#social work major kirishima
jazzthatonewriterchick · 11 months
Lost in the Woods (Werewolf!BakuKiri x Black!Plus-Sized!Fem!Reader 18+ One Shot)
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"You scared now, baby?"
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Kirishima Ejirou x Black!Plus-sized!Fem!Reader
Synopsis: In which you get lost on your way home one night while coming back from a party and end up straight in the jaws of two strange yet sexy men who you get the feeling aren't quite human.
Warnings: Smutty Smut; 18+ (MINORS GTFO); Reader is Black, Fem & Plus-Sized; Reader is Drunk; Monster Fucking; Coercion; Dubcon; Rape (to be safe); Foreplay; Biting; Mild Degradation; Mutual Oral; Double Blowjob; Double Cunnilingus/Analingus; Big Dicks/Knots; Knotting; Unprotected PIV Sex; Doggystyle; Cowgirl; Unprotected Creampies; Aftercare
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer's Note: Happy Halloween, y'all!! 🎃🎃 Enjoy!! -Jazz
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It has gotten darker outside. Way darker than it usually is around this time in the fall.
You walk along the trail in your fake cat ears leading to your co-worker's rented cabin deep in the woods, clutching your leather jacket closer to your plump frame and tasting your third drink on your tongue. You're still not sure what's in it, but you can taste the vodka and the fruity juice flavors with every sip you've taken since you've gotten to the party.
You originally were supposed to stay at the party for only an hour, but that turned into four. Four hours of watching your bestie shake her ass in her ladybug costume and dealing with your coworker and the host of the party flirt with you. Though Denki Kaminari is cute and loaded from his rich parents, he also is a huge slut.
He has what you call "community dick". The guy gets around to almost every girl in your office, minus you, of course. He's been trying which is why he invited you to his Halloween party, but you aren't interested. You thought the man was going to cry earlier when he saw you put on your jacket and head to the door.
Aww, you're leavin'?" he asked in his makeshift toga and leaf headpiece. He was supposed to be a Greek God. "But I'm about to start the competition and announce the winners!"
"I know, but I'm really tired and it's really dark out there," you sighed, trying to seem like you're apologetic.
"You sure you wanna drive?" he asked, sounding concerned. "Didn't you drink tonight?" You shook your head, your hand moving to grasp the doorknob behind you. "I didn't drive here. I took an Uber."
"You don't need to take no Uber, sweetheart," he tutted. "Not when you've got a personal chauffeur right here! Lemme drive you home. I promise that my ride is faster." He smiled big, confident, seductive smile at you that you're sure gets all the ladies' pussies wet, but you weren't swayed.
You gave him a small smile, desperate to leave. The music was too loud and your social battery was running way low. "That's very sweet of you, Denki, but I'm good. I'm gonna wait in the driveway."
Denki's eyes ticked outside the window where the woods lay in wait for you. "Well, my house is surrounded by woods. You sure you wanna walk alone out there? Wouldn't want all the creepy-crawlies and freaks to get you." He smirked down at you, cocking his head to the side."Lemme walk you," he whispered. "It would at least make me feel better. Plus, I'm great company."
He gave you that same seductive smirk as he leaned in, no doubt attempting to corner you against the door. You began to twist the knob, opening it in preparation to run out and escape his tricks."Thank you, but–"
"Heeey, girl," Mina, your coworker and bestie, sing-songed. She inserted herself right between you and Denki, drunk and a major cockblock (and your savior). "You havin' fun?" She side-eyed Denki who gave her a sharp glare before slinking off to attend to two of his guests who were about to fight over the last mini-pumpkin cupcake at the snack table.
"Yeah, but it's getting dark out there," you pointed out, relieved that Denki left. "Shouldn't we be heading home soon?"
"Go home?" Mina scoffed. "Denki said we're all welcome here! He cleaned out his five guest rooms upstairs just for us...or rather, for you." She giggled as you rolled your eyes. "You know, he's hoping you'll stay the night."
"Yeah, I know," you muttered. "But it ain't gonna happen. Denki gets around too much."
"So?" Mina scoffed. "I've heard he's good! Plus, it's not like you're looking for a forever. It's just a one-night thing you clear your head and get you some dick."
Mina is so convinced that you need to start dating if not having meaningless sex with coworkers if not men at bars, clubs, or online (which is hella dangerous). To her, you could use the release to ease your stress from your job and life, but in your eyes, you're more than happy using your fingers and toys to get that release. However, you would be lying if you said that you didn't want someone to break you off, but so far, you haven't found a man who could do so for you.
"I'm fine, Mina, really," you chuckled. "I know you think that I need some dick to ease my stress at work, but I can handle myself just fine." Mina didn't look too happy with that but didn't push it. "Whatever," she sighed. "But at least stay for the costume competition. You'll get to see me win for my super-cute costume!"
"Sorry, hon," you giggled, playing with her fake antenna, "but the dark isn't gonna wait for that. You know how I feel about traveling in the dark anyway. I'm just gonna bounce and call you when I get home."
At this, Mina grew worried. "You sure you don't want me to walk you?" But you shook your head, not wanting to interrupt her fun. "I'll be fine, Mina," you reassured her. "I'm just gonna wait in the driveway for my ride. You stay and have fun."
You wish you had just stayed in Denki's driveway like you said you would. You wish you never decided to venture along the trail to find the road. It's too dark, and you're too tipsy. You're not at all dressed for a walk, such as this one either–a mini dress that hugs your plump, chunky body, a leather jacket, fake cat ears, and black pumps that you try to walk slowly in to avoid breaking your ankle.
Plus, and this is the main reason, the forest is starting to creep you out. It is quiet. Too quiet, as if something is causing this eery silence. The woods trail is rather bumpy, and the trees seem taller than before when you came here four hours ago. They are bare of any leaves and their branches stretch towards the sky like long, crooked fingers. Speaking of the sky, there isn't a single star in it–just the large, white moon that looks almost ominous behind the clouds floating among the inky, black canvas.
You thought that making it to the road would make it easier for the Uber driver to find you when you ordered, but you can't even find the road. You ordered the ride before leaving Denki's party, hoping to make it there before the driver could call.
But now you're realizing that you should've just called before. 'You stupid bitch,' you think. So you call your driver now as you keep a hand out to grab onto trees for balance as you hike down the trail. The driver answers after three rings, but they sound grainy and broken.
"Hello?" you say into the phone.
"Hi, is this Y/N?" the Uber driver asks. "I was just going to call you. I'm here."
"Shit, you are?" you reply, your stomach leaping in fear. You only have five minutes to reach them and you still don't know where you're going! "H-Hang on, I'm comin' now. I can't find the road."
"I'm sorry, I'm having trouble hearing you," the driver says. "I can't seem to find a way through these trees."
"It's through the woods!" you call. "There's a trail that leads to the address. If you follow it, you'll find me there." Silence follows and you panic, thinking they hung up. "Hello, you there?" you call.
"Hello?" the driver asks. "Y/N, are you still there?"
"Yes!" you call. "Hang on, I'll come to you!" You waddle and stumble along the trail, pushing a long branch out of your face. "Can you still hear me?" Silence. "Hello?" you call into the phone. "Helloooo?"
Still nothing. You look at your phone to find that the call has dropped. "Goddammit!" you groan. Of course, this happens to you. Realizing that you're out of luck and have no clue where you are, you dial Mina's number and turn back around where you came.
Four rings go by before she picks up and you're hit by a barrage of sounds–music, yelling, and laughter. "Hello?" she shouts into your ear. "Mina, I'm coming back," you sigh. "My Uber driver can't find me and–"
"Y/N, you're breaking up!" she shouts. "I can't hear you!" Her voice begins to sound grainy and chopped, her words cutting off. "Mina?" you ask. "Mina, can you hear me?" Nothing but silence follows.
You look at the four bars on your screen, finding them to be completely gone. No reception. "Fuck!" you groan. Tonight is now a complete shit show. The beginning of a horror film. However, if keep on the trail to Denki's cabin, knowing you have a better chance of calling another ride there.
But then you get lost. Very, very lost. "What the fuck?" you whisper to yourself. "Where's the cabin?"
What looks like the trail to Denki's cabin turns out not to be...or is it? You can't quite decipher the trail anymore. Or where you are. Everything looks the same–the same leafless trees and brush stretching around you, making you feel suffocated; the same dark shadows; the same dirt trail that leads to nowhere.
Even worse is the darkness. It has gotten increasingly worse since you've been out here, stumbling about. You can barely make out the trees now, bumping into a few as you walk. The quietness only makes you feel more paranoid. All that you hear is the lone hooting of an owl and your heavy breathing in your ears. It's uncomfortable. Unsettling. Like something is lurking among the woods, ready to pounce at the perfect opportunity.
You go for your phone to switch on the flashlight only to find your phone on 20%. You growl in frustration, stomping your heel. How did you forget to charge it before you left Denki's party? "God, can this get any worse for me?" you sigh to the heavens.
And as if answering you, a droplet falls from the cloudy night sky onto your forehead. You gasp at the sudden feeling, pressing your hand to your forehead to feel the wetness. And then another one falls. And another. Soon, you are caught in a downpour. "Shit!" you squeal and take off your heels before immediately start running to avoid the rain.
You don't know where you're going but you run anyway, desperate to find the road or someone who may be out here to help you. Maybe one of Denki's guests from the party or a hiker. Maybe a camper. As you peel back tree branches and try to avoid pits of mud that have begun to churn from the rain, you finally find your light in the darkness.
Through the trees protrudes a cozy-looking house in a clearing, surrounded by a stack of logs for firewood and smelling of something spicy and warm. The windows are aglow which means someone is inside. Someone who can help you! "Oh, thank you, God," you sigh.
But as you go to run towards the house, you hit your foot on an overgrown tree root and go tumbling. With a shriek, you fall to your hands and knees, luckily not scraping them but staining them with dirt. Your heart lurches into your throat and you try to calm yourself. "Relax," you whisper. "You're okay. There's no one out there to hurt you."
"Well, look who stumbled along the trail," a teasing voice says. "Literally." Immediately, you look up and scurry away from the two figures standing above you. They are big. Huge, even. All lean muscle, broad arms, and thick, toned thighs and calves that could crush watermelons under their clothes.
They're not too bad looking either. The one on the right has a platinum blonde undercut, a sharp jaw any model would be jealous of, an eyebrow piercing, and a lip ring that glints in the moonlight in his plump, pink bottom lip. His vermillion eyes feel like hot rays on you as he glares down at you. "Who the fuck are you?" he growls. "Why are you here?"
You try to find the words to speak, but you're still too in shock from what has happened to you and the two strangers standing before you. "I-I..."
"Chill out, Katsuki," the one on the left chuckles. He is bigger than the blonde with long, red locks of hair, tattoos, and a toothy smile that unnerves you slightly. "You alright, miss? Sorry about him. He's territorial of our home is all."
He offers his hand to you, and though you hesitate at first, you take it and let him pick you up off the ground. "That's your house?" you ask, nodding at the cozy home. Katsuki glares suspiciously at you. "Why? You lookin' to break in or something?"
"N-No," you stutter, intimidated by his roughness. "I came from a party up the way and I couldn't find the road to catch my Uber."
Both men look at each other, realizing your story. "Oh," the redhead says, that grin still on his face. "You're lost. Gone too deep down the rabbit hole?" You don't answer, unnerved by his teasing and their presence.
"So that explains why a pretty thing like you is out here alone," the redhead comments, crossing his buff arms over his broad chest. "So no one walked you out here?"
You shake your head, hugging your jacket to your soaked body. "I told them not to," you admit, feeling guilty. "I thought this wasn't going to happen."
"Well, no one expects to get lost in the woods," the redhead chuckles. "But don't fret. You've got us and we know these woods like the back of our hands. It's not safe to be out here alone on such a dark night though. It could be...dangerous."
Something in the way he says this and the glint in his eyes makes you uncomfortable. There is something off about these two, you realize. Something ferocious. Predatory, like an animal. "I-I just need wifi," you stutter. "Or a phone to call my friend and tell her I'm here."
"You need more than that, sweetness," the redhead chuckles. "You're soaked to the bone! Guess you got caught in the rain." He nods over to their home. "Come on in and we'll help you out. We'll get you a towel and a phone."
"Really?" you ask, shocked by their kindness...and also wary. "Of course!" he laughs, his crimson eyes kind. "It wouldn't be many of us to have a beautiful lady out here alone and lost. Ain't that right, Katsuki?"
The blonde says nothing but keeps his eyes pinned on you. "Oh, I never introduced us!" the redhead tuts. "That's so rude of me. I'm Kirishima, but just call me Kiri. This is Katsuki. Say hi, 'Suki." Once again, Katsuki doesn't speak. "And you are?"
"Y/N," you softly answer. "Thanks for helping me out, but I just need a phone or a wifi password."
"What, you scared to come in or something?" Katsuki snarls. "You have no problem walking around out there in that." He nods at your mini dress and cat ears, making you flush.
"Leave her alone, Katsuki," Kiri growls. "I happen to think she looks amazing." He gives you a wink that makes your stomach flip. "I know it's weird since we're strangers and all, but we'd really feel bad if you just waited out here. We've got spicy ramen cookin' in there too, if you want any."
You should say no. You should firmly stand your ground and tell them to just give you a phone. But against your better judgment and taken by their strange attractiveness, you give in. "Okay," you sigh.
They guide you to their home and get you inside just as the rain becomes a thick sheet. Their home is cozy, warm, and has a roaring, brick fireplace. The walls are made of thick logs packed tight together and the furniture is covered in throw pillows and comfy blankets. Kiri leads you over to the couch and hands you a blanket to wrap yourself in while Katsuki heads to the kitchen. "Take a seat and we'll get you set up," he says. "And get comfortable. That's what the couch is here for." 
He smiles at you before heading off to gather some things for you. You sit there, shivering under the blanket after taking off your coat, doing your best to relax. But you can’t. Not when you’re in two strangers’ home with your phone halfway to death and in the pouring rain. There has to be a phone you can get to. You begin to look around for a phone, but are interrupted the Kiri returns with a towel and a tray holding a steaming bowl for you. "Here's a towel for you," he coos. "And a pipin' hot bowl of ramen if you're hungry. I'm sure you worked up an appetite at that party and walking through the woods." 
He hands you the towel and carefully places the tray down next to you. ”Thanks," you mutter. Kiri gives you your space and sits in a chair across the room, but he doesn’t take his eyes off of you. He watches you very carefully as you slowly slurp down the ramen, clearing your throat from the spiciness. He chuckles under his breath whenever you do. 
Katsuki then returns to the living room, his shoes off and clad in a V-neck and jeans that sit low on his hips. "Landline's down," he passively says. "The rain must've fucked it up." Kiri sighs while your stomach flips in panic. "Aw, man," he sighs. "Any luck with your phone, Y/N?" Something about the way he says his name in that raspy voice sends shivers down your spine. 
You ignore them and check your phone, finding it to be on 10% and the bars still low. You shake your head, ready to scream in frustration. "Guess you're stuck with us for a minute then,” Kiri says, sounding apologetic. Katsuki doesn’t say anything at all, still standing in the middle of the living room, adding to the tension you feel. “Does…this happen often?" you carefully question. 
Kiri shrugs, leaning back in his chair. ”Sometimes, if the rain is real bad. It's just one of the things about living away from the city in the middle of the forest." He gives you a humored grin, a twinkle in his crimson eyes. "You're probably wondering why we're out here, hm? Well, city life just got to be too much. Sometimes you just wanna be wild and free. Feral, if you will." 
