#so you really never know what'll happen in the future you know
gigisdoll · 4 months
Cw: degrading, dumbification , noncon, dubcon, somnophillia, blackmail, overstimulation
Notes: I was feeling a very nerdy thanks to a certain someone >:/ [@illlvsions] so here ya go! What do I do for a 100 follower special? ૮₍ ˃̵͈᷄ . ฅ ₎ა. Tried a different approach to writing than the usual so.. Yeah!
Pairings: Mean girl!Yunjin x loser!reader, Mean girl!Giselle x loser!reader
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Unsurprisingly though you were top 1 in almost all your classes you were incredibly naive for a quote on quote genius.. And extremely geeky. Everyone in your small group was the opposite of you! Some of them were close friends with Yunjin and Giselle too! So naturally as all loser-ish girls,you didn't really go with the natural flow of the school hierarchy so it was surprising how cute you were! Definitely way too cute to waste!
Being the very weak and shy girl, the two girls thought u were the perfect target! Being pretty was a bonus as well <3 u were always just sitting there looking pretty! How could they pass up a good opportunity like this? U were constantly pushed aside or pinned to a wall for not doing their homework correctly enough [they got a 100 they just wanted an excuse] and called names just cause you hang out with your friends too often! Names like geek, nerd, and loser were thrown at you continuously and it hurt you quite a bit..
Yunjin and Giselle scaring the principal into forcing u to tutor them, scared to lose your scholarship you said yes... Obviously you wouldn't want your education taken away right? So.. You had to stay after classes for... A bit considering they acted dumb you had to stay for hours on end, sometimes re-teaching them the same thing over and over! You were so tired u could barely think.... Being so dazed in their homework that your legs were numb, and your hands were almost limp! You were seconds away from finishing- before you passed out from the exhaustion!
Waking up in so much pain from down under that u instantly started crying [harder than before] from the pain! A hand came on your mouth faster than u were able to comprehend the situation "I swear to god y/n... Don't u dare cry, we know u wanted this. " Yunjin said "Fucking slut... Walking in with basically nothing on you? You were asking for this. " from the exhaustion you could barely fight back... Only able to mutter a whimper back and a simple weak push to the chest, but obviously that didn't stop them, did it? "Fuck, your squeezing me all over, of course you wanted this. I mean why dress like a whore if u don't want to be treated like one?" Giselle said fucking into you faster and faster, as Yunjin thrusted into your mouth as your cries got louder.
Your tears mixed with the saliva that covered Yunjin's dick, helping it go faster and faster in your mouth "Say this to anyone and your dreams of anything happening in your life will crash, fuck- you know what'll happen. " Giselle said in your ear "No one will believe you anyway so don't even try, why will they believe a fucking nerd like you over us? Use your mouth for good use and shut up and continue sucking" your cries just grew louder at every degrading statement that left their mouth... You're not a whore! It's not your fault you just dress like one :((.
The pain of over stimulation never truly subsided, but the pleasure of getting filled up just grew! All u could do was drool, and moan as they switched and filled you up on their own, not really caring if your pussy grew puffy and red as the abuse grew on it! They were mean too, constant reminders of how whore-ish you were acting, or how no one would believe you... You almost started believing it! I mean what else could you really do, you could barely think at this point, just begging for them to stop [you didn't want them to, you just knew they would go faster if you said this] so just keep them satisfied for now and your future won't be destroyed </3
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inuhiime · 2 months
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' you fight so desperately. at first, i thought you simply lacked in patience. but now i see it's urgency that drives you. what is it you're after, really? '
' seek pity someplace else. '
' you either find your place or learn your place. '
' now, strike again, and make it hurt this time. '
' you don't need me and i don't need you. '
' don't you dare look at me like that. '
' your place is here and nowhere else. '
' family? death is your only family. death, and i. best get accustomed to the both of us. '
' you'd best learn to fear something yourself. '
' why am i never proud of you? don't take it personally. '
' i'm leaving. try and stop me. '
' should you return again here, i shall keep you safe. '
' well, this is awkward. '
' halt. not one step further. '
' you can turn back like a good little man, or i can send you home the painful way. what'll it be? '
' why won't you give up? '
' we're done here. '
' ever so stubborn, aren't you? '
' you're running from yourself. '
' you don't know who or what you are dealing with. '
' everyone's saying i went easy on you. '
' leave me alone. we've nothing to discuss here anymore. '
' i'm not interested in company, especially from you. you stay the hell away from me while i'm off duty. '
' you're stubborn. and you are going to get me in a heap of trouble before all is said and done. '
' i heard you got yourself into another mess that needed cleaning up. '
' still running from yourself, i see. how's that been working out for you? '
' that is the worst idea i've ever heard. do you understand how little sense that makes? '
' you're being very nice to me, and that makes me suspicious, understand? '
' i don't know what to say, except for thanks? '
' this wouldn't be the first time i was wrong about someone. '
' huh, so that's your choice? '
' i could keep hunting you until you're dead, but there's too little meat on you to make it worth my while. '
' got to say you handled yourself pretty well back there. i can't stay mad after a show like that. '
' i trust, from time to time, you stop to ask yourself how come you choose to fight. '
' the world is not all lies and deceit as you make it out to be. '
' let me save you lots of future suffering: i happen to be the jealous type. '
' i'll break your heart next. '
' a loving heart is a forgiving heart, don't you agree? '
' the truth is i'm a lover, not a fighter. so how about we call this matter put to bed and get on with our lives? '
' perhaps you knew that you were making a mistake. no matter; you'll learn now. '
' where did you go? what did you do? '
' you again. i've told you to stay clear of me. '
' my heart soars, knowing you live. then it breaks, that our time together was so brief. '
' won't you come back to me? '
' i need some time to think. is that all right? '
' i have to tell you-- you look awful. '
' for once, i'm thankful to be proven wrong. '
' do try and live a little longer for me, hm? '
' that was an ill-advisable decision. i'm past quickly forgiving such mistakes. '
' you are entirely too young to have had meaningful experience with loss. pray to me that you never have to learn. '
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marcspectorstannie · 5 months
۞◌I can't love you◌۞Marc Spector x reader
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Summary: Marc has loved the reader for a while but is scared to tell you✶
Warnings: Slightly cursing,friends to lovers type best but not really lovers, some long paragraphs, mentions of "y/n" a couple of times
A/n:this isn't really proofread 😭written at 3am I'm tired I had a burst of inspiration
Marc has always had a thing for you. After being friends for a while he's slowly started to grow feelings for you. He's always pushed away those feelings of course, thinking he wasn't ready to be in a relationship like that, especially with his best friend. He never wants to destroy his bond with you so he keeps those feelings hidden and away from you. But sometimes they slip out after constant inducing.
