#sofie’s sleepover
violetsandfluff · 2 years
Charlie after the dentist upset that he can't feel your kisses because of the numbing.
I think yessssss >:D
“Give me kisses,” Charlie requested shakily, struggling to form his consonants properly as a result of numbing.
“Baby, I am kissing you,” you chuckled. “You can see my lips moving.”
“Kiss me harder,” he insisted, peering out from beneath his disheveled mop of curls. “Your kisses usually feel so good and you promised me tons of them once we got home.”
“Charlie, the it’s the Novocain. Not me.”
“Kiss me harder,” he repeated defiantly, rubbing his hands roughly across your bare back. “Make me feel it.”
You were about to shake your head disappointedly when Charlie’s eyes met yours, hungry and desperate as ever. They begged you to give him everything he craved and then some.
You pressed your hand to his neck, feeling his Adam’s apple bob tensely as he swallowed. You dug your fingernails into the sides of his neck and gathered his large, agile hands into your free hand, holding them loosely out of your way.
A soft groan of pleasure served as your cue to begin the ambush of brusque affection.
For starters, you lowered your lips to his, anointing them with a shower of firm pecks before your tongue snuck out to taste him.
In a moment of unruly lust, you thrust yourself onto him, pushing him down from his upright position to feel his cock straining against his pants.
“You liar,” you managed while you fucked your tongue into and out of his mouth. “You can too feel this or else you wouldn’t be so turned on.”
“I can’t feel it,” he insisted in tearful desperation, straining against his hand restraints.
“Stay still, darling,” you said, voice low and strained as you concentrated on biting Charlie’s lips and tongue repeatedly, knowing that once his Novocain wore off he’d be sore enough to believe how hard you were kissing him.
Tears pooled along his waterline and he struggled to hold them in.
“Don’t cry,” you said instinctively, “I’ll give you something you can feel.” You gestured to his pants. “Off.”
Charlie obeyed, hands trembling with excitement. Once his pants were successfully beneath his knees, per your request, you descended upon him.
You took his cock into your mouth, swirling your tongue around it gently to warm up to its girth.
Charlie placed his shaky hands on your upper back, holding you against him and forcing your head upon his hardened shaft.
You took it in expertly, taking your limits into consideration while disregarding his. It didn’t take long for him to writhe around you in discomfort, his slurred speech begging you to let him cum.
Instead, you hoisted yourself further up his chest to kiss him once more, the taste of his precum still lingering in your mouth.
“Not gonna happen, sweets,” you reasoned. “You can cum once you can feel my kisses.”
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sincerely-sofie · 5 months
I was going to write this idea as a story, but my mind keeps flatlining every time I try to coherently make it. I still wanted to share the idea, so here’s a snippet that pretty much summarizes it:
TW: child abuse, neglect
“Mother, is Boulders Quarry dangerous?”
“Pokémon can handle it if they’re prepared and experienced enough,” Twig hums, stirring the stir fry on the stove, “but those are with Pokémon who are trained, and it can still be dangerous even for them. It’s not a dungeon that me or your dad would let you go to for a very long time — not until you’re adult or close to it.”
She hears shattering behind her, and Twig quickly turns around. Opal’s plate, once holding in apple slices and strawberries, is in pieces. The ceramic remains decorate the floor, some stained by bruised fruits and the juices left behind. Twig’s mouth opens, ready to ask if Opal’s okay and warn her about stepping on the sharp pieces, but the words that mean to come out die as she looks at her daughter. Opal’s eyes are wide and slowly become teary. Her body trembles, evidently the cause of the broken plate rather than her potentially tripping. Her stare never leaves Twig, her mouth quivering as words try to come out but never do.
“Opal?” As soon as her name leaves Twig’s mouth, the Marshadow begins to cry. Fat tears roll down her cheeks, only getting heavier when Twig rushes to her side and brings her into an embrace. “Opal, what’s-?”
