#soft slytherin boys
theodorenmyth · 27 days
Jealousy Unveiled
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Pairings : Theodore Nott x GN! Reader Summary : He found Cormac flirting with you. A/n : Enjoy (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠) Warnings) : Jealousy, Cormac Mclaggen Word count : 777
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Theodore Nott had always been a man of few words, a quiet strength that you found endearing. Your relationship—or rather, situationship—was defined by unspoken rules and lingering glances, an understanding that didn’t require labels. It was comfortable, for the most part, until someone else tried to wedge their way into your dynamic.
The Great Hall buzzed with the usual chatter of students, forks clinking against plates, and the occasional burst of laughter. You were sitting at the Slytherin table, enjoying your breakfast, when Cormac McLaggen, with his ever-present self-assured grin, sauntered over. “Good morning,” he greeted, sliding into the seat beside you. “Mind if I join you?”
You glanced up, slightly surprised, but offered a polite smile. “Sure, why not?” Cormac’s eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint. “You know, I’ve always thought you had the most captivating smile in all of Hogwarts. It’s a wonder I don’t see it more often.”
You chuckled, feeling a bit flustered. “Thanks, Cormac. That’s sweet of you to say.” He leaned in a little closer, his voice lowering to a more intimate tone. “You know, there’s a Hogsmeade trip coming up. I was thinking maybe you’d like to join me? We could get a butterbeer or two, maybe even check out some of the shops.”
Before you could respond, a shadow loomed over the table. Theodore Nott stood there, his expression unreadable but his presence unmistakably intense. His eyes flicked to Cormac, then to you, and back to Cormac.
“Is there a problem here?” Theo’s voice was calm, but there was an edge to it that made your heart skip a beat.
Cormac raised an eyebrow, his smirk faltering for a moment. “No problem at all, Nott. Just having a friendly chat.”
Theo’s gaze hardened, and he moved to sit on your other side, effectively boxing you in between him and Cormac. “Funny, it didn’t look all that friendly to me.”
You could feel the tension rising, and you placed a hand on Theo’s arm, hoping to diffuse the situation. “It’s okay, Theo. We were just talking.”
Theo’s eyes softened slightly when he looked at you, but the protective glint didn’t leave. “Just talking, huh? Well, I think Cormac was about to leave, weren’t you, McLaggen?”
Cormac’s smirk returned, though it seemed a bit forced. “Actually, I was just about to ask—”
Theo cut him off, his voice dangerously low. “I think you’ve asked enough.”
Cormac stood up, his expression a mix of annoyance and amusement. “Alright, alright. No need to get territorial, Nott. I’ll see you around, Y/N.”
As he walked away, you turned to Theo, raising an eyebrow. “Territorial much?”
Theo sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I just don’t like the way he was looking at you.”
You couldn’t help but smile at his protectiveness. “Jealous, are we?”
He huffed, a small smile tugging at his lips despite himself. “Maybe a little. Can you blame me?”
You shook your head, leaning in to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Not at all. But you don’t have to worry, Theo. I’m not interested in Cormac.”
His eyes searched yours, and he nodded, the tension in his shoulders easing. “Good. Because I’d hate to have to hex him.”
You laughed, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. “You’re ridiculous.”
“Maybe,” he said, a hint of a grin forming. “But I’m your kind of ridiculous.”
You leaned into him, the familiar scent of his cologne calming you. “Yes, you are.”
Theo leaned in, his lips capturing yours in a tender kiss. The Great Hall seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you in that moment. When you finally pulled away, his forehead rested against yours, both of you breathless and smiling.
"Come on," Theo said, his hand slipping into yours. "Let’s get out of here. We’ve got a lot to talk about."
As you walked hand in hand out of the Great Hall, you felt a sense of peace wash over you. No more secrets, no more stolen glances. It was just you and Theo, ready to face whatever came your way together.
In the days that followed, the change in your relationship was evident to everyone. You and Theo were inseparable, his arm often draped possessively around your shoulders, his eyes filled with a protective warmth whenever anyone dared to approach you. Even Cormac seemed to get the message, keeping his distance and focusing his attentions elsewhere.
For the first time in a long while, you felt truly content. And as you sat with Theo by the Black Lake, his fingers entwined with yours, you knew that this was only the beginning of something beautiful.
