#socialist democrat party of america
jackass-democrats · 7 months
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Hopefully the trucker boycott goes as planned. If it does NY is in for one heck of a ride. The socialist democrat party of America has gone full 3rd world regime.
As always, never buy anything made in china. Don't ever trust a democrat and NEVER leave your child alone with one.
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relaxedstyles · 19 days
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hole34 · 5 months
tennessee is arming teachers because of the crisis of school shootings.
an overwhelming majority of firearms used in school shootings have clearly been documented to be obtained completely legally, though.
we’re giving guns to the victims of the people we’ve given guns to.
america has more shame on its face than blood on its hands, abso fucking lutely insane. the united states of america is killing itself stuck in the delusion of its nonexistent “freedom”.
it’s not fucking freedom to constantly be waiting under the possibility of a massacre your country permits.
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eretzyisrael · 1 year
by E. J. Hare
In 2023, the New York ‘progressive’ notion of progress is heavily informed by the Democratic Socialists of America, founded from the debris of American Communism by Michael Harrington and others in 1982 as a pragmatic left-wing policy pressure group within the Democratic Party. A somnambulant and scarcely relevant book club for aging Jewish academic radicals until the star-making election to Congress of Queens DSA member Alexandria Ocasio Cortez in 2018, DSA has vastly increased its membership and influence, especially in New York. While becoming younger and more ethnically diverse, DSA reoriented in favor of a harder-left, anti-imperialist stance, in the view of founding member Jo-Anne Mort. While “Antisemitism is the socialism of fools” remains a pithy and informative phrase, today’s DSA-backed candidates seem to agree with Leo Strauss’ observation that antisemitism (in the form of anti-Zionism) is a useful tool for socialists who see fools as an important constituency.
The relationship between anti-Israel pressure groups, the Progressive movement, and hard-left politicians is easy to trace. For example, the director of the New York City Council’s Progressive Caucus is Emily F. Mayer, co-founder of If Not Now, yet another far-left anti-Israel pressure group. Her husband is Democratic operative Waleed Shahid, who drew criticism for a distasteful tweet complaining about a pro-Israel candidate winning a Democratic primary, “Wait until you hear what happened in next week’s Goy Outsider,” a reference to the Jewish political newsletter Jewish Insider. They were married in a wedding officiated by New York City Comptroller and self-described Democratic Socialist Brad Lander, who was instrumental in forming the very first Progressive Caucus while serving in the Council.
Lander is an able politician almost certain to run for mayor in the next cycle with the full support of NYC’s formidable Progressive elections apparatus, including the DSA and Working Families Party. A long-time associate of such odious anti-Israel activists as Linda Sarsour, Lander is viewed with distaste by his home borough’s Orthodox communities and is notorious for ignoring events like a huge march of radically antisemitic Black Israelites not far from his own residence in Park Slope. He took the bizarre step of renouncing his son’s right to access Israel’s Law of Return at the poor boy’s own bris. To reiterate, this is a man with a more than reasonable chance of becoming the next Mayor of NYC, who did not condemn Fatima Muhammed’s speech or speak out about a large gang of explicitly antisemitic marchers in his own neighborhood. Nor did he show up to this year’s ‘Celebrate Israel’ parade as almost every other Jewish elected official in the city did. Lander is renowned for his expert and relentless pandering and electioneering, who has gone to churches to wash the feet of undocumented immigrants and covered himself in rainbows to march in various LGBT parades. But supporters of Israel are personae non gratae in the Progressive movement, and Lander doesn’t chase votes he can’t win.
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neetpop · 1 year
Incoming rant about Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)
So I have been active in my regional DSA for the past four years (just to respect anyone mentioned directly indirectly or accidentally herein I won't say exactly where in the United States this is). mostly i have worked with regard to unions, tenant organizing, and community protections that could exist if police and prisons were abolished. I realize I am an idealist but I also just like trying unconventional things and talking things out w others because it feels right and Because I Can and I would rather not Wallow in Existential Despair. In my organizing I really value base building, accessibility, bipoc, feminism, lgbtq, reevaluation counselling, and liberation theory.
Basically I was in the nominations to go to the Chicago convention until the bitter end. They only voted this other guy in by a margin because he is the Democratic Party's butt boy and people play favorites within our organization. I have been shouted down and disrespected by DSA numerous times and my closest associates in DSA know this. They have my loyalty and trust as I see them acting out of good faith. But I feel sad and ticked off at so many others, even if they are in good faith a lot of us still don't think clearly or we are distracted by trying to survive and have certain privileges. I was actually out there on the field and this guy is riding the coattails of the people who were in DSA, who took over the Democratic town council and then cut ties with DSA all at once.