“I have a friend-” Opal chokes on her words, trying to push through an invisible blockade in her throat. “She- she says that her big sister and brother try to leave her in dungeons by herself to ‘toughen up’ and that they were going to take her to Boulders Quarry today. She doesn’t like fighting — she usually hides when they try, and I can always find her, I haven’t been able to find her- she- I don’t- I wanted to say- she said they’ll run away and take her if anyone knew, and she didn’t want to go away — but now she’s not here, but her big brother and sister are- and- and-!”
Between her blood running cold and her burning organs, Twig manages soft words that she thinks are comforting by the way Opal’s cries calm down, but the Charmeleon can’t hear them. Ark comes into the room, concerned words leaving, but Twig doesn’t hear them. She gently puts Opal into his arms and she thinks that she mentions an emergency, but it all blurs after that. Now she walks out of Boulders Quarry, a quivering, shaking child curled up in her arms. She is careful not to aggravate old wounds that couldn’t have come from the recent the recent dungeon. The familiar excuses are desperately made by the kid, but Twig knows.
“I just got lost.”
“I got this because I fell — I fall a lot.”
“I’m okay, I’m fine. Don’t tell auntie my big brother and sister. I can go by myself.”
Twig knows and, internally, she seethes.
It’s not my best and everyone is probably ooc, but I hope it’s still somewhat enjoyable. Sorry if it isn’t tho!
"Not my best," they say. "I hope it's still somewhat enjoyable," they say. Meanwhile I am holding this fic in my teeth like a rabid dog and shaking it (appreciative) and biting it (adoring) and eating it (complimentary).
I don't have many words to share because I've just been reeling at how good this is ever since it was sent in, but I can't wait to see any more of your work, especially of this concept!
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isabelopaque · 1 year
my piece the lovely d20 sleepover zine :-) tysm to @oxenfreetual for making it happen. check it and other zines out here @d20zinejam
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[id: a digital drawing of pete, sofie, maddie, and cody from the unsleeping city, sitting together on the floor of a living room. the purple magical sky lights the room through a window behind them. they are wearing pajamas, pizza boxes open in front of them. sofie is painting her nails, pete and maddie are talking, and cody is playing a game on a ds. they are all smiling /end id]
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tunawithsoysauce · 6 months
Stuff you might wanna know :3
about ~me~
Name: Finn/Todd Henriksson
Age: 13 (2011)
Swedish, third generation Finnish
👆 the main stuff. Scroll for a bit more detailed bullshit.
▪︎I LOVE MUSIC!!! I go to a music highschool, my parents are musicians and I love singing and playing french horn. Fun thing, right!?
▪︎I'M TRANS (wow!) I'm transmasc, and have been as long as I can remember (I came out at eight, I believe?) And my pronouns are he/him! I'm a boy. Only boy.
▪︎I USUALLY DONT KNOW WHAT IM DOING (wha) I don't know what im doing. Most of the time. Id like to believe im kind and try to be good, but you know. It is what it is.
▪︎HAIR DYE AND ROCKS! (lmao what) i love dying my hair. And rocks. Not cool rocks. Just... rocks.
▪︎ART!!!! (YIPPIE !) I love drawing and writing and stuff like that. Very fun. Its like the only thing I do haha
▪︎NERD!!! (OFc) I love fixating on stuff. Which leads me to our next segment...
▪︎Interests (online)
The main ones AREEEE: *drumroll*
1. Doctor who! (My sister used to love it. She showed me it all and now im as big a nerd as she is.)
2. Sherlock holmes! (Or Sherlock & co. Both. Mostly just the novels. The BBC show if you make me.)
3. Good omens! Or Neil gaiman in general! (He's very cool)
Eeeeh otherwise im very obsessed with loads of stuffs. Just. Ask me if ive seen something, ill probably have.
▪︎Mum & dad! (My mum's mean sometimes. Not all the time. She can be good. She’s just... she has a diffrent way of loving.) (Dad! He's amazing. I love him.)