His smile turns sharper and almost just as feral as he describes. You don’t even look at Katsuki. You’re too afraid too. Instead, you look down at your feet and squeeze the blanket closer to your form. "So what about you?" Kiri asks. "What's your life like outside of these woods?" 
‘Lie!’ your brain tells you. ‘Don’t tell them anything about you!’ But you also don’t know if they’ll know you’re lying. So you tell the truth, but keep things as tame and vague as possible. ”Well, I live in the city and I work in an office. I just came from a work costume party that my coworker was throwing." Kiri nods, his eyes scaling over your fake cat ears and legs poking out of the blanket. ”Well, you've dressed the part for it." 
"And decided to come in here to show us," Bakugou growls, speaking for the first time in minutes. His hot gaze runs over you as if he can see right through the thick blanket. "Ignore him," Kiri says, rolling his eyes. "He thinks you look fantastic, as do I. I'm sure all your coworkers of the opposite sex were re all over you tonight." 
You’re not sure if he says this to comfort or relax you, but it doesn’t do either. Your body is wound up like a drum and you feel hot with discomfort. ”T-Thank you," you whisper. "No, I...I didn't want that. I don't date my coworkers...or hook up with them." 
"That's a good idea," Kiri replies, nodding in approval. "It often makes your job complicated. But it relieves the tension, don't you think?" He pauses, letting the pitter-patter of the rain fill the silence. ”Eases the stress?" he suggests, smirking at you. 
Katsuki’s eyes find you. They are sharp and intense, glaring at your very soul. You find it hard to breathe and have to push away the ramen because your stomach is flipping too much. You need to get out of here now. So you stand, letting the blanket fall, and grab your jacket. 
"You okay, cutie?" Kiri questions, sounding worried. 
"The rain eased up," you huff. And it has––you can’t hear the harshness of it anymore. It is softer which means it’s easier to travel through now. ”And it's getting late. I-I think I should leave." 
Kiri’s brows knit in confusion. ”Didn't you wanna call someone first?" he asks. "And why leave if you got lost before?"
"Don't feed into that bullshit she's spouting," Bakugou scoffs. "It's just a cover to hide how scared she is of us." You stand rigidly near the couch, your eyes flicking to the door across the way. Maybe you can run. 
”Is that true, sweetie?" Kiri asks almost sweetly. "Are you afraid of us?" They both stare at you, waiting for your answer. Your heart thunders wildly in your chest, your blood pumping in your ears. You don’t know how to get out of this or what to say. "I…I…” Your brain is moving slow like it’s moving through sludge, your thoughts jumbled. 
"'Cause you should," Kiri finishes, his tone dark and low. "You should be very afraid. But we won't hurt you...unless you want us to." 
He stands up from his chair, making your fight or flight kick in. Both men stand before you now, not touching you but also giving you the feeling that they could stop you at any point from leaving. You can’t escape now. Their predatory gazes stop you from moving entirely. 
"Why leave when you know you're curious?" Katsuki asks, raising his pierced eyebrow. "Or should I say horny?" You blink at him, confused and taken aback. ”W-What?” you squeak. 
"Don't play the fuckin' fool, girl," he growls. "Why else did you come up in our home when you don't even know us? And don't say it was because of our hospitality or for our wifi." 
Now, you begin creeping towards the door. Their eyes follow you, but then don’t stop you. ”I don't know what you mean," you whimper fearfully. "Please, I just wanna leave." You slam your back against the door and try the knob, but it doesn’t budge. Locked. You’re completely trapped. 
Katsuki and Kiri stand side by side now, watching you, eating you up with their eyes. ”We don't want you to leave," Kiri softly growls, but his voice doesn't sound human. It is deep and growly as if he is an animal. He blinks and his eyes turn from a sharp red to an eery, golden iris. Katsuki’s eyes do the same, shifting from human to not at all. 
You try the knob again, now panicking. Even though you know it’s locked, you try again and again, pathetically so. But you don't take your eyes off of the two men in front of you…and you wish you did. You really wish you never witnessed what you are right now.
Instantly, the two men grow taller and bigger, their muscles widening and growing thicker. Their teeth grow sharp like pointed fangs and their nails turn into claws that protrude from fine-haired, paw-like fingers and toes. The hair on their heads grows wild and untamed, just as their eyes do as they rake them over your body. Fluffy ears and tails protrude from their heads and backsides, indicating that they are, indeed, not human. 
As their bodies grow and their muscles swell, their clothes rip to shreds and fall from their bodies, leaving them completely naked. Your eyes instantly fall to their shafts swinging between their thighs, your mouth falling open. They are huge. Thick. Long. You know they would reach your stomach if they got inside you. You can already feel the lockjaw. you’ve never been so scared of dick before. 
Katsuki smirks down at you. ”You scared now, baby?" he asks in a low growl. 
You press yourself against the door, your heart hammering and breath coming out in panicked huffs. "What the fuck are you two?” you whisper. 
"Two men who are gonna give you what you really want," Katsuki replies. "And you're gonna give us what we want too." They then crouch down and begin to creep toward you on all fours, their eyes still on you. Tears begin to prick at your eyes as you grapple with the doorknob, begging someone, anyone, to save you. ”Please,” you whisper. 
That is all you can say as they creep closer and closer to you. Katsuki takes one side while Kiri takes the other, both standing up and towering of you. "You’re too deep in the forest now, baby," Kiri whispers, a smirk on his face. "Wouldn’t be wise to wander around in the dark by yourself at this hour anyway. Too many predators.” 
One of his huge, clawed hands brushes a hair out of your face. You flinch away from him.
"It’s better to just stay with us. You can kill two birds with one stone: stay here for our protection and take responsibility for your slutty little actions.” He says it so sweetly that you almost miss the last part. 
“What?” you squeak. ”I-I’m not a–" 
"The fuck you aren't," Katsuki snarls. He pokes at your cat ears, nearly knocking them off of your head. He then moves closer to you, moving so close that you can feel the heat radiating off of his big body. “Comin’ in here dressed like that...smelling so fuckin' good...you're practically handing yourself over to us on a silver platter." 
"Mmm, I like that," Kiri hums, tweaking your cat ears as he presses into you from behind. "I like my toys eager. Vulnerable. And so, so easy to please." You are now sandwiched between the two werewolves, trapped. You can feel yourself shivering and trembling between them, your purse still in your hands.
Katsuki presses his nose into your hair and inhales deeply, a deep growl vibrating through his chest. ”God, I just wanna rip off her clothes and pound her right here," he growls. You nearly gasp at his vulgar words. ”Patience, ‘Suki,” Kiri says. “We have to ease her into it." His hand comes across your neck to turn your head towards him. ”Your lips are trembling, baby," he coos. "I know how to ease those nerves." 
Then his lips are on yours, giving you a slow yet hungry kiss that takes the air right out of your lungs. He played with you during, pulling away to lick and lightly nibble at your bottom lip with his pointed canines, relishing the tiny gasps you let out with every new sensation. He then pulls away, lightly pulling at your bottom lip until it pops back into place. ”How was that?” he asks, his voice husky and lustful. “Exactly what you needed?" 
You don’t want to admit it, but it is. That kiss was hot, passionate, and lustful. It gave you butterflies and made your pussy wet. You can feel yourself gushing now despite your situation and you feel like a disgusting, nasty little whore for even feeling like this. Katsuki lets out a deep, rumbling growl from in front of you, his hands sliding up your thick hips. "Fuck, I can’t take this waiting game anymore," he impatiently growls. "Keep teasing her while I get these clothes off of her. I need to see her without this fuckin’ thing.”  
Kiri chuckles as he begins to kiss and suckle on your neck, leaving hickeys in his wake. "Doesn’t look like you need to do much, Kats. Just tear off that dress and we’ll get right to the main course." His eyes rake over your body and your little black dress, his hands sneaking under to toy with your thick thighs. ”Mmm, such a naughty outfit. She definitely came here for a reason.” He smirks at you, his gaze hooded and devious. "Let us give it to you then." 
"No, wait!" you protest. 
But it’s too late. Katsuki is already tearing the little black piece of fabric off of your body, revealing all of you to him and Kiri––your pudgy stomach; your jiggly thighs and thick ass ridden in stretch marks and cellulite; your juicy breasts held up by your laced push-up bra. Both werewolves stare at you like you’re a full course meal, practically salivating at the mouth at the sight of you. "Aww, that little yelp was so cute!” Kiri giggles, his hands still wandering among your thighs and backside. “Was that your favorite dress, sweetheart?" 
Katsuki could give less of a shit as he kneels before you. ”She shouldn’t have worn it then. I hope you hate these stockings you’re wearing ‘cause they’re goin’ too." He then shreds your nylon stockings to pieces while Kiri’s fingers curl below between your thighs. “And these little panties. Doesn’t look like you’ll need ‘em anymore." 
Before you can take a breath, one clawed finger cut at both straps of your panties. Katsuki does the same to your bra, cutting the straps off your shoulders so they fall off of your breasts. Each piece of undergarments fall off of you, leaving your breasts and pussy exposed. You whimper in protest, moving to cover yourself, but Katsuki slaps your hands away. “No,” he sternly says. “Don’t you dare hide yourself from us.” 
“You’re absolutely gorgeous, baby,” Kiri sighs, nuzzling his nose into your neck. “So fuckin’ sexy.” Katsuki’s mouth attaches to your nipples, sucking hungrily on the hardened peaks as his hands grope and mold your breasts. You instinctively your head back, your eyes fluttering closed at the sensations. Here you are, standing naked in your heels in front of two total strangers who may or may not eat you or let you leave. 
‘How the fuck did this happen?’ you think. 
This is all you can think when the wolves stop their ministrations and push you down on the couch. They stand over you, each muscle and vein of their thick cocks glinting in the moonlight that has appeared through the window. The rain has stopped. "Bend over the couch," Katsuki demands. "We wanna taste how wet you are, and don't try to play like you're not." 
Though you’re trembling, you do as he says and bend over the couch, presenting your ass to the strange men. You hear them growl and groan in arousal at the sight of you. "Oooh, you're right, 'Suki," Kiri cackles. "She is wet for us." You then feel his fangs drag across your asscheeks, emitting squeaks and moans of pleasure from your mouth. "And so responsive from these ass bites," he giggles. "Don't fret, cutie. We'll take good care of this poor pussy." 
He bends down with Katsuki following suit, hypnotized by your sobbing, wet, brown cunt. He takes a finger and lightly glides it against your labia that hangs. You twitch pathetically at his touch, your toes curling. "Wanna share this kitty with me?" Kiri teasingly asks. 
”As long as I get to taste her, I could give less of a fuck,” Katsuki huffs. 
Then their mouths, tongues, and soft lips are on your pussy, slurping and sucking up everything you give them. As soon as their mouths touch you, your mouth falls open into an O and your eyes flutter shut. Their tongues slide through your walls to slurp at your pussy and their lips suckle gentle on your clit, sending shivers and shocks of pleasure throughout your body. 
“Shit,” you moan, gripping the back of the couch for dear life. You’ve never had someone eat your pussy so well before. Let alone two men! …Or two not-entirely-human men. They don’t just stay in one place either. They switch places, alternating between your pussy and your asshole. When Katsuki is busy tongue fucking your pussy and sucking on your clit, Kiri places his tongue all over your asshole, nipping and biting at your cheeks before dipping his tongue back between them. "You taste so good, kitty," he sighs. "We could eat you up." 
Katsuki growls in agreement, placing his hands on your hips as he devours your cunt. You can hardly speak. All that exits your mouth are moans, whines, and cries of pleasure that seem to explode out of you. The more their mouths move and their moans vibrate against your clit, the farther you’re taken to your orgasm. Soon, that knot in your core is tightening, threatening to snap, and your moans grow louder and more shrill. "Fuck!" you scream. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum! I'm about to cum!” 
Kiri repeatedly moans “uh-huh” into your pussy now, taking Katsuki’s spot while his blonde partner devours your ass. ”Fuckin’ do it," Katsuki growls. "Cum all over us, you little slut." Then you feel two fingers flicking at your clit and this is all it takes for you to finally explode all over the men devouring your pussy. 
When you cum, you cum hard. Actually, you damn well squirt all over the wolves’ faces as a chorus of moans and whimpers leave your mouth. You’re seeing stars and your head is clouded as you cum, your hands gripping the couch. Katsuki and Kiri excitedly and delightedly take what you give them, hungrily growling as they slurp up all of your squirt that drips down your asscrack and pussy. They clean you up until you’re twitching and sensitive, whimpering at the feeling of physical contact against your clit. 
Finally, they stop and let you breathe. You are sweaty, tired, and drained. And yet so, so satisfied. You’ve never cum so hard before. You tiredly turn your head up to the two men standing behind you, noticing them licking your juices off of their lips and fingers as if they can’t get enough of you. Katsuki then turns to you, his hand wrapped around his thick cock dripping pre for you. "You're not done yet, little slut," he huskily says. "Open your mouth for us. Wide.” 
Kiri stands beside him, also lazily fisting his cock with its angry-red tip dripping pre-cum for you. You don’t move from the couch and they don’t force you to. You’re too weak from your intense orgasm to do much except shift onto your knees on the couch and open your mouth as Katsuki demands. Kiri goes first, first tapping his head lightly on your tongue before sliding balls deep into your mouth. You try to accommodate to his size by stretching your jaw and breathing through your nose, but it’s hard at first. He’s just so big and thick! 
The redhead is less than quiet or subtle about how good your mouth feels as he begins to slowly fuck your throat. Lewd gagging and squelching noises escape your mouth as he does so, drool beginning to drip from your mouth. As he does, Katsuki fucks one of your hands, tiny grunts and groans leaving his lips as he watches you swallow Kiri’s cock. “That’s it, little kitty,” Kiri groans. “Open that throat for us. You’re such a good girl takin’ two big cocks at once.” 
A hand falls onto your scalp, stroking your hair. 
Then it’s Katsuki’s turn. He isn’t as nice or slow as Kiri. He is rough; hard; downright feral. He fucks your face like it’s his own personal fuck toy, making you gag and choke all over his dick. You do so to the best of your ability, your makeup running and cat ears askew. You stare up at him as he does as he pleases, getting an eyeful of his pelvis and toned stomach. “Don’t use no teeth either, slut,” he grunts. “If you do, you can make sure you’ll be punished for it.” 
Kiri chuckles as he fucks your free hand, holding onto your neck to give you support as Katsuki fucks your throat. “Have confidence in her, Kats. She’s been doin’ such a good job so far, fuuuuck…” His words turn into a moan and his eyes roll back as he continues to thrust into your hand like it’s your pussy. 
And they switch. And switch again. And again. They use your throat and hands like you’re nothing more than a cock sleeve to them. They’re own little toy. They fondle your breasts and lean down to smack your ass. They touch, squeeze, and stroke every part of you as they fuck your throat until it’s raw and your eyes are watery. Mascara drips down your face and your lipstick smudges until it is practically gone, instead all over Katsuki and Kiri’s cocks. 
Just as you feel like you can’t take much more, you feel a hand come behind your neck to grip your hair, pulling your head back to look into two golden irises. “You like this, don’t you?” Katsuki growls. “You like being used by us?” You slowly nod, still choking on cock. “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet, kitty cat. And stop suckin’ ‘cause I don’t want to cum down your throat.” 
He slides out of your mouth with a groan, his cock now sobbing wet with your spit. “Mmm, same here,” Kiri moans, sliding his dick out of your fist. “Her throat feels so damn good, but I wanna feel how tight her other hole is.” 
You gape at them, shook. They don’t seriously believe…but they can’t! You’re still too sensitive! And they’re just too big! You could barely fit them in your mouth! “W-Wait,” you stutter. “I don’t think–“ 
“Don’t be scared, cutie,” Kiri shushes you, pressing a finger to your lips. “We’ll prep you real good before we fuck you into the couch and you take our knots. Gotta make sure you’re soaked for us.” 