And on top of that DSA has serious leadership who are vocally pro Israel. So sorry, but at that point I can't help getting a bad taste in my mouth. Like we should expect Better from this organization.....I can't help but attribute the shittiness to DSA itself there is no ethical consumption under capitalism etc.
.....?! SMH makes me so sad as a working class person. I am looking forward to a future with real focus on real class power, I just wanted to go to the convention for the educational and networking purposes and I definitely don't want to stay bummed about it :)
Just throwing this out there to Tumblr land maybe we can commiserate about problematic praxis within DSA and liberal jerks and tankies or just people who WONT ORGANIZE. Overall imho we are all doing a really good socialism for once!!! I hope maybe others can read my story and not feel discouraged because this one organization is iffy.
I will also say you do not have to pay dues long term to stay in DSA I let it try one of my old cards and I got the email that I failed to renew, but also that I was a card carrying DSA member until over a year from that day. Because turns out wow it is a socialist organization and they sure as hell don't need your lunch money. Just as a sidebar.
Ty for reading this post that is all over the place. I am gonna drink some wine 😁🍷
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thenewdemocratus · 1 year
Passionate Patriots: 1968 DNC Nightmare in Chicago
. Source:FRS FreeState The Democratic Party cost themselves the presidential election of 1968 and a chance to win the White House for a third straight time and 8-10 presidential elections, going back to 1932 with FDR. To go along with another Democratic Congress because of how divided they were on the Vietnam War. A lot of that can be blamed on President Johnson’s handling of the Vietnam War, but…
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bitofaditz · 4 months
Liberal America has this tendency to clasp onto specific things and defend them stronger than anything for two months and then drop it. For a while it was the trans bathroom thing in 2017, then Medicare, then BLM riots, then mask mandates, then Ukraine, then Roe V Wade, now Palestine. You are violently encouraged to be a voice and "stand up for what's right" and not even question your own ideas about something. And its also weird that we as a country get to decide what the prevailing opinion is on these things. You learn the phrases and supposed statistics and repeat them over and over till your opponent gives up. And this dominates online spaces. We are not the center of the world but from a liberal perspective we may as well be.
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Today's multitudes of suck up sucker sycophants that are not independent critical free thinkers. Unfortunately this is the average American voter foolishly sending America to hell in a handbasket. Wake up people and use your heads for something besides a hat rack.
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kaydub80 · 2 years
The organization deserves to lose those members as the leadership is scrambling to hold on to whatever relevance it still has. The DSA's attempt to double down on redirecting radical energy into the Democratic Party is backfiring spectacularly.
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I feel like we all glanced over Kamala saying "strength through unity" a little too fast.
That was literally the slogan Mussolini used to gain popularity and I just. Maybe we all should care about that more.
That "in a choice between Hitler and Mussolini, choose Mussolini" joke might not be a fucking joke
He coined the name of the party based on the Italian word for bundle—fascio—in reference to bundles of rods used in ancient Rome to symbolize strength through unity. The party emphasized national unity—even if it required violence to keep dissenters in check. “Basically, Mussolini hated the Socialists, and so did the rest of the Fascists,” Ebner said. “One driving force behind Fascist violence was their desire to punish the Socialists for not supporting Italy during the Great War (World War I). The Fascists viewed the Socialists as cowardly traitors, internal enemies, who needed to be eradicated.”
See also:
The Economist, for example, which on November 4, 1922, sympathized with Mussolini’s aim of imposing a “drastic cutting down of public expenditure” in the name of the “the crying need for sane finance in Europe,” rejoiced in March 1924: “Signor Mussolini has restored order, and eliminated the chief factors of disturbance.”
In particular, “wages reached their upper limits, strikes multiplied.” These were the factors of disturbance, and “no government was strong enough to attempt a remedy.” In June 1924, the Times, which called fascism an “anti-waste” government, praised it as a solution to the ambitions of the “Bolshevist peasantry” in “Novara, Montara, and Alessandria” and “the brutal stupidity of these folk,” seduced by “experiments in so-called collective management”.
