#so you could see which words i looked up and copied from dictionary sites
softausterity · 8 months
Don't Take Art Advice from Strangers on the Internet - Art advice from a stranger on the internet
(i'll be discussing drawing within this post because that's my oeuvre but i would like to think it applies to a lot of things. really it's more 'advice on how to take advice' but i couldn't resist.)
If you are anything like me, you have made a thing or two in your time, and 90% of your knowledge on making those things was gained by looking up "How to (blank)" on the internet. There are many excellent resources available for free online! but who's making these resources? Usually, people -- people who are biased and don't know you personally.
Let's say you find a tutorial online telling you how to improve a part of your art you've been struggling with. The person making this tutorial has great art, and they explain the points in an easy-to-follow manner. before you pull out your sketchbook or tablet, (because you should be immediately practicing advice as soon as you see it otherwise it will slide directly out of your brain) you need to think about if you should actually follow that tutorial.
How can you tell? It's not about how good the person's art is, or even if they're a good teacher. What you need to be thinking about is if the tutorial is right for you, specifically.
Almost all "art tutorials" are tutorials on how to draw more like the person making them. it's something beginner artists admit to pretty often with titles like "how to draw this thing in my style" where instead intermediate artists will throw around "the better way to draw this thing!" or "stop drawing this thing like this!"
I'm not saying that's a bad thing! it's how art is, right? Good artists copy, great artists steal, so it makes sense that an art tutorial would simply be a guide on how to steal from the person making it. but it's something you need to be aware of.
people tend to raise a stink about tutorials using language like "this is the wrong way to draw something - this is the correct one" and in a lot of cases i think it's a valid complaint, but what's happened is that it's just resulted in changing the phrasing to "this is a good way to draw something, but this is a better way." which is just a nicer way of saying exactly the same thing.
since this language is so common, if you're going to find art tutorials online, the onus is on you to figure out which tutorials are good or bad for you and your art.
When you're looking at someone who's a professional artist, they're usually going to be clearer about who their advice is for. Take Ethan Becker, for example. His videos are excellent and i'd recommend him to basically anyone asking for visual art advice. However, as you can pick up on pretty quickly, his advice is for people looking to get into the animation industry!
If you're, say, looking to get into illustration, maybe more painterly stuff, his advice is still helpful, but you need to pick and choose what you need. The point about not wasting time learning muscle groups is great advice if you're only focused on working as a storyboarder or concept artist for an animation studio, but if you're interested in pretty much anything else, learning human anatomy is one of the most helpful things you can do. this doesn't mean he's wrong, of course. he's teaching the thing he knows, which is working in the animation industry.
If someone is saying that their way is "the better way to draw this thing" you need to look at their art, and what they're explaining, and figure out what they actually mean. is it "the better way to draw this thing for webcomic artists" or "the better way to draw this thing if you want to be popular on instagram"? what are your personal goals with your art?
this does not transition into my point about learning the fundamentals as well as i wanted it to and this post is already too long. more posts sometime soon because i love listening to myself talk. watch ethan becker.
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huntunderironskies · 3 months
Actually. Sorry, I know I said I don't like talking about joseimuke on this account because it makes me sound deranged, but I have to share this (esp since I try to keep my sideblog more positive because God knows we need it.)
So one of the projects I like to keep up with is Cordgem, which. God how do I explain this. Uh, okay, so Cordgem takes place in steampunk alternate history Japan while there's a zombie apocalypse going on, which is only focused on some of the time because we need to think about the REAL drama which is the idol stage battles sorry, I've received a note from the writers the word I'm supposed to use is 歌仙衆 and not idol group, which means.... oh goddamnit how the fuck am i supposed to read this-- oh wait, there's furigana. That means Kasenshuu, of course. What's a Kasenshuu?
Uh, well, that's a great question. I am definitely not stalling for time while frantically tabbing through a kanji dictionary to tell you the answer. In this case, 歌仙 (kasen) is a term used to refer to particularly legendary poets of classical Japanese literature. I think this has been translated into English as "Immortal Poets" (the 仙 in it is used in other phrases to refer to Daoist immortals!) Then the 衆 (shuu) part is a large group of people, so...Immortal Poet Gang Battles. That's what they're having. Not idol stage battles. Important distinction.
Hey, note to my editor, I'm highlighting this so I can come back later and come up with a translation that's not awful. Absolutely willing to bounce ideas off you. Thanks.
You are probably starting to see why translator burnout is an issue and why I don't usually do it in text-heavy mediums. In fact I am absolutely positive I've gotten something wrong here in my research but I've spent like half the day going down rabbit holes trying to work out the worldbuilding here because I don't know that much about Meiji era Japan. In fact this could be Taisho era, I'm getting really thrown off by the fact that one unit seems to be wearing uniforms closer to Taisho fashion and I can't tell if I'm just massively overthinking it.
A final bit of background information: joseimuke fandom in EN-speaking countries survives largely on unpaid fan translators. The number of projects that get ported over to the US and translated properly has only recently exceeded numbers that can be counted on one hand. There are a lot of reasons why that's the case and most of it can be explained as corporate bullshit. Either way, fandoms in EN remain very small, grassroots affairs.
So there's been...an attempt to translate it. I generally avoid trying to do my own work on a project that's already been "claimed" by another translator. One, to avoid burnout because there's way more than you'd think out there that either got orphaned by their translators or haven't been touched yet, two, out of respect for the work of other people who are passionate about the same very niche things I am. I'd considered trying to translate it, saw that someone on a formerly blue bird site was working on character bios, and dropped the idea to focus on Executioner instead. A quick look showed they weren't just manually copying from Google Translate so I decided to leave it be and work on my own stuff.
Anyways, back to steampunk zombie Meiji (possibly Taisho, results unclear) era Japan. One of the groups who's dealing with the zombie apocalypse front is a duo unit of offbrand Catholic priests. Here they are.
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Badly cropped screenshot of the site because I refuse to spend any more effort on this than I already have and ripping art assets takes a while. All I will say is, yes, your eyes do not deceive you, Agito (the guy on the left) isn't wearing pants. At least he managed to put on half a shirt.
Now, I can hear you through the computer screen, because I'm psychic. You're saying, "Why does the one priest look like the sole reason he can walk around without flashing people is prayer and an extensive amount of body tape?" This is a valid question, one that has yet to be answered by the writers. I hope such critical information will be addressed in their drama track, it will be very important for cosplayers to know. While often underappreciated, cosplayers are a valuable part of our community. You may also wonder, "Can you back up and explain literally anything about the world, like the Catholic Church We Have at Home who seem perfectly fine with their priests going around only about two-thirds dressed or the zombie apocalypse or the steampunk tech that apparently exists?" Also valid questions. I could but it's funnier if I don't. Besides, you saw how long I took trying to explain one kanji reading.
Anyways, I was very interested in them so I kept an eye for the translated version of their bios. Now, the translation that OP made for their title in the church was "Auror."
Yes, like in Harry Potter.
I was reasonably certain that Auror wasn't a real word, so a friend of mine checked, and it is indeed something that Jowling Kowling Rowling made up. So, how did this happen?
Well, checking back over their JP bios, the term used for their title is 闇祓い (lit. yami-harai). This combines the kanji for yami/darkness with the kanji for harai/ritual purification. Not even close to "Auror." However, 闇祓い was the phrase that the official JP translation for Harry Potter used instead of Auror (I'm assuming because the closest you could get in JP as a literal translation is something like オーラル/ooraru and that sounds...weird? Maybe? I don't know.) This is the term that google will spit out at you if you plug in the two together.
But, you know. Exorcist. The word was supposed to be something close to exorcist in this context, just a lot fancier and using cooler phraseology. You could probably come up with a fun localization if you're smarter than me. But they aren't wizard cops. Free my boys, one of them is a trust fund kiddie and the other is a freak but they still don't deserve to be associated with Harry Potter.
Just. I get it. It uses so many rarely used/archaic kanji readings that a lot of the in-universe terms have to be written with furigana above them just so people know how it's supposed to be read despite being aimed at adults. I made a joke about it above. And translating is really hard. I'm not even opposed to people who are relative beginners to learning Japanese using translation as a way to improve their language skills, I think it's a good way to do it. Also I would be a huge hypocrite if I condemned it because I'm doing it.
But if you see kanji in a combination that you don't recognize or looks off when you throw it into a machine translator, please. Please just get a kanji dictionary. There's online ones to use. Jisho is incredibly detailed. There are even some where if you can't copy in a kanji, you can draw it in a little prompt box. You don't have to get the stroke order right. The detection is really sophisticated. I know it sucks because it slows down the translation process a lot and people can be incredibly entitled about getting translations ASAP at the cost of quality but a little wait is worth it for making something you're proud of and that shows the quality of the series you're working on.
And doesn't commit a plagarism on an extremely cantankerous transphobe too, which is also important.
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whats a hotch pot?
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Well, at one point someone was going to ask, this is really about the blog and myself rather than any ghostflower stuff related, so feel free to scroll down if you are here only for that content.
Short answer is: Author is a bit of a dumbass, and Dyslexic.
Long answer after the cut.
You see, when I decided to make this sideblog (After deciding it was probably better to spare my few followers on main because I knew I was going to become insufferable with this movie,) I wasn't entirely show what it would be about, or how to name it.
I mostly do fanfics in my spare time, headcanons posts from time to time in my main, analysis in a few occasions (nothing close to my frame analysis tho, this is really new development.) I was thinking of going back to drawing, but it wasn't sure.
Because I already knew I wanted to do frame analysis, I wasn't sure how to name the sideblog, this type of post is not something you see that often in tumblr, or at least not in the fandoms I had been. The fact that I wasn't even sure the entire lists of things I wanted to do with the blog didn't help.
I also didn't want something too generic, mostly in case the name could sound similar to another tumblr blog out there that could exist.
So looking around for possible words, I came across this one
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This seemed like a good approach; it was definitely not a word you would usually use for a sideblog, and a mixture of things certainly seemed like the right description for this.
Now, here is an interesting fact about me: I am actually Dyslexic.
I try to not talk too much about me in this sideblog, but the rest of this story doesn't make sense without that context in mind.
Now, while juggling for different ideas for a name in another page, for whatever reason, the site I used register hodgepodge as a real word, I probably typed it wrong without realizing, however rather than correcting to hodgepodge, it corrected to hotchpotch.
Since I wasn't familiar with that word, I looked it up in the dictionary.
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Now I thought this was funny.
Hodgepodge was technically the appropriate word to use for this blog, but I thought using food would be funnier. Is technically related because is still a mix of things in one pot, but using food make the blog seem less serious and more silly, which I thought would be better.
Now, remember how I am mention that I am a bit of a dumbass, and also dyslexic?
Well, rather than just copying and pasting the word right there, I saw that the synonyms word was HotchPot, and decided to use that one because it seemed simpler.
And what does my dyslexic brain end up retaining and typing down?
Hot Potch, because somehow that made sense for me.
At this point I had debated over the name so long and seeing so similarly worded words, that my brain didn't register any issues, and when the grammar on my website told me the word was wrong, I just didn't think much of it because I thought perhaps it was just unfamiliar with that word in particular (that has happened to me before really.)
By the time I realized of the mistake, a lot of people had reblogged and liked the blog, and I know if I change the name not only all the people who reblogged previously will have the post with the grammar mistake on it, but also will probably break the links since if you change your url things fall apart.
And ultimately, I decided to leave the mistake and admit on it on the account on one thing: This feels on brand with me.
Overthink stuff, looking for things over and over again, and still make a careless mistake because my brain has multiple crossed wires in multiple levels. I decided to leave the mistake because the title basically reflects what you are about to see.
Ghostflower stuff, a mixture of many things, the author of the blog making mixing shit up in ways you kind of wonder how they did it.
I thought leaving the grammar mistake made this blog title a bit more unique too, seriously how many people would had end up with this name? It went to so many twists and turns I can't believe this could happen to someone else.
And I think leaving that mistakes also reinforces another thing: Don't take me too seriously.
Like everybody, I had my own biases, I miss stuff, and ultimately this blogs relies heavily in my opinion and way to see the world. I encourage everyone to not just see the frames I put, but feel free to look up those scenes and draw their own conclusions.
Sorry for the long response, but I think I needed to show a bit of the journey as to how I ended up having this name.
Thanks for reading!
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rigelmejo · 2 years
The main thing in Readibu that seems to benefit me is that it tells me the percent done in the right upper corner. I don't know why, but seeing percent really pushes me to keep reading. It did in Amazon Kindle and Moonreader Pro too, but both of those apps just Stop showing me percent for some reason eventually... I'm guessing because I read too slow for its calculator, or because the file I read is hundreds of pages instead of split into 2-10 pages in length.
Readibu also has click definitions, and audio of individual sentences, and it's paid version (which I'm not using) has full sentence translation. But Pleco has all those features, but better. Readibu let's me favorite words i look up, which is nice to me in particular because I can see the words favorited since I started this reading kick. But Pleco let's a person favorite words AND add them to many customized SRS flashcard collections so it's much better designed for study. (Readibus word favorite is only preferable to Pleco for me right now, because my pleco has thousands of words saved many of which I've now learned, versus Readibu which I got this month so all the saved words are fresh study words).
Readibu's main unique feature, as far as I can tell, is that you can click the Stats button for whatever you're reading, and see an estimate of the reading level of the material. This is convenient and really freaking useful, because the last took I found that did this required a lot more copy/pasting to use and didn't compare with HSK but it's own vague difficulty score and would often crash on me due to the amount of characters in a webnovel chapter (it was still useful and wonderful for existing though!). I think Lingq also had a similar feature when I used it (if I remember correctly), in that Lingq counted words you marked as known and could tell you the % new unknown words versus known in a given reading material. But the problem with Lingq for me, was my reading level was far above beginner and I'm too lazy to mark all the words I know. It was a LOT of words, and I just wanted to quickly read not pause to mark all the stuff I knew. The Lingq tool would likely be more accurate to YOUR real reading level, but it requires more regular Lingq use to be accurate for you. And I just didn't use it enough, and I hated Lingqs expensive pay model (especially given Pleco is way better for chinese and is a one time fee then free to use forever after). Readibu's Stats information is more generalized, but i can quickly open something I find easy to read, check it's Stats, then compare it to other things I want to read and see roughly how much more difficult they will be for me to read. So it's easier to pick something the same level or a little challenging, instead of accidentally going from one reading level to "this will take me months to slog through." It's very convenient, works great, and it's free (unlike lingq).
I'm only using Readibu's free version, but it's perfectly useful free. Like I mentioned, the only paid thing it seems to do is full sentence translation. And it's probably just using Google translate so a copy/paste will give you the same result free, or you could get Pleco (which was a one time cost of around $20 dollars for the several dictionaries I got and full Reading tool features which are hands down the best of all the Chinese reading apps I've seen) if full sentence/passage translation matters to you. The only particular thing tempting me to buy Readibu, is knowing if I know I'm being charged I'd probably read more to make it earn it's usefulness ToT. But I don't need to do that lol.
Anyway, review of Readibu: free version is great! I recommend! It's not the best Chinese reader app, and it's a bit clunky depending on the Chinese webnovel site link you input, but it overall works on everything I put into it, it has good definitions (better than Lingq), has audio, has words underlined (good for beginners), and difficulty Stats. It also says percent read which I personally think is kinda motivating. It's satisfying to read and finish a whole novel in readibu! (I also think Readibu has likely improved, I remember checking it out back when it came out and it definitely works better now with better definitions/websites compatibilities and is a very useful reading tool now). Paid version seems unneeded but maybe I'll check it out one day, i already assume it's paid version would probably be at least as good as Lingq or better (if you're studying chinese).
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ninjastormhawkkat · 4 years
My Crazy Wordgirl Theory #2
I will get to writing stories for my version of the Becky Boxleitner au. I just really need to get this out of the way. After going through sites for the canon facts of the Wordgirl television series and re-watching old Wordgirl episodes to help me write some stories for my version of the au, I sort of discovered something interesting. In a scene from “The Rise of Miss Power” we see an image of a male and female Lexiconian superhero duo painted on the ceiling of the room in the episode special. Now about everyone in the fandom has speculated that image is a painting of her biological parents, or an idea of what her parents would look like. But what if that were not true? What if that painting was just a symbolic image of what the humanoid people on Lexicon typically looked like? Back in the episode, “Wordgirl Makes A Mistake”, Becky mentions that she accidentally crawled onto the ship of Captain Huggy Face, a famous (Lexiconian) Air Force Pilot when she was really little. For about 10 or 11 years, Bob and Becky have been raised on earth with no attempts to get back to Lexicon, and no one from Lexicon has come to find them. I am not trying to paint Becky’s biological parents in a bad light, but why was no Lexiconian searching for their lost child? From looking at Wordgirl’s Spaceship Hideout, it appears that people from Lexicon have the technological resources to track down the crashed ship of a famous pilot and find him and a lost child. This would take them only a few years. Also looking at Wordgirl’s origin story, it seems that Lexicon is not lightyears away from Earth or Becky and Bob would have been a bit older than when they were found in the origin flashback. (I know it is a cartoon, but some rules of science still apply to the show). I don’t know how far the planets are from each other but I think they exist in the same solar system if indicated by the alien tech that Lexiconians are able to travel faster to planets without aging much. Again I ask if this is possible, then why has no one come to rescue Becky and Bob? What if it was because Becky was meant to have crawled onto Huggy’s ship and never be found? We don't know the strength of Lexiconian’s memory at a young age. We know they can remember everything they read since Becky knows every word in the dictionary, but we don’t know how early they maintain a photographic memory. I believe that Bob may have told Becky the story about how they came to earth when she was old enough. From watching that scene, we can assume Becky only has memories of crawling onto a ship and falling asleep, then waking up to a startled pilot. Bob even has no clue how a child with no business being near a spaceship about to take off so he tells her what he only knows. Could it be Becky was never meant to be found by anyone else from Lexicon? Why so? Why hide from a planet of heroes? Here is where the conspiracy I formulated in my head starts. Let’s consider this question: What if Becky was only half Lexiconian?
