#soft boi michael
ingravinoveritas · 3 months
Michael on the Zoe Ball Show this morning talking about David at the BAFTAs and I am dying. Notable excerpt:
ZB: "Ah, Michael Sheen, must say, well done to your mate DT at the BAFTAs." Michael: "Ohh, he did good. The boy did good!" ZB: "He did so good!" Michael: "And he looks good in a kilt as well, doesn't he?"
So...ten seconds into Michael's appearance on the show and David comes up (on St. David's Day, no less). And apropos of absolutely nothing, Michael brings up David looking good in that kilt. Unprompted. For no reason whatsoever. I need to lie down...
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hunterbloodknight · 10 months
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His hair in this hat 😭
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thecryptidart1st · 11 months
is alive cc still... well, crying? is he okay?
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Michael: Honestly, at this point, it would be weirder if he WASN’T crying (but yeah he’s fine)
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saydesole · 2 months
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Charles Michael Davis
My man🫶🏽🫣
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shady-the-simp · 2 years
Hello love, I hope you're doing well, if you write for Michael Myers I was wondering if you could do a nsfw fic/headcanons/blurb, really anything you'd like, of reader constantly caring for him, feeding him, etc, and so one day he repays them by just absolutely dicking them down and getting them a collar (If you're comfortable with it) as he's grown to care for them, gender doesn't quite matter to me, thanks baby have a lovely day/night <3.
OMFG ANON YOU ARE SPEAKING MY LOVE LANGUAGE! Yes it is midnight. Yes I have work tomorrow. But I dont care, this NEEDS to happen now. Let's get into it.
Michael Myers x GN reader
Warnings: Soft boy Michael Myers, Soft smut, 1978 Halloween, pet names, love making and any more i forgot
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You were what people considered a doting lover. Whenever Michael would come home after a spree, you would immediately assess his wounds and run him a hot bath so you could read to him while cuddling in the tub.
You never thought that Michael would reciprocate the care. But one day he walked into your room with his hands behind his back. You look up from your book and into the beautiful blue eyes you had grown to love behind that mask.
"Michael? What do you need baby?" You ask, tilted your head slightly, almost mimicking him when he was looking at a victim. He slowly pulled out a beautiful red collar from behind him, the word 'Michael's' monogrammed on it. He pulled out a sign in his other hand which read 'I thought this would be fun. Do you wanna try it?' in his messy handwriting. You smile and motion for him to come over while putting down your book. He lays his head down in your lap and you ask for permission before pulling off his mask.
"I'm glad you were thinking of me, Mikey." You say in a loving tone while scratching his scalp, causing him to lean into your touch and moan happily.
☆Time skip by Michael's huge cock☆
You groaned as he tugged on the collar, pounding into you gently. Your face held a dopey smile and you reached up to tangle your fingers into his curly brown hair.
"Faster Mikey, please~" You moaned as his cock nudged against that special spot. He nodded and smiled as he did as you pleased, making you feel a way you never had.
You pulled him by the back of his neck into a soft kiss. You felt him smile against your soft embrace, lips molded to fit each others perfectly.
"I...I love you~" Michael's voice called out to you for the first time.
You gasp as you hear his beautiful, raspy voice. You tear up in happiness in response.
"I love you too baby."
Alright anon! I had a lot of fun writing this. I hope you enjoyed!
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match-0-stick · 7 months
Hey there @match-0-stick I was just wondering if you could do a doodle of Michael giving David a kiss on his hand or cheek and David not knowing how to respond to it! ❤️
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Why not both~
I was thinking about it and for some reason, I feel like David enjoys affection but gets nervous about it’s tenderness because he’s never known love to be soft. So he “insults” as a deflection but it doesn’t bother Michael…
Sorry for the long wait,, I was struggling with that first sketch and I still don’t like it but oh well. I’m going to play with this some more because I see potential.
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beautyinsteadofashes · 6 months
I know we love the slutty ones and the evil ones but i'm trying to explain this very specific niche trope of kinda soft boy or baby girl.
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fcb-mv33 · 1 year
Seeing the video of baby Maxy and Michael genuinely makes me heart hurt seeing how his little face lighting up when he sees his uncle Michael😭😭in his little Micky Mouse top I actually sob😭😭
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naileadsvora · 1 year
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like or reblog if u use or save.