▪︎ main siblings! (I have two fully bio siblings. Otto, and Ruben. Otto is 6 and Ruben is 14. Otto is silly, my big brother is amazing. He's my true rolemodel :))
A) -Anna!! She's the one im closest to. She’s the youngest (26) and has a cat and a fiancee (Jim.) Jim's cool. Very silly. He's also sort of a role model, for me. He's been in my life for all of it, I think? My sister had a boyfriend before that. He was very quiet. Anna is very nice and I love having sleepovers with her. She was also the one who introduced me to Doctor who!! We always have so much fun. She really likes the beatles. Don't know why I put that there. She just really likes them. Felt important.
B) Malin!! My middle big sister. She’s awesome, and She’s got a whole family. A husband (He's amazing and so so so smart i literally think he's so cool) which i think is very rad, and my neice !!! He's called Einar. He's 3. He calls me "uncle Todd" (AJSKSJJDKD)
C) My biggest brother Mattias. He's quiet, but also very awesome. His girlfriend is very nice too. She has green hairdye in her hair. :3)
This includes:
1. Leija! We met in the beginning of fourth grade. She’s weird like me. And awesome. I love her.
2. Elsa!!! She's been my best friend all my life. Our mums know eachother. She’s kind and beautiful and always makes me happy.
3. Elvira!!! My mandatory lesbian friend. That's a joke. She’s cool. And very nice. She never speaks ill of anyone. She’s truly the kindest human ever.
4. Sofie!!! A non-binary chaos machine. I love them. They're always a joy to be around.
5. Max!!! My absolute best friend. He's amazing even though we barely met even a year ago. I visit him frequently.
5. Jack!!! (Love interest? Kind of dating?)
Side characters (wtf)
▪︎My therapist!! She's called Emma. Uh.
▪︎My father figure!!! Otto. Not to be confused with my little brother.
▪︎ My Swedish teacher!! I just think she's awesome. She’s also called Anna. Not to be confused with my sister.
▪︎ All my finnish friends! Jesus christ if I named all of the finnish blokes ive befriended id die typing.
▪︎ this random dude I met on reddit i haven't talked to for two months :D
▪︎Sofia!! A lady at my school. She’s awesome. She’s practically my step mum. She’s held me while I cried in the nurses office more than I can think.
▪︎ uhm
Mondays: french horn B)
Tuesdays: dancing!! (With Elvira:))
Wednesdays: orchestra!! (French horn)
Thursdays: TSS!! (A place you can hang out at)
Fridays: bugging my music teacher and playing drums with my bassist friend until I get kicked out!
As previously mentioned i go to a music school. We have music everyday. Its awesome.
I love swedish, music, art, english, french, and history.
I hate P.E, math, science and homeroom.
Bye :33
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asirensrage · 7 months
Ask me about my OCs
How about Sofie(2nd Dawn), Toni(Serendipity), and Carl(Tammy)?
Hmmm, what do you want to know? lol
Sofie had a bit of a wild youth. There's no proof though and you'll never find a witness who will tell you what they've seen her do.
Toni's favourite way of relaxing is to sit with a cup of tea, a book and in the presence of her family and friends.
Carl is competitive...and has spent time than he'd ever admit in the arcade. He has high scores on some of the games but no one knows. He and Max have a competition to beat each other's score...without either ever knowing who the other is.
sleepover (insert whatever day)
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bookloveravenue · 1 year
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The Loyal Boys (book 3): Lost Boy by Charli Meadows
Being alone is nothing new. I’ve been abandoned by everyone. Now, I have absolutely no one. I might even prefer it that way. All I really need is a guitar and my thoughts.
Just shy of my eighteenth birthday, I’m forced to move across the country to live with my uncle in California. He’s the head basketball coach at Acadia Lake Prep, the new private academy I’m attending. Ryder Cruz is his star player.
He makes me question things about myself and what I want. Things I’ve never once considered. The oversized and enthusiastic jock is always around, insisting I smile and laugh with him. But it won’t work. It can’t. The painful memories and regret I carry are too strong. I’m not sure I’ll ever feel again.
Basketball is great. So are my friends. Dad. My little sister Sofie. I’m team captain, and I’m taking us to State.