We first need to look at Lexicon’s political structure. About everyone who has watched or watches the show must have thought at one point that Lexicon was a planet of heroes which is why Becky wanted to use her powers for good and become a superhero at an early age. What we may not realize is that the term hero could apply differently on Lexicon than on Earth. In the flashback of Wordgirl’s origin, Becky refers to Huggy as a famous air force pilot. He is even called Captain Huggy Face. Also in the special, “The Rise of Miss Power”, Huggy gives Wordgirl a book titled Super Advanced Secret Battle Moves of the Planet Lexicon in order to help her in the final battle against Miss Power. Now I don’t know about you, but this makes me think that Lexicon had some type of military control and the term hero on their planet was a military term. One of the statues of a Lexiconian in that special was wearing a Roman-style helmet, something a soldier in the Roman army would wear. I don’t know if Lexicon has a military government or just a government with a strong military influence. I don’t know what type of rule Lexicon has, but it definitely has a military of some sort. From the statues and painting we seen of Lexiconians, Wordgirl’s outfit is typical outer clothing for Lexicon. This also sparks an idea of a common uniform for Lexicons which would make sense if there is some type of military influence on the planet. This ties into my theory about Becky. Now from what I have learned about aliens from all the sci-fi themed shows and movies such as Doctor Who and Monsters Vs. Aliens, most aliens seem to view the human race as a lesser species compared to them. We can see that with how Miss Power acted toward the villains and the citizens. Even though she was not a Lexiconian, Miss Power still viewed everyone as lesser and as servants to herself. In my opinion with Kid Math, before Wordgirl set him straight, he seemed to view heroics as a game or something interesting that he could copy for himself. He was friendly, but he appeared to take what Becky was teaching him about being a normal kid as a learning experience at first. I don’t know if this also applied to Lexiconians, but I think that due to the implications of military themes shown in the series, there are some that might have had a purity complex. There could have been Lexiconians might have wanted only their species to be the “heroes” and keep that in their own bloodline. I don’t think every Lexiconian held that belief since in one episode we see Bob on a date with Bosco, but maybe some in higher social classes strongly believed in purity, or would never consider marrying a human. With the evidence of military themes, it is possible they have class structures on Lexicon. Now what if a high class Lexiconian, broke that purity thinking and mated with a human. Here is my theory on Becky’s Parentage.
A woman from Lexicon, someone with military training like huggy has and in a high position, was put in an arranged marriage with someone she did not love at all nor could ever love. This person, a military man, possibly with a higher rank than the woman and have strong familial ties on Lexicon, was a corrupt person. She tried everything she could to get out this arranged marriage, but even her family was pushing her to do it because of reasons such as tradition or importance of appearance or something that only concerns them and not the woman. The woman soon takes an exploration opportunity and uses it to get away from all the drama she is facing and for her own mental and emotional health. She soon lands on planet earth, specifically a place called Fair City, and explores around for a while. This woman soon spots a distracted human male about to cross onto a busy road. This woman already has a good nature and quickly pulls the man out of danger without anyone noticing her unusual super speed. The man, grateful, turns to thank the woman. According to how love works from the Hotel Transylvania movies, they immediately zinged. This man and woman get to know each other a little bit more over the time the women was allowed to stay away from Lexicon. She does not give every detail about herself (her alien background), but she feels free with this man who respects her emotions and loves her for her. They get more intimate over months and everything is going great. Then she feels ill one day and under the guise of going to a hospital, the woman goes back to her ship for a medical scan. To her surprise, she is pregnant with her boyfriend’s child. This is bad because her time on exploration is about to be up and if she returns any time later, they will find about about her hybrid offspring and her corrupt fiance may kill her and her child as “punishment” for finding true love. She doesn’t have the option to not come back because they can and will do anything to find her and this would put her lover in danger as well. With a heavy heart she soon leaves her lover and returns to Lexicon and marries her corrupt fiance. She does this to protect her lover and child. This woman soon gives birth to a daughter that has her human father’s eyes with her mother’s facial features, hair color and style. The top parted bangs is a possible mixture of her human father’s and Lexiconian mother’s hair style. Her husband soon becomes suspicious about his wife’s time away and “their” child. About a year later, her husband discovers the child’s human lineage and goes into a dark rage. This woman hurries and escapes the dome city she lived in and soon encounters Captain Huggy Face about to take off. She sees that her husband and his men are about to catch up with her. She puts down her child and urges her to walk towards the ship. In a last ditch effort to save her child, she sacrifices herself and holds back her husband and his men long enough so the ship takes off and there is nothing that can be done. The fate of the woman is unknown.
In regards to Becky’s human father, let’s go over some canonical evidence. It says on the Wordgirl wiki that Becky has light brown skin. I believe Becky might be biracial. She could possibly be an offspring of an African American Woman and a white ethnic man. I googled what biracial kids look like and Becky looks similar to a biracial child born of a African American parent and a white ethnic parent. (I don’t know the what proper term I should use for referring to White ethnicity and I do not want to offend anyone by accident.) (I am just basing my conspiracy theory on visual evidence and scientific fact.) For about everyone, except one person, on Wordgirl, they have black eyes. I have seen fanart of the characters with different eye colors. For Becky’s dad, while I agree he could have blue eyes, it is also possible for him to have brown eyes as well, the eye color Becky inherited. Another thing I noticed that Becky could have inherited from her human father is his personality. Let’s review Becky’s personality and behaviors. Becky does not enjoy her family singing on the road or doing about any family car activity on a constant loop. Though not often, Becky is able to use gadgets and seems to have an understanding of how each part should work in a machine. She was able to make sure the egg and apple slicer that was entered in the Young Inventor’s competition was able to still function as intended after pressing them together using her super strength. Another thing is that she gets irritated when the spotlight is taken off her every time she accomplishes something as Wordgirl such as with Tiny Big and Granny May when she was an undefeated bingo champion. Wordgirl/Becky also tends to get a bit sassy when she is irritated just like her dad. She also acts proud of herself and her accomplishments as Becky and Wordgirl which border on the line between humble and prideful. Like her dad she does get distracted and a little absentminded such as when she leaves Huggy behind after a crime or when she gets too focused on her interests such as Pretty Princess and boy crushes. There are times when Becky wants to accomplish something, either for her own desires or to just impress people, she will become inconsiderate of others. Examples include Becky interrupting Violet’s rehearsal for the Romeo and Juliet play and revealing Scoop’s personal tooth secret when she took over running the school’s paper for a day. Becky also sometimes feels she “needs to always be the winner”. It can be assumed that she copies that behavior from Tim Botsford who gets very competitive and upset when his family does not win. The thing is that Tim is almost immediately humbled afterwords when he puts into perspective that he did his best and is a winner in his family’s and his own eyes. Becky may also share that perspective sometimes, but she will still tend to fret over her mistakes until someone calms her down. As I said, Becky sometimes still needs to feel as the winner, more so in her battles as Wordgirl against villains. We have also seen Becky feel upset when people don’t like her work such as when Violet and Bob hid Becky’s horrible painting in the janitor’s closet when they were decorating the school gym for a dance while Becky was fighting evil as Wordgirl. Becky is also seen to be clever and tricky when she needs to such as in the episode “Bend It Like Becky” when she was trying to get Dr. Two Brains to agree with a soccer match that would determine which group was going to enjoy the field for the next 3 months.
One final thing before I finish is that throughout some episodes, we can see Becky similarly imitate her human dad’s facial features and body gestures when he is there. Now I leave off with this question. Do Becky’s personality and behaviors I mentioned remind you of any cheese loving, villain scientist? I will let you think about it.
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Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Volume 6 Intermission 3 - Kasuga and O-ryo
T/N: Yep, it’s a double premiere guys, I hope you all enjoy. =)
As always, if you like this translation, you can heart it, share the link, reblog, I just respectfully ask that DO NOT REPOST ELSEWHERE. This is my contribution to the scant English content of this fandom, and I worked really hard to finish this thing, it’s not like I just copy-pasted everything. I even had to build the kanji in Jisho one by one. Try it and you’ll see what I mean.You can rave about this, rant about this, reply, etc. but if possible please link back to this page. If you’re unsure how to do that, just copy the web address of this page. If you’re on a blogsite just insert the web address as a hyperlink as a link back to here. Honestly if this light novel was officially-published in English, I wouldn’t even be doing this right now... And if it did, I’d take this offline to support the publishers and Yuuma-sensei. Creators support creators, is what I believe in. I’ll prolly do 1-5 once 6-10 has been done, or however long I can manage to translate the raw texts, it can take a toll at times.  As previously-mentioned in earlier chapters, if you stumbled upon this one, the two seasons of the anime covered volumes 1-5, so other than the extra details, you didn’t miss much stuff.
No spoilers lol
P261 "Hmph. You're the newly-hired kid? Really, you're named Kasuga? Aren't you a stumpy little tanuki-girl? I am O-ryo, the future Wakaokami. I'll train you under me, and I'll be sure to drill the job of being a waitress into your head."
I remember well, the day that I first met O-ryo sama. I am Kasuga, a Bunmon Tanuki, while still a child was chased off from my home by my Hachiyo Baba-sama to experience the outside world, and along with my uncle Chiaki who also has nowhere else to go, we inquired in, and started working in Tenjin-ya. It was that first day. That person who called me stumpy, has hair and skin as white as snow, it was the conspicuously beautiful snow lady. Her personality is of someone who hates losing. She was a selfish Sempai, but has an indomitable and strong willpower to rise to the top, and I thought that surprisingly, I have come to like this person. As such, in order to gain her dream position of Wakaokami, she exerted herself no matter what it took. P262 A woman who fights her battles to win. I came to her side and I recorded her heroic battles, and I wrote about it in my diary.
"Hey.... Hey, why are you asking something while falling asleep, Kasuga-kun, HEY!" "Whaaaa~" In the middle of talking about something regarding a Hachiyo's marriage at great length, sitting on my heels I was nodding off to sleep. Since early morning I have been with Aoi-chan, and I have been going about here and there. I was feeling confident. I was dozing off in front of Byakuya-sama. Is Byakuya-sama angry or is he surprised? "Good grief. You're a reliable and shrewd girl girl, and I think that it's beyond expectations that you're going to get married to a Hachiyo... yet I am worried that they'll find faults on you. That is a position that has many enemies, do you understand? "Yeah, I get it. I have watched Aoi-chan for a long time. But Aoi-chan is awesome... Even though she's in a disadvantage, she was aware of her own strengths. Furthermore, in Tenjin-ya, when Aoi-chan gets married to Odanna-sama, isn't there anyone who grumbles about it?" "Hmmm. in that case, isn't that a problem? Because nobody's complaining, probably there's a group that's P263 thinking about rubbing her out of existence." "That point, I am fine with that. I plan to not make enemies with my demeanor, an incomptetent person making a blunder. Well, at any rate, from the very start I have been incompetent." "..." Byakuya-sama narrowed his eyes, and with a snap hit the corner of his mouth with his fan. I thought that he was going to say something but, he just scolded me and released me after saying "You can go now" . Wahh, after standing up from sitting on my feet, they fell asleep and started tingling painfully... Holding the Maneki-neko** coin bank, I planned to go back to Yugao. Along the way, the waitresses looked over here, and started gossiping and whispering to each other. Up until now the friends that were calling me in carefree voices, and the sempai that used to fiddle with and pushed me around, now they pass sideways, and bow their heads subserviently, and flees anywhere. Oh well, I could understand why they became like that but... I come in contact with the management staff that were like Shizuna-chan and they are normally composed, but I'm a normal girl, aren't I? I feel like I'm a sore thumb sicking out. "Kasuga, Kasuga" "...Chiaki" From the other side of the hallway, peeping over here looking worried, it was my uncle, the tanuki. T/N: Maneki-neko, the beckoning cat, famously known for bringing in luck. It's said that it was originally named after a cat that waved to a monk to go inside a shrine and the monk almost got struck by lightning or something, so it was a lucky omen. P264 He approached while calling for me. "What is it, from now onwards I'm helping out at Yugao." "It's not that, you were called for by Byakuya-sama, and I got worried somewhat." "It's nothing. It's just that I'm developing a souvenir product with Aoi-chan." "Why you, aren't you scowling at me?" "Why, my relative shouldn't speak about me flippantly." He isn't necessarily overprotective and he wasn't saying anything like that, but ever since the old days Chiaki has been worrying about me. He's just a nice and charming person who took care of me, and he always looks after those that are just like me. Though I'm already fine, even at this age he still worries about me... "Chiaki aren't you staying behind here in Tenjin-ya?" "Yep. I'll continue working here. Even though I was thinking of coming along with you." "It's fine, it's nothing. I've always been taken care of by uncle, I cannot function properly being a Hachiyo's wife." "...Kasuga" His eyes gloomily welling up, holding down the corner of his eyes, Chiaki went "That tiny Kasuga has grown to be praise-worthy" "Ahhh stop it already, don't be gloomy.. Get over it." Shh... Uncle you're annoying. P265 While being paid extra care, I could feel myself fading away. Our relationship, even though we are family, here we cannot become too overly-familiar. The love that tanuki give to each other are the strongest among Ayakashi, as such they aren't entrusted to to other people, which makes tanuki unaware about so many things such as getting close to and connecting with strangers. Those people, now matter how much we studied them, we couldn't find them... With regards to those, I thought I learned those in Tenjin-ya.
"Oh.." In front of the passageway that connects the door to Yugao, there is someone who is sneakily peeping in. Isn't that... "O-ryo sama, what are you doing over that place?" "Kyaaa!" O-ryo sama jumped up suprised. With a sluggish expression, she slowly looked back. Opening her mouth as if about to talk, hesitatingly, she made a weird face by sticking her lower lip out. "H-hmph." In the end, O-ryo sama took her leave without saying anything. P266 I slightly tugged on O-ryo sama's sleeves. "What now?" O-ryo sama icily stared down at me with that severe gaze. Oh well, I've been used to that gaze. "Uhm, I believe so, that O-ryo sama will likely aim to be Wakaokami again." ".... what?" "Within Tenjin-ya, there's something that only O-ryo sama can surely do." Pulling my hands immediately from the hem, I madly dashed towards the inner garden where Yugao was. The O-ryo sama who was aiming to be Wakaokami. And the one who made her dream come true, the O-ryo sama that became Wakaokami. To me, O-ryo sama is dazzling, despite the many enemies she makes, being hated by her colleagues, being gutsy and only wants to rise up into the world. The one I adored. After doing so many different things, O-ryo sama eventually became demoted from Wakaokami, and yet... When O-ryo sama becomes Wakaokami once again. Truly, I support that from the sidelines..
End of Intermission 3, Volume 6. Previous - Chapter 8 Next - Chapter 9
Wonderful site for the youkai references
Other stuff I used to do this: Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary (you can buy here, I’m not sponsored btw). I was about to buy the older edition but then the newer one came out 2013 so I bought that instead. Worth buying since I was able to find nearly all of the words I needed just by stroke pattern alone.
Merriam-Webster's Japanese-English Dictionary (the red-covered 1996 version is apparently out of print right now). This is what I have been using for a very long time, I bought it when I was still a fetus (yes I am old so what lol), and after so many years, when compared to newer editions, I still prefer this one since its entirety is Japanese-English, the English to Japanese gloss are just 16 pages tops, so you get more Japanese words for your buck. But that’s just my opinion, maybe other people prefer the Jap-En x En-Jap IDEK.
Basic online dictionary, Jisho. Knowledge of verb conjugations  and other words are necessary since not all have entries.
If you can read Japanese, you can buy the whole set in Amazon Japan, they’re shipping worldwide now, I think.
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academian-rhapsody · 4 years
Mikuyami’s Giant Guide to Self-Studying Japanese
If you’re like me, you’ve always wanted to be able to switch tabs while you’re watching anime and still be able to understand what they’re saying. Chances are you’ve watched enough anime to know a few words here and there and even understand a sentence once in a while, but you’re still not anywhere close to fluent. To get fluent, you’re going to have to do a lot more than watch anime. This is what this guide is for. Japanese isn’t an easy language to learn, and knowing which resources are good is important if you want to learn it properly. While the resources are the focus of this guide, it’s very important to read the stuff I’ve written about them. I know the walls of text look scary, but just trust me.
Note: all resources listed are completely free unless otherwise stated.