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ingravinoveritas · 6 months
cloud-based-and-rainpilled replied to your post "New DW video diary from Georgia and David once …"
@ingravinoveritas In this clip and the one where DT says "maybe I should've married Michael Sheen," after he mentions him, he looks away super duper seriously and bites his lip. He talks about MS like a teenage girl embarrassed by liking a boy band a lot lol
@cloud-based-and-rainpilled That is such a perfect description and you are honestly not at all wrong...
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I think we're so used to Michael being so loud about being thirsty and wanting David so enthusiastically that we forget there are other ways of expressing those emotions. That things like fondness, adoration, and lust can all be conveyed just as loudly in actions as they can in words.
David is so damn soft when it comes to Michael; in how he talks about him in a way he doesn't talk about any other co-stars, the way he brings him up completely unprompted, and how he looks away like you said, looks down and to the side as if he's remembering something. And let's remember that this was in May of last year and he was in Cardiff (despite Georgia trying to convince everyone otherwise), so it's highly likely that he and Michael saw each other during that time.
For me, though, it's especially the other thing you said, which is how serious David is when he says this and "Maybe I should've married Michael Sheen." A lot of folks want to keep saying that he's joking, but the thing is, David jokes about so many things...but Michael is someone and something he seems to take incredibly seriously.
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In both of these instances, he doesn't awkwardly laugh off his comments, or qualify them by saying "Just kidding" immediately after. Whatever their relationship may be--whether they've been intimate or not--it's clear that Michael takes up a good part of David's mind and his heart, and David is unafraid to show that now more than ever before...
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biggestgirlfailure · 4 days
idk how to explain it but there is SOMETHING supernatural going on with michael mell
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Michael spam
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massgrav · 7 months
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Halloween was two weeks ago.... but who cares. Jowan is getting a big strong thicc slasher to rough him up. as a treat
DM if you want to un-roostered version <3
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obessivedork · 5 months
It's just how gameplay shook out for me but I reached max affinity with MacCready helping a ghoul kid find out what happened to his family and MAN sometimes things that work out so perfect that you WISH you'd wrote it or done it on purpose 😭🖤 Two very sad Dads doing the best for their sons helping ANOTHER lost kid find home because they can't be with their own kids right now but they can help Billy, dammit!
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bilaudad · 2 months
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;_; <3
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b-a-n-a-n-a-ss · 1 year
Michael Emerson x reader - Over Eating
Summary: the reader has a bad day and binge eats her feelings while talking with Michael. She ends up over eating and Michael takes care of her.
Warnings: binge eating, self hatred, eating disorder.
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I wiped the tears from my eyes as I entered my house. Walking to my room, I stripped of my shirt and jeans. I threw them in my laundry bin and put on some shorts and one of Michael’s shirts.
I’ve had the most shitty day possible. First, I dropped my plate of breakfast on the floor and I didn’t have time to make any more. Then my car wouldn’t start so I had to walk to my job in the rain. I was wearing soaked clothes all day which didn’t help my mood improve. Then I kept getting cat called because my jeans were so tight on me. I also got chewed out by my boss because I yelled at a costumer for being bitchy. I also had to walk back home in the heat so my clothes were so irritating by being damp still. I was also exhausted.
I walked into my kitchen and jumped when I saw my boyfriend Michael sitting at the small dining table in my kitchen. He lifted his head and gave me a smile but soon frowned as he saw the tears on my face and the bags under my eyes. He stood from his chair and made his way over to me, embracing me in a hug. He cradled my head to his chest and rubbed my back with his other as I cried into his chest. I wrapped my arms around his waist and squeezed it as I sobbed.
After a few minutes I pulled away from him lightly. He kissed my cheek and lips and wiped my tears with his thumbs.
“Do you want to talk about whats wrong?” He asked me as he searched my eyes for some sort of explanation. I shook my head and moved passed him to the fridge.
“No, I just need to eat some food. I didn’t get a lunch break.” I said. Yeah, I didn’t get a lunch break either. I got my leftover Chinese food and popped that into the microwave as I grabbed other foods I would eat. I wasn’t thinking about what would fill me up, I was thinking about eating away my feelings. Anything to get my mind off of this shitty day.
I grabbed potato chips, powdered donuts, pickles, small cakes, brownies and grapes. I put all that stuff on the table and grabbed two bottles of soda and gave one to Michael. The boy looked concerned as I placed big amounts of food onto the table. When the timer beeped for the microwave I brought my Chinese food to the table and then started to eat.