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leona-hawthorne · 24 days
so many people write mattheo to be a cold-hearted, womanizing bastard and while i absolutely love reading that mattheo (🙈), i am a firm believer that he’d be the biggest sweetheart when you’re dating him.
don’t get me wrong, he would absolutely be a cold hearted womanizing bastard… at first. after meeting you, he’d still be reserved, arrogant, rude. but somehow, you manage to sneak past the steel barriers he has surrounding his heart.
and when he realizes this, he’d push you away in every way possible. you offer him your notes when he misses class? “fuck off, i don’t need them. trust me, i’ve got a hundred other lap dogs doing that shit for me.”
and his heart would break a little when he’d see your confused frown, but he’d push the guilt down. love is vulnerability. vulnerability is weakness. that’s what he was taught and that’s what he lived by.
but oh, you’re just too perfect. your pretty little face, your sweet voice, the way your eyes light up when you’re talking about muggle studies or baby rabbits, the way you refuse to leave your dorm without your lucky jewlery. it melted the ice around his heart. he never stood a chance.
so he’d give into your affections at some point. and yes, he’d be the scary, possessive boyfriend everyone expects. he’d throw a punch at anyone who dared to touch you wrong or even look at you wrong. but that’s just the mattheo everyone knows. the mattheo you know is a sweetheart. never allowing you to open your own door or pull out your own chair, braiding your hair for you or helping you put it up at night, spoiling you with every candy, piece of clothing, and stuffed animal you want, tying your shoelaces for you, calling you princess.
and let me tell you, this man is the biggest whore for cuddles. he tells you that sleeping in your presence keeps the nightmares at bay and while that’s true, the real reason why he won’t sleep without cuddles is because he simply needs to feel you as close as possible. he needs your hands playing with his hair or your nails scratching his back. and you can’t even try stopping the movements of your hands because trust me, he is an incredibly annoying whiner. “babyyyy keep going.”
skin-to-skin cuddling is even better. he’ll take his shirt off and force you to do the same, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling your back into his chest. it’s not sexual; he just needs to feel you as close to him as possible, and your bare skin against his just happens to be the closest thing he has to crawling inside your skin and living there.
my point here is basically that mattheo riddle is a soft boy when he’s in love and i will die on this hill!
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wordsarelife · 4 months
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pairing: soft!mattheo riddle x fem!reader
summary: mattheo had been liking you for years and when you loose your cat, it's finally his time to prove how good of a boyfriend he would be
warnings: really small mention of a loved one dying
notes: y/n is a bit luna lovegood coded
the morning was hotter than the days before, even though it was slowly becoming fall. mattheo and his friends had decided to stay inside for the first time in weeks and were now sitting in the Iibrary, busy understanding their potions homework.
"so" enzo mumbled, the words a bit harder to recognize, because he had the tip of his quill between his lips "what is the answer to number eight?"
"if i tell you, you won't learn anything" theo, the only one who was really understanding the task at hand, groaned.
"yeah, but we would stop wasting our time" mattheo mumbled just silent enough so theo wouldn't hear. blaise, who sat next to him, laughed.
"come on, mate" draco started pleading "you know i normally get these, but it's so hot outside, i'd rather swim in the lake"
"well, you have to earn that first" theo was not budging under the pleading of his friends. blaise, draco, enzo and mattheo groaned simultaneously
"where is pansy? shouldn't she sit here with us and be annoyed at you?" blaise asked, while his eyes wandered to the empty spot next to draco, that was normally occupied by the girl.
"she's got detention with mcgonagall, i'm copying the answers for her" draco answered
"well, now that's unfair" mattheo shook his head "why don't you say anything about that, theo?"
it seemed like theo hadn't even listened to what his friends were talking about. he was busy reading the next number and looked up confused. "what?"
"forget it" mattheo hid his face in his hands, while blaise and enzo exchanged a look, rolling their eyes
"woah" blaise suddenly made next to him "isn't that y/n?"
mattheos head turned, so did the rest of his friend's.
it was indeed you. the slytherins watched in confusion how you climbed the ladder leaning against the shelf. their confusion only grew when you didn't stop climbing at the highest shelf, but used your arms to pull you up on top of the shelf.