And yes, all the links in this guide will open in a new tab when you click on them. You’re welcome.
For now, let’s start with the basics - Hiragana. Hiragana is the first thing you should learn and teaches you Japanese pronounciation, reading, and later on, grammar. Here are a few good resources for learning it:
Really, the only website I’d recommend (that’s completely free) is Memrise. Memrise is great for learning Hiragana/Katakana and vocab. It’s used for other school subjects like math and science, but I’d say it’s the best for learning languages. You’ll learn words and characters quickly, but it’s important to do it for 10-20 minutes each day. HOWEVER: While Memrise is an amazing vocab resource, it isn’t optimal for grammar at all. It’s also important to know which courses are good and which ones aren’t.*
Phone apps:
Kana Mind - This is by far my favorite resource for learning Hiragana (and Katakana!). When I decided to start learning Japanese, I wasn’t sure where to start, so I just downloaded some simple phone apps. I’m glad I did - this app is extremely easy to use and I quickly learned Hiragana. Just like Memrise, though, you should review the characters for 10-20 minutes fairly often.
TenguGo Kana - A lot more information is covered in this app. While Kana Mind is good for learning the characters, TenguGo is good for learning about the characters. It also includes Hiragana and Katakana charts for quick reference.
Memrise - Yes, Memrise also has a phone app! It works just as well as the website (in my opinion).
Kana Draw - Learning the stroke order for Hiragana is important, and this app teaches you just that. It’s very simple, but again, you should practice consistently.
Very important: You should also practice writing Hiragana! With correct stroke order, of course. All that’s needed to do this is a pen and paper. This chart shows the stroke order for all the Hiragana, but you shouldn’t look at it constantly - it’s more of a quick reference thing, and you won’t learn as well if you rely on it too much.
Really, you don’t need any fancy resources to learn Hiragana! You shouldn’t be spending any money to learn it, either. What I’ve listed should suffice. Hiragana is straightforward and you don’t need to do anything but memorize what sound each character makes. Most of these resources also cover Katakana, which is what you should be learning next.
*In Japanese, there’s a formal way of speaking and causal way of speaking. Some Memrise courses only teach formal, and while that’s important to learn, so is casual! There isn’t really a good way to tell you how to distinguish formal courses from casual ones, so for now I’ll just say… trust your instinct. That’s terrible advice, I know, but just focus on learning vocab and be aware that you still have to learn either causal or formal.
Because most of the Hiragana resources I listed also include Katakana, it’s time to move onto the more scary stuff - grammar. No, we don’t need to start learning Kanji quite yet, as the Kanji can be read with the Hiragana sounds (that’s why Hiragana is so important to learn). You’ll need more resources to learn grammar, but the go-to man for this is…
Tae Kim.
This guy has a special place in my heart. His Japanese grammar guide, guidetojapanese.org, is arguably the best free Japanese guide out there. I’ve gotten more out of this one site (it can be purchased as a book too) than out of every other resource I’ve used. He provides videos as well as explanations and examples. However, it helps a lot to take notes and copy examples down for future reference. To give you an idea of what I mean, here’s a page of notes I took in a simple composition notebook: Of course, there’s no format you have to follow while taking notes - just do whatever makes sense to you and what helps you. Taking notes also gives you practice with writing characters. The great thing about Tae Kim’s guide is that it gives polite examples as well as casual examples (as you can see from my notes). Also, throughout the guide, you learn plenty of vocab and even Kanji. While this guide covers Japanese grammar really well and could be the only resource you’ll need, sometimes you need more examples or explanations.
This website is kind of like a wiki for Japanese grammar. I haven’t had much experience with it so I can’t say much about it, but it provides plenty of examples and explanations, and is broken into different levels so the easy grammar stuff is separate from the more complicated grammar. The content is contributed by other people (which is why it’s like a wiki), so there’s lots of stuff to look through.
Now comes the wall in the Japanese language: Kanji. This is where a lot of people stop learning Japanese because they get scared off by it. Yes, Kanji is scary and you’ll have to learn a lot of Kanji to become fluent in Japanese, but now that you’ve come this far you might as well keep going. Since there’s so much to learn with Kanji, you’re gonna need fancier resources and sometimes - sorry to say - ones that you have to pay for.
iKnow! is overall a great resource for learning Japanese. It provides a tutorial on how to use it, and helps with Kanji, listening, etc. I gave it a try and really liked it - it’s very organized and spends extra time reviewing the words/Kanji you have trouble with. The one downside to it is that you have to pay to use it. There’s a free trial, which you can actually learn a lot from, but if you really wanna learn vocab/Kanji then you’re gonna wanna get the membership.
Anki is available as a phone app and downloadable program as well as online (but the program should be the first and most used). It’s like flashcards - you’re shown a Kanji, and you have to know what that Kanji means. You then “flip” the card to see the correct answer. I’m calling them flashcards, but they’re just called cards and sets of cards are called decks. You can make your own cards, but decks can be downloaded from Ankiweb. Anki is completely free and I’ve heard lots of good things about it.
Tofugu is a site dedicated to learning Japanese and Japanese culture. It has plenty of information about Kanji readings, Kanji stroke order, etc., and even provides other resources for learning Kanji. While it doesn’t provide vocab, it’s good for learning about Kanji.
EDIT: I’ve recently discovered a phone app called KanjiSenpai and it has quickly become my most favorite resource for learning Kanji. You can learn tons of Kanji using this app, and it even teaches you the stroke order of each one (tips for guessing a Kanji’s stroke order can be found on Tofugu). In addition, it keeps track of how long you studied each day. I’d highly recommend this app for learning Kanji.
Other Resources
Sometimes you need to look up a Kanji’s stroke order, or maybe you just wanna learn more about Japanese culture. This part of the guide is for random resources that help with Japanese or provide information about it.
Jisho.org Basically a Kanji dictionary. You simply search for a Kanji, and the meaning, pronunciations, and stroke order for it can be found. I refer to it a lot, sometimes when reading Tae Kim’s guide and other times when I’m just curious about a Kanji.
Maggie Sensei This website has information about Japanese culture, manners, mini Japanese lessons, and more. I’d say it’s more for intermediate Japanese learners, but there’s still a lot to be learned regardless of how much Japanese you know.
Youtubers There’s quite a few people that track their lives in Japan through vlogs. These videos provide tons of information about Japanese culture, and sometimes there’s videos about learning Japanese. My favorite person that makes these sorts of videos is kanadajin3. She has lots of videos about Japanese culture and provides tips about learning Japanese for all levels of learners. Another Youtuber I’d recommend is jyuusankaidan. She basically does the same thing as kanadajin3, but also includes vocab from her videos in the description. Finally, Medama Sensei makes videos mainly about Japanese society. Though his channel doesn’t seem to be active anymore, his videos were very interesting to watch.
Anime Yeah, okay, I said anime isn’t good for learning Japanese, but that’s only if you want to become fluent in it. There’s still a lot you can learn from watching anime - that is, if you listen carefully and pay attention to what the characters are saying, how they say it, and when they say it. If you really wanna test out how much you’ve learned, try watching a non-dubbed version of the anime and see if you can understand what everyone’s saying. This can also help you learn faster and get used to how Japanese sounds.
Japanese Songs Something I’ve only started doing recently is taking a few lines of lyrics from a Japanese song and learning them thoroughly. This means learning the meaning of all the Kanji in those lyrics, learning how to write them (thank you Jisho.org), and learning how to pronounce everything (find the Romaji lyrics). This obviously helps with learning multiple aspects of Japanese.
As a final little note, I’d say that the most important thing to do in order to learn Japanese is to just keep at it. When I started learning Kanji, I was overwhelmed by the fact that each Kanji had multiple pronounciations, but as you learn more, things start making more sense. I’ve definitely noticed a lot of improvement in my understanding of Japanese. So, always try to stay motivated in your studying!
Well, that just about does it for this guide. If you know of any other good resources that I didn’t list, feel free to add them onto this post. Also, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to send me an ask! I’d be more than happy to answer your question. I’m no expert and I’m still far from being fluent in Japanese, but I’ll do my best to help you.
Thank you for reading and happy studying!
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By Glendale2x
New framework seems to have performance issues
This version of ABP for the new Safari framework unfortuantely seems to kill performance on my computers. Maybe it’s partially related to them being a bit older (one is a Mid 2011 Mini, the other is a 2012 iMac), but with ABP enabled I can’t even open a new tab/window and type a URL into the bar and expect Safari to accept the input without having to hold down the return key until it goes or wait a minute after opening a new tab or window. I also noticed that using Twitter was jumpy and lagged even with simple typing, it felt like all the dynamic content it relies on was just struggling to be processed through whatever framework Apple is forcing. Hopefully the devloper can figure out the performance issues because it’s really, really bad now.
By Ramblin'Rose
why isn’t this working?
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By PeopleRsad
Still works for me
Almost didn’t download the new version based on the recent reviews, however after looking at the other apps here that claim to be ad blockers I didn’t’t see too many alternatives. I decided to go ahead and get the new version and so far its pretty much the same as the old version, lots of ads blocked. I’m happy, just make sure you go through the simple set-up.
By achilds19
Works well but
After much research, I understand the issue with Apple changing the rules on the devs so they had to build this app from scratch. Works well for me so far, except for one annoying problem. I use Yahoo mail and it's not hiding the ad that appears in the top line of the inbox even with unchecking the Acceptable Ads box, which is super annoying. I know the devs are watching these reviews, so if someone can point me to an extension or something that will fix that, I'd appreciate it. Was using AdGuard and it fixed that problem, but that app behaves like spyware and is constantly running in the background even after you close Safari.
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student-by-day · 4 years
back-to-school tools
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‘tis the season again, so here are some handy websites and browser extensions i’ve discovered over the past few years that’ll hopefully make this year a bit easier for you. i’m taking high-school-level classes, but a lot of these should help with college/uni work, too!
feel free to reblog and add your own recommendations :)
the only ones you have to install and/or sign up for have an asterisk, but note that they’re all free either way.
L A N G U A G E   A R T S
planet ebook
this is my go-to for digital (and legal!) classic literature. i download the pdf files and upload them to places like one note to annotate, but epub and mobi versions are also available if you prefer those. no need to break your back over hauling textbooks and your required readings!
audible stories
this doesn’t have the widest selection of audio books, but it definitely has its uses! there are a lot of classics on there, which could come in handy for a literature or english class.
this is the best citation tool ever. i love that i can choose which style i want to use and what kind of media i’m researching with (books, journals, websites, etc.). if i need to, i can go in and edit any (citation) category i want, but that isn’t usually necessary because it can find stats that even i can’t while looking at the source. enter some info, copy ‘n paste the works cited list to your paper, and you’re done!
i recommend the web version and not the google docs add-on because the add-on doesn’t let you customize your citations
gradeproof* or grammarly*
these are both grammar/spelling checkers that provide plenty of stats, which are most useful for speeches. you can use these to see your character count, word count, number of sentences, syllables per word, words per sentence, readability, grade level, reading time, speaking time, etc.
this is a great alternative if you can’t/don’t want to install gradeproof or grammarly.
this is my go-to thesaurus... it has a ton of features if you go on the website (it’s not just for synonyms, though those are seemingly endless!). plus, if i don’t want to open a new tab, i can use the extension in my toolbar to see a brief list!
just a word of caution: look up any words you don’t know (because if you go far enough down the list, they’re not completely relevant anymore).
i use this reverse dictionary to find the word that’s on the tip of my tongue but i just can’t name (though it has a lot more features than that!).
this is the perfect teleprompter for any speeches you need to record (maybe for an online graduation? a virtual debate?).
this is a great digital annotation tool (right in your browser) for those of you who don’t have an app like goodnotes on your ipad. you can upload files from your google drive, your device, or dropbox and draw on them, type notes, add comments, highlight, choose different underline patterns, add shapes/arrows, etc. all while customizing opacity, thickness, and colors. you’re also able to zoom in/out, change page width, rotate the page, change your layout (pdf, book, magazine), and choose a transition style.
i love this site to death---if you haven’t heard of it yet, what are you doing?? i can design everything from a resume to a powerpoint to a school dance flyer on this thing! there are beautiful templates to choose from, but if that’s not your thing (it isn’t mine either), then there are millions of photos, doodles, graphics, fonts, borders, backgrounds, etc. to choose from. plus, you can even upload your own content. (i designed the header for this post on there!)
F O R E I G N   L A N G U A G E S
i hate having to remember all the keyboard shortcuts for special characters, so i just copy and paste from this international keyboard. choose a language, and you’re good to go. :)
audible stories
did i put this in two different categories? yes. audible stories has free audio books in english, spanish, french, german, portuguese, italian, dutch, and japanese! i recommend finding a children’s audiobook on there in your target language and pulling up an ebook online so you can improve your listening and comprehension skills. there’s no need to download any content, and it still saves your spot (even once you close the tab), which is a lifesaver!
i think we all know by now that this site is good for practicing your sentence-writing skills and gaining a little extra vocab. keep in mind that this only helps if you take notes on your mistakes and type answers out yourself as opposed to mindlessly clicking through multiple choice questions! duolingo stories are also great for working on your listening comprehension skills and some immersion.
i use this site for conjugations because that’s its main asset, but there are other things you can look into if you like. i love that i can choose a section and a level (ex: a1 level one, a1 level two, a1 level three, etc.) or add my own list of words. the rest is super customizable too! you can also choose which tenses you want to work on and what set of pronouns you want to focus on (for example, european spanish uses “vosotros” while latin american spanish does not).
build your own molecules or search ones that already exist to explore what they’re used for, their structure, their composition, 2-d/3-d models, formulas, molecular weight, etc.
this dynamic periodic table has a million features for each element, which makes it perfect for researching and figuring out why the table is laid out the way it is.
this is basically a virtual stem lab---atom-builders, circuit-builders, wave simulations, and interactive tools galore! it covers physics, chemistry, biology, math, and html5, though i’ve only used first three categories, so i can’t exactly recommend the others.
geogebra or desmos
these babies are graphing tools perfect for checking functions and all that jazz (they’re basically the exact same except geogebra has a couple more bells and whistles).
use this to check your answers and review the steps if you’re stuck! when it gets into some nitty-gritty stuff, you have to have the paid plan to see some of the steps, but i think it’s helpful enough that you can stick with the free version. it covers pre-alg, alg, pre-calc, calc, functions, matrices & vectors, geometry, trig, stats, physics, chem, finance, conversions, etc. (i use this to avoid silly mistakes and the ixl rage that follows haha).
this is very similar to symbolab except that it doesn’t show any steps at all unless you pay for a plan. you can use this for basic math, pre-alg, alg, trig, pre-calc, calc, stats, finite math, etc. as a cross-checker in case symbolab is being funky.
6 notes · View notes
authoressskr · 5 years
Write Into My Arms [1]
Characters: f!Reader, James “Bucky” Barnes, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, James “Rhodey” Rhodes, Peter Parker, Hope Van Dyne, Natasha Romanoff, Scott Lang, Wanda Maximoff, Vision, Okoye, T’Challa, Shuri, Clint Barton, Happy Hogan, Dr. Strange, Wong, Bruce Banner, Amelina Rodrigez (OFC), with mentions of Thor, Carol Danvers, Rocket Raccoon, Groot, Peter Quill, Gamora, Nebula, Mantis and Drax.
Warnings: Language, Action (in last chapter) and no Beta (just me and Grammerly up in here)  ::  Word Count: 8885  ::  Pairing: Bucky x f!Reader
This was written for @jewelofwinter’s Writing Challenge!! I also incorporated a prompt for @jaamesbbarnes + @sgtjbuccky’s D&S’ Milestone Celebration!!
Prompt: “Tin Man lost Y/N.” (@jewelofwinter’s prompt) + “Publicly, I agree. Personally, I think it’s chickenshit.” (D&S’ prompt) Bolded in text below. Prompt #1 will appear in the third part while Prompt #2 appears in the second part. The next two parts will be posted by the end of this week. All three will be linked.
Summary: You’re a small time blog writer who is invited to interview the Avengers. ALL the Avengers. 
Please do NOT repost, copy & paste, post or share my works on any other platform without my EXPRESS PERMISSION.
-+- REBLOGGING is fine and very appreciated! -+-
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Looking around the compound’s living room, you can’t help but openly stare. Everything is expensive, even the doorknobs seem to know their elevated worth.
You’ve circled the room three times so far, each time slower than the last as your keen eyes searching out every minute detail. You’ve been waiting for nearly twenty minutes, which isn’t too much of a bother, and from what you’d heard from other reporters and writers isn’t that long of a wait for Tony Stark. Although your boss said that the article was supposed to cover all of the inhouse Avengers…
Happy, Tony’s chauffeur/bodyguard and right-hand man, had brought you into this room and at this point, your overthinking has begun to wonder if being made to wait here is a diversion so that he can get all the Avengers to clear out. After all, Stark Industries controls most of the press about the Avengers and they don’t do interviews...except Tony and every so often, the good Captain Rogers.
You wonder briefly if watching some YouTube would be extremely unprofessional or just a mild, millennial version of unprofessionalism.