And they do. You have to hand it to them: they know how to treat a pussy. They once again spread your legs wide and eat your pussy until you cum again all over them, their tongues slurping up everything you give them. They take turns, Kiri holding your legs open by your ankles while Katsuki tongue fucks you, and vice versa. When your pussy is finally nice and slick, and twitching for your second orgasm, the moment of truth has finally come. 
Kiri goes first. He sits back on the couch, legs spread, and cock at attention for you. “Alright, baby girl,” he coos. He pats his lap, giving you a sexy, fanged smirk. “Come and sit right here. I’ll hold you up.” Though you’re nervous, you do as he says and position yourself above him. You place your hands securely on his shoulders and hover above his cock, biting your lip. 
Slowly, you begin to come down, Kiri’s hands on your hips to give you all the support you need. “That’s it,” he encourages, his body trembling with need. “Come down slowly on this dick. No need to rush.” Behind you, Katsuki growls impatiently, wet sounds filling your ears from him stroking his cock for you. “Ignore him,” Kiri whispers. “He’ll just have to wait.” 
You listen to him, not wanting to rush and hurt yourself. You take things as slowly as you can and breathe as you come down onto Kiri’s knotted cock. You both react immediately, him to the pleasure and you to the stretch. And fuck, is it a stretch! Kiri sounds the inches you take, face red and eyes clouded from the pleasure. “One,” he softly grunts. “Two…t-three…four…” 
He grips your hips tight as you slowly come down, your body shaking and gasps leaving your lips. “Almost there, cutie,” he coos. “Don't give up now. You’re being such a good slut for me and Katsuki.” He reaches down and rubs your clit for you, helping you become wetter to take his cock all the way. Though it helps, he still feels too big; too thick; too much. You’ve never felt so full. “F-Fuck!” you whine. “Too much! It’s too…much!” 
Even when you finally sit down onto his cock, it still feels like it’s too much. Before you realize it, you’ve taken the full twelve inches of his dick. “I told you you could do it,” he breathlessly chuckles. His hand comes down onto your asscheek, smacking it. “Now fuck this cock for me. Give Katsuki something to look at.” 
You start off slow, grinding your hips into him and rocking your clit against his pelvis. Then you begin to bounce once you’ve found your rhythm, causing your titties to bounce in his face and your ass to jiggle against his lap. The only coherent words that leave your lips are swears and of Kiri’s name as you bounce on his cock. You’ve never felt anything like this before. This feeling only becomes more intense when Kiri lifts you up by your ass and lifts his pelvis to fuck you from underneath you. 
His thrusts are slow but deliberate and intense, nailing your G-spot again and again. You wrap your arms around him tight and moan into his ear, unable to hold onto your sanity anymore. You then feel Katsuki push and grind his cock up against your ass for some relief, slowly becoming crazy with the thought of feeling you wrapped around him too. “C’mon, shitty hair,” he groans impatiently. “Fuck her faster. I’m tired of waiting to fill that hole too.” 
Kiri chuckles at his partner as he continues to fuck you jackhammer style. “Patience–fuck–, man,” he huffs. “She’s really–fuck, baby–loving this. Aren’t you, kitty?” He turns to you and presses an openmouthed kiss to your lips, his tongue swirling with yours. When he pulls away, a string of saliva connects to your bottom lips, making you even wetter. 
Eventually, he does begin to fuck you harder, holding your wrists together behind your back with one hand while his other palms at your ass. Wet sounds of his cock plunging in and out of your sobbing, wet pussy fill the air along with the sound of skin slapping against skin and your moans, huffs, and whines of pleasure. Before you can even realize it, your third orgasm of the night is arriving like a train in the night, headed all full speed. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” you scream. “Oh, my God, I’m gonna fuckin’ cum!” 
“Do it then,” Kiri grunts, still pounding into you like it’s the last time he’ll be able to do so. “Do it and take all of my cum, kitty cat. Deep, deep, inside you…” And then he finally does so, spraying your insides with his cum while you cream all over his cock, dripping down his balls. He cums with a mixture of growls and moans while you let out a loud, high whine that rips from your chest. He holds you down onto him, making you take his knot and all of his cum until he is finally drained of every ounce of it. “So much,” he sighs. “And you took all of it. Such a good girl.” 
He presses a kiss to your lips before lifting you off of him. His knotted cock is shining with your juices while your pussy leaks with his cum, so much so that it drips down your thighs. You are exhausted and winded, your body heaving and twitching from the roughness of his fucking. 
“My turn,” Katsuki grunts, already grabbing you and positioning you into all fours. You squeak, looking back at him in a panic. He rolls his eyes at you. “Relax, I’ll go slow first. I’m a werewolf, not a barbarian.” 
Before you can say anything more, he is sliding balls deep into your sensitive, sore, cum-filled pussy with all of the intention of making it even more sore and filling you up again. He begins to fuck you then, one hand dripping your breast while the other rests on your hip. Your mouth falls open as his pelvis bounces against your ass, his balls swinging against your clit. “Oh, my God,” you whine tearfully. “P-Please…t-too much! I’m s-so…so…” 
“Sensitive?” Katsuki cackles, licking his lips at how cute you are. Such an adorable, plump little slut getting fucked silly on his cock. “I know. That will make this even better. I can’t wait to make this pussy cum again.” He then goes a little faster, building up speed and enjoying the way your plump ass bounces and jiggles against his pelvis. “Can’t wait to feel you cream all over this knot, just the way a slut like you should.” 
And then he goes even faster. Harder. The man is practically railing you as he fucks you into the couch in front of Kiri. You lose the last bit of self control and sanity you have at this point, succumbing to the life of a cum slut for the werewolves. You’ve never been fucked so hard in your life. “Oh, my God!” you scream. “Oh, my God!” And at some point, you think you really see him. 
Kiri stands on his knees in front of you now, his semi-hard knot in your face. “You’re so loud, baby,” he chuckles. “Guess we need to plug up this hole too.” As your wobbly lips open, he plunges his cock into your mouth and begins to slide it against your tongue. “That’s it, take these cocks, kitty cat,” he grunts in time with Katsuki’s thrusts. “You’re doing such a good job being our little cum sleeve. Our little cockslut.” 
“That’s so fucking hot,” Katsuki growls, gripping your hips so hard that he may leave bruises along your skin. “If you’re gonna say shit like that then you’d better such that mouth for something else too.” Kiri smirks over at the blonde, lust in his eyes. “Well, since you’re suggesting…” 
Their moans silence for a moment, muffled by their wet-sounding, passionate kissing as they fuck your holes from both sides. This only makes you wetter and brings you closer to your fourth orgasm of the night. You know that after this, you can’t do another round. Tears of desperation prick your eyes as you begin to bounce yourself back onto Katsuki’s cock, needing to cum. “I’m gonna cum!” you whine around Kiri’s cock. “I’m gonna cum again! Please, please make me cum!” 
“Then admit it,” Katsuki growls. 
You look back at him and blink wildly, confused. “What?” 
“Admit that you love being yours. That you love being a cum slut for us.” His hand comes around your throat to squeeze, his eyes flashing. “Say it!” he demands, his voice coming out in a low growl. 
“I love it!” you desperately shout. “I love being a cum slut for you! Please, please, please make me cum and fill me up! I need you, daddies!” 
Katsuki and Kiri each share a look. A look that is possessive and wanton. A look that says, “Yeah…she’s definitely ours now.” “Those were the magic words, kitty cat,” Kiri coos, lifting your chin to peck your lips. “Now cum for us.” 
Katsuki begins to pound your pussy into the couch, ramming you so hard that your orgasm slams into you before your brain can process it. “Gonna cum, little kitty,” he growls. “Gonna fill you up! Fucking take it!” And you do. You have no choice. His orgasm is explosive and he cums with a growl-like roar, his cum filling you up as you cream all over his knot. Your eyes roll into the back of your head and a sob leaves your lips, all energy pulled from your body instantly. 
“Goood giiiirl,” Kiri coos, stroking your hair. “You took another load of cum just like that! Such a good fucking kitty!” He is so proud of you watching you shiver and shake all over Katsuki’s cock. Katsuki slowly pulls out, giving them both a look at the mixture of his and Kiri’s cum dripping out of your twitching pussy lips that they have fucked red. “Look at all of that,” Katsuki huffs, rolling his eyes. “Now we’ll have to clean the couch off.” 
Once he pulls out, you feel empty. And so, so tired. You can’t stop yourself from falling face first into the couch between them, feeling like you just ran a marathon around the world. 
“We’ll do that later,” Kiri sternly replies. His voice sounds muffled like he’s speaking underwater. “First we have to worry about our little kitty here.” You feel his breath fan your face and his hand gently caressing your cheek. “Y/N?” he whispers. “Can you hear us, baby?” 
You don’t know. You don’t know anything anymore. They fucked all logic out of you. All you want now is sleep. You want your bed. “Home,” you mumble. “Sleepy…Wanna…go home…” Kiri shushes you gently, stroking your hair away from your sweaty brow. “We’ll take you home, sugar,” he hushes you. “But let’s get you cleaned up first.” 
You then feel Katsuki scooping you up off of the couch, cradling you against his broad, toned chest. Some time later, you then feel warm water surrounding you from above and the wolves pressed against you as they wash your body. The scent of warm vanilla fills your nose and your fingers touch muscles as you lean against the wolves’ big bodies. 
Next, you feel Kiri’s arms around you this time as he carries you out of the shower and then soft bedsheets. You open your eyes slightly, barely slits, to see the men standing at the foot of the bed. Then suddenly, they change. Now they are full on furry, four-legged wolves, glowing eyes blinking at you in the dark bedroom. You don’t react at first, but when they start to surround the bed, you begin to whimper in fear. 
Kiri shushes you as he climbs into the bed next to you, gently licking your hand. His tongue is rough and long. He then lays on his side beside you, his furry tale curling around your foot while Katsuki takes a seat at your feet, laying on his stomach and staring at you. Kiri presses his nose to your ear, his hot breath fanning in your face as sleep comes closer and closer to eating away at the darkness behind your lids. “Rest, baby,” he whispers. “It’s okay, Y/N.” 
You startle awake at the sound of your name being yelled. You have no idea where you are at first as you look around the room. Though it looks familiar, you can’t place it. Your mind is too muddled to do so. 
What you realize first is that you’re in your bed. You can tell by how soft the duvet is. When your eyes finally register, you look around the bedroom and realize that you’re in your room. Your apartment. But…how? You look down at yourself, finding yourself in your costume from last night, your shoes off. “What the fuck?” you whisper. How did you get here? When did you get here? 
Several loud knocks come from outside your door, making your heart leap. “Y/N, open the door!” Mina yells like a madwoman from outside. You scramble to get out of bed, hissing slightly at the soreness of your muscles. “H-Hang on,” you call out. “I’m coming!” 
You hurry to your front door without first checking out your appearance, examining the living room as you do. Nothing is out of place. The windows aren’t open nor shattered like someone broke in. It is as you left it last night before heading to Denki’s party. 
Ignoring the roiling in your gut, yu fling open the door to find Mina looking very worried. “God, there you are!” she gasps. She throws herself at you, wrapping her arms around you. “I’ve been calling you since last night! You never got in your Uber last night, so I called the front desk to your apartment and the clerk said he never saw you come in!” 
You blink dumbly at her, letting the information process in your foggy mind. So you never came home last night. So last night did happen! ‘Did it?’ you find yourself thinking. Even now, you can’t quite remember. “How did you…get here?” you ask Mina, your brain still sluggish and confused. 
Mina stares at you, dumbfounded. “What?” she scoffs. “I drove here. I spent the night at Denki’s and sobered up after he convinced me to stay and wait for you to call. We were all freaking out, looking for you! Where the hell have you been?” 
“I…” You want to tell her you don’t know. You also want to tell her that you think you saw something last night. Or rather, somethings. Creatures. But you just can’t get to that part. You remember getting lost in the woods and getting caught in the rain, but…then what? What happened after that? Did you ever find the road? Did you walk home? No, impossible. You would’ve never done that. 
You know something happened, but you can’t remember what. It’s like an inch you can’t scratch. A puzzle piece you can’t find the space for. When you close your eyes, you see flashes of fangs and glowing eyes, startling you.
You decide to keep it to yourself and hug Mina. “I guess I just crashed last night,” you nimbly reply. “I’m so sorry, Mina. I didn’t mean to scare you.” 
Mina hugs you back tightly, giving you a sense of reality. “Just as long as you’re safe,” she sighs. 
You close your eyes again and see two smiles with glinting, sharpened teeth. “Yeah,” you say, not truly believing it. “I’m safe now.” 
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karvroom · 1 month
School Outside of Heroism
There’s classes outside of Homeroom with Mr. Aizawa, right? So what is Class 1-A like in science, PE, English, Math, etc.?
includes: Katsuki Bakugo, Izuku Midoriya, Shoto Todoroki, Denki Kaminari, Eijiro Kirishima, Ochako Uraraka, Tsuyu Asui, Momo Yaoyorozu
✮ surprisingly really good at math
✮ constantly wants to compare math answers with whoever is sitting next to him. if the person’s answer was wrong, he would say “shits easy. what aren’t you getting?” then would proceed to show step by step how he got his correct answer.
✮ absolutely hates english and modern literature
✮ as much as he doesn’t enjoy reading, he’ll still try the material, but would often get confused by the jumble of words.
✮ faded sketches of pro heroes are scattered in his notes. they’re only faded because he erases them at the end of class to ensure no one would ever see them.
✮ during science, he would know every single answer when it came to anything regarding stars or planets. when he was a kid he had a major obsession with astronomy (even had the plastic glowing stars on his bedroom ceiling).
✮ has definitely called All Might “dad” by accident when talking about him to Todoroki.
✮ has a hard time during anatomy because he’s too focused on the unit where they learn about quirks. he would bother the teacher everyday by asking questions about various different quirks.
✮ his notes are always disorganized, yet he somehow knows where the exact information he’s looking for is. to make it even worse, he doesn’t add any form of annotation—no highlighting, underlining, circling, etc.
✮ horrible hand writing.
✮ he keeps track of who’s absent in any class. the next day, he’ll give the person his notes of what they missed (even if they were unable to read his chicken scratch).
✮ neatest hand writing you’ll ever come across
✮ sneaks his phone under the desk just to text his mom/sister back when he knows he shouldn’t.
✮ the type to never ask for help in class from his classmates or the teacher, yet always gets a perfect grade on his assignments. when he does need help he’ll shyly ask Fuyumi for it.
✮ fell asleep in class one time and no one woke him up.
✮ you’ll find Midoriya as his partner in most classes
✮ his sister would find the time to make a large breakfast for the family every morning, but he always only eats a slice of toast or two strips of bacon.
✮ used to always chew the tops of the erasers off of pencils.
✮ tries so hard to be the class clown (he is)
✮ always asks the group chat for class 1-a for the answers. when no one responds in the chat or Iida bites his head off for “not trying”, Sero would send him the answers in a private chat between them two.
✮ never has a pencil, yet keeps small knick knacks (fidget spinners, fidget cubes, small action figurines, etc.) in the front pocket of his backpack.
✮ Nike representative.
✮ along with Iida, Kirishima is that one kid who shouts at the class to be quiet when the teacher is talking.
✮ a lot of girls outside of 1-A have a fat crush on him.
✮ lovesss taking culinary classes, even if he isn’t a great cook. he forced Kaminari to take them with him.
✮ struggles in math, but whenever he does get the correct answer he makes a big deal about it, showing it off to whoever is closest to him.