It’s easy to forget that nothing is ever as it seems. I fight my demons with smiles and awkward jokes, but things are starting to pile up. Pranks between my guys and the rival public school, issues with my mother, and a secret I can’t tell anyone. A truth that holds me in its grasp. I can’t risk the team or my college acceptance—my future . Can’t risk my dream.
I’m gay. And no one can know.
It wasn’t as hard to keep this close to my chest until Fallon Rivers showed up with his big, sad eyes and bright blue hair. I’m not sure I can continue hiding who I am. I need this boy to smile. To talk to me. I need to spark some life back into his soul.
He doesn’t realize my dad and his uncle are partners, but he’ll find out soon enough. Sleepovers happen almost every weekend. And now that he’s here and staying for good, I guess he’ll just have to get used to my presence. Because I’m determined to make him feel again and maybe even free myself along the way.
Lost Boy is a 90,000-word friends-to-lovers gay romance. It is book three in The Loyal Boys Series, a collection of standalone contemporary M/M romances. You can expect opposites attract, forced proximity, hurt/comfort, steamy first times, and a supportive found family. This novel is intended for 18+ readers and contains explicit scenes, mild violence, language, and bullying from outside sources. See Author’s Note for a full list of Content Warnings.
June 25, 2023
My Review: 5/5 Stars
Loving this series! This series has really grabbed me and this latest one is just another great addition! Fallon has been numb since his dad died. He lost not only his dad but his mom went off the deep end doing drugs, dating awful men, and it finally comes crashing down on her when she gets thrown in jail. When Fallon’s uncle Joel, his dad’s brother, comes to pick him up and bring him back to California with him, Fallon doesn’t expect much. He figures it will only be a matter of time before Joel doesn’t want him either. And with the numbness settling in more and more, he doesn’t seem to care. But Joel won’t give up on his nephew and he isn’t alone in that quest. Ryder is the son of Joel’s boyfriend. Ryder and his sister have been part of Joel’s family for the last few years and he knows that will never change. Their family is tight. When he first meets Fallon, he can see the sadness in him right away and he swears right there that he will make Fallon smile. What Ryder doesn’t expect is to fall for Fallon so fast. Not when he told himself he wouldn’t come out until his plans to play basketball in college is safe. He never wanted to risk his future not until Fallon. And for Fallon, being around Ryder makes him feel safe. Something he never had. And bit by bit, Ryder is squashing the numbness that has overtaken Fallon and for the first time in a long time, Fallon feels something. He is slowly waking up and learning what it is to be loved. Their story was just so sweet. They were this perfect example of opposites attract and balancing one another is really nice ways. I couldn’t put this story down! Definitely a favorite from this series.
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joyffree · 1 year
Title: Lost Boy Author: Charli Meadows Series: The Loyal Boys, Book 3 Genre: Friends to Lovers MM Romance Release Date: June 23, 2023
Being alone is nothing new. I’ve been abandoned by everyone. Now, I have absolutely no one. I might even prefer it that way. All I really need is a guitar and my thoughts.
Just shy of my eighteenth birthday, I’m forced to move across the country to live with my uncle in California. He’s the head basketball coach at Acadia Lake Prep, the new private academy I’m attending. Ryder Cruz is his star player.
He makes me question things about myself and what I want. Things I’ve never once considered. The oversized and enthusiastic jock is always around, insisting I smile and laugh with him. But it won’t work. It can’t. The painful memories and regret I carry are too strong. I’m not sure I’ll ever feel again.
Basketball is great. So are my friends. Dad. My little sister Sofie. I’m team captain, and I’m taking us to State.
It’s easy to forget that nothing is ever as it seems. I fight my demons with smiles and awkward jokes, but things are starting to pile up. Pranks between my guys and the rival public school, issues with my mother, and a secret I can’t tell anyone. A truth that holds me in its grasp. I can’t risk the team or my college acceptance—my 𝘧𝘶𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦. Can’t risk my dream.
I’m gay. And no one can know.