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Fascism responded to what was perceived as the failures of both liberal and socialist ideologies. It is a kind of totalitarianism, demanding reverence for the state and its leader and an elimination of political opposition. Fascist regimes are also characterized by a reliance on propaganda, a focus on militarism, and a concern with indoctrinating youth, as well as by the persecution, ethnic cleansing, or genocide of minority groups. Adolf Hitler used Italian Fascism as a model for his own, though his version of fascism was more violent, racist, and genocidal. In 1936 Mussolini formally signed a treaty with Hitler to form a Rome-Berlin “axis.”
"I will ensure America always has the strongest, most lethal fighting force in the world." - Kamala Harris at the 2024 Democratic National Convention.
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jackass-democrats · 7 months
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The socialist democrat party of America is the greatest threat America has ever faced.
Please, for all the socialist democrats responding crying, try to form complete sentences and make your ignorant denials precise so people will have an idea of what it is you're trying to say. Please drop the 3rd grade mentality " whatever you say is what you are " routine. Actually have a thought instead of an empty insult just because you can't defend your stand.
As always, never buy anything made in china. Don't ever trust a democrat and NEVER leave your child alone with one.
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jackassdemocrats · 1 month
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Illegitimate president Biden along with harris and the rest of the socialist democrat party of America already have pretty well destroyed America already. Harris and Tampon Tim will finish it off.
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daegu-based-terrorist · 2 months
Hope it's alright to ask, as a communist to a communist (rather than tokenising or something), but would you say that even in conditions of siege, DPRK is more democratic than ROK? Guess it's partly a question on you and your mother's view of it.
Like, as an example, Mr. Choi, who was interviewed in Loyal Citizens, did say there was less persecution and a weaker police than in the south and USA, and praised its proletarian dictatorship. (Honestly, his view does seem rather authoritative, considering he went to the south to get rich and left the north because he didn't fit in, but ultimately preferred it)
(I do wanna read books about DPRK, it's just that there are so many books, a reading list that doesn't have any about Korea yet... also the question is prompted by someone I know saying "any democracy is better than none" :^) )
I asked my mother!
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Translation corrections: || *hometown is actually “back home || *labor is actually “the Workers' Party of Korea” || *that worked is actually “it worked” || *You can vote for fascism, but you rarely vote for communism is actually “You can vote your way into fascism but people rarely vote their way into communism, so we see here that the vote is flawed.” || *In Korea… is actually “there is an illusion of choice in the Republic of Korea because people don’t realise all the parties are the same wearing a different face.”
I know I could have just translated it myself but I’m lazy and it’s late, forgive me.
Having lived most of my life in the ROK but having my mother’s stories to compare to I honestly don’t see democracy in its current state doing us any better then borderline dictatorship does in the DPRK.
Every political party here starts at conservative and gets progressively worse until you end up at some of the worst strands of fascism the right has to offer. Voting in South Korea is like that meme that was going around about the US elections, your voting for Hitler or 10x Hitler when you’d rather just not vote for Hitler.
Communist/Socialist parties are band in South Korea, flying a North Korean flag gets you arrested, our national security act is censorship on a scale so bad the UN regularly tells us to calm the fuck down. You can’t distribute or own anti government material or recognise the DPRK as a real sovereign state.
In 2002 (I think?) a South Korean solider was sentenced to two years in prison for saying that he blames America for the separation of the Koreas and not North Korea. They claim that this comment made them suspicious and they raided his home and found illegal books and that’s what he was charged on.
From 1960 to 1990 twenty nine people were sentenced to death for violating the anti-communist law here in South Korea.
Cases are rarer now days, usually the police just beat you up in secret but there have been a couple in recent years under Yoon Suk Yeol.
So yeah SOUTH Korea being “democratic” hasn’t stopped it from literally being the media’s caricature of NORTH Korea.
I’m not against democracy in North Korea don’t get me wrong, but I think until there is better geopolitical circumstances it’s important that North Korea has a strong government instead of having to worry about changing over power every other five years.
Also contrary to popular belief the WPK doesn’t get 99.9% of the votes they get like 85%. The Korean Social Democratic Party regularly gets about 10% of the vote. While other smaller parties together make up a combined 5% and then usually 1% are votes for independent candidates. All of the parties end up in parliament anyway in this weird coalition thing we’ve got going on.
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mogai-sunflowers · 7 months
🇵🇸 Free Palestine- A guide for getting involved (Somewhat USA-focused)! 🇵🇸
This post is going to get very long, so I'm trying my best to break it up into manageable sections! Some parts of this post are applicable to people outside America, but at this time, I'm only knowledgeable enough about the movement in America to make a post about it!