✮ very sociable; if he sees someone sitting by themselves, he’ll go up and ask if they want to sit with him or just plop in a seat next to them and strike up a conversation.
✮ finds dissecting any kind of animal in anatomy disgusting and forces Mina to do all the work.
✮ the one girl who is always out of her seat and socializing with everyone.
✮ is never seen alone. she’s always accompanied by midoriya, tsu, or hagakure.
✮ on the first day, when the teacher was calling names for attendance, she responded by saying “present”. Sero and Kaminari would not shut up about for the rest of the day.
✮ unable to dissect any animal during anatomy because…yk—so her and Uraraka make Mina do it.
✮best subject is history. she’s a history NUT when it comes to that class. she aces every quiz/exam. easily remembers dates of important events.
✮ teachers LOVE her, but she doesn’t feed into it (she doesn’t like being a teacher’s pet).
✮ never responds in the class 1-A group chat unless they are directly talking to her or something regarding her.
✮ has every color highlighter she could ever need.
✮ carries a water bottle with her everywhere (stanley, hydroflask, etc.)
✮ has an extra tote bag that has all the essentials: hairbrush, hair ties, a book, an extra plastic water bottle, headphones, etc.
✮ freaks out when her grade goes below an A-
✮ ENGLISH QUEEN. loves reading and analyzing texts and speeches given by the teacher. she studies them even outside of class so whenever the teacher asks questions she’s always the first to answer.
✮ teacher’s pet but doesn’t acknowledge that fact
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rewrittenmha · 2 months
The stuff with the reporters goes the same. But I like to imagine that instead of just shooting them away, Aizawa loses his temper with them a little because the press agitates him. He also isn't fond of them recording his students because, y'know, I'm trying to make him somewhat decent in this.
I'm actually gagging at Aizawa telling Bakugou to stop wasting his talent because wtf I don't remember that
Aizawa scolds Bakugou for not being mindful of his quirk and Izuku for injuring himself, similarly to canon. He also berates Mineta for abandoning his teammate and being lazy. He commends Momo, Todoroki, and (to her surprise) Uraraka for their well-earned victories. Though, he does tell Uraraka that her combat needs work.
Aizawa allows 1A to vote for their class representatives like in canon. But unlike canon, Izuku votes for Yaoyorozu, which gives Yaoyorozu three votes and Izuku two. He thought about voting for himself like everyone else, but decided against it because he doesn't picture himself as a ready to be a leader. He remembers Yaoyorozu detailed plan and thinks she would be a better fit. But he's surprised that he did get two other votes (from Uraraka and Iida respectively).
The rest of the episode/chapter goes the same. Iida successfully deescalates his panicking peers and Izuku acknowledges that he's better to help lead their class. So Yaoyorozu remains 1A's representative while Iida becomes the vice representative.
(One thing I find interesting about Izuku's actions in canon is that he voted for himself, but didn't think he would win and is nervous when he does. He doubts himself as a leader, which isn't wrong. Izuku tends to let a lot of things pass him by. But we see in the USJ- and the provisional licensing exam- that he has no issues taking charge. I think this is for two reasons: a) he's way more likely to act if someone's in danger or needs help and b) he waits for someone to look to him to lead. Tsu and Mineta needed him to tell them what to do, so he easily steps up. It's basically leading his peers through a dangerous situation versus controlling/directing a group.)
The USJ trip doesn't undergo any major changes, I would say. Most things are still the same.
Tsu watches how Izuku easily takes charge, plans, and gets Mineta to start whining and wonders why he gave up being vice rep, only for him to start muttering which creeps her out. She remarks that he has no issues navigating people through danger, but notes that his social skills need work. Izuku stumbles a bit, but internally acknowledges that she's not wrong.
With Bakugou and Kirishima, instead of blindly admiring him, Kirishima actually clashes a bit with Bakugou. Because he feels as though their actions were what gave Kurogiri the opportunity to scatter them before Thirteen could suck him in. Bakugou refusing the acknowledge that leaves a bad taste in his mouth. He tells Bakugou that he likes his strength and grit, but that his attitude is immature and "unmanly." Bakugou snaps at him that he doesn't care what he thinks goes after Kurogiri since he's where the villains are coming from. Kirishima still follows after him partly because he thinks Bakugou is right to attack the warp villain and partly because he thinks they should stick together.
I don't feel the need to change everything else. EXCEPT regarding Tomura when he goes on the spiel that All Might calls out as bullshit, he doesn't confirm that it is, nor does he deny it.
I think that Tomura DOES actually believe that to some degree, because those are things that AFO has told him. I think he's just repeating what he's heard, which is justification for the things AFO has done/endorsed. However, I do think that All Might was right calling him out as craving violence. Tomura at this point is an overzealous child. He doesn't have a goal other than kill and destroy hero society.
But- at least for this story- he doesn't know why hero society is corrupt. I wonder if that will change soon.
I struggled so hard with this arc, which is why there aren't major changes to it. But there also aren't too many issues with it, in my opinion
If you can't tell, I'm still deciding whether or not I want to redeem Bakugou. But I still think either way that Kirishima should be put-off by his rotten attitude, even if he does admire his tenacity
I never noticed until I reread, but Izuku really did inspire Mineta in this arc. I've noticed Mineta's early characterization wasn't nearly as abysmal as he was in the middle of the series. Horikoshi even made a note about not overdoing it with his pervyness (he failed)
Izuku is a very awkward bean, so I have no qualms about not making him rep or vice rep. I think it's a testament to his character that he can take charge during a threat but totally clams up in front of people
I love Iida, but let's be real Momo was robbed of her presidency. I think Iida's a great rep in canon, but this was the start of Momo getting screwed
I was gonna change Momo, Kaminari, and Jiro's fight, but I decided against it because I don't want to turn Momo into a Mary Sue. Her freezing and being unable to think on her feet is something I really wanna get into
I'm very excited for the Sports Festival :)
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dekustowel · 8 months
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[0.25: i survived UA high]
synopsis - in light of a major controversy that causes his fan support to dwindle significantly, katsuki bakugou is forced to do anything possible to garner back the affection of his fans before the announcement of the year’s hero rankings. katsuki has two options: either "date" japan’s most-adored social media star, in hopes of her amazing reputation bringing up his, or kiss that #1 spot goodbye. it’s a no-brainer what he chooses. and it shouldn’t matter at all, right? it’s a fake relationship. nothing more, nothing less.
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FUN FACT: After graduating, Bakugou, Midoriya, and Todoroki opened their own hero agency (with Endeavour’s plentiful bank account) and affectionately named it “The 3 Musketeers Hero Agency”.
FUN FACT #2: due to some unforeseen circumstances (the birth of his much adored daughter), kirishima retired from being a pro hero and became the head director at the Big 3’s hero agency. it all worked out though, it turns out he quite likes the behind-the-scenes stuff!
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kissami · 1 year
part one
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summary: he misses you so much, but he knows he'll never be yours again.
warnings: ooc katsuki, cursing obvi, super short whoops
femreader! with she/her pronouns
series masterlist
‎ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊
⠀⠀‎ ⠀⠀⠀‎ ⠀⠀⠀seasons - waves to earth
⠀⠀‎ ⠀⠀⠀‎ ⠀⠀⠀ ⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
⠀⠀‎ ⠀⠀⠀‎ ⠀ VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%
‎ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊
THE BRIGHT LIGHT from the sun illuminated the many people that walked passed one another down below.
Sometimes it was weird when you think that so many people lived their own lives. They had different people that they loved, hated, cared for.
Everyone had unique experiences and stories that were different than everyone else, and we only see them for just a second in our lives, maybe never seeing them again.
It brought a sense of sadness if you really think about. Maybe you're scrolling through social media and seeing comments from people you may never see again.
It might've seemed dramatic, but the feeling of just wanting to make sure that everyone would find their happiness soon lingered into the girl's brain.
Everyone deserves to be happy, for some who caused other's pain or absolute hurt, didn't deserve a second chance, but majority deserved nothing but happiness.
"Can you stop yanking me so much? You're gonna rip my arm!"
The blond huffed as he felt an ache in his arm as he glared at the back of his friend's head, wanting to just rip his arm away from their hold and tell them off.
She ignored his whine and continued to hold his hand tightly as she passed by many people on the street.
"Yeah yeah, the more you whine, the longer I'm gonna hold your hand."
She spoke back as she turned the corner quickly, almost making the boy hit the side of the building with his shoulder.
"WE'RE HERE!!" She yelled, letting go of his hand and running off.
‘Since when does this b*tch run?’
He stared at her form disappearing around the corner, making him even more annoyed than before.
Sure, he thought it was annoying how she dragged him like a rag doll, but now that she was gone and leaving him all alone, he didn't like it one bit.
He ran and pushed by the people that were in his way towards the direction the girl went as he said curse words beneath his breath.
"BAKUBRO!" Another blond and a red head ran towards him, tackling in a tight hug.
"Says the one who needs sweat to work his quirk."
Another boy chuckled from beside them, playing around with the guitar strings that need some adjustments.
"Shut it, flat face."
"Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed, huh?" Mina rested her head on the giggling girl's shoulder as they watched their friend complain, trying to get the two boys off of him.
The two girls began to talk amongst themselves, completely unaware of the boys whispering to each other.
"You like her, huh” Kirishima smirked as he nudged his best friend.
"The f*ck?!"
"When are you gonna tell her?! It's clear that the two of you like one another, just get it over with already!
"It's not that simple."
Katsuki gave a small glance over to the girls, feeling a rush of happiness flow through in his veins as he saw how cute she looked.
"Well sooner or later someone will come in and ask her out!"
The group of boys looked over to see the famous Todoroki Shoto giving a clear look at Y/N with a small smile on his perfect face.
"I'll f**king murder him!"
"Shush idiot, they'll hear you!"
Katsuki rolled his eyes angrily as he looked back at the pretty girl across the room.
Only to be met with her beautiful eyes. She looked so perfect.
Giving him a small wave, Y/N gave a bright smile towards the blond as he flipped her off in return.
‘How cute.’
They both thought of the other at the same time as they watched one another from different sides of the room.
✿ ✿ ✿
"Katsuki, baby, wake up!"
Groaning as he rubbed his eyes, he glanced over the clock and sighed.
"I'm coming,baby."
His husky morning voice responded back as he took off the blanket off his form.
He stretched his muscles and yawned, looking at the many tattoos lingering on both of his arms.
He rubbed his ears, feeling his piercings on his ears and huffed.
He didn't even think about putting on a shirt as he made his way towards where his wife was standing.
She could feel a deep blush grow on her cheeks as she admired her husband's physique the more he got closer to her.
He neared her, gripping both sides of her face in his hands and leaned down, kissing her plump lips.
He bent down on his knees and gave a tender kiss on her tummy, feeling the joyful kicks of his son.
"Good morning, Katsu."
"Good morning, Yuko...and good morning to you, Natsumi."
author's note: yes this is heavy angst, there is no happy ending with katsuki and y/n so leave while your heart is still intact!!!
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siflshonen · 2 years
I know it is in part The Point, but sometimes I think about how every major and important relationship in BNHA is in some way deeply touched by the systemic issues of their world and I get a little bit emotional. The villains’ backstories are all obvious cases where things did not work out well for them at all, ever, but it’s true of everyone. If Kirishima hadn’t felt so pressured into one definition of manliness he’d have become closer to Mina faster. How if Toshinori didn’t think it is good, right or normal for one dude to put his entire life into a singular, inflexible goal he would have family or friends and the ability to make a better connection with Izuku faster. How if Iida weren’t so rigid about the rules and duty befitting his inheritor position he may not have swung so hard in the other direction when revenge was on the table. The entire Todoroki family situation from top to fucking bottom and how the pressure of success and perfection twisted all of their relationships while influencing why they were stuck together socially or at least publicly with Enji. Hawks’ whole caged bird schtick and how it separated him from Twice and yet also the other Heroes. I think about how nicely it is encapsulated with how poorly Izuku and Shigaraki understand or know one another, how bad they are at listening to one another, and how it makes it clear the two opposed each other without having a clue about what the other actually believes or understands to be true but feel entitled enough to decide that it is wrong.
And then the sappiest part of my brain takes over and thinks that if their setting wasn’t riddled with so many preconceived notions-if all was right with the world- Katsuki and Izuku would have loved one another always and never mistrusted or been afraid of that.
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hello! hope you’re having a good day so far <3 i was wondering if i could have some headcanons of any of the class 1-a students (feel free to pick the ones you wanna write for in case you don’t want to write for the entire class!) reacting to the fem! reader (their crush) gaining small crushes on random people in public or online? for example, she’ll be at a store and if she comes across a cashier she thinks is cute, she’ll text her friends something like “GUYS OMG. I GOT MY STUFF CHECKED OUT BY A CUTE CASHIER. I’M DOWN SO BAD FOR THEM AND IT’S NOT EVEN LIKE I HAVE A CHANCE 😭” or maybe she’ll come across a cute cosplayer cosplaying her favorite anime character on social media and send a link to her friends like “HOLY SHIT LOOK HOW HOT THIS COSPLAYER IS JJAJAJSJSJ”. how jealous would the students be? hehe 😉 tysm! 💕
1A with a FEM! Reader that Gets Small Crushes Easily
(Characters Included- Mina, Kirishima, Iida, Denki, Tokoyami, and Tsuyu)
(Warning: Jealousy)
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Mina Ashido
- Mina would probably get a little jealous, but she would still be super excited about your small crush.
- She will ask LOTS and LOTS of questions and will DEMAND answers from you. “What did they look like?!”,“How cute are they?!”, “Are they super hot?!”
- If you saw a hot cashier she will ask what store they work at so that she can see for herself.
- Would be extremely happy for you but would still be a bit sad obviously because you’re her crush.
Eijiro Kirishima
- Like Mina, he would be a little jealous. When you’re talking about your crush, if he gets jealous at the person who you’re talking about he would be disappointed in himself because he thinks it’s not very manly to be jealous of others.
- He would go to the Bakusquad to cheer him up.
- Bakugou and Mina are the main ones that help him, even though Bakugou is angry all the time he still cares for his friends.
Tenya Iida
- At first he would be very confused at the feeling of jealousy. He will sit on his bed, thinking about this feeling.
- Eventually he will go to the Dekusquad and ask for some advice. Or he might ask his brother.
- He doesn’t like the feeling of jealousy so when he can he’ll go and train to distract himself.
Denki Kaminari
- Very similar to Mina.
- If you are talking about a girl crush you have he will ask TONS of questions. He wants to see pictures of the girl you have a crush on.
- Even though he’s a little sad, he will still hype you up and encourage you to talk to them the next time you run into them.
Fumikage Tokoyami
- He would act like he doesn’t care, but he does a TINY bit.
- Probably would listen to “Brutal” by Olivia Rodrigo because of this situation.
- He won’t get that jealous because he knows that there’s plenty of fish in the sea.
- When you are talking about your crush dark shadow will come out and say “OOOO YOU HAVE A CRUSH!~ WHO’S THE LUCKY PERSON!” Meanwhile Tokoyami is yelling at him.
Tsuyu Asui
- She wouldn’t be necessarily jealous but instead she would be sad. You would never know that she’s sad on the inside every time you talk about your crush.
- BUT she is happy for you and is willing to listen to all your rants about how it should be illegal to be that hot/cute.
- She knows that it’s most likely just a small crush and nothing major will happen.
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macawritesupdates · 3 months
Update 7/7/2024
So giving update on where the writing is!