Deciding against it, you sit on the plushest and buttery soft black leather couch, fishing around your large purse for your notebook. Carefully flipping past the first pages, you look over the list of Avengers you’ve compiled - along with basic stats, going over them for the umpteenth time since being assigned this article. And, being the person you are, you had arranged them by age, willingness to talk to you, and then on difficulty on opening up for the story.
Fishing out a pen, you make a few last-minute notes, only to feel that tell-tale prickle at the back of your neck alerts you to the three figures lingering in the large entryway that leads towards a hallway. You pop up, smoothing out your dress bottom nervously.
“Oh! Hello. I’m Y/N, writer for Undefined Muses. I’m, uh, here to interview you?”
“You don’t seem to know if you are or not,” Hawkeye, Clint Barton, says with a big smile - the last yellow traces of a bruise fading on his left cheek.
“I wasn’t sure who all had agreed to participate - and I don’t want to force anyone to do if they aren’t interested.”
“Normally, the reporters are kind of rabid about these kinds of interviews,” Natasha replies smoothly, moving into the room and perching on the arm of an oversized loveseat. She’s dressed impeccably, looking like a glamorous movie star from the thirties, with high waist black dress pants and a dark blue silk shirt with tiny red roses dotted all over.
“Well, my boss sent me because I’m,” You pause, searching for the right word. “Demure.”
“I honestly was waiting for you to say ‘unrabid’.” Clint chuckles out, tossing himself into the loveseat that Natasha is perched on directly across from where you stand.
“I’m not sure what writer would use the word ‘unrabid’. I’m also 90% sure that isn’t a word.”
“Only 90%?” Natasha queries, smiling so knowingly it makes you a little wary.
“Well, he said it, so thus it has been made a word. But you won’t find it in a dictionary. So yes, 90%.”
The large brunet, whom you knew as James Barnes, still stood by the hallway they must have come from, watching the interactions with storm blue eyes. Your shoulders tighten, straightening as you realize that they’d sent all the previous assassins in first. Quite the unsettling welcome wagon… Wait. Was this a weird sort of game? Like chicken? You very nearly chuckle, if that’s the case, because little did these people know you weren’t the bravest person - content with hiding behind your words, telling others amazing and heart wrenching stories.
“Will you all be participating?” You finally manage to get out with a smile without nerves making it forced.
“They will,” Comes the answer from behind you - Tony Stark himself, Iron Man in the flesh, says with a confidence you’d only seen on tv. “Miss Y/L/N. So glad you could make it. Plane ride enjoyable?”
“Yes, sir. Thank you so much for the use of your plane.” He waves a hand as he flashes a megawatt smile.
“No problem. No problem at all. Now, I know they’ve probably introduced themselves but that is Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, and one of the 100 plus pair, Bucky Barnes.”
“Nice to meet you all,” They all nod as Tony rubs his hands together then claps.
“Now, I’ll show you where you’ll be staying, I’ll have Happy drop your luggage in there while I show you around -”
“I’m sorry - uh, staying?” You tilt your head a tad to the left, blinking at the illustrious Mr. Stark.
“Yes. Of course, you’ll be staying here in the compound. Rhodey, Steve, and Sam are headed home as we speak, should be here sometime early tonight. Wanda and Vision are on their way back, they were having brunch at a nearby vineyard. Oh, and Thor, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and Captain Danvers should be in - oh, I don’t know - maybe 3 or 4 days. Everyone else is on site.” Logically, you know your mouth is open. You also know you should close it, but the shock…
Every. Single. Avenger.
“Um, I just...Sir, I didn’t mean...I only just brought...ALL OF THEM??”
“To answer your oh so eloquent questions, I did tell your boss I would be getting you as many as possible. I would have thought Mrs. Rodrigez, was it?, would have conveyed the seriousness,” He gives a little huff, smile firmly in place. “Anyhow, you’ll manage. FRIDAY will have a list of shops that will deliver here - we have a tab, just feel free to add to it.”
“Sir -”
“Tony,” He corrects.
“Tony. I will manage my own clothes, thank you. My boss did stress the importance of this interview block. I was told, however, that this was by choice for the Avengers or Stark Industries staff. Not that you’d make them come from outer space to be riddled with questions. And, Tony, I honestly don’t know why our little site was chosen to write these interviews to begin with, sir. How do you even know who I am…” You were so focused on Tony that you hadn’t realized that Wanda Maximoff, Vision, Pepper Potts (Stark?), Bruce Banner, Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne and a man of Asian descent you couldn’t place had entered the room. Tony moves closer, peering over the couch and down into your purse, finger pulling at one of the edges to see into it.
“Well, that’s simple. I asked for you.” Eyebrows shoot upward in shock before your forehead furrows. “See, Pep read a piece you did on library and book importance - specifically in young and all school-age children. It was lying around, so I read it. And you know what? I liked the emotion. The thoughtfulness behind it. Every word was picked with such care - constructed to paint a picture. And that’s what I want you to do for us.” He gestures for you to sit, which you give a gentle shake of your head at and takes up the seat you’d been in before. He leans forward, one elbow balanced on his knee as he looks up at you. “We get good press, bad press too, but I want people to see the big picture. We’re a team. We’re a family. We sacrifice a lot to be able to do what we do. Paint that picture for me.” The spell Tony seemed to have cast on you raised and you look around to see the whole room staring at you, waiting.
You swallow hard and nod a couple of times. “I’ll do my best, Tony.” He rises and gives a nod of his own, flashing you a smile tinged with sadness that he quickly hides.
“Good. Good. Let’s get you into a guest room and then the tour. But first, some more introductions.”
The voice in your room, in all the building you suppose, FRIDAY as she introduced herself, announced that dinner would be casual dress and served in an hour. Tony had been a gracious host, informing you he’d canceled your room at the winery - that, coincidentally, Wanda and Vision had been having brunch at earlier - before sashaying around the compound with Pepper, Scott, and Hope all in tow like a little tour group. Tony dutifully recited when it was built, remodeled, rebuilt. The layout and their functions. He adds little tidbits about visiting when he was little, making everything a little more real for you. You walk beside him, with him sometimes latching onto your elbow as you talk softly into your recorder, reminding yourself to get pictures of certain areas later with your camera.
It had been nice, Scott was witty and said aloud most of the smart ass comments you’d been thinking. Pepper kept Tony focused and Hope spent as much time as you did asking questions. The tour of the basic facilities ended back where it had begun in the living room, rain beginning to splatter against the massive wall of windows to your left.
You’d managed to find your way back to the room, 5th on the right, to find your overnight bag sitting on the end of the bed next to a plush white robe and a note from Tony stating he’d still asked for the stores to bring over things for you to pick out tomorrow and not to bother fighting him on it. Kicking off your shoes, you’d wandered over to the floor-to-ceiling window in your room to watch the raindrops slide down the glass, tucking your legs under you as you sat on the very soft, thick carpet with your notebook and pen.
Amelina, your boss and best friend, had bought you a gray, faux-leather sunflower embossed one to butter you up. Your little addiction and she knew it. You’d accepted the notebook and the assignment with little hesitation. Only to look at the notebook lying on your desk later and think ‘What the hell have I just done?!’
The first page is an outline of what Amelina had said she wanted from the articles (she ideally wanted to break them into separate pieces with each Avenger getting their own spotlight), your notes on the Avengers from digging online and the preliminary dates the article, or articles, would be posted on the site. Taking a deep breath you flip past the Avengers you’d already made lists for, adding the Guardians, Captain Danvers, Doctor Stranger, Wong (whom you’d met earlier), adding Scott and Hope as well, since they are West Coast-based and you had a 50/50 chance of actually interviewing them initially.
Your recorder would hold the interviews, your verbal notes and memos to take pictures of certain locations...but your gray notebook, that was for your notes and thoughts on their habits, likes and dislikes based on observation, how they interact with you, and how they interact with each other.
The alarm on your phone drags you away from writing a few more observations on the page designated for Pepper Potts, letting you know that you need to get up and changed for dinner. You plug your recorder in to download the tour from earlier while you change and freshen up your hair and makeup.
Your hopping on one foot, trying to shove your foot into the stupid pump when your alarm goes off again. Tossing yourself onto the end of the bed, you unplug your recorder and wiggle your foot into the pump better before heading out the door. You shove the recorder into the pocket of your skirt, making your way down the hall when the intro to “7 Rings” begins playing from the phone in your hand. With a quick swipe you answer, stopping almost halfway down the hall.
“Is that any way to answer the phone?”
“It is when I’m on my way to dinner and your long-winded call could make me late.”
“Harsh, dude, harsh.” Amelina barely takes a breath before continuing. “So, whatcha got so far?”
“First of all, that isn’t how I work. How long have you known me, Lina? By the way, I’m mad at you.”
“What for?”
“You didn’t tell me I’d be staying here or that I’d be here for two weeks. I looked like an idiot in front of Tony Freaking Stark and Pepper Freaking Potts!” You hiss into the phone, tapping your foot in irritation as she chuckles on the other end of the line.
“Sorry! I honestly didn’t know how long you’d be staying -”
“Well, it’s nice that you let me know that!”
“Mr. Stark just asked how long he could have you on loan. I said a max of three weeks.”
“Oh my god, Amelina,” you groan, letting your head drop forward as you repeat in your head to breathe.
“You are such a -”
“You’re being a real bitch. I would have packed. I would have been prepared. But nooooo! Now I’m standing in a hallway wishing that your brother’s new puppy would pee in your expensive shoes!”
“Now that’s just mean!”
“I’m hanging up now. May Jedi maul all the shoes you hold dear.” You jab your thumb against the screen before taking a deep breath and continuing your trek to the living room.
Apparently ‘casual’ at the Avengers compound is a broad term. Clint is sporting a sweatshirt with the SHIELD logo emblazoned on the front with black jogging pants and loafers. Steve has a dark blue shirt that is miraculously being held together by mere buttons, which you’re afraid if he strains, will lose their valiant efforts to keep his shirt together. His is paired with khakis and the same loafers as Clint, which amuses you for some unknown reason. Sam Wilson has a red t-shirt with a black blazer over it, dark gray jeans and some well-worn boots. As you finish taking in appearances, standing like a wallflower half-hidden by the hallway arch still, you can’t help but wonder if you should pinch yourself to see if this was reality.
Sam spots you first, or is the first to acknowledge it, and makes his way over with a friendly smile painted on his face.
“I’m Sam Wilson, nice to meet you.” His hand extends and nearly swallows your own before giving it a firm shake. You liked that. He wasn’t treating you as delicate. You detested when men did that when shaking hands with women…
“Y/N Y/L/N, nice to meet you as well.”
“Heard Tony gave you the tour.” He’s got a smirk now, eyes bright and teasing.
“Oh yeah. He offered to let me try out a suit - but only when Pepper and Steve weren’t around.”
“Killjoys,” Sam gives a serious shake of his head, chuckling as FRIDAY announces dinner is ready to be served. “Let’s get you to dinner. We’re having it in the mess hall once everyone gets here - tonight we can still have it in the actual dining room.” He offers his arm, guiding you out of the living area. “You met Bucky, right?” You give a nod, very aware the aforementioned is right behind the two of you. “His article will be the shortest. Dude’s damn near a mute unless he’s lecturing Steve, so I wish you good luck on interviewing him.”
“And here I thought that your odd friendship was all made up…” You answer slyly, hearing a snort of laughter behind you - unsure if it belongs to Steve or Bucky.
“Hey Cap, you meet the reporter?” Sam flashes you a smile as he turns the two of you around, bringing you to a hard stop so you don’t ram into the super-soldier.
“Steve Rogers, miss.” He offers his hand and gives yours a firm shake, his blue eyes holding a wariness you weren’t expecting. Captain America, wary of you? Doesn’t inspire a lot of hope in you about this whole experience…
“Y/N Y/L/N, sir.”
“Sit! Sit!” Tony orders jovially from down the table before pointing to the man at his right. “Rhodey. War Machine. Liar extraordinaire. I may need to sit in to make sure he gets all the facts straight.”
“Don’t listen to Mr. Stank over here, ma’am.”
“Unfortunately, that’s why I’m here Mr. Rhodes.” Steve pulls out your chair for you, waiting until your seated to take his seat to your left. “Thank you.”
“I think we should all get to know each other,” Tony starts, only for Rhodey to roll his eyes and Bruce to scoff from the other end of the long table.
“May I record?” You ask, watching everyone sort of tense and shuffle.
“Of course!” Tony answers as you withdraw the recorder, clicking it on and sitting it beside your plate.
“I think it’s only fair since I’ll be bothering all of you for the next two or so weeks, that you can ask me whatever you’d like as well.”
“That’s fair,” Dr. Strange concedes from his spot to your right.
“Very fair, I think,” Scott agrees, giving you a big comforting smile.
“Okay, well let’s start with where you were born.” A handful of waiters come in, setting bowls and plates onto the tabletop before disappearing.
“Family style,” Pepper clarifies before looking expectantly to you.
“I was born in California. But moved to Seattle when I was little, maybe about 3. Right before I started kindergarten we moved back to California. Been there ever since.”
“And your business?” Pepper asks, dishing some green beans onto her plate.
“It’s more Amelina’s than mine. We’re partners in the site, but I do the money part, well I prep it for the accountant - and most of the writing - and she does the schmoozing, bossing around, the sports articles and the keeping up of the site. So she’s doing the lion’s share.”
“I would think you break even,” Hope pipes up. “Well, what with you having to travel and compile the information and then write it out. Plus anything to do with money is usually more stressful. Do you both hire and fire?”
“Unfortunately, yes. We tried to hire a sports writer after we’d had the site for a year, but it didn’t work out...”
“Wait. Wait. Was it that guy that kept inserting himself into the story?” Sam laughs out, peeking around Bucky who is beside Steve. You bite back a groan.
“Bucky, Rhodey - it’s that article I sent you saying that Babe Ruth was only half the baseball player he could have been and that the writer could’ve been the next Bambino.” Rhodey is at least trying not to laugh, but you can see Bucky’s shoulders shaking as you lean backward in your chair.
“That was a huge mistake. All of his work we reviewed before hiring was impeccable. I checked to make sure it wasn’t plagiarized and we called all of his references. Apparently, he’d had some experience in coding and websites, so after he handed in his first final draft, he went in an hour after Amelina posted it, and changed it. We got so many emails - we were getting all these calls... Brian up and disappeared after he did that. To this date, still haven’t had as much traffic on the site as that day.”
“Brian sounds like a douche,” Wanda mutters with a smile, taking a sip from her wine glass. You look down at your plate, finding it overflowing with more food than you’d put on there. You raise an eyebrow at Steve, who just shrugs and puts a forkful of potato salad in his mouth with a smile.
“Yeah. I blacklisted him.”
“Blacklisted how?” Clint manages around a mouthful of bread.
“Oh, um, well I emailed almost every single media outlet in California, Washington, Oregon, and Nevada. Then I asked them to forward it to their parent stations or owners. So basically, after a year of emailing people, most blogs, newspapers, tv stations, circulars, and YouTube hosts in California to Kentucky know not to deal with anyone going by his name. I helped a reporter from Pennsylvania with her story, and she began emailing people on the East Coast about it. All emails included his picture too, just in case he went by another name.”
“Effective. A bit ruthless.” Vision is seated between Wanda and Rhodey, nodding in approval.
“No! Not ruthless!” You defend, voice rising a little before the heat rises in your neck and cheeks. “Sorry. I just didn’t want anyone to get dinged as we did. We had to say a lot of apologies and lost a lot of work because of his pointless self-involved rant. And I mean, who goes after Babe Ruth?”
“Balls but no brains,” Scott adds, the two of you nodding. He points his fork at your plate. “Eat.”
“Can I ask a question?”
“That’s what you’re here for.” Tony chuckles out.
“What do you guys do in times like these? When there aren’t aliens or Loki or HYDRA? Like a big spa day for all of you guys? Karaoke?”
“To be honest,” Natasha begins. “There aren’t a lot of days like this when we are all free at the same time. But honestly, it’s more watching and waiting than action and aliens.”
“Kind of miss SHIELD to kind of take care of the day to day bad guy cartel and mafia stuff?” You manage around a mouthful of pasta. Sweet Jesus, it was decadent and cheesy.
“Sometimes I miss the help,” Clint admits.
“What Clint means is that he misses telling people what to do.” Sam teases, tossing a bread roll at him across the table, which Clint catches without even looking away from you.
“Hey! I didn’t tell people what to do. They just did it.”
“Did you buy a bar just to tear it down, Tony?” Tony smiles around a forkful of steak.
“Yes. Yes, I did. Ross just rubs me the wrong way.”
“To be fair, I think he rubs everyone the wrong way.”
“You’ve met him?” Steve sounds surprised, eyebrows raised in what you hope is astonishment.
“Unfortunately. I was in college and had to write a piece on something or someone whom you don’t agree with. Now I am all for soldiers but upper management sucks in the military, no offense Mr. Rhodes. But, everywhere, really... I just think the old guys in Congress and equally old guys in the upper ranks are calling the shots on things they shouldn’t be interfering in, as far as college me was concerned. Ross irritated me for the simple reason that he was the smartest person in the room and no matter what I said, what facts I had, what questions I asked, I would always be wrong. Never disliked being called ‘sweetheart’ so much in my life. Hard to have a conversation with the other side when they talk to you like that. Plus, I got a D on that paper, so he sucks in my book.”