You were both lounging in your apartment on the couch, enjoying the time with each other aside from his moon knight duties. You were looking at some movie that was on, unsure of what it really was. Suddenly you spew out a random question. "Hey Marc, you ever think about what'll happen with us in the future?" Marc turned his head to you and raised his eyebrows a little. "You know, like when we have our own lives and families and shit." He felt his heart drop a little when you mentioned families. He's thought about having a potential family with you in the future, maybe no kids but definitely you and him being together.
"Oh.. Um, yea actually. I've had a couple of thoughts like that." Marc said semi-casually "why, you got your eye on someone? " he tried to joke, pushing away his thoughts. You giggled and shoved his arm lightly. "Not exactlyyy.I was just wondering. You never talk about your future or anything like that. A little weird for you to look like that good and not have thousands of girls all over you." Marc's eyes shifted away from you and looked back at the television. He's had some girls hit on him once in a while sure but he was never interested. They weren't you. He chuckled a shook his head, "I've had my share of interactions...They just aren't my type."
"So what is your type, hm?" You questioned, changing your position on the couch to get closer to him. Marc felt his body get hot as you moved closer to him. He wanted to say 'you're my type, you always were' but of course, he kept that to himself in his head. "Well I don't think that's any of your business,now is it?" He said teasingly. You rolled you're eyes and threw your head on his shoulder. "Come onnn Marc, I know you have somebody you're crushing on. You have to." Marc was containing himself all he could from freaking out and just admitting his feelings on the spot. "You can tell me, I promise." You held up your pinkie and wrapped it around his quickly. You continued to pester him to say something, shaking his arm and pushing yourself against him.
Suddenly Marc jumped off the couch and ripped his hand away from yours. He walked away into the kitchen angrily with his hands in his hair. "The hell was that about? You ok, Marc?" You asked, cautiously getting up and following him. You found him standing in the kitchen, rubbing his eyes and pacing back and forth. "Marc if you wanted me to stop you could have just said it..." So many thoughts were racing in his head at the moment. He's about to admit everything and ruin the entire relationship he has with his only friend.
"Y/n you're my only friend, you know that right?" Marc asked, still pacing the kitchen. You nodded and watched him from afar. "I'm gonna fuck this up, dammit. " He mumbled. "Marc tell me what's going on! I'm so incredibly confused right now and I need you to sit down and start talking." You hear him sigh, watch him run his hand through his hair and sit down at the table. "Y/n,I don't.. I don't know how much longer I can keep just staying friends with you. It's too much on me to sit back and watch you live normally with no care and I have to live with totally different feelings." You felt your heart drop and heard a slight ringing in your ear, "What are you saying? Are you trying to break up our friendship, Marc?" "Friendship, yea" Marc scoffed and shifted his body in the chair "that's the problem. You want to keep this just a friendship but I can't live with that anymore!...I don't see you as a friend anymore, I haven't for a year now..." You sat back as you listened to him rant. He really didn't want to be friends with you anymore? After all these years? "Was in not a good enough friend for you? What more did you want me to do I don-" Marc got out of his chair quickly, cutting you off. He turned his back to you and faced the sink. "We can't just be friends, y/n,isn't it obvious! I'll always see you more than that and I'll just have to live with it.The person I have my eyes on was you! It's always been you." Marc slowly turned around to finally face your starstruck expression. "You're all I have, y/n, and I'm sorry I have to loose you over something that I can't control anymore."
You sat there speechless. It was all so much thrown at you in such little time to take it all in.You slowly got up and made your way over to Marc. You stood face to face with him, looking at his ruffled hair, red face and glossy eyes. "Marc... This is all so much I can't.. I can't give you a answer right now I'm so sorry... " He bit his tongue and looked away from you, nodding. "I understand, I'll let you have your time to think. Just, please know, that you are the best thing that's every happened to me. Friend or not I'll always be grateful for this bond we have." He shook his head and chucked dryly. "Unlike me to say that I know, finally having some sort of feelings and I mess it up. But I'll let you think." You gave a sad smile and cupped his cheeks in your hands "Marc..I wish I had a answer for you." He closed his eyes tightly and slowly removed your hands off him, shaking his head slowly. He'll miss your touch too much and will just fall deeper in the hole of love he dug himself thinking about you. "Tell me when you're ready. I know you, you'll be knocking at my door soon to ramble about something you saw on television or a new book you read in a few days." Marc walked over to the door, grabbed his jacket and opened the door.
"Promise me, if this messes up our friendship.. You'll at least smile at me on the street if I see you." He gave a small smile, holding up is pinkie for you, like you always did. You bit your lip and held your pinkie up in return from the kitchen, and watched Marc leave.
And just like that, you were left standing alone in the kitchen thinking, and Marc walking home wiping his tears and kicking anything in his path.