As I ate I completely forgot about everything. I forgot about all the crappy things that have happened to me that day and I even forgot Michael was there. I just ate. After I ate the grapes, Chinese food and powdered donuts I was stuffed. But I didn’t stop. I wouldn’t stop.
I just wanted to forget and be happy. I wanted to just be numb. After I finished the Potato chips, pickles and brownies I didn’t think I could eat anymore. But I still didn’t stop. I kept eating.
“Y/n baby. Please don’t hurt yourself.” Michael said as he gently tried to take the fork from my hand. I shook my head and hiccuped as I took the fork back and started to eat the cakes.
“I’m not.” I said in a angry tone. My stomach was aching and groaning, desperate for me to just stop. But I didn’t. I finished both of the cakes and downed the rest of my soda. I threw the fork on the table and laid my head in my arms. I felt my stomach churn and cold sweat drip down my forehead. And I cried. I sobbed actually.
Michael stood from his spot across from me and kneeled next to me. He rubbed my back and rested his other hand on my thigh. He kissed my bicep and tried to fight back his tears.
“Y/n, are you okay?” He asked me. I shook my head and bolted up from my seat and to the bathroom. I collapsed onto my knees and gagged in the toilet bowl. Michael followed behind me and kneeled beside me, rubbing my back and whispering sweet nothings to me. I was in agony and I knew it was my fault.
I finally managed to throw up into the toilet. The acid burning my throat and tears blending into my sweat. I gripped the toilet seat with white knuckles and sobbed. Michael grabbed a cloth and wet it. He gently cleaned my face then grabbed me a cup of water.
“Here, rinse your mouth out.” He said. I did as told and spit the water back into the toilet. He flushed my stomach remains and closed the lid. I looked at the ground, refusing to make eye contact with my lover. I was embarrassed and scared and in pain. My stomach let out a deep gurgle and I wrapped my arms around it. I curled up into a ball with my back facing Michael.
“Baby, it’s alright. Im here to help you. Im not mad or upset. I love you.” He explained to me and he gently ran his fingers through my sweaty hair and kissed my neck. I started to cry again and he turned my body around and hugged me. He was sitting on the ground now and gently rocking me back and fourth while moving my hair from my face and resting his hand on my aching stomach.
“It hurts Michael.” I groaned as I leaned into his chest and buried my face in his neck, hiccuping. Michael frowned and gently rubbed my stomach, making sure to give me a gentle and loving kiss to my temple. He rested his cheek on my head. I cried lightly into his neck and my stomach grumbled and churned. My stomach was bloated and rock hard, and it hurt.
“Do you want a bath baby?” Michael asked me as he pet my hair.
“I don’t want to be a bother.” I mumbled as I rubbed my eyes and hiccuped. Michael kissed my head and lifted my head up by my chin to look at him.
“You won’t be a bother baby. I want to help you and take care of you.” He said and kissed my lips. I nodded and he gently stood up and started to draw a bath. He put the stopper into the tub and turned the hot water up before turning to me. He gently helped me stand up and sat me on the toilet lid.
“I’m gonna get you u dressed now okay.” He whispered to me as he took my shirt off gently and slowly. He threw my shirt into the dirty laundry bin in the bathroom and reached behind me to unhook my bra. He kissed my head as he slid my bra off of my chest and over my arms before it was fully off. He didn’t even think dirty thoughts I know it. He didn’t act in any sexual way when he saw my bare chest. He just focused on taking care of me.
He made me stand up and he slid my shorts down with my underwear and gently kissed my forehead. He gently sat me back on the toilet lid and made sure the water temperature was fine. He shook his hand free of water and stood back in front of me. I wrapped my arms around my stomach and moaned quietly and I leaned forward and rested my head against Michael’s stomach. He let my hair and scratched my back gently. I hiccuped again and looked up at my boyfriend.
“Let’s get you in the bath now. Do you still want to?” He asked me. I hummed in a response and he helped me stand and then into the bath. He helped me sit down and I sighed in pleasure as the warm water engulfed my body and helped my aching stomach.
“Do you want to soak for a little bit then I can clean you? Or do you want me to clean you first then just go cuddle in bed?” He asked me.
“Let me soak then clean me. Can we still cuddle after though?” I asked him as I looked up at him with soft and pain filled eyes. He kissed my lips softly and tucked my hair behind my ear.
