#sociology of sport
panaceatthedisco · 11 months
Fantasy sports are rpf????
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everydayhybridity · 1 year
First of all, the egalitarian ethos and pronounced color-blindness of pugilistic culture are such that everyone is fully accepted into it so long as he submits to the common discipline and "pays his dues" in the ring.
Loïc Wacquant Body and Soul: Notebooks of an apprenctice boxer. (2004) Pg 10
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they-them-van · 1 month
Controversial opinion but I think we need more trans people in sports, not less. If you really want men's and women's sports to be equal, you should absolutely be taking advantage of the opportunity to learn from the single group who are most uniquely positioned to have experienced both categories of sports!
If we were just. Willing to listen to trans athletes, we could learn so much >:(
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jeremiasdorap · 6 months
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As a BLACK PERSON from Brazil, I am extremely shocked by the absurd level of ignorance that part of the black population in the United States has about the issue of blackness in other territories of the American continent. As Asad Haider said, these are the Mistaken Identity.
To explain once and for all: "Afro-Latino" is not an ethnicity dissociated from black ethnicity. Both in the USA and in other Latin American countries there are black people who have lived there for generations, precisely because they were brought by slave ships from Africa. Black Latinos ARE BLACK PEOPLE! To deny this historical fact is not only to close oneself off from a world of territorial ignorance, but also to embark on the same identity nationalism that marginalizes the black population in the USA.
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man i wish aftg was real (i would fend off any of the characters with a stick if they came within 10 ft)
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anyway here's a wip of popstar fem Lance Im going to fix the feet and shit later
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Also I just realized I never introduced myself so I'ma do that at some point too 👍🏽 I might do the whole gang as a band but also I'm tired burnt out and too young for this :( death is a mercy atp. Just as a personal update life fuckin sucks bc I got all As and Bs except my bitch ass crusty ass AP human geo teacher gave me a fucking 79 so my parents are going to murder me haha anyways that's it. Enjoy.
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6ebe · 3 months
this article is from 1990 and abt american sports but it is still so salient today and applicable to the treatment of black association football players
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when bodies are weapons: Masculinity and Violence in Sport; Michael Messner (1990)
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cookie-nom-nom · 11 months
"But in this dismissal, Frolic and Oppenheimer miss the key insight:..." 👀 bro those are FIGHTING words in academia
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opiatemasses · 2 years
Underlying racism in the NBA
“You’re seeing a lot of old ways come up. Just underlying racism and treating people like they’re in a human zoo.” - Kyrie Irving
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Don’t let the NBA’s racially diverse rosters fool you. 
Many NBA athletes have reported racism by fans, staff and other players. Many people argue that certain incidents such as fans throwing objects at players, as being a regular hate issue. However, some NBA players beg to differ. Celtics player Marcus Smart stated “I was made to feel less than human” after hearing a racist remark from a fan.
Racism within the NBA has a long history, dating back to the 1950’s during the first draft when Chuck Cooper was selected 14th in the draft by the Boston Celtics. Fans, including Boston fans, ridiculed Cooper and stated he couldn’t play in the NBA because he was a “negro”. Boston has been scrutinized throughout the years as being one of the most racist states.
‘Human zoo’
How would you feel if someone threw a bottle at you?
How would you feel if someone threw food at you?
Would you feel like you’re being treated like an animal?
Incidents relating to fan misconduct and mistreatment of the players have cropped up over the years and arguably have become commonplace. Some players don’t even bother addressing these issues and just ignore the fans to avoid conflict. 
Brooklyn Nets star Kyrie Irving took a stand on the issue, after fans during a playoff game vs the Boston Celtics, ridiculed and even went as far as throwing bottles at the Nets player. This begs the question of whether this is a regular hate issue or a deeper issue of race.
Kyrie Irving referred to the NBA as a ‘Human Zoo’ when discussing the way fans treat players and especially Black NBA players.  Dehumanization is a problem athletes across many sports face, involving the disregard of a person's human qualities and in this case looking at someone as less or different due to their race. The nature of sport encourages dehumanization through over competitiveness and leads to some fans forgetting that athletes have feelings and emotions and are humans just like them. 
Reports of negative fan altercations in the NBA almost always come from African-American players. As we know from recent history involving slavery, in which African-American's were seen as ‘animals’, it’s not crazy to think that some of this may be embedded in the sporting world today.
‘Shut up and dribble’
Athletes can influence people's views and ideologies. Their inspiring and competitive nature draws us towards them, so much in fact that we may overlook our own original beliefs. 
NBA athletes of older generations often avoided speaking out on controversial issues. Michael Jordan is a prime example of this with his infamous quote ‘Republicans buy sneakers too’ when responding to why he did not take political sides during his career - inferring that you could argue Jordan’s income meant more to him than anything.
Today’s players contrast this, frequently using their NBA status as a platform to broadcast both personal and political views. Lebron James is often in the news sharing his political views and did not hold back on his opinions during Donald Trump's time as President. 
