possibility of a pattern, is that “my partiality for you” is actually seen in the June 30th letter. Considering things, and that these phrases match up almost exactly, it’s not a stretch to say that repetition occurred. 
So, all this said, I’m shocked at the lack of edits, and in my heart the missing word is partially.
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Darling, Let's Run - Finale
Part XI: The First Snow
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Summary: A month after her sister mysteriously went missing, Feyre receives a letter instructing she leave the village immediately. And the letter's messenger? A curious black cat.
A sequel to They Are the Hunters, We Are the Foxes. While I recommend reading it first, it is not necessary. I guess this can technically be my contribution to @unofficialfeysandmonth2022 Day 29: Domestic Couple
Read on AO3・Feysand Month Masterlist ・Series Masterlist
Previous Chapter
“You must have an extraordinary tale to tell.”
Feyre couldn’t help her laugh, stangled as it was against her dry throat. It was just… it was such an Elain thing to say to someone covered in bandages, only just dragged back from the brink of death. Then Feyre was blinking back tears as she recalled a time she had believed she would never be able to indulge her sister’s optimism ever again.
All that time, worrying after Elain and now she was right in front of Ferye. And she was practically glowing. Full cheeks, big smile, fine winter gown. All things that she hadn’t seen on Elain since they were both little girls.
“It’s you who I believe has an extraordinary tale,” Feyre said behind a shaky voice, eying Elain’s stomach. There wasn’t yet a noticeable bump beneath her gown, but the way Elain’s freehand fell to her stomach was a telltale enough sign.
Elain’s answering grin was nothing short of radiant. It struck Feyre that she was happy about the baby—more than.
“I do,” Elain said brightly. “A tale so extraordinary I didn’t think you or Nesta would ever believe it. But… I’m inclined to think you’ll believe it now.” She turned her head, calling towards the door, “Lucien. Come meet my sister.”
The door cracked open, and in stepped a tall, finely dressed red-haired man. Handsome, even with the brutal scar that cut across half of his face. His eyes—one russet and one gold—swept over the room, looking first to Elain. From the affection that lit his entire face, and the way Elain immediately returned that look, Feyre knew who Lucien was without any further explanation.
Still, Elain said, “Feyre, this is my husband. Lucien.”
He bowed at the waist. “It’s a pleasure, Feyre.”
They both seemed to hesitate for a moment. Elain took a deep breath. “Lucien is also my—”
“Mate,” Feyre said. She glanced between them, noting the pointed ears Lucien didn’t even attempt to hide. Elain’s mysterious disappearance began to make much better sense. “Did you kill Lord Graysen?”
Lucien’s lips twitched into a sardonic grin. “You don’t believe your sister is capable of being a ruthless killer?”
“No,” Feyre answered plainly, thinking of the way Elain’s face would curl in disgust whenever she brought home game from the forest. Elain had always needed to leave the room before any of the butchering started, and Feyre certainly couldn’t imagine her sister ever wielding a knife to cause someone harm.
Lucien chuckled to himself, sliding behind Elain so he could curl an arm around her waist. His hand fell over hers where it laid against her stomach, until their fingers intertwined. “Then you don’t know Elain like I do. I don’t recommend being on the wrong side of her knife.”
“You better behave,” Elain said lightly to him. “Or you will be.”
It was lovely—so, so lovely—to see Elain happy when Feyre had expected misery. But seeing them together, staring so adoringly at one another, made her chest cave in. The hollow space rang not quite with envy, but… something close. Something that made her ache not just in her bruised body, but in her soul.
“Elain, did, uh…” She tried to sit up, despite how her bones groaned in protest. “How did I get here, exactly?”
“Rhysand’s in the next room over. We know that’s what you really wanted to ask,” Lucien answered, laughing under his breath when Elain elbowed him.
“He’s in rough shape—both of you were, when Azriel brought you in. But he’s okay.” Elain smiled gently. “Would you like to see him?”
He’s okay. He was alive.
“I don’t know,” Feyre said, mostly because she couldn’t believe she could. Her body felt brittle, like it would shatter to pieces if she put too much weight on it. Lucien would likely carry her, if she asked, but… she was still reeling at the knowledge that Prick had been Rhysand all along. Lying to her, from the very moment they’d met.
