#soapy answers
majinbangus · 2 months
just read the side boob tattoo blurb...what about dear reader surprising our feral captain with a brand new badass back piece?
perfect for those back shots, no? eheheee
Ooh anon he's gonna destroy you is that what you want (i want it too)
He finds out when you present yourself so sweetly in nothing but a flimsy silk robe- a coming home gift, as you phrased it- something to unwrap for coming home alive and safe. He suspects nothing, eager to be reunited with you, to feel you wrapped around him again.
But once you bend over onto all fours and arch your back once the robe comes off? It's all he can focus on. He won't let you back up or flip you over. He's gonna keep you pinned and wailing, eyes laser-focused on your back tattoo, maybe even be a little selfish and focus on his pleasure as he treats you like a new toy he gets to break in.
He'll leave little scratches along the edges of the tattoo, tracing the outline as if he drew it, but he's careful to leave the actual tattoo alone. He just wants you to feel the sting, to feel his sting. Leave his own marks on you. And you do feel it. Both inside and out. Captain MacTavish is a thorough man and he's gonna leave his marks scratched into your back and painted inside you.
And as much as the tattoo makes him want to bend you over constantly, he wishes you asked him to do the tattoo instead. He's an artist, after all, it's no trouble for him to sketch marks onto what's his. Not to worry, though, you've got plenty of skin still unmarred and untouched. He'll find a place to tattoo his initials into your flesh.
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mattodore · 2 months
tagged by @missatan <3 thank you for the excuse to talk about theo
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EMOTIONS and FEELINGS: fear, distress, hurt, agitation, envy, delirium, confusion, loneliness, absence, ache, desire, want, shame
COLORS: burnt orange, plum red, baby blue
SCENTS: soap, iris, wet grass, tree sap, dusty rooms
OBJECTS: dead flowers, empty pill bottles, bedpost etched with tally marks, singed synthetic fibers on a teddy bear, patient wristbands, fire extinguishers
BODY LANGUAGE: peeking through fingers, folded hands, one step back, feet swinging over a ledge, a fleeting glance, eyes squeezed shut, deer-in-headlights stillness
AESTHETICS: vintage bunny art, shadow puppets, bruised skin, dripping honey, dust motes in rays of light, plumes of smoke, empty hallways, doors cracked open enough to peer through, overflowing bathtubs spilling steaming soapy water, deer shedding velvet, dried blood underneath blunt fingernails, spilled milk, rumpled bedding
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sleevesareforlosers · 5 months
if you genuinely excuse ipad parenting by saying 'people have to work long hours and are tired when they get home so its not their fault' id like to direct your gaze to the entire human history worth of single parents, poor parents, parents working strenuous jobs, etc, who existed before ipads
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lilangelsoap · 6 days
hi ! my big sis is also sleeping and is past my bedtime but not sleepy yet ! my favoritest thing is my stuffie i take with me everywhere !
hi !!! i ended up falling right asleep oops,, i hope u could get some sleep at some point !!!
i’m so glad u have a stuffie to take everywhere that’s so awesome !! /gen
what kind of stuffie are they ??? i have a red panda who’s my comfort stuffie i would love to bring him places with me :-)))))
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whimsyprinx · 1 year
neurotypical people don’t understand the importance of floor time, like sure i could lay in the empty bed but the floor beckons me and who am i to ignore it’s call?
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theflirtmeister · 7 months
Could ghost survive a saw trap I think Amanda could get him in a rigged trap and fry his ass. I don't need to ask about Soap BC he's doomed by the narrative. Soap would be in the bathroom gnawing off his leg.
ghost would survive and then instantly trip on something coming out of the saw trap and brain himself on the concrete
price kills soap for no reason, even amanda is like "dude"
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hergan416 · 8 months
Um for the fic titles!
Dances and Stolen Moments
Our firsts, Our Youth
Cherish Me Instead
Im considering using all of these for titles so im wondering what vibe they might give!
Dances and stolen moments is definitely a casefic turned romance where the case is less important than the romance. Heavy flirtation, masquerade ball, making out in a closet, something like that. No clear pairing...maybe bonde/moneypenny? Mostly because I feel like this would give me something new to work with.