Laura Ingraham, a Fox News host, did not appreciate James’s comments on the former president. Outraged by what she had heard, Ingraham proceeded to call Lebron’s comments “barely intelligible” and stated he should “shut up and dribble”. Comments such as these seek to disregard an athlete as being a citizen and indirectly propose that an athlete's only role in society is to be a sporting icon.
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Sun’s owner
Employees of the Phoenix Suns (Top NBA team), reported use of both racist and sexist language in the establishment by one of the owners, Robert Sarver. He was accused of using the ‘N word’ at least 5 times and was fined 10 million dollars and suspended for 1 year. 
Did the NBA go far enough on his punishment? It’s up for debate, however considering Sarver confessed to these comments, you would think the NBA would ban him in order to prevent a reoccurring event. This questions the NBA’s treatment of race and how important it is to the league that racism is not condoned. 
Following the suspension, Sarver proceeded to sell the Suns, meaning Sarver’s punishment didn’t affect him at all, in fact he gained from it. Fans and NBA players were outraged by this, and the NBA lost respect and trust in term of their ability to adequately deal with discrimination.
NBA Commissioner’s decision
Adam Silver, the Commissioner of the NBA, ultimately made the final decision regarding Sarver's punishment. Due to reports of concern about his decision, Silver was forced to respond and explain why Sarver’s punishment wasn’t as severe as many thought it should have been. 
Silver considered that “many people had positive things to say about him” when deciding his punishment for Sarver. This is almost an attempt to excuse Sarver's actions, again suggesting the NBA’s views on racism as being inadequate compared to other issues surrounding the league.
What's Next?
To avoid ongoing and future acts of racism in the NBA, more needs to be done to heighten the severity of the punishments for racial harassment for fans, players and any NBA employees. If no action is taken, then these events will proceed to occur, and the NBA will lose the fans and players trust because of this.
Do you think the NBA has an underlying race issue?
Do you think the NBA is downplaying acts of race?
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morayofsunshine · 2 years
what i'm figuring out is, i'm not against sports, i like some sports. i even like watching and talking about some sports. it's just the fan culture i see myself constantly surrounded by where so much of the discussion is where x team is in y league and how many wins or goals or hits z person has, when i'd care way more about a specific cool athletic feat somebody accomplished or zany event that happened. but that's not what i hear about as much in sports circles.
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wurenjieting · 2 months
But sportswashing serves deeper ideological functions as well. While wedging open the new zones of capital accumulation, the production of sportswashed space relies on previous established regimes of fandom that exist outside the sovereign territory of the purveyor of sportswashing. This taps into what Kalman-Lamb emphasizes as the affective elements of sport as a key site for social reproduction. He argues that capitalism creates “affective need” that is satiated through sport spectatorship. So, “fandom is a response to the affective deprivation of capitalism. It is an attempt to find meaning and community in a society that denies them. Fans watch sporting events and feel a part of something that is larger than themselves. They feel like they are part of a team and part of a community of others who are also part of that team.” Sportswashers operating on foreign turf exploit these complex relations for their own purposes, enrolling spectators, as well as athletic laborers, as political chess pieces in the process. At the same time, sportswashers risk igniting political opposition, given that fandom is saturated with affective capital, and thus gamble fomenting militant activism anchored in local concerns but linked to wider movements for justice. In this way, sportswashing both hardens and expands what Hall called the “boundaries and limits of tolerable politics” while invoking but also unsettling human-rights discourses.
—— Jules Boykoff, "Toward a Theory of Sportswashing: Mega-Events, Soft Power, and Political Conflict", Sociology of Sport Journal, 2022, 39, 342-351
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elsewhere-echoes · 5 months
🤯 Would Athletes Choke Without the Roar of the Crowd?
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Ever been to a game where the silence is DEAFENING? 🙉 The pandemic forced sports to go fan-less, and it turns out the crowd REALLY makes a difference! This article explores how empty stadiums impacted teams' performances (think surprising upsets 🏆 ), fan engagement (spoiler alert: virtual cheering sections!), and the overall sports experience. What do YOU think? Would sports be the same without fans? 🤔
Read the full article here
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everydayhybridity · 4 months
New Article - Conceptualising Grey Spaces in Skateboarding
This was one of those articles that just flowed. I was asked to do a talk for the SSHRED seminar series which is a exciting initiative working on issues of the environment and skateboarding. I thought I would take the opportunity to clarify the grey spaces concept I had generated in a previous paper 'Skateboarding in the Anthropocene' and then it turned into a mission statement about theory and method in skateboard studies. Here is the link to the article...
The article is published in the International Review for the Sociology of Sport and is free to access.
You can also check out the video of the seminar that was the catalyst for the paper below.