“That’s fine,” Lucien said. “The bastard’s been begging us to let him in your room. I’d be delighted to—”
“Just let us know if you change your mind,” Elain interrupted. “We’ll only let him come in once you’re ready.”
Feyre blinked. They’d said he was in rough shape. “Is he… is he even in good enough health to walk?”
“No,” they both answered flatly.
Lucien was laughing again, shaking his head. “Believe me, Feyre. He’d crawl his broken body over hot coals to make sure you were alright. And no amount of reassurance on our part is sufficient. Apparently.”
“Okay,” Feyre said weakly. What was the use in denying that she longed to see him, just to confirm that he really was okay? She’d be punishing herself just as much as she’d be punishing Rhys. “You can let him in.”
Elain and Lucien glanced at each other, some silent communication passing between them. Elain nodded and her husband promptly left the room with little more than a nod goodbye to Feyre.
“We’ll give you two some space,” Elain said. “We’ll have a servant outside your door. If you need anything—anything at all—just ask.”
A servant. Feyre watched Elain leave, elegant skirts swishing with each step. Feyre had once never believed any of them would be able to casually throw around that word. And yet, somehow, it was last on the list of unbelievable things that had happened to the Archeron sisters.
It didn’t take long, after Elain left, for someone to bang on the door. Thunderous and impatient. Feyre stayed in her bed, twisting the sheets between her fists. “Come in.”
Warm light flooded in from the hallway as the door creaked open, illuminating a shock of blue-black hair. Ruffled, like he’d been running his hands through it.
Feyre stared at Rhys.
He stared at her, wavering on the threshold.
She knew that one word, and he’d go back to his room. Even if what Lucien said was true—that he’d been desperate to see her—he would leave, and wouldn’t push it.
Her eyes drank him in, registering every injury. He was shirtless, covered in bandages that spanned diagonally across his chest, over his stomach, around his neck and shoulders. He held a crutch—she didn’t know the fae needed such things, but he was propping himself against the doorframe like he couldn’t stand on his own.
Mate. Her… mate.
Holding his gaze, Feyre scooched over on the bed, patting the space beside her. “You have… a lot to explain to me.”
He swallowed thickly. “I know.”
She watched him limp towards the bed, resisting the urge to help him. It was deserved, she told herself, even as she cringed with every step. Eventually, the bed dipped beneath his weight, and she was again embraced by the scent of citrus and the sea. She could have sworn some of the ache of her physical body eased.
“Elain’s father-in-law is a good friend of mine,” Rhys said. He kept his distance, keeping himself confined to the edge of the bed, legs strewn over the side. “When she fled to Velaris, he asked me to deliver a note to her sisters.”
He turned his head, violet eyes meeting hers. “That was all it was going to be. But I took one look at you, and I knew immediately who you were. My mate. And you offered me food, so I… accepted it.”
Feyre shut her eyes. “Tell me what it means.”
“It means that you’re my equal—my perfect match. That I am yours, and that there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you. And when you offered me food, it meant you accepted the mating bond.”
That stupid piece of chicken. She could almost hear Nesta’s smug laughter in the back of her mind, saying I told you so when she had warned that if Feyre fed the cat, it would never leave her alone.
“It’s like marriage.”
“It’s more than that,” he said. “Our souls our bound together. Can you feel it?”
The golden cord in her chest. Feyre could feel it tugging, testing if the line between them was still taut. She looked down towards her hands, unable to face the hope and the fear in his expression. “What if I… don’t want a mate?”
“Then I’ll go,” he whispered, brokenly. “And I’ll never disturb you again.”
“You made me promise I would be your wife,” she said. She lifted her eyes to his forearm, tracing the tattoo that disappeared beneath his bandages. “Was that real? Those dreams?”
“Yes,” he said. No ounce of shame, even now. “It was all real. And I can release you from the bargain, if you’ve changed your mind.”