THE YUUJI FILES: the next chapter is coming along quickly and I might have it updated very soon! It is a long chapter, but been a fun one to write! It has a focus on the Kyoto Crew which has been fun to give them some love and explore them more! Hopefully you all will enjoy the chapter c: The title of this chapter is THE DEATH GOD'S CURSE.... LESSON IN ACCIDENTAL SEDUCTION: Making good progress, it will update very soon as well. Just having some rough parts to muscle through. The fic is fighting me, but it is def the beach episode.... MIRRORED LIVES: Making good progress after the chapter got munched by a computer crash...hoping it can update soon! BROKEN IN WAYS NO ONE SEES: Very good progress on chapter and the update for it is arriving soon! It is a very fluffy chapter as eight, nine, and ten are angst...BUT that is the last bit of angst as after that, it is pure fluff from there until the end <3 HISTORICALLY INACCURATE: Working on outlining the chapter and getting an idea of how it is going to flow. I want to take care with this next chapter as I have two Sukuna to balance in it and wrap up a lot of the major points and themes. So making sure I hit all the right points. CAREFUL WHAT YOU JOKE ABOUT : Letting it sit a bit as not sure how to start the next chapter or what I want to cover save a few snippets. So letting it cook a bit longer before I tackle the outline c: MY HERO ACADAMIA LONG FIC UPDATES WHAT SACRICES HEROES MAKE THAT GO UNSUNG The next chapter is almost done and ready to go! This fic moves very slow to start as laying the groundwork carefully. More of the ships coming through, more of the plot starting to put itself down. This fic for me hits its stride in chapter five. That's when the angst is going to start getting punchy and the action ramping up! Still very excited to write this story out! A RUT TIME OF IT A slice of life fic with Kirishima, Bakugo, and Denki as a trio of alphas having the time of their life figuring out their social lives and dynamics. They are going to get into silly shenanigans. Not sure about ships for this fic, might just play it by ear and go with the flow, but more humor and characters interacting, so might be an easier fic to get into! JEALOUSY IS NOT A GOOD FRIEND A short fic of three chapters with a focus on Ochaco dealing with feelings and struggling with being a good friend and a jealous villain. A character study as I feel she doesn't get a lot of love/focus ; w ; she is my second favorite character so want to give her a little love! MORE TO COME! (Fanfics that will make an appearance soon) WHO'S A GOOD BOY (jJJK Fic; will start when Broken ends) Working on the final outline for the story and the chapter progression. I feel this one is going to hurt some feels as it is angst/hurt and Sukuna is a dog. Going to be an interesting read for sure!
LAW MEETS DISORDER ((JJK fic; will start when Historically and Careful ends) Still carefully working on putting this one together. It is heavy on the mystery and plot, so it takes a bit longer...but it is going to be packed with action more so than other stories!
CURSE. EXE ((JJK fic: still in development) This one is a slowly developing idea, just a concept for now, but going to be a future take and features omega!Yuuji this time c: REQUESTS Working on them here and there, but given I'm doing art fight, time not spent writing is being spent on art, so not much time for requests currently! They will come back though!
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shytastemakerthing · 10 months
Hi! Could I get a matchup My Hero Academia and Twisted Wonderland please! I haven't got properly into Twisted Wonderland yet but I want to have a character to keep in mind for when I do.
Name: Eren
Age: 19 (almost 20)
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Straight
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Personality: I'm pretty quiet in social settings but if someone talks to me first, I can keep a conversation going. I will occasionally go up to someone to initial a conversation but not very often. With people that I'm close with, I'm very open and sarcastic. And I make a lot of self-depreciating jokes (even though I have a high self worth).
Likes: Reading, writing, anime, video games, Marvel, and listening to music (stuff like Hamilton, Panic! at the Disco and Offspring). Dislikes: Spiders (deathly afraid of those), being forgotten when I'm gone, and disappointing those who I care about.
Looks: I'm 164cm (5'4") and have an average build (not too curvy but definitely not straight up and down). I have green eyes that everyone thinks are brown and curly/frizzy dark brown hair that is just below my shoulders.
Extra Info: I'm at university and am majoring in English and Writing. I regularly get distinctions and high distinctions with my assignments and have very high expectations for myself. I want to be a published author and have written several manuscripts.
I hope the rest of your day goes well for you!
A/N: Hello and thank you so much for your request!I hope that you enjoy both of your match-ups! They're a little shorter than what I usually do as there are 2 and I'm still trying to work through the rest of the inbox. Enjoy!
Twisted Wonderland will be first, and then MHA
Tw: None
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I match you with.........
Idia Shroud
Say hello to the king of self-depreciation. Literally, nearly every time you see him in the game, he is putting himself down (man really doesn't know just how handsome he is, even Vil Schoenheit himself has said that Idia is, in fact, a very handsome man). He may talk down on himself, but there is no way he is about to let you do the same to yourself. In his mind, you are quite literally UR+ tier and he will constantly remind you of that.
Now, chances are you met Ortho first before Idia, given that Idia is one hell of a hermit and usually only attends class via his magical floating tablet. Ortho ended up approaching you first as soon as he heard you mention the latest anime that you're into, and wouldn't you know? His brother is currently obsessing over the same anime!
Thus, you find yourself being taken to Ignihyde via a very excitable robot child. Now, Idia did have a full panic attack the moment his brother arrived with a literal person ( a real life, air breathing person), into his room. But lets just say that the moment you saw the same anime he was currently watching, he noticed the same look he gets when he obsesses over a new anime or game. Now you have yourself a permanent spot in his room.
Idia is tall, being just under 6'1'' with the potential to grow a little more (most people don't finish growing until around 20-23, at least from what I have learned), so there are times he will crack some short jokes. It's how you can tell that he has warmed up to you, likes you, and much more. Hardly anyone sees that side of him. And you're dating him, so it all works out.
He absolutely loves that you write. Now, the man has money, finances aren't an issue to him, now he gets to spend it on you. Whatever it is that you need for your writing endeavors, just let him know and he will have it all for you by the end of the day.
Overall, you managed to make yourself a nice little home inside the shut-in housewardens heart and he doesn't plan on evicting you anytime soon. He absolutely loves you and while he may be introverted and terrified of people at times, he will always protect you in his own way.
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I match you with...........
Eijiro Kirishima
You were first approached by him after everyone had moved into their dorms and had gotten done with a rather long day of training. Everyone was basically just kinda mingling with one another and he took notice of how you were just kinda off on your own. And that wouldn't do! Meaning he was quick to approach you, striking up a conversation quite easily and the two of you quite literally talked for hours.
After taking notice that basically everyone was gone and it was just the two of you still out there, he did the manly thing and asked if he could walk you to your dorm, and of course, you agreed. Once there, you both exchanged numbers and bid each other goodnight.
Thus, a beautiful relationship was formed between the both of you.
He takes notice of how much you love to read, and more importantly, what you love to read. There are a few times where he will come to class with a book that he had found that he thought that you might be interested in, and he does this quite often. After all, what kind of man doesn't provide for the woman that he loves?
While he knows that you hold yourself in high regard, he doesn't really like the self-depreciating jokes. A couple of times, Eijiro came to you about the concerns that he had and he was just glad that you at least did have high regards of yourself, but it hurts him to hear you say these things.
Music buddy! I swear this man must have a really good music taste just by looking at him! This means that the both of you will just have all out little concerts in either of your dorm rooms. It's one of his favorite ways to spend time with you.
Overall, Eijiro is a dedicated partner and is always there to protect you should the moment ever arise. He loves to see the smile on your face when he manages to find a new book for you and then hears you talk about it. He wouldn't trade that for anything in the world.
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fangirl-on-fire3 · 1 year
Taking my bestie @rattle-em-spooky-jones‘s idea and making a list of all my WIPs!
Feel free to send an ask if you’d like to know more about any of the fics ^.^
My Hero Academia:
1. Teeth
This fic is an accompaniment to one of my previous fics, ‘Lifeline’. It’s about Izuku and his deteriorating mental state after the war, as well as his extreme protectiveness over Katsuki because of what they went through together.
2. Love Mix-Up Gone Wrong (Not Clickbait!)
This is a Kieta Hatsukoi AU - essentially, Mina writes Katsuki’s name on Izuku’s eraser (considered a good luck charm to make your crush like you in Japan) and drops it in front of him, hoping Katsuki will realize Izuku has a crush on him. However, Shouto picks up the eraser and assumes Katsuki wants to fight him. Shenanigans ensue.
3. Steampunk [Not Titled]
A steampunk AU in which Izuku is a sheltered pianist and Katsuki is a mechanic, set to the backdrop of a war.
4. Assassination Classroom
Class 1A plays a game of Assassin, where they are given a ball with their victim’s name written on it and must ‘kill’ that person by hitting a receiver stuck to their body with the ball. The game lasts for more than a week and gets increasingly chaotic.
5. Hiking [Not Titled]
Izuku, Katsuki, Kirishima and Kaminari go hiking together. It’s a paraquel to ‘Assassination Classroom’ but works as a standalone.
6. Fantasy [Not Titled]
A fantasy AU in which Katsuki is the Dragon King and Izuku is an adventurer. They keep meeting over the years but never get together officially because they both care about their lifestyles too much to change.
7. Bakugo Dead [Not Titled]
Izuku starts hallucinating Katsuki’s presence after Katsuki has died during the war. Major angst.
8. Foundations of Decay
An intricate multi-chapter Bioshock AU. Shouto is going through the main storyline of Bioshock, with Dabi taking Atlas’ role, while Katsuki is scavenging for survival in the underwater city of Rapture. Izuku is a splicer, Eri is a Little Sister that Katsuki has unofficially adopted, Iida is the police chief, and Uraraka is the head of a crime smuggling ring.
Each character has an important role in the storyline and the chapters will be from different viewpoints.
9. Callsign Deku
A Top Gun AU, where Izuku works his way up through the Flight Academy U.A. to become the greatest pilot. He and Katsuki are rivals, and later friends with benefits. Of course, it gets complicated.
10. War of the Roses (Posted, completed)
Izuku and Katsuki are getting a divorce after over 15 years of marriage and two kids. They start acting extremely petty towards each other, escalating from social media feuds to prank wars.
11. Earth and Fire [Not Titled]
A sequel to my fic ‘Firelight’. In a fantasy setting where elemental magic exists, Izuku and Katsuki are courting each other. It follows them through different courtship rituals and traditions.
12. Break-up [Not Titled]
Izuku realizes that he and Katsuki will only hold each other back after graduation, so he suggests they break up. Katsuki counters him with a suggestion that they break up if they truly want to by then, so they proceed to attempt to annoy each other enough that they’ll break up with them.
13. Shipwrecked
Izuku, Katsuki, and Shouto end up shipwrecked on an island together.
14. midnight [Not Titled]
Katsuki starts feeling really anxious during the night, so Izuku makes him tea and comforts him.
15. turn back time (Posted, Completed)
Izuku gets hit by a quirk and swaps places with his future self, so Middle School Izuku is sent to the future to meet Pro Hero Katsuki.
16. Take a Break
A Hamilton AU where Izuku (taking Hamilton’s role) is married to Melissa, but he’s really in love with her brother, Katsuki.
17. How to Train Your Dragon [Not Titled]
A HTTYD AU with dragon racing instead of fighting. Izuku wants to become a dragon racer, but is so physically weak that he keeps losing on even the easier tracks. Eventually, he discovers a Night Fury (a dragon only All Might has been able to tame) and starts training to be strong enough to win races. Katsuki, who is essentially Astrid, resents him at first, but then agrees to helps him.
18. Hotel Transylvania [Not Titled]
A Hotel Transylvania AU where Izuku is Jonathan and Shouto is Mavis. Endeavor is Dracula and doesn’t want a human to date his son (though Shouto couldn’t care less about his father’s opinion) while Katsuki is a werewolf and absolutely done with everyone. Izuku and Shouto keep trying to date each other, but all their attempts to spend time alone are thwarted.
Welcome To Night Vale:
Sick [Not Titled]
Esteban has a fever. Cecil and Carlos take care of him.
2. Starfall
Stars start falling from the sky. Carlos investigates. Cecil reports. It’s interspersed with radio segments from Cecil’s show.
Attack on Titan:
where the spirit meets the bones
A The Summer Hikaru Died AU where Armin is Yoshiki and Eren is Hikaru, who disappeared to the mountains and came back looking the same but acting entirely different. Very surreal. Angst.
2. sepulcher [Not Titled]
So far this is a paragraph where Armin has a dream in which he’s locked in a sepulcher with Eren, ‘Annabel Lee’ style.
3. pomegranate [Not Titled]
Eren speculates upon his relationship with Armin and the effect that he has on his best friend. Focuses on the changes in their relationship after they discover Marley.
fake dating [Not Titled]
A Daredevil/Marvel fic. Matt and Foggy send out fake wedding invitations to billionaires, hoping for free wedding gifts, but Tony declares that he wants to plan their wedding. They decide to go through with it to save face, but with everything from cake tasting to engagement parties, it’s a much more elaborate lie than they thought. Very chaotic.
2. tattoine [Not Titled]
Star Wars. Han and Luke are on a mission in Tatooine when they get caught in a sandstorm and have to take shelter in an old house. I went back and forth on including smut in this, but I do have an extract written where Han and Luke argue over who tops. Still, it’s yet to be decided.
3. Biohazards, Ballistics, and Global Political Tension: An investigation into the impact of bio-organic weapons on modern society (Posted, but still updating)
Collab with @rattle-em-spooky-jones ! A collection of accounts about different events in the Resident Evil universe in the format of a draft of a PhD report. 
4. Jujutsu Textin’ (Posted, but still updating)
Another collab with @rattle-em-spooky-jones featuring the characters of JJK as college students interacting on Twitter.
And I think that’s all of them for now! I will be updating this list as I come up with more :D
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 2 years
You know, I still think about how like... Katsuki has never actually had a proper 1v1 vs a villain character ever. Like, it's always been with another person. All of his fights where he could shine... are against other heroes. And most of the fights where villains are involved, he loses pretty badly. But it's more than just that. Izuku's original design was going to basically be Japanese Anime Batman, being quirkless and using equipment and an adult. Katsuki's original design was going to be a nice person who just had no tact and was brutally honest. Apparently, that original design for Izuku was believed that it would cause him to fade into the background according to Horikoshi's editors, and Katsuki's original design was considered too freaking boring according to Horikoshi himself. And yet fast forward to the current events of the manga where... I genuinely don't even know what Izuku's personality is any more because all his idea of strategy is basically gone, it's just basically 'unleash overwhelming power', and he really has no character outside of being a vessel for the Protag Powers. And then you have Katsuki, who jobs constantly, the entire story basically feels like he was intended to be the original protagonist with how often he's shoved into everything and is just sucked off despite his jobbing as if he's more important to the plot than anyone else. Like fuck, Katsuki is literally listed as being an abusive egotist in the guidebook, and Kirishima has an entire thing in his backstory about being the victim of bullying yet he's completely okay with Katsuki, a character who is actively hostile to everyone and is abrasive AT BEST. Like I get they're high schoolers (which I genuinely don't understand with how they act considering high schoolers were more intelligent than this for me growing up) but fuck Horikoshi's writing makes fucking everyone so god damn stupid the moment Katsuki is involved. Anyway, I needed to vent after I was catching up on World Trigger and realising 'yeah I actually enjoy this arc because we have character personality conflicts and the individuals have to work them out because they're stuck together for a week. Oh and they actually talk to each other and you know, HAVE FUCKING BRAINS, and actively try and work on these flaws that are coming up', and getting incredibly mad that the entire character writing into MHA at this point is basically SMASH THIS NO STRATEGY and personally I blame the story constantly sucking off Bakugou who's supposed intelligence just feels informed and contrived because of his behaviour. Intelligent strategist but incredibly socially dumb my god. And he's so socially dumb he subtracts from everyone else's intelligence to get him to suck him off. I genuinely do not understand why the Bakusquad exists considering the personality conflicts there, especially with Kaminari outright stating his personality was raw sewage at one point early on and yet we're supposed to believe that Bakugou has grown and atoned as a person whilst still being a rabid dumbass who gets his ass kicked.