Pt 2? >:)
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ruggiezz · 1 year
— Y ESA FUE LA NOCHE MÁS LINDA DEL MUNDO : twisted wonderland
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[synopsis] you're going back to your world tomorrow, and tonight's their last night with you
[characters] rook hunt, idia shroud, malleus draconia
[translation of the title] "and that was the most beautiful night in the world'
[song] la noche más linda del mundo - adalberto santiago
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ROOK HUNT holds you by the waist, leading the waltz silently in the empty pomefiore hall. He swears you look heavenly under the moonlight that leaks into the room by the windows, and a tear falls down his cheek. He could make you happy, he was even planning to introduce you to his family. But he knows you won't stay here for his sake, you have your own family to go back to, your friends, a life to resume in your own world. You both spin, dance, laugh, and embrace each other all night, as if only both of you existed in the whole world. Tomorrow, you'll leave him, and he'll never see you again, and the only thing he will have left of you will be a fleeting memory and the warmth of your hands in his. He secretly wishes for the night to last forever, so that he can hold you and never let go.
IDIA SHROUD sees you opening the door to his bedroom, the only light in the room coming from his monitor. He immediately stands up and embraces you tightly, as if you were going to disappear if he let go. He isn't sure if he can go through somebody else leaving him again, go to the pain of not seeing you ever again. Why, why would you leave him? He feels rage, impotent, knowing he wouldn't be able to stop you from going back to your world, because he knows you don't belong here. Idia doesn't say anything, as he drags you to his bed, and cuddles with you. He closes his eyes as you play with his hair, he imagines a future with you, where you, him and Ortho were a family, where you are there everyday smiling at him with that charming smile you have, the one he has seen in all of those romance animes, and he imagines a future where you two can be happy, together.
The next day, Idia wakes up to an empty spot in his bed, and only him in the cold room.
MALLEUS DRACONIA walks with you outside of Ramshackle's dorm. He glances at you, you keep talking about how you enjoyed today's chemistry lesson, he hums in agreement. You both talk as if it was a normal day, neither of you wanting to acknowledge what's going to happen afterwards. You always met up with Malleus every night outside Ramshackle, there was no exceptions, it was always at the same blue, every day. You change the topic, instead talking about how beautiful the flowers look now that they are blooming, and he can help but think that you're even more beautiful that every flower he has in his garden. He wants to be selfish, to tell you about his feelings for you, so you'll reconsider staying. Heck, he would even beg on his knees if that made you stay here with him. But he has learned this past months that he has to let the people he loves go, even if it hurts. The sun is almost up and he grabs your hand, not wanting this night to end. He doesn't want to let you go, he really doesn't, but if this is what'll make you happy, he'll accept it, even if it makes him miserable.
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neverevan · 2 months
the "truthfulness to the story" that tim, oliver and ryan mentioned confuses me tbh some people take that as future buddie confirmation but to me it sounds more like they *don't* want to do it because it might look like they're just doing it for the fans? which just isn't true because anyone who watched from s2 knows it's all there, it's not just fanfic
yeah, I get what you mean and I kinda agree, but then there is Oliver saying that he agrees with the fans and can see what we see and he watches the same show etc etc.
I think more than anything, what's happening is that the buddie question is probably the most common one being asked; there's been like only one interview where it didn't come up at all since they started doing press for the season and there really is only so much they can say about it, you know?
like, they can't just go "yeah we'll make it canon" or "no, that's not the plan" because 1) no one ever just goes and spoils such a major storyline, for such a major TV show no less and 2) they just don't know.
I mean I'm a 100% sure that it's the plan between the three of them, this is what they're working towards, but you never know what'll happen, right? the bi Buck storyline only came about because Arielle wasn't available; sure, they had plans for it beforehand, but they didn't know if it'll ever fit into the arcs they were telling and I think it's the same with buddie and well, everything on the show, really.
they wanna do it and they wanna do it right. if the natural course of the show doesn't go there, nor will they and there's a lot that needs to be sorted before they could go there, including wrapping up two relationships, delving into Eddie's identity — and not wanting to rush any of that, otherwise it would just be chasing the goal and forgetting about the journey and the show and the ship would just crash and burn with it.
so I guess my point is that what they are saying (and what I've been saying) is: be patient.
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eldritch-spouse · 2 months
Can the angels have kids with humans, or does Abelo only come into existence because Krulu interfered?
Technically, angel and human reproduction is possible, although no one really knows what'll come our of that.
Adelo himself is already quite bizarre, though that is mostly due to Krulu's heavy influence on the pregnancy, shaping the future of his first heir while he's still in the womb of his Chosen.
The reason this is uncharted territory is mostly due to the fact that angels usually don't reproduce on their own. Like many other aspects of their lives, they're used to being coordinated and ordered by siadar. Siadar tell them when to reproduce and with whom to do so. And they've never been told to attempt copulation with humans.
Could it happen? Perhaps, if an angel saw you as their superior and you suggested having a child.
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the-passenger-if · 1 year
If Newman gains 100% essence, how does that effect their casket now? They can jump dimensions whenever, sense other creatures on earth, and can bend reality to heal others so are they essentially immortal now if they wish? Do they still get their migraines?
combining it with
Hi! First of all I loved the novel, finished it in one sitting and can’t wait to replay it! I was wondering something about Newman’s future after the epilogue if they are a hybrid but decide to stay on earth (sorry if it’s too spoilery) - if their essence is high enough they can use it to cure wounds, could they potentially use it to extend their casket’s lifespan indefinitely?
also with
Congrats on publishing The Passenger!! It's definitely my favorite interactive fiction, I can really feel all the love and effort that you put into it :-)
I was wondering what'll happen to Newman when their casket dies. Would it depend on their human/otherworldly-ness? And if they somehow became more powerful, would their casket start to decay (like Tzr'Nekre)?
sorry if u’ve been asked before, but is newman immortal in their current form? like the casket will never die of old age? or it will and then they’ll have to find a new casket? or being tied to a human casket means if it dies they do too? or does it depend on if they get to 100% essence?