“And…” Feyre hesitated, knowing she was venturing down a path she couldn’t turn back from. But perhaps she had long been venturing down that path, from the very first night that she followed the mysterious traveler into the woods. She hadn’t been willing to admit it to herself, but maybe there was already no turning back—there hadn’t been for a long while. And maybe she didn’t want to. “And If I haven’t changed my mind?”
The bed shifted as Rhysand moved closer, lifting his legs so that he lay beside her, and could reach across to the arm she had injured when she’d fallen off her horse. It had been newly rebandaged while she was asleep, but now Rhys was delicately unraveling the fabric, until the wooden splints came free and she could see her bare arm. The skin was pale and had begun flaking beneath the bandages, which made the dark, swirling tattoo stand out all the more sharply. A perfect mirror to the one on his forearm.
“Then you would be my wife,” Rhys said, tenderly running his fingers along that tattoo, from wrist to elbow. “And my mate. And I will love you until the stars turn to dust.”
She stared at the tattoo, memorizing each of the intricate whorls. To think it had been hidden beneath her bandages, all this time…
“And we can stay here?” She asked. “You’ll let me be Elain’s midwife?”
“I won’t let you do anything,” he said, sounding mildly offended. “You are free to do as you please, Feyre. We can stay here, or we can stay in my manor, but regardless you’ll be free to come and go as you wish. After what happened to dear old Tamlin, I’ve learned my lesson on trying to influence your decisions. Azriel told me you nearly stabbed me to death, too.”
Feyre reached over to flick him on the forehead. “Oh, and you would have deserved it, you—you…”
Rhysand took advantage of her proximity to lean forward, until his smirking lips were a breath’s distance away. “Go on, Feyre darling,” he purred. “What am I?”
“A liar,” she spat. “An arrogant, manipulative scoundrel.”
Rhys was staring at her mouth. “Such a sweet talker, my wife.”
“I should have left you on that forest floor,” she said, without any of the venom she had wanted. It was hard to mean it, when the site of him bloodied and struggling for breath was still fresh in her memory.
“But you came back for me,” he said. There was a hint of awe creeping into his voice. “The beautiful, courageous Feyre slew the beast and saved her wicked mate. Cauldron knows I didn’t deserve it. I’ll forever be your doting husband—on that debt alone.”
“No more secrets.” She met his eyes levelly. “Swear to me there will be no more secrets—ever again. Only in exchange for that, will I remain your wife.”
“Done,” he said quickly. No sign of reluctance in the delight that swept over his expression. A sharp tang twisted in the air, followed by a tingling sensation in her fingers as the tattoo on her forearm moved, crawling up towards her wrist, until it wound around her ring finger like a permanent wedding band. The sight was soon eclipsed by Rhysand’s own, much larger hand, gently taking hold of her fingers. “Anything I have is yours now, Feyre. Including everything I know.”
“Why did Tamlin hate you so much?” She asked quietly.
He loosed a long breath.“Our families have been in a blood feud for… centuries.” Centuries. “Tamlin saw that my mate was human, and nonethewiser, and took his chances. I’m sorry you got caught in the crossfire.”
She stared blankly at their hands, which had not long ago been covered in blood. Tamlin’s, Rhysand’s, her own, all mixed together. “I killed him.”
“You saved me,” Rhys said, snaking an arm around her hip, tugging her into his bandaged chest. “You were protecting me. It’s what anyone would have done for their mate.” She nodded numbly, trying to push away the memory of her bloodlust.
Rhysand caught her chin between his fingers. When his face came into vision, she knew she would do it all again, if it meant saving him. “My stunning, fearsome wife ,” he murmured, closing the distance between them. “I am in awe of you.”
“I think I liked you better as the cat,” she said, raising her face to meet him halfway. “You talked less.”
“You’ll find there are more effective ways of shutting me up,” Rhys whispered as his lips found hers. Certainly, he wasn’t able to do this as the cat.
She sighed into his mouth, finally surrendering to the piece of herself that had been his all along. There was no denying it now. He was her friend, her companion that had kept by her side through every danger, keeping her safe, keeping her alive. She loved him as the cat and as the man and as the most irritating creature she had ever encountered. Her husband. Her mate.
She could have wept, thinking that it was all, finally, over.