That’s an interesting point. A majority of Katsuki’s fights, the ones where he wins, are against fellow heroes in training. In terms of villains, he’s only ever fought Tomura, Nine, the canon fodder in the USJ, and the minions in the movies (with help).
I agree with what you said about Proto Katsuki in that he would’ve been far more interesting, or at least far more tolerable. I’d rather have a boring character than an outright terrible one. Like you mentioned before, everyone who interacts with Katsuki is made 100% dumber and is forced to neglect key components of their character just so that Hori can wank off his fave and push this “he has potential and is strong” narrative. I also agree that unfortunately it does feel like Izuku’s been reduced to “punch everything with a lot of force” rather than the creative fighter he was before. There was a really great analysis I just read that explains this. I blame it on Hori trying to wrap up his story as quickly as he can.
This is the analysis in question btw:
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ao3feed-izch · 1 year
Tilt My Head Just So
by SenjuMizusaya
Objectively speaking, there are worse people to be reincarnated into. Ultimately unimportant side character, socially acceptable Quirk, winner of the genetic lottery, only mildly deranged.
Honestly, ignoring the fact that I look increasingly like a fuckboy douche, I'm handling this like a champ.
 (It's an SI fic. It's an SI fic.)
Words: 5135, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Monoma Neito, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Shinsou Hitoshi, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Kan Sekijirou | Vlad King, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Kendou Itsuka, Midoriya Izuku, Uraraka Ochako, Tokage Setsuna, Honenuki Juuzou, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Class 1-B (My Hero Academia), Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Toga Himiko, League of Villains (My Hero Academia), Jirou Kyouka, Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina, Yanagi Reiko, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Sensei | All For One
Relationships: SI/it's complicated because Plot, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou
Additional Tags: Self-Insert, Monoma Neito is a Little Shit, Monoma Neito Being an Asshole, Monoma Neito is a Good Friend, Sassy Monoma Neito, all of this absolutely still applies, Fix-It of Sorts, Self-Indulgent, Angst, yes this is self-indulgent and angsty, Worldbuilding, Violence, Shinsou Hitoshi Needs a Hug, maybe a redundant tag since everyone needs a hug, Reincarnation, Romance, Friendship, gender haha, nei-sama says nay, Dubious Morality, Hurt/Comfort, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
source: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49358830
0 notes
ego adamandi (falling in love apart)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/4pEyQra
by CertifiedBrainGenius
Everyone in UA High School knew how to succeed: Keep your heads down and in your books, qet as many extracurriculars as possible, and keep your eye on the oveted Toshinori prize. Kirishima Eijirou - Athletic ability. Tenya Iida - Exemplary grades. Kendou Itsuka - Social outreach. Hatsume Mei - Creativity. Midoriya Izuku - Perseverance. Yaoyorozu Momo - Initiative. Things take a deadly turn, in the need to achieve - or maybe to keep things the same.
  "I matter in their presence therefore I should appreciate being part of the swarm."
  Or; an extrememly convoluted AU based on Adamandi.
Words: 908, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Iida Tenya, Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou, Momo Yaoyorozu, Uraraka Ochako
Relationships: Iida Tenya/Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou/Midoriya Izuku, Ashido Mina/Kirishima Eijirou, Uraraka Ochako/Yaoyorozu Momo
Additional Tags: AU - Adamandi (2022) Fusion, Alternate Universe - No Quirks (My Hero Academia), Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Beatrix!Momo, Quincy!Tenya, Vincent!Izuku, Ambrose!Kirishima, Portia!Ochako, (will update tags when off work), mae this is all your fault
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/4pEyQra
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queenbumbles21 · 2 years
||•I’m here for you•||
Requsted: Hey love I’m sorry to impose and I understand if your busy but do you think you could do a Sero, Mina, or kiri with fem reader who is having a rough time in social situations/ anxiety and lack of confidence in personality and looks? Or (you don’t have to do both just shitty things in my life rn) she is having a hard time adjusting to the MAJOR change in her life and isn’t ready to accept a new figure in her life? OR (I’m really really really sorry this literally happened today I’m sorry for making this long I’m indecisive) her art program crashed and she can no longer access half a years worth of art and character sheets and no one seems to care much I understand I’m not Picasso I’m not crying or anything it’s just frustrating. It’s okay if you don’t do any of these just three situations that suck ass and I understand if you don’t want to/ don’t have time ti write for me I hope you have a lovely day and your writing makes me happy!
❁Summary : She worked so hard for half a year  making her art work and perfecting it only for it to be crash and ruined.. it frustrated her, no one cared about how hard she worked on it..... or at least that's what she thought..
❁ Paring - Eijiro Kirishima | Hanta Sero | Mina Ashido
❁ Reader - Female
❁ Warning - Grammer error / Not prof read / angst-Comfort
A/n ❁ Hello Dear, there’s no need to apologize I don’t mind at all, thank you for the request, I hope this one-shot helps you feel better❤️‍🩹 🫂
Summary: She worked so hard for half a year making her artwork and perfecting it only for it to be crash and ruined... it frustrated her, no one cared about how hard she worked on it...... or at least that's what she thought... Paring - Eijiro Kirishima | Hanta Sero | Mina Ashido
——————-——🥀 Reader - Female ——————-——🥀
Warning - Grammer error / Not prof read / angst-Comfort
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How did this happen.... Why did this happen... 'of all the people in the world why did it had to be me!' (Yn) stared at the blank design in horror.
She had accidentally spilled a cup tea on her laptop as she was about to put it down to continue her work...
Her tab of design program was gone her computer crashed and turned to its black screen... dying right before her eyes...
(Yn) started hyperventilating as she felt dizzy and anxious... she snapped out of it and quickly wiped off the keyboard with her already stained jacket harshly as she panicked while doing so, whispering small little please here and there but that wasn't going to fix the problem at the moment...
She abruptly stood up from her seat and gather her things as well as her laptop heading towards the help center.
Although they couldn't help her current situation as she was soon placed to the waiting center not even letting her give her a moment to speak her worries, Once the front desk Finally! Called on her She was the last mine you and everyone had left... "Hi what can I do for you today." The woman asks or more like stated putting on her best fake smile and kind eyes that looked extremely tried of her job...
"...Hi well I have a bit of a problem you see; I accidentally spilled some tea on my computer and was wondering if-"
"What? were you are doing with tea in the library." The woman cut her off, looking like she was about to rip off (Yn)'s hair at any second. 
"I was a bit dehydrated is all, I apologize for spilling it on the floor but I'm sorry this is so rude of me, but may I use one of your available computers? I really need to fix something quickly, but I can't without-"
"Sorry, there's no more computers available as of now." The woman stated she rolled her eyes without a care in the world of who was looking... what was her problem? 
(Yn) didn't do it on purpose... Her anxiety started to kick in as she taped her heel on the floor hearing her little clicks to help herself calm down a bit, "......Um, I'm sorry but. I can see a lot of... unused computer on the top floor... can I use one of those? -"
"Sorry you can't, the staircases are closed at the moment, cause of a wet floor," she Lied, but why? "Oh... we'll may I use-"
"Can't, we're closed now." 'I get that people want to go home early but... this is too much...' (Yn) thought to herself,
"Please it'll only take a few minutes I just need-" before you could finish you sentence you suddenly felt a force pulled you towards the door, it was her quirk! (Yn) struggled to free herself somehow but from the force for the woman quirk it was bit to strong and it was creating strong pressure on (Yn) waist hurting her hips, as she struggled to free herself, she accidentally dropped her bag along laptop falling out of her bag and hearing a loud creak.
  She was in utter horror. How could this employee be so dame rude to a customer in need of assistance! Not only that but there was no one to help you at the moment.
  It was pretty late at night and people were tired and ready to get hope as soon as possible...but that doesn't give her the rights to treat you like this! But she obviously didn't care about it...
With a small yelp and a slam of a door shut (Yn) sat there on the floor with an disbelief expression written in her face unable to comprehend what had just happened...  No not believing that just happened...
She got up and sniffed a bit, not because of the pain in her backside, but because of the frustration she was going through at the moment. She shakily stood up and picked up her things as she silently walked the stress a sigh leaving her lips.
             ———————————🐝——————————— A click of a door can be heard from the student dorms as (Yn) feet tiredly made their way to her dorm room while she dragged her bag and hanged her head low preventing anyone from seeing her still teary, frustrated eyes. 
"Hey (Yn), Your back!" (Yn) quickly wiped Her eyes and stood up tall with a small smile and turned to the source of the voice. Mina skipped her way towards Her a bright smile on her face.
  "Oh, Hi Mina." She cracked a smile not wanting to worry the poor girl. "Whatch'a up to?" Mina asks with a small smile, (Yn) clenched Her laptop and kept up the light smile.
  "I was just working on my...  art project..." You half cringed at your statement but quickly covered it up. "Oooh sounds fun," She says in awe as she pats your head and lightly tell you a 'good luck' and left saying she had something to do. She sighs "I wish I was lucky..." You head towards your dorm room and shut the door placing your bag and laptop down as you landed on the bed face flat on your pillow and groaned in frustration, lightly kicking your feet.
She wanted to cry your hard work was gone and there was nothing you can do about it other than pray for miracle...
  She felt her nose burn and eyes water as she thought about it and wiped them away with her pillow, sniffles can be heard in the room. She soon drifted off to sleep exhausting herself from crying to much giving her a light headache and sore eyes.               ———————————🐝————————————
(Yn) woke up from a knock and groaned, she looked at the timer besides her bed and saw that it was 9:30, she softy sigh and slowly got up from her bed leaving the warmth of it and slowly walked to the door.
  She opened it and was greet by the bright sun light or you thought it was... "Hey (Yn), are you okay?" She was greeted by Kirishima concerning voice although she couldn't see him clearly her surroundings were all blurry, she squinted a bit and lightly turn to grabs ahold of her eyeglasses and pushed them up to get a good look at him.
  "Well..." She started but sighed a bit, thinking about it made her head hurt. Kirishima waited patiently for her response and noticed this as well, "Do you wanna sit down and talk about it? You don't have to if you don't want to it up to you..." He quickly corrected himself an awkward smile as he scratches the back of his head trying to calm himself down from the fast beating of his heart. He didn't want to upset her even more clearly; she was upset about something...
 "My art project that I was working on for a year..." she says but couldn't keep in her small sniffles...
  Kirishima lightly nodded his head encouraging to continue, "It got deleted..." She cried out and soon her tears started to flow from her pretty orbs and cheeks were a light pink from all of the stress.
Kirishima wasted no time pulling her in for a warm hug and patted her head. She wrapped her arms around him accepting his embrace.
They both stay that way for a while until Kirishima asked if he could come in her room, "...Sure," He guided her to her bed, and both sat down still keeping her in his arms.
  Time passed a bit and her sniffles calmed down, "My artwork was deleted..." She claimed, Kirishima didn't say anything, but he kept on listening, letting her know he was listening.
  She started to explain the indecent that went on in the library about how her computer crashed and the rude lady. 
Kirishima clenches her waist upset that she had to go through all that alone "Don't mind her, she's just being mean." He says with a sigh trying to calm himself down, how could an awful person be so rude to (Yn) and refusing a person in need... He's going to have a talk with Mr. Aizawa about the matter but right now, it's you who he should be focusing on at the moment.
  He ran his finger through her locks and barrier his Face in her hair. As he held her, he heard sniffles and felt tears stained his shirt. "Kiri, what I am going to do.... I worked so hard to make that art and it's now gone...." (Yn) small cries filled the room. Kirishima thought about it next words Carefully...
"(Yn) have you tried using the school’s computer and logging in to your draft to see if it's still there or not?"
"Heh... why don't we check, I'm sure it's still there," even though it was wrong to give people fails hope Kirishima wanted to help her. "Things may see lost forever but it's still there! So don't worry,"
"...can we go check right now?"
"Of course!" He quickly stood up from his spot gently moving (Yn) to the side, he told her he'd wait for her outside.
Although the real reason why he suggested to go the library was because he didn't want her to hear the speed beating of his heart as he held her close to his chest at the moment, He didn't want her to see the scarlet hue that ran across his cheeks as he buried his face in her flowery scented hair.
And her aroma...drove him crazy that he couldn't handle it anymore, They walked along side each other talking along the way little conversation here and there. As they both walked in the Library Sero was there, it seems like he was intensely focused on something at he didn't realize we walked tight behind him.
"Hey Sero!"
He jumped at the sudden call of his name and turned toward us a small smile grace his lips. "Hey Kirishima, (Yn) what’cha doing here?" He asks now focusing all of his attention on us.
  "(Yn) lost all her artwork and I'm here to restore it for here," Kirishima explained with a small smile,
"Aww (Yn) I'm sorry, was that why you looked so down in the dumps, if I had known I would've help you dear." Mina looks at you sympathetically and gave you a Bear squeezing hug in comfort.
  Sero also joined into the hug and so did Kirishima while patting your head. You had such nice friends you were so grateful to have them in your life. "Thank you, guys, I needed this." you can feel water coming from your eyes from pure happiness.
They all smiled at you, and unexpectedly said this at the same time, "I'm here for you (Yn),"
Word count - 1879 Hope you enjoyed! Stay safe ❤️
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dekusleftsock · 2 years
Okay look, let’s legit talk about krbk and izuocha/tododeku for a sec here. If you follow/have read my shit before, I’m a big bkdk and togachako shopper. If you have a problem with that, just click off it’s not that hard. Expect bkdk and togachako opinions in this post. Now without further ado, let’s talk about the relationships in these three ships.
Now, honest to god, the least toxic community out of those three is tododeku and that’s probably bc it just isn’t as big as the other two. But what I WILL say is that you guys mischaracterize Katsuki, todoroki, and Izuku the most out of all three.
It’s the one ship that I legit can’t tolerate, no actual logical reason, I just find it annoying for no reason lol. But my personal feelings, don’t really matter here! We’re talking about the actual relationship stuff.
So, what makes this ship interesting? Well I’ve got to say that it’s the fact that todoroki is the first person to teach Izuku how to save someone who does not want to be saved. He was the first person who he had to make them save THEMSELF and WANT TO BE SAVED, and that’s a major part of Izukus development. It makes him start to question the villains of society, are they really all bad? Is it possible to save them? He also had a subconscious bias as he was once apart of the “can nots” of society. Quirkless, disabled, or useless quirked people kind of fit here. Same with villainous quirks. With all of this in mind, it made him look at shigaraki and legitimately think about how to save him. Todoroki taught him that part of hero work is also saving people psychologically.
Todoroki learned a lot from deku in how to accept himself as he is. “It’s your quirk not his!” Was something that stuck with him and continued to do so after the sports festival. He was also todoroki’s first actual friend. And btw, no matter how much y’all wanna say it, todoroki is NOT in the deku squad! Todoroki is friends with Katsuki and Izuku mainly, they are their OWN friend group outside of bkg or deku squads, remember that. Part of todoroki’s development as a character was being friends with BOTH of them, so I’m sorry, but if you hate Katsuki, todoroki does not like you. Just as deku doesn’t. Katsuki is a man with a burning temper and explosive personality, but he is also a positive burning sun in both of their lives.