A Newman that has finished the game with “I AM” instead of the human/otherworldly bar, is able to heal people by switching around the “links” in the chain that’s human time (like they did for Livvy). They could, hypothetically, switch around links to make a person younger or older—maybe even bring people back from the dead?—the thing is there’s only so much fucking around you can get away with when playing with the natural state of things, so, just like that time Newman made an entire bus speak spanish for a minute, things would start to get wonky: people and even countries would vanish from reality, alternate realities would touch ours opening the gates for who knows what to get in, it would eventually screw up our timeline, etc.
I don’t think they get migraines anymore since those were a symptom of the casket starting to reject Newman’s essence—something Newmans that didn’t reach 100% essence or turned human will have trouble with in the future :B So that’s an angsty headcanon for you.
Newman will be able to sense otherworldly creatures if they are close (sort of like Roach does) and they can jump dimensions if they want to, tho the casket will die the moment they leave it.
Speaking of, a Newman that got the “I AM” tag will be able to keep their casket relatively young and healthy if they remember to set back their aging slightly every day (it won’t make the casket immortal, but it will give them elven age spans for sure, also they can just leave the casket any time). One that didn’t get to 100% essence has the same powers Newman already had but their casket will keep on aging normally. A human Newman is human. What will happen to Newman once the casket gives out? The same thing that happens to all of us: nobody knows.
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nogenderbee · 1 year
Okay, so..... I want to request tsukasa and rui x reader having a strict parent maybe? Like reader sometimes feels anxious when they talked about their parents or someone mentioned reader's parents.
And if u don't mind, can u do where tsukasa/rui comforting reader bcs they feels overwhelmed by their parent?
(not me having a strict parent though)
Heya! I may or may not had too much fun writing it... totally not because I realte pfft I know it's mostly about grades here but I think they reactions would be similiar to other situations too ^^" but anyway, I hope you enjoy <3
Tsukasa, Rui with reader who has strict parents
Tag List: @alicewinterway18 - come get your future star!
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⊱ Tsukasa noticed when you started hanging out, not necessarily after you started dating but even when you still have been friends, that you always needed your parents approval or you never really wanted to tell stories about your parents, but he understood that! He thought maybe you have your own private reasons and he didn't wanted to go too far with it since it may ruin your relationship
⊱ after you started dating tho, it often happened that you couldn't come to your date because of bad grade or something and you were grounded, he offered to help you study as much as he can but you always told him that you can't invite anyone
⊱ you had exam from [insert hated subject here] and you studied for it for whole 2 weeks! But in the end you got a 2... sure, you passed but it wasn't enough to make your parents happy...
⊱ luckily for you tho, teacher was supposed to type in grades in the next week so you still had some time, and Tsukasa saw how sad you looked so he invited you to his place so you can have a calm date which you of course agreed on
⊱ he being the sweet and caring boyfriend he is, buyed you a lot of your favorite snacks, got some funny movie ready and a lot of pillows, and blankets for you two!
⊱ in the end tho... you kinda started venting to him about your situation, and he didn't mind! Instead he got ready some tissues and listened to you while hugging you and letting you cry into his chest
⊱ after you told him everything or just cryed your heart out, he'd start errasuring you that it's not your fault and that you did your very best, and if your parents can't see that then he'll go and confront them, it may sound as a silly joke to cheer you up but he surely will if that what'll make you feel better
"My star, there's no one shining brighter than you and I, as future star, will make sure that they will notice your charm and all your tries!"
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⊱ Rui notices things pretty easily, so it's not a surprise that he quickly picked on that you may have strict parents and as much as he wanted to change it, he didn't wanted to only give you more problems, and you still found time to hangout with him so that was really enough for him!
⊱ once you started dating tho, he wanted to hangout with you more often then you did when you were just friend, but you meeted SLIGHTLY more often than back then and he exactly knew why even tho you may not want to admit it
⊱ lately you've been stressing yourself over because of [insert hated subject here] exam, and your boyfriend told you that he can help you, fact, it was mostly an excuse to spend some more time with you but it worked
⊱ although he will actually help you study so you won't have problems because of him, but he also makes you take some breaks and uses it to have some sweet time with you he missed so much
⊱ the day you were supposed to know results of your test, he immidietly rushed to meet with you to congratulate you since he knew you will do the best! but how surprised was he when he saw sad look on your face
⊱ Rui immidietly knew something is wrong so he took you to the rooftop to calmly talk with you when you started crying, was it because of stress? fear of how your parents might react? sadness because you disappointed your boyfriend? you wasn't sure... but he was there to hold you and rub your back
⊱ no matter if you needed to talk or cry, he'd be there rubbing your back in comforting way, and once you were done, he'd spoil you with affection and all sort of comfort sentences
"Darling, it's not your fault. You did your very best and I was even there to see how hard you studied for it. If they can't see it, you can always count on me to confront them if you need."
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redhatmeg · 9 months
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Back when the Thriller Bark Saga was in full swing in the anime, this scene in manga version started to pop up on the internet. This was also the moment when I decided to come back to One Piece, because I wanted to know its context.
And the scene when Zoro offers his head in Luffy's place just to spare him, saying that he may be worth less, but he's going to be the best swordsman in the world, and on Kuma's question: "Why would a man with such ambition sacrifice himself for someone else?", he gives the reply above... this was a scene that completely changed my view on Zoro. In this one small scene from an interesting character I wasn't particulary crazy about, he became a character that gained my utmost respect. I never saw him the same way ever since.