Despite every odd, they had made it to Velaris. Together.
The first snowfall of the year had always been a terrible omen.
Every year, as it laid siege to their poorly insulated cottage, Nesta’s family would wonder if they would live to see the snow melt in the spring.
This year, Nesta had known before the first snow arrived that their father would not survive the winter. His health had been deteriorating for a long time and the news of Elain’s disappearance had devastated him, accelerating his decline until he could do little more than sleep beside the fire. She was a wretch for thinking it, but Nesta had long decided the day he didn’t wake up would be a relief. It was one less mouth to feed, especially when that mouth was hardly capable of swallowing for itself.
The firewood was dwindling—they had used up so much of the excess in the days Nesta had refused to leave the house, expecting the authorities would be waiting just beyond the front door, ready to carry Nesta and her father away to certain death.
But the authorities never came. And Feyre never returned.
Nesta hadn’t yet decided if that meant her youngest sister had escaped their pursuit. Surely, if Feyre had been caught, they would have come for the remainder of the Archerons? Nesta hadn’t yet braved the village to confirm, which meant that they were on the brink of starvation, too.
Given that Nesta’s own constitution was rapidly weakening with the cold, It was no surprise at all that when the first snowfall visited in the night, it took their Father with it. She didn’t feel relief when he didn’t open his eyes the next morning. She felt… numb.
Like her face, when she opened the cottage door to a blast of frozen air. Like her fingers, as she gripped the splintering shovel. Like her palms, rubbed raw from the repetitive motion of digging the metal into the cold, solid earth, then depositing it into a pile at her side.
Nesta had never had a good relationship with her father. She had always assumed that when he died, Elain would be there to express whatever sweet sentiment she felt he was owed at his burial. Unlike Elain, Nesta buried him in silence—just as he had been on the day Elain set down on a path to be married to a Lord’s son.
Elain had never blamed him. Had always insisted it was out of his hands, just like their mother’s death. Just like their family’s fall from fortune when they were children. Elain was quick to forgive, always focused on what lay ahead. But Elain had never looked at their father’s ledger. Nesta had.
Not that any of it mattered now. Their Father was dead, and Nesta likely wouldn’t be too far behind. At least there had been someone to bury him in the ground, which was more than she could say for herself.
That night, she drank a cup of boiled water and fell asleep curled up beneath a thin blanket in front of the hearth. The fire crackled, close enough to coat her face and hair in soot as the snow continued mercilessly falling outside. Nesta knew that if she didn’t go to the village in the morning to find something to eat, soon she would be too weak to make the trip. And she would die.
By the time she fell asleep, she hadn’t made up her mind which she would prefer.
She woke to sunlight filtering through the frosted window pane, and the sound of scratching at her door. Nesta stilled, reaching for the fireplace poker as she wondered if this was it. Someone from the village had finally come for her. The authorities? Or just someone taking advantage of a lone, defenseless woman?
A creature sniffed at the small gap between the rickety door and the cold cottage floor. Gods, had someone brought their dog to chase her down? Nesta held her breath, watching the shadow pass in front of her door. Once, twice, three times, like it was moving in slow circles. And then it laid down, effectively barricading her in. She listened carefully for any sound of someone commanding the creature. There was only howling wind.
Fine, Nesta thought, creeping carefully into the room she had once shared with her sisters. The bed felt so empty without them—so much colder than sleeping in front of the fire. The room had a single window, just big enough for her to crawl through to make her escape. As quietly as she could, she pushed the latch open and pulled herself through the gap.
Her landing was not overly graceful, but quiet enough she thought she wouldn’t be heard over the wind. Yet, when she turned to make her break, there it was. A dog, so large she could have mistaken it for a bear. It had come around the house to watch her sneak out the window, and now it sat directly in her path.
It cocked its head, hazel eyes curious. If she didn’t know better—and she did—Nesta would have thought it looked amused with her stunt. Keeping him in her periphery, Nesta turned her head to assess if its owner was nearby, but there was nobody around.
He didn’t look vicious. But he also didn’t look like a stray. He looked too well fed, and his coat was cleaned. Well-groomed.