It wasn’t as hard to keep this close to my chest until Fallon Rivers showed up with his big, sad eyes and bright blue hair. I’m not sure I can continue hiding who I am. I 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 this boy to smile. To talk to me. I need to spark some life back into his soul.
He doesn’t realize my dad and his uncle are partners, but he’ll find out soon enough. Sleepovers happen almost every weekend. And now that he’s here and staying for good, I guess he’ll just have to get used to my presence. Because I’m determined to make him feel again and maybe even free myself along the way.
This novel is intended for 18+ readers and contains explicit scenes, mild violence, language, and bullying from outside sources. See Author’s Note for a full list of Content Warnings.
@Chaotic_Creativ @chaoticcreativeservices
Hosted by Chaotic Creatives
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tvrundownusa · 2 years
tvrundown USA 2023.02.25
Saturday, February 25th:
(streaming weekly): Crash Course in Romance (netflix), Tokyo Revengers (hulu)
(original made-for-TV movies): "The English Estate" (GACFam, 2hrs), "Made for Each Other" (HALL, 2hrs), "12 Desperate Hours" (LIFE, 2hrs+)
(other highlights): "Loudmouth" (BET, Reverend Al Sharpton documentary, 3.5 hours), Murdoch Mysteries (OVAtion), NAACP Image Awards (BET, 54th annual gala/tribute special, 2hrs) (simulcast: CBS|CMT|COM|LOGO|PAR|POP|TVLand|VH1|MTV|SMITH), "The Weeknd: Live at SoFi Stadium" (HBO, concert special, 100mins), Frozen Planet II (BBCAm, ~82mins), Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur (disney, 60mins), Masters of Illusion (theCW), World's Funniest Animals (theCW), Austin City Limits (PBS, 8th annual "Hall of Fame" salutes Joe Ely), Saturday Night Live (NBC, "Woody Harrelson | Jack White")
(latenight "Toonami" [adultswim]): My Hero Academia (#6.11, penultimate), Ballmastrz: "Rubicon" (2023 special), "Justice League vs the Fatal Five" (2019 movie, 105mins), Rick and Morty: Extras ("Summer's Sleepover" repeat), Ballmastrz: "Rubicon" (reair), Superjail! (#3.05 "Specialneeds"), Superjail! (#3.06 "Troubles with Triples")
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bbytamaki · 3 years
so mmm hi! I saw youw here taking that selfships for writings, so may I sent you mine?
mine is with choso from jjk, our dynamic would be - how can I say - caring towards each other, I think we'd be that couples who stay at home during friday nights to enjoy a movie or netflix, whatever. cooking together seems good to me either, the same as being in comfortable silence with each other company
I hope I did it right 🥺 but anyway, thank you in advance 💓 I'll look foward what you'll write for me (and I'm sure it'll be amazing)
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don’t mind honey <3 also i love these together!
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the main question the two of you ask yourselves every day is “how did we end up here?” itadori yuji was one of your mentees, and you couldn’t shake the fact that he could’ve gotten hurt fighting choso. but then the two of them reconciled as brothers of sorts, so you had no choice but to bear his presence.
he tries to apologize and he tries even harder to cooperate. i don’t see choso as the kind of curse/person to handle someone disliking him too well. you can feel his efforts when he’s around you and you almost feel some sort of sympathy. it’s when you find him holding his brothers’ belongings and weeping in private that you finally crack. you hold his face in your palms and wipe his tears with your thumbs before whispering an apology.
and when the two of you embraced for the first time, it was as if the past just slipped away. like you two immediately understood each other. he understood how protective you were of your student, and you knew what it felt like to lose someone. you were holding yourself back, and he finally broke down those walls.