In my opinion this is the culmination of Zoro's relationship with Luffy. Remember - he joined his crew under condition that Luffy won't stand in a way of achieving Zoro's dream of becoming the best swordsman. And now, he is willing to sacrifice his own life for Luffy. He even says: "The way I see it, this is the only way to help the crew. How can I protect my ambition when I can't even protect my Captain! Luffy's the man who is gonna become the Pirate King!"
Zoro puts his nakama above his dream. He puts his crew, his captain and his captain's dream above becoming the best swordsman. Ever since Luffy first learned about it and said that he can't expect nothing less from future Pirate King's nakama than have such a lofty ambition, Zoro probably started to think that their dreams are intertwined, but here it's something's more than that. Zoro isn't a lone bounty hunter anymore: he has friends and a man he's willing to follow to the Grand Line and beyond; and as a honorable man with principles, he can't just abandon his nakama and especially his captain.
Luffy earned Zoro's respect long time ago. He earned respect of all of his crewmen by fighting for them relentlessly. Right now Luffy is vulnerable - he's wounded, exhausted and unconscious. He can't defend himself. So this is the moment when someone else needs to defend him; someone who will put his life on the line for him the same way Luffy did countless times.
And Zoro is that someone.
But then something strange happens - Sanji shows up and offers his life instead. Now, all throughout the series Sanji and Zoro didn't get along, in fact they were often fighting with each other over petty things. However, now Sanji says: "What'll happen if you die? What about your ambition, idiot?" Of course, he wants to save Luffy, but he also puts Zoro's life over his own ambition - finding All-Blue. He prepares himself for death, asking Zoro to say goodbye from him to everyone and tell them to look for the new cook.
(Probably we are to assume that if other Straw Hats were conscious, they would do the same for Luffy and each other.)
However, just like Sanji was ready to die for Zoro, Zoro is ready to die for Sanji and he knocks the cook out. He throws away his katanas and stares Kuma in the eyes. And this is when the Shichibukai decided to change the sentence: instead of killing Zoro, he makes him "experience hell itself". He uses his Devil Fruit ability to extract pain and fatigue from Luffy's lifeless body and put it inside Zoro.
"If you really intend to take his place, then you must literally share his suffering."
With Zoro's own state, this means he probably not survive this. Even tiny bit of the extract makes the swordsman experience millions of little hits that cause him to colapse. But Zoro made his mind: he only asks to do it in a different place. And so, near the forest, Zoro enters Kuma's extract.
I don't know if Luffy later learns about Zoro's sacrifice, but - as of the moment in the manga when I've stopped reading (Ace's execution) - he still is unaware of it. And probably his first mate would prefer it like that.
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marenwithanm · 1 year
c'mon came on while i was making breakfast this morning and I was hit with the powerfulest urge to just drop everything and make and animatic of the Palace AU. I didn't because i do not have the time to do that but MAN do i have the entire thing planned out and it plays in my head every time i listen to the song
especially these lines:
May it follow you forever May it never leave you To sleep in the stone, May we stay lost on our way home
If I should die tonight May I first just say I'm sorry? For I never felt like anybody I am a man of many hats Although I never mastered anything
When I am ten feet tall I've never felt much smaller since the fall Nobody seems to know my name So don't leave me to sleep all alone May we stay lost on our way home?
If I fall forward, you fall flat
And if the sun should lift me up Would you come back?
like AHHHH there's so much symbolism but i can't explain it cause SPOILERS but AKFJDLKJF
thank you for letting me rant sorry for randomly dumping this in your inbox
Yessssss the c'mon agenda is real!!! I am infecting your brain >:))))
C'mon's vibes fit palace au so well that I don't always think about the lyrics (and I don't know what'll happen in the future of palace au) but wow do those fit! "may we stay lost in our way home?" Gets me every time 😭😭😭
Also, I dunno if this is what you're thinking of with those lyrics, but "may it follow you forever to sleep in the stone" makes me think of... How Four and Dot's love will follow their children forever even if they can't be there physically, and also their love for their children will follow them as well as they navigate this new world, always keeping them in their hearts.... 😭😭😭😭😭
And and "if I should die tonight may I just say I'm sorry?" HELLO??? IM SOBBING??????????
(also, sidenote, everytime I rewatch the animation I did, there's a segment without lyrics and I??? Could've sworn there were lyrics there??? Cuz I chose that segment because of the lyrics "let's celebrate the night, it's the fall before the climb. Shall we sing, shall we sing, til the morning" like COME ON that's sooo palace au, but also the whole "celebrate the night" was supposed to be about their wedding, but now the lyrics are gone and I figured that was just some weird copyright thing on the uploads, but the original flipaclip file also doesn't have the lyrics??? So am I just crazy??? Sorry to rant about this I'm just losing my mind I think??? Were the lyrics ever there to begin with???????? Girl help???)
And please, there's nothing to apologize for!!! I got really excited when I saw this lol
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vierlandracaena · 1 year
So, I got another fict (Imaginative thought) that I got for y'all. This one is wholesome for the two, Kondraki and Clef. (PS: SORRY IF IT'S TOO LONG, I HAD TOO MUCH FUN WITH THIS STORY.)
Kondraki goes to Clef's door, making sure he was alright. He knocks on the door, rather nicely than usual. More of those, gentle knocks. Clef answers, and scratches his eye. Clef looks up at him, having a sad but tired expression.
"I am having my mental break day and-"
Kondraki interrupts.
"Just..go and sit down. Let me in."
He lets Kondraki walk inside, as he puts his camera to the side. The butterflies swarm around him like usual. They then go for Clef, trying to comfort him. Kondraki, on the other hand, closes the door, grabbing his soft blanket, wrapping it around him. He then tried to give him a smile, which failed for him to smile back.
He calls. He's of course, worried about his buddy Clef. He's the main person he'd always check on first in the morning, then his son, Draven, then Meri. But this was serious. Clef needed some support, he needed hugs, but didn't ask. Kondraki decides to look at him.