“Go home,” she said, making a small, shooing motion. “I don’t have any food to give myself, let alone some overgrown mutt.”
He was blocking the only way to the village. Ang grinning like he knew it. Cautiously, Nesta took a small step forward, then another, weighing the animal’s reaction. His posture remained friendly enough that she kept moving, still giving him a wide berth once she was on the main path.
The dog swiveled to face her as she stepped around him. And when she started down the path towards the village, he followed. The entire, shivering trudge there, Nesta tried to convince him to leave. She’d have enough trouble convincing someone to sell her bread on her own, let alone with a gigantic dog following at her heels.
Feyre’s cat had been the exact same way, and Nesta wondered why animals seemed to adopt such strange fixations on their family.
“Go,” she tried, one last, miserable time on the outskirts of the village. When he still refused, she stomped the rest of the way to the baker’s shop, determined to pretend the stupid thing wasn’t there at all.
It was harder to do so when she saw the baker’s face. “Nesta,” he said warily. His attention flickered to the dog at her feet, then back to her face. She didn’t miss the way his nose curled with distaste. “Hello.”
Nevermind all the hours she had spent tutoring his daughter, then. Years spent fostering goodwill with his family in exchange for a stale loaf of bread, dismissed on rumor that Elain might have murdered her husband. The village acted like the Archeron’s had the plague, and even if Elain had murdered Graysen, the reaction was certainly overblown. As far as Nesta was concerned, the Nolan men had been insufferable, and Elain had done the village a favor.
“Hi.” She pressed three copper pieces to the counter. “I just need one loaf.”
He stared at the copper pieces, not moving to collect them.
“What’s wrong?” She asked hotly. “My family’s coin was perfectly fine a month ago.”
“I’ve increased the price,” he said stiffly, pushing the coin back with his arm. Like touching the same coin would someone mark him as the next Archeron victim. “This is not enough.”
“You used to charge me a copper,” she seethed.
He gestured towards the window. “Winter has fallen. Times are growing harder.”
“And if I asked Claire Beddor how much you charged her family this morning, what would she say?”
The baker shrugged, calling her bluff. “Why don’t you ask her?”
Claire Beddor wouldn’t speak to her. No one would. Not since Tomas, and certainly not since Lord Graysen’s murder.
Gritting her teeth, Nesta pushed a copper onto the table. The baker stared blankly at her, until she slammed down another. He shook his head.
“This is all we have,” Nesta said desperately, even though it wasn’t true. Feyre had stolen enough from the passing traveler to feed them for months—or it would have been, if the villagers weren’t raising their prices out of contempt.
The baker opened his mouth, and Nesta truly believed he was going to send her onto the street to starve, when the dog at her side began growling. The baker took one look at the creature’s bared teeth and turned pale. He quickly grabbed the extortionate amount of money from the counter and tossed a loaf at Nesta with a strained, “Get out of my shop.”
She’d take it, even if her blood was boiling. The loaf would be enough to last her a week, at least. It would buy her time to figure out how to deal with the villagers. What to do with the remaining coin. If she could just find someone who was willing to sell her passage to Velaris, it would be enough to get to Elain. But no one from this village would be willing to help.
“Here,” Nesta said, pausing outside her cottage door. The dog stopped with her, watching curiously as she tore a piece from the loaf of bread and held it aloft. “You take this, and we’ll be even, okay? You’ll leave me alone. Deal?”
The dog nodded, though she was certain that had more to do with the way she bobbed the piece of bread in the air.
“Ready?” She said, raising the piece over her head. He shuffled back, keeping his eyes on the piece of bread. “Go get it!”
Then Nesta launched it as far as she could towards the treeline, watching as the dog launched itself after it, disappearing in the shadow. She used the opportunity to quickly slip back inside the cottage, hoping that when he returned to see the door was closed, and that she wasn’t going to let him in, he would move on to harass someone else.
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aitchnkay · 11 months
Jiang Gunian Made A Change Part 4
If she was going to remove her brothers from Lotus Pier and hide them from being indoctrinated by the Wen Sect, she could have no better co-conspirator than Wei WuXian. Also, given that the fortune teller had stated said co-conspirator was going to lose everything (everyone) important in his life, she decided it would probably be just as easy for him to hide all his friends away, too. And Jin ZiXuan, seeing as how she still wanted to marry him. The Jin heir was... infuriating, but she was... enamored. 