“I told him to call me if he needed help. Then I left him on hold. In my own defense, I did warn him earlier I did like to watch the light blink.” Rhodey snorts into his glass at Tony’s admission.
“Like a tiny Christmas light of joy.” Steve comments, leaning back in his chair with a smile.
You shove a forkful of green beans into your mouth, giving a little sigh at how damn good it tasted before spearing a few more and eating those as Scott launches into the tale of him, Cassie, Luis and his ex-wife’s husband all hanging Christmas lights - only for the new husband to find he’d rewired and programmed them to blink in super slow motion with the fastest Christmas songs he could find and vice versa. And every 9 hours and 45 minutes, it played La Cucaracha, perfectly in time with the lights. There are a few chuckles around the table, but you’re laughing pretty damn hard.
“That’s brilliant actually! The deviousness lies in the amount of annoying that they could take. Having to time your exit must have been a bitch.”
“He and one of his buddies took it all down, bought new lights and hung those up. Cassie told me she missed hearing the Chipmunks, so I remotely programmed a timer so it would play the Christmas Don’t Be Late song right before her bedtime.”
“Cassie sounds like a wonderful girl. And very lucky to have you for her father.” Scott looks flustered but gives you the brightest smile before looking down at his empty plate.
“Th-thank you.”
“Of course. Do you guys do Netflix around here? Movie night?”
“Your mind is everywhere…” Hope says with a grin. “That’s good.”
“And to answer your question - yes. We have Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime…” Sam trails off as the waiters reappear, clearing the table only to return seconds later with plates of beautiful personal assorted desserts. If this was how they ate, you’d hate to see their exercise regime. Oh god, you hoped you weren’t expected to work out with them...
“I was just wondering how you all decide on a show. Do Steve and Bucky have lists? Like are you all working through AFI’s 100 Greatest Movies? I think I’ve only seen 20 of them. Do you all binge shows together?”
“Pep started a rotation. So if it’s your Sunday night and you’re in the compound or tower, then you pick the movie or show. If you aren’t here, it goes to the next person on the list.”
“Sometimes after a mission, it’s usually just decided to watch tv shows just cause we all sort of zone out,” Steve whispers after Tony’s answer, taking a big scoop of his parfait.
“We’ve never been invited,” Wong pipes up, frowning at Tony.
“Oh, I invited both you and Strange right after Pepper made the schedule. If Strange didn’t relay that…” Dr. Strange just rolls his eyes.
“I mentioned it.”
“You didn’t say it was a regular occurrence.” Wong huffs out before biting into a ladyfinger.
“Like an old married couple,” Clint chuckles out, his desserts all gone as he leans contentedly back in his chair. You give your head a small shake at their exchange before reaching to stop your recorder.
“Well, thank you so much for that delicious meal. And thank you for letting me record. I hope I get less awkward as this goes on.”
“This was awkward?” Wanda raises an eyebrow, making you fiddle with the recorder before tucking it into your pocket.
“Okay, well, um then it will get more awkward before it gets less awkward.” You all rise, pushing in your chairs before wandering out of the dining room and back towards the living areas.
“You’ll find out we’re all awkward. Well, except me.” You nod seriously at Tony’s words, managing to see Bucky roll his eyes at Tony’s words. Huh. Who knew… “Nightcap?”
“Oh, no. Thank you. I’m so full I don’t think I could even manage that.”
“Then we’ll say goodnight.” A chorus of goodnights echoes around the large living room.
“Goodnight everyone.”
You totter off to your room, cursing the fact that you’re so sleepy right now. After washing your face, brushing your teeth and changing into your pajamas, you shuffle down under the covers.
“Well, that wasn’t the most awkward or silent dinner I’ve ever been to…” You mutter before sleep drags you under.
In the morning, you wake up earlier than you usually tend to, sitting on the floor in your pajamas in front of the rain-splattered window with your headphones on - going over the recordings, transcribing them and making notes in your dotted notebook, since it better served to add afterthoughts to. Not the nice orderly layout of your new notebook. And you’re so involved in listening and typing, snatching up the notebook beside you to jot down memos, that you don’t hear Steve and Tony calling your name and you sure as hell don’t hear them enter.
The scream accounts for that, Bucky and Sam barrelling through your door as you look up at Steve and Tony with wide eyes, shoving your headphones off.
“We’re sorry.” Tony barely restrains a chuckle. “I’m sorry. I had FRIDAY see if you were awake, then came to get you for breakfast, but,” He laughs now, the skin by his eyes crinkling. “You didn’t answer.”
“Maybe we should think about a different system!” You blurt as you stare up at the four men.
“Yes. Definitely,” Tony chuckles. “Next time I’ll have FRIDAY blink the lights to alert you.”
“Thank you!”
“Our pleasure.” Steve grins out, extending a hand.
“No, I’m fine here, thanks.” Steve shrugs, the smile not disappearing.
“Well, we’ll leave you to get dressed for breakfast. The shops are due to arrive after breakfast for you to pick some more clothes for your stay. Sam has also requested to be your first interview.” Sam winks at you from Cap’s left, sporting a wide smile as Bucky’s gaze goes from Sam to you.
“Thanks again.” You peer around Steve. “And thank you two for coming so quickly.”
“Anytime, Y/N.” Sam delivers smoothly, Bucky rolling his eyes before making a swift exit. The other three leave with smiles on their faces.
It takes you several minutes to realize you were in your pajamas; a worn and oversized ‘It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown’ shirt paired with sleep shorts that could barely be seen peeking under the hem of your shirt.
“Jeez…” You groan, rubbing a hand over your face before closing the laptop and tossing your notebooks on the bed.
Ten minutes later you have your teeth brushed and you’re dressed in adequate attire, shuffling nervously into the kitchen area on the other side of the bar in the living room. Clint and Bucky are cooking, Wanda weaving between the two expertly. You slip in the seat next to Hope, her hair in a ponytail and dressed in workout clothes.
“How long has everyone been up?” You whisper-ask, setting your recorder and notebook beside the empty plate that Natasha sets in front of you with a small smile. You return it as Hope cuts her pancake which is riddled with syrup, fruit and whipped cream.
“We all did a workout before breakfast,” She puts a big bite of sugar-laden pancake in her mouth, “Speeds up your metabolism.”
“Where’s Scott?”
“Here.” He mutters, slipping into the seat on the other side of Hope.
“Not a morning person?”
“I enjoy my sleep.”
“Thank god. Me too. Under normal circumstances.”
“Yes,” A new voice pipes up from the other side of the room, making you lean back to see who it is. “We heard about the intrusion this morning.”
“Holy - Princess Shuri!” After nearly tripping trying to slither out of your stool, you manage to get upright and extend a hand. “So lovely to meet you.”
“Thank you. It is lovely to meet you as well. I read your articles after Tony mentioned you were selected to do the interviews, and I must say that when you do scientific articles, there is a very nice flow and imagery that one does not usually get.”
“Thank you! I’m sure whoever I’ve interviewed in the science community doesn’t care for all the questions I have after the interview, so I’m glad that it reads well to a genius.”
“You will just make her head bigger, Miss Y/L/N.”
“King T’Challa, wonderful to meet you.” You breathe a deep breath of relief as he extends his hand, giving it a firm shake with a warm smile.
“Wonderful to meet you as well. Please sit, you must keep your strength up if you are to deal with all of us.” There is mischief in his eyes, the twinkle of a man temporarily unburdened.
“That bad?”
“Wait ‘til the Guardians are here!” A male voice pipes up, followed by a tossing sound and a huffed “Sorry!”
“Peter Parker, ma’am.” Your eyebrows shoot up as you automatically stick out your hand.
“Spider-Man,” Tony supplies as he walks by with a bowl of oatmeal. Honestly, your only thought is that he’s a baby and should be protected at all cost.
“Yeah, I think I saw a post on Instagram about someone in New York making Spider-Man ice creams...So you’re the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man?” Peter blushes, withdrawing his hand and crossing his arms over his chest.
“Don’t worry, kid. Pep had her sign contracts before she even came. She can’t reveal your identity.”
“Oh. Okay then.” His smile brightens at least a hundred watts. “Did you eat yet? Mr. Barnes makes the best pancakes!”
“Does he now?” Bucky’s back is to you, so you can’t see his expression, but there are already two hot pancakes setting on your plate next to several pieces of bacon. “I’m going to gain so much weight while I’m here…” You sigh, actually not the least bit bothered by it once you bite into the pancake, it’s buttery soft fluff filling your mouth, the second bite revealing a tiny melted chocolate chip to add to the deliciousness. Flipping open your notebook, you scribble down a note: Bucky Barnes = wonderful pancakes. Peter sees it and ducks his head as he takes his plate over to where Shuri is sitting, the two of them bent over a tablet when you glance over your shoulder.
Everything is terribly domestic. Normal.
And you want them to enjoy it. Cause honestly, after all that’s happened, they truly deserve a little peace and camaraderie.
”Okay, so is this alright?” You ask, settling a little more into the plush blood-red chair in Sam’s bedroom, his desk to your right littered with your notebook, your phone, the recorder, and several pens.
“Great. I’m good to go.” You pick up the recorder, clicking it on with a nervous smile directed at Sam before you began.
“Interview One: Sam Wilson, known as Falcon. Okay, Sam, please tell me a little about yourself?”
“What would you like to know?”
“Let’s just start with the basics - like speed dating.”
“I’ve never been speed dating.”
“Well, aren’t we the lucky one?”
“Wait - you’ve been speed dating?”
“Unfortunately. It was for an article but nothing really was romantic or fun about asking the same questions of men who aren’t looking you in the eye.”
“Don’t gotta worry about that here. Our mamas all raised us right.”
“Noted. Alright, so I’ll ask the nice fluffy questions first.”
“Working our way up to the heavy hitter ones.”
“Exactly. What’s your favorite thing to do in New York, besides save it? What was your childhood dream job? Favorite Disney movie? How do you like your coffee?”
“Eat. Man, I love food. They have a little gumbo place in Harlem,” He kisses the tips of his fingers. “Best Southern food up here. As for my childhood dream job - man, I love birds. I wanted to train raptors, rehabilitate them...or I wanted to be a chef ‘cause I enjoy food. All kinds. Man, I haven’t seen a Disney movie in ye -- well, that’s not true because Spider-Nerd made us watch Toy Story 4 the other day...but probably a tie between Fantasia and The Rescuers. And coffee? That I take black with room so I can add cream and three sugars.”
“Good memory skills. Want more difficult ones now?”
“Oh yeah, I’m ready,” He rubs his hands together with a smile spreading quickly across his face.
“If Stark does a superhero calendar, which month do you want and what are you wearing for it?” His laughter is loud and boisterous, his hands braced on his knees before looking at you.
“Whew - went right for it, didn’t you? Are you asking everyone this question? Can I be there when you ask Cap and Bucky? I bet you twenty bucks that Tony says he’s thought of it before and he wants December cause of the gift he is.” You lean over and make a note of it in your notebook.
“I’ll take that bet. I counter with he doesn’t want to do one but he’d like to be July.” He extends his hand and you shake it firmly, mustering up a serious expression as you did so before settling in to wait for his answer.
“Man, okay. Uh, I think I’d like to be August. Not as hot but not cold either, with those pre-fall feelings. And I’m getting the tightest red shirt I own, along with my favorite pair of jeans. But I could be persuaded to dress sexier - nice fitted suit and tie.”
“Why’d you join the Air Force?”
“I just wanted to help people. And I wanted to see the world. My mom was okay with it since she figured the Air Force weren’t the first to deploy and that I’d be mostly out of harm’s way. But I enjoyed the regimen, the camaraderie I had with the other guys. But when my wingman, my partner Riley, died -- you, you know I just didn’t want to be apart of that anymore after that. I decided I’d get more out of life if I helped other soldiers deal with their problems.” He pauses, searching your face for something before continuing. “I met Steve one day when we were both out running. I knew who he was, but I also knew he was just like any other soldier who had come home and was looking to adjust - looking to find his place.”
“So you did what came naturally - you offered a sympathetic ear and some words for him to think on.”
“Yep. And, honestly, I enjoyed getting to know Steve Rogers. I think we have a lot in common, just morals and being a good soldier, but it’s more important to be a better man than all of that.”
“You really admire him.”
“Of course I do. He’s my best friend. I wouldn’t trade what I had to go through - what we all had to go through - to have it done any other way. I mean, it was brutal in some places, but I’d do it all again -- I sure as hell don’t want to, but I would.”
“May I ask why you chose to follow Steve instead of, say, Col. Rhodes? Both military, both having friends who sort of go rogue, both just wanting to do the right thing…”
“Rhodey and I are good friends, don’t get me wrong. But he had a lot on his plate: The military. Ross. Tony. Still dealing with the fallout of SHIELD in the upper ranks. I would follow Rhodey for a lot of things, but I won’t fight against any of the other Avengers again unless they’re mind-controlled or some shit.”
“Peanut butter and jelly or ham and cheese?” You ask softly, giving him a kind smile.
“Peanut butter and jelly.” He says with his own soft smile.
“Can I pet Redwing?” He perks up at that question.
“Yeah, come on, I’ll show him to you.”
“Maybe the suit too?” You tease, gathering up your notebook and phone, shoving the latter into your pocket before the extra pens you’d brought got shoved right along in there. You carefully pick up the recorder, holding it aloft as Sam holds open his bedroom door.
Once you’ve petted Redwing, letting Sam fly it around you. Luckily you were smart enough to stop at your room first for your camera, most of the time focusing on the light in Sam’s eyes as he looks at his little buddy before Steve and Clint come into the hanger, Clint playfully throwing a few rocks as Redwing dodges them, the three of them joking as they stand in a semi-circle and watch. All the while you watch them through the lens, happily snapping pictures before you notice Bucky leaning against the hangar door a handful of feet away. He looks like he’s a model, a small smile on his face that’s half turned away from you with one hand - his metal hand - tucked into the pocket of his black, worn-looking jacket. You snap a few pictures before he turns his head towards you, the smile disappearing. You snap a picture anyway before lowering the lens and smiling as warmly at him as you can. He gives a little nod before pushing off the door and disappearing around the corner.
Clint drags you to the archery range after that, carefully digging through his arrows as he answers question after question.
“Okay, Clint, last one: If Stark does a superhero calendar, which month do you want and what are you wearing for it?” Clint snickers, his shoulders gently moving.
“Really? Well, alright then. I think I’d like to be January. And I think I want to be dressed in a velvet eggplant jacket with a black shirt and some black underwear.” You nearly snort when he wiggles his eyebrows and gives you a lazy smile, twirling an arrow.
“Boxers? Briefs? Thong?”
“I think some nice fitting briefs. Don’t want to make too many people jealous if I bust out my thong…”
“I certainly learned a whole lot about you, so thank you for that, Clint.”
“Anytime, sweet cheeks. Anytime.” He leads you back to the living room for your last interview of the morning before you all break for lunch. “Wanda! I got your girl here!” Wanda is standing by the hallway, a cup in each hand with a smile gracing her too-pretty face. She gestures with her head, her red hair swinging slightly. Clint doesn’t let you go initially, pushing his cheek closer to you.
“Alright, alright, Mr. Sweet cheeks.” You concede, kissing his cheek before watching him saunter past the others, tossing himself down onto the couch beside Scott with a chuckle.
“Good luck!” Sam hollers, making Wanda glare at him for a second before you follow her down the hall.
Wanda is teaching you a few words in Romanian when you emerge from her room for lunch.
Lunch is already laid out as you repeat “Nu, mulţumesc” until she nods.
“And that means?”
“No, Thank you.” You answer obediently.
“Now, combine everything.”
“Ce fasi! Mici sărutări pentru tine în această după-amiază. Nu, mulțumesc. Aș prefera să fac un tort.” [Little kisses to you all this afternoon. No, thank you. I'd rather have a cake.]
Bucky and Natasha shake their heads with a smile.
“And that means?”
“What are you doing? Little kisses to you all this afternoon. No, thank you. I’d rather have a cake.” Wanda chuckles out, giving your arm a loving pat.
“It was something my mother always said to my father. He said little kisses to us all and she said she would rather have cake. Y/N said it beautifully. Very naturally.”
“I am a wonderful parrot.” You smile out before Tony pokes his head in and whistles.
Bruce’s interview after lunch is filled with long pauses, his answers thought out and sometimes not what you expected. He takes you through his lab and then he suggests a short jaunt around the garden to finish the interview. When he excuses himself, you stay in the French-style garden, snapping a few scenic pictures and unwinding a bit from the interviews of today.
With four down, you’re feeling pretty perky about the whole series, trying not to think about the 25 or 26 more interviews you needed to do. Wandering through, your fingertips brushing over the perfectly trimmed hedges before spotting a few wild sunflowers towards the path leading into the woods. Carefully kneeling you take a picture, frowning as it’s just not quite right. You settle on your belly, one foot rising into the air as you refocus the camera and nail the picture you wanted!
You don’t even realize that Bucky is taking your picture as you grin at your camera, entirely too pleased with your results before you regain your footing and trek back to the compound.