Tododeku together is amazing, all about making each other be better in silent but nice ways. They’re also socially awkward buddies >:) But what he is not is a replacement for Katsuki. He is not mean, never is never will be. Nor is he jealous and vindictive towards Katsuki. You could probably say that he sees him as a one sided best friendship along with him and deku. (Those titles are actually reserved for uraraka and kirishima but whatever, not the point. Let todoroki live) But it’s also not canon so we’ll just make that a funny hc that’s kinda implied lol.
And I’ll finish this little analysis of them off with, I do not care about who you like shipping with Izuku, but if you actively make Katsuki or todoroki vindictive towards the other PLEASE GOD ADD THE TAG ON AO3 “OOC TODOROKI SHOTO” BC IM TIRED OF READING IT- This whole analysis has been to say, that you can not make todoroki a replacement for Katsuki. You just can’t. And that goes for any Katsuki ship or Izuku ship, they can’t live without the other. So please god stop mis characterizing them. It’s getting REALLY OLD really fast.
Now let’s move onto kiribaku. I’m saving izuocha for last bc they’re the least controversial and I won’t have to do as much work to write them out lmao. Anywho, kiribaku! I actually enjoy this ship sometimes, it’s not my favorite, but it’s still pretty good in my book.
I think the ship is cute and important for katsukis development, as him, kaminari, sero, jirou, and even todoroki call him out on his bs. They were the first friends he really had that weren’t afraid to say “you’re an asshole” to his face even if he yelled at them. They simply didn’t care. Hell, on the second day Katsuki met kaminari, he literally fucking called his personality flaming hot garbage, and jirou even teased him. The class just didn’t tolerate his bullshit. Even deku was like “what the fuck is happening IM the one who gets teased, not him” because unlike before, Katsuki was in the hero course at UA.
He didn’t HAVE the enablers from his teachers or his classmates like he did before. Aizawa didn’t take his shit just like kirishima didn’t take his shit. And this where their relationship truly starts.
Kirishima is exactly what Katsuki needs, someone who can take his quirk, calm his temper, and will call out his bullshit. He’s both a good friend and not an enabler, exactly what he needs. He’s also got a powerful quirk, something that Katsuki at this stage has to see so that he can make the close relationships he needs. He’s pretty much deku in his mind except without the same history and a powerful quirk. Dynamic wise at least.
But just like tododeku, it’s what he NEEDS at that moment. But, unlike tododeku, kiribaku as a relationship itself is enabling Katsukis quirk discrimination. You could even argue that their relationship itself is based in the fact that Katsuki projects deku onto kirishima.
Their friendship and relationship is amazing, but if Katsuki didn’t put some distance between them, it simply wouldn’t show his true development. Kirishima was a walking example of the early part of their first year and middle school life, Katsuki and kirishimas relationship is inherently built on Katsukis flaming hot garbage takes. I legit believe that kiribaku would be MORE toxic than bkdk because of how kirishima indirectly enables Katsukis behavior.
The reason why y’all have been so starved for content unless it’s a movie or an ova is bc horikoshi KNOWS this and so does Katsuki. He KNOWS his friendship was built on seeing kirishima as an enabler for his actions. Katsuki needs to focus on healing his relationship with Izuku more than hanging around kirishima. But y’all aren’t ready for that-
Okay, controversial opinions over, it’s izuocha time.
Izuocha is actually great. I love the ship! She’s exactly what Izuku needs, someone with unquestionable, undoubtable, support and love for Izuku. From day one she believed in him. He doesn’t NEED to prove anything to show that he is worth love and appreciation. Uraraka is the support that deku would have needed in middle school or before that would push him to become a hero REGARDLESS of a quirk.
Izuocha is key to Izukus journey into becoming a hero, so lets just put aside ofa for a moment to talk about it. Lets say Izuku never ran into AM and instead had uraraka as a flame of support at aldera, maybe even before junior high. Because what Izuku would have needed to become a quirkless hero would have been three things: money/gear, training from the right person, and undoubtable love and support. He had none of those things though. Inko never believed in him, his only friend bullied him due to misunderstandings, and all might rejected the very idea of it happening. Three of the most important people in Izukus life DOUBTED HIM, completely and utterly. Even iida thought he wasn’t taking it seriously and that he would never get in. All of the other challengers thought that he was just gonna be useless competition. Unlike everyone else in his life, Izuku never had to earn love and support from uraraka.
And it’s funny how he still ending up having the same things that made him a hero AFTER getting into UA. He HAD the gear (a quirk), he HAD the training (all might), and he HAD the constant support and love from uraraka that he never had to earn. She TAUGHT HIM that he was worth something no matter what. He never had to fight a villain to prove he was something for all might, or sift through years of Katsukis issues just to earn that friendship again, or show that he had the intelligence and support to inko. He was simply allowed to exist as he was to uraraka.
And this support is not just for Izuku either, because he taught her to think about the heroes, who saves the heroes when they’re the ones in danger? Just like how todoroki taught deku how to save someone psychologically, deku did the same for her. He is a key part of her hero journey. He taught her the things she needed to know, they were entirely about lifting each other up. Away from their worries, just them being able to believe in themselves and each other.
But, that’s the early stuff. This information is.. a little out of date, don’t you think? I mean, we had ALL this tension build up from toga vs ochako 1, all about Izuku and ochako (kinda), all of this tension lead to Ochakos speech and then.. nothing. 342 frankly, should have been the confession, because all of the tension that horikoshi had been building was there and then he just let it go. For seemingly no reason. Story wise at least. Or you could make the argument that it was also building tension, okay then, what about 348? THAT chapter should have been about revealing feelings yet it wasn’t. That’s why this information, with how romantic it sounded when I described it, feels so untrue now. And I feel like izuochas also see it, they feel it and know it deep down, yet a lot of them choose to be ignorant and continue to not update their information.
That’s my problem with this ship. They were cute at first, something I wouldn’t totally reject seeing. Hell, I even looked at fandom content of them, but now it just feels like nothing. It isn’t going anywhere, because guys, their development is done! They need to be with their character foils, bkdk, shigaraki and deku, and togachako. They NEED to do the development with THESE characters. They aren’t gonna be canon, because if they were, shigafo’s fight would be about ochako and Izuku, not Katsuki.
And that’s what all three of these need to understand. I know y’all have been starved for content of them, I get that, but the reason you have been is because of the narrative with them simply being done. The development is over. This is how stories work. Take for example, peridot, from Steven universe. Her character arc was done, and I remember seeing su fans getting upset at the lack of peridot content. But she was done. Her arc was over. The same goes for here.
Get over yourselves, please. These characters are not as important to each other as much as you think they are.
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lilithbasically · 3 years
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“Say My Name”
Kirishima x Reader
W.C.: 5.1K
*Minors DNI*
This is for @katsupeach ‘s FOB lyric collab! I had “anything you say can and will be held against you, so only say my name” from Just One Yesterday and I had a lot of fun writing this. Emme is an amazing writer and a total fucking sweetheart, definitely go check out her work! Thank you for letting me join, bby 🖤💋
Warnings: pretty heavy on the angst for a good bit, fluff, mutual pining/longing, dubcon (alcohol involved), possibly cheating (? really depends on how you personally view the situation), daddy kink, oral (f receiving), fingering, soft dom Kiri vibes, size kink, use of “Little One, baby girl, baby”, cockwarming
You’re not as excited as you should be even though it’s been 10 years since you’ve seen most of your classmates. Keeping up with them mainly through social media, a sprinkle of coffee dates every couple years, attending weddings, only keeping in near constant contact with one or two people. You know why you can’t fully embrace the joy of reuniting with old friends; he’s here. You know he’s here because you can see that big red truck he’s always loved so much parked just a few spaces away.
Finally stepping from the comfort of your car with the bottle of tequila you were assigned to bring, you walk towards the door of the rec center. Small buds of anticipation sprout from your heart while the thought of him makes melancholia billow in your chest as thick as the summer air that’s heavy with water vapor; Suffocating any attempt at a full, deep breath to steady yourself. Opening the door, you’re immediately greeted with many familiar, slightly aged, faces. Music from your middle and high school years playing at a level low enough to accommodate conversations playing catch-up.
“Hey! Y/N’s here!” Looking to your left you see Mina, waving and walking toward you. Typical Mina fashion, she just inadvertently put all eyes on you. You don’t have to turn your head to see that pair of bright red eyes on you, you can feel them burning through your skin. You can see his bright red hair from the corner of your eye but you can’t bring yourself to turn your head. Pulling your big girl panties on, you smile and lift your hand in the most typically awkward wave you could manage.
“Hey, Mina! Good to see you. Mind telling me where the white claws are? I brought tequila but figure I should wait a bit for that,” you chuckle.
“Got ya covered, babes. Here you go. Theo couldn’t make it?”
You shake your head, “Oh uh, no. He has to work this weekend, so he’s back at the house.”
“Well, more party time for us!” You smile, letting her lead you to the group of women that were once your go to friend group.
“Oh my god, has she seen the picture wall? You have to, it’s full of you and Kirishima. No one realized you dated as long as you did until we saw all of the pictures in one spot,” Uraraka giggles.
‘Fuck,’ you think, as you’re dragged along by your former best friends, ‘a picture wall? Probably the last thing I need to see…’
Sure enough, there is a wall covered in pictures from your class’ school days and you and Kirishima happen to be in most of them. The first one that draws your attention is one from when you were in eighth grade; a sneaky snap of time that you could never forget, picture or none. Him leaned up against the wall of lockers, you gazing up at him in admiration.
You put the last class of the day’s book into your locker and sighed with relief. It was your birthday and you were just ready to get on with the festivities. You closed your locker door and slightly jumped, seeing Kirishima leaned up against the locker next to yours. You’d had a crush on him since he transferred here a year ago, had a few interactions but nothing major.
“Hey, Y/N, wanna go out with me?”
Your breath hitched at his unexpected proposal, sure that he was joking but when you chanced a look into his crimson eyes, you saw nothing but sincerity.
“Um, yeah. I’d love that.”
“Great, I’ll text you later,” he said, pushing off the lockers, “Oh and happy birthday, Y/N.”
You mentally cringe at how that memory plays out. You were in middle school at the time but your cheeks still warm in secondhand embarrassment for your younger self. Your eyes move to the next picture, a selfie of you and him in the apartment his family lived in. Your brain pulls the memory to the forefront of your mind like it happened just yesterday.
You leaned back against his chest, his arms secure around your waist. He wanted to spend his birthday watching horror movies with you and you were more than happy to oblige. Turning over to your stomach, laying between his legs, your head on his chest, he looks down at you. He reached a hand up, he hooked a finger under your chin and pulled your face to his, “You are so fucking beautiful, Y/N,” he said as he planted a sweet, loving kiss on your lips.
You bring your fingers to your lips in remembrance, fully aware of the fact he kissed you like no other had your entire life. Not only then but every time. He always did kiss you as often as he could; When there was time to lay a peck on your lips, he was sure to be there ready to give.
His booming laugh steals you from your reverie. If there hadn’t been idle conversations or music playing, you’re sure it would echo throughout the entire rec center. You still can’t bring yourself to look directly at him but you see him in your peripheral, standing exactly where he was when you first arrived, amongst his still best friend Katsuki and the others that made up his old friend group. No doubt reliving the shenanigans they pulled over the years. Still, your attention is pulled back to the wall when you see the picture of you on the beach.
“Kiri please come dance with meeeeee…,” you whined.
“You know I’m a horrible dancer, Y/N.”
“So what? Almost everyone is, it doesn’t matter. Tonight is our last night on this island and I wanna make it count,” you huffed.
Your pouting never failed to persuade him into giving in to your antics. Reluctantly, Kirishima finally joined you on the dance floor, awkwardly moving with each other at first then abandoning all hope at actual dancing and instead jumping and having fun in time with the music.
Your eyes sting with the unshed tears brimming your lashes. You don’t understand why you’re suddenly so overcome with these longing, overwhelming emotions. You’ve thought of him plenty of times through the years and never had this reaction. Is it only because he’s a few steps away?
“Oh my goooooooddddd, look at this one! I swear you were the best couple ever, ugh. I was so jealous of y’all,” Hagakure muses.
Oh you definitely remember that one. Junior prom when he rented a limo that escorted you to and from the event center. It was one of those cheesy photos; posed, primed, easily recreatable. The picture directly next to it was different though; one taken by a patron of the prom. You and Kiri on the dance floor, his left arm cradling your waist, hand resting on your lower back. Right hand securely grasping yours, both smiling as wide as your faces allowed, gazing into each other’s eyes; That picture was the definition of adoration. Sipping your drink, you let yourself slip into your bank of memories again.
“You having fun, baby?” Kiri asked, as he ran his hands over the soft silk of your dress.
“Of course I am, Kiri. You’ve made tonight so fucking perfect I don’t know how I’ll ever do the same for you.”
“Don’t worry about that. I just want you to have fun, love,” he whispered, his breath ghosted across your cheek as he lowered his head to speak only to you. He pulled away and pressed a gentle kiss against your hair before he muttered, “You know how much I love you, right?”
“Yeah, Kiri, I know. Never opposed to hearing you say it though,” you teased.
Kirishima sighed wistfully before he continued, “Doesn’t matter what happens in the future, you’ll always be my girl, baby. Anytime you want me, just say my name, and I’m yours.”
You ran your hands up his chest to cup his face, “Kiri, I’ll never want anyone but you, you don’t have to worry.”
“I know, baby girl. Just want you to know.”
Your saliva feels thick as it gathers under your tongue. Eyes stinging, pulse thrumming against your veins, breath struggling to complete its journey to your lungs, you barely make your way down the hall to the bathrooms. Your chest aches with unbridled longing, imploring you to go to him; To tell him all the things you should have years ago.
He can feel you.
As ridiculous as it sounds, he can. You weren’t the first or last to arrive but he knows it’s you about to walk through that door. The nerves under his skin feel alight and buzz. Your presence sings to him as it always has, slinging his mind and body into a frenzy and suddenly his brain remembers every tender moment with you. They play like a slideshow through his head, beckoning him to you. Just to feel you near him again, even if you don’t touch. Just to know you were close enough to would be good enough for him, but he can’t move his feet. Use of his legs, like his breath, is stolen away the moment his eyes land on you. You are still so beautiful, the telling signs of aging seemed to only amplify that fact; the small wrinkles creasing the corner of your eyes when you smile, the subtle laugh lines that show the world how much you’ve enjoyed your life.
Kirishima tries to stay distracted and keep his eyes off you but as time ticks on, his gaze is continuously drawn to you, now watching you look over the picture wall. You lasted much longer than he had but, you have always been stubborn so he wasn’t surprised.
Watching you re-emerge from the bathroom, he clutches his beer bottle in his hand, and wills his limbs to move just as Katsuki throws his arm out in warning, “Don’t, dude.”
“What the fu- why?” Kirishima asks, slightly annoyed by his best friend’s resistance.
“You know why. Get a fuckin grip before you talk to her,” Katsuki tries to reason. “How would Trin feel knowing you were spending time with your highschool sweetheart while barely keeping your shit together?”
“It’s not like that anymore, Katsuki. We’re both married…,” Kirishima grumbles.
“Yeah and you’re both still head over fuckin’ heels for each other. She won’t look at you to save her life and you can’t keep your eyes off her. Everyone can see and feel the tension, maybe just wait until everything settles and we’re all chillin’, yeah?”
“Yeah…okay. I’ll wait,” Kirishima reluctantly relents. “We haven’t talked in years, I don’t understand what’s happening, Kats. I mean…you know we talked again right after we graduated but it didn’t go anywhere and we haven’t talked since then. I don’t understand what’s going on right now.”