Wei WuXian embraced the role, immediately sending letters to his friends inviting them to a forbidden nighthunt. As expected, Nie HuaiSang and his minder, Meng Yao, were the first to arrive at the rendezvous point, sabers conspicuously absent, mischievous smiles on the younger’s face. Jin ZiXuan and his retinue were a close second, angrily strutting around the inn even before seeing Jiang YanLi standing behind her brothers. Surprisingly, two Wens showed up the following morning: Wen QiongLin and his elder sister, Wen Qing. “You didn’t see the way he was treated by Wen RuoHan and his sons, ShiJie! If we’re avoiding being indoctrinated, we need to include all our allies,” was Wei WuXian’s defense for inviting the pair. The twin jades arrived last, furious that anyone would plan a nighthunt when doing so would invite Wen RuoHan’s wrath down upon them. No, it wasn’t right, but they needed to keep the peace, right?
“We’re not going nighthunting,” Wei WuXian grinned at their stonier than normal faces. “ShiJie received... information. QishanWen is going to attempt to become overlords of all the Sects. Wen RuoHan wants to proclaim himself Emperor. They’re going to attack Cloud Recesses and do their best to burn it to the ground. With that victory, they’re going to send notices to every largish clan or sect that the heirs and strong junior disciples are required to attend indoctrination at the Nightless City. Our sect leaders will send us because they don’t want to become next. But it won’t work. QishanWen will still attack Lotus Pier. Then the Unclean Realm. The clans will ally against Wen RuoHan, and eventually they will win the war. But at the loss of thousands of lives and hundreds of the smaller sects completely wiped out.”
“So why are we here?” Jin ZiXuan snarled. “Shouldn’t we be home preparing to resist?”
“If you resist, Koi Tower will be attacked and destroyed, too,” Jiang YanLi spoke up, doing her best to sound competent, not scared. “Any clan that resists will be destroyed.”
Jin ZiXuan started turning a brilliant scarlet. “How do you know this? I want to verify it! Tell us who your informant is!”
“And potentially have that informant executed by my uncle?” Wen Qing crossed her arms, looking murderous. “What Jiang Guniang says is consistent with what I’ve overheard. My odious younger cousin is already setting up for that indoctrination while my older cousin is salivating over how he will handle the clans that disobey.” She turned to Wei WuXian. “My brother and I thank you for the invitation, but... I think it’s best that we return to the Nightless City.”
Jiang YanLi shook her head. “Wen Guniang... my informant tells me everyone in this room will be affected by the upcoming war and only a few of us will survive it. Jiang Cheng will. Wei WuXian, Jin ZiXuan,” here she guessed that eventually she would marry the Jin heir, “and I will not. I’m not sure about anyone else, but.... If you uncle finds out you were here? You won’t survive that, I’m sure.”
“Go or don’t go. It’s your choice,” Jiang Cheng interjected, angry at hearing for the first time that his siblings were destined to die in that war. “I have no intention of being anywhere near where my parents or the Wen can find me when the invitation arrives.”
“If you decide to join us,” Wei WuXian handed out talismans. “You can activate this. It will make you imperceptible to every spiritual tracker I know how to avoid. Tell your family you’re going on a long walk or something. Don’t say anything about what we’re going to do, please, either way. Once this talisman is active, it will tell you how to get to us. You can bring people you trust; there are plenty of talismans.”
Lan XiChen hesitantly reached out for a talisman. “What happens next? How do we prevent Cloud Recesses from burning? Or Lotus Pier?”
“We don’t,” Jiang YanLi shook her head. “When we get back, I’ll ask my parents to increase the protections around there. And then we leave with a few disciples. Ones that we think absolutely must be saved should the worse happen.”
“That’s cold,” Jin ZiXuan shot a furious look at her. “Why not stay and fight?”
“Stay and die or leave and hope to survive? Do you really think dying is the better choice?”
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