You shoot for six interviews the next day, just trying to get them done before the Guardians, Thor and Captain Danvers arrive...Tony having casually mentioned recording a video group interview of sorts before you left. Which didn’t stress you out at all.
Hope’s interview was witty and broadening...how she described quantum physics (which just led to more questions) was outstanding.
Scott’s was quick-witted, dry and peppered with his pretty broad knowledge of electrical engineering, Captain America, and songs from the 80s. He was very open about his conviction and time in prison, his decision to be ankle monitored to be with his daughter, and how he feels all of this may affect her in the future. He’s an achingly good person and you add him to your “Protect At All Costs” mental list you’ve started.
Steve is stiff. He doesn’t see the humor in your calendar question (you have to show him the Australian firefighter one with the baby animals for reference) to which he begrudgingly requests the month of May and says a casual suit with flowers in lieu of a pocket square. You suggest him sitting slightly towards a camera, painting a field full of flowers...he seems to like the idea and it makes him relax a little - and you’ll have to thank Sam for that tidbit of information he’d given you. You ask Steve a lot about his life before Captain America, how he thinks it would have gone differently if Dr. Erskine had lived, and what he initially liked about the modern world. He tells you about art school and Bucky, getting beat up on a near regular basis in alleys all over Brooklyn, how he discovered Mr. Rogers’ TV show early one afternoon after moving into the compound.
Vision, on the other hand, doesn’t have a lot of life experience to draw upon but he’s a wealth of knowledge. He talks about JARVIS and ULTRON, the differences between the two of them and Tony, he talks about how DUM-E knows who he is and how loyal he is to Tony. He then shows you who DUM-E is, the bot jerkily “shaking” your hand as you marvel over how not just Tony has evolved but his creations as well. Do you coo how smart and handy the robot it? Of course. But it’s worth it to see the robot nodding as you talk about how smart his dad is. DUM-E then gives you a tiny circuit board before you leave, Vision remarking that he likes you very much to have done so. You scribble down a note to ask Tony if that’s okay that you have that.
Peter is your last interview before dinner, and holy cow, everyone in the compound is a fucking genius. Peter tells you about his web fluid, the neighborhood where he’s grown up, and it’s clear how much he admires Tony from how reverently he speaks. Their relationship, you notice, is a little more parent/child than a mentor/mentee relationship. It’s adorable with a tinge of awkward. Peter shows you pictures he’s taken swinging all over New York and you show him where he can get a Spider-Man ice cream. He asks you just as many questions as you do and you chuckle when he refers to nearly every movie before his date of birth as “a really old movie”. You show him a few Charlie Chaplin shorts to show him what exactly “really old” is. He, in turn, shows you Tik Tok videos that you both laugh over.
“Do you like serial killer stuff?” He asks as you both head to the dining room for dinner, tucking his phone back into his pocket, both sets of your sneakers squeaking ever so slightly on the expensive floors.
“I think most women do.”
“Why do you think that?” His little focused face is adorable, trying to link it up in his head.
“Women always think they can do things better. And they’re usually right, just to let you know.” He nods seriously. “We’re outraged by it but intrigued. Pretty sure women can get blood out of just about anything - I’ve gotten red nail polish out of khaki pants by sheer will alone. It’s different for everyone, I guess. But mostly I think it helps us to collectively learn how to plausibly commit the perfect murder while we drink wine from the couch and shove snacks in our faces. And possibly solve a crime in our heads.”
“Huh,” Peter’s brow is still furrowed but he’s nodding his understanding. Peter looks up to find Bucky studying you, and when you look at Peter, he’s just smiling. “Excuse me.” You nod, watching him high-five Shuri before you feel someone by your side. Dr. Strange gestures to your ever-moving seat, which tonight is between Okoye and Wanda.
“Thank you,” you murmur gratefully, not noticing the quick clench of Bucky’s hand as he moves around Strange to his own seat opposite Natasha.
Rhodey steals you after dinner, Sam teasing him as they disappear to his office.
“Come on, man. Just talk to her.”
“Shut up, bird brain.”
“She’s pretty nice. I was concerned she was just gonna go after us, with the questioning, but she eased into it and just didn’t focus on the darker stuff. She seems to want to get to know us as people.”
“It’s weird, huh?” Clint comments as Hope nods.
“It’s nice to be treated like a person. Not someone who’s infallible or holier than thou…” T’Challa remarks from his spot in the plush crimson chair across from them.
“Very inclusive, as well,” Okoye adds as Shuri and Peter come skidding into the room, Peter holding a tablet.
“What are you two doing?” Steve asks as he arches one blonde eyebrow high at the two.
“Nothing,” Shuri says smoothly, Peter nodding a few times too many when Tony comes into the room.
“Why is there a herd of deer in my hanger?” Both teens shoot off towards the patio door, laughing the whole time. “I don’t know what they did, but Redwing is acting like a herding dog with them, so you might need to go check that out, Sam.”
“Damn kids, I swear...I’m gonna need to squash me a spider…” He mutters loudly, heading briskly for the hanger.
“So, you gonna talk to our little journalist?” Tony smirks down at Bucky, which makes him scowl at the billionaire.
“I’m supposed to do that tomorrow,” He grumbles, making Tony smirk harder.
“You know that’s not what I mean, Tin Man.” Bucky wisely says nothing as he tries to calm his ramping up heart rate. “Even the kids have noticed you looking.”
“He has some competition,” Vision adds, smiling at Wanda who tilts her head slightly but returns his smile. “DUM-E.” Tony snorts, shaking his head as he turns away to gather himself.
“The robot? So the two are evenly matched then.” Natasha chuckles out, taking a healthy sip of her gin and tonic as she meets Bucky’s eyes.
“Nat, that’s not fair. The robot shook her hand and gave her a circuit board. He’s leagues ahead of Buck.” Clint teases, taking Natasha’s drink and taking his own healthy sip before handing it back. Bucky looks at his best friend, who is trying desperately to stop his shoulders from shaking with his laughter.
“40’s you would be ashamed. A robot who can’t talk?”
“Bucky Barnes vs a Roomba!” Shuri comments from behind Tony before making a break for it down the hallway with Sam hot on her tail. T’Challa, Okoye, and Bucky all point Sam down the hallway where she disappeared to when he comes panting into the living room.
“Now me is more inclined to hit your once-asthmatic ass for being the little shit you are,” Bucky growls at Steve, getting up from the couch turning to head to his room, only to freeze when he sees you and Rhodey standing by Peter in the door frame to the patio.
“Do you know there are deer in the hanger? And are you guys running a weird robot/human fight club?”
“Is that all you heard?” Tony asks, turning around and slinging his arm over the back of the couch with a smile flirting on his lips.
“We picked up the pace getting in here when we heard Shuri shout Bucky Barnes vs a Roomba. I mean, I’ve seen a raccoon with a machine gun, so that would have just been something else to add to the Weird Shit I’ve Seen list.” You press your lips together hard to keep from laughing at Rhodey’s nonchalant attitude and suddenly, Bucky isn’t as pissy as before. Well, he is - but at his friends - not at you.
It’s been three days. Three fucking days and he’s smitten.
“Goodnight,” He says gruffly before retreating down the hall.
He’s nearly in his room, so he doesn’t hear you ask if you’ve done something wrong.
Tagging: @jewelofwinter @sgtjbuccky @jaamesbbarnes @thewhiterabbit42 @nobodys-baby-now @unleashthemidnight @stay-frosty-royal-unicorn @chelsea072498 @clockworkmorningglory @sakurablossom4 @marichromatic @blondecoffeecake @ourloveisforthelovely @whinywingedwinchester @feelmyroarrrr
NOTE: Found the pic online and edited it, props to Google and all rights/privileges/ownership goes to who took the photo and to Marvel who made up all these characters. 
[PART 2]
283 notes · View notes
inviouswriting · 5 years
i think would have asked you to pick all for the writer ask ^^lll but pick the ones you want to answer the most? XD
I think I will do all of them. I was thinking about it myself and feel like it. Thank you for sending this in.
ink: what do you do to “set the mood” when writing?
I start thinking about the setting I want to write before a title or a character pops into mind. It’s why I love one word prompts because they spark off instantly.
pen and paper: do you prefer writing by hand or on a device? why?
Computer. Spell check and punctuation checker. I recently purchased word for my new laptop and it has been so helpful. I rarely write by hand. (I have bad handwriting.)
diary: how many pieces have you written that are just for you or will never see the light of day? 
There are a few stories I have written that are personal and keep to myself. Mostly original stories because not a lot of people read my original works. Maybe some day I’ll post them.
journal: do you ever write just so you can enjoy something to read?
All. The. Time. You think I write for just the fandom? I write for myself because I have stories that no one has read. Others have stories I haven’t read before. I love writing as everything comes out different than it was in my head. Like Fire I just posted. I intended that to be longer, but settled for what I wrote here. Simple. I love re-reading my own stuff because it helps me figure out what and where to take the next drabble or story I write.
novella: do you prefer to write short stories, one-shots, or entire novels?
Short stories and one-shots are easier to manage. I wrote for the fandom of Undertale. I had a really popular story I was writing. I had everything planned out, everything going for it. I had daily reviews and the sort. Then it got too much. It felt like a chore than something I wanted to do. I like shorts, they’re fun to write, and I can complete them within a day or a few minutes of sitting down and starting to write. I have a whole novel in my head I want to write. But I just don’t know how the world will perceive it.
pulitzer: tell about/link a piece where you felt your writing was the best.
This would have to be “Heaven” it is a story I wrote for the Bleach fandom. It was my first major focused graphic smut story... (If anyone has figured I am one of those writers. I can write it without problems) It broke me out of the same ol same ol “Hey I just write pwps.” No I write amazing romantic stories now. 
genre: what genre do you prefer to write in?
smuts... romance. I am pretty good at them. I can also write horror really well if I ever entertain the dark side enough. My reaper~
narrator: what pov do you like writing in best?
Second and third pov. I can’t stand first person. I feel like I am writing a diary. It feels weird.
backstory: how did you come to love writing?
I am a reader. I love books and spent most of my youth in libraries. I have learned to love the fictional works. Fantasy is my favorite genre to read. (I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.) I started writing I think... around 12. Nothing explicit till maybe... 16-18. 
time-lapse: how long have you been writing (as a hobby or for work)? 
Since I can remember doing rp stuff. I think 11-12. It’s been like 20 years... (For those curious I am 31.)
characterization: describe your favorite character(s) you’ve written.
I’ll go by fandom where I’ve improved most
FF14. Aymeric is my favorite. I love writing things for him. Close second and growing is Estinien.
Kamigami no asobi - Hades. I love this guy. I learned I can write softly and beautifully.
Bleach - Ulquiorra. There is something about this particular character. I learned and grew as a writer because of Bleach. Ulquiorra is one of my favorite villains to write. 
Original work - My reaper Kiya. Kiya Shinikami (My black mage) stems into original works I do work on every so often. She is far from my own personality. I broke the mary sue stereotype with her. Whenever I am unsure of how I want to write for a fandom I do toss her in and see if I can make my writing work. How Trust came around. (I do have a story that would feature her in her full tilt self. Just how to write it.)
carnegie: what authors and/or books/stories have inspired you to write or influenced your work?
When I could start taking note of writing. Susan Fletcher. I enjoyed her Dragon’s milk series. (It’s an older children’s novel. but worth reading.) I enjoy authors like Neil Gaiman, Stephen King, and other fictional independent writers I see on sites and here. No one influences my writing because just like drawing. People need to focus on their own natural style of writing. Even if it is messy and uncoordinated.
faulkner: what tropes do you LOVE writing? which ones are your guilty pleasure?
Femme fatals. I have a soft spot for lovers at first sight...
o’connor: what tropes/genres do you dislike writing?
The “Came from a broken life and is obviously god’s gift to the object of desire” There is having a broken life. Then there is building the work and pulling through it. Going to Kiya here. In her story. She is someone who grew up in Elizabeth Bathory’s home. She was killed for her blood. In the after life. She rose to great heights then fell from her position only to ascend to something. She achieved her greatness through countless struggles and didn’t let her murder constrict how she goes through her life now. She was even Bathory’s reaper when it came time to collect.
dickinson: what insecurities do you have about your own writing? what do you think you should improve on?
Whether or not people truly enjoy my work. I have comprehension problems here and there. Punctuation has never been my best, even through school. I just can’t grasp it like others can. And I fear that is a put off for others.
playlist: what kind of music/songs help you write? do you have a writing playlist?
I tend to listen to trance or “mood” songs. Things that set a mood for the area I write in. If it is something longer than drabbles. Trance or instrumental music is best. (Specially for essay writing.)
record: have you written things based off of songs? do you like to?
I’ve written a few things. I do like writing songs with a music theme to them. 
nobel: have you published anything you’ve written? online or irl?
Yes! I am! I am published in an anthology for the pairing Ulquihime. https://www.deviantart.com/157yrs/art/Cross-Your-Heart-398611831 All the proceeds for this anthology are suppose to go to the children’s heart foundation. None of the writers or artists for this anthology make a dime off it. My story is called Ice.
notepad: can you write anywhere or do you have to be in a specific place and mood to write?
Drabbles are spot writing and they’re always on tumblr. I like the blue background as easier to look at than the white of my word.
parchment: how often do you or your personal life influence your writing?
Rarely. I keep my personal life from seeping into my writing. I want to separate myself as much as possible.
dedication: if you were to publish a book or multiple, who would you dedicate the book(s) to?
trope: what’s a pet peeve you have about writing? 
How easy it is. People who draw know how hard it is to perfect their skills. Same with writing. It isn’t “magic in words.” It’s time and dedication to improvement just the same. You don’t just wake up and go “I’m going to write the best thing ever.” without references, a thesaurus and dictionary. 
input: what’s something you hate that people say to you about writing/your writing?
“ It’s like someone else’s.” I kinda find it impersonal that way as I have strived to stand apart from others. I want to be remembered for me. Not remembered as a copy cat of someone else.
critic: what’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received about writing?
Be patient. It seems like it is hard to do, and yes it is. But spending time to write, and focus on it, keeping a steady patient flow of how you write is crucial so you never get burned out.  Also keep prompt blogs and lists saved always. They do help.
mifflin: what do you feel is your strong suit in writing? 
Romance. I’ve been told I have a way with words. I just like to write an emotion I try to convey.
houghton: what’s something you love that people compliment your pieces on?
Enjoying my work. compliments and comments tell me I am doing good. Silence kills writers and artists. 
This was a bit long but I loved taking a moment to write all this as a way to get to know the person behind the blog. I’m pretty easy going and straightforward. 
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booksbyjoshr · 5 years
Tactics vs Strategies
   I recently picked up a book about publishing books and I honestly can’t put it down. In one of the chapters of the book, it talks about different tactics and strategies used by authors. Before that chapter, I viewed tactics and strategies as two sides of the same coin. Man, was I wrong, which is why I’m writing this post. Like always let’s dive into this post.
  Let me start by defining both terms via the dictionary; tactics is defined as a system or mode of procedure, whereas strategy is defined as a careful plan or method. Both of these definitions come to us via the Merriam-Webster dictionary. In my opinion, these definitions sound generic and a bit confusing. Tactics can be seen as techniques used in order to achieve your goals while strategies can be seen as the plan used to achieve your goal. Honestly, they still sound very similar but tactics can change whereas your strategy is the core of your business. Let’s use my book writing as an example; A tactic I could employ to sell more books is to give users a free copy of the first volume of a book and encourage them to buy the second volume. The strategy I would use is to write a book that is captivating and will make the reader purchase more books. My tactic may end up costing me more money or it might not deliver the desired results, which means I will eventually have to switch my tactic. My strategy, on the other hand, will remain constant because it is part of my core, if I don’t follow it then I’m letting my customers down. If you still don’t understand the difference it’s alright because I will be going into more details in the following paragraphs.
  I’m going to discuss tactics in an entrepreneurial/business sense. Let me first list a few that many people online recommend doing in order to build your business. Leveraging (insert social media site here), many guru’s and influencers talk about leveraging social media in order to build your audience/following. Many think this is a strategy but it really isn’t because of how often social media sites fail. Look at Vine, once it shut down the influencers had to start over on a different social media site. Even if your favorite platform stay open, what happens when they change their algorithm?  The second tactic that is talked about online is to make money with (insert the flavor of the day here). Some people say make money using ads, some say using drop shipping, others say using fulfilled by Amazon that’s why I put flavor of the month. Sure you can make money from these different ideas but how long is it sustainable? In my eyes, these are business fads that people jump to and from at the drop of a hat just to make a quick buck. Why do I think this? Well, I had friends who tried all of these “amazing” opportunities and when the well dried up they jumped to the next idea. The final tactic I want to touch on that people recommend online is buying the latest (insert product or service here). You want to make YouTube videos, well you need a 4K camera and then an expensive MacBook Pro and Final Cut Pro if not then you can’t make a good video. Many people will tell you that you need the latest gear in order to run a successful online or traditional business. I’m going to tell you a little known secret, technology becomes old/obsolete in six months to a year. The phone that you just purchased so that you can vlog on the latest and greatest is going to be considered old after a new model launches in a couple of months. This is a tactic because the equipment you buy now will eventually not be able to function as needed down the road and you don’t want to become reliant on one piece of tech.