“Of course y/n, anything you want.” He whispered and gave me a smile. I smiled back at him lightly then looked down into the water at my stomach. It was bloated and you could tell. It made me feel self conscious. It made me think Michael wouldn’t love me anymore. Michael stood up to leave but I quickly grabbed his wrist to stop him.
“Please don’t leave.” I whispered with tears filling my eyes. He nodded and sat beside the tub, leaning his back against the wall. He held his hand out for me to grab and I grabbed it. He squeezed my hand and I swallowed thickly.
“I love you y/n.” He said.
“I love you too Michael.” I replied. I moaned as my stomach grumbled and I hiccuped. Michael was now keeling against the tub and rubbing my shoulder with one hand. He looked to my stomach and I felt my face grow red.
“A-are you gonna leave me?” I asked him through tears. His head snapped towards me and his face showed confusion.
“No. No of course not baby. I would never, why would you think that?” He asked me.
“B-because.” I cried as I looked towards my stomach. He looked at my stomach then slowly got what I was talking about. He cupped my face in his hands and dried my tears with his thumbs.
“Y/n I would never leave you because of your weight or your eating habits. I’m here to help you and I want to help you. I don’t care that you’re bloated, you’re still beautiful to me. You will always be. I love you.” He told me as he kissed my lips.
“I love you too.” I said. He smiled at me and kissed me once more.
“Alright let’s get you clean now. Then we can go and cuddle on your bed.” He told me. I nodded and watched as Michael grabbed two washcloths from my drawer and rolled his sleeves up. He dipped the cloth into the water and poured some body soap onto it. He scrubbed the cloth and suds filled the once clean fabric.
He started at my shoulders and scrubbed around my neck and back gently. He then scrubbed my chest and moved to my arms. He managed to scrub my legs and stomach without moving me and then he grabbed a cup of water. He dipped the cup into the water and poured it over my soap covered body. It felt good and he was gentle with me.
When he finished washing my body he moved to my hair. He filled the cup with water once more and leaned my head back gently. He covered my forehead with his hand and poured the water over my hair, soaking it. He did this a few times until he was sure my hair was wet enough for my shampoo. He filled his hand with soap then moved his fingers comfortingly through my hair. He scrubbed gently and massaged my scalp magically.
When he was finished he rinsed my hair again then got a small bit of conditioner and put it into my hair. The way his fingers moved so fluidly through my hair made me happy. He was so gentle with me and the way he scratched and rubbed my head as he spread the soaps felt amazing.
He let the conditioner sit for a few minutes. While it sat he kissed my lips and admired my face. He always told me how much he loves me and whenever I ask him he says his favorite part of me is my eyes. He loves their color and how bright they shine when I smile. He loves the way he can see right through them and see my real self. He loves me for me. And that makes me happy.
He rinsed my hair once more then grabbed three big towels from my cabinet and draped one onto the floor. He held out his hand for me to grab and I did. He gently pulled me out of the tub and wrapped my hair in a towel then my body. He puked the plug out of the drain and the water started to be sucked down the pipe.
He walked over to me and dried my body off. He was gently and sweet about this too. He went into my bedroom and grabbed me some clothes to wear. He set out my underwear and one of his shirt that I love. He helped me slide my underwear onto my body then dried my hair for me. He put his shirt onto my body then moved me to the sink.
He grabbed my blue brush and gently started to brush through my crazy hair. He didn’t pull or tug at areas he couldn’t get through, he was gentle and considerate of my pain. When he finished he applied my chapstick for me and then he led me to my bedroom. Michael pulled back the covers and I laid down onto my comfortable bed.
“I’m going to change baby, I’ll be right here okay.” He told me. I nodded and watched as Michael took off his shirt and jeans, leaving him in his plaid boxers. He set his clothes on my desk and moved to the other side of my bed. He climbed into it and covered us both up.
Michael pulled my body closer to his and kissed me. I snuggled into his chest and hiccuped once more. His hand moved to my shirt and he gently raised it up right under my boobs. He placed a warm and gently hand on my stomach and started to rub it in circles. I breathed out and relaxed in his embrace. My stomach gurgled and Michael kissed my head as he continued to rub and calm my stomach.
Michael rubbed my stomach the whole night and by the time I fell asleep he was still rubbing it. I was really grateful for Michael for helping me and being there. He was so sweet and kind and gentle. I loved that he was so caring and loving towards me.
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