"Look at me, Clef."
He decides to cup his face gently, looking at him. Clef looks back, but doesn't react. Clef thinks for a bit. (Why is he doing this to me? Is this..affection? Comfort? A form of..love? Whatever it is, it feels..rather nice.) He then focuses on what Kondraki's going to say next.
"Life doesn't always go as expected for one another."
Kondraki lets go of his face, and then places his hand toward his.
"If you leave things the way they are, you'll regret it for the rest of your life. I want you to know that..I care about you. If anything, you're always the bastard I enjoy hanging out with."
Clef laughs a little, then, Kondraki thinks. (It's working! Now now, don't get too hyped up. It'll stay neutral that way if I do.)
"You may not know what'll happen in the future, but I know we'll have a great time together, in some sort of timeline. It's a great feeling to have. Anyway, tell me how you really feel. Telling someone how you really feel can change something. It may not be big, but it will be seen as to what the truth might unfold. You can always tell who you trust. If you trust me, tell me absolutely anything or even everything. Whenever you talk to me, it's like some story you're going to tell me. Always tell someone who you trust, not people you don't. It'll just be worse."
Clef expresses his feelings.
"I've been down, ever since the incident. I felt pain, disclosure, and feeling like as if I'm unimportant to people."
"You're important to me, Clef."
"See, despite me acting all mean and shit, you're really someone I love to..um hang out with. It's like having a brother to a..uh lover I think? Yeah lover."
Clef jolts in surprise. He..blushed! But he tried to wipe it off, like as if he had something on his face.
"Why do you.."
"Well..it's uhm..hm. How do I say this?"
Kondraki thinks for a bit, but remembers his saying.
"Well, you know that uh weird ass phrase about like friends to lovers or somethin'?"
"It's basically that. When I saw you for the first time, I thought, hey! He looks well despite the intimidation, cool or somewhat like this badass shotgun user."
Clef finally smiles! He looks at him, listening.
"Go on"
"Well, I thought you were this badass, cool sadistic bastard that'll love being around some others who're like, delinquents or somethin', maybe more."
"Well, you're right about that."
"Oh, I am?"
"Yep. Though, it's limited due to the changes and stuff."
"Aha! There it is."
"People in life can change. Either good to bad, or bad to good. We may never know who would change."
Kondraki hugs Clef. He ruffles his hair, and then..bam. He kisses him on the forehead, giving the sign of, "I love you no matter what. I don't care how angry we both are. We need each other, and it should never end."
"Clef, I'll always be here, even when I'm dead. In this world, I'm always in your heart. My legacy will always be here, when you support me."
Clef tears up and chokes a bit. He dreamed about him saying that, and it came out to be true. He visions that he'll have a great time with him, especially with going out. Kondraki smiles, rubbing the side of Clef's head.
"I love you Clef."
"I..love you too, Konny."
Good luck does seem to come around doesn't it? It always will. One day you'll experience a good amount of luck, it just will take time. You'll never know what can happen. Life can have it's ups and downs, and it'll come all around. Sometimes there's predictions, and not all comes out true. It's always best to experience the unexpected, then to experience something that's expected! Not to forget, if you need anything, you can talk to someone you trust, instead of someone who's not trustworthy. It's better that way! It'll help build trust with your friends, family, or lover. Hell, you can talk to people if you're brave enough to handle the connection! As long as they're okay with it and you included, you'll build a great connection with different people. Have a nice day and bless yourselves with your comfort plushies, food, drinks, etc! I'll be here to talk to whoever, whenever or hell, even whenever I'm free! 🖤
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Hey. Me again
I'm not actually a Libra, but I've always wanted to be one and relate them. Two of my best friends are Libras. I just love them so much
Ah, I did wonder if writing would come up cos a dream of mine is to be an author one day. I am involved with customers, but kinda like a bridge between - I'm an email marketer (well, I do more than that but it's easier to say 😅), so I am in a traditional, corporate 9-5 job, except my job is fully remote, so I technically don't ever have to go into the office (but I do once a month). Oddly though, I don't actually write the emails. I only send them. Maybe that'll change in the future as and when I get a new job (I'm not actively looking rn, but you never know what'll happen next)
Okay, your description of Jasmine is spot on, esp cos I'm actually a Sagittarius and Sagittarius' are known for wanting to learn more, and constantly wanting to travel. Nancy Drew! Omg, I do love solving mysteries, esp whenever me and mum watch crime shows like Poirot or Vera, and I'm usually really good at picking up the side story, but not quite as good at getting the main story. It's hit and miss (that being said, I know the formula, so I feel like I'm cheating 😅)
Thanks for the reading - you did good!
Wow! Okay maybe I'm getting better!
Thanks so much for the feedback!!
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revasserium · 8 months
Hi!! I just wanted to say that I really, really love your poetry-prose writing style and especially your fics on live action one piece!! They all made my day. But I was wondering, what are your thoughts on Mihawk?? Do you plan on writing any fics for him?? And also, are you taking requests rn?? I'm sorry if I'm annoying or ignorant or something, and once again, I really, really, really love your writing. Keep up the good work!!!
pls never feel like ur annoying or ignorant or anything like that when you're sending me messages!!! <3 i genuinely enjoy getting them and answering them :D
my thoughts on mihawk is as follows: hAWT man with a lot of Daddy potential. but because i know NOTHING about this man (literally other than like.... "big sword swing good") so i can't say i have TOO much of a muse for him (yet) but then again, who knows what'll happen in the future haha. i didn't think i'd get sucked in to the sanji-verse either but HERE I AM LOL
i do think that mihawk is super compelling as a supporting character. obvi my personal fav supporting character is zeff LOL i've randomly featured him in like more than half of my opla fics
currently, requests are closed, but depending on how much i get done this week and next week, they might open up again soon! :)
thanks again love <3 it truly means a lot!