  Now it’s time to go over some strategies. To keep it fair,  I’m going to use the same topic as before, entrepreneurial/business. The first business strategy is to build an audience/following. Every single person reading this is scratching their heads because in the previous paragraph, I said using social media to build an audience is a tactic. That’s the magic of strategies you use tactics in order to complete them but the strategy never changes. Strategies are broad, so when you say build an audience you can do it through infinite ways because you are only limited by your imagination. You will never not want to build an audience or customer base because the bigger your following the more income you could possibly generate. The second strategy for a business is to generate a positive cash flow. This is still broad because this is your something that will not change because in order for a business to stay afloat it must be profitable. The last strategy is to make the best experience/content for your audience/customers. This is self-explanatory, use what you have to please your customers.
  Like always I have to apply the post to my personal life/business, so let me do just that. The three strategies I listed above are literally strategies that I personally have for my business but my tactics are a bit different. I want to use my content to increase the size of my audience. That means having both high quality and a high quantity (not there yet) of content. This is a harder way but it’s the current tactic that I am using to build my audience. Since I refuse to run ads on my site, the only way I can generate a positive cash flow for my business is by using the tactic of increasing online sales. What do I sell? Books and the only way to increase sales is to have a larger offering. Which means I have to work super hard on this (currently have word goal and track how many words I type). My tactic to make the best experience/content is to actually produce content (which is actually very hard for me to do). If I were to search my site I can find at least ten different posts saying I’m going to do more posts and I honestly try to but it is not easy. I can sit here and list thousands of excuses but I need someone to just glue me to a seat and place a computer in front of me. Like always I’m working on this time using the knowledge from some books. Check out my GoodReads account here to see what I’m reading. Like I said tactics are constantly changing so if you read this post in a couple of months, then I may have changed the tactics that I am using. But rest assured, when I change my tactics I will do a post or a video discussing my new ones just like what’s in my bag (wink wink).
  This post is pretty long and but it’s straight to the point. This post was actually going to be a rant but I decided to turn it into an informative post that is meant for two different types of people. The first is the entrepreneur/business minded and the second is those who care about Josh and The Books By Josh Brand. Thanks for reading, JR.
Remember to be successful it's your right, duty, and responsibility.
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rigelmejo · 3 years
apps i’ve heard that are good for various aspects of language study:
WaniKani for vocabulary and kanji - the creators of it seem to think their app, plus a good grammar guide (so grammar textbook working through exercises) should be enough to learn and move into immersion. So I imagine at least their kanji/vocab coverage is large. People seem to like this app - I like that it supposedly has mnemonics. I imagine its kanji/vocab coverage goes up to N1, a benefit as stuff like Lingodeer only covers the basics.
Bunpro - Japanese Grammar SRS. What I like about the ‘concept’ of this, is that if fully used it would be a lot like doing textbook exercises/review of grammar which may help grammar correction/production more (versus what I do generally which is just passively read grammar which helps with comprehension but not production). I also specficially like that it GOES UP TO N1 GRAMMAR. Which pretty much all other apps for japanese don’t go past N4-3 at the absolute best. 
KanjiKoohi - not an app but a site, free, super nice to just reference for kanji meanings and mnemonics. 
Anki/Memrise - self explanatory, good for flashcard study of kanji/sentences/words. I personally really like Japanese Core 2k deck etc, and personally have only ever stuck with Nukemarine’s LLJ Memrise Courses. (*To be fair, the Nukemarine courses include Tae Kim’s Grammar Guide, Kanji study, and vocab study like Core 2k, so its a pretty comprehensive all-in-one if you can’t be motivated to study multiple materials).
Skritter - like Wanikani, its for learning hanzi characters, seems to cover most characters, and is well liked by people. However I used it and remember finding it not beneficial and quitting so I’ve got mixed feelings. I can’t remember if I only quit because the app wasn’t worth the subscription cost to me, or because it taught too slow/without enough mnemonics etc. (One big benefit I find to Anki, Memrise, Clozemaster specifically is you have a LOT of control over how much you study per day - you can grind through 100-200 things in less than an hour or just 15 words and skip some days then return, but stuff like Skritter really has a ‘plan’ they keep you more rigidly on if I remember correct which doesn’t work well for people like me who cannot study X amount of time the same way each day consistently).
HackChinese - I saw this mentioned recently for hanzi AND vocab. What I like, it includes vocab up to HSK 6. It also seems easy to add new vocab and vocab lists from textbooks. However I don’t think it covers more than that, so perhaps an alternative to Skritter and Memrise etc.
Anki/Memrise - again self explanatory. Specifically there’s some really good chinese specific decks out there (like Hanzi with Mnemonics chinese anki decks, Chinese Spoonfed anki deck - and just audio files someone made which I use a lot). Timo’s All in One Chinese 3 part anki deck is also useful. How good/bad what you study really depends on the materials you find. 
Chinese Pronunciation Trainer - a simple, free app. I fully recommend it as its built perfectly for Shadowing. It shows text (with or without pinyin) you hear the audio, you record yourself shadowing by just pressing a button, then you hear a replay of your voice compared to the audio. Shadowing works best when you can get feedback comparing your voice to the example you’re shadowing, so this is a great tool for that. Its also like 1000-2000 sentences, so even a beginner can find it useful as they’re generally daily life sentences that aren’t too complex.
普通话学习 app - I use the free version (I don’t think it will let me pay where I live, but it did let me register). This app is all in chinese so there’s a little learning curve but I figured it out back with a vocabulary < HSK 4 so its pretty doable. The free activities include a LOT of shadowing drills like individual syllables, sentences, and paragraphs. The app has native audio and hanzi/pinyin as a transcript, then you record your voice and it will compare how you did and grade you. It will tell you if you were comprehensible and how much, tell you what places you made errors, and let you compare your voice recording with the example audio. It also has tests, and doing those is nice as it will show you specifically if you mess up tones, initials, or finals and which specific instances you mess up. So for example it helped me realize I really mess up eng final a lot, the c initial, tone pairs of 3-4, etc - which helped me pinpoint WHERE to listen for my errors and try to figure out the correct pronunciation compared to them. I think it really helped me a lot in that beginner-ish stage where I could not tell very well what sounded right or wrong, since it can get so specific with what my struggle areas are. It also helped me figure out once I was doing tones correct (assuming its just shadowing and not free convo where I’m coming up with words on the spot), because it would show I got to a point where if I saw pinyin for 1-4 tones, I’d be replicating them correctly (most of my mistakes now are b, c, q initials and  eng, en finals).   
Pleco - I don’t know how I almost forgot! Specifically I use Pleco Reader tool every single day. Pleco also has flashcards, and community made flashcard decks, so it could replace Anki/Memrise easily as your SRS system with sentence mining etc. And its got a huge dictionary, graded readers, etc. I usually use Pleco or Baidu Translate or Google translate for random word lookup. Pleco is best for individual words, google translate is best for ease (loads fast and recognizes real messy handwritten input), BaiduTranslate is best for sentences. I use Pleco daily to read, in their Reader area I can open up any website, click a button so its all just text, and read the text with a pop up dictionary or audio for a word/idiom or the entire selection, and save any word/sentence/phrase into my pleco flashcards with all the dictionary info and audio.  It’s a better reader tool with a built in dictionary than LingQ by far. The reader features are free under “Clipboard Reader” so just copy paste text in there to use these features. I bought the one time cost $24 Reader Tool (and a graded reader and an expanded dictionary, the extras didn’t cost much), so I can open any website in the Reader or pdf/txt file etc. It also came with an OCR reader so I can just point it at real books I’m reading, and a handwriting lookup feature so I can lookup words in pleco by handwriting too (but I usually use Google translate as it tolerates my sloppiness better). Because I can save words in Pleco Reader, I can immediately see if words I’m looking up are ones I’ve seen before (and should try to recall) or brand new words/hanzi. Which helps me prioritize study. I can also Bookmark sites/pages/books in the Reader, so its just really convienient.
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loadingseeker540 · 3 years
Lifehacker Lastpass
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You’ve got to appreciate some of the irony in that title. Lifehacker is part of the Gawker group of websites. Some hackers got into their system and downloaded their database and source code. They also ran some scripts agains the database and were able to find nearly 200,000 people who were using passwords that weren’t very strong.
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Is Last Password Safe
Lifehacker Lastpass
LastPass hacked: Time to change the last password you'll ever need to remember LastPass data has been compromised. Although there's no need to panic. LastPass Universal Linux Installer. The Universal Linux installer installs browser extensions for Firefox, Chrome, and Opera. LastPass for Firefox (i386 and x64) LastPass browser extension for Mozilla Firefox. This will also work on other Mozilla based browsers such as SeaMonkey, Mozilla, etc.
I had an account on Lifehacker from years ago. Since I didn’t consider it a huge security issue I used a simple five letter, single word password. Since it was easy to break this password, my username, password and email address was part of the roughly 200,000 released in decrypted form on the web.
I panicked just a bit when I saw my password on the list. Fortunately I’ve been using 1Password so I was quickly able to search through all of my logins and identify where I had previously used that password. It turns out it wasn’t used in many other places–mainly on things where I needed a quick account and wanted a password that I’d be likely to guess again.
So I was able to quickly change anything where I might have been at risk. Still it shook me up a bit and made me take a closer look at my password strategy. Ten years ago I used 3 different passwords. I had one for banking and websites where the risk of losing my data was high. I had another for things like email accounts where the risk was moderate and a third for sites like LifeHacker where the damage of someone logging in as me was minimal.
However, the real risk wasn’t that someone would login as me to make comments. The real risk was precisely what happened with LifeHacker–someone got into the website, discover a bunch of users passwords and then use those passwords to get access to their other accounts on the internet.
In the past five years I’ve taken a bit of a different approach to creating passwords. Whenever possible, I try to create a unique random password for each website I need a login for. That way if something happens like what happened with LifeHacker, the hackers will only have access to the site they hacked–something they probably have already in order to get the passwords in the first place.
How passwords are stored
If you want to understand how to create a secure password, it is worth taking some time to understand how passwords are stored on modern web applications.
Had I used a longer password that wasn’t a word in some language, the hackers probably wouldn’t have been able to get my password. LifeHacker stored their passwords as a hash (basically a type of one way encryption). When you login, LifeHacker’s servers took your password, ran it through the hash function and then compared it to what they had previously stored. If the values match, then you can login. If not, then you don’t have the right password. As you can see this meant that LifeHacker didn’t have to keep a copy of each users password on their server. However, you can get dictionaries of common words mapped to their hash value. This is how the hackers were able to get my password–they simply looked for a hash.
Here is an example. First lets create a hash of a common password “qwerty”. We do this using the following command at the OS X command line:
The hash is that long string of numbers and letters. This is what gets stored instead of your password on the server.
Lifehacker Lastpass Login
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How to break hashes
The hash process isn’t reversible. There isn’t an easy way to take a86850deb2742ec3cb41518e26aa2d89 and “decode” it. However, “qwerty” if a fairly common password. If one were to take a dictionary of common words and run them through the hash process they could create a database of all the hash values for common passwords. “qwerty” is a common password–common enough that someone probably has it listed with its hash value on the internet. So if we do a google search for:
We are going to find a number of results–most are showing that a86850deb2742ec3cb41518e26aa2d89 is the md5 hash for the word “qwerty”. This is how the hackers were able to break my password–even though all they had was the hashed value.
Safe passwords
Hopefully that explains why using a password that can be found in a dictionary is a bad idea. So how do you create passwords that can’t be broken in this way? You need to use a password that the hackers aren’t going to be able to find in a list of common words. Also the longer the password, the safer you are.
So a password like:
is bad, but a password like:
is good. While that last password is secure, there is one little problem. Can you spot it? Right. It is nearly impossible to remember. A simple solution is to use a password that combines a number of words. Here are some good passwords:
Picking a pattern is another good method. These passwords look random until you try to type them. You basically remember the pattern on your keyboard.
Use different passwords
Even if you use a secure password, you don’t want to use the same one on every site. Tthere are other ways for hackers to get your password. Some times hackers will install keystroke loggers on public computers in order to capture passwords people are using. If you have a secure password, but use the same one on all of your logins, you might login to check your facebook messages at a library and later find that someone has been assessing your banking. I have logins for over 400 websites. There are some techniques I can use to remember a different password for each site, but it simply doesn’t scale to 400 logins.
Thats where software like 1Password, LastPass, or RoboForm comes in handy.
I have been using 1Password for several years. 1Password lets you create a random password whenever you need it and it keeps track of your username and login for each website. When you return to a site, 1Password logs back in for you. You have a password on 1Password that gives you access to all of your other passwords.
Lifehacker Lastpass Update
The passwords generated by 1Password are long and random. You can edit the settings to try to make the passwords easier to pronounce if you are trying to remember them or let it make them completely random and very long.
1Password is very nice, but it works as an application with a handful of plugins for different browsers. This works pretty well, but you really need an ubiquitous tool if you want to be able to keep all of your passwords secure. Otherwise you end up using simpler passwords on things you need to access often and from different locations. Often these are the very things you want most to protect.
What frustrated me with 1Password is that I couldn’t use it on my Blackberry or my Linux computer. As long as I stayed on my mac it was fine, but if I tried to use another machine things got a bit more tricky.
This week I’ve started looking at LastPass. While 1Password is an application with some plugins, LastPass seems to be entirely plugin based and they have a great deal of cross platform compatibility. The interface doesn’t seem quit as polished as 1Password, but this is probably because they are making it run on a bunch of different platforms. Also LastPass offers synching between different devices so everything stays up to date. Any decryption is done on your local machine so your passwords are only stored encrypted in the cloud.
One interesting feature of LastPass is their security audit that will show you how secure your passwords are overall. You can even have it show you all logins that share a password so you can easily identify the places where you need to bolster your security. Another feature that looks useful is the ability to share your password with others.
LastPass is free for its basic version which will do all that most people need. You can pay $1 per month for extra features like Blackberry support.
Take the time to think about your password strategy. Mistakes are going to happen and you want to make sure you are in the safest position possible if your password for a site somehow gets discovered like mine did.
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What is the best Lastpass Lifehacker to buy for a Beginner?
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All of these above questions make you crazy whenever coming up with them. We know your feelings because we used to be in this weird situation when searching for Lastpass Lifehacker.
Before deciding to buy any Lastpass Lifehacker, make sure you research and read carefully the buying guide somewhere else from trusted sources. We will not repeat it here to save your time. Songbook list.
Lifehacker Lastpass
You will know how you should choose Lastpass Lifehacker and What you should consider when buying the Lastpass Lifehacker and Where to Buy or Purchase the Lastpass Lifehacker. Just consider our rankings above as a suggestion. The final choice is yours.
That’s why we use Big Data and AI to solve the issue. We use our own invented, special algorithms to generate lists of the best brands and give them our own Scores to rank them from 1st to 10th.
You could see the top 10 Lastpass Lifehacker for March 2019 above. The lists of best products are updated regularly, so you can be sure that the information provided is up-to-date.
You may read more about us to know what we have achieved so far. Don’t hesitate to contact us if something’s wrong or mislead information about Lastpass Lifehacker.
Raise5.com is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.
Last updated on 2020-05-16 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
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Bets College Homework Mac App
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College isn't all fun and games (unless you want it to be.) Don't sweat it, though. Take a look at these 25 apps — they'll give you a smoother college experience by helping you study smarter, connect with new people and wake up in time for your early lectures.
Jul 06, 2020  BET+ is a premium online streaming service with over 1,000 hours of your favorite Black content from the best Black creators. Now, you can stream Black culture: the movies you remember, the TV shows you love and the new series you can't live without. And they're all in one place, commercial free. Everything from classics like Martin and House of Payne to modern favorites like Bigger and Carl. The best part about this app is that the students can opt for one-on-one interaction with a tutor and clear their doubts instantly. Download: iOS. Student Agenda. This homework app offers a free planner and diary that is designed by the students for an uncluttered usage.
Your university probably has its own app, too — download it. It will provide you with a more tailored breakdown than a national application.
See also: 12 Things Students Should Never Do on Social Media
Any helpful ones we missed? Let us know in the comments!
1. BenchPrep
Image: BenchPrep
BenchPrep is an interactive course library with all the graduate and professional exam study material you can handle. It includes hundreds of practice questions, flashcards, in-app purchases and almost 600 study lessons. Go ahead and pick your poison: LSAT, MCAT, GMAT.
Available for free on iOS and Android devices.
2. iStudiez Pro
Image: iStudentPro
iStudiezPro keeps track of your deadlines, grades and more across all Mac devices — all you need to do is plug your class schedule into the app. It comes with both Cloud syncing and iCal integration.
Bets College Homework Mac Application
Available for $2.99 for iOS. The free iStudiez Lite version limits the number of classes you manage, but it's useful nonetheless.
3. Evernote
You've probably heard a lot about Evernote, and yes, you should try it. What have you got to lose .. your homework? The app syncs all your stuff — text, audio, photo, video — to an online account, so you're always connected with resources to study.