"what is she doing?" enzo mumbled
“i have no clue” mattheo watched you closely, following your every move.
he had been kind of in love with you since the third grade. his friends found his crush on you quite interesting, considering you were a bit curious and weird, but somehow all of them agreed that it was in a cute way, a bit too stubborn, a bit too much in your own world.
maybe the carelessness and constant happy mood you were spotted with only added to their confusion. mattheo wasn’t normally the guy to go for girls like you. and it was out of the ordinary to see him as nervous as he was around you. girls normally didn't make him nervous, but you did.
they all gasped simultaneously, as one of your hands hit the shelf a bit too far left and almost made you fall down.
“oh” you said, both at your close call and their presence, you had only noticed them now. “hi” you used the hand that had almost caused you to fall to wave at them
“hey, y/n!” theo raised his hand, copying your greeting, while his eyes were still fixated on the potions book on the table in front of him. he was the only one of his friends who was also friends with you, a result of your similar interest in astronomy.
mattheo watched you closely. he had stood up to catch you, in case there was another close call. him and the rest of his friends watched you as you crawled along the shelf.
“what are you doing?” enzo asked, louder than he had planned which resulted in madam pince shushing him. "sorry" enzo cringed, but it was already too late.
his voice had been so loud and sudden, that it had made you shriek. like mattheo had predicted, you lost your balance and fell down the shelf. luckily, he caught you before you could hit the ground.
“thanks” you smiled, patting his chest and climbing out of his arms.
mattheo was stunned at how relaxed you still were after almost falling to your death. well, maybe not death but you still could've gotten hurt really bad.
“i was looking for my cat” you smiled as if it was the most logical explanation, answering enzo’s question, without any hard feeling about him causing you to fall. “but she isn’t up there”
“ahh, alright” enzo nodded, acting like he understood what you were talking about, but he looked as lost as mattheo felt.
“see you later” you waved your hand at the boys before you turned around and left the library.
mattheo quickly grabbed his potions book, ready to follow you.
“what are you doing?” theo looked at him with narrowed eyes, almost sounding offended “we haven’t finished number nine yet”
“i was trying to..” mattheo trailed off, pointing at where you had last stood
“go” draco directed, pushing theo, who was ready to get up and discuss things with mattheo, back down in his seat.
blaise plastered a hand over theo’s mouth as he started protesting. mattheo nodded at his friends, silently thanking them, before he ran out of the library, hoping to still catch you.
to his luck, you had enough time on you to walk through the halls slowly.
“hey” mattheo breathed, matching your step “do you need help looking for your cat?”
“sure” you seemed happy enough about his suggestion “her name is starlight, but she doesn’t really answer to that, so there’s no point in calling her”
“okay” mattheo nodded “and she normally spends her time on top of the library shelves?”
“sometimes” you shrugged “she mostly spends her time all over the castle”
“do you often do things like that?”
“what?” you smiled “climb on top of shelves and let pretty boys catch me? not really, no” you shook your head laughing, while mattheo was still stuck on what you had described him as.
“how does starlight look like?” he tried a different approach as he followed you through the halls, almost sure you were heading to the astronomy tower.
“she’s a ginger cat”
“well, that’s explains a lot” mattheo laughed and you joined in “why doesn’t she answer to her name?”
“she belonged to my grandfather, she would only ever answer his calling, or react to his voice in general” you explained “he died a few months ago and my parents thought about giving her away, so she's now staying with me”
“that’s sad” mattheo frowned “i’m sorry about your loss”
“don’t be” you smiled up at him with big eyes and he almost missed a step on the way up. “he wasn’t the nicest, i don’t think he even liked anyone apart from his cat, but she’s nice enough most of the time”
“i get it” mattheo nodded understandingly “so where would she normally hide?” he looked around the room, trying to spot the orange fur of your cat. now that he thought about it, he remembered you chasing her around the halls a few times.
“you mind helping me up?” you pointed at the wooden beam over both of your heads
“seems like she prefers the higher spots, huh?” mattheo asked sarcastically, before he picked you up without another word of protest
you climbed on top of the beam, turning your head, before you finally shook it and mattheo helped you back down.
“where could she be if she isn’t here either?”