"Cherish Me Instead" I think would end up being sherlilouis and dig into Louis' jealousy a BIT like I have going on in the draft I'm writing of Spin's second chapter, but would me more emotionally driven and less smutty. I also would probably lighten up on Louis' disdain for Sherlock, which I did not do in the Spin draft 😂 idk what the overarching plot would be though.
"Our Firsts, Our Youth" sounds the least like a title I'd come up with on my own...and I have to say is probably something AW while at Eton, teenaged and inexperienced. [I probably would probably NOT work to make this historically accurate, although I do think that would be what I could add to this genre and make it unique? I just don't particularly feel like accuracy makes a better story here.]
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aesrot · 1 year
Rolan developing a bit of a fear of the water after the bodies in the water thing like he's a bit more wary of the bayou afterwards for obvious reasons but he thinks thats it. He does not realize true fear until he goes to a body of water that is Not the bayou and feels such an overwhelming sense of imminent danger that it almost immediately sends him into a panic bc he feels unsafe and in danger and scared and bad and horrible bc bug instincts go haywire upon being presented w a body of water that is not his birthplace
despite maybe spending his childhood afternoon swimming with his friends, maybe going to the beach or to a pool during summer break, after the events on the bayou he just cant. shallow water is enough to get him anxious, his showers are quick and never not even once used the bathtub. he cant. the problem lays on bodies of water, especially stillwater. clean, see-trough water is the worse. if he finds himself near one, he hearts starts pounding, he cant feel the connection to the hive, to the queen, he can't feel his own body there, he feels unsafe, and he clicks and clicks in distress, calling and not getting an answer.
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tomkinard · 1 year
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I can't take away your shitty feelings but I can send you some love and my fave pics of mick to distract you 🫶🏻❤️ love you mwah
:( i love u
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majinbangus · 14 days
Hii <3 I love your blog so much especially it's about captain mactavish😩🤍so can I ask hcs about captain mactavish with his pregnant wife!and after birth because BOY he's so manly man
imma use the twins i’ve given soap, usually i picture ‘22 soap, but gonna write this with the captain in mind this time
Mans was prepared
Like a whole month early prepared before the due date. Got the overstay bag packed and everything.
It was sweet how on top of things he was about this–you expected nothing less from your special forces husband–but you thought it was a bit overkill how he was acting like you were a bomb about to explode, watching your every move, seeing if you needed him at a moment’s notice. You could barely breathe with how closely he was sticking by your side in that last month.
You had to tell him to relax, this wasn’t like the missions he went on, risking his life
And you know what he said?
“You’re right”
You are?
“Aye, it’s much more high stakes” 
This was going to be your life on the line, while he sat on the sidelines, unable to do anything while you would be in pain. 
Let the man fuss, goddammit. He’s preparing himself for every possible outcome, especially the worst ones, but he doesn’t say that
You shut up and let him fuss
When the time came for the twins to arrive, you didn’t feel an ounce of worry with John by your side
The birth went smoothly, thankfully, and as much as John loved his children, he wasn’t able to fully relax until you were confirmed to be okay, only then did the tension finally leave his body
Hard part was over, now he got the easy part: tending to your needs and helping with the twins
He wanted your recovery process to be as comfortable as possible, so every time you winced or needed help with anything, he was by your side in an instant, never judging you if you couldn't do something without needing him. in fact, he loved that he could help you
Sometimes you didn’t even have to say anything, John just knew how to read you and got you whatever you needed before you asked
And if the twins started crying or needed a diaper change?
He got it, you just worry about resting up, though if the twins need a feeding, he’ll be ready to help get them latched to your breasts
But if you don’t breastfeed, he’s also read up on other options to feed the babies
He made the whole transition into parenting a lot less daunting and your recovery went smoothly with him supporting you in anyway he could
You almost felt like you weren’t doing enough, but John reassured you
“I’ll be deployed soon enough. Let me be a Da to Gav and Greer while I’m still here. Let me take care of you before I go”
You were almost ready to give him another child for that. But two was enough, and you would be forever grateful of John for being your rock and anchor not only throughout the pregnancy, but also with your children
what do you guys think about the names Gavin and Greer MacTavish? took awhile for me to decide on the names
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agalnamedlunasea · 1 year
hiyoizumi for ship bingo!