so now, you’ve made it your personal goal to show him everything great about your time together. showing him how to make his favorite meals by himself, picking a new show to watch together, staying home to try new face masks and watching him push his bangs back with cute animal themed hair clips. it’s super intimate and i really love the two of you together <3
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Okay I’m also here for a ship bc it’s yearning hours like always 😩😌
Lol there's been no change, you have to marry Gwil
Speaking of marry
I watched Top End Wedding (thank you lovie)
And I just can't get the thought of Gwilym as a groom out of my head
Me, Allie, Annie, and Liss standing waiting on you (plus whomever else you desire lmao)
And you in the most gorgeous dress
We both know you'll kill it
Your poor mom and grandma in absolute tears cause it's all so beautiful
Then when Gwilym sees you
Oh man
Hes so happy, proud, and *cough* horny *cough* he genuinely doesn't know how to react
You make it through your vows with only a few voice cracks
But Gwil is a big mess
He's sniffling and stuttering
So you just hug him til he calms down (cue the awww)
Then he just wraps it up with "I love you"
Joe makes a fool of himself on the dance floor
Everyone drunkenly sings Killer Queen while drunk on champagne
Now's time for the honeymoon 👀
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violetsandfluff · 2 years
Who are some of your favorite Fic writers?
Ooohh yess! So I have a full list of blog recs right here but here’s a shortened list.
@fallinallincurls @princessofguineapigs @babyiamperfectforyou @watermelonlovershigh @shroombloomm @fookinavocadosman @swiftmendeshoran @fkinavocado
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sincerely-sofie · 5 months
Chapter 1 of Sofie Plays "Slay the Princess": The Hero and the Princess
Into the insanity.
[ Beginning ] - [ Previous Part ] - [ Next Part ]
I like that we have a little bird talon as our cursor! Fun detail. I'd like to use custom cursors in my own visual novels someday.
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Awww! This line is going to come back to bite me, isn't it.
THERE'S VOICE ACTING?????? DANG IT. Now I kinda wish I waited to record myself playing through this game like a let's play... alas. We persist with a playthrough journal comprised of still images and bullet point notes :<
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Asked the Narrator how a princess locked in a basement could be dangerous enough to end the world and now I just want to have a perpetual sleepover with the gal. At the very least, we can give her some company while she's down there. Right?
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Asked the narrator for details on how she'd end the world and now he's calling me a sheeple. RUDE.
Question: Does the Princess have actual powers that allow her to enforce her will on others? Or is this just the Narrator being anti-princess? or anti-this-Princess-in-particular?
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I INSTANTLY DISTRUST THIS MAN. He's going to gaslight me to heck and back, isn't he? He already is, I just know it.
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Told the narrator I'm going to meet the Princess before I make any decisions about executions. I'm doubting myself so bad. Is he the manipulator here? Is he genuinely warning me against the Princess being the true manipulator? He sounds uber bitter and I want to know their history.
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Narrator, honey, I'm glad you've got a bit you're committed to and all, but I don't want to meet someone new whilst holding the means to end them. Forget taking the blade, I'm taking my sweet time getting to know this poor woman.
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Okay yeah the Narrator is 100% not a good guy. That last line made me question whether he was voicing the Hero's thoughts, but the tone he used while saying it makes me feel like he's just working really hard at applying for the role of Intrusive Thought #4 Understudy.
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Told the Princess "Uh hi I think I'm here to slay you? Question mark?" and she responded with this:
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The Narrator immediately followed up with the below. Go kick rocks Narrator. I want to at least be polite if I'm going to kill someone.
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Can't decide whether the Princess is playing at the role of innocent victim or not. We operate on innocent until proven guilty laws here, though. So I'll act accordingly.
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Just met the Princess and the Hero is INSTANTLY simping for her as the Narrator looks on in distaste. Straight up "HI WIFEY" nonsense. I like this couple.
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Oh my word he's a dork. I love this character.
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Told her about why I'm supposed to kill her and I'm 100% believing what she said. I don't care if she's going to sprout fangs and disembowel me with her teeth or anything, I adore this gal.
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Oh no. She accurately read my thought process.
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Okay so here's a theory: The Narrator really hates monarchies. Which is fair. But this seems very personal for him, and he keeps bringing it up, like the Princess deserves to die for the sin of her being a princess. Is this some kind of worldwide magic anti-monarchist government overthow situation? I know that's definitely not the case but I am grasping at straws to understand his motivation.