Find Out About Local Organizations To Get Involved With
The best place to start is to find out what's already happening locally! If you live in a large/larger town/city, chances are something's already happening nearby!
For Americans: Look here to find out about the closest PSL (Party for Socialism and Liberation) chapter to where you live! They are involved in direct activism all across the US!
Find out if there's a PYM (Palestinian Youth Movement) chapter near you! They are extremely active
For college students in the US: Find out if there's an SJP (Students for Justice in Palestine) chapter on your campus! If there isn't, try founding your own! Look at their website here to learn more!
Also for college students in the US: Find out if there's a YDSA (Young Democratic Socialists of America) chapter on your campus!
Participate in BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions)
Find out how to get involved here
Hold Local News Outlets Accountable
Find out about the local news outlets in your area
Keep up-to-date with their publications
If it's a digital source, search it for any and all publications related to Palestine and Israel- if this search yields results, are the articles supportive of Palestine and its supporters?
If you encounter an article/multiple articles that lean towards or outright try to justify Israel's actions or spread propaganda, then you can do a few things-
1) If the article is digital, make a public comment correcting any misinformation in the article. Try to keep your comment straight to the point and factual.
2) Find out who wrote the article and reach out to them personally to discuss said article and the issues you have with it. Share your point of view and discuss misinformation and harmful language contained within the article.
3) Find out the editor of the article, and write a 'letter to the editor'. Such letters may have a word limit varying between different news outlets, so keep your letter brief yet powerful and deconstruct your issues with the article
4) Reach out to the owner of said publication and ask if you can try your hand at writing an opinion piece for them. Sometimes, it can take awhile to get one of your opinion pieces accepted, but if it's something you're passionate about, keep trying!
If a particular news outlet has a repeated pattern of dehumanizing and villifying the Palestinian freedom cause in their publications, try getting in touch with local activist groups! They can help- from organizing letter campaigns to actual protests outside the news headquarters!
Urge Your Town/City to Pass A Ceasefire Resolution-
First, check and see if there's already an organized movement in your town or city to pass a ceasefire resolution (via pressuring your local town/city council)- NOTE: If you live in a very small town, the chances are smaller that there is already an organized movement- but that doesn't mean you can't help to start one
If there is already a movement, find out when the public comment sessions for your town's/city's council are, and find out how you can sign up to speak- if you do so, you can also try and connect with the organizers of your local movement for advice on writing a statement in support of a ceasefire resolution
An addendum to the previous point: if you sign up to speak, find out if you can also provide a visual presentation for your statement- these are often especially powerful
If there isn't an organized movement yet, that doesn't at all mean that one can't be started. I recommend reaching out to the nearest town/city you know of that has an organized movement for a ceasefire resolution
Send emails and letters, and call, to all your town/city council members to consistently urge them to pass a ceasefire resolution
Pressure Your Representatives to Vote against Aid to Israel-
This is not US-specific- if you have representatives of your local area on the national level, you can pressure them through calls, emails, letters, setting up meetings, and direct action, to not sign off on aid proposals for Israel
Setting up meetings is particularly impactful- you have a chance to speak with them or their reps one-on-one with your point of view
Call/email EVERY DAY! Pressure only works if it is consistent, and ask your friends and family members to join you in contacting them to build even more pressure
Donate To-
These fundraisers to help various families leave Gaza
Your local/closest Palestinian Children's Relief Fund's chapter
1 or more of the Global Rahmah Foundation's projects for Gaza
HEAL Palestine
Local drives for the World Food Pantry and other local fundraisers are also super important!
This is not an all-inclusive list of ways to support Palestine, it's just intended to be a guide for getting involved for people who want to get involved but aren't sure where to start. Please suggest or correct anything for this post, and please spread it around! @fairuzfan @palipunk @tamarrud @el-shab-hussein @apollos-olives @metalheadsforblacklivesmatter @bfpnola
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thenewdemocratus · 3 months
Kurt Bardella & Joe Walsh: The Squad & MAGA
Source:Kurt Bardella talking about The Squad’s bad night. Source:The New Democrat “What Everyone Is Getting Wrong About Jamaal Bowman’s Loss in NY-16” From Kurt Bardella “Both parties have extremes. And both parties have members who go too far. But there’s a big, big, big difference in what “going too far” means in the Democratic Party and what it means in the Republican Party.” Source:White Flag…
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Watch "Progressive Discussions-Open Topic Talk-Chiseler's Hall of Shame-Since 2007-Climate Change Crisis" on YouTube
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