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petnews2day · 6 months
Fit Is the New Fur: Why a Healthy Weight Makes Your Dog a Better Friend | Trending From Our Network
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/FpJuI
Fit Is the New Fur: Why a Healthy Weight Makes Your Dog a Better Friend | Trending From Our Network
People aren’t the only ones who struggle with obesity. Man’s best friend also deals with putting on a few extra pounds as they age. According to a survey by the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP), 59% of dogs in 2022 across the United States were considered overweight or obese. Sadly, during the global pandemic, […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/FpJuI #DogNews #Medicine, #Anatomy, #Cancer, #CanineObesity, #Dietetics, #Disease, #Dog, #Finance, #Food, #Obesity, #Sociology, #Sports, #TheEconomy, #VeterinaryScience, #Zoology
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contentpassstory · 7 months
Hudson Valley Sports Dome: Unveiling the Athletic Haven
Welcome to the unveiling of the Hudson Valley Sports Dome, a dynamic athletic haven nestled in the heart of the scenic Hudson Valley. Join us as we explore this premier destination for sports enthusiasts, unveiling its state-of-the-art facilities, diverse programs, and the vibrant community it fosters. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or a recreational player, the Hudson Valley Sports Dome offers something for everyone, promising an unparalleled experience in the world of sports and recreation.
Exploring the Hudson Valley Sports Dome:
The Hudson Valley Sports Dome stands as a testament to excellence in sports and recreation, offering top-notch facilities and programs tailored to meet the needs of athletes of all ages and skill levels.
State-of-the-Art Facilities:
The Hudson Valley Sports Dome boasts state-of-the-art facilities equipped with the latest amenities and technologies to enhance the athletic experience. From spacious indoor turf fields and courts to cutting-edge fitness centers and training areas, every aspect of the facility is designed to inspire and empower athletes to reach their full potential.
Comprehensive Programs:
Whether you're passionate about soccer, basketball, lacrosse, volleyball, or fitness, the Hudson Valley Sports Dome offers a wide range of programs and leagues to suit every interest and skill level. From youth development programs and recreational leagues to competitive tournaments and elite training camps, there's something for athletes of all ages and abilities to enjoy.
Community and Engagement:
At the heart of the Hudson Valley Sports Dome is a vibrant and inclusive community of athletes, coaches, and supporters who share a common passion for sports and recreation.
Youth Development and Education:
The Hudson Valley Sports Dome is committed to youth development and education, offering programs and initiatives that promote physical activity, teamwork, leadership, and character development. Through sports, children and teens learn valuable life skills and lessons that will serve them both on and off the field.
Community Events and Outreach:
The Hudson Valley Sports Dome serves as a hub for community events, tournaments, and outreach initiatives that bring people together and promote active and healthy lifestyles. From charity fundraisers and community tournaments to fitness classes and wellness workshops, there's always something exciting happening at the Dome.
Common FAQs about the Hudson Valley Sports Dome:
The Hudson Valley Sports Dome stands as a beacon of athletic excellence and community engagement, offering top-notch facilities, comprehensive programs, and a vibrant community of athletes and supporters. Whether you're looking to hone your skills, stay active, or simply connect with like-minded individuals, the Hudson Valley Sports Dome welcomes you to experience the thrill of sports and recreation like never before.
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drronaldgriffin · 9 months
Sports and Culture: How Athletics Reflect Society's Values
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In the colorful tapestry of society, sports emerge as dynamic expressions of our values and cultural norms. Beyond the exhilarating victories and defeats lies a complex interplay between athletics and societal beliefs, shaping and reflecting each other in profound ways.
Historically, sports have been a battleground for gender equality. In the 1800s, women faced discouragement and bans from participating in sports deemed too masculine. It took until 1972, with the passage of Title IX, to break down institutional barriers and pave the way for female athletes to compete at the college level. However, the road to inclusivity extended further as transgender athletes challenged discriminatory practices, contributing to a more diverse and representative sports landscape.
Media plays a crucial role in unveiling biases within sports coverage. Viewership patterns reveal gender disparities, with men gravitating towards traditionally perceived "masculine" sports like football and boxing, while women engage more with gymnastics and figure skating. Despite progress, there is still work to be done to ensure equitable representation for non-binary individuals in sports media.
Sports are not just about the thrill of competition; they serve as mirrors reflecting the broader societal narrative. The way society perceives and categorizes sports often reinforces traditional gender roles, impacting how individuals identify and participate in athletic pursuits. This impact is particularly pronounced for transgender, gender-neutral, or gender-nonconforming athletes who navigate a landscape still tethered to binary norms.
In recent years, the intersection of sports, race, and politics has gained prominence. Athletes have become agents of change, using their platforms to address social issues. The Black Lives Matter movement's influence on sports, exemplified by athletes' race-based activism, challenges the notion that sports and politics exist in separate spheres. Instead, sports emerge as stages where the dynamics of social struggle are dramatized, urging us to reconsider the significance and political functioning of sports within our society.
As we peer into the cultural sociology of sports, it becomes clear that athletics are not just about physical prowess. They are symbolic universes that encapsulate the intricate codes, myths, and narratives that define our social life. By embracing the multifaceted nature of sports, we can unravel the rich tapestry of meaning-making processes that influence and reflect our values, shedding light on the profound connection between sports and the cultural fabric of society.
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