“Ei, look, I can’t explain whatever feelings there are between the two of you, but I know you watch over her parent’s neighborhood even though it’s out of your patrol. I know you talk to her parents and make the effort to keep up with her life because you tell me about it every single time there’s something new. You’ve always loved her and maybe you still do, and maybe she still loves you but, you both chose different paths. You need to figure this shit out soon. Like, before you approach her. Otherwise, I don’t think tonight will end well for either of you.”
Your body buzzes, well into the tipsy zone and you’re feeling pretty damn good. Your previous nerves are adequately numbed by the tequila shots everyone was partaking in. You swivel to fill your glass for another shot but turn face first into a wall. Well, not a wall exactly. Looking up, you’re met with a soft smile and gentle crimson eyes. Your voice comes out as a mere whisper when you sigh his name, “Kirishima…”
Mimicking your tone, he whispers his greetings, his heart beating wildly in his chest, his mind struggling to understand the dynamic between the two of you. You were stunned to say the least. Kirishima had always been huge compared to, well, everyone else but now? Now he was absolutely massive. An absolute hulking beast of a man with shoulders so wide you’re sure he had to go through doorways at an angle. His biceps are easily the size of your thighs, the muscles in his arms and chest straining against the black dress shirt as he crosses them. His eyes still remind you of sparkling rubies, his smile, though softer now, is still as beautiful as ever.
“Oh my god, um, hey, hi!” You say, snapping out of your state of shock, “Finally made your way over to me, huh?” You tease, sending him your best smirk, “Want a shot?”
“I’ve never been one to say no to a free shot. Fill ‘er up, Y/N.”
You gulp down your drink and take a deep breath, preparing yourself to give your thanks, “Uhh, sorry if this is weird or whatever but, my dad told me you stop by to check on them and I just wanna say that I appreciate that. Really. I hate not being here to make sure everyone is okay so it makes me feel better knowing someone I trust is doing it.”
Kiri smiles down at you, “Your family is good people, Y/N. I’m happy to do it.” You nod in acknowledgement, filling both cups for another shot. The air between you feels too thick, a level of unease filtering through unspoken confessions. Subtly catching Bakugo’s eye, Kirishima silently mouths ‘bro help please’ sending his best pleading expression. Bakugo just rolls his eyes, grabs his drink and joins you.
“Oi, brat, let’s go over to the bonfire. How ya doin?”
“Oh shit, hey, Katsuki! Uhh yeah I’m doing good just living life but you already know that since we talk almost every day,” you giggle, grab the bottle, and fall into step with the blonde.
Kirishima’s brows furrow at the new information, curious as to why his best friend kept this from him. Bakugo ignores the suspicious stare from Kirishima and explains lowly just loud enough only for Kirishima, “S’not a big deal, Shitty Hair. She’s just more tolerable than everyone else.”
“How’s Theo, Y/N?” Kirishima blurts out. Immediately regretting his question when your face scrunches and your shoulders tighten.
“He’s good…had to work this weekend so…” you trail off.
Not missing the brush off of the topic, Bakugo decides to further test the waters and asks, “How’s Trin, Kirishima?”
Glowering at his friend, Kirishima rolls his eyes, “She’s doing fine. Didn’t want to come,” he shrugs.
For a reason you cannot pin down, you bristle at his answer. Why wouldn’t she want to come? Who the hell wouldn’t want to be around Kirishima? I mean sure, it’s a high school reunion but still, it’s been fun and Kiri is always amazing. Not to mention how fucking hot he is.
“That’s too bad. We’d all love to meet her some day,” you mutter, trying to stay polite and not breach any invisible lines.
“Yeah, same for Theo, Y/N. I’ve heard he’s a good man,” Bakugo says, putting slight emphasis on the last bit.
“I mean everyone has their days ya know?” Giving an awkward chuckle you turn away to get another shot.
Kirishima didn’t like what that implied at all. I mean, sure, everyone has bad days but the thought that you were treated anything less than the queen you are was unacceptable in his eyes no matter the situation. His irritation bubbles and broils at the thought of Theo being in the position he should be in and not taking full advantage of it to smother you in love and affection. Does he not understand how lucky he is to have you? Not someone like you; you. Kirishima’s heart felt fit to burst, his lips threatening to release every single love and lust filled thought that had been ricocheting through his brain all evening.
“Another shot, guys?” You ask, smiling sweetly at the duo.
“I’m good, Y/N, thanks. Gonna make some rounds real quick though since I’ll probably go soon.” Kirishima sets his cup down and smiles at you before walking around the fire pit.
You grab your bag from your car and spin around when you hear someone approach.
“Please tell me you’re not planning on driving. I saw how much you drank and I may be off duty but there’s no way I can let you drive,” Kirishima says, a glimmer of playfulness in his eyes.
“Oh, god no, Kiri. I’m about to get an Uber, I just needed to grab my bag.”
“Don’t waste your money, Y/N. I’ve got to go into town to get to my hotel anyway, I’ll just give you a ride to yours on the way.”
“Um…are you sure? I don’t want to be a bother.”
“Not a bother at all, pinky promise,” that beautiful contagious grin lights up his face, “C’mon. Here, give me your bag and I’ll put it in the back,” leading you to the passenger side, Kirishima opens the door for you before offering his hand to help you up.
“Still as manly as ever I see,” you tease.
“Only for a lady that deserves it.”
“Damn, Kiri. Still smooth as fuck too, okay. I see you.”
Kirishima shakes his head and chuckles, walking to the driver’s side to climb behind the wheel and plug his phone in. Music fills the cab of his truck, most of which you recognize but you don’t draw attention to until you hear Just One Yesterday by Fall Out Boy.
“Still listen to Fall Out Boy, huh?” You ask, a teasing tone weaving through your words.
“Ahh, yeah…they’re a good band, leave me alone,” Kirishima insists, chuckling.
“Hey, I’m not judging. This probably isn’t too surprising but my music tastes haven’t changed much either,” you look over and smile at him, the both of you fall into a thankfully comfortable silence, simply listening to the song.
Anything you say can and will be held against you
So only say my name…
You sucked in a breath at the same time Kirishima tightens his grip on the steering wheel; the lyrics not lost on either of you.
“Oh, uhh, guess I should’ve asked what hotel you’re staying in…”
“Right, um, I’m staying at the Holiday Inn off the highway.”
“Just my fuckin luck…” Kirishima mutters. You furrow your brow and look at him, confused, raising an eyebrow for him to explain, “I’m staying there too.”
“Ah, okay. Wait, why are you staying in a hotel? You live in town?”
“Yeah, uh, no one really knows but Trin and I are separating.”
“Oh…” letting your voice trail off, not sure if you should reveal your own secret or continue trying to keep your emotions under control. You know if you open your mouth, it will lead to things you’re not sure you can come back from but something in your brain keeps screaming don’t you fucking dare miss this opportunity.
“I’m sorry to hear that, Kiri. If it makes you feel any better, no one knows about me and Theo either.”
Kirishima almost gives himself whiplash when he turns to look at you, “Wait, seriously? Y’all are separating too?”
“Mmhhmmm. Haven’t started the actual divorce process but it’s definitely happening.”
“Uhh…I’m sorry. I mean I obviously don’t know any details but I know it's difficult, regardless.”
“Thank you, Kiri, but it’s fine. For the best, honestly.”
Pulling up to the hotel, you move to open your door but stop when you hear a low growl, “Don’t you dare, Y/N. You know better.”
“Right,” you breathe, trying to ignore your now drenched panties.
Kirishima grabs your bag from the backseat and walks to your side, opening the door for you and offering his hand. The ride in the elevator was surprisingly silent except for Kirishima asking what floor you needed to get to, sighing, slightly exasperated that his self control is being tested so thoroughly tonight, when it was the same floor as he. It seemed fate was practically shoving him in your direction and he didn’t quite know what to do about it. Dropping you off at your door, which just so happens to be across the hall from his, because of course it is, he sighed again. Swallowing against the words clawing up his throat and blinking back the stinging in his eyes, Kirishima bids you farewell, “It was nice catching up with you, Y/N. Maybe we’ll see each other again sometime.”
“Yeah, thank you for the ride, Eijirou. It was really nice seeing you, I hope everything works out,” turning to scan your room key, you step inside, turning to offer him one last smile before shutting the door and slinking against it to the floor. The tumultuous emotions of the evening finally catching up and overwhelming you; You’re angry and not quite sure why or if you even have a valid reason to be. The all too familiar pang of longing strikes through your chest and words you so desperately want to speak get held back by the unforgiving lump in your throat constricting and growing until you feel like you can’t breathe. Silent tears flood down your cheeks as your throat burns and your chest heaves; Your mind begs something, anything, to take this horrendous monster of misery from you. You’ve already suffered for not choosing him, why do you have to endure more now?
Picking yourself up from the floor, eyes still flooded with tears, you drag yourself to the shower and try to will yourself to stop fucking crying. You allow the hot water to wash your turmoil down the drain and expose new skin; Skin that refuses to speak anything but the truth. Skin that will, for the first time, be selfish to supply its owner her needs. You’ve grown accustomed, you realize, to the anchor of loneliness twinging your heart as you lay down for the night. Drifting into a hopefully dreamless sleep, your eyes snap open to three hard knocks on your door. Crawling out of bed in your nightshirt, you peek through the eyehole and see none other than a very shirtless Kirishima pacing in front of your door.
“Kirishima?” Your voice carries through the door and makes him pause. Just as he turns, you open the door, your expression curious with an uplifted eyebrow.
“Y/N, this probably isn’t the best time and I know that but I couldn’t live with myself if I let another day go by without telling you how I fe-“ Kirishima starts, cut off with your mouth on his.
Not a single second goes to waste as Kirishima picks you up, his hands under your thighs, and walks into your room, slamming your back against the wall while your greedy hands roam his shoulders and arms before carding them through his long crimson hair. Sharp teeth prick your bottom lip as he pulls it into his mouth, lightly sucking before pulling away to move down your neck. Desperation fuels his tongue’s ministrations along your exposed skin, random patterns of licking, biting, and sucking leave you suspended in anticipation. Pulling back and admiring his marks blooming across your neck and collarbone, both of you pant trying to catch your breath while he strides toward the bed. Leaning down, he moves his left arm to wrap around your waist and lowers you both with his right, slotting himself between your thighs. Capturing your mouth once again with his, you gasp against his lips when you feel the daunting weight of his dick throb against your core. Licking your bottom lip, he pulls away slightly, hot breath fanning over your face while his eyes dart over your features, finally able to take in your beauty. He presses a light kiss to your lips before breathlessly mumbling against them, “Y/N, please tell me you want this.”
Grinding your hips up against him, you plead, “Fuck, Kiri, yes please…” Overcome by the unabashed love shining in his eyes, tears begin to brim your lash line. Quickly stripping off your shirt, you lay back against the pillows. Kirishima rids himself of his sweats and gives long, languid strokes to his cock as his eyes hungrily rake over your exposed figure, pausing at your breasts before roving to your glistening cunt. The bed dips under his weight as he lays between your legs, placing open mouthed kisses up your thighs, stopping occasionally to suck and bite his marks into your plush skin making you whimper at his slow, torturous pace. Chuckling, he looks up at you through lust blown eyes, his voice rumbles through the air, “Patience, baby girl. I’ve wanted this for years. No way in hell am I rushing.”
You gasp at the sudden presence around your clit as he sucks and licks little circles, your moaning encouraging him to push a finger into your core, “Fuck, you’re tight, Y/N.”
You whine and pull on his shoulders, trying to bring him up to you, “Please, Kiri…please fuck me.”
“Not yet, baby. Need’ta get you ready to take me,” a second finger presses against your walls, scissoring and curling up to stroke the little spot inside you. Your body starts clenching around his digits, covering them in your arousal and dripping down his hand. Pulling his mouth from your clit, Kirishima murmurs, “That’s right, baby girl. Cum for me, cum all over daddy’s fingers.”
Dragging his free hand up your body he takes your right nipple between his fingers and pinches at the same time his fingers curl and his mouth gives a particularly hard suck to your clit. Your back arches, hips involuntarily jerking away from the sensations but Kirishima only places an arm over you, anchoring you to the bed and fingers you through your release. Removing his fingers, his tongue trails down to dip into your pussy, your walls still quivering around him. Humming contentedly, he moves to hover over you, places his fingers against your lips and groans when you suck them in and swirl your tongue around them.
Slipping his hand between you, he gives himself a few teasing pumps before lining up. You tuck your bottom lip between your teeth when you feel the bulbous head of his cock nudge against your entrance, gasping when the tip finally pushes through the tight ring of muscle. Even with preparation, you felt like you were being split in half. You throw your head back against the pillow as he fills you excruciatingly slowly inch by delicious inch. Your eyes roll back, mouth dropping open allowing a salacious moan to escape when he finally bottoms out. Panting as your walls squeeze around him, Kirishima drops his forehead to yours, one hand drifting up to cup your cheek.
“I need you to know, I never stopped loving you, Y/N. Just needed to hear you say you wanted me as much.”
Laying one last gentle kiss against your lips, he pulls his hips back before slamming them back, making you cry out and dig your fingernails into his skin. Kirishima hisses at the pleasurable pain trailing down his back, angry red marks in its wake. His thrusts may be slow but they don’t lack in power, every swing of his hips makes his balls slap against your ass while the thick tuft of hair at his base moves over your clit. The slow drag of his cock allows you to feel every thick, engorged vein as the tip nudges against your cervix.
“Fuck, baby girl. Not gonna last if you keep squeezing me like this…”
“Please what, little one? Use your words, love.”
“I’ve got you baby. I’ll take care of you.”
Wrapping his arms around you, Kirishima pulls you up with him as he sits back on his knees. Your arms instinctively wrap around his shoulders as your legs perch around his waist. Placing his hands on your hips, Kiri picks you up and lets you drop back down, making you yelp at how full you are. Putting a hand on your lower abdomen, he pushes against you and groans, “Feel me, baby girl? Feel how deep I am?”
You sniffle and nod, your head tucked into the crook of his shoulder, “M’ready, Kiri. Please move.”
Kirishima pulls your face to his, kissing you fervently as he picks you up by your hips and drops you down. He sets a brutal pace, not letting you catch your breath. His hips thrusting up to meet yours as he lowers you, fucking you like you’re nothing more than a toy while his words promise his love and affection, asking you to give him a chance to feel your love again. One hand remains on your hip, guiding you up and down his cock while the other drifts to your clit to rub frantic circles, his mouth feverishly nipping and sucking across your collarbone.
“Cum with me, baby girl. C’mon, you can do it for me, right? Cum for daddy.”
Letting out a growl when your moans and squeals fill his ears, your walls clamping down and fluttering wildly around his length, his thrusts falter when his dick twitches, filling you with his cum. Leaning his forehead against your shoulder while you both catch your breath, he chuckles when he feels a mixture of both your releases dripping down his shaft, “Think we should clean up, pretty girl.”
You sigh, “Yeah you’re probably right but this feels nice. Just wanna lay with you inside me for a bit.”
Kirishima slowly adjusts you so he can remain inside while he lays on his back with you draped over his chest, your head in the crook of his neck. He brings a hand up to your face to brush away stray strands before drawing random soothing patterns across your back. Neither of you spoke a word more. Neither of you willing to ruin your time together with the thought of possible consequences, choosing instead to soak up everything you could. Every detail, every sound, every sensation burns itself into your minds. Maybe tomorrow would be nothing special. Maybe you’d both continue on with your lives as they were. The ease in your chest and the peace in his mind, however, seems to tell you both that tonight is the beginning of reconciliation for the past and neither of you were going to fight it.
Tag list:
@fatbitchgeek-blog @sunflowers-rae @whatever-the-fuck-i-dont-care @totally-not-bakus-hoe @literotica @katsukisdynamite @jems-all-in-a-wood @raggedyannazon
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