“i have one last spot in mind” you nodded, thinking “if she isn’t there, then i don’t know where she could still be”
“well, hopefully she is”
“as long as she’s fine” you smiled
mattheo followed you back down the steps of the tower, pending what he could still ask you. he wouldn’t waste any time he could spend with you, he would make the most of it.
his mind was racing, trying to come up with something, but the only thing he could remember was the list of thirty six questions blaise had shown him the day before, swearing that those were the best icebreakers at a first date.
well, this was far from a first date, but it did not hurt to try
“given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?” he muttered, recalling the first question.
your face lit up at his sudden question. “that’s a fun question” you smiled “let me think about it. does the person have to be alive?”
mattheo shook his head
“well then i would pick my grandmother, i think” you smiled, deep in thought “she was a great woman. i remember my grandfather being a decent person back when she was alive. she used to make these crocheted hats for me. i have them in almost every color”
“that sounds nice” mattheo smiled as he noticed how your features lit up while talking about your grandma. he followed you into the great hall, not even questioning it.
“what about you?” you asked him, taking a quick turn and walking up the steps around the wall of the entryway.
“what about me?” mattheo repeated confused
“yeah” you laughed at his forgetfulness “who would you have dinner with?”
“i don’t know” mattheo shrugged
“i don’t accept that answer” you shook your head “i can't believe that no one comes to mind at that”
there was someone coming to mattheo’s mind. but he couldn’t tell you. right now, he only wanted to have dinner with one person and that person was you, and maybe your cat, because not finding her would probably mean that you would be sad otherwise.
“merlin” mattheo answered quickly and you raised your eyebrows
“the biggest” mattheo grinned and cringed the moment your eyes left his face. he was ready to turn around and run away, but your sudden calling kept him from it.
“starlight!” you laughed, holding out your arms and catching the orange cat that had been about to fall from the highest shelf.
“hey” mattheo cooed, softly stroking the cat’s head. the cat hissed at him and he quickly pulled his hand back.
“she likes you” you smiled brightly despite starlight proving the opposite.
“you really think so?” mattheo asked unsurely.
“of course” you were pulling the cat close to your chest “she’s smiling at you”
mattheo wasn’t so sure about that. starlight looked like she was ready to claw his eyes out if left unattended in the same room.
starlight settled on top of your shoulder as you began to walk back down the stairs. mattheo was ready to follow, but starlight hissed at him over you shoulder and it took him a second longer to catch up to you.
despite anything you had previously said, he was sure that that cat absolutely loved you, even if she often spend her time sleeping in the most ridiculous places and making you search for her. he was sure you loved her just as much, even you had so casually talked about the cat's situation he had noticed that you couldn't have endured your parents just giving her away. he had also noticed the worry in your eyes when stalright hadn't been in the astronomy tower.
additional to that, he was also sure she already hated him. maybe she could sense the inappropriate thoughts he sometimes had about you.
“thank you for your help” you had walked mattheo back to the doors of the library, after he had claimed that his friends would probably appreciate his return to finish the homework.
“no problem” he smiled and he had almost sighed at how pretty you were, just simply standing in front of him “i’d do anything” he mumbled under his breath.
“what?” you laughed, not having understood a sound of what he had mumbled. starlight was busy playing with a strand of your hair. mattheo had to smile at that and you mirrored his expression.
“doesn’t matter” mattheo shrugged and his smile grew brighter as he watched you laugh at him.
you softly held a hand in front of starlight's eyes, before you stood on your tiptoes, softly kissing mattheo's cheek. “thank you, maybe we could have dinner some day” you said, before you waved him a final goodbye “say goodbye starlight” the cat hissed at him once again and you smiled pleased, before you turned around and walked back in the direction of your dorm.
“i’d do anything” mattheo repeated his earlier words when you were far enough away. his cheeks were red and his hand touched the spot on which your lips had rested a few seconds ago. “anything”
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eternalbuckley · 1 month
just thinking about soft!mattheo that only you can experience <33 you’re his soft spot and safe place. you‘ve got him completely wrapped around your finger and he‘d do anything for you as long as it keeps you happy, you can’t change my mind.
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amongemeraldclouds · 22 days
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Imagine you’re studying together with Theodore Nott in his dorm and he falls asleep.
You think he’s so beautiful and you can’t help but whisper the words that drums the very beat of your heart. “I love you, Theo.” It’s safe enough to admit it when he’s asleep anyway. He can chalk it up to a dream.