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Mahiru and Hiyoko are so cute together! They're just the judgy lesbians of jabberwock Island and I love that for them. They also look v cute. I like the red/orange/yellow/green thing they have going on, and I always love tall/small girlfriends.
I think that neither of them have enough time to really make enough of an impact in-game to make me unwell them tho. Like they only really start having notable interactions in chapter 2, and then mahiru dies. I do really like how mahirus death effects hiyoko. She lashes out a bit, trys to make a memorial to her memory, its all very sweet. but then she dies the next chapter anyway. I feel like if hiyoko would have lived longer we could have gotten some more depth and growth that would make me like it more.
As is, in my head, they're the kind of couple who gets together v quickly and then is kinda in the background of more dramatic couples stories (*cough* komahina *cough*). I do really love them, they have my heart, I just wish they had a lil more goin on
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happy tiny scene sunday!! how about dev from melodiverse + stargazing??
- @magic-is-something-we-create
OMG this is such an adorable prompt!! Thank you Pax! Prompt: Dev (if you don't know, he's a character made by my lovely friend @sizzlin-system hehe) + stargazing
Dev and Staticlight walked towards Penwood Park, followed by his crimson hellhound, Soapie. They wagged their tail, and small bursts of fire came from it. Soapie must be excited. Dev thought. As they continued towards the park, Dev scouted out a spot where they had a great view of the stars. Staticlight rolled his eyes. "Why are we stargazing, of all things, when we're supposed to be LOOKING FOR MIDNIGHT'S MELODY BLADE?? This isn't a free day you know." Dev turned to Staticlight as they stopped and Soapie sat down, perching behind Dev, still perky as ever and bouncing back and forth in excitement. "... Static, you should know that sometimes people need to have their free days! It helps reset the mind and keep it fresh. Don't worry, we'll get his Melody Blade after we watch the stars, okay?" Dev said, first angry, then softened into a light smile.
Staticlight grumbled to himself, before he sat down in their perfect spot, placing a loving shoulder on Dev and placing Soapie in his lap. He loved Dev, but of course, sometimes he could get on his nerves.
All this tension quickly faded as Dev's excited mumblings put him at ease. He could stay all night stargazing out here, if he wanted to. Even the thought of eventually stealing Midnight's Melody Blade, swiftly disappeared from his mind. Staticlight lightly chuckled as Dev pointed out certain constellations. "Look, there's Orion and the Big Dipper!" Sitting there with Dev, and Soapie, he felt like he could travel to the park to stargaze more often. To him, staring into the stars provided some what of a meditative calmness, with every invading thought being forced out.
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sophie-i-guess13 · 2 years
I finally listened to Mary on a cross by Ghost and I am proud to say I am addicted to it.
I love it so so much <3
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lilangelsoap · 11 days
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soapie . 26 . any pronouns . 100% sfw agere account 🤍🫧
just being lil with my fiancé/caregiver 🧸 . edit & stimboard requests open !
my general tag: #soapie speaks . my stimboards: #soapie boards . my art: #soapie draws . my edits: #soapie edits . ask tag: #soapie answers . blog runs partially on queue (#bubbles goin by)
dni: any nsfw/k!nk , terf/radfem , maps/pedos, racists, ableists, meanies
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Hello friend! I just finished reading Love and the Hunter and I went looking for a tumblr post for it so I could reblog and give it the attention it deserves. Maybe it's tumblr's search function or my lack of imagination this early on a Sunday morning, but I couldn't find it. Do you make tumblr posts every time you post a story to ao3? I know I don't always have time, but we should shouldn't we? And when you do, please tag me! I'll reblog everything!
Hello friend! Aww, you are so sweet! Thank you for reaching out!! And thanks very much for reading, of course <3
You might be right that I didn't make a proper post about that one. I know I made a little one announcing I'd finished my two Fandom Trumps Hate pieces, but I can't seem to OH I FOUND IT. Me and my inconsistent tagging are causing problems haha.
I made this little post last year, but I know it's not much! I've never been very good at tumblr, lol. I'll take your advice and try to make more of a proper effort at it! Something of a late New Year's resolution, maybe :)
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itsscphiie · 1 year
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tag dump
( the pumpkin doesn’t look very nice like in the book : interactions ) ( hello again; soapy! sophie! : visage ) ( i really want that cookie! : musings ) ( i want mommy and grandma : answered )
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