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I asked her how she's been eating or drinking when I'm apparently the only person she's seen in a very, very long time, and she dodged the question, and the Narrator backed her up. This lady is 100% not human. The Narrator is itching to get me to kill her and is sweeping over what the Hero perceives as a plot hole, because from his perspective, he knows it isn't. She's not human. Jotting that down for later.
I told her that we could do the perpetual sleepover thing I mentioned earlier and I'm realizing how callous of a solution that is now that the Hero is all like "Yay I came up with smart solution! Win-win! Go me :D"
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The Princess and Narrator both shot down the sleepover solution. Poor Hero.
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The music just cut out. She's doing the anime mean girl thing where she examines her nails. I'm having regrets.
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On the one hand: I could lock her in the basement and leave without killing her with my own hands. But with the abrupt change in tone I am no longer confident that this woman isn't going to chew off her own arm like a coyote in a trap so that she can escape and do... whatever it is she intends to do. I'm not sure that's exactly ending the world. But I'm leery of it regardless. She doesn't need food or water apparently, so she likely wouldn't die if I left her alone down here, which just further cements the idea that she's going to do anything necessary to get out.
On the other hand: I could kill her directly, and try to be merciful about how I do it.
On the OTHER other hand, I could free her, but I no longer feel safe around this woman.
I've been staring at these options for so long guys I'm so worried about making the wrong choice. I know that the opening screen said there's no wrong decisions but like. STILL.
Okay, decision made. She's definitely taking the self-dismemberment route if I leave her here, and she's definitely coming after me the second she's out. I'd rather try to make this quick than go through the exceptionally frightening scenario I'm envisioning in my head. Hopefully she's nice about inevitably overpowering me in the subsequent struggle and stabbing me afterward.
Hey, you guys know how 3D horror games will use 90 degree angle blind corners in order to facilitate jump scares? I think I just realized visual novels use line breaks to accomplish the same goal, and I'm scared to progress to the next line.
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Oh cool beans! Reality warping! Let's gooooooooo
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Yeah no she's definitely got reality warping abilities. I figured that if she doesn't need to eat or drink she wouldn't be able to bleed to death after losing an arm, so I closed the door behind me... and it locked.
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Decided to try and wait her out while she lurks in the shadows and now we're LARping Sans and Chara as I fall asleep.
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I chickened out and entered the dark to confront her. It went very well for me!
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Oh... I don't like that title.
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See you guys in the next chapter! I am scared :)
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janellion · 4 years
AHHH OMG CONGRATULATIONS ON 250!!!!!🤩🥳🎊🎉 you deserve it so much!!! Bokuto would be proud 😌 You are such a sweet person and you are an amazing writer!!! Congrats lovely!!!! 💗✨🥳💫
SOFIE BB HI!!’ THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!!! omg my heart is so full, you are so so sweet!!! tysm for your kind words, they mean so much to me!!
i appreciate you and am sending you so much love!! MWAH!! 💗✨
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sologxlaxies · 6 years
an embarrassing story.
When I was a child, I once sneezed and farted at the same time (in front of my kindergarten crush) and for some reason my brain has never allowed me to forget that 😂🙈
Hang out with me on my birthday!
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Peter: Sofi, Will, and Nico sometimes have sleepovers with each other. While I'm in Sofi's bed.
* Peter reaches over to cuddle Sofi . His hand brushes against another body. Peter looks up and finds Will and Nico asleep on the other side of Sofi.*
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forthegothicheroine · 3 years
Stealing this book meme from @wormwoodandhoney, originally from booktubers! Feel free to steal it from me!
1. Best book you’ve read so far in 2021: In the Dream House by Carmen Maria Machado. What can I say about this book? I don’t read a whole lot of dark memoirs, but this true story of the author’s relationship with an abusive girlfriend is formatted by taking it through a million different literary and film genres, examining it through a million different lenses, pulling out the reader’s heart a million different ways.  It’s amazing.