Little do you know he’s a light sleeper and the words registered in his mind, waking him better than any alarm clock or coffee can. How can it not when it’s the very words he’s been craving to hear for years? The irony was not lost on him that as he woke up, he just had a dream come true.
- excerpt from how theodore nott looks at you when
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valoale · 11 months
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12 Grimmauld Place
Sketch dump because why not
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hyperfocuscentre · 2 months
billie is in her regulus era
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siriuslystargazing · 2 months
Evan: this isn’t the hello kitty store
Barty: it’s hot topic
Evan: what’s the topic? Devil worship?
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cruxxio · 21 days
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"That's the 5th jersey you stole..." "Well what's yours is mine now." 😈
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Changed my User name from @marieausparie to this , because i can't have people ,that know me from school , find this account
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theodorenmyth · 27 days
hello! how are you? i hope youre doing well!
may i request a mattheo x gn! reader where reader always patches him up after a fight? ty!!
feel free to ignore if reqs are closed <3
Aw tysm! hope your doing good too, and certainly!
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Patch-up Routine.
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Pairings : Mattheo Riddle x GN! Reader Summary : You're patching him up after a fight A/n : Enjoy (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠) Warnings) : nothing Word count : 852
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The Slytherin common room was hushed in the late hours, the flickering greenish light from the low-burning torches casting eerie shadows across the stone walls. You were seated in your usual spot, a comfortable armchair tucked away in a corner, waiting. It had become a ritual of sorts—waiting for Mattheo Riddle to return from yet another skirmish. The notorious troublemaker of Slytherin, Mattheo was as much a fixture of your life as the Hogwarts castle itself. You didn't know why he always found himself in trouble, nor why you always found yourself patching him up afterward, but it was an unspoken agreement between the two of you.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the common room entrance creaking open. Mattheo limped in, his usual swagger replaced with a painful hobble. His dark curls were disheveled, and there was a fresh cut on his cheek, a bruise forming on his jaw. He spotted you immediately, and a smirk tugged at the corner of his lips despite his evident pain.
"You look like you've been through the wars," you remarked, setting aside the book you’d been pretending to read.
"Just another day, right?" he replied, his voice strained but still carrying that familiar lilt of defiance. He made his way over to you, collapsing into the armchair opposite yours with a heavy sigh.
You reached for the small first aid kit you kept hidden under your chair. "Hold still," you instructed, already dabbing a cloth with a cleansing potion. He winced as you pressed it to his cut, but didn’t pull away.
"Who was it this time?" you asked, trying to keep your tone light. You had learned that too much concern only made him retreat further into himself.
"Some Gryffindors. They thought they could get the better of me," he muttered, his eyes avoiding yours. You noticed how he flexed his bruised knuckles, the skin raw and red.
"One of these days, you're going to get yourself into a fight you can't win," you said softly, focusing on cleaning his wound.
He chuckled, though it was more of a wince. "Not likely. You know me, always come out on top."
You didn’t reply, instead applying a healing salve to his bruised jaw. Your fingers brushed against his skin, and for a moment, the tension between you was palpable. It was in these quiet, tender moments that you felt closest to him, even though you never talked about it.
"Why do you do this?" he asked suddenly, his voice breaking the silence. "Why do you always patch me up?"
You paused, your hand hovering over a particularly nasty gash on his arm. "Because someone has to," you said finally, not meeting his gaze. "And because I care."
There it was, the truth laid bare between you. You dared a glance up at him, and found him staring at you with an intensity that made your heart skip a beat. His dark eyes searched yours, and for a moment, you thought he might say something—something that would change everything.
But he didn’t. Instead, he simply nodded, the corners of his lips lifting in a soft, almost grateful smile. "Thanks," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.
You finished bandaging his arm and leaned back, suddenly aware of how close you were. "You should be more careful," you chided gently. "I might not always be around to fix you up."
"Don't say that," he said quickly, a hint of panic in his eyes. "I need you, you know that."
Your breath caught in your throat. It was the closest he’d ever come to admitting how much he relied on you, how much you meant to him. You wanted to tell him that you felt the same, that you’d always be there for him, but the words seemed to stick in your throat.