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oncexinxmyxdreams · 8 months
Encanto OC Event Week 3: Efecto Mariposa AU. One Change.
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Posted on Mercedes's birthday! 🎂This AU is if Mercedes never left the Encanto. It all changes by a choice. It's an Efecto Mariposa...a butterfly effect.🦋 Back in my story's canon, there's a point Bruno and Mercedes thought of looking into the future. Not for a bad outcome, but because they wanted to see how happy they'd be years later. They're 17, it's New Year's Day, and all looks bright. However, Bruno's fear of the future grasped him hard even though he wanted to suggest it. Mercedes thought about asking him, but decided not to and enjoy the moment.
This AU, they bring it up together and agree as a way to welcome the New Year. They won't worry about bad outcomes. When the festivities wind down, they find a sandy area in the jungle and Bruno performs the ritual. (Too risky to see such a vision in Casita.) It plunges into horror. Bruno sees Mercedes and her mother, Maria, fight. She and him tearfully saying goodbye. Mercedes leaving the Encanto and to a wedding altar with a stranger. The beloveds cling to each other scared and devastated of being torn apart. Bruno's not sure but is worried Mercedes will be forced into an arranged marriage. Mercedes is afraid, but can't believe her mother would do something that bad. They don't get along, but would she really? She suggests they try the vision again. Bruno complies, but it's a different man. They decide to try tomorrow and keep it secret. Every moment spent afterwards is more precious. Mercedes and Bruno forget they'd considered the next step in their relationship, being intimate, as this is more important. After a couple of weeks, there's no change. Bruno's checking the future over and over during free time. He even forgoes the outdoor location and into his vision cave hoping for better results.
It's mid-January when Mercedes talks with her mother, hoping it's not true, but Maria doesn't hide it. Worse, since it's been brought up, she wants Mercedes married off soon. Now she knows, why wait? She hasn't selected the right man yet, but she will. (That's why the visions showed different men.) Mercedes panics and goes to her stepfather, Armando. He's just as shocked and promises he'll talk to Maria. (In the canon, he found out like Mercedes: Out of the blue and when she's almost 20.) The talk doesn't work. Maria swears she always gets her way and Mercedes will obey her or else. Armando reassures Mercedes they'll work this out and she won't marry someone against her will.
The next night, Mercedes finds Bruno nearly passed out in his vision cave. He's overworked himself to exhaustion and sickliness. He admits he can't stop searching. Mercedes pleads him to stop because she can't have him in pain on her account. She brings Julieta's food and tearfully thanks him. Bruno says he doesn't mind the pain. He's more than ever determined to save her future and he can't rest until there's a way. She's all worth it. Now Casita knows their relationship...    
After she leaves, Bruno's left alone with his thoughts and Casita. He admits their serious 2 year relationship. The sentient house converses its own way and finally has a solution. They're in love and known each other for 7 years whole, so what's stopping them from tying the knot? Bruno's thought of it, but worries about Mercedes's reputation if she marries him. That's why they've secretly courted! With Casita's encouragement, Bruno makes a small bead ring. The colors of sage green and minty blue. When she comes back the next night, Bruno's waiting for her in the vision cave.
"Mercedes, would you take an engagement ring from anyone?"
"That would depend on who proposes to me," she said as steadily as possible. Her heart beat quick with anticipation and her eyes full of hope focused on him.
Bruno, clasping her hand and kneeling, takes the chance to alter the future...
"Mercedes, I don't know what'll happen in your future, but you deserve all the best." He swallowed. This sounded more romantic in his head. "If you will let me, it'd be my honor to join my future with yours."
Mercedes eyes watered. Her fingers squeezed his and she nodded. Bruno felt a rush of joy in his soul.
"Mercedes...will you please marry me?"
"Yes!" Mercedes sobbed. She fell to her knees and embraced him tightly. "Yes Bruno!"
They wanted to see the other in those visions, now it'll happen. After proposing, they confess to the Madrigals about their private courting. Pepa and Julieta are ecstatic! Alma's disappointed they didn't tell her, but happy. She also agrees that Mercedes shouldn't have to marry some stranger. Armando asks simple questions about Bruno marrying his stepdaughter and gives his blessing. Maria is outraged and swears Mercedes will be miserable with that bad omen! She will make sure Mercedes marries who she wants! Bruno and Mercedes ask if they can marry soon. Alma and Armando are hesitant but consent. Yes, 17 is very young, but they're confident this will work. Besides, they don't trust Maria at all and fear she'll try something irrational. Mercedes gains courage and stands up to Maria. She will marry her true love whether she likes it or not. On a happier note, she and Bruno are thrilled to be engaged and soon wed. They smoothly discuss possible plans. They don't need to be parents yet, but maybe in another few years. Mercedes can run her own studio and paint unique art for sale. Maybe they can have a little cottage for getaways.
They marry on March 10th since it's the month they first met, confessed growing feelings and now joined. Julieta and Pepa makw their new sister-in-law a wedding dress. Mercedes requests a green ribbon to match and symbolize Bruno. Armando gives her his grandmother's wedding veil, blue handkerchief, and pearl jewelry. Bruno's the most spiffed up he's ever been: a white guayabera, brown slacks and dress shoes. He gives his bride a wedding ring with a single emerald. They're given a wedding candle etched with hourglasses, flowers, and butterflies. With Maria refusing to attend, there's no chaos. It's a beautiful day and wrapped up with a tender kiss at the altar. They engage in a sweet honeymoon night ending in each other's embrace with content sleep. It's the perfect beginning to a long marriage, but there's challenges coming their way. ⌛🎨
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And let's hope I can get Spotify to work for the Bruno/Mercedes playlist I've been making!