The other favorite book I’ve read so far is A Libertarian Walks Into a Bear by Matthew Hongoltz-Hetling.  It’s also dark non-fiction, but this one reads like super-dark comedy, Stephen King by way of the Coen Brothers.  It’s about libertarians attempting to make their ideal community in an economically depressed Vermont town, exactly the same time a bunch of bears who may have had a brain-affecting parasite started invading.  My husband called it Bearoshock.
2. Best sequel you’ve read so far in 2021: Bright We Burn by Kiersten White. This was the final book in The Conqueror’s Saga, an alternate history about a female Vlad the Impaler.  While I (still) found the relationship with Mehmed a bit forced, this continued to present one of my all time favorite antiheroines, unlikeable and terrifying and very compelling.  I know very little about this history, which I imagine would make me like the book either more or less, but White really knows how to capture and keep my interest.
3. New release you haven’t read yet, but want to: Angel of the Overpass by Seanan McGuire, the final book in her Ghost Roads trilogy, my favorite of her many series.  Just ordered it!
4. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year: The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix.  I’ve already read multiple books with similar premises (Final Girls, We Are All Completely Fine) but I adore Grady Hendrix and I feel he’s wonderful with female protagonists and premises that are silly on the outside and very deep on the inside.  He’s an automatic buy for me.
5. Biggest disappointment: The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead.  This won the Pulitzer Prize, so it’s probably my fault for not getting it.  Still, I was baffled that you’d come up with a steampunk/magic realism concept about a literal railroad to freedom and then not actual do anything with the railroad.
6. Biggest surprise: The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio (translation by Wayne A. Rebhorn) is so much fun!  The stories are so bawdy and goofy and the narrator’s voice is really delightful.  Sympathetic to Jews, disdainful of the church and preoccupied with the idea of women being in their rights to seek out good times, it gave me a view of the kind of Renaissance personality I have never seen onscreen. Besides, tailoring stories to tell to friends during a plague is something I’ve been doing a lot in the past year or so, so I strongly identified.
7. Favorite new author. (Debut or new to you): Alyssa Cole.  Her romance novella Let it Shine was amazingly beautiful and painful and sexy and compulsively readable.  I have to check out her Loyal League series now!
8. Newest fictional crush: As above, Ivan Friedman from Let it Shine, a Jewish boxer and activist in 1960s Virginia full of passion and fight, committed to being the one who takes punches for other people.  But I wouldn’t want to take him away from Sofie, respectable black college girl turned Freedom Rider.
9. Newest favorite character: Jordan Baker from The Chosen and the Beautiful by Nghi Vo, a magical realist retelling of The Great Gatsby.  This Jordan is a Vietnamese adoptee, stylish and smart but forever an outsider, possessed of a magical talent exploited by her selfish best friend, in love with two weak-willed people, the only one who can see through to demonic souls even after it’s too late.  I got an ARC from work- look out for my official review!
10. Book that made you cry: Help at Any Cost by Maria Szalavitz.  Oof.  This is a scathing and horrifying and unfortunately page-turning expose of schools designed to break “troublesome” children into submission.  It’s a few decades old, but I can’t imagine this line of thinking and abuse has gone away.  (Side note: it inspire me to try and write a ghost story, which I can’t decide whether it might be in bad taste, but it’s the way I have to work out my feelings.)
11. Book that made you happy: Paperback Crush by Gabrielle Moss, an examination of the pre-Harry Potter ya books sold at scholastic fairs, meant for only a few uses.  I haven’t read most of them, but this made me feel like I was on a giddy sugar rush at a sleepover party, recommending and making fun of books with my friends.
12. Most beautiful book you’ve bought so far this year (or received): Through the Woods by Emily Carroll.  An eerie graphic novel collection of Carroll’s horror stories. illustrated in a deceptively simplistic but bone-chilling style.
13. What books do you need to read by the end of the year? The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid, partly because it looks amazing but also to justify impulse buying it when I already had too many unread books at home.
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