Instead, you just nodded, a silent promise passing between you. "Get some rest," you said, standing up and putting away the first aid kit. "I'll see you in the morning."
As you turned to leave, you felt his hand wrap around your wrist, stopping you. "Hey," he said, his voice soft. "Don't go just yet. Stay with me. Just for a while."
You looked down at him, his eyes pleading with you. How could you say no? With a small smile, you sat back down, and he leaned his head back, closing his eyes. The common room was quiet, the only sound the crackling of the fire and the faint, steady rhythm of his breathing.
For a moment, everything was peaceful. And in that moment, you knew that no matter how many fights he got into, no matter how many times you had to patch him up, you’d always be there. Because that was what it meant to care for someone like Mattheo Riddle—to be there when no one else would, to see the vulnerability beneath the bravado, and to love him for who he truly was.
And as you sat there, watching over him, you couldn’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, he felt the same way about you.
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acourtofchaos · 5 months
i'm glad you brought it up cause I got ~thoughts~ about slytherin boys + love languages~
Mattheo = Quality Time; one of his friends probably makes a comment like "i don't think Mattheo even knew where the library was until he started going to hang out with you" and trying to persuade you to skip classes to hang out with him
Lorenzo = Physical Touch; gives very big clingy energy, loves holding hands and cuddling
Blaise = Acts of Service; he does little things for you like brings you tea and gives you his sweater but doesn't like it to be made into a big deal
Draco = Gift Giving; thinks at first he has to buy your affection but realizes how much more meaningful the little things are, probably still buys practically everything because everything makes him think of you
Theo = Words of Affirmation; constantly telling you how much you mean to him and writing cute love notes/poems
I love how ready you were for this!
I adore all of them, especially Blaise... something about the little things that are done without any fan fare but with constant love is always going to have my heart
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123pixieaod · 9 months
WIP of a Harry Potter x Maxiel one-shot that has somehow escaped the uni essay stress which has sadly displaced all the space in my mind usually given to writing 🥲🥲
"Are you -" are you well? Is what Max wanted to ask. Are you eating, are you sleeping?
It feels stupid, though, to ask such things in war. Like the shadow of childhood stretching into the present.
Daniel opens his eyes, gaze finding Max. The action is excruciatingly slow, as if the movement alone is exhausting.
"Am I what, Maxy?" He says. He tries for a smile, the facsimile paling to the memories that linger in Max's dreams.
"Are you sure about this?" Max forces out. Daniel huffs something near a laugh, kicking back off the wall he'd been leaning on.
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eternalbuckley · 14 days
hi, how are u? i hope ur doing well! is it okay if i ask for ur thoughts on mattheo riddle? and do u think hes a type of person to fall in love (methinks) 🤔
hi sweetie! i'm doing okay, i can finally have some time off as i'm done with all my exams. i hope you're doing well as well. YES YES YES you can always ask me about him or any other character everytime time you want! i'd be happy to hear about your thoughts!
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for me personally, i think he's the type of person that falls in love. since i'm a sucker for soft!mattheo, i think he falls in love with you somehow, in his own ways. i imagine that he doesn't want to believe it at first and thinks he's not worth the love, so he tries to ignore it in the beginning. especially he'd ignore you as much as he's able to until he can't anymore. he'd feel conflicted about it and helpless in a way? i think it would have a lot to do with how he looks at love. his parents weren't very much showing love, especially towards each other. i imagine that he's afraid of it in a way? i don't know how to explain.
but once he accepts his feelings and knows that he can trust you with it, he will be a total loverboy. always trying to make you feel the best and showing you his love. he'd always have his hads on you, no matter where. holding hands, his hand on your back, and everything else. he wants to do it differently than his parents. he wants to be better and show you that he isn't like his parents or family in general, despite all the opinions all the other people might have on him.
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slytherinboys · 5 months
Barty: y-yeah?
Crouch Sr: Why do you have a fake ID!?
Barty: *incoherent mumbling*
Crouch Sr: what was that?!
Barty: You have to be 18 to pet the puppies
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𝗢𝗕𝗦𝗘𝗦𝗦𝗘𝗗 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯 “𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝗣𝗼𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿” 𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗯𝘆 @𝗱𝗲𝘃𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗽𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗱𝗼𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝗼𝗻 𝗶𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗺
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