If you're feeling overwhelmed by Evernote's many features, check out this comprehensive beginner's guide.
Available for broke college students (read: free) for iOS and Android devices. The premium version is even more useful, at $5 a month or $45 a year.
4. StudyBlue Flashcards
Flashcards are an effective way to memorize information, but making them is a headache. With StudyBlue, use text, pictures and audio to create the perfect stack of (digital) flashcards; or, search the massive database to borrow someone else's.
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Available for iOS and Android devices.
5. RealCalc Scientific Calculator
Did your little brother steal your calculator once you finished AP physics? Use RealCalc for serious computing — it's a perfect alternative for the calculator-less.
Available for free for Android. If you need a heavy-duty upgrade, try RealCalc Plus for $3.49.
6. Engineering Professional
More than 650 chemical, civil, electrical, environmental, hydrology and mechanical formulas are updated in Engineering Pro — so don't worry about buying multiple formula apps. Save or Favorite the formulas you need most often.
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Available for $11.99 for iOS.
7. EasyBib
Image: EasyBib
EasyBib generates citations in MLA, APA and Chicago style wherever you are — just scan the book's bar code or enter the title. The app also lets you easily email and export the bibliographies to yourself. Using this, you have no excuses for putting off that term paper.
Available for free for iOS and Android devices.
8. Notella
Image: Notella
Some professors drop the most important bombs when you least expect it ('Have a good spring break, everyone. Oh! One more thing: We're having an exam worth 60% of your final grade the day you get back. See ya!').
Don't miss a thing with Notesdeck. This super-fast note-taking app opens to a new note by default, lets you create custom hotkeys and syncs notes from other apps — iCloud, Evernote, Simplenote and Dropbox. You can even search within those other apps from one search bar.
Mac map mouse button app download. Feb 06, 2007  Question: Q: Mouse Button Mapping More Less. Apple Footer. This site contains user submitted content, comments and opinions and is for informational purposes only. Apple may provide or recommend responses as a possible solution based on the information provided; every potential issue may involve several factors not detailed in the conversations. May 28, 2012  ‎Joystick Mapper is an application that allows you to configure your joysticks or gamepads to simulate keyboard keys/mouse movement/mouse click/mouse scroll, so you can control any app or game using them, even the ones without built-in support. It also lets you remap the Scroll Wheel Button to some useful functions like Mission Control and it features a refined Smooth-Scrolling algorithm, which I think strikes a great balance between fluidity and control. Mac Mouse Fix is very light on system resources and it's a System Preferences Plugin so there's no status bar item. X-Mouse Button Control by Phillip Gibbons (Highresolution Enterprises) is a free application that can help you customize the functionality of your mouse buttons (set new functions to mouse buttons). Sadly, there is no version of X-Mouse Button Control for Mac available for download, but there are other tools that can help you change the.
Available for $2.99 for iOS.
9. Wolfram Alpha
From thermodynamics to baseball, the Wolfram Alpha reference app uses its supercomputing Cloud to quickly generate answers — across thousands of domains — to all your research questions.
Available for $2.99 for iOS and Android devices.
10. Dictionary.com Mobile
With more than two million definitions, synonyms and antonyms, Dictionary.com's fast and user-friendly mobile app will decode that confusing media law textbook in no time.
Available for free for iOS and Android devices.
11. Babylon
Whether you're a Spanish lit major or just looking to finish your general education requirements, Babylon provides comprehensive dictionary results and translations for dozens of languages. With pasteboard integration and access to more than 1,500 glossaries in 75 languages, you'll never struggle to find an accurate definition for your foreign language presentation again.
iBabylon is available for free for iOS; Babylon Translator is available for free for Android.
12. Jumpcut
You have better things to do than copy and paste all day. Make light work of data entry assignments with Jumpcut: copy as much text as you want, one after another, and paste using simple keystrokes.
Available for Macs only.
13. Dragon Dictation
Ever wish you could type faster? Dragon Dictation uses accurate voice recognition software to let you speak and instantly see your words in text. Dictate statuses to your social networks or pretend you're talking to someone if you're trying to write a speech — even send statuses straight to your social networks. Try this if you're in a time crunch and really need to churn out an essay; or, if you're just someone who prefers speaking over writing.
Available for free for iOS.
14. SelfControl
Image: Flickr, jonas maaloe
It's finals week. You have a huge essay to finish .. but then there's Reddit, emitting its bewitching siren call. Every. Damn. Time.
SelfControl lets you set a period of time to block certain websites or mail servers by adding them to a 'blacklist.' It's too bad if you finish your work early — restarting your computer or deleting the application won't negate the timer.
Available for free for Mac OS X.
15. Studious
Avoid interrupting class and getting on your professor's bad side with Studious. Once you input your class schedule, Studious will silence your phone during those hours.
Available for free for Android. Upgrade to Studious+ for $1.99 to bypass the ads.
16. Circle of 6
Ever feel uncomfortable when it's dark and you're in a new part of a city — or even campus? Circle of 6 won the White House's Apps Against Abuse challenge. It helps you stay safe by connecting you to six trusted contacts, whenever and wherever. Use the pre-programmed 'come and get me' message with your GPS location, or easily call national and local emergency hotlines in critical situations. It's a fast and discreet way to put your safety first.
Available for free for iOS and Android devices.
Addendum: You don't actually need six people if you want to double up on contacts.
17. Skype
Image: Skype
Hi!The last days I've noticed how every time I start Safari everything freezes (finder included) for a couple minutes. Macos bitcoin miner in mrt.app. Then I can write something in the search bar, and then it freezes another time!
Video interviews are not going away any time soon — so you might as well get a heads up now. Microsoft's Skype is a reliable way to connect with faraway family and friends via text, voice and — of course — video.
Available for free for iOS and Android devices.
18. LinkedIn
LinkedIn and all its nifty mobile features makes connections a breeze — for better or worse, college is a time of both personal and professional connections.
Available on the web, of course, but also for free for iOS and Android devices.
19. Twitter
Don't be the only person in class who isn't up-to-date with world events. Use Twitter to keep yourself in the loop in both the academic and social aspects of your life. In today's contemporary classrooms, you may even be asked to participate in class discussions via Twitter.
Available for free for iOS and Android devices.
20. Sworkit
There are a lot of things to do in college. Exercising isn't always one of them; especially when there's socializing and studying to be had. Sworkit's greatest asset is its ability to let you choose your exercise time allotment in five-minute increments — starting at, yes, the very low threshold of five minutes. Doable, right?
It also boasts an extensive list of work out routines.
Available for free for iOS and Android devices. Sworkit Pro comes with advanced features and costs $0.99 for iOS and Android.
See also: 10 YouTube Channels That Will Make You Smarter
21. Mint
Club fees. Books. Tuition. Food. College adds up — quickly. Mint is a web and mobile app that helps you keep track of your spending. Plus, it's never too early to start cultivating good credit.
Available for free for iOS and Android devices.
22. Sleep If U Can Alarm
Bets College Homework Mac Apps
Come on, you lazy bum — you're paying for these early classes, remember? Nicknamed the 'world's most annoying alarm,' Sleep If U Can gives you two options to silent the alarm: 1) Shake your phone; or 2) Physically go the place shown on your screen (see: the bathroom sink in the video) and take a picture.
Available for $1.99 for iOS and free for Android.
23. Pocket First Aid & CPR
Mashable composite, images: Pocket First Aid & CPR
While it's not the sexiest app to have at your disposable, you never know when it might come in handy. Along with clear and concise CPR instructions, Pocket First Aid and CPR contains 34 videos and 46 high-resolution illustrations.
Available for $1.99 for iOS and Android devices.
Bets College Homework Mac App Download
24. Between
Attempting the long-distance relationship course? Kudos — that's no small task. Relationship app Between can help ease the separation anxiety by letting you send messages, voicemails, memos and photos. A private timeline makes it easy to reminisce about the good old days with your significant other(s).
Available for free for iOS and Android devices.
25. TED
Image: TED
In an environment often congested with bad influences, a heavy dose of genius goes a long way. TED Talks give you instant access to the biggest thought leaders of our time.
Available for free for iOS and Android devices.
Image: Mashable, Meghan Uno
Whether you're taking the first step towards school or passing out of the college, your life can be a total mess including assignments, surprise tests, homework, examinations, attendance and so on. All you do is wake up early, go to school and come back. That becomes your routine cutting out the quality time to spend with your family and friends. How disheartening is that? With such a busy schedule and a massive number of deadlines to fulfill, it becomes quite challenging to keep track of homework or anything that has to be submitted on the next day. In such circumstances, a homework planner or organizer could be reliable to oversee and update you regarding the assignments, homework and other deadlines. Of course, it's a daunting task to look out for a suitable homework planner who can assist you with your regular tasks.
Top 5 Homework Planner Apps for College Students
Because it is a tedious job, we have come up with the best homework planner apps for students that will help them to do their tasks without any hassle:
1. School Planner
School planner is a full-scale homework planner app that is designed mainly to pay attention to students so that they are well focussed about their career. This app has a pile of features ranging from simple features to ones that you can think of. Besides your homework and timetable, school planner app assists you to keep track of your attendance. You can also add your teachers' contacts on the list, combine recorded lectures which could be beneficial during exams and add multiple planners too. Initially, it is a tedious job to use this app as you have to enter all your details in a form. In addition to your details, you must enter your teacher's details, timetable, and other college details. But once that's done, you're good to go! The app also supports backing up all the data that you feed in via Google drive, calendar, etc. This app does not fail to give you weekly reports, give reminders on the day of submission of assignments, attach snapshots to any reminders. Although the school planner offers a lot of features, it has the best performance with a beautiful framework. In case of your research paper you can use Edusson at affordable pricing.
2. Istudiez pro
Istudiez pro is yet another student-friendly homework planner app and probably the oldest app when compared to all of the mentioned apps. Like school planner, this app also offers a wide range of features including grading, attendance and subject wise organization of activities. It is way easier to set up when compared to a school planner. But the prominent feature in studies pro is that it is integrated with Google Calendar which gives you all the details like holidays, exam schedule, daily routine and so on. Not just that, it is also supported in all operating platforms like iOS, Mac, and windows. All the apps sync well and therefore you can operate this homework planner anywhere anytime on your laptop.
3. My study life
The next homework planner app for college students is My Study Life. The best thing about this app is that it has its web app which makes it unique. The web app can sync well(mostly on Android) therefore making your data accessible from any remote location using your device. Make sure that you've got a web browser installed in your device. This is a goal-oriented app and keeps reminding you about how much is completed and how much is left to achieve the goal. In addition to that, the calendar feature keeps track of all the important dates, it could be deadlines or project submission dates. The only con of my study life is that it is quite lengthy to set up. Once it is correctly done, you're all set!
4. ChalkBoard
One of the smartest homework planner app for students is a chalkboard. It is pretty quick regarding its features and subject wise allocation of teachers on the app. When you open it for the first time, it prompts you to fill the name and subjects of all your teachers along with the timetable. Cool, isn't it? Although the setup process is a tedious job, it is entirely reliable and smooth. The amazing part is you don't have to memorize your timetable as you can see the upcoming classes on the home screen. Not just that, you can also find pending assignments and other tasks on the screen making your job way too easy. Features like these make this app stand out when compared to other homework organizer apps and gives you a great overall experience. This homework planner app would have been much more superior if it had a calendar feature in it.
5. Egenda
It's quite easy to set up Egenda when compared to others. All you need to do is, add the subjects and classes that you have. Once that is done, you have the choice of adding any homework, deadline, project or test. The pending tasks can be seen in the form of cards and have to be swiped away once it's completed. The best part about this homework planner app is that it keeps you updated, could be regarding the upcoming assignments, tasks or competitions. This will help you plan ahead and complete the job on time. Unfortunately, the app doesn't have a timetable feature. But in its latest update, you will find a calendar that can assist you in keeping track of dates. Backup option not available in this app, therefore data can't be recovered once you lose it.
Final Words
So these were some of the coolest homework planner apps exclusively for career-oriented students who want their tasks to be completed on time and who do not wish to struggle till the last minute to meet the goal. We genuinely understand your problem and these apps are going to be of great use to you!
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The Hunt for the Dragon
by Spiritscraft
The hunt for the dragon all started with a footnote. One of the Cultus Sabbati texts I had scrimped and saved for mentioned that Azoetia was part of a trilogy and there were two more books by Andrew Chumbley, the now deceased Magister of an obscure cunning/witchcraft tradition. My friends and I had an interest in this kind of witchcraft and we interacted with its members by attending their lectures, catching them at their tables in vending rooms, emailing & forums, getting their books either bootlegs or saving to buy them from the publisher at reduced cost or even trading and borrowing. The mention of grimoires beyond the ones we already had access to was intriguing. Chumbley’s esoteric works were always fascinating, strange and difficult. People seemed to be very rigid about his instructions, but hey we are witches—we play fast and loose and so we dared to experiment with this stuff. More was out there to try...
Later on a gallery site that sells occult items it was mentioned that the original second grimoire was illustrated by Helen Oliver, I researched her like crazy and found beautiful sex magic art that resonated with me greatly. Even later on a footnote in one if the Opuscula Magica monographs, which were thankfully a decent price, mentioned the Dragon Book of Essex would be released in a year. I started setting aside money.
A very delayed three years later (I think), the book was on presale, and the price was a lot for me $175, but lower than I thought it would be and I had been saving all that time. Even then I sold some of my art to afford it. Over a year later the book arrived. It was enormous, bigger than my Webster’s dictionary and so beautiful. During production the price had gone up to something like $265 because they had vastly underestimated printing costs. They had replaced the Helen Oliver art with Andrew Chumbley’s illustrations, I guess because they had both to choose from.
Around release time the gallery house was selling Cultus Sabbati manuscripts and art, and instructions that were missing from the Dragon Book would be in the catalog, which you only got if you bought something. So I waited. One of the twenty or so people that bought art and got a catalog would leak them eventually, I just knew it. And in the meantime I started working through the book. I found other missing instructions and yet there were clues enough to fill in the blanks. It was hard—I had to look up a lot of words and a lot of it was hard to relate to because it seemed to be targeted more towards men, but I was able to adapt it to myself.
I wrote a letter to the publisher about my adaptions for me as a woman and he never answered. I thought it would be better to ask him in person at an event later.
I went to an occult conference I couldn’t afford admission to, just visited the free vendor room and waited for the publisher to come out so I could ask him about it. I just assumed he would be there, he always came to that show every year. He didn’t show, his friend, covenmate and fellow author had just died and he was tending to the estate.
I waited another year for the show again and this time he came and I was able to speak with him, despite my inability to pronounce half the things I was asking about! Shortly after I got to talk with him about the book and came, the answers I needed, I decided to keep working my own personal approach to the grimoire. I had chosen an alternative rite in the book to become kin to the dragon rather than marry it, a different type of initiation and one that was more me. It is described in a few pages at the beginning as the Phoenix rite. Although there is a ritual in the sequence for the Dragon rites for the Phoenix, very little of it would apply to working with the Phoenix as an alternative. So I had developed my own based off what Andrew Chumbley recommended and my own inspiration.
It was an amazing Summer Solstice. I was brought to tears in the experience of a freeing and intentional rebirth and death of what kept me from flying. I associate with crows—not a secret, see my main blog’s icon. And in this rite I saw the colors iridescent in the black feathers, the entire rainbow visible and invisible reflected and I knew then, I felt then, I cried out then “the void is not empty.” This crow is the Phoenix burnt in the fire and black with all the vibrant plumage of the peacock through a dark lens.
A few months after my rite, my roommate reached me at work to tell me he had found someone claiming to have the missing pages that were released in the gallery catalog(on a now dead forum) and if you could convince him you were actually working the grimoire and had other obscure pictures to trade, he would send them to you. Anonymous trades in throwaway emails occurred and I had the key to a pretty powerful part of the workings. But at that point, I was not working with the book, I had just completed my kinship initiation and was just letting it all sink in. I printed off the pages and put them in he book.
Fast forward to a few days ago, Ioqayin contacts me to tell me he wants to work the book in a group of four locals and a friend from further afield. I am ready to participate as kin and so off to the craft store to buy clay, paint and sculpting tools so that we can begin this grand experiment! I packed up my book (as I am the only one with a physical copy) so we could look through it together.
The preparation for marrying the dragon begins with a betrothal period from the dark moon in November to the Winter solstice. Those of us choosing to join with the dragon this way will make wedding vessels now and begin the preparations.
Those who are choosing a different relationship at this time will begin preparing our vessels as dragon friends and family for Solstice festivities. We will use ashes kept from my Phoenix rite to bring the rest into the family and we will begin the year. This came from inspiration and gave meaning to why I was inclined to keep ashes from the Phoenix rite even though it was not prescribed.
This zine will among many bits and bobs of articles, art, stories and poetry will chronicle our work with this text. Few people talk about magical work like this openly, but that leads to a lot of rumor and speculation. The contributors of this zine are all training in private traditions that are not Cultus Sabbati based. Therefore, we cannot share about a lot of our magical work, sometimes even with each other. Yet we are constellations in the night that meet at the crossroads and dare to practice, learn and share what we can. Tumblr brought us together ultimately, and so on tumblr we share again our efforts.
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