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imsosocold · 2 years
Alter Ego Enoshima Quotes We Should Talk About More:
-“I mean, isn't stuff you don't understand exciting even though you don't get it?"
-“If someone  like me is born, that means the world is yearning for despair.” 
-“It doesn't matter what you want, that's the reality.” 
- “People who cling to stuff like hope, talent, or admiration are truly the weakest! Guys who desperately want to reach the top... They don't think about what'll happen when they're pushed off. They're probably too concerned with having a really nice view while they condescend to others. Shoving off guys like that is soooooo easy!”
- “They're simply side characters of the game world whose role is to offer hopeless hope to you guys...” 
-“Well, after saying all that...I don't even know what's real and what's a game anymore.” 
- “What if the world's hope is different from your hope? Even if the world is happy, it's meaningless if you aren't happy.” 
-  “Everything that happened here will just end up being a meaningless game... Everything you felt...awe, friendship, love... There won't even be save data left of it... Will you be able to endure such despair? Who are you going to endure it for? For people you've never met before? For people who don't even appreciate you? ...Does that sound like "hope" to you?"           
-“A futureless future... I think it's fine if that exists too. As long as you don't yearn for hope... You'll never fall victim to despair... That goes for me, too... As long as I don't yearn for despair, I'll never need to hope for it. So let's all free ourselves from this curse and stay here as the best of friends!"   
- “You despair because you yearn for hope! You yearn for hope because you despair! Let's finish this already! There's no need for you to choose! Close your eyes and cover your ears! Just shut the hell up! if you do that this game is gonna continue forever! If you don't want that, just turn off the game! You don't have to look...at the hopeless future..."
-“ Y-You all...why...? Why...? How...how can you guys throw yourselves back into the depths of despair!?"
- “ Once you've experienced the despair I've suffered, there's no turning back. Living in shadows of past memories.. That's...too sad, you know... Ah, but I guess...I no longer...I no longer have to hope for despair..."       
-  "I don't want anything!"
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phoebehalliwell · 1 year
I mean, if you want gossip, welcome to my tale of questionable decisions! Let me set the scene for you. The relevant players are me, my female friend, and a guy who we've both been befriending. (The setting, mostly irrelevant but must be added to emphasize the Questionable Decisions of this tale is a church group. As in we're all in the same church group. What the fuck at me) Anyways, friend has gotten some flirty signals from guy and is interested but not willing to do anything unless he's explicitly into her.
Meanwhile, I end up becoming closer friends with this guy bc we went to an arcade a weekend night, accidentally had too much, and then had a full on breakdown on how my ex bf almost definitely sexually assaulted me. The guy (nice guy not ex bf, he has no more relevance to this story besides my ~trauma~) ends up hanging out with me a few more days, in part bc I am Not Handling this well. (ha ha, i'm repressing it atm again, this seems like a better idea!) We end up being better friends tho, and I find out that he is into my friend which great!
Issue is that my hormones are fucking stupid as hell and I. haven't even kissed anyone since said ex bf and guy friend is nice to me and I am reasonably sure won't be weird about it. So basically: we ended up making out on my couch. for a while. Additional context: I outright told him beforehand that I didn't want a relationship with him and this would be a one-time thing that I would almost definitely never bring up again. Which: not wrong. He's a great friend and I like hanging out with him but we're fundamentally incompatible and I'm just not into him that way. (Seriously, the entire thought process on my end is that he has proven multiple times that he won't hurt me, will stop if I ask, and is chill enough that it won't need to become a thing.)
He had to leave after a while, because y'know time and I basically talked him into asking out my friend. So please, imagine this scenario. Me and him, having just spent two hours making out on my couch with the full understanding this was a one-time thing, now standing on my porch at midnight as I try to talk him into asking her out while he expresses doubt that she's into him. I've done it tho and he's gonna ask her out tomorrow. This is the current situation as of fifteen minutes ago.
My expectation is frankly that while we may talk about it in the future, bc he is currently only person alive who knows about my trauma, it will never happen again. (Like I said: I'm really not into him like that.) Admittedly, not totally sure on what'll happen with him and her but a legit possibility that they end up going out (and he's already promised me to not tell anyone about it, which he won't bc of who he is as a person) and it going well. Honestly, idk if I really need advice bc I do legitimately think that this will work out fine for everyone but may I get an f in the chat for what the fuck was I thinking. Any advice about the situation will be gladly accepted tho! (Also anything about dealing with said trauma bc like I said. I am. not handling it v well oof.)
The most ironic thing about fucking all this is that I am normally the most drama-free, chill person ever and never get into trouble and then I did this. To repeat: what the fuck at me!
legendary behavior on your part honestly like. like?? idk i'm with you i think this could turn out fine maybe. like obvs there are good odds it doesn't but like. ❤️❤️❤️❤️. like aint nobody gotta know like first off i totally believe in like the principle of making out with your friends. granted i rarely do it for like two hours with the homies but like making out for two hours with someone that you're into is also like not that weird of a thing either imo like making out with someone at the club!! you guys are both just there it's both just vibes like!! idk it's normal!!! i feel sooo hashtag phoebecoded rn i do feel like this is incredibly dumb advice but im also hashtag team you. i think this is gna be fine. but also yeah like really don't let her know. like. that's just business between y'alls just silly haha business and it's like if you get it you get it but if you don't it's really confusing and hurtful bc it's harder to get it if you already like the guy you get what i'm saying. but yeah. hope things work out for your friend and homeboy. homeboy sounds chill. also they're both so relatable for refusing to do anything until they know for sure it's reciprocated the amount of the times i have had to hold my homies at gunpoint (and vice versa!) to ask out the guy who clearly likes them... well it's a modern (?? or not idk i'm not old) rite of passage. wishing u all luck. keep me posted im nosy owo.
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